Laporan Jaga Fraktur Tibia Plateau

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Oleh: Yudanti Riastiti


No. RM

: Tn S
: 50 th
: 0162xxxx
: Ngemplak, Sleman
: Contusio genu D

Klinis: Contusio Genu D

Foto genu dextra et sinistra, AP/Lat/obliq internal & eksterna view,
kondisi cukup.
Genu dextra, hasil:
Tampak penebalan soft tisue regio genu dextra
Tampak discontinuitas completa dari eminentia intercondylaris
sampai metafisis tibia aspek medial (tibial plateau aspek medial)
Trabekulasi tulang baik
Tak tampak osteofit maupun subchondral sclerotic
Genu Sinistra, Hasil:
Tak tampak penebalan soft tisue
Struktur dan trabekulasi tulang baik
Tak tampak discontinuitas tulang
Facies articulais licin
Joint space tak melebar/menyempit
Tak tampak osteofit maupun subchondral sclerotic
Eminentia interchondylaris tak meruncing
Tibial plateau fractur type IV Scatzker classification dextra
Tak tampak kelainan genu sinistra

Knee - Normal AP
Imaging Tibial Plateau Fractures - wikiRadiography

Knee - Normal Lateral

(Horizontal Beam)
Adam, Orthopedic Imaging: A Practical Approach, 4th Edition

Fractures of the tibial plateau

occur in the proximal 10 cm of the tibia
caused by:
road trafc accidents.
Falls from a height
sporting activities
In elderly patients with osteoporotic bones,
often occur following relatively minor
Rahij Anwar et al, Classification and Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Trauma

Schatzker classification of tibial plateau fractures.

Type I : Pure cleavage fracture of the lateral tibial plateau.

Type II: Cleavage fracture + depression of the lateral tibial plateau.
Type III: Pure depression fracture of the lateral tibial plateau.
Type IV: Medial tibial plateau fracture.
Type V: Bicondylar fracture.
Type VI: Extension of the fracture line to the diaphysis.

Rahij Anwar et al, Classification and Diagnosis in Orthopaedic Trauma

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