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Teacher Candidate: Mikayla Mackert Grade Level:


3 Title: 7.r Multiplyby

(classroom factors

Contextual Factors:

22 Students

10 Girls

Karter - IEP for Behavior, Speech

fonas - Health Plan, ADHD
Nivia - Speech
Callie - Speech, High Level Learner
Boston - High Level Learner
Hayzn - High Leven Learner
Matthew * High Level Learner
Bethany - WIDA level 4, Low Level Learner
Kayden - Low Level Learner
Donovan - Low Level Learner
Daphne - Low Level Learner
MaKenna - Low Level Learner
Ronn - Low Level Learner
Shaniah - Low Level Learner
Behavior Concerns: Hayzn, Brandon and fonah cannot sit next to each other or work in a group
together. They cannot stay on task when they are together. Karter has frequent outburst of emotions,
especially when feeing confused or frustrated. f onas will often be distracted and off task. The class in
general, has a hard time focusing and listening. Constant reminders must be given.
Classroom environment: Students' desks are arranged in tables of 3-4. Low level learners are placed towards the front
of the room. There is a SmartBoard at the front of the room, frequently used for lessons. There is a carpet space at the
front of the room used for whole group lessons if students are having a hard time focusing. There is a carpet space at the
back of the room with a small white board used for whole




tesult of this lesson, what do I want the

and properties, to multiply by S' (SIOP g)
Content Walk-Away: I will use multiplifstrategies to multiply numbers by S. (SIOP
Language Walk-Away: I


will discuss with my classmates about the different strategies I use to multiply by g. (SIOP z)

Vocabulary: (Review from previous chapters) array, commutative property, equal groups, factor, product,

multinlication sentence (SIOP


(What evidence do I need to show the students have

learned the Walk-Away?)


answer questions, solve problems, and discuss with others appropriately throughout
the lesson.
Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Students will correctly complete the
"Independent Practice" and "Problem Solving" sections of their math book.

Modifi cations/Accomodations (ELL,IEP, GATE, etc.)

ELL fBethany) - Vocab cards
with visuals are provided.
Manipulatives will be
provided if she wants to use

Langu-age Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Students

the different strategies that can be used when

will discuss with others about I IEP (KarterJ - He may want

I to wtrt or,
own in
another room. Alicia will
assist him, and help to
monitor his behavior.
Manipulatives will be
High Level Learners - These
students will be asked to
help others who are
struggling. An enrichment
sheet will also be available.


sloP 4,5,20


Activate/Building Background Ituowledge
Boys and girls, we have been talking about multiplication and division. What numbers have we been
practicing with lately? (Wait time). I want us to review some vocabulary words we have been using to make
sure we all remember what they mean since we will be using them again in this chapter. (Vocabulary
review). (SIOP 6, T, B, g, to, tt, 18, 21, 27, z8)
Forrnatiu e as s e s sment :
Learnins Goal
Students review vocabulary, and
prepare for a new chapter.

Success Criteria

Students are actively engaged in

the vocabulary review.

Assessment Stratesv
Students have an understanding
of the meaning of vocabulary

Modifi.cation/ accommodations : (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Focus Lesson ("I do it")
We are still working with multiplication in this next chapter, but we are now working with the numbers 3,
4, o, and r. Let's watch the intro video for chapter 7. It's all about having fun with your friends. (Watch
video, and launch presentation). Today we are going to multiply by 3's, but before we get started, let's do a
little review of things we already know. (Complete the problem of the day, and common core check

together). Now let's watch

a few short video clips about

F ormatiu e Assessmenf .'

Learnins Goal
Students are preparing for a new

M o difi c atio

n ac c ommo

multiplyrng by S. (SIOP 4, 6,7,8, r.2, 2t, zg, 24, zB)

Success Criteria
Actively engaged, and focused.

Assessment Stratesv

Students are engaged during the

video clips.


Guided Instruction ("We do it")

Let's complete the first example. "There are 3 dogs. Each dog buried 4 bones in a yard. How manybones
are buried in the yard?" Like we have talked about before, there are many different ways to solve problems.
Our example says that one way is to use an array. What is an array? Which way do columns go? What about
rows? Good. So if we have three rows, with four bones in each row. Why are there three rows? Why are
there four bones in each row? How many bones were buried all together? (Wait time). Great. 3x4=12. We
know from the Commutative Property that if 3x4=12, then 4x3 also equals rz. Another way we could solve
this oroblem is bv usins a number line. We could skip count on the number line by 3, 4 times. This is

another stratery we can use to get the answer. Iet's go through example 2, read it with me please. So, here
we are tryrng to find what number x3 equals r5. We know that 3x5=15, so the Commutative Property tells
us that 5x3 also equals r5. So our unknown number is 5. (Continue working through "Guided Practice"
problems together. Call students up to write answers on the SmartBoard). (SIOP 4,6, 1o, rL, t2) rg, 14, :6,
18,21,28,24, zS, z6)
F ormatiu e Assessmen t.'

Learnine Goal
Students can use multiple
strategies to solve x3 problems.

Students give correct answers to

questions, and are actively

Success Criteria

Assessment Stratesv
Students answer with correct
answers, and are engaged in the



Modifi.cation/accommodations: Allow Karter to come up to the board to help him stag focused and
engaged. AIIow high leuel learners to come up to the board to keep themfocused and engaged.
Independent ('You do it alone")
Now, I want to see what you know. I want you to work alone on the "Independent Practice" pages, numbers
3-rr. There are counters up on the horseshoe table, if you want to use them. (SIOP 4, 5,6, L9,21, zg,24, zg)
F ormatiu e Assessmen t.'

Learninq Goal
Students will complete multiple
x3 problems on their own.

Success Criteria

Students will complete

"Independent Practice" page in
their math books.

Assessment Stratesv
Each problem will be answered


Modification/accommodations: Manipulatiues wiIIbe auailablefor Low LeuelLearners, Karter, and

anAone else tuho usants to use them.

Collaborative/Cooperative ("You do it together")

When you have finished numbers 3-11, you may work with a partner on the "Problem Solving" page. Help
each other by discussing different strategies you can use to find the answer. For those ofyou who finish
quicHy, I will have an extra challenge page for you to complete. (SIOP 6,12, tg,15, 16, 17,2c, zr,29,24,25)
Summatiue Assessment: Students correctly complete aII problems of the "Independent Practice" page.
They wiII work with a partner to complete the "Problem Soluing" page. (SIOP 29, 3o)
Modifi.cation/accommodations: Karter should complete the euen problems of the "Independent Practice"
page, and at least two of the "Problem Soluing" questions. Alicia may assist him.
Closure/Review of walk-aways. vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Class, what are some different strategies you can use to solve problems? These strategies can help you with
many different math problems. It is good to understand multiple ways to solve problems because we all
think differently, and some strategies may work better for certain problems than others. We will continue
ine these strateeies throushout this chapter. and future chapters. (SIOP 27.28
SIOP lndicators (Add SIOP number and descriptionwithin the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate,4-Supplementary materials, 5-

Adaptation of content, 6-Meaningful activities

Building Background: 7-Linked to background, B-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Comprehensive Input 10-Appropriate speech, 11-Clear explanation, 12-Variety of techniques
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 1-7-Grouping supports objectives, 1B-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1
Practice/Application: 20-Hands-on materials, 21-Activities to apply content/language knowledge,22-Language skills:
reading, writing, listening, speaking
Lesson Delivery: 23-Content objective supported, Z4-Language objective supported, 2S-Students engaged, 26-Pacing
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 2B-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment



this lesson?
. Haue manipulatiues out, and ready to go.
. Haue uideos pulled up, and ready to play.
. Needs to be completedin approximately 4o mins.


rning? How canl transfer

How can I use the cssessment dqta to reflect on & eualuate the outcomes of teaching
what I learnedfrom teaching thrs lesson to future teaching? What uas effectiue and not effectiue? What goals can I
set to improue my practice and student learning?

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