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Jesus#78-B Calvary #2

Texts: Luke 23:26-46; John 19:16-30

Desire of Ages, p. 741-7757

In study guide (78-A) we focused on those around Jesus during His

supreme agony. In this study guide (78-B) we focus on the inner
struggle of Jesus as He hung on our cross.
What caused the deepest agony to Jesus heart as He hung dying on the cross?

1. How did Jesus relate to His enemies even as they nailed His flesh to
the cross? (744.2)
2. Why did Jesus refuse the pain-deadening potion? (746.2)
3. What was the one gleam of comfort that came to Jesus as He hung
on the cross? (749.3)
4. What caused Christs most intense suffering as He hung upon the
cross? (752.4)
5. What was the supreme agony that pierced the Saviors heart?

6. What did Jesus fear and feel on the cross? (753.2)

7. What broke the heart of the Son of God? (753.2)
8. What two things were hidden in the thick darkness about the
Savior? (753.4-754.1)
9. Why did it seem as if God had forsaken Jesus on the cross? (754.3)
10. Why did Jesus consent to bear the burden of guilt for the human
race? (755.1)
11. In those dreadful hours what did Jesus rest His faith upon? (756.3)
12. What is the way into the holiest of all that brings an end to all
animal sacrifices and offering for sin? (757.1)





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