48 Who Is The Greatest

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Jesus#48 Who Is the Greatest?

Texts: Mark 9:30-50

Desire of Ages, p. 432-442

1. Why did Jesus not confront the disciples when they were arguing
along the way? (432.2)
2. While Christians are not to sacrifice one principle of truth, what
should they avoid? (434.4)
3. What could have saved the disciples from bitter anguish and despair
during Christs trial and death? (435.1)
4. What was the apparentand the realcause of contention among
the disciples? (435.2)
5. Who is the most efficient laborer for God, and why? (436.3)

8. Why are Christs followers to value every soul? (438.3)

9. The world will try to destroy the faith of every Christian, but who
really puts Christ to shame? (438.4)
10. What can one cherished sin accomplish? (439.1)
11. According to the author what is the result of fixing our eyes upon
Jesus? (439.4)
12. In what ministry will Christs true followers co-operate? (440.1)
13. In working for those who have committed wrongseven against
uswhat should be our focus? (440.3)

14. How is the church to relate to an offender? (441.2)
6. What did the disciples need more than instruction? (437.1)
7. What does God look for in order to place His own signet upon
people? (437.3)

15. What will the Spirit of Christ lead us to do for an erring brother or
sister? (441.4)

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