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Maria Kiefer

Period 7

Karate Beyond Stereotypes
What do you think when you hear the word karate? Most people think of kicking,
punching, The Karate Kid, and receiving a black belt. From experience , I know that karate is
more than fighting; it is a way of life.
Karate strengthens your body and mind . It demands physical strength to attack people
who are larger and stronger than you. In a real fight when it is a life or death situation , quit
cannot be part of your vocabulary. Karate prepares you for such fights . Through rigorous
training, you become more flexible and stronger. You learn how to focus your power through
technique . Belt tests strengthen your body. Imagine having to keep moving for two hours
straight. The higher in belt level a student rises , the stronger they become . As your body
strengthens, so does your mind . Students need a strong mind to succeed in martial arts . They
use their minds to ignore the pain and persevere through the training. Karate teaches to never
give up on what you want to succeed in. You become stronger.
Karate makes you honorable. It displays the limitations of humans and you realize how
easy it is to hurt someone. It shows how to manage impulsivity and control emotions . Karate
is not a solo art; you are not alone . You have your instructor, those who are a lower rank than
you , and even those who are a higher rank than you. You are taught to listen to all students.
Karate teaches to respect those who train you. You will become a better person .
You learn a different culture when you practice martial arts. Learning new techniques ,
you not only learn their name from their original language, but learn the theory and philosophy
behind their creation as well. Each style of martial art has its own cultural background . You
become culturally aware when you practice karate .
Karate does not just teach you how to fight; it also teaches you a new way of life.
Through your many years of training , your body and mind become stronger. You learn to
persevere through the challenges you face . You become a honorable person and learn to
respect others . You learn a new culture and are more able to protect yourself and others than
you ever could before. I hope that the next time you think about karate ; you are able to look
past the belt and realize the true meaning of being a martial artist.


Monday, Decembe r 15. 201 4 at 1:09:57 PM Alaska Standard Time

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