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List of techniques we learned in class:

List of options for my final project:

List of what I will not use:


Animation/x interaction/x sounds/x performance

Markov models
Replaceable writing
Twitter search
Twitter bots

1.One Chinese idiom-> one episode => A story.

2.Lyric -> fill in the blank (People decide the story of a lyric).
3.Children literature using typography.

Google logo with images that change with the occasion of the day.
Sounds of the street.
Collaborative stories on social media: Facebook, Whastapp.
Instagram stories/text.
Eight goddess (A Chinese literature).
Direct translation of things that do not exist in Western culture.
Clock visual Time, day, week, year.
Fitness, gym, beauty, magazines, travel
Audio stories (but it is so boring)


The detail of my project ideas:


The two websites inspire my Final Project Idea 2.

Feeling lost and empty and hungry

Searching for ideas the more I search, the more I feel lost.
Pool of ideas my mind is a maze and a mess.
Scraping off weebly page once and twice never did my heart appears to satisfied.
Always finding my ideas purposeless I have no idea how to explain the concept.
Eight immortals Ive never really read the stories but I dont know how my heart got so attached to it.
Scraping it off is like killing my own creation so I am stuck.
Always stuck stuck in time, suck in time management; stuck in place, suck in learning the place.
What is a good idea? I Google it.
What is a bad idea? I Google it.
Random ideas? I Google Image it and I was lead to Pinintest.
Sick literally got sick. Running nose medicine making me drowsy.
Mind map - like stuck in a store room didnt get much out of it.
Sleep and dream and wake hopefully I could get ideas from it but still waking up with a slight more hatred toward reality.
Heavy and cloudy my brain.
Examples I found on Google.
I search for digital artists and look at their works now I dont remember their works.
Dont want to touch programming because I may fail at it.
Dismissing the ideas in my brains is like getting disapproval from my boss.
Nail polish but painting a word on peoples nail that would take me forever.
I lost my gym card I am really sad.
The weather is getting cold, I cant go to the park.
I keep dismissing ideas, none of them works well with my brain.
I am in trouble, I feel like sleeping.
Just give me holidays!
This may not be the best idea but I am doing it.


This website made me proud of being a Chinese because I know some of Chinese
tales, which are so interesting that I want to look into them once more. Some I
have no heard of but I am sure the Chinese tales are not easily translatable into
English and be understood by foreigners. The moral and knowledge in the tale also
remind me of my childhood reading story books about Chinese culture and myths,
and also watching Chinese action and deity dramas.
It kinds of ring me back to the idea of doing Chinese to English translation using
objects that do not exist in other culture.

List of ideas I came out with after browsing

through the Resources and Artists:
Children literature
Episode choose your own story
Fill in the blank
Interactive story.

I came out with three developed ideas:

New ideas that do not use Processing:

I like the idea of posting

tex on Instagam.
An exerimenent of the project idea 1 by asking my
friend to share his stor. He sends me a word
document that he has written about his life and

This is something I would love to

do on Instagram. Maybe the
images could be change into text
and all the texts together could
make up something. For instance,
a story that needs to be read in
the overview mode.

Final Project Idea 2

Final Project Idea 4

List of eight immortals:
Li Tieguai - He is worshiped as patron of sick people.
Han Zhongli - He is patron of military.
Zhang Guolao - He is patron of artists.
Lu Chunyang - He is patron of barbers, scholars and inner alchemy practitioners.
Lan Caihe - This youngest member of Eight Immortals was patron of florists and gardeners.
He Xiangu - She is patron of house wives.
Han Xiangzi - He is patron for musicians
Cao Guojiu - This Royal Uncle is patron of actors.

Final Project Idea 1

Similar idea of what I have thought found on Facebook. Anyone can share his or her
story by messaging the page ownver.

Final Project Idea 3

Final Project Idea 5

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