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Jesus#71 A Servant of Servants

Texts: John 13:1-17

Desire of Ages, p. 642-651

In this study, keep your eye out for a new, or renewed insight about Jesus.

1. What was the lesson of every act of Jesus? (642.2)

2. Though Jesus was in the shadow of the cross, who was uppermost in
His mind? (643.2)
3. Why did none of the disciples want to act the part of a servant?
4. While Jesus washed their feet their eyes were opened, what filled
their hearts and why? (644.4)
5. As Jesus lovingly washed Judas feet, what was going on in the
betrayers heart? (645.1)
6. What was the higher cleansing this service pointed to that only
Christ is able to accomplish? (646.1)

7. What caused Peter to surrender his pride and self-will? (646.2)

8. What must happen in order for us to be prepared for communion
with Christ? (646.4)
9. Why did JesusOne equal with the Godact as servant to His
disciples? (649.3)
10. Why did Jesus appoint the foot washing service as a preparation
for the communion service? (650.3)
11. What is the Holy Spirit up to during this service? (650.5)
12. When this service is rightly celebrated, what are the children of
God brought into? (651.2)

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