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Jesus#82 Why Weepest Thou?

Texts: Mark 16:1-8; John 20:1-18

Desire of Ages, p. 788-794

Is it good news for you that Christ is risen from the grave?

1. What were these women who loved Jesus doing on this fateful
Sabbath? (788.1)
2. As a few disciples rushed to the tomb, what evidence did they find
of their resurrected Lord? (789.2)
3. Who folded Jesus grave clothes and why? (789.3)

7. What had been Peters experience since the death of Christ and why
was he mentioned by name? (793.2)
8. What was the importance for the disciples of the three-fold message
to meet Jesus in Galilee? (793.3)
9. What was Christs first work on earth after His resurrection, and
why was this so important? (793.4)

4. After the resurrection why did Mary not recognize Him at first?

10. What were the disciples focusing on that prevented them from
casting off their doubt and perplexities? (794.1-4)

5. Why was it important that Jesus meet with His Father? (790.3)

11. Why can Christs disciples today rejoice even in the face of loss
and tragedy? (794.6)





6. Why was this Sunday a day of rejoicing for all heaven, and a day of
uncertainty, confusion, and perplexity for Jesus disciples? (790.4)

12. According to the author, what must we do in order to see the glory
of God today? (794.6)





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