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Jesus#55 Not With Outward Show

Texts: Luke 17:20-22

Desire of Ages, p. 506-510

1. Where does the Kingdom of God begin? (506.2)

2. What blocked Jesus disciples from comprehending the spiritual
glory He sought to reveal to them? (506.4)
3. What enabled them to fully appreciate His mission and with what
results? (506.4)
4. How only can we understand the knowledge that dwelt in Christ?
5. What had the disciples not understood about Jesus? (507.1)
6. Why did remorse take hold of the disciples? (508.1)
7. What happened to the disciples as they recognized their unbelief?
8. Why did the disciples now rejoice that they were counted worthy to
suffer shame for His name? (508.3)

9. What do we need in order to discern the glory of Christ? (508.4)

10. What does world loving and compromising Christianity fail to
appreciate? (508.4)
11. Why cant the gospel of God be in harmony with the spirit of the
world? (509.1)
12. Why do many religious people still want to establish the kingdom
of Christ as an earthly and temporal dominion? (509.2)
13. Why did Jesus keep aloof from earthly governments though they
were often corrupt and oppressive? (509.3)
14. If not by decisions of courts, councils, or legislative assemblies
then how is the kingdom of Christ established? (509.4)
15. What is the human agency God uses to assist in the uplifting of
mankind? (509.4)
16. What must we experience in order to labor as did Paul for the
benefit of men? (510.2)

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