Rebecca Martinez Music Philosophy Colloquium

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Rebecca Martinez

Music Education Colloquium

Music Education Philosophy
New York City is one of the most diverse cities in the world. There are many
different languages, cultures, and theologies. In New York City public schools,
students will find themselves in close contact with many cultures that are different
from their own. I believe that through musical learning students can learn more
about multiculturalism and how to be a part of a larger community.
Throughout many centuries, music was and still is a part of many ethnic
identities. Every culture has their own instruments, rhythms, languages, and unique
sounds. By teaching students music in a different language or from a different
culture, students end up learning about said culture. When students learn what
these songs are about they learn to be tolerant and to promote a healthy learning
environment. When students learn to appreciate different types of music they start
to become more open-minded.
When students are given the opportunity to learn a cultural piece they also
become part of a larger community. They are less likely to isolate someone about
their ideas and more likely to embrace those new ideas. Students also learn how to
communicate properly with others because they will be more thoughtful about how
they phrase things. The benefit of being able to use music as an outlet through
teaching helps students prepare for the real world. In New York City, with all of its
diversity, a student should graduate high school with the idea that there is a larger
community and to respect others. By learning to respect others, students end up
going into the workforce prepared for any challenges that may occur.

Music in schools is very important because everyone listens to music. By

enabling students to learn music of different cultures and sing in different languages
and understand the meaning of these songs, a music teacher helps promote
multiculturalism and community. When students understand that they are part of a
larger community it promotes peace. In New York City, this type of thought process
in students also helps keep them from isolating others or being bigoted towards
someone elses beliefs. In order to end hate, music teachers should promote peace
through diversity.

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