17 Nicodemus

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Jesus#17 Nicodemus (3-17-10)

Texts: John 3:1-17

Desire of Ages, p. 167-177

Have you found Jesus to be your personal Savior?

1. Why were the Jews in bondage to a heathen nation? (167.2)


7. In the presence of Christ, what did Nicodemus feel? Why? (174.2)

8. Since the human soul is not enlightened through controversy, or
even discussion, how only is it enlightened? (175.2)

2. Before Nicodemus ever talked with Jesus, what impressed him that
Jesus of Nazareth was the sent of God? (168.1)

9. What was the major lesson Jesus taught to Nicodemus through the
uplifted serpent? (174.3-175.3)

3. When Jesus looked at Nicodemus what did He see? (168.4)



10. What role does faith play in our salvation? (175.4)


4. What did Jesus really mean when He told Nicodemus that he needed
to be born from above? (171.1)

11. How are we to be saved? (Has this been your experience? Would
you like it to be?) (175.5)

5. Why is the Christians life not a modification or improvement of

the old, but a transformation of nature? How only is this possible?
6. How does the wind help you understand the work of the Holy Spirit
on the human heart? (172.3-173.1)

12. When Nicodemus saw Jesus lifted up on the treelike the
brazen serpent, why was he willing to give up wealth, power, and
influence to follow the lowly teacher of Galilee? (177.1-2)

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