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IELTS emt (aels Vocabulary Chibien CAROLYN CATT Chi gidi tigng Viet. Nguyén Thanh Yén a NTV wHA xudt BAN TONG HOP Cong ty TNHH THANE PHO HO CH MINE Nhan Tri Viet IELTS Ideas Vocabulary Chibign CAROLYN CATT Chai gid ting Viet Nguyén Thanh Yén IELTS Ideas and Vocabulary “Copyright © Author Carolyn Catt” “Published by Catt Publishing” “Al rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retievlaym,o tranamited, n any formor by any mans electrons, mechanical, apg, photeypyng, recording, web cisibuto, or thers wiiou the roe writen ‘permission ofthe Author.” “This edition i published in Vietnam under a epyrght transfer Agreement between Author Carljn Catt, New deatand and Nhan Te Co, La, Vietnam.” ‘Tie gd Carlyn Cat itn quyén ©. ‘hing phn no trong sud bin phim ny diye php san ch, hr git hou vac thing tray ep, hoc due truyé ti, dt bat ip hin thc no hay bang bt ky phoumgtitn no, ign ti eho, gh dm, sao hyp, thu in, phan phat qua mang, hodc ec hin thie rma khingo6 sz cho phép tre hing vin bin cia Tic 4. An bin nay duge xudt bin tat Viet Nam theo hop ding chuyén nhupng bin quyén gta Tae pid Carolyn Catt, New Zealand va Cong ty’ ‘hn Tri Vit, Viet Nam. contents UNIT ‘TOPIC PAGE Unit 1 Food 5 Unit 2 Family 8 Unit3 Clothing u “ea Unit 5 Pets u Unité Cities Nex Unit 7 of Leisure C4: e& Units Units 29 Unit10 Holiday 32 Unit 11 Lifestyles 35 Unit 12 Education 38 Unit 13 “Work 4 Answers and Teacher's Notes 45 ihechattetntling introduction ‘TO THE STUDENTS This book can be used for self-study on your own, or in a cass with other students. The exercises inthe book will help you prepare forthe topics and ideas that you may be asked totale about in the speaking test orto write about in task 2 ofthe writing test. The same topics and ideas may also occur in the listening test and in the academic module reading test. ‘The main aims of the book are + tohelp you to form your own opinions about a range of topics + to increase your understanding of topics that you may read or hear about in the IELTS examination «to develop your vocabulary so that you can understand and express ideas on a range of topics, ‘TO THE TEACHER IBLTS Ideas and Vocabulary can beused in self-study mode by learners working alone,or inthe classroom by teachers working with groups of earners, The Teacher's Notes section provides suggestions on tasks and classroom management techniques to provide opportunities for communicative and collaborative work in the classroom. When preparing for the IELTS test, many students encounter difficulties in their expression and ‘comprehension of ideas on frequently encountered IELTS topics because + they have little knowledge about those topics + they have insufficient language relating to those topics. This lack of information and also of topie-specific language can-cause them)problems in both their productive skills (speaking and writing) and also inthe receptive skill (listening and reading), IELTS Ideas and Vocabulary was written to address these difficulties. The materials present learners with ideas relevant to common IELTS topics; they also supportlearners inthe development and expression of their own ideas and opinions. The units include texts and tasks that * introduce useful vocabulary « personalise the topic for the learners « focus on the learners’ own cultures + provide both speaking and writing practice + present information or ideas on the topic + encourage the learners to formulate their ovn ideas and opinions + support the learners'own research ofthe topic: The units generally become progressively more demanding from unit 1 to unit 13 and there is some recycling of language between the units. Teachers may; nevertheless, prefer to work through the units ina diferent order and will find that there is no real problem in adopting this approach, DISCLAIMER The materials in this book are not taken from the IELTS examination, STAPLE FOODS” ‘Match the staple foods in the left-hand column below with the countries in the right-hand column: Staple Foods Countries bread Paraguay potatoes China rice France cassava/manioc® Mexico: com Ireland ‘What is the staple food of your own country? Is there more than one staple food? How many times a week do you eat your staple food(s)? ‘COOKING METHODS ‘Tick the cooking methods you can use with your own favourite staple food from the list below: baking roasting. steaming boiling sirtrying ering” ddeep-frying (frying ina lot of oil) shallow-frying (irying ina small amount of oil) ‘Which ofthe cooking methods is least healthy? Which is most healthy? Why2_ ‘Which cooking method does the following paragraph describe and what staple food does them? refer to? First you wash them careflly and dy them. Vou tan rubilaitleolf oh the outside f you ‘want. You heat an oven to about 180 degrees centigrade and pt them inthe middle of the coven. Depending on how big they are, they wil be tad to can about 35 to SO minutes. You can serve them with butter and salt, with grated cheese® or diferent sauces Write a paragraph describing how to cook your favourite staple food, INGREDIENTS AND TASTES \Wiite the 5 groups of ingredients inthe left-hand column below next tothe related tate: Groups of ingredients: soya sauce’, salt sugar,honey tofuflour chilli cheese, buttercream. Ingredients Tastes Foods de'sserts, ee ee pe roe met) cd xin 6 soya sae / 90089 Tee B Whichof the tastes above do you like most? © _ntheright-hand column, write 1 or 2 examples of food with the tastes in the list above. Mark the word stress. We have given you one example ~ de'sserts. a) What things do you think this person likes eating? rm quite lucky, really = tend to lke food that's good for me, }b) Check your ideas with the information below about what he likes eating: | preter savoury food to sweet food: and I dislike rch food with lots of cream or butter in it 1 enjoy simple. uit plan food ~ for example, lghty grilled fish with steamed vegetables, Some people consider that type of food tobe bland and boring, but | think that ifyou use really good, fresh ingredients, i can be very tasty. aso like spy food. things lke curries wth spices, such as cardamom? and coriander® — but nothing too hot and f'm ‘not keen on alot of cil. Fortuately, | don't enjoy fatty foods ~ things with a ft of ol or animal fat in them ~ 50 | don't eat much fied food. EXERCISE6 Write a paragraph about the types of food you like and dislike, using langilage from Exercises 1y 2,3and4 ‘EXERCISE? DRINKS Look at the list of drinks below. Circle the ones thatyou like to drink: Put a tick next tothe ones that your parents like to drink = black tea sreen tea herbal tea coffee . hot water hot chocolate cold milk cold water milk shakes fruit juice beer wine spirits (c-@. whisky, rum, mao tai, sake) soft drinks (e.g, Coca-Cola, fruit drinks) Do you and yout parents like to drink the same things? If nt, why not? EXERCISES HEALTH PROBLEMS What health problems do you think may result from eating or drinking the following Food/Drink Possible health problems sweet foods BE spicy foods rich food salty food — softdrinks "alcoholic drinks ‘savoury servor ado oj man ‘3. coviander/ ory sendatr) a) ed) 2. cardamom /"ikaxdamom / (nu) hat bach déu bhde A. herbal tes /"hsibl ti:/ (nu) ant shdo a ‘ang: tae a9 = YOUR CULTURE. Lookat the sentences below. Tick aay that are true about your country and change the others so that they ae also true about your country. 4) Children are geting fater b) More and more people are eating fast food such as burgers and chips ). Most people eat their evening meals sitting in front ofthe television. 4) People only eat traditional meals at festivals. ©) Men and women share the cooking equally. £) Women prefer to cook frozen ready meals instead of preparing food from basic ingredients. 8) People are eating more and more dairy foods such as butter and icecream. 1h) People enjoy eating food from all over the world. 4) People who lve in cities eat out in restaurants 2 or 3 times a week, j) Only rich people can afford to buy good quality food. Give reasons for the above statements. For example: a) Children are getting fatter because they eat a lot of junk food such as chocolate and soft drinks. Find more information about the food in your country from a tourist gtidebookyam encyclo- pedia or from one of these websites: For Japanese students look at this website: Forall Asian students, look at this website: ‘ For Brazilian students, look at this website: Forall nationalities, lookat these websites (ten look atthe map under Destination Guides and cick on _your area of the world ~ e.g. Asia — then click on your country, then click on Dining’) ‘ (then click on ‘World of food’) ‘Then choose webpages to read. When you find a useful webpage, print it out. BB Do not memorise any texts you find. twill not help you in the IELTS examination, Only use the text for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary, me A os o | stepmania) me Be family RELATIVES Which of the following are blood relatives and which are relatives by marriage? Write BR (blood relative) or RM (relative by marriage) next to each one. (Be careful,some could be a BRanda mother father brother sister stepmother® stepfather stepbrother" stepsister mother-in-law father-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law aunt unde nephew niece cousin ‘grandmother grandfather ‘Mark the word stress for the vocabulary above. How many of these blood relatives and relatives by marriage do you have? Put a number next each relative. What are the advantages of living in a large family? What are the advantages of ving in a small family? Make notes below: Large family = ——ssSsS*«S mall family FAMILIES M the following statements with the picturelbelov a) manonly child, b) Thaveanoldérbrother ¢) [havea younger sister: 2) Fm the youngest child in my family ¢) Tim the oldest child in my: f) Tm the third child. _g) ‘ivein.a nuclear family®, h) I live with my extended — a ie ace Oa a ‘ist Me 2 septate step fiat) (nc) cha AE 3. stpbroter /‘stepybradotr)/(n<) anhiem eri (con ring eda me ké/ena ké) 4. nuclear fam / julio Ytemali/ (mc) gia dink ht whan (gh cha me va con cdi) 5 extonde faily/rk sted eomals/ rc) ga ink mhidu the he ‘Mark the word stress for the following vocabulary and circle the correct word class (noun, verb, adjective) next to each word. Check you understand their meaning. single verb / adjective engaged noun / adjective married noun / adjective separated noun / adjective divorced noun / adjective adopt verb / adjective widow noun / adjective widower noun / adjective halé-brother®™ noun / adjective half-sister noun adjective Look at sentences a) to) below and change them so that they are true about you, ‘Add 2 more sentences about your family, a) Tmmarried I got married 2 years ago, ) Thave no nephews or nieces, ©) Tdorit have father-in-law or any other 4) Thave 3 grandparents ~ two grandmothers and one grandfather, ©) My grandfather is a widower, ) have a half-brother. 2) [have two stepchildren, _— h) Hive with my extended family, i) Tman only child, j) Myauntand uncle have adopted 2 children. Jaws’ because I'm single! {In your opinion, which ofthe following is the best placéfor old people to live? Why? i) withason anddaughter-inlaw ii) withaldaughter and son-in-law ii) ina retitement home {v) alone intheir own home ¥) (other) ‘Write a paragraph about your family, using language from Exercises 1,2,3 and 4 ‘VOCABULARY ‘What do the following parts of words mean? Match them with their meanings: Word parts Meanings solo- (e.g soloist) one bie (eg bicycle) alone, one ‘mono- (e.g, monoplane) many poly- (e.g, polygon) two : Find and underline 3 words in Exercise 8 that start with ‘solo-', ‘bi’, ‘mono-’ or ‘poly-". Guess their meanings before you check them in a dictionary. sot ht com nd ect Doradolr)/ stale)! (nc) anhickifem cing cha Khe: EXERCISES YOUR CULTURE Answer these questions about your country a) Isdivorce common? What percentage of marriages end in divorce? Is divorce increasing? so,why? ') Does the government help solo parents? I's how? ©), What age do most people marry? sit different for boys and for gits? Ifo, why? 4) Do many people in your country adopt children? ¢)_Isbigamy/polygamy a crime in your county? f) How do most people meet their marriage partners? Are arranged marriages common? 8) Describe traditional wedding in your country. hh) How do married couples celebrate their wedding anniversaries? Which anniversary is most important (eg. their 50® anniversary)? i) How many children do most people have? Is the number increasing or decreasing? Why? i) Isthe numberof od people increasing or decreasing? Why? Find more information about families and weddings in your country from an encyclopedia or from a website on the internet For information about weddings, look at this website: (them lick a7 the area ofthe word outlive ing Asia ~ and then click ‘nthe name of your country) For other information, you can go to a search engine such as and typel keywords; eg ; “matriage age in China” “marriage age in Russia” “arranged marriages”+Japan “arranged marriages” Taiwan “birth rate"«Mialaysia “family life”+China “divorce rate” Thailand (Be careful to use + and "as shown above.) ‘Then choose webpages to read. When you find a useftl webpage, print it out. EB do not memorise any texts you find. twill not help you in the IELTS examinations Only use the text for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. 1. bigamy goin hi omg hai ecg 2. polygamy / po'ligami/ (n, w) twc da thé 10 FASHION Put the following vocabulary into the table below: silk short-sleeved cotton shirt blouse polo-neck® wool suit jacket Iycra® skirt polyesters trousers full-length —_Veneck lose-fiting ——_linen™ ‘morning suit sweater round-neck nylon long-sleeved down flared sleeveless ‘sweatshirt viscose! ai ——- _— Ee a Tick the fabrics in the left-hand column above that are synthetic(manciadc), ‘Lookat the following list of clothing Tick any that aréfashiofiable now. Change the other clothing to describe what is fashionable now. ’) Fullength inen skirts ii), Sleoveless down jackets iil) Veneck wool sweaters iv) Close-fting silk shirts ¥) Flared lycra trousers COLOURS AND CLOTHING Add any more coloursto this list that you know: Pink, pale blue, white black ed, grey, dark green, blue, navy. maroon, purple, On the lines below, write the colours that are most usual in your culture forthe following types of clothing business suits. =e aweddingdess 0 Ue clothes for women going to a wedding clothes for men going to a wedding baby clothes for boys —____ 3a baby clothes for girs clothes for people going toa funeral uniforms. A. polorneck /'polav .nek/ (n,c} da ed le R polyester /;poliestate?/ (01) edi mhdn tao ‘nen (man fa) i fan Write short description ofthe clothes you are wearing now using language from Exercises 1 and 2. EKERCISE4 To what extent do you agree with the following statements? Say why you agree or disagree. a)_ People who have pale skins do not look good in yellow clothes. S b) People with black hair look good in black clothes. —— €)_ People with blonde hair ook good in red clothes. 4d). People with blonde hair and blue eyes look good in white clothes. People with red hair look good in red clothes. f) Red clothes are hicky. 8) Green clothes are unlucky. hh) Old people should wear black clothes. 4) Young children should wear brightly coloured clothes. J Babies should wear pale-coloured clothes. Circle the item of clothing in each line below that is incorrect. Casual clothing: jeans, polyester tracksuit, trainers, cotton T-shirt, silk bowtie Formal women’s clothing: high-heeled shoes, silk dress, wool suit, cap, silk blouse Formal men’s clothing: wool suit, cotton sweatshirt, silk tc, dinner jacket, cotton shirt EXERCISES = YOUR CLOTHES Answer these questions about yourself a) What colours do you prefer to wear? Why? b) Describe the clothes you wear (the type of clothing, thetfabrics and the styles) « to go toyour work or yourpplace of study = + torelax at home + to go out with friends (e.g, to albajto the cinema, etc) « to goto parties )_ How often do you buy new elothes? 4) Do you prefer'to go shopping alone or with another person? Why? ©) Doyou or your family make your awn clothes (by sewing or knitting)? ‘Why/Why not? f) Do you or your family have your clothes made by other people? Why/Why not? UNIFORMS TK) Tick the people inthe list below who normally wear uniforms in your country a the police primary school children secondary school children nurses workers in food factories shop assistants! = doctors postal workers bus drivers hotel workers Describe a uniform that people in your country wear. Look at the ist of reasons below as to why people wear uniforms. After each reason, write the different people who wear a uniform for that reason: « so that people can quickly recognise what job they do + so that they look smart + so that they are clean and hygienic + so that they do not try to compete with each other to look fashionable «so that they fel that they are part of a team (i.e. group of people working together) ‘Add any other reasons why people wear uniforms in your country. YOUR CULTURE Answer the following questions about your own country 4) Isthere traditional costume that women wear? If so, describe it and say when they wear it 'b) Is there a traditional costume that men wear? If so, describe it and say when they wear it. ). Who wears traditional othing most ~ men or women? Why? 4) Do people in different parts of your country wear different types of clothing? Ifo, why? )_ In what ways are the clothes that you wear different from the clothes your parents or prand- parents wear? Find more information about clothing from a tourist guidebddk, an encyel@pedia or from one of these websites: For Asian students, ook at this website: (then type clothes in the search box) For all students, look at this website: “ (then click on ‘Ethnic Dres, then click on the area ofthe world hat you liven eg. Asia~ then look at any interesting webpages) OR Go toa search engine such as and type in keywords; eg. “traditional dress”+Korea “traditional dress" +India (Be careful to use + and ‘as shown above.) Then choose webpages to read. When you finda useful webpage, prin it out GBB do not memorise any texts you find, It will not help you in the IELTS examination. Only use the txts for information, for teading practice and to extend your vocabulary. oj housing __ ‘VOCABULARY A) Match the word parts below with their meanings: Word parts Meanings single- (e.g. single-minded) oun . semi- (eg. semi-circle) under, below, less than nod sles (eg hopeless) many he sub- (eg substandard) without be urb- (e.g. urban) half -ship (eg friendship) city ‘multi- (eg, multi-talented) one, only alone Memorise the meanings and their associated word parts and then test yourself. Quickly can this unit and puta citele sound any words you can find with single’ ‘semi ‘sub- urbe, ship or‘multi’, (There are 10 words in Exercises 2,3,5 and 6.) EXERCISE? | Match the following descriptions of types of housing withthe pictures below: a) Thavea small apartment on the 8* floor of a multi-storey apartment block. b) [grew up in asemi-detached house. c) Welive inasingle-storey® house dd) My family livin a terraced house ¢) Tlive ina detached house. Lo ‘ ooo ofa o Leia oo00)000 f ® EXERCISES DESCRIBING HOMES TA) ead the fellowing text describing someone’ house. Do you ike and dislike the same things at the speaker? Langlosiore ago) tala) mét ida = 2rd ert ai.) hin WE nh i J rent an apartment, but want to move out because is got very small windows, so it's quite dark, which find depressing, and because there is so ltl fresh at. its airless in: ll the rooms feel cramped because theyre small and they've got quite low ceilings. There's too much Furniture, so it feels: ety elumered al the décor er oe-fshioned. 1 really horible, What Id tke is a moder Find the words in paragraph 1 that are listed in the left-hand column below. Underline them in paragraph 1: Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 very small windows big picture windows dark airless cramped — low ceilings cluttered — old-fashioned ‘Now find the words in paragraph 2 that mean the opposite ofthe words you underlined in para- ‘graph 1. Write them in the rightshand column abave (we have done thefirst one for you). YOUR HOME Write one paragraph about your own home afd aflother paragraph about your ideal home, using the prompts below and language from Exercises 2and3. a) What type of housing do you live in? 'b) What do you like about your home and what do you dislike about it? ‘) What would yout perfect house be like? ut the following vocabulary into the table below and mark the word stress: the countryside torent stone urban areas to pay a mortgage” mud wood toown the suburbs concrete the city centre brick Acetone [Klntod a) Bite ba im xin 2 morgage !'mo:gnd (nsdn vay ae chp operate Koyker: nw) BF tong YOUR CULTURE ‘Try to answer the following questions, using vocabulary from Exercises 2,3 and 5. = 4) What type of housing is most common in urban areas in your country? b) What type of housing is most common in rural areas in your country? ‘What percentage of people in your country own their own homes and what percentage rent their homes? 4) Are most rented homes owned by the government or by private landlords? ©) Dopeople of different ages prefer to live in diferent types of housing? Why? Do people of diferent ages prefer to live in the city centre in urban areas, in the suburbs inthe countryside? Why? ‘What materials (concrete, wood, brick, et.) is modern housing made of in your country? hh). What materials (wood, brick, mud, etc.) are traditional buildings made of in your country i) Do cities in your country have any homeless people (people who live on the street)? Does: anyone help them (e.g. the government or charities)? If'so,how? j)_ Ate there any other housing problems in your country? If so, why? Find information about famous buildings in your countcy ftom an encyclopedia or from a website: For Asian students, look at this website wwworientalarchitecture. (ten cick on your eourtry; then ick « famous building or site) For other students, oto search engine suchas 2nd type in keywords; eg “famous arghitecture’in Brazil” Find information about housing in your country from af encyclopedia or from a website: Go toa search engine such as and type in keywords; “Japanesearchitecture™rhousing “Indonesian architecture” housing (Be careful to use + and*"as shown above.) - Then choose webpages to read. When you find a useful webpage, print it out (GB) Do not memorise any texts you find. It will not help you in the IELTS examination, Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. 16 VOCABULARY OF OPPOSITES Check you understand the meanings of the vocabulary in the left-hand column below and mark the word stress, ‘Vocabulary Opposites responsible (adjective) practical (adjective) affectionate® (adjective) faithful (adjective) dependent (adjective) expensive adjective) legal (adjective) treat well (verb +'well’) ‘behave well (verb + well) obedient (adjective) easy totrain easy’ + ‘to + infinitive) ‘Write the opposites ofthe vocabulary in the right-hand colomn above and mark the word stress. Quickly scan this unitand undetline the above vocabulary andits opposites, (There are 9 words in Exercises 3,4,5 and 6 below) POPULAR PETS » Tick the animals in thelist below that people keep aspets in your country: dogs cats goldfish hamsters* canaries ‘Add any other pets that)people in your country like to keep. PET CHARACTERISTICS ‘What are the 6 most popular pets in your country? Weite them inthe left-hand column below in order of popularity (| is most popular and 6 is least popular). Pets Characteristics ‘afekfonat (ad) iu mi ‘Pawrmstots) (rc) chub ing ‘elearning 4 B Choose characteristics from the list below and write them next to the correct animal in the! hand column above (you may have more than I characteristic for each type of pet and you use opposites of the characteristics listed below ~ See Exercise 1 forthe opposites). i Characteristics: 7 faithful affectionate cuddly fun useful amusing interesting quiet unusual easy to care for obedient easy totrain | clean independent good company brave inexpensive to care for © Add more characteristics for each pet if you can, from Exercises 1,2 D Write a description ofthe type of pet you like best, using vocabulary ‘Which pets are most suitable forthe following groups of people? Why? toddlers (young children aged between 1 and 2 years old) single working people who live alone = young children aged 6-12 elderly people living alone EXERCISES PROBLEMS “A Look at the following statements about problems with pets. Tickany that are true about country and change others so that they are also true aboutyour county: Dogs and cats get lost from their homes and live wild im eity streets Dogs often misbehave ~ they may attack people, they may bark alot, or they mayi front of cars iil) Dogs defecate® on streets and in parks; spreading, diseases, iv) Owners cannot afford to ook aftr thelepets so they abandon them on the street ¥) Cats make alot of noiseat night and keep people awake. Irresponsible owners go away on holiday and leave thei pets for days without food water ovr do you think these problems can be reduced or solved? Write a solution for each) above, Lookat the text which follows and — ji) check which problems in the list in Exercise 5A above are mentioned in the: | ii). check ifthe text has similar ideas to yours about how to reduce or solve the E In many countries, people who own dogs have to buy a licence for that dog and it has collar with the licence number on it. That way fit gets lost or if let onthe st cowmer canbe found. Any dogs whose owners cannot be found ater 2 week are dest killed), The dog licence sytem also means that if owners mistreat their dog in any Wa may have their dog licence taken away from them so that they cannot own a dog agai teat kal ad da ng cid mi | tee tonto me) ite be mah bit dt Slate /‘dofokot/ dridu In some cities, it is illegal for dogs tobe in public places ness they are on a lead — in that way the onner can control the dog and prevent it from attacking peopl. It also means that any dog that isnot on 2 lead can be picked up by dog control officers, so dogs cannot live wikl on the streets ofa city: and if dogs are on leads, owmers can see where their dog defecates and they can then remove the mess using plastic bags so that other people are ot affected Many cities also have laws about how much noise dogs can make ~ if barking dogs disturb the neighbours, the dog's owner can be fined and sometimes the dog may be trained not to bark ‘or it may even have its bark removed in an operation Iti, of course. impractical to put cats on leads a they are much more dificult to control than dogs, but owners should bring them in at night and not let them out untl morning, YOUR CULTURE ‘Try and answer the following questions about your country: 2) What animals are people not allowed to have as pets in our country? Why? ») What percentage of households in your country have pets? ©) What laws are there about keeping pets such as dogs and cats in your country? 44) What laws ae there about keeping dangerous animals as pets (e-g, poisonous snakes, poison- ous spiders, tigers, bears, etc)? £) Do more people today have pets than in your grandparents time? If so, why? £) How much money do people spend on their pets Isittoo much? £8) Why do people ike to have pets? Find more information about pets from an encyclopedia of from a websites For information about looking after pets, lookat this Website: ‘ (then click on vAnimal are, then click on the diffrent animals) For information about pets in your country, go toa search engine such as and type in keywords, including the name of your city, your capital city o your country; eg. “popular pets”sSeoul “popular pets": Japan (Be careful to use + and"”as shown above) ‘Then choose webpages to read, When you find a useful webpage, prin it out. GIB Do not memorise any texts you find. It wil not help you in the IELTS examination, Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. ‘ead ist / (mc) diy ich eh ofa cities A’ Put the following expressions in order of quantity from most to least, Write them in the eo headed ‘Quantity’ Quantity ‘Aw (cars) Quitea number of (cars) No (cars) One or two (cars) Several (cars) Alarge number of (cars) B Tick the correct answer to complete this sentence: Allthe quantity expressions are followed by i) an uncountable noun (e.g, money, bread) ii) a singular countable noun (e.g. vehicle, house) ii) plural countable noun (c.g. vehicles, houses) EXERCISE2 FACILITIES A Write the following vocabulary under the correct headings in the chatt belowiand mark: stress Vocabulary officeblock __crtchie™ synagogue!) “Secondary school shopping = mosque? market university temple primary sd factory church Kindergarten 7 wes B) Tick the facilities in the chart above that your hometown or city has. Write a short paragraph about the facilites in your hometown or city, using the q sions from Exercise 1. D _ Decide which are the 5 most important facilities for & town and why. EXERCISE3 AGE GROUPS 4 ‘A Complete the statements on the next page by inserting the following figures on the in 1 2 3 6 7 BR 2 Bb 9 % 29 3 4 59 6 6 7 = | Aemesqve /mosk/ nc) think dng Hi pido Synagogue /sinagen/ nce a = Bette ern rf ac) hd ard 4. promises /premrsie (hp) Babies ae infants" under the age of___ months. ‘Toddlers are aged between __and _'Vs years old ‘Teenagers are aged between _and __years old. People in their 20s are aged between ___and_. People in their early 30s are aged between 30and__. People in their mid 40s are aged between 44 and 4__. People in their late 50s are aged between 5_and_. ‘Middle aged people are between__ and __ years old. Pensioners/Retited people have finished working andor are aged __ years old ‘The elderly are aged over ___ years old, ‘The word ‘child’is generally used about a boy or gitl aged between and___ years old. ‘The word adul’is generally used about someone who is over _years of age. Make sentences using the age group vocabulary above. Try to write about yourself, our family or your culture. eg. When lwasa toddler, Lbroke my arm. eg. My parents are in their early 40s, LEISURE TIME ‘Mark the word stress on the vocabulary in the middle luna bon lik ‘heading from the following list and write it on the line at the top of the middle Heading 1: Fun activities rr, FV Heading 2: Leisureaétivities Heading 3: Leisure facilities . Frequency of use Age groups museums cinemas opera houses a anglers concert halls theatres swimming pools sports stadiums parks {In the left-hand column above, under‘Frequency of use’, write the number of times you use the diferent leisure facilities (e,g.once a week, twice a month, 3 times a year, never, occasionally, every day, every Saturday), Try not to use ‘often’ or‘sometimes, In the right-hand column above, under’Age groups’, write the age groups that use the different leisure facilities most (children, teenagers, university students, people in their 20s, people in their late 40, retired people,etc.). infant fort (ac) 2 sinh = =| cities 21 D_ Write 2 paragraphs. Inthe first paragraph, write about the facilites you use most the second paragraph, write about the facilities that an age group (not your own age and why they us those leisure facilities YOUR CULTURE Put a tick in the boxes below to show who is responsible for the facilities in towns your country. city roads | ‘motorway multi-storey city buses, | railways hospitals s apartmeat blocks PME cd moreinformaiondbouryour city's taiie rom tourist guidebook, an encyd from a website: For information about museums and art galleri look at this website: ase ‘ (th look at the map a Destination Guides'and click on your area ofthe wor e.g. Africa — themelick on your country, then select at press ‘Go’ then dlickon ‘Attractions, then click on are ‘nul art galleries) or Go toa search engine such as and type in keywords, including th your city or your capital citys eg, “museums”+Seoul “libraries” +Delhi (Be careful to use + and*"as shown above.) ‘Then choose webpages to read, When you find a useful webpage, print it out, HB Do not memorise any texts you find. It will not help you in the IELTS examinats Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary leisure VOCABULARY Match the vocabulary in the left-hand column with the meanings inthe right-hand column below: ‘Vocabulary Meanings A physical game the opposite of the most important An individual game a game with 2 or more teams playing against each other Accompelitive game a square divided ito 4 smaller squares, Ateam game job that does not involve moving the body A sedentary” job a game where you ty to beat another team or another person ‘A demanding job a game that involves using the body A quadrant® ‘a game for one person ora game in which one person plays against one other person “The least important job thatis difficult to do ‘Mark the word stress on the vocabulary in the left-hand column above. ‘Memorise the vocabulary and their meanings and then test yourself. Write alist of your 6 most favourite leisure activities (e.g. reading, surfing the internetyjogging, shopping, playing football, watching football, tc.) 4. 5. 6 PHYSICAL AND SEDENTARY ACTIVITIES Organise the fellowing leisure activities from most physical to most sedentary. Write the activ- ities in order in the middle column: Activities ‘Most physical Points playing table tennis ________ Extremely physical -5 points sewing very physical -4 points watching TV —________firly physical -3 points playing the piano —_______ Fairly sedentary ~ 2 points running tery sedentary - 1 point walking —___________Entremely sedentary -0 points Most sedentary Look back atthe lst of your activities in Exereise 2, Give yourself points according to how physical or how sedentary your activities are. Are your leisure activities physical or sedentary? 4. sedentary /'sedintri/ (adj) hay ned mt chd 2 quadrant /kwodront (me) get cumg phan nt EXERCISE4 THE IMPORTANCE OF PHYSICAL EXERCISE Look atthe following statements and decide if they are true or false: 4) People who are physically active ar less likely to suffer from heart disease. b) People who are physically active are likely to get better quicker after an accident ora: illness ©), Moreand more people are suffering from ilinesses such as diabetes" because they are physically active. 4) Itisimportant to exercise 3 times a week for atleast 20 minutes each time ) Children need to be physically active for their bodies to develop wel. EXERCISES SPORTS A’ Purthe following sports into the quadrant below: football bungy jumping basketball white-water raft swimming running ‘motor racing skydiving 3 paragliding? mountain imbing rugby olf Competitive Non-competitive ‘Team sports Individual sports “B__Doyou think that non-competitive sports are real sports? Or are they just adventure activi EXERCISES — What type of sport interes + Competitive team sports + Non-competitive tam sports « Competitive individual sports . + Non-competitive individual sports 1 most and why? ry from Exercises 1 and 6. EXERCISE? — Write about your own leisure activities, including vocabul ‘dees Zao aw) Bik i ag © 2 paging /"peroglaidin! a) mon nha di | A bungybungee jumping ands, jump x) min why nie cao sawing 6 ay coal YOUR CULTURE Answer the following questions about your country: a) What are the favourite leisure activities of your generation? And of your parents’ generation? +b) Whats your country’s national sport? Does your country do well atthe Olympics in any particular sport(s)? ©), Whyare some sports popular in some countries but notin other countries? <8) What sports in your country do wealthy people play and what sports do poorer people play? Why? ) Do men play sports more than women? If so, why? £), What physical exercise do children do at primary school? And at secondary school £8) What are the possible positive effects of playing sports at school? And the possible negative effects? hh) What sports do you actively participate in and what sports do you watch? |) Do you prefer to watch sports on television or ina sports stadium? Why? i) What changes have there been in your country over the last 20-30 years in children’s games and play activities? ) In your country, do you think people are becoming less active? Why/Why not? Find more information about sports and leisure activities in your city or eouintry from a tourist guidebook, an encyclopedia or from a website: For information about leisure activtiesin your hometown or citysla@keat these websites: ‘ (tlemlook atthe mip under ‘Destination Guides’ and elick on your area of the world ~ e.g. Burope ~ then cick on oureounty, then select a city ‘and press ‘Go, then clickon ‘Estertain rien) (i Box I, click on ‘your area ofthe world ~ e.Asayin Box 2, click on your areacity ‘aud lick on "G0 then click on Metvites) For information about your national sport(s), goto a search engine such as and type in keywords, including the name of yourcountryseg. “national sport”sPakistan “national sport”+China (Be careful to use + and*"as shown above.) Then choose webpages to read. When you finda useful webpage, print it out. (GB Do not memorise any texts you find. k will not help you in the IELTS examination, Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. EXERCISE 1 A transport VOCABULARY OF WORD PARTS Match the word parts in the left-hand column below with their meanings in the middle Word parts Meanings Example words trans. one port: number bie between inte across urb- mono- city motor: three nhumer- engine trie two In the right-hand colummabove, write examples of words you know that contain the} and that have the same meanings. INTERCITY AND LOCAL TRANSPORT List all the different forms of public and private your hometown or city country ~ e.g. cars,ferrigsyplanes, etc Read the text below about a mythical county called‘Palatonial. Check if it talks types of transport that you listed above. Palatonla has a range of transport options for both local and intercity travel, all of ‘and efficient, Most large towns and cites offer a variety of public and private systems! Within and between urban and suburban areas, Public transport options include buses. ‘ail and underground systems in most citles, with taxls an rickshaws® (both hi 5 motorised) available in the larger centres of population. The capital, Mafua, aso small ferries that provide transport across the city harbour. ‘With regard to private transport options, the steets within all of Palatonia’s maja only designed for motorised vehicles, but also Tor biges. Designated bioycle lanes ‘vironment for eyclits anda large numberof bicycle parking areas ar avaiable for and crs are also popular forms of commuter transport ‘The movement of people between major towns and cites in Palatonia ts by train (dl «extensive ral network), by oad (either using public service vehicles such as coaches ‘or using private cats) by alr (Palatonia has a total of S airlines operating between and by sea, using the numerous ferries that operate between the various islands. ‘.monoral‘monacreald (nace) hinge ha mp dung ray etoksnaw /rukfo:/ 0) xe ho, xe ich SLexonshe /:k’stensi/ (ag (pham ¥) ring A fry Fert o)ph Complete the mind map belaw about the different forms of public and private transport in Palatonia: Look at the words in the left-hand column below. Find and underline them in the text about Palatonia, Match the vocabulary with the meanings in the right-hand column. (Check by re-reading the text.) Vocabulary ‘Meanings range (line 1) very many/a large number options (line 1). important/large ‘major (ine 7) variety ‘numerous (line 14) different various (line 14) choices Draw a mind map of the local and intercity transport options for fourhome eountry. Then write 2 or more paragraphs about the mind map, using vocabulary from Exercises 1 and 2, FACTORS AFFECTING CHOICE OF TRANSPORT Look at the adjectives in the left-hand column below. Mark theword stress. Adjective Noun comfortable fast expensive private healthy easy convenient ‘environmental safe In the right-hand column above, write the nouns for the adjectives in the left-hand column. ‘Mark the word stress for the nouns. Practise saying the nouns and adjectives with the correct word stress. EXERGISES — What forms of public or private transport do you use? Put the following factors in order of importance for you in your choice of transport to your work/place of study: comfort speed expense privacy safety haalth a case of parking convenience of use environmental effect YOUR CULTURE ‘Try and answer the following questions about your hometown or city: + What s the most popular form of transport for these groups of people and why? theelderly businessmen /women office workers factory workers mothers with young children + How do children travel to school ~ by car, by public bus, by school bus, by bicycle on foot? Why do they travel that way? Find more information about transport in your cty or country from a tourist guidebook, am encyclopedia or from a website: For information about urban transport in your city, look at this website: = ‘ (in Bor I, click area ofthe word ~ eg. Asia; in Bose, lick on your city and d (Go them elick on Getting Around!) For information about intercity transportin your countryjlookiat these websites: (in Box , click ‘area ofthe world e.g Asiayin Box 2, click on your city and ‘Go’ then lick om Getting There ard Away’) ‘ (the look at the map under = ‘Destination Guides’ and click on your area of the world ~ eg. Americas - then elickon your country, then select a city andy ‘Go’ then click on ‘Transportation’) OR Goto search engine such as and type in keywords, including the nam your city or country = “publictransport”+Shanghai “private car use”+Pakistan = (Be careful to use-+ and*” as shown above.) ‘Then choose webpages to read, When you find a useful webpage print it out. BB do not memorise any texts you find. It will not help you in the IELTS examination Only use the txt fr information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary traffic VOCABULARY OF QUANTITY ‘Match the expressions of quantity to use with plural countable nouns (in the left-hand column) ‘with the expressions of quantity o use with uncountable nouns such as ‘bread’, money’ ‘pollu- tion’ (in the right-hand column), Quantity Expressions Quantity Expressions (countable nouns) (uncountable nouns) a large number of (cars) a small amount of (pollution) 4uite a number of (cars) some (pollution) several (cars) great deal of (pollution) afew (cats) no (pollution) no (cars) a fair amount of (pollution) Quickly scan this unit and put a circle round any expressions of quantity you can find. (There are 9 expressions in Exercises 2,3 and 4.) PROBLEMS AND EFFECTS Look at the following lis of problems caused by transport. Tick any thilfare true in your country. Problems Health effects Overall effect: Air pollution Noise pollation ‘Traffic congestion ‘Traffic accidents ‘What are the effects of these problems? Write your ideas ithe middle and right-hand columns above, Check your ideas to Exercise 2B above by reading the following text In my county, many cities are adversely affected by the large number of vehicles on the roads. For example, one prablem is ait pollution. In many towns and ities, the air pollution is so sertous that a large number of people ae Sfering from respiratory diseases. In particular, children and the cldery are being affected by the poisonous fumes from car and bus exhausts. The noise ofthe traffic isa problem, too, as it causes loss of sleep and high levels of stress, which in turn leads to health problems such 2s heart disease and high blood pressure. Trafic congestion also causes siress and it wastes a gyeat deal of time as people spend their time sitting in traffic jams. Traffic accidents are, ofcourse, another problem because they result in injuries and even deaths. Al-in- all, too many vehicles on our roads are causing a varletyof health problems; and because people are table to work while they ate ll andthe government has to spend money on health care, on roading ‘and on policing the roads, the economy of the whole country is being affected negatively. 4. adversely [msl / lh) mie ch halt respiratory fralsparatei/ (a) thube 08 hd hap 4. pole / pls! tad re (én 5) Jn the left-hand column below, write the verbs to match the meanings in the right-hand col Verbs ‘Meanings a) to make something or someone able b) to make something longer do to make something shorter 4) to give someone the courage or confidence to do something CO) f) to make something wider to make something narrower ® tomake something sure or certain tomake something or someone st tomake something or someone weaker ‘Make sentences for 5 ofthe verbs. Ty to write about yourself or your country. e.g, My new trousers were too long, so I shortened them. ‘eg, The strikes by a large number of workers have weakened our economy. SOLUTIONS TO TRANSPORT PROBLEMS Look at the following methods for local or central governments to reduce the Hegative i vehicles. Put them in order from most effective/most useful t0leasteffective/Teast useful: a) They should encourage people to walk to workEven a smallamount of exerci day would improve people’ health. Itwould also reduce a fair amount of traffic b) They could widen roads so there is no traffie éongestion. ©) They ought to strengthen the traffic rulesiso that people do not exceed the sp his would reduce the large number of agcidents. 4) They need toensure that fares on public transport are much cheaper than the parks.‘This would encourage people to use public transport more and to leave athome, e) They might shorten parking spaces so that large cars cannot fit in them. This: «encourage people to buy smaller cars and there would be a great deal less tion on the roads. £) They should enable government workers to work flexible hours so the nu travelling to work during the rush hour would fall. £8) They should create more cycle lanes that only bicycles can use. This would cyclists to travel safely to work or their place of study. h) They should ban all old vehicles from the roads. This would remove a fair pollution as old cars produce more pollution. Think of other ways that local and central governments could reduce traffic onthe roads, Write your ideas with sentences starting: They could provide They ought to increase They need to reduce They might prohibit ‘They should prevent They could control ‘Write about any traffic problems in your hometown or city and suggest ways to solve the prob- Jems, using ideas from Exercises 1,2,3 and 4. ‘YOUR CULTURE ‘Try and answer the following questions about your hometown or city: 8) What percentage of families own a car? b) What percentage of families own more than one car? ©) What percentage of families own a bicycle? 44) What percentage of families own more than one bicycle? €) Do young people in your country use skateboards roller blades Or non-motorised scooters as forms of transport? Why/Why not? {) How much has trafic increased singe your grandparents time? Why? Find more information about traffic in your eityor country from a Website: Go to a search engine such as ahd type in keywords, including the name of your city or your country; eg. wr ownership’-HJapan. “traffic problems” +Islamabad (Be careful to use + and‘“*as shown above.) ‘Then choose webpages to ead. When you find a useful webpage, print it out, BB 10 not memorise any texts you find, It will not help you in the LELTS examins Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. 4. probit /prabie/ ji) eam 2 stateboard ('sketthl/(n,0) on mon role blades /'roolo bled / (np) dy og parson 4 f* kd) holidays EXERCISEL VOCABULARY OF STATUTORY” HOLIDAYS A In most countries there are some days when almost everyone has a holiday. These days are! bank holidays or statutory holidays, Which of the following days are statutory holidays in country? Christmas Day Boxing Day Good Friday New Year'sDay National Day. May 1 Independence Day ; B Add any other statutory holidays that you have in your country. I EXERCISE2 HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT A Lookat the following information about holiday entitlement in @ mythical country and: these questions: Is tthe same in your country? Ifo, what is different? In-my country, mos flee and factory workers are entitled to 3 weeks’ holiday a year plus tal holidays ~about 4 weeks in total. But more and more companies afegivin thelr worket weeks" holiday a year plus statutory holidays, especially forémployees who have wo for the company for more than 3 years. Primary and secondary school tages get more — around 12 weeks a year plus statutory holidayS but theyioften complain th = they don’ really have it all as holiday because they have to prepare courses and eves administrative’® work during that time. B__Writea short paragraph about holiday enfilémentforSvorkers in your country. EXERCISES YOUR HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES Answer the following questions: 1, What do primary school children do in their holidays? Why? a) stay at home with their mother, grandmother or other relative b) stay at home with a nanny® or babysitter ©) goon aholiday programme organised by their school 4) go toakindergarten or eréche 2. What do secondary schoolchildren do in their holidays? Why? 4 a) stay at home with their mother, grandmother or other relative ) goon holiday programme organised by thei school . ©) stay at home alone or spend time with friends 4) geta holiday job | 1 stattory siete! al hon bude ih | statory holiday /,stetfotrholadet/n) ngdy mghi cla ed mate, ngdy gute 18 2 administrative /d'mmmistratv/ a thud hin chink J ‘nanny /‘nsemt/ 10) 04 emt 3. What do university students do in their holidays? Why? a) study b) goaway on holiday ©) stay at home and spend time with friends 4) geta holiday job ‘Where do you spend your holidays? Why? a) inyour own home b) in your own country but not in your own home c) overseas/abroad ‘Who do you prefer to spend your holiday with? Why? a) your family b) your friends ¢)_ with a group of people who you have not met before 4) amixof.a),b) and.) ©) alone DIFFERENT TYPES OF HOLIDAY Write the following vocabulary under the correct headings in the chart below: ‘Vocabulary bed and breakfast sightseeing hotel the homes of family/friends shopping telaxidigon a beach motel hostelfoackpackers® campsite visiting friends or relatives playing sports cruise ship learning or practising a hobby (eg. skiing, photography, ete.) Mark the word stress forthe vocabulary in the chart above ‘Add any other types of accommodation or holiday activity that you know. YOUR PERFECT HOLIDAY Wiite about what would bea perfect holiday for you, using vocabulary and ideas from Exercises 1,2,3 and 4. Include information about ‘where you would go (areas, cities, countries) and why ‘where you would stay (accommodation) and why ‘what you would do (activities) and why who you would go with and why. EXERCISE6 = YOUR CULTURE Try to answer the following questi \s, using vocabulary from Exercises 1,2,3 and 4, 4) What are the most popular destinations in your country for: + Shopping «Sightseeing + Beach holidays b) Which are the main holiday times for people in your country (name the season, the month or the festival)? Why are they the main holidays? ¢) What sort of holidays are popular for people from your country: + Where do they go (area, city, country) and why? ‘« Where do they stay (accommodation) and why? + What do they do (activities) and why? ; = * Who do they go with and why? | = 4d) What can visitors to your hometown or ety do and see there? ) Areholidays in your country longer than they were in your grandparents’ time? If why? a f) What did your grandparents do on their holidays? Was it different from today? If why? ) Doyou think some professionals = eg. teachers or doctors ~ should have longer x days than others? Why/Why not? EF Find mo: information about holidays in your county fr ous guidebook an en or roma website: For information about statutory holidays/festivals, look abithis website: (in Box 1, clickam area of the world ~ &.g Asia; tn Box 2, click on your city andi Go’ then lick om‘Events) ‘mation about sightseeing in your city Ori'your country, look at this website: (ther look atthe map under D ation Guides and click on your area ofthe world ~ e.g. Asia lick on your country, then click on ‘Attractions, then click O ‘Places of irtterest’) oR Go to search engine such as and type in keywords, including the na your city or your country;eg. “peach holidays"+China “sightseeing”+Hong Kong (Be careful to use + and“ "as shown above.) ‘Then choose webpages to read, When you find a useful webpage, print it out HEBD Do not memorise any texts you find. It will not help you in the IELTS examins Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. PRIORITIES Put the following points in order from 1 to 12 (1 is most important to you, 12 is least important to you). a beautiful house/apartment a good salary 2 job with high status a happy family life ‘overseas holidays fashionable clothes Jots of free time good food ‘good health a secure job ‘good friends anexpensive car Answer these questions: + Would your parents put the points above in the same order as you? If not, why not? + Would your grandparents put the points above inthe same order as you? If not, why not? Write a short paragraph about your priorities in lif, using vocabulary from Exercises 1,2 and: CITY LIFE AND COUNTRY LIFE Put the following vocabulary into the gaps in the text below: Vocabulary clean air variety of jobs exciting nightlife lawerime rate pace of life traffic jams pollution ‘sense of community costofliving shopping malls stressful long travel times to work healthy and safe environment | used to five in Tupu, Palatonia. It's a.yery larg@)eity and has all the things you might in such a large citys One af the positive thitgs is thellarge 1 that are 24 hours @ day, so you can buy anything yowlwant Whenever you want: and the dif entertainment options ~ Tupu has cally 2 On the negative si there is terrible 3 because of all the cars; and there are terrib 4 at rush hour ~ everyone complains about the 5 morning, A great many people move from the countryside Into Tupu because t awide 6 available inthe city, but a lot of these people don't have the essary skills. When they can't find a job, they turn to crime as 2 way of getting AlLinall living in the city can be vey 7 So, about 2 years ago, I moved to a village in the countryside about 70 kms outside Life there is completely different. Of course, the 8 1s much slower, by means people have time to talk to each other; and because everyone knows everyone the village they help each other ~ there is areal 9 We dont have @ poll tion in the village and people don’t worry about locking their doors when they go out there is a very 10 ‘And we have 11 ‘due to the small number of cars. All that makes It a very 12 for children to grow up in Although I miss Tupu's nightlife, it does have one advantage ~ 1 spend much less money than when 1 was living inthe city: so the low 13 Inthe countryside makes it easy to live ona small salary! Write a paragraph about your hometown or city, using vocabulary from Exercise 5, YOUR CULTURE Answer the following questions about your country «+ What are the differences between the following facilites in cities and inthe countryside? housing leisure facilities schools medical facilites transport «© Why are facilities different between the city and the countryside? ‘« Where might these people prefer to live ~ in a city or in the countryside? Why? ‘A-couple in their 60s who have just retired ‘A young single professional person ‘A pensioner who has no family A teacher with two teenage children ‘A writer with a baby and atoddler Find information about the standard of living in your cOtintry from a website: Go to a search engine such as tye ifikeywords including the name of your countryse.g. “standawdofliving”+ Thailand “citylif'y ‘in modern Taiwan” (Be careful to use + and*"as shown above,) Then choose webpages to read. When you find a useful webpage, print it out. GHB Do not memorise any texts you find. It will not help you in the IELTS examination, Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. : 4.) education } VOCABULARY \Wirite the vocabulary inthe left-hand column under the correct headings inthe chart: kindergarten BA/BS certificate PhD primary school secondary school MAMSc/MBA university polytechnic” diploma Mark the word stress for the vocabulary in the chart, Put the vocabulary under each heading in order, from most important to last important, EDUCATION SYSTEMS: Read the following text about the edieation system in Palatonia (a mythical country) ands plete the charts that follow: In Palatonia, all children go to primary sehoglas soon as they are S years od. In fal of them sat school on thelr bitty. OF course some of them goto kind or pre-schodl toddlers ~ from the age of about 2 — but that’s optional; compulsory schooling doesn't {g0 to secondary school, They’ can leave when they get to 6 years of age, after they have i Sixth-form Certificate, but mast continue uni they ae 18 years old. when they sit the Univers Entrance exam i hey want fo enter university. An increasing number of both boys and gi ‘on to tertian/# education ater that, although tertiary studies are optional, of course a wide range of tertiary institutions to study at — universities and polytechnics, of course, rere are teachers colleges and los of private colleges too, It used tobe the case that you could only study for a BA or BSc ata university, but polytech now offer a numberof bachelor level degre programmes as well as diplomas and certifi But to doa postgraduate course you sill have to enroF a a university — poytechnics offer masters oF PhD programmes. Instead, they offer a range of lower level eval ~ centficates and diplomas, especkaly in vocational® subjects such 2s cooking, comp ‘mechanical engineering and soon. =| ‘polytechnic 7 polka (in) tng Bich Rha S.enrl/an'ool/ (io) phi dam, dng | Rar (for ale di Bo hoe co ding‘ Yoediona kof a) man ik In the chart below, write notes: Kindergarten (Kin Pre-school Primary school Secondary school | Tertiary institutions (College, Polytechnic, University) Inthe chart below, puta tick or a cross according to where you can obtain the following qualifica- tions: YOUR EDUCATION SYSTEM Complete the chart below about the education system in your country, Write about the education system in your country, usin information from the chart above. SCHOOL SUBJECTS Writea list of primary school subjects and another list of secondary school subjects, ‘Why are the subjects taught at primary and secondary schools different? Tick your favourite subjects and put a cross next tothe subjects you liked least, Decide why you liked and disliked those subjects EXERCISES YOUR EDUCATION “A> Check the meaning ofthe following vocabulary and mark the word stress, rotelearning” stress and pressure expressing personal opinions ee homework continual assessment? large classes : essays end-of-year exams streamed classes projects assignments collaborative learning B_ Writea paragraph about your own education, using as much ofthe vocabulary above as poss EXERCISE6 YOUR CULTURE Answer these questions about yourself and your country: 4) What qualifications do you have already? What qualifications do you hope to gain i future? What are your educational plans forthe future? b) Did you have a good relationship with your teachers/university lecturers? Why/ not? «)_ Would you Like tobe ateacher/lecturer yourself in the future? Why/ Why not? <)) How would you change the education system in your country if you could? ©) What percentage of people in your country study at tertiary level? Is it increasing? why? £) What percentage of people studying at tertiary evel in your country are male and percentage are female? If it is not the same for males and females, why is that? 8) How important isa good education system for a counity’s economy? Find more information about the education sjstemiiyour country from an encyclopedia from one ofthese websites: wwwetuscedu (in the Search USC’ Box, type education. cand your Country; e.@ education system China, education Germany, them alick on 60’) (find the name ofye country and click on it) (ther click on ‘statistics lick on ‘co profiles, then click on your country) For information about other aspects ofthe education system in your country, go toa se cngine such as and type in keywords, including the name of youre ee “primary school education” +“in Japan” — “tertiary education” “in Pakistan? (Be careful to use + and” as shown above.) ‘Then choose webpages to read. When you find a useful webpage, print it out = © EBD Do not memorise any texts you find. It will not help you in the IELTS examinatia Only use the texts for information, for reading practice and to extend your vocabulary. ‘rote fearing /‘rout3:nin/ fn) wife hoe et 2 assessment /s'sesmont/ (eu) dink pid work VOCABULARY below: ‘Vocabulary ispatient is persuasive is authoritative is brave is creative is multi-lingual is good with figures is computer literate™ isa team player holds a driver’ licence hasan eye for detail isa good communicator and skills, Primary school teacher works well under pressure Secretary to company director Match the vocabulary in the left-hand column with the meanings inthe right-hand column Meanings can drive works wel with other people has new, original ideas notices details «an persuade other people to do things doesn't become angry easily is not frightened in dangerous situations is good at arithmetic doesn't get stressed easily writes and/or speaks well people listen to this person and do what (s)he says speaks several languages ‘knows how to use a computer well ‘Mark the word stress for the nouns and adjectives in the left-hand column above, Memorise the vocabulary and their meanings and then test yourself, Tick the vocabulary above that describe you. Add other information aboutyour characteristics CHARACTERISTICS AND SKILLS What characteristics and skills do the people in the left-hand column below need to be success- ful in their jobst Write the vocabulary from Exercise I in the 2 colurnns below according to your ideas (we have done an example for you): is well-organised is computer literate Salesman Company director Firefighter igure figokei/ tao “Lariat / mt. mn 3 hoe YOUR FUTURE WORK Answer these questions about yourself: What job would you like to do in the future? Write the characteristics and the skills that you will need to be successful in that job, Compare your own characteristics and skills (look back at Exercise 1D) with the characteristi and skills you wrote in Exercise 3B. If they are not the same, what can you do about the differ ences? ‘Write a short paragraph about why you think you would be good at your chosen job, using vocabulary from Exercise 1 EMPLOYMENT PRIORITIES Different companies offer their employees different benefits. Put the following factors in of importance for you in your choice ofa company to work for. Number them from I (most important) to 8 (least important): ‘opportunities to travel in your job a company pension childcare facilities (e.g. eréche) longs paid holidays free medical insurance a comfortable working environment ein the company profit each year company car as DIFFERENT TYPES OF COMPANIES ‘What would be the pros and cons of working fot the following types of company? Company types ‘multinational company ‘national company local company your own company Look at the list of potential work features in the leftshand column below. Write the t pany in your country that are most likely to offer those features inthe right-hand c Potential work features Company types lots of responsibility your own com; the potential for international travel a friendly working environment a need for English language skills long holidays the opportunity for quick promotion a comfortable working environment «a share inthe company profit acompany car perks® such as childcare facilities, medical insurance etc. ‘a company pension Food - ANSWERS Staple Foods Countries bread France potatoes Ireland rice china cassava /manioe Paraguay corn Mexico Deep-frying and roasting are probably the least healthy because the foods absorb the oil or fa, Steaming (for vegetables) is probably most healthy because the vitamins are not lost. Grilling (for meat and fish) is probably the most healthy because ther is no extra ol or fat. “The cooking method is baking, the staple food is potatoes Ingredients Tastes Foods stugar, honey sweet desserts, sweets chil spicy curries cheese, butte, cream rich ‘cheese sauce, chocolate cake soya sauce, salt salty pickled vegetables tofu, flour bland bread ‘There are many possible answers, including: Food/Drink Possible health problems sweet foods tooth decay, diabetes spicy foods stomach ulcers rich food obesity heart disease salty food ‘strokes, high blood presse soft drinks hyperactivity diabetes alcoholic drinks liver damage, heart disease Food — TEACHER'S NOTES Check that the students know the countries the right-hand column, Ask them to say what foods they associate with those countries, then ask them to work individually to match the countries and the staple fods, using their dictionaries to check the meaning of the staple foods. Ask them to discuss in small groups the answers to the three questions about ther own staple fod. ‘Ask the students to work individually then to compa their answers in pars Read aloud to the stucens the paragraph about baking potatoes Tell them to guess the cooking method and the staple fod. Elicit their ideas asa css. This canbe done in lass or for homework, When the writing is complete ask the students to read their descrip- tion to each other in pairs. They should listen to their partner and decide what cooking method and staple food isbeing described. Then ask them to exchange their papers. The students read thet partners paper and tick any vocabulary they recognise from the unt. They can then also mark ther partner’ writing for grammar use,con- nectves paragraphing, etc. Ask the students to work individually, then to compare their answers in pais Exc Exs Homework Ask the students to work individually, then to compare their answers in new pairs. ‘sth stents to cover the information in. Sb and discus ther answers to Ex.S) in smal group ask the groups torte thei eas onthe oad (notes nat sentences). Ak the students oad the og nb) individually and to check which ofthe answers on the boar was closest othe information in B38) ‘Tel the students to writea short paragraph individually then ask them to mingle and to read out their pa to-each other to try and find another student who has similar likes and dislikes, (Ensure they do not Paragraphs to each other as this should bea listening exercise, nota reading exercise.) Elicit feedback as ‘Ask the students to work individually to circle and to tick the dens that they and thee parents (or gr or children) lke then tll them to discuss their responses in small groups Tall the students to work in paits without dictionaries initaly. When they have attempted to dh their ideas without dictionaries, allow them to use their bilingual vocabulary ‘o work in pairs to discuss f the sentences are true about their countryicountres and to help each ah any statements that are not true. Give them the homework of looking for information in an encyclopedia or on the web, Tell students that he ‘work pairs orn 3s to find an interesting or usefl text about foo in thei ‘xcopy of tha texto the next class for other students to read, GB spss that memorsingth tet owen he ETS exainaton ote good dea Family - ANSWERS ‘mother BR ‘father BR ‘brother BR [sister BR ‘stepmother RM ‘stepfather RM ‘stepbrotherRM_ stepsister RM ‘mother-in-law RM father-in-law RM ‘brothetsin-lawRM, ‘sister-in-law RM ‘aunt BR; RM ‘uncle BR; RM InephewBRRM ‘niece BR; RM ‘cousin BR; RM ‘grandmother BR (grandfather BR Picture = beg Picture 2~ d,f6h Picture 3 ~,g Picture4 - c,eg ‘single verb (ect cen'gaged noun ject “married noun K€ejecti> ‘separated noun (ject divorced noun (Geet aldopt DY adjective ‘widow Ga) adjective ‘widower OUDY adjective ‘halé-brother —— GOURY/ adjective ‘half-sister GOURD adjective Word parts Meanings solo- (eg. soloist) alone, one ‘ bi- (eg bicycle) x0 mono- (e.g monoplane) one poly: (e-. polygon) many — TEACHER'S NOTES {In some languages, there ae diffrent words for aunts, uncles, etc. who are blood relatives and aunts, unces etc who are relatives by mariage. Decide if'mother and stepmother are BR or RM as class Ask the students to ‘work individually onthe other words, then allow them to compare their ideas in pais or smal groups. ‘Ask the students to work individually on marking the word stres, without using a dictionary, then to compare their ideas in pairs (it should be easy al he tems normally have he sress onthe frst lable) Askithe students to work individually to note the numberof BR and RM they hav.then ask them to count up their totals individually Tel ther to form line across the lass fom the person with the most relatives tothe person with the least numberof relatives (ensure they discus the numberof relatives they have inorder todo this), Ask half the class to workin small groups to brainstorm and make notes about the advantages of living ina large family Ask the other half to work in small groups onthe advantages of living ina small family. licit feedback as cass, Ask the students to work individually, then to compare their answers in pais. Tel them to decide which ofthe sentences are tue about themselves. Ask the students to discuss in small groups the meaning, the pronunciation and te word clas ofthe vocabulary, ‘without using dictionaries. When the students have attempted all the items without dictionaries, allow them to check using dictionaries. Ask the students to work individually and then to compare ther sentences in groups, ‘Ask the students to discus their ideasin pals. ‘This cam be done in class or for homework. Ask the students to write their name the Bak ofthe paper they ‘write on, not onthe font. When the writing is complete collect inthe papers, writeamumaberon the font (a dif ferent number for each paper) and put te papers round the room, Tel the students a ead the diferent papers and to guess which student wrote each papers e.g. Paper | ~ Cherie Paper 2~ Frank ec Explain thatit isnot possible to teach every word that he stdents may eed inamyexam,so thy also need stat- eis to guess words. Exercise helps by loking at some common ‘word parts (the tem used throughout this book for both affixes and word roots). Ask the sadents to work individuallyto match the word parts and theit ‘meanings then elicit if they know any other words tha star wth these word parts Ask the students to work individually to Scan for and uerline the word pats. Ensue that stents try to guess the meaning of bigamy’ and'polygamy’ 1 necessary, explain to them what monogamy’ is and then ask them to tell you what bigamy’ and‘polygamy mean, ‘Ask the students to read through the questions and to underline any vocabulary they do not understand Elicit any problem vocabulary and check itTel them to discuss their answers in small groups. ‘Give them the homework of checking for information in an encyclopedia or on the web, Tel students that they ‘must work individually in pairs or in 3s to find out some new fact about Family, marriage, divorce, adoption, ec. in their countries. They must bring that on pice of factual information to the next class. NB? Fmphasise that memorising the text to use it in the IELTS examination is nota good idea. UNIT 3 Ex. 1Aand 1B Ex Ex.2A Clothing - ANSWERS |"Typeeffabric(noun) | Type of clothing (noun silk short-sleeved cotton polo-neck wool full-length lycra A V-neck polyester 7 close-fitting linen round-neck down viscose sweater flared sweatshirt sleeveless 1 | nylon 7 | morning suit long-sleeved | | ‘Orange, pale green, dark blue, turquoise, cream, et. Casual clothing: silk bowtie Formal women's clothing: cap ‘Formal men’s clothing: cotton sweatshirt Clothing - TEACHER'S NOTES. Askethe students to work individually then to compare their answers in small groups. Ask the students to workin pairs, then divide the pairs into separate groups oF about dliscuss the clothing they belive is fashionable. Ask the students to work ipaifsto think of other colours without using dictionaries. Ask each pair wot «colour that they have thought off nevessary,allowthem tase their detionares to find more colours: Askthe students to work individually, then fo compaftheir answers in smal groups. ‘This should be donein lass. sk the students trite atthe cots they are wearing — type, style fabric. Ask the students to writ their names onthe back ofthe paper they write on, not onthe front, Cl Papers, ite a mumber onthe front different number fr each paper) and put the papers round ‘the students o read the diferent papers and to guesswhich student wrote each paperse.g. Paper | ~ Cherie Paper 2— Prank at. Ask the students to workin pats to discus their opinions. lt feedback asa class ‘Read aloud the thre lists inluding the headings. Tel the students to write down the incorrect cloth ‘each ist Allow them to compare their answers in pairs. Ask the students to work individually to answer the questions then to compare their answers in pairs Elicit ist of people who normally wear uniforms in the students country/counteies. Write thelist on board. Ask the students to look at Ex.7A to check if their ist and thelist in the book are the samme ord Copy the list of people who wear uniforms from the board on to separate pieces of paper. Ask the in pairs or in 3s and to choose a secretary. Give each pair or group a piece of paper end ask them description ofthe uniform tat the people on the pice of paper wear. Tell them not to write who the UNIT 3 _ Clothing - ANSWERS | Typeof clothing (noun) | Style of clothing (ad shirt short-sleeved. cotton Blouse polo-neck woo! suit full-length lyera 0 jacket Veneck polyester 7 «skirt close-fitting linen _ trousers round-neck “nylon A ‘morning suit long-sleeved down seater flared viscose 7 sleeveless Orange, pale green, dark blue, turquoise, cream, ete Casual clothing: silk bowtie Formal women’s clothing: cap Formal men's clothing: cotton sweatshirt Clothing - TEACHER'S NOTES. Aslethe students to work individually then to compare their answers ip smalgroups. Askcthe student to work in pairs, then divide the pairs into separate groups ofa discuss the clothing they believe is fashionable, Ask he students to work ipaitsto think of other colours without using dictionaries. Ask each pair to tll «colour that they have thought off necessary allow ther tluse their detionares to find more colours: Askthe students to work individually, then fo compaftheir answers in small groups. ‘This should be donein dass. sk the students trite aboathe clothes they are wearing — type, style fabric. Ask the students to writ their names onthe back ofthe paper they write on, not onthe front. Cl papers, write a number on the font a different umber fr each paper) and put the papers round thes the students to read the different papers and to guessyhich student wrote each papers e.g. Paper | ~ Chee Paper 2— Prank atc Ask the students to workin pats to discus their opinions. lt feedback asa cass ‘Read aloud the thre istsincluding the headings. Tl the students to write down the incorrect co ‘ach ist Allow them to compat their answers in pairs. Ask the students to work individually to answer the questions then to compare their answers in pairs Ect ist of people who normally wear uniforms in the students country/countries. Write the ist on board. Ask the students to look at Ex.7A to check if their ist and thelist in the book ae the same ord Copy the ist of people who wear uniforms from the board on to separate pieces of paper. Ask the stud in pairs or in 3s and to choose a secretary. Give each pair or group a piece of paper end ask them description ofthe uniform tat the people on te pice of paper wear. Tell them not to write who the ‘When they have completed their description, ask the secretary in the pairgroup to dictate the description to their partner() to write own so tha ech student inthe pai or group has their own cop. Divide the pais or groups {nt new groups and ask them to read out ther description to each other (Ensure they do no show their writing to each other as this should be listening exercise, not a reading exercise) Tell them to listen othe descriptions and to guess what group of people wear the uniform being described Askthe students to workin pairs or small groups. Elicit their ideas asa class. Ite stents are fom the same country, sk them to ead an think about ther answers tothe questions, then discuss themasa class. Ifthe students are from diferent countries ask them to work individually rin nationality ‘groups to discuss their answers, then mix the nationalities and ask them to tll eachother about their answers Give them the homework of looking or nformation ina tourist guide an encyclopedia or onthe web. Tel students that they nus work indvidualjin pais or in 3ofind an interesting or useful text about clothing in teirculture, ‘They must bring copy of that text to the next class for other students to read. (GHB Emphasis that memorisng the tex tous it in the TELTS examination isnot a good idea. Housing ~ ANSWERS Word parts ‘Meanings single- (e.g, single-minded) one, only, alone semi (eg. semi-circle) half -less (eg. hopeless) without sub- (eg. substandard) under below less than urb- (eg. urban) city -ship (eg, friendship) noun ‘mult- (e.g, multi-talented) many a5 bs 94 2 eI very small windows big picture windows) dark light airless airy cramped spacious low ceilings high ceilings cluttered onlya few pieces old-fashioned modern (GHB We use the definite atice inthe countryside, ‘the suburbs’and'the city ceptre’ Ex.IA Ex IB — TEACHER'S NOTES Explain that itis not possible to teach every word thatthe students may need in any etam, so they aso strategies to guess words. Exercise L helps by looking at some common word parts’ (the term used throu ‘this book. for both affixes and word roots). Ask the students to cover the right-hand column and to di pairs what they think the word parts mean, without using dictionaries If necessary, help them withthe me ‘af the example words in brackets. hen ask them to uncover th right-hand column and to match the word with their meanings ive the students 2 nutes to memoese the word parts, the example words and the meanings ofthe word ‘then ask them to test each othe in pais. taking in turns 1 saya word part for their partner to give them and an example words eg. Student: Semi. Student 2; Half Semi-cirde, Ask he stadensto work individually to san for and circle the words Ask the students to work individually _Askthe students to workinividully then to compare their answers in pars or small groups, Ask he students to work individually ‘This canbe done in dass of for homework, When the writing s complet, ask te students to work in them to exchange their written descriptions ad to read their partner's description foe afew minutes. Then students to take it in turns otal about the information on their hometown or cit by reading from thet ‘Their partner should listen for any differences hetween the information inthe written description that read and in the spoken description that they hear _Adkethe students to work individually without usingdietionaries. Then tell themo\Gomparetheit answers ‘When the students have attempted all the tems without dictionaries, alloy. them to cheek using dictionaries Ifthe students are fom the same county, sk them to read and thinabout hic answers the g diseussthemasa cas. the staentsare fom different @ntriegathem towotincividually rin groups to discuss their answers, then ex the nationalities and ask them tel eah other about ther Give them the homework of looking for information inane sdia oron the web Tell students that th ‘work individually, in pats o in 3s to find an interesting or useful text sbout architecture in their country ‘ust bring a copy ofthat text tothe nex das fr other studeots Fe (GB tvophasice tar memorising the texto use it inthe MELTS examination isnot a god idea, ‘Vocabulary Opposites re'sponsible (adjective) irresponsible ‘practical (adjective) impractical alffectionate (adjective) una'fetionate “ail (adjective) un'ithful de'pendent (adjective) independent : extensive (adjective) inexpensive “egal (adjective) ilegal ‘treat well (verb +‘well) ‘treat badly be'have ‘well (verb + well’) be'have 'badly/ misbehave obedient (adjective) disobedient “easy to'train (‘easy’+ to'+ infinitive) ‘difficult to ‘train /hard to train ‘Ex 1Aand 1B Exc ‘Ex 2A and 2B Ee3A Ex.3D, ‘There are many possible answers; for example: Toddlers ~ fish may be suitable, because they do not need tobe trained they donot bite o scratch ‘Single working people who live alone ~ fish and birds may be suitable, because they are easy to look after, they do not need to be taken for a walk,as a dog does they wll not damage furniture etc, as a dog or cat could they do not need tobe trained Young children aged 6-12 ~ dogs may be suitable, because they are usually affectionate and faithful they are fun to play with Elderly people living alone ~ cats may be suitable, because they are usually affectionate they are easy to care for (they donot need tobe taken fora walk) they are independent they are easy to train they are inexpensive to feed Pets - TEACHER'S NOTES ‘Ask the students to discuss their ideas in small groups, without using dictionaries. When the students have attempted all the items without dictionaries, allow them to check using dictionaries. Ask he students to work individually to scan for and underline the words, Discuss the answers as a class. - Askthe students o work invite studens ane from he sari otras thet alk abot thee ideas in pyramid discussion, so that eventually ll the studefits agree on the same onde Ifthe students are fom diferent countries, ask them to compare their answers in pals on small groups. ‘Check the meaning and pronunciation ofthe characteris vocal in Bx:3Bas clas, then ask the students ‘to work individually to writ the characteristics next to tilt of pet.Ask them to discus in small groups the characteristics they havelisted forthe diferent pets. ‘This canbe done in clas or for homework Tellthe students nottowrite the type of pet on their paper, but only todescribeit When the writingi complete askthe students to mingleand to ead outtheir description. (Ensure ‘they donot show teie writing to eachother this should bea listening exercise, not a eading exercise.) Tell them to listen to the description and to guess the type of pet being described. Ask the students to discus their ideas in pars or smell groups. ifthe students are from the same country, ask them to workin pairs or small group. I they are from diferent countries ask ther to work individually an then to compare their answers in pis Discuss the possible solutions asa dass Ask te students to work individually to answer the questions. Ask the students to work individually and then to comipae their answers in small groups Give them the homework oflooking fr information in an encyclopedia or on the web Tl students that they must ‘work individually in pairs or in 3s to find an interesting or usefl text about pets. They must bring copy of that text to the next lass for other students to read, (GIB erphasise that memorising the text to se it in the 1ELTS examination is not a good idea. 31 Cities - ANSWERS Quantity ‘large numberof (cars) Quite a number of (cars) Several (crs) A few (cars) One or two (cars) No (cars) ‘office block ‘shopping ‘mall uni versi [ait | einary doe | factory — Babies are infants under the age of 12. months. Toddlers are aged between 1 and 2 years ol. ‘Teenagers are aged between 13 and 19 years old, People in ther 20s are aged between 20 and29, People in their early 30s are aged between 30and 33. People in their mid 40s are aged between 44 and 46, People in their late 50s are aged between 57 and 39, Middle aged people are between 40 and 60 years old. Pensioners/Retired people have finished working and/or are aged 65 years old. The elderly are aged over 70 years old. ‘The word ‘child’is generally used about a boy orgitl aged between 3 and 12 years old. ‘The word ‘adult’ is generally used about someone who is over 18 years of age. Heading 3: Leisure facilities mu'seums. ‘cinemas ‘opera ‘houses ‘art'glleries ‘concert ‘halls ‘theatres ‘swimming’ pools ‘sports stadiums ‘pats Cities - TEACHER'S NOTES: Ex.1A.and1B Ask the tudentsto work individually then to compare their answers in pairs, Ex.2A _Askthe students to work individually to decide on the meaning and word stress ofthe vocabulary, without dictionaries. Then tell them to compare thee answers in pairs. When the students have attempted all the ites without dictionaries allow them to check using dictionaries 52 Ex.2B Bx.2C 2D Ex3A Ex3B Bx4A ‘Ex: 4B and 4C Ex.4D Askthe students to work individually, ten to talk about their answers in pars Askthestudentstoimagine the faite in an imaginary city ands their ideas onthe whiteboards then work asa «ass to produce a written descrptionon the whiteboard of the imaginary citybased on the ist of facilities Reduce ‘the written description to notes by gradually rubbing out sections of the text asthe students memoris the entire description. Ask the students to work individually to reproduce the entire written text from memory a from the notes you have lft onthe board then alow them to compare their answers in pars or groups of thee Inclassor for homework, ask the students to writea description oftheir own hometown or city ona piece of paper and also to reduce tto notes on another piece of paper Tel them to practise saying the information, looking only at theirnotes, ‘When the writing is complete, ask the students to workin pars. Tell them to exchange their written descriptions and to read thie partners description fora few minutes. Then ask the students to take it in turns to tlk about the information on their hometown or city by reading from their notes. Their partner should listen for any dif ferences between te information inthe written description that they have read and inthe spoken description that they hear, Ask the students to work individually, then to discuss their idea in pairs or small groups. Ask the students to work individually, then to compare their answers in pais Give the students 3.04 minutes to memorise the information, then ask them to test each ather in pair akingt {nturns to read out a sentence upto the ag, for their partner to completes eg Student 1: Babies are infants under the age of... Student 2: 12 months. Ask the students to work individually then to eompare theirsentencesin groups. Ask the students to work individually, without using dictionaries then to compare their answers in small groups and to check any problems using their dictionaries. Ask the students to work individually, then to compare their answers in pais ‘This can be done in class for homework. Tl the students to write on one pidee OF Paper apatgraph about their ‘own preferred leisure facility andtoinchade formation about the frequency with which theyuse te facility and also their reasons fr using that facility. Tl them to writ the second paragraph about tei chosen age group ‘on another piece of paper and to include information on the reasonswhy thatage group uses particular facilities. ‘When the writings complet, sk thestudents to mingle try and findanother student with similar preferences {nleisue faites. Tell them to readonly their firstparagraphto cach other (Ensure they donot show their writing toeachother as this should bea listening exercise, nota reading exercise) lic eedback asa clas, ‘Then ask the stents to workin pairs Tell them o exchenge thelepapets with their second paragraph on it The students read their priners paper and ick any vocabulary they recognise from the unit They can then also mark their partner's writing for grammar us, connectives, paragraphing ec. ‘Ifthe students are fom the same city, ask them to workin pais or small groups to discuss their ideas. Ifthey are from different cities, sk them to work individually and then to talk about their answers in pairs or small groups. ‘ive them the homework of looking or information ina tourist guidebook, an encyclopedia or on the web. Tl students that they must work individually in pais or in 3sto find an interesting or usefl text about facilities in their hometown or city (or capital cit if they lve in a smal village). They must bring a copy ofthat text to the next clas for other students to read (HEBD Emphasise that memorising the text to use tin the IELTS examination is nota good idea. Ex. 1Aand 1B Exc Leisure — ANSWERS Vocabulary Meanings A'physical'game aa game that involves using the body An individual ‘game agame fo one person or a game in which one person plays against one other person ‘A competitive game ‘a game where you try to beat another team or another person ‘A‘team ‘game a game with 2 or more teams playing against each other A'sedentary job a job that does not involve moving the body A demanding job «job thats difficult to do A‘quadrant a square divided into 4 smaller squares, ‘The least im portant the opposite of the most important ‘There is more than one possible order, depending on how energetically you walk or play table’ One answer is: Most physical running playing table tennis walking playing the piano sewing watching TV Most sedentary All the sentences are true. There is more than one possible answer hecause some sports catbe in morethan one s quadrant ~ eg, ‘running could bein all sections as it can be non-competitive ar eompetitive cither an individual or a team sport. However, one answet is: Competitive Non-competitive | football |) mountain climbing ‘Teamsports basketball ~ white-water rafting rugby y | i > swimming Individual sports sunning ‘motor racing golf Leisure — TEACHER'S NOTES Askthe students to work individually, without using dictionaries, then ell them to compare their Allow them to check thei ideas usinga dictionary. Give the students 2or 3 minutes to memorise the pronunciation and meaning ofthe vorabulary the to test eachother in pairs, taking itn turns to read out the definitions for their partners to give the oe sing the conret word stressieg. Student 1: A square divided into 4 smaller squares. Student 2: A’quadeant. Ee ExSA Ex 5B x6 x7 UNITS Askthe students to work individually then ro mingle to try and find another student with a similar ist ofleisure activites, Ensure they donot show their writingto cach other as this should bea listening exercise aot eading cers.) lc feedback asa class ‘Ask the students to work individually, then to compe their answers in small groups. Ask he students to work individually to answer the question, then to make line across the clas from students ‘with the most points atone end t students with the east pointsat the athe en. ‘Read the sentences aloud fr the students to liste to as they also rea them in the book silently. Check any vo «albulary or comprehension problems after each sentence but dont discuss whether they are true or alse. Ask the students to work individually to decide if the sentences are rue or fale, then to compare in pairs. ‘Ask te students to work in small groups and to collaborate in checking the meaning ofthe sports vocabulary without using a dictionary. When the students have attempted alte items without dictionaries, allow them to check using dictionaries, Tel them to workin their groups to complete the quads, ‘Ask the students to discuss the questions in pairs then discuss their answers sa class, ‘Ask the students to think abou their answers individually fora minute, then to discuss them in small groups. ‘This can be done in class or for homework, Ask the students to write their names on the back of the paper they ‘write on, not onthe font. When the writing is complete, collect in the papers, write a number on the ron (a dif- {erent number foreach paper) and put the papers round the room, Tell the students to read the diffrent papers and to guess which student wrote each paper; e.g. Paper I~ Cherie Paper 2— Frank ete. Ifthe students ae fom the same country divide the questions between thesteiin theless so that 2stadents are responsible for one or more questions. Then separate the pits of students int groups sa tht each groups ‘has a student from each pai. Ask the groups to discuss their answers to the questions, Ifthe students are from Aiferent countries ask them to discuss their answers in pais, Give them the homework of looking fe inormaton in atts guidebook, an oron the web. Tel students that they must work individually in pairs or in 3600 find an inerstng or useful text about sport and Jesu activities in thei hometown, home city or country. Thy amis bring alepy of tha text tothe next dass forother students to read. GB «phasis tt nemorising the texto use tin te Bs examin is nota goodie Transport ~ ANSWERS Word parts Meanings Example words trans. across ‘transport, transfer, translate, transmit transparent port- carry transport, portable, export import, porter, support bie two bicycle biannual, bilateral, binoculars bilingual, bigamy inter between intercity, interfere, international, interrupt, interval urb- city urban, suburban mono- one ‘monorail, monogamy, monolingual, monotone rmotor- engine ‘motorcar, motorised, motorist, motorway, motorbike ‘numer- umber ‘numerous, numerical, numeral tie three Aticyce triangle, trilateral, ro, triple, tripod 38 vatiety options choices major importantllarge ‘numerous very manyfa large number various different Adjective Noun “comfortable ‘comfort "fast ‘speed expensive expense ‘private ‘privacy “healthy “health “easy ‘ease convenient convenience environmental cen'vionment ‘safe ‘safety ‘Transport — TEACHER'S NOTES Explain thatitis not possible tO teach every word thatthe students may need it ‘egies to guess words. Exercise 1 helps by looking at some common ‘word parts (the term used ‘book forboth affixes and word rots). Ask the stents to work n groups, without using dictionaries ‘one word foreach of the word pats inthe et-hand column. Ask the groups to write their words om ‘then ask them to work individually to match the word parts with thec meanings Check the paris/meanings asa class and then check f the words on the board have the same word part me Ifthe studentsarefrom the same hometown or city elicit thedtferent forms oftransportasa cass tp onthe board. Ifthe students are from different hometown ask ther to work individually top transport forms and then discuss their iss in small groups. Ask the students to work individually o check the lst on the boarditheir own lis. Check if the text exactly or nearly Askthestudensto workindividually then check by drawing the mind map onthe board fgr one to complet Askthe students to work individually to sean for and underine the vocabulary and then to match withthe meanings ‘This canbe done in lasso foe homework Tel them not o copy the Palatonia text Ask them to write and hometowa or ctyat the tp of thee pee of paper When the writings complete if the tudensae = ‘Ex. 4A and 4B same hometow/ity, ask them to work in pits and to compare their mind maps and their writing if they are fiom diferent hometownslcites,put the homework round the room and ask the students to circulate to read the Aiferent papers to decide whose country and hometown or city has the best range of transport options. Ask the students to work individually, without using dictionaries then to eompare their answers in small groups and to check any problems using their dictionaries. Give the students 2 minutes to memorise the vocabulary, including the word stress, then ak them to test each the in pairs taking itin turns to saya word for their partner to give the word class and then to say the other word and its word cassseg. Student I: ‘Easy’ Student 2; Adjective: and the noun is'ease. Askthe stents to work individually to number the factors from I (most important them) 09 (leastimportant to them), then ask them to mingle to try and find ther students with thelist in the same order (Ensure they do ‘not show their ists to each other as this should bea listening exercise, nota reading exercise.) Elicit feedback as adass. Ask the students to work individually to think about their answers tothe questions, then tell them to discuss their answers in pats or small groups, using vocabulary ftom Exercises 1,2,4 and, Give them the homework of looking for information in guidebook, an encyclopedia or onthe web Tell students that they must work individually, in pairs or in 3 to find an interesting or useful text about transport in their hometown, ome city or country. They must bring a copy of that text tothe next clas for other students to read, (GIB Ephasise that memorising the text to use it in the IELTS examination is nat a good idea, Traffic - ANSWERS “Ee Quantity Expressions ‘Quantity Expressions (countable nouns) ‘(uncountable nouns) . large number of (cars) ‘a great deal of (pollution) guitea number of (cars) «fair amountof (pollution) several (cars) some (pollution) " a few (cars) small amount of (pollution) 10 (cars) 10 (pollution) Health effects Overall effect respiratory diseases heart disease & high blood pressure negative effect stress time wasted ‘on the economy injuries & death 7 ‘Traffic - TEACHER'S NOTES ‘Askthe students to cover the right-hand column and elicit expressions for uncountable nouns (ep tomatch the expressions in the left-hand column for countable nouns. Write theit ideas for uncout ‘quantityexpressions onthe whiteboard, then askthem to uncover the right-hand colunia ant putth sionsin orderand then o compare their ideas with the expresionsin the book. Give the students 3 oe to.memorise the expressions, then ask them to test each other in pairs, taking it in turns to say 869 ‘expression for their partner to give the equivalent uncountable expression eg. Student: A large number of cars Student 2; A great deal of polltion, Ex.1B Askthe student to work individually, Ex.2A.and 2B Askthe student to work individually then to compare their answers pairs or stl groups. Ex.2C —_Askthe students to work individually, then to compare their answers in pairs. Ex.3.__Askthe students to workin teams The teams ty to write the vers inthe left-hand column, without tionares. Ask the students to pass their papers to another teatn to mark, Ex.4A —_Readthe sentences alow forthe students listen toa they also ead them inthe book silly. Checks lary or comprehension problems aftr each sentence, but doit discuss how elfctve/useful the ideas are students to work individually to put them in onde, then to discus their answers in pairs or small groups. Bx.AB Ask the students to workin pairs, using dictionaries to check any vocabulary they don't understand in sentences Elicit their ideas a alas. x5 This can be done in class or for homework. When the writing is complete, ask the students pairs. Tell them to exchange their writing. ltheyare from the same ciythey should reed ther partne ing tose ifthe information isthe same as in their own writing. Ifthe stadents are from different should read their partner’ writing to see what differences there are between their et They can’ mark their partner’ writing for grammar use, connestives, paragraph et. Ex.6 —_Askthestudentsto work individually and encourage them to guessany answersthey don'tknow, lth arefromthe same country askthem to discuss heir ideasas a lass Ifthe studentsare from different ask them to discuss their answers in small groups, Homework Givethem the homework oflooking for information nthe web, Tel tides that they must work in pairs orin 3s to find an interesting or useful text aboutsrafficin thir hometown, home city or ap must bringa copy ofthat text to the next class fr others t6 reed. (GB ‘nosis that errs hea sit in the TEES examinations nol god ie Holidays ~ ANSWERS [Libed and’breakfast 1 the homes of family/friends mo'tel | Thostelbackpacer’s ho'tel ‘campsite “cruise ‘ship Ex. 1Aand 1B Ex.2A Ex.2B Holidays - TEACHER'S NOTES [the students are from the same country, check thei ideas as a class. the students are from different countries, ask them to work individually and then to discuss their answers in pairs. ‘Ask the students to wor individually, then to compare their answers in small groups, This can be done in clas or for homework. When the writing is complete, ask the students to workin pairs ell ‘them to exchange their paragraphs about holiday entitlement. they ae from the same country. they should read {heir partner writing to seeifthe informations the same asin thee owa writing. He stadentsare fom diferent countries, they should ead their partners writing to see what diferences there ae between their countries, They can then also mark their partner's writing fr grammar us, connectives, paragraphing et, ‘Ask the students to work individually, then to discuss their answers in small groups, Ask the students to work individually to decide onthe meaning and the word stress ofthe vocabulary, without using dictionaries. Then tl them to compare their answers in pars. When the students have attempted al the items without dictionaries, allow them to check using dictionaries if necessary. licit any other ideas asa class. This can be done in clas or for homework. Ask the students to make notes about the information and to practise speaking from their notes. When the nots are complete, tel them to mingle to try and find other studems who are interested in asimiar holiday. (Ensure the donot show their notes to each others ths shouldbe aistening exercise, not a reading exercise) Blict feedback asaclass ‘Ask the students to work individually to think about their answers to the questions, then tell them to discuss their answers in pairs or small groups,using vocabulary and ideas from the earlier Exercises/imthe unit. Give them the hamework of looking for information ina tourist guidebook, an eneyelopedia or on the web. Tell students that they must work individually, in pairs opin 3s to find an interesting ar wseful text about holidays, festival and sightseeing in thee culture. They must bring copy of that the nextlass fr other students ‘to read. ‘ a . (GB trophosise hat memorisng the tet to ust in te HBLTS examination is not alpood idea. Lifestyles - ANSWERS ‘Vocabulary Meanings se'cure (ad) safefunlkely to fil exhausted (ad) extremely tired ‘nightlife (n.) evening entertainment (eg, nightclubs, cinema, ete.) ‘pace (n.) s ‘sense of com'munity (n.p.) ‘fecling of loyalty and support between people in @ group ‘crime'rate (n.) themumber of crimes “housing (n.) r accommodation ‘status (n.) social or professional position ‘salary (n.) the pay that professional people receive for their work ‘stress (0,) pressure/emotional stain “quality of ‘lite (np) how enjoyable lites . ‘standard of ving (n.p) the way people live based on what they can afford a) The person intext 1 has a high standard of living but the person in text 2 has better quality of lie, | used to vein Tupu, Palatonia. I's avery large city and has all the things you might expect in large ely. One ofthe positive things isthe large 1___shopping malls that are open 24 hours 0 you can buy aything you want whenever you want; and the diferent entertainment options - Tuput a really 2 exciting nightlife On the negative side, there is terrible 3__pollution _beca of all the cars; and there ae terrible 4__traficjams at rush hour — everyone complains abo the 5 long travel times to work every morning. A great many people move from the countryside! Tupu because there's @ wide 6 variety of jobs available inthe city, but alot ofthese people don't have the necessary skills. When they cant find a job, they tur to crime as a way of getting Allin living inthe city can be very 7_stressful So, about 2 years ago, I moved toa village inthe couniyside about 70 kns outside Tupu. Life there completly different, Ofcourse, the 8___paceoflife__is much slver, but that means people hhave time to talk to each other; and because everyone knows everyone else in the village they help e2 other~there is a real 9 sense of community . We don't have a police station in the village and don't worry about locking their doors when they go out because there isa very 10_low crime ‘Andwe have 11 clean air due to the small number of ers. Al that makes it very 12 _healthy and safe environment for chikdren to grow up in. Although | miss Tupu's nights does have one advantage ~ I spend much less money than when 1 was living in the city; so the low 13 _costofliving_in the countryside makes it easy to live ona small salary! Lifestyles ~ TEACHER'S NOTES ‘Ask the students to cover the right-hand column and to discus in pairs the aning, the word tess ‘word class of the vocabulary in the left-hand column, without using dictionaries, Then ask them to unc ‘ight-and column and to mach the vocabulary with her definitions without using dictionaries. ‘Givethe students or3 minutes to memorise the voccbulary.inching the meaning, the word stress and thet class, then ask them to test each other in pairs, taking in torns to say. definition for their partner to ‘vocabulary and its word dass Stndent Te pay that professional people reeivéfor thet wot, Stodent2:_'Salary Noun. Bx.2—Checkthestudenis understand the meaning of standard offi’ and quliy of Ask hem o ead he individually to answer questions a) and b), then to discuss their answers in pairs. Ex.3A.and3B Ask the students to work individually pate points in Ex 3 in order of priority for them, then tot their answer to Ex. 3B/Askthem to discuss theiranswers to Ex.3A and B in small groups, Ex.4_Thiscanbe done in class or for homework When the writing is complete ask them to mingle and to ead ou paragraphs teach othertotryand find another student who has similar priorities. (Ensure they do not Ex.S _Askthestudentso discus in pairs the meaning of the vocabulary, without using dictionaries. When the have attempred all the items without dictionaries allow them to check using dictionaries, Ask them tof saps individually Ex.6 _Thiscanbe done clas or for homework. Ask the students to work individually to write the des students are fom the same hometown or city ina following lesson ask them to work in pars, Tll them to xd ‘theirwrittendescriptionsand to read their partner's description fora few minutes. They should read hei ‘writing to see if there are any difference of information between their own and the partner's writing Homework UNIT 12 Ifthe students are fom different hometovens or cites, sk them to write theirname and the name oftheir home- town or city on the front of their papers. When the wrtingis complete, colect inthe papers and put them round the room. Tel the students to red the different papers and to decide which student's hometown or ity they would ‘most lke to lve in, which students hometown or city they woukd least like to live in, and why. Ask the students to discuss their answers in smal groups. Give them the homework of looking for information onthe web, Tell students that they must work individually, in pairs orn sto find an imeresting or useful text about the standaed of living or quality oflifein their country. They ‘must bringa copy of that text othe next lass for other students to read, (GED emphasise that memorising the text to use itn the ELIS examination is nota good idea, Education - ANSWERS "Kindergarten | 'primary'school Heseiana ‘secondary ‘school PhD Poly technic university primary school secondary school MA/MSc/MBA, | certificate university | oe payeannie | MA/MSC/MBA diploma PhD .: Kindergarten (Kindie)/ | bout 20 5.0, Optional bione Presciool eee . = ev Primary school [Sto ‘Compulsory » | None Secondary school | 111016, Compulsory Sixth-form certificate 16t018 | Optional | University Entrance exam Tenvaryinsiutions Over 18 Optional Certificates, diplomas, | | (College Polytechnics bachelor level degrees (BA/ | University BSc), post graduate degrees (MA/MSc/MBA and PhD) [ Polytechni | University ‘ | 7 ‘rote ‘learning ‘stress and 'pressure ‘expressing 'personal o'pinions “homework continual assessment “arge'classes ‘essays “end-of-year ex'ams ‘steamed classes ‘projects alssignments collaborative learning, o x2 Ee3A Ex.3B Fx. 4B Ex5A Education - TEACHER'S NOTES -Askthe students to workindividvally to putthe vocabulary under the correct headings and tomark the word stress ‘without using dictionaries. Then tell them to compare their answers in pairs. When the students have attempt al the items without dictionaries, allow them to check using dictionaries, Ask the students to work individually, then to compare their answers in small groups. Ask the students to work individually and then to compare their answers in pairs If the students are from the same country, ask them to work individually to complet the chat, then to their chars in pairs Ifthe studens are from diferent countris,ask them to work individually to complete’ chart ‘This canbe done in lass or fr homework. Ask the students to work individually to write the description bs them tomake 2 or 3 information mistakes intheic writing: for example, if thei notes in the chart say that ance at igh school is compulsory, they might sayin their writing that tis optional. ‘When the eritingis complete, ask the student o workin pairs Tel them to exchangettheir written descrpt and to read ther partner’ description for afew minutes. Then ask the students to take itn turns to talk the information on thei country’s education system by reading from their notes inthe chart. Their pat should listen for any diferences between the information inthe written description that they have read and the spoken description that they hea. Askthe students to workin groups with! person actingas secretary to write down the groups of subjects ‘the headings ‘primary school subjects’ and secondary school subjects Tel the secretaries that they must legibly as other students wll e reading thetlists, Give the groups 5 or 6 minutes to brainstorm as many subject under each heading as they can (Itmay be necessary to play background music so that the groups cannot h ‘ach other’ ideas Then ell thestudents to put thee pens/pencils down an to pas theipgapers clockwise o next group, who have I minute to read the other groups ist an to memoriseamysubjets that they do noth on ther awn list (Do no allaw them to write anything down.) Pass the papers the read a new paper and to memorise any further new subjects. Continue passing the their original authors Allow the groups toad to their own ist any subj papers. Find out which group has the largest mimber ofaubjcts under meaning of any suspect subject names, Discuss their ideas asa class. ‘Ask the students to compile alist of the 3 secondary sehoohsubject they liked most and the 3 secondary ‘subjects they liked least, and to decide why they liked ordisliked those subjects. Ask them to mingle to try: find another student wit the same o similar favourite subjessand las favourite subjects an to discus ‘them why they liked or disliked those subjects. (Ensure they do mot show their ist of subjects to each other as should be a listening exercise, not a teading exercise) Elicit feedback asa class. Ask the students to workin smal groups and to collaborate in checking the meaning and word stress of th ‘abulary without using a detionary When the students have attempted all he items without dictionaries, them to check using dictionaries. This cam be done in lass or for homework. Ask the students to work individually o write about their own ed tion. When the writings complete, ask the students to workin pits. Tl them to take tin turns to read out writing. Ther partner should listen for any similarities or diferences between their own education and th partners education. When they have both read out their writing, they should diseuss the similarities and ences. ict feedback asa clas. ‘Ask the students to work individually to answer the questions then to discuss their answers in small gro Give them the homework of looking for information in anencyclopedia or onthe web. Tel stadens that ‘work ndividuallin pairs orin 3s to find an interesting o useful text about education in their qpunty. bring a copy of that tex othe next cass for other students to read, QB ep hie nat meorsing he textos tin the ETS examination sna god ie. UNIT 13 Ex. 1Aand 1B Exc Work - ANSWERS Vocabulary Meanings is ‘patient oestt become angry easly isper'suasive «an persuade other people to do things is authoritative people listen to this person and do what (s)he says is brave isnot frightened in dangerous situations iscreative has new, original ideas is multi-ingual speaks several languages ‘works well under ‘pressure doesnit get stressed easily is'good with ‘figures is good at arithmetic is computer literate knows how to use a computer well isa team ‘player ‘works well with other people holds ‘driver's licence ‘can drive +has an ‘eye for ‘detail notices details isa good communicator ‘writes and/or speaks well, ‘There are many possible answers, depending onthe particular job (for example, some salesmen may need to hold a driver’ licence, others may not) One possible answer is: Secretary to company director " iscompute literate hasan eye for detail multi-lingual | | Primary school teacher Salesman | ‘Company director ‘There is no correct answer as it depends on ‘the type of business (e.g. importlexport, insurance, mar each employee's particular job cach individual company’s policies the country where the company is the other people working in the company. ete Work — TEACHER'S NOTES Askthe students to work individually to match the vocabulary with the meanings and to mark the word stress on the nouns and adjectives, without using dictionaries. Then tell them to compare thei answers in pits. When the students have attempted all he items without dictionaries, allow them to check using dictionaries. Give the students 3 mites to memorise the vocabulary, the promunciation ane the meanings, then ask them to test each ather in pairs, taking itn turs to say meaning for their parner to give the vocabulary e.g. Student I; Works well wth ther people. Student 2; Isa team player. Ex.1D _Askthestudensto work individually then to mingle to try and find another student with similar list of teristics and sls (Ensure they donot show thet papers to each othe s this shouldbe alistening a reading exercise lc feedback asa class, x2 Askthe students to workin pits to complete the chart. Ex.3A.and 3B Aske students to discus in pairs the jabs they would lke todo and the characteristic an skills succesfil in the job. Bx3C Ask the students to workin pairs to compare their own characteristics and skills with thelsts they B38. Ex3D_—_Thiscanbe done nclass or for homework. Ask the students to work individually to write about their {Ex 3A, Band C. When the writing is complete tel them to exchange their writing and to read what has written about them, Then askthe students to tlltheir partnersf there are any inaccuracies inthe’ ‘They can then also mark their partner’ writin for grammar use, connectives, paragraphing et. ‘Ask the students to work individually to number the benefits frm 1 (most important to them) 108 (ke anc to them), then ask them to mingle to try and find other students withthe ist nthe same order. (Ens do not show theists to each aher @s this should bea listening exercise, nota reading exercise.) Eli asacdass ‘Ask the student to discus thei ideas in smal groups. ‘Ask the students o work individually then to compare their answers in small groups. This can be done in class or for homework. Ask the students to work individually to write about the ty company they would prefer to work or. When the writing is complete, tll them to exchange their to read what their partner haswriten. Then ask them to make notes from theic partners writing. D pairs into separate groups of about 3 students and ask ther to tll each other about their partner's ‘speaking only from their notes. Readthe sentences alo forthe students listen toas they also read them inthe bokeh Cec or comprehension problemsafier each sentence, butdan' discus themelfthestudentsare fom the samec ask them to work in pais or smal groups. If they ae from diferent countries ask thea to work ind then to discus their answers in pats. Elicit feedback asactas, Give them the homework of looking for information on the i Tellstudents that they must work indivi pairs or in 3sto find an interesting or useful tetabout employten in their country. They must bring ae that text the next clas for ater students to read. (GHB Emphasis that memorising the text to use it inthe IELTS examination is not a good idea.

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