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Jesus#9 Days of Conflict (1-20-10)

Texts: John 1:1-14

Desire of Ages, p. 84-92

In this study, what new, or renewed insight have you found about Jesus?

1. Why did Jesus resist obedience to the maxims, traditions, and

teachings of the ancient rabbis? (85.1)

6. Even as a child, what was Jesus one answer to temptation? (88.3)

7. Where did Jesus find true happiness? (90.0)





2. Why were the learned rabbis angry with Jesus? (85.2)


8. What was the evidence that Jesus character was divine? (90.3)





3. Why would helping those in need, having a loving interest in

people, and a cheerful piety be a rebuke to the Pharisees that would
rouse their enmity? (86.3)



9. What was the saving remedy Jesus sought to apply to every soul?

4. Why couldnt Jesus older brothers understand Him? (87.2-88.1)


10. How did Jesus bring relief to the suffering around Him? (92.1)

5. Even as a child, had Jesus failed of being a perfect example, what

would have happened? (88.2)

11. What was the burden that constantly weighed on Jesus? (92.2)





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