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Jesus#79 It Is Finished

Texts: John 19:30

Desire of Ages, p. 758-764

1. What was the deep significance for the unfallen angels and the
unfallen worlds when Jesus cried, It is finished? (758.2)

7. What does Jesus offer to every human being who will receive it?





2. Why was it difficult even for holy beings to understand the nature of
Lucifers rebellion? (758.4)

8. What two principles of Gods love are indissolubly joined together?






3. Why did God give time for the working of Satans principles?

9. What point will be at issue in the last conflict of the great

controversy? (762.5)





4. Though Christ bowed His head and died, what did He hold fast to?

10. What will actually destroy the wicked? (764.1)


5. What had Satan really accomplished before the onlooking universe
in shedding the blood of the Son of God? (761.2)

11. What will be the difference between Satans destruction at the end
of the great controversy versus his destruction at the beginning?
(764.3) (see also 758.3-4 and 761.3)





6. Though God did not change His law, what did He do for mans
redemption? (762.1)

12. What did Christ look forward to when upon the cross He cried out,
It is finished and died? (764.4)





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