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Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

My great leader is the founder of Pakistan Mohammad Ali Jinnah. He was born in Karachi on 25th of
December 1876. He is the greatest leader of my county. He devoted his life to the creation of Pakistan.
First of all he worked for Hidu-Muslim unity. But later on, he joined the Muslim League. He worked day
and night for the Muslims. Physically, the Quaid-e-Azam was a weak and thin person. His health was not
good, but on the other hand he was a man of strong will. He had to face a large number of problems and
hardships but the remained firm to his stand. The English and Hindus could not succeed to win him over.
He always showed strong will power at all occasions.

He was the man of courage. He was a brave man and fearless leader. To get Pakistan he did not care of
this broken health. He was a very wise man. He had an independent judgment and opinion. He decided
every thing in the light of reasons. He was sincere and devoted leader, and upright and honest. He never
worked for this personal gain or fame. He devoted all his time and energy to work for the achievement
of Pakistan. He was always ready to serve others. Although his health was poor, yet he worked hard for
this nation. He liked his people and worked for them. He advised the whole nation to work. He said,
"Work, work and work

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