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Teacher Candidate Mikayia Mackert Grade


Title Comp Lesson- Leah's Ponlz

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors

Contextual Factors:

29 Students: 14 boys, 15 girls

Students with IEP

o Mason- Language Arts, Speech, Sensory Disorder
- Math and Language Arts, Speech
- Math and Language Arts
o :.. :: - Math and Language Arts, ADHD
o Lainee- Speech
. Sydney- Currently being tested

GATE Students


.lacob- Reading

Dait- Reading
l)ai"non- Reading
(larin- Reading

High Achievers





Behavior Concerns
Cam has a hard time staying focused and motivated on his work. Dan and Gavin have a hard time staying
focused on the tasks because they would rather be reading their library books. The class as a whole is usually
very chatty, and needs to be reminded to stay quiet and listen. Brooklyn is a selective mute, and refuses to speak
except occasionally with Jen.
Classroom Environment:
The SmartBoard is at the front of the classroom, and covers most of the white board space. There is an Elmo at
the teacher's desk. The students' desks are in two E-shapes, with a few pairs of desks at the back of the room.
There is a table at the back of the room for small group instruction. There are student computers on either side
of the classroom.

WALK-AWAY (As a result of this

lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to


Reading: Informational Text Standard 3- Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical,
scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information from the text.
Reading: Informational Text Standard 5- Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison,
cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of text.
Content Walk-Awav: I will make predictions while I read Leah's Ponu.I will also find the problems and solutions

out the story, and write a summary.

Language Walk-Away: I will write my predictions in my journal as I read Leah's Pong.Iwill write the problems and
solutions found throughout the story. I will use these strategies to help me write a summary of the story. (SIOP z,g)

Vocabularv: sturdv, items. clustered, biddine, overflowins, elistened (SIOP

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to

have learned the Walk-Awav?)

shor,v the students

Modifi cations/Accomodations (ELL,IEP, GATE, etc.)

Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):

I will frequently ask questions, and observe as students write predictions. Students
will be engaged in discussion of problems/solutions. (SIOP So)

Content Walk-Away: Students will make two different predictions throughout the
story. Students lvill fill out a problem/solution graphic organizer and write a summary
of the story. (SIOP So)
Language Walk-Away: Students will write two different predictions throughout the

story. Students will

fill out a problem/solution graphic organizer correctly. Students

will write a brief summary of the story. (SIOP go)


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Today we are going to read the story, Leah's Pony. This story is a historical fiction story. Can anyone tell me what
historical fiction means? (Wait timeXSIOP rB). Yes, historical fiction is something that could have happened. It takes
place in a real time period and in a real place in history, but the actual story and characters are usually made up. Before we
begin reading the story I want to review the vocabulary words you started learning this week. (Review vocabulary words,
and post on the boardXSIOP 9). We are going to see these words in our story today, so I want to make sure we remember
what they mean. I also want us to get a little information on the Dust Borgl. The story we are reading today talks about
some of the hard times farmers had during the dust bowl. We are going t\ watch this video that gives us some background
information. (SIOP 7, B). It will help us to understand our story better.


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Formatiue assessment: Askreuiew questions. Students are actiuely engagedinreuieus.

Focus Lesson ("I do it")

While we are reading today, we are going to use a few strategies to help us understand the story better. Good readers use a
lot of different strategies to help them remember what happens in a story. We are going to use predicting,
problem/solution, and summarizing. Who knows what it means to make a prediction? (Wait timeXSIOP 9,7, B). Good.
Predicting is like making a guess. You guess what will happen next in the story. Today we are going to make three different
predictions from our story. We are also going to find out what the main problem is in the story, and what actions bring us
to a solution. We will also use the problem/solution strategy to write a summary. Let's read our goal for today so we know
where we are headed during this lesson. (Read walk-away, and post). (SIOP r,2,3). We will make the first prediction
together, and then I want you to think of two of your own predictions. We might all have different predictions, and that is
okay. We all have different ways of thinking and coming up with ideas. This is what makes predicting so fun and
interesting. We will also work on a graphic organizer for our problem and solution strategy. Let's start reading our story.

(Begin reading selection).

Formatiue Assessmenf.' Students are actiuely engaged in answering questions. Students are focused and paying
M o difi c ation / accommo dations :
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Guided Instruction ("We do it")

(Stop on page 68z). I see the problem starting to form. What problem do you see after reading this page? (Wait
timeXSIOP r8XClass discussionXSlOP 16). The weather has been really dry and dusty. That isn't good for a farmer
because then his crops don't grow. When his crops don't grow, he can't make any money to support his family. Let's fill
out the problem section of our graphic organizer. (SIOP 6) Let's also make our first prediction. What do you think Leah's
family is going to do since they are having a hard time growing crops and making money? (Wait timeXSIOP t8XClass
discussionXSlOP r6XWrite down the prediction the class has come up with together). As we read, we will see if our
prediction is correct. (Stop on page 683). Papa has come up with some possible solutions to his problem. What has he
decided to do? (Wait timeXSIOP r6XClass discussionXSlOP 16). Yes, he has decided to sell some of his pigs and his cattle.
He hopes this will help him to support his family. Mama also come up with a way to save money, what did she do? (Wait
timeXSIOP r8XClass Discussion)(SloP 16). Yes, she decided to make underwear out of old flour sacks. Let's put these on
our graphic organizer.(SIOP 6). (Stop on page 685) This page tells us that the problem keeps getting worse. What has
happened now that Leah's family can't grow any crops? (Wait timeXSIOP t8XClass DiscussionXSlOP 16). Yes, Papa can't
pay back the bank, and now the bank is going to have an auction to sell all of their stuff. Things are so bad that they may
have to move away and leave their farm. Let's add that into our problem section. (SIOP 6) I want you to make another
prediction now. Write down what you think is going to happen to Leah and her family. (SIOP 6XStop on page 6Bq). Leah
has thought of a solution to her family's problem. What is her solution? (Wait timeXSIOP rBXCIass discussionXSlOP 16).
Yes, Leah is going to sell her pony so she can help her family. Let's add this to our graphic organizer.(SloP 6) (Stop on
page 69r). How does Leah use the money she earned to help her family? (Wait time) (SIOP r8XClass Discussion)(SloP
16). Yes, she uses the money to buy back her father's tractor. Let's add that to our graphic organizer. (SIOP 6) Here is
another good place to make another prediction. Make a prediction on what you think is going to happen to Leah and her
family. (SIOP 6XStop on page 692). Because Leah bought her family tractor, other people started to buy their items as
well. Everything was given back to the family. What is the solution to the family's problem? (Wait timeXSIOP r8XClass
discussionXSlOP 16). Yes, Leah and the people of her town help the family by buying back all of the family's items. Let's
finish filling out our graphic organizer. (SIOP 6).

Formatiue Assessmenf.' Students actiuely participate in c/ass discussion. Students are corcectla fiUing out their graphic
organizer. Students are writing down their predictions when asked to.
M o difi. c atio n / a c c ommo dations :

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Now all of you have written down two of your own predictions. I want you to talk t?f5 sI
predictions. (SIOP 6, r6)See if your predictions were similar or different. It is okay if you answers are different because we
all have different ideas, and different ways of thinking. I will give everyone three minutes to share.

Formatiue Assessmenf.' Obserue as students discuss their predictions with each other.

Modifi.cation/accommodations: {'rolr;.r J}grirr.iri rind

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Independent ("You do it alone")

Now I want you to look over your predictions. I want you to think back to the story, and decide if your predictions came
true or not. Offto the side of your prediction write yes or no. (SIOP 6) Then, I want you to look over the graphic organizer
we filled out. This graphic organizer can help us to summarize what we have read. On the back of the paper I want you to
write a quick summary of the story. (SIOP 6).
SummatiueAssessment: Studentstuillhaueacompletedgraphicorganizer,toithsummary.Studentstrillhaueutritten
tuo of their otun predictions, and whether or not those predictions came true. (SIOP 3o).
M o difi.c ation/



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Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary. and essential questions

(Not e : Clo sur e includes student inter actions, r eflection, and/ or demonstr ations.)
Today during our reading we used three different strategies to help us to be better readers. One is predicting. Who can tell
me what a prediction is? (SIOP 27, zB)(Student response). Another strategy we used was problem/solution. Who can
remember what the problem of our story was? (SIOP 27, zB). (Student response). The last strategy we used was
summarizing. Summarizing helps us to retell the story in very few words. Who can readfe. their summary? (SIOP 27, z8)
Student resDonse). Great iob todav class. (SIOP zq). We are all qoing to be amazing readers if we use these strategies.

SIOP lndicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation

of content, 6-Meaningful activities

Building Background: 7-Linked to background, B-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary

Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 1B-Wait time, 19-Opportuniry for L1 students
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

do I need to remember

to do? What materials do

this lesson?
Euen, smooth pacing.

to complete lesson.

t hour

need to haue ready? What is the approximate time neededfor


Hou can I use the assessment data to
on & eualuate the outcomes of teaching andlearning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effictiue and not effectiue? What goals can I set
to improue my practice and student learning?

Reflecting back on this lesson, I wish I would have spent more time on the accommodations and modifications from
the beginning. I feel my lesson would have been more successful if I had a better plan on how to differentiate for each
different student. This assignment has helped me to see that planning and preparing is crucial for a great lesson.
When I taught this lesson I had minimal accommodations. I spent more time on actually writing the lesson then I did
focusing on the students and their needs. This has been an eye opening experience for me because I was able to see how
that does not work. I have learned how important differentiation is, and that it needs to be thought of previous to teaching
the lesson. It does not work to just "wing it" during the lesson.
I believe if I were to teach this lesson again, after making these changes, it would have gone much better. I believe the
students would have been much more engaged. I also feel the lesson would have been more beneficial for the students.
They would have obtained so much more from it.

ELED 3900

Differentiated Lesson Plan Rubric





Most Criteria Met


Alignment of
Lesson Plan

AllCriteria Met

All Criteria Met and

Below 10 pts.

10-14 points

15-19 points

Alignment is
poor or missing.

Lesson parts are

mostly aligned.

Good alignment of
all parts or tesson.

4ontent and Language

Evidence of

stoP 1-6,7-9,

t6-79 and27-

features are

features are

All SIOP features

are included.




for 3 target
students in

Much of the



process and




Little or no
differentiation of
assessments is

Clear and

are unclear or



differentiation for
these 5 target
students is


aways, strategies and


tightly alignedr/

AI|-SIOPEE uiFed featu
,(learlv addressed and used
in an exceptional manner.
SIOP noted in lesson at the
point of occurrence.

gdarget students-\ 5 target students described

/are differentiated
and followed throughout

t.tron with thoughtfuland

for in process and
content throughout appropriate
mrssrng. t\ the lesson. / accommodations made in
,/ content, process, and
oroduct for each student.
Formative and summative
lAsfessments are \
differentiated for I assessments differentiated
assessments are
differentiated for/ each of the 5 target / for each of the 5 target
the 5 target \ students.
/ students in very appropriate
students. \ \
Accommodations are very
specific for targeted student
are clear.
are mentioned
and are clearly written into




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