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RAM stands for Reliability, Availability and Mainta
inability. It is a methodology used to predict asse
t performance
for a given configuration in terms of reliability,
maintainability and availability. Our products go b
eyond traditional
RAM analysis by adding capabilities related to oper
ations tailored to the Oil and Gas industry which p
rovides as
result utilisation and production efficiency. DNV S
oftware Advanced RAM tools can also be used as Proc
Reliability Modelling, Plant Wide Performance Model
ling or simply RAM Modelling.
DNV Software Advanced RAM tools can be separated int
o two groups:
Maros, the choice for Upstream and Midstream analys
Taro, the choice for Downstream and Logistics analy
The analysis is performed by modelling the asset wh
ile considering all of the factors that can potenti
ally impact on
production. An overview of the typical aspects cove
red in an advanced RAM analysis for oil and gas ass
ets is shown
in Figure 1.

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