58 Lazarus Come Forth

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Jesus#58 Lazarus, Come Forth

Texts: John 11:1-44

Desire of Ages, p. 524-536

7. What was heavy upon Jesus soul? (534.2)


1. Why did Jesus value the pure, holy friendship with Lazarus and his
sisters? (524.2-3)
2. What was the one thing that Martha needed? (525.2)
3. Why did Christ stay away from the sickroom? (528.2)

8. Why could no one deny that Lazarus was dead? (534.3)

9. What is true humility? (535.2)
10. How did Jesus demonstrate that humanity is to cooperate with
divinity? (535.3)


11. What was the most convincing evidence of the relationship

between Christ and the Fatherproving that He really was the Son
of God? (536.1)



4. What was the purpose of this crowning miracle? (529.1)

5. What is the root of the believers assurance of eternal life? (530.3)

(Do you think this fits with 1 John 5:11-13)

12. What was the real test of Christs divinity? (536.2)





6. Why did Jesus weep? (533.3)


Was there a new insight you gained in this study on the life of Christ?

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