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Musa and Maryam at technology corner

Child: Musa
Teacher: Anar
Date: December, 2014

This morning Musa and Maryam sent time together in the technology corner,
playing with computer, camera, and phone. They were both playing side by
side and used "self talk" in their play. They
were both pretending talking on the phone or
typing letters on computer. I noticed that they
were listening too; by the way they were able
to respond and communicate with each other
about this combined play event.
What learning has happened here?
Recently Musa has been extending his choice of play companions and he has
been spending time with many different children during his days at Annur
childcare. Today it was good to see him with Maryam. They share many
similar interests and both have a great capacity for being involved in
imaginative play with manipulative toys
and equipment.
Musa's skills in communicating with
others are also developing at a rapid
pace. Today it was fabulous to see hear
him listening and responding to Maryam
in this play situation.
Musa is showing strengths for
playfulness, communication, developing relationships and being involved.

Possibility and pathways

we will continue give opportunity for Musa to develop his relationship with
children by providing environment and activities that he interested in.

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