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If youve never met someone, how can you miss them?

Well, she was my sister, and

when people get to know me, they talk about how were so similar. Jennifer Watzman was born
in the 80s and died in the 80s due to leukemia. She was intelligent and sang and danced and
loved performing and being showered with attention. My adopted sister, Allison, on the other
hand, is a polar opposite. When I was young, I didnt understand how much of an impact
someone who I never knew could have on my life choices. During my freshman year of high
school while devouring the information in my biology course, I decided I was going to study
cancer. It was then that the impact of not having a real sister took its effect. A few years after
Jennifer died, my parents adopted. Little did they know how much trouble my adopted sister
would cause. The product of irresponsible, abusive, drug-addicted parents, my sisters adoption
was set up before she was even born. I know I should appreciate that my parents saved her life,
but I just cant help but think of how much different my life would be if Jennifer never died.
Would I even exist? Probably not. I do know if she hadnt died, however, and I was born, I
would have a sister who loved me and who I could get along with; I wouldnt have an abusive
sister who caused me to have depression and dread going home every day. Shes been beating
me up mentally to the point where Ive learned how to easily control panic attacks. Jennifer,
however, would have nurtured me. I need to study cancer so that fewer children have to suffer
through situations similar to mine. My name, Jessica, was chosen to honor Jennifer, and to honor
her is all that I wish for.

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