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Anne was boiling and she thought to give him such a blow in the face that he would fly

up to the
ceiling together with his lies. But she checked herself. Later on, Annes father talked about this matter
with Dussel. Dussel agreed but did not speak to Anne for two days. For Anne, Dussel was pedantic and
On July 16, Anne wrote about another break-in. Peter went to the warehouse and found its doors
and the door opening to the street ajar. Annes father and he went upstairs. It was instructed that no one
should go to the bathroom or pushed on the outer door with a crowbar and opened the warehouse door.
Finding nothing there, they tried their luck upstairs and stole two cashboxes, and blank chequebooks. But
it was unfortunate that they took away all the coupons for 330 pounds of sugar. Mr. Kugler thought that
they were the same burglars who were unsuccessful the last time. It caused a stir and made the inmates
alert. Luckily, the typrwriters and money in their wardrone were safe.
Notth Amsterdam was heavily bombed and caused much destruction. Under the ruins, dead
bodies were lying waiting to be taken out. The hospitals were crammed with the wounded. Lost children
searched for their parents in the smouldering ruins. The dull droning rumble was a sign of destruction.
On July 23, Anne wrote about the wishes of the residents once they get to go outside. All the
inmates of the Secret Annexe had different desires to be fulfilled when they would go out of this forced
liging. Margot and mr. van Daan wished to have a proper hot bath, Mrs. Van Daan wanted to eat a cake,
Dussel wanted to see his Charlotte, Annes mother wanted coffee, her father wanted to visit Mrs. Voskuijl.
Peter wanted to go downtown and Anne did not know where to begin.
In the next entry, Anne wrote about a very stressful experience. They heard a warning siren but
did not give much attention to it. At half past two, sirens began to w

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