Presentatie Project Supply Chain Management 2014

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Theme 3 Supply Chain Management

September 2014 January 2015

Project and Theme Co-ordinator: Mr. P.C. de Wit

Structure Semester 3: course overview

Semester: Supply Chain Management

Period 2

Period 1

Nr of class hours
per week

Project Supply Chain Management [6 ECTS]

Module 6269 (59469)
Responsible lecturer: Mr. P.C. de Wit / Mrs. B.Claassen
See the five milestones in the time table of the module description
Exam code: 59469 written report + presentation + oral defence

Cost Accounting [3 ECTS]

Course code:59374
Responsible Lecturer: Mr. K. Tesselhof

Total Quality Management [3ECTS]

Course Code: 59534
Responsible Lecturer: Mr. A. Blootens

Supply Chain Management [6 ECTS]

Module code: 59495
Responsible lecturer: Mr. P.C. de Wit



Assessment: written exam Quarter 1 and Quarter 2

English [4ECTS] and Spanish [4ECTS] or Dutch [4ECTS]

English 3: Course code: 59495
Responsible Lecturer: Mrs. M. van Beek
Spanish 2: Course code 59553
Responsible Lecturer: Mrs. J.M. Jacquemijns

Purchasing [3ECTS]
Course code: 59326
Responsible lecturer: Mr. R. Nijland
Assessment: written exam Quarter 2

Personal Development [3ECTS: two semesters]

Course code: 59409
Responsible Lecturer: Mr. G. Dankers
Module Business Lunches
Responsible Lecturer: Mr. G. Dankers


Project Supply Chain Management

The project Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the umbrella of the

other study activities offered during the entire semester. This means
that the skills and knowledge obtained during this semester in the
other subjects will give input to/shape the outcomes of your activities
of the project SCM.
General Information
Semester and period: 3rd semester, 1st and 2nd quarter
Responsible lecturer: Mr. P.C. de Wit / Mrs. B. Claassen
Course code: 59469 (MIM 6269)
Number of Credits: 6 ECTS
Ways of assessment: Project report and presentation

Project Supply Chain Management

Analyse the complete supply chain of a (semi)
fresh product for the Dutch market
Products which cannot be chosen : Brown Beans, Coffee
Beans, Cheese, Pork Meat, Oranges, Table Potatoes, Eggs,
Herring, Avocado, Mushrooms.
The two chosen products need to be accepted by Mr. de Wit
and he will make the final product decision (he will use a FIFO
strategy: first in, first create your group as fast as
possible and make your product choices).

Project Supply Chain Management

In the first period of the project the group will
analyse the supply chain, and make a meso
research study
(a) Description of all the companies in the Supply Chain and
the logistic activities between them
(b) Trends/Developments in meso environment (the branch)
of your product using DESTEP (for each Destep element
at least two trends)

Project Supply Chain Management

In the second period of the project the group
will work on a further analysis of the supply chain,
by focussing on five separate aspects:
(c) Quality management
(d) Information Communication Planning
(e) Cost structure
(f) Packaging
(g) Improvements, Recommendations in your supply chain


(o) Report x 2
Lay-out, Readability (Grammar and Spelling), Use of Footnotes/References,
Methods of research are formulated, Relevant sources used
Part 1
(a) Description of the chain x 2
Description of the companies/the chain partners, Description of the logistic activities
(b) Meso Developments around the chain x 2
Use the 6 DEPEST elements
Part 2
(c) Quality management x 1
(d) Information communication x 1
(e) Cost structure x 1
(f) Packaging x 1
(g) Future improvements and recommendations for your supply chain x 2
(h) End Presentation x 3
Each evaluation element: Insufficient (=0pt) Weak(=1pt) Sufficient(=2pt) Good (=3pt)
Total number of points

/ 4.5 = Final grade


Product / activity



* Register project group

* Register two products
* Selection of the final product by Wit

Wednesday before 12.00 pm week 1.1, by mail to Mr. de Wit

* Milestone

1: Draft Plan of Approach

*Group meetings with Mr. de Wit about the draft Plan of Approach

* Milestone 2: Final Plan of Approach


Monday week 1.2, before 10.00 pm. in the mailbox of Mr. de

Make appointments with Mr. de Wit/Mrs.Claassen for Tuesday
week 1.2
Friday week 1.2, before 14.00 pm in the mailbox of Mr. de

*Group meetings with Mr. de Wit about the Plan of Approach

Make appointments with Mr. de Wit for Tuesday week 1.3

* Milestone 3 Draft report Part 1 SCM project

Friday week 1.6, before 12.00 pm. digital in the mailbox of Mr. de
Make appointments with Mr. de Wit for Monday or Tuesday week


*Group meetings with Mr. de Wit about the draft report of Part 1


* Milestone 4: Hand in the (improved) report Part 1

and the draft report of Part 2

Friday week 2.4, before 12.00 pm. digital in the mailbox of Mr. de
Wit /Mrs.Claassen

*Group meetings with Mr. de Wit about the draft report of Part 2

Make appointments with Mr. de Wit/Mrs.Claassenfor Monday and

Tuesday week 2.5
Friday week 2.6, before 12.00pm. Digital in the mailbox of Mr. de
Wit/Mrs.Claassen and two hard copies in the post box of MIM

* Milestone 5: Project presentation, final report of

Part 1 and 2

Schedule for the presentation will be made by Mr. de


* Deadline retry report Part 1 and 2

Friday week 2.9, before 12.00pm.

Digital in the mailbox of Mr. de Wit/Mrs.Claassen and two hard
copies in the post box of MIM



In the project period the group will contact at

least two parties in the supply chain of their
The aim is to find information necessary to make the
report complete, and to find more relevant practical
information about the aspects mentioned before.

The Parts of your End Report

(o) Introduction:
Introduction of your teammembers and why you
made this report, why you have chosen this
product, objective of the study, your approach,
short intro to the parts of your report
(oo) Executive Summary:
The highlights of the study (like the main trends,
the problems in the chain, the proposed

Chapter (a) Complete overview of the supply

chain of your product
Essential in the overview is an analysis of the length of
the chain and the companies in the chain and their
functions. The chain should contain at least three
companies which add value to the product. A second
essential element in this overview will be a description of
the full logistic process(es) of the product as it runs
through the chain, including reverse logistics. Besides
current data on the chain, the group will also describe
developments in the chain itself and its logistic
processes over the last decade.

Chapter (b) Trends/developments in the mesoenvironment of the branch of your product

At least two relevant trends and/or developments of each
DEPEST element have been mentioned and have been
written out in an explanatory manner, clarified with
current and factual data.

Chapter (c) Quality Management

Evaluation criteria: the group describes in an explanatory
manner the quality management of the product
throughout the supply chain and refers to relevant
literature and other sources in doing so.

Chapter (d) Information Planning

Evaluation criteria: the group gives a detailed insight in
what information is being shared between the partners
in the supply chain, which information systems are being
used to share this information and how the planning is
executed in the supply chain. The group will analyze the
process of sharing information and planning in their
supply chain by holding this against the theory discussed
in class about managing information flows.

Chapter (e) Cost structure

Evaluation criteria: the group gives a detailed insight in
the cost structure by naming essential/critical cost
bearers in the chain and giving a breakdown overview of
the cost price throughout the chain. Any other relevant
financial insight will increase the value of this chapter in
the report.

Chapter (f) Packaging

Evaluation criteria: the group analyses which criteria are
critical in choosing packaging and ways of transportation
for their product. The group gives a detailed description
of the different ways of packaging and how the product is
being shipped through the chain and gives insight in why
these ways of packing and shipping are being used/how
value is being added.

Chapter (g) Improvements/Recommendations

Evaluation criteria: the group identifies critical points in
the supply chain, the group proposes relevant
improvements based on factual data from the report. The
group will also bench these
improvements/recommendations with the
trends/developments in the meso environment of the
supply chain (chapter b).

(h) Presentation

Each groupmember will do a part of the presentation

Start with overview of the SC
Present each paragraph, with more background info
After 20 minutes we have 20 minutes questiontime/discussion/feedback

Rules for the project

We will work in a group of four students (= min and max)
One of the group is the teamleader
The teamleader is the contactperson with Mr. de
Wit/Mrs.Claassen, to make appointments/to inform him
about the progress
The teamleader is responsible for organizing tasks
among the teammembers, organizing teamsessions,
control the work of the teammembers, control the
If a student is not fullfilling his/her task, the teamleader
will inform the student about his/her behaviour, and give
assistance for improvement. If the student does not
change his/her performance the teamleader will inform
Mr. De Wit/Mrs. Claassen about the situation.

New Rule for the SCM project

Each group is connected to a so-called bench group
The teamleader (and individual members) have regular
contact with members of the bench group, to discuss
problems, share ideas, consult eachother about
Consults with Mr. De Wit/Mrs. Claassen will be
organized together (so your group together with the
bench group)

See the course guide

You know the milestones, the deadlines
Deadline = deadline. Deadlines will not be shifted unless
there is a valid reason. By valid reason is meant
personal circumstances, not project circumstances. To
request a shift of a deadline you need proof of the
personal circumstance.
You know what we expect from your reports
Start as soon as possible: create your own group,
choose your leader, select two products, organise and
do a brainstormsession of your PoA, find external
sources, make appointments (asap)

Main failures in the project

Group start too late
No concrete project organisation (leader, concrete tasks,
Individual deadlines are not followed (and have no consequences)
No strong discussion (or too late) with loosers, sub-marines, and
they inform de Wit not on-time!
Afraid for going outto make appointments: go out to retailers
(look whats going on in the market), consultants,
companiesuse your network!!
Select not the right sources (like magazins, anual reports,
bankreports), weak desk research!
Dont write BULSHIT (like the name of our capital, that we have a
king or a democracy).
It is a study about a consumer product bought by Dutch customers,
the Dutch retail/market situation (of course you can use foreign
trends, and you analyse the foreign suppliers to the Netherlands)

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