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Jesus#86-A Go Teach All Nations

Texts: Matthew 28:16-20

Desire of Ages, p. 818-828

1. How did this group of about five hundred believers, who met Jesus
in Galilee relate to Jesus when they saw Him? (818.3-4)
2. What truth did Jesus share that thrilled His followers with a peculiar
power? Why? (819.2)
3. Why is it important that Christs true followers share an adaptable
faith? What do you think that really means? (819.4)
4. What wonderful truth was to be made plain? (820.4)
5. How can we be reconciled to God and receive everlasting life? Is it
really that simple? (821.1)
6. Do you believe it is still true that through the gift of the Holy Spirit
Christs followers are to receive a marvelous power? Why do you
think it is so rare today? (821.2)

7. Why were Jesus disciples given the same power that Jesus had?
8. What new power, that not even Jesus utilized, was to be given to
His disciples? Why? (821.4)
9. Though Jesus made full provision for the prosecution of the work,
who is responsible for its success? Why is this important? (822.1)
10. Why is it a fatal mistake to rely on the ordained minister to
accomplish the work of saving souls? (822.2)
11. No matter how we support our family, what should be our first
interest in life? Why? (822.3)
12. Where should disciples begin their work? (822.4)





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