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1. Which car brand do you own?

a. Honda
b. Toyota
c. Suzuki
d. Others (specify)_________________
2. Model/year of manufacturing of your car?
3. If your car broke down anywhere in the city what do you do?
a. Go to nearby mechanic
b. Call your mechanic
c. Try to fix yourself
d. Call someone who can help
e. Other _____________________________________________
4. If service would be provided for emergency assistance if your car broke down anywhere
would you avail the services?
a. Yes
b. No
5. If yes to above question what service fee would you be willing to pay for such services?
a. Rs 2,000 Rs 5,000
b. Rs 5,000 Rs 8,000
c. Rs 8,000 Rs 10,000
d. Rs 10,000 or more
6. From car broke down to service personal coming to you, how much time you expect to be
taken to reach you by them?
a. 10 min 15 min
b. 15 min 20 min
c. 20 min 25 min
d. 25 min 30 min
e. 30 min or above

7. Name (optional) ________________________

8. Area/Locality ____________________________

9. Income Group (per month)

a. Less than Rs 150,000
b. Rs 150,000 Rs 300,000
c. Rs 300,000 Rs 500,000
d. Rs 500,000 Rs 1,000,000
e. Rs 1,000,000 or above

10. Age group

a. 18 24
b. 25 30
c. 31 36
d. 37 42
e. 42 50
f. 50 or above

11. Gender
a. Male
b. Female


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