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Peer Feedback Form


I think that your most effective sentence is __________________________________

because ___________________________________________________________________

You used these great examples specific/descriptive language:

adjectives/adverbs _____________________

specific language _____________________


phrases ____________________________




I chose this sentence __________________________________________________

rewrite. These are some changes I think you could make: _________________________


I am not really sure about _____________________________________________.

Can you explain it to me?


(Circle two questions that you think will help your partner:)

How are you going to organize the description?

What are you struggling with in this description?
What is the main feeling you want the reader to get after reading this description?
What do you think needs to be improved or added?

Write anything else you want to tell your partner here:

The waxy apples sat like spectators in the purple tissue paper nests next to mounds of
giant oranges, mottled pears, and spiky pineapples. A shopping cart squeaked on the other
side of the peppers, rubber sliding against the polished floor . Overhead, a tinny muffled voice
announced .. fresh.bacon. Harsh fluorescent light bombarded my eyes. I squinted in
defense. My mother stood before me, hands purposefully gripping the the cart. He eyes were
wide and cold. Her lips curved in a tiny and surprised snarl of disapproval.
My breath caught in my throat. I froze. My lungs seized up like concrete blocks.
Adrenaline surged through my veins, but my head was filled with silent static. I wanted to run,
but my feet were glued to the floor.

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