3 Fullness of Time

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Jesus#3 The Fullness of Time

Texts: Genesis 3:15; Galatians 4:4-5;

Desire of Ages, pp. 31-38

1. Why was the promise of the Messiah repeated from generation to

generation? (31.2)
2. What happened in Bethlehem when the great clock of time pointed
to the right hour? (32.1)

6. Why werent nature, types, symbols, patriarchs and prophets enough

to communicate the truth about God? (34.1)
7. How did the faithful of each generation strengthen their faith? (34.2)




8. Why was Satan attempting to shut out the knowledge of God? (35.12)

3. At this time there was a one-world government and one universal

language of business. What were people hungering for? (32.3)
4. Why were the Jews longing for a Deliverer? (32.5)
5. Why were people outside of the Jewish nation also expecting some
divine instructor? (33.1-2)

9. How was it possible for the Jews the very people who were called
to be the pillar and ground of truth to become representatives of
Satan? (36.1-37.1 thats pretty strong language!)
10. What were the inhabitants of other worlds watching for? (37.1)
11. Why did Jesus come? And why was He the only One who could
accomplish this mission? (37.3)

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