Set of .Ini Symbol Files For MFL Map Creation in fGIS: Images

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Set of .

ini symbol files for MFL map creation in fGIS

Located in the \fGIS\ini\ directory, you will find a set of .ini files for use within fGIS.
Each .ini file is intended to assist the user in symbolizing a specific GIS layer, or theme,
when it is added to the open project.
The .ini files are separated into four subdirectories, depending on which feature type the
symbol will be assigned to. The three subdirectories are points, lines, polygons and
Using the <Layer>\<Load .ini File> menu option, the user can apply any of the
provided .ini files to the active layer in fGIS. If desired, the user can modify the symbol
as needed, changing color, etc., and even save the modified symbol back to a new .ini file
for future use.
Certain symbols are in color, but should be distinguishable from other symbols even in a
black-and-white print environment.
Within the Excel spreadsheet ini_symbology.xls, there is a detailed description of each
.ini file, including:

The name and location of the .ini file

Specific elements that comprise each symbol, such as color, size, etc.
The specific GIS layer (if any) that the .ini file was created to work with.

Some of the provided symbols were not created for any specific layer, but are simply
extra symbols that can be applied to any point/line/polygon layer, as needed.
The Word document ini_symbols.doc contains samples of each symbol provided. This
document can be printed to use as a reference at a glance.

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