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eee GERER LA RECHERG T’ LINNOVATION — Département de génie mécanique Evaluation - Devoir 4 Aeon - Giro ses activités de norweam prfesceur Nom nth eg agent Révmie)O— Incompler OC eee) 0 (Teebemechmnes) Ls Rel 2 PARTIE [Atelier 1~ La Mission, la Vision et les Valeurs du laboratoite exter Tite et activités da laboratoice id ago * Vision, mission et valeurs = ogo ‘Atclict2- Prépater une demande de subvention ‘+ Contexte et problématique eee as —@oo * Etat des connaissances E ge®oo © Objectifs & ®oag *# _Méthodologie proposée eae a woo + Budget demande : moo © Retombées Sea ss = goo # References Bs aga PARTIE IL Choisir le niveau de développement + Positonnement des travaux (Fondamenaus vs appliqués) és woo + Stratigie pour évaloc la vial de Fapproche goo Communication + Suatége pour quam vir indviueldevienne collec’ es Roo Collaboration industrielle + Stntegje pour permetre ax Edie de ari leur CV foo + Stratégie pour garex I motivation eal es mpérei “éo0 COMMENTAIRES iN OA east Atelier 4 ~ Gérer ses activités de nouveau professeur Patrice Masson Homework for Workshop 4 Manage your activities as a new professor Prateek Jaiswal-14035251 Part 1 (Co-workers: Michael Quaglia & Hao Wu) Trailing Edge noise reduction: active and passive noise controls on CD profile 1, Context and Problematic In the design process of a turbomachinary, one major quality factor is to limit the noise to a tolerable level for a given loading. This quality factor has become a vital criteria for the motor fabrication industry. According to the sources of the noise radiated by this kind of axial machines, the trailing-edge noise is considered as a primary one. Due to a complex generation mechanism, it has not been understood clearly. Yet with the previous systematic studies especially on the CD airfoil by the aeroacoustics group of Sherbrooke University, it is foreseeable that this project can bring new and more thorough understanding of such noise and thus leads to better control and reduction. uv 2. Literature Review ‘The trailing-edge noise on CD airfoil has been systematically studied by Roger, M and Moreau, S?. Yet. Due to the limitations of analytical methods, a lack of accuracy especially for broadband noise and capture of tonal noise exists. Two latest approaches of trailing-edge noise study, PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurements and DNS (Direct Numerical Simulation), are considered as solutions to this problem. ‘Tomographic PIV is carried out in 2008 and is capable of capturing the spatial resolution®, On the other hand, DNS?" has been proven effective in airfoil trailing-edge studies and will be an important complementary part of the PIV studies, especially for high Reynolds number flows. i 3. Objective ‘The main objective is to assess and reduce the noise generated by an airfoil in a low turbulence environment: 1) Carry out numerical study using DNS at high Reynolds number and experimental investigation using Tomo PIV, Resolve, spatial and temporal scales involved in the clean airfoil configuration. 2) Carry out comparative study of steady and unsteady flow around the preliminary modified active and passive noise control configuration 3) Optimize the active and passive noise control system based on the results and observations made. oo 4, Methodology ‘The proposed project will span for five years. The financial resources would be used in recruiting two new PhD students and a Post-doc fellow. First, The experiments would be performed in an anechoic wind tunnel. A database of experimental results will be gathered which can be used to validate the numerical simulations. The first year would be used in acquiring experimental results from PIV systems, Hot-wire anemometers, pressure probes and microphone phased array. It is envisaged to employe a PhD student along with a Post Doc for the first year, During the first year PhD will work with a Post doc who will train and help him gain expertise using Partie 2 Select the development level- 1, The group will be focused on fundamental research as well as technological development. In group we can have certain researchers working of technological development and others doing fundamental research. It is important since fundamental research and technological development go hand in hand. Since it is important to know why a problem exists, before how it can be solved be addressed, Also just knowing the physical phenomenon is not sufficient, how to tackle the problem is equally important. In today's world it is increasingly difficult to fund a fundamental research since source of funding for fundamental research more often than not is very limited, Hence it is important to focus on technological development, since it is in demand due industrial applications and it helps to build solid industrial contacts. i 2. Regular team meetings are important weekly this helps to keep track of the work in progress also it gives a chance for other team members to see each others work. A short term evaluation based on weekly team meetings can be a good approach. Here it is important to note that the work progress of technological development should not be compared against the people doing fundamental research and vice-versa, In general development in fundamental is time taking compared to technological development. Half yearly conference can be a good starting point to assesfmid term development. A yearly report of work done should be summed up which can help asses the work progress on a yearly basis, This is important since all the team members can look back at give a bigger perspective to the ‘work done, Since people working in narrow fields sometimes get stuck in minor details and they do not see the global picture. This thus is beneficial both for me and the student. es Communication- As pointed out above weekly team meetings should be hold regularly. This not only ‘ensures short time assessment of work in progress, but also helps the people working in the team to share ideas and possibly leam from each others works and suggestions. Working in team should be encouraged. This can be done by making different persons working on the same subject but with different approaches (computational or

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