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What role did the military play in shaping the economy of

They had many military dictators and during this time they had a
booming boost in the economy. This was a period that lasted two
decades. There was a downside of the standard of living and judged
by the amount of good people had.
2. What were some of the positive benefits of one-party rule
in Mexico?
From 1934-1940 a President by the name of Lazaro Cardenas did
various different great things for Mexico such as improving life for
the peasants and workers, promoted labor rights and nationalizing
Mexican oil industry.
3. What effect did the Falklands war have on the military
government in Argentina?
Well Argentina wanted to go to war with Britain over the Falkland
Islands. The ended up losing this war. After the war the generals
stepped down. Not much later Argentina had their first free
elections in 37 years and elected Raul Alfonsin. In the 1980s he
worked to rebuild the democracy and economy. But in 1989 Carlos
Menem became the President but continued the same process.
4. Review the chart of Population Living in Poverty
[A] In which three countries of Latin America is the percentage
of people living in poverty the lowest?
Argentina, Chile and Uruguay
[b] In which three countries in Latin America the poverty rate
Bolivia, Ecuador and Columbia
5. After reading this excerpt, in your opinion, has the
military dictatorships in L.A. nations been bad or good for the

nations' growth? Explain your answer in two paragraphs

I think the Military Dictatorships were good for Latin America.
This is because they tried to do a lot for those pacific countries and
make the economies better. Also they tried to make the peasants
and workers conditions a lot better. Even though they made more
poverty they did a lot more than they didnt do and a lot more
positives than negatives when you think about it. I mean in every
kind of government they have negatives and positives and they arent
going to always help everybody.
This did give poverty rates a boost in each country but made
the government better than it was before. The human rights were
better as the military dictatorships too over and in regular
dictatorships poverty was still high and human rights were terrible
as well and so was the economy in some occasions. But i think if you
look at the overall picture a military dictatorship can really help out
While reading, define/explain each term or name below and write
a sentence regarding its significance to the topic:
a. Brazilia- This is the capital Brazil.
B. Land reform- Breaking up large estates and distributing that land to
c. Standard of living- The way people live if poorly or greatly this
depends on income of each individual family/person.
d. Recession- A slowdown in the economy.
e. PRI- A political party or other known as Institutional
Revolutionary Party.
f. NAFTA- This stands for North American Free Trade Agreement
g. Nationalization of an industry- How a industry can become

h. Welfare state- This offered social programs but limited


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