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Jesus#14 We Have Found the Messias (2-24-10)

Texts: John 1:19-51

Desire of Ages, p. 132-143

In this study, what new, or renewed insight have you found about Jesus?

1. Why did the religious leaders refuse to hear John? (133.3)

7. Who is near those who humbly seek for divine guidance? (141.1)
8. What has God left for the members of the church? Why? (141.2)





2. What happens when the Spirit of God touches the soul? (135.1)

9. When a person is converted, what is born in his heart? (141.3)





3. What darkened the minds of many of the listeners at the Jordan?


10. What is one of the most effective ways of winning souls to Jesus?





4. When the people looked at Jesusafter returning from the

wildernesswhat did they see? (137.4)

11. What really makes the Word of God attractive? (142.1)


5. Why did Jesus come in poverty and humiliation? (138.1)

12. Why does God want us to share in the work of saving people?





6. What alone enables a person to receive wisdom from heaven?

13. How do the angels participate in the work between heaven and
earth? (143.1)





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