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Pakistan Flood 2010

A picture is worth a thousand

wordsbut can it raise $1000?

The Greatest Natural Disaster in Pakistans History

Greater than the 2004 Tsunami

Greater than Hurricane Katrina

Greater than the earthquakes in Haiti,

Kashmir and Sichuan Province (China)

Over 20 Million People Affected

in the First Week Alone

I will never forget the destruction and suffering I have witnessed today.
In the past I have visited the scenes of many natural disasters around
the world, but nothing like this
- UN Chief Ban Ki-Moon on Pakistan flooding.

Sindh: The Province Hardest hit

2.45 Million Sindhis directly affected

4,296 Sindhi villages destroyed

211,375 Sindhi houses destroyed

United Nations estimate aid will be required for at least 2 years

before Pakistan returns to its current degree of development
(one of the least developed states in the world)

What Can You Do???


Sindhis desperately need:

Clean water
Transportation to High Ground
Medicine to fight against waterborne illness

Lutheran World Relief, with ACT Alliance, is working in the Sindh province to provide
direct relief to families and individuals.
Donate online at, or mail checks to:
Lutheran World Relief - Pakistan Floods P.O. Box 17061Baltimore, MD 212989832USA

A list of organizations active in the area can be found at

Place in the memo line Sindh Province to reach those hardest hit.

Photos Courtesy of (August 11, 2010

You Came to Me by Sami Yuresh; All proceeds of single donated to Pakistan Flood Aid
All Statistics from Sindh Hardest Hit by Flood by Khaleeq Kiani, appearing in Dawn
Newspaper on August 20th, 2010 (

Presented by the Sindhi American Political Action Committee and the Sindh Monitor.
For More Information, contact Hanne Bursch and SAPAC at
700 7th St, NW
Suite #218
Washington, DC 20024

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