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Sangram Kumar Sahani (1989)

Nijo Ninan (1975)

Pratik Kotcher (1976)

Processing is an activity connected with the preparation

of food grains and commercial crops for the purpose of

making them fit for ultimate consumption.
The beginning of agricultural co-operative processing in

India dates back to 1917, when a co-operative cotton

ginning unit was established in the Mysore State.

Need & Importance

Indispensable for marketing.
Linking credit with processing.
Help to consumer societies.

Base for rural industrialization.

Socio-economic change.

Processing Cooperatives
Sugar processing co-operative.
Cotton processing co-operatives.
Oilseed processing co-operatives.

Fruits and vegetable processing units.

Organisational & Structural

Units established as adjunct to co-operative marketing

Units established by independent processing societies.

Important factors for planning.
Feasibility study.
Business practices or co-operative processing societies.

Pattern or financial assistance.


Inadequate supply.
Price fluctuations.
Inadequate working capital.
Lack of suitable managerial personnel.
Time lag in installation.
Inadequate preliminary planning.
Domination of traders.
Party politics and elections.
Lack of cost consciousness.
Defective pricing policies.

Effective instrument of socio-economic change.
Strengthen the functioning of agricultural and

marketing system.

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