23 The Kingdom of God

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Jesus#23 The Kingdom of God (4-28-10)

Texts: Mark 1:14-15

Desire of Ages, p. 231-235

1. How was the heart of the people turned away from Jesus? (231.3)
2. Why did Jesus depart from Jerusalem and seek another class of
people? (232.1)
3. The rabbis of Jerusalem despise the people of Galilee, yet Galilee
was a more favorable place for Jesus to work. Why? (232.3)
4. Why did Jesus often have to hide Himself from the people? (232.4)
5. What was Christ trying to teach as He preached, The time is
fulfilled? (233.1-3)
6. Why did Christ urge upon His disciples the importance of studying
the prophecies? (234.1)

7. What will attend the reverent, prayerful study of the prophetic

scriptures? (234.3)
8. What does the message of Christs second advent announce and
what is this based upon?? (234.4)
9. Because the Jews misinterpreted and misapplied the word of God,
what were they not prepared for? (235.2)
10. Why is it dangerous to allow this world to absorb our thoughts?
11. What do you think it means to watch and be sober as we wait for
our Lords return? (235.3)
12. How would you summarize the message of this chapter in one





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