85 - by The Sea Once More

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Jesus#85 By the Sea Once More

Texts: John 21:1-22

Desire of Ages, p. 809-817

Have you discovered a new insight about following Jesus in this study?

1. Why did the disciples wait until the Passover week was ended
before going to Galilee? (809.1)

7. How was the converted Peter different than before? (812.5)





2. Why was the Sea of Galilee a special place for Christs disciples?

8. What is the lesson for us in the way Jesus dealt with Peter? (815.1)

3. Why did the disciples gaze upon the risen Savior with a mysterious
awe? (810.4-5)

9. What is the really essential qualification for discipleship and

service, without which our work will prove to be a failure? (815.2)

4. What was the deeper meaning of casting their nets on the right side
of the boat? (810.5)

10. How are the words Follow Me full of instruction for Peter and
for us? (816.1)

11. What is the danger of many followers of Christ today? (816.3)
5. What was the double danger of Peters denial of his Lord? (811.1)


6. How does Peters response to Christs questions reveal a deep
change? (812.3)

12. What was the lesson Christ taught Peter by the Sea of Galilee?

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