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Excerpt from the Italian mage Alberto Ricardo's Book, Demon King, 19th Century
......To those who accomplished this formidable feat, I grant them the title of Campione
Godslayer .
Among all virtuous readers, some will probably believe that I over-exaggerate with that title
and frown, while others will think that I am making undue fuss over it.
However, I want to emphasize it, once again.
Campione Godslayer is the supreme ruler.
Since he can kill a celestial being, he can therefore call on the highly divine powers held by
the gods.
Campione Godslayer is a lord.
Since the power to kill a deity is in their hands, they therefore have the power to dominate the
mortals on Earth.
Campione Godslayer is a devil.
Therefore of the entire humanity living on earth, those who have the power to oppose them do
not exist!

Excerpt from the Letter of Cardinal Antonio Tebes, Addressed to the Vatican, Early
20th Century
For the purpose of going against Providence, playing with the demonic knowledge of mages,
he received the title of King from them.
Concerning the name that you were hearing more or less.
Campione Godslayer is Epimetheus's[1A 1] illegitimate child. The devil.
Unfortunately, we mortals cannot fight against them.
The ones who can fight against them, are his fellow Campiones, Our Heavenly Father's
angels, and the taboo pagan gods......

Excerpt from Japanese Reports Concerning the Verification of the new Campione,
Beginning of the 21st Century

In the Persian mythology, Verethragna[1A 2] was a god which had many complex attributes.
He was originally a follower of the chief god of the Indian mythology Mithra's[1A 3] war
god, and after Zoroastrianism[1A 4] began to worship him as a war god, he had been promoted
as a divine guard.
And this god had the characteristics of having ten forms.
At the beginning, his form was one of an impetuous wind, but he can also have the form of a
bull, a white horse, a camel, a boar, an adolescent, a bird, a ram, a goat and a warrior with a
golden sword.
Even if Verethragna continuously changed forms, he would still win, and brought victories to
his worshipers to make it simple. After his deification, he became the symbol of what he
represented, victory.
It was after Kusanagi Godou killed the god of victory, that he became a young Campione.

[Report on Kusanagi Godou], Compilation of the Greenwich assembly

As mentioned in the document above, Kusanagi Godou had seized the powers of Verethragna
and became [The Persian Warlord]; it was deduced that he had several restrictions.
Since he cannot use this power at his own will, he is not at the level of the other Campiones,
and thus does not have absolute authority.
However, everyone, please do not forget.
Even though his powers might seem to be incomplete, it cannot be denied that he is a
Campione. Towards fragile humans such as mages like me, he is still a devil standing above
Furthermore, Kusanagi Godou, whether it's then or now, is without any knowledge of magic
or spells.
This might prove the theory of the person who said thus; instead of claiming that the highest
presence among the mages are the campione, it is more correct to say that in the end, mages
are mere imitations of the campione.

Chapter 1 - Roman Holiday

Part 1
It was mysterious that even the hue of the sky changed subtly from country to country.

The current sky Kusanagi Godou was looking up at through the windows of the airport did
not have the fuzzy depths of Japan's deep blue sky. The Latin countries' sky, as if to break
through the horizons, was an amazingly bright blue one.
Turning his eyes back up front, what he saw was a crowd of different people with diverse
nationalities roaming about everywhere.
It was a scene that could rarely be seen in Japan.
Fiumicino airport.
Also called the Leonardo-da-Vinci Airport. This was the national airport of Italy's capital,
And it wasn't because of a school trip that he had come here. So at that time, Godou was the
only Japanese high-school student around.
"Even though I had absolutely no intention of coming back here for another half a year..."
Godou murmured while surveying the huge traffic hurrying through the airport terminal.
After being on the shaking airplane for twelve hours, he had finally arrived in this Latin
country. Because of the fatigue of sitting on a plane and the time zone difference, his body felt
incredibly weak.
"This certainly isn't the first time, or the second, but that girl really doesn't care about others'
While yawning, he tried finding a familiar face in the crowd.
The target of the search shouldn't be hard to miss.
Her bright blond hair was similar to a dazzling crown. Her beauty was far greater than any
girl in Godou's memory. And on top of the fact that everyone would obviously be looking at
her, having an attitude unlike anybody else
If she was close, he would immediately recognize her.
But the one he was searching forErica Blandellididn't appear.
From people wearing business suits to rough clients carrying bags to obvious tourist groups,
he was surrounded by people in all directions, but he still couldn't see Erica.
......It was said that more or less all Italians had a bad habit of arriving long after the appointed
But in Erica's case, her habit of arriving late really wasn't because of her ethnic background,
but simply the result of her own laziness.
After knowing her for a few months, Godou was very sure of that.

Moreover, Erica Blandelli wasn't simply lazy. Besides being self-centered, her way of always
playing others at her own convenience made her a very selfish woman.
For example, the day before when he had suddenly received this call.

"Listen, it would be very convenient if you could come to my side immediately. That's the
situation, so prepare yourself to take the first flight tomorrow morning. I'll welcome you at the
That had been her opening line.
It was the end of May, on a weekend afternoon. He had received the call on Friday past 4pm.
"What the heck is with 'that's the situation' that you came up with? I have no obligations to be
considerate of your circumstances. Also, I have my own plans, so go find someone else."
What was she calling him for all of a sudden, that woman...
Godou replied coldly as he left school for home.
"'Because I really miss you' would be the obvious response, wouldn't it? You must also love
me so much that you can't bear it, so isn't this arrangement just great?"
"No, I don't particularly miss you. Stop it with those fabrications about my feelings...
Anyway, the last time I saw you was two weeks ago, not even half a month, and for two
people respectively living in Tokyo and Milan, it's impossible to see each other that
He complained with as much indifference as possible.
He was already used to that woman's outrageous behavior. But he couldn't allow himself to
get caught up in her pace.
"Yes yes, it's only natural after not being able to meet for half a month, poor Godou. The time
spent living apart from your loved ones results in feelings of anxiety and worry, which is
something I can sympathize with only too well.... Regarding this matter, since I also have
some ideas to improve the situation, please stay hopeful. So about tomorrow's plans"
Without regard to others, Erica kept going on with the conversation.
As expected of a woman with eleven years of experience in self-centered behavior, she didn't
care for my circumstances at all.
"Don't say anymore, Erica, this is as far as this conversation goes. If you would care to
explain everything clearly and slowly, from beginning to end, I'll listen to you, but if you
don't, I'll hang up right now."

"Just what I expect of you. You rejected the invitation even though it's from me. You are the
only one who wouldn't take the bait...... well, I haven't dated any guys yet, but I shouldn't be
Erica responded with her voice full of delight.
Godou couldn't help but frown, even though he knew what Erica was saying was on purpose.
Her attitude was as bad as ever...... despite knowing her demonic nature, the number of guys
she had rejected had to be pretty high.
"Then I am going to say it once more. Kusanagi Godou, I hope that you will immediately
come to Italy. I need your help. It will probably be difficult for me to settle this matter with
my power alone, so please consider this earnestly. I, Erica Blandelli, swear upon my honor
that I have not lied to you."
She suddenly got serious about it.
Furthermore, she used her 'honor'. After swearing on that, she wouldn't lie no matter what.
Because to Erica Blandelli, her honor was more important than anything else.
It can't be helped, sighed Godou.
Although Erica was indeed a capricious person, someone who wouldn't care about others'
thoughts, someone who liked to play around with people and had a demonic personality, she
was still a benefactor who had saved his life many times.
Since she already said that much, he had no choice but to accept it.
"......I understand. I'll do as you say, so don't forget to pick me up."
"Your answer really makes me happy, may the Lord bless your chivalrous spirit."
"So what should I do? I think you already know, but I still want to reaffirm that I won't help
you do any dubious dealings."
"Of course, you only need to maintain the behavior of a king, and fight as a king. As for the
rest, you can have faith in me......though; it's great that I don't need to rely on my trump card
this time. I would feel bad after using it."
"Trump card?"
After hearing Erica say such dangerous words, Godou was surprised.
"You're right, since I think that you, Godou, have the obligation to accept all my requests,
don't you agree?"
"Agree or not, don't be ridiculous, why would I accept all of your requests seeing as I am just
a friend......"

"although you have already......"

Erica whispered.
It was the whisper of a devil that couldn't help but enjoy toying around with humans. Godou
reflexively wanted to escape.
"Although when you have already taken my purity, you fiend. Have you forgotten our
passionate night back on Sicily?"
"Th-That was something the circumstances forced on us, just the result of both of our
interests. It's not like I wanted to do that......"
"Yes, that's right, desiring it from the bottom of my heart, I gave you my purity. And
immediately afterwards, you suddenly became so cold towards me...... you think that there
wasn't a need to feed the fish after it was hooked, didn't you?"
Although she kept complaining, Erica sounded really cheerful.
You demon! Godou silently cursed her.
"Don't say things that can be taken the wrong way so easily, it'll look as if we had some secret
relationship! If others hear this, they'll surely misunderstand us!"
"But it is a secret relationship! Even afterwards, our lips met over and over again, our bodies
on top of each other"
"That's why I asked you to stop putting it so ambiguously!"
"Okay, answer me this: if I happen to tell your cute little sister about what happened between
us, what do you think might happen?"
Godou realized that he had already lost.
Even though what Erica said had been heavily embellished, it was all real. And Godou didn't
want the talkative Shizuka to know about it. If that happened, he'd be in deep.
At that moment, Erica was sure to be laughing near a distant sea of a foreign country.
Godou's thoughts formed a very clear image of a gorgeous girl making a self-confident smile
of triumph.
"Y-You can't actually want to use this to blackmail me, can you?"
"Don't worry, if you show your sincerity, I certainly will not give your little sister any trouble.
I swear upon my honor."
"Don't swear upon your honor for that! Aren't despicable affairs like blackmailing the
complete opposite of honor?"

And just like that, his sudden trip to Italy came to be.
Godou, who returned home so he could prepare his luggage, opened the mailbox without
......Indeed, a letter had come by airmail.
The sender was Erica Blandelli.
The letter contained an airplane ticket from Narita Airport to Rome.
This letter hadn't been posted normally. He could tell because there was no stamp on it.
If it wasn't Erica's dubious [Knights corps]'s Tokyo branch that had sent this secretly, it would
have been sent in a more abnormal wayit would have been something like [Magic], sent
directly from Milan, Italy. There was no doubt about it.

"I'm sorry, are you......"

Godou, who couldn't find Erica and was contemplating silently, was interrupted by some
Japanese words.
Not only was the pronunciation smooth, but it was also very precise.
"Black hair, black eyes, around 180cm tall; though his looks aren't bad, there are flaws so
twenty points are taken off his face...... you are Kusanagi Godou-san, right?
The one who said that was a black-haired woman, around two or three years older than
"My name is Arianna Hayama Arialdi, and on Erica-sama's orders, I have come here to pick
you up. Please take care of me."
"Please take care of me...... excuse me, but that insulting remark just now, that was from
Erica, right?
"Yes. So it was you after all. Thank goodness."
Arianna-san herself didn't seem to hold any ill will.
A little more than 160 cm tall and with a warm smile, she wasn't much different from a
normal Japanese girl. She was also quite lovely due to the graceful air surrounding her.
She looked so harmless that it was impossible to think she would be related to Erica in any
Or maybe she only looked like one who wouldn't even kill a bug from the outside, while in
reality she held an unequaled strength, like a beast hiding her fangs?

"You may have guessed from my name, but my grandfather was born in Japan. That is why
being of your assistance has been left to me. Please call me Anna. All of my friends do so as
"Then you can simply call me Godou as well. Though not all of my friends call me that, at
least Erica does."
"I understand, Godou-san."
Anna showed a carefree smile.
Like a lily wavering under a light breeze, her appearance was very lovely.
Though if she called Erica with the suffix '-sama', she had to be a member of that group that
couldn't recognize different eras and still claimed themselves to be mages and knights.
"You don't look like one of Erica's comrades; you're more like an ordinary person."
"......Ah, so you also think that? Since I don't have any abilities, I am still a trainee. Luckily, I
have been in Erica-sama's care, and she made me a direct subordinate."
Anna-san indeed looked very young and normal. Nothing about her seemed out of the
She said that she was still a trainee, and Godou could fully agree.
"But being her direct subordinate......sounds pretty hard. Isn't it dangerous?"
"Ah, no, I only take care of her daily routine, so there's no danger, and Erica-sama is very
strong, so she always protects me."
Taking care of the daily routine...?
Wasn't she a maid rather than a subordinate?

Wasn't she a maid rather than a subordinate?

And Erica was also very lazy, so even the tasks that she could do surely would have been
pushed onto Anna.
......Godou started to pity this older girl.
Thinking that Anna might also be one of those who suffered under Erica, Godou thought he
should be a bit more considerate to her.
"By the way, why don't I see the one who called me here?"
"Erica-sama is now attending to an important meeting. She'll get to you when she is finished,
so please let me take care of you in the meanwhile."
Please let me take care of everything, said Anna. She seem quite reliable.
"Does Anna-san know what Erica wants from me? That person didn't explain anything
properly and called me over. Even now, I'm still confused."
"I'm very sorry. I'm not clear about this either. I have only been told that Godou-san was
Erica-sama's honored guest and that I cannot by all means neglect him......"
"So it's like this? She didn't reveal my identity to you?"
"She didn't......maybe it's because Godou-san is someone very important? It might be why she
didn't care to let me know."
"I don't think it's something important. Simply put, I am only a Japanese high school student
who has been forcefully called here, so there shouldn't be any problem."
If there was something wrong, it would be the fact that it was difficult to easily explain who
he really was.
But since there was no reason to proclaim it out loud, Godou didn't say anything.
"Ah, talking like this in a crowded place feels a bit uncomfortable. Let's go onto the streets. Is
it the first time that Godou-san has come to Rome?"
"It isn't, but whenever Erica calls me over, I never had any time to rest regardless of where we
"Then this time, there should be time, I've been instructed by Erica-sama that we can walk
around before she returns, so let me be your guide. The car is already prepared."
"The car, huh......if it is that kind of luxurious BMW car with a driver, then no thanks, I can't
be at ease in that sort of car,"
Whenever Erica selects a car for transport, it's almost always that kind of car.

Though, when he asked her once, she answered that she didn't have the experience of taking a
bus or a tram. Anna seemed to be different than her, but......
"I won't make it that luxurious, and I'll take care of the driving, so no worries."
To take off Godou's worries, Anna smiled and walked forth.
And what happened afterward filled Godou with admiration. For Erica to choose someone as
decent as Anna-san to take care of her daily routine - it really was unbelievable!
The important part wasn't that she was meticulous, but that she was a normal person.
......However, only later did Godou realize that he had reached this conclusion too soon.

Part 2
As the official residence of the princess of House of Savoy[1B 1] was under remodeling, the
assembly was held in a spacious room in a certain hotel.
Though it was still daytime, the room's windows were tightly closed, completely blocking the
view from the outside.
Around this exceptionally large table used for conferences were a total of four people,
including Erica.
The first was her Erica Blandelli.
The sixteen year-old Erica was the youngest person here.
There were in total two old people. They are the commanders of [Old Dame] and [Female
Wolf]. Especially in this country where the magic world flourishes, both were the
commanders of the most powerful Knight corps.
To call them in the old way, they were the Grand Masters.[1B 2]
And the last one was a young man.
He was the young commander leading the Knight corps [Capital of Lilies][1B 3], and should be
in his early thirties.
That man's position was the same as Erica's.
Just like Erica, who was representing the [Copper Black Cross][1B 4], he had won the rank of
[Great Knight].
There had been thousands of mages since the ancient times.
Even though a lot of them were fakes, there were also great mages. The [Knights] who study
both arts of swordsmanship and magic skills were among them. Erica's ancestors in the

medieval age were the Knights Templar who worshiped Baphomet.[1B 5] In addition to being
magic-users, they were also men-at-arms.
And the title of [Great Knight] could only be given to the most well-known figures amongst
those warriors.
"Then everyone, it's about time to conclude this, the reason for our headaches. To whom
should we give the Gorgoneion[1B 6] to take care of?"
The commander of [Old Dame] asked the question.
And it was the commander of [Female Wolf] who objected.
"Give the Gorgoneion to someone to take care of? Is that really acceptable? I think that this
isn't a wise decision. Even if our leader, Lord Salvatore, isn't here, to give it to a foreign
country's king, isn't it shameful? Aren't you afraid that we will become a laughing stock?"
"The ones who want to laugh can laugh all they want. What's really important is that this time
it's the genuine Gorgoneion, and we don't have any kings to rely on, so it's a minor shame
compared to what might happen."
"Being humiliated isn't what is most important. If it made the king angry, then what should
we do? If Lord Salvatore discovers that we asked for help from other kings, then who could
foresee his anger? I am really bothered by that fact."
These words weren't normally said by these elders.
But, even if their sword skills were excellent, and they aged very slowly, they still couldn't
help but show their reverence towards the king.
Indeed, even the strongest knight, the most highly-ranked knight, cannot do anything to a king
or a deity.
And that was the pure truth of this world.
"But will Lord Salvatore be bothered by such a small thing? In the eyes of that great person,
we are only on the level of bees gathering around a beehive. If it's just bees choosing a new
queen, I think he wouldn't have any problems with it."
Cutting between those two elders, was the [Capital of Lilies]'s commander.
That tall man's height was about 190cm, the bottom part of his face was covered by a beard,
and although his face wasn't that bad, it gave off a somewhat gloomy feeling.
He was wearing a great tux, but it didn't really match his purple tie.
The color representing [Capital of Lilies] was purple.
One of the obligations of that group was to wear something purple.

And Erica was wearing a deep red dress with a black rose headdress on her head, which also
represents the [Copper Black Cross]'s red and black.
"That being said, I really don't know which king we should ask for help. The Gorgoneion is
the symbol of Mother Earth. Though it means fighting with the most ancient goddesses,
Marquis Voban would be eager to try it. So we can conclude that even if we can escape from
the [Heretic Goddess], it won't be worth it if it attracts the Balkan's devil.
If that devil used his entire strength, two cities would easily be reduced to ashes.
That was because his 'power' was to break, lacerate, and crush almost all living things on
"There's another king we can ask."
At that time, when Erica thought it should be the right moment, she finally opened her mouth.
She thought it was the best opportunity to end this non-beneficial reunion.
"I heard that the United States' John Pluto Smith, who really cares about the safety of the
citizens, is a hard king to have. Do you mean that we should cross the Pacific Ocean to ask
The [Capital of Lilies]'s commander asked in a chattering tone.
As Erica was taking a sip of coffee, she responded with a light tone.
"No. That saint guardian of Los Angeles seems to be busy only with protecting the West
Coast from the [King of Flies], so I doubt he should have any energy left to accept our
From the young ones' attitudes, they seemed to be more comfortable than the elders.
They weren't really underestimating the seriousness of the situation. Their haughty attitudes
were from their self-confidence.
"Then you are talking about the Jiangnan's Leader Luo Hao? Or is it Cornwall's Black Prince?
They are all commanding their own associations. Unless we join them, they won't help us,
will they?"
"I am not talking about those two. And before you ask, it isn't Alexandria's Madame Aisha."
"Then there are none. [Kings] the ones who are also called Campione, there are only six
in this world. We just named all of them."
The Eastern Europe's old Marquis and Southern China's martial artist, as well as the
Mysterious Queen of Caves.

They were the most experienced kings, having lived over two centuries, and after that was the
constantly expanding hero of the New World, as well as the wise king who controlled the
British Empire, the Black Prince.
And in this century, there was also the strongest swordsman in Europe, who received the title
of king.
And until now, they were all the people who were known by everyone who had the slightest
inkling of the magic world.
But, in the end, there was also a king born on an island in the Pacific Ocean, and was not
really known by anyone, besides a few exceptions for example, someone who had seen
him fight with her own eyes.
Erica had a feeling of superiority, and said his name.
"No, there's still someone. Kusanagi Godou's name hasn't been mentioned yet. He is the new
king, the seventh Campione, and the one I'm talking about. Since Lord Salvatore isn't here,
the only one we can ask is him.
"Kusanagi Godou!"
The commander of [Female Wolf] said it in a crooning voice.
"I've heard of this name recently, the one rumored to be the Japanese who became a
Campione......but it's still unknown if it's a lie; we don't have any proof yet."
"I also read the Greenwich Parliament's report. You mean the one mentioned to have won
against Verethragna, and seized his power of ten forms? ......It's indeed hard to believe."
Seeing those two elders having a negative attitude, Erica came back with a proud smile.
"Then everyone knows that report? Until now, Lord Salvatore has been absent so he can heal
himself, and the one who gave him that injury is Kusanagi Godou. Indeed, on an evening half
a month ago, the two kings fought against each other, and the result was a draw. Both of them
were severely injured, but fortunately, Kusanagi Godou has already healed."
"......You mean that Kusanagi Godou managed to get a draw with Lord Salvatore?"
"Impossible! Lord holds four powers; even if Kusanagi Godou is really a Campione, he
should only have a single power. That overwhelming advantage makes them simply
Erica looked at the elders with slight disdain in her eyes.
"What are you two talking about? They are all Campiones, and upgraded to kings. The
differences between fighting strength on paper, what meaning does it have?"
Hearing these words, the two elders shut their mouths with an unhappy look in their faces.
The one who opened his mouth was [Capital of Lilies]'s commander.

"I have a question for you, Erica Blandelli, how can you know that those two Campiones
fought each other, something that even us and the parliament doesn't know?"
The young man called [The Purple Knight] asked.
That is the title given to [Capital of Lilies]'s [Great Knight] that has passed from generation to
"The reason is quite simple, it's because I witnessed that fight. I have already seen Kusanagi
Godou fight, and that's why I suggested him. Kusanagi Godou, one day, will surely become
equal to Lord Salvatore and the devil Marquis Voban. To prepare ourselves for that day, I
think we should build a deep relationship with him as soon as possible."
"Oh. To be regarded so highly by Erica-san, who is called the [Diavolo Rosso],[1B 7] he should
be quite the amazing person. From your speech, I deduce that you have a very deep
relationship with him, privately."
"Indeed, you can think of it like this. I, Erica Blandelli am that person's lover, and also
his number one knight."
Erica said that without restraining herself and clearly declared her involvement with the other
And as a result, the group couldn't help but sigh.
"[Copper Black Cross] has already submitted themselves under Kusanagi Godou!"
[Female Wolf]'s commander exclaimed.
Having a [King] countries having a Campione are rare.
Since there were only seven of them in this world, that much was obvious.
But in Italy, there was a [King] called Salvatore Doni, and he was a young man who was a
knight just a few years ago and had received the title of [King] after defeating the Celtic god
Nuadha.[1B 8]
The Campiones focused on Europe as the center, and had great authority.
Whether it was people who had some connection with magic, or people influenced by them in
the political and economic sectors, they had all pledged loyalty to the [Kings], and became
their subjects.
They were supreme rulers and devils because they had unrivaled powers, a [King] could
be a tyrant.
Facing that terrifying power, the number of people who worshiped and swore loyalty to them
was high.

"Indeed, you can think it like this. I, Erica Blandelliam that person's lover, and also his
number one knight."
"[Copper Black Cross] is not under Kusanagi Godou. What I said was only that I, myself,
became his lover, and that I take care of him...... of course, it is distinctly possible that we will
pledge loyalty toward him in the future."
Facing Erica, who exposed her soft smile, the commander of [Old Dame] chuckled slightly
with a snorting sound.
"So it was like this, I finally know the reason why you were sent here. Though you are a child
prodigy who received the title of [Great Knight] at such an age, it is perhaps a bit soon that
you are sitting at the same table as us. The only possibility is that you want to act as bait,
and bring that young Campione here."
"I'll pretend that I didn't hear your statement, or your reputation would be damaged; probing
that deeply into the relationship of two people who are in love. You'll be made fun of for that
kind of action."
"Haha, that was great! As expected from a reliable fox."
The elders said these words with sarcasm.
The smiling Erica shrugged her shoulders lightly. With this debate becoming too noisy,
maybe a quieter one would have been better.
"Anyways, you mean that if you are here, [Copper Black Cross] has hopes of receiving
Kusanagi Godou's protection. And to gain the favor of someone like you, it means that
Kusanagi Godou has proven himself that is why you proposed to borrow his strength,
isn't it?"
"Yes, the most important thing is that Lord Salvatore is a lord only in name. He doesn't care
about anything that is not related to him. So having a good connection with another Campione
isn't bad."

"But I regret to say that we have never really seen the potential of Kusanagi Godou, and to see
if he really is a Campione or not, I must judge it with my own eyes."
The [Purple Knight] coldly suggested that point to Erica.
"I am sure that the [Diavolo Rosso]'s testimony is more valuable than gold. But unfortunately,
I cannot entrust my fate to him just because of that."
"Of course, I thought that everyone here would say that, so let me prove it."
"How do you plan on proving that?"
The [Purple Knight] finally asked back, as Erica expected.
Believing that her plan was working as expected, a clear smile emerged on Erica's face, as
fresh and beautiful as a red rose, and everyone else in the room sighed.
"Kusanagi Godou has already arrived in Rome. Tonight, everyone, please watch that man's
fighting skills through your own eyes. I believe that this approach would be much more
convincing than thousands of words from my mouth."
"Although you said something about fighting, who would be the opponent? Finding someone
who could be a Campione's opponent isn't easy."
"The chosen one is already in front of your eyes."
Erica showed a pleased smile on her face, a gorgeous smile like the one Godou was thinking
about yesterday.
"Let me, Erica Blandelli, be his opponent. Or do you, [Purple Knight], think that I, the
[Copper Black Cross]' [Great Knight], who is called the [Diavolo Rosso], am not worthy to be
his opponent?"
"No...... it's not like that. Indeed, you are the most appropriate person."
The [Purple Knight]'s face showed a forced smile, and his gloomy expression was finally
"What do the elders think? To be able to witness the [King]'s fight, there isn't a better proof. If
Kusanagi Godou's strength is real, I approve of Erica-san's suggestion."
The [Purple Knight] suggested to make the elders approve.
"A battle between the mysterious young Campione and the [Diavolo Rosso] this is
indeed interesting, Erica-san. We will go according to your plan then."

Part 3

Of course, Kusanagi Godou had no idea of that. He was in a place completely unrelated to the
one where the fight was being discussed.
Compared to that, he was far more occupied in shaking off death's shadow.
In those past three months, Godou experienced different kinds of dangers.
Even though it was clearly the 21st century, his life was almost taken numerous times by
blades, spears, and axes. It couldn't even be counted by the fingers of a single hand. And there
was even that time when he was sniped by a bolt from a crossbow.
But at least it was in the realms of human knowledge, so it was relatively easy.
He also experienced curses which would boil an ordinary human brain in a flash, or even
trample the target to death by horses from the depths of hell.
But, while he should be enjoying a tour in the car of his guide, why would he experience the
same things found within the driving scenes of an action movie, with the car just barely short
of crashing off-road, or into a building, or down a river. It was completely beyond his
"......Could it be that Erica knows it, and specially arranged it like that."
Godou started to guess.
He thought of her characteristics, and the nickname of [Devil] which came along with her.
Yes, Arianna-san's driving skills were seriously frightening.
Could it be that Erica knew that it would be like that, so she specially gave this task to her?
"I'm sorry, I don't know how to drive very well......"
"This is the first time that I drove this kind of car, and there were also many problems when I
came here......"
When Anna said that while they were walking to where the car was parked at, Godou wasn't
really bothered by it.
He thought that it was just a display of modesty or such.
From the sensitivity of a Japanese, this was pretty normal.
So Godou didn't really take her words to heart, and ended up in that car.
"That car is really weird. Besides the accelerator and the brakes, there's also another pedal."
"But it's fine, I have already remembered the driving method with which I came here. Since, if
the accelerator isn't stepped on with strength, the car won't work, I'll drive a little faster in a

When Anna said that, Godou started to feel a bit unwell, but it was already too late.
She was already sitting on the driver's seat, and attached the safety belt.
In less than a second, the car started and accelerated.
The car Anna drove charged into the street like a missile.

"I didn't think that, I would have a near-death experience in that kind of place......"
This was a cafe which provided food and coffee, something that could be seen everywhere in
this city.
Godou just came out from the car which had lost control, and was sitting on a vine chair in
front of some random cafe, tasting the particularly bitter espresso, while Anna was trying to
find a place to park.
...Ten minutes before.
Anna-san was trying to use a clutch which she wasn't used to, while the car flew through the
city's streets.
She said that if the accelerator wasn't pushed with strength, the car wouldn't work, so she
started rolling at 80km/h with the Mercedes-Benz, and was zigzagging in between the cars
before her (s-sometimes, they were cars heading in the opposite direction), until it became
impossible to turn as we arrived on a congested road. As we headed into a river, Anna pressed
an emergency brake, and it ended up like that.
"......Anna-san, please park the car in a nearby parking spot first; I want to rest a bit near
Godou said that with a tone that brooked no questions.
Leaving his own life in the hands of a rookie driver who cannot tell the difference between a
manual and an automatic car was far too dangerous. What made it even scarier was the fact
that the driver herself had no idea of the very thin line separating her from death.
"Eh? I thought that I should first have Godou-san visit Rome"
"It's OK, I am already tired! I want to rest a bit!"
That was what happened.
Godou, after watching the car accelerate and move farther, entered a caf and said to the
Roman auntie there that he wanted an espresso.
"......Anna-san, though she looks normal from her looks, is actually someone really stupid?
Just then, I almost died."

At the beginning, Godou didn't care a lot about fortune.

But through these recent times, he started to change his mind.
He thought that he was someone who is, perhaps, really unlucky......
He never thought of himself as unlucky before. But in these past six months, the number of
times he escaped death kept increasing, and he couldn't help but begin to understand those
who believed in fortune.
After drinking that espresso, he felt a deeply hostile feeling.
As Godou put the glass back on the table, his eyes met with a young girl in the crowd.
The two of them looked at each other.
That young girl wasn't an ordinary human, and the sensation just then made him feel really
Even though his body was tired from the jet lag, which left him fatigued yet relaxed, he had
recovered his senses in an instant, while jitters filled him from his body to the extremity of his
When he came in contact with an enemy like her, his body naturally entered into fighting
The young girl also stopped walking, and examined Godou's face; could she also see Godou
as an enemy?
She was a really beautiful girl.
She was around thirteen or fourteen, and at her age, she looks like a charming and delicate
little angel.
But that wasn't surprising. They were all not only beautiful, but possessed extraordinary
bodies. Every one of them stood out.

She had silver hair that fell on her shoulder like a moon emitting slight rays of light, and
pupils as black as the deep night.
"......I heard that there is a godslayer who calls himself a knight, and that man has cut many
things with his magic that man you?"
Before he knew it
The young girl of a different existence had already come near him.
She had silver hair that fell on her shoulder like a moon emitting slight rays of light, and
pupils as black as the deep night.
"No, the man you are talking about is injured, and has gone to the southern islands to heal
himself, using the excuse of going on a vacation."
The one who injured him was Godou. However, he didn't plan on showing that one off.
" that so? Then you too, are a traveler."
As if her night-colored black pupils condensed, she quietly stared at Godou.
"What are you planning to do? Now, my only objective is to retrieve the [Snake], so I don't
have any intention to fight. However, if you do plan on fighting, then I'll put all my efforts,
and the one who loses will become the other one's servant."
"I don't know what the [Snake] is, so I don't plan on fighting either. If it's possible, I wish to
maintain our relationship, I don't feel like fighting you guys."
"I understand. I'll leave quickly, but godslayer, you are lying."
"Indeed, there isn't a godslayer who doesn't hold any interest in fighting me, so you're a liar."

After saying those words, the silver-haired girl left Godou.

Fuu, sighed Godou.
Luckily, it didn't end up in a fight. But even if she was a god, to call someone a liar whenever
she wished was really rude.
As he was thinking that, a black-haired girl rushed to his side.
"I'm sorry, Godou-san, letting you wait so long."
That person was Anna. As she walked towards the table, Godou asked her.
"Can I borrow your cellphone? I need to contact Erica."
"It's fine, but maybe the meeting hasn't finished yet?"
After saying that, Anna lent her cellphone to Godou.
"Arianna, what is it?"
After calling her numerous times, the other side finally took the phone. It was Erica's voice,
which he hasnt heard since yesterday.
"It's me. I need to ask you something."
"So you have arrived, how is it? Do you get along with Arianna?"
"Concerning that, I have many things to complain about, but let's talk about this later. Is it
because I need to fight a god that you called me here?"
"About that, I'm still not sure, though the possibility is it possible that you
encountered one?"
"Indeed, just now, there was a goddess."
"Is that so......then we need to move quickly. Let's meet up now. We need to prepare ourselves
for the fight tonight"
"......What did you say?"
Godou just heard some words that he couldn't ignore, and asked again.
"I said that, tonight, you will fight me......I think you know even without me telling you that it
cannot be cancelled, so prepare yourself."
"What are the reasons that made you take that decision......"
Fate was like rolling dice; there was always something new happening (even if he didn't want
that). Just then, Godou finally felt that his own fate wasn't normal.

The time is past 9:00 PM

Godou arrived with Anna in a high-class Italian restaurant.
Maybe this was also quite famous in Japan, but Godou didn't know about it.
When Anna took him to this hotel, all that was on Godou's mind was a 'this place is really
impressive' sort of feeling.
What was most important, however, was the girl waiting there.
He thought that he couldn't enter without a proper suit and a proper tie, but that seemed to be
all extra; maybe there was a close relationship between the owner and Erica.
When the two of them arrived there, Erica was already waiting for them.
"Godou, long time no see, though I really hope that I can hear you say some wonderful words
for our joyful reunion, I won't expect too much, since I know perfectly well that you don't
have the talent of a poet."
"If you can change that attitude of yours that says everything goes according to your plan,
maybe I'll think about it."
Erica's and Godou's table was close to the window, with Anna standing respectfully beside
Compared to Godou, who arrived in casual clothes, Erica was wearing a bright dark red dress;
the two of them seemed to not match each other.
In Erica's hair was an ornamental black rose.
Maybe it was because of her beautiful and regal appearance, but her blonde hair looked like a
knight's helmet or a ruler's crown.
Erica Blandelli could even make someone as obtuse as Godou see her as a beautiful girl with
overflowing charisma; so if only her attitude was better, she would be perfect. That was what
he normally thought.
"Arianna, thank you for your hard work. Has there been a slight problem?"
"There was one, Erica-sama......I felt bad that Godou-san said that he was tired, and I couldn't
bring him to visit the streets of Rome."
Godou could only pretend that he didn't hear what Arianna said.
Even if he claimed there was a bit of strength remaining, it would have been sucked out by
that flying car that brought him to the brink of death, so there wouldn't be any meaning to it.

"Then that's great. Godou, did Arianna assume the responsibilities of a guide well? Since I
was busy and didn't have time to welcome you, I was a bit worried."
"Hn, how can I say wasn't bad."
Godou didn't see what leaked from Erica's eyes, the gleam of a child pulling a prank.
The reason she sent Anna was indeed to give him a headache.
"Is it? It's great that you haven't been disappointed, since Godou will one day become my
husband, and is a genuine Campione"
"......Eh? Erica-sama, what did you just say?"
"I said that Godou will become my husband, and is a genuine devil."
Anna's delicate and pretty smile seems to have frozen for a moment.
Since he felt guilty for hiding that from her, Godou needed to ask Erica to correct part of what
she said.
"Hey! Wait a moment! We have never arranged marriage between us!"
"......You have already taken my chastity, so you mean that you were simply toying with me?
How heartless of you, I gave my body and my heart to my lover, who seems to be like that
playboy in Don Juan"
Erica deliberately chose the tone of a tragic girl.
Even though he didn't see the smile her mouth let out, he could clearly see that she was
making fun of him.
" was clearly not like what you said, you knew that situation at that time, didn't
"So you would actually invent a lie like this. AhI, a faithful servant to the Lord, can only
enter a convent now to clean my body and my mind; I didn't think that at such an age, I will
have to move away from the red secular......"
"Is there any sincerity in you? You, who is technically in a heretical cult, and the witch of a
religious order, don't talk like you're with something as pure as Catholicism!"
While Godou complained to Erica, pretending to be angry, he quickly glanced towards Anna.
......She seemed to have seen a demon king sexually assault someone, and was now looking at
me with angry, frightening eyes.
"How mean, saying that you were only a normal high school student......I didn't think that you
were such a demon who believed 'look, humans are like trash'......and that you would use
cheesy lines to deceive Erica-sama, and ravage her is really disgusting!"

"Please don't randomly think of a plot like that, does she look like someone who would be
deceived by cheesy lines? Erica, you too, stop babbling nonsense; it's rude to invite someone
just so you can tease him."
"Not everything is nonsense, but anyways, our relationship could be properly discussed later.
Let's talk about the fight first."
So finally they enter the real subject.
Were the dishes sent to this table also made in preparation for the fight? Erica's drink wasn't
something like grape wine, but merely mineral water.
"So? Why do I have to fight you?"
"So that you can prove your strength. There are knights who have inherited ancient magic
gathering in Rome right now, discussing over who will keep the Gorgoneion. I suggested you,
but the three others would only accept if you prove your strength. That's the story."
"......What is the Gorgoneion?"
"It is a mythological relic which appeared two months ago, on the coast of the Calabria. The
Gorgoneion is the symbol of a goddess, lost long ago on Mother Earth. It is the road sign to
darkness. Since there isn't much time left, I'll explain quickly"
"There's no need, you don't need to say that to me. If it concerns gods, then I don't want to
Godou stopped her in the middle of her sentence just as Erica was about to start her
For some reason, Godou wanted to know the least possible about mythology; seeing Godou's
attitude, Erica laughed at his stubbornness.
"But you have already met the girl, the one who was probably a [Heretic God], didn't you? I
believe that you two are fated to fight each other, sooner or later. I can bet with you that at
that time, you'll certainly ask me to tell you about her."
"Please don't say these unlucky things; let's talk about something else, why do I need to fight
to prove my strength? Isn't there another way?"
"There isn't any other way. To us knights, a duel is the most important proof. To fight after
endless training in martial arts, to show the courage of a lion, and finally receive the honor of
victory a fight between two people who love each other so much, don't you think that it
might become a wonderful night?"
"Who would think like that! I should say that this night would be a nightmare."
"You're really not honest with yourself. Ahis it because there are people nearby that you
feel shy?"

Erica pointed towards Anna with her head, who was silent and didn't dare interrupt the
conversation of her mistress.
"Don't worry. After the battle, I won't let anyone bother us. We'll leave that for the end so we
can slowly enjoy it."
Godou felt that his misfortune was brought on entirely by Erica.

Chapter 2 - Duel with the Diavolo Rosso

Part 1
The evening gradually became darker, and many stars hung high in the night sky
Citing danger as a reason, Erica did not take Anna along with them.
Together with Godou, the pair proceeded to a hill near the famous Colosseum[1C 1] of Rome.
In the first few centuries AD, the city of Rome was built in the middle of seven hills[1C 2]. This
is a well-known historical fact.
This particular hill was called the Palatine; in its Republican past it was a high-class
residential area, and in the Empire it was the site on which the emperor's palace was built[1C 3].
But today it is only known as 'that place near the famous tourist attraction, the Roman
Colosseum', and silently crumbled into a pile of ruins through neglect.
"Although still a spot for tourists, it is so much quieter compared to the Colosseum nearby."
Erica said what was on her mind.
It may have been because it was already past midnight, but due to the surrounding
atmosphere, even if the spirit of a Roman nobleman appeared it wouldn't have seemed
"That said, to see a building that has been around for more than 1500 years, still preserving its
shape, you can't help but admire it."
The sections built from brick still remain.
Similarly for the pathway made from brick.
Walking slowly amidst the ruins, Godou looked around, noticing the surrounding landscape.
If it was possible, he wished he had come in the daytime, but this similarity to a test of
courage was also very exciting.

There were no street lamps anywhere near them. But even without torches they both
continued on naturally, because Erica and Godou both had owl-like night vision... this too,
was because of the life or death situations he had gone through since this spring, that he could
obtain such a superhuman constitution.
"Is that so? Ancient buildings such as these can be found anywhere, can't they? For example,
medieval temples and castles. I know Japan also has quite a few, right?"
"Your examples are from completely different time periods. And besides, if you exclude those
that are tourist attractions, they're hard to find."
Erica's opinion came from those who see things from a Neolithic point of view.
In the first place, for most of the cities in Italy, a large percentage of their buildings and
names come directly from the Medieval period.
And if you're talking about the roads and the town as a whole, it's not an understatement to
claim over half of them are historical relics.
Especially here at Rome, where the roads, sewage systems, the water supply and more were
all facilities constructed in the Imperial period. They were used continuously, and with at
most a simple bit of repair, could still function perfectly in the present.
"Godou, how long has it been since both of us were alone? Can you please not talk about such
unromantic things? This is a rare, short rendezvous for us lovers."
Erica suddenly drew close.
She kept near Godou, and began to whisper these words in his ear.
Facing such an attractive maiden who displayed her affection so aggressively, no one, much
less a healthy high-school boy, would not blush and grow nervous.
Godou of course is no different. However...
"I've already told you so many times please stop making jokes like this! We should follow
etiquette and establish a positive and healthy relationship!"
"I'm not joking. That was just a confirmation of mutual love from long separated lovers."
Erica ignored Godou's retort and moved her face even closer.
Their cheeks almost touching, Erica leaned her body nearer to his, and began to whisper
words as sweet as honey.
Godou desperately backpedaled, and continuously retreated with all his might.
"We-We aren't lovers, so please stop now!"

"I only want you to quickly accept my proposal. What parts of me are you not satisfied with?
My features, age and body are definitely fine... unless you have some sort of special fetish?"
"Stop speaking rubbish. I am a perfectly, completely normal guy! This has nothing to do with
Erica continued her attempts to cling on to Godou, who was frantically retreating.
... To tell the truth, once you got used to both her willfulness and stubbornness, you couldn't
help but find her cute. Godou just had to worry, that despite being constantly manipulated by
her, he could not find it in himself to hate her.
That said, he was still unable to accept Erica's aggressive style of romance.
"I like Godou, and Godou also feels the same towards me, right? See, there are no problems at
all, and even after marriage we would get along well. We might even be the world's strongest
"And that is the problem! Stop arbitrarily deciding on things like marriage! I haven't even
considered starting a family!"
Godou could just imagine it: having accepted her love, he would be kidnapped and forced into
a church for the marriage ceremony.
If one assumes a normal lifespan to be eighty years, Godou hasn't even been around for a
quarter of that time. It was natural that anyone would feel uncomfortable, if he decided on a
lifetime partner with such meager life experience.
But there was an even more pressing reason.
Although Erica loudly proclaims herself to be Godou's lover, she is likely to have some sort
of plan in mind.
"Erm, Erica, please don't make use of me in some strange place, ok? I know that I owe
you a lot, and even if you cause me great headaches, I still consider you a friend. I'll help you
if you ask me normally, so please stop doing these sorts of embarrassing things."
Godou said this with sincerity.
It wasn't something to be happy about, but Godou knew that he wasn't the type who was
popular with girls.
Kusanagi Godou is not a humorous person, and is useless when it comes to sensing other
people's emotions.
His sister often calls him obtuse, or that he talks too much.
There was no way any interesting girls would like this sort of man, much less Erica. With her
beauty and intelligence, she could choose anyone.

"Is the reason why you are trying to seduce me because of some kind of order from your
corps? I understand that, so there is no need to flaunt yourself, and I don't want you to say
these sorts of lies hey, are you listening?"
"I heard you... You really are amazingly slow. A beautiful flower appears before you, even
asks you to pluck it... You don't understand its mind at all."
Erica, still sticking close to Godou, sighed.
Coming from her, this sigh is a rare, heartfelt expression of her worries.
"I wasn't ordered by my superiors to choose a lover. I can't believe that you can't even
understand this simple point really, you are a troublemaker."
Erica finally let go of his hand. Just as he began to relax, she bent over and kissed him.
And this wasn't a kiss on the cheek, but a soft kiss on the lips.
"This is your punishment for always being so cold to me... forget it, I'm willing to spend more
time, so that you will finally understand my love. So for now, just prepare yourself for that
Erica, smiling lightly, looked exceptionally dazzling.
If this continued, he might begin to have some strange ideas, so Godou quickly changed the
"That's right, there was something I wanted to ask about Anna-san."
"Un, Arianna is honest and generous, isn't she a great kid?"
Hearing her tone of voice, Godou's face grew momentarily stern.
"Don't call someone older than you 'a great kid', you should show more respect. But anyway, I
want to ask you something more important. Tell me truthfully, did you deliberately order
Arianna to drive me around?"
"... Wow, you really got into Anna's car. You really have the bravery of a lion, such great
Facing Godou's direct gaze, Erica replied flippantly.
It seemed that she wasn't going to give a serious answer.
"If you're planning to use such a suspicious reply, the least you could do is look me in the eye.
So that really was your scheme did you know that I almost died?"
"Calling it a scheme is going too far. I just mentioned to her, if she drove you around for some
sightseeing, you might feel happier... Arianna really is such a good kid."

The two chatted idly while walking.

Suddenly the view broadened before them, and they arrived at a spacious location.
"We've arrived. This will be our battleground, the remains of the Roman Emperor
Augustus'[1C 4] palace."
Before his eyes were huge and broad walls, perhaps they used to be the awe inspiring
bulwarks of the ancient palace.
All around were round columns, lying on the ground. Only a few were still standing.
Surrounded by all these things was a green patch of turf, on which three figures stood, waiting
for them.
The first two were venerable.
They were probably the [Old Dame] and the [Female Wolf] that Erica mentioned.
Next was a young man. He was probably the [Purple Knight] of the [Capital of Lilies].
On that note, the knight corps they belonged to were secret associations.
In all the countries bordering on the Mediterranean, each one basically had multiple knight
corps, which had the Medieval Knights Templar as a common root.
"It is an honor to meet you in person, Kusanagi Godou, for the first time."
In reply to the [Purple Knight]'s formal greeting, Godou bowed his head in reply.
"Hello, I am Kusanagi Godou. Although I've obtained this special physique due to certain
reasons, there is no need for any of you to treat me with such respect. Please just treat me like
any other normal person."
"...You are much too humble; one can tell you are no simple human from what you just said.
This Italian of yours isn't something which can just be learnt from merely simple experience,
is it?"
"She is correct. That just now was [Mille Lingua][1C 5] magic that can only be patiently
honed for a long period of time. And even then, those adept at it must grasp the secrets of
language before he can learn the skill. One who can use the technique at such a young age,
such as you, is surely a rare sight."
The two elders praised him, one after the other.
Ever since Godou became a Campione, he had never encountered the problem of trying to
communicate with foreigners. After associating with them for three days, he was naturally
able to both understand and speak their language.

He always thought it was an extremely convenient, but also incredibly pathetic ability. Who
knew it actually had such a story behind it...
Just as Godou was at a loss for things to say, Erica, who stood by his side, raised her voice
and said,
"Right, since all the actors are here, let's start the main event. [Purple Knight], can you please
stand as arbitrator?"
"No problem, [Diavolo Rosso][1C 6]. Elders, if it pleases you to step back. This is a contest
between the Campione and a great knight of the [Copper Black Cross], hence it would be
safer to stay at a distance."
The older two nodded their head to the [Purple Knight]'s suggestion.
The outlines of the pair immediately start to fade, and in an instant, there is no trace of where
they were.
"They really disappeared, how amazing."
"In your current state, that can't be any kind of amazing magic, right? They only hid their
bodies, while watching in the distance. Don't get distracted by that, from here on out this is a
stage for just the two of us."
Erica, leaving the suddenly nervous Godou, stood at a distance of about 5 meters.
From there, she called out to the [Purple Knight].
"Please give the starting signal."
"I wish you both the best of luck begin!"
Though Godou could not feel any sort of fighting spirit at all, nevertheless he reluctantly
turned his body to face Erica.
Erica had changed her clothes before the match began.
She wasn't wearing the elegant dress from before, but a simple long sleeved shirt and slim
black trousers, giving her more freedom of movement. In addition to this she had put on
something resembling a red cape.
The red cloth had black patterns stitched onto it; Erica called that a banner.
Godou still remembered how she proudly boasted before, that a banner containing both red
and black colors could only by worn by a great knight.
"O lion of steel and your ancestor, the lion-hearted king please hear the oath of the
knight Erica Blandelli."
Erica began to intone the unearthly incantation to summon her weapon of choice.

She spoke clearly, as though delivering poetry.

The incantation or 'spell words' which people talk about, is the ability to bend the forces of
magic to one's will.
"I am the valorous successor to the bugle, the descendant of the Black Knight. 'Til my
fighting spirit is broken, my sword will never shatter. O lion-hearted king, I implore you
bring the essence of battle into my hand!"
A sword appeared.
Into Erica's right hand, which was completely empty just a moment ago, a longsword
suddenly appeared.
"Advance! The time for Cuore di Leone[1C 7] to fight has come!"
Erica's favorite blade, Cuore di Leone, was an elegant and fine longsword.
With an extraordinary length, and the lightness of a willow branch when swung, it was
completely different from normal, steel swords. The blade reflected a brilliant, silvery light,
and could be said to be more a work of art than a mere weapon.
But Godou knew very well that this was a demonic sword, which could easily cut through
swords made of steel.
In an instant, Erica closed the gap between them.
"Hey! Wait a minute!"
Cuore di Leone flashed like a bolt of lightning, aimed to pierce Godou's chest.
Even flinging himself to the side, he only just managed to evade it.
But Erica didn't pull back her sword, but rather swept it horizontally, as if to pursue Godou,
who was evading her strikes.
For one who had barely escaped, he couldn't help but feel the chill of death travel down his
Her fluid change of a thrust to a sweep was beautifully executed.
That attack was one which completely presaged all of Godou's possible responses.
"You're really trying to kill me, aren't you!? Actually attacking me carelessly with a real
"This is a duel, using real swords is completely natural."
"Don't use one! If I'm cut by that thing, I'm definitely going to die. Didn't you use this same
sword to split concrete before? My body is going to be diced up like tofu!"

"Tofu is that ingredient made from soybeans, right? Don't worry you're much stronger than
that stuff. Even after suffering a blow from Lord Salvatore's demonic blade, didn't you still
survive? Having witnessed that battle, even I could not help but admire your tremendous
vitality, and I wondered what would happen if you were hurt by me "
"... Erica, rather than deciding to duel with me, didn't you just want to test your weapon on my
"Don't be silly. But this definitely is a rare opportunity for me, and it's true I don't want to just
pass it over."
Erica lightly angled her wrist, and Cuore di Leone lashed out like a whip towards Godou's
neck this was probably an attack at his carotid artery.
He was totally unable to predict the natural movements of her strikes, and besides, they were
extremely fast.
Godou was even unable to perfectly see them coming.
Depending partially on his intuition, he swung his head away. At least he got away from that
"How impressive... there are few people who can successively evade three strikes from my
sword Ah! I forget, Godou is only partially human, so it's not totally inconceivable."
"For someone who continuously calls herself my darling, my lover, you sure don't hold back
in trying to kill me! I think that is even more inconceivable than my body!"
"But that's only because my lover and my opponent happen to be the same person. There's
nothing strange about it, and besides, I never wanted to kill you... although little accidents
could still occur."
Erica elegantly brought her sword back on guard, while her expression had a sweet
expression, just like a poisonous flower.
Her flirtatious manner was just too alluring.
"I apologize for the interruption, but I would ask you both to halt your flirting momentarily.
Although I sympathize with the need for such passionate lovers to express their desire for
each other, I must remind you that this duel is a sacred matter."
Having heard the [Purple Knight]'s admonition, Godou couldn't help but retort incredulously,
"If you think this is us flirting, you must be blind. Or maybe those eyes of yours are just for
All these people were the sort who considered betting on one's life a game; which, of course,
included Erica.

"Well said let's enjoy our love later tonight, Godou. Right now, you must display your full
Apart from his parents, basically no one else talked to Godou personally with his first name.
And to be specific, there was only one person in this world, who at times would whisper his
name with such overflowing tenderness, and at other times call it out with such a firm and
self-confident manner. And that person was Erica Blandelli.
... The problem being, while she used his name so lovingly in public, yet felt no problem in
ruthlessly stabbing at Godou with her blade.
Erica once again swung her sword thrice in a single movement.
The first was a diagonal slash downwards, the next a rising cut, the last a vertical swing
downwards, aimed directly at Godou's head.
All it took was one hit on his body, and Godou was a dead man.
But in that instant, Godou leapt backwards, then turned around and leapt further back again,
and so managed to escape.
"There's no way for us to decide a victory if all you do is dodge. And more importantly, I'm
getting bored."
"Please stop! You know just as well as I do, this strength of mine is a complicated ability
which I can't use at will, and when I do, I can't control its strength. How can I, just use it
whenever you want me to!?"
"Still going on about the same pacifistic things... well, then I'll press you with something even
more dangerous than just a sword. If you don't want to lose, then you'd better get more serious
about this fight!"
Erica lithely vaulted backwards, her feet pressing on the ruined wall, left from the period of
Imperial Rome.
"Soar, sandals of Hermes![1C 8]"
Accompanying this short incantation, she began to run along the walls, her soles tapping
against the brick.
"Cuore di Leone Thus I order you to this mission, O lion of steel. May you rend, skewer
and rip apart the foe! May you conquer, annihilate the enemy, and seize victory! I leave the
battlefield to you."
After Erica tenderly caressed the blade of her favorite longsword, and kissed it lightly...
She tossed out her sword.
It fell on the dead center of the grassy field on which Godou stood.

"...Now what are you up to?"

Puzzled, Godou watched the sword which stood completely still, about five meters away. If
Erica wanted to impale him, there was no way she would have missed at this distance.
As he expected, the sword started to change.
The sword which was stuck in the ground began to grow in size.
The silvery metal expanded continuously and gradually took on the shape of a lion, such a
realistic sculpture.
But it did not just look like a lion, for it grew to a huge size.
...But what was even more incredible, the silver lion was no normal carving. The lion
growled, then turned forward to face Godou, and focused on his target.
The statue's every movement was exactly like a lion.
"You want to attack me with that!"
Godou was both appalled and awestruck at the lion's immensity.
The head of the beast was almost two stories high.
Perhaps if there was a bus or a truck around, he might have had a chance of fending off the
giant beast. But for Godou, measuring 179 centimeters and 64 kilograms, there was perhaps
just a bit too much of a difference in their respective weights.
The giant lion lifted up its front legs, preparing to bring them down with a crash.
It moved scarily fast, swiping at Godou's head.
It wouldn't be far-fetched to compare this to a falling steel pylon from a construction site.
Godou frantically dodged.
The ground which he stood on a moment ago was already torn and rent by the wickedly sharp
claws and that immense weight. If he actually got hit, there would be nothing left of him
except a bloody mess on the pavement.

Part 2
The lion happily chased after the maniacally dodging Godou.
It struck with lightning speed with its front paws, or attacked with canines or claws as sharp
as swords, tearing things apart, and sometimes flung its body at him, as though it was trying
to crush a small animal.
"It seems as though his Majesty isn't very motivated for this duel."

The person who said this to Erica was the nearby [Purple Knight].
At some unknown time, he must have used sorcery, because he was now standing on the top
of the wall.
"If he only continues to dodge and evade, there will be no means for us to determine his
strength. Well, your expression informs me that you pre-empted what I said long beforehand."
In reply to the tall youth's comment, Erica revealed a brilliant smile.
"I already considered that this might very well happen. Besides, my Lord never enjoyed
fighting with people... however, that is only at the beginning of a duel."
"Oh? So what you mean is...?"
"However my Lord tries to deny it, he is a Campione. He is one able to equal a god in combat,
a man who has usurped the ultimate, unconquerable power. Despite his constant words to the
contrary, he cannot truly hate combat. If all Campione are similar, Kusanagi Godou too is a
genius at the art of battle, and is also a victor amongst victors."
"Umm... although I do not disagree, he is still most skilled at evasion."
The [Purple Knight] looked down suspiciously at him.
Erica looked lovingly at the youth, who was desperately running here and there.
"Things will change soon he is almost at the point where he has nowhere else to run to. The
parliament has a report on Kusanagi Godou, have you perused the document?"
"I have read it, but it is hard to believe, and I remain highly skeptical."
"If we judge the report based on its trustworthiness, perhaps about 60% of it is accurate. To be
able to conduct such good investigations is quite impressive."
"So you're telling me that what is in the document is real? That Kusanagi Godou's ability is to
adapt to the enemy he is facing and the surrounding situation an ability that gives him
the strength to overcome all obstacles?"
"Of course! Please watch, [Purple Knight]!"
Before their eyes, the situation suddenly reversed.
Facing the lion's looming front paws, Godou took a stand for the first time.
In order to escape being mauled by the sharp silver claws, he carefully stepped back then leapt
forward, and wrapped both arms around its paw.
Then he lifted it up.
Grabbing on, he simply lifted the immense bulk of the lion.

Just like a weight lifting competitor, Godou, measuring 179 centimeters, raised the huge lion,
as large as a truck, high into the air.
"What ! What sort of strength is that!"
"In myth, it is said that the hero Hercules had divine strength, enough to support the sky. The
war god that Godou defeated, Verethragna, has a very similar origin to Hercules hence
Godou can equal him in terms of strength."
Erica proudly explained to the dumbfounded [Purple Knight].
Godou had now already raised the silver lion to face the heavens, and the lion's four feet were
off the ground, flailing about in the air.
One could call that a strange strength beyond the ordinary.
"I remember that this was written on the parliament's report, '... We have termed the ability
that Kusanagi Godou obtained the [Persian Warlord]. The battle deity Verethragna's ability
was to change into ten different forms, entering countless battles and leaving each victorious.
Hence Kusanagi Godou is clearly also a monster, able to change his strengths at will "
An elder suddenly interrupted with those words.
The commander [Female Wolf] had appeared at some time at Erica and the [Purple Knight]'s
"Oh, Venerable is it just you?"
"Mmm. That old rascal from Turin is still hiding like a mouse in a corner somewhere. I
certainly don't intend to miss seeing the new Campione's strength up close, so let me watch
his strength with my own eyes."
The commander [Female Wolf] spoke in the Roman dialect, impolitely tossing out her insult,
and even let a smile spread across her face.
She was the leader of Rome's knights and sorcerers, and disliked the [Old Dame] who had
their stronghold at Turin.
"I felt Lord Salvatore to be very young when he became a Campione, and this time, the King
here is even younger. Other than sharing that godly strength, is Kusanagi Godou able to
change between different abilities?"
"So if Kusanagi Godou wishes to use those abilities, a requirement is that his enemies had
strength enough to overwhelm him? at least, that is what the parliament's report said
about it..."
The magical leader of Rome and the [Purple Knight] spoke in unison.
Facing the inquiring looks of the pair, Erica grinned with satisfaction and replied calmly.

"When he meets an enemy with unnaturally great muscular strength, Kusanagi Godou is able
to obtain and use one of Verethragna's ten forms: the [Bull]. Verethragna has ten
transformations in total, and while it is currently unknown if he can utilize all of them, it is
confirmed that he already has a few."
A gust of [Wind], the [Bull], the [White Stallion], the [Camel], the [Boar], the [Youth], the
[Raptor], the [Ram], the [Goat], and the [Hero].
When the ten transformations of Verethragna are compared, the [Bull] and the [Camel] are
most closely related to the earth, but they are also a direct symbol for those greatest in
strength, greatest in constitution, and greatest in fighting spirit.
Hence these attributes naturally became identified with divine powers or a symbol of
fierceness, receiving adulation and reverence.
And today, before their eyes, Godou easily destroyed the silver lion.
The lion's huge bulk was lifted and flung out, and crashed into the ground.
Next, he rushed on top of the sprawled lion, stepping on its neck and chest with his foot.
Then, he grasped the foreleg, and wrenched with his feet placed firmly on the lion's body. The
lion was easily ripped apart.
Next he attacked the lion's chin, chest and abdomen, viciously kicking it without pause, till its
entire body resembled a V shape.
" I've destroyed your toy! So now you'll fight me personally, right? Get down here, I'll
end this now!"
"Oh, he finally got serious."
Godou looked up unhappily at Erica.
Seeing Godou's unsatisfied look, the [Purple Knight] nodded with satisfaction.
"For someone who usually mouths off about pacifism, he seeks victory without mercy when
he warms to the fight... Well, my lover is calling for me, so I'll excuse myself."
The agile Erica leapt to the ground.
Watching the golden-haired maiden beautifully execute the jump, Godou once again felt a
sense of regret.
Who would have thought that in this foreign country, he was forced to duel with someone
Although he had already guessed this was a likely outcome when he agreed to Erica's plea for
him to come to Italy, he couldn't help but feel depressed when this actually happened.

"... Erica, you know that the difference between a civilized man and a savage one comes from
the degree of capability in dealing with things in a civilized manner. I'm begging you; can you
please learn to curb your violent instincts, and your frequent need to go making trouble for
others? Do you know how hard it is for those who try to stay around you?"
"Still, on the same old topic? I don't see any problem with it, especially because while you
always start off shunning a fight, the minute it actually starts you get so serious. You actually
really love this, don't you? Why not be a little more honest with yourself?"
Facing Godou's endless complaints, Erica replied flippantly.
"You are a King and I am a knight. We have an obligation to stage an intense but exquisite
duel. So let us fight each other with all our love, and make this duel the climax of our
"From my experience, lovers don't bet their lives in duels like this! Don't go pushing your
ideas of romance on other people!"
Godou both retorted violently, and carefully watched the golden-haired maiden.
The silver lion had already been smashed, and so Erica should have lost the materials for her
longsword... but he couldn't imagine Erica becoming unarmed because of that.
"O Cuore di Leone you are the unyielding blade. 'Til my fighting spirit is broken, my
sword will never shatter. O lion, I implore you once again; return into my hand!"
Erica stretched out her hand towards the silver wreckage of Cuore di Leone.
The wreck, which originally had the shape of a lion, began to shrink; the torn portions began
to meld back together, and again changed its form.
Miraculously, the wreck molded itself back into a sword, and flew back to Erica.
"You're still doing such absurd things, and after I finally managed to break it..."
However, this was all still within his expectations.
'Erica coming to the battle field without a sword? That's impossible.' Godou, who understood
this logic, looked on with an unsurprised gaze.
Thank goodness the monstrous strength from the [Bull] was still present.
He could probably still use it for another ten minutes or so, and hoped that he could achieve
victory in this time limit.
That power of Godou's, which London sorcerers named the [Persian Warlord], was an
ability that gave him unimagined power, but only in special, specific circumstances.
For example, calling upon the [Bull], he is able to wield a godly strength.

But before it can be used, he must be facing an enemy with extraordinary physical power.
That said, however...
Last month, Godou was attacked by a man weighing 138 kilograms (who obviously knew
martial arts). However, he was unable to manifest the [Bull], and suffered extremely
painfully. It seemed that only a superhuman type of strength say, a train carriage which
was hurtling at full speed, or a man eating tiger which weighed more than 300 kilograms; if
that was the sort of enemy, he could call it forth.
In addition, there were skills which Godou could only use when he had suffered a fatal injury.
Even if these skills could only be used to fight 'great sinners who have brought great suffering
to the people', each and every skill seemed to make people fear that it was a type of evil itself.
And besides, the requirements were all extremely troublesome to fulfill.
"... For I am strongest amongst the strong. Truly, I am one that holds each and every victory. I
care not whom challenges me, whether man or devil I may face all my foes and all my
enemies. Regardless, I shall crush all those who wouldst stand in my way!"
Godou, while contemplating the mighty aspect of the bull, muttered this verse.
This was a battle hymn chanted to call the war god Verethragna to the fight. To put it simply,
it was a method to maintain the god's strength, like a fuel to keep it burning.
He still had ten minutes before the strength of the [Bull] receded.
If he used a form once, he would have to wait a whole day before he could use it again. And if
he changed to a different form, the currently active one would vanish. Hence, Godou could
not use it carelessly.
So while his ability was ridiculously strong, it also had many restrictions on how it was used.
"I have to hand it to you, Godou. Although you're still blabbing about 'pacifism', your body
and mind have already readied itself for the fight it's because of this that you qualify to
be my lover!"
Erica praised him in that annoying way, and then pointed with her finger.
Thrust in the ground next to Godou's foot was a greatspear, about one and a half meters. It
was probably similar to Cuore di Leone, both summoned by Erica's magic.
"... You want me to use this?"
"Of course, the honorable Erica Blandelli would never duel with someone completely
unarmed. For the current Godou, wielding that spear should be a piece of cake, right?"
"Why do you only think when it comes to this sort of thing... since you want to make the fight
fair, why not put down your weapon? That way it'll be more fair."

Godou sighed and picked up the spear.

He remembered that in his hand was Erica's beloved spear, which had a magical core
embedded in the handle. It was so heavy even a grown man couldn't lift it, yet she so easily
twirled and raised this steel spear. Truly, what monstrous strength.
It was probably the benefits of a body strengthening type of sorcery.
Though Erica seemed slender and frail, the strength in her grip was far greater than Godou's.
But that was only in normal circumstances. To the current Godou, even if this spear was three
times heavier, he could still pick it up as easily as a toothpick.
Godou shifted his grip on the spear like a baseball bat, and a gust of wind was produced by
the single movement.
Erica happily charged at him.
Just like a shadow, it was impossible to see her movements, and because her violent actions
had almost no wind resistance. This sort of technique could only be patiently trained.
Cuore di Leone silently moved through the air.
When Godou finally realized that, the silver blade was already approaching his face.
" Can't you be more careful?! You're fighting a novice!"
To make a comparison, what just happened was like a world class boxer punching with all his
And this wasn't some fleshy fist, but a deadly, hard blade.
Just as if he was playing a game of dodge ball, where Godou prioritized evading the speeding
ball aiming for his head, he evaded Erica's sword thrust.
Because he had never learnt any martial arts, he could only rely on his sharp eyesight and fast
reflexes to preserve his life.
"But Godou, anyone able to dodge my attack just now definitely cannot be called a novice."
"But that was just by luck, and you're aiming for spots which are 100 percent fatal if they
strike home!"
Ever since he had become a Campione, the moment he stepped onto a battlefield, his
concentration could rise to an unimaginable level.
It was also thanks to this that he was able to see Erica's superhumanly fast sword thrust.
Godou had played baseball ever since he started primary school. In middle school[1C 9] he
would have been the catcher or the fourth hitter cleanup - even in semi-professional teams.

At that point he was in his physical prime, and he could match any fastball thrown by the
Perhaps because of that, he was more comfortable with a Campione's constitutional
The 'constitutional abnormality' that Godou was thinking about, was his ability to suddenly
heighten concentration and maintain his peak physical condition, the minute he entered a
battlefield. If he could use this during normal sporting events as well, he was confident he
could hit a homerun even against a ball-throwing machine of 190 miles an hour.
...In fact, he could probably engage that change.
The moment he had to go all out, his body would naturally configure itself for optimum
functionality. It had become like this ever since Godou became a Campione.
Although Godou loves sports, he did not enter a sporting club in high school.
This was because he felt that this ability of his was too unfair, too much like cheating, when
competing against other people.
"Damn you, ever since we started you've done whatever the hell you wanted I'm warning
you now, I can't control the strength of my attack, so you'd better dodge well!"
Thus Godou shouted while brandishing the spear.
Although he was never interested in dueling, he knew that in these circumstances, if he only
defended and never attacked, it was inevitable that the opponent would crush him.
To ensure Erica's safety, he used the spear's haft instead of the blade to sweep at her ankle.
But she leapt aside.
Pressing the attack, as if to chase after the fleeing Erica, Godou continued to strike, this time
bringing the spear down above her.
This time, Erica did not leap to evade the attack.
Only moving backwards by a small margin, she dodged the strike, and then charged forward.
Simultaneously thrusting her sword like a needle she aimed for Godou's chest.
This was a counter strike!
Having suspected Erica's plan Godou deliberately chose not to dodge but it was also
because he was out of time and swept the spear which Erica had dodged horizontally.
Only relying on the flick of his wrist, the steel spear moved like a whip, poised to strike the
slender maiden.

This was a cross-counter impossible for a normal person, but for the [Bull]'s monstrous
strength this was easily accomplished.
It happened in an instant.
Just before he was to be impaled by Cuore di Leone, he successfully warded off Erica.
"Geez... Your reflexes are as keen as ever you never change, do you?"
Although her counter strike failed, Erica simply laughed it off.
It seems that she didn't suffer an injury. The truth be told, the instant before the spear struck
home, she also jumped backwards to avoid the attack. He had to hand it to Erica, both her
attacks and her defenses were perfect.
Facing such an expert how was he to defeat her?
The answer lay in careful scrutiny.
Godou had done this for such a long time. The more distant victory was and the greater the
pressure to obtain it, the faster his eyes and mind worked.
The enemy's every move, expressions, gaze.
As long as there was even a slight glimmer of hope, he would seize it. Ascertaining the
opponent's character, discerning the opponent's pattern of thought; he would use both
observation and analysis to confirm the other's movements.
Whether the enemy was a human, a god or a monster, as long as he grasped their psyche, he
would be able to formulate a plan for victory.
From some point onwards, all of Godou's concentration was placed on attaining 'victory'.
That was no sudden change, but rather was a natural outcome of his actions.
This extended duel, in addition to his opponent being both a genius at the sword and a wielder
of arcane magic, allowed Godou to completely absorb himself in combat.
Erica had no weaknesses. And even if she did, he could not see them.
But he deeply understood Erica's character, which was completely opposite to her devil-like
mischievousness. She truly believed in an honorable and fair style of combat, and would
never conserve her strength.
Her favorite battle tactic was the frontal charge, and using her greatest strength and her full
spirit, at that.
That Erica was currently not doing this, was probably because she wanted to draw out all of
Godou's strength, and so purposely toned down her attacks.

"Craftiness is written all over your face. The intelligence of a fox and the ferocity of a lion
now that is the Godou I love! Give me all you've got, I accept your challenge!"
Hearing Erica say this, Godou momentarily flashed a grin.
Then, he smiled grimly.
Whatever he said before, he couldn't deny that dueling was very exciting. That there was an
opponent willing to handle his attacks could only make him feel happy. Because of this
thought, he inadvertently grinned.
Which should he choose? The forms with the greatest destructive power were either the
[White Stallion] or the [Boar].
He currently was unable to call on the [White Stallion]. But he could probably use the [Boar]

"Thou hast violated the pact, and sinned on earth. The Lord hath spoken The sinner must
be punished. May his spine be crushed, may his bones be broken, his tendons torn, his hair
ripped from his skull may his blood, spilled over the earth, be churned into a bloody froth. I
shall become one who buries fangs into the sinner's flesh, that the will of the Lord be
followed Thou shalt be purged!"
Originally, this was an oracular verse from the sacred texts.
The verse was suddenly turned into an incantation, and flowed from Godou's mouth.
"The Boar shall ravage you! The Boar shall exterminate you!"
This was the Campione: "This is my boast of victory over the gods, the paean of my
This was the man turned into a devil: "This is my taunt at the gods, who are my foes!"
This was the victor: "This is my declaration of defiance, in order to grasp my godslaying
"O aethereal[1C 10] Gods, ye all who hath heard this verse of mine, rage at the death of your
"O chthonic[1C 11] Gods, ye all who hath heard this verse of mine, wait uselessly for the day
when my sacrilege returns for me!"
"O marine gods, ye all, who hath heard this verse of mine, mourn with adirge at your own
"I am the foe of all gods! I am the usurper of divine strength!"
Compelled by his devil-like ability, Godou unknowingly chanted these verses.

"What is the cause of this earthquake?!"

"He just uttered the name of the [Boar], thus it should be an ability of that Lord...
Verethragna's fifth incarnation, a boar with wickedly sharp tusks. Legend has it, that it could
crush any object with one blow "
The wall on which the commander [Female Wolf] and the [Purple Knight] stood began to
The previous incantation of Godou's was exactly that: a hymn to summon the divine beast
called 'the bearer of ruin'.
Perhaps it was because one felt as though the beast would really descend from the heavens,
the sky shook while gathering storm clouds and the earth trembled while rumbling with minor
"To, to come to this... To use even the [Boar] when dueling with an opponent as weak as me,
how heartless are you! If you mess this up, not just the hill and the Roman Colosseum, but
even the Forum Roman will be completely flattened!"
Erica gave off a rare emotion; that of worry.
Seeing this atypical anxious look, Godou felt a great sense of satisfaction.
"If I used conventional methods against you, I would have no chance at victory. So, I decided
to use the strongest attack which was available to me at this moment."
In the air above Godou and the others, a distortion of space appeared. Between the 'real' world
and the 'imaginary' world which was not meant to exist appeared a path accessed through
the cracks of both. There appeared a huge, ferocious beast, wrapped in dark black fur, fighting
to escape from the distortion.
Its body was even larger than the lion Erica had summoned. Twice its size, in fact.
Its entire length was at least 20 meters.
At the moment only the nose to the neck could be seen, along with two huge, sharp tusks.
Just a few more minutes, and it would completely enter the 'real' world.
This gigantic bulk couldn't yet be fully seen, and it couldn't yet be definitively called a
'ferocious monster', but the features, especially the nose and tusks, were definitely those of a
Godou and Erica had seen the awesome strength of the monster themselves before.
Underneath the dark fur of the [Boar], was a chilling amount of muscle.

Originally, this was a manifestation of Verethragna's desire to vanquish the enemies of his
patron deity, Mithras. The burly, divine beast which Godou called forth was exactly the
manifestation of the [Boar].
He didn't know why, but the conditions for enabling this ability were very broad.
As long as Godou 'had a huge object as a target, and was determined to crush it', the condition
was satisfied. He had never tested before exactly how large or small the object needed to be,
but as long as it looked heavier than ten tons, it could be specified as a target.
And, the [Boar]'s manifestation was not only concerned with immensity of size.
"I knew Godou was anything but normal all that talk of peace was just some platitudes...
Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani![1C 12] My God! Why hast thou forsaken me!"
Erica raised her sword to the heavens, loudly singing the sacred hymn.

Erica raised her sword to the heavens, loudly singing the sacred hymn.
He had heard this many times before, the incantation to release her most powerful magic.
"O Lord! I wail and beg through the day, yet you forsake me I cry and pray through the
night, yet you ignore me. But you remain the most holy, you that have the praise of Israel as
your throne!"
The despondent incantation shook the air, and began to freeze over the whole earth.
Godou's body began to tremble faintly.
That was because the surrounding temperature was decreasing at an alarming rate.
...In the end, she still used this technique. Because Erica never restrained herself in her
attacks, it was easy to predict her overall plan; actually, it was probably because she thought it
didn't matter if someone saw through her plan, as long as she crushed the enemy.
Godou momentarily glanced down at the grass near his feet.

A good chance to get one last confirmation on his target.

"Though each bone of my body is shattered, my heartache melts like a lit candle. You shall
bury me in the dust of dead earth! Wild dogs surround me, Evil Company hems me in!
God sits aloof in heaven, unwilling to lend aid.
To be alone is to despair, difficulty gives rise to curses."
This incantation, filled with negative emotions, suffused the earth, and Erica, being the
current spellcaster, was focusing all that negative energy.
The temperature continued to plummet, and was now at the point where even bones started to
ache from the cold.
"O Lord my Savior, I beseech you aid me! Snatch me away from the weapons of the
enemy, snatch me from the jaws of the lion, snatch me from the horns of the bull!"
The instant before the Messiah's death, this was both a funeral dirge and a paean of exaltation
which he sang, despairingly and longingly.
Simply hearing the words themselves, the average human would be blinded; the physically
weak would even collapse. If the spellcaster wanted to, this incantation could even kill off
everyone then present.
Godou threw aside his spear, and suddenly bent down. He grabbed the pebble which he
checked was there, lying in the grass just a moment ago, and immediately flung it outwards.
This was an action he had performed countless times in basketball courts.
What he aimed at was Erica's chest.
Godou was supremely confident in his arm strength and accuracy; from this distance, there
was no way he could miss.
Although this was merely a pebble, one should not underestimate it. Since antiquity, a thrown
stone was the simplest and cheapest weapon, yet possessed sufficient deadliness to kill a man.
Even the Christians have it, the weapon which David used to kill Goliath was the stone.[1C 13]
But Erica shot it down with Cuore di Leone.
"My God! Why hast thou forsaken me!"
The overwhelming strength of this incantation required the full concentration of the spell
caster. This was a minor error in judgment that made the difference in a life or death situation.
For Godou, his chance for victory rested in this very moment.
Erica did not consider Godou's master plan, so she casually used her blade.
Godou didn't summon the [Boar] in order to crush Erica.

That was only a feint encouraging her to momentarily relax her pinpoint accuracy.
Seeing the instant when the sword moved, Godou began his attack.
When manifesting the [Boar], Godou himself gained a boar-like charging ability.
...But it was just a mad dash in a straight line. If he used this in rugby or a sprint it might not
matter, but in a duel facing a sword wielding foe, it really didn't appeal to him.
However, if an opponent's stance fumbles, it was possible to seize the gap in his defence to
batter him down.
If his opponent was a regular swordsman, his plan of a sudden attack would probably have the
opponent easily defeated.
The problem was that this enemy was a monster far beyond the common man.
Erica instantly corrected her weak posture. One could say this was her scariest aspect; she had
an extraordinary sense of balance.
Cuore di Leone flashed, and cut downwards at Godou, back bent to pierce Erica.
'Thank goodness the [Boar]'s speed was just that much faster.'
Only the end of the blade, near the hilt, scored Godou's arm.
The cut was very light, and was probably only skin deep.
Even if one was an expert, there was no way to use that part of the weapon to kill someone. If
Godou's attack had been any slower, the sharpness of the blade and the speed of his charge
might have split him in two...
Meanwhile, Godou heaved a sigh of relief, while grabbing onto Erica and pinning her to the
Even if it was Erica, there was no way to face the [Boar]'s charging speed.
Godou had her completely pinned, sitting on top of her body.
Of course, he immediately restrained the hand which held Cuore di Leone.

Part 3
The two stared at each other for a time.
"...If it's possible, I'd prefer to be in this position when we're alone together, on a bed."

"Sto- Stop cracking jokes like that anyway, is this enough? I've already checked your
movements; this duel should be my victory, right?"
Facing a stubborn Erica, Godou retorted coldly.
"That last move was somewhat underhand. You didn't attack from the front, it wasn't elegant
at all."
Godou knew very well what Erica was trying to say.
No matter how good his plan was, to force Erica to prepare her strongest move as the decisive
blow, yet deciding victory before she could use it, was a pretty pathetic strategy. To use sumo
wrestling as an example, it would be as though a Yokotsuna master[1C 14] challenged you to a
match, yet attacking you by surprise with a distraction.
"It's not enough that I defeat you, but I have to do it elegantly? With you as my enemy, there's
no way I can do such an amazing thing. And anyway, whether it's dirty or despicable, a win is
a win, right?"
"Geez... It's because you think this way, that you have no chance at winning a beautiful
victory. Forget it, it's because you're just this sort of guy that you've managed to keep winning
till now... Fine, I admit defeat. It's my own fault that I fell for that trick. But this is the last
time, you hear? This is the last time it'll happen!"
"... I get it; don't pout like a primary schooler just because you lost."
Erica's unhappy expression was just like a child throwing a tantrum. Those watching couldn't
help but smile inside.
But, Godou changed his mind two seconds after.
Erica suddenly smiled with a wicked look on her face.
Only when she found it interesting to tease Godou, would that devil-like expression show.
"Godou, it's been so long since we hugged each other so tightly like this"
"Ah, no, this isn't another one of your awkward, steamy situations, is it?"
When he found out the danger, it was already too late.
Erica wrapped her empty left arm around Godou's neck.
"This is perfect. Let me give you a victory kiss. It's a man's job to take the lead in these
moments, you know?"
Those luscious, cherry red lips, whispering those sweet words, looked so fresh and filled with
"Stop playing around, didn't I just tell you to stop with your antics?"

"What? I don't know what you're talking about, sorry. Because of the shock I suffered from
my lover's betrayal, I don't remember anything."
Usually, Godou made sure to not pay attention, but Erica's figure was dangerous.
Her figure was as slim as a cypress tree, but the parts which were meant to be full, were full to
the point that it was hard to know where to look.
Her heavy and ample breasts seemed just like luscious fruits, and from the slender waist to the
perfectly curved back, this was arousing enough to be considered criminal.
And now this same maiden was pressing her body so close to him, even now feeling her
warmth, even now tempted by her sweet kisses.
'I can't let Erica lead me by the nose!'
This was a completely different sort of battle from before, now the duel was between him and
his reason.
The wafting perfume on Erica's body, her warmth and her softness to the touch, had Godou
dizzy with sensations, but he continued to remind himself of his purpose.
"Erica, these sorts of things should only be done by couples who are properly going out, so I
don't think we should do this. Besides, there are people around us, so please stop!"
"I want to do this, what's wrong? As long as Godou is interested, and we both agree, then
there's no problem. If you're that worried about other people looking on, why not just switch
Perhaps it was because Erica could already see that Godou was becoming affected, but when
she smiled again, it was most suspicious.
You might compare it to how the sun encourages travellers to take off their clocks. She too
revealed that wicked grin. 'I've got to escape from this devil's clutches, the sooner the better!'
Having decided, Godou stood up fiercely.
It was only then that he noticed the ground was still shaking.
And shaking fiercely, at that.
Probably around a three on the Richter scale.
"Kusanagi Godou, I have now indeed witnessed your strength, which, if I may say, exceeded
my expectations."
"That you would even be able to tame a divine beast of this sort, the powers held by a lord are
truly worthy of praise, and truly command the greatest reverence."

"Hence, in accordance to the pledge of the Lady Erica, We here thus acknowledge and
confirm you truly as a Campione, this I pledge as representative of my corps."
The knights laboriously walked across the shaking ground towards them.
The [Purple Knight] and the commander [Female Wolf], along with the [Old Dame] who
suddenly appeared, meant that everyone was present.
"But there is one thing which we would request from you, is it possible to for you to end this
horrendous rattling?"
"Yes, if you do not send the beast home soon, I fear the results will be grave..."
Hearing the [Purple Knight]'s plea, Godou nodded his head and agreed.
Since victory had already been decided, there really was no need to keep the [Boar] on earth.
Godou concentrated for a moment, then thought,
'That's enough, you can go back now.'
This way, the huge animal would disappear, and he could go back to sleep... but things like
that never go to plan.
The [Boar] didn't disappear.
'Oi! I came especially at your summons, and now you just send me back just like that?'
Partway materialized, the animal gave of an unwilling gleam in its eye, and was struggling
"Sorry, but he doesn't seem to want to go back..."
"But that will be disastrous! A divine beast of that sort really rampaging around Rome would
be the worst outcome possible."
"That is certainly the case. Whatever it is, we must stop matters from ever getting that bad."
Both the [Purple Knight] and the Commander [Female Wolf] looked extremely uneasy.
Added to that, the [Boar] overhead was now almost fully materialized.
If it was let out, it would definitely fall to the ground, and happily destroy everything.
"The last time you summoned it, after the target was destroyed it returned by itself. Did you
ever ask it to go back before that?"
"Yes. It wasn't very happy about it, but it went back obediently."
After Godou answered Erica's question, he hit upon a probability.

"About my control over the [Boar], perhaps I still haven't achieved complete obedience. Even
if I gave an order, it may not comply."
"If so, all we can do is let the celestial beast quickly destroy the selected target, and send him
back at the soonest opportunity? I think this is the best method of reducing damage."
The leader, [Old Dame], gave her advice with a grave tone.
It was the most appropriate suggestion.
The only problem was, the target itself as to what it was, Erica had long already worked
it out from Godou's gaze.
"Godou, you couldn't have selected me as the target to summon the [Boar], I'm not large
enough to be considered a valid target."
"...Yeah, I did choose something else as its target, yes."
Because Godou didn't want to be questioned carefully, he unknowingly started to sound
But Erica saw her chance, and precisely pin-pointed it,
"The only thing here that could attract Godou's attention, should be 'that'. 'That' is the most
distinctive thing around here, and also the largest. But someone who's always preaching about
common sense wouldn't choose something like that, right? Even though it is a really dirty
tourist attraction, it's still a world heritage site, right?"
Erica continued to probe deeply.
'Damn, she just wants to savor each and every moment she gets to make me suffer.'
"The 'that', you're referring to... can't be that, can it?"
The commander [Female Wolf] questioned with a trembling voice, then with a trembling
finger pointed to 'that'.
She pointed outwards, indicating a place not far from this hill, the huge arena from the
Imperial period There stood the Roman Colosseum.
... Under the tyranny of Nero, it was the ruins of a man-made lake[1C 15], and took a period of
eight years to complete.
It was finished under the reign of the Emperor Titus in 80 AD. A hundred days of games were
put on in it as a celebration, and 9000 wild beasts were killed.
After that, this place continued to take the lives of thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of
thousands of fighters and beasts.

That continued till the Middle Ages, when it became a convenient stone quarry to quarry
stone for building, whenever someone wanted to build a magnificent church or mansion.
Truly, it is a huge relic which has stood two thousand years of history.
"Erm... Because 'that' was pretty much the only thing that could be a target, in the heat of the
moment I..."
And just as Godou ashamedly confessed...
The summoning of the [Boar] was finally completed, and the body had fully materialized.
From its sharp tusks to the hooves of its feet, and even to the tail, it was now a full part of this
world, and a body mass of close to ten tons fell onto the earth.
A beast which obviously could not exist on this earth bellowed an immense roar.
Heeding its ferocious will, it suddenly began to stampede.
Each time the black furred [Boar] struck the earth with its feet, a quake of incomparable
violence would strike the whole area No, it was shaking up the whole district of Rome.
And of course, its target was the Roman Colosseum before its eyes.
The divine beast had appeared before the target in the blink of an eye, and began to create
destruction on a shockingly vigorous scale.

For the next three days after that, the incident aroused global news coverage, and received the
front page headline "Rome Suffers from a Terrorist Bombing! The Mysterious Destruction of
the Roman Colosseum!" The real reason behind it was this.

Part 4
"You're going back already? And I just got to know you, such a pity..."
"C'mon... just relax and stay for another one week even two weeks is fine, right? Then we
can go out together and play there's just not enough lovey-dovey time between us..."
Anna and Erica both said reluctantly.
Godou continued to pack his few belongings, while replying both of them with completely
different answers.
"I feel the same way, Miss Anna. If you ever get a chance to visit Japan, please contact me, I
will certainly make the effort to find you. Erica, stop spouting such irresponsible suggestions,

how can I skip school for so long? And we don't need lovey-dovey time, definitely don't need
This was a hotel room that Erica had booked.
Last night, after the semi-destruction of the Colosseum, Godou slept like a log in this room.
...Having suffered the [Boar]'s wanton destruction and its result, the cultural heritage that
humanity inherited suffered a huge blow.
In order to stop the tragedy, Godou did the best he could.
Tirelessly, he continuously gave out orders, and finally sent the [Boar] back.
However, the Colosseum was already half gone before that, and now the half gone
architecture was again destroyed further by another half, and the lucky portion remaining was
now only a portion of the original.
With the exception of one person, all other Italians were definitely gaping at the devastation.
"Anyway, Milan also sacrificed their Castella Sforzesco[1C 16]. If Rome doesn't sacrifice
something like their Colosseum, their overwhelming advantage in thousands of other sites is
just completely unfair."
That one person being Erica also known as the devil, who happily said these words.
This matter could very well become another stick she could use to threaten him, and used as a
reason to call him back to Italy. That day was probably not far off.
And because of this incident, the three Grandmasters became even more reverent.
"Is that so, the incident with the Castella Sforzesco, that is, the reason for its collapse was
"I understand now, with this sort of strength, even that sort of destruction will be child's
The commander [Old Dame] nodded deeply in understanding, while the [Purple Knight] next
to her also had the same impression.
With his previous misdeeds discovered, Godou could only sink his head in shame, while Erica
happily smiled.
"Whether it is the San Felica doorway of Palermo, or the Port of Cagliari[1C 17] in Sardinia,
they are all nothing before you. That reminds me, at the Piazza del Campo[1C 18] in Siena,
didn't you leave a huge crack there?"
"We, Well... You're right, but don't say it as though it has nothing to do with you. You were
also responsible for all of those events..."

Godou looked at Erica resentfully, while the grandmasters all bowed their heads.
Finally, just like attendants serving a feudal lord, the others around quickly put in
"We now fully comprehend that it matters not whether someone chooses to act like a Lord or
not, a Lord still remains a Lord. If and when you decide to grace Turin with your presence, I
beg of you to be compassionate and forgiving"
"We of the 'city of lilies', Florence, also entreat from you the same"
"We, We at Rome too beseech and hope that you will see us in favor with you"
Having witnessed this sight, and although he spent a long time cursing himself for his
stupidity, he still managed to sleep extremely well.
But even in his dreams he continued to blame himself for doing something as stupid as that.
And returning back to the present, this morning, he took the day's newspaper from Anna, who
had entered his room with Erica.
"Godou-san, this is amazing! A full twenty pages in this newspaper, just about the terrorist
bombing of the Colosseum, the same number of pages as when Italy won the world cup!"
"The paper even says that there are clues to the terrorist organization that managed to get such
a large amount of explosives. Ah, and there are even some organizations that are already
claiming that it was them who did it."
The angelic Anna told him that news, while Erica too happily looked through the paper.
The newspaper which they brought wasn't the only one reporting that only one quarter of the
Colosseum remained; even on the internet, news stations worldwide were also hurriedly
publishing the event.
Godou grew even guiltier.
That said it was about time for him to catch his flight. Time to change the mood a little, and
ask them to send him to the airport, but...
"What?! You're going back already? But it was so hard to get you to come here... You really
don't want to spend time with me, right?"
"I'm telling you, I'm just a high school student. If I skip school, I'll never hear the end of it
from my sister. I appreciate your sincerity, but let me off the hook this time."
Even though it was a Sunday morning here in Italy, it was already midnight back in Japan.
If he hurried up now and caught the plane, he could probably get back to Tokyo at around
twelve in the afternoon. Every time he flew, it always ended up in such a rush...

"Ah, I just don't know how to deal with you. I'll send you to the airport, but I have to give you
something before that."
Erica picked up the suitcase at her feet, and opened it.
Nestled inside was a carving about the size of his fist.
The material was probably polished obsidian, and the image on it was a really poor attempt at
a human face, and tens of snakes around it.
The snakes seemed as though it was part of the person's hair.
Much of the sides were already blurred and indistinct, while the rock itself was also quite
battered. It looked like an extremely old artifact.
"What's this? You want me to bring this back with me?"
"Yup, I told you before, this is the Gorgoneion an ancient representation of the Earth
Mother. This thing is able to guide goddesses into becoming a [Heretical goddess] of the
earth, it's a signpost, or to explain more simply, it's somewhat like a magic grimoire[1C 19]."
Having heard this, Godou shook his head.
"A grimoire? This isn't a book, it's a symbol set in stone. There aren't even any words on it,
only a picture, right?"
"Forget paper, this is an object from a time even before writing was invented; but its use and
concept is the same as a book's. That's why I called it a grimoire, because besides the most
ancient goddesses, it has no meaning to anyone."
"The Gorgoneion. The Gorgon... Medusa[1C 20] ... right? I remember that she was a monster
that Perseus defeated[1C 21], so is there a connection between them?"
Medusa a woman born with snakes for hair, a beauteous demon found in Greek mythology.
Having seen the carving and discussed it, Godou naturally thought about her.
Erica smiled and nodded her head.
"That's right, but I have to correct that slightly, Medusa was also a real goddess in her own
"Eh? Is that so? ...That's not how I remembered it."
"No, you're not completely incorrect. In Greek myth, she is an evil monster, but behind that,
she is an ancient mother goddess of the earth, with a long history, and she also has an intimate
connection with many other ancient goddesses, the tripartite goddesses of the night[1C 22]..."
It sounded like an extremely complicated explanation.

Godou nodded deeply, and then suddenly realized.

Because he was curious, he unconsciously got sucked into the explanation. This was Erica's
plan all along!
"Erica! Stop! You don't need to explain any more. I've always kept theological knowledge at a
safe distance, and I don't plan to make any extra preparation for anything. Please stop
"I believe that it's only a matter of time. In the end, Godou will still come personally to ask
me for the information."
"That's never going to happen. It won't occur this time! And anyway, how can I bring such a
dangerous thing back home? I'm sorry, but I can't accept this."
A carving of unknown origin, which he knew that a goddess was coveting.
If a dangerous monster appeared in Tokyo because he brought this back, Godou would
certainly feel guilty about it.
Hearing Godou's refusal, Erica gave off a weak smile suggesting something like 'Oh, if that's
what you want~~', then purposely drooped her head.
"Okay... well, then I can't force you. If the Gorgoneion continues to stay in this country,
sooner or later a [Heretical god] will arrive here... But, we don't have a Lord to rely on,
because when he fought with 'I don't know who', he suffered horrible injuries, and went to
A tragic sounding Erica was broken-heartedly muttering to herself.
Striking him where it hurts, Godou couldn't help but wince.
"Arianna, if a hostile god ever turns up, I swear upon my name to protect you But, I'm
sorry. My strength could never defeat a god's. However, in order to let you live, I'll fight till I
"You, you can't do that! Erica-sama, please don't say things like that! When the time comes,
I'll fight by your side. I might not be much help, but I won't become a burden to you!"
"You're such a strong girl... May God bestow on you a fearless confidence! Ah ~~ but those
helpless, weak citizens. Who knows what will happen to them...?"
Unaware that her Ojou-sama was currently playing the fool, Arianna responded seriously to
her comments.
Godou's eyes weren't tricking him; Erica's gaze was definitely mischievous. She knew exactly
what to do to make Godou feel guilty.
What a devious and malicious person!

After pondering for a long time on the dictates of compassion and honor as well as the proper
treatment of the people living at Rome, Godou finally replied,
"...I get it. I'll bring that thing back with me damn it, if a disaster happens because of it,
how could I ever explain myself to the people of Tokyo!?"
"Don't worry, don't worry! Something like a city being razed to the ground, because a Lord
decides to do something for fun, is already considered normal in Europe. If it happens in
Tokyo, it'll have truly risen to the international level!"
"Stop spouting crap!"
Godou took the Gorgoneion, partially because he gave up arguing. Seeing this, Erica smiled
'This woman is definitely a devil; she has to be my harbinger of doom and destruction.'
Godou once again confirmed his opinion of her.

The Gorgoneion.
'The carving that depicts the [Serpent], containing the wisdom of three persons in one body,
has fallen into enemy hands.'
Her feet stepping on the rubble of the Colosseum, her intuition told her; that was the case.
Traces of the Gorgoneion could still be felt there, and the traces of her enemy. The strength
which destroyed this colossal stone arena was definitely that of a Campione's.
... The hundreds of people around her were all frantically conducting repairs.
But not one of them realized her presence.
Of course not.
She merely needed to think, 'I have no wish currently to recognize the chattering of mortals.'
With just that, ordinary persons were unable to realize she was there.
Surveying the surrounding pitiful ruins, she recalled the Campione she met a few days ago.
The young devil from a faraway land.
And so it turns out that he was behind everything after all. Those disciples of Hermes in
mortal speech, they were called mages were not sure what to do with the Gorgoneion, and
so gave it to that Campione.
Since it had already been given to a foreigner, the [Serpent] had probably also followed him

"Well then..." She pondered for a moment.

Just like him, she had come from across the sea, seduced to this place.
If so, to cross the sea again, and head towards a foreign land; was there anything to fear in
The [Serpent] and her had an inseparable tie, and this same tie would send her towards it.
"The Gorgoneion which one seeketh, the carved aegis which one owned, the aching longing
which one feelth- O serpent of old!"
She naturally began to sing an ancient ballad.
If it was to obtain the [Serpent], how could crossing the broad seas be considered suffering?
She focused her gaze far to the east, and began to walk forward.
"The Gorgoneion which one seeketh, O serpent, bestow upon thy heretical one that ancient
She was a goddess with many names.
Both 'Gorgon' and 'Medusa' were all merely two names which she once held.
But the meanings of the names were the same, honorable titles which exalted the mother
goddess, three deities in one form, who dominated the Mediterranean.
"The Gorgoneion which one seeketh. O ancient serpent, May thou lead thy down the path to
the Heretical queen, and once again confer upon thy darkness, the wisdom of both earth and
The [Heretical goddess] faced a far off country.
Leisurely, patiently, she placed the first step on her journey to the east.

Chapter 3 A Day in a Lord's Life

Part 1
Not far from the Kyu Shiba Rikyu Gardens and Tokyo Tower, next door to a five star
restaurant and surrounded by a school, a television station, a broadcasting tower and an
embassy, exist a surprising number of shrines and temples.
One of the districts has a small path winding through it.

Although the path closely follows the contours of the road next to it, the narrow route could
be easily missed by anyone who didn't know it existed.
If one followed the confusing and mazelike path, you would somehow eventually end up in
front of a flight of steps.
Totaling exactly 200 steps, it somehow felt a bit too long for something right in the heart of
the city.
Having climbed the stone stairs, you would see Nanao Shrine[1D 1], which sat at the highest
Although, the surrounding wooded groves were certainly not as dense as a nature reserve; the
temple, nestled between verdant vegetation, exuded a sense of calm and tranquility.
Inside the temple compound itself, not far from the ante-hall[1D 2], stood a small hut for
changing and cosmetic purposes.
And inside one of the rooms, Mariya Yuri was dressing herself.
Wearing a kosode under a furisode and hakama[1D 3], she faced a mirror and combed her long,
flowing hair.
Her hair seemed more coffee brown, than black, almost the color of black pearls. She did not
dye her hair; it had been that color since birth. Yuri always felt somewhat inferior because of
it, but she wasn't too concerned at the moment.
Yes, because the most important thing was that the comb she was running through her hair
had snapped a tooth.

... Most inauspicious, I pray nothing malign occurs.

" Most inauspicious, I pray nothing malign occurs."
She whispered silently an opinion without any logical basis.

It seemed as though it was an ill omen.

If she was a regular girl, she would probably forget what just happened immediately, but Yuri
wasn't your regular maiden, and felt there was cause to investigate further.
Having finished dressing herself, Yuri exited the hut.
On her way to the ante-hall, she brushed past several clerics.
Facing their bowing and polite greetings, Yuri inclined her head in return. That this
reverential manner was directed at a miko[1D 4], 15 years of age, had a reason, of course.
In this temple, Mariya Yuri had a more august and elevated position than anyone else.
" Oh, hime-miko[1D 5], nice to meet you! If you're free, want to chat for a while?"
These sudden, frivolous words were directed toward her.
Although he had spoken a respectful phrase such as 'hime-miko', his tone of voice had no hint
of respect at all. He was playing the fool, like some clown that came out of nowhere.
The speaker slowly walked towards Yuri. Although he was wearing leather shoes, his feet
made no sound at all treading on the fine gravel of the temple pathway.
Anyone who saw his manner of movement would realize that he was no ordinary person.
" A pleasure to make your acquaintance. And who might you be?"
"Ah, I apologize for my rudeness. Perhaps it's too late to introduce myself, but my name is
Amakasu. To see such an elegant hime-miko such as yourself is an honor for me. I hope we
get along from this point forth."
Amakasu introduced himself as he held out a name card.
Yuri accepted the card, and gave it a glance.
His full name was Amakasu Touma, but what really attracted her attention was the title next
to his name, stating the department he worked in.
"And what would bring a member of the History Compilation Committee to this place?"
Yuri asked suspiciously.
The sloppily dressed man wore a tattered, western suit; he was quite young, probably around
twenty years of age, and didn't look very suave.
But one shouldn't judge a book by its cover. He was an envoy sent by the organization which
controlled the magical side of the Japanese world. She had to remain serious and wary in her

"A problem seems to have come up, something which could soon become the worst disaster
our country has ever seen. It's somewhat of a thorny problem, and so we hope to add your
considerable strength to our efforts; this is why I've come, I hope you understand my position
in this."
"This humble maiden has few abilities, and I fear that I will not be of any service."
"You are too humble. Although it is true that there are many Musashino mikos, those who are
experts in analyzing spiritual energy, like you, are few. And besides, there are two additional
reasons for selecting you."
Japan has always had spellcasters or spiritualists who passed down their skills.
Mariya Yuri was a descendant of one of them.
And as for the term 'Musashino' they were the organization of spiritualists who protected
the Kanto region, bestowed the honorable title of [hime] from a very young age, and took on
the greatest responsibilities given to any miko.
"As a Musashino Hime-miko, your task also comprises aiding the works of the History
Compilation Committee. I'm sure you understand this? If you have any other questions, please
leave them aside for the moment, and allow me to finish speaking."
"Of course. And what is it you would have me do?"
"It would be a great help to us if you became more intimate with a Japanese youth, and also to
confirm his true identity. His name is Kusanagi Godou, and the teenager whom we suspect to
be a real Campione."
"A Campione?"
That was supposedly the title given to the greatest, most evil sorcerers and tyrants of Europe.
Having heard that dreadful title, Yuri's was rooted to the ground in shock.
A pair of eyes, blazing like that of a tiger.
The moment she heard the title, the first thing which came to mind was the aged demon's evil
"I'm sure you have already understood the first reason why we chose you. Since you've met
Dejanstahl Voban in your childhood, you would probably be able to confirm whether the boy
really is a Campione."
" Yes. The 'Campione' you're referring to, is just like the appearance of vicious demons in
Japanese myth, a reincarnation of a Rakshasa Raja[1D 6], they should be avoided at all costs.
But it's hard for me to believe that. For a normal human to become a [King], doesn't he have
to kill a god? To think that someone could actually do the unthinkable!"

That was something that happened five years ago; Yuri had once seen a Campione at close
range, when she was in a certain small country in Eastern Europe.
Dejanstahl Voban.
Merely hearing this name would send European sorcerers to hurriedly cower in some corner,
desperately muttering incantations to ward off evil.
Yuri would never, ever forget, those aquamarine pupils, which blazed like a tiger's in the
She found out much later that, that particular devil had an ability which turned any living
thing to dust with just a glance of his eyes, which only added to Yuri's fear of him.
" I feel the same way, and so I too do not believe that Kusanagi Godou is a real Campione.
Let me correct that; I do not want to believe it; although with all the evidence I've collated so
far, it is extremely unclear."
Amakasu shrugged his shoulders.
"According to the report of the Greenwich Committee, in March this year, Kusanagi Godou
defeated the Persian war god Verethragna on the island of Sardinia, and obtained the rights to
the [Kingship]. After that, he travelled all over Italy, and each time he appeared in the city,
huge amounts of destruction would occur. It is clear that there is a connection between
them Have you heard about the disturbance in Rome?"
"You mean even the terrorist attack on the Colosseum was?"
"On the day which it happened, Kusanagi Godou arrived in Rome. The one who invited him
was the supreme commander of the Knight corps [Copper Black Cross], the young Erica
Blandelli. And when he returned to Japan, he seems to have brought back with him a holy
relic of great antiquity"
"A relic"
Yuri was extremely concerned by what he just said.
The spiritual strength which she commanded as a hime-miko her extremely strong sixth
sense and mind's eye was warning her, that she must not take it lightly, that it was an
unhallowed object that would bring incomparable disaster.
"Concerning Kusanagi Godou, I would like to inquire more closely. Has he, like me, practiced
some form of sorcery before? Or is he perhaps a master of some martial art?"
Yuri had decided to go through with this task with all her heart, and so she began to find out
Of course she was terrified of [tyrants], and if she could, she would stay far, far away. But if
she did not force herself forward, thousands of people would suffer for it. If that was so,
perhaps being chosen to do this was a sort of fate.

"If we're talking about sorcery or incantations, he seems to be completely useless, and the
same too can be said in regards to martial arts. All things considered, forget about contesting
with the gods, even his background had absolutely nothing to do with divinity well,
have a look at this first."
Touma took a folder from his briefcase and handed it to Yuri.
She quickly glanced over the material inside.
It contained investigatory information concerning Kusanagi Godou. From his character,
personal history, to his events at Italy and abilities as a Campione, all manner of details were
placed in the report.
"If I really wanted to find something abnormal about him, it would be that he was a reserve
candidate for Japan, selected to participate in the international youth baseball championships.
Apparently he was one of a handful of cleanups in the Kanto district when he was in junior
"I'm sorry, but what is this international youth baseball championships?"
"That's an American style baseball competition, mostly composed of junior high students. But
I heard that when he was in training camp for the championships, he injured his shoulder, and
so pulled out."
"Is that so I wanted to ask, why was he battling with a Persian deity in Sardinia? Surely
even you must think the difference in location and god is strange."
"Concerning this, you should offer Alexander the Great a vote of thanks, because his concept
of 'Brotherhood of Man' meant a melding of Greek and Persian races. This gave birth to
Hellenistic culture, and gave a common ground to European and Near Eastern culture. This is,
of course, far beyond what the average Japanese person thinks about on a daily basis."
Touma so explained with a wry smile.
"In Indian mythology, Verethragna is a god on par with Indra, and actually, under the reforms
of Alexander, he was syncretized with the hero-god Heracles, and even given the Greek
epithet Artagnes. After Alexander's death, supposedly a group of citizens under the command
of Pompey were sent to settle in Sardinia. If one considers it with this knowledge, you can't
say that there is no connection at all."
Yuri listened to his explanation while flipping through the folder.
At this point, she noticed a photo of a golden haired maiden clipped to a page even Yuri, of
the same gender, was awestruck by her beauty; it truly was a sight pleasing to the eyes.
"Ah, that girl is Erica Blandelli she's been identified as Kusanagi Godou's lover, and
supposedly she's an unrivalled genius at both swordsmanship and sorcery. I guess you could
call her a model mage from a prestigious family."

Hearing such an immoral word, Yuri was left speechless.

"It's likely that [Copper Black Cross] realized the importance of Kusanagi Godou before
everyone else, and sent her to insinuate herself with him. Even if they used their trump card, a
natural born genius, the person still has to create an intimate relation with him. To use a girl
for this strategy I have to commend their thoroughness."
"To, to became a lover just because of that? That's way, way too shameless, way too
immoral!! Something like this is completely wrong!! To sacrifice a woman's choice just to
gain the power of a devil I will never accept it!"
Yuri stared angrily at the photo of Godou in the folder.
Although she was only a miko of little strength, she would never accept a tyrant such as this.
Filled with rage and determination, her fear of the Campione incidentally also began to
"By the way, you did say that there were two reasons for selecting me. May I be privy to
the other reason?"
"Of course, in fact, the second reason was something that seemed completely by chance"
And having heard Touma's reply, Yuri couldn't help but feel some destiny working behind
that amazing coincidence.
Who would've thought that at such an inconceivable place, Kusanagi Godou and she shared
such a similar fate.

Part 2
It's already been a few days since he returned from Rome.
To be precise, half a week, and being a Thursday afternoon, Kusanagi Godou was currently
enjoying his free time after school.
Having passed the school gates, he decided to take a somewhat roundabout journey home.
He'd finally managed to get past the jet lag, and his mood had brightened considerably
but the minute his mind fell on the Gorgoneion which was resting in a cupboard at home, his
mood fell correspondingly.
It should be said, that after he returned to Japan, Godou tried multiple times to destroy that
But it only ended up being a waste of time.
Having wasted half a day sweating and thinking about it, none of what he tried left even a
Godou recalled the parting words Erica left him with.

'It may look like a stone, but yet is not a stone. What it is, is a record of the accumulated
wisdom of countless godheads. And so it will never wear away, and certainly cannot be
As he once again cursed the idiotic reality that now surrounded his life, his feet kept on
towards his home.
The Kusanagi family lived at the edge of Bunkyo ward in Tokyo.
Amongst the many shops that were near a subway station; situated at a corner, was a second
hand bookstore that had closed down.
This was the Kusanagi residence. After the death of the shop owner, Godou's grandmother,
four years ago, it slowly began to run out of business, and eventually closed for good.
And anyway, when compared to the days when the shop would open and close without a
single customer, nothing had really changed.
Especially when one considered there was nothing even approaching a 'manga section' in the
store, it was hardly surprising that the bookstore couldn't keep up with the newer shops.
Perhaps the store might have survived if it was in Jinbocho[1D 7], but being in a small
alleyway, it would have been more unusual if business was any better.
Since four years ago, the Kusanagi family never bothered to restart the store.
And since we're on the topic, the road on which the bookstore was situated, Sanchoume
Street, Nazu station, still retains to this day a certain air of an older, downtown Tokyo.
Although Godou didn't think of it like that, having always lived in the area, many other people
said it was like so. Indeed, ancient architecture such as this a shop-cum-residence, exuding a
Showa period feel filled the street.
It was completely different from the streets of Rome, fresh in his memory.
The streetscapes there had few modern high-rise buildings and convenience stores; preserving
its original looks, and the whole scene, with all the buildings around, was one of rich gothic
Hence the residents there almost seemed like visitors from another city, filled with an
imposed sense of vitality.
"Onii-chan, welcome home though it's really rare for you to get home so early."
Suddenly a voice was heard from behind, addressing him.
Without looking at the source, he already knew who it was; after all, he had already lived with
the speaker for more than ten years.
"Shizuka, isn't that really unfair? I've been getting home quite early for these past few days
and yet you make it sound as though I stay out on purpose"

"That's true, but only for the past few days. Last Saturday, you left home early in the morning,
and didn't come home till Sunday evening. And then, you even skipped school on Monday.
Where did you go, and what were you doing?"
His sister was glaring at him discontentedly.
Kusanagi Shizuka, fourteen years old, a third year middle school student. Coincidentally, she
was one year younger than Godou.
Unlike Godou, she wasn't wearing a school uniform.
Both her hands held reusable shopping bags, and were filled with vegetables, milk, fish and
other groceries. She probably got home earlier and changed, then went out to buy ingredients
for dinner and only caught up with him.
"I already told you, I only went to a friend's house for a night How many times do I have to
repeat that?"
Ever since he returned from Italy on the Sunday, Godou had been repeating that same reply.
Beginning to feel somewhat bound by his response, he nevertheless answered with the same
flimsy excuse.
Although, it probably wasn't right to praise his own sister, it had to be said that Shizuka
really had an extremely cute face.
But although she was the younger sister, she constantly used that aggravating manner on her
brother; it felt more like a mother-son relationship, being constantly nagged; certainly, a most
problematic existence for him.
"It's a friend, is it?... A friend I see oh"
"If you've got something to say, say it. I don't like all this twisting and turning around."
Godou spoke while taking the shopping bags from Shizuka.
He didn't really think about it, but acted almost subconsciously in reaching out his hand. He
was probably too well conditioned by his grandpa's own habits. Habits really are frightening.
But Shizuka still glared at her brother with suspicious eyes.
"So let me ask, this so called friend of yours, is it a boy or a girl?"
"Of course it's a boy."
And now, would his big fat lie be taken as the truth?
Walking down the hallway next to Shizuka, Godou desperately tried to maintain a casual
demeanor, but this sister of his merely glanced at him coincidentally praying to any god he
could think of right now and dropped the next bombshell.

"Oh, I see. And on another topic, what is Erica-san like?"

Godou gaped. 'How does Shizuka know that name!?' flashed in his mind.
"O, oh, you mean that Erica yes, well, how should I put it"
"I never mentioned it, but actually, after Onii-chan disappeared on Saturday, this girl called
our house."
Her words were cold as ice, and her eyes looked like a hunter about to shoot her prey.

Last week, the phone rang in the Kusanagi house.

After Shizuka picked it up, the caller told her that her name was Erica, and formally
introduced herself.
She said that because there was some pressing business which required her brother's help, she
decided to request him to deal with it. She also said that it might take a few days, and there
was no need to worry about anything

"Her voice was so pleasant, I'm sure the person herself was also very pleasant to the eyes?
Wouldn't you agree, Onii-chan? And how old is she? And let's make it clear now, please don't
try to fool me by saying Erica is a guy now that's just stupid."
Shizuka spoke frostily, cutting off his only escape route at the same time.
'That's why all these girls are so!'
Godou couldn't help but curse Erica and his sister.
Erica deciding to phone his house was definitely due to some malicious reason. Most likely,
she thought that causing an uproar in the Kusanagi household was an extremely funny thing to
But Godou would never have known that Shizuka was also a fan of this sort of thing
'Forget Erica, my sister is also way too scary'
So for these past few days, she already knew the truth of what he was doing. Yet she didn't
confront him immediately about it, and even made him think he was safe by waiting a few

"It's because you did something which you couldn't tell anyone that forced you to lie,
right? I can't believe that Grandpa actually managed to guess what you were doing. I'm so
disappointed I never thought Onii-chan dared to do something like that."
"Wha, What's 'that' thing which Gramps talked about!?"
"Something along the lines of 'If a boy runs off to find a girl without telling anyone, there has
to be something sneaky and underhanded going on. And on that note, I also had a period in
my life like that' and so on. I can't believe you, Onii-chan! I thought you were a better
person than this! Why? An illicit love affair? A one-sided romance? Or could it be a
forbidden relationship with an older, sensuous school teacher whatever it is, it's got to be
something like that, right!?"
Shizuka interrogated poor Godou, triumph in her eyes.
Godou was desperately shaking his head to deny it.
"I'm not Gramps! I'd never do anything risqu like that!"
"Hmph! You're Grandpa's only grandson, right? Even your faces look similar; perhaps you
just suddenly realized a new part of your genetic makeup, and unlocked Grandpa's female
interaction abilities. Something like that could really happen!"
"How does that even work! Gramps' affinity with the opposite sex doesn't even have anything
to do with DNA. It's all about a person's personality, just because I'm his grandson doesn't
mean you can lump the two of us together!"
'Why do I have to act out this stupid brother-sister argument in front of our house, right in the
middle of a street lined with shops?'
All those gazes were piercing all over Godou's body.
Shizuka also grew embarrassed from the silence, and quickly lowered her voice.
"So why would you lie to me then? If there is no immoral reason behind it, wouldn't it be
better to just tell me the truth?"
"It's precisely because I was afraid things would get complicated like this that I did it. You
could say that I became friends with that Erica because of my bad luck and I did actually go
visit her, but there were other friends as well. We definitely don't have any kind of immoral
relationship Do you believe me now?"
Godou rested a hand on his sister's head, and ruffled her hair to try and make her feel better.
Shizuka had a very troubled expression on her face, but she finally sighed and accepted it.
"It's not like I don't believe you but you're not allowed to lie to me again, okay? Even if you
try to trick me, I can tell you're lying just by your normal attitude and actions around the
house, understand?"

"Alright, so let us just leave it as that, OK?"

Now that the matter was settled, Shizuka gave a somewhat embarrassed smile. If she had that
sort of expression most of the time, Godou felt that he could brag that he had an honest and
cute little sister.
Contemplating this, Godou smiled wryly.
"It's all because Onii-chan used to be part of the baseball team, and always came home really
late even on Saturdays, you'd be out training from morning to night. Don't you want to join
a sports club in high school?"
" I don't really feel like it right now, I think I'll relax and play around for a while longer."
Because the conversation suddenly shifted to a completely new topic, Godou was at loss as to
how to make a cogent reply.
To tell the truth, he was very unsure as to how he should answer that question. He just wasn't
sure if he could hide the truth well enough.
Obviously, it wasn't good enough. Shizuka concernedly gazed at her brother.
"Your shoulder does it still hurt? Umm, even though someone who isn't athletic like me
probably shouldn't say this, maybe you can still be a striker even with a hurt shoulder
Oh, I said something hurtful I'm sorry, Onii-chan."
Shizuka stopped halfway through her sentence.
' No matter how I look at it, this girl really is my sister' Godou unashamedly thought.
Although she looked as though she was a very tactful person, the moment something touchy
came up she would say something insensitive did she have to be like her brother even in
little things like this?
"Well, I can't deny you are a little bit too nosy. It's just that I don't feel right in the whole
upper and under-classmen relationship that develops in the sport teams, so it doesn't matter if
it's the baseball team or not, I don't feel like joining any of them."
Godou gently ruffled his sister's hair again.
Although Shizuka wasn't sure how much she heard was the truth, she simply nodded her head
unhappily. Perhaps this sister really was just smarter than her brother; at least she knew when
not to say anything unnecessary.
However, there was something else that even Shizuka hadn't realized.
That is, after becoming a Campione, the left shoulder, which could only weakly throw a
baseball, had already healed and recovered its strength. Of course, it was all due to the
incredible healing powers he had now obtained.

When Godou entered high school, he gave up baseball for this reason.
But the reason he didn't start the sport again was for a different reason. Because he now had a
supernatural strength and endurance, it was simply a major breach of the sportsmen's ethics.
And the baseball team in his school was also the one which always lost badly in the first
round of the inter-district championships.
Although he sometimes still envied his fellow baseball players who continued to chase after
that small white ball, if Godou wanted to enter that pathetic team, he would probably not be
But when one compared that loss to his new chance at life, this little sacrifice was completely
acceptable. At least, that was how Godou tried to see it.

Part 3
Godou and Shizuka reached home at around six in the evening.
Because it used to be a bookstore, the front door was a sliding glass door.
The house a relic from before the Second World War was a two story wooden building.
Although old, it had been renovated and extended three times, and it could be considered a
comfortable home.
The siblings entered the house together, and their eager grandfather greeted them.
"Oh? It's rare for both of you to come home together, isn't it?"
Their grandfather, currently reading an old book from a shelf Kusanagi Ichirou said.
As said before, this was until recently a bookstore, and so rows of bookshelves laden with old
books and works that didn't manage to sell at the shop's last day of business still filled the
room. As such, the attic was now crammed with many, many books.
But returning to the main point
Their grandfather, standing inside what was once the old store, looked exactly the same as
He was always dressed immaculately, both his speech and actions filled with confidence and
steadiness. Despite being over seventy, he still exuded a strong sense of charisma; he was so
much a refined gentleman it was spooky.
Godou's grandfather had taken care of him in place of his busy, working mother for as long as
he could remember.
All the housework he did was careful and practised, and he would cook everyday.

If he just thought about it in that sense, there was no problem, but

"Shizuka, could you possibly have drawn in your net, and trapped Godou so that he had to tell
the truth? So, what was it?"
"Well, seems like it's more complicated than we thought. Onii-chan still insists that they are
'just friends', and so from today onwards I'll pay careful attention to see whether or not he's
lying. We'll know the truth eventually."
"You two, please stop talking sneakily like that in front of me."
Someone who could grasp the whole conversation just by glancing at his grandson and
granddaughter's expressions that was his dangerous grandfather.
Someone who could openly say in conversation that she didn't trust her brother that was his
aggressive little sister.
And including his currently absent mother and not forgetting his divorced father, now living
far away that made up the five members of Godou's family.
"But Shizuka, you shouldn't over do it either. I used to be just like him a boy of Godou's
age staying away from home for a number of days isn't that strange, so don't worry too much."
"Shizuka, don't listen to Gramps I'm nothing like him! Remember when he was a student?
He actually dared to build relationships with a widow and a geisha, and even slept over at
their place he didn't even go to school for two weeks. I would never do anything like that!"
Godou shouted out loud, while enduring his grandfather's sympathetic but understanding
Sadly, what he said was hardly believable.
"Where did you hear those rumours from? Let me tell you, when I was a student, I was very
engaged with my studies. Shizuka, don't feel obliged to accept something so blatantly false."
His grandfather grinned, while glossing over Godou's accusation with a toss of his head.
Kusanagi Ichirou in his youth, he was apparently a wanton and dissolute playboy.
And even at his current age, he was still able to project the same attitude. It must be an
ingrained habit.
When Godou had heard about his grandfather's 'exploits', something immediately came to
mind 'I see, if he led such an amoral life in his youth, it's not surprising that he is now such
an unrestrained old man.'
"Alright, since Shizuka has bought the ingredients, I'll start preparing dinner. Could both of
you help me?"
Typical of his grandfather's suave attitude, he smoothly diverted the topic once again.

When it came to interpersonal relationships, you couldn't deny he was almost psychic about it.
And because Shizuka also knew this, she didn't bother nagging her grandfather she knew the
level of ability between them was just too great and so in recompense, she was very hard on
her brother.
'I wish I had just half of Gramps' attitude. Then I wouldn't lose to my sister and Erica'
Sometimes, Godou was simply envious about the things he didn't have.
The table in the dining room was filled with that night's dinner.
Roasted rock cod, stewed octopus and radishes, and fresh salad with home made dressing, to
be eaten with rice and miso soup. Certainly an accurate representation of a Japanese meal.
You could say that the chef who prepared their meals was something of a gourmand, and so
his dishes were all well made.
Tasting some of his radish and celery miso soup it was up to his usual standard. The smooth
and tangy taste was just perfect.
"Eh? Grandpa, did you pickle these vegetables yourself?"
"How nostalgic Gran always used to make it herself too."
Heaped onto a small dish were salt and rice bran carrot pickles.
The siblings both picked up their chopsticks, and tried a piece. It was, as they say, delicious.
As mentioned before, these weren't store bought pickles, and definitely looked home made.
But they knew their grandfather was never very good at pickling.
"Ah, it was given to me by Mrs. Sakuraba, the lady who owns the liquor shop. It's tasty, isn't
The old man didn't even bother to hide it.
But after hearing his words, both Godou and Shizuka looked at each other worriedly. It was
inevitable now; from tomorrow onwards there would be a series of escalating battles between
jealous women.
It has already been quite a few years since their grandmother died.
They weren't sure when it started, but for those ladies at the shopping district who wanted to
become more intimate with a now single grandfather, all competed to send all sorts of things
to him.
All of them were either housewives with their own families, or older grannies.

If they that is, Mrs. Murakawa who owned the pancake shop, Mrs. Endou who sold toys
down the road, Mrs. Yamanoi who owned the hardware store, and all the rest found out that
Mrs. Sakuraba had given them pickles, everyone of them would competitively send a dish
they made themselves.
If one looked at it as having good neighbourly feelings, there was nothing better than this.
But all those ladies always looked at their grandfather with emotional gazes. For the sake of
peace in this shopping alley, both Godou and Shizuka prayed that their grandfather would
control himself a little better
However, there was no point in worrying about it now.
The siblings shook their heads and turned their eyes onto the bounteous meal in front of them,
with a lightning speed of both chopsticks and mouths, each dish on the table was thus quickly
Just as all the plates were cleaned, and everyone was preparing to clear the table
The phone placed in the living room suddenly rang.
"I'll grab the phone ~~ Hello, this is the Kusanagi residence, may I ask who you're looking
Shizuka looked at Godou and his grandfather, whose hands were full of soap and crockery,
and then turned to answer the call.
"Ma, Mariya-senpai? Is there anything you need? Why would you specially take the time to
call us"
Seems like it was someone Shizuka knew.
She was still on the phone when Godou finished the washing and entered the dining room.
"Ye, Yes, He is home right now But why would senpai be looking for Onii-chan? I thought
you were in different classes? Ah, no, please don't say that! I, I understand. I'll make sure to
tell him that. Yes, alright. Plea, Please have a delightful evening"
'Please have a delightful evening?!' Godou began to feel very uneasy.
Since she mentioned 'onii-chan' earlier, they must have been talking about him. That was
strange enough, but even more worrying was the formal good bye at the end. Just who was
Shizuka talking to?
" Onii-chan, please sit down there."
"But I'm sitting down already. Shizuka, what are you talking about?"
Godou asked his sister, who was pointing at the tatami mat in front of him.

Since he was already sitting cross legged, it was naturally he would ask this.
"I want you to get down and kneel properly! I'm going to ask you a question, and you'd better
answer me truthfully Onii-chan, when did your relationship with Mariya-senpai become
so close?"
Shizuka who, by the way, did force her brother to kneel flung out a completely random
question at him.
"Who? I mean, who is she? I don't think I know anyone by that name."
"Are you really telling the truth? Well, I'll go on for now, we can continue that part of the
interrogation later."
My dear sister the way you casually talk about 'interrogation' is way too frightening.
"Onii-chan, do you know who the most beautiful person in your high school is?"
"I don't know? Something like that isn't that important anyway. Beauty isn't something you
should go around ranking people by."
"You're right, but on our campus, there's someone who's so superior there's no need to
compare with anyone else to make a verdict and that's Mariya Yuri-senpai."
Godou and Shizuka were studying at the same institution Jounan College had both a highand middle-school division.
Both portions were on the same campus, and so the two siblings often walked to school
The walk would take about twenty minutes, which was very convenient.
But Godou was originally studying at a normal, state middle-school. At his high-school
entrance examination, he was lucky to make it into Jounan, and began studying there at the
start of this spring. In contrast, his sister Shizuka had been studying at the college ever since
the beginning of her junior-high years, and so naturally had been studying there for much
longer, and understood more about things and people at school.
"She's my senpai from the tea ceremony club, and is also a first year student like you in highschool. She was well known as a beauty ever since she began in junior-high, and also
extremely smart; she is always ranked in the top five each year."
When she said that, Godou vaguely recalled that his sister was a member of the tea ceremony
Apparently at Jounan College, it was quite common for both junior and senior high school
students to join and participate in the same clubs.

And so, if this 'Mariya Yuri' was both a senior from the same club, and an acquaintance since
junior-high, there was nothing strange for her to be calling her. So why did he have to kneel
"And so? What did this Mariya-san say?"
Godou asked with a tinge of asperity. He had no idea how her phone call had anything to do
with his current predicament.
He vaguely recalled hearing the girl's name before.
More often than not, it came from the mouths of the boys of his class, but the topic was
apparently popular even amongst the girls; saying that she was cute and other things of that
"Alright, I'll get to the main issue. Mariya-senpai, although she thought it was too
presumptious of her, would like to meet and chat with you, onii-chan And Mariya-senpai is
not only beautiful, but very intelligent, and also an ojou-sama."
"Does that have anything to do with her invitation?"
"Of course it does! Onii-chan, could you possibly have taken advantage of the fact that she
was an innocent, pure maiden, and so smooth talked, lied and then played around with her?!"
Hearing Shizuka accuse him of so many strange things, Godou instantly retorted:
"How could I have done something like that to someone whom I just put a name to?!"
"So then why did she call our house, and ask to meet you, Onii-chan? That's just too
Even Godou couldn't deny the truth in what she just pointed out.
"But there's something weird about that. If she wanted to find me, isn't it just as strange that
she asked you to deliver the message? Since she called, wouldn't she just talk to me directly."
"Maybe it just didn't occur to her? After all, she's a true ojou-sama. Although senpai is very
smart, she doesn't usually think about efficiency and besides, she probably felt nervous
talking to a boy over the phone The point is, senpai is really amazing when she says
goodbye, she can even say 'I hope for your continued well-being' completely naturally."
"This Mariya-san, does she live in the Twelfth century?"
Amongst the girls that Godou knew personally, no one would greet people that way.
However, the girls around Erica were a definite possibility.
No matter how you put it, it was undeniable that she was a precious daughter of the Blandelli
family. She didn't have to try; if she thought about it, she could emanate the whole 'ojou-sama'
attitude in waves.

"She's not outdated, just a descendant of an ancient and noble family. Comparing our
Kusanagi name to their family, we're just commoners. There's no connection between us at
"And now I'm getting even more confused why would she want to look for me? Maybe she
found the wrong person?"
The more Godou heard about it, the more he came to believe that she was from 'the other
Apart from the sorcerers whom he befriended in Italy, Godou's relationships were all
completely normal and even boring. He just couldn't remember what he could have done to
come to the attention of a lofty princess like Mariya.
However, Shizuka just coldly glared at Godou and said,
"Is that so? Recently all of Onii-chan's actions are suspicious. For example, just like the
matter about Erica-san."
"I already said, she's just a normal friend."
"Oh, that's right. Mariya-senpai also said she wants to see the thing you brought back
recently. What is she talking about?"
Having heard that, all the questions he had were answered.
Other than the Gorgoneion, Godou couldn't think of anything else.
So that was it. If she had something to do with those mages, it wasn't strange no matter
how outdated you sounded; actually you could probably say it was the natural course of
Godou finally realised. Even though he had just returned home, he had already been flung into
another complicated situation. He just became depressed again.

Chapter 4 Enemy from Afar

Part 1
The minute Godou stepped off Shobakouen Station, he went looking for a map. That is, the
'YOU-ARE-HERE' sort that decorated the front of any passenger stop.
After the phone call yesterday, he found out the location for their meeting; it was quite
possibly the most obscure Shinto shrine ever. At least, he had never heard it.
Although he had already made sure to know the closest bus stop and the walking route, it
would probably still take him a long time to actually reach the shrine, it was that remote.

After confirming his destination again on the large map, Godou again set off.

"Why a shrine? There are so many better places to meet And since we even study at the
same school, couldn't she just meet me at school?"
"Now that you mention it, I remember someone saying that she was working at a shrine
somewhere as a miko. And that she wasn't doing it for money, but to gain some life
experience in the 'real world'. So maybe that's why she likes shrines so much?"
Last night, the brother and sister pair was considering the strange request.
After Shizuka told him that, Godou's worries grew exponentially.
"Okay then, let's decide what you'll do tomorrow. Onii-chan, when do you plan on visiting?
How about straight after school?"
"Why are you arranging my schedule? I can decide by myself, thank you."
"Because Onii-chan is a boorish and insensitive boy, I can't let you go and meet a nave and
pure Ojou-sama, can I? So I'm going to go with you."
"That's enough, Shizuka I'm not a primary schooler anymore, I don't need a chaperone."
"Hmm What's wrong with me coming along with you? So, you're going to do questionable
things to Mariya-sempai after all "
After a long and painful conversation, Godou finally persuaded the adamant Shizuka not to
tag along.

In the end, Godou decided to first return home and change into casual clothes, then went
alone to the meeting place. Of course, he also brought the Gorgoneion with him in a bag.
Perhaps that thing was even more dangerous than he imagined?
The reason why this Mariya wanted to talk outside school, was perhaps so that the other
students would not get involved by accident This was definitely not due to a sense of
Godou felt justified in the end He should never have let Erica force that bloody thing on
He once again felt a huge sense of regret as he walked on. Eventually, he arrived at the shrine
This long, arduous flight of stone stairs was his last obstacle.

Somewhat tired, he began his assault of the steps, and finally reached his destination
Nanao Shrine.
Passing under the torii[1E 1], he entered the temple grounds.
The person who came out to greet him was a girl dressed in miko garments.
"We are immensely touched by your arrival to this humble shrine, Kusanagi Godou-sama.
Your very presence is an honor to us. May you forgive me my insolence, in begging a
respected, noble Campione such as yourself to step into this place."
The miko bent into a deep bow.
The brilliant contrast of a scarlet hakama and furisode worn over her white kosode dazzled
and stupefied him. When she rose from her bow, Godou immediately understood why
Shizuka constantly used 'amazing' to describe her.
"My name is Mariya Yuri. Concerning the phone call last evening to your honored person, I
must sincerely apologize."
Her dark brown hair swayed as she moved.
Mariya Yuri truly, she was as beautiful as the rumors said. And it wasn't just beauty; her
face projected an air of refined nobility, her eyes shone with clear intelligence.
Of all the people Godou knew, Erica Blandelli was pre-eminent in her looks.
However, the maiden Mariya in front of him was certainly an equal.
If one considered Erica to be a large Camellia flower, this outstandingly well-mannered Ojousama would be a blooming sakura blossom, attracting the affection of others.
"You're also one of those sorcerers, aren't you? Just like the ones in Europe but I have to
say this is the first time I've met you guys in Japan."
"That is correct Although I do not wish you to equate us with them, there is no severe
difference between us two. I am assigned to this shrine, serving as a miko protecting
Musashino, and although it is nothing more than superficial knowledge, I do know some
In other words, she is working at this shrine after all.
Godou nodded his head and looked around.
"Err Is Mariya-san the only one here? Is there anyone else?"
If possible, he would really prefer if there were other people present.
As far as Godou was concerned, it was far too difficult to be alone with such a beautiful girl.

"Your Lordship is most perceptive I am currently the sole person at the place and in like
fashion, if I offend your honored person for any reason, it will only be me that is to be
blamed. I beg your Lordship to forgive the inadequacies of my humble service, and assuage
your dread rage on my body alone "
"Umm, Mariya-san? Somehow, what you just said seems a bit strange?"
"My only wish is for a tyrant such as you to appease your anger with my death. I beg of you,
please do not torture and execute hapless citizens at your pleasure. The display of compassion
and tolerance is the only paragon for the noble Lord; whatever previous mistakes they have
made, I am willing to suffer the punishment alone."
Yuri thus declared in a respectful fashion.
Could this possibly be words of advice? Wasn't it just like the scenes in period dramas[1E 2],
where a loyal minister is willing to die so that his tyrannical or muddle-headed King can be
Godou suddenly realized things took a turn for the worse, and hurriedly corrected Yuri:
"There are too many things to correct in what you said, but let's start with the first one
What sort of person do you think I am? I'm not Nero[1E 3], not Dong Zhuo[1E 4] and definitely
not Oda Nobunaga[1E 5], I'm not going to kill anyone!"
"So you mean that simply killing isn't enough to satisfy you?"
The beautiful hime-miko once again said something completely whacked out with a serious
Why did things turn out like this?
This girl looked calm and intelligent, yet couldn't understand a word of what Godou said. She
really was a high-born lady; her way of thinking truly was different from everyone else.
"That's not what I meant. Listen carefully; I'm a civilized person, and don't take pleasure in
doing those sort of tyrannical deeds. I hope you understand what I mean by this."
"Yes, I understand completely. However you wish to toy or violate me, I'm willing to
acquiesce to my Lord's wishes. Your meaning was that you will not allow a quick death, isn't
"You didn't understand at all! I really don't have some strange fetish of torturing girls!"
Godou suddenly realized something felt wrong.
Even if she was a sorcerer, very few people actually knew he was a Campione.
The grandmasters he met a few days ago in Rome were the same. Until he had dueled with
Erica and displayed his strength, they all were suspicious about his claims to the contrary.

"How do you know that I am a Campione?"

"Because of my ability, these eyes of mine are clairvoyant, able to read the secrets of the
spiritual plane. Once, long ago, I had the fate of meeting a compatriot of yours, the Marquis
Voban. Hence I will never mistake a Campione a Rakshasa Raja."
Yuri's words were filled with self-confidence.
Godou finally understood. So this girl had actually once met the legendary Devil King of
Eastern Europe!
"Is, is that so I've also heard his name before. He puts on an antiquated, tyrannical attitude,
and is a stubborn and temperamental old man, right? I think he is the only Campione that acts
like that, so please don't treat me the same way."
Godou himself knew another Campione.
He was an incorrigibly hopeless fellow.
On the surface, he looked like an open and carefree Latin knight; but he was capable of
smiling broadly while seriously hacking at you with a sword. He was definitely not normal,
but it had to be said that he was very good at dealing with people.
"Your Lordship is too humble. I am most clear as to your deeds at Sicily, Milan and Rome,
done in rage; all those scenes of destruction could be nothing but the deeds of a Campione.
Truly dreadful"
"It, it's not like that, I really didn't do it because I got mad. Anyway, Mariya-san, can you
please stop speaking so formally? We're classmates at school, so it's fine to simply talk
casually and I'll do the same."
To be addressed so respectfully by a girl for so long, Godou simply felt very uncomfortable.
But Mariya looked flabbergasted at his suggestions.
"I am extremely sorry; it is because my speech fails to match my meaning. I am most
apologetic However, what is the meaning of 'simply talk casually'?"
What the? Was it possible that in the world of princesses and high-born maidens, there was
no 'normal' way of talking?
Godou realized just how different their lives and worlds were from each other.
"I mean, stop using that respectful tone of voice. I'll just call you Mariya, and you can just
address me by my name. I don't care if it's Kusanagi, or Godou, or you can even make up
some nickname anything is fine."
"How can I I'm sorry, I can't do it. After all, your Lordship's station and mine are so
different, and besides, I have never directly addressed a boy by name."
Yuri blushed and declined.

Godou only grew more certain that the two probably didn't even come from the same country.
"My station who uses that word today? And I'm not some amazing person anyway. Forget
it, if you're not comfortable with it I won't force you to but please just relax when you're
talking. And please, please stop calling me 'your Lordship'."
"Yes I will make an effort Kusanagi-san."
Watching Yuri paying careful attention to her words, Godou nodded his head.
That was a hundred times better than seeing a girl his age calling him 'your Lordship'.
"I have something I would like to request of you, Kusanagi-san. Could I please borrow the
divine object you brought from Rome to look at it?"
Yuri recovered her serious manner and requested.
"I have no problem with that, but how do you know about that thing?"
"Kusanagi-san, you are too humble. Someone who could be a Campione went to the country
of origin for all sorcery Europe. To their colleagues in Japan, rather than saying that they are
interested in what you obtained, it is probably more correct to say they were worried. That, of
course, is natural."
"Worried have I been watched all this time?"
Godou was genuinely concerned.
He never suspected that such a group existed.
"I don't know if they were actively trailing you, but I can at least confirm that there were
Japanese investigators sent to Rome. According to the reports from the investigation, after
they found out that the Italian mages pressed a certain object onto you; they sent their files to
"And who sent the investigators?"
"Of course it would be the History Compilation Committee do you not know them?"
An extremely long title emerged from Yuri's lips.
That said, Godou recalled that he had heard it somewhere before. Godou recalled the event
from the murky depths of his memory.
Erica did mention before that all mages across Europe were in hiding, and although he felt
that was simply absurd, there was also a sense of awe.
She also said that Japan would certainly also have its own mages' associations.

The difference was that, unlike Europe, because mages in Japan were organized, monitored
and directed closely by the government, the average citizen simply didn't know of their
The name of that association, if he remembered correctly, was
"The History Compilation Committee, yes, I've heard of them before."
"They are a secret organization, controlling and manipulating gathered information by means
of mages and spiritualists. It comprises the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology, the National Diet Library, the Imperial Household Agency, the Religious
Affairs Agency, the Metropolitan Police department among other influential organizations.
People like me, miko with spiritual ability or agents of the gods, have been pressed into aiding
their efforts."
Magic, Sorcery, Divine Aid infinite numbers of strange powers and confusing abilities.
All these matters are not considered part of 'proper history' in Japan.
The Committee was founded in order to preserve the desired attitude amongst the population,
and thus became the 'History Compilation Committee'. At least, that was how Erica explained
"It was also on the Committee's orders that I meet you here today, Kusanagi-san so that I
could confirm whether you really were a Campione. It was also because we study at the same
school, and that I am good friends with Shizuka."
"You're also a victim, huh"
Having heard this, Godou began to sympathize with Yuri.
Perhaps it was because of the impression he received from the carefree attitude of the Latin
mages, he felt that Yuri, who was filled with custom, to be a pitiable sight. For this, if nothing
else, he should maintain a positive relationship with the Committee.
Having decided on this, Godou took out the Gorgoneion from his bag.
A crest on a dull black rock, the engraving of a woman with snakes for hair the moment
Yuri saw it, she was so stunned she couldn't say anything.
"So this thing really is very dangerous, huh?"
"I'm afraid so it has a very, very ancient seal of a godhead impressed therein. A serpent
god, the mark of the great serpent No, it likely has an even older root, the helix seal of the
encircling Earth Mother "
Yuri closed her eyes and said this.
"Although it is only my intuition, I believe this seal came from North Africa. Egypt,
Numidia[1E 6] I'm not sure why, but my heart tells me those countries are most likely."

"Your heart tells you? A friend of mine calls this the Gorgoneion, do you know about it,
"No I know almost nothing about the gods of Europa or Africa. I only relied on my
clairvoyance and intuition to somewhat 'feel' it out, and then said it."
But what she just said was exactly the same as what Erica divulged.
Godou was deeply impressed.
Whatever it was, Mariya's spiritual ability was definitely an extremely accurate intuition.
Of course, she could simply be telling a big, fat lie, but Godou wasn't prepared to doubt the
girl, who was speaking so solemnly and with such a sincere gaze.
Although the mention of Africa was certainly startling.
The Gorgons, Medusa etcetera weren't they Greek myths? Well, the hero Perseus did save a
gorgeous beauty called Andromeda, and she was said to be a princess of Ethiopia. So what
she said did make sense
"Kusanagi-san, I'd like to ask you a question."
Godou, who had sunk into a deep pondering, was suddenly jerked out by Yuri's sudden
"This is obviously a tool for a [Heretic God] as a Campione, there is no way you could
have not noticed it, is that correct?"
"Well, you're correct. Yes This thing is something troublesome after all"
"If you knew that, why bring it here! Do you want to invite some apocalyptic god into Tokyo!
What do you take the safety of this country's citizens for?!"
A sudden ringing voice, out of the blue.
Just as he was nodding, a thunderbolt like declaration struck him.
Godou once again closely examined Yuri her confident beauty, until just now still most
virtuous in composure and elegance, yet now so alluring in her daring.
She was awe-inspiring, and Godou subconsciously drew back.
"Well, I, err, was also worried about this, but there should be no problem, right? The goddess
who wants this thing is all the way back there. For her, I think that she probably doesn't even
know the name and place called Japan."
"'There should be no problem?' Please do not create unnecessary dangers for us. Having
read your investigatory report, I immediately realized that Kusanagi-san is extremely uncaring
about other people and their property."

Yuri bored through him with a chilling gaze, and Godou stepped back two paces.
This was bad.
Any argument with her was going to end terribly for him.
Godou knew by instinct that his personality was quite possibly the worst match with hers
to Godou, she was a completely different sort of 'ultimate boss' from Erica!
Yuri may have also discovered this same thing
Now her previous 'advice' was becoming more like an all-out attack!
"With great power comes great responsibility. And because of this, don't you think that you're
being very irresponsible, Kusanagi-san? Unable to withstand your lover's request, you
brought this unknown, dangerous object back to Japan "
"Lover? Wha, Who are you referring to?"
"There's no use acting dumb, this investigatory folio states it very plainly."
Yuri said while taking out a giant folder.
Erica Blandelli, a member of the mages' organization [Copper Black Cross], 16 years of
age. Height: 164 centimeters. Three sizes: 86,57,88. Kusanagi Godou's lover.
Listening to her detailed narration of these personal details, Godou was overwhelmed by a
sense of despair.
"Mariya, all these horrible things about me are not true they're all fabrications, false reports.
At least listen to my explanation, please?"
"I don't know why you could call them 'fabrications' are you still trying to trick me when
the facts are all here? Using the power of a Tyrant to do what you want to women, have you
no sense of shame?"
"What do you mean by 'do what you want'?! it's the complete opposite! I'm the one who's
being played with!"
"Oh! I never knew that Kusanagi-san was someone who pushed all the blame onto women
I'm beginning to understand even more as to just how despicable a man you are Stop
your constant attempts at lying now!"
Yuri's face lit up in a smile, but it was only skin deep.
'She's a raksha.' Godou was completely sure of this point.
If female rakshas really existed, they would all have a smile just like Yuri's. That icy beauty
and that mask-like smile.

Godou was browbeaten by the indescribable power that she wielded, and couldn't help but
And then he saw.
Fast footsteps which were already hurrying in this direction carried a very familiar silhouette
towards him.
Wait, wait, wait, why are you even here?
"If you're thinking of continuing to bully my Godou, can I please ask you to stop? The only
person that can love him, torment him, or treat him like a toy, is me, the [Diavolo Rosso].
That is a right given only to me, he isn't someone who you can play around with when you
feel like it, you know?"
This woman couldn't be here at this place and let's not even mention that hearing her voice
now should be nigh impossible.
What the dumbstruck Godou saw, was the girl that they just mentioned Erica Blandelli.

Part 2
Dressed in a red themed outfit and with golden long hair, she was alluringly beautiful; Erica's
looks gave the impression of opulent royalty.
However, it wasn't that alone which attracted the eye.
Her most noticeable aspect was probably the elegant aura which she exuded from each hair of
her body.
Someone self-proclaimed as naturally drawing all attention and could not be tamed now faced
another who could be said to have a great sense of self-respect. The two girls were in a state
of perfect equilibrium, and Erica's face broke into a smile of sheer aggressiveness.
"What's wrong, Godou? Why do you look like someone Medusa stared at?"
Erica spoke so sweetly her tone could probably melt gold.
But facing something that should make any man feel pleased, Godou just sighed.
"That's because someone I thought couldn't appear actually did. Geez, this is Tokyo, not
Milan you obviously didn't just come for a chat, so why are you here?"
"Why? You can be so thick sometimes, Godou. If a girl from a far off country took such a
long and painful journey, it can only be to meet her lover, isn't it?"
Erica stepped closer to Godou.
She wore a black sleeveless top with a scarlet woolen sweater, paired with a pair of denim

This modern, turn-of-the-century dressed maiden appeared in an ancient shrine.

Obviously, the two shouldn't match, but he didn't feel any sense of incongruity; probably
because, no matter where Erica went, she was the star of any event.
"Come closer, Godou. Wherever and whenever, the only place you can be is by my side."
Erica spoke while intertwining her hand with Godou's, and pulled him towards her.
"What, what are you doing? Suddenly appearing like this, and even doing something so
"So what? You know very well what's going on between Godou and I, right? Disturbing a
lover's reunion is something that only an insensitive girl would do."
Facing the raging Yuri, Erica flippantly shot back.
'Oi, stop saying things that will cause misunderstandings!' Would be what Godou would like
to say, but he suddenly felt a chill go down his spine. Yuri's mask-like smile would strike fear
in anyone.
"This is a hallowed sanctuary for one to propitiate the gods. May I ask both of you to respect
the sanctity of this shrine, and to refrain from such disgraceful and shameless acts
Erica-san and Kusanagi-san. Are you listening to me?"
"Yeah, yeah, that's right, Erica, we should listen to Mariya and do as she asks even you
won't play around in a temple, right?"
But the customs of the two Japanese teenagers were brushed aside with a smile from Erica.
"'Play around', huh? But it's the same in Japan and Italy when a couple recognizes their love
for each other in a holy place, it's just like going through a wedding, right?"
"This isn't a wedding event! Stop kidding me!"
More to the point, this whole conversation was happening in Japanese.
Erica's Japanese grammar and pronunciation were impeccable. Erica and other
accomplished sorcerers probably learned languages the same way Godou learned Italian
through magic, they could learn many languages in a short period of time.
More importantly, because Godou and Erica were speaking in Japanese, Yuri was therefore
also able to understand what they just said.
Actually, no, even if they were speaking another language, the result would have still
been the same.
Yuri's eyes were terrifying; her gaze was ice cold and felt as though killing intent was
emanating from them.

To be specific, her gaze was directed specifically at Godou's left arm. That is, the part of his
body which a certain Italian maiden was hugging tightly and rubbing gently with her chest.
"Kusanagi-san, could you remove yourself from this shrine? I have fully comprehended the
true depths of your lasciviousness, and have nothing more to say to you."
"Wait, wait a minute, Mariya! Give me a minute to shut this fellow up."
Godou gravely turned to face the unexpected gatecrasher, then spoke:
"Erica, if you keep being silly I'm really going to get angry please try to be serious."
"Ahh, at least you've finally turned serious. So different from your previous puppy-dog-like
expression Un, that's more like my Godou."
The smiling Erica let go of Godou.
That rascal probably came here to help him; but even so, Godou wished that she chose
another method to do it That was probably asking for the impossible, but he still grumbled
about it.
"I just mentioned to Mariya how you gave me the Gorgoneion. Did you come to Japan
because of this?"
"Smart boy! For that, I'll give you an 'A' but actually, I was chasing the person that came
here first, and so flew to Japan."
"The person that came here first who is it?"
'I shouldn't ask who. That answer obviously isn't going to be good.'
Although that was what his intuition told him, Godou still asked very timidly.
Yuri's pale, bloodless face made him very concerned; it couldn't be that her spiritual strength
told her that it boded ill
"Of course it's a [Heretic God]!"
"Of course!"
As Erica spoke, Yuri also sighed and said the same.
His bad feelings were realized, and Godou's mood became even worse.
"How did it chase after the Gorgoneion from Rome? I never said anything about where I was
To that question, Erica could only shrug her shoulders.
'Well, humans will never fathom the methods of the gods' was probably what she meant.

"To be honest, that was probably my fault. I was too optimistic, for the gods, crossing over
seas and oceans are as easy as talking Forget it, since it's already here; focus on how you
can force it to retreat."
"Don't talk like it's not your problem. You're the main accomplice in bringing the god here."
"Umm, where is the [Heretic Deity] right now? And its name. What would the exalted one's
name be?"
Erica nodded at Godou, the expression on her face saying 'all right, all right, I get it' and
then turned to face Yuri.
"I heard your conversation earlier. You seem to have a spiritual sight that's perfect right
now. Please divine the name of the deity that is approaching."
"Divine it? Do you mean oracular prophecy? Can she do something like that?"
"Probably, we currently hold the Gorgoneion, and someone who personally met the Goddess
Godou is also present. As long as the diviner is a proper Sibyl, it can be accomplished."
It makes a great difference whether one knows the true name of the divinity one is about to
Although Godou had no real experience in this area, he had already learnt the importance of
knowing a deity's name.
" And that's how it is, so could you please help us? Ah, of course this whole disaster is our
fault, and I know it is very mean of us to ask for your aid, but still please help us."
Godou words were completely sincere, and he bowed as he spoke.
Of course, it was all done towards the hime-miko Yuri.
Surprised, she looked like she was about to say something, but finally just sighed deeply.
"It's not like I have a choice, do I? I'll just have to try it, please pass me that stone; and
Kusanagi-san, please stretch out your hand. You've met that [Heretic Goddess] before, what
was your opinion of her?"
Yuri's left hand held the Gorgoneion, her right held Godou's hand, and murmured something
Then she closed her eyes, and began to speak extremely solemnly.
With this serious and grave atmosphere permeating, Godou naturally grew anxious, and his
whole body stiffened in the anticipation.
"I believe is the night. I am unsure exactly what sort of goddess she is, but I feel that she is
a deity of the night."

A mother goddess, a snake, a Gorgoneion, Medusa.

So far, all that Godou had heard were key words defining her.
None of them had elicited an instinctive response from Godou. The goddess whom he met in
Rome may very well have been a member of the night; her words he felt certain.
"The night eyes like obsidian, a silver haired, youthful goddess no, not youthful, rather a
goddess stripped of her age and her divine position hence she is young hence she is
Yuri was muttering out loud details about the goddess which no one had told her.
So this was the power of spiritual insight Godou was deeply impressed it was almost as
good as omniscience.
"And her divine name is That is, the name of the [Heretic Goddess] is eh!?"
Yuri suddenly opened her eyes in amazement, but was completely silent.
Godou and Erica looked at each other. If she was that shocked, did that mean that someone of
apocalyptic proportions had arrived?
"What did you see? Who is it? Could it be a name that even you know?"
"Ye, Yes But there must be some mistake somewhere. Because, well this goddess should
be an enemy of Gorgons of all serpentine deities; even I know that much about her."
"A godhead that even a Japanese miko knows well, what is her name?"
Erica pressed on with her questioning.
Her current piercing gaze had no trace of her previous playfulness.
"She is Athena. The goddess that Kusanagi-san met, the goddess that has arrived in Japan, her
name is Athena. But that is impossible, isn't it?"
Medusa, the devil with snakes for hair, the one whose one look could turn others to stone.
And the hero who subdued her, Perseus.
And the one who shielded him, who guided him, was the goddess who stood for wisdom and
war Athena. At least, that was what Greek myths said
Why such a dangerous Goddess appeared, was something Godou just couldn't figure out.

Part 3
Poseidon, the ruler of seas and tempests was her mortal enemy.

Well, the Greek stories had it as such.

That truth was this Athena did not hate the seas, as the seas and the lands were both an
intrinsic part of the qualities which were stripped from her, and the source of her existence.
What she really hated was the sun.
The glowing rays, the dazzling brilliance of his aethereal throne; this was the real irritant to
this queen of the night.
However, it was just an irritant. At least it was nothing truly threatening.
The sun was also the flame of the spirit, an essential part of both life and death, graciously
enduring this brilliance was also part of being a queen.
This way of thinking was wrong in propriety, and even wronger in rectitude. Because she was
still the [Heretic Goddess] Athena, because she still had not recovered her position of the
tripartite queen.
Wafting in the remnants of her memory were the sighs of the mother, the rebukes of the
queen, and the wisdom of the crone.
Inside this shattered body, once glorious, only remained the thought of striking against her
father the king of the heavens, controller of the sun, Zeus.
Just a short while longer.
All she needed was to take back the ancient representation of the [Serpent], the Gorgoneion,
and she would truly become 'Athena'.
Standing above the wind and the waves, she was seeking any scent of the [Serpent]. Where
was it? Where was it waiting for her? In the east? In that far off land to the east, was it with
that person?
She gave a shallow smile.
The Gorgoneion was indeed near the scent of a familiar person.
In the end, it was him who stole the [Serpent]. The last time she had met a Campione was
such a long time in the past; it was probably hundreds, no, thousands of years ago.
Facing her mortal enemy, Athena, in her aspect as a war goddess, erupted in a bloodthirsty

"Ahh Anna-san, thank you very much."

Godou unsteadily crawled out of the back seat of a very scarily driven car.
How fresh was the air outside!
Returning from the brink of death, anyone would believe the same thing.
'I never expected to sit in that mad, suicidal automotive ever again. No, I'll probably be in it a
few months down the road.' Godou had already resigned himself to his fate, but never
expected 'The Terror' to come for him after just a few days.
The look on his face had to be horrible.
Even Erica, who just came out after him, was also very pale; an uncomfortable look on her
face truly was a rare sight.
"Not at all, being of service to Godou-san and Erica-sama is my pleasure."
Arianna's smile bloomed across her face, and got out of the driver's seat.
She was able to act so nonchalantly after driving like a maniac. So she was abnormal as well.
After they found out about Athena.
Godou literally flew out of Nanao Shrine,
Of course, it was to go searching for the goddess. Besides, Erica had probably already found
out her location. Asking her, Godou was not disappointed.
As he was about to leave with the Gorgoneion, Yuri shouted after him.
"How can you bring the one thing that Athena is looking for straight to her!? What is going
through that skull of yours! Please leave it with me for the moment. Geez I just don't know
what to do with you!"
Yuri sighed in exasperation, and took the Gorgoneion from Godou.
However, what she said was true.
Godou suddenly realized how little real planning he had done for this, and felt extremely bad
for Yuri, who was trying to help him.
Leaving the temple, Erica immediately phoned Anna.
' I guess it was to be expected, huh?'
Of course she would bring someone fluent in Japanese with her.
Godou could accept what was going on up to that point. What broke down was that Anna
appeared in a huge four-wheel drive car.

" We don't have any time. If I had a choice, I wouldn't sit in that death machine either, but
the only way we'll get to Athena quickly is by car."
Erica whispered just loudly enough for Godou to hear her. The rare expression on the face of
the [Diavolo Rosso] was that of consternation.
"Does Anna-san even have an international license? Forget that there must be something
wrong with the Italians, giving her a license in the first place!"
"In case you were wondering, apparently, she got her license in Japan."
And so the both of them foisted the blame onto each other. Sadly however, there was no point
crying over spilt milk.
So Godou and Erica consoled themselves with the old adage, and entered the back seat. The
moment when both put on their seatbelts, the unassuming vehicle suddenly became a flash of
They were probably in there for about an hour?
Perhaps it was even shorter, but their bodies felt as though they had suffered for that long.
In addition, although this was an automatic, the speed felt no different from Godou's previous
The car, going at almost a hundred kilometers an hour, managed to safely go round the
roundabout without causing any accident, and for that Godou almost cried in joy.
'It's been such a long time since I've smelt the ocean air.'
At least, that was what Godou thought as he looked at a nameless stretch of sand that was far
removed from Narashino city.
"Athena is somewhere near here. Godou, come with me. Arianna, wait here."
Erica spoke, while taking a chain from the end of a small pocket watch.
Then she wrapped it around her middle finger, and then shook it around the area.
It looked like some form of investigative magic.
Whenever she wanted to find something, Erica would often use this sort of spell; in fact, she
probably did the same thing to find Godou at Nanao Shrine.
"I understand. Please be careful, okay?"
Anna bowed deeply, and watched the two leave.
Erica walked towards the coastline, and Godou simply followed behind.

She strode with a definite sense of purpose; it seemed as though she was very sure where
Athena was.
"Hey, does Anna-san always drive like that?"
Godou asked when he made sure Anna was out of sight.
It was already past five o'clock.
The two walked on the orange, tousled scrub near the sea.
Although wave-breakers were sticking out into the water and seawalls on the beach so that
you couldn't simply jump into the sea, the view was still quite amazing.
"Of course! Arianna is amazing someone who drives like that and yet has never had an
accident or hurt anyone, is in a sense a natural genius at driving."
"I feel the same although you don't see it at first, isn't she a little bit too airheaded? She has
absolutely no idea of it herself."
"There's nothing wrong with that. Arianna is intelligent, dedicated, hardworking and even
funny she's basically perfect. Although she has four flaws, they are only small problems."
Let's not get into 'intelligent', what do you mean by 'funny'?
When the word 'funny' comes out of Erica's mouth, it means the equivalent of 'deadly poison'
to the average person.
"Just out of interest, can you tell me what these four flaws are?"
"Her driving is extremely dangerous, she had no aptitude in martial and magical arts, her
stews and soups are bad enough to make a child cry just from their smell, and although her
work is regularly perfect, a big accident will occur every three days these are the four
'These flaws are things that a knight and a maid can't afford to have, right?'
'But Erica always preferred (at least, that's how I see it) entertaining and funny things over the
simple and practical. If it's that way, it makes more sense.'
The two discussed this completely irrelevant subject as they walked along.
The meeting with the silver haired girl the [Heretical Goddess], was about ten minutes
after that.
They had no idea how she got it, but she wore a thin wool jacket, a miniskirt and knee-high
socks, and above her silvery hair she wore a knitted cap.
The sea breeze wafted up her hair which sparkled, as though reflecting the brilliance of the

There was no doubt about it.

This little goddess always made Godou think of 'darkness'.
"It has been some time, Campione. I am delighted at our reunion."
The girl spoke the antiquated phrase with a clear, feminine voice.
Godou replied unhappily, even coldly:
"Well, I'm pissed, because you guys go around disturbing people's calm and happy lives for
no apparent reason. To tell the truth, you're a pain in the ass."
"For a divine child of Epimetheus to take such a moral tone, thou art truly a unique
She narrowed her eyes in reply.
Although Athena didn't give off an air of combat, it didn't mean that they could now relax.
The actions and thoughts of the gods are not fathomable by man.
"Let us first make assay. One carries the divine title of Athena thou wouldst do well to
remember it."
Finally, the name came from the person herself.
Forget Greece, even amongst the states around the Mediterranean it was the greatest amongst
the goddesses there. If only she gave another name
"Campione of the East, reveal thy name. Before our contest of supremacy for the relic of the
[Serpent], one requires to know the name of one's opponent."
Dark eyes which were devoid of any feeling.
Athena spoke without emotion.
"I should have no reason to fight with you."
"Thou have taken the Gorgoneion from its ancient metropolis. Those conjurers set you up
to it, didn't they? Whoever takes the [Serpent] away from oneself, qualifies as one's enemy.
Our fight is inevitable."
Although Godou was quite sure she was referring to mages, Athena didn't even glance at
While she had some idea of magical organizations, she didn't care in the slightest who they
were; in her eyes, only Godou was of any significance.
"One graciously awaits thy nomenclature."

"Kusanagi Godou, and she is Erica Blandelli. Even if you are a goddess, it's still extremely
rude to ignore someone completely."
Godou looked at Erica, and then gave his name.
"Kusanagi Godou what an unfamiliar name. A masculine title of foreigners, is it? One shall
remember it well."
Unsurprisingly, Athena simply disregarded any mention of Erica.
The girl at Godou's side understood, of course, and she slowly but surely created a gap, so that
she would not be in the way of Godou and Athena, while softly muttering to herself
Godou could see that she was definitely not getting along well with the goddess.
Her gaze was saying, 'stop chatting and just beat each other up already!'
Naturally, Godou ignored it, and glanced around.
No one was around. Even though there was nothing stopping people from coming here,
without the exception of Godou and Erica, there were no other humans around was this
because of Athena?
Perhaps she didn't want unnecessary attention.
A divine aura needs only a thought to affect humans.
As long as Athena was here, people would never come here. As long as gods were around,
they could and would change the actions and thoughts of the humans around.
Of course, most divinities would not be in the human realm, but there were obvious
Those familiar with the gods called them [Heretical Deities].
"And if it please thee, Kusanagi Godou, one shall ask of thou again. Where does the
Gorgoneion now lie?"
"Please do you think that I'll actually tell you?"
"Nay, but it was necessary to make confirmation. Part of one now yearns to clash arms,
confirms thee to be a foe, thirsts to slake the battle-lust. But another part of one, the goddess
of wisdom, wishes to make this warning."
Athena's dark eyes spiraled into the abyss, but seemed to flash alight in amusement.
Godou thought he remembered seeing a gaze like that before where was it?
"Thou truly art a distinctively different Campione, The strength thou seized from one's
compatriot ought to be paltry, yet one's wisdom tell one that thou art an exceedingly

dangerous foe, and one might suffer surprisingly deep wounds just as a trap causes one to
feel menaced."
An owl.
Godou suddenly had that thought.
Athena's eyes seemed very similar to that of an owl.
The Goddess in human form and the nocturnal avian of course have completely different eyes.
Yet, his instinct as a Campione told him that the two were the same but why?
"So, one will ask you a question. How thou doth reply shall determine our relation henceforth.
One is Athena, the goddess of both martial and intellectual pursuits. Thou may surrender or
take up the challenge. Tell one, what is thine reply?"
"If I could, I'd like to solve this peacefully too, but"
Although it was a surprising compromise, he couldn't just hand over the Gorgoneion.
Godou desperately decided to try another option.
"I refuse both. I have another idea just give up on the Gorgoenion, and go back. Rather than
making us both suffer, this is the more humane option."
One cannot measure the strength of a god.
One cannot describe the power of a god.
Even in the form of a human, the strength Athena kept contained in her body was
unfathomable. Even just meeting a god, just talking to one, could cause the hearts and minds
of humans to fluctuate.
Facing Athena who was already this powerful, Godou was determined to avoid making her
use even stronger abilities.
Even so, Godou still wished to avoid a fight; could everyone find some leeway in their hearts,
and come to conclusion without harm for anyone? Facing such a (surprisingly) reasonable
goddess, he sincerely presented this idea.
This was bad.
Facing a constantly nearing Athena, Godou still let down his guard.
"Thou speaketh the truth. Battle between gods and Campione can only bring both to grief
there can be no real result. However, there is yet another way to settle this matter."
They were now an arm's length from each other.

"One's deepest apologies, Kusanagi Godou. Thou art a most compassionate and loving man,
for a Campione. However, 'tis undeniable that you are a warrior, and even more sadly, also a
king. In thine defense, someday thou might emerge to be a great hero, though it is a day that
will sadly never arrive please forgive one."
Before she finished speaking, she wrapped her arms behind his head.
What was she trying to do? Godou didn't even have the time to form that thought, when
Athena rose on her toes and, with her cherry-red lips, planted a kiss firmly on Godou's own.

Athena rose on her toes and, with her cherry-red lips, planted a kiss firmly on Godou's own.
He was too shocked to even respond.
"One seekth the Gorgoneion. Restest in repose, Kusanagi Godou. Thy breath, thy very life has
been grasped by Athena. Go thy lonely ways to the dark recesses of the earth, the cold, empty
halls of the dead."
The moment she kissed him, Athena began her incantation, and with it a deathly chill seeped
through Godou's body damn.
This was an incantation of death.
He felt his every limb grow cold, and the flame of life began to pall.
No, hang on.
Why would a goddess of battle and wisdom know such an incantation?
Even though gods were a pretty messed up lot, they were all very scrupulous in keeping to
their specifications. For example, gods who had nothing to do with fire or mountains couldn't
get volcanoes to explode, while those who were not affiliated with water and the sea were
unable to flood places.

So did that mean that Athena was some sort of death god?
"Just as the famous trick before the walls of Troy[1E 7], thou truly doth have no defense
Hmm? Even though thou hast received one's gift of eternal sleep, yet thine eyes are so
Forcing his knees from bending, Godou kept glaring at Athena.
A goddess of wisdom and war, closely affiliated with the [Serpent], a dweller in darkness;
Godou could only wonder what the real face of the goddess was.
That said, he remembered reading something at home before (when he was bored).
In the West, the owl was the sign of wisdom, the messenger and symbol of the goddess of
wisdom Minerva, and there was a saying that "the owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with
the falling of dusk." [1E 8]
And this Minerva was the Roman appellation given to the Greek Athena.
This goddess related to both snakes and owls just who was she?
"A gaze filled with wisdom. How stubborn or is it determination? But 'tis a pity. Even with
thine determination, without the will to take arms all comes to naught. Determination without
force is useless on the battlefield."
Athena's tone of voice displayed the entertainment she found from Godou's useless struggles.
His sight was getting increasingly blurry.
And just as death opened its gaping maw, Godou faintly heard Erica's voice.
"Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani! My God! Why hast thou forsaken me!"
Erica loudly proclaimed that dirge-like incantation, that strongest of spells.
"Though each bone of my body is shattered, my heartache melts like a lit candle. You shall
bury me in the dust of dead earth! Wild dogs surround me, evil company hems me in!"
'She really is an amazing woman.' Godou couldn't help but respect that.
Even if Erica was a mage, she was in the end only a human, yet she still planned to take on a
"O Lord my Savior, I beseech you aid me! Snatch me away from the weapons of the
enemy, snatch me from the jaws of the lion, snatch me from the horns of the bull!"
Even if Erica was a very intelligent person, there was no chance of victory against a god.
And there was no need to ask what her reason was; it was obviously to save him. 'So, I can't
die here. I can't let Erica risk death for nothing!'

For I am strongest amongst the strong. Truly, I am one that holds each and every
I care not whom challenges me, whether man or devil; I may face all my foes and all my
enemies. Regardless, I shall crush all those who wouldst stand in my way!
Erica rushed in, her blade flashing, facing an agile, evading Athena.
Godou hazily looked to the battle between the two girls, while reciting the divine verse. In his
mind was Verethragna's eighth form the [Ram].

Chapter 5 - The Deathblow from Knight and Lord

Part 1
"Thus I do declare the name of God, that the world may now offer service, offer praise to the
Halfway through her incantation, an aura of despair began to surround Erica.
In addition, the actual temperature of the beach also fell to around twenty degrees.
Sounds unable to be heard by the common ear cries of despair, screams of futility, and the
wailing of the hopelessness all these sounds coalesced into a single body, hanging in the
freezing air.
All this were the effects brought forth by Erica's incantation.
"Goddess Athena, as a subordinate of Kusanagi Godou, the knight Erica Blandelli humbly
beseeches. If it pleases you, depart immediately. If thou suffers not to heed my pleadings, I
shall defend mine Lord with mine blade!"
The air rang with her firm declaration.
Her back guarded by a magically summoned crimson banner, she faced the goddess with
Cuore di Leone in her hand.
Having heard her declaration, the goddess turned and acknowledged the girl for the first time.
"Oh? As a stepdaughter of Prometheus as a follower of Hermes, thou art willing to die
for your master?"
"If necessary. To perish in a glorious manner for one's Lord, the knight feels only pleasurable
satisfaction. In choosing as enemy the most ancient of goddesses, Athena, an understanding
such as this is only natural."
'Why is Godou always making life hard for me?!'

Erica mouthed quietly.

That Athena could completely grasp the weaknesses of the Campione; and more specifically,
Just from their short exchange, she managed to not only realize that unless Godou was forced
into a corner, he wouldn't fight, and that he was a goody-two-shoes, and most of all, he even
got kissed!
Looking at the corpse-like Godou, sprawled on the floor, Erica's stare grew fiercer.
When was this man ever going to learn?!
Although this wasn't something that happened very often, there were simply too many holes
in his defenses, plus he was too open to women, and so a kiss was easily stolen from him.
As a general rule, Campiones had ridiculously high natural defenses against spells and other
Even though his opponent was a god, the fact remained that he would not have been easily
overwhelmed. But if the spell was somehow able to be performed directly on the body, then
there was nothing to be done; if such a method was employed, even a mage such as Erica
would have easily succeeded.
"You're really such a troublesome fellow, making me work so hard"
While continuously muttering complaints, Erica formed her spell into an arrow, which shot
towards Athena.
If her opponent were a human, that strike alone would have been enough to finish him.
Even if it was an extremely accomplished mage, it would have left him unable to stand.
Her verses of despair were incantations of death, which chilled the hearts of her enemies, yet
Athena merely shook her head.
With a goddess as her foe, a weak attack like that would obviously have no effect at all.
Erica lightly touched Cuore di Leone, then chanted:
"O lion of steel, thou art the mind and body of sorrow and fury. Thou art the harbringer of
grief to gods and spirits, one who will bathe in the blood of your foes Appear before me,
the spear of Longinus !"
Gathering together the already coalescing incantations, she directed them to the blade of her
favorite weapon.
Erica raised Cuore di Leone, now charged with power, and dashed forward.
In a flash, she crossed the gap between herself and Athena, then thrust with her sword.

As though merely amused, the goddess simply leaned to the side, and so evaded the sword
thrust. Erica, of course, was not impressed by this, but
She didn't end her move there.
Face, skull, left shoulder, thighs, abdomen, chest, throat, and finally, her right wrist.
Erica set those parts of the body as her target and kept up her attacks.
Without a trace of hesitation, like a bolt of lightning or the gust of wind, she continued to
press Athena.
Each time Erica's blade neared the goddess, she would evade the strike.
However, facing Erica's unpredictable and multi-directional style of combat, Athena finally
gave up on dodging, and used the back of her hand to stop the final swing at her wrist.
Under normal circumstances, something like that would have left her with half a hand, but the
goddess's hand was as strong as steel, and warded off the blow.
Having succeeded, Athena glanced at her hand; then her expression suddenly changed. She
seemed excited.
" I see, as expected of one who dared challenge me certainly, thou doth possess some
On the hand which just blocked Cuore di Leone, a thin red line had appeared.
From that fresh cut, blood was trickling out.
It was a sword wound.
It was a simple fact that human weapons were completely incapable of harming a deity, let
alone bother them. Forget swords, neither gunpowder weaponry and explosives, nor even
chemical or biological weapons were able to do any damage.
On what was a supposedly immortal body, somehow a fresh wound had appeared.
While smiling and gazing at the blood dripping from her hand, Athena spoke.
"How rare. One had long forgotten her previous instance of injury from a mortal."
"My sword is currently infused with a spell on the same lethality level as the holy spear
Longinus, with a power capable of extinguishing the Son of God or any wicked demon or
deity. Even you, Athena, wouldn't escape unharmed if you were struck by this sword."
Whilst lightly rattling her Cuore di Leone, Erica flippantly spoke thus.
If her opponent showed any sign of movement, she planned on instantly attacking; however,
Athena seemed completely unconcerned.

What she did feel, was that due to the previous attack, Athena's attention was now truly
focused on her body, and the previous uncaring attitude had disappeared.
"Truly, mortal, your words ring true. That blade is extremely lethal to one's body, and may
even be able to steal the very breath from me. Truly, one pities your current position. If thou
had not stupidly vowed loyalty and devotion to that Campione, one wouldst have bestowed
upon you a blessing, and accepted you as one's devotee."
Even though Erica was facing her with a blade, Athena only gazed at her with a loving and
caring expression, her eyes those of a protector, as though looking at a lovable pet, or a
laboring gardener in a park.
What to do now?
Erica asked herself; if Godou was with her, perhaps the two of them could do something, but
since she was alone, the situation was not exactly a rosy one.
And her opponent was a goddess in combat.
Even with a blade on par with the god-subduing spear Longinus, and her skills in swordplay
and sorcery, just how much of that would make a difference she was very uncertain about
the outcome.
In the past, Godou, before he was a Campione, much less a mage, managed to defeat
Verethragna as a mere mortal.
But that victory should be considered a combination of many coincidences, and a ridiculous
amount of good luck. Furthermore, it was because the very person who fought was Kusanagi
Godou, that he managed to pull it off. In addition, he had his 'secret weapon', the [Secret
Tome of Prometheus], which no longer existed in the mortal world.
It looked like escape was the only option.
'Right now, the most important thing is to evade the deathblow she will send my way.'
"Saint George! By thine holy title, bestow upon me the dragon slaying strength!"
Erica loudly proclaimed thus.
Even if she was planning to escape, there was no way she would just let her opponent off like
Even when retreating, she must do so with awesome presence and grace that was Erica's
knightly code.
Cuore di Leone's form began to change.
From a thin rapier, it transformed into a two meter long spear.
Erica superbly wielded the heavy spear, and struck with speed three times.

How would Athena respond? Would she retreat, evade it, or counter and advance?
She retreated.
The goddess leaped back with agility, far exceeding the striking range of the spear.
Seeing Athena's response, Erica let a brilliant smile show; for those who knew her, it was a
smile that showed that she believed her ploy would succeed.
Advancing to combat a retreating enemy was the most effective means of employing her style
of combat, which focused on devastating speed.
"O Copper Red Cross, rend apart the armor of the dragon, rip out its organs! O my departed
forebears, knights who lie now in eternal rest, I beseech you bestow upon me thy
outstanding military service!"
Finishing her incantations, Erica flung out the spear she held.
Originally an attack meant to be used against those that were even further away; these petty
details were not something she would worry about now. The spear, flying from her hand,
hurled like a silver-hued comet towards Athena's heart.
This method of ranged javelin combat was particularly favored by the Etruscans[1F 1].
Eventually, the Romans learned this method of warfare from them, and during the Middle
Ages, the Knights of the Round table raised it up to yet another notch[1F 2]. However, facing
this attack, Athena merely smashed it aside with her fist.
The strange thing was, the spear that should have lain on the sand, somehow savagely
continued to fly towards the goddess.
The silver spear had become a silver lion.
Cuore di Leone had, in the blink of an eye, changed its form and jumped up while riding the
force of the blow. Athena gazed at the teeth of the nearby lion while showing an admiring
"Really, you do quite amaze one "
Athena evaded the lion's leap, and quickly struck with the side of her palm.
Less than half the size of Cuore di Leone, she nevertheless attacked it anyway, hacking at the
natural lines of the head, body and shoulder, turning it into a pile of animal parts.
What really shocked Athena came immediately after this.
"Cuore di Leone! Having received the blessings of both Holy Spirit and saint, complete thy
work with an indestructible body!"

Erica chanted the final line of the incantation, instructing her faithful blade with a new
The now fragmented Cuore di Leone changed form again, each part shifting to the shape
of a lion. Athena now found herself surrounded by seven lions.
"Ahahaha, you really know how to waste my time!"
Having heard Athena's strident laughter, Erica whistled, and one of the surrounding lions
bounded over to her side.
with this, she didn't need to use any more tactics.
Erica quickly picked up Godou, then jumped onto the lion's back.
While her opponent was surrounded by six lions, as long as she did her best to escape without
looking back Even if the opponent was Athena, facing a dueling ground charged with a
despairing incantation, and a Cuore di Leone blessed by God, there was no way she could
easily deal with them and then still catch up with them at least, she hoped.
Erica sincerely prayed that her enemy would not come running, while encouraging the lion to
In front of her, Godou was lying on the lion's back in deep sleep. Of course, there was no way
he would just die like this. No matter how ridiculously unfair the circumstances, he was a man
who would always find the means and path to victory; there was no way he would die so
She placed her hand on Godou's chest, confirming his warmth and his pulse.
Having received the encouragement she was looking for, Erica let out a pleased, knowing

Part 2
This so called near-death experience really was extremely discomforting.
Godou, who had yet to fully awake, thought in his foggy mind.
The eighth incarnation, the [Ram], offered miraculous powers of recovery. Regardless of how
critical his body's condition was, its divine power would always bring a full recovery.
While Verethragna was a god of victory, he was also a defender of kingship.
Among the ten forms, the [Ram] had the deepest relationship with kingship. In ancient times
when herding could be equated with wealth, the sheep, able to grow quickly and reproduce
with abundance, was a symbol of vitality and prosperity.
Fertile, productive, rich.

The power to demonstrate vitality was a perfect representation of the sheep that exhibited
these traits.
But if he was killed instantly, then this ability would become useless... considering this, he
couldn't help but break out in cold sweat every time he woke up from unconsciousness, since
he must consciously use this ability before dying for it to work.
To make it even more dangerous, this ability was only useable when he was on the brink of
Godou personally experienced before the inability to use this power to heal conventional
serious injuries.
Of course, even with such harsh restrictions, it was still an astounding ability.
Godslayers could seize the abilities of the god they killed.
A divine power acquired this way was called an [Authority].
This meant that the more gods one killed, the more powerful a godslayer becomes.
Godou had only defeated one god so far Verethragna, but it had been said that many
godslayers were monsters holding multiple [Authorities].
Born to this world to fight the gods, warriors who represented mankind.
Erica once described godslayers as this: they are warriors, kings, monsters, but at the same
time also people; they were existences that went beyond common sense.
Godslayers were born from neither innate ability, nor effort, and definitely not blood or
Only victory could give birth to a godslayer.
Even if one had innate talent, even if one worked harder than anyone in the world, without
victory, one could never become a godslayer.
That was way too strict, Godou thought.
His own victory over Verethragna had entirely depended on a series of unbelievably lucky
Forget normal people, even special people like prodigies or legendary masters would never be
able to defeat a god. The difference in power was simply too great, great enough to make any
comparison between the two completely meaningless.
Only after a series of miraculous occurrences was it possible for man to defeat god.
Yet a chain of unbelievable coincidences could give birth to a godslayer, granting them more
power than any man could ever have.

......Even Godou himself thought this wasn't such a good idea.

Only those born as gods or those reborn as godslayers could oppose one another, that was
simply beyond all common sense.
For such a thing to be achievable only through luck, that definitely wasn't a good thing. This
kind of power should never be given to a single man, so Godou hoped to restrain himself as
much as possible, not to abuse this power, but......
He realized he was starting to gain control over Verethragna's powers.
The first time he used the [Ram], it took him six hours to recover from unconsciousness. The
second time it was only four hours. Every time he used it, the time to regain consciousness
How short can this period shrink?
When he switched to an incarnation, he could use numbers like these to describe his
proficiency with the power. Of course, Godou didn't like falling to the brink of death, but to
slowly gain control of such powers was yet another reason why he didn't like using them.
His consciousness began to clear.
As he woke up, Godou found himself lying on a stiff bed.
Seemed like the bed came with pillows, but he wasn't sure why it was so soft and warm
behind his head.
"How does it feel? Can you get up?"
Erica whispered beside his ear.
Just like every time up until now, she had stayed beside his near-dead self this time as well.
"......Where are we? And, how long was I gone?"
"This is a bench in some park we escaped to, and you were only unconscious for two and a
half hours this time. Congratulations, it's a new record."
"This kind of new record doesn't make me happy at all. I rather have the time increase."
"Knew you would say that, but this time the time reduction dropped again, and probably
wouldn't decrease anymore? Does that make you a little more relieved?"
Erica answered with a gentle smile.
Even though she always dragged Godou about everywhere, it was surprising that when he was
at his weakest, Erica's attitude would also become very gentle.
"Hn, a little relieved."

It seemed like he still hasn't awakened fully; Godou's eyesight was still somewhat blurry, and
he couldn't see the surroundings very well.
The only thing that reassured him was Erica's presence beside him.
"......If possible, I really wish someone else could defeat this god. Even though, it's rather
ungrateful for me to say this after just barely managing to keep my life."
"That's impossible. Our opponent isn't someone you can defeat through sheer luck Of
course, having good luck is a necessity, but final victory will be decided by your strengths and
character. You're someone qualified to defeat the gods, so you should have some more
confidence in yourself."
Erica said this as she gracefully twirled her wrist.
Using her hands as a comb, Erica was grooming Godou's hair; her gentle, rhythmic
movements made Godou feel extremely comfortable... 'Wait, she's combing my hair?'
"You may only have a portion of the power now, but one day you will definitely control all of
Verethragna's authorities, because you're someone who will break through any obstacle to
achieve victory. Until Godou becomes a true king, I will always protect you no matter who
the enemy is, I will never allow them to kill you, or hand you to anyone else."
Erica's whispers changed from her usual gentle tone to one filled with determination.
It truly made him happy.
To be honest, Godou felt like he didn't deserve this treatment, and he sort of wanted to
apologize. But......
"T-Thank you. I always cause troubles for Erica, but Erica still treats me like this. I'm really
thankful, but also feel a little bad......"
"You don't need to apologize to me, since it's me who wanted to do this from the bottom of
my heart. I only want Godou to love me honestly. Simple enough?"
"Eh, I have to apologize for saying something like this during such a time, but this position
really isn't good!"
At this moment, Godou finally awoke fully and realized his situation.
There was nothing abnormal about his body; his hands and feet were as good as ever.
He was lying on a long, dirty bench in a small park. Erica sat beside him, with his head on her
lap, while her hand combed through his hair
"No way. You've just returned from death's door be obedient and rest."
As she said that, Erica used her unusual strength to press Godou, who was attempting to get
up, back down to where he was.

Erica's legs were as thin and elegant as a deer's, while her thighs were particularly soft and
made him feel very comfortable.
This really was a dangerous situation.
It wouldn't be good if he kept laying here like this without saying anything.
Godou wanted to escape his current circumstances, to the point of thinking about rolling off
the bench.
"Godou, don't you think it's impolite to refuse the good gestures of another so stubbornly?
Especially after saving your life?"
Even though she said that, Erica's tone sounded extremely happy.
Godou was embarrassed to the point that he didn't even dare look at Erica's face. All he
wanted was to escape the current situation.
"Regarding that, I'm really grateful towards you, and I apologize. But, no matter how you
look at this situation right now, it isn't good!"
"But why? Isn't this just the basics of developing our relationship? It's about time we stopped
the introductions and started our skinship stage. We should spend more time to properly foster
our feelings for one another."
Stop saying such selfish words.
How could the man named Kusanagi Godou have the courage to take such a step!
"But we can leave this for later, since we need to plan for when you get better. Godou, how do
you plan to deal with Athena? After reaching this point, don't tell me you still want to sit
down and negotiate?"
Erica seemed to realize that it was too cruel to keep pushing, so she changed the topic.
Finally they could talk normally. Godou let out his breath as he replied to Erica.
"You're right, but I plan to go find her first, then I'll decide on the final course of action based
on the circumstances......"
"That's to say, you plan to attack immediately, and then force the situation into a standoff,
Erica gave an interpretation that was completely off from Godou's words.
"How did you arrive at that conclusion? When did I say it like that?"
"Because it ends up like that every time, so in the current situation, I'd suggest we start
preparing [Sword] you know what the consequences of being ill-prepared against an
opponent like Athena will be like, right?"

"......Right, we need to prepare for the worst after all."

Godou began to think.
Since he had let Athena off, she could have retrieved the Gorgonieon at any time. He needed
foolproof preparations to face an even more powerful Athena.
Without sufficient power at hand, even negotiations wouldn't go anywhere. This was the core
of the problem that Erica pointed out directly.
"Since that's the case, how are you going to ask for my aid? Come on, say it already."
Erica looked smug.
Even though she was fully aware of what it took, she was intentionally making Godou beg
her. What a cruel woman.
"......Fine, I take back what I just said. Please teach me everything you know about Athena. I
must prepare myself to fight that goddess."
Without the help of this person before him, Godou had no chance in a fight against Athena.
As he thought of this, he lowered his head to beg Erica.
"Very good, now my answer is decided."
Erica left the long bench and knelt down before Godou's feet.
With a joyous grin, she respectfully said:
"My liege, I shall do as you wish. You are the master of my sword, and the king of us mages.
So long as you wish it, I shall grant you the key to victory."
Every once in a while, Erica would take this kind of respectful attitude.
Godou felt uncomfortable, so he pulled her back up.
"I told you, don't say it like that......I want Erica to be her usual self."
"Really? Then let's do it like usual. Godou, sit over here, we'll start now."
Godou was suddenly pushed back down by Erica to sit on the bench.
Realizing the signs of danger, Godou started panicking.
Were they really going to do this?
"When I said please teach me, I meant telling me using your mouth, please don't use any
strange spells or ritualistic items."

"How long do you think it would take me to tell you? Athena is descended from the most
ancient goddesses, so there are countless pieces of history and mythology surrounding her. No
way am I going to talk about all of them, way too troublesome."
Erica moved closer to Godou as she said this.
Since she quickly sealed Godou's mouth with her lips, he could no longer continue his

......After a long kiss, Erica briefly parted her lips and said:
"Hehe, I'm really happy right now, since Godou had been so cold to me recently. You had
kept me at such an obvious distance, yet you had secretly met up with that strange woman or
being forced into a kiss with Athena, so I had been really unhappy."
Although she said she was unhappy, her tone was sweet.
Their faces were extremely close, almost to the point of their foreheads touching one another.
"I-I wasn't being secretive, and the case with Athena was a completely unexpected accident.
But seriously, I still don't think this is a good idea. We should use a more complete, more
permanent method than this!"
"What could be better than meeting the lips of your lover. Besides, the one who took my first
kiss was Godou, and you've done so again several times since then. After all that, why do you
still mind it?"
"But that was all done to fight the gods! It wasn't like that kind of love"
Godou's mouth was blocked again before he could finish.
This time even the tongue stuck in.
Was it really necessary to go this far!?

He couldn't open his mouth even if he wanted to ask; it was such an annoying situation. For a
high school boy to be treated this way and still arouse no desire, it could only be that kind of
extremely abnormal guy.
Godou struggled to escape the honey trap before him.
But he just couldn't get away.
Their wrist strengths were simply far too different; how could this woman be so strong?
"Let's start with Athena's birth, such as who was Athena's mother? Then there's the
relationship between Athena and Medusa."
Erica spoke gently in between her soft kisses with Godou.
"In Greek Mythology, Athena's mother was Metis[1F 3]. She was Zeus' first wife, as well as the
goddess of wisdom, but their history wasn't a good one. According to one legend, Zeus raped
Metis by transforming into a fly, which caused her to conceive Athena."
A tail appeared within his mental imagery, and formed into the shadow of a complete snake.
It was followed by a cow, and then wings which meant the shadows of birds coming by.
"To Zeus, Metis was merely an object of his desire. The only reason he took her as wife was
to maintain his image by rewriting the myth. After finding out about Metis' pregnancy, Gaia
and Uranus[1F 4] predicted that if she gave birth to a boy, then he would be even more
powerful than Zeus himself."
Godslayers had powerful resistances against magic.
That wasn't only effective against enemies, but also affected harmless and beneficial spells.
Even spells from his companions would still bounce off a godslayer, unless the magic was
directly inserted into his body like what Athena did.
What Erica used right now was her magic of endowing her knowledge upon another.
Every history that was related to Athena.
The goal was to quickly teach Godou all of the mythology and divine traits related to Athena.
"Fearing the unborn child, he swallowed both Metis and her child, hoping to destroy both
mother and child while absorbing Metis' wisdom for his own use. But the child Metis was
pregnant with, Athena, ended up being born from Zeus' head."[1F 5]
The words that came from Erica's lips transferred phenomenal amounts of knowledge into
Godou's mind.
The tenth incarnation of Verethragna, the [Warrior], was said to own a golden sword.

And this process was indispensable for forging that sword.

Only after receiving sufficient knowledge about the opposing god could Kusanagi Godou
change his form to [Warrior].
In other words, Athena is a goddess born from the death of her mother. This is an extremely
important detail in Greece, 'Metis' also means 'Wisdom', but it's also the origin of 'Medusa'.
Metis and Medusa.
These two words both contained the same meaning, and they were also the names of
goddesses with deep connections to Athena.
The trinity goddess, a single body formed from Metis, Medusa, and Athena.
Godou suddenly realized the meaning within.
It was all thanks to the knowledge that Erica had transferred using her lips and tongue, her
sweet breath and saliva, that the true face of Athena had finally been unlocked.
Erica's tongue squiggled flirtatiously to find the location of Godou's tongue.
The enormous knowledge that filled him and his pleasant sensations raced through Godou's
He should let things fall naturally into place like this.
Godou's consciousness was losing itself within the captivating and powerful emotions.
While Erica seemed to have read Godou's thoughts as she revealed a light smile.
"How is it? You still want to stop using this method and return to a more normal method of
teaching? I rather like it this way. Which one does Godou want to use? Should we continue
like this, or return to some boring teaching method?"
Before realizing it, their lips had parted from one another, and even their link had weakened.
Erica relaxed her arm.
Normally, Godou would have requested for her to stop long ago. But after going this far to
just stop now would be very hard. However this situation still wasn't very good......
Erica's expression was full of joy as she stared at Godou's distress.
This devil's smile was far too alluring and hard to resist. Just as his resistance thinned and his
body lost all strength...
Godou realized.
In the corner of his sight, a blushing, flustered lady stood nearby.

"Anna-san? Don't tell me Anna-san, you were there... watching the entire time?"
"I had forgotten. Anna, when did you return?"
Godou and Erica turned to look in the same direction.
Anna had been hiding behind the streetlight post, watching the pair's every move. Just from
looking at Anna, it was obvious that she had been very interested in what they were doing and
had been mesmerized.
"L-Let me just say this first, I wasn't peeking. I was only worried that two young people might
temporarily be unable to control themselves and do something irreversible, so I had been
keeping watch. Originally I was relieved to see Erica-san let Godou-san rest on her lap, but I
never thought you two would be so daring! It was so embarrassing to watch......"
Anna hurriedly explained with a flustered face.
Godou could only see darkness through his eyes.
Could it be that she had seen his image just then without any holding back?
"When did we meet back up with Anna?"
"When you were still asleep. After we escaped from Athena, I had contacted her and
scheduled to meet back up here. When you first woke up, Anna had just left to buy things, so
you hadn't seen her."
That seemed to be the case. After a careful look, Anna was carrying coffee, red tea, and other
drinks in her arms.
That was far too careless.
'If I had just thought about it, it would have been easy to realize that there was a third person
here, but I had been...' the embarrassed Godou wanted to dig a hole and bury himself in it.
"Well, if you two don't mind, please continue. You don't need to mind me; just pretend I'm
not here."
"Of course. Since Anna already says that, then let's hurry back"
"There's nothing to hurry back to, and we don't need to continue! ......I plan to return to
Tokyo, so I need to bother Anna-san to drive the car. Erica you can use 'the normal way' to
teach me the rest."
Godou depressingly gave his orders.
Could he really defeat Athena like this? He felt really uncertain.

Part 3

Moon, stars, and darkness filled the skies; it was the Goddess Athena's favorite time.
But night-time during this era remained far too bright.
The night was filled with man-made lights. Even when looking at the sky, the light of the stars
would feel weak and barely noticeable.
The fear and aversion humans had towards the darkness did not begin recently.
Within the well-lit city, Athena walked leisurely.
Although she looked to be slowly moving forward, she was doing so in a way that was
impossible for humans to achieve.
Her goal was the nostalgic aura coming from the Gorgoneion.
As Athena continued to advance down the coastal road, the [Serpent]'s smell steadily grew
The time of revival was nearing. Athena's face couldn't help but reveal a smile.
Even though the staggering people she walked past would stare at her with fascination,
Athena didn't care.
It was natural for humans to be fascinated by gods.
It was also natural for humans to worship gods, to convert in the name of the gods.
It was natural for humans to pray to gods, to hope for blessings in return as well.
It was just as natural for humans who meet a [Heretic God] that descended upon Earth to lose
themselves, become disorderly, or go insane.
None of them deserved the slightest attention from her.
If Kusanagi Godou was here, the two of them might have to fight for their very existence; but
right now, she didn't even need to worry about that.
What happened to that guy afterwards?
That recent scene reappeared within Athena's mind. Even though she defeated him with her
Death Spirit, would he actually die that easily?
Most likely not; a human that could kill even a god was a godslayer.
Devil kings, archfiends, fallen angels, chaos lords, godslayers.

Since he was among those whose titles stood equal with gods, then he might be able to revive
even from death.
That was fine too.
If that happened, she would just beat him by force this time; either way, she wouldn't need to
defend against any more godslayers.
She could finally relax a little.
Athena's mood rose, and the traits that she carefully hid unraveled themselves.
This place was simply unbearable.
The world man created was simply far too unnatural for her.
Athena leisurely strolled through the nighttime city.
Every time she stepped forward, every time she breathed out, a light in the city will
At first, the street lights were put out.
That was followed by homes, offices, department stores, shops, bars, neon signs, and car
lights; not even flashlights and small light bulbs could avoid it.
All man-made light must disappear.
Once the hypocrisy of sunlight leaves, the city should be filled by the purity of darkness.
An endless abyss of darkness that would make it impossible to see even a few meters ahead.
Those people who noticed the abnormality gathered unhappily toward the streets.
Those on the streets could only endure their instinctive fear while looking up towards the dark
Those lucky enough to return home safely were at a loss as their homes plunged into
People gathered before their homes and offices in twos and threes, shaken by their anxieties
while wishing for the light that showed no signs of returning.
Their aversion to darkness.
Their yearning for light.
Humans held onto their anxiety, fear, discouragement, and weakness as they waited for the
sun to reappear.

This was what night should be like.

Sensing what the people felt, Athena declared her mandate in satisfaction.
"By the decree of the true Athena. Night, reveal thyself, disperse the grace of sun, and erase
the flames of Prometheus. The starry skies and dark winds shall return to recreate the ancient
Athena sang as she continued moving forward.
After spreading the night, only the Gorgoneion remained. That's right, she wasn't fully
satisfied yet.
[Heretic God] Athena was a god of earth and darkness.
The dark, deep night without a trace of light was already revived. What remained were the
strong smell and rich life of the earth.
"I seek but the Gorgoneion! Athena shall retrieve the ancient Serpent tonight!"
Every time Athena sang her divine words, bird silhouettes would appear in the skies.
Birds that continue to fly without regard for the night could only be owls.
Under dozens of flying owls, Athena continued her unstopping advance, single-mindedly
chasing the scent of the Gorgoneion...

An abnormality that quickly hurled the entire city into paralysis.

All lights had been extinguished regardless of their size.
All vehicles have been stopped; even trains could no longer move.
The time was just past 9pm.
Although there were fewer pedestrians than during daytime, there were still plenty of office
workers and local residents.
Dragged into this situation, some people got angry, some anxiously watched their
Some also panicked.
Anger, turmoil, panic, confusion, worry......

Despite being plunged into darkness, as long as one kept their calm, it was easy to notice the
distress of others nearby.
"This is incredible. Things are progressing far too hastily."
"Amakasu-san, your words are far too heedless, please be a little more serious."
A car that refused to budge.
As the young driver muttered to himself, Mariya Yuri reprimanded him openly.
Even though the two have only met for several hours, she already came to a realization. This
Historical Compilation Committee member named Amakasu Touma didn't take things very
"Ah, I'm sorry but in this kind of situation, whether we're serious or careless doesn't help
the situation one bit. Since that's the case, then why worry more about it?"
"I'm talking about your attitude. Seriously, be it Amakasu-san or Kusanagi-san, people are far
too careless, it really troubles me!"
Yuri complained as she continued to observe the situation outside.
The unnatural existence of a [Heretic God] seemed to have surfaced in the Urayasu region.
Amakasu had brought this news to Nanao Shrine around twenty minutes ago.
He was commissioned to investigate the region, so he drove Yuri from Shiba Park[1F 6]
towards Tsukishima.[1F 7]
Then it happened suddenly.
The vehicle Amakasu drove suddenly underwent rapid deceleration, slowing down to little
more than a pedestrian's speed, and after two minutes it stopped completely.
After looking around, they finally realized that all the streetlights were also put out, and so
were all the other lights within the city.
Large numbers of stopped cars laid on the road. But unlike a traffic jam, they weren't going to
move forward no matter how long they waited.
Many drivers left their cars, fidgeting anxiously as they looked around.
"Yuri-san, how about we leave the car behind and move on waiting here won't do
"Is that really alright? Just leaving the car here might cause people trouble."
"With the situation now, it's useless to worry about that come on, let's go let's go."

Urged by Amakasu's prodding after he got off the car, Yuri also stepped out.
The two of them moved towards the sidewalk.
Their eyesight plunged into complete darkness.
Their only sources of light were those of the blurry moon and faintly visible stars.
"Darkness' domain... seems like the one who descended here was a [Heretic God] with the
divine trait of the night plus they're spreading the influence nonstop, talk about
Amakasu grumbled nearby.
Compared to when the news first arrived, things were falling under the god's influence far too
To create such a reaching and powerful influence, as expected of Athena the most
powerful goddess of Greek Mythology.
But why would she spread darkness? Yuri couldn't understand this part.
Yuri quivered.
No, it wasn't the chills, but because as a hime-miko, she felt the presence of a god
She thought of the 'Gorgoneion' that was placed on the obsidian badge in Nanao Shrine.
It was the powerful will to find an important item.
There was no mistake; this was a sign that the [Heretic God] was closing in on the presence of
the artifact.
Yuri shivered.
That place was in danger; just like insects attracted by light, Athena will eventually reach
Gorgoneion's location. That was an easily expected scenario.
"Amakasu-san, we must leave this place. We must leave this dark area and return to Nanao
Shrine. I must return to protect the [Gorgoneion] I spoke to you about."
"You mean the item that's similar to Medusa, I understand. But, this stage really is grand.
Now, if that devil king Yuri-san acknowledges to be true Kusanagi Godou, would arrive,
then all the actors will be assembled."
"That's why I say, you're being far too heedless!"
The two of them continued to walk through the darkness without any light to guide them.

Amakasu's footsteps did not show the slightest hesitation, as if he was already used to the
Yuri took each step carefully as she followed the only road sign Amakasu's shadow, and
even then she would occasionally find herself almost tripping.
Just the disappearance of light from the city could cause such inconvenience to everybody.
The utter darkness exerted an unbearable pressure, bringing people endless fear.

Chapter 6 - Whirlwind in the Darkest Night

Part 1
Yuri and Amakasu spent dozens of minutes before they escaped from the area of pitch
They were lucky enough to stop a taxi that hadn't noticed the abnormality of the area yet, and
managed to return to the Nanao Shrine beside Shiba Park.
Within the premises of this shrine was a simple, single-story service building.
Yuri had kept the Gorgoneion for safekeeping inside this place. It was a room that had been
especially prepared for her, so she could use it freely.
She left Amakasu waiting outside in the courtyard before entering the service building herself.
When she returned with the Gorgoneion, Amakasu was reporting their current situation
through his cell phone, to whom was likely to be a member of the History Compilation
Committee on the other side.
"So the artifact that's causing the problem is the Representation of the Serpent; talk about a
troublesome item."
Amakasu said after hanging up his phone around three minutes later.
The meeting with Kusanagi Godou, the appearance of the self-claimed lover from Italy, and
the arrival of the Goddess AthenaAmakasu had reported all of these recent events.
Everything had developed so quickly that Amakasu had revealed just how much of a 'do
things my way' attitude he had.
But even though he was someone like that, he was still an agent of the History Compilation

To understand sorcery to some degree, trained in a few martial arts, and be knowledgeable
about supernatural and deific matters of past and present... it was expected for him to be like
"I still can't believe that an artifact like the Gorgoneion had been excavated from Africa; it's
just too odd considering its connections with a Greek goddess."
Yuri asked without any expectations.
She only hoped to receive some hints that might lead to an answer.
"Oh no, it's not strange at all. Plato[1G 1] once wrote in his dialogues that 'the Greek Goddess
Athena and Libyan Goddess Neith were the same deity'."
"Plato's dialogues?"
As she watched Amakasu answer her effortlessly, Yuri couldn't help but see him in a new
As expected of a member of the History Compilation Committee, his wealth of knowledge far
exceeded that of her own.
"Correct, if I remember right it was in the Timaeus[1G 2]. It was a well-known story in ancient
Greece. Even Herodotus[1G 3] once wrote something similar, that 'most Greek Gods had been
adopted from foreign countries'.
Yuri felt admiration as she listened to his explanations.
As a miko, Yuri had received some western cultural education. But even though she was far
more knowledgeable than other girls of her age, she still didn't know much about Classical
Greek culture.
"Of the Greek Pantheon, many of the deities were assembled from various parts of the ancient
world. Their places of origin included Egypt, Libya, Babylonia, Syria, and many others. It
was the result of merging many regional and ethnic gods into their own mythology."
"That's how... I didn't know at all."
"Don't worry; this is a lacking for Japanese in general. Because we've always been a closed
island country, we're rather oblivious to the cultural changes brought in by immigration. For
example, even the one Kusanagi defeated, Verethragna, could trace its origins to the bible."
"Ehh!? Really?"
The Persian God of War that supposedly had ten forms.
How did such a god from Central Asia appear in the world's most famous book?
Strictly speaking, it would be an ancestor of that god. I once mentioned that Verethragna had
been equated with Heracles[1G 4] as a god of victory. But Heracles had been a god created by

unifying several other gods, and his oldest source would be Ba'al[1G 5], the storm god and
ruling deity of Canaan[1G 6].
"So are you saying that the African god Neite was later referred to as Athena... like that?"
Amakasu revealed a vague smile to her question.
"About that, who knows? Regarding something like this, I don't think I should comment on it
when I'm just a layman. Honestly, this is a difficult part of Athena; the goddess had a
profound link with not only Neite but also Medusa."
"I remember the one who defeated Medusa was Perseus, the hero who received divine
protection from Athena."
Yuri thought of the renowned story from Greek mythology.
With dozens of snakes as her hair and the ability to petrify people with her gaze, Medusa had
met her death when Perseus cut off her head and offered it to Athena.
"That mythology introduced the relationship between Medusa and Athena. Did you know that
Athena had always kept the severed head of Medusa with her after receiving it as an offering?
Ever since ancient times, the shield of Athena[1G 7] would almost always include a portrait of
Medusa had stayed in this form beside Athena ever since.
It wasn't appropriate to call them partners; more like strong bonds of fate had linked them
with one another.
"Incidentally, if you trace Medusa's origin, you'll find that she was an earth goddess that came
from Africa. She really wasn't a monster."
Deities from other cultures were often introduced as evil mythological monsters to suppress
their status. Of course, they were always defeated in the end.
Legends of defeating evil and vanquishing monsters like that could be seen everywhere in
"Furthermore, Athena was also linked to many other goddesses other than Medusa. There
were simply far too many in similar roles."
"What do you mean by similar roles?"
Yuri asked Amakasu, who was normally too lazy to explain.
The subject had digressed completely from the main topic.
Even though she knew this, she still felt that the current topic was of unparalleled importance.
Not because of curiosity, but because her miko instincts were warning her so.

"Goddesses with names similar to Athena also come from Southern Europe, Northern Africa,
and Orient regions bordering the Mediterranean like Turkey and Syria; the number of gods
who share the same name as her are unnaturally high. There's Athena, Atana, Atona, Anata,
Asherat, Aset, Ath-enna, and so and so on. Even Ba'al, whom I just mentioned, had a goddess
of war sister named Anat, also a similar name."
"Goddess of war... sister..."
Yuri's mind couldn't stop spinning.
The Pantheon ruler's sister, daughter, and wife. The Goddess of War. The Serpent Goddess.
The Goddess of Life.
"All those names that seem similar in pronunciation and linguistics cannot be disregarded
either. Although they were originally the same name, they continue to circulate between
different cultures, becoming more enriched every time... that's the way we ought to think of
A bitter smile appeared on Amakasu's expression; maybe he thought they had gone off on a
tangent for too long.
"Some say that Athena was the embodiment of owls; this spreading darkness probably had
something to do with that. I had just asked for an investigative report from the scene during
my phone call.
"The sceneyou mean within the darkness zone?"
"Yes. Athena was currently moving towards the central Tokyo expressways through the
Chiba region. Her goal must be that Gorgoneion, spreading her darkness across the area while
moving and calling upon flocks of owls... they'll be in like a typhoon."
Just after Amakasu nonchalantly made a joke.
The premises of Nanao Shrine was completely enveloped in darkness.
Even though this place was encircled by the woods, it was still in the heart of the city, and the
skyscrapers that surrounded the area were always bright sources of light.
Other than the street lights, there were also dazzling neon lights from the department stores.
Normally, this place would be brightly lit even in the dead of night. But right now, the
darkness that encompassed the area felt endlessly deep and impossibly dark.
Only a half-moon was left in the skies to shine hazily upon the ground.
"Ah, this place has already fallen under the goddess' influence... since things have gotten like
this, we can only pray that the devil king would step in quickly, otherwise this will become
impossible to handle."
Amakasu muttered to himself within the darkness-covered shrine.

Part 2
"This is the god of darkness' presence... and the Gorgoneion with the imprint of the serpent
was an artifact associated with the earth. So the goddess that governed both earth and
Yuri looked towards the skies from within the shrine.
The night before her was darker than black pearls.
"Owls are the messengers of Athena; they are birds of misfortune that only appeared during
the night, and are considered bringers of ill-omen. But they are also sacred birds worshiped as
symbols of wisdom, and had represented both sanctity and calamity since ancient times.
Putting 'snake' together with 'owl' just how do we interpret that?"
Amakasu muttered unhappily.
Although his figure couldn't be seen, both his sound and breath were very close.
There were also other people within the shrine who had sensed the abnormality and fled to
this place.
It made them seem unreliable, but that couldn't be helped; there weren't many people within
this country who could stand up to a [Heretic God].
Even those of them who were close were at a loss over what to do.
Yuri couldn't help but tremble.
Originally, humans were supposed to fear the night, but ever since the advent of lighting,
humans had mostly discarded this fear, but it was still a natural instinct.
It was the same a while ago, when they had to use a lot of effort to escape the area of
To walk under faint traces of moonlight, guided only by keeping a hand on nearby walls and
railings, even a completely normal path would seem distressing.
People huddled closer together with one another during the dark night regardless of where
they came from.
"See, we can still do something as long as there's some light."
Suddenly, a warm, orange light ignited.
Amakasu had used his lighter, but the flame was immediately extinguished.
"To give off lightthat meant the fire lost strength, right?"
"Correct, a frighteningly powerful darkness trait... as expected of a [Heretic God]."

Regardless of the era and country, humans will always bestow names and mythology upon
Powerful gods not only threatened man, but also belittled people.
They were still nameless during prehistoric times.
But mankind soon found the presence of gods between heaven and earth, viewing hurricanes
and floods as the gods' anger, and worshiping powerful, dangerous beasts as their
Over the passing of the ages, people would name the gods and weave all sorts of myths
around them.
For example, the earth creator El; the war god Ogmios; the goddess of wilderness Artemis.[1G

Or the battle and blacksmithing god Ogoun; the berserker god of destruction Tezcatlipoca.[1G

There was also the heavenly wanderer Susanoo; the god of twelve incarnations Vishnu.[1G 10]
They were as numerous as the stars.
All of them originating from the hands of man.
One could say that this was a ritual created by man to ward off the overwhelming might of the
The gods who received names and mythology should not stray too far. Whether it was
granting favors or taking revenge, these gods should not exceed the scope of their authority.
Thus, it was possible for people to respond to the threats and blessings of gods.
However, if a god wanted to exceed their name or the meanings behind their mythology.
If they returned to their original form, before they were bound by the limitations of
Such a god would be named a [Heretic God].
After turning their backs on the mythology given to them by humans, they would descend
upon the world. Some circulated between the nations that granted them their name, while
others drifted to faraway lands.
Regardless of which, [Heretic Gods] would bring disaster upon mankind.
If a sun god descends, the world would become unbearably hot.
If a sea god descends, the world would be swallowed by the ocean and sunk underwater.

If an underworld god descends, pestilence will spread through the world, bringing death to
every city.
If a judgment god descends, the people will receive all sorts of penalties and punishments.
Bringing forth unbalance and change merely by journeying across a world, these gods of
calamity acted on their whims and sought to create their own statusthey were the [Heretic
"But the darkness just now didn't just snuff out light, it even stopped the vehicles; how did
that happen? Thankfully there were no catastrophes, but..."
Yuri prompted her earlier question once again.
Motor vehicles traveling across an expressway that suddenly lost all lighting were bound to
cause accidents.
If every district Athena went across became like thisjust thinking about it was scary.
"Lucky break caught within this misfortune. The darkness banished both light and fire, so
everything relying on these two stopped working. Athena's power shut off not only the lights,
but also vehicle engines; some car accidents are still inevitable, but thankfully they aren't
Amakasu then listed all the items still capable of releasing light or firein addition to
lighting, equipment that used gas or oil were also unusable.
However, phones, wireless equipment, and devices like air conditioners could still function
The darkness had already swallowed between one-third to half of Edogawa, Koto, and Central
Tokyo districts, and was now expanding into the port district.
Under its influence, Tokyo's east city metro had also been stopped.
"...Even though this was to be expected, isn't this a little too exaggerated?"
"Since Athena isn't a hateful, evil god, even though she brings trouble upon us, nothing
catastrophic should happen. With her power, spreading mass destruction won't be hard at all...
so it's only a matter of time how long this will keep up."
Amakasu's worries were spot on.
They needed to resolve this quickly.
However, Yuri's inner doubts were growing.
Several hours ago, Kusanagi Godou had left to meet the goddess Athena, but he still hadn't
returned. Instead, Athena had come to Tokyo.

She not only revealed herself, but was also wreaking havoc.
Her actions were far too careless. What if there was a godslayer nearby? Shouldn't she be a
little more careful?
"Unless, Kusanagi-san had already lost to Athena?"
Yuri felt uneasy, worried that something like that might have happened.
Even though he had the power of the devil king, he didn't seem reliable at allGodou merely
looked like a student of her age, with nothing special about him.
Before she met his true face, she had felt anxiety, fear, and even the urge to run away.
But afterwards, forget anxious, she had felt relief instead, and even ended up lecturing him,
telling him to be more cautious.
Towards the opposite sex, no, even to those of the same gender, she had never spoken words
like that.
When she was with Godou, her emotions felt inexplicably relaxed, and then become
carelessmaybe there was something similar between her and Godou.
Thanks to her sixth sense, Yuri could usually tell if she could get along with someone upon
their first meeting.
As soon as she thought of that, she started shaking her head.
He already had such a lowlife for a lover, so she definitely shouldn't get close to him. Yes,
definitely, even if the world was flipped upside down.
"F-first we should try to reach that person. Amakasu-san, could you lend me your cell
phone please."
"Of course, go ahead. If possible, could you request him to help us defeat Athena? Eh, we
already don't have any other solution left."
He didn't even wait for a response before putting his rectangular cell phone in Yuri's hands.
It was uncertain if it was due to Athena's influence, but the LCD screen seemed bleaker than
usual. But according to Amakasu, its talk functions should work normally.
When they separated, Godou had written his cell phone number down on a piece of paper and
given it to Yuri.
Since she had already memorized it, dialing it had been quick... after a few rings a response

"It's me, Mariya. Kusanagi-san? Where are you right now!?"

Yuri called out after hearing a familiar voice.
[Eh... around the Kasai Arakawa area. All cars and metro have stopped. Oh yeah, something I
need to report, Athena is moving towards the Gorgoneion, and any place she passes by will
render light and fire unusable, so be careful.]
"I already know about that. What are you doing right now? Is Athena already in the port
[....It's a shame but, Athena had gotten the better of me; I have just returned from death's
"Death's door!? Are you okay? If you can't move, I'll go get"
Yuri was distraught over the sudden and serious development.
Yuri's intuition told her this wasn't a joke, that Godou wasn't the type to make jokes at
moments like these. She wasn't sure why, but that's what she believed.
[Ah, I'm alright, don't worry. Did you know? My body is unbelievably tough; there's no way
I'd die that easily. Besides, I could use this to lie to people.]
"Liesplease stop saying stupid things. After receiving such a serious injury you still run
around all over the place; that's way too reckless, even if Kusanagi-san's body was stronger
than usual..."
Yuri couldn't help but get worried, and ended up divining him.
She had a feeling that something might happen if she left this guy alone. Yet, Godou's next
comment had eased Yuri's worries.
[Kay, it should be fine since I'm no ordinary human, so you don't need to worry. But there's
something I need your help with. It's fine if you want to refuse, but please hear me out first.]
"...What is it? Is it something I can do?"
[Yes, more like I can only rely on Mariya-san for this. But it's really dangerous, so I really
should ask for your answerbut if you could, please wait and ambush Athena.]
Ambush the powerful [Heretic God] Athena.
That was simply suicidal. Just what did Godou Kusanagi want from her?
[If Athena gets near your place, just call my name. This way, I should immediately fly to
where you areI think.]

"Fly?... Is that another one of Kusanagi-san's powers?"

[Yea, should be. If someone who knows me by face calls for me, then I can fly to that person's
sideI think that's how the power works.]
"...You keep saying uncertain words like 'should' or 'I think', did I hear wrongly?"
Since Yuri felt odd about it, so she asked Kusanagi.
[Eh, actually I'm not sure, since the conditions still need to be verified, and even then it may
not work every time. But it seems to be that we need to know each other's appearance, realize
that the other has fallen into danger, and both be exposed to the outside winds... I think
satisfying these conditions should allow me to use it.]
"You sure?"
[I think so... I just don't know how much danger the other side has to be in, but I think
meeting a god should qualify.]
"Why would anyone agree to such a dangerous and uncertain thing!"
[Yeah, I thought so as well. Sorry for making an unreasonable request. It just doesn't seem
like we can catch up to Athena, so I've been trying to figure out another way... are you in any
danger? Forget the Gorgoneion, just get away from there and leave Athena to me.]
Godou gave a straightforward reply just as Yuri became anxious again.
Kusanagi-san didn't want to do this either.
But if they didn't use such a method, it would be very hard for him to catch up to Athena, Yuri
just realized.
If it was something that must be done, and it was something that only she could do
Then didn't that mean she had to do it?
"I understand; I'll wait here with the Gorgoneion until Athena comes... I'll definitely call your
name; you have to come; I don't want to die in a place like this."
Death, that wasn't an exaggeration at all.
Meeting such a powerful [Heretic God], who knows what could happen. It was possible Yuri
would lose her sanity just by meeting her eyes.
Such was the difference between humans and gods.
[...Really? Mariya-san, even though I requested this, please don't make any rash decisions.]
"There isn't any other way, right? If there is, you wouldn't make such a request. Even though
you're a frustrating person, you aren't the type to play this kind of cruel joke."

[Eh, I'm happy that you can say that, but we only met today. Is it alright for you to trust me
like this?]
"I am a hime-miko of Musashino after all. I know these kinds of thingsI'm only going to
help you this once, so you better get here quickly."
Yuri hung up the call without waiting for a reply.
If she heard any more arguments from him, the firm resolution she mustered might start to
Would Godou Kusanagi keep his promise? Yuri's intuition didn't have an answer.
Yuri suddenly raised her head.
She just noticed that Amakasu and everyone in the shrine had gathered around her.
"...Yuri-san, when did you get so close to Godou Kusanagi?"
"Amakasu-san, please don't joke like that. Just when did we sound 'close' during that
conversation. Anyhow, I must bring the Gorgoneion to outside the shrine."
Facing the surprised Amakasu, Yuri faintly countered.
"Kusanagi-san has the power to return here, but I have to become his guide. However, we
can't lure Athena here; we have to draw her towards somewhere with less peopleso
everyone, please take care of things afterwards."
Yuri ordered with all the dignity of a hime-miko.
Although she said it respectfully, it was still an order. There was no room for refusal.
"That's way too risky; let me lure Athena in."
Amakasu suggested.
Under Yuri's powerful glare, everyone had kept their silence, with the exception of this man.
"No, Amakasu-san won't be able to call Kusanagi-san here. Only I can fulfill this condition,
therefore I must go alone."
Since the opponent was Athena, it was useless to bring more people; going alone should at
least avoid any unnecessary casualties.
Yuri smiled faintly as she tried to reassure Amakasu.
"Everything will be fine; Kusanagi-san promised he will come. That person will only keep his
promises in this kind of situation, that's what my intuition says."

Part 3

Yuri hurried through the streets enclosed by darkness.

She could only rely upon the moonlight, starlight, and her eyes, which had finally gotten used
to the darkness.
Normally it would be bright even during the night.
Along the commerce streets, there would always be light pouring from the windows of highrises, as well as many street lamps lighting the way.
But now, there weren't any man-made lights.
Utter darkness had overwhelmed the entire area.
Looking down at the hands of her watch, it was already 11pm.
There wasn't a single person around.
Without any night shift workers, the number of people wandering around shopping streets late
at night would be far less than those around during daytime. But there were also residents
living nearby, and there should also be some people still on the way home from overtime jobs.
It shouldn't be this lifeless and desolate.
Everyone had stayed within their homes or their workplaces, awaiting the arrival of morning.
Even if they came outside, only an endless abyss of darkness awaited them.
In these conditions where not even flashlights worked, the only person who dared wander
around outside was only Yuri herself.
These streets were supposed to be familiar.
Normally, there would be no way to get lost here, but tonight was different.
Yuri kept her hands on the structures and railings to ascertain the situation before her,
advancing under conditions where she wasn't even sure of what was just a few meters ahead.
Under these circumstances, her sense of direction was completely useless.
It was no longer possible to grasp just where she was.
Yuri continued to walk like a blinded insect. Her goal was a place with even less people than
the commercial street - Tokyo Bay.
Within the bag in her hands she carried the Gorgoneion.
Just carrying that already made it impossible to escape the pitch black city, which had already
fallen into Athena's grasp.

But Yuri wanted to bring the fight between Godou Kusanagi and the goddess to a sparse area
before they begin. She focused all of her thoughts on this, and it was the only thing that kept
her going through these dark streets by herself.
Since Yuri still wore her miko outfit, many curious onlookers would have focused their sight
on her during any normal night.
But right now, there wasn't a single pair of curious eyes.
Yuri suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness, just as she was about to cross the road.
The situation had caused everyone to abandon their cars and flee, so there was no need to
mind traffic laws.
Yet, someone called Yuri to a stop from behind.
"Thou miko who servest the unknown gods, hand over the relic of the [Serpent]."
The night lay quiet.
The night was surrounded by unnatural stillness and silence.
The voice was like the night wind, leaving the silent night undisturbed.
"Athena is my name. Daughter of Zeus, traveler of the side, coming to retrieve the [Serpent]
in thine hands. For disrespect toward followers of foreign gods, one must apologize now."
Filled with an aura of divinity, the overwhelming presence closed in one step at a time.
She looked around.
One glance was all she needed to realize that the slowly approaching girl was Athena.
Immersed by the moonlight, the goddess looked thin and slim, yet emanated unusually
powerful might.
Her hair billowed in the night breeze, pouring off the sense of ill-fortune.
Strands and strands of sparkling silver hair seemed like countless snakes within Yuri's eyes.
"Ancient [Serpent]finally found; with this one can return to being the old Athena, the
defiant Athena. Miko, take one's story of three goddesses awakening within one and carry it
down to the ears of future generations."
Athena merely extended her tiny palm forward.
With just that, the bag in Yuri's hands sprang open, the Gorgoneion inside flew to Athena's
"Such is the ancient [Serpent], one finally retrieved one's past."

Athena smiled faintly.

Albeit the engulfing darkness, Yuri could clearly sense her joy.
Then, the goddess sang towards the skies:

One sings, the carol of the trinity goddess. Connecting skies, earth with darkness,
reincarnation with wisdom.
One sings, the melody of the demoted goddess. Born as queen yet seen as snake of
forbiddance, to the queen's grievance.
One sings, the ballad of the traumatized goddess. Disgraced by the esteemed father,
fell to humiliation as the mother.
One named Athena, daughter of Zeus, patron of Athens, maiden of eternity.

Past, is the nurturing earth mother of all things!

Past, is the dark mistress of the underworld!
Past, is the spreading of heavenly wisdom from the enlightened goddess!
One pledges, Athena shall soon return to the Athena of origin!

Divine songs weaved forth from the mouth of Athena.

Like hymn, like prayer, like praise.
With the chant's continuation, Athena's figure began to change.
Her height increased, her limbs lengthened, and the looks of a delicate girl gave away to a
lady of divine excellence.
The immaturity vanished from her features.
From appearances alone, she looked like she was seventeen or eighteen, her modern clothes
having transformed to white robes of antiquity.

"Defiant... Athena!"
Seeing Athena at such a close range, Yuri's instincts realized Athena's nature.
Here was the descendant of mother earth.
Here was the dominating leader of death and gloom.
Here was the forlorn goddess of the skies, the earth, and the darkness.
Even so, she must still be resisted, because this street was not owned by the gods, but built by
the people, as a city for humankind.
"Athena! Please stop joking. You still have an opponent here!"
Yuri ignored her trembling body, frightened by the prospect of challenging a god, and shouted
with all her strength.
"O miko, thy words amusest me. Speakest his name, for one may think the same."
"The one to fight you is the personification of godslaying, one recognized as a king of
magesKusanagi Godou! Until you defeat him, please stop abusing your powers and causing
trouble as you please!"
Facing the amused Athena, Yuri suppressed her fear to answer.
Yuri had received the special education of a hime-miko since childhood, so she understood
divine might more than anyone. Despite this, she continued on without holding back:
Her trembling wasn't caused by fear.
Yuri realized that her temperature was dropping, because she stood near the Athena who now
had the Gorgonieon.
Affected by the chill of the underworld that spread from the goddess, Yuri's body was nearing
its death.
"Ah... truly apologetic; although one retrieved the strength of antiquity, full control has yet to
be regained."
Athena's voice contained her amusement.
Compared to earlier, the spiritual power held within her words were immeasurably stronger.
"Yet, this baptism by death's breath, thou receivest not alone. Kusanagi Godou has already
experienced. If he can escape the abyss of death to stand before one, one may yet grant thy

"If that's so, then there's no problem. That person is still alive. For my sakedefinitely, to
protect me, he will definitely arrive soon! Just watch!"
Her legs were trembling so much that even standing was difficult.
Yet Yuri continued to stand with all her strength.
She hadn't received a response from Kusanagi-san; she only told him to hurry here before
hanging up the call.
Plus, she didn't know if his power could actually be used.
If it could, Godou Kusanagi would fly here. If not, she would hopelessly die here.
Just which was it? Should she trust him? Should she not?
Casting aside all confusion, Yuri shouted with all her strength:
"Kusanagi-san! Kusanagi Godou! Come! Athena and I are here! Hurry upyour strength is
needed now. Hurry!"
The wind began to blow.
The gentle night breeze quickly rose to a mild wind, then grew to a powerful whirlwind.
Athena was stunned.
Within the whirlwind stood the figure that caused her expression.
Kusanagi Godou
Kusanagi Godou had arrived with the wind.
Her sight had connected with his sharp eyes.
As Yuri saw the devil king that was her age, she collapsed onto the ground as her knees gave
out below her.
The most surprising thing was, Yuri wasn't nervous at all.
No matter how immature he was, no matter how troublesome he was, he would accomplish
what he had to do.
Protect those weaker than him, rescue his friends from dangerwithout such a will, it would
be impossible for a normal person to receive the Campione title.
Godou would definitely come.
That was what her intuition had told her, and she calmly nodded towards Godou with her

Part 4
Before this, Godou had been at the West Kasai station.
Athena sought the Gorgoneion, so she should be moving towards the Nanao Shrine, thus he
rode Anna's crazy car once again, hoping to return to Tokyo in haste the entire time. But...
Kasai area had already fallen under Athena's influence.
"I sleep for just a bit and this happens, such a troublesome goddess."
Godou complained.
Within this district consumed by darkness, lighting equipment and cars were unusable.
As they arrived on the edge of Kasai, Anna sharply stopped her hellishly fast car. Although he
had been lucky to stay alive, he must still press on.
Vehicles lined up around them, every one of them disabled; they were no different than steel
boxes with wheels.
"Eh, regarding the relationship between owls and Athena... because they were birds of
wisdom, so they became the messengers for the goddess of wisdom... right?"
A tiny shadow flew past just as Godou looked out the window.
Since he had very good night vision, he knew it was an owl.
Most Japanese had only seen those birds on illustrations or on TV, so these were probably
summoned by the silver-haired goddess.
Athena seemed to have the alias of 'Brilliant Goddess'.
Meaning 'one whose eyes sparkled with light'.
But Godou had finally realized that this alias really meant 'one who possessed the eyes of an
"That's not all. The nocturnal owls were seen by people of ancient times as the embodiment of
the death gods, who traveled from the underworld to the real world. So of course they would
also become the servants of Athena, who had once been a god of the netherworld."
Erica responded smoothly.
...So that was how it is. Godou's felt like an examinee who only knew half the answer.
"You can't defeat Athena if you don't even know something of this level. We've been rushing
so much that I didn't get to teach you much this entire time."
"N-no, that's alright; the current situation is way too disastrous."

Godou hastily separated himself from the disgruntled Erica.

Thanks to his partner, Godou at least learned quite a bit of knowledge regarding Athena.
The information passed into his mind through [Endowment] will eventually disappear, but it
should at least stay for one day, so there were no immediate problems.
The problem was that the information wasn't complete.
It was probably enough to summon the [Warrior] form, but not completely, and there was no
way to bring [Sword] to its full potential.
Because the car was shaking violently, it had been impossible for him to concentrate on the
"Anyhow, Anna-san, I'll get off here, thank you very much."
Godou thanked her as he opened the rear door and got out.
He would get to Nanao Shrine even if he had to walk there; it was better than shuffling about
"Alright, I wish you good luck. Godou-san, please return safely. If you do, I'll make delicious
meals for you again!"
"I can't wait already; I'll have to trouble you then."
Anna bid goodbye to Godou with a smile. She really was a lady that served knights.
Even at a moment like this, there were no tears in her eyes, only hearty smiles as she made
promises for next time.
"...I'll say this now, if you wish to eat Arianna's personally cooked meals, you have to go
alone; I won't be tagging along."
Erica said after following Godou out of the car and moving to stand beside him, with an
expression that claimed her response is to be expected.
Her serious tone made Godou's feelings waver.
"That's to say, you once said that she couldn't stew vegetables; is it really that bad?"
"No, Arianna's cooking is very good, but if you let her make pot stew then it'll be dangerous,
guaranteed to give you an unprecedented feeling of peril. Since it would be a meal to
celebrate your victorious return, of course it would be a hot pot stew[1G 11]."
Erica, who was afraid of neither gods nor devils, was this cautious in regards to Anna's meals.
It must be really serious.

But, rather than worrying about a meal in the future, they should be worrying over the
situation right now. Erica and Godou continued to walk, neither of them bothered by the
"...Anyhow, seems like Athena had already started doing whatever she wants."
"Maybe it's because she already won once, so she no longer feels the need to guard herself
against you."
They walked down the pitch black streets one step at a time; this was going to be a boring
Or not.
As Erica moved closer to Godou, he changed his mind. With this person around, it was
impossible to be bored.
"To stop Athena's brutality, we should make more preparations for the [Warrior]. So let's get
back to what we were doing."
"No need! This is already enough. You see, I'm not going to fight, I'm just going to negotiate
for her to leave, so I only need enough to make her wary of me."
"You're far too naive. You think Athena will care about any weapon that couldn't kill her?"
"If you really believe that, then tell me some more about Athena."
"No, too bothersome. Godou, why don't you just say that you want my lips; do it passionately,
let my heart flutter. Come on, hurry~~"
"There's no way I can say something so embarrassing! If our foe wants to bring trouble to
these streets, we could use [White Stallion], we can do something either way!"
Earlier, Godou could vaguely feel the direction towards [East].
It was an instinctive feel, like that of migratory birds.
This made it possible to use Verethragna's third incarnation. But even though he could, it
wasn't a power he wanted to use, since it was an overwhelmingly powerful technique.
Therefore Godou was able to calmly reject Erica's tempting jokes.
Even though it was better to have more armaments, it couldn't be helped. That preparatory
method was far too exhilarating in Kusanagi Godou's opinion, and could only be used with
considerable emotional readiness.
The two of them continued to talk as they walked.
As they arrived at the West Kasai station, they realized that the place was even more rowdy
than usual.

There were far more people than any other place here.
Since the metro stopped, many people were stuck and couldn't settle down.
Since nobody knew how the power cut, the East-West line and the Sobu line were both
temporarily stopped, while station workers and security tried to explain the situation using
their microphones.
People in the middle of their way home gathered about, anxiously listening for an
"Power outage; that excuse is stretching it."
"Forget it, at least radios and phones still work, but how are they going to explain this if this
happened in Italy or Europe?"
Erica and Godou chatted as they watched the gathering crowds.
Gods who descended and revealed themselves always brought odd phenomenons about. To
normal people who knew nothing of mages, this was nothing less than a disaster.
"They could claim it's a tornado, earthquake, or viral outbreak, and warn everyone to stay
inside. But regardless of the explanation, people will always sense that something was
abnormal, even after they calm down."
"Europeespecially Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, and England, are all places where
magic is widespread, and could be considered the homeland of the devil kings. If a [Heretic
God] or godslayer appeared, it would be known quickly, because there would be tons of
unusual events."
Even in Europe, mages wouldn't dare expose such events openly.
But most cities had secret organizations similar to Erica's [Copper Black Cross], and most
people connected to magic had an organization they belonged to.
There were many people within the cities who knew of how to connect with these
Erica said that they would spread their knowledge on how to recognize other mages, as well
as their fear of gods and godslayers, through the cities as rumors and folklore.
"But won't Tokyo become like Europe in the future? After all, Godou was here, and now even
a [Heretic God] has come."
"I don't want the people of Tokyo to become aware of such things."
Godou replied nonchalantly as he wondered if there was a shortcut to Nanao Shrine.

Without any other means of mobility, he could only rely upon Verethragna's power.
"...Of course the best method is to use [Wind] power, but I still don't completely understand it,
so I'd rather not use it."
Verethragna was a god of victory, yet also a god that dominated over kings.
Under the widespread worship of Parthian and Sassanid Empires[1G 12] in ancient Persia,
Verethragna had become a patron saint of the people. Yet the incarnation that most
represented Verethragna was [Wind].
Transforming into a gust of wind to protect the peopleespecially travelers.
It was said that ancient Persians would often recite the prayers of Verethragna to pray for a
safe journey, or place small figures of him on the streets for protection.
"Can someone call upon you by using the power of [Wind]?"
"I think only Mariya-san can, although I don't want to give her any trouble. What should I
Just as he answered Erica, Godou's cell phone began to ring.
[It's me, Mariya. Kusanagi-san? Where are you right now!?]
Just as he spoke of Mariya, the actual person called him.
After reporting his status, he wanted to see if he could obtain Mariya's help, yet she
unexpectedly agreed.
Even though he was relying on Mariya, he could only accept success from himself right now.
Failure was unacceptable, and the responsibility was heavy.
"Was the call from that woman?"
Erica asked Godou who was looking glum.
"Don't say 'that woman'; her name is Mariya Yuri, say her name properly."
"I know I know... her name should be Bait. I never thought that girl would have so much
"You say it's courage, but I think it's more like her sense of responsibility... I regret it now. I
really shouldn't have said anything. If she dies in vain like this, I'll have to carry a cross on my
back for the rest of my life."
I could imagine Mariya Yuri sighing deeply while taking it upon herself when no one else
was in the position to play such a potentially disastrous role.

It was because she was a very serious girl with a strong sense of responsibility.
Although they had only met for a short time, he had a very clear understanding of this fact.
"Hey, Godou, I guess I should take this opportunity to tell you something. Despite how I look,
I'm a very generous and open-minded girl."
"What? I really don't have time for chitchats right now."
"I'm just offering you my generosity. Although I'm your lover, I could still turn a blind eye if
you want a second lover. You're still young, so it's not surprising for you to be attracted to
other girls."
Erica spoke these strange words.
Just what was she talking about?
"Wait a second. I don't even have a wife... could you speak frankly?"
"Then I'll be blunt, you should try to make that Mariya girl your second lover. She really is a
rare talent, has a compatible personality with you, not to mention plenty of courage. You
should spend some time developing her, you know?"
Godou froze as he stared at Erica.
The blond devil was advising him with a completely serious face.
"It's rare to find such a powerful spiritual seer... later on, if we have to fight a god whose
origin we don't know, that girl's spiritual sight would be able to read the god's various divine
attributes. She's a gifted individual that would make your [Sword] even more effective, so
make sure you don't lose her."
"Don't joke about something like that! How can I ask Mariya to do that kind of thing!"
"I'm serious, otherwise who would make this kind of stale joke? Ah, I'll state up front, she can
only be your second lover at most. No matter when it is or who it is, your number one lover
should always be meErica Blandelli, remember? If you forget, I won't forgive you."
Erica nagged on as she held onto Godou's hand.
I didn't know why, but my feelings felt like they were just captured by a pair of cuffs.
"If you forget... I think I will definitely kill you, so never ever forget that. I may be generous,
but I am not patient."
Erica said as she smiled softly.
Unlike her usual devilish grin, her smile was completely innocent.

Godou found this cute smile deathly terrifying; it was so innocent that it only made him feel
like he would truly be in mortal peril.
"Eh, wait up. Haven't you already attacked me seriously before!"
"That was merely a game. If I really hate you, I'll definitely seize just the right moment to kill
you. There will be no escape, followed by a single sure-kill strike. Simple, isn't it?"
Erica moved even closer as she continued to speak.
Godou hurriedly pushed Erica aside, an act of immaturity as his fear overcame his conscience.
"D-don't say stupid things and leave me; I'm going to use the [Wind] power now. Since I'm
still unfamiliar with this incarnation, I need to concentrate."
Godou sat down on the nearby railing.
He closed his eyes and focused his thoughts.
He must make his ears more sensitive than ever, not to miss a single sound from the distance.
A middle-aged man complained angrily about the metro being stopped.
A small child was crying.
The people nearby were comforting him.
A person was whining to the police about a completely unrelated matter.
Godou ignored these voices. What he needed to hear weren't these sounds, but a voice from
far away, the voice of someone he must protect.
How can I let such a serious and nice person die? I must save her, I must hear the sound of her
What I needed the most now was concentration. The greatest concentration, to leave not a
single voice unheard.
I must succeed.
He had never lost to a single person since he started playing baseball.
There were plenty who were much better at batting, and just as many who were better at
scoring homeruns; but he was usually the 4th batter, the one who would win the game.
Step up to the plate when it's your time to bat.
To make the impossible possible, to focus all concentration forward even when facing
insurmountable hardship...

"Kusanagi-san! Kusanagi Godou! Come! Athena and I are here! Hurry upyour strength is
needed now. Hurry!"
Godou finally caught the voice as it flew across.
The shout that originated from far away.
He stood up from the ground. All conditions had been cleared.
Verethragna's first incarnation, [Wind].
Legends said the war god had appeared as a body of fierce winds before the Prophet
Zarathustra[1G 13] and spoke to him: thou art strongest, thou leadest an invincible army of the
battlefield, capable of destroying any human or demon who dare show hostility.
"Let's go, Erica! Hold on tight!"
Godou called his partner over as he transformed into the embodiment of the [Wind]
Tornado-like winds coiled beneath his feet.
Catching onto Erica's hand as she leaped over, the two soared into the air.

"Thou art alive still, no, thou hast finally awakened, Kusanagi Godou, with true power to
behold! Now worthy of being one's hated foe! With the unspeakable title of the devil king!"
He could hear Athena's prayer-like voice again, only a few hours since the last time he did.
As the winds dispersed, Godou and Erica found themselves standing on an unfamiliar road.
In front of them was an unusually thin Yuri and a silver-haired girl.
...[Heretic God] Athena
Godou recognized with but one glance that facing him was the Athena who had retrieved the

Chapter 7 - Heretic God Athena

Part 1
Although Godou's night vision wasn't bad, it was nowhere as clear as his daytime sight.

But Godou immediately noticed Yuri's unnatural countenance.

"Mariya-san, are you alright? What did Athena do to you?"
"It's not that she did anything to me...... when Athena retrieved the Gorgonieon, I was nearby,
so I received some influence. Please be careful, Athena isn't the same as before......."
Yuri coughed nonstop.
Her coughing was really bad; it was worrisome just to watch.
Godou ran over and gently stroked her back, but it didn't seem to help at all.
"Ah, allow one to tell thee, the miko was nearby when one was reborn, thus she received
much spirit of death from one. If left untreated, she will die, as thee didst."
Athena looked at Yuri like she had nothing to do with her as she spoke in an uncaring tone.
Her actions irritated Godou.
The opponent was a god.
Even though she looked human, but her mentality and ethics were completely different.
Godou understood long ago not to use human values to compare with them.
"......Erica, can you heal this affliction?"
"No, I'm not that all-capable, use the [Sword]. With that, you should be able to cut Athena's
After asking Erica who stood behind him, her answer made it completely clear.
Godou put his hands on Yuri's shoulders.
So thin.
Although Erica was also short and slim, she was a high-class knight who hid strength
indiscernible to conventional senses.
But Yuri seemed like a girl that was every bit as frail as she appeared. Other than her abilities
as a hime-miko, she was just a normal girl; yet to make her shoulder such a heavy burden, it
was natural for him to be angry at himself and Athena.
"Kusanagi-san, what are you planning to do?"
Godou patted Yuri's shoulders to relieve the distress in her eyes a bit.
Imagining the flashing gold sword, he began to chant.

"Heed the power of my words, let justice reveal itself, under the strength and eloquence of
this incantation, for strength is ever victorious, for strength is the answer to all things."
The spell words of the sword.
With a single swing of the golden sword, the divine power of Athena that invaded Yuri was
severed. Now they no longer had to worry.
The goddess who has been watching them with bored eyes suddenly frowned.
Godou stared at her pleasant appearance and firmly said:
"Oy, I'll confirm it one last time; if you can just leave obediently, I can let you go. How about
it, do you plan to do so?"
"Speak not such disappointment, one just retrieved the ancient power of the trinity,
accompany one in this game at least."
He didn't think that Athena would say something that a child in tantrum would.
Looking down upon humans to such extremes.
At this point Godou had already decided. 'Fine, then I shall keep you company.'
"O one does not understand, but thou seemest angry. How about this, Kusanagi Godou?
Allow one to be pleased for once? One has surpassed thy once prior, this time we shall
compete by martial strength."
After casually almost killing Yuri, now she was challenging him as though facing a toy.
To Athena, mortal lives were like the ants under her feet, whether they lived or died was none
of her concern.
Taking note of Yuri's weak voice, Godou strengthened the hand that was holding her
Because of him, she had gone through so much trouble. The debt he owed her, he would take
it from Athena with interest.
"Relax and rest, Mariya-san, allow me to take care of that goddess."
"Alright...... sorry, I had underestimated Kusanagi-san. I had always thought that even though
you were a godslayer, you were an unreliable and flippant person"
"No, you're absolutely right, you aren't wrong at all."

With an emerging smile, Yuri shook her head.
It was the first time Godou saw her gentle smile.
Like the blooming cherry blossoms, it was a very lovable expression, and Godou's heart
couldn't help but skip a beat.
"When I met danger, you really did rush here. Of course, this destructive god was also called
here by you, but your willingness to come take care of the mess yourself, made me change my
opinion of you...... really."
".......Saying it like that, it's not very convincing that your views changed any."
"Really? Then, I'll praise you with even nicer words later; but please use your full power now.
Towards the gently smiling Yuri, Godou stood up.
Then he told Erica, who was behind him:
"I'll leave Mariya-san to you. On your honor, protect this girl well."
"Your wish is my command, my liegefinally putting aside that stubborn fake pacifism of
Erica responded after realizing his thoughts.
As expected of the [Diavolo Rosso]; if Kusanagi Godou was the king of the chessboard, then
she was either the unstoppable knight or the queen.
"Don't add 'fake' to it, I'm really a pacifist, but I'm not going to sit here quietly while one of
my comrades gets hurt. I only want to defeat Athena right now and take back everything she
owes Mariya-san."
"That's my Godou, and this is my blessing for your victory."
Suddenly, Erica walked up to him.
Taking Godou's face with both of her hands, she brought her lips to his; although it was short,
it was a passionate and deep kiss.
Knowledge about Athena flowed in.
Regarding the goddess of war and wisdom, he now grasped her connections with snakes,
owls, and mother Earth. In this moment, the [Sword] that slept within Godou had reached full
"I'll pray for your victory, so go defeat the Heretic God Athena!"

'Why do you suddenly do things like this!'

Although he wanted to complain, Godou's face unconsciously revealed a grim smile.
It really was the best gift he could wish for.
Now he could use one hundred percent of his full strength to fight Athena. After all, she
claimed to be the strongest goddess across all of Europe, Africa, and the Middle-East!
The calm Godou yelled towards Athena:
"I accept your conditions! I will deport you from this country by force. Once you lose to me,
run and flee for your life!"
"Very good! We shall see who is stronger, godslayer!"
Athena roared back in delight, then waved forth her arm.
Dozens of owls flew forth from the darkness in a flash.
Furthermore, dozens of snakes also slithered towards him.
As birds of prey, the owls were armed with sharp talons and beaks, and each snake was at
least five, six meters long in size, obviously poisonous given their colorful scales.
He had to change to a different dueling ground.
Quickly realizing this, Godou began to run to open his distance with Athena.
The faint smell of seawater.
The prominent buildings surrounding them.
Thanks to them, he roughly knew where he was.
On the map within his mind, he managed to find a good location and began to run towards it
as his goal.
The hordes of snakes and birds that closely pursued him changed their direction as well, and
even the goddess herself followed in her strolling pace.

"You did great, Mariya Yuri. Thanks to you, that idiot man would finally fight seriously."
Erica, who stayed behind, smiled lightly towards the girl wearing miko clothes.

She took off her red coat and put it around the other's shoulders.
But Yuri wasn't that calm as she stared at Erica with a disturbed expression.
"W-what did you just do? Such a shameful, dirty......"
The serene expression she showed to Godou suddenly switched to one of anger.
She complained indignantly over what just happened.
Unable to understand why Yuri was unhappy, Erica tilted her head.
"What's dirty?"
"Obviously that! that... ki... eh, when you bid goodbye to Kusanagi-san, you did something
immoral, something that definitely shouldn't be done in front of others!"
"You meant that kiss? Well, I wanted to continue it a bit longer, but it couldn't be helped;
there wasn't enough time, and I haven't seen Godou so serious for such a long time."
Erica mistook Yuri's intentions and gave an irrelevant response.
"Just watch, when Godou is like that, he won't care about what methods he uses. He'll use
every idea to achieve victory; he'll definitely defeat Athena."
Unable to understand the angry Yuri, Erica continued to smile towards her.

In the end, when it came to physical ability, the basics still fell to running.
Running from the pursuit of the owl and snake corps, Godou's mind continued to plan.
Although he has experienced many times of crisis, but compared to the authorities of
Verethragna, his most familiar weapons were his own two legs.
Whether it was fighting or escaping, there was no way he could start without running first.
Convinced of this, he continued to run every day even after he stopped playing baseball.
He didn't want to put it like this, but he also had no choice except to exercise diligently, since
he kept getting mixed up in these troublesome incidents. Truthfully, if it wasn't for his daily
workout, there was no way he could keep running this long.
Even so.

He didn't have the superhuman footwork it took to escape from the owls that charged him
from the air, as well as the snakes that moved in like lightning.
Not to mention that the enemy's numbers increased before he even noticed it.
It was unknown where the owls and snakes kept coming from, but their numbers had already
risen above a hundred.
"All evil things fear me! Unjust beings of power cannot defeat me! for I am strongest, able
to break all barriers!"
As Godou chanted his spell words, a golden radiance flashed past.
Since it came to this, he just had to sever the heads from the bodies of Athena's horde of
servants, forcing them to return to dust.
They shouldn't be normal creatures, so they didn't leave any remains.
"Heh...... thou didst hide a wonderful weapon, not only to slash but also to cleaveit must be
a sword. Spell words of a sword, thou dost hath taste."
Athena's relaxed voice came from behind them.
So it seemed like she had immediately realized the difficulty posed by the sword.
"Then, one shall play such with theethough one's power cannot be fully display in this
concrete forest, it is more than enough to match such tricks, take this!"
"......What the!!"
Godou was aghast with shock as he suddenly turned around.
Under Athena's feet
The once hard concrete pavement had formed a massive wave, with the goddess standing
upon it; the crest of the wave was gradually become scythe-like.
The cold solidified material once mixed from sand and stone now stood high like a snake
head peering down.
Just as he noticed it, the concrete snake had finished its construction after only a few dozen
Its length was around twenty, thirty meters.
The elegant, silver-haired Athena stood straight atop the snake head.
Was that also divine power, or did she simply have an unparalleled sense of balance? Even on
such an unstable position, she continued to look gracefully down upon the ground.

"Rise, my talons. Crush the godslayer into paste!"

The snake head Athena stood on was significantly taller than even the viaduct of the Capital
"Damn it! What a mess this is!"
The roads that had produced the giant serpent had been completely ravaged by Athena's
divine power.
The concrete had been uprooted like water pumped from a river, leaving only a massive ditch
To restore the road's ability to handle vehicles again would require untold amounts of time
and money.
Godou grumbled as he continued to run.
Almost there.
They were almost at a completely uninhabited location.
There were still some apartments and hotels nearby, so if they were to fight here, he had to be
careful not to trash the surroundings.
Once past Shiodome District, there was a dense forest of giant treesalthough it wasn't a
scene that belonged in a city, he could see green forests on his right-hand side.
That was Godou's destination.
Hamarikyu Gardens[1H 1].
Since its park hours were long over, there would obviously be no one there. Within such a
large park, even if he went all out against Athena, it still shouldn't affect anyone else.
Furthermore, the walls in this place were low in height.
Dexterous people could easily leap over the walls.
Climbing over the barricade that was used to block the road at the rear gate, Godou caught
onto the low wall and successfully made his illegal entry.
He watched the gargantuan snake chasing after him from atop the wall.
The massive snake continued to close in, crushing vehicles parked by the roadside, electrical
wire poles, and sidewalk fences.
After revealing his location, Godou went inside the park.

Part 2

Hamarikyu Gardens was on the edge of Tokyo Bay.

The water inside the gardens was drawn from the sea.
With Tsukiji District[1H 2] as neighbor, it also had a fish market and a produce market nearby.
Following the outer wall, Godou continued to run quickly within the park's dense woods.
He was surrounded by trees, some over a hundred years old, with the smell of earth and
greenery all around him. But it was a man-made park after all, and after merely five minutes
of running, he had already left the woods.
The pool was filled with seawater.
Godou had arrived at a very spacious plaza.
He quietly waited there for Athena's arrival.
He had already understood all the information about the goddess. But if he could defeat her
with knowledge alone, then he wouldn't need to push himself so hard. More importantly, he
needed to grasp his opponent's character and the surrounding environment.
To seize the opportunity for victory, then press forth to defeat the enemy.
When Godou still played baseball, he was hailed as a catcher with courageous leadership and
daring, while at the plate he was known as a slugger who could calmly analyze the situation
and correctly pick the timing to bat.
To carefully watch the enemy, adapting as opportunity calls. This was already habitual to him.
Victory or defeat all depended on one's ability to adapt and adjust.
No matter how thorough the battle plan, victory cannot be assured.
No matter how great the power, victory cannot be assured.
It wasn't the strong or righteous that would achieve victory, but the victorious that would be
declared strong and righteous.
Maybe this belief was the greatest reason why Godou became MVP numerous times.
"Thy choice is this battlefield, a shabby park. Humans do love such insignificant ploys, those
of this island verily so. One hath visited many nations, but rarely meet people who cover so
much earth with stones, to deny the darkness to such extent."
Moving over the rocks, the snake and Athena finally caught up.
It presented itself after tearing through the walls, which fell like paper under its greater height,
and crushing the trees under its body.

"Please take your critique of other civilizations somewhere else. If you like living a carefree
life, hurry back to the depth of Europe's mountains. I like to read at night so I want light; to
regularly supply vegetables we need pesticide. I don't have time to accompany your
worshipfulness in being selfish."
"Such is the arrogance of man. To awake at dawn, to sleep at night, to be blessed by the earth
for abundant harvest, to enjoy the luxury of life, at last to die by starvation and enter one's
underworld gates. One does believe this to be best?"
"As expected of a goddess amongst goddesses...... worse than even Marie Antoinette."[1H 3]
Talk about preaching fallacy, Godou couldn't help but grumble.
But even that famous line 'If there's no bread, let them eat cake'[1H 4] has been adapted for
creative use by descendants......
"The banter stops here. To encounter means to fight. Let us compare the martial strength of
one and thee."
Athena declared with her elegant voice.
With this as a signal, the giant concrete snake charged towards the far smaller Godou.
Seemed like it was preparing to crush him under that huge body.
Even as a godslayer, if he was crushed by something that heavy, it would be impossible to
revive himself.
Godou hastily ran away.
If he didn't draw it soon to fight this, then he was going to die here. The golden swordone
which only the [Warrior] incarnation holds; a weapon capable of slaying gods.
"Snakeis the symbol of your strength, or one should say your nature."
Godou began to softly chant his spell words.
This was the sword, the godslaying sword of wisdom.
"You were always a goddess related to snakes. As well as owlswith deep ties to birds."
"Oh? Kusanagi Godou, thou hast investigated one's origin?"
"Only because I have need for it. Right now, I already have around eighty, ninety percent
understanding of just what kind of god you are; to explain your key aspect, that would be the
Nonstop flashing.

Points of golden light bloomed and surrounded Godou, flickering continuously like the stars
in the sky.
"To speak of snakes implied Medusa, as Athena and Medusa were once the same goddess.
These two goddesses of a foreign landspreading from North Africa and into Greece."
Driven by Athena, the giant snake rolled up the lush grass and dirt around the area, then
hurled towards Godou altogether.
The slithering snake seemed like a river flowing across the earth.
"Tracing back to source, you are the snake monsterno, the snake goddess. Furthermore,
Athena's mother from Greek Mythology, the goddess of wisdom Metis, that goddess is you."
Just as Godou was about to be crushed, the giant snake halted its advance.
It didn't stop by itself.
Instead, the golden light that surrounded Godou blocked the body of the giant snake, then
forced it back.
Any snake scale that touched the light was cut apart like it had run into a razor sharp edge.
"Such is the spell word of the sword!? The weapon just now!"
"You are not a goddess of Greece. Born of North Africa, worshiped as the earth goddess by
all of the Mediterranean. With numerous names and appearances. Metis, Medusa, Neite,
Anata, Atana, Atona, Asherat...... they are all copies of she who calls herself Athena, your
sisters in other terms."
Finally, Godou pulled out the [Sword] in full.
At the moment of unsheathing, a thread of light flashed out from the sword, severing Athena's
giant concrete snake in two within a blink.
The gravel and sand that had made up half the snake all fell to the ground with a thunderous
Athena's light body slowly descended.
"How distasteful, Kusanagi Godou! Thou darest threaten one with [Sword]! Dost not make
one remember such forbidden pasts!"
Contrary to her perfect landing, Athena's countenance was one of great anger.
Verethragna's tenth incarnation, the [Warrior].
The fearsome might of this incarnation, the only one capable of using [Sword], was finally
revealed to Athena.

"You, plus the predecessor of Isis of Egypt and Ishtar of Babylon, are all descendants of the
mother goddess. You are not merely the goddess of earth, but also the dark god of the
netherworld, as well as the goddess of heavenly wisdom."[1H 5]
Every sentence Godou spoke became spell-words, which soon dissolved into the golden
The light formed into a sharp blade, one capable of cutting the goddess.
Due to her intense anger, Athena's beauty no longer showed the carefree demeanor she once
"Ever accompanied by three personalities, so became the goddess of trinitythis is Athena's
character. The war god's character is but an extension added over the changing eras, managing
death of the underworld from the greatest disasters, connecting with war to become a god of
conflict, all perfectly reasonable."
"Thou art too garrulous!"
Arrows and a longbow suddenly appeared within Athena's hands.
Pulling the bowstring tight, she released the arrow. As expected of a war god, the arrow shot
straight for Godou's forehead.
But with a flash of the [Sword], the arrow was parried.
"Then, the key to your rebirth as trinity is the [Serpent]!"
"Speakest no more! One's past shall not be tarnished by youths as thee!"
This time, four arrows appeared in Athena's right hand.
Readying all four on the longbow, she simultaneously shot them out.
The seemingly odd but extremely powerful archery.
Yet these arrows were all deflected by the [Sword], scattering across the ground.
"Though [Cows], [Sheep], and [Pigs] have all symbolized the harvest grounds. In truth, you
are also the cow incarnated earth goddessexcept your character is the [Serpent]; that, is the
most ancient key of Athena."
Even now, Godou continued to chant as infinite light emanated from him.
Once the traits of the opposing god were fully realized by him, the [Warrior] incarnation
would unravel its true strength.
Transforming spell-words into a golden radiance, the power of the [Sword] which can cut the
flesh of gods and their divine powers.

This was his greatest trump card for attack and defense.
"In the end, you are not only the goddess who holds the grace of earth but also the birth of
life, growth, maturity, aging, finally death, the same as the four seasons. To take birth and
grow in spring, to relish in summer, to harvest in autumn, to wither in winter."
Athena grew anxious from this and initiated her stance, swinging forth her held blade.
Despite being injured by the [Sword]'s radiance, she continued to bravely close the distance.
And her strong and sharp cleave......
Was easily evaded by Godou.
Before he realized it, he had already seen through the god's movements; this was also a power
of the [Warrior] form.
"Yet the people of the ancient world did not all receive the blessing of the earth. Due to
natural disasters and other unusual phenomenons, more than half of the harvest would be
lostthus the mother goddess gave not only blessings, but also plundered lives during
wintertime and brought disasters during ill moods as a harmful deity. Without this, it wouldn't
make sense."
Godou grasped the [Sword] in hand and swung towards Athena.
The light flashed once, twice, thrice, and continued.
To evade the cutting spell-words, Athena was forced to step back.
"Thus it was the [Serpent], through several shedding of skins, cycling nonstop between
hibernation and awakening, which became the creature representing the cycle of death and
rebirth, of the revolving seasons. Compared to the [Cow] of harvest and compassion, it was
the snake, with both the grace of life and scourge of death, that was truly worthy of a god."
To people of ancient times, it was extremely rare to find a creature with both the eccentricity
and the mysteriousness of the snake.
Casting aside its outer appearance through continued shedding of its skin, hibernating for
prolonged periods during the winter, followed by awakening during spring as though reviving
from death.
Easily bridging the gap between winter and spring, it was truly an immortal god.
Winterthe god that brought death, but also the god of the wilderness and the underworld.
Such was the relation between Athena and the [Serpent], as well as the reason why she was
both the goddess of earth and the netherworld.

Yet the netherworld imagined by the ancients always laid underneath the dark ground.
A winter world enshrouded by darkness.
Similarly, a time dominated by darknessnighttime, was feared to be another part of the
underworld, thus Athena was also the goddess of darkness.
"Heed the power of my words, let justice reveal itself! For this incantation is powerful and
eloquent. The sword of wisdom that calls victory Athena, how do you feel now? This
sword is specially made to eliminate you. Its use will guarantee my victory over you."
Godou chanted the spell-words as he circled around.
Having revealed his final trump card to her, just how will Athena counter?
The overwhelming situation has returned to a balanced state. But with just their own
strengths, the goddess still held the advantage; if the fierce fighting continued, she would
regain the opportunity to retaliate.
"Kusanagi Godou...... one hath underestimated thee."
Athena said calmly and seriously.
As expected of the goddess of wisdom, she recovered her composure so quickly.
That couldn't be helped. There was no easy victory when fighting against a god.
"Though thou art young, immature, but still a devil king, and one who usurped power from us
godsfrom spell-words just spoken, one hath understood."
Athena stared sharply at Godou.
"Verethragna! The god thee killed is Verethragna! A god of conquest, closely tied with my
friend Heracles and Indra[1H 6] of the far east. In servitude to a new divine king, the [Defiant
God][1H 7] that struck down the ancient gods with his spear."
Godou suddenly shivered.
If the goddess began to stop underestimating him, then she would be a truly fearsome
......But could that be true? Could she really fight seriously with a puny human? That detail
would determine victory or defeat.
"That war god was the crusader of the ancient gods. If thee may kill Verethragna, then usage
of the godslaying sword is expected...... yet can such be all?"
Athena smiled thinly as she gazed towards Godou with her sharp sight.

"Verethragna is not only the god of victory, but also the guardian of populace and kingship,
the personal guard of the Persian God Mithra[1H 8]. Mithra is the incarnation of the sun, thus
Verethragna is linked to the sun."
She saw through him.
Athena already realized the last card Godou kept.
Was this a power of the goddess of wisdom? To instantly discern even the traits of foreign
gods, that had to be cheating! This was going to get problematic.
"Though one knows not of how many powers of Verethragna thee commandest, but thou
should hast an Authority of the sun. To disperse one's darkness, the most capable shall be
Both of Athena's eyes narrowed.
Both eyes were pitch black as though filled by darkness. They seemed to cover over
everything within her vision, coldly seeing through all of Godou.
.......Mystic eyes?
"Such a tarnished and fearsome [Sword], but thy use is too blatant. Seekest to anger one and
findest weakness during opportunity? One hath already seen through thy ploy."
Petrify. Petrify. Petrify. Petrify. Petrify. Petrify. Petrify.
Everything would gradually petrify, as long as it entered Athena's sight.
The ground they stood on changed into stone. The grass that swayed in the breeze and the
beautiful flowers petals also changed into stone.
The lush trees also petrified to stone, the pool full of seawater became stone as well.
Athena was now using Medusa's mystic eyes, capable of petrifying all that it sees.
"Temporary deaths, stone coffinsuch was also the ancient mother's power...... O, as
expected of a godslayer, thee managest to actually survive. Spell-words must really be
directly poured into thy body, truly troublesome."
Godou's legs, from his feet to his knees, have already been completely petrified.
But everything around him had already changed to stone, so his situation was good by
Athena probably wanted to convert everything within her sight to stone. To use such a power,
even transforming all of Tokyo into a stone city was a piece of cake.

Godou felt fear.

Unless he stopped this goddess, there would definitely be a tragic catastrophe.
"The mystic eyes of the [Serpent] goddess Medusa, that is the best proof of your close
relationship with [Birds]."
Godou infused the [Sword] with new spell-words, accelerating the power of the Authority to
cleanse petrification.
The golden sword began to dance wildly.
Wherever the light struck, the petrified objects would throw off the curse, returning to their
original appearance.
"The three Gorgon Sisters, including Medusa, had not just snake hair but also golden wings
on their backs. The second sister Eurayle's name meant 'far-roaming flyer', while the youngest
sister Medusa was the mother of the winged Pegasus.[1H 9]
The portrait of Medusa had dispersed throughout the Mediterranean.
In this portrait, the goddess held snakes with both hands, while a bird perched atop the head,
clearly representing the link between snakes and birds.
"Linking you and birds were the earth and the underworldyou are a god who dominated
over two worlds, while birds had the magical power to fly between the current world and the
outer realms. Our ancestors have believed in this since long ago in ancient times. The souls of
the dead will become birds who fly off into the skies, or guided by the birds into the
Godou's petrified legs changed back to their soft flesh.
The circulation of blood was also returned.
"To travel between the earth and the underworld, it was natural for Athena and the bird to
become one. Your trait is [Serpent]but also [Winged Serpent]!"
"Thou seekest to injure and disgrace one, even hoping to make one lose composure. One will
not be tempted by such!"
Every time Godou used the [Sword], Athena's mystic sight would grow stronger.
The petrified ground was returned to normal by the sword's golden radiance, then turned back
into stone by the pitch black mystic eyes.
As the two confronted one another, their surroundings had already repeated the cycle several
times, petrifying into gray stones before returning to the green earth.

"Originally you were a winged snake; before becoming a member of the Pantheon, you were
the goddess of life and death worshiped by the ancients. After the winged snake was
desecrated by the ages, the changing attitude would become the Heretic God Athena."
"Shut your mouth! Such ploys are meaningless!"
Although no weapons met one another, the battle was growing fiercer and fiercer.
But Godou could only stop his words as it was very hard to discover Athena's weakness. If
they kept up such a battle of attrition, the tremendous divine powers of the goddess would
surely gain the advantage.
Godou had originally hoped to decide the match with a counterattack.
When confronting a stronger opponent, one should allow the enemy to attack, exhaust them,
then counterattack once they reveal their weakness. He had saved a trump card for such a
decisive moment.
With the spell-words of the [Sword], he could unravel an iron-wall-like defense, granting
ample odds of victory.
However, Athena had realized his plan. Therefore she used her mystic eyes to pin Godou
Can't be helped. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Godou took a deep breath, preparing to expend the power of the [Sword].
"Dominion of the earth and the underworld, goddess of snakes who commands the wisdom of
the heavens, doubtlessly the greatest existence among gods. Second to none, a god among
gods, mandate of the greatest authority, Queen of the Pantheon."
The [Warrior] using the offensive and defensive [Sword] is the most powerful incarnation for
battling gods.
But, its limitations were extremely severe.
The spell-words of the [Sword] may not be used indefinitely. The longer it is used, the duller
the sword would become, until it was reduced to a blunt blade; this was no different from
And just as any authority of Verethragna, an incarnation cannot be used continuously.
Without a day for recovery, use of the same incarnation again was impossible; as long as this
condition stood, Godou could not rely on brute force to overpower the enemy.
"Once, you were a woman who held dominance over the ancient command, commanding the
humans in the name of the gods, thus the leader of the gods was also the goddessgoddess of
the winged snake. But you were overthrown from the highest throne by the martial forces of
rebellious men, ending the matriarchy society."

Godou chanted, to forge and refine the strongest [Sword].

To expend all spell-words here, to inflict critical wounds upon Athena's divine power.
To pin her down and establish the way for victory.
Even the most detailed of battle plans could be disrupted by situational conditions, therefore
the focus must be on responding to changing circumstances.
"The era of the Queen had ended; the era of the King had begun. The supreme power and
wisdom of the motherly matriarch changed to that of the strict patriarch; from Zeus, the kings
of gods were born."
Currently in front of his own eyes stood the former queen goddess of the Mediterranean.
Right, the former queen.
An overthrown queen forced to obey.
These spell-words that exposed Athena's past were also the sharpest sword to be used against
"The most ancient Athena was divided, degrading to the king of god's wife, sister, or
daughter, losing all former glory; mythology was altered as such."
"......Shut up."
Athena's mutter was overflowing with silent rage.
"Athena became the king's daughter. Metis was disgraced and robbed of her wisdom. Medusa
was even degraded into a monster. Furthermore, Hera and Aphrodite of Greek Mythology[1H
were also defeated mother goddesses, goddesses who once commanded life and death
similar to you."
"Thou art told to shut up! Such spell-words are filthy beyond comparison!"
Athena was angry.
That was a good sign, but she still hadn't lost her composure, so he should follow the plan and
attack her once.
"The defeated mother goddess, portrayed in mythology as the winged snake, the winged
serpentwhich was also the dragon. The evil dragons that stood in countless legends and
myths, defeated by heroes and gods alike, were the final form of the defeated and trampled
mother goddess!"
They were not prosecuted because they were evil monsters.
But because the victors demanded legitimacy, they discredited the defeated as evil monsters,
then spread the tales of themselves vanquishing evil.

Due to this, the winged snake fell from a sacred beast and became a monster; the traits of the
mother goddess were fundamentally denied. Thus this spell-word would become the mighty
[Sword], capable of rending even Athena.
Golden radiance gathered in Godou's right hand.
Godou compressed the light into a longsword; with a brilliant glow spreading from him, he
advanced towards Athena.
Readied to stop this sword was Athena's pitch black scythe.
A scythe of the death god that absorbed all light into its razor darkness.
Between the sword of light and the scythe of darkness, Godou and Athena finally clashed
with ferocity.

Part 3
The golden sword clashed with the pitch-black scythe.
At the same time, the darkness continued to spread from Athena.
The temperature dropped as the darkness expanded.
Frost that felt like it cut through skin, as though winter had suddenly arrived.
"One shall not be struck by thee. One may be immortal, but cannot endure thy attacks that
sever the source of divinity, thus one must defeat thee with forbidden darkness!"
Athena injected her power into the wrist that held the pitch-black scythe.
To fully repulse the golden sword, she was also expending her full power.
Before he realized it, the spreading darkness had covered the entire sky, extinguishing the
light from the moon and the stars, and the entire surrounding was plunged into a chaotic
Other than the golden sword, not a single ray of light could pierce this darkness.
Despite this, Godou's eyes could still see perfectly through this abyssal darknesshe was
really surprised.
The flowers around him withered within an instant.
The trees also lost their verdancy.
Greenery of all sizes began to wither one after another. Fruits turned to dust in moments.
Branches also withered, shrinking until they looked like dry sticks.

Even the sound of insects vanished from the night.

This was [Death].
Wielding the divine power that commanded death and demise, Athena injected her most
dangerous powers into her scythe.
"One summons the winter, master of life and death, emissary of the icy netherworld, the
shrewdly procuring queen. One commands. Kusanagi Godou, become the dead king,
decompose into a corpse!"
Athena said as she drove back the golden sword with her scythe.
Her spell-words entered through Godou's ears and began to invade his body, which slowly
grew cold.
Is this a joke?
I can't be defeated here!
Maintaining his stance to counter the scythe, Godou tried to imagine the next scene.
He had planned to strike Athena down, but was blocked by her black scythe, yet the black
scythe was also a part of Athena. To put it that way, could the [Sword] still cut everything?
This was one created to be only effective against Athenaa [Sword] that could defeat and
surely kill Athena!
Godou cut through both the black scythe and Athena at once.
The divine power that composed the goddess transferred the feelings over directly through the
edge of the spell-words.
Earth, darkness, wisdom, snakes, birds, cows, queen, wife, fearsome woman, reborn woman,
Godou cleaved down with all his might towards everything she had.
At the same time, Godou was also inflicted by the [Death] spell-words.
He wasn't sure how long he lost consciousness.
Either several seconds, or several minutes, but by the time Godou realized, both he and
Athena laid on the ground.
Godou pressed all his strength into his limbs, struggling desperately to stand back up.

Although they both fell at once, Athena wouldn't be defeated so easily; as the one who
attacked her, he knew that better than anyone.
Then, Athena slowly rose back up.
Not a trace of a wound remained on her body, but the damage inflicted within her shouldn't
recover as quickly.
"As expected, winning isn't so easy, but it would have been great if I had just won like that."
"Nonsense. To call one the snake goddess hath thee; no matter how wounded, neither snakes
nor woman will die. Even if dead, they shall be reborn."
Snakes who shed skin to be reborn. Women who wouldn't die even with profound menstrual
blood loss.
Both were representations of immortality.
But even though her words sounded fine, Athena's countenance grew very pale.
Yet at the same time, Godou had also lost much vitality due to the words of death. Though
there were no injuries, he felt that his life force had been significantly reduced.
The result was that they both continued to confront one another in critical status.
"With this, thy [Sword] can be used no more; one is certain of this."
This troublesome fact was exposed by Athena.
She wasn't wrong. The golden [Sword] had already disappeared after expending its full
Godou no longer had any weapon capable of both attack and defense.
"In other words, thou now wishest to use the power of the sun...... amongst the incarnations of
Verethragna, the one closest in origin to the sun was the [Stallion]."
His own combat power already grasped by his opponent; the goddess of wisdom was truly a
difficult opponent to fight. Godou couldn't help but want to sigh.
But he didn't even have time for that.
Athena pressed in silently, striking once again with her black scythe.
Godou barely managed to evade.
Followed by a second swing.
Cutting through the skin of his shoulders.

A third attack.
His ankles were almost severed.
Despite losing the power of the sword, he was still in the [Warrior] incarnation; it had kept
some power, and was able to grasp Athena's intentions, as well as predict her next course of
Therefore he could at least evade the fatal strikes.
But if he kept defending, he would eventually be defeated.
He could not cope with her offensive pressure; therefore she need not bother with defense,
since there was no worry of the opponent retaliating. Then, to desperately attack the opponent,
forcing him into catastrophe was enough.
The scythe cleaved, slashed, and attacked relentlessly.
Evade. Duck. Dodge.
Against Athena's endless attacks, Godou could only continue to evade.
"What's wrong, Kusanagi Godou. Why dost thee not use the power of the [Stallion]? Is it not
the only weapon capable of defeating one?"
Athena mocked with a voice filled with ridicule.
After pointing things out so clearly, why would I use that to fight you? You must have readied
countermeasures already.
Godou cursed in his mind as he desperately sought for a way to victory.
If he continued his melee fight against Athena, there wouldn't be even a chance of winning.
Godou completely understood this point.
If it were baseball or indoor soccer, maybe there were still some chances of winning. But
Kusanagi Godou didn't have a trace of martial background; there was no way he could defeat
her through strength alone.
At this time, he really wished that reliable partner of his could appear right now to act as his
She would be wielding her lion-like magic sword, wearing a red-and-black outfit, and storm
in with grandeur.
But she wasn't here right now.
With such a performance opportunity, how could such an egotistical person not appear?

Could it be that she couldn't find him and Athena? No, she wasn't that stupid. Godou only
wished that the reason why she didn't appear was the reason he thought of.
......As Godou still pondered, Athena's scythe swung in right before his eyes.
Godou hastily jumped back and managed to protect his vitals.
But he couldn't completely evade it.
His chest was struck, spraying blood into the air; although it wasn't a fatal injury, the wound
was still very deep.
Godou was immediately convinced of one thing.
He was already in such a crisis, yet she still didn't come out to help.
In other words, his partner thought of the same thing as him and was waiting for an
opportunity to attack. As long as he endured through this, there would be a chance to win......!
"Surprising thou managest to evade! Feebly clinging to life is an ugly sight, Kusanagi
The unstopping scythe assault forced Godou to dodge by rolling on the ground.
His entire body was covered with wounds.
Despite this, he still managed to guard his vitals.
With his entire body stained by blood and soil, he rolled along the ground; although it looked
shameful, it was enough as long as it kept him from dying.
Godou finally stopped fleeing.
He stood up on trembling legs.
Convinced of his beliefs, Godou decided to gamble on it: Erica would definitely take some
action that he could look forward to!
"Just as you said, I still have the incarnation that represented the sun."
Godou said as he pointed towards the eastern skies.
He imagined a white stallion under the brilliance of the sun, its majestic body glowing with
pure white light.
"For victory, come before me! Immortal sun, please grant me the shining steed. The divine
horse of glory, bringing forth the light wheel that symbolizes the lord!"
The third incarnation of Verethragna, the [White Stallion].

Since ancient times, the [Stallion] kept a close relationship with the sun god.
The sun god that roamed from east to west atop a chariotthis was a common description
passed down in numerous civilizations. The Orient, India, Scandinavia, China, and Babylon
were no exceptions.
Apollo[1H 11] of Greece was also like this.
Similar to him was the Persian god of light Mithra, mythologies spread far and wide by the
For Verethragna's white stallion incarnation that once served Mithra, even carrying the sun
was natural!
"Oit came indeed, that annoying horse."
Athena muttered towards the east.
That was right. Even though the darkness had blocked out all light, the eastern skies began to
The sun was rising.
The dawning light dyed the eastern skies red.
It was obviously still midnight, five hours short of sunrise.
But the current skies grew very bright.
This was the incarnation of the [White Stallion], able to summon the power of the sun.
"Honestly, this incarnation is the hardest to use, but you've gone too far this time, so I
managed to call itbecause this in an incarnation that can only be used against a [Sinner who
inflicted suffering upon the people]."
The Athena who created the dark world managed to satisfy this condition.
......To use himself as the target, he always felt that the summoning would succeed. But this
time, he should ignore that for once.
"See this, Athena! Let's see you taste the burning flames of the sun that vanquishes darkness!"
It was either an arrow of light or a spear of the sun god that descended from the skies.
An area spreading out dozens of meters around Athena was engulfed by the white light.
The holy fire that consumed sinners.
From the faraway eastern horizon, searing fire descended upon the ground.

Even those stronger than Athena could only cry out in anguish.
The sun god that replaced the underworld lords and his flames that expelled the night were the
nemesis of this goddess.
"Hahahahaha! Dost not underestimate me, Kusanagi Godou! One hath made it perfectly clear.
One hath long known thy final card! This is merely thy dying struggle."
Athena's surroundings were protected by a black enchantment.
An immensely powerful black barrier capable of severing all light.
It warded off the white flames. To prepare for this move, she had probably been gathering the
divine power of darkness this entire time, and then waited for just the right time to use it.
If Athena protected herself with this until the fire burned out......
Godou no longer had any incarnation capable of defeating the mother goddess of darkness,
and once the flames died out, the [White Stallion] incarnation will lift, leaving Kusanagi
Godou without a single authority.
But Godou shook his head.
"You're wrong; the one who underestimated others is you. Although you didn't underestimate
me, but you did disregardus humans."
A beam of light soared towards Godou from the other side of the darkness.
A beam of silver light.
The brilliant silver lightit was a cold light, like that of a sword's edge.
Cuore di Leone, the lion sword wielded by the girl that stood as Godou's partner.
The silver sword buried itself into the ground before Godou.
"When we fought, did you forget Erica's existence? It would be my loss if she wasn't here, but
unfortunately, things didn't turn out that way."
Godou pulled out Cuore di Leone.
"Athena, you're far too foolish! That person's sword is specially forged. It contains the spellwords of despair, power even to defeat the gods. Normally, you can probably completely
guard against it; but what will happen now, while you're defending against the sun with all
your strength?"

The white flames were blocked by the barrier of darkness, unable to reach the pure body of
the goddess.
But, Athena's countenance revealed her anxiety.
If Erica had rushed in when Athena's scythe pushed Godou into a corner, Athena would
naturally become aware of Cuore di Leone's presence, and would alter her actions as
So despite watching Godou fall to desperate straits, Erica did not reveal herself to rescue him.
Because Godou realized Erica's plan, he gambled everything on this attempt.
Everything had been for this opportunity to let Cuore di Leone become his new trump card.
"Though, this cooperative fight wasn't preplanned. Thankfully, it worked; that girl Erica really
knows how to calculate the best time to appear."
To toss over her beloved sword by guessing through this darkness, it was as expected of his
Godou slowly approached Athena.
But if he attacked directly, he would be burnt himself.
Could he wait until the flames burned out?
Just as he thought over this, Cuore di Leone changed to the form of a javelin, probably
because Erica had used her magic.
Of course, if he used a thrown attack, then he wouldn't need to close the distance.

The Cuore di Leone that had taken javelin form dissolved into a silver meteor, piercing
through Athena's chest.

Such caring support made Godou smile.

"This is the last hit; take this, Athena!"
He threw with all his strength, hurling the javelin out.
The Cuore di Leone that had taken javelin form dissolved into a silver meteor, piercing
through Athena's chest.
Both the goddess and the silver javelin were immolated by the flames.
It didn't matter.
That sword was forged from indestructible steel. Even after melting in the fire, it would still
resurrect like a phoenix.
"Kusanagi Godou, thou would sneak attack Defiant God Athena! Damn thee, to own a title as
hateful as devil king, one never guessed thou art so contemptible!"
"Stop blaming others! It's because you underestimated humanity that brought about your own
After been hit by the silver strike and falling to her knees, Athena was swallowed by the white

Part 4
After several minutes, the white flames finally burned out, and the dawning light to the east
also vanished.
The black night returned.
Yes, countless streetlights now illuminated the roads and streets, and light from the
skyscrapers leaked out from the windowseverything had returned to that old semi-darkness.
Godou let go of the breath he held and stared into the night sky.
The half-moon and numerous stars twinkled in their light.
Even if he ignored his real feelings, he still couldn't claim Tokyo's night sky to be beautiful.
Maybe tens of years had made him used to it, but the current feel wasn't bad either.
Nevertheless, the duel had ended.
First he should hurry home and take a shower, then sleep in relaxation. Taking care of the
aftermath could wait for later.
"How was it Godou? That fight just now, I think receiving the Best Supporting Actress Award
won't be an exaggeration."

Two girls walked into the once fierce battlefield.

One was a graceful blonde Italian, while the other was a Japanese who wore a miko outfit and
looked very serious for some reason.
"If I could manage it, you can have however many awards you want, even an award ceremony
is fine."
Godou replied as he sat down cross-legged on the wilted grass.
Even he was exhausted.
But, although his body should be injured all over and wracked by pain, he felt none of it, and
even the serious wound on his chest had begun to heal. The recovery ability of a godslayer's
body was still inhumanly high.
The catastrophe in this garden, he had caused half of it.
Just how many people could still recognize this as the Hamarikyu Gardens?
He wasn't sure when, but a massive crater had appeared on the ground.
The pine forest that remained since the Edo period, the numerous kinds of colorful flowers in
the gardens, they were all ruined by the fight between him and Athena.
Godou reflected deeply; he had gone too far again.
"So, how should we deal with this troublesome goddess? I think I should hurry and give her a
final blow."
"......I second that. If we leave Athena like this, she will definitely become the source of more
disaster one day, so we should naturally take preventative measures."
Erica suggested that as if she was taunting. Although Yuri looked like it was hard for her to
express it, she nevertheless agreed.
The one they stared at was an Athena who looked like a little girl that sat on the ground after
throwing a tantrum.
Maybe it was because she was burned by the flames of the [White Stallion], or maybe it was
because she had expended too much divine power, but the mother goddess of darkness had
shrunk, returning to the little girl look she had several hours ago.
She was truly a goddess with the divine trait of immortality. Even though she was just
consumed by flames, she had already resurrected.
Of course, even Godou doubted the kind of attack just then could have completely killed her.

Although she was already deprived of her combat ability, she still had a fearsome vitality.
"Mariya-san, what you just spoke of, was that from your usual power? Through your intuition
as a miko, or some similar ability?"
"No, just the thought of a normal person...... for something like this, even those who aren't
miko would decide that way."
Yuri's reply relieved the weight on Godou's heart.
Even though he would arrive at the same conclusion with an ill prediction, Godou
nevertheless felt relieved.
"Then, let's part here...... Athena, did you hear me? These people want to finish you off; you
better hurry and leave this country."
"Why would thee not finish one off? Slaying one would allow thee to usurp new powers,
becomest an even more powerful godslayer; why would thee abandon such a good
After hearing the angry words of an unimpressed Athena, Godou couldn't help but reply with
a frustrated and tired voice:
"I don't want these weird powers; the ones I already have are hard enough to deal with.
Besides, how could I kill someone just because I beat them in a fight; I'm a civilized man you
"I said, I'm not some god born during the Bronze or Iron Ages. It's the twenty-first century
now, we don't have the habit of taking the life of another after winning a duel; don't push
those ancient practices onto me."
After suppressing Erica and Yuri's desire to interject with his sight, Godou continued:
"Although I've always won competitions, I've never thought of killing the defeated opponent.
If you won't accept that, then let's go with this: the saying goes 'the winner takes all, while the
loser is obliged to obey the victor'...... can you accept that?"
Godou asked the shrunken Athena.
The goddess held her silence for a long time before she spoke at last:
"......Very well, the defeated should obey the orders of the victor. One knows not if we shall
fight again, please take care of thyself; destiny willing, we shall meet again one day."
As Athena stood up, her silver hair swayed.
"The man who had defeated one, one shall always remember thy namegoodbye, Kusanagi

Turning her back towards Godou and the group, Athena slowly departed.
Once she could no longer see Athena's small shadow, Erica intentionally sighed:
"Godou, you know, even if you defeat [Heretic Gods], your authorities won't increase if you
don't take their lives?"
"Don't talk about killing so casually. Besides, even if we defeated those gods, they can
resurrect like nothing had happened, how can we manage that so easily?"
Godou replied seriously, refuting the simple explanation his partner offered.
To those people, resurrection and rebirth was an everyday thing, so they were all immortal
monsters. With such a blessing, he could go all out on the offensive without worrying about
harming the opponent.
"Even though you say that, you never actually considered killing her right? Eh, I originally
planned to help Godou quickly become independent, but if this keeps up; our future doesn't
look very bright."
"I don't want to become any more of a monster, so don't make decisions for me with such an
uncaring attitude...... right, is Mariya-san alright? She still looks really weak."
Godou asked about Yuri who was still staring at him with cold eyes.
When he left, she was still very gentle; why was she like a mine that was about to explode
She must not be feeling well. That was natural, since he had asked too much of her earlier.
Godou focused his sight on Yuri's countenance.
"My body really doesn't have any problems; I'm really grateful that Kusanagi-san was able to
come save me just then."
A chilly tone.
Behind her polite words laid a cold expression.
......Was she really angry? Then he should hurry and apologize; Godou continuously pondered
over how he might defend himself. Although it was really shameful, but it was also a
desperate matter of survival.
"Mariya-san, I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble over this incident."
Godou bowed his head, realizing that even his waist had bent over.
What a disaster.

He wasn't sure if the gesture was enough. Would he still get scolded? He felt extremely
uneasy about it. But Yuri didn't care about this at all; instead she began to berate him over
something totally unexpected.
"No, I don't mind about that; it's because of Kusanagi-san that I met such extreme
circumstances, but you also saved me, so I don't mind. Aside from that, there is something
else I would like to ask you."
She revealed a dark smile just like several hours ago.
For it to reveal itself on Yuri's beautiful face yet again...... is really frightening.
"You are a true devil kingone who wields the authority of a real godslayer. But, these
powers aren't for you to do whatever you want with. What do you think over this?"
"Uhh...... about this...... I think you're completely right."
"Then, why don't you watch your surroundings more! These gardens are ruined, and just how
do you plan to take care of what happened over there?"
Yuri pointed sternly towards what was in front of them.
Godou glanced over the distant view and froze as he saw the tragic appearance in the night
The rooftops of several skyscrapers that reached into the heavens
Two-thirds of those roofs had been sliced off, completely gone just like butter sticks that were
cut by a knife.
Furthermore, the same happened to the elevated highways of the Capital Expressway.
Entire sections of the road were missing, just like icicles melted by a blowtorch, entire road
portions had vanished without a sight.
The flames of the [White Stallion] that descended from the heavens must have caused this.
Because of the ultra-high temperature, the destroyed highway had the appearance of being
melted near the edges; but this wasn't candy or cream or ice, but reinforced concrete.
"If it's like that, they should be able to just repair the melted sections right?"
"Who knows? Even if it can be, it'll be extremely difficult; just building construction
scaffolding on top of those skyscrapers will be problematic enough."
Erica and Godou discussed as though they were casually chatting.

The former didn't see this as that serious of a problem, while the latter only chose this tone of
talking to escape reality.
"Didn't I tell you this morning? You don't watch your surroundings enough; it hasn't even
been a day yet and you still managed to do this."
As the only person present with common sense and moral integrity, Yuri coldly spoke out:
"And you're too low, too dirty, a complete pervert! For someone as indecent, lascivious, and
imprudent as you to get the power of the devil king, I doubt this world will last much longer! I
really misjudged you; sure, I thought at the time that you were a reliable and honest man, but I
was being too naive. Talk about a complete disappointment."
"That, Mariya-san...... what low, indecent stuff; that doesn't seem right"
Faced with this strangely agitated miko before him, Godou timidly responded.
Yet a razor-sharp glare cut him off.
"Really, Kusanagi-san, you've already forgotten what you were doing this quickly? Erica-san
is Italian so I won't speak of it, but you're a Japanese man; how could you do something so
low, so dirty, you should properly reflect just what shame is!"
"Huh? What do you mean? I, did I do something strange?"
"Did you seriously forget? Such a passionateeh, that warm k-kiss, to actually do something
so shameless!"
Now, Godou finally understand the reason why Yuri was so angry.
But he was also very troubled at the same time.
He wasn't good at explaining himself, and it would be very hard to clarify that it was a magic
necessary to defeat Athena; it would be best to leave this to his more charismatic partner.
He begged Erica with his eyes, before he realized too late that this was like digging his own
"Hehe, so Yuri didn't like that move. You really are late to mature...... At the beginning,
Godou didn't feel much differently~~"
What was she saying, 'at the beginning' was completely unnecessary!
"Since ancient times, wasn't a girl's kiss the best blessing for departing brave warriors? So I
gave him strength this way. Godou was shy at first, but now, he couldn't even fight anymore
unless I did thisit's really worrisome."
As he listened to Erica's explanation, Godou realized what utter despair tasted like.

Although it wasn't really a lie, but the malicious explanation completely twisted the facts and
deliberately hid the truth.
"No, it's not like that, Mariya-san, it's actually......"
"If it's an excuse, then that won't be necessary; I already understand what's going on."
"By understand you mean"
"Being tempted by Erica-san like that, Kusanagi-san must have been obedient every time.
Right? I understand these things very well, since Kusanagi-san is also a man; as long as your
lover coaxes you, you'd do her every bidding."
No explanation would be accepted.
Yuri smiled as she said these words, her expression beautiful yet frigid, accompanied by a
cold emotionless expression.
"It's already late tonight, so I won't say any more, but please visit Nanao Shrine tomorrow. I
won't need to mind the time then, so I'll properly educate you tomorrowbecause I need to
seriously teach you these things, so you better come alone. Definitely do not bring your lover
She gave him a heartless verdict with her steely tone.
Yielding to the overwhelming pressure, Godou couldn't help but agree involuntarily.

The battle with Athena took place during the night hours of Saturday morning.
Just like any normal company, Kusanagi Godou's Jounan Academy was also having an off
day for today. It was originally going to be a restful and relaxing day, spent to recover his
battle woundsa leisure day like that.
But he had received a fierce scolding during the meeting between him and Mariya Yuri, to the
point that both his mind and body felt bared to the bones.
Still he tried his best.
He was a righteous person who would do his best to peacefully resolve problems regardless of
how difficult they were. Furthermore, what he did with Erica last night was indispensable for
seizing the upper hand during his fight.
These were all sincerely explained to the best of his abilities.
But Yuri's response was still cold.

"So that's how, that's how it was. But from Kusanagi-san's point of view, as long as these
efforts were displayed through the results; even if you say this is another effort"
It still hadn't finished.
"Is that how....... Kusanagi-san, is this excuse your idea? Or is it Erica's? Don't you feel it's
rather ridiculous? Such unrealistic, convenient reasons should be moderated at least. Don't
think that some nonsense excuse could fool me."
Not a single way out was offered.
The result was three continuous hours of cold, nonstop scolding; he really learned his lesson
in full this time.
Face to face with the beautiful yet harsh girl, alone with just the two of them, the entire time
had felt like he was sitting on needles......
Yuri ended up being cold the entire day, her words filled with barbs.
Despite this, Godou was very thankful that she cared for him over so many little details.
Sometimes when her words ended, she would ask Godou about his body's condition.
"Are you really...... alright? Though your body is really strong and different from usual
people, but isn't there still a chance of something going wrong?...... it's hard to believe that
you're already fully healed, just completely abnormal in every way, but such a weird thing
only happens because you're an absurd person like that!"
She berated him with seeming anger.
Though it wasn't very frank, but Godou knew it was because she worried over him.
Even though she was in mortal peril yesterday, she still worried over others more than herself;
she really was a kind and strong girl.
So no matter how angry or how cold she was to him, it was all a sign of consideration to
Thinking this way, Godou bowed and apologized seriously even at the end of all the scolding.
Sometimes halfway through her speech, Yuri blushed and revealed a troubled impression:
"this was a little too much......" fidgeting somewhat in embarrassment.
This happened on Saturday.

But on the next day, Sunday, something really bad happened again.

It happened when Godou held the newspaper as he watched the news on the living room
Edogawa, Koto, Central, and Port districts were engulfed by the darkness for around four
Regarding this, the official rhetoric was a failure of the power supply and it was still under
investigationthey held a press meeting that didn't clarify anything.
He confirmed the television and newspaper contents; every media was using this as its top
But none of them reported in detail about how all lighting and ignition tools had failed to
It was obvious that someone was controlling the information.
History Compilation Committee.
Probably done by those people he heard about yesterday. No, definitely them.
But, just how did they manage this impossibly hard task? Just as Godou thought this over
Just then, Shizuka opened the glass door and entered the living room.
For some reason, his little sister's eyes were filled with a ferocious murderous intent, and he
felt really strange.
"What's wrong? In a bad mood?"
"NothingI just met Mariya-senpai during the tea ceremony club's activities."
What about it?
Godou continued to read the paper as he pretended to listen; not like it would be anything
"Senpai told me to tell onii-chan that she was too rude yesterday and was really apologetic."
Godou gave a perfunctory reply as he leisurely read the paper.
But the situation was turning in a completely unexpected direction.
"Onii-chan met senpai yesterday as well? I remember that you arranged to meet on Friday
over the phone. Then you secretly met again yesterday...... I hope Onii-chan can spill
everything for me now."
Shizuka suddenly said.

"Just what kind of relationship do you have with Mariya-senpai? Isn't it abnormal to visit a
girl two days in a row? Doesn't feel like a normal friendship...... so, Onii-chan, if your
conscience is clear, will you swear to god? How about it? Do you dare?"
Stubborn, and too eager to find the source.
Plus the thoughts about Erica halfway through, things were getting worse and worse.
"Don't tell me, Onii-chan is playing both at once? I really guessed it! I always worried that
someday you'd become the same as grandpa. Just as I expected! Ever since you let go of the
baseball you've always trained in, I had thought something was wrong. Maybe, you had let go
of your sport activities because of these immoral habits. Onii-chan, I thought you were better
than this!"
Little sis, why do you always speculate your brother to be so low?
Shizuka completely didn't understand Godou's rebuttal.
"Hmph! I can tell if you're lying or not just by watching your face. Onii-chan has that
expression of concealing things that he doesn't dare explain."
She was spot on.
Although he didn't do anything regrettable, this wasn't something that he should explain to
just anyone.
As a result, Godou fell into the predicament of having to avoid his sister.

Then on Monday morning.

Godou left his home. Although his physical wounds had healed, his emotional wounds had
grown worse.
His holidays must have gone wrong somewhere.
His heart felt strongly about this.
The baffling forced trip to Rome, not to mention even after the unrest caused by that duel,
only the fierce scolding of the miko and his little sister followed. If this kept up for a second
week, his body wouldn't be able to take it.
Weren't holidays supposed to be spent in happiness and peace, in a laid-back way?
The only lucky thing was that Erica stopped pestering him.
After going their separate ways during the night he fought Athena, Godou had called her
numerous times.

Though he knew nothing good would come from meeting her, she did come here from Italy,
so he should at least see her again before she leaves. Now that he thought about it, he also
hadn't bid farewell to Anna yet.
But he couldn't get through to her cell phone, nor did he see her since.
Did she return already? No, that wouldn't be Erica's style.
Godou continued down his usual path to school with his worrisome mood.
His little sister, who normally went to school with him, wasn't here this morning. Because of
her day duties, she had left early today.
Private Jounan Academy High School Section.
Freedom wasn't anything special; high school freshmen could be seen everywhere.
That was Kusanagi Godou's title in everyday life. Not godslayer, not a monster, and definitely
not the seventh devil king.
"Come to think of it, that other night, didn't Anna-san say something strange......?"
Godou suddenly remembered this and felt confused.
'If you come back safely, I'll personally make a delicious meal for you to eat'......something
like that.
She was technically on a business trip, where would she cook at? Unless she meant the next
time he goes to Italy......
Godou thought as he continued walking forward.
A moment later, he completely understood the truth of the matter, as he noticed a girl's
silhouette just a little further up ahead.
"Ciao, Godou. How is it? Does the uniform fit me? This is the first time I'm wearing a
uniform, so it feels a bit strange."
A familiar voice greeted him in an intimate tone.
The beautiful girl before him wore a uniform he was used to seeing.
So that's how it is. At that time, Anna had already prepared for long-term living in Japan with
her master; that was why Erica had brought a confidante who was good at Japanese.
"Oy, Erica, though I understand now, I still want to ask you; are you seriously planning to live
in Japan? What's up with that getup?"
"Just a uniform, isn't this the uniform of Godou's school? Although I don't get the point of
everyone wearing the same thing, but it can't be helped, so I just have to accept it."

Deliberately swaying her blonde hair, Erica spun about to show off to Godou.
She wore a blazer of the Jounan Academy on her upper body.
The height of her waist was obviously different from Japanese girls, and because she wore the
same uniform, her slender and long legs became very noticeable.
"Starting from today, I'll be studying abroad at Godou's school, and I've been moving all
weekend. So I didn't notice your calls, sorry."
A smile like that of a devil's.
You're not sorry at all! Godou cursed silently.
Since it was Erica, this was definitely intentional, all for nowfor the purpose of seeing
Godou's shocked expression.
"You, don't you have a job as part of a secret association in Milan? Doesn't that job have
heavy responsibilities? Can you really do something like this?"
"Of course. I told them I was leaving to take care of Godou, and everyone happily sent me
off. You still don't understand your own position; for the purpose of maintaining good
relationships with godslayers, even the highest ranking leaders would often take long trips."
Erica stepped towards Godou as though a predator moving towards its prey.
By the time he noticed, she had already grabbed his wrist.
"From now on, we'll be together every day; I'm in the same class as Godou after all. Alright,
let's go."
With his hand pulled by Erica, the two of them continued walking towards school.
Since she was too strong, he couldn't get away at all.
He had no way of escapingGodou eyed his surroundings before he felt despair settle in.
"Kusanagi-san, you really can't change your rotten habits; even after telling you so, you're
back to doing such shameless things just a few days later!"
Even though, Godou didn't meet the qualifications to pray to god.
But right now, he couldn't help but curse the gods for tormenting him. Out of all times, it had
to be now for Erica and Mariya Yuri to meet!
Of course, both Yuri and Erica wore the same Jounan Academy uniform.
It was the first time he saw this girl wearing their uniform; it was neat and fit her well, but
then her scary expression drew nearer.

"Will you two step apart already? Just what is going on with this uniform, Erica-san? Don't
tell me you really decided to stay in Japan?"
Yuri's eyes were as cold as ice as her gaze focused unerringly on them.
Within that icy gaze, flames of anger swirled and boiled.
"Yep, think about it: Two people love each other, but can't see one another unless they fly for
twelve hours. That just doesn't make any sense. Besides, I can easily do my work over here,
so isn't this great news?"
The uncaring Erica explained to the angry miko.
Workthis girl really plans to use my strength; this really impressed Godou. Such
forwardness without any concealment was part of Erica's character, regardless of whether it
was good or bad.
She was a witch who deviously planned her strategy before manipulating others.
Yet despite this, Godou never wanted to open the distance between them, most likely because
of her forwardness.
But from the perspective of someone as serious as Yuri, Godou was definitely fascinated by
feminine allure.
Yuri quickly turned to face Godou, who was analyzing the situation to escape reality.
"Last time, I purposefully told you to firmly reject Erica's temptations. I, I seriously hoped
that you would be able to do so; but just what is happening now?"
"S-sorry, Mariya-san. But, I really didn't know either...... and even if I did, I doubt I could
stop Erica."
"Seriously! You're still taking such an attitude. She acts a little spoiled and ends up leading
you around by your nose, even though you just learned your lesson recently!"
Yuri was indignant.
Couldn't be helped, since Erica and Godou were the ones really responsible for Tokyo being
engulfed by darkness, so they couldn't say anything in response.
"Let's stop the boring conversation and go to school. Even though we'll always be together
from now on, it's best to extend the honeymoon for as long as possible, so let's go enjoy
ourselves, alright?"
"!? Kusanagi-san, don't be deceived by her temptation! Fine, from today on, I'll temporarily
stay with you two. I have to supervise and make sure neither of you do anything weird."

"Fine, from today on, I'll temporarily stay with you two. I have to supervise and make sure
neither of you do anything weird."
At that moment, Godou finally realized the dangerous situation he was in.
Query: to analyze, what kind of situation was he in?
Answer: to be dragged to school hand-in-hand by a blond beauty, while being the male closest
to the one classified as the academy's most beautiful girl.
Yes, maybe it was because of Yuri's agitation, but she had already neared Godou's chest.
It looked like the blonde lover was trying to lure away a womanizing husband, while the wife
tearfully tried to bring him back......
He was being stared at painfully by the students of Jounan Academy, as though they were
looking at a criminal.
Godou shuddered.
If this continued, would he become a celebrity through notoriety!?
"Ah, right. Since I'm finally living in Japan, I should properly introduce myself to Godou's
family and let them know we're in a relationship."
"Kusanagi-san, you can't do this! To have a relationship with this woman, just how do you
plan on explaining yourself to Shizukayour little sister and your family?"
"Not a problem. As long as I'm cordial, most normal people will gladly welcome me. I'm
confident of this, so you don't need to worry."
"Do you plan to deceive even Kusanagi-san's family?"
"Don't say it in such a bad way; isn't it expected to establish a good relationship with the
family of one's lover? Don't you think so Godou?"

"Kusanagi-san, don't just stand there, hurry up and stop Erica-san!"

Caught in between the two girls, Godou already lost any way of escaping.
He couldn't think of a way to escape this predicament no matter what. The only thing he could
do now was to pray for some god to appear and rescue him.
God, please give me a peaceful life.
Nothing extravagant, just that I don't want to meet any more gods or devils, and lead a
peaceful everyday life. So please, god, grant my wish.
Kusanagi Godou's urgent wish had no chance of happening anytime soon.

To all readers who finished this book.
Or maybe, those readers who sneakily began reading from the afterword.
I'm Takedzuki Jou, and this is our first meeting. This volume is the first of my novel scripts to
be published.
This time, I'm very pleased to have Super Dash Bunko publish my book for me.
Please take care of me from now on.
The saying goes 'a gentleman should not dishonor the gods'. But, this book joined those other
works that doesn't take things seriously and strictly. If possible, for those of you who disagree
with me, I hope you can simply laugh it off instead of calling retribution upon me.
Especially the gods who might really reside in the heavens above.
I'm one of those who prays at the shrine on New Year's, who believe that faith is beneficial to
the heart and isn't stingy when it comes to saisen[1I 1]; I'll be generous over saisen next year as
well. So please forgive me.
Incidentally, the contents of this book are purely fictional.
So there is no relation whatsoever with existing people, organizations, religions, locations,
and other social matters. Within this work, even if specific names and descriptions are used,
that is still just coincidence and definitely do not refer to the real thing.

Please look at my eyes. Will a liar have such clear eyes? Eh? You can't see? Really?
Let's ignore this for now then and return to the novel's contents.
In the ancient times without copyrighting, story-writing was probably a very slow and
ambitious project.
Mythologies are a product of those times.
The world has tons of similar tales, like the story of Izanagi who went into the underworld to
meet his wife Izanami[1I 2]; it was just like the legend of Orpheus[1I 3] who entered the
netherworld to rescue his wife.
Obviously, this isn't just some mere coincidence.
Stories that share the same origin changed their details, spreading through both Japan and
Greece, reinterpreted by different views after many eras. This is a phenomenon caused by the
spreading of cultural and migration of people.
......Eh, to put it simply, 'easygoing plagiarism' is a common occurrence.
To regard foreign gods as evil spirits, demons, and monsters to be vanquished by one's own
gods; such examples are plenty. It really is blasphemy.
--- But.
To seriously pursue such an issue would be like chasing an endless problem, so someone like
me who isn't very serious thought up of this coarse method.
The result is the book, "Campione - godslayer!".
A story with a superpowered protagonist who fought endlessly with other high level bosses.
If you're enjoying the read, then that's great.
--- Hmm?
Erica seems like the main heroine?
Hahaha, how can that be--- the most images, strong, enticing, red, such things...
Just pretend you didn't see it.
Lastly, allow me to thank everyone who earnestly helped in the publishing of this book. I also
apologize to the many friends who helped but didn't hear back from me in time while I was
writing this.
Finally to all the readers here, you have my thanks.
April 2008, Takedzuki Jou.

Illustrator Afterword.

First time meeting!

I'm honored to illustrate Campione.
I'm the one given part of the two page afterword, and feels that my drawings aren't
satisfactory enough (hiding my name in fear of spoilers).
A role was added to the original script.
Although I like those two on the cover, but I must recommend this character the most.
Just to prevent rumors, I'm really not a lolicon!
My Blog

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Epimetheus was the brother of Prometheus of Greek mythology. He is
pictured as a foolish Titan. Some people also say that he is the one who accepted the
gift of Pandora or that he had a child with Pandora.
2. Jump up Verethragna was a god of Zoroastrianism who symbolized victory. He
could take 10 different forms.
3. Jump up Another god in Zoroastrianism. Verethragna and ist are his principal
companions. Mithra is the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) of covenant and oath. In
addition to being the divinity of contracts, Mithra is also a judicial figure, an all-seeing
protector of Truth, and the guardian of cattle, the harvest and of The Waters.
4. Jump up Zoroastrianism is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of
prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra, in Avestan) and was formerly among
the world's largest religions. It was a religion in Persia, which is around the actual

Chapter 1
1. Jump up House of Savoy: Casa Savoia in Italian, and ruled in Italy before the
Republicans overthrew royalty.
2. Jump up Grand Master: a typical title given to the head of a Knightly Order.
3. Jump up Capital of Lilies: the direct translation of Yuri no To.
4. Jump up Copper Black Cross: my translation of Shakudo Kurojuji.
5. Jump up Baphomet: a deity that the Knights Templar used to worship. As for who
the Knights Templar are, they were a Crusader order endorsed in the 12th century by
the Catholic Church. However, their last leader, Jacques de Molay, was burnt at stake
by King Philippe IV le Bel of France; de Molay's curse is actually pretty well known.
(This part is untrue: Baphomet was thought to be a pagan god, thus it would be Heresy
for an ordained Crusader order to worship him. The myth of Knights Templar
worshiping Baphomet was an accusation leveled against the Knights Templar, using
relics they plundered as 'evidence', when Phillip IV of France sought to bring their
downfall over numerous reasons, a foremost being debt evasion as he owed them a lot
of money; historians also believe that 'Baphomet' was actually a typo of the Islam
prophet Muhammad, which was often latinized to 'Mahomet'. - Aorii)
6. Jump up Gorgoneion: a pendant in Ancient Greece showing the Gorgon's head.
7. Jump up Diavolo Rosso: Dark Red Devil in Italian. I chose to use that term even if
it's maybe not in the raws.
8. Jump up Nuadha: or Nuada Airgetlm, the first king of the Tuatha D Danann.

Chapter 2
1. Jump up Hill near the famous Colosseum: Also known as the Flavian
Amphitheatre, it stands east of the Roman Forum. Used for gladiatorial fights, it also
staged mock naval battles and a place to execute/crucify criminals. Do not confuse
with the Circus Maximus.
2. Jump up Seven Hills of Rome: For the interested, they are the Aventine, Caelian,
Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal and Viminal.
3. Jump up Emperor's Palace: Quite a few of them, actually. Not just Augustus, but
Tiberius and Domitian too.
4. Jump up Augustus' Palace: The text has Octavian, but he only built the palace after
they crowned him king and gave him the name Augustus. So there.
5. Jump up Mille Lingua: 'A Thousand Languages' in Italian (well Latin, but 'Lingua'
sound better than 'Lingue'). The text didn't have it in Italian but Kira0802 did, and it
sounds better like this, I guess.
6. Jump up Diavolo Rosso: 'Dark Red Devil' in Italian. For explanation, see previous
7. Jump up Cuore di Leone: 'The heart of the lion' in Italian. The text did give in the
Italian this time.
8. Jump up Hermes: As someone noted before, the Roman equivalent should be
Mercury (Hermes is the Greek name). But there is little difference in them, so I left it
as is. For your information, Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the guide to
the underworld. He is well known for his winged sandals, winged hat and staff, which
let the user fly, like in the legend of Perseus and Medusa.
9. Jump up Japanese Middle School: That is, Years 7-10, or Secondary 1 to 4.
10. Jump up Aethereal: That is, those of the sky. It comes from the Germanic 'aesir',
meaning air, heaven.

11. Jump up Chthonic: That is, those of the earth. It comes from the Greek 'cthos',
meaning caves, underground.
12. Jump up Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani!: The words of Christ as he hung on the
cross. Supposedly Hebrew (though it is meant to be Aramaic), it translates somewhat
to 'My Lord, My Lord; Why hast thou forsaken me?' which is exactly what she says
13. Jump up David's Stones: Stones, or more specifically slings, were one of the earliest
ranged weapon developed. A thrown stone could shatter shields, pierce armour,
penetrate flesh, and break bones and skulls. They appear even on Egyptian and
Babylonian murals, a testament to their age. Some races were well known for the sling
as a weapon. Cretans, Rhodians, Balearic Islanders, were all famous, and employed be
many empires Greek, Carthaginian, Roman as mercenaries. So, don't
underestimate it!"
14. Jump up Yokotsuna Master: The highest rank achievable in sumo wrestling
15. Jump up Man-made Lake: The lake was actually built by Nero, and stood in front
of a building that Nero also built, the Domus Aurea (68 AD). [Which also means that
the author was incorrect it wasn't a ruin then.] It was quickly torn down by
succeeding emperors, embarrassed about their family history. A mere eight years later
(74 AD), Vespasian had the lake filled in, and began construction of the Colosseum.
16. Jump up Castella Sforzesco: The Sforza Castle (in English) is one the biggest
citadels in Europe. It now houses several of Milan's museums and art collections.
17. Jump up Cagliari: Also one of the biggest ports in the Mediterranean sea.
18. Jump up Piazza del Campo: One of Europe's most beautiful medieval squares, it is
known worldwide for it's beauty and architectural integrity.
19. Jump up Grimoire: Coming from the French, Basically a book on magic, a
20. Jump up Gorgon Medusa: The fact is, there are actually three Gorgons in Greek
mythology: Stheno, Euryale and Medusa. They were originally considered winged,
tusked and fanged women, but later Greek tradition has them all as beautiful women.
The first two were immortal, and hence Perseus killed the last one, Medusa, because
she was the only one possible to be killed.
21. Jump up Perseus: This is incorrect. Although anyone with a better understanding of
Greek mythology is free to correct me here. (No this is pretty much right; the hero
Perseus did slay Medusa, and although she was the most powerful of the Gorgon
sisters she was the only mortal; however, Perseus killed her not because of that, but
because Athena demanded it so after being angered when Medusa slept with Poseidon
in one of her temples and thus desecrated it [Athena was known as 'Virgin Athena'
after all] -- Aorii)
22. Jump up Tripartite Goddesses: The author is referring to Demeter, Persephone and
Hecate, the three forms of a great mother goddess who may have been Rhea or Gaia.

Chapter 3
1. Jump up Nanano Shrine: ; literally shrine of the seven heroes'.
2. Jump up Ante-hall: The technical term is , and should technically be called the
pronaos, but Asian temple architecture is hard to describe in western terms. It is the
first, smaller hall (usually with statues or pictures of guardians of shrines and religion)
before one enters the great hall itself.
3. Jump up Kosode, Furisode, Hakama: Look it up, the explanation's sort of long
winded: Kosode, Furisode, Hakama

4. Jump up Miko: Miko are usually Japanese shrine maidens. However, in this story
the term also refers to a type of magic-user, and not all of those magical miko are
shrine-maidens. That is why we left the term as miko whenever it shows up.
5. Jump up Hime-miko: Japanese for princess-shrine maiden. It is the name of a group
of a people and as with miko, we decided to leave it as it is for now.
6. Jump up Rakshasa: Wicked and unrighteous spirits that wreck havoc in the human
world. Rakshasa
7. Jump up Jinbocho: Well known as Tokyo's centre for used-book stores and
publishing houses.

Chapter 4
1. Jump up Torii: A traditional Japanese gate, marking the boundary between sacred
and profane ground. This is probably the most well known sight in a Shinto shrine.
2. Jump up Period Drama: A specific type of soap opera set in the past, dramatizing
family/state/etc. situations for audience titillation. Particular popular with the aged in
Japan and China.
3. Jump up Nero: Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus, last of the JulioClaudians. Well known for killing his mother, suspected for the Great Fire of Rome,
an altogether unpleasant man who was known for cruelty, sadism, drunkenness and
4. Jump up Dong Zhuo: Politician and warlord of the Later Han Dynasty, he killed all
those who opposed his rise to power, eventually deposing the emperor himself. He
was most well-known for the cruel tortures which he subjected his victimes to. For
example, soaking a clothed soldier in fat and setting fire to his foot, so he could watch
their facial expressions.
5. Jump up Oda Nobunaga: The ultimate unifier of Japan after its Warring States
Period, he killed his brother to take on the throne, and was noted for destroying
anyone (buddhist monks, protesting villagers, smaller, subservient clients) who got in
his way.
6. Jump up Numidia: That is, modern Algeria.
7. Jump up Famous trick before the walls of Troy: She of course refers to the Trojan
horse, devised by Odysseus to breach the seven gated city of Troy from the inside.
8. Jump up The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of dusk: A
very strange one to use here, especially if you know the context of it. It's a Hegelian
quotation, which refers to the way in which we understand history. As he implies, our
'wisdom' that is, the logic and progress of history will only reveal itself at the end,
the 'dusk' of any event which we are considering. But I guess author-san wanted to
sound learned.

Chapter 5
1. Jump up Etruscans: ancient inhabitants of central-eastern Italy, they used to be
masters of the Romans. Eventually, the Romans rebelled from them, but also took
over many of their ancient customs, like the 'Roman' baths, their trinity of gods,
augury, and of course, warfare. However, the use of infantry that fought in melee and
also carried spears was NOT Etruscan; rather, it was Samnite. The Romans got their
idea of the triarii from the Etruscan warriors, who in turn got theirs from the Greek
hoplite phalanx. Ranged units, such as javelineers, slinger and archer were almost





purely that. Light infantry did exist, but their spears were for melee combat. But hey,
why spoil a good story, right?
Jump up Javelin Combat: anyone know what he's referring to here? (Unlikely to be
true, while the Knights of Irish myth often hurled their spears, it was against
mainstream knightly code during the Medieval Ages to strike down an opposing
knight with a javelin. As champions of chivalry, it is doubtful any Knight of the
Round Table would do this - Aorii)
Jump up Metis: the Titan of prudence and wisdom in Greek Mythology.
Jump up Gaia and Uranus: Gaia was the primordial Earth-goddess and mother of
all things in Greece mythology; Uranus, father sky, was both her son and husband
(<_< ). Together they gave birth to the earliest Titans and many of the Greek Gods.
Jump up Athena's Birth: Zeus supposedly turned Metis into a fly and swallowed
her, but Metis began to forge a helmet and armor for her unborn child, causing Zeus
great pain from inside him. Eventually his son Hephaestus, god of artisans, struck
Zeus' head with an axe or hammer. Athena was born 'from' Zeus this way, fully
grown, armed, and armored, while Zeus was none worse for the wear.
Jump up Shiba Park: a famous park in Tokyo, built around the Buddhist Great
Temple San'en-zan Zj-ji
Jump up Tsukishima: an island formed of reclaimed land in Tokyo Bay

Chapter 6
1. Jump up Plato: Greek Classical-era philosopher attributed with laying the
foundation to western philosophy and science.
2. Jump up Timaeus: one of Plato's dialogues, involving Socrates, Timaeus of Locri,
Hermocrates, and Critias.
3. Jump up Herodotus: Greek Classical-Era historian, renowned as the 'Father of
4. Jump up Heracles: also known as Hercules, son of Zeus and the greatest of Greek
5. Jump up Ba'al: actually a Semitic title meaning 'ruler' or 'god'; numerous deities
(and cult gods) used this name, but they're probably referring to the Canaanite god
Hadad here.
6. Jump up Canaan: ancient biblical region in the Levant; around the same area as
present-day Isreal.
7. Jump up Shield of Athena: Athena had integrated the severed head of Medusa into
the center of her shield, the Aegis
8. Jump up El, Ogmios, Artemis: El (or Il) is the suprme good of the canaanites, father
of Baal and creator of everything, prototype of all of the creator gods of Levantine
religions, including judaism ('l/el/il is also the word for "god" in semitic languages,
found in titles such as the names of some angels); Ogmios is the Celtic god of
eloquence, who could bind others through words alone and supposedly looked like
Hercules; Artemis is the Greek goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and childbirth.
9. Jump up Ogoun, Tezcatlipoca: Ogoun is the god of smithing, hunting, politics, and
war of Yoruba (Nigeria) and Haitian beliefs; Tezcatlipoca is the Aztec central god of
chaos, governship, temptation, beauty, war, and strife.
10. Jump up Susanoo, Vishnu: Susanoo is the Japanese Shintoism god of sea and
storms; Vishnu is the supreme god of Vaishnavism branch of Hinduism.
11. Jump up Hot Pot: Japanese often have hotpots (Nabe) to celebrate the completion of
projects or special events (why an Italian would do so, I have no idea!)

12. Jump up Parthian & Sassanid Empire: Persian Empires of the Middle East during
247BC-224AD (Parthia) and 224AD-651AD (Sassanid), centered around modernIran; both often came into contention with the Roman and later the Byzantine Empire.
13. Jump up Zarathustra: also known as Zoroaster, the founder of Zoroastrianism,
which once dominated the Middle East as one of the world's greatest religions. It was
later shunted aside and replaced by Islam.

Chapter 7
1. Jump up Hamarikyu Gardens: a public park located at the mouth of the Sumida
river, surrounded by a seawater moat and built from what was once a Tokugawa
family villa.
2. Jump up Tsukiji District: tsukiji literally means 'reclaimed land', and although
multiple Japanese cities have such an area, none of them are as famous as Tokyo's.
3. Jump up Marie Antoinette: Queen of France executed during the French
Revolution, known for her corrupt, selfish, and gaudy lifestyle with an inability to
understand the common folk.
4. Jump up Let them eat cake: famous line supposedly said by Marie Antoinette in
response to those who complained of having no bread to eat, although historians
believe this to be a byproduct of dramatized journalism.
5. Jump up Isis and Ishtar: Isis is the Egyptian goddess of compassion, nature, and
magic, often viewed as the ideal mother and wife, as well as a friend to the
downtrodden, the sinners, and the slaves; Ishtar is the Assyrian and Babylonian
goddess of fertility, war, love, and sex, known as a fickle lover who also unleashed the
Bull of Heaven upon Gilgamesh for refusing her love in the Epic of Gilgamesh.
6. Jump up Indra: King of the gods and god of storms, rainfall, and war in Hindu
mythology, and associated with Vajrapani, the chief protector of the Buddha.
7. Jump up Defiant God: as Heretic God, both written as 'Disobedient God' in raws,
but since heretics never refer to themselves as heretics, Athena's use of 'Heretic' will
be converted to 'Defiant'.
8. Jump up Mithra: the Zoroastrian god of covenant and oath, a god of judgment and
all-seeing protector of truth, guardian of cattle, harvest, and water elements.
9. Jump up Pegasus: the winged horse; according to Greek Mythology, Medusa was
impregnated by Poseidon and when the hero Perseus beheaded and killed her, Pegasus
and Chrysaor, a golden-sworded giant, burst from her body.
10. Jump up Hera, Aphrodite: Hera was the sister of Zeus and goddess of women and
marriage; Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love, pleasure, and beauty.
11. Jump up Apollo: Greek god of the sun, truth and prophesy, healing and plague, and
patron of the fine arts; son of Zeus and Leto, he is one of the most important and
idealized deities of Greece.

1. Jump up Saisen: money offered to kami or bodhisattvas in Japanese shrines, usually
through a saisen box[1]; in Chinese raws this is translated to money for 'prayer oil
sticks', which is how they donate to temples, but I figure saisen would work better
since dear author is Japanese after all.
2. Jump up Izanagi & Izanami: the creation gods of Japanese mythology; when
Izanami died from childbirth, Izanagi visited the underworld to bring her back, but she
claimed to have already eaten food of the underworld and was thus one of the dead.

Unwilling to let go, Izanagi turned his comb into a torch to see her (which she had
warned again), but instead of his beautiful wife he sees a rotting body being
decomposed by foul creatures. Horrified, Izanagi ran away, abandoning his wife and
sealing her in the underworld. The enraged Izanami vowed to kill 1,000 men per day,
but Izanagi retorted that he would give life to 1,500 per day, and hence the cycle of
life and death was born.
3. Jump up Orpheus: legendary Greek poet, musician, and prophet who entered the
underworld to rescue his wife Eurydice.

Campione!:BR SS 2
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Roman Holiday, Late Night Edition

After Kusanagi Godou finished taking part in the imposed duel Erica had invited him to at the
ancient capital of Rome, it was night time.
Surviving a deadly crisis as usual, Godou ended up causing severe damage to the ancient
battlegroundsthe Colosseum.
But in any case, the battle that was full of all sorts of dangers finally concluded.
Godou departed from the tragic(?) scene of the Colosseum and parted with the three
association representatives who acted as witnesses to the duel.
Next he returned to the hotel. After a bath, he would go to bed immediately. That was what
Godou had decided.
Then after a good night's rest, he was going to carefully reflect on tonight's incident in the
morning. In order not to make "this kind" of mistake ever again...
Whenever he turned his gaze in the direction of the Colosseum, the terrible result of his
"moment of carelessness" would enter his view.
With a great sense of shame, Godou deeply regretted his actions.
The sounds of police and firefighting sirens could be heard coming from the direction of the
Colosseum. This noise caused Godou to be assaulted by further reprimands from his
In spite of all this, Erica looked rather delighted as she walked beside him.
"Hoho. Tonight's duel has completely publicized the mighty name of Kusanagi Godou. This is
the result of various preparations readied beforehand."
Erica explained as she strolled along the late night Roman city streets, prompting great
surprise in Godou.

"W-What do you mean by preparations?"

"Hmm. Basically the three VIPs you met at the duel just now. Inviting all three of them
certainly took substantial effort. Although there was a suitable excuse, they are rather busy
people. In actual fact, I also invited three additional leaders, but they were unable to attend
due to scheduling conflicts."
"You expressly prepared that much for the sake of letting others witness my power?"
Godou frowned.
"Why would you do such a thing? There's no need to gather all those people for a person like
me, right?"
"Don't be nonsensical. In the world of magic, did you know that there is no event more
suspenseful than the birth of a Devil King? Sending invitations out would actually exhibit our
congeniality instead."
Erica listed out the seven prestigious magic associations recognized in Italy.
The three witnesses of tonight's duel belonged to the [Olden Dame], the [Female Wolf] and
the [Capital of Lilies] respectively. In addition, there were the [Bronze Black Cross], the
[Eagle of the Blue Sky] and [Aegis].
"Last but not least is my [Copper Black Cross]. Godou, you've already met the commanderin-chief of the association I belong to, my unclePaolo Blandelli. Hence, tonight was an
opportunity for the other six associations to send representatives to have an audience with the
seventh Campione."
Godou never expected that meeting those witnesses actually held such significance
Realizing the surreal happenings surrounding him, Godou sighed.
"However, Godou, you performed even better than expected. Not only did you show off that
level of destructive power to the representatives of the three prestigious associations, you
even completely silenced their doubts on whether you were a fake or not."
"I-I wasn't showing off, I simply went too far in a moment of carelessness!"
"It doesn't matter which. What's important is the result. Hoho, let us raise a glass to toast and
celebrate tonight."
"Why do we need to toast!?"
"Tonight commemorates Kusanagi Godou's first appearance on the European stage."
Informed by Erica with complete nonchalance, Godou was greatly shocked.
"In actual fact, I prepared a camera beforehand. Godou, your destruction of the Colosseum
just now was recorded on video. Currently, the video is being prepared for broadcasting to

those involved in the magic world all over Europe. The three VIPs you met have already
become witnesses, so the great name of Kusanagi Godou will spread to all the corners of the
European world of magic within days."
To think she had prepared things to such an extent. Godou's mood was instantly down in the
Seeing his reaction, Erica chuckled and displayed a devil's smile.
"Stop making that kind of face, stick your chest out. You currently don't look like a godslayer at all. Do know that your status will keep rising from now on as the Devil King."
"I have no wish to possess this kind of title that cannot be written on resumes. Neither do I
want to raise my status in this manner!"
Objecting loudly, Godou yawned.
It was now late at night. Perhaps due to fatigue from the whole mess at the Colosseum or jet
lag, Godou was struck with sleepiness all of a sudden. Getting some rest as early as possible
seemed like a good idea.
"In any case, let's hurry back to the hotel for some rest. It's so late already."
Godou had heard earlier that Erica had prepared a place to stay.
Hence he proposed they head back. However, the girl in his company replied:
"That's right, we must open a bottle of wine or champagne to toast and celebrate properly
together. Then after that, we should slowly descend upon the bed, to affirm our love for each
"W-Wait a minute. Your proposed schedule is clearly very unusual."
Godou was already dead tired. Why did he still need to deal with and retort against such
ridiculous matters?
Feeling that life was very unreasonable, Godou continued:
"Aside from the fact that minors like us should not be drinking, spending a night together in
the same room on the same bed is even more inappropriate!"
Besides, affirming each other's love or anything of that sort would be even more ridiculous.
As a man, Godou resolutely asserted his refusal and made a clear statement. However, Erica
rolled her eyes at him and retorted calmly.
"Say, Godou. What you said just now is quite incorrect... Haven't we already experienced all
of it before? It won't be the first time now, right?"

Godou could say nothing in response. Erica continued to list things out:
"We've already drank alcohol together before and spent the night under the same roof.
Sleeping in the same bed through the night until morning has happened more than once. We
have even bathed together, baring our bodies to each other without reserve..."
Finally, Erica added:
"Besides, we have already reached legal drinking age in Italy."
Drinking laws in Italy were different from Japan's. In this country, the legal drinking age was
Having passed both their birthdays, Godou and Erica already fulfilled the required age.
Godou was frozen from a lack of grounds to object. On the other hand, Erica went "What a
troublesome guy" as she shrugged, a wry smile appearing on the corners of her lips.
"Godou, although trying to correct your failure to read the mood can provide some hardsought amusement, it's no fun if it gets too excessive. Let me forgive you on this point for
now. Love cannot be cultivated without full consent from both sides."
"I-I see."
"Yes. Because even though you declare unwillingness, once your mood is roused sufficiently,
even I would find it difficult to stop you."
"I really hope you can express your gratitude properly for the fact that I, Erica Blandelli, am a
woman with such great tolerance."
Godou fell into a depressed silence.
He mourned for his inability to refute any of her words.
"Nevertheless, simply tolerating is no fun at all. That would be totally not my style."
The blonde beauty suddenly displayed a malevolent smile.
"Hey Godou, if you want to return to the hotel to sleep, give me a goodnight kiss."
"W-What did you say about a goodnight whatever?"
"A kiss. On the cheek is okay, though of course, the lips are fine too. If you do that, I will take
you to the hotel."
Only now did Godou realize, he had no idea where the hotel was located. Without Erica to
lead the way, he would not be able to find it so easily. However.

"D-Doesn't matter. It's not like I must stay at a hotel."

Godou immediately refused her demand.
"I just need to find shelter somewhere, or even spend the night outdoors. Or simply walk
outside the whole night like this. I'm not going to kiss you so rashly ever again!"
Were he in Japan, there would be businesses running twenty-four hours a day such as family
restaurants, sauna establishments or manga cafes. However, the ancient capital of Rome did
not offer these kinds of shops.
But how could he back down simply due to this level of setback? Godou declared his
"I really think that kind of behavior is too soon for me!"
"Speaking from the one who has engaged in passionate kisses with me numerous times. Oh
well, once you're out of options, you'll have no choice but to kiss me in the end."
Erica shrugged lightly.
"Godou, the way you're acting is just as meaningless as an old smoker declaring he'll quit
smoking. 'If only I could do it' declarations imply that you wish to keep reminding yourself,
but are doomed to failure every time."
"However, if you really want to try it, that's fine too. I will accompany you."
A devil's smile flashed across the blonde beauty's lips once more.
"Let us take a stroll on the streets of Rome. But you'll probably fall asleep half way due to
exhaustion? If that happens, I'll carry you to the hotel room to take care of you tenderly. Then
we'll spend some sweet time together before dawn? Hoho, it'll be fun."
"It's true that I'm very tired, but I will find a way to endure the whole night."
Godou contradicted Erica's speculation that was delivered as if the future was already set.
"You should know quite well, I have a lot of physical stamina."
"Yes. I know very well that you are ridiculously strong, Godou. At the same time, you are a
rather careless person who leaves many openings. Given an entire night, I should be able to
find a way."
"Find a way?"
"To trick you into drinking a drugged beverage to render you temporarily unconscious. It
seems like I should be able to seize an opportunity to have you bound and restrained, then get
a car to transport you back to the hotel... See!"

"Stop going 'See!' That's blatant kidnapping!"

Godou chastised Erica who explained her plan with an adorable expression.
"Even for me, I have no wish to go that far. However, if you'll simply ignore my little request,
Godou, it can't be helped. Girls in love are liable to do anything when push comes to shove,
so be careful."
The self-proclaimed girl in love said something unsettling with a joking tone of voice.
"Besides, a goodnight kiss is something even a child could do. If that's the case, what's the
matter? I hope you can show me more generosity than that."
Godou agreed that this description could be considered "proper." Nevertheless, he remained at
a loss for words.
Seeing him like that, Erica smiled with a chuckle.
"So, let me repeat my request again. Please bestow upon me a goodnight greeting in a manner
of your choosing. Of course, a kiss on the lips is what I would like the most, but even one on
the cheek is fine."
A light peck on the cheek was all it would take.
Be that as it may, Godou still felt troubled due to her urging. This was unlike the deep and
lengthy "ritual" kissing they engaged in normally. Perhaps it could even be done with a casual
mood. However
"I-I need to prepare myself mentally, so give me some time!"
Words of a final last ditch struggle.
The city streets of Rome were silent.
It was already past 2am. Unlike Japan where twenty-four hour businesses were found all over
the place, not a single shop remained open at this time. Furthermore, street lighting was much
less common than in Japan.
Godou and Erica strolled along these dim European streets at night.
Walking in front was Erica who led the way to the hotel. Godou followed a step behind her.
Traveling by car would be the normal course of action in this situation, but in order to buy
time to "prepare himself mentally" they chose this inefficient means of movement.
"Oh, wouldn't it be nice to get Arianna to drive the car here to take us somewhere?
Meanwhile, you'll finish preparing yourself mentally, Godou."

"That's not fair for Anna-san, definitely don't do that..."

Erica's assistant and maid, Miss Arianna Arialdi, commonly called Anna.
Godou answered Erica because the mistress brought up her name. Normally, it was already
bedtime. Godou would feel bad about rousing someone up from sleep at this time of the night.
"No problem. I have already instructed her to remain on standby until we return to the hotel.
Riding in Arianna's car to race across the late night highway could turn out to be a rather
interesting experience. Not too long ago, she gave me a ride to watch the ocean at night,
together with Lilya female friend of mine."
"You allowed someone who drives like that to get on the highway!?"
Arianna-san's driving skills were somewhat dangerous. Godou had already experienced it
during the daytime.
Although Erica had said something like 'very incredibly, Arianna has never had an accident,'
Godou definitely could not bank on such hopes again in the future.
Godou was astounded that she would do something so ridiculous.
"I always felt that it would be a totally new experience, and the result was exactly as
predicted. The feeling of sweaty hands and even a frozen spine could be savored fully. This is
probably what it means to experience a so-called spectacular scene..."
"Of course. The danger level is like riding a roller coaster without any safety measures at all!"
In the end, the joyride suggestion was abandoned and the two continued their way through the
While walking, they sometimes engaged in idle chatter and there were times when they
walked in silence.
Godou felt rather incredible, to think he would be spending time with Erica like this.
Being together with her was not unpleasant. Even when there was nothing to say, it did not
feel especially noticeable. Conversely, even after he noticed, it did not feel awkward at all.
The feeling was like being with family or very close male friends.
But to Godou, Erica was still a member of the opposite gender after all. Among the people he
knew, she was the most gorgeous and attractive girl. Aware of the existence of this beauty
beside him, Godou felt his heart beginning to race.
Nevertheless, it was unbelievable that he could get along with her so casually.
For Godou who was not used to getting along with girls, this was unprecedented.
However, that was how it was.

If Erica did not force kisses on him teasingly, then Godou would consider her a girl he could
get along with open arms more than anyone else...
But clearly she was a mischievous woman who resembled the devil.
"What's up with that shop?"
Along the way, Godou discovered a shop with all the lights on.
An eatery with a red themed decorIt appeared to be a Chinese restaurant.
The current time was late at night. This was an ordinary part of town rather than a bustling
commercial zone.
In spite of all that, this shop was still open this late.
"What amazing devotion to work. Even as a shop in Italy."
Godou could not help but offer praise.
As a Japanese, he was quite taken aback by unfamiliar occurrences in southern Europe, Italy
included, such as "shops in the streets were closed on Sundays," "open twenty-four hours a
day, what's that?" or "the summer vacation lasted a full month."
He had even heard of office workers who would "go home for lunch with their family then
take a nice nap afterwards."
Naturally, the Italian girl offered her own comments on Godou's Japanese perspective.
"Godou, forgive me for being frank, but being hardworking is not necessarily a virtue."
Wagging her index finger from side to side, Erica explained with an air of superiority.
"The important thing is the quality of labor, not volume. Efficiency and results. Even if
twenty hours out of a day's twenty four were spent on entertainment, it's fine so long as
sufficient results are produced."
"But I think the usual behavior is also very important..."
Godou objected to the concept of nobility's labor presented from Erica's arrogant perspective.
"Besides, rather than spending so much leisure on having fun, I'd feel better if I used it
productively to do work."
"You see, this is the rumored wisdom of Japanese businessmen. A person's talent and ability
can be judged by how much leisure they can afford to spend on meaningful matters of
The opinions of the serious Japanese man and the free-spirited Italian beauty were akin to
parallel lines that never intersected.

The intense fragrance of sesame oil wafted out of the Chinese restaurant.
"...Let's enter?"
"...Coming from you, that counts as a good suggestion."
After the exertion from the duel earlier as well as all the walking through the night, Godou
was feeling a bit hungry.
The two of them casually established a Japanese-Italian truce and entered the shop.
Godou attempted to inquire about the closing time from the Chinese restaurant staff who
happened to be at the door. The answer he got was half past four.
"Eh, that's almost until dawn!?"
Even though it was not open for the full twenty-four hours, there was not much difference.
This was virtually the same as Japanese ramen specialty stores.
Perhaps in a metropolis like Rome the Eternal City, there was demand for this sort of hours.
As Godou felt impressed, the server passed in front of Godou.
He was carrying in his hand a large plate of Chinese buns.
Seeing this, Erica seemed to have gotten an idea. She began conversing with the store
employee who had answered Godou's question.
Then ten minutes passed
After leaving the shop, Godou and Erica continued to stroll through the streets at night.
Godou carried a large paper bag in his hands, filled with quite a few Chinese buns. These hot
buns were freshly steamed and hot air seeped out through the bag.
"Godou, give me one."
He took out a bun from the paper bag and handed it to Erica.
As their fingers touched slightly, Godou felt an inexplicable sense of embarrassment. Then
Erica chuckled, further intensifying Godou's feeling.
Oh well, by this point, Godou did not think this was the only cause.
Moreover, this midnight snack was the result of Erica's negotiations with the store employee
just now.
Pleading repeatedly, she managed to take their purchases out of the shop which normally did
not provide takeout service. Indeed, since they were on the road back to the hotel, getting
takeout was preferable to sitting down to eat.

These Chinese buns were of the pork bun variety.

Taking a huge bite, Godou found the meat juices from the bun filling up his mouth. Quite
delicious. Enjoying this midnight snack, the two of them continued to stroll casually.
Godou was overcome with deep emotion.
He never expected he would ever have a chance to be off in the faraway land of Rome, late at
night like this, strolling casually through the streets with a blonde girl, eating pork buns...
Had someone told Godou several months ago he was going to experience this kind of future,
he would surely have roared with laughter.
Unintentionally, he glanced at Erica's side profile. Then discovering his gaze, Erica smiled
back at him. That was all. No words were exchanged deliberately.
But it was already enough.
Godou could vividly feel what seemed to be the "relationship" he had cultivated with Erica.
Furthermore, wondering what he should say a little while later, Godou finally finished his
"mental preparation."
In the end, it took them fifty minutes of walking to reach the ten-odd story hotel.
Glancing at the attendant standing at the entrance, Erica asked:
"So Godou, are you prepared?"
"Yeah. I guess so."
"Very well then. Let us exchange 'goodnights,' okay?"
The blonde girl giggled mischievously. However, Godou's response was:
"Umm well... I can't do it after all."
"Can't do it?"
As Erica expressed mild surprise, Godou continued.
"Yeah. I definitely can't kiss you with a casual relaxed mood."
Godou expressed his thoughts candidly.
"How should I put this, I suppose it's my obstinacy as a Japanese...? Perhaps I would not have
a problem with someone else, but with you, Erica, engaging in that kind of behavior just feels
so difficult no matter what..."
He could feel the loud beating of his heart whenever he made close contact with Erica.

Recalling the feeling, he made this vague statement.

"This has nothing to do with nationality but your personal problem as the man Kusanagi
Godou. Seriously, you're obstinate only on issues like this!"
Erica asserted with a tone of lamentation.
"Clearly we have already engaged in behavior even more intense than ritual kissing, so there's
no point in being conscious of such meaningless things. Besides, while we were walking here
together, didn't you fail to hold my hand? That's quite ill-mannered too."
"Yes. Given this rare opportunity for us to take a stroll in the streets of Rome, just the two of
us, we should have held hands and embraced each other, to enjoy this short tryst."
"O-Only couples would do that!"
"Have you forgotten? I am your lover, the woman closest to you in this world."
Erica declared proudly to Godou's panic.
"Even if I were not, there is nothing wrong with what I said, based on your behavior towards
girls in general."
"N-Nonsense. I have neither done that sort of thing nor spoken those kinds of words."
"Not words. However, I wish to accept your hands with my whole body, expressing my intent
through my attitude. That said, you seem to have failed to notice."
"Eh... Really?"
Was that the meaning behind Erica's attitude displayed earlier?
Stunned, Godou watched as the passionate Latin girl sighed before him.
"Indeed. But I can't believe you simply walked side by side with me, Godou... You are really
slow witted and a block of wood who can't read the mood. In Italy, even students in
elementary school know how to please a girl."
"No, but I'm Japanese."
"You're totally unmanly whenever you make that kind of statement. Don't say it ever again."
Erica suddenly went "however" and smiled.
"I admit you are a very special person, so I shall forgive you on this point. If you don't express
your gratitude towards my vast generosity, perhaps you might suffer retribution in the future."

"Hoho. Did you fail to notice? What was already voiced out just now."
How could this be? No, but perhaps. Godou wondered if he had said something unwise
without noticing?
As Godou felt shaken, Erica led him into the hotel and received two keys at the reception.
Handing one of them over to Godou, Erica said:
"Then rest well tonight. Goodnight."
"Yeah, goodnight."
Godou nodded as he yawned.
He was going to have a bath and go to sleep immediately after getting to his room. After all,
he was already quite tired. As decided earlier, he would reflect properly on tonight's events in
the morningJust as he was considering these and other matters...
Erica kissed him.
A light peck of a kiss. Bodily contact that substituted for a greeting... Completely unexpected.
Immediately, the second wave of kissing followed.
Erica sealed Godou's lips with her own and began to squirm seductively.
Then she inserted her tongue. Erica began to lick Godou's tongue passionately with careful
attention... This lasted a minute or two.
Phew. Releasing their lips, Erica exhaled softly.
"W-What are you doing so suddenly..."
"A goodnight kiss. Since you won't kiss me, then I have to kiss you instead."
Erica displayed an adorable smile in response to Godou's shocked question.
What on earth was she doing in this hotel lobby!? No wait, this was late at night, without a
single person around. Perhaps being seen was avoided
Surveying the surroundings, Godou realized.
The young attendant standing at the reception was staring in his direction.
If one were to ask if the attendant respected the guests' privacy with a sense of
professionalism and cast a glance that pretended not to have witnessed anything, the answer
was a resounding no.
Nodding towards Godou, he seemed to be saying "I saw everything" as he winked and smiled.

Moreover, Erica went as far as to wave in response to the hotel staff. Completely calm and
composed, she maintained her devilish smile.
However, as an ordinary member of the Yamato race, Godou was not in command of that sort
of composure.
Lacking in Latin lineage, Kusanagi Godou frantically dashed towards the elevator. He had to
take a shower in his room as quickly as possible, to wash away this sense of embarrassment!
"This is truly goodnight this time, Godou. See you tomorrow morning."
Erica sounded as if she were going to pursue him. Showing only his back as he listened to her
words, Godou rushed into the elevator as if fleeing for his life.

Campione!:BR SS 3
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A Set of Three...?
It was almost noon on a Saturday. Naturally, school was closed today.
Godou was visiting Nanao Shrine located in the city center.
"Athena and Kusanagi-san's battle... A week has already passed since then.."
Yuri spoke softly as she swept the confines of the shrine.
Wearing a miko's outfit consisting of a white robe with a red hakama, she was holding a
bamboo broom in her hands. Mariya Yuri was the Hime-Miko who served her duties at Nanao
Shrine, a member of the Hime-Miko organization which guarded Japan's sites of spiritual
"Ah yeah. Time really seems to fly."
Godou responded with deep feeling. He too, was sweeping the shrine territory with a bamboo
Earlier, he had made an appointment with Yuri to meet here together with a third person.
When he arrived at the shrine, he found the Hime-Miko in the middle of sweeping.
Because he felt it would be boring to hang around doing nothing while waiting for Yuri to
finish her sweeping, Godou suggested he pitch in to help.
As a result, the two of them were doing the cleaning together.
The current season was early summer. An excellent time of the year when it was neither too
hot nor too cold.

Also, the confines of the shrine were surrounded by a protective forest, giving it a sense of
peace and quiet one would not associate with the city center. The air and breeze were also
quite refreshing. A pleasant environment.
Nevertheless, the topic of conversation was not particularly cheerful between these two.
"The total damage from last time... Amakasu-san has made a rough estimate."
If possible, Godou did not wish to know. However, this was news that he had to hear no
matter what.
Godou prepared himself. The whole reason why he arrived before the appointed time at
Nanao Shrine was because he wanted to ask Yuri about this matter.
How far reaching were the effects of the battle?
"So how much was it...?
"Y-Yes. Amakasu-san said the following in his usual manner--"
The words of the History Compilation Committee special agent.
'There is no way to calculate exactly, but a rough estimate would place economic losses at
several tens of billions of yen. This is only an approximate figure for now, but in any case it
should be in the ballpark.'
Going beyond frivolous, perhaps one could call his attitude as taking things rather
Hearing Amakasu's comments recounted, Godou bowed his head dejectedly. Most likely, he
was responsible for a fair percentage of that figure.
"I feel really sorry about this..."
"Kusanagi-san. Even if you apologize to me, it is completely meaningless."
"You're right... Sorry."
Yuri's troubled words sent Godou's mood further into depression.
However, he immediately thought of something instead. The people who are entitled to be
depressed are the victims who suffered hardship as a result of the commotion. As one of the
main culprits, what he should be doing is deep reflection and strict reminder to avoid doing
something similar again.
In his mind he vowed never to cause another incident like that again!
Godou suddenly looked up and spoke to Yuri with great conviction of spirit.

"Mariya, I have a request. Could you use your usual attitude to scold me, and point out all the
places I have done wrong!?"
"Please. In order to prevent me from making the same mistakes. Let this stand as the resolve
in my heart!"
"H-How could I... Suddenly requested by you like this..."
The prim and proper Yamato Nadeshiko said frantically, showing great indecision.
"Everything I wanted to convey to Kusanagi-san has basically been said to you last week
already. By now, I do not believe there is any need to repeat them again."
Yuri expressed her opinion with a troubled expression. I see.
She was not only a dignified and stately high-class lady but also a Hime-Miko -- in
accordance to this title of "Hime," she possessed a noble sense of responsibility. She was a
precious friend who could courageously offer honest advice even in the face of the "Devil
King" Kusanagi Godou.
She had already reprimanded him for several of his problematic behaviors during the battle
against Athena.
Instead of resent, Godou felt thankful towards her instead.
Having become "the man who had slain a god" due to various reasons, Kusanagi Godou
found himself being treated as king by many people even though he considered the status
unsuited for him. In order to prevent himself from growing arrogant and straying into an
improper path, he hoped that Yuri could advise and reprimand him whenever the opportunity
Hence, Godou now stared straight into Yuri's eyes and requested her once again.
"Isn't there some kind of saying about healed scars and whatnot? I don't think that is
something I'm capable of. No matter how many times you repeat yourself, I will accept all
"B-But Kusanagi-san. Based on your behavior, very clearly you are disposed towards
'forgetting the pain as soon as the scar is healed.' "
As Yuri spoke with hesitation, Godou groaned "Hmm."
"Indeed, I believe Kusanagi-san is an honest person. However, while you repeatedly regret
and reflect on your past behavior, you keep making the same mistakes time and again. Ah,
could it be true that--"
Yuri suddenly showed an expression as if she realized something.

Godou began to get nervous. After all, Yuri seemed to be a miko possessing spirit vision,
which was something like clairvoyance. Reportedly, whenever she felt concerned, she often
discerned the truth when all others were stumped.
For a girl like that to be suddenly surprised, surely it must be because she saw something.
"C-Could it be... You saw something?"
"I keep getting the feeling that Kusanagi-san does not reflect enough."
"Because you are too driven by emotion in those kinds of situations. Probably, despite
knowing rationally you are wrong, you discard these notions when the raging flames in your
heart flare up, recklessly rampaging on instantaneous impulse without any regard for plans--"
Looking back at his life up to this point, Godou did indeed recall many memories that fitted
this description.
Godou became aware of the stiffening of his own expression. Seeing his reaction, Yuri
frantically said:
"I-It is only just a feeling. I have no idea if I am right or not."
"N-No, your feelings are completely on target. Perhaps I really do have that kind of side to
Godou muttered gloomily.
"My little sister at home often says that the men in my family always acted in this fashion."
"Is that really so?"
Godou nodded as Yuri's eyes widened in surprise.
"Uh yeah. Pretty much the type of 'rascal' who cannot stop as soon as they get worked up.
Immigrating to Brazil on a whim, for example; going missing in the Amazon basin; striking it
rich overnight in the black market after a war and then turn dirt poor entirely through his own
fault; planning to become a monk at a monastery in the mountains but somehow end up
wandering to Shanghai; as well as playboys who could sweet talk women as naturally as
Yuri was greatly surprised to learn about such misconduct in the Kusanagi family which were
seldom mentioned due to their scandalous nature.

"Pretty much cases of that sort. Wasting their vitality unnecessarily, causing trouble to the
people around them."
"Now that you put it that way, I guess it really does describe you rather well, Kusanagi-san..."
Having offered his honest opinion, and to have Yuri respond in such a way, Godou felt like a
chunk was being torn out of his heart.
Had the previous statement been said by Erica, at least he could easily retort back "Someone
who causes even more trouble to others has no right to say that!" But this time, the speaker
was Yuri.
The honest truth, as spoken by this high-class young lady's forthright lack of pretense, was
like a stab in the heart.
Seeing Godou in low spirits, Yuri's gaze showed sympathy.
"K-Kusanagi-san, since you realize you need to reflect carefully, then this just about
concludes things? Let us end the conversation at this point..."
"No, that's not enough. I have to free myself from this vicious cycle."
Godou gritted his teeth and resolutely raised his head.
"Mariya. You must speak more strictly. Using that horrifying pressure of yours!"
"B-But even if you ask me to do that... Ah I got it."
Seeing Yuri bow her head awkwardly then suddenly looked up again, Godou's hopes were
"You got something!?"
"Yes. I forgot something important."
Yuri's tone became stern and serious. Apparently, she finally recovered her past condition.
Godou stood straight as he waited for the Hime to reprimand him -- and even urged her in
"I understand. Please say anything you want without reservation. I will accept them all
"Then I shall not hesitate. This is about Erica-san."
"Eh, you're going to talk about that!?"
Being attacked in an unexpected direction, Godou was greatly shocked.

"B-But isn't now the time for reflecting about my battle with Athena? The matter of Erica isn't
really the main point."
"You did say you would accept anything I wanted to say, Kusanagi-san."
Yuri's sharp gaze focused on Godou as she spoke.
That expression, gaze and tone of voice of hers were filled with the stately solemnity of a
noble princess.
"Or perhaps you feel guilty about certain areas, and therefore could not bear to listen humbly
to opinions regarding the issue of girls and lovers' relationships?"
"No, I don't have issues with girls and lovers in the first place!"
"In that case, why do you feel you need to avoid the topic!?"
Hence-During this sunny day on the weekend, before the plum rain season was about to begin,
Godou endured Yuri's merciless tongue lashing regarding the issue of "this past week,
whether he had resolutely refused bodily contact with the woman who claimed to be his
lover." As if paying penance, he was sweeping the confines of Nanao Shrine at the same time.
Finally, the lecture and the sweeping ended after thirty minutes or so.
"T-Thank you, Mariya... Your various lessons have been firmly engraved in the depths of my
heart now..."
"N-No, I should apologize instead. I have said some rather impertinent things."
Godou expressed gratitude with an exhausted tone of voice, causing Yuri to panic.
"Besides, the one who should express thanks should be me. Thank you very much."
"Eh? What did I do?"
"Did you not help me sweep?"
Reminded by Yuri, Godou was taken aback.
He did not consider such a task worthy of being thanked.
Seeing Godou like this, Yuri smiled. This was a cute smile akin to a blooming cherry
blossom, completely devoid of the stern oppressive pressure just now.
Instead, she was showing a consoling smile towards Godou's absentmindedness.
Godou felt embarrassed by her gentle expression.

She was truly a kindhearted girl with a heart of gold. True, she was inexperienced in worldly
matters and liked lecturing a bit too much. Furthermore, she was a high-class young lady who
was quite strict on Godou's misconduct. Nevertheless, her sense of responsibility brought out
that inborn aura of nobility of hers.
Even though Godou only started dealing with her recently, his experiences throughout the
battle against Athena fully convinced him of this fact about Yuri.
That's the way she was. Whether strict or gentle, Yuri's qualities were unbelievably impressed
upon his inner heart.
"By the way, there's something slightly strange here."
As Godou and Yuri organized the cleaning equipment in the shrine office building, he brought
this up.
"Normally, other than miko a shrine should have priests present, right? But other than you,
Mariya, I haven't seen anyone else. Though I get the impression that someone passed by and
gave me a quick glance."
He had visited Nanao Shrine a few times already. Godou suddenly brought up this question
that had bothered him.
Presented with the question, Yuri displayed an expression as if she had difficulty answering.
"Ah... That is because."
"If it's inconvenient for you to answer, then I won't pursue it any further."
"Ah, no. That is not it. It is simply difficult to say out... In actual fact, apart from me, all the
other people are hiding to avoid Kusanagi-san."
"After all, it is the arrival of the Devil King and monarch who slew a god -- the great
Campione. Everyone is rather terrified of that."
"I see..."
Godou's spirits were further depressed. He had a feeling it was not simply reverence but
reasons like "terrifying" and "a taboo existence that one should not have contact with."
"Ah! Of course, I would never do that."
Yuri frantically added this last sentence.
"Although I imagined all sorts of things before I met you and was convinced you were a
terrifying person, after encountering you for the first time, somehow I immediately knew that
was not the case."

Godou recalled his first meeting with Yuri.

In the beginning, she treated him with great respect and her attitude was quite cautious.
However, starting from a certain moment, she suddenly expressed strict disapproval of his
behavior. Perhaps it was Yuri's power of spirit vision that had seen through Godou's true
nature during the brief time they interacted together.
After putting the cleaning equipment in order, Godou glanced at the clock on his cellphone.
It was not yet 1pm. Godou had originally made an appointment to go out together with Yuri
as well as a third person. Since the meeting time was 2pm, there was still some free time left.
Godou suddenly felt uneasy.
"That Erica, who knows if she got out of bed properly?"
"It is already afternoon, normally I would expect things to be fine?"
Yuri smiled wryly but Godou shook his head.
"No, that girl is particularly weak in regards to rising out of bed. From what I've heard, it is
not surprising for her to sleep till noon on weekends."
This was what he had learned from Erica's assistant and personal maid, so it should be
accurate. Because the person Godou and Yuri were waiting for was Erica Blandelli.
The whole thing began from a request Erica made a few days ago.
"Hey Godou, it is only appropriate that I expect you to accompany me around Japan seeing
that it is my first time here, right?"
Hearing that, Godou was shocked.
"But clearly your Japanese is completely fluent?"
"That was simply learned through a mage's basic education. Familiarity with all the languages
of the world is a requirement for all followers of Hermes. I have also been to the Chinese
mainland many times and even stayed in Hong Kong for a substantial period, but I've never
been to Japan before."
Naturally, Godou's second answer to her request was affirmative.
But if he were to spend time with her alone, he would have to face her overwhelming passion.
Hence, he hoped to bring along a third person if possible. Who knew if Erica would
generously accept an additional person if it were Yuri? But no matter what, Erica herself did
mention to Godou before, "Please develop good relations with Mariya Yuri."
Hence, after making his suggestion to both Erica and Yuri, it resulted in today's appointment.

"Well, fine. Rather than mock you for attempting to escape from a private date between two
people, I will respect your courage in taking on the challenge of having a lady on each arm."
"If you two were to go sightseeing alone, it really would be worrying. Perhaps Tokyo would
be met with unforeseeable danger, and furthermore, I would feel uncomfortable if Kusanagisan were to fall to Erica-san's seductive charms..."
While one of the girls displayed surprise as she teased, the other expressed her concern for
local peace and offered commentary on Kusanagi Godou's poor reputation...
There was still time until 2pm.
But feeling worried, Godou took out his cellphone to make a call. Not Erica, but the girl who
managed the Blandelli home.
'Ah, it's Godou-san?'
Arianna-san's voice responded. She was the girl who was employed as Erica's assistant and
personal maid.
"Excuse me, just in case I had to confirm this, has that girl Erica gotten out of bed yet?"
'I'm sorry, she has not woken up yet. Last night, Erica-sama went out until very late and only
went to bed at dawn."
"...Seriously. What the heck was that girl doing the night before our appointment?"
His worst fear turning out to be true, Godou sighed.
Nevertheless, Arianna replied in a cheerful voice.
'Hoho, please rest assured. Today's appointment is at 2pm, is that correct? No problem. Even
if Erica-sama continues to sleep, I will carry her to the car and deliver her over to Godou-san.
I will make sure she arrives before the appointed time, please wait.'
Getting Erica out of bed was quite a difficult task. When getting up, her usual talent and
intellect was nowhere to be found. Instead, she would refuse to get up, acting like a young
...As a side note, if one were to ask why Godou knew this about her.
That was because he went to pick her up every morning to go to school. Because Arianna was
unable to wake up her willful mistress, Godou resorted to this in order to prevent Erica from
being late for school.
Hence, that was the reason why Arianna had presented the "deliver her over by car even if she
continues to sleep" statement.
"You don't have to do that. I'm coming over right now to get Erica to get up!"

Godou declared as if yelling.

Although he was currently talking to a girl that was on his good books, at the same time, she
was also someone in possession of driving skills that he would like to keep off the road as
much as possible. This knowledge was what compelled him to offer this alternative solution.
Godou ended the call and looked up, his gaze meeting with Yuri's.
"As expected, Erica is dallying after all. I'm gonna pick her up."
"In that case, let me come along."
"After all, we are going out together afterwards. This way we can avoid wasting extra time,
Yuri suggested with a smile. Hence, Godou accepted graciously.
In actual fact, their original plan was to depart from Nanao Shrine in Shiba Park and set off
for the area of Tokyo Tower and the Meiji Shrine.
In that case, switching locations would be a wiser choice. Erica's apartment was situated in
the Hongou district in the Bunkyou ward. Having decided to visit tourist attractions in that
area, Godou and Yuri headed towards Erica's residence together.
Little did he know, this act was akin to digging his own grave...
"I never knew that Kusanagi-san went as far as to rouse Erica-san from her slumber every
As he walked beside Yuri, Godou listened in trepidation as she spoke with a sigh.
Two hours had elapsed since they left Nanao Shrine together.
Along with Erica, they were now located in the shopping street near Sensou-ji Temple in the
Taitou ward.
A row of ten stalls were selling local products, little trinkets and roadside snacks. This was a
tourist destination in the Bunkyou ward where foreigners new to Japan would be taken to.
Godou and Yuri were walking side by side along the shopping street.
Because today was an afternoon on a holiday, there were many people and it was quite
Erica toured the shopping street with quick, light steps as if she enjoyed this taste of
traditional Japanese culture. She tried on a Shinsengumi jacket that was being sold at a stall,
pulled out a toy Japanese sword to play around with, and even put on a geisha wig.

Following behind her were the two Japanese, Godou and Yuri.
Yuri sighed slightly, making Godou feel apologetic.
"That girl Erica, if we left her alone she would have slept all the way, completely unaware she
was going to be late."
"Concerning this point, Kusanagi-san, I am actually wondering if you are spoiling her too
much with your intimate care. Although you informed the household beforehand, you did
enter a girl's bedroom without any hesitation, you know? And with Erica-san dressed in that
particular manner."
When the two had visited Erica's apartment, the mistress of the house was elegantly enjoying
her afternoon nap.
And just as Arianna was hastily trying to rouse her from bed, she went:
"No. Without Godou whispering words of love by my ear, I shall continue sleeping here."
Godou seemed to hear Erica murmur something like that.
In response, Godou went "How could she say something so outrageous when everyone else is
waiting for her?" and rushed into the bedroom. Then Yuri said "K-Kusanagi-san, need I
remind you this is Erica-san's -- a girl's room!" and frantically followed along.
Wrapped in a light down blanket, Erica was sleeping blissfully.
Only after Godou angrily pulled away her blanket did he realize a certain fact. That Erica,
who liked to wear little when she slept, had taken off the t-shirt she wore to bed last night in
place of pajamas, leaving only a pair of panties on her person-"Seriously... Kusanagi-san really is 'absentminded' to an excessive degree!"

"T-This is the first time she is dressed like this!"

"In other words, you are very clear on the fact that Erica-san always wears little when she
goes to bed every night? In that case, Kusanagi-san's behavior really is too rash."
"R-Right, I cannot refute this point."
Scolded, Godou began to feel disheartened. How many times has he been reprimanded today
Yuri seemed to have thought the same thing, and she relaxed her expression after a brief sigh.
"Let us leave it at that. After all, we came to go out and have fun."
"I-Is that so? I'm really sorry."

"Hoho. Today's lecture has finished?"

Erica returned with perfect timing. Apparently, she had been silently observing the two of
them just now.
"So, it's about time to go enjoy ourselves. To commemorate Erica Blandelli's long term
relocation to Japan, as well as wonderful fate which has brought the three of us together."
"Yes, that's correct, Yuri. If we did not encounter one another in the first place, then today's
group would not exist. Shouldn't we do something to commemorate our mutual encounters?"
Erica explained cheerfully in response to Yuri's surprise.
Her tone of voice was glamorous and clear as always. Erica's childish behavior when getting
up was completely gone. Smiling with a chuckle, she took Yuri's hand as a knight would take
a lady's.
"That store over there looks interesting, let's choose some suitable clothing for you, Yuri."
Erica cast her glance towards a store that rented outfits out to foreign tourists as she spoke.
"Eh!? I have to wear it too!?"
"I was thinking if we took a photo, that would be perfect. Recording our memories in this
manner is not a bad idea."
Slightly aggressive but not very forceful in actual fact, Erica led the conservative Yamato
Nadeshiko towards the crowd.
With some hesitation, Yuri followed as she held Erica's hand.
As a side note, they were both currently wearing Jounan Academy's female school uniform.
Godou had heard earlier that Yuri had gone to school during the morning for a gathering of
the Tea Ceremony Club.
Seeing her dressed like that, Erica went "Well, then I'll wear that too" and wore her uniform
as well.
Watching them from behind, Godou suddenly had a notion. In appearance, the two girls
seemed to be partners on a school trip, a pair who were very close friends.
Erica with her extroverted personality and Yuri with her serious character.
Godou believed the two were rather incompatible in this regard.
Nevertheless, Erica was very open-minded and tolerant despite her tendency to do things as
she pleased. On the other hand, Yuri appeared passive but was unexpectedly resilient. In this
regard, perhaps the two of them might be quite compatible after all.

--Erica and Yuri, what sort of relationship would they develop in the end?
The two girls' conversation drifted into Godou's ears as he fell into deep thought.
"So, to think you would attempt to teach Godou what was truly the right path... Yuri, you
have an unexpectedly persevering spirit. I offer you my heartfelt praise and admiration."
"I-I only wish that Kusanagi-san could act with a little more caution..."
"That said, this is Godou we're talking about, you know? Through the battle with Athena, you
should probably have understood, he is a person who cannot be stopped once he explodes out
of control, right? Furthermore, he completely ignores minor details."
"That truly is... Indeed it is as you say."
"Putting it positively, he is very adaptable to situations. More tactlessly put, let me see--"
"Goes with the flow, is that it..."
"Yes. That's true indeed."
"B-But even though he really is rather troubling to others, I still believe in Kusanagi-san."
"Yuri, you must be a believer in the fundamentally benevolent nature of mankind. I like that
sort of innocence about you. However, what about the person in question, how about Godou?"
At some point in time, the two girls had started commenting on Kusanagi Godou's character
From an outsider's perspective, the two girls appeared to be getting along amiably as they
conversed. However, all Godou could feel was apprehension.
If the two of them became close friends, would they unite in a single front to start criticizing
and making trouble for me in unison?
...Never in Godou's wildest dreams would he expect his prediction to come true in the near
future, with even two more members joining in.

Excerpt from the notes of the Council of Elders, Folklore of Dalmatia, Croatia
One day, the bad wolf tried to break into the castle of the pig king.
"Wow, it's been a long time since I came to such a splendid place. Lovely little pigs, please let
me enter your castle. I will do nothing bad."
"No, absolutely not. We will give you anything you want, so please leave," the king replied to
the wolf, who was begging outside with a coaxing voice.

The wise king knew that the wolf would not keep his promise.
"There is nothing I want. I only wish to enter the castle. If you won't let me in, I will choose
other means, you know?"
"Please stop, please stop! As long as we don't have to let you in, we will do anything!"
Ignoring the pig king and his desperate, wailing pleas, the bad wolf breathed out deeply.
When he did, the wolf's breath became a whirlwind that blew away the castle of the pig king.
The castle made from many bricks went flying like cotton.
Just like that, the whirlwind escalated into a great storm and blew away everything around the
"Look, isn't it just like I said? You should've calmly let me into the castle. Take this as a
lesson to never oppose me again, okay?" the bad wolf sneered at the pig king.
Commentary The "The Three Little Pigs" had been derived from its original folklore
stories "The Wolf and The Goat" and "The Wolf and The Pig". But there is another, bold
hypothesis regarding the origin of this legend.
In 1854, Devil King Dejanstahl Voban used his infamous Authority over storms, [Sturm und
Drang], to drive the Dalmatian[1] port city Zadar[2] to the brink of destruction. Some
researchers believe that, over the course of many years, the memory of this tragedy took an
influence on the folktale.

From the section about Voban, Sasha Dejanstahl, European Mage Directory
He was called [Marquis Voban], but he was by no means a noble.
Born in the first half of the eighteenth century in the area of modern Hungary, he probably
didn't have a single relative since birth. The boy lived his life by moving from place to place
for more than ten years, struggling daily just to get some bread, until one day he had
succeeded in slaying a god and suddenly rose to become a Campione.
Campione are those who seized a portion of the [Authorities] from the god they murdered.
They are feared existences whom magi called [Kings].
But at that time, he was not a [Marquis] yet.
Just a few years later, he attacked the castle of the marquis governing the area and usurped the
marquis's status and dominion. But he grew tired of the status within a few years and
abandoned it in the end. However, it was the source of the title he still uses - Marquis Voban.
Furthermore, the name Voban came from his peculiar and ghastly sense of humor.

Knowing that the previous marquis had kept a savage dog called "Voban", he picked it as his
own family name. Then he ordered the former marquis to serve his relative, the former pet

Dame[3] Liliana Kranjcar, Achieving an Audience with the [King] in Budapest

They were in a room of a high-class hotel, the kind that could be found in any country.
As luxurious and pleasant as it was the room that held the [audience] was still a little too
common to be called a devil king's palace.
The master of the room was called Sasha Dejanstahl Voban.

He was one of the Campione whom magi throughout the world feared as kings, devil kings.
All of them possessed a tremendous magic power called [Authority]. Those were all
plundered from the gods and goddesses murdered by the devil kings' own hands.
"You're Kranjcar's granddaughter? We met four years ago, but I have no memory of your
face... ahh, don't think of me as a senile old fool. People in your generation grow up too fast.
The same would happen even with a person other than me."
His voice was clear, even intellectual.
His physical appearance was the same. He had a wide forehead, deeply sunken eyes, and his
complexion was terribly pale. If one claimed that he taught at some university, everyone
would consent.
His silver hair was combed straight and his beard was also carefully shaved clean.

"It is only natural. At that time I was nothing but a child and we met for not even ten minutes.
Please bear it no mind."
Liliana Kranjcar bowed as she replied courteously.
She fell on one knee and held her right arm over her chest.
For a greeting in a hotel suite, it was extremely unusual. But on top of being in front of a
[king], a knight had an obligation to present herself with suitable courtesy.
The girl who belonged to the magic association "Bronze Black Cross" was still sixteen.
Her handsome features, which gave the impression of a fairy, were more gallant than lovely.
Her long silver hair was drawn up in a ponytail.
Yet despite her youth, the girl was a mage holding the title of Great Knight.
Even in Milan, where outstanding talents from all over the world gathered, the only one with
comparable talent was the Erica Blandelli of the 'Copper Black Cross'.
"That's splendid. Now then, I think you already know, but I am impatient by nature, so let's
get to the point. I called you here all the way from Milan for one reason."
Voban narrowed his emerald eyes ever-so-slightly.
Whenever those evil eyes glittered, any living being before them would turn into masses of
salt. It was an authority that he was said to have usurped from the Celtic demon god Balor[4].
[Eyes of Sodom], [Legion of Hungry Wolves], [Sturm und Drang], [Cage of Undead
Among the mages of Europe, every single one knew a few of his Authorities.
"I take it you haven't forgotten the ritual four years ago? That ritual for the great sorcery to
summon a heretic god. I've been thinking about attempting that secret ritual you helped me
with once more."
Liliana fixedly looked back at the devil king's face.
That great magic had produced more than just a few victims. Why was he trying such a
dangerous ritual again? After pondering over that question for only a moment, Liliana
'A godslayer summoning a god. How can there be any other reason except a fight?'
"Back then, that damn Salvatore got the better of me. I had not anticipated that a fool would
get to the summoned god first and snatch it away. You see, I had never dreamed that such a
greenhorn would appear in our world!" Voban said indifferently, but the iris of his evil eyes

Four years ago, that incident had spread the fame of the young devil king Salvatore Doni and
his Italian origin throughout the European magical world like thunder. The story of the
godslayer stealing the old [king]'s spoils.
Liliana, who happened to be present at that time, remembered the entire story well.
"In three more months, the stellar constellations and the flow of ley lines will form the right
conditions to call a god for the first time in four years. I may not be interested in that kind of
knowledge myself, but I made a professional make sure. Isn't that right, Caspar?"
All of a sudden, Voban happily redirected his gaze behind Liliana.
Suddenly feeling an eerie presence behind her, Liliana grew anxious as someone had come up
unseen and unheard. Just who could sneak up on a great knight like her?
She hurriedly turned around only to sigh.
Standing behind her was an old man dressed in black. The old man nodded awkwardly at
Voban's question, as if he was a machine that lacked oil.
There was no expression on his pale face. Neither was there any light in his eyes. They were
terribly empty and unfocused.
The appearance of death.
The old man with such an expression couldn't be called anything other than a moving corpse.
(This is a [Dead Servant]!)
Liliana instantly remembered one of the authorities of the old king.
Forcing a human he personally slaughtered to stay in this world as one of the living dead and
enforcing absolute obedience as a faithful servant.
It was atrocious. Liliana couldn't help but feel that way.
It was most likely that this corpse once opposed the devil king when he was still alive. He was
probably one of the mages who once fought against him. It wasn't something doable through
ordinary courage. It was a feat worthy of respect.
But, this Authority defiled that courage and ridiculed that dignity.
Because she inherited the blood of the notable Kranjcar family and belonged to the magic
association [Bronze Black Cross], resistance towards this devil king would not be forgiven.
Otherwise she would have left on the spot.
If the leader of the Italian mages, Salvatore Doni, was in perfect condition, she might have
been able to request his protection. But that was currently impossible.

Since the wound he had received two months ago had only just healed, it was still too early
for him to resist another Campione.
"Kranjcar. You were one of the miko[5] I gathered four years ago. Do you remember who
showed the most outstanding talent back then?"
To summon a god, he had used his influence as a king to gather dozens of miko. When the
ritual was over, two-thirds of them had lost their sanity, caused by the deep emotional trauma
they had suffered.
Luckily, Liliana belonged to the third that had managed to stay safe.
"At that time, I found out that quality is more important than quantity. Rather than gathering
riffraff, I should handpick the very best miko instead."
The emerald evil eyes pierced Liliana with amusement.
Like they had seen through her rebellious spirit.
"Unless I was mistaken, wasn't she Asian? You wouldn't happen to remember that girls name
and lineage, would you?"
In this instant, Liliana hesitated.
Should she answer honestly or not? Considering the danger, it was of course the latter. But
even if she successfully feigned ignorance here, he would just hear it later from another.
And as a proud knight, she should do the former.
She should brave this situation and deeply involve herself, then give her all to make sure that
he produced no uninvolved victims. Following her characteristic sense of justice, Liliana
resolved herself.
"Her name was Mariya. She is Japanese and said that she came from Tokyo. It may be
insolent of me, but if you order it, I shall find her and bring her before you," she proposed
while lowering her head. But the reply was unexpected.
"I've got an even better idea. I've thought about going to Japan myself. Hmm, now that I think
about it, it's been a while since I've traveled the continents."
"You are a Campione, yet you will go in person?"
"I also want to breathe some foreign air once in a while. Isn't it fine? I am an old man with
only a few years left that just wants to enjoy a transient vacation, yes?"
Mixing this declaration with his ghastly sense of humor, the devil king put a stop to the
knight's objections.
"But having a companion is certainly useful. I order you to fill that role. Any objections?"

Even if she had objections, there was no way for her to express them.
While contently watching the compliant Liliana, Voban said:
"Then make preparations right away. You better not make me wait for a second too long."
"Understood. But, is it alright for me to say one thing first? One of your brethren is in Japan.
Would it not be better to contact him ahead of time?"
Kusanagi Godou. The boy who had defeated the ancient Persian god of war Verethragna and
became a Campione.
He had command over the ten incarnations that the war god could change into and had the
crimson knight, who was Liliana's rival, wait upon him as his lover.
But the most senior devil king simply rejected this proposal with a scornful laugh.
"There's no need for that. If he has something to talk about, he can just come to me."
It was the whim of a devil king with far too much free time.
It would not be long before this developed into the turmoil that would swallow up Kusanagi
Godou and Tokyo.

Chapter 1 - Every Day is a Bothersome Day

Part 1
Recently, Kusanagi Godou began setting off from home forty minutes earlier than usual.
He originally had a habit of getting up early for a run, but this was not the reason he had to
move his schedule earlier. In fact, he could have just changed his morning run to the evenings.
It was nearing the end of June, and plum rain had continued every day in the monsoon season
for at least half a month.
But today was a much awaited sunny day. Godou put on his light running shoes at the
entrance and prepared to set off.
The last time he left home without needing an umbrella was many days ago. As his thoughts
reached this point, a sudden greeting was heard from behind.
"Good morning, Onii-chan. You're quite early again today... Are you going to that person on
the way again?"
A voice that should have been very cute to listen to, but currently had a strange threatening

Turning his head back, Godou saw his younger sister Shizuka appearing at the doorway with
a sneer.
"Every single morning, meeting the blonde lover at some place and then going to school
together. I am surprised by your earnest diligence, Onii-chan."
"Ah... please don't misunderstand. Erica is not my lover or anything like that."
In response to her older brother's denial, the sister snorted with a sneer and ignored it.
"Aya, really? Onii-chan is two-timing Mariya-senpai and Erica-san at the same time. It really
seems like... So who is the main wife and who is the backup? Or do they play both roles!"
"Don't blindly believe those strange rumors. You're talking as if I was the kind of man who
made women his playthings!"
"It's like this, there's no smoke without fire. The gist is the female friend sleeps in every day,
so each morning you have to go to that female friend's home to wake her up. Isn't that
strange? Couldn't one just use an alarm clock to wake up?"
It really was exactly as Shizuka described it.
Godou nodded deeply, and at the same time, felt troubled as to how he could describe the
peculiarities of the young lady Erica Blandelli.
It had already been a month since he began sharing the same classroom as Erica.
The only day she arrived at the classroom on time and before lessons began was the first.
Henceforth, she was late every single day. It was a good day if she arrived before homeroom
In the most severe cases, she would casually stroll into the classroom after lessons had begun
for an hour or two, and greet Godou as if nothing had happenedright in front of all the
classmates and teachers.
"Good morning everyone. You're all early today as well... Aya, why is Godou's face so
terrible, what happened? Aha, you must be unhappy that you weren't able to see my face until
now. I also wanted to see the adorable you earlier, which is why I rushed here. But then it
ended up being this late, is it acceptable?"
Completely shameless and speaking total rubbish, she approached Godou's side.
The stares from the rest of the class were painfully stabbing away at Godou.
(Especially the boys. If those glares were knives, then Godou would have been shredded into
a thousand pieces by now.)
Godou made a decision as he tried to push away Erica who was leaning tightly against him.
No sacrifice would be too great, if this woman would only come to school on time properly.

The result was, visiting Erica's room and going to school together became a daily routine.
...Perhaps, it is precisely because I am going to school together with that fellow that I am
being misunderstood? This question had entered Godou's mind.
Shrugging off the jeering gaze of the sister who saw him off, Godou left the house.

Erica's new residence was a luxury apartment on Hongou Street, roughly five minutes of
walking distance away. They lived on the tenth floor of a twelve-story 2LDK. [6]
As usual, Godou called using the intercom at the entrance.
"Yes, may I know who is it?"
"Good morning, Anna-san, it's me, Kusanagi."
"Ah, Godou-sama, thanks for your efforts every day, please enter."
The high pitched voicebright, clear and outgoingclearly conveyed the cheerfulness of the
speaker through the intercom.
Passing through the door, Godou took the elevator up to the destination floor. To Godou, who
had always lived in a simple detached house, it felt a little uncomfortable each time he entered
and exited the luxury apartment that was protected by a security system of automated locks.
Pressing the bell at the door to Erica's unit, the door immediately opened.
"Good morning, do please come in."
The one who came to receive him was Arianna Hayama Arialdi.
The apprentice mage at the "Copper Black Cross" magic association, as well as the assistant
and personal caregiver (basically the maid) of the Templar Knight Erica Blandellithe one
who held the title Great Knight.
She was the servant in charge of all domestic chores in this apartment.
"Doesn't today's great weather make one so happy? Lately, due to the cloudy or rainy days, I
have been feeling troubled by the laundry not drying."
Arianna gave a refreshing smile as she welcomed Godou inside.
A face that seemed younger than her nineteen years of age, and gave an impression of great
cleverness and competence... However, the truth was much more unfortunate, for she is a
classic case where "one cannot be judged by appearances."
"So Anna-san, has that fellow Erica woken up today?"
Godou hastily asked as he was brought to the living room.

Though he already knew Erica had no ability to get up by herself, Godou still tried to harbor
some hope.
"Probably, I heard some noises just now from the direction of the bedroom. Ah, if you wish,
would you like a Cappuccino while you are waiting? If you're hungry, perhaps you'd like a
little soup from yesterday, if you don't mind."
Anna asked with a smile as cute as a lily.
A pure smile that warmed you from the heart. A girl who can smile like that surely cannot fall
into misfortune.
As Godou thought to himself, he glanced into the distance at the pressure cooker sitting on the
electric stove in the kitchen.
A bad feeling.
Perhaps a bias created by first impressions. But maybe noticing danger is a warning imparted
by the instincts of a Campione. One should avoid danger as much as possible.
"I already had breakfast at home, so I'll pass on the soup."
A perfect answer.
Of course, at an age of a healthy appetite, Godou's stomach can surely handle a second
breakfast without issue. However, the exception is a particular product of Anna's cooking.
...It was about a month ago, the first time visiting this room.
To serve Godou, the guest of her mistress Erica, Arianna had offered her personal cooking.
Handmade spaghetti with cream sauce, thinly sliced cheese and ham, bread with added
sausage and vegetables, appetizers of fresh slices of raw fish and cold cutsall of them tasted
excellent, and were most satisfying. However, the exception was the final soup presented on a
"I'm dieting currently, so I'll stop here."
Erica, who had been eating heartily mouthful by mouthful, suddenly put down her knife and
Despite her slim figure, her appetite greatly exceeded a normal male.
Although it felt really suspicious, Godou could not find a reason to refuse this soup colored a
strange shade of red, so he had taken a small sip.
All the adjectives of the Japanese language could "hardly describe it," so Godou gave up.
That's the kind of taste it was.

An indescribable taste. Simple adjectives of sour, sweet, bitter or spicy, etc, did not suffice,
and one simply couldn't imagine what kind of ingredients went into making it.
Inevitably, Godou had shifted his gaze to Erica, who returned a malevolent smile.
(Didn't I mention it before, that one needs to be careful with Arianna's cooking?)
(If, if that's the case, then, at least give a warning.)
As she communicated with Godou by exchanging glances, Erica drank her after-meal
Espresso with an air of nonchalance.
Remembering the lesson he had learnt, Godou accepted only the Cappuccino this morning.
Calming himself, Godou waited for Arianna to return from the master bedroom.
...But she came back immediately.
"Sorry, Godou-sama. Erica-sama only woke for a moment to say she had 'no mood to get up
from bed without the kiss of the prince, and that Godou should have been brought here
earlier...' "
Arianna seemed pitiful as she reported that Erica had gone back to sleep.
Godou furrowed his brow.
Of course, he never expected that girl to get up so simply. Even if he offered a morning call
service from his home, that fellow would have simply hung up the phone on him.
Was there really no other way but to enter the room and wake her up?
"That fellow always creates a chore for others in the morning"
Godou complained as he left the living room and intruded into Erica's bedroom.

The mistress of this home was peacefully sleeping away with light breathing noises, wrapped
in the blanket on the bed.
"You really went back to sleep, didn't you..."
The room's interior condition gave Godou a shock as he entered.
Completely unlike the living space of a girl living in the 2010's, it was a room full of books
and antiques.
Amidst paperbacks were popular magazines, as well as ancient books in English, Italian,
Latin, Chinese and all sorts of different languages on the book shelves above. Though neither
CD nor MP3 players were found, there was an extremely old record player.

They were arranged neatly, but surely it was not through the owner's efforts.
Most likely, it was Arianna who cleans up. As if to support this hypothesis, scattered all over
the floor beneath the bed were the clothes probably taken off last night.
A t-shirt and shorts, as well as a few scraps of water-colored clothone piece, two pieces.
What is this combination of cloth?
Godou cannot imagine anything good out of it, and tells himself to stop paying attention to it
as he neared the bed.
"Hey, Erica, you're going to be late if you don't get up. This is no good."
Godou shook the girl's body, trying to wake her.
Martial artists in certain swordsmen novels often possess the ability to wake up when
approached in their sleep, but clearly this mage and genius swordswoman is devoid of this
skill. She probably would explain it as "presumably because there was no change in killing
"...Let me sleep a little longer. I was up till 4am last night watching Bruce Lee videos, and am
still very sleepy. Please, I'll kiss you later, ok? Godou."
Erica said this without even opening her eyes.
This Italian girl surprisingly turned out to be a fan of the great kung fu star. To have studied
these videos from that era to such a degree.
"No way. You shouldn't be watching those things when you have school, get up quickly. How
about I watch the Die Hard trilogy with you on the weekend?"
"Bruce is not enough, you need to add Jet Li as well."
At least she was finally conscious, and greeted Godou hello.
"Jackie Chan and Chow Yun Fat together as well, get up, time for school."
"Yes, getting up right away, Godou sure is bad. You're probably the first boy who ever got me
out of bed by force... Hey, I'm getting up, come give me a morning kiss..."
Getting up from bed was the only time when Erica lost her usually dominating and confident
Like a child, speaking as if she wanted to be spoilt.
As Godou answered her while he pulled away the blanket wrapped around herhe froze
completely. The pale white neck and the naked back were entirely revealed.
Due to sleeping with her back turned, it was fortunate that the front could not be seen.

However, because the curvaceous body partwhose lines from the waist to the buttocks are
like an artistic drawingwas going to be revealed, Godou frantically covered her once again
with the blanket.
"E-Erica... You, you're not properly dressed?"

"I did wear clothes. I don't sleep nude you know, it's just that around the time of dawn I
couldn't go back to sleep so I took them off... No problem, I did put on perfume... Just like
that actress from before"
Erica got up all of a sudden.
At the same time, the blanket began to slide off the clearly unclothed upper torso, and her
bountiful cleavage was revealed from below.
Godou immediately caught the falling blanket.
"Erica, put on some clothes! Please! Please put on your clothes first!"
"Yesthen, first let's wear... the underwear in the second drawer from the bottom, Godou can
pick whichever ones you prefer..."
To Godou who just heard a terrifying sentence, Erica smiled faintly.
A different smile from the usual devil's smile, it was a true and innocent smile. Perhaps
because she had just risen from bed, the crafty witch was acting a little more honest.
Frightened by this fresh feeling, Godou continued to beg.
"Don't joke around, choose it yourself!"
"Still lacking in ambition eh? Ah, help me take out the ones I was wearing yesterday, did they
fall on the ground?"

"Those are underwear. Is it really ok to leave them somewhere that men can see?"
"It's fine if it's Godou, for you are special. Even seeing my naked body is totally fine for you."
"No way, that is completely out of the question. An-anna-san, please could you bring
something for Erica to wear? Please, quickly!"
To Erica's words which made Godou panic, Arianna calmly smiled and ran over.
Godou's recent mornings pretty much all felt like this.

Part 2
The high school division of Jounan Academy, Year 1, Class 5.
Here was the classroom of Erica and Godou, and by the way, the two were neighbors.
Actually Erica was originally seated much further away, but on the first day she transferred,
she suddenly gave that speech.
A month ago, during homeroom in the morning.
The foreign student from Italy had introduced herself with perfect Japanese.
Afterwards, Erica, who had been seated next to a window, began smiling as she hummed
proudly to herself. Then she proceeded to casually walk to Godou's seat and suddenly
"First of all I must make this clear, I, Erica Blandelli have already promised my future to
someone, and that is this person, Kusanagi Godou. hoho, from today onwards we will
always be together, Godou."
As she delivered those words, she deftly embraced Godou who desperately wanted to flee,
and kissed him upon the cheek.
Elegantly capturing Godou who had been on alertthis must surely count as a miraculous
skillErica then began to give a speech.
Two people in love, who cannot be separated even for a moment.
And so she hoped for cooperation to obtain her rightful seat belonging by his side.
"There can be no place for me to sit except beside Kusanagi Godou. Would you help us who
are in love, and accept such willfulness?"
Godou was shocked that Erica made such a request.
No, no matter how you look at it, that is totally unreasonable. One was truly speechless at this
choice of action.

The surrounding classmates all suddenly left their seats, and started to reorganize themselves
to accommodate Erica's seating request. Even the teacher had nothing to say.
At that time, Erica must have been using magic similar to hypnosis.
And so it came to be, the two of them were seated next to each other, and their relationship
was officially recognized within the class.
"Hey Godou, let's go for lunch, Arianna prepared sandwiches for me today."
Erica joyfully said as the bell rang for the lunch break. Godou immediately began to feel his
body being pierced by vast amounts of murderous intent.
It's that guy Kusanagi again, we see this every single day!
Ch! Our Erica, why would she go with that guy!
If this level of hate can become a murder weapon, I, I will be able to kill this guy!
You boy, even hell is too mild for you!
"Hey! Erica, why don't you try having lunch with other girls for once? I will go to the school
Pressured by the indescribable stress, Godou attempted to offer a suggestion.
The dark aura exuded by the surrounding boys has been intensifying through each passing
Jealousy, hate, revulsion, murderous intent, enmity. If a measuring device existed to quantify
these negative emotions, who knew what values would be recorded in this classroom?
"What are you talking about? Even for the girls, everybody supports us. Don't ruin the mood
with such words."
Godou sighed at Erica's simple response.
Erica Blandelli's political and negotiation skills can truly be horrifying.
She was definitely not a person with a good attitude at receiving others. In fact, the first time
she met Godou, she was mostly arrogant and cold.
However, as long as she willed it, she can be a diplomatic expert who gets along well with
She possessed beauty and elegance beyond the daughters of high class families, extraordinary
eloquence of speech, social strategy which neither compromised nor created conflict, first
impressions convincing others that she was a special existence, and exceptional charisma
fitting for a leader.

If a person of such a disposition were to get serious, no high school student in Japan would be
her match.
Even when her character is so prone to doing as she pleased, Erica's actions have not garnered
any ill talk behind her back. Godou truly admired this accomplishment.
The trouble was thisErica's total disregard for hiding her affections towards a specific boy
was greatly problematic.
Due to the well wishes of the girls, as well as the anger of the boys, hate and admiration had
combined to double the pressure on Godou.
"But then, it would be nice to have lunch outside once in a while. Since today's weather is
fine, how about the central courtyard? To go to the benches there, wouldn't that be great?"
"Sorry, only that choice is impossible, let's eat in the classroom."
Godou immediately answered to the smiling Erica.
The central courtyard was where not only high school students but many middle schoolers
passed by, especially during the lunch break. One must avoid such attention seeking actions at
all costs in a place seen by so many people.
"Then how about as usual, I'll go buy the drinks, what do you want?"
"Tea then, the non-sweet type."
Alternating between buying drinks and bread was the agreement they had decided beforehand.
As Erica left to fulfill her turn to buy drinks, Godou began to prepare the area for lunch.
Laying out the napkin and placing the lunchbox on it, there were Italian cold cuts, sandwiches
containing ham and vegetables, as well as olives in plastic containers, apples, etc.
A lunch prepared by Arianna, full of European style.
Recalling the first time when Erica just moved here, the memory remains fresh in Godou's
mind when he lectured Erica for planning on bringing wine and champagne bought from the
hotel as drinks for lunch.
"What's the matter, Takagi?"
Since the boy who sat behind him seemed to be saying something, Godou ventured to ask.
Godou was already quite tall, but Takagi was taller still, reaching nearly 185cm in height. He
should be in the Kendo club.
"Godou, let me share with you some good news. Right now, all the boys of our Class 5 are
enduring the accumulation of rage and hate towards your atrocious acts, as if ignoring our

"I'm sorry, but the one ignoring others is Erica, not me."
"Ch! Whenever you talk about yourself, you always think you are in the right! You think
you're so specialfine, if you're going to be that way, we will take emergency measures."
Takagi spoke decisively.
Why? Heno, including him, all the boys staring at Godou had their eyes full of strong
determination, it's almost like those of two boxers in an undecided match, dodging each
other's attacks and waiting for an opportunity to counterattack.
"Emergency... measures?"
"Yes. We will fight poison with poison. If you won't heed the feelings of us men, then we will
retaliate with the appropriate measures! ...To be frank, we already sent someone to report to
the other class next door."
"Why the class next door... Could it be!?"
"Ho, you realized it. But it's too late. We tried to avoid this until now because it hurts us too.
But in order to torment you, we dare to walk the path of pain."
As Takagi gave a speech full of heroic sacrifice, she arrived.
Mariya Yuri of the First Year, Sixth Class.
Godou's sister Shizuka's upperclassman at the tea ceremony club she belonged to, the one
who represented the Japanese wizardry world, and the Hime-Miko whose appearance never
failed to catch Godou's attention. As she entered the door to Class 5, Godou found her
walking over to him.
"Kusanagi-san, may I borrow a moment of your time?"
"Yes, yes, what is it?"
The number one top beauty in the school alongside Erica, was asking with a sharp glare.
Her beauty was like sakura flowers blossoming quietly on the mountain side, and felt neither
arrogant nor ostentatious.
One could easily fall into obsession just by watching her.
"I am reminding you precisely because this is inappropriate. I am in a different class, and
cannot report you to the discipline committee... However, the students in this class only hope
you will not ignore them."
"Uh, umm..."

In front of Yuri who spoke persuasively with reason, Godou had a face full of panic. This
beautiful miko-sama was truly hard to handle. Once she started lecturing, one would
inevitably start listening respectfully.
"I heard that every day during lunch, Kusanagi-san and Erica-san are doing that... is... is it
called flirting? Speaking intimate words lacking in caution. This is a school, don't you think
you should save those for a more appropriate time and place?"
"We weren't flirting! Only having lunch together!"
"Obviously lying. Due to this, Class 5 is so troubled that they are almost crying... The one
with me just now mentioned it. Something like 'Kusanagi is treating all the boys who don't
have girlfriends as fools by flirting with Erica every day. We must all be concerned, and so
forth.' And spoken tearfully too."
Behind Yuri, who was lecturing with righteous anger, were...
The boys in the class, all of them watching the cornered Godou with malevolent smiles. Those
evil expressions fully betrayed their feelings.
Hehehe, as expected, Godou cannot defy Mariya.
But then, to be tricked by that awful acting, and to come to this classroom specifically, isn't
Mariya coming personally for Godou after all?
Damn! Unacceptable! Why do such good things only happen to that guy?
How enviable. I also want to get to know the Mariya-san "who has no interest in boys" and
be lectured by her.
Oh! Look, Erica is back, let the show really begin.
"Ah, it's Yuri? It's rare to see you here during lunch?"
Holding drink cartons of oolong tea and orange juice, Erica had returned to the classroom.
"You want to join us for lunch? As long as you don't disturb Godou and my fun, you're
"Unfortunately, the reason I am here is to obstruct you two."
Erica and Yuri silently faced off with strong determination.
These two are truly incompatible in personality. Whenever Godou was getting teased by
Erica, Yuri always expressed disapproval if she happened to witness it.
Ever since the first time they met, the same type of situation had unfolded countless times.
The problem was that this mostly happened in school, in full view of a substantial number of
the high school and middle school students.

"Ohoh, it's the battle between the mistress and the wife." "It must be time for Godou to
confess his sins." "Kusanagi that fellow, when did he start getting so close to Mariya?" "Idiot,
the two of them must be childhood friends." "Is that so? So because Mariya failed to
recognize her feelings for Kusanagi, the result was the intrusion of Erica from Italy!?"
"Choosing between the Japanese legal wife Mariya, and the Italian mistress Erica, what an
ultimate dilemma!"
Sigh, the cause of this misunderstanding has its reasons.
Perhaps due to nationality, most people would think that Yuri and Godou knew each other
first. However, the truth was the opposite, but jumping to conclusions could be a scary thing.
"...This feels a bit noisy."
"You still don't seem to understand what I am saying, why don't we change locations? To the
roof then, a less conspicuous location."
Noticing the people around Yuri discussing all sorts of theories excitedly, Godou made a
It was already impossible to converse in such an environment, and Godou gave Erica a look.
Truly expected of a comrade, she immediately understood and neatly wrapped up the food on
the table.
Godou took the hand of the miko-sama who seemed to be in a trance, and walked towards the
classroom exit.
"Ah?" While Yuri realized with surprise she was being led walking by the hand, Erica had
caught up.
Recently, trying to eat lunch casually has become impossible.
Godou complained in his mind as he bolted out of the classroom like an advanced attack

Part 3
It was quite chaotic on the roof during lunch.
A few people were eating lunch in groups, while others were playing ball. It was rather lively.
Unlike the classroom, Godou and his group would not attract attention here.
"Should have come here from the start, finally some peace and quiet."
"If it's just two people eating lunch normally, then it could be quiet anywhere, do not blame
the reason on others."
Yuri continued to oppose vehemently to Godou who had made the correct choice in location.

She had also picked up her own lunchbox along the way when they passed by the 6th Class.
"Today's weather is great, and being outside makes one feel at ease. Isn't this nice?"
Erica began to eat her sandwiches while speaking indifferently.
By the way, Arianna had prepared equal portions for both Erica and Godou. Incommensurate
with her slim figure, Erica's appetite was extreme.
"...So, how do Kusanagi-san and Erica-san usually eat lunch?"
Yuri's lunchbox, on the other hand, was a normal girl's portion.
As to her holding of the chopsticks, they were used in a most elegant manner. Perhaps she
was well taught from a young age.
"Usually I am being hassled by Erica while being talked about by others."
"What hassling... Really, there are mountains worth of boys who want to eat lunch with me."
To Erica who sighed as she spoke, Godou was staring at her with eyes of resentment.
In reality, to this date, there had been quite a few people who tried to intrude in between the
two of them. However, every time they were driven away by Erica who always guessed their
... Since she was a girl, they could not lose their temper and scold her.
In these areas, Erica was completely flawless.
Towards boys, she was entirely merciless. With an elegant smile she would say "You're in the
way, could you please leave?"
"If you already know you're popular, could you stop that Queen-like attitude? If you continue
to do as you please, I have to take the brunt of the backlash."
Even though Godou was very displeased, Erica only smiled in a relaxed manner.
"Isn't that great? To be the exclusive recipient of my love. Aren't there many benefits?"
"...Sometimes I really admire this self-confidence of yours."
"If you could respond decisively, Kusanagi-san, I don't believe it would have progressed to
this. First and foremost, one must always do things with determination."
Yuri's voice was filled with thorns of disapproval.
"Ah, yes." Without realizing it, Godou began to retreat.

Perhaps it was due to her pointing out the truth, Godou felt like he cannot give a rebuttal. It
was completely unlike those times when he argued with Erica.
"Ah, yes, Godou. That matter, isn't it time for it to be determined whether it is accepted or
not? The exact time will be today after school."
"That matter... is it something that can be brought home?"
Erica suddenly brought up something that immediately caused Godou agitation.
Not long after Erica had transferred, she immediately made the request of meeting and
greeting Godou's family.
"In that case, didn't we talk about it already, so you still haven't given up?"
"Of course. In preparation for the future, winning over Godou's family is a necessary
Looks like joyfully talking about her deep scheming was one of Erica's most adept skills.
To this exchange of words, Yuri frowned in a barely perceptible manner.
"Shizuka-san seems to have heard about Erica-san, and is most wary in a serious state of alert.
When this kind of female approaches her brother, it is only natural."
The younger sister Shizuka was a 3rd year student in the middle school division.
Since the relationship with the blonde beauty had become the gossip of the school, their
relationship was already known. For the sake of harmony within the family, Godou had
wanted to prevent this meeting.
"Come on, visiting my home isn't that fun anyway?"
"Even if it's not very fun, meeting the family of my lover, and having our relationship
recognized officially is very important."
To Erica's suggestion, Godou immediately rebuffed.
"We are not lovers, and there is no need for official recognition!"
"Then there's no other way. Imouto-san is also in this school, right? 3rd Year 2nd Class of the
middle school, her register number is 9. Her seat is the second one in the row closest to the
Unlike the innocent child this morning, this was the true horrifying face of the witch.
A smile appeared at the corner of Erica's lip, completely expressing her malevolent intentions.
Dominating Godou, causing him to admit defeat from the depths of his heart.

"The grandfather who retired 6 years ago from the university position of professor of folklore
studies. Living carefree nowadays and taking up all the chores of the household. The mother
works at Yushima."
"Why do you know so much detail about my family?"
"Since Godou did not introduce them to me, I decided to investigate a bit. To suddenly visit
and meet them would be quite strange, so I have been waiting for you to invite me...
However, there are times when one must take action for oneself."
Cornered by Erica, Godou only had two choices.
To let Erica introduce herself in a situation when Godou himself was absent, or to bring Erica
to the house, and face the family together. Which would it be? That was the question.
"Sigh, I still can't think of a better solution..."
Godou was becoming further agitated. Was there a less risky option?
Certain of her victory, Erica was chuckling proudly to herself. Was there really no trump card
to reverse defeatyes, there was a way.
Right here beside them, was another girl.
Godou looked at her frowning face full of propriety.
"Mariya, would you happen to be free today after school? If it's convenient, could you come
visit my home? Along with this girlErica."
Godou tried to ask with total sincerity.
Yuri stared at Godou with a lost expression.
"For m-me to visit your... home, Kusanagi-san?"
"Yes. If I bring Erica to my home, I cannot restrain her by myself. If it's possible, could you
help keep an eye over her"
"I see... In that case, I do not mind."
Yuri nodded as she glanced at Erica.
"Indeed, Kusanagi-san, letting your family meet Erica-san would probably be a dangerous
matter. A sudden visit to a boy's home is a little unusual. But given that is the situation, it
cannot be helped. I have no choice but to accept."
"Thank you, Mariya... You won't mind, right, Erica?"
Counterattack success! Godou returned a smile of victory.

Erica seemed slightly impressed. She smiled and nodded.

"Godou... Do you really think your little trick can stop me? Do not underestimate this
[Diavolo Rosso] so easily."
"Hmph. I won't do as you wish forever, be prepared for that."
At that time, Godou still had not realized he was digging his own grave.

Part 4
Uh, did he do something wrong?
Watching the delicate expressions on Shizuka's face, Godou felt troubled.
If it was just himself, he definitely would not be able to control Erica. With Yuri's help
however, there should be a way.
Then what was the matter with this bad feeling?
After school, Godou and Erica, as well as Yuri walked back to the Kusanagi residence.
Walking for roughly ten minutes from Jounan Academy, they reached the shopping street in
Nezu of the Bunkyo ward.
In that area was a closed down Japanese book store and the home of the Kusanagi family.
Godou led the two girls into the living room.
"You're home, Onii-chan. Yes, listen to me. Grandfather said that tonight's dinner is handrolled sushiAnyway... let's go shopping together..."
They were greeted by Grandfather Kusanagi Ichirou and Shizuka who had already returned
from school.
After half a day, her mood seemed to have improved, and the younger sister's speech had
become more relaxedhowever, her state was rapidly deteriorating mid-sentence.
The grandfather calmly smiled at the two girls his grandson brought home.
"Ah... what should I say, you even brought some friends."
"Yes, all sorts of friends..."
As she finished speaking, Shizuka finally greeted Yuri as her senior in the club activities.
"Hello, Mariya-senpai. And that one over there must be Erica-san who has a close relationship
with Onii-chan? I already know... from rumors."

"Hello Shizuka. Haven't I introduced myself on the phone before? A pleasure to meet you,
grandfather. I apologize for my sudden intrusion today. There are things I must talk to
Godou's family about, if I may?"
Erica greeted them with a most lady-like smile.
When she acted like that, one cannot help but marvel at what a perfect high class lady she
"Hoho... Let's take your seats first, I will prepare the tea."
And so, everyone came into the living room of the Kusanagi family.
Around the large table sat Godou with Erica on his right and Yuri on the left. Opposite was
Shizuka with an intense glare, while the cheerful grandfather sat on the side.
Somehow it evolved into an awkward atmosphere along the likes of "hopeless, you rascal."
Why was that?
Grandfather suddenly addressed Yuri.
Perhaps it was because Yuri spoke less than Erica, so he became a bit curious.
"Yes, I am Mariya. My utmost apologies for today's sudden intrusion. Shizuka-san and I both
belong to the same tea ceremony club."
"Then that means you're Shizuka's senior, right? Did you become friends with Godou due to
Grandfather nodded at Yuri's earnest greeting and thoughtlessly asked.
However, the one who answered this loaded question was Shizuka.
"That has no relation to me whatsoever. Onii-chan and Mariya-senpai's relationship suddenly
became close at some unknown point in time, and they even met secretly behind my back
during weekends."
Godou began to realize the mistake he had made.
Although the overall strategy was correct in bringing Yuri as an ally, the unexpected result
was greatly increasing the battle spirit of the adversary (the younger sister).
However... it was still too early to write it off as a failure.
With his will to fight rising, his targets have also increased to two. However, if the will to
battle has increased, but the targets have doubled, then it will still be tough to handle.
"When did Onii-chan and Erica-san meet is also a mystery as well. When we talked on the
phone last time, no one would have thought she was foreign due to her excellent Japanese.

Onii-chan and Erica-san's relationship seems to be extremely close? It's already the talk of the
Shizuka also began to direct her enmity towards Erica, and started a two pronged attack.
Now was the key moment, and Godou immediately responded.
"In truth, Erica should be the one closer to me, but that's it. Even for Shizuka, you must have
many close friends, right?"
"Yes, I have many friends. However, I have never had a friend who made an engagement-like
declaration on the first day of transferring into the school."
Shizuka rebuked her brother's question flawlessly with another reference to Erica.
It would be necessary for evidence to be provided by this blonde witch in order to prove his
innocence. Godou made a decision as he waited for her to speak.
...Erica showed what seemed like a smile of pity.
As if boasting she can win as a challenge, Godou suddenly felt very displeased.
"I am very sorry that the matter of Godou and I has created such kind of rumor."
"There is no credibility coming from the person who created the rumor. Isn't the one who
forced me into all this trouble you yourself, Erica?"
"Don't, don't say it like that... there was no forcing at all."
Erica swiftly held out her hand.
By the time he realized it was no good, it was already too lateGodou's right hand on the
table had been clasped by Erica's right hand.
It wasn't exactly fast.
Rather, it was a slow, elegant motion. However, Godou still wasn't able to evade.
...When one skilled with swords chops down with a shinai (bamboo blade), even a fierce
warrior will not be able to escape. This is truly one of Erica's amazing skills.
"Anyway, about that, why don't you answer properly, Godou. You're just not being
forthcoming enough. But then again, this is one of your cute points."
Shizuka's gaze was beginning to look as if it was colder than freezing temperature.
The obvious reason was the pair of hands which appeared to be harmoniously holding each

"No, it's not like that. Do not misunderstand. It is Erica's brute force which is holding my
hand down."
"Onii-chan is the worst! Your denials are futile."
Godou was trying with all his strength to extract his hand from Erica's grip.
However, this blonde devil easily suppressed it with a relaxed expression upon her face. Not
only that, she was acting as if lovingly caressing Godou's hand, trying to intertwine their
fingers intimately together.
Godou truly hated the magic which granted this woman such demonic strength.
What if he tried to stand up with all his might, would he be able to escape from such a skill?
No, he would not.
There was one time when he had been in a similar situation. He ended up losing balance,
falling to the ground, only to be hypnotized and played around with. At times like these, this
witch only knew how to press her advantages to the limit and pose with perfect victory.
"Erica-san, please have some restraint with your pranks!"
Godou felt relieved from the loud cry which echoed. Truly, bringing her here was the right
"Shizuka-san and grandfather, please allow me to explain the situation. Perhaps you may find
it completely unbelievable and a pack of lies to cover up the truth. However, Erica-san and
Kusanagi-san are not in a boyfriend girlfriend relationship."
Yuri's voice was awe-inspiring, and truly reliable.
Sounding like the clear pure tone of a bell, even Shizuka began to focus her attention on her
senior's face.
"Before, Kusanagi-san has sworn in front of methat he definitely is not going out with
Erica-san. Should this oath be false, he will gladly submit to death without a word of
objection. I, at that time did believe that Kusanagi-san was not lying. No, I wanted to
...It was a month ago, the night Athena was defeated and repelled.
In order to convince Yuri who insisted that Godou and Erica terminate their unhealthyno,
lover's relationship. Godou had come up with this solution, and even swore an oath with his
life as forfeit.
The result was, at the very least Yuri acknowledged Godou's opinion.

"Admittedly, these two people have a very unhealthy relationship, and it is completely
unacceptable. However, it is due to Erica-san's despicable attempts at seduction, that
Kusanagi-san has been hassled to within an inch of his life."
Yuri's defense continued. Eh? Does this still count as defending?
"To be honest, this person really tries hard, but always seems to be doing inexplicable things,
and never considers the trouble he brings to others around him. He is hopeless, and a person
who doesn't know how to lie. One would hope that he would strive to keep his promises, but
the end result is he fails the majority of the time."
Erica on the other side, was silently laughing away.
Since her grip had relaxed, Godou hurriedly withdrew his right hand. But why? There was no
feeling that crisis had been averted at all.
"If he cannot prudently reject Erica-san's advances, then Kusanagi-san should show more
determination in his contact with Erica-san. Waking her up every morning is spoiling her, and
leaning your bodies close to each other, to be honest it is totally an eyesore. Though you have
completely failed on all accounts, I believe you are innocent, even if it is not my intention."
At that moment, Godou finally realized the error he had committed.
Asking for reinforcements was correct. But this was Yuri, who always spoke truthfully
without any knowledge of tact. Was she an appropriate ally in such a situation? The answer
laid there.
"How is it? Kusanagi-san and Erica-san are not going out, can everyone understand?"
To Yuri's sincere gaze of questioning, Shizuka nodded her head.
And turned her gaze, full of despise and mockery, at her brother.
"Yes, hearing this explanation clears up the gist of these two's relationship. But I still don't
understand the situation deep enough."
Godou and Erica, as well as Yuri, gazed at Shizuka as she spoke.
"But, let's get to the bottom of this, why would my idiot Onii-chan need to swear such an oath
to Mariya-senpai? What kind of relationship does Mariya-senpai have with Onii-chan?"
"Eh? Just ordinary friends. This and that"
How could it be explained that one was the god-slaying Devil King and the other was the
Hime-Miko representing the Japanese magic world?
To the honest Yuri, letting her improvise a cover up was very difficult.

"From the words just now, it's almost like the wife is a childhood friend. Legal wife and lover,
it looks like the rumors are true. Onii-chan, well done, doesn't this feel just like Grandfather
and deceased Grandmother back then, what a great atmosphere?"
"Eh!? What are you talking about, Shizuka-san?"
Don't treat me as the same type as Grandfather, I'm begging you...
Shizuka's words, full of subtle meanings, caused Yuri to lose her composure. Godou frowned.
No matter what, he didn't want to be compared with Grandfather.
"Grandfather and Grandmother? What was that like?"
Piqued with interest, Erica's inquiry caused Shizuka to sigh deeply.
"In all generations of the Kusanagi family, all the men have idle hands. Examples include
playboy heirs who wrecked their inheritances amusing themselves with geisha, and had
illegitimate children popping up out of the woodwork after their deaths. It's been over 200
years, but there really have been all sorts."
Shizuka glanced at her Grandfather who was sipping tea in small mouthfuls.
Without saying a single word for the past while, and sitting as still as air, the grandfather
Kusanagi Ichirou, returned his granddaughter's gaze with a gentle smile.
"Hahaha, Shizuka. I don't quite agree with what you say about all the ancestors, but then
again, not all of it is completely wrong."
"From the same bloodline, the only recent one with rare capability was Grandfather. But
Grandfather was not only a playboy but there were many women who approached uninvited.
Grandma sure had a tough time sweeping those pests away."
To his granddaughter's accusations, the Grandfather smiled and shook his head.
"Though I socialized with all sorts of women in my youth, but my heart was true to my wife
after we married."
"I'm innocent! In general, I am totally unlike Grandfather. Personality is also completely
Shizuka shrugged and ignored Godou's protest.
Furthermore, Yuri seemed to agree with this grandfather-grandson comparison and said
something like 'now that you say it, it does...', even Erica seemed to be nodding her head
Sigh, such situations made one feel that the face is truly more important than the personality

"True, the personalities are different, but the end result of their actions are both 'extremely
alike.' I heard that others regarded Grandfather as a very serious person in his youth, but isn't
it the same for Onii-chan?"
Reflecting on himself, Godou could not argue any more.
During the past spring of this year, defeating the god of war Verethragna on the southern
Italian island of Sardinia.
This ancient Persian deity had ten characteristic formsWind, Bull, White Stallion, Camel,
Boar, Youth, Raptor, Ram, Goat, as well as the Warrior.
Godou, who defeated Verethragna, had no intention of obtaining those powers. From then
onwards, in the battles with gods and devil kings, Godou had damaged many world heritage
This body was definitely unreasonable.
"Then, may I interrupt here? It's about time for dinner to be prepared. I've already readied the
vinegar for tonight's hand rolled sushi."
Grandfather suddenly stood up.
Probably in order to break up the current silence.
"Just a while ago I called Sakuraba-san at the fish shop and asked him to choose some good
ingredients. Why don't Godou and Shizuka go pick them up. Aya, don't forget to increase the
portions for two additional people."
Grandfather spoke as he turned to smile most affectionately at Erica and Yuri.
"I hope you both don't mind staying for dinner? After all it is a rare occasion. Of course, if
you have curfews or other engagements, I won't force you."
"No, Grandfather. Please let me stay no matter what."
Erica elegantly gave a bow from the side.
Seeing the two of them interact and turning out to be surprisingly compatible, Godou felt
impressed. Erica and Grandfather are both people with perfect social skills.
However, Yuri on the left side
"I, I intruded so suddenly. If I stayed for dinner, it would be troublesome right..."
"Not at all, Grandfather loves these kinds of situations. Gathering lots of people to savor his
cooking, and have a good drink."
To dispel Yuri's hesitation, Godou explained to her.

However, she felt there was a problem with this invitation. Yuri was extremely surprised by
the last sentence.
"Ah, ah, drink!?"
"Ah... You planned to drink today all along, right, Grandfather?"
"Is there a problem? Godou and I are definitely fine. I'm sure Erica-san won't have a problem
This is the old man whose poor role model included gradually indoctrinating his middle
school grandchildren with the taste of alcohol, then pretended to explain it as an early lesson
"to prevent binge drinking and alcohol poisoning."
Seeing Erica's eyes flash, Godou immediately yelled out.
"Please, let's not drink tonight. Letting Erica imbibe alcohol would be catastrophic."
"Aya, Godou, the right amount of alcohol has benefits to both health and friendship."
"Wait a minute, Onii-chan, what exactly do you mean from what you just said? You're
implying that you two drank alcohol together before! Please explain with details!"
"That, that's right. Kusanagi-san, please explain what transpired."
The foolish comment was equivalent to adding new fuel to the fire.
As for the grandfather, he turned to his grandson in crisis and forced a faint smile. Godou felt
that expression seemed to be saying "you still have much to learn."

Part 5
"Thanks for having me today. Please relay my regards to everyone."
"I'm sorry, Mariya, for forcing you to come along and making you stay this late."
It was already past eight o'clock at night by the time Yuri was setting off from the Kusanagi
Apologizing as he greeted her farewell at the entrance, Godou was seeing her off with a face
full of shame and regret.
"No, I was happy. Please don't say that."
"Really, then that's good. See you tomorrow."
"Yes, see you tomorrow. I take my leave."
Nodding towards each other with the smiling Godou, Yuri bowed her head seriously and
walked out of the entrance way.

In the end, they had dinner after talking with Shizuka. With his eyes, Godou ordered Erica not
to drink, and they chatted as they ate.
To Yuri who had few friends, passing time like this was extremely rare.
Her overly serious way of speaking and elegant mannerisms were already uncommon, and
basically she was never invited to go out and have fun by her peers.
She wasn't being shunned, but people just didn't want to be too conspicuous. A little
Since she herself was aware of it, she never tried to involve herself in those circles either.
Just now during dinner, the one who spoke the least was Yuri.
But still, it felt pretty good.
Erica had the most to say, not only to Godou, but also with his grandfather and sister.
Sometimes she even spoke a few sentences to Yuri.
Those sentences did not carry any domineering attitude, and was considerate of the other's
rhythm of speech, allowing her to enjoy conversation in a relaxed manner.
As for Godou who wasn't talkative to begin with, he concentrated on eating instead of
listening to them chat.
The only young man there, Godou's appetite was ravenous. However, he still entered the
conversation during opportune moments between moving his chopsticks and wolfing down
his food.
As a member of the same club, Shizuka also understood Yuri's personality to a certain extent.
The main host, Grandfather Kusanagi was a very observant person, which was consistent with
his popularity with girls in his youth.
"Ah, Yuri-san. Seeing you is great, I've been trying to find you for quite a while. I beg you,
please carry your cellphone with you, there are times there are emergencies when contact is
As Yuri made her way through the street of shops toward the closest Nezu station, she was
suddenly greeted by a voice.
This voice belonged to the young man dressed in a suitAmakasu Touma.
The representative of the History Compilation Committee, an organization responsible for
regulating the Japanese wizards and controlling information about gods and supernatural
"Cellphone? I am sorry but I do not think I need such a thing. However, how did you know I
was here?"

To Yuri's question. Amakasu replied with an awkward smile.

"I came here by chance. As I was wondering if I would be able to find Yuri-san before you
took the train, I waited here for a bit. When I called your home, they told me you had visited a
fellow student's home near the school."
"Is that so... Anyway, what business do you have with me today?"
So that meant, it was because she borrowed the phone at the Kusanagi residence to call home
and tell them she would be late.
Yuri asked once she understood.
"Actually there's a request for you. However, today is a bit late, so we'll make the request
"Not a problem. If it is all right with you, let us finish it now?"
"No. It is something that needs to be discussed at a better location. Let's make it tomorrow. To
Yuri-san this should be a relaxing task. A grimoire has been rumored to have appeared in
Romania near the outskirts of Croatia, so we wish for Yuri-san to help certify its
To Amakasu who spoke rather frivolously, Yuri sighed.
"Amakasu-san, my spirit vision is not some convenient power that can 'see' everything. There
are many occasions when nothing is revealed."
This mouth must be one of the reasons he has so few friends.
Yuri thought to herself as she chastised how lightly this History Compilation Committee
member was taking things.
The so-called spirit vision was definitely not an all-seeing power of analysis. It was just a kind
of ability bestowed by the gods on a whim like an oracle.
"Then you are too humble. Even in Milan, the origin of magic in Eastern Europe, there are no
spirit vision users whose capability exceeds Yuri-san. If you can't do it, then no one else can.
Hope we can cooperate, if you don't mind too much."
Amakasu began to laugh.
At that point it was useless to say any more. Yuri decided to accept Amakasu's request,
especially since there were few reasons to refuse a request made in such a manner.
"Fine, I understand. I will assist you tomorrow after school."
"Your help is appreciated. By the way, when you said you were visiting a friend near school,
could it be the home of Kusanagi Godou?"

Abruptly, Amakasu changed the subject.

Do people deeply involved with magic and the gods have to be wary of contact with the
"Yes... Umm, is there any problem with that? I do not believe there is any need to deliberately
distance myself from Kusanagi-san."
To this answer, Amakasu shook his head.
"Oh, no problem at all. Actually, it's the opposite. Yuri is one of Kusanagi Godou's most
important friends, right? Take more initiative, go to his house, or even invite him over to
yours, it's all good, keep it up."
"Is that so? ...Amakasu-san, things seem to have become a little unusual?"
Yuri became a little angry as she stared at the suspicious person in front of her.
A strange premonition flowed into her heart. Unease, as well as a sudden sense of
accomplishment. Could this be some kind of prediction brought about by the power of spirit
"Anyway, let's talk about this in detail tomorrow. Take care... during this wonderful evening."
Waving his hand, Amakasu departed.

Chapter 2 - Calm Before the Storm

Part 1
In the high school section of Jounan Academy, the boys and girls had gym class separately.
Students from the same grade were mixed together but segregated by gender. Godou's 5th
Class was placed with the 6th Class.
Today, the boys' lesson was baseball.
The girls were doing softball, but since it was being carried out alongside the boys, they used
the same field. Hence, it was a rare occasion when both the boys and girls of the 5th and 6th
Classes had gym lessons together in the same location.
The boy from the 6th Class pitched the baseball from the mound.
The ball failed to reach the catcher's glove, but instead flew between the right and center
fielders as the blonde batter swung rapidly.
As the outfielder returned the ball, the batter had already reached third base splendidly.

Lessons within the school were only for beginners. In terms of level, they were even worse
than amateur leagues, so any active performance here was nothing to be proud of.
This person obtained four hits with four turns at bat, and as pitcher struck out all the batters of
the opposing team.
Mixed among the boys, the only active participant was Erica Blandelli who was totally
amazing despite being a girl without a doubt.
Swinging her bat with splendor and the same ease as her sword.
"Godou! I want to pitch an even faster ball, you have to catch it! If it's Godou, you definitely
can catch it!"
"Don't be stupid! We're not even on the same team!"
As the teams switched roles at the half-inning, Erica spoke nonsense at the pitcher's mound.
Godou, whose own match had already ended, sat down to watch and coldly replied.
Starting a short while ago, Erica's fast balls began to slip from the catcher's glove.
It was to be expected. To demand a beginner catcher to receive that kind of fast ball was very
"The girls have one person extra, so may I join the boys? Of course, I won't let any of you
boys flee from competing against me, how's that?"
The situation was created by Erica's proposal not long after class started.
Erica Blandelli's athletic prowess was already well known throughout the school.
Since her capability was fully acknowledged by the boys in the class, and even the gym
teacher, she was placed into the A team of the 5th Class.
From that moment, the nightmare began to crush the boys' self-esteem.
When Erica pitched. Strikes were usually called. At best, the batter might hit an infield
When Erica pitched. The catcher would get hurt because the balls were too fast.
When Erica batted. Singles. Doubles. Triples. Home runs.
Those situations repeated themselves as if being copy and pasted. Not long after that, even the
girls, who were having a softball match, stopped to gather round and watch Erica's
Every time the blonde young lady gave a super performance, all the girls cheered.
"That fellow is truly doing as she pleases... She should really hold back a little."

Rather than surprised, it would be better to say Godou was impressed.

As someone who already knew her extraordinary athleticism, this level of performance was
completely unsurprising. Even if her baseball experience was zero, she was a monster who
could give a performance exceeding professionals.
"So, Kusanagi-san, how are you?"
Yuri had left the girls' team and came over to greet Godou.
Come to think of it, gym class was the only time when the 6th Class' Yuri shared lessons with
"Is Erica-san using some kind of strange magic? If that is the case, she must be stopped. To be
performing at this level against boys is completely abnormal."
"I don't think so. Since this is a competition, she is achieving victory entirely on her own
bodily strength."
Godou responded with a simple answer to Yuri who was questioning with a worried
"She is a knight after all, but please don't cheat so much during times of jest... If only she
insisted on fairness when I'm busy with things..."
Usually, Erica would use magic to enhance her abilities when messing around with Godou,
but she insisted on fair competition when it came to gym class. Personally, Godou would
prefer it if she did the opposite.
Sigh, he truly could not believe he became friends with someone like that.
"Erica's athletic abilities are extraordinary, and would cause one to suspect the use of magic
because her bodily capability and stamina are beyond imagination."
Middle school was the time when Godou stood out as the cleanup hitter and catcher of the
baseball team.
But because of that, he completely understood how unreasonable Erica's abilities were. If she
actually played baseball, she would be the type to be the fourth bat, the cleanup hitter for sure.
"Though it feels like she's going too far, but it should still be within acceptable limits, right?"
"I see... Kusanagi-san, you trust Erica-san very much."
Yuri spoke with a slightly stiff expression on her face.
"When I saw that kind of performance, the first thing I thought was she must have used some
kind of magic. I feel a bit ashamed for doubting someone due to prior bias."

"In this case she wasn't acting unreasonably. As long as she keeps it to this level of doing as
she pleases."
While she completely destroyed the self-esteem of the opposing boys as well as her own
catcher, Erica stood on the pitcher's mound with a smile as radiant as the sun. As if she was
enjoying things from the bottom of her heart.
"Anyway, though she is a sly fellow usually, her character is unbelievably straightforward, so
don't worry, it'll be ok."
"...Understood. However, that actually makes one feel a bit envious."
Yuri relaxed her expression and smiled as she murmured.
A faint elegant smile, she seemed rather reserved with her smiles.
"Envious? Mariya?"
"Uh, yes... To be honest, I am actually not good with sports."
"Ah, I see."
Although a little surprised, Godou found it understandable.
Unlike her usual miko outfit, Yuri was currently wearing her sports uniform. Her slim body
clearly revealed how slender her limbs were.
...Furthermore, her excellent figure was also visible.
Although not to the same level as Erica, it was still a figure full of characteristically feminine
curves. Feeling embarrassed, Godou frantically redirected his gaze to the match.
"Yes. My physical stamina is less than a normal person's. From birth, I have never had a
happy memory related to sports."
Yuri's countenance seemed a little wistful as she shyly watched Godou while she opened up
to him.
"Actually, that time when I fled from Athena, I felt muscle pain afterwards."
Godou felt apologetic since he felt like he did something bad during that incident.
However, he also noticed.
"I am very sorry about all those different troubles. But last time that rendezvous point
shouldn't have been that far away from Mariya's shrine. Maybe a distance of two kilometers
or so?"
Around that area, as he spoke, Godou recalled the map of the surroundings near Shiba Park.

However, Yuri was showing a harsh gaze indicative of slight anger.

"To me, that is quite a long distance! Kusanagi-san may be someone who has plenty of energy
to waste, but do not look down on those who do not have physical stamina!"
For some strange reason, the angry Yuri seemed especially cute.
Of course, Godou did not dare reveal his inner thought. At that time, Godou only wanted to be
as low key as possible.
"Uh, I'm truly sorry, if something like that ever happens again, please call me earlier and I
will immediately come to your aid. Definitely, I promise."
Using Verethragna's authorities would allow one to literally "fly" to help those in a crisis.
Hence, it shouldn't be a false promise, probably... Godou wondered as he thought 'is it really
ok?' Yuri nodded with a forced smile.
"Kusanagi-san, did you not warn that the power is a little uncertain and that you have yet to
master it? It is not good to rely on such a power... please keep that in mind carefully."
Under the influence of Yuri's words and gentle smile, Godou also smiled.

Part 2
"So, Yuri-san, how do you feel after interacting with Kusanagi Godou?"
Sitting at the driver's seat and gripping the steering wheel was Amakasu, who suddenly asked
a question.
Unable to discern his true intentions, Yuri who was sitting on the passenger side, gave a
questioning expression and replied "Ah?"
"What I want to ask is how is the great Devil King and Yuri-san's personal relationship
going? One that began with the two of you overcoming a deadly crisis together. Does he have
some kind of heart racing feeling beyond pure friendship, and will progress into happy yet
embarrassing developments?"
"Amakasu-san, I do not understand at all what you are trying to confirm."
And didn't state clearly.
By the way, Yuri was dressed as a Japanese miko with her white robe. She had just been
working at the Nanao Shrine and stopped when Amakasu dropped by to visit as agreed
"We need to constantly review and adapt our relationship with him from this point onwards,
so this is just for reference."

"Will the personal relationship between Kusanagi-san and I influence the plans of the
"Of course, greatly."
Amakasu steered the car into the Shuto Expressway and drove towards Shibuya.
As a side note, traffic was still restricted on this same Shuto Expressway in the direction of
dawn. This was due to the fact that repairs were still underway for the damage caused by the
battle between Godou and Athena half a month ago.
"Honestly, we have no intention of making Kusanagi Godou an enemy. Before, he was just a
senseless person who was not even [King] but now he has obtained a completely
unreasonable power. Prior to that, it would have been impossible to even imagine him
becoming a monster of some place."
"Why are you talking like that... Don't use words like 'monster.' He is still a normal person at
Without any pretense, Yuri tried to defend Godou.
However, if one simply looked at Godou's abilities, Amakasu's words were impossible to
deny. Amakasu simply forced a smile and nodded.
"His futureto see what kind of Devil King he will develop into. As long as we maintain
intimacy with him all along there will be room for establishing an ultimate relationship. If it
weren't for that, we would not have prepared such a troublesome plan."
The caution displayed by Amakasu and the History Compilation Committee was
European countries already had a history of coexistence with a number of Campiones, and so
the magic associations there were experienced with [King] dealings.
However, it was still the first time for the Committee to come into contact with a locally born
"Thus, in case of emergencies, it is necessary to establish a close friendly relationship with
him. ...This was well played by the Copper Black Cross that first discovered the importance of
Kusanagi Godou."
"The association Erica-san belongs to?"
"Yes. To send as a lover one of their candidates for core leadership, and to make as much use
of his abilities in areas unrelated to the public, a truly shrewd and excellent strategy."
Finally understanding Amakasu's words, Yuri's eyebrows shot up in anger.

"Is your side planning on adding someone like Erica!"

"After all, he is a young man despite being the great Devil King possessing divine authority
to manipulate him with a woman is a most practical solution. A classic strategy, wasn't there
the story of Samson who was bewitched by Delilah in the Old Testament of the Bible?
"Please do not mix the Bible into this discussion!"
Yuri sternly reprimanded Amakasu who was chattering away.
The thought of some unknown beauty using her charms on Godou for such purposes made
Yuri raise her voice without conscious intent.
"Kusanagi-san is currently at his limits resisting the seduction of Erica-san! This kind of
behavior testing a person's self-control is completely unacceptable. Imprudent, unhealthy!
What kind of woman do you actually want to put up to this task!?"
"Aya, we're finally back to the original topic, as for our female candidate..."
Amakasu sneered in a proud manner.
Yuri felt her body shake, and felt the coming of some unpleasant words, an unwelcoming
"I think that if Yuri would take on this role, you would be a perfect candidate. ...Even as a
competitor against that Erica. I believe that Yuri-san is on the same level and certainly not
inferior, isn't that great"
"What, what are you talking about. I do not think I have any need to compete with Erica-san!"
The image formed in her mind was the brilliant blonde beauty, whose looks and outgoing
personality were like the bright Mediterranean sun.
To compete against that kind of opponent for a boy's attentions.
Just the thought of it made Yuri feel like her hair was becoming white. Impossible and she
completely refused to do it. What kind of joke was this?
"No no, it's possible. Though the opponent is strong, but on the other hand, Yuri-san also has
substantial chances of success. Believe in yourself!"
"...Amakasu-san, please stop with these stupid jokes. Enough."
Whenever Yuri was truly furious, she always seemed like she was smiling for some reason.
Her lips slightly curled, and speaking with a cold tone.
"Oui, mademoiselle. My apologies, anyway, the plan just discussed was just one of many. If
possible, please forget it."

With an exaggerated motion, Amakasu shrugged his shoulder then continued to drive without
saying another word.
The two of them sat in the domestic car which exited the Shudo Expressway at the Shibuya
exit, and continued towards the direction of Meguro.

Part 3
Located in a quiet corner of Aobadai was a certain building.
A public library managed and run by the History Compilation Committee.
All unrelated persons were prohibited. Even the residents from the surrounding area were
unaware of what kind of public facility it actually was.
Yuri, led by Amakasu, stepped into this library.
As a library, its structure was exceedingly simple.
Throughout this clean and quiet library were shelves full of books.
However, there were very few people. The occasional person either belonged to the History
Compilation Committee or was someone related. In addition, there were the books being
Reference books recording all types of magic and wizardrymost of them were either
grimoires or books about incantations.
Ordinary people could not comprehend these things. These were the distilled essence of
danger and wisdom, forbidden books about magic.
The library existed precisely to house and isolate these precious hidden books from the world.
"Aobadai's book repository... Can you tell me? This is the first time for me to come here."
"Unless it was necessary to tell you, there was no need to come here. No, please wait for a
moment? There are still some issues."
Leaving those words behind, Amakasu continued leading Yuri forward.
There was a spacious reading room on the second floor of the library.
Yuri looked at her surroundings as she waited.
Though there was not a single other person, it looked very much like a normal library.
However, the neat rows of books on the shelves gave off a strange presence which Yuri's
spirit sense picked up.
This was not a simple book repository after all.

These books were born from the circulating records of the profound secrets of magic and
These grimoires accumulated ancient and profound magic. It was said that some of the rare
ones are classified as [Special Items].
The books collected here felt like masterpieces.
It was said that powerful mages and users of spirit powers wrote down numerous books by
hand, and there have even been confirmed reports of books mass produced from printing
presses suddenly obtaining magical properties.
...Yuri turned her curiosity to the book shelves.
The titles of these books varied, but most were written in western script. Those written in
Japanese only took up less than 30%.
The activities of the History Compilation Committee only began after the Second World War.
Committee members played a large role in restricting the spread of magical knowledge from
foreign sources. The numerous books contained in this library were surely the result of
decades of their efforts to collect grimoires.
"Sorry to have you waiting, but what we wanted you to look at was this. Since it is guarded by
powerful spells, forcefully reading ahead will definitely cause something bad to occur, and no
one can predict what may happen."
Amakasu returned, and in his hands was a leather-bound foreign text that was not very thick.
"...Something bad may occur?"
"Yes. Probably something like placing yourself in a corner of the room, talking to angels that
no one else can see, then making sounds like 'ah papapa' and going on a mental journey
around the world."
"A common person cannot appraise such a dangerous book!"
You should have given me such an important warning earlier. Yuri spoke with an unyielding
"Probably, if it is being guarded by such a strong spell, then it must be a powerful grimoire
without a doubt! I see no point in further appraisal..."
"Ah yes, this is why human desire is so terrifying. Why do these grimoires need to be
enchanted with such strong spells of protection? It feels similar to the way that prices are
raised for rare books. ...However, if it's Yuri-san then it should be safe to appraise the book
without reading the contents. It'll be fine."
Making a harmless expression, Amakasu spoke as he smiled, and placed the book on one of
the larger tables in the reading room.

[ Homo homini lupus ][7].

This was the title written on the cover.
From the paper quality and damage to the bindings, it appeared to be an ancient tome over a
century old. Lupusmeant wolf in Latin, recalled Yuri.
"If this is authentic, it should be a grimoire privately published in Romania around the earlier
half of the nineteenth century. Past legends tell of an Ephesian secret cult worshipping the
[Dark Virgin Mother of God, Queen of Wild Beasts] and holding covert rituals where people
who tried to read the books would be 'turned into inhuman servants covered with fur.'
Inhuman and covered with furgenerally refers to things like wolves and bears."
Amakasu's casual example revealed the depth of his knowledge.
Yuri felt that his words felt a bit fantastical.
"In terms of changes, what is well known is that people's bodies will undergo complete
transformations after reading. Rather than a grimoire, a cursed book would be a better
"Ah ah, you're right. Those magic books will continue to increase the werewolves' curse. Due
to this, if it's the real thing it is an extremely rare and precious treasure."
"Please don't talk about that in such a happy manner!"
Yuri reprimanded Amakasu's impropriety with a stare and faced the ancient book once again.
Concentrating her gaze and calming her heart.
Her spirit vision was not a power that could be used at will freely.
Melting the heart into the sky, entrusting it to guidance from the divinities, and making use of
eyes and instinct. This would allow one to see something or notice something. Depending on
the situation, one sometimes found important clues, but they might not be what one was
expecting. Furthermore, there was always an issue of accuracy in divination.
...However, a wise historical existence could be felt from this book.
There was some truth to Amakasu's words.
Once upon a time, there was a witch who lived in the depths of the forest, and many of the
animals respected herin particular the stronger existences of wolves, bears and birds. This
book recorded the difficult and powerful points of the ritual. The only ones able to read the
book were either servants or people related to the witch, and the book would reject all
common magi.
"This is not a cursed book... as long as the one reading it had sufficient experience and
capability, then one would not be harmed by the hidden mysterious powers of this book, and
would obtain knowledge instead."

Yuri vaguely felt the properties of the book and muttered.

"I think it is a device meant to prevent the unqualified from reading itit is a test for resisting
the curse rather than an intention to transform the reader's body."
"Ah yes, so to sum up, this is the real thing. As expected of Yuri-san, you saw through
"This is all I know for now. I can't guarantee for the rest, so don't count too much on this kind
of ability."
Amakasu agreed with Yuri's deductions. And then
The werewolf-controlling grimoire of the witch, as well as Amakasu Touma. The library.
All these vanished suddenly. Yuri and the space around her was enveloped in darkness. She
felt like she was standing in the dark surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere.
"Is this a hallucination? Due to the grimoire?"
Yuri tried to raise her spirit vision and see the truth behind these illusions.
This was a rare occurrence but it does happen occasionally when contact was made with an
object hiding strong magical powers. Hence, there was no feeling of panic at the time
The hallucination persisted.
There was something in the depths of the darkness. Focusing her gaze, it seemed to resemble
something like a rat. The rat slowly transformed, gradually increasing in body mass. In
addition, it changed its posture. This was a dog... no, a wolf. From its ferocious and sharp
appearance, Yuri made such an identification.
From its four legs the wolf stood up onto two. Rather than a wolf, this was a werewolf's
Was it due to contact with that grimoire? A hallucination as a result of that?
As Yuri puzzled, the werewolf slowly walked in the darknessfrom the dark hole walking up
to the surface of the ground. From there, dancing serpents could be seen. The werewolf
stepped upon and slaughtered them all.
And then the werewolf reached out with its arms towards the bright sun in the sky.
Caught it. The werewolf caught the glowing sphere with its bare hands.
In the end, the werewolf swallowed the ball of light, and gradually took on the form of an
elderly human. It was the person who Yuri met before.
A tall thin body, wise-looking faceand emerald green eyes.

The ancient Campione ruling over eastern and southern Europe. The ancient Devil King cast
the light from his evil eyes at Yuri and smiled hideously.
"Marquis Voban!? How, why are you here!?"
As the most intense terror attacked Yuri and she wailed, consciousness was soon lost.

Part 4
It was around 10pm at night when that phone call reached the Kusanagi residence.
"Yes, Kusanagi here."
'This voice, is it Godou? It's been a while, how are you, my friend?'
It was a slightly familiar voice heard from before, in fact it was a voice Godou didn't want to
hear coming from the receiver.
A complete waste of a voice with such depth. Godou immediately put down the receiver and
hung up the phone.
"...Ch. That brat finally revived!"
Godou who usually did not pray for the misfortune of others, felt like this was one of those
Just to be safe, he unplugged the telephone wire from the base of the phone. Temporarily
avoiding phone calls was an acceptable sacrifice for this cause.
However, his cellphone began to ring when he returned to his own room.
Godou glanced at the display, the caller's name was "Unknown."
Furthermore, a foreign phone call? Should he just ignore it? But then there was a huge risk.
Perhaps one day he might open the door to his home to find that fellow appearing and saying
'I came over because you didn't pick up the phone.' That would be the worst scenario.
Godou prepared himself and pressed the button to pick up the call.
'Suddenly hanging up the phone, that's too cruel!'
"You bastard. Anyway, why do you know my home and cellphone numbers?"
'You're such a fool. Isn't it natural to know a good friend's phone number?'
If this was a face to face conversation, then he'd probably be doing things like winking as

Blonde hair, blue eyes, tall and handsome. A bright expression on his proper face, and
extremely friendly. The appearance of an elegant gentleman, but in reality, the strongest
warrior possessing a body of steel
Godou recalled the image of the one who called himself his 'good friend.'
"Hey Salvatore Doni, we don't really count as friends you know, and I don't remember ever
telling you my phone numbers."
'Hmph, you're the fellow who didn't even want to exchange phone numbers or mailing
addresses. Thanks to you, I had to order my subordinates to investigate. And from now on,
please do not use "don't really count" to describe our relationship. Didn't I say already, that we
are great friends?'
"If that's what you think, please look up the dictionary definition for the word 'friend' one
thousand times before you call again."
Salvatore Doni.
The twenty-four-year-old Italian, as well as the Sixth Campione.
He possessed massive influence centered around southern Europe, and had defeated four
gods. In terms of age and experience, he would count as Godou's senior.
However, Godou had no intention of using honorifics with this guy.
Godou himself found it unbelievable, since he would usually interact with elders with the
appropriate attitude and word choice.
However, it was entirely different when facing this man. From the depths of his heart, a
certain subtle feeling of opposition prevented it.
'Hey hey, the one who doesn't understand friendship is you. That is totally shameful for a
"What does nationality have to do with it?"
'Of course it does. I remember that "write letters to enemies, and predict the thoughts of
friends" is a Japanese saying. It was written clearly in some Japanese literature I read before."
"Uh... is that really so?"
Godou felt that there must be some mistake in Doni's words. In reality, Godou did recall
something similar lost in the depths of his memories. If it was really true, could this guy
actually be correct?
'It's possible, after all our relationship is not the type which improves after a fight to the death.
At that time, how many times did our fists pummel each other, and how many rounds did
our blades clash together violently?'

"What blade clashing? I only got stabbed by you... No, I just got sliced by you."
To Doni's enthusiastic words, Godou simply responded coldly.
This man is full of exaggerated delusions and a total medieval chivalry romantic, better stay
away from him.
'You were truly great that time. Overcoming unavoidable death and fighting me with fierce
burning battle spiritI responded with all my strength.'
"Going all out on a lower level opponent like me, you really lack the magnanimity of an
'We both felt it during that battle right? Ufu, that this man before me will be a worthy rival for
eternity. As fated opponents to battle to the death repeatedly. How could you not have felt
"Didn't feel a thing! Not even for an instant!"
'And thus, my eternal rival. With love and respect please call me Salvatore. How about it,
you can even call me by my pet name [Toto].'
Though it was extremely tiring to talk to this guy who was impossible to argue against,
Godou still forced himself to respond in the negative.
"I'd rather die than use your pet name!"
'Hoho, you're still such a shy boy. You know you want me, but still treating me so coldly... I
know, this must be what they call tsundere in Japan.'
"You have seriously misunderstood Japanese culture! If that's all you're going to talk about,
I'll be hanging up now?"
Godou totally felt that he had already wasted too many words with this idiot, and was about to
hang up.
'Please wait, my friend. Today I just wanted to give you a warning. Do you know of the one
named "Sasha Dejanstahl"?'
"Just in name only. Isn't it the strange old Devil King who lives near you?"
'Well, it's actually the Italian peninsula and the Balkans respectively. If you look at the map, I
guess you could say it's close by. That old gramps really doesn't have a personality that one
could easily live with, but recently it seems like he's no longer there.'
"I don't even know if it's a castle or a dungeon located in some place!"
Godou casually imagined the great elder Devil King and how he would speak, but somehow it
didn't fit.

'Oh, that's called classical style. I don't think that kind of life is bad actually, but old Mr.
Voban doesn't agree, that person has very few desires other than gluttony, and doesn't care
much about things like land or architecture.'
Another unexpected character commentary.
...Come to think of it, whether Kusanagi Godou or Salvatore Doni, both were [Devil Kings]
and fearful existences to others. However, both had idiosyncrasies that were rather
unbecoming for a [Devil King], so perhaps it wasn't too surprising after all.
'Before he became king he lived as a vagabond, and led a tough life always short on food for
almost two decades. His life was turned around when he defeated either the monstrous wolf
Fenrir or Garm.'
"Isn't Garm the hellhound in Norse mythology?"
'You are correct. In some places he is also known as Garmr.'
These were definitely things that fellow Erica would know.
Godou gathered his thoughts as he listened and answered briefly, but if he went over to ask
that girl, it would only turn into a situation where she would force unnecessary knowledge
into him.
Apparently before Doni became a Campione, he was an unsuccessful Templar Knight.
Completely opposite to Erica's genius talent in both magic and swords, Doni's only asset was
his unsurpassed skill with the sword, but his talent in magic was zero. To a Templar Knight
who required skill in both swords and magic, it was equivalent to a mark of failure.
'Well, this probability is higher. Though the god he defeated first is unknown, it is known that
the Marquis Voban's first authority could summon several hundred wolves to do his bidding
with the power of the [Legion of Hungry Wolves]. Due to this, he must have killed some kind
of wolf god.'
"Several hundred of them, that number is really..."
'Subsequent authorities included transforming people into salt with a stare, calling forth
storms to blow away towns and roads, and turning the people he killed into something like
zombies or ghosts to be used as obedient slaves.'
Truly Campiones are the worst. Godou sighed.
Both Doni and himself were the samepeople who possessed unreasonable special abilities.
"Anyway, so what does this troublesome old gramps have to do with me?"
'Aya, sorry, I almost forgot. Since this old gramps should now be in Tokyo, there was
something about shopping, and also something about staying out of his territory...'
"Who would do something like that! So why did he come to Japan!?"

Godou yelled loudly, and really felt like scratching his head.
...Heading towards troublesome developments again. Give me a break.
'Hohoho, I can tell you, but there's a conditionif you beg for assistance from me who is
your friend, older brother, as well as the hero Salvatore, then I will immediately...'
"I definitely refuse! I don't need you to tell me!"
After refusing, Godou tried some other questions.
"That old gramps has defeated quite a few gods, right? Also, you've killed Irish and Norse
gods before, right? How many are there in total?"
'If you add up both our kills, probably over ten. Is there a problem?'
"No, for each god you've defeated, it means one less for me to fight."
Who knows how many gods there were all over the world. The fewer left to fight the better.
Godou spoke as he worried about his own situation.
'Haha, what are you talking about? Even if the other Campiones and I defeat all the other
gods, battle will come when it comes. This kind of calculation is pointless.'
"Why? If you guys kill them all, then they can't fight any more, right?"
'Even if we kill gods, they are not erased entirely. As long as mankind exists, and myths
perpetuate, killed gods can resurrect. Never forget that.'
Doni was speaking in a rare serious tone.
Dark battle spirit and joyful feelings were quietly stored in his heart. Though he looked
outgoing and frivolous in appearance, he was a man with a warrior spirit, living for the sword
and dying for battle.
'After all, only part of a god appears on earth for us to fight. Their true nature are myths. Even
if their bodies are destroyed, as long as myths continued to exist, they will be able to
rematerialize and resurrect countless times. Furthermore, it is impossible to make myths
disappear unless all of mankind is eliminated.'
"As long as myths exist, no matter how many times they will..."
'That's the way it is. So perhaps there may come a day for you to battle Verethragna again.
That god is rather famous in western Asia, and it won't be surprising for him to resurrect
This was all there was to the conversation with Salvatore.
Disconnecting the call on his cellphone, Godou felt troubled. Let's hope it won't turn into a
battle against the oldest Campione...

Part 5
Yuri woke up to find herself at Nanao Shrine.
Yuri had been sleeping on some blankets in a traditional Japanese-style room of the
She felt very dry in her mouth.
Adjusting her kimono and hair, Yuri walked out of the room.
The kitchen was also located in the same building and had a well-stocked fridge. Wanting to
get a drink, Yuri walked towards the kitchen.
"Ah, Yuri-san, that's great, you finally regained consciousness. ...Is your body feeling ok?"
Amakasu Touma was in the kitchen.
He was in the middle of browsing through dozens of documents laid out on the table.
"Did anything strange happenwhat happened to me afterwards?"
"You were looking at that grimoire with your spirit vision as usual, and suddenly lost
consciousness, so I hastily brought you back to the shrine. Aya, and the shrine leaders scolded
me, sorry for bringing you trouble."
Bowing his head, Amakasu seemed to continue with great interest.
"And then Yuri-san's expression became very strange, did you see something?"
"No, not at all. I guess I was just a little tired that time, and then just lost consciousness.
Nothing strange happened."
Yuri explained immediately.
Why would a hallucination of Sasha Dejanstahl occur? This was completely impossible to
understand. Meeting that old man was over four years ago. Could it really be due to contact
with the grimoire from eastern Europe that the memories of the Campione were awakened?
Or, or was there another reason?
Anyway, one must not rashly jump to conclusions.
Yuri decided to change the subject, and glanced towards the documents Amakasu was
"What are these? ...Resumes?"
If these were meant to be private, then they should not be spread out in such a place. It would
be unthinkable for a representative of the History Compilation Committee to be so imprudent.

Having thus decided, Yuri took a look at the pile of documents.

They all seemed to be resumes with L-size[9] photos clipped on.
...It looked like all the photos were of teenaged girls, and every one of them had a cute
appearance. Some of the girls had a more mature and adult feel, while others were cute and
innocent. There were also some girls who looked very outgoing, and others that looked quite
sincere. There was a great variety of them.
"Ah ah, this is the matter we were talking about. To pick someone qualified to be the lover of
Kusanagi Godou. Truly the elite of this nation, they are all extremely talented individuals."
Amakasu talked with quite a joyful appearance.
Yuri casually glanced at the resumes which resembled job recruitment profiles.
"Perhaps in order to defeat an opponent of Erica Blandelli's caliber, it would take a
combination of elegance, adolescent adorability, and the friend route character. Sounds about
right. However, there is also the possibility that he prefers other types. This is quite a difficult
"Amakasu-san! Is your side really planning on putting that plan into motion!"
The History Compilation Committee member simply retracted his head slightly in response to
Yuri's scolding.
"These are necessary human resources. Unless Yuri-san has a better suggestion?"
"Umm, ummm... If it is explained clearly to Kusanagi-san, and an opportunity is created for
practical negotiations, he should be able to understand where he stands"
"Haha, that's not going to work. He is a teenaged boy after all."
Amakasu laughed condescendingly with sounds of "hehe" as if trying to provoke Yuri's anger.

"No matter how honest he claims to be, he cannot refuse if he is begged by the girl he is going
out with. That's what males are like... For a boy of that age, dreams or aspirations to higher
morals can never compare to the value of girls."
"Precisely, that is why you cannot ignore the wishes of a girl and force her to play the role of
a lover or anything like that!"
What Yuri feared was the History Compilation Committee using its authority to force this
mission upon a hapless young girl or miko from some wizardry family.
That kind of tyranny was definitely unacceptable. To the excited Yuri, Amakasu calmly
"How could that be? Don't worry about the will of the person being selected. They will be
carefully chosen from volunteers. Relax."
"After all, the title of the Campione is very effective. Whether personally or the interests of
the clan, there are numerous advantages to becoming the lover of the first Devil King of
Japan. Lack of volunteers is simply not a concern."
Amakasu smiled in an extremely satisfied manner.
Yuri was shocked. Could there really be so many selfish volunteers appearing one after
The Latin beauty Erica Blandelli who called herself the lover of Kusanagi Godou and
passionately approached him completely unabashed.
Strangely enough, Yuri did not feel repulsed by Erica's presence.
At most it made her feel awkward at times. Though Erica could be very calculating, she was
always open and straightforwardperhaps due to that relaxed and candid personality.
No matter what, Erica could place herself in danger without hesitation for the sake of Godou.
After the battle with Athena, Yuri understood that perfectly. However, what about the other
girls planning on approaching Godou in order to make use of his power and status?
"Still, still not allowed! If he gets close to girls with those kinds of intentions, what kind of
bad influence will they bring? It's not easy for Kusanagi-san to have an opportunity to start a
new life, what is going to happen!"
Yuri could not help yelling, feeling that this was a dirty matter.
"However, there will be a ton of people trying to use him for his powers anyway. If we don't
do it, someone else will. Unless Yuri-san yourself will keep watch over this young man by his

"But, but, if that's the case... However for me, I don't think Kusanagi-san has a good opinion
of me."
He probably did not have a good impression from all that nagging from me.
Though Yuri was a complete stranger to the subtleties of the male heart, however, she felt that
her conclusions were correct. Since she had always been distancing herself from others in an
obvious manner, it was natural to think that others thought the same.
Shyly, Yuri bowed her head.
Probably, my face was blushing all red, the color of a fully ripened persimmon.
"On the other hand, perhaps it is Yuri-san who dislikes Kusanagi Godou?"
"Dislike!? Not at all. Though Kusanagi-san and Erica's actions are inappropriate, I do feel that
he is friendly, generous and a person of good character. He is not arrogant despite possessing
that level of power, and being humble is one of his virtues ... So, I don't dislike him at all."
"Hoho, it really is like that. Then please maintain current relations for now. Blushing shyly,
your head bowed down, yes yes, very good. Extremely cute."
"Ah, Amakasu-san, what are you talking about?"
Amakasu suddenly took out his cellphone and snapped a picture of Yuri with the camera.
Yuri could not understand the intentions behind his actions.
"Reference material. The other Committee members will definitely approve at the next
meeting. Anyway, the power of Yuri-san's photo will surely blow away the competition."
"Uh? What do you mean?"
"Isn't it true that Yuri-san doesn't wish for unscrupulous girls to approach Kusanagi Godou?
In that case you must develop good relations with him, isn't that right?"
"That's why I said, I am not..."
"Nothing to worry about. We the History Compilation Committee will lend you our full
support, and so, please win over Kusanagi Godou with full confidence!"
The declaration shocked Yuri like a clap of thunder.
"Win, win over!? I don't intend to have that kind of relationship with Kusanagi-san!"
"Hohoho, still not being honest. Whatever, this will be a perfect ingredient to flavor the dish,
let's just leave it at that."
Amakasu gave a fearless smile as he spoke with incomprehensible words.

"Let's put it this way. We wish to massively increase Yuri-san's influence over Kusanagi
Godou. Our hope is that whenever he is tempted by Erica Blandelli, or when he is falling into
darkness drunk on the power of his authority, you can persuade him and guide him down the
right path."
"I can guide that person towards the right path?"
"Yes. Just become closer to him starting with normal situations, and have a better relationship
with him than Erica Blandelli. Do your best. It's a promise. If you can do that, we will
terminate that plan."
Amakasu's tone of voice was akin to the serpent who tricked Eve into eating the fruit of the
knowledge of good and evil, but Yuri was completely oblivious.
"...No, but even now, all I've been doing is nagging at Kusanagi-san, and leaving him with a
bad impression. It's probably fruitless to try to improve relations at this point"
To become even more intimate with him than that Erica, it was completely unthinkable.
Amakasu answered the insecure Yuri with a naughty smile.
"Please don't worry. I have a secret planand it works precisely because the current
relationship is distant. Up to now, it only counts as the tsun phase, so if you start going dere as
much as possible from this point on, boys will definitely fall for you without fail!"
"Ah? What... is that?"
"First why don't you try making a lunchbox personally? Then say 'This is extra, it's not like I
made it specially for you, but it would be a shame for it to go to waste, so here you go' when
you hand it over to him. Isn't that the best tactic?"
"Pardon my forwardness, but if you lack information in this area, I can provide some from my
personal collection. I'll send them over in a short while; do you prefer DVDs or games?"
"Ah, umm, Amakasu-san? Please don't continue the conversation so casually."
In reality, this event would end up having a great influence in Godou and Yuri's future life.
Of course, Yuri at that time had no idea at all.

Part 6
It was a beautiful Japanese garden of a hotel.
To Liliana Kranjcar who was born and grew up in Milan and whose grandfather was Croatian,
the spacious garden in a former nobleman's antiquated mansion was a very interesting space.

There was plenty of natural scenery in the grounds which covered tens of thousands of square
Lush green trees were neatly trimmed, while water flowed into pools through small rivers.
There were also ancient pagodas and sacrificial altars in the depths of the waterfall.
However, this garden full of foreign allure seemed to have no effect on her companion.
Upon deciding on the accommodations in Tokyo, Sasha Dejanstahl Voban immediately
arrived there. As if shaken by the compact style of the garden, Liliana also became
Voban's bedroom was located in a separate building within the hotel's garden.
A tiny traditional Japanese house.
However, its interiors were very modern in contrast to the traditional outer appearance.
In it contained western style rooms that a European like Liliana could quickly get accustomed
to. There were also a few Japanese style rooms with tatami and ornamental screens.
"So Kranjcar, is there any news of the miko?"
Voban suddenly asked.
Voban spoke with perfect Japanese as he downed the cup of sake by himself, looking over the
typical but undistinguished menu listing items like tempura and sashimi.
Until the previous day, this old man had no knowledge of the Japanese language.
However, both Campiones and accomplished magi possessed exceptional language learning
ability. As a result, it was not surprising that Voban had mastered the language simply by
conversing with Liliana who excelled in Japanese.
Furthermore, it only took him about fifty to sixty minutes.
Learning an unknown language in such a short time would not have been possible for Liliana.
Likewise, even other Campiones and Great Knights would probably fail to match such a feat.
"No, not yet. My apologies."
Liliana bowed her head in penance.
Mariya Yuri, fifteen years of age, lived in the bay area of Tokyo. Possessing exceptional
spirit vision, she was a special religious leader called the Hime-Miko.
In reality, this level of information was extremely easy for her organization the Bronze Black
Cross to investigate.
Even so, Liliana did not report with honesty.

She recalled the things done to the girls in the Austrian villa four years ago. Amongst all the
miko there, Yuri had been the most silent and the one with the most conservative personality.
Furthermore, she looked the weakest and most delicate.
However, who was the first to arrive at Voban's ritual site?
Everyone there had been very frightened, but she was the first to enter. She understood the
fear in the other girls, and decided to go ahead herself.
"...Hmph, is that so. Anyway, it's fine. If it so happens, what should one do if a little bird
jumped into a cage? If you tie a rope to it, no matter where it went, you can find the cage
easily enough."
Voban gloated as he moved his fingers over the cup.
A birdcage? Liliana frowned at the strange analogy.
"About what I just said, I wonder who was it that hallucinated the image of I, Voban? Perhaps
some kind of chance occurrence, where they mistook a prophetic ability as spirit visionit's
not some kind of powerful wizardry ability, right?"
Of course, whether the person who hallucinated was Yuri or not, Liliana could not have
However, it was said that Campiones possessed extraordinary instincts.
There have been several rumors that Campiones can sense when they are in danger, and have
an animal-like instinct to detect the presence of godstheir fated rivals. However, this was
the first time Liliana heard that they could see through spirit vision.
What kind of extraordinary powers does this old man possess!
"I don't know if that fellow is the miko we need to find. However, I am positive it will be of
great use to capture that person."
Voban smiled and finished the alcohol as if drinking water.
After several days together, Liliana could tell that he was not a picky eater.
He ate and drank everything and anything, consuming not for taste but only to satisfy hunger
and thirst.
"You don't seem to be very good at finding things. Then how about we find someone else to
take the job? Or perhaps, this should be a job for a witchMaria Teresa, come here."
Voban called the name of a woman.
In response, a dead woman with deeply sunken eyes appeared out of space, wearing a large
black hata member of the [Dead Servants].

"This deceased was once a witch, and shouldn't find it too hard to find the spirit vision user
who saw me in a hallucination. Find that person using those skills you possessed when alive!"
The Dead Servant witch nodded to acknowledge the tyrannical order and disappeared once
Mariya Yuri will be caught sooner or later. Liliana had no doubts about it, and deeply sighed.

Chapter 3 - Arrival of a Devil King

Part 1
The night of the strange hallucinations had passed, and the next morning had arrived.
Going to school at the usual time, Mariya Yuri packed with her a cellphone with an aluminum
It was given to her last night from Amakasu for the purpose of emergency contact. When the
phone began to vibrate in silent mode, it happened to be during the noon break.
The call display did not reveal the name of the caller.
Since the phone handed over was brand new, Yuri had not entered any information into it.
Though she knew it was Amakasu's phone number, she was not familiar with how to operate
"Eh? What should I do?"
Yuri hesitated for an instant as the display showed Amakasu's number.
Perhaps it was some kind of urgent incident. Yuri happened to be outside the school building
and was walking in the central courtyard. She picked up the call in a place where she could
not be seen.
Since it was her first time using a flip open phone, it took a bit of effort.
"Hey, hey... I am Mariya!"
Finally ending her struggle with the phone, Yuri picked up with a tone of panic.
'This is Amakasu. How are you feeling over there? Did you make a lunchbox for him as
suggested yesterday?'
"Of, of course not! Please don't joke around!"
'It's not a joke. Today's request for Yuri-san is to use all sorts of methods to get close to him.
Let's a have a real strategy meeting later.'

"Ah? Amakasu-san!?"
The call ended.
What should one do to get closer to Kusanagi Godou? Yuri felt it was a tough decision. Last
night, she felt quite depressed due to accepting this difficult mission.
"Excuse me, Mariya-senpai, could that possibly be... a cellphone?"
Yuri turned to see the one greeting her, and found Kusanagi Shizuka standing there.
The younger sister of the current subject of interest, in addition to being the middle school
third year student who was Yuri's junior in the tea ceremony club. This chance encounter gave
Yuri quite a surprise.
"What, what happened? Everyone had been saying that senpai didn't have a cellphone until
now? Didn't you say you had no interest?"
Shizuka was very surprised.
During club activities, whenever anyone asked about her cellphone number or email address,
Yuri's negative reply was always "because I don't think I have any special need..."
"A necessary reason came up recently. It's also a lot more convenient for staying in contact
with each other..."
Feeling that an excuse of convenience was rather sad, Yuri felt depressed as she answered.
In such a place she did not have an obvious reason for using such a full featured phone. In fact
she was totally technologically illiterate and did not understand networks very well. Yuri
regretted her answer as she spoke.
"Eh? Contact each other? With whom do you need to stay in contact?"
"Sorry, please don't ask any further because it is something I cannot answer in detail. My
Though she was talking to someone younger than her, Yuri was bowing her head down with
full seriousness throughout.
Her identity as the Hime-Miko as well as the existence of the History Compilation Committee
were absolute secrets. It would be best if she could muddle through this without issue.
"Could it be that... the other person wanted to keep it a secret?"
"No, not at all. However, cellphones are quite hard to use, right? But everyone seems to use
them so easily, I really cannot understand"
In response to her honest and frank answer, Shizuka suddenly felt apologetic and bowed her

"Sorry, Mariya-senpai. For you to be so troubled due to my Onii-chan"

"Eh? This matter and Kusanagi-sanyour brother are totally unrelatedBut then again,
what is the commotion about?"
BrotherUnable to understand why Shizuka was apologizing on Godou's behalf, Yuri
"However, could there be any other reason? Wouldn't the most likely reason for a sudden
need for a cellphone be for staying in touch with a boyfriend at all times... As for Mariyasenpai, the most probable candidate is... my stupid Onii-chan, isn't that right?"
Yuri thought that Shizuka was a rather clever child.
She was a girl with quick wits and had picked up all the club knowledge rapidly.
Yuri frantically tried to deny.
"No, that is not the reason. It is due to work, I need the cellphone for my work!"
"But Mariya-senpai's part-time job is being a miko. I've never heard of shrine miko having a
need to be on call for emergencies. Even if you deny it, I know you are lying, but I
understand! It's all my stupid Onii-chan's fault!"
Shizuka furiously scolded her brother with intensity.
Sigh, as the Hime-Miko, all sorts of emergencies have come up ever since the supernatural
Campione appeared by her side... Yuri felt very gloomy that she could not reveal such things
"Starting from the last spring break, it was already very suspicious. Frequently staying out
overnight! And then suddenly becoming so close with Erica-san and Yuri-senpai all of a
"It's not due to Kusanagi-san, please don't get so upset..."
"Mariya-senpai just said previously that it has nothing to do with Onii-chanbut isn't it
related to Onii-chan now?"
Truly, Shizuka was very smart and picked up what was carelessly revealed.
Her cute face might suggest otherwise, but she was very competitive in spirit. Furthermore,
she was also much better with words, and Yuri felt an absolute disadvantage in trying to argue
with this opponent.
"I get it, Onii-chan also seems to be carrying a cellphone lately, and was talking to someone
last night. Since he had to hide in his room to take the call secretly, I'm guessing the other
person was Erica-san."
"Eh? Is that so?"

Yuri innocently believed Shizuka's speculation.

Godou's actual caller was the Italian young man, completely unrelated to love and lust, but
there was no way for these two to know that.
"Apparently, school is not enough, and they still have to talk so intimately by phone at
homeif Mariya-senpai didn't have a cellphone, it would be very difficult to compete..."
"Eh, eh? Has things progressed to this stage already!"
This news gave Yuri quite a serious shock.
She felt very concerned at the thought that Erica and Godou were doing things together
outside of school.
However, what really needed vigilance were the impure relations between opposite genders
outside of school, right?
Yuri felt ashamed of her shallow experience with the ways of the world.
(No, it is not too late to start now. To correct my own deficiencies... to achieve a closer
relationship with Kusanagi-san than what E-Erica-san has!)
Yuri whispered to herself, and vowed to her own heart to improve herself.
Even though it was at someone else's request, if she agreed to it she will give it her best!
"Shizuka-san, I have a request."
"Yes, yes."
Yuri suddenly lifted her head, and said seriously.
Feeling her spirit, the angry Shizuka began to calm down.
"Could you teach me how to use my cellphone? Though I already know how to pick up and
dial calls, but I know nothing other than that."
"Oh, oh that, I don't mind."
As if crushed in spirit, Shizuka answered in a state of panic.
Unaware of her dominating power whenever she faced others with her stern and serious
demeanor, Yuri felt it was a little strange but nodded.
"Actually your brotherKusanagi-sanonce told me his telephone number, but I am not
sure how to use the contact list in the phone."
"Mariya-senpai, you don't mind giving your number to Onii-chan, right..."

"Also, I have another request. Could you tell me how to get closer to a boy?"
To Shizuka's shock, Yuri got more excited as she spoke.
"I have a need to establish a much closer relationship with your brother. This is not just for
me, but for others around me as well, and for your brother's future. However, why this is
necessary, I don't understand it at all."
"But, but, Mariya-senpai, I also don't have any clue..."
"Though I can't explain it very well, but time cannot be wasted any more. I really need
someone who can be my teacher... I think if it's the smart Shizuka-san, you can definitely be a
good role model for me. Please, lend me your strength."
Worrying was pointless, it is best to take action firstYuri deeply bowed her head.
"Oooh? You are really asking for my help? But definitely, Mariya-senpai is much better than
Erica... Ah ah, to think that you would be attracted to someone like my Onii-chan..."
Yuri kept her head bowed sincerely as Shizuka chattered on.
Soon after, Shizuka sighed deeply.
"...Mariya-senpai, about my stupid Onii-chan, is it really true?"
"Yes, it's true."
Yuri had misunderstood Shizuka's 'is it really love' question as 'do you really have to improve
relations,' but neither of them noticed.
"An, an immediate answer... Well, if it's come to this, I guess a suggestion or two can be
given... Just a little bit..."
Shizuka spoke extremely softly.
Hearing such a response, Yuri's eyes were like flashing lights, and she smiled naturally.
"Much appreciated! This feels like a bright light appearing out of total darkness!"
"Please, please don't show such a bright smile... It's just minor support."
"Yes? What is it? Shizuka-san?"
"Nothing. Ah, right, Mariya-senpai, do you have my Onii-chan's email address?"
Yuri showed a mystified expression at Shizuka's mentioning of a term she did not recognize.
"Email... address? What is that?"

"You really don't know what it is eh. Well then, I have a good idea, just go ask him directly in
the classroomlet that idiot Onii-chan suffer the consequence."
Shizuka laughed "hoho" malevolently and suggested.
Unable to understand the intentions, Yuri felt troubled. However, it was not easy to find
someone to give advice, so Yuri decided to go along with it.

Part 2
In the classroom of the First Year Fifth Class, Erica and Godou were preparing to have lunch.
It was the lunch prepared by Ericano, Arianna who played the role of the maid. Today,
Godou brought his own lunchbox.
If he didn't make preparations, he felt like he was making trouble for others.
Arianna generously accommodated Godou's suggestion. By the way, Erica who had no
intention of cooking anyway, kept a neutral stance and was fine either way.
At this time, unexpected visitors arrived.
"Hey, Onii-chan, can you lend this to me?"
Hearing his sister's usual voice from home, Godou turned his head around.
It was Shizuka in her middle school uniform, and behind her was Mariya Yuri.
"Ara. Isn't it Shizuka and Yuri? How rare for you both to be here..."
Erica spoke with all smiles.
Yuri simply nodded in response, while Shizuka greeted her with something like "Hello, Ericasan."
"Shizuka, is it really ok for you to come to a high school classroom?"
"I'm not certain, but there's no school rule forbidding it right? By the way, Mariya-senpai has
a cellphone now."
A middle school girl who seemed close to Godou, plus the appearance of Yuri. The boys of
the Fifth Class were busy listening in with an expression of "what!"
Mariya, has a cellphone now?
Idiot. Don't you know the last virtual girl's IT revolution blog?
Damn it, the creature known as man truly has the ability to change women?

Subtly sensing their fury, Godou felt an ominous premonition.

By the way, Shizuka was smiling proudly. Yuri was surveying the changes in the
surroundings. Erica was quietly watching everything with interest while saying "eh."
"Onii-chan, give your cellphone number and email address to Mariya-senpai. She wants to
enter it right now."
"Ah? Didn't I tell her my number before?"
Yuri shyly lowered her head and answered Godou.
"My apologies, Kusanagi-san... I am actually bad with technology. Since I don't know how to
operate it I decided to come here to exchange our information after discussing it with
"Well, it's actually quite simple, not difficult at all."
So, she is surprisingly unfamiliar with these things. Godou took out his cellphone.
Yuri also frantically extracts the silver phone.
"So, let's do it quickly with the infra-red then."
"Sure. So, does making calls have anything to do with infra-red?"
Did she even know how to send information using the infra-red? To Godou's suggestion,
Yuri's hesitant face was full of questions.
...First, it's probably best to teach her the basic way to use the phone.
After reconsidering, Godou told his phone number and email address to Yuri and showed her
how to send mail. He explained to her all she need to do was register the incoming mail and
showed her how.
The two of them operated Yuri's cellphone together.
Without paying attention, the distance between them gradually shrank.
Their exhaled breaths were almost reaching each other's faces. Though it was a delicate and
beautiful face, it was also a nervous one as Yuri operated her phone clumsily.
Finally aware that she was a beautiful girl, Godou began to feel shy.
In the instant Godou turned his face away, his gaze met with Shizuka's smiling eyes full of
challenging intent.
This fellow, what was she planning this time? By the time he discovered it, the boys' riot was
about to begin.

"Ah ohohoh, Mariya-san, could you tell me what is your phone number!"
Nanami suddenly yells from his seat on the left near the front.
The boys in the class were making comments like 'secretly confessing with a serious
expression that I actually find miko moe', or 'Mariya who seems to be working as a miko,
please bury Kusanagi in darkness for the safety of all bathing miko.' It was impossible to
pretend not to have heard such words of jest.
"Same here! I also want Mariya-san's phone number!"
"We will never let you keep such important information all to yourself."
"This is for the love of all the boys in the class! The opportunity is here."
"Go die, Kusanagi! We are the poor proletariat, and we swear we will oppose to the utter end
the capitalist class who acquired their wealth through illicit means."
As Nanami's roars echoed across the classroom, the room was filled with the yelling of the
Yuri felt surprised by the forcefulness of their desperation, and surveyed the surroundings
with a look that approached extreme fear.
"Ah ah, this isn't looking good, Onii-chan. It's tough to be a popular boy."
The sister who came over with Yuri, the focus of attention, was speaking in a rather
unfriendly manner.
"Shi... Shizuka, what are you trying to say..."
"Hmph. What a great important character to be so welcomed by the girls, but you need your
medicine once in a while."
Dear sister, please don't create situations for me with these kinds of motives.
Godou prayed towards the sky in response to Shizuka's merciless words.
"Sorry everyone."
It was Yuri who spoke.
She seemed to have recovered from her shock, and spoke with a determined voice.
"I have no intention of exchanging phone numbers with anyone other than Kusanagi-san.
None whatsoever. So please calm down and don't make a scene. Thank you."
Though her words were serious and polite, but there was a certain irresistible force to them.

The boys quieted down in an instant and the classroom became peaceful again. However, the
entire class of boys angrily watched Godou with eyes of murderous intent.
You again with all these fortunate happenings.
This is truly another trial, go to the roof.
Shot in the back on a battlefield, sigh.
Caught in a silent eddy current, Godou began to have cold sweat from the feeling of danger.
Shizuka adds fuel to the fire by making comments like "Wow, such a bold declaration in front
of so many people, it really must be true..."
In addition, Erica who was observing everything from the side was laughing to herself.
"Hey Yuri, though it's true that my Godou is quite attractive, but the other boys are really
pitiful. They have already been watching Godou and my love life every single day, and so
accumulated a lot of stress."
The gazes of the class immediately gathered upon the blonde Italian girl.
Maintaining an elegant motion, Erica began to project her voice as if she was the female lead
in a performance.
"Since there's no rain today, let's have lunch on the roof then. Is that fine, Godou? We
welcome Yuri and Shizuka to join us. Isn't it true for meals, the more the merrier, right?"
Erica hurried Godou and addressed the two visitors, then took lead by leaving the classroom.
Completely confident that her orders will be followed, she exited the classroom without
turning back.
Truly, Erica's experience in this area was no joking matter. Whether as the speaker or as the
listener, she had ample insight. Godou took his lunch bag out of his school bag.
Gesturing for his sister and Yuri to follow him, Godou ran after Erica.
"Feels like things have become more interesting, Godou?"
Erica's mood was great as she spoke after Godou caught up to her.
"...You're just having fun without concern for others. It's probably just you who thinks it's
funny. Meanwhile I am being burdened by these strange troubles... Shizuka has also started to
notice something is abnormal."
"Don't worry, no matter what that child thinks, she will soon understand the difference in
"Difference in power? What is that?"

Erica made a glamorous smile at Godou's question.

"No matter what troubles the sister-in-law or the secondary wife cause, the one with the most
power is still meGodou's first wife Erica Blandelli. Anyway, don't concern yourself with
such trivial matters, for them to seek support is fine with me!"
"Don't say something like sister-in-law, where did you learn that kind of Japanese anyway!"

This day, what Godou brought was an ordinary lunch with rice balls and all sorts of pickles.
The salmon and the fish roe in the rice balls should be fine.
...Originally, Erica's situation was that she would comment with a subtle expression that
eating dried plums and the like was a challenge to everyone except the Japanese. However,
starting from some point, she started describing the extremely sour Kishu plum as "a fruit
with an amazing taste," and even ate it along with the seed by shattering it with her teeth.
A girl with a well-developed body, who turned out to be someone who would eat anything.
This is probably the success of the elite education of the knights to better accumulate stamina
in the body by avoiding picky eating.
She was now wolfing down the rice balls Godou made.
"Last time when I was having sushi at Godou's home, I wondered if this was something I
could make myself? Isn't it just rice with some fish mixed inside, very simple, right?"
"If that's what you think, try it yourself some time."
Godou had never seen Erica cook anything other than instant noodles, probably since her
primary concern towards food was the "eating" part.
"Those passes, really are troublesome."
To Erica's change of subject, Godou nodded at the expected response.
The sky was cloudy, and there were a few other groups eating lunch on the roof apart from
Next to Godou was Yuri eating her own lunch brought from the classroom, while Shizuka
was having the sandwiches she had bought.
"So that's what Onii-chan was making in the kitchen early this morning... Really! You had to
spend so much effort!"

Shizuka complained as she ate her sandwiches, while Yuri slowly worked her chopsticks at
her mini-sized lunchbox.
In it was a small amount of rice, fried yellowtail fish with soya sauce, as well as fried egg and
side dishes like spinach.
A few touches of tomato greatly enhanced the overall color, and looked very appetizing.
"...The content looks a lot less than what Godou made for lunch."
"Erica, don't speak so tactlessly and stare at other people's lunch with such interest. My
apologies Mariya, please don't mind and continue eating."
"If, if you want to try, please feel free to pick what you like."
Though her tone of voice seemed slightly forced, Yuri spoke with a smile.
Perhaps she wanted to improve the initial rocky relationship she had with Erica.
As Godou thought to himself, the blonde girl beside him reached her hand out without
Directly grabbing a piece of fried egg and putting it in her mouth, Erica's manners were poor
but the motions of her hand was very elegant.
"Hmm, the taste is not bad. If you made it slightly fluffier with a more sticky texture then that
would be my favorite style. If Arianna made it, it would have been perfect, but that's asking
for too much."
"You don't know how to cook but you sure know how to talk."
As he commented about Erica, Godou also reached out to try some of the fried egg.
The fried egg with sauce was very delicious, and the skipjack tuna sauce was very enjoyable
to the taste buds.
"Ah, this is really great. Is it Mariya-senpai's mother who made this? Unlike my own mother,
this cooking is wonderful."
Her interest piqued, even Shizuka took a portion of the fried egg to try out, but the answer to
the question shocked everyone.
"Ah, no. My mother didn't make this. I made it myself. It's wonderful that it suited everyone's
"Mariya's cooking is pretty good... Do you make your own lunch every morning?"
"Something like that, however since I used some of the leftovers from my mother's cooking
last night, it doesn't really count as my own exclusive work."

"Well, still it's quite amazing. Compared to my house... it's very different."
Godou spoke extremely impressed.
And then he glanced at the younger sister beside him.
"What now, Onii-chan, your expression is saying something."
"Let me make this clear, Godou, the cooking that Arianna does is something prepared
specifically for me the master. Don't forget that."
Shizuka was feeling indignant about her lack of cooking talent, while Erica was simply
selfishly throwing out her own willful comment.
Compared to these two, Mariya seemed much more noble no matter how you looked at it.
By the way, it was completely different from Godou who had tried very hard to knead the rice
balls with the appropriate amount of force.
"Once you get used to it, it doesn't feel so amazing right? If you'd like, I can share some tips
on how to prepare food quickly."
"That sounds quite interesting. Thanks. If possible, those two should"
Godou turned his head around to find Shizuka glaring angrily at her brother, while Erica was
deliberately averting her gaze and staring at birds flying in the sky.
Yuri and Godou could not help but look at each other and smile.

Part 3
'Hoho, lunch together at noon, good job! Though this is just a small step, but it will matter a
lot in the future. Please continue doing your best like this.'
"Yes, yes..."
Yuri was talking to Amakasu on her cellphone in her room at the Nanao Shrine.
After returning from school, it was almost dusk. Yuri called Amakasu to report the day's
results and to discuss some concerns.
'In the end, you went with cooking for him, and developing into a heart racing event of having
lunch together. Looks like you have to continue working hard for this... Ah, did you look at
the materials beforehand?'
"Yes, yes, I took a look."
Back at the Nanao Shrine after school, Amakasu had given an envelope to Yuri which seemed
to contain reports.

In it were a thick stack of documents with a suspicious report title of 'The Difficulties of
Approaching Males by Females Who Were Not Straightforward: Analysis and Solutions?'
'Those were just some hastily summarized materials prepared last night. How were they? Any
reference value?'
"Are, are these written by Amakasu-san!? I seriously read all the lines and dialogues written
in there, but that kind of method for expressing affection! How could one utter those shameful
Recalling the content of Amakasu's special report, Yuri's face went red.
Here, lunchbox. Last night I accidentally made too much, throwing it away would be a
Don't misunderstand! I definitely don't like you, there's nothing to it at all!
You idiot brother, you don't understand how I feel...!
And so on...
'Hahaha, that's very important. Since ancient times, we Japanese have been very subtle in our
ways of love. It should feel something like the case of Lady Aoi in "The Tale of Genji"?'
"Eh? It should feel something like that?"
'No no. That Genji had inexplicable attributes like Oedipus or lolita complexes which are no
good. A normal male would definitely fall for the slightly older tsundere childhood friend
who was the young mistress of a high class family and betrothed to him. Decidedly, Sakurano
Youko was an adorable existence, but the current trend is towards older women fetishes!'
"I have no idea what you are talking about, could you please translate!"
This kind of idiotic conversation had no meaning at all. Yuri decided to change the topic.
"So, Amakasu-san, about the grimoire yesterday"
'Ah ah, about that. Are there any concerns?'
"Yes, if it's possible, could you let me take a second look at that book?"
'...That I don't mind, however, is it related to you fainting yesterday?'
"Yes. However, I can't explain it clearly at this stage, but I seemed to have witnessed a strange
hallucination at the time. Just to be careful, I'd like to confirm by having another look"
Things would become serious if the name Sasha Dejansstahl Voban was mentioned.
Due to these concerns, Yuri only described things in a vague manner.

'Ah, I don't really want to be lectured by the shrine elders for the same thing two days in a
row... Oh well, sure, after all we were the ones who involved Yuri-san in the first place. Since
you agreed to assist us, I have no reason to refuse you.'
Unexpectedly understanding, Amakasu appended a sentence.
'Regrettably, I will be busy later so I will arrange for someone else to drive you there and
back in my stead, please wait at the shrine for a little while.'
Thirty minutes later.
Yuri walked down the stone steps of the Nanao Shrine and headed towards the shrine
Wearing her miko outfit, Yuri got on the locally manufactured sedan provided by the History
Compilation Committee that was waiting for her. Since she intended to return immediately
after using her spirit vision, there was no need to change her clothes.
After being shaken in the back seat for forty minutes, she finally arrived at the library in
After some polite words with the History Compilation Committee member who drove her
here, Yuri got off and went to the entrance.
The building felt even quieter than yesterday.
Precisely because it was a library, having peaceful surroundings was natural. Was she
becoming a little neurotic? With a slightly worried feeling, Yuri entered the library.
At the reception hall.
Yesterday, there were several bored History Compilation Committee members sitting around.
This was to prevent unauthorized people from entering, by force if necessary.
However, all these people were absent. Did they all go on a break?
Yuri felt a sense of foreboding and anxiety as she continued onwards.
The spacious corridor, the reading room on the first floor, the stairs. There was not a single
soul in sight.
Come to think of it, should there not be a guide to substitute for Amakasu? Furthermore, no
one came to receive Yuri.
As if trying to dispel the sense of worry and loneliness, Yuri quickened her footsteps. She
tried to find another person amongst the shelves and in the corners of the reading room that
housed tens of thousands of books.

However, there was none. Yesterday there had been a few library staff, and Amakasu was
present. However, today there was no one at all
Hurrying to the second floor, Yuri felt relieved at the sight of a human figure.
"Excuse me, what is going on today? I felt surprised that there were no other people here..."
As she spoke her greeting, Yuri began to lower her voice.
Yuri discovered that the person was white, literally as white as snowface, limbs, body,
everything was white.
Legends tell of a city which incited the wrath of God and all inhabitants were transformed
into pillars of salt.
The person Yuri discovered was the same. The roughly thirty-year-old man was nothing more
but a solid piece of salt now.
With intense fear, Yuri began to run.
Without any idea of where in the library she was, Yuri ran with all her strength.
And then, she finally discovered.
Pillars of salt stood in the spacious reading room. No, there were between ten to twenty
History Compilation Committee members who had been turned into salt.
Behind them stood a tall old man.
Of course.
Yuri knew. The power to turn live humans into solid salt, the emerald colored evil eyes which
changed the living into inorganic material. There was only one person in the world possessing
such an authority.
"Finally found you, miko. It must be you, the one who had the strongest wolf's hallucination
in this area through the [Wolf]'s book from unknown origins. It wouldn't have been possible
without that kind of excellent talent."
That wise appearance was probably never forgotten. However, this was not his true nature.
Ferocious and hideous, with a violent and wild nature. The position of ruler gave him a very
effective disguise to cover up those characteristics.
"How nostalgic, that face, I seem to recall seeing it beforethis girl, what's her name,
The one the old man asked was not Yuri.

It was the one waiting quietly by his side, the girl with the slim figure. Her silver hair tied into
a ponytail, a tense expression on her face, and a kind of rigid eastern European beauty.
"She should be called Mariya Yuri, Marquis. However, for the sake of obtaining one girl, isn't
what you have done here going a bit too far?"
"Hohoho, the Milanese blue knight turns out to be surprisingly stubborn."
The blue knightwas quite an apt description for her appearance.
Long sleeved black t-shirt and miniskirt with frills. Black tights, a blue cape, and a jacket with
blue and black vertical stripesthe description reflected these elements well.
Doesn't it feel similar to the red and black jacket that Erica wore?
"Heh, to be honestI love conflict. Hunting is good, games are not bad, and I also like
random violence. That's why, I just want to do as I like at this time, do you understand?"
The old man joyfully spoke to the girl who showed a slight dissatisfied expression.
"Hoho, by the way, I don't like dogs. Seeing obedient dogs who only try to garner favor
makes me want to puke. I love wolves however, I love the way they bare their fangs as they
try to resist. Without a certain level of ambition, it would be pointless to keep by my side. In
other words, you are one of my favorite wolves, Kranjcar."
"The honor is all mine, Marquis."
He smiled at the rigid tone of voice and mannerisms, then turned his body to face Yuri.
"Miko, from now on you will belong to me, and become part of my property. Understood?"
The monarch possessing the evil eye and the power to determine people's life and death. The
man who called forth evil wolves and ruled over violent storms. Sasha Dejanstahl Voban.
To meet the oldest Devil King once again after four years, Yuri trembled with fear all over
her body.

Part 4
It was at Aoyama in the Minato ward of Tokyo.
A grocery shop named Kogetsudou was located in a narrow street intersecting with the main
street in Aoyama.
Within this shop sold all sorts of things from Taiwan, Hong Kong, mainland China, southeast
Asia, and India. Even things from the northern and southern borders of Europe. The shop
owner had a habit of buying all sorts of goods from everywhere and this resulted in them
being piled high within the shop.

"So, that book really came from that place eh, so why did you put up such a dangerous thing
for sale?"
Amakasu Touma spoke as he stared at a shelf near the cash register.
By the way, for some reason it was crammed with all sorts of booklets such as comics and the
"Those? They were rare resources passed down by some magi from who knows where,
wouldn't it be a shame for them to go to waste? ...The sale at the auction was just about
complete. It would have gone for a good price too, if it weren't for the unnecessary
intervention of you guys."
The one answering was the female shop owner in a kimono.
Aged roughly twenty or so, and wearing Meisen silk with a simple cutting. The cashier was
reading Chinese comics published in Hong Kong while receiving customers.
Amakasu did not know the original name of this shop and didn't care to find out.
She was the suspicious merchant who used the trademark [Kogetsudou] as an alias. A
mysterious and very skilled wizard. Knowing these details were enough.
"Anyway, Amakasu-san, how did the appraisal go? We exhausted all avenues to determine its
origin, and we are very interested in what kind of dangerous consequences came back with
the results."
"Since it is classified information, I'm sorry I can't comment."
"Then, is that rumor true? Isn't there a girl with extremely acute vision amongst the current
Hime-Miko? If we had someone with talent like that, then we wouldn't have so much trouble
finding treasures."
"Well, what should I say, compared to that, what is the deal with that grimoire?"
Amakasu tried to evade Kogetsudou's questioning.
The very young but completely complacent woman and the indifferent young man
exchanging informationthese two were representatives of their respective factions.
The History Compilation Committee members are the 'official' organization for supporting
As for the 'commoner' wizardsthey were the descendants of onmyouji and curse experts
popular before the Meiji Restoration, and many of them secretly lived around Aoyama.
Kogetsudou counts as a central figure in that faction.
Perhaps possessing even more dangerous rare books than the werewolf grimoire, Amakasu's
visit to the shop also included a hint to warn her to be careful.

"That, Amakasu-san, please wait a moment. I still have something else I want to ask, is that
fine? If you tell me, you can have the thing you are currently reading for free."
"...If it's just the reward for some gossip, then it doesn't really matter. Let me check out the
content first."
Amakasu replied as he continued to read the battle manga about the hero armed in steel and
the iron-masked genius villain scientist time travelling in sixth century England.
"Then be my guestErica Blandelli, what is that kind of major character doing appearing in
"She just came to study abroad, that's all."
"There was a massive electrical outage incident on the day that girl arrived. The History
Compilation Committee members were all busy manipulating news sources and even
interfered with things written on the internet."
"Coincidence, it just happened by chance."
"Destruction of buildings and the Shuto Expressway isn't just some kind of joke. Do you
know how many tens of billions of damages occurred that night? ...And finally, the seventh
Campione turning out to be Japanese, hasn't the joke gone too far?"
"...Well, all rumors, you can't believe everything you hear."
Admitting it's the truth to himself, Amakasu put the manga magazine away in his bag.
Looks like there was no need to hide from her the fact that Kusanagi Godou is the real thing.
Furthermore, there was no meaning in trying to cover up the truth for those in the know.
Moreover, if the source of these rumors became broadened, it may come to be useful.
"Then how about Liliana Kranjcarthe [Sword Fairy] coming to Japan, is it related to that?
Will it develop into another major incident?"
"Liliana Kranjcar? From that Bronze Black Cross?"
Hearing a name he knew but did not expect, Amakasu's expression stiffened.
The two magic associations ruling over Milan's mage scene.
The Copper Black Crossorganization of the red devils, and the Bronze Black Cross
organization of the blue berserkers.
The former was represented by the young genius Erica Blandellithe glamorous young
woman deeply involved with Kusanagi Godou. Amongst those of the same age, it was said
that only one person could rival this girl as her opponent.
Her name was

"Our sources obtained the latest news that yesterday, Liliana and a gloomy old man arrived at
Tokyo Narita Airport, did you know that?"
The owner of Kogetsudou smiled like a kitten.
At that moment, Amakasu's phone began to vibrate in his pocket.
"Thank you for your valuable information. Anyway, something came up."
Exchanging a few pleasantries with the shop owner, Amakasu left the shop and immediately
picked up the phone.
"...Yes? Dejanstahl Voban?"
This name rendered Amakasu dumbstruck in shock, even more than when he heard a witch's
name earlier.
Mariya Yuri had been kidnapped by Eastern Europe's Campione.
For an instant, Amakasu felt his mind freeze when he received the news from the Committee
member. How could such a situation be resolved?
Amakasu could not help but look up at the sky and feel compelled to pray to God.

Chapter 4 - Conference of the Kings

Part 1
Magic originated in Europe.
This was correct from a geopolitical standpoint, but not quite accurate in terms of cultural
The strange techniques of magic and wizardry have existed in the culture of every country in
the world. The majority of powerful magic associations did start in Europe, but that does not
mean that their local magic is the most proper or mainstream.
In fact, even in recent times, many western magi have devoted their efforts to researching
eastern philosophy and civilization.
Take for example yoga, the Indian mystic art which relied mostly on incantations. Chinese
wizardry included Taoism, Feng Shui, or the doctrine of the Five Elements.
Japan, the land of the warrior, was also a suitable research subject that enamored many
western magi, and the eight million kami[10] unique to Japanese spiritual faith was also a
popular topic of research.

...Unexpectedly, the Mariya family also had close dealings with those kinds of foreign
The Mariya family were originally courtiers in Kyoto, but due to vast differences in stature,
they were neither prestigious nor wealthy.
This blood line produced many women with exceptional spirit powers over the generations.
The current generation's Yuri was also the same, and like the other girls who were entrusted
to shrines and monasteries to work as nuns or miko. This tradition had been going on for the
past few centuries.
Due to this blood line, the family had substantial influence in religious and wizardry related
Also during the Meiji and Showa eras, there was a Mariya family elder who was granted the
title of baron, and was a socialite who took an interest in western culture.
Westernershad many dealings with those with knowledge about magic.
The Mariya family provided hospitality to researchers who visited Japan for their studies, and
facilitated their research. If the guests came from Europe, they would even take them out to
tour and have fun if the opportunity arose.
Hence, though it appeared that Yuri grew up in a traditional Japanese environment, in reality
she was well accustomed to interacting with foreigners.
Daily conversation could be handled in English, and she had the experience of visiting Europe
a couple of times.
...Due to this family situation, it was somewhat ironic that it created an opportunity for her to
be imprisoned by Sasha Dejanstahl Voban.
"It was four years ago when I invited you and the others to Austria, how nostalgic."
Voban narrowed his eyes as he spoke.
They were in the library reading room that he had taken over by force. Crossing his legs, he
sat on a rough lead pipe chair. However, the way he sat was like a monarch sitting on a royal
Condescending and rude, arrogant and grand
"I was extremely bored that time, and was trying to get a good hunt, however, I seem to have
become a little too famous, and the [Heretical Gods] are not coming out. Unwilling to show
themselves to me, this has been one of my headaches."
The only ones listening to him were Yuri and Liliana Kranjcar.

Voban's attitude and tone were very calm, but his personality was the opposite. In fact, his
actions were often extremely selfish and full of blasphemy.
"I have several privileges, and one of them includes the right to choose my hunting prey...
However, I have no interest in hunting rats. Only the strong are worthy of being hunted by
He laughed.
The Devil King who had slaughtered many gods was showing a hideously distorted smile
with his lips.
As terrifying power flowed out continuously from his tall thin body, light flashed from his
sharp emerald evil eyes like the irises of a ferocious tiger.
"A deity suitable to be my preythis was a problem I had yet to solve that time. The
mysterious ritual to summon a [Heretic God]... If this ritual succeeds, then I should be able to
enjoy myself for a while"
The incident four years agorecalling his anger when Salvatore Doni snatched away the
summoned god, Voban's smile disappeared from his lips.
He turned his stern gaze towards empty space.
"I now want to make the same challenge as four years ago, so just like last time I need your
cooperationah, but you don't have the right to refuse, because no one can refuse what I,
Voban has decided."
Four years ago, in order to complete the [God Summoning] spell which was regarded by
many high level magi as extremely difficult, Voban had gathered talented miko from all
around Europe, and used their miko powers to summon a god. Since it happened to be during
the summer holidays, it turned out to be an unfortunate coincidence for the Mariya family
who had been invited by friends in Austria.
A miko of Mariya's caliber was very rare even in Europe.
Which was why the subordinates of Voban immediately discovered her in their mission to
capture talented miko, and determined her to be a worthy sacrifice to offer to the Devil King.
"Heh, after all you won't be able to escape, so just go with the flow and enjoy our hospitality,
how's that?"
The Devil King's evil eyes glowed with green light.
Yuri felt terrified. Her legsstarting from below the knee were surrounded by a layer of faint
light, and as they rapidly turned white all feeling was lost.
The evil eye authority which turned people into salt.

Right now, she was being targeted by that power. By transforming just a part of Yuri's body,
it was as if Voban was trying to show off that he possessed the ability to control this authority
with precision.
"Marquis, this joke has gone too far! If this girl dies, there is no other replacement."
"I'm not going to do something that stupid. But your suggestion has merit, to waste such rare
excellent talent on a game would be a shame."
Voban lowered his gaze the moment Liliana gave her warning.
The legs, which had become white inorganic matter, immediately regained their original color
and feeling was restored. Yuri felt relief from the bottom of her heart.
"One would not immediately behead the chicken that laid golden eggs... You have such a
valuable disposition that I can't be sure how much will remain after your death, so please don't
force me to try such an unnecessary experiment."
Voban smiled again.
This was a smile with a kind of humorous feeling, a smile full of jeer.
"My servants are all residents of graves, you wouldn't want to become like them, right?"
Voban whistled with his fingers.
A figure suddenly appeared behind his back.
Wearing a tattered jacket filled with countless open cuts. It seemed to be a once illustrious
battle outfit, and there was some kind of crest embroidered on it.
On the belt secured around the waist was a sabre.
The helmet easily reminded one of a knight from the thirteenth or fourteenth century.
However, the greatest characteristic was the pallor of death. It was undoubtedly the face of a
dead person, expressionless, hollow, and eyeballs with dilated pupils. The only difference
from a real corpse was the lack of a rotting stench.
(This is a [Dead Servant]!)
Yuri recalled one of Voban's authorities. The power to dominate those who died directly by
his hand to become completely obedient servants.
If one were to resist him, that would be the end result.
This was probably even more horrible than being turned into salt. A dead person has no
lifespan, and would never obtain peace once fettered by this old Devil King.

"The god who resurrected from deathrestoring the body that was torn apart, retrieving life,
and descending upon the underworld..."
Suddenly, words flowed out of Yuri's mouth.
The [Dead Servant] had provoked a reaction from her spirit sensing powers. A god's figure
appeared from behind Voban's back. It was a crowned god whose green skin was wrapped by
many layers of bandages. Most likely, this was the god of life and death who was vanquished
by this old man.
The god who ruled the cycle of life and was the consort of the mother earth goddess, and
finally became the ruler of the underworld.
"Oh? You know how I usurped authority from this god?"
Voban asked with his eyes narrowed.
"Try explaining it. Show me the level of your power."
"No, no. She probably just suddenly thought of those words. Please don't be too concerned"
"I will be the one to judge that! Silence is forbidden! Speak!"
Yuri's body shook at the roaring reproach.
"...The god whose divine body was killed, I know his name to be Osiris and an Egyptian
Spell words were summoned by resonance between the powerful spirit vision and the god.
Consigned into speech, the spell words revealed the god's sacred name. Voban nodded,
satisfied with what he has he heard.
"Truly amazing, choosing you was correct."
Voban smiled as if he was very happy. Every time Yuri saw the figure of that god, she felt
crushed by despair.
Amongst the divinities of ancient Egypt, Osiris was considered one of the more powerful
The father of Horus, the god of the harvest for the previous generation of kings. The goddess
Isis who excelled at magic was his wife. Unable to return to the living world after his body
was cut into fourteen pieces, he became the ruler of the underworld.
How could one face a monster who defeated a god like that?
Yuri could only feel despair, like a heavy burden weighing on her bodythen she suddenly
remembered the words he said yesterday.

'If something like that ever happens again, please call me earlier...'
The sincere and kind words from the youth whose existence was similar to the old man before
her eyes. He possessed the authority which allowed him to fly to those in need who called
upon his name.
But, no way.
Yuri thought he did not have a chance of winning.
Kusanagi Godou cannot defeat Sasha Dejanstahl Voban. Yuri understood deeply since she
had made contact with both kings. Though both belonged to the level of Campiones, their
difference in power was overwhelming.
The old man had already mastered his special powers, but the youth was still unskilled.
It would be like a kitten challenging a tiger, Yuri's spirit sense declared. If Kusanagi Godou
fought with Sasha Dejanstahl Voban, the old Marquis would be the victor without a doubt.
In order to avoid getting Kusanagi Godou killed, Yuri did not call out his name.

Part 2
It was around dusk, and droplets of rain gradually began to fall from the cloudy sky.
Kusanagi Godou and Erica Blandelli were leaving Jounan Academy, and on the road home.
A few days ago during gym class, when Erica was playing baseballrather, Erica had
awakened her love for baseball by striking out all the boys. And then today after school,
dragging the unwilling Godou along, she made an assault on the baseball club.
"Come make a bet and see if any of you can hit a ball pitched by me!"
Erica challenged the official players of the baseball club loud and clear.
Godou pitied from the bottom of his heart the baseball club members whose curiosity was
roused by the challenge.
Furthermore, the famed starting catcher of the baseball team was going to act as Erica's
assistant today. In other words, Erica could pitch as much as she wants. The weak baseball
club, which always lost in the first match in the qualifying rounds of the National High School
Baseball Championship, had zero hope of winning.
Godou decided it would be safer to accompany Erica rather than go off to do something by
Finally, he decided to step in by the time he witnessed Erica successfully striking out the
eighth player in a row.
"Substitution! I will replace the next batter!"

Godou shouted at the ninth batter who was walking towards the batting position with tears in
his eyes.
"Oh my, Godou, I feel like you are plotting something."
"Your atrocities stop here. Let me show you that an amateur is nothing but an amateur!"
Smiling on the pitcher's mound, Erica fearlessly faced Godou who picked up a metal bat.
The one-on-one battle between the pitcher and the batter
First was a foul. Second was a strike. The third was caught by the catcher. The fourth was a
Erica who had insisted on throwing straight pitches till now, suddenly threw an outcurve
pitch. Furthermore, it was a high speed outcurve pitch as fast as a straight pitch!
Even a baseball club pitcher who set their goal on the National Championship would not be
able to throw such a curveball so easily.

Though he was surprised by Erica's atypical athleticism, Godou still hit the ball. A sharp hit
sending the ball flying beautifully between the third base and the shortstop.
...In reality, Godou had already predicted such a ball midway.
This morning, lying beside the pillow of the sleeping Erica, was a baseball comic based on
real techniques. In addition, the comic was opened on a page which described the outcurve
pitch in rigorous detail.
Still, what if she really succeeded in that kind of pitch...
If she entered sports seriously, she would probably reach world class levels. What admirable
Godou thought as he watched the dissatisfied face of Erica.
"Godou you broke my hard earned winning streak, can't you read the mood?"
"For someone who has played baseball seriously for nine years, I couldn't tolerate watching
that any further! Even though I fully understand you are an amazing fellow, but please behave

The two of them held an umbrella each as they walked home under the rain.
Before, they were only acquaintances during a visit to Italy, but it had become much different
now. By the time Godou noticed, it had already progressed to a relationship where they saw
each other throughout the day and walked side by side. The feeling of ill fate was clearly

Lately, Godou had many secret worries.

There were times when Erica's presence had a kind of femininity which exceeded all other
girls from the same age. This feeling only happened when Godou was by her side.
As light as wind, without a single worry, a feeling that being together was the most natural
thing in the world.
This was a bad omen. Perhaps if this situation with Erica became even more intimate, without
warning there will come a day when Godou would no longer be able to refuse her advances...
"What is it now, Godou, you suddenly look so distracted, did you discover my new allure?"
Erica smiled all of a sudden.
A gorgeous and charming smile like a blooming flower of Japanese Camellia. It's true, such
frequent close contact isn't going to work. Godou took a step to the side and decided to keep
his distance away from Erica.
"No, it's nothing. Don't make random guesses."
"Oh, nothing huh? Ah, that's right, I just thought of something nice."
Erica gazed as Godou as if she had ulterior motives, and suddenly spoke. Closing the
umbrella held on her right hand, she snapped the umbrella with both hands.
"Oh no, the umbrella is broken, what shall I do?"
"Hey! Didn't you just break it yourself, what are you talking about!?"
Erica was trying to lean close to Godou and take shelter from the rain under his umbrella.
Godou wanted to push her away, but realized it would be impossible to accomplish by
strength alone. Desperate resistance would be futile. Erica hugged his left arm tightly and
whispered in his ear.

"Isn't this great? Two lovers sheltering from the rain together like this is quite nice? Unless
you actually want to see me wet?"
"I'll lend my umbrella to you! Go away quickly!"
"But in that case, wouldn't you get drenched? Please hold the umbrella properly. Ah, the rain
has dripped on my shoulder, could you come a bit closer?"
Without waiting for Godou's response, Erica leaned even closer.
Godou felt desperate as the warm and soft body pressed upon him.
Those proportions like a goddess and the stimulating sensations from the shape of the body
transmitted through the school uniform. Furthermore, the breath blowing at his ear hinted how
close her lips were.
Under such an atmosphere, Erica could very well be aiming for something like a kiss. Godou
must escape as quickly as possible!
"Hey, stop it, Erica. This is in the middle of the road and there are many observers. Don't you
think it's inappropriate for high school students on the way home from school?"
Since force will not work he had to try some other method, thought Godou as he frantically
"For lovers, this kind of behavior is perfectly acceptable. Ah, a kiss in the rain, it will be my
first time. Same for Godou, right?"
An opponent that cannot be handled by little tricks.
Erica approached with her lips as she ardently spoke in a soft voice. Just as Godou made the
decision to struggle from this witch and escape with all his strength.
"If you don't have enough umbrellas, how about I give you a ride? In return, I do hope you
two can listen to my request."
Interrupted by a calm voice, Erica immediately separated herself from Godou's body.
A battle stanceGodou felt surprised that Erica had switched to a high state of alert. It
greatly contrasted with her appearance of a girl who might cook while humming a tune.
Her gaze was directed towards a young man standing before them.
"My name is Amakasu Toumahave you heard of the History Compilation Committee? I do
errands for that organization, pleased to meet you."
A man wearing a creased suit and carrying a black umbrella.

Wearing glasses, he gave off a 'good-for-nothing' kind of feel.

"Actually, we have a working relationship with Mariya-san. Last time during the incident
with Athena, we provided a lot of help and support from the background."
Godou nodded.
The battle with Athena had plunged Tokyo into darkness and destroyed many public facilities.
Godou had heard from Yuri that the History Compilation Committee had been busy
throughout and after the incident, trying to control the spread of information.
"Uh, what do you mean? I don't quite understand, however, what is it that you want to ask
"Godou, please don't act so friendly, he is probably one of those people who want to make use
of your power."
"Well, that goes the same for you and me. We're both birds of a feather. Also, this time our
interests are aligned."
Amakasu forced a smile at Erica's accusation. However, his expression became serious
"It's an emergency situation and time is of the essence. We wish to borrow your power
Mariya-san has been kidnapped and the culprit is Sasha Dejanstahl Voban. Are you aware of
Godou felt deeply shocked by this unexpected news. The name he heard mentioned yesterday
and the fact that Yuri was kidnapped.
"Marquis Voban? I can hardly believe it. It would be plausible for him to go to China where
his enemy Luo Hao was located. But coming to this island nation in the Far East, isn't that too
strange? And what reason does he have to kidnap Yuri?"
Erica's tone of voice was contemptuous and clearly full of suspicion.
"It's not entirely without cause. That young lady actually knew the Marquis Voban from a
long time ago. There was once an incident... Anyway, it is urgent right now, can you please
put aside your doubts and come along with us?"
"Ok, where are we going?"
Godou answered immediately to Amakasu's humble request, without an instant of hesitation
or pondering.
"Yes, I hope you can understand this sudden and suspicious requestthe only one who can
battle with a Campione is another Campione."

"I will help, so let's go to Mariya's location immediately."

"Uh, it's really ok?"
Amakasu felt surprised by Godou's immediate answer, as he was prepared to continue his
words of persuasion.
Godou nodded, but Erica beside him frowned.
"Godou, please don't take in such lies so easily. Would you show a little bit of wariness
"I know. But how can I stay calm knowing that a friend is in danger?"
Erica's warning was correct. Though he didn't admit it, Godou agreed with her.
No matter what, he also had the 'news' provided from last night.
"Actually last night Salvatore Doni that brat called me. That busybody told me about the
Marquis Voban coming to Japan, and though he was talking like an idiot the whole time, I'm
sure Erica knows he is a guy who doesn't lie, right?"
"Sir Salvatore?"
Though he was a problematic character, but Salvatore Doni was not a man who lied.
A man who was totally useless when faced with deceptive situations. A complete failure of a
man who would try to solve every problem with a sword.
"Well, if that's the case, then there should be no mistake. If that person revived then who
knows when he might be coming to trouble Godou, don't be careless..."
"Yes, Erica. It might be troublesome if you got caught up in another conflict with a
Campione, why don't we part ways here?"
Godou made a suggestion to the companion chattering away.
Last time the fight with Doni seemed to have brought Erica much trouble.
After all, he had become enemies with the Campione who was known as the [Chief] in Italy.
The Copper Black Cross she belonged to had ordered all assistance provided to Godou to be
terminated, but Erica ignored it.
The issue was not resolved, and the relationship with Doni entered a stalemate.
It could end up being another huge issue. The Balkan Devil King probably had a strong
influence over the Copper Black Cross as well.
That place was unexpectedly close to Italy. However, Erica shook her head.

"Godou do you plan on abandoning me this number one knight and going to meet a Devil
King? I will not follow such a stupid order. You are still unfamiliar with these matters, so why
don't you just accept my help honestly?"
Godou scratched his head at that arrogant face.
Whenever Erica spoke like that, it was usually feigned stubbornness that stemmed from
consideration for him. These feelings contained shyness and gratitude.
"Amakasu-san, right? So this is the plan, take us both to where that old man and Mariya are
located. We will try our best."
"Thank you, King. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!"
Amakasu glanced at Godou and Erica separately, and lowered his head in a very pretentious
It was almost like the motion of a comedic actor.

Part 3
Amakasu drove Godou and Erica to Aobadai.
A library located in a quiet residential neighborhood.
Godou felt perplexed that Voban and Yuri were at such a place. Why would it be a library
was his honest feelings about the matter.
Deciding to let Amakasu stand by in the parking lot, Godou and Erica stepped into the library.
A sudden attack.
A figure clad in tattered clothing slashed at them with a sword.
"An enemy!"
"Leave it to me, Godou you go ahead."
It was the entrance to the library.
To be attacked at such a place by some weird swordsman, Godou felt that his life was still full
of trials and tribulations. Godou smacked his lips as he tried to discern what kind of enemy it
Erica summoned her beloved sword Cuore di Leone and elegantly chopped down her
It was a man wearing some kind of long-hemmed clothing on his upper torso with a cape-like
jacket. He was using a broad longsword skillfully like a master, but the face under the helmet
completely lacked spirit and ambition.

Almost like a dead personthis thought made Godou shudder with horror.
In reference to games and movies, 'zombie' might be an apt description. Having thus named
the new monster
Another swordsman appeared before Godou.
"Oh, another one!?"
Wearing the same attire as the first, another corpse-like swordsman was charging towards
Erica only gave a glance.
When she knocked down the first one, Erica held the advantage, but she did not expect things
to end so quickly. As expected, another one came along attacking.
She successfully dodged using pure reflexes, but could not evade the second strike of the
Godou believed so as he kicked forwards.
Godou used the essential actions of a forward kick to send the (clearly) dead person's body
away. As he faced the second attacker, Godou felt disgust at the increasingly powerful
defensive and offensive capabilities of his own body.
"Godou, please hold on for a while, I will take care of them soon enough."
"Then I'll thank you beforehand... To be honest I don't think I can take any of them alone."
Godou answered with a troubled expression to Erica's encouragement. This was because the
authority obtained from the god of war Verethragna could not be used without numerous
troublesome conditions.
A sword master far beyond his own capabilities, but was not someone with unnatural strength
like a brown bear, or several tons of heavy body mass, and definitely not an evil criminal
oppressing the populace.
In such a case, Godou had no chance of victory.
Godou hurriedly retreated, planning on maintaining a distance.
Only a few steps away from the sword. The instant deciding whether to wait or to go on the
"Death knight who possesses an extraordinary history, please forgive my pointing my blade at
youhowever, that important person there is the king we magi respect, and no amount of
insolence will be tolerated."
The girl's awe-inspiring voice resounded.

A cute but non-seductive voice full of sweetness, it reminded one of quality steeltough yet
"The crownless king engaging in suspicious investigations, please listen to the pledge of the
knight Liliana Kranjcar."
The owner of the voice was a young maiden, approaching with casual footsteps.
She possessed a silver ponytail, and a rigid beauty like a western doll. Furthermore, her slim
figure was like a beautiful fairy. A girl who carried a surreal atmosphere around her.
"I am the inheritor of the berserker's stone tablet, the descendant of the crusading knights. My
heart speeds across the sky. Winged king of the knights, appear in my hand with the essence
of dreams!"
A silver sabre appeared in the hand of the girl who introduced herself as Liliana.
The sword was slender and elegant, drawing gentle curves.
"Come, the foundation of my might, Il Maestro!"
Wearing a cape with blue and black vertical stripes, her blue and black battle outfit greatly
resembled the red and black upper garments worn by Erica.
Liliana exhaled and stepped forward.
Holding her sword she cut her way into the space between the second death knight and
"Ah Lily, when did you come to Japan? It's been so long!"
Erica seemed to know the girl armed with the sabre.
First using a feint with her sword to confuse the first death knight, Erica casually sent a
second horizontal slash at her opponent's body.
After receiving such a blow, the death knight's body turned into ash and scattered upon the
"Do not act so friendly, Erica Blandelli, I am not your friend, and there is no reason for you to
call me like that."
Though they knew each other, it seemed like they didn't have a good relationship. Liliana was
responding with an unyielding tone of voice.
"Are these dead people the servants of the Marquis Voban?"
"Yes, have you heard of [Dead Servants]? They were released by the Marquis to take care of
intrudersknowing your existences, they will definitely come to you looking for trouble!!"

While talking to Erica, Liliana continued to watch her own opponent with vigilance.
The second death knight attacked her straight on. At the same time, Liliana also swung her
sabre downwards in front of her.
Sword struck sword violently.
One would have expected the sword guards to clash, but it did not happen. Using some kind
of technique, Liliana advanced forward while using her sabre to deflect the death knight's
A flash of the sword.
Slashed open by a diagonal cut, the death knight also turned into ash. Crumbling like a sand
castle on a beach, he disappeared in a dry manner.
"...Thank you, I'm saved."
"No, this level completely cannot count as a crisis for a Campione. I want to apologize for
making a [King] dirty his hands fighting a death knight. Please grant your forgiveness."
Godou wanted to thank Liliana who saved him from a tough situation, but ended up receiving
an apology.
Erica laughed to herself from the side.
"What are you talking about, Lily, you probably joined in happily to relieve your accumulated
stress anyway."
"Quiet, I do not have any accumulated stress. Do not make things up."
Liliana frowned as she spoke.
What kind of relationship did these two have? Godou listened to their dialogue with great
"I know, you were at the place the Marquis lived, and likely came along together, right? It is
true that your grandfather is a worshiper of the Marquis, and to think he even sent his own
granddaughter away so easily."
Hearing Erica's speculation, Liliana's face changed. The hunch was likely right on target.
"However, knowing your overly righteous attitude and the rumored character of the Marquis,
you definitely do not get along, and there are many things you cannot speak out against. Isn't
that a lot of stress?"
"Be-be-be-be quiet! Do not talk like you saw it with your own eyes!"
Liliana tried to prevent Erica from speaking further with a brusque voice.

...Perhaps, this girl was another victim who Erica played around with. Godou couldn't help
but feel a sense of camaraderie with Liliana.
Looking so innocent, it was clear that she was no match for Erica.
"Kusanagi Godou, there is absolutely zero basis in the things your lover is saying. Please
forget them. Yes, I am the follower of the Marquis Voban, however, as a knight there is
nothing dishonorable about it. No, without a doubt, absolutely none!"
"Ah, I get it."
Godou politely nodded his head at Liliana who was denying with her face red.
He also tried to correct a point of concern.
"By the way, Erica is not really anything like my lover. That, truly is baseless..."
"You do not have to cover it up. Our information network is already fully informed about
your lustful depravityno, pardon me, intimate relationship beyond the bounds of normal
friendship. Given the skilled techniques of that female fox, playing around with a young king
is easy beyond compare."
"Don't talk like I have been deceived by Erica, that information is wrong!"
Godou yelled reflexively in response.
"Excuse me. However, Sir Salvatore has stated 'that girl has cut in between Godou and I, and
is very obstructive.' Besides, your denial is completely unconvincing..."
Liliana mentioned a name that could not be ignored.
How much more will that idiot create trouble for me? In his heart, Godou felt the rise of a
sudden murderous impulse.
"So Lily, have you seen Sir Salvatore lately?"
"Do not call me Lily. Only on the day before I met the Marquis VobanSir Salvatore was
still recuperating, and described what transpired that night with great detail. In addition, he
also talked about you with great passion."
YouLiliana threw a glance at Godou as she spoke.
It felt like the kind of revulsion a girl obsessed with cleanliness would feel after seeing
something hated.
"Ah, did that fellow say something strange?"
"...'It was a night I will never forget for the rest of my life. I absolutely cannot forget the night
so passionate like a dream, and blindingly bright as summer fireworks. I offered my all to

him, and he responded with everything he had. At that time, it felt like the world only
contained the two of us, and all else was irrelevant.' Something like that."
At that moment, Liliana lowered her gaze, her cheeks blushing slightly.
"I am not qualified to comment on two [Kings] having that kind of immoral relationship, but
if permissible, what I wish to say is, those kinds of impure actions with Erica are very
unhealthy for a male. As for this kind of dishonest two-timing behavior... Ah, please forget
what I just said."
"Don't have such weird misunderstandings, all I did was fight the guy!"
Uninterested in Godou's yelling, Erica spoke.
"I told you before, you have too many openings, which is why you let all these strange
fellows approach you? People like Sir Salvatore, you need to drive them away with
"I want to drive them away too, but if they keep coming back for trouble, what can I do!"
After answering, Godou took a deep breath.
Salvatore Doni was such an infuriating man. Anyway, that wasn't important now, just forget
about it, and devote all attention to solving the task at hand!
Determined, Godou asked Liliana.
"Uh, so that old man named Voban is inside, right? Can you take us there?"
"That was what I came to do. Please come this way."
Liliana walked towards the depths of the library. The meeting with the oldest Devil King was
about to begin.

Part 4
Godou reached the second floor of the library and walked into the spacious reading room.
The tall old man and the white-clad Yuri were there.
Unlike the rumors of a mad dog, the old man's appearance was very intellectual, with a wide
forehead and deep-set eyes. Though tall and lean, his body did not give an impression of
being weak. Perhaps it was due to the upright posture of his entire back.
Wearing a neat suit, he seemed like an old gentleman.

"Kranjcar, you were very violent towards my servant."

The old gentlemanSasha Dejanstahl Voban suddenly spoke.
It was not a reprimand, but held more of a mocking tone.
"My apologies, as a knight, I incorrectly judged insolence against the [King] and raised my
sword. I will accept any punishment."
"Those kinds of servants are a dime a dozen, take no heed of it."
Answering as if playing around, Voban looked bored and gazed at Godou.
It was the kind of gaze which seemed rather arrogant.
"You look quite young, but come to mention it, I also became [King] around your age. Name
yourself, youngster. I suppose you know my name already, but I do not know yours."
"My name is Kusanagi Godou. Please return my friend."
Godou reported his name without using honorifics.
After hearing about the exploits of this old man, Godou had no intention of applying his usual
respect for elders.
Godou glanced at Yuri's condition. She looked a bit pallid, but it did not seem like she had
suffered any serious attack. She was watching Godou's face with a worried expression.
"Why!? Kusanagi-san. Coming to this place because of me!"
"What are you saying, wouldn't it be problematic if I didn't come? Anyway, are you ok
Mariya? Have they mistreated you?"
"I will not do anything that stupid, this miko is very useful to me."

Voban cracked his lips open to reveal a sarcastic grin.

"However, youngster, who is this girl to you? Family or wife? Or lover? I am sorry, but she
will be mine."
"Don't joke around! If you want to summon a god, do it yourself! Don't involve others!"
Before reaching here, Godou found out the gist of things from Liliana.
Whether Voban's goal, Yuri's necessity, or the dangers of the [Heretical God] summoning
ritual. There was no reason at all to let this old man continue with his heinous acts.
Thus Godou reproached him loudly.
Voban yawned as if bored, and was completely unaffected.
"Youngster, this is a gathering of kings. I apologize for the rudeness of entering your territory
without consent. However, do not mistakenly believe that your words can change my
intentions. If you request something from a [King], should you not prepare to pay the price?"
"Yes, a miko to replace this girl, and one that can summon a god to be my prey. Without this,
there can be no deal."
The old man did not seem to want to waste words. It looked like negotiations could not
Godou smacked his lips. Was there any way other than a show of force? According to rumors
about Voban, he was a believer in [Power]. It seemed like there was no other way but to
display the power he possessedthe authority usurped from the Persian Warlord.
Just as Godou was agonizing
He noticed Yuri looking at him like she was begging him, as if silently pleading something.
Was it due to anxiety?
Godou felt doubt, and released the right fist which had clenched subconsciously, and relaxed
his shoulder.
Yuri nodded greatly, so the guess was correct.
(But then, how should it be done...)
Just now, the words 'use force' had crossed Godou's mind.
Was there no further meaning in talking with Voban?
Even if Yuri had not stopped him, it was something to be avoided.

He himself, the one who always preached to Erica about 'living a peaceful life with common
sense,' should find an easier solution to the problem...
At this time, Erica took action.
Until now, she had been waiting in a corner of the reading room with Liliana. However, she
seemed to have noticed Godou's hesitation, and walked over before the [King].
"...No good, the issue has become complicated, could you stand down?"
"No, my king. I apologize deeply for my tardiness. We better follow the advice of our ally Sir
Salvatoreplease be decisive."
With a glamorous smile refusing Godou's request, Erica provided counsel with the tone of
voice of a loyal subject.
Voban immediately reacted to those words.
"Oh, an ally? This cannot be ignored, girl."
To the old Devil King who had taken a slight interest, Erica gracefully bowed and introduced
"Honored to meet you. I am Erica Blandellithe Great Knight of the Copper Black Cross,
and the current [Diavolo Rosso]."
"Paolo Blandelli's successor? What was the meaning of what you just said? Could you explain
"Yes, allow me to proceed."
Erica's pupils seemed to contain a certain brightness like a happy and naughty child.
Obviously there were no good intentions.
"I don't know if you have heard, but my master Kusanagi Godou and our Italian [King] Sir
Salvatore had an intense battle that ended in a draw. Furthermore, this battle nurtured a bond
of friendship between two [Kings]."
Godou could feel cold sweat from his back.
It was definitely said, that four years ago, the one who foiled the old man's plans was
Salvatore Doni.
"Nothing was nurtured at all! We fought, yes, but there is nothing remotely similar to a good
"Hoho, though my king says so, but he is definitely intimate with Sir Salvatore. Isn't that
right, Liliana?"

"Why are you asking me? ...Yes, it is true."

Being asked so suddenly, Liliana answered rather displeasedly.
If you're not really friends with Erica then don't be so cooperative!
Godou yelled, but it was too late.
"Sir Salvatore is really concerned about Godou-sama's matters... Rather than an ally, perhaps
he would be happier if it was described as something like a mutually loving or brotherly
From the sight of this, she must have been played thoroughly like a doll by Erica.
As he pitied Liliana, Godou raised his head and looked towards the sky.
"...Yes. To be confirmed by a knight of the Bronze Black Cross which is enemies with the
Copper Black Cross, youngsteryou are Salvatore's ally, there can be no mistake about that
"In addition, there is one more thing about my master's victory a month ago. Would you like
to know?"
Erica added more fuel to the fire.
Voban did not answer, but motioned for her to continue with his eyes.
"The goddess Athenaa powerful deity requiring no explanation. However, Kusanagi Godou
fought and defeated her a month ago, but let her escape just before the very end, and did not
usurp any authority..."
"Ho, even if you are bluffing, please do not overdo it."
It changed.
Unlike the rumors, the old man full of intellectual airs changed his attitude. That posture was
as sharp as swords, and as ferocious as charging wild beasts.
Sitting on the chair as if it was a throne, he started to shake lightly.
Soft motions of the body, like those of a feline beast. It was unthinkable that an old man could
be producing them.
"You say he fought Salvatore to a draw and defeated Athena! But he has not even slaughtered
a single god! Hahaha, to have accomplished all that, fighting that stupid fool with no other
tricks than his sword, and making an enemy of the ultimate goddess of darkness? [Diavolo
Rosso], what did Salvatore really say?!"
The old Devil King asked as he laughed with great mirth.

"Yes. That was what he said. As [King] as well as the senior visiting personally from afar, the
Marquis would definitely want to have a competition of strength. He even said something
about understanding about an elderly body, and something about bowing down in service to
the power of the young..."
"Never! No matter how much that fellow messes around, he would never say something so
However, it was too late.
Voban looked very happy, and was smiling mercilessly.
"Good. To make an opponent out of a brat who has not even been [King] for a year was not
my mission. Howeverfeel honored, for I will play along."
The emerald green eyes, were flashing brightly.
Eyes of a tiger. Godou felt himself out of breath as he thought of such a description for the
intensity of those eyes.
"Bratas you have requested, take this girl back. However, in exchange, you and the girl will
become the prey for my hunt."
Voban violently grabbed Yuri's arm and threw her towards Godou.
Godou frantically received her delicate body in his arms.
Yuri's body was trembling slightly, her face pale and bloodless, as if extremely frightened.
Godou lightly stroked her back with his hand to comfort her.
"Thirty minutes. Take this girl, and go wherever you want. I will set off from here thirty
minutes later to take the lives of you and the girl. You can hide anywhere you want. I will
pursue to the corners of the world in order to hunt down and corner you. These are the rules of
the hunt, understood?"
At this point, there was no other way but to play the game.
Godou prepared himself, and silently nodded.

Chapter 5 - Time of the Hunt

Part 1
The sun had already set, and night was falling.
Rain drops were falling rhythmically from the sky.

Godou supported Yuri and left the library with Erica, meeting Amakasu at the parking lot.
"It really did develop into this kind of situation... Anyway, let's get out of here for now, and
plan as we move. Just sitting here is not going to solve anything."
Amakasu heard what happened, and urged Godou and the rest.
Developments have reached an emergency situation, will these actions turn out to be rash or
Godou had yet to decide on a plan, so he went with Amakasu's suggestion.
"No matter what, things have gotten more and more troublesome..."
The domestic car aimlessly ran towards the Minato ward on the Shuto Expressway.
Godou sat in the front passenger seat and grumbled.
Obviously, Amakasu was in the driver's seat, while Erica and Yuri sat in the back.
"Let me make this clear, I only wanted to sum up the conversation quickly, and had no
intention of putting Godou in danger. This matter should have been originally prepared for the
battle against the Marquis Voban."
Erica said in a calm manner.
She was probably in a bad mood because Godou chose to sit in front instead of next to her.
"I know that, but there must be some slightly safer way to resist!"
Godou tried to change his mood as he spoke, as there was no point in regretting something
that had already happened
Try to think of a constructive way to minimize damage to the surroundings.
"Sigh, grumbling is meaningless, let's consider our direction from this point onhow many
authorities does that old gramps have in total?"
"...Is it seven or eight?"
"There are also reports of nine, or even ten and above."
Godou frowned at Amakasu and Erica's vague responses.
"Can you answer clearly? Aren't there magic associations investigating our abilities and
making reports? That name is something like..."
"The Greenwich Assembly."
Amakasu answered while gripping the steering wheel.

"However, that group only started their activities in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
That is why they don't have information on people who became Campiones earlier like the
Marquis Voban. Thus, detailed information is only available on those who became [Kings] in
the twentieth century or later, like Salvatore Doni and the Black Prince Alec."
"Information on Marquis Voban aside, even the god he first defeated is completely unknown.
Some say that it is a god associated with wolvesprobably a god with earth attributes."
Erica's supplementary explanation reminded Godou of the information he received from that
phone call.
"Come to think of it, that fellow Doni also has all sorts of disparate authorities. It feels like
there is no sense of unity."
Godou frankly injected his comment.
The other two became silent in the middle of their explanations, and turned their gazes
towards Godou as if they had something to say.
"Wha-what is it?"
"No... if you say so, then nothing."
"I think that the embodiment of Verethragna is also a bunch of random abilities."
True, that was something not really worth comparing, so Godou decided to cut back on the
unnecessary comments.
"Then let's return to the topic just now, and decide on how to proceed from here. If we cannot
avoid fighting against that old gramps, I want to do it somewhere to minimize collateral
"I see. If helping Yuri-san is the first priority, then there is no other way."
Amakasu spoke as he looked ahead.
The rain splattering on the windshield had intensified, and it was raining quite heavily.
"However, do note that handing Yuri-san over as a sacrifice is a possible solution. From a
personal standpoint I think it is a tragic option, but in the interests of public welfare, it is the
best choice."
"Please don't say something so stupid in front of the person being discussed. There's no way
I'll pick that method."
Godou immediately rejected Amakasu's irrelevant words.
This young man always put on frivolous airs, but made shockingly cruel suggestions.

"But if we really do that, Marquis Voban will be satisfied and will leave Tokyo immediately.
There won't be any other innocent victims, isn't that appropriate?"
"I understand your reasoning. But I refuse!"
However, the one who opposed Godou was not the originator of the plan.
"Kusanagi-san, Amakasu-san's suggestion is correct."
Yuri, who had been silent all along, finally spoke.
Bowing her head down depressed, however, she suddenly looked up and entered the
"If you don't hand me over, Kusanagi-san and the Marquis' battlewill bring severe tragedy
to Tokyo. Did you know? There are legends about the Marquis summoning great storms to
destroy cities, and releasing wolves to level villages."
Yuri's stern voice carried determination.
She was no longer afraid, and quietly spoke with an expression of sorrow.
"The only one the Marquis insists on having is me. Fortunately, the Marquis only intends for
me to help him finish the ritual, so he should not do anything else to mistreat me. It will be
Yuri was smiling as if trying to comfort the others.
An illusory smile which showed great strength. Godou lightly sighed. Such acting skills must
have been difficult for her who lacked competence in either sports or technology.
"Will there be any danger?"
"Four years ago, there were about thirty miko participating in the Marquis' [Heretical God]
summoning. After the ritual, roughly two thirds of them suffered severe mental trauma, and
most went mad and lost their sanity."
In the instant he heard Erica's fluent answer, Godou made his decision.
Ok, let's do it this way.
"In the battle against Athena, Yuri risked her life to use her power to provide assistance, and
took on a dangerous and irreplaceable role in order to force the goddess to retreat from
Kusanagi Godou owed Mariya Yuri an extremely great favor.
"That ritual is very famous for summoning [Heretical Gods] with that level of sacrifice.
Honestly speaking, I was quite surprised to find out that Yuri had participated in that ritual

before. I suspect Yuri was only safe because she was the most capable out of the many miko,
but she is unlikely to be so lucky next time."
"In that case no, not allowed. Mariya's proposal is rejected."
Feeling his battle spirit fired up, Godou quietly said.
Campionesjust because one was the [King], can one do as one pleased? No way! Towards
Voban's tyranny, Godou's sense of resistance gradually grew.
It was completely unacceptable to let this girl be involved in such dangers due to that old
man's personal whims.
"So, Mariya, did you consider carefully before deciding to follow that old gramps? Really
seriously considered from the depths of your heart?"
"...Seriously considered."
Yuri answered curtly, but with her head bowed.
Godou turned around and looked at her straight in the face.
"You are lying. This is Mariya's benevolent lie."
"Nothing like that, I did consider carefully!"
"Just like the time with Athena, you thought that it would be fine if you were the only
sacrifice, right? I decided then, if anything like that ever happens again, Mariya will definitely
try to sacrifice herselfbut that is something I definitely will not allow."
His body became hot.
A Campione's body will easily enter an optimal state during times of crises. This is the power
supporting Godou's battle ability.
"If you fight with the Marquis, another cruel disaster will occur, so please calm down!"
"I am calm, don't worry. Even if the opponent is a horrific Campione, he is not a god and
cannot create a world of darkness like Athena. There should be ways to deal with him."
"But then, in that case Kusanagi-san will... please consider yourself."
Her shoulders dropping, Yuri murmured weakly.
"If-if anything happens to youno, in a fight against the Marquis, something will definitely
happen. If Kusanagi-san gets killed because of me, I..."
Her words lost form and were no longer distinguishable from one another.

Yuri completely lowered her head, her shoulders shaking, and tears streamed down her face,
moistening the dress of her Japanese outfit.

This strong-willed girl was crying.

Yuri who had once faced Athena alone without regard for her own safety, was now clearly
crying. It was most likely due to Godou's risking his life for her.
If it was simply her own matter, Yuri could definitely hold back her tears.
Nevertheless, this only made Godou strengthen his determination. No matter what, he must
protect this girl, Mariya Yuri, and stop the willful actions of that unsavory old man!
"Yuri you should just give up. This is the decision of the [King]. Saying any more will be
futile. Don't forget, this man is [King], and a very stubborn, violent person."
In direct contrast with the Hime-Miko who cried audibly, Erica beside her was very calm and
She smiled calmly and asked.
"Of course, the Marquis you requested to follow is also a king, so which side you pick is your
freedom. Which will it be? The Marquis or Godou, who do you choose?"
"But Kusanagi-san has no chance of winning the Marquis. Though both are Campiones, the
Marquis has a clear advantage in both the strength and number of authorities. Kusanagi-san is
too optimistic!"
Yuri lifted her tear-stained face and scolded.
But Godou's determination could not be shaken, and Erica simply shrugged.
"What are we going to do, my master?"

"If we talk about chances of victory, my authorities from Verethragna shouldn't be able to win
against Athena either. Anyway, we have no other choice at this point."
Godou turned to face Amakasu on the driver's seat.
"So that's it, Mariya's person will be handled by me. I will never hand her over to that old
gramps, so please, drive to somewhere with fewer people. A battle scene here would bring
even more trouble."
"Understood. To be kidnapped by two Campiones one after the other, Yuri-san sure is an
important person."
"Ah, Amakasu-san, what are you talking about!"
Yuri reprimanded the gloating Amakasu.
However, the frivolous representative continued to man the steering wheel unaffected.
"But regrettably, I am a member of the History Compilation Committee. As someone
involved in this field, I cannot oppose the will of the great Devil King, oh... It's like running
away on a stolen bike, a kind of guilty excitement."
"You! Always taking things so lightly!"
Yuri finally was angered, but it totally swept away her sorrow and tears.
Godou nodded at her new condition.
Once everything was settled, she would probably scold him like last time after the Athena
incident. But that's fine. Compared to letting this girl be taken away out of sight to a distant
location, it was ten thousand times better.
Purely by chance, his gaze met with Erica's.
His companion calmly made a look, as if saying she had no objections.
"Unfortunately, I will be troubling you."
"Don't worry, didn't I already say? Having offered you my [Sword], I already prepared myself
for situations like this. And that old [King]'s history is not something you can comprehend
alone, let me fill you in later."
Erica casually spoke, and then turned her jeering gaze forwardsto the young man in the
driver's seat.
"...Well, I feel like it is correct to predict this kind of possibility, but I'm just a little concerned
about the speaker telling Godou that."
"Don't talk like I have ulterior motives."

As they were about to continue, the sound of rolling thunder was heard.
The location of the thunderstrike seemed quite near. Looking out the window, the night sky
was filled with dark clouds, and the rain was increasing continually.
"...In other words, thirty minutes have passed."
As Amakasu glanced at his watch, gray shadows immediately appeared.

Part 2
Under the intense thunder and rain, groups of gray shadows were running.
Shadowsno, if one looked carefully, those were the silhouettes of wolves. They numbered
about thirty or forty.
A pack of wolves colored gray like a rat's fur.
But the wolves' sizes were abnormal, for their tall and well-built bodies could easily be
mistaken for a horse's.
A pack of giant wolves was galloping down the Shuto Expressway with horrific speed,
chasing Godou's car from behind.
...Surprisingly, the distance between them was shrinking.
There was still about thirty meters, but they would catch up soon.
"So these are the [Wolves] called by that old gramps? These are complete monsters."
"I am also seeing them for the first time. The Marquis is able to call forth hundreds of these
[Wolves] and can easily eradicate ten to twenty villages or towns with them."
Watching the ferocity of the wolf pack from the rear window of the car, Godou and Erica
exchanged opinions.
Extremely ravenous wild beasts as if they had discovered their prey.
Perhaps one could understand with the following description. A pack of wolves whose
eyeballs raged with the color of blood as they drooled and chased violently.
"Come to think of it, there seems to be a lack of cars in the approaching direction. What could
be the reason..."
Godou muttered as he realized his carelessness.
Though traffic was not heavy today, the number of cars on the Shuto Expressway could not be
zero. In fact, there should be cars in front and cars from behind trying to pass.

But starting five minutes ago, the number of cars around them became very few.
This wasn't strange. If a normal driver saw those kinds of monsters running on the roads, they
would definitely make way for them. This wasn't hard to imagine.
"Let's hope those wolves haven't caused any serious incidents..."
Godou could only pray to the heavens.
The gray wolves were probably only targeting Godou and Yuri and should be ignoring the
other cars. Hence, that worry seemed unlikely. But still, they should prepare for the worst.
...In a car collision, those wolves would probably send the car flying instead.
"Amakasu-san, please stop the car! Don't involve unrelated people!"
"I refuse to stop, but we should definitely avoid a chase in a place like this."
After being told by Yuri, Amakasu turned the steering wheel.
It was at the Kokuchou interchange on Route 3 of the Shuto Expressway.
Amakasu directed the car into the lane towards the exit leading to street level.
"Are you planning on driving on the streets? That is very dangerous!"
"If we get attacked by those monsters while driving at such a speed, the result will be tragic!
Since they will catch up sooner or later, it will be easier to escape at ground level."
Of course, this reasoning had its merits, so Godou immediately responded to Amakasu's
"Then please let us off at a suitable spot, and then try to think of a solution!"
Ten minutes later, Amakasu had driven the car into the streets in the neighborhood of
Roppongi district.
This was the city center containing high-rise buildings, luxury hotels and television stations,
with shrines, monasteries and embassies slightly further away.
"...Could you stop the car over there?"
Due to the intense rain beating down on the windows, it was difficult to see outside clearly.
Godou still managed to find a good spot and proceeded to alert Amakasu.
Turning at an intersection, they stopped before a primary school.
A city center primary school. Neither the playground nor its overall area were very big, but it
should be enough to rampage a bit. Since it was night, there will not be any children.

Godou had Amakasu stop the car and got out onto the road.
The storm was very fierce.
As the raindrops blown by the wind struck his body sideways, his clothes were rapidly soaked
with rainwater. The rain also filled his shoes with water.
An umbrella under such situations would most likely be blown away immediately.
"Why don't you come along as well, Mariya. Though the weather is terrible, please endure."
Godou opened the door to the backseat and hastened Yuri to get off.
However, the Hime-Miko of Musashino appeared to have no intention of following. She only
stared at Godou, pleading with sincere eyes.
"Kusanagi-san, you should have seen it right? Those [Wolves] and [Dead Servants] are only a
part of the Marquis Voban's powers. You cannot defeat him. And if you went all out, it will
definitely bring destruction to the surroundings."
And so, please hand me over. To this plea, Godou shook his head.
"I am not very smart, and cannot understand the reasons to do that. All I know is this: you are
my friend who once helped me. If I abandoned such a girl, I will regret itas I have said just
now, this is my stubbornness."
Godou offered his hand to the persistent Hime-Miko.
Hoping that she would accept this hand. That was what Godou hoped for from the bottom of
his heart.
"I don't want to hand you over to some old gramps like that. And I am not the only one who
thinks that. Letting a courageous and compassionate girl suffer such cruelty from that
stubborn old man, if anyone else heard about such an atrocity, I'm sure nine out of ten people
will agree with my decision."
Godou felt that his oratory skills were very poor.
As he cursed his own uselessness at such a crucial time, Godou continued to speak.
"So, let's consider this... Of course I know that fighting against that old gramps will bring
trouble to many people. But if things were properly explained, they should be able to endure
for a while. I apologize for deciding without consultation, but it is something that cannot be
Godou wondered if he could find the words to persuade Yuri who was the most serious
person he knew.
Feeling that he had no other appeals to reason, Godou prayed as hard as he could while
attempting to convey his wishes for her safety instead.

"I understand that you're worried about many things, but please just come with me. I beg you,
"Your power, you do understand you cannot defeat the Marquis, right?"
"I have no intention of overextending myself for a win, but it is fine as long as losing is
avoided. As long as I am able to protect Mariya I am satisfied. Even if my opponent is
powerful, it is not farfetched to aim for a draw. Definitely, something can be done."
An optimistic speech devoid of worry, almost sounding like something Salvatore Doni would
Partially for the sake of giving Yuri confidence, Godou forced himself to speak in this
It was a speech with stupid reasons and was completely lacking in credibility. Yuri finally
sighed after listening.
"Really, enough... You give me no choice. You usually speak sensibly but why are you so
sloppy now..."
Yuri looked up and gazed directly into Godou's eyes.
"No matter how righteous it is to oppose that kind of person, I still know you cannot succeed.
So enough, your words of persuasion are like those of a fool."
Inconsistent with her sharp tone, she was not staring at Godou sternly.
Yuri timidly held out her hand.
The delicate hand slowly reached out towards Godou's outstretched hand.
"It is not like I believe in Kusanagi-san's words or anything like that. Don't misunderstand. It
is not like I want you to risk your life or anything like that. After all, I am just a victim of your
kidnapping. I suppose resistance is futile... In truth, this is all there is to it, so do not
"Yes, I understand. This is sufficient, Mariya."
Mariya took Godou's hand and gripped it tightly.
Like a lost child who finally found his father.
Godou nodded gladly. Yuri's face blushed and she lowered her head.
Yuri stood up and left the car, walking in the rain.
Her white Japanese attire was immediately drenched by the rain, and clung closely to the
exceedingly feminine form of her body.

"I will face the Marquis together with Kusanagi-sanso, I am in your care."
"We will do our best."
Though it seemed like he had yet to fully gain the other's trust, Godou guaranteed with a
smiling face.
Yuri also responded with a shy smile akin to falling cherry blossoms.
"Now that it's been decided, let's prepare the grounds... Mariya you should first cross through
that door..."
As Godou pointed at the school entrance, Yuri sighed.
"I understand, it really is trespassing, how unlawful..."
"Umm, please don't scold me for now. Even I don't feel comfortable about this. Erica, please."
"Yeah yeah. Though you speak of reflection, but your true actions completely betray them
that is one of Godou's worst points. Well in this case, we have no other choice but to count on
Erica made an evil smile and also got off the car.
Bending forward, she grabbed one side of the skirt of her uniform.
And then she tore it and did the same for the other side, creating torn slits on both sides of the
skirt. Of course, it was done to facilitate movement.
"The lion of steel, shield of the [Diavolo Rosso], may my spell words respond to my will!"
Disregarding the rain, Erica used the magic of summoning.
The magical sword of the lion, Cuore di Leone, appeared in her right hand.
Preparing her battle stance, Erica swung her beloved sword in a V-shape. The primary
school's entrance was cut open by the slashing attack.
"Ah, this is something beyond my abilities to handle, so I will provide support from a
distance. Sorry I can't be of much help. I wish you all luck in your struggle."
Amakasu said.
At this desperate time, he was still sitting casually at the driver's seat.
"Hmph. Unfamiliar with battle, reallybut I don't think you are incompetent."
"Yes, Erica-san. If I had to fight you, I would lose utterly in thirty seconds."

"Is that so? From my estimates, you could last about three hundred seconds. Since it's rare to
find an opportunity, would you like to try it now?"
To the smile appearing on Erica's face like a poisonous flower, Amakasu acted dumb and
made a fawning smile.

After the parting pleasantries, the three of them slipped into the school under the cover of
It was after 8pm in the evening. Perhaps there might be staff on overtime. Godou prayed for
them not to exit the building if that was the case.
Godou aimed for the playground which should prove to be advantageous.
To [Wolves] who possessed a keen sense of smell, hiding was probably useless so it would be
better to choose a location with a clear view of the opponents.
They waited at the playground for about five minutes.
Finally, the pack of giant wolves appeared. Unexpected for their massive bodies, the wolves
jumped over the school fence with ease and entered the playground.
The slowly approaching [Wolves] numbered roughly thirty or forty at least.
"I will take care of them. After all, you shouldn't use the [White Stallion] or the [Raptor] in
such a place. Save the forms of Verethragna for the Marquis."
"Then I'll leave it to you."
Godou nodded generously to Erica's proposal.
Of the ten forms usurped from Verethragna, most of them gave no advantage in handling
grouped enemies.
The [White Stallion] which summoned solar fire from the sky was one of the few exceptions,
but it was too powerful to be used rashly.
On the other hand, the [Raptor] was comparatively more normal, but there were repercussions
after its use.
"Come, savior of the gentiles. Promised lord born from the virgin!"
Erica spoke softly to the silver sword and chanted the spell words.
Cuore di Leone floated into the air as if led by an invisible thread.
"By the holy name, O God of countless armies. God be praised! Hallowed be thy name!"

One sword, two swords, three swords. Cuore di Leone was multiplying into similarly shaped
swords which appeared in the air in front of Erica.
In ten seconds, the magic silver sword had multiplied to thirteen.
"Then it is time to decide the victor, Cuore di Leone!"
This spell word became the trigger signal.
The thirteen swords became thirteen arrows and flew at the speed of lightning.
Aiming between the eyes of the incoming [Wolves], they stabbed forwards.
The gray wolves cried wretchedly.
Yet blood did not seep out from their wounds. Instead, a blue black liquid flowed from their
foreheads. The giant wolves' corpses melted into the darkness and vanished.
Like those death knights, they appeared to be abnormal creatures.
Eliminating thirteen of the pack in one motion, Cuore di Leone flew and returned to Erica's
At some unknown instant, it had returned to the one original sword.
"My hunting hounds seem to be ineffective against the [Diavolo Rosso], a pity."
A familiar voice echoed.
The embodiment of tyranny disguised by airs of intellectuality, the old Devil King spoke
"Sorry to have kept you waiting, brats. Are you prepared to be beaten down by me?"
Thunder crashed. Violent winds screamed. Raindrops crashed repeatedly into the ground.
Voban's voice carried over, completely unaffected by those noises.
Arrogant as ever, the Devil King casually strolled to the center of the playground.

Part 3
"I love stormy nights. Wind, rain and lightning, these all make me feel mighty. You are
probably the same, brat. Even though you are immature, I am sure you and I are one of a
Wearing a jet black coat over his suit, Voban spoke joyfully as the rain splattered against him.
Godou immediately frowned in anger.

In fact, from a very long time ago he did have a strange habit of having a good mood when
there was a typhoon. Be that as it may, Godou did not feel like answering.
"So what? Are you just saying you like stormy nights?"
"No, I felt like it so I summoned it, and so it became like that. I believe it also suits your
tastes. You don't mind, right?"
Dejanstahl Voban had the ability to call forth storms.
Simply witnessing a part of that power troubled Godou.
"Don't decide so casually, on what basis do you judge that?"
"After all, someone will not fight a deity unless they are disposed to going with the flow and
rising to the occasion. People who become Campiones all have pretty much the same
Erica and Yuri listened on the side and simultaneously said "ah ah, I see" while showing an
understanding expression. As both of them looked at him at the same time, Godou felt greatly
uncomfortable for some reason.
"You really are a ridiculous old gramps. Then shall we start the first round?"
"If you fall now, there is no first or second. Struggle well and amuse me."
Voban waved his hand.
Immediately, ten [Wolves] appeared out of the darkness like foaming bubbles.
"Increasing the numbers so easily could get troublesome. But an opponent who relies on
numbers is so unrefined. It's most displeasing."
"In terms of numbers, they have already wonstand back Mariya."
Godou spoke as he nodded to his companion's comments.
This was the beginning of a messy battle.
Erica threw Cuore di Leone into the air towards the distance.
"O Lion of steel, accept thy mission, transform into seven tachi[12], guard the imprisoned king,
sing Blondel, and respond with the lion-hearted king."
The silver magic sword became seven fragments and scattered on the ground. And then, the
fragments expanded and transformed into steel lions.
Seven lion sculptures were infused with life by magic.

Their fluid motions completely unrestrained by the normal properties of steel, the lions
surrounded Godou and Yuri.
The steel lions blocked the approaching pack of [Wolves]. Erica created guards in response to
Voban's ever increasing hunting hounds.
The wolves cried out!!
The [Wolf] pack all jumped.
In a rare moment, Erica was not using her usual Cuore di Leone but instead had summoned a
very heavy looking sword. She faced the attack without any signs of fear.
Glamorously swinging her sword in a free flowing manner.
Erica repeatedly sliced through the onslaught of the wolf pack. Just as Voban said, hounds as
big as horses were no match for her.
With one or two attacks from her sword, every wolf was either sliced into sections or pierced
right through.
But even for Erica, the lone efforts of a single person had limits.
With absolute advantage in numbers, the [Wolves] only needed to keep up the attacks.
Besides, the other wolves did not have an enemy as troublesome as Erica.
The [Wolves] targeting Yuri and Godou.
The lions born from Cuore di Leone faced off against those wolves.
Vanquishing the wolves with their bodies, fangs and claws of steel, the lions' battle power far
exceeded the [Wolves].
Overwhelming victory.
However, the only problem was the numbers.
In order to handle the [Wolves] which got past their defense line, Godou had to activate
Verethragna's authority at last.
Imagining the strength of the [Bull], Godou spoke the spell words.
"As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. Man and devilall
enemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished. Hence I shall smash through all enemies
in my way!"
When fighting an inhumanly strong opponent, Verethragna's second form, the [Bull], granted
overwhelming strength. Voban's summoned wolf pack completely satisfied this condition.

Speeding forward like an arrow, Godou aimed at an attacking wolf's snout and sent it flying
with a powerful kick.
Godou avoided messy unarmed combat to prevent unnecessary injuries. If he got bitten, those
jaws might crush his bones.
He sent them flying into the distance with as little contact as possible.
Godou's forward kick punted the [Wolves] high into the air like a football, all the things
attacking himself and Yuri could be seen clearly.
However, the powers of the [Bull] form were definitely unsuitable for a disorganized fight
against multiple opponents.
"These things just keep on coming, there really is no end in sight...! Mariya, can I ask you
Sending the sixth [Wolf] on a tour to the sky, Godou asked.
Though the guarding lions kept going without pause, the wolf pack also continued to increase.
If this went on, they would run out of options soon.
"W-What is it, Kusanagi-san?"
"Last time, that move I used against Athena, do you think it would work against that old
The old Devil King, who was continually summoning [Wolves] from a distance, simply
watched the battle silently.
Godou tried to show a smile of confidence and preparedness.
From the start, the pace of battle had been fully controlled by Voban. Unless Godou found a
way to regain initiative and counterattack there would be no chance of victory.
"...Probably not. I doubt those flames can defeat the Marquis. I cannot give a reason, but that
is what I feel."
The miko, who possessed spirit vision, spoke with a very disquieted expression.
However, this opinion only made Godou more determinedif that was the case, why not try
"Got it. In that case, perhaps it's just as well."
"Eh? Kusanagi-san, what are you planning on doing?"
"Mariya, please do not leave my side for any reason."

Letting this continue would be meaningless, so Godou decided to bring about a conclusion to
the battle.
"For victory, hasten forth before me! O immortal sun, please grant radiance to the stallion. O
stallion that moves godlike with wondrous grace, bring forth the halo of thy master!"
The incantation to summon from the sky the white stallion which represented the sun, the
third form of Verethragna.
Godou shouted sonorously.
Voban's face showed tension for the first time.
Finally sensing the coming of danger, he watched as the stormy night turned into a morning
sky tinted by the color of dawn.
"The sunthe flames of heaven?"
Almost like the first light of dawn, the sun was rising out of the eastern sky.
The power of judgement which could only be used against great sinners who brought great
suffering to the populace. As expected of a three-hundred-year-old great Devil King, it looked
like he had committed more than the minimum number of atrocities required to fulfill the
conditions required.
White flames descended from the sky.
High temperature flames hot enough to vaporize steel with ease were approaching the ground.
At that instant, the [Wolves] that were causing so much trouble for Godou and Erica all
Godou was struck by surprise.
Voban's figure transformed. From a human into an upright wolf with silver fura werewolf
and it was completely the stance of a wolf.
Voban's body which had taken the form of a silver wolf, expanded in size instantly.
Roughly thirty meters in length, the massive body stopped expanding at an impossible size.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!
Massive roars reverberated in the stormy atmosphere.
The gigantic silver wolf leaped at the huge white flames which held the concentrated energy
of the sun, bared its fangs and bit the flames with its massive jaws.

"...What the, that, there should be limits to such unreasonable power."

The unbelievable sight gave Godou a great shock.
Just like that, the giant wolf completely swallowed the intense fires of the sun.
"To absorb... no, devour the flames of the [White Stallion], what kind of monster is this?"
Erica who had returned to Godou's side also exclaimed with surprise.
Having lost their opponents, the steel lions recombined to form Cuore di Leone once more,
and returned to the form of her beloved sword.
"What... was that about?"
Yuri murmured with a shocked expression. Perhaps the sight before them was too hard to
"Swallowing the fire that even Athena had difficulty resisting, should there not be a limit to
such lack of reason!"
"To render useless the attack which defeated the deity of darkness as well as the earth, the
goddess Athena of the highest level, what kind of god did that [Wolf] usurp his authority
Standing beside the speechless girl, Godou renewed his spirits. His goal of changing the flow
of battle had been accomplished. That was enough.
'Hahahahahahaha! Is this it? This is one of the abilities used to battle Salvatore, and
defeated Athena! Very satisfying! This really makes me feel satisfied!'
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!
Massive roars of a wolf sounded simultaneously with Voban's voice. It was truly an incredible
'I feel I must properly reward such a rare banquet. If I don't do this carefully, I might crush
you along with the mikocome, listen to my bidding, my servants!'
Entities possessing dark demonic characteristics flowed out once again.
This time, they were not [Wolves] but death knights previously met in the librarydead
people were appearing out of the darkness carrying the same aura.
In their hands were swords, spears, axes and other classical weapons.
Many of them were wearing armor decorated with engraved crests from knight organizations.

There were about forty of them. From their anachronistic attire, they seemed to be summoned
from five or six centuries ago.
'My followers who have already died, you were all carefully selected warriors. Now, go hunt
like dogs!'
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!
The Devil King's laughter sounded at the same time as the fierce roars.
In addition, the death knight army began to step forward, wielding their weapons, and
attacked with determination.
The word 'slow' would be the wrong description for these zombies.
Bearing dead faces and engaging in close quarter combat, they displayed great intelligence
and strength, just like a fierce and experienced army of knights.
"Godou, be careful everyone. I fear that they may very well be Great Knights when alive
warriors of the same rank as me. To be honest, I have no confidence in protecting you all this
Erica's gaze which had switched to the death knights, was completely different from when she
was facing fodder.
There was not a hint of playful attitude, and she was rather alert.
"The girl at the librarywas she your friend, Erica? How did she describe it, what were those
colleagues of hers really? Aren't they just zombies??"
"Kusanagi-san, becoming a [Dead Servant] is the tragic fate suffered by those who were
killed by the Marquis' hand."
The one who answered Godou's question was Yuri.
"The ability to make loyal obedient servants out of those that died directly by his hand. This
was the authority that the Marquis usurped from the Egyptian god Osiris. Those people seem
to fully recall their skills from when they were alive, and will be tougher enemies than the
"We may very well turn out like them in the end, so watch out!"
At the unimaginably tragic fate of these death knights, Godou frowned.
"To have performed so many acts of evil, that damn old man really pisses me off."
Godou looked up to the stern face of the old Devil King who had taken the form of a giant

After turning into that form, strong wind and rain from the storm was nothing to him.
Completely arrogant, it was also a very detestable form.
And then, the death knights swarmed in.
Erica swung her sword and engaged one of them. One, two, three, four. Their strikes clashed
intensely. Even a layman could tell that those skills displayed were extremely powerful.
Of course, the death knights also approached Godou and Yuri.
(Are we going to lose now?)
Godou silently talked to himself. He was too naive. He did not prepare enough to fight such a
difficult enemy as the Marquis Voban.
If one did not acquire knowledge of the opponent's abilities, personality and goals, defeat was
This was the inevitable outcome. Since his loss was due to his insufficient power and his
taking things too lightly, there was no room for regret. Be that as it may
"Don't worry, Mariya, just watch as I penetrate the barricade for you. Follow me closely."
Godou will definitely protect the trembling girl behind his back.
That was his responsibility. Determined, Godou took a deep breath.
He exchanged a quick glance with Erica as she brandished her sword nearby. They
immediately understood each other.
In the instant it took for their gazes to meet, several death knights had rushed over.
The massive axe was lifted high before Godou's eyes. This wasn't fast enough. Speed up!
Godou took another deep breath.
Standing behind him, Yuri asked worriedly: "Kusanagi-san, you seem to be a little strange,
what is going on?" Her voice felt very distant, no, it wasn't distant, but slowed down, it was
due to my senses becoming extraordinary. Faster, ever faster, imagining in my mind, birds
that fly higher than anyone else, the form of the bird of prey that flew higher, faster, further
than all others.
As Godou stood motionless, the battle axe was fiercely swung down upon his head.
Yuri cried out plaintively.
There were many bothersome aspects to the [Raptor] incarnation, but this was the worst
moment in particular.

Unless attacked by a quick strike exceeding normal parameters, this form could not be used.
Examples included bullets, ambushed by crazed wild beasts, or an attack from an
accomplished martial artist.
At these thoughts crossed his mind, Godou whispered.
"Fear of the winged, both the evil and the powerful, all shall fear I who hold these feathered
wings. My wings will bring you curse and just deserts!"
Acceleration, and slowing down.
Accelerating Godou's own body, while slowing down everything else.
About to have his head split in half, Godou casually dodged the battle axe with millimeters to
Too slow.
The death knights who Erica had regarded as equal to her.
To Godou now, they were far too slow. Sword, axe, spear, sword, swordfive weapons were
attacking Godou simultaneously.
These were also too slow. All could be seen clearly, and all were evaded.
Finally, one of the death knights was sent flying. An amateurish counterattack spectacularly
knocked the knight onto the ground. Probably, the knight failed to evade due to Godou's
exceptional speed.
Godou grabbed Yuri's hand.
Without saying a word, he carried Yuri in his arms. "Ah!? Ku-kusanagi-san!?" What she
said wasn't very clear, I'll ask her some other time.
Godou pushed hard against the ground and leaped with Yuri in his arms.
The trajectory of the jump followed a massive curve.
Easily jumping over ten meters, Godou easily cleared the death knights who surrounded him.
Super acceleration, as well as the body becoming extremely light.
That was the power of Verethragna's [Raptor] form. As long as it was something that could be
held in two hands, it was very convenient to use this ability to carry things.
Since its speed was something that Godou could not fully control, it was impossible to move
with precision.
If one wanted to move just twenty centimeters, he would often go one meter or beyond. But
other than that, it was a horrifyingly effective ability.

On the flip side, it also carried a great price.

Enduring the pain reaching towards his heart, Godou leaped once more.
In an instant, he had reached the edge of the playground. He looked back at the battlefield he
had left behind in the distance.
Even from there he could clearly see the monstrously tall and well-built body of Voban. Not
only could he summon wolves, but what kind of monster could also transform itself into a
Roughly two thirds of the death knights were rushing to pursue the escaped him.
Erica was alone, moving in the opposite direction.
Fighting by herself, she swung Cuore di Leone and began to flee.
Godou wanted to help, but if he went over with Yuri, they would only become burdens. By
herself, Erica could probably bring out her power better without restraint.
It was probably better to lure even more death knights over to this direction.
...The exchange of glances prior to using the [Raptor] communicated each other's plans. The
battle here was sure to have ended in defeat, so in that case, they had to retreat from this
location with all their strength.
Godou prayed for his companion's safety as he jumped once again.
Easily clearing the wall around the school, Godou paid attention to his pursuers as he decided
to speed up and shake them off his trail.
Of course, Voban will be using those [Wolves] again.
Nevertheless, escaping from this place will prevent the worst outcome.
"Ah...! Truly exhausting, this..."
His chest pain gradually intensified.
In the arms of the frowning Godou, Yuri's face was full of concern.
"Are you okay? Kusanagi-san? Your face looks like you are suffering..."
"Ah, it's nothing. No, if this continues I won't be able to lose those guys. We have no choice
but to find a place to hide"
In the stormy night, visibility was poor, and his body was getting cold.
Godou and Yuri in her miko outfit continued their escape.

Chapter 6 - You, Born from Light Amidst Darkness

Part 1
Erica Blandelli recalled from her experience the existence of [Leap] magic.
It was a kind of magic that lightened one's body and allowed one's jumping ability to exceed
human limits. Using this would allow her to perform amazing moves that her beloved Hong
Kong movies produced only through the use of harnesses.
Even without a running start she could jump to places taller than her own height.
She could even run up vertical walls or perform agile acrobatics that even the top stunt actors
could never hope to imitate.
Now she was skillfully using this magic to escape.
In a city center in the middle of a stormy night without any shelter.
Flying between the rows of towering buildings from roof top to roof top, Erica was scurrying
around so much that even something like a cat or a monkey would have no way of keeping
Erica prided herself on this magic. If she used it seriously, there was virtually no one who
surpassed her skill.
However, amongst the death knights there were three who also excelled in this type of magic.
Likewise using [Leap] magic, but pursuing like the shadow of death personified.
"Truly difficult to handle"
Erica muttered.
The strong winds shook her body, and the rain made visibility very poor. Furthermore, it was
night time. Since it was wet everywhere, a careless misstep could easily lead to a fall.
Erica continued to scurry around unfazed by these disadvantageous conditions.
However, it was probably enough. Shaking them off her trail would be impossible so it might
not be a bad idea to turn around and counterattack here.
There were three of these knights in pursuit.
Other than the numerical disadvantage, it would also be rather difficult to dispatch one of
them with the first strike.

While using [Transformation] magic on the magical sword in her right hand, she looked back
to observe. Cuore di Leone changed its form from a slender sword into a throwing spear.
A short but heavy spear meant for throwing.
Twisting, she threw at an acute angle. At the instant the throwing spear left the hand of Erica,
two identical clones also appeared like shadows.
A total of three throwing spears flew straight into the directions of the three death knights.
The spear tips crisply penetrated their chests, piercing the heart protected beneath the chain
The surviving dead souls collapsed into dust.
It was likely that the decision-making capability of the death knightsthe ability to think,
was lower than when they were alive. It took them longer to change their actions.
Which is why Erica acted as she did. Running away continually for long distances followed
by a rapid counterattack, the plan came into fruition perfectly.
However, the last performance has yet to begin.
As Cuore di Leone returned from its spear form back to the sword, Erica made preparations
for the remaining enemies.
Now was the key moment. Swordplay, magic, strategy, wisdom. Opponents who matched her
in every one of these categories were arriving soon.
"Running all the way over here, it does not really match your preference for spectacular
The voice appeared out of the rainy night.
An elegant and cute voice of a girl, but hiding great strength beneath gentle softness.
"Like a rat scurrying around, this ends now. Erica Blandelli."
"Come to think of it, you once said you wanted to fly like a swallow. Lily, that's no good,
you're really lacking in poetic expression."
Liliana Kranjcar.
Amidst the strong winds, Erica was mocking the completely drenched girl who was beautiful
as a fairy and wearing a blue and black cape. For her to appear here was nothing
This girl was the descendant of a true and proper witch. Completely surpassing Erica, she was
a master of flying magic.

"Do not call me Lily!If you were not working as the subordinate of that weak king, then
there would not be a need to emulate it. Furthermore, there would not be a need to be like a
female fox. How inconsiderate!"
"Rather than some sort of scheming, this is just my love. This isn't like you, to lack feeling in
your words."
As the two female knights talked under the intense rain and wind, they walked towards each
They understood each other's capabilities very well. Whether the winner or the loser, neither
would be able to conclude the battle unharmed.
"My wings, shape steel into the blade of illusionIl Maestro, lend me your power!"
Liliana raised her arm towards the sky, and loudly summoned her beloved sword.
The silver long-bodied sabre appeared and Liliana jumped up from the ground at that instant.
Approaching like a flash of lightning.
With comparable speed, Erica dodged to the side. Rather than swordsmanship, it was more
like a dancetaking leaping steps like those of the flamenco[13], while dodging the attacks
from the approaching enemy.
Liliana, who had caught up with Erica's speed, moved quietly with gliding steps.
Running as if she were ice-skating, she pursued Erica's light footsteps.
"Do not think that you can escape from me with that kind of speed!"
"True. In that case, let me defeat you with power!"
Erica performed a forward thrust with Cuore di Leone, aiming for Liliana's heart.
It was not a single attack. Within the time of a single breath, Erica struck out thrice, a killing
move consisting of three sudden thrusts.
Il Maestro gave off melodic metallic tones like an instrument, and at the same time parried
Erica's attack rhythmically.
Liliana's swordsmanship was both extremely beautiful and wonderfully precise.
Skillfully wielding the heavy weapon, while simultaneously making forceful attacks, Erica
moved the exquisite magical sword to lightly evade or parry attacks.
Erica did not attack with abandon, but was biding her time.
Not her sword, but with her foot. Aiming at Liliana's instep, Erica mercilessly stepped
towards her opponent's foot as if crushing it with her heel.

"Wait, you are using your feet so vilely just like in the past!"
"Lily, look at you. You still haven't changed your habit of cursing when you get excited. A
knight should always aim for more spectacular battles!"
Towards Liliana who retreated to dodge her opponent's heel, Erica smiled gracefully.
As they continued to slice and attack each other, the distance between them gradually shrank.
In that case, a situation of close combat would develop, and using the feet was a normal part
of swordsmanship.
Maintaining her position, Erica chopped downwards directly.
The magical sword of the lion was blocked by Il Maestro. Closing in on the guard of the
sword. Immediately Erica stepped forward on impact, using the magic sword to blow away
the light Liliana.
"This monstrously strong girl! What spectacular battle? It is just like a horse pulling a cart
with brute strength!"
"If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to describe it as strong and majestic like a lion?"
To her cursing opponent, Erica rebutted with a smile.
Liliana snorted and took a large step. This was in preparation for her prided flying skill. To fly
freely in the sky like a bird, she needed the proper distance.
"If that is the case, then I shall soar high like a falcon. Be prepared... Hmph, they already
caught up?"
Inadvertently, Liliana was lightly surprised.
Erica easily guessed the reason. With the clattering of chain mail and other metallic weapons,
clearly a few other knights had arrived using [Leap].
The death knights in pursuit of Erica with orders from Voban.
There were four of them.
They each took a position and surrounded the array of buildings the two girls were fighting
Scattered amongst the roof tops of the surrounding homes and buildings, they formed a net of
"...Looks like they will be disturbing us no matter what. Then I shall step back. If you can cut
your way out of this, let us determine the victor another day."
Liliana spoke as she put down Il Maestro.

Losing all interest because the duel was interrupted. Rather than fighting for the sake of
killing or pitting wits and power against each other, knights fought to showcase their skill and
Truly my great rival. One who could distinguish battles from duels properly.
At this point, Erica thought of a way to get out of this situation.
Not by a surprise attack, but fighting all four of these death knights face to face would be too
difficult. However, it would be totally different if she had a partner who was at least equal to
her. Fortunately, such a trump card was right here.
"Hey Lily, I happen to have something to tell you..."
With a gentle and lovely voice she seldom used, Erica spoke.
"No way. I hate talking to you and it never ends well. Is it not better for me to watch the
current dangerous situation instead?"
Liliana's response was rather cold.
However, Erica expected it and showed an openly accepting smile like that of a noblewoman.
"Don't speak so coldly oh. This may prove to be to your benefitLily, are you actually
thinking of serving Marquis Voban and following his every order from now?"
"Why not? I am only fulfilling my duties to the [King]."
Without hesitation, a proper answer.
However, this was precisely why it was so fun to play around with Liliana Kranjcar.
Feeling the movements of the death knights, Erica added emphasis to her tone. If they were
biding their time before rushing in, then now was the time to bring Liliana to her side!
"So... If that's the case, why don't you fulfill your duties to another king? If that is the only
reason why you follow the Marquis, then there's no problem, right?"
"...Are you suggesting I change my allegiance to Kusanagi Godou?"
Seeing Liliana's eye brows twitch, Erica spoke like an older sister or any type of elder.
"Correct. If it's him then you will definitely get the thrill of battleLily, did you really follow
the Marquis to Tokyo without reservations? I understand you very well, Lily, which is why I
have my doubts. It is completely unlike you to be yielding to the Marquis' tyranny so
"This and that. It is all your fault, Erica Blandelli!"

Without a clue to the reason of her anger, Erica felt mildly surprised.
"Uh, is that so? Why?"
"It is entirely the fault of your scheming against Kusanagi Godou and accepting the role of his
lover! This is what provoked my grandfather's oppositional defiance!"
Feeling there was a hidden story behind this explanation, Erica made a mental note.
The grandfather living in seclusion was well known amongst worshipers of Dejanstahl Voban.
Learning that the young mistress of the rival Blandelli family had become the lover of the
newly born Campione, he must have felt his days gone to waste. And so he must have
arranged to let the long time acquainted old king summon his granddaughter to cater to his
"Could it really be true, Lily, that the grandfather sent you to the Marquis so that his own
granddaughter could become the lover of a [King] as well? ...Isn't this a totally mistaken
casting decision?"
From this honest girl, expecting seduction was too much.
Erica felt sympathy for the furious Liliana.
"Really. What does he think his granddaughter is..."
"If that's the case, then why not end it? Lily, you are suppressing your own will to cater to the
Marquis' excesses. Isn't it time for you to be yourself, Liliana Kranjcar? One is a tyrant who
would force a girl to carry out his unreasonable requests, while the other is the young king
fighting to aid this helpless girlWho do you think is the correct side?"
The death knights were about to attack. Godou and Yuri's fates were still unknown.
Too many things to be confirmed, and too many problems requiring solutions. However, one
must not give in to anxiety so Erica presented an air of casual generosity and continued.
"If you have never sworn allegiance to the Marquis verbally, then which king you choose is
your decision... If the anachronistic old man has any objections, then Salvatore Doni will
answer as our true chief of Milan. Since Kusanagi Godou is his ally and is currently fighting
for the weakI think you'll soon lose your reasons for serving the Marquis, Lily."
"Hmph. An attractive proposal, but are you toying with me once again?"
Liliana suspiciously eyed her surroundings.
Erica did the same. Surveying the area as she conversed elegantly, she had never let down her
guard for a moment. She was ready to battle any time.
"Ara, have I ever played a joke on you, Lily?"

"Do not pretend you are ignorant. Two years ago, when we were itching to go to the movies,
were you not laughing your head off when you successfully tricked me into watching that
romantic film with the intense bed scenes!?"
"I didn't know it was that kind of movie either. And really, Lily, you even fainted to have a
wonderful dream in the middle of watching it."
"No, not at all. I also fell for your tricks when we were selecting clothes while shopping in
Milan. All you picked were those shameless clothing with low cuts, open backs and bared
navels, and you bought so much!"
"Lily you have a great figure, so those clothes really suit you. You should be more confident
in yourself!"
"Q-Quiet! Also, half a year ago when we met in Venice by chanceyou k-kept saying all
these nice but insincere things to please me, and played me like a toy!"
"Oh my, are you saying this is the same? And here I was, trying to give Lily some good
At that instant, the death knights finally made a move.
Taking advantage of the moment when Liliana let her guard down and lost awareness of their
presence, two of the four knights swung their blades at Erica, chopping downwards!
Not only was there a disadvantage in numbers, but one could not stop moving when fighting
in a place like this.
Stopping would immediately mean being surrounded, and a one against many fight will result
in a massacre. However Erica forced herself to move and face the two attacking death knights.
Swinging Cuore di Leone to restrict the chopping motion of one of them, she followed the
motion of the sword with her hips.
As the sword of the second knight approached, she dodged glamorously with a slight twist of
her body.
In that instant, she looked at Liliana.
Their glances exchanged. The face, beautiful as a doll's, frowned slightly. Il Maestro went
into motion once more. As the blue and black cape fluttered in the wind, Liliana Kranjcar
finally took action.
"You will receive your comeuppance one day! Be prepared!"
As she made her short complaint, Liliana approached.
Erica was using herself as bait for the two death knights, while Liliana made a series of fierce
attacks using Il Maestro.

One flash, two flashes.

Just like that, Liliana subdued the two unwary knights.
There were two knights remaining which could be dealt with one on one. The two of them
also jumped onto the roof where Erica and Liliana were.
The first to make a move was Liliana.
Like a bird she jumped high into the stormy sky. The blue and black cape fluttered in the wind
following her as she swooped down like a fierce bird of prey.
Below her one of the death knights waited.
The corpse held a longsword and thrusted towards the girl who had nowhere to hide in midair.
Too naive.
Having said that, Erica's lips curled with a smile of assurance.
The type of [Leap] that Liliana used was much different from Erica's. It went much faster,
flew much higher, jumped much further, and could even ignore principles of continuity.
Her descent suddenly halted.
Liliana stopping her free fall was like hitting the brakes in mid air. The sword of the death
knight missed its target.
Immediately, Liliana resumed her fall and swung her sabre downwards.
The weight and the force of the leap powered the sword's attack with kinetic energy as it
struck the death knight, and a deep slash crossing from the right shoulder to the left hip sliced
open the body.
Falling to the ground, the knees collapsed and the body fell forward and began to crumble
from the bottom.
In a short moment, the death knight turned into scattered dust.
Liliana Kranjcar's leaping skills had already reached the level of flying. Even a master would
have difficulty winning against her if they were unfamiliar with the way she fought.
"Truly amazing, Lily. You've always had a talent for flying around!"
Erica expressed approval.
Since ancient times, this had been deeply rooted in the witch culture of eastern and southern

It was said that they made secret potions, tamed wild beasts in the woods with magic, and
flew freely in the skies. Being able to acquire these skills was determined by disposition at
birth, as well as further training throughout life.
Erica's aptitude in this area was greatly surpassed by Liliana.
However, to make up for it
Manipulating steel, and using spells to forge blades and spears. In terms of the power to use
magic to create these tools of killing and destruction, Erica was far ahead!
"Cuore di Leone which was forged by the black night! The descendant of the highest sword!
Respond to my prayer, the steel of kings!"
This was the arcane art of the Excalibur[14], to raise her beloved sword's slicing efficiency to
the max.
Using these spell words, Erica struck with her sword in a superior posture. The longsword
used by the death knight was cleanly cut in half by Cuore di Leone.
Against the attacks of the blue and red knights, the last death knight also turned into dust.
"Even from a long time ago, you have been using brute strength to defeat others like this.
What an idiot suited for charging on the front lines."
"Hey Lily. I've always been praising you directly, why are you always insulting me... This is
why I say you are not lady-like."
The displeased Liliana immediately worsened her expression at Erica's criticism.
"Quiet! Rather than this, you should be rushing to meet up with your master. That important
person should probably still be fighting for Mariya Yuri, right? Head there before it is too
The noble, unsullied and chivalrous knight. This was the maiden called Liliana Kranjcar.
Witnessing this truth once again, Erica smiled.
She did not want to work under the Marquis. On a certain level, she definitely supported
Kusanagi Godou.
"Very true... But this is great, Lily volunteering to help me. However, my interest is in
"Threatening? Do you really think you can threaten me with a sword to force me to join?"
Liliana spoke like she was treated as a fool to be played with.
However, Erica grinned and shook her head. She was not going to engage in that kind of
tasteless behavior.

"Hey, in a certain drawer in your bedroomthe second one counting from the top. That
notebook there, isn't it quite nice? Very expressive and full of feeling, like a young girl's!"
Liliana stared at Erica with murderous eyes.
Erica continued unfazed.
"Who would have thought you had an interest in writing novels? 'I hate those kinds of aloof
people. However, what is this intense beating in my chest? Is it possible, could this be, is this
love?' Romance novels with this kind of feeling are so rare in the current entertainment media.
If it were me, I would put in more dead people, murders, action, and martial arts!"
"What! Hey hey hey! How do you know the existence of 'that'!?"
Erica hummed slightly and smiled.
There was actually a maid in the Kranjcar household who acted as a secret informant, but
there was no need to reveal that fact.
"Fufufu. If Lily would become my close friend from now on, then I will automatically forget
about the existence of that notebook? So, comprehend?"
"Kill! I would rather kill you to silence that mouth of yours forever!"
To the seriously furious Liliana, Erica gave out a glamorous smile.
This was the smile that Godou described as like a devil's.
"Don't be so hasty. If I died, the sealed contents of the will is full of details of that novelI
was thinking it might come in handy one day, but I never expected it to be today!"
"You, you, you devil! You are not human!!"
Hearing repeated cries of that most familiar title, Erica began planning the next step.
Since a powerful ally has been gained, it was time to meet up with Godou as soon as possible.
The king who lent his assistance to those in need, where was he now?

Part 2
It was just as Erica Blandelli was bringing Liliana Kranjcar over to her cause.
Kusanagi Godou and Mariya Yuri were at the door of a public recreation facility.
It was slightly after half past nine at night.
All staff and users had already left earlier. Presumably because of the sudden storm which
resembled a typhoon, they all left hastily.

Keeping Yuri in his arms, Godou ran here as if he was flying.

Knowing his limit was near, he happened upon this shelter, and fell over like an invalid as he
stepped in.
"Kusanagi-san!? What is the matter!"
"...I'm sorry, Mariya. Let me stay like this for a while. This always happens after using the
[Raptor]. Due to using it for so long, this part becomes very painful..."
Whispering, Godou pressed upon his chest with his hand.
Verethragna's [Raptor] could grant Godou superhuman speed and a light body. The cost for
doing so was the current condition. An intense pain in the heart depending on the length of
No magic existed to alleviate this pain. As Godou was covered with cold sweat, there was
nothing he could do but endure.
"Please relax your body. I will now use magic to relieve pain."
"No, it won't work... But I'll be fine."
Godou refused the rare show of concern.
However, Yuri did not heed him, and started treatment on her own. Placing her palm on
Godou's chest, she gently caressed him.
Through her palm a gentle warmth was transmitted. In normal situations it would probably
soothe the most intense pains. Regrettably, a Campione's body was not a normal body.
Whether hostile or friendly, all directly applied magic will be rejected.
This was due to their powerful resistance towards magic and wizardry.
"...No effect? How could this be!?"
Yuri was surprised to discover the lack of effect from her magic.
Godou endured the pain and smiled slightly. In fact he was already in too much pain to do
that, but forced himself to make display for her.
"Think back, didn't I tell you before? Under normal circumstances, our bodies are resistant to
the effects of magic. However, the only exception is when magic is blown directly into the
"That, that really was true!"

It was the battle against Athena last time. That time when Godou accepted Erica's [Teaching]
magic from her mouth directly, and obtained knowledge about the goddess. Yuri had felt
extreme indignation watching that scene.
"I-I thought that when y-you and Erica-san did that... That shameless intimate contact, it was
just an excuse... S-so sorry!"
"Could it be that you always thought that... Ouch it really hurts!!"
The painful sensation attacking his heart was like being pricked with needles.
As Yuri worriedly watched Godou's face, she kept caressing the area around Godou's chest.
"You don't need to do that, Mariya. After all it doesn't work."
"No. Even without magic, there will still be an effect. Do not speak like you know everything.
To have used such a dangerous power... you really go out of control sometimes."
Despite saying that, the motions of Yuri's hand were extremely gentle.

Pain was really subsiding. The warmth from the palm of her hand was very comfortable.
"In the past, my mother would always do this where I was hurt. Even though she was a
normal person who did not know any spells, the pain always receded gradually. So I know
that it will work for Kusanagi-san."
"Ah ah, yes. Perhaps it really is like that..."
But of course, the pain in his heart was still there.
However, compared to enduring the pain just now, he found it easier to endure. Godou finally
relaxed his body a little... and then, noticed.
Without noticing when, he had started engaging in intimate contact with Yuri.

The two of them had their clothes drenched by rainGodou was wearing his school uniform,
while Yuri was wearing the miko outfit. Having absorbed massive amounts of water, the
fabric clung closely to the skin, and mercilessly absorbed body warmth.
However, the parts in bodily contact felt warm instead.
Unlike Erica, Yuri did not use perfume or anything like that. But leaning so closely together, a
sweet fragrance could be picked up.
This was bad. Godou felt embarrassed from the bottom of his heart.
"Umm, umm Mariya, could you stay back a little? I think I'm much better now."
"N-no Kusanagi-san. If there is still an effect, then it would be better to maintain this. Also, if
we do this our bodies can feel warmth... Umm, the two of us can..."
Yuri also seemed to have noticed the same thing, and they avoided each other's gaze.
The part which the miko's white outfit did not coverthe face turned bright red as autumn
leaves. Was it imagination? But body warmth also felt like it was rising.
Ten minutes later.
Most of the pain had gone away. However, it was still difficult to move the limbs.
After experiencing a certain period of intense pain, the body became powerless and could not
move temporarily. This was the price of using the [Raptor] form.
However, since one obtained unparalleled speed in return, perhaps it couldn't be helped.
Maybe due to the lack of conversation, Godou tried his hardest to think of other things.
In the tens of minutes leaning close together without a word being said, it was like being
tortured or interrogated. At least, if there was something to chat about...
"A-anyway, about that old gramps. Mariya once mentioned it, right? The usurped authority
which allowed the manipulation of corpses. That one, what was the god called?"
"...Osiris. The ancient Egyptian deity of agricultural fertility, and the god ruling the
"...A god of harvest as well as the underworld? Why do I feel like I've heard of this guy
The goddess Athena was the dark deity of the underworld as well as the great mother earth
Then wasn't it exactly the same as the battle that ended a month ago? Godou felt doubtful.

"Perhaps it is just as Kusanagi-san thought. A fertility deity, who can turn the earth into
swaths of lush greenery, turns into a god of the underworld when winter or night time arrives.
Like Athena, there are two sides to Osiris. However, he was a male god and not a mother
earth goddess."
The mother goddess in Egypt was named Isis. The goddess of the earth who was also the wife
of Osiris.
Killed by one of the younger brothers of a desert god, Osiris' corpse was torn to pieces and
thrown into the Nile. The one who gathered the pieces together was his wife Isis.
The pieces of the body were sewn back together by the god Anubis, and revived.
Thus resurrected, Osiris became the king of the underworld, judging the dead based on sins
committed during their lifetime
"And that is to say, the Egyptian version of Yamaraja[15]? Which is why Voban can make the
people he killed crawl out from their graves to become zombies or mummies and bind them to
the living world."
"T-that description is a bit crude, but categorizing it that way should be correct."
After listening to the myths told by Yuri, Godou looked at his right hand.
...Still no good.
The god-killing golden sword. It was still uncertain whether the [Warrior] form's power could
be used.
"Can you tell me more about Osiris? I want to gather more intelligence as preparation for the
"I am really sorry. I do not know any more details... However, Marquis Voban is not a god,
right? So I do not think that the power to seal a god can be used?"
Yuri wondered, surprised.
Godou had originally thought the same, but shook his head.
"The [Warrior]'s [Sword] can destroy a Campione's authority. If Osiris' authority is sealed,
then Voban will not be able to manipulate the dead as his puppets. That guy will also weaken,
and those people can return to their graves... Ah, but perhaps the harder one to handle is the
[Wolf]? If he took on that monstrous form, I am out of options."
In the duel against Salvatore Doni, Godou had found out by accident.
However, thinking of the previous battle, Godou felt depressed.

The form capable of dueling Voban's giant wolf avatar would be the [Boar]. However, if
those kinds of monsters were to battle in the middle of the city, who knew how many innocent
victims there would be?
"What kind of god was the [Wolf] authority usurped from? The first god that the old gramps
defeated... Even Mariya doesn't know, right?"
"Yes, I am sorry I cannot be of any help. Even I was surprised by that [Wolf]"
Suddenly, Yuri stopped talking.
Staring into empty space, murmuring in a soft voice.
"As the sun possessing the strongest light... The beast which swallowed and assimilated it...
Definitely cannot have attributes of darkness... If that was the case, the existence of the god
that brings eternal night will..."
"Mariya what is going on with you?"
Seeing her acting a bit strange, Godou yelled out.
However, Yuri still did not respond. If his hand could move, Godou would definitely shake
her by the shoulder.
"The god that can devour light, that definitely implies the presence of the same light within
him... However, this is not enough... The wolf is a symbol of the earth and greenery... Not
only the god of the earth but light as wellKusanagi-san!"
Yuri's eyes regained feeling.
Grabbing Godou's immobile body, Yuri said.
"Got it! I got it! The first god Voban foughtthe identity of the god from which the authority
of wolves was usurped from, I saw it!"
Mariya possessed top notch power in spirit vision.
Godou thought of this fact. Very likely, in witnessing Voban's use of the authority, the secret
was leaked out.
"How amazing, Mariya. So which god is it after all? Name? Do you know his myth?"
"Like the god Osiris, he is also a god of the earth and greenery. No, rather than the earth, it is
more accurate to say he is a god of birth. Darkness and the earth are synonyms. The world
dominated by darknesswhich is to say the underground is an existence combining darkness
with the earth together. However, he is made of the light born from darkness and the earth!"
"He? So what is his name? Is it a god I should already know?"
"His oldest name was called light. The god of rats and wolves. The deity of gold and silver!"

At this point, Yuri's shoulders slumped over.

As if she discovered her words were too fragmented.
"I am really sorry, even though it is completely clear in my mind, I cannot express it in words
easy to understand. Same for the name, it was originally at the tip of my tongue..."
In other words, what she sensed could not be visualized easily into understandable language.
Looking at Yuri who bowed her head, Godou understood.
Just like a mathematical prodigy who cannot explain how a formula can be solved by
instincts, Yuri who understood a god's true nature by direct sight could not relay the
information to mortals by words.
What should be done? She finally found a way to help, but it became meaningless.
"I-I am sorry, Kusanagi-san. Even though you have done so much for me, I cannot help at
all... Even though I have this power, but it has not been helpful at such a critical moment..."
Yuri looked like she was about to cry, and lowered her head.
She must be feeling deeply ashamed of the current situation.
This situation is actually not something she should be so concerned about. If his body could
move freely, Godou really wanted to pat her shoulder and caress her head to comfort her.
At least say something. Godou did not show any signs of despair, and said clearly.
"Don't think too much of it. When my body recovers, let's go find Erica. If it's her, then the
current hints should be enough to figure out which god it is. So, don't lose hope."
"Ok... As a mage, Erica-san should be beyond first ratewait a minute, magic?"
Yuri nodded as she renewed her spirit.
And then she felt confused.
"So as mentioned, Kusanagi-san and Erica-san were using that... u-using mouths, umm, to
transmit knowledge, right? Up to now, you have done it many many times, right?"
"Eh, ummm, uh, at times of great need, yes, a few times..."
What is going on, what is this sense of danger?
Godou somehow felt an omen of great danger, and subconsciously tried to retreat.
However, his body could not move. He still could not muster any strengthif this continued
it might be very dangerous.

"Why do you not do the same this time?"

Yuri's cold expression probably wasn't due to the rain, right?
Like the face of a yasha[16], no doubt about it, a refreshingly cool but cheerless smile had
"No, no way. Please don't! I definitely don't want to do that!"
"Are you lying? If you do lie, I will despise you."
"Please don't despise me! I am not lying! I swear to god it's the truth!"
"...Is that so? Normally I would automatically assume Kusanagi-san was a hopeless person
who could lie with a straight face, but today I will believe your words."
"Ah, ah ah. Thanks..."
Yuri's beautiful face returned to its usual gentleness.
Seeing that, Godou felt relief from the bottom of his heartfor some reason, he felt like he
was saved!
At that moment, the sound of thunder rumbled noisily.
Crash! Crash!
The thunder continued. It felt like it was near, and the sound was very loud.
The winds were also blowing stronger and stronger.
The trees planted in front of the public recreation facility were shaking violently from the
wind, and the windows of the building rattled constantly.
Up to now, the roof above Godou and Yuri had not let in any wind or rain. However,
raindrops were suddenly blown in by the strong winds.
There was a rubbish-like object twisting in the sky.
Godou and Yuri gave out a cry of surprise. Riding upon the storm in the air of the night was
the flying roof of some temporary shack from somewhere.
Looking carefully, there were also objects like signs and pieces of wood being blown about
by the powerful winds.
"Ah, the wind has gotten stronger?"

"It's probably summoned by that old Voban. That old gramps, does he want Tokyo to be
buried by an out of season typhoon?"
Unlike before, all the rivers now had well-designed anti-flooding engineering.
There was virtually no chance of flooding from the Tokyo rivers of the Arakawa, the
Edogawa, and the Nakagawa. Still, in a storm like this, it doesn't make it any less dangerous.
It was very easy to imagine that many victims will appear, and there will be a huge disaster.
"We must meet with Erica as quickly as possible. It will be problematic if we don't stop that
old gramps soon."
"However, where is she now? Hopefully she is safe..."
Yuri spoke softly, worried.
This was also what Godou was worrying about, but he could not bring himself to say anything
Can this go on any longer? Anxiety was slowly eroding their hearts, and the two of them
began a long stretch of silence.
After about five minutes, Yuri suddenly spoke.
"Kusanagi-san... I have something I must tell you."
Yuri had a determined expressionit looked extremely cute.
Blushing from embarrassment, it was the cutest expression she had ever shown. Godou felt
the loud sound of his own heartbeat.
"Actually, I can also use the magic of [Revelation]... The magic to transmit to others what I
know from my spirit sense."
"Eh!? Ma-mariya, why didn't you say so earlier? This should have been the final solution!"
Slowly, Yuri shifted towards Godou's body. She avoided making eye contact with Godou.
Despite that, her embarrassment even made her neck red, while she slowly moved towards
Her hair draped across Godou's face. His nose invaded by the sweet fragrance, Godou really
wanted to flee immediately.
However, he couldn't. The body still could not move. A hopeless situation.
"If it is not mouth, mouth to mouth, then it does not work on Kusanagi-sanright?"

"That's right, but why? Umm, Mariya? You don't have to go so far!"
"Same here. If possible, I do not want to do this either... But it would be very serious if this
was not done... If Erica-san cannot be found then I must be prepared to do this... Do not let
your thoughts wander to some place strange. Let me clarify beforehand that I am not doing
this because I admire Kusanagi-san. It is not like that, absolutely not. As a miko, if there is a
necessity and no other choice, only then will this be done...!"
Yuri finally looked at Godou straight.
Moist eyes.
Her body trembled, unable to contain the sense of shame and her own daring behavior.
Slowly approaching were the accommodating lips.
Unlike the bold and unrestrained Erica, it carried unfamiliarity and embarrassment, a stiff
As if by chance, this word appeared in Godou's mind.
Spell words. From Yuri's lips came spell words. However, this level was not enough.
Understanding a god's wisdom, mysterious knowledge, the god's name and its natureall
were not enough.
"K-Kusanagi-san. Please, for my sakeOpen your heart to me... The hearts must become
one. If our hearts do not come together, you and I, then there is no point. I tooI too will try
my best!"
Yuri pressed her weight down and took initiative from above.
Holding Godou's face between her hands, she pressed her lips down forcefully. The clumsy
but powerful movement seemed to express her determination.
However, this was only an instant.
Very soon, Yuri lost strength. She quietly opened her mouth and gently covered Godou's lips.
"Please feel my... please feel the figure of the god from within my heart, the form and the
nature of the god I see... Let everything I seecompletely transmit to you."
A warm body and soft lips.
As she showed a face that almost seemed to cry from embarrassment, her body trembled from
nervousness, but Yuri had no intention of stopping.
Ten seconds, twenty seconds. As time passed, there were no signs of her lips letting go.

Feeling suffocated, Godou tried to seek air and loosened his lips slightly.
In that instant, Yuri used an even more intense motion to press her lips back upon Godou's
lips which had quietly separated. Like the tightly fitted shell of a clam. An even deeper kiss
than before.
The two of them exchanged saliva, entangling with each other, melting together.
Even at this level, there was a certain indescribable sense of satisfaction and unity of body.
Each other's existence felt closer than anything or anyone else, and had a warm feeling.
An intense feeling of faintness attacked Godou. Perhaps Yuri was in the same state.
While their lips pressed together, they stared with passionate eyes at each otherin that very
Finally it came. A strong impression flowed strongly into Godou's mind.
Small beasts restless in the dark, these were rats.
Rats, wolves, bears, deer and wild boars. Besides these, there were all sorts of wild beasts.
The queen of the beasts. Ruling upon the forest, the mother earth goddess that ruled over
From the mother goddess was born a rat which became a wolf, and finally took the form of
a youth.
He was handsome as bright light. However, he was still someone born from darkness. His
true nature was darkness and solitude. He was the sun born from darkness. The god who
brought light and disaster.
He was called Phoebus. In other words, light. The name of the handsome god who could
summon rats and wolves.
"I know, Mariya... I now fully understand the true form of the [Wolf]."
Quietly leaving Yuri's lips, Godou immediately said.
Spell words were flowing rapidly within his body, and he could clearly feel the power
inhabiting his right hand. Godou's body was host to Verethragna's [Warrior], and this proved
that the form of the golden sword had been shaped.
However, this was still not enough!
More weapons were needed to fight the old man.

"...Excuse me. Could you let me say something selfish? OsirisMariya, could you tell me

what you saw about the other god? To defeat that old gramps, I want to prepare as much as
"Yes. Kusanagi-sanGodou-san, please accept everything I see!"
Who knew if winning were possible?
However, believing that he has gained a powerful weapon, Godou was now full of fighting
Embracing Godou tightly, Yuri continued to press her lips upon his. The god of death and
fertility with green skinthe image of the consort of the mother earth goddess was being
At the same time, Yuri's tongue slowly probed deeper, licking against Godou's lips.
Perhaps it was instinctual, however, it wantonly moved throughout Godou's mouth full of
temptation. Feeling her seductive motions, Godou immediately let his own tongue move and
tangled together with Yuri's tongue.
Ever deeper, ever more intense. Linking hearts together!
These feelings were carried by the flow. At this time, Yuri's body suddenly shook violently
and became stiff.
Suddenly opening her eyes wide, completely shocked.
This was not enough. Give me greater power, give me more impressions!
Feeling those thoughts, Godou also looked at her at the same time.
This went on for tens of seconds. Finally Yuri lowered her eyes shyly, and relaxed her body.
Then she accepted deeply Godou's lips and tongue.
Yuri gently used her lips to accommodate the roughly invading tongue, encircling it. The
tongue wriggling back and forth within the mouth, sometimes licked softly again and again,
while at other times rubbed against the other tongue in a serious manner.
Shyly sucking at Godou's saliva, mixing saliva with her own.
"Whether the [Wolf] god or Osiris, both are deities with the same characteristics. Also, the
goddess of the earth and the god of greeneryin the earliest days, he and the goddess had a
most unusual relationship."
Leaving Godou's lips once in a while to take a break, Yuri spoke rapidly.
Other than that, she kept her lips overlapping with Godou's, making their hearts one, and
single-mindedly transmitted her heart.

"He was once the child of the goddessthe young child born of the mother earth goddess. A
lower god with the form of a child. Starting from this he became her husband, became lovers,
became siblings. Thus he has intimate relations with the earth. Hence, the [Wolf] god is the
earthmeaning a god whose body was born in darkness, but possessing attributes of light...
Do you understand, Godou-san?"
"Ah ah, understood. If that's the case, I now have the power to battle against that old
Battle power can summon the will to fight, this was a Campione's characteristic.
Having recovered at some point from the aftereffects of using Verethragna's [Raptor], Godou
slowly got up.
As if having found a source of fire, his body was full of power.

Part 3
Once the task ended, Yuri frantically separated from Godou's body.
Hurriedly, she adjusted the front of her white robe. Though not as voluptuous as Erica, her
size was just right, and the cleavage between the excellently shaped breasts was visible.
She turned her back to Godou, and was sitting down for some reason.
Her head lowered, shoulders trembling.
Probably because she couldn't accept the shameful conduct she was just engaged in. Godou
also felt the same, and could understand her feelings.
The atmosphere was very bad.
Godou also sat with his legs crossed, watching Yuri's back.
The atmosphere was seriously bad. What should be said? Come on, put some determination
and gather your courage to say something.
"Hey, Mariya..."
"P-Please do not mind me! Just now was simply something I did thoughtlessly! Just pretend
you got bitten by a wild dog and forget about it!"
In her increasing confusion, words flew out of Yuri's mouth.
"Even if you say so, I can't do that even if I wanted to..."
"B-But, if you do not do that, Godou-san, I-I cannot look you in the eye anymore! To have
done something so shameless, it really feels embarrassing..."
They continued the conversation with their faces red while avoiding looking at each other.

If he blamed the problem on her, then he was seriously not a man.

"N-No, you only did this so that I can fight the old gramps. It's not your fault, Mariya. Since I
am the one who decided to fight, I should be the one who is responsible instead..."
"Nothing of that sort. Really, please pay this matter no heed!"
"Hmm, hmmhmm... Umm, then let's treat that time as our joint responsibility. It was
something we both did together, so that would be more reasonable. How should I say it... I
also lost myself in the middle of it... Also there was some feeling like 'please, I am in your
care from here on' halfway through..."
"T-That also sounds about right, perhaps it really was like that..."
Sleeping in Godou's mind right now, were two different spell words of the sword.
This was obtained from Yuri, but the second onethe spell words for defeating Osiris the
god of the underworld were obtained by Godou himself.
Without this, Voban could not be defeated.
Godou had a premonition. Himself aside, but when faced with battle situations, he would stop
considering the surrounding things that mystified him.
Reflect carefully. Godou reminded himself once again.
"And so, I should also apologize. Please accept my apologies..."
"N-No problem. That time was, let us just treat it as us acting rashly..."
Finally handled, Yuri turned her face over.
Her face was still very red, but at least it wasn't confused.
"Sorry for feeling confused so suddenly. From now on I will plan things through more
thoroughly before I act, and will carefully reflect upon my actions. Forgive my incompetence,
but please take good care of me from now on."
"Ah, yes. It's me who should..."
As Yuri sat, she bowed deeply with her head almost touching the ground.
What was she doing, what was this greeting?
The mood was like the words said before getting married, and Godou felt a sense of
dissonance. Nodding to these scripted lines would be a real problem.
"P-Please forget that just now! Looks like I have not yet calmed down. Having said some
strange words, I express my apologies once again!"

Even noticing it herself, Yuri's voice was clearly on the rise.

What broke the problematic atmosphere was Godou's cellphone.
This was a normal cellphone without any waterproof features, but surprisingly it lived through
unscathed and didn't lose to this storm.
"Ooh, hey! Hello!"
As the phone rang, Godou quickly took out his cellphone.
'It's me. Are you okay over there? You're with Yuri, right?'
"Ah, yes. I got out after all. Erica, you sound fine, right?"
A completely familiar voice.
The beautiful girl who possessed golden glamor simultaneously with lightness like the
blowing wind. Erica Blandelli's image appeared in Godou's mind. Somehow he felt a sense of
...As if sharp knives were arranged against his back, there was a strange sense of terror.
'A lot also happened on this side, but everything is safe and sound for now. As for that
Marquis... That important one, sure loves to play.'
'Correct. Have you noticed it? The storm has become stronger, but it is definitely on purpose.
Actually, we have already found that person, observing from afar. Keeping his [Wolves] on
leash, as if preparing to hunt down you guys. Next is this storm. He could very well want a
"...What poor taste."
'Really? I think a night attacked by a storm could be quite exciting. Anyway, let's meet at
some place first. I think I've figured out Voban's abilities pretty much, but we need to think of
counters. I think I can do something against the [Dead Servants]. So try thinking of a way to
deal with the [Wolf] authority'
"Ah... Actually, I think I'm fine with that one already."
'Eh, Godou? How?'
"Well, how should I put it, lots of things happened on this side too, yes."
'...Hmph, lots and lots of things eh. Though I think I can imagine, but may I interview you

It was not an ordinary question but an interrogation. Feeling despair in this sentence, Godou
tried to change the subject.
"So that's the situation, just call me from over there. I will fly immediately."
'Got itGodou's report makes me happy. Let me bully you well afterwards.'
Leaving those ominous words, Erica hung up.
Feeling the kind of heavy atmosphere as if having lit the fuse of dynamite, Godou put away
his phone.
"Was it Erica-san calling?"
"Ah yes, she is fine on her side, and also seems to be watching the old man. I will be going
over, so it will be best if Mariya could find a place to hide please."
Godou made such a suggestion.
He didn't want Yuri, who lacked the power to defend herself, to get in danger. However, the
beautiful Hime-Miko shook her head and refused determinedly.
"No, I must go too... Godou-san, in the battle just now, it is likely that the Marquis held back
his offensive power. If he was serious, blowing you away along with the streets should not be
impossible. However he did not do that, so I think it was because I am by your side."
So, if Yuri was there then Voban could not make full use of his authorities.
Pondering the likelihood of Yuri's suggestion, Godou fell into silence. To be honest, Godou
had also discovered that possibility.
However, he could not involve her for this kind of reason.
"No problem. Compared to hiding and waiting for danger to pass and not doing anything, I
would rather do something for you all... Also, have you forgotten?"
Yuri who raised a question, had exceedingly gentle eyes.
"If you lose to the Marquis, I will be caught. So, I simply wish to slightly improve Godousan's chances of victory. This has an element of selfishness to it, so please do not be
concerned about me."
Making a contrived suggestion that it was for her own interest, to relieve stress for the other
Feeling what Yuri worried about, Godou deeply sighed.
Compared to that old man, he was much weaker. In order to obtain victory, he really needed
to exhaust all possible advantages available. And above all, the most important was the joint
efforts between companions.

Kusanagi Godou was different from Sasha Dejanstahl Voban or Salvatore Doni.
Someone who cannot fight alone, a weak [King].
This has been the case up to now.
If it weren't for Erica or Yuri, as well as a good number of additional friends and companions,
Godou would not have become a Campione, and definitely would not have obtained victory
again and again.
One day, if only he could reach the point where he wouldn't need to borrow another's
power, but before that
Godou made his decision.
It was not yet the time, so please lend me your strength. In return, whenever there was
someone who truly needed his own powerhe will offer his power without hesitation. This
was the so-called principle of equivalent exchange.
"I'm sorry, I said something naive. Then could you accompany me for a while?"
"Of course. We are born of one fatelet us do our best together."
Yuri's lips showed a peaceful smile.
Godou would sometimes take notice of her, that mild gentle smile which was unsurpassed by
any other girl. However, that smile suddenly vanished.
"O King. Should you ever forget these feelings, there will be new powers held by that hand.
When you guide the flock of lost sheep, the horned guiding beast will perform the sacrificial
rite upon your head."
With a solemn and hollow gaze, Yuri spoke. Was this a warning, or constitutional advice
no, an oracle?
"Agile and clever goat, once compared to the great god of the sky worshiped by the people of
the horse. Guide the lost sheep, wise elder. Please keep this in your heart."
"What? What did I just say?"
"...Nothing much, you didn't say anything important."
It was likely the miko's spirit sense which caused her to speak just now.
Godou was amazed at the infinite depths that Yuri's potential seemed to possess.
However, what was the guiding beast? Sheep, or was it talking about goats? Just as Godou
was starting to ponder.

Kusanagi Godou! Your knight calls for you. Please descend once again, and fulfill your
obligations as king!
From somewhere riding upon the wind came a girl's voice.
It was the sound of Erica calling. Looks like it was finally time to decide the battle against
As the companion who risked her life chanted that name, Godou received the power of flight
from Verethragna's [Wind].
"Let's go. Let's give that old gramps some pain!"
"Very well, Godou-san! No matter where you go I will accompany you!"
Yuri tightly gripped Godou's outstretched hand.
One fate.
With this determination, the two of them rode the turbulent wind and flew towards the sky.

Chapter 7 - Wind, Rain, Wolf

Part 1
As the storm ravaged the night, it was somewhere not far from the Tokyo Tower
Anyone with some slightly normal sense would not venture outside in such unfavorable
No, even a person with particularly urgent things to do would not choose to go outside, due to
this level of wind, rain, and thunder.
Within the storm, an old man stood, wearing a black jacket with joyful laughter on his face.
"Hahahahahaha! Search and go hunt! Tonight is such a wonderful night! My hunting hounds,
find my prey!"
Dejanstahl Voban yelled loudly.
Very quickly, tens of [Wolves] took form in the darkness behind him, and started racing
across the city in the night. As if carrying his laughter, the wind strengthened, and the
lightning became more violent.
The screams of the wind and the sound of thunder, heavy rain striking the ground with fierce
sounds, all these dominated the city night.

Without any signs of people on the streets, the cars on the roads also disappeared.
In other words, it would not have been an exaggeration to say it had turned into a city without
people. Voban who yelled arrogantly was like a king of the wasteland.
"Ah, getting so excited. He looks really happy."
The one who appeared to admire with sincerity was the History Compilation Committee
member, Amakasu Touma.
Beside him was Liliana Kranjcar. As she peeked at the one who sort of counted as a dignified
old man, she showed a slightly shocked expression.
"Especially this tasteless act. It is as if he had not found entertainment for a long time until
now... Really, an anachronistic tyrant should just enjoy his secluded life!"
"However, a life of sitting in the balcony under the sun and growing old... Something like that
is no good"
Erica Blandelli deliberately played the devil's advocate against her old friend.
It was near Shiba Park in the Minato ward.
They had discovered the old Devil King and hid in a dark spot of some building to witness
this scene.
Roughly thirty minutes ago, Erica had brought Liliana over to her cause, and disarmed hateful
complaints one after another with a smile as they searched for Voban.
Liliana, who was even skilled at divination, had divined the Marquis' location.
Moving in the direction the divination indicated, they met Amakasu.
As Erica and Liliana walked together, a car stopped on the road, suddenly opened its door and
out appeared his figure.
Opening a black umbrella and walking out into the heavy rain.
However, the umbrella was immediately blown away. Amakasu shook his head as if saying
"can't stand this," gave up, and simply let his suit take in water from the rain. At the same
time, he spoke.
"Meeting here must be fate then, let's go... So, could you introduce this young lady with you,
Erica-san? Actually, I seem to have met Liliana Kranjcar-san somewhere before?"
Having said that, the three of them stood together.
"So Amakasu-san, may I ask you a question?"

"No problem, as long as I know the answer. However, weight and the three measurements are
secrets, yes?"
To the History Compilation Committee member who answered frivolously, Erica threw him a
vicious stare.
"Actually, starting from just now I realized. You... no, the reason why Godou was requested
in this affair."
Erica was questioning using subtle acrimonious tones.
Amakasu played dumb and laughed, his calm and relaxed facade did not falter.
"Actually we are very worried about Erica-san as well. Isn't it normal to negotiate with the
side which has the ability to do something?"
"So how is it? When someone close to him is caught in danger, Godou will take action
without thinking clearly. Ignoring some sacrifices, fighting the Marquis could turn out to be a
good opportunity to push Godou forward in harnessing his potential... So to speak. Am I
overthinking things?"
"You overthought this. After all, we of the History Compilation Committee are all respectable
civil servants. Our first consideration is the welfare of the Tokyo residents and the Japanese
Erica elegantly gave off an air of acute sarcasm.
Amakasu, though clearly insincere, had a face that somehow one could not hate.
Listening to the conversation of the two, Liliana whispered with a lack of good will.
"Conversations like those between foxes and bats should take place somewhere else. Putting
that aside, what should be done now? Is Kusanagi Godou in this direction?"
"Yes in this direction, how should I put it, it's that he should be in this direction."
Erica answered, thinking of the phone call just now.
...Of course, one could not be careless with a man like Kusanagi Godou. Though he clearly
lacked outstanding social skills, he keeps attracting all these strange people.
Perhaps this was part of a king's disposition. A dependable existence, but not very amusing.
The plan to bring Liliana over to his side turned out to be enacted early and succeeded far
beyond expectation. ...One must take note of this in the future.
Fooling around with newcomers would be fine. This was the privilege of a king. However, he
cannot be forgiven if he gets serious.
The one whom Kusanagi Godou truly loves above all can be no one else but Erica Blandelli.

"To carve this principle deep into the soul, truly has to begin from childhood... With that kind
of personality, the chances of him becoming a parent who spoils his children is rather high..."
"What is it, Erica? What are you uttering so softly about?"
Erica shook her head at Liliana's question.
The current priority was to deal with Marquis Voban. One must concentrate.
"Ah ah, excuse me, it's nothing, don't mind it. Let's start. Kusanagi Godou and Dejanstahl
Voban, the second round of the duel between [Kings]."
Erica and Liliana stepped forward side by side.
They stepped towards where the old Devil King was summoning wind, rain and thunder,
laughing madly.
Under the intense thunderstorm, the two girls finally faced off against the elderly king.
"Ohoh, finally out of the house? Too late. Oh, Kranjcar seems to have joined her rival, but
why? Shouldn't you be following me?"
Voban glanced sideways at the girl beside Erica and spoke.
He could immediately tell that Liliana had changed her loyalties. His twisted eyes were full of
"I express my deepest apologies. Liliana Kranjcar would now request to be withdrawn from
your services. Please forgive me for refusing to stain my chivalry by participating in the
kidnapping of the weak and womenfolk."
"Dare to refuse the tyrannical king? Foolish! However, this may well be the role model of a
Voban smiled generously.
"Killing you by my own hand and letting you join the ranks of the [Dead Servants] will
suffice. Without a doubt, that [Diavolo Rosso] will accompany you as well. You won't be
lonely eh? Girls with the disposition of wolves, you are worthy to become warriors under
The darkness became restless once again.
Warriors, with sturdy bodies and wearing ancient battle attires, were born out of the darkness.
"I can't let you be mistaken, so let me teach you all. These people[Dead Servants] can only
be truly released from my shackles by the state of my death. So just now, for those knights
you defeated with your own hands, do not mistakenly believe that they will obtain peace.
They have simply turned into dust once more, returning to the ground, and after some time
will return to my shackles once again... My domination is eternal."

Out of the storm dozens of death knights appeared.

It was true. From amongst the defeated knights, there were now two that looked identical to
them. As expected of an authority usurped from the gods, ordinary methods did not work.
Witnessing the power of her enemy, Erica instead showed an arrogant smile.
"A king's words cannot be false. However, may I be so bold as to make a correction. We are
not your opponents. Have you forgotten this fact?"
"I'm not that old and senile. However, where is that beloved brat of yours?"
The nature of Voban's smile changed.
In the smile of the king who was familiar with his absolute power, a composed warrior's
hearty laughter from the boiling of hot blood could be seen.
"That kind of brat can't even satisfy my hunger a tiny bit. A newborn king can only be at this
level. However if that guycan let me witness the power that overcame the other brat
Salvatore, then I shall amend my words. Tonight, is a rare moment for my blood to boil from
excitement. The chance to enjoy fighting to my heart's content!"
Neither for the power to bury gods, nor for ruling the earth.
Only to enjoy a good battle.
A power that only existed for battle and conflict.
The king whose body had existed for centuries, who chose solitude and abandoned territory
and subjects instead, to the old king's roars, Erica nodded.
"If that's the case, king, then you shall confirm for yourself. Kusanagi Godou! Your knight
calls for you. Please descend once again, and fulfill your obligations as king!"
Taking a slight bow, raising her voice to call for that name.
Riding upon the blowing winds, out spoke the spell words calling forth the young king.
Soon, the wind formed a vortex in front of Erica's eyes.
Away from the overflowing spell power, Liliana retreated in surprise.
Suddenly in the center of the wind, out appeared Kusanagi Godou and Mariya Yuri dressed in
her miko outfit.
"You have kept me waiting long enough, brat. Making an elder wait so long, what a rude
fellow. As expected of the ally of that brat Salvatore."
"Excuse me. However, comparing me with that kind of person makes me mad."

Voban who treated the enemies appearing before him as idiots, and Godou who responded
with haughty battle spirit.
It was the moment the two kings met again.

Part 2
"Mariya, why don't you wait at the back. It's probably better than staying right beside me."
"Yes. No matter what, please be safe."
Listening to Godou's directions, Yuri nodded sincerely.
She reluctantly let go of the hand she was holding tightly during the flight via Verethragna's
[Wind], and got off from Godou's body. Without a trace of uncertainty, it was a very good
The place where Yuri ran towards, had Ericaas well as another person.
"Eh? You are from just now..."
"I am Liliana Kranjcar. I hurried here at full speed to join under your banner, Kusanagi
Godou. Though I never wanted to serve the same master as that female fox, I have judged
your side to be the side of justice on this occasion. I hope you can understand the reasons of
my actions."
Liliana spoke rapidly as she glared at her longtime acquaintance.
Easily ignoring her gaze, Erica supplemented with a devilish smile from goodness knows
"That's right. This is very important. Justice. It was also written in the notebook of
"Quiet! ...You will get your just deserts one day."
Liliana said with a frown.
Noticing some kind of back story, Godou felt sympathy for her. It must have been a difficult
life getting along with that devil for so long.
"There's probably nothing to gain from following me. It's fine, you don't have to force
"That is already understood, it is fine."
Liliana simply cut Godou off.
Even though she was complaining, her face showed a happy expression.

With dreamlike beauty like a fairy's, it felt like she had finally let go of something and
obtained the will to advance forward into the future.
"Ok, thanks. Let's beat up that abominable old man together then."
The knight who was brought over by Erica's scheming.
Not only was she capable and had her own principles, she was lending her power. That
deserved thanks. Liliana shyly fled from Godou's gaze of gratitude.
"Thanks are not needed. It is a knight's duty to assist the king. Furthermore, you are doing this
to save a friend and a lady. ...Well, as the master of that female fox, you have earned very few
starting points, but no matter, this is within acceptable bounds."
Very strict words.
This was already established in the first impression. This girl was unexpectedly abrasive in
response to unnecessary concern from others. If one were to imagine from that doll-like face,
one would likely conclude that she was one of those characters that were tough but satisfying
to win over.
With a forced smile, Godou generously nodded his head in response.
"That's enough. I am in your debt. Then, old man over there, let's go."
"Hmph, you sure talk too much about the most trivial of things. As a warrior, please do not be
distracted when facing enemies. Immature one!"
Unfazed, Godou retorted against the criticisms of the old man.
"Immature doesn't need to be said, Captain Obvious. As a substitute, I have my trusted
companions. You probably pride yourself on your solitary superiority, right?"
"This brat really knows how to bark. So, let's see who has more bite!?"
Voban waved his hand downwards.
Immediately, the death knights behind him moved at his call.
Unsheathing their swords, raising their spears, to kill and defeat Godou! The first to approach
were two knights, one red and the other blue, who summoned magic swords.
"Lily, there is no need to defeat the death knights. We just need to protect Godou properly.
That is our priority!"
"Any other strategy? Understood!"
To Godou's right was Erica, while Liliana took the left.

Cuore di Leone and Il Maestrothe two magic swords traced spectacular paths nonstop,
forming an impenetrable wall protecting Godou from the death knights.
In terms of battle strength, the two of them were probably very close to, if not equal to the
enemies before them.
Compared to the dead who could only faithfully follow the orders of their master, there was
an advantage to instant and flexible decision making and agile evasion. Furthermore, their
base capabilities had negligible differences.
This was true even though they were outnumbered.
The ten or more death knights were intercepted by the two people Erica and Liliana.
Still, Voban continued to summon servants out of the darknessa mobile army of corpses.
Amongst these warriors who resembled medieval knights, there were also soldiers armed with
muskets fitted with bayonets.
Corpses who wrapped their bodies with cloth and rope, swinging battle axes. There were also
dead people who wore military uniforms dating from the earlier half of the twentieth century,
and carrying what appeared to be ancient rifles. As if turning back time, there was a giant man
who looked like a Viking from some unknown era. Amongst the dead, there were also those
who wore Middle Eastern or Chinese attire.
The [Dead Servants] whose ranks included a haphazard mix of all sorts of time periods,
nationalities, and ethnicities
The firearms they carried appeared to be in no condition to fire. The blades in their hands
were badly maintained, and heavily rusted.
Even so, they were swarming in and swinging their weapons.
Erica and Liliana did not back down at their opponents the [Dead Servants].
The dead attacked in bunches again and again.
Once again, Erica had split Cuore di Leone into thirteen parts to be controlled.
The magic sword of the lion floated in the sky like a ferocious bird of prey, and then flew,
slicing continuously at the [Dead Servants]. Against the most powerful death knights, Erica
stopped them by swinging her sword personally.
Liliana stayed off the ground for the most part.
She stood on the dead people's heads, shoulders, and even on their weapons, jumping around
and flying without restriction. From above, she attacked from the air with her magic sword
again and again, neutralizing her enemies.
They completely avoided overextending themselves.

Against the strongest death knights, they used hindering attacks and never engaged for too
However, against the weakest servants, the magic swords attacked their fatal vulnerabilities
with merciless abandon. Within a short while, many of them were removed from battle. In
truth, the tactics of the two could be seen as despicable, but extremely solid.
Completely low risk.
Erica never left Godou's side, while Liliana never ventured too deep.
What remained constant was guarding Godou above all else. This was possible due to the
capabilities and judgment of the two.
"I didn't want to do this originally, but there's no other way!"
"Same for me! But, now what? Do you have a plan!?"
Even in a situation like this, the two of them did not give off any sense of tragedy.
Seeing Erica and Liliana kicking away the dead, Godou had mixed feelings.
Though obedient, they were the victims killed by Voban's hand.
The tragic fate of those who resisted the devil king and opposed him, but ended up defeated.
As these people fell and stayed on earth as servants, they continued to fight for Voban after
their deaths.
Of course, Verethragna's authorities weren't anything good either, but there were still limits.
If he could, liberating them was the first thing Godou wanted to do.
Godou sighed.
In terms of strategy, it would be unwise. It was already established that the power of Erica and
Liliana was sufficient to hold off the [Dead Servants]. It would be better to save his trump
card for something else.
Ending the summoning of more [Dead Servants], Voban approached with casual footsteps.
Eyeing the powerful old king, Godou spoke decisively.
"...Hey. Do you remember the first god you killed?"
"Why are you bringing this up, boy? What does that have to do with you?"
Voban sneered.
His form changed. From man to werewolf, and then to a wolf

Was that really all there is to it, other than turning into a giant wolf? Knowing the destructive
power of Verethragna's [Boar], Godou believed that this [Wolf] was the ability that he must
be the most wary of.
Voban's body expanded after transforming into a wolf.
Once again, the vigorous body of the giant silver wolf returned, a terrifying embodiment of
Currently in Godou's heart, resided two swords.
However, the [Warrior] could only wield one sword at a time, and he must choose between
them. Godou must decide between sealing the [Dead Servants] or the [Wolf]. This was a
choice he must make, no other way around it.
Casting his last doubts aside, Godou began to chant the spell words.
"I know it. That bastard of a god you killedthe wolf god hanging around like night, hating
mankind, I know it!"
The light shined with brilliance and glory.
The [Sword] of the spell words to kill gods. Shining with golden splendor, it formed
numerous spheres of light and scattered.
"Once known as Phoebusthe god whose name had the meaning of light. However, he was
also the god with the night-like epithet 'nukti eoiks.'[18] A bastard deity who possessed a
massive contradiction between his appearance and his nature, that was the god you killed."
The golden [Sword] fluttered in the air amidst spell words.
Looking up, the view was mostly dominated by the giant wolf form of Vobanhis silver fur
and the strong body of a wolf, were being shredded in a crisscross manner.
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh !!
'What, what is that power!'
Carrying roars and surprise, his yelling also echoed.
"That ancient epithet Smintheus. It means rat. And then there is Lykaon, Lyeios... words
containing the meaning of wolf. The god of light whose origins stemmed from rats and
wolvesthe beasts of the earth and darkness. This is the key to interpreting this god!"
This was the figure and nature of the god that Yuri observed.
Obtaining that knowledge, Godou felt the spell words flowing out continuously from
somewhere deep inside him.

This was different from the times when Erica used spells to transmit knowledge. Though his
mind was totally blank, his mouth spoke on its own. As his tongue moved without pause,
spell words were spoken continuously.
Using the heart to capture the god's formand then speaking out the images. Simple as that.
"The wolf with the essence of a rat, and the god who possessed dual attributes of light and
nightin other words, Apollo. The twin brother of the moon goddess Artemis, the sun god
who locked away darkness but was born underground! This is the name of the first god you
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh !!
'The spell words with the power to sever a god's power! Is this your trump card? Interesting!'
Voban roared stubbornly.
From the fur of the giant silver wolf, numerous [Wolves] were born. Each strand of fur
transformed, turning into bodies the size of normal wolves, and started racing through the air.
The golden [Sword] brought color to the night sky swirling with wind and rain.
The light of the spell words twinkled like stars, and flew towards the silver wolf pack jumping
through the air.
In order to devour the [Sword], which flew back and forth around the giant wolf, the [Wolves]
constantly lunged at the lights and attempted to bite them. However, the [Sword]'s spheres of
light simply advanced from within the [Wolves]' mouths to cut their vigorous bodies into
Watching the victories repeating in the air several, no, dozens of times, Godou's determination
continued to get fired up.
Let's attack in one fell swoop!
"Apollo's twin sister Artemis is the goddess of the huntone of the pillars amongst the
powerful mother earth goddesses. The mother of these siblings is the great earth goddess
Leto. And Apollo was once a deity belonging to the temple of the earth."
Apollo's epithets appeared one after another.
Apollo of Light [Phoebus Apollo]. Apollo of Rats [Apollo Smintheus]. Apollo of Wolves
[Apollo Lykeios]. Apollo of Disaster [Apollo Loxias].
This sun god had many little known contradictions. Godou once killed time at home by
reading a pocket-sized edition of the Iliad. He found it quite strange at the time.
The beginning of the Homeric hymn described how 'Apollo took on the guise of the dark

And then the god brought pestilence against the Achaean army. The eternally handsome
youth. The sun god who loved and admired beauty. It was hard to connect his appearance
with the descriptions of the things he did.
"As proof of this, there exists a deep link between the earth and the beasts which symbolized
him. Rats, wolves and swansas well as snakes. Those tiny rats, restless in the darkness,
could very well be Apollo's original form. The wolves used by his sister Artemis as servants,
was the form of Apollo as the guardian dog of the underworld. The swan was also a symbol of
the link between earth and the underground. Finally there is the snakeas one of the major
symbols of most mother earth goddesses, it represents the cycle of life and death."
Powered by Godou's spell words, the golden [Sword] flew across the sky.
[Wolves] continuously flew out from the body of the giant wolf, trying to rip, bite and resist
these swords.
The brilliant light of gold and silver fought fiercely, showering the area with sparks.
The eerie blaze of the supernatural aerial battle was carried out in a narrow region of the
stormy night sky.
"However, the snake which appeared in Apollo's myth was neither his companion nor his
relative. It is the monster that he killedwhich is why snakes appear. It is the serpent Python
which guarded the sacred land of the Delphic oracle. In the past, the young Apollo slew the
serpent with his bow and arrows, thus becoming the god of the oracle."
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ooh ooh
ooh ooh ooh ooh!!
As if trying to disperse Godou's spell words, Voban roared.
Unable to resist the [Sword], the forms of the silver wolves disappeared as they met defeat
repeatedly. The giant wolf with a monstrous body kicked at the ground, causing massive
shaking on the surrounding surface.
The attack's direction was aimed at Godou, obviously.
Since the weapon could not be defeated, attacking the controller was the logical choice.
However, that was easy to handle.
"Python was the great serpent born from the mother earth goddess Gaia. Apollo had killed the
serpent and became the patron of Delphi. Henceforth, his priestesses were called Pythia and
delivered the oracle to those who came to seek the sacred Delphic oracle. In other words,
Apollo is the god who successfully killed a fellow brethren deity belonging to the earth."
Godou strung the golden swords together and gathered the brightness.
If he attacked here in a straight line, it would be just right. He will sever Apollo's divine
power with one slice, and disarm Voban's weapon!

"The underground which connects the earth to the underworld, symbolized darkness. What
dispels darkness is lightsunlight. As a god born from the earth, Apollo also embodied the
light which existed to kill his mother. Hence, his true nature has attributes of light mixed into
darknessand became the god of disaster Loxias."
Giving off light brighter by several fold, a golden flash sliced at the giant wolf horizontally.
Immediately, the giant body was destroyed. Shrinking, it turned back into the form of a
skinny old man.
"...I see now, the spell words which can overcome my authority. Such an annoying special
Though clearly injured, Voban stood upright and unfazed.
Passion and calm, iron will and glory, all these were mixed together and shone from the eyes
of the ancient and powerful one as he glared at Godou.
"An ability to adapt oneself against different situations. What a rare power... Amongst the
current [Kings], John Pluto also has a similar ability. These types of authorities usually have
restrictions. As long as I know the rules which bind you, victory can be easily obtained."
Hmph. Though blood dripped from his forehead, Voban's lips showed a crooked smile.
Godou heightened his alertness. The power of the old man's [Wolves] probably hasn't been
suppressed completely. When it struck, Godou felt that the impact was very light.
Seeing through the nature of the [Sword]'s spell words, Voban had halted his attacks just
before the critical moment.
"Don't worry, with your level of ability, it is still too soon to present a challenge. I will attack
you straight on."
The [Dead Servants] received Voban's orders, and changed their movements.
Up until now, they had been attacking without pattern. But now they suddenly became
extremely well organized. They temporarily retreated away from around Godou to regroup,
and then attacked in waves.
"Damn it! They are here again! So troublesome!"
"Just when I thought it was getting too easy, but this will be bad!"
Liliana and Erica were having difficulty holding them off, and clearly showed signs of
First, the weaker servants were used to take the frontal assault. When they occupied Erica and
Liliana, the great knight level corpses immediately attacked.
Clearly, Voban was manipulating the [Dead Servants] with his invisible will.

"You were trying to solve the riddle of Apollo, right? Correct, the first god I defeated was
Apollo, and my wolf was the sacred beast authority I usurped from him. However, your spell
wordswill they be effective against any god other than Apollo?"
Controlling the dead was part of Osiris' authority, but even though he was aware of that fact,
Godou could do nothing about it. No matter what, the [Warrior] form could only seal Apollo's
divine power.
It looks like Voban changed his method of attack in order to find the limits of Godou's
Erica and Liliana swung their magical swords and continued to battle. Though they fought
without respite, the tide of battle had turned against them. Just as Godou agonized that he was
being protected by two girls
Yuri's voice yelled out from behind him.
"Please use the sword for vanquishing Osiris! You should have fulfilled that condition!"
"It's true, but I have already used the [Sword] to seal Apollo..."
Without enough remaining strength to answer, Godou could only whisper softly.
Each of Verethragna's incarnations could only be used once a day. Furthermore, when using
the [Warrior], the target had to be decided beforehand.
"Don't give up! Whether Apollo or Osiris, both were originally deities with extremely similar
characteristics. Use the spell words dormant in your body, and forge the [Sword] you need
right here!"
Even Yuri spoke of something impossible. As Godou was caught in surprise, he surveyed the
Erica and Liliana were already at their limits trying to protect him. Enslaved by the authority
of the underworld deity, the servants were fighting even after their deaths, and the old man
culprit was just standing there gloating
If Godou doesn't give it a try, how will he know the result?
Seeing Voban's confident demeanor, Godou felt pity for the [Dead Servants], and apologetic
towards his companions in battle, and so he renewed his battle spirit.
"Like Apollo, Osiris was also a god born from the earth!"
The green-skinned god of the underworld, the judge of the dead.
The nature of that god was the harvest brought about by the Nile river valleybountiful grain
symbolized attributes of the earth.

"However, though born from the earth, he differs from the Apollo who became the brilliantly
glorious sun god, Osiris is purely a god of the earth and the underworldthe close relative of
the mother earth goddess, and just a god of harvest."
Apollo and Osiris were both sons of mother earth goddessesthe root of the earth.
Born in different cultures, but possessing many commonalities in attributes. On this basis,
new power flowed into the [Sword].
Speaking out the spell words against Osiris, the power was released to seal the underworld
god of the harvest!
"After becoming the sun god, Apollo finally obtained the guise of the dark night. Nightthe
world dominated by darkness. The underground where Apollo scurries in the form of a rat is
also the world of darkness. In other words, this is the mark of the underworld."
The mother earth goddess, who nurtured all life, was not just a goddess overflowing with
Winter brings with it death. Godou had learnt this when fighting Athena, the underworld deity
who ruled both the night and the underground. And Osiris was the god of harvest born from
the earth.
Crops germinated and grew in spring, were harvested in summer and autumn, and welcomed
death in winter.
From death, they were reborn in the next spring, and grew once again.
In Godou's hand appeared a huge longsword with a golden blade. This was the divine
sword forged to vanquish the god of the underworld who went through death multiple times
and was resurrected.
Surrounded by ten or twenty layers of [Dead Servants], there was nowhere to go.
Looking at the distanceslightly further than ten meters, the figure of the old king could be
seen silently directing the dead's battles like an orchestra conductor.
Aiming at his target, Godou raised his sword.
"Osiris was once cut into pieces and died, resurrecting to become the god of the underworld.
The mother earth goddess' responsibilities included bestowing life in spring, harvesting in
autumn, and death in winter. As the son of the earth and god of the harvest, Osiris' dominion
also included growth in spring, harvest in the fall, and death in winterthus, both the mother
earth goddess who does the killing as well as the harvest god who was killed have many
common functions."
The cycle of death and rebirth.
Like Athena who once fought Godou, there were the forms of the underworld deities of death,
Isis and Artemis. However, the difference was that Apollo was never killed, only Osiris.

"Apollo did not have the authority to take lives, but instead, he became the god of the sun.
Nonetheless, he still had the epithet 'nukti eoiks' to express deathhis past includes being
the god of pestilence!"
Instilling the killing spell words, Godou swung the massive [Sword] fiercely.
Golden light given off from the body of the blade lit up the entire battlefield. Light
surrounded Erica and Liliana, vanquishing the [Dead Servants].
Immediately, they chased after Voban who commanded from the back like a king piece in
To defend against this attack, the dead warriors used their own bodies to shield the old
Godou made a grotesque smile. Their efforts were futile, as long as the target was locked by
his aim, there was no meaning to sacrificing themselves for defense.
Will it succeed after all? And the final result was?

Part 3
At some point, the rain had stopped.
However, the wind had not subsided. The wind was still blowing as violently as ever, and the
dark clouds covering the sky continued to rumble with thunder, reaching the ground.
Only the rain stopped. The old man's joyful voice could be heard.
"You really did it. Slaying my [Wolf], and sealing the cage of the [Dead Servants]. Such a
troublesome ability does exist after all."
The slicing attack infused with all of Godou's liberated spell words.
From the sensation of his hands, Godou felt that the power of Apollo hidden in Voban's body
was completely severed. It was likely that he would not be able to use that authority again for
a few days. But as for the divine powers of Osiris
As expected, using the [Sword] for Apollo to slay Osiris was very difficult.
It did not succeed completely. However, it still managed to decrease the number of [Dead
Servants]. From a rough estimate, half were destroyed while the remaining half stopped
The spell words of the [Sword] did not completely cut through Voban's power of domination.
Erica and Liliana, who had been fighting nonstop, finally put down their magic swords,
breathing slightly heavily.
On the last swing of the [Sword], the [Dead Servants] turned into dust and scattered.

At that time, Godou felt like he heard something from the disappearing servants. What was
that, could it have been words of thanks?
The [Sword]'s spell words had cut through Voban's oppression.
The dead did not simply disappear in form, but welcomed true deaththey were finally able
to rest in peace.
The [Warrior]'s ability included not only the sword, but the sight to see through a god's nature.
That was why Godou understood what happened.
If those were really words of gratitude, it was definitely something to celebrate. It was also
worth it at such a great cost... Godou felt his spirits renew as he stomped his trembling foot
against the ground.
Giving the [Sword] double spell words has consumed most of Godou's stamina.
His breathing was irregular, and his body felt weak.
Looks like this method of fighting was still beyond the current Godou, who did not expect it
be so taxing.
...! ...!
What is going on? Godou felt like someone was speaking.
Erica and Liliana beside him, and starting at some point in time, Yuri with a sorrowful
expression, were staring at him. Why was there such a feeling?
"Yes, I would like to commend your bravery. This battle did not disappoint me."
As Voban finished speaking in a low voice...
The wind began to moan.
Godou's body was blown back by a heavy explosion of air pressure.
Using the eyes of the [Warrior], Godou looked at the old king... This was the divine power of
the wind, and three figures could barely be seen behind Voban.
Feng Bo,[19] Yu Shi[20] and Lei Gong.[21] These names floated into Godou's mind.
Deities from China, or was it Korea? Probably the storm gods defeated by Voban. Affecting
their appearances was what the old man possessed, the authority ruling over wind, rain,
thunder and lightning.
"Taken as entertainment, it's a bit exciting. As the one who fought Salvatore to a draw, it is
acceptable. Perhaps in another two years, you will turn out to be a fine warrior."

The strong winds continued to blow.

Erica who had stepped in front to shield Godou was blown away. Liliana who tried to close
the distance between Voban using the magic of flight also met the same fate.
Then came the thunder. As the rumbling noise started up, lightning descended from the sky.
Resistance against all spells was a Campione characteristic which Godou gambled upon.
...As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. All enemies, all who
harbor enmity will be vanquished. Chanting the hymn to Verethragna, he activated magical
power all over his body.
It's working, the flash that should have landed on Godou's head missed his body by a slim
The charred asphalt gave off a burnt smell.
The high temperature caused by the thunder vaporized rain drops in the air... If this continued,
defeat would be imminent.
"How relentless. It was already apparent, boy, that you share similarities with my past self. To
obtain a [King]'s authority without any magical knowledge. And to skillfully wield with
determination and wisdom, these powers that a mage could never obtain through training, this
was the path I once trod."
With another flash, this time it was lightning.
It was already a feat to escape the spear of the thunder god descending from the sky, and his
body felt very hot. Perhaps Godou had already been burnt quite severely.
This time he was suddenly hit by a sudden gust of strong wind, and his whole body was
blown away.
Though Godou felt weak and his legs were unstable, he glared at Voban.
Even if his body was in full health, he did not have a way to evade wind and thunder. From
the start, there existed a disheartening difference in power. But no matter how tired his body
felt, Godou still pushed himself to struggle and stand up.
The shaking of his knees was impossible to control. If this continued, he will be abused to
death. Godou showed a displeased expression.
"Stand up, Kusanagi Godou! You have already fought to this point, show me your resolve!"

Voices were heard. Yuri, Erica, as well as Liliana. Everyone was fine, and the voices of who
...! ...! ...!
There really were voices, but who were they? It sounded like a lot of people, their voices
carried from a far distance.
Ten people, twenty people, no, there were many more. Where were all these people? It could
barely be heard, but it sounded like pleas of "Get up and fight!"
The voices did not stop, the voices of the crowd, the voices seeking power, the voices praying
for salvation. Godou lifted his head, looked around and understood in an instant.
Assured of the power's existence, Godou mastered the characteristics of the new form.
This sense of omnipotence was the sweet yet dangerous sensation felt when a Campione
struggles to reach a new stage. I will not lose, declared Godou in his heart.
Such a strange power actually existed, and Godou's determination was renewed.
"O Guardian of the righteous, I invite you and offer sacrifice. O Guardian of the righteous,
I praise you, and beseech you. One who supports the sky and develops new land, the one who
grants victory and grace, I will perform justice, please grant to me the right path and light!"
Battle spirit rising straight towards the sky, the spell words erupted.
The completely new formit was Verethragna's ninth form, the [Goat] which transformed
from the [Warrior].

In that instant, Voban released lightning.

The flash descended from the sky. However, Godou caught it directly.

His palm covered with lightning, he had caught the attack as if it was a baseball. Light erupted
from his hand, and waves of heat could be felt. Strong energy was also being released.
Do not think that you are the only one with power over lightning!
Feeling joy that he could finally counterattack, Godou relaxed the corner of his lips, and threw
the ball of thunder back.
As expected of the one who could direct wind, rain, thunder and lightning.
With the sound of rumbling, the old king deflected the path of the lightning which should
have gone straight.
"So that is also your power, boy! To think you even had this level of battle ability...!"
Due to the joy of battle, Voban's expression was radiant.
Godou nodded silently.
This was a power that he did not have the capacity to use alone. Despite Godou's battles till
now, this was a power which would never have awakened without the victory wishes of those
who were defeated by Voban.
The will to defeat that man.
The wish to stop the old man, and the hope to seal him.
Numerous people were asking, begging, praying, hopingthe power of feelings, the power of
hearts was concentrated here and formed a vortex like a hurricane. Godou could now hear
them clearly.
The voices of lost souls gathered here.
And that was not all.
There were the cries of the souls who were finally released after the [Sword] severed Osiris'
power of domination.
They did not know where they would go henceforth.
Heaven, hell, underworld, nirvana, temple of salvation, or promised land... These souls would
probably be directed to their final resting place according to their various religions and
cultures. It must be so. However to these souls, their final wish was to witness their enemy's
demisethe old king who had enslaved them for so long.
Furthermore, Godou not only sensed the feelings of the dead.
Worrying about the intense thunderstorm and violent winds.

Fear of the constant roaring of thunder started just now.

Concerns of the giant shadow seen for an instant outside the window... That form of a
monstrous dog, and doubting their own sanity.
Within the typhoon, there appeared to be some kind of gang fight, and the feeling of being
scared to death.
Even the feelings of the residents nearby could be felt clearly.
Godou originally thought that there would be very few people outside due to the weather and
the strange happenings, but to think that there were so many people around here. This caused
him to worry, because he wanted to keep collateral damage to a minimum.
Amongst the vortex of thoughts and feelings, Godou focused on those closer to him.
The feelings of the girl who worried about Godou's body, and prayed for his safe return
with all her heart.
The heart of the noble maiden who risked all her courage to beg for Godou's victory.
After making contact with Yuri and Erica's hearts, power flowed out as if without limit.
Within the body of the Campione, it was as if new life was infused, it would be too shameful
to lose now!
"Grant me power! Grant me the power to defeat Voban!"
Godou shouted, his arm raised towards the sky.
At the same time, the sky was layered with the heavy thunderclouds summoned by Voban.
There was no lack of weapons!
The sound of thunder. Lightning descended from the sky continuously.
Verethragna's ninth form was the [Goat]. This form allowed one to listen to the hearts of the
people, and wield thunder as weapons.
The lightning summoned from the sky was captured just as it was about to explode in front of
Godou, and gave off sparks.
The thunder that should have crashed upon the ground halted, and then began to gather.
The energy of light and heat was released all at once.
Faced with the wave of thunder and lightning swarming him like a turbulent flow, the old
Campione exercised his own authorities, and through the exploding flashes of light, the two
[Kings] vied for supremacy.
Intending to defeat the old man with thunder was Godou, while Voban was trying to push the
thunder away.

Neither side was winning.

No, Godou had the advantage, and the rapid thunderstrike engulfed Voban.
However, the old man's body only received minor burns, and could endure longer. He was
just barely able to avoid his vitals from being struck directly by the thunder and lightning that
should have consumed him completely, bones and all.
"...Looks like you've created something that imitates a lightning rod, old man."
Godou laughed loudly, but he was counterattacked at that instant.
Mixed with raindrops a whirlwind swept over, forming a mini hurricane which swallowed
"By the power of the spell words, I sing the hymn to victory!"
Godou used Verethragna's hymn to raise his magical power.
Enduring the force of Voban's hurricane, Godou consumed his magical power. If it was
Godou in the past, he would have been swept into the sky and dropped down to the ground
However he was now able to escape the hurricane.
Similar to the way Voban defended against the lightning, just as Godou was engulfed by the
wind, he struggled to maintain his form, not letting his feet hover more than a few dozen
centimeters off the ground.
Magical power strengthened spells and authorities from afar.
After taking the [Goat]'s form, what used to be most difficult to control, could be performed
much faster and more skillfully than before.
"You... That is a mage technique. To suddenly awaken such an ability, you really are a
reckless fellow, there is neither rule nor reason to your authorities!"
"I really don't want to hear criticisms from someone like you!"
Godou replied unhappily to Voban's questioning.
Though they both realized that defeating the other was not an easy task, the two kings
released lightning simultaneously.
In the red-hot battle of thunder, the intense but fruitless shooting match began.

Part 4
"The power to control lightning... Kusanagi Godou's authority is based on the powers of
Verethragna's ten forms, right? So which form is it?"

"Ah? Amakasu-san!? You came?"

With the cessation of corpse activity, the battlefield had turned into a one on one duel between
Godou and Voban.
Discovering the History Compilation Committee member who popped up suddenly, Yuri was
caught by surprise.
"Yes, actually I was here watching from the start... Eh? This is a power not mentioned in the
Greenwich report."
"Looks like it. This is also the first time for me to see itprobably it was a form awakened
just now."
The one who answered was Erica. Liliana walked over to her side.
In the overly dangerous battle between [Kings], they had kept a safe distance, watching over
Godou from afar.
Godou and Voban were firing electrical attacks at each other in an intense battle.
Voban had more weapons, having rain and wind at his disposal in addition to lightning, but
that was it. No matter what kind of attack he made, Godou was able to evade skillfully, and
greater variety of weapons meant little.
On the other hand, every electrical attack Godou performed was dodged by the experienced
Though covered with burns and bruises, neither side could deliver a critical hit. They were
simply firing cannons at each other in a fruitless battle of attrition.
"This should either be the [Youth] or the [Goat], because it controls thunder"
"In that case, it must be the [Goat]. For some reason, that is what I feel."
Surprisingly, the last line was spoken by Liliana.
Though it sounded like random guessing, there was substantial confidence behind it. This left
Yuri with a deep impression.
Unlike Amakasu or Erica who explained using knowledge, she used instinct to characterize
the divine power. Though Liliana was Erica's fellow knight, she was likely the same type as
Yuria witch with the disposition of a miko.
"Just like that lady said, it is the [Goat] form... The priestly ability in charge of people's hearts
and holding the power of thunder."
So what were the characteristics of this form?

In the moment Godou's new power awakened, Yuri immediately understood with her spirit
sense. The [Goat] form can be used as long as the people at that location wished to become
part of his battle strength.
In terms of peopleit was not exclusive to the living.
Collecting the thoughts and feelings of the dead to become energy, and granting Godou the
divine power of thunder, was the anger and hatred left behind by the [Dead Servants], as well
as their sorrow and pain.
This was likely a powerful form capable of rivaling the [Warrior], the [White Stallion] and the
The horned [Goat], was a sacred beast symbolizing great magical power. It would not be too
surprising if that form possessed magical power surpassing the strongest wizards and magi.
Since ancient times, [Horns] were the symbol of special magical power.
When priests and kings performed rituals in primitive religions, they would often wear hats or
helmets featuring horns, and the purpose was to show that the wearer possessed power.
The deer, the bull, as well as the goat.
The majority of worshiped sacred beasts all had horns. These are remnants of ancient religion
"Now that it is mentioned, the nomadic Indo-European tribes are thought to have made
analogies comparing the goat to lightning in the sky. The famous god of the heavens, Zeus, is
also intimately linked to the [Goat], and there are similarities between it and the legend of the
[Horse] carrying the sun. The [Goat] which became lightning was also increasingly promoted
as a sacred beast by the Indo-European language family in many places on the continent... So
that's why it has that kind of power."
Amakasu looked very happy as usual while he spouted information about Verethragna.
Very interested, Amakasu asked the unsuspecting Yuri.
"As for Kusanagi Godou's authority, there are conditions of use, right? What is it this time
that allowed the [Goat] to be used, Yuri-san?"
"That is"
Just as Yuri was about to answer...
She felt a chill, and stopped herself from uttering the words in her mouth. Though she had
doubt from the beginning, she understood instantly. Behind Amakasu, Erica was staring at
her, and her eyes were giving a warning.
It was neither sinister nor cold.

However, it was very stern, and contained an unforgiving will. Yuri realized that the
conditions of using the ten forms was extremely important information for Godou.
Killing him would not be hard if one had such information in detail.
Of course Amakasu knew this, so for him to deliberately ask such a question, it was natural
for Erica to be glaring with full murderous intent that seemed to threaten "I will shut you up if
you say something unnecessary."
"...No. About this, I am very sorry that even I do not know."
Not because Erica was frightening.
But because she understood Erica's concerns, Yuri lied.
Kusanagi Godou was still inexperienced with protecting himself from types of malevolence
other than violence. In order to keep him safe, she still needed to work extra hard. Was that it?
Satisfied with Yuri's course of action, Erica put away her glare.
"Then nothing can be done about it. Don't worry... yes?"
Feeling disappointed, Amakasu suddenly narrowed his eyes in surprise.
"What is it, Amakasu-san?"
"Nothing, for some reason my body suddenly had a tired feeling... Anyway, Yuri-san are you
Knees losing strength, Yuri's body was starting to shake. She had to put all her effort to stand
still and stop her shaking legs.
It couldn't be helped, as the body felt like its strength was being sucked away. Even standing
up was very difficult.
Observing closely, Amakasu also seemed to be in the same state. Despite the darkness of
the night, it was clear his face did not look well. However, Erica and Liliana were unaffected,
and with incredulous eyes, were watching the two people who were losing strength.
Yuri instinctively felt that both theirno, it was likely the life force of everyone in the
surroundings, were being gathered at one spot. They were converging at Kusanagi Godou
who started releasing thunder to fight a while ago.
This was the [Goat]'s power, no, side effect.
This form was not only the will of the people, but also absorbed their life force and converted
it into Godou's power! If Erica and Liliana were fine, it was probably because their original
stamina was far beyond ordinary humans.
It was still bearable, but if it continued it might become life threatening.

"...Uh, because this is a form wielding such great power, it comes with a corresponding price?
Aya, I really give up."
"Though every time is like this, but Kusanagi Godou's authority is simply full of these
inconvenient powers..."
As Yuri explained, Amakasu honestly expressed his annoyance in a rare moment.
Even Erica's eyes were popping out from surprise.
However, Liliana remained optimistic.
"Though that is true, to be able to reach this level and pay such a price is also the privilege of
those who are [Kings]. Kusanagi Godou, looks like he turned out to be more capable than I
She was watching the place where Godou and Voban were having an intense battle of
The two [Kings] who possessed ultimate resistance against magical power, were turning their
own magical power into lightning to attack each other. Even for a Great Knight like Liliana, it
was too dangerous to approach and they did not dare venture forward.
They could only watch over from the side
"Feeling people's hearts and forming a new ability... Though it is difficult to accept his
weakness in succumbing to Erica's temptation, he does have a serious side. I am slightly
Liliana showed a relaxed smile.
A fairy-like beauty with an awe-inspiring flair, this was a knight's smile.
Like Yuri, her miko disposition felt it, that Godou sensed the hearts of the [Dead Servants]
which caused the [Goat] form to awaken.
"Erica! Though the battle is even for now, by my estimates, it will inevitably sway in the
Marquis' favor. When that happens, you and I will support the king, are you prepared?"
"Who are you talking to? That was exactly what I was going to say, Lily!"
The two knights picked up their beloved magic swords and started bickering.
At that moment, a strange feeling came over Yuri.
Liliana Kranjcar, a girl whose named sounded like it came from an eastern European
country, was standing most naturally with Erica. Red and blue, the twin Great Knights
guarding the same king. This description appeared in Yuri's mind without thought.
Noticing Yuri's gaze, Liliana felt strange and asked.

"What is it, Mariya Yuri? Did you finally remember who I am?"
"Eh? Did we meet before?"
"Forget it, if you do not remember, it is fine. It was just a single encounter, so I sort of know
youuh, now is not the time for this kind of chat."
Liliana watched the battlefield with a serious expression once more.
As she predicted, the tides of battle were slowly shifting, and in Voban's favor
Even in a fight between powerful supernatural entities, stalemates occurred occasionally.
As long as it was more advantageous to defend than to attack, these situations were likely to
arise. This was the case with Godou and Voban.
What should have been an instant kill attack was ineffective against both sides. This resulted
in stalemate.
However, if the fight dragged on, the battle would sway towards the stronger side. From
Voban's expression, Godou subconsciously felt that things were not going his way.
Different from the usual poker face of that old man.
When using his most powerful divine power, Voban abandoned his facade of the old
intellectual gentleman, and let his emotions enter a state of madness, roaring with laughter.
Just like when he transformed into the giant silver wolf.
A warrior since birth, though he had aged, his wild side was not lost. A man like a beast, this
was the true nature of Dejanstahl Voban that Godou instantly saw clearly.
This man was releasing slow-moving thunderstrikes with a calm expression a while ago.
However, the sky was gathering a frightening amount of heavy thunderclouds. Godou felt
difficulty breathing. This was the effect of Voban raising his authority of storms to the
To think he had the leisure to do that while engaged in a shooting match with Godou.
The strongest violet lightning, this was in preparation for releasing electricity from his entire
Godou did not have extra strength to do the same, it was already taking his all to maintain the
This was the difference in power.
The old king and Campione who fought continually over the past three centuries, and the
immature one who just debuted. There was an unbridgeable gap between their power levels.

"Boy, I should thank you. To be able to fight to this level, it has really comforted my weary
and boring days. Though a little brief, but let me enjoy this!"
Voban smiled.
A grandiose declaration of his victory.
Just as he said, he still had many cards up his sleeve, but up to now he only focused on using
the same thunder attack. This was his way of proving his superiority over Godou in the use of
Anxiety invaded Godou's heart.
If this continued, he will definitely lose.
If he was hit by the full strength lightning attack from a devil king of Voban's level, Godou
had no confidence in his own safety. However, there was still another weapon against the old
At some point, both sides stopped using lightning.
Voban was preparing for the final strongest attack, while Godou realized continuing to attack
was meaningless.
"Godou, you haven't forgotten me, right? Please let your knight Erica Blandelli have a chance
to be active. I am your sword and shield. No matter where, we must fight together."
To the right of the troubled Godou appeared a knight dressed in red and black.
Holding Cuore di Leone tightly in her hand, Erica Blandelli stood together with Godou.
"Kusanagi Godou, though I have no wish of spending the rest of my life with you, but at this
point in time, I am also your knight. Before the battle ends, let me accompany you."
On his left, appeared the knight dressed in blue and black.
Holding the silver Il Maestro, Liliana Kranjcar stood upright on the left.
"This is too dangerous for you two to be here! Please leave now!"
Godou roared with surprise at the two of them, but their responses were cold.
"It may be as you say, howeverif Erica and I create a barrier to assist the magical power of
you, the Campione, then it may be possible to defend against Voban's full powered attack.
Now is the time to make a gamble."
"Though it might fail, but it's worth a try."
Liliana and Erica had no intention of retreating, and though their concern was gratifying, they
clearly lacked careful consideration.

Just as Godou was about to yell with all his strength.

...! ...! ...! ...! ...! Noises were heard.
As Godou's gaze met with Liliana beside him, she silently nodded.
"Like Yuri, Lily can see things that normally cannot be seen, and hear what normally cannot
be heard. A true and proper witch who possesses a miko's disposition. So long as she says we
have a shred of a chance for victory, it is worth taking the gamble. Godou, let us fight
alongside you."
Erica said sincerely.
Since she said it, Godou could only accept that he was not alone. If he actually fought just by
himself, that old man is definitely undefeatable. In that case
"...If this fails, then I will go to hell in place of the two of you."
"Don't say something stupid. If we fail, we go together, right? To me, that would be
Erica and Liliana nodded.
Their smiles looked very gentle.
Thinking back, he had been troubling this girl all this time, though she had also brought
trouble to him, so they were even.
Of course, perhaps Erica and I might actually be great partners.
As Godou confirmed once again what had been vague thoughts, he glared at Voban.
The old Devil King raised his arm towards the sky and was about to make a downwards
It began to rain once more.
At the same time, it came. Crashing through the thunder clouds, tearing through the skies, the
extremely bright flash finally descending towards the ground, without a doubt this was the
strongest thunderstrike seen this day.
As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. All enemies, all who
harbor enmity, will be vanquished!
Godou consumed Verethragna's divine power to the highest degree, and prayed hard that the
thunder descending upon him will miss its mark.
Erica and Liliana then used barrier magic to create an invisible shield, as if helping this force
of will meld together with magical powerbut it was not enough.

To repel the fully energized strongest electrical attack, the power of three people was not
Certain of his victory, the old Campione laughed heartily.
And so, Godou began to pray for himself to get even strongergive me power, lend me

I am willing.
Hearing the answer, Godou nodded.
Neither a lone person nor merely three people. In fact, all those gathered present were
Voban's enemies and they lent Godou their power.
How could he lose now!?
Turning to dust and returning to the earth, these [Dead Servants] lingered here as souls.
They appeared out of the darkness once again, returning above ground in their corpse form.
"What! How can it be the servants!?"
Voban's eyes were wide with surprise.
However, it was too late. Voban had underestimated their existence.
Fueled by their anger and hatred towards the old king, these revived servants numbered in the
The majority of these were magi when alive, and amongst them were masters of their craft
equal to Erica and Liliana. They also melded their powers with Godou's magic.

Godou's magical power was able to resist Voban's thunder, and gradually expanded as if it
was going to burst.
Finally, the extremely powerful lightning changed its trajectory.
The wrath of the thunder god which should have consumed Godou, Erica and Liliana, strayed
from its target, and raced towards the massive metal tower nearby!
Rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble
rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble !!
It was the loudest sound of thunder today.
Hit by violet lightning, the Tokyo Tower began to light on fire.
In spite of the wind and rain, the flames illuminated the ground, and under the yellow glow,
made visible Dejanstahl Voban's face that was distorted with rage.
Looking at the sky, Godou whispered the spell words.
"O lightning! O lightning! I am the conqueror who vanquished a thousand with a hundred,
vanquished ten thousand with a thousand, and vanquished tens of thousands with ten
thousand. Now for the sake of I who stand on the side of justice, release bright and shining
brilliance, and grant me divine power!"
Thunderclouds groaned in response to his cries.
Rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble rumble
A frightful rumbling sound descended from the sky, and in the instant the top level lightning
was released, the sky shook, the ground trembled, echoing the sound of the divine realm.
Godou originally did not have the power to control this type of lightning.
However, since there were the thunderclouds gathered by Voban, it was different if one
suddenly attacked at the moment he relaxed his guard.
Having barely evaded the critical hit released by the old king, Godou yelled with all his
strength and released all his magical power.
In order to obtain the power to rule over the gathered thunderclouds, Godou immediately
spoke the spell words to master them, infusing the full power of the [Goat] form.
(In that instant, everyone within a one kilometer radius of the Tokyo Tower had part of their
life force taken, and fell unconscious as if afflicted with anemia. Godou only found out much

To Voban who focused everything in the attack, though it was a moment, but this could
distract his concentration.
"Hmm, damn brat! These are the actions of a thief!"
In order to take back his domination over the thunderclouds, Voban directed his
consciousness towards the air.
However it was too late, if Godou attacked before he succeeded, he would not have enough
"Man and devilI shall smash through all enemies in my way!"
Powerful golden lighting descended towards the ground again.
In fact, it was slightly more powerful than Voban's thunderstrike less than a minute ago.

Part 5
The white smoke that covered the surroundings of the old Campione finally dissipated.
Even though Godou used all his strength and attacked him with a powerful thunderstrike,
Voban was not vanquished. Truly, three centuries difference of experience was not just for
However, it was enough to exhaust him to his limits.
The old man was struggling to prepare his defenses to receive the next lightning strike, he
took his [Sturm und Drang]and invoked all the power from this authority which ruled the
wind, rain, thunder and lightning, causing the electric strike to deviate from its target.
Erica and Liliana both threw their magic swords like spears.
In order to dodge the deadly weapons, the old king lost his concentration and was engulfed by
the thunderstrike like a tidal wave, burning to nothing.
However, after that.
The spot where Voban stood seemed to be gathering a mound of sandno, it's dustslowly
rising and forming the shape of a man, finally recreating the old Marquis' intellectual
Was this a hidden trump card of this fellow?
Resurrecting just like his own [Ram], Voban has used an authority to evade unavoidable
death. Godou could not help but feel nervous.
"Let's start the third round, boy?"

"If that's what you want, let's have two or three more, I will be your opponent until the very
The revival just now seemed to have taken a heavy toll on Voban.
His breathing was irregular, magical power was clearly much lower. Godou felt this, and
prepared to force his own tired body to summon more lightning.
They were now equal, and victory could go either way!
Behind the two Campiones facing each other, Tokyo Tower was burning up most
Godou's last attack not only struck Voban, it also gave the Tower a final hit. The three
hundred meter tall structure of steel was now burning like a giant torch.
The turbulent night had not ended yet, how much more will this city be damaged?
Godou felt his nerves tense, and at that instant.
"...Please stop! Great Marquis, if you do not withdraw, then including me and Kusanagi
Godou, as well as the others, blow us all away!"
Angrily glaring at the two [Kings], Yuri yelled.
For some reason she looked extremely weak, and was held in Erica's arms. The Hime-Miko
totally drenched in rain, was placing her life on the line to such an extent.
"As long as I am gone, you will have no reason to battle, so please make a decision."
To think that Yuri would speak such words.
As if scolded lightly by Yuri's awe-inspiring expression, Godou was going to speak, but
Voban responded first.
"Are you serious, miko? Are you meaning to say it is fine to kill you right here?"
"Correct. If the residents of the city are dangerously threatened because of me, then I have no
other recourse but to sacrifice myself."
Seeing Yuri speak with such a stern expression, Voban was speechless for a second.
"Little lady, one who doesn't understand the joy of hunting, you just killed the mood... Fine,
to have reached this point, I will now declare in the name of I, Dejanstahl Voban."
Voban's eyesthe evil eyes burning like the irises of a tiger.
Unable to suppress rage and boiling passion. Are we finally fighting? Godou pushed his body

"Brat! Kusanagi Godou, victory is yours! This time, you win!"

Declared the victor by such hateful tones, Godou was surprised.
"You're saying I won?"
"I already said before this hunt. The only rule was I will kill you and catch the girl! However,
I misjudged your power. I am now tired at this stage... If I continued fighting you like this, I
won't have excess power to guarantee the safety of the little lady. Thus, you have won."
Voban explained impatiently.
Come to think of it, he did say something like that. Realizing the old man had been treating
the current deathmatch as just a game, Godou felt rooted to the spot.
"If I cannot even abide by the rule I set myself, then I have lost! I underestimated your power,
I was defeated by my own naivet! ...I may have gone senile, failing to see through what kind
of fellow you were, the first time I laid my eyes on you."
At those forward staring evil eyes burning with emerald light, Godou glared back without
backing down.
He felt that he would not lose even if the fight continued, but if the other side wanted to stop,
it was fine. It was almost time to settle things.
"Next time we encounter each other, I will hunt you with all my strength. Be prepared for that
day. Hone your skills, experience more adverse battles. I won't be so easy to handle if I were
Turning his back to Godou and the rest, the old Campione strode forward.
The roadside was tinted with an orange glow by the Tokyo Tower fire, and the depths of
darkness were breached by swirls of wind and rain.
"Keep this in mind, between [Kings] like us, there can only exist one of the following
relationshipsignoring each other, pacts of nonaggression, or eternal enemies dueling to the
very end. And now, you will be my enemy!"
These were the last words left behind by Voban.
Once his figure disappeared, the [Dead Servants] who had re-materialized turned back into
dust, and truly started their journey towards eternal peace.
May they rest in peace, however
At the same time as he prayed, Goudou lost strength, it was really tiring after all.
Though he did not know about the future, but at least they all survived. However, this did not
mean everything was over.

"That tower sure burns well, this is a unique scene."

"You are talking like a devil as usual. Such style certainly makes one want to sigh."
"That should be made of steel, right? Since it's raining, I guess it won't be burning for too
long... Ah, I did something bad again..."
As Godou held his head in his arms, Erica and Liliana also went limp.
They were also at their limit, and with their hazy consciousness, the three of them looked out
at the red and white Tokyo Tower that was burning most spectacularly.
The Tower's height was 332.6 metres.
Originally built as a communications tower, it later became a Tokyo landmark and famous
tourist attraction. Built over fifty years ago, it was a very familiar milestone to local residents.
"In that case, is Mariya ok? ...What happened, you look very tired?"
Godou asked the very lifeless looking Yuri.
Mentally it was obvious, but she should not have been exerting herself physically. This level
of fatigue was incomprehensible. At that point, the three girls sighed all together.
What is going on, they were very surprised, Godou had this feeling.
"Godou, have you noticed what you have done?"
Erica was the first to respond, and then Yuri and Liliana began to explain to him the side
effects brought upon by the [Goat] form.
Hearing that he had been empowering himself with the life force of everyone around him,
Godou was struck with intense shame and worry.
"W-will someone die because of this? What's the situation? What a dangerous form...!"
"I think that probably will not happen. After all, even weak as I am, I only collapsed slightly
as if with anemia... Maybe just report it a bit. When Godou-san let loose that final lightning
attack, it felt like my consciousness was blown very far away, and then I fell."
"A-a-a-are you ok, Mariya? I hope others are fine too"
Godou frantically tried to search the illuminated surroundings of the Tokyo Tower.
...On further thought, he hoped that any people in the Tower were also fine. Though it was
night, it was impossible for there to be no one.
"When Voban was summoning the storms, the Tokyo Tower seemed to have issued a thunder
and wind evacuation warning already. I had Amakasu-san confirm just now, so it was most
fortunate in spite of everything..."

Yuri's words relieved Godou's self-reproach slightly. But still, knowing he was responsible for
a disaster, he still felt very uncomfortable.
Every time was like this, and this time was no ordinary scale.
Watching the depressed Godou, Yuri sighed and walked over.
"Godou-san, the responsibility of this incident does not rest solely upon you. I am your
accomplice, so please cheer up. If there is any problem, I will gladly accept punishment
together with you."
"Did I not say that wherever you go, I will follow? Have you forgotten?"
Gazing directly at Godou's face, Yuri's eyes were more gentle than any goddess. Caught in
such a gaze, Godou could not help being mesmerized, but at that moment...
Hearing a light cough behind him, Godou turned around to look.
It was Erica, who had lowered her head and coughed lightly.
"What is it!? Are you ok, was it because of me!?"
"Perhaps... Yes, Godou. Come over a bit. My chest is not feeling well..."
Seeing his partner in a rare state of apparent weakness, Godou went over completely gullible.
...Thinking back, that was his greatest blunder that night.
"Is there anything I can do? Let's go to the hospital, pull yourself together!"
Completely drenched by the rain, Erica's body felt rather cold, at the same time she was quite
While he gently stroked her back, Godou leaned closer to support her slender body. At that
moment the attack came.
Erica reached out with her hands in a well-trained manner, and lifted Godou's face.
He felt a seductively beautiful and moist gaze looking at him.
"Kusanagi Godoufrom what I understand, even Mariya is fine. How could you possibly
believe that this devil woman, who is even healthier than an ox, would be weakened? Looks
like you are still too gullible..."
Liliana commented with a critical tone.

It was exactly as she said, Godou who was now caught in Erica's clutches completely agreed,
but there was no helping it. After such an intense battle, anyone would let down their guard...
"S-so Erica, could you stop the pranks! This is too indecent!"
"Since the atmosphere between Yuri and Godou changed completely, I felt worried and had to
act... Hey, what did you two do exactly?"
Showing a witch's smile whose beauty shook one from the core, Erica kept asking.
Her gentle hands were lovingly holding Godou's face and caressing his head, as if trying to
locate and retrieve some hidden code with her delicate hands.
If he didn't answer properly, these slender hands could probably crack his skull open in an
Suddenly worried for an inexplicable reason, Godou felt himself retreating, while Yuri on the
side seemed to have her head bowed as if guilty.
"What I am slightly concerned of is how you prepared the [Sword] against the Marquis. Ah,
though I already asked on the phone, but could you tell me once again? It's just a small thing,
Erica was whispering in Godou's ear.
And then she began to kiss his ear lightly, and moved on to his lips. It began with a light
touch between the lips, but it soon evolved to Erica's lips licking Godou's, and then beginning
to suck, and proceeding to boldly extend her tongue to entangle
"Y-You have no shame..."
Liliana was watching from the side with her face bright red.
Despite saying that, she seemed to be watching with great interest and displayed no intention
of diverting her gaze. What could one say? Godou was filled with chagrin, but given the way
he allowed Erica to toy with him all the time, he was not qualified to comment on others.
Just like idiot couples in a brazen display of public affection, with a lover on his lap and
engaging in intimacy without regard of others.
That was the only way to describe the current state of affairs, but Godou felt like a frog within
the sights of a snake.
His heart was full of fear and terror, as if he was going to be killed any moment now.

Even Yuri, who used to reprimand such situations instantly, was speechless.
Though her blushing face looked like she wanted to say something, she quickly bit her lip and
swallowed her words. She was probably feeling the same sense of terror and guilt.
"Aya, good job everyone. So anyway, just leave the firefighting and other clean up to us.
Your drenched bodies must be cold, right? Let's all get a good resthey, what happened? The
atmosphere feels a little strange."
Amakasu suddenly appeared and remarked casually.
Even so, Godou and Yuri were still silently supporting their stiff bodies, while Liliana was
watching things unfold with indignation yet laced with heavy interest.
On the other hand, Erica was skillfully balancing herself on Godou's lap doing as she pleased.

"Hahaha, so that's how it went. Godou punished the old gramps. Congratulations, this is really
something to celebrate, very good."
Tuscany, Italy.
In the countryside of the little town Siena, known for its beautiful gothic architecture, the king
was [having an audience].
Looking into the distance, the rolling hills stretching across the landscape were covered by the
lush green of early summer.
One could probably call this a beautiful green wonderland. However, this scenery of scattered
wilderness was unique to southern Tuscany.

On the hillside bank of a small stream, a certain [King] was idly holding a fishing rod.
"Could it be that you thought he could not win? How sad, I should have made a bet from the
start... As expected of my rival... My good eternal rival."
Muttering to himself with excitement, he pulled in the dangling fishing line.
A tall, slim, handsome man with blonde hair.
His body, flexible as a whip, was dressed casually in a short-sleeved shirt and pants.
Sitting on the bank, he had a long rod by his side that was heavily wrapped under many layers
of cloth.
Liliana Kranjcar knew. Wrapped in that package was the [Sword] that was like forged steel.
Italy's proud [King] Salvatore Doni never went anywhere without a sword by his side.
It was his pride, ego, and privilege.
"It does counts as a victory, but to have proceeded in that manner, you really cannot call it a
beautiful victory at all..."
"Whether flawless or scraped off the ground like rubbish, a victory is a victory."
Doni answered Liliana's accusation with one closed eye.
The one who made such an expression was the good humored youth who was extremely
friendly and loved to joke around.
"Yes, yes. I have contacted the Bronze Black Cross and the grandfather who caused you such
grief. Offering my beloved knight to that unsavory old man, I will never allow it."
"Be-beloved!? I am Sir's...!?"
Liliana asked greatly surprised, when did it turn into something like this!?
Erica Blandelli had advised her before the return trip back to Italy. To have a meeting with
Doni prior to returning to Milan.
The course of action taken by Liliana in this incident, needed approval by the [King] of this
This was due to the grandfather who was an important figure in the Bronze Black Cross. It
was necessary to explain the incident properly.
It was three days after the duel of the two [Kings] in Tokyo.
Liliana was visiting Siena, Doni's base of operations, in order to call on and report to him.

"Let's spin it that way. It should be easier for them to accept, right? Anyway, it would be
quite troublesome if I actually fell in love with girls, but it makes a good cover story."
Softly spoken words which one cannot pretend to have never heard, were disclosed from the
[King]'s mouth.
I will pretend I never heard it. Liliana bowed her head with such determination.
"What I am most interested in, is still Kusanagi Godou. How that child will rapidly mature, I
am really looking forward to it. Will it take two years or one? Half a year would be pushing
it? When he really masters Verethragna's authority, that will be our next rematch. I have been
eagerly anticipating ever since that day, really..."
The Campione of the Sword was muttering as if looking forward to a day of blessing.
Liliana's body shook.
Perhaps, it was mistaken to think of Salvatore Doni as Kusanagi Godou's ally. His eagerness
to fight was so overwhelming, even greatly surpassing Dejanstahl Voban, and would be a
frighteningly formidable opponent.
This unsettling thought entered her mind.

It was lunch time on the roof at Jounan Academy's high school section.
The duel with Voban was three days ago, and all the wounds from the battle had been healed.
Godou and his group were just about to have lunch.
Familiar facesGodou, Erica, Yuri and Shizuka, the four of them.
"Hey Shizuka, it's not good for you to be coming in and out of the high school building all the
time, right? What would people think?"
Godou tried to advise his younger sister.
During lunch, Shizuka had come to Godou's classroom with an unhappy expression.
Occasionally after school, she would also come over and went home together.
Thanks to her, strange rumors of 'Kusanagi's sister is a bro-con' have surfaced recently.
Amongst the boys in the class, the most incomprehensible one was classmate Soramachi who
spoke things like 'I have 108 younger sisters in 2D' and kept asking 'Must be a stepsister,
right? It has to be a stepsister!?'
These problems were all caused by Shizuka's suspicious actions.
"About that, Onii-chan, I don't actually want to do this, but in order to supervise my unruly
older brother and prevent him from doing suspicious things, I have no other choice. Do not

Shizuka's words were full of barbs.

Dear sister, when have my actions been indecent? But Shizuka only snorted and ignored
Godou's protest.
"No indecency? No suspicious acts? Where did you find the confidence to declare such
rubbish! The current situationcompared to four days ago, what happened!?"
Shizuka pointed with her finger at the other three.
In the center, Godou was sitting cross-legged on the picnic cloth on the ground. To his left
was Erica sitting sideways on her legs while Yuri sat very straight and proper on his right
the three of them in a neat row.
"I don't find anything strange?"
"Yes, what is it, Shizuka-san, what do you find amiss?"
"I think I know what you are getting at, but there is nothing that needs to be changed, isn't this
Godou and Yuri were puzzled with their heads tilted, while Erica simply shrugged.
To the little sister, their responses only added fuel to the fire, and her cute face tensed further
as she roared loudly.
"Then let me ask you, why is Mariya-senpai sitting so naturally right next to Onii-chan? To
have two girls waiting on you on each side, are you some kind of king? And look, why is
Mariya-senpai pouring tea into Onii-chan's cup? You should do these things yourself!"
Ice cold green tea was being poured into the water bottle cap used by Godou as a cup.
As Godou listened to his sister while he finished the tea in his cup, Yuri sitting beside him
naturally picked up the water bottle on the side, and poured for him again in one flowing
Witnessing this scene, Shizuka's glare became even more dangerous.
As a side note, this water bottle was brought by Yuri herself, and cold tea brewed by
someone like her with knowledge of the tea ceremony, was much tastier than canned tea.
"Mariya-senpai! Even if you were a newly wedded wife, you don't have to go so far! For this
kind of idiotic brother, that tasteless tea from the self-serve area is good enough!"
"I am Godou-san'sn-newly wedded wife? Please do not say something so embarrassing..."
Described so by her junior from the same club, Yuri replied with her face all red.
"Damn it, to be responding to the word 'wife' and even suddenly changing her way of
addressing him."

This kind of scene happened on a daily basis during the recent lunch breaks.

Today after school, Godou was invited by Erica to the Blandelli home.
No, not really invited.
"Godou, please come over to my house, we must finalize our plans for the summer today... Of
course, you cannot refuse."
After the last lesson ended, Erica who sat next to him made such an announcement.
...That night after the battle with Voban, Godou and Yuri finally fled from the pursuit of the
[Diavolo Rosso], but were caught the next day at school, and subject to serious interrogation.
There were none of Shizuka's angry snarls or scary threats.
However, Erica was a capable and experienced inquisitor, and kept raising circumstantial
evidence to accuse them of suspicious activities, skillfully using all sorts of methods to make
them come clean with the truth.
By the time they noticed, everything the two of them did that night was fully disclosed.
"Yes, so it was like that... Yuri is unexpectedly daring, and Godou turned out to be
surprisingly unfaithful..."
"Come on, to describe that situation as infidelity, isn't that a bit inappropriate..."
"Th-That is correct, we only did that because we had no other choice."
"Aya, it's fine. I already mentioned before, that even with one more, an extra lover would be
fine. If it's Yuri whom I can trust, it's not a bad choice at all."
Towards Godou and Yuri who desperately tried to explain, Erica responded with a smile.
The backlash when love was seriously betrayed... Words related to that theme kept floating
into Godou's mind, in the face of that glamorous yet frightening smile.
A few days after that.
Godou and Yuri were passing each day with a feeling that they cannot oppose Erica.
Guilt and uneasiness. Both of them carried such feelings, or rather, the interrogation which
was acted out like a deliberate performance, perhaps that was Erica's true conspiracy.
And then, today after school.
Godou and Arianna were sitting in the living room, and Erica spoke.

"Then let's decide immediately? Mountains or the sea, which is better? Somewhere to stay for
about two weeks. Staying in Japan is fine too. Or to the place where our feelings first
developedthe island of Sardinia would be nice for a vacation. Arianna, where should we
The mistress was asking her assistant and maid who was about to serve coffee.
Arianna replied in a very good mood.
"If that's the case, I have never spent a summer in Japan. It must be very fun, with shaved ice,
summer festivals, fireworks, bravery challenges and all that. I am sure Erica-sama will enjoy
"Is that so? Aya, but Hong Kong where I haven't been to for quite a while would also be
The female faction seemed to be happily discussing summer vacation plans.
If that was the case, it was pointless to speak out. Godou simply listened without registering
their words.
"Godou you need to express an opinion. Otherwise the two of us will be making the
"Sure, that's fine. You two wish to travel, so even if I didn't interrupt"
However, the response was surprising.
"What are you talking about, this is the plan for the trip before our wedding, it has to have
input from both of us... Through this trip, our love will deepen and become stronger."
"Having a child during travels sounds nice too. As long as it is Godou and my child, whether
a boy or girl, either will be very strong. Doesn't such a future sound wonderful?"
Godou sounded like a parrot, repeating the same word again.
Erica with her familiar devilish smile, faced Godou whose mind had been halted. It was an
extraordinarily seductive and devilish smile that could melt a man.
"Like I said, have a baby, going together on a tour, aren't those kinds of things natural?"
"E-Erica-sama is truly bold, but it's true, since it is just two people together, and with such a
close relationship, it could very well happen."
Arianna was nodding vigorously beside her mistress.

Godou felt dizzy and wracked his wits trying to retort. Following such a plan would be the
death of him. His continued struggle up to now would have been for nothing!
"I-Impossible, that kind of vacation! My family won't agree anyway. If Shizuka knew she will
oppose vehemently, that's right, children must have the blessing of the family, right?"
"No problem, we already have grandfather's approval."
Godou's bluff was swiftly called by Erica.
"Yesterday when I went to discuss, he agreed instantly saying 'perhaps it is time for that
fellow to have such experiences, please have a good time as long as it doesn't cause trouble.'
Isn't such an understanding grandfather a blessing?"
"Not at all! Damn, why would grandfather say such a thing!?"

In the three days after Voban departed.

The ones most busy were the members of the History Compilation Committee.
Organizing the whole operation to extinguish the Tokyo Tower fire, tabulating and cleaning
up damage caused by the storm, and treating the residents near Shiba Park who had their life
force taken and entered a state of unconsciousness.
Furthermore, they even used wizardry and other methods to manipulate information.
Thorough investigations on all eye witnesses of the incident, and restricting their subsequent
communications. Many of those witnesses were shocked while others were extremely excited,
or even had nervous breakdowns. These people were given warnings, letting them know that
unnecessary speech would be inadvisable.
These people will continue to be monitored after returning to their normal lives, and no matter
the number of dissident minorities, the controversial practice of hypnosis wizardry will be
used to perform memory manipulation etc.
It was for all these tasks that the members of the History Compilation Committee have been
busy rushing about.
"Aya, this is why we are labeled as villains. Look at these operatives wearing all black and
running about, hahaha."
Amakasu spoke proudly while wearing a black suit with the letters 'MIB' emblazoned on it.
Despite his workload, he had gone to Nanao Shrine to report to Yuri about the progress of
"...Have I not warned you so many times, not to be so frivolous?"

"Please give me a break, I'm already so overworked that I need to have a little fun... Ever
since that day, I haven't even gone home yet, only taking short naps in the car."
"S-sorry. I am really sorry that we have brought you so much trouble."
Yuri bowed deeply in response to Amakasu's complaints.
"However, this is our work so please don't let it weigh on your mind. Anyway, it looks like
Yuri-san and Kusanagi Godou's personal relationship has progressed very well. To selflessly
devote assistance to each other, perhaps the red string of fate has already bound the two of
"Red string!? What do you mean?"
"So, I think Kusanagi Godou also likes Yuri-san. Luckily it is almost summer vacation. To
further your relationship, you definitely need to have four or five dates at least. I look forward
to it."
"D-date!? Please do not say something stupid like that! That kind of behavior is too early for
Just as Yuri tried to loudly protest against Amakasu's hinted suggestions.
The cellphone beside her rang. Looking at the screen, it turned out to be the topic of
discussionKusanagi Godou who had called.
"Oh, that call came at just the right time. Then Yuri-san should take action as soon as
possible. Who knows, this call may very well be asking you out with just the two of you."
"Nothing like that! Please do not eavesdrop... Yes, hello~"
Hiding away from the curious Amakasu, Yuri pressed the button to take the call.
'Ma-mariya, I am sorry for suddenly calling, I want to discuss something with you. Can you
help me?'
"What is it? Has Marquis Voban resurfaced?"
'No, it's Erica. She wants to pull me along on a pre-wedding trip, and even got my grandfather
as an accomplice, so things are going smoothly her way. During the summer, if I don't find a
place to hide I will be caught and taken away. Who knows how bad things will get! Do you
have any place to suggest?'
"What? No way, Godou-san, you cannot be deceived by that kind of invitation!"
'Yes, but if she does it by force I can't do anything about it. Finding a place to hide is probably
the only way.'
"Really, please show some determination. Preparations are necessary, but Godou-san's
attitude is key. You are still so unreliable."

"I will try to find some suitable location, but please try on your own first."
After such a conversation, Yuri hung up.
Really, whether the Italian girl who simply had no manners or Godou who cannot refuse
resolutely, they are always bringing trouble. No way around it, just do your best!
"What is it, Yuri-san, is it another conflict? Let's discuss it."
Amakasu spoke softly to Yuri who was occupied with her internal ranting.
For example, his manner of speech would be like a con artist, who had found a good and
honest person and would use all methods to snare his prey. It was that kind of deceptive
speech, but Yuri did not notice.
"Ah, sure. Actually it is about Godou-san and Erica-san"
"Hoho, it turns out to be something like that. But Yuri-san, this is an opportunity, a great
chance... To hide away with Godou-san together this summer, let us arrange the location!"
"!? Is this a joke? Godou-san and I, just the two of us?"
Beaming like a (fake) loving elder, Amakasu smiled slightly.
Shaken by that kind of smile, Yuri suppressed her words of protest.
"Then, let me explain in order, traveling as a pair on the run has an almost magical effect on
accelerating male female relationships"
The plum rain season was about to end in late June.
It was the early summer dusk heralding the opening of the gates of summer.
Featuring Yuri who had been hit by an intense culture shock and manipulated by skillful
deception, and the scheming Erica who was not above using brute force, the season for their
intense rivalry was about to begin.

"The protagonist has ten special abilities, I think that's too much. It feels like an initial whim
created a very exaggerated setting, perhaps we should reduce it by half? To be honest, this is
very troublesome to write. Let's just say it makes things difficult for me!!"
"Just continue with this setting, it will be fine right? Continue writing like this!"

-- Prior to writing the first volume, that was the dialogue between the author and the editor.
Greetings. We meet again, or perhaps for the first time.
Thanks to everyone's support of this work [Campione!], the second volume is now for sale.
Much thanks. Please do not overthink the reasons for the long interval between the first and
second volumes. There were absolutely no careful deliberations over whether to continue the
story or not. Absolutely none. Never thought about it.
If one were to describe the battle between Kusanagi Godou and the strange mysterious dragon
of the Tonegawa (Doni in short), it would be an intense death match with a strong
characteristic feeling -- if such a short story was proposed, would it be ignored with a
response like "no, that won't work!"? Was this for real? For this purpose I went and
researched the history of the Tonegawa, and became a bit of a Tonegawa expert!
To readers who picked up the book to browse, attracted by the beautiful miko illustrations of
Sikorsky-san, and were dismayed to find it was not the first volume and wondered whether or
not to buy it. That type of thought is premature.
I believe this work belongs to the genre of hero fantasy, and pays tribute to Cimmeria's
Conan-san and Melinibone's Elric-san. "The first volume, is not necessary the beginning of
the story" is the idea.
Thus, there is no problem with starting with the first or the second volume. Rest assured as
you take this book to the cashier. No problem, when I was looking for original editions of
American comics, there were often times that I couldn't find a previous issue. I got used to it.
...Though that is what I thought, but I am wondering if it is time to write a "beginning story."
And so, the next release, Volume 3 will have the themes of the "joyful(?) summer" and
"beginnings of the Campione." The stage will be set on the ocean, and I will look forward to
Sikorsky-san's swimsuit illustrations.

Takedzuki Jou, October 2008

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Dalmatia: a historical region on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, in
Croatia. [1]
2. Jump up Zadar: Capital of the old Dalmatia
3. Jump up Dame: the female title equivalent of 'Sir' when addressing or referring to a
4. Jump up Balor of the Evil Eye: king of the Fomorions, a race of semi-divine giants
in Irish mythology similar to the Titans, who had a mystical eye in the center of his

forehead and one directly opposite on the back of his head; following a prophecy he
was killed by his grandson, despite his best attempts to stop it.
5. Jump up Miko: Miko are usually Japanese shrine maidens. However, in this story
the term also refers to a type of magic-user, and not all of those magical miko are
shrine-maidens, or Japanese. That is why we left the term as miko whenever it shows
6. Jump up 2LDK: 2LDK is a Japanese shorthand for an apartment with 2 bedrooms
and a combined living room, dining room, and kitchen area.
7. Jump up Homo homini lupus est is a Latin phrase meaning "man is a wolf to [his
fellow] man."
8. Jump up Shamusho: The building used as the administrative office of a shrine
9. Jump up L-size: Also known as 3R, or 9 x 13 cm.
10. Jump up Kami () is the Japanese word for the spirits, natural forces, or essence in
the Shinto faith.
11. Jump up Tachi () is a type of traditional Japanese sword worn by the samurai
class of feudal Japan.
12. Jump up Tachi () is a type of traditional Japanese sword worn by the samurai
class of feudal Japan.
13. Jump up Flamenco is a genre of music, song and dance from Andalusia in southern
Spain, noted for its energetic, staccato style.
14. Jump up Excalibur refers to King Arthur's famous sword, and is denoted 'Spirit
Sword' in the kanji
15. Jump up Yamaraja is the ruler of the underworld in Buddhist and Taoist legends.
When people die and their souls are taken to the underworld, they are judged by
16. Jump up Yasha is the name of a broad class of nature-spirits which appear in Hindu,
Jain and Buddhist mythology. Possessing a dual personality. the yasha may be an
inoffensive nature-fairy on one hand; but there is also a darker version which is a kind
of ghost that haunts the wilderness and devours travellers.
17. Jump up Phoebus: another name for Apollo, meaning light.
18. Jump up nukti eoiks: in Greek (from Homer's Illiad), meaning
'resembling the night.'
19. Jump up Feng Bo (): a Chinese mythical beast ruling over the domain of wind.
Taken literally, the name means the Earl of Wind.
20. Jump up Yu Shi (): an ancient Chinese deity in charge of rain. The name means
the Master of Rain.
21. Jump up Lei Gong (): the Chinese thunder god, the name means the Duke of

Campione!:SS 1
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The Imprisoned Campione

Kusanagi Godou.
Japanese nationality, sixteen years old, male.

He, from the Jounan Academy High School Division, did not think of himself as the type that
particularly stood out.
His personality was on the gentler side, more or less.
He was not like those who enjoyed making a racket in the middle of class, nor was he a pupil
who often voiced his opinions out loud. It wasn't that he was bad at associating with people or
was an eccentric.
Looks wise, he was ordinary.
According to his fault-finding sister, 'If he works harder he should be able to become even
better, but it's because he's been slacking that he's the way he is now'. And to Erica Blandelli,
his 'partner' with whom he already had an inseparable relationship, 'His physique isn't bad, but
he's lacking in the charisma and majesty departments'.
His results were above average. His forte was in arts and humanities, whereas he did not do
well in science.
He had confidence in his physical abilities, but not in the same way as those Olympic athletes.
In actual fact, he possessed an inexplicable power that went against the laws of nature, but
what could only be said of him in the context of this school was that he was a perfectly
normal student.
Which is why, [mediocre] and [moderate]... that sort of expression was probably appropriate
for him.
Hey, Kusanagi. What kind of person do you think you are?
One day during break time, in the classroom of the first year's fifth class.
In the face of that question from his peers, Godou did not answer.
At that time, the ones that happened to be present were Takagi, Nanami and Sorimachi.
The three of them were the same; from the fifth class of the first years. Then, the three of
them together, for some reason, stared strangely at Godou's face.... What's up with that bizarre
look you're giving me?
It was the expression of peasants suffering under heavy taxation and oppressive rule, who
were glaring at the responsible tyrant in anger and infuriation. With enmity in their hearts, the
eyes that revealed the endured fury within. Like a blade with a seemingly dull edge, it was a
dangerous look
It was exactly like that description.
"... Hey, are you listening?"

"... Yeah, he heard you. This guy does not understand his own situation at all. This bastard
"... The usual plan, as I thought it seems that we have to proceed with it, eh."
Then, they started to whisper and murmur to each other.
"Oi, what are you guys talking about in secret? Also about that question, was there some
meaning behind it?"
"Don't be concerned with such insignificant details, Kusanagi. This score must be settled!"
"Hahaha, what are you saying[1]. Forget what was just said, Kusanagi. Don't assume that
there's a moon every night!"
"Oi oi, you let your true feelings slip, control yourselves a little more. By retributive justice,
the devil ought to die!"
".... Are you alright, guys? You all look seriously weird."
Godou asked worriedly.
However, they did not answer him, simply returning to their own seats with dark expressions
on their faces.
After school, on the same day as that event.
Kusanagi Godou was abruptly, kidnapped and confined.

" With that, let us begin the first commission of inquiry on that son of a bitch Kusanagi
Godou who has monopolized the two great bishoujos of the campus. Everyone, are you
"No problem! Let us pass the judgment of righteousness on Kusanagi Godou, enemy of the
"Agreed! We, based on the impartial ideology of love collectivism, cast our blame upon the
bourgeoisie[2] that hog the wealth injusticely!"
That day, Godou was on duty.
He needed to just collect the printouts to be submitted that day and place them on the teacherin-charge's desk in the staff room. Finishing that task, he returned to the first year's fifth class

It was on the way back that the act of kidnapping was carried out decisively.
In a place where there was no one close by, Godou was covered head-first with a large jute
No matter how much he struggled with his arms and legs, it was useless. Godou was then
lifted up by a few people, and brought away like that. To make matters worse, his limbs were
all bound by duct tape, his movements restrained.
And then, the one who removed the bag from his head, before him
It was a room with windows that were covered by black curtains, blocking out the sunlight, a
classroom somewhere in the school. The lights were off, and it was pitch-dark.
The only source of light was the torchlight that someone was holding.
With just that, it was difficult to understand the situation.
But Godou had night-vision on par with an owl's, and with that he surveyed the surroundings.
Perhaps, it was an empty classroom that was not often used.
That could be surmised from the fact that there were no desks arranged in the classroom.
And, the shape of the three people before him
They had paper bags over their heads. There were openings in said paper bags, slits for their
He could not discern their identities by just that. Just who were they? They, who had captured
and subsequently confined him. He had no clue who they were exactly, but he could guess. At
last, have the people from the magic associations infiltrated into the school?
Even so, Kusanagi Godou was a [King].
Having undertaken such bold measures, could it be that someone powerful was pulling the
strings behind this?
They were also thoroughly prepared, dressed in the correct High School Division uniform.
And on their head were paper bags. Only the eyes and mouth regions were cut open. Like this,
their identities could not be dis cerned....

Godou remembered something about the voices earlier, and looking at their stature, he
"What are you doing, Takagi. Over there, are Nanami and Sorimachi, right?"
"F-fool! We do not go by those kinds of names!"

"Yea, yeah. We are absolutely not classmates with a bastard like you!
"Yes, we are the Gang of Justice, those who lament over the state of the country, and love the
nation! Do not misunderstand!"
The trio proclaimed, evidently in a panic.
"How should I say this... I didn't think you guys were this stupid. As of now, your crimes are
still forgivable. Kindly release me."
Filled with pity and amazement, Godou advised.
At any rate, why do I have to suffer something like this?
"Keh! This guy, from the look in his eyes, he thinks that he's being confined under false
One of the idiot trio shined his torchlight right in Godou's face, and spat out.
As I thought, that was Takagi's voice.
"Calm down. We have plenty of time. To this insolent asshole, without rushing, let us tell him
the true severity of his sins!"
Almost like an 'underling A' type of character entering onto the stage in some historical play.
This should be Nanami.
"Aaah, let us teach this guy a lesson or two. In the place of God, we shall pass judgment over
And this was the trademark phrase of the hero protagonist. The voice belonged to Sorimachi.
".... Although I don't really get what's going on, but I understand your determination. First,
remove the tape, and then we'll talk this over peacefully, ok?"
"Kukuku. You bastard, it seems you still do not understand your current position."
One of the idiot trio, probably Sorimachi, declared.
"What we seek, is not to talk things over with a bastard like you! This is judgment!"
"... J-judgment?"
"Kusanagi Godou! You are a bastard who toys with the hearts and desires, the bodies of the
two great bishoujos of the school, the tyrant managing a harem! For that crime, you deserve
certain death!"
".... What?"
Godou felt the sensation of giddiness, hearing Sorimachi's accusation.

The two great bishoujos. Harem. What on earth were these guys talking about?
"Comrade T[3]! Read out loud, the first of Kusanagi Godou's crimes!"
"Ooh! ... Number one, the accused, was involved with the blond goddess who possesses a
transcendent body, at various locations t-the classroom, the campus, the roadside, before
the general public! Flirting while clinging together, confirming their love, and yet he insists
that there is nothing going on between him and Erica-sama!"
"Ngh! That crime, is something inexcusable!"
"No objections! Kusanagi Godou deserves certain death!"
... Godou was stunned.
Up till now, he had been stunned, but that last exchange was the final confirmation he needed.
How should he put it, it was simply overwhelmingly retarded. He had keenly realized just
how genuinely moronic these guys were.
It was unnecessary to play along with this kind of stupid skit.
He threw out his chest, and with resolution, he felt that it was a conversation that was best
With regards to this matter, Kusanagi Godou did not carry any guilty conscie.... nce, but in
actual fact, although it was a case of sour grapes, the circumstances might justify this lie.

"Hey, Godou..."
The sunlight of the evening sunset shone in from the window, dyeing the after school
classroom in a shade of orange.
At this time, there were only two students left. Namely, the pair comprising of Kusanagi
Godou and Erica Blandelli.
"Now, we're all alone in this place... Fufu, isn't it somewhat lovely? Although it's always
crowded with people, it's just the two of us here? I think that this is very luxurious, don't you
The bishoujo with slightly reddish blond hair said, while gazing up at Godou's face with
seemingly moist eyes.
Yes, a bishoujo.

Erica Blandelli was undeniably an extraordinarily beautiful maiden. If one were to ask a
hundred people, all of them would undoubtedly acknowledge this fact.
However, her looks were not the only extraordinary part about her.
Smart, strong, having great confidence in herself, and furthermore, she was a tactician. On top
of her beauty, she had absolute confidence in her own abilities, and Godou could strongly feel
her presence, more than any other bishoujo he knew.
"Then, let me ask you a question. The two of us, sharing such a lovely time and place
together, what do you think we should be doing now?"
"H-how about obediently going home like good students?"
"Of course I'll reject that... Hmph, with such a heart-thumping scene like this, what kind of
absurdity are you saying, Godou. If you weren't you, I'd tear off that mouth so that you
wouldn't be able to say that kind of thing a second time."
While on top of Godou's lap, Erica whispered softly.
The words themselves were brutal, but her tone was absurdly sweet.
Moreover, what she was sitting on, was not the chair.
Upon Kusanagi Godou's lap, her soft, tender thighs and bottom were placed. Moreover, both
her arms were wrapped around Godou's neck, and she snuggled up against him.
... To say in advance, Godou had been strongly against being in this posture.
However, there were reasons as to why this was the case.
First, the legs. Erica's supple legs were entwined around Godou's lap. The tightness of this
clamp, was almost like a latch.

Next, the neck. Resembling white snakes, her slender hands could instantly break Godou's
neck should she feel like it. Also, she could certainly constrict his carotid artery and render
him unconscious.
He could be rendered unconscious, in front of Erica who was prepared to assault him.
That would be a foolish action, much like trying to climb a wintry mountain nude. No matter
what happened after, he would not be able to make any excuses or complaints.
Erica Blandelli, Italian, sixteen years old. Possessing an attractive face and figure, a brilliant
mind, amazingly athletic, she was surely a superhuman. However, with regards to any form of
domestic chores, she couldn't and would not do them. And lastly, one who had joke-like titles
such as [Witch] and [Knight].
.... That kind of girl's moist lips were, approaching Godou's own.
What to do? What do I want to do? What should I do? Godou's mental state was caught in a
whirlpool of chaos. In the face of this unavoidable threat, he wanted to escape from reality.
In the horror novels he had once read, there would be a monologue in this kind of extreme
situation. Afterwards, he would see a white figure outside the window, and then a black
monster would show up there. And finally, it would be a bad end-like ending.
In order to gain victory over this impending pressure, Godou looked out towards the window.
Aah. Outside the window, outside the window !
... There was no way there would be anything there, and then Godou was toyed around by
Erica, just like that. Their tongues overlapping, he ended up amply tasting her mint-flavored
lip gloss.
This was an incident that had happened two days ago.

"Reporting! I saw it. It was yesterday, after school, in a deserted classroom, this guy was kiki-ki-ki-ki-kissed by Erica-sama! With all their strength, a s-s-super deep one!"
Godou, who was strongly reminded of that, became flustered.
For someone to have witnessed that scene, it was simply.... However, he was not pushed
down. Only a kiss with the meeting of their lips, he had desperately defended himself from
sinking any further.

That was why, with regards to having a guilty conscience... of course, he did have it, but
somehow, he had been able to overcome that problem and regain his tranquility.
However, at the moment Godou had been secretly relieved, he was asked something like this.
"Kusanagi. You, could it be that you've progressed even further than that with Erica-sama?"
Progressed even further?
It was an ambiguous expression. As was expected, just how far no, what exactly had he
been referring to?
Godou racked his brains out over that.
In the three months that he had come under Erica's fierce assaults, he had desperately resisted
her approach. His life flashed before his eyes (Although he was not particularly on the verge
of death), and he recalled it.
That kind of thing, this kind of thing, and also those kinds of things had happened before.
.... Hm, well, in some way or another, it felt like he had managed to obstinately resist crossing
the line. Forcibly agreeing with himself, Godou could barely manage a reply.
"... Hey you, don't accuse me of such strange doings. It's true that Erica and I have been rather
overly daring in certain areas, but there really isn't any suspicious relationship between us.
Believe me."
"Comrade N, how long did he take for that reply?"
"According to my stopwatch, it was 8.3 seconds. From his silence until he had said, 'Hey you,
don't accuse me', that amount of time has been confirmed."
"From the statistics, that timing is extremely suspicious.... Indeed, suspicious."
"No, what kind of statistics do you mean by 'statistics'!? In the first place, why did you
expressly go out of your way to measure that kind of time!"
Ignoring Godou's outcry, the idiot trio gave him a look of contempt and jealousy.
He could not be bothered with them any longer, and needed to escape. Though determined,
Godou's limbs were still bound, and there was naught he could do about it.
The other party was comprised of normal civilians. In this case, he could neither utilize his
superhuman strength nor teleportation.
Godou, who had several superpowers, could only demonstrate them when facing against a
powerful enemy or in certain situations.
".... That is indeed a grave problem to be considered, but we'll go further into that later. Next
up on the agenda, Kusanagi Godou's sin number two!"

"Ooh! Allow me to read that out loud!"

The voice which had responded immediately belonged to Sorimachi.
"Kusanagi, though you bear the sin of monopolizing the two great bishoujos, you have also
committed another unforgivable great sin. That is the coldness you have shown to your
[Imouto]! I blame your stupidity, you bastard who lacks an Imouto fetish!"
".... Imouto?"
Godou was confused. Why did Sorimachi (presumed) suddenly mention 'Imouto'?
"Ngh, it's come to this..."
"As expected of Comrade S, the man who possesses 108 Imoutos in the 2D world... A
tenacity to always have 'Imoutos' on his mind, any time of the day, truly we should respect
and endeavor to become like him...."
The other two of the idiot trio were greatly impressed. Seriously, these guys were hard to
"Hey Kusanagi. Being so cruel to the Shizuka-chan who is always coming to the classroom,
aren't you embarrassed of your own behavior? Don't you consider that to be sinful!?"
".... I didn't really treat her cruelly. It was normal."

Godou's sister Kusanagi Shizuka was a third-year student from Jounan Academy's Middle
School Division.
For some reason, she had appeared on the rooftop above the classrooms of the High School
Division, tagging along with him.

"... Onii-chan, recently you've been extremely dishonest."

And then suddenly, she had thrown out that line, her mood seemingly bad.
By the way, Shizuka's areas of determination were impressive, as she was a sweet girl in the
first place.
Perhaps in the near future, she might become a beauty just like their mother of the Kusanagi
household. Even if she were only fourteen as of now, she was already said to greatly resemble
their mother.
"Why? Although I haven't been particularly very honest, it shouldn't be to the point where my
sister is accusing me of dishonesty?"
"Nonsense, why don't you try saying that one more time once you've taken a good look
around you!?"
Speaking of which, the conversation took place while they were currently having lunch on the
Since June, Godou had been spending his lunch breaks on the rooftop.
He did not spend the time alone. From the same class, Erica was seated next to him, her
expression saying that it was perfectly natural of her to do so, and on the other side was a
schoolgirl with black hair tinged with a hue of chestnut, Mariya Yuri.
Together with these two girls, they spent their lunch break on the rooftop having lunch.
It has been Godou's daily routine, recently. Adding Shizuka on top of that.... Just what exactly
was dishonest about this situation?
"May I ask what's wrong, Shizuka-san? Indeed, Godou-san... cannot be said to have perfectly
irreproachable conduct, but I feel that he is adequately honest. It would not be good to speak
of your Onii-sama in that manner"
Yuri gently chided her, while smiling.
Occasionally dignified, while during other times she could exhibit the intensity of a yasha, but
normally she was a refined, tidy Ojou-sama. And above all else, beautiful.
Mariya Yuri could stand shoulder-to-shoulder against Erica as a bishoujo.
However, from an onlooker's point of view, one would feel that Yuri did not possess a degree
of glamour comparable to that of Erica's. In place of that difference, Yuri was more of the
kind that would cause you to be attracted the more you look at her.
For example, the lovely yet unseen mountain cherry blossoms that bloomed in profusion.
That was Mariya Yuri.

"But, that's true. Just as Shizuka-san had said, it might be better if Godou-san became a little
more honest... Up till now, you have caused me to worry to no ends. Your relationships with
friends, your relationships with girls, your normal actions, Godou-san, you ought to take
another good look at your surroundings, hm?"
"You're strict as ever, Mariya..."
Godou grumbled, in response to Yuri who had said that demurely.
She was not your normal Ojou-sama. Her other identity was that of a Musashino Hime-Miko
that served to guard the entire district of Kanto spiritually. The possessor of a clairvoyancelike ability, her powers were acknowledged even by Erica.
And, she was a friend who supported Godou after finding out about his troublesome situation.
After the incident in June, his relations with Yuri had improved greatly. The girl, who had
been nothing but harsh and severe to him at first, could now crack such jokes with him. And
then, when their gazes crossed, smiling, they could understand the minds of the other.
Being able to communicate without needing to say much they had built up such a
comfortable relationship.
"O-Onii-chan! And Mariya-san too, stop being in your own worlds when the two of you are
looking into each other's eyes! That kind of thing is dishonest, imprudent! Mariya-san, don't
allow yourself to get cheated by a guy like Onii-chan! Please be more wary!"
"Ara? Shizuka-san, what is not allowed, and what should I be wary of?"
"That's right Shizuka, we totally don't understand what you're trying to say. You have to be
more straightforward."
Against Shizuka's complaint, Godou and Yuri refuted in unison.
They did not plan this in advance, it was merely by chance. However, that kind of timing and
the synchronization of their actions was uncanny.
"... Well, what Shizuka-san wanted to say was dishonest was this. The status quo of being
flanked by two beauties, me and Yuri, at all times."
Erica interjected, giggling.
Since the start when Shizuka had been voicing out her grievances, she had pretended to be
only a bystander.
"The quiet, unsociable Onii-sama that you've always been monopolizing since before High
School is now being waited upon by girls like this, causing you to want to say that... Well, it's
not that I don't understand how you feel."
"E-E-E-E-E-Erica-san, please don't get a strange misunderstanding!"

There was such an impression of Shizuka becoming unusually flustered, after being told that
in a know-it-all air

"No-normal? You bastard, are you trying to say that you can only act normally to a sister like
"But, that's how it is. I think we get along well, even as a high school student and a middle
school student, we're still pretty close."
In the many times where the parents had been absent during their childhood, no matter where
he went he had always brought his sister along.
Reminiscing, Godou felt nostalgic.
Continuing to do so after the siblings had hit puberty, it would be very awkward... Perhaps
Shizuka's constant tagging alongside him recently was because of nostalgia, too?
As though smashed over the head by a blunt weapon, Sorimachi cried out.
It seemed as though he had suffered a great shock from Godou's reply.
"Get a hold of yourself, Comrade S!"
"I-I'll be fine. More importantly, we have to make clear the crimes of Kusanagi. Listen well,
Kusanagi, what you say is normal, a real Imouto being [normal], when she's so very cute!
Which part of that do you not understand!"
"........... Huh?"
Godou faltered before this outcry from Sorimachi, about the truths of this world.
"Yep, just as Comrade S has mentioned! On the contrary, your sarcasm is unbearable!"
"Agreed! Shizuka-chan is, for sure, the model of a tsundere Imouto. 'Onii-chan you idiot, it'll
be great if you were a little more concerned about me... but I love you....'"
"Comrades, thank you thank you! Yes, this is Imouto moe. Imouto moe!"
These guys, did they drink themselves drunk?
Before the idiot trio's rousing cheers, Godou suspected that they were either drunk or on
drugs. And, although this was rather inconsequential, Takagi's purposeful usage of girly

abusive language was disgusting. If he were to point this out, that guy would undoubtedly be
dealt quite the blow...
"Well then, it's about time for us to announce the third crime. It is about that incident with
Nanami suddenly spoke out.
"Ever since middle school, for the longest time, she was known as the number one bishoujo
on the campus, and now in high school, after the appearance of Erica-sama, she has become
one of the two great bishoujos, her shining charm not fading a single bit, that Mariya Yurisan, and yet "
Godou was perplexed. Monopolizing the girls, what false accusations were they trying to
"You bastard, how many of these girls have you recently laid your hands on? Averting your
gaze whenever you make eye contact with them, and at other times looking into each other's
eyes while your cheeks blush red, creating a world belonging to the two of you!"
"I-I saw that too! Kusanagi and Mariya-san were walking side-by-side when their hands
suddenly brushed against the others, and then the two of them looked downwards seemingly
embarrassed, stopping in their tracks!"
"Shit! This guy is enjoying a life filled with bittersweet love!"
Godou was confused.
He and Yuri shared that kind of odd atmosphere it seemed like that might have happened
It was not that there wasn't anything of that sort in his memories. Thinking back, recently that
has always been the case. Could it be that all these occurrences have been noticed by
"Hmph, it seems he's aware of it. While flirting openly with Erica-sama, it seems he's entered
Mariya-san's route as a side-route. How did he raise this many flags!!"
"In the middle of rushing through the two-timing harem route, hmm ?"
"You bastard, enjoying all these good experiences by yourself. By our hands, we shall give
you a bad ending!"
The idiot trio were howling and shouting. I give up.
He considered how he should persuade them. It was indeed a dead end situation, and just as
Godou was wallowing in despair
With a clank, the door of the classroom was opened. Sunlight immediately illuminated the
dark interior, and then, a fair-skinned schoolgirl stepped into the room it was Mariya Yuri.

"Godou-san, you were here? I've been searching for you."

With a gentle and sweet smile, Yuri said to him. However, upon seeing the figure of the tiedup Godou, her eyebrows were raised in question.
"... What exactly has happened to you? Why are you being bound?"
".... It's a long story, but Takagi, Nanami and Sorimachi here have been busy doing stupid
Godou replied, his answer brief and concise. Nevertheless, she had great timing.
She mentioned that she had been searching for him, hence her appearance here was no mere
Mariya Yuri was a Hime-Miko that possessed the magical power of [Spirit Vision].
[Somehow], she could find what she was looking for by simply walking around, so this was
not surprising.
Yuri rushed to Godou's side, who had fallen onto the floor.
Protecting the defenseless Godou, she declared imposingly towards the idiot trio.
"Although you have hidden your faces, you must be Godou-san's classmates, right? With this
act of violence, what are you planning on? Three persons ganging up on a lone male student,
is inexcusable barbarism. As a human, know the shame of your deeds!"
She cried out, charmingly so.
In the face of this awe-inspiring rebuke, the idiot trio exchanged glances with each other.
"F-for Mariya-san to intrude upon us in this kind of place!"
"Calm down, we still have the reins over the leadership! .... That's right, Mariya-san, if you
want Kusanagi to be released, then you have to listen to our request! Firstly, a change of
dress. Mariya-san who is known to work part-time at a Shinto shrine, we'll have you dress as
a Miko-san!"
"Yep, and then we want you to draw a self-portrait in ketchup on omelette rice. A heart shape
"E-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ears, I want you to dig my ears! If possible, a lap pillow too!"
"Hmmmm. Then, I'd like you to put on nekomimi. A-and at the end of every sentence, add
Some strange things were suggested.
".......... Go-Godou-san, what are those people demanding of me? I feel like they've missed
their footing severely, and made a mistake somewhere along their path as a human."

Yuri recoiled, before the disgraceful behavior of the idiot trio.

They were hopeless, Godou understood that fact. The unusual intensity of their delusions, in
certain ways was even more terrifying than the fury of the few devil kings in the world.
"No need to push yourself, Mariya. It's dangerous (?) here, find and call Erica here. If it's
her.... she'll be able to handle those guys. Probably."
"No way! Abandoning Godou-san and escaping by myself, I cannot do that!"
"Just go! There's no need to worry about me. Prioritize your own safety."
"No. That time, in the middle of that rain, did I not say it? That I will be with you, through
thick and thin. It's different when it is a hopeless situation, but in this case, my help seems like
it will be of use. Even if it's me, if I do my best, certainly I ought to be able to help Godou-san
Before he noticed, while protecting Godou who was lying on the ground, Yuri had locked her
gaze with his firmly.
I'm an idiot. Godou was moved by her zeal, and he changed his mind.
It was too early to give up. He had to believe in this girl's courage and strength more. Alone, it
might have been difficult, but together, the two of them would surely be able to overcome any
.... While thinking that, he turned his attention to the idiot trio.
They were crying.
Their knees bent, the paper bags worn over their head were wet and dripping with tears.
"Son of a bitch..... In many ways, you son of a bitch!"
"Even in this kind of situation, creating a world meant just for the two of you...."
"Ignoring us, and starting a love comedy by yourselves. Isn't this simply too sorrowful...."

Thus, the stricken idiot trio were rendered powerless, and Kusanagi Godou was released,
Passing the days with a stable and ordinary school life (according to him), the male student
that he was, was in actual fact a godslayer, and bore a title that was conferred to only those
who had usurped an authority.
That title was 'Campione'.

The stories related to the godslayer devil kings, of whom there were only seven in the world,
shall be told again in another tale.

Summer vacations.
The extended break that countless high schoolers longed for.
For this month and a half, some went out to play and have fun, others engaged in sports, still
others toiled with sweat and devoted their passions to work, love, supplementary lessons, or
doujinshi conventions.
But now, to Kusanagi Godou, his summer vacation was synonymous with disaster.
"Hoho. Did you hear that, Godou? You'll be traveling together with me for the summer
vacation. This is a foregone decision and your highest priority, so you'd better accept it... I
won't take no for an answer."
The blond-haired girl dressed in red had already declared this half a month ago.
The smile floating on her face was so magnificent, and yet so evil.
To his knowledge, Godou did not know another girl apart from Erica Blandelli who could
smile this way. Possessing outstanding beauty and intelligence, crafty ingenuity, and genius
talent in swords and magic, plus total confidence in these areas a noble smile that
concentrated all these qualities together.
Godou was a healthy sixteen-year-old high school student.
To be asked to travel together with such a beautiful girl as Erica, he was very happy, no doubt
about it.
Very happy, but there was a catch.
He definitely could not agree with her wishes as promptly as this. If he did, it would end up
being a progression of travelweddingpregnancychild-rearing, and by the latter half of
his twenties, the majority of his life would be semi-automatically decided just like that
something as scary as that could happen.
Young man, what you are trying to say is that, the reason you are not willing to accept
Ericas proposal is because... like a lover you have known for six years, to have someone who
shares the same personality and preferences as your girlfriend, to share a warm and fuzzy
relationship, it makes you feel assured and comfortable, yet lacks a certain excitement.
Godou naturally recalled the words of the older friend who lived in that oh so nostalgic
Then one fine day that girlfriend says hey, we have been together for quite a while now.
How about we go and visit your parents next time. At that time, that boy thought Even if

you say that, I still want to remain a free man, even if it is for a while longer, and such. Thus
he uses an ok, maybe next time excuse as an answer. Just like how you are now.
I have not even known Erica for six months, your analogy is completely off!
Ah ha ha, doesnt that make the analogy even better? A milestone that usually happens after
at least five years into a relationship has already occurred in the short time that you two have
known each other. It's natural for you to get cold feet.
Even though Godou did not agree with such a tactless description, deep in his heart he
concurred completely.
Thinking carefully, he did not have any reason to reject Erica.
Even without mentioning her beauty and ability, there existed a wonderful sense of unspoken
understanding between the two of them.
Other than a massive difference in values, there was no other critical flaw. Most importantly
there were her displays of affectionpassionately, verbally, through her attitudes and
(...Even if it was just a verbal marriage proposal, from that moment onwards, my life would
have been deemed a [called game][1]! Even a playoff would be impossible.)
However, there was one point on which Godou was certain.
Erica Blandelli's decisiveness, planning ability and initiative were second to none.
If she put her mind to it, even the impossible could become possible in most cases. On the
same note, she could even make Godou think that a marriage might not be so bad after all,
that was the kind of attraction she held.
Thus, Godou felt that he must never ever lower his guard and resist with all his might when he
is around her.
So for this summer, he believed that he should be fine if he stayed out of her clutches.
With all that in mind, Godou's final conclusion was to flee.
He could never win in physical strength, much less in terms of wit and resourcefulness. The
best self-defense strategy was to not go directly against Erica, so what about the escape routes
and potential hiding places?
In order to make sure there were enough funds to escape, he had no choice but to get himself
hired by familiar acquaintances for jobs every day.
At the same time, escape plans must be made.
But where to escape to? It would be best if it was a place where she couldn't do as she

Did such a place even exist on earth...

As summer vacation drew near, Godou became more and more lost in this thought.
"Then, Godou-san... The thing you said before, what happened next?"
With only one week left till vacation, Godou was questioned about this.

It was after class at the upperclassmen block of Jounan Academy.

In an empty classroom corner, the one he was facing was Mariya Yuri, the school idol
renowned for her beauty, charm and delicacy.
...Thinking back carefully, it was difficult to believe he once did such a daring thing to this
Godou tried desperately to act normal. If he became too aware of the past, he would be too
embarrassed to look her in the face.
"Haha, the thing about running away from Erica? Aye, even though I have made all sorts of
preparations, there is still no place for me to escape to. To be honest, it's really troubling."
"Is that so..."
Yuri nodded and muttered beside him.
Somehow, it felt like she was deliberately avoiding looking Godou straight in the face.
As expected, that incident has become a burden for her.
The Hime-Miko of Musashino the sacred miko responsible for protecting the Kanto region
with their spirit powers.
Amongst them, Yuri possessed outstanding powers of spirit vision. But due to circumstance,
to think that she did that with Godou... How he wished he could find a hole to hide in.
About, about that Mariya-san, how should I say this, that
G-Godou-san, that thing, erm, about that thing
Speaking together coincidentally at the same time just made the situation more awkward to
both parties.
"...If you have something to say, dont mind me and please go ahead."
"No, no, there is no such thing. You should speak first, Godou-san."
While they continued to allow each other to talk first, their faces inevitably met.

At that moment, Godou realized that his face was as red as an apple. Yuri was no different,
turning red due to embarrassment.
...Erica Blandelli, he had never met anyone who understands him more than her.
Having played baseball for so long, Godou had partnered as a catcher with many people
But nobody had ever been 'as one' with him as her, one of the opposite sex.
Having only known each other for just four months, they understood each other on a heart to
heart level, whereby with just a single glance, they were able to communicate what the other
was thinking perfectly.
But now, the girl in front of him, Mariya Yuri, was equally in tune.
The way this girl spoke, thought and acted under numerous circumstances, matched him to an
uncanny degree.
Even for someone who admitted he was not skilled in handling girls, Godou clearly noticed
Being with Yuri was never unpleasant.
Godou could spend a day with her without saying anything, and he still would not feel
uncomfortable around her.
Even without explanation, Godou could understand. Her harsh and severe words were an
expression of her concern. Mariya Yuri was the kindest and most gentle person that Kusanagi
Godou knew. Thus he believed that he would receive retribution if he did not express his
gratitude to her.
"Umm... Sorry Mariya. I've... always caused you so much trouble."
"W-What are you saying? Not once have I felt that you have caused me trouble, so you should
stop blaming yourself. Pull yourself together."
Said a red-faced Yuri, making Godou unable to do anything but laugh awkwardly.
She had most likely said this to help him get his act together, guess like he had no choice but
to accept it.
Haha, I got it. I will work hard... what was it that Mariya wanted to say just now again?
Ah, right... About that, Godou-san, about your earlier problem of finding a place to hide... If
you do not mind, how about leaving it to me?
Being suddenly told about this, Godou was shocked and could only stare at the embarrassed

The Hime-Mikoa true 'hime'[2], having a pitiable yet elegant stature, abruptly brought up
such a thing.
Actually, it was Amakasu-san from the History Compilation Committee who will be
preparing it for you. He seemed to sincerely wish to help Godou-san...
The History Compilation Committee.
The organization whose goal was to hide from the general public all sorts of bizarre
incidentsmagic, spells, supernatural phenomena, gods, and other supernatural existences.
When he heard the name of the History Compilation Committee member, Godou couldnt
help but think.
Can I trust such an organization which I havent even got the slightest clue of? Can I count on
Of course, when we reach there I would act as your tour guide. So even if you are on a
foreign land, you will not feel any inconveniences. I will take good care of youyou better
not take this wrongly, this is a request from the committee, it cannot be helped...
Oh, even though it is great, but this time, I think I will pass.
This is definitely not because I want to go on a trip with you that I requested for thiseh?
This time? Pass...?
Seeing Yuri in shock, Godou replied.
Ah, even though you have done so much for me, but sorry, I have to say no this time.
H-How can this be! But Godou-san, didnt you seem like you were in so much trouble just
Though Godou was grateful for her honest offer, he still had to reject her.
No, though I asked for your help, I don't think I can accept the assistance of civil servants for
a matter like this. That is what I think, I am very sorry.
If it had been Yuris personal offer, he would have gratefully accepted. But if the name of
such an unknown and suspicious organization was involved, it would be best to think twice
before agreeing.
Campione. The name of a devil king who had usurped a gods authorities. A warrior both
human and superhuman.
Regrettably, Godou now belonged amongst the ranks of these existences beyond common
reasoning. If he sought help from others, he must think carefully and be wary of them. No
matter how much Kusanagi Godou hated it, he was now the [King] who possessed great
influence over the world of magic and wizardry.

For example, Erica was a mage from the magic association Copper Black Cross.
Godou would obediently accept her assistance as well as the association behind her. This
was mostly because the leader of the organization, Erica's uncle, was a well-known man.
The noble knight of knights. The red and black living legend.
The only person that Erica, the beauty with her overweening pride, respected and looked up
Godou only met him once, but once was more than enough for Godou to foster the same
respect for him. If anyone in this world fully embodied the ideals of chivalry, it had to be him.
The strong sense of feeling when they shook hands to bid farewell was still vivid in Godou's
...Godou-san, you look happy for some reason.
Yuri spoke suddenly.
With suspicious eyes, she stared at Godou with a tinge of resentment for some reason.
Looking into the distance, as if remembering someone you really missed very much
Ah, sorry, I suddenly remembered an old acquaintance.
Responding without thought, Godou was thinking of one point.
If he, Paolo Blandelli, knew that Erica was trying to seduce Godou, he might just come up
with a plan to educate that niece of his into a proper lady.
But Godou did not know how to contact him personally.
No, wait a minute, didn't he have a friend who knew these things...!
Godou couldnt help but get excited.
Even if the chances were slim, it was still worth a try, all prospects must be explored!
I suddenly thought of urgent matters to attend to so I will be leaving first. Anyway, thanks
for everything.
Ah, Godou-san!? Just who did you recall, I wish to know
In order to reach home quickly, Godou started to run.
What was it that Yuri tried to say to me just now? I guess I will just ask her again the next
time we meet.

Two nights later, Godou was checking for the answer he had waited so eagerly for.
Firing up his mothers old notebook computer to open his email, the long awaited reply
finally came.
The senders name was Zola. The name of the mage Godou had come to know when he was
at Sardinia.
How is it?... I hope it is a good reply!
Godou continued to pray as he opened the email.
'It's been a while, young man. I have been hearing a lot about your many deeds. Your name as
a devil king sure is spreading far and wide. It makes me proud to know I played a part in your
Written in Japanese with full mastery of kanji, she opened with such an outrageous greeting.
'Next, about your request on how to contact Paolo Blandelli personally, Im sorry but I do not
know. After all, he is the leader of a famous group and the highest ranked Templar Knight.
On the other hand, I'm just an old mage in the countryside. How could I possibly know
personal channels of communication?'
At this point, Godou started to feel dejected, but continued to read on.
'But, I understand your dilemma and am not so cold-hearted as to just ignore it. Thus, this
summer I welcome you to my humble abode here in Sardinia. After all, for a mage of Erica
Blandelli's level, she would find you almost immediately no matter where you hide if she was
to become serious. The only way to escape from her is with the help of an excellent mage, and
I am willing to help you on this part.'
Right, it was just as she had said, this was the problem troubling Godou, and he couldnt help
but nod in agreement.
'As for plane tickets and the like, just leave everything to me. You're welcome. Consider it
compensation for bringing you into this kind of trouble, into this world of cause and effect. I
look forward to seeing you after our last meeting a few months ago.'
Signing off her email with 'Your Friend.'
"...How superficial of me. I thought she was just a meddlesome and hopeless fellow, but I
never expected her to be so considerate."
Like watching a delinquent feed a stray cat Godou felt touched as if witnessing such a
scene. He felt ashamed of his ignorance.
Friends are still the best! He felt deeply moved and thanked her from the heart.

Everything that happened after that went smoothly.

Informing his grandfather and mother he was going on vacation alone, he made a deal with
his grandfather to keep things secret, and discreetly made preparations without his sister
Shizuka knowing, finally confirming the duration of his stay in Sardinia.
Then, in latter half of July, it was the day before the closing ceremony.
In contrast to Erica who was recently in a happy mood, Godou had been agreeing to the 'premarital trip' in a displeased and uncaring manner.
His heart burned with fighting spirit as if playing a role in a reversal drama, but he did not
show any outward signs.
The plan was set in motion, calmly and silently.
This was the path to victory. Even if it was against his nature to harbor secrets, it was all
needed for such a situation.

...That day, after school, Yuri said to Godou:

Godou-san, I have something to say to you, could you come with me for a while.
Facing the sudden cold words from Yuri while following her to a deserted corner of the
school, Godou felt a sense of unknown nervousness. As if something inauspicious was about
to happen, he had a bad feeling.
...I will ask directly, Godou-san, are you going anywhere this summer?
Godou could not tell if Mariya Yuri didn't know how the world worked or just couldnt read
the mood.
Even though she was very smart and thought things through deeply, she was just a sheltered
high class lady.
Thus she was unable to read the atmosphere. But likely due to her strong natural instincts,
which were sometimes very sharp, she was still able to guess at situations without doing
anything beforehand.
It was the same this time.
...If so, where are you going?
Even if you ask me, it is a secret, is that ok?
Yuri was speaking as a result of sensing rather than reasoning.

There was no point in acting ignorant in front of her, Godou lowered his head as a gesture of
Even his family members didnt know where he was going... Thinking back, the grandfather
and mother who allowed him to secretly plan this trip, were really quite awesome in a certain
Of course it is not ok! Without me around... No, without anyone else around, what indecent
acts are you planning to do!? If you do not tell me the details, I will not let you go!
Her words carried a sense of family greater than even his own.
Yuris facial expression suddenly changed; she realized she had uttered rather strange
S-So it is like this, even though I have never thought it would really happen, it is like this
right...? Like going on vacation with just that woman whom you are slightly closer to... Are
you planning that and making it happen?
Why does she have such a thought? Godou was puzzled by this.
W-Who do you mean by a girl I am closer to?
L-Local wife, isnt there such a saying? Forming an impure and obscene m-male and female
relationship like a short term contract... I was really wrong about you!
Her accusations could not be understood, but it was clear that she was vehemently denouncing
Why a local wife? Wasn't that kind of expression out of fashion a long time ago?
'Hoho, Kusanagi-san suddenly recalling a close friend from far away, then confirming his
escape route, Yuri-san can feel that right... So, Yuri-san, this could be troubling. Have you
heard of the term local wife? What, you dont? It is also a form of relationship between
Someone was talking to her behind his back, but of course, Godou had no idea.
Whats more, this person was also adding fuel to the fire.
'Hoho, Yuri-san must be thinking that Kusanagi-san could not have such a relationship as he
is only in high school right? But you must not forget that he is no ordinary high school
student, he is a king. One of the seven who are the incarnations of demons and rakshasa[3], the
king of the magi. Having the courage to undertake such an affair is not impossible'
'Ah, there is always a counter measure. It is easy and effective... Yuri-san just has to go along.
Go on the trip as a pair and monitor his actions.'
She had been fed all these unnecessary ideas, but Godou could not have known.

Due to all this, Godou cant help but feel perplexed at Yuris vivid imagination.
No, please think rationally, such things are out of the ordinary right?
Then allow me to ask you, is there an acquaintance there at the place you are going?
Well, sort of, yes.
Then, is this acquaintance of yours male or female?
Umm, female...
What kind of a person is she? Is she a beautiful lady?
Umm, that's a difficult question to answer... Can I not answer it?
Answering the continuous string of questions.
After listening to Godous answers, Yuri cried out,
Too impure, Godou-san! I actually believed in you! I actually wanted to believe in you!
Eh? Umm, Mariya-san? If you think about it with common sense.
It really is true! Hiding from me and Erica-san to have such an indecent relationship with
another woman... You are too low!
Being judged like this, Godou was deeply troubled.
To think the girl he originally asked for help would have such a peculiar misunderstanding.
If it is not clarified quickly, it could escalate dangerously. Though he didn't have a way with
words, Godou needed to get through this somehow or another.
According to Amakasu-san, if a boy tries to slide pass such a topic, it definitely means that
there is something unacceptable going on!
Just what did that guy teach you?!
History Compilation Committee member, Amakasu Touma.
Despite his relaxed and unfettered demeanor, Godou had always believed he was a person
weird to the bone. But to think that he had done such a troublesome thing, just how is he
supposed to correct the problem now?
Mariya, please think calmly. Why are you imagining this? I really do not understand, just
what kind of a person do you think I am?
A devil who tricks women! A sexual predator! Definitely not a normal human!

Her tone became extremely emotional, and Yuri spoke without thought.
Just like a young child throwing a temper tantrum, Godou was greatly surprised to see this
kind of side to her.
"Because even to this date, have you not done all sorts of ridiculous things!?"
"Umm, though that's not incorrect, I don't think I've done anything similar to harboring a
mistress somewhere! And never will, I will never do something like that!"
Against Yuri in her current state, reasoning was useless, so Godou had no choice but to
declare in such a strong manner.
By the way, if this dialogue was overheard, the listener would probably mistake it for an
argument between couples.
How did it come to this? Godou couldn't help cursing his misfortune.
"If you say so... Please present the evidence."
Yuri whispered softly as she lowered her head. Godou instantly went "eh?"
"Take me along with you! Let me stay by your side, then you will prove your innocence! If
you are truly innocent, then you can do that, right?"
And then the closing ceremony was here.
It was the last day of the school term, but Godou did not attend school.
Early in the morning, just past six, he had finished all the preparations needed for the trip. He
left his house and made his way to the bus stop.
The reason Godou didnt go to school today was because he felt worried by the fact that there
was a chance that Erica might just kidnap him and hold him captive. This would ruin the
entire plan and all prior effort would be for naught.
Yesterday, it took him great effort just to calm the angry and teary Yuri who was throwing a
Facing the Yuri who was trying very hard not to show her emotions but whose eyes were
clearly red from crying, he was defeated in the end. Remembering this made Godous heart
...Taking the subway, he reached Ueno station.
There at the central ticketing gate, somebody was waiting.
G-Good morning. Umm... I will be in your care.

Most likely embarrassed about her outburst yesterday, her face was all red.
Facing Yuri whose face was as red as an apple, Godou nodded his head.
Carrying a huge suitcase, Yuri was wearing casual clothing for the first time in Godou's
memory. She was wearing a white short-sleeved dress and a large hat, most likely to shelter
herself from the summer sun. This set of clothes, with her white complexion, seemed to suit
her perfectly.

Compared to her usual attire of the school uniform or the miko outfit, this was a refreshing,
new look. It made Godous heart skip a beat.
Remembering that he was about to go on a vacation with this beautiful lady, Godous heart
began to beat faster.
...Isnt this just like eloping?
Th-Then, shall we go?
Godou and Yuri began to walk together.
For some reason, it really felt like an elopement, thinking about this made Godou deliberately
look ahead, unable to look Yuri in the face. But she should feel the same way right?
Just like that, they entered the ticketing gate without saying anything to each other. In order to
take the tram to Narita airport, they made their way to the main hall.
...After that, nothing special happened. Yuri finished her check in.
It turned out that Yuri and Godou were on the same flight and were even seated beside each

Of course, it was thanks to the secret efforts of the History Compilation Committee.
The Committee's efforts also enabled Yuri to obtain immediate permission from the Mariya
Most probably, the one active behind the scenes was the familiar History Compilation
Committee member imagining Amakasu Touma secretly laughing to himself, Godou
couldnt help but sigh.
Putting so much effort into this, just what was he thinking?
As for his old friend in Sardinia, Godou sent an email stating that 'another person will be
coming.' There was an immediate reply of 'very interesting, no problem.'
The other side was also fooling around.
Thinking he was getting trapped into a weird situation, Godou started to feel depressed, when
Yuri suddenly said:
Erm, Godou-san, about the person who would be looking after us... Just what kind of person
is she? If it is possible, can you tell me about her?
Most likely unable to bear the silence, she suddenly came up with this question.
She is a mage. On further thought, she is definitely one of the main culprits who gave me
this body.
Seeking entertainment that day, her proposal lit the fuse which led to Godou having a decisive
battle against a god.
Of course, there was the accumulation of various chance factors that finally led to the current
...So it is like this. The person, whom Godou-san is depending on, is surely a beautiful
Umm, Mariya, you clearly have not met her yet. It is not right to have such preconceptions.
But I must be right? Looking at Godou-sans face, I am sure. It is definitely true.
I really hope you do not apply your prescient abilities at this moment.
Facing the miko whose perceptions surpassed human wisdom, Godou shook his head.
No, even though she is female, I never harbored those kinds of thoughts towards her. She is
from the same generation as my grandfatheran old person. This is the truth!
But despite Godou's frantic denials, Yuri only stared coldly.
Even though what you say does not feel like a lie, but it is not the whole truth right?

It will take a long time to explain. Definitely not something which can be explained
About that point, you need not worry. Luckily, time is of abundance here. From here to Italy
will take about half a day. So, no matter how long you plan to explain, I will listen to you
Finally reaching the Keisei Ueno station, they boarded the express train and secured their
After reaching Narita, they made their way to the airport. Having boarded their plane bound
for Europe, they would need to endure the twelve-hour flightit was just as Yuri had said,
there was plenty of time.
Just like that, together with Yuri who seemed to be in a good mood, they began to spend the
long flight together.
Since it was like that, he might as well explain everything from the start, so as to prove his
Fine, I understand. I shall start from the very beginning. I am not used to telling this type of
story so please forgive me for anything that you dont understand.
...From the beginning, you mean right from the start of everything?
Ah, yes. We must trace back to the spring break after my middle school graduation.
Kusanagi Godou back then was in a transition state, neither in middle school nor high school.
As it was not yet the first of May, he was still fifteen years old.
And a completely normal human who could not possibly battle a god or usurp their authority.
The few days which drastically changed the life he knew forever.
The few days where he met Erica Blandelli and many other different people, building up
friendships and having battles. All of these felt so nostalgic now, the story of the beginning.
And so, Godou slowly began to tell his story.

Chapter 1 - Light from the East

Part 1
A certain night in the latter half of March, in the Nezu area of Bunkyo ward in Tokyo.
In the living room of the Kusanagi home, two old men were enjoying alcohol.

Godou was also there, sitting at a corner. But he was there only to pour the liquor, moving
back and forth to deliver the bottles of warmed sake.
...With one whiff, he was able to tell if the sake was warmed to the right temperature.
Actually, this was one of Godous skills. But to have such a skill at an age of fifteen, it
doesnt feel right at all. But still, it was a skill that was trained by his grandfather from a
young age.
So, why do you suddenly want to go to Italy?
The one who asked this was grandfathers old friend, Takamatsu-sensei.
He was from the same generation as grandfather, a professor at a private university within
Tokyo who taught western history. It was also because of this, both Godou and his sister
Shizuka called him 'sensei.'
Eh? I am only going there to meet an old friend.
The one who answered was the one who was leaving for Italy in just two days' time, Kusanagi
Even though he was a person who liked to travel, he had rarely left the country recently.
However, during this spring, he suddenly said that he wanted to go to Italy.
And also due to that, Takamatsu-sensei specially came to see him off with bottles of alcohol.
...Grandfather also used to be a professor in folkloristics, but was already retired. Now, he
passed his days leisurely. Too leisurely, sometimes. Godou really wanted to tell him off.
Even though he really wanted to thank him for doing all the household chores.
But to instill in his grandson knowledge about alcohol's taste, aroma and even origins, to be
popular among all the women who frequented the shopping district (both old and young), and
to frequently meet older women (which Godou believed to be beauties in the past) on the
street, seeming to know many of them, Godou felt like there was definitely a problem.
...That old friend you mentioned is a woman right?
Takamatsu-sensei, grandfathers old friend, said with some disgust.
As a side note, this person would always say something like you look so similar to Ichirou...
whenever he saw Godou's face. Come on, inherited DNA is bound to cause facial similarity,
so please do not have these weird concerns.
Ah, now that you brought it up, you know her too. Yes, do you remember? Lucretia Zola the
Italian foreign student back when we were in university?
Oh, that woman. Hey, dont tell me you have kept in contact with her all this time?

No. It only started recently. I sent a letter to her Italian home address she gave me before,
and a reply came back. That thing she left behind in Japan forty years ago eventually came
into my possession. If possible, I would like to return it to her personally.
Wait a minute! Didnt you promise Chiyo you would never see that woman again? Did you
forget already?
The conversation was getting out of hand.
Chiyo was the name of Godous grandmother who passed away a few years back.
Back in the old days, grandfather was a handsome man. He possessed the gift of conversation
to skillfully win peoples hearts, perfect diplomacy, and outstanding observational skills. In
other words, he was very popular with women.
And he never refused anyone.
Due to grandfather being like this, grandmother sure had it tough.
Promise... Wasnt it that I will not see her off at the airport?
Its not that! Im sure you remember, youre just playing dumb. Whats more, you're not
obliged to go personally, all you need is to send it over by air mail.
Towards grandfather who was acting like he didn't know, Takamatsu-sensei pointed out the
It looks like something precious. Wouldnt it be troublesome if it is damaged on the way
there? And I also wanted to visit Italy once and have a nice chat with Lucretia Zola whom I
have not met for such a long time.
Ichirou, do you even know how to speak Italian?
No, not even a word. But things will work out somehow, so it will be fine.
If this was said by any ordinary old person, he would either be a very relaxed person, or is
suffering from dementia.
But it was not the case for grandfather. When Kusanagi Ichirou was still an active folkloristics
scholar, he was like a celebrity in field research. Specializing in studying different traditional
arts and cultures, he would often go to various countries to investigate.
The places he went to investigate would sometimes be isolated village communities.
He was able to integrate himself into their community quickly, build good relationships with
the villagers and even acquire a few village secrets which are usually not told to outsiders.
Whats more, most of these villages are situated in Southeast Asia, China, India and other
foreign countries. He was able to easily overcome language barriers that would usually stop
other people.

It could be said to be at a superhuman level.

A precious item... Just what did that woman leave here in Japan?
About that, remember the group of buddies during university that would usually go on trips
together? At that time, there was a certain incident concerning about a curse from a guardian
god and if I remember correctly, twenty died and it caused a great commotion.
Hearing such an unbelievable story, Godou shouted out unknowingly.
Stealing a glance at his grandson, Ichirou smiled and said.
Yes, it was a story I heard during my time at the research institute. A group of good friends
went to Noto for a vacation. At that time, many, many things happened.
I remember that it caused quite the uproar... That witch seemed to have hidden herself
somewhere and did weird things.
From Takamatsu-senseis mouth came an extraordinary phrase, Godou was even more
A curse followed by a witch, just what happened back then?
...It is the woman that Ichirou is going to meet, foreign student from Italy nicknamed 'witch.'
A girl with a strange presence, I do not know when it started, but people started to call her by
this nickname.
However, she always smiled and answered Yes, I am a witch.
With all this said, Takamatsu-sensei started to look a little upset, while grandfather was still
very happy.
Most likely reminiscing old happenings, he closed his eyes and continued:
She was a very interesting woman. She got along well with cats and birds, was able to find
lost things immediately, and predicted the next days weather with greater accuracy than even
the weather forecast... Oh, and she was very fluent in JapaneseBasically on the same level
as locals such as us.
This woman, together with the younger Ichirou and Takamatsu-sensei, had gone on a hot
spring trip.
During their visit to a hot spring inn at a remote village, strange things had happened.

There were lots of people dying from heart attacks, over a span of merely half a month, with
roughly twenty victims. There was neither an epidemic nor a murder incident so rumors
spread that it was retribution brought about by a local earth god's curse.
Curse... If it were a detective story, then there must be some sort of shocking trick right?
Godou did not dislike the detective story genre, but his grandfather simply shook his head and
laughed wryly.
Too bad, there was no trick revealed. It was just by luck that we were there on our trip. We
were all in a great panic. The only calm person was Lucretia Zola. She went out that night,
only coming back in the morning exhausted. When she returned, she made a 'prophecy,' that
from that day onwards, nobody would die like that again. Everything was resolved.
Such an unbelievable story. It all seemed like a lie.
But the grandfather did not appear to be joking. Takamatsu-sensei also had a serious face.
Seems like an amazing person... By the way, why did she come here to study?
His interest piqued, Godou could not help inquiring further.
It was to study Japans ancient legendsespecially legends about Yamato Takeru[4].
Actually, she was more knowledgeable about such myths and stories on legendary swords
than us. Before coming to Japan, she had been researching the legends of King Arthur and the
Knights of the Round Table at a London university.
This doesn't make sense, why would she deliberately leave a university in London to come to
Who knows, if you asked Lucretia Zola personally, all she did was smile and say she had her
That means many things happened between grandfather and this woman.
Back when grandfather was a graduate student, he was only engaged to grandmother and they
had not married yet. That grandmother subsequently forbid grandfather to see Lucretia Zolasan, which is why Takamatsu-sensei was now showing such a pained expression.
With this, Godou finally understood the whole story.
Many things? Please do not speak so ill of me. We were just friends with mutual respect who
just happened to have opposite genders. Chiyo and Takamatsu really shouldn't have had such
strange misunderstandings.
Such an honest sounding answer, it definitely cannot be trusted. Godou let out a sigh.
...Recalling the deceased grandmother's oft repeated words:

'Godou, you must never become like your grandfather. Though he is an amazing person, he
had a fatal flaw from the very beginning... Ever since you were very young, Grandma has
always worried about you since you resemble your grandfather so much. Even though he
usually seems like a decent man, he is noted to do things lacking in common sense
sometimes... Oh dear, I am so worried.'
How could she say such things to Godou who had not matured yet?
The cause of grandmother's worries, was the womanizing husband who stayed with her
throughout all these years, and definitely not Godous own actions. Godou thought to himself
as he stared straight into his grandfather's eyes and spoke.
Hey, grandpa, before I talk about other problems, isnt this a promise you have made with
grandma? Why not just give it up. Please cancel the trip to Italy.
That, I cannot do. Even if it is very unfair to Chiyo, a promise with an old friend is also very
important. Ive already promised her that I will personally bring the item to her.
A promise to a friend.
If that was the case, Godou had no rebuttal.
Despite being such a Casanova, grandfather had never betrayed the trust of his family. This
too was one of the reasons why his male friends admired him. Whether male or female,
Kusanagi Ichirou will never act unjustly towards a friend. The moment he hears that a friend
requires aid, he will immediately rush over to help, even if it is outside of Japan. He possessed
a chivalrous heart.
A person who valued relationships above all else.
Godou respected and admired this aspect of his grandfather's character, and wished to become
such a person himself as well if possible.
...That woman's possession, what is it? You just described it as something precious.
About that, in the village where the curse incident happened, didnt she leave something
behind? ...That night, Lucretia Zola had visited a shrine which was burned down by
disrespectful locals, presented this item as an offering. After that, the curse stopped... Perhaps
the curse and the witch are real after all?
Facing Takamatsu-senseis inquiry, grandfather left his seat and quickly came back.
Carrying a flat object wrapped in a purple cloth.
And then he placed it on the table and unwrapped it.
A B5 sized stone tablet, on it was a childish drawing. It should be a picture of a man with both
his hands and feet locked up, distributed on the edges of this drawing were drawings of a bird
with its wings spread out, the sun, moon and stars.

The tablet was well-worn in appearance and even had signs of being burnt.
...A lithograph, could this be very ancient?
Godou gave his honest opinion.
A carving left behind by primitive peoples of some place. If that's the case, it made sense.
"Probably not. For it to be an artifact unearthed from some archaeological site, its condition is
too good... Though you can't rule out the possibility it is the work of some avant-garde artist."
Looking at the stone tablet with interest, grandfather answered.
Ichirou, how did this thing come into your possession?
Actually that village was vacated more than ten years ago. The person who managed the
shrine was troubled over how to handle the stone tablet. They had no idea how to locate the
owner but was able to recall the face of one of the accompanying students, and that student
turned out to be me. Through various twists and turns, they were finally able to get in touch
with me.
After that, grandpa decided to go meet that person.
This perfect coincidence made Godou's heart stir with feeling.
As a scholar in folkloristics, Kusanagi Ichirou had publications, thus his name was recorded
in the university where he worked at the time. By getting in touch with the university, they
were able to find grandfather's contact information. If grandfather had been an ordinary
person in an unassuming occupation, most likely they would not have found him.
In fact, it took a lot for them to find each other again.
Godou could understand the feelings of grandfather who wished to return the stone tablet to
the original owner.
However, he could not let him break the promise with grandmother like that.
After some consideration, Godou made his decision, the tablet will be delivered some other
"OK, I get it I will take this stone tablet to Italy. This way, grandfather can keep his
promise properly."
Seeing Godou make such a proposal, his grandfather showed great interest in his eyes, while
Takamatsu-sensei looked very worried.
"Godou, are you serious? Do you know any Italian?"
"Nope, none at all. But things will work out somehow, no problem."

Godou already had several experiences of being taken overseas by grandfather.

The places visited were mostly Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam or Thailand. Getting
separated from grandfather then meeting up several days later had also happened. Every time
it occurred, Godou had to spend over half a day alone with no money and the difficulties of a
language barrier. In severe cases, he had to wait for several days.
Having experienced such situations numerous times, Godou actually became used to it.
Language barriers could be handled by body language. This proved to work surprisingly well
for communicating even though complicated meanings could not be expressed, but it brought
him close to others.
Other Japanese would probably freeze if they met a foreigner in the streets and had to
converse in English. In such situations, Godou would appropriately make use of however
much English he knew to establish a fragmented dialogue.
...By the way, the younger sister Shizuka had also gone travelling overseas with grandfather a
few times.
But she never met the things that happened to her brother, making Godou suspect if his
grandfather deliberately set him up to train his grandson.
"Hoho, Godou wants to go in my stead... Can I really entrust this to you with confidence?"
A teasing smile appeared on the grandfather's face.
"That's right, a man keeps his word. It's currently spring break, so I'm bored to death anyway."
"The place Lucretia resides, though considered Italy, is actually an island in the
MediterraneanSardinia, and is located deep in the countryside of the island's interior. I
think you will have it rough."
As he watched his grandson's declaration, the nature of the grandfather's smile changed.
It gave off a feeling of praise but at the same time like playing a joke. It was a smile mixed
with complicated emotions, a very joyful smile.
"I understand, then I will leave everything to you. Handle it well."
Picking up the stone tablet from the table, he placed it in Godou's hands.

Part 2
On the south side of Italy, a vacation island floated in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea.
This was Sardinia, an island about the same size as Shikoku[5], its population was roughly one
and a half million of which over half was concentrated in the largest city there, Cagliari.

Enclosed by crystal clear seawater, the surrounding natural environment was also very
The biggest industry on the island was tourism. Every summer, it was crowded with tourists
whose purpose was to vacation in Europe. Particularly on the northeastern side, the sea shore
as beautiful as an emerald was renowned as a vacation spot exclusive to the upper class
However, Godou kept his plans to come here a secret from his younger sister.
"What is going on... Onii-chan. You suddenly tell me you're going travelling. Could you have
forgotten your promise to me? You're the worst."
Thanks to his grandfather, Godou suffered severe scolding from his sister.
All because of the grandfather's suggestion.
'You can tell the truth, but I don't recommend it, Godou. If Shizuka knew you were going to a
prime vacation spot in southern Italy, what would she think?'
'She would want to go, or rather, she will insist in tagging along?'
'Exactly. But even though it's Europe, travelling in those countryside places can be very
troublesome. The most prosperous streets of the city would be fine, but that place is even
more deserted than this shopping street in Nezu... So, I will ask you a question, travel casually
alone in the countryside or bring a troublesome sister and devote your efforts to taking care of
her, which will you pick?'
'Of course alone.'
He had replied without thinking.
In the end, an excuse was made to cover things up. Shizuka was told he was going to an
acquaintance's Zen monastery, to work odd jobs for a week.
But for some reason, Shizuka scolded him with exceptional fury.
While Godou was preparing his luggage in his room on the second floor at home, Shizuka
suddenly burst in.
"There's no helping it, mother ordered me to go there in her stead."
"Mother's orders? ...Then it can't be helped, she must have thought it was too troublesome and
pushed it onto Onii-chan, that's so willful of her."
"...Yes, your willful character is probably inherited from mother as wellouch."
"What a rude thing to say! I don't have that kind of personality like a queen!"

Clearly he was already off the hook by blaming his mother's interference, but Godou made an
unnecessary comment.
Stepped on by Shizuka, Godou knew he had to be more careful with his words.
By the way, the monastery he was supposedly visiting was located deep in the mountains of
Chichibu. Apparently there was once an ancestor of the Kusanagi family who was an abbot
there, but he continued his life of indulgence despite monastic vows.
The monastery still maintained the tradition of drawing water from a well to use for cooking.
But at the same time, it was equipped with an industrial scale refrigerator that one would find
in a winemaking business, which was stocked full of alcohol purchased from the liquor store
at the foot of the mountain. Furthermore, they eschewed alcohol euphemisms like 'soup of
wisdom'[6] and openly ate meat and drank alcohol.
All past abbots have been strange characters, and every single one of them was an intimate
friend of the Kusanagi family.
As a side note, Grandfather Ichirou once trained there, but ended up committing all sorts of
travesties, culminating in an immoral relationship with the widow of a rice shop, leaving him
no choice but to flee to Shanghai. Despite dating back to the Taishou era[7], these kinds of
philandering exploits continued to be the talk of the monastery whenever Godou visited.
...Due to that kind of environment, little sister Shizuka stayed far away from that place unless
obliged to take part in Buddhist rites.
Which was why it made for a viable excuse.
Thanks to grandfather's explanations, Godou was able to reach an understanding with his
mother without paying any price. Normally, this would require being at her service for three
hours or more.
Everything was ready.
But Shizuka was unhappily glaring at Godouwhy?
"But didn't Onii-chan promise me beforehand? Couldn't you have thought up a way to refuse?
So dense and slow, damn it! You're the worst!"
"P-Promise? That thing earlier counted as a promise?"
Godou was greatly surprised.
He suddenly recalled Shizuka's words a few days before the school closing ceremony.
'Onii-chan, are you free for spring break? You must be very free for sure, without club
activities or a girlfriend. Yes, it is decided you are free! So listen carefully, I happen to have a
free slot in my spring break, so I plan on sharing this precious time with you, Onii-chan. First

accompany me to go clothing shopping. Next there's a new coffee shop opened in Nichoume[8], we should go there. Next is...'
Just like that, his sister forced her plans on him.
If he was actually free, he didn't mind spending time with his sister.
At the time he had paid little attention as he listened, so it didn't register.
"Didn't you say something like 'as long as I'm free'? To think you'd rather run off to a
monastery instead of putting effort into squeezing time out for your cute little sister... Oniichan, you have failed as a brother!"
"How could one fail as a brother so easily?! Besides, who goes around calling themselves
Godou at least tried to tell her off.
He did wish his sister could act a little more lady-like.
But from an objective standpoint, it was undeniable that Shizuka was the cute type, because
she greatly resembled the beautiful mother who was renowned for her looks.
...As a side note, the mother's skill with makeup had already entered the territory of gods.
Definitely in the realm of godly skills, to that Godou offered his utmost respect.
"After all, I can't possibly spend the whole spring break there. Why don't I accompany you to
go out when I return home, is that ok?"
"Clearly you forgot the promise, and now you're trying to weasel out of it? It's not simply
'accompany you', but I am going out for the sake of accompanying Onii-chan, don't get it
Sigh, this sister was making decisions on her own again.
But having known her for so long, I had grown accustomed to such willfulness.
Godou laughed wryly as he reminded himself not to speak without thinking.
"Ah, right, do you still remember Yui? My friend, the one who was relatively short."
"Yui? Yui... Is that the girl who used to come and play all the time? Now that it's mentioned,
she did come to cheer for me at the competition once... Yes, I didn't forget."
Faced with the name that suddenly appeared, Godou felt greatly troubled.
Though the child with that name often followed behind Shizuka, Godou had little impression
of her.

"Onii-chan, the way you are, it's not surprising you completely forgot her."
"I didn't completely forget, there are still some lingering impressions in my mind."
Godou tried to refute Shizuka's mockery of him.
"Don't force yourself, Onii-chan, you're not someone who notices my friends... Actually it's
Yui who said it, if Onii-chan is free during spring break, she wanted to go out and have fun
with you. How's that? Are you interested?"
It felt like his sister was deliberately playing a joke on him.
Go out with his sister's friend? Why must he do something like that?
"No, not really... I'm not interested, I think she would find me boring instead. Forget it, help
me refuse her."
"Oh really, it's not easy to have someone offer you a date, what a shame."
Teased by Shizuka who suddenly seemed inexplicably happy, Godou sighed as he shook his
"Don't call it a date, it's just going out for fun... Spending time with someone like me will only
make her bored. I don't know what your friend is thinking."
"You're right, someone as dense and boring as Onii-chan... Clearly so unreliable and
ridiculous all the time, but extremely serious in strange areas, a normal girl cannot take a
fancy to you... Girls like your sister who would spend time with you are extinct. You should
show me some gratitude."
"Yes, yes, I know. Shizuka is my cute little sister, and I have troubled you all this time. Is that
"Your tone of voice is not serious enough, and there's no sincerity, and the lines are too
ordinary, completely no good. Out of a hundred, I can only give you fifteen points. Try
harder, Onii-chan!"
She looked like she was complaining, but her mood seemed to be great. Though she was my
sister, she was impossible to understand.
"Onii-chan's good qualities are probably limited to that physical stamina that rivals a cart
horse as well as playing baseball with... I'm sorry, I said something wrong."
Originally in a good mood, Shizuka suddenly stopped.
Godou put his hand on his depressed sister's head and caressed back and forth.
"Actually I'm not that amazing at baseball. It's ok, pay no mind to it. I am really grateful to
have a cute little sister like you. You don't have to be so concerned."

"B-But, I'm sorry. I got carried away and said those things."
"It's fine, those things don't matter. I've long accepted that I can't play baseball any more,
don't worry."
For a brief moment, neither of the siblings spoke.
Noticing Shizuka's depression, Godou not only said things he would never say normally, but
also stroked her head all this time.
Her mood slightly restored, Shizuka's parting words could never be forgotten.
"Onii-chan, I'm not asking for something expensive, but just something you chose with care
will do. Buy something that will make me happy. If you pick something without care, I won't
forgive you!"
She clearly knew her brother did not have an eye for picking things, and yet she made such a
Godou sighed deeply.

Kusanagi Godou was now fifteen years old, just graduated from middle school, and about to
enter high school.
From elementary to middle school he had always been playing baseball.
During middle school, he was the starting catcher and fourth hitter for a certain strong youth
team. He also had the experience of representing Japan in overseas games as well as the
Tokyo Selection Match, a World Series competition.
However, during the summer of his third year in middle school, his shoulder was injured
during a group training camp for the World Series competition.
A certain pitcher who threw fastballs that were difficult to control had struck Godou with the
ball while he was running from third base to home. Due to the direct impact of the ball, both
his back and his right shoulder were hurt.
Though the injuries have healed, his most important weapon as a catcher, the strong shoulder
was no good any more.
Disappointed by the weak trajectories of his thrown balls, Godou began to worry about his
future in high school.
Even though the shoulder was no good, there were still ways to continue playing baseball.
There were actually schools that appreciated Godou's batting abilities, and invited him to join
their high school teams as a batter, but he refused them all.
After all, he had already played for nine years, it was enough.

Thus, treating the shoulder injury as an opportunity, Godou began to tell himself it was about
time to try new experiences. In fact, he had already convinced himself it was true.
His baseball playing was actually not that great.
The things he said to Shizuka, about half of them were actually serious.
Since Godou had the opportunity to play baseball at the highest levels, there were many
opportunities to meet those with genius talent. Compared to those who possessed true talent,
Kusanagi Godou was high average at best.
So it could be said that because he didn't have enough talent, he did not insist on pursuing
baseball. Participating in other sports or even cultural clubs might be acceptable.
These few months, Godou had been studying and facing examinations with that kind of
'Hey, Godou, what about me who had always lost to you? You've got to give me a chance to
avenge myself! Dont you dare run away after you had won!'
This was what his friend Miura said when he came to visit at the end of the second term
during middle school senior year.
'Even if I continue baseball in high school, I probably can't hit your balls any more. Unlike
me, you were born for baseball, born to be a pitcher. I think you will soon leave me in the
dust, so please give me a break.'
That was how Godou replied to Miura, the one who was rated the number one pitcher
amongst the youth teams.
Though they were originally from different teams, they had been assigned to the same team
during the Tokyo selection match.
'Bastard! Are these the words of the fellow who defeated me? In all our confrontations, I have
never been able to get you out on three strikes!'
'No, for something that's akin to cheating, pay no mind to it.'
'Cheating? What are you talking about?'
'Yes, your personality is very straightforward, so I can tell at a glance what you are thinking.
Back in senior year of middle school, whenever I saw your face, I could predict how you
would pitch with roughly fifty percent certainty. This was taught to me by my grandfather
once, in competitions and negotiations, understanding the opponent's personality and targeting
their weaknesses will basically allow you to win seven times out of ten, so it doesn't really
count as true baseball capability.'
Even so, Miura continued to pester him, saying things like "let's go to that school together" or
"at least pick a school with a stronger baseball team"...

But Godou chose the high school section of the nearby Jounan Academy.
His younger sister Shizuka was studying in the middle school section there, and the baseball
club at this school was abysmal, so he would have no wish to play baseball there.
Removing the option of baseball from his high school life in such a semi-forceful manner,
how will things turn out?
After completing his preparations for going to Italy, Godou suddenly had a strange notion.
"If I think about it, travelling overseas during such a period, it really feels like a 'soul
searching' journey."
Feeling that such a delicate term suited himself poorly, Godou naturally laughed wryly.

Part 3
Comparing northern and southern Italy, their inhabitants had completely different
Of course, this was just a general stereotype. Due to the north being rich and urbanized while
the south was relatively poor, people described those in the south as more modest and
Widely known around the world as a center of various areas such as culture, economy,
fashion and sports, Milan was a metropolis that exemplified the north.
And anyone acquainted with Erica Blandelli would know that she was the girl who embodied
the essence of Milan.
The young mistress of the prestigious house of Blandelli where all previous generations were
Milanese. Beautiful and noble, she grew up with a strict upbringing starting from an early age,
and was full of wit and talent.
The beautiful young lady glamorous as a blooming rose.
"Of course, my outstanding beauty is undeniable"
Erica smiled elegantly.
However, her smiling face bore no resemblance to a pathetic flower, rather, a more apt
description would be a she-leopard or a lioness.
The proud and powerful queen of the beasts, that was how her assertive appearance was best
"But like the chocolate on a cake, there are many important elements adorning my being, but
these alone cannot represent my complete selfso for this matter, I must decline, Uncle."
"If you put it that way, I have no choice but to consent, Erica."

The one who replied with a wry smile was her only relative, her paternal uncle.
Paolo Blandelli, whose figure could be compared to the Statue of David.
Even though he was pushing forty, he still possessed the youthful vigor of a young man, a
face like a perfectly crafted sculpture, and an intellectual and noble presence.
And his perfect body was steeled through and through - as fitting for his title as the top knight.
Italy's strongest knight was the "King of Swords"Salvatore Doni.
But the highest ranking knight was Paolo Blandelli.
There was no doubt about this fact, though the uncle humbly denied it, while the other person
in question, Salvatore admitted it freely with a smile.
"I am flattered... But to make me a role model, who is the idiot who came up with this? I have
no need to publicize my beauty, for there is no meaning in a pleasing exterior alone. External
beauty has to be complemented by ability and insight from within. That is the true Erica
"I knew you would refuse like that, which is why I came to talk to you first. I don't think it's a
foolish thing."
Smiling wryly as he faced Erica, the two of them were currently in a corner of a certain coffee
They were family and originally lived together in the Blandelli residence. Preoccupied with
official affairs, the uncle had been away from home for many weeks, so they had not seen
each other until now.
Suddenly communicating "it's been so long", they decided to meet here
"Uncle, let's talk about something more meaningful, have you heard about the incident at
"Yes, it seems to be real, the chance of a [Heretic God] descending seems likely. Our leader
Sir Salvatore is in the middle of his expedition to South America and will take time to return,
so it would be best to gather intelligence first, and investigate the local situation."
"Then please assign me reconnaissance duties. UncleNo, Commander-in-Chief Blandelli of
the [Copper Black Cross], the knight Erica Blandelli hereby petitions."
The Knights Templar organization had dominated Europe in the Middle Ages.
As the descendants of knights, the sons of god, as well as magi who served the demonic deity
Baphomet, this dual origin was the true identity of Erica and the rest of her order. Though
there were numerous magic associations which inherited the secret rites of the Templar
Knights, the [Copper Black Cross], with its headquarters in Milan, was one of the strongest

Unsettling incidents were occurring at Sardinia at the south of Italy.

This report arrived at the [Copper Black Cross] two days ago, brought by one of their
members who happened to be there. This information likely had not spread to the vast
majority of magic associations in Italy.
Which is what gave Erica the idea of petitioning to be sent there.
However, Uncle Paolo was shaking his head with a serious expression.
"You are my preciousa genius child who will one day stand at the top of the magic
association. I do admit that is my personal wish. Anyway, you probably don't have any prior
experience with gods, right?"
"Yes that is correct. Precisely because I have none, I want to gather experience this time."
Erica boasted without tact.
Absolute confidence in her ability was the root of that kind of attitude.
The martial arts personally taught by her uncle from a young age, as well as all sorts of magic
inherited from the lineages of the Templar Knights from ancient Rome to medieval Europe.
There were very few people who could gain mastery in all these difficult techniques by the
age of fifteen like Erica. In Italy, Liliana Kranjcar, also from Milan, was the only rival of the
same age that Erica recognized.
"In the past, you allied with Princess Alice, ruler of the Witenagemot[9], to jointly oppose the
Black Prince Alec. In recognition of your successes, you were bestowed the title of [Diavolo
Rosso]. If I were to inherit my esteemed uncle's title, then I have a need to display my
outstanding talents."
"I was already twenty-five years old back then, ten years older than your current age. Don't be
hasty, there is still much for you to learn. If you want to approach gods, it's not too late to do
so in a few years' time."
Possessing great foresight, the uncle tried to dissuade his niece with sincerity, but Erica did
not accept.
"Too late. If I don't earn it now, the title of [Diavolo Rosso] that my esteemed uncle guards
will be inherited by that crude and lowly Gennaro. I definitely do not wish to see the noble
title of the [Copper Black Cross]' leader fall into the hands of that kind of man."
[Diavolo Rosso] was the title earned by Paolo Blandelli almost twenty years ago.
This was a title of honor possessed by the knight that represented the [Copper Black Cross] to
outside parties. However, three months ago, her uncle had to relinquish the title due to finally
ascending to the office of commander-in-chief.

It was forbidden to hold both titles of top knight and commander-in-chief, in other words,
Paolo Blandelli has now retired from the ranks of knights in service.
Though Erica was known as a prodigy, she still lacked experience.
Neither her achievements nor her reputation were enough to inherit the title.
However, it would be different story if she earned accolades in the face of the greatest
disasters appearing in this world[Heretic Gods].
"...Erica, could you be intending to become a Campione?"
"I am not that full of myself. Of course, if there was a chance, I don't mind becoming
someone like Sir Salvatore Doni, but that's just wishful thinking... However, I do have some
ideas on how to seal a god's existence or suppress them."
"Really! If you say so, then surely you have made preparations!"
Erica nodded in a matter-of-fact manner at her uncle.
"I knew such a day would come, so I've been working hard at studying the Golgotha[10] spell
words and summoning ritual. If possible, I wish to display them right now."
"Mastering the holy spear of prayer and lamentation at such an age, what a scary little brat."
Sighing as he spoke, the uncle's facial expression changed.
It was now the face of the severe commander-in-chief of the fearsome organization of the
crimson knights.
"Fine, Erica. Go forth to the land of danger. Displaying courage and might is a knight's duty.
Once the words have been spoken, you must absolutely complete this challenge. Do you
"Affirmative. Erica Blandelli will now set forth for Sardinia to investigate and uncover the
true identity of the [Heretic God] appearing there. I will try my utmost to seal this god and
restore peace to the island. Await my good news."
The uncle nodded lightly at the respectful answer of the niece.
"Looks like, being born in this peaceful era, you sure have it rough. I really hope you will
learn the difference between courage and lack of forethought. I pray that you will possess
trusted friends and companions to walk along the knight's path together. I also wish your
journey a success, and pray that you can give me peace of mind."
"Oh my, esteemed uncle, are you treating me as Hannibal[11]?"
Erica smiled.

Once upon a time, there was a famed general of Carthage who defeated the Roman Republic
and marched into Italy.
As the greatest ancient military tactician, he was praised by the famous Roman general
Scipio[12] before a decisive battle. Scipio's words were 'being born in this peaceful era, you
sure have it rough.' In the ensuing Battle of Zama, the world class tactician general was finally
"Compared to the loser Hannibal, I fancy I am more like the victor Scipio"
"This will be determined at the time when you meet the [Heretic God]. Then I shall depart
first, and pray for the day we meet again after your survival."
Uncle Paolo rose from his seat, and left before Erica's eyes.
Perhaps it was pure coincidence, but this was the same day when Tokyo's Kusanagi Godou
made his declaration to go to Italy. Of course, she could not have known this.

Chapter 2 - Fated Encounters

Part 1
The Sardinia autonomous region consists of the island of Sardinia and the surrounding
The capital city Cagliari is a port located on the south of the island, and was first constructed
by Phoenicians in the eighth century BCE.
Even in Europe which had incomparably many ancient capitals relative to Japan, ancient
streets dating back to such historical origins were very rare.
This was a relaxing street in the countryside, near the calm Mediterranean.
This was also Godou's first impression of Cagliari.
"...I'll have a stroll in this little town for today, then take the train tomorrow to the town where
Lucretia-san lives."
Godou was at the hotel room booked by his grandfather in Japan.
Though it was just a little three-story inn, its facilities were well-provided, and extremely
clean though not very luxurious.
Godou sat on the bed, browsing webpages for maps and travel guides about Sardinia, making
his plans for the next few days.

The town where his grandfather's 'friend' lived was located in the center of the island. Godou
decided to take a break here for today, since his body needed time to recover from the jet lag
and the fatigue from air travel.
Having thus decided, Godou looked out the window.
It was slightly after one in the afternoon, and the Mediterranean sun gave off bright rays. The
clear blue sky had not a single cloud. This kind of wide unrestricted view was not something
that can be found in Japanese scenery.
If he didn't go out to enjoy the scenery, it would be too much of a shame.
As excited as if he was witnessing a sunrise, Godou decided to walk out the door and leave
the room to have a look.
If he wanted to rest, he could do that in the evening. After all, he already came all this way,
why not go outside and have a look?
Leaving his luggage in the room, Godou left the inn.
In order to dispel the sleepiness, let's first find a coffee shop (the Italians seemed to call them
cafes) and get a coffee and some snacks. Thinking that, Godou surveyed the surroundings, but
all the shops in view had their doors shut.
Just as Godou was feeling puzzled, he suddenly remembered.
Now was the time for siestathe afternoon nap. Though the practice was no longer common
in cities like Rome and Milan, it wasn't so in a place like this.
Still, not all shops were on break.
After walking a little more, a coffee shop open for business was found on a little street.
Godou's Italian consisted of the basics he learnt from the tourist guide he read on the plane, or
rather, the vague impressions he retained from that.
But Godou was not a person who fretted the small details, and it was pointless to be scared in
this place. Besides, staff in this vacation spot should be used to travelers, so Godou boldly
stepped into the shop.
...It happened once before, at a little stall in Thailand. Godou had unwittingly ordered and
eaten some super spicy fried noodles. It served as a memory of his travels.
The decor of the shop was rather plain.
There were only six or seven customers, all middle aged men or older.
No one dressed fashionably and they all had casual attire and looked very relaxed.

They were gathered in the interior of the shop, watching a broadcasted football match on an
old CRT television.
Godou walked towards the bar.
The bartender who greeted him was a twenty-something-year-old youth. Godou felt a little
relieved, for no matter what country, the likelihood of someone being competent in English
was highest amongst the younger generation... Of course, there were also many exceptions.
Godou used his broken Italian, aided by appropriate English to converse.
It was exceedingly simple to order a cup of Espresso, but ordering food was very difficult,
because even if you looked at the menu, it was impossible to imagine what the food looked
Godou looked towards those elderly men, and pointed to the Italian panini sandwich one of
them was eating.
Give me the same thingthat was how he ordered. The friendly Italian youth only repeated
the words 'OK' throughout the entire process.
Godou poured two packets of sugar into the fresh coffee.
This was because he once heard that pouring a large amount of sugar was the Italian way. The
rich and sweet flavor was quite agreeable after all.
As he pondered over this ordinary taste, Godou was shocked as he bit into the panini.
In between the two pieces of bread were prosciutto ham, cheese, as well as a kind of lettuce
called rucola. However, the bread, the ham and the cheese were all particularly rich in flavor.
This was absolutely delicious!
After he finished, Godou thanked the youth, settled his bill and left the coffee shop.
Then Godou began taking a casual walk around town.
Sometimes he would take out the map and ask passersby for directions.
In Japan, European and American tourists were unafraid of asking the locals for directions, so
Godou decided to imitate them. He tried to ask those who looked leisurely, so as to minimize
the chances of hindering someone.
Even though the local language wasn't English, communicating through gestures on the map
was enough for Godou to understand other people. Wanting to see the ocean, Godou walked
towards Cagliari bay.
Hanging throughout the narrow streets were fresh laundry.
Seeing these peaceful scenes, Godou's mood was very relaxed as he reached a giant church
the plaza of a Duomo cathedral. He took a short stroll there, and then left the beautiful plaza.

Starting from there, he could see Cagliari bay.

Looking into the distance, the sea stretched from one end of the horizon to another, beautiful
as an emerald. This kind of beautiful ocean was impossible to see in Tokyo, and Godou felt
his heart getting excited and his footsteps quickened.
Walking down a street called Via Roma, he hurried towards the sea.

Part 2
It was while Godou was taking a stroll along the sea side when he encountered the youth.
A youth was leaning against the wall of a building that resembled a warehouse, looking
towards the ocean that he faced.
He gave off a strangely wonderful feeling.
It would be rude to call his attire unkempt, but that was the impression given by his coat.
What was probably once a white coat, was now a dirty brown in color. The clothing itself was
a bit tattered. Rather than something one would wear on this street on the sea side, it was
more like something you'd find at a desert oasis.
Without any doubt, he was about the same age as Godou.
Around fourteen or fifteen years in age, with jet black hair to his shoulders, skin the color of
ivory, and most important of all, he was extremely handsome.
Godou could not help but feel drawn to him. There was a kind of androgyny to his facial
features, and even among celebrities, Godou has never seen a handsome youth like the one
before him.

Suddenly, the youth's gaze began to shift.

As if noticing Godou staring at him, he also looked straight back.

And then he smiled.

It was very common for Europeans and Americans to greet others with a smile the first time
they meet someone and exchange glances, so Godou presumed the youth was saying hello to
"xxxx, xx, xxxxxx... xxxxxx."
He was using a language Godou had never heard before.
It shouldn't be English, but Godou did not have the confidence to be certain of that. Though
Italian was easily understood once the vowels were emphasized, but there were many sounds
which were difficult for Japanese ears to discern.
"I'm sorry, I can't understand what you are saying."
Hence Godou could only use Japanese, shrugging his shoulders in response.
In the situation of communicating as a foreigner, if gestures and facial expressions failed to
communicate, then it was better to give up.
"Oh, my apologies, then I shall use thy way of speaking."
Suddenly, he was answering Godou with fluent Japanese.
Godou was speechless but could only stare at the youth's face.
"Well, hardly of significance, but a strange tasteno, dare I say smellhangeth around thee,
catching my attention, thus I spoke to thee."
The youth's voice was slightly lower than a tenor and was probably in the baritone range.
"A taste... I don't think I'm that dirty, does it smell bad?"
"Payest no heed to it, I assume I have made a fool of myself, to have asked such a strange
The youth spoke openly as he watched Godou checking himself out.
To ask such an embarrassing question right from the start, but then the youth did not seem to
be malicious. Those words could have angered the other person, but somehow the youth did
not cause a sense of displeasure, was it a question of character?
"Boy, acceptest mine apology for my misspoken words. Pray forgivest me, I mean thee no
The youth smiled lightly.
His narrow eyes became even more so, and his lips curved.

A very classical smile. Rather it should be described as a smile as subtle as mist.

"You really don't sound like you're apologizing, and why are you calling me 'boy'?"
His features were very handsome, but his tone was rather arrogant, and felt like a superior
talking to someone beneath his station. He was clearly about the same age, but he was calling
me 'boy.'
Godou felt incredulous at this sense of imbalance.
Clearly he could speak Japanese fluently. Was it possible that his Japanese usage was not
learned through regular methods?
"Though I think it's amazing how well you can speak Japanese, your usage is a little bit
"Worriest not these little things. As long as communication is accomplished by speaking, it is
He replied with a calm tone.
The strange youth's explanation made Godou smile wryly, but Godou was extremely
concerned about his irregular Japanese.
"So, did you learn Japanese from watching stuff like dramas in ancient settings?"
"Never have I heard of that. This language, when was the time I learned it? No matter, it is of
no consequence, as long as we can communicate."
"Then what is your name? My name is Kusanagi Godou. I think you already know, but I'm
from Japan."
"Of course I remember, my name, my birthplace... Eh, what is it?"
The youth spoke very casually.
But to this sudden unexpected answer, Godou was speechless.
"...Umm, may I ask, was your amnesia just now a joke?"
"Of course it is amnesia. Correct, I have lost all memories of the past. A troublesome
condition, and most vexing."
Though Godou still felt the youth was joking, he still made a suggestion.
"If you really lost your memory, let me accompany you to the police or a hospital."
"Unnecessary, though I have neither knowledge of my name nor origin, there is no immediate
problem. All I need to know is the most important thing about myself."

"The most important thing?"

This was a strange person. Confirming this in his heart, Godou continued to question.
Whether or not he was speaking the truth all along, this youth definitely counted as a 'super'
strange person. How expected of foreign lands, with vastly increased chances of meeting
"Yes, I am the victor. Victory is always in my hands. That is my nature. Facing any kind of
conflict or enemy, unchangeable and unshakeable is my victory."
This extremely arrogant declaration was uttered from the youth's mouth calmly and simply.
This guy's speech is completely unpredictable. Though Godou was slightly taken aback, he
also felt a little impressed.
"It is true, I have long sought the taste of defeat for all this time, but none hath ever prevailed
against me. By the way, whenever I start fighting I lose myself, and cannot avoid getting all
Sighing as he gazed into the distance, the youth suddenly made a suggestion to Godou:
"How about it? Art thou interested in competing against me? Canst thou amuse me for a
"Anything, as long as thou art good at it. Games, martial arts, a battle of wits, horse riding,
anything. By the way, this place seemeth to be near Greece, I remember that country hath a
kind of competition that made use of the entire body, rather interesting. Dost thou have
something thou art good at?"
Issued a challenge like that, of course one couldn't back down.
And so Godou and the youth began to search for a place that could be used for them to
Walking near the port, the two of them soon reached a corner of an empty field. Gathered
there were about ten-odd youngsters who worked at the pier. They were playing street
football, probably during a break or after work.
This was probably their playground.
Fishing nets were hung everywhere, and seemed to be used as football goals.
Right now there were two nets in use, and two teams were competing. At one of the
temporary goals, Godou found a set of rather familiar equipment.
A baseball and a metal bat, as well as several baseball gloves.

"...Come to think of it, professional baseball also exists in Italy."

Recalling this, Godou began to mutter to himself.
Compared to the overwhelming popularity of football, baseball was like a flickering candle in
the wind. The level of professionals was also rather dismal, but at least the sport existed.
"Oh, thy talent lieth yonder, I look forward to it."
"Ah, no, that's..."
Taking notice, the youth walked towards the equipment.
Though for an instant Godou wanted to stop him, but he quickly gave up. After all what was
to follow was a low level competition. It was unlikely to worsen the condition of his shoulder.
During this time, the youth had already started conversing with the group of youngsters in
fluent Italian.
Probably negotiating with the youngsters to borrow the equipment. Not long after, the youth
made a thumbs-up sign and smiled. Negotiation successful.
"Good, preparations are complete. Pray tellest me, how is this played?"
"Oh, one side pitches the ball while the other strikes it with the bat."
Catching the ball thrown by the youth, Godou explained.
...This feeling from so many months ago.
Godou looked at the baseball clutched in his right hand.
The powerful shoulder which denied base stealing even from relatively formidable runners...
Godou had already lost it.
"...Yes, it appeareth thou art more suited for this side."
Watching the hesitating Godou, the youth tossed the bat over.
"It is fine to sigh over an old injury, but treatest it not as a mark of shame. Getting injured is a
natural part of the warrior's path. Only those who doth not fight remaineth uninjured. This is
proof of thy past battles. "
How does this guy know about my injury?
Godou stared at the youth's face, shocked, but his opponent was not showing any pity in his

Pity... Faced with a constant barrage these past few months, all he could do was act troubled
and thankful with a superficial response like 'what a disaster...' It felt terrible, but somehow
this youth did not make him feel that way.
Those extremely cool eyes carried an intense sense of pride.
What kind of person would have eyes like those?
Solemn and majestic. This was a warrioras described by the youth himself.
"Hoho, actest not surprised. I am the one embodying battle and victory. As long as thou hast
obtained results through battle, be they good or bad, I can discern it. Boy, there exist warriors
who continueth fighting in spite of wounds or over exhaustion. There was once this person
who judged it time to throw down their weapon, but that fellow choseth not to run. A true
The youth smiled, but not in the faint and distant manner just now, but rather grotesquely. It
was the first time for Godou to see such a smile.
Silently he accepted the bat. Who is going to lose to you? For some reason, his heart kept
repeating that line.
"Excellent! Good boy, good warrior! Quick, makest haste and beginest the match!"
Once again, he returned to a child-like demeanor.
It was also the first time for Godou to meet an opponent who went through so many facial
expressions so quickly.
Godou gradually began to take an interest in him.
"OK, then I will hit the balls you pitch. If the ball is thrown somewhere beyond my reach it's
invalid. If I swing the bat and either miss or hit a ball rolling on the ground, then I lose for that
pitch. How's that?"
"Soundeth disadvantageous for you, wilt thou be fine? I am very strong."
The two gazed at each other and smiled happily.
Who would have predicted one day I would pick up a baseball bat again in this foreign land?
The unexpected match gradually made Godou excited.

Part 3
The result of the match was very surprising.
Godou was able to hit the first few balls and was winning in the beginning, but he began to
lose, all the way to the end.

The youth was throwing the white ball with a very sloppy posture.
However, the balls flew hard and fast. In terms of control, their trajectories could also be
described as no less than perfect.
Even amongst those of Godou's generation, no other pitcher could throw such balls. Middle
school's Miura who greatly surpassed Godou in natural talent, as well as the monstrous
pitchers he met on trips to Korea and Taiwan, none of them were able to hold a candle to this
youth on the island of Sardinia.
His height not quite 170cm, the youth also had a very slim build.
However, the strength of his pitches cannot be matched.
"Are you sure you've never played baseball before?"
"Yes, today is the first time, and it seemeth rather amusing."
With over thirty balls pitched, the vast majority ended in missed swings.
The youth's pitching posture was without a doubt improvised, and he did not appear to have
any prior training. However, his actions looked so natural.
Clearly so random, but his motions were very elegant, and the result were straight fastballs
with substantial power.
After the bat missed, the balls continued with momentum that seemed as if it would break the
fishing net.
"Damn it, it's no good, can we have a break? Let me come up with a strategy."
Beginning to pant, Godou asked for a time out.
Genius? Was this what one called a real genius? No, Godou felt it wasn't. The youth before
him who claimed amnesia was not someone who could be described so easily with a simple
nounthere was a feeling of something out of the ordinary here.
But no matter how fast the balls flew, they weren't completely impossible to hit.
The first step is to get the eyes used to that level of speed. That said, even when he was the
fourth hitter, Godou was unable to hit straight fastballs thrown with such power. What should
he do?
"Hohoho, panickest not. I am the one who is strongest and defeats all opponents. I merely
wish to have a good battle, so please takest as much time to think as thou needst."
Clearly words of such arrogance, but Godou could not find a retort.
In addition, the youth looked as if he wasn't even tryingGodou could not accept losing like
this, he must find a way to turn things around!

...Though the nearby youngsters were playing football some distance away, the youth's
pitches were too amazing, and very soon, all of them had gathered beside him to watch.
Seeing Godou taking a break, they slowly surrounded him.
And then the youngsters of Cagliari also took part in the competition.
Still, no one could beat the youth. Let alone scoring a good hit, even touching the ball was
impossible for them.
"Who the heck was that guy...? If someone described him as inhuman, it's believable."
After pitching over a hundred powerful fastballs, the youth's breathing remained regular.
Neither did the power of control of the pitches waver.
Watching the youth defeat the local youngsters so easily, Godou was very shocked.
Soon after, it looked like they were preparing to play football. The Italian young men put their
arms around Godou and the youth's shoulders and walked towards the football.
"Hey, could you ask them a question for me. Is this OK for them not to go to work? It looks
like they are playing too much."
"Freteth not such minor matters... This couldeth be their way of doing things, is there not a
saying 'do as the Romans do'? Thou goest and enjoyest thyself."
Seeing Godou worry, the youth smiled candidly.
"Fine, whatever." Feeling that brisk Latin atmosphere, Godou gave up on the answer.
Perhaps it was because he had grown accustomed to the ridiculous personalities of his
grandfather and mother, as well as the influence of their friends. Though Godou thought
himself to have a very serious character, he found himself possessing rather generous
tolerance to meeting such a frivolous and strange character.
If so, just do as the youth suggests and don't over think things, go have fun without worry.
Wearing either t-shirts or vests, the Italian young men were most likely laborers. In other
words, the majority of them were strongly built with arms, heads and backs akin to the statue
of David. For an instant, Godou felt intimidated but he immediately got used to it.
Godou and the youth joined the same team, and started playing street football.
Even in football, no one could defeat the youth.
Nimbly weaving the ball through his opponents, assisting his teammates near the goal by
passing the ball through the narrowest of openings, and personally scoring spectacular goals.
Though he called it 'my first time' let's just ignore that. Anyway, that was the kind of
performance he gave.

In the endgame, the youth took the ball past five defenders and ended the match with a perfect
curve ball shot at goal. His figure was like a god's.
"Fantastico! Fantastico! Figlio Del Sole!"[13]
A most emotional youth cried out.
Ending the match without any regrets, the group surrounded the youth, cheering with smiling
faces and emotional tears. Lavishing him with Latin style praise such as calling him a genius
and born of the sun.
Soon, the sky gradually darkened.
The slowly setting sun gave the harbor a shade of orange, and the two of them bid the Italian
youths farewell. (In the end, they showed no signs of getting back to work, so it was pointless
to ask.)
The youth traded glances with Godou, and they smiled at each other.
"...Though it was a strange day, but I was very happy. How about you?"
"I too am happy. Such games are not bad once in a while."
Godou who never thought himself the sociable type, was surprised to find himself getting so
familiar with the youth in such a short time, without even knowing his name.
However, it was not an unpleasant feeling.
It felt like the days when he was still playing baseball and getting along with this team
That was the kind of friendly feeling he got from this youth.
"I will be travelling inland tomorrow. What are you going to do next? If you plan on staying
here for a while, let's meet again when I come back."
"Yes, I too have things that I must do..."
"Didn't you say you lost your memory, what are you planning on doing? What's the matter,
just play football with those people just now. Or maybe even a proper baseball game with
nine players on each side, but a much wider space than this pier would be needed."
"Oh? Thou hast lost the match, yet thou hast not learnt thy lesson?"
The two chatted and laughed together.
Sunset on a harbor street.
A little sea side road illuminated a bright shade of orange.

The day was about to end. If possible, Godou really wanted to spend more time with this
youth. Consumed with that thought, he became even more talkative.
Which was why he failed to notice the shadow in the road ahead.
This shadow was in the shape of a beautiful young lady.
By the time Godou noticed her, she had already begun the conversation.
"Excuse me, the person who is walking thereI'm very sorry for the sudden intrusion, but I
have something to ask."
It was being said in Italian.
Of course, Godou completely failed to understand, but at that moment his attention was
completely drawn by the girl who appeared before him.
Just barely over 160cm, her height was not especially tall for European standards. However,
there was a certain sense of dignity, how should one put it? Proud like a queen, standing there
with such an imposing presence.
Her long blonde hair fluttered against the sea breeze.
Dressed in red, under the glow of the orange sunset and in contrast to her long blonde hair, the
impression of the red color was especially intensified.
Red like a burning flame and hair the color of gold, it was like the crown of a warrior,
majestically perched upon her head.
However, all this asidethe most important feature was the girl's beauty, from which Godou
could not tear his eyes away.
Beautiful features as if the result of delicate craftsmanship, better proportioned than any doll,
livelier than any model or actress, and completely saturated with nobility and self-confidence,
it was a face one could never forget after seeing once.
"Please tell me all about the god that has appeared on this island. My name is Erica Blandelli.
Consider it a return gift, as there is no need for you two to report your names."

After a few days, it finally occurred to Godou.

If he knew she would say something so arrogant, he would never have let himself be attracted
to her.

Part 4
"...Hey, what is that girl saying? She looks very serious."
"She wanteth us to confess everything we know. Simply put, it is a threat."
This dialogue between Godou and the youth, took place in Japanese of course.
Hearing that, the blonde young beauty frowned with displeasure.
For even this kind of expression to be beautiful as a painting, this girl was very amazing.
Wearing a red top with black shorts, her clothing was a little ordinary despite her great
beauty. However, due to the tasteful combination it felt very natural and unfettered, perhaps it
was her unparalleled beauty and figure that caused one's opinion of her attire to improve.
"...All roads lead to Rome. Do as the Romans do. What regrettable sayings. You are too
foolish to come here with clearly no knowledge of Italian."
The girl spoke again, a little furious.
Ignoring the rather rude content, this time she spoke with very fluent Japanese. Perhaps she
was in a bad mood because her cool entrance was spoiled.
"I would like to ask you about the [Heretic God] incidents that appeared all over the island of
Sardinia about three days ago. Bosa, Orgosolo, Barumini... You were sighted in all the places
where divine presences were confirmed. This cannot be coincidence, right?"

The girl finished speaking and looked at the youth beside Godou.
The places she mentioned were most likely locations on the island of Sardinia. Then that 'you'
she was referring to must be that youth.
Then again, what did she mean by [God]? Completely baffling.
"I am Erica Blandelli, Great Knight of the magic association Copper Black Cross of Milan.
Even in this remote place in the south, there are members of our association, and the person
sighted I mentioned just now is him."
Magic association and god. Hearing these strange terms, Godou felt troubled.
However, her tone of voice was too natural, and surprisingly there was no sense of
"Who on earth are you? Though it isn't apparent, could you be a mage? A priest or deacon
of some religion? If that's the case, there is nothing unusual about successfully summoning a
[Heretic God] by chance. Anything wrong with my speculation?"
Erica Blandelli was smiling with great arrogance.
This was the first time Godou ever saw such a conceited smile on a woman. How could she be
so haughty, yet so glamorous at the same time? Godou couldn't help but sigh at those two
"Ah, I've waited for you for so long, and yet you respond with silence? No other way then,
peaceful negotiations end here and it's time for battle. Trying to talk sense into people who
cannot communicate is like casting pearls before swine."
With such instigating tones, how was it ever peaceful in the first place?
And then Erica continued:
"Come, lion of steel. The one carrying the spirit of the lion, the steel that carries the essence
of battle! Respond to my hand and voice! Your name is Cuore di Leone... The warrior
inheriting the name of the lion-hearted king!"
What happened in the next instant, completely overturned Godou's common sense.
"The knight Erica Blandelli swears thus, I will return your loyalty with my valor and
The sword that suddenly appeared.
The silver body of the blade was slender and elegant, like a beam of clear light bathed in the
rays of the setting sun.

"If you are someone involved with gods, you must have heard of the mighty names of Erica
Blandelli and Cuore di Leone? I have no wish to use the red and black techniques against a
nobody. Hurry up and tell me all you know with efficiency, swiftly and obediently."
And then, Erica thrust forward before her the sword that was like a piece of art.
Of course, it was targeting Godou and the youth who showed a faint smile.
"...What was that just now? Is that a parlor trick?"
"Thou mayst consider that level of magic a parlor trick. It is not a particularly amazing spell."
Sword, god, knight, magic, mage! Come on, what were all these terms.
Godou was very surprised. This was twenty-first century Italy, not medieval Europe during
the dark ages. How could all these unreal terms appear?
"Thou art an unruly little lady. To point a sword at me, even for warriors in the past, none
have dared such barbaric acts towards me. The ignorant are truly terrifying."
"Ah, so confident in your own abilities?"
Towards the wryly smiling youth, Erica proudly puffed her chest.
The tip of the sword was waving about like the tail of an animal. Even someone like Godou
who knew nothing about swordsmanship could tell that it was the motions of an impending
"If you'd like, I can prepare a sword for you. I, Erica Blandelli, will never let anyone escape
from a duel of the sword. What do you say?"
Hearing her conceited words, Godou swallowed a mouthful of air.
From the sword stance of this beautiful girl, she should be very skilled.
Only someone who had reached a certain level of mastery could have such elegant poise, a
functional beauty resulting from eschewing all of the unnecessary. Godou could feel that this
level of cool and imposing presence could not be simply the result of a beautiful appearance.
"Thy proposal interests me, but sadly enough, I have no leisure to spare."
"I see. There has never been a person who refused my invitation. To think I would have a first
experience of rejection in such a place, how insulting."
"Hoho, thou shouldst not say it so, I shall play with thee one day. But now"
The youth said to the elegant but regrettable Erica:
"A more troublesome fellow is coming!"

A sudden development occurred immediately afterwards.

An extremely loud explosion was heard.
To Godou who was already greatly shocked by the events so far
He was now doubting his own sanity, but who could blame him?
A gigantic [Boar] roughly fifty meters in body length had suddenly appeared in the sea, and
was landing on the coast in a very strenuous manner, knocking over the surrounding
This kind of scene was appearing before his eyes.
Not only Godou, but the sword-wielding Erica was also frozen.
What was this? Could a scene seemingly from a monster movie be reality?
Totally at loss, Godou found his hand being grabbed at that instant.
"Hey, boy, runnest! Makest haste and escapest!"
The youth yelled as he ran, pulling Godou by the hand.
In order to numb his thoughts, Godou followed and ran without thinking. So when he finally
became aware of the dreadful conditions they were running towards, he broke out in cold
"W-Wait! That direction you're running towards is too dangerous!"
"No matter what, our escape route was blocked by the sword. This is the so-called tiger at the
front door, and something at the back. Makest thy decision quickly! Only by charging into
danger can there be chances of survival."
Even under these circumstances, the youth was yelling joyfully.
The place where Godou was being led to was exactly where the [Boar] was rampaging.
Probably the most dangerous place in Cagliari at the moment.
"W-Wait up! I have unfinished business"
"If fate allows it, we will meet again! Goodbye!"
Miss Erica seemed to be yelling something, but the youth continued pulling Godou's hand as
they ran.
The fur and hide of the gigantic [Boar], was as jet black as darkness itself.

Whenever the black giant beast stepped upon the ground of the harbor, the earth shook
"Roar!" Every time it howled, windows in buildings vibrated, and then shattered.
Whenever it charged, multiple buildings or warehouses were demolished like small scale
miniature models.
From somewhere a fire started.
Probably flammable oil kept in some storage.
The disastrous fire gradually spread, and the harbor looked as if it was being licked by
crimson tongues, then swallowed. Slowly the fire grew to a point where it looked like
everything was going to be burned down.
"...Thanks to this great fire, that troublesome woman probably gave up."
Godou stared at the burning blaze as he spoke with a bitter face.
The girl called Erica had disappeared in the smoke about ten minutes ago. Seeing that she has
not followed, perhaps it was time to head towards a safe direction.
Currently, Godou and the youth's location was at a corner in the harbor surrounded by fire.
Though there was no immediate danger, the fire was gradually spreading.
Furthermore, a couple hundred meters forward was the most terrifying [Boar].
All surrounding buildings that could be destroyed were already gone, but the beast did not
charge over here. If it were to do so, Godou and the youth would probably have their lives
snuffed out like candles in the wind.
"If this continues, we are going to be burned to death. How could we have escaped to such a
"If we escape before the flames devour us, there is no problemthat is the truth."
Retorting against Godou's complaints, the youth was surveying the surroundings.
Annoyingly, the guy's handsome face still carried a relaxed expression.
Despite the massive fire burning away so near, the youth did not have single drop of sweat. In
contrast to Godou who was soiled by sweat and ash, the youth maintained his pure and
pristine look.
"Starting from just now, what are you doing? It looks very strange, did something happen?"
"Yes. Actually I heard cries for help, it should not be my imagination."

Godou perked his ears but could not hear anything similar.
"I can't hear anything like that. You must be mistaken."
"No, impossibleI see!"
Suddenly the youth began to take action.
The direction he was heading towards, was exactly the place the giant [Boar] was destroying.
"Where are you going? That place is dangerous."
"Haha, if thou art afraid, pray returnest first. Forcest thyself not!"
The youth smiled as he charged forward.
Godou hesitated for an instant, and then ran in pursuit.
If they separated now, very likely he would not see him again. Most importantly, he had to
carefully witness the reckless actions of this youth, thus Godou decided.
Running after the youth, Godou strove to move his footsteps.
Weaving through debris, kicking away stones, avoiding the scorching flames, coughing and
tearful from smoke inhalation, and overcoming many difficulties, they ran for about five
The youth finally stopped.
His path ahead was blocked by many collapsed piles of construction materials.
About an hour ago, these construction materials were piled in neat stacks up to roof height
along the rows of warehouses.
However, it was now a mountain of debris, and the intense fire was devouring the
surroundings. The present challenge was most difficult to overcome.
Without appropriate equipment, there was no way to advance.
At this time, Godou noticed there were human voices on the opposite side, crying and calling
for help.
From the sound, it was probably not just one person, but several or even a couple dozen.
"Hey, boy. Thou recallest this location? This was the place where we were playing."
The youth's sudden question made Godou instantly remember.

It was just as he said, this was the empty field where they had been playing football with the
young men near the pier several tens of minutes ago. The warehouse had collapsed, mostly
due to the [Boar]'s rampage. Then it later caught fire, resulting in the current situation.
"Those fellows likely failed to escape in time, and could only cry for help in sorrowful
"Those fellows? ...Could it be the ones we were just playing with at the pier!?"
"Yes, the same. The ones we met are crying for help, and their voices have reached mine ears.
This is one of my abilities, no mistake about it."
Beyond the massive pile of debris, something like Italian voices could be heard.
Of course, the meanings were unknown, but it was easy to imagine them as cries for help.
Godou tried to find an alternate path around the debris, but was unsuccessful.
Godou tried to find a path through the debris, but was unsuccessful.
Godou tried to find a way to avoid the burning heat, but was unsuccessful. Complete failure!
"What should I do?! How can they be saved?!"
He couldn't help roaring in anger.
Disregarding the burning fire, there was also the [Boar] several dozens of metres ahead,
engaged in destruction. Godou felt indignant. Due to that monster, how many people have
been sacrificed?
Thinking that, his heart lit up in anger.
Watching Godou, the youth smiled smoothly.
"Thou seekest to save others before securing thy own safe escape. Thou art a boy with
admirable qualities. Thy sense of justice is worthy of ten poems of praise bestowed by me."
"Idiot, is this the time and place for something like that? Don't joke with me!"
"I jest not. I shall save those fellows, restest assured... Boy, though the duration was short, but
I am happy. Thou hath my thanks."
The red flames illuminated the handsome face of the youth.
Noticing a sense of solemnity, Godou was silent. What on earth, what was going on with this
guy? Why was there such a sudden feeling of greatness? It was very strange.
"Hoho, to have amused myself so much with a brat amongst the mortals, was truly
unexpected. On a whim, I could not help but lead him around for fun, but it is almost the end.
I must finish my mission. If fate willeth, let us meet again. May peace be with thee."

The youth who should be shorter than Godou, was somehow looking downwards at Godou.
However, there was no sense of dissonance.
The youth before him currently gave off a very admirable and blindingly brilliant feeling, and
it was impossible to think he was an ordinary human. He must be a very special existence.
"Thou mayst leave now, boy. The direction thou followest hath no vortex of flame, only
stable mortal life. Righteous character will not lose the light's blessing, thou shouldst go
straight ahead. "
And then he walked towards the debris where the people crying for help were.
His finger pointed in the opposite direction, and then Godou felt his body turn and walk there
by itself, and then began to run! What was going on!?
Shocked, Godou desperately tried to stop his own footsteps.
I can't leave just like that, Godou strove to resist.
"What a stubborn brat, thou resistest my spell words."
"W-Wait a minute, give me a second. How can I run away alone? If I'm escaping you must
come along, as well as the people on the other side. So"
"Thy thoughts are sufficient. I do not need thy assistance, because thou wilt only get in my
way. Makest haste, escapest."
The youth pleaded in gentle tones.
"Such a shame to have lost my name. If my name was called during times of crisis, my
blessing will be obtained. If I were my past self, I would never leave this holy phrase as
parting words! So friend, I shall gift these words to theefarewell! Makest haste and run!"
The result was, this was the end.
As the youth finished bidding farewell, Godou's legs ran automatically.
Impossible to stop, impossible to resist.
Fleeing from the threat of the fire and the [Boar], running at full speed in a direction where
there was no road.
Unable to save the youth, or those people trapped at the firethese thoughts made Godou
very depressed, but he could not stop his footsteps.
Soon after, not knowing how he ran, Godou escaped from the fire. For a moment he forgot his
guilt for escaping by himself, and deeply exhaled in relief.
What followed immediately was despair.

At some point in time, Godou had arrived at the Duomo cathedral he passed by in the
The great cathedral standing there.
The place of worship to pay respects to the divine, and offer one's prayers.
Beside the quiet and pious structure, a massive beast stood there, several dozens of meters
tall, just as big as the Duomo cathedralthe giant black [Boar].
So well-built that it looked slightly fat, with a strong and vigorous body.
The unexpectedly slim limbs, and a mouth containing frighteningly large tusks.
A creature completely unlike the related animals that Godou knew about.
No matter how lively a boar, none were as ferocious or grotesque as this one. Its brutality
made one think of a god, Godou had never met anything so frightful in his life!
Compared to this stone built church, this [Boar] was the true divine existence.
God of fury, god of destruction, god of jet black darkness.
Shock and awe and fear, this time Godou's body was entirely frozen.
After several roars which made the earth shake and the air tremble, the [Boar] pulverized the
Duomo cathedral like an art piece made of paper. Godou stared at the scene stupefied.
Pieces of stone debris fell from the sky like hail.
This was far too dangerous! Just as Godou thought that, a gust of wind blew.
At first it was a light refreshing breeze, but then it immediately strengthened into a gale, soon
turning into a tornado.
"...Wind? Now wasn't the time to be so casual!"
Yelling, Godou immediately left the scene from the [Boar] and the church.
The strange thing that happened afterwards, probably won't be forgotten for a lifetime.
It was a duel between the tornado and the black [Boar].
In the area around the plaza of the Duomo cathedral, there were many of Cagliari's historic

Like the Torre dell'Elefante[14], Torre di San Pancrazio[15] and others... There were also many
Gothic and Baroque churches from the Middle Ages.
At the location of these historical buildings, the tornado formed just now had swept the giant
[Boar] into the air. How strong were the winds in this tornado?
Devoured by the spiraling storm, the [Boar] was suspended in midair.
Surrounding it, Godou witnessed the sudden arrival of golden flashes of light. Swiftly and
sharply, golden arcs sliced the [Boar]'s body into pieces.
The [Boar]'s roars filled the air, sounding like final death cries.
Losing support, the massive black body fell onto the ground, resulting in an extremely
terrifying crash, collapsing a tower in the process, scattering stone pieces everywhere, and
demolishing many houses.
And then the [Boar]'s body slowly turned into grains of sand and collapsed.
The one that swept these grains of sand was the murdererthe tornado. It gradually subsided,
turning into a strong gust of wind, taking away with it the sand which the [Boar] had turned
What remained were the streets which had turned into hell.
Seriously damaged streets, the fire still raging at the pier, as well as people in chaos.
People who only cared to escape. People who stood frozen. People praying to God. Crying,
angry, terrified, hurt, sighing people.
Amongst these crowds, Godou walked by himself shakily.
At some point in time, the sky had turned black. In the broken streets at night, Godou
wandered aimlessly alone.
What happened to that youth and the young men at the pier? He really wanted to know they
were safe. He wanted to know their current condition. Propelled by these thoughts, Godou
searched and wandered everywhere.
In the end, he failed to meet any of them.

Part 5
The next morning, the newspapers at the inn gave Godou a complete shock.
It was a newspaper based in southern Sardinia with Cagliari as its central focus, but
yesterday's incident was not reported.

There was a report and picture about a fire at the harbor, but after asking the innkeeper who
knew English, all Godou got was an answer like 'Yesterday there seemed to be a fire at the
harbor area. You got caught up in it, right? How unfortunate!" And then a pat on Godou's
Asking the others, no one in the inn knew about the [Boar] or the tornado.
Godou wanted to ask them in detail, but his verbal expression skills were not enough. Filled
with doubt, Godou settled his bill at the inn and left. Everything that happened yesterday
should have been real.
Anyway, let's go to the site of the incident, so Godou left for the Duomo cathedral plaza.
The demolished church, the destroyed streets.
Construction workers were silently hard at work performing repairs. Who knows how long it
would take to restore everything to their former appearance.
"It really wasn't a dream..."
Godou muttered as he looked at the disastrous scene.
Next it was time to check out the pier, but just as he made that decision a voice called him.
"How casual of you to continue staying in this city. Where's the person who was with you
back then? I am looking for his whereabouts, can you assist me?"
Cagliari, damaged and destroyed everywhere last night.
The one who appeared here was the blonde girl dressed in redthe owner of that
unforgettably beautiful face.
"...What, it's you."
Her name was something like Erica Blandelli.
Having a poor impression of her, Godou responded very coldly.
"Ah, where's the greeting? I've heard that the Japanese are very big on manners, could I be
wrong? Or perhaps, it's you who is ignorant?"
Erica spoke scathing words in an elegant tone.
Even for someone like Godou who was unaccustomed to handling girls, he could not stop
himself from retorting. Frowning, and using as malicious a tone as possible, he
"I've also heard that Italians were very amiable, but you don't seem to have that kind of

Silently they stared at each other for a moment.

Very obviously, Erica's mood turned for the worse, but it was the same with Godou.
"If you were a gentleman, then I can lavish as much gentleness as you want. However, for you
to act with such an attitude towards a lady, unacceptable, completely unacceptable, you fail."
"At least in the place I was born, girls who threaten others with swords are not considered
ladies. This is due to your own brutality, do not blame others."
And so, this was Kusanagi Godou and Erica Blandelli's first conversation, which took place in
the worst of conditions. Though neither of them were actually the type to say such offensive
words on a first meeting, but the current situation was the worst.
"Just an underling of a mage who summoned a [Heretic God], how dare you speak to me in
such a manner?"
"Mentioning that again? You've been going on and on about gods since yesterday, what are
those? Could you please communicate with words that normal people like me can understand?
You've been saying incomprehensible things all this time, and it's making my mind very
Godou furiously said those words.
Hearing those complaints, Erica simply smiled, and then held out her hand.
Clutched in her hand, was the travel bag on Godou's shoulder.
Directly pulling it over to her, Godou completely could not resist her monstrous strength.
Godou was very surprised that he would lose to such a slender girl in strength.
"Look, what is this? A holy relic giving off divine powereven for us magi of the Copper
Black Cross, rarely will we possess specimens of this high caliber."
What Erica took out from the back pack, was the stone tablet.
B5 in size, wrapped in purple cloth, on it was carved a rather childish drawing that left one
with deep impression. The object that some female friend of grandfather had brought to
"Ah, hey! Give it back! That's not mine. I came specifically from Japan to return it to the
original owner."
"The original owner? This person is on the island of Sardinia?"
"Yes. Speaking with such arrogance starting yesterday, you don't seem normal no matter how
I look at it!"
"...Such harsh criticism aimed towards me, I shall punish you in a little while. But first, I have
a question for you, please tell me the name of the original owner."

Like an owl having sighted its prey in the middle of the night, Erica's eyes were flashing with
"A divine artifact belonging to a group who summons [Heretic Gods], I am very interested in
this owner... Quickly, or would you like to be threatened by a sword again? While I'm still
feeling generous, it would be wise for you to confess everything, yes?"
Erica's eyes were as sharp as swords, though her tone was full of false gentleness.
Godou was about to act in defiance when he suddenly realized.
Gods, magic, the mysterious youth, Erica Blandelli.
There were so many inexplicable things happening to him yesterday and he needed to obtain
more information in this area.
In the absence of that youth, the only source of information was this girl.
"...She seems to be called Lucretia Zola, and is currently living at a place inland called Oliena.
I was preparing to head there myself."
Making his decision, Godou explained directly.
Hearing that, Erica frowned and stared at Godou.
'Lucretia Zola? The Witch of Sardinia? An evil mage underling like you, going to meet her?
...How suspicious."
Kusanagi Godou and the mysterious youth.
And now it was Kusanagi Godou and Erica Blandelli.
These two encounters, who could have expected them to develop into an event that would
rock the world and the godsbut at this moment it was only the southern Italian
countrysidejust a scene on the island of Sardinia.

Chapter 3 Witch of Sardinia

Part 1
"So you only met that boy by chance, and have no relation to him. That stone tablet also came
into your possession by chance, and you specifically came here to return it to its original
Sitting on the same bench was Erica, listing these facts out with a melodic voice.

By the way, Godou was sitting on the left side while Erica sat on the right, separated by a
fairly large distance.
"You really think I will believe such lies? Be a little more realistic if you're going to lie."
"I am not lying and everything is the truth. Everything happened by chance. I don't care if you
believe it or not!"
Faced with this girl who has been mocking him all this time, Godou responded with a very
annoyed expression.
Travelling with a woman like this, you've got to be kidding! No matter what, he must find a
way to get rid of her.
"By the way, what are you, both a mage and a knight? Either one of these alone is already
very unusual. For you to have both titles at the same time, it's idiotic! Even online games don't
offer such ridiculous settings like yours."
Occasionally dabbling in chess and go, Godou did not actually play online games. Even so, he
knew a little about the content of online role-playing games.
Which is why he naturally recalled strange terms like mage, knight, god, etc...
"To compare me, a descendant of the Templar Knights, with those fabricated games? I can
see that you not only fail as a gentleman, you don't even have basic manners. How pitiful!"
"I don't even want those kinds of manners!"
As he talked shop with Erica, Godou unhappily looked upwards at the timetable written in
The two of them were in the waiting room of the Cagliari train station.
Godou's destination Oliena was located in the province of Nuoro on the eastern part of the
island, and was about two or three hours away by rail or by car, so Godou picked the train.
But they have been waiting for close to an hour in that waiting room with no signs of the
Italian trains will definitely be late, it was exactly as rumored.
"Look! Did I not warn you, trains do not operate according to schedule? Do as I say, going
there by car will be a lot easier."
"You're so annoying! If you don't like being with me, then hurry up and go home!"
Since Godou and Erica were the only two people in the waiting room, they could argue and
make a scene as much as they wanted.

As a side note, the Cagliari train station was small yet well-equipped, and was very similar to
Japanese stations. This made Godou naturally feel a sense of dj vu.
"Actually... As you suggested, we could take a long distance bus."
Even though they weren't getting along, but if the other person was being logical, Godou
didn't mind going along with her suggestion.
Perhaps because Godou was too honest and straightforward, Erica easily declined his act of
"What are you talking about?! How can I possibly take public buses or trains?"
"What do you mean?"
Erica proudly puffed her chest at Godou and said:
"Listen well! I, Erica Blandelli, have never taken a train or a bus since the day I was born.
Isn't that excessively troublesome? And you need to wait here specifically."
"I have my own car and driver. Ignoring planes for now, as far as land travel goes, there is
completely no reason to do something as troublesome as what we are doing now."
"Ah... However I do enjoy horse riding a lot, especially that feeling of the breeze, you can't
experience that from other places. If only you were as cute as a horse."
"Shut up. Anyway, I understand now."
Godou looked as if he had been enlightened by some truth.
"My greatness? If that's the case, you are too slow, your observation skills need work."
"You're very annoying, that's not what I meant! You are truly a sheltered little high class lady
through and through, completely beyond my imagination. And it looks like we have an
unbridgeable gap between us!"
This woman existed in a completely different culture. Calling herself a mage, a high class
lady who was impossible to placate.
Even without a language barrier, it was likely impossible to understand each other.
"Ah, I didn't grow up that sheltered, though I did receive a noblewoman's education, but the
results were less than satisfactory, at most average."
"An ordinary commoner would have nothing to do with the word 'noblewoman'!"

Godou remarked without consideration.

"Then you understand now? There is a serious cultural divide between you and me, and we
cannot travel together. Realizing that before we get on the train is really too fortunatethen
goodbye to you, though we didn't spend much time together."
"You lack comprehension skills. Traveling with you is completely my decision. No matter
what you say, I will not give up."
Erica declared in a very straightforward manner.
"Besides, as a knight, one must endure all odds to complete the mission, overcoming trials
and tribulations. This has been the way since ancient times. You don't have to worry about
this principle."
"I care about myself, your hardship has nothing to do with me..."
Godou resisted Erica's company from the bottom of his heart.
It was this morning when they met again.
After Godou explained his destination, Erica had made a declaration.
"Then I shall accompany you to Lucretia Zola. I am interested to know what you intend to do
after meeting the famed Witch of Sardinia, as well as the power dormant in this stone tablet.
Furthermore, that boy could very well contact you, so this is the best course of action."
A very clear expression on her face.
Though Godou vehemently refused, she immediately responded:
"Ah, but if I used my sword, I could instantly rob you of this stone tablet, eh? I didn't do that
because I am very gentle and chivalrous. You do understand that, no?"
Thinly veiled threats. Godou couldn't help but acquiesce to Erica tagging along.
And so the two continued to argue as they reached the Cagliari train station.
"You, why do you have to chase that guy? Yes he was quite strange, but not a bad person.
Didn't he rescue the people at the harbor yesterday?"
This morning, when Godou conversed with her
Erica had finished investigating the incident that happened yesterday.
After shaking her off their trail, at the place Godou and the youth went, the group of young
men surrounded by fire and debris in the alley of despair were saved by the youth who
appeared somehow.
After that, the youth disappeared without a trace like the wind.

In order to prevent Godou from wasting time on the group of young men, Erica told him
everything she knew. This morning when she was investigating at the harbor, she had made
inquiries with the group of young men about the youth before finally coming over to Godou.
To avoid further delays, Erica hastened Godou to start making his way to his destination.
"You saw the divine beasts yesterday, right? That boy is the prime suspect for summoning
them. If it really is the case, then he was simply cleaning up his own messes, and there is
nothing to be praised."
"Whether divine beasts or gods or whatever, no matter how matter-of-fact you mention them,
I cannot..."
He witnessed everything with his own eyes, but Godou still could not accept them as reality.
"The one appearing at Cagliari was the [Boar], and over the past three days there were three
others appearing on the island of Sardinia. The [Camel] at Bosa, the [Ram] at Orgosolo, and
the [Bull] at Barumini."
"...Then with the one yesterday it adds up to four."
"Yes. Luckily whenever the divine beasts appeared, a [Wind] deity immediately appears to
defeat them, so serious damage was avoided. Great fortune amidst misfortune."
Thinking back to the commotion yesterday, Godou couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.
To have monsters causing destruction everywhere and summing it up as 'serious damage was
avoided,' what a terrifying topic of conversation.
"At all these scenes and next to the divine beasts, the boy was sighted on all occasions. Even
if he is not the one responsible, he is definitely an important witness. Say, do you still have
any objections?"
Watching the self-assured Erica, Godou could only surrender.
There was far too little evidence to defend the youth. With great reluctance, Godou could only
"Let's change the subject, what are gods? I still cannot imagine."
Let's put the youth aside and switch to another topic.
"Well... To be frank, whether or not these are [Gods] in the religious sense, we still cannot say
for sure."
Erica watched the sky and Godou also looked up.
Sardinia's sky was blue, deep, and very clear.
On the other end of the sky, was there really a heaven where the gods resided?

"Due to the [Myths] humans have passed along from ancient times, they were born. The
essence of the earth, sky and stars, natural elements like the system of earth, air, water and
fire[16] or the system of metal, wood, water, fire and earth[17], these are what comprise the
supernatural core of [Myths], thus lending form to these existence, the [Gods]. That is the
hypothesis that we magi have established."
Godou could only understand about half of what Erica said, but felt compelled to nod and
agree with the mention of the word 'supernatural.'
Without a doubt, these existences transcended laws of nature.
"However, for [Gods] that make an appearance, a portion of them rebel against the [Myths]
that form their core. We have named them [Heretic Gods], gods who resist the myths. They
appear in places unrelated to their myths and bring great disaster. Simply by being present, a
god's power will cause great detriment to the human world around it."
"...Gods of disaster. I really agree after seeing that black boar."
"Who knows, that could actually be the incarnation of a gentle god. When originally
benevolent gods become [Heretic Gods], they also become the source of chaos."
"Then what about the tornado? Was that a god too?"
"Probably, there are many gods possessing the divine qualities of wind, so its identity still
hasn't been discerned, probably a god that opposes the [Boar]. But no matter what their
attributes, humans are the ultimate victims."
"That's depressing. When gods appear, what can humans do?"
"First of all, option one is to treat it as a natural disaster like storms or earthquakes, and
endure it. Do not cause any commotions, but pray for the gods' mercy or willful departure."
"Offering sacrifices, praying to the heavens, that's entirely reliant on the gods."
"Compared to meaningless struggle, it's far more effective. See, the people of Cagliari have
not been in uproar over yesterday's incident? That is the current way."
"Yes, I see. So everyone knows about gods appearing?"
Godou thought about this morning's newspaper as well as the reactions at the inn.
Everyone was acting apologetic and seemed very unnatural. So that's the reason.
"Of course, humans who explicitly know about gods are not numerous, but the ancient streets
of Europe are pretty much the secluded residences of magi, so people have been taught how to
handle these situations. Also, there is tradition, ways of dealing with minor divine
appearances have been passed down the ages from ancestors."
"I get it now. Then back to what you were saying, if that's the first option, what's the second?"

"Yes, option two is the simplest. Defeat the god."

Godou got quite a shock from Erica's unexpected answer.
"Can such a thing be done?"
"Of course not!"
Still recovering from the shock, and then to receive such an unreasonable answer. What is
this! Playing me for a fool?
"Impossible for ordinary people, and even the best high ranked magi. But on extremely,
extremely rare occasionsif one were to receive the grace and good fortune of something
like three or four miracles, then it's possible. However, this is not an option worth
"In other words, a lucky coincidence."
"That's not enough, it's completely impossible without a miracle on the level of a carpenter's
son born in a manger, and finally becoming the savior of the world. Hence, option three is the
most practical. If it's a comparatively weaker deity, just seal it."
Sealing a god, this reminded Godou of his grandfather's words.
Offering the stone tablet at the village where divine retribution was occurring, was how the
incident of strange deaths was resolved.
"That is probably a grimoire from mythical times, though it's unknown what power lies
dormant within it."
Erica glanced at Godou's backpack which contained the stone tablet.
"You called it a grimoire, but it's clearly not a book?"
"As an ancient product of a time without paperthe age of myths, that was the time when
gods could freely walk the earth. During those days, the grimoires created by gods to preserve
their wisdom and power all take this form."
Suddenly, an ongoing noise of clackety-clack completely overcame Erica's voice.
With the ear splitting sound of the brakes, the train slowly entered the station.
Godou stood up, having sat in the seat for dozens of minutes, and said:
"Yes, anyway this is a topic an ordinary person like me cannot understand... By the way, my
name is Kusanagi Godou."
"Eh, what?"

"My name. You don't care about my name at all? You haven't even asked once, so I will tell
you, I'm not going to repeat myself."
Even though he disliked her, if they were to travel together they should know each other's
Hence Godou decided to name himself coldly, but Erica's reaction was even more impolite
than he expected.
"Hoho, you're called Godot, a name that sounds like someone who fails to show up as agreed,
what a strange name."
Samuel Beckett's play "Waiting for Godot."
A story about two vagabonds waiting for a character named Godot who never showed up.
Since Godou did not know the content of this play, he had no idea why Erica spoke as she did.
However, he was certain it was nothing good.

Part 2
The outside view seen from the train, was essentially a boundless plain of grassland.
As well as the endless wilderness, flocks of sheep could often be seen on the vast lands along
with shepherds. Raising sheep was one of Sardinia's main industries.
Amidst this scenery, one could spot the ancient walled citiesnuraghes. These were the
remains of cities built by locals before the arrival of the Phoenicians, and have now become
important tourist attractions.
On the way, they made a switch to the train to Nuoro city.
This was the provincial capital of Nuoro, and Oliena was a little town nearby.
They had set off from Cagliari shortly after noon, and arrived at Nuoro city three hours later.
After a rough and bumpy bus ride for another few tens of minutes, they finally reached
At around six in the evening, it was already dusk.
Godou decided to visit Lucretia Zola's home the next day, because it might not be possible to
find her house immediately, and he wanted to find a hotel before it became dark.
"...Hopefully there will be a hotel with vacancies."
Surveying the surroundings, Godou muttered to himself.
Without any outstanding tourist attractions, it was a very ordinary town in the countryside.

Due to the proximity of hills and mountains, it was full of natural scenery, but there was
nothing remarkable about the town. Judging from the scenery witnessed along the train ride,
this was a typical little Sardinian town.
"It's probably more convenient to get around this island by car. Anyway, I'm so hungry..."
Godou only ate some bread for lunch, so he was now especially hungry.
Hearing Godou utter such words of defeat, Erica couldn't help but laugh beside him.
"What a useless person. Look at me, the first time traveling by rail, and the first time suffering
the motion of a bus. Yet I am just as resolute as always? This is the difference in experience
between us."
Watching the braggart before him, Godou had nothing to say.
True, the very slender looking Erica had great fortitude. Her beauty and glamor were
unaffected, but the cause of this difference had other reasons.
"Of course you're not hungry. While I was tired of the scenery, and enduring boredom and
hunger. You went ahead by yourself to chat with others and didn't share any food with me."
Godou recalled the arduous long distance journey today.
While he sat in the box seats, Erica very naturally walked amongst the others.
Originally Godou thought that it would be annoying to carry out a face to face conversation
with her, so he didn't pay much attention.
...Watching the window scenery was only interesting for the first hour. As he looked around
with nothing to do, he found Erica happily chatting and laughing with a woman in a very
nearby seat.
Since it was all in Italian, Godou didn't understand a single word of it.
However, Erica was using a friendly tone of voice completely opposite to how she treated
Godou. Even though the content was unknown, one could guess roughly what she was talking
about through her fluent tones.
And then soon after, the woman whom Erica was conversing with, opened a basket near her
hand, and took out all sorts of food as if by magicsandwiches, olives, as well as cheese and
fruit... Of course, she shared all of them with Erica.
Feeling a little hungry, Godou felt slightly jealous.
All that food, and Erica kept them all to herself.
"As a knight, I have the obligation to maintain my body at its peak condition. The intake of
nutrients from food cannot be overlooked. Anyway, it's not my duty to share food with you."

Erica's words were as self-centered as always.

Godou decided to retort in kind, after all, grudges over food can be very horrific.
"Although that's true, despite a knight-like high class lady's pride, you are surprisingly stingy.
Yes, you are also very good at currying favor and flattery. To act all friendly just for the sake
of food, how should I put it, conniving? I am impressed."
"You... Calling me stingy and conniving? How insulting!"
The malicious retort made Erica's face filled with anger.
Seeing her furious, Godou silently thought to himself, since this works at riling up her anger,
perhaps it could come in handy, let me take note of it.
This was a habit Godou developed during his time in baseball.
As the catcher and the fourth hitter, in order to defeat the opponent's trump cards, he needed
to analyze the personality and preferences in advance to prepare for matches.
For someone without outstanding natural talent, this sort of effort was necessary.
"Listen well, I will greet the vast majority of people with a smile. Who wants to create
enemies unnecessarily? Perhaps one day you might require their assistance!"
"What a calculating fellow you are. I guess you don't really have any close friends you can be
open with."
"Please call it elegant diplomacy. It is required to build amicable relations. If you can't even
understand that, it means you're just a child."
"I have no wish to understand that kind of thing."
"Hmph, that is why I say you are just a child, unable to understand these things. To dare call
me stingy and conniving, unforgivable!"
Erica declared furiously.
She was staring straight at Godou, pointing her finger at him.
"Fine! In order to prove that I, Erica Blandelli, am not a stingy person, even though I have no
obligation to share a meal with you, but tonight this lady will grace your dinner with her
presence, think of it as compensation for not treating you for lunch!"
And so Godou and Erica entered the doors of a ristorante.
In Italy, there existed common eateries like trattoria[18] as well as high class ristorantes.
Godou knew the distinction, at least.

The one that Erica selected, was without a doubt, in the latter category.
The internal decor was very classic and elegant. With dim lighting and such a high class
atmosphere, Godou felt that it would be troubling the ristorante for two minors to enter.
The two were taken to their table, and Erica began to order.
Of course Godou didn't understand a word of Italian and had no idea what they were saying.
"Wait a minute, you're ordering wine!"
Seeing the bottle brought over, Godou was speechless.
Smelling the aroma of the alcohol, it was clearly an appetizer winethe sparkling kind.
"Isn't that obvious? Eh? Or perhaps you don't know how to drink?"
"How could this be possible?! The restaurant accepted your order."
Godou responded to Erica's provocative smile.
"By the way, the drinking age in Italy and Spain is sixteen."
"Yes, right, I will be sixteen next month, of course there's no problem... Really, getting frantic
over such trivial things, you have surprisingly little tolerance."
"Wait a minute, if you're born in April, then you're only fifteen, the same as me. That's
"It's fine as long as you're not discovered. Do you really think I'll get caught?"
As the two argued, the food was brought to the table.
For appetizers, there was prosciutto ham as well as a wide selection of fresh seasonal
vegetables. With fried lamb brains(!) which Godou had for the first time, handmade sausage,
and baked Sardinian flatbread, the choice of food was quite rich and sumptuous.
There were two meat entres, a local specialty of roasted suckling pig served in slices, as well
as horse ribs that still retained some blood.
Everything tasted delicious. Having endured such a long journey, it was well worth it.
However, the problem was the bottle of red wine Erica had ordered.
Due to the dim lighting, the red liquid seemed as if it was giving off a seductive light. When
he saw the champagne before the meal, as well as the meat entres, Godou should have
expected it.
"Don't force yourself if you can't drink. For such a trifle bit of wine, I can finish it alone."

Erica's nonchalant tone made Godou feel like he was being mocked as stupid.
If he didn't resist, then he would be an idiot. Understanding that, Godou raised his wine glass.
Despite everything, his nature was quite competitive.
He slowly kept the wine in his palate, savoring its flavor.
A complicated taste unique to high quality red wine, with a mixture of bitterness, sweetness as
well as a hint of sourness. The fragrance of grape and fruitiness assailed the sense of smell.
"Very good, though I don't particularly like western wine, but this is really good."
"Ah, I didn't think you'd know a little about wine, then you cannot complain. Drink
Hearing Erica's remark, Godou smiled fearlessly in return.
Despite appearances, I've often been forced to spend nights drinking with my grandfather. At
the age of fifteen I already have substantial knowledge about alcohol... No, the one who
taught his middle school grandson the difference between cheap wine and exceptionally good
wine, what on earth could he be thinking?
Mother as well, asking her son to mix cocktails for her, sometimes preparing mixtures like
whiskey and water, and even making her son taste them.
In order to cater to her own tastes and forcing it upon her son, in some ways, Godou had been
receiving an elite education every day of his life.
"Actually, even when drinking with adults, I have never lost in alcohol capacity. How
"Ah, what a coincidence, me too. Till now, I have never lost against anyone in drinking."
And then the two of them began to eat and drink heartily.
Whenever anyone's wine glass emptied, the waiter immediately filled the glass quietly.
The one who drank the last glass was Godou.
Since he was not accustomed to red wine, Godou felt relieved after one bottle. He won't have
to worry about getting drunk now.
However, watching this take place. Erica frowned.
"Godou... To think you drank one glass more than me, like a sneaky thief."
"You even bothered to count? That's so stingy, please don't do that anymore."

"You... You have insulted me again. Please do not misunderstand. I shall repeat myself once
more. I am not stingy at all. The problem is currently the fact that you have imbibed more
alcohol than me."
By the way, it's you yourself who wanted to compete.
Though not stingy, but surprisingly childish, Erica's next words shocked Godou:
"Apparently, a second round of competition is necessary. A victor needs to be decided."
Inhale, exhale.
There were birds chirping outside the room.
Waking up on the bed, Godou vaguely recalled the events yesterday.
After dinner at the ristorante, without any reservations, they were fortunate enough to find a
room at a bed and breakfast (B&B) on the roadside.
And then he went with Erica as they bought a large amount of alcohol and snacks to go along.
It would be too unsightly for two youngsters to drink at a bar, so that's what they decided.
Battling on the verge of collapse, spurred by their sense of competitiveness, the two of them
downed glass after glass in order to prove their superiority to the other.
And then what happened?
That part of his memory was completely blank. Oh well, best not to think about it.
And then, amidst a feeling of something not being right, Godou could also feel a slight sense
of warmth and softness, what could it be? With a very appropriate suppleness, a warm object
very comfortable to the touch was lying beside him.
As Godou battled his urge to sleep, he struggled to open his eyes and laid them beside him.
...In that instant, his mind went blank.
Erica Blandelli was sound asleep beside him.
Why on earth was this fellow here?
Could he have committed the same mistake that all men are liable to make?
No, impossible. I think not, probably not. Let's hope for the best from my rationality and
Erica's caution, but if something did happen...
As he struggled to calm his panicking heart, Godou took a serious look at Erica at the same

Peerless beauty that still caused his heart to race, she now had a calmly sleeping face.
Currently she was a beautiful girl who looked just like an angel. Wearing only lingerie, the
color was blue, and a two-piece set with a high class design. Other than that, she was wearing
nothing else.
Truly a great figure, no, that kind of description was not enough.
As a European female, though she was slender and not very tall, but what was with that
extreme voluptuousness? Long slender limbs, tiny face, a figure with proportions like a
model, but in spite of all that, a bountiful bosom that looked as if it would overflow from the
brassiere, just like ripened fruit such as apples or peaches.
The curve from the waist to the buttocks was also very perfect.
Such artistic beauty, if viewed directly, would seem especially erotic.
Even in swimsuit photo collections, one was hard pressed to find a girl with such a great
figure. Right now she was sleeping holding onto Godou's side, and unwittingly resting her
spectacular bust against his body.
Godou felt extremely unsettled.
The first experience of pleasures of a lifetime lay before him in close proximity, this was bad,
totally bad, absolutely bad.
A sense of fullness that made the brain go numb, was rapidly increasing the feeling of
criminal immorality.
He had to escape fast! As he made his decision, Erica suddenly woke up.
"...Who is it? Arianna? Come on, how did I get the bed wrong..."
"...Ummm, actually... it's me."
The two of them stared at each other, speechless.
Erica's eyes were originally unfocused but quickly restored the brightness of rationality.
Rubbing her eyes, she got up from the bed, grabbed a shirt and covered her underwear-clad
body. Extending her hand, the sword from two days ago appeared in her hand once more.
Without hesitation, Erica's sword pointed straight at Godou's head.

"To dare taint my purity, surely you must die right here!"
"Wah, wait! I haven't done anything strange! Probably..."
As the sword was thrust forward, Godou panicked.
Simply facing her, he felt his spirit suppressed. A sense of despairing oppression came from
her body, and her eyes were filled with icy coolness. Was this what they called murderous
"Right, you probably didn't do anything shameful to me, because you are just as harmless as a
castrated dog. Wonderful."
"Yes, that's exactly right. Haha, it really was just a misunderstanding..."
"Yes, to you. If you really had the nerve to do anything funny, even completely asleep, I
would have decapitated you. It's your lucky day."
"...Yes that's right."
Erica's cold response, was likely not a lie, and Godou felt relieved in his heart.
"But you have engraved upon your mind the image of my, Erica Blandellis, bodyone that
no one is allowed to see. And to have even touched my skinyou still deserve death."
Deserving death for that! Though Godou felt that he should be loudly protesting, but he was
so afraid that he couldn't even make a single sound of protest.
Intimate contact with her skin was undeniable, there was no way to refute that.
"Anyway, why don't you calm down first? We can discuss this once you calm down."

"Ah, your sense of recognition is too superficial. I am currently calmly considering whether I
should first gouge your eyes out, or decapitate you and parade it on the streets first? Can you
not treat me like a fool?"
"How can you call that calm?! Anyway, we should both settle down and discuss peacefully."
After a short ten minutes.
Godou was taxed to his wits persuading Erica to pause her actions, while Erica with her
merciless glare, her body wrapped by a single piece of clothing, the two of them stared face to
face once again.
"First of all, let us confirm how this situation arose and where responsibility lies. No matter
what, it is our fault that we drank too much last night. For that we have to reflect."
Not only was the stomach feeling unpleasant, the throat was also very parched.
These were common symptoms the next day after heavy drinking, and Godou was now
feeling uncomfortable.
Even so, he felt impressed that he wasn't hungover. Like his grandfather and mother, perhaps
this was the Kusanagi pedigree, a bunch of people with extremely strong liver functions, all
grand drinkers.
Looking closely, Erica was not hungover either.
It made sense, if either of them couldn't hold their liquor, then they wouldn't have binged so
Compared to drinking alone, or a large group gathered together for a banquet, drinking only
goes completely out of hand when it was two people. Godou understood the nuances of that.
If another activity required him to drink like a bull again, Godou would not want to repeat this
experience again.
"To think that someone of the same generation could match me in alcohol intake. If it was
Lily, she'd get drunk in a short while, and then I'd have some good fun with her..."
Probably extremely confident in her alcohol capacity, Erica murmured to herself softly.
"Anyway, drinking too much is both our fault, not sending you off earlier is my fault, but
spare me the eye-gouging and decapitation. Is there a more peaceful way to appease your
Godou apologized in a Japanese way, bowing his head in penance.
An option existed before it became late at night, to send Erica away since this room was
rented by Godou. Which is why he was reflecting, why he didn't do that?
"Do you think such an apology can let you off for my humiliation?"

Erica stared with icy cold eyes.

There was a merciless murderous intent, making Godou break out in cold sweat. However,
some words still had to be said. Taking a deep breath, he tried to argue:
"Say, can you just treat this as having slept with a pet? Do you have to be so concerned?"
"Of course! To have shared a bed with a male other than a marriage partner, this is an
embarrassment that can never be wiped away!"
A completely different upbringing compared to his own, Godou was deeply reminded once
Towards Erica's complaints, Godou thought once more.
However, he couldn't think of anythingno solution. At this time, there was nothing to be
done but push the problem aside for now.
"OK, I get it. Bickering here over this incident won't get anywhere, so why don't we leave
first, since we must find Lucretia-san's house. That is our goal, right?"
Godou didn't dare say any more as he waited for Erica's response.
Though extremely furious, she had quick wits and should instantly recall the original goal
that was what Godou hoped in his heart.
"...Correct. As a knight, the current priority is to finish my mission first."
Erica spoke softly.
Appearing calm once more, she nodded, expressionless like a Japanese mask, though this
actually looked even more horrifying than her loud tantrum. Her current state of resolve was
actually more terrifying.
"So, let's hurry to the Witch of Sardiniaafter that, I will make you truly regret your crimes. I
will find a suitably harsh punishment for a sex maniac like you."
To be called a sex maniac! Godou wanted to sigh at the heavens.
And so the turbulent journey of the two, continued on its second day.

Part 3
Beneath the cloudless sky, Oliena was a beautiful and scenic little town.
Nearby were refreshing green woods as well as beautiful springs. For a town with less than
ten thousand in population, its facilities were very well equipped.
"If it's such a small town, then Lucretia-san's home shouldn't be that tough to find... It's only
the fact that I haven't contacted her beforehand, that worries me"

Godou spread out the map of the small town, and began searching near the home his
grandfather had described.
They were currently at a cafe near the place they spent the night.
Godou muttered to himself as he ate breakfast. Though Erica was beside him, they haven't
exchanged a single word after the incident that morning. Having finished breakfast, it was
finally the time to search for their destination.
Godou asked for directions from passersby.
Using clumsy English to tell them where he was going, and then taking out the map to inquire
how to get there.
Due to the language barrier, there was no way to convey small details.
Even so, the approximate direction could be gleaned, and then they set off. If they got lost, the
same method was repeated with other passersby.
Having repeated it four times, it was now the fifth
"Ah, come on, this is exasperating! Give me the map, I'll show you the way."
Silent until now, Erica finally erupted.
"What, took you long enough. It's not like I have to accept your help."
Godou replied coldly.
Yes, it was partially his fault for making Erica angrily silent from this morning till now, but
was it really necessary to be so offended!
"I am not helping you, I just want to meet Lucretia Zola faster! What on earth are you doing,
the passersby already explained in so much detail, yet you are still clueless!"
"I can't help it! I don't know any Italian!"
The people who Godou asked had explained in particular detail.
However, Godou completely didn't understand Italian. Even when he wanted to communicate
seriously in English, his verbal ability was rather lacking, so he was unable to understand the
details. This was why they were progressing in such an inefficient manner.
Erica grabbed the map and first led them forward.
Apparently, she remembered all the routes explained so far, and was able to walk towards
their destination with no hesitation at all. Despite his great anger, Godou had no choice but to
follow her.

From then on, everything went smoothly and they arrived at their destination twenty minutes
Lucretia Zola's home was located near a forest on the edges of town.
A stone house in the middle of the garden gave off a very ancient atmosphere. From the
overall feeling of the house, combined with the absence of nearby houses, it felt very solitary.
The witch's residence. Though it was a small house, its appearance matched this name
particularly well.
Glancing over the garden, it was full of weeds everywhere. The owner either had no interest
in gardening, or was too lazy to care.
Anyway, the whole point of coming all the way to Sardinia was to reach this place.
Godou stepped in front of Erica, walking over to the entrance and pressed the button to the
After waiting for a while, there was still no response.
"Not here... If that's the case, let's wait until she returnshmm?"
Godou suddenly stared with his eyes wide open.
With a scratching heavy sound, the door opened automatically.
Carefully scrutinizing the surroundings, there was no one before or behind the door, and the
old wooden door did not seem like it was automated. What happened?
"Probably this means please enter. You've already arrived at a witch's home, don't be taken
aback from this kind of simple trick."
"Damn it, this is magic too. What a suspicious house..."
Lectured by Erica from behind, Godou muttered to himself.
Stepping into the house with apprehension, Godou found a black cat waiting for him at the
Meow~~ It was calling out with indifferent tones.
For such a slender and elegant body with soft sleek fur, the cat didn't look cute at all.
The black cat suddenly walked into the depths of the house. On the way it stopped and waved
its paw, going 'meow' as if calling someone, then continued on its way.
"It's really telling us to follow?"

"Of course, this is a cat familiareven for you, something so classic can be understood,
Of course Godou realized it already, but he just didn't want to accept it.
Godou shook his head, casting the cultural shock aside. To falter at this point would be a
waste of time, so it's best to catch up to the cat.
They were taken to what appeared to be a bedroom.
It was medicineno, full of the aroma of herbs. The room was very disorganized, and
reclining on the bed was a woman who only half sat up.
The cat just now was huddled in a corner, yawning in a bored manner.
"Welcome to my home, my old friend's relative. Whose relative are you? I can see from one
glance, you must be Kusanagi Ichirou's grandson. I am Lucretia Zola."
Suddenly, the woman on the bed was speaking in perfect Japanese.
Godou was so surprised he jumped backwards.
Before his eyes was a beautiful woman in her underwear, greeting her guests while reclined
on her bed. Her glazed over eyes gave off an incredible sense of charm, while her flaxen
colored hair was also extremely beautiful.
A beautiful woman at her prime, her apparent age was in the latter half of the twenties.
Even if she dressed young on purpose, she was thirty at most, which completely didn't fit
calculations. If so much happened between her and grandfather, she should now be an old
lady, advanced in age.

"Ah young man, have you been entranced by me? Is there a problem? Hohoho, perhaps this
appearance might be too stimulating for the young ones. Something troublesome happened

lately, so I've been unable to get up from bed... Besides, you must be very happy inside? Men
are always like that."
"Sorry to interrupt. You are Lucretia Zola-san?"
She nodded to confirm Godou's question.
"Ah, yes. You are Kusanagi Godou, right? Ichirou already sent me a letter explaining
everything and letting his grandson to come in his place, so I've been waiting for you."
Godou suddenly let out a horrific scream.
Gods, magi, the occurrences these three days have brought Godou's common sense to the
brink of collapse. Struck with the final blow, his mind finally halted.
"You've already gotten this far, what is there to be surprised about? Maintaining a youthful
body is a privilege unique to witches whose magic has reached the highest levels. Compared
to that, I consider [Heretic Gods] far more shocking."
"Oh, to have met the gods appearing on this island, what an unfortunate youth. By the way,
girl, who are you? You don't look Japanese."
"Erica Blandelli. Great Knight of the Copper Black Cross. Due to various reasons, I am
currently travelling with him."
"Sir Paolo's niece eh, I've heard rumors. So it looks like you've come to this countryside
because of that [Heretic God], what strong initiative."
By the time he noticed, Erica and Lucretia had begun a conversation between women.
Finally calm, Godou took out the stone tablet from his bag.
"Anyway, this thing... was originally what my grandfather intended to bring overthe object
that Lucretia-san left in Japan. Please accept it."
The stone tablet depicting the childishly drawn chained man.
Giving it a glance, Lucretia said:
"...[Secret Tome of Prometheus], as expected. A long time ago, I found it in the depths of the
Caucasus mountains, how nostalgic."
"Signora, may I ask a few questions?"
In Italian, 'Signora' was equivalent to addressing someone as 'Madam.'
Lucretia smiled at Erica who was trying to explain her intentions in a cautious manner.

"It's fine even if you call me by name. As you can see, it won't be appropriate to treat a young
beauty like me as an old lady. So, Sir Erica, why are you following this youth from Japan?"
The two witches gazed at each other.
Beside them, Godou felt uncomfortable as an ordinary person.
"Then Lucretia, you can just call me Erica. Actually someone related to the [Heretic God]
appearing this time has been in contact with Godou. Furthermore, he was even carrying a
grimoire from the mythical age, so he might be involved in this incident. I was suspicious
whether he had ill intentions in coming to see you."
Erica threw Godou a glance as if she had seen something insignificant.
"After spending some time with him, he was clearly a guy who knew nothing, lacked
manners, failed in comprehension, and is very shameless."
"Is that so, I can't really see that, from appearance he just looks like a harmless youth."
Lucretia gave her own opinion which ran contrary to Erica's malicious commentary.
Godou objected by saying 'Do not make such baseless judgments!' from the side, but Erica
ignored him completely, continuing:
"So it's true that he is the grandson of your friendwhich means that Godou really came to
Sardinia by chance, and came to possess the grimoire by chance as well?"
"Basically, his grandfather is a scholar, an ordinary person completely removed from the
world of magic and gods."
Hearing Lucretia's words, Erica's shoulders sank in disappointment.
"How could this be, to have wasted so much precious time on an insignificant commoner,
how embarrassing. For me to have done such a thing!"
"...Let me clarify beforehand, I did not tell you a single lie!"
Before he gets blamed, Godou wanted to emphasize the fact to Erica.
And then, Lucretia smiled as she spoke.
"You don't have to be that dispirited, Miss Erica, if you wanted information about the [Heretic
God], then coming here was the right place. As a reward for your efforts getting here, I will
tell you."
"Lucretia, could it be that you know which god it is this time?"
"To be precise, I am not sure. My information has only confirmed that it is some war god.
Originally I thought it was a deity like Melqart, but then it turns out to be a little more than

Lucretia smiled faintly on the bed.

Melqart. Hearing the name of that god for the first time, Godou's mind was full of questions.
"Oh, you don't know, young man? It can't be helped, though a deity with historical
significance, he is no longer famous in modern times. No, to be precise, that should be the
true name."
Lucretia continued her explanation smoothly:
"The divine king worshiped by Semitic tribes such as the Canaanites and Phoenicians... Baal.
Originally the god of storms, lightning and the sky, his power continued to grow until he
finally possessed many authorities. Amongst the Indo-European languages, Zeus and Odin are
the most similar. You've heard of those two, right?"
"Yes, that I know."
The Greek chief deity Zeus, as well as the Norse chief deity Odin who often appeared in
Even for Japanese people like Godou, there were few who haven't heard of their names.
"These kinds of sky gods, basically all possess many different characteristics. Top god, king,
god of wisdom, god of life, god of war, god of the underworld, etc. Baal is also one of these
archetypes. With many faces comes aliases. This is very natural, right? ...Melqart was the title
honored by the people when he protected the city of Tyre."
It sounded like a name he had heard before.
Godou prided himself on studying history seriously. Lucretia smiled faintly.
"Tyre was the city built by the Phoenicians. Its defenses were so great that it took Alexander
the Great a year to conquer it. It was also the naval headquarters of the Phoenicians, masters
of the ancient seas. Reaching Sardinia, they became the rulers of this island."
Thus, Melqart was a god with deep ties to the island of Sardinia.
Having said that, Lucretia made further additions.
"Around Greece, Melqart was depicted as a giant man wielding clubsa few days ago, I
witnessed the god Melqart appearing as such a figure."
"But Lucretia, didn't you begin by saying this was unrelated to Melqart?"
The elderly witch responded to Erica's interruption, unaffected.
"Yes, aren't there column-like stone formations in Sicily? Five days ago, my spirit vision
indicated an anomalous gathering of divine power there. To observe the situation, I personally
went there."

Spirit visionwas it something like clairvoyance?

Hearing these words, Godou could no longer deny she was a witch.
"Over there, what I saw was the sight of two gods fighting. One was Melqart, the other took
the form of a warrior, wielding a golden sword. The result of the fierce battle between two
gods was mutual injury and defeat."
Lucretia sighed.
As if very tired, Godou worried about her condition and came closer to her bed.
"Don't worry, young man. The conversation is about to endMelqart with his club and the
other god with the golden sword, they struck each other on the final blow, causing heavy
injuries to both sides. Melqart transformed into lightning and flew away, while the god of the
golden sword was shattered."
"Shattered? So he lost form?"
"No, the body of the sword god was divided into pieces, and each piece took on a new form.
One was a boar, the other a hawk, as well as creatures such as a horse or a goat. These avatars
immediately flew across the ocean or into the sky."
In other words, the massive beasts appearing all over the island, were born from the fragments
of the god with the golden sword.
Godou felt things were getting more and more ridiculous.
"Then the [Wind] god that defeated the wild beast, was that Melqart's incarnation?"
"Who knows, whether Melqart or the sword god, neither could have recovered in such short
time. If they recovered, my spirit vision should have received premonitions, but so far there
has been none. It is also possible that they have left Sardinia."
Towards Erica's question, Lucretia only answered "who knows?" and shrugged.
Though Godou didn't know anything, he could tell that the situation was very unusual.
"Does that mean you were caught in the battle between gods, and exhausted your magical
"Yes. In order to protect myself on that battlefield, it was necessary to use magic that
exceeded my limits. Thanks to that, my magic has been completely exhausted, and would
probably take three months to recover. No major spells for the meantime, or even moving my
body. How troublesome."
Though she clearly said troublesome, her tone of voice was rather leisurely.
Godou suddenly thought of the stone tablet held in his hand all this time.

"Then once again, I hand this over to you. Please accept it. Didn't Lucretia-san use this to
suppress a god before? Perhaps it might be useful this time."
"...Wait a minute, Godou. How could you have withheld such an important detail from me?"
"This is something belonging to Lucretia-san, what reason do I have to reveal everything to
Ignoring the frowning Erica, Godou extended the stone tablet forward.
"Hmm..." Deep in thought, Lucretia looked at the young man and woman. What was she
"Young man, what I did with the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], you have already heard from
"Yes, though... I still don't quite believe it."
"Miss Erica, did you come here for the purpose of sealing the [Heretic God]?"
"That's right, I have to overcome this challenge, in order to prove that I can become the
foremost talent of the Copper Black Cross. For that, I have accepted this difficult mission."
"Which is why you are interested in the whereabouts of gods, how troublesome!"
Lucretia was complaining in a frivolous tone of voice, furthermore
"I know. Young man, I entrust this to you, use it carefully."
She spoke to Godou.
"Ah!" Godou was greatly shocked, and Erica likewise.
"Lucretia Zola! What are you thinking! To give a precious grimoire from the mythical age to
this clueless idiot, there must be limits to stupid decisions!"
"Having that said, it is actually quite troublesome for this thing to be brought here nowor
rather, it is useless in my current state. You can see how my body is now. Who could have
expected it to return to my side at such a time, sometimes the will of fate is rather ironic."
"Then you should give the grimoire to me instead! That's called using the right person for the
right job!"
"But that's too reasonable, totally uninteresting. I prefer the fun choice."
"Please don't joke around in such depressing tones!"
Though this unexpected development shocked Godou, he decided to interrupt.

Taking a casual glance at the bed she was lying onhe noticed, beside the pillow was an old
video game console with a game cartridge inserted on top.
_____ Quest? Was it that RPG? Must have been a very old fantasy RPG?
"Wait a minute, you want to refuse? Let me first state that I am not influenced by that game
I've been playing, to have made that proposal. Still, for a Level One young man to set off for
adventure to complete the mission, it really is a staple of the adventure genre. Doesn't that
make your blood hot and boiling?"
"Not hot blooded at all, I am completely unmotivated!"
Ignoring Godou's objection, Lucretia continued:
"By the way, of course as a Great Knight of the Copper Black CrossPaolo Blandelli's niece
and apprentice, you won't attempt to rob this ordinary youth of this grimoire by force, right?"
"How could I do such a thing?! Don't look down on me!"
"Good. Miss Erica, only those who overcome great hardship can be called knights. If you
want others to witness your magnanimity, do not complain about this level of hindranceas
for you, young man!"
"Just as you heard, I look forward to your performance. How this grimoire should be used,
everything will be left to your hands. Help the girl, run away, use it in a way I cannot imagine.
Show me some fun."
Lucretia finished, and added one more sentence.
"Also, I entrust you with this girl, please take good care of her."
"Take care of me? What a joke! For someone like that to take care of me, please don't treat me
like a fool!"
Angrily finishing these words, Erica made her way to the entrance with elegant yet crude
Looking extremely furious, she walked out directly.
What should he do?
As Godou puzzled, Lucretia waved her hand as if ushering him out.
Looks like the meeting was over. Troubled, Godou shook his head and walked outside to
catch up with the blonde beauty.

Chapter 4 - Secret Tome of Prometheus

Part 1
Having bid Lucretia goodbye, Godou and Erica were silent as they walked out the door.
What should be done next?
Just as Godou sighed lightly, a lively ringtone was heard from Erica's cellphone. Immediately
taking out a red cellphone from her pocket, Erica answered in Italian.
Godou watched her from the side.
Erica's expression and tone of voice were very serious. Could there be an emergency?
She hung up after about five minutes, and suddenly glared at Godou.
"Godou, didn't you say this morning? About this morning's embarrassment, you will make
amends even if it means ritual suicide by seppuku?[19] Were you lying to me?"
"Of course I was lying, who would want to commit seppuku for that!"
"Hmph, then I'll regard it as just an expressionlisten well, you have to come along."
"Ah? Why?"
Godou questioned, seeing Erica giving him orders in a matter-of-fact manner. In the next
instant, her gaze aimed at Godou carried the same derision as if watching a fool.
"Though you yourself are a useless amateur, but that grimoirethe [Secret Tome of
Prometheus] is different. Though Lucretia did not tell us its functions, there is no harm in
bringing it along."
That's right, the power of the grimoire was not revealed to us after all.
When we asked the original owner, the only answer we got was something like 'Shouldn't you
find out the hidden powers of an item yourself? Asking about it would be just as tasteless as
reading a strategy guide for an RPG.'
Recalling Lucretia's levity in attitude, Godou couldn't help but feel depressed.
Or perhaps, it was a decision taken under careful consideration?
"So, why don't you carry my luggage for now? Serve me as a sign of your sincerity to make
amends. Do you understand?"
"...You're not going to point a sword at me, then rob it?"

"As a Great Knight of the Copper Black Cross, I have sworn not to do such a despicable
thing! If such an oath were to be broken, I would be a laughingstock!"
Erica spoke with great emotion. To think that oath sworn would have such important
So, what should Kusanagi Godou do? Obediently tag along with Erica, or escape? Or simply
stuff that whatever grimoire into her hands and go directly back to Japan?
Godou picked the fourth option.
"I'm going back to see Lucretia-san, please wait a bit for me!"
Without waiting for Erica's response, he turned around and went back to the witch's home.
This time he opened the door by his own hands, and entered Lucretia's room.
"How disappointing, young man. Intruding into a woman's bedroom uninvited. Complete
failure. Quickly close the door, and calm down."
Lucretia Zola was lying on the bed, gazing at Godou with eyes which were about to fall
Wrapped under the blankets, this time she did not raise her body to speak.
She really was very tired. To watch a battle between gods in proximity, and survive
probably a task more difficult than Godou could imagine.
"Having said goodbye ten minutes ago, and then returning so soon. Could your heart be stolen
by my beauty, and you came back for a love confession? Oh well, can't blame you. When a
boy in puberty meets a beauty like me, such passionate behavior cannot be helped."
"No, that's completely wrong."
Godou replied swiftly, he won't let her control the flow of the conversation.
Due to the extremely broad range of friends of the sociable grandfather and mother, Godou
was well accustomed to dealing with this type of strange person.
"You clearly look so similar to your grandfather, but I don't see any verbal gift in pleasing
women. Still, I'm quite interested in you. What do you wish to speak with me?"
Lucretia finally opened her eyes.
As if scrutinizing Godou's face, she stared straight at him.
"Weren't Lucretia-san's words just now a bit too strange? Like Erica said, giving her the stone
tablet would definitely be better than the current situation."
"Hohoho, but I also said, I picked the more interesting choice."

"That was absolutely not a lie, I understand. But I feel thatit's not entirely your true
intentions, otherwise I wouldn't get the feeling I was playing along."
"Hey, so you think I have other motives, young man."
Hearing Godou's words, Lucretia giggled with laughter.
"Yes, before I get tired of the whole incident and dump this stone tablet in the trash can,
please tell me the truth. That would be a great help."
"Threatening me instead! Excellent, that's more like Ichirou's grandson. Stubborn like him,
but in a completely different way. You can't be underestimated. Yes, otherwise, there would
have been no point in handing things to you."
Lucretia looked very happy and was laughing on the bed.
"Fine, I will explain directly. It's actually nothing important, but I just want you to act as that
little lady's restraint. Take her down a notch. If you give the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] to
her directly, she will immediately take it for duels against gods, that genius!"
"...She is someone that amazing?"
"Yes, Erica Blandelli is said to be the treasured prodigy of the Copper Black Cross, but that's
not the dangerous part. The danger lies in the fact that she has yet to understand the terror of
[Heretic Gods]... In fact, I did consider the option of retrieving the grimoire and hiding it."
"Then why not do that?"
"Because that thing will definitely come in handy. So, I wish to hand it over to some mage.
And then when Sir Salvatore arrives, pass it over and let him use it effectivelythat was one
of the plans I conceived."
"Sir Salvatore?"
Another character addressed with title "Sir", Godou tilted his head in puzzlement.
Was he a famous person knighted over in Britain?
"Yes, that's right. Perhaps he is the one who can resolve this incident in one fell swoop. A
great and important man who is impossible for an unaffiliated mage like me to approach, so
it's better to hand the grimoire over to Erica-san who is from a prestigious family. Can you
accept it now?"
"Got it, yes... In other words, you hope I can be a hindrance to Erica?"
"Correct answer! So young man, what do you plan to do?"
Realizing the intentions of this elderly witch, Godou began to ponder.
Knowing Lucretia's intentions now, should he follow her wishes?

What should he do? He was truly displeased with the witch's intentions, but this island has
been met with a situation beyond human knowledge, and people's peaceful lives were being
He didn't think he could resolve the issue himself, but he can't stay out of it and do nothing.
Godou sighed, if he didn't see this through to the very end, he wouldn't be able to return to
Japan with a peace of mind.
"I know, as long as there is no danger to my life, I will follow and act with that fellow."
"Yes, that would be a very great help. Let me toast to you another day in recognition of your
courage and meddlesome ways."
"Don't call me meddlesome! It could very well turn out to be life threatening!"
He had witnessed divine power at Cagliari.
Godou was not so naive that he would believe himself to be safe, having witnessed that scene.
In front of that kind of threat, humans were as insignificant as grains of sand.
"Hohoho, don't be angry. For you to successfully reach here in a country with a language
barrier, that indicates luck is on your side. If it gets dangerous, run away, I won't blame you. I
pray that good fortune be with you."
Finally, Lucretia smiled peacefully as she gazed at Godou's face.
Like an old lady watching a grandson, or an older sister blessing a brother on his journey of
growth. It was an ambiguous expression.

Part 2
"What, Godou. You've finally finished your secret talks with that woman? ...How shameless."
Seeing Godou step out of Lucretia's home once again, Erica murmured to herself.
"Who are you calling shameless?! I just have some things to confirm with that person."
"Shameless enough to do something behind my back. If it's nothing shameful, then you would
have done it openly? Fine, whatever. Hurry up and go, the next destination is Dorgali."
"Why are we going there? Have you found news of that guy?"
Erica had indicated their next destination was an hour away by car as Godou questioned her.
It would be great if the youth he last saw in Cagliari was safe and sound.
"No, but his chances of appearing are quite high... Our spirit vision users at the Copper Black
Cross have discerned the gathering of magical power in the area around Dorgali."

"Magical power?"
"Correct, and very powerful. The reason why I went to Cagliari, was also because spirit vision
found a similar concentration of magic there, and then the boy and the [Boar] appeared."
Come to think of it, Lucretia also mentioned spirit vision.
Spirit vision users had talent like prophets, and the phone call just now, was apparently a
report from them.
"To predict something like this, how amazing, can they see everything?"
"It's not like that. The content of their spirit vision is very limited, like now, we still have no
idea of the identity of the deity on this islandhowever, it would be different if a spirit vision
user of the highest level were here. Unfortunately, people possessing that kind of talent are
exceedingly rare."
A spirit vision user's powers were predominantly determined by inborn disposition.
Come to think of it, if people with clairvoyance were common, it would actually be quite
Accepting that, Godou changed his mood. Hearing that the youth might appear, he suddenly
began to feel anxious and wanted to know as quickly as possible whether he was safe.
"How are we going to get there? Train or bus, which one?"
"Neither, get a car and driver!"
Still, to expect a taxi cab in this town in the countryside
In the end, compared to calling for a cab from a taxi company in Nuoro, it would be faster to
take a bus directly. Having concluded that, Godou and the unhappy Erica got on the bus.
Dorgali was a little town on the coast.
It had valleys near the sea, as well as steep river valleys around it. Erica had mentioned that
Dorgali was surrounded by abundant natural resources, and has been designated as a national
Along the bumpy undulating mountain road, the bus quickly sped.
"Hmm? It's raining?"
Watching outside the window, Godou suddenly found the sky darken.
Soon grey clouds appeared and covered the sky like a heavy curtain.
"Raining? No, that's not it."

Hearing Godou mutter to himself, Erica turned back to face him. (By the way, even though
the seat beside Godou was vacant, she ignored it and took the seat in front.)
"It almost never rains in Sardinia this time of the year, you didn't even know that?"
A Mediterranean climate. Warm, dry, very little rainfall. This island, in the middle of the
Mediterranean Sea, obviously belonged to that climate region as well.
"Then, could it be..."
"Exactly as you imagine. Perhaps some strange incident will happenmost likely the omen
of divine presence."
A few minutes after Erica's prophesy, the short bus trip ended.
Dorgali was a very small town at the foot of a mountain.
There were only a few shops and a police station along the main road where the bus stop was
simply marked by a sign. Getting off, the first things Godou and Erica noticed were the dark
clouds in the sky. Compared to what they saw on the bus, the clouds were clearly more
Making the cloudless clear sky an hour ago seem like an illusion, the first overcast skies
Godou saw in Sardinia was giving him a great ominous feeling.
"It's here."
Erica suddenly spoke.
And then, rain drops began pelting Godou's face. It finally began to rain.
Heavy rain like a sudden shower, but this was probably not what Erica was referring to.
Just as Godou thought that, a golden light suddenly flashed.
As the sound of thunder roared, lightning struck, and the wind began to pick up rapidly.
A storm.
Without any warning signs, the storm arrived just like that. And then Godou noticed
Casually flying amidst the storm was a four-legged giant beasta [Goat] in the middle of the
Like a Chinese dragon hovering in the air, a giant [Goat] with neither feathers nor wings,
leading the wind, clouds and rain, dancing with the thunder in the sky.

Since it was very far away, its precise size could not be determined.
Still, it couldn't be smaller than the [Boar] sighted in Cagliari. Its furry hide was white, and
there were two long horns extending from its head.
The [Goat] roared loud and sonorously, and blew a sudden gust of strong wind.
Calling out again, this time it was thunder and lightning descending upon the ground.
This town was virtually all built with wood, but since it was raining, it was fortunate that one
did not need to worry about a fire hazard.
Even so, it did not change the fact that there was a disaster. With lifeless eyes, Godou
watched the heroic form of the [Goat].
"Is that also an incarnation born from the sword god?"
"Probably, if possible I really want to use the [Secret Tome of Prometheus]'s ability to stop it,
and then make direct contact, but it can't be done."
The feeling he got from Erica suddenly changed, and Godou was very surprised.
A feeling of splendor like fire and gold, an extremely brave and intense will exuded from her
beauty and her eyes.
It was a majestic and unapproachable figure, like a top class participant just before a
competition began.
"Come, my sword, Cuore di Leone. Blade that guards the throne of the lion! I beseech the
predecessors of red and black. Grant your protection to my body and my chivalry!"
And then Erica began chanting the words like a spell.
Immediately following, the slightly familiar slender sword and a red cape, never seen before,
appeared out of the air. Wielding the sword in her right hand, Erica majestically wrapped the
cape around herself with her left.
The cape had a bold design with black stripes on a red background, and particularly suited
Erica's beauty and blonde hair. In an instant, Godou felt deeply attracted.
"I will approach that [Goat] to investigate. Godou you should find a place to hide. We will
meet up later."
"You plan on fighting against that thing?"
"Of course not! I am just investigating. No matter where you are, I can find you with magic.
Be my guest, find a place to hide!"

Leaving those words behind, Erica rushed forth.

Speeding like an arrow through the raining streets as if she was flying, this speed was
completely beyond human limits.
Could this also be magic? As Godou reacted in surprise, he watched as she receded in the
"...This is not a leisurely situation, I'd better find a place to hide quickly."
Checking out the situation in the streets, Godou was shocked.
The sudden storm and thunder.
And then, the giant monster flying in the air.
With so many massive anomalies, Dorgali finally began to have a commotion.
There were those who opened their windows to check out the storm conditions, only to be
shocked by the scene in the air.
Cries of terror, screams of surprise, chaotic disturbances, the public was wailing as if fallen
into hell.
The storm blew timber and light objects like cloth into the sky. Lightning periodically lit up
the darkness of the overcast skies, while thunder descending from the heavens torched the
earth and demolished buildings.
Who could have thought such a massive uproar could happen in a little town of several
thousand in population.
"Running away recklessly would be even worse, what should I do?"
Seeing the chaos in the town, Godou couldn't help muttering to himself.
Since Godou already knew part of the reasons why this was happening, he was able to
maintain his natural calm. Watching the people in chaoshe was able to notice.
Like himself, there was another youth calmly observing the panicking crowd.
A handsome youth so outstanding that one could never forget his face having seen him once.
The two exchanged glances.
One smiled nostalgically, while the other showed a troubled expression.
Godou had wanted to see him, wanted all along to confirm if he was safe.
However, faced with this sudden encounter, he had a feeling of doubt. Whenever the god's
incarnations appeared, the youth was also witnessed. Wasn't this just as Erica had described?

Part 3
Erica Blandelli was using the [Leap] technique to make her body lighter as she ran at full
Running towards the numerous buildings that were struck by lightning, all sorts of objects
that were blown away by the violent wind, and the heavily damaged little town corroded by
the rare rainstorm.
In fact, Erica was so fast she might as well be flying.
The stone paved streets were breaking apart, and she leapt between roofs, streetlights, and all
sorts of footholds on buildings, her feet rarely if ever touching the ground.
It was difficult to build high rise buildings in Europe, particularly Italy.
Since there were many cities possessing iconic sights like the Tower of Pisa or the Coliseum,
in order not to affect the scenery, there were many legal regulations preventing the
construction of high rise buildings.
Erica thought it was a shame.
If there was a taller building, she could get a lot closer to the [Goat].
Dorgali's buildings were five or six stories max, while the [Goat] was flying leisurely a couple
tens of meters above in the sky.
Though Erica was called a genius in magic, she did not know the techniques of flying.
Her specialty was [Iron], the ability to manipulate iron and steel like her own arms and legs
for the purposes of offense and defense. Flying, spirit vision and the preparation of potions
belonged to the domain of true witches like Lucretia Zola.
Finally reaching the top of some tower, Erica took a deep breath as she halted her steps.
Even though her goal was investigation, watching from such a far distance was not very
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
She needed to take a gamble now. Though she had never used it in real combat, that spell
the secret technique mentioned in the report to her uncle, it was time to try it out.
Agonizing for about ten seconds, she immediately made her decision.
She will first make the venture, then decide when to advance or to retreat as the situation

"Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?"[20]
Erica chanted in a loud voice.
The Golgotha spell words were an incantation of fury and prayer, calling forth hate and regret.
"O my God, I cry in the daytime, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not
silent. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel."[21]
Pointing Cuore di Leone towards the sky with her right hand.
This sword was paired with Il Maestro, the magic sword of her rival Liliana Kranjcar.
In the past, these were two precious swords forged for the sake of two great knights bearing
the titles of the Lion King and the Fairy King. Erica and Liliana had discovered the two
swords in the catacombs beneath Florence, and each claimed one of the pair as their personal
"I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is
melted in the midst of my bowels. My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue
cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death. For dogs have
compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my
This was the disastrous song of despair, carrying anger at the Lord who withheld salvation
even at the verge of death.
"But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Deliver my soul
from the sword; Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of wild
This was a hymn of prayer, containing the absolute will pledging allegiance to the Lord in the
face of certain death.
"I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise
The name of the spell was [Oh Lord! Why hast thou forsaken me?]
Of all the techniques passed down by the Copper Black Cross, recognized as one of the most
difficult of the secret arts.
Feeling the chill of the icy cold air, Erica knew she had succeeded.
From her lips came the proud smile of a lioness.
Clearly not the result of the storm, the surrounding temperature was gradually falling.
Erica's spell words, has summoned bone-chilling cold.

The hill of Golgotha, the same air as the place where the Son of God perished, this same
freezing air was now filling Erica's surroundings. Simply bathed in this cold air would cause
an ordinary person's heart to go numb.
Then for a godor a similar divine existence, of course it would still be extremely
And so the [Goat] lowered its gaze.
It slowly descended towards Erica's location.
Provocation successful, Erica smiled as she leapt to a neighboring rooftop.
She began to observe the [Goat].
Extremely intelligent eyes. Goats were fundamentally very smart animals, though they
resembled stupid sheep in appearance, they were exceptionally alert and clever. So this was
only natural.
When she met the [Boar] at Cagliari, the [Wind] god had appeared before she had a chance to
get near like this.
Though she saw the battle between the black boar and the tornado from afar, she could not get
close to observe. However, at this close range she could now see that the [Goat] did not have
intelligence like a divine beast.
Probably only animal intelligencethat was the likely level.
Let's test it.
"Cuore di Leone, I grant to you the weeping cries of the son of God and the Holy Spirit,
become the spear of Longinus!"
Using the magic of [Transformation] on her beloved sword, she changed its form to a spear.
Infusing it with the spell words or despair, this gave Cuore di Leone the same magical power
as the holy spear that pierced the son of God. Thus a magical weapon was born, capable of
harming gods and making them bleed.
"Saint Thomas, share your martyrdom with others!"
Accompanying the new spell words, Erica threw the spear forward.
Granted the curse of never missing its target, even a god could not escape the thrown spear,
let alone existences beneath godslike divine or sacred beasts.
The spear left a deep open wound on the lower abdomen of the [Goat].
Roar! The giant beast's painful cries reached up into the heavens.

Erica recalled Cuore di Leone using magic, having confirmed her hunch, that the divine beast
born from the [Heretic God]an opponent of that level can be handled with her power alone!
However, her opponent was not so weak as to allow an easy victory without preparation.
As Erica analyzed the battle potential of her enemy, the [Goat] roared noisily.
Lightning continually descended from the sky.
The target was clearly the insolent one who had injured the divine beast. Instinctively, Erica
began running before the thunder and lightning could burn her into charcoal.
Lightning flashed, while thunder roared.
Intense lightning struck the place she had been standing only two seconds ago.
Feeling the impact and the hot breeze that shook her skin, she decided it was probably time to
Even if the fight continued in this manner, she could only maintain the current situation at
best. Having decided to retreat, Erica leapt once again, moving to the next rooftop, and
jumped repeatedly.
If she stood still, she would be immediately burnt to ash by the [Goat]'s lightning.
Erica glanced up at the sky.
Running across the airno, hovering in the air was the giant [Goat].
Up until now, all the divine beasts that appeared had been defeated by the mysterious tornado,
but what about this [Goat]? Will the opposing deity appear?
As she pondered over these things, Erica calculated her escape route.
Jumping down directly and mixing herself amongst the crowd would be the safest, but that
would also bring great tragedy.
Erica went 'hmph' and quickly abandoned the notion.
As a proud knight, how could she possibly choose such a despicable manner of retreat? Of
course it was rejected resolutely.
Then, there was only one path to pick.
The direction towards the steep mountains that could be seen from Cagliari.

Erica continued to jump and make her way towards that direction. By doing so, at least she
could lead the [Goat] away from the streets, giving people more time to escape. That was
what she concluded.
"Thou art still alive, boy, looks like our lives are very tough to extinguish."
Getting out of the fleeing crowd with great difficulty
The two met once again and those were the youth's first words, spoken with his usual casual
"Yes, let me say first, I was very worried about you... Though I've been travelling from place
to place, your safety weighed heavily in my heart all along."
Looking over the youth's appearance in detail, Godou replied.
As before, the youth was wearing a tattered coat. His face was very delicate and proper, with
a kind of fleeting charm that remained unchanged from the time they first met in Cagliari.
But there was a certain sense of dissonance.
Godou felt strange, this guy was different from before. There was no change in appearance,
but something was obviously off. What was it?
"Hoho, thy instincts are excellent. With the proper education, perhaps thou wilt become an
amazing priest."
Watching the puzzled Godou, the youth smiled.
His smiling face was the same as before, but somehow it gave off a more adult feeling.
Wait a minute. What did this guy just say?
"Hey, you just said something strange. Something about education and priests."
"Payest no heed, I was just talking to myself. Rather, thou shouldst thank destiny for letting us
meet once again. Our fates seem to be deeply intertwined."
No, this was absolutely not the result of destiny but human intent.
The reason they came was because Kusanagi Godou and Erica Blandelli had expected to meet
the youth here.
However, why did he not have the courage to speak out about this?
Sensing his hesitation in this affair, Godou found a different feeling was surfacing, one unlike
the mutual feelings he shared with the youth when they first met.
Crash! At this time, the crash of thunder sounded.

Lightning was striking nearby? Godou and the youth looked up and surveyed the
Several flashes of lightning could be seen descending, while Erica was jumping left and right
to evade them.
Seeing this scene unfold, Godou could not help crying out.
If this continued, wouldn't she be fried to death by lightning in one hit? Despite the horrific
situation, Erica's running silhouette still carried such righteous poise.
The giant [Goat] had begun flying close to the surface at some point.
Gliding over the buildings pursuing the beautiful blonde girl, the direction Erica was headed
was the foot of the mountains outside of town.
Moving rapidly between roofs, Erica ran like an arrow.
She was probably doing this to prevent creating more victims in Dorgali.
However, was it really safe for her to run over wide open spaces without any cover?
Forgetting their disputes over the past few days, Godou was now consumed with worry for
Erica's safety.
"What is this, that girl came as well. Looketh like our fates are very intertwined too."
Under such conditions, the youth still maintained his leisurely airs.
"Yes, a lot has happened and I am currently travelling with her. Anyway, if this continues it
might get tragic. I am going to chase after her! What are you going to do!?"
"Thou oughtst give up. Even if thou goest over, thou wilt not be of any use."
The youth calmly advised Godou who had exclaimed recklessly without thought.
Godou only shook his head strongly, refuting with determination.
"Even so, I cannot watch and do nothing!"
Erica was definitely an annoying woman.
Every time she spoke, it was mostly displeasing complaints. Treating others with friendly
passion, but always mocking him mercilessly when she spoke to him, as well as being willful,
self-centered, even so...
She wasn't someone so hated that he could abandon her at a time of need.

Godou ran in the same direction as her, determined.

Though she was very annoying in many areas, it is a fact that she was now fighting alone,
taking on a god as her opponent. Pretending not to see and ignoring her need for assistance
Of course, Godou knew this was stupid and impulsive, but even so.
"Thou art truly a fool. Though thou art a fool, that girl is not much better, fighting alone is
proof of that. There are clearly simpler ways to escape, but she chooseth such a difficult one."
The youth was surprised.
"And I, observing, somehow cannot watch her perish without aid, how vexing!"
Come to think of it, didn't this youth also possess incredible powers?
Godou thought back to when they parted ways at Cagliari, when he experienced the youth's
unbelievable power of dominationwas that also magic? Or powerful hypnosis?
If that kind of power was used again, it would be problematic. As Godou tried to retreat, the
youth smiled.
A classic and quaint smile.
With a kind of fleeting essence, it was a smile like mist.
At this time Godou noticed, the reason why he felt a dissonance when they met again, was
The youth was more unnatural than before, compared to a living human, it felt more like
facing an intricately crafted Buddha statue. An indescribable sense of dissonance.
"Restest assured, though ye are all fools, but foolish children are very adorable. I shall not
stop thee, in fact I will grant thee powerso, takest out that object thou hidest."
Suddenly the youth held out his hand.
"W-What am I hiding?"
"Is that not so? When I first talked to thee at the pier, its taste attracted me. I can feel that
thing's taste is even more intense than last time. Makest haste, openest that bundle."
"That stone tablet!"
The youth's gaze was focused on Godou's backpack, and he finally understood.
Godou hurriedly took out the stone tablet[Secret Tome of Prometheus].

"Yes, no mistake, this hidest ancient wisdomnever would I think such a specimen still lay
hidden in the mortal realm. With this, even in my current state, I can resolve the matter."
The ancient stone tablet whose surface depicted an imprisoned man in a childish drawing.
The youth narrowed his eyes with interest, looking at the picture.
"Oh, the punished Titan... Sun... Fire... Foolish commoners... Salvation. I see, this carriest the
power of [Theft]! Haha, the [Deceiver] Prometheus! Deceiving the gods, the hero thief who
led the humansthou art the presence I felt at the pier that time!"
Hearing the joyful laughter, Godou noticed something.
He hadn't told him the name [Secret Tome of Prometheus], but why was the youth able to call
out its name? Could he really be a supernatural existence?
"...Like Erica and the rest, are you a mage?"
"No, I am completely different from them, but currently still incomplete. As long as I cannot
recall my name, I will continue to be incomplete. However, it recently dawned upon me,
perhaps staying in this state might not be too bad after all."
While smiling wryly, the youth was caressing the [Secret Tome of Prometheus].
"Hath someone used this stone tablet before? Within this thing, resides the stolen power of
some deity."
"Yes, did I not say the power of [Theft]? This piece of stone possesseth the characteristic of
stealing a god's authority, and then storing it within it... However, if the target was a powerful
deity, most likely only a portion of power will be taken. This oughtst to come in handy, very
Holding the stone tablet, the youth pointed at the hills a couple hundred meters away.
In that direction were Erica and the pursuing [Goat].
"Then I shall vanquish the monsterboy, thou mayst accompany me!"
It was already quite far away from the streets of Dorgali.
In the heavy rain, Erica had arrived at the foot of the mountain where the green woods and the
dried out white rocks lay.
Nearby were several trees, but it was essentially a wide open stone quarry.
Running here, Erica finally stopped. Looking at the direction of the streets, the [Goat] looked
leisurely, but it was actually charging here at great speed.

Then, what should she do next? Erica began to search for ideas.
The best solution was probably to use an illusory spell to hide, directly tricking the eyes of the
divine beast.
But it would be best to stall for more time, if she were to disappear from its sights, it was
likely the [Goat] would immediately turn back to destroy the town.
"...About fifteen minutes, probably could stall for that duration?"
Breathing irregularly from anxiety, Erica murmured to herself.
Exhausting her mind and her body from the divine beast's pursuit, Erica made estimates based
on her remaining battle ability.
Hopefully, it would be best if people could finish evacuating during this bit of time.
To stall for even longer, Ericano, perhaps there was no one who could achieve that feat, it
was up to the mercy of the heavens.
Calmly counting her options, Erica looked up to the [Goat] with eyes of great battle spirit.
In that instant, she found something unexpected.
Black lightning.
Descending from the sky, black lightning struck the massive body of the [Goat].
The air was filled by painful screams, how could the divine beast be moaning from being
struck by its own weaponlightning?
At this time, Erica noticed that the black lightning descending upon the [Goat] was a different
Like a curse materialized, it was extremely similar in nature to Erica's own Golgotha spell
Materializing a consciousness full of hate and regret, forming a black curse that brought
disaster to its surroundings.
Even without the disposition of a spirit vision user, Erica could easily recognize that the black
lightning's curse was very intense. But where did such a curse come from?
Could the second deity have made its appearance?
After being struck countless times by the black lightning, the [Goat] finally crashed down
from the sky, making Erica's nerves tense.

Immediately after leaving Dorgali's streets, the youth had pointed the [Secret Tome of
Prometheus] at the sky.
And then, from black clouds appeared several black streaks of lightning that struck the [Goat].
Every time it was hit by the flash of lightning, the flying monster gave off cries of pain.
Struck by lightning, the [Goat] was in great pain.
Subsequently, bathed in uncountable lightning, the [Goat] fell to the ground.
Suddenly falling into the empty rocky field outside the streets, its gigantic body was
convulsing. Godou's eyes widened at the sight of the unexpected downfall of the monster.
"This is nothing, the monsters were never as strong as their appearance suggested. Of course,
from the perspective of mortal humans, they are perhaps the greatest threat. However, this is
just an unstable creation split from a deity's authoritySimply by applying a little divine
power, they will fall like that."
"T-Though I don't really understand, you're saying that it looks big, but it's actually quite
"Yes, not a bad explanation, thou shouldst be praised... However, this victory was thanks to
this piece of stone, carrying the curse of some earth god, it came in handy."
Casually watching the [Goat] lying on the ground, the youth casually conversed with Godou.
Standing beside the bragging friend whose true qualities were gradually being revealed,
Godou felt increasingly puzzled.
The description of splitting out from a god was exactly the same as Lucretia Zola's'the god
of the golden sword was shattered into several gigantic monsters.'
This youth clearly knew more about the situation than Erica, the one called a genius prodigy
by Lucretia Zola. Who on earth was he?
"Godou, you are in cahoots with this guy after all!?"
An elegant voice of accusation suddenly sounded out.
The owner of the voice was Erica of course. She had most likely witnessed the fall of the
[Goat] and had hurried over.
Though wet from the rain and her body covered with mud, her splendor could not be
suppressed. Or rather, it could be said that placed in such an extreme state, her beauty was
even more emphasized.
"It's not like that, we just met by chance in town... Didn't you also say we were likely to meet
Godou answered with reservation.

Of course, compared to Erica's harsh attitude, Godou's preference for the youth remained
unchangedbut every time he thought of the youth's unknown origins, his doubts increased.
Could it be... no, it must be like that.
"...Hey, the one who defeated that divine beast was you, right?"
Wary due to Godou's words, Erica watched the youth with sinister eyes.
She also noticed the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] held in the youth's hand.
"Yes, thanks to this arcane stone of [Theft], the monster was defeated."
"To have deciphered the power possessed by this grimoirein other words, could you be a
spirit vision user? This is impossible without the highest grade of spirit vision."
"Hoho, askest not my identity, my name is currently sealed."
Faced with Erica's queries, the youth's unfazed attitude remained unchanged.
"By the way, there is something I must tell ye, make haste and departa second one will be
here soon. A very ferocious and violent fellow, it would be best not to approach it."
"A second one?"
Hearing the warning, Godou frowned.
The howl of a strange bird came forth. What was this sound? Godou and Erica looked up in
the air simultaneously. Who knows how many times they have experienced this sense of fear
This time it was a golden [Raptor].
Gliding on its gigantic wings in the vast overcast skies, a bird of prey possessing golden
Come to think of it, Lucretia had also mentioned a hawk born from the sword god, however,
this probably wasn't a hawk, Godou felt it was more like an eagle.
The best description was probably still a [Raptor].
Its wingspan from tip to tip, measured about fifty or sixty meters.
Flapping its wings powerfully in the Dorgali skies, the giant bird of prey was circling
ferociously, the name of raptor was rather fitting.
"Isn't that dangerous?"

Every time the [Raptor] flapped its wings in the air, a vortex of wind was created as it turned.
Strong wind became a cyclone, and then a gale, and further strengthened to become a
tornadoin an extremely short period of time, the wind from the flapping of the wings has
created a tornado that were now attacking the streets.
All sorts of objects, large and small, were being blown high into the air.
If such strong tornados were produced in the center of the streets, the massive destruction
caused would completely dwarf the [Goat]'s lightning.
Just as Godou felt despair, Erica questioned the youth.
"...Did you call the bird too?"
"Wrong, girl, I did not call them. It is in search of me, that they came."
Showing a flawless smile, the youth answered.
Godou felt troubled by his casual demeanor even at such a time of crisis, but was unable to
tear his gaze from the youth's handsome features. Unbelievably, he was being attracted and
could not help listening to him.
...This was not right, it cannot continue.
"I see... Then youcould you be..."
"Hoho, sayest it not out loud. It is better that way. So, boy and little lady, ye make haste and
leave. Though heartless to put it this way, the town is doomed, only destruction awaits."
The youth pressed the tip of his index finger on his lips.
As if hoping Erica would be quiet, but Godou ignored it, and faced the handsome youth:
"Wait a minute, it can't be confirmed that it will be destroyed, right?"
"It is certain, the power stored in the stone of Prometheus has been exhausted just now. There
is no other way to drive the monster away. If thou cannot understand that, then thou can only
be described as foolish."
"I understand, but I can't accept it!"
Impulsively, Godou yelled out.
Just now when he chased after Erica, he had felt the same way. Even if it was impossibly
difficult, he had to face things directly.
Even now, Godou did not want to run, or abandon the sight before him.

Like a headstrong child, Godou realized it. But thinking of the tragedy brought by the
tornado, imagining Erica struggling against the monster alone, Godou would feel greatly
unsettled, so he had to indulge in his stubbornness
"If this were ancient times, I would bestow my protection upon thee, welcoming thee as my
warrior, sending thee forth to the battlefield"
Faced with an ignorant child's willfulness, one could only appease him as much as possible.
With an expression like a father, the youth nodded his head.
"Now that it is said, boy, thou also complained the same way just now. Ignoring the wisdom
of survival for the weakappeasing the powerful and bowing down to the strong. Thou art
truly hopeless."
Hmph. The youth lightly sighed sadly.
"Perhaps this will be the last time I assist thee with thy foolishness. Once those two beasts are
vanquished, I can no longer play around leisurely. Truly, to lose my time of rest for this kind
of brat, what a shame!"
"...? What are you talking about?"
Completely unable to understand the youth's words, Godou questioned.
What on earth was he saying? But he didn't answer, and only threw the [Secret Tome of
Prometheus] over.
Godou frantically caught it.
"Holdest it. Perhaps this piece of stone will be needed another time."
"Boy, promisest me. When the time cometh, usest that for the world."
Leaving behind those words, the youth suddenly ran.
Towards the streets of Dorgalithe direction where the tornado was spawned by the circling
"This is likely the goodbye of a lifetime. Fare thee well!"

Godou wanted to run after him, but was instantly distanced.

Like the wind. The youth was running with speed like the wind, and instantly disappeared.
"That guy, he already said the enemy was dangerous, what could he be trying to do now?"
Muttering to himself as he ran, Godou suddenly found a gust of wind blowing around his
The gust of wind strengthened, and blew towards the Dorgali sky where the [Raptor] was
"Godou, be careful! It's coming!"
"Coming? What!?"
Warned by Erica who had caught up, Godou snarled angrily in response.
"The second deity appearing in Cagliari! The wind god that defeated the monster, no, the war
god possessing the incarnation of wind!"
At this time, the other gust of wind had become a vortex, and the second tornado was formed.
The strong wind blowing outside Dorgali's streets became a vortex.
Before this sight, the [Raptor] stopped circling. Suddenly, the tornado in the streets vanished.
The giant bird immediately charged at the remaining tornado.
The tornado that could even blow the [Boar] into the air, capture it, and raise it to the sky.
Flying towards the center, the [Raptor] remained in control.

Not only was it not caught in the wind, it was flying in the reverse direction of the tornado's
spin. Under some unknown principles, the [Raptor]'s high speed flying caused the tornado to
gradually slow down.
This was too ridiculous. Godou felt fear as he stood lifeless, rooted to the ground.
In an instant, the tornado vanished.
However, appearing beside the [Raptor] was an objectthe golden sword.
Giant golden steel, a massive blade just as large as the [Raptor]'s wingspan, it was a doublebladed sword.
This [Sword] floated in midair, facing off against the [Raptor], as if held in a stance by an
invisible giant warrior, it was a most peculiar sight.
"As expected... That deity can change his form according to the situation. The war god
possessing numerous incarnations is...!"
At some point in time, Erica had come to Godou's side.
The two of them no longer had the strength to run, and could only watch the battle between
the [Raptor] and the [Sword].
With speed that was almost too fast to be seen, the [Raptor] flying in the air.
Every time wind blew like a sonic wave, the ground was made a mess. It had not yet reached
the speed of sound, but it was still very fast.
Even so, the [Sword] still held the advantage.
Faced with the super-fast opponent, it was leisurely dancing in the air with elegance,
continually making slashing attacks.
The skillful swordsmanship landed blows upon the circling [Raptor].
With every successful slash, golden feathers danced in the air as fresh blood stained the
ground red.
The decisive moment of the battle finally arrived.
The golden blade made a deep cut on the giant body of the [Raptor], chopping it into two.
And then, the split body of the bird of prey turned into particles like sand and began to
crumble. These particles were then absorbed by the blade of the [Sword].
However, this was not the end.
The golden [Sword] then pierced the goat that had fallen on the ground.

With the final blowit should be described that way, the powerless giant beast lying on the
ground had its neck pierced, it was an unhesitating finishing blow.
And so the [Goat]'s giant body also turned into particles of light, and were absorbed by the
Somehow the rain had stopped, and the wind and thunder had vanished.
As the sun's rays reached the ground, the golden [Sword] suddenly vanished without trace.
Leaving behind Dorgali, ravaged by divine might, as well as the speechless Godou and Erica
who was watching the sky with a very complicated expression.

Chapter 5 - I, Have Long Sought Defeat

Part 1
Ancient ruins and a beautiful ocean. These were known as Sardinia's most important tourist
All over the island were a total of over seven thousand stone edificesNuraghes.
The civilization that built these dated back to roughly the fifteenth century BCE. At that time,
the people living on the island of Sardinia gathered around the nuraghes to build their
settlements and lived there.
Then came the period of early history with the arrival of the Phoenicians.
They first made contact with the island as seafaring merchants. Finally in the year 509 BCE,
the entire island of Sardinia came under the rule of the Phoenician city of Tharros.
Then the Romans came.
Under the rule of the Roman Republic and then the Empire, the Romans rebuilt the streets
constructed by the Phoenicians, making it their own residence.
This was why Roman and Phoenician ruins existed side by side on the island of Sardinia.
The current location was now the province of Oristano, on the west of the island where there
was an abundance of ancient ruins.
In order to open sea routes to reach the western coastline, the Phoenicians had established
cities at Aristanis and Tharros.
Especially Tharros.

These ruins were located on a headland protruding from the peninsula. Though half of it had
sunk into the sea, it was still preserved till modern times.
It was a city built by the Phoenicians of Tyrethe people whose divine protector was
"Melqart and his primary identity Baal were deities intimately related to Phoenician culture
and customs. Have you heard of Hannibal?"
"The name of the movie? Or you mean the general who marched into Rome?"
This was the provincial capital of Oristano on the west of the island.
Like Nuoro it was a well-developed city, but closer to the sea. The wind carried the taste of
seawater. Perhaps due to that, the air felt very free and open here.
It was inside a certain pizza shop in the city.
Seated at the open air tables, Erica and Godou were eating. Now that he thought about it, this
was the first time for Godou to eat pizza in Italy.
This was Roman crispy and thin-crusted style rather than the rumored Neopolitan thickcrusted style.
"Of course, Hannibal means 'beloved son of Baal' while his father's name, Hamilcar... That
one is 'Melqart's servant.' Both were very typical Phoenician names."
"...So, is this why we came here?"
The next day after encountering the giant beasts at Dorgali, the two of them had set off for
this little town.
First they returned to Cagliari in the south, and then traveled west taking the car hired by
Erica, arriving at Oristano after about two hours.
Erica had mentioned, the ruins of Tharros was approximately twenty kilometers away from
the town.
The ruins of the foundation laid by Phoenicians, later enhanced by the Romans with
aqueducts and other city functions, was now just a deserted tourist attraction.
"So, about that god with the golden sword, is there any problem? And the other guythe
fellow who claimed amnesia and disappeared, is it fine to let him be?"
"It doesn't matter anymore, I've pretty much solved the riddle."
Erica's response made Godou very anxious.
To Godou, rather than what they were doing, he wanted to learn more about the [Sword] god
he saw yesterday.

The god that had defeated the giant beasts all over the island, the god that seemed closely
linked to the youth. But Erica appeared to have completely lost interest in that god.
"Currently, the incarnations causing havoc all over the island belong to the sword god, right?
That should be the most dangerous, which is why preparations should be made against them
"Even if the incarnations of the sword god appear, at most there will be one or two, and they
will be defeated as soon as they show up. Which is why it is more efficient to track down the
missing Melqart... Besides, I think I have a good idea of the identity of the sword god."
Erica's answer made Godou surprised, when did she investigate to such detail?
"You're amazing... Even though I didn't see you investigate, how did you find out?"
"Because I already spent a lot of effort finding out yesterday, it's probably a deity from around
Persia or India... It feels more like a Persian god, because there was something like a hawk or
an eagle."
Sitting in the open air, Erica spoke as she looked bored.
"But for you to say those monsters will be instantly defeated, isn't that judgment too early to
"No problem. Even though the incarnations know they will be vanquished, they are still
compelled to follow the principal bodySo, end of discussion. I need to contact the local
association and it will take some time. Do you understand?"
"Local? ...That's right, the secret associations between magi."
Godou was puzzled by the term association, but immediately recalled.
"Correct, this is the closest town to the Tharros ruins, so the chance of getting information is
"Could it be, there's a god in those ruins?"
"That shouldn't happen. [Heretic Gods] usually avoid people, it is rare for them to stay in
tourist spots. However, ancient holy lands and temples do hold some attraction for them. If
the gods are near, the local mage associations should have noticed."
After this conversation, Erica left the pizza shop first.
When Godou suggested to make a phone call inquiry first, Erica explained that it was very
impolite to make direct requests to local magi without meeting face to face.
It looked like there were all sorts of rules in the world of magi.
After that, Godou took a stroll in town to kill time.

Thinking carefully, it's been a while since he did something like a tourist, but there was no
feeling of happiness. He had been meeting gods all along, and was now chasing after them.
When Erica returned, the sun was already setting.
Without deciding on a time and place to meet up, she suddenly appeared out of nowhere,
probably using that person finding magic she mentioned the day before.
"Coming here was right."
Those were Erica's first words.
"Though it's not clear whether it's Melqart or the sword god, a [Heretic God] definitely
descended near here. The local magi sensed the divine presence and are now panicking. Since
I came here as a scout, I was able to obtain a lot of information."
"A god is coming again..."
Completely unable to hide his nervous tension, Godou's reaction made Erica show an
expression that was hard to describe.
If you have something to say, just say it directly. This wasn't like her usual expression.
"What is it? You have some kind of worry?"
"Godou, may I ask... You're not going back to Japan?"
"Ah?" To the sudden question, Godou was taken aback. Up until now, weren't you the one
who insisted on dragging me along, this ordinary Japanese?
"It's already come to this, like a patient in advanced stages of the disease, how can I just quit
in the middle?"
He was certain he would regret it if he returned to Japan without seeing things to the end.
Angry that he had lost sight of the youth again yesterday, Godou replied immediately:
"At least, without confirming the status of that guy, I do not plan to return."
"That guymust be the boy, right? Even if you obsess over him, I don't think it will end
"...Not only the god, you even know about that guy?"
Erica answered the question with the same subtle expression just now.
In other words, she knew but did not wish to reveal the answer. This pessimism was unlike
"I know, but it's completely different from my initial expectations. But I think I understand
the gist of it. I was worried it might come as a blow to you, so I haven't told you."

Seeing Erica's expression, Godou realized he made a huge error.

He always thought she was an arrogant and self-centered narcissist, but she turned out to pay
more attention to details than he imagined, and also had a thoughtful side to her.
Perhaps the reason why Erica didn't want to say more, was in consideration for Godou.
Realizing that, Godou fell silent.
...Thinking back, this was perhaps the earliest instant when the distance shrank between
Kusanagi Godou and Erica Blandelli.
"However, personally, I have no opinion as long as the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] is here.
Whether you carry it and tag along or give it to me and return to Japan, it doesn't matter to
me. So if you are afraid, please return to your homeland, I won't stop you."
Perhaps Erica also noticed herself the sense of dissonance stemming from her concern for
Her attitude became stiff and she spoke rapidly.
Seeing such a reaction from her, Godou felt like laughing for the first time, so he immediately
"Then it's decided. I will follow you to the end. Even if you say no, I will follow you, and
probably bring you lots of trouble. Is that fine?"
"Not fine, but whatever. From now on, you will continue to be responsible for my luggage.
Be prepared!"
Seeing Erica act a little embarrassed, Godou nodded.
Thinking carefully, he had already spent three days traveling with her. It was pretty much
time to make peace.
"Let me make this clear, all I need is this grimoire, don't misunderstand. To be honest, it's not
like I need you at all. Understood?"
"Understood, carved into my heart."
Regarding the words mentioned by the youth about the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], all of it
was reported completely.
After that, Erica carefully examined the grimoire dating from the era of the gods,
manipulating it in various ways, but could only give up in the end. She still couldn't figure out
how to use it.
The youth who could easily solve this problem that stumped the genius witch, who on earth
could he be?

Part 2
The faint light of the setting sun had become true darkness.
With Erica in the lead, and Godou following behind, the two of them were advancing in a
dark forest.
"Wait up, it's so dark I can't even see beneath my feet, go slightly slower!"
"How useless. Such poor night vision, you didn't train enough?"
"Ordinary people do not have that kind of training! Don't use your set of rules to view the
Advancing as they talked, the only sources of light were the stars in the sky and the moonlight
in the dark night.
A forest at night which could not provide any artificial lighting.
With only a flashlight in one hand, Godou walked with difficulty, while Erica moved quickly
and nimbly in contrast.
Without relying on artificial lighting, advancing swiftly into the depths of the forest, she could
see in the dark as well as if it were day.
Taking a taxi north from Oristano, it took roughly an hour or so.
The Nuraghe sa Bastia was situated in a vast forest nearby.
There were the remains of many poorly preserved nuraghes and settlements. Though the area
also contained a number of well-preserved specimens, but from the perspective of tourists,
this place was not popular.
However, in spite of that
Before the sun had completely set, the majestic forms of the nuraghes made for excellent
Green thriving forests, and ancient towers standing tall.
Nuraghes were comparatively tall structures on this island, towering enough to look down
upon the tops of the tall trees. Even from outside the forest, one could catch glimpses of the
structures skillfully built with stone.
"...But aren't these nuraghes built by the civilization before the Phoenicians arrived? Whether
Melqart or the sword god, why would they hide here?"
"Perhaps attracted by the spiritual presence of the sacred land."
On the way, Erica replied to the question Godou asked due to boredom.

"The presence of nuraghes indicates the remains of an ancient settlement. These settlements
were even more sacred than temples or tombs. Attracted by the spiritual presence of the land,
there are often cases where [Heretic Gods] intrude upon the residences of unrelated gods."
"In other words, living in another god's territory was more comfortable than their own?"
As they chatted like this, they finally entered the area around the nuraghe.
An empty field in the depths of the forest, it looked like a plaza with great visibility.
Though obscured by the spreading weeds, the remnants of all sorts of stone crafted structures
could be seen.
Now that it's mentioned, nuraghes also had rooms and staircases.
This civilization peaked at around the tenth century BCE.
At the time, it is incredible to think such large scale construction could be undertaken in such
sparsely populated areas. Godou felt that on some level, this represented advanced techniques
beyond modern construction technology. With his only light source being the bit of light from
the flashlight in his hand, the feeling of regret was especially intensified.
At that moment, Godou suddenly felt a strong sense of chill.
What was this?
There was an unbelievable feeling coming from a corner of the plaza.
His eyes were drawn to it.
There was only a large tree with a thick trunk, as well as a massive pile of stone from
something that collapsed.
Hidden on the ground by these objects, was something like a cave.
Pointing his flashlight into the darkness, Godou focused his eyesight.
This was roughly triangular, there was a hole in the ground shaped like a triangle.
"What is that? There's a very unpleasant feeling, what is going on with me?"
Hearing Godou speak, Erica seemed to be mouthing to herself some kind of chant. She was
probably using some kind of magic.
"...Godou, you're quite sharp, that must be the entrance to the temple. But..."
"I am currently using a spell to sense for magic. And it looks like my hunch is correct.
Magical power with a slightly unique feeling is leaking out from there, he is probably there."

He was referring to a god, of course.

Erica stared at the silent Godou, and then spoke.
"After we have encountered those supernatural phenomenon several times, your senses
towards the presence of gods seems to have become very sharp, like an animal, miko, or
Shinto priest... What unexpected talent. However, by itself it can't be regarded as a useful
talentwho knows what may happen, wait for me here."
Leaving those words behind, Erica went forward.
Climbing over the stones, she jumped into the triangular hole.
Godou waited for a while, looked at the hole where Erica had disappeared, thought for a while
and then finally with a cry of "damn it", followed after her.
...Within the hole were stairs leading down.
An underground temple.
For people that worshiped primitive nature, to think that they would possess such intricate
The knowledge and techniques of the ancients sometimes surpassed the average modern
human. This was evidence before his eyes. Godou felt very touched, but he couldn't stand
there for long.
The interior of the temple was also skillfully assembled with rocks, with the gaps filled in by
using small stones.
Using the flashlight to illuminate the ground near his feet, Godou advanced along the
underground passage as quickly as he could.
Sardinia had a Mediterranean climate, so the air was basically quite dry. However, the air
flowing underground was very humid. Could there be some kind of pool?
"Godou! Why did you follow me?"
After walking for a bit, a sudden voice came from in front.
Erica was staring with eyes as sharp as a sword, so it seems like Godou caught up to her
without issue.
"You forgot that, the thing called Prometheus whatever."
"By the way... Since I still don't know how to use it, I forgot all about it. Rather than this
unreliable tool, I believe it's more practical to rely on my own techniques."
Godou's improvised excuse, was immediately refuted by her.

I see, so that's why Lucretia was worried about her.

"The one who said there's a god here, wasn't that you? Is it fine to just go in directly?"
"Even if it's a [Heretic God], such a thing as eating humans on sightshould be very rare.
Unlike those divine beasts, they don't go around causing random destruction, so the danger
isn't as high. I'm just going to slip in to investigate a bit and then come back. You don't have
to worry."
"That's not how it goes, worrying is human nature..."
Hearing Erica's reply, Godou suddenly felt taken aback by his sudden decision to follow and
disregard his own safety.
She did not say it was completely safe, but from her judgment, danger was not that high, so
willing to bear that risk, she decided to enter this dangerous place alone.
Perhaps fully confident in her talent and skills, even though a little reckless, she believes she
can handle things herself. From her actions so far, when the time comes to retreat, she will
calmly retreat...
"Besides, you're the unbelievable one. An ordinary boy with clearly no combat ability, daring
to enter this place. It is enough for you to carry the luggage obediently. Please don't make
such decisions on your own!"
"Yes, well... Perhaps it's because of that."
"Ah, what?"
"...Don't look at me like that. I am a man after all. Even if you tell me not to follow because
it's dangerous, I can't agree obediently. How can I hide in a safe place and let a girl do
something so dangerous alone. Perhaps it's a man's principles, I believe that's why I insist."
Ever since he came to this island, Godou has been frustrated by his impotence.
Erica was the genius witch with the title of knight.
Even someone as amazing as her had enemies that were deemed impossible to overcome...
heretic gods.
The handsome youth who possessed incredible power and claimed amnesia.
In the midst of these people, Godou was only a minor side character. A role whose absence or
presence was irrelevant. A powerless person without any influence over the final outcome of
the entire incident.
Even so, when the status of the youth familiar to him was unknown, Godou wanted to search
for him.

For the people who suffered from the tyranny of the gods, Godou wanted to offer his own
Seeing a girl fight alone by herself, he cannot back down. Without forcing himself too much,
he had to protect her.
Spurred by these feelings and principles, Godou had come this far.
He also realized it was unbelievable, but stopping himself was a difficult thing, or perhaps,
completely impossible.
"You are an idiot. A completely hopeless idiotyou seemed a little smart on first glance, but
how can you be this stupid? I am totally speechless."
Faced with Erica's mockery, Godou did not retort but simply continued:
"Also, if the sword god appearsperhaps that guy will also appear? So I want to come along
to find out what happened to him. If I don't confirm it with my own eyes, I will not return to
"Is this also part of a man's principles? What an idiot."
Just as you say. Faced with Godou's confession, Erica could not help but sigh deeply.
"Fine, whether the child or the sword god, if I'm with you, it will be safer for me. That child
has fancied you..."
"Fancied me?"
"Don't mind me, I'm just talking to myselffine, even if I send you back right now, you're
going to return? Then follow me! But please don't get in my way!"
"Sorry, I've made trouble for you."
"Really! Let me declare beforehand, no matter what happens to you, I won't be responsible!"
The exasperated Erica began to grumble.
"Really! A man's principles whatever, just like that Genaro... I hate those kinds of ideals! I
forbid you to mention them a second time!"
"Who is that? Sounds like someone I could get along with."
"My colleague, a Great Knight of the Copper Black Cross... Probably the one currently closest
to achieving the title of [Diavolo Rosso]. The reason why I came to this island, was to prevent
that honor from falling in the hands of that unrefined man!"
Having spoken in hateful tones, Erica turned her sharp gaze to Godou.

"To think you would be such a troublesome boy, I am completely surprised. Whoever
becomes your future lover or wife will definitely have a life of hardship, oh how I pity her."
"W-Why are you suddenly talking about that kind of thing?"
Every male in the history of the Kusanagi family, had been legendary with the uncanny ability
to make women cry broken-hearted.
Godou had always prided himself on the fact that he was not that type of man. Why did this
strange witch have to mock him in that particular way?
Anyway, the two of them continued towards the depths of the temple.
The passage stretched longer than imagined, and they had been walking for ten minutes or so.
Along the way, there were quite a few forks in the road, but Erica used spells to sense and
guide them, so they didn't get lost.
And then, the two of them finally encountered.
A true god. True might. True power personifieda [Heretic God].
"Humans fated to die. So, how long has it been for me, since I last met existences like you,
face to face?"
His extremely low voice sounded like a roar from deep underground.
Like thunder, the sound was very thick and heavy.
"This little island was once part of my territory, but has now been taken and devastated by
unknown people. Though I have left the earth for a very long time, thinking about what is
happening on the surface pains me so... My apologies, to speak such words to you, please
regard it as an old fool grumbling to himself."
Flowing in the depths of the subterranean temple was an underground spring.
The stone passage ended abruptly, and soil could be seen everywhere.
For a nation that worshiped [Water] as a sacred existence, this spring was probably the divine
body that they made sacrifices to.
He was located on the bank of the spring.
A giant man in his prime, sitting on the altar at the water's edge.
Hair that probably had never been cut, as well as a beard that covered the entire lower half of
his face. These gave an extremely strong first impression. He had a very wild appearance, and
his height was easily over two meters.
It was the first time for Godou to see such a solid and muscular body.

Usually, with that kind of height, a person would look rather thin, but he was different. Given
those massive bulging muscles, simply looking at him felt very oppressive.
His body was so spectacular, strong, and sacred.
Clearly wearing very coarse attiredirty rags and a leather cuirass on his chest, as well as a
tattered cape over his body, but there was a sense of awe and majesty.
Just facing him face to face made one want to bow their head and kneel.
"Letting you see my unsightly body, my apologies. You can understand from the sight, right?
I am currently heavily injured, and treating my wounds, waiting for my body to be filled with
power once again."
It was as he described.
Upon those solid pectoral muscles, a golden sword was deeply embedded.
However, the body of the blade was snapped, leaving no hilt behind. What remained was
probably two thirds of the original length.
"So, do you know my name? Must I introduce my name and title? Or do you people find the
names of ancient kings unimportant? Come, answer me."
The giant was questioning them with a voice carrying laughter.
Open and uninhibited, it was a voice full of humor. However, were he to be displeased, it
would not be surprising to find it violently out of controlthe voice was like the calm before
a storm.
The meaning of his words were not lost, even on an ordinary person like Godou.
Based on the characteristics he had heard previously, the figure before him matched
"Please allow me to speak. Your royal name is Melqartif I am not mistaken."
The one who answered was Erica.
Afraid. The self-centered, unrelenting beauty was afraid!
Her trembling could be heard from her voice. The slight fear appearing on her beautiful face
made Godou certain.
This could not be helped. Next to her, Godou had been shivering all along. It was too
terrifying, the giant before themthe [Heretic God] Melqart was too terrifying!
This was a real king.
King of kings, king of gods.

Ruling the sky, possessing the right to destroy the world and all humans, he was the one with
absolute authority. For the first time in his life of fifteen years, Godou truly experienced what
the word [King] meant.
"Yes! I am Melqart. I also like the name Baal. Baal Hadad also sounds nice. But on this
island, I should be called Melqart, hahahahaha!"
The king's laughter shook the underground temple.
This was no metaphor. Like a real earthquake, the ground shook, the walls shook, and so did
the ceiling.
Waves were created in the spring water, splashing about, while Godou felt a shock on his skin
as if electrified.
"So, little ones who don't even know the manners for a king, let me task you with a mission.
Hurry back to the surface, and toil for the revival of the ancient king. Tell the people that
Melqart is furious over the insignificant rats that have infested his territory. This little island, I
will smash with my very arms and cast into the seayou will warn the others thus!"
"Cast the island... into the bottom of the sea...?"
The sudden declaration made Godou speechless.
A divine king's decree could not be a lie. Though there was no evidence, Godou believed so.
"Correct, children who cannot escape the fate of death! When your own toys are covered in
mud, surely you will do the same? Yes, wash the dirt away with water. I will use water to
cleanse my land of this maggot infestation. Understood?"
I don't understand. How can I understand such twisted logic?
However, against the voice of the god declaring divine punishment, Godou was unable to
object and could only tremble on the side.
Erica beside him was the same, though her expression was dark, she dared not retort against
the god's outrageous decision, without even a hint of resistance in her eyes. Godou would
never expect to see her with such an expression.
Godou was overcome with sadness and pity.
For this proud girl to show such an expression of despair, he did not want to see it!
Godou clenched his teeth, the will to resist showing on his face.
"SoI am currently in the middle of a battle against a troublesome foe. If you little children
were able to sneak into this hole, that's not a very good sign."
Melqart laughed lightly.

To call the normal Godou and the witch Erica "little children," he was clearly looking down
on them.
Perhaps it was all the same to him, just like compared to the brilliant sun in the sky, a first
class star shining in the night was no different from a sixth class star.
"In order to prepare for the duel, I must sleep to recover my wounds. I have also cast a spell to
prevent sneak attacks during my slumber, so you two better leave. Understood?"
Melqart laid himself down on a rock.
The action was crude and without thought. Whether this was a cave or out in the wilderness,
or on silken bedding, this uninhibited sleeping posture like a savage was probably what he
used on all occasions. His fortitude could be seen from this act.
Scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch.
As soon as Melqart fell asleep, Godou and Erica heard strange noises.
Looking downwards at the source of the noisethe two were speechless.
Before they knew it, swarms of locusts had appeared on the stony ground beneath their feet.
These tiny pests arrived in great numbers. Probably hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands,
no, much more than that. An uncountable number of locusts were restless and ready to move.
Disgust and fear instinctively filled Godou's heart.
This was a completely different kind of terror compared to Melqart's tyranny.
The locusts were approaching, jumping all around, and some were even spreading their wings
to fly in the air.
Godou and Erica looked at each other simultaneously.
Exchanging glances, nothing needed to be said. Their minds thought alike, let's get out of here
quickly from the way we came.
Paying attention to their surroundings, they dashed towards the exit as fast as they could.
In order not to be caught by the army of locusts pursuing them, the two ran at full speed
without letting down their guard for a single moment, escaping hand in hand.

Part 3
Finally escaped from the underground temple, the two were panting heavily.
Looking back at the triangular entrance, several dozens of locusts were crawling and jumping
about, or just lying there.
"W-What was that? S-So disgusting..."

"L-Locusts are the servants of Melqart. He is the god of storms, and also the god of the sea,
god of the sun, and the god ruling over harvests and extinguished life... C-Consuming crops
and causing widespread devastation to the land, locusts are also a symbol of his authority."
"S-Something like that, i-isn't that more like a demon's messenger!"
"M-Most demons used ancient gods like Baal or Melqart as their prototypes. R-Religions that
developed later, demoted them to demons and passed along those stories, producing the
current result... Y-You know? The demon, Lord of the Flies is based on Baal's other name,
Though they were still panting, Godou and Erica continued to converse.
For a great period of time, both of them did not even have the strength to stand, and simply let
time pass.
The Nuraghe sa Bastia.
The forest surrounding these ruins.
The constellations of Italian spring twinkled quietly in the night sky.
During this time, the escaped genius witch and the former baseball youth met with setback,
the two of them were leaning back to back, without seeing each other's face, tightly together.
Their heavy breathing had returned to normal, but even so, due to the sweat, the night breeze
felt chilly and the two of them did not stand up.
"...That was amazing, I think I definitely cannot resist that god."
"...Same here, seeing those divine beasts have made me lower my guard. The [Heretic Gods]
who stand at the true summit, I never expected such presence."
Through their backs pressed together, Godou could feel Erica's warmth.
Most likely she could also feel Godou's warmth the same way.
...In the end, the two of them were too naive. A true [Heretic God], the dominating power of
the highest ranked gods, neither of them understood until now!
The presence and oppressiveness which utterly shattered a man's principles and a genius
witch's pride.
Simply facing him caused all resistance to be blown away. Afterwards Godou thought, to
have faced him without bursting into tears was already very brave.
"...So, what are you planning next, are you still going to investigate?"
"...What are you joking! Facing that kind of thing is impossible! If Melqart was in a bad
mood, we surely would not have survived!"

Finally breathing smoothly, Godou turned his body around towards Erica.
But she replied to Godou anxiously, then remained silent as if displeased.
After that, the two of them sat on the ground for another ten minutes or so, simply staring at
The two were silent, and tried to avoid eye contact.
Particularly Erica, she hid her face behind her knees, clearly trying to ignore Godou.
This was the result of two people taking an optimistic attitude based on their capability and
principles. Unworthy humans who underestimated a god, there were no grounds for complaint
about the result.
All in all, it was very shocking.
Godou thought back to the embarrassment just now, and felt troubled.
Even though he prided in his competitive personality, he simply ran away just now. Clearly he
dared to face the divine beasts at Dorgali despite his lack of power, but this time it didn't
What Erica had called divine beasts, as well as a true [Heretic God].
The two were on completely different levels. Absolute failure, complete and utter defeat.
Humiliation, impotence, and anger at himself.
Many intense feelings surfaced in his heart.
Even soGodou renewed his thoughts as he watched the girl before him.
The impact she suffered, in terms of quality and quantity, must be on an entirely different
No matter what, Kusanagi Godou was just an ordinary person. No matter how he forced
himself, he cannot defeat a god, it was just a setback, that's it.
But Erica was the one called the genius witch.
Even someone as talented as her, when faced with a god, ended up in the same state of terror
as a commoner like Godou and ran for her life in panic. The shock she received could not be
compared to his.
Godou gazed upon Erica as she wallowed in despair, refusing to look up.
The proud and headstrong girl was now burying her peerlessly magnificent face in her knees.

Godou knew from his experience in the past, battling alongside or against those with genius
Currently, the root of Erica's 'magnificence' her absolute confidence in her talent, capability
and achievements was lost. Encountering such an event, a genius was still just an ordinary
If possible, Godou did not wish to see her like now.
Actually these were words that Godou would never speak out... even if his mouth would be
ripped apart. Even though he had quarreled with her all this time, his heart had already been
completely taken by the beauty of Erica Blandelli.
Godou took a deep breath.
If even himself, the less affected one, continued to despair, then all they could do was wait for
their deaths.
It was now a situation where the seventh inning had ended and the first half of the eighth was
As long as a homerun is hit with the bases all loaded, there was still a chance, and the former
catcher and fourth hitter was not going to stay quiet like that.
"I... was playing baseball all along up until half a year ago."
Godou tried to speak in a cheerful manner.
"Though I am not very talented, I did practice with great effort, and gradually became one of
the starters in a fairly high-ranked team. I was also picked in things like the Tokyo selection,
etc... But gave up due to a shoulder injury."
"Your past is unexpected... Although I wouldn't think you were just a regular person from
your stamina."
Her head still down, Erica's expression could not be seen.
But at least she responded, though her voice lacked strength, it was not a bad start.
"There were also many practice matches. Once, we were facing against a very strong high
school baseball club in a match. We were only a middle school team. In other words, our
opponents were restructuring their team and wanted to have a match with a weaker team."
"...In the world of sports, that's common, right?"
"True, but during middle school, ours was one of the top teams in Tokyo, so we went all out
for the sake of our dignity... Though in the end we lost nine to two."
"...Completely expected from the two team's abilities."

"No, that's what it looks like, but the two points were scored all at once in the final inning,
redeeming ourselves. It was a great match where we put in all our effort."
The batter who hit a double in the final inning, and scored two points was Godou, but he
didn't mention it.
"So... What are you trying to say?"
"Ah yes, that's to say, even if we're losing we have to take back two points. That's the rough
idea. So yeah, let's try harassing them for a little while..."
"...Godou, you're really terrible at speaking, time to shut up!"
Erica finally lifted her face.
Showing a deep frown that suited her good and proper beauty, this angry expression had great
"...You can't be comparing an encounter with the king of gods, to a middle school student's
extracurricular activities, right? If that's the case, you are so ridiculous I don't even know what
to say!"
"Yes, is that so? But then, the determination required should be the same"
"How can it be the same?!"
Unlike the time facing Melqart, this was now the beautiful face of anger.
Godou breathed in relief, compared to her disheartened look, anger suited her much better. As
long as she didn't act like this all the time, treating him as an idiot.
"Really! And to think you would say something nice, so I listened quietly! Too disappointing.
No talent, cannot speak, there's not even any value to rate!"
Uh, I didn't expect to be criticized that much.
"Umm, yes I really don't have a way with words, but do you really have to describe me that
"So annoying, if your job is to carry the luggage, then act like it. Just shut up and follow me!"
Erica picked up Godou's backpack from the ground.
And then she violently threw it at Godou.
Skillfully catching his own backpack, Godou smiled.
"Yes, fine, as long as you pull yourself together, telling you those things was worth it."

"You're saying pull myself together? I always thought you were an idiot, but I never knew
you were an idiot, first class. Could you be saying that I was feeling down?"
Though Erica's words were full of anger, Godou did not change his tone of voice.
"There's nothing to hide, right? It was a god, the opponent was too strong. Besides, weren't
you bowing down your head, looking very depressed just now?"
"That kind of judgment is unforgivable stupidity... That wasfine, I was simply watching the
ground, no other special meaning. Please do not rudely speculate."
This reason was too contrived.
Though her ability to deny was still skillful, but this explanation was way too forced. Even
someone as strong as Erica could not find any good explanation for the way she acted just
Shrugging his shoulders, Godou smiled wryly, feeling that she was very cute.
Probably realizing her reason was very contrived, Erica's face went red.
"And that's that, about my actions being affected by you, please do not have any weird
misunderstandings... However, for those very incompetent words of comfort, I will reward
you one day. Though you have no gift with words, given that you have made the effort, you
will be compensated with equal value. I, Erica Blandelli, will absolutely not be stingy in this
"I know I know. So, I will look forward to your reward."
Faced with the smooth and relaxed Godou, Erica could not continue to argue.
Nodding lightly, her face was still slightly red. Those unsightly behaviors that did not suit her,
made her shyly shift her gaze away from Godou.
But in the next instant, Erica suddenly stared towards the depths of the forest.
After less than ten seconds, she suddenly held out her hand.
"Godou, give me water. Quick."
"Why do you suddenly want water? Here you go."
Godou took out the plastic bottle of mineral water from his backpack and handed it to her.
Pouring the water on ground, Erica then pointed an index finger towards the pool of water,
chanting lightly.
Watching the pool of water stir, Godou was very surprised.
Revealed was a stallion with white fur.

Compared to the familiar race horses in horseracing, its body was much strongly built, the
four legs much thicker. Rather than a race horse, a war horse would be a better description.
"I say... This is not an ordinary horse, right?"
"Right, just now I felt strong magic gathering outside the forest. So I tried a far sight spell"
Erica quietly replied to Godou's seeking of confirmation.
"An incarnation split from the sword god?"
"Of course... I've already decided, what are you planning to do?"
Go over, or escape.
Even unspoken, he understood what Erica wanted to express.
"Though I understand well that my stubbornness cannot change anything, I am not someone
who changes his mind so easily."
Godou exhaled as he spoke. And then Erica laughed as if mocking a fool.
"Fine, then follow behind me. This is not to protect you, but to let you witness me in action at
close range, not bad right?"
"Hey... calling others idiot repeatedly, you're not that smart either."
"Please call this unrelenting fighting spirit. Listen carefully, the protagonist fails once but still
stands up again and takes the final glory. Isn't that the required clich?"
Bantering thus, Godou and Erica walked together.
With Erica in the lead, and Godou following, they set off towards the outside of the forest.
Forcing himself to advance through a forest at night with nothing but a flashlight and the
moon, it was an ordeal for an ordinary person like Godou. After an hour or so, they finally left
the forest.
It was near the outskirts of the forest.
More precisely, there seemed to be the approaching sound of a massive object crushing trees
as it advanced.
[White Stallion].
The divine beast seen just now through the far sight spell, finally began to rampage.
Godou and Erica exchanged glances and nodded simultaneously. The next part was not going
to be that simple, and they confirmed each other's determination.

And then out of the lush forest, he appeared at that instant.

"Greetings, boy and the witch. Strolling in such a place."
Black hair reaching the shoulders, the handsome youth with the narrow face.
His eyes looked as if they could see the future, and he showed a classic and elegant smile like
a Buddha statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva.[26]
The youth Godou had met twice, at Cagliari and Dorgali.
"I must warn thee, thou art only mortal, dost not interfere in the war amongst our kind. To that
witch there as well. Thou hast learnt the basics of magic, but thy power is vastly dwarfed by
ours. The path of humans and gods can never cross."
No, Godou felt something wasn't right.
Compared to the youth he saw before, there was a decisive difference.
Slender and not very tall, yet somehow there was a powerful presence.
A delicate face like Maitreya Bodhisattva. However this made one feel that he was an
inhuman existence impossible to understand.
This was not a human face, only made in the image of man, so it was a work of art more
beautiful than any human.
Right, why did I not notice until now?
The force felt from that delicate body, and the divine presence inhabiting that handsome face.
Though their appearances were completely different, he and Melqart had the same
Godou cursed his own stupidity, for how could someone so out of the ordinary be a normal
Having encountered Melqart, Godou suddenly understood.
He was a god.
The other [Heretic God], was now standing before his eyes.

Part 4
"Will you grace the unworthy with your name, undefeated god of the east?"
Suddenly Erica knelt down, bowing her head in respect.

Looking down at her, the youthcorrection, the youth god showed what was clearly a wry
"Unnecessary. Thou hast discerned my true identity so quickly, clever girl!"
Then he narrowed his eyes and happily cast his gaze towards the depths of the forest.
"King Melqart, hideth in such a place... Casting a barrier, he seemeth very wary of me.
Hohoho, excellent, that fellow must be injured, but I too, am injured. Let us both rest our
bodies, and the one who recovereth fastest will have the advantage."
"As expected, it was you who injured the god Melqart"
Erica asked respectfully.
Her expression was still stiff, but compared to when she met Melqart just now, much more
This was the second encounter with a true god, and she was showing clear growth from her
last experience.
"Correct, and the result was mutual defeat. I was heavily injured and lost over half my divine
power. See, all the beasts rampaging over the island, divine power scattered from my body
obtained life, and became divine beasts. All save one, hath been vanquished and returned to
my body. Hoho, the time I met thee, was when I had recovered half, and feeling tired, I
wanted to play around for a while."
On the other hand, Kusanagi Godou
Was troubled. The appearance was clearly identical to the youth. However, it was definitely
not him.
"...Who are you? I already know you are a god, but how should I put it, thatyou are
definitely not the guy who I was with?"
"Yes, thou art a boy with excellent instincts. True, I am no longer the same as that past self."
A very aloof attitude, and a smile like a god looking down upon life on earth from above.
Godou became increasingly certain.
Though very proud, that guy would never look down at Godou in this way.
"So, the game on this island is about to end. Letting King Melqart awaken was worth it, to
fight that king, let us determine a victor this time."
"Letting him awaken?"
Godou frowned at those words he couldn't ignore.

"Yes, I am the [Heretic God] whose essence is the battle for victory. As long as I desire an
opponent, wanting an enemy to battle against me, an appropriate adversary will appear. I
came to this island because of the intertwined fates of this land and my strongest opponent
I, have long sought defeat.
The youth god smiled as he muttered to himself.
"Like so, whenever I come to an island where a powerful enemy lieth sleeping, I would
chantpray grant me defeat, grant me a strong enemy, grant me a true battle! Thus, there is
no choice but to fight King Melqart, rather, I should say it is wonderful."
This youth was the culprit behind the entire incident.
Knowing this, Godou held his breath, this was the fact that Erica found difficult to reveal.
"Pardon my honesty. You belong to the faction of the light, a protector god of justice and the
people. I believe this act of violence is inappropriate. Please return to the path of
Erica's pleas were like those of a high ranking official advising a king.
But the youth remained smiling like the rosy clouds of dawn, and shook his head.
"A pity, but I cannot do that. Didst thou forget? I am now in the midst of rebelling. True, I
was once a protector of light and justicebut in my current state, I am the rebelling god of
conflict. Hohoho, boy, the time we played together, it was really interesting."
The youth narrowed his eyes, staring straight at Godou.
"Not long before, my divine characteristics had all but vanished, so the [Heretic God]'s
presence was very weak, a different existence compared to my original self. However, now
that the majority of divine power hath been retrieved, it is completely different, I have
recovered my original self. I am now the heretic god of war!"
Definitely different from before.
Grander than before, stronger than before, more sacred than before, inhumana completely
different person. And to have done so many unreasonable things, especially with full
This was a [Heretic God], a god that resisted the myths created by mankind.
Godou finally understood the meaning it held.
"Hoho, I seem to have spoken too much. That [White Stallion], hath become impatient."
The gigantic beast wrecking the green forest was approaching.

The intruder advancing like a bulldozer, was of course, the [White Stallion].
Its furry hide bathed under the moonlight, gave off a white glow. Thanks to the [White
Stallion], Godou could clearly see the surroundings despite his poor night vision.
"Haha, good boy! Coming to offer power for my return!"
The youth's figure vanished.
The handsome body like a delicately crafted statue of a deity had disappeared, turning into a
gust of wind.
A tornado! Godou immediately realized, the sacred wind that he saw twice, that blew the
divine beasts into the air. This was one of the youth's divine powers.
Very soon, the gust of wind formed a vortex and became a tornado.
He had to stop him quickly, that youththough their time together was short, but Godou felt
he was obliged to stop the god whom he considered his friend. But what could he do,
Kusanagi Godou was just a powerless fifteen-year-old mortal. What should be done!?
Erica cried out at this time.
"Godou! Kusanagi Godou! The [Secret Tome of Prometheus] is gathering powerful magic!"
The first time she called out his full name.
However, rather than noticing that, Godou even more quickly reached his hand into his
backpack, and took out the stone tablet.
Thinking carefully, this was nothing worth worrying about. Kusanagi Godou's power,
technique, knowledge, none of them could ever surpass a god.
Even if there was something that could, it was what the youth called the stone tablet to "steal
god's power."
But something that the genius witch Erica could not use, could Godou use it after all?
Not just a figure of speech, but when his hand grabbed the stone tablet, Godou felt scorching
heat, as if he had put his hand into a fire.
Enduring the high temperature, he maintained his grip and the stone tablet suddenly gave off
Taking the carving of the man on the stone tabletmost likely a depiction of Prometheus, and
aiming towards the tornado and [White Stallion]. These actions were done subconsciously.
In that instant, the grimoire from the age of the gods spewed out blue flames.
"EhI... I used it successfully... right?"

Even Godou himself was doubtful, and motionlessly stared at the flames.
The tornado transformed from the youth immediately evaded the flames.
But the flames surrounded the strong and vigorous body of the [White Stallion], successfully
devouring it. After burning for ten-odd seconds, it disappeared immediately.
Along with the flames, the tall and massive body of the [White Stallion] also vanished
without trace.
The result was, over a process of roughly thirty seconds, the blue flames and the [White
Stallion] disappeared from the ground.
At the same time, the weight of the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] had increased. The heat
Godou had been enduring also stabilized, becoming a gentle warmth.
Suddenly, the image of the sun's brilliance and white flames entered Godou's mind.
Could this be the divine power possessed by the [White Stallion], why would a white horse be
related to the sun?
"...Hmm, thou hast figured out how to use this piece of stone? A little troublesome."
The wind swirled back, forming the figure of the youth god in its center.
"Fine, losing just one incarnation will hardly affect memy divine power hath mostly been
retrieved... Boy, thou shouldst be punished for opposing a god, but for the sake of our brief
friendship, I shall forgive thee once."
The youth showed a smile.
Not the ancient and elegant smile, but the joyful and resolute grin of seeing a new interloper.
"Let me remind thee, there is no second time. If thou usest this stone to obstruct me, I shall
reward thee accordingly next time. Thou mayst be excused!"
Having said this, it meant that he would not give Godou or Erica any further warnings.
Looking straight into the depths of the forest, he advanced with a powerful pace.
However, at that instant
The tree trunks suddenly swayed, and the trees in the forest fell down one by one, blocking
the path of the youth god's advance.
With originally no road leading to the depths of the forest, it was now even harder to get

From the palm of the youth god, lightning was suddenly released.
Under normal conditions, his single attack should have burned a tree to ash.
But the tree was completely unharmed. The tree barrier that blocked entry into the forest, did
not show a single trace of being burnt, and continued to bar the way.
"King Melqart's barrier, looketh like he is very wary of me. Without any preparation,
impossible to barge right in."
The youth god smiled wryly and began to yell at the depths of the forest.
"Fine, ancient king! I shall wait for thee until dawn! Once I store enough power to slice
through thy city walls, I shall return!"
Finishing the strong declaration of war, his form dissipated.
Transforming into strong wind in the air.
The last Godou heard was the youth's loud laughter of "hahahahaha!"

Chapter 6 - His Name is Verethragna

Part 1
Not far from the Nuraghe sa Bastia.
Though there were public infrastructure roads, it was basically an uninhabited wilderness.
It was after midnight, and after encountering Melqart and the youth god, Godou and Erica did
not return to town.
"Prometheus is a god appearing in Greek mythsthe last of the Titans. His name means 'one
who considers the future,' in other words, he is a sage with forethought."
Godou listened carefully to Erica's recounting of the myths.
The two of them had made a fire for warmth. Perhaps the surroundings were too quiet, so the
only sound was the cracking sound of wood burning.
"He's called Prometheus, right, the god who shared fire with humans?"
"Yes, Zeus the king of the gods did not want to give too much wisdom to humans, but
Prometheus felt compassion for their foolishness, and stole fire from the heavens."
This god gifted fire to humans. Obtaining fire, human civilization advanced rapidly.

"As punishment, Prometheus was chained high on the peak on the Caucasus, and had his liver
eaten by an eagle. As an immortal god, his body restored itself every sunset, and then the
eagle came the next day to eat his liver again. In other words, he must suffer eternal torment."
"What sick torture..."
"In the end, Prometheus was saved from suffering by Heracles, and then became the trusted
advisor of Zeus, so it looks like he didn't want any more hardship."
Godou seems to have heard this myth before.
"By the way, Heracles is also a god closely linked to Melqart."
"Why? Isn't Heracles a Greek god... or should I say hero?"
"Didn't Lucretia mention before, on this island not far from Greece, Melqart was depicted as a
giant wielding clubs."
The Greek hero, who completed the twelve tasks, was intimately linked to the Phoenician
divine king.
To elucidate the confused Godou, Erica continued explaining fluently:
"Greeks who knew the myth of Melqart combined their hero with the guardian god of Tyre.
No, more correctly, it was due to the myth of Melqart and Baal that the legend of the hero
Heracles was born. By the way, Baal's weapons are the magic clubs named Yagrush the
Chaser and Ayamur the Driver."
Wearing a lion's pelt and wielding a club was the great rough hero Heracles.
Wielding magic clubs with vigorous battle spirit was the hero god Melqart.
Ancient Mediterranean peoples named the promontories flanking the Strait of Gibraltar as
'Pillars of Hercules.' Other than the Phoenicians, there doesn't seem to be anyone else who
could have reached there...
"That's so amazing, to think myths were related everywhere."
Towards Godou's exclamation, Erica said:
"Well, no matter what, these are just framework stories born from mankindfabricated,
everything is born from the most primitive stories, and then stealing or be stolen, taking form
from all sorts of influences, finally crystallizing into myths."
"I seethen back to the topic of Prometheus, so this stone tablet's advantage is the ability to
steal a god's power?"
"He is the god who deceived godsin other words a master of trickery, there is also a myth
like this."

Seeing Godou take out the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], Erica quietly answered.
Dividing a sacrificed ox between gods and humans, Prometheus prepared two plates.
Concealing the meat and the entrails within the stomach on one plate; masterfully decorating
the bones with glistening fat to make it appealing on the other. He then had Zeus choose
The result was Zeus chose the bones. After learning he was deceived, Zeus was very angry.
"So, Godou, when the [White Stallion] disappeared just now, it was clearly the divine power
of Prometheus. In other words, you activated the grimoire at the time. Do you have any idea
"About that, I think it was just by chance."
He was able to take the divine power of the [White Stallion] even faster than the youth god
no, one should say that the one who stole divine power was [Secret Tome of Prometheus].
The one who doubted Erica's suggestion was the one who did it himself.
"Fine, then let's confirm it?"
Erica took out a cellphone from her shirt pocket.
"Lucretia? I am Erica Blandelli. Can you tell us about the grimoire? Don't play dumb any
more, Godou has already activated its power. Sigh, why would I deceive you, why don't you
confirm with him directly?"
Godou was just wondering who she was calling, and never expected the conversation to be
passed to him.
When did she ever ask for Lucretia's phone number? This made Godou very surprised, or did
she make use of the investigative abilities of the strange secret associations, obtaining
personal information without consent?
The latter was most likely. Just as Godou imagined rude behaviors, Erica suddenly handed the
phone to him.
No other way. Prepare yourself and pick up the phone.
"I was really shocked. I didn't expect a Level One newbie to notice how to use that item."
"Actually I didn't notice it. It seems like when I wanted to use it, it happened, but Lucretiasan, you are clearly a witch, haven't you been contaminated by modern civilization?"
"Choosing convenience is human nature, that's not my fault. In my home I have a computer to
go on the internet, and most of my shopping is done online. I also use air conditioning and
refrigerators. My digital camera is made in Japan. What else would you like to complain
Though the dialogue content was extremely mundane, Lucretia Zola's voice remained aloof.

"I already know it is a stone for stealing divine power. However, I am completely baffled why
I can use it. Can you explain this point in greater detail to me?"
"Oh that, the reason is nothing special. A grimoire related to deceit and theft, the only people
capable of using it are those who have had longer contact and frequent conversations with the
target god."
"Yes, when I used that grimoire in Japan, I spent a whole night chatting with the god who was
causing trouble. I had to listen to him complain about his hate and suffering, so I seized the
opportunity and stole the guy's divine power as soon as possible, turning him into an empty
shell. However that was only possible because he was a comparatively weak deity. Thereafter,
I had the grimoire venerated there, to prevent the god from reviving."
"So that's why..."
The chance to successfully steal divine power from the youth god and Melqart was extremely
Godou nodded in agreement with Lucretia's words.
"By the way, I wanted to remind you. It's best if you do not use the stored divine power. For
humans it is far too powerful. If used, it could cause the brain and the entire body's blood to
boil. An extremely painful death. The user before me also died like that. I am not deceiving
"Yes... I will definitely not use it. Thank you for your valuable information."
"Oh, one more thing, opposing gods of Melqart's caliber is impossible with just the power
absorbed in the grimoire, so do not do anything rash!"
To think this kind of warning would be said.
However, Godou did not thank her for this warning. Perhaps because he had already made his
decision, he could not utter insincere thanks as that would betray her concern for his safety.
...Lucretia was more sensitive than imagined.
"Young man, are you or both of you considering something? I will repeat myself, do not act
too rashly!"
"To be honest, that is impossible. There will be a great disaster if we let things develop
without taking action. If I didn't act, my conscience will definitely hound me."
"You don't have to reproach yourself, nor do you have to risk your life approaching them.
That is survival wisdom."
"I know. Meeting gods repeatedly these two, three days, have left me with deep impressions.
When I encountered Melqart, my legs lost strength."

"Even so... You still want to take part in this matter? That's foolish!"
"It's OK, I am fully aware I am doing something foolish. Neither I nor Erica will object to
such an assessment."
"You are much more foolish than Erica-san! No matter what, she is a mage and you are just a
powerless commoner. The two cannot be compared."
Directly criticized.
However, Godou shrugged and accepted it, she was right.
"However, I don't hate fools. Clever minds will only act according to my calculations, but a
fool will sometimes exceed my expectations. Besides, there are fools who displease others,
and fools who bring joy. Please don't become the former."
Though Godou didn't quite get what she meant, it was a sort of compliment?
"Kusanagi Godou, through this incident, you have made me hold you in high regard. I feel
you will become a most interesting toy, so do not die in such a place. Same for Erica-san,
please do not miss the opportunity for retreat, hear that?"
Lucretia hung up the phone.
It looked like she was finally acting like an elder, and wasn't just someone with a personality
problem. Godou felt gratitude towards her, and then briefly reported the conversation to Erica.
"...So that's the situation. Looks like it can't be used as a finishing move."
"However, this is still the only tool that can affect godsbesides, if a battle between gods
begins, what will happen to this island?"
Melqart who had declared he will sink the island.
The youth god whose fragments of power easily demolished cities all over the place.
If they had a serious duel, it wasn't something that could be finished in half an hour. Using the
entire island as a stage for their deathmatch, this place will likely end up as a wasteland once
the match concluded...
As these thoughts entered his mind, Godou clutched his head, feeling a headache.
"However, even with me plus the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], and all the magi on the
island, nothing can be done... So the only remaining choice is to stall for time."
"Stall for time? Isn't that something you do when there are reinforcements?"
Seeing Erica's confidence, Godou was confused.

"Actually there is no problem there. In fact, the magi of Sardinia have already contacted Sir
Salvatore, who will be arriving in a day or two. We just need to hold out until then."
"Sir Salvatore...?"
Godou remembered, come to think of it, Lucretia also mentioned this name before.
"Yes, the great Salvatore Doni, the strongest knight of our Italy, the Campione possessing the
authority of the magic sword. Didn't I mention before? When miracle is piled upon miracle,
humans have the possibility of obtaining victory over a god"
Campione was the title bestowed upon a god-slayer.
Slaying a god and then usurping the god's authority, they become the devil kings of the
human world, fighting against gods.
Hearing that, Godou felt greatly surprised.
That youth and Melqart could probably kill a normal person with just a little finger. To
encounter a god and live was already extremely lucky, defeating a god was absolutely
"Gods are such strong existences, are there really people who have fought and won!?"
"These people are rare of course. In fact, there was a period over a century long when no
Campiones were born. However during the nineteenth and latter half of the twentieth
centuries, a number of people emerged, concentrated during this time, and there are now a
total of six. With the increased frequency in the current period, it kind of feels like the coming
of the end of the world."
"Uh, this isn't winemaking, to have these kinds of periods..."
Sir Salvatore who was mentioned, was the sixth Campione born a few years ago.
Since the entire affair was too far removed from common sense, Godou was stupefied.
"Anyway since that has been prepared, we just need to focus on stalling. Even for me, I'm not
stupid enough to want to become the seventh Campione."
Godou nodded at Erica's words.
Definitely an idiot. Fighting a god was truly stupid behavior, and for a devil king Campione to
win in such a match, how strong a monster could they be?
"However, buying time is also very difficult, what do you have in mind?"
"The current target is the sword god. Since that deity's power has recovered ninety percent, if
we can lower it to seventy or eighty, he will be forced to fight Melqart with caution."
"How did you get numbers like ninety and eighty?"

"Because the war god has a total of ten incarnations. One of them, the [White Stallion] is
already captured in the grimoire, so it's ninety percent. Isn't that a simple calculation?"
"Right... That guy's name, can you tell me?"
Godou suddenly raised this question, for he had become very bothered by it from a while ago.
Erica calmly said a name lightly.
Hearing this incredible name for the first time, Godou could only wonder, what country does
the name come from?
"That's mostly likely the god's name. From the strange occurrences on this island, combined
with the information from you, I deduced that, so there should be no mistake."
"...The god with that name, I've never even heard of him."
"Well, most people would think that. Though very trivial, he is still a guardian god of a
surviving religion. Amongst the faiths in western Asia, a powerful god with many strong
featsthen next is..."
A sword suddenly appeared in Erica's hand.
Just as Godou wondered what she was going to do, the sword pointed directly at him.
"At this stage, you don't have to carry my luggage any more. Leave the grimoire here and
return to Japan obediently. I don't need someone to drag me down any more. If you dare say
no, I will take care of you directly with this sword, hear that?"
Suddenly threatening him, but this was just her show of concern. An act to protect Godou
even if it meant breaking her oath as a knight. Which is why Godou could not obey.
"A person who hasn't spent enough time with him cannot use the stone tablet. Didn't Lucretiasan say that? I don't think you will be able to use it successfully, so it's best that I stay here."
"This kind of problem always has a solution, you don't have to worry."
"How can it be done?! No matter how I think about it, the next time that guy returns will be to
duel with Melqart. You absolutely have no time to spend chatting with him."
"If there's none, I will create an opportunity. Anyway, I have no need for an amateur like you
to stay and help me."
No matter what, she would not agree.
If it was the second morning after encountering the [Boar], had she threatened him like this,
Godou who feared swords would likely have given her the [Secret Tome of Prometheus].
But now was different, he could not do that.

Though Erica was a willful and unreasonable girl, she was also chivalrous, talented at
socializing, and unexpectedly considerate of others. On the other hand, she was also a girl
who despaired when met with setback.
Having understood her, it was impossible for Godou to return alone.
Since there was also a guy straying from the right path and causing great chaos, Godou cannot
leave that guy alone either.
The two of them faced each other silently for quite a while, until Erica finally shrugged and
"Fine, if you are prepared to follow me wherever I go, then accompany me. In return, I will
really use you, so be prepared!"
Of course, this was exactly what Godou wanted.

Part 2
The rays of dawn began to appear in the eastern sky.
Bathed under the light, the [Wind] incarnation transformed into the figure of the [Youth].
The black-haired youth god landed lightly on the ground, at the moment of dawn just as he
promised. He possessed divine qualities with deep ties to light.
Before his eyes was the green forest surrounding the ancient ruins.
As the rays of sunlight bathed the deep green trees in the forest, a rose colored glow was
given off.
Belonging to the faction of goodness, having the god of light as his core, the youth's divine
power was raised to the maximum when bathed under the rays of dawn. In this state, it was
possible to break the forest barrier.
Actually Melqart was also a deity controlling the sun, but his responsibilities ruled over too
many things.
Due to that, he couldn't raise his divine power even when the sun came out, so the youth
prepared to make use of this advantage.
Perhaps it was acceptable to make things simple and wait for the divine king to recover
However, he dispelled this notion as quickly as it surfaced, deeming it too disrespectful.
As the one who held all victory in his hands, it would be a most special occasion to fight the
great and ancient divine king, and win. With utmost respect, he will make the most of this

The corners of his lips slightly rising, he walked towards the forest with the youth's form.
Though he possessed the power of ten incarnations, this was his most normal state.
Not simply a human, but the form of a fifteen-year-old youth.
Whenever he set forth to correct the wrongs of the world, tasked by his master to conquer
opposing enemy gods, he liked to take on the appearance of a youth.
A glorious fifteen-year-old youth.
According to the precepts of the religion that he guarded over, it was the symbol of the 'hero.'
Just like last night, the branches of the trees distorted themselves like snakes to block his path.
Faced with such obstructions, he simply gave the command of 'dismissed.'
The spell words of blessing and domination, this was the authority possessed by the youth
incarnation as the hero. The trees of the forest instantly returned to normal plants, and opened
up a path.
Next was the attack of the locust army.
For one who was a match for the divine king himself, divine beasts or messengers of god like
locusts were no match at all. He instantly used the spiritual power of the eighth incarnation,
the [Goat].
This intelligent divine beast was worshiped by nomadic tribes as the embodiment of lightning.
Releasing a lightning strike from his hand, the entire locust army was completely incinerated.
"King Melqart, dost thou believe such obstructions can stop me?"
Roaring towards the sky.
There was an instant reply.
'Of course! God who slays gods, the great god of the warrior. Those fellows are merely
guards. For that level of guards, how could they halt the advance of the war god?'
What appeared next was a violent windstorm blowing forth from in front.
Melqart was also a god of storms, even for the powerful [Wind] that could blow away cities
where humans lived, it was a draw. Wind was unable to blow apart wind.
...After that, they used all sorts of divine power.
Such as an army of the dead summoned from the underworld, violent waves that could wash
everything away like a flood, or thousands of thunder-strikes that flew like spears in the sky.

The youth god defeated all these attacks, and finally arrived at the Nuraghe sa Bastia.
'Ch... Still capably fighting by switching forms. How vexing!'
"By the power of transformation, I hold victory in my hands no matter what battlefield.
Hahaha, King. I can feel thy presence before me. Art thou not coming out? It seemeth, thy
divine power hath yet to fully recover!"
He surveyed the surroundings of the ruins as he conversed with Melqart's voice.
The original location of the entrance to the underground temple was now under a massive
'Even for your divine power, this rock cannot be easily destroyed. This is the ultimate palace I
ordered the craftsman Kothar-wa-Khasis[27] to construct in the past. In order to stop you, I
used this defense. Remember to thank me!'
"Yes... I see, though very crude, it is not bad!"
The youth god was admiring this sturdy rock. As expected of the ancient divine king and god
of war, he did not take defense lightly.
However, this was the warlord who could defeat any god or demon.
In terms of pure skill of the warrior, he was a deity surpassing Melqart. His praising of the
rock did not imply he couldn't smash itjust as he made his decision, he noticed.
It was only a minute presence.
For a powerful god, it felt like the owner of minuscule magical power.
"Thou hast come. I already stated, the next time thou obstructest me, I shall reward thee
accordingly, dost thou remember?"
The youth god turned around and received a smile from her in return.
The beautiful blonde witch wielding Cuore di Leone, the girl was standing there in her red
battle outfit.
"I remember your words clearly, but I am a knight, and cannot let you do as you please in this
worldif I am not moved despite my knowledge, it would be a taint to my honor."
Erica retorted quietly.
The youth god had decided on the moment of dawn himself.
In order to pursue him into the forest, Godou and Erica had come to the ruins. As agreed
beforehand, Godou concealed himself, preparing to use the [Secret Tome of Prometheus].
Waiting for Erica to draw the attention of the youth god.

If the grimoire was used directly, he would likely dodge it. The blue flames that stole divine
powerthough it struck the [White Stallion] directly, the youth god easily evaded. If Godou
tried it again, the result will be the same.
Thus Erica must force him to show an opening.
"Do you still remember our first promise the first time we met?"
Erica asked with a smile as beautiful as spring.
Like a noblewoman happily chatting away at a salon, she had very elegant smiling
expressions and mannerisms.
However, maintaining this state was hard work. Her opponent was a god, one misstep and it
would turn into a repeat of what happened with Melqart. Erica did not want to suffer that kind
of humiliation again.
Wishing to resist a god and counterattack, one definitely could not lose in spirit. Erica
Blandelli will never bow down to an enemy without a fight! She will put her life on the line to
make her opponent listen.
"Hoho, what promise?"
"Didn't you say, one day you will challenge me to a duel of swords? So, let me make a
gambleif I obtain victory by the sword, you must leave this island, please."
Bowing her head respectfully, Erica made her request. How would the youth god react?
Accept or ignore? If the latter, then she would be forced to try the next option. What would be
the result?
"Haha! Thou darest to use a sword to challenge me, the war god. Yes, very well! Thy will is
truly courageous, a rare specimen of a witch with a warrior's spirit!"
As expected, the war god agreed, just as she heard from Godou.
Erica laughed to herself. I, have long sought defeat. No matter what kind of opponent, I will
never be defeated. From all his grand statements, his overconfidence was glaring, and the
provocation succeeded!
"So, I must prepare a sword... Ah, this will do."
Looking over the ground, the youth god picked up a tree branch.
The same length as Erica's Cuore di Leone, but very slender, even a child would likely snap it
in two with ease.
"Yes, perfect in length. This will do."
The youth god laughed in mockery as he swung the branch.

A simple ten centimeter slash, but the sword-like wind was like a tornado despite the fact it
was such a thin and light branch.
This must be what are known as divine skills. Just from that one attack, Erica understood the
youth god's skills.
Once martial arts reached the highest pinnacles of skill, the size and weight of the weapon no
longer mattered.
To use a massive weapon perfectly, one must learn the techniques to wield it with speed and
precision. In order to use a small and light weapon perfectly, one must learn how to make
strong and heavy attacks with it.
"Cuore di Leonesteel possessing the name of the lion king. I now command you. Cast off
the disguise I bestowed upon you, and reveal your true form. Appear before me as the lion,
and fight by my side!"
Erica chanted the spell words, unsealing her beloved sword.
The previously slender sword was a temporary form chosen for Erica to train herself. A selfapplied restraint to develop hard hitting attacks with a light and slender sword.
Cuore di Leone began to expand.
The heavy body of the blade like an anchor, its length was roughly double compared to
A wide single-handed sword that did not match the girl's slender wrists.
This was the original form of the lion's magic sword.
Then Erica summoned in her left hand a circular infantry shield made of steel, its red surface
carved with the crest of a black cross.
If Erica did not use magic to enhance her strength and explosive force, she would be unable to
use these heavy armaments.

"Good. It looketh like thou art ready. Let us begin!"

The youth god announced cheerfully with a smile.
Erica charged without hesitation.
Using a light and slender sword all along was to develop a sense of heavy impact in her sword
skills. Then conversely, what was the secret to using a heavy sword? Speed as well as
steady control.
Erica lightly waved her right arm.
From the shoulder to the elbow, and then combined with the force from the wrist, she swung
that heavy and solid Cuore di Leone, slashing towards the youth god horizontally.
From her shoulder to the tip of the sword, it was like a whip.
For a human opponent, even a first class swordsman, this sort of move would be very difficult
to figure out when seen for the first time.
It was also extremely powerful. In its true form, Cuore di Leone was sharp enough to cut
through concrete, not to mention the additional impact produced by the overwhelming weight.
But even against such an attack, the youth god easily blocked with the slender branch.
Not only that, he slashed back... Correction, the youth god simply swung the branch lightly
and Erica took the impact with the steel shield on her left, but the impact of the twig actually
made her left hand tremble.
Enduring the pain, she smashed the shield towards the body of the youth god.
A rough tactic combining offense with defense. Erica aimed at the armor on the youth god's
feet, stepping hard with her left foot! Her talents were not limited to the magnificent motions
of her skill with the slender sword.

The real techniques of the Copper Black Cross, were not only magnificent in appearance, but
had many practical tactics in real combat.
Driving these moves, Erica rapidly attacked without pause.
But the youth god simply evaded these attacks by stepping left and right.
And sometimes he would use the little branch to make counterattacks to weaken the
momentum of Erica's offense. He was almost dancing like a butterfly and stinging like a bee.
"Little lady! Thou hast trained well! If thou continuest, one day thou wilt become a strong
warrior. Amazing!"
He was even able to praise his opponent like that.
Completely treating it as a game, but no matter, Erica had expected he would act like that
from the start.
Erica fought as she waited for the opportunity.
Deliberately choosing a competition of swords, and using Cuore di Leone's true form to fight
at full strength, these were all in preparation for the next step.
She prayed that the youth god did not have divine powers of prediction or mind reading.
And then Erica finally used her ultimate move.
"Magic sword of the lion, abandon your sword body and transform into binding chains!"
As the sword and the twig clashed repeatedly, Erica suddenly jumped backwards.
At the same time chanting the short spell words, her beloved sword began to transform.
Not into knight's weapons of sword and lance, but an iron chain roughly three meters in
length. This iron chain also had a heavy weight on one end, and Erica swung it at the youth
god's ankle.
Intending to entangle his two feet and make him fall down.
"Hahaha, to think thou hadst some kind of plan."
Towards such a move, the youth god only smiled and jumped to evade.
But Erica threw out the second chain, this time transformed from the shield in her left hand.
It was deflected by the twig.
However, in that instant Erica had closed the distance and approached the youth god.

The chain in her right turned back into the massive swordCuore di Leone's original form,
and slashed directly. In midair about to land, the youth god was hit by her full attack.
Fresh blood instantly flew all around.
Previously infused with spell words, the lion's magic sword had hacked off the god's right
At that very instant, the blue flames of the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] blew forth, as if
devouring Erica along with the youth's body.

Part 3
Diverting the youth's attention with a sword challenge.
And then using the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] at this time, was the battle plan proposed by
"...In other words, an attack that you will be caught up into? That's no longer a fight but
suicide tactics."
Godou felt deeply against it.
"You're nagging too much. This kind of deception is the only way to battle a god. Since the
[Secret Tome of Prometheus] steals a god's power, it won't have any harmful effects on me.
Amongst all the strategies I came up with, this is the best choice."
"But, if you lose in about ten seconds, then everything is over."
"Of course I know that! But there is no other way, aiming the grimoire at him directly will
never hit!"
In the end with no other method, Godou could only follow Erica's instructions.
Then she fought with all her might. The youth god underestimated her and fought with a
cavalier attitude, resulting in getting his arm hacked off.
In that instant, Godou had already held the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] in his hands without
The heat from the stone tablet was already testing the limits of his endurance. The blue flames
shot out all at once, successfully capturing the youth god.
Rushing forth, as if flying straight to the heavens, the mysterious blue flames that burned
Erica walked out of the vortex and stood beside Godou.

Asking if she was fine, she immediately answered 'no problem.' But from the pallor of her
face, she was clearly forcing herself. The swordfight with the god must have been more
mentally taxing than expected.
"I'm fine here, Godou, you have to watch the flames carefully. Steal power from that deity
quickly, and absorb his divine power to the maximum limits of the grimoire!"
"Ah, yes." Hearing Erica's directions, Godou nodded.
To be honest, he didn't even know how much divine power could be stored in this strange
tool, and it kept feeling like it could absorb more.
Then Godou began gazing at the flames, but at the instant he noticed the youth god within
"Using the mystic stone of Prometheus, as expected."
The youth god's voice sounded, still relaxed and composed.
"You guessed it?"
"Yes, is this not inevitable? The one trump card ye possess, effective against me, is this
mystic stone alone. What remaineth are simply the questions of how and when."
"Even if it was expected, it's too late, unless you have a way to escape that cluster of flames
Conversing with the youth in the flames, Godou gradually felt unsettled.
If he had a way to escape.
Last night, Erica seemed to have mentioned. He was the war god who smashed every
If that was truly the case, could it be
"I now decree in my name, ancient sage Prometheus."
The youth spoke in gentle tones:
"Fearest me, and quickly dismissest thyself, Prometheus. I am the one who shall defeat all
obstacles, whether the mighty or the unjust, neither can conquer me."
Suddenly, the number of lights increased.
Shining with golden splendor were ten, twenty spheres of lightclose to a hundred were
flying in the surroundings of the flames.
Furthermore, the blue flames began to die down.

The slender youth's figure appeared once more, illuminated by the golden light surrounding
"Fearest me, Prometheus! Fearest me and my mighty name! My name is Verethragna! The
guardian of light and the holy land! Fearest Verethragna, Prometheus!"
It was finally said. The name finally appeared.
The name meaning 'the one who smashed obstacles,' the sacred name that could not be uttered
carelessly, and the name that Erica and Godou deliberately avoided as a god's taboo.
Wind, bull, white stallion, camel, boar, youth, raptor, ram, goat, as well as the human warrior
wielding the golden sword.
The ever victorious war god who possessed ten incarnationshis name is Verethragna.
"Speech is light. Spell words are light. So light and spell words, become my sword, form into
my blade!"
Before dawn, Erica had mentioned.
The ancient Persian warlord, the protector serving the god of light, Mithra.
Called the protector of the light in western Asia, he had the same origins as Indra the thunder
god in India.
In Japan there was Vajradhara[28], and had links to both eastern and western civilization. Also
thought to be Heracles by some, Verethragna's current battle against Melqart can be
considered the showdown between ancestor and descendant.
Yes, he was a war god without the distinction of being oriental or occidental, the ultimate war
god descended upon the earth.
Verethragna was surrounded by a vast amount of light, giving off spectacular radiance.
"I recognize thee, Prometheus. Thy place of punishment, is the summit of the Caucasus. Thou
art the god of fire once; thou art the god of theft once; thou art a hero once!"
As Verethragna spoke softly, the dancing lights multiplied intensely.
At the same time, the flames disappeared.
"I, Verethragna am the swordthe hero of might. However, thou art the hero of wisdom,
granting fire to the foolish humansthe sage who taught civilization, the prankster who
deceived gods through wisdom, the sun and shadows watching over the human race, similar
to Amirani[29] of the Caucasus and Loki of the far north."
The golden light seemed to surpass the sun's brightness.
The grimoire's flames completely dissipated.

"How could this be... The golden sword's true form actually consists of the spell words for
severing a god's power."
Erica explained beside Godou with a face full of surprise.
"Spell, spell words?"
"Yes, wasn't Verethragna describing what kind of god Prometheus was just now? Those are
not simply explanations of knowledge, but spell words carrying magical powerbasically a
weapon to slash apart another deity once he understands what kind of god he was up against.
In other words, it is a spell that can be called the sword of wisdom."
In other words, this was probably the true identity of the shining light that sliced up the [Boar]
at Cagliari, and the golden sword that defeated the [Goat] and the [Raptor] at Dorgali.
And now if the [Secret Tome of Prometheus]'s power was ineffective against the youth god
Then there was nothing left to stop the war god.
Godou looked with fearful eyes at the one whom he had spent a short but happy time together,
the youth war god, and the god named Verethragna With his usual rosy dawn-like smile, he
gazed down at Godou.
Yes, though standing on the same ground, he was clearly despising humans, looking down
from the perspective of the absolute power and victory.
"I have fulfilled one promise, but now there is anotherpunishing ye accordingly."
Declaring this with a haughty attitude, Verethragna's right arm regrew in an instant.
Erica took out her sword once more, and prepared her stance.
"What art thou afraid of, I am not going to take both ye lives. But ye resist with such deceit,
most vexing... Ye shall receive my blessing, my might and authority! Obey my command!"
What was this! Godou was completely shocked.
His knees bent down by themselves. His body knelt at the youth automatically and performed
the greeting rites of a subject towards a king! What kind of power was this!?
Looking carefully, Erica beside him was also bending her knees.
It was just their bodies losing control, their expressions and their hearts still belonged to them,
and the two of them looked at each other.
"Godou, pull yourself together! This is the [Youth]Verethragna's divine power as the hero!
The spell words were for protecting us humans, but in return, we become his servants... Resist
his command quickly!"
Erica instantly warned.

She seemed to be struggling to resist, preventing herself from kneeling.

Due to her opposition, Erica's posture returned to normal.
Raising her sword once again, she pointed it at the youth with all her strength.
"Hohoho, witch, force thyself not. Or else, there will be repercussions."
The youth was laughing.
Forcing others to serve him, he was very happy, laughing with innocence.
Erica's painful screams were suddenly heard, and she fell over.
About to kneel down, Godou noticed the strange state of her ankles. Her ankles were bent at
an unnatural angle. This was not a simple injury, it was definitely a bone breaking
What did the youth do? Godou glared with reproach at the smiling youth god.
"I cannot be blamed, boy, the reason is due to me, but I did not act directly. It was the girl
who was far too stubborn, and broketh her own body. Pain would be avoided if my commands
were obediently obeyed."
Erica's slim body had fallen over.
Her ankles bent at an impossible angle. Her beautiful face distorted by pain. Her blonde hair
soiled by dust and earth.
Casually viewing everything, the handsome but inhuman youthno, it was the profile of the
[Heretic God] Verethragna.
In the instant Godou saw all this, it felt like something broke.
The enemy was a god, but so what?
Gods were impossible to defeat. Was it really true? With so many openings, taking battle so
lightly, treating enemies so severely, was there really no way to defeat the completely
changed guy before Godou's eyes?
No such thing.
How could there be such a thing!
...Godou slowly but effortlessly stood up. He no longer felt the dominating power of the hero.
Perhaps it was seeing Erica suffering that caused this.

"Boy, how incredible. Is this also the power of Prometheus? How didst thou escape from the
shackles of my spell words?"
"How could I know this kind of thing, but the reasons behind itI have some idea."
Godou glared at Verethragna head on.
He could feel more greatness from the youth he met in Cagliari despite the fact that becoming
the current state of heretic Verethragna should have better revealed his true power.
"All you have right now is strong power. Yes, a god stronger than anyone else, but just a
willful monster. You cannot be called a hero in this state. I don't consider a guy a hero with
just power alone! This is why I don't want to obey, and feel no need to kneel. Any
Incantations, spell words, the power of language.
Godou simply did not believe in the existence of these things, but now, through clearly
articulating his disobedience against Verethragna, Godou's terror was gradually disappearing.
"Only the powerful have the disposition to become heroes, this has been absolute truth since
ancient times."
Verethragna made a humorous smile as if mocking a foolish child.
"Thou truly makest me speechless, to think thy obstinacy has resisted my spell words!
Though strange it is decidedly a great achievement, praiseworthy."
"No, this is not my power, it is just the fact that you are a hopeless guy."
The god before him definitely prided in his absolute power.
A mage like Erica should be able to calculate his power, and so she would treat as god this
monster in the form of a youth, offering her respect to this great existence.
But Godou was neither a mage nor did he have any knowledge about gods.
Which was why he would think this way. That guy beforethe one who lost his memory, is
the true amazing one. Though he also boasted about not losing in any competition, he would
mix himself amongst the crowd, and give off sacred charisma as bright as the sun's brilliance,
and would fly like the wind to help those in need.
But now, the god before him was not like that.
This guy only had great power, nothing to be admired, and no one will seek his aid.
"The current you only calls himself a hero, but there is nothing about you that fits that
description. So of course, you can't use a hero's power!"

"Yes, I understand what thou art trying to say. Even so, the fact remaineth, I am the
undefeated god of victory, dost thou still wish to resist? It is better to obey honestly."
"Oh really? That description of absolute victory, also sounds very strange."
Having started he might as well go all out. With this spirit, Godou clenched his teeth and
spoke words that belittled the god.
Since things have come to this, he will resist to the utter end with twisted logic.
Hearing these words, Verethragna furrowed his brow.
...The war god who treated everything with aloofness, showed displeasure for the first time,
could this be angering him?
"You have always made light of competition. In your matches against Erica and me, you
deliberately let us choose our talents, and played with us. Did you really believe you would
win without doubt?"
Unfortunately, Godou had never had a competition where he was assured of victory.
He has always analyzed his enemies, or thought up strategies beforehand based on the
capabilities and habits of his future opponents. When necessary, for the sake of victory,
Godou has even performed strange tricks that were akin to breaking the rules.
In their junior days, Miura often fell for Godou's tricks as his opponent.
When he came up to Godou after losing so many times, Godou always explained it as "that's
not real talent." But that was just trying to act cool. In fact, Godou was thinking "though that
guy has a bit of talent, he's just a simple-minded fool, so I definitely cannot lose to him." That
was the situation.
Since he didn't want others to know his obsession with winning, Godou would never reveal
these things.
From the perspective of Godou's competitive personality, he definitely cannot approve of
Verethragna's cavalier attitude towards competition.
"Even if you are a god, in a thousand matches, your opponent may very well snatch up a
victory! The next thing to do is how to lure out this chance of a thousand."
Of course, Verethragna dismissed Godou's words with a laugh.
"Boy, that kind of thing is impossible. Before me, a god, what good would come from hoping
for such a rare occurrence? With just a little finger, shall I burn thee to charcoal?"
He was completely right.
But for this once, things are not that certain.

Actually, the finishing move Godou considered as he watched Erica's fight with Verethragna,
as well as during his argument with the god, was a strange trick no different from cheating.
No, Godou thought again.
This was not cheating, rather, it's called relying on external power.
"Even so, the fact remains. You are overconfident. Just like nowhey, god! You've seen the
power possessed by my stone tablet here!? Next you will take on the role of Ericathe girl
just now, and perhaps it will be successful? So grant me power!"
Godou roared angrily at the sky.
The voice heard from the dialogue when Verethragna breached the forest barrier, Godou
heard it again, that majestic voice.
'Hahahahahaha! I was expecting some kind of farce and watched quietly! Who could have
expected the victorious warlord to fall for a human's tricks!'
The Phoenician divine king Melqart.
His grand laughter reverberated across the sky and the forest.
'To speak to the king of the gods in such a manner, your wish is too impertinent, boy! But
your observation is not bad, so let me reward you a little! Verethragna, your most troublesome
ability is that [Sword], but can it become a weapon that can slay Prometheus and me, two
gods at the same time?'
Suddenly, space distorted.
Out flew two clubs.
'Yagrush the Chaser! Ayamur the Driver! Pursuers, the pair of weapons acting on my behalf,
chase and drive out the eastern warlord! Show him the power of my wrath!'
"Ch...! That King Melqart!"
Verethragna's handsome face was once again distorted by vexation.
Godou's eyes had allowed him to strike and send innumerable fastballs flying in the past. But
at a height beyond his sight, two clubsChaser and Driver were rising up in the sky.
One of them approached like lightning from the front, while the other attacked from behind
like a flying bird.
Verethragna jumped high and became [Wind], however, the two clubs coordinated as if they
knew the precise locations, chasing after the strong wind.
"Godou! Hurry and use the [Secret Tome of Prometheus]! Before Verethragna chants the
spell words to conquer King Melqart!"

Sprawled on the ground, Erica frantically called out.

Godou hurriedly raised the grimoire high, and the diagram depicting the bound Prometheus
suddenly sent forth grand blue flames. Probably because it was his third time using it, Godou
found it much easier to operate.
The strong wind prepared to use the [Sword], and returned to the form of the youth in midair.
As the blue flames approached, they were instantly intercepted by the golden spheres of light.
However, one of the clubs came flying and directly struck Verethragna on his thin chest
"Ooh!?" Verethragna gave off a painful grunt, and the brilliance of his light spheres dimmed.
'Do you have the power to use the [Sword] simultaneously with other incarnations? Of course
the answer is no! Just as you saw through my powers, I too, saw through yours! You broke
my barrier just now, and your power is not at full strength! Continuing to consume your
divine powers this way, your existence will become precarious! Just like the brat said, you are
overconfident, Verethragna!'
"No, this has not ended! My defeat has not been sealed, King Melqart!"
Verethragna yelled at the divine king's thunderous voice.
"The pursuers of Chaser and Driver! These were the weapons given to thee by the god of
craftsmen, Kothar-wa-Khasis! As Baal, thou used them to lure the dragon king Yam[30] away
from his throne, and slew him! Through this victory, thou ascended to the throne of the divine
Could these also be spell wordsincantations produced by the golden [Sword].
Godou held his breath.
Was Verethragna currently exchanging the [Sword] against Prometheus to a sword for
Melqart? Even if that happens, the situation is unchanged. There was only one way to reverse
the tide of battle, yes.
Dual wielding.
Just as Godou predicted, the golden light gathered upon Verethragna's two hands.
The light gradually concentrated, forming long swords with golden blades, one in each hand.
'Ha, a desperate attack! Haha, that's the renowned Verethragna! Rather than choosing defeat
through overconfidence, it is better to fight beyond one's limits. This spirit is excellent, now
let me have a good fight against you!'

Melqart's voice bellowed thunderously with glee.

On the other hand, there was already a deep red trail of fresh blood on Verethragna's forehead.
His lips still chanting spell words sonorously, the elegant and handsome face had become
Even so, he was still flying in the air wielding two swords majestically.
The two clubs Chaser and Driver flying back and forth, and the blue flames of the [Secret
Tome of Prometheus] dancing in the air like a comet.
The battle between gods, was still undecided.

Part 4
Verethragna's twin swords, Melqart's clubs and Prometheus' flames collided in the air.
Down below, Godou hurriedly picked up Erica in his arms as her feet were injured.
"Can you still walk? Please bear it for now. It's very dangerous here, so it'd be best to move to
another location."
"Godou... You managed to trick a [Heretic God], what an amazing achievement."
While the gods battled intensely, the two of them entered the forest.
Leaning Erica, who was unable to walk properly, against his shoulder, the two walked side by
At last they reached the foot of a great tree.
Setting Erica down, Godou held the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] once again.
Verethragna had the advantage in the air battle due to his weapons that could seal divine
power and slay enemies. That should be obvious.
Chaser, Driver and the blue flames were slashed an uncountable number of times.
The youth god achieving victory was likely just a matter of time. However, his flying
movements in the air as well as sword speed did seem to be gradually getting sluggish.
"If this continues, it will be very hard for the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] to steal his
"How about thisGodou, before Verethragna comes, hurry and escape alone. I'm just a
burden to you, abandon me here."
Resting against the tree, Erica spoke painfully.

The exquisite voice with clarity, and the face whose beauty was unaffected by the dust, sand
and sweat. It was only now that Godou was finally struck by a real sense of how beautiful this
girl was.
"Can you use healing magic? Like those moves commonly seen in games?"
"I can, but it takes a certain amount of time for the spell to take effect. Healing these two
legs... Probably would take thirty minutes, so it will be too late."
A technique that could heal these legs which looked like they were snapped, was probably a
very powerful spell.
However, it was entirely useless in this situation.
Now, there was only one thing that could be used.
Godou looked at Verethragna's direction with determination, and said to Erica:
"So, the only trump card is Prometheus' stone tablet after all. I will think of a way to be that
guy's opponent. Use that magic quickly. Once your legs are healed, we'll run together."
"Don't be stupid! You're going to push Verethragna to that degree! Who knows what kind of
divine retribution you will suffer!?"
"However, that guy can transform into the wind, right? If I run away alone, I will be caught
eventually. So without you coming along, I probably won't be able to escape."
Godou deeply sighed at this time.
"To be frank, there's no other way other than that move. However"
"Didn't Erica mention before? That guy likes me more. I am also very concerned about him.
For a former friend to turn into something like that, it really feels bad to just leave him alone
and do nothing."
Though their time together was short, Godou felt as a friend that the youth has strayed from
the right path.
What could he dono idea.
Even with wounds all over his body, the powerful warlord continued to fight with great spirit.
What could he dono idea.
Even so Godou had to stay and witness the final moment, this feeling was very real.
"You really... Are a true idiot?"

"I completely cannot deny that. When you say stuff like that now, I can only accept them all."
Faced with the admonishing from the witch and the female knight, Godou replied with
gentleness instead.
Erica stared at the sky as if she had given up, sighing briefly.
"Idiot, also a really big idiot, so stupid that you are a hopeless idiot."
"Fine... If it makes you happy, say whatever you like, I don't want to argue anymore."
Unable to awaken Godou from his foolishness, Erica smiled. It was neither a smile of
mockery nor pity, but seemed to be mostly carrying the feelings of giving up.
"But amidst all that foolishness, there's a little bit of cuteness... I will ask you one last time,
will you change your decision?"
"No, I owe him a favor, so I cannot choose to run."
"...Favor? If so, then so be it."
With a few exchanges, Erica had already realized.
Godou felt very surprised and happy at the same time. Finally able to reach a mutual
understanding with this girl, he definitely would never expect this to happen the first time
they met.
"Leaving everything to 'so be it,' that is really vexing for us weak humans. No matter what,
we have to give the gods some hardship to suffer."
Saying that, Erica went silent for a while, deep in thought.
And then she stared at Godou's face seriously and said:
"We probably forgot, but the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] has stored within it Verethragna's
divine powerthe ability of the [White Stallion] incarnation, right?"
"Ah yes. I think so. Though it's a power related to the sun, why is it a horse?"
"I will explain that to you later. Listen to me carefully? When you go over to Verethragna, if
you feel it is the end, don't hesitate, just use this power as quickly as possible."
Hearing Erica's advice, Godou suddenly stared with eyes wide open.
Wasn't this the move that Lucretia warned 'never to use it.'
"If I do that I will definitely die. Didn't Lucretia-san warn us?"
"If this continues, we're all going to die. But if you try that, perhaps it will become a giant
reversal. You know the rules for promotion in chess, right?"

Godou tilted his head in puzzlement, not knowing what Erica was considering.
It was something like a rule that allowed pawn pieces reaching the far rank on the opposite
side to be exchanged for a queen or a knight. In terms of Japanese chess[31], there was a
similar concept where pieces can promote in the three rows of the opponent's territory.
"Unfortunately, not everything can go smoothly... Your chance of dying is very high, but if
successful, the reward is very substantial. Compared to plain sacrifice, there is value in
attempting this."
She was showing a most gentle smile.
Like the tiny flower bud of the Australian Red Cedar, a smile like a noble princess. This girl
could actually smile like that, how unexpected, Godou felt like he couldn't tear his gaze away.
"Kusanagi Godou, you are a very foolish person, but it is precisely this foolishness that has
led you on a path to here. That is the truth. So why don't you join the ranks of the most
foolish, as well as the greatest people in the world. I'm not going to ask you to gather your
courage, rather, please stick with your foolishness to the very endunderstood?"
"Yes, I almost get it... But being called an idiot or foolish by you all along, somehow feels
"Ah, I was praising you. A most affectionate nickname of 'idiot' can't you even feel that?
What a slow person."
"I completely cannot feel that. I've never heard of 'idiot' carrying such deep meanings."
Faced with Godou's surrendering, Erica laughed.
"Actually I just realized something, 'Epimetheus' illegitimate children,' another name for
Campiones which I explained before. But this description has a strange hidden meaning."
"Epimetheus. Another deity from Greek mythology? That's the feeling I get from the name."
"Yes, you are correct. If we have a chance to meet again, I will definitely explain it to you. So
don't hesitate and go for it, Godou, take the path which even the courageous and clever people
cannot pass through. The only ones capable of walking upon it are the great fools, I believe
you have that disposition."
"...I don't really understand, but I get the message. Thanks for taking care of me. Thank you."
Godou expressed his gratitude for the profound meaning in her words.
Actually, there was an additional reason for approaching Verethragna's side.
If he abandoned this strong yet beautiful girl covered with thorns like a rose, and ran away by
himself, Kusanagi Godou will never forgive himself for the rest of his life.
Instead, he preferred to have a showdown against a god.

To leave a girl in need, nowhere felt as good as giving up his body to protect the girl.
Though he had made his decision in his heart, however
He could not possibly speak out such thoughts. If he said it out, the prideful Erica Blandelli
would definitely fight to the last moment even if it meant breaking her own legs.
"Right, wait a minute, Godou. Bend down and lean your ear close."
Was Erica going to give me a new suggestion?
Her elegant poise just now, had become a little bashfulwas it something difficult to put into
And it has to be whispered?
Puzzled, Godou did as he was told. Slowly moving towards Erica who could not stand up
from the pain in her legs, he brought his ear to her lips.
Under such conditions, she still seemed to be hesitating.
"What is it, don't you have something to say?"
"Yes, well... I already said what I wanted to just now..."
"Then why do I have to make this pose?"
"Right, just shut up! I just want to give you a wonderful present!"
The unexpected attack came just at that instant.
After a period of hesitation, as if suddenly making her decision, she pressed her lips, the color
of cherry blossoms, near Godou's cheek, and kissed him.
The soft and light sensation was being transmitted.
Godou's mind suddenly went blank.
A very small, light touch, but the shock was exceedingly great! What was this girl doing!
"Y-You, why did you do that? What was that about!?"
"S-Shut up! To be surprised by something like this! It's just... Right, it's just a lucky charm!
It's really rushed, but I believe it is the most useful!"
Embarrassed, Erica's cheeks were bright red.

"The only males I've ever kissed till now, were my uncle and father! So it will definitely be
very effective! Show me some gratitude!"
Godou's cheekno, his entire face felt hot.
His own face was probably all red as well, it couldn't be helped. The day finally came when a
beautiful girl would kiss him like this, he never dreamed it was possible.
It was already impossible to look at Erica's face properly.
She frantically turned her body, and Godou rushed forth towards the god who was once his

Nuraghe sa Bastia. At the firmly sealed entrance created by Melqart.

Sliced into halves, Chaser and Driver lied broken embedded in the ground, while Prometheus'
blue flames had already died out at some point.
Verethragna breathed heavily, his golden swords no longer in his hands.
He was now in a condition where his body was covered with wounds.
In this state, it was his final direct confrontation with Godou who was wielding the [Secret
Tome of Prometheus].
"Boy, I must say thou hast done well. But as thou seest, I have defeated King Melqart's
weapons, thy flames have been vanquished, and the only thing that concerns me is
Prometheus' mystic stone. Makest haste, givest that to me."
"No way, unless you agree to leave this island. This is the last trump card of us humans, I
cannot casually give it up for my own sake."
Godou resolutely resisted the hand extended by Verethragna.

Godou's insistence made the youth sigh audibly.

"A hopeless fellow. To think I, the warlord, would be forced to use divine power against a
mere human brat as an opponent, what a waste of time!"
Muttering, Verethragna slowly approached.
His footsteps were heavy, as if extremely fatigued.
Thus his subsequent actions occurred just as Godou predicted. The god in the youth's form
suddenly kicked at the ground.
Without divine power, what moves would he make? He could only depend on his body. In the
instant Godou realized that, the impact came.
Hit by Verethragna's spinning kick, Godou was sent flying.
Still, it had missed his head. Evading the direct attack was thanks to his well-trained dynamic
vision. He also held on to the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] with all his strength, so he didn't
let go.
"At this point, aren't you going to use your true capabilities against someone like me? You are
still making light of competition."
"This is not a competition, only punishment for a foolish human who doth not know his
It was right, even if it were a competition of martial arts or sports, Godou had no chances of
However, even though he was at a disadvantage, Godou could not let himself be looked down
"Erica told me already, what kind of god was Verethragnathe god who transformed all the
time, and could obtain victory no matter the battlefield, right? Originally a god of the warrior
ranks of the royal clan, and with rising popularity became worshiped and venerated, finally
becoming the protector god of the people and justice, right?"
"Correct, that is my origin!"
This time it was a forward kick that attacked Godou.
Though it did not strike a fatal spot, Verethragna's attack was very vicious.
Feeling an impact that felt like a car crash, Godou was sent flying again, and fell on the
ground, his consciousness slipping for a moment.
"Obviously such a great god, but playing around with a brat like me, isn't that kind of strange?
When I met you at the pier, it wasn't like that eh? More similar to the sun, worthy of
admirationjust as you described. That's right, like a hero!"

"Sayest no more, these are things that happened while I had forgotten my nature as a [Heretic
God]. Originally in the myths, I was the son of the sun, the hero guarding the light."
This time it was a palm strike, and then a punch, followed by a karate chop.
Fast attacks that made evasion and defense useless, Godou was being pummeled like a
sandbag, getting tossed around like a ball.
His body ached all over, feeling like scorching heat, and there were severe bruises
everywhere, perhaps even broken bones.
His consciousness was getting fuzzy, and more importantly, his whole body hurt.
"However, it is all past and gone. Nostalgia will never bring back the past."
Verethragna left those words.
But Godou didn't agree, even considering the current situation, his right hand continued
clutching the [Secret Tome of Prometheus]. This was the result of the grip and determination
of the fourth hitter.
"Why did you give this stone tablet back to me? The second time we met, why did you let me
keep it? Wouldn't it have been better to destroy it back then?"
The scene at Dorgali during that time. Didn't the youth say that in the end?
When the time comes, he must use this for the world.
That was probably a farewell of a lifetime.
In other words, the guy already knew back then, if the incarnations split from Verethragna,
those divine beasts were defeated, he would turn back into [Heretic Verethragna] in the
Which is why Godou owed him a favor.
The youth at Cagliari had gotten Godou and the young men at the pier involved together, and
played happily.
The youth at Dorgali had used the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] to defeat the [Goat], but
didn't expect to have to fight the [Raptor] so soon.
He defeated the divine beasts which had been born from his incarnations, and took back his
power as a god.
At the same time retrieving his identity as the [Heretic God], the divine name of Verethragna
that should have been sealed, as well as the characteristics of resisting the myths and holding
contempt for humans.
In response to Godou's wish, he defeated his split incarnations.

Therefore, that youth no longer existed.

The youth he encountered at Cagliari, then met again at Dorgali, existed no more, and now,
before Godou's eyes was only the youth god named Verethragna.
Knowing this would happen, Godou would not have gone to fight when they met for the
second time.
And now he understood very well, it was due to Kusanagi Godou's willfulness that he had no
choice but to return to the unwanted original form, and very cautiously, saved for Godou the
trump card that could cause him pain.
If this wasn't a favor, what else could it be?
Hence Godou had no choice but to attempt to stop Verethragna at all costs, he definitely needs
to be stopped!
"Just as thou described, that truly was my mistake. Hohoho, why would I do such a thing... I
cannot remember."
"Really? You really can't recall?"
His body covered with wounds, Godou was sprawled on the ground as he questioned the god.
Now he finally understood. What that guy actually hoped for Kusanagi Godou to do and
expected from him. The handsome face of the youth god looking down upon humans from
above, now bore a little resemblance to that guy before.
"...Hmm. I really cannot recall it, boy, pray forgivest me."
"Who will forgive you? What a forgetful god, I will complain about you on behalf of
His gaze met with the youth's.
The human youth glared at the quiet eyes of the [Heretic God] who had lost himself.
The attacks had stopped, Godou forced his battered body, and finally stood up.
Sighing slightly, Verethragna smiled peacefully.
"Hoho, thou art not a bad fellow. If fate had not brought thee to encounter gods, perhaps thou
wouldst be living a peaceful life. How unfortunate for thee, boy."
"Yeah that's right. All the fellows I met on this island are weirdos. However, I don't find
myself unfortunate."
"Ha, though our opinions differ, even from thy perspective, is that not a bit too contrived?"

Verethragna and Kusanagi Godou.

Just like the time they met the first day at the harbor of Cagliari, the two were chatting.
Only four days has passed, but who could have expected in such short time, the situation
between the two of them would undergo such drastic change.
"Though weird, everyone was very interesting. The proud and spoilt genius, whose true nature
turned out to be a very gentle witch; and then there's the lazy old lady who insisted in looking
like a youngster."
"There's more. The amnesiac and overconfident god, this guy is currently causing trouble for
others, but still I don't really hate him."
"Thy life is already held in a god's hands, yet thou darest make such jokes. How
"If you want me to respect you, then act a little more like a god. Isn't that simple?"
It was no longer a staring contest.
The god and the human's eyes only stared at each other for about ten-odd seconds.
The first to avert his gaze was Verethragna.
"At this point it is impossible. I have returned to my heretic self. In my current state, only
meeting with defeat and obtaining new life will I return to the true path of the gods. So, how
much time dost thou think it will take?"
Showing a smile like the rosy clouds of dawn, the youth extended his hand.
In it were tiny sparks, like the early signs of lightning.
The direction this hand extended towards, was the youth he once acted together with.
"All you need is defeat? Then, let me give that to you."
Godou's trembling hand raised the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] and aimed it at the warlord.
Responding to the will of the wielder, the stone tablet gradually heated up.
"Stop, boy, a human using a god's power will exceed thy limits, art thou planning to use the
divine power of my [White Stallion]? If so, thou shalt die in the end. Obediently handest it
over. I shall save thy life if thou compliest."
"Too annoying, to be ordered by a god who brings so much trouble to mankind, how could I
do as I'm told!"

"Foolish! If thou attackest me in these conditions, at best thou wilt achieve mutual defeat.
Thou art aware?"
"Maybe notErica, that fellow who is smarter than me said, this could very well end with a
perfect outcomeso I will take a gamble, even though I have no idea about the logic, if there
is a chance for success, I will risk everything on this gamble!"
"At the end of thy short human lifespan, to think thou wouldst make such a foolish gamble.
Thou art truly a troublesome brat!"
"...My name is Kusanagi Godou. Remember it well."
"We've already done all sorts of things together, come on, you should have remembered my
name. Just like Erica, you overlooked it? What a rude guy."
The two youths gazed at each other once again.
Looking down from above, the youth god smiled.
The spurned human youth expressed regret for his reluctance to accept things. In the next
instant, from the hand appeared lightning, while white flames appeared from the stone tablet.
Mutual defeat. The attacks unleashed by the two youths, achieved exactly mutual defeat.

Part 5
'Hmph, hahahahahahaha. How useless of you, Verethragna. To think the god of victory would
meet defeat at the hands of a frail and weak human child.'
"Quiet, King Melqart. Thou art the useless one, to think thou wouldst be used by such a
This was the dialogue heard by Godou's hazy consciousness.
His limbs harshly complained to him in pain, while his brain and entire body felt scorching
The backlash from the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] mentioned by Lucretia, the damage
received from Verethragna, as well as the final lightning attack, these were probably the full
set of causes for the current pain.
Having received so much damage, he hasn't died. How strange.
'Hmph, without the precondition of aligned interests, I would not have agreed to this fellow's
proposal. Of course, don't you forget, this fellow and I are about to awaken. For his act of
rudeness and not knowing his place, in a moment I will make him suffer well.'

'Did you forget, warlord, the curse left behind by the damnable brother and sister-in-law of
Prometheus, Epimetheus and Pandora? The dark birth ritual that gives rise to the child of the
fool and the witch, the secret rite that only succeeds when a god is used as a sacrifice! Watch,
your divine power is already flowing into this fellow's body and mind!'
"Oh, hohoho, I see. So her goal was this, that witch. A girl that truly cannot be
'What a strange fellow. Laughing after a defeat? Has your brain gone rotten?'
"Thou embarrassest thyself, divine king. 'Tis only one defeat. If this level of setback cannot be
accepted, I can only say it is a matter of magnanimity. As my first and last defeat, it feeleth
like a good experience! Certainly, there will be no second defeat!"
"Hoho, Verethragna-sama really, truly hates failure."
"Oh, you areI see. Thou noticed the birth of a new child."
'Pandora, the woman who bestowed everything upon them! You have appeared in person!'
"Ah, divine king-sama, it's been a while. As long as gods and humans are present, I will
appear. For I am the witch who brought forth all disasters and a shred of hope, there is
nothing to be surprised, right? ...This child is my new son. Hoho, is it painful? Do bear it, this
pain is the price for taking you to the highest summit, accept it well!"
A sweet and loving voice could be heard near Godou's ear, gently caressing his head.
Who was the owner of this voice? Was it Erica?
"Then let everyone present grant their blessing and their hatred to this child! The seventh
Campionepossessing the destiny of the youngest devil king, please bestow the sacred spell
words upon this child!"
'Shut up, witch! Your newborn child, I will bury him immediately.'
"Hoho, very well. Then Kusanagi Godou, I grant my blessing to thee who has been reborn as
the new god-slaying king! Thou art the first person to usurp minethe authority of the god of
victory! Becomest stronger than anyone else! Until the day I shall fight thee again, possessest
my undefeatable body!"

The healing magic still had not taken complete effect.

That was why Erica Blandelli could only drag her painful right leg to the ruins. Clearly she
would have been healed after ten-odd minutes, but she couldn't wait.
Seeing the Nuraghe sa Bastia which had become all wrecked by the battle between gods, over
there lay a Japanese youth deep in slumber.

Erica breathed a sigh of relief as she saw him safe and sound.
The intense pain from using the divine power stolen by the [Secret Tome of Prometheus],
combined with the shock from Verethragna's full strength electric strike, Erica couldn't
imagine just how painful it was.
But now, Kusanagi Godou
Wrapped in tattered clothes, his body had all sorts of injuries including bruises, broken bones
and burns, however
He was sleeping peacefully.
That satisfied and sleeping face no longer had a single wound. As for the other injuries, they
would all recover in time... His vitality and recovery had already surpassed humans and
approached a level similar to the gods.
"You killed the god, right, Kusanagi Godou... The seventh Campione is born!"
Erica's legs lost strength and gave way as she murmured to herself in a trembling voice.
Watching the sleeping Campionethe face of the youth who lorded over the fate of the
world, and would one day become the [King] of the magi and be worshiped, she said:
"You probably don't know, right? The secret ritual to be reborn as a Campione, came from
Prometheus' younger brother Epimetheus and his wife Pandora, the incident when the box
containing all disasters and a shred of hope was opened."
Hesitating only for a moment, Erica lifted Godou's head.
Normally she would never do something like that, but this was a special reward, because to
his credit, he was now the one who has defeated a god.
"Prometheus' name means 'one who thought ahead,' in other words, the sage with foresight.
Conversely, Epimetheus means 'one who thought afterwards,' in other words, the fool who
only regretted in hindsight after taking action first."
Erica was letting her knees act as a pillow for Godou to lie on, and also took the opportunity
to wipe with her handkerchief the blood, sweat and soil from his face.

Erica spoke on the subject of gods.

"Only a fool like you could receive the grace of Epimetheus. A smart person will never fight a
god one on one. I should have explained that to you just now. Therefore, Campiones are also
known as 'Epimetheus' illegitimate children.' In other words the son of the fool, a most fitting
title, you big idiot."
She should take this chance to scold him as much as possible.
Afterwards, were he to become a harsh tyrant, even reproaching him like this would be
...No, if such a day did arrive, she will definitely be responsible for resisting, for he became
born as [King] because of her.
This was an impossible future.
From now on, he will be facing a life of unimaginable conflict and hardship.
Even if he desired peace, but whether the world or the magi, and especially the gods, none of
them will leave him alone.
"Fine, this is enough, when the time comes I will accompany you a little longer. I am
responsible for your gaining this kind of body, and I am a bit concerned about your affairs. Of
course, it also depends on whether you plead for my assistance with sincerity or not."
Erica was talking to herself.
Of course she knew he could not hear, but beginning just now she had a sort of unbelievable
feeling, and she didn't want to stay silent.

"So, Kusanagi Godou, hurry and wake up. The Great Knight of the Copper Black Cross, the
peerless Erica Blandelli is waiting for you to awaken, oh? I won't forgive you for making me
wait, oh?"
However, this voice was extremely soft.
The [King]'s slumber cannot be disturbed. Of course Erica knew it was pointless to do this,
but she somehow had an incredible feeling.
Why was she wasting time doing these things?
Whatever... After all, they were just on a whim.
On the long road of life, taking a small detour should have no significant effect on the whole.
So the birth of the youngest [King], she will continue observing for a while.
It was at the moment she made her decision.
The triangular hole at a corner of the ruinsthe entrance to the underground temple, Erica
stared at it with wide open eyes.
The defensive wall of rock erected by the divine king of the Phoenicians had vanished.
On the other hand, appearing in the sky over the hole was a mass of black clouds, surrounded
by flashing lightning, and the wind was blowing vortices.
"King Melqart, you have appeared?"
'Hoho, exactly. That brat's rebirth, seems to have concluded peacefully. I can feel the
Campione's presence. His body exudes the presence of my enemy, the ancient warrior!'
The divine king's voice could be heard coming from the black shadow.
"So king, are you going to fight the new Campione now?"
'Foolish words! I am the king of the gods, the great warrior, the strongest hunter who slays
dragons! How could I possibly do something so despicable towards a newborn little brat!'
Seeing Erica face the black shadow proudly, Melqart's voice began to announce loudly.
'Pass these words to him when he wakes up! Your first enemy was the war god Verethragna,
the second one is meMelqart! Very soon I will recover all my power. When that time
comes, take the place of that war god, my spears of fury will be aimed at you! Polish your
sword and wait for my arrival!'
Boom! As a gust of violent wind began to blow, the black shadow flew away like lightning.
King Melqart had left the premises.
"That's right, you sure have it rough, to be targeted by that crude god."

Erica shrugged and continued to watch Godou's peaceful sleeping face.

"No other way, I will guard you for a while then. You owe me, and I will make you pay me
back well. Even if you are a [King], debts have to be settled. Be prepared, Kusanagi Godou!"
And that concludes the story of the beginning.
The story of the youth who obtained power due to his destiny to slay a god, as well as his
encounter with his young lady knight.
Thus ends one scene of the saga. What begins next, is the story of all sorts of commotions
brought forth to the world by the devil king and his knight.

In the latter half of July, it was the peak of summer.
For southern Italy, beginning in May was already the warm season for short-sleeved clothing.
So during the peak of summer, the sun's heat was especially intense, and because of that, the
seaside resorts were packed with people every single day.
"Young man, after you became a Campione, I had given you my honest advice"
Under the cloudless Sardinian blue sky.
A beautiful beach, as well as the deep azure ocean extended before his eyes.
This was not a place where he had visited with Erica during spring. Instead this was on the
north-western part of the island, a beach near the abandoned silver mines.
Though it was located close to Alghero which had the airport, the beach was not recorded in
travel guides.
Currently present were Kusanagi Godou and Mariya Yuri, their host Lucretia Zola, as well as
Erica Blandelli with her assistant and maid Arianna.
"Your greatest flaw is that you don't suspect your friends. As a young man, this is admittedly
adorable, but you are a real and proper devil king-sama. As both a king and a warrior, how
could you be so careless? This is why this happens to you."
The one who explained with such an attitude was Lucretia.
The nostalgic Witch of Sardinia, the chief culprit who caused Godou to become a Campione,
the old lady who looked like a beautiful girl in the prime of life.
She was now lying on a mat on the beach, elegantly having sun tan lotion applied on her.

The one applying the lotion was Kusanagi Godou, yes, that's him.
As a side note, the two of them were wearing swimwear, though Lucretia's bikini top had
been untied, in other words, she was lying there half-naked.
Applying lotion to her back, Godou had lifeless eyes, and remained silent without speaking a
"When backed into a corner, your judgment and decisiveness can be frightening, but I hope
you learn to think ahead a little."
As a side note, Lucretia's body was rich with the voluptuous feel of a mature woman.
A bosom possessing overwhelming oppressive presence, a narrow waist despite a very
decadent lifestyle, every voluptuous curve of her body surpassed those of Erica's.
Besides, at a height of roughly 160cm, Erica was considered somewhat short amongst Italian
By Japanese standards, her figure rivaled swimsuit models, but in her home country, Erica
only stood out as a particularly slim and slender girl. However, Lucretia was completely
With a height of 170cm plus a bit, and a body that exploded with the sensual beauty of her
That kind of sexy litheness, was like a show girl appearing on European or American
television, or comparable to a celebrity sex symbol.
"The first thing you should have suspected, was whether the crafty Erica-san was provoking
your wariness on purpose by that kind of proposal. From that moment on, you should have
pondered whether it was the beginning of a conspiracy, hey... Keep your hands moving, you
need to apply the lotion more thoroughly."
"By the way, Lucretia, isn't it time to return Godou to me?"
With a joyful voice, Erica started a conversation with the half-naked beauty in the middle of
her lecture.
Dressed in a black bikini with red patterns and designed for activity, Erica generously
exhibited her well-proportioned limbs and tender skin.
"Because you helped out, I lent Godou out for you to command. But the purpose of this trip is
to hasten the development of my relationship with Godou, right? That's about enough."
...Kusanagi Godou and Mariya Yuri had arrived at the Alghero airport.
Welcoming the pair were the three of themLucretia and Erica, with Arianna standing
behind them as their maid.

That's right, everything was conducted within Erica's grasp.

From inciting Godou's sense of emergency with the travel plans at the very beginning, to
making the cornered Godou seek help from an acquaintance who was already complicit in the
And just like that, Godou rushed towards a summer vacation island, to this open location.
The plan designed by Lucretia and her secret ally Erica, was perfectly executed to success.
"Godou-san... Did you not say this was your host and savior? Then you should serve her even
more earnestly, and with full sincerity, right?"
As Godou serviced Lucretia as she lied down, Yuri's cold voice was warning him.
She was wearing a blue one-piece swimsuit with a mini-skirt design. Even so, the pale
complexion of her shoulders clearly gave off a feeling unique to young ladies.
Though a lot of places were covered, it was still a swimsuit.
Yuri's graceful figure was unambiguously displayed. Though her curves lost to Erica and
Lucretia by a step or two, they were still extremely pleasing to the eye, and her air of nobility
was something wonderful that the other two lacked.
"...Lucretia-san. Umm, it's about time to stop, right?"
Yuri's glance of derision caused Godou piercing pain.
They had been caught at the airport then kidnapped to this beach. Subsequently, Godou was
forced into manual labor by the pretext, 'you were invited here specifically so that you must
repay the favor using your body.'
Just as he was about to refuse, Lucretia deliberately looked at him from afar.
'I see... By the way, you are a man, so it is natural you would not service an old lady like me,
but would prefer the fresh young bodies of Erica-san and the girl you brought here. Hohoho, a
fellow who would ditch his friends for his lovers, a fellow who doesn't return favors, you
sexual predator... By the way, if you don't agree to my demands, from now on, I will be
calling you sexual predator all the time.'
Due to this convoluted threat, Godou had no choice but to serve her.
"Godou-san. If you don't mind, let me substitute for you?"
The one speaking beside him was Arianna Hayama Arialdi with her very long name. Though
she was Erica's assistant, she was basically her maid.
By the way, she was currently wearing an apron over her swimsuit. In a certain sense, it felt
like something was reversed.

When Godou asked her 'why wear an apron,' she immediately answered with something like
'but when serving others, don't you have to wear this?' As long as one avoided her driving or
any cooking involving stewing, she was a naturally healing female presence.
"Please do give me a hand, Anna-san!"
"Wait a while, young man, this is no good. Arianna, don't get impatient."
"Ah, Lucretia-san, why is that?"
"It feels great to know that the young man serving me hates it. So, young man, do your work
with ever more loving care. Besides, this should be nice for you, right? To openly and legally
caress the skin of a beauty like me."
"...The one who called herself old was yourself, Lucretia-san!"
Godou protested loudly.
It is almost time to stop, for I am next. Godou knew Erica was thinking that as she laid beside
him, and wanted to escape from her. More importantly, the silently watching Yuri's cold sharp
glares were like those of a demoness[32], making Godou very terrified.
"How can I harbor such strange thoughts against an old lady from the same generation as my
grandfather?! Please do not say these kinds of strange things."
"Hoho, your mouth denies it, but your body is honest. I can feel your fingers trembling on my
back, it's OK to be a little more daring, eh? Ah... That's the way, your technique is good,
you've already figured out the sensitive spot on my shoulder. Yes, now gently, slowly just like
that, don't hurryah..."
A seductive atmosphere and subtle sounds were deliberately released from Lucretia's lips.
Unable to stand it, Godou could only surrender.
"I beg you, please could you spare me."
Anyway, that was the seaside in the peak of summer.
Godou casted his mental fatigue aside. Whenever he started playing, he automatically felt full
of passion.
Hearing that the locals were gathering for a beach football tournament, Lucretia suddenly
suggested joining in.
"I don't mind, let's have fun."
"I see. So, you guys come as well."
Lucretia was ordering him with a matter-of-fact tone of voice, and Godou shook his head.

"Why do we have to join as well?"

"It's a tournament where the winning team gets the luxury prize of a fully automatic washing
machine. There is no meaning unless I form a team with our group. For the sake of bolstering
the ranks of my household appliances, you all must help!"
"Because I have a bad premonition, I must refuse. Besides, we can't possibly win in a sports
event with our roster of team members."
Godou, Erica, Yuri, Arianna and Lucretia. Five of them.
There was absolutely no sense of balance. How could such a team possibly function
normally? Godou was certain of that.
"You've been spoiling your lover, but now you ignore me, your local wife[33]!?"
"W-Who is my local wife?"
"I, Lucretia Zola, am the local wife of you, Kusanagi Godou. How could you possibly not
know that?"
The Witch of Sardinia declared nonchalantly.
Watching the frowning Godou, Yuri showed a terrible expression that seemed to say 'It really
was like that!? To think I believed in you so much!' Really, please spare me and don't play
these kinds of jokes.
"I have completely no idea. You cannot just decide on your own."
"No, I also want to experience it, how it feels to be Erica-san, who became the lover of the
recently born Campione and won the title of [Diavolo Rosso]. And coincidentally, my dear
friend you came along, so I have to make you spoil me."
"Please don't have such thoughts. How old are you, what good is there in relying on others?"
"Despite how I look, I am actually a very stubborn woman, oh? If you doubt my words, you
can ask your grandfather."
"Don't describe those things in such vivid detail!"
Losing to Lucretia in spirit, Godou had no choice but to participate in the competition.
If it was a normal football match, five people were definitely not enough. But since there was
a lack of participants, it suddenly became a beach football tournament that five people could
With such unfettered rules of typical Italian style, the competition began
Godou's worries became reality.

Yuri and Arianna were incompetent at sports, while Lucretia was sports capable but too lazy.
Those three could not be counted on at all, so it was up to the remaining two.
As the trump card, Erica charged before the opponents' goal and scored alone. On the other
hand, Godou ran everywhere, taking possession of the ball, passing, and was a total manual
With this sort of team, how could victory be sustained, and they were defeated in the third
After the tournament ended, Godou walked alone towards the beach.
Finding something that was either a coconut or a cycas tree, he leaned against the tree trunk to
alleviate the fatigue from the beach football. Looking out towards the sky, the direct sunlight
made his eyes narrow to a slit.
Thinking back, the current situation was much different from the first time he came to the
Having obtained the supernatural body of a Campione, but more importantly
"You're here at such a place, Godou? I was looking for you."
Chatting with him as she sat down beside him was Erica.
The first time he sat on a bench with this girl, they kept such a far distance from each other,
but nowwhat distance, they were completely stuck together.
Oh no, too careless! Godou realized his mistake.
Having claimed such an advantageous position, Erica pursued victory with monstrous
strength and it was already impossible to escape from her.
Furthermore, an originally very attractive young beauty, was now dressed in this manner...
"E-Erica... Your current posture is not really appropriate, it's definitely not right, let's keep a
little distance."
"Why? It wasn't easy to find time alone together, of course I have to make the most of every
opportunity... And don't we lean close together like this all the time anyway?"
They weren't just leaning close to each other. With her calm voice, Erica was forcefully
pressing against Godou.
Her two legs entangling Godou, sitting on his thighs, her bountiful bosom pressing upon him,
her arm wrapped around his neck, their faces slowly nearing each other, and finally a light
kiss beside his ear.
"True, if you put it that way, but with your current attire..."

"Yes, how do you feel about it? How's my swimsuit? Really, Godou, you keep diverting your
gaze away from my body, do you dislike this one... That's not possible? Or should I say, the
It was just as Erica described.
Kusanagi Godou did not make any comments about the tastes of this young beauty in her
choice of glamorous clothing, because too much of her body was exposed, and Godou could
not admire normally with a straight gaze.
"Please don't do this! I beg you!"
Lamenting his lack of vocabulary, Godou could only plead clumsily.
Of course it had no effect, and he was pushed down by her.
Her bright red and moist lips had gently surrounded Godou's, from a bystander's perspective,
this was clearly a daring pair of lovers making out.
"...The two of us, isn't it time to resume what happened the night in Sicily? Right, Godou, at
that time, I already offered my purity to you"
Sucking on Godou's lips for a full minute, Erica spoke lightly with a lubricated voice.
"Nothing of that sort. I already said it. Sleeping on the same bed has nothing to do with
"Ah, but that's not all there was to that night? Hoho, Godou and I were wearing much less
than right now, or rather, wearing nothing at all would not be an exaggeration?"
"Uh... Yes... You are right."
Recalling the memories of that time, Godou still could not bear it.
"However, this is the main point! Aren't we in the middle of a group trip?"
"Just change it to a private one, Godou and me, just the two of us."
Godou lost strength in that moment, as thoughts surfaced of giving up and doing as he was
But he suddenly thought, no way! I can't do this.
If he didn't put up any resistance, she would simply go further and further each time! He must
rally his fighting spirit, and continue his battle of resistance!
"Godou-san, and Erica-san! You two are really unbelievable! At this early hour, and out in
open public, what on earth are you two doing!?"

Awe-inspiring with a hint of embarrassment, the words of reproach suddenly interrupted

Due to embarrassment, Yuri had yelled out with her face all red. It seemed like she noticed
the two were gone, and had come chasing after them.
"What's the matter? At this beach, aren't all lovers like this?"
"N-No good at all, you two are too shameless!"
"Hmm... How about we take turns then. For every week, I will take four days as the proper
wife, Yuri the lover can have two. And then leave the remaining day for the local wife
Lucretia, not bad, right?"
"What crazy words are you saying!?"
"A schedule. The times and number of days for honeymoon moments with Godou. I am not a
woman who ignores the situation in order to monopolize the Campione who is [King]. Of
course, to be honest, I'd like it to be just the two of us forever, but I can't put him on too tight
a leash."
"You, what do you take me for!"
Godou's emotional outburst was dismissed by the witch who saw through everything.
Godou and Yuri looked at each other meaningfully, and Erica sneered:
"Yes, I took into account Godou's fetishes and personality when I made that suggestion.
Godou always speaks with righteousness, but those are mere words. In actual practice, every
time he will go out of hand. See, I lost sight of him for just a little while and he goes over the
line with Yuri."
"Uh, ummm... There were compelling reasons... No other way."
"Uh, because there were reasons it had to be done that time... No choice at all."
"Hmph, how come in an instant, you two spoke with such unity, perhaps you've been secretly
Faced with the two who spoke as one, Erica frowned with displeasure. And then
"It hurts! Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuch, please don't twist my ear with your monstrous strength!"
"E-Erica-san, please stop. If this continues, Godou-san's ear will come off!"
Not long after they finished their lovers' quarrels.
Yuri suddenly asked.

"By the way, from Godou-san's story, the god Melqart also woke up, right? What happened to
the divine king?"
She asked about that incident.
Godou had not covered this event because his story stopped at that point.
"Ah, you told her the story of Verethragna, but you didn't tell her the ending? This is a
wonderful memory of how Godou and I were united in both our hearts and our bodies. OK, let
me tell you the rest of the story. Actually, after that, we were at Sicily"
"W-Wait, Erica, could you please not express things in such an easily misunderstood
"...Godou-san. Could it be that something happened that you are ashamed to tell others, so
you are hiding it from me?"
The Sardinian sky was an endless deep blue.
Now the true summer really began.
The quarrelsome story of the threesome, was only just about to begin.

Flowing along the sounds of the tide, came a familiar voice.

She nodded lightly.
Trying to focus her ears to listen. As the ruler of darkness and the earth, she also had a deep
history with the sea. Borrowing the unpredictable powers of the wind and the waves, perhaps
she could listen clearly to what they were saying.
It was a success.
"...What, 'tis that fellow. Crossing the oceans to come here, for what reason?"

Several months ago, the Campione who defeated her.

A young novice who recently usurped the authority of the victorious warlord. Though
unrefined, the youth's fortitude proved to be immeasurable. His voice was currently very soft,
but could still be heard clearly.
Looking out into the distance at the sea before her, she bore a smile.
Sharp rocks and reefs which seemed to cut open skin with a single touch. Every time the
waves made contact, they turned white and scattered. The sea breeze was howling, and the
clouds inhabiting the sky were rapidly moving.
On the other side of the seaprobably near the shore, that youth was there.
"Hmph, to think that the time for one to meet that fellow again would be so soon."
She smiled lightly, adding a spot of radiance to the corner of her lips.
The heretic mother earth goddess, ruling the sky, earth and underworld, the descendant of the
oldest and strongest goddess.
Possessing silver hair and black eyes, appearing in the form of a tender young girlHeretic
Athena, declared to the sea:
"Kusanagi Godou, thou shalt wait for the time to come, though it is yet unknown whether one
will fight thee or get along in peace. However, the place one shall encounter thee again, will
surely give rise to new chaoslookest forward to it with patience!"
Predicting the omens of a commotion from the sky, the earth and the sea, Athena felt
exceptionally roused.
The war god not seen for months, had lit a fire within her heart, and she laughed violently.

Greetings, we meet again, or welcome to first time readers, I am Takedzuki Jou.
Finally a prequel publication worthy of commemoration for this work.
Therefore, if this is your first foray into the series, and you picked the third volume, or
perhaps you were enticed by the tsundere blonde girl drawn by Sirkovsky-sensei, even if you
are starting in the middle of this series... do not hesitate, head over directly to the cashier and
buy it. It's not too late to read Volumes 1 and 2 after finishing Volume 3.
Of course, buying them all at once is also fine, in fact personally, I would recommend readers
buy books in that fashion.
And then there are the readers who have finished all the publications, you're the best.
The third volume was something I predicted as an author a long time ago.
A very long while back, I was thinking, 'in this story's setting, there is definitely a story much
different from the first volume!' (wry laugh)
The pattern established Volumes 1 and 2 was 'the protagonist with the serious personality
engaging in all sorts of destructive activities at various famous sights and monuments', but
this did not happen... Though many places were still destroyed, and our heroine Erica's
behavior isn't quite the same as before.
It would be great if readers can enjoy and savor Volume 3 rich with side story feeling.
Next, for this work which has somehow grown into a series, I recently keep receiving
questions about the setting and timeframe.
One of the most common questions follows.
Question: Amongst the seven Campiones, are there any ladies?
This question was received by Supervisor-san at the editorial department of Super Dash
I also know, in this intensely competitive light novel industry, the concern for using delicately
charming female characters in illustrations to attract readers. This is very important for future
business strategy.
Personally, I hope that Asaura-sensei's "Muscle Cop" can be serialized every month on the
web, and that Ranjou-sensei will give Otoya more appearances. I often think that these kinds
of manly male festivals are OK, but actually I am very clear on separating my private interests
from my public work. So I answered in the following manner.
Answer: A good many of them. For example, John Pluto Smith who lives in America.

"...That is clearly a man's name."

"This is the alias for her Campione identity. Unbeknownst to others, she fights evil sorcerers
as a solitary masked hero. Virtually no one knows her real identity."
"Then why the name John Smith?"
"The first authority she usurped from a god was [Metamorphosis]. Though it has
transformations such as a combat state or a wild beast state, the primitive state is a musclebound masked male in a skintight outfit! The mysterious muscular gentleman appearing out of
the dark night, somehow became known as a hero. And so the name was chosen!"
"Let's use something simpler, a cross-dressing beauty!"
And so, from 'male form' --> 'cross-dressing beauty', the setting was altered. Actually, the
settings of the seven Campiones are still gradually under consideration.. However... due to
various reasons (mainly because I keep forgetting the settings I came up with earlier), the
content keeps changing.
Ah, a protagonist who is an American woman living in Los Angeles. (Occupation: Devil King
of Justice, Age: 30 years or so, due to being too busy, she has no boyfriend let alone getting
married, thus accumulating much stress. Has a habit of wearing cosplay out into the streets
every night. *Note from Editor: this setting is still at an unconfirmed stage. Readers please
don't be angry if the setting changes completely when the story is published.) Treat it as a side
story of this series. If readers would like to read this side story, please pour your passion into
postcards and send them directly to the editorial department of Super Dash Bunko.
Perhaps a refreshing light novel protagonist, which office ladies can identify themselves with,
will be born in this manner! ...Though I kind of doubt it.
Finally, in Volume 4, two silver-haired characters are set to appear. Finally the summer
vacation, things will develop in the usual fashion. If possible, everyone please continue to
look forward to it.

Takedzuki Jou, February 2009

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up called game: In baseball, a called game is one in which, for any reason, the
umpire in chief terminates play. In other words, end game.
2. Jump up hime: princess.
3. Jump up rakshasa: a race of mythological humanoid beings or unrighteous spirits in
Hinduism and Buddhism, also called man-eaters.
4. Jump up Yamato Takeru: a Japanese legendary prince of the Yamato dynasty. One
of his exploits resulted in the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi gaining its alternative
moniker, the Kusanagi no Tsurugi ("grass-cutting word").[1]
5. Jump up Shikoku: the smallest of the four main islands of Japan.[2]

6. Jump up Praj: one of the three divisions of the Noble Eightfold Path in
Buddhism, meaning wisdom.[3]
7. Jump up Taishou era: July 30, 1912 to December 25, 1926, the reign of the Taishou
8. Jump up Ni-choume: a district in the Tokyo ward of Shinjuku.
9. Jump up Witenagemot: ("meeting of wise men" in Old English) a political
institution in Anglo-Saxon England.[4]
10. Jump up Golgotha: the name of the site believed to be where Jesus Christ was
11. Jump up Hannibal: the legendary Carthaginian general renowned as one of the
greatest generals in history.[6]
12. Jump up Scipio: Roman general best known for defeating Hannibal.[7]
13. Jump up Fantastico! Fantastico! Figlio Del Sole!: Italian for "Fantastic! Fantastic!
Son of the sun!"
14. Jump up Torre dell'Elefante: Tower of the Elephant, a medieval tower built in
15. Jump up Torre di San Pancrazio: another medieval tower in Cagliari.
16. Jump up Four Elements: (earth, air, water and fire) the classical elements proposed
by Greek philosophers. Aristotle later added a fifth element: aether.
17. Jump up Five Elements: (metal, wood, water, fire and earth) the five elemental
substances used as a conceptual device in many fields of early Chinese thought such
as Feng Shui, astrology, Chinese medicine, music, military strategy and martial arts.
18. Jump up trattoria: an Italian-style eating establishment, less formal than a
ristorante, but more formal than an osteria.
19. Jump up seppuku: literally "stomach-cutting", a form of suicide performed through
disembowelment, practiced by Japanese samurai as part of bushido to preserve honor.
20. Jump up Word of Abandonment: quoted by Jesus from Psalm 22, it is the only
saying that appears in more than one gospel (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34).
21. Jump up Psalm 22:2-3
22. Jump up Psalm 22:14-16
23. Jump up Psalm 22:19-21
24. Jump up Psalm 22:22
25. Jump up inning: an inning in baseball consists of six outs, three for each team. A
regulation game consists of nine innings.
26. Jump up Maitreya: a bodhisattva prophesied to appear on Earth, achieve complete
enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma, according to Buddhist tradition.[8]
27. Jump up Kothar-wa-Khasis: a Canaanite craftsman god who aided Baal in his
battles. Considered the equivalent of the Greek god Hephaestus.[9]
28. Jump up Vajradhara: () the ultimate primordial Buddha, his name means
the bearer of the thunderbolt.[10]
29. Jump up Amirani: a culture hero of a Georgian epic who resembles the Classical
30. Jump up Yam: a god of the sea popular in ancient Egyptian times.[12]
31. Jump up shogi: () literally "general's chess," a Japanese two-player strategy
board game.[13]
32. Jump up yakshini: to be precise, Yuri's eyes were like those of a yakshini, a broad
class of female nature spirits from Hindu mythology.[14]
33. Jump up local wife: a local mistress for having an affair in a foreign or distant land.

Excerpt From the Meeting Minutes with Associated Individuals, Written by the Traveling
Archeologist Sherilyn from London, Beginning of the 21st Century
Dragons have nine similarities.
Heads like a camel, horns like a deer, eyes like a ghost, ears like a bull, appearances like a
snake, bellies like a mirage, scales like a carp, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger.
Such is the [Dragon]'s appearance as written in Chinese books.
But it was merely a fantastical description written in text, combining various creatures to form
a strange biological existence.
At the same time, the dragon's greatest similarity was its considerable semblance to snakes.
Whether it was eastern or western, dragons always had a thin, snake-like body, and at the
same time exhibited characteristics of other beasts special to the region; therefore it always
looked different given variations in location and time. The greatest unchanging aspect of this
beast was that it always had its foundation as a [Serpent], which, regardless of region, has not
differed since ancient times.

Notes of the Witch Lucretia Zola, Regarding the Mythology of Perseus and
The monster perched by the waterside (likely a great serpent or dragon-kin) required them to
present a girl as sacrifice.
At this moment, the timely appearance of a hero defeated the monster; he then took the
rescued girl as his wife.
We have confirmed that even in the far-eastern Japan, there were also stories like that of
Perseus and Andromeda. The most renowned examples would be the tales surrounding the
Yamata no Orochi.[2]
Susanoo defeated the Yamata no Orochi before marrying Kushinada.[3]
Then from the tail of the slain serpent, he was granted the blessing of a divine sword.[4]
Therefore, Susanoo acquired the [Sword] from the body of the [Serpent].
There were several similarities to the formula that we European witches are familiar with.
For example, Siegfried who became immortal after killing the dragon Fafnir,[5] or the knight
Sir Lancelot who received the magic sword from the faerie of the lake.[6]

In other wordsconfronting dragons was the hidden symbiotic relationship between heroes
of steel and the gods of the earth and water.

Liliana Kranjcar, about to go on vacation, just before meeting the [King]

It was already late July and about to change months.
Europe was in the middle of summer, the season of long vacations.
Spending the long vacation in either resorts that avoid the summer heat or coastal locations
was good; renting a villa to spend leisure time was alright as well, even relaxing at one's own
home from morning to night was not a bad call.
So for Liliana Kranjcar to assess her own swimsuit in front of the mirror in her room, it was
not something others should gossip about.
Because it should be like that.
"...No, no this isn't good either, how can I wear something like this in front of everyone!"
Liliana was looking at herself in the mirror, frankly pointing out that it was impossible for her
to dress like that.
The long vacation was scheduled to be spent by the sea this year. Therefore, she was now
trying out the new swimsuit now. But...
What was wrapped around her slender body were the upper and lower portions of a bikini.
Although her body was very slender, the lush and delicate chest, as well as the feminine
waistline, were both very soft, while her slim legs were like fine glass, all of it giving a fairylike cuteness and the dangerously-balanced charm of a girl.
Liliana looked despairingly at her posture.
Definitely not! This is way too exposed! Way too vulgar!
Liliana's white skin tone overwhelmed the blue lines of the swimsuit that was covering her.
It was way too daring.
Even though it fit perfectly, it was still problematic.
Although such an appearance may create some opportunities for her, things that could not be
done just could not be done.
......The blistering summer sun, the scorching hot beach.

......At this time, the shy Liliana strolled in her swimsuit, watched by a gentleman (definitely a
handsome guy, clad in swimwear, with the tanned skin of an athlete) who could not keep his
eyes off her.
......The shy Liliana occasionally made eye contact, but the guy sent an elegant smile her way.
She thought it would finish with just that, but the two of them met again several hours
"J-just what am I thinking, really...... compared to this, Karen!"
"What are your orders, Liliana-sama? Does that swimsuit still meet your wishes?"
As Liliana addressed the exclusive maid who stood behind her, the other replied in a calm
steady voice.
Karen Jankulovski.
A petite and cute girl who was wearing a maid outfit.
At age fourteen, she was at an age when studying should be her focus.
But, Karen was currently an apprentice sorceress studying at the Kranjcar family's [Bronze
Black Cross] magic association. She already finished her high school courses, a result of
constantly skipping grades while studying within the private school ran by the association.
Now she worked besides Liliana, receiving an education necessary for witches.
"It's rare to come here to shop, but I feel like this swimsuit doesn't fit me; seems way too
"Not at all; I think it fits you perfectly."
"No! F-for a lady, just wearing such a thin swimsuit is already a problem!"
"Don't you often emphasize that you are a knight and not a lady?"
"Eh, that is completely true, b-but what about as a girl! That's right, a pure girl shouldn't wear
such shameless clothes."
Liliana declared in a high tone.
But Karen sighed with a tiny sound, and with gentle eyes that looked like she was dealing
with a selfish child, she said:
"Really? Since Liliana-sama says that, there's also another swimsuit that I prepared...... but
you might mind what others think of it."
Karen replied in a teasing tone.

Karen Jankulovski was not only an excellent witch, but also a capable maid, not to mention
someone with an unforgiving tongue full of critique for others.
"Since it's a swimsuit, it's natural to be very thin; the fact that you mind such minor details
also means that your tolerance is far too low...... ah, I'm really sorry, I accidentally spoke my
mind, please forgive me."
Liliana could not help but frown as she heard these words that lacked the sincerity of an
But, such a level of criticism was not enough to change her views.
"Then, what do you think of this swimsuit? I prepared it as a backup just in case. This is a
blue one-piece swimsuit, completely lacking any cuteness; its simplicity and lack of sexiness
is its only trait, a piece that completely lacks any sense of interest"
"If you already prepared a plain swimsuit, then take it out in the first place."
As she watched, Karen pick up a swimsuit from the nearby table, Liliana relaxed and let out
her breath at last.
But the calmly plotting maid purposefully made a worried expression.
"Well, I did prepare it, but when I heard that Erica Blandelli-sama's swimsuit this year was
not only light and functional, but also a bikini that emphasized her boldness and sex appeal, I
thought that if this continued, you won't even have a chance to compete against her......"
"......What did you say?"
Although Liliana wanted to pretend those words were just a passing wind, she was completely
hooked after hearing the name of her rival.
"Karen...... how do you know what Erica's swimsuit will be like this year?"
"Do you know Arianna Arialdi? She's Erica-sama's maid and a long-time friend of mine; just
yesterday on the phone we ended up chatting about this topic."
"You, when did you build such a relationship with that devil woman?"
"Please don't be surprised by something like this; this was only to grasp Liliana-sama's and
our [Bronze Black Cross]' enemyErica-sama and her intentions."
The petite maid showed a calm and natural expression to her surprised mistress.
"Erica-sama and Liliana-sama are connected by an inexplicable fate, so it's likely that you'll
meet her on some beach or at some swimming pool...... given that, I'm extremely worried
about such a plain swimsuit; I'm not sure if it even has the right to compete with her."
"You are worrying over nothing; that fox woman is definitely staying in Japan, trying to
beguile that seventh godslayer. I definitely will not meet her this summer.

Trying to use my rivalry with Erica to dress me up so shamefully? I will not let you succeed.
Hmph...... Liliana rejected Karen's suggestion with a cold smile.
"Ah, didn't you know? Erica-sama accompanied her loverKusanagi Godou-sama and
arrived in Italy."
......Now she received some completely unexpected information.
Liliana fell silent and into deep thought; she had repeated her days of conflict with Erica
Blandelli since childhood. Their martial arts shared the spotlight equally with neither side
gaining any advantage, and while her magic was not as good as that woman in iron alchemy,
she was still one-step better overall.
Then there were social skills, where Erica held an overwhelming advantage.
Just on this matter she was never as good; as a woman, her charm and her presence has
always lost to Erica. She did not feel like her appearance or attitude lost in any way, then just
No...... I'm definitely somewhat blunt, and I don't really know how to talk......
But, that woman does not understand chores at all, especially when it comes to cooking,
where she herself held an overwhelming advantage. Liliana Kranjcar could be counted as a
homemaking type of woman after all.
"Then, we won't need the swimsuit you have on now, is that alright?"
The maid suddenly asked as she was pondering over things.
Liliana wanted to nod, but she hesitated. Was this alright? Was this really alright?
From a normal standpoint, without prior arrangements, her chances of meeting Erica on the
beach were almost zero. But when she thought of her luck regarding that woman, going to a
ten or even twenty percent chance from zero was possible......
"......No, let me carefully look over this again; this is actually alright. However please prepare
the one piece for me as well, even though this year I'll wear the first one."
"Is that so? I understand."
Liliana pretended to be calm, while Karen coolly accepted the orders.
......Truthfully, as the head of the Kranjcar family, Liliana's grandfather was also worried
about his granddaughter's lack of appeal, therefore he instructed Karen to "at least make her
choose some more appropriate styles, but just how?", "Well Sir, please leave it to me.",
"Oh~~ if successful, I'll reward you with a special bonus......" and similar dialogue, none of
which was appropriate to the topic right now.

Nevertheless, the mistress and her exclusive maid finally came to a result, immediately
followed by......
The ring tone sounded on Liliana's cell phone.
"Hello, I am Kranjcar...... yes, it has been a long time, Diana. Eh, Sir Salvatore? Yes, though I
can get in touch with him...... Is there any reason to request his divine power? Unless some
rare occasion has happened? The Heraion? The Seal of the Snake and the Cow!?"
After finishing her conversation, Liliana immediately opened her cell phone's contact list.
She called Italy's proud godslayer of the swordSalvatore Doni.
To request his help, she had to reach him first.
At the same time, Liliana called the maid that stood beside her.
"Karen, my apologies, looks like this year's vacation is cancelled, right now we need to find
Sir Salvatore, then immediately head towards Naples. Please make the travel arrangements.
"I understand, Liliana-sama."
This would drag Liliana Kranjcar into battle with the [Heretic Gods], and marked her prelude
to new adventures.

Chapter 1 - In Search of Lost Time

Part 1
In a group that is comprised mainly of females, there is someone sticking out like a sore
thumb. A single male.
If someone should think that they would be super happy or "This world is too perfect", then
there is something seriously wrong with them.
Recently, Godou had started to have this kind of viewpoint upon his situation.
All in all, his shoulders felt very heavy, his mood was not good at all and he felt very uneasy.
Godou had no idea why he had to leave Japan and come all the way here to Sardinia, Italy for
his summer vacation.
The layout of the island was similar to Shikoku (Japan), and was also famous for being a
summer vacation tourist spot.
Because of the surrounding emerald-blue seas, it grew to fame as a tourist spot as celebrities
frequently came here for vacations.

Originally, Godou and company had intended to stay on the area around the western coast.
As the airport was very close to Alghero, there were also many attractions nearby.
There were quite a few gothic, baroque and renaissance style buildings which served as world
heritage sites.
Lastly, to trump everything else, the breathtakingly beautiful beaches and seas.
Except for the fact that it's slightly hotter than what would be comfortable, this would be the
perfect vacation spot.
Even so, Godou's mood had not improved much.
And all of it was due to being surrounded by females. From the time he arrived until the
current moment, four days have already passed. In this time, Godou had not even a day of
For example, this morning
In a room in the villa they had rented, after a refreshing wake-up, Godou had headed to the
After brushing his teeth and washing his face, someone had sprung a surprise attack against
him from the back.
Gagged, handcuffed and blindfolded, he was brought outside the villa and placed upon
something like a rubber dinghy.
About twenty minutes had passed.
Taking the rubber dinghy to the sea, Godou was finally released from his bindings, and was
given a ridiculous explanation.
"Finally, we can be alone together, Godou. I've been looking forward to this."
The voice expectedly came from Erica Blandelli.
Twirling her blond hair with her hands and giving off an expression of absolute happiness,
Godou somehow felt like he was swooning, and began his retort.
"No way is this a situation where 'we can be alone together', isn't it more like a kidnapping?"
"That's not it... Because, it's all your fault that this happened."
Erica replied, still maintaining her immaculate smile.
In heaven and earth, I am the one and only, once said by Siddhrtha Gautama Buddha[7]. This
young girl's actions had always seemed to be inspired from that phrase, hence Godou was
already used to it.

"Whatever sins I have committed to deserve this fate, please tell me all about it. I would like
to have a peaceful life in the future."
"Of course, it is the sin of not wanting us to be together alone."
Upon the first day of arrival, Godou had already been a victim of Erica's relentless and
ferocious hugging.
After that, he had taken extreme caution not to be caught in a situation where he was alone
with Erica.
Will I be able to return in one piece? Did the chicken or the egg come first? In order to
prevent a tragedy and taking preventive measures, in the end it would still lead to the same
tragedy. If whatever I do will result in the same ending, then isn't life just cruel and
...Godou fell into deep thought, attempting to escape from reality via his random inner
The Erica who was naturally wearing a swimsuit temptingly gazed at Godou, her swimsuit
revealing -a lot- of skin.
Their skin came in contact intimately, her face gradually getting closer and her mesmerizing
lips slowly closed the distance.
Not good. To continue escaping reality would result in fatality. To be specific, it would not be
strange for it to end in an engagement to Erica in three days.
Comparing their physical strength, combat would not be a viable option.
From her combat capability, Godou would already be hanging by a thread.
Even in a war of attrition, stamina would only be slowly chipped away. If that was the case,
then he would entrust everything to that instance of battle.
The amorously approaching Erica had relaxed her guard, and it was at this moment that he
took action.
"Ah, hold on a moment Godou! After coming this far with me, where are you planning on
"Sorry, but I'm going to head back by myself. Don't follow me!"
Stripping off his shirt, he focused on the shore in the far distance amidst the rolling waves.
With all his might, he swam, not stopping even for a brief moment.
On the endless sea, he swam towards the shore which seemed like a mirage in the desert. Not
just his body, even his spirit was suffering from this ordeal.

Finally, after what seemed like eternity, he finally managed to reach the rented villa.
Mariya Yuri and Lucretia Zola were waiting together for him.
"Godou-san, where on earth have you been this morning?"
Yuri asked while standing in front of the door.
Indeed, she gave off the feeling of a traditional Japanese-style girl, but her light-brown hair
made her seem to be more than meets the eye. She was a prim and proper beautiful girl with a
sense of transparency.
However, the eyes of the usually level-headed Yuri were very frightening at the moment.
Her eyes did not give off a feeling of undisguised danger, perhaps it was a more quiet and
tranquil stare. Also, one could feel a strong will and a noble sense of obligation behind those
Oh. Although I don't know why, somehow it seems that I have angered Yuri.
Godou sighed.
In these few months, he had come to know that this expression was a sign of danger. She was
a girl that could be as gentle as Buddha, but also as fearsome as Yasha.
At the same time, he looked at the witch under the eaves, who was swaying on the rocking
"Hoho, once, some Japanese female university students on vacation drew graffiti on the San
Pietro Cathedral. Unintentionally, I flew into a rage. Now, I'm regretting it... What sad,
deplorable behavior they showed me..."
Said Lucretia Zola, who was randomly spouting off various stories.
The beautiful witch with flaxen-colored hair and a body that mere words could not do justice
to, did not even glance over at Godou and Yuri even once. Suspicious.
Based on that, should anything disastrous occur, most likely it would have something to do
with her.
"Godou-san, where exactly have you been to? Please face me, and listen to me properly. That
is only basic courtesy."
"Ah, sorry... Erm Mariya, is it ok if I ask what you are angry about?"
"I am not angry. Merely shocked. I came to understand that Godou-san, although always
speaking seriously, is in actual fact an impure person who knows no shame, and thus I feel
Although I had asked in such a nice and polite manner, such was the reply I had received.

The degree of scariness in Yuri's eyes was increasingly steadily.

"I-It seems that you are misunderstanding something, what happened?"
"I am not misunderstanding anything at all. Earlier, I heard from Lucretia-san, that early this
morning, Godou-san and Erica-san, had snuck out together alone... To, to accept that kind of
tempting invitation from Erica-san who is always up to no good and not even resist, you were
obediently brought outside..."
"No, it is because I was fully handcuffed, blinded and gagged that I could not resist, there is
no way I would have gone along willingly with that girl. Don't misunderstand this!"
After listening to Godou's explanation, Yuri could only give a pained smile.
What does she mean by that expression? It was as though she was mourning someone who
had done something so utterly hopeless, like a complete idiot, as though she was doubting
how he would turn out in the future, while revealing a Buddha-like expression.
"It is no surprise to me that you refuse to tell the truth. It is just as Lucretia-san had said, it is
times like these that men will continue to lie and dig their own graves... I was mistaken in
judging your character, how filthy."
Mariya Yuri is a very smart, deep-thinking girl.
As she was raised as a ojou-sama, she had a very gullible side to her. Not knowing the lies
and trickeries of the world, she was very pure-hearted.
"M-Mariya. Although I don't know what she told you, don't just believe in anything. Please
believe me!"
"A man caught with his pants down will always say things like "Please believe me", really, it
is in no way convincingExactly like what Lucretia-san had said."
That damn witch, what nonsense exactly did she feed her?
Godou, stared menacingly at Lucretia, whose face was currently covered by a newspaper.
"Hoho, the Italian Prime Minister has been denying rumors about his having of a hair
transplantation surgery. He claims that it is a change in lifestyle that resulted in the unnatural
sudden spurt of hair growth. Hoho, what a load of crap."
"Please don't badmouth people behind their backs, when you are also guilty of the same thing.
Why have you been telling Mariya a load of nonsense?"
"Telling her a load of nonsense, that's surprising, I don't remember doing that. Boy, it's not
good to get lost in wild delusions."
Lucretia replied, finally putting down the newspaper that covered her face.

"I merely taught her a brief lesson on biology and social psychology. First, about the stamen
and pistil and their roles in fertilization. After that, about how in recent times, young males
and females would fall into the depths of their youth, resulting in a certain ending which
would greatly affect their daily lives. And then, due to their own muddiness and dishonesty,
what kind of excuses men will employ to cover up their mistakes. This morning, I only
imparted these few basic understandings of humans to her, that's all!"
As she was saying that, she puffed out her chest as though it perfectly explained her actions.
Lucretia Zola, the witch, was their host at this island of Sardinia.
According to his personal experience, and proof from various situations, she was at least
about six to seven decades old.
However, from what the eyes could see, she was a flawlessly beautiful lady in her late
Underneath that, she was an advocate of 'fun above everything'. To her, having fun was the
single most important factor in any decision.
In the end, Godou had to spend an hour to explain to Yuri that he was innocent. After all that,
she still regarded him with a slightly suspicious look. Not just that, she also mentioned
something like, 'Since you have gone to such great lengths to explain yourself, I will trust you
just this once. Please do not betray my expectations of you'. Godou totally had no idea what
she was so hurt about.
It was as though she were a young wife who knew her husband was cheating on her, yet still
endured with pure willpower.
Mariya Yuri is a miko who possessed something like clairvoyance, known as "Reishi" (Spirit
Although she could see what cannot be seen, know what cannot be known, she could not use
this power as she willed. At times, it was a really reproachful ability.
At any rate, to Godou, who had barely managed to make it back safely, he had already met
another crisis.
"Ara, Godou-san. Where have you been? Please hold on a moment, lunch is almost ready."
Came a voice from the kitchen, from a girl who was busy working in the kitchen while
humming a tune.
Arianna Hayama Arialdi.
She had a Japanese grandfather, and is currently working under Erica as a maid.
Lively, kind, serious and with a refreshing appearance. A gentle person who wouldn't harm a
fly; that was how good the impression Godou had of her.

But this time, Godou felt a sudden chill run down his spine.
Anna, as she was more commonly called, was adding some zucchini, and unknown shellfishlike things, among others, into the boiling soup. Her stew was extremely dangerous. A few
days earlier, Arianna had created this soup known as 'The refreshing taste of summer', which
had a taste and appearance that words cannot possibly describe.
Erica and Lucretia did not even try to taste a single bit.
Yuri tried her very best, but could only manage to finish half of it.
In the end, it was left to Godou to dispose of it. The leftovers were fed to the stray cats. Well,
to be exact, the cats had run away the moment they smelled the concoction.
Thus, Godou, ignoring his current fatigue from long-distance swimming, made a request.
"Anna-san, you are always the one who makes all our meals. As I kind of feel bad over it,
please leave lunch's preparations to me."
"I can't do that, please, you don't have to be so kind to me. After all, I do love cooking."
"No, please let me do it by all means! Leave it to me!"
Just like that, Godou had forcibly taken on the responsibility of making lunch.
Afterwards, Godou, Yuri, Arianna, Lucretia and Erica who had just returned, started to enjoy
the lunch that was prepared together.
"Such a bland, sketchy taste. Also, the ingredients are not beautifully cut."
Said the gourmet Erica, who was sitting in the opposite direction, facing Godou.
Surprisingly, to the Erica who would eat anything, she would pick the portions of better
quality whenever she had the chance.
Because of that, Godou did not prepare any frozen foodstuffs (Even in countries that favored
the slow food culture, would also sometimes make use of frozen foodstuffs as ingredients).
Really, people as extravagant as Erica do exist.
"This must be because the chef did not have enough love. Clearly, even though we love each
other mutually, he only ever runs away... The moment I let down my guard, he runs straight to
another woman."
"It can't be helped, that is just how men are."
Of course, the one who replied with such profound, unfathomable truths, was no other than
Directly opposite her, the person silently listening with a serious expression, Yuri.

No, what this old witch said was definitely wrong, hopefully Yuri won't take her seriously.
"A hooked fish is too valuable to be used as bait. Isn't it a very thoughtless way of doing
things? Even as a joke, it is a behavior ill-suited for the man who possesses the title of 'King'.
Oops, sorry. This is just the general opinion, by no means am I referring to nor criticizing any
particular individual." [8]
As she said that, Lucretia nudged the shoulders of Godou, who was sitting at her side.
She is doing this on purpose to infuriate me, isn't she?!
"Yes, however, even though that is the general opinion, it is not always true. Overly
enthusiastic pursuits result in a lot of problems, but, if you can properly manage the
relationships with your women, yourself and others, that could also be considered as a form of
forbearance... If possible, please let me go in depth as to how Caesar was able to maintain his
relationships with many women."
"That's right, this would be useful for Godou to know. All for the sake of his future."
"What kind of 'future' are you talking about?!"
Godou shouted, at Lucretia and Erica, who were saying whatever they pleased.
Pressured to this extent, Godou's voice was loud enough to surprise even himself.
"No need for your lessons, also, don't say it like I'm someone from the Genji Era!"
"Ah, an exiled, shameful noble who spends every day wallowing in sorrow? Living such a
life, not forgetting the lovers you had once brought back to the capital, such a lustful person...
Ah, though to be honest, your life is pretty similar to him, boy." [9]
"Ara, Lucretia, although I am allowing Godou to increase the size of his harem, he probably
already has six to seven wives and mistresses? As expected, it is a bit too much."
"Please don't use such an expression from such a famous Japanese literature to describe it!
Godou-san, this is your fault! Because you are always doing things that invite such
Aaah, what a mess.
Just listening to them made Godou extremely exhausted. What went in from the right ear,
goes straight out the left ear.
Kusanagi Godou had to endure events like this for four days straight. He felt like he had
almost reached his limits.
Aaah, I want to escape from this.

Part 2

Indeed, living together with just girls is, simply put, torturous.
Finally, he made it to the fourth evening of the vacation. In his room in the villa, he had come
to that conclusion. He should have become used to this lifestyle by now, yet things had not
quite gone the way he wanted. Godou could not think of any other reasons why this was the
Godou, who played baseball from his childhood, had often participated in group activities like
camps and such.
While in the junior league and when he was a senior, the team would often go overseas
together to practice. In groups of large numbers, usually over ten boys, they would always
take care of their own respective laundry and meals.
Godou had even experienced the hardball baseball Tokyo trials, or, even better, the national
trials to represent the nation at international events.
Participating in such events meant Godou had quite a fair bit of experience lodging together
with many others. Because of this, he was quite used to living together with his fellow
competitors, in an atmosphere filled with tension. However, compared to those times, this was
much, much worse.
With just guys, he didn't really need to care much about anything. There was also no need to
be mindful about anything in particular, either. Furthermore, he wouldn't be in this much
Which is why, it is all because of the fact that they were all females that the current situation
was so dire. Definitely not because of their personalities, nor conduct, nor glaring problems
with their common sense or anything like that.
A case of sour grapes.
Godou couldn't help but think of this saying. Perhaps there were lucky men out there living
their lives surrounded by only kind, gentle girls... Although from his point of view, it seemed
like an impossible scenario.
Thinking that, he looked around the room again.
A room in the rented villa.
On the girls' side, Erica and Arianna shared a room, Yuri and Lucretia shared another.
He stayed in this room alone. He insisted on it, after all, while they were allocating the rooms.
Such a snug and cozy place.
"... Well, getting past this lock won't even be enough to make Erica break a sweat."
Very confident in his prediction, his shoulders fell again.
Someone that could stop the [Diavolo Rosso] from running wild did not exist here.

Yuri, whom, theoretically could do so, turned out to be unexpectedly easy to counter.
Previously, she could control her emotions so well, yet nowadays she seemed to regard Erica
with an air of malice.
Arianna would not be able to oppose her master in any way. As for Lucretia, she would only
make things worse.
However, Kusanagi Godou would not give up because of this. After all, being persistent was
part of his nature.
"As expected, it is necessary to carry out that plan, huh..."
Taking care not to make a single sound, he snuck out the room.
Maintaining the level of stealth, he continued on his way out of the villa.
The sun had set some time ago, and it was pitch black.
European nights were surprisingly darker than those in Japan. Although, with Godou's sharp
night vision, this was not a big problem.
In the night, after walking on the road for roughly ten minutes, he reached the entrance of a
small grocery store.
In Italy, convenience stores were a rarity. This was a shop that stocked only groceries and
basic necessities, but now the doors were tightly shut. However, as Godou's aim was not to
buy something, it didn't matter.
His goal was the public payphone in front of the store.
Inserting a coin, he called the number that he had obtained from Erica earlier.
(What is it, Godou? Do you need something from that vulgar man?)
(I remembered that he requested that I do something for him. I'm counting on you.)
After nagging Erica who refused to give in for three hours, he finally managed to get an
answer out of her.
Now, the person who is about to be contacted, was one of the rumored few in the world that
Erica Blandelli outwardly disliked. Still, he was someone that Godou got along well with.
Someone to make use of, in this situation.
"... ... Oi, who are you? I'll say this first, I'm currently very busy. Get straight to the point."
"It's me, Kusanagi Godou!"
Through the phone, came a rough voice that he had not heard for a while.

Instinctively, a picture of the owner of the voice came to mind. The appearance of Genaro
He was not particularly tall, yet he was very powerfully built.
Also, he had a very manly beard.[10] He had a sharp look in his eyes, and he wore a serious
On his head he wore a bandanna, anyone who saw him would have thought he looked just like
a pirate.
However, in the [Copper Black Cross], he was Erica's equal.
Among the Templar Knights, he bore one of the titles that held the greatest honor, that of the
[Great Knight]. It is certainly an impressive feat to accomplish at the age of twenty-three, but
even more impressive than that was the fact that he already had a one-year-old child with his
"Ooh, it's you, 'King', eh? It's been a while."
"Yes, it's me. By the way, Gantz-san, I came to Italy a few days ago..."
"You should have told me that you were coming beforehand, I would have been there to
welcome you."
He said something that made Godou a little happy.
Though he appeared to be coarse and rough on the outside, he was quite a good-natured
person on the inside.
Although his actions were far from graceful due to his hot-bloodedness and he was greatly
disliked by Erica, he could be described as someone who had good intentions.
...Well, it's not that he doesn't have any faults.
"By the way, Your Majesty, have you properly finished the 'assignment'?" he rudely asked
Godou out of the blue.
People involved with the affairs of the magical or occult usually treat Godou with a lot of
respect, due to his Campione status.
Gantz is one of the few that did not do so.
His relationships with others was more, casual, so to speak. Godou was rather pleased with
this aspect of his personality, but however, during these specific times he couldn't let it slide.
"N-no. I've been busy with various things, I haven't done it yet."
"What!? Idiot, haven't I told you many times before? If you're a true Japanese, you have to
hurry up and finish all four seasons, two hundred episodes of 'Magical Sorami'!!" [11]

"... ... Sorry."

Godou had seen that coming.
Because of how troublesome it would be, Godou did not bother to get Gantz's contact
information before his attempted get-away vacation.
Godou sighed to himself, at a volume low enough that the other party would not be able to
"Sheesh. I've even said this before, although they transform into witches through magical
cosmetics, and are still in training, the girls from 'Magical Sorami' still managed to win the
hearts and smiles of people around them. Understand this, real magic comes from 'courage'
and 'kindness'! That is what I've learned from that show!"
Even though he was a bona fide mage, he still said that with such gusto.
Godou did not dare to say out his true feelings.
Although 'Magical Sorami' was a show that had already ended ages ago, Godou had no idea
why it was still so popular in foreign countries (It seems like it has been repeatedly broadcast
in Italy several times).
The first time that he tried watching the DVD that he borrowed, he got rapped pretty hard by
his sister Shizuka, and had gotten a condescending look from her.
... ... If Gantz didn't have this weird fetish, he would have been a great person to hang out
Godou felt regret, but he had to push away his true feelings due to the things he had to say this
"Never mind then. I'll just have to invite you to my place and hold a movie marathon. If we
pull an all-nighter, we'll probably finish the first season by the second day."
"I see. I don't really mind. Alright then, I'll go straight to Milan!"
Godou did not want to stay in this place for even a moment longer.
Having made up his mind to escape from this hellish place, he had no choice but to resort to
this call. Although he did not know if he could stay at Gantz's place temporarily, before he
knew it, he was already invited.
It's going rather smoothly. Godou felt as though he still had a fighting chance, and his spirits
soared with the surge of motivation.
Watching a show that was targeted at little girls under the age of ten; that would still be better
than what Godou had been going through.
However, problems immediately started to arise.

"...Ah, hold on a moment. Actually, it's a no-go. Definitely not now."

"Eh!? W-Why is that?"
"In any case, you won't be coming alone, right? That little devilErica Blandelliwould
come along with you, right?"
"Eh, seems like it..."
"That's how it is. If I invite you, that woman will definitely force her way into my house! I'm
very sorry about that! Right now, my cute little Angela is at home!"
Angela is the name of Gantz's daughter.
Godou had seen her picture before, or at least, was forced to look at it by Gantz. However,
that is irrelevant at the moment.
"If she breathes the same air as that ill-natured woman, should Angela grow up to be like that
devil, that would be a big problem. For the sake of my daughter's education, there is no way
I'll let Erica come near my house!"
"Please don't say things that have no scientific basis!"
"Just in case. For the sake of my cute little angel, I won't let any pests come near. Don't hold it
against me. Then, let's meet up another time."
With that, he hung up.
Godou, who was suddenly cast aside, had a sudden urge to use the power he held as a 'King'.
As a devil king, a Campione, to make Gantz take back his previous words.
But he changed his mind right away. No, if he thought like that, wouldn't he turn into a devil
He should not abuse his status like that. Although, a devil king asking someone, 'Let me go to
your house to watch some anime DVDs' was totally unheard of. What a laughingstock.
"... ... Back to square one. I'll have to continue this fight on my own."
Said Godou, who had just renewed his determination, in a low voice.
No matter what, I cannot return to the villa tonight. I should find a place to stay the night, far
from the women, in order to recover. The temperature was pretty warm, thus there was no
problem even if he were to sleep on the streets.
... ... Although right now, he was trapped with indecision, clueless about how to proceed.
No matter, Godou decided to just explore the street first, and come up with something later.

Godou was thankful for the cool night breeze, so drastically different from the blazing heat of
the day. Of course, it was even more comfortable in his room in the villa, but taking a stroll in
the night was also good, in its own way.
The night wind continued to blow ever so gently.
To be able to see the constellations in the night sky so clearly, was only possible in a rural
place with clean air.
Additionally, the shimmering silver half-moon hanging in the middle of the sky.
Unlike the constellations, the same moon could be seen from Europe and Japan. It was like
the eternal companion in the night sky, Godou remembered that he also had times in Japan
where he gazed at the moon like this. 'When was the last time?' he wondered.
While reminiscing, Godou continued moving forward.
He was not sure when it happened, but the muscles in his back had started to grow tense, his
limbs and body filling with strength.
Since defeating Verethragna in spring, he had experienced this feeling a number of times. The
changes that occur in the body of a devil king, a Campione, when their natural enemies, the
Gods, are nearby.
When he felt that, Godou gulped.
He had realized who the girl currently blocking his way was.
Looking as though it could dissolve in the moonlight, hair of pale glimmering silver.
Looking as though they were made of the condensed darkness of the night, eyes of pure
The body of a very young girl, a goddess from ancient times.
Heretic Athena.
The goddess Godou fought and triumphed over in Tokyo, was standing right in front of him.

Part 3
"It's been a while, Kusanagi Godou. To meet once again, I feel a sense of elation."
Athena said, giving off a faint smile.
The sealed artifact of the ancient earth goddess, Gorgoneion.
The smile she gave off did not suit her, who had once again become the goddess of earth and
darkness, after reclaiming the artifact Gorgoneion. No, this was the fearless smile of the
goddess of war.
"... ... Why are you here, in such a place?"
"What a foolish question. You were the one who plunged right into my territory. To meet
again in this land, it is an inevitable fate. Don't you agree?"
Putting it that way, that sure seems like the case.
This great goddess, Athena, her sphere of influence did not include just Greece and North
Africa, but also small parts of Asia close to the Mediterranean sea. And Italy was right smack
in the middle of that sphere of influence.
"But, you have no reason to come specifically to where I'm currently staying, right? Let me
make this clear, I wasn't looking for you. Nor do I have time to chat with you like we're good
"Hmm... A reason..."
Under the moonlight, the ends of her lovely lips tilted slightly upwards.
Beautiful, dignified, yet ferocious was her smile. Overflowing with the will to fight, the
unmistakable proof of a warrior.

"You are a man of poor judgment. All I am doing now is paying a visit to the victor, the one
who had defeated me. Do not think that this is for the sake of revenge."
It was not that Godou did not think that was possible, but rather that he did not want to think
this was actually happening.
He had started to break out in cold sweat.
Would he come out victorious if he were to face Athena in combat? Probably impossible.
In the previous battle, he had only come out on top because he had used the spell words of the
[Sword] as his weapon. However, he could not repeat that again. The [Sword] could only be
used if the user had relevant information of the enemy God, something he was lacking at the
More than two months back, Godou had been fed information on Athena via use of the magic
[Instruction] by Erica.
Should one decide to make use of this magical art, it is possible to obtain a large amount of
information over a very brief period of time. However, the information could only be retained
in one's memory for roughly one day.
If the effects of the spell would remain indefinitely, there wouldn't have been a need to study
this much.
Although he was usually grateful for the existence of this spell, this timeit would not be of
use to him.
Even if he tried to recall the relevant knowledge regarding Athena, he could not clearly
remember the details, his efforts ended in futility. This time round, he would not be able to
use the [Sword].
What should I do? How can I fight?
I'll need a weapon besides the [Sword]. Which form can I use?
"Besides having poor judgment, are you a man who's also poor at giving up? I do
understand... that right now, you do not possess the same strength from last time. I can also
guess why that is the case."
Athena said, scornfully.
Godou remembered that she was a goddess with multiple aspects.
A goddess who ruled over the earth and the underworld, a goddess of war and also a goddess
of knowledge.
It would be difficult to hide anything from Athena. Although, even if she found out about that,
it is not as if he had no other combat options... Though, this was slowly turning out to be a
hopeless situation.

Looking at Godou who had started to steady his resolve, Athena pouted in displeasure.
"Come now, don't get angry. I have no intention of having a rematch... At least for today."
She declared while scrutinizing him with a disdainful look.
"Kusanagi Godou. From our last battle, it has barely been two full moons, has it not? In such
a short period of time, to repeat the conflict between a god and a Campione, don't you agree
that it would be boorish? If I had wanted a fight, then I would have picked a better place and
time. Do understand your current situation."
"So, why have you appeared before me, again?"
Godou asked while keeping his guard up.
Her previous words might have just been to give him a false sense of security. A goddess like
Athena should not have to resort to such tactics, but one could never be sure.
"Hm, I feel that, between us, something exists that interlinks our destiniesIn other words, it
might be that it is not fated for me to be the one that defeats you."
That kind of destiny, I definitely don't want it.
Godou's terrible luck with women was definitely getting worse.
"That's why, as one of my enemies, I would like you to acquire enough power and experience,
was what I was thinking about. One day, you will obtain the right to do battle with methe
queen who rules over the earth and the underworld. When that happens, it would be time for
the grand finale, a battle that will be told of for ages."
"No, no thanks, things like 'looking forward to having a decisive battle on Christmas', I don't
want to hear it."
"To be honest, recently I have been feeling awfully excited rather often."
Athena replied, nonchalantly ignoring Godou's retort. As expected of a high-ranking goddess,
such perfectly natural arrogance.
"Perhaps it is due to the fact that I am sensing that a battle is approaching. When I knew that
you came here, I simply felt like coming out to have a little bit of fun."
"A little fun?"
"Indeed. The experience gained from one day on the battlefield exceeds that of a hundred
days in training. Not to mention, if one were to fight beside me, a goddess of war, and receive
my teachings, it would surpass that of what you would get from a thousand days of training.
To train and further improve your strength. Accompany me while I have some fun, Kusanagi
"C-Come again?"

Hearing that from Athena, Godou thought that his ears were malfunctioning.
"I am ordering the inexperienced you to stay by my side and train your skills. Should you find
that disagreeable, then I will secure a rope around that neck of yours and bring you around.
Any objections?"
Naturally, it has already been decided. He did not have a say in it.
From Athena's body of a little girl, one could somehow feel a divine power of deterrence.
Looking over all life across the lands, the power of the loving earth mother. Beneath the earth,
she was the queen of the underworld, the power that ruled death and darkness. Possessing
unparalleled ferocity, the power of a war goddess. Lastly, the power from the wisdom of a
goddess of knowledge.
To carelessly engage in combat with such a goddess would be extremely foolish. It would be
best to avoid that at all costs.
Due to various reasons, Kusanagi Godou was accompanying a goddess on her journey.
On an unrelated note, the villa that Godou and company had rented and were staying in was
along the coast.
Moving along the outskirts of Alghero's main street which was along the sea, one could
discover many villas, resorts and other buildings that tourists on long summer vacations were
lodging in. Her house, was one of those buildings.
Alongside the azure sea, the white sands stretched out further than the eyes could see.
In this kind of location, one would be able to fully enjoy just soaking in the seawater, but,
recreation and entertainment on the beaches of Sardinia was not restricted to just that.
Yachts of different sizes decorated the seaside. Some were fighting against the forces of
nature, the waves
There were also boats and ships at the harbor. Although in the area, the biggest port was in
Alghero, there were quite a few smaller ports scattered along the coast.
The place that Athena and Godou finally arrived at was one of the small aforementioned
"Now, let us move out, shall we, Kusanagi Godou?"
"... where are we headed?"
"Although I mentioned this earlier, but I have been feeling unusually excited recently. Being a
goddess of war, it might be because I'm sensing the approaching battle ahead. To have this
feeling, I dare say that something is going to occur very soon."

"If we were to head towards the root of that calamity, we would then gain a rough
understanding of the situation. Let us cross this sea. To the unseen enemy, shall we
"Is that so..."
"Therefore, that is our destination. Let us make haste."
"Wait a second, isn't that place just weird? Don't bring me to a place where danger awaits, on
Godou retorted.
General knowledge would dictate that the usage of the word 'therefore' was inappropriate in
that sentence.
"You are the weird one, I can already see the omen of battle. Fate has decided for me to do
battle, and it is my duty as a goddess to follow the will of fate. I cannot refuse."
She said that with a powerful sense of responsibility.
How he wished that she would even spare a tenth of that sense of responsibility for the people
who will be caught up in that battle.
Sighing, having no other choice, Godou could only strengthen his determination.
No matter what happened, a battle would only bring problems to the nearby residents, like
that incident in Tokyo. It was clear that the word 'consideration' did not exist in Athena's
If that was the case, then all he could do was to prevent her from going too wild.
Although he really wanted to escape at the first opportunity he got, he was the only person
around who could and would stop Athena from overdoing it.
"You mentioned crossing the sea earlier, by boat?"
Speaking of the Mediterranean Sea, he could not help but think of the ferries that travelled to
and fro between Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica islands and the Italian peninsula. However, at this
time of the day, there were no vessels moving about.
To Godou, who had sensed something amiss, Athena replied arrogantly,
"Can you not see the scores of boats before your eyes? Any of them will do, we just have to
pick one to use, why do you care about the trivial things?"
"What you just said, those were the words of a petty thief! A goddess should not resort to
No doubt about it, this little port was filled with sea vessels.

From small crafts that could only support a group of four, to high-speed ships that were over
fifteen meters long, Athena chose, and boarded a small one, beckoning to Godou.
Godou apologized in his heart to the owner of that boat.
If he had time, he would definitely return the boat. Please forgive us!
After that, Godou took a seat next to where Athena was sitting.
"... Do you know how to operate this type of boat? Gods sure have strange abilities."
"How would I know how to operate a man-made contraption? As long as I follow the
guidance of the stars, the whispers of the wind, all I have to do is utilize my divine powers,
and we will naturally arrive at our destination."
Saying that, Athena snapped her fingers.
By some unexplainable forces, she was moving the craft forward.
...Towards the sea ahead, which was shrouded in darkness.
She couldn't possibly be thinking of heading out to sea, just like that? Even if they were
skilled seamen from the Age of Discovery, they should also bring the necessary provisions
and equipment and the right crew, but now, they did not even have a scrap of food or a drop
of water.
Godou had started to feel that this was a very, very bad idea.
Facing the possibility of death on the seas, unable to even lodge a complaint and leaving his
life in the hands of this goddess, was it really ok? Thinking that, Godou began to grow even
more uneasy.
At any rate, before he realized it, it had become a strange situation where this pair, once bitter
enemies, were placed on the same boat.

Chapter 2 - Of Witches, and the King of Swords

Part 1
Naples (Napoli, in Italian) is one of the most prominent metropolises in Italy, and the harbor
is a famous sightseeing spot.
The phrase "See Naples and die" was coined, from the sheer beauty of the ancient city.
Even when seen from afar, the view of the city was still as impressive.

The rays of sunlight fell upon the glimmering azure Bay of Naples, and on that stood one of
the numerous historical structures, the Santa Lucia port.
It could be said that the night scenery there was among the three greatest in the world. If you
were to look eastward, you would be able to see Mount Vesuvius, the volcano ten kilometers

"Hm, looking at it this far away, it looks like quite a beautiful town, but once you get close,
you realize that the streets are dirty and strewn with rubbish, the walls are vandalized, there is
constant traffic congestion, the people are happy-go-lucky, and daily life is simply chaotic.
No matter how much you try to butter it up, it is still an environment unfit for human
"Ara, Karen, although you are absolutely right, that isn't something you should say to a
resident of this city!"
"I apologize if my words offend you, Madam. Honesty and frankness are both part of my
nature, hence I often let slip my true feelings by accident."
Known as Spaccanapoli, this was one of the older streets in Naples.
The center of the city, close by Garibaldi Square and the nearby cathedral was bustling with
activity, overflowing with the friendly atmosphere of a traditional commercial and workingclass neighborhood. In a decrepit corner of that lay Diana Milito's ancient bookstore.
"M-Madam? Did you hear that, Lily? This little girl dared to call me 'Madam'... Say
something for me!"
"Karen, when addressing a... young lady like Diana, shouldn't there be a better way?"
Naples, the birthplace of pizza, was also a university town.
It was in the year 1224, the era of the Syrian Kingdom, when the University of Naples was
established. The university has lasted through the ages till the present times. Perhaps one of
the reasons would be the environment, as there were a surprising number of old bookstores in
the area.
There was a street next to Piazza Bellini that was well known for having many old bookstores.
In the building known as the 'House of Milito', the three witches had gathered there.
Somehow, no matter which country, one could feel the same sort of atmosphere in these
ancient bookstores.
Within the cleanly designed store, were a collection of a myriad of old books, tomes and other
texts, and it gave off a very peculiar atmosphere.

"When Liliana-sama is not being sincere, she will look elsewhere, and will not engage in eye
contact... Like how she was earlier."
"What!? Lily, is that true...?"
"Not a single bit! Karen, don't say things without any basis or proof behind them!"
"Ara, weren't you rather concerned about that the other day? Wondering about Dianasama's actual age. Did you not say this last time, although she had dressed younger than her
own age, she still could not conceal the crow's feet around the corner of her eyes?"
"I didn't say that! Definitely not to that extent!"
"Now, now, you let the cat out of the bag, Lily. How cruel of you girls!"
The owner of the shop, Diana Milito, was a witch that resided in Naples. Age unknown, a
baby-faced young female who liked to dress herself in fluttery dresses with plenty of frills,
which, strangely, did not look out of place on her.
Liliana was only seven years old the first time she met Diana, who was already a young
woman then.
From that time till now, roughly nine years later, she still bore the same smile, and her
youthful appearance had not changed at all.
Be that as it may, the passage of time had not left her untouched, as shown recently by her
crow's feet wrinkles, or the fact that her skin had not seemed as glamorous as before.
How old was she, exactly? It is probably best not to think too much about that.
Liliana hurriedly changed the topic of conversation.
"More importantly, Sir Salvatore is running late, and that is worrying."
"... Hmph! Lily, using such a topic to feign innocence. Being a Campione, how could
anything bad possibly happen to our lord?"
Diana replied, sulking.
You're already way past your prime, please act more like your age.
Although Liliana really wanted to say that, she still resisted the temptation. No, it would be a
very perilous thing to say.
"Naturally, that was not what I meant. What I was referring to was our lord's mental and
psychological issues, because he is lazy and carefree, there are things he has to overcome
Between them, only Liliana had directly met with the [King of Swords] before.

Upon hearing her words, Diana also showed a worried expression, and Karen nodded as
though she had a sudden epiphany.
"In other words, do you mean to say that Sir Salvatore is that kind of person? ... ... If you
discount the fact that he holds the power of the [King], personality wise, you would be hardpressed to find something positive about him?"
"I often hear that he is a sloppy and forthright person."
Liliana took out her blue cellphone.
The problem was, Salvatore Doni did not carry these kinds of electronic devices with him
when he went out.
It was said that even if he did bring one, he would lose it unknowingly, somehow. As a
preventive measure, this time round he had an assistant, who would be of immense help in
such situations.
After several rings, the person on the other end finally answered the call.
"This is Kranjcar... What is the current situation with our lord?"
"I'm sorry for being late. Though I managed to bring him in to Naples, the King stopped by
Garibaldi Square for some gelato. Could you drop by to pick us up? I'll pass the burde- sorry,
pass him over to you."
Although he seemed somewhat tired, he still spoke with a very harsh tone.
"That's fine, I'll be making my way over now. I'll meet up with you later then... ... Our lord
has already arrived, I'll be going to pick him up right away. Diana, bring Karen with you to
the underground first, this way it'll be faster."
After hanging up the phone, Liliana continued explaining the current situation to her
After hanging the 'Closed for Business Today' sign at the door, the three witches made their
way outside, onto the streets of Naples.
Liliana soon split up with the other two and headed straight for Garibaldi Square.
Liliana Kranjcar was both a witch and a knight.
Her rival, Erica Blandelli, in a broader sense, was also a witch, but was probably closer to a
[Female Mage].
There was a very thin line between being a [Witch] and a mage.
This had been defined by the sacred miko and priestesses of old.

Their knowledge and magic had been directly imparted from the witches of the previous
Diana Milito, a witch of the [Bronze Black Cross] living in Naples, was also the person who
had taught Liliana the arts of the witch. And Karen, who also had training in the same type of
magic, was currently staying at Liliana's side for further education.
After bidding farewell to her companions, Liliana passed along Corso Umberto, gradually
going towards Garibaldi Square.
The statue of the hero of the revolution, Giuseppe Garibaldi, watched over the station square.
As expected, the place was fully packed, but she had an idea where to go to find him.
That was because, from the crowds, she had heard two very familiar voices.
"Answer me, Salvatore Doni, although it was only just now that were you licking that gelato,
when on earth did you go and buy this?"
"It's not good to worry about the little things, Andrea. Look up and enjoy the sky."
An eye-catching duo were discussing something.
One of them had black hair, wore silver framed glasses, and had an intellectual, somewhat
neurotic look. On his slender face between his brows, a deep crease had formed.
The other person was a blond hunk with a seemingly carefree attitude.
"Look, the sun is pretty good today. And listen here, summer is in full bloom now. We're
currently in Naples. The city of the shining sun and sea. This is the place for yachts, beaches,
beer, barbeque and men and women of all ages to have funeverything essential about
summer! In a situation like this, there is only one thing I intend to accomplish here. Yes, that's
right, it is to have a vacation!"
In his hand, was a bottle of limoncello.
It seemed like a very cooling and refreshing drink, the label on the bottle was imprinted with
many drops of water. The blond man was sucking on his straw as he made his declaration.
To further add on, he was wearing an aloha shirt with flower patterns, indeed, he was dressed
very casually.
"Sir Salvatore!"
Liliana called out towards him.
Without a doubt, this was Salvatore Doni, the strongest knight of Italy, the [King of Swords],
one of the godslayers, a Campione.
"Ah, long time no see, erm... Kranjcar, was it?"

"She is Liliana Kranjcar, my king."

Facing the Campione who was happily greeting her, the bespectacled youth respectfully
His attitude and words had suddenly become very polite and business-like, reverting to an
expressionless poker face, in contrast to before Liliana had called out to them, it could be
described as an 'instantaneous reversal'.
His name is Andrea Rivera.
For Salvatore Doni, he was sometimes an aide, other times, a secretary, but most importantly,
a manager.
Covering all types of tasks and errands, the youth known as [The King's Butler].
"Ah, is that so. Sorry, I can only remember the names of people I have met five times. You're
probably around three times? I can't really remember your full name."

Facing the smiling [King], Liliana did a military style salute.

In actual fact she had met him six times, but she kept that to herself. It would be bad to be
fooled by his personality. He was a true monstereven if all the magi in the world were to
join forces against him, he still would be able to obtain victory, the immortal king of swords.
"Then, Liliana Kranjcar, I will now leave the king to you. If you don't mind, I will take my
leave now to settle other pressing matters."
"That would not be a problem. You have my thanks, Sir Andrea."
Liliana replied, expressing her gratitude.
Without Andrea Rivera, Salvatore Doni would be a mere warrior, unable to function as a
leader of the magic world. This is why he had been granted the title of [The King's Butler].

"With that, my king, Liliana will be taking over from now on, please listen carefully to her
instructions and act like a true king should. This, I sincerely ask of you."
Rivera made a request, in a respectful manner.
Upon hearing this, he, who was one of the seven devil kings in existence, frowned.
"I already know that. It's not like I'll be purposely making trouble for her, you simply worry
too much."
"Forgive me, that is merely one of my responsibilities. If you will allow me to say this, I am
worried that you might suddenly leave halfway due to your capricious nature, and as such, I
have instructed Kranjcar to contact me immediately should such a situation arise. It would be
my good fortune if you would bear that in mind."
If you run away, I won't be held responsible for what happens afterwards... His words seem to
imply that.
Liliana agreed silently.
Rivera and Salvatore Doni were friends, even before the latter had obtained the power of a
[King]. Even if one were to disregard that, he was still able to criticize the devil king directly
without fear, this fortitude and diligence of his were to be admired, which is how he had
obtained this role.
"I know, I know. Conversely, about the assignment I gave you, carry it out properly."
To his concerned butler, Salvatore Doni gestured with his hand for him to leave. Wordlessly,
Rivera bowed, and promptly left, vanishing into the crowds.
"Where is Sir Andrea going?"
"Earlier, I had requested him to run some mundane errands... Alright then. Shall we go to
finish things on your side?"
Doni answered Liliana's question with an air of boredom.
Finishing the rest of the limoncello, he picked up his suitcase which was resting on the
It was a sleek black case that seemed like it could store something very large.
His title, the [King of Swords], might have something to do with the size of that suitcase.
"But, I just can't get excited over thisI heard that it was because that there might be danger
that you asked for my help, but still..."
Doni complained lazily.

When all's said and done, compared to Dejanstahl Voban, he was much more manageable.
His capriciousness could possibly be said to be part of the fearsomeness of the [King].
He was a resident of the battlefield. Somehow, that was the best way to describe him.
To the magi of Italy who knew that fact all too well, they treated his normal behavior and
personality as simply a fashion fad of his generation.
"As I thought, without an enemy before my eyes, I just can't get fired up, don't you agree? We
should get a few gods, demons, monsters or whatever, doesn't matter if they're friendly, and
have a battle royale to spice things up "
"My lord... As I suspect that the incident this time might have something to do with a god, or
perhaps a dragon-like being, I believe that this will live up to your expectations."
Liliana said, conveying the facts concisely and simply.
If it were possible, she would have liked to obtain more accurate and reliable information
before releasing the details, but there was no helping it.
Anyway, it was already enough that the king had been brought to Naples. The most important
thing right now would be to prevent him from taking any unnecessary actions.
Hearing the news, Salvatore Doni's attitude changed immediately.
"Would you care to explain further, Liliana Kranjcar?"
Her full name that was not remembered no matter what she did, was clearly said this time.
His lips slightly twisting to one side in a grin, his previous slovenly attitude like that of a
young boy had all but vanished. Salvatore Doni smiled gleefully, leaking out his true nature as
a warrior.

Part 2
Originally, Naples was a colonial city of the ancient Greeks.
The remnants of stone pits, where slaves were once made by the people of old to work in.
Then, the remnants of the sewage systems, water tanks built by the Romans of later
generations. And after that, the remnants of underground warehouses that were used to store
food, provisions, and liquor.
The traces of these constructs could still be found in present times, beneath the older streets.
Napoli Sotterraneaalso otherwise known as [Underneath Naples].
"... ... Although these underground ruins have already become a sightseeing attraction, this
specific part of the underground is not open to the public, as it has been sealed and hidden by
the witches of Naples."

Liliana remarked, leading the way.

The district of Santa Lucia.
Facing the Bay of Naples, it consisted of the Santa Lucia harbor, Castel dell'Ovo and other
sightseeing spots.
They entered an old clothing store in the district and greeted the middle-aged woman running
the store.
Even if you wanted to compliment it, the clothing sold in the messy shop could not be
described as 'decent'. The fat lady, who looked perfectly suited to the store, but was in fact
Diana's subordinate, wordlessly brought them to the back of the shop.
The interior of the store was a place that only witches have been.
It was an entrance to the underground ruins below.
Unexpectedly, there was a square hole right in the middle of the bare ground. Stairs, carved
from stone, extended into the depths below, and Liliana, who could see perfectly fine in pitch
darkness, descended down the stairs without so much as a torchlight.
"... ... The [Snake] number the most, after that would be the [Cow]."
Doni, following behind Liliana, murmured to himself.
The pathway of the ruins was like an abandoned mine, long and narrow.
This place had used to be a quarry, dating back to the BC era, thus it would be very similar to
an abandoned mine. However, the many drawings carved upon the walls suggested something
These were simple, primitive stick drawings, and it would not be hard to believe if someone
said that these were carved by people from the Stone Age.
As Doni had said, there were many drawings that resembled snakes on the walls.
Some were depicted with very long, curling bodies, or multiple heads, and a few even had
bat-like wings.
Other animals that were drawn included cows, birds, pigs and lions.
Someone with a magical background would instantly recognize these to be the likeness of
goddesses of the land, and probably were carved after the coming of the Roman Empire.
"In the past, this was the location of a secret underground temple... ..."
Liliana softly whispered, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of these sacred grounds.

Ever since a certain patriarchal monotheistic religion became the official religion, the holy
miko who possessed divine power were branded as [Witches], persecuted and hunted
And thus, they fled to the underground. In order to preserve their wisdom and knowledge,
they built this underground temple to pass on their teachings and arts.
These drawings portrayed the beliefs of the witches, symbolizing the gods.
"Incidentally, snakes seem to be like the guardian deities of witches, why is that so?"
Being asked this question out of the blue, Liliana hesitated for a moment.
In the ancient times, the miko who served the great goddesses of the land were the ones who
became the first [Witches].
With the influx of Christianity and the decline of the traditional beliefs in Europe, the
originally sacred miko were suppressed and boycotted, and were slowly regarded as heretical
and to be feared.
The great goddesses of the land, in those days, usually were those that ruled over the domains
of life and death.
Athena, Ishtar, Isis, Tiamat, Cybele, to name a few. The goddess of love and beauty,
Aphrodite, was also originally a powerful great goddess of the land.
The sacred animal that represented the cycle of life and death was the snake.
And thus, the snake became the symbol of the goddesses of the land, the guardian spirit of the
Though Liliana had some qualms about the reliability of the details on the occult in this kind
of place, she decided to leave that matter aside for the moment.
"To explain that would consume a large amount of time. I will give you an explanation later,
so please kindly wait in the meantime."
"Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I should have learnt that before, but I totally forgot all about it."
Doni's carefree attitude showed that he had no intention of reflecting on his actions.
Although Campiones and magi seemed to be similar beings, they were in actual fact, totally
different existences.
Liliana once again deeply felt how true that statement was. Kusanagi Godou, who Erica
Blandelli was enthusiastically chasing after, prior to becoming a Campione, had completely
zero knowledge of the magical arts, a civilian.
"Then, the place your companions are currently hiding out at... 'Heraion', was it called?"

"Yes. A few months ago, the Gorgoneion that was discovered was the emblem of Medusa and
Athena. And here, the Heraion is the emblem of the goddess Hera. Legends spoke of the
goddess' hair being woven from snakes, and possessing a cow's eyesthese traits all point
towards her being a goddess of the land."
In Greek mythology, Hera was the wife of Zeus.
However, she had originated from the Peloponnesian Peninsula as a guardian goddess of the
After the area was conquered by the Indo-European sky-god worshipping people, Hera was
forced to submit herself to Zeus.
Before long, the two of them had arrived at the underground temple.
A pair of witches stood beside a pillar of pure blackDiana Milito and Karen Jankulovski
were waiting there.
"It is my honor to meet you, Sir Salvatore. For accepting our request, you have my deepest
"That's not important, let's go straight to the main topic. This is the rumored 'Heraion', isn't
Doni quickly cut her off, inspecting the pillar.
It looked like it was made from obsidian.
From the ground, the pillar stretched upwards, like a growing tree.
On the surface, there were many drawings of serpents. Although it seemed clumsily carved
onto the rock, one could not help but feel drawn towards it.
Approximately two meters tall, this was the Heraion.
"Alright, I'm feeling a rather incredible divine force from this."
"Yes. This was once discovered in Greece, and then painstakingly transported to this place,
centuries ago, by the witches of Naplesour ancestors."
Diana explained.
She was completely serious now, a deep contrast with her previous behavior exhibited back in
her bookstore; after all, she was a branch leader of Naples, in the [Bronze-Black Cross].
"It was spring this yearwhen we discovered the Gorgoneion in Calabria, when it began to
react in resonance. Initially, the magical force was not yet so powerful and we could contain it
by erecting the [Seclusion] barrier, but now..."
Recently, they have not been able to fully control it.

With a deep sigh, Diana finished her explanation, with Doni happily nodding his head.
"How nostalgic, the Gorgoneion? I was busy slacking off then."
"... ... Slacking off, did you say?"
"Yep. I was still recovering from my wounds from that last great battle with Godou then, so
since I wasn't going to take care of it, didn't you have no choice but to explain matters to him,
requesting his aid to clean things up?"
To Liliana, who was asking him with a reprimanding tone, Doni replied, blinking his eyes.
This youth with absolutely no sense of responsibility, had found a rivalry in another
Campione, the boy who had gained immense power in just a day. Liliana, once again, felt the
reality sink in.
Salvatore Doni was a warrior, through and through.
Whether it was joy, friendship, anger, love or pain, he could feel all these emotions on the
battlefield. No matter how carefree or generous he seemed, this was not the true Salvatore
A place where he could truly be himself could only be the battlefield, while facing the
strongest enemies.
Thus, he deeply loved the few enemies he had, befriending them, while polishing his blade in
order to defeat them.
Although she and Erica were both considered to be prodigal magi, there was an
insurmountable wall between them and him. Liliana had no choice but to accept this fact.
In the past, Salvatore Doni had been labeled as someone who could not keep up with his
However, that was only because he was someone that normal standards did not apply to.
His talents and capabilities were well beyond the comprehension of normal people,
completely disregarding his studies in the magical arts and focusing on martial prowess, the
genius who beheaded a god with just his blade.
The innate nature of the [King of Swords].
Of course, his carefree and happy-go-lucky attitude could also be part of his innate nature...
"When I heard that the goddess was Athena, the first thought I had was 'Crap'! I'd have been
really happy if I were the one to have fought with her, how regrettable... if I take the Heraion
with me, Hera might show up, eh?"
"No, although I am hoping that the probability of that happening is low..."

Diana answered with a troubled expression. It would not be easy to bring out the pillar.
First, you would have to excavate it out of the ground, and then transport it.
Manpower and machinery were needed, and then if during the process, the Heraion reacted in
a negative manner, it could very well turn into a dangerous situation.
"Come to think of it, you mentioned something about a dragon earlier, what was that about?"
Doni suddenly asked, and the three witches looked at each other, unsure of what to say.
(... ... Do we have to explain that as well?)
(... ... We have to. From the conversation earlier, you can tell that Sir Salvatore's knowledge
of magic is of the same level as a trainee mage.)
(Fine, fine, and Karen, please don't say anything weird.)
The above was conveyed purely through eye contact.
As a Campione possessing tremendous powers and receiving the admiration of many, it was
unbecoming that he had the knowledge of an outsider.
To grab the attention of everyone, Liliana coughed softly.
"From our deductions, dragons are a transformation of serpents, to put it more extremely, if
you combine parts of birds, lizards, horses and lions with a snake, you would get a dragon."
"Eh? Is that so? Somehow it seems really far-fetched."
"That's not the case, when the holy miko fell and were branded as [Witch], the incarnation of
the earth goddesses changed with the times and slowly became the [Dragon], the embodiment
of ferocity and strength."
Liliana suddenly recalled the rumors about the feats performed by Salvatore Doni.
"By the way, Sir Salvatore, you probably should have authorities that are related to the power
of the dragon, am I right?"
"Did I? Although I don't remember fighting a dragon before."
"Of course, although not in a direct confrontation, related to the dragon isin other words,
the hero with the power of water-based divine spirits and sacred beasts, have you not defeated
The first god that was slain by Doni was the Celtic god king, Nuadha.
From Nuadha, he obtained the authority of demonic swords, and after that, he defeated the
heretical god summoned by Marquis Voban, gaining the power of the dragonthe authority
of the immortality of steel.

To the dragon slayers who have long since regarded dragons and snakes to be their target of
conquest, channeled the properties of these beasts into their own power.
Doni nodded in acceptance to that reason.
"... ... I see. Well, I understand your point now."
"You understand? That is good to hear."
"No, I didn't understand what you were trying to say at all. But I've made it this far without
knowing anything, so the meaning probably isn't that important, that's what I understood. It's
fine, it's fine."
"... ... M-My lord, if you are fine with it, then I guess there is no problem."
Liliana finally understood that this person's head worked in a completely different way.
Despite his sloppy and reckless way of thinking, he had still made it through so many crises,
definitely something that the average man could not accomplish. This was one of the reasons
why he was so highly regarded.
"Then, what should we do about this Heraion? It is too big for me to bring it home like what
Godou did."
The height that protruded above the ground was roughly two meters, meaning that it might be
Doni looked at the Heraion that was a lot bit taller than him, smiled, and then suggested,
"If we hack it into two pieces, then slowly cut it into smaller sized pieces that can fit into my
hand, I could put it in my luggage and bring it home... ... could that work?"
"Cut the Heraion into pieces!? This is a very important, sacred artifact!"
"I-Isn't that going a little too far?!"
Diana could not help but shout out loud, even the usually calm Karen had trouble keeping a
composed face.
Forget the Gorgoneion, the Heraion was a sacred item to the European witches. Even if he
was a [King], it was impertinent of him to make such a suggestion. Liliana continued,
"Sir Salvatore, it is as Diana said! Furthermore, no matter how powerful your demonic swords
are, they could never cut apart the earth goddess' artifact!"
"No, I think it is very possible to cut apart, because right now I don't have the feeling that it
can't be cut apart, that's why I can do it."
Doni softly remarked, gazing intently at the Heraion.

He really intends to do it! Liliana, convinced of that, cried out,

"That would not be good. As of now, the Heraion has stored up a huge amount of earthen and
water magical power. Although it is currently suppressed by the barrier that has been erected,
should you use your authority now, the situation will quickly escalate out of control! In the
worst case, the collected energy might be released in an explosion, completely annihilating
Naples, which is why we should proceed with caution!"
"But, just simply sitting here and waiting for something to happen is simply too boring."
"That is why we had wanted to consult the [King], your opinion on the matter. After all, if
gods are involved, you would be Italy's most knowledgeable specialist... ... Besides cutting it
up into small pieces, do you have any other suggestions?"
"Hmm... ... if that's the case..."
After being severely reprimanded by Liliana, Doni sank into deep thought, and quickly shook
his head.
"Nope, can't think of anything. Not at all."
"My lord! Please think about it more seriously!"
One's pace could not help but to be disrupted when dealing with this [King].
Liliana was angered and frustrated to the point where she was almost shouting, literally
breaking out in cold sweat. If one were to speak to Marquis Voban in the same way, they
would be instantly executed.
Doni still had that carefree smile on his face, ignoring the verbal disrespect.
"Well, what I wanted to say was that everyone is tired. For now, let's head back and have a
good rest as it's already getting late. Maybe we'll manage to think of something good
There were no reasons to object to his order.
To keep staying in front of the Heraion would be a waste of time, thus the three witches,
along with the [King of Swords], begun to head back, but... ...
On the way back, Doni did not stop smiling to himself.
From his expression, Liliana could not help but feel a sense of dread, and silently steadied her
determination for what might come tomorrow.

Part 3
That night, Salvatore Doni stayed in an inn that they had arranged for him.

Liliana and Karen were both staying over at Diana's house. With that, the day's clamor and
activities have long ended... or so it should have been.
It was half past twelve, midnight, when the lonesome figure of Liliana could be seen
travelling on the streets of Naples.
They had come here before during the day, the coastal main street of Santa Lucia district.
This time was not considered very late during summer in these big cities of Europe, hence
there were still quite a few signs of human activity. To carousers and partygoers, this would
be their favorite time of the day to head out.
Although Naples did not have a low crime rate, this was one of the safer districts to be (On
the older streets, there were high chances of running into pickpockets and robbers).
Liliana did not go out at night often.
Although she had full confidence in her abilities, it just didn't feel right to her.
... ... With an unease she could not get rid of, Liliana walked into a cafe that operated at night,
ordered a few sandwiches to satisfy her hunger and a coffee to keep her awake, and continued
on her way.
She broke into a run, there was a place she had to reach as soon as possible.
At any rate, the young women on the streets caused her to knit her brows in disapproval
whenever she passed by them.
The amount of skin exposed, wasn't it a little too much?
Camisoles, tank tops were fine. Even if it was summer, being so daring as to expose their
midriffs and bra straps, Liliana could not approve of that.
Incidentally, Liliana was dressed plainly.
A loose fitting blue shirt matched with black suit pants. Though it gave her a clean, beautiful
look, somehow it gave the impression that she was an unfashionable person.
Finally arriving at her destination, the place she had decided that she had to return to during
the evening.
The old clothing store ran by the fat witch. Because she had an uneasy feeling, she decided to
stand guard overnight.
(If it's that guy, it's likely that he will come here...)
(No doubt, better to be safe than sorry...)
After explaining the reason for her unease to her comrades, that was how they replied.

Trust between people was something that was nurtured through normal, daily actions. Having
learnt that lesson, she blew a whistle.
A short while passed before a thin, frail stray cat slowly strode up to her.
Before dinner, she had bound the cat by means of a magical contract, and had it watch over
the store for her, reporting any suspicious activity.
She placed the palm of her hand on top of the cat, and extracted the cat's memories.
"... ... It's as we expected, such a headache."
What they thought would happen, had happened, and Liliana walked towards the old
The doors were made from old wood, and the lock in the doorknob could be opened if you
had the necessary skill. As he probably could not use [Unlock] magic, some sort of lockpicking skills must have been employed.
"That guy, why does he always have these kind of weird skills!"
She shouted angrily, and pushed open the door.
The familiar fat lady was lying on the floor, unconscious.
Liliana quickened her pace and reached the underground complex of the Heraion after a few
minutes of running. There, she saw the [King], who seemed to be in a pretty happy mood.
"Sir Salvatore!"
"Hm? Kranjcar? Why are you here?"
"Of course, because you were acting strange earlier, that's why I have come here on purpose!"
"... ... Wh-what?"
In the deepest part of the underground ruins, she once again met with the devil king, Salvatore
"I'm begging you, please don't pull these kinds of stunts! Could you have thought that you
would peremptorily do everything by yourself before we nag and chastise you, did you!?"
"You're really impressive, to have managed to predict my actions to this extent... ... Not bad."
In the face of the female knight's interrogation, Doni could only reply in a soft voice, his
expression stiff.
He seemed to be repentant about it. Although they had already expected this to happen, he
really was a useless member of society.

Liliana really wanted to let out a deep sigh at their lack of options.
To prevent the manifestation of the [Heretical God] was what she wanted to discuss with the
godslaying devil king, which was a perfectly natural human thing to do, but her partner wasn't
really human anymore.
Italy's [King of Swords] was such a man, like a ticking bomb of shenanigans that could go off
at any moment.
Residing in the nearby Balkan peninsula was the [Marquis], dangerous like a wild beast.
The [Kings] residing in America and China were too far away for them to have any relations
England's [Black Prince], was famous for having a terrible personality and being a ruffian.
Alexandria's [Queen] had not been heard of for centuries and has been living in seclusion as a
Lastly, the [King] of Japan that came to Italy occasionally... ... With an upright character, a
youth who had somewhat good prospects for the future, but did not have an eye for women. In
conclusion, he was definitely no good.
"It can't be helped. Besides using a sword, there's no other way around this."
While smiling, Doni grabbed his usual black case with his hands.
Until now, the case had been hanging off his shoulders, inseparable from his body. He flipped
open the cover, and retrieved the weapon inside, and then threw the scabbard onto the floor.
A blade of pure steel.
Unlike the magic swords used by Liliana and Erica, nor was it the work of a master
It looked just like some mass manufactured product, besides being a sword, there was nothing
special about it. Nevertheless, the steel was of a quality enough to match that of the strongest
magic swords on earth.
... ... Liliana and the others would never walk around like that, carrying the sword wherever
they went, as they could directly summon the magic swords out of thin air.
The reason Doni did not do so was mainly because he was poor at the magical artshe could
not. Even if it was a basic spell like this, he simply couldn't cast it.
In spite of that, he was emitting a tremendous amount of magical energy. Liliana sucked in
her breath.
"M-My lord, could you possibly be thinking of using your sword!?"

"Ah, no. I didn't draw my blade to kill you or anything like that, don't worry about it... Listen,
you know in those historical Japanese movies, there's this 'mineuchi' thing, right?[13] I was
wondering if I could do the same now."
"There's no way I can believe that will happen!"
Liliana, who had quite a fair bit of knowledge on Japanese culture, wished that Doni would
not take those sword fighting scenes in those old Japanese movies so seriously and attempt to
mimic them, but she was more worried about the stance he had taken.
Relaxing half his body, his sword was left hanging loose from his right hand.
The knights who have seen Salvatore Doni in action would all know this fact, that his combat
stance was simply unbelievably shocking. There was no special skill or technique involved. A
stance that prepared for neither offense nor defense.
A completely natural and relaxed stance, free, unfettered and flexible. A stance that could
adapt to anything in response, and then cut down everything in its path.
As there were no humans that could be a match for him, thus this stance, meant for
adaptability, was what he had learnt to use, in his numerous conflicts with gods, demons,
devil kings and monstersthe extraordinarily powerful foes that logic did not apply to.
"Since you won't let me use the 'mineuchi', you'll have to suffer the consequences. Are you
Doni said with a carefree tone.
Liliana instantly employed the summoning magics, and her weapon materialized.
There were no thoughts behind her actions, merely the instinct of a knight, spontaneous
actions in response to a battle.
Il Maestrobearing the title of the "master musician"the magic sword with historical
The blade was gently curved, it was an elegant silver saber. As Liliana grabbed the weapon
and took a stance, Doni moved forward towards her. His speed was neither fast, nor slow.
A neutral stance, as though he were stepping into a friend's house.
At the same time the sword in his right hand drew an arc as it slashed at Il Maestro.
Liliana did not move out of the way.
On the contrary, she aimed to lock her blade with Doni's, and reach a stalemate. Entangling
their blades together, sealing the opponent's techniques and movements.
But, she was not able to parry Doni's light blow.

Conversely, Il Maestro was easily sent flying out of her hand, disarming her.
It had been a blow from his empty left hand that did it.
And again, in that neutral stance, yet another blow landed on the region of her solar plexus. It
seemed like a light blow, yet she felt such a great impact on her body, leaving her gasping for
breath, unable to summon any of her strength.
Liliana was breathing hard, bending over at her knees. Compared to her, his strength was in a
completely different dimension, she could neither defend nor attack.
"... .... Well, that's how it is. If you try and get in my way again, I'll let you experience
firsthand my forty-eight killing techniques, capable of causing anyone to fall in a dream-like
trance and fainting, or my fifty-two submission techniques that would serve you a full course
of having all your joints in your arms and legs broken, be more obedient from now on!"
After saying that cheerily, he turned around and walked to the Heraion.
Liliana could not even stand up properly at this point, much less stop him. Furthermore, his
right hand was still glowing with a silver light.
She felt the goosebumps rise on her skin. The [King of Swords] was channeling all of his
strength and power.
Doni's right hand was no longer a human hand of flesh and blood.
It was a radiant silver-white metal arm, as if made by a genius master craftsman, a work of
artistic splendor.
"I will make this oath now. I, I will not allow anything that cannot be cut to exist in this
world. For this sword of mine, is the invincible blade that cuts down all without fail!"
Doni made an arrogant proclamation. No, perhaps it was more like the soul of the language
surging forth.
Turning the strength of his words into a tremendous amount of magical energy, focusing that
into his sword of steel, transforming it into a one-of-a-kind magical sword of vast power, and
with that, the [King] swung his sword right at the black pillar.
The Heraion was sliced apart into two clean halves.
The silver arm that transformed the sword of steel, which was then able to cut any being on
this earth with no exception. This was the [Ripping Arm of Silver], the authority obtained
from the god Nuadha.
Even if it were a rusty sword or a swiss army knife, it could also be turned into an unrivaled
magical sword.
It was an extremely simple authority. A single sword that could split the earth and the seas. It
was a simple and yet immensely powerful ability.

Liliana witnessed it with her own eyes.

From the halves of the Heraion, burst forth a massive amount of magical energy in the form
of a lava-like substance.
The brilliantly glowing green magma flowed across the ground, overflowing with magical
energy, and then suddenly, a surge of magical power shot towards the ceiling from the floor
of the underground ruins, like a volcanic eruption.

Part 4
Humans, magi and various other kinds, the race of the intelligent and cunning, named them as
[Heretical Gods].
What gave birth to these supernatural existences?
No one really knows the truth behind this, what they can only do is come up with theories,
these were the only results after much racking of their brains.
Even the gods who were named as such were unable to answer this question themselves,
though it was no fault of theirs.
Before the [Heretical Gods] had realized, they were already roaming through the lands,
establishing themselves as an independent existence. They could not even remember the
process of their birth.
"... ... For what purpose have I been brought into this world for? Even if I ask myself that, I
don't know the answer. Whether I should be sad or happy about this, I don't know that either."
The god who had just obtained a physical form asked rhetorically, with a bitter smile.
A smile that gave off a feeling of frustration.
Not knowing, that in itself was interesting. There was no need to worry over that.
Wanting to find out their reason for existence, trying to find their genuine selvesfretting
over such delicate woes, it was not the style that was becoming of a hero from the ancient
That being said, that fundamental essence of a god would be [Myth].
Besides that, the lands of the people who spread these myths, or the unexplainable incidents
that happened on these lands, between these factors, there must be some kind of link.
A glance at the immediate surroundings.
Although the area had been shrouded in the darkness of the night, this was no problem to the
eyes of a god.

This was a mountain, probably a volcano, not much greenery could be seen, probably due to
the higher composition of metal of the earth, and there were red volcanic rocks everywhere.
Mount Vesuvius.
He did not know the name that the humans have given it, and he continued to survey the land
before him.
The place he was at was about halfway up the mountain. From there, he could see that the sea
and also a city in which humans lived were not too far off. To the eyes of an archer, this was
"... ... Ho. This seems interesting."
In a corner of the city, near the coast, there was an explosion of magical energy.
The essence of earth and water, in the form of emerald light, was surging out.
Like a volcanic eruptionthe instant he thought of that, he finally realized why he had
The essence of earth, of the land. Perhaps it was the snake of the mother of the land, the
mystical force that belonged to the Queen of the earth.
And what was he currently standing on? A mountain of fire, earth and metal.
Who was he? A hero. Steel within his hands, a flame burning within him, a defender of the
"The essence of the earth, the spirits of steel, are they calling for me? If that's the case, then
what comes next, would be that."
He released the divine energy stored in his body.
The emerald energies reacted with his own divine energies, refining it into a tremendous,
massive body of life force.
The idea of a serpent served as a foundation for that giant body.
It had a length that surpassed the sea serpent that he had once defeated in his legend, causing
the civilians that looked up at the sky to scream in terror.
After that came huge bat-like wings sprouting from its back.
From the body, four short limbs, like those of a lizard.
The shape of the head resembled the crocodile's, and within the gaping maw there were many
razor-sharp, blade-like teethit was the birth of a dragon.

In the skies above the coastal city, the gargantuan dragon spread its wings, and circled around
The god smiled in satisfaction.
The creation of a worthy enemy from the essence of the land. For a hero that was also known
as a war god, was this not a joyous occasion?
At any rate, as long as there was an enemy he had to defeat, it was fine. As long as there was
an obstacle to be overcome, he would be satisfied.
If there were damsels in distress as well, that would be even better, but having an enemy was
more important, because without that, there wouldn't be any distress at all. Then there would
be no point in being a hero!
Blood burning with excitement, he rushed ahead, but quickly came to a halt.
"Ah, that's right, I ought to declare my name."
As a hero of bravery and beauty, it was only natural for him to do so.
If the sound of his name did not leave a deep impression on the humans, it would be a great
blow to his pride.
After a while of careful consideration, and establishing that it would be more appropriate to
refrain from that, he instantly fell to his knees in despair.

"I... I almost thought I was going to die..."

Liliana Kranjcar, who had finally escaped from that crisis, said to herself weakly.
After everything was bathed in the light from the Heraion, the ceiling had started to collapse
due to the intense exposure to magical energies.
If this continues, I'll be buried alive!
The moment the earthquake-like tremors started to spread through the underground ruins,
Liliana had leapt into action.
When even the large rocks begun falling onto her head, Liliana instantly used the [Leap]
magic. With the use of this spell, a distance of several hundred meters could be covered in
roughly ten seconds.
To onlookers, it would have seemed like teleportation. Though, it was merely a high speed
movement across a large distance, not a teleportation skill.

Through the gigantic hole in the ceiling that had been created by the energy from the Heraion,
she escaped with [Leap] magic onto the surface above. Were she a tad bit slower, it would
have been very likely that she would be trapped by the collapsing rocks.
As of now, she was at the coastal end of Santa Lucia district.
This was no sandy beach, but a sparse outcrop of marble covered the area, serving as a
breakwater of sorts. It was only a short walking distance back to the streets of Santa Lucia.
To get back to the old bookstore would take only about ten minutes.
After running through the entire underground ruins, getting back up here with [Leap], she had
lost track of her bearings, and thus she surveyed the general area again.
Earlier, the stored magical energy of the Heraion had exploded.
The explosion leveling the city. She had feared this, but the harbor seemed to be largely
unaffected, there were no real visible damage to the environment.
Liliana felt relieved.
Of course, the loss of the precious underground sanctuary was regrettable. The people living
directly above it might have been affected, but it was still better than having the entire city
blown sky high.
... ... Yes, although that was preferable, but...
Looking up, Liliana realized how wrong she was.
A dragon. A flying dragon.
In the skies above the harbor was a massive dragon, gliding freely through the skies with its
wings spread out wide, haughtily looking at the world beneath it.
The wingspan was at least thirty meters long, and the scales were glinting with a faint emerald
Compared to the modern depiction of the dragon, its head and body were long like that of a
snake. Maybe it looked a little weird, but that hardly seemed important at the moment.
The way the chimaera-being known as the dragon was depicted changed depending on the
time and place.
Ever since the olden days, Europe had many different stereotypes of the dragon.
Limbless dragons, wingless dragons, or conversely, dragons with overly long wings and limbs
which resembled a Pegasus, but the modern dragon was the one depicted in fantasy movies
and video games.
"As I thought, was it born when the Heraion was cut apart...?"

"Whoa, isn't it awesome? I really didn't think that a dragon would pop out of that pillar. It sure
gave me a surprise."
While Liliana was staring dumbly at the dragon and murmuring to herself, a cheerful voice
had said suddenly.
She wasn't surprised.
As she managed to escape unscathed herself, there was no doubt that he would make it out as
well. Liliana turned her head, and found Salvatore Doni simply standing there leisurely, with
not a scratch on him.
As expected of the one who possessed the authority, [Man of Steel].
Obtained from the Nordic hero Siegfried, it was an authority that allowed one to obtain a
semi-immortal body that was tougher than steel, the cave-in earlier must have seemed like the
pattering of raindrops to him.
"... ... My lord. Although this is not a hard thing to do, because your actions earlier have
resulted in the birth of that dragon, please do control yourself in the future!"
"I know, it's fine. I'll take responsibility and beat down that guy!"
"Please don't do that! If you destroy the divine beast formed from the spiritual essence of the
land, the spiritual veins in the entire region might dry up! It's too risky!"
Liliana shouted, while looking up at the dragon.
In oriental Chinese geomancy, it could also be referred to as the earth's vein, or dragon's vein.
The dragon was surely an embodiment of that kind of power.
Destroy it, and what would remain would be a barren land and a sea of death. That was a
future predicted with the spirit sense of the witches, and had to be avoided at all costs.
The sounds of flapping wings could be heard as the dragon approached the harbor.
As it was a creature that disregarded the laws of physics, it would not have mattered even if it
did not have the necessary organs for flight.
The dragon continued to circle leisurely in the skies.
Two knights stood on the harbor of Santa Lucia, gazing up at it.
One of them was vigorously burning with fighting spirit, raring for a fight, while the other
wore an expression of worry, wanting to prevent that from happening.
As if sensing Doni's fighting spirit, the emerald dragon, with an air of an emperor, looked
down at the [King of Swords], and suddenly roared.

The thunderous roar of the dragon in the deep night caused the entirety of Naples to shake.
At the same time, from the gigantic dragon's body, radiated an intense amount of magical
Could the dragon be capable of using spells of magical or divine nature!? Liliana felt a wave
of fear wash over her, and then something changed within the seaA wave. A gigantic wave
was headed towards them.
The waves crashed against the harbor violently.
The rhythm of the surging water and sounds began to rapidly increase in tempo.
What was only the soft, calm waves of the night, had turned into this state of fury in a mere
ten seconds.
"Hmm, by just increasing the strength of the waves a little bit, what is it trying to do?"
"It's not 'little'! Please open your eyes and look at that!"
Liliana, in a state of panic, warned the perfectly calm Doni.
A genius in melee combat, a pure-blooded warrior, and in the realm of the Campiones, with
the exception of the religious cult founder Luo Hao, he could be considered as the strongest.
However, he had a weakness, or rather, a vice.
He was inept at judging and analyzing magical warfare.
That was because of his absolute resilience against offensive magic, a Campione that had a
body tougher than steel, like a metal wall.
Even if he were to be subjected to an overwhelming magical assault, he would be able to
endure it, and launch a counterattack with his sword.
It was not an ideal style to fight with, but he did not care much for these trifling details, only
about whether he could immerse himself in battle.
The force of the dragon's summoned wave had intensified even more within seconds.
From the sea came a feeling of the onset of a storm. The waves crashed non-stop against the
harbor, and from the far distance, a tsunami approached menacingly, like an avalanche.
It was something that should not have been able to occur here, in this quiet inner bay, that
gigantic wave that carried the wrath of nature.
"Sir Salvatore!?"

"Hmph, against this wave, with my blade, I will... oh crap! I dropped it back in the
underground area!! H-hold on a second! Let's settle this in a fair fight, ok!?"
As Liliana shouted at the [King] in desperation, Doni complained loudly.
They were immediately hit by the incoming tsunami, and swept away.
Why, what did I do to deserve this!
Liliana was swallowed by the waves, cursing her own fate.
Her body still ached a little after that blow from Doni, but as she could not let herself drown
like this, she started to swim towards the surface, ignoring the weight of her drenched clothes.
And suddenly, a huge emerald colored body had appeared beneath her, and dragged her
After a few tens of seconds had passed.
Somehow, she was at what seemed to be the base of the neck of the dragon, flying far above
the seas. Although Doni had been swallowed up by the tsunami as well, only she had been
scooped out of the sea.
"W-were you the one who saved me?"
She murmured, asking him. No answer came from the dragon.
The dragon born from the Heraion, the artifact of the goddess of the land, most probably
treated the witches who safeguarded the pillar as comrades, thus it had saved her.
Liliana breathed a sigh of relief.
At the same time, Liliana suddenly remembered about the [King], causing her to feel worried,
but felt that he was probably fine.
That superman should not have drowned like this.
He would probably have casually swum towards some unknown shore, and then say
something like 'Eeh... I thought I was going to die'.
The dragon was still circling around in the skies, but it had started to pick up its speed.
The view of the harbor slowly drew closer and closer, the most striking landmark being the
Castel dell'Ovo.
It was a construction that was built on a piece of land in the middle of the sea, the official
name being Castel dell'Ovo. The nickname that people had given it was [Egg Castle]. 'If this
egg breaks, then calamity will be brought down upon this castle and Naples!' was the
prediction that people once had, which was the origin of the nickname.

This structure that was built in the medieval times, for the purpose of observing the seas, had
now become a popular tourist attraction.
Visitors could enjoy the view of the entire city of Naples from the roof of the building.
The dragon landed on the road leading up to the Castel dell'Ovo from the city. The castle and
the harbor were located on the land protruding outwards from the Santa Lucia district.
The dragon obediently let its passenger off onto the ground.
Someway or the other, she had managed to make it back safely. Letting the sea breeze dry her
clothes, she began to think about her next course of action.
It was at this moment when lightning flashed across the sky.
To be exact, it came from the sky to the east, perhaps from the area of Mount Vesuvius.
Alongside the sound of the thunder, the lightning took the form of a humanoid before her.
This was the visage of the most handsome man that Liliana had ever seen.
Golden hair that reminded you of the blazing sun, elegant and delicate brows. A robust,
divinely body.
The white clothing and cloak he wore were clearly not from this age.
[Heretical God]
Without a doubt, at first sight, Liliana confirmed this fact.
Mankind's greatest disasters, gods that wandered the land, bringing destruction with them.
Although she had expected to meet one sometime in her life, she never thought it would be
this soon.
It was an unexpected development, causing her heartbeat to accelerate, her throat becoming
extremely dry.
This handsome man could kill her, Liliana Kranjcar, in an instant with ease, an existence
beyond mortal comprehension.
Although in this aspect he was completely the same as Salvatore Doni, on the other hand, he
gave off a very strong, intense aura that could be felt deeply by Liliana's heart.
It was mainly a mixed feeling of fear and admiration, but there was also something that felt
strange about him.
Just the sight of the beautiful countenance of the god made her stop in her tracks, her mind

However, only his appearance was similar to that of a human, merely borrowing their shape.
There was only one human here right now. Liliana quickly made up her mind.
She had no choice but to find out by herself what the god wanted.
"... ... What mythology or place are you a god of? If it's ok with you, will you kindly tell me
your name?"
Upon hearing her respectful request, the beautiful young god smiled.
"Well asked, young lady. My name, my identity, I have been worried whether I should tell
you that... as I thought, it would be better that I should grace you with my name. I am Perseus.
Remember it well."
As though he had some issues on the inside, he gave his name after a while.
The dragon behind Liliana growled in a low tone.
It was a warning of the danger looming ahead, from the meeting of a sworn, bitter enemy, and
the unavoidable battle that was to come.

Chapter 3 - Hero's Sojourn

Part 1
It had almost been two hours since they began their voyage across the sea in the night. It was
already past twelve midnight.
Kusanagi Godou heaved a sigh of relief as soon as the shore and city lights came into view.
Setting out on a journey, not knowing the destination, this ordeal was almost at an end.
Athena's manipulation of the yacht's velocity was an evident abnormality.
If they traveled at this speed on land, the consequences would be unimaginable. Godou had
prayed that no obstacles would appear before their path on the voyage.
Due to the fact that they were getting close to their destination, their speed had reduced
greatly, and Godou was deeply grateful for it.
There was a gigantic castle next to the harbor.
It was a special landmark, for sure. They were probably still within Italy's boundaries, but he
had not a clue where he was. A quick observation showed that the city was of considerable
"... Hey, what is that place? Is there a reason why we came here?"

"Hmm? Where are we, eh? I don't know."

His reasonable question was answered with an irresponsible answer.
"Don't ask me that, Kusanagi Godou. I merely felt where the winds were blowing to. In the
first place, wasn't this that sort of journey? I entrusted our fate to the guidance of the wind,
advancing in the same direction, it was merely divine ordain. Moving like clouds in the sky."
On the 'borrowed' yacht, the goddess Athena murmured softly.
To the average modern person, it would be a ridiculous idea, but Godou didn't really mind,
and only just wanted to tell her not to do things as though she were Homer, the Greek poet,
improvising poems in real time.
It was this moment when a sudden change happened.
From a corner of the harbor, an emerald light could be seen stretching towards the heavens.
"What is going on, over there?"
"Hm... It seems like someone had carelessly stimulated the essence of the land."
Godou and Athena observed the situation from their yacht
The emerald light gradually shifted into a familiar shape... a dragon, spreading wings of over
ten meters and soaring through the air, a massive dragon with emerald scales.
"As I thought, is that a god of something?"
"No, it's probably something like a divine beast although its origins should have connections
to a god..."
Being used to this, it was terrifying. It was preferable that the enemy was not a god this time,
Godou thought.
As the god and the devil king looked on, the gigantic dragon slowly descended onto the
Soon after, a light like a flash of lightning, from nowhere, as if aiming for the dragon,
swooped down somewhere in its general vicinity.
"...I have a really bad feeling about this."
"It seems my prediction was spot on, we have just witnessed the descent of a troublesome
god. Fufu, things are just starting to get interesting."
The yacht, propelled by Athena's divine power, slowly drew closer to the land.
Thus, Kusanagi Godou and the heretic goddess arrived at the most dangerous city in Italy.

He defeated the snake-haired demon Medusa in Greek Mythology, and then, when the
princess of Ethiopia, Andromeda was about to be sacrificed to a monster, he engaged in battle
with said monster by the seaside, and obtained victory, saving the princess.
It was well-known that he was a god that represented the slaying of serpents, dragon and
snakes alike.
[Perseus and Andromeda Style] was a term that referred to myths of similar themes.
The Heraionthe loss of control of the symbol of the land would bring about the
manifestation of its sworn enemy, this was what Liliana Kranjcar had thought, having noticed
the possibility of such an occurrence.
"Not in Greece, nor in Iraq, but right in the middle of Italy, why did this, so suddenly..."
A murmur escaped from her lips. But, she knew that [Heretic Gods] could manifest in places
their original myths had nothing to do with, thus she was not that bothered by it.
"Well then, you have heard my name, beautiful maiden. To show your respect to the great
name of the serpent slaying warrior, it would be best to leave now. After my introduction, it is
now time for me to display my valor."
Perseus flashed a brilliant smile, showing his pearly-whites.
He was surely not your normal pretty boy, his smile both bold and charming. As though in
response, the dragon behind Liliana roared.
A terrible, loud sound.
It caused Liliana's slender body to shake uncontrollably, the sheer magnitude of the sound
almost bursting her eardrums. Not just the harbor of Santa Lucia, perhaps the entire city of
Naples had felt that.
And in return to that roar, a sword materialized in Perseus' palm.
It was over a meter long, its blade thick and heavy like a cleaver. A fitting sword for a hero
Not good.
To prevent the start of a battle, Liliana called out to that beautiful hero.
"God Perseus, please stop! This dragon is formed, from Naplesfrom the essence of the
landa divine beast, if you carelessly destroy it, the spiritual aura of the land will die along
with it, please stay your hand!"

"Young lady, that I cannot do."

Perseus answered, with a faint smile.
"Slaying dragons and serpents is what I embody. It is the duty and responsibility of a hero,
thus, the actions I must perform, if I were to give up on it halfway, it is unforgivable!"
"Because of that reason, you won't care what happens to the land!?"
"This is for the sake of completing my duty. It can't be helped."
He said cheerily, as though he were shining like the sun.
Those were cheesy lines only a true hero who fought for mankind and saved damsels could
utter. Somehow, the pretty boyspeaking those words and radiating elegancewas also a
seasoned warrior, tempered and forged in battle.
"It would be best if you stood back. The role of a young maiden is to stand by and wait to be
saved by the hero, and offer her love to the victorious. It would be presumptuous of you to
interfere any more than that!"
Liliana was frozen to the spot after being coldly reprimanded. A thinly-veiled threat.
Even if she were to use up all her strength, she still had to stop Perseus. Although that is what
her mind had decided, her body would not obey. Her limbs would not move, no, rather, could
not move.
It might have been the power of his words.
Perseusthe serpent-slaying heroin his overwhelming presence, Liliana could only gulp.
She did not know that the girl she saw as a rival had once, before the war god Verethragna,
experienced a similar event. To be suppressed like this under the authority of a god, it was
indeed vexing.
"Hahaha, such an obedient girl. If it's fine with you, after I fell the dragon, fall into my
embrace like a saved maiden, reenacting the tale of Andromeda!"
As Perseus said that...
The emerald dragon spread its wings out and took off, probably intending to engage the hero
from the air.
Opening its maw, revealing its razor-sharp teeth and dark red tongue.
An open show of hostility.
From the ferocious snarl of the divine beast, Liliana understood that.

From its maw, flames came spewing forth, as if to cleanse the land clean, sacred flames that
engulfed Perseus.
However, in that mere instance, the beautiful hero's form had seemingly turned into that of a
brilliant white meteor.
At speeds beyond what Liliana's eyes could follow, his movements were like that of a
meteorterrifyingly fastand it was also then that he threw his sword straight up into the
Spinning through the air, it easily hacked off the wing of the emerald dragon.
The giant beast howled in agony.
The dragon descended towards the harbor, with its neck raised, still indicating its
determination to fight on. However, the speed of Perseus would not allow it to do so.
Catching his sword that flew back into his hand like a boomerang, he leapt off the ground.
It was a mere tenth of a second.
Within that split second, Perseus was already at the side of the dragon, and with a flick of his
sword, he hacked open the dragon's massive neck, causing emerald blood to gush out of the
The gigantic dragon, once again, howled, or rather, wailed.
Although the neck had not been completely severed, it was more than halfway to a complete
If only it were us magi who had engaged the dragon instead.
Liliana thought to herself, watching the spectacle unfold, even if the world's greatest magi
practiced the best strategy, did a complete surround, even so, it would not even be close to an
assured victory.
To the magi, dragons were divine beasts of such immense power.
However, the being with the appearance of a human in front of her, was easily forcing the
dragon into a corner, intending on taking its life.
This was a [Heretic God], a being of such terrifying might.
Though he had the attitude, style and bravery of a hero, she could only see a symbol of ill
omen. While she was still rooted in her fear, a voice could suddenly be heard.
"Hold it, the war god over there. The one you should be fighting is right here. As a god,
picking on a divine beast, isn't it simply pitiful?"

"Fufu, the dragon's dependents, aren't you. How disrespectful, isn't it an overstatement to
denounce me as such?
Perseus jumped aside while answering, putting distance between him and the dragon.
The weakened dragon cried out.
From around the divine beast that was almost slain by the hero, appeared a young girl who
looked slightly over ten years old. It was not known when she had arrived at the harbor, but
more importantly, why would such a girl be hereWait...
Liliana realized she was also a [Heretic God].
Bathing in the moonlight, glimmering silver hair, eyes blacker than darkness. The divine aura
of a powerful goddess, guardian the land, ruler over darkness, could be felt. A great goddess
of the land, and a rather famous one at that.
Engulfed in the divine aura emitted by the goddess, Liliana felt her body grow hot.
An encounter with she, the guardian goddess of witches and serpents, who, under the divine
protection of the almost full moon, the [Strega][14], she, whose magical strength was at its
Nevertheless, it was thanks to her arrival that Liliana had broken out of Perseus' binding.
Regaining her freedom to move, she quickly checked her surroundings, and saw that behind
the goddess, was someone who clearly should not be present here.
"Kusanagi Godou? Why are you here in such a place!?"
"You are Erica's friendLilianaam I right?"
And so, the Campione from the far east, exchanged greetings with her.
A chance meeting with a hero, a goddess and a devil king. Liliana became depressed with this
foreboding ill omen.

Part 2
Somehow, this night, was a night destined for encounters with acquaintances, one after
In this harbor which he didn't know, he chanced upon someone he had met before, and
breathed a sigh of relief.
"Kusanagi Godou, there's something I'd like to ask you, but..."
Liliana Kranjcar left the side of the dragon, walking over to him.

A beautiful, fairy-like maiden of Eastern European lineage.

"Did you, by any chance, bring that goddess to Naples?"
"The opposite. SheAthenabrought me to Naples."
It seemed that this place was Naples.
Godou had been dying to find out his current location.
A knight like Liliana, upon hearing that name, would surely realize the severity of the
situation. Her eyes widened in shock, then quickly nodded.
"... Athena. The goddess you had fought with this spring, right?"
She did not probe any further into this, and immediately turned her attention towards the
confrontation between the two gods. Indeed, she was a serious and rational person, someone
who could be relied on and trusted in situations like this.
"Then, I shall report the current situation promptly. The [Heretic God] over there is the hero
Perseus. To Athena, with the aspect of serpents and as a goddess of the land, he is a natural
enemy, please take heed of this."
"Come to think of it, Athena and Medusa are both one and the same god, it seems."
Godou nodded at Liliana's warning of Perseus' advantage over Athena.
Although he had forgotten most of the knowledge of Athena, he still had a general idea.
While they were talking, the pair of gods were gazing intently at each other. It was not out of
romance, but intense enmity, it was rather headache inducing to watch them.
"True, we are the dependents of the dragon. After all, they are the descendants of the wise
snakes, my beloved children... Should some ruffian brandish and harm them with a blade, as
their guardian goddess, I would naturally defend them."
"I, Perseus, do not have any interest in picking a fight with a woman, but..."
The two gods faced each other provocatively.
Though polite in their speech, their eyes gleamed with hostility.
"If my foe is the mighty goddess Athena, then it would be disrespectful to refuse you."
"Perseus, was it?"
"To the one previously known as Medusa, it should be quite an unforgettable name. To have a
chance at wiping away your disgrace of your defeat in the myths is amusing, don't you think?"
"...Hmph, such a distasteful fellow. To mention that name on purpose, truly a foolish man."

Athena said in a hateful tone, grimacing.

"Very well, I will accept your invitationMy wounded child, return to my embrace, and
recuperate your body."
With the fierce smile of a warrior, the goddess called out, at the side of the dragon.
With most of its neck hacked apart, the dying divine beast responded, dissolving its huge
emerald body into light, which was absorbed by Athena.
Immediately after that, she raised a single hand, toward the heavens.
Suddenly, the surface of the sea in the Bay of Naples protruded upwards sharply.
The sand and grit in the sea rose up even higher, forming the shape of a gigantic serpent.
A serpent of sand.
There were not just one of them. The protrusions from the sea, numbering eightEight giant
serpents had risen from the sea, looking down upon Perseus. Godou was reminded of the
battle at Tokyo.
Then, Athena had also used similar giant serpents like these, as if to show off her power as a
goddess of the land.
She had also shrouded the area in darkness.
Thick, pitch black air. To be engulfed by that would block out all light, which had caused the
people of Tokyo to fall into great panic, thankfully, she only used a small amount this time...
"The snake of darkness and earth. This is going to be a little troublesome."
Perseus said.
However, his expression did not match his words. On his mouth, a knowing smile surfaced.
"Fortunately, I am well prepared for this... My tale from the ancient times, by the neck of the
Gorgon I severed, I shall do it once again. Before me, all serpents are powerless."
As he said that, the eight serpents Athena had just created turned into dust.
The mist-like darkness also began to scatter, as if blown by a wind.
"Serpent-slaying words of power, is it? It seems like a power you had obtained after defeating
a goddess with similar attributes to mine."
"If you would like me to do so, I could make an oath not to use this power in our battle. How
about it?"
In response to the goddess' dangerous look, the hero lowered his head respectfully.

"Hmph, that would not be necessary. I will make you regret your audacity... Using those
words of power, should have weakened your divine power. Though you have inherited the
will of Zeus, back then in Greece, you had the blessing of the land for protection. That
privilege which you do not have here!"
Hearing those angry words of Athena, Godou started to have doubts.
The words of power earlier, was it the same power as the [Sword]?
The image that Perseus had evoked with his sword and its effects, it seemed as though it had
completely sealed all serpent-related divine powers.
In her anger and great desire to oppose Perseus, Athena's divine power swelled up
It was at a level where she no longer cared to test her opponent's strength, similar to what had
transpired in Tokyoperhaps even worseThis was bad.
Remembering the aftermath of their previous battle and panicking, Godou thought that he had
to stop them no matter what.
"Wait, wait a second! Don't go all out in this sort of place! Stop!"
"Hm. I had been concerned earlier, but who are you? Not an ordinary human, it seems... A
modern godslayer, are you not?"
Focusing his gaze on Godou, who had entered his field of vision, Perseus asked.
The one who answered was Athena instead.
"It is as you say. He is Kusanagi Godou. Though he is not yet ripe, still, he is a rather
impressive brat... I'll say this first, but he is already my prey. It would be best if you
remembered that well."
"Ho. To be spoken of like that by a god of your stature, not bad at all..."
As Perseus stared at him, squinting, Godou felt somewhat uneasy.
It is likely that he was being assessed.
Does this guy feel that fighting Athena won't be enough, and is considering me as well?
"Like I said, wait. If you two would like to duke it out, that's fine, but please don't fight in the
city. You'll be a nuisance to the residents!"
"Some time ago, you expended all your might to engage me in battle in your own country,
how ironic."
"With the circumstances then, I had no choice! At any rate, if you want to fight, do it
somewhere else!"

"Young godslayer, your inclinations are simply too superficial. You are mistaken."
He had wanted to act as a mediator between the two divinities, but instead had been accused
of being arrogant by Perseus.
For sure, this guy won't be making any proper suggestions. Godou could not help but frown,
thinking that.
"Are you listening? The people desire the great efforts of a hero, and await the tales of my
deeds. I, respecting their wishes, will fight for them, I will display all my valor. For this is the
duty of a hero!"
"Don't use 'respecting the wishes of the people' so conveniently! Thick-skinned, aren't you?"
As expected, Perseus had said something that suited his own interests.
If they were to continue the conversation this way, it would definitely end in him asking the
CampioneKusanagi Godoufor a duel.
"Though you should already know this, you are also one of my enemies, young godslayer."
Looking at Godou who was attempting to deny reality, Perseus smiled.
A righteous hero he may be, yet he had a twisted desire for battle. He felt as if he had seen
this before, to be exact, a few months backthe heretic god Verethragna had also been the
"Demon, rakshasa, fallen angel, godslayer... warriors that are branded as great abominations.
You share many similar qualities as them, as a devil king, and with the heroes of steel, gods
like me, between us we can only be eternal archenemies, to wage tempestuous war against. Us
gods, born above the ground, and you humans, who have obtained the same standing as the
gods, the chances for our paths to cross are frequentour fates have already been decided in
the eons past."
The hero of steel, saying that, startled Godou slightly.
It seemed like his Campione instincts were warning himOn the other hand, it could also be
said that it was the excitement that could be felt before a deathmatch with archenemies.
"If you put it that way, that's how it is."
Athena murmured.
"Godslaying devil kings and the forces of the hero have always been in conflict since time
immemorial... Hm. With that connecting destiny, it would be inevitable for them to meet
To say it was inevitable, or whatever other reasons, wasn't it obvious that it was all this
goddess's fault... While complaining to himself, the goddess continued on.

"Very well. Shall we retreat this time round, hero of steel? I have just remembered that I had
planned to train this boy well."
An inauspicious declaration.
To Godou who was holding his head with his hands, Athena issued an order like a queen.
"Kusanagi Godou, if you would like for the city to not get involved, then you will have to
fight for it, as a King, to protect your own friends. This is indeed good training that the
inexperienced you have to undertake."
"Fufu. To be able to exchange blows with both a godslayer and the queen of serpents, this is
getting more and more exciting."
"Y-You guys, don't decide this at your own convenience..."
Why do the gods always turn out to be so willful and stubborn?
Godou cursed his own misfortune, and at the same time analyzed his surroundings calmly.
Athena was smiling provocatively, while Perseus wore an expression brimming with fighting
spirit. Liliana Kranjcar was silently observing from the sides, looking worried.
How would he approach the fight with this hero from the myths? Godou could not come up
with an idea.
Besides that, there was also the problem of location.
The castle that was built on the land formation reaching out towards the sea, the harbor, and
even the streets leading to the city, they were far too close!
Right now, they were only about ten meters away from the pier, next to the streets, which
looked rather prosperous.
No matter how they fought, they would likely cause damage to the environment, which
Godou wanted to avoid.
"I don't mind playing along with you guys, but I have a request. I want to change the place for
our duel. I can't fight in a place like this."
Godou said in an exasperated air.
He would not let himself be swept up in their pace. In addition to that, he would also have to
make them comply with his conditions.
"Ho, are you unsatisfied with this place as our dueling grounds?"
"Of course I am."
"... Hmph. Although, at any rate, I don't feel that it is a big problem, no?"

Godou's firm insistence caused Perseus to inspect the surroundings carefully.

"In a sentimental and historical city, under the moonlight and gaze of a goddess, this is a
decent stage for us to do battle on."
"It's terrible. Normally, before a duel, you have to make preparations for various things. If you
ask me for a duel on the spot, as if I can get fired up!"
The ten forms of Verethragna, under these conditions, who knows which could be activated.
To fight without preparation, would be to be beaten one-sidedly, which is why he needed to
buy time and come up with a plan.
Quickly making up his mind, Godou whispered to the female knight.
"... Sorry, but because of that, I will be leaving this place. If I'm not around, you should be
safe, so take that opportunity to get away."
Originally he had intended to leave upon finishing those words, but Liliana also whispered her
"... In other words, leaving this place for the present, wanting to prepare a counterattack?"
"Yes, that sounds about right. That guy is extremely fast on his feet, although I probably can't
beat him in that aspect, for now, I can only try."
"In that case, then please leave it to me."
Suddenly, Liliana clung on him tightly.
Her slender body glued to his, embracing him, Godou's mind went blank in a fluster. Did she
fall into the sea, her half-dried clothes giving off a scent of salt water.
He could feel the gentleness and warmth of the fairy-like, beautiful girl through their body
The moment he had felt that, the silver-haired witch cried out.
"O' wings of Artemis, grant me the power to journey through the night and soar across the
Was this an incantationwords to activate magical power?
Right after, Godou and Liliana were sent flying through the air.
The view before his eyes suddenly became very vast.

The inner bay of Naples, the harbor stretching out to sea, the gigantic castle near the harbor,
and many bright street lights...
Godou looked towards where he had stood moments ago.
The looks of Athena and Perseus, who had been left behind on the land.
As though attracted by some unseen magnet, Liliana and Godou moved through the skies,
directly above the streets of Naples.
If someone were to look upwards, they would think that they saw a shooting star, but
naturally, shooting stars will not be this close to the ground.
They continued to fly for about half a minute.
Slowing down, they descended, and gradually landed on the roof of a building. Though
Godou had feared that the roof might give way under their weight, it was an unfounded fear.
Godou and Liliana landed on the roof softly, with the same flying posture.
And after, they slid forwards like a plane that had just touched down, and quickly came to a
stop, a safe landing.
They had flew for a distance of about two or three kilometers.
Gazing at the seaside castle in the distance, Godou heaved a sigh of relief.

Part 3
Godou and Liliana returned to ground level from the rooftop.
High-rise buildings were usually rather rare in European cities, but this large metropolis of
Italy was an exception, there were quite a few multi-storied buildings around.
The city at night before them, was indeed lively.
Although it was already late, there were still many stores still operating, restaurants, hotels,
pubs, for example, even some of the boutiques and grocery stores have not closed shop yet.
There were many people going back and forth. The duo of a young male and female
particularly stood out in the crowds...
"Could it be that this area is a popular night date spot?"
"Yes. The Santa Lucia district, even at night, is one of the safer areas in Naples."
Godou fully agreed with Liliana's answer.

Having just come from rural Sardinia, the scenery here felt dazzling.
"... At any rate, I didn't think that Liliana-san could fly."
Recalling how they had escaped, he remarked earnestly.
He had once asked Erica before whether she could use magic to fly, but she had answered
with 'Not if it's me', sighing.
A magic which that genius could not use, but Liliana couldGodou felt a little surprised.
"It is my honor to be of service to you. The magical spell of flying is a secret art of us
witches, have you not heard of it before? Of stories that mentioned witches flying in the sky
on brooms?"
Liliana seemed somewhat proud, but Godou's attention was on a contradiction he realized.
"Eh? Erica is a witch too, but she had told me that she couldn't fly?"
"Strictly speaking, she is not a witch, but rather a female mage. A witch has to possess the
disposition of a miko, to be able to receive the arts of the witch that are imparted... But, based
on just her abilities, she could also be called a [Witch]."
Come to think of it, during that turmoil in June, they had introduced Liliana as a witch
possessing the disposition of a miko.
I see, so it had that kind of meaning.
At any rate, it was thanks to Liliana that they could escape from that situation, Godou turned
around and bowed his head.
"Anyway, thank you. If it weren't for your help... who knows how that would have turned
"To render a King their assistance is the duty of a knight, nothing that I did is worthy of your
praise... But, why couldn't you have fought at that place?"
To the knight who had no clue of the current status, Godou wanted to whine about his
It seems that he had to do some explanations about the authorities of Verethragna, and just as
he decided...
"Liliana-sama, you were here! Has the situation taken a turn for the worse like what we
From the crowds, appeared a short young girl.

She seemed to be similar to Shizuka in terms of age, wearing a half-sleeved maid uniform
which suited her well, and appeared to be someone Liliana knew. As she came, she threw
Godou a few looks of suspicion.
"Ah, sorry about that, making you search for me."
Liliana faced the young maid who had shown up all of a sudden calmly.
Godou suddenly thought of the magic art that could scry the location of people. If you had an
object that belonged to the target, something like a strand of hair, as long as they were in the
same city, you could roughly tell their current location.
Erica had occasionally used spells of this sort, that young girl must have done something
"Karen, you should know who is he, shouldn't you? The Campione of JapanKusanagi
Godou-sama. Remember your manners. Kusanagi Godou, this is my servant, Karen
Liliana introduced them to each other.
From her hard-to-pronounce surname to a Japanese, she seems to be of East European
"... Kusanagi Godou-sama? Liliana-sama, weren't you together with Sir Salvatore earlier, did
something happen?"
"Well, many things did. Many things that give me a headache whenever I think about them."
"By Sir Salvatore, did you mean Doni? Eh, did that guy come to Naples too?"
Things looked more complicated than he had thought.
As he headed to the hideout of the [Bronze-Black Cross], Godou listened to their report on the
current situation in Naples.

...As expected, Salvatore Doni was an idiot who specialized in being a nuisance to others.
After hearing about the events that have transpired in Naples and making the above
conclusion, Godou noticed that the person who had been controlling her pace and trailing
them constantlythe young girl in the maid uniformwas grinning from ear to ear.
"Mm, it has already turned into such a crisis... But, unexpectedly, Liliana-sama is someone
who should not be underestimated. The moment Sir Salvatore was gone, she had brought
along yet another [King]no, grew intimate with. Were you planning to take advantage of
Erica-sama's absence?"

"K-Karen! Don't speculate about such weird things!"

Aah, this girl was a demon too, Godou thought, sympathizing with Liliana.
From the female maid's, Karen's smile, a shadow of a demon could be seen. It was such a cute
smile, yet Godou found himself being unable to compliment it. It was, in a different way, a
demonic personality like Erica's.
"A-Anyway, we have to quickly come up with a counterplan for the god Perseus. Kusanagi
Godou, do your authorities have any sort of activation conditions? The words of power of the
[Sword]the ability you had used against Marquis Voban in Tokyowhat is required to use
Liliana forcefully changed the topic.
"In order to use that, I have to have precise knowledge of the enemy's divine nature and
aspects. The problem is, I have completely zero knowledge of those details in mythologies."
Of course, he still knew the story of Perseus.
Godou looked at his right hand. No, the [Sword] could not yet be felt, hence knowledge of
that degree was insufficient.
"But, if I recall correctly, you should have used the [Sword] a few times, how did you satisfy
the conditions then?"
"Erica used magic to impart all the knowledge to me, that spell named [Instruction]."
"Then it's simple, I too, have the ability to use that spell. In the place of Erica, let me, Liliana
Kranjcar, complete the task!"
"No, about that, it's impossible... You know, magic has little to no effect on us Campiones."
This is bad. Godou started to get flustered.
If this goes on, he would have to explain how Erica had done it, he couldn't possibly do that!
"... There is a loophole in Kusanagi Godou-sama's words. We already know that magic has no
effect on Campiones, so how exactly did she manage to use the spell [Instruction]?"
As expected, Karen had interjected.
Liliana was also awaiting Godou's answer with anticipation, did he really have to spell it out
for them? This was like one of those penalty games.
"Erm, regarding that, in other words... Magic from external sources have no effect, but it is a
different story if it's from the inside, something along the lines of 'oral insertion', but with
"Oral... from the inside... ah, I see. That's what it was."

Liliana turned her head to the side, while Karen was hiding her laughter.
This girl was truly a demon, she had seen through him from the start, and turned the situation
into a source of entertainment for her.
Ignoring Godou's woes, the female master turned towards her maid.
"What is it, Karen? I do not have a clue."
"Fufu, as expected of Liliana-sama, how innocent... It is exactly what he said, oral insertion.
In other words, mouth to mouth. A passionate kiss between a man and a woman. Have you
forgotten, that legend of a maiden who offered her body to the devil king Campione in order
to cast sealing magic?"
"...Mouth to mouth? A passionate kiss?"
Liliana repeated softly, and blushed a deep red.
"I, I see. Then, that time at Tokyo, in front of me, with Ericath-those actions had such a
meaning behind it!?"
"Ah, wait, what? ...Yeah, well, that's how it is."
In actual fact, that was merely Erica fooling around, but she did not need to know that.
As it was embarrassing to say out loud, Godou merely nodded ambiguously. His answer had
seemingly caused Liliana to realize a lot of things that were rushing into her head, and she
was shaking slightly.
"That timeyou were not even the slightest bit concerned that we were around you, urged on
by your passion and impulse, as though you were alone with your lover, with the sound of a
viola in the background, to hold each other intensely, that time, was that!"
Please don't use that kind of expression to describe it, although his inner self had really
wanted to say it, he resisted the urge.
"Although I had already thought so then, I'll say it once more! You are too shameless! To
engage in those acts right before me, that passionate kissing scene!"
Feeling deeply apologetic, Godou had been mistaken about her, he thought she had been
empathizing with him.
"S-Sorry... Because it's that sort of thing, we can't do it this time round. Understood?"
"Y-Yes. I understand. As long as Erica is not here, we have no means of using that spell on
"Why can't we? I think it's an extremely easy solution to our problems."
And naturally, the person who interjected once again was Karen.

With that, she touched on the topic which the king and the master had been trying to avoid.
"Liliana-sama simply has to perform mouth to mouth on Kusanagi-sama, there is no problem
with that, right?"
"No, there is a problem! For me and Liliana-san to do that, would be really bad!"
"Th, that's right. As a pure and chaste maiden, there's no way I can do that!"
Godou and Liliana retorted simultaneously.
However, Karen, like a stubborn child, continued on.
"Now is the time of crisis when the [Heretic God] has descended upon us. Both of you, as a
Campione and as a knight, please do not underestimate the severity of the situation. Indeed, it
is a terrible thing to trample over the purity of a maiden, but the disaster that will be caused by
the god is even more unforgivableNow, now, because of that Liliana-sama, please kiss!"
This girl, as I thought, is fully enjoying herself!
Godou was very sure of it, that while Karen was making suggestions with a serious face, but
inside, she must be giggling looking at her master's troubled face.
However, the little devil maid's suggestion was the right choice
Godou stole a glance at Liliana's face.
Panicked, troubled, and a little bit of anger, but the silver-haired girl definitely knew the truth
of those words. She had to make up her mind. It was evident that her resolve was wavering,
and her expression weakened.
Godou suddenly felt the rush of power through his body.
An indicator that a [Heretic God] was near, he hurriedly checked his surroundings, and then
immediately realized.
From the direction of the sea, on a pure white horse with large wings spread out wide from its
back, rode the beautiful yet bold hero.
"Come to think of it, Perseus is also capable of flying."
Pegasus, the horse of the sky.
Legend speaks of a divine beast that can soar through the heavens, born from the blood of
Medusa, as well as sandals that can grant its wearer flight... Godou recalled about the Greek
myths of Perseus.
At any rate, this was quite the spectacular sight. It was overly showy.
The place they were currently at was a rather wide open plaza.

Many men and women liked to frolic around this area due to the snacks and beverage stalls
that were concentrated around the area.
In the skies that were lit up by the bright lights of the streets, the pure white Pegasus
gracefully approached.
The handsome man who was holding the reins put aside his sword at his waist, and then in his
hands appeared a masterfully crafted wooden bow, a quiver on his back, his white cloak
billowing with the wind. An extremely eye-catching appearance.
"Hahaha! There you are, godslayer, I've been searching for some time!"
The sound of Perseus' elated voice could be heard.
The people on the streets, raising their heads and seeing the flying man and horse, started to
scream, causing a stir.
Watching the figure of the hero approach through the unfolding chaos and disorder, Godou
grew incredibly nervous.
"Liliana-san, do you think we can escape from the Pegasus with what you used earlier!?"
".... To be honest, I think it will be difficult. If we are counting on the divine beast from the
legends to be slower than our magic, it is overly optimistic of us."
An expected answer.
Godou readied himself, as it would be pointless to try and run away.
With nowhere to retreat, then there was only one optionGo forward.
"It seems there's no other way except to fight... I'll be going now. Should it become the worst
case scenario, I leave the rest to you. At any rate, that bastard Doni should be fine, if it comes
to that, find him and somehow have him fight it out with Perseus!"
Leaving Liliana and Karen with those words, Godou headed directly for Perseus.

Part 4
A handsome man of bizarre appearance.
As if made using CG, a Pegasus that could only have existed in movies.
Appearing in front of the residents of Naples, it caused a huge stir.
Some, upon seeing that, wanted to flee, others thought that it was some sort of performance,
and there were also people who began to panicAt any rate, it was pure chaos.
But most of the people were here to watch.

Wanting to know what will unfold next, for the time being...
Dismounting from the Pegasus, the handsome man, and an Asian boy that walked out from
the crowds.
In the night, in the plaza, the crowds surrounded the two of them, waiting for something to
happen in anticipation.
Ever since he became a Campione, this was the first time that he had to fight in front of such a
huge audience.
Wanting to minimize the amount of casualties, Godou asked without expecting a favorable
"Hey, if it's fine with you, I would like to change the location for our battle, is that ok?"
"No can do. If we change the location now, it will ruin the mood."
Flat out rejecting Godou, Perseus smiled, his eyes narrowing.
"It has been a while since I've materialized in this world, and the human world has flourished
greatly. To me, this has made my want to have our duel here even greater. To have such a
glorious and elaborate setting for our duel, in those mythological times was impossible!"
As he listened to the hero's speech, Godou began an analysis of Perseus.
It was obvious to anyone that he was a full-blown narcissist. In spite of that, even having the
appearance of a pretty boy, his intentions were not simply just to draw attention to himself.
Only someone who had experienced the reality of the battlefield, fighting for their life, would
be able to possess such a degree of confidence.
His [Individuality] was an intense presence, that even the smallest of his actions drew the
attention of others.
Whether that was good or bad, undoubtedly he had the abilities and power worthy of the term
'hero'. As Godou continued his analysis, Perseus started to make his move.
He placed the bow he was holding on his back, drew his sword from his waist
And then he was right in front of Godou, closing the distance instantly.
There were no excessive or complicated movements, he merely moved in a straight line, and
simply swung his sword.
However, it was incredibly fast. Godou instantly jumped towards the side.
Perseus followed him closely, and threw out yet another quick slash.
Godou barely managed to evade it, almost falling down in the process.

Without even considering a counterattack, he was fully focused on dodging in his desperation.
Kusanagi Godou, facing a warrior of such combat prowess and having nil martial arts
background, had no other options.
With such unrefined and forced evasive maneuvers, Godou finally lost his balance, falling
down on the floor.
Perseus immediately pressed his advantage with a ferocious swing of his blade.
Almost like the speed and flexibility of a white panther. Godou managed to escape by rolling
aside, but doing mat exercise-like movements on the stone paving hurt quite a fair bit. Be that
as it may, it was infinitely preferable to being cut into two.
"Hmph, this will not do. Although most godslayers usually have the bad habit of a 'disregard
for one's appearance', you should not be one of those types? This simply will not do, to stand
as a monarch above other men, you have to fight with an elegance and dignity of a king."
"If I had enough room to do that, I would have!"
Perseus seemed as though he were playing chess, and pointing out the wrong moves to his
opponent, and Godou was the person shouting angrily at his opponent who was not even
breaking a sweat. Finally, he stood up.
Just as he thought, melee combat was unfavorable to him, and using the [Raptor] to escape
was not feasible either.
Perseus had not even used those techniques he had utilized against the dragon earlier. Not just
the speed of a white panther, but that of a white shooting star. The speed of the [Raptor] could
not even be compared with that.
But, as for other methods of escape... there were some possibilities.
Thinking of that method, Godou started to grow doubtful, if he were to use it, a large part of
Naples' history and cultural assets would be destroyed, which was definitely not good.
As he was thinking, Perseus thrust his sword forward once more.
I'm almost at my limits, can I still go on? Godou stared at Perseus, and just as he realized
there was no escaping the blade
A girl, with her hair of silver tied into a ponytail, barged onto the scene.
Wearing a blue shirt, coupled with a black-striped cloaka battle dress of blue and black
and carrying a long and beautiful sword. She was Liliana Kranjcar, without a doubt.
"I'll be your second, Kusanagi Godou!"[15]
As she said that, Liliana caught Perseus' sword with her own.

No, she deflected it. Liliana took the resolute, determined attack with her saber held at a slight
angle. Given the mass of Perseus' sword, it would not be surprising if her blade had snapped
under the weight.
However, Perseus' sword slid off that slight angle of Liliana's blade, and
His sword cut only air, before being embedded on the stone pavement.
"A fitting blade for the hand of a graceful maiden you have there, young lady. For the sake of
that godslayer, do you intend on crossing swords with me?"
"Yes. Insolent it may be, but I will have the dragon-slayer, you, accept my challenge."
A smile of ease appeared on Perseus' countenance and he pulled his sword out from the
On the other hand, Liliana Kranjcar displayed a difficult expression, strained with
The knight in blue lifted her saber, pointing it at the hero's forehead as she stood in front of
Godou to protect him, ready to attack at any moment
"Stop it, Liliana-san! I am this guy's opponent, so step back!"
"I cannot obey that order! Although I have no intention of taking the place of that obscene
Erika to serve as your lover, l, as a knight, am in no way inferior to her. With my valor, I will
make up for my previous failure!"
Even if you are a knight, there's no need to go this far, was what Godou would have liked to
say, but he kept it to himself.
Perseus smiled wryly as he slashed towards Liliana. Like a wild beast playing with its prey, it
was a light-hearted attack.
"Well said, young maiden! In the face of a god, yet be able to challenge him without faltering.
That's an impressive spirit!"
Swift, decisive and versatile.
Perseus' continuous chain of attacks were the embodiment of the above style.
No matter whether it was a fast, a heavy or a strong blow, Liliana desperately deflected all of
Although she was a knight on the same level as Erika, to take on a god, was too arduous a
task. As Perseus was not taking it seriously, she could barely keep up.
To be able to challenge a god on even footing, one must first have power on par with the

An exploit like that, could only be done by someone like Salvatore DoniThe [King of
Swords]. As someone who had far exceeded the limits of the human body, no matter how
much of a genius you were, to match up to him was not something a single knight could
She understood that fact all too well, but had still become a shield for him.
In this instance, Godou flung aside all his doubts and fears. I'll worry about that later, for now
I'll have to grab that bastard hero's attention, and create an opening for Liliana to escape
from danger!
"Thus speaketh Lord Mithra. The sinful shall be met with justice."
Godou chanted, words he had not spoken for a while, spell words of conviction.
These were the words of power that summoned that, the pitch-black, ferocious, and most
aggressive out of the ten forms.
"May spines be crushed, may bones be broken, tendons torn; hair, brains, and blood mingled
and trampled together with the earth! The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking
sinners be purged by the iron hammer of justice!"
Where Godou had just been standingthe plain stone floor started to turn into a shade of
A distortion in the space had opened, that which linked this world to the 'imaginary' world,
and right after, a black form began expanding out on the ground of the plaza.
"Hm? Finally gotten serious, have you, godslayer? This is your authority, isn't it?!"
"Kusanagi Godou, what on earth is that form!?"
Perseus seemed overjoyed, while Liliana looked on wide-eyed, and then Godou liberated the
fifth form of Verethragna.
"Come forth, [Boar]! Listen well to my commands today!"
The black floor was the clearest indicator that this world had been connected to the
'imaginary' world.
And then, it came, the fiercest form, the [Boar] emerging from the ground.
First, the fur.
From the area around Godou and Liliana, and then all the way to where Perseus was standing,
was black fur.
The fur was unexpectedly fine and glossy, it was exquisite. There was also none of the odor or
stench usually present on wild beasts, this was how the divine beast could be described.

From the tip of its snout to its rear, it measured about twenty meters.
From where Godou was, on top of it, he could not see its entire form, but any onlookers who
could see the full terrifying, massive and ferocious form of the [Boar]most likely would
have been scared witless by its savage visage.
Most likely the people watching were looking upwards now.
Standing on top of the giant beast's back, Godou slowly rose up into the air, like an escalator,
the beast slowly lifting his body up.
The [Boar] that had emerged from the land, finally could be seen in all its glory.
Godou now had a bird's eye view of the city, as though he were on a rooftop.
The Santa Lucia district directly in front of the Bay of Naples.
It was commonly known that, from the history of this area, there was a royal palace that the
King of Naples had once lived in, which has become a standard sightseeing spot. The folk
song [Santa Lucia] had originated from that place.
Godou and the [Boar]'s line of sight were fixated past the coast.
That was the area they had been at earlier, the harbor of Santa Lucia.
Further out into the sea on the protruded land, stood a castle of stone. (Also known as [Egg
When Kusanagi Godou thought about destroying a large object, he would be able to summon
the [Boar].
In other words, he had designated that castle as the target.
No matter how you looked at it, the castle was the most fitting target, it simply stood out too
much, regardless of whether you saw it from the sea or from the harbor, it could be clearly
seen, and also left a deep impression.
The [Boar] which was destruction incarnate, roared out into the night in Naples.
"That's an interesting thing you called out, godslayer! But, what are you planning on? You
cannot defeat me with merely that!"
"Like this! Liliana-san, hold on tight and don't fall off!"
Godou shouted at both the hero and the female knight standing atop the fur.
And at the same time, the [Boar] kicked off hard against the ground.

It charged towards the castleNo, to be precise, it jumped.

The ground shook with every step, the stone pavement cracking every time its hoof landed.
The target was the castle beside the sea, if it charged towards that, there would be widespread
destruction, hence the jumping.
Fortunately the castle's surrounding area was the harbor and pier, hence there was plenty of
"Mgh, this is!"
Liliana had let out a surprisingly cute scream, while Perseus was impressed.
But the fact that both of them were not thrown off the [Boar] was indeed praiseworthy.
Standing on the normally not-very-stable back of the gigantic monster, which had leapt off the
ground, even under these difficult conditions, Liliana still clung on to the black fur for dear
life, though she had already fallen down.
If it were Erica, she would have thought of something, somehow.
The knight who was equal to Erica would probably be the same, and Liliana did not betray his
On the other side, Perseus was relying on his superb sense of balance to stand firm.
Although his body was swaying, he did not fall over, as expected of a god. A being of a
completely different dimension compared to humans, and in contrast, Godou was on his
knees, his hands grabbing on to the black fur.
"Well, I didn't think that I could have thrown you off that easily..."
Speaking in a low voice, Godou started to move.
On all fours, on the back of the [Boar], Godou shifted into a riding position, like a wild beast.
When he had summoned the beast, for some reason his own body had also gained the
charging power of the boar. Also, the jumping movement of the [Boar] was also a result of
being telepathically manipulated by Godou. (Of course, it would not have been possible if the
[Boar] resisted)
... Could it be that this guy, was not like one of those [Summoned Beasts] from a video game,
but rather an offshoot of me? That seemed like a rather dangerous relationship, as Godou's
mind and body were overly linked to it, at times. That would mean that it were a
personification of his destructive tendencies. It was a rather ominous premonition.
Leaving that fact aside, Godou, like a beast, dashed forwards on all fours.

His target was obviously Perseus.

The footing was poor as the body of the beast was constantly quaking from when it jumped, it
was worse than riding a rampaging horse.
To be able to maintain your balance in these unfavorable conditions, was certainly an
admirable feat, but purposely standing on two legs in such a situation would not be wise.
With the stance of a boar, Godou charged at Perseus, preparing to grab him by the legs in a
If he attempted this on flat ground, it would mostly likely be evaded by Perseus.
However, this was no flat ground. On this unpredictable field, the hero who cared about his
appearance and hence would not go down on all fours could only stand firm against Godou's
unsightly assault.
Very quickly, Perseus was knocked off his feet, and fell off the back of the boar.
Although something of this extent would not be enough to defeat him, but it was a way to buy
some time.
The body of the hero flailed through the air as he fell.
Simultaneously, a tremendous impact could be felt from the pitch-black back of the boar, the
tremors spreading through its body. The [Boar] had landed on the ground.
From the plaza where it had been summoned to the harbor was about a few hundred meters in
a direct line, and it had crossed that entire distance in one jump. Though it had such a massive
body, it possessed such incredible jumping power.
"Wait! There's no need to do anything more! Return to where you came from!"
Godou hurriedly commanded the [Boar] which was fiercely charging towards the castle.
The boar stopped.
The beast growled in a low voice, retreating a few steps, stomping on the ground, as if in
defiance of Godou's order to stop. It seemed to be resisting, shockwaves could be felt from its
back due to its movementsThis was bad.
Priceless historical buildings were going to be destroyed again, at this rate.
Godou concentrated and issued a 'disappear already!' command telepathically, but the [Boar]
did not cease its growling.
Just when he felt despaired and powerless.

"Kusanagi Godou, please take note! Perseus has returned!"

The warning from Liliana reached his ears, and Godou turned his head around, frantically
searching for the enemy's location.
"You have my praise, just this time. Though it was neither graceful nor stylish, your attack
was still successful. That, I acknowledge."
Speaking with eloquence, Perseus was riding upon the white winged horsePegasus. It
seemed like he was caught by the white horse after he fell off the [Boar].
And then, as he rode upon Pegasus, Godou noticed a few rings on his back had been shining.
The lights were like the golden rays of the sun, to Godou, it seemed as though Perseus had his
back to the sun.
Godou then realized.
What had stopped the [Boar] from charging on, was not his order, but the unimaginable
strength of the divine energies emitted by those rings. What is this? What kind of power is
"The power you had usurped, was it from a war god of victory? My distant comrade, by one
that came from the east... Truly unlucky."
Perseus spoke in a voice filled with pity, and the rings began to shine brighter.
"My ancestors, the light of the east, grant me powerin your name I request this miracle. By
the oath of the serpent-slaying warrior, now is the time to grant me this strength!"
In response to these words of power, the rings shone with even greater intensity.
Like the blazing sun that illuminated the sky and the land, it was a very warm, gentle light.
The [Boar] began to growl as the light rays fell upon it.
Doesn't seem like its usual self. This was the first time Godou had heard it produce such a
sound. Seemed almost as though it was howling.
"Wh, what is that?"
Godou murmured in shock.
The surface supporting his weight disappeared, and Godou felt the sensation of free-fall.
The power of the ferocious [Boar] had totally vanishedGodou fully realized this fact.
"Wings of the witch, grant me the power of flight!"

The one who had swiftly chanted the spell words was Liliana.
Falling along with Godou, she had immediately recited the incantation to obtain flight
Like a glider gliding through the sky, she quickly changed directions and headed straight for
Godou, then grabbing on to his body tightly, and finally descending slowly towards the
They were almost at ground level.
Though they had avoided the impact of falling, they could not prevent falling during their
"O, ouch.... thanks for saving me, Liliana-san. I almost fell to my death."
"Kusanagi Godou, earlier, just what was that power Perseus had used...?"
"Not a clue. All I know is that he had fully sealed my authority."
The serpent-slaying words of power had sealed the power of Athena.
That was understandable as Perseus had defeated Medusa, who was of the same being as
Athena, and the hero who had decapitated her, and this myth served as the origin for Perseus'
power to seal the goddess of serpents.
However, to seal Verethragna'sthe Persian war god'spowers, how did that happen?
But first, they had to fix their posture.
Godou and Liliana stood up, albeit painfully, they had hit the floor of the harbor in an
undignified heap, rolling a few rounds, their bodies covered with bruises.
And right then, in front of them, was Perseus on his winged horse, hovering in the air, with
his bow ready.
A single arrow was fired.
Like a flash of lightning from the heavens, the arrow planted itself into the ground near
Godou's foot.
And it exploded. The arrow blew up like a bomb, creating a shockwave. Godou and Liliana
were flung aside violently. Were that a real bomb, they would probably be dead.
When Godou could finally pick himself up off the ground, the second arrow came.
The target was not the ground near his foot this time, it was aimed directly at his head. Godou
sensed the incoming danger, and instantaneously activated the [Raptor]. Besides this form,
there were no other viable options.

Hastened, he felt the world around him slow down.

The trigger for the [Raptor] form was a high-speed attack, and it granted the user superhuman
speed and a lightweight body. A speed that exceeded the arrow, evading death.
However, as Perseus was about to fire his third arrow
The rings on his back began to shine, and the speed of the [Raptor] form began to fade.
With only his normal mobility remaining, Kusanagi Godou could not dodge the incoming
arrow. It struck dead center, in the middle of his chest, near the area of his heart.
His strength had vanished. To the Campione, this was the first time it had happened.
As his consciousness started to grow thin, he desperately activated the last form, hoping that
Perseus would not notice this last-ditch attempt to hang on to life, and then he thought of
Liliana.... worried for the girl's safety...
And with that last thought, Godou lost consciousness.

Part 5
There were no forms that could be used to fight Perseus.
For example, the pitch-black [Boar] that Kusanagi Godou had summoned.
That was a fearsome summoning art, something that even if a highly skilled mage had tried
for a hundred days straight, would not be able to summon such a divine beast. And he had
only used ten seconds to do that.
This was a powerful authority possessed by a devil king Campione.
However, Perseus had used some divine secret technique, sealing the divine beast.
And then finally, shot Kusanagi Godou dead.
This was all my fault. Liliana Kranjcar who witnessed the entire fight from the start could
only look on, horrified, as the dead body of the Campione had collapsed on the ground.
If only she had used the spell, [Instruction], on him...
If he could have used the spell words of the [Sword] that even suppressed the Marquis Voban,
the fight would definitely have turned out differently.
Because of her indecisiveness, someone had died. And it was someone who fought against the
gods for the sake of mankinda savior of the world, a bringer of discord, one of the devil
Magi hailed the Campiones as [King] for a reason.

The main reason was fear, but besides that, when the [Heretic Gods] brought suffering and
disaster to mankind, they were mankind's last bastion of defense, the only saviors of the
That was how it should have been, but she had done nothing but caused his death!
"... Hm. I am feeling a strange unease."
Ignoring the currently despairing Liliana, Perseus had a troubled expression
"I should have just defeated this young godslayer, but I do not feel the sense of elation that
comes after victory. Did I make a mistake somewhereSuch a detestable premonition. Why
is that?"
Walking towards the body of Kusanagi Godou, he spoke in a low voice.
Does he plan to desecrate his body? Could a hero be capable of such a hideous actperhaps
he would really do it. In those ancient times, warriors had sometimes beheaded their fallen
enemies, which had happened surprisingly often.
At the very least, she had to protect the body of the [King].
Her mind made up, Liliana picked up Il Maestro, but Perseus ignored her, continuing on his
path towards Godou.
And immediately, Perseus fell over.
Liliana witnessed it.
In the Santa Lucia harbor, barely illuminated by the street lights, the shadow of a hero.
A figure of a young girl appeared from the darkness, in her hands a huge sickle, with a blade
of pure black. This was Athena, her form swathed in darkness, and the sickle in her hands had
cleaved into the hero's back.
Perseus' response was also perfect.
Although it was an attack from the back, he had executed a forward roll reflexively,
preventing a fatal wound.
However, it was still a severe wound, his blood flowing freely as he jumped back. His
beautiful visage had turned into a grimace of pain.
"You, as Athena, I never thought you'd be capable of such underhanded tricks!"
"As I thought, when the hero has finished the godslayer off, he would then relax his guard
Fufu, admittedly, I may have violated the rules of a duel, but I will spare your life this once.
Have I not said it before? That I will only retreat for a short while, and that he was my prey to
hunt... which you have not yet slain."

Athena snickered while saying that.

Perseus nodded furiously.
"I see. In other words, the boy has not been defeated yet... Even so, attacking me from the
back in jest is simply too harsh."
"Do you think you have the right to be saying that? Doing things in jest, isn't that you
Terrible, that would be the word used by humans to describe Athena's smile then.
Perseus' smile was a strained and bitter one.
"Ugh, I'll have to give it to you this time. May I ask if you have cooled off a bit?"
"Of course. If you will withdraw now, I will spare you. How does that sound?"
Perseus shrugged his shoulders at Athena's suggestion.
"I cannot comply with that."
"If that's the case, then you leave me no choice. I will strike you down!"
"You intend on striking me, the one who possesses the serpent-slaying words of power,
down? Fufu, I already have an idea of why you would want me to withdraw."
"What do you mean by that? I do not understand."
"Taking into account your intention to stall for time, and my current wounded body, in order
to benefit the both of us, why don't we both retreat for now?"
".... Hm. That's fine with me. Until you have recovered, I'll comply with that."
"You have my gratitude. Then, when the Campione is fully healed, we will meet once again
on the battlefield."
Hearing Perseus' words, Athena raised her brows.
"You intend on fighting this guy again?"
"Can't I? It is a rare chance for me to fight a godslayer and the Queen of Serpents both
simultaneously. It may be somewhat thick-skinned and shameless of me to say so, but when
there is such an opportunity in front of me, I will definitely not let it slip away."
He smiled, unabashed, even as Athena stared at him dangerously.
Hmph. With a strained expression, Athena lightly nodded.
What's going on? Liliana was thoroughly confused.

The situation had developed in an unexpected way. With Athena holding her sickle, Perseus
wielding his magnificent sword, and Godou who had perished in battle, she had expected the
two gods to be clashing with each other in combat.
Were they saying that the young King had not yet perished?
Why did Athena immediately stop her attack? She had already given Perseus such a terrible
wound, wouldn't it be more advantageous for her to press on the attack
"The time of battle, we shall decide some other timeUntil then!"
Mounting his beloved horse that came at his whistle, Perseus bid them farewell. Even though
the wound had not yet closed, he could no longer feel the pain.
Pegasus galloped, rather, flew towards the sea at night.
"Well then, I leave Kusanagi Godou in your care, girl. He should be awakening soon. Ah,
and also, make sure to duly prepare him for Perseus.... I will be the only one to defeat him,
should he perish in battle before then, I will definitely never forgive him!"
Leaving those words behind, Athena departed.
The ordeal of Liliana Kranjcar and Kusanagi Godou, who was lying on the ground as though
he were truly dead, was nowhere close to being over.

Chapter 4 - The Man from the East

Part 1
Between the Italian Peninsula, shaped like a long boot, and the island of Sardinia in the west
was a vast area of ocean. This area could be considered as part of the Tyrrhenian Sea.
One of the types of vessels that frequented these waters was, for example, ferries. These
ferries went to places like Genoa, Palermo, Naples and Cagliari in circumnavigation. There
were also many yachts used for cruising.
Because the natural resources of the sea were abundant, naturally there would be fishing
In the early dawn, before sunrise, the catch obtained from the fishing nets that were cast in the
sea would be filled with many varieties of fish. However, in the midst of a school of
unmatured Pacific Bluefin tuna, there was one lone human caught there.
...Having drifted for god knows how long in the Tyrrhenian Sea, being swept here all the way
from Naples, but was still energetic and in high spirits, if you would like to describe that life
form as still being human, that would be perfectly fine.

Untangling himself from the fishing net full of Pacific Bluefin tuna, he climbed up onto the
Making himself at home without any permission, he sat down on the fishing boat, and said to
the dumbfounded fishermen,
"Fuu, I almost thought I was done for this time. Ah, would you mind giving me the direction
to the nearest land from here? It's fine, I'm really good at swimming. EhYou'll lend me a
boat? Sorry for troubling youI see I see, which region is this ocean in again? Sardinia?
That's just great. Seems like things are going to get more interesting!"

From the time when Kusanagi Godou had vanished without a trace, one night had passed.
It was around nine plus in the morning when this was discovered, as Arianna was worried
when she found that he was not in his room, and subsequently searched the whole villa,
confirming that he was indeed not around.
"What happened to Godou-san? Could he have gotten into an accident?"
"Hmmm, maybe I went a little overboard with my jokes"
In the rented villa on Sardinia, the girls were having a meeting in the living room. Yuri was
pacing around the room in distress, and on her face was a look of worry.
On the contrary, Erica was not particularly worried about it.
That blockhead must have accumulated too much stress living in this female dormitory-like
environment, and thus decided to run away, it should be enough if we let him relax for a few
days. He was asking for Genaro Gantz' contact information yesterday, there's a possibility he's
already at his house by now.
Thinking that everything was within her calculations, Erica's attitude was calm and composed.
After telling Arianna that there was no need to worry, she asked her for an espresso.
"Yuri, didn't I say it before? Godou is a delicate person inside, even though he's like that, and
because of that he needs some time to himself occasionally. And thus, we'll leave him alone
for the time being. Afterwards, pulling him by the ears and bringing him back would be much
more effective. Anyway, he's someone who can survive wherever he goes, there's no need to
worry about him."
She said in a rather indifferent manner, to the Hime-Miko who could not calm down.
As she would someday become the wife of the [King], staying by his side, worrying over this
sort of thing was not necessary.
"Is, is that so..."

"Although the person himself has no self-awareness, his true personality is still somewhat
haphazard. Conversely, that is why I can say that it's fine if we aren't overprotective of him."
"I can understand what Erica-san is trying to say, but..."
Yuri was very worried, and at this moment Erica had started to feel a slight bit of unease.
"There is a strange throbbing within my heart, as though he was dragged into something
dangerous, it is a dark premonition."
Mariya Yuri was a spirit vision user of the strongest disposition.
Among Erica's friends that were of the same age group, Yuri was one of the few that were
acknowledged by her to possess talent of equal standing. As for the others, they included
Liliana Kranjcar of the [Bronze-Black Cross], and also that young master of the 'Hong Kong
Lu House'. Besides these few there were no others.
As a result, this girl's senses and predictions must be taken seriously.
Halfway through the conversation, Erica's phone began to ring.
The [Diavolo Rosso] staring at the electronic display was shocked to see that it was the Great
Knight Andrea Rivera, [The King's Butler].
Someone who never ceased to worry about various things, and also one of the few people that
Erica felt sympathetic about.
"It's been a while, Sir Andrea. This time, is it good news or bad news that you are bringing?"
"Miss Erica, I don't recall ever bringing you any good news. This time is no exception
Around midnight yesterday, a [Heretic God] had manifested in Naples, and coincidentally
your master, Kusanagi Godou, was at the scene. Did you know about this?"
"I did not. Around ten plus yesterday night, he was still here with us."
"Then, there is a possibility that he had used some other means of transport other than a boat
or plane to cross the seas from Sardinia. He had confronted the god in Naples, and was
subsequently defeated. I do not know the exact details of the situation, but his life is not in
danger, that wraps up the current status. Actually, that was not the main topic I had wanted to
"Th-Then, what is it?"
"Please be on your guard, there is danger lurking just around the corner, near you. I cannot
say what exactly, because it is simply too embarrassing. I had not wanted to say this, but I
have no other choice..."
"Sir Andrea, are you currently in Naples now?"

"No... I'm at Sardinia. Because of some matters, I had to come here. That is... Mgh! You
bastard, you managed to follow me here! Gffgh!?"
Beep... beep... beep... beep...
After hearing some yelling at the end, nothing more could be heard. The call was
Andrea Rivera had been attacked by some unknown assailantIt seemed as though he had
been struck down. Being one the Great Knights, with strength that rivaled Erica Blandelli, to
be defeated this easily!
"... U-Um, did something serious happen?"
"A [Heretic God] has manifested in Naples. Our King, for some reason, was there, and
engaged it in combat. However, it seems that the worst case scenario had happened..."
Erica replied, to Yuri who had asked out of concern.
And then, Andrea Rivera's warning and defeat. He had said that danger was lurking around
the corner.
What on earth was going on?
She needed to gather more information, and come up with the next course of action, and
especially find out about Godou's current condition. To be defeated, but not be dead, did he
use the authority of the [Ram]?
She had to expend all her connections, and obtain information at all costs.
Just as she had started to do so, she realized that her phone did not respond. Was it out of
There should have been enough battery, it was strange.
"Ara? Arara? ...What's going on?"
The maid uniform-wearing Arianna Hayama Arialdi walked out of the kitchen.
She should not have known the current situation, and had a look of confusion on her face.
"What is it, Arianna? Is something wrong?"
"About that, Erica-sama, the gas has been cut, and as I was preparing lunch with the stove, the
fire had stopped all of a sudden..."
"Who's the one who turned off the circuit breaker!?"
There was yet another victim, and she rushed into the living room.

With a gorgeous body that surpassed those of sexy celebrities, wearing a thin, silky nightie
and gripping a pillow under her arm, she was Lucretia Zola. It looked as if she had been in the
middle of her nap.
Her usual laziness had disappeared, and Lucretia seemed a bit agitated.
"How am I supposed to nap in this kind of hot weather if the air-conditioner is turned off!
Even the fridge is out of power! I won't be able to enjoy the beer that I had kept there if it's
not icy cold! Seriously, my comfortable vacation will be ruined at this rate!"
If Godou were to hear this, he would have made some common sense comments, saying that
she was overly self-indulgent.
Erica continued to observe the current occurrences.
She winked at Yuri, and the nodding Hime-Miko picked up the television remote, and pressed
a few buttons. There was absolutely no response from the television.
They confirmed that all of their cellphones were not working, and could not be turned on.
Walking outside, they tested Erica's newly bought car.
The engine would not turn on, and neither would the torchlight they kept at the doorway.

It was not merely a simple blackout and a gas leak, it seemed.

"It seems that we would not be able to lead a civilized life in the area around this house.
Electronic devices, machines are all non-functional. Yuri, can you feel anything?"
"...Perhaps it is a wide-range phenomenon that has even affected this area, I think. But, I
cannot sense what is at the core of this... Could it be possible that a [Heretic God] has
manifested nearby?"
Erica frowned, listening to Yuri, who was explaining with a serious expression.

She had to find out who or what was behind this incident, fast. And immediately after, hurry
to Kusanagi Godou's side, who was in Naples. Erica sprung into immediate action.

As Erica began to move, on the other side

In a swimming area of the beach not too far from their villa, a fierce argument was taking
"In the first place, you asshole, it doesn't even make sense to be swimming here all the way
from the mainland!"
"It's not like I wanted to swim here. I got washed away by the waves, and I don't even know
when I managed to arrive. It was such a rare opportunity to be able to play with Godou, it's
regrettable that I ended up at the wrong place."
He said, to the person who had been tied up by rope, while opening a small icebox, which
contained crushed ice and a dozen cans of beer. Although Italians gave the impression that
they liked to drink red wine and similar alcoholic drinks, their consumption of beer was
surprisingly high.
He pulled open the tab, and gulped an entire can in one go. Puhaa!
"... Ungh, it feels so great having a can after a swim. Fufufu, fridges don't work at the
moment, so these cold drinks are rather valuable nowAndrea, do you want some too?"
"Who the hell wants to drink, you sorry excuse of a human, a piece of breathing industrial
garbage! What are you going to do about that incident in Naples!?"
"There shouldn't be any problem with it, nope. Since Godou is already there, then I'll just
leave things to him. My job now is to stop those girls from going there to help himIf he can
make it out of this grueling ordeal on his own, he'll improve even faster!"
Surrounded by pine trees, it was a small yet beautiful beach.
Enjoying the scenery of the beach, holding a can of cold beer in one hand, bathing in the
sunlight, and the azure color before your eyesa marine blue sea that stretched endlessly.
Of course, the one enjoying his much anticipated vacation was a youth, Salvatore Doni.

Part 2
Kusanagi Godou found himself in some unknown space.
This place was nowhere, a place that did not exist on Earth, nor reality.
It was a world of grey. It was grey as far as the eye could see.
However, there was something else in this world of grey.

"...To be able to meet properly like this, it has been quite some time."
There was a girl in front of him.
She looked about fifteen. Well-proportioned features. A slim figure. If one were to compare
her with the styles of Lucretia Zola or Erica Blandelli, one might say that she was of the more
'slender' type.
Regardless, she was alluring.
She could be described as beautiful, but also, she had a very cute, doll-like face and figure.
Her pink hair was split to the left and right, and was wearing a thin white dress.
With her diminutive stature, she gave off the impression of a child. However, in contrast, she
gave off a glamorous feel of a [Lady], more than any other girl that Godou knew.
He did not know who she was initially, but had recalled in an instant. Indeed, she was...
"...Pandora-san, am I right?"
"Still the same old reserved way of addressing me, ehEven though it'd be fine if you called
me 'Mama'..."
Her frivolous manner of speech made it seem as though she had attached a heart-shaped
symbol at the end of her sentence.
Having pure Japanese DNA in his body, Godou could not accept that suggestion, so he
ignored it for now. His questions began to pile up.
The couple who had given birth to the devil king Campiones, the immortal Epimetheus and
his wife, Pandora.
She was the latter, obviously.
"Every meeting of ours seems so surreal, although I'm not sure why, I always forget that
we've met, afterwards."

"Hmm, saying things so bluntly, maybe your level isn't high enough?"
With the solemnity of a goddess (tentatively), she said that.
"With continuous purification of the soul, then attaining enlightenment, that is the level you
will need to be to remember the things that happen in this space. Those who are able to reach
that state, usually don't become godslayers, so I guess it's pretty much impossible."
"...Haa. Then, is this the boundary between life and death?"
Faint, hazy memories floated through his mind. Those must have been information that were
taken in before.
Hearing Godou's question, Pandora nodded, smiling. It was such a wide and cheerful smile,
the smile of a normal girl that could be found anywhere.
"Correct. The world of idea, as the ancient Greeks would say. For the Persians, 'menog'. As
you have already died once, your link with the real world has become thin, which is why you
have found your way here."
"Before my death, I should have used the power of the [Ram]..."
"That's correct, your physical body is recovering smoothly now. In actual fact, before you
revived, you had surely died once, you know. Didn't you notice?"
"Maybe. But I'm starting to doubt that's the case..."
If it were possible, Godou would have liked to never remember that kind of information,
murmuring to himself.
Is that so? Am I going to resurrect after I die? What a haphazard body I have.
"Isn't it fine? It was because of that that you were able to come to this realm and meet me.
Although I can materialize in the physical world, it's really troublesome to return to this place.

Which brings us to the birth of godslayers! I don't come out unless it's a situation like that,
"Haa... Then, what's the special occasion?"
Although she was like that, she was a supporter to Campiones. A patroness, so to speak.
Normally, she would not appear for no special reason.
"I called you out in order to give you a warning. You've encountered the divine attribute of
Steel, right?"
"Steel... You mean Perseus?"
"Yep, that. That hero, he is a villain... no, a trickster, so be careful around him! Anyway,
because you are rivals with those guys of Steel, losing to them is a definitely no-no!"
"Is your warning just that?"
If you could win just because someone told you not to lose, then life wouldn't be so full of
hardships. Looking at Godou who was scratching his head, Pandora shook her head.
"No, that's not it. Leaving aside the other godslayers, because you were born at the ends of the
east, I'm specially telling you this. On the island where God[16] lives, sleeps the strongest
Steel, so you have to be careful, for the time being. Understand?"
"Yes, the strongest. Although the hero you are fighting now is also strong, that person is even
"...Why would that kind of person be in Japan?"
"Because, that is the end of the eastBeyond that lies only sea, in other words. There are
many things that have been swept there, heaped up there... perhaps it might be fine, seeing as
that has already been sleeping for so long."
"Regarding that, could you please elaborate further?"
"Sorry, no can do. We stand at the side of the gods, after all, so I can't tell you any more than
that. This is the pact that we have with this world, rules that we absolutely have to abide by...
Furthermore, whatever I say here, won't you forget once you return? Even if I do elaborate, it
won't be of any use."
"Now that you mention it, that's true..."
Godou replied in a soft voice. Her words did, after all, remain in this realm of

Perhaps the sixth sense and instincts of the Campiones that Godou had, were the information
that she had relayed from this realm.
"Be careful. That person, is really vulgar, an enemy of women, unfit for the title of 'hero'! If
you end up having to fight him again, you definitely cannot lose! You must give him a
thorough thrashing!"
As I thought, this wasn't a warning.
This was more like when the sports-minded seniors were emphasizing 'you must definitely
win' to their juniors when playing against a rival school, for example. That kind of message
was conveyed. Having that kind of feeling, Godou sighed deeply, as he returned to the real

The awakened Godou raised his upper body.

He was on a bed. Though the room was small, it was kept very clean. Is it a guest room? As
there weren't many daily necessities that could be seen, it felt like this room was rarely used.
Beside the bed, there was a familiar girl. Though, it was not the pretty girl who had reddish
golden hair.
She was just as beautiful, though, the fairy-like, silver haired knight.
"Wh-What time is it now?"
"R-Right now, it is almost noon."
"Then, where are we?"
"This is the house of Diana Milito. My companion who stays in Naples. In order to take care
of you, I borrowed her guest room."
Liliana Kranjcar answered the questions that Godou had asked the moment he awoke. It must
have been about one o'clock, past midnight when he was defeated by Perseus. Has he slept for
half a day?
Strange... Godou tilted his head.
Verethragna's seventh form, the [Ram]. This power allowed him to avoid dea- no, resurrect
him from death. However, because it was not activated automatically, it would be
meaningless if he was killed instantly.
And, he would be in a sleeping state for a certain period of time, until he was fully recovered.
However, the time that he slept this time was the longest by far, it seemed as though he had
the memory of entering the dream world, could it be because of that? Even so, it seems that he
had gotten used to death...

To him, who had naturally accepted the cycle of death and resurrection, he felt somewhat sad
for himself.
"Kusanagi Godou!"
His name was suddenly shouted.
Turning around, he could see big drops of tears in Liliana's eyes, and she had a complicated
expression on her face.
"I-Is your body still hurt? Last night, after being struck down by Perseus, even your breathing
had stopped, I don't even know when you had started getting better..."
"Ah, sorry about that. Because of various reasons, I managed to survive..."
I see. From the angle of someone who did not know the reason behind it, it would have
seemed like a miracle.
As he was reflecting on this, Godou gave a simple explanation of his resurrection. He wasn't
sure if she had heard the details of his unreliable power, but Liliana's tears had begun to fall.
...She's crying? This stout-hearted girl? With such an unexpected development, Godou shrunk
back in fear.
"I-If you can resurrect yourself, then please tell us first before you go and die... Do you have
any idea how worried I was!"
"S-Sorry. There just wasn't any time for me to explain."
Godou could only lower his head in the face of the crying and angry Liliana. He had lost. He
honestly did not think she would start crying.
"Knowing how to manage your time is also part of the abilities of a King! B-but, I'm really
relieved. That you have safely returned... I'm truly sorry. It is because of my failure that things
had turned out like that!"
Liliana who had ceased to be angry was crying and apologizing.

His opinion of her changed yet again, because she looked like a doll, he did not think that she
was someone who revealed her emotions. In reality, she was really an emotional girl.
She had been seriously anxious and angry, and her emotions were clearly displayed on her
"Well, since I managed to survive, isn't it a happy ending? ...Because, you didn't really fail or
anything. It was because I am too weak that I lost to Perseus."
Hearing Godou say that, Liliana immediately raised her face, which was wet with tears.

"N-No, that's not it. Your defeat was my failure... If at that time, I had k-kissed you, the
ending would have turned out differently, wouldn't it."
Godou felt his face turn red at her reply, and changed the topic in a panicky voice.

"That's not true! That's definitely not the reason I lost! More importantly, what happened after
that!? What about Perseus and Athena!?"
"Ah, yes. The problem has not been solved, and danger is still close by."
Liliana then told him what had happened.
Hearing that it was only a temporary truce between the two gods, Godou's heart became
heavy, and thought of another troublesome problem.
"Ah, that's right, Erica and the others still don't know that I'm here in Naples... Have you
contacted them yet?"
"Um, no... I'm very sorry, but I forgot about that."
"I'm not reprimanding you, you know. I'll go and give them a call, so it's no problem at all."
Although he said that, he was slightly worried.
If Erica and Yuri were to find out about last night, he would no doubt have to face their
sarcasm and scolding. If he were to contact them, would he have to hide the truth? Godou
scratched his head, considering his options.
"Liliana-sama, all the way since last night, had been at Godou-sama's side looking after him.
Really, she has not left the bedside even once, such praiseworthy devotion!"
The person singing praises of her own master was Karen, who had just entered the room.
"K-Karen! It's fine even if you don't say it!"
"Ara Liliana-sama, no need to be shy. A maiden staying at the side of a wounded warrior, it's
as though it were a scene from a painting. Going back to the main topic, if you would like to
make a call, you can do it right away, but... is that really fine with you, Kusanagi-sama?"
After teasing her master till her face had turned red as an apple, Karen turned to asked Godou.
Not knowing the meaning behind her question, Godou tilted his head to the side.
"May I ask if there's something wrong with that decision?"
"No, while Kusanagi-sama was asleep, we had considered contacting Erica-sama. However,
we decided to wait for your decision first, just in case."
The impish maid stated.

"Actually, I'm on good terms with Arianna Hayama Arialdi, so I had heard from her that
Kusanagi-sama had come to Italy with Erica-sama and a Japanese mistress. And another one
from Sardiniaplease excuse me, the one you are intimate with privatelyLucretia Zola.
Together, Kusanagi-sama had went to Sardinia to enjoy a long vacation."
Who, just who was the man being described as a sexual maniac?
At least, it definitely wasn't Kusanagi Godou, hence, when Liliana began to stutter, 'W-What a
depraved lifestyle...' and could not stop shaking, he wished she would stop, seriously.
"You had disappeared from your place of residence, leaving behind your lovers to run away
with a beautiful young girl on a journey. I had such a big shock when I found out, could they
be eloping? Had it been a dispute between loversproblems between man and woman? In
conclusion, I deduced that it might be better not to inform your lovers."
"There are many problems with your train of thought, and furthermore, she's a god!"
"K-Kusanagi Godou... It's fine if you don't mind the perception of others, you already are a
famous advocate of lechery. It's well within reason to have one or two h-harems under your
management... Yes, you will then bathe in a bath filled with champagne, and indulge in
debauchery together with your lovers, no doubt about it! And then one day, you will gather
every beautiful woman in the world, creating the biggest harem history has ever recorded!
Ku, what depravity!"
"Liliana-sama, that is only natural for a King. Well, men are such creatures, after all."
"Oi, oi! Don't be spouting such nonsense with a straight face!"
Ultimately, Godou had to spend ten minutes to resolve this.
Scolding the Liliana who had blurted out some ridiculous fantasies of hers, and then
intimidating Karen who was adding oil to fire, things finally quietened down.
"... And that's how it is, I do not have any lovers, there's nothing between me and Erica, we're
just friends, Mariyathe Japanese girlis also the same, and lastly, about Lucretia Zola,
she's an elder, the same age as my grandmother!"
"Can normal friends kiss each other so passionately? If that's the case, then wouldn't there be
a problem with your morals and sense of virtues?"
"That... that couldn't be helped, we had no choice!"
He had already repeated that excuse many times, to no effect.
Karen had an impish smile that did not quite reach her eyes, disregarding his words. On the
other hand, Liliana appeared to have sunk into deep thought, but fortunately she did not
pursue the matter, though she seemed to be acting a little weird.
Godou then borrowed the phone, and dialed Erica's number.

The call did not connect, and he repeated the procedure for Lucretia and Anna's numbers,
which did not work either. Yuri's phone was the same as Godou's, they could not be used in
Italy, hence he did not dial her number.
In the end... even after many tries, he could not reach any of his companions on the island of

Part 3
"Then, you were not able to get in contact with any of your companions? How very strange
This day, at the old bookstore which had hung up the 'Closed for business today' sign, the
house of the witch, Diana Milito.
The exact location was Diana's kitchen.
Despite the late timing for lunch, the table was piled with food. They sat in a circle around the
dining table discussing, including the master and servant pair Liliana and Karen, and
Kusanagi Godou.
"That's right. I would like to try contacting the headquarters of Erica and the others, and ask if
they have any news of them, would you mind giving me their contact information?"
"If that's what you need, then you should leave it to us, there's no need to worry."
Kusanagi Godou was talking to Diana.
Meanwhile, Liliana had been constantly stabbing the seafood salad with her fork, wearing a
dark expression. Things that have been giving her a headache have been piling up as high as a
mountain, hence it was natural that she did not want to join in the conversation.
On an unrelated note, while preparing lunch, Diana had said, for example, 'Sir Salvatore is
famous for having no interest in women, while Kusanagi-sama is still young and lecherous,

right? ...Whether he has any interest in women that are older than him, I'm a little worried!'
while being fidgety and seemingly bothered.
"Well then, Kusanagi Godouthe incident this time round, I leave it in your hands, will there
be a problem with that?"
In any case, he needed to say something constructive.
When Liliana reaffirmed it with him, the youngest Campione, naturally, nodded his head.
"Since no-one knows where that bastard Doni has gone, and the only one left is me, I have to
do something about it. Maybe this is some kind of fate."
Compared to all the other [Kings] who had various personality faults, he was the more
understanding kind.
He was also chivalrous and dedicated, if it were not for his immoral love affairs, he would
definitely be a great, upstanding man of influence, Liliana could not help but think this way.
Ericathat vixenwhat did she think of his womanizing ways?
Turning a blind eye. Crying oneself to sleep.[17] No, those definitely don't seem like herOr
maybe, is she actively cooperating and assisting him? That is a very high possibility! Creating
an environment of depravity for the [King], causing him to be overly indulgent, and then
controlling him for herself!
No, wait... Indeed, she is horrible enough to be called a demon, but going to those lengths is
simply too vicious. Being a dignified knight, one should have the pride not to do that.
"By the way, do you have any news of Doni?"
"Y-Yes, about that... On that subject, this morning, Sir AndreaSir Salvatore's butler that
isthere was a phone call from him. Didn't you pick up that call, Diana?"
Being suddenly asked out of the blue, Liliana replied, flustered.
Not good. I should keep those excessive thoughts out of my head, when having these serious
"He called to confirm our current situation. Not even he had an idea of the current
whereabouts of Sir Salvatore... Furthermore, I had just attempted to give him a call earlier, but
I could not get through no matter how many times I tried."
"The same situation as those in Sardinia..."
Hearing Diana's report, Kusanagi Godou made a difficult expression.
Though the situation did not seem optimistic, but he did not show any traces of worry in his
expression. It might be that those unreachable people were very capable, especially Salvatore

Doni. It was hard to imagine him being in any sort of danger, Liliana could agree with that
point of view.
"May I raise a suggestion?"
Karen, who had been listening, piped out.
Having finished serving the food, she was sitting and eating together with them.
"There are too many things which we do not have a clear understanding of at the moment, and
the current pressing matters have not been resolved yet. Howeverthe most important thing
right now, I believe, would be what we can do in order for Kusanagi-sama to defeat Perseus."
"That's trueI have to duel that guy... Truthfully speaking, the odds are against me."
Kusanagi Godou murmured.
"If it's a problem with [Instruction], in Naples, there are many who are skilled at itme, for
examplewitches who are capable at the use of that, there's no need to worry about this."
"Ah, no. Although there's a problem with that, I'm concerned with something more
Diana said that, with the look of someone who had absolutely no problem with it, and the
panicking young [King] avoided the topic.
"That guy, Perseus, has the ability to completely seal my powers, so even if I use the [Sword],
it would probably be sealed as well, if I knew how he could pull that offthe secret of how
he sealed the authorities of Verethragnathen the ending might have been different."
"...That's how it was, eh."
Diana sank into deep thought.
As a Great Knight and a witch, she felt frustrated and mortified, but Liliana also had no idea
what had happened. Of course, Karen was the same, hence they were eagerly awaiting their
senior's input.
"Perseus' name also bears the meaning of 'One who came from Persia', in actual fact, his
divine attribute has its origins from the Oriental."
"Persia? Then, isn't that the same as Verethragna!?"
Godou stood up in shock.
It seemed as if he were very eager, perhaps the origins of how the undefeated war god's
powers had been sealed laid in that direction.

"Hm, how should I put it? The Persia referenced here, it only refers to the 'east.' The Persia of
old is also the current Iran, and the god, Perseus' early ancestors were from Iraq, specifically
Without a doubt, Perseus was a hero born in Mesopotamia. However, in the battle last night,
he had referred to Verethragna as a "distant comrade."
Liliana looked very confused, as she did not know these facts.
"To save his wife Andromeda, he slew the monster Tiamat. Legends say that it is a colossal
whale or sea serpent type of sea monster."
Liliana understood the meaning of Diana's words.
In these times, the constellation Cetus referred to the sea monster, Tiamat. The constellation
of Perseus, the constellation of Andromeda and the constellation of Cassiopeia, for example,
these constellations were known as the constellations that represented autumn.
However, that name had a more important meaning.
"The name of Tiamat also shares the meaning of a goddess of Babylon. A great goddess of the
land that gave birth to gods, a ruler of the divine world, a goddess that took the form of a
dragon, and also a bringer of floods. The one who had struck her down was Marduk, a god of
storms, becoming the King of the gods."
"Are you saying that... When this myth spread to Greece, it became the myth of Perseus?"
Godou felt as if he had stumbled on a piece of the truth.
The story of Marduk slaying Tiamat had been altered with the passing down of the story
through the centuries, becoming the myth of Perseus. Because of that, Perseus had been
known as 'One who came from Persia'.
Greek mythology had no form of its own, rather, it was a combination of many different
myths from many different places.
Many examples could be found that depicted the gods of other cultures as evil gods or
monsters within Greek mythology.
Athena and Medusa was a very good example of this, and in this regard, Perseus probably had
better luck.
"And that's it, the only mystery remaining is the relationship with the god Verethragna."
Diana seemed somewhat sorry.
Having grasped a little of the situation, Godou looked up at the ceiling, a little troubled.
"If only Mariya were here, she might have been able to give us some clues."

"Though I agree with you on this point, but since we are unable to get in contact with them,
we'll have to give up on that. Or are you implying that we are not capable enough to uncover
the secret of Perseus? At any rate, let's think of something together, shall we?"
Liliana made a realistic suggestion.
In Europe, people like Mariya Yuri who were gifted with such spiritual vision were scarce.
Perhaps he had been asking for too much, and the young Campione nodded his head in
"I'll try to contact some friends and see if I can find out anything about their whereabouts. In
this kind of situation, the best person to consult is Mariya or Lucretia, after all. I'm also a little
worried for their safety."
With those words, Godou who had eaten his fill stood up from the dining table.
He strode out of the dining room, leaving behind the witches.
"Well then... it would be better if we had a meeting for our next course of action now, don't
you agree?"
After Godou had left, leaving behind the three of them, Karen suggested.
"It is just as Kusanagi Godou had said. Contacting his companions is the best course of action
right now. That Japanese miko's spirit vision is not something any one of us here can match,
and furthermore, we will need to borrow the wisdom of Lucretia Zola."
Hearing Liliana's reply, Diana nodded her head.
The witch of Sardinia, Lucretia Zola, known as [Scholar of the Gods], had extensive
knowledge of the [Heretic Gods], techniques of magical arts and the strength of magical
energies. Truly, she was a stellar witch. Even the most powerful witch in Naples, Diana, could
not hold a candle to her.
"True. Those who have more years to their age compared to us, it's simply a matter of
If she was asked how many years exactly is the difference in experience, it would surely
become awkward.
Karen, who had considered this point, did not ask.
"In that case, the responsibility of assisting the [King], would have to fall on the lovers of
Kusanagi-sama, which would mean that all the credit will be snatched away by Erica-sama...
Also, Erica-sama is a Great Knight of [Copper-Black Cross]..."
Liliana had roughly guessed her witch junior from the same organization, her servant's
intention and meaning behind those words.

"In the same situation, but seemingly powerless, won't the name of the [Bronze-Black Cross]
be shamed?"
"If it's only a little, that's also fine by me..."
Karen's true reason as to why she did not contact Erica, was probably this. Finding
opportunities to boost their own side's standing, and also preventing their rivals from
"However, in the face of the threat of a [Heretic God], this is not the time to be concerned
about those trivial things, it is enough that we only have to do our part to the best of our
Liliana said, resolutely.
"Even if our endeavors fall short and victory is ultimately obtained through the utmost efforts
of Erica and the others, isn't that fine as well? No matter who achieves it, if the [Heretic God]
is forced back, bringing safety back to Naples would be sufficient... Even if that is not the
case, I will do my utmost rendering my assistance to Kusanagi Godou and achieving victory
together, is this acceptable?"
Karen respectfully nodded her head, before continuing,
"If it's Liliana-sama, then it would be natural to think along those lines. In that case, then let
us inform the headquarters of the [Bronze-Black Cross] to search for Erica-sama and
company, whose whereabouts are currently unknown... But, please perform the magic art of
[Instruction] on Kusanagi-sama, to create a fait accompli before they arrive, just to be sure."
"Of course, this is Liliana-sama's duty. Since you want to do your utmost to help, naturally
you won't refuse? Seeing as you've already said so yourself."
Oh no. They've turned my words against me! Liliana realized that she had been set up.
"No, listen here, didn't he say it before? That the secret of Perseus has not been cracked yet!"
"If it's about the secret, we'll be able to find the answer if everyone brainstorms together. But
if we do not decide on a course of action, we will not be able to proceed smoothly."
"I-It's fine even if it's not me, didn't you say that you would be fine with it, Diana?"
"Th-That's trueIt's embarrassing, but if it's for the sake of fighting a god..."
Diana answered, her cheeks flushing red. Yep, she may be a little older, but she is still pretty
cute. Kusanagi Godou, being the lecher he is, should be fine with her.

"Well, although we have that last resort available, but"

In response to Liliana's suggestion, Karen replied, smiling.
A smile like an evil black cat, giving off an ill omen.
"What I would like to say is, that this incident is, surely, fate."
"That is correct. Between Kusanagi-sama and Liliana-sama, there is a bond of destiny. I
mean, it is not normal, that the situation has become so serious to the extent that Liliana-sama
has no other choice but to kiss a man, this is definitely the work of fate, connecting two
persons together, guiding the both of you."
"H-How can I believe such an overbearing reason?!"
"Then, Liliana-sama, earlier on, why were you sneaking glances at Kusanagi-sama with such
a fervent look in your eyes? Also, the both of you had spent the whole of last night together.
Are you starting to feel that you have no other choice but to get closer to that King? Fufu, it's
futile to feign innocence. Because, I have already seen through everything."
When Karen pointed that out, Liliana gulped.
Come to think of it, since that meal, she might have been feeling that way.
Nothatsnotit[18], it's not fate not anything like that. Justyesit was just that when she
looked at the face of her [King], her heart would beat furiously in her chest uncontrollably!
"To make it clear, Liliana-sama has fallen in love. Yes, the throbbing in your chest is the
feeling of the fact that you can't help noticing him as a man. That, for sure, is love!"
Liliana was stunned. That was ridiculous. She did not want to believe it, but what if it were
"Ara, is that so? I suppose we've no other choice, the job of kissing Kusanagi-sama, we'll
leave it to Lily in that case!"
"D-Diana, you too!?"
"Furthermore, this fated love will bring along with it luxury and privilege. In order for
Liliana-sama to succeed in becoming Kusanagi-sama's lover, the Great Knight of the [BronzeBlack Cross] has to stay by the [King]'s side and wait upon him."
"L-Lover...? Karen, what are you saying!?"
"Ah, I see. Fufu, that Karen, thinking of such vicious thoughts, just like always!"

In contrast with the distressed Liliana, Diana seemed oddly happy. To the two who were
older, Karen smoothly explained her plan.
"From the results of my analysis of Kusanagi-sama since yesterday night, he is not as
accustomed to handling women as the rumors say. At this point in time, his lovers and
personal aides are easily able to exert their influence over him. Of these, there are two of them
at the moment. If one were to enter the field and chase them away, one would need to have
power of equal strength!"
"Ch-Chase away!?"
"Yes. Fortunately for us, Liliana-sama is a Great Knight and also a witch of the [BronzeBlack Cross], and the next-in-line to be the head of the Kranjcar family. Whether it is magical
or political power, you would definitely do him proud."
Currently, the organization with the greatest connections and influence over Kusanagi Godou
was the [Copper-Black Cross].
Although the organization has not yet fully submitted themselves to him, they had
monopolized his influence. As a result, the other mages were unable to get close to him. The
situation was both insalubrious and unfair.
To put an end to that collusive relationship, necessary measures must be taken, and after
hearing all that, even Liliana had nothing more to say.
She, as Kusanagi Godou's lover. Was such a future possible?
Unintentionally, Liliana fell into deep thought. For some reason, her mind had begun to fill
with random stories and scenarios.
A young girl, unused to the ways of love.
Before her, a mysterious, unruly and charming boy had appeared. Around the boy and girl
was the coiling scent of danger. Through a meeting of coincidence, they had both realized the
other's existence.
I, with such a half-baked person, I can't possibly like or feel anything else towards him.
Though she had said that, the girl was still entranced by the boy. And the boy, towards the
girl who would not be honest with herself, grew an interest, and before he knew it, he had
engraved her presence in his memories, locked in his mind and heart for eternity.
Liliana who had been fantasizing the above quickly shook her head. What on earth was I
"Karen, don't say such nonsense to anyone else. I, I'll be taking a short rest!"
The sound of someone standing up from a chair was heard, and Liliana walked out of the

And after that, the oldest witch and the maid might have continued whispering things like,
'...There's hope yet!', or, '...Yes, that's right, just a little push more, for the sake of shortening
the distance between those two, we have to use this trick like this...'.

Part 4
Godou had managed to get in touch with Genaro Gantz through the phone he borrowed.
Neither he nor the others from the [Copper-Black Cross] had the faintest inkling of where
Erica might be, which meant that they could not contact them either. Really, what is going
Could it be that a [Heretic God] had descended upon Sardinia, causing something strange to
"That is a possibility, seeing as that demoness wouldn't disappear for no good reason... Leave
the matters on that side for us to investigate, and the incident in Naples, we'll leave to you."
"I got it, then I'm counting on you."
After designating their tasks, they said their farewells and hung up the call.
After hurriedly finishing the call, Godou returned to the closed old bookstore.
This was logical, but he was surrounded by western books. Because of that, the atmosphere
here was the same as his house in Japan. Even if the country was different, the smell of the air
inside the bookstore was the same.
It was past seven in the evening.
Even so, it was still very bright, usual for a summer day in Europe. If this were Japan, it
would already have been dark.
In the interior of the shop, dyed orange by the sun setting in the west, Godou had borrowed a
phone, and then contacted all of his Italian acquaintances. Finishing all that, Godou looked
out the window.
The outside gave off a feel of an industrial area, due to the rubbish that were littered all over
the place.
In the grocery store on the opposite side of the street, there was a frighteningly fat woman in a
sleeveless, midriff-baring top and hot pants running the shop. It was a scene that fully
displayed the cultural gap between Italy and Japan.
If only he had the time and mood, he would have very much liked to go for a jog.
He gave up on that thought quickly, and went to look for the witches... on the way, he found a
notebook with a black leather cover.
Whose belonging is that? Without thinking, Godou picked it up, and opened it.

[Stop, let go of me! I, I really hate you!]

[Fuu. Then, why did you come here? I know the reason. You are]
[Ah, nongh!?]
[I won't let go of you. Be my woman.]
Is this a shoujo novel? No, a harlequin romance?
This was a romance novel depicting the love of two, but written by hand. The protagonist had,
as though no one else was around, aggressively made advances on the heroine, kissing her
against her will, and things like that.
"I have lostI'd never have thought that such a thing could be written..."
Godou deeply regretted looking at the contents.
He felt somewhat guilty about sneaking a look. To whom does this belong to? The person
who seemed like she would write this way, was it Diana?
Just as he thought of sneakily returning it at a later time and as he closed the notebook.
He felt a chilling sensation on his back, chilling, and sharp. This feeling, should be a blade.
"Do not move. Just like this, let's go outside... Do not make a sound, and act more natural.
A soft warningNo, a threat.
Who is that? It couldn't be the showy, grandiose Perseus. Then, was this perhaps an assassin
from some secret organization? While worrying over this, Godou followed the instructions,
and left the store.
Together with the person holding the blade to his back, they walked along the street that was
bathed in the sunlight of the setting sun.
Godou resisted the temptation to look back. If he were to do so, he would definitely get
stabbed, it was too risky.
...Before long, they turned into a dirty, dark alleyway.
"It's fine now. Slowly, turn around."
Doing as told, Godou had a shock when he turned around.
An unexpected face.
"What!? Liliana-san, why did you do that!? Could it be that you have been after my life all
this time...?"

"Y-You found out about my secret! After I kill you, I'll die too!"
Holding a shortsword and with a brooding expression, the words of Liliana Kranjcar had left
Godou stunned.
"This notebook, could it possibly be yours!?"
That notebook, whether it was a romance novel, or a collection of poems, he was unsure of.
"Even though I had only just took it out from my bag to write on earlier, I'm not sure when I
had lost it... Could it be, that you have searched through my belongings!?"
"I, there's no way I would do that sort of thing! You have to believe me!"
(By the way, this was the work of the scheming Karen, who took it out of her bag, and then
before Godou passed through the corridor, purposely left it in his path. The above was the
truth behind this incident, but the two of them would never find out about the cause and effect
of it.)
"At any rate, since you found out about my secret hobby, I have to silence you!"
"Eh, hold on a second! Killing someone over something of this degree, isn't that too
"It's not ridiculous at all! I won't allow the number of people who can blackmail me with this
to increase any further!"
Speaking of blackmail, Godou immediately thought of someone's face.
That [Diavolo Rosso]that particular girl and their mutual friendwould in an elegant
manner, make request after request, that face.
Although it was an unfounded guess with no evidence behind it, but to think this way was not
strange at all.
"Anyway, calm down first. I'm different from Erica, it'll be fine."
"Kuh... To mention that name, as I thought, you must have heard something from that vixen,
my secret, for example! Then, after I kill you, I'll make sure I finish that demoness off
"D-Did I step on a landmine!?"

After spending a few minutes, he had finally managed to convince a distressed Liliana.

Although he had, through much difficulty, conveyed his thoughts and feeling to her, she still
seemed to be in a great panic.
"In, in this time of crisis, I was, unintentionally overcome by a surge of idle thoughts,
resulting in me writing those things. Please pretend you never saw it. I'm begging you, please
forget it somehow!"
She cried out, teary-eyed.
Though he felt that it was not some kind of secret that could never be divulged, Godou
nodded his head.
"Ah... Well, I feel that everyone has their own interests, it's no big deal, really."
Godou irresponsibly threw out those words.
He actually meant that it was not worth worrying over such trivial things.
During the Meiji Era, when a head of the Kusanagi household had passed away, his
descendants had discovered a collection of roughly three thousand novels about his private
life, and in them were written... that when he was on the receiving end of a scolding, or
physical abuse from an excessively young girl[19], he would derive masochistic pleasure
during the experience. During the family council, the decision that 'This shall be classified as
an erotic novel henceforth' was made, becoming a controversial work. Comparing Liliana's
work to that...
No matter what, Godou patted her on the shoulder, as though he were trying to console a
child, and thus, Godou and Liliana, her eyes moist with tears, the distance between them had
For some reason, the beautiful fairy-like girl, with tears in her eyes, seemed so much more
fragile than her usual self, yet at the same time, she seemed so alluring.
He could no longer see the girl who was stronger than him, more courageous than him in front
of him. Godou's protective instincts were triggered, and he hastily turned away in
Liliana too, seemed a little embarrassed herself, her cheeks a deep shade of red.
The atmosphere becoming more and more awkward by the second, the duo fell into silence.
This isn't good, what should IAs he was thinking of what to do, a voice suddenly called out
towards them.
"Seems you've recovered from your wounds already, and returned to the same old self,
tenacious boy."
Proud, dignified, and child-like, but still possessing a queen's majesty.
Godou and Liliana raised their heads upwards.

Descending upon the dirty, little alley, was none other than [Heretic God Athena].

Chapter 5 - The Missing Kings

Part 1
SpaccanapoliIn a small alleyway in the old street of Naples...
Kusanagi Godou and Liliana Kranjcar had met with the goddess Athena.
"What's with describing me as 'tenacious', stop that. Because of you, I almost died."
"You too, stop saying those deplorable things. To be injured in a battle, it was due to your
own inexperience. Firstly, you should be lamenting over your own weakness."
A calm reply to Godou, and the mood became heavier.
Unreasonably dragging in innocent bystanders who had no intention of fighting, this goddesssama was the root of it all. Her self-centeredness evidently surpassed even Erica's. What a
selfish fellow.
"...Kusanagi Godou."
Liliana who had been standing at the side, said in a very soft voice.
As though she were looking to him as for what to do next, and awaiting his order.
Godou shook his head.
He did not intend on fighting the goddess, only temporarily gauging the situation. Although
unsure if she had understood from that, Liliana lightly nodded her head.
Counting on this powerful supporter in his heart, Godou turned towards Athena.
"Hey, tell me one thing. This time round, you were the one who dragged me into the battle, so
would you mind explaining something to me?"
"What is it? Speak your mind."
"Why was Perseus able to do itseal the powers of Verethragna? He, being a bane of
serpents, therefore countering Athena's power, that I can understand, due to the story of
Medusa, right? But, Perseus and Verethragna have no direct connection, so isn't it strange?"
"About that"
Her response to Godou's question was a simple faint smile.

As though she were assessing them, she stared at them intently. Her eyes were like that of a
predator eyeing its prey.
She was a predator, after all. The aspect of a goddess of battle and hunting.
"No matter how I answer it, there will be things that you cannot comprehend. Indeed, I was
the one who dragged you into this, but if I reveal the answer here, this game would not be able
to amuse me as much."
"Isn't that fine? I got involved only because of your willful personality."
Godou snapped back in retort.
"Yesterday... you said that you had wanted to train me. The truth probably isn't that you had
wanted to avoid conflict with that serpent-slayer, thus dragging me in, correct?"
"Do not sully the name of a goddess of war, Kusanagi Godou."
Athena glared at him, her eyes heavy with threat. "It's true, that I am not in a hurry to battle
with that person. The serpent-slaying words of power are an extremely troublesome existence
to myself. However, the countermeasures I have against that unfavorable element are far and
many, do not treat so lightly the Queen of the land and darkness."
"I'd never would have thought... that you'd have a countermeasure?"
Hiding the joy in his heart, Godou asked.
If it were true, then he might be able to use his trump card against Perseus.
"That's right. If he would use his serpent-slaying words of power, then I would use the
scorching flames to melt his steel... Fufu, while you were in a deep sleep, I had already
awakened the dormant volcano that lies yonder. If he were to be enveloped by molten lava,
even the hero of Steel will fall!"
"It's fine even if you don't fell him! I will go and fight him, so you can just sit back and
This guy wants to blow up the volcano! Godou resisted the urge to exclaim out loud.
Athena was referring to Mount Vesuvius, east of Naples.
During the time of the Roman Empire, Pompeii had been partially destroyed, and buried
under ash and pumice from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. The last time that this volcano
had been active was back in 1949, and its distance from Naples was nine kilometers.
Godou finally understood.
Why Athena had accepted the truce after her attack on Perseus.

He was not sure how she had done it, but in order to triumph over Perseus, she had prepared
to make use of the volcano, to overcome the unfavorable condition of fighting against a
"But, about using the volcano, are you implying that Perseus is weak against heat?"
"It must be an exceedingly intense heat, to the extent that even a dragon would be incinerated.
This isn't the only weakness of that guy, either. Steel, after all, is that kind of thing, isn't
Hearing that word, his emotions were unable to stabilize, and Godou returned to that topic.
"Then let me ask again, why was Verethragna's power sealed?"
"I don't mind telling you, but will you pay the price, Kusanagi Godou?"
...How unreasonable.
"Since you do not want me to personally step in, then wouldn't this request be natural?
Though I have dragged you into this, is it not evened out when I listened to your request to
back out of the battlefield? Now, if you would like for me to grant you the key to victory, then
you will be indebted to me."
In other words, Godou just had to promise her something. Athena smiled wryly.
Godou knew for sure that this goddess would think of something strange and illogical, poking
fun at him, for all he knew she might have been overjoyed inside watching his troubled
"You're really an absurd goddess-sama, you know. Fine, what's the price?"
"Hm. I haven't thought that far yet."
Godou had asked, testing the waters, but this was the answer. Please stop tormenting me
"Fufu, I haven't given it much thought yetthen, in return for my telling of that secret, you
would have to grant a request, a desire of mine some day in the future. Do you accept?"
Athena asked, her attitude bold and haughty.
That gaze and that way of speaking, certainly was that of a powerful Queen. As if she were
challenging him, testing his courage
"So, what will you do? You might be gambling away your own life, or even perhaps the life
of the person most important to you. Will you accept?"
Godou pondered his options.

The gods were not vicious or evil by nature, but sometimes, they could be a little cruel.
Beings of such power and might, they did not care for the humble humans. In that case, about
Athena's request, what would be the correct option?
He thought about it for tens of seconds, and finally made up his mind.
In this situation, it would be a transaction of both high risks and returns, even if things turned
out to be the worst case, he could always shamelessly back out of his agreement.
The most important reason actually wasHe did not want to give a vague answer. What
comes afterwards would be not to get blindly led around by the other party, and maintaining
his own pace, but...
"I understand, then..."
"Allow me to answer in the place of the King. Of course, we refuse!"
Just as Godou had wanted to give his answer, he was interrupted.
The one who had been standing by his side and silently watching the entire time, Liliana, had
spoken out suddenly.
"I apologize for my rudeness, Athena. The warrior that protects us humans, the King, how
could he possibly make such a commitment? Please forget that we had ever said anything!"
"...That answer, is no fun at all. Boring."
The total opposite of the Liliana whose head was bowed respectfully, Athena looked around
in disinterest.
"Forget it, if that's the case, then I will be staying at the sea over yonder. Should you have a
change of mind, go to the harbor where we were last night, and call my name. No matter the
time, I will give you the answer that you seek... Before that troublemaker returns, any time is
The goddess of the land and darkness, with those words, departed from the alley.

Part 2
"Are we supposed to reject those kinds of offer, in this situation? We could have gotten some
information out of Athena, too."
On the way back to Diana's abode, Godou complained.
As he understood the reason why Liliana had done that, he wasn't particularly reprimanding
her. He could have snuck out later to meet Athena, after all.
"When you put it that way, are you perhaps thinking of accepting her offer after all?"

"Basically, yes, as long as I state some conditions and try to reach a compromise, it shouldn't
be that bad a trade... But, you knew I was going to accept her offer?"
Godou was slightly impressed.
As he thought, Liliana had guessed his intentions.
"Of course I knew. Although the time we have spent together has been short, I can understand
the feeling that people get before you do something utterly outrageous!"
"D-Do I seem that weird a person to you?"
"Without a doubt. For example, yesterday, when you had summoned the [Boar] out in the
middle of the street."
Hearing her say that, Godou felt somewhat guilty.
Due to his revival from death, he had slept for half a day, and had forgotten all about it.
"Kusanagi Godoualthough your daily actions are normal, but during times of crisis, you
tend to become reckless, and make impulsive and rash decisions."
As they walked along the road of the old street, Liliana chided him.
Though the attitude and speech were wholly different, in some ways she was as troublesome
as Erica and the others. Indignant, Godou retorted.
"I'm not as reckless as you say I am! In that earlier exchange with Athena, it was already
going according to my plan!"
"Negotiations with high-ranking mages or [Heretic Gods], you cannot make that sort of
commitment or promise, for fear of being controlled! Even if you have the intent to rebel
against it, if you had said something like, 'I'll do as you say', they will have absolute power
over your will!"
This was a surprising piece of information.
Liliana was truly angry, glaring at the shocked Godou.
"Because you are a Campione, hence even if it were a mage of the highest-tier, his magic
would have no hold over you, but she is a goddess! If you make a pact with Athena, a goddess
of that level, you won't be able to resist whatever she asks of you!"
"...I see. Then I must thank you for having saved me."
Seems a crisis had been averted earlier.
The self-reflecting Godou honestly expressed his gratitude and apology, and Liliana
immediately turned her head away.

"I-It's nothing. As a knight, lending my assistance to the [King] is only natural, I've done
nothing to deserve your gratitude, don't worry about it."
She seemed embarrassed.
Her cheeks red, Liliana smiled faintly.
"You shouldn't have fallen for those words in the first place. I had noticed it since last night,
but you are too careless at times, please be careful of what your powers might do to the
environment in the future!"
"I did try to minimize the collateral damage..."
"That's not what I was trying to say. I wanted to let you know that, to the surrounding people
or an organization, a Campione is a being capable of the greatest destruction, and hence,
please be more careful next time."
After she said that, Liliana turned her head back.
She looked straight at Godou.
"Although I would like you to be more mindful of the surroundings, but truthfully, it is
unnecessary. No matter how much destruction a Campione causes, only a being of equal
standing, another Campione, has the right to criticize. It's because of the authority that you
possess, that you have gained the title of [King]."
Come to think of it, he had been told something like that by some mage before.
What you have attained is power on par with the gods and devil kings, a human yet to be
above humans, an absolute privilege... for example.
Remembering those ridiculous words, Godou shook his head. Truly, it was a cruel joke.
"You should know this too, but both Sir Salvatore and Marquis Voban, neither of their
personalities have any praiseworthy aspects. They lack morals that a normal person should
have, but as a Campione, a [King], whatever actions they do will be forgiven."
That should not be the case.
Godou shook his head again, that shouldn't be the case at all.
"The only duty a Campione has to bear, when a [Heretical God] manifests, is to defend the
powerless humans and engage it in battle. This is the one thing that you have to abide by, the
one thing that humankind asks of you. Anything else is unnecessary, be it a noble obligation,
or a ridiculous request. The only thing you have to do is to follow your base instincts, and do
battle with the gods, as a protector of the land."
"What kind of reasoning is that?!"
Godou asserted his stand.

Facing Liliana who was going full steam about the ways of the world.
"Those guys being useless members of society, it was because of the fact that they were
originally beyond saving to begin with. Because of that kind of reason, forgiving a Campione
no matter what they do, what kind of reasoning is that? Let me ask you, do you really agree
with that? I don't think that you really do, but at any rate, please don't, Liliana-san!"
Being on the receiving ends of his questions, Liliana lowered her head, troubled.
This way of thinking had already been ingrained and instilled into her serious, stubborn, yet
gentle self, which is why she could tolerate whatever ridiculous shenanigans the other
Campiones had done.
"Whatever those guys have done has nothing to do with me. I'll do things my own way. It was
only because of a stroke of luck that I have obtained this unimaginable power. While trying
not to cause too much trouble to the world, I will find the right way to use this power."
Godou declared loudly.
However, thinking of the constant mistakes that he had made, he decided to add one more
thing, just in case.
"But... sometimes I might be a little too careless, and make some mistakes, but I have Erica
and Mariya, and also you. Because of everyone that is lending me their hand, I'm sure that
things will work out. I'm counting on you, once again."
"M-Me too?"
"Didn't you just help me out big time earlier? If you find it to be too harsh, then just this time
would be fine too, you've already done too much for me..."
Thinking carefully and calmly, there probably wasn't anyone who would go this far for
someone else.
Neither Erica nor him, would stick their nose that far in someone else's business.
Godou was misunderstanding this, and Liliana shook her head, stopping and heaving a sigh.
And, in a knightly manner, she replied,
"If youif the [King]desires so, then I am prepared to offer my very being to you, and to
do my very best for you... However, shall we rest for today? It's getting rather late."
The serious conversation was abruptly ended.
It was the first time he had seen such a heart-warming smile on Liliana's face, while speaking
with such gentleness.
Seeing that expression, he felt that she was no different from a normal girl. Discovering this
side to Liliana, he felt a little shy, and nodded.

Before they had realized it, they were in front of Diana's bookstore.
When they were returning, the sun had started to set, and darkness began to cover the sky.
"Ah, that's right, about Perseus' secret, we probably have to figure something out ourselves..."
The two of them walked into the building, and headed straight for the kitchen. Neither Karen
nor Diana were around, they were alone together.
"I'll go prepare some tea, please take a short rest in the meantime."
Liliana said, while taking out the necessary equipment from the kitchen shelves.
All Godou had been drinking so far in Italy was only coffee. It was either espresso,
cappuccino or latte, usually.
Thinking that it wouldn't be so bad to have a change of pace, Godou took a seat on the chair,
and obediently awaited the tea. The unique fragrance of the herbs began to diffuse throughout
the house.
"Please enjoy your tea."
A few minutes had passed.
From Liliana's hands, Godou received a cup of hot amber liquid.
The fragrant smell of mint wafted across his nostrils.
It was a refreshing aroma, but it felt somewhat queer. He took a small sip, and felt the taste
spread through his taste buds, but it was accompanied by a bizarre feeling of unease.
"The taste isn't so great, it feels a little odd."
"That is because of the herbs that were used to brew the tea. It is a drink that focuses on
nutritional value rather than taste."
Godou had commented without thinking, and Liliana had replied with a shrug.
So it's that kind of drink, and Godou who had understood that point, gulped the entire drink
down in one breath.
It was after ten minutes of chatting with Liliana before he noticed the change within his body.
"What... what is this?"
His body had gradually started to feel numb. It had started with his fingers, but only a few
moments had passed before his limbs had ceased to function.
Before long, he had lost all motor functions throughout his body.

"As I thought, if it's an internal cause, even if you are a Campione, magic would still have an
Liliana said, to the Godou who was unable to move.
Was she forcing him to rest!? Godou was shocked. Why had she done that!?
"I had mixed a drug that numbs magical energy into the tea... Even though it had the taste and
aroma of herbs, you still managed to sense it. I did not expect that"
So that was what it was, the sensation of drinking a drug?
The enhanced senses of a Campione, detecting the drug being ingested, had sent warning
signals to the body, and Godou swore to himself that he would not fall for this again.
"It's as you've said, we can obtain the needed information if we negotiate with Athena. There
was nothing wrong with it, just that the one to negotiate with her shouldn't have been you. If
our trump card against the gods were to be sacrificed, it would be putting the cart before the
Unsure whether it were a problem with the five senses or his brain, his body simply would not
Liliana gently held Godou, and placed him against the wall, in a leaning position.
"About my going to negotiate with Athena about what was mentioned earlier, of course, I'll
have to make her promise not to harm you in any way... Because I'm a witch, I should be able
to get along with a great goddess of the land like Athena just fine. Please leave it to me, I
should be able to obtain at least a little bit of information."
It had only been because he was a Campione that Athena had offered the secret, and a
[Heretic God] most likely would not make a deal with a mere human. This was too risky.
Godou would very much liked to have told her that, but he could not even utter a single word.
"If you came along, the negotiation might very well go wrong, in some way I wouldn't expect.
Hence, it would best if I went alone. The drug was a last resort, please forgive me."
With those words, Liliana left the kitchen.
Only Godou remained in the room. Mustering all of his will and strength, he attempted to
force his body to move, but it did not work.
I am strongest amongst the strong. Truly, I am one that holds each and every victory.
I care not whom challenges me, whether man or devil; I may face all my foes and all my
enemies. Regardless, I shall crush all those who wouldst stand in my way.
Godou chanted the scripture of Verethragna in his heart, and his body began to fill with the
power of the Persian war god. The numbness had begun to fade little by little.

The effect will wear off if I keep going at this.

Not relying on his physical body, but instead making use of the magical power, Godou had
managed to purge a little of the drug.
Directly channeling the magic into his body, without a doubt, was the most effective method
to use on a Campione's body, but it was a desperate measure due to his powerlessness at the
Leaving aside the gods, to lose like this to a normal magic user
While telling himself that, Godou continued the fight against the numbness in his body.

Part 3
This was the harbor of Santa Lucia district.
It was the location of the confrontation with Perseus the previous day, and also where Godou
and Athena had showed up. Liliana had spent about twenty minutes to return here, and called
out towards the sea,
"O' great goddess Athena, the humble knight Liliana Kranjcar hereby requests an audience
with you! Please allow me this honor of being in your presence!"
Liliana's voice resounded across the sea, which was dyed red by the sunset.
It was only a brief while before a patch of darkness with an outline of silver began to form at
another end of the harbor. The darkness rapidly took the shape of Heretic Athena, who slowly
walked towards Liliana.
"Why did Kusanagi Godou not come? Little girl, my business is not with you."
The goddess said with an air of arrogance, but she had expected that.
No matter what happens later, she had to obtain some information on Perseus.
Liliana was nervous and tense.
To negotiate not with a blade but with words, it was not her specialty. Rather, Erica was better
at the arts of persuasion, but in this situation she could only grit her teeth and do it...
"On behalf of the King I have come to make a request, an enquiry on the principles of
Perseus' power which allowed him to seal the authorities of Kusanagi Godou. Because of our
shortcomings, we were not able to understand the mystery behind it, and thus, I beseech you
to grant us your wisdom"
"I've said it before, there is a price to be paid."
Athena coldly stated, and Liliana hesitated.

She had not been expecting Athena to give an answer easily.

Her aim was to obtain a few tidbits of information from the goddess. If they had gone with
this strategy earlier in the negotiation by Kusanagi Godou, they might have been able to get a
few clues by now. But from the cold expression of the other party, the chances of being lied to
were rather high, and thus she said...
"Please, to Kusanagi Godou who is fighting on your behalf, do you not have any parting
"Didn't I say this before too? He could have chosen not to fight, and to let me fling that
troublemaking hero right into the depths of that volcano. If he had done that, then wouldn't it
have been much less troublesome for him?"
Athena's tone had not a single bit of interest in it.
If this willful girl were a human, Liliana would have given her quite the scolding. However...
Liliana resisted the urge, and was repeatedly reciting, 'Bear with it, bear with it!' to herself. A
normal mage would have given up by then, given such an unreasonable goddess.
She had the disposition of a witch, after all.
The origins of the witches of Europe, were the mikos who had worshipped Athena.
Studying the spiritual senses, listening to the words of the goddess.
The words of power and divinity of the goddess of the land granted power to the witches. The
resulting possibility of obtaining the scattered wisdom of the gods and revelations were
"Though, when I had initially brought Kusanagi Godou here, I did not expect a god of that
nature to manifest. Perhaps this might be destiny. Encountering the leader of the ancient east
is indeed harsh, but should he fail to succeed, we can only say that the brat's capabilities were
simply not enough..."
Athena laughed happily.
Leader of the ancient east? Come to think of it, what was it she said earlier? A troublemaker.
She had called that beautiful hero a troublemaker, or something like that.
Athena had many things to say about Perseus.
All her words continued to spin around in Liliana's head, like a burst of inspiration through a
broken barrier. The goddess had, from the start, seen through the hero's origins.
Then, what was that image that she had seen?
A brilliant, golden light. The fragments of the sun that rained down from the sky. Rays of the

The hero who had combined all of these also had the attribute of steel, one of the gods of the
Diana had said that he was 'One who came from Persia'. His name was Perseus. However, that
was not enough. The true name of the god, no, the true origin was
"...Ho. You, are a miko, aren't you?"
Athena who had discovered that fact, stared at her.
Liliana felt a shuddering chill, as though she were a rodent being stared at by a snake, an
insect being hunted by an owl. She was in the same situation as those vermin, as helpless as
"Speaking of which, Kusanagi Godou has quite the talented miko serving him, back in his
homeland. Fufu, a revelation, from only my words? Now then, should I allow you to return
with the answer in your head..."
Like a predator playing with its prey.
With that kind of feeling, Athena pondered to herself. The sharp eyes of the goddess of
knowledge had seen through the fact that Liliana had discovered something through
inspirationto Liliana, the situation had taken a turn for the worse.
Athena extended her hand to the chin of the taller Liliana, making contact with the tip of her
If the finger were to turn into a weapon at that instant, it would not have been surprising.
Liliana instinctively held her breath, in the face of the death and darkness staring her in the
eye. At the very least, she had to find some way to convey what she had discovered to
Kusanagi Godou.
"...H-Hold it right there."
Out of the blue, a voice was heard.
To Athena, it was a voice of the youth she had been waiting to hear, but to Liliana, it was the
voice of a youth she did not expect to hear here.
"Finally appeared, have you. To have kept me waiting for so long, how rude of you."
"Kusanagi Godou! Why did you come here!?"
The precious miracle drug of paralysisa cow or horse that drank that amount would have
been paralyzed for at least half a day.
But the person, who was swaying and walking with unsteady steps towards them, was surely
Kusanagi Godou. It looked like he had not quite recovered fully from the effects of the drug.

Given how unsteady he was, it would not have been shocking if he were to fall over at any
Even with his body in this state, he still looked at Athena with a sharp gaze.
"...What are you planning to do with her?"
"I am still thinking of that. This girl with neither manners nor proper upbringing, had obtained
a revelation from within my words. Originally, I would simply pass divine punishment over
her, however..."
"A revelation?"
"Correct. In order to discern the origins of the one you call Perseus, and furthermore, she
almost succeeded in fully understanding his identity... Now then, what should I do with her?"
Athena twirled the finger pressing against Liliana's chin, and slowly brought it downwards.
Gently caressing her neck, as if to warn her that she could break her body any time she
Continuing downwards, her finger applied a pressure on Liliana's chest, which could
definitely not be described as full, as though telling Liliana that it could pierce through if she
exerted more force.
Compared to any battle she had ever experienced, the current situation was far more
Liliana's life was literally in Athena's hands, and she felt despaired.
"Let go of her, and as the price, I accept your conditions earlier!"
Frightening words escaped the [King]'s lips.
The pleading look in Liliana's eyes, telling him not to do it, had been in vain.
"Kusanagi Godou, isn't it too late to be saying that?"
"It doesn't matter, does it? You're a goddess, at least give me this much. I defeated you last
time, too, to the humans, there's this thing called 'preferential treatment for the winner', it
wouldn't be too far-fetched to do so."
"... Hm."
"The negotiation will be the same as what we had agreed on last time. You'll tell me Perseus'
secret, but if that girl had managed to deduce it from her senses, it might be a little different
from our initial agreement, but still, that shouldn't be a problem, should it? Do you find the
terms agreeable?"
As Godou finished, Athena casually nodded her head.

Liliana seeing her worst fears become reality, could only cast her gaze downwards.
"Forget it, I'll promise you. Although it didn't go as I'd have liked it to, the both of us stand to
gain from this ending. It's fine, isn't it?"
"No, I have one condition."
What is he going to request?
Athena looked over at the boy, raising her brows.
"Although I'll promise you, that one day I'll listen to any one command of yours, but this must
never concern the people around me. The only one involved and affected by your command
will only be me... Would that be fine?"
"Though you had said that you agreed to the terms, you still demand for another favorable
condition for yourself?"
Kusanagi Godou had unabashedly thrown out his condition.
Liliana was astonished to see such a serious and firm expression on his face.
"Try to learn more about human society. Moreover, aren't you the ridiculous and willful one.
Against someone as self-centered as you are, using unreasonable methods to deal with them,
that is the way of the Kusanagi family... And as you said, the result would be a gain for both
of us."
"And if I refuse?"
"Then before that bastard hero comes back, I'll take you on... Even if you defeat me, you still
have to face Perseus in single combat, I highly doubt you'll take such huge risks."
Watching the exchange between the goddess and the boy, Liliana finally understood.

Kusanagi Godou was indeed a kind person, but he wasn't naive.

Showing others his sincerity, but at the same time, measuring the pros and cons, picking the
best possible choice and telling them that he still has the power and authority. This was a
pleasant surprise for Liliana.
"Hm, finally picking up your pace, aren't you?"
Acknowledging his qualification, Athena laughed, and added,
"Very well. In response to my request as a Queen, you have accordingly replied in the style of
a King. How fitting of your status as a godslayer, and thus, I hereby agree with the deal...
Athena lifted her finger from Liliana's body.
And pushed Liliana lightly with a tap from her finger.
Just like that, she was sent flying, and was caught by the still shaky Godou.
"One last thing, this way you'll be able to completely see through his actListen well,
Perseus is a serpent-slayer from Babylon, and one of those who allowed that sun god to
become a leader of the ancient east, was a person of your pioneer empire."
Person of the pioneer empire. Was she referring to a country that once existed on this soil?
And then, a leader of the ancient east, sun god, that brilliant light that could seal the power of
Verethragna, which means that
Liliana, who was in the embrace of Godou, understood at long last.
The inspiration that she had gotten from Athena and the knowledge she possessed as a mage
had merged together, and she finally could understand the true nature of Perseus, and with
that, she heaved a sigh of relief.
If that were the case, then having a power that could seal the divine power of Verethragna was
nothing unfathomable.
"Have you understood? Then, there's nothing left to do... Kusanagi Godou, the next time we
meet will be after your battle has ended. The outcome of that battle, none can predict."
Athena's shape started to distort.
The figure of the young girl began to shrink rapidly, becoming an owl with grey feathers and
pitch-black eyes.
The goddess-turned-nocturnal bird flew off towards the horizon, and then...
His body swaying severely, Kusanagi Godou collapsed to the ground along with Liliana
whom he had been supporting.

"What's wrong!? Please get a hold of yourself!"

"I-It's nothing. It looks like I haven't fully purged the effects of the drug, and I can't fully use
my strength... I'm sorry, I'll have to leave things to you after this..."
"I, I'm very sorry, for the sake of someone like me!"
Tightly hugging the weakened [King] to her chest, Liliana cried out.
The footsteps of the night drew closer as twilight approached. The appearance of the halfmoon that hung high in the sky, seemed to her as if it were laughing at them.

Part 4
"Has this all been your doing!?"
"Fufufu, since you've already made it here, yes, you're correct, I am the mastermind behind
this incident! The culprit behind this strange phenomenon!"
It looked as if it were an exchange from a cruel serial killer having the final showdown with a
famed detective, as Erica Blandelli faced the immortal devil king.
Behind Erica who had chased him all the way here, was Mariya Yuri.
It was only when she was truly angry that she revealed that chilling cold and strict expression.
(She refers to Yuri here)
Yuri's feelings were understandable.
Erica would have very much liked to thoroughly punish the failure of a human in front of her,
and then teach him the proper way to live as a normal human being.

At the northern end of the island of Sardinia, the outskirts of Alghero.[20]

They were going to meet up with Kusanagi Godou who was in Naples, and just as they began
to move, a strange phenomenon occurred.
Every electronic device had ceased to function.
The electrical appliances in the house could not be turned on, the car would not start, the gas
was unusable, even the phone could not be used. Electrical, natural gas, steam, anything that
was reliant on being powered by these had been rendered useless.
"Erica-san, this is just like the time when Athena had descended upon Tokyo..."
"I agree. If a [Heretic God] manifests here... just when we were planning to go to Godou's
side too, and such a troublesome thing had to happen."

During the afternoon this day, in the rented villa that Godou had once stayed
The clearly worried Yuri had pointed out a question, and Erica nodded, with a not-so-happy
"...For now, I'll just probe around."
Lucretia was currently seated beside the window, looking outside with an annoyed
She was using bread crumbs to attract birds, and then in a low voice, towards the sky, released
the magic of [Bewitchment], a spell that turned small animals into familiars.
A magic art that could only be mastered by one possessing the disposition of a witch, one of
the arts of [Witchcraft].
Even the publicly acknowledged genius Erica Blandelli could not perform it, hence they
patiently waited for the results of Lucretia's work.
The old witch of Sardinia closed her eyes for a moment.
The birds who had become her familiars most likely were sent to scout up to the inside of
Alghero, and a highly-skilled witch like Lucretia, would be able to feel everything that her
familiars saw and heard.
And, through their eyes as an intermediary, [Spirit Vision] could be employed.
Though it would be nowhere as effective as Yuri's, Lucretia knew quite a few spirit vision
"The area around us, a strange curseenveloped in some kind of compelling force, even the
whole city too, quite the large area of influence... equipment and devices used for a civilized
life are being disabled, perhaps a barrier of [Restriction]?"
Ten minutes had passed before Lucretia slowly opened her eyes and explained in a curt tone.
The impatient Erica immediately tossed out a question.
"What about the harbor? Were the boats moving?"
"I've not looked into the exact details yet, but, even we have been affected to this degree, it
would be too unreasonable to assume that the boats would be able to function. Even if we
were able to get the boats working, there would most assuredly be other influences that this
phenomenon will have, given the possibility of it having a massive range of influence. If it
were me, I would not consider boats or planes to be a viable form of transport."
"I don't doubt that. Truly a defeat, if we were to leave Sardinia, those two options simply
cannot be discounted."
Erica replied in a low voice to the languidly given report.

She was considering her current options of escaping from the island.
"Erica-san, are you perhaps thinking of... disregarding the phenomenon occurring here, and
heading straight for Naples?"
Her beautiful features strained with anxiety, Yuri enquired.
As expected, she's sharp. She had already guessed what Erica was thinking of from her
"That's right. Over there, Godou is battling with the [Heretic God]and it seems he had lost,
but did not die. Right now, he is surely facing a crisis. If I do not help him, who will?"
The strange phenomenon that had occurred was indeed bothering her. How troublesome.
However, she knew her priorities, Erica Blandelli, above everything else, was the most
worried about Kusanagi Godouthe Campione whom she loved.
Travelling from Sardinia to Naples in about two to three hours was abnormal.
With regards to that, the power of the gods had to have been involved, some way or the other.
Although Godou was more strong-willed than his appearance let on, but without sufficient
support, he was a [King] that could not display his true strength.
At any rate, she wanted to be at his side as soon as possible, even if it were only an instant
For the sake of this goal, whatever happened with the phenomenon on SardiniaShe could
not be bothered.
"B-But, Erica-sama, this is like that time in Tokyo, the area of influence might very well be
immense, right? Although the matter of Godou-san's well-being is worrying, there's also the
problem of whether we can leave the island..."
A troubled expression could be seen on Arianna Hayama Arialdi's face.
"Even that Athena could not engulf the entire Tokyo in darkness, and Sardinia is bigger than
Tokyo. If we wanted to leave Alghero immediately, it would not be difficult to accomplish."
Erica immediately rejected her personal maid's uneasiness.
Cars and motorcycles being non-functional would only affect normal people. For mages, they
could easily employ magics that enhance their mobility to reach the nearest city, or stables to
obtain a horse.
"...No. That is simply no good, Erica-san."
The one who had suddenly stated that was Yuri.

"We must first resolve the disaster here, and then set out for Naples. A barrier that can disable
the functions of mechanisms, is not a spell that a normal mage is capable of. Without a doubt,
this is the work of a [Heretic God], or the magic of a similar existence."
"Of course I know that. But, to me, Godou is more important."
Hearing those words, Erica could not help but frown, and replied.
"Thus, I've decided that I have to leave this place as fast as I can. Yuri, what about you?
Aren't you bothered by the fact that Godou is fighting a god on his own?"
"Of course, I am worried! Unbearably so!"
Yuri firmly responded, and her voice was trembling with unease.
From that beautiful face, a resolute determination could be felt. She was not as strong nor as
resourceful as Erica, but this girl was, at times, far more courageous and noble than anyone
else. This was the case now.
In times like this, one would feel that Mariya Yuri was indeed a Hime-Mikoin other words,
a "princess."
She would control her personal feelings, and would care for people who she did not even
know, speaking out for them, and understood the importance of taking action.
"Besides Lucretia-san, the strongest person on this island is Erica-san. If you were to leave,
how would the situation turn out? This phenomenon would continue, and if the damage radius
increases even further, who knows how much havoc that would cause... You understand this,
don't you?"
A barrier that disabled the use of electrical devices and machines.
If it were only to happen within the villa, the worst that might happen is to suffer Lucretia's
complaints over the lack of air-conditioning, but, should this affect the hospitalsIt was
anyone's guess what terrible things might come of it.
If some airplane were to accidentally enter this barrierneither would that turn out well.
Erica took a deep breath.
Her current self was neither calm nor public-spirited, a behavior unbecoming of a knight that
protects, but the priorities in her heart did not change.
There was no other choice. In this case, she would have to resolve the problem the fastest she
could and then rush towards Naples. To fulfill her responsibilities and aid the people, this was
all she could do for now.
And thus, Erica and the others, began to spring into action

Those were the circumstances in which the girls bore a grim resolution.
Arianna and Lucretia were on standby in the villa.
Erica who had combat capabilities and Yuri who had spirit vision were to scout the area
They began by splitting the workload this way, wanting to swiftly find the root of the
phenomenon, and destroy it if possible. If not, they were to bring it back for investigation.
Perhaps they might encounter a [Heretic God], this expedition had quite the risk attached.
Yes, that was what they had intended.
"Somehow, I feel that everyone has become like Lucretia. Self-indulgent."
"To that remark, I'm afraid I cannot comment..."
They decided to head for the nearest street to gather information.
Erica and Yuri who had decided that, moved towards a small street known as Fertilia.
Every single device or gadget of civilization were under [Restriction], which puzzled the
residents greatly. For now, there were not any signs of imminent danger...
They sighed over the fact that they could not lead a civilized life, but on the other hand, they
continued about their lives in laziness and luxury.
Some were drinking beer and juice.
Some, it might have been due to the unusable machines that they were unable to work, were
simply stoning and daydreaming.
Others were outside simply because it was too hot inside, napping beside the road or beneath
the eaves.
Erica and Yuri moved to and fro between these people. There were no bars or restaurants as it
was a minor street, but there was still a supermarket.
What surprised Erica was that familiar face she saw walking out from the supermarket.
A blond youth, skipping and humming as he left the supermarket, wearing an aloha shirt.
Hugged to his chest was a bag from the supermarket, most likely filled with beer and snacks.
He was singing something along the lines of 'My ~ sun ~ 'o ~ sole ~ mio'[21].
"W-Why is that person here... What's going on?"
"Erica-san, an acquaintance of yours?"

"Um, I guess so. If it's just the name, I think Yuri should know it too."
The two of them immediately hid themselves, exchanging whispers.
Erica told Yuri the name, and she responded with an 'Eeh!?' in exclamation.
"I think that this incidentthe culprit behind the barrieris very likely to be him."
"E-Erica-san! It's very impolite to be suspecting people with no proof or evidence. Doesn't he
come here occasionally, too!?"
"No, Yuri. If that person is here, then any strange incidents in the area, usually will have
something to do with him... I'll follow him. And put an end to this right away!"
From then, it was smooth sailing.
Paying extra careful attention, using magic at times, that youth did not even realize that he
was being shadowed.
As he was walking, he saw a bicycle that had been left at the side of road. He simply hopped
onto it and rode off, placing the supermarket bag onto the basket at the front of the bicycle,
while humming, 'Santa ~ Lu ~ cia', heading northwards.
At once, Erica broke the lock of a nearby bicycle.
With great difficulty, she placed the angry Yuri at the backseat, and went in hot pursuit of the
youth who was riding the bicycle on the coastal road.
It was a relaxing trip, a journey accompanied by the sea breeze and sunset, and lasted for
about twenty minutes.
A swimming area of a beach, with a parasol rental service.
Perhaps it was due to the strange phenomenon that the beach was almost deserted. In the sea
that was dyed a fiery red from the sunset, there were still quite a few people playing around, it
was not completely devoid of activity, at the very least.
The youth walked towards the beach.
He headed towards a parasol that was at the edge of the beach. For some reason, there was a
youth that had been tied up with ropes and an icebox.
"That's Sir Andrea! As I thought, he's up to no good! Yuri, follow me!"
The youth being bound by the ropes was Andrea Rivera, the person they had spoken to this
Erica dashed towards them, yelling.

"Sir Salvatore! Has this all been your doing!?"

"Fufufu, since you've already made it here, yes, you're correct, I am the mastermind behind
this incident! The culprit behind this strange phenomenon!"
The blond youth slowly turned his head, replying in a bold manner.
This was of course, the [King of Swords] Salvatore Doni.
"Godou seemed to be of the impression that I didn't have any other tricks besides knowing
how to swing a sword, but in actual fact I still had this up my sleeve. Shocking, isn't it?"
"Rather than being shocked, it's more of a sense of defeat, you gigantic moron..."
The tied-up Rivera revealed a disgusted expression.
It's been hard on you, Erica sincerely felt sympathetic towards him.
Even someone at the level of Genaro Gantz or the [Old Dame] of Saint Pintoricchio would
not easily escape.
"That reminds me, Sir Andrea, which authority was the cause of this phenomenon?"
"It was meant to be a closely guarded secret, but since this much had already happened,
there's no choiceit's all this moron's... ugh, with the authority Sir Salvatore had gained from
the god Vulcan, he is able to regress the level of civilization in the area back to the Middle
Ages, for about half a day..."
In the middle of calling him a moron, Andrea had suddenly changed the topic.
The Roman fire god, Vulcan.
The god of fire and blacksmithing, and in Greek mythology he was known as Hephaestus
the divine attribute of invention.
Salvatore Doni possessed four authorities, the first was a demonic sword that cut through all,
the second, an undying body of steel, and not much was known of the third and fourth
Likely, they were trump cards to be used as a last resort, hence they were top secret.
"Erica-san, please look at the area under Sir Salvatore's feet."
Hearing Yuri's small voice, Erica did as told, looking at that spot.
Doni smiled gleefully as he stood on a revolving board that was carved with the Latin words
[nudus ara] and [sere nudus]. The meaning of those words were [Plow nude] and [Sow nude].
Words of the poet Hesiod.
Was this the source of the phenomenon?

She glanced aside at Yuri, who nodded. As I thought.

...Afterwards, this authority came to be known as [Return to Medieval Style].
Ironically, this was an authority obtained from a god of invention, yet its effect was to seal
modern inventions. Erica was stunned, but glared at the [King] anyway.
"My lord. I've heard that a [Heretic God] has descended upon Naples, and Kusanagi Godou is
in the midst of fighting it, would you happen to know the details of it?"
"Ahabout that, I think it's at a stalemate right now. That's what Andrea told me."
"Miss Erica, that's the same thing as what we spoke about on the phone this morning. The
[Heretic God] Perseus has retreated temporarily, and it would not be long before battle broke
out once more."
Erica was a little relieved, but this news was too old.
She had to hurry and meet up with Godou and confirm his condition, hence she had to quickly
think of a way to deal with this person, returning the surroundings to a normal state.
"Sir Salvatore, to begin with, for what purpose have you come here?"
"Nothing important, really. I was swallowed up by the waves back in Naples and got swept all
the way here. Speaking of which, Andrea, for the purpose of checking on Godou's
movements, had come to Sardinia yesterday. The moment I was washed up here, I managed
to contact him immediately and subsequently met up with him."
After which, Doni had begun coming up with this plan, to prevent Erica and the others from
leaving this place.
He had found out about Rivera who had tried to warn them, and disabled him.
When he had thought of restricting the communications and transportation means, he used the
authority of Vulcan, and then brought the tied-up Andrea to the beach, and had some vacation
What happened afterwards was the current situation... just hearing about this rendered one
speechless, it was just absurd.
"Then, since this plan has been exposed, I only have one thing left to do."
Doni suddenly said.
He stood up sluggishly, his arms hanging loosely.
Though he did not hold any swords, but there was no doubt that this was the [King of
Swords]' combat stance. Erica swallowed a breath.
"Sir Salvatore, why do you wish to stop us?"

Erica began to utilize her magic while asking.

She opened the palm of her right hand, and summoned her beloved sword Cuore di Leone.
"Because I would like Godou to become even stronger faster... If you're by his side, it would
bring a lot of conveniences for him, hence I would like him to fight this difficult battle alone...
It is only in a solitary battle that a warrior can grow the fastest, that's how it is."
Doni smiled wryly.
His ever-present carefree attitude, twisted logic, it was this side of him that people could
confirm that he was not a normal youth.
"Hm, at any rate, I'll just cause you to be unable to stand up for one, two hours. And as for the
lady from Japan there, maybe I'll give her a special service, so she won't have to suffer any
pain. Shall I start, or will you?"
It was as though he were asking you how much sugar you would like in your coffee.
Erica heaved a sigh. The [King of Swords] before her eyes was the strongest swordsman in
Europe, there was no chance of her winning. Though she had accepted that fact in her heart,
she still charged forth fearlessly.
Employing small tricks against him had no meaning, even if he had said that he'll go easy on
her, he was still a formidable foe.
In that case, she decided to go all out right away, and she closed in for the attack.
Fast, and nimbly
Like a flash of lightning, Cuore di Leone was thrust forward, straight towards the body of the
[King of Swords].
"You, and also Liliana Kranjcar, aren't quite there yet, huh..."
Simultaneously, as those words were whispered in a quiet voice, Erica suddenly found herself
flying through the air.
Her body drew a parabola curve as it flew through the air, finally collapsing in an undignified
heap on the sands.
She wasn't sure when she had been thrown, but when she had thought of finding something to
break her fall, she had already hit the ground, the impact spreading throughout her body.
Completely unaware of what he had done, it was a godlike technique.
Erica wanted to get up, but she could not find the strength.

It was as he had said, she was unable to move for the time being. She could not detect any
broken bones or heavy injuries, seems that even the degree of damage had been perfectly
Seeing the defeated lioness Erica glaring at him, Doni waved his hands.
"Well, that's about it. Since I've been discovered already, it's about time I return to Naples. I
want to watch Godou's fight with the god up closewho is he fighting? Athena?"
"It should still be Perseus, I think Athena is only tagging along."
Rivera replied with a very troubled look on his face.
Nodding, Doni turned his attention to Yuri. He quickly pulled out his remaining length of
rope while humming, and walked towards her.
"Eh? S-Sir Salvatore, what are you going to do to me!? If you are a King, then please beah,
please stop!"
"I said I won't let you get hurt, that's why I gotta do this. Don't worry, ropes are one of my
specialties, there won't be any marks."
And thus, Yuri's hands and legs were tied up.
Doni then stomped the revolving board with Latin words written into pieces.
"With that, we'll return to a civilized life once more... And next, I'll simply board a random
boat and head for Naples. You guys can take your time to come, there's no need to rush!"
Doni left that last sentence with the knight lying on the ground and the tied-up Hime-Miko.
All of the above, were the exact details of the turmoil that he had caused on the island of

Chapter 6 - Knight's Oath

Part 1
Even after hearing that name, Godou could make neither heads nor tails of it.
".... I totally have no idea, what kind of god that is."
"That is not surprising. This is a name that even the Europeans have forgotten, an ancient
name of the god. As a Japanese, it would be shocking if you did."

Liliana explained.
It had been an hour since they separated from Athena, and Godou who had been under the
effects of the drug, walking unsteadily, had since been brought back to the guest room in
Diana's house, and was lying on the bed.
And then began Liliana's lecture.
"This divinity, in modern times, is lesser known, but with regards to history, it bears quite an
important meaning. He is Sol Invictus, known as Heliogabalus, reigning over the Roman
"Eh? Not Greece?"
Though he had previously heard that Perseus originated as a hero from the east, why was the
Roman Empire suddenly mentioned? Liliana continued explaining to Godou, who was totally
"Isn't Apollo the sun god of Rome? If it's Greece, shouldn't it be Apollo..."
"No, that's not the case. Indeed, Jupiter and Neptune were both ancient Roman gods too,
however - there were no records of similar sun gods being conquered in the ancient times.
Using modern terms, it would have been known as the start of a new religion."
"You're saying a new religion started in the Roman Empire?"
"That's correct. The religious ideologies of the Romans, to put it nicely, were tolerant, to put it
in a not-so-nice manner, would be to say that it was messy. Compared to the indigenous gods
of Rome, the new religions that came out of nowhere were more popular with the people...
Regardless, their gods were a combination of the original and the Greek."
"In other words, Rome was a country which housed countless gods."
Thinking back, in some countries, Jupiter was replaced by Zeus, and Neptune by Poseidon.
It was not all that different from the religions in Japan that Godou knew of.
"I feel that that way of thinking is not wrong, if we consider the one who has appeared before
us, Perseus. The pioneer of Italy, with his origins of his birth in ancient Rome, all these point
towards the answer of the mystery - and with that, how is it?"
Liliana asked him again, and Godou looked at his right hand.
The golden [Sword] that rends the gods, he reaffirmed whether he could use that trump card he could feel nothing.
"Not yet. With what you have already told me, it's still insufficient to use the [Sword]..."
"T, that had been within my expectations. As I thought, with merely the conclusion through
such a concise teaching method is impossible, isn't it."

We probably have to use the usual method, don't we?

Godou's thoughts drifted towards that direction, and the silver-haired knight promptly said,
"Understanding a god's nature, is quite similar to studying history, as you are only studying a
certain country during a certain time period, which is actually quite meaningless. If you do not
study all the history leading up to that point in history, but rather only the specific portions,
you will not be able to obtain the deepest understanding."
I see your point. Godou nodded.
She had said it like a history teacher, but it was convincing.
"Which is why I thought that, if you want to understand the origins of the divinity, you have
to at least know the basic knowledge.... I'll do a brief summary first, then we'll return back to
the main topic."
If it were Erica, she'll probably say something like, 'What a pain, that method. Since there's
such a fun method, let's do that instead'.
Godou was slightly touched by Liliana's diligence. What a brilliantly shining heart.
"Then, let's begin with the history of the Indo-Europeans? After becoming an ethnicity in a
corner of Caucasus, they soon began to move towards the east... to the plains of India and
Iran. In the process, the very first myth of the Indo-Europeans was born from within their
"Hold on a second.... this is your concise summary?"
From the calendar, that was something that had happened around 3000 to 2000 BC....
"After that, what kind of episode[22] are you going to continue with, may I ask?"
"Let me think. After that would be when the Indo-European ethnicity were moving to the east,
they separated at India and Iran. Then, with the Semites, they created the Ugaritic mythology,
and also the ancient European civilizations that created gigantic stone structures, the divinities
that they - "
"The scope of your lesson is too long! Too long, definitely too long!"
If there were weekly lectures of two hours, it would at least take two years to finish teaching.
Liliana rebutted, looking distressed,
"W, we don't have a choice! You have to first understand that history, and then about the East
Asian countries and Greece, followed by the Roman Empire, and finally you would be able to
gain a perfect understanding!"
Is that the case? No wonder Erica had said, 'what a pain' all the time.

..... At this rate, he would have to suggest using that. Every time his eyes made contact with
Liliana's, he considered that possibility.
This can't go on, neither of us can even look at the other's face. Carrying on in this situation
is really painful.
Ultimately, the both of them fell into silence. While thinking hard in their minds, they
occasionally glanced at each other. Every time their eyes met, they would become unbearably
Nevertheless, it was at this time when the final blow had landed.
"Kusanagi-sama, Liliana-sama - just earlier, we had received a message from Perseus. Please
come with me."
The door of the guest room opened, and came the voice of the maid Karen Jankulovski.
A rare serious expression could be seen on that little devil's face.

At the entrance of Diana's house, it seems that a medal that was pierced with an arrow had
been left there.
And that medal was now on the kitchen table.
It was made of white stone. On its surface, the shape of a wings spread, flying bird was
carved. Seeing that, Liliana tensed up.
"The mark of the one who reigns over the sun in the sky. Without a doubt, this medal is the
symbol of Perseus."
"At the same time, it symbolizes the icon of Ahura Mazda, his secret was exactly the same as
what Lily had sensed...."
The two witches, Liliana and Diana, were murmuring to themselves.
Then, Karen who had been waiting at the side lowered her head, and made a request to
"Kusanagi-sama, please go ahead and touch it. Doing that, you will be able to hear the words
of Perseus... When I had picked it up earlier, it gave me quite the shock."
"Ah, ok."
Godou reached out his hand, testing it with his touch.
At that moment, the voice of that handsome man could be heard from the white stone medal.

"Seems you've fully recovered, godslayer! I too, have also had a full recovery. Then, it's about
time for us to settle our duel. I will strike you down, and then Athena after that. Are you
".... If I told you to wait, how long do you think you could give me?"
What method should I use to answer him?
He was at a loss of what he should have said, hence he had just blurted out whatever he had
thought of.
"A warrior is always on the battlefield. Instantly rejecting the challenge, I cannot admire your
imprudence. However, it's fine... The moon tonight is beautiful. I shall wait while savoring the
sight of the moon. Once you have prepared, come to the place where we had fought last
Looks like there was not going to be a problem.
Perseus sounded as though he wanted to draw in as large an audience as possible to watch
their duel, he had to think of a way to change the venue - while Godou was thinking, Perseus
"Then, I shall await your arrival..... Ah, one more thing. I do hope you arrive early. If I have
finished my moon-gazing, I will head straight for your location, but as I thought, the place of
a duel, if it is not the one both parties have agreed upon, it just won't feel right. I bid you
farewell, for now."
His voice could no longer be heard.
No matter what they tried, there were no replies. Godou sighed deeply, there's no way to
postpone it further. What should I do? How can I win against that mighty hero?
While Godou was ransacking his brain over this, Diana said,
"Kusanagi-sama, you do not seem sufficiently prepared.... I have a request to ask of you,
would you please go outside for a while? Between us girls, we have a matter of extreme
importance to discuss."
Being asked that by the oldest (of them) landlord, Godou complied.
While worrying about what to do, the lost Godou left, sighing.
- Really, what should I do?

Part 2
"We're running out of time, shall we begin the meeting? What methods should we use to
allow Kusanagi-sama to achieve victory, let's start the meeting to decide that!"
"I have a suggestion. If Liliana-sama uses [Instruction], then everything will be resolved."

"That, is actually quite a good idea. Lily, is it ok if we leave that to you?"

"T, there's no way I can agree with that!"
Of the three persons remaining in the dining room, Diana had started off with the pending
problem and Karen had replied with a simple and concise solution, and with that it felt like
the discussion had ended.
And that was when Liliana started shouting like she was in her death throes.
"I, with Kusanagi Godou, ki-kissing and applying magic through it, it's unthinkable! Forget it,
I cannot approve of that!"
"Earlier in the day, didn't you say that you will be helping him to the best of your ability?"
"L, let me make this clear first. That was referring to anything besides kissing! T, that.... how
should I phrase it, that's not something a maiden should be doing, I think. I... and Kusanagi
Godou, aren't anything like boyfriend and girlfriend, or lovers, we don't have such a
Her face was fiery hot, she did not have any idea what she was saying, and her head was in a
mess, but Liliana did not forget to retort.
"Furthermore, there are two other witches here, it doesn't have to be me!"
"I am unable to use [Instruction], hence you will have to count me out."
"Although I can use it, but I think it'll be better if Lily does it, because the one Athena had
granted inspiration to was Lily after all. Having knowledge directly gained from that
inspiration, a greater depth of understanding than others, wouldn't it be better to be passing on
that knowledge to Kusanagi-sama?"
"Su, suitable mages from other places can be brought here, and then use [Instruction] on
Even Liliana herself knew that she was being unreasonable, and did not finish her sentence.
What reasons did the three witches have for staying by Kusanagi Godou's side? In a fight
against a god, no matter how many mages they were, they would not be of any help.
Unless they were mages of the highest rank, they would only be dragging the Campione
Hence, even if they knew that the god and the King were fighting, they would not come. A
convention of the magical world, hence the mages that lived near Naples did not come.
And another thing to be mentioned was the special characteristics of Verethragna's ten forms.
There were conditions to be met in order to activate them, which were best kept secret.

Diana and Karen, they could be forced not to speak by Liliana's authority, but anyone else...
He was a reckless person, hence they had to stay and help no matter what.
"Liliana-sama, please hear me out. I feel that you are making an unnecessary resistance."
To the Liliana who was repeatedly soliloquizing to herself, the sound of Karen's voice broke
her out of her trance.
"Now, all that's left is for you to say, 'I'll do it'. If you still insist on not doing so, besides
showing everyone that you cannot read the atmosphere, you will also be thought of as an
obsolete woman..."
"Indeed, that's right - in the first place, Lily, why are you so against it?"
The youngest maid had finished her attack, then passing the baton to Diana.
"I feel that Kusanagi-sama, whether it is his personality or appearance, he's not bad, as a man.
Only just one kiss with him wouldn't be a problem, don't you agree? Hmm?"
"There's a problem! A big problem!"
Liliana resisted in a loud voice against the senior witch who was happily discussing her
personal matters.
"It is nothing much, a kiss. If you pretend that you are giving a goodnight kiss to your fathersama, and quickly get it over with, it would be fine."
"I agree. Or pretending to be having some skinship with your boyfriend. That would be ok
"That's why, I can't do it! I, if I have to give up my first kiss, it has to be to my destined
partner in love, that I have decided!"
Liliana protested vigorously and loudly.
She had only just finished saying that when she realized her folly, and wanted to cover her
face in regret.
Once, she had revealed the secret in her heart to Erica, and the usually graceful and composed
Erica, had immediately burst out in roaring laughter.
[.... T, that was too much, Lily. If anyone saw me laughing like this, my rating as a lady will
plunge for sure! B, but you're really, a maiden that's extinct in modern times, as I thought!]
Erica had said something along those lines, what kind of response would these two have?
Liliana anxiously awaited their response, Diana and Karen did not say a single word, merely
silently looking at her - they were not smiling?

Slight surprise could be seen on their face, and then their faces had an expression that seemed
to say, 'Aahh, as I thought'.
Why? She felt sad for herself, who had admitted this with her very own mouth, but Liliana
Kranjcar felt that she was usually seen by others as a rough but heroic female knight, so why
did the two of them have such an expression - ?
"U, umm, that.... I used to think that that would be nice, but actually, I didn't really mean it
that seriously...."
It was clear to anyone that this was an attempt to cover it up, finding excuses, causing her to
become even more nervous.
".... I see. I understand now, Lily! In that case, let me divine the compatibility between you
and Kusanagi-sama!"
"N, no need to go that far."
Liliana refused Diana who had suddenly suggested that.
This witch whose age she refused to tell, seemed to have been a love fortune teller as a side
occupation, and had told every couple that they were perfectly compatible, and that they
would definitely obtain happiness. Who would believe this kind of nonsensical fortune telling?
"Destiny, is it..."
Even Karen was muttering to herself with a serious expression.
Not her usual little devil expression, but the opposite, giving off a foreboding omen. No one
knew what she was scheming then.
"Liliana-sama, what is the ideal scenario of your destined love?"
"I, if you ask me that suddenly, I don't know how I should answer either.... anyway, if you
really want me to say it, it would be a situation where everything is out to prevent the
relationship between them, but no matter their distance, no matter how many times, the
powerful bond of their love would bring the two of them back together."
Liliana hesitantly answered the sudden question.
Because these were the usual materials used for her fantasies, she could recite it with ease.
"Then, what about love between people of different backgrounds? Like the love between a
King and a knight, for example."
".... T, that's not very popular nowadays, you can't say that it's destined."
This topic, was it a metaphor for Kusanagi Godou and her relationship?

I won't be falling for it, Liliana calmly said to herself - while in a corner of her mind, there
was an intense thought of crossing social position and traditions, considering that classic
relationship that struck her emotionally.
"A young man, rumored to have had his way with many women, had his heart stolen by a
simple girl-next-door in a chance encounter, and thus changed his entire lifestyle for her....
what do you think about this scenario?"
"It's too convenient to be true. Such words from that kind of playboy, who could possibly
believe them!"
Liliana shouted, rejecting that scenario instantly.
- With all of the women before you, everything that I've had with them was never real. Besides
you, I need no other.
With an expression so serious that it was scary, the scenario and the youthful face which said
that to her in her imagination, why was he an Asian, and why did he look so much like that
boy she had been with for these two days?
"The two of them, while escaping danger together, helping each other, slowly becoming
friends that do not dislike each other, and unwittingly became so close that no other person
could wedge in between them, what about this scenario....?"
"That is merely the suspension bridge effect! Because of the unusual circumstances, they lost
their ability to make cool-headed decisions!"
In the mind of Liliana who was still strongly resisting, appeared the memory of the crises both
yesterday and that day.
The two of them, against a god, escaping the predicament...
She who was a knight had worried for him, and had wanted to protect him. What about him?
He should know how to take care of himself, shouldn't he? Though the both of them were
worried for each other in different ways, but with time, they would be able to solve all
problems... and it felt like the both of them were rather compatible.
Furthermore, for a failed knight's sake, he had promised that goddess This was a debt she had to repay. Even if she had to offer her body.
...... On that subject, she had wanted to ask him, but had forgotten, whether Kusanagi Godou
had wanted to win against that hero - Perseus.
If his answer was 'yes', then he would be needing all of Liliana's knowledge.
However, he had never said that he wanted to win, or that he wanted to use the [Sword]....
does he mean to bear this entire burden by himself?
- Thinking that, Liliana suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling burst forth.

Kyun[23] Like little needles painfully pricking her heart - rather than painful, it was
unbearable, but it contained the slight tinge of a feeling of sweetness. This was the first time
she had felt such an unimaginable emotion.
An uncontrollable throbbing in her chest. A thumping heartbeat that won't stop.
"I, I'm going to see him for a bit! I'm worried about the effects of the drug - no, only slightly
concerned, it's only that, don't get any weird thoughts!"
At this rate, she could no longer restrain herself.
Her mind full of thoughts, Liliana walked towards the guest room that Kusanagi Godou used.
"Certainly. Have a good evening."[24]
"Well then, we're counting on you, Lily."
(By the way, 'this girl, she fell for it!' was written on the faces of the scheming maid and the
witch who dressed younger than her age as they smiled maliciously, but let us leave that aside
Liliana arrived at the guest room that Kusanagi Godou should be residing in.
Opening the door - she found herself looking at an empty room, as though it were natural to
be so. There was no mistaking it, there was not a single soul inside.
She hurriedly checked the rest of the rooms in the building in a panic, but he was already
gone, nowhere to be found within the house. The young Campione had vanished from Diana's

Part 3
Godou, who ultimately could not find an answer, boarded a public bus.
If it had gone on as it was, most likely the situation would have quickly escalated to using that
method of transferring knowledge.
The numbness in his body fully gone, Godou seized the opportunity when the witches were
discussing to slip out of Diana's house, and boarded the bus towards Santa Lucia district.
Aboard the bus that traversed the night of Naples shakily, Godou was agonizing over
Though he had already used that method many times in the past, and it might be a little too
late to be saying it, but indeed, it was a method he hardly agreed with.
Sometimes he felt that it would become too complicated with Erica and Yuri, perhaps that
was one of the reasons.

I have to sever the connections I have with this place, or else.... Fighting without having used
that method, the difficulty was approaching 'impossible' from 'next to impossible'. He felt as if
he had already lost before it even started.
Absentmindedly, he gazed outside the window.
The night was beautiful, but you could only truly understand that beauty when seen from
higher ground.
.... At any rate, the duel with Perseus was already a fixed point in the future.
If he ran away, Athena would happily smile and cause Mount Vesuvius to erupt, it was a risk
he would not take. If it came down to that, who knows how Naples and the surrounding
region would end up like.
In a situation where he could not use the [Sword], how should he approach the fight?
In the end, he could not think of anything beyond that, it was back to square one for him.
- While considering those points, the public bus had stopped at a certain stop. Godou
hurriedly got off the bus.
Nearby, there was both a train and a tram station, and they both stopped at somewhere nearby
Santa Lucia harbor. Though it would only have required one stop on the train, but it would be
better to think of something as he went there.
From Diana's house he had taken a map of the city, and had left afterwards.
"..... If only Erica was with me, then I wouldn't have needed to think this hard over this....
wait, what am I saying!"
He saw a public payphone on the road ahead In an instant, he thought of calling Erica's cellphone number, and he yelled out.
Up till now, he had always been saying not to use that method, yet if he were to call for help,
and got Erica to come over - it would mean a decisive defeat for him.
"I can't think of anything good, what should I do!?"
It was like when a writer had written nothing, and the deadline was almost up. Godou walked
on, muttering, and before he knew it he was at the coastal road.
The smell of the tides drifted into his olfactory senses.
The murky black sea stretched out before him.

Facing a certain direction from the Santa Lucia harbor - east, to be precise, one could see the
coast, an outline of an arc, and the many buildings that were constructed beside the coast, the
harbor, and the many anchored vessels in the harbor itself.
Even further, one could see the ruins of the wrecked Egg Castle.
It was not far from the place where the golden haired hero was awaiting.
Godou heaved a deep sigh, with a feeling of 'oh, whatever', prepared to head there, and at that
".... You've not yet finished the preparations for the duel, may I ask where do you plan on
going before then?"
A cold voice, from behind him.
Godou cautiously turned around. He was not sure since when, but the fairy-like Liliana
Kranjcar was behind him.
"How did you find out where I was...?"
"I derived your approximate location using magic, and then using flight magic, flew to the
general vicinity. If you wish to escape from a witch like me, you'll have to work harder."
Liliana explained concisely, and she seemed disappointed,
Godou sighed again, his knowledge of magic was simply too superficial.
"Let's go there together..... I would like to speak with you."
While saying that in a frightening tone, Liliana walked in the direction of the sea.
The coastal road during that time, had quite a fair bit of human traffic. There was a large
greenified park nearby, and also many open-air stalls and small stores side-by-side, a street
rife with activity.
It would indeed be inconvenient to be conversing on the road with so many goers.
.... As I expected, is she here to preach to me? Godou suddenly reminisced about being
scolded by an intelligent-looking Yuri, and he made up his mind.
He would simply ignore those words, and find an opportunity to escape later.
Liliana who was oblivious to the thoughts currently flowing through Godou's head, asked,
"Kusanagi Godou, do you wish to win in that battle ahead?"
"A, about that, of course I'd like that to happen, if it were possible. Because I am someone
who hates losing at anything."

Godou replied while thinking.

He did not want to lose, but life would be easier if he could win by simply having a reason of
'not being able to lose'.
Remembering those sports programs on television, every time, the moment the Japanese
representative team appeared the entire crowd would cheer and applaud. During those times,
Godou would feel the sense of irony; the crowds cheering and roaring their support were
excited and light-hearted, and on the other hand the participants had it really hard with the
"If that's the case, then why did you not try your best, for the sake of victory?"
"Although, I really did want to try my best..."
Some things were out of one individual's control, left to fate. If it had been within his ability,
then he would have done the most he could to find that chance at victory, but - reality was not
so kind, Godou thought deeply.
In the end, if he did not have the assistance of Erica or Yuri, he was only a half-assed
He was called a 'King', yet he was powerless.
"You yourself should know what you need to do, to give me a command is all that is required.
Perseus - the serpent-slaying hero that came from the east, Mithras. Just a 'bestow on me the
knowledge of his secret' will do."
Just only hearing the name and a few bits of his background, was insufficient to understand
his divinity.
Not knowing that would mean not being able to fight, he understood this very well. Even so,
Kusanagi Godou could not bring himself to do it.
"I do not intend on doing so. It's true that I've obtained an inexplicable power from a god, but
I am not someone who likes using that power, nor do I want to order others around to do
things for me."
Godou finished saying, but Liliana shook her head.
"I've already said this before, the duty and responsibility of a [King] is only to do battle with
the gods - the you of now is someone who is preparing for battle against a [Heretic God],
fulfilling your responsibility, hence it is you whom we must obey, the possessor of our
"It's fine even if you don't take that kind of thing seriously now. I'm only taking up this
troublesome task because I'm the only one here who can."

If there were someone else willing to do it, Godou would happily give up his spot, there was
no need to over elevate himself.
"Because there's no one else willing to, that's why I am, that's how simple the reason is, and
the situation now is because of my own willfulness, although I also don't really like being
called a 'King' - "
In the past, Kusanagi Godou had denied the fact that the Heretic God Verethragna was a hero.
After that, for some reason, he himself was told that 'You are a King', it was truly ridiculous.
What that delusional youth god had said that time, right now, Godou was feeling the same
way as he did then.
If someone said he was a King, then a King he was.
A King, isn't that a title for someone who had accomplished exaggerated amazing feats? The
him of now was living in an environment where he was called that.
"For someone like me, I definitely do not wish for people to recognize me as a King. Nor
would I want to be treated as one. I know very well what kind of person I am, no matter what
others call me, I have no intention of changing myself!"
To call him 'stubborn' would not be wrong, to call him 'childish', that would not be wrong
Godou had that degree of self-knowledge, why does he not display it - Liliana almost said that
out loud. She froze for a moment, then emitted a small sigh.
"Honestly... You're such a hopeless person. A big idiot."
It was as she said.
He had nothing to say in defense, Godou felt a little guilty.
"Because you're so fixated over that, that's why you're hesitant about giving me an order?"
"Well, yeah... no matter how vital it is, being forced to do that kind of thing with me, you
won't like it, right? Giving you an order to do that, is definitely a mistake."
Godou was a little embarrassed.
He was not the type of person to force others to what they did not want, but rather someone
with a spirit of steel, nor was he an insensitive guy. The confident and brave him, had such a
good-for-nothing side to him - Liliana was a little surprised.
"You leave me no choice... Then, let me tell you the method to solve the problem."
With a light sigh, Liliana slowly said.
She revealed a shy yet gentle expression to Godou.

Like this, she no longer seemed the fairy she usually was. With her softened-down chivalry
and her beautiful face, she seemed just like a normal, gentle girl.
In that moment, Godou felt his heart being stolen by that expression. Immediately, he
regained his composure.
What kind of method is that? He quietly awaited her answer.
"That is...." Liliana lightly whispered, her voice so small that he could not hear, and when he
moved his ear closer, then - Godou had a big shock.
At the next moment, a warm feeling could be felt from his lips.
.... Liliana had kissed him, and when he returned to reality, it had been a few seconds.
"In other words, we'll just have to do this... I only have to kiss you."
After their lips had parted, Liliana said, blushing.
"Be, because you had said that there was no one else besides you who could battle against a
god that you volunteered yourself, if that's the case, then I am the same, besides me, no one
else can support you, that's why I have decided to lend you my aid to the best of my
abilities.... And I don't dislike it."
"That is... what we just did."
Is that true? Are those her true feelings, from the bottom of her heart?
Looking at the embarrassed face of Liliana, Godou was at a loss.
"It is a situation where even if you become an inhuman tyrant, you will be forgiven, and yet
you still worry about the surroundings. Also you are careless at times, I feel that is a positive
point, on the contrary."
No, the part about becoming a tyrant, it's better if there isn't a possibility of that happening.
Godou was a little guilty, if he misused the authorities of Verethragna, he would become just
like those madmen Doni and Voban.
"It is because of me that we have fallen into this misfortune, but yet you did not blame me,
not even a word. What's more, to protect me, you sacrificed yourself, in front of Athena...."
Misfortune, huh.... Objectively, that was not wrong.
However to Kusanagi Godou, misfortune like this was like bread-and-butter, he would not
even spare a worry for it.

"Choosing someone like Erica to serve at your side, I feel that you don't have an eye for
people, but as you are still young, it is difficult to fend off the wiles and tricks of that vixen. If
you start to change now, there wouldn't be any problems... I shall help you!"
Eh? She didn't deny the rumor of me being a philanderer?
This was something he did not want to be accused of the most - at Godou who was thinking
that, Liliana's face tensed up.
"The knight of the [Bronze-Black Cross], Liliana Kranjcar, swears that from now onwards,
you shall be the master of my sword, and to you I shall offer my body and loyalty. Will you
accept my oath?"
"To the extent of offering your loyalty, I'm not that kind of awesome person."
Hearing her declaration of her decision, Godou thought.
Regardless, if he did not give her a proper response, he would not be fit to be a man, and thus
he nodded his head without any hesitation.
"If you will help me, and become my comrade, I'll be the first to give you a warm welcome...
though I'm sure that I'll be causing you trouble, often - even so, is that fine with you?"
"I don't mind. I've already made up my mind, to endure the troubles."
The two of them gazed at each other.
Godou and Liliana finally went back to being able to look each other in the eye.
"I'm sure that you'll become a master worthy of my troubles, I look forward to it."
"Don't look forward to that too much, but I'll try my best.... Although that's a hard promise to
"It would be best if there were results to show, but if you're willing to do your best, that is
already enough. Areas where you are lacking, I will help you, lend you my assistance... With
this blade, I will protect you, if you have need of knowledge on the gods, I will pass them
over to you."
"Ah, aah."
The moment passing of knowledge was mentioned, Godou started to feel embarrassed.
In other words, he was going to do that with her.... he was thrown off by the surprise attack
earlier, but still, that would not be good Sensing that Godou was wavering, Liliana let out a panicked voice.
"D, don't misunderstand, I'm doing it out of my duty as a knight, only that! I'm not like Erica.
I won't become your lover in order to take advantage or something like that!"

"T, that's right. Of course I understand!"

"That's right.... Kusanagi Godou, I have a request to make as a knight. From now on, in order
to lend you my aid, I plan on staying by your side as much as I can, so please rectify the
people around you, and restructure your attitude, is that ok?"
"Ah - Ok. I don't think that'll be a problem."
"From now on, our relationship as a knight and a King will be like a pair of birds flying wing
to wing, branches of the same tree entwined together. There will be times when our opinions
diverge, times that we do not place our faith in each other.... but we will overcome these
hardships, allowing the bonds between us to grow even stronger - let us become a pair like
that. That is our oshidori's pledge."[25]
"... I understand. Anyway, let's get along well, from now on."
Liliana's oath earlier, there were many unsuitable terms and phrases that were used with
regards to the current situation Although Godou thought that way, he felt that it did not really matter, so he just let it slide.
There were no problems in conversation and communication, but after all, they came from
drastically different cultures, hence if he pointed out each and every one of her mistakes in the
language, it would be too uncool of him.
"Then, my master - I have a request.... Please, kiss me."
The world around Godou froze.
The female knight stared unhappily at her nonreactive master.
"Surely you don't expect me to kiss you one more time!? Actions like this, are initiated by the
male party!"
".... Th-That's not it. How can we be doing it on the street?!"
"We only just did it earlier, what are you talking about. Pl, please look around you.... If it's
just kissing, no one will pay us any heed in this vicinity."
Liliana explained shyly, Godou looked to and fro around - he finally understood.
The lively coastal street. At night. Full of couples.
And, the closer it was to the sea, the darker it was. With these conditions, couples would
naturally gravitate towards those areas, and engage in activities like kissing "W, we've already gone that far, are you still going to hesitate over it!?"

"What hesitate, rather you should say that the Ethics Committee inside my heart won't give
me the permission to do such a thing!"
"If it's permission you need, I'll give it to you... I, I feel that you have the right intentions, and
furthermore you are my master. Also.... I don't want to see you lose, nor do I want to see the
sight of you falling to the ground, pierced by Perseus' arrow once more."
Unknowingly, Liliana had gotten closer.
She moved her slender body close to Godou, and then tightly glued her body onto his, looking
upwards at him with teary eyes.
"For my sake... and for the sake of victory, please do your best. I'm begging you."
Liliana asked, her slightly pale lips trembling.
- For the sake of victory.
The meaning of that, was something, Godou had no resistance against. Yes, he had already,
by Perseus - the god with the name of Mithras which he had never heard of, been defeated.
Liliana in a soft voice, told him that she wished for him to triumph over that man, and she was
a beautiful girl herself.
To the point that people would wonder whether she was a human or a fairy, a slender and
beautiful appearance, but was surprisingly serious, easy to talk to, and at times come up with
very strange delusions, she was a cute girl like that.
When he had a real feeling of that fact, he had already sealed her lips with his.
Their lips met.
When their lips parted, Liliana looked displeased, as if aggravated.
"T, that's not enough. More... please do more."
Having come this far, there was no other way but to continue.
It was the first time that he had, out of his own volition, initiated a kiss. Having steadied his
resolve, he kissed her once again, tightly embracing Liliana.
This moment, the knowledge flowed.
- That is the incarnation of the sun, the hero from the east.
- The sword god of serpent slaying steel, as the Invincible Emperor, the King that reigns over
It connected.

Between Liliana and Godou, the constructed truth was connected.

Their lips parted once again, but this time Liliana was silent. The two of them nodded at each
"The god that you had defeated, Verethragna, was a divinity that had an extremely
complicated background."
Liliana who seemed as though she was kissing Godou's neck, spoke as she drew closer.
"Before being a Yazata of Zoroastrianism, he hailed from ancient Persia, as a god of light and
contract, Mithra, the war god."[26]
Liliana who was softly speaking into his ear caused him to feel at ease.
Just by doing that, he felt the connection strengthen.
"There was also this myth.... When Mithra punished the sinners who defiled their code, he
would take the form of a pitch-black boar, crushing them, and the boar is one of the ten forms
of Verethragna."
The cool, chivalrous female knight spoke in a dream-like, gentle voice.
She placed the entire weight of her body onto Godou, and peacefully closed her eyes.
"The reason they share the same appearance - because Mithra is the root divinity of
Verethragna, and Mithra who was originally a war god, with the passing of time, the divine
nature of being a god of light and contract intensified, and the one which continued his
increasingly weakening nature of being a war god was Verethragna."
A quiet voice that only one could hear.
Like a lullaby, or the pillow talk of a couple, slowly penetrating into Godou's ears.

"From the violent aspect of Mithra's soul, Verethragna was created, and at the same time
inheriting the divine nature of Indra. Indra was an Indian storm god that was regarded in
Persia as a demon, and only the divine nature was inherited by Verethragna."
Mithra, Indra. Sacred names that somehow seemed nostalgic.
It might have been the memories that were awakened by the sleeping divine power of
Verethragna that was inside Godou's body. Without a doubt, after that he had merged with
Hercules that was from the east, becoming an undefeatable war god.
"Tracing the roots of Mithra and Indra, would lead you back to the Indo-European ethnicity in
the east - the war god that was born from the Aryans, specifically that Mithra's old name was
Mitra, who was regarded by the Aryans as the most important divinity, alongside Varna. That
god was the origin of Mithra, the god who came to the west."
At this point, Liliana was suddenly silent.
What happened?
Puzzled, Godou looked at the silver-haired girl who was tightly hugging him, and she
immediately lowered her head shyly, avoiding his gaze, and said in a small voice,
"L, let's continue. What we did earlier... was not enough... that, um, if you do not kiss me
more - "
Her fair skin had turned red, from her face to her neck, and she asked in a trembling voice.
Seeing Liliana in such a cute attitude, Godou's doubts in his heart were chased away, it would
not be good to let her say those things to him again.
He moved his face closer, and stole her lips once more.
An awkward but forceful kiss.
At the start Liliana's body stiffened up, but soon she relaxed, and accepted Godou's
unskillfully moving lips, and opened up her cherry-colored lips as though she was about to
swallow the other party.
Single-mindedly assaulting Godou's lips, unceasingly kissing each other, their feelings
... For the purpose of catching their breath, their lips separated.
Godou saw that Liliana was looking at him drowsily, perhaps he might have looked the same.
Her embarrassment and ecstasy causing her body to tremble, with her tearful eyes and tender
lips, before she could say a word, Godou sealed her lips again.
- Pompey, the military genius, who made an alliance with Caesar.

- It was said that when he suppressed the pirates of Asia Minor, he had witnessed with his
own eyes strange customs and practices.
- The pirates had to make offerings to Mount Olympus in Lycia, held unbelievable secret
rituals, and this practice had survived till the present times, with the worshipers of Mithras.
"This was a record left by Plutarch in [Parallel Lives], something that migrated from the east
to the west, from the hero that came from Persia, this is the divinity of Perseus, he who was
called the Invincible Sun arrived in England, a rarity of a hero that crossed the lengths of the
Through their overlapping lips, Liliana's knowledge was passed on to Godou's mind.
Perhaps she was a little shy, she would occasionally withdraw her lips and whisper softly, but
Godou did not let her speak, and pressed his lips on hers continually.
"Yo, you can't... If you do that, I'll...."
Had he been too forceful? The troubled Liliana resisted slightly.
However, with those moist trembling lips, even while feeling embarrassed, she accepted
Godou's all the same.
Liliana, as though wanting to suck in Godou's lips, opened up her own.
"This is a magic ritual.... Preparation in order to battle a god, so please take this more
seriously.... don't fool around..."
The saliva from the Liliana's mouth, moistened Godou's lips.
She seemed to be troubled by the sound of the saliva, sucking slowly on Godou's lips, and she
moved her tongue as though wanting her saliva back.
The saliva that flowed from Liliana's lips, were sucked into Godou's mouth.
Through their tongues, the exchange of saliva, and both a feeling of sweetness and knowledge
filled their minds.
- The chains that tied Perseus and Mithras together. The appearance of the hero from the east.
- From the east, came not only the hero, yes, so did the Sun, rising from the east.
- In other words, the incarnation of the Sun that came from the east, was the meaning behind
Perseus' name.
"Deeper... If we don't establish a deeper connection... I will not be able to impart onto you, we
are already more intimate than any other King and knight, anyone else, even Erica cannot say
a thing... that's why... we can..."
Her cheeks a shade of deep red, Liliana spoke quickly.

She immediately closed her eyes and pressed her lips forward, sucking with greater force than
She wanted to feel deeply, no matter how, and Godou opened his lips to embrace Liliana's,
and this time, her trembling tongue entwined around Godou's.
A slippery feeling like that of wet bodies coming into contact, she was slightly restless, and
Godou parted from her lips for a moment.
... If this goes on, they might reach a point of no return.
Because of that feeling, the two of them stopped their kissing, and a strand of saliva formed a
thin bridge between their lips, and they looked into each other's eyes.
She used those intoxicated-looking eyes of hers to gaze at Godou.
Her eyes were unfocused, something he could never imagine looking at her usually clean and
neat demeanor, adorable to the point of causing one's back to shiver, an alluring expression of
a female.
The amount of people who have seen this expression on this girl was definitely only one.
Absolutely convinced of that, Godou cast aside his confusion.
Soon, the silent Liliana lightly nodded her head, looked into his face, sensing his desires.
"I, it's fine if we do it the way you prefer, you know? I, I want to do it with you too, faster, ki,
kiss... that's why, that's why, more - "
There was no need for more words.
Yet another forceful kiss, he no longer held back.
Liliana intensely sucked upon Godou's invading tongue.
Their tongues entwined again and again, exchanging their saliva, moistening their lips, each
of them confirming the softness of the other's lips.
Like that, they continued their longest kiss Finally, Godou had pieced together all of the knowledge of the divinity that originated from
The warrior from the east, the incarnation of the Invincible Sun, the serpent-slaying hero of
steel, Godou had obtained the words of power to rend apart this enemy hero.

In the end, how much time had they spent being lost in the activities here?

She did not know how long exactly, but when Godou had suddenly come back to his senses,
he quickly withdrew from her lips, but both his and Liliana's were already fully wet.
Liliana's beautiful face had already returned to normal and was her usual composed self again,
but was still trembling slightly out of shyness.
No matter how many couples there were here, they had still overdone it.
Whether it were the other couples who were hugging each other tightly like them, or the roadside stall staff or customers, all of them were watching the two of them, snickering and
chuckling to themselves.
Godou and Liliana's line of sight overlapped.
In Japan, if you engaged eye contact it would be best if you disengaged as soon as possible,
but this was the passionate Latin kingdom.
Some people from the surrounding were whistling, some gave them a thumbs-up, others were
simply smiling at them - it had become such a scene.
" - !?! Ku, Kusanagi Godou, let's leave quickly!"
"T, that's right, Liliana-san! That guy must have waited for quite a while!"
They quickly escaped from that area, half-walking and half-running.
The destination was - Egg Castle, the battle was about to start soon. Calm down! Godou
chided himself.
"H, how is it? Do you think you have a chance?"
Liliana had been considering the same, and their conversation returned to reality.
"To be honest, I don't know. Although I have the [Sword] that can rend him, but that guy can
also seal my power, if you consider only the abilities, that guy has the advantage."
"But you seem calm. Do you have any trump cards up your sleeve?"
"It's nothing special, but Athena has said it before, no matter what the odds are, in a fight
between gods there are no definites, hence our battle against the god should be the same, just
let me try - no, let me defeat him."
As they moved, they focused their wills on the upcoming battle ahead.
Seeing Godou's show of courage, Liliana shrugged her shoulders.
"You are indeed reckless, but no matter, I will assist you to the best of my abilities, and I have
one last request."
"What is it?"

"Just 'Liliana' will do, if I'm different from Erica in this way, honestly, I can't take it."
"... Normally, adding 'san' when you address someone is more respectful, isn't it?"
"That's just formality. B, because we already have a relationship where we have done those
kind of things, there's no need to be so formal, right!?"
"I, I got it. Then, I shall call you that from now on...!"
Liliana's stuttering had caused him to recall the earlier events, and the pair advanced towards
the battleground where the One who came from the East, Mithras (Perseus) awaited.

Part 4
The devil king of east Europe, Marquis Dejanstahl Voban.
He had struck down Apollo who possessed many varied authorities, obtaining the authority of
wolves, [Legion of Hungry Wolves]. And Salvatore Doni had obtained from the Celtic god
king Nuadha, [Ripping Arm of Silver].
Their personalities were extremely similar to their authorities, overly suited for each other.
" - These are good examples, hence I theorize that a Campione's authorities are a reflection of
the possessor's personality and skill, and then compatibility level, other than that it would be
for the purpose of absorbing the massive divine power into the human body of the Campione,
hence there is no choice but to sever certain parts away. I feel that it is during this process that
the authority would go through allocation adjustments."
Those were the thoughts of Erica Blandelli hours ago that were stated, while on the vessel.
The high-speed craft was moving through the Tyrrhenian Sea at night.
In the cabin of the twelve-meter long high-speed craft that weighed twenty tons, she explained
to her audience that consisted of Andrea Rivera and Mariya Yuri.
- After being messed up by Salvatore Doni.
The injured Erica had, with great pains, undid the knots on Rivera and Yuri.
Regaining their freedom, they had hastily went off in pursuit of Doni.
But it had been too late, the [King of Swords] who had already prepared a high-speed craft
and crew in advance had embarked on the journey long ago.
At any rate, they had to reach Naples as soon as possible. Erica, Yuri and Rivera rented a
suitable vessel and departed immediately.
Their destination was the location of the battle between Kusanagi Godou and the [Heretic

When Doni's spell was broken, they had verified the situation through the phone, contacting
the responsible party for resolving the incident in Naples, the witch Diana from the [BronzeBlack Cross].
Diana had told them as well, the one assisting Godou was the Great Knight Liliana Kranjcar.
Ability wise there was no doubt that she was highly-skilled.
But the fact that she was not beside Godou at the moment left Erica anxious to no ends.
However, no matter how anxious she was, she could do nothing while on the boat.
Erica, who wanted to get rid of that uneasiness, had simply started on that aforementioned
topic she had thought of.
"Miss Erica's assumptions have no basis, nor is there any supporting evidence, hence there is
no meaning in it, academically speaking. However, as a personal opinion, it is a rather sound
The serious Rivera had refuted her and agreed with her at the same time.
Yuri who was at the side wanted to say something.
"May I interject a bit? Regarding Sir Salvatore and Marquis Voban, what Erica-san had said
made sense... but how would you explain Godou-san's situation?"
"Now that you mention it, he's almost fully capable of utilizing all ten forms of Verethragna."
"Yes. You say that personality and compatibility levels are what affects a Campione's
authorities, but I don't think that he is at that level..."
Yuri's voice trailed off, and she tilted her head slightly.
Erica nodded her head, in actual fact, that problem had been bugging her for these few
"That's true. What Yuri had said is not wrong, but if you put it this way, maybe it would make
sense... In simple terms, because of Godou's generosity, a personality that treats anyone as a
good friend, that is why he is able to use all of the forms."
Without a doubt, he was a youth who treated everyone friendlily and familiarly.
But to the people whom he had opened his heart to, he was extremely bighearted, to the point
that people would think he's an idiot. He was always sincere to and trusting of others, the
memory of him being severely messed around by Lucretia at the start of the vacation
remained firmly in her mind.
Another good example was, he got along well with that Genaro guy.

Rude and rough, violent and cunning, and a fanatic of Japanese children cartoons, a
depressing man who could debate furiously about anime, that kind of person could actually
get all familiar with Godou.
"I see, that's one way to look at it... Well, there's no way that this issue can be proven,
pursuing it would be meaningless, although it is quite an interesting topic."
Rivera answered seriously, and Yuri nodded in agreement.
"That's true. If it was just as Erica-san had said, then a lot of inexplicable things could be
The Hime-Miko smiled.
Till now, whenever they spoke of Godou's safety, everyone had sunk into a gloomy mood, but
the atmosphere was slowly lightening up, perhaps it might be due to the recollection of his
pure and kind personality.
"Yuri is too naive.... Though I don't dislike that part of Godou, because it's cute, and teasing
him is also fun, but isn't this a big problem?"
"That guy doesn't just treat guys that way, he treats girls in the same manner, if the other party
is a female, even if he did not strike up a conversation or deepen their relationship by his
initiative, the female side would slowly adjust her pace to suit his and shorten the distance
between them. Remember the situation when we had Lucretia."
If the other party was a girl that did not dislike him, and was even aware of his presence.....
This situation was a little too dangerous, even if Godou did not approach her, she would of
her own accord approach him, and he would not reject nor distance away from her.
Throw in a few misunderstandings and a bit of luck, and adding the factor of an encounter
with a divinity...
"T, that... If it's Godou-san... ah, no, it's because it's Godou-san that the danger of him
stepping into a strange situation...!?"
Yuri seemed like she had thought of the same problem Erica did, and became very flustered.
After that, what she worried about was Liliana Kranjcar - Erica's rival and childhood friend,
the report that she was currently assisting Godou at his side.
It was hard to imagine something suspicious happening between that old-fashioned maiden
and Godou.
But her heart was throbbing strangely.

If something complicated develops between Godou and Liliana, what should I do. Erica, the
devil who liked to tease others, revealed a slightly unhappy expression, her brows locked in a

Chapter 7 - Unruly Devil King, Sun's Hero

Part 1
He was walking under the night sky in Naples.
Bringing with him Liliana Kranjcar, Kusanagi Godou finally arrived at Santa Lucia district,
and they slowly made their way on foot through the bustling street.
Even though there had been such a huge commotion the previous day, the crowds still filled
the streets.
If this were Japan, it would definitely have become as deserted as a boat on the verge of
sinking, that even the rats would be gone. As expected of Italy, and the residents of Naples
famous for their optimism.
Godou was strolling in that city.
The one who had an appointment with him here was that handsome hero-sama, but he should
be drawing closer from the other side too. If you're going to come, come out faster.
His mind thinking over that, the sound of a flute reached his ears.
A flute, but the sound did not seem to be the clear sound of an instrument, but rather a simple
nostalgic feeling, leaving people with a deep impression, it was a sorrowful yet incredible
Godou looked towards the crowds.
Towards the source of the melody.
It was shocking to see the handsome youth standing in the middle of the crowd, blowing a
grass whistle.
The people, who had noticed this performance, had quickly cleared away and made way for
Their behavior was almost like they had only noticed the sound of the flute for the first time.
No, surely that was the case. The beautiful youth [Heretic God]'s divine power must have had
something to do with this.
Using his majesty as a god, causing the humans to give way of their own volition.

Those who laid their eyes upon him, wore a trance-like expression.
An appearance that caused people to feel that he was cosplaying, the handsome youth dressed
in pure white. But somehow, he gave off the impression of someone special, a sacred
existence, a result of the innate charm of a god.
"Well met again, godslayer. You've kept me waiting."
The hero smiled.
Godou walked towards him, with Liliana following behind. The surrounding people parted
and gave way, hence it was not too much of a task to arrive right before Perseus.
"How should I address you from now? Should I continue calling you Perseus?"
Perseus, like a brilliant sun, revealed a smile on his beautiful face. He threw aside the grass
whistle which was a leaf from some unknown tree, and replied,
"Have you discovered my secret? Did Athena tell you?"
"That's how it is. I never expected that a god would lie when giving his name."
"If you'll allow me to explain, that isn't a false name, as I have many different names. The
'One who came from the East' is an especially famous one... I had concluded that this name is
the most widely accepted one, nowadays."
He smiled like someone who had played a trick.
Even with this kind of expression, he was still very charming, truly, this beautiful youth was a
despicable character.
"I will not allow you to use my other name casually, it's fine if you continue to address me as
Perseus... you might be surprised to know this, but I'm someone who likes to be in the
Totally not surprising. Though our time together has been short, Godou already knew this
very well.
Godou, tensing his muscles, took no notice of Perseus' refusal.
This man who liked playing tricks - the one who wanted to be referred to as Perseus, was very
strong. If he did not fight with all his might, it would not even be close to a fair fight.
And, for that purpose, they had to change the location of the battle.
He was the one who wanted to do it in front of an audience, so it was inevitable; but, as he
thought, they had to avoid having the public stand so close.

They had to fight in a wider place.

"... If that's the case, I think there's a better place to do this. A place wider, bigger, which
would catch the eye of more people, and allow them all to watch our battle."
"Since we're going to do battle, let's do it there... Liliana, please lead the way."
Nodding her head with a simple 'Understood.', Liliana took the lead.
The new location for their duel had already been decided when the two of them were making
their way here in a discussion.
Behind the chivalrous and calm female knight, the Campione and handsome god followed.
On the bustling street of Naples, even though it was nighttime, it was still very bright.
The three of them walked on the road, the goers automatically giving way, because they were
attracting a large amount of attention Is something special going to happen?
The surrounding people had such a question hanging on their faces, looking towards them.
They proceeded under the gaze of the crowds, like a wrestler making his way to the ring, and
the wrestler would try to display his power on the way.
... It was hard to believe that this small journey would end up becoming so epic.
Godou was rather stressed out over this unexpected development.
"I see, this was quite the good suggestion. If it's this place, the masses would be able to
properly appreciate our battle, it's a great place for our final showdown!"
Inspecting the location Liliana had brought them to, Perseus nodded, satisfied.
It was a particularly famous tourist sightseeing attraction, in the Santa Lucia district.
- Piazza del Plebisito. It was a semi-circle shaped plaza, with a great view.
In this plaza, there were two buildings of historical significance.
The church of San Francesco di Paola.
Palazzo Reale Di Napoli. In other words, the royal palace of Naples.
Adjacent to the royal palace were one of the three great opera houses of Italy, Teatro San
Carlo, and also Castel Nuovo, a castle constructed during the same age as the Castel dell'Ovo.

In short, this was a random collection of famous sites.

Hence, even in the night, there were many people, but when Perseus had entered the plaza,
they had in turn maintained their distance.
The people formed a large circle around the perimeter, wanting to see what happens next.
It was as though this were a movie shoot with many extras.
In this situation, Godou was like the one playing the villain, about to do battle with the goodlooking protagonist, as he followed behind Perseus, embarrassed.
Halfway through, they had to force their way through the crowd, and his eyes met with
Liliana's, who was in the front row.
Her immediate nodding of her head in response was reassuring.
- Thus, the god and the Campione stood in the center of attention, in the middle of the square,
facing each other.
Perseus summoned his sword out of thin air.
On the other side, Godou was barehanded.
This time, he should not choose an incomplete weapon. Against the hero who was victorious
yesterday, he had to go all out in his first attack, which meant that he should pick "To not use your other name casually.... You did say that, right?"
Even the simplest of words could be turned into words of power, a sacred sword.
The golden secret sword that rend gods.
However, the trump card that was his strongest weapon, to what extend could its potential be
reached this time?
His other forms having been sealed, anticipating that the [Sword] would be an exception, this
way of thinking was somewhat weak. Yet, he did not care, he would simply go ahead.
"Excuse me, but I will not be able to do that. I'll say this first.... the One who came from the
east, the Invincible Sun Heliogabalus - you who possesses many aliases, the name that you
conceal is Mithras, the sun god born on winter solstice. That is the other you!"
At that moment, Godou reinforced his resolve, and in one breath, pulled out the [Sword].
Enveloping the surrounding in light, the words from his mouth becoming words of power, and
the light spheres that turned golden, it as the weapon used by the [Warrior], the last form of
Verethragna - the spell words of the [Sword].
"The hero of light, Mithras. This is the name you have hidden!"

He started with the restrained first sword.

Godou controlled the many lights of the [Sword], and slashed towards Perseus/Mithras. In
return for that arrow the day before, he did not hold back at all.
"Hoho - you had concealed such an ability? Hahaha, truly magnificent!"
The Mithras who called himself Perseus moved, at a speed like a white panther.
Instantly jumping back, dodging the sword of light.
"You were originally known only as Perseus - the Man who came from the East, the stranger
who had saved the princess Andromeda from the giant serpent, a serpent-slayer and a skilled
swordsman... originally you were only thus."
Godou, who had caused Perseus to step back, extended the [Sword].
Countless lights like the stars, illuminated the entire plaza, each and every of those lights
weapons to kill Perseus/Mithras.
"Since ancient times, the serpent - and the dragon, the heroes that fought these were many,
and you were one of the prime examples. A hero who struck down the serpent and saved the
beautiful maiden. What were their reasons for doing battle with the serpents? This was
because serpents and dragons which were, by the former rulers of the divine world, the great
goddesses of the land - they had reduced them to these forms due to their evil nature."
Now, Godou's mind still had the knowledge of the time when Athena was still a goddess of
the land.
If he did not begin to understand from this part, he would not be able to understand the nature
of the [Serpent-Slayer]. In the primeval world that these goddesses had been worshipped as
the highest of gods, the [Lady] had possessed the most authority. This was knowledge that
had been gained from that time when he fought against Athena.
This wisdom was shaped into words of power, into the radiance of the [Sword].
In order to make keen this radiance, Godou continued to chant the words of power.
"The Queens of the divine world struck down those that were known as demonic beasts. The
result was the collapse of the world where the goddesses reigned, and with that came the
world where warriors with bronze and metal weaponry reigned. With the coming of an age
where military strength ruled the countries, and the mission of the heroes of steel like you,
was to carve out such a new world of violence!"
The preparations were done, what would the result be like?
In response to Godou's words of power, the light spheres that circled around Perseus began to
speed up.
"Hm - Is this something like those flight implements? What strange words of power."

The hero murmured to himself, his interest piqued.

The sword in his hand vanished, and in its place appeared a longbow, along with a quiver on
his back, of course, within the quiver were multiple tens of arrows.
"If that's the case, then I shall exchange blows with you by my bow. Come, let us see whose
technique reigns supreme!"
In contrast to Perseus who was giving off a manly smile, Godou did not have that kind of
Desperately chanting the words of power, he gathered his [Sword].
"I am the dragon of injustice, the strongest and the most wicked of butchers! The sword that
protects the men and women of righteousness, obey me!"
An infinite amount of light spheres answered Godou, gathering, forming tens of swords.
A golden formation of swords.
The swords were aimed directly at Perseus, surrounding him from all sides.
"In that case, by the sun that rises from the east, grant me strength! Bestow upon me the
strength to crush my comrade Verethragna!"
Perseus had also begun chanting his own words of power.
A halo appeared behind him, standing as proof of the Man from the East's identity as the sun
That light was a powerful ability that he had gained from Mithras, the god who came from the
east that had assimilated into Roman mythology, which was also the origin of the troublesome
ability that could seal Verethragna.
Godou made up his mind, and in a single breath, released the golden [Sword].
"Right now, I have borrowed the divine protection of the sun, to fire this one arrow. Young
godslayer, a light, when present before another yet whose radiance surpasses its own will lose
its splendor, learn this lesson well!"
At the same time, Perseus fired an arrow towards the moon in the sky.
The single arrow soared high into the heavens - and then split into hundreds of lights that
bathed the ground, and the [Sword] that was hit by the rain of light dissolved, much like an
ice cube beneath a hot summer sun.
".... As I thought, this won't work? That's really a troublesome ability."
Godou griped about his opponent's troublesome power.

How is it? Perseus who had said that to him puffed out his chest. His childishness was
overflowing, yet his charm and charisma as a hero did not diminish.
Strong to the point of causing others to click their tongues.
Though his comprehensive capabilities could not be thought of to be higher than Athena's,
Godou's affinity against him was comparatively worse than with Athena. As long as he
carried the aspect of Mithras, the hero of light, any attack against him was ineffective.
- Even so, Godou did not plan on going down without a fight.
He renewed his assault.
If the opponent's ability was troublesome, then he would just have to seal it first. If that plan
did not work, then he would have no chance at victory. At any rate, it was better than
In order to revive the [Sword] that had partially disappeared, he continued to chant the words
of power.
"The second name that you've hidden - Mithras. The place that this divinity was worshipped,
reigning over the center of the world, is the Roman Empire that we all know of. The people of
that country worshipped the divinities that were introduced from foreign places, becoming
new religions, a broad-minded and perfunctory inclination."
Yes, gods introduced from foreign places.
For example Cybele from Asia Minor, Isis from Egypt, and even Moses.
The early Roman Empire had introduced many different gods from many different places,
prophets and beliefs, and then reinforced it with their own adjustments, and the origin
divinities had turned into gods which were filled with the style and culture of Rome.
Among those gods, Mithras was included.
"The foreign god Mithras' homeland was Persia, to the east of Rome, and another god that
also came from the east, Helios - the Greek sun god that had its own palace at the end of the
east, the god that was called 'Sol' in Rome!"
Continuing to speak out words of power crafted from the origins of the hero, the light of the
[Sword] began to intensify again.
Likewise, the halo behind Perseus glowed brighter and brighter.
He raised his longbow once more, nocked an arrow, any further and it would be a repeat of
earlier. However - !
"The [Sun God] that was one and the same as [One who came from the east]. The careless
Roman people, unintentionally, had thought of Helios as Mithras, and then with yet another
[The Man from the East] - Perseus, was added into the mix!"

If the power of Mithras could seal Verethragna, then he would have to start from that point.
Even if it meant using the words of power of the [Sword]. If he could not succeed at this, then
the outcome would be decided, there was no room for hesitation.
Like professional gamblers who have gone all-in, Godou would decide everything with this.
The overflowing light from the words of power. The [Sword] that had been bestowed upon
him by Liliana, expanded significantly.
"The Man from the East - what was hidden beneath this name was, the ancient Romans that
had combined the Greek hero Perseus with Helios, and also the Persian sun god as one entity,
only the Romans who had loose and generous religious beliefs, could be capable of
performing this drastic move. You are not the hero of the ancient Greeks...! In the Roman
Empire that did not have a single unified belief of the gods, you are just an emergent hero
"Fufu, though you have a way with your words, but what should be useful on the battlefield is
a weapon of steel!"
Perseus who had been surrounded by a multitude of [Swords] fired an arrow again.
The rings of the [Sun] behind his back flared up brilliantly.
The released arrow turned into a thousand shafts of light that burst forth, and the [Sword] was
vanquished immediately. However, at the same time, Godou continued to create new swords.
The target of the [Sword], from Perseus to Mithras - to be narrowed down.
"Why is my power of Verethragna largely ineffective against Mithras? The answer is simple.
The god who came from the east Mithras, his origin could be traced back to Mitra Verethragna's master!"
The secret of the gods that Liliana had told him.
Before the appearance of Verethragna, the previous [Persian Warlord] was the sun god Mitra.
Whether it was in Latin or Greek, his name would be read as Mithras.
Guessing what Godou was aiming for, Perseus fired off another arrow.
Though he only saw Perseus firing off one lone arrow, but from this arrow alone, burst forth
tens of arrows of light that pierced the [Swords], and what was like the stars of the starry sky
disappeared one by one.
However, the [Sword] that were converted from targeting Perseus to Mithras were untouched.
Though the amount was not much, what remained was still about a quarter of the original

"The leader of the ancient east, Mitra, who was your original form, the power with the
capability to seal the god Verethragna! That's why firstly, I have to sever that power of the
The spell words of the [Sword] had almost run out, hence Godou released the remainder in a
single breath.
Godou extended his hand towards the precious weapon, and the gathering golden light formed
into a giant sword, and the divine sword of gold was created.
"Verethragna, rejecting the rule of the King of the Sun? Don't get ahead of yourself!"
Knowing that he was about to lose that absolute advantage of his, Perseus yelled out in a loud

"Truly you are my sworn enemy, godslayer! ....Hahaha, although I had forgotten about it, I'll
take this opportunity to ask you! Godslayer, tell me your name, Perseus will hereby
acknowledge you as the man who became my sworn enemy, I will remember it well!"
"My name is Kusanagi Godou! But, I don't think there's a need for you to remember it!"
"No, I have already fully committed it to my memory, now let us continue our battle!"
The hero excitedly shouted his reply to Godou's introduction of his name.
Are the heroes of old all the same as him? If that's the case, I definitely don't want to get to
know them better. I'm not Salvatore Doni, to be able to chat and drink beer with people whom
I have been slashing away at as enemies an hour earlier. It's regrettable, but I don't have this
kind of interest. Realizing the cultural gap between him and the god, Godou tightly gripped a
golden sword.
He continued to forge the [Sword] that was meant to rend Mithras.

"Your peak was before the beginning of the third century, the time when Heliogabalus
became the Emperor of the Roman Empire, he was a tyrant of extreme decadence.
Heliogabalus then impersonated the name of Mithras, threw aside the ancient gods of Rome,
and became your highest priest!"[27]
"Correct, Kusanagi Godou! You knew even that!"
While answering, he fired off arrows of light.
Godou moved the [Sword] slightly, waving it and fending them off.
"However he was assassinated by his own guards, ending his rule in merely four years. Even
though you were a god worshipped by the Emperor, you could not stand at the summit of the
gods. In replacement, the Son of God[28] with the heart of compassion took your place as the
target of the religions' worship, conquering the religious world of the Romans!"
313 AD, the legalization of Christianity by the Milan Edict.
It was an opportunity, for the once persecuted Christianity to become the state religion of both
the eastern and western Roman Empire. The tables were turned, and they arrogantly branded
other religions of divinities as [Paganism], persecuting them, and included amongst these, was
of course the Invincible sun god.
- Therefore, these words of power would be the last sword to finish off Mithras.
Godou as though brandishing his sword, threw his weapon towards Perseus. The golden
sword flew, like an arrow, straight and true,
Perseus used his longbow to guard against the assault.
However, Godou's sword destroyed the longbow, and the sword of golden light embedded
itself in the hero's powerful body.
In the next second, there was an explosion of pure light.
The powerful shockwave sent both Godou and the hero flying through the air.

Part 2
The amount of time the two of them were down for, were a few tens of seconds.
"... To have severed the [Mithras] that is contained within my body? Though the method
wasn't magnificent, it was still quite impressive, Kusanagi Godou!"
Exhilarated, the hero picked himself up.
Now, the only name remaining for him was 'Perseus'. Before the damage is recovered, the
name of 'Mithras' that was severed by the [Sword] had no meaning.
Seeing the energetic figure before him, Godou surreptitiously nodded his head.

That previous attack was the [Sword] that slew Mithras, and just as he thought, it did no
damage against the divinity of Perseus, but that could not be helped, as he could not have
asked for a better outcome.
Furthermore, he had been lucky beyond his expectations.
Previously, when he had changed the [Sword]'s target from Apollo to Osiris in his attack, he
suffered from an immense fatigue due to that, but this time round he did not feel any of the
aftereffects. It was probably because he did not force himself as much as that time, when he
forcefully changed the nature of the ability.
- While he was thinking, Perseus started to move.
When he had noticed it, Perseus had appeared right in front of him, and then grabbed his left
arm, casually flinging him aside, sending Godou flying.
" - Guha! What ridiculous strength...!"
Godou smashed into a white stone pillar.
Fortunately his head was not the point of impact, but his back was partially embedded into the
In the Piazza Plebiscito which had become a battlefield, this was between two historical
buildings, San Francesco di Paola church and the royal palace of Naples.
At the facade of the former, the church, there were many pillars constructed from white stone,
and it had thusly become a rather famous sightseeing spot.
Godou had been thrown onto one of the pillars.
.... The impact had been massive. Though he did not have any prior experience, it probably
felt like being hit by a truck.
"Since the olden times, wrestling was never a warrior-only technique, it was also a sport for
the masses. Perhaps you might have already known this as well. Come, let us test our skills!"
"No way I'll do it! I'm an exemplar modern person, I didn't have that kind of upbringing!"
Godou retorted instinctively. Perseus should have been referring to mixed martial arts, but
there was no way Godou had those kinds of martial arts skills.
While standing up, Godou felt a chilling sensation.
His body was unable to exert its full flexibility, due to the impact to his back region. His body
was hurting all over, and Perseus slowly approached.
He had no choice but to fight, and Godou caught sight of a beautiful girl in his field of vision.

While feeling confused about the fight between god and Campione, the masses were watching
in a trance-like state. They did not number over a thousand, but it was at least a few hundred.
And standing at the front of the audience was a beautiful silver-haired girl, an expression of
anxiety, as though she wanted to call out her magic sword and stand between Godou and the
Godou hurriedly tried to tell her 'it's still too early' through his expression, looking straight at
When doing battle with a divinity that possessed many strange and powerful authorities, it
would be best not to show your entire hand at once, or the possibility of a complete wipeout
would be high.
A more practical way would be to judge the flow of combat, then gradually increasing your
combat strength, that would be more efficient.
It was like switching players out in the middle of a soccer or baseball match, Liliana felt
rather regretful, and she loosened her tense shoulders, it seems that she had realized his
"... For I am strongest amongst the strong. Truly, I am one that holds each and every victory. I
care not whom challenges me, whether man or devil; I may face all my foes and all my
enemies. Regardless, I shall crush all those who wouldst stand in my way!"
Godou recited the words of power.
The sacred hymn of Verethragna that declared of being the strongest and of victory.
Visualizing that image. That of the heroic and indomitable, horned divine beast - the
incarnation of the [Bull].
"O' mighty bull that possesseth the horns of shining gold, grant me your aid!"
As one with Godou's determination, the pain in his body gradually left him.
At times like this, the adrenaline that rushes through the Campione's body, is roughly a
hundred times higher than that of a normal person. Because of how haphazard their bodies
are, in battle, even if their bones break, inner organs get pierced, they can endure the pain.
"Oo, using a new power? With the divine power of transformation that you obtained from that
war god, what kind of power will it be this time!?"
Perseus grabbed hold of him again, while shouting.
Does he intend on throwing me again? However, my strength won't lose out to his this time.
The activation condition for the [Bull] was for the opponent to possess superhuman strength.
If the foe was Perseus, then there would be no problem - !
Godou grabbed onto Perseus body while bending back, and flung him backwards splendidly.

This time was the beautiful hero's turn to be sent flying through the air and smashing into the
stone pillar.
"Hahaha, you do understand after all! Magnificent, come, give me another attack!"
Perseus stood up, laughing in a loud voice.
The look in his eyes started to get more serious, perhaps the attack had done no damage.
Godou went 'hmph' with his nose.
Though he was slightly disappointed, but Godou did not plan on fighting with the hero of the
myths for too long. Because he had a more efficient and realistic battle plan, Godou held back
his thoughts of shame and touched the stone pillar.
.... The him of now possessed a superhuman strength.
A strength that was not generated by muscle, but a strange, supernatural power.
When using the incarnation of the [Bull], he only needed to place his feet on the land, and a
burning hot power would flow from his feet to the rest of his body, that should be the source
of this strange power.
Godou used both his arms to hug the white stone pillar of San Francesco di Paola church.
The pillars crafted of beautiful stone in the front of the church were about four, five meters
tall, of pure limestone. Of course, they were firmly fixed into the ground, and onto the church
In sync with his roar, his mind focused.
The power of the [Bull] had one absurd characteristic, that is when the target of this authority
is heavier, the strength also increases in proportion.
In a direct comparison of strength with Perseus, he could probably be thrown away for a
distance of roughly over ten meters, but right here in front of the church, with his full strength
... Creak... Crack... Unpleasant sounds could be heard from the pillar.
Cracks began to appear at the top of the pillar, and Godou felt that it was almost ready. In one
breath, he plucked out the pillar - no, more accurately, he broke it off.
It was such an unbelievable sight, even though that he was the one who did it, Godou still felt
dumbfounded by it.

Like Popeye, the one who gained superhuman strength after eating spinach, or Judge Samson
from the Old Testament who pulled down the pillars of the Temple of Dagon, that kind of
(By the way, this church was designed in the early nineteenth century by the famous architect
Pietro Bianchi, which the Pope recognized as a building of historical significance. The act of
damaging this building would probably incur divine wrath.)
Without thinking, Godou swung that pillar back and forth With a heavy impact, he struck Perseus.
No, to use the verb [struck] would be a gross understatement, it was like using those industrial
cranes with the gigantic steel ball used for demolition to attack Perseus.
"Ngh! What terrific strength!"
Perseus used both his hands to protect his face, and Godou forcefully pummeled him flat out
on the ground.
The stone pillar being used as a weapon of brutality was made of limestone, hence it broke
into pieces after a short while. Shaking off the dust on his body, the hero then glared at Godou
with a sharp gaze.
It was neither hateful nor angered, but rather a look of determination and appreciation of the
aggression shown.
"You too are a man known as a King, and I feel that you should use a more fitting weapon But this is fine too, although I still wish for your actions to be more beautiful!"
While still speaking, he spread out his arms, and Perseus kicked off the ground.
A tackle with a lowered body. It might have been a technique from wrestling or pankration[29].
However, they were not competing in their fighting skills, but rather this was a free style, no
holds barred deathmatch.
- Therefore, Godou threw the remains of the stone pillar.
Taking only weight into account, the weight of the pillar in this situation must have been at
least a hundred kilograms.
He threw, with the supernatural power of the [Bull], and with Kusanagi Godou's past
experience as a skilled baseball catcher, he had confidence in his throwing power and control.
What was formerly a stone pillar gave off a terrific noise from the air turbulence as it moved
through the air.

Perseus jumped aside, dodging the stone pillar, and on where he had stood moments ago, near
the stone steps, the remains of the stone pillar missed its target, smashing onto the ground and
then rolling aside.
"I'm sorry, but using improper methods to obtain victory is my favorite thing to do. I don't
intend on listening to your request, like having another magnificent and grand duel."
"Is that so... Fine, then you may use your own preferred methods to display your strength."
Perseus' favorite sword appeared in thin air, and his hand firmly grasped it.
"It's not fair if only you use a weapon, so let us do battle, with this sword in my hand."
The words this time marked the start of a magnificent fight.
Godou broke off yet another pillar from the San Francesco di Paola church.
With that he swung, he threw, he struck, and he threw down.
His foe, Perseus was moving like a white panther on flatlands, running, jumping, dodging.
And then, with his body that was as solid as steel, he ventured to withstand a blow from the
stone pillar, causing it to shatter into pieces.
Whether it was the offensive or defensive side, this was a battle between extraordinary
.... On a related note, the audience, upon seeing the tragedy of destruction unfold, finally
regained their senses, screaming, shouting, sighing, breaking out into chaos. The crowds
began shouting and yelling, scurrying away into the surroundings, and the situation had
become a state of panic.
I hope no one gets hurt However even as Godou looked onto their panicked states, he grew worried.
No one was foolish enough to stumble into this plaza that was a battlefield between supermen,
but in their jostling and shoving in that chaos, might cause someone to be injured, and that
caused him to worry.
Before the start of the fight, Godou was constantly troubled over that. By now, he had already
fought with all his might for roughly ten minutes Piazza Plebiscito had been reduced to a vacant land, like ruins.
On the stone pavement of the plaza, pieces of limestone had been scattered all over, in the
form of small pebbles or rubble.
The church, with the white pillars like a cloistered corridor now destroyed, any trace of
resemblance to its original self had vanished along with them.

Most of the pillars having been removed by Godou, and thus, the exemplary historic building
that used to be the Roman church, became a scene of devastation.
It had been such a huge sacrifice, and yet Perseus remained relatively unhurt.
"Hahaha, well fought. However, it's about time to end this!"
Tightly gripping his sword, the hero shouted.
With the nimbleness of a white panther, with speed that made him seem like a meteor, Godou
could not even see his figure.
His foe was fast, and there was also a massive gap between their melee combat capabilities.
Although Godou could still hold on with the range of his weapon and his own reflexes, the
odds were heavily against him. The pillars were almost fully smashed up, and with that his
sources of weapons ran low.
.... Godou remembered about Liliana.
Should he call her here, and leave the defense to her? After considering that, Godou
immediately shook his head.
Against someone who had that level of speed, even if the two of them attacked at once, it
would not make much of a difference.
Before the battle, he had heard from her that her trump card - was on par with Erica's [Spell
Words of Golgotha], and he wanted to make use of it at a better time.
- He would have to rely on his own power to get out of this situation, and grit his teeth,
withstanding the blows he was going to take.
Godou steadied his resolve.
His lips twisting to the side, he revealed a grim smile, and threw aside the stone pillar in his
"All of the enemies before me, fear me."
From his mouth escaped words of power.
Perseus sped towards him, thrusting his sword out in a direct piercing attack.
Unleashing a thrust of certain kill, it seems - just the right timing.
Godou took the attack head on without dodging. One of the reasons for that was that the
attack had been simply too fast to evade.

"Every sinner shall tremble before my power. Now is the time, that I obtain the toughness of
ten mountains, the strength of a hundred rivers, and the power of a thousand camels! Upon
my mighty self, I shall bear the symbol of the raging camel!"
While chanting the words of power, he was penetrated by the sword.
His chest was pierced into by the thick, heavy blade.
Perseus wanted to run him through completely, devastate his body, and rip him open from the
back - !
Perseus murmured, with uncertainty.
As expected of the serpent-slaying hero, his senses were impressive, as he had noticed the
unusual circumstances that had happened to his opponent.
Even with the sword pierced into his body, Godou raised his left leg, and kicked out sharply.
He had, with his unsteady body, kicked forward directly at Perseus' chest, sending him flying.
Godou was an amateur at martial arts. However, this kick was at a level that surpassed those
of every human martial artist.
An awesome kick, as though he were swinging a steel hammer.
If it had hit a concrete floor, most likely the floor would be smashed into pieces.
" - Guh!?"
It was the first time he had heard Perseus let out a pained gasp.
His sturdy, strong body was kicked away, sending him flying back over twenty meters.
At the same time, the sword that was embedded in Godou's chest was pulled out, flying back
with the hero.
" - Gah!"
This time it was Godou who let out the gasp of pain. The blade was removed from his body
suddenly, and fresh blood began to flow out from the wound.
It hurts, ithurtsithurtsithurtsithurts, itsoutrageouslypainful!
The pain from the stab wound began to fade slowly, and though it was still very painful, it
was a degree that was more tolerable, and the blood had clotted.
This was the ability of the [Camel] incarnation, retarding the sensation of pain, and gaining an
abnormal endurance.

On top of that, the strength and power of his legs skyrocketed. If he were to challenge a Muay
Thai master at a battle of kicks now, he was confident he would easily win. Furthermore, the
destructive power was ... In Godou's field of vision, he saw a white meteor accelerating towards him.
With such terrifying speed, perhaps it was moving more rapidly than a straight fastball from a
Major League ace pitcher.
However, before he even realized it, Godou's right leg had already entered a defensive
An excellent high kick. It was impressive that Perseus had somehow managed to defend
against it, but his defense was smashed right through by the kick.
... The body of the hero soared through the air once again.
The distance travelled in flight was roughly fifty meters this time, and Perseus flew from the
devastated building of San Francesco di Paola church all the way to the opposite side, the wall
of the royal palace of Naples.
The walls of the royal palace had been constructed with dull orange bricks.
A gigantic hole like that of a volcano crater was created, and with a heavy thump, the body of
Perseus fell onto the stone floor of Piazza Plebiscito.

Part 3
.... Even he himself thought that the destructive power was absurdly shocking. Although he
wanted to follow up the attack, Godou lowered his knee.
The pain from the stab wound was still hard to bear, and Godou winced in pain.
However, the pain was an exchange for the power of the [Camel], it could not be helped.
The condition for using this form was to have taken a certain degree of damage. One or two
punches would not be enough to activate it. It must be something at least to the extent of
being stabbed by a sword.
At any rate, he was already thanking the heavens for the fact that he survived.
Godou felt relieved from the bottom of his heart. The power of reincarnation of the [Ram]
was meaningless if he suffered an instant death.
"Kusanagi Godou!"
The cool voice of the girl's voice could be heard, and Liliana ran to Godou's side.

"A, are you alright!? You had suddenly stood still frozen, and then purposely took his blade,
what were you thinking!"
"S, sorry that I made you worry... Liliana, watch out!"
Noticing the status of Perseus who he had kicked away, Godou let out a warning.
He had picked himself off the stone floor, as though unhurt.
"Hahahahahaha! I had originally wanted to just kill some time before my battle with Athena,
but Kusanagi Godou, you've granted me some happiness! Fufu, the brave girl has come back?
Very well, allow me to end this godslayer, and rescue the maiden!"
Perseus proclaimed, trying to boast of his honor.
"God Perseus, I'm very sorry, but please do not make such terrible jokes. I am the knight of
Kusanagi Godou, there's no need to rescue me - !"
"Ho, you're brave indeed, I like that personality!"
Seeing the summoned magic sword Il Maestro, Liliana who was donned in a black and blue
battle dress, the hero smiled in return.
"However, for a maiden held by a demonic entity to submit to me, it would be the same as the
lovely Andromeda. To say nothing of your being a miko - a virgin maiden serving the great
goddesses of the land. All the better for me."
The words that Perseus spoke held powerful magical energy.
Words of power, and it seemed like he had heard this before - feeling strange, Godou
immediately realized.
Verethragna, the rebellious war god, had once bound Godou and Erica, using the exact same
magic art on the island of Sardinia.
"The hands of a graceful maiden are ill-suited for holding a blade, it would be good to throw
that kind of thing aside and await my victory."
"Don't listen to him, Liliana. That is a strange power that compels others to do his bidding,
even if you resist it with all your will, you will not be able to resist!"
Godou warned her immediately.
Having fought with gods on numerous occasions, Godou someway or the other understood
how to counter it, even if he were a normal human he would be able to resist the spell, it
should not pose a problem However, Liliana only stood there motionless, blankly looking at Perseus.

"It's futile, Kusanagi Godou. It's a little different from what you think. If one has the will to
resist a god to the end, then it is possible to remove our spell, but in actual fact it's hard. That
girl, she is a mage, hence from young, she had been aware of the existences of gods, and
inculcated in them the superiority of the divinities. For someone to lose the many years of
brainwashing, it would require a long time at the very least."
Perseus nonchalantly explained.
The smile, aggression and inability to define good and bad was a little different from his
initial impression of the hero. Now, he had started to talk about the truths of the world, the
true face of a god.
"Furthermore she is also a miko. If you understand my origins, then you should know the role
that they play, with regards to me? After I slay the serpent, they become my bride, something
akin to spoils of war, that is their origin. Are you not aware of this?"
Godou found the answer from the knowledge given by Liliana.
The tradition that dragon-and-snake-slaying heroes become husband and wife with the
maidens they rescue originated from [The Myth of Perseus and Andromeda].
"The goddesses of the land, after doing battle with the hero and being struck down, were
passed down in history and myths as dragons or serpents, this was for the purpose of praising
the deeds of the heroes, glorifying their valor."
"Mm. That's right."
"Then, to act as proof, the defeated goddesses were forced to submit, which is to say the
heroes took the fallen goddesses as their brides, this way it became a [defeated the monster
and even saved the maiden] story, a happy ending. Your wife - Andromeda is in fact the great
goddess of the land Tiamat, possessing the same divinity as the giant serpent which took her
Godou looked straight at the handsome hero, the look in his eyes sharp and focused.
It was frustrating that he did not use this as part of the [Sword]. The hero who rescued the
maiden. Behind their tales, such truths were hidden, Godou found this infuriating and
"Indeed, you know of this. The points you had stated were accurate, hence you should
understand, the reason why that girl cannot disobey me. As a hero of steel, the great
goddesses of the land are targets of conquest, the same goes for the miko. For them to go
against my will, it is too difficult a feat."
He said it as though the witches were his own belongings.
By Perseus who was acting as if this was common sense, Godou was annoyed.
"Whether it's futile or not, we'll only know after we try it."

".... Mm. To disregard a pact between human and god, and even fight back? Fufufu, what a
likeable guy you are. If I didn't know I was a god, I might have said the exact same words as
Perseus revealed a slightly sorrowful smile.
An unlikely expression from the beautiful and ferocious hero, seemingly lamenting over the
flaws of the world.
"Regrettable it may be, but I am a hero that became a god. I understand your mistake. The
miko who will obey, one could say that it is destiny, thus it's best if you gave up."
"Who's going to give up!"
This guy was the same as Verethragna. Godou was very certain.
Though he was a hero, he could not become a hero. If he were a true hero, he would realize
the mistake in his words!
".... Liliana, it's as you heard. Is it really fine to blindly follow the gods? I'm not willing, and I
will never accept you being manipulated by that kind of guy."
"It's useless. Young maiden, throw aside your weapon and come to my side. This is
something you must do."
Hearing the words from both her king and the god Unnoticed, Liliana had closed her eyes, and seconds later, she reopened her eyes and then her
"Hear the sorrow of David, people! Alas, may the heroes fall! Alas, may the weapons of war
be destroyed!"
The singing voice resounded through the plaza.
"O' mountains of Gilboa, I pray that dew and rain will not fall upon your peaks! I pray that
your lands grow infertile, unable to flourish! There, the shield of the hero was cast away! The
shield of Saul, unpolished with oil, was cast away over yonder!"
The surrounding air slowly began to grow chilly.
This bone-chilling cold was extremely similar to the [Spell Words of Golgotha] that Erica
For Erica's, the atmosphere was heavy with despair and hatred, that kind of sensation. As for
Liliana's, it was the anguish of the terrible melancholy of regretful departed spirits, an
exclamation of warriors who tired of battle.
This description was fitting for the situation, an unbearable feeling that made one want to flee.

"... You actually broke out of my control?"

Perseus was shocked.
The usually grand, magnificent and handsome hero, was confused for the first time.
"Undrinking blood of murderers, the unretreating bow of Jonathan! Unconsuming oil of the
brave soul, returning the sword of Saul in vain! Alas, the heroes, fallen in the midst of battle!"
In Liliana's left hand, blue light began to gather, and a longbow as long as she was tall was
In her right hand that was also glowing with blue light, appeared four arrows.
"O' bow of Jonathan, with eagle's swiftness and lion's strength, a hero's weapon. Go forth in
assault, upon my fleeing enemies!"
From the longbow that was a shade of rare blue, the four arrows were released, seemingly like
The arrows flew in an unnatural arc, aiming directly at Perseus.
The targeted Perseus displayed his superb speed, a brilliant white meteor that jumped aside at
blinding speeds, dodging all the blue arrows.

However, one of the four arrows pierced into his left shoulder.
"Ku - !"
A visible look of pain could be seen on Perseus' face.
His left shoulder that was hit by the blue arrow suffered major damage, his clothes dyed red
by his flowing blood, and his left arm rendered useless.

This was Liliana's trump card, [Spell Words of David], Godou could not help but be in awe.
The summoned bow of Jonathan that could pierce a god, the secret art of the sword of Saul
that could slay a god, it was indeed impressive. Perseus had suffered from it.
"Are you okay, Liliana!?"
"Of course, weren't you the one who taught me how to break out of it?"
"No, although that is... aren't witches unable to turn upon the heroes - "
"Not 'unable', but rather 'difficult to'. However, carved upon my heart, are feelings of burning
flames. Even when facing a god, I cannot allow these feelings to be trod over... When I
thought of that, the spell was instantly broken!"
"Fe, feelings of burning flames?"
"Yes. My bonds with you... Yes, we are like a pair of birds flying wing to wing, branches of
the same tree entwined together, no matter in life or in death, our hearts will be as one.
Naturally, I felt that I could not let you fight alone."
Liliana's face had turned a deep red, revealing an extremely cute expression.
The power of friendship, or something like that? A little unsatisfied, Godou nodded his head,
and then looked towards the Perseus who looked euphoric for some reason, while raising his
"Then, shall we clean him up, the two of us? That skill earlier, can you still use it?"
"Yes, one way or another. One more time is the limit."
"Got it. Then, use that last time and pin that hero-sama on the ground."
".... But, if I simply shoot him, he'll just dodge it just like last time."
"I'll go hold him down! Take the chance to attack then!"
If it were Erica, they should be able to convey their intentions to each other, heart to heart.
With Liliana, they were not a combination of that level yet.
However, this will be resolved, with time. For sure, he'll be able to achieve an extraordinary
level of rapport with this girl, and Godou who truly believed that, dashed towards Perseus.
"What have you done to that Miko, Kusanagi Godou!"
"I didn't do anything! It's just that the bonds between us have triumphed over your abnormal

"Is that so! Hahaha! As I thought, since ancient times, the power of love has always been the
strongest weapon! I, Perseus, had actually forgotten that truth! I must be getting too old!"
For some reason he was laughing really joyfully. The hero brandished his sword with only his
right hand, his left arm, due to the damage from being pierced by the bow of Jonathan, was
unable to move.
Godou and Perseus both gritted their teeth, each confronting the other.
The area around the stab wound was unbearably painful, but he only had to endure for a while
longer A slash. The sword was swung towards him.
Godou wanted to jump aside to dodge, but the movements of the wounded body had become
His posture had already fallen apart, at this rate, he'll be directly hit. Since he was moving
forward, left or right were not an option, Godou could only dodge by falling towards his back.
Godou laid down flat on the floor, facing Perseus who was in an assault stance.
He maintained the posture on the floor, and kicked out forward, like a move from the
Brazilian martial art Capoeira, an attack from a lower position.
The target was Perseus' arm that was holding the sword.
If he could break that area - the hero noticed his intentions, and raised his arm high
accordingly, and Godou's leg hit only air.
What followed was a downward slash. Godou quickly rolled aside to evade it.
The blade embedded itself deeply into the ground - it was time.
"O' bow of Jonathan, with eagle's swiftness and lion's strength, a hero's weapon. Go forth in
assault, upon my fleeing enemies!"
The chance had come. While he was thinking, Liliana's words of power filled the air. As
expected of my new partner, you've properly answered my expectations!
The awaited four comets came from upwards.
Perseus, whose gaze was on the stone floor, had reflexively tried to pull out his sword.
"Ooh, is it coming - !"
As expected, a white meteor! He managed to dodge three of the comet-like arrows.
The last remaining one pierced his left leg completely, embedding itself deep into the stone
floor, nailing him to the ground splendidly.

In order to regain his mobility, Perseus who wanted to pluck out the arrow, stretched out his
right hand.
Taking advantage of this opening, Godou ran away from Perseus.
"Thus speaketh Lord Mithra. The sinful shall be met with justice."
If he used this method, he should be able to defeat Perseus once and for all.
- That's why, get here faster. This time round, surely, I'll let you go on a rampage as much as
you like. Anyway, just come out faster!
Chanting out the words of power, Godou ran with all his strength. Because the [Camel] form
was being removed, his body no longer had a superhuman endurance, and the pain from the
stab wound grew, becoming more intense by the moment.
Even so, he moved his legs through sheer willpower, and recited the last words of power.
"May spines be crushed, may bones be broken, tendons torn; hair, brains, and blood mingled
and trampled together with the earth! The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking
sinners be purged by the iron hammer of justice!"
A distortion appeared in the air, the doorway between reality and the 'imaginary' world.
This time, it appeared above the stone floor - not on it.
In the plaza where Godou had lain down, and had been diced up by Perseus' sword - in the air
above, twenty meters long roughly, estimated from the ground.
From the doorway appeared the pitch-black visage of the [Boar].
Savagely glaring downwards, it was restless. Yes, the target this time was Piazza Plebiscito the place where Perseus was pinned down on.
The divine beast's roars boomed forth, resounding throughout the whole of Naples.
That massive black body, descending from the air - though the elevation was rather low, it
was still considered as 'descending from the air'.
"Mu - Ooh!!"
While looking upwards at the massive body of the [Boar] in astonishment, Perseus yelled out.
Immediately after, the massive pitch-black body rapidly fell onto the ground, trampling and
rampaging on the hero's body, along with the stone floor of the Piazza Plebiscito.

Part 4

As the pitch-black [Boar] used its powerful body and rampaged through the plaza and on the
[Heretic God], Godou also fell on the ground.
It seems that he had finally reached his limit, and he lost consciousness.
Liliana who had hurriedly rushed over to him, almost burst into tears upon seeing his
The abdomen area that was wounded by Perseus was stained deep red, and the amount of
bleeding was severe. Even if it were the body of a devil king Campione, it would definitely
not hold out for long.
"A-Ah, why did it turn out like this, please get a hold of yourself, Kusanagi Godou! My lord!"
Liliana who had instantly fallen into a state of panic, calmed down just as fast.
At any rate, she had to get him to the hospital. The body of a Campione had a tremendous
vitality, but she still had to get medical treatment for him as soon as possible.
Liliana closed in on the [King]'s body, checking for palpitations.
At that moment, she remembered the magic art of healing, [Recovery].
Thinking that, she thought that she should use that magic first. Because of the fixed idea that
Campione's bodies are resistant to magic, she did not think of using it at first, but now, she
knew how to bypass that.
"T, this is for the sake of treatment, hence I'm ki-kissing you, there won't be any problems...
no, or rather, this should be my duty...."
Embarrassedly murmuring to herself, she looked at the [King]'s lips.
Her heart was beating furiously.
For the heavily injured person lying on the ground before her, she had to do her best to save
She wanted to cook for him, wanted to knit something and give it to him during winter, and
also taking care of his daily life, cleaning his room and other things...
At any rate, he had to get better first, and then she would slowly nurse him back to health
afterwards. Just as she made up her mind to kiss him....
"... Hm, some way or the other, he succeeded? Though still inexperienced, at least the ending
has met the bare minimum standards."
Suddenly the voice of a girl could be heard, and Liliana turned around in a panic.
Standing there was a young girl with the majesty of a Queen.

She had silvery hair that shimmered even in the night, and pupils as black as darkness.
- Heretic Athena.
"I had personally made a special trip to inform him not to let down his guard after victory,
only to find him in such a state. Such an inexperienced brat... But well, to have fought that
troublemaking god this far is already pretty good. After all, that guy is a hero that had
defeated me - "
Though her tone was strict, Liliana still sensed that the goddess that looked at the [King] with
a little praise in her gaze.
"However, as a warrior that is also King, one must also prepare for moments of weakness like
this. I have told him this before, but apparently he has not fixed this problem at all. Tsk, what
an unexpected fellow."
Athena approached Kusanagi Godou, and then bent over in front of him.
Realizing the goddess' intentions, Liliana cried out, 'Pl, please wait!' attempting to stop her...
It was too late.
Athena had already kissed Kusanagi Godou, using those small lips of hers.
"Take this as a compensation for involving you in that battle, and also as a prize that you won.
Your wounds have healed... but next time, do fight better!"
Haughtily proclaiming that, Athena stood up.
After that, she threw Liliana who was standing at the side a glance, and ordered with the
majesty of a Queen,
"Girl, take good care of your master. After some rest, his body should fully recover. Also,
remind him not to forget that promise - someday, Athena will appear once more, before your
With those words, Athena disappeared from the streets at night.
(Though one might call it a 'street', but Piazza Plebiscito and the surrounding area had been
destroyed thoroughly, it would be an understatement to even call it 'ruins'.)
The remaining witch who was also a Great Knight, because of that missed good opportunity,
was kneeling on the ground in disappointment, her shoulders drooped unhappily.

The pitch-black divine beast in the distance offered a roar of victory to the heavens.
In an alley of Naples from where the roar of the divine beast could be slightly heard, particles
of light shone, gathered, forming into the shape of a human.

The light became the handsome man, the hero - Heretic Perseus.
"Seriously, by such a savage and unbeautiful method, I was done in by such a method of this
degree. Not even in the myths has such a thing occurred!"
Panting heavily, Perseus was trembling with excitement.
Before he was almost smashed by the divine beast, he became light, and succeeded in
rebirthing. The sun that set in the west would rise again in the morning, this was the grace of
light's life-force.
Because he had used up all the remaining divine power of the [Sun], he could no longer use
this method to escape from a crisis. However...
Perseus looked in the direction of Kusanagi Godou while smiling.
"If I return right away, perhaps I might be able to continue our duel... would it be a good
time? Fufu, to sheath my blade like this, indeed it would be a waste."
Although he was a divinity, taking that kind of intense attack was still very exhausting.
To be honest, he had already reached his limits, though that may be the case, he still wanted to
continue battling. To be in the physical world that he had not been in for a while, to have
finally fought a worthy opponent, his spirits were roused.
"Eeh - I think that it's about time. If it's pro wrestling, it'll take three counts, if it's boxing, then
ten counts, for the match to end."
The male voice of someone approaching slowly reached his ears.
Not a human nor a god. A godslayer. Feeling that presence, Perseus immediately summoned
his sword.
The footsteps did not cease. It was a youth of a godslayer.
Perseus sensed from the way he had moved that he was a highly skilled martial artist. The
longsword of steel that he had gripped in his hand, was obviously a normal longsword, but it
felt indescribably threatening in his hands.
The secret behind that most likely laid in that arm glowing with silver light.
He did not know what kind of authority it was, but that arm was the usurped authority.
"Yo, nice to meet you. My name is Salvatore Doni. My relationship with that guy... what was
it... lifelong friends, as well as rivals, and you should be Perseus?"
"I don't mind if you call me that. Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you going to fight in order
to protect your friend?"
"Hm~m, that doesn't sound quite right."

The blond godslayer smiled happily.

"This time, it seems I've gone a little overboard in my games. If I don't put in some effort on
my side, I might get severely rapped on by Andrea."
"Ho. Then, you intend on doing battle with me?"
"That's right, but I don't really like fighting with the wounded. Even if you flee, I will not give
chase. I'll make this clear, if you cross blades with me right now, ten out of ten times, it will
be a crushing defeat for you."
Salvatore Doni smiled like a 'good guy' while saying that.
A carefree smile of a youth, but in his eyes burned a dark flame.
Doni was a person of rare abilities, his talent was simply shocking.
Faintly smiling, Perseus saw through his true skill. If he were a human, he would not be that
different from any other person, but if this kind of person was a godslayer For sure, this youth was a one-in-a-billion heroic figure.
The godslayers of this generation sure are interesting. Superb.
"I understand what you're saying. But if I say that I want to fight, what will you do?"
"Of course, I'll show no mercy."
Two swordsmen with identical views, raised their weapons, facing off.
Salvatore Doni relaxed his body, loosely holding his weapon. A neutral stance, with
unparalleled versatility, able to shift to any posture to unleash any kind of sword art. The
result of the uncountable amount of hours he had put into training.
Before the fight had begun, Perseus had already seen through his foe's trick.
It was not known whether he was history's strongest swordsman, but of his generation, he was
definitely the strongest.
Conversely, Perseus' sword skills was very simple.
Moving at speeds that exceeded the enemy's, slashing at faster speeds, that was it. To the
superhuman hero, that was enough.
At this moment, he became a brilliant white meteor and closed in on Doni, and brought his
sword down.
"That's why I said I hate fighting with the wounded. It's another matter if you were at your
best, but in your weakened state, you're slow enough for me to yawn and then catch your

Doni swung his sword upwards directly from below.

In the next instant, Perseus' sword was cleaved into two, and Doni's blade without hesitation,
hacked into the hero.
This sword was forged of the highest-grade steel, capable of slaying a god Satisfied with this defeat, Perseus was all smiles, as his body slowly dissipated, like dust.

"... As I thought, I didn't gain an authority? Even though I had undergone great troubles to
take down a kami-sama, this is such a waste."
Looking on at the ending of Perseus' body slowly fading into dust, Doni murmured.
Although it was not necessary to defeat a god fair and square in a one-to-one fight, to become
a Campione, one had to defeat a god in a suitable manner.
In other words, one had to satisfy the mother of Campiones, Pandora, obtaining a victory
enough for her to welcome one of her children, and with how Doni had achieved it, most
likely would result in her puffing her cheeks and saying 'no, this won't do'.
"I somehow recall being told this before, if we bring down a god who is in a severely
weakened state, our authorities will not increase... Hm? Since when have I met her? Oh well,
it's not important anyway."
It seems as though he had remembered meeting Pandora somewhere before, but he could not
bring to mind the exact details.
Salvatore Doni was not bothered, since he could not remember it, it probably was not
anything important to begin with.
And afterwards, as he did not wish to meet with Kusanagi Godou, he departed from Naples.
Before his long-winded butler that took care of him caught up, he had to conceal his trail, and
that concludes the scene that no one else had seen, that occurred behind the descent of the
[Heretic God] in Naples.

The night in Naples had not quite ended yet, and after the [Boar], the one who played the
leading role in crushing Perseus had disappeared, the unconscious Kusanagi Godou had been
sent to the hospital.
When Godou awoke, he had a great shock finding himself lying in the hospital bed.

His bandaged abdomen that had been pierced by the sword, inexplicably did not hurt a single
bit, most likely because the wound had already been healed. After asking, he then found out
that it was a little present left behind by Athena.
Hence, Godou asked Liliana to arrange for his discharge. However "The stab wound was very deep! Even if Athena had healed you, you should be obediently
resting! Please have a good sleep!"
Liliana got very angry, and forced Godou to continue lying down.
His injuries were minor, but he was trapped in the hospital. Godou who was lying on the bed
grew restless, looking around all the corners of the ward. Because it was a single room, he
was alone with Liliana.
- Come to think of it, what happened with Perseus?
Godou suddenly thought of that problem.
Since his authorities were not transferred over, then he must have definitely survived the
[Boar]'s attack. As expected of a god, his will to live was tremendous.
As he did not appear, this meant that he was probably recuperating somewhere.
Godou set aside his care for that matter, and looked at Liliana who was sitting next to him.
She was carefully using a small knife to peel a pear, if it were Erica, she would definitely get
her maid Arianna to do it.
"Could it be that you can even do normal housework?"
"That is only natural. Though I know who you're comparing me with, but please don't
compare me with that vixen. Putting aside the fact that we're knights, as a woman, knowing
how to do these things is normal. I'm also rather skilled at cooking, and better than the
average person at housework, too."
Liliana replied, to Godou's rude question.
With a pained smile, Godou nodded. Because he saw that she had a maid, he had lumped her
together with Erica.
"I, if it's fine with you, one of these days, I'll personally cook for you, how about it?"
"Wow. I'll be looking forward to that. When that time comes, I'll be in your care."
"In that case, then allow me to conveniently cl, clean your room, and wash your clothes as
well. Since it's just 'conveniently', please leave it all to me."
"Eh? No need for that, actually it's fine if you don't go to those lengths..."

"No, this is also the duty of a knight! Because you are a [King], you do not need to mind such
trivial things!"
"I, isn't that wrong!?"
Just when their conversation was developing in a strange direction...
With a clang, the door opened, and two girls entered the room.
Erica Blandelli and Mariya Yuri, his companions that he had parted with for a day and whom
he had come from Japan with.
"Ah, what's this, you purposely came all the way here for me? It would have been fine even if
you had waited for me back on Sardinia."
Without thinking, Godou greeted them immediately.
Instantly, his insides froze over. First, Yuri's clear and dignified eyes had raised up, and
glared straight at him, while Erica had revealed a gentle smile.
"Godou-san, you've let others worry for you this much, and yet you don't show any signs of
repentance. Not having any news of you, worrying over your safety, do you know how much
worry and anxiety you've caused us? - Please do a little soul-searching."
Yuri had suddenly started preaching.
Godou, being pierced by her eyes of the Yasha, felt a sense of terror.
"To make matters worse, it had really turned out like this, exactly as what Erica had
"I, I'm really sorry, Mariya. I tried to get in contact, but I couldn't get through. B, by the way,
what do you mean by 'like this'?"
Apologizing in a panic, Godou tried to change the topic.
Yuri's eyes then became like a blizzard in the frozen mountains, looking towards Godou who
was lying on the bed and Liliana, what exactly was she worried about?
Then, it was Erica, who had been smiling that gentle, beautiful smile ever since she walked in.
A graceful, yet terrifying smile, like a devil.
- Danger, this was a super huge danger, his instincts as a Campione told him.
"Yuri, don't be too hard on him. He is a King after all, you have to forgive his slightly
mischievous actions. In the end, he got through healthily, and even defeated the [Heretic
Spoken like an understanding, sensible lady.

But he could not let himself be deceived, this was a faade, made to conceal the true attack.
"About Godou's brave, heroic deeds, we've heard everything from that witch named Diana.
It's really impressive how you managed to discover the god's true identity without us, even
using the incarnation of the [Warrior] to that extent."
Tense with nervousness, Godou listened to Erica's piercing compliments.
When? When did she begin her assault? This ward should only be on the second level, if
necessary, he only simply needed to break the window and jump down, he would not die
"I have to thank Lily too, seems you've taken good care of Godou..."
An elegant smile, towards her silver-haired childhood friend.
The moment had finally arrived - a flash of steel. A shortsword had appeared in Erica's right
hand, and she stabbed towards Godou in an all-too-natural action.
"W, whoaaaaaa!"
He had already sensed that Erica would do something, but he did not quite expect it to be this
Godou shouted, hastily escaping from the bed.
The trajectory of the shortsword was evidently straight towards his chest - was his heart the
"Have you gone mad, Erica! Isn't that too disrespectful, towards our lord!"
Liliana shouted out loud, blocking Erica's shortsword with her small knife.
Gan, gan, gan, gan,[30] went the sharp clashing sound of metal, both sides using ingenious
sword techniques, exchanging intense blows with the small knife and shortsword.
And then, Erica finally lowered her shortsword.
"As I thought, you're sticking up for Godou, Lily. You don't have any intention of hiding
"Erica, I do not have anything to hide. If you understand, then refrain from such violence in
the future. No matter how many times you go mad, I will defend him."
The two female knights looked at each other with sharp gazes, exchanging words.
"E, Erica, your joke's gone a little too far, spare me..."

Though he had shrunk back in fear by that piercing gaze, Godou still said it.
"If I don't scare you a little, it won't be considered as a punishment, don't you agree? In any
case, Lily is covering up for you, something like this will definitely not do."
"Pu, punishment!?"
Erica looked at the shocked Godou with a pure smile.
As cute as a little girl, a smile like the sunflowers blooming during the summer, somehow he
had seen it somewhere before.
"I've told you this before, I'm very generous, yet I am also a girl who will not control herself.
If I have even the slightest bit of loathing for you, I will punish you. There's no problem, even
if I had really stabbed you, you won't die anyway, and on the contrary, it'll even be beneficial
to you."
"Don't be absurd! Why do I have to be treated this way!?"
"Ara, if I don't spell it out for you, you won't understand? ... You used the [Sword], right?"
- !? The shocked Godou sucked in his breath.
He had thought that if he didn't speak the truth, they would not find out. Godou had been
counting on that, but it was simply too naive of him, he had underestimated her ability to
gather information.
(The truth was that, Erica and the others, upon reaching Naples, were told by the witches duo
who had welcomed them that: 'Ara Erica-san, I'm sorry to have made you come all the way
here on purpose - don't worry, just leave supporting Kusanagi-sama to us, there's no
problem!', 'The words of power to sever Perseus will be used to his heart's content. This is
proof that, even if Erica-sama is not by his side, Kusanagi-sama will definitely not feel
inconvenienced!' becoming their source of information. Of course, there was no way that
Godou knew this.)

"The one who gave you the knowledge for the words of power was Lily, right?"
"That's correct. Because I'm the most suited person for doing that."
Erica used a humorless expression to look at the silver-haired Liliana who was very at ease.
Meeting with an enemy that had a massive growth in strength, which set off the warning bells
- that kind of expression.
"The me who excels at the sword, who is proficient in magic, and also possessing spirit
vision, my meeting with my lord, perhaps it might be destiny. If it's me, I will be able to assist
my lord in any aspect."
"'My lord', did you say?"
"Yes. With this incident as a catalyst, I've decided to become Kusanagi Godou's personal
knight, and I've even sworn an oath. Erica, even though you are my senior, but I do not intend
on particularly respecting you for it. Because, if you compare the both of us, I think that in
every single way I'm the more capable and talented person."
Liliana proclaimed thus, and...
Erica started to smile with a 'fufu', and Godou began to break out in cold sweat.
Behind that cute smile was hidden a terrifying presence, Godou could feel it, he would have
preferred her usual devil-like smile over this one.
"Really, such a hopeless person... Didn't I tell you that besides your legal wife, you could only
have one lover? Furthermore, you didn't even get my permission before laying your hands on
someone else. As I thought, I should give you a good stabbing, it's better if I teach you a
"Don't use such a cute expression while telling such jokes, it's seriously scary!"
"Seriously, when I tell a joke, I'll at least be classier about it. Right now, I'm simply stating
the things that are floating through my mind."
"Calm down and listen to me! Liliana doesn't want to become my lover, she wants to become
my knight!"
"Godou, those two phrases have the same meaning, you ought to learn some rhetoric and
debating skills. These shallow excuses of yours for your infidelity, aren't interesting at all."
"What infidelity are you talking about! Mariya, don't just keep quiet, say something!"
It was impossible to win an argument with Erica.
It was a little late when he noticed, but Godou had turned his words to another girl. No matter
how angry she was, the righteous and composed Yuri would help him...!

"That's true. Just as Erica-san has said, maybe if we let you get stabbed once, Godou-san
might regret and repent for the sins he has committed. For the sake of doing battle with the
[Heretic God], that kind of reason, stealing a maiden's lips is simply too vicious, that kind of
action is just like that of a sexual offender, a path of evil."
No help was granted.
Like a princess that sentenced a criminal to death, Yuri's tone was icy-cold.
He never expected the miko-san to use Buddhist-like speech to reprimand him, but even so
Godou decided to resist to the bitter end.
"B, but just think about it... Mariya and I... the time when we did that, isn't it the same as the
situation that happened this time? Isn't it fine if you didn't describe it like that?"
"No. That time was a completely different situation."
"Eh? That's not it?"
"Definitely different. Anyway, your actions this time and our actions then are as different as
the sky and the earth. The raving lies you are giving as excuses, are only to downplay the
severity of your crimes."
Even Yuri had said that, Godou's mind became a mess.
He had escaped from the jaws of death during his battle with Perseus, why did he have to fall
into a crisis even worse than that now? Why!?
"Seriously you all... really, such a severe lack of respect for our lord and King, but don't
worry, Kusanagi Godou, I'm the only knight that will be eternally loyal to you, becoming your
blade and shield, to stand by you no matter in life or death."
Only Liliana had made that kind of oath for him.
However, the more the extent to which she became his supporter, the greater and stronger the
feeling oppression and pressure he sensed from Erica and Yuri.
- Godou had recognized the level of danger of the status quo, and realized the fact that he had
become a player in this terribly delicate power game, and that he was lacking both time and
Right now, he could only sit in front of the three girls, nervous and helpless.
The hot night in Naples would not be ending anytime soon.


[After I finish writing this afterword, I'll go back to my hometown to get married.]
If I put up such a flag, maybe I'll be forgiven even if I don't write the afterword.
There are times when I think that.
It's been a while, if you're a first-time reader, then this would be our first meeting. I'm
Takedzuki Jou. The main point I'm trying to make is, 'writing an afterword, it's slightly
troublesome~, teehee', just that, but it had no effect on the Super Dash Editorial Department,
so I have to obediently write this.

Well then, I've succeeded in completing four volumes of this work.

In this volume, a famous figure on the level of Athena from the first volume had arrived.
To the ladies that were mesmerized by the handsome hunks Sikorsky-san had drawn, please
spread this message, 'draw even more beautiful characters' to him.
No, actually I'm very ignorant, I've never heard of any of the readers being female, but this is
just in case, I'll pretend that there are.
That being said, if this turns out to be more popular than I thought, maybe I'll release a
[Campione! Sengoku Basara Version] or something like that, I await the fiery letters that I
will receive.
By the way, I'm still considering [Campione! Tonegawa Origins Version] and also [The
Hakone Hotsprings filled with Bishoujos, porori also included Version], I hope to see the
reader's responses for that!

Also, Volumes three and four have their stages set overseas, it's about time to return to Japan.
The prologue is almost done, and the next volume will get right into the thick of action.
Though the plan is for it to be a [School Version], but plans are not set in stone, it'll be fine as
long as I inform everyone before autumn.
If it's fine with you, please continue to look forward to the next volume. We shall meet again.

June of 2009, Takedzuki Jou.

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Perseus and Andromeda: Perseus is the Greek Hero who killed Medusa;
on his return trip, he saved Andromeda, a Princess of Aethiopia, who was chained to a
rock as a sacrifice to pacify Cetus, a monster sent by Poseidon (Greek god of the
ocean) to punish the locals for their Queen's insolent boasts. Perseus slew Cetus, then
freed and married Andromeda.
2. Jump up Yamata no Orochi: literally meaning 'Eight-Branched Giant Snake',
Orochi was an eight-headed and eight-tailed Japanese dragon slain by Susanoo,
Japanese god of the sea and storms.
3. Jump up Kushinada: the eighth daughter of an elderly couple, whose previous
seven daughters were all eaten by Orochi. After Susanoo offered to take her away to
be saved, he then turned her into a comb to accompany him into 'battle' with Orochi
(he actually got Orochi drunk and killed it).
4. Jump up Divine Sword: After killing Orochi, Susanoo discovered the sword Ameno-Murakumo (also known as the Sword of Kusanagi) within its body, one of the most
famous artifacts of Japan which would later become one of the three pieces of the
Imperial Reglia.
5. Jump up Siegfried and Fafnir: Siegfried of the German epic Nibelungenlied (and
also known as Sigurd in Norse mythology) slayed the dragon Fafnir, before he bathed
in its blood which made his body invulnerable. However, a leaf was stuck on his back
as he bathed where the blood did not touch, and this vulnerable spot later caused his
6. Jump up Lancelot and the Sword: As a baby, Sir Lancelot was carried off by the
Lady of the Lake who raised him in the faerie realms. The Lady of the Lake was also
renowned as the one who presented Arthur with Excalibur, although in some earlier
Arthurian stories Lancelot was the one who received the famous sword instead.
7. Jump up : google the phrase if you're curious.
8. Jump up Literal translation, I believe Lucretia is referring how Godou is fishing for
more girls with the girls he already has on hand (to be honest I have no idea).
9. Jump up Reference to Genji from the Genji Monogatari. There's a manga called
Minamoto-kun Monogatari which is also based on that.
10. Jump up The kanji used here is , which could mean moustache, beard or whiskers.
In this case it probably means beard, I don't recall pirates having moustaches or
11. Jump up Reference to '' (Osha Majo Doremi, or Magical
12. Jump up Christianity.
13. Jump up Mineuchi refers to striking with the back of the blade
14. Jump up A reference to Walpurgisnacht (Like Madoka)
15. Jump up A second as in a duel, the person who takes over once the first guy loses.
16. Jump up A nickname, it's written in katakana
17. Jump up The exact lines here were &
18. Jump up She says this in a hurry.
19. Jump up Loli without saying loli.
20. Jump up A flashback
21. Jump up He's singing ['O sole mio], a Neapolitan song written in 1898
22. Jump up The katakana used is 'episode'. It sounds weird, but I can't bring myself to
change it.
23. Jump up This is an sfx that expresses the tightening of one's chest.

24. Jump up Karen's exact words are '',

which I can't find a proper replacement for in English. The former means 'Understood'
in a very formal manner, and the latter is a greeting when you are seeing someone off.
25. Jump up This is a really difficult paragraph. Almost all of the phrases she used is
pretty much descriptive/definitive of a married couple - the birds flying wing to wing,
the entwined branches of the same tree. Oshidori - is a mandarin duck, and at the
end she used , which is the oshidori's pledge - which refers to the
closeness and good relations between a married couple (or something like that).
26. Jump up
27. Jump up These refer to two different beings. The Emperor Elagabalus, also known
as Heliogabalus, and the sun god Heliogabalus, also known as Elagabalus. They have
the same name.
28. Jump up Jesus
29. Jump up A Greek martial art.
30. Jump up Weapons clashing sfx.

Erica Blandelli was a girl who stood out.
Her combination of reddish blond hair glittering like a crown, dazzling looks, perplexing
volume showing a balanced sense of beauty, and the fact that she still is not even fully
developed attracted attention wherever she went.
And she was a foreigner.
In this secluded island country, that was reason enough to attract stares.
Then again, in the neighborhood in Aoyama, there were far more foreigners than elsewhere. It
was only a bit, but you could say that the usual causes of her radiance were less effective.
It was past ten at night. She was sitting in an open air cafe along the Aoyama Doori.[1]
Wearing leather pants that matches with her jersey, Erica was waiting for her appointment.
September had only just begun. If it were noon, she would be wearing sunglasses right about
now. While showing off her 160-plus centimeter tall model-like body, Erica was idly
spending her time.
"I am very sorry for making you wait, Erica-sama."
"You certainly did, Karen. Such a mistake is unlike you."
Erica elegantly gave her reply to the latecomer.
Karen Jankulovski.
She was the personal maid for Liliana Kranjcar, Erica's rival.

But right then she was not wearing her usual maid dress, but a camisole and a short-sleeved
cardigan. She could well be on her way for a night out in town.
"I was caught by Liliana-sama on my way out. She wanted to know where I was going..."
"I assume you managed to put her in a box?
"Without a hitch. We are talking about Liliana-sama here. You can say coaxing her is no more
than child's play."
The women denouncing their old friend/rival and Mistress, respectively, exchanged malicious
The two women from Europe beautifully displayed what many Japanese would see as a wellacquainted relationship. In short, they were like two happily plotting villains.
"You're a bad girl, Karen. Very reliable."
"You're flattering me, but compared to you I still have a long way to go, Erica-sama... so then,
this is the promised item."
Karen put a batch of copy-paper on the table.
The girl also known as [Diavolo Rosso] took it with graceful delicacy and checked its
It was the latest edition of the literature that Liliana had been writing since a few years back.
It contained love stories, poems, and her occasional thoughts. Karen had stealthily copied
them and Erica purchased them for a high price. These business transactions occurred exactly
once a year.
"Oh Lily... this time you've become even more of a poetic maiden..."
"Ohh, but this is because she's experiencing the season of love for the first time in her life.
There's nothing she can do about it... ohh, doesn't this topic cause you a bit of discomfort,
Erica-sama? I am very sorry."
Erica just shrugged her shoulders to Karen's nonchalant statement.
It was not a pleasant topic, but she was neither honest nor careless enough to let it show on
her face. She maintained a very elegant attitude, implying a subtle cynicism.
"I don't care about what you did in Naples anymore. I just won't show any more openings that
will be taken advantage of... By the way, Karen, do you really think Lily has a chance of
winning that certain person over from me? This is not a sword duel, you know?"
"That certainly is a pending problem, but, well, I am with her in this," Karen said, half
admitting Erica's point. "What Liliana-sama lacks, the staff around her just has to make up
for... And more importantly, you are extremely unfair in this regard, Erica-sama. Apart from

your magical prowess and political strength boosted by your feminine wiles, you are also very
intelligent. Couldn't you give us a handicap?"
"What do you want me to do about it? All of that is what makes me Erica Blandelli."
Erica calmly smiled at both the compliment and the complaint.
"Ahh, but if you're going to compliment me like that, please also praise Godou's good luck of
meeting a woman like me. He has no idea, but he really is one blessed fellow!"
"Godou-sama, you say? ... Is it possible that that gentleman likes women who will make him
spoil them?"
"I'm sure he doesn't hate them, why do you ask?"
"Nothing; Liliana-sama was so proactive and yet it didn't appear to leave a big impact on his
emotions. So I thought, rather than proactive, assertive women, maybe a selfish woman who
makes him spoil her... If he has reached that level at his young age already, I can see him
become a considerable playboy in the near future," Karen said in deep thought. She was
probably thinking about how Liliana was behaving lately.
Erica laughed silently and showed a victorious smile.
"No matter how proactive she is, if she says she does it 'as a knight~~,' that blockhead will
take it at face value. If you put those two together for just a while, they might get better..."
"Ahh, are you talking about that Japanese miko[2] Right, speaking of miko..."
Suddenly Karen changed the topic.
"'Hime-Miko'[3]... just what kind of people are they? There was also that something-or-othercommittee. The Japanese magic associations seem to be quite peculiar."
For a European magician, that impression was only natural.
Erica nodded. The associations the girls belonged to were "Copper Black Cross" and "Bronze
Black Cross."
Both of these associations were based in Milan, Italy and were noteworthy on an international
At least one association existed in every current and historical major city, and they formed the
world of magicians, different from the public society. That went without saying in Europe.
However, Japan had few magic associations.
Most of them were sects rooted in Buddhism, but they did not gather in the cities.

Magicians living in the cities did not create their own associations but were instead organized
and regulated by a state-controlled group called "History Compilation Committee." And then
there were the Hime-Mikos in question.
"Let's see. Yuri has gone to Europe a lot, so there are people who know about her, but... the
truth is that her involvement in the group called 'Hime-Miko' isn't very well known. You see,
apparently the 'Hime-Miko' are scouted from families having an amiable relationship with the
History Compilation Committee and receive a special education to make the most of their
spiritual powers."
There was not much information on Hime-Miko. Its membership was probably controlled by
the History Compilation Committee.
Even with the power of an association like the "Copper Black Cross", details such as their
numbers or what kind of spiritual power each one holds were unclear.
"Probably, the trick that brings forth new Hime-Miko lies in their lineage. I believe the
Committee always keeps track of those families that easily produce people with exceptional
spiritual powers; the Committee also observes and protects them so that their bloodlines don't
die out. During that process, those with greater spiritual powers are selected as Hime-Miko...
something like that."
It was easier for girls than boys to manifest special spiritual dispositions such as spirit vision.
In Europe, it was the same with those who held the qualities of a "witch". The point was,
women had a higher chance of holding exceptional dispositions.
"You mean, there are people with special abilities like Yuri Mariya scattered all about?"
"It appears there aren't 'that' many, but at least a few. According to the information I have
gotten hold of, Yuri Mariya seems to be very high-ranked even among Hime-Miko."
Erica certainly did not just played around during the three months she had been in Japan.
Although she could not skip school much due to Godou's nagging, as a knight serving a
Campione, she had seen to various arrangements and investigations.
Putting the copy-paper she had come for into a bag, Erica stood up.
Karen bowed respectfully with a composed expression.
"Thanks as always. It really helps me out to have such a generous business partner."
"It's only natural to pay a proper price for such excellent commodities. Although I would
gladly pay even more if important information about the [Bronze Black Cross] comes along
with it."
"Your feelings alone are more than enough. I don't want to be purged as a traitor yet."

She would stop at the least possible danger, when it could still be settled as an amusing tale.
That was what Karen wanted to say.
To her reasonable reply, Erica responded with a ladylike smile.
That was the type of the people with whom Erica liked to maintain long-term business
relationships. After all, those who did not know their own limits could fail when others least
expect it.
In that regard, Karen was Erica's ideal accomplice, for she would be able to supply Erica with
her mistress's personal information for years to come.
"I see. Then, see you some other time. Ahh, if you have any other interesting information on
Lily, I'll pay a lot for it as well."
"Understood. If I come upon such a thing, I will certainly contact you. Good night."
Sent off by Karen, Erica left her seat.
The night was long. There were still many things that she had to do.

In the end, it was nearly 3am when Erica was in the vicinity of her home again.
There were no strong magic associations in Tokyo. However, there were quite a few wizards.
After parting with Karen, Erica headed to a certain hotel and took part in an auction they held
in a room there. It was a secret meeting where foci and grimoires were sold on a large scale.
Some items seemed like they would be confiscated right away if the History Compilation
Committee were to find them.
Erica was participating because she hoped to obtain a rare fetish, and she wanted to make
personal connections with magicians unrelated to the Committee.
There were no valuable goods so she did not buy anything, but her other goal went well.
This was another night where she had made her name and face known.
It had been three month since she came to Japan. Apart from being the genius magician who
came from Italy, she was also the lover of a devil king, a Campione. By now, there were not
many people 'in the business' in Tokyo who still did not know of her.
After getting out of the taxi, Erica walked up the short path to her mansion. The night had
gotten late and there were no signs of life whatsoever.
Nevertheless, Erica stopped in her tracks, feeling an unpleasant presence.

Sixth sense... did not nail it. It was a smell mixed into the nightly air.
A faint smell of iron stimulated her nose. Immediately after she felt it, the attack came.
Cutting the air, a lump of iron came flying.
The gently curving blades belonged to refined, old-style Japanese swords. However, there
were no handles. The four swords were welded together at the base.
The curvature grew stronger as it traversed down the blade, forming something like a swastika
symbol.[4] Although no one held the strange sword, it was floating in midair and continued to
attack her while rotating at high speed.
Erica immediately jumped away and used magic to call forth her magic sword.
Cuore Di Leone.
The lion's magic sword had an elegant, slender blade and shone with a cool and clear silver
With it, Erica tried to knock down the swords flying in the air. However, her strike was
returned by the swastika. The blades rotating like an electric fan sent Cuore Di Leone flying
from its wielder's hands.
Erica had been disarmed.
The swastika sword attacked right away.
However, with a magnificent smile decorating her lips, Erica started reciting.
"Arges, Steropos, Brontes. Bestow thy blessing of lightning upon my sword!"
At that moment, Cuore Di Leone, which had been knocked high up into the air from her
hands, gave off purple sparks.
There was a flash descending from the heavens.
The magic sword that held the name of the lion was draped in lightning as it swooped down
and pierced the swastika from above.
This time it pierced the center, where the four blades were linked together, without being
blown off.
The swastika was completely run through. Smashed to pieces, its blades fell to the ground.
"Its structure is too simple to be some kind of golem or gargoyle. So is this a 'Made in Japan'
thing after all?"

While muttering, Erica pulled out a handkerchief.

With it, she picked up one of the smashed fragments and tucked it away. It appeared that a
new danger was closing in on herjust what she wanted.
With her adventurous spirit stimulated, Erica walked the rest of the way to her home with a
light skip in her steps.

Chapter 1 - Omen of a Storm

Part 1
When people spoke of shrines in Yushima in the Bunkyou ward, it was usually about
Yushima Tenjin.[5]
There was also the famous Kanda Myoujin[6] nearby. But right now, she was not at such a
major place. There was a quiet shrine in the backstreets of Yushima. Usually without a priest
or a full-time miko, this little shrine was cared for by the neighborhood parishioners.
She opened the door to the cozy front shrine and stepped inside.
People from the vicinity who caught a glimpse of her might have thought it strange.
Because after throwing open the usually closed door, the female high-school student wearing
a short-sleeved uniform began to roam around shamelessly. But since she was not breaking
any laws, there was no reason to reprimand her.
Besides, it was five in the morning. There were almost no pedestrians passing by.
"I said I got it, grampsy. Yeah I'm fine, probably... ohh shut it. Well, I've never gone out with
a boy before, but... And whose fault do you think that is?"
While sitting courtly in seiza[7] posture, she was talking fiercely on her cell phone.
Outside, strong winds were blowing violently.
The howling wind continued to rock the shrine as if it was one step short of blowing it away.
The sky was covered by dark clouds and looked about to rain any time.
"Eh, how to seduce a man? ... If you're the one to teach me, it's not going to be of any use
anyway, grampsy. You're behind the times at best, you know? I'll study by myself."
With one hand, the girl skillfully unfastened the package on the floor.

A long sword in a black lacquered scabbard appeared. It was her reliable partner, three shaku,
three sun, five bu[8] long.
Right next to it, ten-odd sheets of paper were strewn about. It was an investigation report on
two girls about her age.
"Leaving that aside, I've found an interesting girl... Yep, right, one of the king's lovers... Yeah,
because I don't feel like losing. I'll chase her out of Japan for sure... Yes... Yes yes. Of course
I'm ready to use force if it gets down to it. That way's more interesting. Okay, I'll contact you
After ending the conversation, the girl picked up one of the paper sheets.
Erica Blandelli. Native of Milan, Italy. Member of the Magic Association [Copper Black
Cross], Age 16.
Height 165cm. BWH 87/58/88.
There was even a photo attached. It showed an incredibly beautiful girl.
She, Seishuuin Ena, was complacently smiling while looking at the [Diavolo Rosso]'s
personal information.
"As an opponent she lacks nothing. This girl will surely allow you and Ena to have some fun."
While calling out to her partner lying on the floor, Ena was looking outside.
It had become completely silent.
The violent wind had weakened and the sun rays were piercing the clouds.
"So that wind was grampsy's fault after all... he's such a troublesome grandpa."

After shrugging her shoulders and murmuring, Ena was about to stuff her cell phone into her
pocket when she remembered that it was completely discharged. Pausing midway, she started
looking for the battery charger which should be in her bag.
The cell phone Seishuuin Ena had been talking over had had no power source.

Part 2
In Erica Blandelli's dictionary, there was no idiom like "Early to bed, early to rise."
Instead the opposite existed. She would stay up late at night and, unless there were other
businesses, she would sleep until around noon.
That was the life-style Erica Blandelli loved.
But, this morning, she abruptly got up from her bed at 5am.
It was not like she wanted to enjoy an invigorating morning on a whim.
While rubbing her tired eyes, she picked up the cell phone near her pillow and dialed a
number registered in her address book. The other party did not pick up, but she persistently
"What ishh it, Ericca, ishh early in the moring. ... is emergency...or
At last, her lover, Kusanagi Godou, had picked up.
Probably he was not awake either. He was slurring his words.
Usually this was when she would present him with a graceful morning greeting and a kiss
over the telephone. But right now Erica did not have the composure for that, so she cut
straight to the point.
"Hey, Godou... today you don't need to come pick me up. I'll go to school at noon. It's
regrettable that I won't be able to see your face when waking up, but that's how it is..." Erica
said with a whisper that lacked the richness her voice usually had.
It was a faint voice, one that gave a very immature impression.
She was not a morning person; hence the only one who had the privilege to contact her under
such dire circumstances was Kusanagi Godou.
"I don't remember our school having flextime."
"Flextime or not isn't the problem. The problem is that I'm unbearably tired this morning. I
won't be able to welcome you like this even if you come. I'll probably be in bed the whole
time... Ahh, if you like, you can spend the whole morning in bed with me...?"

Because she was weak in the morning, it was Godou's daily routine to come and pick her up
for school.
But even though she called him out of concern over that, she still received a sharp reply in
"You know, even if we put the problem with flextime on hold, I don't understand this sudden
call early in the morning with neither restraint nor prior arrangement... it wouldn't have
happened if you had just used some common sense"
"Because... the two of us need neither restraint nor common sense between us. We have love."
"There are so many things I should say about that, but my head isn't working well yet... I'll tell
you later at school. Don't skip."
"Then I'll tell you what I want to say right now. I love you, and, good night," Erica whispered
gently and threw the cell phone away.
She stretched out on the bed again, closed her eyes, and returned to her country of sweet
dreams right away.

Kusanagi Godou earnestly felt miserable. Waking up early in the morning had been the worst.
He had been struck awake by Erica's call at five 'o clock in the morning.
As a consequence of waking up half-way, he had lost the will to go to sleep again.
With the creed "early to bed, early to rise," Godou always got up right after 6am. So even if
he got up at five, it was not that hard. But a normal human would not have called him that
early in the morning.
He had hoped for Erica to treat people with more common sense.
He melancholically muttered to himself.
He was in Jounan Academy's year 1 class 5 before morning homeroom. However, in the seat
next to him, Erica was nowhere to be seen. It seemed she would be late just like her advance
notice said.
"Seriously, that girl..." As Godou sighed, the female student next to him started talking to
"I do not see Erica. Were you not together this morning?"
"She contacted me saying she'd be late because she's sleepy."
"That girl was saying such things again? She really has not changed since she was a little
child! She is always so selfish and not even trying to stick to the rules..."

The angrily muttering girl had her silver hair collected in a ponytail.
Liliana Kranjcar. After leaving her hometown of Milan, the great knight came all the way to
Tokyo for him. It was the result of him thoughtlessly consenting when she told him "she'd
stay by his side as his knight."
Before he knew it, Liliana, who had arrived in Japan at the end of August, had decided to
study abroad.
She got into year 1 class 5 of the private Jounan Academy, which was his class. During
homeroom on the first day, she had suddenly made an announcement.
Even though she was an Italian exchange student, she introduced herself in flawless Japanese.
When told that her seat was along the windows, Liliana had frowned with a twitch.
And then she declared right after stalwartly walking up to Godou's seat:
"To begin, I should first explain: I, Liliana Kranjcar, have someone I have sworn to share my
destiny with, to be close with at all times. It is this gentleman, Kusanagi Godou."
She had a magnificent tone of voice; her words spoken like performances from a classical
Greek drama.
"What is she saying all of a sudden?"
When their classmates all made expressions that seemed to say that, Liliana had continued her
address. That she, who could be called his knight, would constantly be waiting by his side.
"The place I should sit at cannot be anywhere other than by his side. I would like you to think
about helping me with my mission and pardon my selfishness."
That appeal had surprised Godou.
No, she was being impossible. He had wanted to remonstrate her, but he was now at a loss for
Suddenly the surrounding students had gotten up from their seats and started changing seats to
grant Liliana's firm request.
At that time Liliana must have used hypnotism or some kind of magic.
Just like that, she had secured the seat next to him, and the class had immediately recognized:
On Kusanagi Godou's right sat Erica Blandelli, and on his left sat Liliana Kranjcar; the two
beautiful girls who came from Europe surrounded Godou and competed for his attention.
Liliana was burning with helpfulness towards Godou. Erica nonchalantly interfered with that.

After that day, such spectacles would repeat themselves many times. But today, one of the
two in question was absent. It seemed like he would finally be able to spend time calming his
heart, so Godou was relieved.
"Kusanagi Godou. Your complexion is not what it should be. Do you lack sleep?"
"I did sleep well, but I woke up at an odd time. That may be why..."
When Liliana suddenly asked him, Godou opted to answer safely. He did not mention Erica's
name out of a knight's compassion.
"Adequate sleep is the basis for a healthy life. Please also take care to maintaining your
health," she told him with an overly serious expression. Since she certainly was right, he had
nothing to refute.
When Godou nodded with a bitter smile, the silver-haired knight sighed.
"This is no laughing matter. Your lack of self-awareness as a king is an evident weakness of
yours... however, there is nothing we can do about it today. I thought this might happen, so
please have some of the coffee I prepared this morning."
With that said, Liliana pulled a thermos flask out of her bag.
'What preparedness!' Godou was a little surprised at the unexpected development.
"How much sugar and milk should I add?"
"Ah, please don't put any. Black is fine."
"That is bad for your stomach, I cannot recommend that way of drinking. Well, no helping it
now, let us take it one step at a time."
"Ah, okay."
When he accepted the presented coffee, Liliana said without a moments delay:
"It is hot, so please take care. If you don't mind, should I cool it for you?"
"Y-you don't need to go that far...," he perplexedly replied to her, who was leaning forward to
blow on the coffee. Ever since this new knight had precipitously joined him, she has always
taken on a very polite demeanor.
Coming from a family built on the principle of laissez-faire,[9] Godou had never experienced
being care for to this degree, not even during infancy.
Liliana scowled at his reserved reply with a stern face.
"This is also my duty as a knight. Feel free to order me as you like. You should become more
used to making use of people... What is that! Take your shirt off right away! Quickly!"

"Eh? Why?"
Liliana, her face changing color, drew closer to the wincing Godou.
"Your shirt has become frayed. I need to sew it right away."
"Y-you can leave that much alone."
"It would be my shame if I allowed you to look like that."
In the end, Godou, overpowered by the girl's forcefulness, took his shirt off and handed it to
When he was in his t-shirt, he noticed the stares concentrating on him from the surroundings.
Everyone was observing themwhile quietly whispering to each other, while giggling, or
while smacking their lips in annoyance. They gave impressions like 'Get a room!' or 'Eeeek,
filthy!' or 'Tsk. That damn Kusanagi... he should just die.'
It was as though they were looking at a pimp that did nothing but leech off women.
At that moment, when his dignity as a man was being doubted... Godou finally realized what
was going on around him.
Then lunch break arrived.
While heading for the rooftop, Godou was assailed by anxiety.
If he continued onward like that, he could not help but feel that he would rush head-on into an
even scarier minefield. But since he still had no excuse to escape...
The first to welcome him on the rooftop was Liliana.
"I have been waiting for you... However, since our destinations were the same, could you not
have come here together with me?" she inquired in ill humor.
Under her dissatisfied expression Godou's body slightly cramped.
"So-sorry. I went to buy some bread."
"Is that so? That is unfortunate... finally a chance to be alone and progress our relationship..."
When Godou made a suitable excuse, Liliana mumbled away to herself.
"Ah, nothing. As a knight. Right, because as a knight I must act as your guard. Anyways, let
us quickly have lunch!"

While her mouth ran non-stop, Liliana produced a bundle from her bag that looked like a
With handmade sandwiches and fresh juice among other things, no one could object about
either its taste or nutrition.

In contrast to the lunchboxes Erica brought, which were carefully prepared by Arianna,
Liliana also began bringing handmade cooking every day. Usually they would share the
gathered food with everyone, but...
This day Erica was absent. But everyone else still gathered.
Mariya Yuri was from the class next door and his little sister Shizuka especially came from
the middle school section.
Would lunch really end safely with this lineup? As anxiety assailed Godou, Yuri timidly
asked him a question.
"E-Erica-san is not present today?"
"Yeah, she said she'd come to school today but I guess she's not here yet."
"I... see...," Yuri murmured and fell silent, looking depressed. Then even Godou became
Ever since the events in Naples, his relationship with her had become delicately awkward.
He felt that before the summer holidays, while being reserved around each other, they had
become wonderfully close. However, lately it had always been like this, somewhat formal.
If at least Erica were here, she would liven up the place with her ingenious conversation
It was time to do something. While looking at Yuri, who had been plunged into silence,
Godou made up his mind. He might be over-thinking matters, but he would feel bad if the
situation went on without him doing anything.
"You need not care about such a selfish woman. Leaving that aside, Kusanagi Godou, I
warned you the other day, and yet you still obtained something like that again?" Liliana
interjected in ill humor.
"Eh? What are you talking about?"
"I am talking about that. About that obviously nutrient-deficient bread!"
She was staring at the yakisoba bread[10] that Godou bought.

Even among the bread in the store, it was particularly a popular article. The sweetness and
saltiness of the sauce surrounding the noodles was exquisite, and it was always sold out a few
minutes after the beginning of lunch break.
That day he had managed to buy two of those popular items. He also purchased an egg
sandwich and a croquette sandwich along with them, but in terms of rarity they were no match
for the yakisoba bread.
But apparently the knight from Milan disliked this specialty bread that was unique to Japan.
"Combining carbohydrates with carbohydrates is reckless at best. So long as my heart beats, I
shall not permit that kind of crude meal."
And just like that, Liliana confiscated the yakisoba bread. In return, she forced a self-made
sandwich onto him.
Roast beef and lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, avocados, and other ingredients held between
toasted rye bread, seasoned with what appeared to be a handmade sauce.
"A meal like this is appropriate for a warrior. Now, please eat up."
"A-ahh. Then, thanks..."
Actually, that day he had wanted to be satisfied by the taste of junk food sauce.
But refusing Liliana's consideration with such a reason would feel awkward.
Godou bit into the sandwich. Of course, it was delicious. It tasted better than the food offered
by the cafes in the area. The pickled vegetables that were offered along with the sandwich
were outstanding as well.
It was not just garnished with the customary cucumber, but carrots and broccoli as well. When
he asked, he learned that they were also self-made.
It was a lunch prepared with a lot of time and effort that left nothing to be desired in both taste
and nutrition.
However, Godou unintentionally stared at the yakisoba bread, which had been regretfully
"Hey, could you return that to me? I still have room for more..." he asked tentatively. Junk
food with an excess of salt and sauce had a charm that was hard to resist, after all. As a former
athlete, he normally showed self-restraint; but from time to time gluttony would overcome
"I-I cannot. This was hard, but I confiscated it under consideration of your own good, you
Liliana somehow became flustered when Godou asked.

"E-even if you ask me with such a face, this is out of the question, simply out of the
question... But, umm, it is not that I cannot consent to giving you half of it. S-split half of it
with me. That would be fine."
"Liliana-san. Please don't change your position so abruptly~" Shizuka said to Liliana as she
suddenly came around to agreeing.
Until now, she had been sarcastically watching the exchange between her brother and the
silver-haired knight.
"It's shameful to be like a mother going all soft on her child just because he's throwing a
She was not outright rude, but Shizuka's tone contained an obvious thorn. Minding that, Yuri,
who sat across her, softly chided her.
"Shizuka-san, you must not speak like that. Well, I also think that Liliana's behavior is
inconsistent, but..."
"C-could you stop with the strange accusations?"
Liliana cleared her throat with a somewhat sheepish expression.
"Shizuka-san, I only acted with appropriate concern towards your older brother. In addition, I
presented a compromise to meet his wishes as much as possible. Therefore, Mariya Yuri, all
my actions were taken thinking of Kusanagi Godou's well-being. In that sense, all of my
actions are consistent, I believe."
She was stiffer towards the younger Shizuka than towards Yuri, who was her age.
Liliana made her arguments with that slight difference in attitude.
"In short, that means you've totally caved in against my brother, right?"
"I caved in against Kusanagi Godou? Ridiculous. I am always strict and push high standards
onto him. What you said just now was clearly a mistake of the facts," Liliana said as she took
out a napkin.
When she suddenly handed it to him, Godou was startled.
"Ahh, this is no good. You have gotten sauce on you. Your dignity and authority will be for
naught like this. Okay, it is all right now. You are an unexpectedly troublesome person,
hmm?" she said while wiping Godou's mouth.
Although she called him troublesome, Liliana still looked very content for some reason. It
was a strange feeling of enrichment, and, from the looks of it, Yuri and Shizuka had awfully
cold stares.

"Onii-chan, I can't believe it. You look like an idiot. You're totally being babied!"
Were these possibly the same reactions that had occurred earlier in the classroom? Exposed to
stares that doubted his character and dignity, Godou was horrified.
By the way, Liliana and Shizuka had met for the first time on the last day of the summer
Saying that her personal arrangements in Italy had finished at last, Liliana had appeared in
Nezu[11] in the Bunkyou ward and went straight to Godou's house to introduce herself.
At that time, both Godou and Shizuka had been at home, and so was their grandfather Ichirou.
He had instructed her not to reveal information on magicians, knights, or Campione to his
family, so Liliana had not used those words.
Still. Still.
"I came to take care of Kusanagi Godou" or "we shall be together forever."
"Our relationship binds us with the same fate; we are one in body and soul" or "I intend to
protect him for all our lives" were also unnecessary, Godou believed.
At that time, his grandfather had laughed "Hoho, well well" and gave Liliana a warm
But after she had gone home, he had whispered: "You see, girls like that brood over too many
things, so you need to be careful with them. How should I say it; whether they let you live or
die is up to you..."
That piece of advice somehow seemed weighed down with meaning. And speaking of
"When you vanished off somewhere at the start of the summer holidays, I can't believe you
were out catching such a beautiful person! You weren't satisfied with just Erica-san and
Mariya-san; no, you had to get a third one!?! Onii-chan, you're totally like grandpa!"
Just like that, she had become exceedingly hotheaded. 'Little sister of mine, don't have weird
misunderstandings about your brother.' But when he tried to relay that to her, Liliana had
objected first.
"Shizuka-san, your words just now are mistaken. Unlike Erica or Mariya Yuri, I do not intend
to become your brother's lover. Liliana Kranjcar is a knight that will protect Kusanagi Godou
until the end, living my life alongside him... that is the purpose of my existence."
"Liliana-san, please stop using such strange words!"

As Yuri interjected, Shizuka also winced at the term, one not usually used by modern middle
and high school students.
But Liliana's face remained calm.
"Am I wrong, Mariya Yuri? I have already recognized that as what you are waiting for."
"That is not true! That very idea is a misunderstanding!"
"I see... Well then, if you say you have no ambition to become his lover, please refrain from
excessive meddling. As it is my duty, I shall earnestly remain in waiting by Kusanagi Godou's
side. I would like you to not interfere."
Faced with Liliana's decisive words, Yuri became flustered.
While Godou grew worried as he listened next to her.
If the usually reserved Japanese miko and the dutiful Milanese knight continued to diverge
like that, it would definitely leave a bad aftertaste. He should settle matters before it came to
"Hey, Liliana, don't be so stiff. Mariya only says that because she's worried about us. It's
nothing to be so hard on her for."
Matters like these should be resolved before they take deep roots.
Maybe it was because he had been the captain when he was still playing baseball, but Godou
had gotten used to this sort of problem. It was not necessary to be excessively friendly among
teammates, but discord hidden in the shadows was not good.
Especially if a girl like Yuri was involved, he wanted to be considerate.
"I'm sorry, Mariya. You also understand that Liliana meant no harm, right? I'll make sure
she's careful from now on, so don't take it to heart", Godou said to Yuri, who looked at him
rather happily.
"Y-yes. I don't particularly mind."
"Okay, great. Lately I've always seemed to make you angry... sorry. I've been waiting for the
right time to apologize, but there were no chances and..." he gently smiled at her. He felt this
was a chance to try and fix his relationship with Yuri.
This miko had a really nagging streak, but it was all out of consideration for him. If he was
not thankful for that, he would incur divine punishment.
If he could, he would like to stay on good terms with her for a long time to come.

"I should be the one to apologize deeply. After seeing how well Godou-san and Liliana-san
got along lately, my chest grew strangely nauseous, and gave me dark thoughts... I also
thought I should improve my attitude."
"Ahh, so you felt the same. True, you've been cold to me lately, huh, Mariya?"
"Please! Don't tease me like that!"
Yuri suddenly turned her face away. It was unusual for her, but she was pouting.
After seeing that, a relieved Godou turned around towards Liliana next. If he managed to
gently finish the matter now... Even so, she frowned at him, her expression full of amazement.
"I am impressed, Kusanagi Godou... How you handled the upset Mariya Yuri just now
revealed quite the skill. I should have expected no less from someone who became renowned
for his dirty interests at such a young age."
'Seriously, you are only smooth at times like this...' Liliana grumbled.
"Hey, what do you mean with 'handle?' Don't make me sound like a weirdo!"
"There is no need to justify yourself. No matter how much you lust after women, even if the
worst happens and you invite destruction upon yourself, at least I will be your ally... Indeed, I
had already taken that amount of trouble into account when I precipitously joined you."
That line invited way too many misunderstandings. Sensing danger, Godou was about to
chide her, but it was already too late.
"Liliana-san. What was it you just said? About Onii-chan and dirty interests?"
"I meant it as I said it. You seem to be aware already, but your big brother has pledged love
with quite a number of women, and he is very accomplished when it comes to enjoying that
"Wait, Liliana, don't make up fishy stories!"
"Onii-chan, you stay quiet. Liliana-san, please continue," Shizuka interrupted Godou's protest
and urged Liliana to go on.
Liliana answered her question somewhat dejectedly.
"Yes. The truth is, I also fear that your brother will suffer one day due to this bad habit. When
I think of wicked women like Erica being so close to him..."
"Aren't you right~ Many people fell to ruin due to womanizing, right~"
Shizuka, who agreed in her responses like this, also threw harsh looks at Liliana. Her
countenance seemed to say "you're also one of his playmates, aren't you?"

"But Shizuka-san, please stop blaming your brother's present sense of virtue. Since times
immemorial, great men have always had great fondness for sexual pleasures. The fact that
nothing but beautiful maidens gather around Kusanagi Godou is, in a sense, proof of his
qualities. You should not scold him so much over such a minor matter."
"Hmmm? So that's how you think about it?"
"Yes. In short, we simply need to avoid situations where he loses his way due to women. And
seeing to that is my duty, the duty of the one who is in waiting by his side. I shall protect your
brother without fail. So, Shizuka-san, if you could please be more tolerant?"
"Onii-chan, aren't you lucky? Liliana-san understands even your womanizing." Shizuka
ignored Liliana's admonishment disinterestedly. Trying to follow their conversation left
Godou quite perplexed.
"So, you're saying Onii-chan doesn't need to reflect on his behavior?"
"No, I cannot state that with certainty. Even as a playmate, he should probably avoid Erica. In
Mariya Yuri's case... it depends on her behavior from now on. From my point of view, he
should aim for women that cause less trouble in the future," Liliana said and directed her
judging gaze at the Hime-Miko, who was blessed with beauty in both expression and
Yuri reacted with bewilderment.
"Hey, isn't this going in a strange direction!?"
"No. I believe the direction is correct. If you do not correct your womanizing attitude, there
will be people who seek to make use of it later."
"Li-Liliana-san, aren't you saying a tiny little bit too much..."
A sour-looking Godou was faced with a composed Liliana and Yuri, who had taken a
complete turn from her earlier attitude to the defensive.
These three were cynically watched by Shizuka.
"Mariya-san is all over you just because you were a little nice to her. Liliana-san is open to
your affairs and ready to recognize them. If one of them becomes your wife, you won't even
need to go through all the trouble grandpa did. Isn't that great for you, Onii-chan."
He wasn't in control anymore. It was just then when Godou looked up at the sky in
"A pleasant day to you, everybody. It seems to be very lively and fun here. Hello, Godou, I
couldn't tell you this morning, but instead I'll tell you right now with lots of affection
included. I am really happy to be able to see you."
Someone greeted them in a self-serving tone.

While radiating elegance and grace, Erica showed herself on the rooftop. Even the school's
summer uniform looked like it was custom-tailored for her.
More than her superficial beauty, it was her inner values that let this girl shine.
"Oh, I thought something has happened, and looking at your faces I can pretty much guess."
While looking at everybody around her, Erica radiantly asked her old friend and rival: "Lily,
please give me a sandwich, too. I've only had a cappuccino today so I'm starved."
"Th-there is a lot of other food. Even if it is not mine..."
"But it's made by you, isn't it? And it looks to be the most delicious. When you have room to
choose, choosing the most delicious or interesting one is my principle. You know that, right?"
"You are as selfish a girl as always!"
Liliana sounded abusive, but when she heard the praise "delicious," she held out the package
of sandwiches, seeming not as annoyed as she would have others believe.
Erica accepted one with the beautiful smile of a lady and turned her eyes to Yuri.
"I'm glad for you, Yuri. You managed to make up with Godou, didn't you? Ever since the
summer break, you've been completely awkward; it was painful to look at. Please allow me to
congratulate you."
"Ah, yes. Thanks to you I somehow..."
Erica had done nothing at all, but the overwhelmed Yuri thanked her.
Then she turned to Shizuka and continued courteously and sociably: "Shizuka-san, I know
that you are irritated but please let it slide already. At the beginning of the 2nd school term, it
had been so long since I had gotten to meet Godou that we ended up overdoing it. Look, he
was with you for all of August..."
"U-using that as a reason..."
"Godou told me, you know, that he'd spend the rest of the holidays with his little sister, so he
couldn't meet me as much. It was sad, but being with one's family was also important, so I
bore it. I wouldn't call this return for that, but could you let this pass? Please...?"
Certainly, he had not met Erica very much during August. She had excused herself for being
busy with work for the magic society [Copper Black Cross] and had apparently been bustling
about all over the place. At that time, he had also been distant with Yuri, and Liliana had only
arrived in Japan at the very end of the holidays.
So they had not met not because Godou had asked them, but...
"I-is that so, Onii-chan? Is that why you accompanied me?"

"Uhhm, what should I say..."

"Don't be shy, Godou. Weren't you worried that you weren't looking after your little sister
"I see... Ohh Onii-chan, it's embarrassing how you can't bear being away from me," Shizuka
said somewhat happily, sharply turning her head away. It was unknown if the excuse just now
had worked, but it looked like the danger had passed.
Thereupon Erica made a declaration to everyone present with a radiant smile on her face.
"Then, now that the arguments are settled, let us go back to lunch. Meals should be held
cheerful and fun. We must choose an appropriate topic."
Following her lead, everyone sat down on the rooftop floor.
Erica slid into Godou's right armpit quite naturally and sat down right next to him.
Yuri, who had been in that position so far, had handed it over without any thought... That
single act showed their power relationship and made Godou secretly groan.
Erica really was dreadful.
Her actions just now were the skills of a [Queen] controlling her royal court.
(...Godou. You probably got it already, but with this, the number of favors you owe me has
grown by one. Remember that.)
Erica, sitting by his side, quietly whispered to him. Of course Godou could not object.

Part 3
After school, Erica Blandelli and Liliana Kranjcar walked through the shopping district in
Nezu, where the Kusanagi's house was located.
Godou had said that he had somewhere to drop by and had gone home right after classes were
Apparently, Yuri also had her duties as a miko and had gone home alone.
Erica made her way home while elegantly driving away the boys approaching her as if they
were biting lice. But on the way, she spotted Liliana in the shopping district.
"A pleasant day to you, Lily. Are you going to Godou's after this? Well met. I was also
thinking about visiting, so let's go together," Erica forcibly turned them into traveling
Liliana frowned unhappily but started walking close to her anyway.
"Erica... I do not think there is any reason for you to go to the Kusanagi house."

She bluntly treated the knight who was her childhood friend and rival as a bother.
"I intend to cook dinner at his house. Since you cannot cook, you will be of no use even if you
come along. I would like you to not interfere with my duties..."
So that was it after all. Erica nodded to herself.
Ever since long ago, this girl had the bad habit of not thinking much about how to spend her
time and effort. So then, should she chide her, or make fun of her for it?
After a moment of thought, Erica decided that in this situation, she should just do both.
"Oh my, I wouldn't interfere, Lily."
Erica showed off what Godou often called her devil's smile, while masking a quiet laugh.
"While you strive with your cooking, I will happily make conversation with Godou;
grandfather and Shizuka-san, as well. I should deepen my ties with my future family, after
"Wh-what did you say?"

"Hehee, it might not be necessary for you, Lily, considering that you serve as his knight. But
for me it's different. Eventually I will become his wife, and as his wife, I will be in charge of
his army and castle. I must be on good terms with his relatives."
"W-w-wiiife!? Kusanagi Godou has no intention of taking you as his wife! Can you stop
deciding my lord's future by yourself?!"
"He just hasn't said it yet. Among ourselves, matters are already settled," Erica declared while
following Liliana into the supermarket.
The girl reminiscent of an Eastern European fairy took a shopping basket like it was her
second nature.
Contrary to her appearance, this girl had had an affinity for housekeeping since her childhood.
Cooking, sewing, cleaning, if it was housework, she could do it. Erica, on the other hand, had
almost no experience with shopping in places like this.
"Hey, Lily. Sometimes I feel pity for you. You became a knight for Godou merely a few
months after me, but during that time my relationship with Godou had deepened greatly. So
much that you can't force your way in between us anymore."
"Tha-that is not true! The relation between me and him will develop much more from now
"Oh my, really? But, doesn't Godou seem restless every so often? A little bit troubled, like he
is squirming?"

Liliana's complexion changed in an instant. It looked like she had a clue. Well, it was only
natural since she had suddenly barged into the Kusanagi house and started cooking, among
other things.
Even Godou, who was usually accepting of people's goodwill, was quite bewildered and
bothered by her fervor.
"You see, whenever my eyes meet Godou's, I can generally tell what he's thinking. Because
our bonds are just that deep..."
"DANG IT! S-stop trying to throw my feelings out of order, Erica!"
Liliana harshly objected. She was right, of course.
While there were times when Erica and Godou could confirm each other's aims by eye
contact, there were also many times where they could not. In the end, the environment he was
raised in was just too different.
The difference in perception that stemmed from the culture gap was not overcome that easily.
But, Erica did not feel like saying that straight-out.
At times like this, it was better to enforce her will with a bang. She had the courage and
persuasive power to make lies seem true, so she smiled elegantly and pityingly at Liliana.
"Feel free to think that. While you cling to that blind belief, Godou and I will deepen our
relationship even further."
"Ug, talking so frivolously..."

"So, could you please not make supper for Godou today?"
Erica continued nonchalantly just as Liliana had begun testing a cabbage in the produce
corner. So far it had been for amusement, but her next advice was based on calculation.
"He isn't living alone, so outside of excursions, there's no need to cook for him."
"No, but, that's my important work as a knight and"
"Cooking for him at his house is the work of a housewife or a maid. You're neither, right? I
understand that you're excited to be by Godou's side, but it's time to calm down. If you keep
pressing your kindness on them so forcefully, even his grandfather will be bothered.
Erica clearly called out her troublesome old friend.
Apparently Godou had also mumbled to her that she did not have to go that far, but at that
level it would not get through to the over-enthusiastic Liliana. She was in love with the ideal
of being in love, a maiden predisposed for delusions.

"If you want to put your cooking skills to practice nonetheless, how about making something
at your home and sharing it later?"
Liliana's eyes flashed open upon Erica's suggestion.
Obviously she had never even thought of that. What a troublesome person.
Still, she had outstanding abilities at her disposal. If this girl was to serve Godou, Erica
wanted her to do so without causing needless disturbance. She had to hold her reins tightly.
"Which reminds me; five, six years ago there was that time when you held a party at your
home and put your all into the food..."
"Urg! E-Erica, that was in the past!"
"Oh Lily, although there were only five guests, you diligently made food that seemed enough
for thirty... you have always been like that. You pointlessly invest time and effort when you
don't need to, right? Whenever that's happened, I've looked after you with perfection, do you
Incidentally, Erica had also backed her up at Liliana's party.
She had called twenty people together in haste and organized a bigger meeting place. It was a
dear memory. One that Liliana probably still had but would surely want to forget.
"Che! Well, yes. It is there, in the corners of my memory..."
"I see, great. Let's get along from now on as well, while treasuring the strong ties between the
two of us, shall we, Lily?" Erica brightly told the bitterly admitting Lily.
They were equal in sword and magic, but in their private life Erica generally seized the
To make Liliana easier to handle, she would use this chance to stir those memories awake.
Erica decided that while enjoying her worthy rival's agony.
The two girls left the supermarket without buying anything and headed for the Kusanagi
But before they had walked for even three minutes, Liliana asked in a whisper.
"Erica, do you know that girl who has been staring at us for a while?"
"I wonder? I don't remember her face."
They really stood out.

Since beautiful girls, one blond, one silver-haired, and both from abroad, were walking right
next to each other, it was a given that they would attract attention.
But the girl's stare, which had focused on them since their time in the supermarket and was
now ten meters behind them, had one obvious characteristic.
It was a look one wore when evaluating an opponent. A gaze that differed from a normal
human's, with eyes that were accustomed to fighting.
She obviously was not an ordinary person.
And her eyes revealed the fact that she did not even want to hide it.
"I have only just come to Japan. So I thought she would be your acquaintance."
"By process of elimination. But unfortunately, she shouldn't have any connection with me
whatsoever, either. Well, I can't deny the possibility that she knows about me though."
The other girl presented herself without hiding, so responding to her should not be bad.
Erica stopped and turned around. Liliana did the same.
It was evening. Among the crowds in the shopping district.
Moving through the flow of people, the girl in the high school uniform moved closer.
Her long, black hair was silky and beautiful, and her features did not lose to that either. Her
build was slender, but she looked like the type that seemed slimmer in clothes.
But the thing about her that caught the most attention was the long and thin cloth bag over her
Something cylindrical and longer than one meter seemed to be wrapped inside. It might be
some kind of sword. Erica remembered the swastika sword that had attacked her the night
The black-haired girl smiled at them in passing.
It had nothing in common with Erica's refined smile; it was the smile of an opportunist.
Today, she was just making herself known. The girl leisurely passed them as she implicitly
communicated her intent.

Part 4
The Nanao Shrine was built on a hill close to Shiba Park.
To reach it, one had to first challenge the highest stone steps in the metropolitan area.

For Mariya Yuri, who had no stamina, this was quite a penance. Actually, they also had an
elevator that went up and down, but it was out of order. Yet, the serious girl did not complain.
She somehow kept on climbing with her wheezing breath.
It was still the hot beginning of September, so she was already completely drenched in sweat.
That was why she purified herself with the showers in the shrine office before beginning her
While soaking in the hot water, she suddenly felt bothered by her own body.
Her smooth, ivory skin was so white it almost seemed transparent.
Her build was slender and scrawny. Her limbs had no muscles to speak of, and she was so
slender she seemed like she would break unless handled with care.
However, she had moderate volume in the proper places like her breasts and hips.
Yuri stopped the shower and left the stall. The bathroom mirror reflected her figure.
When going through water purification with her fellow Hime-Miko or changing with her
classmates, she was always inexplicably complimented and treated with envy.
Maybe she had a body she could brag about.
She payed attention to her weight and dry skin like any other girl her age, but she had never
experienced being too worried about her own figure.
If I can, I want to become more slender. That was about it.
But lately that started giving her a bad feeling.
What floated through her mind this time was the overwhelming physical beauty of Lucretia
Zola, whom she had seen on Sardinia.

"Do men find that kind of build more desirable after all...?" Yuri murmured while pretending
she did not have a particular person in mind.
It was not her build. It was the assertiveness and confidence of those girls that she lacked.
Then there was her bad habit of blurting out harsh words.
"Hahhh," Yuri let out a sigh.
Compared to those girls, Mariya Yuri's build and personality was on a lower scale.
Because the DNA she had been born with was different from a European woman's, it couldn't
be helped. It was inevitable, but that reasoning did not lighten Yuri's spirits at all.
Maybe, if he preferred beautiful, bold women like that...
'For now, I seem to be winning against Liliana-san.'
The thought suddenly came to Yuri's mind as she looked down at her stomach and she started
"Ahh, what am I thinking about! Dirty! Imprudent!"
Liliana Kranjcar's body was reminiscent of a fairy and was like that of a slim model.
In other words, it meant she lacked curves.
Yuri felt she was winning when it came to being feminine. But to use that for comparison, she
felt embarrassed that her feelings were so indecent.
In the face of her sacred duty, she must not do that.
To clear her head with a cold shower, Yuri returned to the stall in haste.
Having regained some level of calmness, Yuri put on the white robes and hakama[12] of her
miko outfit.
She left the shrine office and headed for the front shrine. While on her way, she exchanged
greetings with the priests working in the shrine and the other miko as they passed by.
The standings of a full-time employee and a Hime-Miko were completely different.
In the end, a Hime-Miko was someone with special powers who was dispatched by the orders
of the History Compilation Committee.
They were only dispatched to various important spiritual locations. Because the authority
structure was completely different, even the head priest of a shrine could not give orders to a
Hime-Miko. The girls were respected like high-class guests.

Currently, there were about ten Hime-Miko in service near Musashino in the Kanto region.
One of those comrades was waiting for her at the front shrine.
"Ena-san? What happened? Why are you here today?"
"Hey, Yuri, long time no see. I just thought I'd say hello."
Seishuuin Ena playfully smiled at her.
The girl with beautiful, black hair and noble features had an atmosphere that made her easy to
get along with.
She was not wearing the miko outfit that Yuri was used to seeing, but a white shirt and a
beige vest and skirt. It looked like the uniform of a high school somewhere.
Then there was the long and narrow cloth bag lying on the floor of the front shrine.
The moment she saw it, Yuri gave a startled jump. Its divine power was as fierce as ever.
The cloth bag was woven with a special fabric to block the magical power. But Yuri's spirit
sense could still perceive the presence of that divine blade.
"Hey, Yuri, according to the rumors you're currently a mistress for His Majesty, right?"
At such a blunt question, Yuri was lost for words.
"His Majesty" probably referred to a Campione. It was a way of speaking that lacked
precision, typical for Ena.
"I'm not! I am not in such a shameless relationship with Godou-san!"
"Ehh, really? I mean, because the committee and the Mariya household offered you as a
human sacrifice, everyone else gave up on becoming His Majesty's lover. It's different from
what I heard."
She was right. Yuri regretted her verbal slip.
It was a very enticing prospectto gain influence over a devil king, a Campione, and make
use of him. So to keep a lid on that, they had prepared an excuse.
"T-that is, Kaoru-san and Amakasu-san said we'd act like that on the surface, so I helped
them... could you keep this a secret?"
"Ahh, it sounds like a trick those people would pull... Okay, got it," Ena said indifferently.

Yuri was relieved. Ena truly was the greatest Hime-Miko. In spite of her behavior, Seishuuin
Ena had the most outstanding talent and the best qualities not only in Musashino, but in the
whole country.
"So, instead of you, I'll just become His Majesty's mistress. Now this is a serious
"Excuse me?"
Yuri stiffened when she heard the sudden proposal. What was she saying, all of a sudden?
"Actually, this time Ena was also made His Majesty's mistress. The head of my family has
urgently asked me to. Grampsy thought it was interesting so he also recommended it. Hey,
you know, Grampsy? That's why the people from the committee can't say anything either."
"G-Gram, the Old One?"
He was one of the Elders whom not even the Historical Compilation Committee wanted to
Even among the Hime-Miko, he had taken a special interest in Seishuuin Ena and secretly
granted her the divine blade. Yuri had never met him. Ena was probably the only Hime-Miko
to have met him face-to-face.
"Right. He told me not to lose to you or anyone when serving him, so I felt a bit bad. But it's
great you're not his mistress. I really didn't want to quarrel with you."
"You can't! I definitely won't allow that!"
Yuri unintentionally flared up against Ena's grin and her conceited words.
The girl with the alias [Hime-Miko of the Sword] opened her eyes wide at that angry reaction.
"Hm, why? Something bad about it?"
"Th-that is..."
"Apart from having Grampsy's orders, Ena can't go against the committee either, so there's
nothing she can do about it. And you're not his mistress, are you? So what's so bad, OH! Ena
gets it..."
Suddenly Ena's expression changed to a mischievous smirk.
Yuri's face grew crimson with shame as she looked back awkwardly.
"Hohooh. It's cute how you're getting all shy. So that's it. Ena gets it... Oh, Yuri, you seriously
fell for His Majesty?"
"I did not! Please don't make weird accusations!"

"Hehehe. Denying it while blushing to your ears, you really are cute. Why didn't you say so in
the first place? Ena is no demon, she's properly thinking about things."
Seishuuin Ena proposed something astounding as she chuckled.
"Alright. Then let's split the roles. Ena will leave the perverted and child-bearing stuff, the
work of a woman to you, Yuri. Ena will do the rest. You're fine with that, right?"
"Ehh? Ena-san, what are you...?"
Her fellow Hime-Miko showed the perplexed Yuri a radiant smile.
"I told you, right, I was ordered not to lose to anyone. It's fine since we're friends, but Ena will
drive those other two mistresses out. Let's serve His Majesty, just the two of us!"
Ena picked up the cloth bag lying on the floor.
She opened it and pulled out what's inside. A broadsword, 3 shaku 3 sun 5 bu long, stored in a
black lacquered sheath. The intensity of the magical power radiating from the divine artifact
made Yuri dizzy.
"For now, Ena thinks she'll start with cleaning up that blond Erica-something-or-other. She
seems quite skilled, that girl. Well, Ena's got her strong partner here so she doesn't think she'll
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
The most prominent divine blade in Japan. The power hidden within was unfathomable.
The strife these girls were involving Kusanagi Godou and Erica Blandelli in had only just

Chapter 2 - Another Chaotic School Day

Part 1
Tamaura Shrine was located in the section of Yushima[13] closest to the Kuramaebashi
Seishuuin Ena was greeting visitors on its grounds.
A few hours had passed since her visit to Nanao Shrine, and it was already evening.
"How do you do, Ena-san. It's been a while. By the way, if you need a shrine, just pick any
modest one you like..," said one of her guests, Amakasu Touma.

He was a man in the late twenties, clad in a cheap business suit. He usually ran errands for
History Compilation Committee.
But that certainly did not make him an underling. Even amongst the experts from the
committee, he was working directly for the Sayanomiya family in all of Kantou[15]
Facing him was Ena, who had already changed from her school uniform into her miko outfit.
White robes and a red hakama; in her hands, a cloth bag concealed the mysterious power of
her broadsword.
"This shrine is fine. Those places with many people are a pain anyway, and Ama no
Murakumo feels more comfortable here as well. Don't worry about it."
"If that's so, feel free to stay. I will take care of the paperwork, so use it as you like."
Ena nodded appropriately at Amakasu's words.
She had already talked to the administrator of this place and gotten the key to the shrine.
She intended to use it as she liked even without being told. The gods enshrined here were
Oinari,[16] Yamato Takeru no Mikoto,[17] and Oto Tachibana no Hime.[18]
All of them had extraordinary compatibility with the girl and her partner. There was nothing
to criticize, for a temporary home.
"I heard the story from Yuri-san and the head of the Seishuuins. Yeah, how should I put
"'Don't meddle'?"
When Ena preemptively interjected with a smirk, Amakasu showed a faint smile.
"You can't be that blunt now, can you? You actually do feel close to the Committee, but since
those feelings won't show this time..."
"It's what Grampsy said. Yeah, my sympathies..."
"Thank you. By the way, Ena-san, you've already come into contact with Erica Blandelli and
Liliana Kranjcar, haven't you?"
As one would expect, the information had traveled fast. Not intending to hide it, Ena admitted
"Well yeah. The idea of assaulting Erica in her sleep last night came up..."
"And you left it at that? A wise judgment. The barrier that great knight of the [Copper Black
Cross] raised around her home should provide more than just any normal defense. Although I
would like you to refrain even more from interfering with her if possible..."

"Why? Finally Japan has its own king, and now some foreign girl is his mistress? Isn't it
better to chase her out?"
At Ena's proposal, Amakasu shook his head as though he were disappointed.
"Maybe so during the era of national isolation,[19] but the times have changed. Whether it's the
[Copper Black Cross] or the [Bronze Black Cross], they are both extremely powerful magic
associations. It might be as you say if they were agents of riffraff organizations, but here..."
"Those girls are troublesome?"
"Yes. It's like laying hands on foreign diplomats. In the worst case it might spark strife
between our countries."
Ena understood those feelings well. But she had no intention of changing her plans.
Politics and diplomacy were too complex for her. Fights were more fun when they were
simple. Matching blades and competing with true strength; was not that enough?
"Uuuum, sorry. Granny and the others at my place had asked me to drive those girls out, so I
can't just stop now. Fighting it out with her also seems like fun. Well, let's just leave it at that,
For the moment, Ena decided to apologize in advance.
Amakasu shrugged his shoulders at Ena's frivolous apology, and her other guest suddenly
"Your honored grandmotherthe directions from the head of the Seishuuins? And your
guardian, the Old One, approves as well. It's unlike him to hold an interest in worldly power
They were the first words of the third party who had kept her silence thus far.
Sayanomiya Kaoru. As the leader of the Tokyo branch of the History Compilation
Committee, she had authority over the Committee in Kantou.
"That's strange. Any idea why the Old Man gave such an order?"
"Who knows? There's no way Ena would know. But even if grampsy looks heroic, he can be
unexpectedly wicked. Maybe he's plotting something?"
While happily giving her reply, she showed Kaoru a wry smile.
Sayanomiya Kaoru had a graceful beauty and an aura of being lost in some transient world.
There was not an ounce of unnecessary fat on her slender frame.
"You never change, Ena, never bothered about anything. That's really like you."
The expression was a bit affectionate. Her smile was clear and charming.

Her delicate and androgynous appearance defied reality. If you called her a man, she could
probably appear as a "gives off no feeling of reality" pretty boy in a shoujo manga.
But Sayanomiya Kaoru had the same sex as Ena. She was one of Musashino's Hime-Miko as
After finishing the fruitless interview with Seishuuin Ena, they left Tamaura Shrine.
As Amakasu Touma walked off, his superior Sayanomiya Kaoru followed next to him.
She was not only the next head of the Sayanomiya family, but also a candidate for the next
leader of the History Compilation Committee.
It was fine that she was still a high school third year. There were no complaints to be made
about her abilities, either. After all, the problem was her behaviorthe crossdressing, for
She was currently wearing the boys' uniform.
A white shirt with necktie, blazer and pants. Not a pleated skirt, but trousers for boys.
"Still, I wonder why the Elders decided to increase the number of Kusanagi Godou's lovers,"
Amakasu tossed the question out to his neither male nor female superior.
"Until now, they never had any complaints against your plan of leaving it to Yuri-san alone,
so it feels strange. It will only invite vain disorder, so I'd really like to avoid it..."

"Well, I think they have their own thoughts about this," Kaoru said thoughtfully. At times like
these she looked like a dangerously frail beautiful boy, or maybe girl. Even though he knew
her real gender, Amakasu still felt that way. Strangers would feel the illusion more intensely.
"But if they're increasing the number of lovers around the Campione, wouldn't it mean it's
okay for all the families to offer their daughters and start a debauched feast? But the Elders
sent only Ena. I think that's gutsy."

"So the Elders caved in against pressure from the Seishuuin family," Amakasu grinned
That was impossible. While being convinced of that, he voiced the complete opposite opinion.
Kaoru probably believed the same thing. As expected, she smiled back evilly.
"There's no way. Just like the Sayanomiyas, the Seishuuins are one of the four families.
Especially against the Old One, the Elders can't persist on such selfishness."
"So it's rather that the Seishuuins are being utilized? adorning your cat with a bell?"
"Or possibly sticking insects onto a lion."
The Elders probably wanted to provoke some kind of reaction from Kusanagi Godou.
Having matched their opinions, the boss and underling made their way to the car in silence.

Part 2
Mariya Yuri's mornings began early. She woke up before seven o'clock and went to the
Both her parents were employed. Her father worked for a certain restaurant chain (that being
said, the proprietor was her father's father, in short her grandfather), and her mother lectured
at a teaching school.
It was Yuri's daily routine to make breakfast in her busy mother's stead.
Sometimes, she would prepare lunch boxes for herself and her little sister Hikari.
But this morning she made one box too many and left home earlier than usual.
The Mariya family lived in an apartment complex in Toranomon.[20] Although their main
house was in the Saitama prefecture, they used the Toranomon apartment for easy commuting
to work and school.
Getting on the Chiyoda line and debarking at Nezu Station was her usual routine.
However, this morning she used the Ginza line and got off at Suehiromachi Station. It was to
meet Seishuuin Ena. She was informed the girl occupied a small shrine in Yushima, so she
would come to check up on her every once a while.
With her face flushed red and facing downwards, Yuri rushed to the shrine.
When she opened the unlocked front shrine, she found Ena rolled up in a sleeping bag, lying
on the floor.

She hadn't expected her to sleep in the shrine.

While thinking how horrible that was, Yuri called out quietly.
"Hey, Yuri, morning~. That smells nice~, did you bring me a lunchbox?"
Ena suddenly opened her eyes. Her voice was so clear it did not sound like she had just woken
"Y-yes. I brought your share, too, so if you'd like..."
"Of course I do~. You really are sensible, you know~. You're the number one girl I want to
make my wife. Good girl, good girl. My praises to you."
While bantering like that, Musashino's greatest Hime-Miko opened her sleeping bag.
She got up, immodestly clad only in a tank top and shorts. She looked thinner in clothes;
while slim, her curves were amazing.
Yuri became embarrassed, as the splendor of Ena's body could easily be seen through her thin
"B-by the way, were you already awake, Ena-san?"
"I was perfectly asleep. I just woke up when I heard the taptaptap of your footsteps all the
way here. You seemed totally hurried, what was up?"
Immediately waking up because she discerned who came from footsteps.
While amazed by Ena's inhuman hearing ability Yuri quietly said: "U-um, around this shrine
there are so many strange buildings..."
"Ah, sorry sorry. Ena was also surprised when she came; it really is full of dirty hotels, isn't it!
Tokyo really is amazing~! But it's convenient to have a convenience store so close. And there
are no bears."
Apparently for half a year, Ena had gone through training in a sacred ground in the
Laughter born of a wild lifestyle made Yuri blush. They were in a quiet residential area. But
several hotels of a certain kind were erected around the shrine.
"But you know, Yuri, don't you come to these places as well?"
"I don't! How did you reach such conclusions?!"
Yuri strongly refuted the idea.
However, Ena curiously inquired with a blank face: "Why?"

"I don't! Godou-san and I are only friends! We have a pure relationship!"
"Ehh~? But your rivals, that Erica and Liliana, are foreigners, right? ... I'm not quite sure, but
don't they make progress that way?"
After putting away the sleeping bag, the two Hime-Miko sat down across each other in seiza.
Ena accepted the proffered lunchbox, quickly opening the lid and wolfing down its contents.
"Yeah, your cooking is great as always. Lately I've only had nuts, wild plants and the like, so
this is exceptional~."
Apparently she had abstained from all kinds of grains. Ena's training was harsher than the one
for other Hime-Miko.
Polishing her sword skills, chastising herself again and again, emptying her mind. Lately Yuri
could not stay quiet without discussing this issue as she worried over the girl's body.
"...That is, does Godou san... no, do men prefer assertive and sensual women after all?"
"Uhm~, Ena doesn't really know either, but isn't it different~?" Ena said while happily tasting
the white rice.
She spoke frankly, but when sitting in seiza she looked terrifically beautiful. Her way of
eating and mannerisms were good and she sat upright. Actually, in terms of being a young
lady, she exceeded Yuri.
"Yesterday, you know, after I finally came back to Tokyo, I went for some sightseeing. To
"Ahh, aren't there many foreigners around there?"
"And then, after looking through most of the electric appliance stores in the main street, I also
entered the shops in the buildings and other places... and it was amazing."
"Yeah. There were many small stores, all so strange and fascinating. There are lots of shops
that are, you know, completely pink, or like skin-colored."
"Completely skin-colored...!?"
"Nirvana or Paradise, may be like that. Whether it's to the left or right, in front or behind,
there are nude images all over the place. Hey, you know the Mithuna reliefs[21] in India or
somewhere? Like those, BAM, a wall of pictures of naked men and women!"
"I'm sure very pious people must have gathered there..."

She had not known Tokyo had such a sacred place for foreigners.
While embarrassed by her own ignorance, she decided that one day she would go there herself
and study it.
"Maybe. Anyway, Ena understood that boys probably like these kinds of things," Ena
remarked as she gobbled down on the vegetable side dishes.
She was looking somewhere far away. Like there was a very sensational scene going on.
"I think since Kusanagi-san is a boy, he's the same. In the end being naked will work,
"You're saying too much! It's a bit doubtful at times, but Godou-san basically is someone
"I wonder~. Yuri, you're too fastidious so he just might not be able to say it."
Yuri was taken aback when her fellow Hime-Miko pointed it out.
On Sardinia, Lucretia Zola had thoroughly lectured her on boys' mentality.
But she could not understand that profound theory in the least. Possibly, the key for a smooth
interaction with Kusanagi Godou lay in that.
"By the way, you brought Ena's lunch box, but did you properly make one for Kusanagi-san?
Although it doesn't look to me like you have that extra baggage..."
"Ah, yes. It's just your share."
"You can't do that! Don't forget the shortest way to get close with an animal is through
"B-But there is no reason to. There is no reason to make a lunch box for that person in the
"Don't worry about that. You need to start acting first! First, need you to approach him more
forcefully, like by asking him to embrace you and sneaking over at night."
"Sneak over at night!? Please hold it, how did we end up there!?"
"I think it's easier to win his heart if you do. Hold nothing back!"
"Me, sneak over at night... don't the men usually do that? First of all, it's illegal nowadays!"[22]
"You've got problems~~. Anyway, you need to do at least that much. Ena will help out too,
you see? For now, let's develop your relationship with Kusanagi-san all across today. Okay?"
Yuri paled in response to Ena's exceedingly unreasonable proposal.

"I-I can't! That's impossible!"

Part 3
Jounan Academy had segregated physical education for boys and girls.
Two classes would take lessons together; then boys and girls would split up. Godou's class
five was together with class six.
The sun's rays were still relentless and the temperature was high, too. It was late summer, but
the weather felt like midsummer. Therefore, the pool was used during physical education.
Once again, the curriculum called for swimming.
But that was only for the girls. The boys had gymnastics in the humid gymnasium
The feverish atmosphere was stuffy to the limit, and in the swirl of heat and body odor, the
male students did mat exercises or apparatus gymnastics.
"Gentlemen, don't you think this is wrong?"
Someone asked a forceful question.
The speaker was Nanami. He often made problematic statements like "Actually, I'm a sucker
for miko."
But he was also an unexpectedly charismatic leader. Whenever people did something as a
group, he was usually found at the center of it all... as good-for-nothing of a center as he may
"'Segregated society.' Let's think about the meaning of these words once more, comrades.
Gathered here are nothing but men, in a gray wasteland of a world with neither warmth nor
color. Is it fine to submit to this? Most certainly not!"
Nanami was shaking the gymnasium with the heap of nonsense he was loudly proclaiming.
Incidentally, the teacher in charge of physical education was absent. A few minutes earlier, he
had left, accompanying a student who had fallen off the balance beam and apparently
fractured a bone. Now they were in the middle of self-study.
"So if this world is a wasteland, only those! Only those! Who follow their ambitions will be
able to change this place. We have to pry open the doors of paradise ourselves!"
"Nanami... what you want to say is, in short, that?"
The one who asked was Takagi. He belonged to the Kendo club and, due to his large build, he
was quite able at it.
But he was a man weak to strange influences and easily led astray.

"At this very moment, we must aim for heaven!"

"Yeah. Currently, the place closest to heaven in this school is the pool. The pool where our
girls of classes five and six are taking lessons together! The sacred grounds we are forbidden
from entering, the secret flower garden where more than thirty girls are frolicking in the water
and where lily flowers bloom![23]
"But the risk is too high..."
A cool voice poured over them like cold water. Sorimachi derisively laughed.
The self-styled "Man with 108 little sisters in 2D." As ridiculous as it may be, it was a
weirdness only when carried to an extreme. At least he was not an ordinary person.
"We boys from class five and six number a total of thirty six. This many people would act at
the same time to appreciate the girls at the pool. Certainly it is a charming idea but we only
have forty minutes until classes are over. We won't even be able to make proper preparations
in such a short time. Feelings alone won't take us anywhere..."
Nanami stomped towards the speaker.
Bam! Nanami's fist struck home. Sorimachi sternly looked at the assailant who had hit him on
the cheek.
"Nanami, you!!"
"I misjudged you, Sorimachi. I never thought you were such a boring man."
The one who struck and the one who was struck were facing each other, one with anger in his
eyes, the other with pity.
"Back then, you'd never have used that as an excuse. You boldly faced even the most difficult
missions, a hero dedicated to victory. And yet, you've turned into such a pussy!"
"What are you talking about, you asshole!"
"About two months ago. On the day before the release of 'Saint Little Sister Academy,' you
fought to see all endings of 'Together with Onii-chan,' where you have to clear four little
sisters, and 'Imohare!', where you have to marry seven little sisters. All that while suffering
from a 38 fever and diarrhea..."
"Tsk. You remember some unpleasant things."
Sorimachi looked away from Nanami who was talking about old times.
"Back then I said, 'Stop already. Just shelve it as crap. Your body's at its limits.' But then you

"Yeah. 'I'm a man with 108 little sisters. I'm no useless brother who will abandon a little sister
once he's started capturing her.' On that one day I conquered all the endings, and on the next, I
devoted all my power to 'Saint Little Sister Academy'..."
Flames were lit in the two boys' eyes.
Flames inside their hearts that only lit up when two comrades with burning spirits understood
each other.
"Looks like I forgot my guts from that time. Thank you for reminding me.... This is my
"Heh. How is it. Did you feel it?"
This time Sorimachi did the striking. But Nanami smiled even as he was sent flying.
His smile seemed to say, 'Have you finally awoken, you stupid idiot?' Just now, between the
two of them, their fists had been words.
"That was a nice punch. It held your spirit. You've got a hot fist..."
"Shut it. I'm done hesitating. Let's fight together."
Sorimachi stretched out his hand and took Nanami's. Like that he pulled him up. It was an
emotional scene of two men deeply understanding each other after a clash. However, finally
getting fed up with it all, Godou said with a sober voice.
"Hey, guys"
The two comedians directed their stares full of enmity at him.
But Godou kept going, not losing to the pressure.
"There's so much I want to say right now, but first of all, can you not peek? You know that's
like a crime."
Foop (The sound of heaving a gymnastic mat)
"H-hey, what are you"
Bam (The sound of said mat being dropped on Godou)
WupWupWup (The sound of male students A, B and C jumping onto the mat)
"Guha. H-hey, wait a sec, are you trying to crush me?"
Squashed under the bulky, stinking mats, Godou complained.

The weight of the three students weighed down on him, so it was quite painful. He barely
managed to stick his head out from under the mat and secure some oxygen.
"Dammit, he's alive. Well, killing him would be bad, too."
"If you like, I can finish him."
"Calm down. If we do it, we must do it carefully from where his legs can't reach."
The three idiots Nanami, Takagi and Sorimachi said some dangerous things.
Godou loudly asked the other boys surrounding them.
"Do you guys resent me or what? Why the heck do you do this to me?"
"You ask why?"
Nanami glanced down with a cold look.
"Let me ask you then. Kusanagi, why can you say things like 'Don't peek'?"
"Hiding at the school pool and peeking is a hair's width away from committing a crime. Most
of all, don't you feel bad for the girls? Don't ask me such obvious questions..."
Godou made sound arguments while silently praying for everyone to quickly regain their
senses. If they lost their way over a momentary whim, in all likelihood they would come to
regret it in the future. But that question made most of the students in class five and six go
even wilder. Some were even crying tears of frustration.
"You damn hypocrite..."
"Damn it all. You're looking down on us because you have no problems getting girls..."
"Anzai-sensei, we want to see girls in swimsuits!"
"Everyone, calm down. Together with everyone's anger and suffering, I will do the talking. I'll
teach this harem bastard who thinks it's normal to capture several girls at the same time about
our pure hearts!"
Nanami took control of everyone present and looked down on Godou once again.
"Hey, Kusanagi, I like girls in swimsuits. It's no exaggeration to say I love them."
"Well, I won't criticize your personal hobbies."
"Just shut it and listen. I like girls in swimsuits... that's right. In year one, class five and six,
Arakawa-san stands out for having a great body, doesn't she? And obviously the appeal of
Miyama-san's small build and flat chest strikes home with those enthusiasts. We can expect
the swimsuit to bring forth another kind of charm in the bespectacled Sawa-san, too. And

Nagasato's plumpness should turn into the characteristic soothing aura that slender girls don't
have. But, even so."
Nanami strongly clenched his fist. He probably was about to present his good-for-nothing pet
"Even if those girls are so fascinating, in terms of idol groups, they wouldn't be in the front
row. They are the second row, so to speak, reserve members. So, who's the crme de la
"Hmm... I don't know."
He had an idea of the other's emotions, but Godou dared playing dumb.
"Erica-sama with her supremely gorgeous body. Mariya-san who makes you wonder if she's
hiding splendid sizes somewhere. And then there is Liliana-san who became the 'Number One
girl I want to put in a leotard' with her fairy body... You asshole who monopolizes those
celebrated flowers will never understand what makes our blood boil. No, like you'd be
allowed to know!"
"I've got a proposal! Let's lock Kusanagi-san into the equipment room like this!"
"That's a great idea! Alright, someone go find the key!"
"Okay, now it's time to pay the piper, you bastard. Muahahahaa!"
In response to Nanami's fervent speech, the boys' voices strangely started to well up here and
Thus the union of boys from class five and six had locked Kusanagi Godou into the
equipment room and started marching toward the paradise of maidens frolicking in water.

Part 4
"If you think about it, this might be a good chance. Erica, let us finally find out who is better
through swimming."
"A swimming competition? With you? No thanks."
Classes five and six were having lessons together.
By the poolside, two girls were having a conversation like that.
Of course, they were Liliana Kranjcar and Erica Blandelli. Jounan Academy's swimming
uniform was a one-piece with a daring hole in the back.
The ones wearing it the most splendidly were these girls.
The girls were creating the illusion of the commonplace school pool being an overseas resort.
With their blond and silver hair fluttering in the wind, they were attracting everyone's stares.

"Heheh. Running from a battle is unlike you."

"But in swimming I've never been a match for you. Our reflexes and strength are almost the
same, and yet... is it because the water resistance is too different, as I thought?"
Liliana in her swimsuit was truly slender.
But being delicate alone should not lead to such results. The Eastern European girl was so
slender it seemed she would break if held too strongly. And though she was so slim, she had
wonderfully long limbs. Her nape like a swan. Her well-arranged features like a fairy.
Her slenderness, fleetingness, all merged to make Liliana shine.
Her artistic beauty might be of an Eastern European fairy.
But in terms of physical beauty in swimsuits, in sensual charm, Erica came out on top after
all. Skin toned light-brown on Sardinia. The swellings of her breasts looking like large fruits.
Her hip, inviting the sighs of onlookers. The perfect curve of her ass.
And the elegance that naturally showed off all of that.
There was no forced appeal. On the other hand, she did not hide it from inquisitive eyes
Shining just by being there.
Erica Blandelli was that kind of girl. Seeing her standing there was dazzling even for Yuri.
"Certainly, you have always been better developed than me! But that does not mean I will
take you calling me almost flat hands down!"
"Oh my, I only meant that you were lighter than me, Lily?"
Erica smiled impishly.
Enraged, Lily flared up.
One might think of these two as being fairly close, but at least the silver-haired girl denied it.
At any rate, Liliana seemed to feel no timidity towards Erica.
It made Yuri envious. That said, Ena had told her before.
[I'm not quite sure, but don't they make progress that way?]
Certainly not only the extravagant Erica, but also the straight-laced Liliana was radiating
intense self-assertion and positiveness.

Compared to those girls, she herself was... At this point Yuri was terrified.
(What was I thinking just now!? It was like I was competing with Erica-san and Liliana-san
over Godou! No, that can't be true. Godou and I are just friends. A bit closer than usual, and
there are just circumstances we can't really tell people about, and...)
While she thought so, a curious emotion welled up in Yuri's chest.
She felt a pain constricting her chest, a cold uneasiness nesting itself in the pit of her stomach,
a sweet and sour hope; all those feelings were mixing inside her.
Haa. She sighed. When she did, someone talked to her from beside her.
"What's up, Mariya-san? Do you feel bad? Should I call the teacher?"
It was the smallest girl in class six, Miyama-san.
She was 145cm tall and baby-faced on top of it. Apparently she was often mistaken for an
elementary schooler.
"Ah, no, that's not it."
Taking her eyes off Erica and Liliana in a hurry, Yuri awkwardly smiled.
It truly was a Japanese insincere smile. In return, Miyama-san's expression turned dark.
"Well yeah, even without asking I have my ideas... But, I think it's unfair if even you are
bothered by that. You don't understand the troubles of the less fortunate, or rather, your
troubles are too luxurious... Anyway, it's too unfair!"
"Mi-Miyama-san? Just what do you want to say?"
Feeling the indignation in the rebuke, Yuri faltered.
At that point class six's class committee member Sawa-san cut in.
"Yuri-san... Miyama-san wants to say, 'If they have no bread, let them eat cake.' 'Don't fuck
with me,' you see? 'How dare you complain if you've got such excellent goods yourself'."
Her red-framed glasses were shining.
Sawa-san was slender; her grades placed her at the top of her year. Although she was a first
year, the drama club entrusted her with a lead role. That girl suddenly latched onto Yuri.
She grabbed Yuri's chest from above the bath towel she had draped over her swimsuit!

"See? What's with these nice boobies? They spill out of your hands when you try to fondle
them. They have achieved the supreme balance between neither too large nor too small. With
miraculous tightness and softness and a beautiful silhouette... In a sense, these are the best.
The first-rate taste limited to Japanese beef. Those tasteless foreign products can't hope to
compete! They are wonderful, Mariya-san. Come to the drama club with me and let's aim for
the top of the..."
"P-please stop, Sawa-san. T-take your hands off me!"
"You mustn't, Sawa-san, calm down! If you are like that, Mariya-san will!"
A few dozen seconds later. Although panting, for different reasons, Yuri-san and Sawa-san
had regained their calm.
Miyama-san was watching the two with worried eyes.
"I-I'm sorry. I saw some nice raw material and just had to invite you..."
"N-no, I am terribly sorry for making you lose your composure..."
"Sawa-san sure turns into a beast sometimes. Ah, Mariya-san, I don't think you need to be
jealous of others. If you are bothered, what am I going to do?"
Miyama-san murmured while looking down at her own figure.
Her limbs were childish and put badly, her build belonged in elementary school.
Anyway, the one-piece did not suit her.
A child's swimsuit would be better. With that thought, Yuri was assailed by pangs of guilt.
She realized just how rude her feelings before were. And beside her, Sawa-san tried
comforting Miyama-san.

"Hey, Miyama. There are also fellows like Sorimachi from class five who say 'But that's what
makes it good!' Don't give up hope!"
"This isn't funny anymore! Sorimachi of all those strange guys!?!"
Yuri suddenly noticed an unrest in her heart.
It was the moment she heard the name of that boy from class five. Did not that feeling
resemble a revelation from her spirit vision? She looked around.
In the pool. Several girls were swimming towards the other side.
By the poolside. Of course there, too, were nothing but girls. The supervising teacher was a
woman, too.
While she was looking around restlessly, Erica and Liliana approached her.
"What's up, Yuri? You seem odd. Did you see something by any chance?"
"Did you pick up a sign of danger? My senses have caught nothing, but you are far more
sensitive than I am. If you like I can investigate."
"Ah, no. It didn't feel that important..."
Yuri briefly explained the circumstances.
When she was done, Erica turned once in a circle, checking the surroundings and fixating at
one point.
"Hey, Lily. If someone tried doing something bad close to this pool, wouldn't that careless
fellows most likely pick that place?"
Pine trees were planted beside Jounan Academy's pool, facing the school building.
That thickly grown line of trees shut out stares from those sides.
But the side without such a blind also had a building. The wooden old school building that
would apparently be demolished in a month. It had not been in use for nearly ten years and
been sealed...
That is where Erica focused her gaze.
"Hmm. You just want to make me investigate it, so don't act so inviting. It's impudent."
Liliana closed her eyes while muttering.
Yuri felt a small amount of magical power leak from her closed eyes and jump towards the
old school building.

It should be wizardry that linked one of the five senses to a distant place. She had probably
made her "sight" scan the area.
"I found them. There are some worthless fellows there."
"Oh my, what bad people... so, how are we going to punish them?"
When Liliana gave her report, Erica maliciously chuckled.
Yuri watched uncomfortably when the two magi who could be called the top of their
generation in Europe took fighting stances.

Part 5
"Dammit! Doing whatever they please!"
In the equipment room, Kusanagi Godou finally managed to escape from under the mountain
of mats.
The combined armies of boys from class five and six had pushed into the room, dragged all
the mats over, stacked them on top of him, and then tightly locked the room.
"Now all I need is to get out of here..."
Godou glared at the door of the equipment closet.
It was locked. There were no tools or skills to break it. That only left breaking through by
ramming it with his body.
Destroying school property was bad. If there were other ways he should take those.
Godou reached that reasonable conclusion. But...
The moment he thought of it, a certain image floated up in his head. On Sardinia he had seen
Erica parading in her swimsuit on many occasions. He had not seen Liliana's swimsuit, but it
had to suit her very well.
...Those ill-bred idiots were scheming to appreciate that view.
For some reason anger built in his chest. And then he reconsidered.
Yeah, emergency situations require emergency measures. In such a situation he did not have
to take the safe route. On the contrary, that would be a defense against negligence. Therefore,
Godou decided to force his way through.
It was just when he had finished making space in the equipment room and gotten ready to
charge against the door.

"Godou-kun, you alright? Wait a sec, I'll let you out now."
He had heard that voice before. It belonged to Ono, a boy in his class.
He heard a key being turned and then the door opened and showed a small boy with frizzy
"Sorry, they hid the key so it took some time."
"Not at all, you really helped me. Thanks."
Ono shyly laughed when Godou thanked him.
"Of course, not everyone went along with the three idiots. Including me, about a third of us
have stayed here."
"Still, the fact remains that two-thirds went with them. That's rather more impressive."
Urged by Ono, a shocked Godou left the equipment room. Guided by anger he decided that he
would hurry to the pool as quickly as possible and obstruct their plan.
"Godou-kun, are you perhaps thinking of interfering with them?"
"Of course. How could I just let it go like this?"
"I see. Then... I won't say it's for saving you, but could I ask you for one thing?"
Embarrassedly, Ono presented him a tiny digital camera.
Come to think of it, Ono was part of the photography club. Thinking that must have been why
he was allowed to bring such a thing to school, Godou inclined his head.
"Uhm, what do you want exactly?"
"Actually, I really like girls with glasses. It's no exaggeration to say I love them. So I was
wondering, if you go to the pool, could you use the occasion to take a picture of Sawa-san in
her swimsuit? Peeping is bad after all, but if it happens while saving the girls, it's that, isn't
Godou suddenly turned his back on Ono who was staring at him like a wet puppy.
"Alright, I'll be off. Thanks for getting me out of there!"
"Kusanagi-kun! The camera!"

Leaving the appealing voice behind, Godou dashed off to the pool.

This is a story that Godou heard later.

The boys of class five and six under Nanami's command broke into the old school building,
which was slated for demolishing. There were about fifteen of them.
The insolent boys broke through the sealed door and entered the old school building.
Occupying the third floor, they steeled themselves to gaze at the frolicking girls by the
waterside without any kind of cover.
However, the pool was quite a distance away.
With their eyesight they could not see any details.
So they devised a plan to fulfill their desire to confirm the B W H measurements exactly.
Takagi remembered he had binoculars in his bag for watching sports and rushed back to the
During ten minutes until his return, all the others could do nothing but wait.
The unclimatized old school building was hot, dusty, and stank of the sweat and body odors
of the gathered boys.
And finally the desired item reached them, cooped up in that coarse environment. It seemed
like the whole place was trembling in excitement before the opening of heaven's gates.
Then the old school building collapsed with a thunderous roar.

Godou ran for his life and finally got close to the pool.
Where were they? Where were those idiots trying to appreciate the girls? Restlessly looking
around the surroundings, he tried coming up with a guess. At that moment, he heard a terrible
Looking in its direction, Godou was shocked.
The wooden old school building was about to collapse with a thunderous roar.
The walls, the pillars, the floorall the building materials broke into small pieces, got
smashed up, and lost their form.
The sight was so spectacular, it seemed as though the strain of time had made them wither in
mere moments. With cracking sounds, the old wood crumbled. And then, one could hear
screams from the inside.
"WHAT THE HELL!?" or "The floor! The floor!"

"Don't mind me, save the little sisters on my hard drive!" or "I really was a sucker for miko!"
Obviously, the boys of class five and six were buried under the rubble of the old school
Those guys had probably peeked from there.
But now, they were shocked by the sudden disaster movie they found themselves in and
struggled in their pain.
It looked like they were all going through some painful experiences. Bruises, scratchesthey
might even have bone fractures. You could say they got what they deserved, but he could not
deny himself some pity.
Usually, such a supernatural phenomenon should not happen.
Godou noticed the girls loitering near the old school building right away.
It was the usual three. Erica's scornful expression betrayed happiness over the boys' suffering,
and Liliana's expressed righteousness served.
Only Yuri was worriedly watching the groaning boys.
All three of them were wearing windbreaker jackets or bath towels over their uniform
"I knew it was you guys... now, whose plan was this?"
"Mine. I only wanted to use [Pulverization] magic for a bit. Looks like that school building
really has gotten old. Usually it shouldn't completely collapse with the amount of magic
power I used."
Erica composedly answered Godou, who came running.
He had heard that she was good with magic that creates or transforms stuff, but such a trump
card was unexpected.
"I can mostly guess what happened, but didn't you overdo it a little?"
"What should I have done? The spell worked better than expected. ...and isn't it fine? With
this, punishment has been dealt. The original revenge I had thought of was more complex."
Erica happily showed a devil's smile.
Not of the usual devil toying with humans, though. It belonged to a devil of the cruel,
coldhearted kind.
"That is correct, Kusanagi Godou. Punishment for sins, purification for impurity. As a knight,
I also intended to drop the hammer of justice on that dirty undertaking."

Liliana's expression was stern.

It was the gallant, sublime expression of a knight backed by her ideals.
Erica and Liliana's expressions were polar opposites but, apparently, the convictions in their
hearts led them in the same direction.
While thinking that those two got along somehow or other, Godou looked at Yuri. Unlike the
knights, she was the only one who looked like she wanted to say something.
"What is it, Mariya? Something you want to tell me?"
"Ah, no. There's only one little thing which has bothered me..."
Her bashfulness made her incredibly lovely.
With her upper body covered by a bath towel, Yuri was fidgetingtrying to evade Godou's
eyes and turning her face away.
"Godou-san, is it possible that you, like those boys, want to see us in s-swimsuits?"
It was an unexpected question. That Yuri would actually ask him such a thing.
Flustered, Godou averted his eyes from the completely flushed red Hime-Miko's swimsuit.
"N-no. I-I don't especially have such an interest..."
Godou went for the harmless and inoffensive answer.
His words trailed off towards the end, maybe because he knew he was pretending.
But what other choice did he have? Even inadvertently, he was living surrounded by beautiful
girls. He was in no place to be thoughtless.
"I-I see. That's right, isn't it! I'm glad I asked you, Godou-san. I was right in believing you
stood above such carnal desires!"
Yuri's expression was obviously relieved.
Good. Looks like it hadn't failed. It was just when Godou felt relieved
"What a stupid thing are you asking, Yuri? Of course he isn't!"
"Although reluctant, I have to agree with Erica. She is absolutely right. Mariya Yuri, our lord
is the king among kings in lechery."
The two knights cut in with confident expressions.

"I haven't forgotten the hot night I spent with Godou on Sicily. At that time Godou he, he
stared at my stark naked body and then it got really rough. I won't let him say he has no
interest in a woman's naked body."
Ignoring the startled Godou, Erica kept talking. Meanwhile Liliana's face turned bitter.
"The rumored affair in Zamparini's mansion? Had I been there, I would not have permitted
Erica to do as she pleased. Kusanagi Godou, if your male desires ever become too much for
you to handle, please call me. A-As a knight, I shall be of service without fail..."
"W-weren't there intricate circumstances at that time? And Liliana, what the heck are you
After shouting, Godou looked at Yuri right away. Although he had finally tricked her, after
this topic it was all for naught. As he thought, her facial expression betrayed her shock.
"No... no way. So Godou is like the others after all, just like Ena-san said... I-I'm terribly
sorry. I need to sort out my feelings, so please excuse me."
Fast-talking, Yuri excused herself and ran off.
Without the words to stop her, Godou saw her off dumbly.

Part 6
"Oh, Yuri, running away~. Hey, Amakasu-san, what were they talking about just now?"
"How would I be able to hear? Please don't ask me."
They were in a room on the seventh floor of an apartment building.
They had managed to slip into a room that happened to be open thanks to Amakasu Touma's
From its window, they could overlook the grounds and buildings of the Private Jounan
"But, Amakasu-san, can't you read lips? Weren't you a ninja?"
"Could you call me something else? That sounds like I'm a fake... can you at least make it
spy? Also, I can't read lips, but I can understand the conversation through deduction."
The two of them were sitting next to each other by the window, using binoculars.
They perfectly showed the pool and the ruins of the former school building, Godou and the
Right now, Yuri was running away from Godou.
"Really? You rock~. No less from Kaoru-san's right hand man."

"Come on, as long as you have adequate knowledge and imagination, it's just basic reasoning.
It probably went like this. Yuri said something like 'Idiot! I don't like you or anything! I
HATE you!', I bet."
"Eh? I don't think Yuri's the type to say that~"
"I just thought it would be interesting and added my own hopes."
Getting tired of passing each other the ball in this fruitless conversation, Ena took her eyes
from the binoculars.
"Hmm. Alright, I decided."
"What would that be? Are you returning to the main house?"
"As if. I decided I couldn't leave it to Yuri alone. I should support her from now on. Seems
more fun and all."
"Why do I feel like that's a really bad idea..."
Ena broadly grinned while ignoring Amakasu's impoliteness.
Magic had caused the wooden school building to collapse in a moment like it had
From that spell alone she could deduce Erica Blandelli's skill. That was the true worth of
today's observations. She was great after all. An enemy worth fighting.
Ena nodded in satisfaction and reached for her metal partner on the floor.
It would be a satisfying battle for the sword, too. And they would be the ones winning.

Chapter 3 - Hime-Miko of the Sword

Part 1
The wind roared while the raindrops splattered furiously.
Had it been the earlier half of September, the landing of a typhoon would not be out of place.
However, this storm was different. For the past few days, there have been no reports of an
approaching tropical depression.
"Yes, meeting the king today, because Ena can get along well with anyone, it will go
smoothly for sure. Yes, of course that side will also progress well."

Wearing her miko outfit, Seishuuin Ena stood facing the school building in a corner of the
sports ground in Jounan Academy's high school section.
She was soaked by the rain because she was not using an umbrella.
The phone she was speaking into was also drenched, but since this cellphone was waterproof,
power was not interrupted this time.
"Erica-san doesn't seem like she will be easy to handle, this will be exciting. However, having
obstacles will be very annoying, so if that's the case, it would be best to keep it one on
one...yes, thank you, your assistance at that time will be appreciated."
The Hime-Miko of the Sword. This title of Ena's was due to the partner she had just stabbed
into the ground.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. The sword whose blade measured 3 feet and 3.5 inches.
The blade was simple in construction without any curvesjust a straight sword. The metallic
luster on the blade was like sunlight descending from the heavens.
An awe-inspiring longsword said to be the weapon of royalty.
"This looks fine. It's just the right place to set up preparations. Actually Ena had been trying
to decide which part of the school to use as a battlefield, and this place turns out to be nice
and wide open, with the bonus that Erica-san passes by every day. Yes, let's go with this."
Finishing her call, Ena pressed her right index finger onto the blade of the Ama no Murakumo
no Tsurugi.
As the skin was sliced open, droplets of blood appeared.
Then Ena pressed that right index finger onto the wall of the school building in front of her.
"The many-fenced place of Izumo / Of the many clouds risingTo dwell there with my
spouse / Do I build a many-fenced palace: Ah, that many-fenced palace!"[24]
Chanting the ancient lyrics in a low voice.
She wrote upon the school wall the same words that she spoke.
This enchanted song carried the Hime-Miko's blood and the divine blade's smell of rust.
Washed by the rain, the poem written on the wall in fresh blood disappeared.
That was fine. It will serve its purpose later on.
The only uncertain factor was Yuri, who had very good instincts. To prevent that from being
an issue, it would be best to deliberately create encounters with her in school as much as

Then even when Yuri felt the presence of the divine sword within the school, she would not
be suspicious.
Ena pondered as she ran along the school walls. After she completed the same task on seven
walls, the rain stopped, and the violent wind calmed down.
It was still six in the morning, and no clubs began their activities that early.
"Good. This is it for the morning. One should get a change of clothes before greeting the
Ena murmured to herself as she gazed at her drenched body.
Even for someone as innocent and uncouth as Ena, the idea of meeting someone in her current
state especially a boy with whom she will soon develop an intimate relationship, proved to
be quite objectionable.
"This job is so troublesome, grampsy. Hopefully next time he contacts Ena for a job, he picks
a more appropriate time. Always assigning troublesome tasks every time."
Grumbling to herself as she slung her partner onto her shoulder, Ena left the school.

Part 2
The recent weather had been rather turbulent.
For the past few days, there were sudden gusts of wind and frequent rain.
Godou walked along the wet road as he looked up at the sky. The dark clouds of the sudden
rainstorm had all been swept away.
The clear blue sky seemed much broader.
Though the calendar clearly indicated that autumn had arrived, the summer atmosphere was
still heavy.
At 7:30am, Godou's usual task was not going to school but visiting Erica's home first to get
her out of bed.
Walking along Hongou Street, he was nearing Erica's apartment.
Following this street that he took daily, Godou suddenly spotted an unknown girl approaching
She possessed beautiful soft black hair that was long and shiny, as well as an appearance of a
quintessential Yamato Nadeshiko. She was wearing a uniform from some school, and slung
over her shoulder was the kind of bag usually used for bamboo swords.
"Excuse me, are you Kusanagi Godou-sama? A pleasure to meet you for the first time, my
name is Seishuuin Ena."

She walked before Godou and introduced herself.

What is going on? Though he felt the girl was very strange, Godou halted his footsteps.
"Our meeting must be fate. I am the servant girl who will stay by your side. We of the
Seishuuin family would like to receive your blessing and set off together along the path of
domination. Please accept my loyalty."
What was with these unusual words and honorifics?
Godou was troubled, but this Seishuuin-whatever girl, who had greeted him so strangely,
smiled at him.
"Just kidding. Hey, can we not use honorifics? Yuri uses them all the time, but Ena isn't very
good at them. Still, Ena will continue using them unless Kusanagi-san objects."
The image of a prim and proper high-class lady instantly dissolved.
Suddenly turning into an amiable girl next door, Godou did not know how to react. In any
case, it would be best to agree first.
"I don't really mind. Do you know Mariya well?"
"Yes. We are childhood friends. Since Kusanagi-san knows about them already, Ena is also a
An unexpectedly shocking introduction of the one who called herself Mariya Yuri's
That was certainly what she said, and she did have an outstanding refined air of a high-class
"Kusanagi-san may not know, but there are actually a few dozen of these Hime-Miko like
Ena. Anyway, the other related details can be gradually explained."
Ena smiled and said.
Like a cool breeze blowing under the scorching sun, the girl gave off an unbelievably
refreshing and cool feeling.
"This morning, I received news that I was recommended and invited."
"Yes, an invitation from Yuri, something like having tea with you together. Are you free after
school today? You will receive the invitation card later."

The sudden suggestion greatly surprised Godou. However, if Yuri will be present then things
should not go out of hand.
"Well, I'm okay with it."
"Is that so? Great, then. Let us continue with the details later, farewell."
The last words were chosen like a high-class lady, but spoken with an outgoing and friendly
Godou tilted his head as he watched the newly debuted Hime-Miko walk off into the distance.
The strangeness of this person left him standing there bewildered for a while.
Of course, he could not have expected the doom and chaos that was about to befall him in
mere hours.

Classes had finished... it was finally the end of the school day.
After the swimming pool incident yesterday, Mariya Yuri was rather gloomy.
She never expected Godou to have that kind of interest, but then again, as a healthy male it
was only natural to have those kinds of desires. However, how should she handle this?
As Yuri pondered, she finally understood the reason why she was shocked yesterday.
Having these concerns made her seem like she was trying to further the intimacy of their
Back then, Yuri frantically ran away because she could not face such thoughts and behavior.
Having regained composure overnight, she now decided to call Ena to discuss things.
'Just give Godou-san a hug. You're not a woman if you can't even do something like that.'
To think she was giving orders now.
"B-But why does it have to be like this?"
'You like that person, right? Then it is the only way. If you continue to tarry, then you will be
left behind and distanced by Erica-san and the rest.'
"I-It's fine, after all, Godou-san and I are just ordinary friends."
"Y-Yes, really. Thus, to have to do something shamelessly lewd like Erica-san..."
Not long into the conversation, and Yuri was already stuttering.
For some reason, she could not bring herself to speak decisively.

'I see I see. This must be part of the deep intricacies of the internal tsundere struggle described
by Amakasu-san. Well, no matter what, Ena will assist you to get onboard. I have already met
him todayYuri, do you have something to do right now?'
"Yes, today's tea ceremony club activities..."
Ending the fruitless discussion, Yuri made her way towards the club building.
Lunch on the roof with Godou and the rest had been a daily activity, but she did not go today.
Probably because Yuri did not know how to face Godou.
Glad that school was over, Yuri walked to the tea ceremony club.
This was located in one of the rooms of the Japanese style building constructed between the
high school and the middle school sections.
This building housed the activity areas of cultural organizations such as the tea ceremony
club, the flower arrangement club, the Japanese dance research club, and others, and was
commonly dubbed the "Japanese block."
Today was Wednesday. The tea ceremony club met every Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday for activities.
Yuri took off her shoes as she walked into the tearoomand gasped in surprise.
"Ah, Yuri, it's been a day since we last met. As promised, I came to see you."
Seishuuin Ena was sitting right there.
Sitting next to her was the club president Hanabusa-san, who seemed relieved to see Yuri.
"Mariya-san, you came just at the right time. Someone you know has been waiting for you."
Tea ceremony club president Hanabusa Akari was a second year high school student.
A senior whose staid and gracious spoken mannerisms and benevolent facial expressions
always left a deep impression on people.
"She wanted to enter the tea room and struck up a conversation with me."
"After asking students from other clubs for directions, they told Ena to come here. Since Yuri
will be here sooner or later, I didn't mind arriving early."
Ena spoke leisurely.
Would the school staff not notice someone running about in the school wearing a different
Yuri felt worried, but Ena smiled mischievously.

"Don't worry, it seems like I wasn't discovered."

"I see... In that case, is it really fine for Ena's own school? It seems like you have not gone for
the past few days?"
Yuri asked cautiously as the thought came to her mind.
"Ah, don't worry about it. I never went much in the first place anyway. If attendance will be a
problem, my family already promised to handle it with the school, so I've been continuing my
training in the mountains."
Ena laughed heartily as she answered.
As expected of the Seishuuin family. Yuri sighed with admiration.
Contrasting with the Mariya family's impoverished state which persisted until the Meiji
Restoration, the Seishuuin family's exalted prestige dated back to the Warring States Era and
was unimaginably influential in all areas of society.
"Anyway, are you the one with the most authority in this club?"
Ena abruptly turned to Hanabusa-san's dignified face and asked.
"Ah, I guess so. I am the club president for now after all. But why?"
"Just instinct. Ena always knows who the most powerful person in a group is."
Ena gazed at the tea ceremony club president as she bowed deeply and said.
"Esteemed club president, I have a suggestion, no, a request. This tearoom, could you lend it
to me for a little while? Don't worry, it won't take long."
A request accompanied by a cordial smile.
This completely unabashed request, however, felt like an irresistible command.
Ena had always been like this, doing things as she pleased. The kind-hearted Hanabusa-san
had no choice but to nod under pressure.
What was she planning to do here? Yuri felt more and more anxious.

Part 3
At that moment, in the classroom of the First Year Fifth Class
Kusanagi Godou was at his own seat, anxiously staring at the letter in his hands.
A private letter written on Japanese paper.

On it were the words "Please come to the tearoom for a visit after the conclusion of today's
lessons." Written using a brush in extremely beautiful calligraphy, it carried the signature of
Seishuuin Ena.
Was this an invitation? ...It felt very suspicious. Godou recalled the scene that morning.
At some unknown point in time, the letter had somehow slipped into Godou's desk.
Godou wondered how she placed it. Most likely it was magic. Godou really felt like scolding
her not to engage in such suspicious behavior for the sake of trivial things like this.
However, Yuri did not appear on the rooftop for lunch, probably because she was avoiding
It would be bad if this awkwardness continued, and Godou felt that he really needed to have a
good talk to clear things up. Though the matter of this letter was unpleasant, at least it would
give a good pretext.
Erica had already gone outside with the girls in the class, but there was no need to get her to
come along anyway.
Godou was going to visit the tearoom alone, until he suddenly thought of another knight.
"Hey, Liliana, I have something to do alone. Why don't you go home first?"
"Something to do? What is it?"
Greeting her neighbor in the classroom, Liliana resumed her usual expression of solemnity.
"A little visit to the tea ceremony club."
"The tea ceremony club? You have something with Mariya Yuri or your sister Shizuka?"
"Uh, I was invited by Mariya's miko friend. I don't really know what's going on, but I'll just be
gone for a bit."
As soon as he gave that explanation, Godou realized his mistake. If he explained it like that,
then she will insist on her knight's duty and come along. He should have just made up an
innocuous story.
"This smells suspicious. If she is Mariya Yuri's friend, then it is extremely unlikely for her to
be a normal person. I will accompany you, for I must protect you."
"Ah, yes. Though that sounds a little too exaggerated."
"Not exaggerated at all. Of course, I need to pay attention, especially when you are lacking in
crisis management awareness. ...You are always one to make others worry."
And so, accompanied by the silver-haired knight, Godou headed towards the "Japanese

Jounan Academy's campus was quite large, especially the forest near the boundary between
the high and middle school sections. It was like a small garden and even had ponds.
As the location representing the activities of the various clubs in the cultural department, the
Japanese building was also located there.
"So this is where the tea ceremony club holds its activities. It is my first time here."
"I don't come here often either. The only time I came here was when the cultural department
held its club introduction fair."
The Japanese block was constructed as a long and narrow single-story building.
Godou and Liliana took off their shoes and placed them into the shoe cabinet before walking
inside. Not far along the corridor was the tea room which was roughly twenty square meters
in size,[25] and there were already six occupants inside.
One was Mariya Yuri, and beside her was Seishuuin Ena, the one wearing a uniform Godou
had never seen before. The other four girls sat a little distance away from them, and were all
members of the tea ceremony club that Godou had never seen before.
Uh, with one exception. That was his little sister Shizuka.
"Onii-chan? Why did you come to a place like this?"
It was quite common for cultural organizations like the tea ceremony club to have both middle
and high school members in activities together.
It was probably expected for Shizuka to be surprised. However, she was not the only one
surprised by the sudden intrusion, as Yuri also glanced over with doubt.
"G-Godou-san? Why are you here?"
"It's me, Ena, who called him here. Now that all the guests are present, let's start the tea party.
It also seems like an uninvited guest has arrived, but welcome anyway."
Ena, the only person who was not wearing a Jounan uniform, suddenly spoke.
Hearing these exchanges, Liliana frowned unhappily. Just as Godou was about to speak, she
had already bent down to sit in front of the two Hime-Miko. Surprisingly, she had taken the
proper traditional Japanese sitting posture of seiza.[26]
Unlike Erica who never changed her ways despite any amount of nagging, Liliana was more
disposed to learning local traditions.
"...Please be wary of this woman, for she was following Erica and me a few days ago."
Liliana whispered softly to Godou sitting beside her.

This unexpected warning made the atmosphere tense, but Ena showed Godou a reassuring
"Is that Kusanagi-san's younger sister over there? Hmm mmm, what a coincidence. How
should I address her?"
"No, there is no need for that. She doesn't need to join us over here."
"No! Please let me join in."
Even faster than Godou's refusal, Shizuka furiously declared.
In a manner inconsistent with the spirit of the tea ceremony, she had rapidly approached and
plopped herself down right next to Godou, and created a face-to-face situation opposite Ena
and Yuri.
As things began to take an increasingly odd development, Godou opened his mouth to
"So this... how should I address you? You're a student from another school, right, so why are
you borrowing the tea ceremony club's room?"
"Just use my name directly. I requested to use this place from the club president over there."
Ena glanced towards the club member over in the distance.
She seemed rather kind but timid, and was smiling in a slightly awkward manner.
"If you just wanted to speak with me, some other place will do."
"That would be a waste of this rare opportunity, so let me serve you some tea I personally
Ena looked back at the electric thermos and iron kettle behind her.
Not exactly the most tasteful tea implements, but it could not be helped in an amateur school
"Anyway, what is the nature of the relationship between Onii-chan and this person..."
Shizuka interrupted with an unhappy expression. This was rather rude towards someone from
another school, especially one who was older than she was. Godou sighed at his sister's lack
of manners, but it seemed like Ena did not mind.
"Yes, both I and Yuri here have something to discuss with your brother. To sum it up, it
concerns the date of Ena and Yuri's marriage into the Kusanagi household."
Crash! Shizuka had fallen forward in a most exaggerated manner.
It was not just her, for even Godou was so surprised that he sat straight up.

The rest of the tea ceremony club members who had been drinking tea while leaning their ears
over to the conversation also stopped all their motions in shock. Only Liliana sat back silently
with a matter-of-fact expression.
"E-E-Ena! You and I marrying Godou-san, what are you talking about!"
"Hopeless. You've always been like this."
Ena admonished Yuri who was shouting with her face all red.
"Ah, Kusanagi-san, please don't mind Yuri, whose emotions were unstable yesterday.
Actually, what Ena has been saying to this child was, the earlier she prepares herself to be
taken by Kusanagi-san the better. So she seems to have become a little too self-conscious
towards youperhaps you have begun to tire of Yuri?"
"Nothing like that at all! But..."
"Excellent. No matter what happens, we will entrust ourselves to you. Yuri will definitely
become a great wife, and Ena should also be useful to Kusanagi-san. Yes, though it feels
strange for me to say this, but Kusanagi-san is truly someone who reaps what he sows, how
"Ena! Please watch your words, shame, shameless!"
"Even if it is shameless, this is important so there is no other way around itKusanagi-san,
please have some tea."
Placing the tea powder into the utensil, she added boiling water and stirred it with the
cylindrical bamboo whisk.
Ena proceeded to hand the container towards Godou. This appeared to be thin tea.
The series of motions were performed in a simple flowing manner and did not seem to adhere
to any rigid conservative ritual.
This contrasted with the cautious motions of the rest of the tea ceremony club.
To use an analogy from calligraphy, it would be the difference between the regular script
practiced by a clumsy novice compared to the free flowing cursive of a true master.
Accepting the tea, Godou brought the cup to his lips.
He was not clear on the details of the ceremony, but this was not the time to be hung up on
them anyway. Shizuka was frowning beside him. Let's not say anything and try it for now
but wow, the flavor of this tea has been carefully fine-tuned and tastes really good.
Ena used the same motions to serve tea to the others. Though foreigners often disliked the
taste of powdered tea, Liliana finished her tea in a composed manner. Then she turned her
sharp gaze towards the one who served her tea.

Yuri was enjoying her tea in an elegant manner but with a worried expression on her face.
The younger sister Shizuka's displeased demeanor remained unchanged even after savoring
the tea.
"Anyway, back to the topic of marrying, it should be fine even if we don't officially update
the family registry[27] right? Since marrying two people at once constitutes the crime of
bigamy. But then again, it would be troublesome to explain to the children..."
Ena made another shocking statement.
This woman is a troublemaker, perhaps even more so compared to Erica.
The shocked Godou, the terrified Yuri, the calmly listening Liliana, the sister Shizuka who
was glaring severely at her brother, as well as the rest of the girls of the tea ceremony club
who looked somewhat awkward...
All the girls, apart from Liliana and Yuri, stared daggers at Goudou.
'Onii-chan is the worst!' 'I-Is this the so-called adult relationships!?' 'Kusanagi-san and her
brother, it's really like the rumors...' 'Those rumors, could they all turn out to be true...'
Godou wanted to escape this place. Why is everyone looking at me with such eyes!?
"Yes, it's like this. I have discussed with Yuri. For tasks like making love and having kids,
Yuri will come first and Ena will just be backup. Does Kusanagi-san think this is fine? Or
perhaps, you like Ena better?"
"Wait wait wait, wait a minute. This conversation seems to have taken a strange drift. This is
too weird!"
"Nothing like that. In fact, this is the most important point, so the question iswhat type of
girl do you prefer. The withdrawn type or the lively type, which do you like better?"
Ignoring his request for reprieve, Ena casually continued her questioning.
Godou began to realize he must resolve to face Ena's willfulness with deathly resistance.
"I won't answer you! I have no reason to answer such a question!"
"Fine, let's put that question aside for now. Then let's talk about what kind of special interests
you have, such as hidden fetishes? I once read a magazine article that said 'problems in sex
life will cause break ups in relationships, so even if the man has abnormal fetishes, you must
proactively enjoy them' Kusanagi-san, do you have such secrets, too?"
"Don't change the subject, listen to me properly!"
Resisting this girl seemed to require a properly prepared iron will.
Godou spoke to Ena as she took out a women's magazine that was not very thick.

"No matter how you change the subject, neither Yuri nor you will form that kind of
relationship with me. This is the first point that needs to be cleared up."
"You already have three consorts, what are you talking about at this point."
Having spoken, Ena began to count on her fingers.
"Ena knows everything, there is Erica, Yuri over there and Liliana. See, that's already three
people... Ah, and a local wife as well."
"All of them are just my ordinary friends. Stop talking like I'm some sort of enemy of all
The girls of the tea ceremony club were watching Godou as if eyeing a criminal.
Godou ignored those stares, and declared strongly to defend himself.
"Yes, because Yuri is a very shy person, but I am not like her. Don't worry. Ena will work
hard to become your qualified concubines. So Kusanagi-san, you don't have to be shy."
"M-Mariya, is this actually okay with you!? Please help deny this."
Unable to reverse the situation, Godou turned to Yuri who had been silent all along.
"That I am just ordinary friends with Mariya, and not some sort of strange relationship like
she said, please."
"Yes, yes. There is nothing between Godou-san and I..."
"Yuri, if you say that one more time, you cannot take that back."
Yuri's self-pronounced friend spoke quietly, but her attitude was subtly different from her
previously casual demeanor.
"Then just take Ena alone. If Yuri opts out at this point, then it's fine even if I serve Kusanagisan alone. Our relationship will be very close, and we will most likely marry and have
children. And then even if Yuri regrets it, I will ignore it."
"Eh? Ena..."
"If you choose to give up, I will not stop you at all. But in return, I won't give you a second
chance. Being shy is very cute, but if you cannot be decisive then it's no good. Unforgivable.
If you want something, you have to acquire it with your own hands."
"...With my own hands."
"Correct. You have to create the life you want to live, right? If Yuri has those wishes, then
Ena will take on the responsibility to support you. How will you proceed? Make a decision
now. How about it?"

Failing to respond to her friend's advice, Yuri lapsed into silence.

Watching the profile of that beautiful face in hesitation, Godou felt anxious. It was a long
silence, very long. What could she be hesitating about!?
"...Yes, I understand."
At least she gave an answer. Yuri gazed directly at Godou's face, the first time today since
Like that, Yuri shyly spoke in broken words.
"I... cannot completely agree with what Ena has said."
"Uh, yes."
Though abashed, Yuri's eyes and words carried a strong will.
Suppressed by the strength of her spirit, Godou could not help but fall silent.
"However, I believe that the future that she described cannot be denied with complete
certainty. Anyway, I have no idea what my relationship with Godou-san will be like in the
future, and we have already done things that no ordinary friends should have done in the first
"And, and that is to say...!?"
"Hence, I cannot declare that we are just ordinary friends! P-Perhaps it will turn out just as
Ena said, but it could also end up being nothing!"
To the unexpected response, Godou went "Eh?" in surprise.
Then Yuri gazed at him with her very sorrowful but very clear pupils.
"Is it possible... not to deny it? Perhaps you and I were just a mistake of the moment..."
"Ah, no, I never felt taken advantage of, just a little shocked..."
The memories of the "ritual" performed with Yuri during that storm in June resurfaced.
Godou frantically shook his head.
At this time, his sister Shizuka was going 'Onii-chan is such a big idiot, will he finally be won
over by Mariya-senpai right now!?' while the tea ceremony club president was noisily
exclaiming 'M-Mariya-san is so daring~'
Then Yuri immediately escaped from Godou's presence.
She hid behind Ena's back, shivering in embarrassment.

"Now, may I have a word?"

Godou, who was in a state of shock from the unexpected events, suddenly heard a stern voice.
Liliana Kranjcar.
The blue and black knight was glaring sharply at Ena.
"What are you planning on doing? Why are you disrupting my master's peaceful life?"
"I am not aiming to disrupt, besides Kusanagi-san has been surrounded by no lack of rowdy
events for some time already."
"If you put it that way, it is true after all. My apologies, I have misspoken."
Don't reach an understanding in that kind of area. However, before Godou had a chance to
interject his despair, the conversation continued.
"However, if you approach Kusanagi Godou with any ulterior motives, do not expect any
mercy from me. Remember that."
"Of course not. How could Ena have any ulterior motives, Number Two?"
Liliana gave off a dangerous presence as sharp as a blade, but Ena struck back with a casual
"Number Two?"
"Yes. ...Since you are the second strongest in that group of people. The blonde is Number One
and you are Number Two, Liliana-san. I understood after meeting you two last time."
"...Meaning that Erica is above me?"
Liliana narrowed her eyes. A knight would respond to a personal insult with a challenge for a
duel. But even though the atmosphere reached such a level of tension, Ena continued to smile
"If it is a one on one duel then you are roughly equal. But based on your influence within the
group, it is clear who holds the greater power. That is what Ena thinks."
Godou could not help turning his attention once again towards the Hime-Miko who called
herself Yuri's friend.
Though it was conveyed rather untactfully, she did analyze the opposing situation between the
red and blue knights perfectly.
"It is not as you think, I must make this correction."
"Yes yes, but for now I'm just giving advance notice. After all, taking care of Number One
was the original plan. Ena has always had the habit of eating the best things first."

Having casually exchanged instigating words with Liliana, Ena turned her sight to behind
"Ah, Erica-san, there is nothing wrong with Ena's judgment, right?"
She was looking straight aheadto the entrance of the tearoom, where a glamorously eyecatching female student has appeared.
Blonde with a tint of red, and carrying an extremely rare sense of glamor, it was Erica
Blandelli of course.

Part 4
"Since I couldn't find Godou I went searching... But it looks like everyone is having fun here."
Erica elegantly greeted.
Ignoring the panic in the surrounding people, she kept to her usual style.
"A pleasure to meet you for the first time, Erica-san. My name is Seishuuin Ena, and I am
Yuri's friend."
"Ah, but it seems like this is not our first meeting."
To Erica's subtle smile, Ena grinned like a prankster.
"Well, this kind of conversation is our first. Let's just leave it at that. Great, today's goal was
to meet the girl who is Number One, and I was worrying I had missed my chance."
"I hope I have not failed your expectations."
"...Erica, may I be this woman's opponent?"
Liliana interrupted their conversation.
But Erica thought for a short while, then simply denied her request with a quick "no, not
"I wish to make that woman pay the price for insulting me. Do not hinder a knight's
"I don't want to hinder you, but it can't be helped. I plan to have a political discussion with
that woman. If you wish, Liliana, you can substitute for me, but I know you hate that kind of
task, right?"
Erica smiled generously as she spoke.
Shizuka and the rest of the tea ceremony club were frozen with surprise, but who could blame

But Godou could sense the meaning behind his companion's words.
Erica wanted to interview this strange intruder in order to clarify her intentions and reach a
binding agreement.
This course of action required great intellect and political acumen.
To be honest, this would have been somewhat difficult for the slightly crude Liliana. If Erica
were to enter into a dialogue, would things end peacefully? Godou nodded to the [Diavolo
"Then I leave the matter in your care, Erica. Don't make things go out of hand."
"Of course, then let Liliana stay by Godou's side?"
Liliana felt unimpressed by the orders and turned her face aside, but did not complain,
presumably because she realized the difference in suitability to the task.
"I can't come along?"
"It's not necessary this time. It would be more troublesome to negotiate with that woman in
your presence. Why don't you and Yuri stay here to clean up, is that fine, Yuri?"
"Yes, yes. I understand."
Erica answered Godou neatly, and then gave Yuri directions.
This was the kind of situation where Erica could exert her prided social skills.
Ena also stood up and took the bag that was leaning against the wall. This was the same bag
slung over her shoulder, and seemed to be one of those long and narrow bags made of cloth
used to carry a bamboo sword or the like.
With a smile at the corner of her lips, it was as if Ena specifically wanted others to know her
happiness, a smile devoid of darkness.
"Have you made your decision? Then let's go outside?"
"I see. It would be troublesome to bother our friends of the tea ceremony club any longer.
Then everyone, we will take our leave first. Let us carefully enjoy what is to come next."
And then Erica left and walked outside like a noblewoman excusing herself from a party in
With relaxed footsteps, Ena followed behind her.
Godou watched with worry as the Hime-Miko and the Great Knight left.
As they reached the outside of the Japanese block, Erica began to run in the woods.

Following closely behind her was the Hime-Miko named Seishuuin Ena.
The martial arts level of that woman was at no ordinary level. Erica could sense that level of
power from the motions of her body.
Footsteps that were virtually silent, and moving about with an extremely stable center of
gravity. Even if you hung a bell on her ankle, this woman could probably walk around
without making a sound.
Amakasu Touma. The special operative of the History Compilation Committee.
That man also had similar motions and manner of walking, though to be precise, they are on
two completely different levels.
"Actually, there is something I would like to apologize to Erica-san first."
Ena suddenly spoke.
"The incident several days ago? To be honest, that kind of present did give me a bit of
Erica took out the piece of metal from the pocket of her uniform.
It was the manji () shaped blade fragment that attacked her on the road that night.
Erica tossed the fragment at Ena's feet, and the sharp piece of metal swiftly embedded itself
into the soft ground.
"Ah, this? No no, that's not what I was referring to. I'm sure a little trinket like that would
have been easily handled by Erica-san. Should I bring out something a little stronger?"
Laughing at the metal fragment, Ena's casual smile admitted that she was the culprit of that
A very perfect smile that conveyed the consistency between her outward expression and inner
"Given that the level of Japanese manufacturing techniques should be above this, amuse me."
"Oh, is that so? Then let me show you this."
The black-haired Hime-Miko took out from her pocket several pieces of paper.
Long narrow rectangular pieces of paper, covered with many different kanji of various sizes.
Due to the severity of their tattered condition, Erica could hardly make out the words and the
only character she barely recognized was the one for "sword"was this some sort of spell?
"Actually I wanted to apologize, because Erica-san wanted political negotiations, right?"

"Is there a problem?"

"Yes, a great problem. To be frank, Ena is not very good at those kinds of conversations."
Ena's curled lips expressed a fearless smile from the depths of her heart.
The five "sword" spell charms in Ena's hand were waiting to be deployed.
"Come to think of it, neither is Yuri very suited to such negotiations."
"Correct. Those issues are all managed and handled by the Committee, and have nothing to do
with the Hime-Miko."
The five "sword" charms were surrounded by green flame, and Ena tossed them high into the
sky towards the distance.
In an instant, the charms were consumed by the fire, but out of the fire emerged pieces of
metalin a manner reminiscent of swords being pulled out of sheaths.
"Thus, let's do something easier to understand! Like this!"
The metal pieces born from the charms, were those manji () shaped blades.
Sword familiars that could fly.
As the five weapons flew towards her, Erica shrugged her shoulders as if facing a tiresome
"If this is the way things turn out, I should have left it to Lily. Father and Mother,
Baphomet who boasts of victory, grant to me the power of the words of extinction!"
Most likely too disappointed, Erica did not even have the mood to draw her sword.
Though these familiars were far beneath the martial prowess of a knight, using magic to
defeat them would be far more efficient.
Erica chanted the spell words and released the magical power. The technique of
[Pulverization] was high level magic that could cause inorganic matter to explode and shatter
into dust.
Originally, this spell was not very effective against objects protected or animated by magic,
"Not working eh? Looks like simply increasing the quantity won't be enough."
Watching several of her manji blades shattering at the same time, Ena muttered.
Erica skillfully employed her spells. Creation, transformation, destruction, and reinforcement
were her areas of expertise. In these areas, it could be said that Erica surpassed everyone at
her age. Even Liliana was far outclassed.

Erica infused temporary life into the metal fragments of the familiars she just shattered,
causing them to expand, transform, and meld together. Virtual intelligence was bestowed
upon them, and granted them mobility.
Using the blade remnants as ingredients, a steel wolf was born before Erica. Though it was
in the form of a wolf, the meager raw materials left visible gaps between the bone and skin in
its construction.
The cries and motions of the steel wolf were like those of a live beast.
For a creation improvised on the spot, it was quite an accomplishment.
Should her beloved sword Cuore di Leone be added to strengthen the construct? With the
protection of the magic sword of the lion, strength and ferocity will definitely rise to a
completely different level.
"How about it? If you want to manipulate iron, let me show you the proper way right here?"
"Amazing, amazing. That kind of delicate spell is very difficult for Ena. Erica-san's moves
sure are full of finesse."
Ena continued to smile.
She did not seem like she was putting up a front, and Erica decided not to underestimate her.
"Did you mention made in Japan just now? Yes, showing foreigners Japanese techniques
would be a nice service. Please wait a moment."
Ena took down the bag from her shoulder and opened it, exposing the sword in the jet-black
sheath. The blade alone was already one meter long.
Drawing out the sword revealed it to be a straight blade with no curve.
"Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Let me give an introduction. This is the one truly made in
Japan, Ena's partner."
The black-haired Hime-Miko stabbed the blade of the sword into the ground.
Just this motion created wind.
Centered on the sword, calm winds gradually swirled to form a vortex.
Blown by that gust of wind, the created wolf shattered into pieces on the ground, as if shyly
fleeing away from steel of a higher-grade existence.
Driven by her defensive instincts, Erica summoned Cuore di Leone.

But even for the magic sword of the lion, taking on that sword as an opponent will be
Magic sword, holy sword, spirit sword, cursed blade.
Perhaps surpassing all these, an even more threatening magical item, could it even be
something like a divine artifact?
"Hmm... looks like I pulled it out too early eh?"
Ena began to speak to herself and immediately re-sheathed her sword. Why did she stop if she
was skilled enough to move that massive blade as easily as if it were her own limb?
As Erica suspiciously puzzled over her behavior, Ena made an awkward smile and replied,
"Too bad, it's over."
"Yuri's footsteps are approaching. That child's spirit sense will immediately notice if I draw
this thing. Since she will definitely scold me for unsheathing the sword so rashly, I decided to
stop right here."
"Footsteps? You can hear them?"
"Ena's ears are very good, and it's not just one person, there's a man following behind... Most
likely Kusanagi-san."
Ena cupped her hand to her ear as she spoke. Erica, however, could not hear anything.
Furthermore, being able to tell people apart from their footsteps like a dog could only be
described as superhuman hearing.
An unexpectedly troublesome opponent had definitely presented herself.
Erica dispelled Cuore di Leone. It would be imprudent to battle and seek victory against such
an enemy without proper preparations.
"Anyway, which god did that sword come from?"
"I already said, it is the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, which I borrowed from grampsy. If
you really want to know then try investigating it. Anyway, see you again in the near
Waving her hand affectionately, Ena turned to leave.
As she watched her opponent depart, Erica was determined to start gathering intelligence

Part 5
It was after Erica and Ena's figures disappeared.

The three people left behind began to gather the used tea implements in the room and take
them to the sink for washing.
Yuri suddenly showed a worried expression just as Godou and Liliana started preparing the
sponge and detergent for washing up.
"What is it, Mariya?"
"Ah, no. There is just something that is causing me concern. I am sorry, but I must go out for
a while."
After Yuri left the sink, Godou suddenly thought of something.
"Excuse me, Liliana, but I leave the rest to you."
"Yes, sure. Kusanagi Godou, where are you going?"
Godou did not answer as he left to chase after Yuri.
Yuri had just exited the Japanese building and was about to walk into the woods. With a
surprised expression, she questioned Godou who had suddenly caught up to her.
"Godou-san why have you followed!?"
"Yes, I felt that Mariya was acting a bit strange... Perhaps, you have thought of something
about Erica and Seishuuin Ena?"
"Not really, but somehow I just feel something is off in the atmosphere."
The two of them made their steps towards the depths of the forest with Yuri in front and
Godou following behind.
"Uh, so what kind of person is that Seishuuin Ena? She mentioned she was one of the HimeMiko."
"That is correct. She is the heir to one of the Four Familiesthe house of Seishuuin. She is
the top Hime-Miko protecting Musashino, and also my childhood friend."
The Four Families. A term he had never heard before.
"Seishuuin, Kuhoudzuka, Renjou, Sayanomiyathese are the four ancient families that have
been using their magical powers to serve the emperors over the ages. Amongst them the
Seishuuin were distinguished by battle strength and political power, while the Sayanomiya
has formed the core think tank of the History Compilation Committee. ...It would take a long
time to explain everything, so let us leave the rest to another time."
Yuri answered fluently, but stopped with a forced smile.
Noticing Godou was getting lost in the jargon, she decided to pause in consideration for his

"I understand better now. So over in Mariya's faction, there are all sorts of complications as
"Actually this was Amakasu-san's suggestion, that I should not disclose too much information
to avoid confusing Godou-san too much."
"That sounds about right. In fact, I am still very confused."
The two of them conversed as they ventured into the depths of the forest and came across
"Are you fine, Erica-san?"
Yuri had located Erica using her spirit vision, and she ran towards Erica with a relieved
However, Ena was nowhere to be found, did she leave first?
"You can't be worrying about me just because of that woman, is she really that dangerous a
person? If it came to a fight between the two of us, I, Erica Blandelli would be at a
disadvantageis that what you predicted, Yuri?"
Erica suddenly questioned the Hime-Miko who approached her.
"Ummm, that..."
"Seishuuin Ena's partner, I have taken a great interest in that object. Will you allow me to ask
about its details?"
To this question, Yuri lowered her head.
In other words, she could not answer even if she wanted to. Erica sighed at such a situation.
"Fine, it's okay even if you cannot answer, I just thought it was worth a shot. Don't be
concerned. Same for you Godou: don't question Yuri about that girl. I think there are many
things she will find difficult to answer."
Erica was speaking in a friendly manner as if worrying about a younger sister. Presumably,
she was being considerate of Yuri's status as a member of the Hime-Miko organization.
It was during such a time that the [Diavolo Rosso] showed a sense of compassion unbecoming
of her moniker.
Godou nodded in agreement.
"So, where did Seishuuin go?"
"We chatted for a bit, and then she bid her leave, asking me to look after Yuri, that's all."
"You two did not come into any conflict?"

"Of course not, please don't talk about me like some rabid dog. I sure don't have a problem
with randomly biting people regardless of the situation."
Godou nodded at Erica's report and decided to go home.
Leaving Yuri to return to the Nanao Shrine, Godou went to the Japanese block to meet
The silver-haired knight was naturally quite miffed, and Godou apologetically accompanied
her to the school gates.
"Anyway, a lot sure happened today, I hope I can take a casual stroll back home."
As Godou complained to himself, Erica and Liliana exchanged glances and looked at him in a
subtle manner as if he had said something wrong.
"Just spit it out if you want to say something. This is making me uncomfortable."
"Then I will go ahead. Kusanagi Godou, it is a shame that what you just hoped will not
"Haven't you noticed that this incident will be one of your greatest trials?"
Being talked to like that by the blue and red knights, Godou felt his fury rising.
Both of them are talking like I was some kind of idiotbut as his anger rose, Godou finally
What a fool I am, how could I forget that particular individual?
Ten meters outside the school gates.
A petite girl was standing very upright against the red glow of the sunset.
She was Kusanagi Shizuka, the one dressed in the middle school uniform.

The younger sister who had heard the conversations at the tearoom just now.
Backlit by the sunset, her facial expression was not visible. Then again, there was no need to
see it. After all, there was no other possibility but a face full of fury.
"Little sister Shizuka, forgive him no matter what excuses he makes, please? No matter what,
one day Godou will show you the truth. ...By the way, Lily and I will be taking another route
today, so we'll let you two siblings get along, no problem"
A truly diabolical smile.
Godou felt his body weighted down by Erica's softly spoken words as she made that

Chapter 4 - Date Proposal

Part 1
At the History Compilation Committee, Tokyo Akasaka branch.
After eleven o'clock at night.
Amakasu Touma stayed behind by himself at the office.
However, this office and state intelligence agency apparently did not have many employees.
The office, which occupied an entire floor of a residential and commercial building, was lined
by a number of desks.
Piled high on the desks were all sorts of computers and documents, all kinds of books
(including manga) as well as all types of snacks and junk food, health equipment such as
pressure point massage tools, and toys targeted towards infants and older children.
Someone working in the gaming, anime or publishing industries would likely mistake this for
a competitor's office.
In such a space, at a certain reserved desk, Amakasu Touma sat behind a laptop computer
not hard at work, but browsing his favorite websites and reading anonymous message boards.
However, he was not entirely slacking off.
His ears and mouth were busy on the cellphone, communicating with his boss about work
related affairs.
"That matter has already been handled, don't worry, please have more faith in me."

'I wish I could do that.'

Sayanomiya Kaoru's wonderful voice flowed from the cellphone.
If teenage girls heard this kind of voice, they would likely cause a commotion with cries of
'iyaaah, that voice is super cool!'
'To be asked to have more faith in someone who bookmarks celebrity news sites and blogs of
idols and voice actors on his work computer...'
"That is serious intelligence gathering, it is very important to our work."
As he shamelessly searched for excuses, Amakasu continued to stare at the online auction
page in front of him.
'Other than that, have you discerned the intentions of the Old One?'
"No, not yet, but up until recently he had not taken any interest in Kusanagi-san."
The Tokyo branch of the History Compilation Committee -- Sayanomiya Kaoru and her
trusted subordinate, Amakasu, had free rein to run the office as they pleased.
"Speaking of recent events that could have garnered the Old One's interest, how about the
incident at Naples? The battle against Perseus."
'Ah yes, Amakasu-san called him the Hero of Steel, right?'
"Yes, Perseus is the archetypical hero of steel with the [Sword] attribute. Verethragna, who
Kusanagi Godou unwittingly defeated, also belongs to the same category."
The ancestor of Verethragna, Mithra, also had a "born from stone" legend. There is also the
Armenian war god Vahagn who has been called the brother of Verethragna. The hero god
possessing flaming hair and beard, and born from the crimson sea.
Stones, in other words, ore, the origin of iron. Fire, to melt ore. Wind, to start fires and fan the
flames. Water, to cool the newly forged metal. The intricate relationships between the
elements are all essential to the various sword gods.
'Just like King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table?'
"Exactly. Using the legend of Excalibur as a starting point, there are numerous myths whose
essence originated from the tale of the god of steel. To say that the 'Knights of the Round
Table originate from Celtic myths' would be oversimplifying things."
'This is certainly quite a deep topic.'
"Of course, one must not ignore elements of Celtic myths, either. But in order to interpret
those legends, the history of the multicultural nation formed by Britain and the Roman Empire
must be considered. This should have been explained by Kaoru-san from the start."

The young cross-dressing great-granddaughter of natural historian and founder of the History
Compilation Committee, Sayanomiya Koremichi, apologized in a deliberate manner in
response to Amakasu's wry complaint.
'Hahaha, sorry sorry. I've been busy with this and that, what with things like school and HimeMiko etc., and don't have much time for studies anymore.'
Currently, the top priority would be to scrutinize the movements of Seishuuin Ena, the
vanguard of the elders.
Having reached such a conclusion, the conversation ended.
Amakasu decided to head straight home, so he locked the door and exited the building.
Planning to have a meal, he walked over to a certain ramen shop in the Tameike-Sannou
neighborhood and stopped in front of it.
Tables for customers were placed both inside and outside of the shop.
A server came to take his order when he took a seat at one of the outside tables.
Without particular deliberation, he ordered a soy sauce ramen with a hard-boiled egg and a
can of beer.
At the same time, a beautiful woman approached him. No, calling her a woman would be
excessive, it would be more accurate to describe her as a beautiful girl.
Seeing the girl's face, Amakasu shrugged his shoulders. Trying to escape was futile as he
would just be found again. He might as well say hello as usual.
"It's been a while, Erica-san, and you are still so beautiful. Seeing you makes me so happy."
"It hasn't been that long, Amakasu-san. You don't mind if I sit here, right?"
Obviously, he had no right to refuse, so Amakasu nodded his head in an exaggerated manner.
Erica took the seat opposite Amakasu.
The twenty-something-year-old unassuming youth, special operative of the History
Compilation Committee.
Having exhausted the resources of the magic association Copper Black Cross, her social
network in Tokyo, and her own wits, Erica finally decided to make contact with this man to
maximize her intelligence gathering.
"What a surprise for Erica-san to visit a shop like this."
Amakasu spoke casually, apparently unfazed by her sudden arrival.
Erica smiled as she carried on the conversation.

"Oh my, I often visited roadside stalls when I was in Hong Kong."
"Yes, now that it's mentioned, you did stay there for a year or so."
"As expected of Amakasu-san, you have investigated already, just like a Japanese ninja
To this rare compliment, Amakasu responded with a subtle expression that was hard to
"Recently I've already begged someone else not to address me that way. At least call me a
secret agent or a spy... Besides, if you use such a description, 'superman' is kind of
"Is that so? No matter, I will respect your personal opinion."
"Much appreciated."
At this time, the server came with the menu, and Erica spoke without hesitation.
"Do you have wonton noodles? And of course, shrimp wonton would be best."
"Ordinary ramen shops in Japan won't have that menu item, please go to a Chinese restaurant
if you want something like that... Uh, this lady here would like to order the same things as
Accepting Amakasu's order, the server left, and Erica made a frown.
"To call themselves a noodle specialty shop, and yet they don't have wonton noodles."
"Of course not. You should know, Erica-san, that there are differences between ramen shops
in Japan and noodle shops in Hong Kong. You've already been here for three months."
Erica was irked by Amakasu's expression of ridicule. Somehow, it reminded her of Godou's
expression whenever he pointed out their "difference in upbringing."
"How could I tell? This is my first time in this kind of shop."
"Appearing to be wise and experienced, but actually a sheltered young lady from a high class
family, you're the opposite of Ena-san."
Taking a swig of beer, Amakasu commented nonchalantly.
Erica smiled. Certainly, the man she called a ninja was very observant.
"Seishuuin Ena, that girl is not a high class young lady?"
"She is a young lady who received a perfect education since birth. The ultimate Yamato
Nadeshiko. But in spite of that, the child was raised in a natural environment. However, Ericasan probably didn't come to ask about that, right?"

"Yes, what I want to know is about her as a Hime-Miko."

"You sought me out to ask about that? But there is no way I will answer that."
"Is that so? 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend,' that probably best describes our
relationship right now."
At that moment, the food arrived.
Two large bowls filled with noodles. From the taste and color of the soup, it was clearly
typical soy sauce ramen. As well as a can of beer, which Erica opened by pulling the ring off
without any delay.
"In Japan, minors are forbidden from drinking alcohol."
"Yes, but isn't this because you ordered the same thing for me? Besides, I am of drinking age
in Italy, so don't worry."
"What happened to 'when in Rome, do as the Romans do'? Whatever, so the enemy of my
enemy is my friend?"
Amakasu took the white spoon and took a small sip of the ramen soup.
Erica also tried a mouthful, which turned out to have an unexpectedly complex taste, but it
was not bad at all.
"I've heard that, recently, you've been broadening your circles. If that's the case, then you
should be able to obtain satisfactory information from those who distance themselves from the
Committee... Especially the state of affairs in Japan, you should have a decent grasp, right?"
"It was rather troublesome, and other than the History Compilation Committee, I never knew
about the Four Families who served the emperor and their power struggles in the wizardry
A power struggle dominated by family clans rather than magic associations.
This was common in the world of magic, and was not really something surprising. However,
it did come as a surprise to find out that the winning family were the ones running the History
Compilation Committee.
"Your side is responsible too, for you guys simply didn't care for inside knowledge about
"About a hundred and fifty years ago, the victor in the political struggle was the clan of your
master at the History Compilation Committee, but it was not that complete or overwhelming a
As the foremost amongst the four, its influence did not surpass the second family by a wide

"Yes yes, it is correct that the Seishuuin family has been a troublesome existence to us, but
anyway, since our side has the final say, it isn't that serious a problem."
"That's what you say, but then why are you letting Seishuuin Ena do as she pleased right
"Well we do have our own troubles, not everything can go as smoothly as one wishes."
Amakasu conversed as he ate his soy sauce ramen.
When faced with food that does not match her tastes, Erica had the ability to completely
ignore the flavor.
Fortunately, she did not need to exercise that ability this time. The ramen tasted just as good
as shrimp wonton noodles.
Having finished two thirds of his noodles, Amakasu spoke slowly.
"Let me provide a few tips then. But do not misinterpret this as a dangerous relationship
between enemies of the same enemy, but that I simply leaked information when entranced by
the beautiful young lady sharing a meal with me."
"Hoho, I am honored."
Malevolent smiles appeared on both Amakasu and Erica's faces. Perhaps these two people
could be described as a fox and a tanuki dealing in a secret transaction.
"Seishuuin Ena is the secret weapon of the elder known as the Old One. No matter what
opinions this old man and his companions hold, we Committee members cannot ignore them."
"Just like the relationship between the government and the Senate."
"An apt description. Furthermore, the Old One has bestowed the divine sword to Ena-san."
"Divine swordcould that be the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi?"
"Also widely known as the Kusanagi sword."
"Ah, that's the same name as Godou."
"Just an ordinary coincidence. The family name Kusanagi is quite common in the areas of
Akita and Sanuki, so I believe his ancestors most likely originated from there."
So that's how it was. Erica nodded her head.
If he had inherited the blood of those versed in magic, then it would be even better if he had
more disposition towards magic.
"That sword, could it be the real thing?"

That name, belonged to the favorite sword of Japan's famous heroic god.
To name a fake after a legendary divine artifact was actually quite common. But Erica found
it strange for herself to be suspecting Ena's sword as the authentic original.
However, a sacred presence could be felt from the divine blade.
Sure enough, Amakasu showed a troubled expression.
"Well that depends on the definition of what it means to be the real thing. As one of the Three
Sacred Treasures, the sword inherited by someone of the noblest heritage is most likely a fake
from an archaeological standpoint. However, that one, on the other hand..."
"That one?"
"Could be described as a treasure just like the real thing. To say any more would be disclosing
trade secrets."
"Understood. I'll simply think of it as the unlimited potential of 'made in Japan.'"
It seemed like the Hime-Miko and the History Compilation Committee still had many
troublesome mysteries, and Erica decided she must be even more careful from now on.
Like the Gorgoneion and the Secret Tome of Prometheus. If what Amakasu said was correct,
the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi would likely harbor the same hidden potential as those
kinds of divine artifacts.
However, those objects were originally tools that the gods made for themselves.
They were not meant to be used by humans, and reckless use will result in death. If Kusanagi
Godou had not become a Campione, he would have died already.
"I am becoming more and more interested in Ena-san's secrets. By the way, may I ask
something a little more detailed?"
Amakasu shrugged silently as if he had no intention of answering. With no other recourse,
Erica could only change the subject.
"Anyway, are you and Ena-san from the same school of martial arts?"
"In terms of ability, of course she is stronger. Fighting is not my strong suit."
"Compared to martial prowess, I've heard that Amakasu-san is even more talented in spells...
Is that true?"
From early on, Erica had taken an interest in this man's hidden capabilities.
"You overestimate me. After all, I just run errands. There's no need for amazing powers, it's
that simple."

Erica politely nodded at Amakasu's excuses.

Tonight's investigation has reached its conclusion. The next step will be to follow the clues
provided by this young man, who truly cannot be underestimated.
Erica smiled like a noblewoman as she placed cash on the table and stood up.
"What a pleasant conversation, let us meet again if the opportunity arises."
"Personally, I don't really want to meet you privately like this. By the way, that Ena-san
seemed like she was preparing some kind of trap or enchantment at your school. Though I
have no idea what type it is, but seeing as it is set by the Hime-Miko who holds the divine
swordyou cannot be reckless, please take care."
Amakasu signaled with his eyes, having given Erica a crucial piece of news at the very end.

Part 2
It was after school at Jounan Academy, in the tearoom of the tea ceremony club
"To be able to drink tea casually is so great, if it was on the mountains, just boiling water
alone would be quite a chore."
"Hooo..." Ena murmured to herself as she deeply exhaled.
In her hand was the cup of powdered tea she prepared herself. Next to her were the tea
ceremony club president, Hanabusa-san, and Mariya Yuri.
"However, as someone who does not belong to this club, for Ena-san to come and go from the
tea room so openly is a bit..."
Ena possessed nimble agility surpassing cats and monkeys.
In Yuri's mind appeared images of Ena using such skills to trespass and infiltrate the school.
"Calling me an outsider is too much, Ena has already greeted all the club members from the
president all the way down. Besides, I even brought souvenir gifts today, so at least treat me
like a guest."
The greatly surprised Yuri turned her gaze towards Hanabusa-san.
Embarrassed, the kind-hearted tea ceremony club president proceeded to confess.
"Yes, yes that's rightI just received from Seishuuin Ena-san all sorts of things. Look! Tea
powder, some snacks, and then there's the tea ware!"
"Could it be, that all the things were brought here from the Seishuuin home..."

Yuri began to take a closer look at the tea-ware in use.

She had never seen any of them. Actually it was rather alarming. Such high-class equipment
was not really appropriate for club activities.
"By the way, you all don't need to be too concerned. These are just spare stuff that Granny
back home had gathered. Tools are meant to be used."
"True, but high class utensils should be used somewhere more appropriate."
"M-Mariya-san, c-could all these be very precious items?"
"Yes, precious but not priceless. After all, things of this quality can be bought as long as you
have the money. The most expensive piece probably does not exceed one or two million...
President-san, get a hold of yourself!"
At that unlucky moment, Hanabusa-san was holding one of the tea utensils with only one
hand. Yuri and Ena looked after her as she entered a state of panic.
Afterwards, Hanabusa-san declared that she needed to clear her mind and left the room.
The spacious tearoom was left with only two Hime-Miko as its occupants.
Today was Friday, and because it was not a club activity day, there were no other members
Yuri came because Ena's phone call summoned her. As for Hanabusa-san, it was her daily
routine as club president to clean and dust the place.
"So, why has Ena come to our school again?"
Yuri could not help but interrogate Ena.
"Last time, it was all your fault for creating that kind of situation for me and Godou-san"
"But thanks to last time, Yuri and His Majesty's relationship has progressed slightly, isn't that
"No, not good!"
However, it was true that the farce last time dispelled all awkwardness between Godou and
But Yuri would not be happy because of that. Besides, she began worrying again about what
happened between Erica and Ena.
"Did you really not have any conflict with Erica-san?"
"No no, we just chatted a bit that time, and then I left immediately."

"Then why did I feel the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi stir that time?"
"I only drew it out for her to have a look, it's that simple. Yuri, you worry too much."
Yuri's sharp gaze focused on the relaxed Ena.
"Though Erica-san sometimes brings trouble to others, but she is a girl who gives her all for
Godou-san... for the [King]. If you recklessly target her, you will incur a king's wrath. Please
do not forget this warning, I sincerely beg you."
"I know, I know. I'll do as you say."
Did she really understand? Or is she just playing along?
Unable to discern Ena's true intentions, Yuri could not help but sigh.
This type of threatening warning should really be the job of the History Compilation
Committee, but somehow they were giving a false impression of responding slowly to this
"Yuri seems to be worrying about something strange, but you have more important things to
handle, right?"
"Important things?"
Due to Ena's sudden question, Yuri lost composure.
"The matter of developing relations with Kusanagi-san. Now that it is declared that we will
both marry into his household, the next step is... Of course, a date, right?"
"Date!? Are you suggesting that Godou-san and I-I-I have a secret rendezvous?"
"Yes, exactly, or maybe you can call it a tryst?"
"No way! Two people cannot do that unless they are married!"
"Actually, this kind of thing is very common before marriage. Don't worry, come with Ena
together to invite him. To have Yuri on the right, and Ena on the left. Kusanagi-san will
definitely be happy to hug two beauties simultaneously, one on each side."
Ena smiled innocently, stood up, and forcefully pulled Yuri's hands.
Then the two Hime-Miko began searching the school for Kusanagi Godou.
Meanwhile, Kusanagi Godou was
"And thus, let us commence the second meeting of the Judgment Council Censuring the
Bastard Kusanagi Godou who Monopolizes the Two Great Beauties + Newcomer. Everyone,
are you all ready?"

"No problem. Let us bring to justice Kusanagi Godou, public enemy of men."
"Of course, on account of our love-communist ideals of equality, let us give our utmost in
denouncing the bourgeoisie!"
Godou was currently a prisoner because of these three raving mad men.
After school, he was covered by a sack and kidnapped.
Next, he was taken to an unknown empty classroom and thrown onto the ground with his
hands and feet bound by transparent tape wound numerous times. The three perpetrators had
paper bags concealing their faces, but Godou, who knew their identities from the start, simply
spoke coldly.
"Nanami, Sorimachi, Takagi... Though I already knew you were all idiots, I never thought
your stupidity could reach such heights. Please let me go while your crimes are still minor."
Hearing Godou speak, the three idiots stared at him through the eyeholes in their paper bags.
"Fool, we are not of those names."
"That's right, we are not your classmates."
"We are the allies of justice who devote our thoughts to the people and the country, please do
not have any odd misunderstandings, okay?"
Godou had no doubt that if ultimate idiots existed in this world, surely it must be these three
in front of him.
"Uh... Though I don't really understand, but you guys must have many reasons, and I probably
have areas I could improve, so just let out all your complaints and I will definitely listen to
If possible, he wanted to be released as soon as possible.
Thinking thus, Godou offered a peaceful proposal, but the three idiots angrily scoffed. Their
arrogant and hateful attitudes continued unchanged.
"You bastard, your mouth only speaks pretty words... Fine, then why don't you come clean
with your crimes this past summer?"
Summer? Hearing Sorimachi's question, the agitated Godou feigned composure.
If their living together on Sardinia were revealed, there would be a serious misunderstanding.
This required a prudent answer.
"During summer I was living an honest and simple life, and nothing odd happened at all."
To this unconvincing explanation, Nanami muttered "Oh?"

"Then Comrade S, please report your findings."

"At the shopping street in Nezu Sanchoume where Kusanagi Godou lives, this fellow was not
spotted in the first half of summer from early July to early August."
"Very good, suspicious point number one. Comrade T, what do you have to report?"
"In the exact same time-frame, there were no eyewitness accounts of Erica who used to
appear frequently in the Hongou area. Furthermore, even Mariya-san disappeared from her tea
ceremony club activities during that period. It is my personal opinion that Kusanagi Godou is
the prime suspect based on these times."
"As for suspicious points two and three..."
Nanami spoke in an exaggerated tone, and watched Godou's expression at the same time.
"I say, Kusanagi, could it be possible that during the entire summer, you and Erica-san and
Yuri-san were happily vacationing away together? Haha... isn't that a state of paradise like in
a galgame?"
"How could something like that happen?! No matter how stupid you are, please think before
you speak!"
Deliberately investigating my summer activities, how free are these people? Godou marveled
as he denied. In such a situation, lying was a temporarily solution. However...
"Comrade S, is there any response on the lie detector?"
"He just made a great big lie. My lie detector of the heart is beeping. To this fellow Kusanagi,
divine justice must be served!"
"That's right, evildoers must be executed! Let us cast righteous judgment upon this lustful
Hearing the conclusions of the three idiots, Godou frantically yelled.
"Wait! What is this lie detector of the heart! That's just you guys guessing blindly!"
"You betray your ignorance. This is something that can only be used by males who have long
been deprived of the love of innocent girls. You can call it a kind of magic. A dirty fellow like
you will never reach this level of enlightenment."
Unexpectedly, Sorimachi gave a puzzling answer.
Just as the surprised Godou was about to speak to defend himself...
"Your crimes stop here, for you fellows have gone too far."
At that moment, the door to the classroom flew open and the awe-inspiring voice of a girl was

Liliana Kranjcar, the silver-haired knight who hailed from eastern European ancestry, had
"Kusanagi Godou, rest assured, I will take care of them immediately."
"Sorry, Liliana, I owe you one."
The reliable knight has appeared, and Godou expressed his gratitude.
This made Liliana turn her face aside shyly.
"This is part of my mission, thanks are not necessary. Since I could not find you, I went
searching just in case... If you have learned your lesson, then do not leave my side as much as
possible. I would be grateful if you try not to increase my workload."
Godou forced a smile as he nodded, while the three idiots were clearly shaken.
"You seem quite confident, but what difference will one more person make? We have three
people here, the power of the crowd, hahahahahahahahahaha!"
"Trash like you? I can easily handle three hundred. What a joke."
Liliana retorted condescendingly to their cheap villainous threats.
Hearing her merciless answer, the three idiots clearly began to panic.
Though they had no idea of her true capabilities, they were already overcome by the spirit of
the blue knight.
"Wait, wait wait! Liliana-san. We are just trying to impeach Kusanagi Godou for his crimes."
"Foolish! Kusanagi Godou is the one with righteous goals, who walks the king's path. Rather
than let you idiots impeach him, let me show you what shame is."
Takagi's explanation failed to placate Liliana, so Sorimachi posed a question.
"I-I object! You say that Kusanagi has a righteous heart, that idea is very problematic! This
man is an evildoer who deceives and plays around with multiple women. Isn't he a sexual
predator and public enemy of women!?"
"Do you three just plan on using such superficial slander to change my opinion? What pitiful
Seeing Liliana's slightly dissatisfied expression, Godou somehow had a bad feeling that
Liliana was going to give a highly unusual rebuttal.
"Yes it is true that he is an unparalleled lecher. He will play around with girls on impulse, and
is the harem king who has tainted innumerable women. That is the undeniable truth."
That is so not the truth! You've got it all wrong from the start.

Not hesitating to exposing Godou's faults, Liliana continued sorrowfully in a low voice.
"I have already advised him, he should practice some restraint in playing around with girls. I
swore to maintain our relationship for eternity and forever serve him by his side. I wanted to
become a woman who offers everything she has to him willingly, and become his partner.
However, his rampant fetishes are a part of him, and I have no choice but to accept them."
Liliana turned her face a little awkwardly.
Uh, if he were truly someone so despicable, then just abandon him quickly. Godou could not
help thinking that.
"One day, he may burn himself through his womanizing... But no matter when, I will always
be his support, and I swore I will definitely save him. As long as this sentiment persists, my
heart will not be swayed by despicable slander."
Liliana's forceful words were powerful, and overflowed with sincere touching emotion.
However, the content sounded like something said by a female victim of some deception or
marriage con.
The three idiots had the same impression, and loudly protested.
"Deceived women always insist on something like 'he did me no harm'!"
"Hurry and awaken! Liliana-san!"
"There are still many men in this world much better than him..."
"I hope you all do not misunderstand. Kusanagi Godou and I do not have that kind of
superficial male female relationship. I am only his knight, and the companion who promised
to stay by his side forever. We have sworn that we will face all trials and tribulations together
no matter where or when, that is the relationship that we have."
Without being aware, Liliana had drifted into a dreamlike state almost as if talking to herself.
"Though the way he plays around with women will make it tough for me... Nevertheless, it
will strengthen the bonds between the two of us, as long as I become the most special
existence in his heart, and no matter what kind of woman he seeks, he will always return to
my embrace in the end..."
The man she is talking about must be one of those emperors or sultans, whatever you call
them, that dominated the Islamic world a couple of centuries ago. She definitely cannot be
referring to Kusanagi Godou. As Godou tried to escape reality, the three idiots stared at him
and began to cry.
"Beast! Making a harem and getting approved! Heavens! How could you allow something so

"Is this conditioning? Is this the result of the forbidden act of sexually conditioning a minor
below the age of eighteen!?"
"Am I crying...? Are these tears? Damn it, this is so despairing!"
The three have been completely defeated, and at this time, the classroom door opened again.
"Ah, found it, Kusanagi-san turned out to be here."
"E-excuse us for intruding."
Two new girls have appeared, and they are the Seishuuin Ena and Mariya Yuri combo.
"Uh, excuse me. We're in the middle of something. If you have something to tell me, could it
"Just a few simple words, it'll be over in an instant. I came here to invite Kusanagi-san to our
date tomorrow. That is, Kusanagi-san, Yuri, and me, Ena, the three of us together on a date."
The shocked Godou turned his gaze to Yuri who has turned bright red from the neck.
"Ena-san! To have a date with Godou-san... I have not prepared myself for that yet!"
"If you haven't prepared yet, then prepare now. It's not easy for us to become Kusanagi
Godou's 'women,' so you need to take more initiative."
Hearing these exchanges, Sorimachi's shoulders trembled continuously.
"M-my ears must be having problems. How could I be hearing these alien words? Hahahaha,
who could have thought that I, Sorimachi, would be so out of date, to be ignorant of the
strategy of the simultaneous pursuit route..."
After his accomplice's exclamation, it came to Nanami's turn to babble emptily.
"I-I must stay awake. That girl must be a fairy or a hallucination. It must be my imagination.
Think about it, how could fiances or beautiful girls volunteering to be a lover appear in a
simple male high school. That only happens in fairy tales, we must have been caught up in
some sort of massive dream..."
The two of them were hard at work denying reality.
Could this be all my fault? As Godou began to get the feeling of wanting to apologize...
"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"
Takagi suddenly roared.
His massive 185cm tall body began to shake all over.

"I absolutely will not accept this! This woeful world, this unreasonable result, I absolutely
cannot accept!"
As he roared, he took the bound Godou onto his shoulder.
"Kusanagi, I will end our lives together right now!"
"Wait, wait a minute, why does it have to end like this?"
"Your existence has disrupted natural order. You are the destroyer of the worldan
unacceptable existence! Let us start our eternal slumber together!"
Inexplicably making a sacrificial decision, Takagi began to charge madly with Godou on his
Leaving the classroom and passing through the corridors, he finally ran up the stairs.
Though he has trained his muscular body in the kendo club, this mad charge was clearly out
of the ordinary.
"Calm down, Takagi! Why are you so impulsive!?"
"Can't you even understand?! All the sad men on this planetthose who have never tasted
love, and ostracized by all women outside of the 2D worldthey have lent me their power!"
Takagi carried Godou and ran up the stairs in one breath.
Liliana could only watch in shock at the speed and imposing manner of the escaping Takagi,
whose male figure has surpassed the boundaries of ordinary humans and was now challenging
the limits of the human race.

Part 3
And then on the roof
The berserk Takagi has carried Godou to the highest point in the school.
"This place should be high enough..."
Muttering to himself, Takagi reached the edge of the roof and was stopped by fencing that
was meant to prevent accidents.
The unsettled Godou frantically looked down to see the sports ground not far below.
"High enough? What high enough!?"
"Of course it means to jump down from this height, is it high enough to kill me and
"If you commit suicide, your family will be sad! Let's settle this peacefully right now, okay!?"

"Ho... My sister is not like your Shizuka. Every day all she says is stuff like 'brother is so
unfashionable, go and die!' There is nothing left that binds me to this world."
At that moment, someone had secretly crept behind Takagi and Godou, and applied a series of
karate chops. Mmm... Takagi was painfully laid low on the ground.
"Godou, are you ok? I finally caught up."
The one who knocked out Takagi, and caught Godou before he struck the concrete floor, was
Erica Blandelli.
"I saw you were kidnapped and came to save you... But I hope I wasn't interfering
"No, not at all. I'm saved. Really, thank you very much."
As he expressed his gratitude, the blonde girl set him down gently and ripped apart the tape
binding his hands and feet.
"Godou, I hope you will express your thanks with action."
"If it is something in my power, I will try my best effort... But what do you want me to do?"
Erica could not help but laugh bitterly at the unhesitating answer that clearly lacked
"Though I find your honest but reckless principles very cute, it is still very careless. It would
be better if you carefully consider situations and be flexible with your judgment."
Godou felt slightly troubled at Erica's passionate warning.
Was it too careless to agree to do anything for her when caught in the mood of having been
saved by her?
Erica smiled gently at Godou, but if you raised the hidden malevolence in that smile by 30%,
then it would become the "devil's smile" that gloats from having played a prank on others.
Just as Godou gazed at his beautiful savior, and Erica was about to joyfully make her
"Kusanagi-san, are you okay? Ena will save you right awayoh too late."
A cheerful voice reached the roof, this familiar soprano voice belonged to Seishuuin Ena.
"Naturally, Erica-san never misses out on a good opportunity."
"Thank you for your compliment, not at all. Ena-san is also very quick to act."

Ena had run to the rooftop without any loss of breath, and the red-tinted blonde Erica
conversed amiably with her.
Their dialogue was friendly but there seemed to be unexpected hidden barbs to their words.
Godou was mystified, what kind of relationship has these two developed?
"Anyway, this incident has come to a close then? Kusanagi-san, please answer the question
just now. If Ena, Yuri, and Kusanagi-san go on a date together, our feelings for one another
can be deepened."
Ena proposed without any concerns.
Date. Now that it was mentioned, it was something that Kusanagi Godou has never
experienced before.
Though he has traveled together with Erica to different places, there was never any date-like
feeling. Moreover, this was a first date initiated by the female side, and both of them
possessed extraordinary levels of beauty and attractivenessno, definitely cannot accept.
"Please forgive me but I must decline! I have no reason to have a date with you two!"
"If you want reasons, they do exist. Yuri and I both will become Kusanagi-san's women, so
you definitely have to look after us both, and from now on our relations will only get better
and better."
What was this girl openly babbling about?
Hearing this woman talk nonsense, Godou knew his face was becoming red.
"Even if we go on a date, I will not go with you two together! Public opinion will not accept
such a thing!"
"Who cares what public opinion thinks, what matters is the feelings of the three of us... Ah, if
Kusanagi-san wants us to alternate and take turns, then you can go first with Yuri."
No matter how he protested, Ena brushed him off with minimal effort. Godou felt a sense of
Ena did not have the same oratory skills or her social techniques as Erica. Instead, the HimeMiko had the ability to turn any situation to her advantage.
As Godou was about to back down from the overly troublesome opponent, a helping hand
was extended from beside him.
"Ah, what a shame, but Godou is going on a date with me tomorrow."
The speaker was Erica of course, but Godou's mood became even more depressed.

This was a helping hand, no question about it, but if he reached out for it, he was just going to
find himself in a new troublesome situation.
"I have never had a date with a boy, so I want the first time to be with Godou no matter what.
Of course... after the second time, no one else but you can enjoy the privilege."
"Uh, with our relationship, we don't have to specifically go on a date, right..."
"It is precisely because it matters for our relationship that we need to date. Though we have
traveled to many places together, they were all troublesome affairs, and we never enjoyed the
pleasures of dating, so please do accept ok?"
Erica was making Godou spoil her by using a rare begging tone of voice.
But at the same time, she still carried the determined and arrogant gaze of a queen, as
expected of Erica.
"Kusanagi-san, we have two people here, you can embrace both at once."
"Godou, quality trumps quantity. You are the only one in this world who can have me, Erica
Blandelli, all to yourself. Don't waste it."
As Ena affectionately called out to Godou, Erica drew near and spoke softly.
Her lips approaching his ear, whispering sweet words. No good. If that continued, she will
most likely steal a kiss. Godou felt his entire body stiffen.
However, what attacked this time was not lips, but an ominous warning.
"...By the way, let me say this, though it counts as my duty. Godou, you remember the
promise just now, right? The one where you agreed to do everything in your power as thanks.
Ah, I also remembered, there was lunch a few days ago when you owed me a favor. I believe
that a man who does not keep his promises at such a time would be the worst."
Godou renewed his unerring gaze at the beautiful face before him. It had become a smiling
face no different from a devil. The [Diavolo Rosso] lightly nodded her head.
"Erica, to make your proposal at such a time, don't you feel a little despicable?"
"No other way, if I didn't do this, you will escape once again, I have to be serious once in a
Speaking in innocent tones, Erica was truly maddening yet adorable.
Now that he thought about it, ever since Liliana moved to Japan, the blonde beauty's troubling
ways had clearly decreased in frequency. Probably because the number of naggers apart from
Yuri had increased, Erica was now behaving herself a bit more.
Or perhaps she was one to adjust her style as the situation arises. She reduced those halfjoking hugs but made up the loss by pouncing on sure-kill-opportunities.

Eschewing the tactics of continual advances, instead turning to calculating moments of

assured victory to attack critical weak points. Just like at this moment, the strategy of
cornering Godou with no avenue of escape.
"Kusanagi Godou, are you fine! Sorry, I am late."
"Godou-san, I hope you were not hurt!?"
Running to the scene were Liliana and Yuri.
The silver-haired girl was holding the slender Hime-Miko in her arms like a bridal carry.
Most likely, it was because Yuri exhausted herself when the two of them ran along the
corridors and up the stairs. Her physical stamina was clearly much lower than a normal girls
Godou deduced so, but his inner thoughts became even sadder.
No one had taken any concern for the safety of Takagi.
These girls can be described as kind-hearted and merciful, and yet they treated him like this.
Godou finally understood, if only slightly, the pitiful life of the classmate lying sprawled over
the concrete floor on the roof.
"Since everyone is here, then let's start over. Kusanagi-san, who do you wish to date
tomorrow? Do you want to pick the happy threesome with me and Yuri, or spend time as a
couple with Erica-san?"
In response to the contents of Ena's question, Liliana glared with dangerous eyes at Erica who
was leaning against Godou, while Yuri nodded sorrowfully.
For some reason, Godou felt like he owed everyone an apology, but he had no choice but to
make a decision.
"Ah, about this... I don't actually want to be alone with Erica, but due to some complicated
circumstances, I have to go out with this fellow here tomorrow..."
Godou explained in a soft voice that could barely be heard.
Embarrassed and hanging his head, his neck was embraced by the blonde beauty.
She was smiling like an angel but, to Godou, she was truly the devil.

Part 4
That night, Erica was lying on the bed in her own room relaxing as she reached for the
The first person to contact was Liliana Kranjcar.

"Hello, Lily, can we talk about tomorrow?"

'You deceived my master, and intend to plan shameless lechery for tomorrow. ...Fine, how do
you plan to explain to me?'
Liliana answered most unhappily.
"I don't need to explain anything. For two people in love, a time and place not to be disturbed
by others is necessary, so I would like to make a suggestion for you."
"Yes, after all, you will insist on being the bodyguard and secretly follow, but that will
tastelessly spoil the mood, so could you not come along? That is my request."
'T-that I cannot agree. Protecting the safety of Kusanagi Godou is a necessary measure.'
"There are no safety issues if Godou is with me. If you decline this request then it's a real
shame. Your latest work will be published to the world through the internet. The whole world
will know of Lily's talents."
'My latest work? How do you know of such a thing?'
"What kind of story is it, that novel, eh? Leaving her home in the quaint French countryside to
go traveling, a girl was captured by a handsome Sicilian mafia boss, and became his maid and
lover. Remember to keep that piece of dialogue: 'I will make you unable to live without my
body from now on...'"
'Ooh, stop! No more, please!'
"Lily you sure are daring, even I felt embarrassed just by reading it. Because of that, I still
haven't finished the whole thing. Right, let me read to the end tonight."
'Please do not continue reading it! I will stay home tomorrow and not go out, is that fine?!'
Liliana roared as if she was about to cry.
'You devil! How on earth do you do it, always knowing my secrets!?'
"No comment. Trade secrets."
Erica answered casually. Apparently, Liliana also suspected a traitor in her midst and had put
more thought into both the location and the means to conceal her creative notebook. However,
Karen has stayed a step ahead of her, successfully sending copies every time.
Ending that conversation, Erica called Yuri next.
'Hello, I am Mariya. Erica-san, how do you do?'

"Are you free right now? About tomorrow, have you and Ena considered following me and
Godou tomorrow?"
The kind-hearted Hime-Miko did not know how to lie.
Certain in this belief, Erica asked directly. However, Yuri's response was rather emotional.
'I-I will definitely not do something so despicable!'
"Then let's not talk about Yuri, but it is possible that Ena-san will follow us."
'No, I do not think that Ena-san will consider such details.'
"So in conclusion, she does not rely on wits, but is someone who acts on impulse and
Normally, such a mindless opponent would not be worth fretting over, but when rare people
possess such wild beast-like instincts, they prove to be formidable foes impossible to predict
with common sense.
Regrettably, Seishuuin Ena was one of them.
'By the way... Erica-san.'
"What is it? Relax, I know you're bound by many restrictions, Yuri, so I approve of your
presence by Godou's side and I won't cast you out due to that kind of girl's arrival. Like your
feelings for Godou, at the appropriate time, I will help you and Godou get together."
Yuri was the girl who possessed the miko disposition that she lacked, as well as an
extraordinary level of spirit vision.
To Erica, Yuri was the best supporting candidate she found in Japan.
Liliana once bragged that she could apply herself to all sorts of situations, but the partnership
of Erica and Yuri greatly surpassed her in overall ability.
In order to oppose the versatile blue knight, it was necessary to avoid distancing Yuri.
Since other than her precious abilities, this miko had other qualities that did not lose to Lily.
"I, Erica Blandelli, will never abandon those I have taken care of. If you believe in me, I will
be very happy."
'I-I know I make things hard for Erica-san sometimes, but I feel that Erica-san is someone
who can be trusted.'
Yuri was exceptionally adorable when she acted shy yet honest.
'However, Ena-san has been my important friend all these years... I hope that you two can get
along better.'

"I don't plan on escalating things, but everything started with her."
'I am sorry... From a long time ago, that person has always loved playing practical jokes...'
"It's fine, so long as Ena-san shows a friendly attitude. I don't want to be in conflict with her
'Thank you, then we have chatted for quite a while. It is almost time to hang up... Ah, finally
may I make a suggestion?'
'Umm... though Erica-san said earlier you will help resolve the awkwardness between Godousan and I, but you do not need to worry too much about that. Because if it is really necessary,
I will work hard to find a solution myself!'
Yuri went silent after saying those words, perhaps due to embarrassment, she must have been
trembling all over on the other side of the line.
Imagining her state, Erica smiled, though this miko was sometimes a bit nagging, her nature
was very kind, and she did things with great consideration. When acting together, she will
most likely defer the role of leadership.
And she loves Godou very much, so she will never betray him.
As an ally for the rest of their lives, her character is flawless.
Though from our respective standpoints we will be competing for Kusanagi Godou's love, it
will be fine as long as I secure victory in a direct confrontation. Truly, it would be best to let
Godou marry Yuri as a concubine after me.
They will be the first and second wives, guarding over Godou by his side, and no other
woman will be allowed to gain an opening. Occasional flirting is fine, but he definitely cannot
be allowed to get serious with outside women.
However, if it were women like Liliana with outstanding talent, exceptions could be made.
But the first requirement is that they accept Erica's superior position.
"I see, then let's do as you wish, I will cheer for you."
Erica hung up the phone.
Then, tomorrow will be the first date with Godou. She will try to let Godou decide their
destination and the details of the activities; how will things end up? With great anticipation,
Erica went to bed earlya rare decision indeed.

Chapter 5 - Date Progression

Part 1
Godou was spending Friday night worrying in his room.
A date. The first time in his life. And a date with the one and only Erica Blandelli.
She had said 'Since it is a rare opportunity, Godou, show me your true worth. I leave all the
details of tomorrow's planning in your hands... If I find it boring then it's not acceptable.'
Girls were just so unreasonablebesides, where could he bring Erica that would satisfy her?
Nothing came to mind at all!
Then the ringing of a cellphone interrupted his vexation. Seeing the caller ID on the LCD
screen, Godou could not help but be surprised. It showed a very nostalgic name.
"It's been a while, Miura, how have you been?"
"Yes, well enough, how about you?"
The one who called was Godou's middle school friend, back from the days when he still
played baseball.
Miura was one of the few famed fastball pitchers in Tokyo, and currently attended a high
school there. Naturally, he joined the baseball club which was renowned for its strong team.
They also participated in the National High School Baseball Championship this year.
"So, Kusanagi, you've already seen that, right?"
That? Godou had no idea what Miura was talking about.
"Yes, that. How should I put it, me, my first appearance."
"...Ah yes! Congratulations on entering the National High School Baseball Championship. So
basically, you've stepped upon the pitcher's mound as a First Year, I didn't even realize that
Though Miura's high school had qualified for the National High School Baseball
Championship, their run ended in a second round defeat. It was during the last inning, when
defeat was imminent, that Miura was sent to the pitcher's mound.
"Uh, is that so? But I was certain I'd be able to play eventually, hahaha."
His mood brightening up so suddenly, what a simple man.
But when Godou had watched the live broadcast of that match, he could not think of any
words of congratulations. Miura's appearance had not been able to reverse the defeat, and in
the final moments...

"No, it's wonderful that you got to play, but shaking your head at the catcher's signal resulted
in a two point homerun that ended the match. You probably refused his suggestion of
throwing a curve ball and decided to pitch a straight, right? Actually, your judgment was..."
'Y-You're nagging too much! Since you're no longer a catcher, don't make a random guess!'
It was not a random guess. Since Godou understood Miura's habits and preferences, he could
tell from observation.
Anyway, Goudou was happy to see his friend participating actively(?) in the sport.
'Anyway, let's get back on track. Our school, which was fortunate enough to enter the
Championship, is now restructuring the team in preparation for challenging the Championship
again next year... And today, the coach's wife is having a baby.'
"That's great news, but what does that have to do with me?"
'Listen well. Due to this, to celebrate the birth of the child, there has been an amnesty.
Tomorrow, I can finally take a break from practice. A whole day! I've never had a day off
ever since I joined the club!'
"Oh, that truly is amnesty."
Normally, a sports club that aimed for the National High School Baseball Championship
could not possibly take a break on a Saturday.
Precisely because of that, Godou understood why Miura was so happy.
'So, let's all go out and have some fun tomorrow! I already confirmed with Rui and
Nakayama. That guy Rui said he had a great idea for something to do as a group. We should
let loose together because we've been apart for so long!'
"Rui and Nakayama are coming as well!?"
Godou could not help but feel shocked, for those two were also friends from middle school.
The four friends had played under the same uniform during the Tokyo selection even though
they were in different teams. But just like Godou, Rui and Nakayama had since stopped
playing baseball.
It felt wonderful to meet his fellow baseball friends again after so long.
Godou's shoulders slumped when his thoughts reached this point. No way! He had to go on a
date with Erica tomorrow.
However, let's listen to the details of Miura's planned activities before reconsidering.
'...Something like that. I still want to find one more person, but everyone else is busy with
baseball club activities and couldn't come. I guess we'll just have to find a random person to

"If that's the case, I have an excellent candidate. Leave the last person to me."
Godou confirmed with Miura, and then took a deep breath.
With that, the date tomorrow would not be a problem. Erica doesn't dislike playing sports and
competing with others, so she should be happy, right? Finally, everything is resolved.
Of course, Godou did not realize that this was commonly known as digging one's grave.

On the fated Saturday, after half past eight in the morning.

At the public sports ground in the Adachi ward, in an indoor soccer field. Today was the
opening of the amateur indoor soccer tournament. In such a facility
Erica Blandelli was sighing in a most depressed manner.
"I know I was the one who let you make all the decisions, but still..."
The blonde Caucasian beauty was wearing a sporty and casual short-sleeved outfit that
accentuated her graceful figure, making her stand out very much.
"After hearing we had to meet in sportswear and bring a change of clothes, I already had an
ominous feeling."
That was the message Godou left with Arianna when he called that morning.
Complaining repeatedly, Erica was displaying a tone of mockery more vicious than she had
ever used.
"Even if I were to take a step back, and play your soccer tournament with you, it should not
be like this. It should have been impossible for this to happen. Underestimating your inability
to read the mood was my mistake."
After much complaining, Erica glanced at the friends Godou had not met for so long.
The first was Miura. Pretty well-built for a high school first year. Very capable fastball
Next was Rui. Slender build with very cute face despite being a man. Former second baseman
and first hitter.
Last was Nakayama. Puffy hairstyle and strongly-built body reminiscent of a wandering
warrior.[28] Former left outfielder and strong hitter.
They too were glaring at Godou with reproachful eyes. The joy of the old friends' reunion was
all but gone, as if facing off against a troublemaker

"Clearly all I wanted was to have a date with Godou alone, but you went ahead and invited
three interlopers. Virtually impossible to comprehend. Are you really unable to read the
mood?! I am completely aghast!"
"To get a girlfriend before me, who entered the National Championship... And a foreigner to
Next to Erica who was scolding Godou, Miura was muttering like he had lost his mind.
"Kusanagi-san was always like this. He acted as if he didn't know how to get along with the
opposite sex, but then the cutest girls would keep pestering him. This hasn't changed at all."
Rui simply shrugged knowingly.
"You traitor..."
Even Nakayama was crying a river of tears. Despite his wild appearance, he was actually a
Finally, everyone but Godou breathed a deep sigh.
"Really, that is why I say Godou is no good. Slow, dense, and doesn't know how to catch the
Erica declared as if representing everyone else, while the other three boys nodded vigorously
in agreement.
Why? Godou was completely baffled, why was everyone talking about him like that?
"Whatever, since I'm here anyway, and this is a tournament, running away doesn't suit my
style. Fine, indoor soccer? You guys make sure you don't drag me down. I, Erica Blandelli,
can tolerate the incompetent, but will definitely not forgive anyone who hinders me."
Erica changed her mood and declared.
This instigating tone was just like their first encounter. In a certain way, these were her true
"Kusanagi, your girlfriend is so arrogant! What's going on!?"
"S-Sorry, because she's still angry at me, so excuse her mood. However, she is one to stick to
her words, so please do your best... Also, she's not my girlfriend, just an ordinary friend."
Godou quickly apologized for the blonde beauty's arrogant words which displeased Miura.
Watching this unfold, Rui laughed awkwardly while Nakayama continued to mutter to
"I knew Kusanagi would suffer due to girls one day, it's exactly as I imagined."
"To build close relations with pretty girls, how nice..."

And so, the five high school first years have gathered.
The one who proposed entering the amateur indoor soccer tournament was Rui.
With great aptitude for sports, he not only excelled in baseball but also displayed outstanding
talent in soccer and basketball. After graduating from middle school, he switched to indoor
By the way, for some unknown reason, Nakayama choose to join the fishing club in high
Other than Rui, everyone else was essentially a newbie. The opposing teams were mostly
composed of university students and those who have entered the workforce, as well as former
soccer players, so the level of competition was quite high.
Before the five participating teams started the tournament, Erica announced:
"Your jobs will be to defend and gain possession, then pass the ball to me. I will then score.
Another delivery of grandiloquence.
Teammate Miura was very angry, Rui simply forced a smile, while Nakayama was happy for
some reason.
Even though Godou insisted that teamwork was very important, Erica ignored him. Usually
this would have been fatal, but with these teammates, they ended up winning repeatedly and
obtaining second place.
Truly, the athletic ability of all the team members was nothing to sneeze at.
Erica required no explanation, while the remainder were all strong healthy youths and official
athletes. They were all highly selected elites gathered together, and most importantly, they
were young and vigorous.
As matches reached the latter half, those in the workforce who lacked regular exercise had to
stop running.
And so, the tournament lasted from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon.
...In a corner of the public sports ground, Godou was merrily chatting with his old friends
when his shirt collar was grabbed from behind.
"Hey, Godou, fun time is over. Do you really think you can just put me aside? What you
should do next is take your beautiful lover on a date, right?"
Erica had returned at some point after going off to take a shower.
"Hey, you have to watch the situation. My friends are here, so..."

Not only was her attitude dismal, but fire also seemed to be emanating from her eyes.
Godou felt himself huddling in fear. Erica's imposing presence was currently most
"Then let us lay out everything on the table. Who is at fault from the start? You? Or me? My
mood is terrible, so please give me a swift and correct answer."

"S-should be me... right?"

"Remove the 'should' and the 'right?', there is no one else but you."
Erica's words were sharp and incisive, and Godou shrank back as he realized his error.
"But you are fortunate, for I, Erica Blandelli, possess the virtue of generosity and forgiveness.
As long as you show contrition, I will not hesitate to present my love as a gift to you, how's
"T-Thenwhat should I do now"
As he tried hard to turn his head, he found Erica glaring at him.
Godou panicked. If this was baseballno, no matter what kind of competition, or even a
battle against a god or a devil king, he will always find a way!
Unable to bear the heavy atmosphere, Rui tried to lighten the situation.
"Ok, you don't have to mind us any longer, Kusanagi. Why don't you and Erica-san go for
lunch now, just the two of you!"
"Eh, how can we let Kusanagi be alone with his girlfriend! I will not allow it!"
"Nakayama, I leave Miura in your care."

"Yes, just do your part and don't mess things up."

Following Rui's directions, Nakayama immediately reached out his hands and covered
Miura's mouth from behind. Unable to form words, Miura could only roar. Satisfied, the
former second baseman happily said:
"Quick, leave while the coast is clear. Goodbye, Kusanagi-san."
"Ah, yes. Sorry... then let's go, Erica."
As his three old friends watched them go, Godou left the sports ground with Erica.

Part 2
Finally, Godou had a chance to be alone with Erica for the first time that day.
In any case, he decided to walk towards the main streets with lots of shops.
"Godou, my love for you has never changed, but that is simply not enough to suppress the
vortex of anger swirling in my heart, please take a little care in the activities from here on,
"Has what I've done really been so terrible...?"
"If you have something to say, then speak out clearly. If you want to know exactly where you
have messed up, I can grade each of your actions starting from yesterday."
"Spare me. It's all my fault, okay. But please don't take out your anger on my friends."
"If this were the second or the third date, then no matter how displeased I felt, I would still
treat them as guests with utmost politeness. However today is an exception and I will not
tolerate it."
Angrily finishing her words, Erica shifted her gaze away from Godou.
"A first date is a rare event, and clearly a day to commemorate. You truly are dense and
completely failed to understand how I feel!"
Godou surrendered. To think Erica would express her feelings with such forthright honesty.
Her face that had turned away in anger perhaps carried a bit of shyness.
"Yes, yes it's my fault. I will try to improve in the future. Please don't be angry, be happy."
"It's fine, you don't have to apologize. Actually, I expected nothing from you from the very
Erica's tone was still very critical, and Godou tried very hard to emphasize he was reflecting
on his actions. He spent over twenty minutes trying to placate her.

Her anger finally subsided, they decided to find a place to eat.

"Arianna originally said she could prepare lunchboxes for us"
Erica mentioned the name of her live-in assistant and maid.
"But since we often eat her lunches at school, I told her not to, as it is rare enough for us to go
out on a date."
"Yes, and I would feel bad asking her to make lunch on a holiday."
"Perhaps it would be better if I made something for you personally?"
To Erica's suggestion, Godou immediately shook his head.
"That thought has never crossed my mind."
It is rumored that Erica's only cooking experience was boiling water for instant noodles.
This wise, capable, and universally talented girl was in essence, an even more sheltered highclass young lady than Yuri was. Uh, probably best to just call her a princess or a queen.
To imagine Erica toiling in the kitchen with her unpolished cooking skills, perhaps such a
scene might make one smile, but it definitely did not suit this girl.
Rather than watch Erica suffer doing something she was not good at, Godou preferred seeing
her surrounded by glory and prestige like a princess.
"Is that so? But being described that way does not make me happy."
"Everyone is different, isn't that for the best? Anyway, what do you want to eat?"
Since they have arrived in an area with many different restaurants, Godou sought her opinion.
A Tokyo native and a Milanese, there was probably no commonality in their eating
preferences, but fortunately neither of them were picky eaters, and any choice would have
satisfied them both.
"Let's go to that Chinese restaurant first? A safe bet."
Right in front of their eyes, was a tiny Chinese restaurant.
Ethnic Chinese were present in every country of the world, and, of course, Italy was no
exception. While staying there, the two of them had often visited Chinese restaurants.
"I don't really want to. I visited a similar shop a few days ago."
"In that case, which one should we pick..."
"Trying something Japanese occasionally would be nice, how about sushi and tempura?"

In truth, Erica's understanding of Japanese culture was nowhere as advanced as her mastery of
the Japanese language.
Once you realize that she has merely spent three months in this country, too much cannot be
expected from her. However, her unfamiliarity with Japanese culture seemed rather odd in
light of her ability to converse with others in perfect Japanese.
But to pick those two things out of everything else, Godou could only laugh awkwardly as he
surveyed the surroundings.
"It's actually a bit unsuitable for high school students to be eating those types of food. I don't
know where you want to go, but I'm kind of against it... However, if it's that kind of shop, I
can still accept..."
Discovering a rotary sushi franchise, Godou made a suggestion but Erica refused.
"Though I have no idea how well that shop is rated, I don't want to eat there. How should I
put it? The server uniform looks smelly and the shop gives an impression of zero
individuality. In my opinion, wasting time in that kind of shop would be even worse than
having to endure poor cuisine. Let's not go there."
Without even checking out the decor inside the shop, she had already made up her mind with
a single glance from the outside.
Erica's value system was rather peculiar. Compared to fast food or family restaurants that
were small and clean, but lacking in distinctive style, she preferred eating at roadside stalls or
messy and dirty little shops.
Caring neither for taste, appearance nor comfort, but deciding where she went based on 'level
of interest.'
The fact that she depended heavily on the slightly problematic Arianna, was probably due to
the same reason. Godou was once again reminded of her unique tastes.
"Let's go there then, it is Japanese and should probably have what you like to eat."
"I see, it feels okay, but I can't tell what this shop is selling."
It was an Osaka-style okonomiyaki[29] shop with a quiet atmosphere.
Opened since the middle of the Shouwa period in the twentieth century, the shop gave off a
sense of cleanliness. Godou and Erica passed through the curtains and entered the door.
Out from the kitchen came a middle-aged woman, who led them to their seats in the hall.
There were no other customers.
"...Iron plate?"[30]
It goes without saying that Erica was not kneeling on the tatami, but sitting slanted.

Seeing the large iron plate unique to this kind of restaurant, Erica tilted her head
"Using this metal plate, you fry things to eat yourself."
"Ah, it's a self-served restaurant. Then let's hurry and start."
"The fire was just lit, and the iron plate hasn't heated up yet, you can't start even if you wanted
The two first chatted as they waited for the food to arrive.
Their orders were the two specialties innovated by this restaurantthe assorted pancake and
the pork pancake.
Of course, Godou was not some kind of optimist, and he never expected Erica to start frying
the pancakes herself, so he placed the ingredients on the iron plate, adjusted the shape, then
repeated frying until it was done, and finally added the condiments.
"Ah, I never knew you could cook so well, this gives me a bit of a surprise."
Erica praised Godou as she ate the assorted pancake that had been divided into several slices.
"Simply spreading out ingredients to fry can't really be considered cooking. At most, it's just
imitating how others do it."
"Really? ...Then let me try."
"If you are serious, I won't stop you... But you sure you're fine?"
The results proved that Godou's worries were redundant.
Though all she did was watch from the side, Erica's frying skills were actually not bad at all.
Furthermore, she made delicious fried noodles just by following Godou's verbal instructions,
and she even successfully fried the monjayaki[31], a supposedly difficult task for novices.
"Godou, you are truly fortunate. To this day, there has been no one else who has eaten cuisine
I personally prepared... not even grandfather. You must savor this from the bottom of your
"I am truly thankful for this meal you have prepared... But really, when you put your mind to
it, you really can do it quite well..."
Godou marveled at Erica's talent as he used his chopsticks to pick up the food.
But then again, for such a small task as frying a pancake, one could hardly feel her earnest
effort. Truly, it was very much in her style.

Just like a queen bestowing rewards upon a subject, or a princess allowing a knight to kiss her
hand, Erica watched with such an expression as Godou ate.
"However, cooking once in a while feels quite nice. If you don't mind, I will do it again. Just
for Godou, I will personally cook."
"Uh, sure if another chance comes along, thank you for your efforts..."
"Ah, that tone of voice doesn't sound too confident. You've already witnessed my talent just
now, right?"
"I know you are very capable, but if you suddenly have the impulse to make something 'that
seems very interesting' and end up creating something like Anna's cooking, then my stomach
is in peril."
"The way you put it, really sounds interesting..."
"Which is exactly what I'm saying, don't go making those strange creations!"
Anna was, in other words, Arianna. In the field of cooking, she was a woman who could reach
world-class levels of innovation. The two of them finished their meal with Anna as the topic
of conversation.
Erica mentioned that she had something to do at Ueno, so the two of them set forth.
Due to Godou's strong protests against taking a taxi, they took the streetcar to their destination
"What you meant by something to do, couldn't be shopping, right?"
"Correct, I want to buy a few articles of western clothing."
Having the experience of being dragged off by his sister to accompany her shopping, Godou
began to review his options for killing boredom, but he was greatly surprised when they
reached their destination.
"T-This is not a clothing store! I-It's an underwear store!?"
"Broadly speaking, this also falls under western clothing. Godou, don't be so hung up on these
minor details."
Located in one of the high-class department stores in Ueno was an underwear store on the
floor specializing in female fashion.
All sorts of different mini articles of clothing (cannot describe them in too much detail) laid
out in rows, or swirling like a vortex into a small hill, or forming their own universe like a
Erica smiled at Godou who was just about to get up and bolt for the door.

"I need your preference as a basis for judgment. So why don't you start, tell me which style
you'd like me to try?"
"Any style will do, after all there's no difference!"
"To say something like that, you are really hopeless. One day I will have you strip them off
personally, isn't that right? I believe they have to be chosen with care."
"S-Strip off!?"
Godou was silent, for her to say something so bold in such a place.
And while they were conversing, the saleslady (looks about twenty-something, and quite
pretty too) must have heard!
The saleslady returned a polite smile when he stole a glance at her.
Unlike the so-called professional smile, this was the kind of smile that seemed to say 'ah,
these kids are so young.'
"Anyway, why do you have to come to this kind of store, they must sell underwear near
where you live?"
"You won't be able to buy imports unless you come to this part of town. Though the ones
made in Japan have great quality and the designs are rather cute, they don't really match my
image. What do you think of this one?"
Erica pointed at a pair of white panties sewn with plenty of lace.
A cutting applied to the nonessential portions of the fabric created a light fluttery feeling. It
exuded an air of regal, extraordinarily upper class taste and achieved a fully glamorous effect.
It really did suit Erica very well... no no.
Godou forcefully shook his head and dispelled this frivolous thought.
"That piece was imported from France, truly excellent."
The saleslady from just now chose a perfect opportunity to chime in.
"If you like it, why don't you try it out?"
"I see. Then I will. So Godou, I want your opinion, accompany me to the changing room and
let me listen to your thoughts."
"W-Who would agree to such a thing?"
Erica ended up trying a whole stack, and decided to buy them all.

She settled the bill by credit card and arranged for the merchandise to be delivered to her
Despite seeing her shop frequently, Godou still could not get used to Erica squandering
money like this. Leaving the store helped lighten his mood a lot.
"Your mission has not ended. Can you go over there with me?"
Erica spoke to Godou whose mood had turned for the better.
The two of them left the department store and entered the crowd.
As expected of the Ueno area on a holiday, it was very lively.
Leaving behind the JR train station and the Ameyoko market street, Erica made her way
towards nearby Yushima with Godou trailing after her.
Choosing her path without a shred of hesitation, it seemed like she has fully accustomed
herself to the geography of Tokyo.
That was Erica. Even though she was not well-versed in traditional Japanese culture or the
customs and habits of ordinary people, she had mastered the geography around Tokyo and all
other places related to either her organization or her own personal activities.
Entering a residential neighborhood near Ueno and following an uphill slope, Godou was
apparently taken to the outskirts of a cluster of shady-looking love motels.

Part 3
Godou fell silent, what on earth were Erica's intentions!?
"Erica, wait a moment first. What are you planning next?"
"Hmm, what am I doing... Preparing to resolve the conflict that arose recently."
Godou felt greatly shaken.
Speaking of conflict resolution, did she mean clarifying their ambiguous relationship in a
decisive manner?
How do you truly feel about me? Today you must give a straight answer.
This time I will not allow you to dodge the issue like usual, please show some manliness
now, and demonstrate clearly with your words and attitude.
Godou feared that Erica would catch him unaware with such lines, and wracked his brain
preparing responses.
Was he truly cornered this time...?

"What is it, Godou? Your face looks like you have a stomach ache, are you unwell?"
Erica noticed his odd behavior and questioned.
This woman had the attractive exterior of a devil, the strong will to materialize her wishes, the
overwhelming charisma that was impossible to resist, and, in this kind of situation, an
unbelievable power that exceeded normal parameters.
However, in reality she was just looking at Godou with an incredulous expression.
"You ask me why? Think about it, this place, how should I put it..."
"This place? Is there a problem with this place? However, I did notice a number of strange
"Come to think of it, the map did indicate motels here, but I don't see any reason to run such
businesses in this dismal neighborhood, right? And the buildings are so unfashionable, though
they are quite interesting in their own way."
Erica responded in casual tones.
Could it be that Erica... she didn't know that motels had that kind of connotation...?
That's right, she is completely unaware. Truly the young mistress of the Blandelli family!
Having reached this conclusion, Godou felt as if a heavy load had been lifted off his back.
Great, there was still plenty of buffer time until the ultimate situation will be reached.
"You don't look too well? If you don't mind, perhaps we could rent a room around here to take
a rest?"
"No no, I'm fine. Continue onwards! Anyway, where are you going?"
Godou responded loudly, and Erica suspiciously stared at Godou as she pointed to the shrine
in front of them.
"That's the place, let's enter."
Before the row of motels was a little shrine.
A quiet place completely different from the nearby Yushima Seidou or Kanda Shrine.
A plaque with the name Tamaura Shrine hung on the entrance torii.
The kannushi[33] was not there and no one seemed to be there. After surveying the
surroundings, Erica pushed open the door of the front hall with her hand. Apparently the door
was not locked.
"How careless. But even if they forgot to lock the door, we can't go in so casually."

"Originally I was just planning on surveying the outside, but it turns out no one is here... No
problem, after all this is a public shrine anyway."
Walking into the front hall as they spoke, they were surprised to find signs of habitation in the
This was easily concluded from the neatly arranged objects in the corner.
Sleeping bag, many magazines and manga, dried bread and fruit and other nonperishable
foodthese were all piled up in an organized manner, but their presence conspicuously
clashed with the shrine surroundings.
Erica glanced at these items in the front hall and softly spoke in deep thought.
"Nothing that can be used as a clue... what a waste of time."
"Come on, behave, what you're doing right now is against the law."
After some nagging from Godou, the Italian-born beauty finally left the premises.
However, she immediately said:
"This place yielded nothing useful, let's hurry to the next destination."
Hastened by Erica to the next place to visit, Godou was shocked once again. It turned out to
be the high school section of Jounan Academy, the school that they attended.
"I think Godou's instincts are very good."
Erica praised him as they walked in the sports ground on this holiday.
There were members of sports clubs engaged in activities on the field, but the rest of the
school was very quiet.
"I think it's very bad actually... since I'm often labeled dense and slow."
Just a couple of hours ago, he had been scolded severely by this girl.
However, the other party, Erica, simply went "hmph" and made a gesture ridiculing him.
"That only applies to the way you treat women. What I referred to just now, were your
instincts towards supernatural phenomenon such as magic and divinities. Basically, you have
acute instincts towards danger just like a wild beast, that's true right?"
Now that she put it that way, it did feel likely to be true.
After becoming a Campione, it was as if Godou had gained a sixth sense that sometimes made
him aware of things that he could not possibly know about. But why bring this ability up right

"Since I am expecting results from Godou's instincts, I have a question for you. My sources
told me that someone has done something unusual to the school, probably some sort of spell.
Do you sense any signs of tampering?"
"No, I feel nothing..."
Godou tried to survey Jounan Academy's school buildings, sports ground, and foundations,
but could not sense anything.
The only feeling obtained was the sense of emptiness from the lack of students on a weekend.
"You need to be more serious. Concentrate and let your senses become clearer. If you try that,
your spirit vision might even end up having a higher success rate than Lily."
"Uh, how could that be possible? I don't have any spirit vision to begin with."
Godou thought back at Liliana's abilities as both a knight and a witch.
In the battle against Perseus, he had witnessed her spirit vision, and then Mariya has also
shown him the powers of spirit vision many times. He clearly did not possess it.
"Spirit vision refers to the ability to extract [Memories of the Void] from the [Boundary of
Life and Immortality] in the Astral Plane. The reason why you often display extraordinary
instincts could possibly be due to the Campione's sixth sense peering into the Astral Plane."
Erica's words led Godou to think back to a certain buried memory.
The [Boundary of Life and Immortality], it seemed vaguely familiar. But [Memories of the
Void] and such stuff were totally incomprehensible, so Godou decided to just forget about it.
"Perhaps using that ability, you can obtain something that approaches spirit vision. Try
again... Also, perhaps Yuri's example has misled you, but even for European witches,
obtaining spirit vision is extremely difficult."
"Is that so? But didn't Liliana say that she had spirit vision as well?"
"That is correct, but the crux of the matter is the success rate. The chance for a witch to
successfully activate spirit vision effectively is at best ten percent, but from my estimates Yuri
definitely exceeds sixty percent."
"How can it differ by so much!"
"Yes, if a situation required spirit vision from witches, usually they would gather dozens of
them so that the overall success rate is raised through quantity."
Godou finally got the point. Come to think of it, Liliana did explain to him during the battle
against Perseus, that it was the grace of Athena that allowed her to obtain spirit vision abilities
that surpassed her previous level.

Now Godou finally understood the reason why Erica has been so preoccupied with Yuri ever
since the first time they met.
"Why don't you ask Mariya for help?"
"Think about why I can't do that? This has political implications."
"When you said someone... Could it be a member of that whatever Committee?"
"Wrong, this time the Committee is the side trying to hinder her, but they cannot help but
acquiesce to her actions with frustrationcan you understand?"
"A woman... then it's Seishuuin Ena, looks like Yuri and the rest will have lots of trouble."
Finally understanding after much explanation... hearing Godou's exclamation, Erica shrugged
her shoulders.
"Lily and I can still act independently, even if we lose support from the magic associations of
our home country, it won't be a huge problem... But if you look at the girls around Godou
from this perspective, then Yuri's situation is the most delicate. You have to be more
observant of these things."
"Yes yes, I get it."
Failing to pay attention in those areas, this was something that needed to be improved. As
Godou thought, he decided to answer Erica's request.
In order to look for anything out of the ordinary, Godou ran throughout the school.
"...Uh, nothing strange was found."
"Still didn't work, seems like you're no good for anything outside of battle."
Hearing his simple report, Erica was exasperated.
Godou felt the same way. Even though his instincts were very good, they only seemed to
work in the heat of battle.
During battle, in the instant when his instincts kicked in, there was always a feeling like
sparks exploding.
Godou tried focusing his eyes on the school walls.
I hate this place. Such a thought flowed into his mind. Enemy, to be more precise, he could
feel the presence of the enemy floating around.
"I found a bad feeling around this area, but other than that, nothing."
"This wall? Perhaps some kind of barrier was erected?"

Erica and Godou began a serious discussion in front of the wall of the school building.
However, the answer to their questions came from an unexpected direction.
"That isn't a barrier, but I won't go into the details. Ama no Murakumo and I did a little
tinkering there, but not just in one location."
The two turned to look behind.
Seishuuin Ena was approaching from the opposite side of the sports ground.
Wearing her uniform despite being the weekend, with the familiar long and narrow bag slung
over her shoulder.
"'The many-fenced place of Izumo / Of the many clouds risingTo dwell there with my
spouse / Do I build a many-fenced palace: Ah, that many-fenced palace!' Have you heard of
this? This is the enchanted song of Susanoo, the one I inscribed on eight different places when
I infiltrated the school many days ago. I knew it would come in handy eventually."
The friendly Yamato Nadeshiko, innocent and forthcoming.
Though she looked the same as usual, Godou sensed something strange.
"I came to inspect them today. If they didn't take effect in a crisis, I would be very troubled.
But why are you two here? Aren't you supposed to be on a date?"
Her tone becoming sharp, Ena turned her gaze to Erica. The girl known as the [Diavolo
Rosso], answered with a polite smile.
"We are on a date right now, but we just decided to investigate Ena-san's prepared pranks on
the way, that's all."
"Really, then I'm sorry. Have I disturbed you two?"
Though it sounded like a calm conversation, an unfriendly atmosphere seemed to be hanging
between the two of them. Godou frowned.
"I don't know what conflict exists between the two of you, but could you two not cause any
strange commotions?"
"Understood, hubby... though that's how I want to address you, it turns out to be really
Ena let down the bag from her shoulder, and opened it dexterously with one hand.
"Other than declaring myself to be Kusanagi-san's woman, I have one other goal."
"Eliminating me, most likely."

Erica spoke in a sarcastic tone. The Hime-Miko showed a "that's right" expression and smiled.
An expression not seen previously, it was a wild grin that belonged to a carnivore in the
middle of a hunt.
"Kusanagi-san is a super important person, so it is no good allowing a foreign lady to hang
around him all the time. That's what the people back home say. Hoho, though it's fine for me
either way, but..."
The bag fell to the ground, and the sheathed sword was revealed.
"If this mission must be accomplished, there's no way around it. And hearing that the
opponent is an Italian knight has gained Ena's interest. At the same time, grampsy has also felt
amused by the surprise."
"Grampsy? The one who bestowed the divine sword on you?"
Erica planned to elucidate the detailed situation at that time.
"What detailed knowledge, as expected of Erica-san. Yes, grampsy can be quite a terrifying
person. Let alone the Hime-Miko, even the History Compilation Committee members have to
fearfully cater to his mood."
Ena drew the sword from its sheath.
The blade was infused with a sacred silvery white light, full of imperial splendor.
Godou and Erica exchanged glances in response to the emerging crisis.
(Let me handle her first while you observe for now. If you used your authority, it would
probably kill her.)
(Uh, that's right... but don't go too far.)
Godou felt uneasy, but decided to leave things to Erica for now.
The special powers usurped from Verethragna's authority included monstrous strength, super
speed, lightning, solar fire, and others... A multitude of powerful abilities, but none of them
were suitable for dealing with a normal human.
Unless the enemy was an immortal god, Godou would not want to activate his authority.
Once Godou stepped back, Erica summoned Cuore di Leone in her hand.
The sword with the narrow blade that gave off a chilling brightness.
Watching the red and black knight enter a stance, Ena happily declared:

"Since Yuri won't be at school on the weekends, I don't need to be mindful of her. Having
Kusanagi-san present is a bit troublesome, but I've already made preparations to handle him,
so let's determine the victor right here!"
Having spoken, she kicked the ground once.
With wide strides, Ena made a thrust with her magnificent sword.
Jumping to the side to evade the attack, Erica countered with a thrust from Cuore di Leone.
However, Ena dodged by lightly twisting her body like a bat.
Erica glared with sharp eyes while Ena stared back savagely.
In the next instant, their swords began to clash intensely.
Erica brandished the lightweight Cuore di Leone, thrusting continuously without pause.
A series of attacks like a hail of bullets.
But Ena parried all attacks by lightly waving the blade of her sword in a left-right motion.
Her sword should be far longer and heavier than the magic sword of the lion.
In spite of that, Ena displayed perfect defense and could even counterattack while she focused
her attention on the blonde female knight's attacks.
Erica skillfully defended Ena's return strikes, but always in the nick of time.
Godou never expected to find a girl from Japan who could match Erica in swordsmanship!
Surprised by the unexpected revelations, Godou desperately tried to come up with a plan.
By the time his thoughts returned to the battle, both combatants' attacks had become more and
more intense.
If this continued, it would likely end with one side heavily injured. How could their fight be
interrupted? He did not have any weapons and cannot use his authority. Then as a man, he
was down to one weapon.
"Damn it, after all I probably can't die, so let's take a gamble!"
Godou possessed the [Ram] incarnation which allowed him to revive from near death injuries,
but was useless if he died instantaneously. Ignoring his rational mind, Godou told himself "I
won't die as long as I'm lucky' and sprang into action.
Erica and Ena continued to exchange attacks fiercely.
Godou used his own body to block the space in between their swinging swords.
"Godou!?" "Kusanagi-san!?"

Erica and Ena put away their weapons simultaneously, and prevented a tragedy at the last
If either of them had been slightly lacking in reflexes, judgment, or swordsmanship, then
Godou would have been sliced apart.
"Godou, what are you doing! There are limits to stupidity!"
"I had no other way. Other than this, I couldn't think of another method to stop you two..."
To Erica who seldom lost her composure, Godou answered with his trembling body.
Regardless, he narrowly missed death and the battle was halted. In terms of results, his
decision was correct.
"Y-you shouldn't be so reckless, but now I understand, it's something like that."
Ena seemed to have confirmed something. Understand? What did she understand?
"In order to make Yuri, who is slow to warm up to others, fall for you, I've always suspected
that you must have great manliness somewhere. As expected, it's that clich? 'To protect the
woman I love, I can give my life' kind of deal?"
"Nothing like that. I didn't fully consider before I acted... Also, I was trying to protect you
Godou's denial made Seishuuin Ena go 'eh?' with doubt.
"Not only Erica, I also don't want to see Seishuuin get hurt. Anyway, to resolve conflicts with
swords is not right. You should have a good discussion to find a peaceful solution."
"Really? So I have already been added to your list of 'my women?' Aw shucks, how
"No way! How can anyone do nothing when they see someone about to be sliced to death!"
Watching the Hime-Miko getting a little shy, Godou protested strongly.
But she was unaffected, and continued to speak complacently.
"Looks like as long as Kusanagi-san is present, we can't fight properly. Then I will heed
grampsy's advice, and use that move..."
Ena who had been holding the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi with both hands, let go of the
blade with her left and reached into her pocket.
What she took out was a cellphone.

"Oh by the way, I'm not making a phone-call, it's just a habit. In order to speak with the other
world, this is necessary for the dialogue to succeedgrampsy, even though this happened
earlier than planned, but please use that move."
As she spoke softly into the cellphone, Godou and Erica became suspicious, but Ena
immediately threw down the phone.
The sky immediately became dark and the surroundings became dominated by darkness.
Thinking it might be cloud cover, Godou looked up and was quite shocked.
The sun in the sky was entirely darkened, and around the black circle was a white corona. It
was almost like a solar eclipse!
Then strong winds began to blow.
Cold winds that seemed strong enough to blow an entire body away and cut open skin.
"Whoever is swiftest among the boatmen of the Uji ferry will come to me.[34] God whom I
worshipped, exists no longer! If you believe god once existed, sacrifice well![35]"
Within the world sealed away by darkness, Ena chanted the incantation in a loud voice.
To Godou, the spell words carried by the chant felt like they were tearing up the world, and
his body was filled with vigor and battle spirit. Was it a god? Was a god coming here?
Godou stared at the wall just now.
In that corner, an enemy's presence could be felt slightly.
Massive amounts of divine power were being released, and the same energy could be felt
from seven other locations within the school.
"Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, is the divine blade used by Susanoo and Yamato Takeru...
these two heroes. However, they were not only warriors who tamed their enemies by force but
also highly intelligent heroes who employed deception when necessary. In other words,
capricious and ever-changing gods of deceit and thievery. Especially Susanoo, he was a god
who even tricked and covered up the sun itself. Even for you, Your Majesty, there is no way
to escape this trap!"
Ena spoke in a solemn voice for the first time.
Erica tried to prevent the unpredictable outcome by slashing at the Hime-Miko.
However, it was too late and the land beneath Godou's feet had turned into darkness.
The original concrete became completely jet-black in color.

His body and limbs sank and disappeared into the darkness.
Godou yelled as he resisted with all his might, but even as he thrashed his arms and legs there
was nothing for him to grab or kick.
The result was being swallowed by the void black space.
Godou fell into the darkness and vanished completely.
In that instant, Erica wielded Cuore di Leone and slashed at Ena with all her strength.
But it was blocked by the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
As the magic sword of the lion and the divine sword pressed against each other, the two girls
began to argue.
"Where did you send Godou away to!?"
"I don't know either, because the one who did it was grampsy."
Ena responded to Erica who had discarded her usual elegant composure.
Come to think of it, what the Hime-Miko just said.
The god of trickery and deceit. The ever-changing god. The god of thieveryin other words
these identities are all con artists! Erica recalled the [Secret Tome of Prometheus] that could
steal divine powers. Possessing the same qualitiesbut with a mysterious power many times
greater than the grimoire, Godou was taken away!
"I think His Majesty should now be in the Netherworld, and grampsy isn't going to release
him back to the real world."
"The Netherworld? Could it be the Astral Planethe Boundary of Life and Immortality!?"
"Ah, so it is also called that? I think the Committee members would be more knowledgeable
in these areas."
Erica shuddered as she watched the Hime-Miko who casually answered her questions.
One who freely employed a divine artifact that ordinary mortals were unable to use.
One who communicated with supernatural existences living in the Boundary of Life and
"It looks like amongst the Hime-Miko, there are quite a few girls possessing extraordinary
"Yes. Ena can hear the voice of god, and can borrow god's power slightly. If I explain it this
way, I believe Erica-san can understand?"

A user of divine possession! Erica was speechless.

A miko that possessed such a disposition was even rarer than one who had spirit vision. If the
Hime-Miko were able to recruit into its ranks someone with such legendary powers, they must
be an unimaginably troublesome organization.
Ena seemed to have tired of answering questions and jumped away from the state of pointing
their blades at each other.
"Perhaps due to being connected to grampsy, some spirits from that side have filtered over..."
Ena was muttering, and straightened her arm, pointing Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
This resulted in the sword altering its form.
From a straight sword, it slowly turned into a curved blade.
The originally sacred white light from the blade turned black, and the body of the blade
appeared to be burning with black flamesa form that seemed to herald catastrophe.
"Did you know? The ones who brought the technique of forging curved blades to this country
were barbarian sword-smiths seen as enemies by the government."
Ena spoke softly.
Like the dark and icy cold wind blowing across execution grounds.
"If the blade is curved, slicing power will be increased. The forging techniques of the Ezo[36]
sword-smiths were inherited by the craftsmen of Oshu, and from there actively promoted to
the rest of the country... Absorbing the slaughtered barbarian power for its own use, Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi also possesses this characteristic."
Holding the jet-black divine sword, Ena's face revealed a frightening smile.
Rather than a miko serving god, it was more like the belligerent face of a ghost of the sword.
"Assimilating the rebellious barbarian power for its own usethe sword of conquest, that is
Ena's partner, come let us duel!"
Erica took a deep breath.
She could feel Ena's magical power disappearing from her body.
In order to perform powerful magic or use an authority's killing move, most magi and
Campiones will raise their magical power to the maximum. Erica has witnessed it many times
But Ena was doing the opposite. Her power and presence was approaching zeroalmost as if
she no longer existed.

And entering the vessel of the Hime-Miko, was a solemn divine presence.
"So which one is your grampsy, may I ask one more time?"
"Uh? What do you mean by which one?"
Erica asked the surprised Ena once again.
"You just mentioned, right? There are two gods who possess this divine sword, Susanoo and
Yamato Takeru. So the grampsy you keep mentioning, which one is he?"
"It's Susanoo! But everyone calls him this unbecoming nickname, the Old One!"
The storm god of conquest who held the attribute of steel.
Protected by that kind of deity, a user of the legendary divine sword would be a formidable
foe indeed. Erica anxiously looked at the spot where Godou disappeared.
The jet-black darkness continued to swirl upon the surface of the ground.
It was the deep darkness that swallowed the young Campione that she loved.
At this moment, a rash idea entered her heart, but she believed there was value in taking the
challenge. What made the [Diavolo Rosso] steel her determination was that once the darkness
disappeared, so will all clues to track him down.
One of Erica's tenets was to avoid, as much as possible, battles she was unlikely to win.
If she were to escape now, she will definitely regret it afterwards. Her decision was made the
instant she thought that.
Erica also jumped into the darkness that swallowed Godou.
"Uh, you really did that. Very amazing! But I won't let you escape!"
What on earth is this woman? Erica was speechless.
Seeing her jump in, Ena also followed immediately.
And so, the two girls jumped into the mysterious space that captured the Campione.

Chapter 6 - Encounter in the Netherworld

Part 1
Godou found himself in a mountain at some unknown location.

After being swallowed by the suspicious darkness, he came to find himself in this place.
It was deep in the mountains, with lush greenery.
Heavy was the smell of soil and trees. There was also a small stream flowing beside him.
Were it a sunny day, taking a walk here would have been very comfortable. Regrettably, it
was raining with massive droplets splattering all over him.
Howling winds filled the sky and mercilessly stole warmth from his drenched body.
In addition, Godou's bodily condition was not very well at this time.
A strong feeling of nausea, terrible cold, and headache made Godou worry if he had caught a
Though it would have been best to get moving to find shelter from this storm, he did not have
the strength. Squatting down for about three minutes and enduring the sense of nausea, he felt
much better.
"This feeling is almost like carsickness..."
The headache was still present but was not a problem. Godou got up and looked around. The
water in the stream beside him was very turbid and flowing rapidly due to the drainage of the
rainwater. From the way the stream ran, this place must be quite remote in the deep
Godou discovered a little house upstream, and started making his way towards it.
He should first find shelter from the rain. Though a wooden house on the riverbank in such
pouring rain did not seem particularly safe, it would still be better than standing outside.
Then again, the safety of Erica and Seishuuin Ena still worried him very much.
While worrying about them, Godou reached the door of the little house.
It resembled a rustic wooden house from some historical drama. A simple glance was
sufficient to assert that modern amenities such as electricity, gas, and running water were
alien concepts.
The sliding door at the entrance was open, and Godou peered inside.
An old man, who appeared to be the owner, sat cross-legged in front of the stove.
His towering physique would stand over 180cm tall. His coarse kimono exposed a strongly
built body that did not match his age and bulging musculature that would put most
bodybuilders to shame.
The old man's obstinate expression matched his solid build quite well.

"Kusanagi Godou, please enter. My apologies for suddenly summoning you to this place."
To be named so abruptly.
By this point, Godou knew who he was.
Godou's body, charged full of energy to fight, had already given him the answerthe old man
before him was a god.
"My miko made trouble for you, but please endure for a little while longer. I had no choice
but to bring you here because that girl said she wanted a duel with the barbaric little lady.
After all, they are both female and human, so why don't you let them fight to their hearts'
"...Who are you? And what kind of god are you?"
Hearing the questions, the old man smiled.
Though he appeared to be very strict, he unexpectedly gave off a sense of kindliness and
"I am the god known as Haya Susanoo no Mikoto. You may call me the Old One or simply
old man, but do not use grampsy. Having one brat Ena calling me such an idiotic nickname is
more than enough."

Jumping into the darkness that Godou disappeared into

Erica finally reached the end to find herself at an unknown riverside.
The distance across the river was not very wide, but the flow was quite rapid and swimming
across would be very difficult. However, the water in this river was beautiful and crystal
It gave off a feeling that could not possibly come from a river in the twenty-three wards of
"This really is the Astral Plane... right? Could I have entered the Boundary of Life and
Erica knelt on the ground panting.
The air was very turbid and felt lacking in oxygen no matter how hard you breathed. Very
likely, her body was not yet accustomed to this world.
But it could not be helped.
Moving from the surface world to the Astral Plane was [Plane Walking], a type of ultimate,
high-difficulty magic that required drinking a precious potion beforehand.

This was medication to activate spirit capabilities and help the body adapt to this otherworldly
This was a world where spirit ranked higher than flesh, and ectoplasm ranked higher than
Magi who had stepped foot in the Astral Plane were extremely rare, because neither the
magical ritual to transfer to another world nor the required potion were easy to obtain.
Though it was her first time here, Erica already discerned the truth of this world and started
responding accordingly.
First, she raised the magical power in her body to the limit.
Despite the risk of depleting her magical energy, there was no time to hesitate. After dozens
of seconds, her symptoms disappeared, and Erica stood up, her breathing back to normal.
Then came a voice.
"Erica-san, you are amazing. Already moving about in the Netherworld."
Seishuuin Ena walked over, holding the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi in her hand.
The Hime-Miko also seemed to be protecting her body in the same way and did not show any
signs of suffering.
"You're really annoying, and I was about to catch up to Godou. Could you kindly step aside?"
"If that's the case, you must first defeat Ena by force. Come, we must hurry and fight."
Erica drew Cuore di Leone for she had harbored the same intentions all along.
Then she advanced to attack Ena who was wielding Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi in its jetblack curved blade form.
The magic sword and the divine blade clashed once again.
The moment the two blades met, Cuore di Leone was split into two! With split second
decisiveness, Erica promptly jumped to the side and evaded the follow up attack.
"Steel of the lion, the symbol of indestructible authority!"
Responding to Erica's spell words, the broken segment of the magic sword flew through the
air and returned.
Then combined and welded back together again.
Cuore di Leone restored itself through its attribute of indestructibility, but Ama no Murakumo
no Tsurugi's power was also increasing.
Or rather, it was simply retrieving its original power?

"Susanooby filling her body with the blade's original user's divine protection, she is able to
wield a divine artifact that humans cannot use... To think that such a technique existed!"
Erica exclaimed softly.
Ena's body was inhabited by some unknown divine power. A tiny fraction of Susanoo's
divinityprobably around two hundred parts per millionwas being lent to her.
Even though the amount of power a human body could contain was this small, its nature was
still the power of a god.
Which is why Ena could freely wield Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi using her own will and
sword skills.
"Not just grampsy's power, but this Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi is also similar to a
demigod. Its spirit flows within me. Susanoo's attribute as the conquering god was also
obtained from the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi."
The steel sword symbolizing the conqueror... Since this description was bestowed after he
obtained the sword, Susanoo must have acquired his divinity of the conquering god at the
same time, Erica deduced.
"Tell me, that grampsy of yours called Susanoowhere is he? Then again, what is he? Could
he be a [Heretic God]?"
"According to his own description, he is no longer the same brash and mischievous god in his
Provoked by Ena's laughter, Erica could not help but glare at her. But she was right, were he
still a [Heretic God], he would be wandering on earth and causing mass destruction instead.
Then what kind of existence was he actually?
"Explaining it will take very long... And there's no time left, right?"
Ena felt deeply apologetic.
"Normally, I should be more leisurely. But maybe because we're in the Netherworld, the
divine power in my body has increased? The spirit of grampsy and Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi is truly amazing, even talking properly is becoming impossible... So Ena would like
to apologize to you first."
"You want to apologize?"
"Yes, because Ena is now too strong, so strong that even I feel despicable..."
As she made such a declaration, Ena's body began to shake.
Her movements were very stiff, like those of a puppet, and completely different from her agile
moves up to this point.

"Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, I pledge this body as a sacrifice, pray calm your wild spirit!"
The spell words were chanted from the miko's mouth.
Whispered words that carried piety and nihility. And inhabiting her pupils was a ferocious
fighting spirit and murderous intent.
It was not the eyes of a swordsman who gambled with life to enjoy battle, but those of an evil
spirit that swore to defeat all enemies and annihilate them completely.
With her changed expression, Ena raised her jet-black divine sword high using stiff
"Thousand leaves breaking, Iwaki of god, surpassing possible, I now name it, unfortunate
The instant the spell song was chanted, Erica received a shocking surprise.
The magical power that protected her and allowed her to adjust to the Netherworld suddenly
left her body.
That magical power was being sucked into Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi!
The ability to assimilate the power of rebellious barbarians. It turned out it could be used in
this way.
Speechless, Erica sank to her knees, her entire body losing strength and her breathing
quickening. She had returned to the state when she first arrived in this world.
In front of Ena, who was under divine possession, it was truly a hopeless and desperate

Part 2
To have the gall to call a god "grampsy" to his face, Ena's courage was beyond imagination.
Godou sighed as he asked:
"I'd like to ask, are you actually a [Heretic God]?"
"No, I'm no longer rebelling. I've tired of that kind of game a long time ago."
"Gods who have escaped the restrictions of their myths, aren't they all [Heretic Gods]?"
Scraps of knowledge that he picked up from Erica before.
But the god who introduced himself as Susanoo(!) simply scoffed in disdain.
"That kind of sloppy categorization is wrong. Normal gods only exist in myths, while only
those who escape from legends and walk the earth can be called [Heretic Gods]."

[Heretic God] caused unprecedented disasters simply by existing on earth. This was why the
only ones who could oppose them, the Campiones, were revered as devil kings. That was
what Godou knew.
"As for me, I was a [Heretic God] once."
Susanoo exhaled deeply, and showed an expression as if reading Godou's mind.
"I wandered the earth for over a thousand years, then got bored and decided to live in
seclusion. I suppose I used to be very violent and unreasonable, but personalities tend to
mellow with age."
His delinquent-like declaration aside, who could have thought Susanoo was an elderly former
[Heretic God]?
This self-introduction stunned Godou with surprise. He had been wondering for quite a while
what kind of end existed for gods like Athena, but he never thought a retirement solution like
this existed.
"You mentioned living in seclusion, what is that about?"
"Since [Heretic Gods] will not die without a serious cause, they will not return to the myths
either. Without any other recourse, they either go to sleep or live secluded in the Netherworld
like me."
"Oh? That's this place right here. You didn't know that? I heard you've been summoned here
by your adoptive mother Pandora before."
"No, I had no idea at all."
Godou had some kind of subtle feeling as he shook his head.
The headache that appeared after he arrived at this mountain. An annoying headache that
suddenly intensified.
"Hahaha, sorry, it's because I brought you here through abnormal means, so you have been
unable to retrieve the memories in the Netherworld. You've probably been having a headache
all along, right?"
"Then summing up all that was said just now... Everything happened because of you!"
Godou made an indignant accusation, but the elderly hero god laughed "hoho."
"Yes, I used to do many bad things like locking old sis in a cave, so tricks like hiding or
concealing are a piece of cake for me."
What did he mean? Godou felt greatly suspicious.

Whenever he tried to ponder about the true visage of Susanoo, his headache would intensify.
Susanoo was originally a god of the earth from Izumo.
However due to repeatedly amalgamating numerous myths, he transformed into a typical hero
god. Storms. Using his divine body that controlled storms as a foundation, he obtained the
iron sword from slaying the snake.
The iron sword was the Kusanagi sword, the key to his becoming the conquering god of steel.
At the same time, Susanoo also had the hero attribute of craftily making use of deception, and
a great example was the story of forcing his elder sister, the great sun goddess Amaterasu,
into a stone cave. The legend of 'hiding/stealing the sun', was a common trickster myth in the
Asian Pacific region.
All sorts of knowledge about Susanoo flowed into Godou's mind.
Then Godou felt in his right hand, the reaction of the [Sword] being prepared. He fell silent.
"Ha! As expected of the fellow who obtained the sword of wisdom, just by listening to my
story, you were able to forge a weapon!"
All he wanted was to know, but why did it turn out like this?
The spell words to slay Susanoo have been obtained, but his head was hurting like it was
about to explode. It was probably impossible to win if he had to fight with this god before him
in such conditions.
Godou felt doubt at the unexpected occurrence.
He felt that he was exactly like Verethragnathe original user of this sword.
"W-why is this happening..."
"Because this is the Netherworld, which is different from the reality where you live. This is
where everything is recorded, from the birth of the universe to all possible future outcomes.
Those who possess the ability can obtain some of these records from this place."
The old god seemed to be undertaking an explanation role.
Godou thought about what he heard before, that the power of spirit vision was the ability to
extract [Memories of the Void] from the Boundary of Life and Immortality. So the
Netherworld was that kind of territory.
So that was the reason why the environment and the [Warrior]'s power produced some kind of
chemical reaction...?
However, his headache was getting worse, and his brain felt like it was burning up.

Very likely, it was the price of performing something similar to spirit vision. This kind of task
was probably best left to Yuri, Godou painfully realized.
"Anyway, I must leave this place. Something bad is about to happen to my companionErica
and your miko Seishuuin Ena, and I must go to them."
"What are you talking about? I called you here precisely to stop you from interfering."
Godou endured his headache as he tried to make a sincere request. The former [Heretic God]
laughed heartily.
"Just wait a while longer, why the rush? Should I bring out the alcohol?"
This old bastard, why is he making me wait?
As Godou frowned, he heard another voice.
"Looking for your girlfriends? Hahaha, you really are as lecherous as the rumors."
Unlike Susanoo's steady voice, it was a hoarse sound.
Godou frantically looked in the voice's direction. In a corner of the little house, another
character had started sitting there at some unknown point in time.
The one dressed in a monk's black habit did not look human at all. With dry, parched skin and
no real flesh, it was as if everything had peeled off.
Resembling the body of a living Buddha or a mummified corpse, the sight made Godou
swallow hard.
"To treasure her to such a degree, looks like our efforts to send you a concubine have not
gone to waste. Since Susanoo-san's miko was a peculiar person, I originally worried if she
might not suit your tastes... Or perhaps, you worry more about that barbarian little lady?"
The black clad figure spoke in tones that hid subtle sarcasm.
Simply bearing superficial politeness, he was clearly a very rebellious person.
"Your Majesty the Rakshasa King[38] would like to see the girls, yes? Please wait a moment."
A third voice. This time it was female.
Godou shifted his gaze towards the voice, opposite to the dried out monk's position.
An otherworldly beauty was sitting in seiza, dressed like a noble princess from the Heian era
in a brilliantly colorful juunihitoe[39] style kimono. But where did she come from?
Those pupils of hers were crystal clear like the color of glass. Her hair was a deep flaxen color
while her smooth delicate skin resembled polished ivory.

This adorable beauty of hers, resembling a sculpture, surpassed the looks of any modern
The princess with pupils of glass was sitting before a basin.
When did this basin, filled with water, appear along with the princess
"W-Who are you people?"
Godou asked frantically.
Unlike Susanoo, the mummified monk and the princess did not provoke his battle spirit, so
they should not be gods... Then the old hero god said to the unsettled Godou:
"This is the Netherworld, a gathering place for those who are neither human nor gods.
Especially those gathered here: obsessed fools unable to relinquish their feelings for the real
world. We have been dealing with the other side for quite a long time, and have been involved
in many affairs."
"Simply put, a bunch of old people watching over the young ones."
The dried out monk in black chimed in.
Though most of the teeth in his mouth had already fallen out, his words were surprisingly
"The wizards in charge of this country are too busy with mundane worldly affairs. So in order
to prevent them from becoming sleeping tigers, our duty is to give them reminders from time
to time. Sometimes when existences like you pop up, we will also make a few comments."
"...Sleeping tigers?"
As Godou asked, the princess spoke once more.
"Please look this way, Rakshasa King. Your majesty's concubine is here."
Images were appearing in the basin of water before her.
Godou hurried over for a look. The image on the surface of the water showed two girls
fighting. Erica Blandelli was wielding Cuore di Leone while Seishuuin Ena swung her great
Ena's sword had changed in appearance. The originally straight blade was now curved and its
color had become black.
The duel ended dismally.
Facing Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, Erica suddenly collapsed.

"To think that naughty brat Ena has come to the Netherworld. Fool, if she performs divine
possession in such a place, her body will surely be taken by me and Ama no Murakumo no
"Divine possession?"
Godou questioned Susanoo's scolding of Ena.
"Correct, that is her power as a Hime-Miko. The ability to turn her body into a vessel for
containing a god's divine spirit. But with a single mistake, she will lose her mind and body.
Looking at her like this... most likely she has been taken over by our divine spirit."
"A miko with that kind of ability is almost like a demigod. It's too unfortunate for the little
lady who battled against her."
Susanoo and the monk in black delivered their commentary without any sense of culpability.
Seeing their attitudes, Godou stood up. It was no longer time for gentle requests.
"Send me there. The faster the better, hurry!"
There was no time to tend to the splitting headache.
Godou forced himself to endure the pain and raised his right armthe one carrying the
[Sword], pointing at Susanoo.
Making clear that he would show no mercy if refused.
Despite Godou's threat, Susanoo simply ignored him and looked bored while the monk in
black mocked him and went 'hoho, how amazing.'
"Hahaha, good good. Those little ladies would be delighted if they heard your words. You
have not shamed the name of the [King], I am deeply impressed!"
Hearing such insincere praise, Godou glared at the monk.
Godou gnashed his teeth, but currently he did not have an incarnation to defeat this
mummified monk.
"Rakshasa King, if Your Majesty imagines the place shown here and makes a wish to be
there, it will be done. In a place like the Netherworld, methods of travel are different from the
real world."
The princess with the pupils of glass explained humbly.
Godou could not help gazing at her beauty.
Unsure where this beauty came from, Godou lowered his head.
"May Your Majesty's merciful virtues help those girls. That is my humble wish."

"That goes without saying! Thank you very much, it's been a great help!"
Godou immediately thanked her politely.
Strangely enough, it did not feel like she was lying.
It was as if the Campione's supernatural sense of danger informed him... the exact same
Godou did as she described and imagined the scenery shown on the water surface. The place
where the two girls were, where did such a beautiful river flow in the Netherworld?
In the next instant, Godou vanished from the little house.
Because of that, the young Campione did not hear the following conversation.
"That person loves women too much. All it took was the sight of his concubines in a desperate
plight to make him lose all composure. Hahaha, looks like he is unlikely to perform above
"Yes, it's all that brat Ena's fault for coming here and making him believe there was a crisis."
The desiccated monk could not stop laughing to himself, while Susanoo scolded with
"It's time we stop using those girls to test the Rakshasa King's disposition. I am starting to feel
displeased, Enlightened Master, Old One."
Admonished by the princess with eyes of glass, the two men continued unfazed.

Part 3
Erica watched as Seishuuin Ena slowly approached with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. If
this continued, she would be slain. Given her current frail body, what other measures could
she take
Searching in vain with no solution in sight, was it really hopeless?
"Wait, Seishuuin, put your sword away!"
A familiar voice. The figure of the familiar youth appeared between Erica and the HimeMiko.
Kusanagi Godou. The youth she was determined to save.
"Godou, you're okay...?"
"Well enough, I will handle this. You should rest for a while."

With barely enough strength to ask, she could only watch the back of the youth who
For whose sake did I, Erica Blandelli, come to be caught in this desperate situation? Though
she wanted to call him an idiot, her depleted stamina caused Erica to abandon the notion. She
substituted her displeasure with a relieved sigh.
'Godslayer, I cannot follow your orders.'
Ena's lips did not move, and a robotic voice was heard.
Speaking to Godou who stood in front of the weakened Erica, she continued.
'As the enemy of gods, you are also the enemy of me, the divine sword. To listen to your
orders will be my greatest shame.'
"You... are not Seishuuin."
The calm and penetrating voice once again replied.
'Correct, my master and the miko call me Ama no Murakumo, good that you know.'
"Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi! That's Susanoo's weapon, and the Kusanagi sword!"
Godou yelled at the Hime-Miko controlled by the divine blade, the one who looked like Ena
but was not Ena.
Seeing him surrounded by countless flashes of light, Erica got a big shock. These were the
spell words of the [Sword]!
"Susanoo is a god who shares a long history with [Steel]! His territory Susa is well known for
producing iron ore, and he is the god of storms. In ancient times, strong wind provided the
greatest assistance to forging iron by fanning the flames to make them stronger, and that
intense fire can melt iron!"
The brilliant light of the [Sword] started moving like a stream of meteors, and flew to attack
Targeted, she silently kicked at the ground, and began running like the wind at superhuman
levels, intending to escape the onslaught of the [Sword].
However, it still caught up to her.
Wielding the divine sword with movements like a puppet, she tried to deflect the [Sword] in
vain. Steel that should have cut through the spheres of light was pushed back by the light
Erica was certain, these were the spell words that can defeat Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.

'...Spell words that can conquer a god and his belongings. True to the status of a godslayer, a
most troublesome weapon indeed.'
It was still that robotic voice.
Ena admitted her disadvantage. Enano, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi controlled the
Hime-Miko to jump backwards.
Such a jump would probably require a human-sized cricket or grasshopper, to instantly create
a distance of dozens of meters.
'Continuing to stay in the Netherworld will cause damage to my miko's body. It would be
wise to repeat this duel another time. Godslayer, I shall return to the real world, and wait for
you there.'
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi manipulated Ena's body and buried her into the ground.
Darkness consumed the ground beneath her legs and spread out into a great patch of jetblackness.
This was probably the [Door] that pulled the two of them into the Netherworld. Erica watched
in surprise as the darkness gradually swallowed Ena and the divine blade until they
"How could that girl do such a thing...?"
"The current Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi is just like a cheap copy of Susanoo. With that
smelly old bastard's power, of course it's possible, and because of that, the [Sword] was
effective against her."
Godou explained as he massaged his temples.
He was struck with intense pain once again, and the worried Erica hurried over before him.
"Godou, how are you?"
"Perhaps because I forced myself too much to create the [Sword] to defeat Susanoo, using it
gives me a great headache. I'm afraid I can't continue..."
Evidently, a lot had happened to Godou and he was reaching his limits.
Erica sighed deeply. Though she was concerned about Ena, who had escaped back to earth,
their current biggest problem was being stranded in the Astral Plane. Was there a way for
them to leave...?

It was around six in the evening when Amakasu's phone call was received.
"Ena-san disappeared? So has Godou-san and Erica-san?"

At the Nanao Shrine, Mariya Yuri was greatly surprised to receive such news.
'That's right. We have been keeping Ena-san under surveillance, actually.'
Hearing this unsettling news, Yuri frowned. The Committee must have some reason for doing
'During the weekend, Ena-san had visited your school and then suddenly ran into Erica-san
and Kusanagi-san, and the three of them vanished together... What an unbelievable
Amakasu began to recount in detail everything that happened in order.
His tone of voice suggested that he was the one in charge of the surveillance mission. After
all, tailing the highly alert premier Hime-Miko would not be possible except for a master of
concealment like Amakasu.
"There was an inside story after all."
'It's the elders, there can be no other. What are they planning?'
The elders who even the History Compilation Committee members have to please.
They were inhuman, supernatural existences. Fairies, demigods, holy monks, ascended
ascetics, great magi, vengeful spirits... With all sorts of different legends, they were a group
that surpassed humanity and approached immortality. It was said that they had freed
themselves from the natural order of reality and chose to live in the Netherworld.
Yuri recalled the Old One watching over Ena, the frightening god who was also known as a
[Heretic God] once.
The ancient deity who possessed the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
Kidnapping a Campione was something that no one but the elders could do.
However, Yuri could not understand why they were acting so rashly.
This could not be allowed to continue. If she did not learn by trying, she would not be able to
improve her powers of deduction. She wanted intelligence and wisdom rivaling Erica and
initiative that did not require being led by Ena.
Yuri made a resolute decision as she requested.
"I will now go to school and see if I can discern where Godou-san and the rest have gone."
'Actually I was going to ask you to do that, much appreciated. My apologies.'
The Committee's top investigator seemed a bit happy.
But then he seemed troubled by the condition Yuri proposed next.

'Hmm, I don't think it's a good idea, it's too early for that.'
"No, I believe it is a necessary measure, Amakasu-san. Though it pains me to put it this way,
but please regard it as the price and condition for my cooperation."
The "Hime" part of the term Hime-Miko, was not simply for show.
Indeed, the Hime-Miko organization was ranked beneath the History Compilation Committee.
On the other hand, the reverence and respect for the bloodline of the Hime-Miko was a
tradition passed down over a thousand years.
Amakasu and the members of the Committee did not have the authority to give a Hime-Miko
orders on whim.
Yuri decided to take advantage of her status for the first time.

After about an hour, three people gathered on the sports ground of Jounan Academy.
Mariya Yuri, Amakasu Touma, and Liliana Kranjcar.
Though the sky was darkening, the sun had yet to set entirely, which is to say, it was dusk.
In these ambiguous, dimly lit conditions, the silver-haired knight glared at Amakasu Touma.
"I heard that Kusanagi Godou was kidnapped by the one backing Seishuuin Ena."
"Please don't be mad, this time we are also victims... That is why I suggested not bringing her
Yuri shook her head at the complaining History Compilation Committee member.
"The magic and knowledge that Liliana-san possesses will definitely come in handy in this
situation. Besides, there is no one else with a witch's powers..."
She was one who was outstanding in witchcraft.
Actually, this was also Liliana Kranjcar's most valuable disposition.
In terms of martial ability, she was equal to Erica, while Yuri was vastly superior in spirit
However, Liliana was the only one who could use witchcraft.
Understanding the thoughts of birds and beasts and be able to command them, flying like a
bird in the sky, swimming freely like a fish in water, gathering forest herbs to make potions,
these were all classified under the most talented domain of witches.
"Since Yuri-san insists, I will not object. So please participate together, Liliana-san... So, let's
start immediately?"

Prompted by Amakasu, Yuri surveyed the "crime scene" once again.

Godou, Erica, and Ena disappeared from a corner of the school, and in front of her was a wall
of the school building.
Shivering, she felt even her back shaking.
Terrifying magical traces were discovered.
Liliana also seemed to have felt it, and she narrowed her eyes, focusing on the school wall.
"Mariya Yuri, can you see the problem here? Regrettably, a great power was applied here, and
I cannot gather any clues..."
Liliana spoke with great dismay, and Yuri closed her eyes.
Not sight, but "vision" that focused spiritual disposition surpassing the five senses. At this
instant, the vision appeared.
The sun, which dominated the sky, completely darkened like in a solar eclipse.
Holding the great sword of steel, the storm god appeared, causing the land with the
bountiful harvest to wither into a gray wilderness.
"It was Susanoo after all..."
Ever since the Marquis Voban incident, she had not experienced any visions for months.
From the images shown before her eyes, Yuri seemed to have found out what happened.
"I know the method used to take Godou-san and the rest away and also saw where they went."
Yuri explained as she endured her over exhausted body.
Liliana displayed great interest, but Amakasu looked tired for some reason.
"Perhaps you already have an idea, Amakasu-san?"
"Amongst the ones capable of kidnapping a Campione, I already have a very good idea.
Requesting your spirit vision was just to obtain concrete proof. Since this is an internal affair,
I still hope the outsider can be dismissed."
"No, Liliana-san's wisdom is truly needed for what comes after."
Yuri cast an apologetic gaze at Amakasu.
Then she turned towards and bowed her head at Liliana who had been excluded from the
conversation and was showing signs of displeasure.

"I beg you, please tell me the method to save Godou-san, Erica-san and Ena-san from the
Netherworldthe Boundary of Life and Immortality."

After listening to the gist of the situation, the witch and Great Knight showed a troubled
"A deity who used to be a [Heretic God]? This country is harboring such a monster!"
"If possible, I also wish he would hurry up and pass on, but that's not going to happen. He's
been hanging around for over a thousand years. To be honest, we are also very troubled too."
"Amakasu-san, your description is a bit..."
Yuri scolded Amakasu for his imprudent comment as she waited for the witch's response.
Since they were now aware that Godou and Erica were trapped in the Netherworld, they had
to go over to bring them back. Now the only one capable of using that kind of spell was the
silver-haired witch.
"In order to transfer to the Astral Plane, the magical ritual and the required medication are
needed. I already know the ritual, but the problem is the potion..."
Liliana's expression darkened as she continued to speak.
"I know the recipe, but I don't have the ingredients. A few precious herbs are essential, but I
don't have them on hand and must send for them from back home."
"Then what if we go buy them right now? I've heard that shops selling those kinds of things
exist in Tokyo."
Yuri had heard from Amakasu and others at the History Compilation Committee.
They occasionally monitored shops that secretly sold wizardry tools and catalysts.
However, Liliana showed an 'oh no' kind of stiff expression.
"Actually... I have no idea where those shops are located."
"Because... I have been busy taking care of Kusanagi Godou, so I have not spent the time to
familiarize myself with people and places in that field in Tokyo..."
Liliana bowed her head and confessed, embarrassed.
Her fingers twiddling, the blush on her face was especially cute. It was completely different
from Liliana's usual awe-inspiring appearance. Then Yuri suddenly thought of the adage
"putting the cart before the horse."

"No, no, just ask Amakasu-san to lead the way."

Tentatively, she first tried a relatively safe solution. Unfortunately, reality was cruel.
"Uh, no can do, I'm afraid. Any ingredient or catalyst required by high level magic, above
rank E in difficulty, has to be ordered in advance. Using online shopping parlance, it's under
the category of 'delivery time unknown.' Even if we rushed over right away, we won't get it."
"T-Then they must have logistics problems!"
"Actually, I think it's even stranger for the Kranjcar family to keep those items lying around
the house!"
Liliana felt furious at Amakasu's tactless honesty.
There was no time to wait for a delivery from Italy. In that time span, the worst situation
could develop.
Just as Yuri was about to consider other options.
A suspicious presence could be felt... from Amakasu's body.
She once read a mystery novel that someone recommended to her as guaranteed to be
She had the exact same feeling of suspicion towards a character that appeared around the
tenth page or so. As she paid attention to that character and continued reading, it turned out
the person was the final culprit.
Henceforth, Yuri avoided the genre as much as possible. Very calmly, she said:
"Amakasu-san, what are you trying to hide?"
"Uh... I don't know what you're talking about. Could it be your imagination?"
The History Compilation Committee special operative was subtly averting eye contact.
Undeterred, Yuri continued to ask, determined to speak her mind.
"Since the name Sayanomiya suddenly appeared in my mind, could it be... that family is
"Sayanomiya? What is that?"
"The History Compilation Committee is an organization run under the direction of the
Sayanomiya family. They are steeped in the traditions of wizardry, and several generations
ago, their family head had gone to study in Europe and learned knowledge about magic over
As she explained to Liliana who interrupted with a question, Yuri recalled a certain incident.

During the Marquis Voban incident, at the time when she visited the secret library at Aobadai.
That facility stored grimoires collected and confiscated from all over Japan by special
operatives like Amakasu. Come to think of it, the Committee surely must collect more than
"Perhaps, amongst the various items Amakasu-san and your colleagues confiscate, there are
the items that Liliana called ingredients? Those are probably kept in the Sayanomiya
"Hahaha, how can that be possible, please don't guess randomly."
"Whether or not it is a random guess, everything will be cleared up by an investigation."
Liliana drew her beloved sword in front of Amakasu who was playing dumb.
The magic sword Il Maestro was personally forged by a top blacksmith and mage.
"I will go directly into that residence and search. If it is not there, then I will search all the
facilities belonging to your Committee."
Discerning Yuri's thoughts from the dialogue just now, Liliana declared with great aweinspiring impact.
Although from an ethical standpoint, this kind of behavior was not very appropriate.
However, she still made her declaration openly.
Yuri was very impressed. Threats should be made in such a manner? A lesson learnt.
"Sigh... As expected, calling her here was trouble. Fine, I confess, I know how the required
ingredients can be obtained. The Sayanomiya residence does have these things, but due to
various reasons, they cannot be moved arbitrarily, so it would be best not to go there."
Amakasu finally spoke the truth amidst sighing tones.
Knowing she was now able to save her dear friends, Yuri could not help but feel excitement
in her heart.

Part 4
Netherworld, Astral Plane, Boundary of Life and Immortality.
In this space with many different names, Godou was caught in a dilemma.
Ena, under Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's control, had escaped a while ago. Though his
body felt like an hour has passed, Godou knew such impressions were unreliable because the
flow of time in this place was unlikely to be the same as on earth. After some rest, Godou's
headache had also recovered almost completely. However
Erica's condition was taking a turn for the worse.

Her face in pain, she was breathing irregularly and sweating profusely. Godou tried to touch
her and found her body temperature unusually elevated as if under high fever. She also had no
strength left and could not even turn herself over.
Completely drained, she was lying in the shade of a tree beside the river.
"Given the current situation, I guess the only way is to return to the mountain just now..."
Godou muttered to himself. Since he did not have the knowledge or skills to help Erica, he
must ask for help. And in this mysterious space, he only knew three "people," if they could be
called that. Susanoo and the mummified monk aside, perhaps the benevolent princess might
extend a helping hand.
"May I ask: how is this world structured?"
Worrying about Erica's condition, Godou asked.
In order to save her and leave, he needed information.
There was a beautiful river here that flowed somewhere.
As well as a seemingly limitless plain.
This scenery extended to the horizon without any change.
The little house in the mountain where Susanoo was located seemed to be in one direction, or
perhaps not. To have suddenly jumped out here in an instant, even Godou could not believe
his eyes.
"...Susanoo's location is a different space from here. If I'm not mistaken, the Astral Plane is
composed of many disconnected worlds and spaces. You must have performed a spatial
transfer between them..."
Erica quoted from what she had read in books and explained to Godou.
Without her usual flair when speaking, it seemed like her stamina had been draining
continuously, and Godou nodded to her, frantic for a solution to the situation.
"In other words, this is very similar to an apartment building, you know? Though you live
under the same roof, homes are separated by walls and floors, but you can still move about
using corridors and stairs."
A broad world that contained countless independent spaces and linked together like a spider's
Even for the storm god Susanoo, no matter how much he summons violent storms, the only
affected area was the "room" he occupied.
Which explained why [Heretic Gods], whose mere existence brought disaster to the world,
could live secluded in this realm.

"...But you just used the [Warrior] form so the [Sword] is no longer available for now. If we're
going to Susanoo's place, shouldn't you wait first?"
"No, if this continues, your body will not last."
Verethragna's ten incarnations.
Godou's authority, usurped from the ancient Persian Warlord, had many restrictions.
After each use, an incarnation could only be reused after the passage of one day.
The [Sword] was already invoked when he met the old god. As much as possible, Godou
should avoid direct conflict against Susanoo without a trump card. However, Godou shook his
head at Erica's suggestion.
"I will find a way. Even though there are a few distasteful fellows, someone nice is also
Godou quietly picked up Erica in his arms and laid her on his back.
Attempting the method just now, his mind imagined the little house in the mountain and the
surrounding beautiful scenery, and then wished to go there.
And then, Godou and Erica were suddenly transferred to a beach.
Before their eyes was a beautiful deep, blue sea. Waves quietly broke against them.
"H-How could this happen!"
"Looks like your imagination is lacking... Though Godou is a Campione, you never received
special training... Perhaps without a certain level of magical competence, the transfer will not
"But I just went to where you were without any issues!"
"...That was surely because you could see the scenery... A scene before your eyes compared to
one recalled purely from memory, there is a huge difference in difficulty."
Erica explained from his back.
However, she spoke slowly and paused many times. Godou began to enter a state of panic. If
this continued, her life will be threatened, the next attempt must succeed!
Once again, he secured the scenery in his mind. It is a mountain. He must reach Susanoo's
mountain this time.
But where Godou and Erica arrived was a totally bare and barren mountain.
Brown rocks, dry wind, blue sky. It would not be surprising to find eagles and vultures
circling in the air. It was a completely opposite scene from the lush green mountain.

"Damn it, one more time!"

The third attempt at imagination and third transfer, but this was not even a natural habitat.
It was a white space. The surroundings were entirely white.
A space where the whiteness extended from one horizon to another.
Ticktock, ticktock. There was also a strange sound, the sound of clocks running.
Carrying Erica on his back, Godou looked around him.
Very soon, an ancient clock appeared in his sight, but then the clock ticking was also heard
from behind him. Turning around, he found a silver pocket watch. As the left side sounded as
well, a massive clock tower could be seen in that direction...
As soon as the clock ticking was heard, a new clock would appear. This repeated dozens of
"Godou... this isn't working, you are completely lost..."
Erica protested in a barely audible voice.
Godou let out a huge sigh. Looks like he is running into dead ends. One more time, try again,
a steady image. This time he must transfer to the place in his heart.
"...Not working after all..."
Hearing Erica's tired voice, Godou was speechless.
The two of them had arrived at a stone paved street.
A simple gothic street, one could have mistaken it for the Italian countryside.
Little houses linked by the eaves of their roofs, roads and squares paved with brick. If this
place was Earth, the scenery would most likely be classified as a world heritage site.
But there was not a single soul here. Looking around, no other person could be spotted. It was
an empty street.
He could feel Erica's breathing quicken as she lay on his back.
Her breaths spaced apart by shortening intervals, it appeared that the multiple transfers had
taken their toll on her body.
Finding a little park nearby, Godou laid Erica on the grass and sat down beside her. He felt so
bad about things that he would have kicked a trashcan had there been one.
"Damn, I am out of ideas. If this continues, then this really is the end."

"By the way... Godou, I have a request."

Godou jumped in surprise. Erica was speaking in rare innocent tones.
She essentially never used this voice except in the mornings when she just woke up.
Currently, she was in an even more vulnerable state.
"I feel like death is near, could you give me a final passionate kiss or embrace...?"
"Y-you stop saying such foolish words! Don't say something so unlucky!"
Neither half of the statement was acceptable, so Godou immediately scolded her.
But Erica shook her head lightly.
"This future is very likely... I am already unable to heal this body with my own power, and I
have no method to leave the Astral Plane. Furthermore, I have no way to reach a third party
who can rescue us from here... This is the end."
Godou swallowed words of denial.
His own stupidity was the reason why they could not return to Susanoo's place.
"So, let's start preparing for the future. If I am no longer here, you must follow my
"Come on! Stop joking as if you're leaving final words!"
"I am not joking. Weren't you the one who just said this was the end?"
His words picked apart, Godou fell silent.
Just as she said, he understood very well that he was powerless to do anything unless they
returned to Susanoo's location. Even if Erica did not spell it out, he knew.
"T-Then I will ask one more time, kiss me, embrace me tightly... If possible, treat this as a
continuation of that time in Sicily, no? You still can't decide?"
She asked with a mischievous tone of voice.
Erica placed her hand over Godou's hand, but did not use the usual unnatural strength. She no
longer had spare strength or magic to increase her arm strength.
However, her sincere expression was adorable to a heartbreaking degree.
"At least tell me, how do you really feel about me... Do not dodge the issue like usual, you
have to be clear...?"
How he felt about Erica? Wasn't this already obvious!

Perhaps death really was near as she said. But Godou did not want to admit it. How could he
let something like that happen? Still, Godou's rationality told him it was true.
Godou's heart was invaded by fury and anxiety, as well as terror at the thought of losing her.
Godou tightly held Erica's hand.
Then he drew his face near, his lips slowly approaching her thin yet seductive lips. Then
pressed upon them
Kissing each other.
They repeated this motion for quite a while.
"Godou... This is your first time kissing me on your own initiative."
Tens of seconds later, their lips separated, and Erica spoke softly.
Despite the crisis they were trapped in, her face was filled with satisfaction and happiness.
Seeing her expression, Godou's heart was greatly shaken.
The feelings of tender affection for her, the fear of losing her, the anxiety over finding a
solution, the agitation and anger. All sorts of emotions assaulted Godou simultaneously.
But the most intense emotion was anger.
Anger at the circumstances taking her away from him, and anger at his own incompetence.
"Ah... it hurts. Godou, please be a bit softer..."
Unwittingly he had held her even tighter, causing Erica to plead.
Instead Godou held Erica's weak and slender hand, not lightly but gripping harder. Erica
accepted this action without any rejection.
Instead, she happily closed her eyes, smiling as she leaned closer to Godou, pressing her body
weight against him.
At that moment, this girl entrusted her heart and body entirely to Godou.
Understanding that, the anger in Godou's heart reached new heights. He let go of Erica's hand
and stood up to glare at the sky. Perhaps far away on the other side, gods really existed and
yet they still dared to create this tragic fate as if toying with humanity.
Glaring at those supernatural existences, his anger continued to burn.
Crying because someone precious will be leaving him forever? Impossible. Mourning for a
period of time, and then using the rest of his existence to live life fully and sing praises of

love? Impossible. Living a life of regret and anger with despair and a broken heart because his
lover passed away? Completely rubbish!
These were not actions fit for a [King]. A god-slaying Devil King was not going to act this
Most importantly, he himself could not accept living in such a manner!
Godou's savage eyes gave off light. Previously, this happened only when his heart was fired
up and he smiled with the joy of battle during his struggles against gods or other Campiones,
but he was not in that kind of mood this time.
No matter what comes along, be it god or Buddha, he will slay them all!
If fate was unacceptable, he will use his will and authority to crush fate beneath his feet.
If he could not even do something like that, then how could he call himself the Devil King?
Who dares to take Erica away? Whose woman do you think you are taking!
"...Godou? What is going on with you? Why is your expression so horrible? Why are you
different from usual?"
Next to him, Erica felt intimidated and questioned.
However, he ignored her. Comforting and showering this girl with affection was something to
be done later.
What needed to be done now was to intercept unreasonable Fate and anything else trying to
take her life! Where to go? Who needs to be beaten?
Where is the opponent I need to defeat? I will absolutely not let him out of my grasp!!
In that instant, he was struck with pain.
His brain suddenly felt like it was burning, and was hurting intensely.
This was the same pain as when he obtained knowledge of Susanoo, the burden brought by
spirit vision.
Why was it appearing now? The previous time was because of using the [Warrior]
activating Verethragna's incarnation and injecting knowledge of the god into the [Sword],
But at this time there should not be an incarnation that he could make use of. No...
Or perhaps there actually existed an incarnation that could save Erica and protect her?
The instant he thought that, the change occurred.

He saw it. Replacing his headache was spirit vision, which showed him how to use the new
The feeling he felt when fighting Voban resurfaced, an incomparable sense of omnipotence
that filled his body and mind. Now I hold everything in my hands and have obtained
"Erica... I absolutely will never let you go, so please swear to me."
Having mastered Verethragna's fifth incarnation, Godou spoke the spell words.
"Hurry up and swear! Stay by my side no matter what... Even if life is coming to an end, even
if the world itself is coming to an end, even if it means battling all the gods, stay by my side
This was not ordinary speech but holy words infused with power usurped from the gods.
At the same time, this was an arrogant king's sacred decree that demanded an everlasting oath.
Gazing at his majestic splendor from beside him, Erica's beautiful expression turned joyous
and trance-like.
"Could you have awakened that incarnation? You finally mastered the entirety of
"Quit the useless words. Do you want to make an oath? Now hurry and decide!"
"Of course I swear! Until the day the world is destroyed, I will always stay by your side,
giving everything I've got!"
Erica immediately yelled in response to the stern scolding.
Accompanied by the most beautiful and most obedient smile from the bottom of her heart that
she had ever shown.
Hearing her oath, Godou nodded deeply.
The fifteen-year-old youth who shone with light.
This was the appearance chosen by the war god they met on Sardinia.
As the hero and the saint, Verethragna's fifth incarnation that leads the people and watches
over them.
Mastering this power, Godou definitely could protect this girl. Thus, Erica must now obtain
the mark of the protector, Godou, and receive his protection and blessing.
Godou pushed Erica's slender body down upon the grass.

Though it was done roughly, neither of them minded. The two of them were now the king and
the protected, the dominator and the dominated.
Godou laid himself over the girl's body, and once again took her lips.
"Mmm, mmm~~"
He greedily savored the lips of the panting Erica.
It would have been more appropriate if he showed concern for her weak body and treated her
gently instead
However, it was too late to stop, Godou advanced without resistance, his lips pressed upon
Erica's, his tongue licking her thin lips and then reaching deep into her mouth.
His tongue probed for Erica's tongue, finding it and entangling together. She responded in
turn and yielded to his entanglement, and the two of them tangled together without pause.
...The sound of mucous membranes harmoniously engaged in exchange could be heard.
Pressed under Godou's weight, Erica's body breathed heavily. Though her build was very
delicate, her body was extremely voluptuous in all the right places.
Warm and full of elasticity, her body gave an incredible tactile feeling, and felt hotter than
The pleasure of intimate contact with her, as well as the feeling of intoxication produced by
an uncountable repetition of kisses.
The intense heavy breathing of both sides gave Erica an intense feeling of being alive.
Seeing Erica's state of disarray, hearing her delicate breathing, smelling her fragrance, tasting
the flavor of her tongue and saliva, feeling Erica's warm skin
The five senses, the mind, and the entire body were overcome with pleasure as if drowned in
However, Godou's intention was not to seek such intoxication.
"Erica, starting now I will transmit my powerVerethragna's to you. You will likely suffer,
but you must endure. Can you do it? Will you bear it?"
"Yes, I know, I will definitely endure... Please, Godou."
She struggled to nod and affirm her oath despite her weak condition, and Godou kissed her
lips once again.
Lips and tongue, saliva and teeth, Godou left nothing untouched.
As he did so, Godou felt as if a channel opened up between Erica and him.

An invisible wizardry channel through which the strongest [Protection] could be transmitted
from one to the other.

Godou's consciousness transmitted to his lower abdomen.

It was the energy center termed by Chinese medicine as the dantian[40], in other words, the
deepest part of the body.
From there he began to raise his magical power and in the process distilled pure magical
power into [Protection].
From the lower abdomen to the abdomen, then to the chest, and finally through the throat and
transmitted to the mouth.
Magical power which rose up as if following the backbone was poured into Erica's mouth
through the lips.
What converted this power into [Protection] was his feelings for herthe wish to protect her
and the hope to grant her power. Kusanagi Godou prayed so in his heart.
"Godou... I can feel what you are giving to me."
Fascinated, Erica murmured with her eyes closed.
Speaking as they kissed, each vibration of the lips, soft and sweet, everything could be
However, this was simply the opening, and the climax had yet to be reached.
In order to hasten the pouring of distilled [Protection] into her body, Godou increased the
flow rate.

Erica briefly moaned in discomfort.

Letting go of her lips for an instant, tears could be seen in the corner of her eyes as she gasped
for breath.
"Erica, if you cannot bear it..."
"No, it's fine. Continue. It was the sudden increase in speed that gave me a fright. This time I
will endure; hurry up with the next step...?"
She was clearly putting up a front, but Godou pretended not to notice.
Erica Blandelli's affections and body were all Godou's possessions. Forcing actions of pain
and tolerance upon this girl was his exclusive right and privilege.
He will not permit anyone else to cause any pain and suffering to Erica.
Now in direct proportion to the pain she received was the strongest [Protection].
Godou looked at her once again, and Erica returned with a passionate gaze. The two of them
nodded in assent, and began another deep kiss...
"Mmmm! No problem, continue..!"
Erica painfully tensed her body.
Godou embraced her body tightly as support, holding her hand to provide encouragement, and
Erica gripped his hand in return. From the strength of her grip, one could imagine the level of
pain she was feeling.
Godou was no longer able to attend to her, and could only continue the outpour of
Verethragna's [Protection] in one breath.
"Ah, aaaaaaaah!"
Erica cried out, but Godou did not stop. He could not hesitate.
Finally, the [Protection] reached the deepest part of her body, the important energy center in
the lower abdomen.
Erica's cries became hoarse and unrecognizable.
As she tightly gripped Godou's hand, her other hand that was embracing him had left deep
and bloody scratches along Godou's back. While enduring the pain, Godou continued to press
his lips upon Erica's.
She should be in much greater pain than me, so this is nothing.

The holy war god's protection.

The seal of the victor bestowed by the glorious hero.
The pulse of magical energy delivered by Godou had temporarily strengthened Erica's body
and mind.
A Campione had the tenacity to adapt to the environment of the Astral Plane in a short time,
the boundless life force to heal immediately from any damage within a certain level, and the
battle instincts to enter their strongest condition during battle. All these qualities were now
infused into Erica's body.
Erica's body went limp.
Her entire body drenched with sweat, but no signs of pain could be seen on her beautiful face
any more.
She tightly held Godou's hand and smiled quietly.
Her smile carried a sliver of fatigue, but it was a very agreeable sense of tiredness.
Godou separated from her, though he felt a slight reluctance to leave Erica's burning hot and
lithe body. However, if this posture continued it could get problematic...
Erica also got up immediately.
Her face full of smiles, she pounced upon the unwary Godou. Her weight felt rather
However, Godou's rationality told him, this cannot continue.
"W-Wait a minute! The ritual's over, and Verethragna's protection is already within your
body, so it doesn't need to continue..."
"Of course I am aware of that. This is my return gift to Godou's love. Accept it obediently."
This time it was Godou's turn to be pushed down by Erica.
Looks like once she recovered, she immediately reversed their top-down positions.
"I-It wasn't love, more like friendship and concern"
"No, it's love, I understand."
Her lips drawing near, it had been quite a while since he last experienced a kiss initiated by
In order to escape the situation, Godou was going to resist with force, but before he finished
his thought, he gave up... For some unknown reason, he suddenly lost that compulsion. Might
as well continue with this position for now.

Eventually letting go of his lips, Erica showed a smile that said, "Pass."

Chapter 7 - Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi

Part 1
Banchou Sarayashiki.[41] The original setting for the legend of the dish-counting ghost who
kept muttering to itself, "one is missing."
In the special Tokyo ward of Chiyoda, the Banchou area was a very high class residential
neighborhood where high ranking warriors[42] and lords[43] lived since the Edo period.
The home of the Sayanomiya family in Sanbanchou was quite close to the Tokyo Imperial
Hidden in a very inconspicuous location on the roadside amongst many offices and luxury
apartments, the Sayanomiya residence was a western style mansion built in the Taisho era.
Based on its physical location, the property value should have been quite high, but the house
did not leave a good impression on people.
Not only was it extremely old and decrepit, but it was also dark like a haunted house and felt
like there were ghosts and monsters.
Arriving here in Amakasu's car, Yuri began to feel a sense of unease.
As if something ominous lurked therea most unpleasant presence. By the way, this was her
first visit to the Sayanomiya residence.
"I've already informed the other side beforehand, so let's go. Please walk over here."
Before them, Amakasu pointed to the entrance. Yuri and Liliana followed his direction.
It took two minutes to walk to the front door from the parking lot through the front yard.
"The house is smaller than expected... As the leader of the family that commands the History
Compilation Committee, is this not too cramped?"
Liliana surveyed the house.
"Considering the land prices of this neighborhood, this house is a bargain. Actually, there's a
bigger house at Setagaya. This is just a secondary residence and the current owner Kaoru-san
is the next family head."
With a great sense of familiarity, Amakasu opened the front door.
The one who greeted them was a young man in a formal butler uniform.

This man displayed highly trained skills of a hotel attendant. Amakasu engaged him in
whispers before walking inside.
Yuri and Liliana followed behind him and reached a room that seemed to be the study.
"Kyoko, how is it going? Calling me so suddenly. Tomorrow? Sorry, something is scheduled
already. Hahaha, how can that be possible? It's not a date of course. Don't have strange
This pleasant voice was familiar to Yuri.
In the study, Sayanomiya Kaoru had just hung up her cellphone.
Noticing Amakasu, Yuri, and Liliana, Kaoru was just about to greet them when the cellphone
rang again. Glancing at the LCD, she said "sorry" and picked up the call.
"It's been a while, Haremi. Yes, I am fine too. Sorry, I have some things to discuss right now.
May I hang up? Oh... I remember next week's promise very well, then goodbye."
Finishing the call with simplicity, Kaoru hung up, but then it rang again.
"Who is it this time... Kiyoko?"
"No, it's Ayano, but I'll pick it up later since everyone has gathered."
Watching the next Sayanomiya family head shrug her shoulders, Amakasu nagged in earnest.
"Kaoru-san, what are you planning if you don't reveal your gender to all these girls who have
fallen for you? To be tricked and left completely in the dark, aren't they pitiful?"
"But even if I told them the truth, there are many girls who would go 'it does not matter.' I was
very surprised."
In a different way, this Hime-Miko was no less a troublesome character than Ena.
Numerous girls admired Kaoru and fell head over heels in love with her. However, she
seemed to enjoy this and actively socialized with them.
"Let me introduce for Liliana-san. This is Sayanomiya Kaoru-san. The Tokyo Branch Chief
of the History Compilation Committee and next Sayanomiya family head, plus a member of
the Hime-Miko."
"...Did you say Hime-Miko?"
Liliana stared in surprise.
She must have been greatly shocked. Kaoru was wearing a white shirt and tie with men's
dress pants. Though very pretty, it was an image too far removed from that of a delicate
young girl.

With an elegant smile and refined airs, Kaoru greeted her European guest.
"A pleasure to meet you, Liliana Kranjcar-san. My appearance may suggest otherwise, but I
am still Yuri and Ena's colleague, though I've heard countless times that it is impossible to
imagine me wearing a miko's outfit."
Kaoru made a gesture towards the sofa couch, and Liliana and Yuri each took a seat.
As they sat down, Kaoru took a seat opposite them while Amakasu stood ready behind her.
"I already heard Yuri and Liliana's request on the phone just now. Let's start with the
conclusion. If you agree to our conditions, then assisting you is not a problem."
"Is this okay, Kaoru-san? The previous previous generation will have objections."
"There will be troubles from that side, but provided equivalent value is exchanged, I will not
be stingy. Of course, it still depends on the terms of the agreement."
As the master and subordinate conversed, Liliana interrupted.
"Do not forget we still have the option of seizing by force."
"That's not good, you've met Ena right? Amongst those involved with the Committee, there
exist talents who rival the martial and magical abilities of the Great Knights. My honest
advice is please do not act recklessly."
Liliana scoffed in disdain but backed down from her declaration.
Regardless of the outcome of starting a fight here, if she were to be pursued by several elites
she had little chance of winning. Liliana understood very well that as long as it was within
this country, the other side had the home field advantage.
"Even if I am attacked here, Amakasu-san will take the knife for me, right?"
"Sorry but I must refuse, please do not expect loyalty that exceeds my pay grade."
"Uh... fine whatever."
Kaoru coughed at Amakasu's response that left her hanging in embarrassment.
"Liliana-san and Yuri, let's get to the main point."
Yuri prepared herself, for she understood well the extreme craftiness of the cross-dressing
miko before her eyes. Even Ena, who always did things her own way, described Kaoru as
"very troublesome!" If possible, it would be best to minimize contact with her.
"Yes, let me give an example, if our condition for providing the ingredients is to request that
Liliana-san return to her country... Is this acceptable?"
"I will never accept such a condition!"

Liliana angrily refused while Kaoru laughed "hoho."

A very likable and open smile. This was one of her weapons.
"Ah, if the number of Europeans around Kusanagi increased, it won't be good for him. Like
this time, it was Ena's excuse for getting involved. Disregarding the [Copper Black Cross] for
now, I hope you, Liliana-san of the [Bronze Black Cross], can exercise some self-discipline."
"Why is it fine for Erica but not me?"
"Yesperhaps if I put it this way, you will be angry... Because you are a girl who doesn't
know adult ways of communication."
Kaoru spoke with profound meaning in her words.
Her beautiful face, resembling both a young man's and woman's at the same time, was
shrouded by a mysterious sense of melancholy.
"If I were to negotiate with Erica, I'm sure a deal could be reached via a very interesting
discussion. But after hearing about your exploits in Japan since your arrival, I don't think you
are that kind of person, Liliana Kranjcar."
Striking directly at the other party's vulnerabilities and instigating a battle of words. Kaoru
was getting serious.
"These past three months, we have acquiesced to Erica-san's existence because she has
accepted usin particularly accepted coexistence with Yuri who was sent by us. Take the trip
to Sardinia for example, if Erica-san wished, she could have left Yuri alone in Japan."
Now that it was mentioned, she apparently had a clear grasp of the latest developments of
Godou and Yuri (plus the History Compilation Committee).
Yuri recalled the summer holiday and the way Erica said 'I want to let you and Godou deepen
your friendship' while she expressed her acceptance of Yuri through her attitude.
"However, Liliana-san is not like that... As soon as you arrived in Japan, you have stuck to
Kusanagi-san like glue and treated Erica-san and our Yuri with hostility. You have given us
sufficient cause to eliminate you."
"Eliminating hazards to the master is part of a knight's duty!"
Liliana responded with a warrior's style, causing Kaoru to elegantly force a smile.
"However, Kusanagi is not just your master. At the same time, he is also Erica-san and Yurisan's master, as well as the [King] of all magi in the world. If you can't understand what I'm
getting at, then Liliana-san is just a knight bodyguard at best. Am I correct?"
"Is there anything wrong with being a bodyguard? That is part of a knight's duty in serving the

"Yes, nothing wrong with that, but while you are toiling away doing a guard and a servant's
job, Erica-san and I are already fighting for the prime minister's position. Also, either Erica or
Yuri, whom I recommended, could become his first lady. Is this fine as well?"
Under the mischievous questioning of the cross-dressing Hime-Miko, Liliana's eyes began to
show signs of consternation.
"The History Compilation Committee is already planning on pledging their loyalty to
Kusanagi Godou!?"
"I am just saying that this outcome is very likely, but it is still under review... Just kidding.
Were it true, those troublesome elders would not be a problem any longer."
Kaoru pretended to be joking, but Yuri understood. Since the words just saidespecially the
last sentence, did not feel like just a joke.
"Even so, why must I return to my country?"
"It was just an example. Seeing as we will all eventually serve the same [King] as our master,
I propose we cooperate. If possible, could you look after Yuri a bit? From your standpoint,
having us as an ally should be advantageous, right?"
"What you mean is... for me to ally with the History Compilation Committee?"
"You don't have to answer straight away, but give it careful consideration. Also, though this is
just my personal opinion, if you want to resist Erica, it'd be best to do some preparatory work
"Umm... Fine, I will consider whether to ally with you or not."
Kaoru resumed her friendly smiling face as a result of Liliana backing down.
In truth, she never even considered getting rid of the knight from the [Bronze Black Cross].
Even a strong competitor could be turned into a chess piece under her control. This was
Kaoru's style. The preceding conversation was planned exactly for this result. Yuri realized
with a fright. After Liliana's turn, she was going to be next.
"Next, Yuri. I hope you can make a few clarifications."
Indeed it came. Kaoru explained calmly.
"So far, we simply requested that you play the role of Godou's lover in name only. But as you
probably know, as soon as Ena was sent here, the situation changed drastically."
Yuri began to consider her options as she listened to Kaoru's fluent explanation.
Her spirit sense activated to inform her the gist of Kaoru's demands.

Ena and Erica were currently absent. More importantly, Godou was not here either. Yuri
could subtly sense the intentions of the History Compilation Committee and Sayanomiya
Kaoru. How should she answer in such a situation?
"I don't like tasteless acts and have no intention of forcing a loveless relationship on someone.
So it's probably time for you..."
"No problem."
Determined, Yuri interrupted Kaoru with steady confidence.
"The feelings between Godou-san and I will not end in simple friendship."
With an expression of decisiveness, Yuri looked straight into the face of the androgynous
Kaoru showed a rare expression of seriousness. Liliana went "Eh!?" followed by Amakasu
making a "oh~~" expression from behind the sofa.
"I-I am not sure if I can become that great one's wife, but I will definitely achieve the closest
position to that."
"Is this what your spirit vision told you? Or your own wish?"
Faced with Kaoru's sudden question, Yuri blushed and replied:
"Both... probably. The first time I saw Godou-san, I had a feeling that I would form an
extraordinary relationship with him. Even now, whenever I think about his safety... I am full
of unease."
From the start, before meeting Kusanagi Godou.
The thought of meeting the brutal Campione had terrified Yuri in the past.
But after the first meeting, she was able to relax her nervous emotions, and all her worries
disappeared. In fact, she started lecturing the world renowned Devil King.
From that moment, she felt that she could get along well with him.
Now, whenever she thought about him who had gone missing and his current safety
Unease and fear precipitated in the depths of her heart. He must be saved, so Yuri must
change herself and prayed to see him back safe and sound.
As these thoughts and feelings melded into one, an incredible idea came to mind.
Entrusting herself to this idea and working hard towards it within her ability, Yuri made her
"I see. Then you will offer your chastity to Kusanagi, is that correct?"

"S-Sayanomiya! W-What are you saying!?"

"C-Correct. I cannot give it to him right away, but in the foreseeable future, it will likely be
"Mariya Yuri, stop joining in this farce, what on earth are you saying!?"
Yuri ignored Liliana's protests and declared her will. Kaoru smiled wryly and said:
"Well, now that everything has been spelled out to this extent, I have nothing more to say. It's
sufficient, Yuri."
"T-Then, may I add something?"
Enduring everyone's gaze focusing on her, Yuri spoke:

"I will follow Godou-san to the corners of the world, and even if the Committee commands
me to harm him, I will never comply. If he decides to distance himself away from the
Committee, then I will leave the Committee in order to follow him. Please do not forget this!"
Riding on her rising emotion, Yuri made the above declaration.
Kaoru and Amakasu looked at each other after going "Hey, this is really..." and "She's quite
something." Then a mischievous expression crossed the master's face before she resumed
"I will bear that in mind, Hime. Then Amakasu, as the wedding gift, go take that out."
"AhI really have to go to the storeroom after all? No other way around it..."
As soon as the word "storeroom" was spoken, the tables in the study began to shake, and so
did the bookshelves.

It did not seem like an earthquake. From the corner of the room, the sharp noise of something
breaking could be heard.
Yuri and Liliana exchanged glances, as a witch she sensed ithere in this building existed an
inhuman resident.
"You two already realized? Amazing, how very sharp of you. The herbs you need are kept in
my family's storeroom. In it are the collections of the ancestors over the ages. Whenever
anyone wants to touch them, great-grandfather gets very naggy and will even make a
troublesome commotion."
"Kaoru-san's great-grandfatherthe previous previous Sayanomiya family head!"
Sayanomiya Koremichi. The founder of the History Compilation Committee who went to
Europe to study foreign magic. Born in the Meiji period and passed away in the fortieth year
of the Shouwa period.
Recalling his biographical details, Yuri fell silent. This meant...
"All the heads of the Sayanomiya family, throughout the ages, were avid and compulsive
collectors. Even after their deaths, they would watch over those collections. Other than
Amakasu receiving a few near death experiences on his way to retrieving things from the
storeroom, there is no real danger, so don't worry."
"That is why I said. Please do not ask me to do things exceeding my pay grade! I just can't
stand this!"
"What's wrong, shouldn't a ninja serve the public selflessly?"
"That ridiculous description is what binds us to labor under extremely hazardous working
Yuri and Liliana's eyes widened with surprise at the revelation of the haunted house from the
little argument between the superior and her subordinate.
In any case, they were now properly prepared to save Godou and the rest.
"Then let us start preparing the ritual for entering the Astral Plane... To be honest, I have only
used this kind of high level magic once, so I cannot be completely confident."
Liliana seemed to be trying to chase away her doubt.
"But I will try my best, and I hope everyone will assist me."
"If that's the case, I have a suggestion. Due to spell specializations, even though you are both
miko, letting Yuri handle the aspects of the Astral Plane will allow much faster progress."
Kaoru spoke as she glanced over.

Yuri also agreed, since her spirit vision was what western magi called extracting [Memories
of the Void]. In that case, the one most suited to taking action on the other side was

Part 2
Meanwhile, the two trapped in the Netherworld could do nothing but take it easy.
Their location was still the same. Amongst the empty streets and within the empty park,
Godou sat on the grass while Erica lazily used his thigh as a pillow to lie on.
"Is it really okay for us to do nothing like this..."
"It can't be helped, because there is nothing we can do."
Compared to the worried Godou, Erica was very relaxed.
"Knowing we have disappeared, Yuri and Liliana will surely start searching, so all we need to
do is wait for them."
"Can we be found?"
"It's not impossible, given the combination of Yuri's spirit vision and Liliana's magic... But it
could take a while. The only concern is how long the [Youth]'s protection will hold out for."
Erica analyzed calmly as she pressed her cheek against Godou's lap pillow.
"Probably quite a while, but the protection cannot sustain itself indefinitely... So, the only
thing we can do now is affirm our love for each other."
"How did it come to this!? We should be using our time for something more constructive!"
"With my knowledge and magic, nothing can be done about the current situation. Same for
Godou's authority. Look, there's nothing to do but wait. So, let's do something that neither of
us will regret."
Lying on Godou's lap, Erica turned to face him.
Seeing her happiness and satisfaction, incomparable to past expressions, Godou's heart began
to race.
"Godou was great just now... That savagery, and even ordering me around... Hoho, injecting
some freshness like that once in a while is not bad."
"I-Is that so? Whatever, if you didn't mind, it's fine."
Godou suppressed his anxiety.
The way he lost control just now was probably under the influence of Verethragna's authority.
During the ritual, he and Erica seemed like they were caught in a very abnormal state.

"Yes, about the protection obtained just now."

Unfazed by Godou's anxiety, Erica caressed her abdomen.
"Right here, there seems to be a very warm and vigorous mass of life energy. Just feeling this
spot makes me feel very happy... As if our child was in my womb."
"What!? Y-Your description is too inappropriate!"
"Ah, but I am the one feeling it, so your objection is overruled. By the way, can I have a real
baby with you?"
"No! Please save your dream speech for when you are sleeping!"
Resolutely refusing Erica's request, Godou made a decision.
When someone precious was caught in a crisis, the [Youth] could be used to protect that
person. But using that technique required engaging in certain activities...
Forbidden. He must seal the [Youth] and never use it ever again.
"Really, can't you continue to show me that manliness from just now?"
Erica was beginning to have fits like a spoiled child.
But given the vulnerable expression on her face as she rested on his thigh, she was so cute that
it must be cheating.
If the two of them continued being isolated like that, how much longer could he endure? Who
could have thought it was so difficult to ignore the cries of "just give in to temptation" in the
depths of his heart?
Godou was going mad from unease and anxiety.
"Godou-san, Erica-san!"
A familiar cute voice.
Lifting his head, he saw Mariya Yuri appear in her miko outfit.
Finally. The familiar face he missed. However, Godou felt rather embarrassed to be caught in
such a posture in the middle of that kind of conversation!
"Yuri! You found us after all!"
Changing her pleading attitude, Erica went back to her usual cheerful voice, finally getting up
from Godou's lap.
"Yes, yes. But what were you two doing in that kind of posture... Too shameless!"

Yuri scolded loudly.

Godou bowed his head in shame. It was just as she described, and he could not bear to face
her in that kind of situation.
"What's the matter, it's been a while since I got some alone time with Godou. However... Fine,
I did take advantage of the situation, so I will speak to Godou and let you have him next time.
Does that work?"
Just as Erica responded to Yuri with a beautiful smile that was impossible to refuse, Godou's
heart yelled out "That clearly won't work!"
"N-Next time for me... Erica-san, please do not say that. B-Because I... still have not prepared
myself yet..."
Yuri spoke softly and was blushing as if she had a high fever.
She even stole a glance at Godou but quickly shifted her gaze away. What was going on?
Godou felt troubled, for Yuri was acting a bit differently from before.
"M-Mariya what is going on with her..."
"I think she has accepted certain things, and made many preparations. Since she always had
that intention, it's probably time for you to be prepared."
As Godou muttered, unable to grasp the situation, Erica whispered in response.
Prepare? Intention? What does it all mean?
"Did Lily send you over here? Who could have thought she even got the potion."
"Yes, thanks to the assistance of the History Compilation Committee, we finally reached this
place. Liliana-san, who performed the ritual, actually wanted to come herself... But since it
would be more convenient for me to travel to the Netherworld..."
"Yes, with powerful spirit vision, Yuri can easily obtain information from this world."
Seamlessly, the two of them transitioned the conversation to practical matters.
More convenient for Yuri to be here? Seeing Godou's incredulous expression, Erica
immediately explained.
"You must have experienced it already. If you want information, you can obtain it through
spirit vision. When Yuri came to this world, she immediately found us using spirit vision and
easily used that image to fly here instantaneously. Am I correct?"
"Yes, but just to be safe, it is best to avoid using spirit vision here as much as possible."
Yuri surveyed the surroundings as she spoke with apprehension.

"Yes, compared to the real world, my power becomes stronger here. However... if any minor
mistake is made, it could become dangerousthis is the kind of unpleasant feeling I am
Godou recalled Ena who went too far with divine possession.
"If so, then the faster we get out the better. Actually, Seishuuin already returned to earth, and
just like the way Mariya described, she has become abnormal. The power of Susanoo and
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi has invaded her body, and we must save her."
"Eh!? Something went wrong when Ena performed divine possession in the Netherworld?"
After showing great surprise, Yuri became serious.
"If that is the case, then we cannot dally... Everyone, please come to my side."
Godou and Erica approached as Yuri directed.
As if praying far away to the other side, Yuri closed her eyes and was surrounded by blue
Was this the marker to bring them all back to earth?
As the thought crossed his mind, Godou's body was pulled up high into the air. The surface of
the Netherworld he had been standing on became very distant almost instantly.
By the time he realized it, Godou and the rest were in the yard of a house he had never visited
They were back in their original world? Though he did not know how much time has passed,
the sky was completely dark. The majestic Tokyo Imperial Palace could be seen not far away,
so this must be the central part of the Chiyoda ward.
Within the premises of an ancient mansion, this must be the home of someone rich.
Suddenly, he noticed complicated and strange shapes and diagrams inscribed neatly on the
ground as well as indecipherable letters and pictograms that seemed like a spell.
These were likely the remnants of magic. Godou looked around.
Beside him were Erica and Yuri who looked exhausted, while Liliana Kranjcar was also
running towards him.
"Kusanagi Godou! You have returned safely!"
Fairy-like and silver-haired, the witch was especially emotional as she fought back tears.
Feeling apologetic for making her worry so much, Godou also noticed two other people.
The suited figure of Amakasu and a handsome fellow in a corner of the yard.

"Kusanagi-san, your safe return is more important than anything. Let me express my utmost
joy at your homecoming."
"Amakasu-san! You came at the right time, do you know where is Seishuuin now!?"
In the same instant as he questioned the plain looking agent.
A chilling wind began to blow and strengthen, and it even started to rain.
A storm was arriving. Godou clearly felt battle vigor awaken from within his body.
This was surely in reaction to something similar to a god nearby.
"This must be caused by Seishuuin Ena and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi."
"Erica, you can tell?"
"Yes, probably because Godou gave me Verethragna's protection, I can feel it."
At some point in time, everyone's gaze had focused on Godou and Erica.
Yuri, Liliana, Amakasu, as well as the handsome character seen for the first time.
The last person was androgynous and possessed good looks that could very well belong to
either a handsome youth or a beautiful girl. He or she smiled at Godou and nodded.
"I am Sayanomiya Kaoru, and Amakasu's boss, as well as a Hime-Miko like Yuri and Ena."
"Many people have expressed surprise at that, but let's put it aside. Just now, did you say Ena
and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi are responsible for this? Could you explain the details of
the situation to me?"
Someone clearly around the same age group, but turning out to be Amakasu's boss. Godou
felt there was something problematic with Sayanomiya Kaoru's self-introduction. As he
prepared to respond...
'Save it, because the Campione has returned to this world.'
The voice identical to that troublesome girl.
But it was definitely not her normal tone of voice.
Seishuuin Ena's body stood with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi on the wall that surrounded
the house.
The figure of Ena drenched in rain, gave a kind of hollow impression like some sort of puppet
or a doll.

Was it because Yuri or Amakasu were being watched? Or did the divine blade have
supernatural senses that discovered the Campione's return?
No matter what, the timing of her appearance was rather delicate.
Godou was determined. If this continued, so long as she continued to be possessed in this
state, Ena's body would eventually collapse. She needed some sense beaten into her to wake
up... But the question was how should she be beaten?
Verethragna's ten incarnations were all too powerful to be used against humans.
As Godou hesitated, Liliana stepped forward.
"Kusanagi Godou, please leave this to me. All we need to do is catch that woman, right? I
cannot tolerate her rampaging around any further."
"Lily, she is currently not someone you can handle alone, I will join in too."
Naturally, the speaker was Erica.
Cuore di Leone and Il Maestro.
The two knights' respective magic swords appeared in their hands. Then their brightly colored
bandiera capes were also summoned around their shoulders.
The cape striped red and black and the cape striped blue and black.
These were what the Templar Knights called the flags of army commanders and brave
knights. On Godou's right stood Erica in red, while on the left was Liliana in blue.
In front of the red and blue knights, the Hime-Miko wielding the sword spoke without moving
her lips.
'...Mere humans challenging methe divine bladeand my miko? Rude fellows who do not
know their place.'
This contempt came not from the miko, but from the divine blade.
However, its will to fight had been provoked, and Ena jumped down from the wall onto the
road outside. Presumably, to find an open area, she began running towards the main road.
Even though she was controlled like a puppet, her motions were extraordinarily swift.
Erica and Liliana also pursued with speed akin to flying.
Godou also frantically ran after them. From the scenery he recognized, this was the area
around Chidorigafuchi.[44]
At the cemetery entrance was an intersection, and opposite was a road for taking walks where
trees were densely planted. Nearby was the Shuto Expressway as well as the palace moat of

Chidorigafuchi, the stone walls surrounding the Imperial Palace, and many cherry blossom
As Godou raced after them, a two on one battle was already unfolding along the green lanes
of Chidorigafuchi.
On the hundreds of meters of walking lanes along the moat of the Imperial Palace, large
numbers of cherry blossom trees were planted (primarily of the Yoshino cherry variety),
turning into a beautiful sight every spring.
"What time is it now?"
"Almost one in the morning, though this usually has busy traffic, there are almost no
pedestrians at this time."
To Godou's yelled question, Amakasu responded swiftly.
This young man easily caught up to Godou who was running at full strength.
(As a side note, Yuri was left behind long ago, while Kaoru showed no intention of following
and only motioned for Amakasu to chase after them.)
During the last battle against Ena, who was controlled by Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi,
Erica met with great defeat once.
Though it was now two against one, could they handle it? Using a Campione's authority will
definitely kill Ena. Godou was caught in a dilemma as he worried about the outcome of the
"Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?"[45]
"People, listen to David's song of mourning! How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of
war perished!"[46]
The red and blue knights employed their trump cards from the very start.
Both were lyrics singing praises to unparalleled warriorsquotes from the songs of the heroic
King David.
The strongest secret moves that could even damage a god. Erica did not use it in the
Netherworld because she deemed it too dangerous to use spells which consumed too much
magical power.
"But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Deliver my soul
from the sword; Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of wild
Filled with despair, Erica's mournful wails resounded.

These were the "Golgotha Spells Words." Also known as the song of disaster, this was the
hymn that Jesus Christ sang before he died while crucified at the site of Golgotha.
"From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back,
and the sword of Saul returned not empty!"[48]
Liliana's mournful requiem also reverberated in the surroundings.
This was the "Song of the Bow." A song of mourning that expressed the overwhelming pain
and sorrow when the heroic King David grieved for his former master Saul and ally Jonathan.
"I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise
"O sword of Saul, the warrior's weapon fast as an eagle and strong as a lion. Descend into my
hand now!"
The spell words of hate and despair were infused into Erica's magic sword.
The spell words of the ancient hero were infused into Liliana's magic sword.
The enemy, who forced them to use their strongest weapons to assure victory, also began to
chant a song of magic in a robotic voice.
"Awesome beyond speech, O dread theme for my profane tongue..."[50]
Was the one chanting Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, or Ena?
From the fact that her lips moved, it was probably the latter. Before it could be fully
discerned, the Hime-Miko's body moved like a puppet according to the rhythm of the song.
"That illustrious Sovereign, Our mighty Lord, Who reared his imperial palace / On the
Makami plain of Asuka..."[51]
Erica used Cuore di Leone to block the horizontal slash of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
However, her whole body was sent flying.
She did not have the power to overcome the slashing attack.
Under similar circumstances in the Netherworld, her beloved sword had originally been cut
into two. This time it withstood the attack, thanks to the infusion of the spell words of
"Now keeps his divine state, Sepulchered in stone. He it was who descended to dwell / At the
pavilion of Wazami Field..."[52]
Having sent Erica flying, the divine blade next attacked Liliana.

The blue knight attempted to entangle Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi using Il Maestro, but
was not successful, and like Erica, she too was blown away.
"In yonder province of the realm, Across the pass of high-forested Fuwa, there to rule the
under-heaven -- To wield the scepter over his wide domain..."[53]
Ena moved her arms, legs and body with stiff movements like a puppet. Nevertheless, her
divine sword still managed to swiftly send the knights into a deadly crisis.
Despite being two against one, the two realized they were outmatched if they fought
separately and began to confer.
"Although I hate to do this, we must now cooperate. Attack or defend, which do you choose?"
"I will defend and Lily attack. If there is a chance, use the bow attack!"
"Is that okay? If it hits, that miko cannot stay unharmed."
"It can't be helped, since she is using that kind of power, but try to use sword attacks as much
as possible!"
The two knights leaned against each other tightly.
Entrusting one side of their bodies to each other, Erica on the left and Liliana on the right,
began to advance at the same speed.
Though they moved just as fast as before, their attacks were no longer as loose or disparate.
When the divine sword came slicing, Erica blocked ingeniously but did not counterattack.
If one were to keep defending in a one on one battle, the opponent would easily follow up
their attacks. Without stopping the enemy's advance, one would end up in a disadvantaged
position, however
In place of Erica who focused on defense, Liliana now concentrated on attacking.
Completely ignoring defense, she started a series of attacks with such ferocity and
intimidation that even the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi could not counterattack as usual.
The divine sword and the miko did not say a word, but they clearly became more alert.
This was due to Erica and Liliana's formation, their distribution of offensive and defensive
duties, their ever changing swapping of positions, and their brave simultaneous advance.
The Hime-Miko, who had held an overwhelming advantage against two opponents, was now
being suppressed for the first time.

Godou was greatly surprised to see the red and blue knights cooperating brilliantly at a crucial
"Erica! I will now prepare the bow and arrow, please endure."
"Got it!"
In order to protect her partner, Erica stepped forward. Behind her, Liliana put away her magic
sword, and in replacement a longbow giving off blue light appeared in her left handthe
Bow of Jonathan!
Godou had once heard about it during the battle against Perseus.
"The Song of the Bow" was the spell to create the Sword of Saul and the Bow of Jonathan.
Like Erica's magic sword infused with the "Golgotha Spell Words", the former was a sharp
blade that can even cut gods.
The latter could summon using the spell words a bow for shooting attacks.
The number of shots was limited by the amount of remaining magical power. After one or two
misses, the precious trump card would be wasted. In the battle against Perseus, Godou saw
her fire multiple arrows at once. This was an illusion used to confuse enemies to ensure the
target was hit with certainty.
Summoning this trump card, Liliana was now seeking a decisive end to the battle!
However the Hime-Miko saw through her intentions, and prepared to use her own trump
"Who summoned his Eastland host; And ordered our prince, Imperial son as he was, To
pacify the furious men / And subjugate all the unruly lands."[54]
The spell song for vanquishing barbarians. Ena's body proceeded to raise Ama no Murakumo
no Tsurugi above her head.
Wind swirled and gathered.
From beneath Ena's feet, the violent wind blew like a vortex, forming a mini-tornado.
"Lily, hurry!"
"I know! O Bow of Jonathan, the warrior's weapon fast as an eagle and strong as a lion!"
In Liliana's right hand appeared four arrows with blue light.
At that instant, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi slashed horizontally. Erica tried to block with
Cuore di Leone but was deflected away.
Both Erica and Liliana's bodies were devoured by the tornado formed from under Ena's feet.

Along with their screams, the two knights were blown high up into the air by the tornado.
Thrown into the air and then mercilessly dropped onto the ground! Liliana's blue bow and
arrows disappeared from her hands, and she seemed to have fainted.
"E-Erica-san, Liliana-san!"
"Things are not looking well, Kusanagi-san, what are you going to do?"
Arriving out of breath, Yuri saw this decisive scene, and her face instantly turned white.
Beside her was Amakasu questioning calmly. Godou ignored the two of them and ran towards
'Finally, the god-slayer.'
Lips motionless, the Hime-Miko spoke softly with blank stares.
Godou was speechless; the opponent was definitely very strong.
However, even if Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was a divine sword, what it controls was
still a human body whose strength was limited. A Campione's instincts allowed Godou to
discern the true nature of the enemy.
Seishuuin Ena whose body was taken by the divine sword, possessed power that surpassed
human magi.
Her current level was probably about the same as the dragon at Naples or the divine beasts
sighted at Sardinia.
But compared to a [Heretic God], it was not a huge threat.
For example if the [Camel] was used, a simple victory was likely assured. However, Ena's
body would be at risk if it had to withstand an attack from Godou's authority.
Emergency situations required emergency measures. Still...
"Godou, it's not your turn yet. Can you leave things to me?"
Someone was speaking to him.
The origin of the voice was Erica who was struggling to get up.
Summoning Cuore di Leone to her side, she used it as a crutch for support.

"If I fall down here and keep getting defeated by her, it would tarnish my reputation, Erica
"Okay, you should just lie down and rest, you've reached your limits!"
"Nothe battle has just begun... I was about to glamorously reverse the tides of battle in the
second round? Do not get in my way...!"
Erica got up completely.
Though she was putting up a front, she did make an intense declaration that did not fit her
usual style.
She gazed at Ena with burning pupils, the Hime-Miko responded with a puppet's gaze and
Stop her? Or let her continue fighting? Of course she must be stopped.
There was no doubt. If she continued fighting, she would die. After concluding Erica had no
hope of winning, she must be stopped no matter what
...Wait a minute. Was there really no hope of winning?
The divine sword had sent Liliana flying and unconscious with just one strike.
Nevertheless, Erica withstood it. Since she had been consuming her magic and receiving
attacks all this time, she should be weaker than Liliana. Could there be a power protecting
her? Of course!
As Godou realized this point, his eyes met with Erica.
His gaze moved down towards her lower abdomen.
Accompanying the expression of sudden realization, she placed her hand over her abdomen
there. It looked like she had noticed as well.
"I forgot. My body currently has Godou's protection within it... I beseech the source of my
magic, the seal of the [Copper Black Cross], grant unto me the knight's medal of honor!"
Carrying magical power, spell words were spoken out from her mouth.
At the same time, a change was produced.
Erica's red and black bandiera transformed into a long mantle-like coat, its lower hem
reaching down to her knees. Fluttering intensely, its form was like a ferocious bird of prey
with its wings spread out.
Then there was Cuore di Leone.
Originally a slender sword, the steel of the lion transformed into the form of a lance.

The steel barbs made it resemble a cavalry lance used by medieval knights of legend. Were its
length shortened to about two meters or so, it would be a one-handed infantry lance.
Holding this lance in her right hand, she held an oval iron shield in her left.
The colors of bright red and jet black crisscrossed her fluttering battle garment. Equipped with
a knight's lance and shield, Erica's heroic figure was that of a paladino crowned with a crest of
the cross.
"Eh? Why does Erica-san have Godou-san'sVerethragna's power!?"
Yuri was very surprised and probably saw the reason of the change using spirit vision.
But Godou was equally surprised for he never expected the [Youth]'s protection to bring
about such a changevictory was possible.
"Erica, is it possible? Can you defeat Seishuuin?"
"Of course! In my current state, I will not lose to that woman again!"
This promise heralded the beginning of the second round.
Despite clumsy footsteps, Ena charged forward with exceptional speed. Holding the divine
sword with both hands, she slashed diagonally from the top right to the bottom left.
Erica used the oval shield to block.
The jet-black divine sword clashed intensely with the shield. Sparks flew from where they
made contact, releasing intense divine power. They were evenly matched.
However, on Erica's side, she still had a lance in her other hand.
She thrust with all her might, but before the point reached its destination, Ena's body had
jumped backwards like a locust.
Hence, Erica kicked at the ground.
Faced with Ena's retreat, she charged forward like a stallion.
A surge of continuous attacks like the onslaught of wrathful waves. Ena rolled along the
ground, evading the dozens of attacks from the lance tip. In the process of rolling, she still
managed to use her sword to slash at the calves of the pursuing Erica.
With outstanding reflexes, Erica evaded using small steps to the side.
Stopping Erica's wave of attacks, Ena quickly got up.
"How amazing, for her to fight evenly with Ena-san who is being controlled by Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi, it's the very image of a fierce demonic god."

Amakasu sounded very impressed.

Yuri and Liliana, who had regained consciousness, were also watching the battle with
"Kusanagi Godou... Is that the effect of the final [Youth] incarnation? What a terrifying
power. Anyway, for Erica to have stolen first place, I really must complain."
Under Yuri's care, Liliana seemed a bit regretful.
The process of bestowing protection must definitely be kept secret. Godou swore to himself as
he nodded lightly.
Then a surprising turn of events occurred, for Ena started laughing.
"Ha! Ha, hahahahaha! Too great, Erica-san, I am truly impressed, I never thought that you can
be just as strong as me, who has absorbed divine power."
The cheerful soprano voice that had been absent for so long.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi has allowed Ena to speak, unlike the earlier clear cold tones.
This was the original voice of the lovely swordsman who casually enjoyed all the chaos being
wrought. Godou wondered if it was because the state of divine possession had been released,
but immediately knew he was wrong.
This was because the battle spirit infused in her, from Susanoo and Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi, had become even more heightened.
"Excellent, then let's have a true duel once again, starting now!"
Yelling out, Ena's jet-black divine blade flashed brightly.
With noisy scattering sparks, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi gave off blue-white lightning.
Bearing the divine power of the conquering steel god and heavenly child of storms and king
of SusaSusanoo, its power was increasing.
Ena brandished the sword as easily as if it were her own limb, holding it tightly with both
hands straight in front of her chest.
Up until now, she had been in a state completely dominated by divine power and spirit,
without a shred of emotion.
However, through the joy and thrill of battle, Ena finally retrieved her emotions.
Then she entered a state of resonance with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi!
"Last time I defeated you with this move, so what will happen this time? Ama no Murakumo!
Seize it!"

Ena pointed the blade at Erica, and it gave off a terrifying pulse that attacked the female
Very clearly, it was an attack that absorbed magical power.
"Useless, your move won't work a second time!"
Erica grabbed the lower hem of her red and black coat and waved.
This blocked the pulse from the divine sword. The piece of fabric seemed to possess magical
defensive ability almost equal to a Campione's.
Ena smirked unfazed, lifting the divine sword upwards.
As Erica defended her body with the shield, she aimed the lance at Ena. It was the stance of a
frontal charge.
A direct conclusion to the duel.

As Ena declared, both sides prepared for the end.

The two charged forward at the same time and collided violently.
As the divine sword swung down, the lance was thrust forward!
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi struck Erica on the shoulder, but the blade's point of contact
was the part near the hilt.
Cuore di Leone pierced into Ena's body, but it was just a glancing blow to the left abdomen.
Neither blow was decisive.

Erica's charge was too rapid and thus did not get cut by Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's
sharpest part; with motions like a wild beast, Ena had narrowly evaded Erica's fatal attack at
the last second.
However, this exchange had not ended.
It was true that the attack of the lance was evaded.
However, with the shield raised high, Erica charged with her entire body. This was the real
frontal charge!
Ena's delicate body was blown away as if struck by a car collision.
"This is a knight's style... A frontal charge to break through the enemy's ranks. Do you feel
To the fallen Ena, with irregular breathing, Erica declared victory.
However, the winning side also sank to her knees immediately.
Her bandiera and Cuore di Leone had returned to normal, and it looked like she too was at her
"Yes, felt it... I surrender."
Ena tried to use Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi as a crutch for support... but finally gave up.
Holding the divine blade, she was lying on the road. Though her body was immobile, her face
showed a satisfied expression.
It resembled those youth movies during the Shouwa period, with the requisite performance at
the end of a riverside duel. Godou shrugged his shoulders but suddenly noticed.
The storm, which appeared with Ena, had not subsided. In fact, it seemed to be getting
As the violent wind howled, massive raindrops bombarded Godou and the surface of the road.
"Godou-san, it has not ended yet! Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi intends to continue
In the instant he asked Yuri, he got the answer.
Godou rushed towards the divine sword, planning to snap it in halfbut was a step too late.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi began to expand in size.

The roughly one-meter blade expanded nonstop and started to change its form.
...Very long. By visual estimates, it was roughly twenty meters or so.
The jet-black blade became a body, forming arms and legs. Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
had transformed into a giant.
A sword originally the weight of a woodcutter's tool, its blade now pointed up towards the
heavens to form a vertical body.
Connected to two sides of its body were two bladesthe arms, and around the approximate
position of the elbows there were even joints for the arms to bend.
Then there were the legs, made of solid steel, thicker and heavier than even the body and the
Compared to the length of the body, the legs were rather short, giving a somewhat unpleasant
look. Overall, it gave off an extremely sharp feeling.
The giant of blades. Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi has transformed into a giant of blades
who could slice through everything with a simple swing. Ena's body was stuck inside a
location corresponding to the shoulder.
"Your Majesty..."
From within Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, a quiet voice was heard.
"Seishuuin, are you ok? Can you escape from there!?"
"Nolooks like not... I have no strength. Can Ena make a request?"
It was Ena's normal voice, this time she really seems to be released from divine possession.
"If you are asking to be saved, just wait a little, I am already thinking about how to save you."
"No, I don't want to bring you any more trouble..."
Ena responded to Godou in a philosophical tone.
As they conversed, the sword giantAma no Murakumo no Tsurugi started moving on its
short stubby legs, its direction of advance was towards Godou!
"Ama no Murakumo is still in high spirits for a battle with Your Majesty. Since that's the
case, could Your Majesty please defeat it quickly with your power? It should be a simple task,
right? Please do not mind Ena..."
"What do you mean, don't mind you!?"

"After all, everything is my fault... My own willfulness. But in the end, I did get to fight a
very interesting and meaningful battle, so Ena has no regrets. Please do not mind and quickly
defeat it. Farewell."
Towards the end, Ena's voice could no longer be heard.
In its place, was the approaching Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Though it had transformed
into a giant of blades, its legs were very short and did not have any joints, so it was sliding
along as if kneeling.
Godou looked around at everyone present.
Erica had already used up all her strength in the intense battle just now. The [Youth]
protection has disappeared, and all her magic and stamina were consumed. Even so, she was
still struggling to stand up to protect Godou.
Liliana, who had been knocked out earlier by Ena's attack, was trying to use her shaking body
to summon Il Maestro and likewise planned to battle.
On the other hand, Yuri was watching with worried eyes the divine blade that had devoured
Then there was Amakasu calmly muttering things like "Ara ara, how troublesome." Though
he spoke like that, it was clear that he did not have the power to defeat the berserk Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi.
The first thing to do was to leave this place and keep everyone at a safe distance.
Deciding that, Godou began to run.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's legs were short and its mobility was terrible. No matter how
gigantic it was, running away from it should be a simple taskbut just as this thought entered
Godou's mind...
Just as he was running past, the sword monster suddenly caught up with unexpected speed.
Due to an ominous feeling, Godou watched his back as he continued running. Thanks to that,
he confirmed his suspicions as Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi sliced down with its right arm
A sound of swish. This was a sound that could split apart air and even rain water.
If the blade had aimed forward another few tens of centimeters, Godou's body would have
been sliced cleanly in half.
Such a sharp sword and its range of attack was so wide!
"No way, Your Majesty... Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi has no plans for mercy, so please
destroy it quickly... Hurry, or else it will catch up to you!"

It was Ena's voice again, and it seemed like she has not lost consciousness. But there was no
leisure to listen to her.
Godou stopped looking back.
Running full speed ahead, he definitely will not be caught.
Racing along Chidorigafuchi, the Imperial Palace could be seen opposite. Decorating along
the palace moat were the conspicuous trees, the very well-known cherry blossoms.
Since he had increased the distance between them, Godou finally stopped running.
The blade monster transformed from Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was chasing along at a
clumsy pace. To be honest, it was very slow and it would be easy to just keep running away,
but that would only defer the problem without solving it.
"Kusanagi-san, only one solution remains. Didn't Ena say it already?"
Suddenly a man's voice came from beside him.
Turning to the source, Godou caught a fright. Amakasu was standing there without any signs
of being out of breath.
"W-When did you follow along?"
"I've been chasing from behind all along. I can run pretty fast you know. Anyway, that thing
there is more important, if we let that gigantic divine sword rampage, who knows how the
situation will develop..."
Amakasu made a very reasonable complaint.
But Godou pointed out the detail he had ignored.
"Is it ok to let Seishuuin get caught in between? She is currently bound tightly to the sword!?"
"My opinion is that it can't be helped. As she said so herself, it is all her fault. In this kind of
situation, even my boss, Sayanomiya Kaoru, will approve as the one responsible for the
History Compilation Committee. Because there is no other way."
No other way... Was it really true? No, Godou did not agree.
He had not done what he should. Nothing had been attempted. In such a situation, concluding
"no other way" would be too hasty!
"If so, I will say only this. No matter what, I will save Seishuuin first, then handle the monster
later. How's that?"
"Oh, there's such a convenient plan? How are you going to do it?"
"There's no plan yet! I'll just think it up as I go along! This is dangerous. You retreat first!"

Hearing Godou's answer, Amakasu showed an expression of surprise.

But there was no time to tend to Amakasu as Godou focused his attention on the approaching
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
Once again, it swung down its right arm blade. The massive blade approached Godou's head.
So fast! Despite its immense body size, its sword strikes were extraordinarily skilled.
However, it was precisely the reason this could be used. The incarnation that was unlocked
when facing a high-speed attack.
Godou used the [Raptor].
Other than himself, everything in the world slowed down, and only Godou accelerated.
Calmly dodging the giant block of steel that was about to slice his head off, he then rushed
onto the body of the blade using the massive increase in agility and jumping ability.
Easily running along the surface of the blade that was acting as an arm, he reached the
shoulder location where Ena was buried.
The imprisoned Hime-Miko showed a relaxed expression that seemed to say, "My life has no
What a worrying fellow, and yet she is acting so casual... A little shocked, Godou grabbed
Ena's shoulder.
Pulling hard, though she seemed to be stuck tight, her body budged slightly.
Very good, now pull once again with full strength. Excellent, she is finally released.
Even at this moment, Ena still carried that spaced out expression. That was only natural
considering Godou was still in a state of acceleration. Carrying the uniformed miko in his
arms, Godou jumped off from the back of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
He originally wanted to attack it from behind.
Regrettably, the [Raptor] authority did not have the destructive power to defeat this thing, so
Godou gave up the notion.
Looking ahead, he found Yuri running towards him.
Panting heavily, she stopped to catch her breath. To Godou in his accelerated state, Yuri
looked completely motionless.
Erica and Liliana also came in pursuit.
Due to their injuries, even Yuri arrived faster than them. Godou set down Ena before them.
Next, how should he take care of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi?

Though he had thought of a way, would it work as planned? Godou prepared to use the next
The accelerated state ended and returned to normal.
"Mmm... no good after all. M-My chest!"
Godou pressed his hand against his heart as he sank to his knees and collapsed forward.
Using the [Raptor] incarnation resulted in after effects of heart pain and a temporary state of
immobility. His wishful thinking had been too naive.
"...G-Godou-san, why are you here!? Even Ena-san!?"
"Eh? I was clearly caught by Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi? Why are Ena and Your Majesty
The voices of the Hime-Miko pair were heard.
However, Godou had no time to pay attention to them. Simply enduring the pain was
consuming all his strength.
Before he realized it, the Hime-Miko pair had held him in their arms and placed him in a
sitting position.
"You used the [Raptor] incarnation, right? Which is how you rescued Ena-san..."
"Yes, that's right. I can destroy that sword if my condition improves slightly, but right now,
it's impossible. You two should run away..."
Godou suggested as he nodded to the highly observant Yuri.
The pain in his heart was unbearable, but at the very least, he must make sure these two are
Having lost him from its sights, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was turning left and right,
searching for signs of Godou. In this situation, as long as they did not take him along, they
should be able to escape successfully.
However, Ena spoke quietly beside him.
"No, Ena will not escape. Because for things to come to this, Ena is responsible, and Ama no
Murakumo is Ena's partner... I will slow him down, you guys escape first."
"Idiot! Even if you risk your life, you won't be able to stall for long!"
Though it was true, the Hime-Miko of the Sword was not deterred.
Damn it, I put in so much effort to save youas Godou gnashed his teeth, Yuri spoke

"Godou-san, you just need the ability to move temporarily, right?"

Yuri asked with a stern expression.
That unrelenting beauty, made Godou and Ena withdraw their words of protest.
"Yes, yes, as long as I can concentrate for a while..."
Concentrating his spirit and power. Unless he did that, he would not be able to control that
particular incarnation well. However, the pain in his chest was making him powerless. Yet he
was so close to victory!
As Godou gnashed his teeth...
Yuri's face suddenly drew near. No, not only her face, even her lips were approaching.
Brief contact? Lips to lips?
By the time Godou realized what was going on, he was already being kissed by Yuri!
Magical power flowed along with her sweet breath, and the pain in his chest was relieved.
"Yes, if you don't apply spells from within the body, it will not work on the Devil Kings. So
that's what it meant!"
"Yes, that is correct. Just now I poured restoration magic in through the mouth..."
Shivering from embarrassment, Yuri conversed with Ena.
As Godou lay shocked, he silently watched Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
It seemed to have noticed his location, and was advancing in a sliding manner, about twenty
meters away.
"Understood! Then Your Majesty, although Ena doesn't understand completely, I will also
assist you. So you must win!"
"E-Ena!? Why, there is no need for you too..."
It came again, this time it was Seishuuin Ena who approached with her lips.
This was the third person he kissed today.

With the sound of "chuu~," the lips pressed together, gave off a sound like a light gust of
His pain mostly subsided, but the extremities of his arms and legs were numb and his whole
body felt powerless. The other side effect of the [Raptor] the state of immobility had
But there was still time to use that.
The power of the [Boar] incarnationthe ability to call forth the pitch-black gigantic beast
from another world!
"May spines be crushed, may bones be broken, tendons torn; hair, brains, and blood mingled
and trampled together with the earth. The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking
sinners be purged by the iron hammer of justice!"
After roaring with full strength, the entire pedestrian walking lane turned black.
The pitch-black [Boar] with its burly body, charged and ran out. The incarnation that could
only be summoned to destroy a massive object, its target was now the gigantic Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi.
The massive monster, whose body length measured twenty meters roughly, dwarfed the
strange giant sword.
Chidorigafuchi had become the stage for the monster battle between the tall giant of blades
and the [Boar].
The giant used its sharp and heavy blade to cut open the thick hide and muscles of the
enormous jet-black beast, but it immediately realized that resistance was futile.
In terms of destructive power, their levels differed too much.

As the [Boar] bled blue-black blood, it roared joyfully, thrusting the tusks that did not lose to
its opponent in sharpness, and using its entire body weight to charge, kick, and trample.
Finally, from its mouth came a roar mixed with supersonic waves.
Suffering these violent attacks, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was sent flying repeatedly.
"Who could have thought that the difference in level was so vast between a messenger of god
and something controlled directly by a god or a Campione..."
Godou lightly exclaimed as he continued to lie motionless for the time being.
There was nothing he could do to escape from the battlefield or tear his gaze away from the
horrific sight.
Chasing after Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi into Chidorigafuchi, the [Boar] leapt into the
palace moat, turning it into a battle in water. The surrounding stone walls of the Imperial
Palace crumbled as it suffered the battering impacts of the monsters' bodies and the slashing
attacks of the giant sword. It was now time for unrestrained destruction.
Chidorigafuchi's landscape was being destroyed completely by the current events.
Every time the giant beast and the giant sword clashed violently, massive sprays of water
splashed about from the palace moat.
The moat itself was being demolished, scooped out, sliced open, and trampled by monstrous
The cherry blossom trees that brought joy to people every spring was being seriously
vandalized. Snapped, crushed, pulverized... Tokyo's famous cherry blossom sighting spot was
gradually disappearing.
"Amazing, Kusanagi-san. Who knew Your Majesty could be so powerful!"
Ena was watching Godou with glimmering eyes, while Yuri and Godou sighed deeply.
"Sorry, Mariya, it became like this again..."
"No, no, this was unavoidable... I will pay penance together with you."
"Ending up like this again, anyway, let's just say it was to be expected."
"Yes, even for something created by the gods to fight directly against a Campione, resulting
in this dismal state was most natural. There can be no other outcome."
As destruction continued to be wrought, Erica and Liliana lightly exclaimed, having gathered
These two carried not the slightest sense of guilt in their tone of voice.

On the other hand, Amakasu had vanished at some point, probably to begin a cover-up
operation for this incident.
And so, the culprits of this tragedy watched on, as the pitch-black [Boar] enjoyed its time
destroying Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, trampling Chidorigafuchi, and letting loose roars
of victory that resounded across the sky.

It was in the Boundary of Life and Immortality that was inhospitable to humans, the world
where the soul was far more important than the body.
There, three elders were having a discussion.
Their location was a pavilion in a beautiful garden.
Though there were no servants, the place was kept very clean and tidy.
However, this was not something incredible, for the Boundary of Life and Immortality was
composed of many different spaces.
In this broad realm, environments will change itself according to the preferences of the
The fact that the old god Susanoo lived deep in the mountains under violent storms was
simply his preference.
"So, it's time to rate that Rakshasa King, right? You wanted to see how that person would
treat those girls... which is why this commotion happened, right?"
The first one to speak was the great monk in black.
A living Buddha was one who has freed himself from the restraints of the body at the end of a
life of asceticism, thereby approaching immortality.
"Those who I consider good men usually turn out to be excellent monarchs. When the
sleeping child awakens, he will surely become the guardian of the earth."
The one who spoke was the glass princess.
The fair princess possessing pupils the color of glass and unparalleled beauty, her age actually
far surpassed the great monk's.
As a side note, this elegant garden was her dominion.
"Princess, I believe your conclusion is too early. I find him too rash. Take this incident for
example, there were actually many easier ways to solve the matter."

"Insignificant matters like this can always be solved in time."

The princess disagreed openly with the great monk's objection.
"Enlightened Master, did you forget? That person would help women even at the cost of
hardship to himself. In every action, from the way Kusanagi-sama treated the girls, I can see
that he is someone who can be trusted with important matters."
"Yes, then Old One, what do you think?"
"From the tricky way he stole my sword, this brat cannot be underestimated."
The elderly god was the oldest present and spoke in tones as if he was uninvolved.
"Though I was planning on sending the miko to him as a gift, I never said I would give up the
sword as well. Yes, he is impulsive, but I appreciate his qualities. Anyway, there is no need to
make a decision immediately."
"That is to saykeep observing?"
Susanoo nodded generously to the princess's question.
"Yes, it is still uncertain whether the troublesome brat will wake up. Kusanagi's talents, let me
savor them slowly."

"So in the end, all the rights and privileges to Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi has fallen to
Kusanagi-san... Is that okay?"
It was at the Sayanomiya residence at Sanbanchou of the Chiyoda special ward.
Sayanomiya Kaoru sat on the rocking chair in the study, murmuring to herself as she rocked.
"Ena-san seems to think so, but it hasn't been confirmed yet. After that commotion, Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi still harbors great divine power, but the previous user Ena-san can no
longer use it. Neither can she send it back to the original ownerthe Old One. So that is the
situation now."
The one who answered was Amakasu Touma.
The master and subordinate looked at the sword in its sheath lying on Kaoru's office desk.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Though this sword contained the deity of the conquering god,
it was also a subordinate god to Susanoo.
"Due to Ena's divine possession losing control, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi gained the
status of an independent god, so Kusanagi-san who defeated it has usurped the god's
authority... That could be what happened, maybe."
Kaoru spoke as she gazed at the shattered divine blade.

"It could very well be his second authority. 'I will become the companion of one who is
stronger than me.' It's such a shounen manga development."
"Its appearance has been restored, but its internals are still broken, right?"
"It's embarrassing, but yes, it was destroyed quite thoroughly."
No matter what, a continued discussion was not going to yield the truth.
Towards the competent but not necessarily loyal subordinate, Kaoru ordered with frivolous
"In any case this is something dangerous and cannot be returned to Ena's possession. It is
decided that it will be kept in the storeroom of this house. By the way, giving it to the
temporary owner should be another option."
"I have also tried asking, but he refused because he did not want to break the firearms and
weapons regulations."
"Kusanagi-san... has common sense in a surprising area, what a strange person."
"He definitely wouldn't want to be described like that."

Liliana Kranjcar was puzzled.

In front of her, Kusanagi Godou and Mariya Yuri were casually having lunch. However, she
felt that they had become even more intimate... Was this her imagination?
After the commotion caused by Seishuuin Ena and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, a few
days have passed and it was the following week, lunchtime on a certain school day.
As always, they were having lunch on the roof.
As usual, Liliana prepared lunch for Kusanagi Godou.
Today's menu was authentic Spanish seafood paella, as well as fruit, cheese, cucumber
pickles, etc... However, beside it were two black wooden lunchboxes.
One contained salmon rice, with three green leaves scattered on top, providing a nice contrast
of color for the food.
The other lunchbox was filled with side dishes. Kyoto roasted fish, spicy tofu, meatballs, a
dish made of lappa and konjac, as well as various homemade pickles...
Not only did they taste delicious, but they also looked great. Simply the sight of the food's
beautiful appearance was a pleasurable experience.

Liliana looked at the lunch she prepared in a simple container, and could not help feeling
uneasy. Though in taste she definitely did not lose to Yuri, perhaps she was greatly surpassed
in terms of visual impact.
The one who brought these wooden lunchboxes was the Hime-Miko, Mariya Yuri.
"Mariya sure can cook well."
Godou praised as he tasted the various offerings, separated out onto paper plates.
"If this was taken to grandfather, it will definitely pass. That guy's mouth is extremely picky,
especially towards Japanese cuisine. But this taste is definitely good enough."
"Uh, thanks. But even if it passes for grandfather, how about Godou-san...?"
Being praised, Yuri asked with apprehension.
Probably because she was so concerned with Godou's response and opinion, her expression
did not have any confidence.
"Umm, could it be that it does not suit your tastes?"
"No no, how could that be possible, your cooking is very delicious."
"Is that so? Then I am relieved... However, if you dislike anything, you must be honest, I will
remember it."
"Don't say that. This kind of luxurious lunch, no matter how it's made it will be very
Reassured and smiling once again, Yuri was acting towards Godou in a natural manner
without any stiffness.
Liliana was certain. These two people could not have behaved so naturally before. They used
to be polite but distant, and now it was all gone...!
"Godou-san, if you have something that you like, do you want me to get it for you with
"Yes, but this kind of little thing I can do myself, no need to trouble yourself."
"But I am closer to the lunchbox... It will be easier for me."
Holding the paper plate and the serving chopsticks, Yuri asked. Though Godou had refused,
he immediately changed his tune to "you are right" and made two or three requests
Hearing these exchanges, Liliana's heart was filled with anxiety.

Recently when she made the same requests, Godou would always refuse her resolutely with
"no need, it's fine!"
If she tried to take care of him or serve him like before, Godou would run away, very wary of
how others viewed him.
Saying something like losing a man's dignity, I'm not a leecher on women, etc... All these
puzzling speeches.
However, why could Mariya Yuri!
"Liliana-san, is there anything you would like? Please take anything that suits your fancy."
"Uh, no problem, please do not mind me."
Liliana frantically played dumb.
Yuri was like a well-mannered high-class lady, full of benevolent smiles.
She was nowhere as reserved as before, what was the reason for this change?
"As different as the north wind and the sun, so goes the saying."
Sitting on the side, Erica Blandelli murmured to herself.
Appearing without a lunch again, she gave herself good reason to plunder Yuri and Liliana's
"Yuri's strengths match very well with Godou's value system. Once their relationship passed a
certain point, it was only natural to expect this kind of situation. Even if she ran into some
difficulties lately, their relationship already showed these hints before that."
The [Diavolo Rosso] explained as if she saw through everything.
"E-Erica, what on earth is going on?"
"Exactly as you see, Godou is completely unwary of her, and Yuri can act naturally beside
him and apply herself towards what a 'woman' can do. This is something that neither I nor
Lily can manage."
"Are you saying that my master is wary of me!? What an insult!"
Liliana was protesting with a voice that only Erica could hear.
However, Erica sneered with pity, and Liliana could not help feeling terrified.
"Lily, this war cannot be won with desire and instinct alone. Of course, if you are satisfied
with being just a 'convenient woman,' then that's another matter."
"W-what are you saying!?"

I know him better than you do.

Implying that and bragging to herself, Erica's expression was especially contemptible.
However, Liliana did agree that the situation was not good. Kusanagi Godou and Mariya Yuri
getting along so well was a huge problem.
As the knight guarding over him, how could she get in between them?
Wait a minute, come to think of it, she just negotiated with Sayanomiya Kaoru, and agreed to
ally with them. As it stands, she could only stand aside and watch things develop...
Liliana agonized in depression, when suddenly Kusanagi Shizuka's voice was heard.
"Really! Onii-chan and Mariya-senpai have been flaunting their affection all this time! And
getting increasingly intimate! This has to stop! You look like fools, how unsightly!"
She complained with great agitation.
With an unfazed expression, Godou and Yuri simply looked at Shizuka, their sister and junior
"What affection... Aren't we just eating lunch normally?"
"Yes, Shizuka-san, stop saying strange things. Quiet down and have lunch."
Being criticized instead, Shizuka's shoulders trembled with rage.
"Hmm... Your attitudes sure are unified, and you dare say you are not affectionate? What is
going on, you're like a couple who have been married for years, totally shameless!"
"What married couple, you idiot, don't make jokes like that."
"Yes, calling us a married couple... Actually, not yet..."
The two denied as they looked at each other, and shyly bowed their heads at the same time.
As Liliana endured the shock of watching their interactions, a new girl appeared on the roof.
Casting everything aside, Liliana and Erica exchanged glances, for the intruder was Seishuuin
"Ena-san! Your body has recovered?"
"Yes, well enough. Sorry to everyone, I've brought all of you trouble this time."
The Yamato Nadeshiko style Hime-Miko responded as she approached the group.
It felt a little strange to see Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi absent from her shoulder.

Reportedly, the recent frequent storms were all because of her. Apparently, storms were
summoned by divine power after communicating with Susanoo in the Netherworld.
Who could have expected the trouble-making woman to show up! Liliana could not help
glaring at Ena.
"In order to reflect on this incident, Ena will temporarily return home to be educated. So
before I leave, I just wanted to greet you all..."
Hearing Ena's words, Shizuka showed a questioning expression that seemed to say, "What is
this about?"
Reluctant to explain to his sister, Godou swiftly said, "Dont mind it."
"Though all sorts of major... well, not too major things happened, I don't think we really
mind. The next time we meet, I hope we can get along better."
Godou changed his words midway because he recalled but hoped to downplay the tragedy of
Though Godou was the world renowned Campione, he was still delicate in certain areas.
"Yes, it is for sure. Ena will get along with you all in the future, it's a promise!"
"Yes, much appreciated. Erica, is it okay? I have already made peace with her."
"Sure, since Godou has already spoken, I will turn a blind eye and forget your mistakes."
Erica shrugged.
If that's the case, Ena's farewell greeting should be coming to a close, but just as Godou
thought that, Ena's expression suddenly became seductive.
"...So, from today onwards, it's fine if Ena becomes one of Kusanagi-san's 'women,' right?"
"M-My what!?"
"Onii-chan! This person has said something unbelievable, what is going on again!?"
Shizuka yelled out while Erica, Yuri, and Liliana silently watched the two, deep in their own
thoughts. Godou simply felt troubled.
"Actually, that was the whole reason why Ena came in the first place. Since Kusanagi-san
risked his life to save me, and caused Ena to fall in love with you. Also, Kusanagi-san has
obtained the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, right? That is Ena's partner, so why don't you
accept it along with me!"
"N-no, besides how come I didn't know that I have gained something so dangerous!"

"But that is the truth... Ena is still a little afraid of doing erotic things, but kissing is
completely fine. Do you want to have another go? Right now?"
"K-Kissing, what is that all about?! Onii-chan, what is going on!"
As Ena approached and Shizuka questioned, Godou looked towards the other three as if
pleading for help.
Great, this was now the time to win his trust.
Liliana coughed, and began to speak calmly.
"Kusanagi Godou, it looks like you are trying to act coldly towards this girl who wants to
enter your harem. This is not like you. You should accept her with the usual attitude, as befits
a king's dignity. As for little sister Shizuka, I will explain to her later. Please leave it to me!"
Though it was not something she wished willingly, now was the time to let him witness the
acceptance in her generous yet sorrowful heart.
But her master held his head in his arms instead.
"Liliana, do not make things worse with those kinds of words!"
"Godou, that woman is no good. Though I can forget the suffering she brought me, I cannot
agree to let her serve by Godou's side!"
"That is correct. Ena you have to watch your words and actions. Do not make things hard for
True autumn was rapidly approaching, but the chaos and commotion surrounding Kusanagi
Godou probably would not subside for the time being.

It's been a while, everyone.
This work has finally reached the fifth volume. For this series to have continued so far, it was
all thanks to everyone's support. Here I express my utmost gratitude to you all.
So in this volume, the second meeting of some kind of judgment council was held.
Actually, the contents of the first judgment council meeting has already been published.
In the official website of Shueisha's Super Dash Bunko, there are specials for many of the
works under their banner. The "Campione!" special is also quietly being released.
Those who haven't read them, should check it out some time.

By the way, about those little booklets given out for free in public events which contain
unpublished series or short stories. The one who makes these booklets is H-san who works at
the editorial department of Super Dash Bunko. With sorrowful eyes, he has complained to me
saying "those take a lot of work" as he made those masterpieces.
People who have received these booklets, please be mindful of H-san's efforts, and don't
throw them away.
Actually, I have many ideas locked away in my mind that probably have no direct effect on
Though some of them have been published as short stories, but it is just the beginning.
For example, there is the short story 'The Night of Milan Where Only Men Watched "Magical
Girl Sorami,"' or 'RPG Stats of All Major Characters, the Highest Abilities Turn Out to be
That Unexpected Person,' or 'An Abilities Chart Like an SLG, the Numbers are so Expected,
Too Boring,' as well as 'Living Legends of Campione.'
...Though it sounds like bragging to be coming from me, but these are all treasure troves of
ideas that do not help sales.
Perhaps these may one day be released on the internet or through other forms. However, to
this date there hasn't even been a blog or website under the name of Takedzuki Jou.
No, I am a novelist after all, perhaps it would be a good idea to do a blog?
But then again, right... Even before beginning, I felt it was troublesome to update... No no, it's
the pressure of having to provide fresh material to everyone regularly, that has given me
pause against taking the first step.
If readers are willing to do anything to see these ideas, you can try imitating our friends at the
'15x24' commemoration panel event who attacked Shinjou-san and chief editor Marutakara,
and relay to the editorial department of Super Dash Bunko your precious opinion...
Also, '15x24' is very interesting, would it be possible for me to get a first glimpse at the
already written Volume 6? No? I see...
Back to the topic at hand, Volume 5 was the prologue of the 'School Saga,' though the
developments were kind of mediocre.
Though certain parts were censored, but what I mean by mediocre is just compared to the
average level of the series in general.
A reaction to this may appear in the next volume.
Most likely it will be the named characters so far, caught in a chaotic battle with this god or
that god.
If the opportunity arises, let us meet again in the intense battles of Volume 6.

Takedzuki Jou, October 2009

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Aoyama Doori: Main street in Aoyama, Tokyo.
2. Jump up Miko: Miko are usually Japanese shrine maidens. However, in this story
the term also refers to a type of magic-user, and not all of those magical miko are
shrine-maidens. That is why we left the term as miko whenever it shows up.
3. Jump up Hime-Miko: Japanese for princess-shrine maiden. It is the name of a group
of people and as with miko, we decided to leave it as it is for now.
4. Jump up Swastika []: do not associate with Nazism; see Eastern Swastika Use
5. Jump up Yushima Tenjin: Shinto shrine in Tokyo devoted to Tenjin, a god related
to learning. It is frequently visited by the students hoping to pass the entrance exam
6. Jump up Kanda Myoujin: Famous Tokyo shrine devoted to two of the fortune gods
(Daikokuten & Ebisu), as well as Taira no Masakado, a Heian-era rebel samurai later
elevated to an immensely popular god
7. Jump up Seiza: Japanese term for the traditional formal way of sitting in Japan
8. Jump up 1 shaku=30.3cm, 1 sun=3.03 cm, 1 bu=3.03 mm
9. Jump up Laissez-faire: Principle of minimum interference from a higher power, e.g.
from the government in economics: Laissez-faire
10. Jump up Yakisoba bread: Japanese hot dog with fried noodles in the bread
11. Jump up Nezu: Nezu is part of the "Ya-Ne-Sen" neighorhood where early 20th
century culture still lingers. The name "Ya-Ne-Sen" comes from the first letters of the
3 neighborhoods Yanaka, Nezu and Sendagi. A popular area among foreign visitors to
enjoy the traditional Japanese atmosphere full of local color.
12. Jump up Hakama: type of traditional Japanese clothing; see [1]
13. Jump up Yushima: a neighborhood in Bunkyo Ward, Central Tokyo.
14. Jump up Kurumaebashi Street: An important street in Tokyo, leading from the
Bunkyo Ward to National Highway 14.
15. Jump up Kantou: geographical region of Japan that centers around the Tokyo
metropolitan area.
16. Jump up Oinari: also Inari Ookami, a deity (sometimes depicts as three or five
deities) of fertility, rice, agriculture, foxes, and industry; with pure white kitsune foxes
serving as messengers, inari often appears in popular Japanese culture (and thus
anime) as a fox spirit.
17. Jump up Yamato Takeru no Mikoto: a legendary prince of the Yamato Dynasty;
his father Emperor Keiko feared his brutal temperament and sent him on numerous
campaigns, hoping for his death. But his aunt, a miko of Amaterasu (Japanese sun
god), lent him the Sword of Kusanagi (also named Ama no Murakumo, Ena's sword
here) to assist him; nevertheless, he died tragically of an illness after blaspheming one
of the local gods.
18. Jump up Oto Tachibana no Hime: consort to the prince, who sacrificed herself to
pacify the spirits of the sea during Emperor Keiko's campaign to take Kazusa
19. Jump up National Isolation: since 1630s and prior to 1854 when Commodore Perry
forcibly opened Japan's doors, Japan had a foreign policy of 'Sakoku' (Locked

Country) where no foreigner may enter and no Japanese may leave, under penalty of
20. Jump up Toranomon: literally Tiger's Gate, Toranomon is a business district in
central Tokyo.
21. Jump up Mithuna: Mithuna is the tantric term for the union of lovers[2]. The reliefs
it refers to here are probably the ones outside the Lakshman temple in the Khajuraho
Group of Monuments[3]
22. Jump up Sneak over at night... illegal these days: Yuri is referring to the Japanese
practice of Yobai[4], where young men would silently crawl into a sleeping woman's
room and sleep with her if she consented. In many cases, this was done by a guy both
the family/girl knows, and sometimes even with the consent of the girl's parents. There
were similar practices in pre-modern Europe often referred as 'climbing the window,'
usually done by lovers or officially engaged pairs whom could not get married yet due
to special circumstances (e.g. guy was still an apprentice).
23. Jump up Where Lily Flowers Bloom: As you may guess, it's a Yuri reference (the
Japanese terminology for Girl's Love/Shoujo-ai, not the character), as yuri ()
literally means lily.
24. Jump up Izumo: refer to the legend of the Japanese storm god Susanoo and the
slaying of the Yamata no Orochi.
25. Jump up Shubo(): the shubo is a size unit used for rooms or buildings in Korea,
Japan, China and Taiwan equal to 400121 square meters (3.3058 m2). In this case, the
tearoom is six shubo in size.
26. Jump up Seiza( ): literally "proper sitting," the Japanese term for the traditional
formal way of sitting in Japan, first kneeling on the floor, folding their legs underneath
their thighs, while resting their bottom on the heels.
27. Jump up Koseki( ): the Japanese family registry. Japanese law requires all
households to report births, acknowledgements of paternity, adoptions, disruptions of
adoptions, deaths, marriages and divorces of Japanese citizens to their local authority.
28. Jump up Rounin( ): rounin was a term for a masterless samurai during Japan's
feudal period. According to the samurai code (bushido), a samurai was obliged to
commit suicide on the loss of their lord, and was meant to suffer great shame if they
chose not to honor the code. Since these former samurai could not legally take up new
professions, they sought to make a living with their swords. Some worked as
mercenaries or bodyguards while others turned to crime. The criminals of the Edo
period gave the rounin a persisting image of thugs, cutthroats and vagrants.
29. Jump up Okonomiyaki: a Japanese savory fried pancake that contains a variety of
30. Jump up Teppanyaki: a style of Japanese cuisine where food is cooked on a flat
iron plate (teppan means iron plate).
31. Jump up Monjayaki: a specialty of the Kantou region, it is similar to okonomiyaki
except the dough is more liquid.
32. Jump up Mandala: a Sanskrit word meaning "circle," refers to circular concentric
diagrams with spiritual and ritual significance in both Buddhism and Hinduism.
33. Jump up Kannushi(): the person responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto
shrine as well as for leading worship.[5]
34. Jump up Kojiki( ): dating from the early 8th century, the "Record of Ancient
Matters" is the oldest surviving chronicle in Japan and is a collection of myths
concerning the origin of the four home islands of Japan. The lyrics quoted by Ena
comes from Volume II of the Kojiki.

35. Jump up Man'youshuu( ): the "Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves" is the

oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry. The second half of Ena's incantation
comes from poem #406 in the Man'youshuu.
36. Jump up Ezo( ): the name of a native tribe in Japan that was eventually driven
by the government to Hokkaido and the northern part of Honshu. Scholars are divided
on whether the Ezo are the same as the Ainu.
37. Jump up Man'youshuu: the "Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves"() is the
oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry. Ena's incantation here comes from poem
#2663 in the Man'youshuu.
38. Jump up Rakshasa: a race of mythological humanoid beings or unrighteous spirits
in Hinduism and Buddhism, also called man-eaters.[6]
39. Jump up Juunihitoe( ): literally "twelve-layer robe", the juunihitoe is an
extremely elegant and highly complex kimono that was worn only by court-ladies in
40. Jump up Dantian( ): located below the navel (about three finger widths down
and two finger widths deep), a point associated with cultivating life energy (qi) and
vital essence.
41. Jump up Banchou Sarayashiki( ): literally "Dish Mansion at Banchou,"
a famous Japanese ghost story of love separated by social class, broken trust and
broken promises, leading to a dismal fate.[8]
42. Jump up Jikisan hatamoto(): warriors granted the privilege of reporting
directly to the shogun.[9]
43. Jump up Daimyo( ): a generic term referring to the powerful territorial lords in
pre-modern Japan who ruled most of the country from their vast, hereditary land
44. Jump up Chidorigafuchi( ): a park at the northwestern section of the moat
surrounding the Imperial Palace. Known for its cherry blossoms, it is home to the little
known Chidorigafuchi National Cemetery for unidentified soldiers who died in World
War II.
45. Jump up Word of Abandonment: quoted by Jesus from Psalm 22, it is the only
saying that appears in more than one gospel (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34).
46. Jump up 2 Samuel 1:27
47. Jump up Psalm 22:19-21
48. Jump up 2 Samuel 1:22
49. Jump up Psalm 22:22
50. Jump up Poem #199 of the Man'youshuu.
51. Jump up Poem #199 of the Man'youshuu.
52. Jump up Poem #199 of the Man'youshuu.
53. Jump up Poem #199 of the Man'youshuu.
54. Jump up Poem #199 of the Man'youshuu.

Campione!:SS 2
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The Rumored Campione

Tokunaga Asuka is in first year of high school.

She lives in the Nezu Sanchoume in the Bunkyou ward in Tokyo, a lively shopping district
which leaves a strong small-town atmosphere.
The aura of the Showa era that was left here and there wakes a curious feeling of nostalgia.
Asuka works part-time in a family restaurant a little separated from that district.
A common place chain restaurant.
But because it is next to the main street, it is still thriving. It was early October when she saw
a certain old friend during work.
On the first day of a long weekend, past eight o'clock in the morning.
Asuka was on morning shift and serving the customers.
Her long-time friend had not entered the store as a customer, but was killing time out front,
holding a large bag. It looked like he was waiting for someone.
Kusanagi Godou.
Written in Kanji, every character needs a large amount of strokes, but that's the name of her
He was tall and had quite pretty features, but because of the unsophisticated feeling he gave
off, you wouldn't exactly call him good-looking.
Asuka knew him since kindergarten.
Because he was waiting where he was, he must have arranged to go somewhere by car.
Despite his ordinary looks, Godou had many unusual acquaintances. From time to time he
used the pretense of job to help such acquaintances with their work. Certainly that day
must've been the same, Asuka thought and returned to her work.
However, moments later, she suddenly found Godou surrounded by girls.
Furthermore, each of these four girls were either cute or just beautiful. There were even 2
beauties from abroad mixed in, one blond and one silver-haired!
"That guy... Looks like he's become quite a player lately. He wasn't that bad before!
Unbelievable, to think he'd fall that quickly...," Asuka hissed, deciding to teach him a lesson.
Meanwhile a mini van came to a stop in front of Godou.
Her childhood friend plus the four girls got in and drove away.
"...Wasn't that Godou-san just now?"

"Mariya-san and Erica-san, as well as Liliana-san were with him, right? Meeting early on the
first holiday and leaving by car... I wonder where they are going."
Asuka overheard that quiet conversation.
Looking for its source she saw her fellow part-time workers. Miyama-san and Sawa-san were
whispering to each other.
Like Asuka they were in first year of high school. Until a moment before, their eyes had been
directed outside the family restaurant, where Godou and the girls had been.
Then Asuka understood.
She had heard before that those two were going to the nearby Jounan Academy.

"Sawa-san, Miyama-san, do you happen to know Kusanagi Godou?" Asuka asked them out of
the blue.
It was past one o'clock. The morning shift was over and they were in the changing room now,
switching out of their cute uniforms into street clothes. Being asked all of a sudden, Sawa-san
and Miyama-san blinked with surprise.
"Well, we do know him, but...," Sawa-san nodded cautiously.
With the thin-framed glasses, she looked most intelligent.
"But how come you know him, Asuka-san? You're not going to Jounan, are you?" Miyamasan asked in return. She was of short stature and plain adorable.
Actually, she was so child-faced you could mistake her for an elementary school child.

"I'm from the same area, a shopping district nearby. And I went to the same elementary and
middle school, too."
"So... you're childhood friends?"
"With that Kusanagi-kun?"
Sawa-san already started going into it while Miyama-san was completely surprised.
"Yes. I won't call it the regret of my life, but it has been rather unfortunate to be stuck with
that idiot for so long. By the way, Miyama-san, what did you mean with 'that Kusanagi-kun'?"
Asuka asked with a cold smile on her face.
It had been half a year at most since they had entered high-school.
Had her old friend gained such a reputation in such a short time?
"Could you please think about it for a moment? Since I've known him for so long, I'd like to
know what preposterous things he's been up to. Depending on the situation, I'll have to
discipline him a bit..."

"I think it started around May," Sawa-san started calmly.

They had changed locations to a lively Japanese tea house in Nezu Sanchoume - Asuka's and
Godou's home neighborhood.
"Until then, Kusanagi-kun had not stood out very much. Well, his face is okay and he is tall,
so one girl or another might have been interested in him, but all in all he did not stand out. But
ever since Erica-san came, everything has changed."
Sawa-san spoke distinctly and in an educated tone.
Apparently her intellectual glasses weren't just for show.
"Ever since that extraordinarily smart and athletic blond beauty who's fluent in Japanese on
top of it showed up, coming all the way from Italy to chase after Kusanagi-kun, he has
completely changed. Or perhaps his hidden abnormality has just come to light."
"And after Erica-san, Mariya-san from our class was next..."
Bit by bit, Miyama-san also started talking.
Unlike Sawa-san, she spoke hesitantly. Kusanagi Godou's behaviour was just that far out
"Mariya-san is always so graceful, like a young lady, but before anyone knew it, she was
already clinging to Kusanagi-kun like a maiden in love. They seemed like they would elope at
any moment. But that Kusanagi-kun didn't settle with just two girls, no...!"

"Another girl, Liliana-san, came here from Eastern Europe because of him as well."
According to them, this one was a fairy-like beauty with silver hair.
Asuka nodded.
A blond girl and a Yamato Nadeshiko[1], as well as a silver-haired girl. It sounded like the
girls she had seen outside the restaurant earlier.
"And there seems to be yet another girl from some other high school who sneaks onto our
campus to see him. We often spot a girl around him in a uniform different from ours."
"So you see, Kusanagi-kun is a king in the middle of a harem of at least 4 beauties, maybe
even more, so to speak. They call him the biggest monster since the founding of the school.
But strangely enough, the girls don't seem to hate him for it."
"Maybe because he looks harmless at first glance and kind in some way...?"
"He doesn't have a strong presence during everyday life which might cause the girls to
overlook it. Although he still seems to make a part of the boys extremely jealous of him."
The situation became clear for Asuka and she nodded again.
The smile on her face was a bit powerless.
"I see... so he went for quality over quantity since entering high school."
"Qua... quality over quantity?"
Asuka's absent-minded murmuring was interrupted by Miyama-san.
"The number of girls in middle school who had fallen for that quiet, unsociable guy. Well,
there may be more who I don't know of... And when you include the boys, it adds up to even
more. Ohh, don't get the wrong idea. The last one is in the sense of camaraderie, not romantic
love. Although in the baseball club with Godou there was that boy, Rui, who was quite border
Asuka's muttering flabbergasted Miyama-san. Sawa-san, too, was all ears.
"T-That's interesting. Just how did he manage to do that...?"
"There was nothing about it. He's just always had a way with a part of the girls and a part of
the boys. But going into details now would take too long and it's bothersome, so let's do that
some other time."

Asuka was making a sour face.

"Damn Godou. He doesn't seem like he's popular in class or school, but that appearance is
deceiving. Even worse, he's completely oblivious to the girls who fall in love with him and
tells them stuff like 'You're such a dear friend'. Unbelievable!"
Getting unintentionally worked up, Asuka's fist strikes the table.
"That sure is amazing... by the way, Asuka-san, are you also in love...?"
"...w-with Kusanagi-kun... or..."
"Huh?! Are you stupid!? Who'd fall for such a blockhead! You see, as his childhood friend I
can't forgive him for causing all that trouble in our district or at school, okay? No
misunderstandings, please."
"So that's how it is. Good going, Kusanagi Godou..."
"Right, it's so obvious... and kinda clichd?"
During Asuka's unintentional outburst, Sawa-san's and Miyama-san's expressions had turned
Both of them were focusing on Asuka.
On her two pigtails that, while a bit childish, Asuka herself is quite proud of. Her piercing
eyes. Her slightly sharp features.
Sawa-san and Miyama-san were taking in all that and then nodded at each other.
"Hey, Asuka-san. Do you ever regret acting all rash and stand-offish in front of somebody
you like?"
"A-as if I would! Don't make such weird accusations!"

"But the basic question is still why Kusanagi-kun is so popular."

"He's not super hot and he's neither a flirt nor does he impress by working really hard."
Once Asuka had calmed down, Sawa-san and Miyama-san continued.

"I-Isn't it because he's being raised by the ultimate playboy? With the best possible teacher
right next to him, his natural talents or a kind of fate of being popular forever must have
awoken, something like that?"
Just when Asuka was carelessly answering, that teacher caught her eye.

The three were still in the Japanese tea house.

Outside was still Nezu Sanchoume.
And down the street came quite the handsome old man. He was wearing an elegant linen
jacket and he obviously must have looked stunning when he was younger. Just by walking
down the street, people in shops here and there called out to him.
"Maybe... is that the one who taught Godou-kun?"
Noticing the direction of Asuka's gaze, Miyama-san guessed and was spot-on.
"That's right, grandpa Ichirou, his grandfather."

"Well, he does seem to be really popular, but what makes him such a playboy?"
"Uhm, how do I explain this...?"
It was when Asuka was pondering on Sawa-san's question.
Kusanagi Ichirou, the head of the Kusanagi family, walked right past the front of the tea
house. He noticed her staring at him from the inside and responded with a wink. An
unimaginable greeting for a Japanese man of his age. It was neither repulsive nor cold -- just
the right balance.
He was someone able to do this completely naturally.
'No less from you,' Asuka thought when the tea house's phone suddenly rang. The lady at the
counter (who also knew Asuka and Godou since infancy) picked it up.
And while Asuka in thought, the lady already came over.

She placed a plate of kurizenzai[2] usually made for the Obon-festival on the girls' table.
"Auntie, we didn't order this."
"Hehe, it's fine. Ichirou-san called just now and asked me to give them to you."
"Grandpa Ichirou did!?"
"Yep. You had such a serious expression so he wanted to get you something to cheer you up,
he said. He was worried his grandson was giving you some trouble."
In just the instant of walking by, he had understood that much.
And although he quickly ordered over the phone and on tab, the old waitress didn't make an
upset face even for a moment. If anything, she looked so happy that she could be of help to
him, she must have been pleased instead.
Furthermore, there were 3 portions of kurizenzai on the table.
He had even thought of Sawa-san and Miyama-san...
"And well, seeing how he can pull this off with room to spare just shows how good of a
playboy Grandpa is."
"...I think I just had a revelation."
"...Chip off the old block?"
"That grandpa is the one who's looked after Godou since he was a child. And since he took
Godou out to all kinds of places, how he dealt with the different kinds of people they met
must have lodged itself deeply into Godou's young mind."
According to Godou's own stories, there were various events in his past.
For example when he encountered an old lady who his grandfather had "some episodes" with.
Or when he met a middle-aged woman who had a crush on his grandfather long ago. Or about
that drinking party with someone indebted to his grandpa who had evidently strayed from the
right path. Or maybe when his grandfather flew to some remote region in South America to
help out an old friend of his...
"He grew up seeing any amount of those stories and the skills that made Grandpa Ichirou so
generally popular. They were carved into him, right down to the bone. That's what makes him
so absurdly popular... or so I think from time to time, even if it sounds ridiculous..."
She couldn't determine whether she was right or wrong. It was just a guess of hers.
"...but... there is one thing I'm worried about. And it seems likelier and likelier that it's going
to happen in the near future," Asuka said while poking the kurizenzai with her chopsticks.
"You see, that idiot has internalized his grandfather's skills since he was a little brat. Even if

he doesn't realize what he can do right now... What if he gets used to girls and wants to be
popular by himself?"
When Asuka finished mumbling, the others had guessed what she meant.
"I-I see... With the know-how of his grandfather who is this good inserted into him, once
Godou-kun starts using it out of his own accord...," Miyama-san follow up timidly.
Apparently the short girl was quite perceptive.
"E-Even now he's playing with girls like some devil king, and you talk about him adding the
wiles of that unbelievably popular grandfather? Wouldn't that turn him into a genuine
monster?" Sawa-san tensely added.
"Not only I, but his little sister Shizuka and his deceased grandmother have also been worried
about this since long ago."
Sawa-san and Miyama-san had realized a fear about the near future Tokunaga Asuka and a
part of the Kusanagi family's women had borne for a long time.
Thinking about where Kusanagi Godou had gone over the long weekend, the girls let out long

Chapter 1 - Goodbye John Pluto Smith

Part 1
It was nine in the morning at Los Angeles.
Over Jack Milburn's head was the deep blue cloudless sky stretching to the far beyond.
Reflected before his eyes was the Californian blue ocean. Venice Beach in summer was so
crowded with people who came to frolic in the water that it was impossible to find peace and
However, the expression on Jack's face was quite depressed.
Jack worked for the Los Angeles branch of Sorcerous[1] Sacrilege Investigation (SSI), the
government agency in charge of investigating and concealing all incidents pertaining to magic
and supernatural phenomena.
John Pluto Smith's death at this location happened a week ago. In front of the eyes of Jack and
hundreds of ordinary citizens, he was killed.
"One who has slain gods -- John Pluto Smith! You were truly strong, and even if all the magi
in the world were gathered together, you would still prevail. However... It's too late, much too
At that time, Asherah was laughing madly in a frightening manner.

The witch at the helm of a sorcery association -- the divine ancestor Asherah, bragged
arrogantly as the victor.
"Though our organization, [King of Flies], has met defeat many times at your hands, we
continued to accumulate the essence of water and earth! Absorbing the malevolence and
delusional obsessions of the ignorant masses! Now, I have finally taken form as the heretic
Leviathan! Hahahahaha, can you feel the divine power overflowing from my body? My rank
is now equivalent to yours, for I have become someone at the same level as a Campione -- the
Heretic Serpent! Savor this well!"
In contrast to her vile and ferocious nature, Asherah's body was tiny.
The slender body of the beautiful young girl was lost as it began to transform and expand.
Her arms contracted while her legs combined into one, her torso lengthened, her neck
extended, a layer of scales covered her once smooth skin, and her beautiful face turned
In just a few tens of seconds, the witch Asherah transformed into a giant serpentine monster.
Sweeping through Venice Beach was a demonic snake over fifty meters long. Probably the
height of a twenty-story building if extended straight from head to tail, its scales were a shiny
silvery-white in color, with beauty that could only be described as otherworldly grandeur.
Facing such a monster, John Pluto Smith challenged his opponent with initiative.
He is a veteran with a decade of shocking experiences. His opponents included fearsome
sorcerers, fairies who possessed the ability to control nature, and massive demonic beasts that
could easily destroy a city... He had fought and prevailed over all these formidable foes.
Having gone through so many struggles to the death, how could he lose to a mere big snake -"Smith! You can't, don't go over there!"
For some reason, Jack felt he had to stop him. Jack had been selected by the SSI for his
magical aptitude, and now his instincts warned against a powerful enemy, but Smith replied:
"Can your concerns wait, Jack? To refuse a lady's invitation to dance... That is not my style.
Besides, I cannot run away from this situation."
As usual, his voice was full of confidence, and he was wearing a black mask with a black
Held in his gloved hand was a steel-colored magic gun. Running towards his opponent as his
long cape fluttered, Jack had witnessed this view of his back many times over the past year or
In the past, Jack would always find him returning victorious, bragging casually:

"Wait for the alcohol to deliver to your home in celebration of our little victory... Tonight's
starry sky is particularly clear, so let us watch the same night sky from our respective
locations and have a good toast!"
John Pluto Smith was a man who acted like a perfect courtier. No matter what kind of crisis
he faced, he never forgot to maintain a casual attitude. Even the friend who accompanied him
through life and death situations had never seen his true face. Even having a drink with him
was not allowed. Smith was a man who embodied secrecy.
...In the end, just as Jack's premonition foretold, that man did not return.
In battles to the death against gods, the masked hero had always emerged victorious.
However, the massive silvery white serpent's choice of action was to self-destruct by
explosion -Seeming to ignite the "essence of water and earth" stored within its body, it planned to take
down the hero and the area of Venice Beach along with itself. However, John Pluto Smith
grabbed the giant snake tightly and pulled it into the water, using all his might to distance
them from the shore. Thus, the two mortal enemies died together in the explosion.
And just like that, the hero was dead.
But the [King of Flies] was not disbanded, and Jack took out his cellphone.
He dialed a certain number recorded in his phone.
The call failed to connect... Was this a joke of fate? In the end, they had missed each other
and all he could do was leave her a voice message.
"It's been a while, Allison. It's me, Jack... Actually I wanted to tell you face to face, but there
is not enough time for that. I'm sorry, I can only inform you like this --"
Having left his farewell message, Jack hung up. Goodbye, my beloved. Goodbye, John Pluto
Smith. Jack bid farewell to everyone precious to him one after another.

Part 2
Los Angeles. A major ethnic melting pot and important economical and industrial center.
The capital of sin swirling with crime, the metropolis where decadence and prosperity
coexisted, hidden in this chaotic city were many who dabbled in the ways of the supernatural.
Those who sold their morality and conscience to the devil and obtained supernatural demonic
powers in return -In other words, the sorcerers.

The reason why they used Los Angeles as their base was due to the search for the "Angel's
Remains" buried in this land, a holy relic that was thought to grant the possessor absolute
magical power.
Although the rumor was never substantiated, it was an indisputable fact that more sorcerers
were gathered in this city than any other.
Their natural enemy only emerged during the latter half of the 1990s.
Possessing magic power surpassing any sorcerer's, he also had the ability to transform into
non-human forms. The undefeated man who ran through the darkness of the night casting
spells, turning himself into an invincible giant, and shooting magic bullets.
At the beginning, he replied with answers like "John Smith" or "John Doe" whenever people
asked for his name.
Just like a pseudonym tagged on an unidentified corpse. However, to the citizens who heard
his legends and witnessed his silhouette, he was named after the great ruler of the underworld.
And so, John Pluto Smith was born.
All sorcerers feared him; the people revered and worshiped him.

It was three in the afternoon, in the area of Los Feliz.

Consistent with California's dry climate, it was bright and sunny as usual.
But Jack wasn't in the mood to take his beloved SUV out for a spin to enjoy the sunny
weather. Leaving his car in the parking lot at Samantha University, he walked to the
humanities faculty, his destination was the foreign languages department.
He entered the building of a certain research facility.
--But there was no one present.
None of the usual students or staff were there. Presuming a "barrier" had been erected by the
person he was visiting, Jack knocked on the door of his lab.
"Hello, Jack. Unfortunately, the situation does not look positive."
"In other words, Asherah's revival ceremony will take place tonight?"
Joe West nodded in confirmation.
A world-renowned researcher in the field of fantasy literature, he was an elderly African
American, a precious benevolent mage as well as John Pluto Smith's collaborator.
The old man who assisted the hero for the past decade currently had his entire right leg below
the knee wrapped in a cast.

"That's right. With tonight's position of the moon and the stars, as well as the flow of the
spiritual ley lines... Everything is aligned for the perfect opportunity. The [King of Flies] will
not miss this opportunity."
Professor West sighed deeply.
A benevolent mage like him was in the extreme minority in North America.
This was because during the British colonial era, there were overt witch hunts and oppression
from European Puritan immigrants, as well as treaties and resistance from local spirit
worship... All sorts of dark and unsavory events have been buried in history.
"After that, the members of [King of Flies] have not slowed their activities. That particular
point has made me suspicious, to think they made preparations for this. Really, who could
have expected such things!"
Over the past week, the [King of Flies] continued their operations.
Clearly an evil cult-like organization sustained by twisted faith and lacking in reason, one
would have expected such a group to fall apart after the demise of the strong leader.
However, the sorcerers were pursuing a strategy of conciliation or even brainwashing against
the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and the upper echelons of the SSI. Due to the
death of their natural enemy, they were engaging in daring tactics that would have been
unthinkable in the past. The situation had developed into the current state where the front line
members of the organization like Jack were the only ones still fighting.
"...But professor, how did Asherah survive that giant explosion? When even Smith who
pulled her into the water died, how on earth did she live on after that suicide explosion!?"
This past week, he had been diligently searching for the reason why the [King of Flies] did
not fall apart.
Having worked as a police officer in criminal investigations, this sort of thing was familiar to
him, and he finally found some clues.
The self-destructed divine ancestor Asherah survived, and her wound-covered body had been
retrieved. Though still unconscious, she was alive and guarded by the core members of the
[King of Flies]. Recently, they have occupied themselves with preparing the ritual to revive
their leader.
"...Heretic Leviathan, she is the immortal snake, one who can resurrect after death. Don't you
find that unbelievable? Smith, the one who never lost, why would he go down together with
his enemy this time?"
From Professor West's worried tone of voice, Jack recalled the noble bearing he witnessed
that night.
"That snake's name is Leviathan, the horrifying sea monster feared in legends all over the
world, passed down human stories as the image of the snake bringing disaster... [Gods], there

are many examples of snake goddesses with the attribute of immortality. It is probably thanks
to this that she survived her attempted mutual destruction with Smith."
"An immortal goddess? Outrageous!"
Hearing his reflexive answer, the professor calmly asked with a tired smile:
"Do you know the reason why Smith is called the God-slayer?"
"I thought it was just to describe his supernatural qualities, an exaggerated metaphor."
"No, it is exactly as the description. He is a warrior who killed gods and usurped powerful
authorities... That's right, he is a god killing warrior."
Champion. The chosen warrior. King. Jack recalled these majestic titles.
True, perhaps it was the best description for that masked hero.
"The only one capable of standing up to a god-slayer is a god or another god-slayer. This
principle is absolute. That's basically what happened with that divine ancestor Asherah, who
transformed from a demon of an evil cult into the snake deity Leviathan."
"But how could a person become a god!"
"True, an ordinary mortal cannot, but she is no mere mortal... She's not called 'divine ancestor'
for naught. Sigh, how did it come to this! What a tragedy!"
Professor West's intellectual face showed a pained expression, sighing inexplicably. Even for
someone like Jack who had little in-depth knowledge about magic, he still understood how
dire the current situation was.
"Anyway, if Asherah revives tonight, it is the end for us. I don't think that witch will let us
"Probably. But to be honest, I can't agree with your proposal."
"But we have no choice. In order to stop Asherah from reviving, the only way is to slip into
the scene of the ceremony. Luckily after the battle with Smith, the [King of Flies]'s numbers
have been thinned!"
For those people like Jack and West who fought against sorcerers all this time, Asherah's
revival would take away the last of their hopes.
"Jack, don't be impulsive. Smith is not confirmed dead yet. He is a man like a phoenix. If the
enemy hasn't died, then his survival is very likely!"
"It's already been a week, if he's still alive, why didn't he contact us?"
Jack refuted the old man's comforting words with pessimism.

No matter how much he surpassed ordinary humans, he could not have survived that massive
"You've lost your cool because Smith is not here. Calm down and think things through
"Yes, that guy's death has clearly affected me, but I am calm. After pondering calmly I have
concluded thus, if I want to protect everything, this is the most effective way."
"What are you trying to protect?"
"Yes, to protect this city, people like you, and well as everything I treasure."
"How conceited. What could someone like you protect!"
"I know my limits, but the man who could protect us is no longer here. However... No,
precisely because of that, I have to do what I can do, even though my power is meager. I don't
want to flee the responsibility that comes with knowing the current crisis situation."
Hearing Jack's plea, Professor West could only shake his head.
"Really... You are hopelessly stubborn, why does Smith only associate with such strange
people! If this leg of mine was good, I could go with you!"
"No way, I can't have anyone dragging me down."
The old man's right leg in a cast, still required some time to recover.
"I know, you fool! To be honest... I also understand that someone has to do this."
Jack bumped fists with the old professor's extended right fist.
The two smiled wryly. Not only John Pluto Smith, but this old man was also a rare
companion and comrade. This was the moment to recognize this relationship.
"Let me advise you, it's enough to just disrupt the ritual, I'll show you how. Do not force
yourself. I have been considering recruiting another warrior of Smith's peers, though it's very
irresponsible, we also have the choice of leaving things to that person."
"A person who can match that man? How could another superhuman like that exist in this
world --"
"Of course there are, but inviting them for assistance requires some troublesome
Jack's protest was instantly refuted.
"Even if he agrees to be recruited to our cause, it doesn't mean he will follow our orders
obediently. He might even cause other problems, and the price for defeating our enemies

could very well be the destruction of the entire city of Los Angeles -- if Smith will come back,
there is no need for us to gamble on such a double-edged option."
"Who could that be... Someone like a fallen angel or a devil king?"
Hearing this comment, Professor West smiled lightly.
"Your comparison is very apt. Yes, correct, they are truly the devil kings... Good, I am going
to hand you the trump card now. Jack, may you be blessed by fortune."
Fortune's blessing, this was assuredly the power most hated by the sorcerers.
The power of fortune accumulated over the ages. The blessing of the fairies and the elves.
That power had the ability to neutralize evil magic and curses, purifying them.
The good fortune stockpiled by a first rate mage like West, definitely could bring tangible
benefits to the receiver.
"Use it when the ritual reaches its peak, do you have a suitable container?"
The Professor made a glance towards his table, where stationery, books and notes were
messily scattered all over.
"A container... is that for placing the blessing?"
"Yes, but the blessing cannot be injected into any object. It has to be something you've
frequently used over the years, a rare item made by a famous craftsman, or spell focus infused
with magical power... If it's not one of those types, fortune's power cannot be poured into it."
This reminded Jack of something.
"If that's the case, maybe this thing can be used?"
Jack opened the briefcase in his hand, and took out a gun the color of steel-Seeing this, Professor West swallowed hard.
"This gun... I thought it disappeared along with Smith."
"It was left behind during the battle with Asherah, and I recovered it."
The six-shot large caliber revolver. The color of blunt and heavy steel, its exterior gave a solid
and resolute feeling.
This was not an ordinary manufactured gun, but the unique magic gun forged personally for
John Pluto Smith.
"If only I was able to use this thing."

"Impossible, this gun was forged by a dark elven metalworker living in the Astral Plane,
gathering extremely rare Eorl steel. Since it was forged specifically for Smith, no one else can
use it, but it would make a most appropriate container."
Professor West took out the magic gun with great reverence, slowly stroking the body of the
gun, chanting an incantation as if making a prayer.
"Pray that good fortune follows you, Jack, what you need most is exactly unparalleled luck!"
Leaving the research lab on his way to the parking lot, Jack met her.
"Jack, it has been a while. What's troubling you? Why is your expression so solemn?"
A voice filled with rationality was striking up a conversation. Jack stopped his heavy
footsteps. Though he didn't have the leisure for a chat right now, he couldn't ignore the owner
of this voice.
"Hello Annie. Come to think of it, we haven't met recently."
"That is because I went away on a trip, and only returned yesterday."
Annie Charlton spoke with her usual stiff expression.
She was Professor West's research assistant, a Caucasian graduate student with vibrant red
hair that appeared as if on fire and cut in a short refreshing style. This was one of her most
memorable features, as well as her women's suit in black.
"A trip... How enviable, did you have fun?"
"Well enough, there were some good and bad things. In terms of a cost/income ratio, probably
break-even exactly, so it was not especially fun."
In response to Jack's casual conversation, Annie's reply was especially stiff.
A cool beauty akin to an ice sculpture, she was rational, calm, reserved, extremely observant,
and possessed an air of intellect and upbringing. If only she had some gentle feminine charm,
she would be completely perfect. Regrettably, God did not prepare such a gift for her.
She was the woman regarded as beautiful and reliable, but completely removed from the
description of "cute."
"I'm sorry, I have to go now, there's a full schedule."
"Is that so? My apologies for taking up your time."
It was going to get busy. Hearing Jack cut the conversation short, Annie lightly shrugged her
shoulders and answered without raising an eyebrow, adding:
"Let us have a good chat another time. If you are free, I do hope you can make time for it."

"Got it, let us chat again then."

Jack replied wryly, for her social awkwardness was a little strange.
Though she did not act like the passionate and forthcoming American stereotype, Annie
Charlton was definitely not lacking in emotions. She just wasn't good at expressing them.
Bidding goodbye to the research assistant he met by chance, Jack walked over to his beloved
By the way, Annie's workplace currently had a "barrier," though Jack wanted to warn her, he
discarded the notion -- it would take too long to explain.
As soon as Jack got in his car, he totally forgot about her.

Part 3
In the end, the trump card did not accomplish its intended purpose.
Disheartened, Jack stared at the ritual under way.
As the sun set, night had descended. The full moon was occupying a position high in the sky
slightly to the west.
On the decks of the luxurious passenger ship docked at the pier of Long Beach, there were
around fifty people of both genders and all ages dressed in exotic costumes, reminding one of
the Venice Carnival.
--No, everyone had arrived.
Wearing all sorts of suits, capes, hats or wraps, it was like an anachronistic fashion show.
They also wore masks that only showed the eyes, with all sorts of intricate masks.
This was not a costume party held on a whim by a group of leisurely gentlemen and ladies.
They were all sorcerers belonging to [King of Flies], demons gathered here for the revival of
the divine ancestor Asherah.
However, virtually all of them were critically injured and covered with blood, on their last
dying breaths.
...Going back to the events that happened an hour ago.
Under the cover of this evening banquet that seemed like a joke, the sorcerers had gathered
together, laying the sleeping coffin of the divine ancestor in the center, waiting for the ritual
to begin when the moon reached the peak of the sky.
Tonight, no one on the ship was an ordinary person. All crew and staff were members of the
[King of Flies].

Except one. Jack Milburn had disguised himself, wearing a black cape and a tuxedo with a
"Gods granting us protection, pray bestow your blessing to our queen!"
"Gods granting us protection, pray bestow your blessing to our queen!"
Forming a circle, everyone was chanting some strange incantation, immersed in the ritual of
Jack showed a displeased expression and mouthed responses along with them.
Though he had never received any training, his aptitude in magic allowed him to sense that
magical power was increasing. It was almost time. Thanks to his thick cape, concealing the
magic gun was not an issue.
The lack of a body search made Jack feel less tense.
Feeling the magic gun under his cape, he muttered the words to himself: "by this good
fortune, pray grant me your blessing." Its effects were instant, immediately negating all magic
in the area, causing the ritual to halt in failure.
However, the sorcerers then said:
--It failed.
--If this continues, we have failed the divine ancestor. What shall we do?
--If we wait for the next full moon to attempt the regeneration ceremony again, how will the
revived divine ancestor punish our failures?
--I think we have no choice. Yes, then the answer is clear.
--Ok, let's do that, if the moon is only slightly off, we can solve this with our bodies.
"Gods granting us protection, pray bestow your blessing to our queen!"
The sorcerers' ritual began once again.
What were they planning? The one who was not a sorcerer, Jack's question was immediately
A cult follower's head exploded suddenly.
Blood, flesh, skin, brains, bones, and bodily fluids were sent flying everywhere, splattering all
over the deck and the other members.
"Gods granting us protection, pray bestow your blessing to our queen!"
However, the group chanting did not stop, and another explosion occurred.

A follower's hands, another's abdomen, the neck of the one beside him, the cult members fell
down in turn with a series of body part explosions.
Dead without a doubt, there was no need to even check. Jack was completely certain.
"Gods granting us protection, pray bestow your blessing to our queen!"
Yet another died. So that's what they meant by solving with their bodies!
At this time, the coffin opened with a creak. It seemed like it was opened from inside.
"I am the heavens. Thou, tremblest before me! I am the earth. Thou, cursest me!"
From within the coffin, a young brown-haired girl stood up.
Her age definitely no more than ten and a half, she had a beautiful face like an angel.
"Enlil[2] be my head, and the light of the midday be my face!"
The young girl chanted the holy verses loud and clearly.
A voice crisp as the ringing of a bell and full of seduction, somehow it gave Jack a sense of
discomfort with goosebumps.
"My protector is the incomparable goddess Uras[3]! My neck wears the necklace of the
goddess Ninlil[4]!"
The embodiment of tender immature beauty, her eyes were turning vicious, however.
It could be described as a savage countenance, for that gaze and facial expression looked as if
she was about to tear apart everything within her sight.
"My hands are the scythes of the moon shining in the western sky! My fingers are the willow
branches formed from the bones of the revered gods."
The young girl took off the red robe she was wearing.
Her naked skin completely laid bare, the thin and small torso did not carry an ounce of fat,
and the body was also lacking in exquisite curves. However, this emphasized its beauty -- the
sort akin to unripened fruit, an innocent and undeveloped beauty that is lost to mature women.
But what caught Jack's eye most of all were the wounds carved all over the young girl's body.
Upon the white complexion of her back, chest, abdomen, waist, legs and neck.
As if her skin had been stretched by some external force, leaving behind what appeared to be
burns, there were red and black wounds distributed all over the body.
Pus was continually seeping out from the bloody wounds, and the sight alone made one feel

Clearly the red stains on the robe the girl took off, must have been the result of this blood.
"Gods granting us protection, pray drive out the demonic curse in this body! O Lugal
Edinnu[5], O La-Tarak[6], ye be my chest and knees! O stars of the constellations[7], grant unto
me strong and healthy legs!"
The frightful voice of the lovely young girl resounded through the sky.
She was the master of the ritual, she was the ruler, she was the head of the [King of Flies], the
divine ancestor Asherah!
"Gods granting us protection, pray bestow your blessing to our queen!"
In coordination with Asherah's sacred words, the people surrounding her chanted quietly.
Praying in unison, the people gathered here, their faith and piety were completely flawless.
But the object of their faith was the witch bringing disaster, and the precepts they offered
themselves to were those of an evil cult. Such actions of faith could only be described as antiestablishment.
The believers fell one after another, dying in succession.
"Gods granting us protection, pray bestow your blessing to our queen!"
The group chanting never stopped. With each new explosion, one more person died.
Standing in the center, Asherah's wounds were healed one by one as each believer exploded.
The red and black scars gradually lessened, the pus-oozing skin recovered, and the bleeding
stopped. In what seemed like an instant, the majority of the wounds on the witch's body had
disappeared, other than on her back. Her pure white complexion was so pristine that it could
reflect the silvery moonlight. By this point, only three or four surviving believers remained.
Jack made his decision. Since things have come to this, his only choice was to defeat Asherah
personally and then leave.
He pulled out his concealed automatic pistol.
From roughly ten meters away from Asherah, he aimed and fired at the abdomen, followed by
the right leg and left leg. All the bullets reached their targets, but no harm was done!
This witch could not be hurt by guns alone!?
"I was thinking what kind of stray wandered into here, but it's you. I remember you as the dog
of John Pluto Smith."
One vicious glare from her shattered Jack's mask. The horrifying feeling carried in her cute
voice made Jack feel like his internal organs were frozen.

"Servants, offer me your lives! This is an order!"

Asherah commanded her believers as she stared at Jack with eyes of despise as if looking at
worthless rubbish.
The remaining believers instantly exploded all at once. Heads, bodies, and limbs were blown
to smithereens, spattering the area with blood and the stench of death.
--That's right, the witch's small body no longer had any wounds, and was completely healed.
Asherah had revived in splendor.
She was the ruler of these dismembered corpses scattered all around, as well as the witch of
this blood-stained space. This was the embodiment of death and violent abuse. In front of her,
Jack Milburn was just an insignificant and powerless flunkie, without a single chance of
Jack threw his gun onto the deck. Even in this kind of hopeless situation, he did not abandon
his last and only hope. Reaching under his cape, he pulled out a revolver from the holster on
his back.
The steel-colored magic gun, the bow used to fire the black-clad hero's magic bullets. Jack
aimed the muzzle at the witch.
"Oh, you still wish to struggle? But what kind of trick can you pull out?"
Asherah's vicious face showed a twisted smile.
She considered the magic gun aimed at her completely harmless.
"I know very well, that ugly lump of steel is the toy used by John Pluto Smith, and not
something that could be used by the likes of you, get a clue!"
Seeing the relic of the deceased hero before her, the witch could not help but jeer.
"This chunk of metal does not shoot lead bullets. It is the rare artifact specially created for
firing the magic arrows John Pluto Smith usurped from the moon goddess Artemis. It would
be different for a [King] of his level... But trash like you won't even be able to pull the
Asherah's mockery was perfectly reasonable.
He had already tried many times, but no matter how hard Jack pulled, the hammer did not
budge at all. However, this was the only weapon left that could damage the inhuman witch.
Accompanying his prayers, the hammer finally cocked, and the trigger was depressed.
Unlike a normal muzzle flash, what fired out was a bright light similar to blue-white

The bright flash transformed into a blue dragon of light, piercing the divine ancestor Asherah
through the bottom of one of her tiny breasts, exiting her back and ascending into the center
of the heavens.
Jack watched in shock at what took place before him.
Success was completely unexpected, for he was just struggling and gambling without hope.
Just as Asherah pointed out, this magic gun was not a tool that Jack could use.
"--Ugh! Impossible, how could this...!?"
Vomiting blood, Asherah roared in pain. Yes, how?
Clack clack clack clack. This was a very familiar sound. Clack clack clack clack. The sound
of metal tipped boots striking the ground, those distinctive footsteps were approaching.
It was the man with no sense of timing, who always appeared at the climax, the casual
footsteps of the latecomer.
Every time Jack heard these footsteps he would wonder. Clearly tardy, but never displaying
any embarrassment, a complete lack of frantic haste, the leisurely footsteps of that man.
"Impossible...! How, how could you be here!?"
"What a pointless question. Aren't you people the ones who call me Pluto the king of the
With an elegant tenor voice, he refuted Asherah's question.
Concealing his face was a mask made from black armor. Like the safety helmet of a racecar
driver's, the visor was like the compound eyes of an insect.
"Could it be that you assumed that I was defeated in the last battle? If that's the case, you
underestimate me. As the king of the underworld, I do have to visit home once every now and
then, oh?"
Fluttering his black cape like a vampire, he approached slowly.
Beneath the cape, he was dressed like an early modern European aristocrat in courtly attire, in
a high class blue-themed outfit.
The elegance of his every move, reminded one of an experienced theatrical actor, but his
height was not that impressive, and his figure was rather slender.
"Even if I died and visited the underworld, one day I will return to the earth. This is a law of
nature, and if you can't even predict that, divine ancestor Asherah, you are too foolish. The
cause of your defeat is your own stupidity."
"Mmmm--! Damn John Pluto Smith! You detestable god-slayer!"

The powerful witch glared menacingly at the masked aristocrat.

It was true, his name was John Pluto Smith after all.
"It's great to see you in such fine spirits, Jack. Have you finally taken an interest in my
beloved attire? This is cause for celebration."
The black mask vibrated from his smile.
John Pluto's sight was now drawn to the black cape and tuxedo worn by Jack. Standing beside
him in such attire, it was really like a costume ball.
"Let me make myself clear, I don't share your interest in costume play. Don't compare me to
your pathological interest in dressing up. I only did it because I had no other way to slip in
here undetected!"
"In that case, then let tonight be the first step in cultivating such an interest!"
He was smiling happily on the deck of this luxurious passenger ship, where dead bodies were
strewn everywhere.
Bathed under the light of the full moon, the glamorous hero showed off his handsome
appearance to all around.
There was no other lead in the spotlight apart from him. Even the fearful existence of Asherah
was nothing in the presence of John Pluto Smith.
"Listen well, Jack, tonight we are the victors, the joint victory of we who share similar tastes,
should we not have a great celebration together?"
Jack couldn't help but be perplexed by John Pluto's victory declaration.
"Victory? Smith, don't be careless. The battle is not over yet!"
"It's over... Am I right, Asherah?"
He turned to face the otherworldly witch with his visor.
Despite having her heart pierced by the flash of light from the magic gun, Asherah was still
However, she looked like she did not even have the strength to stand. Kneeling upon the deck,
massive amounts of blood were flowing from the giant hole in her chest. Though coughing
blood nonstop, she was alive.
The bloodshot eyes of the witch, cursed frightfully at the black mask.
"This gun is a tool existing only to shoot my power. If I am not present, it is a useless piece of
metal as you say. However, as long as I am near and activate my authority, other shooters can
use it."

So that was the reason, which was why Jack could pull the trigger just now.
Hearing his friend's explanation, Jack finally understood.
"Due to my absence, you were carelessly hit by Artemis' arrow. Even for the Heretic Snake,
you cannot reverse the tides of battle at this point. It is our victory."
The immensely powerful magic gun did have its restrictions.
Its ammunition was refilled only once a lunar cycle, and could only be fired six times each
On the other hand, it was extremely powerful. A bullet fired from this magic gun, transformed
into an ascending blue dragon of light, penetrating buildings, vaporizing thick rock, and could
even reshape landscape.
The trajectory could be controlled by the shooter's will to chase after enemies. According to
rumors, if the power of all six bullets was concentrated and compressed, much greater
firepower could be produced.
As implied by the name of the magic gun, it was like a weapon of demons.
"Jack... Actually I already returned to Los Angeles a few hours ago, and I found out about
your plan. Though I could have stopped you, I had to observe silently in anticipation of this
"What did you say? Smith, you keep treating others like tools --"
"What a heart-breaking assessment. I truly believe in my friends, that is why I entrusted my
hopes to you... That is how you should interpret things."
What outrageous words, Smith's style was like a reckless gambler, everything goes as long as
there was a happy ending.
Everything was back to business as usual. Having complained, Jack snorted in protest. If the
guy acted any differently, he would not be the masked friend he knew from before!
"Don't get too full of yourself, John Pluto Smith! I am not finished here! Do not underestimate
me, the descendant of the immortal snake!"
Asherah roared loudly! Her lovely features were stained red with blood, and she was howling
with a face as hideous as a demon.
Her bloodstained body flew into the sky and began to expand and transform, turning into the
massive serpent witnessed a week ago.
"Of course I haven't forgotten, but I've already seen through your little trick, it is no longer a
John Pluto Smith fluttered his cape just like last time.

"Leave the ship first. I'd like to have good drink tonight, so let us drink together till dawn, to
celebrate the success of driving this witch out of Los Angeles!"
The unsociable and secretive man.
The man who refused normal friendship and never revealed his identity.
Jack was shocked by the proposal that went counter to Smith's usual behavior. And so the
showdown, between the masked hero and the witch who turned into a snake, entered its
finishing stage.

Part 4
The luxurious passenger ship was entangled by the giant silvery-white snake.
Compared to the three-hundred-meter long, sixty-meter tall ship weighing over fifteen
thousand tons, the massive snake no longer seemed that big, but the solemn atmosphere was
still present.
This time, the beautiful body of the snake was covered with wounds and stained red by
massive amounts of blood.
The night sky was obscured by thunder clouds. As lightning descended upon the surface, the
target of the thunder god's hammer was the ship rather than the massive silver-white serpent.
Thunderous roars and crashes, flashes and flames.
Struck by lightning, the luxurious passenger ship turned into an unusual bonfire.
Amidst the flames, stood a giant.
His appearance was rather extraordinary, however. Standing tall at fifteen meters or so,
possessing a well-proportioned body, with pitch black skin as dark as night, and horizontal
striped facial markings of black and yellow.
Also, the right foot alone appeared to be obsidian instead of flesh.
Reflecting the seductive moonlight, it was made of shining rock.
Covering the giant body was brightly colored fabric in red, orange and black, with avian
feathers giving a strange turkey-like appearance. The wooden cylinder hanging on his back
carried a couple of spears.
It was a strange appearance bearing great similarity to a shaman of some primitive religion.
[Archmage]. John Pluto Smith's strongest transformation.
The strange-looking giant and the silvery-white serpent fought each other, completely
destroying the pier and what remained of the ship. Very clearly, the giant held the advantage.

As predicted, the outcome had already been decided from the moment the magic bullet was
Sparks surrounded the entire body of the black mage, giving off powerful lightning strikes.
Striking the silver scales, the burning hot lightning scorched the flesh beneath, causing
Asherah's giant serpentine body to squirm and writhe violently.
Excellent, your demise is imminent, if you're still planning on blowing yourself up, now is
the time.
From the mouth of the mage came John Pluto Smith's voice.
However, Asherah, I suspect you no longer have the strength for that? The suicide
explosion last time had consumed all of the essence of dragon pulse that took you multiple
years to accumulate. You have lost.
"Damn it, you dare obstruct the second coming of the great earth mother, devil king! You
The silvery-white serpent spoke in vengeful tones with Asherah's voice, but John Pluto
Smith's response was both calm and cold.
Correct. I am the devil king, as well as the god-slayer... That is why I show you no
Carrying the will of obliteration, the hero and the devil king declared.
In order to destroy you, let me tell you about my greatness -- as the omnipotent one, all
citizens exist for my use. The people are my slaves, I am the wind of the night, I rule the earth
and the sky, I am the most noble mage!
These were spell words.
Spell words of annihilation that destroyed oneself along with the enemy, it was a secret art of
transformation that ensured mutual destruction.
The body of the shaman suddenly dispersed into mist. Gathered around the mist were
electrical sparks which gave off the sound of thunder.
I am the axe of the night that calls forth termination! The god of creation and
The electrified mist transformed into black flames. This was John Pluto Smith's ultimate
incarnation, the [Flames of Annihilation].
The black flames surrounded the silver-white serpent, consuming it in one fell swoop.
"Oooaaaaaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Burn to the very end along with my body, Asherah!

As the black flames of disaster scorched and consumed the exotic snake, the sky over Long
Beach was illuminated with a strange color. This scene was testament to the demise of the
[King of Flies] and the defeat of the divine ancestor Asherah.
Following the orders of his friend, Jack swiftly left the ship.
Whenever John Pluto Smith started fighting, it was best to keep one's distance.
Various [Sacrifices] were needed in order for him to use magic. If one weren't careful, one
could easily end up as tragic as those offerings.
Take the [Archmage] for example, it required a man-made massive structure as [Sacrifice].
Whenever John Pluto Smith took on that form, he had no choice but to destroy a piece of the
Los Angeles city that he protected.
There were also other [Sacrifices] that inconvenienced people's lives, even ones that were as
bloody as live sacrifices. The people of Los Angeles endured these sacrifices for the sake of
supporting the black hero's fight.
Like taxes paid to maintain a [King]'s protection, as subjects of his virtues and abilities, the
citizens had to fulfill their duty through taxation.
From the pier, Jack watched the progress of the battle from beginning to end, but he was not
the only audience.
At some point in time, almost a hundred people had gathered.
The nearby residents, people who came here by car, they did not look like they were just here
for a show. Some were piously watching the fight while others were praying with their hands
together, their eyes tightly closed.
Most likely, they came to witness the return of Los Angeles' protector.
Finally reaching a conclusion, the people let out sighs of relief. At this time, a voice was
"Jack, are you okay?"
Jack turned back to find a twenty-something-year-old Caucasian woman. He had seen her
somewhere before -- actually, this was a very familiar face.
"Allison? Why are you here?"
"All because you made that kind of phone call! What the heck, it sounded like a message of
last words!"
Allison angrily embraced him.

Jack accepted her embrace without thought, hugging his most beloved woman as tightly as he
"Another dangerous emergency again, I was so worried! I kept checking the news on the radio
and the internet... Once I heard from the radio broadcast, that person -- our king had returned
after a week, I rushed here immediately."
There existed in this city a public radio station that broadcasted John Pluto Smith's
appearances live. On the internet, others did the same in the same spirit.
Though the masked protector was deemed an unofficial hero, there were people who thought
of him as a tyrant disrupting peaceful city life, and even took up self-defense measures.
Usually, they would be the ones providing evacuation information to nearby residents.
However, their efforts this time achieved the result of publicizing the return of the protector,
causing people to gather in this place.
Furthermore, they had unwittingly helped two lovers reunite, as Jack and Allison immersed
themselves in deep embrace, affirming each other's existences.
At this time, certain particular footsteps were heard once more, that clacking sound of metaltipped boots striking the ground.
Jack looked up and Allison followed suit.
Out from the depths of the darkness, John Pluto Smith was walking towards him. The people
welcomed him with eyes of trust and fearful respect, but no one dared to speak to him.
The people automatically opened a path for him, gazing at this strange man from afar.
He was the hero protecting the people, but that was not all.
The [King] feared and admired by the people, he was the dark monarch lording over this city
devoid of angels.
"Looks like you escaped safely. Very good. If you didn't even have that level of ability, you
wouldn't be qualified to be my assistant."
"Smith, could you not saddle me with the role of Dr. Watson?[8] I have no intention of quitting
my current job... But still, I don't look forward to even stranger errands in the future."
Jack answered the king's greeting with agitation.
Perhaps due to vanquishing his mortal enemy, John Pluto was smiling with joy.
"If you prefer, the role of Dick Grayson[9] is not bad either! As for your current workplace, I
will help you make arrangements. It can be resolved straight away -- oh by the way, about that
proposal I made on the ship, a little celebration... That..."

In a very rare instant, the usually sharp-tongued John Pluto was suddenly at a loss for words.
Observing the direction of his friend's visor, Jack found him staring at the lady beside him.
"Smith, let me make introductions. She is Allison, someone most precious to me."
Exchanging glances with his former fiance, they smiled at each other.
"Oh, I've heard the name before, it was your original partner... You did mention it once, but
you broke up half a year ago, I did have the impression you said that..."
Jack felt it must be his lucky night, for him to be able to witness such a rare scene.
For some unknown reason, John Pluto Smith was becoming extremely flustered. Seeing his
friend lose composure for the first time, Jack couldn't help but laugh wryly.
"Wow it's amazing you remembered that. You're right, but in the end we got back together
again... Yes, about that celebration, if possible... Could we let Allison join us--"
"No, no! Please carefully reconsider your suggestion."
John Pluto replied frantically.
"Such behavior is inconsistent with my style after all. Someone like me shouldn't have made
such a pointless suggestion in a fit of overexcitement before a battle. Please forget it."
"Oh, I don't really mind... But clearly you are the one who invited me first, so that's truly
willful of you."
"Yes, I am a willful and capricious person, so please forgive the rudeness of going back upon
my words. My apologies."
Finally back to normal, the masked friend apologized to Jack proudly.
Jack laughed wryly. This guy wouldn't be John Pluto Smith otherwise. He was a man who
kept his distance and maintained secrecy even towards his closest friend.
"It is about time for me to depart. Goodbye, Jack!"
As the masked friend finished his words, the lights in the surroundings all went out.
All lighting systems in the Long Beach area lost their function.
Street lights went out and so did the headlights of cars. All the way until dawn, no light could
be generated. Even if one took out a flashlight, it was useless.
And then John Pluto Smith transformed.
Using the surrounding light as a [Sacrifice], he turned himself into the [Jaguar]. In the past,
this transformation once plunged the entire Hollywood in a state of darkness.

Jack and the crowd could still make out a form in the pitch black darkness.
The hero in the shape of a [Jaguar] -- with a pair of eyes flashing brightly like emeralds in the
Ooooooohhhh! The fearsome beast's roar tore through the dark night as John Pluto Smith's
incarnation disappeared like the rushing wind.
"So, goodbye, John Pluto Smith."
Watching his friend depart, Jack muttered to himself, but it was not a permanent farewell.
When this chaotic city finds itself in a new crisis, the [King] with the black mask will surely
return. And then, when his friends truly have need of his powers, he will definitely come

Part 5
It was afternoon on the day after John Pluto Smith had defeated divine ancestor Asherah.
Joe West was visiting a house located in a quiet corner of Los Feliz. This house was way too
large for two people, just a master and a butler, but no one complained. At least the butler,
who knew his master's true identity, did not complain.
"Hi Dennis, how's our queen feeling?"
"Most unfortunately, the worst of the worst, Professor West."
Inquiring the old butler who came to greet at the door, it was an unfavorable answer.
And then he was taken to the living room. West silently thanked God that it was not the
bedroom. At least it wouldn't end up requiring him to drink overnight on the bed until dawn...
The worst case scenario.
"It's a beautiful day today, my queen. No, Annie. By the way, for you to be drinking alone in
depression, that is far too disrespectful to alcohol culture."
"Shut up, am I not allowed to drink now!"
The casual greeting resulted in a standard response of an alcoholic.
Annie Charlton sank herself deeply in the sofa couch.
The round table on the side was full of empty bottles and used glasses. The reason why the
empty bottles were not scattered all over the ground, was only due to the diligent efforts of the
flawless old butler.
"...May I ask the reason of your displeasure?"
"Oooh, to think Jack already had a woman~~ That bastard, he clearly said he was single!"

Due to being drunk, Annie answered with moist eyes. The usual cool beauty with her stiff
facial expression and tone of voice had completely vanished. Alcohol truly changes people
"Even if he has a significant other, it doesn't matter, right?"
"No, what about me, I had my eyes on him a year ago already!"
Though their relationship was between a professor and his assistant, they were already old
This was why Joe West knew the true side of Annie Charlton.
Rational, calm and reserved, the 'capable woman' who was both intellectual and took action
with initiative. She possessed the airs of a serious and rigid honors student.
But under certain conditions, her entire attitude and behavior became like a completely
different person's.
For example, when she drowned her sorrows in alcohol, or when she wore certain clothing, an
outsider's perspective would definitely diagnose her as too repressed in her usual life.
Anyway, West decided to comfort her first.
"This sounds exceedingly commonplace, but with so many men in this world, why don't you
just find a new love?"
"Let me say, the men that catch my eye, all of them are rare breeds! Take Jack, clearly so
handsome and stylish, yet he does not pride himself on his looks. Even though he is a hotblooded male, he doesn't give off the impression as overly passionate. Though a little rash
sometimes, he has good wits, isn't this a rare and excellent breed!"
Annie finally began to sob and cry loudly.
"Even so, I secretly worked hard to shrink the distance between us. Like discreetly helping
him in his work, playing appropriate jokes to lighten his seriousness, and deepen his
impression of me. I struggled to find reasons to see him at least once a week! Finally, he
recently started to confide in me to discuss his private troubles, how did things turn out like
this in the end!"
"Annie, may I... You did all that under the identity of John Pluto Smith, right?"
West tried to remind the heartbroken(?) drunk.
Annie Charlton, twenty-seven years old this year.
Defeating the Aztec demonic god Tezcatlipoca in her teens through a convoluted series of
events, she became the god-slaying warrior, with the alias John Pluto Smith.
"Despite what you said, Annie is just a mere acquaintance to Jack, right?"

"I have no other choice~~ Dressing up every single night to carry out heroic acts, it's already
been ten years -- Occupied all this time, with absolutely no time to get along with guys, I have
completely no idea how to approach a man."
West couldn't help but sigh. He had dragged his broken leg all this way specifically to
celebrate with her, but there was no mood for that now.
On that night, during the instant when Asherah self-destructed in the sea.
Annie had transformed herself into the [Flames of Annihilation], and deliberately lost her
physical form.
Due to the success of that move, she did not suffer fatal wounds, but the heavy injuries caused
her to fall into a coma, floating away along ocean currents. Luckily she was saved by a
patrolling speed boat. It took a week for her to recover, after which she hurried back to Los
This was a minor interlude in the life of the warrior who possessed extraordinary vitality.
The old friend and butler watched from the side as Annie Charlton drank to escape reality.
Afterwards, she said that the reason why she did not usurp a new authority from the defeat of
Asherah, was likely because the snake deity was transformed from a divine ancestor, and not
a true [Heretic God]... So it was natural not to receive an authority.
Discovering the error in this conclusion, was something that happened much later.

Chapter 2 - Restless Demonesses

Part 1
The Batanes Islands were located in the northernmost part of the Philippines.
Situated between the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, they were actually closer to
Taiwan than the main territory of the Philippines. The Batanes were a group of islands where
the majority of income was brought by the export of agriculture and fishing.
In this cluster of islands, the northernmost island of Yami was uninhabited.
But currently, there was a child standing on a beach on that island.
She was clearly not Japanese, but a young and beautiful Caucasian girl aged roughly twelve
or thirteen.
The elegant curving curls of her blonde hair, adorned the extremely proper and beautiful face.
It was like a classic doll crafted as a supreme doll maker's masterpiece of a lifetime.

If that was an adequate description, the beauty of late childhood suited her quite well in
tandem with the seductiveness of the black formal dress she was wearing.
"Welcome, Your Eminence. I, Guinevere, pay my sincere respects."
The beautiful young girl suddenly knelt on the beach, murmuring to herself.
There was no one in the direction she bowed her head towards, only the vast ocean connected
to the Pacific.
However, a voice could be heard in response.
"Divine Ancestor, please dispense with the formalities. Let's skip the boring manners and get
to the point."
A beautiful voice that reminded one of the yueqin[10] instrument, this voice came from
amongst the waves.
Nearby the seawater gathered together gradually, forming the figure of a woman.
"The content of the report you sent to the Mount Lu[11] convent was enough to pique my
curiosity. So I command you, if you wish to hand over the dying [Heretic Snake] to me, better
be quick, everything starts here."
The growl of the lion and the roar of the tiger. This beautiful voice carried the same majesty
as the kings of the beasts.
The seawater had now shaped itself into a transcendent beauty.
With a face as proper as precious jade, a standing posture akin to mimosa, and braided black
hair that rivaled silk, she appeared to be seventeen or eighteen in age.
Clad in female Han Chinese clothing[12], this was the figure of the girl standing calmly
amongst the waves.

"Understood, Your Eminence -- come, Asherah."

The girl named Guinevere lightly called to the sea.
Beyond the girl referred to as "Your Eminence," the sea responded. Wash... Wash... The
waves bobbed up and down. After a few minutes, a third female appeared.
The waves carried her body, lifting her onto the beach of Yami Island.
She turned out to be the witch called Divine Ancestor Asherah at Los Angeles.
Covered with wounds, there were numerous red and black wounds all over the immature
In her current state, Asherah could only pant facing the sky while the waves broke over her.
The ferocious appearance of the evil witch was no longer. Completely worn down and drained
by the icy coldness of the seawater, her face was like a dead person's.
"...I see, this is definitely the kin of the divine ancestor. Furthermore, the divine power
hanging around her body... the seal of the dragon snake has been broken."
"Yes, in order to fight Your Eminence's peer -- John Pluto Smith-sama, there was no other
Guinevere answered respectfully to the beauty looking down at the dying witch.
"Such a name exists amongst the ones who share the name of [King] with me?"
"Yes, the [King] who arose in the New World, Your Eminence Luo Hao."
Family name of Luo, given name of Cuilian, style name[13] of Hao. This was the name of the
Hearing Guinevere's explanation, Luo Hao only nodded.
It had been two hundred years since she usurped divine authority. During this time, she did
not investigate any of her newborn peers, nor did she have any interest in doing so. At most,
she might remember their name.
Luo Cuilian was the one and only person in the universe, one who had reached the pinnacle of
martial power, having attained the level of seeking defeat but never finding it.
Unconcerned with displaying her splendor to others, such trivial matters completely failed to
cross her mind.
"These appear to be burns from the fires of purgatory. From the looks of it, that John
whatever shouldn't have committed the stupid mistake of failing to give her a finishing blow.
Truly a feat for this girl to survive till now. Did you play a hand in this?"

Carefully examining Asherah's body, Luo Hao questioned Guinevere.

The scorched and burned body of the snake demon. Carved upon the body of the witch were
red, black and pus-filled wounds of indiscernible nature. To be able to deduce what transpired
during the fight simply from these clues -- such were the extraordinary levels of Luo Hao's
"Precisely, she should have become a carcass a long time ago, returning to the motherly
embrace of this vast ocean, and begun a new journey through the cycle of reincarnation... But
I shared a little of my life with her."
Guinevere maintained her posture of prostration as she replied.
Never making eye contact with Luo Hao, it was the required etiquette for receiving a supreme
"As long as Asherah is kept alive, then that hero, who is your destined rival, will surely
"Are you offering your kin to me? Very well, speak your wish."
The solemn and beautiful eyes turned to the young beauty.
"I, Luo Hao, am not one of those fools who forget the meaning of shamelessness. I shall never
be parsimonious with the rewards for those who have earned merit or offered things of value.
Let me bestow the reward of your choosing."
Never suspecting the treachery of those who made offerings, nor wary of ulterior ambitions or
motives, because those were actions beneath a king's stature.
If there was a trap, smash it with the fist. If there was a conspiracy, sever it with the sword. If
there was a rebellion, crush it with royal majesty.
These were kingly ways of the one at the pinnacle of martial power. Precisely due to this selfconfidence, such an edict was naturally decreed.
"--None, I have no wish to ask anything of you."
Towards Guinevere's response, Luo Hao frowned with displeasure.
But after hearing her following response, the oriental devil king's lips lifted.
"If that hero of [Steel] revives, then the great one will surely seek Your Eminence for a duel.
If the great hero wins, the new event I wish for will occur."
Watching the young girl speak, the corners of the transcendent beauty's lips rose slightly, for
that was how she smiled.
"If it turns out to be the victory of Your Eminence, that proves the hero is not the one I await.
No matter which outcome, neither is disagreeable for me."

"In the struggle between me and that one, you will benefit regardless -- that is what you are
Cult Leader Luo Hao smiled beautifully.
"Fine, you do not seek a direct reward from me, but plan on profiting by using me... Your
courage is commendable. I, Luo Cuilian, appreciate this kind of reply."
"Your Eminence is too kind."
Guinevere was prostrating herself respectfully without any sense of servility. Luo Hao gave
her a casual glance then spoke in acute tones:
"Divine Ancestor Guinevere. Now, go transport Asherah to Japan and I shall send my
subordinates over there. Make sure they complete all preparations before my arrival."
"Your subordinates... In other words, someone from the Holy Cult will be accompanying
The Holy Cult of the Five Mountains that worshiped their leader Luo Hao as their idol, was
called the demonic cult by European magi. Roughly thirty percent of all heroes[14] trained in
Chinese martial arts and practitioners of Daoist arts[15] were members of this cult, and swore
absolute allegiance to the Cult Leader.
"Yes, whether this girl will be usable after all... That is also a huge question."
"Having broken the seal of the dragon snake, you won't last for long. Estimating from now -probably a month or so... Asherah, are you willing to accept this?"
Asherah got up slowly in order to respond to Luo Hao's questioning.
Slowly raising her upper torso, she showed a happy smile. This evil smile gave off the same
feeling as the vicious countenance she bore back in Los Angeles.
"So be it, have this divine ancestor transported to Japan, and use her as the sacrifice. My fated
rival must be revived."
It was the California Current[16] that had brought Asherah over from Los Angeles. After
leaving it and entering the South China Sea, the Kuroshio Current[17] would carry her to the
Bousou Peninsula[18] of Japan.
Once Guinevere accepted the royal edict, Luo Hao's figure immediately dissolved in the
The actual residence of the beautiful cult leader, was located at Mount Lu in the Chinese
province of Jiangxi.
She lived in a little convent deep in the mountains. She never left this place unless there were
important matters to attend personally. All the dialogues undertaken with the witch so far,
were undertaken through Luo Hao's doppelgngers sent over locally.

Practitioners of Daoist arts were called Daoist priests. A female practitioner was commonly
called a Daoist priestess.
Luo Cuilian was the world's premier unmatched martial artist, and at the same time, a Daoist
priestess. Amongst the seven Campiones, she was a complete demon that rivaled Marquis
Voban of Eastern Europe.
This scene that just unfolded, laid the foundations for the eventual encounter between the
great Demonic Cult Leader and Kusanagi Godou.

Part 2
The origins of the Witenagemot[19] could be described as a gathering of meddlesome
People deeply involved in magic like magi, occultists, fairy doctors and others.
Or those who were just short of being experts, such as ordinary scholars, marketplace
researchers, Catholic priests, Protestant preachers, monks, Shinto priests, artists, capitalists,
nobles, royalty, imperial families -Gathering together for the exchange of information, this organization was created by those
with ambition and desire, as well as the wealth to support their will. As wisdom accumulated
in this organization, its influence expanded, and it established its headquarters at Greenwich
in London.
This was the modern Witenagemot.
The chief organization to promote and support occult studies and the research of magic.
As well as the organization for gathering intelligence on gods and Campiones, so as to
respond as quickly as possible to the disasters brought by their descent.
Hampstead was the prestigious high class residential area in London.
In a corner of Hampstead was a mansion with an appearance like an ancient castle. Having
wide open gardens, a four-story building, as well as four towers... Such was its grandeur.
Concentrated in this area were many other similarly grand looking mansions, so this particular
one didn't stand out very much. However, the master of this house was a single lady. All other
residents were her servants... That particular point was rather unusual.
The daughter of Duke Goddodin, Alice Louise of Navarre.
Popularly known as Princess Alice, she was the former spokesperson of the Witenagemot, and
now a special consultant.
This was the title of the mansion's owner, who was now happily admiring the scenery in the
garden under the sun, a scarf around her shoulders as she sat on the reclining chair.

The twenty-four-year-old daughter of the duke had many outstanding qualities.

If one were to start with her appearance, she possessed brilliant blonde hair the color of
platinum, beauty that had been praised since childhood, an outstanding figure and much more,
but she was currently using one of her internal talents.
She concentrated her mind, extending sensory tendrils.
Beginning first with her immediate surroundings, then covering the entire house, finally
extending outwards -It was just as her dream foretold last night. Alice spoke to the maid beside her:
"Could you brew me some tea? No, don't bother with mine, just bring it over when the guest
arrives, it's just for him."
"U-Understood, Princess."
Princess Alice rarely ate outside. The new maid, who had yet to learn of her habits, could only
follow her strange orders with puzzlement as she took out the teaware.
Before she was ready, the guest arrived.
"It's been a while, Alexandre, tea is being prepared for you. Please wait a moment."
The uninvited guest was her confidant she had known for ten years.
Towards the young man strolling casually along the garden path, Alice called to him as if
playing a practical joke.
"No, not necessary. I'm not thirsty at all. I don't think you are planning on having tea either, so
spare the hassle."
The approaching youth answered coldly.
His elegant features were stuck on a poker face, and lacking in affability. However, he did not
seem to be in particularly bad mood, for this was his usual expression. Lacking in
friendliness, but instilled with an air of intellect and strong will.
Black hair and pale white complexion. Very tall with a solidly built body. Wearing a grey
jacket, the description of noble gentleman was very apt.
To avoid their conversation from being overheard, Alice dismissed her maids.
"No one is around, right? Confirm it with that voyeur ability of yours."
"What a way to describe things, totally lacking in elegance. Please adhere to our convention
of calling it psychic sensing, though talking to you about the importance of lingual aesthetics
would be like casting pearls before swine."

Eliminating all unnecessary thoughts, and focusing her attention to explore the presence,
emotions, and even the thoughts of others. Then interacting with the root of consciousness -the ectoplasm and the soul, to skillfully and flexibly manipulate it, this was the technique of
psychic sensing.
The unique talent of Princess Alice, was known to everyone in the organization.
Only an extremely rare number of miko or witches had this ability, a very exotic variant of
spirit power. But against someone with absolute resistance against magic and spirit powers
like him, his mind could not be read. Simply sensing his terrifying demonic presence was
extremely exhausting.
"Hmph, you are always doing unspeakable things in the dark, for you to be that concerned
with superficial matters, what a crafty female fox."
"How dare you, true to your recidivist trespassing tendencies, to use such a crude description
on a lady, the title of prince must be weeping."
The first time they met was twelve years ago, when Alice was twelve and he was sixteen.
From that moment on, the two often quarreled in this manner.
Though they were now adults, Alexandre's poker face was exactly the same as before,
completely unconcerned with how others viewed him, and never changing his habit of
intruding into the homes of young ladies by force.
"Then could you not use this kind of substitute body?"
Suddenly glared at by him, Alice shifted her gaze and pretended not to hear.
"To be called a princess, how could you receive your subjects with a fake? Whether the other
party is a friend or a subject, if you don't show your true self to those loyal to you, how could
you call yourself a member of royalty or nobility?"

Spark spark. Blue-white sparks jumped out from around Alexandre.

Completely covered with lightning, he entered the world of god speed faster than anyone else,
for this was his authority. The magical power of the speeding star named [Black Lightning]
by Alice and the Witenagemot.
Alexandre disappeared before the eyes of the one he called a substitute body.
After activating this authority, his location was very difficult to pinpoint, even for Princess
Alice who possessed supernatural vision.
Alexandre Gascoigne, the one whose nickname was more infamous than his real name.
The black nobleman who usurped the authority of divine speed from Ramiel[20], the fallen
angel ruling over visions and thunder.
His home country was the stronghold of the Witenagemot, which took precautions against all
Campiones including himself. A man who enjoyed watching their fear of him, he was the one
responsible for the hushed up attack incident of the British Library, as well as various
conflicts during the nineteen nineties when the European magi community was in turmoil
over a magical grail.
He was the Black Prince Alec.
The eternal rival of the [White Miko-Hime] Princess Alice revered by the Witenagemot.
"Your body is the same as always, riddled all over with illness."
In the bedroom on the fourth floor of the mansion that was strictly off limits to all but a few
select servants, Princess Alice was lying on the luxurious bed in her lady-like night gown.
The Black Prince casually strolled through the entrance into this sacred domain.
"Your lack of tact is the one thing that has never changed, would you like to take some
lessons in social etiquette from me?"
Alice responded in elegant tones, but she was using a mouth conjured using ectoplasm near
her pillow to speak. Her actual body was still lying asleep on the bed in her night gown.
"Could you not enter a lady's chambers so readily every single time?"
"If you don't like it, put up more guards. I don't care."
Alec answered her reproach with disinterest.
In actual fact, Alice had no real intention of preventing his entry. If she had such a wish, she
would have set up appropriate measures beforehand. After all, Black Prince Alec was the
political enemy of the Witenagemot no matter what.
Opposing him with power was destined to end in failure no matter how events unfolded.

As a Campione, Alec could destroy the Witenagemot by himself if he wanted to.

Which was why he was allowed to associate with whoever he liked without any interference.
Opposing the Black Prince required a multilateral approach of political machinations, strategy
and negotiations, as well as military force and economic measures. This was the precious
wisdom acquired by Alice over the long term struggle against him.
"Fine, today I welcome you, Alexandre."
Alice dispelled the ectoplasm replicating her appearance.
Now only the true Princess Alice remained, lying on the bed. Opening her eyes, she slowly
got up, but her weak and frail body was not as easy to control as ectoplasm.
Simply moving the light down blanket felt very arduous, and Alec suddenly drew near her.
Supporting her shoulder, he placed a cushion behind her back.
"Thank you. In my ten years here, I am particularly touched to witness for the first time the
soul of a gentleman dwelling in the Black Prince."
"Hmph, this is just basic respect for the rare occasion when you use your real body to speak."
Alec maintained his poker face and immediately left the bedside.
A man who could never go all the way. Though he was not a good man, he could never make
himself completely impassionate. Even though he came up with all sorts of schemes, he could
never be merciless to the very end. Always seeking victory and more competitive than
anyone, nevertheless he never gave up on dependents even if they hindered him.
On the other hand, Princess Alice was a deceiver.
For a human, she was the Miko-Hime who possessed the highest levels of spirit power.
Not only were her psychic sensing and telekinesis exceptional, she also possessed the
disposition for spirit vision and prophesy. She could even converse with gods on occasion, but
this ability eroded her body, making her extremely frail. A brief trip completely exhausts her,
and would throw her bodily condition off balance.
Thus in order to make public appearances, Alice always used doppelgngers created from
By controlling the doppelgnger, she could interact with the surroundings like a normal
healthy person. Usually, ectoplasm cannot make contact with ordinary matter, but by
combining it with telekinesis, Alice could maintain the illusion of moving like a real person.
But no matter how amazing the deception, she could not pretend to eat or drink.
Very few outsiders knew this secret, probably the only ones were her rival Alec and Paolo
Blandelli from the Copper Black Cross who became her ally in the conflict twelve years ago.

--A half-assed villain, and the woman who habitually deceived others with her appearance.
Impossible to describe, perhaps they were a pair very well suited to each other. Alice smiled
"What's so funny? Still, I already knew a long time ago, you're a very strange one in your
personality and the way you think..."
"You're the one with a problem, what weird judgmental eyes... Let's cut the chitchat and get to
the topic, Alexandre, what is your purpose in coming here today?"
Since her body could not sustain a dialogue for long, Alice went straight to the point.
"Having left Britanny, the divine ancestor's departure has been confirmed."
Knowing Alice's condition, Alec immediately brought up the heart of the matter. Having
fought against each other many times, through strategy, negotiations and even allying on
occasion. Compared to subordinates who were not in the know, they understood each other
much better.
"Guinevere? What is the reason for her departure?"
"Who knows. But it looks like she recently came into contact with the China's Freakishly
Strong Girl. Or perhaps, she had caught the eye of that Advocate of Ultimate Brute Force, and
they are planning something together."
"Guinevere has approached Cult Leader Luo Hao..."
First of all, Alice recalled the woman described by the ungentlemanly character.
Possessing the full set of the five Confucian virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety,
knowledge and integrity, she was a great figure who carried herself with royal splendor.
However, she believed her valor to be the greatest in the world, and compared to the lives of
five billion humans, she placed greater value on the Earth. Simply put, she had delusions on
the level of middle school students.
A monster who always brought trouble to her surroundings despite the best of intentions, one
like no other.
As for Guinevere, she was the descendant of a snake deity, a witch transcending human
knowledge, and a common enemy of both the Witenagemot and the association led by Alec,
Royal Arsenal.
"No disaster would be too great for them to bring forth. Those two are definitely the worst
"Yes, one of them is a monster whose reputation alone is enough to bring the world to ruin.
For the poisonous snake to deliberately approach her... I can very well imagine the result."
"Yes, Alexandre, why have you informed me of such news?"

Why did you tell me? Though Alice already knew what Alec was thinking, she customarily
asked him in joking tones.
The Black Prince laughed 'hoho' and eliminated the need to answer. The two knew exactly
what each other was thinking.
A missing divine ancestor and the demonic cult leader who was the most vicious Campione.
The one most suited to tracking those two would be you. The one who could freely make use
of the informant network of the Witenagemot, and the one possessing the best spirit vision
and psychic sensing, Princess Alice.
"This time, our interests should be aligned."
"Yes, even if we were to share information, it should not produce a troublesome outcome."
Appearing simultaneously on their faces was a smile that could not be described as
If the Campione conspiring with the divine ancestor witch was to go out of control, it would
be an emergency that the Witenagemot could not ignore, and must prevent at all cost.
The Witenagemot which was essentially just a think tank, did not possess the power to stop
Should they invite other Campiones for assistance? Amongst the devil kings living in Europe,
there were Marquis Voban and the King of Swords, Salvatore Doni. But the two were rather
unpredictable and equivalent to ticking time bombs.
Under the current conditions, Alice picked the third option.
As long as their interests were aligned, Black Prince Alec was definitely the most trustworthy
devil king.
"Then I have finished what I came to say, pardon my intrusion."
"Forgive me for not seeing you off personally, Black Prince."
Having confirmed each other's intentions, there was no further need for discussion. Alec
transformed into sparks and entered the world of god speed once again.
After the Black Prince vanished, Alice sighed deeply, greatly exhausted by the ordeal of
speaking with her real body.

Part 3
One of the most popular uses of a cellphone for high school students, was sending text
messages to communicate with friends.
But amongst the people close to Godou, none of them made effective use of this function.

Take Erica Blandelli for example, who preferred to chat directly over the phone rather than
texting. On the other hand, Liliana Kranjcar loved to write letters. The day she arrived in
Japan, she proposed to Godou "from now on I can send you regular reports by letter three...
no, six times daily... may I...?" But Godou cautiously refused.
As for Mariya Yuri, she probably didn't even know how to send a text.
When she first began to use a cellphone, Godou had taught her briefly how to use it, but so
far, he had never received a single text message under her name. If that's the case, what was
going on with this current text message?
Titled 'Can we meet tomorrow?' The sender was 'Mariya Yuri.'
It was already late autumn in the earlier half of October, on a Saturday night.
Resting at home, Godou received the following text message on his cellphone.
'If you are free, could you meet me tomorrow? If possible, let us meet at the school gates at
noon tomorrow, please.'
That was the content of the text message. Godou pondered in puzzlement.
Why would Yuri send a text like this to me? Wanting to ask her directly, Godou dialed her
No answer... With no other choice, he replied to her by text messaging.
After a few tens of minutes, he received a brief reply saying 'Thanks. See you tomorrow.'
"That fellow Mariya, what could she be thinking?"
Completely without a clue. Come to think of it, meeting a girl on Sunday was basically like a
date -- no, no, just as this thought entered his mind, Godou shook his head intensely to dispel
the notion.
The next day on Sunday, Godou left his house at eleven in the morning.
It only took fifteen minutes to reach Jounan Academy on foot. The reason why Godou set off
early was because he had nothing to do and wanted to take a stroll nearby before heading over
to the meeting place.
However, this decision brought unexpected encounters.
"Ah, it's Godou, you're just leaving?"
Just as he stepped into Hongou Street, he was surprised to hear his name being called.
The forceful yet beautifully comforting voice belonged to Erica Blandelli. Turning his gaze
towards the direction of the voice, Godou found Erica riding a red-framed bicycle.

"What happened to you...? To have gotten up this early!?"

For Godou, the current time was not early at all, but it was different for Erica.
On weekends, she never got up from bed until noon had passed. That was her habit. But the
one standing before Godou right now, was the girl from Milan.
"There's some anti-noise construction going on next to the apartment, and it was too loud to
sleep, so I decided to go out."
Godou nodded at Erica's explanation. If one had to disrupt the habits of the [Diavolo Rosso],
extreme measures were the only way.
"However, thanks to that, I was able to meet Godou here. Based on this outcome, it's not bad
at all, if you are free... No, even if you're not you have to accompany me, for that is the
required duty of Erica Blandelli's partner."
Erica suddenly made her declaration.
Today she was wearing a red sweater with black jeans, a very casual outfit. In spite of that,
she still gave off the airs of a sporty high class lady, which was on the level of cheating. When
Erica wore jeans, it made her legs look very long and slender. This one aspect alone made her
stood out from most Japanese women.
"Don't say something difficult like that. Just as you observed, I am in the middle of going
He was just going to praise her for the rare achievement of getting up early... But true to form,
she brought out her troublemaking skills, so of course Godou could not let her have her way
so easily.
Just as he was searching for an excuse to placate her.
"Good morning, Kusanagi Godou, it is too fortunate to find you here... Perfect, if not for the
regrettable extra person here. Good morning, Erica."
Another voice was heard.
The first half of the greeting was spoken with the awe-inspiring expression of a female knight,
but the latter half had tones like meeting an annoying old friend. The owner of the voice was
Liliana Kranjcar.
Her long silver hair tied in a ponytail, it was the girl who resembled a fairy.
"Actually I made too much cake yesterday, and was going to bring some to your house."
Liliana showed the basket to Godou. Today she was wearing a black long-sleeved t-shirt with
a blue jacket, as well as a miniskirt and over-knee socks.

As a side note, Erica's choice of red and black, as well as Liliana's combination of blue and
black, were the representative colors of the respective magic associations they belonged to.
"To go so far as a cake, you take things too seriously... Lily, I give up on you."
Erica stole a glance at the basket carried by the blue and black female knight.
Compared to the time when she suddenly intruded into the Kusanagi home to cook for him,
Liliana was much calmer and in control nowadays, and would never do anything so sudden
and awkward.
However, she continued to regularly present Godou with the fruits of her labor and well
wishes, just like today.
"Making a pound cake on a weekend afternoon is nothing... Erica, are you thinking of stealing
and eating it right now!?"
"It doesn't have to be right now, but today's weather is great, so it would be nice to have a
picnic in the park with this."
While Liliana guarded the basket in her hand, the girl known as the devil laughed.
"If you're going to offer me the food, I shall allow you to share it in our company."
"Why do you have to act like you are in a superior position? Have a little pertinence."
"Ah, I'm not saying you are getting in our way, it's because I approve of Lily's cooking skills
that I made a concession, oh? Unless you don't want to come with us? A picnic with Godou?"
"Uh... That..."
The red knight's speech left the blue knight at a loss for words.
As Godou watched this frequently repeated scene unfold, he interrupted to refuse them.
"Ah, I'm sorry, I was on my way out."
From the red and blue knights came an intense gaze.
"The cake you brought, I will eat it later... W-What's with you two, why are you staring at me
so strangely?"
The red knight looked as if she had found something interesting, while the blue knight seemed
deep in thought. Their gazes made Godou frantic.
"Hmph hmph... Trying to put me and Lily aside, Godou, where do you think you're going?"
Erica smiled with a seductive expression. This was the witch's expression that took joy in the
misfortunes of others.

"Your reason for going out, must be related to a female friend, right? Am I correct?"
Upon Liliana's fairy-like features, there was a sudden expression of darkness. It was a
complicated expression encompassing doubt, worry and unease. Come to think of it, she had
been wearing such an expression quite often lately.
"To have the gall to plan a date on a weekend, I am truly surprised. If only you were this
capable with respect to me."
"To be meticulously prepared only in these situations... You really are something."
Reproached by the girls, this was merely blind baseless speculation.
That's what it should have been, but unfortunately they guessed correctly this time.
Godou was about to curse his pitiful luck when he suddenly had an idea. Wait a minute, I
already agreed with Yuri beforehand, what is there to hide? Just come clean with it openly.
"You two, stop speculating rubbish over there. Yes, you are correct that I am meeting a girl,
but that's nothing out of the ordinary. You two should behave, and stop talking like I'm some
sort of playboy."
Puffing his chest out and holding his head high, Godou reminded himself honesty was the
most important thing.
"I am meeting Yuri later, see, there's nothing strange."
"Yes yes, not strange at all. So let me ask you, the one who asked to meet up, was it you or
Allowing Godou to begin explaining, Erica then posed a question.
Her eyes were laughing, it was the same kind of joyful smile like a predator chasing its prey.
"Hmph, clearly it's Yuri. But that girl will definitely not take initiative on her own like that...
There must be someone secretly advising her."
Godou was rendered speechless instantly. To be described that way. Though he wanted to
defend his honor, he felt like he would be digging his own grave. So Godou quickly said:
"S-So, I already agreed with her on the time, I have to go now."
"Sounds very interesting, then I will come as well. It should be fine, right? Me, Lily and Yuri
are all the same, we are all your close friends."
Erica spoke as if playing a joke on Godou, while Liliana looked as if she had thought of
"...Then I will accompany as your knight. This is to verify there is nothing indecent going on
between you and Mariya Yuri. Is that fine?"

She took the opportunity to follow as well, Godou felt it was unbelievable and sighed.
When Liliana first came to Japan, she often acted out of control. It has already been a month
since, and Godou just realized that she had improved a lot.
Many problematic actions have been reduced substantially. Even from an objective point of
view, one would conclude she had become more composed.
On the other hand, she seemed to have become unexpectedly quiet, always calmly and silently
thinking about something.
It gave the impression that she was gathering all sorts of information and performing some
kind of analysis.
Anyway there was no time to ponder all this, as Erica and Liliana chose to act in unison, so
Godou walked with them to Jounan Academy. Somehow he felt like he was being cornered
into a dead end, and it felt rather surreal.
Walking roughly fifteen minutes on Hongou Street, they reached the front gates of Private
Jounan Academy.
Godou stole a glance and surveyed the surroundings but did not find Yuri. There were still
five minutes until the appointed time of noon. For someone strictly disciplined like Yuri, she
should have arrived early.
"Onii-sama, greetings for the first time, I have waited so long to meet you."
Someone started a conversation, but Godou did not hear Yuri's familiar voice.
Looking to his side, he found a proper-looking young girl standing there, dressed in a yellow
top with a checkered skirt, her black hair cut slightly above shoulder length.
Godou searched his memories, could he have seen this girl before?
And what did she say just now? Onii-sama?
Immediately, he thought to himself -- which parent's illegitimate child could it be? The girl
before him was around twelve or so. In his memory, he had never witnessed his mother being
pregnant for the past twelve or thirteen years. Even though she was described as having a
natural vocation of being a devil, she could not possibly have concealed pregnancy and birth.
Then it must be the father? That middle-aged delinquent!
Ignoring Godou who was stuck in doubt and agitation, the silver-haired knight asked the girl:
"To my knowledge Kusanagi Godou has only one sister, Shizuka. When you called him 'Oniisama' just now, was it just a greeting for an older male? Or perhaps, you are an illegitimate
child of the Kusanagi family?"
"Ah, neither, sorry, I said something misleading."

Liliana's direct interrogation made the young girl bow her head.
Then who was this girl? At that moment, Erica nodded her head.
"Ah, I see, it turns out to be something like that. So that's what I found so similar."
"You already figured it out? Ah, you must be Erica-san, right? The one who defeated Enaneesama and reputed to be a powerful and intelligent beauty, you really are as they say!"
The unidentified girl was praising the [Diavolo Rosso].
From her gaze she was really praising sincerely. Her facial expressions and actions were very
cute, and there was a very pure innocence completely devoid of shameless pandering.
Who did this girl resemble? And she even knew Seishuuin Ena?
"Hikari! What are you planning on doing there!?"
This time came a familiar voice as Mariya Yuri approached.
Not very athletic, she was engaged in the rare act of running.
"Onee-chan, your sixth sense sure works wonders, you immediately discovered my trick."
"Onee-chan... And trick?"
Hearing Godou's doubt, the young girl smiled shyly.
"Yes, I am Mariya Hikari -- Yuri's younger sister. Actually, the one who called Onii-sama out
today is me. I'm sorry, I tricked you!"
The young girl bowed sincerely in apology.
This was the first encounter between Kusanagi Godou and the Hime-Miko Mariya Hikari.

Part 4
There existed people who always kept their cellphone by their side, and those who don't.
Mariya Yuri basically belonged to the latter category. She usually kept her cellphone in her
bedroom, and never touched it unless it rang, often forgetting to take it with her when going
For someone technologically illiterate like Yuri, she would never play around or use her
cellphone for no reason.
"Yesterday, while Onee-chan was out of the room, I went and sent that text message."
Mariya Hikari confessed with honesty.
They had now shifted their location to a park near the school, gathered around her bench
while she explained. With a lineup comprising Godou, Erica, Liliana and the sisters Yuri and
Hikari, it was truly quite a scene.
"Ever since I heard about Onii-sama from Ena-neesama, I've always wanted to meet you.
Yesterday I finally made my decision, but I'm sorry I used a deceptive method."
"It's okay, but can you tell me something?"
Godou posed a question to the friendly, outgoing and innocent Mariya Hikari.
"Why do you keep calling me Onii-sama?"
"If you are the [Husband] of Onee-chan and Ena-neesama, then you are 'Onii-sama' to me...
Or is it better for me to call you 'Your Majesty'?"
"No, just call me something normal, like 'Kusanagi-san' is fine!"
It was that meaning after all.
Hikari shook her head at Godou's suggestion.
"That's no good, you are the husband of my older sisters, how could I address you so
impersonally, that's rude, please let me call you 'Onii-sama.'"
The reasons leading to such an outrageous conclusion, were delivered with a flawlessly pure
Hearing Ena's name and the way of addressing royalty, Kusanagi Godou knew that she was
very informed about him.
Sitting next to such a younger sister, Yuri timidly said:
"My apologies, Godou-san... Last night I felt a kind of unstable atmosphere, but never
expected Hikari to do something so senseless, it is the fault of my inadequate supervision."

She bowed apologetically many times.

Yuri was wearing a cherry-colored woolen sweater with a long dress, and looked as stylish as
a daughter of an aristocratic family. Due to her outstanding spirit vision, she was able to
notice her sister's plans.
"It sounds quite embarrassing, but Hikari has a much greater gift with words than me, and a
much bolder personality. Even when I questioned her, she would change the subject. That is
why I followed from behind when she left the house, hoping to catch her at the scene of the
"Yes~ But when Onee-chan gets really mad, I have no way of resisting..."
Beside the embarrassed older sister, the younger one protested.
Watching the Mariya sisters, Erica spoke with feeling.
"The corners of the eyes are very alike, which is why I wondered if she was Yuri's sister... But
their personalities are quite different, and she reminds me of Seishuuin Ena."
"Ah, I'm great friends with Ena-neesama! We get along very well!"
"Could Hikari be a Hime-Miko too?"
This was Liliana's question, and Hikari nodded her head vigorously.
"Yes, that's correct... Well, I'm just an apprentice currently."
Afterwards, having bought coffee and tea from the park vending machine, they all sat down
on the bench to eat Liliana's homemade pound cake.
"I am truly sorry, though she often acts out of line, Hikari is actually a very obedient child.
She probably thought nothing major would happen... Which is why she did this..."
Holding the bottle of tea, Yuri became more and more timid as she spoke.
Beside her, Hikari was happily eating the cake filled with fruit. The second daughter of the
Mariya family was currently twelve years old, studying sixth grade in elementary school, and
was a fearless little lady.
"No problem. Though I was quite shocked, I'm not mad at all. Don't worry about it, Mariya."
Godou spoke as he ate the cake.
"By the way, since she is also a Hime-Miko, does she have any interesting abilities?"
"Actually, that is what I wanted to ask too. To be a Hime-Miko alongside Seishuuin Ena and
Mariya Yuri, she must be very talented in some way?"
Hearing Erica's question, Liliana also expressed her interest.

Godou was reminded at this time, all the girls selected as Hime-Miko could make use of
special spirit powers.
"Ah, that's right, I can use a bit of my powers, but due to being in the middle of training--"
As Hikari finished her cake and was about to explain, a melody with a quick rhythm was
Most likely a cellphone ring, Hikari opened her bag and took out her phone. After seeing the
caller display, she showed a troubled expression.
"Yes, I am Mariya... H-Hello, it's been a while. Eh, today? Umm, true, I don't have anything
She was answering frantically. Making eye contact with Godou at this time, she suddenly said
"Sorry, I'll call you back!" and hung up the phone.
"Umm, Onii-sama, may I ask you for a favor?"
"A favor? What is it?"
Godou looked at Hikari, who seemed very hesitant.
"Onii-sama. Since you are Onee-chan and Ena-neesama's beloved husband, that is why I am
asking you!"
"Wait a minute, there's something quite wrong with this opening!"
"In truth, something has been bothering me lately. When I discussed with Ena-neesama
earlier, she suggested I should ask Onii-sama to help out...!"
Though Godou had requested her to change her way of addressing him, Hikari completely
ignored the devil king. She did look very troubled? Yuri also seemed to have realized
something, and displayed an expression of disbelief.
"Hikari! Are you really planning on discussing that matter with Godou-san!?"
"Yes, that's right. The young master of the Kuhoudzuka family called me just now, asking
'Could we meet later'..."
Looking like she was in a bit of distress, and it seemed like some kind of shady character had
appeared, causing the cheerful girl to feel troubled.
Driven by a sense of heroism, Godou immediately responded.
"As long as it is within my power, I will definitely help you -- but what do you want me to
Afterwards, Hikari spent several minutes explaining the entire matter.

'What! You want me to play that kind of role?' Godou expressed great shock, while Yuri
apologized profusely.
"S-Sorry, I am really very sorry. Before returning to her ancestral home, Ena had stayed over
at my house and I heard her discussing this with Hikari, but I never would have thought--"
"To make such a request from the invincible Campione... No, perhaps it would be a great
chance to further his mighty reputation...?"
"Yes, I also think this is an interesting idea, I like it very much."
Liliana was murmuring to herself all serious, while Erica giggled with laughter.

Thirty minutes later, a black luxury limousine stopped in front of the park.
Getting off from the passenger side beside the driver was a youth roughly twenty-five years of
age. Very manly in appearance, he wore a well-fitted suit and gave off a very gentle and
stylish impression of an accomplished youth.
"Good, the other party has arrived, is everyone ready?"
Somehow, it ended up with Erica taking command.
When Yuri's sister first appeared, she had been quiet for a while, but now she participated
with great interest.
On the other hand, Godou had a depressed feeling. Clearly there was no need for him to act
out such a farce. However, it was for the sake of helping Hikari. Surrendering all hope, he sat
on the bench despondently.
"Godou, you're no good like this. You need to look a bit more awe-inspiring, cross your legs,
raise your head high and stick out your chest."
Due to his hunchback posture, Erica gave acting directions.
There was no other choice but to do as she commanded, and then Yuri had to lean against
Godou's right side.
"Yuri's expression is too stiff, yes, if possible, could you act like the gorgeous lover leaning
against the mafia boss, and make some seductive expressions like a femme fatale?"
"H-How is that possible! I surely cannot!"
Under Erica's direction again, Yuri frantically shook her head. Even so, she drew nearer to
Godou beside her, and created a very intimate atmosphere.
"Lily only has to maintain the usual feeling, after all I can't expect any acting skills from you.
However, please show a cool feeling like a bodyguard who is also the lover."

"My being Kusanagi Godou's bodyguard is fact, no acting required!"

Answering Erica in harsh tones, Liliana stood to the right of the bench.
Her arms crossed before her chest, her vicious eyes were definitely like a bodyguard, but let's
not mention the lover part.
"Hikari, go over to Godou's side as well. Yes, you have to lean against Godou's chest, acting
like you are being spoilt... Also, show a little feeling of indulgence."
"L-Like this? Thanks!"
Hikari honestly did as Erica told, and even thanked her.
Right now, with the beautiful young girl leaning tightly against him, Godou could feel her
body warmth, and it made him feel like clutching his head in his arms. Really, why does this
have to happen to me?
And finally, Erica stood behind the bench, embracing Godou from behind.
Her slender arms wrapped around Godou's shoulders, he could feel something extremely
elastic and sizzling hot pressing down upon his head. Godou swore to himself he will not even
try to think what kind of object it was.
"By the way, Godou, hold Yuri's shoulder tightly to express that 'this is my woman' kind of
feeling, how's that? And then stroke Hikari's head with the same tender care for a kitten, try
"Who is going to do that kind of thing!"
Godou angrily snarled in protest at Erica's outrageous acting directions.
Just as they had readied their roles, the young man wearing a suit approached. The
appointment was set up by a simple message of 'Then I shall meet you once, come to this park
in one hour.'
He seemed to be called Kuhoudzuka, while Godou couldn't recall the remainder of his name.
Godou knew the families of Sayanomiya and Seishuuin, plus the other two of Kuhoudzuka
and Renjou. All together they were known as the Four Families.
In the Japanese wizardry world, they were the four prestigious families dating back to ancient
times. This was the young master of the Kuhoudzuka family, who was said to become the
family head someday.
"You must be the young master forcing Mariya Hikari to be with you, is that correct?"
Erica questioned the youth as she leaned against Godou. Though they didn't have a vote, the
role of negotiation naturally fell to her. Whatever, it was most important to let the right person
play the right part suited to their talents.

"W-Who are you people? I only came to talk to Hikari-san..."

The Kuhoudzuka gentleman became frantic.
Faced with so many people, it was natural for him to be taken aback. So, since Erica was in
charge of the main negotiations, what should he say? Godou began to wonder.
"Particularly you, the one in the middle, yeah you there, no matter how shameless, there
should be a limit. To enjoy having so many girls waiting on you like this... As a Japanese
man... No, simply as a human being, don't you feel any shame! As a fellow man myself, I
grieve for you!"
What a mean thing to say.
...No wait, we should be the ones complaining instead.
The Shinto shrine under his management had been lacking a Hime-Miko for quite a while, so
he wanted Hikari to fill in the position. A simple situation like that would have been
completely trivial from Godou's perspective.
However, after hearing about the location of the shrine, one couldn't help but object.
Which was why Godou had to take part in this farce. But the other guy's words were
extremely reasonable, perhaps he was a good and serious person after all? Just as Godou
began to worry...
"Ah, this young master, your eyesight seems to be surprisingly poor, oh?"
Erica deliberately jeered at him.
It was right to let her handle negotiations, Godou tried his best to keep himself calm, and
looked down at the guy in a condescending manner. The results were immediate.
"To have conquered the Hime-Miko from the Mariya family, and served by blonde and silverhaired girls... Could you be --"
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman's face instantly turned pale. This guy was really honest.
He probably realized the identity of the [King] surrounded by girls.
...Seeing that kind of response from him, what kind of person does he actually think I am?
Though a little angry, Godou endured it.
"You've finally noticed who this VIP is, right? Aren't you a bit slow?"
"M-My apologies, I am from the Kuhoudzuka family, in charge of watching over the Divine
Monarch at the Saitenguu[21] in Nikkou[22], and my name is Mikihiko. To have the opportunity
to witness the splendor of Kusanagi Godou, it is truly a great honor."

Hearing Erica's mockery, the Kuhoudzuka gentleman immediately switched to a respectful

attitude in response.
It sounded like a line from a theatrical performance, Godou felt it was troublesome, but he
had no choice but to speak.
"I heard that your shrine wants to recruit this fellow here?"
Godou placed his hand lightly on Hikari's head.
He referred to her in a flippant way and acted as if he was intimate with the apprentice HimeMiko.
Ever since the Edo period, the Kuhoudzuka family had been guarding the shrine at Nikkou in
Tochigi. The position of the Hime-Miko serving the shrine had been vacant for quite a long
period of time, because the post supposedly had special requirements.
As a matter of fact, there did exist miko with the right suitability.
Mariya Hikari was the one right here.
"Just as you see, this fellow here is just an elementary school student. To hand her the
responsibilities of a miko, and make her leave her home to travel all the way to Nikkou...
Don't you think that is too hasty?"
Starting about a month ago, the youth from Kuhoudzuka had been frequently calling to recruit
He not only sent text messages, but would personally come to persuade her. Even though
Hikari felt troubled and refused, he always came back and resumed persuading after a while.
However, she didn't have the option of cutting off communications with the Kuhoudzuka
gentleman from one of the Four Families.
Just as Hikari was feeling very troubled, the top Hime-Miko who happened to be staying at
the Mariya household came up with an idea.
'This kind of thing, you can solve it easily by requesting His Majesty! Just ask him to say, "I
won't let you touch the little sister of my woman." All it takes is a sentence like that, and
Mikihiko would have no choice but to give up on you~'
This was the explanation that Godou heard at the time.
Who is my woman? Though Godou felt like protesting against Seishuuin Ena, he couldn't
ignore a friend's little sister in need, and so he agreed to putting up the this farce of a
performance -"Yes. What you said is most correct. However, that only applies to ordinary people. For those
deeply involved with the Four Families, not just the Hime-Miko but also the apprentices of

martial arts and wizardry, it is quite common to leave their homes early in childhood to
undertake training --"
"Even so, I believe that respecting the wishes of the person herself should be the highest
Faced with the very troubled Kuhoudzuka gentleman, Godou tried to refuse as civilly as
"Hikari also said she needed time to consider, why don't you just give her a little more time?"
"...Understood. If the [King] says so, then I have no objections."
The mighty name of the Devil King Campione had its effect, and the Kuhoudzuka gentleman
agreed readily.
--Perfect. Godou breathed a sigh of relief. It was fortunate that he was so polite, for Godou
was expecting to be despised. Suddenly, Godou had a thought.
Interacting with contacts in this peaceful manner, perhaps he would be able to wipe clean all
those unfavorable rumors?
From his initial reaction, the Kuhoudzuka gentleman was surely imprinted with the notion
that 'Kusanagi Godou = the great terrifying devil king', this kind of reputation definitely needs
to be corrected step by step.
Yes, this should be the right way. Godou agreed with himself silently, but the Kuhoudzuka
youth said to him:
"...By the way, you are really amazing."
He was offering his heart-felt admiration. What was so amazing?
"Keeping so many beautiful concubines by your side, and doing all this so openly. As the
saying goes, the lion in his prime is the king of the beasts, while the plum blossom is surely
more fragrant than the twinleaf. I profess my utmost admiration. To think I was so ignorant to
be unaware that the younger sister of the Mariya family was also under your rule. I, Mikihiko,
am utterly embarrassed, and seek your forgiveness."
Who was under whose rule?
Hearing the Kuhoudzuka gentleman's apology that sounded like it came out of some ancient
drama, Godou was speechless.
Leaning closely against him due to relief, Hikari was like a sister sticking to an older brother,
or a kitten being spoilt by a master.
Hey, don't act in such a way that will cause misunderstandings... Though Godou wanted to
say that, he couldn't make a sound. Beside him, Yuri was repeatedly apologizing with the
words "sorry, I am really sorry." Liliana was standing on the side going "of course, that truly

is my master..." with deep feeling to herself. Come on, "of course" is not a description that
should be used in this situation!
As for Erica, she was smiling with a satisfied expression.
Though it wasn't "mission accomplished" exactly, she seemed very happy. Of course, that was
the devil's smile that always enjoyed ridiculing Godou.

Chapter 3 - Converging on the Holy Sanctum

Part 1
It was after school on the next day after encountering Mariya Hikari.
Godou was heading towards Nanao Shrine at Shiba Park. After the Kuhoudzuka gentleman
had left yesterday, Godou decided to discuss the issue of taking up the Hime-Miko post once
"Saitenguu[23] is a shrine on Nikkou mountain in the Tochigi prefecture. The Hime-Miko
stationed there requires a certain special disposition, but it is an extremely rare power, so the
post has been vacant for almost a century."
Leaving the subway on the way to the shrine, Yuri was explaining to Godou as they walked
Erica and Liliana were not present. Godou decided having them present would not be
appropriate for handling matters related to the Hime-Miko and the History Compilation
Committee, so he did not tell them he was going to Nanao Shrine.
"A century? Then she must be amazing."
"Yes, simply possessing this ability makes Hikari a rare apprentice Hime-Miko of the century.
A long time ago, the Kuhoudzuka family discovered my sister and ever since, they have been
trying to arrange for her to move to Saitenguu. Nevertheless, we shielded her from knowing
any concrete details until recently because of her young age and powers that had yet to
Yuri displayed a rather depressed expression as she discussed the matter.
"Most likely because her current spirit power has approached the level required to take up the
responsibilities of the Saitenguu Hime-Miko, Mikihiko-san began coming a month ago..."
"Ah yes, having her talents and ability recognized isn't necessarily a bad thing."
Back in elementary and middle school, Godou had been very serious about playing baseball.

Had he continued, perhaps he could have entered one of the strongest high school teams in
Tokyo. However, Godou was presented with the decision at the age of fifteen. For Hikari who
was just a twelve-year-old elementary school student, wasn't it a bit too early?
"Just as Mikihiko-san said, it is actually quite common in the Hime-Miko world to leave
home to undergo training at my sister's age. Back when I was her age, I had already left home
for two years."
"Eh, Mariya also left home before?"
"Yes, to undergo miko training with Ena and Kaoru together."
Yuri named two other Hime-Miko that Godou also knew.
"However, the significance of Hikari going to Saitenguu is different. To the Kuhoudzuka
family, she is the rare Hime-Miko of the century. She will have very little opportunity for
time off from her post and will probably be forbidden to go home. She could very well spend
decades there just like that."
"...This kind of lifetime decision, how could they let a child decide --"
The two of them reached the front steps of Nanao Shrine.
This set of stone steps was the tallest in Tokyo and very steep. Adjusting himself to match the
pace of Yuri who was not very athletic, Godou slowly climbed up.
The struggling Hime-Miko, with large beads of sweat appearing on her face, seemed even
more beautiful than usual.
"Mariya, are you able to endure? Come, hold on to my hand."
"G-Godou-san, thank you very much."
Because she looked like she was having a tough time, Godou naturally extended his hand, and
very naturally Yuri held Godou's hand -- after which the two of them began to realize.
"D-Do not misunderstand, there is no deeper meaning to this!"
"Yes, I-I know that of course!"
Feeling like he should have let go straight away, Godou relaxed his grip as his heart raced.
In his heart he still worried about Yuri who forced herself despite her poor stamina. There was
a feeling like he couldn't bear to let go of her hand, probably because of this reason? Godou
waited for her to let go.
"H-How troubling. Doing this in such a place... If anyone saw..."
Yuri lowered her head slightly, shyly murmuring to herself.

However, she didn't let go either. Godou had already relaxed his grip, so in order to separate,
all she needed to do was withdraw her hand.
"Y-Yes. Since Mariya looked so exhausted, I wanted to assist you a little..."
"Y-Yes... If that is the case, continuing like this is fine. Just as you said, I am very
Godou suddenly felt like his mind had gone blank, and he said something incomprehensible -Awkward and feeling shy, Yuri somehow wanted to maintain the current situation -In the end, the two of them went up the stone steps hand in hand.
Godou pulling Yuri, as they climbed the steps.
Successfully reaching the end of the steps, the two finally released their hands.
Godou forced himself to ignore that feeling of reluctance, and stole a glance at Yuri's face.
Her head was bowed down, and her cheeks were bright red.
But still she remained standing close to Godou's side, walking beside him, it was a rather
unsettling distance.
Godou felt that Yuri was exceptionally adorable, but just at that moment, he heard a cheerful
"I've waited for so long for you, Onii-sama, Onee-chan!"
The short and cute little girl wearing a miko outfit consisting of a white top and red
hakama[24], was approaching Godou.
It was Mariya Hikari of course, and Godou forcefully suppressed and calmed his wavering

Having just returned from school, Godou and Yuri were still wearing their uniform.
In order to wait for Yuri to change into her miko outfit at the shrine office, Godou and Hikari
sat down in the yard and began to chat.
"Every time I come here I have this question. This place is always so peaceful even though it
is in the city center."
Godou surveyed the shrine which was empty except for himself.
It was a weekday afternoon, and furthermore this shrine wasn't a famous tourist destination.
Considering these conditions, of course there wouldn't be any worshipers. But wouldn't it be
better if there were more people?

"Most people have not heard of the shrine at Nanao, because it is located on important
spiritual grounds. In order to prevent disclosure of information about this place, the History
Compilation Committee has put in a lot of secret effort in the background."
Yuri replied.
She had likely calmed herself while changing, and was back to her usual Hime-Miko attitude.
"That is why, the only people coming here to worship are nearby residents."
Hikari added, that this shrine was also used for training sometimes.
When other shrine staff occasionally passed by and saw Godou, they nodded politely and
immediately went on their way. Godou was very concerned about how those people viewed
"...Anyway let's not talk about that, continuing yesterday's discussion."
Godou decided to put other concerns aside and went straight to the main point.
"Nikkou's shrine's compelling reason for having you as a miko, what is it exactly?"
"That is because I can use [Disaster Purification]. The Saitenguu Hime-Miko must be
someone who is skilled at using this power... By the way, let me demonstrate. Onee-chan,
please use some spell of your choosing."
Hearing Hikari's request, Yuri took out from her outfit a white square piece of Japanese
Folding with her slender fingers, she immediately reproduced the form of a familiar animal -the crane. Using origami, Yuri had folded the piece of paper into a white crane.
The paper crane sitting on the palm of the Hime-Miko, began to float lightly up into the sky.
"It floated!?"
Godou watched in amazement, as Yuri grabbed the paper crane and tore it into two.
Releasing the torn pieces of paper, Godou expected them to fall to the ground, but the two
pieces began to fly and turned into cranes like the one before.
Yuri repeatedly increased the number of paper cranes in this way, stopping when there were
"This is nothing really, just a very simple spell..."
Yuri smiled shyly. The paper cranes drifted slowly in the air, but in the instant when Hikari
grabbed one of them, all twelve cranes vanished.
Left in Hikari's hand was a single white sheet of Japanese paper.

Though complicated fold creases remained, it had lost its crane shape and returned to the
original square.
"Onii-chan, this is disaster purification! However, it's not a very flashy ability."
"Simply stated, it can dispel spells and magical power. Hikari can erase all those nonexistent
supernatural powers."
"Because I am still in training, it only works through direct contact."
Hearing the sisters' explanation, Godou nodded to express understanding.
Describing the ability as not very flashy, true, it was quite unassuming. However, it should be
an extremely convenient power instead.
"Could it erase the power of gods and us Campiones? If that's possible, then it should be able
to reduce the damage when a crisis occurs!"
Godou suddenly thought of this, and directly brought it up. Such a meaningful ability, should
best be used against those who threatened world peace. (But quite regrettably, Godou could
not exclude himself from that group.)
"Umm, as for that... It's actually not possible~~"
"A Campione or a [Heretic God]'s authority, consists of extremely powerful magic. No matter
how much we try, it can only erase a small portion, or weaken it for a very short period of
Godou's wishful thinking was immediately refuted by the sisters.
"If that's the case... What a shame. So why do they need a miko with this kind of power?"
"They did not explain to us either, why the Saitenguu Hime-Miko requires the power of
disaster purification."
Yuri was a little troubled, and Godou frowned.
"Not even telling the candidate and her family the reason for being selected, that's going a bit
too far."
"It cannot be helped. Saitenguu is a part of Nikkou Toushouguu[26], and an important spiritual
site where the divine monarch is guarded. Information about this place is top secret amongst
the secrets of the Kuhoudzuka family. Even though we are Hime-Miko, the stature of the
Mariya family is not enough, and they have no obligation to explain anything to us."
Speaking of the divine monarch, that should be Tokugawa Ieyasu[27], right? Godou recalled
what he knew about Nikkou Toushouguu.

After the death of Tokugawa Ieyasu, a shrine was built as a mausoleum where his remains
were kept and venerated. The deity worshiped there was, of course, the deified Divine
Monarch Lord Ieyasu. As a god, his name was Toushou Daigongen.
"I really cannot be at ease letting you go over alone to those suspicious characters... To be
honest, I feel that they are completely untrustworthy."
"But Onii-sama, Mikihiko-san is not a bad person."
Hikari answered Godou with a troubled expression.
"According to Ena-neesama, amongst the heirs of the Four Families, he is the most earnest
and serious!"
Seishuuin Ena actually had the self-awareness to know she took things too lightly eh? This
revelation made Godou deeply impressed.
"If he was such a serious person, why does he have to undertake such a problematic
"Saitenguu was built three hundred years ago, and the Kuhoudzuka family has been guarding
it all along. For that kind of prestigious family with roots in ancient wizardry, there must be
many unreasonable rules passed down. Most likely Mikihiko-san is bound by something like
that, and lost his freedom."
Yuri explained.
"Just like those troublesome family rules in those ancient clans that frequently occur in history
"S-Should be. Ah--?"
Responding to Godou's rough analogy, Yuri suddenly began to look around.
"Mariya, what's with you?"
"Ah, nothing, it just feels like someone has been staring at us all along."
Though Yuri dismissed it as her imagination, Godou disagreed. If the Hime-Miko who
possessed outstanding spirit vision said she "felt something" then there was very little chance
of it being nothing.
"Onee-chan, let's use the birds just now to investigate?"
"Right... Just to be safe, let us do that."
At her younger sister's suggestion, Yuri used the same method from before to make ten-odd
paper cranes. The paper cranes flew within the boundaries of the shrine area, all in different

With the sound of paper shredding, one of the paper cranes was suddenly torn apart. At the
same time there was a yell.
The sound came from a corner of a nearby pine tree, where the paper crane broke.
After pondering for a moment, Godou turned to Hikari.
"Umm... That move you did just now, could you try it on the tree over there."
"Ah, yes, I got it, Onii-sama."
Hikari walked over to the tree Godou indicated and touched it.
Suddenly, a person's outline appeared on the bark of the pine tree, and soon the outline turned
into the beautiful form of a girl of Eastern European descent with a silver ponytail.
"Liliana... What are you doing in such a place?"
Hearing Godou's voice, Liliana Kranjcar nervously explained:
"J-Just acting as a bodyguard, I was worried about you."
The expected answer.
This female knight always called herself Kusanagi Godou's bodyguard and followed him.
"Didn't I tell you before, not to do anything so overboard?"
"Not overboard at all, this is a necessary precaution for protecting the lord, it is a knight's
In order to hide her embarrassment, Liliana answered seriously.

Part 2
Liliana Kranjcar was very talented at illusionary spells. When used, she could make her body
one with the bark of a tree, it was a spell that worked like camouflage.
"This is called disaster purification, right? To be able to disrupt my [Concealment], that is
quite capable of you. A similar kind of spell can be obtained through the blessing of good
fortune borrowed from the fairies, but it requires accumulation over long periods of time.
Overall, yours is the most excellent form of anti-magic techniques."
After her spell was neutralized, Liliana explained.
"Fu, that's quite amazing. Anyway, Liliana."

"No matter what, secretly following me is going too far. Give me a break."
Godou had already become accustomed to dealing with this silver-haired female knight.
She was not a dense person, rather, one should describe her as oversensitive, causing her to
appear meddlesome sometimes. In situations like this it was best to communicate properly
with her, letting her know she doesn't need to go so far in taking care of him.
However, Liliana replied with a worried expression:
"But today you are seeing another woman behind my back!"
"Not a woman, a girl! Besides, isn't her sister Mariya coming along with me!"
"Kusanagi Godou, your explanation has a little bit of merit. But I understand very well,
Japanese people have always held an interest in young girls even back in the Heian period.
Like that Hikaru Genji[28], also deceived a very young girl to become his wife."
Lucretia Zola was the same. Do they both want to make trouble for Murasaki Shikibu[29] so
Seeing the doubt on Godou's face, Liliana continued:
"The probability of the younger Mariya sister becoming your underaged bride is definitely
quite high. Statistically, males will automatically fall for young females who approach and
offer themselves willingly."
"Onee-chan, is this true!? Does Onii-sama plan on having me as a concubine!?"
"N-No such thing, and you are not allowed to use a term like concubine!"
Seeing the honest Hikari surprised, and Yuri scolding her, Godou made his decision.
He cannot allow this misunderstanding to persist. He must take this opportunity to make
things clear.
"Don't use a term like underaged bride. Now is a good opportunity, I will make myself clear."
"Yes, I understand."
"Liliana, don't misunderstand, I am not the playboy in your imagination, and I have never
been popular with girls. If you really need a description, I am the very serious type who has
never gotten used to dealing with females."
Telling her his sincere opinion, Liliana listened and nodded deeply.
"Kusanagi Godou, I understand very well, I already know what kind of person you are."
"Though you say that... You always act like a loose cannon."

"I do everything I do because I understand you. In contrast to your massive web of female
relationships, you prefer a modest and simple life, right? Though your actions are those of an
advocate for a life of pleasure under polygamy, on an intellectual level you insist on
"Yes, yes... But take out the redundant parts about the massive web of female relationships
and a life of pleasure."
"Is that so? About that point, I have actually done some investigations."
What did Liliana investigate? Godou pondered in puzzlement.
"Recently, I have found it rather unbelievable. Having followed you closely during this time, I
have come to understand your personality and preferences. However, I have found it
completely impossible to reconcile the fact that you are somehow managing a harem
containing Erica and Mariya Yuri. How on earth was it possible... In order to solve this
mystery, I have investigated all your female relationships over the past few years."
For her to have done such a thing. But even if one were to investigate the female relationships
of Kusanagi Godou, whose age equals the number of years without a girlfriend, nothing
meaningful should be found.
As Godou felt that things were becoming increasingly unbelievable, the silver-haired knight
asked him:
"Do you remember in the third year of middle school, your very intimate classmate Kyouno
"Kyouno... There was someone called that, a girl with a poor memory, always forgetting to
bring textbooks, so she frequently combined desks with me and shared mine. She was always
inexplicably friendly to me, and started conversations for no particular reason, probably
because we were in the same class."
"Then what about Kyouno Emili's close friend, Uchida Kyouko?"
"You mean that very quiet and proper fellow, always sticking together with Kyouno.
Extremely quiet. Now that you mention it, she did write me a 'can we be friends?' letter, so I
became friends with her."
"One more person I must confirm, who is Tokunaga Asuka?"
"She's an old friend who lives on the same commercial street as me, didn't you pass her by
many times already, Liliana? Her personality is very strong, and often complaining, but
sometimes she would act so friendly it makes me feel uncomfortable, like suddenly forcing a
lunchbox onto me, saying 'I made too much by accident, so here you go!' Things like that."
And then Liliana continued to list out a series of names.
Endou Maya, Narasaki Sayaka, Nakazawa Kaori and many others. Listing out all these people
whom Godou only retained vague memories, it took a lot of work to recall them all.

"So, you even made marriage promises in your childhood... And that is the situation,
Kusanagi Godou."
"Eh? We were all friends in the past. What do you mean by 'and that is the situation'?"
As Godou tried to object, he noticed that the Mariya sisters were staring at him strangely.
"I-I never thought, Godou-san would have relationships with so many people..."
"Amazing, Onii-sama! Popular with the ladies just as the rumors say, what a true man!"
Yuri was surprised by revelations of 'eh, this person actually had such a past!?' and showed
troubled eyes. On the other hand, Hikari was looking at Godou with eyes of pure admiration.

"To have so many girls distressed over you, and yet you remain completely unaware... You
were born with a lady-killer's disposition. I, Liliana Kranjcar am impressed from the bottom
of my heart. Kusanagi Godou, you are like a sleepwalking serial murderer, a rare and unaware
Liliana declared her conclusion in very stern tones. How was that possible, I, Kusanagi
Godou, am not that popular a man.
But Yuri over there was nodding repeatedly, and Hikari was going "wow, this is an adult's
story" while looking over with eyes of worship. They both agreed. What on earth was this!?
"So I rudely followed you today, in order to prevent the young innocent girl from being
captured by your poisonous fangs -- no, sorry, it should be your charm instead."
"Wait a minute, Liliana, I never had any immoral thoughts about Hikari ever!"
"Correct, you are right. Your sense of righteousness is strong, and very noble, unlike those
despicable people harboring sexual desires towards underaged girls, and you would never see
this kind of underaged girl as a candidate for romantic pursuit. However, look at this girl

"?" Liliana pointed her finger at the younger Mariya sister, puzzling Hikari.
"Mariya Hikari is already completely taken by admiration for you. Do you not see the
dangerous situation?"
"Ah? She's just acting friendly towards her elders, right?"
"Normally, that explanation might be correct. But you have no self-awareness as a ladykiller... So that is why I have speculated on future developments."
Godou recalled Liliana's interests. The fairy-like and beautiful young lady of Eastern
European descent, was an aspiring author of daring romantic novels. This gave Godou a very
ominous feeling.
"Right... First comes the fateful beginning with this childhood admiration, Mariya Hikari
begins to have a minor crush on you, and then she will offer her untainted innocence to you.
As the inexperienced and fearless love begins to sublimate to the next level, she will wish for
her heart and body to become your possessions. In the beginning you will rebuff her using the
age difference as an excuse, but soon enough immoral thoughts will surface, and you decide
to pluck this lovely little flower, and seize ownership--!"
"Is that so... One day I will be serving by Onii-sama's side too..."
"N-No way! Your older sister will not allow such a thing!"
Liliana's problematic speech sent the Mariya sisters into turmoil, as Godou kept his distance
away from them, he began to whisper to the blue knight one on one.
"Hey, Liliana, you overthought things way too much... Rather, I should say your delusional
imagination is too vivid. Hikari is even younger than my sister Shizuka, how could I possibly
harbor these strange and immoral thoughts against such a small girl?"
"The problem is the girls will automatically approach you. From the past examples, there
were quite a number of confirmed cases."
Even though she brought up so many things that happened in the past, Godou was still unable
to comprehend what was so objectionable. Seeing Godou so troubled, Liliana smiled and said:
"But I do believe you are not the type to toy with young girls... I got it now, let us have a
wager. Whether Mariya Hikari will become captivated by Kusanagi Godou or not."
What? Unable to understand the meaning of the knight's proposal, Godou was unable to
"If the second daughter of the Mariya family does not develop romantic feelings towards
Kusanagi Godou, then it is your victory. I will admit that you are a man who can control his
charms. Regarding this issue, I will swear not to mention it ever again. But if she ends up
wishing to stay by your side, and serve you--"
Liliana decisively spoke with great sternness:

"At that time, please grant me the right to manage your chambers."
Chambers, that meant something like bedroom, right?
"Recently I've been troubled by this, for Erica and Mariya Yuri have been competing as
lovers, while I, Liliana Kranjcar, can only stand aside as your knight. Is that really for the
best? I think this is the answer I have been looking for. Kusanagi Godou, I will not only be
your sword, but assist in your personal life as well. If I win the wager, I will become your
irreplaceable trusted adviser, close friend, housekeeper and subordinate, as well as
maidservant. Please consider this for me, I will do everything I can in your best interests."
Godou began to consider, perhaps this was a wager he could easily win?
Watching Hikari in the distance, the girl who was the subject of the wager did not appear to
have any signs of falling in love on first sight, or having secretly admired him from a long
time ago. Hence, this girl definitely will not be infatuated with me. No problem.
Thus the troubled Yuri also declared she would never let something like that happen. Liliana
was just digging a grave through strange delusions. I am sorry, but how could I miss out on
such an easy wager?
"...I agree to this wager, how about a time limit of a month?"
"Acknowledged. So Kusanagi Godou, regarding how to solve this problem. Please allow me
to offer my advice."
Liliana respectfully responded to Godou who had agreed to her proposal.
"About the Saitenguu issue, why not chat with someone more in the know? If you inquire
using your stature as [King], the other party should not refuse you."
Now that it's mentioned, Godou had almost forgotten. The suggestion made Godou feel like
he suddenly saw the light.

Part 3
After making an appointment, Godou and Liliana went together to the Sayanomiya residence
on the street of Sanbanchou in the Tokyo special ward of Chiyoda. Due to duties or being in
training, the two Hime-Miko remained at Nanao Shrine.
Entering the study, the person they wanted to see had been waiting for them.
The Tokyo Branch Chief of the History Compilation Committee, namely, Sayanomiya Kaoru,
was wearing a grey dress shirt with a tie, as well as a men's suit. As always, the cross-dressing
Hime-Miko was as beautiful as ever.
As a side note, her subordinate Amakasu Touma was wearing a worn-looking suit, on standby
in a corner of the study.

"You already know about us, the Four Families, right? The Sayanomiya, Seishuuin, Renjou
and Kuhoudzuka families leading the Japanese wizardry world. Each family has their own
duties, and the Kuhoudzuka are responsible for guarding the Saitenguu at Nikkou's
Toushouguu. This shrine was originally built to venerate the [Divine Monarch] in the early
Edo period."
Sayanomiya Kaoru explained in a very clear voice.
"Oh." Standing behind the sofa couch Godou was sitting on, Liliana responded to the mention
of the divine monarch. Apparently, she was more knowledgeable about Japanese culture than
"Saitenguu is the divine monarch's temple that is protected by a strong barrier and sealing
spell. Following the orders of the Kuhoudzuka family, a Hime-Miko can use disaster
purification to weaken the seal. Doing so allows the family to obtain the might of the divine
monarch -- in other words, they can wield the divine monarch's power."
At this point, Kaoru giggled audibly with a mischievous smile which was also unusually
"Or put it this way, the Kuhoudzuka is a family that cannot complete their own mission
without a Hime-Miko. Though it's not enough to make them lose their position, but it is
definitely a massive embarrassment. Mikihiko-san is already confirmed to succeed the family
next year. If he is able to fill the Hime-Miko vacancy during this time, it will add a lot to his
Hearing this explanation, Godou spoke out about a point of concern.
"By the way, so the divine monarch is a deity after all?"
"A god, yes, no mistake about it... Apparently an extremely troublesome deity."
Kaoru answered readily, while her trusted subordinate waiting on hand added:
"Yes, it is a great spell that required a life's work from our predecessor, a great figure who
converted the heretic [Steel] into a sword protecting the nation, and then sealed it at Nikkou.
Do I need to explain further?"
"Ah... No thanks, because I don't want to know too much about things involving gods."
Godou shook his head to reject Amakasu's offer.
He didn't expect it would be [Steel]. Hearing that term, it made him especially agitated.
"Thank you both for the detailed explanation. I'm sorry for suddenly bothering you all."
Kaoru and Amakasu were older than him, so Godou very naturally employed a respectful tone
of voice.

"Not at all, for this kind of trivial task, we will answer you no matter the number of questions.
For you are the devil king secluded in this world."
Kaoru smiled wryly. Though her choice of words was similar to the Kuhoudzuka gentleman's,
there was no feeling of unnatural stiffness.
Her every motion was extremely natural and beautiful. Even a frivolous conversation would
turn into a stylish joke. She was someone who possessed an incredible charisma, this
androgynous personality.
"However, it is a position that has been vacant for almost a century. Whether the divine
monarch truly exists, no one has confirmed directly, so it is very hard to judge."
Kaoru smiled mischievously.
"Despite Hikari's appearance, her personality is actually just as serious as her sister's. 'As long
as it is within my ability, I will try my best... Even though I am a bit scared.' Something like
that. So she is probably in a quandary right now. To be honest, I feel it is too risky. It is better
to reject the offer. Sometimes it is necessary to protect oneself."
"Though sealed, this vacant position does require a miko to serve a [Heretic God]."
As his master explained with levity, Amakasu chimed in casually.
Godou nodded, after their explanation, the matter was easily understood. The Kuhoudzuka
family directly started the recruitment process without detailing the risk of becoming the
'divine monarch's Hime-Miko' or the importance of the position.
In that case it was very difficult for Hikari to make a decision, and similarly he found it hard
to make a suggestion.
"Is it possible... to have a trial run there and try it out first?"
Godou proposed his idea. Even a middle school third year baseball youth aiming for the
National Championship would first make a visit to the high school of their choice. Letting
Hikari try something similar, it was a very simplistic notion.
Hearing Godou's suggestion, Sayanomiya Kaoru burst out laughing loudly.
"Allowing someone other than the succeeding Hime-Miko to enter the forbidden depths of
Saitenguu to try things out? That will definitely bring about divine retribution. Mikihiko-san
is a very serious person, and he will definitely be offended. Your idea is perfect!"
Realizing his suggestion lacked common sense, Godou felt greatly ashamed.
If it was possible to have a trial run, then the Mariya sisters would have done it already.
"It's no good after all?"
"Normally, it will never be permitted, but in this case, it's the [King]'s decree."

With heart-felt joy, Kaoru took out her cellphone.

Finding the number from amongst her contacts, the call soon connected.
"Hey, is it Mikihiko-san? I am Kaoru. Actually I have something to discuss with you. That's
right, about the Hime-Miko matter. After that, Hikari's guardian made a proposal... Yes, of
course it is that esteemed one."
Secretly laughing to herself, Kaoru's voice was exceptionally serious.
The great devil king, vicious beyond compare, ordering the holy sanctum to be opened up for
the sake of his beloved's younger sister. If Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko agreed to such demands, his
situation would become precarious, but for the sake of national security, he would have to
endure no matter what -"Sayanomiya-san, I never knew you were someone like that."
"Yes, that is the kind of person she is, who loves to play pranks and tell lies, as well as being
the champion of playboys three times in a row."
Speaking of such uncertain facts, there were threats at times, and tears on other occasions.
Godou and Amakasu sighed lightly as they looked at the cross-dressing beauty.
"Yes, as expected he couldn't agree immediately, but from the feeling I got just now, there
will be an answer in three days. Kusanagi-san, you can leave this matter to me, Sayanomiya
"Your concern... I thank you greatly."
Godou expressed his gratitude briefly to the History Compilation Committee leader whose
spirits were rising to a peak.
Clearly she seemed like she was having fun, though she was also a very reliable friend.
Anyway, let's wait for the good news. Godou got up from the sofa, and Liliana followed
behind him.
As they were about to leave, Amakasu suddenly spoke:
"By the way, Kusanagi-san. If possible, could you pass along a message to Erica-san?"
A message? Godou was greatly surprised by this unexpected request.
"Two days ago, the young master of the Lu family from Hong Kong was sighted at Narita
airport. I have not been acquainted with this gentleman, so if possible, I was wondering if she
could help introduce us."
"The young master of the Lu family -- is that Lu Yinghua!"
Before Godou could answer, Liliana spoke out excitedly.

"Yes, Cult Leader Luo Hao's one and only direct disciple. Erica-san has met him before in
Hong Kong. Could Liliana-san have met him too?"
"No... However, I have heard about him many times."
The sudden exchange made Godou a little concerned. Whose disciple was this guy?
"That whatever Cult Leader, is that a devil king like me who lives in China?"
"Yes, do you still remember, Her Eminence Luo Hao, leader of the Holy Cult of the Five
Mountains, the Campione who resides in China. One who rarely makes an appearance, a
person impossible to judge."
Amakasu happily showed off his knowledge.
"In addition to Daoist and martial arts[30], she possesses god-slaying authorities... A super
monster who happens to be on poor terms with Marquis Voban... Furthermore, the one who
was trained in the martial arts of this great devil king, is the young master of the Lu family
mentioned just now."
"I have often heard of his exploits, for he is famous as a most capable figure in Erica and my
Liliana added.
"Actually within Japan, he is even more well-known than Erica-san and Liliana-san. After all,
China is much closer to Japan compared to Europe. He is renowned for his outstanding
qinggong[31] and powerful palm strikes."
In other words, he was extremely agile and a famous martial artist whose style featured palm
attacks, explained Amakasu subsequently.
Godou sighed. He really didn't want to meet anything troublesome, but as luck would have it,
he heard this hated kind of news.
"But after he left Narita, his trail was lost. If he plans on staying in Japan for a while, I think
it's best to give him a greeting."
"Got it, I will let Erica know, but there's one question."
"A question? Be my guest, ask away."
Amakasu laughed "hoho", and once again, Godou found this man completely
"I don't think you need to send a message through me. Wouldn't it be faster to contact Erica
directly? It's not like you don't know each other."
"No no, my relationship with that lady should be limited to contact through either you or
Yuri-san. That is enough. Of course, I will still contact her directly when necessary, but unless

there was no other way, I shouldn't get too close to her... Anyway, thank you for doing this on
my behalf."
The young man, who was a ninja descendant, bowed his head to Godou.

Part 4
Roppongi was in the Minato ward of Tokyo.
Standing amongst the headquarters of television stations and other skyscrapers was the
Roppongi Tower.
With fifty-four stories, its full name was the Roppongi Hills Mori Tower and it stood two
hundred and forty meters tall. The highest landmark in the area, even the rooftop of a twentyone-story luxury hotel didn't seem very high in comparison.
At such a place, a young boy and girl were lying in wait.
With a fearless and dissatisfied face, the youth was standing on the edge of the roof.
It was ten minutes past midnight.
Watching the night scenery in boredom, the boy was roughly fourteen years old. With a
proper well-proportioned face, he was wearing a black top along with black jeans.
Not far away, there was a crouching girl who looked about the same age as him.
Unlike the oriental youth, she was Caucasian with a head of brown hair and angelic beauty.
However, her especially large eyes were filled with murderous and evil intent. This was a
vicious countenance.
Those who knew about the supernatural incident at Los Angeles would probably have
Her name was Asherah, and two weeks ago, she was still the leader of the [King of Flies], the
otherworldly witch.
"It's coming soon... Brat, get yourself ready."
Asherah reminded him, for she was using seeking magic to find the presence of the "target."
"You finally found it, Sis. This wait has been killing me."
The youth smiled. A casual and uncaring expression that was not cute at all. Asherah could
not help but frown at his lack of tension. She once again gave her orders.
"Your failure is not acceptable. Put all your effort into it."
"I know. So, I will express my opinion too... After I catch that fellow, don't you fail now. If I
get scolded by my master because of your mistake, I will make you pay back triple."

"What did you say?"

Asherah's evil eyes were full of the glint of disaster. The witch, who could curse a person to
death just by her glare, only received a gaze of indifference in return. When necessary,
destroy the enemy without hesitation. Such was the unrelentless will that could be seen.
"You're called Lu Yinghua, right? Clearly just a brat, but you sure have a way with words."
"Compared to quarrelling, I have something even more amazing. Even if my opponent is
female, I will not go easy... In fact, a woman would make me even more aggressive instead.
Would you like to try it?"
The youth -- Lu Yinghua slowly spread out his palms. He possessed slender and nimble
fingers, while his broad palms had been forged hard and solid through training.
The two stared at each other, but the situation soon ended.
"That fellow has appeared. I shall catch up later. You go and get ready."
"Got it."
Following the directions of Asherah to sense the presence of the target, Lu Yinghua pressed
his palms together.
Arguments and the mission had to be handled separately. The attitudes of the two instantly
became serious.
"The target really did surface, Sis, those eyes of yours are really convenient."
Lu Yinghua looked down from the edge of the roof.
From the entrance of the hotel, the targeted young man was just walking out.
Wearing a high class custom-tailored suit, he was a very handsome man. By activating the
flow of qi[32] from the energy center[33] below the navel, Lu Yinghua could clearly recognize
the target's face even from the twenty-first floor.
Next, it was Asherah's eyes that tracked the young man's movements.
Using magic to enhance her vision and hearing, she had the entire interior of the hotel under
This continued for several minutes.
...Until the target's high-class vehicle was confirmed to be leaving the hotel's car park.
"Then I'll be going, you can slowly catch up later."

Lu Yinghua spoke to his companion and then jumped. Leaping without any running start, he
flew across the Roppongi night sky, his body tracing a trajectory towards the ground like a
thrown object.
His jumping was like a shooting star; his flight was like a magic bird.
Flying down from the roof of the hotel, it was like hovering on the wings of a glider. Landing
on top of a lower building, he flew once again, this time onto a street light on the side of the
The next time landed him on top of an electrical pole.
Flying yet again, this time was the wall on the fourth floor of a building. Kicking his legs he
flew again.
With superhuman qinggong and jumping ability, he moved from height to height. His gaze
was focused on the target's car making its way through the streets -- Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko's
luxury car.
Against an automobile travelling at several tens of kilometers per hour, Lu Yinghua easily
pursued with exceptional speed. Along the way, when the target entered the Shuto
Expressway, he stopped on a neighboring car to conserve his strength.
After a few dozens of minutes, the target entered a surface road in Setagaya. Travelling along
the quiet road, there were no other people or cars in the surroundings. At this point, Lu
Yinghua used a new tactic.
He moved onto the roof of Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko's car.
Descending from the sky like a feather, the young heir of the Kuhoudzuka family was
completely unaware of anything unusual as he clutched the steering wheel. Lu Yinghua
landed on the car with neither sound nor impact.
And then he knelt down and gently tapped the car roof with his palm.
With just that, all the car windows were shattered -- the windshield, the two sides and the
back. This light touch of the palm was able to smash all the windows without leaving a single
trace on the roof. A miracle brought about by Lu Yinghua's palm strike.
The unexpected incident forced Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko to hit the brakes.
Stopping the car, he left the vehicle to inspect the surroundings.
"Young master, greetings for the first time. I already know your name, so let me give you
Lu Yinghua jumped over the target's head and landed on the asphalt.
He didn't make a sound, nor was there any disturbance in the air.

"Lu Yinghua. However, there is no need for you to remember, for you will very soon forget."
"...I have heard of the powerful palm strikes associated with this name."
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman muttered to himself as he reached his hand into the car to retrieve
a wooden sword.
Heh. Lu Yinghua smiled. He made an expression as if surprised by the other person's
response. At this time, the Kuhoudzuka gentleman suddenly made a thrust with the wooden
sword. Aiming for the throat, there was no intention of mercy.
One shouldn't lose initiative due to pointless issues.
Lu Yinghua continued to smile as he faced the unexpected resistance from the target.
As he smiled, he used his hand to chop at the wooden sword approaching his throat, severing
a quarter of the blade. Seeing his wooden sword transformed to a wooden club, the
Kuhoudzuka gentleman was shocked.
"How slow, too slow. Your reaction is much too slow, it's almost like an imbecile. There is no
value in using my palm."
Lu Yinghua approached casually, his footsteps as slow as a cow.
Nevertheless, the distance to the Kuhoudzuka gentleman was easily closed.
Smack! The Lu family's casual young master lightly flicked his opponent's forehead with the
tip of his finger.
An attack with the middle finger, in other words, a forehead flick. Just like that, the young
heir of the Kuhoudzuka family fell down unconscious.
As Lu Yinghua watched the unconscious target, a young girl descended from the sky.
The vicious young beauty Asherah. Unlike Lu Yinghua's repeated leaping, she used a witch's
technique of [Flight] and really flew here through the sky.
"Looks like preparations are complete. Then this man's brain and heart belong to me now."
The witch approached the collapsed Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko.
"This kind of brainy spell is very difficult, right? Are you sure you won't have a problem?"
"Hmph, as long as I use my magical power, this is a trivial task, do not underestimate me."
Glared at by Asherah, Lu Yinghua simply shrugged.
"Whatever, this is not my area of expertise, I'll leave it all to Sis. Finish it quickly, and get to
the next stage."

"Yes, the [Steel] that this fellow guards, happens to be your master's mortal enemy -- a
[Heretic God]."
Asherah's evil eyes examined the unconscious young man on the ground.
"Hero worshipped from a rare era, the key to the sealed [Stable], let us use this fellow to
accomplish our goal. Lu Yinghua, hurry and send this good news to Her Eminence!"

Part 5
The next day after visiting the Sayanomiya residence.
Lunch time on the roof of the high school section of Jounan Academy, familiar faces were
gathered together.
Godou, Erica, Yuri, Liliana, the four of them were all involved with strange and secretive
associations or mysterious shrines so they frequently met outside of school. On the other
hand, they were equally likely to take off separately after school and do their own thing,
leaving after a simple greeting.
However, they always gathered here for lunch every day. (On rainy days, it was the cafeteria.)
Without any agreement, it was just business as usual every day.
As a side note, Godou's little sister Shizuka who attended classes in the middle school section,
also came here often, just not every single day. Though it was the same campus, the buildings
were different, so she would only come when she found it too troublesome to buy bread at the
snack shop.
Today Shizuka was not present, which allowed them to converse beyond the usual topics.
"Hmm--? That misogynistic guy came to Japan?"
Hearing about that Lu some guy or another from Godou, Erica stared wide.
"Yes, appearing to be very popular with the ladies, but exceptionally stubborn and repressed.
He holds a particular grudge against beautiful and capable females, so I am one of those he
Whenever Erica described herself as powerful and beautiful, she definitely had her good
"Back then, when I often had the chance to chat with him, it seems like there was a very
powerful and violent woman close to him. That was probably why he developed this weird
kind of oppositional defiance, or perhaps there was some kind of early childhood trauma."
"...In other words, he is a strange fellow."

Erica nodded to agree with Godou's conclusion.

"He is an extremely strange person, but a genius like a demon, whose martial arts prowess
even exceeds Sir Salvatore. One day he will leave behind a reputation like Mozart or Da
"Even more amazing than that idiot... It can't be?"
Godou couldn't help but make sure. He had once experienced firsthand with his body
Salvatore Doni's exceptional skill with the sword, so it was very difficult to believe.
"In terms of overall natural talent, no doubt about it. Didn't I say all along? Sir Salvatore's
only godly skill is the sword. Before becoming a Campione, his bodily constitution could not
even store magical power. What we call magical power, is known as 'qi' to Chinese users. Do
you understand what that means?"
Hearing Erica's question, Godou immediately thought of "martial arts = kung fu = qi =
Furthermore, magical power was what fueled spells and authorities. Compared to an ordinary
mage, a Campione's body contained several hundred times the magical power. Godou had
heard this before.
"Correct. Commonly known as qigong, Chinese martial artists call it neigong[35] A master in
neigong will have their body surrounded by strong magical power. In addition to being
applied towards magic or Daoist arts, it can also be used in mystic techniques of martial arts."
Just like a warrior in a RPG can consume MP to use a finishing move? Godou recalled the
games that Shizuka played and tried to imagine.
"So without reaching a level of neigong equivalent to the mastery of unarmed and sword
skills, one cannot learn the most advanced mystic techniques in martial arts. The sword skills
of our knights follow the same concept, swordsmanship and magical power have to be trained
at the same time. For his talent to lie exclusively on one side, Sir Salvatore can only be
described as a heretical genius."
The heretical genius, user of the evil sword that deviated from the norm.
Godou could agree to that, for it was a very apt description that suited that man very well.
"As much as possible, avoid entering a confrontation against that guy. In terms of penetrative
power and mobility, I may be outmatched... However, I am confident that a violent conflict
will not develop between us."
Erica spoke with a slightly displeased expression. It was only natural. The [Diavolo Rosso]
was about using wits and excelled at strategizing. As long as she had the intention, she would
brutally target the enemy's weaknesses, reacting like an intellectual criminal to obtain final
victory. However, her true nature was a knight who liked to make a direct frontal charge.

Winning a direct battle was the true reward of the battlefield. It was very dangerous to enter a
direct conflict with those who adhered to this aesthetic, which meant that for the sake of
victory, she could discard her pride.
"Anyway, let's hurry and start having lunch -- Ah, Yuri seems to have brought quite a few
things today?"
Setting the unpleasant subject aside, Erica looked at today's lunch.
"Ah, yes. If possible, everyone please share."
Yuri took out a lunchbox containing catfish rice.
The other lunchbox was packed with fried egg, kinpira[36] burdock, Chikuzen style chicken
stew, teriyaki mackerel, pickled Chinese cabbage, etc, while the thermos contained miso soup
with seaweed and tofu.
Erica took out an assorted platter of Chinese dimsum[37], with shrimp dumplings, crab roe
shaomai, and sticky rice dumplings with fillings of pork and chestnuts. One glance was
enough to tell it was prepared by the maid and assistant Arianna. Though it was a shame it
had already cooled off, it was still very delicious.
And Godou decided to thank the heavens, for there was nothing pot stewed.
"Mariya Yuri, what is with you? Just like Erica said, your lunches recently have been
especially generous?"
Receiving the paper cup filled with miso soup from Yuri, Liliana asked with an incredulous
tone of voice.
"Hikari's matters have troubled everyone lately, so I thought I should return the favor
The beautiful Hime-Miko replied shyly. Due to the increased number of participants,
everyone had been bringing less lately. Even if she hadn't prepared extra due to Hikari, the
number of dishes she brought were still quite numerous.
"Pay it no mind. Caring about a girl close to him is a [King]'s duty, this sort of thing is
completely trivial... I also do not think there was any additional trouble."
"Yes, I understand."
Liliana spoke as she picked up a thick piece of fried egg, while Yuri remained embarrassed.
The silver-haired blue knight was very calm, awe-inspiring and composed. This sort of
declaration was full of her unique style, an act only possible for someone who had committed
to some sort of great decision.
Ever since the wager yesterday, this kind of atmosphere persisted.

As if waiting for the next step, silently gathering power -Godou turned his head to the side and looked at Erica. The blonde red knight was watching
her old friend and rival with incredulous eyes, as if hesitating before an animal, wondering if
it was a rare beast or a ferocious beast... something like that.
At this time, something vibrated amongst Yuri's belongings.
Beside the bag carrying the lunchboxes, the cellphone was ringing.
"Sorry, please do not mind me, everyone go ahead and eat first."
Reading the call display, Yuri got up politely. Leaving the spot they were gathered at, she
took the call at a corner of the roof.
"Kusanagi Godou, I have also prepared dessert for today. Thanks to the praise for the
previous cake, I attempted some other varieties, please try this with fig jam."
Liliana suddenly opened a lunchbox, a cheesecake neatly arranged within it. On the side was a
small jar containing an orange-colored jam. Since it was her, this was likely homemade as
"How rare, Lily, you used to stick with just the main course for lunch."
Erica often enjoyed speaking with subtle tones and meanings, but this time she was rather
direct, and even bore a suspicious expression.
Liliana did have such a preference in her cooking just as Erica described, most likely because
she wished to claim the lead position on the lunch table, and subconsciously decided to do the
main course.
"Just preparing main courses to make everyone full is too ordinary, it is good to do something
like this from time to time... Always in the spotlight, someone like you may never understand
this feeling."
The silver-haired knight spoke calmly, though her words ended on a competitive note.
...In actual fact, though not to the same extremes as Erica, Liliana also attracted a great deal of
attention. If this wasn't the case, the red and blue pair would not have been able to become
rivals. Though that was the truth, for Liliana to foster such a notion, it was most likely what
happened yesterday that prompted her change?
"What happened today, Lily? You seem slightly unusual?"
Finally, Erica asked directly.
"Not unusual at all... Only that I have decided with determination, as the premier knight
serving by Kusanagi Godou's side, public recognition by him and others around him is
imminent, so I must act and think in a manner worthy of this position and responsibility."

Liliana's answer was very solemn, and her tone was firm and powerful.
"Therefore Erica, towards your actions of seduction, I will consider turning a blind eye to
them. The one in charge cannot be jealous of a mere lover. Of course, this is conditional on
whether your actions have any ill effects on Kusanagi Godou's schedule."
This declaration delivered with such a superior attitude, made Erica cast a sinister glance at
"Ah? In other words, very soon you will become Godou's most trusted partner?"
"In about a month -- right, Kusanagi Godou?"
Liliana furtively looked at Godou, she had absolute confidence in victory.
Yes, but not really. No matter what, with those conditions, Godou was certain he will not lose.
"Looks like there's some kind of secret agreement? But for someone to be the premier knight
and lover, simply might and magic are not enough. What is important is the capability to
advise a king, to have wit and strategy, diplomacy, the art of conversation and negotiation...
Can you do all that, Lily?"
A very elegant smile appeared on Erica's face as she questioned, presumably the beautiful
side effect of her rise in fighting spirit. Subtle behavior as befitted the [Diavolo Rosso].
"I acknowledge your small-minded cleverness, but to treat it as the talent to be a king's
adviser, is that not boasting too far? Trust is the most important thing between a king and a
knight. In this regard, I will prevent his sincere heart from being stolen by others."
Liliana was extremely calm. In a serious debate, Erica would have won, but the current
development was unprecedented.
"If you say so, then show me your ability as the premier knight... How about the current issue
about Lu Yinghua's arrival in Japan, what's your opinion?"
"Oh, you mean that matter of Cult Leader Luo Hao's direct disciple."
Liliana lightly nodded at Erica's playful question.
"Well, though it is an unsophisticated reaction, I think being on alert is the most crucial. There
is a possibility that the demonic cult leader is planning some kind of commotion in Japan, and
sent her disciple over."
"Yes, just like Marquis Voban. So being prepared is best."
Erica responded to Liliana's sudden unlikely suggestion.
"The likelihood of that is close to impossible. However, in the past six months, I've finally
realized it. Campiones always light up every glowing ember around them into a fire disaster.

Godou is this type, and so are Voban and Sir Salvatore. Cult Leader Luo Hao should be no
"That is correct, they are all notorious for causing trouble for no reason."
The two knight's predictions were akin to delusions of persecution mania, and Godou simply
dismissed them as impossible speculation.
By the way, please don't lump me with that group of people in such a matter-of-fact manner.
"Anyway, the point of contention lies on Cult Leader Luo Hao, whose appearance and
personality are complete unknowns, as well as what kind of deities she had fought in the past.
Erica, you once stayed in Hong Kong, please let me know if you have any information about
"Regarding information on the Cult Leader, those involved in Chinese circles are even more
strict in guarding their secrets. It is rumored that cult believers are obliged to blind themselves
if they see her person, and cut off their own ears if they hear her voice."
As the conversation progressed to this point, Yuri returned from her phone call.
"Godou-san, I really must thank you for this."
Yuri's sudden expression of thanks puzzled Godou, what on earth happened?
"The call just now was from Amakasu-san. Yesterday, Godou-san requested a temporary trial
at Saitenguu, and the Kuhoudzuka family has already agreed."
"Uh, really? Didn't they say we had to wait?"
"Though there are no precedents, but it is the [King]'s request after all, so they can only
accept. They told us we can go over to Nikkou any time as soon as we are ready."
Her head bowed respectfully, Yuri's excellent upbringing from early childhood was apparent
to all, acting like a true Yamato Nadeshiko[38].
"For you to lend your power for the sake of my little sister Hikari, I am truly thankful. As the
older sister, let me express my gratitude here."
"Gratitude is not necessary, I virtually did nothing."
"Of course, I will also thank Kaoru who did the actual negotiations, but first let me express
my gratitude to Godou-san here."
Yuri replied with a calm and grateful smile. Due to her elegance and respectful attitude, it was
hard to take offense. If Godou did not accept, he would feel like he was the unreasonable one.
Smiling wryly, Godou nodded.
"So, Mariya Hikari's problem is solved now. I should say it is wonderful."

Liliana concluded.
Godou suddenly had a thought. The (supposed) leader of this group here should be Kusanagi
Godou, while his next-in-command was Erica Blandelli. This has always been the distribution
of roles.
Now that Liliana wants to squeeze in as his next-in-command, was it a good or bad idea after
"Right, Yuri, has the dates been set for the trial?"
Erica suddenly asked.
"Yes, this coming weekend happens to be a three day holiday, so that will be the time."
"Oh... I suppose Yuri will be going along?"
"Of course, since I am her older sister, and a Hime-Miko like her... Is there a problem?"
Erica's subtle question made Yuri reply in puzzlement.
"Then I have a suggestion. Yuri's sister is equivalent to being the younger sister of Godou -as well as all of us here. Therefore, why not have everyone go along together?"
"What did you say?"
"Godou, with just the answer from the Committee, it doesn't mean your duties are over. You
have to take full responsibility, and protect Hikari to the very end. If that child receives unfair
treatment, what are you going to do?"
The [Diavolo Rosso]'s words were correct, but the corners of her lips showed a smile of
anticipation, and her eyes flashed like a mischievous child.
"Actually I have some things I want to investigate, and there are famous sightseeing
destinations and scenic spots in the surroundings of this temple. The timing is perfect,
everyone, let's go for a visit."
Godou sighed. In the middle of her speech, he already discovered her motives.
Erica had made a very good point about taking full responsibility, causing him to recall what
Sayanomiya Kaoru had mentioned. The divine monarch was definitely not a safe existence.
And though it was sealed, but what if there was a [Heretic God] -Godou made his decision to travel to Nikkou.

Nikkou National Park's boundaries were very broad and not only included Tochigi Prefecture
but also Gunma and Fukushima.

And speaking of Nikkou, of course there was Toushouguu, Futarasan Shrine, Rinnouji's
Nikkou Mountain as well as the area around Okunikkou. Not to mention scenic spots like
Nantaisan, Lake Chuuzenji, or Senjougahara.
Saitenguu was a shrine built in a corner of Nikkou Mountain.
Compared to the splendor of Toushouguu and Futarasan Shrine to the west, it was a quiet holy
sanctum removed from the usual tourist destinations.
Within its confines, Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko was making a cellphone call while wearing shrine
"Even Kusanagi-sama will be making his grand arrival? Of course we extend our utmost
welcome. Right, yes, please pass along my greetings to Hikari-san..."
A young boy and girl were listening in beside him, they were Lu Yinghua and Asherah.
"How amazing, from that manner of speaking you really can't tell that he is being controlled
by Sis."
"Of course, I am one who stands amongst the pinnacle of witches."
The girl answered the youth's praise with disinterest.
She stared at Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko like a puppet she had grown tired of playing.
"The only trouble is, not only is the miko who will be used as the key, but even Kusanagi
Godou -- this country's [King] is coming, that presents a slight problem."
Lu Yinghua's ears not only heard Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko's voice, but even all the sounds on
the other side of the phone. What a beautiful voice, slightly high pitched for a male, but a bit
low for a female...
"Hmph, let him come if he dares. I was willing to take a gamble against John Pluto Smith. For
a brat who hasn't even been a Campione for a year, it will be a piece of cake."
"I see, the reason Sis failed in Los Angeles, I finally understand now."
Lu Yinghua sneered at the evil-eyed witch in high battle spirits.
"...Damn you."
"Sis hasn't truly understood what troublesome existences these [Kings] are. It has nothing to
do with experience for these people. At the time they usurped a god's authority, before they
even became a Campione, they were already transcendent existences. Though Sis and I are
both masters of our craft, even the weakest [King] will be far more powerful than us."
Lu Yinghua described the Campione with depressed eyes.

"They are not people who can be defeated by the likes of techniques, spells, strategies or
traps. Even though my martial ability likely surpasses five of the seven [Kings], I dare not
compete in a frontal confrontation. People like them always find a 'path to victory' no matter
what kind of opponent they are facing. Whether you have exceptional talent, or a hundred
years of training, everything is futile against them. That is why they are called kings."
The youth who had spent ten of his fourteen years of age with his master, explained gloomily.
"Letting kings fight it out is the best course of action. We just need to stick to our own
"Then... Are you going to call for your master?"
The most vicious, the one who had reached the martial pinnacle, the Campione who sought
defeat but never found it.
Lu Yinghua nodded.
"It is necessary. Tell her that if she doesn't show up, the plan will be obstructed. Persuade her
with everything you got, and then respectfully welcome her grand arrival. After all, she has to
come sooner or later for the sake of meeting the divine monarch. Earlier should be better than
later... That is what I think..."
Recalling his master's unreasonable obstinacy, the vigorous youth sighed.
"Otherwise if we are met with failure, I can't imagine what kind of terrible punishment -- I
don't even dare think about it. We might as well go ahead and invite my master who is usually
too lazy to go out. It'd be more practical to just suffer a few heavy punches and be done with
Towards the holy sanctum of the temple in the Far East, the actors were converging onto this
It would take a few more days before they gathered in one place. Meanwhile, the signs of the
brewing storm intensified.

Chapter 4 - Palace of the Divine Monarch's Throne

Part 1
The Mariya sisters, Yuri and Hikari, as well as their guardian Kusanagi Godou.
...Plus Erica Blandelli and Liliana Kranjcar who were following along for some reason.
Using a three-day long weekend in early October, the five of them planned a little trip to
Nikkou. Rather than taking a train, it was more cost effective to go by car.

A certain participant's maid volunteered to drive, but Godou politely declined. Even though
his life was already full of peril, there was no need to add to his unnecessary troubles.
So, how should the driver problem be resolved? After some consideration, Godou called a
certain person.
'If you don't mind, let me assist you guys. I'll also prepare the car. No no, don't thank me.
After all, I'd also like to investigate the inner secrets of the Kuhoudzuka family.'
Godou happily accepted the proposal, and on the afternoon of the first day, everyone gathered
near the Kusanagi residence.
That day when everyone made their way towards Nikkou -"Hey, Amakasu-san."
Barely one hour into the trip, Godou already regretted the decision that he clearly didn't think
through well enough.
From the passenger seat, he inquired from the driver next to him.
"From Tokyo to Nikkou in Tochigi, I think we should take the Touhoku Expressway, right?
That should be the fastest route, so why are we going by surface roads?"
"When travelling, the process before reaching the destination is also very important."
Holding the steering wheel, Amakasu Touma replied seriously.
"Listen carefully, this Nikkou Kaidou[39] has existed since ancient times and runs from
Nihonbashi[40] to Nikkou Toushouguu where Tokugawa Ieyasu is worshipped, and of the
twenty shukuba[41] along the way we have already passed Senju-shuku, Souka-shuku, and
Koshigaya-shuku. In the past, people used to walk along this path by foot."
Toukaidou, Nakasendou, Koushuu Kaidou, Nikkou Kaidou, and finally Oushuu Kaidou.
One of the Edo Five Routes[42], Nikkou Kaidou had become a national and prefectural route.
Amakasu explained with great solemnity as they rode this seven-passenger minivan.
"Seeking convenience and doing things faster is a nasty habit of modern people. Kusanagisan, don't you think we should learn about the journey of the ancients, and experience for
ourselves the hardships of the past?"
"No! All I want right now is to get there as quickly as possible to end this hellish torment!"
As the two men conversed in isolation, the girls in the back were chatting away with great
This in itself was not a problem. However, it was what they were discussing.
"S-So Erica-neesama is Onii-sama's principal wife?"

"Yes, that is correct. Hikari will stay and serve by his side in the future, so you'd better be
obedient, and assist your older sister Yuri well."
"In other words, group cooperation is very important...!?"
"Not exactly. Rather than have everyone getting along in harmony, it's better to maintain a
level of competition. But competing has its time and place, otherwise there will be a problem
during a crisis, so knowing the hierarchy is the key. As long as you know whose orders to
take in an emergency, most problems can be solved easily."
"Wow... I've learnt a lot, Erica-neesama is just like Ena-neesama described, a very amazing
"Is that how Ena described me?"
"She said you are very powerful, possessing a mind that rivals Kaoru-san, plus a very arrogant
"I am honored, but that last description is unnecessary. I am not arrogant, instead, it should be
said that I am very great. Next time Hikari sees Ena, you'd better correct her on this."
"I got it, nee-sama!"
"Erica, do not take advantage of her innocence to indoctrinate her with a bunch of wrong
ideas. Calling yourself Kusanagi Godou's principal wife, that is going too far!"
"Ah, everyone knows that is the eventual future outcome, right?"
"At least I do not think so. From my view, you are just an evil scheming vassal who will lead
the lord towards a dark future... Mariya Hikari, you would do best to first forget everything
Erica said, then remember this: a real knight does not let oneself be bound rigidly to their
position and responsibilities."
"Li...Liliana-neesama! What does that mean!?"
"Knowing your place is admittedly important, but it is not everything. No matter where you
stand, silently offering your all to the lord is the most important, for that is the true way of the
knight. Bragging that she is the principal wife or first lady, indicates that something is wrong
with her cognition."
"Don't be bound by hierarchy, and devote myself to Onii-sama... Yes, that's the idea."
"Yes, for you to understand this kind of noble spirit, I expect good things from you."
"Right, so as long as we become Onii-sama's 'convenient women' it's fine right?"
"Con... Convenient -- little children should not say things like that!"
"Hikari! Where did you hear that from!?"

"Ena-neesama told me, the previous heads of the Seishuuin family had 'convenient women'
everywhere, and treated them as their lovers, and would at least take up the minimum
responsibility of supporting their daily needs... Onee-chan, Onii-sama will take care of me,
"U-Ummm... I say... Our relationships with Godou-san are not that decadent..."
"But that is what Ena-neesama said, Kusanagi Onii-sama is very manly and generous, so all
the surrounding women will be charmed by him. Though she regrets that she cannot
monopolize him together with Onee-chan, it can't be helped if the king pursues a life of
"Please do not mention such things so loudly, too shameless!"
"Ooh, is that so? By the way, what does debauchery feel like?"
"Ah, Hikari sure is eager to learn. Fine, let me tell you, this is a real story I heard back in
Hong Kong --"
"E-Erica-san! I am begging you, please spare her this kind of explanation."
Besides her sister, Hikari had become friendly with everyone else, without being aware of it,
she already called them all "Onee-sama."
A personality that was nowhere near bashful. Godou liked that point about her, but her
talkative character needed a little work... However, if he turned around to remind the back
seats, it would only have the effect of alerting them without achieving his aim, so Godou
spoke to the driver instead.
"Hey, Amakasu-san, can you give me contact information for Seishuuin later?"
"Oh, planning on some love talk on the phone?"
"No, absolutely not. Later I am going to send her a text message of complaints. Also, could
you let me off at the next station? I'm going to take the train by myself."
"Come on don't be like that, travelling requires companions. Let's admire this scenery on the
road together. By the way, we are just about to pass through Kasukabe-shuku which is the
first shukuba where Matsuo Bashou[43] stayed in Oku no Hosomichi[44].
Godou glared at the giggling Amakasu.
"How can I be happy with those kinds of conversations going on in the back! Do you
understand the feeling of sitting on a bed of nails! If you aren't going to let me off the car,
then at least drive quickly to Nikkou!"
"Hahaha, don't get angry, it's not often to have a chance to go for a spin like this, you should
be a little more happy."

Wearing an unassuming outfit, the History Compilation Committee member laughed heartily.
He probably picked this route deliberately to maximize delays.
Describing his boss as loving to play pranks, he was just the same.
The tormented Godou aside, everyone else was enjoying the trip to Nikkou.

After the lively journey, Godou and his group reached their destination at about one in the
Despite many places being severely congested, the group was fortunate enough to be
Nikkou Mountain was where Toushouguu, Futarasan Shrine and Rinnouji were located.
It was still too early for the season of red leaves, but true to its reputation as a tourist vacation
spot, there were still many visitors paying respects, making it very lively and bustling, though
not to the degree of being packed with people... There were many tourists of both genders and
all ages, people travelling alone or as a family, lovers, or group tours, etc... Basically all sorts
of people.
Amakasu stopped the minivan at the car park and everyone else got off first.
And then they reached the main visiting path[45].
Before the entrance of Toushouguu flanked by cedar trees, the first torii[46] could be seen in
front, entering it would reach Toushouguu while Nikkousan Rinnouji was to the right and
Futarasan Shrine was found by following deep along the left path.
"By the way, Liliana, where are we staying tonight?"
"Right, I already booked a room nearby, so do not worry about the noisy crowd over there.
Furthermore, according to your orders, I also picked a hotel that was less expensive."
Liliana replied to Godou's inquiry with a very capable tone of voice.
She had always had a habit of paying attention to small details, and thus was very suited to
handling these kinds of errands. In this area, she was completely different from Erica.
"Yes, Lily, I want one where I can wear a yukata, with outdoor hot springs like those open air
public baths, so that I can drag Godou out at night and enjoy the night sky together as we
Erica drifted into a seductive smile.
This blonde girl had particular talents in politics, strategy, and negotiations. She was also very
aware of the big picture and understood economics. However, mundane and sundry affairs, as
well as delicate tasks like cooking and the economic mindset to go with it, were not her forte.

If given such tasks, she probably could still complete them, but Godou will definitely not
assign these jobs to her.
"The place we are staying tonight does offer open air baths, but requires reservations. As long
as Kusanagi Godou wishes, I will make arrangements..."
"Oh? Is that so! Godou, let us enjoy the two of us together!"
"Who is going to enjoy that kind of thing!"
Godou angrily snarled and rejected her offer.
Erica had her reasons for not arranging these things herself. From the looks of it, the rivalry
between Erica and Liliana was still in Erica's favor, and she was able to maintain this delicate
balance indefinitely.
As a side note, the Mariya sisters who accompanied them on this trip...
"So, Godou-san, it is almost time to set off."
"Onii-sama, we're finally about to reach the shrine at Saitenguu, I'm feeling a little nervous!"
They had spoken, ignoring the conversation between the knights.
Serious Yuri had already grown accustomed to Erica and Liliana's excesses, and would not
nag them with righteous principles. As for Hikari, she was the type who could quickly get
along and make friends with anyone. Her having this kind of flexibility was really wasted
here. Godou increasingly had thoughts like that.
"So, we'll start our separate activities now. Lily, is that OK?"
"No other way, if we came along with you, we might end up being in your way."
And so Erica and Liliana took off, because going for the trial at the shrine of the divine
monarch, it would be best to avoid having outsiders present.
"By the way, has Mariya ever visited that whatever temple?"
"Yes, I came here once before I became a Hime-Miko, but I only entered the main hall and
did not go into the sacrosanct."
Yuri advanced towards the torii of Toushouguu without hesitation.
Following behind her was Godou and Hikari.
Nikkou Toushouguu, was the mausoleum and temple built to venerate the deified Tokugawa
Ieyasu -- Toushou Daigongen. As a luxurious and magnificent shrine, there were frequent
visitors from school trips. The official tour route consisted of climbing the stone steps up
towards the five-story pagoda, passing through the torii, entering the worship hall through the
famous gates of Youmeimon, then the main hall, and finally entering the Okusha inner shrine.

But halfway through, Yuri led them towards an unassuming looking building.
Speaking of Toushouguu, it was a luxurious space built by the equivalent of several tens of
billions of yen in modern day terms. It gave a golden shiny impression, and was full of
sculptures and delicate little decorations.
But over there was a very small and undecorated building, very different from the five-story
pagoda and the Omotemon gate seen so far. However, there were still many tourists and it
was an unexpectedly popular scenic spot.
"It feels like this place is particularly dull, since all the others are so magnificent."
"This is the Shinkyu Sacred Stables... The building that binds the fateful connection between
Toushouguu and the divine monarch."
Yuri replied to Godou's first impressions. Sacred stables? Godou noticed there were two
horses in the stalls, which meant that this was a barn for keeping horses.
"Onii-sama, look quickly, there are monkeys!"
Hikari pointed with great liveliness at the wall of the building.
Along the lower edge of the eaves of a typical house, there were many carvings of monkeys.
A whole clan of monkeys, there were monkeys covering their eyes, monkeys covering their
mouths, monkeys covering their ears, sitting monkeys, monkeys watching the sky, monkeys
sprawled and lying around. In total there were ten-odd monkey sculptures.
"Ah yes, that's 'see no evil, say no evil, hear no evil.'"
Three monkeys that covered their eyes, mouth and ears respectively.
This was a famous sculpture, and seeing it here made Godou finally recall.
"Right, from ancient times, there was a rumor that monkeys can cure the illnesses of horses,
so this stable is full of monkeys!"
"Oh, I did not know that, what relation does Tokugawa Ieyasu have with monkeys?"
Hearing Hikari's recited explanation, Yuri asked with a surprised expression.
"Didn't you know? The divine monarch is not Toushou Daigongen!"
This time it was Godou's turn to be surprised, if the divine monarch worshipped at Nikkou
Toushouguu was not Tokugawa Ieyasu, then who on earth could it be?
Realizing she was too subjective, Yuri hurriedly apologized.
"I am really sorry, because I heard that you already received information from Kaoru so I
thought you knew everything already. Though Saitenguu is a part of Nikkou Toushouguu, it is
dedicated to a different god, and is an independent holy sanctum."

"The divine monarch worshipped at Saitenguu is called the monkey divine monarch! He is the
incarnation of a monkey, and the protector of dragons. Actually, that's all I know."
Hikari felt a little embarrassed.
Why does a monkey have to protect dragons? Godou pondered puzzled, no matter how you
look at it, a dragon should be much stronger than a monkey. Probably some kind of
complicated mythological reason again.
"So, let us head to Saitenguu, please follow behind me."
Yuri took out a rectangular piece of a paper -- a charm. Asking her the reason, it turns out
Saitenguu had a barrier that repels humans.
With Godou and Hikari following her, Yuri held the charm and entered a vast forest behind
Shinkyo Sacred Stables.
This was the intermediate area within Toushouguu that led towards Futarasan Shrine. Very
inconspicuous, none of the tens of tourists noticed it.
After following Yuri in the forest for ten-odd minutes, Godou already had no idea where he
The three of them finally reached an ancient shrine.
"Welcome, I have been waiting for everyone."
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman came out to greet them, wearing Shinto shrine attire.
Behind him was Amakasu who they had left behind earlier. He probably arrived first by
taking a different route. Adhering to his role in the background, he only greeted Godou with a
"We Kuhoudzuka of this shrine are greatly honored by the arrival of the [King]. Very soon,
the doors to the sacrosanct will be opened and you will be able to meet the divine monarch.
Please wait a moment."
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman welcomed them cautiously and respectfully, but Godou was
"Did you just mention meeting the divine monarch?"
"Yes, for a trial at Saitenguu, the best course of action would be having a direct face to face
conversation with the divine monarch she will be serving in the future. As long as Hikari-san
can use disaster purification, the sacrosanct can be opened, which is why this method was
I see, it was as he said, as long as there was no substantial risk.
"But isn't it dangerous to meet with a [Heretic God]?"

"You are completely correct. Since that is the case, we will do as you requested. You will
accompany Hikari-san together into the sacrosanct and meet the divine monarch together."
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman's suggestion made Godou deep in thought.
If he meets a [Heretic God], wouldn't there be trouble? They were natural enemies hardwired
on a genetic level, if a great battle began from this at Toushouguu, it would be a huge
But letting Hikari see him alone was also too dangerous, and Godou was the one responsible
for forcing them to allow this in the first place. At this time, the guardian should be
accompanying her.
Godou had no choice but to nod.
Godou, Amakasu and Yuri despite her spirit vision did not notice.
Today's visitors at Saitenguu included a nonhuman existence, a tiny lizard that watched these
people superciliously from a corner in the area.
Since it was close to the ground surface, it was very hard for tall humans to notice.
Its eyes carried a haughty royal presence, and as the Kuhoudzuka gentleman led the miko
forward, the lizard began to move languidly.
Moving with leisure, as if it was the ruler of this place.

Part 2
In preparation for the meeting with the divine monarch, Hikari changed into a miko outfit.
Led by the Kuhoudzuka gentleman to the Shamusho[47] building, her sister Yuri also followed
by her side.
Though Godou was offered a waiting room, he refused because he didn't want to create
trouble for others, and waited with Amakasu in the vicinity of the Shamusho.
"...The Kuhoudzuka family has surprisingly few people here."
Godou pointed out what he noticed. Other than the Kuhoudzuka gentleman, there were no
other people.
Currently, Godou and Amakasu were the only ones present.
"Since it is the day when the sacrosanct of the monkey divine monarch will be opened, most
likely everyone was dismissed other than the young master in charge. His way of handling
things is appropriate for opening a divine seal that has been untouched for a century."
"Anyway besides that, why do they worship a monkey deity here?"

Shouldn't they worship a more advantageous deity?

As if hearing Godou's thoughts, Amakasu smiled slightly wryly and scratched his head.
"You say he is just a monkey, but he is actually a very useful divine beast. Unexpected,
"Curing illnesses of horses and protecting dragons... That's what I heard just now."
"Oh, so you already know. Furthermore, he has other important attributes, such as
vanquishing evil. Kyoto is a place inhabited by monkeys. This place is located at the Gen[48]
position relative to Kyoto -- in other words, the northeast. In onmyoudou[49], the northeast is
regarded as the demon gate, namely the direction from where demons and evil spirits invade."
You see, northeast -- Gen's opposite is the Shen[50] position of southwest, which is why the
monkey is used for vanquishing evil, that was how Amakasu explained, somewhat
inexplicably happily.
"Using the monkey to establish a formation as a guard for the demon gate, is one of the most
prided wizardry techniques of the Tendai[51] monks."
"Tendai...? That Tendai from Mount Hiei's Enryaku-ji[52]?"
"Yes, by the way, the Buddhist High Priest Tenkai who designed Nikkou Toushouguu,
apprenticed at Tendai originally."
Mount Hiei is located to the northeast of Kyoto -- the position of the demon gate. Amakasu
High Priest Tenkai. Godou had heard this name before, known as Tokugawa Ieyasu's think
tank, he was a monk with great wisdom. He served until the third Shogun[53], Iemitsu.
"The religious device known as Nikkou Toushouguu was constructed for the sake of deifying
Lord Tokugawa Ieyasu as the guardian god of the country. As for the secretly built Saitenguu
here, it is the shrine for worshipping the dragon slayer vanquisher of evil, the monkey divine
"Why would they choose this place deliberately...?"
"Because relative to Japan's supernatural center, this happens to be the position of the demon
gate, so the worship of the country's guardian deity Lord Ieyasu, as well as the evilvanquishing monkey god, were both established here.
Godou was intrigued. What was the supernatural center?
"You'll understand if you look at a map. Japan's symbol, the sacred grounds with the highest
energy -- is the holy peak Mount Fuji. Nikkou is northeast relative to it. Yes, according to
records, the monkey divine monarch has gone out from Saitenguu a number of times."
"Letting a [Heretic God] run around outside? Isn't that very dangerous!"

"You are correct. A hundred years ago, when the divine monarch was last released, the entire
Saitenguu and related personnel were blown away, and the current shrine was rebuilt after the
Who knew there was this kind of back story.
Godou felt increasingly worried. Was this really OK for Hikari?
"How did the [Heretic God] leave if it was sealed with so much effort? Also, why would an
escaped deity return on its own?"
"If you want an explanation, then I will have to start telling stories about gods, the kind that
Kusanagi hates the most."
Come to think of it, though Amakasu explained about religion and wizardry, he did not go
into any detail about gods. Was he paying attention to my reactions? Which was why he then
continued and gave the following explanation:
"The reason why he came back, was due to that great wizardry spell mentioned before that
required a life time's work. The magical power gathered from sacred sites around Japan is
converted into the divine power of Toushou Daigongen, and then used to restrain the monkey
divine monarch. Even when he went out to cause havoc, he was obliged to return and accept
being sealed in the end."
"...This kind of thing is possible!?"
Godou was overcome with surprise. No matter how many human magi were gathered, a super
powerful [Heretic God] could never be defeated. This should be unchangeable truth.
"This kind of thing is impossible, so how was it actually done? Kaoru-san and I firmly
believe, that this set up must have been the culmination of the ancient sages' wisdom."
Ancient sages -- in other words, the current successors of those residents in the Netherworld.
As they chatted away, Yuri returned but Hikari and the Kuhoudzuka gentleman were nowhere
to be seen. She had also changed into a miko outfit.
"Mariya, why are you wearing a miko outfit? And where's your sister?"
"Hikari is talking with Mikihiko-san right now. Godou-san, can you take me along to see
Monkey Divine Monarch-sama?"
Yuri pleaded with a determined expression.
"You want to come too? No way, meeting a god is too dangerous."
"Precisely because it is dangerous, if anything happens, Godou-san will surely protect Hikari,
right? In that case, I have to be there as well."

Realizing Godou's intentions for volunteering to go, and due to her ability to obtain
knowledge about gods through spirit vision, Yuri concluded that her presence would be a
crucial deciding factor if a battle broke out against a god.
"I cannot allow myself to hide in a safe place knowing Godou-san is taking a risk for the sake
of my younger sister. I beg you, please."
Yuri pleaded with sincerity. To be honest, Godou was very grateful for her care and concern
for him, but if he had to receive knowledge from the beautiful Hime-Miko, then it would have
to be through that kind of behavior -Seeing Yuri's adorable cherry lips, Godou recalled that incident.
Probably thinking the same thing, Yuri also started to act awkwardly, appearing very
"...I-If something... like that happens, I-I completely do not mind..."
Combined with her extremely soft murmuring, Godou felt a great shock numbing his brain
and became speechless. He couldn't help it, to think she would say something like that.
"-- It is true that there is a risk, but taking Yuri-san along will confer many conveniences. In
consideration of the goals of this undertaking, there is no need for you two to act separately."
Stuck in their own world, the two of them were suddenly brought back by the appearance of a
calm voice. Godou had quite the surprise, and Yuri most likely as well. Right, that guy was
still here!
As the two of them turned to look, the unassuming youth was grinning to himself.
"Although it's a little sad that my existence was forgotten, it's nice to see how far your
feelings for each other have progressed. Back to the subject, Godou-san what do you think?
Will you accept my suggestion?"
"T-Then let's do it! P-Please, I am in your care, Mariya!"
"Yes, right. Then I shall be relying on you, I am unworthy, please take good care of me."
Due to being over nervous, the two of them began to speak incoherently.
"Sorry for making everyone wait! ...Eh? Did something happen?"
The long-awaited return of Hikari and Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko dispelled the awkward
At this time, Amakasu silently saluted with his eyes and left. Though he was a member of the
History Compilation Committee, to Saitenguu he was just an outsider, hence very tactfully he

Unexpectedly, the Kuhoudzuka gentleman readily agreed to the addition of yet another
Thus Godou and Hikari, as well as Yuri, were taken to the depths of Saitenguu.
"--Strange? What is with this sword?"
Hikari was carrying a kodachi[54] in her arms. Its scabbard and hilt were made of white wood,
and appeared to be a precious blade with substantial history.
"Ah, its name is Zanryuutou.[55] In order to meet Divine Monarch-sama, it is necessary to
bring it along."
"Like the divine monarch, this blade is the precious sword that protects Saitenguu."
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman added.
"Come to think of it, there are also shrines that venerate blades as divine possessed objects."
Then there was nothing strange. Feeling that it is something he understood, Godou continued
walking. They were taken to an ancient shrine that was not very large or glamorous.
Like those very simple and modest ancestral shrines often seen on the side of country roads.
Short trees grew in the area, probably peach trees.
The shrine and the surrounding peach trees were enclosed by shimenawa[56], giving off
intense magical power. The rope itself was probably the barrier.
"This is the shrine of the monkey divine monarch. So, Hikari-san, please do as I explained
just now."
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman stepped back, leaving just the shimenawa in front of them.
Godou stole a glance at the interior of the shrine. Nothing could be seen. Though the gridded
windows were in poor shape, the interior was in complete darkness.
"T-The shrine requires a Hime-Miko in order to weaken the seal of the [Keeper of the
Horses], then it can be opened."
Hikari's voice was trembling.
The unabashed apprentice Hime-Miko began to get nervous. Since they were going to meet a
[Heretic God], nervousness was only natural. Come to think of it, what did [Keeper of the
Horses] mean?
Under Godou and her elder sister's gaze, Hikari placed her hand on the shimenawa.
The rough straw-braided rope fell to the ground, and the surrounding magical power vanished.

"Amazing, so the shrine is open from now on?"

"No way, this is a barrier that seals away a deity. It cannot be dispelled completely, and once
the effect wears off, it will automatically restore itself."
Yuri explained from beside him. Only temporarily weakening strong magical power, along
the same principles, there was little lasting effect on a Campione or a god's authority.
"T-Then I am opening it...!"
Hikari declared in a shaking voice as she opened the gridded door to the shrine.
The inside was still very dark. That said, they had already come this far, so there was no
choice but to keep going.
"I will enter first. Mariya and Hikari follow after me -- Kuhoudzuka-san, my apologies for
making all these willful demands."
"Don't mention it. It is my honor to be of assistance. Please watch your step."
The Kuhoudzuka gentleman answered in an almost monotonous voice.
And then became silent. His body was also motionless? Somehow he felt like a clock that had
run out of batteries. Though Godou felt the youth's appearance was quite strange, he still
stepped into the shrine and had the Mariya sisters follow him.
After walking in the darkness for a while, it felt like the ground had become hard and solid
like concrete, and was unexpectedly easy to walk on. But visibility remained poor, and they
couldn't see anything around them. It was completely dark.
The only things that were certain, were the presences of the two sisters following behind him.
"Everyone, please do not get separated, let's hold hands together, here, grab on to me."
"Y-Yes. I know!"
Yuri replied to Godou's call.
Extending his hand backwards, Godou found himself holding a gentle and soft hand.
"Hikari, hold my hand. Right, that is fine, no problem."
The older sister's gentle voice directed her younger sister.
In other words, the hand Godou held was Yuri's. For some reason, he suddenly found his face
getting hot, and there was an inexplicable heart racing feeling. Perhaps Yuri also felt the same
Every time he became aware of the touch of her small and frail hand, Godou could not stop
his mind from wandering into unnecessary thoughts.

Having walked for a few minutes, or perhaps ten-odd minutes, the sense of time was
completely lost.
"Godou-san... Have you realized it?"
Yuri suddenly questioned seriously.
Godou straightened his back and sobered. She seemed like she had something important to
"We have arrived in the Netherworld, that realm we entered last time... The path in
Saitenguu's shrine, most likely is a corridor between the real world and the Netherworld!"
"Onee-chan. By Netherworld do you mean that Netherworld?"
"Yes, the Boundary of Life and Immortality, the void kingdom between the human world and
the divine realm. The gap world called Yomotsu Hirasaka.[57]"
Hearing the sisters' exchanges, Godou wanted to hold his head in his arms and yell.
"The barrier sealing a deity away... On further thought, this is possible after all. However,
Mariya you two appear to be fine. Are your bodies feeling any discomfort?"
Remember Erica's painful experience, Godou couldn't help asking them.
His Campione identity aside, ordinary humans cannot adapt to the environment of the
Netherworld, right?
"Thanks to the power it bestows upon us, I think this corridor allows us mortals to get used to
the Netherworld. That is what I feel."
Using the power of spirit vision, Yuri confirmed it.
Looks like there was some meaning to this slow walk through the darkness.
"...Wait a minute, for us to be in the Netherworld again, can't we use that instantaneous
transfer like last time?"
He recalled the method of transfer he made so many attempts last time and suffered much for
Godou aside, Yuri with her talent in spirit vision could probably accomplish it without
Well... Teleportation was probably meaningless when meeting the monkey divine monarch.
But Yuri's answer was negative.
"No, it appears not. I just tried recalling the view of the Netherworld from before... But was
unsuccessful all along. It looks like there is no way to teleport outside of here."

"What is the situation?"

"This place is isolated from the rest of the Netherworld, for it is the cage imprisoning the
divine monarch."
Once again hearing Yuri's confident report, this must also be a hint obtained through spirit
"Got it... But I really don't feel like staying in this place for long."
In the instant he sighed, the exit appeared. At around ten-odd meters away (the distance that
Godou's eyes could reach), there was a rectangular hole where light was entering.
The three of them quickly walked over there, hand in hand.
Everyone had arrived safely, and they squeezed themselves through the rectangular hole.
There was a little worn-looking shack with no inhabitants. It was probably the stable, just like
the one they saw just now at Toushouguu.
Outside there was a brightly shining sun under a very refreshing blue sky.
In the distance was a very grand looking structure. A huge building... No, it should be called a
city or a palace. In addition, it was not Japanese style in construction, but resembled a Chinese
palace like the Forbidden City.[58] This was the stables within the territory of the palace.
Watching the outside scenery, Godou suddenly became aware of the delicate feeling in his
He was still holding the Hime-Miko's hand even after the Mariya sisters had let go of each
other. Making eye contact with Yuri, the two of them blushed and quickly turned their face
away, immediately releasing their hands.
"...Ah, there's a monkey over there."
Without noticing her older sister and Godou's behavior, Hikari pointed to a corner of the
Upon the hay was a lounging monkey.
It did not look like a Japanese one, for its face was not red and the fur was very bright. Its
body, covered with golden fur that approached a shade of orange, was about 80cm in length.
Seeing the appearance of the monkey, Godou was certain.
This guy was a [Heretic God], for Godou's body and heart had already entered a battle-ready
state, that was the best proof.
"Welcome to my palace, it's been so long since there were guests. And to think there's even a

The monkey spoke in a clear and bright voice as it got up. Its motions were very human-like,
like a nimble little child jumping up from bed.
Godou was already beyond the fact that the monkey could speak, so he calmly asked.
"So, you are the monkey divine monarch?"
"That's what the fellows who shut me in here call me. I should have a much cooler title, but
it's being sealed currently."
Amongst all the deities Godou ever met, this one was the most friendly and outgoing in
personality. No, that's not right. Though Godou had no memories of having met a god as
frivolous as this, he still felt there was some deity similar to him. Who could it be? As his
head began to hurt, Godou gave up for now.
"Actually, the smaller girl here, has been agonizing over whether to become your miko or not,
so today I brought her here just to have a look at the environment."
"Oh that's right. Now that you mention it, no miko had come over to play recently."
"Yes. The various miko who come to play with me. Sometimes we chat or play games like
hide-and-seek or Sugoroku.[59] I like things to be fun and lively oh, so if they know how to
sing and dance, I give them better ratings."
It appeared that the vacant position of the Saitenguu Hime-Miko, involved spending time like
a shepherd. Except taking care of a monkey instead of sheep.
No, instead, it should be described as a monkey handler.
"Excuse me, could it really be enough to just play with Divine Monarch-sama? I thought it
was a very important mission that only I could accomplish, so I am feeling quite lost right
What? Hikari actually said it out loud.
Not a single sign of shyness, however, this was probably because the other guy didn't display
any solemn majesty of a god.
"Come on, don't say it like it's just playing around with me, that's a little rude, you also need
to help me groom my fur oh... That's all I ask for. On the other hand, it's you guys who keep
making troublesome requests for me to fulfill."
"We... You mean the Hime-Miko?"
"Yes, like asking me to chase that snake, or drive away that dragon. Sometimes they come
begging with tears? So every time I had to leave this old nest, and go rampaging outside like

"Drive away dragons? Aren't you supposed to protect dragons?"

Godou suddenly interrupted with the explanation he heard just now at the place with the three
"I protect them alright, but that's after I beat them up and make them my flunkies. Don't judge
me by appearance, I am also a member of [Steel], so handling dragons and snakes is just
business as usual... To this date there have been one, two, three commotions now. The last
one was probably the time I quarreled with you?"
After hearing the monkey divine monarch's response to his question, Godou was left
pondering in puzzlement.
I've never quarreled with you. What on earth was that?
"I was beating up some earth dragon in a certain city, and then you came along to pick a fight.
But before a victor was decided, my time limit to return to the old nest had arrived. Weren't
you planning on kicking down the door of the shrine back then?"
"Yes, because I thought doing so would allow me to reach your habitat."
This time Godou was completely shocked.
Suddenly a woman's voice was heard, carrying a melodic grace, it was a refreshing and
beautiful voice.
"In the end, I blew away the shrine and the surroundings, but was unable to enter the
corridor... Counting by our calendar, it was a hundred years ago. However, your exquisite
methods -- the godly skill you employed to subdue the dragon god that laid waste to Tokyo,
are still fresh in my memory."
Godou followed the monkey god's gaze.
In the stable, a lizard had somehow entered without him noticing.
Clearly just a mere lizard, but its stately and dignified posture gave a great presence of
solemnity. Just the sight of it was enough to make one feel like cheering out in admiration.
What could this reptile be?
The one talking to the monkey divine monarch, was this guy without a doubt!
"It cannot be, it cannot be you -- !? How! Why have you appeared in such a place!?"
Yuri cried out as she covered her mouth.
The Yamato Nadeshiko[60] with her excellent upbringing and high class manners, was actually
losing composure to such an extent.
"What is it, Mariya!?"

Yuri's face paled and her lips trembled as she kept staring at the lizard.
She was shaking incessantly from fear, and Godou approached the Hime-Miko hoping to
comfort her.
"G-Godou-san. The one over there... The one there is --"
She saw something with spirit vision? Trembling and tongue-tied, Yuri appeared to be
overcome with terror. In order to calm her down, Godou placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Oh, looks like a Hime-Miko, I see, as expected of the distant relatives of the divine
ancestors. For you to be able to discern my true nature, I commend your vision."
White smoke was coming from the lizard's body.
In the next instant, the tiny reptile transformed into a beautiful girl.
One worthy of the description transcendent beauty, a girl with black hair and wearing ancient
Chinese attire -- Han clothing.[61] Her upper garment had very long sleeves and a lower hem
that hung low. The lower garment was like a long flowing robe which resembled a kimono
due to its style of overlapping the left portion over the right.
"What is your name? It should be fine to ask your name, right, god-slayer of my homeland?"
"I must have been too immature back then. How regrettable for me to fail in branding my
name deep into your memory. Then I shall present my name once more, and proceed to
sentence you to death for the crime of forgetting it."
The beautiful lips declared coldly to the monkey divine monarch:
"My surname is Luo, with the given name Cuilian, and style name[62] Hao. The leader of the
holy cult, the one standing astride the martial pinnacle."
The fearsome demonic cult leader, Luo Hao, who was also called Luo Cuilian.
The third one to appear after Salvatore Doni and Dejanstahl Voban. The newest Campione for
Godou to encounter, was a maiden as intense as burning flames.

Part 3
Choosing to act separately, the knights came to Futarasan Shrine, a very peaceful site
surrounded by cedar trees. In contrast to the bustling Toushouguu, this sacred domain was
very quiet, and could be described as full of an ephemeral sense of wonder. An excellent
place for one to calm their mind and find peace.
However, this clearly didn't suit Erica Blandelli's character very well.
"This place is not bad, but too boring. Let's go somewhere more exciting next."
"You still like the hustle and bustle so much? I prefer this kind of quiet place."

Liliana laughed. As a side note, that "somewhere" Erica referred to, was of course
Toushouguu with its gold leaf decoration and golden colored Buddhas.
"I still prefer the mood over there. Lily's tastes are so strange, you're aging too fast oh, I hope
the place we're staying tonight won't have the same feeling?"
"Not like we are staying at a group room in a monastery, besides, how could such rooms exist
in the first place!"
A conversation that could not be described as arguing or chatting.
The free-spirited Erica Blandelli and serious Liliana Kranjcar. Though their personalities
appeared to not get along, they often acted as a pair together. Even so, initiative in their
private lives was held firmly in Erica's hands.
This was clearly the way things were, but recently Liliana had been wanting to reverse this
What on earth happened to her? Testing her, Erica said nonchalantly:
"By the way, Lily, how is it going with your trying to become Godou's premier knight?"
"Not bad at all, though I personally do not wish for certain things to happen, but overall
everything is advancing as I expected. One day, I will be Godou's right hand for sure."
Liliana answered with a hint of sadness in her voice, but no clues were yielded at all.
Erica knew very well, that this blue knight's confidence easily wavered. Using all sorts of
methods to disrupt her composure was the fastest way to conquer this old silver-haired friend.
"I see, but I still think you're unsuitable. It is true that Lily is a person who pays great
attention to details, but for better or worse, you always miss the big picture."
"Miss the big picture? Are you insulting me?"
"Not an insult, but simply rational criticism. Think about it, rushing into things without
consideration and leaving everything to your natural potential, barely scraping by to overcome
trials and tribulations, that is your true character, right? Therefore, trying to force yourself to
be an all-rounder strategist just doesn't suit you well at all."
Even though she was joking around, Erica spoke the truth.
It might be harmless if you told someone who was gradually slimming "did you get fatter?"
But on the other hand, it would be great shock if you said it to someone who was slightly fat.
This type of criticism usually angered Liliana, thus accomplishing the first step in shaking her
confidence -However, Erica's plan was foiled by the following answer.

"...Up until now, perhaps it is as you say."

What was going on? Liliana was nodding with an exceedingly serene expression! Usually she
would have denied vehemently saying "no such thing!" but with her confidence greatly
"But Erica, for the sake of helping Kusanagi Godou -- my one and only lord, I must change
myself. Therefore, even for the things I have been unable to do so far, I must strive to
overcome them."
A declaration made in an extremely easygoing tone.
"This is not like you... Lily, what happened exactly? Did Karen tell you something
unnecessary, or did you receive strange orders from the Bronze Black Cross headquarters?"
"Nothing like that at all. It is nothing, I simply had a change in mood, that is all."
Liliana smiled.
It was apparent that finding out her secret agreement with Godou was imperative. Erica stole
a glance at the expression on the face of her rival and long-time friend, greatly displeased at
her calm demeanor. These were early signs that warranted investigation.
--Humans were not the type to change themselves so easily.
Of course, it was not that uncommon for people to set new goals or find new determination
when prompted by some cause.
However, those who persevered to the end were few and far in between. Habitual smokers
who declared "I will quit starting tomorrow!" most likely break their promises within a week.
If the person was Liliana, would it be any different? What if her purpose for change was for
the sake of Kusanagi Godou?
Then it could get dangerous. Liliana Kranjcar was a maiden with a disposition towards
delusion. Her ability to pursue dead end thoughts to the very end could be described as
number one in the world. This kind of maiden loved to indulge in the fantasy of "doing things
for the sake of her beloved."
Her weakness lied in her unstable confidence.
This newly surfaced mental crutch could very well support her against this weakness.
Already a rare genius in mind, body and technique, plus martial arts rivaling Erica, and even a
witch's disposition that Erica lacked. Liliana was unexpectedly capable in particular niches,
and paid great attention to detail.
It was only due to her weakness in mentality that allowed Erica to dominate her so easily all
this time. However, if this strategy no longer worked... In any case, it would be best to just
observe for now, intervening with strategy once the situation demanded a halt to Liliana's
transformation. One must be well prepared first.

Just as Erica contemplated, concerned over her old friend...

The two of them had just passed through Futarasan Shrine's torii and were taking a small path
towards Toushouguu... And they met a youth and a girl walking towards them.
"Lu Yinghua... You really came to Japan."
Erica quickly adjusted her thoughts. One of the two, was the young master of the Lu family
from Hong Kong that she had not seen for two years.
"How unexpected..."
Also recognizing Erica, he seemed a little shocked, but immediately showed a likable smile.
"It's been a while, Erica-neesan. What a coincidence for us to meet in such a place."
Spoken extremely politely, but the expression was very stiff.
One could feel the prejudice in his heart and his eyes looked quite dangerous.
"The famed young hero Lu, it really has been quite some time. However, can you call this a
coincidence? For the young master of Hong Kong's house of Lu and the Great Knight of the
Copper Black Cross to meet at a Japanese tourist destination so easily by chance? One might
think there would be some other factor other than coincidence."
"Is that so? I'm completely stumped."
In response to Erica's greeting, Lu Yinghua deliberately shrugged nonchalantly.
"Though there were some disagreements in Hong Kong two years ago, let's consider it water
under the bridge and forget those unpleasant memories."
"An excellent suggestion... By the way, the one beside you, who may that be?"
After the typical pleasantries, Erica looked at the young girl and asked:
"How surprising for a misogynist like you to be strolling around with a girlfriend. Right, by
the way, let me introduce my companion. She is Liliana Kranjcar -- Great Knight of the
Bronze Black Cross, and my longtime friend."
Introducing her as a friend. In the past, Liliana would surely have denied vehemently.
However, this time she silently observed as things unfolded. Lu Yinghua's mere standing
posture hinted at his true power. Preempting all kinds of emergencies, he had slowly released
his power, and entered a stance-less style of preparedness.
On the other hand, the vicious looking girl with the beautiful face beside him was no less
alarming. Erica could suddenly feel the released magical power from her body, and she was
likely a very powerful mage.

It was impossible to judge from appearance the age of top level magi, especially females.
Once a mage's magical power developed to the most skillful level, they obtain the ability to
rejuvenate their bodies to a certain degree. In other words, they appear much younger than
their real age. And this rejuvenation effect was much more potent for women than for men.
"This is Asherah, though she is under my lead, she is not my girlfriend. Half a month ago, she
was still in Los Angeles doing all kinds of things."
Unsure of her origins, Lu Yinghua gave a simple introduction of his companion.
"Liliana Kranjcar is a name I have heard before, a Great Knight on the same level as Ericaneesan, and serving the same [King], right?"
Disparaging Erica and Liliana so naturally at the same time, Lu Yinghua still hadn't changed
his unpleasant way with words.
Ignoring the insult, the [Diavolo Rosso] nodded.
"Yes, the one named Kusanagi Godou. You must have heard of him?"
"Of course, he is the Rakshasa King as the seventh Campione, and the youngest devil king of
the Far East. One day I hope to be honored by his presence... Is something I would never say.
If possible, I wish to never meet people like him for the rest of my life."
As Lu Yinghua chattered away tactlessly, the girl named Asherah began to complain.
"Hey, Lu Yinghua, meeting them here must be due to the direction of ill fate. Before these
girls get in our way, let's finish them off here right now?"
An evil proposal of mockery. However, Erica did not change her expression.
Liliana beside her was the same, though the atmosphere was tense from the very beginning.
"Sis... The reason why you failed in Los Angeles, was because you like to pick fights with
others without consideration of your opponent's personality. You've got to be more cautious,
and use more diplomacy."
"Hmph, after all no matter what, Her Eminence will find her way to the monkey king."
Lu Yinghua couldn't help but sigh as Asherah answered in a sinister voice.
"The warriors in this country are nothing to be feared."
"--Her Eminence!? Cult Leader Luo Hao really came to Japan after all?!"
The name that could not be ignored. Liliana questioned immediately.
Erica also showed eyes of disdain.

"I originally thought it impossible, but it came true after all... Doesn't she shut herself in the
Mount Lu convent all day long and hate going out?"
"Yes, it is true that my master dislikes going out, but she is also a master of Divine Traversal."
Really, it's true, Lu Yinghua shook his head.
"As long as she wills it, she can come and go anywhere in the world in an instant. For Daoist
arts[63] to reach such unreasonable heights, it's incredible that I somehow don't admire her at
The Art of Terrain Reduction -- Divine Traversal, was a Daoist art that allowed instantaneous
travel. Erica had heard of it before.
Using this Daoist art was normally costly in time and money for preparation. In the modern
technological world, planes and trains were far more convenient. But just as Lu Yinghua said,
if one could master this art, extremely costly in magical power, to be performed in an instant She was a Campione, as well as the peerless practitioner of Daoist arts, and the martial artist
who trained and nurtured such a disciple.
Seeing the legendary demonic cult leader possess such monstrous capabilities, Erica took a
deep breath.
"Ah... Because summoning her made me lose consciousness three times, and I almost met my
father in that other world. Come on, I'm not a sandbag..."
Seeming like he was complaining about something, Lu Yinghua's glare suddenly became very
A haughty and overbearing expression, it seemed much more lively than the stiff smiling face
just now.
"So, our two nee-sans here, why don't you calm down a bit. We are not planning on fighting
you yet. The kings are still in Saitenguu for a summit meeting of the leaders. Let us decide
what we're going to do after they come to a conclusion first!"

Chapter 5 - Ruler of the Martial Realm, Commands the

Part 1
At the stable in the Netherworld, the unexpected visitor bore eyes of disdain.
"What a tragedy, for the heroic god of the lost age to have become so lowly and diminutive,
like a domesticated animal... There should be limits to uselessness, please have some shame."

"No, even if you call me an animal. It is just as you see, I am an animal from the very
Severely admonished by the beautiful Cult Leader Luo Hao, the monkey divine monarch
simply nodded, completely unfazed.
That's right, he was a monkey from the start. Just as Godou was thinking -"...Wakoku's king[64], are you thinking something disrespectful?"
Eh! Godou received a stern stare from the cult leader.
Godou was very shocked. Clearly he hadn't said a single word, but how were his thoughts
"Foolish, I, Luo Hao, have reached the pinnacle of martial arts, and I am the one called the
Ruler of the Martial Realm. Your insolent thoughts are apparent from the change in facial
Is that so? ...No, wait a minute.
Impressed with her feat, Godou immediately began to ponder. In other words, she only
No matter what, the other person was a Campione. Godou was initially scared that 'this
woman can read minds!?' but it turned out to be something different.
"Another disrespectful thought. What a shame, Wakoku's king sure lacks manners."
Luo Hao quietly expressed her dissatisfaction.
She was guessing after all, no, not exactly guessing but deducing the other's inner thoughts
through the subtle change in expression. Even so, her sight was amazing.
"If you weren't a [King] as my peer, I would absolutely not forgive your insolence, and you
will surely be punished accordingly. However, as your senior along the same path of
domination, I shall generously forgive you. Thank me well."
"...Thank you very much."
This person probably looked down on everyone with those eyes of despise.
Every single Campione Godou has met turned out to be weirdos with various peculiarities. To
avoid her judging himself as being rude, Godou was determined to maintain an expressionless
poker face.
"The same applies to those two miko there. Normally, anyone who lays eyes on my
appearance has to be punished."
Speaking dangerous words, Cult Leader Luo Hao gazed upon the miko sisters.

Even the bold Hikari could only say "S-Sorry!" in fear, while Yuri suppressed her own
trembling body and tightly held and protected her younger sister, replying "I-If we must be
punished for our insolence, please cast all judgment upon me as the older sister!"
The two have clearly lost their calm.
It was likely the result of the icy oppressive presence born from Luo Hao's beauty and
In truth, she was even more terrifying than Marquis Voban in certain ways. At least that
elderly man had an intellectual facade which felt like a certain level of dialogue could be
undertaken. But Luo Hao was different. In complete contrast, it felt like she would instantly
order your beheading if you spoke out of line.
"You miko must know your place, and restrain yourselves from addressing I, Luo Hao.
Currently I am having a conversation with my peers, a [King] and a god, and have no
intention of letting you in my sight."
"Our utmost apologies, Your Eminence!"
The declaration made with an inorganic voice, made the two sisters tremble incessantly.
Cult Leader Luo Hao's words of reproach were not out of wrath, but fell under disinterest.
"May I ask, if they are not allowed to look at you directly, how could they converse?"
Though he expected some kind of unreasonable answer, Godou still felt like asking.
"Someone of my stature obviously cannot have a direct conversation with commoners. Those
who lay eyes on my body must gouge out their own eyes; those who hear my voice must cut
off their ears in penance. But since there are extenuating circumstances right now, I will let it
"Don't talk like those emperors of the past! If you don't want to be seen, just cower behind a
veil or a curtain!"
Hearing her surprising answer, Godou could not help disapproving.
But even more extreme twisted logic came out of the cult leader's mouth.
"...You're called Kusanagi whatever, is that correct? King Kusanagi, your argument is
mistaken. I am the martial pinnacle far surpassing all emperors, conquerors and generals of
the past and present, oriental or occidental. Thus entitling me to enjoy prestige beyond the
comparison of any other ruler. This is what is known as hierarchy."
Uttered with the same natural tone of voice as one would say "gravity exists on earth," she
expressed this most ridiculous point of view.

These outrageous words completely killed off the sense of beauty and perfect cleverness
displayed by Cult Leader Luo Hao.
"So, if you say you are more amazing than any emperor or king in history, what evidence do
you have?"
"Obviously my authority and martial arts. Luo Cuilian can slaughter thousands of soldiers
with a simple punch or kick, and slay tens of thousands with just a wave of a blade or a spear.
Were I to display the true essence of martial arts, mighty armies of millions will be turned
into mountains of corpses and rivers of blood. All lands will be wiped out, leaving nothing but
mountains and rivers."
"No! Could you think a little more along the lines of politics, economy or culture!"
Godou needed to confirm just in case, but it really was as expected, perhaps she was even
more dangerous than Doni or Voban? The previously known devil kings still maintained some
manner of social life, but Cult Leader Luo Hao seemed to be an exception? A fellow with a
completely abnormal outlook on life.
Godou decided to change his current goal.
Impossible to communicate with her normally, it would be better to discuss the current
pressing concern.
"Just now you said you were going to fight the monkey god? Let's ignore the matters of your
sudden appearance and illegal trespassing for now. But please tell me, why?"
"To exterminate this god."
Cult Leader Luo Hao replied immediately.
The monkey acted completely unconcerned, and maintained that cheerful smiling expression.
Godou turned to face Luo Hao once again.
"Clearly the hero of my country, but to be raised as a pet to play with the Japanese... His
crimes are completely unforgivable. Knowing this kind of fellow exists, I, Luo Hao cannot
allow him to live for it would be a taint to my honor. That is why from a long time ago, I have
waited for the opportunity to carry out judgment."
"Ah... So you came to Japan specifically for this reason?"
Come to think of it, Sayanomiya Kaoru also mentioned he was a "troublesome god."
It looked like things were very complicated, but Godou had no interest in the details. Deciding
it was better not to know, Godou asked the monkey god:
"So if that's the case, how about you guys duke it out right here? If it's the Netherworld, there
shouldn't be any harm to the human world, right?"
"Yes, you are thinking 'this way, it has nothing to do with me', it is completely obvious."

Godou did not refute the monkey divine monarch's criticism.

"Yes, that is completely right... But if you have a century-long grudge like this, it's not
something I can interfere. As long as it doesn't affect human society, anyway you handle it is
"Though righteousness is a virtue, in a situation like this, I'd say you are tactless."
"What does that have to do with anything!? Every time I'm forced to fight with gods and devil
kings, I can't stand it!"
Hearing Godou's objections, the monkey divine monarch stroked the fur on his chin.
"The fellow who built this palace used wizardry to seal my divinity of violence. Thanks to
that, a [Heretic God] became a monkey that only jokes around, however --"
The monkey, who claimed to only joke around, gazed at Cult Leader Luo Hao with
troublesome eyes.
"This friend here, perhaps would like to restore my original nature for some reason. That
would require satisfying some complicated conditions, but her sneaking in here is indicative
of her preparedness... But let me remind you all, once I recover my heretical self, it is likely
that I will return to the real world like a flash of lightning."
"There's no one here in the Netherworld, my heretical self would find it completely
uninteresting. Whether playing practical jokes or causing trouble for others, it's only fun if
there are the people of the world as targets."
In other words, protecting human society from the evil clutches of the monkey divine
monarch meant getting in Cult Leader Luo Hao's way -Godou looked in shock at the transcendent beauty.
The living legend who lacked both common sense and understanding of the mundane world.
However, his instincts as a Campione warned him that she was very dangerous. As an
opponent in battle, she likely belonged to the worst type...!
"Despite your useless appearance, you are surprisingly self-aware. Then things are easy."
As if commanding the world, Cult Leader Luo Hao made her declaration:
"You shall be revived next, and I will dispel the curse of the [Keeper of the Horses]. Is that
"T-Then the reason that miko holds the treasure blade, was also your doing? That is why I felt
it was strange, clearly there are no dragons here, but they brought that thing along."
Looking at Zanryuutou[65] in Hikari's arms, the monkey divine monarch began to grumble.

"There are three conditions to temporarily release the [Keeper of the Horses] spell that seals
me in this place. First, the appearance of a dragon or snake deity, the enemy of my kind.
Secondly, the treasure blade that cuts and weakens spells. Third of all, a disaster purification
capable Hime-Miko must wield the treasure blade to use spirit powers."
In other words, Zanryuutou was a treasure that should only be used in crisis situations?
Godou began to agitate, could the Kuhoudzuka gentleman be in cahoots with the cult leader?
Or was he being threatened...
"Preparing a dragon or a snake deity is the most troublesome -- However, someone happened
to offer herself as a sacrifice, so it's resolved. Despite my unparalleled might, capturing a god
alive still poses a challenge. Originally, I had already prepared myself to give up on another
chance to fight you."
Magical power suddenly increased.
The demonic cult leader's body suddenly released vast amounts of magical power.
Godou could tell that she did not activate an authority. Otherwise, his skin would be able to
sense danger, just like the time when he witnessed Marquis Voban's authority.
However, this enormous amount of magical power completely dwarfed the magic used by
Erica and Liliana. From this it was certain, Cult Leader Luo Hao was a spell practitioner far
surpassing the magi in Godou's company.
"Now that a candle-shadow stands on the screen of carven marble --"[66]
From the beauty's throat came a lyrical rhythm, reminiscent of harmonious melodies. It was a
soothing beautiful voice.
"And the River of Heaven slants and the morning stars are low / Are you sorry for having
stolen the potion that has set you / Over purple seas and blue skies, to brood through the long
This was a magical incantation.
But Cult Leader Luo Hao recited it with great musicality.
Godou immediately regretted calling her weird. The reason why her character was so
problematic was precisely due to her natural talent and well-honed skills. In that instant, such
a thought entered Godou's mind.
"Whom can the lonely Moon Goddess take as her neighbor!"[67]
Finally finishing her spell, what was going to happen?
Godou cautiously surveyed the surroundings, Yuri nodded, and then Hikari --

Held by her older sister, Hikari forcefully pushed her arm aside, and with hollow eyes, drew
out the treasured blade, Zanryuutou, from its sheath of white wood.
"Godou-san! That treasured blade is the key for releasing the divine monarch's seal, and Cult
Leader Luo Hao has injected massive amounts of magic to awaken the blade, and released the
spell sealing the blade! Hikari has also been caught up in it!"
Yuri yelled out loudly having used her spirit vision, and there was no time to hesitate!
"Wait... Wait a minute! Luo Hao, hold it for a second! Are you planning on letting that
monkey descend on the earth and cause havoc!?"
Eschewing honorifics, Godou reproached Luo Hao. Somehow he could never harbor any
respect for elders when facing these fellows called Campiones, how vexing.
"Aren't you a very great king? Then please think of the people!"
"You are correct, I am the Ruler of the Martial Realm, the conqueror that none may oppose.
My will is the will of the heavens and the truth of the earth. However, in my view, humans are
undeserving of mercy or benevolence. From the perspective of the earth and the sky, it is
debatable whether human existence is good or bad..."
How could such a problematic character obtain divine authority?
Watching the cult leader convinced of her righteousness, Godou sighed.
Damn it. Looks like words were a waste of breath, and only brute force remained...! As he
made his decision, the transcendent beauty smiled. It was a spectacular otherworldly
expression that added great color to her existing beauty.
"I see, my young eagle was right sometimes."
Right about what? Godou was puzzled.
"To come here to Wakoku where the young devil king was born, as long as trouble was
caused in his territory, a conflict with him was unavoidable no matter what. Only a king can
match another king, which is why he urged me to come here -- hohoho, who would have
thought his words were so prophetic?"
Cult Leader Luo Hao drew near lightly.
Danger -- just as the thought entered Godou's mind, his shoulder was caught.
"King Kusanagi, thank the heavens that you have the chance to learn from and exchange
blows with the martial pinnacle. I will treat you as my obstacle, and defeat you with the
martial arts of Luo Hao!"
In the instant the cult leader waved her wrist, Godou found himself flung high in the sky.
Godou's body crashed through the roof of the stable and flew up into the heavens.

To think her arm strength could be this horrifying! Or was it a mystic martial arts technique!?
Watching the increasingly wide and complete view of the Chinese-style palace beneath him,
Godou trembled in fear.

Part 2
It was not long after meeting Lu Yinghua and the girl named Asherah.
Erica felt enormous amounts of magical power exploding from somewhere nearby. Someone
was clearly using high level magic, and the powerful aftershock could be felt from far away.
This was definitely no ordinary spell.
"I know, wait up a little!"
With just a brief command from Erica, the silver-haired friend responded immediately.
Possessing a witch's disposition, her senses were more acute than typical magi, and she could
sense magical presences and their flow much better than ordinary people.
Liliana surveyed the surroundings and began to search for the location of cataclysm.
"Her Eminence seems to have started, Lu Yinghua, I will fly to the appointed location."
Asherah's lips maintained a smile as she spoke.
As if jeering the great knights for their immaturity, it was a smile full of confidence and
mockery. On the other hand, her companion was coldly muttering "it's finally here."
"You go and start first, I'll be there shortly."
Erica could hardly believe her hearing. Go and start first?
Lu Yinghua, highly renowned for his outstanding qinggong[68], allowing another to arrive
before him? Could this girl be -- Asherah's body was surrounding by blue light, and she took
off like fireworks, her continuously ascending figure flying through the air like a comet.
[Flight] magic! Erica's suspicions were correct.
The spell allowing free flight through the skies, could only be used by people possessing
dispositions to be witches (or similar miko). All other practitioners of magic had to summon
flying equipment and ride upon them. Even so, no other witch had that kind of speed.
"You people -- no, what is Cult Leader Luo Hao planning! Answer me, martial artist!"
Liliana questioned the remaining Lu Yinghua.
However, the young Hong Kong-born martial artist smiled with supercilious derision,
ignoring the question.

"You can simply find out for yourself in a little while. Goodbye, Nee-san! If you want a fight,
then wait until my master arrives!"
Lu Yinghua fled directly.
It wasn't normal running, but the magic that Liliana and Erica called [Leap], using
supernatural leg strength and jumping power to run as if flying through the air, a spell for
rapid mobility that rivaled the speed of wild beasts or vehicles.
"Erica, I will follow that fellow! See you later!"
As Liliana yelled out, she used [Leap] as well.
Though Erica could also use this magic, her speed and jumping ability was inferior to Liliana.
Unlike the technique of [Flight], [Leap] was classified under physical techniques and martial
arts. But as a witch, Liliana was naturally born light because a witch's disposition conferred
advantages over typical magic practitioners not only in flying, but also every kind of magic
related to mobility.
--Yet in spite of that, she still could not catch up to Lu Yinghua.
Liliana was greatly surprised to find the figure before her growing increasingly distant.
Her prided [Leap] was what Chinese martial artists termed [Qinggong]. Lu Yinghua's
outstanding qinggong allowed him to move faster and jump higher than anyone else.
Instead of the witch, he was one who had reached the limits of bodily techniques and martial
"No way, Lily! Not even you can match his speed and lightness of body!"
Erica called from behind to stop the silver-haired girl.
The only way to surpass that kind of speed was [Flight], but in order to use that magic spell, it
was necessary to know the destination, which made it unsuitable for pursuit.
"Investigate where magic spells have been used. As long as we identify the location of the
cataclysm and head there directly, it could very well be a shortcut."
Seeing Liliana returning with dismay, Erica decided to play a little joke.
"By the way, Lily, isn't it just like I described?"
"Just as I said earlier, charging forth without consideration, that is your true character."

"--!? Just now was because I had no idea of the other's abilities! Next time I will face my
opponents with greater calm and intelligence. Someday, I will cease to be played around by
an adviser like you!"
The silver-haired knight objected with her face red. Looks like her defeat did affect her spirit.
"Is that so? Well then let's create an opportunity to strike back. Lily, check out the
surroundings to see what kind of magic has been used."
In response to Erica's request, Liliana closed her eyes and concentrated.
Searching for nearby traces of magic and spiritual conditions was the technique of [Magic
Investigation], one from a witch's prided arsenal of investigative spells. In many areas, Liliana
was actually a much more talented mage than Erica.
"-- In the north there is a shrine hidden by magic, with a very suspicious barrier. That should
be the location of Saitenguu, and the large magic felt just now is also being carried out over
"So it is Cult Leader Luo Hao's spell after all?"
Erica concluded from Liliana's report.
"Probably a spell related to the other world, this is great magic that normally requires several
tens of magi to perform. For her to do it alone... I will lead the way, follow me."
This time the two of them charged forward using [Leap].
In just a few minutes, they reached the shrine north of Futarasan Shrine.
Liliana went forth into the depths and found a small shrine, as well as the shimenawa[69] lying
on the ground. The Kuhoudzuka gentleman was laid fallen on the ground.
"Just unconscious."
"Dominated by mental magic for such a long period, and continuously deprived of sleep for
several days, they really went too far."
The young master of the Kuhoudzuka family was staring off into space, his eyes completely
out of focus. His slightly opened lips did not speak as Liliana and Erica studied him and
nodded to each other.
"This is Saitenguu without a doubt, so where is Kusanagi Godou and the others?"
"And no sign of Amakasu-san either."
Immediately afterwards, the change in the sky happened.
This was the autumn sky of the setting sun. Though it was still very bright, everything would
be a shade of orange in about an hour.

In the corner of the sky -- right above Nikkou Mountain appeared a large serpent.
From the perspective of the ground, the snake's body length was roughly several tens of
meters. The exceptionally long snake's body was covered with silvery-white scales. However,
it lacked the usual feeling of disgust when one saw a snake, rather, there was an attractive
feeling of strong and solemn beauty.
"A Heretic God... Heretic Leviathan...!"
Liliana suddenly cried out.
Was this spirit vision! Hearing the name that could not be ignored, Erica held her breath.
"Lily you said Leviathan just now, right? The name of that snake deity?"
"Yes, no mistake, I did see the divine name of the god. If Mariya Yuri was here, her spirit
vision would likely see through her entire past and origin..."
When encountering a mother earth deity, a witch's powers will temporarily amplify. Dragon
and snake deities also belonged to this lineage, and produced the same effect. Hearing
Liliana's explanation, Erica began to ponder.
"...Half a month ago, there seemed to be a [Heretic God] that appeared at Los Angeles. From
the appearance of the giant serpent described in the Witenagemot's report, it was most likely
the deity Leviathan."
"The deity defeated by John Pluto Smith."
"Yes, it should have been summoned by rituals of the sorcerers of the [King of Flies]... I've
heard before that their leader was the witch named Asherah."
"The witch just now was also called Asherah, and came from Los Angeles."
The silver-haired childhood friend had noticed.
"And then Leviathan has also appeared, so we can conclude it is the same person.
Furthermore, I've noticed something else. Even the strongest sorcerer cannot summon a
[Heretic God] alone, don't you find it suspicious?"
"Of course it is impossible, if it could be done... No, could it be -- a divine ancestor?"
Amongst magi, there were secret myths in circulation.
For example, amongst the great mother goddesses of the earth conquered by dragon-slayers
like Perseus, there were those who were weakened, fallen, or driven from their divine thrones.
They were the witches known as [Divine Ancestors].
Human in form, but not human.

Possessing supernatural powers surpassing humans but inferior to gods, these girls remained
forever young and never succumbed to old age.
By abandoning their eternal longevity, they could regain their unruly divinity of the mother
earth goddess, or in other words, revive themselves in the form of a dragon or snake god...
"Could the leader of the [King of Flies] be an authentic divine ancestor...?"
"The name Asherah, was probably derived from Athirat.[70] The sea monster Leviathan that
first appeared in the Old Testament of the Bible and began circulating in other myths, was
also a reference to the Mesopotamian goddess Asherah which was treated as an evil beast."
The two of them looked up at the sky once again.
Somehow, distributed all over Leviathan's body were all sorts of wounds, big and small.
Blood constantly flowed out from the wounds, and because the snake deity was hovering in
the air, the blood naturally fell upon the earth.
Bright crimson blood descended like rain and mist, and was dyeing Nikkou Mountain red
"What is going on in there...!?"
Erica worried as she watched the depths of darkness beyond the gridded door to the shrine.

Part 3
Crashing through the roof of the stable, Godou's body flew up into the sky.
Luo Hao shook the sleeves of her robe and flew in the air, chasing after the Campione she had
thrown outside. This was not a metaphor, she was literally flying.
[Flight] magic that flew like a bird in the sky. This was a Daoist art[71] which was only
possible for Daoist priestesses possessing a witch's disposition. Like Liliana Kranjcar, Luo
Hao was someone who the Europeans would call a witch.
The strange happenings in the stable did not end there.
Yuri was terrified by the changes in her younger sister and the monkey divine monarch.
"Akashiura is hazy with in the morning mist / On the boat to the secluded island, old friends
are reminisced."
Chanting the spell song, Hikari brandished the kodachi.
Slicing at the eastern position, slicing at the southern position, slicing at the western position,
slicing at the northern position. Currently, the one controlling the younger sister's motions
was the kodachi -- infused in Zanryuutou was some unknown spell.

"Male--yang, female--yin, their union results in conception, thus beginning pregnancy.

Carried to term after ten months and born as human, yet to leave my body but already knows
Taking clumsy footsteps circling around the monkey divine monarch, Hikari waved the sword
as she chanted.

--The entrance to the corridor that connected the real world to the Netherworld, that foursided hole was originally just the size for a human to pass through. It had now enlarged
suddenly, and even the walls of the stable had expanded as well.
Seeing the reddened sky of dusk, this was clearly the scenery on earth, the sky of the real
And far in the distance was something hovering, Yuri focused her gaze and saw a coiled
snake -- floating in the air, with blood red mist and rain descending upon the earth!
"Hoho, that snake deity looks heavily injured."
The monkey divine monarch had turned into stone at some point in time, and was completely
unable to move.
Once this stone was cracked open like the shell of an egg, the monkey divine monarch will be
reborn as a [Heretic God]! Under the direction of spirit vision, Yuri believed without a doubt.
"I am a member of steel, a god born under the stars to crusade against dragons and snakes.
Thus the blood and divine power of dragons and snakes shall rouse me, and act as poison that
forces me to recall my violent nature. Hohoho, now that I think about it, the leisurely life of a
monkey wasn't bad at all. Oh, what a shame, what a shame!"
Even after being turned into a stone monkey, the monkey divine monarch continued to speak
as before, without any change in his frivolous tone.

But within that tone of voice, one could sense there was an extremely powerful feeling mixed
With the entire body petrified, only the eyes kept their fleshy form. Somehow the eyes had
turned red, with the white of the eyeballs now completely red in color, except for the golden
colored pupils.
--Fiery eyes and golden pupils, these were the holy eyes possessed by the Chinese sacred
"Divine Monarch-sama, please could you remain calm! I beg you, please!"
"I would like to, but it is impossible. I guess this is basically like being drunk... No... More
like drunk in blood."
The monkey divine monarch replied to Yuri in an aloof manner.
As if unwilling to let himself be tainted by the dirt of the common world, a voice sounding
like a member of some divine clan.
"Anyway, change is the only constant in this universe. Everything beyond an inch is
enshrouded in darkness. That Rakshasa girl could very well betray me in a critical moment.
Just in case, I should prepare beforehand."
The stone monkey's eyes gave off golden light.
"Miko, infuse your power into the treasured blade, fill it to the limit until the vessel saturates,
use all the power you possess."
"The flow of blood is the father and mother's flow of blood. When the flow of blood ends, so
does life, the god of the flow of blood --"
Hikari held Zanryuutou up high.
Yuri could sense her sister using spell words constantly, infusing the spirit power of disaster
purification into Zanryuutou, entering the evil-vanquishing, curse-lifting, treasured blade
blessed with fortune!
"--!? Please do not let this continue!"
"Hahaha, pray forgive me, but I also need to use this miko's power and body!"
It seems like even in such a state, the divine monarch was still able to use a portion of his
divine power.
Though she had no idea what intentions he had with Hikari, there was no time to hesitate. It
was imperative to leave here as quickly as possible! Silent, Yuri began to concentrate.
After ten-odd seconds, she very carefully rushed to her sister's body, and attempted to use

Instantaneous movement from one place to another, it was a method of mobility that could
only be used in the Netherworld.
It was not possible to escape the barrier imprisoning the monkey divine monarch. This was
already confirmed a while ago, but she could target the palace visible outside, in other words,
the place where Kusanagi Godou was currently in a crisis.
Originally, the power of spirit vision could not be used freely.
But in the Netherworld, it could be freely controlled.
Connecting her consciousness to the Memories of the Void in this world, using spirit vision to
capture the situation in the surroundings of the stable, and performing a transfer towards the
image obtained...!
The result was a success, Yuri and Hikari's bodies began to transfer instantaneously.
Her eyes dull, the younger sister was silent, staring motionlessly in her embrace. What a
relief, Yuri finally relaxed and took a deep breath, having successfully escaped.
"Ah, you're planning on escaping? Fine, my body hasn't regained its freedom yet. Do
whatever you want for now, I am looking forward to the game of hide-and-seek later."
Just as they disappeared, Yuri heard the monkey god's words.
She heard the declaration of the [Heretic God] who loved playing jokes on others and causing
havoc in the world. Furthermore, Hikari's hand had lost strength and let go of Zanryuutou,
leaving it behind in the stable of the stone monkey.

Part 4
After flying high through the air, obviously one would eventually fall towards the ground.
Even in a mysterious realm like the Netherworld, gravity still existed. Clearly there was no
need for gravitational attraction in such a place, Godou could not stop cursing.
At his current height, he could see the full view of the city.
It was even wider than he imagined. Rather, too wide. The city was enclosed within the city
walls, approximating a square with each side roughly one kilometre or so. Within the walls
were all sorts of buildings, large and small.
There seemed to be three or four buildings that could be called palaces, and very likely had
names like something court or whatever palace.
There were a countless number of smaller buildings, probably numbering over a hundred.
The city walls were very tall, over ten metres, and there were watch towers built on the walls.
--As he watched this magnificent cluster of buildings, Godou began to fall.

This all happened within the span of a few seconds.
Returning to the surface at last, Godou had fallen onto the stone paved ground of something
like plaza.
And then he had a great surprise. It didn't hurt much! He had scratches all over, but that was
due to crashing through the roof.
Falling from a nightmarish height onto hard ground without any injuries, it was impossible.
Besides, humans should be falling headfirst due to the distribution of weight, and Godou
could not help but shiver.
A judo master could control the damage when throwing an opponent, but that was a technique
that was only possible while the thrower continued to hold on to the opponent's body. Luo
Hao had completely let go and directly tossed Godou into the sky.
--"The pinnacle of martial arts" was what the cult leader had said.
In other words, she was a master who could easily perform such miraculous feats that went
beyond common sense!
"After all, a spar should take place in a wide open area. King Kusanagi, I hold no grudge
against you. This is just a one-time minor punishment. Once you admit how foolish you are, I
shall forgive you."
Cult Leader Luo Hao declared as she landed from the air.
"How am I foolish, you tell me instead! I don't have anything that requires your instruction!"
"Opposing Luo Hao's decree, if not foolish then what kind of behavior is it? Small knowledge
does not reach to large knowledge, and small years do not reach to large years. The dawn-todusk fungus does not know the compass of a single month, the one-season cicada cannot
know both spring and fall. Is that not just pitiful?"[73]
Admittedly, Godou's upbringing was inferior to hers, and being called foolish was not wrong,
but there were some subtle parts that he couldn't understand.
And then, by the time Godou realized it, the transcendent beauty was already standing right in
front of him.
Hmm--? When did she approach? He completely failed to react.
Luo Hao's crystal-like hand grabbed his shoulder, and flung him high into the air again,
Godou felt like he was swimming in the sky once again. Then he fell, and this time it hurt
more than the last.
A third grab. Thrown, swimming, falling, the more powerful impact than the last made him
feel out of breath.

The fourth time. The same action was repeated again, and the pain in his back increased. This
time, the back of his head was also hit.
As the injuries gradually piled up on his body, Godou realized she had complete control!
Terrified, Godou was certain he would really be in trouble if he doesn't escape from this
endless cycle.
While being thrown, he also noticed something -Godou activated Verethragna's authority -- the [Bull] form, the special ability which granted
mighty strength when facing opponents with monstrous strength.
Luo Hao caught him for the fifth time.
Lowering his stance, he stepped hard against the ground. In order to prevent himself from
being thrown, Godou released his mighty strength.
"Oh... Hohoho, looks like you have a bit of a backbone."
The cult leader showed a gorgeous smile. Her icy cool beauty remained the same, but once
she began to rampage, a certain sense of charm appeared in her demeanor.
What was with this person, Godou was speechless as he tried hard to struggle free.
Godou became aware the [Bull] could be used when he was being thrown. Cult Leader Luo
Hao had used uncommonly monstrous strength to fling Godou into the sky, and made use of
spectacular martial arts to skillfully control the damage.
Realizing that was why Godou decided to resist.
Now he knew for certain, the cult leader's crystal-like hand that grabbed him by the chest,
possessed exceptionally frightening power.
Only the [Bull]'s strength had the power to resist her, and avoid being thrown.
The battle of monstrous strength. Resists. Incredibly, Godou was able to block her throwing
But in the next instant, he was swept to the ground by her leg.
The landing impacted his back and the back of his head, but at least he didn't fly an
outrageous distance. The attack just now was probably pure technique.
"On further thought, you are one of the god-slayers... Having a corresponding ability is only
to be expected."
"You're out of control! That monstrous strength must be your authority!"
Godou believed so.

The enormous strength inconsistent with the slender beautiful girl. But whenever he tried to
ponder her true identity, his head began to hurt.
Just like the time when obtained knowledge about Susanoo, it was the process of spirit vision,
but it would be impossible to fight with that kind of intense headache, so Godou decided to
stop thinking about it.
"Correct, this is the authority [Divine Might of Vajrapani][74] that I usurped from the Om[75]
pair of Benevolent Kings[76]... Martial arts can make the powerless strong, but when mighty
strength is paired with peerless martial technique, the results are extraordinary. Now I shall
show you what is meant by the martial pinnacle."
"Martial arts master plus a monster's strength? Becoming very powerful is normal! That's
Ignoring Godou's protests, a large amount of magical power flowed out from Cult Leader Luo
Hao's body.
What powerful and densely concentrated magical power.
Could the output of monstrous strength be in direct proportion to the magical power released?
Godou was watching the current scene and speculating as if he was reading a shounen manga.
"The way of the heavens is bright and clear, the way of the earth is untroubled and tranquil,
the way of mankind is empty and serene! --Ho!"
Roaring with an intensely imposing manner, Luo Hao took a step forward.
In the vast plaza the two were standing on, cracks started to appear on the floor radiating from
the spot where she stepped. The stone paved plaza was virtually smashed.
Just from a single step!
Of course, the paving stones beneath Godou also shattered. This was a situation like a dream
or a joke.
"W-Wait a minute! I have a question for you! Have you met Salvatore Doni!? Compared to
that guy, who is more amazing? In the areas of swordsmanship and martial arts."
"Salvatore...? Now that you mention it, there is a [King] with that name."
Hearing Godou's question, Luo Hao replied politely.
Even when faced with Verethragna's authority, she was not pressured to go all out. This was
obvious, anyone could see that Cult Leader Luo Hao was a million times stronger than
Kusanagi Godou.
"I encountered him a year ago. In terms of skill with the sword, his technique approaches
mine, but his other martial arts completely failed to match me, I should describe him as totally

To label as immature the heretical genius swordsman who was admired and feared by the
knights of Europe.
Ah, this kind of answer was expected, Godou sadly agreed.
In battle, a Campione can muster exceptional concentration, and thanks to that, Godou's
dynamic vision could even capture clearly the fastballs from major league baseball.
He could even feel the moving presence of Salvatore Doni's sword.
However, Cult Leader Luo Hao's attacks gave off no presence at all. This was probably the
skill of a master, and not within the realm of Godou's understanding, rather, it should be a
very advanced mystic technique of martial arts...!
What to do? Which incarnation should be used now?
If possible, Godou wanted to use the [Camel], but would he be able to survive one direct hit
from that monstrous strength?
How about the [Raptor] -- no, this one definitely cannot be used. If Salvatore Doni had once
defeated this incarnation, then there is no way it could be effective against Cult Leader Luo
...No other way, Godou made his decision.
He should not seek victory through a confrontation against an opponent skilled in direct
combat or exchanging blows, because it would be quite dangerous and pointless in terms of
tactics. After becoming a Campione, this was something he learned from experience.
Be prepared to fight and make as much of a ruckus as possible.
When using Verethragna's second form, the power of the [Bull], the target of monstrous
strength was very important. If well used, it was a power that could turn a majestic church in
Naples into ruins.
The power of the earth flowed into Godou's body through this feet.
This time, the target was -- Kusanagi Godou's body!
Godou roared meaninglessly as he took action, jumping with all his strength.
Like doing track and field or physical tests, he used the principles of the long jump to vault
over Luo Hao's head, landing ten-odd metres away.
The [Bull]'s monstrous strength adjusts itself depending on the target. Against a four-ton
truck, one could lift it with two arms. On the other hand, used against the seventy kilograms
of Kusanagi Godou, the effect was small but still noticeable.

From the perspective of the [Bull], the benefit was very small.
But for the purpose of escaping from Luo Hao right before her eyes, it was sufficient.
The beautiful brows frowned as the cult leader turned to look back.
At this time, Godou took the next step. Run, just ignore everything and run. His destination
was the luxurious palace, but the walls of the palace garden blocked his path.
Roughly five metres in height. His destination was just ahead -- Godou held onto the wall
with both hands.
Using the [Bull]'s monstrous strength on the entire wall, causing it to make a shaking sound,
and then pushing hard. The mighty power of the great earth filled Godou's body.
Yelling from the depths of his throat.
At the same time, Godou collapsed the standing wall with his two arms.
"--Oh!? What powerful arm strength... King Kusanagi!"
Luo Hao's praise could be heard from behind.
It seemed like every time he displayed his strength, her approval of him increased... Could
Cult Leader Luo Hao have some sort of muscle fetish?
As he pondered this kind of stupid question, Godou continued to run.
He took a quick glance behind.
Smiling with satisfaction, the cult leader was following with leisurely footsteps.
She clearly did not see Kusanagi Godou as a threat, but having noticed her opponent
possessed some ability, she casually pursued. Very good, if that's the case, Godou still had
enough strength in reserve to reach his destination.
Thanking Luo Hao with behavior like a Sumo Yokozuna[77], Godou finally entered the
interior of the palace.

The next step was to find a wide open space and wait quietly, then he was set.
A few minutes later, Cult Leader Luo Hao had arrived. The shoes worn on her dainty feet
made no sound at all, and like a gentle breeze blowing through the trees, the beauty was

Godou was speechless, she arrived much earlier than expected.

This palace should be quite large, but he didn't expect to be found by her in such short time.
Did she use magic to determine Godou's location, or was it the senses of a martial artist?
Regardless, she was someone that could not be judged by common sense.
"King Kusanagi, are you planning some kind of trap?"
Luo Hao was looking down from high above, while Godou looked out from afar.
"The glimmer in your eyes already betray your intentions. I, Luo Hao, will neither flee nor
hide, be my guest and try out your secret plan!"
"I understand, then I'll be making my move now?"
"Of course, how could a martial arts master like me be defeated by a young junior, that is
absolutely impossible. This is simply martial arts common sense, you are welcome."
Luo Hao casually issued her order, and Godou accepted with great gratitude.
If she wanted to go easy on him, then he might as well go with the flow. When an
overwhelmingly strong opponent offers an advantage, there was no need to stick to principles
of fair competition.
Godou switched to another incarnation, the [Boar], and the ground beneath his feet turned
This black color immediately turned into pitch black fur and hide.
Solidly built in appearance, giant and strongly majestic, the narcissistic [Boar] had arrived!
"The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by the iron
hammer of justice"
With the roar of the spell words the divine beast was roused.
The ground he was stepping had become the [Boar]'s back, and Godou clung onto the black
fur with all his might. Now that preparations were complete, go all out with the attack!
As the palace was filed with the roars of the [Boar], the divine beast broke through the ground
beneath the giant chamber, and its body slowly emerged.
The incarnation that can only be used for destroying massive objects, Godou picked the
palace as the target. After all, it wasn't a building in human society, smashing it to dust was
not a problem.
"This time you'd better follow my orders properly!"

A very daunting answer(?), did it actually understand?
"Summoning an avatar? It looks like your authority is not limited to mighty strength."
Seeing the grand and solidly built massive body of the [Boar], Luo Hao commented elegantly.
Apparently she did not feel threatened.
As befitting a Campione, her senses were not normal. Fine, whatever. After all in such a
situation, the point of summoning this fellow was to avoid a direct showdown against her.
The [Boar] and its roars began to get to work, crushing the floor, smashing columns, and
beginning to charge.
After tens of seconds, the black divine beast demolished the palace as it charged outside.
Leaving Cult Leader Luo Hao within the collapsed building.
...Hopefully she didn't die. Observing the disaster zone, Godou thought to himself. Though he
was the one being targeted, he still felt some guilt.
After all, she was a Campione and definitely would find a way to survive. Godou had total
confidence in the immortality of deities and his fellow peers.
(Actually, Godou was unaware that this was a mentality he had unwittingly picked up through
his various battles over the past few months.)
Having reached the outside, the [Boar] still did not stop taking action.
The destruction was not enough, so it began to charge at the destroyed palace, demolishing
walls, breaking beams and pillars, soon transforming the ruins of the palace into a complete
"Y-You idiot! At least make sure I don't fall off!"
Godou was yelling on the back of his unruly companion(?), and almost bit his own tongue.
Next time he should be more careful. Grabbing the black fur with all his strength and lying on
the body of the boar, he was working hard not to fall off.
This was a life-gambling rodeo show, but at least it prevented a direct battle against Cult
Leader Luo Hao.
And he was still safe. A desperate plan of action because he deemed a direct battle too
disadvantageous. In that case, just flip the proverbial table and destroy the battlefield

--Speaking of the [Boar], this guy unexpectedly turned out to be compulsively obsessive
about cleanliness. The fur was soft and smooth as if washed with hair conditioner, and there
was no unpleasant odor usual of wild beasts.
Having confirmed the habits of the black [Boar], Godou began to ponder.
For now he escaped the challenge of Cult Leader Luo Hao, but things have not ended. He
must hurry and meet up with Yuri and Hikari to get out as soon as possible.
...Suddenly, the [Boar]'s movements stopped, was it time already?"
Godou took a deep breath, and surveyed the pitiful state of the ruins from behind the divine
beast's back.
Luo Hao was buried within the remains of the palace, but the overall shape was still there.
The [Boar] should have continued wreaking destruction, but the fearsome divine beast was
not moving.
It was screaming at the rubble before its eyes, its ferocious teeth and snout aiming in that
direction. As if preparing for a charge, its rear heels were kicking against the ground audibly.
There was basically only one possible existence that could prevent this guy from beginning its
That's right, things couldn't have ended so easily.
If it was Salvatore Doni, then he could withstand that level of collapse using his steel body,
and then cut open the mountain of debris with his crazy magic sword and escape. Voban
would probably survive by transforming into that giant wolf.
Thus Cult Leader Luo Hao's escape from her predicament was only expected -- !
Though Godou was certain Luo Hao had broken free, he was still completely shocked by the
following developments, for he never expected her to employ such a method.
"Hah -- !"
Luo Hao's beautiful voice was heard.
The building materials of the palace ruins were being blown into the sky piece by piece.
The one performing this task, was a rapidly spinning beauty. Maintaining a stance with both
arms outstretched, the cult leader was spinning like a top! Not only that, this human top was
sending the debris flying as it hovered in the air!
Impossible! Godou stared in shock and was rendered speechless.
An authority of monstrous strength, the flying magic witnessed in the sky just now, and a
physical technique that allowed high speed spinning like a top.

How did all this combine into such a strong body, that doesn't even lose to the hardness of
timber and stone, this kind of technique should not exist!
Completely different from the escape scenarios Godou considered, the sight before him totally
exceeded common sense.
Cult Leader Luo Hao was floating in the air as if hung by a stunt wire? Unbelievable.
"King Kusanagi, I really have to praise you well! There are few in the world who can soil
with dust the clothes of I, Luo Hao. You have achieved it -- hohoho, just like that Salvatore
whatever, and the stubborn one from England. For there to be three devil kings able to
accomplish this monumental feat within the past decade... As a senior along the path of
domination, I am most pleased!"
Stopping her spinning and hovering, the cult leader praised Godou as she landed upon the
That's right, her white Han clothing was soiled with dust, but her slender body was virtually
unharmed, and not even her hair was messed up.
And using some kind of magic, her clothes instantly transformed. It was a robe reminiscent of
the ladylike attire of enlightened female immortals[78], a luxurious outfit similar to a mandarin
gown.[79] Though the opening at the chest offered a view of her jade-like skin, thoughts of
desire did not enter Godou's mind.
She was preparing to make her move, so she changed into more mobile clothes!
"...I was originally planning on give you a three-move advantage."
Smiling was the one named Cuilian with style name Hao.
Innocently adorable, a very wonderful smile of a maiden. But as the thought of the extremely
twisted personality of this stubborn person emerged turbulently in Godou's mind, staring at
that facial expression like a blooming flower made him feel like vomiting.
-- To be honest, he was certain even without proof.
That innocent and adorable look was evidence that the cult leader was getting serious. No
mistake about it!
A Campione's sixth sense could feel danger, Godou was absolutely sure of that.
"But I am not going to go easy any more, if I let you have two more moves, I might very well
end up in defeat. So as your senior, I can only grant you the free move just now... Starting
now, Luo Hao will go all out and show you the perils of martial arts."
These words said in such an adorable, cautious and ladylike manner.
Compared to the condescending tones before, the current Luo Hao was even more terrifying.

"You have already witnessed my authority [Divine Might of Vajrapani]. Now I shall
demonstrate the [Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl]. Thanks to these two grand techniques, I
have become the Ruler of the Martial Realm."
Cult Leader Luo Hao took a deep breath, and expelled it together with her beautiful voice.
"Last year we fought where the Sang-kan flows / This year it was Onion River Road. Weve
washed our swords in the Eastern Sea / Grazed our horses on Tian Shan's snowy side. A
thousand miles are not enough for this war / Our armies grow old in their armor."[80]
It was a beautiful singing voice. However, everything in the cult leader's surroundings were
blown away entirely.
Debris, remains of the building, as well as intact palace walls and slabs of stone were blown
away by the strong wind. Her song had turned into magical wind that obliterated everything in
its path.
"Husbandmen of slaughter, the Huns / Have sown the yellow desert with our bones. Long ago
the Qin built the Great Wall / Now its the Han who light the signal beacon. All night long the
flames flicker / Year in year out, the war lingers."
Singing with great passion, the magical wind grew ever stronger, blowing things further and
further away.
There was nothing left in Cult Leader Luo Hao's vicinity, save for the gigantic [Boar].
No! She can't be allowed to sing any longer!
In the instant that realization struck Godou, the [Boar] charged at the cult leader.
"Bright swords flash, brave men fall and die / Riderless horses whinny at the sky. Kites and
crows pluck out the guts / Hang them high on the withered trees."
The heavy pressure of the magical wind changed.
The smooth ballad was like a lullaby to the [Boar]'s ears, and pressured by the wind
fluctuation, the black divine beast halted in its steps. Luo Hao had suppressed the charge.
To think that someone other than Perseus who possessed Mithra's light could subdue the
[Boar] that never yielded to any other deity!
"Soldiers' blood on the dry grass stained / While generals map the next campaign. Wise men
know a war having won / Is no better than losing one."
The heavy wind pressure became a shockwave.
The [Boar]'s solidly built and giant body floated upwards for an instant, and then the follow
up shockwave sent the off-balance divine beast flying off its feet.

Godou lost his balance on the beast's back, and fell towards the ground.
Though he had hit the ground a number of times just now, this time it was not one of Luo
Hao's merciful throws. Fearing for his life if he hit the ground directly like that, Godou
struggled to grab the black fur, and just barely made it.
The moment of crisis was averted for now, but the divine beast was lying fallen on the
ground, so falling off was just a matter of time.
Using the [Boar]'s fur, Godou jumped and descended back onto the ground.
Back on that nostalgic ground surface, Godou noticed. Luo Hao had stopped singing!?
During this opening, the [Boar] started to get up.
Entering a battle state, the divine beast roared, but the serious Cult Leader Luo Hao was just
beginning to show her true skills.
"Glowing sun, brilliance of scorching lightning! Spirit of the heavens, spirit of the earth,
Grand Supreme Elderly Lord[81], make haste as commanded!"
She leisurely approached the giant pitch black body as she chanted the spell words.
It wasn't magic but the use of her authority. As a Campione, Godou could tell, but which one
was she going to use? The monstrous strength, or the song of the shockwave?
...Most likely the former, but Godou could not have expected the manner it would proceed in.
As magical power in Luo Hao's body continued to rise, it gave off a wavering image like a
desert mirage.
The [Boar] on the side, was struck by this illusionary body.
Unbelievably, she made the [Boar] cry, like a hurt little puppy running around in pain.
And then once again, the boar was hit. Was that succinct motion what they called a middle
punch in karate?
The [Boar] roared once again. There was an effect, it received damage! Watching the illusion
before his eyes, Godou was rendered speechless.
This wavering illusion like a desert mirage, gradually took on a clear form -Transforming into a half-naked muscular giant.

A very cleanly shaven head, solemn expression, giant bulging muscular body, the lower half
was clad in rough clothes, while the entire body shone with golden light!
Godou had seen this appearance in photographs.
The Buddha Guardians at the southern gates of Toudai-ji[82]! Come to think of it, Luo Hao did
mention it.
Her monstrous strength authority was usurped from an Om pair of Benevolent Kings.
Benevolent Kings are basically Buddha Guardians!
"The swimming dragon rushes to the heavens, attack from close quarters, close in rapidly
from the eight directions, spinning double kick!"
As if teaching unarmed martial arts, Luo Hao was rapidly reciting mantras.
In coordination, the Buddha Guardian that appeared before her also moved rapidly in
An upper cut, at the same time stepping and kneeing, followed by a series of short punches,
knee strike, middle punch, and then a spinning aerial kick, a two-hit combo without touching
the ground!
As swift and fluent as a fight scene from a kungfu movie. The one being hit was of course the
Oooooooooh! Oooooooooh! Oooooooooh!
The divine beast's roars were akin to weeping cries.
"That guy always sounded so dauntless when rampaging and showing off, but I never knew it
sucked so much at taking hits..."
Godou watched in shock, as the Buddha Guardian raised the giant body of the [Boar] up high.
On one hand. What terrifying strength.
Directly sending it into the sky, it was Luo Hao's throwing skill that Godou already tasted
many times.
So this Buddha Guardian could actually use the Luo Hao's martial arts...!?
Godou's fears were confirmed, as the [Boar] fell with a resounding crash and ground tremor,
the giant body of the black divine beast disappeared like a puff of smoke.
"-- Now that your avatar has vanished, King Kusanagi, your person follows next."
Luo Hao's intelligent pupils locked on to Godou.
Finally realizing the state of emergency, Godou couldn't help but swallow hard...

"G-Godou-san! Are you fine!?"

The adorable Hime-Miko was yelling with all her strength.
From Godou's side, Mariya suddenly appeared, carrying Hikari whose eyes looked empty.
This was likely the mobility method called transfer.
"Mariya! What happened to Hikari? Is she OK!?"
"A-After using the ritual of the treasured sword, the monkey divine monarch used divine
power on her... Though she is still conscious, she is in a dazzled state and unable to converse,
I... I believed it was dangerous to continue staying in the stable, so I used spirit vision to find
Godou-san's location and transferred here...!"
This report shocked Godou, for he had completely forgotten about the monkey divine
monarch. Furthermore, their most pressing concern now was the demonic cult leader whose
slender and elegant brows were now frowning at the sudden intruders.
"...To enter the battlefield between two devil kings, what impudent miko."
Coordinating with her complaint, the giant Buddha Guardian raised his fist.
Faced with challenge after challenge, Godou stepped in front to protect Yuri, whose face had
turned pale, behind his back, and yelled:
"Wait a minute! Are you planning to attack Mariya and me together!?"
"If the frail little girl intruded into our duel, she must be prepared to sacrifice herself and die
together with her lord. Then I, Luo Hao, must respect her act of loyalty. King Kusanagi, if
you don't wish for the girl to die in battle, defeat my special move!"
This woman was entirely incomprehensible! Watching the fist in the sky, Godou clutched his
head in his arms.
In actual fact, that would be the same punching impact as Luo Hao. If Godou cannot evade it,
his outcome would be the same as the battle just now. What could he do? Sit there and die?
"Also, I must make myself clear to the miko. Even if you wish to transfer your lord, it will be
useless because it requires prior preparation along with a clear and serene spirit. There is no
time for you to transfer now and you will be killed before you can escape."
Due to Yuri's appearance, Luo Hao reminded solemnly.
Godou could clearly feel the breathing of the Hime-Miko behind him pause because her
thoughts were read.
I see, if there was more time to prepare then transfer could be used to escape. Seeing the
moving golden fist, Godou clenched his teeth in reluctance. Was it too late? --No!

At this rate, he was going to die and the Mariya sisters behind his back will also die; they will
definitely die.
In the instant that the fist descended like lightning, thoughts rushed through Godou's mind
like spinning revolving door.
He had to put up some final resistance. He cannot die here for such a silly reason and he
definitely could not let Yuri and Hikari die along with him. How could he permit such things
to occur!
The fist must be blocked somehow. Should he use the [Raptor] after all? But Salvatore Doni
was able to defeat it in the past. Will it be any use against Luo Hao? His right arm felt
scorching hot, as if burning up. Where could he escape? How should he defend? Fight? When
did his arm begin to get hot? No, let's put these questions aside, and consider how to escape
certain death before them. Flee as much as possible with the [Raptor] -Time's up. Mariya Yuri at this time still continued to hold the mesmerized Hikari in her arms,
and the Buddha Guardian's fist was coming down fast. It was the instant Godou attempted his
last struggle.
His right arm hurt greatly, and for some reason, the thoughts of the lustre of steel and the flash
of the sword entered his mind.
In the next instant, Godou and the Mariya sisters' bodies vanished like the clouds of dawn.

"They escaped? That was undoubtedly the technique of transfer just now... But they are no
longer within the city."
Luo Cuilian puzzled over the unexpected result.
Before the punch of the open-mouthed[83] Benevolent King she summoned could connect,
King Kusanagi and the miko had vanished.
That was the technique of transfer used for journeying within the Youmingjie (the Japanese
called it the Netherworld), but there were two problems. First of all, this city was within a
barrier, and furthermore, that technique could not be used without time to concentrate.
Using investigative Daoist arts, Luo Hao confirmed they were not within the city and could
not be located. King Kusanagi had somehow broken the barrier and transferred to the outside.
Or perhaps he possessed a treasure that could be used during such a time?
"That youth has great potential... To finish him off immediately would be too hasty. Let me
give him some respite for now."
'Hoho, you love to cause a ruckus too.'
What suddenly sounded was the voice of her old enemy the monkey king.

With just a voice, it meant that he still had not fully awakened.
'I too, would like to hurry back to the real world for a duel -- but let's wait a while. Breaking
past the spell of the [Keeper of the Horses] needs a bit of time.'
With things settled on this side, Luo Cuilian began to consider the situation on earth.
And she was very concerned about the conditions of the real world, for she'd better watch her
disciples lest they slack off.
"I know, I shall return to the real world first, and await the time for us to duel again."
'Ah, I will surely satisfy your anticipation. Just wait for me to get there with your eyes peeled.
Giggling with laughter, the monkey king's voice was filled with pomposity.
The Ruler of the Martial Realm had demonstrated her might. Restoring the heretical monkey
through the sacred snake's sacrifice, no one could have predicted what kind of pandemonium
this unfolding scene would unleash.

Chapter 6 - Outcome of the Chaotic Battle

Part 1
The stone monkey in the Netherworld stable was waiting to be revived.
Currently his name was still the monkey divine monarch, with the position "Keeper of the
His true mighty name that once shook the world had yet to be restored, but a fair proportion of
his divine power had recovered, and his body above the chest had returned to flesh. The
monkey god will once again be reborn from a stone monkey.
His arms had also recovered from petrification. In that case
Moving his left hand, he placed it on his right shoulder. No problems at all.
Casually plucking a few strands of golden fur, he threw them in the air.
The ten-odd strands of fur transformed, turning into ten-odd tiny monkeys.
Even though they were weak little fellows, it was sufficient for them to play the role of "it" in
a game of tag. They were immediately sent to pursue the escaped miko, and the tiny monkeys
were all released from the stable to the outside.
The target miko had been taken outside the barrier by the god-slayer.

But the monkey hasn't been taking the post of the [Keeper of the Horses] in vain. He knew
one or two small paths to get out of the city from inside.
If he used these small paths personally, he would be caught by the binding spell of the
[Keeper of the Horses].
However, as divine messengers the little monkeys did not have that problem. Just like small
fish slipping through a large net intended for a large fish, the god-sealing spell could not stop
divine beasts or messengers.
"...Oh my, who is watching me from afar?"
The stone monkey noticed signs of being peeked at. In order to let the other party hear, he
deliberately said it very loud.
"It's been so long since someone peeked at me, you fellows cannot get in my way, right? Just
suck your thumbs and wait patiently. What? I'm not so small-minded as to go seeking trouble
from you in revenge. As long as you don't do anything strange, I will leave you all alone!"
He spoke happily as he smiled.
To those who used him in the past and sealed him with the spell of the [Keeper of the Horses].

Seishuuin Ena's sudden visit, happened on the afternoon of this day.

"I say, Ena, do you really understand your situation?"
"Of course I do, that's why I came here, Kaoru. Please, could you release Ena from house
The location was the Sayanomiya residence in Area 3 of Tokyo's special ward of Chiyoda.
It was a conversation in the study.
"...Knowing you are under house arrest, and yet you went out so openly."
Ena refuted Sayanomiya Kaoru's reproach.
"Ena did not walk out openly, but left home sneakily. Along the way, I even made sure there
were no ninjas on my trail."
After the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi incident, the premier Hime-Miko had been staying
home all this time. Her long black hair was extremely soft and smooth today, and even though
she clearly didn't need to go to class, she still wore her student uniform. Most likely because
she was too lazy to pick her clothes.
Also, Ena's home, the Seishuuin ancestral home, was located at Chichibu in Saitama

"Begging someone on the phone is too rude, so Ena came here to negotiate directly."
"That's very much your style, I should say... Is that the only reason?"
"Let me think... Also it'd be nice to have a walk? You see, being cooped alone at home is
really boring."
"It is your own doing that caused you to be confined, come on, it's your own responsibility."
Normally watching all sorts of developments with amusement, it was rare for Kaoru to speak
so seriously unlike her usual self.
The unprecedented premier Hime-Miko acted extremely rashly on occasion. In these cases, it
was the organization leader's responsibility to warn her seriously.
To the cheerful and sociable Kaoru, this was not a pleasant job.
"I should tell the Seishuuin family so that they will be more alert."
"If Ena had the intention, you cannot catch me without sending people on the caliber of
Amakasu or Shuto masters. Kaoru, let's not talk about this for now, and go back to the topic
just now!"
"No, though I am very impressed with your prison break skills, I must deny your request."
Kaoru replied coldly.
As a side note, Shuto was short for Shuto Ancient Style, the name of the martial arts practiced
by Hime-Miko and members of the History Compilation Committee. Her master was also a
sword fighting instructor.
"Could you please find a way to handle this here. It's about time for Ena to show up at
Kusanagi's place. My grandmother back home also said, hurry and get intimate with His
Majesty, and bear his child."
"Yes, how easy going to say such words to her granddaughter, true to the name of heroine."
The elderly heroine was the head of the Seishuuin. This kind of granddaughter was only made
possible by the existence of such a grandmother. Kaoru truly understood now.
"Which is why I said, this sort of method of pursuit should be withheld for now? Considering
Kusanagi's character, it is for the best."
"Uh, is that so? Doesn't His Majesty like girls a lot?"
"As long as they are not homosexuals, the vast majority of youths in that age are basically like
him. But due to the influence of his family environment, his attitude towards male-female
relationships is overly serious, so he would feel more relaxed going out to have fun with male

Calling herself the "lover" of Kusanagi Godou, Erica Blandelli was the one representing the
Milanese magic association Copper Black Cross. This news had spread far and wide within
related circles, because it all started from the women attracted to him.
In the beginning, the History Compilation Committee also viewed Kusanagi Godou in such a
light, but Kaoru and Amakasu revised their perspective because Godou was not as lustful as
"Except for us, it is very easy for others to get the wrong impression, so I haven't recklessly
tried to correct it or prevent others from misunderstanding him... Still, his own behavior is
also a major reason behind this type of misunderstanding."
The last clarification made Ena nod with satisfaction.
"Kusanagi is very manly. Yes yes, that is Ena's husband."
"For a man of his type, you can't be too hasty, it is better to conquer him slowly. First start
from friends and gradually make him lower his guard, then cross the finish line in one fell
"If that's the case, wouldn't Erica take the lead? That person is very proactive."
"Ena, how can you be so inflexible here, what does it matter if she gets there first?"
Kaoru smiled cheerfully.
The playboy who targeted the same gender, bore a faint smile of pride.
"Reality is not like those love simulation games that Amakasu likes, eh? It's not a world
where you can build a wonderful loving family and give birth to eternal love within the span
of one or two months. Even if someone gets there before you, it is fine if you take it back for
yourself. Even if marriage is an obstacle, there is always the solution of divorce."
"Wow, I don't really understand the first half, but the second half really fits Kaoru's style, how
"Hahaha, don't praise me like that... So, it's it time to talk about the punishment for sneaking
out of house arrest?"
"Kaoru is the devil! Demon! Two-faced!"
Ena yelled out in protest.
Suddenly, her expression changed.
Hearing the ephemeral voices of certain gods, she showed an extremely serious expression.
Ena listened quietly as she stared at the ceiling of the study. Having known the premier HimeMiko for so long, Kaoru also noticed and realized something had occurred, and so she only
watched quietly.

"Hey hey... What is going on? How rare for you to take the initiative to call from that side."
Ena took out her cellphone and placed it against her ear and mouth.
She began to chat with this powered-off cellphone. Just by listening to the conversationno,
communicationKaoru basically understood what had happened. This was one of the strong
points of the observant and acutely wise Hime-Miko who cross-dressed.
After hearing Ena's report after the communication, things were even more clear to her.
Kaoru took out her cellphone, and called the trusted subordinate whose name was mentioned
just now.
"Hello, Amakasu-san. How does it feel to be on a business trip to Nikkou? Actually, I was
wondering if a troublesome situation has arose, so I called you."
'If that's the case, please tell me the secret to your clairvoyance.'
Admitting to the unexpected situation, Amakasu replied.
'I was just about to call you and report, it is total chaos out here.'
Listening to her subordinate's brief report for close to ten minutes, Sayanomiya Kaoru
received news of the cataclysm at Nikkou. Having finished, she sighed.
"It's true after all, Kusanagi-san has disappeared."
'"After all" are not words I can ignore, did your clairvoyance see that too?'
This time, after hearing Kaoru's explanation, Amakasu went 'hahaha, that is really...' and
responded with a frivolous smile.
"Because of that, there is no need to worry about safety over there for now. I was wondering
about the mastermind behind this commotion. Amakasu-san, what's your opinion?"
'I just happened to have identified a suspect, and started surveillance. However...'
"Is there a problem?"
'If the photo from my information is correct, that person should be the young master of Hong
Kong's Lu family.'
Hearing her subordinate sigh casually, Kaoru could only shrug.
"If so, then that esteemed one from China must be the true suspect."
'Yes, no one would expect her if deducing without proof. But if it really is that one, then
things are really bad. I will continue investigating covertly, and try to come up with a plan for
the snake deity.'

"Go find Erica-san and Liliana-san first. Handle this incident well, I give you full authority."
'Understood, I will try my meager best.'
"No no, in situations like this, you have to bet your life on it to accomplish the mission, just
like a ninja."
'No can do. Applying for work injury benefits requires too much red tape, and the
compensation for dying on the job isn't particularly generous. Safety comes first.'
Once Kaoru finished her call, Ena spoke to her:
"Kaoru-san~~ Please, let Ena go to Nikkou, I will definitely be useful there."
The premier Hime-Miko had excellent hearing, and was listening to Amakasu's voice clearly.
Kaoru shook her head decisively.
"No, denied, although I can temporarily release your house arrest, but you must obediently
stay by my side."
"Why!? If I go as reinforcements, I will definitely be able to assist His Majesty!"
"You are part of reserves in case of emergencies. I have to carefully judge the right timing for
your participation."
Even after losing Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, Ena was still a divine messenger.
For example, by summoning her guardian deity Susanoo's power, she could control storms
which no other wizard can control, and wreak incomparably deadly destruction. Though it
was not enough to fight a real god, this level of combat ability was strong enough to handle
the likes of divine servants, and thus it was imperative not to waste her on unnecessary
"When your divine summoning power is truly needed, I will send you over."
"Then why don't I go to the scene first for standby! Ena will go there directly and cheer for
His Majesty!"
"Of course we will go over to the vicinity of Nikkou in preparation, but we will not go to the
scene immediately. When a [Heretic God] first appears and the nature of the disaster is
unknown, one must calmly observe and assess the situation."
Kaoru calmly warned Ena, and then made staffing arrangements to send over there. Who
knew if earthquakes or floods would occur.
Even without these destructive phenomenon, contact could very well be lost. At this time,
caution was the most important.

"On the other hand, once this incident is resolved, your house arrest ends. So Ena, first come
with me and observe how things develop."
Calmly giving orders, one must never be anxious in a chaotic situation. Well, she didn't have
the ability to use the Hime-Miko of the Sword as a trump card either. So, how could this
unfavorable situation be reversed

Part 2
Erica and Liliana were now within the territory of Saitenguu.
A few minutes after Leviathan began bleeding, Amakasu Touma had also arrived in full
"Ladies, it's only been a short separation, but you two are beautiful as ever."
"How unlike your usual speech, is there some bad news you want to discuss with us?"
The young man was calm as usual, and Erica smiled elegantly at him. One could not expect
any good news when the special agent talented in ancient Japanese espionage arts made an
appearance at times like this.
"Don't talk like I always bring bad news, instead let's say we are on the same boat now."
"Ah? I have never treated Amakasu-san as an enemy though?"
"Hahaha, is that soPutting that aside, I have something to report. Right now that youth
called Lu Yinghua is on standby at the Okusha inner shrine of Toushouguu, as if waiting for
someone. Perhaps you may not know, this shrine right here is what you call the door to the
Netherworld, and the warlord of [Steel] is sealed there."
Said in one breath, Erica could only smile wryly in response.
Amakasu had hit all the crucial points, one must never be careless around this man, but it
could also be said that he was dependable in emergencies like this.
"Amakasu Touma, is it really fine for you to share such important information with us?"
Liliana gave a slight warning, and Erica signaled with her eyes.
"Let's not keep secrets between us as much as possible, and solve the matter together."
"So I see. In addition, I have obtained news of Kusanagi-san's position from my boss. With
this info, there will be lots of advantages to our working together."
Amakasu told the most crucial news to them again. Having heard the content, Erica
murmured softly:
"We haven't even parted for two hours, and he already flew to that kind of place. Should my
beloved be described as surprising or dependable..."

"In other words, for some completely unknown reason, he went to that kind of place."
Liliana showed a subtle expression. Kusanagi Godou not only went to the Astral Plane but
also that particular place. Once again, Erica bore witness to his surprisingly frightening ability
to stay alive.
"So, we will take the frontal attack this time. The name of that snake deity is Leviathan.
Causing great trouble in Los Angeles, the witchno, divine ancestorrestored her ancient
form to become a [Heretic God]. The secret mastermind manipulating her should be the
master of Lu Yinghua."
"Haha, one of those names is completely unexpected while another is just as imagined."
"Just now did you say a deity of [Steel] sleeps in this place?"
Liliana watched the misty rain of blood falling from the snake.
"That Leviathan is almost like bait for [Steel], revealing a near dead body and looking like a
"Your choice of the word sacrifice is quite apt, and in fact that is the truth."
Amakasu nodded and agreed with the witch's opinion.
"The name of the spell that seals [Steel] in this shrine is the [Keeper of the Horses]. In order
to release it, a dragon or snake deity is required to appear on earth. Though I've speculated on
what kind of enemies may appear for breaking the seal, it was unexpected that a sacrifice of a
snake deity could also fulfill conditions."
Amakasu's comments were suddenly interrupted.
The gridded door to the shrine opened abruptly and strong wind blew out from inside.
Out flew a transcendent beauty, who proceeded to soar in the sky like a celestial maiden.
Like a celestial maiden wearing a robe whose fabric seemed as light as a feather, she looked
down upon Erica and the rest from the sky above the shrine, with an expression of complete
disinterest as if seeing bugs. Her body was flowing with magical power that far surpassed the
best of magi.
Just as she was about to fly away, Erica yelled.
"Please wait a moment, Your Eminence Luo Hao! What happened to my lord Kusanagi
These words had an effect. The celestial maiden stopped gliding and hovered in midair to
answer her question.
"Just in this special case I shall answer you, blonde girl. Today should be our first encounter,
how did you come to know the imperial appearance of I, Luo Hao?"

Completely beautiful, but the jade-like voice was full of resolution that seemed to reach into
the depths of the listener.
Erica knelt on one knee and answered with a knight's etiquette.
"My name is Erica Blandelli, a great knight of the Copper Black Cross. Today is also the first
time for me to be graced by Your Eminence's presence. Based on the current situation, I
deduced there could be no other but Your Eminence Luo Hao."
The sacrificial snake deity, the young master of the Lu family, and the missing Kusanagi
And then the supernatural demoness appeared before their eyes, leaving only one answer to be
deduced. Of course, Erica's response time was excellent, which is one of the reasons why she
reached the answer.
In fact, Liliana and Amakasu were just staring at the cult leader in shock.
"King Kusanagi sure has a subject with excellent vision. In recognition of your wit, I shall
answer youthat King was subdued by my martial splendor in the Netherworld, and has
escaped to some other place. However, there is no shame in retreat, a staple in the art of war,
and the manner he escaped from me, Luo Hao, was commendable."
Which is why he fled to that kind of place. Hearing the musical voice, Erica could not help
feeling impressed. To have already battled against the demonic cult leader, Kusanagi Godou
and trouble are truly inseparable.
"Then Your Eminence...!"
"Great Knight, the question and answer session ends here! I am on my way to conquest, and
have no time for you!"
A shout that made one's body tremble.
No, it wasn't just trembling. Erica and Liliana, as well as Amakasu, everyone who heard Luo
Hao's reproach were blown away as if struck by a storm.
Erica crashed into a cedar tree. Was that a shockwave just now? By the time she endured the
pain and stood up, the Cult Leader had gone, flying towards the air above Toushouguu where
Leviathan was located.
"Ah, let me just say that that person is very shocking, in all sorts of ways."
"Who could have thought that Cult Leader Luo Hao was a woman... And could use flying
magic, could she also be a witch..."
The other two were also quite shaken.
"What should we do next? Go pick up Kusanagi Godou and the Mariya sisters, or confront
Cult Leader Luo Hao and Leviathan? Or split up to do both?"

"Yes, if possible, I want us to split up too."

Erica was pondering Liliana's suggestion.
If possible, it would be best if both options were pursued, but it was important not to make the
mistake of dividing their strength and getting taken out in isolation. Whether facing off
against Cult Leader Luo Hao or searching for the three's location, both tasks required
maximum manpower. If a choice wasn't made between the two, both could very well fail."
"We will pursue Luo Hao, since handling the current situation is a priority... Besides, entering
the Astral Plane requires a great deal of preparation and there's no time for that now."
"Yes, this decision is quite appropriate. I understand."
Amakasu responded lightly as Liliana gazed towards the shrine.
"However, that means we ignore Kusanagi Godou and the Mariya sisters for now?"
There was no tone of reproach in her words, for Erica had made the most rational decision.
But reason and feelings were separate, there was no other way, for Erica it must have been a
heart-breaking decision.
"At least we already confirmed they are fine for now, so we're just lowering the priority for
now. No problem, Godou is not someone who dies easily, I believe he will do his best to
protect Yuri and Hikari."
At this time, strategic decisions were more important than emotional outbursts.
As Erica coldly analyzed, a sudden voice called to her.
"Since that is the case, why not allow me to go to the Astral Plane?"
There was a young woman's voice, but no presence could be felt.
Erica looked at the direction of the voice, and so did Liliana and Amakasu. For someone to
approach these three without them knowing, was truly a rare feat indeed, so they were all
quite shocked.
"I am very unsuited to things like combat but I've been thinking all along about how I could
be of help to you all... Fortunately I can be considered an expert in this area, so just leave it to
From within the cedar forest out stepped a blonde beauty.
Roughly in her early twenties, she was wearing a luxurious white coat with long black boots.
Beneath the coat was a short knitted dress and leggings, giving a kind of elegant feeling like
"a princess who sneaked out of the castle for a stroll in the streets"... That was only natural,
for she was a true noblewoman, and a [Princess] at the same time.

As Erica caught sight of her gentle beauty, she was completely surprised.
Having met her last time in London with Uncle Paolo, of course Erica would be shocked to
find her in this kind of place. Smiling mischievously, she put her index finger to her lips.
She really did look like she sneaked out.
Of all the people Erica ever met, the most brilliant and elegant lady had made her appearance.
A sense of opposition naturally sprung. If she didn't let the [Princess] witness her grace as a
noblewoman, she would have failed her name of Erica Blandelli.
"My ladyif you were to do so, it would be our most unexpected good fortune."
Deliberately avoiding addressing her as princess, Erica paid respect to her.
Acting as respectful as if this were a royal court, full of pride and pomposity.
"My lord and our allies the miko are still inside. If possible, please grant them your
Why and when did she come to Japan? These inappropriate questions should be avoided.
When the right moment comes, she would likely explain her purpose herself. From the
dialogue just now, it could be deduced that she already knew the basic situation, so Erica
stated her request simply.
"I understand, though I can't guarantee a hundred percent... But a success rate of sixty-five or
so should be sufficient to assure you all."
With a stiff expression, Liliana was watching the two converse. She had seen the [Princess]'s
photo before, but the sudden appearance still made her greatly shaken.
Amakasu simply shook his head and shrugged.
"I see, so this lady here is acquainted with Erica-san... Is my assumption correct?"
"If you accept that, it would be a great help, because there are many long-winded fellows
about. Even if I took a casual stroll outside, they will get very angry."
The [Princess] nodded, and added casually:
"By the way, I have a suggestion. Since that Leviathan is a key factor in releasing the dormant
[Steel], if you think about it, removing her should be enough to prevent the god's revival.
Though it will be difficult, please consider it."
She was a user of spirit vision similar to Mariya Yuri, and had attained great knowledge about
Advice from her wisdom was greatly respected by upstanding magi and knights as the words
of a sage, and Erica expressed her deep gratitude.

Part 3
As the intense storm assaulted the little house in the mountains, Godou looked at the old man.
This was his second time here, at the residence of the elderly god living "secluded" in the
Netherworld, Susanoo. Opposite the cross-legged Godou, the solemn master of the house was
sitting with one knee up.
Behind him were the two other familiar characters.
The flaxen-haired princess sitting formally in seiza[84], and the living buddha in the lotus
"Of all places, why on earth did I have to come here?"
"Of course that is because my sword brought you here, just look carefully at Ama no
Godou complained while Susanoo answered with frivolous tones.
"So that sword really became my possession after all."
Thinking back to the pain he felt before the transfer, Godou looked at his right arm.
Backed into a corner by Luo Hao, they had already come here by the time he noticed. That
time when they were transferred here must have been the will of Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi, which cut through the wall of the sealing barrier to enable them to escape outside.
True to the name of the divine sword that severed the earth from the Netherworld.
"Oh, looks like you still haven't grasped it, but one day you will master the sword, right? It
has been my longtime partner, oh, do treasure it well."
"I have no intention of contravening the firearms and weapons regulations..."
Godou sighed. Despite what he said, if this fellow had not appeared to save them, most likely
they would have died there just now.
Though he had no interest in picking up a sword, being ungrateful would bring retribution. At
least the mystery was cleared up, the divine sword's most familiar location in the Netherworld
was the residence of the original owner, so it chose to escape here.
"Putting that aside, could you return the Mariya sisters back to their original form?"
"No. Despite my straightforward character, I am a god after all. Even the monk and the
princess will not easily appear before ordinary people. How could we permit humans who
aren't even devil kings to appear in our presence? Anyway, you should just bear it for now."
Susanoo's answer made Godou look at the combs in his hands.

A pair of combs made from bamboo, one big, one small, were transformed from the Mariya
sisters. When they transferred to this little house, Yuri and Hikari had fainted already. Godou
then saw the elderly god muttering something unrecognizable which turned the sisters into a
set of bamboo combs.
Finding himself the only one unaffected, Godou was angry of course.
But Susanoo had said they would recover once they left this house. As an apology, Susanoo
alerted his miko Seishuuin Ena of the fact that the three of them were safe, thus temporarily
appeasing Godou's anger.
"To be able to turn two girls into something like that..."
"The Netherworld is a very ambiguous territory that straddles the line between the fictional
and the real world. That is why one can travel using thoughts, and gods like us can even
change this world. Such a transformation is a piece of cake."
Despite his violent appearance, Susanoo's explanation was surprisingly complicated. If the
sisters cannot be recovered, what are you going to do? As Godou secretly thought to himself,
the black-clad monk spoke.
"By the way, have you caused some interesting commotion again?"
"I 'caused' nothing, I was just caught up in things!"
The mummy without bandages who became a buddha with a desiccated body. Godou
strenuously objected to the monk who possessed such an appearance.
"Please have a look, Rakshasa Monarch, the monkey king has now changed into this."
The princess who wore a juunihitoe[86] style kimono, handed over a basin of water.
Reflected on the water surface was the stable with the stone monkey, but everything from the
chest up was flesh. The eyeballs were red in color with golden pupils. It was a very intriguing
"To be honest, we are the ones who imprisoned the monkey king in the palace of the [Keeper
of the Horses], and the central figure in solving the problem is"
As the princess threw a glance at the monk in black, he showed his toothless mouth and said:
"Exactly, back when I was still on earth, I did that thing."
"It was you guys? Why would you do something like this... That monkey is a steel deity?"
Godou felt they were a hopeless bunch, didn't they sow the seeds of conflict themselves?
"That monkey king, is both a monkey and the possessor of the divinity of steel, a great hero
surrounded by flames who subjugated dragons and snakes. Only extremely powerful [Steel] is
capable of becoming the slayer of dragons or snakes."

"Slaying dragons and snakes?"

"Actually, my nation has a troublesome [Divine Child] currently asleep. A foreign god who
drifted here from overseas, the divine child who is the strongest [Steel]. In order to prevent
this god from waking up, we brought forth the monkey king to slay dragons and vanquish
The strongest [Steel], from where had Godou heard that before?
Somehow Godou had a sense of dj vu, but the current pressing topic was the monkey.
"Why are dragons and snakes very troublesome?"
"You should already know, dragon and snake deities can make [Steel] more ferocious, and
can also wake them up."
Godou recalled the incident of the hero Perseus.
What hastened his appearance was the presence of a dragon, it was much later when Godou
was told of this.
"By the way, you too have once fought with a snake deity of the southern barbarians. Had you
failed back then, we would surely have carried out the release ritual of the [Keeper of the
Horses] for the monkey king."
"I keep hearing this term Keeper of the Horses, is that the name of that monkey god?"
"No, it's the name of an official position, a post in the Heavens... Simply put, it is the task of
watching over the stables, managing the horses of the celestial court, that is the job of the
Keeper of the Horses."
"By Heavens you mean?"
"The world of the gods and immortals ruled by the Jade Emperor."
A name appeared in Godou's mind, the original name of that playful monkey, his name as a
Godou attempted to speak out the name. Susanoo suddenly went "Heh!" over his breath; the
princess stared wide; the monk in black smiled silently, grinning like a villain.
"You realized the true identity of the monkey god?"
"I just happened to think of it. Damn it, he could very well be more famous than Athena!"
Godou was left breathless, this was totally beyond the level of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
If that kind of fellow was to rampage on earth, how serious a calamity could not be

"What could we do to seal that monkey once again?"

"The one releasing the binding spell of the [Keeper of the Horses] is the Tang[87] monarch.
Should you be successful in defeating her personally, the monkey king will fall dormant once
The princess spoke with worry. In other words, a battle with Cult Leader Luo Hao was
Godou couldn't help complaining. This was like the metaphor of having a tiger at the front
door and a wolf at the back. No matter which choice he made he was in trouble. But
compared to fighting a wolf and a tiger together at the same time, it was better to just fight the
tiger alone.
Most importantly, he was worried about his friends back on earth, and wanted to return as
quickly as possible.
"I will try my best... So there's something I want to discuss. Can you send me back to the
Faced with the decisive request, Susanoo and the monk in black looked at each other.
"What should we do? We are neither this guy's enemies nor his companions."
Recalling last time's incident, it was just as the elderly god described, and then the black-clad
monk deliberate said:
"No no, Old One, this counts as a wandering stray. It's not like we don't know him, even
though we are not very close either. But we cannot go against the ways of gods for the sake of
the ways of men. That said, the method to return the Rakshasa monarch to the real world... is
a bit difficult for us."
"Didn't you guys pull me in here last time on purpose?"
Feeling like they were putting on a show, Godou questioned.
"Last time, it was that idiot Ena who set up her tricks on earth. We have no ability to let you
freely come and go from this place."
Recalling the spell that Seishuuin Ena used at the school, does that mean I am stuck in the
Netherworld forever!? Godou was very shocked.
The one who interrupted at this point, was the princess possessing glass-like pupils.
"Enlightened One, Old One, pray show some restraint in your jokes. Rakshasa monarch,
please hold this carefully."
She handed over a magatama[88] jewel.

It was made of jadeite. Godou could not comprehend the princess' intentions and pondered in
"This is just an ordinary magatama, but having worn it for so long, it is infused with my
powerful psychic powers. For women linked to our snake blood, it serves as an excellent
"Snake blood?"
"If you're interested, try investigating the women known as divine ancestors. For example,
those miko over there are my very very distant descendants."
She showed a demure smile.
"The miko seeking you in the Netherworld... This girl inherits the blood of snakes as a result
of atavism. With this alone, she should easily find her way to your side."
"To receive me... Yes! It must be Erica and the rest!"
Making contact with Ena proved to be unexpectedly effective. Susanoo and the black-clad
monk were likely aware of this and played dumb. Truly unpleasant characters, these old men.
"Let me lead you to a place more convenient for the one seeking you... The rest depends on
your capacity and tolerance, I wish you luck."
"I am very grateful. If possible, I hope a day will come when I can repay your great kindness
and grace."
Godou immediately bowed his head in respectful gratitude.
Naturally employing respectful manners towards the princess, was this what people called
difference in character?
In her basin appeared scenery never seen before. No instructions were needed, after all, she
was the one who taught him the method to travel in this mysterious world.
Godou watched the scenery reflected in the water as he concentrated and transferred there.

By the time he regained his senses, he was at the edge of a lake.

A scenic lakeside on a plateau, that was the feeling Godou got standing on this land.
The water was crystal clear, and the blowing breeze was very comfortable. Along the bank
were neat rows of cedar trees.
"Right, what about the Mariyas!?"
He recalled the sisters who had been turned into bamboo combs.

The two combs in his hands were gone, and Godou frantically searched his surroundings.
Breathing a sigh of relief, he found the miko-outfitted Yuri and Hikari on the side of the lake.
Shaking their shoulders, the sisters soon woke up.
"This place... Are we still in the Netherworld...?"
"Yes... Onii-sama... My head hurts... I can't feel any strength..."
Hikari had been acting strange during the battle with Luo Hao, but it looked like she had
Godou made a brief explanation of how they got to be transferred here.
"So that's what happened, both of you were transformed... Do you feel fine?"
"Yes, yes, it seems like it. We have no memories of the time when we were transformed."
"I feel so tired, as if I had exhausted all my strength."
Compared to the older sister who could answer affirmatively, the younger sister still looked
"Anyway, since everyone is fine this counts as fortune amongst misfortune... By the way, just
now they said someone will be coming to receive us, who knows how long it would take?"
"Should be Liliana-san coming right?"
Godou shook his head. Who knows?
Erica didn't seem like she knew the magic to travel to this Netherworld, which meant it should
be Liliana. But from the manner the princess spoke, it seemed like this wasn't the case.
"I have arrived. Finally found you, Kusanagi Godou-san."
Suddenly hearing his name, Godou jumped in surprise while Yuri and Hikari stared hard.
Somehow a beautiful woman was standing before them.
"Sorry to have surprised you all. You may not recognize me, but I am also your companion.
Actually, I knew Erica Blandelli from before."
With dazzling blonde hair, she was a beautiful Caucasian lady.
Calm and smooth speech, elegant clothing, and a presence like perfume. Godou finally
realized, it was a feeling that was very similar to Erica. Yuri looked at her incredulously.
"...Spirit body? Are you using a spell of spirit body separation?"

"Oh my, it's been so long since the last time I was found out so quickly. You are amazing."
Bearing an elegant smile, she praised Yuri, who became quite fearful. Spirit body separation?
Seeing Godou's doubt, the blonde beauty told him the truth.
"Known as ectoplasm or spirit body in the world of magic, a rough explanation would be a
doppelgnger of the soul that is created through psychic sensing abilities. My real self is
currently lying asleep on a bed in London... Please keep this a secret."
"I-I am really sorry, I saw it through spirit vision, and spoke without thinking."
Yuri frantically apologized as the princess raised a finger to her lips, expressing her hope for
"No problem, even though it is top secret, I'm not going to sew up the mouths of people who
know about it. Do I look as crazy as Cult Leader Luo Hao?"
Mischievously batting her eyes, it looked like the beauty was aware of the mastermind behind
this commotion.
"Your request to keep this a secret, I got it. By the way, can you tell me your name?"
"During this trip, I was hoping to call myself the 'mysterious beauty who wished to stay
anonymous' all along... But the king's request cannot be ignored. No other way, I shall
A humorous self-introduction.
The blonde beauty elegantly smiled as she named herself.
"My name is Alice, and sometimes people call me princess, but that's too embarrassing to say
it out myself."
"The Witenagemot's!"
"S-Super important person! Too amazing!"
The self-introduction that was missing a last name, and even a nickname of princess.
Feeling like she seemed to hail from some royal or noble family, Godou smiled wryly. Beside
him, Yuri and Hikari's great surprise suggested she was a very famous person. From her
behavior, expressions and gaze, it was clear that she was full of the elegance of someone who
belonged to the upper class.
Though there were a few things he wanted to criticize, Godou decided to ignore them after all.
In the past few months, Godou's strange friends had been increasing in number. A slightly
strange person was no longer enough to unsettle Godou.

"Alice-san, did Erica ask you to come receive us?"

"Yes, I am both a miko and a user of witchcraft"
Princess Alice thumped her own chest.
"Performing the magical ritual of plane walking, going from earth to the Astral Plane, and
then searching for Kusanagi-sama using spirit vision after arriving. You were very difficult to
But then she was suddenly able to find Kusanagi Godou's location through spirit vision,
Godou recalled the magatama kept in his pocket.
"Actually I was following the trail of a certain witch, and pursued all the way from France to
Asia. The snake deity Leviathan that Cult Leader Luo Hao is using as a sacrifice, only
survived till now as a result of that witch, which is why I changed my targets to the snake
deity and the cult leader, and came to Japan. Then just now I happened to encounter Erica
who was troubled by Kusanagi-sama's absence, and decided to assist her."
"The troublemaker was actually involved in underground activities on a worldwide scale..."
Hearing the simple explanation, Godou felt powerless. Though the trouble came from
overseas, it also brought an ally like the princess here. If he thought that way, the situation
didn't seem as dire.
It was at this moment that Yuri drew near.
"Godou-san, I have an ominous feeling. Pursuers will be here shortly!"
Yuri warned with a voice full of tension. Pursuers?
Godou, Yuri, Hikari and Princess Alice were standing by the lake as tiny monkeys with
golden fur almost the color of tea-brown suddenly appeared and surrounded them. Could this
manner of movement be transfer!?
The little monkeys numbered almost twenty, and every one of them resembled the monkey
divine monarch.
"The city of the [Keeper of the Horses] was a barrier designed to seal the divine monarch. But
it cannot shut in his summoned divine messengers... Godou-san, what should be done?"
Come to think of it, that monkey god seemed quite intent on acquiring Hikari.
Surrounding them, the little monkeys slowly shrunk their distance, keenly watching every
move of Godou's group.
Ask Yuri to use transfer to escape? From the manner they appeared, it was likely they would
use the same method to follow, so the root of the problem would not be solved. Also, last time
Ena went out of control during divine possession in the Netherworld, who knew if the same
might happen to Yuri

"Surviving this battle... Seems a bit difficult."

The Campione's senses told him the approximate strength of these enemies before him.
These monkeys were very strong. If Erica and Liliana's battle strength was rated ten, then
these guys would be around four or five.
In other words, compared to a Campione's abilities, they were very weak enemies, but that
would require Godou to use one of Verethragna's ten incarnations
No good, none of the conditions for using any of the incarnations were met.
"Kusanagi-san, this is quite a bind. Could you drive away these monkeys using your
"I would have done it if I could. There are many restrictions to my powers which cannot be
used freely. Against mediocre opponents like these, to be frank I am out of options."
Godou sighed as he replied to Alice's question, and began to think.
Though the monkeys count as wild beasts, they were much stronger than humans, and divine
servants as well.
Though chances of victory were very low, he might as well struggle and put up a fight, or
should he let Yuri use transfer and try to escape as much as possible? Unexpectedly, it was
Princess Alice's words that ended his dilemma.
"Oh I see, then let me handle this. This will likely cause other troubles later, but there is no
other choice."
Her beautiful blonde hair was full of brilliance.
In the instant the little monkeys jumped over with their grotesque nimble movements, just as
Godou watched with his eyes wide open, Yuri protected her sister, and Hikari held on to her
older sister, Princess Alice recited loudly:
"Can I see another's woe / And not be in sorrow too! Can I see another's grief / And not seek
for kind relief!"[89]
This was a poem of spell words.
Silver white light poured forth, engulfing the monkey army and Godou's group.
"Ah!" "Onee-chan!"
Yuri and Hikari gave a brief yell, but did not seem to be in pain. On the other hand, the
monkeys were in a pitiful state. Screaming loudly, they covered their eyes, protected their ears
and began to roll around on the ground.
"...What did you do?"

"Using psychic sensing, I injected the impressions of pain and destruction directly into the
monkeys' brains, forcing them to feel mental pain, subduing them all."
Hearing Alice's nonchalant explanation, Godou began to wonder if this lady wasn't so gentle
and quiet after all. Beside him, the two miko were watching the monkeys' plight in shock.
"Though their hearts might be a little shaken, there is no major problem. Of course as a
Campione, Kusanagi-sama will not be affected at all. However..."
A Campione had absolute resistance against magic. At this time, Alice bore a depressed
Godou had an ominous feeling.
"In order to disable them, I exhausted a large amount of magical power in this spirit body.
Now it is impossible to carry out the ritual to return to earth, though I still have enough magic
to maintain contact with those on the surface... But they are currently dealing with Leviathan
and I fear they can't spare any effort to bring you back."
The crowd of divine messengers released by the warlord of [Steel], what unexpectedly strong
Hearing Alice's words, Godou felt the future was bleak. In order to defeat the pursuers they
lost the way to return. Of course keeping everyone safe was the top priority, so the one who
called herself princess made the correct decision.
But it was also true that they were now trapped in another dead end.
Was there a way to get out of this quandary? Godou struggled to think of a solution.

Part 4
The snake deity Leviathan transformed from the witch Asherah, was hovering in the air above
Nikkou mountain. As it circled and coiled in the air, blood fell from wounds all over its body
to produce mist and rain. All the tourists at Toushouguu, Futarasan Shrine and Rinnouji were
in a state of panic.
This was dusk on the first day of the October long weekend.
As the sun set, the number of tourists in the vicinity of Nikkou mountain had been decreasing.
Still there were close to a hundred of them at the scene. As the unnatural scene appeared in
the sunset sky, the tourists were deprived of their sanity.
There were those who fled away quickly, those who clumsily ran as they rolled, and people
who were separated from their companions.
Some were pushed over by others, and had their backs stepped on. There were people who
ignored others while others cried.

People who had no idea whom to call, and people leisurely taking digital photos of the snake
Shouting, sobbing, lamenting.
Shock, intrigue, excitement, anxiety.
Unsettled people, frantic people, lost people.
It was a state of panic, but very soon all of them stopped moving, just like children tired out
from play or exhausted runaways, they stopped their steps, kneeling down, collapsing, lying
down, immobile.
"Is that violent woman absorbing the essence of life force?"
Having climbed to the top of Toushouguu's Okusha inner shrine, Lu Yinghua whispered to
This was the burial grounds of Tokugawa Ieyasu, at the highest level of Toushouguu.
Speaking of Nikkou mountain, it was a mountain after all. From the foot of the mountain
began the main visiting path up the stone stairs, then through the worship hall and main hall,
one then had to walk two hundred and seven stone steps up to reach the Okusha inner shrine.
In the air was the violent womanthe slowly hovering snake deity once called Asherah.
The snake deity's blood created a circulating network of life which absorbed life force from
the surrounding people into itself. This should not kill, but staying in that state for the long
term could get dangerous.
"This woman is almost dead, and yet she's still making so much trouble for others. Whatever,
it's nice to have some peace and quiet after all."
There were no signs of people in his immediate surroundings.
Compared to the gates of Youmeimon, main hall and divine stable down below, tourists
willing to climb all the way up to the Okusha inner shrine were few in number. With the
appearance of the serpent god, what few people immediately fled.
To Lu Yinghua this was quite fortunate.
Because the one who was about to arrive hated noise, it would be best to minimize annoying
factors for her. At this moment, he noticed the woman flying over here.
It's his master! Immediately, he switched to a stance of "caution."
As the beautiful master looked at him, he immediately held his right fist against his open left
This was the traditional martial arts greeting of the fist. A necessary measure in order to
preempt his master from admonishing him with the loud complaint "shouldn't you respect and

greet your master properly!?" Just in case, he should also recite the slogan of followers of the
Holy Cult of the Five Mountains.
"May the immortal name of the wise and brave Cult Leader be sung, lasting as long as the
heavens and the earth. Your infinite might, wisdom and mercy brings light to this world. Your
disciple Lu Yinghua, wishes the master eternal longevity."
Holy Cult Leader Luo Hao, was the maiden whom very few people knew as Luo Cuilian.
She was an unaware tyrant, and people serving her needed to take care in all sorts of minute
As her direct disciple who was allowed access to her residence, the master's mood was an all
important factor in Lu Yinghua's life of danger.
"My young eagle, sycophancy on the battlefield is the act of corrupt officials and eunuchs!"
However, the beautiful master was frowning with displeasure, calling out her disciple's pet
"As a martial artist with heroic and manly aspirations, do not bring such shame to your
This time was a failure. With one shout, Lu Yinghua was blown away.
His back striking the tower behind him, he felt a little dizzy. This was a shockwave produced
by the [Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl], which was not only capable of widespread
destruction, but was also an authority that could be used like a fist when the power was
Damn it, flattery went overboard and backfired instead. Lu Yinghua stood up again.
Usually he would be reproached for not greeting solemnly enough.
'Though the master-disciple relationship is akin to mother and child, I am the one who stands
at the pinnacle of the Holy Cult while you are just a young follower. You have to be clear
where you stand. Pay more attention!'
Despite her saying that, Luo Cuilian was one who viewed flattery with disdain, in other
words, the crux of the matter depended on the Holy Cult Leader's mood that day. A most
difficult and unreasonable condition.
"When King Kusanagi challenged me, I was a little impressed by your foresight... But you're
still not pushing yourself enough for perfection!"
"Master's words of wisdom will forever be engraved in your disciple's heart. Allow me to
express my utmost gratitude."
Anyway, let me bow my head and accept master's words first.

They had met a few hours ago, but if he reported everything he had done during this time, Lu
Yinghua estimated he would receive a total of three educational instructions. There was no
need to step on the tiger's tail on purpose.
Preparing for master's arrival was Lu Yinghua's assigned mission.
Traveling to Japan from Hong Kong just for that, he had to rush back and forth between
Tokyo and Nikkou a number of times. Rushing into the Kuhoudzuka home at Saitenguu,
enlisting the leader's son using the witch's powers, making him speak about the seal of the
[Keeper of the Horses], doing what was required for the Hime-Miko to come to Nikkou, and
preparing for the seal's release.
The one who spent the most effort on today's incident was actually Lu Yinghua.
"Master, some interlopers are moving this way. What are your wishes?"
"I leave them to you, get it done for me."
Noticing people approaching, Lu Yinghua obtained the expected answer.
Gods and Campiones were the only opponents worthy enough to make the beautiful master
Lu Yinghua shrugged and looked down. Toushouguu's main and worshipping halls, as well as
Sakashitamon Gate's sleeping cat were about two hundred meters away. From the Okusha
inner shrine occluded by cedar trees, one shouldn't be able to see anything.
However, his superhuman hearing caught the sound of approaching footsteps.
He heard the sound of two people using qinggong[90] to race across the ground with great
agility, most likely Erica Blandelli and Liliana Kranjcar.
"...Well since master agreed, let's investigate a bit."
Lu Yinghua aimed at the stone statue of a crane before him, and struck it with his palm.
The ancient stone crane was instantly smashed, forming numerous fragments of stone. Placing
these remains in his pocket, he spied the two leaping around like winged cats with only cedar
branches as supporting footholds.
The girls arriving at Toushouguu using qinggong were the two great knights from Italy.
The two went past the five-story pagoda, through Omotemon Gate, and reached the area
between the divine stable and the Sacred Warehouse of the Three.
At this time, Lu Yinghua began to fire.
Using only the right index finger, he shot stone pieces from his left palm. The striking of the
fingerin other words, the act of finger flickingsent the stones flying one by one with such
extreme speed that they were like bullets.

The targets were of course the two people advancing!

This was the art of Tanzhishentong[91], one of the martial techniques taught by his master.
Against the incoming onslaught of stone pellets (roughly ten shots could be fired in a single
breath), the girls immediately evaded. Struck in their stead, a hole was pierced on
Youmeimon Gate.
Missed? Then let's shoot until it hits.
Lu Yinghua smiled with anticipation, and once again shot stone pellets with the tip of his
The two girls nimbly dodged left and right to avoid the hail of bullets, even so, the
troublesome bullets continued to descend. In that instant, the situation changed.
As the fired stone pellets approached the bodies of the female knights, they were deflected.
Seeing them blocked as if by an invisible wall, Yinghua muttered:
"A spell impervious to arrows, hmm, looks like projectiles are no good anymore."
Operating on similar principles to weapon deflecting spells used by the Righteous Harmony
Society during the late Qing dynasty.[92]
A Daoist art(called magic in Europe) for deflecting arrows and the bullets of firearms, it
easily repelled shots fired by normal people and could only be overcome by weapons infused
with great spiritual powers or arrows fired by masters.
Though Lu Yinghua was a martial arts prodigy, he was not a sharpshooter.
Then let's decide things with close-quarter combatthis time, he leapt to the roof of the
Toushouguu worship hall.
The qinggong techniques taught by his master far surpassed the European great knights he
was about to fight.

Making contact in the Netherworld happened a short while ago.

Princess Alice's mental waves were able to transcend the gap between the earth and the other
world. This godly feat was only possible for the Miko-Hime whose spirit powers of psychic
sensing had developed to such a degree.
However, Erica and Liliana could not help sighing when they heard the news that there was
no way for them to return.
"What should we do? Suspend this plan and go retrieve Kusanagi Godou?"
Liliana made the suggestion since she was the only one left who could go over there.

But if the blue knight left, then facing Leviathan and Cult Leader Luo Hao alone would be too
risky for Erica.
Erica thought for a while, then proposed her amendments to the plan. The princess in the
Astral Plane should also be able to receive the plan through psychic sensing. Having decided,
Erica transmitted her thoughts through mental waves.
Yes, let's go along with this plan, we will prepare from over here. I wish you all luck.
"So that's it, Lily, let's start."
"What a reckless plan, but that is all we can do. No matter what, if we do not take drastic
measures, a Campione's will could not possibly be hindered."
Memorizing the new plan, Erica and Liliana rushed towards Toushouguu.

As a side note, Amakasu had left the scene taking the unconscious Kuhoudzuka gentleman
along with him. Even though he was highly skilled in secret operations, onmyoudou[93] and
white magic, a ninja's combat ability was not especially high, and there was no need to
accompany them.
"The vanguard is coming, Lily."
"Hmph, arriving from the air, what an ostentatious youth."
Evading the attacks from above, they charged forth.
Finally descending from the sky, Lu Yinghua gazed at the two great knights.
"I have been waiting, Nee-san. If you wish to see my master, she is currently busy. If you
have to intrude no matter what, then let me be your opponent."
Casually looking down from the worship hall of Toushouguu, Lu Yinghua spoke.
His posture resembled a phoenix at restaged fourteen, rather than calling him young, he
would be better described as immature.
However, his awe-inspiring presence was worthy of his position as the devil king's disciple.
"Ah, looking so disinterested usually, but today you are passionately tempting us."
"Under the watchful eyes of my master, I have no leisure to dally, and must defeat you two
using my full strength."
The young martial artist sneered at Erica's joking attempts.
It was a strange smile, a product of some twisted emotion rising up from the heart. However,
the confidence in that smiling face was authentic. Could he really believe that he could obtain
victory fighting against two great knights at once?

What gave Erica doubt, was the slight sense of masochism seen in Lu Yinghua's smile.
"Yes, even for me, fighting the two Nee-sans here is a little dangerous. I'd probably lose three
times out of ten?"
"In other words, you will win seven times? How audacious."
The one who replied quietly was Liliana.
Boasts of grandeur and haughtiness were often sources of power. Confidence and presence
were prerequisites for talent and skill to shine. In the world of battles, cases of an arrogant
genius outperforming a modest genius were too many to list.
"Competing with you seems quite attractive."
"A pity then, our target is not you so we must decline your invitation."
Erica and Liliana wrapped their respective red and black or blue and black capes around their
bodies. The capes known as bandiera, only great knights were allowed such battle attire.
"Heh, are you really planning on challenging my master? Doing so would be foolhardy rather
than brave, I advise you it is better to give up."
"No, and it's not her either... Let's start, Lily."
"Very well, though we are at a disadvantage. However we cannot ignore this battle for that
will taint our honor as knights."
In Erica's hand was the magic sword Cuore di Leone.
On the other hand, Liliana wielded the magic sword Il Maestro.
These magic swords were forged as a pair, using Wootz steel from Damascus. Sharp enough
to sever concrete blocks in one stroke, they also amplified the magic of the wielder,
furthermore, each possessed the special attributes of [Indestructible] and [Magic Melody]
The two of them entered full battle preparedness.
"Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?"[94]
"People, listen to David's song of mourning! How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of
war perished!"[95]
Simultaneously, they chanted the spell words.
"But be not thou far from me, O Lord: O my strength, haste thee to help me. Deliver my soul
from the sword; Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of wild

The spell words of loathing and despair. Erica's [Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me].
"From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back,
and the sword of Saul returned not empty!"[97]
The requiem mourning for an ancient hero. Liliana's [Song of the Bow].
"I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise
"O bow of Jonathan, the warrior's weapon fast as an eagle and strong as a lion. Descend into
my hand now!"
Both moves were advanced battle magic that could bring pain to gods.
Unfamiliar with European magic, Lu Yinghua's expression started to tense as he noticed
extremely ominous spell words of disaster gathering around in Erica and Liliana's
When they made the decision to employ these two mystic rituals, the two knights had already
abandoned trying to move in secret. Lu Yinghua and Luo Hao would immediately notice such
powerful magical presences and there would be no time to hide.
"Be dismissed, Lu Yinghua! Light be lost, breathing stopped!"
Erica yelled.
The spell words of loathing and despair, had the power of restraint in this world. Those
commanded will actually lose their sight and even stop beating their heart.
"Disaster falls upon those who block my path! Ashes to ashes, dust to dust!"
Liliana's shouts followed.
Bound by the hero's requiem, objects lose their form as commanded, and everything pointed
at by her finger collapsed into dust.
True to his title as the martial hero, Lu Yinghua was able to block these spells.
"Hmm! What troublesome spells!"
Roaring angrily, he struck himself with his left fist slightly above the heart.
Stimulating the pressure point of Tanzhongxue[99], he strengthened the qi life force in his
body. This middle energy center[100], along with the lower energy center below the navel
both were major pressure points responsible for the flow of magical power in European
As long as the flow of magical power within the body was strong enough, one was immune to
the effects of outside magic.

The absolute resistance of a Campione towards magic was simply due to harboring magical
power within the body that far surpassed the best magi.
Having undergone his master's inhumane training, Lu Yinghua could be considered a genius
in the area of qigong.[101]
Raising magical power instantly to block Erica and Liliana's curses could be considered a
godly feat. However, their true purpose was not to neutralize the devil king's direct disciple.
They only aimed to prevent him from making the first attack for a short period of time.
Their goal was apparently successful, and during the moment when Lu Yinghua focused on
his internal body and could not physically attack, the two great knights began the next step.
Erica instantly applied magic to Cuore di Leone.
The spell of Iron AlchemyTransformation. The slender beloved sword was transformed
into a pilum, the throwing spear used by soldiers of the ancient Roman Empire. Infused in it
were the spell words of loathing and despair.
Liliana stabbed her magic sword Il Maestro into the ground.
Instead her hands now wielded the bow and arrows of blue light. The bow of Jonathan that
took form from the requiem of the ancient hero, the weapon that once shot the hero Perseus.
Simultaneously, the two great knights sent their projectiles towards the sky.
The target was the silvery white snake hovering above Nikkou mountain, near her throat
Flying in the air, the ground beneath was a flat plain without any obstructions. The only
factors to consider were the distance and the accuracy of the shooters.
From the very start, they were planning to attack Leviathan.
The pilum and the arrow rushed through the air.
In a most splendid manner, these magically born weapons pierced the snake deity's throat.

Chapter 7 - Giant Killing

Part 1
Leviathan's massive body began to crash slowly towards the ground.
Particles of light were scattering in the air as the body fell like a weightless feather, an
unnatural trajectory of descent.
The silvery white body of the snake gradually disappeared. By the time it reached several tens
of meters above the ground, only Asherah's pale body remained, and on her throat were two
large piercing wounds.
Asherah's body finally fell on the topmost part of Toushouguu, the Okusha inner shrine.
"Unable to maintain the form of a snake, if this continues, the key to releasing the binding
seal of the [Keeper of the Horses] will..."
Cult Leader Luo Hao murmured to herself as she approached.
The convulsing young girl was vomiting frothy blood. Luo Hao lifted the girl's arm to
examine her pulse and nodded, standing up immediately.
"My young eagle! While I treat this witch, you help me stop the knights."
She ordered her disciple who was two hundred meters below.
Due to the her beautiful voice being full of qi trained from neigong[102], it could be transmitted
even across such distances.

"Wow, that violent woman still lives after that. Wait a minute, turning into a snake becomes
an existence on the level of [Heretic Gods], so there's nothing to be surprised about...?"
Hearing the instructions, Lu Yinghua stared hard as he stood on the roof of Toushouguu's
worship hall. On the other hand, the two great knights who pierced the snake deity's throat
were smiling at each other.

"See, the best way to eliminate Leviathan was just as I said."

It was just before advancing upon Toushouguu, after Princess Alice had transmitted her
mental waves from the Astral Plane.
In coordination with the other side, Erica made a conclusion.
"Lily and I will attack directly. If it's the spell words of David, then even gods can be
damaged. The flying target's vulnerabilities are fully exposed in the air, oh? It will definitely
"Since the snake deity's life is ending soon anyway, this method does not seem so absolutely
ridiculous after all."
Liliana calmly nodded.
Ignoring her private life (especially in the area of love), Liliana in battle was very calm and
"Of course, if we take it slowly, there will be interference from Luo Hao and Lu Yinghua. If
we target Leviathan on our first strike, I believe the chances of success will be very high."
Lu Yinghua was highly skilled in qigong, but was not an expert on magic or Daoist arts.
He was unlikely to be acquainted with the mystic arts of magic such as the spell words of the
hero David. The problem was his master, and Erica recalled the encounter near the shrine -"Luo Hao probably won't be wary of Lily and me as enemies, so if we target Leviathan from
the start, it will work for sure. However..."
"Afterwards is the real problem. We will need to fight the cult leader seriously."
The only existence on earth that could fight evenly with a Campione was another Campione,
which is why they sent Princess Alice to pick up Godou.
"In the end, after eliminating Leviathan, we still need a Campione's power. But if that ritual
continues, [Steel] will be awakened... We have no options."
"Yes, so that is why we gamble everything on this."
Erica continued explaining as Liliana shook her head, troubled by the dilemma.

"You already know that Kusanagi Godou possesses the authority of Verethragna, the Persian
Warlord who flew over the land, the protector who saved the people. So --"
Liliana nodded in agreement with Erica's suggestion.
The mental waves from the princess in the Netherworld also approved.
And so the two knights charged courageously, and successfully downed Leviathan.
Currently, Luo Hao had given orders to her disciple, who prepared to take on Erica and
Though it was unclear at this point, there was also the possibility that the snake deity could be
"Worrying about others at this point, you two sure are confident!"
The youth and his voice descended at the same time.
Just like last time, there was not a single sound. As an advanced physical technique, it
required complete control of one's weight, muscle strength and activity in order to attain this
level. Though Erica and Liliana were also quite accomplished in this area, they were
outmatched by far.
The silver-haired knight immediately reached out and pulled out her beloved sword from the
Seeing this action, Lu Yinghua smiled at the corner of his lips and immediately charged with
god-like speed.
At the distance of an arm's length, he struck with his right fist, aiming for Liliana's right hand
which held the magic sword! With gliding steps, Liliana evaded.
"You are the confident one instead! Deliberately attacking the one with the weapon."
"Haha! Fighting an unarmed sword fighter? I wouldn't do it even if someone paid me to!"
Because Erica had thrown her beloved sword at Leviathan, she was currently weaponless.
Disregarding this situation, the youth still chose to attack the armed opponent. Liliana took
her magic sword and slashed at the incoming right arm. If she was able to cut an artery or a
muscle, victory would be decided.
But the young martial artist withdrew his arm to escape the magic sword.
Like a whip, the withdrawn hand attacked Liliana's face. Against this move which combined
offense with defense as one, Liliana raised her left arm to defend.
"Heh, neither slow in speed nor in reaction. Yes, you do have some skill..."

Lu Yinghua leisurely commented.

Fighting an armed opponent with no signs of fear, it appeared that he had not even begun to
get serious.
Liliana held Il Maestro at mid-level.
Slowly tracing out a curve with its form, she wielded the saber with one hand. This was the
magic sword that formed a pair with Cuore di Leone, and in the past, the two were discovered
together in the catacombs beneath Florence.
"Erica, looks like he wants to have a chat with me, you should hurry over to the cult leader."
Seeing her old friend's rare attempt at a joke, Erica smiled in response.
"Lily, is that really fine? If you say that, then I will become the main character, oh?"
"To be frank, that is no good at all, but there is no other way. I have already started here and
the opponent has yet to show his true power, how could I stop here!"
While Liliana yelled loudly, her opponent the youth gave off a sense of unpressured ease.
"You go first, there is no other choice. I will finish him. I already mentioned before, your
taking the spotlight has already gone on too far!"
"In that case, I won't refuse your offer, I'll be on my way~~"
Using [Leap], Erica jumped onto the roof of Toushouguu's worship hall as Lu Yinghua gazed
at her back with eyes like a ferocious bird of prey.
"Didn't I say I will fight you both at the same time!"
Yelling, he rushed over and once again flew to the top of the worship hall.
No good. If this continued, he will start hunting like his namesake[103] the eagle. Liliana
immediately leapt onto the roof and blocked Lu Yinghua's path.
And then she released the seal on the magic sword Il Maestro.
Erica was not the only one who hid the true power of her beloved sword. The steel of the
master musician[104] began to transform. The curved blade remained the same, but the hilt
portion was extended for almost a meter, giving the weapon an appearance that now
resembled a spear or a glaive.
Ding... With a light sweep, a wonderful tone was heard.
Like the sound of a xylophone being played, it was music that suited the name of the

"The essence of fantasy, steel that plays brilliant melodies! I beseech you, grant unto me
invisible wings!"
Ultimate move -- the words to release the [Magic Melody].
Lightly brandishing Il Maestro in its glaive-like form, a series of tones were heard.
With another swing, the tones continued, and Liliana rhythmically performed with the
musical tones.
Lu Yinghua's pupils began to lose their sharp glint, watching Liliana before him, the eagle
eyes which had been focused obliquely on the leaping Erica became confused for an instant.
-- He fell for it!
Confirming it, Liliana thrusted Il Maestro at Lu Yinghua's chest.
True to form as the martial artist, he recovered his senses before the sword struck and jumped
back a large distance.
"...So that weapon has a strange effect."
"This is the magic melody. The magic sword Il Maestro is the steel of the master musician
that can perform marvelous music. For someone like me who has mastered music and martial
arts, playing all kinds of magic melodies can become a second weapon."
This time it was Liliana's turn to look down at her opponent.
She was now standing on the rooftop of Toushouguu's worship hall, while Lu Yinghua stood
on the ground since his leap just now had jumped off the roof.
Liliana brandished Il Maestro as if displaying the form of her martial arts.
And then a mysterious metallic tune was heard, the magic melody just now that disrupted the
listener's thoughts. In a serious battle it could break the concentration of the opponent and
create openings.
In addition there were many other magic melodies with different effects, such as weakening
the enemy's magical power or physical endurance.
"Tsk -- what an unassuming but contemptible spell!"
Lu Yinghua roared angrily and then began to raise the magical power in his body.
The same method for magical defense that he used against the curse of David, however, this
was also countered.
"Pray bestow life, mother who brings death! Grant unto me the signs of the dark earth!"
Chanting new spell words, Liliana used magic, witchcraft that manipulated the earth.

The ground beneath Lu Yinghua began to soften. This was a sinister spell that made the
ground surface lose its hardness, turning into mud, transforming into a bottomless marsh,
directly sinking the target into the depths of the earth.
An outstanding mage would probably use opposing magic or the blessing of fortune to
neutralize or surpass its effects.
For a Campione like Godou, as long as they raised their magic within their body, the spell's
effect would naturally disappear. Their resistance to magic was such that even area effect
spells would automatically lose effect. But for Lu Yinghua, even though he was a genius at
qigong, as a normal person he could never reach a Campione's level.
Whether sword skills of a knight, Chinese martial arts, magic, Daoist arts, etc... Even if one
were to develop any of these skills to its pinnacle, a human would still be unable to match the
extraordinary magical power of Campiones or gods.
Hence Lu Yinghua could only let his legs be devoured by the bottomless marsh, and he had
already sunk down to his knees.
"...Against an opponent that can use both magic and the sword, one definitely needs to
prepare tactics beforehand."
However, he still remained completely composed, just as calm as usual.
It was a bottomless marsh with the consistency of glue and without a single foot hold.
Lu Yinghua made a light jump and landed on a nearby patch of magically unaffected ground.
This sort of action was impossible with just the lightness of the body. The difficulty would be
akin to walking on the surface of water using floating wooden planks. Liliana could not
believe that someone had actually trained their physical techniques to such a level -"Since Erica-neesan has escaped already, it looks like I'll need to go all out now."
Lu Yinghua entered a stance and opened his palms. Liliana stared with her eyes wide open.
He was renowned for his outstanding qinggong and overwhelmingly powerful palm strikes.
Liliana had already witnessed the former many times but Lu Yinghua had yet to use the latter,
his palm strikes -- to this point he still had not used his strongest weapon!
"Nee-san, I'm just about to use my prided technique!"

Part 2
Casting as many protective spells on herself as possible, Erica ran up the stone steps.
To the highest place in Toushouguu -- the Okusha inner shrine.

Of course, Cult Leader Luo Hao was right there, kneeling down with her back to Erica. In
front of the demonic cult leader was Asherah with two wounds on her throat. As blood flowed
out continuously, her life slowly ebbed away.
Written on the ground beside the witch were geometric shapes and Chinese characters.
Most likely a magic circle for Daoist arts, the eight characters of Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Xun,
Kan, Gen and Kun were particularly large.[105] This was likely what was sustaining Asherah's
"We meet again, blonde knight."
Luo Hao didn't even turn her head back.
"I must commend you for figuring out the snake was the key to disrupting the ritual, and the
plan to eliminate it first. However, you will obstruct no further."
What was surprising was that her tone of voice did not carry any anger.
Spoken calmly with finesse.
Perhaps this was the magnanimity of a great one, Erica felt very impressed. Luo Hao
completely disregarded her as an equal existence, and probably treated it as mischief from a
dog or a cat.
"My apologies, Your Eminence, forgive me but I cannot follow your order."
"If so, great knight, I feel that with your outstanding talent, it would be quite a shame to kill
you, which is why I warned you specifically... A real shame, you are dismissed."
In the instant the last sentence sounded, Erica felt like her entire body was crushed.
By the time she noticed, she was already lying fallen on the ground.
She deduced she must have been hit by a shock wave, but Erica had no idea when Luo Hao
had made her attack. It was a feeling like being crushed by a giant truck.
"Oh... To be still alive, I see, you used protective magic on your body. What a well-prepared
girl. If only my young eagle could be as cautious and thoughtful as you, I would admit he has
finally grown up..."
Fallen over on her back, Erica's view included the Nikkou sky dyed red by the setting sun.
She was unable to see what kind of expression Luo Hao bore, but most likely she was still
facing Erica with her back. Whether a great knight or an archmage, either would just be like
grass on the roadside to her. Humans did not have any value she approved.
Having thought of that, Erica slowly began to get up.

First she raised her body. Standing up didn't matter for now, but at least she had to raise her
upper torso and show off she was still alive. This was the minimum dignity. And then she
called his name.
"...Your Eminence, I have the duty to report something to you!"
Straining her throat, she yelled with all her strength.
Blood came out together with her voice, probably indicative of internal injuries?
"It is a transgression for a great knight to stand before you, therefore, I shall summon my
"Oh? Your lord is -- King Kusanagi?"
"Yes, he is the king of kings, and will one day surpass all his senior Campiones and lord over
the world as the ultimate devil king, raising the blade of resistance against your tyranny."
Erica could feel the cold autumn wind on her cheek, and inhaled.
Unable to ascertain whether he would come, it was only a possibility. Having made such a
strong declaration, failure would bring shame to the family.
But despite such a risk, she had to say it.
She wanted to let this person before her, or rather the girl who looked like a person, witness
the principle that things cannot be judged from appearances.
The youth she loved would never let her struggle alone in such conditions. If he failed to
come, she was prepared to haunt him for the rest of his life. These kinds of stupid thoughts
entered Erica's mind as she yelled:
"Come, Kusanagi Godou! Your woman is dying here, can you allow your opponent's abuses
to continue unchallenged!? Fly here immediately, and avenge me!"
The wind began to pick up, starting as an autumn breeze.
Immediately it became stronger, from blowing winds to a cyclone, and then bone-chilling
strong winds, finally becoming a gale that heralds a storm.
"You being my woman... Somehow I feel like a correction is necessary but leave it for later. I
will definitely avenge you, so please rest now. Also, thank you for reminding me about this
It was the voice of the youth who had been missing a few hours ago.
In the center of the swirling storm winds, his appearance gradually became tangible. Behind
him were Mariya Yuri and Hikari as well as the princess. Erica knew she won her gamble.

The ancient Persian Warlord named Verethragna was the god of victory possessing ten
incarnations. Becoming the protector god of the people through the changing times, the
[Wind] symbolized this attribute of his. Transforming into the wind blowing over the
Eurasian continent, he protected the people of all lands.
As an authority of Kusanagi Godou's, it was a mode of transport with extremely stringent
Only when someone close to him was in a crisis, could he fly to their aid, transcending space.
"However, could Verethragna's authority move between earth and the Netherworld?"
This was after defeating the little monkeys, when they had made contact with the real world.
Hearing Erica's proposal from the princess, Godou was uncertain.
"In Persia he was the deity worshiped as the one who led the way, like Hermes of Greece, an
emissary god of travel who journeyed across the world, and can freely move between the
earth and the underworld. Considering all this, it is not impossible, but the question is whether
Kusanagi-sama's authority can really activate..."
Godou nodded at Alice's explanation, and they had nothing to do but try it out. But then, what
--Just as he was pondering, Yuri's determined expression entered his sight.
"I feel that Erica-san's idea will be successful, Godou-san, please make your decision."
Her tone of voice was completely filled with confidence, and Godou immediately noticed the
Earlier he had heard that within the Netherworld, there was some degree of control over that
oracle-like power.
"Mariya, did you use spirit vision?"
"Yes, though of course my spirit vision is not a hundred percent accurate, there are occasional
mistakes... But I want to believe."
"Godou-san definitely will not ignore the disaster on earth, and cannot abandon Erica-san in a
deadly crisis during her time of need, so for sure you will return to the real world."
A statement full of trust but very serious and heavy at the same time.
Godou lightly sighed, lifting his head. If he failed, perhaps he would never be able to hold his
head high again.

Though the topic was heavy, Godou felt gratified. Wasn't it a man's greatest happiness to be
relied upon and trusted by girls like this? Besides, he had always relied on the assistance of
Yuri's spirit vision, and there was no need to doubt.
"...So it is decided. Please tell Erica this: I will leave things on the surface to you and Liliana.
I will definitely return, and you must call my name."
That was what he said to Alice to let them begin the operation.
After that, all he could do was wait.
Standing by the lakeside, Godou waited for Erica's summoning. Using the [Wind] form
required an open area where wind could blow. This place was fine.
At this time, Godou noticed Yuri acting a little strange.
At a distance away from him, the girls had a discussion with their heads down. Godou did not
hear their conversation, but Hikari and Alice immediately left.
"What is going on, Mariya? For everyone to return together, it would be best to have them
close by."
He questioned the Hime-Miko who was slowly approaching with an unexpectedly red face.
The [Wind] incarnation had the ability to take people in the surroundings along for the
instantaneous transfer.
"I-I know, but I feel it is better to have them leave for a while..."
"Why? If Erica called us, Alice and Hikari will be left behind here? Hurry and call them
To Godou, this was very reasonable, but Yuri replied with a shocked expression.
"B-But, are we not going to be doing that next...?"
"Eh? That? What do you mean by that?"
"By mentioning that, of course I mean that thing. Did I not mention already, even if we do
that I am completely fine with it... D-Do not make me repeat myself."
Though embarrassed, Yuri was clearly determined.
Said that way, of course Godou realized, and he felt his heart beginning to race.
"You will be fighting Cult Leader Luo Hao soon. In order to neutralize her authority with the
spell words of the [Sword], you must first prepare properly here. I thought you knew that
Likely aware that she was daringly approaching Godou, Yuri's face had turned completely
bright red. Her appearance was very adorable.

"B-But Mariya barely saw any of my fight with Luo Hao, right? So you couldn't have
obtained knowledge on her authorities?"
"No... No, actually I saw it."
His improvised excuse was instantly rejected by Yuri.
"In the stable when we escaped from the monkey divine monarch, I saw Godou-san and Luo
Hao's fight through spirit vision, that was when she used the song of destruction... During the
last transfer to escape, I also saw the Buddha Guardian derived from the Benevolent Kings
and viewed with spirit vision the god's authority. Therefore..."
At some point in time, Yuri had started gazing at Godou with tears in her eyes.
"This is the only way I am able to help Godou-san in your fights. So at least let me do all that
I can to assist you. O-Or is that not acceptable...?"
Begging him, Yuri's pink lips were trembling gently.
To force a girl like her to go so far, he was truly an idiot. Witnessing everything, Godou
prepared himself and drew his lips near her.
"Mariya -- We are starting, is that OK?"
"Yes, very well. Just do as you desire, I am ready any time -- yes."
The contact between lips, began with light nibbling at first.
The second time was more intense, deeper, richer, and she responded in kind, sucking away at
Godou's lips. The two tongues tangled, and saliva mixed continually.
Transmitting knowledge and images through the mouth.
This was the only method to circumvent a Campione's absolute resistance against magic and
allowed spells to take effect. Starting the transmission of knowledge, the information obtained
by Yuri's spirit vision flowed continuously into Godou's mind.
About the source of the [Divine Might of Vajrapani], the Benevolent King[106] Buddha
About the source of the [Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl], the Hindu goddess Gayatri.[107]
"Godou-san... Please... Accept more from me, take all the knowledge from within me, using
greater and more strength to absorb it all, I do not mind even if you act a bit more rough...
Moaning softly, a ritual of mutual harmony.

Caught within this whirlpool, Godou heard some faint background noises.
'Wow! ...Just like Princess said, Onee-chan and Onii-sama are doing amazing things!'
'Of course, luckily we came to watch? Your elder sister was definitely trying to conceal some
secret! ...But I never thought it would be something this shocking.'
Voices whose identities needed no confirmation, it was the dialogue between the young girl
and the beauty.
'W-Wow wow! ...I-I saw the tongue extend inside there! Onee-chan is so serious all the time,
to think she would engage in this kind of behavior -- I-Is that the deep kissing of adults?'
'T-These two are so audacious, the sun is still so high, and also in the great outdoors...'
Hearing those tiny voices full of excitement, Godou began to feel a bit embarrassed.
Why do those two have to peek!
Godou secretly checked out the face of the girl whose lips had been in contact with his for so
many times. Yuri was already completely immersed in the activity, giving her all, singleheartedly offering her lips akin to cherry blossom petals, leaning her burning hot body against
him. Wonderful, she hasn't noticed.
"Mariya... You too... Should focus more attention on my body, don't think about unnecessary
things, just focus on transmitting knowledge to me, got that?"
Lightly whispering by her ear, Godou casually bit Yuri's ear and licked with his tongue. The
Hime-Miko's body shuddered lightly and embraced him with her arm.
"Yes... Very well, Godou-san... I will only think of you!"
Yuri's slender arms were currently hugging his back very tightly with all her strength.
Gazing at Godou with tearful eyes, her facial expression was not only beautiful but carried a
certain seductiveness that ran counter to the image of the pure Yamato Nadeshiko -- No!
Precisely because of that, there was an even greater layer of feminine charm.

In that instant, Godou also forgot about the pair peeking at him from somewhere. He
embraced Yuri in turn and mercilessly held her tight.
"Ah -- G-Godou-san, it hurts a little..."
Though she was saying that, Yuri continued to close her eyes and offered her body to Godou.
Relaxing her body, she gave herself to his rough embrace.
Godou's entire body could feel the tactile sensations of the Hime-Miko pressed tightly against
The warmth from the skin, a tangible sense of the body that could be felt even through the
miko outfit, as well as the surprisingly ample breasts, the soft thighs entangled around him,
Godou could feel everything.
"I-I will not hesitate any more... Will stay by your side forever, giving my all for you, so
Godou-san, please never let me go...!"
"I know, you must forever stay by my side, Mariya, starting from now remain with me -absolutely never leave!"
"Yes! Promise -- no, this is our contract, I will offer everything to you, so please be victorious
this time...! I will wait for your safe return!"
"Yes, leave it to me, so Mariya, give me even greater power -- !"
Her black hair glimmered like black pearls, with a heavy shade of brown.
Despite her frail and slender body, she was exceptionally feminine, hiding a most voluptuous
Smelling the maiden's fragrance, Godou kissed the rose-colored cheek and then returned to
Yuri's lips, lightly pushing her teeth apart, letting their tongues tangle with one another,
sucking their saliva. Currently they were completely immersed into the activity.

Without any spare thoughts for other matters, only thinking of each other, transferring
knowledge and impressions, two hearts linked as one, only kissing without pause, embracing
'...............R-Really amazing.'
'...............Y-Yes. Those two are far more passionate and bolder than they look...'
The tiny voices somehow had become even quieter.
With the disappearance of the obstructing observers, Godou obtained the necessary
knowledge at the same time.
Discovering there was no longer a need to continue, the two separated their lips, a strand of
saliva hanging between their mouths as a remnant of the intense passion that passed.
Somehow there was a feeling of reluctance to separate.
Gazing at each other, the two were bright red from embarrassment, though they did not avert
their eyes.
In the end the two smiled, for not only knowledge and body, but their hearts also felt tangibly
as one in that instant, but now -Rustle... Rustle... Hikari slowly walked out of some trees and bushes nearby.
She was showing a dazed expression as if having a high fever. Alice also appeared from
behind her. Both of them looked very embarrassed, and neither dared to look at Godou and
Yuri directly.
"H-Hikari -- !? Did I not ask you both to leave!? Why are you here?"
Yuri was greatly shocked, for she did not expect to be watched.
On the side, Godou could not say a word. He had completely forgotten the existence of this
most unladylike pair. Anyway, it would be best not to mention that he noticed they were
peeking just now.
"Sorry, Onee-chan... I saw it."
"-- !?"
The younger sister's embarrassed confession, made the older sister give out a pitiful scream. It
was probably her usual refined behavior that helped her hold things together despite the great
"S-So I have something to ask Onee-chan... Kissing feels very nice after all, right? Or does it
really make your heart beat fast? Onee-chan and Onii-sama were so engrossed into it, so I
really want to know what it feels like..."
"Y-You you you are too young to be interested in this kind of thing! I will not allow it!"

Yuri admonished seriously. Though she spoke like this, it was completely unconvincing since
she herself engaged in activities that could not be described as morally upstanding.
Hearing the dialogue between sisters, Godou and Alice looked at each other silently, but in
the instant their gaze met, the two immediately averted their eyes, feeling very embarrassed.
"Come, Kusanagi Godou! Your woman is dying here, can you allow your opponent's abuses
to continue unchallenged!? Fly here immediately, and avenge me!"
Godou heard the voice at this very instant.
It had only been a few hours, but he missed the voice of this girl very much. In order to fulfill
the conditions for using [Wind], she risked her own life.
"What 'my woman', don't make decisions like that on your own..."
Godou protested, but this was a savior in more ways than one.
With the awkwardness from just now all blown away, Godou waved to the girls all around
Everyone gathered and waited, prepared to ride the wind away.
From the Netherworld back to the surface, setting off for the Japanese ancient holy sanctum
where his companions awaited! As the violent winds disappeared from around them, Godou
and his group had arrived at the Okusha inner shrine at the top of Toushouguu.
Before his eyes were Erica and a naked girl lying on the ground, as well as the back of the
demonic cult leader. Who knew just the back view of the girl dressed in a mandarin gown[108]
could be so beautiful?
But at the same time, Godou's fighting spirit as a Campione was reaching boiling levels in his
"Erica, can you still move?"
"Yes, a little, I used healing magic, but I have reached my limits. Without my assistance, can
you win?"
The pair of sisters, Yuri and Hikari rushed over to the side of Erica who was forcing herself to
endure the pain.
"Of course it is not a problem, how can I ask someone injured to look after me!"
Godou looked over at Alice.
The princess whose expression had become completely serious, nodded and motioned for
Yuri and the rest to leave. The Hime-Miko sisters picked up Erica in their arms, and slowly
moved towards the stone steps. This Okusha inner shrine was going to become a battlefield,
and departing from this place was the safest action.

The sisters and Erica, as well as Alice guarding the rear had left from the Okusha inner shrine.
"-- King Kusanagi, I see you have rode the wind to cross the gap between Youmingjie[109] and
the human world."
Cult Leader Luo Hao finally turned her head.
That adorable expression like a beautiful flower, continued to maintain that smiling face.

Part 3
The loveliness of Cult Leader Luo Hao, far surpassed all the beauties Godou had ever
However, Godou did not let her steal his heart away.
"You not only possess combat skills and brute force, but also know magic, hohoho, I never
expected Wakoku's[110] king to be such a promising young man. I have no idea how many
[Kings] there are currently, but only I, Luo Hao, am blessed with both valor and wisdom.
Perhaps one day you will be my successor."
"For me to become your successor? What a joke, who the heck would want to do that?"
Godou resolutely refused her suggestion.
"I am completely uninterested in martial arts that hurt people, and I won't learn any strange
"Say that as you may, but you do possess authority more powerful than any human on earth."
Luo Hao gazed at him as if watching an adorable little brother, while Godou glared straight at
"This is also a king's privilege. Take my rival for example, the wolf king of Eastern Europe is
a devil king who ignores martial arts and eschews magic. In spite of that, he still holds power
on the same level as me."
Was she referring to Marquis Voban? Godou recalled that abnormal old man. He definitely
did not want to become like that, Godou wanted to lead a normal life like a human!
"Anyway! I don't approve of what you are trying to do. To go so far as to restore that monkey,
give me a break! Because of this, Mariya and her sister have been through so much hardship,
and you even injured my companion to that extent -- despite appearances, I am a pacifist at
heart. However, I will fight you to avenge her."
"You will compete against me in combat? Hoho, King Kusanagi, do you think you can win?"
"It's not a matter of winning, but the principle of things that must be done. And right now I'm
all fired up! I haven't been this angry for quite a long time!"

"Not bad, then you shall properly savor the authority and skills of I, Luo Cuilian!"
Luo Hao slightly parted her red lips, and began to recite verses lightly.
"Who shall report one's death / Self-pitying since return!"
Boom! The shockwave advanced towards Godou.
An attack fast as the wind with neither color nor form. Godou raised the magical power in his
body and stood firmly on the ground. He felt like falling over, but he endured without much
"You are surely talented at fighting, it is evident that you have been learning how to master
your powerful abilities. Excellent. To us [Kings], the spells of the strongest magi or Daoists
are completely ineffective. Even between [Kings] as peers, unless authorities are used to fill
their bodies with mighty power, no lasting effect can be made. So --"
During such a perilous situation, why does she show such an expression?
The more he fought with her, the more Godou wanted to ask, how can she show such an
innocent smile in the midst of battle? However, she constantly talked about the principles of
fighting and ways of combat, and now her delicate and slender body was quietly approaching
Godou -"In times like this, a bold close quarter attack is the most effective!"
From this point onwards, Godou couldn't see anything or understand what happened because
he couldn't read her moves.
In terms of close quarter combat ability, Godou and Cult Leader Luo Hao were ten thousand
light-years apart.
Thus, Godou did not dare dodge recklessly.
His only goal was to endure the first strike without dying. In the instant he saw Luo Hao
drawing near, his body began to move. Arching his back, he positioned his arms in front,
guarding his face, chest and abdomen, at the same time moving his hips back.
Godou's only consideration was to prevent her from scoring a critical hit, which is why he
entered this kind of unsightly posture.
--Perhaps she might use a middle kick.
Something that felt as hard as an iron chain, struck Godou on his defending arms.
There was a feeling like an intense electrical current, a shock running amok within his body.
He could no longer feel his arms except for a scorching hot sensation where they were struck.
Anyway, his entire body hurt, from his head, to his fingertips, his hands and feet, chest,
abdomen and back, all parts of his body was being attacked by sharp pain, and blood gushed

out of his mouth, for all his internal organs suffered severe impact. There was a feeling that a
mere single attack damaged all parts of the body. Wait a minute, Luo Hao had the strength to
throw a high school student high into the air, but this time Godou did not get sent flying by
the mysterious impact, and simply collapsed on the spot. Presumably, she somehow converted
her monstrous strength into direct damage. Scary...
These types of thoughts ran through Godou's mind.
Even so, he survived, Campiones were truly terrifying existences.
His entire body felt pain as if crushed, the two arms could only feel a scorched sensation, and
there was a real sense that the body had been damaged from the core. Godou was able to
analyze all these sensations one by one, because he had activated the [Camel] incarnation.
Verethragna's fourth incarnation, could only be used after suffering a certain level of injuries.
This ability massively raised his leg strength and combat ability, and also conferred
extraordinary defense.
--Godou's eyes were finally able to capture Cult Leader Luo Hao's movements.
As guessed, she did use a kick just now, and her beautiful right leg was just returning to the
This time, it was an upper attack aimed at Godou's face. Entering a kungfu stance for a
vertical punch, it was a move frequently seen in Hong Kong action movies.
Of course, Luo Hao's motions were a thousand times more fluent.
Godou evaded Luo Hao's punch by falling to the ground, and then maintaining that lying
down posture, bounced his lower body up and kicked at her slender body.
"Oh... Your movements have changed. There is no art here but the fighting spirit and will to
push yourself towards victory, like a ferocious beast -- adapting oneself to the opponent's
power and situation. You usurped your authority from the war god with the ever-changing
forms, and are using this ability to its full extent!"
Evading the kick, Luo Hao praised as she glanced sideways.
Carefully examining Godou who was lying on the ground, she was not deliberately showing
off nonchalance, but only to clarify his ability.
Compared to her domineering attacks, her caution was even more terrifying instead.
Feeling like he was one of those legendary participants in a Yokozuna sumo wrestling match,
Godou slowly got up.
Come to think of it, when he had just become a Campione, Erica had investigated his physical
characteristics. His greatest difference from a normal person was the hardness of his bones,
which surpassed that of most metals. Other than that, there was also an extraordinary natural
healing ability.

Because of that, he was exceptionally durable, and that was how Godou survived. Had a
normal person been hit by the attack just now, all the bones in their body would have been
crushed and the internal organs all ruptured.
Thanks to the [Camel], Godou was now able to understand much more clearly how powerful
Luo Hao was.
Her martial arts completely surpassed his imagination.
When she released her punches and kicks, the presence of her attacks could not be felt at all.
Even for the most renowned martial arts masters, when they performed moves of that level of
power, an amateur would be able to sense the incoming momentum. However, Luo Hao was
able to completely bypass her opponent's senses.
Furthermore, her moves were extremely rapid and aggressive, her limbs traced very short
trajectories, and the movements were tiny.
But they carried absolute power. Famed boxers can release a powerful punch with just a tencentimeter separation, but Luo Hao didn't even need that kind of distance to release the same
So that was why Godou had been unable to evade her attacks.
Godou became increasingly impressed, thanks to the combat senses conferred by the [Camel],
he was now able to barely keep up with her attacks. In the split second when Luo Hao's limbs
began to move, his reflexes automatically reacted.
In the instant she unleashed a middle punch, his body stepped lightly to the side to evade.
When she stepped forward for a heavy punch, he coordinated with her motions and stepped
forward to counterattack with his knee.
If Luo Hao chose to counter this incoming attack, he would then crouch down and attack her
pivot foot. So far, Godou's enhanced senses allowed him to sustain an equal fight.
His arms still felt numb and scorching hot, and likely needed more time to recover.
Actually he was wondering if they were broken, but Campiones had extraordinary selfhealing, and the [Camel] also boosted recovery... However, the arms could very well get
broken again the instant they healed.
"This might take forever, then I shall demonstrate to you one of my ultimate techniques."
The flower-like beauty bloomed in splendor.
Like the sun peering out from between the clouds. Like silver moonlight illuminating the dark
night. As she exuded beauty and loveliness reminiscent of such imagery. Godou began to
think, why doesn't this person normally show this kind of appearance to others?

"The Twelve Divine Palm Strikes of the Phoenix. This set of palm techniques is the most
prided of my martial arts, and one of the most sought secrets of the martial realm. Savor it
Now that it's mentioned, Godou had heard somewhere that her disciple was very skilled in
palm strikes. Looks like it was inherited from his master.
The first act of the tragedy began.
Slicing through the air with a sound like a jab, her palm struck Godou on the lower jaw, and
then his abdomen was hit by both palms, his shoulder near the collar bone was chopped by the
edge of her palm, and his thigh was pierced by her long and slender fingers.
Suffering a series of blows one-sidedly, Godou was finally able to return with a kick after she
performed another three moves.
Unfortunately, this kick missed its target.
"The Twelve Divine Palm Strikes of the Flying Phoenix is a set of ultimate techniques
consisting of twelve moves: Fengchudengmen, Fengyanchuanlian, Fengzhuataoxin,
Feifengzhuiluo, Danfengchaoyang, Jinfengliangchi, Qunfenglianhuan, Xiongfengqianjin,
Fengyitianxiang, Fenglongyinyang, Fenghuangshuangfei, Dafengwutian. Every move adheres
to the principles of the yin-yang duality of complementary opposites, thus making equal use
of gentle and strong force."[111]
Luo Hao even provided explanations in a friendly manner.
Furthermore, in addition to using her palm strikes with the very exaggerated names, she
casually inserted the shockwave attacks as well.
"As if looking up at snowy Mount Taibai / Delighted to find Mount Wugong's sky."
"Government officials all in silent shadows / The seven generals lie awake."
"Welfare of the country this morn / Years of middle revival."
Every time she sang a verse, Godou felt as if he was struck by a shockwave like an invisible
wall, pushing him backwards repeatedly.
If he didn't have enhanced combat abilities, he definitely would not have survived the attacks
just now. On the other hand, Luo Hao hummed to herself as she walked towards Godou. The
vast gulf separating this beauty from his ability level was increasingly evident.

Struck by a few more shockwaves, Godou was blown back far away.
These were the steps that led up to the Toushouguu inner Okusha shrine.
Sent flying there, Godou rolled down like a log. A normal person would have been heavily
injured. Rolling down the steps, Godou was able to stop himself near the middle section.
Standing up, Godou concentrated power in his knees. However, his legs were still weak and
he couldn't stand properly.
From the top of the steps, Luo Hao casually looked down.
"Stand up, King Kusanagi, you are one of the devil kings, you cannot fall from an attack of
that sort. Stand and continue our fight."
Uttering willful words, Luo Hao's beautiful musical voice like a yueqin[112] sounded once
"I am only an old woodsman, whispering a sob / As I steal like a spring-shadow down the
Winding River. / ...Since the palaces ashore are sealed by a thousand gates!"[113]
She was getting ready to release the shockwave that blew the [Boar] away! Godou swallowed
The black divine beast was no longer, if he took the attack with his body, Godou had no
confidence in his ability to survive. Damn it. For her to use such a high-powered attack on a
Godou smiled wryly as he cursed in his heart.
On further thought, he had done the same thing to other gods or Campiones.

In the vast majority of cases, the enemy was still lively after being struck. In that case, he
himself should be able to resist this. In actual fact, he had already prepared a counter for the
--Luo Hao had two authorities.
Caught in a dilemma over which one to nullify, there was no longer any time for deliberation
Since she could use both at the same time, the close combat ability and the projectile were
both powers that had to be sealed. But if this continued, he would be stuck in a battle where
he was pressured without the ability to fight back.
"Fine willows, new rushes, for whom are you so green? ...I remember a cloud of flags that
came from the South Garden / And ten thousand colors, heightening one another!"
Luo Hao's song became even more intense.
The magical wind born from words, blew shockwaves that attacked every direction, knocking
everything over.
By this point, the storm could not be stopped by ordinary methods. Godou entered the
[Warrior] and drew his sword of spell words.
"Cult Leader Luo Hao! Your song is the authority usurped from the Hindu goddess Gayatri!
Five faces, ten arms -- the deity worshipped as the goddess of the sacred song with five faces
and ten arms!"
The spheres of light appeared around Godou like stars.
On the other hand, the demonic cult leader's surroundings were being destroyed by the
shockwaves accompanying the magical wind.
All of Toushouguu's inner Okusha shrine -- the precious tower housing Tokugawa Ieyasu's
remains, the gate, the shrine, the surrounding cedar trees, all were being swept by the magical
wind and shattered into innumerable pieces.
Watching this scene from the stone steps, Godou created the spell words of the [Sword].
Like stars in the night sky, his surroundings flashed with countless sources of light.
Spreading out around him, they protected him from the impact of the magical wind.
"The Vedas, sacred scripture of the ancient religion Brahmanism. Gayatri was originally one
of the verses in the Vedas, taking form from a particular mantra. But as a deity, Gayatri is the
wife of the creator Brahma, she is the river goddess, and also the goddess of language and
writing. Following the lineage back to the mother earth deity, she should be identical to
Saraswati, a very high ranking goddess!"
By this point, the shockwaves of Luo Hao had reached their maximum power.

With the Okusha inner shrine as the center, the surroundings were all destroyed as if swept by
a typhoon. Everything was blown to a total mess by the violent wind.
Virtually anything with form had collapsed.
Other than Luo Hao at the eye of the storm, the only one unaffected was Godou protected by
the [Sword], but as the area of destruction gradually expanded, not only the Okusha inner
shrine but the rest of Nikkou Toushouguu, Futarasan Shrine and Rinnouji, as well as Nikkou
Kaidou outside, could very well be blown away.
Just protecting himself was not enough.
He should sever the root of destruction, thus Godou pointed the [Sword] at Luo Hao.
Somehow his right arm felt quite hot. When taking the [Warrior]'s form to control the blade of
spell words, believing in the rise of power, it was always this arm, is that why it became hot?
"Saraswati is the creator of Sanskrit and Devanagari script. The goddess ruling over music
and the arts, she is also called Benzaiten in Japan. As Gayatri she could control the spirit of
sounds, the goddess in charge of sacred songs of praise for the gods! This is the root of your
Accelerating the [Sword], severing the goddess Gayatri's authority which lay within Luo
Hao's body.
A reaction, it was severed for sure.
The magical wind suddenly stopped, and the spreading destruction caused by the shockwaves
Godou's right arm which had been as hot as fire was now completely cooled, like plunging his
arm into the core of ice -- wait a minute, now was not the time to care about such things.
"The sword of spell words for severing a god, truly remarkable!"
Losing the authority of the song, Luo Hao continued to speak with that beautifully musical
The antique wooden buildings, the dark lush cedar forest, and even the stones used for paving
steps had been blown away. The surroundings of Toushouguu's inner Okusha shrine was now
completely bare.
Slightly forward a bit at the entrance to the Okusha inner shrine, Luo Hao was standing
"King Kusanagi -- No, Kusanagi Godou, I have lived over two hundred years since becoming
a devil king! In this period, no one has ever pushed me to such an extent like you! Hohoho,
pitting my might in a competition against a fellow peer is truly a joy, now it is my turn to
show my ultimate move!"

Right, she still had the authority of the Benevolent King Buddha Guardians, as well as her
trained martial arts.
She was so unbelievably adorable, but at the same time, the slayer of the revered Benevolent
Haughtily looking down upon Kusanagi Godou, her upright standing posture was full of
oppressive presence. Beneath her battle outfit, her graceful limbs were full of fighting spirit as
she prepared to unleash her ultimate secret technique.
-- This is no joking matter, Godou twisted his lips hideously.
It was hard enough to put you at a disadvantage, I'm not going to let you reverse the situation!
Unwarily he smiled and focused his attention to the east. Cult Leader Luo Hao's violent acts
were enough to release the flames of justice to punish the people's enemy, now was the time
to unleash the greatest firepower, and light the signal beacons of war!
"For victory, hasten forth before me! O immortal sun, please grant radiance to the stallion. O
stallion that moves godlike with wondrous grace, bring forth the halo of thy master!"
Verethragna's third incarnation, the [White Stallion] symbolizing the sun.
The real sun was already setting in the west. Nikkou's sky and scenery were dyed a shade of
red by the sunset, but then a different sun appeared, releasing the rays of dawn from the east.
From the rays of dawn came a white spear of light.
As the sun of the planets exploded in the atmosphere, shining light was formed.
Hurtling towards the demonic cult leader who was more beautiful than the rising sun, the
white burning flames continued to extend like white flashes of light.
The rays of dawn scattered all around, but just as the spear of flame was about to devour Luo
Hao -"Strength beyond numbers, strength beyond skill! A thousand tonnes in one leg, victory from
a single kick!"
Luo Hao spoke spell words once again.
With flames appearing from her shoulders, this was the shiny golden brightness from the
Benevolent King's form seen in the Netherworld.
Buddha Guardians! -- And this time, there were two of them.
That's right, the Benevolent Kings always came as an Om[114] pair, with the two united as one
deity. The Buddha Guardians at the southern gates of Toudai-ji were also such a pair, with
Narayana and Guhyapada on guard on the left and right of the entrance.

The authority [Divine Might of Vajrapani] conferred absolute might.

Even for Luo Hao, the muscles of her own body could not use such force fully, which is why
those avatars are summoned, right? In order to use absolutely strongest might.
...If those muscular avatars were simply her preference, then it would be a bit disgusting.
Godou speculated.
Thus the two grand golden Benevolent Kings stood boldly before the white flames.
--Hoon!! --Hah!!
The two voices made the ground shake and the air vibrate.
The two giants appearing on the left and right of Luo Hao, stepped forward.
Their naked upper torsos showed off their muscular golden physique, with their bulging
constitution they were like two walls, shielding Luo Hao from the flames of the [White
The golden muscles began to melt and slowly dissolved.
However, the pair of Benevolent Kings bore expressions of struggling endurance. Against
stellar level heat and destruction from the universe, they protected their creator.
Soon after, the rays of dawn vanished and the attack of the white spear of flame stopped.
The two Buddha Guardians instantly fell down on their knees, their sacred muscular bodies
melted halfway, and the rest of them immediately dissipated. The expressions on their faces
told of resolution seen only on the faces of men who sacrificed themselves for great
Protected by the two giants, Luo Hao was completely unharmed! Not even a single burn!
"T-To think such a move was possible..."
Surprised and impressed, Godou groaned slightly.
Flexibly applying her wits and her authority, Luo Hao had blocked the attack with the greatest
firepower in Godou's arsenal. In other words, Godou was now stuck in a deadly crisis.
"Hohoho, young man! You are becoming more and more surprising..."
Luo Hao gave a faint smile, there was a trace of blood beside her lips.
Her magical power -- qi, in oriental terms, was massively reduced. Losing those avatars had
weakened her greatly, but she still had not suffered any critical damage. This was bad!

"Such resolve you have demonstrated, even I cannot help but admire. Now it is my turn to use
my ultimate technique. I shall let you know that Luo Cuilian's fists, legs and palms, can
destroy an army of millions!"
The sacred phoenix descended from the heavens.
The supple and delicate little hands shaped themselves into beautiful claws of the phoenix,
and chopped at Godou from the air. If this happened at close range, his head would have been
sliced open, with speed like an arrow shot from a powerful bow -- no, rather it should be
speed rivaling a bullet.
Fighting the beauty whose martial arts were like a flying phoenix, Godou had no choice but to
activate the [Raptor].
He knew this would never win. How should he fight? Stepping into the realm of super high
speed, Godou felt his heart being eroded by despair.
When he fought Salvatore Doni in the past, that genius had seen through the [Raptor]'s speed.
Then of course, Cult Leader Luo Hao will surely -Godou felt as if he had entered a labyrinth with no exit.

Part 4
This was Toushouguu's cedar forest.
Even higher than the tallest trees there, Lu Yinghua and Liliana Kranjcar were flying in the
air. Overlooking the dark green clusters of cedar trees, the two were having an aerial battle.
The one who flew higher was Lu Yinghua of course, at around one meter above Liliana.
The one flying higher held the advantage, this was a principle of aerial battles.
Lu Yinghua deftly circled once, and made a forward rolling movement, using the momentum
to perform a spinning kick in midair, his heel descending straight down! Liliana pulled back
her saber, preparing to use Il Maestro but it was too late. Too fast!
Frantically raising her beloved sword in its glaive form, she used the shaft to block the kick.
As the two began to descend, Lu Yinghua attacked fiercely during the fall. His fingertips,
seeming as sharp as awls, moved as if intending to take away Liliana's eyes; his hand was
about to chop and sever her throat; his palm seemed as if it would shatter her shoulder, and he
unleashed powerful palm strikes which could stop the beating of the heart.
--The Twelve Divine Palm Strikes of the Flying Phoenix, this was the strongest martial
technique the youth learned from his master.
The silver-haired blue knight used the hilt and blade of Il Maestro to block every attack, all
were defended by a dangerously slim margin.

Were she an instant too late, her fairy-like body would have been cruelly slashed and
However, swinging the magic sword for defense composed a dazzling magic melody,
disrupting the martial artist's concentration.
Lu Yinghua took a deep breath to increase his qi for defense, thus forcing him to halt his
attacks. Using this opening, Liliana released magic to fire an arrow of light -This exchange of attacks all happened within the time frame of their fall from midair. The
skill displayed in their aerial battle had already far surpassed most warriors in this world. To
these two, not having a foothold to fight on was completely not an issue.
But though the battle raged on intensely, they had entered a state of stalemate.
Even though the martial artist held the advantage through his martial arts and physical ability,
the knight was able to compensate through spells and her magic melody.
In a battle between capable combatants, it was common for fights to be either decided in an
instant or dragged on in stalemate. This was the latter situation. And then at this time the spear
of the sun came flying from the east only to be withstood by two golden giants -- causing Lu
Yinghua and Liliana to watch the unbelievable scene instead.
"...I really have no wish to have a conflict when one of a level far surpassing myself is
occurring so close to me."
"...So true, I was thinking we were fighting quite well, but it totally pales in comparison to
Losing interest, Lu Yinghua and Liliana simultaneously withdrew their weapons, his palms
and Il Maestro.
"Personally, it's sufficient as long as I fought enough to pass as fulfilling my duty to Master.
How about you, Nee-san?"
"Same here, my lord Kusanagi Godou is not a bloodthirsty animal."
Realizing what the other was suggesting, Liliana frowned.
"If you had no intention of fighting, I do not mind having a ceasefire... Is that really fine?
Your goal is awakening the warlord of [Steel], right?"
"Not mine, it is just Master's goal."
Lu Yinghua shrugged his shoulders.
"That snake woman is almost dead, probably hopeless. There is no meaning in going all out.
Afterwards, all I need to do is satisfy Master with an excuse, then I'm all set to return to Hong
Kong. Yes, very likely that will be the real deadly challenge."

It seemed like being the Campione's direct disciple had its fair share of hardship. Anyway, if
the opponent had no wish to fight, there was no need to recklessly continue the battle.
"...Oh my, it ended with ceasefire here?"
The blonde girl appeared from between the cedar trees. It was Erica, who probably found
them through magic. She looked heavily injured, with her heavy footsteps and sluggish
"Yes, originally it was a very intense battle, but in the end it became like this."
Though Liliana had not completely relaxed, she no longer tensed her shoulder.
If it was not a battle out of hate or revenge, then there were many opportunities to negotiate
and interrupt a fight. Now they had simply entered this stage earlier than expected.
"If Kusanagi Godou is fighting, that means the Mariya sisters and the princess has returned?
What are they doing now?"
"Waiting in the vicinity of this shrine is too dangerous, so I had them head to the bottom of
the mountain."
Based on Erica's statement, they had been together along the way, which was more
reassuring. Liliana nodded and began considering their next move.
"We should check out the duel between Kusanagi Godou and the cult leader, let's go up there
and watch."
The battle between subordinates had ended, but victory between the [Kings] was not decided
If they wanted to find a different place to negotiate, it would have to wait until the showdown
was over. And then, depending on which side was the victor, the negotiation terms would be
vastly different.
"So which king has the advantage?"
"Oh? You're not going to say your master will win for sure?"
Hearing Lu Yinghua's whisper, Erica asked, incredulous. Liliana was also intrigued. In
situations like this, most people would hope for victor to be the one closer to them.
"If based purely on seniority or martial arts, Master will surely win."
The young martial artist showed a bitter expression.
"But had they been such predictable people, they would have died in their original battles
against gods. I'm not silly enough to expect devil kings to act like ordinary mortals, oh?"

The [Raptor] form was the fastest of all incarnations provided by Verethragna's authority.
Only usable in response to high speed attacks, the body will awaken extraordinary speed and
become light in weight. But there were two problems with it -- the side effects after use, and
the inability to perform precise movements due to the excessive speed.
For example, if he aimed a punch at the opponent's face, it would end up hitting air fifty
centimeters off target. Even Godou felt the speed was too fast which made it impossible to
time attacks, so unless the enemy was motionless or had poor reactions, he could never score
a hit.
But in terms of defense, super high speed was the treasure of guerrilla tactics.
As long as the opponent wasn't a monster like Cult Leader Luo Hao or Salvatore Doni -"...Truly very fast. But King Kusanagi, if all you have is speed, I will catch you immediately."
After using super speed to escape from the powerful palm strike, Godou could hear someone
call his name. He was unsure if it was due to the effects of his accelerated state, for the voice
was not very clear and sounded like someone calling him from faraway.
"Those who capture the opponent with their eyes, commoners -- cannot possibly see through
such speed. But there exist those whose hearing has reached extreme levels, and experts who
have mastered their mind's eye, like me!"
Once again, Godou heard a faraway voice.
By the time he heard it, the slender fingers of a soft palm grazed his left shoulder.
Intense pain spread through his body. Perhaps the shoulder has been dislocated. For a simple
graze to have such great power, it was true that Cult Leader Luo Hao had the speed to catch
up to the [Raptor] after all.
That's right. Salvatore Doni also had awakened the technique of the mind's eye.
That optimistic fool, prided himself on the ability to slice water droplets in the rain. In other
words, no matter how fast Godou went he was still able to see it, what an infuriating
Like a certain novel about a sword master, there was also a damnable character like that in the
Furthermore, Salvatore used the shortest sword strikes possible to intercept his enemy. With
godly high speed sword techniques which could cut Godou no matter how fast he moved,
combined with direction from the mind's eye, the [Raptor]'s super speed was defeated
That man could very well be a swordsman who could match Miyamoto Musashi or Yagyuu

And of course, Cult Leader Luo Hao was the same.

From Godou's eyes, her movements seemed stiff and slow, like lagging when playing an
online game on a low-end computer. That was how Luo Hao's palm strikes looked to him.
With the speed of the [Raptor], it should be a simple matter to evade. However, in the next
split second, Luo Hao's palm was already right in front of Godou's face. In the end, it took all
of Godou's efforts to dodge her attacks.
If this continued, Godou knew he would be cornered soon and decided to counterattack.
Thanks to the [Camel]'s recovery, his arms had regained feeling and he attempted a right
straight punch. No good, it missed Luo Hao's beautiful face by half a meter.
"That kind of punch won't even touch my shadow! King Kusanagi, you are too
Luo Hao shouted as she tightened the fingers on her right to form a spear hand[115], thrusting
at Godou's throat.
As for that counterattack -- too dangerous now! Definitely had to evade first!
At the very last moment, Godou made a little jump and escaped from the danger of getting his
throat torn open.
However, Luo Hao rushed near silently like a phantom, and began a flowing series of attacks.
"The sword unsheathed, grassland turns into forest! Sky earth wind clouds, the lion king seeks
domination! Trodding tirelessly along the hero's endless path, approaching the supreme
pinnacle of the martial way."
Singing like a ballad, Luo Hao used all sorts of offensive maneuvers.
Palm strikes aimed at the upper and middle approaches. Her supple palms were like iron
hammers that could crush meat and bone together.
The spear hand thrusted at short distance vulnerabilities. The slender fingers were like spears
bringing disaster.
Like the famed Green Dragon Blade[116]The delicate and pale knife hand chopped at Godou's
head, neck and shoulders. Aggressive attacks came one after another.
Incoming elbow strikes were like a sharp and swift sword. Grappling moves grabbed Godou's
arms and legs like a dragon's bite. All these attacks flowed endlessly, like a majestic river -the likes of the gushing Chang Jiang[117] and Huang He.[118]
Godou was like a nimble boxer trying to evade the onslaught of a great river.

But of course he could not escape completely. Godou's dodging body was gradually caught by
Luo Hao's palm strikes, and even his forehead almost got sliced, and his spine nearly
Though he blocked his vitals, in a very short instant, he was getting pummeled like sandbag.
--As expected, continued dodging was not going to work.
In his despair, Godou recognized one fact, if he didn't attack then there it would be truly
When using the [Raptor], there was one move that had a fair chance of landing a hit, as long
as the opponent wasn't Luo Hao. However, other than that, there were no other options to
reverse the tide of battle. Then one could only take the plunge -No, just as Luo Hao's knife hand grazed the flank of his abdomen, Godou dispelled all doubt.
That method cannot be called reversing the tides of battle, it was only self-abandonment. Raw
speed was useless against Luo Hao, and he understood that point very well. That's right, raw
speed -In that very instant, inspiration came!
In order to switch to an offensive stance, Godou jumped faraway backwards.
"Hoo... Looks like you have made your decision, King Kusanagi. Your eyes show excellent
Noticing his change, Luo Hao smiled gently.
Standing there as if waiting for Godou's attack, she looked completely off guard, but in actual
fact, this kind of natural stance was used to handle any kind of attack.
She clearly aimed for a counterattack.
Knowing that, Godou raised the [Raptor]'s speed to its limits and began to charge.
Crashing his body in a straight line, this eliminated the need for precise aim, like a runaway
train he hurtled towards his collision target.
Luo Hao also entered a stance.
Perhaps she was preparing to attack by clapping her hands together, and she extended both
palms before her chest.
This posture hinted at what the girl intended as her next move. Before the impact struck,
Godou's head will be smashed from both sides by Luo Hao's palms, whose monstrous strength
will prevent him from advancing further. His skull will be crushed and his brain will surely be
made into clam chowder -- something like that.

An ordinary enemy would be unable to evade a shoulder strike enhanced with the [Raptor]'s
speed. But since the enemy here was Cult Leader Luo Hao, his move would likely be
countered, and he will surely lose.
But all he could do now was gamble on this one move. Please, let it be successful -Godou's challenge was releasing the [Raptor]'s speed.
Not accelerating but decelerating.
Even if a pitcher specialized in fastballs, he would be quickly defeated if all he did was throw
fastballs to intimidate the batter. The key concept was variation, because mixing slow and fast
pitches would make it difficult for their eyes to adjust. As an accomplished catcher, Godou
could not possibly be ignorant of how to control fast and slow pitches.
This experiment was a success.
From the realm of god speed he returned to the world of normal speed.
He was now moving at the rate of a normal high school student, without any supernatural
speed. Expecting highly accelerated motion, Luo Hao lost the target of her pincer attack.
Before Godou arrived, her hands had already clapped together.
"-- Let's go!"
In the instant the girl's hands came together like the palms of the thousand-handed
Godou activated the [Raptor]'s acceleration, and once again charged forth with godlike speed.
Suddenly extending his right fist, it was the same dagger stabbing motion used in those
outdated heroic movies[120], that was exactly what Godou was trying to imitate.

This punch, along with the momentum of his body, struck Luo Hao squarely at the base of her
It was the first time he ever heard the cult leader moan.
The orchid-like[121] beautiful body was bent into a v-shape and she sank to her knees. This
was the moment when Kusanagi Godou struck the most fearsome Campione.
And then, in that instant a most unexpected phenomenon occurred.
The wind was screaming mournfully. Between Godou's fist and Luo Hao's chest, the
screaming winds accelerated. From the body of the girl named Luo Cuilian, a shockwave was
released that felt as if it would blow away everything on earth.
It was as if Luo Hao's own body produced a shockwave of magical wind.
But Luo Hao also fell over slowly, what was going on?
"Ah! ...This time it's Master's loss."
This mocking declaration was heard a little afterwards.
At some point in time, that original feeling of icy coldness on his right arm had disappeared.

The monkey divine monarch who had been turned into a stone monkey, was still imprisoned
in the stable.
His body above the knee had returned to flesh, though below the knee was still stone.
The walls of the stable reflected the sky on earth, and gradually it became night.
The snake deity Leviathan that had originally hovered in the air had crashed. Since the
sacrifice required for his awakening ritual had disappeared, the monkey divine monarch's
revival was halted mid-way.
-- However.
"Since it has progressed to this point, perhaps that particular method might work?"
Looking at the stone covering his legs, the divine monarch muttered to himself.

Though the legs could not move, everything else were freed, so it may very well work.
"If it doesn't work then I'd just go back to things as before, no harm in trying. The Immortal
tours the North Sea in the morning and returns to Cangwu[122] at dusk -- hey!"
No explanation required. He was using his divine power to make his body float.
He rapidly formed mudra[123] hand gestures in the air.
In the next instant, the monkey who held the position of Keeper of the Horses was standing on
a cloud, hovering in the air.
"Dragon-slaying treasured blade, open the way for me!"
He was giving order to Zanryuutou which was lying on the floor.
As he commanded the treasured blade infused with the miko's power of disaster purification,
it became a curse lifting sword. Though only for an instant, the barrier of the [Keeper of the
Horses] was broken.
Using that instant, the monkey divine monarch rode the cloud and charged out of the walls of
the stable.
--Success! Breaking through the barrier and flying through the corridor on his cloud, he
instantly leapt onto the surface of the ground.
Driving the flying cloud, the monkey divine monarch surveyed the ground from the air.
It was the slightly familiar scenery of Nikkou mountain.
He was now liberated, but his legs below the knee were still made of stone, so it cannot be
called a full revival. At this time the divine monarch began to sniff in order to locate that
-- Found her!
The cloud flew to the foot of Nikkou mountain, reaching the visiting path leading up to
There were two miko and a woman with brilliant blonde hair, but his target was only the little
"See, I found you! Hahaha, you cannot escape!"
"--Monkey Divine Monarch-sama!? Why have you come to the surface!?"
"Hmm? So this monkey is the warlord of [Steel]...!?"
The older miko and the girl with the shiny hair were greatly surprised.

"D-Divine Monarch-sama!?" The targeted little miko opened her cute little cherry mouth in
"Oh, this body would suit me perfectly. I'm sorry but I will be borrowing your body for a
while. Come! The thunder rolls under the sky, free from insincerity. Great progress and
success, advantage in faithfulness!"
Using divine power simultaneously with the mantra, the monkey divine monarch began to
Unlimited transformation skills were synonymous with his name, though currently they had
yet to be fully restored, he could still use a portion of them.
Turning himself into a tiny golden sphere, he slipped into the little miko's mouth. The invaded
body now belonged to him, and the divine monarch instantly gained control of the body and
the mind.
The miko's body was now the possession of the divine monarch. Hikari suddenly opened her
eyes wide.
"Red eyes and golden pupils...!?"
"T-This is the fiery-eyes golden-gaze -- ! Does that mean Hikari's body has been... by Divine
Monarch-sama -- !?"
As the women's gazes were drawn, it looked like the holy eyes have manifested.
Next it would be best to go find a mirror. Though he was just a monkey, he cared a lot about
his looks.
Yes. I am a monkey, but not the monkey divine monarch. Now that I have possessed the miko
of disaster purification, I can use her spirit powers, and the remaining binding spell can be
neutralized by her spirit power -"OK, next it's time to get busy. I shall bring disaster upon the earth, and have some real fun!
Hahaha, goodbye, see you later!"
Using the miko's voice to warn everyone, he made a backflip in the air with her body.
Once again riding a cloud flying through the sky, he still had not decided on his destination.
Might as well greet the god-slayers first. He had finally retrieved his power as a god.

"Ah! ...This time it's Master's loss."

The one speaking with mocking tones was the delicate-looking youth.
Could he be Luo Hao's direct disciple, the young master of some family... Lu Yinghua?
Together with him, Erica and Liliana had come over. Seeing everyone safe and sound, Godou
finally felt relieved.

His heart suddenly felt a kind of cramp-like pain. This was the side effect of using the
[Raptor]. Very soon, his body will become immobilized.
Time was up. Godou clearly had no more strength for battle and no more time, but why was it
his victory?
"Y-You can also say I've lost, look how wounded I am all over."
Enduring the pain, Godou questioned.
Why was the youth favoring the enemy rather than his own master? How unbelievable.
"Oh, looks like you didn't notice... Master has fainted."
Prompted by these words, Godou looked at the beauty once again.
Maintaining her kneeling posture, completely motionless.
"Kusanagi-san's last move, looks like it was very effective."
Lu Yinghua shrugged. The last move? What happened?
"Making use of the variation of speed, performing a feint with a slow move, and then
suddenly striking hard at the Jiuweixue[124] pressure point, plus you used some kind of
authority right? It was probably due to that strong attack, whatever, after all it's just temporary
unconsciousness... Though there were no heavy injuries, she is definitely down for the count."
Godou was very surprised, for he could not recall what he had done.
"Even if she didn't faint, Master should admit her failure. With her incredible pride, though
you are both Campiones, to be struck by an upstart kid in the Jiuweixue pressure point which
is just as critical as the energy center and the Tanzhongxue, that's far too shameful."
"Y-You're exaggerating, actually I can't even budge. It hurts!"
The pain was increasing, and Godou's body began to stiffen. His endurance reaching its
limits, Godou tried to gesture at the unoccupied girls with his eyes. I leave the rest to you
girls, please!
"That's right... Godou did strike her in a critical spot, but him being heavily injured is also
fact. According to the result, in the end it should be..."
Erica pondered, while Liliana spoke with a displeased expression:
"A draw? Yes, that description may be more apt..."
"Yes, that's settled then. It's almost time to wake her up -- Master! Please come to your
senses, Master! Are you ok!?"
"Even though she only fainted lightly, would it not be better to do some healing?"

Lu Yinghua shrugged in response to Liliana's suggestion.

"True, but whenever someone tries to touch her while she is sleeping or unconscious, Master's
body will automatically attack... Twisting people's necks off as she sleeps with extreme ease,
it's best to be careful."
This statement made Godou shudder in fear.
In other words, if he were to let victory overcome his senses, and tried to use the opportunity
to give the unconscious Cult Leader Luo Hao a finishing blow, he could very well have died.
Though obviously he never had such intentions, it once again highlighted their vast difference
in level.
"Mmmmm... Mmmmmm..." The lovely girl who terrified Godou finally responded to her
disciple's calls.
And then she suddenly opened her eyes. Raising her upper torso, she began to cough in an
adorable manner.
"This... This place is? What on earth -- ?"
"Master, your disciple Lu Yinghua has been diligently observing the valorous battle between
the two great warriors. Kusanagi Godou has exhausted all his strength and cannot move a
single step while Master fainted. In other words, there is no victor here, and it's a draw, how's
that --"
With a perfectly respectful tone, Lu Yinghua reported the outcome to his master.
Luo Hao was silent for a while, but very soon recalled what transpired.
She stared at her disciple, stared at Godou, and along the way stared at the two knights at the
back as well, and then her pale and beautiful facial features went red, and she bowed her head.
"My young eagle, your description is very appropriate! Everyone, will you please be
Continuing to keep her head low, she spoke.
Immediately after this, everyone at the scene heard the cheerful voice of a young girl.
"Oh my, two Campiones, what happened to you two? How did you both get so beaten up?
Hahaha, I see, you guys were fighting again oh, what vigorous and impulsive young blood!"
Though it was Mariya Hikari's voice, it felt like a completely different entity was speaking.
Looking into the sky, Godou was very surprised.
Hikari was riding a little golden cloud hovering in the night sky.

Looking down from the air, her eyes were very strange. The eyeballs were red as if bloodshot
from smoke irritation, but the pupils were gold in color.
This was called fiery-eyes golden-gaze, which Godou only found out later.
The [Raptor]'s side effects made his heart hurt badly, and his body could not move. However,
he felt very excited, as if meeting a longtime rival, it made his body overflow with fighting
Beside him, Luo Hao had recovered mobility and had forgotten the fatigue of battle.
--Mariya Hikari had become a god, a [Heretic God].
A mask appeared on the young little miko's face, a white one with a monkey's face with red
around the eyes. Godou once saw it in Beijing opera photos.
This was the painted face used when playing the role of the [Handsome Monkey King].
Godou knew his name, but couldn't say it out due to pain.
"Finally awakened, Handsome Monkey King?"
Luo Hao raised her head and asked with determination in Godou's stead.
"Exactly, exactly, god-slayer who shares my homeland!"

The [Heretic God] used Hikari's voice to reply and then pointed at the heavens.
"I am not the monkey divine monarch. I am the sky, the existence equaling heaven --"
That solemn presence belonged to neither the cheerful and lively miko, nor the humorous

"I am the monkey king born from stone, with infinite divine powers, unlimited
transformations, stealing elixirs from heavenly palaces, alcohol-loving, peach-stealing,
playing with martial arts, acting with ferocity, exposing evil!"
In Hikari's hand appeared a steel staff.
"My surname is Sun, with given name Wukong. I crowned myself, the Great Sage Equaling
Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong.[125]
This was the name of the powerful god who wielded the Ruyi Jingu Bang.[126]

At the same time, in the surroundings of Nikkou mountain -The people who had collapsed on the ground due to their life force absorbed by the snake
deity Leviathan.
They started to transform. Whether male or female, old or young, with their different faces
and all sorts of origins, their appearances changed and they became active again.
Not as humans, but in the form of monkeys.
Currently in the vicinity of Nikkou Toushouguu, a huge number of monkeys had appeared.

Furthermore, at the same time in Narita airport -A woman from America walked by herself out of the arrivals area, and was searching for the
station for the express train she was going to take. As she thought to herself, it had really been
a long while since she last went travelling overseas.
The past few years had been very busy, fighting sorcerers, monsters and demons incessantly.
To her, this trip was a valuable opportunity to forget her previous failure.
Yes. That kind of guy should just be forgotten. That kind of man was not her type in the first
place. She must have made a mistake somewhere.
She must choose her partner more carefully in the future. The next one must be more
relentless, handsome, well-mannered, and stylish in order to be her partner. All sorts of people
live in this world, to think that there existed women who would choose that kind of man as
her lifelong partner...
'Annie, the green bird of fortune will not visit those who deceive themselves, oh?'
'In other words, sour grapes.'

Those dear old men would probably give comments like these if they were here, thought the
American lady to herself.
Her name was Annie Charlton, also called John Pluto Smith, the devil king praised as a living
legend in Los Angeles.

Hello everyone it's been a while, I am Takedzuki Jou.
The 6th volume has successfully published, and it makes me really happy.
This volume and the next will be an important theme of the "Toei Manga Festival Cross
The result is, many of the named but unintroduced characters will be making their
appearances one by one.
The visitor from the devil's city Los Angeles, new characters from London, etc... It can be
described as very lively.
And amongst the new members, there is one character with particularly distinguished
characteristics, that I love very much even as the author.
Combining the many attributes of "Tsundere", "Chuunibyou"[127], "user of the Dainty Fist (the
more shy she gets the more powerful)", the character which underwent amalgamation of the
devil. Ara? This is just a typical tsundere? I'm not too confident about that myself.
So, from now on the stage is set to move from the lowlands to somewhere at a higher altitude.
The deep mountains of Emei[128], powerful enemies, scary hot springs, etc... All these will
appear before Godou's group.
Ara, that last one doesn't seem too threatening... One may say that, but perhaps to our
protagonist here, it is an even tougher challenge than his fated rival from a previous life.
If possible, everyone please look forward to it.
Furthermore, in such a famous battlefield as hotsprings, how dense should the steam be?
On this issue, not only mine but the will of the Super Dash Bunko editorial department also
If everyone wishes for a complete release of restraints, please send these passionate wishes by
mail or email to the editorial department, that would be most wonderful.

Takedzuki Jou, February 2010

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Sorcery: within the context of the Campione series, "sorcery" refers to an
evil type of magic.
2. Jump up Enlil: chief deity in Sumerian mythology.[1]
3. Jump up Uras: Sumerian goddess of the earth, grandmother of Gilgamesh.[2]
4. Jump up Ninlil: consort goddess of the Sumerian chief deity Enlil.[3]
5. Jump up Lugal: Sumerian term for king or ruler.
Edinnu: Sumerian word meaning plain or steppe, from which "Eden" was derived.
6. Jump up La-Tarak: Sumerian deity variously identified as either the twin of Lulal
or as Lulal himself. Lulal is the patron deity of ancient city Bad-tibira.[4]
7. Jump up MUL: the determiner glyph for stars and constellations in cuneiform.
8. Jump up Dr. Watson: the friend and assistant of the fictional detective Sherlock
9. Jump up Dick Grayson: one of the characters in Batman comics who took on the
role of Batman's sidekick Robin.[6]
10. Jump up Yueqin(): nicknamed the "moon guitar," a stringed traditional Chinese
instrument that resembles a lute with a round body.[7]
11. Jump up Mount Lu: a famous mountain located in southeastern China.[8]
12. Jump up Han Chinese Clothing: historical attire of the Han Chinese people, worn
for thousands of years until the conquest of China by the Qing dynasty.[9]
13. Jump up Style name: a Chinese style name, also known as a courtesy name, was a
given name generally used after the age of twenty as a sign of adulthood and respect.
The use of style names have fallen out of tradition since the early twentieth
14. Jump up Wuxia( ): literally "martial hero," the wuxia is a heroic ideal featured
in Chinese martial arts novels. Bound by a code of honor, the wuxia seeks to uphold
justice and protect the helpless and the poor through their martial arts skills.[11]
15. Jump up Daoism: the modern Romanization of the term Taoism, the philosophy and
religion based on the "Way."[12]
Daoist arts(): called the Five Arts in modern times, refers to traditional Daoist
practices including alchemy, medicine, Feng Shui, charms and talismans, exorcism,
etc. Within the context of Campione!, Daoist arts can be thought of as the Chinese
variant of magic.
16. Jump up California Current: ocean current flowing southwards from Alaska down
to California. Technically, the California Current sent Asherah to the North Equatorial
Current which then carried her westward across the Pacific to Asia.[13]
17. Jump up Kuroshio Current(): literally "Black Tide," an ocean current that
flows from the east coast of Taiwan towards the northeast past Japan.[14]
18. Jump up Bousou Peninsula(): a peninsula on the southeastern part of
Japan's largest island, Honshu. It forms the eastern edge of Tokyo Bay.[15]
19. Jump up Witenagemot: ("meeting of wise men" in Old English) a political
institution in Anglo-Saxon England.[16]

20. Jump up Ramiel: often confused with Azazel, Ramiel is one of the twenty leaders of
the fallen angels mentioned in the Book of Enoch.[17]
21. Jump up Saitenguu(): fictional shrine, name literally means "Western
Heavenly Temple."
22. Jump up Nikkou Toushouguu: a Shinto shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu,
located in the city of Nikkou in Tochigi Prefecture. It is a UNESCO World Heritage
23. Jump up Saitenguu(): fictional shrine, name literally means "Western
Heavenly Temple."
24. Jump up Hakama: traditional Japanese divided trousers.[19]
25. Jump up Washi(): a style of paper made in Japan, generally tougher than
ordinary paper made from wood pulp.[20]
26. Jump up Nikkou Toushouguu: a Shinto shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu,
located in the city of Nikkou in Tochigi Prefecture. It is a UNESCO World Heritage
27. Jump up Tokugawa Ieyasu: the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa
Shogunate, which ended the Sengoku (Warring States) era. [22]
28. Jump up Hikaru Genji: the protagonist of the classic Japanese novel The Tale of
29. Jump up Murasaki Shikibu(): Japanese novelist and poet best known for
authoring The Tale of Genji.[24]
30. Jump up Daoist arts( ): called the Five Arts in modern times, refers to
traditional Daoist practices including alchemy, medicine, Feng Shui, charms and
talismans, exorcism, etc. Within the context of Campione!, Daoist arts can be thought
of as the Chinese variant of magic.
31. Jump up Qinggong( ): literally "technique of lightness", a Chinese martial arts
skill that allows great agility and speed of movement. When exaggerated in fiction, it
produces the effect of superhuman speed and even flight.[25]
32. Jump up Qi(): known variously as ki/chi/qi/chakra, an oriental concept of life
energy. In Campione!, the concept is used in the context of Chinese martial arts, hence
the romanization of "qi" will be used.
33. Jump up Energy center( ): located below the navel (about three finger widths
down and two finger widths deep), it is associated with cultivating life energy (qi) and
vital essence.
34. Jump up Qigong: techniques involving the manipulation of qi or its flow.[26]
35. Jump up Neigong: literally "internal techniques", a synonym for qigong
(manipulation of qi).
36. Jump up Kinpira: a method of stir fry and simmering.[27]
37. Jump up Dimsum: a style of Chinese cooking where food is prepared into small
bite-sized or personal portions.[28]
38. Jump up Yamato Nadeshiko: the embodiment of the idealized traditional Japanese
woman, wise, beautiful, capable, gentle and subservient.[29]
39. Jump up Nikkou Kaidou(): a route built during the Edo period to connect
Edo (Modern Tokyo) to Nikkou Toushouguu.[30]
40. Jump up Nihonbashi(): literally "Japan Bridge."[31]
41. Jump up Shukuba(): post stations during the Edo period in Japan, used by
travellers as rest stops.[32]
42. Jump up Edo Five Routes(): five major routes built during the Edo

43. Jump up Matsuo Bashou(): the most famous poet from the Edo
44. Jump up Oku no Hosomichi(): a major text of Japanese literature in the
form of a travel diary, written by the poet Matsuo Bashou.[35]
45. Jump up Sandou: in Japanese architecture, the road leading to the entrance gates of
a Shinto shrine or Buddhist temple.[36]
46. Jump up Torii: traditional Japanese gate used as the entrance to Shinto shrines and
also found within them. They symbolize a transition between realms.[37]
47. Jump up Shamusho: The building used as the administrative office of a shrine
48. Jump up Gen(): one of the eight trigrams from the Book of Changes. The trigram
for Gen is .[38]
49. Jump up Onmyoudou( ): literally "the way of the Yin and the Yang", mixing
science and occult, a traditional Japanese philosophy based on Chinese concepts of the
Five Elements and the Yin-Yang duality.[39]
50. Jump up Shen(): one of the twelve earthly branches[40], it represents the direction
of west-southwest and corresponds to the monkey in the Chinese zodiac.[41]
51. Jump up Tendai(): a Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism descending from
the Chinese Tiantai school. [42]
52. Jump up Enryaku-ji(): a Tendai monastery located on Mount Hiei[43],
overlooking Kyoto.[44]
53. Jump up Shogun: hereditary military dictators of Japan who held actual power
although the Emperor remained as the legitimate ruler in name.[45]
54. Jump up Kodachi(): a small Japanese sword less than 60cm in length.[46]
55. Jump up Zanryuutou(): the name means "dragon-slaying blade."
56. Jump up Shimenawa: lengths of rice straw rope used for ritual purification by the
Shinto religion.[47]
57. Jump up Yomotsu Hirasaka(): in Japanese mythology, the slope that
leads to Yomi, the land of the dead. [48]
58. Jump up Forbidden City(): the Chinese imperial palace during the most
recent Ming and Qing dynasties.[49]
59. Jump up Sugoroku: a Japanese board game.[50]
60. Jump up Yamato Nadeshiko: the embodiment of the idealized traditional Japanese
woman, wise, beautiful, capable, gentle and subservient.[51]
61. Jump up Han Chinese Clothing: historical attire of the Han Chinese people, worn
for thousands of years until the conquest of China by the Qing dynasty.[52]
62. Jump up Style name: a Chinese style name, also known as a courtesy name, was a
given name generally used after the age of twenty as a sign of adulthood and respect.
The use of style names have fallen out of tradition since the early twentieth
63. Jump up Daoist arts( ): called the Five Arts in modern times, refers to
traditional Daoist practices including alchemy, medicine, Feng Shui, charms and
talismans, exorcism, etc. Within the context of Campione!, Daoist arts can be thought
of as the Chinese variant of magic.
64. Jump up Wakoku(): the ancient term for the islands of Japan before it was
recognized as a country.
65. Jump up Zanryuutou(): the name means "dragon-slaying blade."
66. Jump up To the Moon Goddess(), by the Chinese poet Li Shangyin()
from the Tang dynasty.

67. Jump up Questioning the Moon, Wine in Hand(), by the Chinese Poet Li
Bai() from the Tang dynasty.
68. Jump up Qinggong( ): literally "technique of lightness", a Chinese martial arts
skill that allows great agility and speed of movement. When exaggerated in fiction, it
produces the effect of superhuman speed and even flight.[54]
69. Jump up Shimenawa: lengths of rice straw rope used for ritual purification by the
Shinto religion.[55]
70. Jump up Athirat: Ugaritic goddess considered identical to Asherah.[56]
71. Jump up Daoist arts( ): called the Five Arts in modern times, refers to
traditional Daoist practices including alchemy, medicine, Feng Shui, charms and
talismans, exorcism, etc. Within the context of Campione!, Daoist arts can be thought
of as the Chinese variant of magic.
72. Jump up Hito-maru(): a Japanese poet, worshipped as a god of poetry.[57]
73. Jump up Small knowledge...pitiful: a quote from the Daoist philosophical classic
74. Jump up Vajrapani: the protector and guide of Buddha, identified with Indra in
India and also fused with Hellenistic influences and adopted elements of Heracles.
Henceforth, he was depicted as a muscular athlete wielding a short club. In the far
east, he became the inspiration for the Benevolent Kings, guardians of Buddha often
made into stone statues to guard Buddhist temples.[59]
75. Jump up Om(): sacred to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, also written as
"Aum" and transliterated as in Chinese and Japanese(pronounced "A-un"),
representing the beginning and end of all things. In Shinto and Buddhist architecture,
the term is used to describe paired statues.[60]
76. Jump up Benevolent Kings( ): called "Niou" in Japanese, a pair of muscular
and wrathful guardian deities of Buddha and manifestations of Vajrapani. They stand
on guard at the entrance of Buddhist temples in the form of frightening statues.[61]
77. Jump up Yokozuna: the highest rank in Japanese sumo wrestling.[62]
78. Jump up Immortals(): in Chinese Daoist tradition, sages who achieve immortality
through enlightenment.[63]
79. Jump up Mandarin gown(): also known as the cheongsam or qipao, a stylish
one-piece body-hugging Chinese dress.[64]
80. Jump up Fighting South of the Ramparts(), by the Chinese Poet Li Bai()
from the Tang dynasty.
81. Jump up Grand Supreme Elderly Lord(): the Grand Pure One who is
believed to have manifested as Laozi, the author of the Daodejing("Classic of the
Way") that laid the foundations of Daoism.[65]
82. Jump up Toudai-ji(): literally the "Great Eastern Temple," a Buddhist
temple at Nara, Japan.[66]
83. Jump up Open-mouthed( ): each pair of (Om/A-un) Buddhist statues
consists of the a-type with their mouths open and the un-type with their mouths
84. Jump up Seiza(): traditional formal Japanese sitting posture.[68]
85. Jump up Lotus position: cross-legged sitting posture with both feet placed on
opposite thighs.[69]
86. Jump up Juunihitoe( ): literally "twelve-layer robe", an extremely elegant
and highly complex kimono that was worn only by court-ladies in Japan.[70]

87. Jump up Tang(): China was ruled by the Tang dynasty from the 7th to the 10th
century CE.[71] Referring to China in this archaic manner is perhaps a hint of the
original time period of the princess.
88. Jump up Magatama( ): curved comma-shaped beads from prehistoric Japan
made from earthen materials, stone, and later exclusively jade. Originally used for
decoration, they eventually functioned as religious and ceremonial objects. One of the
Three Treasures of Japan is a magatama.[72]
89. Jump up On Another's Sorrow by English poet William Blake.[73]
90. Jump up Qinggong(): literally "technique of lightness", a Chinese martial arts
skill that allows great agility and speed of movement.[74] Within the context of
Campione!, qinggong is essentially the Chinese name for European [Leap] magic.
91. Jump up Tanzhishentong( ): a fictional martial arts technique that trained
the fingers to great strength and precision, allowing a single flick to fire off
innocuously light objects as deadly projectiles, break or disarm the weapons of
opponents, or even attack at range with just the wind from the finger's motion. Widely
known due to the immensely popular martial arts novels of Jin Yong.[75]
92. Jump up Righteous Harmony Society( ): a Chinese uprising at the turn of
the twentieth century that broke out against foreign influences due to the weakness of
the Qing state.[76]
93. Jump up Onmyoudou( ): literally "the way of the Yin and the Yang", mixing
science and occult, a traditional Japanese philosophy based on Chinese concepts of the
Five Elements and the Yin-Yang duality.[77]
94. Jump up Word of Abandonment: quoted by Jesus from Psalm 22, it is the only
saying that appears in more than one gospel (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34).
95. Jump up 2 Samuel 1:27
96. Jump up Psalm 22:19-21
97. Jump up 2 Samuel 1:22
98. Jump up Psalm 22:22
99. Jump up Tanzhongxue( ): located at the midpoint between the two nipples.
One of many pressure points identified in Chinese medicine based on a concept of
circulating life energy (qi).
Jump up Energy center( ): one of several pressure points considered a
centre of qi life energy. The upper energy center located on the forehead between the
brows is associated with the energy of consciousness. The middle energy center at
heart level is associated with respiration and storing life energy. The lower energy
center (also known as simply "dantian") located below the navel is associated with
cultivating qi and vital essence.[78]
Jump up Qigong: techniques involving the manipulation of qi life energy or
its flow. In the Campione! setting, qi is the same thing as what the Europeans call
magical power, so a Chinese martial arts master is essentially a skillful manipulator of
the body's flow of magical power.
Jump up Neigong: literally "internal techniques", a synonym for qigong
(manipulation of qi life energy). In the setting of Campione!, qi is equivalent to
magical energy.
Jump up Lu Yinghua(): the "Ying"() character in the name has the
meaning of eagle.
Jump up Il Maestro: meaning "The Master," the Italian word maestro is used
for master musicians, often as a title for composers, performers, music directors,
conductors and music teachers.[79]

Jump up These are the names of the eight trigrams from the Book of
Jump up Benevolent Kings( ): pronounced "Niou" in Japanese, a pair of
muscular and wrathful guardian deities of Buddha and manifestations of Vajrapani.
They stand on guard at the entrance of Buddhist temples in the form of frightening
Jump up Gayatri: Hindu goddess of knowledge and education, often
identified as Saraswati.[82]
Jump up Mandarin gown(): also known as the cheongsam or qipao, a
stylish one-piece body-hugging Chinese dress.[83]
Jump up Youmingjie(): the Chinese term for the Netherworld which
Luo Hao uses.
Jump up Wakoku(): the ancient term for the islands of Japan before it
was recognized as a country.
Jump up The Twelve Divine Palm Strikes of the Phoenix():
Luo Hao's phoenix-themed martial arts. Move names translated:
(Fengchudengmen): Visit of the Young Phoenix.
(Fengyanchuanlian): Eye of the Phoenix Pierces the Veil.
(Fengzhuataoxin): Claws of the Phoenix Steal the Heart.
(Feifengzhuiluo): Crash of the Flying Phoenix.
(Danfengchaoyang): Red Phoenix Basks in the Sun.
(Jinfengliangchi): Golden Phoenix Spreads its Wings.
(Qunfenglianhuan): Combo of the Phoenix Flock.
(Xiongfengqianjin): Heroic Phoenix Exerts a Thousand Pounds.
(Fengyitianxiang): Phoenix Wings Bring Celestial Signs.
(Fenglongyinyang): Phoenix, Dragon, Yin, Yang.
(Fenghuangshuangfei): The Soaring Pair of Male and Female Phoenixes
(Dafengwutian): Great Phoenix Blots the Sky
Jump up Yueqin(): nicknamed the "moon guitar," a stringed traditional
Chinese instrument that resembles a lute with a round body.[84]
Jump up Sorrowful Song by the River() by Chinese poet Du Fu()
from the Tang dynasty.
Jump up Om(): sacred to Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism, also written
"Aum" and transliterated as in Chinese and Japanese(pronounced "A-un"),
representing the beginning and end of all things. In Shinto and Buddhist architecture,
the term is used to describe paired statues.[85]
Jump up Spear hand: a barehanded attack delivered like a punch except with
an open hand, so the fingers stab into the target.[86]
Jump up Green Dragon Blade(): the legendary weapon wielded by
Guan Yu() in the classic Chinese novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The full
name is Green Dragon Crescent Blade().[87]
Jump up Chang Jiang(): the longest river in China, also known as the
Yangtze River.[88]
Jump up Huang He(): the second longest river in China, also known as
the Yellow River.[89]

Jump up Avalokitasvara: called Guanyin() in Chinese and commonly
known in English as the Goddess of Mercy, a bodhisattva venerated by East Asian
Buddhists and associated with compassion.[90]
Jump up Ninkyou( ): the exact term that Godou used, was a genre of
movies involving themes of heroism and chivalry, particularly in yakuza settings, best
exemplified by the performances of actors such as Tsuruta Kouji, Sugawara Bunta,
and Takakura Ken.
Jump up Cymbidium kanran(): to be precise, the exact description is
the Cymbidium kanran, a species of orchid.[91]
Jump up Cangwu(): a county in the Chinese province of Guangxi.[92]
Jump up Mudra: religious hand gestures used in Buddhism.[93]
Jump up Jiuweixue(): a pressure point located on the central line of
the body just above the abdomen.
Jump up Sun Wukong(): the protagonist of the classic Chinese novel
Journey to the West. Pronounced "Son Gokuu" in Japanese, it is the namesake which
the main character of Dragon Ball references.[94]
Jump up Ruyi Jingu Bang(): the name of the magical weapon
wielded by Sun Wukong, the protagonist of the classic Chinese novel Journey to the
Jump up Chuunibyou(): a term used to describe characters with
particularly strong delusions.
Jump up Mount Emei(): one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains
of China.[96]

Chapter 1 - Wandering Monk Sun[1], Havoc in the Holy

Part 1
The sun had already set, and the Nikkou Toushouguu[2] was welcoming the arrival of night.
The Okusha inner shrine for venerating the divine monarch Tokugawa Ieyasu[3] was around
200m away from the worship and main halls.
The corner of Okusha had been transformed into a bare mountain top, with all the lush cedar
trees originally surrounding the shrine completely gone. A young girl was in the sky, looking
down upon the bare mountain.
She was wearing a miko outfit with a white garment and a red hakama[4] while standing on a
golden cloud hovering in the air.
Her face obscured by a mask like a monkey's visage, she was holding the Ruyi Jingu Bang[5]
in her hands. This unassuming-looking iron staff was the legendary weapon with innumerable
victories under its name.
"Yes, it looks like I'll need to change these clothes to something more appropriate to my

The girl no, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, who had stolen Mariya
Hikari's body, spoke thus.
The miko outfit transformed into a yellow costume decorated with intricate black and green
embroidery. Its sleeves reached down to the ankles, two very long open slits were on the sides
of the outfit, and red pants were worn underneath.
It was the costume known as "Kao"[6] in Beijing opera.
The monkey mask was also moved to the side, revealing Hikari's face and the golden-gaze
fiery-eyes namely, eyeballs of red and pupils of gold.
"Very well, this works for now. Everyone, thank you for your patience!"
The people looking up to watch this transformation were the five humans Kusanagi Godou,
Cult Leader Luo Hao, Erica Blandelli, Liliana Kranjcar and Lu Yinghua.
"Finishing off two godslayers at the same time would be rather tricky... No, in a certain sense,
this is a perfect opportunity. Hohoho, even heavenly fate is on my side this once."
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven spoke contradictory words, and then his divine power began
to expand greatly.
What was with this power!? Godou was very surprised. The power displayed here far
surpassed every deity he had encountered so far Melqart, Athena, Perseus.
"Perhaps this snake might come in handy after all, so let me take her with me."
Lying on the bare mountain top was the beautiful young girl with wounds all over her body.
Her name was something like Asherah.
The Great Sage on the golden cloud extended his Ruyi Staff and lightly poked the witch on
the ground. In an instant, Asherah's body disappeared as if he had performed a magic trick.
"Appearances aside, you have at least recovered the nature of [Steel]... Very well, Great Sage!
Now is the time for a decisive end to things!"
Luo Hao yelled with a high-pitched voice at the Great Sage, who had restored his Ruyi Staff
to its original length.
However, her body was still shaking and it looked like her injuries had yet to recover.
In order to save Hikari, Godou also intended to challenge the Great Sage, but his body
couldn't move. This was the after effect of using the [Raptor] incarnation, which currently
paralyzed his body and made his heart suffer intense pain.
"Godou, if you were to challenge him in your current condition, I believe it would be a very
tough battle."

"Yes, even though I understand very well your wish to retrieve Mariya Hikari's body, you and
Her Eminence Luo Hao both need to rest and recover your powers. We would do well to
retreat for now."
From his side, Erica gave a warning and Liliana also made a suggestion to Godou.
Godou agreed. However, the question was whether the Great Sage would let him leave.
"So let us end the intertwining of our fates which started long ago. Though there are two of
you here, I will take care of you both together."
Just as suspected, the Great Sage was smiling with mockery using Hikari's face, and even
spoke with her voice.
Standing on the golden cloud, he was coldly overlooking everything across the land.
However, his eyes only saw Luo Hao and Kusanagi Godou as targets while completely
ignoring all others.
"The earth's condition is receptive devotion / Thus the superior man who has breadth of
character / Carries the outer world. Kun[7] is the nature of earth!"
Forming mudra[8] with one hand, the Great Sage began to chant a mantra.
The change suddenly took effect. Petrification. The ground of the now barren mountain of the
Nikkou Toushouguu's Okusha inner shrine was completely changed into solid rock, bleached
white as if snow had covered the land
Godou and the rest were standing on ground which turned into grey stone within the blink of
an eye.
"Hahahaha! I will use the secret art of the stone mountain's rocky caves to imprison you two!"
In the cedar forest around Okusha all the trees began turning into stone continuously. With
Toushouguu Okusha as the center, the petrification was spreading all around like a wave.
And then Godou's body also gradually lowered into the ground sinking into rock. First it
covered his ankles followed by his knees, and then it immediately reached his waist and
would soon cover his chest and finally his head. As he turned his head to the side, he found
the transcendent beauty, the other Campione, also sinking into the ground!
"Hmm...! Planning on sealing us away!?"
"Haha, correct! Though you're both injured, I'm not going to underestimate you godslayers...
Eh, rather I should say that being injured makes things more frightening because you are a
crazy bunch who doesn't follow common sense. I didn't come to revive all this way just to
take a stupid risk like that!"
The Great Sage was replying to Luo Hao using Hikari's voice.
"Godou!" "Kusanagi Godou!?" "Master!"

By the time Erica, Liliana and Lu Yinghua's yells were heard, the two Campiones had almost
sunk completely.
Inside the rocks was pitch black, but Godou could still see the sinking beauty beside him.
"Sun Wukong has mastered the Immortal[9] arts, and is a deity with unlimited divine powers.
Though he carries the traits of the warlord of [Steel], he is also a god highly skilled in magic.
To be imprisoned by such tricks of his, I was far too careless."
Luo Hao was lightly murmuring in the dark.
Godou was going to ignore his chest pain in order to respond, but Luo Hao suddenly smiled.

"Did you use up all your strength in the battle just now? Though it is the privilege of young
ones to fight without considering the future, for you to obtain victory from me at such a
bargain... King Kusanagi... You are quite something."
"I-I defeated you? Please don't joke with me."
"It is fine. Even though it is officially a draw, taking into account the difference in experience,
the victor is apparent. For a renowned master like me to lose to a young upstart like you, it is
an unforgivable mistake. I, Luo Hao, am not one of those stupid fools who deceive
The demonic cult leader showed a slightly displeased expression.
"As the Ruler of the Martial Realm, I approve of your ability. In the match just now, I
definitely lost."
Godou was speechless as he endured the pain. The battle to the death just now was only a
competition to her, as if having a kendo match and being indignant over thoughts like 'I lost a
round to that guy!' Is that how she was feeling?

"By the way, King Kusanagi, do you know magic that allows you to survive without water
and air?"
"How could I? Other than the ability to fight gods, I'm just an ordinary person."
Godou's answer to Luo Hao's sudden question plunged her deep into thought.
"I see... If that's the case, it would be best to return you back to the surface."
"Back to the surface!? I can get out of here!?"
"Yes. Until the Great Sage's spell finishes, there is still a window of opportunity. If I use my
remaining qi[10], I can send one of us back to the surface."
Luo Hao's offer was quite surprising, but Godou immediately objected.
"But in that case, Your Eminence will have to stay in the Netherworld!"
"I don't mind. King Kusanagi, have you not noticed? The air here is getting thinner. The Great
Sage is not so merciful as to provide food and water for us captives."
Godou had excellent instincts, but Luo Hao was a far sharper person than him.
After hearing her explanation, Godou couldn't help but shiver. True, there was no reason for
that monkey to treat his prisoners well.
"I am the Ruler of the Martial Realm, the one standing at the pinnacle of Daoist practices. I
have long conquered this kind of ascetic training over a hundred years ago, so let me stay."
"Y-You can survive without air and water, that's really amazing. But still!"
"No problem. If I abandon you and return to the surface alone... Just the thought of that brings
a horrible outcome!"
"Ho... Horrible outcome?"
"Correct. Think about it. If I abandon you who just won our match, rumors will begin to
spread, saying I took revenge for my defeat. I will be seen as a despicable scoundrel who has
betrayed the path of heroism and chivalry!"
"Ah... I see now."
Facing Luo Hao's voluptuous figure, Godou nodded.
It was a declaration that deliberately downplayed the benevolence of her offer. She was truly
a person with exceptional pride.
"Of course, I don't plan on being submerged here forever, I will surely find a way to escape...
King Kusanagi, in the meantime before I return, you shall have a splendid battle with the
Great Sage Equaling Heaven in my stead."

Was this the price of accepting her help? She was now ordering him like a subordinate.
Still, Godou felt troubled. Can this stone prison be as easy to destroy as she said?
"No problem... I've already spoken, I am the one at the Daoist pinnacle, and will surely find
this prison's weakness and destroy it. You don't have to worry."
The slight anger of Luo Hao's reproach showed that she had read his concerns.
"Then let's start Great Sage of the Seven Stars of the Big Dipper, dispel the disaster of the
inauspicious spirits!"
Using a beautiful voice melodic like a yueqin[11], Luo Hao chanted the incantation, and took
out a rectangular piece of paper. On it was written complicated script along with the six large
characters "Ba Gua Zhi Jing Ji Ji"[12], and then she threw this talisman away.
The talisman transformed into a white tiger. Then flying through the air, the ferocious beast
attacked Godou.
The white tiger opened its great jaws and the fangs skillfully caught Godou's neck and lifted
him. Godou found his body rising continuously.
Within the blink of an eye, he was greatly distanced from the slowly sinking Luo Hao.
"King Kusanagi, I wish you victory. Go fight a battle worthy of a hero."
The transcendent beauty continued to maintain her airs of superiority and spoke these parting
words to Godou.

Part 2
In the space of black emptiness, Godou and the white tiger flew upwards.
This probably lasted only a couple dozens of seconds, and he suddenly left the darkness and
returned to the surface.
This was the area of Toushouguu Okusha, which had been turned to stone. Having stolen
Mariya Hikari's body, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven continued to casually ride his cloud.
On the ground, Liliana was in a battle stance, wielding a glaive that Godou had never seen
before, while Erica endured her injuries to hold Cuore di Leone and Lu Yinghua extended his
Their gazes were drawn to the returned Godou.
Having accomplished its mission of bringing Godou back, the white tiger disappeared like a
puff of smoke.
"Godou, you came back safely! But where is Her Eminence Luo Hao?"

"She fell down in order to save me, but she said she will escape by her own power."
Godou answered Erica's question simply.
Since he was still in his immobilized condition, the act of speaking took great effort. With an
understanding expression, Lu Yinghua nodded at Godou.
"That's very like one of Master's typical excuses. She probably thought that if she abandoned
Kusanagi-sama and came back alone, unpleasant rumors would spread about her in the field."
Apparently quite knowledgeable in his master's personality, Lu Yinghua's answer was
completely correct.
"Ho escaping alone? Looks like you guys are just as difficult to handle as I expected."
Sitting on his cloud, the Great Sage began to swing his Ruyi Staff around.
Liliana held her breath and gathered her concentration as she ran over to Godou's side.
"Everyone gather together! We are flying to the foot of the mountain to meet up with Mariya
Yuri and the rest!"
She was likely planning on using the technique of high speed [Flight].
But could they really escape? ...One really couldn't expect Sun Wukong's legendary
somersault-cloud to be slower than witchcraft. Just as these worries crossed Godou's mind...
"Hmph, trying to escape is futile. Old Sun here is very confident in my lightning speed. Even
far into the distance, a hundred and eight thousand li[13] away, I can cover it with a single leap
On his cloud, the Great Sage grabbed his knees and screamed as if suffering from an invisible
Though his overwhelming divine power remained, his body was not acting under his control.
"I am not sure what is going on, but here is our chance!"
Seeing the Great Sage undergoing some unexpected change, Liliana held Godou's body in her
Erica and Lu Yinghua also gathered around and the entire group began to fly, surrounded by
blue light.
Once the destination was decided, flight magic had to immediately take off and cannot travel
to an unfamiliar destination.
Though it had many restrictions, it was still a very convenient magical technique. The group
passed through Toushouguu's main and worship halls, then flew over Karamon Gate and the

divine stable. From the sky, they could see that Toushouguu, Futarasan Shrine, and Rinnouji's
buildings, cedar forest, land, vegetation and springs had all been turned into stone.
As they landed on the visiting path at the foot of the mountain, Yuri and Princess Alice ran
over to them.
"Mariya! I'm sorry, Hikari was taken by that monkey... The Great Sage Equaling Heaven stole
her body..."
"Yes, I already know. The Princess used ecto that method to watch Godou-san and Her
Eminence's fight, and told me what just happened."
Just as Godou wanted to apologize, Yuri interrupted him.
The Princess skilled in spirit body separation also nodded at him.
"The entire mountain has been invaded by immense divine power as a result of the Great Sage
transforming it into a stone prison for sealing Her Eminence Luo Hao and Kusanagi-sama
away. If the spell is not dispelled in a few months or perhaps a few years, Her Eminence may
very well be trapped forever "
Alice's words made everyone survey the surroundings where petrification had already reached
the foot of the mountain.
This included Toushouguu's entrance torii[14], the five-story pagoda near there, the main
visiting path leading to the holy sanctum, the cedar forest, the road made from gravel and soil,
as well as the drainage ditch on the side of the road.
Everything within their sight had turned into stone, with Godou's group being the exception.
"But... How come you don't seem worried about your master?"
Erica asked Lu Yinghua.
Everyone else looked worried, but he was the only one untroubled.
"Because she is just imprisoned, not dead. Assuming that is the case, let us gamble and see if
Master can find a way to free herself alone."
The proper-looking handsome youth scratched his head with poor manners, and answered
with a disinterested tone.
"Oh my. On what basis do you make such a statement?"
"Is there any need? Think about it, if the same had happened to your own king, how would
you feel? I think all you Nee-sans will worry, but definitely won't write him off as dead,
right? It's the same principle."
Lu Yinghua's explanation surprised Erica, but she smiled wryly, while Liliana and Yuri also
looked at each other and nodded with emphasis.

Godou wanted to object. Don't talk like I'm some kind of monster!
"Rather than that, I've been curious about this for a while now... Where have all the people,
who were here this evening, gone to now? There were no people at all in the area near Master
and Kusanagi-sama's battle."
That's right. Lu Yinghua's observation prompted Godou to ponder.
Just at that moment, he felt a presence approaching.
From the depths of the petrified cedar forest, a group of small animals were approaching
There were almost a hundred of them. Many of the monkeys hid in the petrified tree, and were
watching Godou's group from amongst the branches they had climbed onto.
"What's with these guys? Did the Great Sage summon wild monkeys?"
"If he did, then there are too many. I have a bad feeling about this."
The one who responded to Godou and Lu Yinghua's doubts was Yuri, who possessed spirit
"These monkeys... No, they were originally humans, transformed into monkeys by the Great
Sage's divine power. I am wondering if they are the tourists and people on the streets who had
stayed in Nikkou mountain just now..."
The Hime-Miko explained in a trembling voice. When a [Heretic God] appeared on earth,
many supernatural phenomena would occur. Was it the transformation of people into
monkeys this time?
As Godou felt speechless, a familiar voice was heard through the pitch dark night.
"People of my kingdom, listen well! My enemy the godslayer and his group have escaped! I
will reward well the one who catches them!"
It was Hikari's voice, but clearly the Great Sage from the tone.
The monkeys made a noisy ruckus and turned their gaze to Godou's group, their eyes full of
murderous intent.
"If they were to attack, as knights... We cannot hit them recklessly. This is not good."
"Very true, try not to harm them and simply make them lose the ability to fight."
As Erica complained, Liliana spoke gloomily. On the other hand, the other main combatant
Lu Yinghua looked very relaxed.
"I won't feel sorrow even if I kill them, but there'd still be a shred of guilt. How about letting
me prepare us a car to escape?"

"Prepare? Did you guys come here by car?"

The young master of the Lu family smiled at Godou maliciously.
"Of course not, but right now in the nearby parking lot over there, aren't there many cars with
owners who had been turned into monkeys? We can have our free pick. Luckily the Lu family
has many subordinates with talents in this area, and I picked up a bit of skill from them.
Opening locks and driving are not a problem."
Was this guy really a member of upper class society? The one who cleared this doubt was
"Perhaps you all have misconceptions about this guy, so let me clarify. It is rumored that the
ancestors of the Lu family have roots in triads, or in other words, you can call them the likes
of gangsters and robbers directly."
"Really, Erica-neesan, please use something a little more classy like 'heroic outlaws', OK?"
Lu Yinghua quietly laughed to himself.
"Probably like the Three Heroes and the Five Gallants[15] or the Outlaws of the Marsh[16],
those who call themselves heroes or martial artists often had roots as outlaws. Tracing back
the exploits of the ancestors, they did take part in activities like "thievery", but the Lu family
prides itself for never having a member who turned out to be an evil villain."
"Pretty much along the lines of thieves, bandits, pirates, mounted robbers, highwaymen..."
Regarding this triad member who proudly admitted to his roots, Liliana whispered with an
impressed tone:
"Though the current situation is dire, if given a choice we should not deliberately break the
law... Erica, I will use flight magic once more. Help me stall for time."
"Got it. Please find us a safe hiding place."
As Erica nodded, Liliana closed her eyes. When using flight magic in unfamiliar lands, it was
necessary to use vision spells to confirm the destination.
"Embers cast into the black metal cauldron. May the essence of the red wheel appear above
my hand!"
Erica chanted the spell words, and fire surrounded Godou and his group.
The one-meter tall flames blocked the gaze and murderous intent of the monkeys like a wall.
This was a move intended to restrain and defend against the monkey army.
A few particularly vigorous monkeys tried to make a leap, but the fire wall's height instantly
doubled. Burnt by the red tongues of fire, the monkeys noisily retreated to their group.

"Oh... You realized that my servants are actually your fellow humans? How clever! Then I
must prepare even more interesting tricks to handle you guys "
Hikari's voice once again... No, it was the voice of the Great Sage. He seemed a lot craftier
than the average monkey, but did not sound like he was going to attack. Perhaps it was true he
couldn't fight personally after all?
As Godou was sent into deep thought, Yuri suddenly tried to survey the surroundings.
"Yuri, did your spirit vision see something?"
"Yes, that is correct, Erica-san! Something very dangerous is approaching, a threat that
requires high alert, it should be here immediately everyone, look up!"
Godou turned his gaze upwards and had a great shock.
A monkey was descending from the pitch black darkness of the sky, its fur having a copper
color with a shade of orange, with the body size far exceeding normal monkeys. Crash! A
massive noise reverberated and the ground shook as it landed.
Descending upon the main visiting path, this monkey was taller than normal cedar trees.
Roughly twelve, thirteen meters in height, it had a strongly-built physique, long arms and
short legs, and a stout and giant body resembling something in between a gorilla or an ape.
Erica's wall of flames was likely useless against this guy.
"This is not like the monkeys we met just now it's a divine beast! A divine monkey beast
that serves the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, with strength that probably rivals dragons, and
unimaginably powerful!"
Warned by Erica, Godou looked at Liliana.
The silver-haired knight had closed her eyes, but the flight magic was not yet ready.
Yet another giant monkey fell from the sky. Even for Erica and the rest, divine beasts were
challenging opponents. For two enemies like that to appear, it looked like they had entered a
most desperate crisis.

Part 3
As the stony ground shook beneath their feet, the two monkeys approached Godou's group.
Lu Yinghua watched them and said:
"Looks like a deadly battle is unavoidable. Kusanagi-sama, I will attack first to attract their
attention. Please use this opportunity to escape."
"Wait a minute, I can't let someone I met the first time today do me a favor like that!"

"That's not how it goes. If Kusanagi-san came back in Master's stead, then you are currently
her representative. If I don't display my utmost loyalty to you, then I will be punished sooner
or later most severely. Think of it as self-preservation."
Godou suddenly began to pity the youth who spoke such words. On further thought, since that
woman was his master, he must have led a hard life all these years.
But after seeing Lu Yinghua's detestable smiling face, he immediately changed his mind.
"Besides, as the disciple of Luo Cuilian, I'm not used to fighting with burdens to take care of.
So let me fight my battle alone Nee-san, is this acceptable? I believe none of you here are
arrogant enough to think you can keep up with my speed?"
Hearing his audacious words, both female knights nodded reluctantly.
To have the courage and capability to make such boasts to the two genius great knight
prodigies, truly, it was a case of 'like master, like disciple.' Godou felt that somehow the
master-disciple pair suited each other very well.
Having made clear his intentions, the youth leaped towards the petrified forest, his motions
like a bird gliding on its wings. This served the role of an attractive beacon for these monkeys.
The members of the monkey army, whose heights ranged from half a meter up to a full meter,
began to pounce after the youth. As wild beasts, these monkeys surpassed normal humans by
far in athletic ability despite their small size, and also had sharp claws and fangs.
However, Lu Yinghua was even faster and more agile than the monkeys.
Moving conspicuously through the cedar branches, he nimbly evaded the monkey army's
attack. He even used his skill of Tanzhishentong[17] to flick his index and middle fingers to
attack the monkeys' foreheads or abdomens. Monkeys that suffered his attacks either fainted
or collapsed painfully, struggling as they vomited.
One of the two giant monkeys began to move after Lu Yinghua, its attention captured by his
conspicuous movements.
It made a beeline for the youth, forcing its way and pushing down cedar trees. The little
monkeys scattered away like spiders in its wake.
Finally, the giant ape reached out with its very long arm, intent on capturing its prey.
Lu Yinghua lightly jumped to a branch on the neighboring tree. While holding the giant ape's
attention, he moved between branches like a squirrel and immediately disappeared into the
depths of the forest.
The giant ape casually brushed aside the trees (which were now equivalent to stone pillars) as
it gave chase.

Its massive body, over ten meters tall, ran like the violent winds of a storm, gradually
destroying the petrified cedar forest in its wake with destructive power equivalent to a
typhoon. Furthermore, another one of these giant apes still remained near Godou's group.
"Light from the East, show me your mysterious power!"
Princess Alice suddenly chanted spell words and aimed her palm at the remaining giant ape.
An intense flash of light shot forth from her palm, burning the giant ape's eyes.
ROOOOOAAAAR! The giant ape's howls echoed in the surroundings.
"A-Alice-san! What was that move just now?"
"The sacred miko's blessing of light to drive off enemies. In a fight against divine beasts, it's
only effective as a distraction, but used as a farewell greeting, it is more than enough."
The one who called herself a princess carried herself with elegance and calm.
The massive monkey nearby was waving its arms and legs attacking randomly, screaming
strenuously. Princess Alice's courage sure was outstanding.
"Just like what that child said just now, we'd better get going. Kusanagi-sama, even though
you are a devil king Campione, you need rest in your current state."
Godou nodded in agreement. Right now, his body was covered with wounds.
Even without the side effects of the [Raptor], the injuries caused by Luo Hao's attacks were
enough to immobilize him.
"I really would have wanted to watch the outcome of this commotion... But I regret to say,
Cinderella's curfew has arrived."
The blonde beauty smiled.
"Since too much magical power has been exhausted, this body will run out of energy soon. I
have to return my consciousness to my true body to rest. The next time I can visit you all...
Would most likely be a few days later."
In other words, she had flown over here from her home in London using something like
ectoplasm or a psychic projection.
Enduring his stiff body, Godou nodded firmly to her.
"I understand. I will handle everything here properly. Please take your rest, I am really
grateful to you for today."
"Not at all, the honor is all mine. I feel very fortunate for the opportunity to find out what kind
of person you are."

Alice deliberately winked humorously.

"Ah, by the way, I would like to make a request to Erica and the rest. Please keep our meeting
a secret. Likewise, I will keep all manners of Kusanagi-sama's secrets."
Hearing this request that sounded like a joke, Erica gracefully bowed. Having found her
destination, Liliana also opened her eyes and respectfully bowed to Princess Alice.
Like paying respects to a noble lady, was Princess Alice's true identity some kind of upper
class noblewoman? Just as Godou puzzled, the princess suddenly vanished.
"So just now, that was spirit body separation!?"
"Now that it's mentioned, Uncle did tell me once, the Princess was a sage who couldn't be
judged on the surface, and had all sorts of trump cards hidden up her sleeves..."
Liliana spoke what she noticed, while Erica exclaimed with great emotion.
In total, the current members of the group were the blue and red great knights, Mariya Yuri
and Kusanagi Godou.
"Uh, isn't this our usual group?"
Godou couldn't help commenting about the three girls before him.
ROOAAR! Its sight apparently recovered, the giant ape charged straight at them.
"I know, come closer Mariya Yuri! We are about to take off!"
"Yes, right."
Urged by Erica, Liliana instructed Yuri who did as she was told and came closer. The blue
light covered them once again. This was the second time they used flight magic that day.
Flying once again, the entire petrified holy sanctum was beneath them in an instant.
Seeing the target had escaped, the giant ape and the small monkeys nearby roared. The other
giant ape that had been crashing through the forest in pursuit of Lu Yinghua, also began to
roar as well.
For an instant, Godou saw Mariya Hikari whose body had been taken by the Great Sage.
"Namo ratnatrayaya, namah arya, avalokitesvaraya, bodhisattvaya, mahasattvaya,
It sounded like some sort of Buddhist prayer. That's right, it was Hikari the Great Sage's

What effect do these spell words have? Godou felt an ominous feeling in the depths of his

The injured Campione continued flying, riding upon the blue light.
Sun Wukong was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, unparalleled in his ability to fly. Under
normal conditions, he would have intercepted and struck them down but at this moment all
the Great Sage could do was gnash his teeth in anguish, chanting spell words at the same time.
Although he had recovered overwhelming divine power, the body was not listening to him.
In possessing the body of the miko with powers of disaster purification, one never expected to
fall into such a trap...
But having obtained this rare ability it should not be wasted, thought the Great Sage as he
focused single-mindedly on chanting the spell words. With the current level of divine power,
that particular spell the grand technique that posed great difficulty even for a warlord of
[Steel] like himself, should be usable.
In order to make the Great Sage Equaling Heaven complete once more, it would be better to
finish the current task rather than seek out battle for now.

Part 4
Amakasu Touma's talents were concentrated in the combination of ninjutsu and wizardry
techniques of onmyoudou[19] and shugendou.[20]
He was not a spellcaster with a high pedigree like Mariya Yuri or Seishuuin Ena.
Though his family had deep roots in wizardry, their past was enshrouded in dark activities
such as espionage or worse, and were descendants of evil wizards. Compared to staying
together with everyone like an RPG party, his skills and preferences were more suited to
acting alone.
The art of concealment a wizardry technique for camouflaging oneself and becoming one
with the environment.
Highly skilled in this technique, Amakasu Touma hid himself as he observed the battle at
Toushouguu, the disappearance of Lu Yinghua into the forest, the departure of Princess Alice,
and the flying escape of Godou and the girls.
Subsequently, roughly a hundred monkeys or more started to take action, advancing towards
the west of Toushouguu.
The group of monkeys moved along a national route called Romantic Road. They were
making their way towards the Nikkou mountain range where Nantaisan was at the forefront.
The giant apes that had attacked Godou's group also travelled in the same direction.

Bending their knees deeply and jumping with great force, they leaped through the air like
shooting stars.
As befitting the name of divine beasts, they were amazingly nimble despite their ten-metertall frames.
"Kusanagi-san and his group were fleeing north... So these monkeys are not chasing after
them. Are they intending on migrating to some place to establish a base of operations?"
Amakasu muttered to himself.
All the shopkeepers, tourists and shrine personnel around Toushouguu seemed to have turned
into monkeys, and now the only human left was Amakasu.
"Namo ratnatrayaya, namah arya, avalokitesvaraya, bodhisattvaya, mahasattvaya,
The words of the dharani[21] could be heard, carried by the wind.
Dharani was a name for Buddhist wizardry and incantations. The underlings had left, but their
king the Great Sage still remained in this place chanting the dharani.
What was his purpose? Leaving Toushouguu, Amakasu walked towards the streets of Nikkou
Nikkou Toushouguu was very close to the station, and around twenty minutes away by foot.
Amakasu surveyed his surroundings there.
Then he jumped from rooftop to rooftop. This was the physical skill that Templar Knights like
Erica called [Leap], Chinese martial artists called [Qinggong], while users like Amakasu
called it [Monkey Flight]. Though he wasn't on the level of Lu Yinghua or Seishuuin Ena, his
steps were still superhumanly agile.
"No other obvious changes... Perhaps the Great Sage's power of domination does not extend
that far after all? Or he hasn't shown his true skills yet..."
There were roughly six thousand inhabitants living in the quaint city of Nikkou.
Due to the people and cars out and about, the calm and peaceful streets looked a little
bustling. There were no incidents of people suddenly transforming into monkeys, or pitiful
scenes of people screaming their heads off. It was just the scene of a normal Saturday night on
the first day of a three-day long weekend.
Leaving the station, Amakasu made his way back towards Toushouguu.
He ran like the wind along the river bank of the Daiyagawa until he saw the vermilion bridge.
The famous Shinkyou was a wooden arch bridge built over the Daiyagawa. Lacquered with
bright vermilion, it was very eye-catching at night.

Apparently, the only people turned into monkeys were the ones around Toushouguu.
Having confirmed the situation, Amakasu stood on the edge of the Shinkyou and took out his

'That's all. This is the general situation in the surrounding area.'

"Understood. So the monkey divine monarch used Hikari to recover the divinity of Sun
Wukong and then created subordinates. This is not a good situation at all... So why didn't you
turn into a monkey as well, Amakasu?"
On the back seat of a very unassuming car without distinguishable features that was racing
along the highway, Sayanomiya Kaoru was listening to the report of her trusted subordinate.
'Hmm, not only me but Erica-san, Yuri-san and Liliana-san as well, none of us were changed
into monkeys. Most likely those with a certain level of magical power resisted the monkey
"So, what happened to those involved with the Committee at Nikkou?"
'I didn't see them. If they were fine, they should have taken action already, so it would not be
wrong to assume they have been turned into monkeys.'
"If we send reinforcements, they will need to be Hime-Miko or agents on your level, right?"
'Yes. Gather all the master-level instructors near the Imperial Capital[22], and organize an
emergency gathering of related personnel from the Kantou region[23], then contact the higherups of the spell department to call in the wizards. Also, we need to inform Tochigi
Prefecture's police department and government bureaus like the Ministry of Land,
Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism... And then after that...'
"Yes, it looks like a dangerous crisis, so using a trump card directly is also a plan."
Kaoru's gaze turned to the premier Hime-Miko beside her.
In order to gather strength for the upcoming battle, Seishuuin Ena was sleeping soundly while
embracing the Japanese sword taken out from the storeroom of the Sayanomiya residence.
Kaoru's original intention was to have her stationed near Utsunomiya[24], to be used as a free
chess piece...
'That's right, against divine beasts that are like giant UMA monsters, I think it is better to
concentrate our firepower rather than being stingy with our combat potential.'
"Thank you for your valuable opinion, I will take it into consideration."
'Not at all, you're welcome. I'll be going back to work.'
Kaoru hung up the cellphone and greeted Ena who had already woken up some time earlier.

"Hikari has been captured by the Great Sage Equaling Heaven?"

"Ena, your hearing is acute as ever."
Even while sleeping, she was still listening. Kaoru could not help but smile wryly.
"However, it would be a great help if you enter the fray, so Ena, what do you think? Divine
beasts have appeared and Kusanagi-san's group is in a crisis. Do you have the confidence to
penetrate into the battlefield and perform even better than Erica-san and the rest?"
The cross-dressing Hime-Miko smiled at the corner of her lips. Though it frequently surprised
people when they found out, Kaoru was a talented polymath. Whether in the area of martial
arts or the spirit powers of a Hime-Miko, only one person had been able to surpass her.
"Of course, Erica-san is very smart and Liliana-san is very talented at witchcraft. However, in
a battle of pure strength, Ena will always be the final winner."
The premier Hime-Miko was the only person to surpass Kaoru in spellcraft and
Having heard the strongest trump card make her bold guarantee, Kaoru adjusted her battle

Amakasu ended his report to his boss and switched off the cellphone.
It was almost time for him to make an appearance at Kusanagi Godou's place, and he also
needed to confirm the condition of Mariya Hikari the apprentice Hime-Miko whose body
had been possessed by the monkey divine monarch who should now be called the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven.
He had to judge the feasibility of rescuing or abandoning her. However, that particular devil
king probably won't recognize any option other than the first...
As Amakasu smiled wryly, he found a rather alarming sudden change.
Before his eyes was the bridge of Shinkyou that was lacquered vermilion.
Nikkou was originally the training grounds for the monks in the mountains and a holy place
linked to the sacred peaks of Emei.[25] The scenery of the Daiyagawa river flowing through
here normally gave off an atmosphere like deep mountains and secluded valleys, but the
volume of water was continuously increasing right now.
With Lake Chuuzenji as its source, the Daiyagawa was a beautiful stream, but that description
completely failed to describe the current volume of water.
The river water was currently gushing loudly as if flooded after a massive rainstorm. What on
earth happened?
Amakasu reflexively surveyed the surroundings.

The first time a bridge was erected here was over a thousand years ago. It was said that during
the Heian period, Great Monk Shoudou[26] was opening up the uninhabited Nikkou and
Nantaisan mountains, and supernatural entities built this bridge for him. Shinkyou is the
legacy to the world that brings the legend to life.
"Namo ratnatrayaya, namah arya, avalokitesvaraya, bodhisattvaya, mahasattvaya,
Amakasu heard Mariya Hikari's voice.
"Om, sarva bhava samudram sosana karana. sarva vyadhi prasamana karaya."
The Great Sage continued to chant, and soon enough, a nude male floated onto the surface of
the Daiyagawa river.
His skin was very black and he had a very thin build like a sick person's.
His face was like a demon's, with bloodshot sharp-looking eyes that flashed brightly and
sharp fangs protruded from the two sides of his great gaping mouth.
The legend of Great Monk Shoudou told that, back when the strong currents of the
Daiyagawa had blocked his path to enter Nikkou, the haggard monk made a prayer. A spirit
then appeared on the opposite bank and began constructing a bridge across the river. This was
how the Shinkyou came about.
Afterwards, Great Monk Shoudou gave a name to this spirit, and that was
"General of the Deep Sands!? In other words, this is no longer a crisis on the level of divine
In the moment of Amakasu's shock, the black wrathful spirit roared loudly.
The cry of a [Heretic God]'s birth was a response to the Great Sage's dharani.
As if answering this roar, the waters of the Daiyagawa River rapidly flooded.
Like a massive flood, the rushing flow swept down from upstream, easily smashing the
Shinkyo bridge, and Amakasu too was swallowed by the torrent.

Chapter 2 - The Three Spirits, Reunited on Wakoku's[27]

Sacred Mountain
Part 1

Kirifuri Plateau was about a few dozens of minutes away from the streets of Nikkou City by
These highlands were blessed with natural scenery such as Mount Akanagi and Mount Maru,
as well as the beautiful Kirifuri River. Other than hiking routes, there were also ski resorts,
ranches, golf courses and other facilities.
Godou and his group had escaped to camping grounds in the area of Kirifuri Plateau.
"Ouch. It still hurts a lot..."
Godou complained as he sat on a wooden chair on the porch of a little wooden cabin.
This was a camp site on the plateau. The aroma of nearby outdoor cooking wafted over.
Almost all the tourists who came traveling as a family, as well as Liliana and Yuri, were
making dinner.
Gazing up, one could see the beautiful autumn constellations twinkling in the night sky.
Despite the beauty of the scenery, Godou was still in a bad mood.
He had taken a great deal of damage during the fight against Luo Hao. A normal person
would have died instantly from several dozen instances of broken bones and a couple cases of
ruptured internal organs. Godou's entire body was hurting like crazy, and he felt nauseous a
couple of times.
Most of all, he worried about Mariya Hikari.
Being possessed by the Great Sage made her a hostage. He really wanted to go save her
straight away, however
"With my current grave injuries, there's probably no way..."
Godou sighed.
His earlier self would have rushed in recklessly to save Hikari without a second thought.
But Godou had already become accustomed to these kinds of crises.
Anyway, how could he prove that Mariya Hikari was currently the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven? What could he do to drive the deity out from inside her body? How should he handle
the terrifying divine power he had just witnessed?
There were too many problems. What he had to do now was to find answers to them.
Since Luo Hao was not present, the only one here who could save Hikari was Kusanagi
Godou. As a man in this situation, if he were to lose control to his emotions, that would be
unforgivable stupidity.

Warned by his sense of reason and responsibility... Godou was determined to adhere to those
However, he hated his current self who was weighing trade-offs rationally, and would rather
act according to his emotions. If he was just an ordinary person living a peaceful life,
panicking should be the normal reaction to a situation like this...
"Right, let me call Sayanomiya-san and see."
Godou suppressed his self-revulsion, and took out his cellphone.
What he needed the most right now was information. Dialing the number recorded in his
contacts, the call immediately connected.
'Wonderful, I was just about to contact you first. By the way, I already know all about the
outcome of your battle with that Cult Leader, as well as what happened afterwards, so you
don't need to explain.'
"Could it be Amakasu-san who told you?"
Godou made his deduction from Sayanomiya's words.
That ninja descendant would definitely report important news like this, so there was nothing
to be surprised about.
'You are correct... But I lost contact with him an hour ago. I am currently discussing with my
subordinates whether to list him as Missing In Action.'
The History Compilation Committee Tokyo Branch Chief, who was also a Hime-Miko, spoke
softly in a slightly gloomy tone.
'Thanks to him, I'll have to come personally to Nikkou. So, Kusanagi-san, we will meet
tomorrow morning. Please rest properly and conserve your energy for now. Whenever a god
makes an appearance, Campiones are mankind's only saviors.'
"Sayanomiya-san will be coming here as well?"
'If Amakasu was around, I would have him on standby near Utsunomiya so that I can make
decisions based on his reports about the developing situation. After all, with regard to news
from the scene, the more accurate the better.'
It seemed like Amakasu was greatly trusted by his boss.
Rather than listen to the report of someone else apart from him, Kaoru preferred going to the
scene herself.
'I am now summoning the personnel for the expedition to Nikkou. Oh by the way, Ena will be
arriving at the scene first, so she will be meeting Kusanagi-san over there.'
"It's Seishuuin!"

'Yes. I suspect she will likely wander around first rather than show up at your place
immediately. However, she is a girl with very strong instincts, so she will surely make her
appearance at a suitable time. Also, the handling of Hikari will be up to your decision.
Whatever choice you make, I will bear complete responsibility.'
"What you mean is... It's fine even if I give up on her?"
Godou could not stop himself from uttering such cold words.
At this particular moment, he felt the same revulsion for Kaoru as he felt towards himself just
'Put it another way... If you were to ignore the plights of innocent citizens whose only wish is
to live peacefully, or even sacrifice them to save Hikari, we will follow your orders...
Kusanagi-san, this is a special right and responsibility that only you are entitled to.'
"Special right and responsibility?"
'Yes, perhaps you can call it a king's job, in other words, the right to make decisions.'
Godou finally understood what Kaoru wanted to tell him.
The manner in which the incident should be resolved was entirely up to Godou's decision,
because a Campione was not only a warrior, but also a [King] whose power lorded over the
Entrusted with the heavy responsibility of the right to make decisions, Godou ended the phone
"Godou-san, dinner is ready."
Yuri had returned to the porch to call for Godou.
She had changed out of her miko outfit into a long-sleeved shirt and a flounced skirt. With
goodness knows what kind of magic, the girls had somehow managed to retrieve the luggage
they had left in Amakasu's car.
"Got it, Mariya. About the matter of Hikari..."
"Regarding that matter, actually I discussed it with Erica-san and Liliana-san just now. Since
Hikari was using the power of disaster purification to neutralize the Great Sage's [Keeper of
the Horses] spell, she should be very safe. After all, it is the Great Sage himself who is
protecting her now..."
Yuri replied in a resolute and clear manner.
"Therefore, Erica-san and Liliana-san both agree that Godou-san should not anxiously make a
rash decision. As a Hime-Miko, I also approve of their opinions."
Her words were full of righteous awe and responsibility, as befitting Yuri's title of "Hime."

Yuri was not the least shaken by her younger sister's crisis. Wait a minute... Was she really
completely unmoved? It was possible she was only pretending to be composed.
"Now that you mention it, where is that fellow Erica?"
"Chatting with the people who provided the camping grounds for us to use... She has already
become very popular with them. It is very amazing of her, right? As soon as I mentioned to
her we needed to prepare dinner, she helped me obtain the fish and meat we needed, and even
got us dessert and fruit as well."
Unlike the area around Toushouguu, it was very peaceful here. Erica was apparently flexing
her skillful diplomacy as usual.
"I see... That fellow's wounds are pretty much healed by now? I'm glad to know that."
Erica's injuries were definitely not light, but the healing magic had apparently worked its
However, Yuri frowned at this moment.
"By 'that fellow' you must be referring to Erica-san? Does that mean Godou-san you still have
not fully recovered?"
"Ah? No, I'm almost fine, you don't have to worry."
Noticing his mistake, Godou frantically tried to tide things over.
"No lying. Why are you trying to pretend you are well?"
"This question... How should I put it..."
Yuri's lips were shimmering with a colorful hue of pink as she questioned.
Godou's vivid memories began to reawaken. He recalled the healing she had provided during
the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi incident, as well as just now when she transferred
knowledge for him to defeat Luo Hao.
If Godou revealed the present poor condition of his body, she would likely use "that method"
to heal him!
"K-Kusanagi-san! A-As a Hime-Miko, though I have the duty to assist you..."
Yuri was apparently thinking of the same thing, and her highly respectable face turned bright
"However... My indulgence in those actions multiple times, still feels repulsive to a certain
extent, making me hesitant in a number of areas..."
"You are completely right. Yes, I understand!"

Wonderful, it looked like that could be avoided... Just as Godou felt relieved, Yuri
immediately declared rather problematically.
"However... If you are really in pain... I would still like to offer my power to assist you. All
things considered, you were hurt for the sake of my younger sister, and for the both of us. If I
can help you after all, I will still..."
Yuri shyly lowered her gaze, but she was actually trying to convince herself.
Though she was so embarrassed that even her neck was red, Yuri still said it out loud.
"After all, I... still want to...with you..."
Godou swallowed hard. Yuri's stuttering made her even more charming than her angry
appearance earlier.
Of course he wanted to accept treatment if possible, but Godou couldn't let himself force her
to do that sort of thing. Absolutely not. With mixed feelings, Godou fell silent.
How did Yuri interpret Godou's silence?
Yuri's expression went through agonizing, doubt and hesitation. Then she spoke softly:
"We... We will be seen here, but I will not mind if we go over there..."
Yuri whispered softly as she glanced into the wooden cabin.
Hmm!? The meaning of her words turned out to be Godou was completely speechless.
"Please wait a minute? How can you keep burdening poor Yuri with such tasks, it's a bit
unfair, oh? It is now time to assign areas of responsibility properly in a fair manner."
Unbeknownst to them, the [Diavolo Rosso] had begun standing outside the porch.
Erica's red-tinged brilliant blonde hair was like a crown. As Godou stared back at her usual
glamor, he somehow felt a sense of fright with a guilty conscience.
"I believe that whether I or Yuri, both of us need to evenly proportion the time to enjoy our
love with Godou. After all, if unfairness is not corrected, it could very well affect the harmony
of the group. Say, Yuri, you've already done a lot of things with Godou today, right?"
"!? Erica-san, why are you suddenly asking such a thing?"
Forthcoming and inexperienced in the ways of the world, Yuri was a terrible liar. She did not
even attempt a perfunctory answer, and easily admitted to the accusation.

"This is an equation that even a primary school student can solve. Since Godou used the
[Sword] in the fight against Luo Hao, who gave him the knowledge? There was only one
person with the opportunity to do so today."
"Y-Yes that is very true..."
"So it should be enough for today, right? Please let me have this rare opportunity to affirm my
love with Godou. As for next time, no question about it, I will let Yuri have first priority "
What on earth was she saying in front of the primary subject!?
Godou frantically jumped up from his chair, intending to escape.
Silently, Erica drew near and pressed down on his shoulder. Though it seemed like she was
simply resting her arm gracefully, the weight applied was terrifying. As usual, she was using
her monstrous strength.
"Godou, sorry you had to wait for so long. Now that the conclusion is clear, let us enjoy our
passionate moment together? Hoho, it's been quite a while since I last affirmed your tactile
sensations like this."
A seductive smile appeared on Erica's face as she sat on Godou's knees.
The soft and gentle sensation from his knees delivered to Godou a very comfortable sense of
weight and pressure.
"Come, relax. I will help heal your injuries right away."
Erica whispered softly as she leaned against him. Of course, her body also pressed against
Godou's chest, and Erica's voluptuous bosom felt like elastic balls being squeezed between
"Hey, could you actually be intending to do that here!? Mariya is watching right over there!"
"You are correct. Strike while the iron is hot. Before you change your mind..."
"That issue never existed! I had no mood to do these things from the very beginning wah!"
In the end, Erica's cherry lips sealed his mouth.
Perhaps due to the lipstick she wore today, Erica's lips had a smooth and shiny feeling to
them, and the taste was accompanied with much viscosity.
The blonde beauty bit and licked Godou's lips and their tongues began to tangle. The two of
them exchanged saliva naturally, which mixed within their mouths. The sticky lipstick also
began to be rubbed off.
"By the way, Godou, I hope you take more initiative in kissing me in the future. Though this
is nice, I still love your unruliness last time. Hoho... Actually, every time I recall what
happened then, my heart begins to race, I beg you, please..."

As her kissing descended without pause like rain with great playfulness, Erica begged Godou
as if wanting to be spoiled.
Her eyes were relaxed as if intoxicated, unlike their usual sharp and intelligent appearance.
This rare facial expression, full of vulnerability, carried an unbearable sense of loveliness.
However, this meant Godou was failing in his original goal
Catching Yuri in the corner of his eye, Godou found her mournfully lowering her gaze.
No! Godou forcefully shoved Erica away, escaping from the confines of her sweet embrace.
"Godou, the healing spell is not complete, what are you doing!?"
"I-It is not necessary. I still feel this is not very appropriate. For the sake of battle, to engage
in these activities so many times, that's... Kissing is not good."
"How could you still say that at this point? Didn't you ask me to swear eternal loyalty to you
last time?"
Erica's reproach made Godou lower his gaze. Having said those words in the heat of the
moment that time... It was a painful memory that continued to trouble him. Worst of all was
Yuri's current shock at the matter.
"Eh? Eternal loyalty? What on earth is that about...?"
"Come to think of it, I don't think I mentioned it to Yuri yet."
Chuckling "hoho" to herself, Erica smiled triumphantly and answered Yuri with an
intoxicated expression in her eyes:
"Godou was really a piece of work. He made me say something like this. Even if the world
was about to be destroyed, I had to swear to stay by his side through life and death. Godou
that time was very rough, very gallant, but also very charming. Even though I like the usual
Godou very much, that kind of aggression is great once in a while."
"G-Godou-san! When did you and Erica-san...!"
"You people are so noisy... What on earth are you arguing about?"
Just as the troubled expression Yuri made a few days ago at Nanao Shrine appeared on her
face once again, an awe-inspiring voice and the fragrance of spices drifted over.
Liliana had appeared, carrying the newly prepared curry.
"Nothing, umm... Actually, it's no big deal..."
Erica turned her face away, while Yuri became frantic, and only Godou was left to attempt an
After hearing the gist of the situation, Liliana couldn't help but sigh.

"Really... The matter of women entering into conflict over your affections, was exactly what I
have been worrying about. As expected, it is imperative for me to stay by your side as your
premier knight and assist you."
Liliana warned Godou with the same kind of tone as a wife would reproach an unfaithful
"So, I have a great idea to solve this dispute here. Would you all like to listen?"
"Yes, please tell me, thanks."
Godou nodded.
Perhaps the witch Liliana could have some other method to apply magic to a Campione
without needing mouth to mouth contact. Godou was filled with anticipation.
"I believe in situations like this, I should be the one kissing you to apply the healing magic. If
you do not wish to see your lovers engaging in a quarrel over such a task, then let me do it as
your premier knight. This is the one and only, and at the same time, best solution."
"That totally doesn't solve anything!"
Godou resolutely refused the loyal and capable, but frequently unpredictable knight.

Part 2
In the end, Godou went directly to dinner without accepting anyone's healing.
Godou decided to just endure it, since he should be fine after a good night's rest as usual.
The night's dishes included typical outdoor campsite cooking such as curry rice and
barbecued meat. There was also fish that Erica brought back which were made into salt
roasted salmon and rainbow trout. Along with boiled mountain vegetables, the assortment of
dishes was quite a varied offering. They decided to have dinner outside instead of inside the
wooden cabin.
Though they did not pick this place for the fun of eating outdoors, it turned out to be a way to
increase the enjoyment of the meal.
Despite the delicious cooking, Godou's spirits remained low.
All would be well if he could handle things alone and put in all his effort. However, in a battle
against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, there was the problem of whom he
should kiss to obtain the knowledge required for the godslaying [Sword].
Previous incidents were all sudden emergencies that left him no choice but to take the lips of
young girls by force.

This time was different. In the near future, a battle with the Great Sage was imminent, and
preparations had to be made in advance. Should he ask Erica, Yuri or Liliana? What words
could he say to allow them to act without being forced...?
Perhaps infected by Godou's melancholy, the dinner atmosphere was very quiet.
"Everyone should be full now, so let's begin discussing the real issue?"
At such a time, the only one capable of actively changing the mood was Erica.
"Victory could likely be very simple against the Great Sage... I believe so. What does
everyone think?"
"Is it because of the fact that he suddenly stopped when he could have given me a finishing
Realizing what Erica was getting at, Godou offered his input.
"Yes, for the Great Sage, it was a rare opportunity to kill a Campione without breaking a
sweat. But he suddenly gave up."
"It was definitely unnatural. He had no reason to show mercy at that time."
Recalling her memories from a few hours ago, Liliana could not help frowning.
"The first possibility that comes to mind, is that he is having trouble with his body. It bears
mentioning that the Great Sage chose to steal Hikari's body in order to neutralize the [Keeper
of the Horses]'s binding spell."
The one who presented her opinion was Mariya Yuri, the older sister of the possessed Hikari.
"In this case, Hikari's spirit powers have limits. Since she does not have the ability to
completely dispel the great wizardry that seals the deity, her power is steadily consumed to
maintain the effect. Once her body becomes too tired and unable to use disaster purification,
would the Great Sage not be affected by the [Keeper of the Horses] once again?"
"That's right, which is why he avoided a battle with Godou. I don't think this speculation is
over optimistic. It is a sound theory."
Erica spoke to sum up Yuri's speculation.
"But no matter how the situation develops, if Godou wants to defeat the Great Sage, the
[Sword]'s spell words will be essential. Here lies the problem. Liliana and I are both unclear
on the details of the divinity of the Great Sage as a Chinese deity. How about you, Yuri?"
"I too, only know the basics and none of the details..."
"If that's the case, then Mariya Yuri's spirit vision is our only hope to discern the true nature
of that war god?"

Liliana pondered deeply with a troubled expression.

It was said that whether spirit vision succeeds in receiving divine insight was entirely up to
fate. However, Yuri did possess outstanding spirit vision powers, and had great success rates
in seeing through the true nature of gods. On the other hand, there was no guarantee in the
timing of visions, which could be five minutes or even five years later.
"In all instances so far when I was able to discern a deity's true nature, it was always in the
presence of a god or a Campione. Like the battles with Marquis Voban or Her Eminence Luo
Hao, so this time I should be able to..."
Yuri spoke quietly with great resolution.
She usually did not employ her spirit vision with such fervor and initiative, but this time was
different. Obviously it was because she was trying hard to save her sister. Godou also felt that
he had to help her with all his strength.
However, Godou was still agonizing about the required ritual to receive knowledge about the
Great Sage's divinity.
"By the way... Why can a monkey become [Steel]?"
In order to steer his thoughts away from the magical union, Godou raised the question that
had occupied his mind since the day time.
...With an inevitable confrontation against a deity, he no longer had the luxury of indulging
his little wish of avoiding learning trivia about gods. Troublesome things sure had no end to
"Well... In Europe when wild beasts with the deepest connections to [Steel] are mentioned,
dragons and snakes inevitably come up."
Liliana answered thoughtfully, and Erica nodded and agreed.
"That's right, it was quite clear from the case of Perseus. A hero of [Steel] is a warrior god
who subdues a dragon or a snake, taking its power. But there shouldn't be any examples
related to monkeys."
"Precisely because he subdued dragons and snakes, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven became
the monkey god."
The one who spoke was the Japanese Hime-Miko Yuri.
"During the daytime at Toushouguu's divine stable, it was already mentioned that Japan and
China had ancient legends about monkeys keeping watch over horses. Dragons and horses are
actually extremely related existences, as evidenced by the ancient practice of calling
exceptional stallions 'Dragon Horses.' Hence there is a saying that 'the heavenly horse and the
divine dragon are one of a kind. Now that the horse has come today, a dragon's visit is

In other words, there was the possibility that dragons and horses were interchangeable. Liliana
"Though in different forms, dragons existed in both the east and the west. Do you all know
why? It is because this sacred beast originated in Central Asia and the original prototypes
were virtually the same in appearance. The European dragon's prototype is the ancient
Sumerian dragon; that one is a classic. If we trace back the origins of the Chinese dragon, its
appearance should also resemble the Sumerian dragon."
"Could it be... similar to a horse?"
"Yes, back in ancient times, the dragon's appearance was once described as 'a horse with
horns.' As time went on, its image assimilated the [Snake], a symbol of mother earth deities,
thus obtaining the scaly and slender body along with the shortened limbs. In the west, the
dragon further received wings while its limbs became extremely short in the east, resulting in
the current appearances."
Dragons and snakes were originally unrelated species. Perhaps it was their shared fate of
being vanquished by heroes of [Steel] that caused them to somehow evolve into close
relatives. Thus Liliana concluded.
"Speaking of the Great Sage, Journey to the West bears mentioning... You all might think that
he is just a character that appears in the story, but in reality, he was a deity with a long history
that is an amalgamation of all sorts of faiths and heritages. The legend of his journey
accompanying the monk Sanzang[29] to bring back Buddhist scriptures, had spread to Japan at
a very early age, and can even be found in Noh[30] plays."
Godou was very surprised by the things Yuri mentioned.
"Noh plays? You mean the likes of Kanami[31] and Zeami[32]?"
"Correct. The plays Great Praj[33] and Sanzou the Monk are thought to have existed during
Zeami's time."
Just as Godou began to feel that Sun Wukong was very troublesome, Erica also began to
"Anyway, let's end the optimistic speculation here. It's time we discuss the pessimistic
scenario? Regarding Hikari who has been possessed by the Great Sage."
"You mean the case where she cannot be saved?"
The meaning exactly described by the label of "pessimistic." This was the question
Sayanomiya Kaoru hinted at earlier.
Hikari's physical body was under complete control of the Great Sage. Could she be rescued by
defeating that monkey god? Was this solution actually feasible...

"Yes. Admittedly, she is adorable, and I really look forward to her future possibilities.
Personally I would want to rescue her no matter what, but the History Compilation Committee
doesn't think so, right?"
"Yes, Sayanomiya-san did mention that in the worst case scenario, I can choose to abandon
that child."
"That's right, I would have made the same decision if I were a core leader in the Committee. If
Godou insists on rescuing Mariya Hikari, he cannot fight the Great Sage seriously, and this
has severe consequences. Put it another way, if sacrificing just one girl allowed the defeat of a
[Heretic God], it is actually a very cheap price to pay."
Erica's expression was very solemn. She likely brought up this issue to make sure priorities
were straight even in the direst of situations. At the same time, she wanted to confirm the
preparedness of Godou's determination.
Liliana frowned while Yuri listened with a worried expression. Erica's wording was an
argument that Liliana could not possibly accept as a noble knight. For Mariya Yuri, it was like
saying abandoning her younger sister was the best course of action.
As Godou entered into deep thought, Erica relaxed her shoulders and smiled.
"Relax, everyone. That was just the worst case scenario. We haven't even begun the battle
against Great Sage, so worrying at this point is meaningless. Let's all rest for today. Our first
priority is to save enough energy for the fight tomorrow."

Part 3
The area of Lake Chuuzenji was located across the Iroha-zaka route.
The mountain of Nantaisan was on the north shore, and had an altitude of 2486m above sea
Legends had it that the first person to reach the summit was Great Monk Shoudou, the
founder of Nikkou. During the second year of the Tenou period, i.e. the year 782 CE, Great
Monk Shoudou failed his second consecutive attempt to reach the summit. On the third time,
he resolved himself, declaring that "I will not enter enlightenment unless I reach the summit,"
and finally fulfilled his wish.
This place was actually a volcano. Due to the high concentration of iron, the soil and rocks in
the area had a reddish brown color. The Nikkou mountain range was both a volcano and a
treasure trove of minerals, as well as a famous volcanic zone in Japan.
For a war god of [Steel], volcanoes and minerals were like the hot water used to bathe and
cleanse a newborn child.
"For the purpose of increasing my power, there is no better place than this..."
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong muttered to himself on the mountaintop.

The body and the voice belonged to Mariya Hikari, but the personality and divine power were
that of the heretical monkey god's. He sat on a reddish brown rock, muttering to himself.
Embedded in a giant rock at this high altitude, was a rusted divine sword.
The portion of the sword sticking out of the rock was around 3m in length, and was
reminiscent of the sword in the stone from the story of King Arthur.
"Lil' Bro, you're finally here. But you should have appeared a while ago, what took you this
long? What happened?"
The Great Sage asked with incredulity.
His eyes focused their gaze upon the strange person walking up the mountain path before him.
The newcomer had pitch black skin, stiff spiky hair as bright red as a burning flame, sharply
shaped eyes, a wide gaping mouth, a necklace of nine small skulls strung together hanging
around his neck, and he was wearing a simple and modest monk's habit.
His name was Vaisravana[34], the deity whom Amakasu Touma last identified as the "General
of the Deep Sands."
"Big Bro, apologies for my lateness."
In spite of his vicious appearance like an evil spirit's, Vaisravana spoke very calmly, though
his voice carried a sense of melancholy, like a person who suffered so much torment that he
wanted to commit suicide.
"I met Middle Bro along the way and came together with him."
"Oh? That guy also appeared."
"Yes. The two of us walked a long way, but just as we approached this place, Middle Bro
suddenly said: 'Lil' Bro, it has been a long time since we returned to the mortal realm. It'd be
nice to take a break here.' I told him 'Isn't that a bad idea?' But Middle Bro replied: 'Stupid!
The precepts of Buddhism may emphasize the Three Treasures[35] of Buddha, Dharma and
Sangha, but the world is much bigger than that. Booze, gambling, and women boobs, butts,
and lovely legs. In the mortal realm, these Three Treasures are waiting for us instead.' That
was what he said."
Vaisravana recounted gloomily, but he took on a cheerful voice whenever he quoted the
Middle Brother's lines. In contrast to his usual deathly gloomy demeanor, he apparently
possessed a side highly talented in acting as well.
Hearing these words, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong whispered softly in
"Is that so? How ridiculous, his Three Treasures! So you guys are delayed for so long because
you were seeking those frivolous Three Treasures?"

"Yes, Big Bro. That is why I left him half way and hurried over instead."
"Come on! Just like before, he is completely failing to consider the situation. Out with you,
god of the mountain, transmit my voice to my silly little brother!"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven performed a mudra with one hand and summoned a tree
spirit. It was an extremely fragile divinity that could not take physical form in the mortal
realm, and only possessed a spirit body with neither shape nor color, and no outstanding
However, it was able to seek out targeted deities, and transmit voices across distances like the
echoes of a Yama-biko.[36]
The results appeared a while after the instructions were given.
"Big Bro, Big Bro! You're so mean!"
The third divine spirit finally arrived, flying on a black cloud.
Despite his chubby appearance and plump build, extraordinary muscles were hidden beneath
the layer of fat. Furthermore, this person had a [Pig]'s face.
The face with a long snout was densely covered by short black fur.
He had round and shiny eyes, short and triangular ears that stood up stiffly, and two short but
sharp tusks that protruded out on both sides of his snout.
"It's been so long since I last came to the mortal realm, and just as I happened to find a lively
village, and was going to enjoy myself, Big Bro summons me over that's so mean!"
The one who kept complaining was the black pig spirit, Zhu Ganglie.[37]
"Enough, you talk too much! You were never able to cease your obsession with the pleasures
of the mundane world..."
"This is so wrong. Without good wine, good food, women and wealth, life in this world would
be meaningless. Big Bro, you really must change your monkey-like but totally unfun lifestyle.
Let the smell of cosmetics hang all over you... By the way, Big Bro..."
"What is it, Middle Bro?"
"I just wanted to say that Big Bro's appearance is really cute this time... A face like white jade,
it's so pretty. Kukuku, those lips are just like cherries. This tiny little body fascinates me oh so
very much..."
Zhu Ganglie jumped down to the surface from the black cloud.
Standing on the reddish brown rock, he kept staring at Mariya Hikari's face nonstop. And so,
the Great Sage kicked a little stone by his feet.

"Hah "
The little stone flew into the air and smashed into Zhu Ganglie's forehead.
"Ouch! Big Bro, why are you so mean!"
"Nothing much, I just wanted to remind you that staring at this body with eyes of lust could
be dangerous. Don't be too concerned."
"I am very concerned!"
"By the way, Big Bro only possessed this little girl in order to release the binding spell of the
[Keeper of the Horses]... But you don't look too well."
Vaisravana spoke in a gloomy tone, and the Great Sage nodded in agreement.
"Yes, the [Keeper of the Horses] took away my divine power and mettle of the Handsome
Monkey King, turning me into a harmless monkey. I originally thought that I could dispel the
binding spell by possessing this miko's body... But the fellow's power suffers from frequent
"What do you mean by interruptions?"
"The reason why I can maintain the consciousness of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, is
because of this Hime-Miko's disaster purification. But no matter what, this little girl is just a
human. Using spirit techniques consumes stamina, making rest necessary and I cannot move
freely whenever the miko's body is resting. It is already quite fortunate for me to be able to
summon forth you two helpers."
If this challenge was not overcome soon enough, it would become a fatal weakness.
Thus the Great Sage chanted the dharani, and summoned two gods as allies.
These two were the junior disciples who shared the same master with Sun Wukong. Through
the effects of the Great Sage's powerful spell, Zhu Wuneng[38] and Sha Wujing[39] these
two gods had heavenly origins and were summoned as [Heretic Gods] with the identities Zhu
Ganglie and Vaisravana.
As a side note, their Buddhist names bearing the common character of "Wu"[40] were only
bestowed after they were subdued and became the disciples of Monk Sanzang, hence the
difference in names.
Zhu Ganglie and Vaisravana were their original names before being subdued.
"Lend me your divine powers, so that I can break through the [Keeper of the Horses]. Simply
weakening the binding spell is not enough. I must utterly destroy the main culprit that
prevents the recovery of my freedom."
"I see, that's right."

"Yes, acknowledged."
Hearing the orders of their Big Bro, Zhu Ganglie smiled proudly while Vaisravana nodded.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven walked next to the divine sword embedded vertically in the
"Qian is strength; Kun, of docility; Zhen, of stimulus to movement; Xun, of penetration; Kan,
of what is precipitous and perilous; Li, of what is bright and what is catching; Zhen, of
stoppage or arrest; and Dui, of pleasure and satisfaction."[41]
The Great Sage grabbed the blade of the divine sword with his hands and began to chant the
spell words.
The divine sword, which resembled a rusted stick of iron, instantly disappeared and was
absorbed by the Great Sage who had possessed the body of Hikari Mariya.
Using this opportunity, the spiritual and divine energies buried in Nantaisan were drawn out
and concentrated into the monkey king warlord of steel.
"O Wisdom of steel originating from the Far West, and divine might of iron! Using the
pedigree of this divine sword as the foundation, I, Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong
enacts the spell to lift curses!"
Absorbing the immense divine powers of Nantaisan and the divine sword, the Great Sage
bellowed loudly.
Flames appeared from behind his back. Like the intense burning fires at an iron forge, the
pillars of flame gave off great heat.
"Namah samanta vajranam canda maharosana sphotaya hum trat ham mam namah samanta
vajranam canda maharosana sphotaya hum trat ham."[42]
As the Great Sage recited the spell words, Zhu Ganglie and Vaisravana joined in as well.
"Namah samanta vajranam, namah samanta vajranam."
"Om vaisravanaye svaha. Om vaisravanaye svaha. Om vaisravanaye svaha."[43]
Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing the three divine spirits chanted spell words with their
hearts united as one.
They were chaotic divinities that originated from the Daoist realm but also became adherents
of Buddhism. These are the complicated origins of the many different spell words they
currently chanted.
The chanting continued for several hours, and the sun began to rise over the eastern horizon.
Paying respect to the rising sun, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven combined the volcano's
spiritual energy with the divine might of the sword, with assistance from the divine power of

his two juniors. Finally, he succeeded in the [Sword]'s forging, and the flaming divine sword
manifested in his right hand majestically.
This was the Kulikaa Sword[44], the sword of wisdom that severs the Three Poisons of
Ignorance, Attachment and Aversion.[45]
Superficially similar to Verethragna's [Sword] that Kusanagi Godou used, it was
fundamentally different. The Kulikaa Sword currently embedded in the giant rock was a
symbol of Acala and a divine sword that vanquished evil and lifted curses.
"Big Bro, you sure made something rare here."
"This is a sword of [Steel] that hails from foreign lands just like me. I borrowed it from the
monk that has intimate ties with this piece of land."
The Great Sage answered Zhu Ganglie's query briefly. The worship of Acala[46] was brought
to Japan from China by Grand Master Kuukai.[47] It is said that he was the one who came up
with the name of Nikkou for this place, and also the one who left behind the Futarasan Stone
Tablet in the biography of the pioneering Great Monk Shoudou.
"Exorcising sword of justice that vanquishes all disasters infinitely incomparable to a
human miko's disaster purification, sever the spell of the [Keeper of the Horses], and return to
me my freedom!"
As the Great Sage raised Kulikaa Sword high towards the eastern sky, flames burst out from
the blade and shot out.
The flames produced by the sword of wisdom were the weapons to lift the binding spell of the
[Keeper of the Horses].
"But Big Bro, is this really OK?"
"Lil' Bro, what's the problem? I am just about to make a cool decisive pose, be quick with it."
Vaisravana spoke gloomily to the Great Sage who responded as he manipulated the flames.
"Very well, I will be frank. The great wizardry spell has been deeply rooted in these lands for
the past three hundred years. Furthermore, it was put into place not only by ordinary mortals
but also with participation from the gods and wizards living in the Netherworld. If you
suddenly dispel it, wouldn't the results be rather unpredictable?"
"You love worrying too much, my Lil' Bro. How could something like that be possible "
The words had scarcely left his mouth when the Great Sage Mariya Hikari's adorable face
became enshrouded by a layer of worry.
"In other words, such a possibility does exist?"
"Don't talk like it's for certain! We are gods, even if the sky falls down, we'll just prop it back

"Ah, Big Bro, please take a look. There seems to be something over there."
Zhu Ganglie pointed to the east. The peaks of the Nikkou mountain range were shrouded by
morning mist. Down below, Lake Chuuzenji and the streets of the humans were illuminated
by the hues of dawn.
"Oh, he came here just to suppress me!"
From between the clouds of dawn, a spirit appeared in the form of a handsome youth and
descended with splendor.
Wearing the traditional armor of ancient Chinese generals, he wielded a three-pronged spear.
In addition to a pair of elegant and slender eyes, he also possessed a third [Eye] on his
The handsome three-eyed divine general was the visible manifestation of the [Keeper of the
Horses] binding spell.
"Haha, how thoughtful of them to reproduce the divine appearance of the True Lord Erlang[48]
to such a degree."
"Big Bro, please hold back for now. The two of us will protect you here."
Zhu Ganglie and Vaisravana did as they spoke and stood in front of the Great Sage.
In the past when the Great Sage came out to the surface world, he had always been taken back
to Saitenguu by this spirit. Would the past be repeated again? This time he had the protection
of his two sworn brothers.
Facing the [Keeper of the Horses] spirit brandishing the three-pronged spear, Zhu Ganglie
wielded his Nine-Toothed Rake while Vaisravana attacked head on with a treasure staff that
had a core of steel.
As his sworn brothers guarded him, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven vigorously waved the
Kulikaa Sword and threw it towards the eastern sky with a sound like slicing wind.
Like a falling meteor, the flaming sword flew across the sky. Soon after, it fell and landed,
embedding its blade into the surface of the ground, ripping apart the [Keeper of the Horses]
wizardry cast on the lands of Nikkou. The manifested spirit immediately vanished without a
With the disappearance of the three-eyed divine general, the Great Sage immediately yelled:
"Excellent, the interloper has vanished! From now on, we three brothers will work together
and build our kingdom of paradise on this vast land! First, let's gather my people and bestow
upon them the blessing of immortality just like what I did in the past at the Water Curtain
Cave in the Mountain of Fruit and Flowers!"
"Hmm, I want boobs, butts and thighs. A place without women cannot be called a kingdom of

"Ah... I don't really have any particular desires, but I will give my all to assist you."
With the collapse of the great wizardry spell, the imposing presence of the three divine spirits
greatly increased.
"By the way, Big Bro, now that the [Keeper of the Horses]'s cursed bonds have been broken,
you don't have to stay in that miko any more, right? Are you going to leave her body?"
"That's right, I should recover my original form Hmm, why can't I change back?"
Hearing the Little Brother's suggestion, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven shook his body.
However, there was no effect and the Great Sage was unable to leave Mariya Hikari's body.
"Looks like you've accustomed yourself to this miko's body more than expected."
"Well, I guess there's no real problem to stay like this for now."
The sworn younger brothers commented casually. Like the Great Sage, they were all very
spontaneous in character and lacking in long term planning.
"Yes, in time it'd probably peel off like a scab."
As the Great Sage replied frivolously, an unexpected change occurred.
Vaisravana and Zhu Ganglie's movements suddenly stopped and the two of them petrified and
turned into stone. Faced with two stone statues of divine spirits, the Great Sage became a bit
"The manifestation spell lost effect? Looks like not everything can go smoothly after all."
No matter, when necessary he will simply cast the spell again.
Shrugging his shoulders, the Great Sage chanted a mantra and shrunk the stone statues of his
brothers to the size of little fingers and placed them in his pocket.
"Great, the preparations are now complete. Now for some fun!"
From the mountain top of Nantaisan, the view overlooking the lands below was superb, just as
recorded on Kuukai's Futarasan Stone Tablet.
'Looking down there was a great lake. Not very wide in the east-west direction / But
stretching far along north-south. Silver snow covered the land / Golden flowers bloomed in
the trees. The lake surface was a generous mirror / Reflecting all scenery and colors. The
mountain and the lakes complemented each other / The view was breath-taking.'
The great lake mentioned was Lake Chuuzenji, but since winter had yet to arrive, the silverwhite snow covering the scenery was not present.

As the Great Sage used Hikari's eyes to survey the majestic scenery, he released divine power,
spreading the dominating power of transformation from the surroundings of Nantaisan.
On the nearby volcanic rocks, monkeys were continuously being created.
Like the divine messengers released in the Netherworld stable yesterday, these monkeys'
bodies were covered with golden fur that approached a shade of reddish brown with a metallic
The number of these sacred monkeys born from rocks reached several hundred.
"My underlings, come here and serve Old Sun well! Gather your talents and offer them to me!
Look up high and witness the Great Sage's might which once threatened the heavenly
With one order from the Great Sage, the little monkeys squeezed close together and began
colliding with one another. Their bodies merged into giant bodies that grew larger and larger.
When a hundred small monkeys came together, they became a single giant monkey about tenodd meters in height.
The appearance was the same as the giant ape divine beasts that descended at the Nikkou
A total of six giant monkeys were born, with arms longer than legs, and their bodies built like
"Yes, go forth! If any enemies try to invade my territory, you guys will be the vanguard for
intercepting them!"
The six giant monkeys descended down the mountain with great speed and agility in spite of
their massive bodies.
Having completed this, the Great Sage casually lied down on the ground. He was tired out
from the various tasks and now needed to rest and recover his energy.
...While all this was unfolding, trivial things were happening behind the Great Sage's back
without him noticing.
A certain youth had hidden himself in the middle of the mountain a couple hundred meters
from the top, and had been observing the events at the peak.
As a rare martial arts genius, he saw everything clearly despite the great distance.
Unnoticed from beginning to end, he quietly began to descend from the mountain.
Of course, this youth was Lu Yinghua.

Part 4

That night, Kusanagi Godou had difficulty sleeping.

He needed adequate rest in order to prepare for battle, but how did it end up like this? The
reason was the scene that happened just before bed time.
After deciding everyone's rooms in the cabin, Erica followed Godou into the same room.
"H-How much longer are you going to follow me for? I'm about to go to bed!"
"It's been so long since the last time we shared the night under one roof. Of course I have to
make the most of this opportunity. Don't you think it'd be nice for us to share a bed tonight?"
Erica responded to Godou's questioning with a pure and innocent smile. Just as Godou was
about to drive her out of his room, even Liliana and Yuri entered. After understanding the
situation, the silver-haired knight made the following suggestion.
"Erica sure is a pain, Kusanagi Godou. I suspect such a noisy presence will prevent you from
resting properly. Thus I too, shall sleep in this room, and guard you while you rest!"
"E-Everyone please be mindful of the situation! For young men and women to sleep in the
same room, how improper!"
Yuri yelled with her face all red.
Godou was about to agree with her completely, but Yuri's next words silenced him.
"I shall sleep here too, in order to prevent you all from doing anything indecent!"
Thus the beautiful Hime-Miko also made her declaration. In this room which only had a
single bed, three sets of futons were brought over.
"Mariya, how could you say something like that too?"
"I-It cannot be helped... If you all stay in the same room, who knows what could happen, s-so
I must come along."
Godou questioned the girl who was supposed to be the most normal, but ended up getting
such an answer.
Thus the sleepless night began. With four people packed in this tiny room, it would not be
exaggerating to use the term 'overpopulated.' Although Godou was the only person lying on
the only bed, he was unable to close his eyes.
No matter how hard he tried, he could not stop noticing the other three people in the room.
Before sleeping, the three of them had changed in their own respective rooms. Liliana and
Yuri were wearing common pajamas which looked like they were brought from home, but it
was still a look that Godou never had a chance to witness under normal conditions. On the
other hand, Godou found it incredible that he found himself unable to look at them straight

despite the simple thin fabric without fancy decoration. Besides, there was the problem of
As usual, she went to sleep under the covers in just her underwear.
A Campione's vision allowed him to see clearly even in the dark. With just a simple glance,
he could see portions of Erica's bare skin as white as snow where they stuck out from under
the blanket, as well as her blonde hair that had been messed up by sleep. Godou frantically
pulled up his cotton blanket and tried his hardest to close his eyes and sleep.
The breathing noises of the girls and their occasional dream talk troubled Godou immensely.
Despite his excited state of mind, Godou's exhausted body still needed sleep. As his
consciousness began to fade, he was able to doze lightly for about two or three hours worth of
When he regained his senses again, it was early in the morning, and the rosy rays of dawn
came in from the window.
"W-What is going on? My body..."
On the bed, Godou was greatly taken aback.
His entire body ached exceptionally, and all major and minor joints throbbed with pain. There
was also a sense of nausea. It was the first time he ever felt pain like this.
"Perhaps... it's the injuries from the beating yesterday!?"
Come to think of it, every time his body was struck by Luo Hao, he felt like his body was
accumulating serious internal injuries. Now it was evident it was not simply his imagination.
Once again, Godou was reminded of Luo Hao's terrifying existence.
"Mariya... Where did she go?"
Preparing to go back to sleep, Godou discovered that Yuri was no longer in the room.
Erica and Liliana were sound asleep but only the Hime-Miko was absent. Her pajamas were
neatly folded and placed on the blanket she had been using.
If she had gone for an early morning walk, the current time would be a little too early...
Deciding it was a bit strange, Godou quietly slipped out of the room.
Leaving the wooden cabin, he took a deep breath of the fresh morning air. With the rising sun
revealing itself from the backbone of the mountain range, it was an excellent view of dawn.
However, this meant that the battle against the Great Sage was drawing ever closer.
In spite of that, Kusanagi Godou was still full of hesitation.

"In the end I still can't be decisive... What a failure of a king."

As he muttered to himself, Godou felt a person's presence.
The Hime-Miko dressed in white garments and a red hakama was approaching him.
"You have woken up King."
"Where did you go? Mariya..."
Godou was in the middle of his question when he noticed something wasn't quite right with
There was a lost expression on her face, and her eyes were out of focus, furthermore, her eyes
were now the color of glass!
"Let me offer an answer to the King's worries. The sword of wisdom in your arm can be of
use in this battle. Its power not only slays gods but also severs a god's spiritual might, which
is why it is called the sword of exorcism. Even the monkey king's spell that imprisons the
young little miko can be severed."
Yuri's glass-colored pupils wavered in a bizarre manner.
In the past battle against Marquis Voban, Yuri also received divine guidance through spirit
However, her current eye color was exactly the same as the glass princess in the Netherworld.
Come to think of it, she also mentioned once that the Hime-Miko were distant descendants
with the same bloodline as hers.
"Please do not forget, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's martial prowess is beyond equal.
Whether your sharp blade can strike the Great Sage or not, is up to your courage and
determination. It will be a dire and desperate battle. Oh my? Did I just say something?"
Yuri's eyes returned to normal with their usual black pupils. She was back.
"You just told me... an answer to a question that had been troubling me."
Godou exclaimed as he answered.
Compared to Erica and Liliana, Yuri was not a very conspicuous person but she held amazing
She was often able to give clear directions during times when they were stuck, and sometimes
it even led to strategies that solved the root of problems.
"Really? If that is the case, then getting up early to meditate was not wasted for me."
"Eh? Why did you do such a thing?"

"Since yesterday, I have noticed Godou-san worrying over many things... I was wondering if I
could give you some advice, so I came out here to clear my thoughts, and was hoping it would
be great if I could receive divine guidance."
Smiling gently beneath the rosy clouds of dawn, there was nothing more beautiful than Yuri
at this time.
Spirit vision was a spell that only had a tiny chance of obtaining divine inspiration. To hope
for divine guidance to descend actively in response was very wishful thinking. That was what
Yuri explained in the past, so it was quite unbelievable to see her being so proactive now.
Godou felt very grateful to her, and he became strongly determined. This girl's younger sister,
Hikari who has grown closer to him as well, will definitely be saved by his hand!
As Godou endured the impulse rising from deep within him, Yuri suddenly whispered softly.
"Actually I had been worrying since last night, whether I should mention this matter to
"What is this matter?"
"Yes, even though Hikari is an apprentice, she is also one of Musashino's Hime-Miko just like
me. When a [Heretic God] brings disaster to the world, we must protect the people from being
harmed by the gods, and put our lives on the line. Therefore, if Hikari was completely
possessed, I must give up the notion of saving her."
Sorrowfully averting her gaze, Yuri continued softly:
"In truth, I know very well that I should not say such things but still, no matter what, I
hope Godou-san can listen to my opinion..."
Yuri was not being very forthcoming and meandered without getting into the main topic.
But her current attitude made her intentions even clearer. For Yuri who was serious, honest
and intelligent, she was hesitating because she knew very well how irresponsible her request
It's enough, I already understand. Godou wanted to make this girl more relaxed.
"Mariya... I will definitely save Hikari. No matter what Sayanomiya Kaoru and the members
of the Committee say, my top priority is to take back Mariya Hikari from that monkey
bastard. This is already decided. I will worry about the involvement of Nikkou City and the
local residents some other time."
Somehow, Godou felt a burden lifted from his heart once he openly declared his decision.
Perhaps he was making an important conclusion right now. That was what he suspected.
"G-Godou-san... Thank you... I..."

Yuri lowered her head as tears streamed down.

I beg you, and hope you can save my younger sister. This was the expression of her gratitude
to Godou for accepting her request conveyed without words.
"You don't have to thank me, you know. I haven't even fought the Great Sage yet. Perhaps
when pressured by him and backed into a corner, I might forget everything I just said, and
defeat the monkey along with Hikari, eh?"
"No you will not. Godou-san will definitely not do something like that. I know very well."
Yuri spoke quietly but firmly.
Those were the words full of confidence, spoken by the Hime-Miko whose spirit vision saw
through everything.
"Is it because of spirit vision?"
"Possibly. I am not too certain of the reason myself, but I know Godou-san definitely will not
abandon Hikari a girl who has gotten close to you. Even if this is the result of spirit vision,
I would say it only contributes half to my certainty."
Half? Godou felt intrigued by this strange indirect way of describing things. What did she
actually mean?
"The other half is my trust in Godou-san. Not as a Hime-Miko but as Mariya Yuri begging
you to save my sister."
Bowing her head with propriety to make her request, Yuri spoke resolutely.
"Since this is a rare opportunity, let me clarify at this time. No matter how the current incident
comes to an end, I will follow you for a lifetime, until your path as a Campione reaches its
conclusion, or the end of my life "
"Y-You mean until one of us dies?"
This exaggerated description shocked Godou as the beautiful Hime-Miko quietly nodded her
"Yes, just like the way your life has been till now, the prospects of a peaceful life will be slim.
No matter what the final ending is, I hope that you will allow me to stay by your side until the
very end. Will you agree to this request of mine?"
It was quite a sudden and unexpected request. As Godou watched in shock, Yuri showed a
faint smile as beautiful as a budding cherry blossom.
"You do not have to answer immediately, because I shall wait for you forever..."
Bowing elegantly, she returned to the wooden cabin.

It was three days ago when Annie Charlton finally received news that Asherah was alive.
Her elderly friend and collaborator, Joe West passed along the news as "a certain noble person
providing important information."
She wasn't sure where the news came from, but since her mortal enemy the witch was still
alive, plus the additional fact that the most vicious Campione had been summoned from China
and was planning something in Japan, Annie decided to book a flight immediately. Getting
things done quickly and decisively was one of her qualities.
She arrived at Narita airport around evening yesterday. Her destination was apparently a
famous tourist attraction full of exotic allure.
Afterwards, Annie called a taxi and headed to Tokyo. Her original plan was to spend the night
at a hotel for a good night's rest to relieve her body from the exhaustion of the long flight,
then head over to the scene in question.
However, once she received the emergency news from Professor West through her cellphone,
she immediately changed her plans.
A certain noble person (most likely the former spokesperson of the Witenagemot)[49] had sent
a series of reports. A [Heretic God] had been sighted in the little city of Nikkou. Hence, Annie
revised her plan to rest at a hotel, and decided to drive instead and rush to the scene,
struggling with the unfamiliar roads and adjusting to the steering wheel on the right.
Even though she was tired and jet lagged, there was no time to take things easy any more.
Annie Charlton was a woman with a great sense of justice and responsibility. After driving a
good many hours on the streets throughout the night, it was morning the next day when she
arrived at the scene.
"I remember there is an organization in Japan equivalent to the SSI[50]. It would be best to get
into contact with them to gather more intelligence. However "
Annie spoke to herself as she drove.
A few years ago, she had the chance to visit Japan and managed to gain some understanding
of the country. She needed to get hold of the details of the current situation as quickly as
possible so that she can defeat the culprit.
Come to think of it, a Campione had also been born in Japan recently.
Should she leave things for him to handle? But typical Campiones take days or even weeks to
arrive on scene to battle a [Heretic God]. If she could resolve the incident before that happens,
there should not be too much trouble.
"It would be best if this guy wakes up soon, for he seems like he can provide a lot of

Through the rear-view mirror, Annie glanced at the condition of the young man lying on the
back seat.
Not too long ago, she had discovered someone unconscious near the river of Daiyagawa.
After examining the items carried on his body, she confirmed that many of them were related
to wizardry.
He could very well be a member of Japan's SSI (which seemed to be called something like the
History Compilation Committee).
Annie Charlton did not know at the time, but this youth was Amakasu Touma and also the
missing member of the History Compilation Committee.

Chapter 3 - Kusanagi Godou Enters the Monkey King's

Part 1
Every year in October, the surroundings of Lake Chuuzenji became encircled by the redshaded mountains.
Concentrated on the lake front were eateries, shops selling souvenirs and other things, as well
as many facilities such as hotels and travel agencies. This was the hot springs resort area
called Chuuzenji Hot Springs.
These lands were now undergoing a cataclysmic change. Monkeys were appearing, and not
just one or two.
The pedestrian walkways, souvenir shops and restaurants catering to tourists were filled with
monkeys; big and small monkeys casually strolled about as a family; there was also a monkey
that apparently stole something and was being chased by a group of monkeys wielding clubs.
Monkeys were everywhere.
"They were all originally humans after all... Were they transformed into monkeys by the
Great Sage's power?"
Seishuuin Ena looked down upon the monkey kingdom and murmured to herself.
She had infiltrated the forest near Lake Chuuzenji, and was now observing the situation from
a position high up in the branches.
Traveling without using any sort of transportation like a car, Ena traversed mountains and
forests with her monkey-like agility and physical abilities. Thirty minutes ago, she had just
passed the Iroha-saku Route when she suddenly got chased by violent giant monkeys that
seemed to be divine beasts.
Through her martial arts and natural instincts, she was able to fight her way out and lose them.

"Looks like I'd better report to Kaoru first."

This sort of sensible idea was a rare moment for Ena. She took out her cellphone.
Oops, no batteries. Shrugging her shoulders, Ena put the phone away.
"Well, since it's them anyway, they wouldn't expect me to report regularly in the first place.
Putting that aside, Ena should find out more about the situation here before His Majesty's
group arrives."
Slung over her shoulder was a long slender bag made of cloth, carrying a two-foot-three-inch
Japanese tachi blade.[51]
Compared to her beloved Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, it was much shorter. But as a
normal weapon, this size was more appropriate. In many different ways, the divine blade was
a cheating existence.
Ena felt herself getting naturally excited as she looked forward to seeing that youth very soon,
the one who had taken away her former partner.

On the morning after the whole incident began, Sayanomiya Kaoru drove her car towards the
camping grounds where Godou and his group were temporarily staying. After one or two
hours she reached the petrified Nikkou Toushouguu. Under the bright sunlight overlooking
the strange sight, the areas surrounding Toushouguu, Rinnouji and Futarasan Shrine were all
under high alert.
Sealing off the area using crime scene tape, policemen dressed in smart-looking uniforms
stood on guard, preventing any unauthorized entry.
"Detailed reports are still being prepared, but due to various reasons, Toushouguu and other
places are undergoing emergency repairs... We had the area sealed first using this pretext."
The one explaining was Sayanomiya Kaoru who was there to welcome Godou's group.
"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven seems to have transformed all the tourists and local
residents here into monkeys yesterday. Checking out the nearby shops in the area, there was
not a single soul in sight. However, just the fact that people vanished en masse instead of
being massacred could be considered rather fortunate amidst this crisis."
As Sayanomiya Kaoru led the way, Godou walked beside her. Following behind them were
Yuri, Erica and Liliana.
Following the western visiting path from Futarasan Shrine, rows of souvenir shops could be
seen. They were also sealed by police, and the feeling was unusually quiet.
"By the way, I didn't think the Committee had the power to even mobilize police forces..."
Godou felt somewhat uncomfortable.

There was a group wearing imposing-looking uniforms, as well as others who looked
suspicious despite wearing suits, all running about very busily.
"Of course. Dating back to the Meiji period, the History Compilation Committee has
maintained intimate ties with the Japanese Self-Defense Force and the police, as well as
various bureaucracies such as the current Association of Shinto Shrines, the MEXT[52], the
MLIT[53] and the Ministry of the Environment. Speaking of stories dating back to the
honeymoon period of our predecessors, the Manchurian railway and the Imperial Japanese
Army, one could probably write a great historical treatise. It certainly would be a very
interesting research project."
Kaoru cheerfully conversed about these topics of interest.
"Amakasu-san also counts as a civil servant, but he operates under an official identity as
someone who does phony shrine duties at various shrines, a person with all sorts of suspicious
past experiences."
"By the way, Kaoru-san, has there been any news of Amakasu-san?"
Hearing the familiar name, Yuri entered the conversation.
Godou also waited for Kaoru's answer. From the news last night, Amakasu was currently
"Sorry, Yuri, we haven't mentioned it to you all yet, but he was already saved by someone this
morning. It's a very interesting development, I'll explain to you all later."
For some reason, Kaoru made a wry smile faintly.
For the purpose of a private discussion, Godou separated from Erica and the others, and with
Kaoru, the two of them walked towards Futarasan Shrine.
It was a world entirely turned into stone.
Whether the wooden buildings, the lush cedar forest, the soil, the springs, everything had
transformed completely into stone.
"Amakasu-san's report mentioned, that Cult Leader Luo Hao was apparently sealed within
these rocks... So she was buried alive? Who knows if she will be fine."
Kaoru lightly kicked the solid rock surface of the ground with the tip of her foot as she
murmured quietly.
"Hahahahaha! Being buried alive for merely half a day, how could that possibly kill Master!
For someone like her, this kind of method would take three years to work!"
The one laughing out loud was Lu Yinghua who jumped down from a petrified cedar tree.
Holding his left fist in his right hand, he bowed his head and saluted to Godou using the
martial arts way.

"Lu Yinghua apologizes for his lateness. Kusanagi Godou-sama, the revered king worshiped
by the masses, may your longevity rival the heavens, and your might bring peace and order to
this world!"
Godou felt shocked and flattered by his fluent and elegant greeting.
"Lu-kun... Please use a more normal choice of words."
"Sorry, due to Master's teaching, I have a habit of greeting all Campiones in a solemn manner.
If I ever displease that person, I risk ending up on the verge of death."
Revealing the painful memories of his everyday life, Lu Yinghua continued:
"Then I will obediently speak without reservation. By the way, Kusanagi-sama, please call me
directly by name. Or if you prefer, do as Master and use a nickname. I don't mind."
"OK, then I'll call you Yinghua."
Perhaps because Lu Yinghua was male and younger than him, Godou found it easy to accept
his suggestion.
Once again, Godou was reminded of the fact that getting along with men was much easier.
"Sayanomiya-san, this is Cult Leader Luo Hao's disciple."
"I know, you're the famed young hero Lu. Though this is our first meeting, you are quite
famous in our circles. I believe people on your side have also heard of me."
As introductions were made, Kaoru signaled with her eyes.
"Kusanagi-san and I... were planning on having a conference of leaders between the two of
us. However... I can allow Mr. Lu to join in as the Chinese representative. Let me first explain
the situation. The Great Sage is currently moving from Nikkou City Street to Okunikkou."
Kaoru took out a map of Nikkou from her shirt pocket.
"This area from Lake Chuuzenji to Okuyumoto is called Okunikkou. Currently, any ordinary
person who steps into this territory will immediately transform into a monkey."
The beautiful Committee leader traced her finger along the map as she explained to the other
"The routes going into Okunikkou by car are the First and Second Iroha-saku Routes, the
Konsei Mountain Pass on the border of Gunma Prefecture, as well as the Nishizawa side. I
have already sealed off the region with mobile teams."
"When we go there, will they let us pass?"

"Of course, but no matter which route you pick, please be careful of the giant apes our spies
have encountered... Come to think of it, Mr. Lu, you should have been chased all night by a
divine beast yesterday, right?"
"Actually that big monkey gave up on pursuing me after a while, so I followed it instead."
Lu Yinghua smiled with satisfaction.
His outstanding qinggong[54] and superhuman mobility allowed him to perform tracking
missions of this sort.
"Despite their immense size, they move quite nimbly, giving me a bit of a hard time last night.
But thanks to penetrating deep into enemy territory, I was able to witness something
extraordinary on my way back. This morning around daybreak, there were some unusual
presences gathering on the sacred mountain on Okunikkou, so I investigated a little."
Lu Yinghua recounted everything he witnessed on Nantaisan.
Godou learned that new enemies had appeared, and his formidable foe had removed the
binding spell.
"Even Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing have appeared... Looks like the situation has become rather
"Yinghua, how is Hikari the girl whose body was taken by the Great Sage, what is her
condition like?"
As Kaoru commented with a worried expression, Godou took the opportunity to inquire about
Since the binding spell was removed, Hikari's disaster purification shouldn't be needed any
"What's strange is the Great Sage went to sleep using her body... But from what I overheard
from a distance, it sounded like he wasn't able to leave the body of the miko."
Hearing Lu Yinghua's report, Godou felt relieved.
Since little had changed in Hikari's condition, the worst case scenario had not happened.
"Kusanagi-san... Hikari's role as a hostage has not changed. When fighting the Great Sage, I
fear that child may become a hindrance"
"Sayanomiya-san, please do not waste any more words on this matter."
Godou quickly interrupted her. He had already been warned by Erica once last night and there
was no need for him to hear it again.

"I will surely bring Hikari back from that monkey. I will definitely save her. All other matters,
like defeating the [Heretic God] or saving the poor distraught people will be considered
afterwards. There is no need to explain to me what you are trying to say."
"I see... So this is your decision?"
For some reason, Kaoru sounded greatly interested.
Her manner of speaking usually carried subtle tones, and seldom revealed her interest so
openly without pretense.
"Only I can defeat these gods who bring trouble to people, so asking me to fight is fine. I don't
mind that. However, my power is my own. I will not allow anyone to use me for their own
purposes. I will neither use my power in areas I hate, nor will I entertain any complaints about
my preferences."
Though Godou knew he was making a very unreasonable declaration, he finished his
statement in one breath. He understood that saving the world required being impartial to
private concerns, but at this time all he wanted to do was follow the answer in his mind.
"If someone thinks that abandoning a girl could save even more people, then let that person
go fight a god alone. It doesn't concern me. However, if I am the one who is fighting, then
things have to be done my way. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, if you are going to rely on
someone, then just shut up with the nagging!"
"Well said, Kusanagi-sama, you are now acting as befitting your stature as a devil king."
Praised by the demonic cult leader's direct disciple, Godou felt a little embarrassed.
His current proposal was identical to all the other Campiones who always did as they wished,
and no different from the philosophies of Cult Leader Luo Hao and Marquis Voban.
"You're really hopeless, but actually no matter what Kusanagi-san decided, I was prepared to
take full responsibility... Though things seem to have taken a most interesting turn. Anyway, I
never expected you to say something like 'It is fine to sacrifice Hikari. I will defeat the Great
Sage Equaling Heaven!' That would have been quite off-putting."
How could I possibly say something like that! Even Kaoru smiled.
"Despite how I may appear to others, I really like people who like to act cool or follow their
whimsical ideals. By the way, I like cute girls too, but as the leader of an organization, there
are times when my hand is forced. However... this time it's the orders of His Majesty the
Devil King, so I have no choice but to obey."
The Committee Branch Chief smiled mischievously.
The way she and Lu Yinghua were supporting my decision, made them look like
unscrupulous businessmen conspiring with corrupt officials, or rather, should they be
described as followers of the devil king and enemies of the world?

As a Campione, looks like I am advancing in a most questionable direction...

While Godou lowered his head in thought, Kaoru took out her cellphone. Apparently someone
was calling.
"Kusanagi-san, the missing fellow will be arriving soon. Do you want to meet him? There's
also a very interesting visitor coming with him."
After conversing for a while, Kaoru hung up the phone and asked Godou.
The missing fellow was probably Amakasu, but who was the interesting visitor? Godou tried
to guess as he followed after Kaoru.
In a most matter-of-fact manner, Lu Yinghua went along with them. The three of them came
to the main visiting road before Toushouguu.
Erica, Liliana and Yuri, the three of them were chatting with the suit-wearing youth. As
expected, he was Amakasu of course.
"Kusanagi-san, how embarrassing... But I finally got back."
Noticing Godou's arrival, Amakasu hurried to greet him.
His voice sounded drained of energy. Looking closely, his face seemed a bit sick, and his suit
was filthier than usual.
It was the first time for Godou to see him in such a weakened state.
At this time, Godou noticed the Caucasian lady standing behind him. Her short hair was a
brilliant shade of red like a burning fire. Her elegant face was highly intellectual and
extremely strong-willed, and she was wearing a leather jacket with leather pants.
A completely flawless, cool and ethereal beauty. Such was the initial impression that this
woman gave.
"T-This is Miss Annie Charlton. S-She is the one who fortuitously saved me when I was
unconscious and completely drenched. I-I owe my life to her, my savior."
Amakasu's body trembled incessantly, and he kept wiping his nose as he introduced the one
who brought him here.
The ethereal beauty greeted with impeccable Japanese.
"My name is Annie, pleased to meet you."

Part 2
Amakasu Touma and Annie Charlton.

The people standing around these two were Kusanagi Godou and Mariya Yuri, Erica
Blandelli, Liliana Kranjcar, as well as Sayanomiya Kaoru and Lu Yinghua.
A most unexpected gathering of influential people.
Amakasu continued to shiver as he recounted the circumstances of Vaisravana's appearance.
"Are you still hurt from that time? You don't look too well."

"N-No, that's not it, my injuries have already been healed by magic. However, I've caught a
severe flu from lying wet and unconscious for a good many hours, and I currently have a high
In other words, healing magic's effects against disease was much less effective than for
physical injuries.
Godou recalled the magic trivia he once heard from Erica.
"If I didn't receive Miss Annie's aid, p-perhaps I would have gotten pneumonia. Miss Annie
seems to be from Los Angeles, a-and a mage from over there."
"Let me be direct. I came to Japan to track down the divine ancestor Asherah."
Annie followed up Amakasu's explanation with a clear voice that matched her ice cold
demeanor closely.
"Could you be... a benevolent mage?"
"That is correct, I have never joined the sorcerers' faction."
The red-haired ethereal beauty nodded at Erica's question.
Benevolent mage. Godou felt intrigued by this term he had never heard before.

"Due to many historical reasons, there are not too many magi present in North America. As
for the villains who gathered there after being driven out by the righteous magic associations
in Europe, they are called 'sorcerers.' All magi who oppose them are labeled 'benevolent' in
Liliana contributed her explanation.
"I have heard that Asherah was being used by the Chinese Campione and has become
Leviathan once again. I also know about the Great Sage Equaling Heaven manifesting by
possessing a young girl's body, and that you are the team formed to resolve this incident."
Annie swept her gaze across everyone present and declared:
"Since secrecy is not essential for this incident, let me begin by revealing my mission. I was
sent here by Los Angeles' king to confirm Asherah's death. My mission ends once the witch is
dead. However, I think it would be rude to leave without greeting everyone here at the site of
this cataclysmic event, so let me assist you all."
"Los Angeles' king? Then you must be...?"
"John Pluto Smith's subordinate?"
Yuri and Liliana were greatly surprised, but Annie quietly corrected them.
"Please do not call me his subordinate, but refer to me as his collaborator instead. Though he
does lord over Los Angeles like a king, the thought of building his own kingdom has never
been his plan. That is the personal style of John Pluto Smith, please remember that."
"This is exactly why I was so intent on introducing her to Kusanagi-san. Perhaps this is an
excellent opportunity to sign a friendship treaty between Japan and America."
As Kaoru mischievously made her request, Godou gave her a quick glance.
"One must possess substantial magical power in order to pass through Okunikkou without
being transformed into a monkey. I have already confirmed with her guarantors the Three
Sages of North America, that Annie Charlton is completely above suspicion and has no
problems in ability either."
Kaoru turned towards Annie to introduce Godou.
"Miss Charlton, this is the leader of our crisis team, Kusanagi Godou-san."
The History Compilation Committee core member did not reveal Godou was the Campione of
Japan. This was clearly a deliberate move to give Kusanagi Godou the choice to disclose his
identity or not.
In this current situation where there was a severe shortage of manpower, Annie's suggestion
was most gratifying.

However, if things had worsened so much over a single night, was it really appropriate to get
her involved?
"Anyway... Before we decide whether we accept Miss Annie or not, let me report the latest
Sayanomiya Kaoru provided news from the scouting personnel at the scene. Then Lu Yinghua
summarized his eyewitness account of the three deities gathering on the peak of Nantaisan, as
well as the disappearance of the [Keeper of the Horses] enchantment.
Finally, Godou mentioned the latest developments. After hearing all the current information at
hand, Erica nodded intently while Liliana shook her head in distress. Realizing the situation
made it even harder to rescue her younger sister, Yuri had a frozen expression. As for
Amakasu, his already sickly demeanor became slightly worse.
On the other hand, Annie Charlton
"Is that so? The situation truly is severe. In that case, we must hurry to the scene and try our
hardest to resolve the incident. Godoh, do you agree?"
Speaking without changing her expression, Annie's calm tone of voice made clear her
sincerity and strength of will.
Could he trust this person? This woman was the collaborator of the North American
Campione, and she seemed to give off a kind of incredible presence. Godou nodded to her in

One hour later.

Godou and the rest were riding a police car summoned by the History Compilation
Committee, and had arrived at the entrance to Iroha-saku Route.
Never expecting himself to be sitting in this sort of black and white public vehicle in such a
Godou had rather mixed feelings.
Just as Kaoru had mentioned, Iroha-saku Route was being sealed by a mobile team of
policemen and their vehicles. They did not obstruct Godou's group who called themselves
members of the History Compilation Committee. At this point, they switched to a smoothrunning silver SUV specially prepared by the Committee.
Annie Charlton was in the driver's seat while Godou sat beside her with Erica, Liliana and
Yuri in the back.
The ones who stayed behind in Nikkou City Street were Lu Yinghua, Amakasu because of his
flu, and Kaoru as the highest decision maker of the Committee here. The other two aside,
Godou really wished that the martial artist from Hong Kong could accompany him as a major

"I have something complicated to handle, so I must stay here."

"I see... But if you could come along, it'd be a great help."
Godou was greatly disappointed by the rejection. In a group with his usual team mates plus
Annie, he really wanted another male companion.
"My most sincere apologies, but since Master is buried alive at this place, I have to show
effort in trying to rescue her or else there will be all sorts of horrifying consequences."
"Yinghua, I never knew you missed your master so much, are you worrying about Luo Hao?"
Just as Godou thought he had discovered a caring and thoughtful side to him, Lu Yinghua
shook his head.
"Nope, I am completely not worried about her. If it's Master, it is definitely possible for her to
smash the stone prison and escape with her own power. However as her disciple, if I don't
make it evident I spent three days carrying out rescue operations, she may throw a fit going
'You should be treating Master like family, what a cold and merciless child you are!' Thus,
before I secure proof of presence at the scene, I can't come over."
To be able to make this dauntless youth so wary...
Godou silently mourned for him, imagining the kind of trauma he had received from Luo
"As feared, the [Eyes] I sent out have all been repelled, just as Sayanomiya Kaoru
mentioned. Unless we cross this mountain pass, magical investigation cannot be used."
Just as the car was about to start, Liliana explained as she sat in the back seat with her eyes
"What do you mean by eyes?"
"Lily has the ability to use the [Witch's Eye], didn't she use it yesterday?"
Erica explained. The vision-augmenting witchcraft technique of the [Witch's Eye] was said to
create a third eye out of the void, and could be used to perform reconnaissance from afar.
"I heard the Committee members who could use investigative spells mention that they were
unable to send [Eyes] to Okunikkou. Just as seen from spirit vision earlier, the Great Sage's
divine power has saturated the air in this vicinity. This divine power likely produces effects
similar to a barrier."
Yuri reported the results of spirit vision.
"Godoh, you must be an amazing person despite your young age. For your team to consist of
the [Diavolo Rosso] of the Copper Black Cross, the witch of the Bronze Black Cross, as well
as a Japanese spirit vision specialist... What are your own talents?"

"Umm... Regarding this, let me explain a little later."

Godou tried to dodge the question from the impressed Annie. It was very likely he would
need to reveal the truth soon, but there was no hurry. At this time, the car started to move.
Iroha-saku Route was a winding road that twisted and turned just like the characters used to
write its name.
The mountain path sloped greatly and there were a series of sharp turns. This was a scenic
route that went up and down the mountain of Nantaisan and provided a great view of the
natural mountain scenery.
Annie drove the car with great seriousness and caution, safely crossing the first difficult
Soon after, they could see the mountain forest dyed in the autumn colors of red and yellow.
During this time, the car finally reached an easily congested portion of the mountain road.
After about ten or so turns, they arrived at a sharply winding U-turn. In that very instant, a
giant monkey pushed apart the trees and appeared before the car!
"It's the divine beast from yesterday!"
The moment Erica shouted, Annie had already taken action. Slamming on the brakes, she
opened the car window on the driver's side, and extended her arm, a slender revolver in her
BANG! Annie fired her gun without any hesitation.
As silver sparks scattered, the bullet struck the giant ape's fur, tracing out a silver trajectory. It
probably carried some kind of magical effect.
However, the giant ape seemed to be completely unaffected, and reached out with its long and
thick arms.
"Annie Charlton, that level of magical attack will not affect a divine beast!"
Liliana warned.
Godou noticed another silhouette being reflected in the rear-view mirror, but Yuri had already
cried out before he could give a warning.
"F-From behind as well, everyone be careful!"
A giant ape had also appeared from behind, and they were now stuck in an attack from both
sides. Encountering two divine beasts on a mountain road like this would normally be a
hopeless situation.
In spite of all this, Annie remained completely calm, and her eyes, full of fighting spirit,
glared at the two divine beasts, as befitting the collaborator chosen by the American

At this time, Godou became aware of a certain feeling and signaled to the girls in the back
seat with his eyes.
The first to react was Erica who gestured to give orders to the silver-haired girl. Liliana
immediately opened the car door and the two knights jumped off the vehicle.
"What are you intending to do? Hurry and come back!"
"Annie-san, please rest assured! Leave it to Godou-san and the rest to handle this."
Yuri explained to the puzzled American.
As Yuri spoke, the spell words recited by the three outside the car could be heard.
"The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by the iron
hammer of justice!"
"Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?"
"People, listen to David's song of mourning! How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of
war perished!"
Godou first summoned the [Boar].
A day had already passed since the battle with Luo Hao, and Godou discovered he could
summon the enormous black beast when the two giant apes came attacking from both sides.
Given a good foothold, the [Boar] alone was probably enough to finish them off. But on a
mountain path like this, even the vigorous and enthusiastic boar would find it hard to go all
out, which was why the knights were using the spell words of David and Golgotha to halt the
monkeys' advance.
Erica summoned Cuore di Leone, shaping it into an arrow of steel and infusing the spell
words into it. She then conjured a bow of steel and readied the arrow on it.
Liliana created the Bow of Jonathan and prepared the blue arrows of light.
The [Boar] charged at the giant ape in front while the red and blue knights pinned down the
one in the rear.
The black divine beast rolled down the mountainside together with the giant ape, leaving the
menacing giant ape in the rear who warily watched the bows and arrows of the two knights. A
clear path had been opened.
The knights returned to the car, but just as Godou was about to follow, his legs lost strength
and he collapsed.
"W-What is going on? My body..."

His body could not move and felt very exhausted. Godou was terrified by this feeling he had
never experienced before.
This happened immediately after using the [Boar], could it be the result of the injuries from
yesterday!? Come to think of it, the pain this morning was quite intense, but after moving his
body for a bit, he had forgotten about it...
Realizing something was wrong with Godou, the apprehensive giant monkey in the back
began to show an increasingly dangerous gaze.
No. Danger was not limited to the rear.
A new giant ape appeared from the front; an unexpected third monkey. They were once again
caught in a crisis with attacks from both sides!
"Godou-san!" "Godou!" "Kusanagi Godou!" "Godoh, hurry and come back!"
The newly appeared giant ape approached, looking down on the defenseless Godou and silver
SUV, and vigorously waved its arms.
At that very instant, spell words were heard.
"The many-fenced place of Izumo / Of the many clouds rising To dwell there with my
spouse / Do I build a many-fenced palace: Ah, that many-fenced palace! Seishuuin Ena has
Hearing the one who announced her name fearlessly, Yuri's face brightened with happiness.
From amongst the leaves that were turning red, out jumped the uniformed girl. Carrying a
Japanese sword, surrounded by strong gales swirling around her, the Hime-Miko of the Sword
made her appearance.
Ena blocked the path of the gigantic ape from the front.
Around her, the wind's strength was increasing like a small-scale tornado. Though it was
small-scale, it was clearly infused with divine power, for Ena had the ability to use the
technique of divine possession. As her guardian deity, Susanoo the storm god's authority
was hers to command!
This tornado pushed back the arm of the giant ape.
What an embarrassment for a divine beast. The giant ape roared savagely, baring the sharp
fangs in its mouth and started to spit crimson fire as if intending to incinerate Godou together
with Ena.
But the storm god's tornado guarded the Hime-Miko of the Sword and repelled the flames.

"Across the fields and mountains / Setaria in a storm... The sounding gates of Awa / Whom
shall determine their fate !"
Ena leaped as if her body was as light as wind, and reached the giant ape's shoulder with one
With a flash, her sword was embedded deeply in the giant ape's left eye.
Painful roars came from the giant ape's mouth.
During this time, Erica ran out, picked up Godou's body and pulled him back into the car. At
the same time, Liliana prepared to fire a second arrow from the Bow of Jonathan to pin down
the giant ape which had resumed its advance from the rear.
The giant ape with one eye destroyed by Ena angrily waved its arms and legs around
randomly, but the loss of depth perception made it impossible to hit its target.
Landing on the ground with leisurely grace, Ena ran towards the car.
"Annie-san, please hurry and go!"
Once her fellow Hime-Miko got in, Yuri hurriedly gave instructions.
Annie Charlton stepped hard on the accelerator, and the silver SUV shot forward, leaving the
giant apes behind.
In his faint consciousness, the rescued Godou was vaguely aware of the voices of his female
"Your Majesty, are you ok! Luckily Ena felt like it was about time for you to arrive, so I had
been guarding this side of the mountain pass."
"Could it be... No, for sure he must be the king. In other words, one known as a Campione...!
Are you one of his team members?"
"Team member? No, that's not the kind of relationship Ena has with him. Ena is His Majesty's
woman. Well, I haven't been officially recognized yet, so maybe something like an
underground lover? But I'm not the only one oh, everyone here is His Majesty's woman."
"U-Underground lover!? Everyone here is his woman!? N-Now that it is mentioned, I have
heard that Japan's king is a terrible young sexual predator I-I now understand."
Annie-san, you are mistaken, please don't misunderstand. Godou really wanted to get up and
defend himself.
But before he could speak, Godou had already lost consciousness.

Part 3

It feels really hot. That was Godou's first thought as he woke up from a daze.
He could hear the sounds of girls in the surroundings. They seemed to be saying something.
His mind still fuzzy, he opened his eyes and found some kind of mist or smoke hanging in the
air. Could there be a fire?
No, it's steam. After blinking who knows how many times, his brain finally became fully
"Ah, His Majesty is up."
"Godou, are you ok? Even though your body has already been treated, how do you feel now?"
From the left came Ena's voice while Erica could be heard from the right. As the mist drifted
apart, Godou's brain and five senses began to recover their normal functions, and he was
struck with utter shock.
"W-What the heck is going on! How did this happen?"
He immediately yelled. And no wonder it was so hot, he was currently immersed in an open
air hot spring.
Hot water reached up to Godou's shoulders while his back was against the volcanic rock used
to enclose outdoor baths. Naturally, Godou was completely naked except for the large towel
wrapped around his waist.
And then, there were the two beauties right in front of him.
The blonde-haired blue-eyed Erica Blandelli. Seishuuin Ena with her black hair and black
irises. Even though both of them covered their bosoms with a bath towel, their excellent
figures were still clearly visible through the thin fabric.
Erica's bust and hip measurements appeared to be even bigger than the numbers on record.
However, Erica's impressive figure was not enough to overshadow the voluptuousness of
Ena's body.
Perhaps due to the bath towels tightly wrapped around their bodies, the cleavage of the two
girls was greatly emphasized. If only the water was from one of those murky hot springs, but
unfortunately the water here was far too pristine and transparent.
The only object separating Godou from the naked bodies of the two girls was simply a bath
It would be bad to keep staring, so Godou forcefully shifted his gaze to the distance.
However, this only achieved the result of alerting him to the presence of the other two
beauties in the bath.
"I-It is great that you have revived without issue."

"P-Please do not look over here, Godou-san!"

These two were Liliana Kranjcar and Mariya Yuri of course. Similarly, these girls' bodies
were only obscured by a single bath towel each.
Liliana acted with great calmness.
However, her pale body had turned bright red from embarrassment. Even so, she maintained
her usual awe-inspiring posture and did not try to avoid Godou's gaze.
Though her body lacked exaggerated curves, it made the subtle convexity even more
This was a mysterious fairy-like attractiveness that was possessed only by slender young
Caucasian beauties.
Like a piece of artwork made of glass, there was a heightened sense of preciousness due to the
In complete contrast, Yuri was trying her hardest to shrink away and hide her body.
Though her posture did succeed in concealing her frontal view from others, her motions were
not very elegant and one could still peek at her wonderful figure from the side.
Yuri's figure was not as voluptuous as Ena or Erica, but her body still had an abundance of
feminine charm.
The curves were just right and one could only exclaim in wonderment at the two beautiful
mounds that stood out as the only area capable of supporting the bath towel the only fabric
covering her body. The round and full curve from the small of the back to the buttocks was
like an artistic masterpiece. Despite their slender nature, her thighs seemed particularly supple
with a sense of lively beauty. Yuri's entire body was very perfect.
There was a subtle balance between beautiful curves and a sense of substance; in this regard,
Yuri's body ranked amongst the highest levels.
"Hahaha, I see. I get it now!" Faced with this completely unreal scenery, Godou laughed as he
muttered to himself.
"This has to be a dream. I must be so repressed during normal life for me to finally dream
such a scene! No mistake about it!"
"What are you talking about, Godou? There can't be anything more real than this?"
"Yes yes. Look, doesn't this hurt? This is all happening in reality."
At the same time as Erica was speaking, Ena pinched Godou's cheek. Ouch!
"I see. This is actually reality... Then may I ask, where is this place?"

"A hot spring at Lake Chuuzenji. The area has become a mess due to the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven, and the impact has forced many hot spring spas to be abandoned, so we slipped into
one of them."
Ena answered fluently, but Godou still had more questions.
"Then why am I immersed in the hot spring?"
"Your Majesty, please recall, didn't you collapse? Ena thought that bathing in a hot spring
would be an excellent way to get rested."
"Ena told me about a folk remedy called hot water therapy, so this is a perfect opportunity to
test it out."
Hearing the answers from the Hime-Miko of the Sword and the blonde knight, Godou looked
up at the sky. It was almost dusk and the sun was gradually sinking west.
"And so I was immersed in this bath unconscious, is that right..."
"It's ok, in order to prevent Your Majesty from drowning, Yuri and Ena intended to enter the
bath with you right from the very beginning in fact, Ena often bathes in hot springs while
in the mountains... And then Erica-san also came in, and following her was Liliana-san over
"Think about it, yesterday I said I wanted to have a dip in an outdoor hot spring, right? This is
a great opportunity."
"I-I believe this is a meaningless act, which is why I tried to stop them! But Erica and
Seishuuin Ena would not listen to my entreaties. With no other choice, as your knight I must
supervise this suspicious folk remedy, and so I had to come."
"I-I... Because Ena-san said I must come along and forced me to enter! Do not misunderstand!
I... I only came in here to stop Ena from going too far!"
The girls gave their various reasons for coming in here.
There were too many things to object and Godou couldn't respond to them one by one.
However, the most pressing concern that needed to be addressed was
"Fine, I have another question. Who took off my clothes?"
"As I am the one who proposed the idea, of course Ena has to bear responsibility."
"I also helped, oh? As Godou's lover, it is only natural."
"W-What the heck did you two do! If that is the case..."
Godou glared sharply at them. In a rare moment, these two fearless fellows averted their gaze.

"Hmm... Yes. Your Majesty, I am sorry... Ena saw it. At that time, I was thinking if you're
dipping in the hot spring, then of course you have to be naked, so along the way I took it off."
"That's right, since it all came off, of course it's impossible not to see."
After Ena confessed, Erica also chimed in, a little embarrassed.
"But Your Majesty sure trained your body well, it is really cool with so many distinct ab
"Besides, Godou has already seen my naked body before, right? This is called equivalent
exchange. It's just mutual admiration of our naked bodies, that's all."
Godou cursed the various reasons that led to this predicament.
Erica showed a proud expression that Godou hadn't seen for quite some time, whereas Ena
looked rather apologetic.
"Then... As an apology, I don't mind if Your Majesty looks at Ena's naked body, oh?"
Her words had an explosive effect. Eh? Godou's brain froze from the shock for quite a few
"Since Erica says that things can even out this way, Ena will do the same. Sorry, this is Ena's
apology. On further thought, since it's Your Majesty, I should have done this from the start. TThough I'm still a little scared, but in the future I will have to carry your bloodline, and do this
and that..."
Ena loosened the white bath towel around her body, and a thin piece of cloth began floating in
the hot spring.
With a solid sense of weight, yet carrying an incomparable impression of gentle softness, the
twin peaks looked elastic enough to bounce back quickly if one were to poke them with a
finger. The most prominent positions in front were adorned by a faint color of pink.
Beneath the seductive and slender waist, the nether regions needed no further mention.
"Ah, Ena sure is unexpectedly bold. Everyday situations aside, I was suspicious what was
going on when she had been acting so passively until now."
Erica threw out this comment coldly. The barbs contained in it lacked her usual elegance.
Possessing so many unconventional factors, it was very likely that Seishuuin Ena had already
been classified by Erica as a dangerous contender she had to be wary of.
"Hmm, after all, Ena has had very few opportunities to build close relations with boys, so I
don't really know how to talk to them... But no matter, I will not let this deter me!"
"Yes... Ena has come up with a great idea, actually I should have done this from the start. I
must be a little slow not to have realized it earlier."

Even Erica's bath towel had been removed. Why do they have to get oppositionally defiant in
a place like this!?
As Godou screamed for help in his mind, the body of a goddess was completely laid bare in
full view.
The bosom that always declared its existence intensely in spite of clothing, now floated
openly in the hot spring. It was impossible not to look. On the front of these breasts the size of
small cantaloupes, there was a pair of flower buds attached like some sort of faintly red fruit;
the waist was amazingly slender especially in contrast with the richness of the other two
measurements an extremely attractive tight and slim waist; finally beginning near the hips,
the full and luscious buttocks were both seductive and adorable
"Come, Yuri, take your bath towel off as well."
"No, hands off! Ena-san, please let go of me!"
"Seishuuin Ena! Stop this rude behavior immediately! I will not permit you to continue such
The naked Ena grabbed Yuri tightly.
As her childhood friend, the Hime-Miko, attempted to remove the bath towel on her body,
Yuri looked like she was about to cry as she tried to escape. However, a corner of the towel
had been caught, and her jade-like beautiful skin was revealed. In her efforts to stop these
actions, Liliana's bath towel also loosened slightly.
Godou could not bear to watch any longer.
Immediately, he jumped out of the water and ran back to the changing room as fast as he
I can't stay in this kind of place! Run away! In order to preserve the integrity of his male
dignity, Godou suppressed his desires and ran out impulsively.

Part 4
Fortunately, Godou's clothes were still in the changing room.
Drying himself off in a hurry with a towel he found, Godou frantically put on his clothes and
walked out the corridor to the entrance. Ena was right; the hot spring really was a part of the
hotel facilities.
Stepping outside the building, he discovered it was a small traditional hot spring resort.
Anyway, Godou's first goal was to calm down, so a brief stroll outside should suffice.
The resort was situated along the spectacular shore of Lake Chuuzenji. The leaves adorning
the surrounding mountain range were colored in shades of red and yellow, and combined with
the clear water of the lake, the wonderfully beautiful autumn scenery was difficult to describe.

There were many different shops and hotels along the shore of Lake Chuuzenji, such as
western style hotels, stylistically distinct western restaurants, coffee shops, etc. Shops were
also spaced out quite generously.
At this moment, Godou noticed a monkey walking in front.
Based on its approximate height of 80cm and the red face, it seemed to be a Japanese monkey.
Their gazes met. The monkey repeated a series of brief cries of "kiii~~ kiii~~" as if making a
greeting, and then carried on in its original direction.
That direction was towards a crossroad.
Anyway, Godou had already been informed beforehand that the ordinary citizens of
Okunikkou City had all turned into monkeys. With an uneasy feeling, Godou began to run.
Chasing the monkey just now, Godou reached the intersection. Even though it was just a
normal road, there was a massive red torii situated there. Compared to the traffic lights at the
crossroad, it was roughly double in height.
This was one of Lake Chuuzenji's sights, the Red Torii.[55] Clearly a road like any other,
except with a huge red torii over it, facing the tourist souvenir shops, eateries and all sorts of
stores lined up on the main road.
Looking into the distance at such a scene, Godou sighed. It really was like a monkey
kii! kiikii. kikikii, kii~~!
ki? kikiikikii, ki! ki!
The cries of monkeys came from all directions, and Lake Chuuzenji's hot spring street was
full of people who had transformed into monkeys. Furthermore, there was a great abundance
of species including Japanese monkeys, macaques, gibbons, baboons, chimpanzees,
orangutans, mountain gorillas, etc.
There were even some that Godou couldn't tell what type they were. Like city pigeons that
were accustomed to humans, they did not make loud noises or scatter when they saw Godou.
The monkeys dominated the shore of Lake Chuuzenji, and behaved very much like humans.
Some were taking photos with digital cameras (except holding them upside down with the
lens facing the wrong direction). Some were working in shops doing something similar to
what the staff did (except taking fistful of bills from the cash register and stuffing them in
their mouths to chew). Some were ordering food (but poking their fingers into the soba
noodles in the bowl, and eating directly with their hands), sort of.
The monkeys imitated humans, like a scene from a satirical play.

It might be considered interesting for a circus act, but Godou became angrier and angrier as he
watched. As soon as the thought that they were originally humans entered his mind, it was no
longer funny at all.
"It is possible that they retain memories from when they were human."
A voice came from behind.
It was Annie Charlton, who was walking over.
"Looks like you have recovered, Godoh..."
"Yes, after a good nap, I'm fine now."
Godou nodded. His body felt very light and free without any sense of discomfort.
But how did this happen? Annie's eyes showed a vicious expression of extreme disgust.
"That cannot be the only reason... Just now, your girlfriends were competing to apply healing
magic to you. In order to determine who was going to kiss you, they even broke out in
argument. In the end, it was Ena who seized an opening, kissed you in your sleep, and applied
the magic"
"Something like that happened?"
Godou felt embarrassed that Annie witnessed what had happened.
"With magical power that can defeat divine beasts with ease... I can at least acknowledge your
power as a king. But Godoh, for you to use the authority you usurped from a god to make so
many girls into your candidate partners no, treating them as playthings to satisfy your
lust... It is truly shameless!"
Playthings!? Such unilateral thinking was too biased in perspective. Godou immediately
"Please don't take Seishuuin Ena's words as the truth! They are just my companions and my
friends. We are not in some kind of inappropriate mess of relationships."
"That sounds exactly like the explanation of politicians when scandals break out."
Annie's gaze and expression were as cold as ice.
"Although you have been in denial all this time, please bear in mind I already witnessed what
happened at the resort just now. Your attempts to find weak excuses are futile."
"W-What are you talking about!?"
"W-Who could have thought such orgiastic gatherings existed in this world, I used to think
they were simply rumors... I never expected someone I know to engage in such behavior. I

was so shocked that I was driven away from the resort. To think there were five young adults,
male and female, gathered in a bath, doing things completely naked..."
Oh my god. To think that Annie was aware of the commotion in the open air bath.
She knew about the shameless mixed bath and the inexcusable licentious behavior.
"P-Perhaps it was a bit noisy just now. But please, you must believe me! There is nothing
inappropriate between us and we have never done anything crossing the line!"
"You dare say you have not done anything? Please give me a break. For you to engage in
prurience all the time and offer such ridiculous excuses now, you are truly terrifying! T-That
sort of ridiculously licentious behavior was something that I thought only existed in television
drama series!"
The ethereal beauty was clearly shaken Annie Charlton turned out to have surprisingly low
immunity in such an area.
In the end, Godou had to wait for almost five minutes before she calmed down.
"There are still many things I must admonish you for such immoral acts, but I will put it aside
for now. By the way, Godoh, I am very surprised that you are a king who acts quickly to
handle situations."
Annie's tone of voice returned to the usual coldness, though the feeling of icy sharpness
exuded from her beautiful face was still gone. It was apparent that she was still recovering
from the shock just now.
"Ordinarily, do you Campiones not delay until the crux of the matter comes into play? All the
devil kings in Europe do things in that manner."
It seemed like Annie's true nature was a clumsy person in contrast to her capable appearance.
Godou pretended not to see her efforts to recover her composure. This was the so-called grace
of the warrior.
"It was just coincidence that an incident occurred right next to me this time. I'm not going to
risk my life and throw myself at a situation without understanding the cause and
circumstance. If the opponent is a god, caution is essential, which is why I don't want to be
slacking off."
Godou continued to feign ignorance and clarified his principles.
Come to think of it, that fellow Doni really did nothing but fight gods. Compared to that idiot,
Kusanagi Godou was truly industrious.
"What about Annie-san's companion? If he only sent his collaborator over here, then he must
be a lazy and willful fellow too?"
"Pretty much... Though I believe he can still be considered hardworking."

Annie shrugged.
"He is a man who always says things like 'As long as I appear at the right time' or 'As long as
there is a good end result.' But no other way around it, that is John Pluto Smith's style."
"Looks like his personality isn't very compatible with mine..."
"Who knows? You are very alike in your lack of common sense. You might get along very
well after all. Anyway, rather than worrying about such issues of American-Japanese
diplomatic relations, you should be concerned with the future of these people."
Annie complained as she nonchalantly chastised both devil kings of Japan and America.
Her gaze was directed at the group of monkeys that used to be humans, the ones now engaged
in crazy acts.
"The population in this area is roughly a thousand. These people, along with the tourists from
outside, have all been turned into monkeys. In fact, similar incidents have occurred in the
"Incidents caused by gods?"
"Yes, a few years ago in a national park at Los Angeles, there was an incident with the
appearance of Artemis, the goddess of the moon and beasts. At the time, the goddess
transformed hundreds of people into deer, bears, boars, wolves and birds, but Smith finally
prevailed over her."
At this point, Annie lowered her gaze and she whispered in a worried voice.
"But the people that transformed were unable to return to normal. They had no choice but to
give up their human identities and continue living as wild beasts. I fear such a possibility
might exist this time as well."
Discovering a new potential issue, Godou became speechless.
He had believed all along that the monkeys would turn back into humans once he defeats the
Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Was this only wishful optimism?

Chapter 4 - Enter the Black Hero, the Great Sage Exhibits

Steel's True Worth
Part 1
It was 6pm on the second day after their arrival at Nikkou.

Godou had re-entered the resort and was now in the men's bath. Previously, his mood to enjoy
a good soak had been ruined completely, and this time he made sure to give the girls an
express order of 'forbidden entry.'
"Come to think of it, those fellows' behavior was completely out of hand..."
Though the men's bath was not the open air type, the beautiful scenery of the shore of Lake
Chuuzenji could be viewed through the window. However, night had already fallen and the
scenery was no longer visible, so Godou watched the starry autumn sky instead.
...In a daze, he even recalled images from the mixed bath just now.
"D...Damn it, I have to dispel these unnecessary thoughts. Form is no different from
emptiness, and emptiness is no different from form, prajnaparamita, gate gate
In order to drive away those erotic memories, Godou began reciting fragments of scripture he
could still remember.
"Isn't this the Heart Sutra translated into Chinese by Xuanzang the Monk? In a certain sense,
you are currently reciting a divine spell intimately linked to the origins of the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven, one that seeks as its goal the realm of the void hohoho... It's not a bad
This wonderful voice, like a yueqin[57], surely belonged to no one else but that particular
Turning his head back, Godou found the transcendent beauty sitting on the edge of the
bathing pool.
"For me to come this close without you being aware, you still have far to go. Reflect well on
this, King Kusanagi!"
The one gazing at him with eyes of superiority was Luo Cuilian without a doubt. One couldn't
possibly make a mistake in recognizing that unparalleled beauty.
The Leader of the Demonic Cult was wearing something like a yukata, whose fabric was so
sheer that one could virtually see the jade-like skin glistening with beads of sweat underneath!
"Your Eminence!? How did you come here!?"
"Of course I escaped from the stone prison... King Kusanagi, Luo Cuilian is not one of those
fools who make claims they clearly cannot fulfill. Are you trying to insult me?"
Seeing her severe glare, Godou felt himself breaking out in cold sweat.
"No, that's not it. I'm just very surprised that you were able to escape in such short time."
"In that case, that would be a more appropriate thought. In actual fact, I have yet to destroy
that prison utterly. All I did was find a weakness and escape through it to the outside."

"A prison escape, in other words? ...You didn't destroy it?"

Godou simply said what he thought, but Luo Hao frowned.
"What shallow thinking. I am the Ruler of the Martial Realm. It is my policy to smash a
prison completely at the moment of liberation from the humiliation of imprisonment, and
walk out the front gates openly. Escaping from a prison like a rat is completely unacceptable!
Today my only purpose is to see your face, and I shall be returning to the stone prison in a
short while!"
Come on, this person seriously had way too much pride!
Godou couldn't help gazing at Luo Hao with eyes of concern.
"I can't agree completely, but I get what you mean. Anyway, why did you come to the bath?"
"Is there a problem? I already said I came to see you. If you are in the bath, then it is only
natural for me to be here."
"That's not really right. You should wait outside until I finish my bath. Besides, why are you
dressed like this...?"
Luo Hao was wearing a garment as light as gossamer. Rather than obscure, it heightened the
sense of voluptuousness from her bountiful bust and hip measurements despite her very
slender appearance.
"What kind of stupid question is this? Do people who enter baths in heavy clothing actually
exist? King Kusanagi, are you taking me for a fool? Or are you"
Watching Godou's face, Luo Hao appeared to have noticed something.
With an ominous feeling, Godou was quite sure that Luo Hao did not interpret his thoughts
"Your eyes seem to be looking down on me. You must be trying to say something like 'Ha, I
am standing here completely unarmed and unclothed. If you don't do the same, you are a
coward and weakling who lives by deceiving the world with the king's title.' That must be it!"
"Not even for one second did I consider something so stupid!"

"Hmm... You cannot stop looking at me in this manner? Fine, I, Luo Cuilian will show you
proof that I have reached the pinnacle not only in martial might, but also courage and
Luo Hao reached to her sash and untied it after some slight hesitation.
With the sound of clothing sliding off bare skin, Luo Hao's sheer robe fell to the ground.
"Y-Y-Y-You! What do you think you're doing!?"
"Now that both sides are completely vulnerable, let us proceed with complete honesty and
openness. Isn't this kind of interaction known as skinship in Wakoku?"
Saying that, Luo Hao stepped into the bathing pool.
With the orchid-like[58] beautiful body right beside him, and completely open to view without
reservation, Godou entered a state of panic. Looking at her slim and slender figure, it was
difficult to imagine where in her body that overwhelming might was stored.
In addition to a visage as beautiful as a flower and a waist as slim as a willow, the gracefully
shaped breasts constantly flaunted their existence.
The cherry-colored flower buds in the forefront were also adorable to the extreme. The body,
from the narrow waist to the full and round buttocks, gave off a certain seductive sensuality,
reminiscent of a tiger lily[59] blooming in the depths of a secluded mountain, alluding to the
intoxicating fragrance of nectar hidden deep within.
Uncontrollably, Godou swallowed hard several times at the sight of naked Luo Hao's
otherworldly and absolute beauty.
"...King Kusanagi, I have no intention of harming you, so you have no need to be wary of me.
In order to show your magnanimity in return, please divert that sharp gaze of yours."

Luo Cuilian covered her bosom in the water with her right arm. A slight shade of pink entered
her ivory-like complexion. Most probably, water temperature was not the main cause.
"...Please be more considerate towards a maiden like me. Your intense gaze is quite lacking in
"S-Sorry, I understand!"
Reproached by the naked beauty, Godou fixed his gaze outside the window.
"Ah... The natural spring water here is not bad."
Bathing as she looked into the distant starry night, the demeanor of the Ruler of the Martial
Realm gradually relaxed. Her voice felt even calmer than usual, and carried an additional
sensual feeling.
"B-By the way. Thank you for your help at Toushouguu."
"Not at all. I already explained at the time, I have my own plans. Anyway... The Great Sage
seems to have released himself from the bonds of the [Keeper of the Horses] spell."
Luo Cuilian stood at the pinnacle of Daoist mastery.
As befitting of her stature, she noticed such developments immediately. She was no sheltered
greenhouse flower after all.
"Yes, it also seems like he summoned helpers like Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing. Things are
getting more and more troublesome."
"Eh? One never expected the Great Sage to reach this stage so soon... So, King Kusanagi, do
you still wish to fight as my representative? Perhaps you may feel that the caliber of your
enemies have exceeded your capacity? I, Luo Hao, allow you to beg with crying eyes for me
to save you."
"What do you mean... by that?"
"Hohoho, I may have saved you earlier for the sake of my honor, but the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven, this peerless heroic god is my mortal rival after all. It seems a bit of a shame to miss
the opportunity to finish him myself."
Should she be described as too tactless, or honest?
What she meant was, it would be a pity for her to give up the chance to show off, all because
of a careless mistake. Realizing Luo Hao's intentions, Godou shrugged. This was his
opportunity to get out of a fight against gods.
Let Luo Hao take on all of the risk and responsibility, and then leave this place but what of
Hikari? What about the people who had become monkeys? Most importantly, what about
Godou himself? Could he allow himself to flee in the middle of a battle? The answer was

"I am grateful but I cannot accept your good intentions. It is too late for such words. This is
my fight and I will handle that monkey. Please await the outcome of the battle from within
your prison."
"...Oh? In other words, I, Luo Hao, no longer have a chance to shine?"
The impression given off by Luo Hao suddenly shifted, and acute battle spirit seemed to have
made its way into her beautiful visage.
She no longer tried to cover her breasts, and her pristine body was revealed without
reservation. Suppressing embarrassment with overwhelming will of battle, she stared at
Godou directly from the front.
"Yes, during that time in the prison, you already yielded to me the right to this battle. If you
must take it back no matter what, then defeat me first."
Of course, Godou knew full well the horror of Luo Hao from the memories deeply carved into
his body.
However, this was not a time to back down. That's right, Kusanagi Godou wanted to fight the
Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and for this he will put in everything he had.
"You are truly an incredible king. I originally thought you feared battle, and your usual
speech and behavior made you look so weak. However, on the battlefield, you not only
possess the courage and ferocity of a lion, but also the cunning and shrewdness of a fox or a
Luo Hao smiled tenderly.
"You possess dual qualities of uselessness and great promise that cannot be ignored. These
opposites will be mixed together one day. Towards a young man with such an uncertain
future... How should I, Luo Cuilian, respond?"
What was Luo Hao going to do? Attack in rage? Generously yield the opportunity to him? Or
make some kind of deal in exchange?
All kinds of thoughts crossed Godou's mind as he gazed upon Luo Hao's body.
"We'll do it this way, Kusanagi Godou. Please use the term 'Onee-sama' to address me from
now on."
As developments completely defied his predictions, Godou's thoughts froze for an instant.
"If I simply give up this opportunity because of a mere request, it would be a blemish upon
the authority of I, Luo Hao. However, it would be different if the other party was related to
me by a familial bond of a sworn pact."

Luo Hao revealed her idea proudly with great satisfaction. Undoubtedly, the levels of her
pride had reached unimaginable heights.
"I was thinking, you are a youth who has gotten the better of me a number of times. Rather
than eliminating you here like plucking a tender shoot, it would be better to cultivate you
properly into a great hero. Such a course of action befits the Ruler of the Martial Realm... AAnd besides, you and I have already reached the intimacy level of baring our unclothed
bodies to each other."
Luo Hao's tone of voice suddenly lost that fear-inspiring quality, and she covered her breasts
as if suddenly realizing something.
"As the saying goes, 'from an exchange of blows friendship grows,' which is why I will have a
sworn pact with you, and I shall instruct you as your older sister. Dear adoptive little brother,
in return you must repay me with utmost respect, and fulfill the duties of familial piety."
In the Oath of the Peach Garden[60], did the words 'though born on different dates, we hope
our lives will end on the same identical day' refer to something like this?
Though this came out of the blue, Godou continued to listen, his paralyzed thought processes
"I will shower affection and protection upon my adoptive little brother, and respect your
authority over Wakoku, refraining from vocal criticism that interferes in your affairs. How's
Luo Cuilian smiled faintly. It was a lovely smile much like the sun's reappearance after a
violent storm.
Though a sworn pact felt rather unnecessary, the accompanying condition seemed quite
"Yes, very well. I am in your care, Your Eminence."
Though Godou accepted very quickly, Luo Hao glared at him severely in return. What went
"Little brother, how could you address your older sister like that? Correct yourself in the
manner I already explained."
"Uh, I...I'm in your care, Nee-san."
Godou truly found himself unable to call her 'Onee-sama.'
As a student who did not attend some sort of super high class young ladies' school, this was
his absolute limit.
"Your words should carry utmost respect to an ultimate older sister like me. Anyway I shall
let it slide for today. You need to show improvement next time."

What would count as improvement? Godou could not help agonizing.

"Once again, I shall return to the stone prison and lie dormant for now. Little brother, stand
As the two of them got up, Luo Hao kept her arm over her breasts while Godou covered his
lower body with a towel.
In the next instant, something happened that was even more shocking than the sworn oath of
fraternity. Luo Hao leaned tightly against Godou and suddenly kissed him.
"I am applying Daoist arts to your body, so do not move recklessly for now."
"I am very impressed by your mettle, but your opponents are three gods. The odds are highly
stacked against you. Your elder sister has used a Daoist art that will alert her, no matter where
she may be, whenever your body is invaded by extraordinary divine power. When the
decisive battle arrives, I will surely be present."
The sensations of the small cherry lips and the pristine white skin pressing tightly against him,
made Godou's entire body stiff beyond compare.
This contact with the beautiful adoptive elder sister lasted for twenty seconds or so.
"T-The action just now cannot be disclosed to anyone else. Though you are my little brother
now, if rumors of contact with a man were to spread, I will be secretly criticized by others for
acting in a manner unbecoming of a maiden. F-For the sake of my honor you must agree to
Having exhorted, Luo Cuilian's figure vanished like the glow of the setting sun.
In order to cool off his boiling brain, Godou jumped into the cold water pool.

Part 2
Having gained a sworn elder sister under such unexpected circumstances, Godou returned to
the main hall of the resort for dinner.
With no one else other than his companions in this little inn that only had around ten guest
rooms, they had essentially commandeered the entire place. All staff and guests had been
transformed into monkeys and seemed to have run off to join their fellow monkeys in the
main streets.
Examining the kitchen facilities and food supply, Erica suggested something like "since the
food will go bad eventually, and feeding monkeys would be such a waste, it would be far
better for us to make effective use of it." Thus, Yuri and Liliana went to work with the

After leaving their payment for staying and eating at the cash register, Godou decided to help
out in the kitchen. Since Erica and Ena were no help at all, while Annie was a guest, this was
the best arrangement.
By the way... This American guest's gaze followed Godou all along as he busied himself.
As if trying to verify the movements of a dangerous criminal, her gaze even showed
occasional signs of wariness. Clearly, the notion that "Kusanagi Godou = public enemy of
women" had become completely entrenched.
Under her surveillance, Godou made a number of dishes. Though he had many specialties,
these were mostly dishes that went along with alcohol because they were taught by his
grandfather or mother.
"...Seeing these dishes, really makes me want to have a drink!"
Ena murmured as she looked at the tray Godou balanced on his hand.
There was sashimi and salt-roasted rainbow trout. By lightly salting the skin and roasting a
little, a completely new delicacy was created when eaten together with salmon. Other than
that, Godou made Italian pasta with shrimp sauce, using garlic, chili and olive oil to sautee
many small shrimps and garnishing with a dash of parsley to produce an excellent specimen
of maritime-style cuisine.
"Come on, you're not Erica, please don't say strange things like that. I never thought
Seishuuin would also be an accomplished drinker..."
"Ah, I originally wasn't planning on drinking because of the upcoming battle, but this taste
would really go well with Japanese sake or white wine, though beer would not be bad either."
Listening to Erica's additional comment, Ena nodded frequently.
Godou deeply regretted not having learnt any homemade dishes that would be appropriate for
a normal highschooler's lunchbox. On the other hand, Liliana and Yuri's serious efforts
produced dishes such as trout meunire[61], deep fried fish, as well as mountain vegetable rice.
Godou did not reveal the fact that he had a conversation with Luo Hao.
After all, for something like that to happen in the bath, Godou found it difficult to explain.
Furthermore, there were more pressing concerns to discuss.
"By the way, Liliana, is that visual investigative spell still blocked?"
"No, since we have entered the Great Sage's territory, there should not be any problems using
it from within. Do we still need that spell?"
"I want to use it to locate the Great Sage."
Godou turned to Yuri after replying to the incredulous Liliana.

"My body has already recovered, so there is no point in delaying the battle with the Great
Sage. However... the [Sword] is needed to fight him."
"Which is why we must carefully discern what kind of god the Great Sage is, correct?"
Yuri spoke softly.
"That's right, I have been thinking over many things since yesterday."
"Annie Charlton, may I have a word with you for a minute?"
The redheaded American woman showed surprise as Erica suddenly singled her out.
"Though we have teamed up temporarily, it doesn't mean that we must share all information.
Rather, it should be stated that certain critical facts must be prevented from leaking out. What
do you think?"
"...Looks like my presence is an inconvenience for certain discussions here."
The sword of spell words was Godou's trump card. Understanding Erica's intentions of
safeguarding this secret, Annie got up and left them to discuss in private.

"Since yesterday, I have been thinking about how I should get along with everyone from now
on Erica, Mariya as well as Liliana."
After the guest had left, Godou explained cautiously.
"In other words, you wish to clarify our relationships with you?"
"Finally some decisiveness, Godou, and your conclusion is?"
Liliana and Erica's answers were full of determined confidence.
"Yes, after all sorts of troubles, I have finally made a decision."
"Looks like it's time to determine who is the principal wife and who will be the concubines!
What about Ena and Yuri? You will be marrying the two of us after all, right?"
"E-Ena-san, please do not ask about such matters, it... it is not very proper."
"...Seishuuin, what are you talking about?"
As Ena showed an expression of excitement, Yuri frantically admonished her.
Seeing everyone's solemn gaze focused on him, Godou stood motionlessly and stared blankly
with a perplexed expression.
"To this day, I have always tried to avoid battles with gods as much as possible, but now the
time for an unavoidable fight has come. Basically, I am going to become no different from

other kings detestable beings like Voban or that idiot Doni. This morning Mariya already
said to me, who knows how many more gods I will have to fight over the rest of my life, and
who knows when my life will be extinguished, therefore"
As Godou expressed his innermost feelings, he felt fighting spirit flow out from within.
That's right, this is my true nature. This battle began far earlier than the moment of becoming
a Campione. The humans who possessed the unrelenting will to oppose and defeat gods, were
precisely the ones who gained such power to resist them.
"Even so, in my battles against gods, whether Erica, Liliana or Mariya, everyone... Everyone
has been essential to me. For the sake of staying together with me, your lives will always be
in peril. Will you continue to be my partners in spite of all this?"
Somehow Godou made a smile.
It was a slightly grotesque smile like a wild beast's, with the corners of his lips slightly
It was the mark of a king, the smile displayed when the joy of battle could no longer be
"Protecting you all and never letting you die those are words I will never say even if my
mouth is forced and torn open. The most I can say is this: if you are going to die, I will die
together with you. Furthermore, when receiving everyone's help, that certain behavior will
have to be performed as usual."
The girls were shocked into silence. It was only natural. Godou felt that it would be
unbelievable if a boy made such stupid requests without being hated, but he was determined
to clarify things.
It wouldn't do to be passively caught up into things step by step like the current incident. That
was what Godou felt deeply about.
"I know very well that my demands are very off-putting. If anyone feels repulsed, they can
depart from here immediately, and leave my side for now."
"Godou, is this what you mean by something important you had to tell everyone?"
Erica pursed her lips and frowned with displeasure.
"Didn't I swear an oath already? Even until the final moments of the world's destruction, I will
forever stay with you."
"I will also follow you for a lifetime as your knight, and offer my undying loyalty."
"I already said this morning, I hope that Godou-san and I will be together as long as our lives
endure. I am still waiting for your answer. What are you talking about at this time?"

Liliana declared with dismay while Yuri showed the angered look of a Yakshini[62], an
expression she had not shown for quite some time. Ena also went "Ah~~ how disappointing"
and shrugged her shoulders.
"Ah, no, but in the past these things were said in desperate situations under great duress. I just
want to reconfirm how everyone feels, and make sure once again..."
Godou felt his determined spirit shaken by the unexpected responses, and took a few steps
back in embarrassment.
In his current life, Godou was already well aware that compared to gods, girls were far more
"Godou, may I ask you a question? The three of us... hmm, as well as Ena, will soon
encounter a most desperate crisis."
"Ah? Sure."
Godou shrank back at Erica's sudden questioning.
"If you could only save one of us, who would you pick?"
"Hmm... Of course everyone, I will save everyone together."
Although Godou answered quickly without hesitation, the three girls could not help but sigh
at the same time. Only Ena was happily going "How befitting of His Majesty! That's the way
things should be done!"
"I already said, only one person can be saved. A choice cannot be avoided."
"How could I possibly make such a choice? Isn't it better to save everyone? What a strange
"Actually, Godou's lack of hesitation on the subject of selecting someone is even stranger. No
matter, that is why you are our king."
As Erica spoke, Liliana and Yuri nodded in agreement.
"As mentioned just now, I have sworn eternal loyalty before everyone else and I am the
woman who bears Godou's protection. This is simply acknowledgement of my earned merit as
Godou's wife."
"Protection? From the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi incident?"
Liliana was very concerned after hearing Erica's statement.
"The [Youth] incarnation used that time? When I asked Godou about the details he only
stuttered with misleading answers, while Erica played dumb all along. In the end, it became
some kind of secret"

"Rather than secret, it is better described as private."

"Private!? Could it be, that Godou and Erica did something indecent again!? If that is the case,
then the eternal loyalty mentioned just now was referring to that!?"
Erica's smile carried mysterious airs, while Yuri looked shocked.
Furthermore, Ena was throwing glances of "Wow! That's His Majesty! So very cool!"
whereas Liliana bore an expression that seemed to say "You are that kind of person, no
surprise there."
"Back then, Godou was ferocious, forceful and very strong like the times when he is in battle.
It made me feel like I could offer up this body for your pleasure. However"
Erica professed as if intoxicated, but quickly changed expressions.
"Putting all this aside, there are issues I need to know. Godou, do you plan on taking Ena,
Yuri and me into your embrace as lovers?"
"No, I've never even thought about that..."
Godou answered with irritation, but this provoked the Hime-Miko's displeasure.
"Eh eh? Your Majesty is so mean! Didn't you say you were going to take care of me along
with Yuri... Ah, I get it now. Sorry, looking back, it really was an unreasonable demand."
Ena looked down as if she realized something.
"Uh, you finally understand what I meant, right? Seishuuin."
"Yes, but it doesn't matter. Ena will act modestly until Your Majesty comes to love Ena. But
please summon Ena if you ever have the whim. Ena doesn't need the principal wife's position.
Even as Your Majesty's secret lover that cannot be exposed to the world, I am fine with it.
Please arrange things however Your Majesty finds convenient."
"Don't speak like that when you are an unmarried maiden!"
Ena's forthright attitude completely ignored society's moral expectations, and casually spoke
terrifying words.
Godou clutched his head in frustration. It seemed like Ena had undergone Yamato Nadeshiko
education like Yuri, which accounted for this anachronistically submissive conception of
male-female relationships.
"What do you actually see in me to say things like this!? Please, treasure yourself more!"
"It is because I treasure myself that I wish to stay by the side of the one I love most Your
Majesty. Your Majesty is very powerful, very dashing, and very compatible with Ena, and
also... The first for Ena to offer her kiss, and lay bare her naked body..."

Ena's face went red as she confessed.

In that instant, Liliana's face seemed to say "Are you still lacking in self-awareness?"
"Listen to what has been said, Kusanagi Godou, this is the truth. You possess the unaware
talent of gathering women. This is why you need someone by your side to offer reminders and
What was all this about? The original intention was to confirm their determination before the
battle, and get everyone to unite.
At this time, Erica gave yet another heavy blow to Godou who was already at the end of his
"If I'm not mistaken, I stated clearly before that Godou is only allowed two lovers Yuri and
me, but in this brief time just short of six months, you not only captured Lily but Ena as well,
exactly like a Don Juan.[63] By the way, Godou, didn't you once say something like 'relations
should develop slowly', is that correct?"
"T-That's right."
"If you also take Ena as a lover, it doesn't contradict your words, but even if you conquer her
slowly, I will not accept it!"
If you want to go out and womanize, you'd better placate the one at home first.
Keeping the reins of the wayward husband tightly in her hands, was exactly the skill
possessed by the principal wife.
"I will not go easy on you if it really happens. But if you are determined to go through with it
no matter what, I demand reasonable justification along the lines of affirming that I am the
one you love most. Should you fail to do something like that, I will never accept Ena as your
lover, got that?"
Issuing her ultimatum to Godou, Erica was like a queen who challenged the devil king.
The other three watched this scene unfold with great interest. How did it come to this? Just as
Godou stood there in shock, Yuri unexpectedly stepped forward.
After leaning close to the window and looking outside diagonally, she slowly turned her head
"...The Great Sage Equaling Heaven has awoken. I believe he will be descending here very
Yuri informed everyone the oracle she had received through spirit vision.
Hearing the news, Godou quickly recovered his senses, dispelling the feelings of intimidation
from Erica and the girls that was overwhelming him. The swiftness of the change came as a
surprise, even to himself.

"I've decided to check out the Great Sage's condition. Everyone get ready."
"Are we going to fight now, Kusanagi Godou!?"
Godou shook his head at Liliana's question. It was still too early for that.
"No, I have no intention to fight yet, since the required weapon against that monkey hasn't
been prepared yet... So Mariya, there is something I must rely on you."
"Yes, very well."
"I hope you can use spirit vision to discern clearly what kind of deity the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven is. The earlier the [Sword] can be used, the better."
Yuri answered 'yes' to Godou's instructions and shyly lowered her gaze.
"In other words, after capturing the Great Sage's divinity with spirit vision, Godou-san and I
will be..."
"Yes, that included. I will do everything I can to escape and prepare a counterattack for the
second round. As for your question this morning, I will take this opportunity to answer it. I
will persevere and always have you by my side, as long as you don't mind the kind of fellow I
Yuri's expression brightened immediately.
As he pondered over these things, Godou walked towards the entrance of the inn. In the end,
the matter with the girls was cast aside once again as a battle with a god approached. Just as
usual, for the sake of battle, in other to obtain victory, he was forcing them again.
Perhaps this personality of his would persist until the day he died.
The answer to Erica's sudden question was no longer important. Squarely facing the
personality flaws he had always been vaguely aware of, Godou stepped outside.

Part 3
On the peak of Nantaisan, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong jumped up to a
As things stood, his figure was still in the form of Mariya Hikari. Gazing up, the vast heavens
was filled with twinkling stars. He must have slept for roughly half a day.
Despite the hard surface of the mountain being used as a bed, he had rested soundly. After all,
he was the divine monkey born from stone and a sturdy soldier, with few demands in
everyday comforts.
"Now, what should I do with my kingdom next?"

Even if he didn't use clairvoyance, the Great Sage could survey the entire Okunikkou area
with normal vision as he looked down from the mountain.
At the foot of Nantaisan were the wide streets around Lake Chuuzenji.
North from there were the plains of Senjougahara, and even the hot spring street of
Okuyumoto could be seen. There were also the streets next to Lake Yunoko, and the villages
gathered all sorts of different monkeys, carrying on their lives with a hint of human feeling.
The might of the Great Sage's divine power apparently reached that area too.
Even so, the Great Sage was not in the least amused.
"This is a bit too quiet. Things need to be more lively, what should I do?"
The Great Sage twisted his head, trying to come up with things that could be accomplished
with monkey intelligence. Nothing came to mind so he stood upside down, and with no ideas
still, he made a somersault. Finally after a while, he clapped his hands.
"Thinking over again and again, the people of my past kingdom were prepared for battle
against the heavenly armies with great enthusiasm and hot-blood. What these guys lack is
ambition and the spirit of conquest."
What a great idea, let's run with this. The Great Sage Equaling Heaven immediately
summoned a golden cloud.
Somersaulting onto it, he rapidly descended to the ground surface. That sort of speed was like
lightning, and all mortal eyes could see was a flash of golden light.

Despite all their powers, Devil King Campiones were neither omnipotent nor invincible.
Especially those young fellows, they often had weaknesses. Feeling that Kusanagi Godou was
the same, Annie left the resort. After all, she had little interest in finding out the secrets of
other kings.
Annie casually strolled along the shore of Lake Chuuzenji, but suddenly saw a flash of light
descending from the sky, landing in a central street where the bulk of the monkeys were
gathered. Annie instantly ran towards the location.
Concealing herself as she approached the scene, she was met with a very repulsive sight.
"All day long the superior man is creatively active. At nightfall his mind is still beset with
cares. Danger. No blame. Wavering flight over the depths. Flying dragon in the heavens. It
furthers one to see the great man. Arrogant dragon will have cause to repent. There appears a
flight of dragons without leadership!"[64]
The one reciting spell words was a young girl standing on a golden-colored cloud.
The cloud was hovering about 10m above the ground, overlooking all sorts of monkeys
gathered in the streets near Lake Chuuzenji.

"The Creative works sublime success / Furthering through perseverance!"

It was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, the one who was occupying the body
of Mariya Yuri's younger sister.
The monkeys on the ground knelt in prostration and worshiped the monkey god like a
goddess, but as the Great Sage's spell words worked their effects, the underlings began to
undergo changes.
The monkeys with origins from all over the world, gathered here without any organization or
sense of principle, began to transform in appearance. Their eyes twisted with ferocity and they
bared their teeth.
Wrath and apprehension, as well as murderous intent, all appeared on their faces. At the same
time, there were also subtle changes to the monkeys' body. For example, the Japanese
monkeys' claws became like sharp knives, while the gorillas expanded several times in size to
become giant brutal gorillas.
Some of the chimpanzees' mouths gaped wide open, and out flowed saliva dripping on the
streets that dissolved the asphalt as if it was strong acid.
All the monkeys were full of murderous intent and had become very violent.
Threatening their neighboring companions, they even began to fight! Biting, scratching with
their claws, spitting things like acid or flames from their mouths.
Like a tragicomedy, the peaceful monkey kingdom transformed into a realm of bloodthirst in
an instant.
Furthermore, at this time, one of the monkeys came before Annie who had concealed herself.
It was a gibbon with claws as sharp as blades.
Making such a terrifying noise, the violent gibbon made its attack. Could it be possible that
the monkeys were given orders to attack people on sight!? As Annie leaped back to avoid the
attack, she began to chant spell words.
"Pentacle of the ages! Grant unto me thy protection!"
The gibbon made cries of fear and reluctance as it crashed into the invisible barrier.
As a mage, Annie was around upper average in ability, but purely in terms of magical power,
she surpassed the most elite of magi by far.
This number of enemies was nothing to worry about.
Annie continued observing, protected by the invisible shield.

The gibbon in front, as well as monkeys nearby which had begun to close in on Annie's
location, charged at the invisible barrier with great determination and bloodlust.
It seemed like they were especially aggressive towards humans.
Chanting spell words in the air, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven gave Annie a side glance.
Gods were always arrogant and viewed humans as mere toys. No matter how much the world
had changed, even though the human world existed for humans to live in, it was all just a
playground to them in the end.
Should I get changed? And transform into the black-clad demon who saves the people and
protect the powerless.
Annie abandoned such thoughts.
It was too early. Laziness was not the reason why John Pluto Smith sent his assistant to
investigate first. In a battle, he had two main authorities metamorphosis and the magic gun,
but both of them were accompanied by restrictive conditions.
Using these authorities without consideration would quickly attract attacks from all directions.
It was necessary to get a handle on the situation first.
At this time, Annie's cellphone made a noise. It was a text message.
This was a cellphone rented from a shop at the airport for usage in Japan. The message came
from the other Campione, for they had exchanged numbers when the decision to team up was

Annie returned to the resort and met up with Kusanagi Godou's group.
Through the results of spirit vision and investigative magic, they already knew the Great Sage
had appeared.
Thereafter, they all began to advance on the main road where the Great Sage had descended
National Route 120.
Along the way, they were met with attacks from berserk monkeys, but the group easily
reached their destination without peril.
Around the monkey king, the violent monkeys began to riot, jumping up and down, creating
quite a commotion.
Hidden behind a building, Annie and the rest began to scout.
"How is it, Mariya Yuri? Have you obtained some kind of hint?"
"No, not yet. Perhaps this distance is too far away as feared..."
Yuri replied to Liliana's question with melancholy.

This team's primary objective was to analyze the divinity of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
This appeared to be related to Kusanagi Godou's powers.
"Whenever Yuri discerned a god's origins with spirit vision, she was always closer to them
than this. To expect a result by spying from far away is too naive after all."
"The phenomenon known as spirit vision will not occur when it comes to matters of personal
interest or benefit."
Met with the problem raised by Erica, Ena answered in a matter-of-fact manner.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained..."
As the Campione and the king, Kusanagi Godou muttered softly to himself.
"No other way, I will pay the Great Sage a visit. When gods like these catch sight of kings
like me, they usually ignore ordinary people, right? Let's take advantage of that."
"It's too dangerous, Godou, I will come along."
"Even if Erica comes with me, it will still be dangerous. Think of a better plan, there must be
better ones? If I run into trouble, I will be relying on you all."
After Kusanagi Godou finished the discussion with his lovers, their plan was put into action.
He stepped headfirst into danger alone, and expressed great care and concern over the girls
who were his lovers. Such behavior was completely opposite to the predictions of John Pluto
Smith or in other words, the collaborator Annie.
What was he going to do next? Annie felt herself greatly piqued with curiosity.

Part 4
Godou slowly walked towards the divine monkey that held dominion over Hikari's body.
At least he wasn't completely unarmed. In his shirt pocket was Cuore di Leone which Erica
had transformed into a metal plate the size of a card.
This was the intersection of main roads at the shore of Lake Chuuzenji.
The monkeys gathered in the area began to rouse as they spotted the human Godou.
Ferocious stares, threatening expressions and gestures, and even appetites for human flesh
were conveyed through their eyes like stabbing knives.
One would not have expected such brutality from monkeys that originated from leisurely
"Sigh, too noisy! Shut up and be quiet, and scram!"

Standing on a golden cloud, Hikari gave a great shout from midair.

The monkeys scattered instantly, fleeing in all directions. This was going to be one on one.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven manipulated the apprentice miko's body, and nimbly landed
on the ground.
"My kingdom is built, and I also had a good nap. I want some exercise next, and here comes a
godslayer... How gratifying!"
The Great Sage declared using Hikari's voice.
Godou's body and mind were prepared for battle, and power flowed continuously from within.
...However, it was strange. Godou quietly tilted his head in puzzlement.
Earlier at Toushouguu, the Great Sage displayed immense divine power that far surpassed all
the gods he had ever met, but now nothing could be felt. Of course, there was no doubt that
the Great Sage was a very powerful god...
"Hahaha, you also look like you have fully recovered. I will use the legend of facing off
against the heavenly armies at the Mountain of Fruit and Flowers as a model for our duel
here. Even if you object, you will not be able to escape."
"Don't joke around, who wants to fight that kind of battle with you!"
Godou answered, casting all concerns aside. His current objective was to stall for time.
"You've already released that whatever Keeper of the Horses spell, right? If that's the case,
you no longer require the power of the miko you possessed Hikari, right? It's time you give
her back to me!"
The Great Sage began to smile using Hikari's face.
Though she was already twelve years old, she bore an even more immature looking smile as a
result of the god residing in her body.
"You really are infatuated with this miko, oh? If that's the case, you cannot escape as long as I
keep this fellow in my clutches. Hehe, if you want to take her back, make your point with the
fist. So then, let the blood-boiling, muscle-twitching games begin!"
A steel staff suddenly appeared in the Great Sage's hand. No mistake, it was the Ruyi Staff!
"Master of the Water Curtain Cave in the Mountain of Fruit and Flowers, the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong announces his presence! Speak your name!"
"Kusanagi Godou! Let me tell you beforehand, I don't have a title as long as yours."
With the sound of rushing wind, the Ruyi Staff was casually swung over. Sigh, it really turned
out like this after all.

The staff of steel smashed heavily towards Godou who jumped to evade.
"I, Wandering Monk Sun's Ruyi Staff was forged from precious divine iron. The iron staff
that shakes the heavens and the earth, terrorizing the blue sky, savor it well!"
The first strike was quite fast, and the speed likely exceeded a 160kmh fast ball pitch.
However, the staff became faster and faster, and its motions were like lightning as the Great
Sage wielded it with a combination of monkey-like agility and lightning speed.
I can't see it! Godou recalled his earlier battle with Perseus.
The current speed matched that of the glorious hero who displayed movements like flashes of
white lightning. Faced with an opponent whose motions were impossible to capture visually,
Godou began to use the [Raptor] form.
The power of god speed and jumping ability was unlocked only when facing high speed
Furthermore, Godou had discovered a new way to use it when he tested it in the battle against
the beauty who had just become his sworn elder sister.
In the process of using the [Raptor], Godou's senses and reactions were accelerated as well,
and there was a wondrous feeling as if the surroundings were being played back in slow
In this decelerated world, Godou was the only one who could move normally. That was how
the [Raptor] was used normally.
However, this time Godou suppressed his speed as much as possible while making
As the Ruyi Staff was slowly thrust forward, the tip inched its way towards Godou's throat,
but Godou remained completely motionless, shutting off the [Raptor]'s speed. He reactivated
the [Raptor] when his throat was one or two centimeters from being pierced.
Super acceleration. The [Raptor]'s speed was infused in his body, but only employed for an
This was sufficient, and good enough to evade the Ruyi Staff's attack. Godou was missed by
10cm, and the attack was evaded splendidly.
The Great Sage grumbled and instantly raised his attack speed.
The Ruyi Staff roared and sparks flew as it went through a series of attacks.

Tracing out arcs in the air as it approached Godou from all sorts of directions, it was like one
of those martial arts movies from Hong Kong where Shaolin monks displayed staff skills,
except several hundred times faster.
The series of attacks continued like a barrage of wind and thunder, but Godou dodged them
all with the same principle as before.
The importance of rhythm was realized during his battle with Luo Hao. It was not necessary
to use super speed all the time. During that time, he discovered the defensive technique of
applying godly speed only at critical moments of need.
"Yes, you are defending well against Old Sun's Ruyi Staff! That's what a true devil king is
The one who gave such praise was the Great Sage who was also the second daughter of the
Mariya family. Her ankle had also connected with Godou's right leg at the same time.
Godou kept the speed of the [Raptor] suppressed, and releasing it only when he was 10cm
away from striking his target. This was a most excellent sweeping kick.
"Uh, this splendid kicking is quite scary. Hahaha, nice!"
Though he wasn't swept off his feet, the stumbling Great Sage laughed.
The success of the attack also owed itself to using speed judiciously. In the past when under
high speed, Godou was unable to make precise movements and often missed his enemies by
50cm when he tried to attack.
Now, he attacked using normal speed and only accelerated at the very end.
Using this method, he was now able to make highly precise movements that had previously
eluded him.
However, the Great Sage's confidence gave an ominous feeling. As Godou continued to face
off using godly speed, Hikari's expression gave a heavy impression of 'I haven't gone all out
Where's the signal? Godou's anxiety slowly built up.

Meanwhile, during Godou's confrontation with the Great Sage, the girls had also begun their
At a certain memorial plaque on the lake shore, they were discreetly watching the situation
between the god and the Campione.
In order to secure their escape route, Annie had been sent on a solo mission. The current
people present were the two Great Knights and the two Hime-Miko, a total of four remaining.
The one assigning tasks was, of course, the [Diavolo Rosso].

Erica spoke to her childhood friend:

"Lily, we have to create an opening to let everyone escape and rescue Godou."
"Understood. But then, will spirit vision really work?"
Liliana looked worriedly at Yuri.
Whenever one desired strongly to see something, one would not be able to see it easily. Erica
already knew of this unwritten law in the field of spirit vision. "The success of spirit vision is
up to the heavens" was something that Yuri often repeated as a reminder.
However, those words seemed doubtful considering Yuri's high success rate. Then again, Yuri
might be subconsciously raising her success rate by telling herself this again and again.
"I will make it work somehow... After all, there were a few occasions when I received divine
inspiration according to my will. If I do it in the same manner, it might work."
"Gaining insights according to you own will? Even for Mariya Yuri, that seems hard to
Denying Liliana's objections, the premier Hime-Miko Ena spoke up:
"I see. That particular method you learned in the Netherworld, Yuri?"
"Yes, due to the Memories of the Void floating everywhere in that realm, that ability could be
used easily at will. I think using it in the real world will greatly strain one's body, but the
method should be the same."
Yuri had already changed into her miko outfit before she left the resort.
To raise her mental concentration, she began to chant the Hime-Miko's spell words under
everyone's gaze.
"Once upon a time in the great kingdom of Tang, a child entered the mountain forest in spring
and was never seen again. The parents ventured on a search but never encountered the child.
Lamenting 'our child, our child' they mourned the child's death and were turned into spirit
birds, sorrowfully singing every spring."
Praying with her hands together before her chest, Yuri closed her eyes.
If one were to make a painting of the proper figure of this pious miko praying in earnest, it
would surely result in a moving work of art.
"Form is no different from emptiness, Yuri. Moving your heart as close to the Netherworld as
possible will make your spirit more sensitive."
"Is this knowledge gained from Japanese wizardry?"
As Erica asked after hearing the advice, Ena proceeded to explain concisely.

"Form is no different from emptiness, and emptiness is no different from form. Form itself is
emptiness, and emptiness itself is form everything that possesses form in this world are
akin to illusions. On the other hand, the truly intangible has their own form. This was taught
by the great Avalokitasvara.[65] This is all because the Netherworld is that kind of place."
This was only natural, as the Netherworld referred to by the Hime-Miko was known as the
psychic world to European magi.
It was a world where spirit and ectoplasm ranked higher than the material body.
"I have almost reached the realm where 'form is no different from emptiness.' Once I get
there, the kind of spirit vision I used in the Netherworld should be possible."
"Yuri has been there before, so she should have grasped the technique... It should only be a
matter of difficulty now."
This was the forthright girl unfettered by society or common sense, but at the same time a
high class young lady with excellent upbringing and a multitude of mastered skills.
Catching a glimpse of Ena's facets, Erica frowned lightly. Though she maintained her graceful
demeanor, she could already predict that this premier Hime-Miko will turn out to become the
[Diavolo Rosso]'s greatest enemy.
"By the way, Seishuuin Ena, can your divine possession be used anywhere?"
Liliana entered the conversation without conscious intent.
"Speaking from a witch's instincts, it is an ability that obtains power on the level of a demigod
or divine beast. However, it most likely places a heavy burden on the body."
"Liliana-san is on the right track. Yes, even for Ena, the conditions of using the technique are
rather stringent."
Though she smiled cheerfully, the content of her response was in no way casual.
"Basically like running a complete marathon at full speed? Extremely exhausting in mental
concentration. After using it once, the body feels like it has been completely hollowed out for
a week. While using it, there is no guarantee of safety and death could result in the worst case
scenario. However, when the necessary situation arises, Ena is prepared to use it without
hesitation, so don't worry."
This was the answer of the Hime-Miko of the Sword who was well accustomed to harsh
Erica knew from her investigations that the Hime-Miko would undertake such training
regularly in order to purify their minds and bodies of accumulated worldly influences. They
always entered deep into the mountains because living too long in urban settings will render
divine possession impossible.
However, Seishuuin Ena was formidable not only because of divine possession.

First of all, her usual behavior lacked feminine delicacy but she was at the same time a
beautiful girl with an outstanding face and figure. She could easily get close to Godou like a
male friend but display feminine wiles in unexpected areas, easily manipulating his affections
within the palm of her hand.
Whether as a woman or a knight, Erica had realized this was a very difficult opponent to
handle. Just now the issue she raised with Godou was interrupted, but she really had to settle
the matter properly without loose ends in the future.
As she steeled her determination, Erica led the other knight away from the two Hime-Miko.
The spell they were going to use next required great concentration. The ritual she was going
to perform together with Liliana was fully prepared. Its success would directly determine the
survival of everyone in the group.

Meanwhile, the battle between Godou and the Great Sage had reached a climax.
Even for Ena's level of dynamic vision, their speed was frighteningly fast and impossible to
capture. As the Great Sage smashed down his Ruyi Staff again and again, His Majesty
continuously evaded each attack by a paper-thin margin. This was a fight that could only be
watched clearly by a martial artist who had perfected the mind's eye.
Amongst the masters in the Imperial Capital, there were only two or three who had attained
this level.
Facing the intense battle, the Hime-Miko Mariya Yuri closed her eyes and focused on
praying. What she must discern was the divinity of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun
Ena felt rather regretful that Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was not by her side.
That divine sword was also a member of [Steel] and they would have a better chance with
another member of the gods on their side. If her former partner was still in her hand, she could
learn the knowledge and transfer it to Kusanagi Godou.
That said, it was rather surprising that the exceptionally serious possessor of spirit vision
would take initiative to such an extent. In the past, she was a girl who would adhere rigidly to
the rules no matter what.
"...Girls will change themselves for the sake of boys. Grandma's so right!"
When she first read Kusanagi Godou's profile, Ena already felt that he was an interesting
He had a modest personality, common-sense behavior, and a pacifist lifestyle. Even so, he
occasionally acted in slightly odd ways. From the perspective of Ena who wasn't bound by
ordinary rules, it was like the joy of meeting a long-lost brother. However, it seemed like the
honor student Yuri was even more suited to him.

In actual fact, having witnessed all sorts of messy situations that arose from the results of
Kusanagi Godou's actions, Ena was convinced of one fact.
He is my husband, the man decided by fate.
In order to ensure the continuation of the Seishuuin bloodline, she was obliged to bear
children sooner or later. However, Ena had never met a boy who suited her until now.
Faced with Ena's lack of common sense, those fellows reacted with either shock, anger or
flattery. Too bad, they were not qualified to be with Ena. In this aspect, Kusanagi Godou was
fundamentally different from them.
Ena had not expected Godou to make her heart race this much, but still she dealt with it
Ena did not mind those who indulged in lust. As far as a daughter of the Seishuuin family was
concerned, there were plenty of fellows (and even listed in the family records) who indulged
in collecting beauties. On this point, Godou was actually a lot better than them.
Though he still had no intentions of getting married yet, it was fine even if all she obtained
was his bloodline.
Even though a king's powers were not hereditary, being a descendant offered substantial
influence in the wizardry world. European magic associations were commonly led by, or even
founded by those hailing from the lineage of kings.
Taking the Copper Black Cross as an example, ten-odd generations ago, their commander-inchief was a king's illegitimate child.
He was treated like royalty, and in fact, members of the Blandelli family like Erica are his
...Thus, Ena focused her attention on the battle of the man whom she had been fated to
"This is not going well, if it continues, His Majesty will be more and more disadvantaged. In
order to escape, he'd better hurry."
Ena's natural battle instincts clearly discerned the tides of victory.
Kusanagi Godou was having a battle of god speed against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
It was apparent that the latter was vastly more experienced in high speed battle than the
former, and the Great Sage surpassed His Majesty's movements for the first time. Clearly they
were supposed to be equal in speed but it could be seen that the Great Sage was gradually
catching on to Kusanagi Godou's motions.
Due to the extreme speed, Ena could only vaguely catch part of the action, but she was able to
understand the overall tide of the battle.

The Great Sage's Ruyi Staff seemed to be swiping from the right but it was only a feint. As
Godou dodged horizontally, the Great Sage made a middle spinning kick from the left. Using
this principle, the Great Sage gradually undermined Godou's position.
Feints and diversions.
Since Godou was unable to attack Hikari's body directly, the tides of battle would turn for the
worse if things continued like this. He will be defeated. Ena unsheathed the sword she had
received from the collection at the Sayanomiya residence.
If anything happened, she would use divine possession to assist.
Having summoned Susanoo's divine spirit earlier in the daytime, she could only use the
technique for a short time longer, or else there would be a heavy toll on the body.
During the playful ruckus at the open air bath, the Hime-Miko of the Sword did obtain a little
rest for her mind and body.
Whenever possible, three days of rest was best, though reaching peak condition required a
week's time.
However, when the necessary time comes, Ena will use it without any fear. As the woman
with the prepared determination to serve His Majesty, this was only natural. Ena squinted as it
was about time to enter the fray.
"...Far away mountain wilderness, resting in the grassy plains. The lineage of steel is the way
of the sword. Wielding the bow on horseback, carrying fierce thoughts in pursuit of flocks of
sheep, capturing prey. Sing praise to the ancient way of the brave."
Yuri lightly pleaded with a hoarse voice.
Opening her eyes, her body swayed as she looked at Ena.
"Yuri, you got it, right? The true identity of the monkey who stole Hikari's body, you know
"Yes, so it is fine now, you can... Godou-san..."
The Hime-Miko possessing the spirit eyes fell forward as she spoke.
Surprised, Ena frantically caught her. Yuri's body was frighteningly hot, especially her
forehead when Ena tried to touch it.
"Using spirit vision like this is really reckless, that should have been realized from the start.
But Yuri, you actually accomplished it!"
Ena took out the device she was entrusted with as she called to her childhood friend.
This was Annie Charlton's personal gun, a slender revolver. As Ena fired the signal, an
unexpected result occurred.

Affected by the feints, Godou began to fail in his evasions.

Receiving injuries on his arms, shoulders and thighs, the battle had turned for the worse.
Being unable to counterattack was truly painful. With that, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven
halted the attacks.
"...I see, you are concerned with this little lady possessed by me."
The Great Sage finally realized the reason for Godou's unnatural way of fighting.
The monkey king occupied Hikari's body as he scratched her face in thought.
"Hmm, it's as if I was using this little lady as a hostage. No good, that's really no good.
Doesn't that make me seem just like a villain!"
"What do you mean by 'seem', you were clearly an evil villain all along!"
Faced with the Great Sage's stupid comments, Godou finally burst out with a retort.
"Hmm, it's true that I have done all sorts of naughty things. However, being thought of as a
petty villain feels surprisingly unpleasant. I, Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, need
to establish proper solemnity of presence after all!"
This monkey turned out to be even more vain than expected.
In front of the surprised Godou, the Great Sage began forming complicated mudras with his
"Looks like it is time for me to show my true form. I hereby pray for dustless calm repose,
Golden-colored smoke began to rise from Hikari's head.
"Calm repose to the Six Senses[66], the divine monarch's peace comes to my five organs! The
origin of peace, shares the root of all gods in heaven and earth! Come, bestow upon me the
body and divinity of calm repose ouch ouch ouch ouch!"
The smoke gradually became thicker and quickly formed the shape of a monkey. Bit by bit, it
became solid, turning into a monkey god covered with golden fur!
Standing at a height of 160cm or so, he wore a yellow Kao[67] outfit as before.
As the monkey stood up, Hikari simultaneously collapsed on the ground.
"Next, let me put this miko away."
The monkey the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong who had retrieved his original
form, snapped his furry fingers.

Hikari's body turned into a small sphere of light and was swallowed by the Great Sage.
"Hohoho, I didn't really eat her, but simply kept her in my stomach for the time being.
Godslayer, if you want to save this miko, just cut open my belly and take her back."
"What?! I thought you said something about not wanting to be like a villain!"
Godou loudly admonished the Great Sage who was smiling frivolously with his monkey face.
"If you do these kinds of things to girls, what are you but an evil villain?"
"Hahaha, what surprising words. But didn't I already declare yesterday? I am the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven who acts with ferocity and exposes evil, except I don't want to feel like I am
some sort of petty villain!"
Having spoken, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven renewed his attacks.
So fast! In an instant, he attacked with his palms ten times in succession.
Godou was able to use the [Raptor]'s speed to dodge until the ninth hit, but was struck
This was a wild beast he had never encountered previously with a monkey's agility and
attacks that were faster than before.
No, that was not all.
As the Great Sage's palm struck his left shoulder, Godou exclaimed in shock. It was hard!?
That's completely like steel! The collar bone was definitely shattered and intense pain invaded
the left shoulder.
"Fiery-eyes, golden-gaze, iron skull, iron arms, copper back, copper body."
As he finished reciting, bladed weapons appeared in both hands of the Great Sage. The
monkey king then thrust a sword towards his own abdomen.
With a clattering sound the sword shattered. Then he took the blade and chopped horizontally
at his neck and the blade broke with a resounding crash.
"I ate heavenly peaches, drank holy alcohol, and consumed elixirs to gain this indestructible
body. Furthermore, thanks to the burns from the flames of the Bagua[68] cauldron, I can
withstand slashing attacks from swords and blades, splitting attacks from axes, and lightning
and thunder attacks without getting hurt."
Could this be immortality a body of steel!?
Salvatore Doni also possessed such an authority. These immortal constitutions were
especially tricky to handle.

At this moment, the sound of gunshot was heard. The signal for temporary retreat. Godou
endured the pain in his chest as he raised the [Raptor]'s speed to the maximum.
Will he make it?
The chest pains were signs that the [Raptor]'s time limit was fast approaching.
The divine monkey that should have been shaken off was running in pursuit. Since he had
been consciously controlling his speed all this time, Godou felt that he should be able to use
his remaining strength to go all out and attain maximum speed. However...
"No way, this is no good. Play with me a little while longer."
Godou received quite a shock.
With movements like a monkey, the Great Sage was running alongside Godou's god speed.
So he really wasn't going at full speed just now!
Charging ahead, the Great Sage accelerated and cut off Godou from the front. With that he
made a thrust with the Ruyi Staff, targeting Godou's heart.
Godou gave up on dodging left, right, or retreating. It was already too late.
There was only one course of action to take the least damage from this attack. Continue
charging forward! Godou also accelerated his running and took a leap, sending a flying knee
towards the Great Sage's face.
Of course, even if the target was hit, it was not going to knock out the opponent. After all, the
enemy possessed a body of steel, and it was likely that Godou's own kneecap will be shattered
by the impact instead.
Due to the sudden attack, the Great Sage's aim deviated slightly...
Godou's gamble paid off.
Instead of piercing Godou's heart and killing him immediately, the Ruyi Staff penetrated the
flank of Godou's abdomen.
Though injury was inevitable, instant death was avoided.
As the staff was pulled out, Godou collapsed forward onto the ground.
Looks like I've reached my limits. Please, I will rely on you girls for the remainder.
In the instant of Godou's prayer, Lake Chuuzenji's water surface suddenly exploded.

As a mage, Erica was most talented in iron alchemy.

This was battle magic that originated from alchemy, belonging to the magical domain of
manipulating metal and infusing magic into objects.
In addition to spells bearing metallic attributes, Erica was also talented in the highly
compatible area of fire magic.
Rather than techniques of fire and steel, the witch Liliana's talents concentrated in the areas of
potions, communicating with plants and animals, and spells related to water, earth and sky.
Thus when they decided to control massive amounts of water, the main spellcaster was
"Behold, I shall send forth a great flood to the earth, extinguishing all terrestrial creatures,
wiping all life from the face of the earth."
The knight who was also a witch began chanting the spell words on the shore of Lake
"Water, rise from the depths, flooding the earth, submerging all land and mountains."
Erica also stood by her side, silently supporting Liliana as if trying not to disturb her.
"The terrestrial creatures, birds, beasts and livestock, insects that crawl upon the ground,
mankind, all shall perish. May death come to all who breathe the air to live, and all who reside
upon the land."
"All the creatures of the surface, humans, beasts, reptiles, flying birds, all shall be
This was the magical ritual, a technique that required multiple spellcasters to cooperate and
manifest the same spell.
This was a technique that was used whenever a highly difficult spell that required long casting
durations or magical power beyond one person's capacity.
"Behold, I shall destroy them together with the land!"
As the silver-haired maiden yelled out the completed incantation, Lake Chuuzenji's water
surface started to form ripples. At first there were only tiny waves that lapped at the shore, but
they doubled in strength when rebounding, and this continued repeatedly.
Very soon, towering great waves that seemed like they would smash the shoreline were
created as if a typhoon had arrived.
The wrathful waves swept over the northern shore of Lake Chuuzenji and even some of the
roads slightly further away. As Godou and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven carried out their
high speed battle, Godou finally heard the signal he had been waiting for so long the sound
of the revolver firing.
"Now, Lily! Let's go all out!"

"I do not need you to remind me. Lady of the Lake, please grant your blessing to the witch as
your descendant!"
In the instant that Liliana responded to Erica's instructions, the lake surface rose in one rapid
motion, and the lake water rushed towards the shore in the form of giant waves.
Along the main streets stretching across the north shore, the rows of shops, hotels, eateries
and public facilities were instantly swept away. It was said that legendary surfers rode giant
waves roughly 25 feet in height.
Since a foot was about 30cm, that meant 7m or so. However, the current giant waves were
humongous walls of water about 15m in height, and they were rushing furiously inland.
That area included the Great Sage who had just pierced a godslayer, as well as the collapsing
Kusanagi Godou.
The iron plate slid out from Kusanagi Godou's shirt pocket, exactly as planned beforehand.

Chapter 5 - Suffering of the Ladies, Alliance of Two Kings

Part 1
Gods and Campiones were essentially immune to human magic, but there existed secret ways
of circumvention such as working effects through the mouth. The method that Erica and
Liliana just used was one of them.
Magically created giant waves were sweeping away the busy streets around Lake Chuuzenji
along with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. If these waves were directly controlled by magic,
the attack would have been nullified. Hence that was why Erica and Liliana left the waves to
take their course without interference. Instead of specifying a target, they let the indirect
effects of their magic engulf the Great Sage. This was one such technique that could bypass
magic resistance.
The rest was up to luck, but the effects of the method could be predicted beforehand.
Erica and Liliana almost flew as they ran, westward along Lake Chuuzenji towards the car
waiting for them that Annie had prepared.
The mission of rescuing Godou had been entrusted to Cuore di Leone.
Erica's magic sword carried the injured Godou away.
In the instant the giant waves swept over them, Cuore di Leone transformed from a card into a
chain with an anchor on one end and attacked the Great Sage like a snake.
Its targets were the Great Sage's ankles, as well as the Ruyi Staff he had just pulled out from
Godou's abdomen!

The Great Sage was quite surprised. At the instant he successfully delivered a decisive blow
to the godslayer, even the monkey king was caught off guard.
At that very instant when Cuore di Leone chained the Great Sage's ankles together, Godou
displayed his unrelenting will.
Even though his injuries were severe, they were not fatal. He ran at full speed using the
[Raptor] while Cuore di Leone continued to entangle the Great Sage who was trying to chase
him. The divine monkey anxiously tried to sever the chain, but just as he chopped with his
knife hand, the giant waves arrived.
The massive waves devoured the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
That should buy some time. Godou ran west with godly speed.
There was no need to worry about retrieval because Cuore di Leone was the indestructible
magic sword and could be re-summoned by magic.
Thankfully, Godou's godly speed had some remaining stamina and he was able to run at full
speed for a good many seconds. His shoulder and the flank of his abdomen hurt immensely,
and the heart pain was gradually beginning to intensify.
"Are you all right? Kusanagi Godou!?"
At the meeting point, Liliana was the one who came out to receive him. Ena who had been in
charge of firing the signal gun, also arrived with Yuri supported on her arm. Yuri looked
completely exhausted, and her consciousness was in a clouded state.
"Your Majesty! Yuri has successfully completed the mission, you must praise her well later."
The Hime-Miko of the Sword reported to the king.
Meanwhile, Erica was staring at the silver SUV with a severe look in her eyes.
"W-What's up? Something happened?"
"Annie-san, who should have arrived first, is not here. Also..."
Hearing Godou's query, Erica gestured to the vehicle.
The seat and door on the driver's side were stained red with blood, and the reddish-black color
was smeared over the body of the car.

If all this blood came from one person, he or she must have been critically injured to leave
behind such stains.
As Godou noticed the car key that was still in the ignition, his cellphone began to vibrate.
"I-It's my phone, can someone pick it up for me? There seems to be an incoming call."
Godou felt worried by the timing of the call. Since his body had started to paralyze, Godou
asked Liliana who was closest to him to pick up the phone.
"It is a text message from Annie Charlton."
The knight showed the cellphone screen to Godou. On it was written the curt message of
'Annie has been hurt in an accident, and I have retrieved her. Do not worry. JS.'
"Though we can speculate all sorts of things from the content of this message, discuss it later.
Let's get out of here first and find a place to heal Godou and treat Yuri."
Erica spoke after reading the text message.
I rely on you for now, leaving everything in your hands. You must find a way to escape...
Godou communicated with his eyes to the blonde female knight who had guaranteed absolute
success for her plan.
"Can anyone drive? By the way, Ena can't."
Placing the exhausted Yuri and Godou on the back seats of the car, Ena asked the rest.
"No one here has reached the legal age for a driving license... Fine, I will think of a solution."
"Wait a minute, you can drive!?"
Seeing Erica make her way into the driver's seat, Liliana questioned as she sat on the
passenger seat beside her.
"If you know how to drive, why do you leave things to that maid all the time!? T-Thanks to
her, I have had so many near-death experiences!"
Clearly, Liliana had received rides from Arianna before.
Hearing the valid criticisms of her rival and longtime friend, Erica smiled glamorously.
"Oh my, isn't that an exceedingly simple question? First of all, I don't have a driver's license.
Furthermore, such a crude means of transport is not fit to be a knight's beloved mount.
Finally, today is my first time driving this thing."
After her most intimidating confession, Erica stepped on the gas pedal.
Carrying the group, the silver SUV began to rush forward madly with frightening momentum.

Fortunately, there were no cars in front or moving in the opposite direction. Otherwise, a car
crash would likely have resulted.
"Don't worry, I've been watching Arianna and other people drive all the time. Stepping here is
the accelerator, that one is for slowing down, and turning this will control the... Yes, I've
basically understood it all."
In just a few minutes, the car began to move smoothly and steadily under Erica's driving.
Erica drove with such a graceful posture that one would not have trouble believing she had
five years of driving experience. Truly, Erica Blandelli was no ordinary person, to be able to
grasp the essentials of driving just by casually observing others without deliberate intent.
Absolutely, she was an exceptionally capable and talented girl.
(However, she was clearly unfamiliar with traffic regulations, though it would be unfair to
insist on judging her on this requirement.)
With that, the original worries concerning their method of escape were dispelled.
However, a new sense of worry and anxiety surfaced with the pursuer who had appeared.
"Wow... What is going on, this is too unbelievable!"
Turning her head back, Ena could not resist exclaiming.
Chasing the car from behind was a gigantic hand that was connected to a densely fur-covered
monkey's arm. Looking back, an enormous version of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven
blotted the entire night sky.
'Hahahaha! Godslayer, to think you are over there! Watch me and see how I will prevent your
A very cheerful-sounding voice came from the sky above.
The voice was no longer Mariya Hikari's, but the same one used by the monkey divine
Now his title was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and the one-of-its-kind divine monkey
had blown up in size. Currently, his head was high enough for direct contact with clouds in
the night sky, and he extended his massive arm, trying to grab a hold of the car in which
everyone was riding.
Erica skillfully swerved the car left and right, evading his efforts to capture them.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven continued to make attempts again and again. Extending his
arm, missing; extending his arm, missing.
However, at last his fingertips touched the rear lights of the vehicle.

The car was sent off course and lost stability, and just as it was about to hit the sidewalk
railings, Erica turned the steering wheel to correct the course and finally slammed on the
The left side of the car had a collision and the impact shook the entire vehicle along with the
Luckily a serious frontal crash was avoided, but the car continued to spin for a good many
revolutions before it finally stopped.
During this time, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven had finally caught up.

After some minor preparations, Annie concealed all traces of herself for the time being.
She watched as Erica, Liliana and Ena left, escorting the two incapacitated members of the
team. In order to chase after them, the Great Sage had deliberately transformed himself into a
massive form that towered into the clouds.
"Other than being ostentatious, that kind of size offers no actual benefit in real combat...
Simply stated, he is a vain god that loves seeking attention."
Discerning the nature of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, Annie could not help
but shrug her shoulders.
She wanted to collect more information first, but the current situation no longer allowed her to
do so.
Though her principles were important, it would be placing the cart before the horse if she
abandoned those girls to their fate.
"...Birth, death, and the infinite"
Annie quietly chanted the spell words.
This was the spell for her to summon her outfit and magic gun, thus achieving an instant
change of appearance.
Her face became covered by the black mask, along with the characteristic visor that resembled
an insect's compound eyes. The black cape fluttered in the wind over the elegant and noble
blue-themed outfit.
In the waist holster was a steel-colored large caliber revolver. The feet wore iron-tipped black
leather boots.
The devil king who lorded over the darkness of Los Angeles John Pluto Smith had made
his entrance.
In that instant, Annie Charlton's existence vanished. This man was the masked hero, and
though he saved the citizens, he was also the tyrant who enslaved them to do his bidding.

Without any sense of punctuality, he was a nobleman who loved pretension and acting
Somehow, this had evolved into Annie's second personality. It was completely baffling.
With audible footsteps of leather boots, Smith walked along the scenic roads of the
His target was neither the Great Sage up in the clouds nor the direction where the car drove
off to.
Instead, he approached the central streets of the Chuuzenji hot springs, the area devastated by
the tidal wave caused by the Great Knights.
It was now night, and the perfect time most suited to John Pluto Smith. The new moon and
the twinkling stars shone in the autumn sky as the curtains of the dark night were lowered.
Illumination in the streets came from street lamps and domestic lighting.
"By my name as the king of the underworld I hereby decree. Make offerings to the legs of the
beast traversing the dark night. O Light, thou needst only illuminate my path towards
Chanting the spell words, Smith activated his authority.
This was the power named [Metamorphosis] by the Witenagemot.
This was the authority that granted the black-clad hero the supernatural ability to transform
into other avatars in exchange for various [Sacrifices]. When artificial lighting was sacrificed,
Smith transformed into a jaguar!
Smith's body took on form of a jaguar, its entire body covered by yellow fur with brown
spots. Its emerald green eyes flashed in the darkness.
It ran. Just as the car took off just then and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven chased after it,
the jaguar ran full speed along the asphalt paved road, traversing several hundred miles in just
a few dozens of seconds.
This was one of the magical powers possessed by the [Jaguar] transformation.

Luckily it caught up just as the car carrying Godou and the rest was forced to stop, apparently
having hit the railing. The Great Sage, whose giant body blocked the view of the sky, also
suddenly stopped reaching out with his arm.
He must have noticed. Whenever a devil king approached a god, they instinctively sensed
each other's existence.
Their bodies and minds would automatically enter a battle-ready state.
Smith released the jaguar transformation and returned to the black-clad, black-masked
"To think I would encounter two godslayers here... No, the smell is different from the other
fellow. One would never expect a third was hidden here! Hahaha, having no lack of
opponents sure will be fun!"
"If you already know it, then shut up with the meaningless chatter."
There was never any need to take the trouble of disguising herself as a man. Originally, it was
a deliberate choice to play a different persona.
However, starting at some point in time, her personality automatically shifted as soon as she
put on the mask.
"Great Sage Equaling Heaven... All deities who cower secluded in my homeland know of my
name. If possible, you would do well to remember the name of John Pluto Smith."
Introducing herself, she pulled out the steel-colored revolver.
Since a new moon had passed after the battle with Asherah, the six bullets had already been
'Yes, you do possess the power to back up your words. And for that thing to be filled with
such a repulsive aura, it is clearly a weapon designed to annihilate my kind.'

After seeing the magic gun, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven commented with great interest.
As expected of a monkey god, his sense of smell was exceptionally sharp. Also, the Great
Sage began to shrink his body.
Back to a height of 160cm or so, rather than a monkey, he was more similar to a human
covered with dense fur, with the Beijing opera costume and wielding the Ruyi Staff.
Massive creatures lacked agility and so the giant body would have been unable to evade the
Hence he chose to shrink his size. Anyway, how was the condition of the other Campione?
Smith glanced at the back of the car where Kusanagi Godou's body was lying against the seat.
Though his body was clearly powerless to fight, his eyes showed no exhaustion and exhibited
the relentless will in his heart. As befitting of a king, he did not despair in such a crisis.
Smith smiled beneath his mask.
With zero immunity against men, Annie Charlton had been deliberately avoiding Godou, but
on the other hand, John Pluto Smith did not disapprove of him.
Building romantic relationships with numerous girls and enjoying the pleasure of love.
This was the pastime of libertine intellectuals. Precisely because Annie could not comprehend
such a concept, that woman had been plagued with the loneliness of being single!
As he criticized his other personality, Smith noticed something.
The heretic [Steel], the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's divine power was rising rapidly. It was
so powerful that it surpassed all the deities he had ever met. What was going on!?
With nervous eyes, Kusanagi Godou watched the divine monkey through an open car
"Pardon my impertinence of my request, but I shall handle this. You people should escape
"You wish for my lord to owe you a favor? ...John Smith-sama."
As soon as he spoke to the girls, Erica answered from the driver's seat.
As befitting the high class young lady of the Blandelli family, as well as a famous celebrity in
the realm of magi, Erica's inquiry carried a very graceful tone.
The reason why she omitted the name of Pluto, was probably because the text message was
signed by "JS."

"Favor? No, it is because you all have shown hospitality to my collaborator, which is why I
must do something as a thank you gift. In the language of loans, this would be called clearing
one's debts."
The pleasure of trying to decipher each other's motives in this conversation with the beautiful
girl proved to be something rarely found in Los Angeles.
If the black mask had the capability to show facial expressions, surely it would be smiling
"It is my style to always return good favors, and fortunately I possess an authority that could
match the monkey king. So please, leave things to me?"
"Of course, Smith-sama. My lord and I shall return your favor someday. Given the current
situation, please allow me to express our gratitude in his stead."
The corner of Erica Blandelli's lips showed a highly refined smile.
Their car started once again, accelerating once then accelerating even further, and soon
disappeared out of sight.
'Hohoho, you think you can match me, what audacity! Very well, let Old Sun here show you
his divine power, and I shall finish this grand divine summoning spell right now!'
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven snickered to himself as two stone figures suddenly appeared
in his hand.
One was an armored soldier with a pig's head, while the other looked like some sort of
demonic deity with hair standing on end like flames.
'The treasure mirror reflects the Earth and the Heavens, the divine sword conjoins Yin and
Yang! I, Great Sage Equaling Heaven, hereby summon my sworn brothers by our pact of
fraternity! Come forth, Middle Bro, Zhu Ganglie!'
As the Great Sage tossed the figure of the armored soldier, it expanded in size and became a
[Heretic God].
He had a pig's head covered with dense black fur, and a comedic face despite menacing tusks.
The plump and solidly built massive body was wearing black armor.
'Come forth, Lil' Bro Vaisravana!'
This time the figure of the demonic deity that was tossed also manifested into a god, with a
head of stiff spiky crimson hair, a face like a ferocious demon, ashen black skin, a dismal
gloomy expression, and over his tattered clothing was a set of blue armor.
"Oh well, at least I'm back."
"We meet again, Big Bro, Middle Bro. I suppose our task is to eliminate that fellow before

The two gods descending upon the earth spoke.

Zhu Ganglie Zhu Bajie. Vaisravana Sha Wujing. Together with Sun Wukong, this was
three against one!
"Let me display the admiral's prowess I have long hidden away... The Curtain-Lifting General
shall command the great navy, expelling all evil. Let dragons be summoned and rain shall
Once Vaisravana finished chanting, a pillar of water surged up strongly like a geyser,
breaking through the asphalt of the paved road. Rushing towards the sky, its shape began to
change, becoming a creature with a long slender body, four short limbs, a reptilian face, and
horns on its head.
This appearance was essentially a dragon's.
Vaisravana controlled the dragon born from water.
"I will display my martial prowess as the former general in the royal guard, savor this well!"
Standing upon the head of the water dragon, Vaisravana boasted with pride.
The dragon's appearance with its lowered gaze was most awe-inspiring. It was like a sculpture
made of water.
"Wow, Lil' Bro sure looks cool eh."
Zhu Ganglie looked a bit crestfallen.
"I am also known as the Great Patriarch of the Nine Heavens, the Foremost Spiritual Grand
Master, Keeper of the Beginning and the Great Void, the Marshal Canopy Divine Monarch!
In other words, the Great Emperor's marshal! In the name of my martial might, let the north
star be revealed!"
Yelling out a string of pretentious titles, Zhu Ganglie's body turned into a giant.
Expanding until a height of 15m or so, he also became three-headed and six-armed like an
Basically, additional pig faces grew out on the left and right of his original face while each
shoulder gained an extra pair of arms. The six arms wielded a sword, a halberd, an axe, a club,
a bow and arrows respectively. The body continued to be clad in pitch black armor.
Zhu Ganglie stepped forward with his bizarre body. Boom! The ground resounded as it shook.
"Hurry and give chase! Make haste and catch up to those fellows just now!"
As the Great Sage gave his orders, two giant apes appeared out of the ground.

These were the giant ape-shaped divine beasts that Godou's group had met on their way
through the mountain path. The two divine beasts began to run forward with incredible speed.
Though their bodies looked huge, their speed was extremely fast. Smith wished for good
fortune to Godou and his group as he transformed into the [Jaguar] once again. In this short
time, he had already metamorphosed quite a number of times.
"In actual fact, I already received news earlier that you can call in reinforcements."
"Oh? What are you trying to say?"
With an impatient tone, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven answered the jaguar's whispers.
"However, why have you waited until now to summon them... This is a very interesting
question. The way I see it, you are a very vain deity that loves attention. If you had such a
spectacular move available, what would prevent you from showing off right from the start?"
Smith had already deduced a plausible answer beforehand.
If the conjecture was correct, then there was no need to deliberately and recklessly rush
headlong into a three-versus-one fight.
The precious arrows of the moon goddess Artemis only had six shots, and now it was
necessary to fire one of them... Smith opened the jaguar's mouth and shot a magic bullet!
It was not necessary to fire them from the magic gun when in a metamorphosed state
rather, the causality went the opposite way.
The gun was a weapon created for the purpose of controlling Artemis' authority with a human
The flash of white lightning streaked across the sky, resembling a flying dragon. The three
gods entered a prepared stance, clearly aware of the power possessed by the moon goddess'
arrow. However, Smith's goal was not defeating them.
The magic bullet exploded in the air.
Like a supernova, bright light burst forth from the explosion, illuminating the entire
surroundings with a white color.
However, this explosion was neither accompanied by heat nor impact. It was only a flash of
light that acted as a visual diversion.
It was the strongest diversion in the world, with the ability to scorch the vision of gods.
But since the enemies were gods, it was possible they might give chase using hearing, smell
or extrasensory perception.
Hence, before he began his escape, Smith used the entirety of the [Jaguar]'s magic powers,
just in case.

Part 2
Erica floored the gas pedal without hesitation and sped through the night along National
Route 120.
She had noticed the two giant apes that were pursuing them and regularly checked the rear
view mirror for their position. Though it would take them time to catch up, the distance was
gradually shrinking.
Despite their massive bodies over 10m tall, the giant apes ran with incredible speed.
This was surprising to Erica. Generally speaking, most wild beasts were not suited to long
distance running because their thick fur prevented them from using sweat effectively to
maintain body temperatures. Persisting activity would soon lead to overheating and instant
In terms of stamina, human beings were actually at the pinnacle of all terrestrial mammals.
"Lily, do you think we can shake them off by using flight magic?"
"Only if they do not know how to fly. It is worth a try, but if that spell is used, we will
become defenseless..."
"Then it's better if we don't use it. Yesterday I saw that certain monkey fly like a rocket."
Erica, Liliana and Ena, the three remaining combatants, discussed their options briefly.
"Then that only leaves... Attacking them head on."
Erica murmured as she gripped the steering wheel tightly.
If only they could breach the mountain pass. But attacking them head on was equivalent to
What they needed was a team of Great Knight-level specialists to fight after making detailed
battle plans and preparations, and thus achieve victory... Even then, chances of survival were
still quite low. That was the level of power that divine beasts possessed.
"Anyway, let Ena take care of one of them. If I use divine possession, it should be an equal
Even though repeated use of that technique carried fatal risk from depletion of spirit powers,
the Hime-Miko made the proposal and volunteered with a matter-of-fact tone of voice.
"That is to say, we two are going to face the remaining one? If this was a duel, it would be a
taint to our honor."
"However, we are simply driving off monsters, so there is no justification for such rumors.
Looking at it another way, for us to obtain victory with our numbers would be a legendary

Erica was unfazed by the silver-haired knight's various concerns.

She continued to accelerate, not to lose the pursuers but to maintain the distance and get ready
to mount a frontal assault.
After a while, the car came to a parking lot.
A little further ahead was a passing stream as well as a concrete bridge.
This place was clearly in the mountains, but the presence of restaurants and a bus stop
indicated it was some kind of tourist destination.
"This is the Dragon Head Falls. If you go deeper in the mountains from here, you will see the
Ena surveyed the surroundings.
They stopped the car in the parking lot. The only ones who got off were Erica, Liliana and
Yuri was still in a daze while Godou was immobile. Having endured the paralysis of the
[Raptor]'s aftereffects and the pain of the pierced abdomen, he slipped into deep sleep.
The two of them were left in the car, but before that, Erica opened the door to the back seat
and kissed her exhausted beloved. Though she really did not want this to be a farewell kiss, it
could very well be their last. At the same time, she also took the opportunity to apply healing
Unlike the day before, Godou did not have the awareness to complain.
As she let go of his lips, Godou moaned.
"Please rest for a while, and I will return to your side as soon as possible. Regarding Ena, you
still need to be taught a lesson."
Erica whispered in Godou's ear and left the vehicle after lightly kissing his earlobe. Liliana
and Ena both showed an expression that said 'damn it, too late!" but they tried to pretend as if
nothing had happened.
As the two giant apes approached with awkward motions, Ena was the first to act.
"Trudging through grassy plains beneath the morning mist, the soles of the feet gradually
moistened... Marching through that Nagashino plain, crossing the barrier of the Shirakawa
River Seishuuin Ena has arrived!"
The Hime-Miko of the Sword finished chanting the spell words, and though the portion was
small, a divine aura filled her body.

As Ena's guardian deity, Susanoo's divine power was infused into her body. The two giant
apes stared at her, clearly judging Ena to be a great threat.
"I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise
"O sword of Saul, the warrior's weapon fast as an eagle and strong as a lion. Descend into my
hand now!"
Chanting their respective incantations, Erica and Liliana finished their spell words of
Infusing their beloved swords with spell words, the two swords revealed their true forms, with
Cuore di Leone transformed into a broad-bladed longsword while Il Maestro became a glaive.
The red and blue bandiera capes also manifested on the two knights.
"Lily, let's divert one of the divine beasts first!"
"Acknowledged! I will attack from above, you go from below!"
Erica approached the closer of the two giant apes and stabbed Cuore di Leone's sharp blade
into its ankle. Infused with the spell words of hate and despair, it cut through the fur and hide
of the unsuspecting giant monkey.
Blue-colored blood gushed out from the wound.
The giant ape cast a violent gaze towards the interloper at its feet. As if toying with the beast,
Erica once again made a thrust, causing even greater injury to the giant ape's foot.
ROOAAARR! The giant ape's eyes went bloodshot, fully intent on taking revenge against
At this time, Liliana took a leap. Moving as light as a swallow, she deftly landed on the giant
ape's knee. Using this foothold for the next jump, Liliana gracefully flew through the air,
brandishing Il Maestro as she traveled, embedding the glaive into the left eye of the giant ape.
The eyeball was pierced. GAAAAAAAAH!! The giant ape screamed in agony.
Its remaining eye became clouded with hate and fury.
Erica and Liliana, who had just landed, turned around and began to run. Their first goal was to
charge into the nearby forest and begin running away at full speed.
In order to chase the blonde and silver-haired knights, the injured giant ape rushed into the

It felt like someone had applied healing magic, and the sense of pain had lessened greatly.

Finding the stiffness of his body released, the awakened Godou surveyed the interior of the
car. Yuri was beside him, leaning against the car door and making short and rapid breathing
noises. The others had left no, he could spot one of his companions outside the window.
Wielding a Japanese sword, Seishuuin Ena was fighting a giant ape.
As the giant ape attacked with its long and thick arms, Ena rapidly jumped to evade.
The Hime-Miko landed on the giant ape's arm and used the remaining momentum to run
upwards along it.
With monkey-like agility, Ena swiftly passed the upper arm and stopped at the giant ape's
shoulder. The target of her sword seemed to be the beast's carotid artery in the neck.
At this time, a strong gust of wind suddenly blew from the side, sending Ena flying from the
giant ape's shoulder.
This was no accident but holy wind caused by the divine beast's spiritual powers. The HimeMiko landed with a somersault, but the wind began to howl violently once more, intent on
blowing her away.
The wind was strong enough to cause the car's windows to clatter and shake.
"Hearing the noise, catching sight of the waterfall... Like mountain valleys and ocean straits
Ena chanted spell words and at the same time, the wind around her seemed to die down.
This was the divine power of Susanoo! Ena's guardian deity was the god of storms,
domination and steel a great and powerful deity possessing many types of divine powers.
This time it was Ena's turn to control the wind.
The wind bellowed and became razor-sharp, forming an uncountable number of blades to
slice up the giant ape.
The sacred monkey roared in agony. But even though it was injured, none of the wounds were
It was like using a craft knife to victimize a person. As long as critical points were not
targeted, a decisive blow could not be dealt. Despite the several dozens of wounds it had
received, the giant ape continued to aim its fists at Ena.
By the slimmest of margins, Ena evaded the simple but direct straight punch.
Though the situation currently looked even, the battle definitely favored the side with the
overwhelming weight advantage. Ena's movements began to lose agility, and it was clear that
massive amounts of her stamina had been depleted from consecutive usage of divine
Wanting to help her, Godou left the vehicle, but his knees gave way and collapsed.

The giant ape exhaled, its breath turning into a blast of compressed air aiming for Ena.
Blown mercilessly into the air and slamming into the ground, the Hime-Miko of the Sword
screamed in pain.
Unlike her usual cheerfulness, the voice sounded most desperate as Ena tried to use her sword
as a crutch, her legs shaking as she attempted to stand up. Watching all this happen, Godou
began to notice something.
Verethragna's sixth incarnation, the [Youth] was now available for use.
"W-Why would it suddenly be like this!?"
"That power is for those who fight for you. A power that awakens only in extreme crises."
Yuri suddenly spoke with a weak voice.
Was it another divine oracle from spirit vision? Yuri declared solemnly at the shocked Godou.
"The protection bestowed by the Persian Warlord, has the power to resist death and vanquish
evil. Please use it well."
Yuri bowed her head once again and continued to hyperventilate. She clearly had not
recovered from the burden of using spirit vision. Anyway, was it all right to leave her like
this? Shouldn't someone give her proper treatment?
Godou felt his senses become extremely sharp. Currently, how many people needed
One, two, three, four... So many? In such a short time, everyone was backed into a corner to
such an extent?
Godou gazed at the hyperventilating Yuri and watched Ena continuing to fight despite
dragging her massively exhausted body. He also became aware of Erica and Liliana who were
trapped in a desperate situation out there somewhere.
Death cannot be allowed to threaten them here.
They were in a most desperate crisis with no salvation in sight. Since the enemies were divine
underlings, it would normally be a hopeless situation for the girls. However, Godou felt that
he must save them. I will not let you die. My life of battle will not finish in such a place, and I
will stay with you all until the bitter end. This was Kusanagi Godou's wish and promise to
Ena fell down a second time and was just about to be crushed beneath the giant ape's foot.

Without hesitation, Godou rushed out, using Verethragna's [Bull] form. Making use of the
incarnation that fought strength with strength, Godou took on the sole of the giant ape's foot
with his arms.
"Your Majesty...!?"
Ena looked up as Godou applied monstrous strength, throwing the monkey up in the air with
all his might. Suspended in midair, the giant ape showed a dazzled expression.
How should it be taken care of next? Just as Godou pondered, a beam of bright white light
flashed past.
Like a shining flying dragon, the light penetrated the giant ape's head and continued onwards
as if it still had other prey to chase after in a straight trajectory.
The giant ape's body collapsed like a pile of sand, and the particles scattered in the wind.
Even when Ena used the divine power of Susanoo's [Wind], it was not possible to defeat one
of those giant apes in one hit.
Driven by instinct, Godou gazed into the depths of the darkness where the light seemed to
have been fired from, and found a jaguar waiting there.

Part 3
The giant ape was unrelenting in chasing after Erica and Liliana.
Despite a height of over 10m and weighing 10 tonnes at least, the giant ape possessed speed
and agility rivaling the great knights. They could not shake it off their trail!
In this mixed coniferous and deciduous forest, a battle of despair was taking place.
With one eye destroyed by Liliana, the giant ape drew in a deep breath.
ROAR! Exhaling all at once, the breath became a violent storm that devastated the mountain
forest. Leaves and branches were blown away and even entire tree trunks were snapped.
The Great Knights were also blown into the ground. As they crawled back up, the giant ape
loomed over them.
Erica and Liliana instantly prepared Cuore di Leone and Il Maestro. Infused with the spell
words of David, even gods could be sliced open by these magic swords, but it still left the
open problem of delivering the sharp blades to the opponent's critical points. In a fight against
divine beasts, would things really go that smoothly?
The giant ape opened its mouth wide. A red fire was lit in the depths of its throat, and intense
flames were breathed out.

"Be thou destroyed on the day of my birth!"

"Not once blessed by the Lord, O Light, shinest not upon this land!"
Erica and Liliana used fire-resistant defensive magic.
Since fire and lightning were the easiest natural phenomena to use for direct attacks, there
existed a vast array of defensive spells to defend against them, though the flames of gods and
dragons could not be completely neutralized.
Even so, the two of them were able to weaken the incoming attack almost by half. In the end,
it was time for the Great Knight's capes to prove their worth. These garments, called bandiera,
contained protection magic and managed to defend them from the heat of the fire.
However, the giant ape opened its mouth for the third time. After blowing strong wind and
intense flames, this time was a red mist! Trees devoured by the mist rapidly withered. It was
Erica and Liliana raised the magical power within their bodies to resist the demonic poison,
but their efforts were in vain. The two were struck by an abnormal sense of scorching heat,
and their throat and lungs felt as if burning from inside.
The giant ape swung its right arm to follow up. With a loud crash, it descended upon them
like a frightening hammer, but Erica and Liliana were too weakened by the poison to evade.
Erica transformed Cuore di Leone into a large rectangular shield, big enough to cover her
entire body.
Blocking the giant ape's fist, the great shield was crushed and shattered. As the pieces
scattered all over the ground, Erica was sent flying and into a deciduous tree, felling it. Liliana
took this opportunity to slice at the giant ape's extended right arm.
Having taken on the form of a glaive, Il Maestro was infused with the spell words of David.
This slashing attack sliced open the giant ape's wrist the part containing the artery,
splashing fresh blue-colored blood everywhere.
As if expressing its abundant battle spirit and vitality, the giant ape roared ferociously.
Aiming at Liliana, the beast swung its left arm like a hammer. This was bad!
The blue knight had been greatly weakened by the poisonous mist, and her body was no
longer as agile as a flying swallow. However, Liliana reversed Il Maestro and aimed the
glaive's sharp blade to stab the giant ape's hand.
Gawaaaaaaaa! The giant ape roared as if it was crying out in pain.

But this was the limit of Liliana's counterattack. The furious giant ape swung its right arm and
sent her fairy-like body flying with a punch.
"Mmm... Ah!"
After rolling many times on the ground, Liliana vomited blood as she struggled to get up.
But she was unable to do so, and the blue bandiera had also vanished. The sacred garment
with the blue and black stripes took on part of the damage received by its master, and
Erica and Liliana were both heavily injured and unable to continue direct combat.
At this moment, unexpected help arrived. A flash of white light streaked across the sky,
piercing the giant ape's temples in a splendid manner like a silver-white dragon.
The troublesome divine beast collapsed like a pile of sand. Who was their savior? Kusanagi
Godou's authority was not capable of something like this, so it must be...
Erica pondered as she lay on the ground, unable to move, her mind and body totally
exhausted. Her neighbor Liliana appeared to be in the same state.
Ravaged by the poisonous mist, the two of them soon lost consciousness.

The scenery of lush green mountain forest, red leaves, as well as rivers and streams, all
seemed to be devoured by darkness.
If one listened closely, the sounds of the forest could be heard, like the motions of branches,
the call of insects, and the squirming of unknown creatures. Amongst them, a jaguar was
lying in wait.
"Regarding the knights, you have no need to worry. When I struck down the giant ape here, I
used the opportunity to snipe the other one that was threatening those girls... Just don't go
around accusing me of stealing your kill and it'll be fine."
The jaguar's voice carried a teasing tone to it.
It had the elegant sound of a male tenor's voice.
Godou nodded.
"So, Kusanagi Godou, is there a need for me to re-introduce myself?"
The jaguar turned into a human, a strange person wearing a jet black cape with a black mask.
What ridiculous cosplay... Somehow this thought did not enter Godou's mind. Was it because
of the prestige and pressure brought by his true identity? John Pluto Smith was the man whom
Godou had heard about many times before.

"No, there is no need... So you have come to Japan."

Was it because the other person's age was unknown? For some unknown reason, Godou didn't
feel like talking in respectful tones.
No matter what, the other guy was definitely older than him... Due to living in America
(actually his nationality was a mystery), the strange person dressed in black showed no signs
of being offended.
"By the way, didn't Charlton tell you guys? I may give off a lazy impression to others, but I'm
actually quite hardworking."
The strange man in black laughed, causing the mask to vibrate.
"That's right, is Annie-san safe now? She seemed to be hurt."
"She was injured by the monkeys' attacks, and is seeking refuge to receive treatment. Things
have now developed to the final stage it's time for a full on direct confrontation with the
gods. I judged that at this time, the aid of my assistant is no longer required."
The hero of Los Angeles explained as Godou nodded.
"Anyway, let me give you a report of the latest developments. After you lot escaped, I
encountered the Great Sage and his two subordinate gods. It was quite a dangerous
predicament, but I managed to break through and escape."
Who would have thought that the guy could escape from a three against one situation.
Seeing Godou's eyes of admiration, Smith laughed rather maliciously.
"It was nothing. Having no intention to fight, I simply used magic to conceal myself and
focused on running away, that's all."
Smith once again took on the form of a jaguar. Melding its yellow and brown fur into the
darkness, it vanished.
As Godou watched in amazement, amidst the many streetlights along the National Route,
Smith appeared in his jaguar form out of the shadows cast by those streetlights.
The magical power to move from darkness to darkness, from shadow to shadow. So that's
how it was done. This ability was really quite suited for making escapes.
The supernatural jaguar immediately returned to the form of the weirdo dressed in black.
"That said, I also used up one of my trump cards... But since I had no wish for a frontal
confrontation with an enemy whose solid defenses are like a steel wall, the trump had to be
Impressively, it was apparent that Smith had observed Godou's fight with the Great Sage.

"Those of [Steel]'s kind seem to be afraid of heat and flames hot enough to melt steel. I once
heard that from the gods."
"It makes sense. When the time comes, I will need to use a particular move."
"You have a solution?"
"Sort of, but I've heard that you plan on rescuing the girl captured by the Great Sage? If that's
the case, that move cannot be used. For you to fight the Great Sage under such a great
handicap, do you have any confidence you can win?"
"There are three enemies... I can't handle them all, but I would like to set out a condition."
The insect-like compound eyes on the mask met with Godou's gaze.
"Condition? That's interesting, pray tell me."
"Namely, do not assist me. I have decided to duel the Great Sage one on one. Before
everything is settled, can you stand aside?"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, had already flaunted his enormous power
Whenever Godou thought about the situation, somehow he really felt like complaining about
how ridiculous and unreasonable it was. However, since the opponent was a god, having
inexplicable powers was only natural.
"...You have already noticed it. How sharp of you."
Smith's mask vibrated from laughter. Apparently, he too, had noticed the same thing.
Noticing that he was clearly being tested, Godou came to such a conclusion.
"Even though your taste in clothing is very weird, I do believe you are a serious person at
heart. But then again, something is still a little off, how should I put it? You have something
wrong with your personality, an eccentric."
"Unfortunately, you're a poor judge of character."
Smith deliberately imitated Godou's exasperated tone of voice.
"Wearing appropriate clothing for dramatic situations is called being stylish. I am not some
kind of eccentric, but there are principles I cannot compromise. A slightly stubborn man,
that's all."
Godou couldn't help but smile wryly at the pretentious man who could make such
complicated justifications with complete fluency. If there was a chance in the future, Godou
really wanted to watch his performance on a theater stage.

"Of course, I do have other concerns. Listen carefully, this is what I believe. Possessing great
power without a sense of responsibility is just as culpable as committing crimes! With great
power comes great responsibility, and with it, noblesse oblige!"
Smith fluttered his cape.
It was truly like a theatrical gesture in the way it prioritized the first impressions of audiences.
"I have already heard from Charlton that your personal life is quite problematic."
"T-That's Annie-san's misunderstanding. It's actually not that serious."
"You don't have to entertain me with excuses. I am a far more open-minded person than that
woman. Freedom of love is justice. The important thing is that you don't abandon your
responsibilities as a result of pursuing multiple romantic relationships. You have already
proven your character when you took initiative in fighting gods on the front lines."
The masked devil king dressed in black was truly a living legend of contrived justifications.
Concluding that this youth lived in a completely separate world, he extended his leathergloved right hand.
"Kusanagi Godou, as long as the fact of your becoming the ally of John Pluto Smith does not
pose a particular hindrance to me, I will accede to your request and simply stand back and
observe. Of course, if a suitable opportunity arises for a grand entrance, I reserve the right to
make my move!"
Clearly there was no room for objection. Godou also extended his right and shook hands.
Godou was secretly surprised to find the touch of Smith's hand to be softer than he could

Part 4
Having shaken hands, Godou asked Smith to track down the Great Knights' position using
Smith snapped his fingers.
Despite dampening from the leather glove, the sound was still quite clear. What kind of
strange skill was it... Roughly thirty seconds passed, during which Godou pondered this as he
waited. With a thud, the sound of something heavy being dropped was heard.
Turning his head back, Godou found Erica and Liliana's bodies lying on the ground.
They were in a delirious state, as if struggling against some kind of illness, and both were
"I tasked spirits from the Astral Plane to carry them over... They appear to be poisoned. You
must reward your lovers well for having fought hard for your sake."

"Of course! ...But they are not my lovers, okay?"

"Nothing less expected of you. That's right, because of unfavorable rumors, other euphemisms
must be used normally. You may be young, but what a clever and slippery fellow you are!"
After making this final joke, Smith walked into the darkness, once again turning into a jaguar
and disappeared.
What a man with such intense oppressive presence. However, there was no time to dwell on
these matters, for Godou still had pressing concerns to attend to.
Before him were the injured Erica Blandelli and Liliana Kranjcar.
Not far away, there was also the exhausted Ena Seishuuin, as well as Yuri who had yet to
recover consciousness.
Godou confirmed once again that the [Youth] incarnation could be used.
According to legends, the Persian Warlord Verethragna took on the form of a radiant fifteenyear-old youth when he descended upon the earth as a hero. This incarnation had saved Erica
in the past when she collapsed in the Astral Plane, and now it was time to make use of it
...But using it meant doing that particular ritual with everyone!
It was truly quite a predicament. But if he didn't do it, he would not be able to save these girls!
Godou wished from the bottom of his heart to save them, and was filled with fury at his own
Since things have come to this, who cares anymore! Partially out of reckless abandon, Godou
resolved himself to use the [Youth].
Hesitation and fear both vanished.
His mind became as clear and calm as a serene water surface.
Perhaps this feeling was exactly what was meant by the expression 'calm as a lake.' Godou
found everything around him had become exceedingly simple to perceive.
Why am I hesitating over pointless things? Didn't I tell myself before? Doubt no further, just
go ahead and save everyone.
At this time, Erica pushed to lift her torso. It was an act of such extreme weakness that it did
not match the [Diavolo Rosso].
However, this was the result of fighting for Kusanagi Godou.
"...Godou, you're going to use that [Protection] again? And this time on everyone?"
"Yes, because it's necessary."

Despite the weakened state of her body, Erica still put on airs and turned her head with a
sulking expression.
"What is it? You look displeased."
"Only I am allowed to do that with Godou... Only my body is allowed to house your power. I
have been contemplating this all along, but you are just going ahead and recklessly involving
everyone... Furthermore, I... still haven't given you permission to take Ena as your lover."
"I don't need your permission for every single thing I do, right?"
Godou deliberately spoke coldly, causing Erica to turn her face to the other side.
"As Kusanagi Godou's lover and future first lady, as well as the woman who is your knight, it
is only natural for me to possess this special privilege. Rather it is you, Godou, who should
respect me more."
"Yes, ever since you became a Campione on the Island of Sardinia, I have been staying by
your side. At that time I even opposed the orders of the association. For the sake of your
protection, even my purity was offered in a time of need. But Godou has never given me
serious consideration, and you keep treating me the same way you treat other girls."
In a rare moment, Erica was complaining with an angry expression.
Acting so gracefully all the time, she must have kept things pent up for a very long time.
Godou smiled wryly slightly, for Erica was currently very adorable. For a girl so talented and
refined that it was difficult to think of her as being the same age, one would never expect her
to cast aside her usual composure so completely.
To have accumulated so much dissatisfaction without revealing a single sign on her face, she
truly was lacking in being upfront.
"Godou, you need to listen to me more seriously mmm, mmm~~"
Irritated, Godou simply raised Erica's chin and kissed her.
Erica closed her lips and struggled, but not in earnest. After all, she possessed greater arm
strength than me. Had she been serious, I would have been pushed away immediately.
Very quickly Erica began to settle down and started to savor Godou's lips as if lusting after
"...You really do act differently when using the [Youth], toying with me like this..."
"Not really that different. It's just that I can openly speak out those words I could never say

As Godou whispered into the ear of Erica whose eyes were already intoxicated, he continued
with the process.
Godou raised his magical power of a Campione's, refining it into the divine warlord's
Through kissing, it was delivered into the body of the girl before his eyes. The [Youth]
incarnation offered the ability to bestow [Protection] upon the receiver via mouth-to-mouth,
giving them the same relentless vitality of a Campione's as well as granting an explosive
increase in magical and spiritual powers.
But in the process of delivering the protection, intense pain would be felt by the receiver.
Seeing her suffer so much previously, this time Godou fed the protection drop by drop to
Erica, who moaned "ah..." lightly.
"Besides, you've already vowed before, until the destruction of the world, you will always
stay by my side... Then just shut up with the nagging about all these pointless things."
"It's not meaningless. As your number one lover, it is extremely important to me."
Kissing repeatedly, the two whispered quietly.
"Ranking companions is not my style. What's important is everyone does their job no matter
what their position, right? However... If you really want it that badly, I don't mind saying it
out loud. You are the most precious person to me... That should satisfy you, right?"
"...Now that is not Erica Blandelli's style."
Godou kissed Erica's earlobe as he spoke while the beautiful girl, more gorgeous than anyone,
answered as she panted.
"After all, you are the one who silently accepted the trump fourth hitter."
"I hope you can address me as queen, and by the way, I don't know terms about any sport as
lowly as baseball."
Finally, Erica said something more in tune with her usual style.
"Godou... Try being more forceful. Perhaps because it's the second time, it doesn't hurt as
much. I want to receive even more of your power, and I want the deepest part of my body to
carry your [Protection] that keeps me safe. So hurry..."
"No, I'm sorry, but this will have to wait."
Godou shook his head at the blonde beauty who pleaded passionately with him. Since Erica
had stabilized, he wanted to check out the condition of the other girls, for the two Hime-Miko
should be in worse shape than the knights.
"Hmph, come on... Fine, but finish faster and come back to continue, I want every part of my
body to communicate with Godou."

After a deep kiss that was like a tight vacuum, Erica finally allowed their bodies to be
Godou once again examined the two Hime-Miko lying together side by side. Due to the
extreme exhaustion from divine possession, Ena's breathing was very weak. Yuri's condition
was also quite poor. The [Youth]'s power told Godou that forcefully performing spirit vision
had greatly strained her mind and brain.
Godou began to use Verethragna's incarnation in earnest. Focusing his attentions, Godou
transmuted magical power in his energy center[71] into the [Protection] of salvation.
He first sat down next to the Hime-Miko of the Sword.
"Seishuuin, your body seems to be in a severe condition."
"Yes, right, I'm sorry, Ena cannot help Your Majesty in this state..."
Ena struggled to respond to Godou's call.
"Don't speak like that, you have already tried your best. This time it is my turn to give you
power, but this power does not come without a price. If you Seishuuin Ena, do not possess
the determination to follow me into the deepest abyss of hell, I cannot give it to you."
Godou placed his hand on the shoulder of the raven-haired Hime-Miko.
"Whether alive or dead, or facing any god, I have to come first. You must live for me alone,
and I will never abandon you to gods, devils, or fate."
Asking an elite Hime-Miko like Ena to abandon her path and choose me instead was really an
unreasonable request.
"If you do that, I can give you the necessary power. How's that? Become my companion."
Swearing a great oath of treasuring for a life time and promising to bring happiness to the
other person.
Those were actions for the kind-hearted but otherwise useless people. I am not the same. You
shall live for the king and die for the king. Consider it a curse of a life time.
Only those who have accepted such a life are allowed to serve beside the likes of Campiones.
"Yes, Ena swears that whether her sword or her strength, all will be used only for Your
Majesty! So please treat Ena the same as Erica, and let Ena be Your Majesty's possession!"
She replied immediately. Seishuuin Ena truly was the girl that Erica saw as her competitor.
As if passionately entreating, Ena embraced Godou tightly.

"I don't mind even if I cannot be your wife or concubine. Just let Ena stay by your side
forever, even as a secret woman who cannot be exposed to the public, Ena's family will have
no objections..."
"Idiot, don't speak ridiculously like that anymore."
Godou spoke as he glanced at Erica.
The self-styled first lady candidate made a look that seemed to say 'do as you please' and
shrugged her shoulders.
"I don't like to rank my companions, so you are not allowed to say that 'being an underground
lover is fine' or anything like that."
"Yes, got it, Ena understands, Your Majesty Mmmm..."
The chatting could not continue, for Godou had forcefully sealed Ena's lips.
The bold, unrestrained and genuine girl rolled her eyes as she accepted the forceful kiss. Like
Yuri, she seemed to be completely unexperienced in this area.
Godou extended his tongue into her mouth. The initial touch seemed to cause her great
surprise, stiffening her body, but Godou disregarded it and continued his assault.
Flipping her tongue, licking her teeth, pressing his lips down upon hers.
Thus the wizardry channel between him and Ena was established the path for transmitting
[Protection] was complete.
"Ah, aaaaah~~"
"Seishuuin? Does it hurt a lot? Should I go a little gentler?"
"I-It's fine... I can bear it, b-but I am a bit scared..."
Ena opened her lips as she described how she felt, surprising Godou by inserting her tongue
into his mouth.
Extremely soft, without any hard parts to it, the tongue ventured into Godou's mouth in
trepidation. Godou attacked in return, pinning down her tongue, entangling together and
intimately became one.
"Though it's scary, Ena will definitely bear it. Please treat Ena the way you like! Now that
Ena is also Your Majesty's woman... I will properly do my duty...!"
Hugging tightly and passionately kissing nonstop, Ena was very inviting of tender affection.
At the same time, the desire to trample and ravish her was rising.
Godou began to send a little bit of Verethragna's [Protection] into Ena's energy center beneath
the navel.

"Ah... Ah~~!?"
From Ena's mouth came brief moans as she separated from Godou's lips.
However, after a brief respite of ten-odd seconds, the Hime-Miko of the Sword once again
sought the kiss of her master.
"S-so with this, Ena has become Your Majesty's woman, right? I won't lose to Erica-san or
Liliana-san... Or even Yuri... As an acceptable lover... Right!? More... Let Ena feel even more
of Your Majesty's power!"
Ena sucked Godou's mouth, continuously with passion and power.
Godou generously accepted her bravery and willfulness. Ena, who usually did as she pleased,
was consciously trying to be brave. Though a little odd, it made her especially adorable.
"From Your Majesty's body I can feel Ama no Murakumo, so it really lies dormant within
you. Hoho, Ama no Murakumo had been anxious because you wouldn't use it... By the way,
Ena is already much better, Your Majesty should take care of Yuri now... Please..."
"Even if you didn't remind me, I was going to do that."
As Godou finished, Ena immediately reached out to her Hime-Miko friend lying beside them,
placing her hand over the hand of Yuri, who had been hurt from using spirit vision forcefully.
Yuri had yet to awaken and her consciousness was fuzzy.
Trembling, Ena was barely able to support herself and took her childhood friend in her arms.
"Your Majesty... Hurry and... for her..."
Embracing Yuri from behind, Ena urged quietly. The two beautiful Hime-Miko sat there side
by side.
Yuri had already sworn eternal allegiance to Godou, so there was no need to force her to
make a new oath. Godou casually drew near her face and stole the lips of the unconscious
As he poured slightly stronger [Protection] in her, Yuri's body began to lean back a bit.
"G-Godou-san? And why is Ena-san here as well?"
She seemed to have recovered consciousness. From her lips came a query as well as heavy
Once again, Godou sealed her lips with his own and whispered to her quietly.
"I will make you mine, do you still object?"
"Yuri, let's all become His Majesty's women. Though it hurts a bit, bear it for a little while."

"Yes, very well... I-I have made my decision, please do as you wish, Godou-san."
Before Godou, Yuri liberated her fiery-hot body.
Supported by Ena, the quintessential Yamato Nadeshiko leaned her maiden body against him.
"Mariya, how do you feel now? Does it hurt?"
Kissing her repeatedly, their tongues tangled and they exchanged saliva.
Yuri was still a bit clumsy the first time, but now she seemed to have fully accustomed herself
to it.
Although she was not as bold as Erica, Yuri responded to Godou's actions whole-heartedly,
catering to him with genuine sincerity. The wizardry channel began to connect between them.
It's about time? Godou refined magical power into [Protection] and forced it deeply into the
furthest reaches of Yuri's body.
Locked mouth-to-mouth with Godou, Yuri's body began to tremble.
"Should I go a little less forcefully?"
It should be hurting a lot, but the beautiful Hime-Miko shook her head.
"No, there is no need, pain is fine... I will endure, so please bestow your divine power unto
me, and use my body to receive your power."
Yuri's gaze moistened, and she kissed Godou's lips as if trying to envelope them entirely.
The intimate sense of contact between mucous membranes was frighteningly bewitching,
making Godou more and more aroused.
"M-My consciousness has now become lucid... It is all thanks to your protection. Please, give
me more "
Holding back tears as she endured the pain, Yuri pleaded courageously.
The resolute maiden was too adorable, and Godou shifted his lips to kiss her cheek.
"Y-Your Majesty... Please also give Ena... I beg you... Ena will always stay with Your
Majesty from now on. So please..."
Ena forcefully pressed her lips onto Godou's.
What a clumsy manner of courtship. Though she was a naturally bold girl, it seemed like she
was even more awkward than Yuri in this regard.

But this clumsy behavior was very inviting, and Godou once again poured [Protection] into
Ena moaned. It does hurt very much after all?
"P-Please endure, Ena-san... I will accompany you."
Ena opened her eyes wide in pain while Yuri held Ena in her arms, supporting her.
"Y-Yes, w-we two will become His Majesty's women... Ah, E-Ena gets it now, I am
intimately connecting with Your Majesty's innermost depths, as well as Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi... Your Majesty... Ama no Murakumo is telling me, what kind of god
the Great Sage Equaling Heaven is. It is now time to reveal his true nature."
Tears streamed out of Ena's eyes as she spoke to Godou.
"The divine clan of heretical steel originated as outsiders, and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
is one of them. Ena will transfer as much as possible all sorts of information known about the
Great Sage. Yuri, let us tell His Majesty together, for the sake of our husband, let us offer the
spell words to slice gods apart!"
"Very well, let us both become Godou-san's power... To become the blade of his sword..."
The two Hime-Miko drew their lips near, and Godou welcomed them.
Repeatedly swapping between Yuri and Ena in turn, the lips of the three melded together as if
they had become a single being.
"The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong was born from stone as the divine monkey.
The stone mentioned here is essentially ore."
"Havoc in the celestial palace the Great Sage caused a ruckus in the palace of heaven, and
was caught by the True Lord Erlang, embodiment of the sacred, who then tossed him alive
into the Bagua cauldron."
"Scorched and burned for forty-nine days in the fiery cauldron, the Great Sage did not die,
however, but was reborn instead."
"As one born from iron ore, the hero was scorched, tormented, annealed, and made complete.
This legend stands as proof of the Great Sage's identity as a sword god of [Steel]."
"The Journey to the West passed down to contemporary times has its basis in the Ming[72]
dynasty novel, but the original legends came from various tribes in ancient China scattered all
over the continent."
Was Godou's tongue currently tangling with Yuri's or Ena's? It was already impossible to tell,
for the three of them had lost all sense of boundary as they sought one another.

Godou tasted Yuri's lips as he greedily sought Ena's, while the two girls simultaneously
searched for Godou's tongue and began to suction. Lips crossing, Yuri and Ena swallowed
Godou's saliva in small gulps.
"No fair, only caring for Yuri and Ena... Casting me aside."
Complaining, Erica hugged Godou from behind.
Godou felt the bountiful bosom pressing tightly against his back, strongly making its
existence known.
Turning his head back, Erica's passionate kiss awaited him.
It was an intense kiss that felt as if it would suck out everything from his mouth.
The lustful and extravagant exchange could no longer be adequately described by the term
"Godou... It's about time, right? Send forth your protection to the very end, I am ready to
accept it any time, don't make me wait with such impatience..."
"I-It's too unfair if it's only Erica-san, Ena and Yuri are ready too."
"Godou-san... Please spoil us with your love..."
As the three girls pressed their lips against him, Godou responded to their requests.
Increasing Verethragna's [Protection] to distribute between everyone in one go, the divine
warlord's authority penetrated into the girls' bodies simultaneously.
"Ah, aaaaaaah, Godou-san!"
"Y-Your Majesty... Ena is now... Truly Your Majesty's woman...!"
"P-Pour your power into my body once again... Don't worry, it doesn't hurt as much as before.
So please... let me feel even more of your power... I beg you!"
The three maidens [Protection] was sent into each of them at their energy centers beneath
the navel.
Godou nodded at the feeling when he was reminded of the remaining girl.
"E-Erica... Mariya Yuri... Seishuuin Ena... How could you all be so bold... Engaging in this
indecent behavior!? A-As a knight I cannot accept this..."
Liliana had recovered consciousness and seemed to have noticed the ritual in progress.
With a shocked expression she stared at what Godou and the rest were doing.

Perhaps due to the poison's effect, she could only support her upper torso, and her gaze and
tone of voice were very weak. Godou extended his hand towards the silver-haired knight in
this state.
"Liliana once vowed to be my exclusive knight, like birds flying wing to wing, or intertwined
branches? So come on over here and I will reward you as appropriate."
"A-As appropriate means!?"
"With victory and power... I cannot give you things like the happiness or memories of
ordinary people. However, as long as you follow me, you will surely obtain victory, so I will
give you the necessary power. I will even give you my heart."
Godou swept his gaze over the girls leaning their bodies against him, offering their all.
Everyone showed a serene smile, while the particularly contented Erica signaled with her
"Oh well, this might be a good thing after all, let's get married like this when the time comes."
"B-But I am a knight... If I lose myself to lust like Erica... In order to manage your female
relationships properly, I cannot let myself fall to such narrow-minded behavior."
"Lily, don't be overly obsessed with things like identity."
Seeing Liliana pointlessly hesitating, Erica spoke with her eyes half closed.
It was meant to help her longtime friend overcome her rigidity.
"You want to be the best knight, right? Then you should accept the ritual together with us.
What Kusanagi Godou needs right now are fearless warriors. Are you going to lose to me,
Ena and Yuri? If that's the case, are you still going to insist you are the premier knight?"
"Idiot! I am not going to lose to anyone!"
Liliana declared with a solemn expression.
"Even if my lord sets off for hell, I will follow to the very end. Do not look down on me!"
"If that's the case, hurry and get yourself over here. Worry about the details later."
Admonished by Godou, Liliana finally moved over, but it seemed like she still had not steeled
her determination and she stopped a step or two away.
The one who pulled the blue knight over was Ena.
"Liliana-san that's no good, if His Majesty said you must come here then you should accept
his love openly."

"Ena-san, please do not force her, you need to respect people's wishes in these matters... But
Liliana-san, let me state that the others and I do not regret engaging in this behavior."
Even Yuri was persuading in an inoffensive manner, bearing a smile radiant as a blooming
sakura flower.
"P-Please wait a moment. I still have not prepared myself Mmm~~!?"
Because Liliana still could not make up her mind, Godou silenced her with a kiss.
"From now on it might be quite arduous, you would do best to prepare yourself."
The silver-haired maiden was afraid for an instant, but nodded after swallowing.
Godou distilled the [Protection] within him, and sent it gradually into Liliana's body.
"Mmm... Aaaaaah!"
The beautiful fairy-like face was distorted by pain as Liliana screamed out acutely.
Through their lips, Godou slowly delivered [Protection] into her body.
"Y-Your overwhelming power is certainly being transferred, b-but why does the rhythm feel a
bit different from when the others were receiving it?"
"Idiot, if I start with pouring that amount of power, it will be very painful for you. Didn't you
see how everyone else was suffering?"
"D-Do not mind me, Kusanagi Godou. Please treat this as a test of my loyalty, pay me no
mind! As the premier knight I cannot lose to anyone here..."
Perhaps due to bearing the intense pain, Liliana cried out with her eyes closed.
For an instant, Godou shifted his gaze away from the blue knight and met with Erica's. I could
do as she says, but she will be in great pain, oh? Well, she's not a girl you can convince with
words alone though with no other way, Godou accelerated the delivery of [Protection] into
Liliana's energy center.
"Mmmm... Ah, aaaah~~!"
Liliana almost fainted from the pain and she separated her lips from Godou's mouth.
"See, didn't I say just now, it's best to start slow. You don't need to rush Hmm!?"
Godou's mouth was suddenly stifled, for Liliana had stolen his lips with a kiss.
Pecking away at Godou's lips, her kiss felt as soft as an angel's feathers.
"I-It is fine, I am your knight... Enduring this kind of pain is expression of my loyalty to my
lord, it is my honor."

Liliana murmured lightly as she panted heavily.

"I, Liliana Kranjcar, would suffer the shame of a lifetime if you had to worry about me
specifically when lined up against Erica and other women. So I implore you, do not give me
special consideration I will surely bear it!"
However, reality was not that easy.
Hoho... Just as Godou wondered how to respond, Erica smiled. Compared to her usual
diabolical smile, this one carried a greater sense of innocence, making it more of an impish
"In that case, Godou, you should treat Lily and me the same as what you did with Yuri and
Ena, and give us some good loving."
Erica poked her head in between Godou and Liliana and offered her lips. Compared to just
now, it felt much softer, and Erica's kiss was like a gentle caress on Godou's lips.
"You're joining in as well? Is this something that needs to be done with two people?"
"Of course, you can do it, right? Didn't you say that you hate ranking us? So you must love us
fairly and take care of us equally."
Godou immediately figured out what she was scheming impishly.
Grabbing Liliana's shoulder, he pulled her over, lining up before him the Eastern European
beauty who was like a fairy, side by side with the impish beauty. At this moment, Ena
"In that case, you can't ignore us either. Yuri, come over here as well."
"E-Ena-san! Stop dragging me...! ...Really, everyone is too shameless, over indulging in this
kind of behavior is not proper..."
Ena embraced Godou, and somehow, Yuri had also begun hugging him at the urging of her
childhood friend. The Yamato Nadeshiko-like Hime-Miko who was usually consumed with
prudent forethought, was now gazing at Godou with an intoxicated and seductive expression,
despite admonishing the others.
Godou drew his face near the four maidens, and stole away their lips in turn.
Kissing Erica, kissing Liliana's lips, and also catering to Yuri and Ena at the same time.
With the silver-haired knight at the center, Godou passionately kissed the other three girls one
after another in turn, distributing [Protection] amongst them evenly.
"Ah... Kusanagi Godou, if someone were to witness this scene, then... It would be most
troubling as a knight, for me to indulge in such scandalous behavior !"
"Unfortunately, your king is the kind of man who does this sort of thing."

Godou suddenly let go of the panting Liliana.

"Do you all regret swearing an oath to a man like me?"
"Hoho, I will serve by your side, and be your sword and shield throughout your path of
conquest. And then I shall be your right hand and trusted advisor, assisting you as you lord
over the earth. It is completely unnecessary to confirm this sort of thing with me, Erica

"Same for Ena. It is because Your Majesty is this kind of person that Ena feels her heart
pounding every time."
"No matter what kind of great sinner you might become in the future, I will always stand by
your side..."
Erica spoke nonchalantly, while Ena declared joyfully and Yuri smiled gently with kindness.
And then, Liliana finally confessed her innermost feelings with honesty.
"I-I am the same! Kusanagi Godou! We are entwined branches and birds flying wing to wing.
If you ever retire from the fate of godslaying, then I will accompany you in your chambers,
and do everything in my power to serve my king. As long as it is your wish, no matter how
shameless or immoral, I will still "
The current Liliana was no longer the awe-inspiring and righteous knight, nor the slightly outof-line domestic girl. At some point, her face started to show an expression of a woman with
fairy-like beauty and a seductive charm of fantasy.
"Though as a knight, this is troubling... But on a personal level, I-I really like you like this, so
I will no longer find myself at a loss over unnecessary things "
What followed after this was a chaotic scene.
As the four of them offered their lips to him in a row, Godou savored and enjoyed them fully,
in no particular order.
They could no longer tell whose lips belonged to whom, or whose tongue was being
entangled. As they licked one another's saliva without conscious identity, the five of them
ended the ritual, and the divine warlord's protection was bestowed upon the girls.

Chapter 6 - God and Godslayer, Intense Showdown

Between Two Heroes
Part 1
A few hours passed after the godslayers had fled.
Though it was late at night, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, was far from
"Damn it, Old Sun here was looking for a good fight and all they did was run away. What
cruel and inconsiderate fellows!"
Summoning his golden cloud, he flew to the peak of Nantaisan.
He grumbled as he overlooked the darkness beneath. Due to the depletion of divine power,
Zhu Ganglie and Vaisravana were no more, having returned to their figurine state.
"In that case, to prevent those fellows from fleeing the next battle, I'd better lay down a proper
trap... Bait them, surround them, and beat them up to my heart's content..."
The Great Sage sat cross-legged on his cloud and began to mutter.
"Showing them my divine might is really the most effective method. That godslayer brat
seems to be rather obsessed with the girl in my belly... He will definitely show up on his own
volition. As for that fellow dressed in black, it'd be great if he came, if not then I'll just lure
him some other way."
Despite pondering for a great while, in the end all he reached was a half-assed conclusion.
The divine monkey was the world's strongest ruffian, but also a god of battle foreign to the
concept of advance planning.
"Hohoho, this vast land is already my territory, and it'd be nice to further extend its
Muttering to himself, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven pulled out a handful of hairs from his
Chewing them a few times in his mouth, he blew them away. Repeating this process dozens
of times, tens, hundreds, thousands of strands of fur were scattered in the wind.
"Innocence. Supreme success / Perseverance furthers. If someone is not as he should be / He
has misfortune / And it does not further him / To undertake anything. Under heaven thunder
rolls: All things attain the natural state of innocence. Thus the kings of old / Rich in virtue,
and in harmony with the time / Fostered and nourished all beings."[73]
Chanting the spell words, the Great Sage distributed his divine power to the doppelgngers.

Then let's wait for these mechanisms to spread over the vast land. Other than extending the
territory, they could also display the monkey king's divine might to those Campiones, and be
used as a signal for battle.
Let's sit back and wait for the prey to show itself. Even though he did not feel sleepy in the
slightest, the Great Sage went to sleep anyway on his cloud, twisting and turning.

Meanwhile, Toushouguu had been turned into a stone prison as the result of the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven's divine power.
In order to handle the crisis of the imprisoned demonic cult leader, there were still people at
work even though it was late at night.
The personnel responsible for sealing off the area were members of mobile armed forces,
police-related people, spellcasters trying to reverse the cataclysm through magical means, as
well as History Compilation Committee members...
Their base of operations was a tent put up temporarily on the main visiting path to
Toushouguu. Currently, three prominent members of the handling committee were gathered
"Ah~~! Every time I am reminded of Master's imprisonment within the stone, I feel like my
body and soul are completely frozen! Dear heavens, if only this unworthy disciple, Lu
Yinghua, could suffer hardship in Master's stead! Etc etc... Now it's my turn, flip over and
reveal all the cards! I will use the combo of [This is that person's home!] followed by [I won't
accept him having that kind of wife!]'"
The former half of this speech was yelled out loudly, while the latter was spoken softly
enough to be heard only by people next to the speaker.
Lu Yinghua was the one speaking, putting on a one-man-show as he operated a handheld
gaming device with a touchpen.
"I'm not going to take that move head on. Activating the [You temptress, don't go near him
anymore!] defense... By the way, Mr. Lu, what is the point of your little skit?"
Similarly, Sayanomiya Kaoru also spoke as she played on her handheld.
Though it was already 4am in the morning, the attention she paid to her appearance was
impeccable, dressed in a refreshing suit jacket and a white open-collared dress shirt, as well as
cotton trousers (all in men's style, of course).
"Of course there's a point. Master's personality is far from ordinary... Even if she is trapped in
the stone prison, it would not be surprising for her to be listening to sounds outside using
supernatural hearing. This is an important part of establishing proof of presence."
"The fact that she has a personality that makes one suspect such possibilities, is truly the most
terrifying thing about her..."

Amakasu commented on Lu Yinghua's answer.

He was still dressed in his usual suit, except this time he wore a sweater and a thick cottonpadded jacket inside, as well as a surgical mask and a full array of equipment to keep warm
and resist the flu.
"Spurt(the sound of blowing one's nose). Even if the situation evolves into one of those
thirteen-man teams in student council battle manga, it would not be surprising... It's my turn,
let me activate this interference magic, [Police Intervenes: Level 3]!"
"Wow... This will cut down to one third the power gauge of all cards with the stalker
"As a result of this effect, Mr. Lu's cards have all turned into fodder, and the only opponent
remaining is Kaoru-san..."
"Oh my! Amakasu-san, I hold in my hand the card that makes all others commit suicide, the
[No Longer Human]... Wouldn't you believe it?"
"Who knows? Kaoru-san has already used that card twice. Bold as you are, I don't think you'd
use that kind of double-edged card in a hat-trick... Cough cough!"
"Hohoho, I will feel troubled if you underestimate me too much... I shall now use [My Womb
Bears That Man's Child!] to start an assault on Mr. Lu."
"Targeting me!? Don't look down on me! I sacrifice all the stalkers and summon [Misery]!"
The three of them were networking their handhelds to engage in a three-way battle.
As the battle (also known as killing time) gradually reached a climax, there were also others
hard at work.
"Hmm... No good... Ordinary Daoist arts cannot counter this petrification!"
"Oh no~~ Will Her Eminence be buried alive forever!?"

These voices were quite unclear, and had very distinctive accents.
Lu Yinghua had summoned subordinates of the Lu family from places like Yokohama,
Shinjuku, Ikebukuro and Akihabara, who were now carrying out rescue operations.
Amongst them, there were seven or eight male experts in Daoist arts.
"To be honest, the Committee does not actually allow foreign unaffiliated personnel to enter
its territory "
"That's okay, consider it a favor I owe you now."
"If the young master of Hong Kong's Lu family says so, then that would be for the best.
However, what kind of practical progress do you expect? I think this is just a waste of effort."
"Took you long enough to say something like that. It is not only a waste of effort, but
completely meaningless. Although from the perspective of human Daoist arts, the spell can be
categorized as a type of Qimen-Dunjia[74], it is cast by a deity after all. Of course it's
impossible for my bros to neutralize it. I never had any expectations in the first place."
"Wow... You are clearly the leader and yet you speak like this?"
"Because he knew it wouldn't work from the very start. It does allow our Committee members
to handle all matters unrelated to the rescue attempts, so there is nothing to complain about.
However, pure numbers in personnel is meaningless in resolving the current incident..."
Due to the uneasiness in her heart, Kaoru stopped moving the touchpen in her hand.
Amongst the Hime-Miko, Mariya Yuri had the best spirit vision, but in actual fact,
Sayanomiya Kaoru also possessed the same ability. Though her proficiency was inferior to
Mariya Yuri, it was still at a substantial level.
"Cough cough, Kaoru-san, what is it?"
"I had a very unpleasant premonition, as if something bad was about to happen."
"Then we can't ignore it. Just to be safe, we'd better make preparations, cough cough."
Amakasu took out a small knife and began carving Chinese characters into the petrified
Immediately, Kaoru sensed a massive amount of magical power flowing.
Like some kind of terrifying but minuscule object was drifting here, carried by the wind and
infused with something like divine power, and that the surroundings were undergoing change.
The Daoist experts of the Lu family, as well as the policemen on night watch, had all
transformed into monkeys!

Japanese monkeys, gibbons, chimpanzees, orangutans, etc... All sorts of primates. Their nails
and fangs were exceptionally long while their bodies were frighteningly large, and they
looked especially vicious.
As soon as they caught sight of the two Committee members and the famed young master of
Hong Kong's Lu family, the monkeys became full of murderous intent!
In the instant that they pounced ferociously
"By the name of the Mysterious Lady of the Nine Heavens, obey my commands in haste!"
Amakasu recited the mantra.
The characters of "Changes of the Six Yin"[75] carved in the ground began to release magical
Striking the ground with his hand, the petrified surface peeled off and could be flipped like a
sheet of fabric and used to cover the three of them like a curtain.
Their figures vanished in an instant. Or rather, they appeared to have vanished.
"Cough cough! This is also a type of Qimen-Dunjia... I'm only good at these kinds of little
"Not at all, it is very effective as always."
Kaoru praised her subordinate's quick act of merit.
Unable to find the three of them, the monkeys began looking all around in the surroundings,
sniffing for smells, trying to track them down, even though their quarries were right under
their noses.
Qimen-Dunjia ninjutsu was a type of wizardry that came to Japan from China.
It offered the capability to hide, disappear and reappear far away in an instant, and also had
spells in Fire, Water, Earth and other variants. For a ninja descendant like Amakasu, these
were family secrets passed down the ages.
"The empty wind beneath the moonlit snowing sky, mayst thou blow apart the path of the
heavenly clouds... Reluctant to let the goddess return, hoping to keep her beauty on this
While protected by the concealing arts, Kaoru used an investigative spell.
Amplifying her vision, Kaoru surveyed the city of Nikkou from above as if using a telescope.
The quiet little town should not have many pedestrians at such early hours before dawn.
However, the silhouettes of creatures could be seen, slowly coming out of the people's homes
in the dead of the night.

Either opening windows with great dexterity or violently smashing the glass, these creatures
coming out were all monkeys.
If theories were correct, they were all humans who had been turned into monkeys by the Great
Sage Equaling Heaven.
This was the darkest hour before the arrival of daybreak...
In this deep, deep darkness, strange demonic monkeys were roaming everywhere. It was a
comedic yet terrifying scene to behold.
Kaoru continued scouting from above.
From a cursory glance, the city streets nearby all seemed to have fallen under the control of
the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Proceeding to observe from above, there was the region
along the Toubu Nikkou Line whose railway ran along the Daiyagawa river, containing parks
with golf courses and bountiful green fields, the cedar forest planted by Tokugawa Ieyasu's
retainer Matsudaira Nobutsuna which extended all the way to the old city streets of Nikkou,
and finally the train stations of Kami-Imaichi and Shimo-Imaichi
"...Looks like the area under the effects of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven consists of the
surroundings of JR and Nikkou's Toubu Line. The vicinity of Imaichi does not have any
strange happenings for now, though it may just be a matter of time."
Kaoru ended the spell and reported her observations to the other two people.
Currently, the personnel who had entered Nikkou numbered around thirty or so, consisting of
History Compilation Committee members, related organizations and some sent by the local
police. The reason why so few had been gathered was likely because they were afraid the
current situation would arise.
Conversely, none of these specially selected agents were transformed into monkeys. Like
Kaoru's trusted subordinate Amakasu Touma, they took effective action as their own
independent judgment dictated.
However, even concentrating these people's powers together, it was still futile in the face of a
"Things should be fine before dawn but there will be a problem if resolution is delayed
further. By the way, countering these transformations will probably take a lot of labor."
"Really, then we should start our preparations?"
The one and only trump card was, of course, Kusanagi Godou the Devil King Campione.
Kaoru possessed the virtues of always using the best person for the job and never spending
unnecessary effort. As she briefly responded to her subordinate's suggestion, Lu Yinghua
seemed to be listening intently to some kind of noise.
"Mr. Lu, did you hear something?"

"...I knew it would happen sooner or later, but she finally succeeded. Can you two not hear it?
The sound of stones shattering... Crushed, broken, pulverized by brute force."
The two History Compilation Committee members looked at each other after hearing Lu
Yinghua's low whispers. Neither of them could hear the sound but it was likely that the
demonic cult leader's direct disciple possessed sharp senses that rivaled Seishuuin Ena.
All in all, the incident was most likely heading towards climax.

Part 2
As dawn drew near, Godou was woken up by Sayanomiya Kaoru's phone call.
'Just as I mentioned, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven has finally become a threat to the
human world. There is also an interesting occurrence mentioned by Mr. Lu that I would like
to tell you as well.'
Despite the obvious urgency of the situation, she gave her report in a very calm voice.
'Then let's leave it at that, since we have to begin operations on our side. Let's talk again later.'
"Ah... Sayanomiya-san, you don't have any other questions for me?"
Godou inquired because he expected to be asked questions along the lines of 'Can the Great
Sage really be defeated?' or 'What should we do?'
'It's fine if you just call me Kaoru. It's me who entrusted you with great responsibilities,
Godou-san, so there is no point in being impatient at this juncture. I think you already realize
the urgency of the situation, so undue haste would be meaningless.'
Kaoru did not mind a familiar manner of addressing her.
During times of crisis, it was not an easy thing to entrust everything to someone reliable and
then sit back and wait for the result. Sayanomiya Kaoru had a much bolder personality than
what the delicate beauty of her appearance might suggest.
'Right, by the way, I expect Godou-san will one day ask me what sort of conspiracy I am
harboring. How I look forward to that. Anyway, that's it for now, let's hope we will meet
again, safe and sound.'
Leaving behind these cryptic words, she hung up the phone.
It was finally time for a decisive battle. Godou surveyed the surroundings. His female
companions had all awakened, and they were now in a hotel lobby.
A few hours ago, they had escaped from the divine beasts and reached a hotel near the Dragon
Head Falls.

The staff and guests all seemed to have turned into monkeys and left, so there were no others
present. As soon as they set up a magical barrier as a precaution, they decided to rest and
recuperate their energy in preparation for the upcoming decisive battle.
After having some food and a bath, they moved some beds into the lobby.
In order to avoid a surprise attack, the entire group slept together. In the end they were only
able to catch a few hours of sleep, but it was not too bad.
Godou sat on the sofa in the lobby facing everyone else, and Erica immediately took a seat by
his side.
Getting close like leaning her body against him... No, they were pressed completely tight
together, as if she was entrusting all her weight to Godou.
In a rare moment, Erica gazed at Godou with a charming expression lacking in domineering
Unlike her usual teasing caresses, there was only the desire to confirm each other's touch as
they pressed their bodies together. In a certain sense, this behavior was even more affectionate
than usual.
And then Godou's gaze met with Yuri's.
The prim, proper and beautiful Hime-Miko averted her eyes shyly for an instant, but
immediately smiled with calm composure as if she had not witnessed Erica's intoxicated
expression beside him, and then began to gaze resolutely at the one she admired.
It was a kind of beauty different from her usual self. Like the blooming of a flower bud, she
had awakened as a woman...
Ena also gave off a different impression than before, acting rather awkwardly in front of
Godou with a sense of restlessness, so shy that she had trouble facing his direct gaze. It was
indescribably adorable, and entirely different from the usually cheerful and outspoken Ena.
Habitually paying no thought to her gender in the past, she finally became aware of her
identity as a woman, causing her to be at a loss.
As for Liliana, her attitude became rather strange.
The righteous awe and solemnity of the female knight was the same, but her facial
expressions and motions were more gentle than usual. The innocent charm and sense of
flowing tenderness were especially conspicuous. Her gaze towards Godou was filled with a
gentle expression that one would only show towards their beloved, and she looked like she
was sharing some sort of secret with an accomplice. What was up with her? Why was she
acting like this?
This must be the kind of feeling Erica mentioned some time ago, the atmosphere surrounding
a bodyguard who was also a lover!

Liliana suddenly spoke.

"By the way, Kusanagi Godou, about the earlier incident..."
As if responding to the pleasurable times of the tongue tasting earlier, she was speaking with
an intoxicated tone of voice:
"About the ritual earlier, I am very sorry that I unwittingly lost control in the excitement. NNext time I will surely stay calm and composed to receive your love. As your premier knight,
I will definitely do it."
Hearing her sudden unexpected promise, Godou began to shrink back and retreat.
After the ritual ended, Godou's mental state of absolute calm disappeared. How could that sort
of thing have happened... Great unease overflowed from within since this time was different.
In the past, that kind of behavior was always obviously forced!
"I-I have something to tell everyone first. I feel like I wasn't myself at the time, it must have
been the result of Verethragna's authority making me act out of control..."
"You really weren't your usual self, but I don't think it was out of control."
Erica spoke with ice-cream melting sweetness, and brought her lips close to Godou's ear as if
having pillow talk.
"What are you talking about, I completely didn't get the feeling that your personality changed
at all, yes... Rather, it'd be best if the regular Godou acted as maturely as that in a few years'
"Well said... I have renewed my understanding about what kind of person Godou-san truly
Yuri was in deep thought.
Completely ignoring the indecent behavior of the blonde beauty, her eyes gazing at Godou
seemed to be hiding some secret that was supporting her resolute will.
"Godou-san treats us... No, not only us but all females with unnatural wariness. Yesterday
was the most natural act he had ever done without reservation after making his decision."
"Ah I sort of get it now, there are still many things about boys that Ena needs to get used
It was hard to believe that the premier Hime-Miko was now speaking so shyly when she
should have been the most outspoken. There was a certain sexiness to her tone of voice,
adding an extra touch of femininity compared to usual.
"If His Majesty begins to accustom himself to girls, that should basically be the way he acts.
Hohoho, how I look forward to it."

"He is already like a monster, it is hard to imagine that he still has room to grow..."
Liliana sighed deeply in awe.
"Truly befitting of the man who is my lord. Such impressive magnanimity."
"To have taken possession of us with such forcefulness, please take responsibility and spoil us
with your love until the very end... However, I expect him to maintain the usual ambiguous
"That's right, Ena is now in His Majesty's care until the day she dies. If he doesn't take this
responsibility, he is not worthy to be king."
"Can we stop mentioning these things during a crisis situation like this? Of course, I too, hope
that Godou-san can treat me like that..."
Erica murmured blissfully while Ena expressed agreement and Yuri made her opinion known
after chastising the others.
Was this what was called being backed into a corner? Or perhaps the crossroads of a lifetime?
Godou was greatly stunned, but he still managed to bring the topic back to their most pressing
"I-I think right now everyone should set aside the discussion of things like the ritual and the
protection, okay? We must make proper battle plans to take Hikari back from the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven. Today will be the crucial moment..."
"Oh my, but I don't really think that's necessary."
The one objecting was Erica, who separated herself from Godou and recovered her usual
"Godou has already obtained the [Sword] for slaying the Great Sage while the rest of us have
received [Protection]. Furthermore, we have tactics to prevent the manifestation of the two
subordinate gods. Under all these conditions, there is only one thing left to do."
"Correct. A simple and direct duel, that's all."
With Erica and Ena in agreement, consensus was established between the wise and the wild
factions of the group.
As the two glanced at each other, a graceful smile was met with a fearless one. It seemed like
there was some kind of covert competition going on.
Anyway, the opinion of the two girls was correct.
It had already come to this, so there was no reason to be led astray by unnecessary thoughts.
Godou made a sign to Liliana with his eyes.

The knight who was also a witch nodded immediately. After getting along for these several
months, they were finally able to achieve silent understanding.

It was the darkest night just before dawn.

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven reclined horizontally on the golden cloud suspended in
midair. He was not off guard, but was sensing his divine power exerting its influence in the
surroundings with Nantaisan at the center, molding them after the Water Curtain Cave at the
Mountain of Flowers and Fruit to become his kingdom. Humans lost their intelligence, turned
into monkeys and recovered their feral nature.
"Wouldn't it be fun to use these fellows to invade and conquer the human's territory... Oh, it
came at last?"
Feeling like he was being watched, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven pushed himself and got
up. This was a spell used by human Daoist priestesses. Someone is sending their vision flying
here to peek at me, the great Sun Wukong. Something like that, I can simply blow away with
a breath through my nose...
But of course, he was not going to do something like that.
This was clearly a godslayer's doing.
The Great Sage laughed with his monkey face and changed his outfit using divine power,
putting on leather armor similar to that worn by theatrical actors.
Rather than heavy steel armor, it consisted of just a light breastplate, gauntlets and leg guards.
A battle outfit suited to the monkey king whose speed and agility were unmatched. Of course,
he did not forget to take his Ruyi Staff either.
Riding on his cloud and flying around, he surveyed his territory.
Nantaisan, Lake Chuuzenji, Senjougahara with its vast plains of wetlands, as well as the little
lake of Yunoko to the north.
Traversing the Iroha-saku Route, he flew to the skies of his new territory, the city streets of
With Toushouguu, Futarasan Shrine and Rinnouji turned into a stone prison, overall the
streets gave a feeling of a small yet complete and functioning kingdom. The Great Sage flew
to the airspace above the Daiyagawa.
Monkeys casually roamed the streets under the cover of darkness.
Whether transformed during their sleep or just before dawn, they were all humans who had
become the monkey king's underlings.
Looking down upon his people, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven showed off a U-turn.

That particular place looked like a very appropriate battlefield for going all out. Having
decided that, the Great Sage drove his cloud in that direction and got there immediately.
"Excellent, excellent. This place is nice, haha!"
Yelling and calling out in excitement, the Great Sage jumped down from his cloud. The
battlefield chosen was the plains of Senjougahara, the plateau covered by the brilliant colors
of green and red leaves, full of the natural feeling of highlands and abundant in rivers,
streams, walking paths, etc.
Then a beam of light came from the south. It was flight magic, bringing the brat, Kusanagi,
and his female companions as they descended before the Great Sage's eyes.
This fellow intended to come right from the very beginning, just as expected. The Great Sage
Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, nodded his head.

Part 3
"Hohoho... Just by yourself, Kusanagi brat? If you want to call forth your godslayer
companions, I can wait for you."
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven did not bother counting the girls. Even if humans entered
his sight, he would most likely ignore them. Godou immediately retorted:
"For an opponent like you, I alone am enough... Besides, if another Campione joins in, you're
going to summon your brothers for help, right?"
"What, so you have already noticed... Looks like your battle instincts are very sharp."
Having twice witnessed the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong's terrifying power that
exceeded every single god that Godou had ever met to this point, it was clear that the divine
monkey possessed overwhelming strength. However, he currently did not give off that kind of
Still, the fact remained that Godou was facing a war god with vast and varied powers.
In terms of raw combat ability, he must have surpassed both Athena and Perseus, but if one
counted his other powers, the abilities witnessed at Toushouguu and Lake Chuuzenji seemed
rather out of the ordinary.
"When we Campiones encounter gods, we feel great power stir and overflow from within. I
expect it's the same with you, in a battle between gods and Campiones, when faced with
numerical disadvantage, unlimited power will flow forth for the sake of defeating the
"That's right, vanquishing you godslaying devil kings to return peace to the world is the
heavenly mandate of gods."
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven nodded cautiously at Godou's correct guess.

"As long as the conditions are met, I can obtain the power I need to destroy you all from the
heaven, the earth, as well as the stars. However, not all gods share this ability, for only a
minority of sword gods with substantial might and clout possesses such an authority...
Anyway, this kind of task for Old Sun here is just a piece of cake."
"What returning peace to the world, stop running your mouth, you make no sense! You're the
one causing a commotion right now!"
"Compared to the status of a devil king, this kind of game is nothing, right? Even sacrificing
fifty or a hundred thousand people, or wiping out an island country or two like this one, does
not affect the grand scheme of things on earth."
Godou sneered and ignored the unreasonable retort.
"Then don't go taking Hikari as a hostage and turning the people of this land into monkeys for
a game! I've heard that it is possible that the people who transformed into monkeys might not
be able to return to human form!?"
"Those are just the moans and groans of humans suffering their karmic consequences. The
world continues to turn regardless... Besides, whenever the number of godslayers increase,
chaos is brought forth on earth, and imbalance is created between the living and the
underworld. Humans should obey the gods and natural law. Forgetting their place and
resisting our divinity is just..."
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, finally started to quietly emit murderous
intent, and entered a stance with the Ruyi Staff.
"Hence, wiping you all off the face of the earth is our mission of justice. Come, Kusanagi
brat! Stop with the nagging and let us fight!"
"Fine! I will show you my no, mankind's willpower!"
"Ha! Apart from your will, you are totally a monster with a body beyond mortals, stop
kidding yourself!"

As the morning glow covered a corner of the plains of Senjougahara, the decisive battle was
finally about to begin.
Keeping their distance, the girls were currently watching this battle.
Erica Blandelli, Liliana Kranjcar, Mariya Yuri and Seishuuin Ena.
They were the ones who swore to follow the Campione Kusanagi Godou through life and
death, who became his companions and allies through various intertwined fates.
Before their watchful eyes, Godou used the power of the [Warrior].
The blade of spell words for slaying gods, this was the power wielded by Verethragna's tenth

"Whenever the name of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, is mentioned, one
inevitably recalls Sanzang the Monk's follower, the deity born from a chaotic mix of all sorts
of religions and folk beliefs under the influence of Buddhism, Daoism, and Chinese
Godou's surroundings were filled with spheres of light.
The light expanded by ten, twenty, thirty times in number. This was the sword of spell words.
"Furthermore, you are also a war god of [Steel]. Despite being a monkey god, you are also a
war god with deep ties to iron this crucial key can be understood through the process of
how the Journey to the West was created!"
"Oh... Is this the same type as the Kulikaa Sword? An evil-vanquishing sword of justice born
from wisdom."
In this space completely filled with hundreds of spheres of light, the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven analyzed calmly.
"The Journey to the West was born by collecting operas, novels and folk legends featuring
Sun Wukong as the protagonist. Hence, it can be said to be the grand culmination of all of
Sun Wukong's legends. The source material mostly inherits from myths and folk stories
passed down the ages, the most important being China the culture of the Han people was
frequently assimilated influences from foreign cultures!"
A great many spheres of light rushed towards the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, attacking in
waves from all directions.
However, the Great Sage's agility was fast as lightning, and he dodged them all.
"Hahahahahaha! Though it looks like a troublesome sword, it's meaningless if you can't hit
The Great Sage made a back flip and jumped onto his golden cloud.
Flying freely in the heavens, he evaded the [Sword]'s pursuit, moving faster and faster!
I see. Godou discerned the truth. Unlike Verethragna's [Raptor], the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven did not have the ability to reach maximum speed instantly, and must accelerate in
But once he reached his maximum speed, the monkey king entered the realm of god speed!
"Hmm ! May my words be weaved, forming the divine sword that vanquishes evil and
brings peace. Be dismissed, Great Sage Equaling Heaven!"
Godou made the [Sword] multiply and accelerate.

But it was too late, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven had vanished, causing hundreds of
[Swords] to lose their target. The blades of light were unable to strike the hero within the
realm of god speed, not even a scratch!
Somehow, Godou knew that the Great Sage was currently rapidly ascending up into sky.
He ordered several dozens of the swords of light to pursue, but the Great Sage still shook off
their trail. Too fast! Who knew his favorite authority of god speed was such a dangerous
existence when used in the hands of enemies!
'When facing an opponent in battle, what are you doing, standing there dazed!?'
It was a muffled voice that sounded very distant. As he felt a chill down his spine, an omen of
danger, Godou gathered the nearby [Swords] back to his side, guarding his head and back.
Immediately, something descended from the sky like a bolt of lightning!
Clang! The sound of impact. It felt like someone extremely fast had descended and left again
in an instant.
'Hohoho, blocking that just now was just your luck, let's try it a second time, eh?'
The Great Sage was planning on using hit-and-run tactics?
No. The warrior form had the power to understand an enemy completely. This power told
Godou that when using god speed, the Great Sage had difficulty stopping. Like Godou's
[Raptor], he was unable to make precise movements.
All it would take is one solid hit. The Great Sage continued to fly away without letting his
speed decrease.
However, he should be returning immediately. Will there be a way to block the second and
third attacks?
Godou was clearly disadvantaged. Concerned with the battle, the girls began to get nervous.
"Everyone... In order to protect that person, I implore you all to assist me."
The first to speak was Yuri, who bowed her head and requested with propriety.
"Though the power bestowed to me can assist him, it cannot protect him, which is why
everyone's power is needed."
Stepping forward, Yuri showed a resolute expression.
Yuri's beauty carried solemnity impossible to defile, and greatly inspired righteous awe.
"You have no need to make this kind of request. Kusanagi Godou is the king of all of us.
Upon my pride as a knight... Rather, my love, I will surely protect him! So I will use
everything and anything I can lay my hands on. Hence, Yuri, please support us with
everything you have!"

The one who responded in this unyielding manner was Erica of course.
More glamorous than anyone and dazzling in her abundant talent, the beautiful maiden swept
her hand through her blonde hair that was like a crown.
"Too bad Erica beat me to the punch, but anyway, it is as she said. We are now different from
our usual selves, but for the sake of protecting Kusanagi Godou, we must unite our power as a
Liliana spoke in a decisive tone.
Completely clear on what she had to do, she was exceptionally calm.
"Yes, when the conflict with the god begins, there is no time for us to bicker amongst
Ena spoke cheerfully but with a slightly savage expression.
She stared sharply into the sky, as if she had caught signs of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven
with her five senses.
"Oh my, Ena, let's not talk about internal conflict and enmity for now. Friendly competition
between us is necessary to spur progress. I don't think there is a need to go for complete
"That makes sense actually, then let us have a competition to see who can help His Majesty
the most."
"Stop it you two, do not forget that actions speak louder than words! Mariya Yuri, in a while I
will most likely become too occupied to guard you. Will that be fine?"
"Yes. I am already prepared for that, so go and help that person."
Erica and Ena signaled to each other through their eyes, showing smiles that carried deep
Liliana admonished them while Yuri answered briefly. Under the two strong leaders, the rest
of the girls naturally took initiative in their respective domains.
This was a very individualistic team led by strong leadership.
It was also a very good formation, the result of these girls who each had their own plan,
judgment and influence over the others.
"O Warrior of justice, for the son, the father and the companions, let these spell words be
Yuri chanted the spell words softly. This incantation of power was the key to releasing the
divine warlord's [Protection].

In the next instant, her miko outfit transformed.

Its new appearance was reminiscent of the luxurious kimono known as the juunihitoe[76], and
wrapped around the garment was thin fabric akin to a feathered gown. However, the greatest
change occurred in her hair.
Yuri's original hair color was like a black pearl's except with an intense tea-brown luster, but
now it had turned into brilliantly glowing flaxen-colored hair.
Furthermore, her pupils were now glass-colored like a piece of glassware
This hair and eye color was identical to the [Princess] Godou once met in the Netherworld.
"Before these lines of scripture, powerful and eloquent, may all enemies cower and tremble
before me!"
"All evil shall cower and tremble before the victory that lies within my body!"
Erica and Liliana also chanted spell words and changed in appearance.
Covering their bodies were capes that reached down to their knees, with great contrast in
The blonde knight was in red and black.
The silver-haired knight was in blue and black.
Erica's right hand wielded a barbed infantry spear while her left held an oval shield. These
were armaments transformed from Cuore di Leone.
Liliana held a silver longbow in her hands, a weapon transformed from Il Maestro.
"O Power, come forth and descend upon my body. For victory and justice!"
Ena chanted the hymn of the divine warlord.
The premier Hime-Miko's uniform transformed into a miko outfit with a white haori and red
hakama, covered by a sheer upper garment called chihaya, and a diadem appeared on her
head, secured by hairpins.
It was the official attire worn by miko when performing the kagura dance.
"When the location of the gods is revealed... Wind blows through the branches scattering
Wearing the juunihitoe, Yuri whispered softly as she awakened new spirit powers, liberating
her psyche and ectoplasm from the constraints of the body, letting her consciousness expand
outwards like tendrils into the outside world.
The minds of Erica, Liliana and Ena could all be understood for the most part.

She could also sense the great and intense willpower of Kusanagi Godou and the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven.
Psychic sensing Yuri had now evolved into a user of psychic sensing who surpassed
Princess Alice. Using this power of spirit sense, her mind's eye became clear and sharp.
This was Avalokitasvara's universal vision, the ultimate mind's eye that Luo Hao used to see
through the [Raptor]'s godly speed.
...Saw it! Yuri's mind's eye was able to capture clearly the flying form of the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven that human eyes definitely could not see. The visual intelligence obtained
was immediately sent to the other three through psychic sensing.
Yuri's mind's eye became the eyes of Erica, Liliana and Ena, acting as universal vision that
was able to capture god speed. Liliana was the first to act upon this blessing.
Wielding the silver bow in her left, she manifested silver arrows in her right.
An arrow was rapidly shot out, turning into a flash of silver light.

If this continues, I will surely die. After blocking the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's first
attack, Godou immediately began to get anxious.
Just as he was about to move the [Sword] haphazardly he received quite a shock.
'Wow! Danger danger! You guys can actually see me!?'
A flash of silver light had streaked past Godou's head. Was that what halted the Great Sage's
rapidly descending attack?
"Kusanagi Godou, leave the defense to us!"
"Please concentrate on attacking, for we will guard you well!"
Running out before his eyes were Erica and Liliana, wearing the sacred knightly attire last
seen in the Ama no Murakumo incident. So that's what's happening, they were using
As Godou nodded, Erica put up her shield to block the forward direction.
"Hmm !"
Clang! With the sound of impact, Erica and her shield were sent flying, apparently having
taken a hit from the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Liliana immediately shot another silver
arrow in front of Godou, slicing through the air.
Godou could sense it, that something extraordinarily fast had left.

Though he did not quite understand what was going on, but the girls seemed to be able to
discern the Great Sage's god speed to some degree, and react to it!
'Godou-san, please accept my spirit!'
A voice calling him was suddenly heard. No, actually it was a whisper conveyed to his heart
These were Yuri's thoughts. Due to the bonds established by the protection, Godou
immediately understood that Verethragna's authority had bestowed upon the Hime-Miko the
same power possessed by Princess Alice.
Receiving these mental waves, Godou's vision immediately changed.
This was the realm of universal vision possessed by Yuri, the ultimate mind's eye technique
that discerned everything before their eyes.
Graced by this blessing, Godou could also clearly see the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's
movements of god speed. The quick-as-lightning divine monkey was standing on his cloud,
flying back and forth in a Z-shape like a bolt of lightning.
And then he suddenly descended from the sky, intending to smash his Ruyi Staff down upon
Godou's head.
Liliana's sacred silver arrow pinned him down from using this move.
Fired individually, the arrows were easy to evade, so the silver knight held pairs of arrows
between the fingers in her right hand, firing eight arrows all at once.
This was repeated a good many times, firing silver arrows like a hail of bullets, it was
basically a rain of arrows.
However, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven evaded in the air with the mobility of god speed
and flew right in front of Godou, smashing down with his Ruyi Staff once again.
Erica's shield blocked this deadly weapon. No matter how divine the speed of the enemy, he
had no other way of attacking except by approaching the target. Erica focused on defending
Godou and dutifully fulfilled her responsibility.
Then Liliana continued attacking the air with the silver arrows as Erica carried on with
Godou's defense.
'Godou-san, next it is time for you to attack!'
"Hey... Even that is possible!?"
Hearing the whispers transmitted by mental waves, psychic sensing instructed him how to
proceed from here on. This was an attack never tried before, could it be something that Yuri
learned through spirit vision?

'Yes, this is the oracle I received just now. If this is not done, victory cannot be obtained.'
Cautioned by her, Godou looked up at the enemy flying around back and forth.
It was true that a risky move would be necessary to suppress an opponent with such
ridiculous speed.
Steeling his determination, Godou stared at the eastern sky. The dawn sky's rose-colored rays
illuminated the earth from that direction.
Over there was the sun, the symbol of Verethragna's third incarnation, the [White Stallion].
"For victory, hasten forth before me! O immortal sun, please grant radiance to the stallion. O
stallion that moves godlike with wondrous grace, bring forth the halo of thy master!"
The incarnation that could only be employed against a great sinner causing suffering to the
masses, and Godou's greatest firepower in his arsenal.
Chanting the spell words to liberate this form, he did not stop the [Warrior], however, because
he still needed the blade of spell words for the next part!
Combining two incarnations into one!
Uniting the sword of spell words with the flames of the sun!
"Hmm aaaaaaaaaahh!!"
The brain felt like it was on fire. So hot. The heart felt like it was about to burst, spurting
blood until it went dry. Godou's body felt as if it was being crushed by some sort of heavy
object, and his legs were bolted into the ground.
Even so, Godou gritted his teeth and finished performing the move.
"Glorious lord of the sun, Mithra be praised! To conquer all enemies, pray bestow upon my
strongest self thousands of light and thousands of swords!"
From the eastern sky came solar radiance that was not being used like a cannon blast as
before. A white sphere of light appeared in the sky hovering above the plains of
With two suns in the sky shining upon the land, Godou made all the [Swords] fly and gather
towards the second white sun. Thousands of swords of light melded together with the
luminous stellar mass.
'Oh, is that a new sun!?'
Circling high in the air above, preparing for another attack, the Great Sage yelled.

Godou fired the new swords and the white-colored sun shot a beam of bright light like a laser.
The delicate swords of light were able to lock on to the godly fast Handsome Monkey King,
and whizzed past over his head.
"Such heat!? And to think it even moved faster than me!? Impossible!"
Only a few strands of fur were singed, but contact was definitely made. Melding the
embodiment of the sun, the [White Stallion], with the [Sword], the result was this beam of
light a light speed weapon.
This move did not lose to the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's god speed, perhaps it even
offered a chance for victory!?
"Uh... Erica, can I entrust all defense to you? I have no way of defending right now."
"Of course, that is why I am here!"
Godou felt his head being fried by a frightening amount of heat. The burden of using two
incarnations simultaneously was more painful than could be imagined.
Hearing the request he made under great pain, Erica immediately agreed.
Meanwhile, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven continued to fly in Z-shapes, charging madly in
the sky. Liliana fired volleys of arrows without pause to restrain his movements. Though there
were no signs of Ena yet, she was surely around controlling the situation. Even though he was
in pain, Godou was certain that all his companions were supporting him.
I will absolutely not allow myself to suffer defeat here! Godou gritted his teeth in
"Mariya, go help the people who have transformed into monkeys and lead them away!"
'Leave it to me, and vanquish the Great Sage without any worries!'
Yuri's psychic sensing flew over Senjougahara, reaching the area of Okunikkou and then it
filled the entire city streets of Nikkou, including all of the territory dominated by the
Handsome Monkey King.
Her mental waves searched for the people that had turned into monkeys and needed help.
Then Godou proceeded to compose spell words once again.
"When it comes to Chinese history, there are frequent mentions of nomadic and horsemounted tribes! The northern Di and western Rong tribes during the Spring and Autumn
Period, the Huns who threatened China for a long time since the Warring States Period, the
Northern Wei Dynasty that unified northern China, their descendants the Xianbei tribe which
assimilated itself into the cultural circles of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, as well as the Liao
Dynasty of the Khitan people, and finally the Yuan Dynasty Mongolia!"

The white-colored sun released thousands of [Swords]. It not only shot at the four cardinal
directions but in all three hundred and sixty degrees at light speed.
"It was not limited to the ruling class. Even amongst the commoners there was a commingling
of ethnicities and nations, and the mixing of Han and nomadic culture. Naturally, the
pantheon of gods was also affected by this."
Led by Yuri's sensing, there was no need to aim precisely. Godou was immensely grateful for
that since his brain felt as if it was burning to ashes.
"And then came the archetype of the complicated hybrid deity rather, the epitome is the
Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong!"
The [Sword] passed through trees, traversed mountains, crossed rivers and plains, and
returned to town once again. The white flash penetrated all walls and obstacles in its path,
slicing apart all the monkeys who were the Great Sage's underlings.
"Though Daoism, Buddhism and other mystic religions from China have many key
differences, it is notable that the myths related to the Great Sage Equaling Heaven are
particularly numerous. Most symbolic are the series of anecdotes including 'being born from
stone', 'being scorched by the cauldron's fire', 'having a body of steel', etc."
The sacred flashing light raced across the lands beneath the morning glow.
This was the birth scene of a new ruler to replace the abominable monkey king.
"These myths are all common themes for the heroes of [Steel]. Born from stone, burnt in a
furnace, obtaining immortality namely, the body of steel. This is the process of a sword's
forging. The furnace smelts iron ore to produce steel, and steel is forged into a sword. Socalled heroes of steel are actually swords, or in other words, living sword gods!"
Severed by the solar [Sword], the people were all liberated from the rule of the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven.
They returned to human form once more.
Japanese monkeys, gibbons, chimpanzees, orangutans, mountain gorillas, etc
All sorts of monkeys disappeared in an instant, and as if reborn, turned back into male and
female, old and young. The time it took to bring salvation to everyone was most likely four or
five minutes. This swiftness was only possible due to the light speed weapon.
Through Yuri's psychic sensing, Godou felt all the restored people collapse in deep slumber.
Standing in the plains of Senjougahara, Godou breathed out deeply in relief, knowing that all
the people in the area had been saved.
Furthermore, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven gradually decreased his speed. What was he
planning? The knights were careful not to lose their guard.

Finally out of god speed and returned to normal levels, the Great Sage leaped down from his
golden cloud.
Standing right in front, he stared straight at Godou's face.
"Kusanagi, you... And these annoying humans, please remind yourself you are just flunkies!
Be gone from my sight!"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven roared at Liliana who kept shooting at him, as well as Erica
who blocked his advance, sending the two Great Knights flying just like that.
"Hohoho... Eliminating all my underlings and returning them to human form, eh... How
amazing, you did well! Hmph hmph, hohoho! It makes my blood boil."
The golden-gaze fiery-eyes were burning, and the red eyeballs and golden pupils flashed
"The miko I took away from you is right here."
Appearing from the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's right hand was a transparent sphere, as
small as a golf ball. Inside the sphere, Mariya Hikari was lying down in her miko outfit as if
"Even if things have come to this... I still have many ways to deal with you. Let's say, for
example, I will crush this fellow here like a bug if you dare resist."
The Great Sage swallowed the sphere containing Hikari and licked his lips.
"But I won't do that. Let's have an exhilarating fight with our weapons and fists to prove who
is the strongest. That is the most important! Come, come and hurry! Let us decide who is the
victor, and if you want to take back this little lady, slice open my belly!"
Pointing the Ruyi Staff at Godou, the Great Sage yelled.
"That is my plan right from the very start! Except it includes them as well!"
Standing beside Godou were the red and blue Great Knights, as well as Yuri assisting him
using psychic sensing from the side. Leading them, Godou retorted without holding back:
"These people are all a part of me... They are my essential companions for defeating you. I
will fight alongside them to put an end to you, and I won't allow you to call them flunkies!"
"I can't believe you indulge your lust to this degree... Fine, whatever, watch me, the Great
Sage, send you all flying with a kick!"
The Great Sage stuck his Ruyi Staff into the ground.
Appearing out of the ground were the same sort of giant monkeys as seen before. This time
there were nine! The appearance of these formidable foes made Erica and Liliana swallow a
few quick breaths, while Yuri's consciousness also began to show signs of fear.

(...Ena expected this to happen from the start. So Your Majesty, please. Lend it please lend
Ena's partner to Ena to use!)
Godou suddenly heard a 'voice' which carried thoughts from the sword hidden in his right
arm. Godou took notice immediately.
"Partner... Is it that fellow?"
Due to the request, Godou realized there could be no other possibility. Perhaps because the
former user was under [Protection], Godou could now feel its existence more tangibly than
Godou relaxed his right arm and passed the right of usage over. It went without saying that
the name of the sword was
"Come, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi! The imperial sword granted by my king, now is the
time for it to be swung!"
With the sudden rise of wind, a loud and clear voice reverberated in the surroundings.
In the area before the giant monkeys the underlings of the Great Sage, the wind gathered
into a tornado, and the miko appeared in its center.
The Hime-Miko of the Sword Seishuuin Ena.
Wearing the official attire of a miko outfit with chihaya, she held the nostalgic black divine
blade in her hand. Her body was also infused with double the normal amount of Susanoo's
divine power! Was this strengthened as a result of Verethragna's protection!?
"Yamato Yamato, elite of the nation, endless rolling green mountains, encircled by the walls
of the summit, beautiful Yamato!"
Ena's spell words caused strong wind to blow. The destructive gales pinned down the giant
monkeys, immobilizing them.
With a high-pitched yell, Ena charged forth to attack.
The gales easily imprisoned the giant apes, as befitting of the divine messenger of the god of
storms. Faced against these enemies restrained by the strong wind, she ran forward as if
completely unaffected by the wind herself.
Casually jumping onto the lower leg of one of the giant apes, she stabbed her partner into her
enemy's weak point.
ROOOOAAAAAAR! The giant ape screamed in pain.
Ena proceeded to jump nimbly, flying high in the air she slashed Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi horizontally. This cleanly severed the carotid artery of the giant ape, slaying it

immediately. Slicing through the critical weaknesses of the enemy, Ama no Murakumo
destroyed a divine beast on the level of dragons.
Ena used the same method and cut down the giant apes one after another. Though the giant
apes were poor in reacting, they were still able to mount an effective defense by the time Ena
slew the third one.
Taking a deep breath, the giant apes inhaled the violent wind controlled by Ena, finally
countering the intense gales and regaining their freedom. Ena must have been lying in ambush
all this time for the sake of this surprise attack.
However, in terms of overall numbers, the odds were still unfavorable.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven and six giant monkeys remained as their enemies. Thus the
bleak second round began.

Part 4
The intense sound of battle woke Mariya Hikari from her slumber.
There were weapons flying back and forth all around and the chanting of spell words.
"The custom of regarding swords as gods, first originated from the nomadic equestrian tribe
that invented, passed down, and spread their culture."
Hikari heard a familiar voice, chanting the spell words for slicing gods apart.
This was the voice of Kusanagi Godou the youth loved by Hikari's various Onee-samas.
"That tribe was the Scythians, a fierce people from which the culture of nomadic equestrian
herdsmen was born."
Every time he finished chanting a verse, the white-colored sun released a flash of light.
Creating formless blades for severing a god, these laser beams streaked across empty space at
the speed of light. Furthermore, these horrifying weapons stacked up on one another to begin
a continuous series of rapid and heavy attacks.
"That was not all that the Scythians invented. They were also a tribe skilled in forging iron.
Precisely because they excelled at forging iron, the sword gods of steel were born."
Simultaneous slicing attacks came from four directions up, down, left, and right, together
with a triple series of attacks separated by timed delays.
"Herodotus was the first to record in history the name of the Scythians, and their use of the
sword as the symbol of the Scythian war god Ares. The sword that stands upon the great
earth, is the true artifact that stands in history as the symbol of the god of war!"
The continuous attacks of complicated flashing lights displayed fierce momentum.

However, it was far too unbelievable how all these attacks continued to miss Hikari's body by
the frighteningly slimmest of margins.
Standing on the golden cloud, flying and gliding in the air, the Great Sage used all sorts of
techniques to evade Kusanagi Godou's attacks. Sometimes he did tricks in the air similar to
stunt flying, while at other times he flew with all his strength, charging at maximum speed. To
be able to dodge light speed attacks, it truly was god speed.
In terms of pure speed, the swords of light should be faster actually.
However, the difference in speed was not decisive, and could be compensated through flying
technique, though just barely.
...Right, the one fighting Kusanagi Godou was not Hikari.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, had swallowed Mariya Hikari within his
"Acala's sharp sword is also one of them! The common theme of 'the sword god standing
upright upon the earth', having scattered amongst the legends in various lands, east and west
of the ocean, underwent various changes in the elaboration of the sword god's imagery!"
"Hahahahahaha! Correct, that's the truth!"
"Take for example a sword that had just been forged, which needs to undergo the operation of
cooling by water. This takes form in the stories of heroes appearing after a passage through
water. Achilles became the invincible hero having bathed in the River Styx of Hades; bathed
in dragon's blood, Siegfried became the invulnerable hero as well, and you Great Sage
Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, are the same as them!"
"Yes! In my case, there are the peaches, the Bagua Cauldron and the elixirs!"
"Thus the creation story of the Scythian sword god was passed down the ages, as proof of Sun
Wukong being the war god of steel! Not only combining Daoism with Buddhism, but even
the sword god legend from the nomadic equestrian tribes, the strongest hybrid was born! This
is your prototype!"
"Kusanagi brat, well done! But so what!?"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven scoffed at the Campione who was composing the spell
"Light as well as the sword of spell words... This move of yours may be a stroke of genius,
but I have also understood one point. While you are using this move, your body is full of
openings! Are you able to stop the ferocious attacks of Old Sun here!?"
The Great Sage nonchalantly made his cloud accelerate, and charged at Kusanagi Godou.
He had been protected by the three girls all this time. But now the one who took up this
mission was

"Come near now, and kiss me, my son. Therefore God give thee of the dew of heaven!"[77]
It was Erica alone. Reciting the incantation for strengthening defense, she rushed over at the
same time.
Stepping between Godou and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Using the shield with
reinforced durability to take on the Ruyi Staff's attack on behalf of her lord.
The glamorous and beautiful girl's face became distorted, most likely due to suffering the
substantial impact on the shield.
Her knees began to lose strength and collapse, but she still resisted with all her might,
continuing to guard her lord. The other two Ena and Liliana were currently battling the
group of divine beasts.
Of the nine giant apes only two remained. Spitting fire, blowing strong gusts of wind, they
sent Ena flying despite her current state of divine possession. Liliana ran over to help at this
time, using a cooperative strategy to defeat their enemies. She used arrows to provide cover
for Ena to mount an attack on the retreating giant apes, and aimed at the weaknesses of those
overly focused on Ena.
If these giant apes were left alone, they would instantly charge at the Campione, which is why
the two girls must hold them off. This meant that only Erica was left to protect Godou. It was
an arduous battle indeed.
"That's right, one of the homelands of the Scythians, the Caucasus is... Guh..."
The youth controlling the light began to feel a sense of dizziness. He had once explained that
the incarnations usurped from the Warlord Verethragna could only be used one at a time, but
now he was using two simultaneously. This must be greatly straining his body.
Taking advantage of this opening, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven plucked two strands of fur
from his body and fired them like needles, striking each of the two underlings that were
fighting against Ena and Liliana.
ROOAAR!! The giant apes were greatly roused. Accompanying the sound of roars, one of
them charged at Ena while the other aimed its attack at Liliana who was trying to maintain the
distance and firing arrows!
Its movements were even faster than before! The massive body over 10m tall was running
with speed akin to lightning.
"Watch me end you with one slice of my sword! Haaaaaah!"

As one of the giant monkeys hammered its fist down upon Ena's head, the Hime-Miko of the
Sword jumped to the side and evaded. Then with a single flash of Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi, the counterattack amputated the divine beast's fist by severing the wrist.
This terrifying sword technique, which could only be performed by using Susanoo's divine
blade, sent blue-colored blood splattering everywhere. However, this blood began to combust
after it splashed upon Ena's body. As if oil had been added to a fire, the miko outfit and the
chihaya, stained by the fresh blue blood, began to burn intensely.
Ena screamed in agony as the giant ape followed up with a massive swing of its left hand.
Squashed between the ground and the giant ape's palm, the Hime-Miko was immobilized with
"Wah!? Damn it... It's not over that easily!"
Vomiting blood, Ena summoned a whirlwind.
The whirlwind swept upwards, like sword blades that have been sharpened to incredible
levels the kamaitachi.[78]
The invisible sickle blades severed the giant ape's blood vessels, tendons and shins. Without
even the chance to cry out, the giant ape turned into a pile of sand and collapsed.
Having obtained victory, Ena used the wind to extinguish the remaining fire on the miko
However, pushing herself to this point was the absolute limit and she laid herself down on the
ground and remained motionless in complete exhaustion.
Meanwhile, Liliana planned to use the silver arrows to halt the advance of the second giant
ape. Firing arrows into its left eye, shoulder and bulging chest, Liliana succeeded in making
the giant ape give off roars of anger and pain, but it was not enough. Already approaching
near, the giant ape suddenly reached out with its right hand and caught Liliana.
The slender fairy's body was caught by a monster like King Kong. Having captured Liliana,
the giant ape held its fist tight with all its might.
"Guuh... And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they
slew all the males. And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain;
namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian"[79]
With no other strength to support her but a Great Knight's pride, Liliana continued to recite
spell words in spite of her condition. As a result of her struggling efforts, light descended
from the heavens onto the blue knight.
"And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and
took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. And they burnt all
their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire."[80]

GAAAAAH! Incredibly, the giant ape wailed with suffering, relaxing its grip that was about
to crush Liliana to death.
"And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts. And they brought the
captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses."[81]
Liliana was being surrounded by blue light as she readied her bow with a solemn expression.
This was not just the sight of a soldier but a paladino and a saint. With such an air that would
compel people to sing praises in her name, Liliana set a silver arrow onto the bowstring.
The giant ape spewed forth intense flames from its mouth, but the sacred vestments worn by
Liliana were completely free from damage. While resisting the flames, she shot the arrow into
the giant ape's mouth. The impressively-built body of the giant ape instantly scattered into
sand which blew away with the wind. However, Liliana too, had reached her absolute limits.
Having displayed overwhelming power, Liliana collapsed forward and remained motionless.
"Lily... So you used the Smiting spell words. That's right, in our current state, it is possible to
use that secret ritual And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the
ark of the Lord went on continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went
before them!"[82]
Having witnessed her childhood friend's valorous battle, Erica also chanted a new incantation.
Continuing to defend against the attacks of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, she also seemed
like she was reaching her limits. Her steps becoming unsteady, she needed to use the spear as
a crutch in order to stand.
Behind her, Godou narrowed his eyes, trying to catch up to the monkey king's god speed.
"They compassed the city seven times. And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the
priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given
you the city. And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young
and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword."[83]
Out from the surface of the ground drifted a red mist that enveloped Erica's body.
Immediately, the mist dispersed, causing a change in the impression given off by the red
knight. Truly, she looked like a paladino and a saint.
Straightening her back, she wrathfully glared with resolute eyes at the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven in his god speed.
"And Joshua adjured them at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before the Lord, that riseth
up and buildeth this city Jericho: he shall lay the foundation thereof in his firstborn, and in his
youngest son shall he set up the gates of it."[84]
"Oh!? What is up with this little lady? You even dare to dream of attacking Old Sun here in

The Great Sage Equaling Heaven had intended to smash Godou's cranium with rapid descent
this time, but the divine monkey who had swallowed Hikari was faced with a great shock.
Standing between him and the Campione, Erica thrust her spear forward. She had been
guarding her lord all this time but now she changed her stance to attack. To have that kind of
residual strength No, she should not have that kind of power!
Right, Hikari nodded her head from within the belly of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
The spell words used by Erica and Liliana constituted the [Sacred Privilege of Extermination],
the ultimate secret rite of European magic and a power that rivals Seishuuin Ena's divine
As Hikari watched on, Erica's spear and the Great Sage's swinging Ruyi Staff began a direct
frontal clash.
The spear shattered. However, despite being divine weaponry, the Ruyi Staff also
The freely extending steel staff, 13500 catties[85] in weight, was split into two. It was
unbelievable that the weapon of the war god possessing lightning divine speed could be
destroyed by a mere human!
Furthermore, this attack made Hikari feel the dormant depths of her heart stir from the impact.
The feeling of watching a television broadcast disappeared. Her consciousness and feelings
restored, she felt a rising tide of emotion wanting to support Kusanagi Godou and his other
...Do your best, Erica-neesama!
As if hearing Hikari cheering for her, the paladino continued her movements, wielding her
broken spear to thrust at the Great Sage.
However, her martial prowess could not possibly defeat the war god. The spear's attack was
evaded and the severed Ruyi Staff came attacking.
Erica-neesama was sent flying into the distance, falling onto the ground. Due to the great
momentum, she rolled over many times on the ground before stopping. Completely
motionless, she appeared to have lost consciousness. In the moment of crisis, she barely
managed to block the Ruyi Staff's attack with her shield, thereby avoiding a fatal hit...
The female knight, glamorous beyond compare, put forth everything in her power to serve her
lord even if it meant soiling her appearance with dirt and mud. Hikari felt very sad to see her
like this. God and Campione were finally dueling one on one, and the Great Sage swung his
severed Ruyi Staff.
Godou-oniisama showed no intention to dodge and raised his arms to guard his head and face.
In addition to the Ruyi Staff, the Great Sage also kicked and punched his opponent on whim.

But only when the occasional attack went through his defense and was about to hit a critical
point did Onii-sama forcefully twist his body to evade. He was currently focused on
defending and had completely halted the offense.
However, Onii-sama's eyes sparkled with great intensity as he glared at the furiously attacking
Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
Though his eyes were as fierce as a wolf's, he continued to put all his effort into defending
why on earth!?
'Godou-san is reserving his final strength in order to save you.'
"Onee-chan!? What does that last part mean? Besides, Onee-chan shouldn't have this kind of
power, right...!?"
Hikari was surprised to find her older sister conversing with her through mental waves. This
was the psychic sensing power that Princess Alice had used before, but though Onee-chan
was a rare spirit vision user, she should not be a user of psychic sensing!
'We will discuss this some other time... Godou-san will soon be out of strength because using
that [Sword] causes heavy strain. At most he can use it at full power once, and he plans to use
that final strike for your sake.'
"How could this be! B-But if this continues, Onii-sama is going to be killed!"
He remained standing no matter what kind of attack struck him.
Even when he fell upon one knee, he got up immediately, never giving up on this fight.
Watching this battle unfold, Hikari could no longer bear it. She could not bear watching
Godou getting hurt any longer. And not just Onii-sama, Erica-neesama, Liliana-neesama and
Ena-neesama had all fallen.
'No other way... That is the kind of person he is. Even if he was about to be killed and close to
defeat, he would never give up fighting. So please be patient and wait for that man to save
you. I will also do my utmost to assist...!'
Injecting absolute trust and determination, Yuri spoke with her thoughts.
Even in a despairing situation or faced with gods as his enemies, he would never abandon his
battle spirit or the will to fight. Precisely because of this, he was able to become a Campione
and Devil King who usurped divine authority. Gazing intently at the eyes of the Campione,
burning with fighting spirit, Hikari felt her heart beginning to race.
Stuck in a situation like this, he did not stop fighting. Not only that, he aimed for victory,
fighting for the sake of Hikari and all the people suffering as a result of the Great Sage.
Her chest felt like it was on fire. She could not stand aside any longer! She was not a woman
who could observe from the sidelines without doing anything!

"Onee-chan... I also want to fight together! Though I don't know what I can do, if there is
anything that can help that man obtain victory, I will put all my effort into it! So please tell
him this: I have absolute trust in your victory, please fight to the very end!"
'Very well, I understand... For the sake of Hikari, I will also do everything I can, so you have
to do your best'
Ending the mental conversation with her older sister, Hikari furiously searched her thoughts.
The only spirit power she possessed was disaster purification which could only affect gods
slightly limited to nullifying magical power or spells, but if the other party was a powerful
god, then not much of an effect could be expected.
How could she use it in a way to help Godou-oniisama, to help that person?

Despite being stuck in a predicament where all he could do was defend one-sidedly, Godou
endured with all his might.
Entering into all-out close-quarter combat with a war god like the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven would probably mean defeat in a few seconds. Even so, it was not yet time to use the
[Camel]. Before Hikari is rescued, the [Sword] cannot be abandoned.
However, the scorching heat felt even hotter than before and Godou's head felt like it was
about to split open from pain. Using two incarnations simultaneously had reached its absolute
limit, and there was no way to control it any further.
The only thing Godou could do at this point was endure.
But at least the [Sword] for counterattack was kept in his body, and acted as defensive gear
which repelled the attacks of the Great Sage. Perhaps due to it being a weapon to neutralize
the power of gods, it could be used as defensive gear? However, this notion was too naive.
Though the damage of the attacks were lessened, the effect was far from complete absorption.
This kind of passive approach was really unsuitable. That said, without putting his all into this
kind of resistance, he would have been directly beaten to death by the Great Sage Equaling
"Hahahahahaha, starting from a while back, you've been taking hits obediently. What's up?
Are you out of options!?"
The Great Sage did not get anxious about defeating his enemy quickly. Instead, he calmly
continued to beat up his opponent, sending Godou flying with a kick from the front and then
using the severed Ruyi Staff for a horizontal sweep, finally aiming a spinning kick at Godou's
Godou was being treated like a punching bag, but he endured relentlessly. Bear it, I have to
bear it.
It was not yet time. The Great Sage had not shown an opening so if the light speed sword
attacked, he would use his divine speed to evade at the same time. It was necessary to wait

until the divine monkey got carried away and showed an opening, when an instant appeared
for a guaranteed hit of the [Sword]. If one did not wait for an opportunity of assured success,
there was no chance for victory!
'Godou-san, just now I talked to Hikari who is inside the body of the Great Sage.'
The whispers of Yuri's mental waves could be heard.
'She has absolute trust in your victory, so please fight to the very end.'
(What, she's still in good spirits... Really, don't go trusting in other people so easily.)
Godou complained as he muttered to himself, but began to smile.
This was the fierce grin of a warrior. The face of a man whose fighting spirit burned in the
face of adversity.
This was proof of the king who shouldered the hopes and prayers of others, turning them into
power. If one were to say 'I fight only for myself' at a time like this, it would be clear lack of
magnanimity. If you believe that I will surely win, then I must show you what the victory of
the true warrior looks like.
'Godou-san, the time for counterattacking has arrived. I will also assist you, so please use your
power without reservation!'
(Yes, I understand. I will be in your care, but it is still not yet time...)
While he was secretly conferring with Yuri, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven suddenly halted
his attacks.
"Hmm, continuing to use a broken weapon will be a taint upon my divine might. Let me fix
this first Life and death are predestined. Fortune comes from the Heavens. The principal
lamp has extinguished!"
Using a mantra to apply divine power, the shattered fragments of the Ruyi Staff flew and
In an instant, they combined together, reconnecting, and restored the divine appearance of the
precious iron. It would be impossible to resist the full might of the divine weapon just as
Godou trembled at that thought...
The restored Ruyi Staff crashed down from above upon Godou's head. Impossible to dodge,
was this the end!? However, Godou heard Hikari's voice at this time.
'Evil be purified, Disaster be dismissed, Misfortune be exorcised, efficacious signs of the
bearer of Fortune, I implore your manifestation!'
This was transmitted via Yuri's psychic sensing, giving voice to the thoughts coming from the
belly of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.

The cry of the young warrior, trying to use the spirit power of disaster purification to escape
from the god's domination. Faced with the miko's staunch resistance just as he was using one
of his most prized powers to attack, the Great Sage was met with a complete surprise.
Shattered. The newly restored Ruyi Staff shattered once again.
The result was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's attack missed its target.
This was the spirit power that only Mariya Hikari possessed disaster purification.
Even the power of gods could be eliminated in part by this strange ability. The captive
apprentice Hime-Miko greatly surprised the deity in a critical moment, and just as the monkey
face of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven made a stupid expression !
"Now is the time, Mariya!"
Noticing Godou's yell, the Great Sage pointed his index finger at the sky.
This was the only chance for counterattacking. The white-colored second sun fired the
[Sword] at the Great Sage Equaling Heaven while Godou's brain was being invaded by a
terrifying amount of heat and pain.
OWWWWW! His brain felt like it was boiling, but the pain immediately lessened by half.
'Ah, aaaaaaaaah!'
In return, Yuri's screams of agony could be heard from her mental waves because she had
used psychic sensing to share the pain that Godou felt. However, to a Hime-Miko who was
not a Campione, it must have been pure suffering
Towards Yuri who took on his pain, as well as the fallen Erica, Liliana and Ena, Godou
vowed before he apologized to them.
Sorry to have let everyone suffer, but in return, I shall obtain victory
The fired [Sword] pierced right through the abdomen of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!
"In one of the former lands of the Scythians, the Caucasus, the legend of the hero Batraz still
remains. For the sake of training, the hero cast himself into a fiery furnace during his youth.
The fiery furnace where he chose to train in the scorching heat was the place where dragons
were slain and corpses were incinerated. In the end, having his body burned by the scorching
flames, Batraz jumped into the sea to cool down, and thus completed his training. As a result,
he obtained an immortal body."
Using the [Sword] to separate the ectoplasm from the Great Sage's physical body, Godou
searched deep to look for Hikari.

"This legend is extremely similar to the beginnings of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun
Wukong. Thus the Scythian hero shares essentially the same origins as the monkey. Without a
doubt, the people who gave Sun Wukong and the Scythian sword god the same back story
were the nomadic tribes who were assimilated into Chinese culture!"
Yes, found her, I can feel Hikari's presence. Within the massive ectoplasm of the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven, the skinny little human girl imprisoned quietly inside had been found!
Godou charged forward and reached his hand into the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's
abdomen, pulling her body out.
"Onii-sama, I always believed you will surely come to save me!"
Godou found himself tightly embraced by the little girl even younger than his own sister.
As he held the miko-outfitted Hikari in his arms, Godou said to the Great Sage:
"...Indeed I have taken her back. Now, it's finally time to fight a real battle without hindering

Chapter 7 - Gods and Godslayers, the Climactic Final

Battle for Victory
Part 1
Godou was badly beaten up while the Great Sage Equaling Heaven literally had his belly cut
open as suggested.
Had either of them succumbed to their heavy injuries, it would not have been surprising, but
they dulled the pain through pure willpower alone. Completely ignoring the state of their

bodies and maintaining the heightened state of excitement, only gods and Campiones could be
this reckless.
Watching this scene unfold was Hikari who had just been rescued. She could no longer hear
the thoughts of the person who had been speaking to her.
Due to taking on a portion of the [Sword]'s burden, Yuri also reached her limit and had fallen
unconscious somewhere. The second sun in the sky also vanished, having lost the [Sword] it
depended on.
"Hikari... Is your body okay?"
"Yes! Thanks to Onii-sama and everyone else, I am completely fine!"
"I see... Then hurry and leave this place and find a place to hide."
Godou gently reminded the girl who was embracing him.
"Why? I want to help Onii-sama! I also want to assist you like all the other Onee-sama!"
"No, there's nothing you can help here. Besides..."
Godou coldly released Hikari despite her earnest pleas, for the battle was just about to enter a
"I entrust everyone in your care, Hikari. Erica, Liliana, Seishuuin and your sister far away
have all used up their strength. Go immediately to help and take care of them."
"If I do that... I will be helping Onii-sama?"
"Yes, please. You are the only one I can rely on now."
It was now like being in the ninth inning with a one point lead. In order to guard this lead,
Godou began to rouse the feelings of outfielders nostalgic memories from his days as a
catcher were even recalled. Treating the girl in his arms as a companion and entrusting her
with important tasks, Godou stroked Hikari's head softly.
As a result, the twelve-year-old apprentice Hime-Miko gazed at Godou with blushing cheeks.
"Yes... I will do as Onii-sama says, but you must come back alive. If you don't keep your
promise, I won't listen to Onii-sama's orders again. Will you promise me this?"
"I know, in order to make you listen to me from now on, I will definitely return."
As if praising an obedient child, Godou stroked little Hikari's head.
Completely unexpectedly, Hikari drew her young face close and kissed Godou.
"I heard from Ena-neesama and the others, that this is the only way to cast a spell on Oniisama... This is a spell for treating fatigue, at least let me help you a little like this..."

Hikari left Godou reluctantly and ran over to the collapsed Erica.
There was a certain adult maturity to her... Hikari bore a rather feminine expression. Though
Godou had been treating her like a little child, she should be trustworthy from the way she
acted just now. Thanks to the spell, the pain had lessened greatly.
"Ha! Kusanagi brat! It's unbelievable that you still have the energy to flirt with girls at a time
like this."
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven laughed with a sneer.
"Looks like we can still have another round. Nice nice!"
"You and I are both heavily injured, are you sure it's proper for you to be mocking others?"
"Because I still hold a trump card, it doesn't matter... Watch, this is the thing I prepared just in
Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the Great Sage's right hand. It was the body of Divine
Ancestor Asherah! However, it was very small since her body had shrunk so much it was like
a ginseng root. Despite being in such a state, the witch still seemed to be alive, for one could
hear her breathing weakly.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven took a bite out of this tiny witch.
Aaaaaaaaaah! With the sound of soul-screeching screams, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven
nonchalantly moved his lower jaw, chewed with his teeth and swallowed her, re-enacting a
scene from the Journey to the West when he ate a ginseng fruit...
In the next moment, from within the body of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven out flowed a
terrifying amount of divine power!
"Huhahahahahaha! After eating the snake deity, I have recovered my energy! The peerless
Old Sun has returned once again!"
"T-That was the reason you took away that witch!?"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven restored his Ruyi Staff with divine power again, and swung
it as quickly as lightning. Godou hastily rolled along the ground as the divine staff of precious
iron attacked with great alacrity.
Having lost the [Sword], Godou now needed to battle using other incarnations. However, the
[Camel] could not handle attacks from the air while the [White Stallion] had already been
used. Was there no other weapon remaining!?
As Godou evaded the Great Sage's attacks, he heard a mocking voice.
...Finally asking me for help? What a troublesome man.

An ice-cold feeling was dwelling in his right arm as the sword he had lent out just now
returned to him. Now was the time to use the new weapon that had been waiting patiently to
make an entrance.
As the Ruyi Staff came crashing down, Godou jumped sideways with motions like a wild
beast to evade.
"Hmm, crap, did I hit too hard?"
Missing its target, the steel staff was embedded into the ground. As the Great Sage pulled his
weapon out, Godou adjusted his breathing.
"Damn it... I clearly had no intention of using such a dangerous object as you!"
Though he complained out loud, the corners of Godou's lips were upturned as if smiling.
Since he needed to continue fighting whether he had a weapon or not, something was better
than nothing.
Seizing that one-in-a-thousand chance of victory in a hopeless situation, if one couldn't even
do that, one was not fit to be a Campione rather, not fit to be a man!
"Hoho, you look like you too have a trump card up your sleeve. Then let us fight to our hearts'
content, Rakshasa King!"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven jumped onto his golden cloud and flew into the sky.
Accelerating again and again, the Great Sage intended to re-enter the realm of god speed. The
new weapon in Godou's hand could not defend against that kind of speed but he was resolved
to fight to the very end and obtain victory. No matter what kind of crisis he faced, if he
himself didn't believe in his own victory, then of course victory would never grace him with
its presence!
Just as Godou planned to concentrate all his power in this despairing battle
A shooting star streaked across the sky.
Resembling a heavenly flying dragon, it was a flash of brilliant blue-white light, one of the
magic bullets shot by the warrior with the black cape!
The dragon of light chased after the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who had took on the form of
a golden meteor. But just as it caught up, the prey vanished. Was it because he had entered the
realm of god speed? However, John Pluto Smith's bullet also disappeared. Both sides had
reached god speed!
'Damn, if that's the case, hah!"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven who should have disappeared, suddenly multiplied rapidly
in the air, filling the sky with over a hundred divine monkeys. This was a cloning technique!
However, these clones began to explode one after another and were soon dispersed into mist,

most likely struck down in midair by the divine speeding bullet. Beneath the glow of the
morning sky, it was as spectacular as a fireworks celebration.
'The Five Elements form a cycle of restraint, Metal counters Wood!'
As his clones disappeared, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven chanted a mantra.
Lightning was released from within the body of the divine monkey and collided with the
approaching blue-white magic bullet.
The magic bullet was finally destroyed, but the Great Sage's golden cloud also returned to
normal speed, most likely because he was unable to use other spells while maintaining that
kind of godly speed.
"Making me waste unnecessary breath, so another unrelated godslayer is joining in?"
"Unrelated? No, not at all. I came here expressly to bury you. Since John Pluto Smith is
entering this battle, prepare yourself to be dragged into the depths of the underworld."
The latecomer was obviously the masked Campione.
The fallen girls could no longer be seen, apparently taken away by Hikari. She must have
used healing spells since she should not have the strength to move everyone so quickly by
Anyway, the only ones gathered in this place were now gods and Campiones. Only these two
existences and no other!
"Hmph, what an audacious man... You have met my bros before, right? Let us display the
solidarity of us sworn brothers, and defeat all the godslayers! From the ocean of the north,
come, my virtuous little brother, Zhu Ganglie! From the territories of the west, come, my
virtuous little brother, Vaisravana!"
The entrance of John Pluto Smith caused the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's divine power to
rise explosively.
The two little figurines were thrown into the air.
"Vanquishing devils, ripping evil spirits apart, star of the sword god which slaughters
Rakshasa! Bestow upon me the sharp sword to vanquish my mortal enemies!"
As the two figurines expanded in one motion, their appearance also began to change.
The first to appear was the giant with a pig's head. Clad in black clothes with armor of the
same color, he made his entrance as a giant god, standing 15m tall with three heads and six
arms still!
Next to manifest was the demonic deity with black skin and red spiky hair, standing on pillars
of water that spewed forth like geysers, forming a dragon of water!

"Hohohoho, I hope this time I can play a little while longer, Big Bro."
"Appearing here in response to Big Bro's summon, I am ready to fulfill your every
Manifesting behind the slowly flying Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Zhu Ganglie and
Vaisravana shouted.
Before the three deities, Godou spoke to his masked ally:
"I am grateful for your help, but we are still outnumbered, the disadvantage of two against
three remains."
"I don't need you to teach me this kind of infantile mental math."
Smith fluttered the cape on his shoulders in response to his junior's reminder.
"On the other hand, there is also the saying 'two heads are better than one'... I think the current
situation is rather fitting. Anyway, the main point is, I want a chance for me to show off. If
you insist on keeping such a delicious situation all to yourself, that would make you a very
stingy man, so lowly that I don't even need to mock you."
Hearing him casually spout such roundabout words, Godou could not help but smile wryly. In
such a situation, who could have expected him to make such comments when he was entitled
to additional concessions.
Watching the performance of the man before him who loved to role-play, Godou somehow
felt a strange sense of intimacy with him.
"What you seem to be trying to say, is that John Pluto Smith considers Kusanagi Godou a
friend, and a man who won't pose a hindrance to you is that right?"
"Oh my oh my, you really think you can trust a mysterious man like me? Don't regret it!"
Smith and Godou joked with each other as they stood side by side, looking up at the gods in
the sky.
This argumentative conversation felt unexpectedly delightful. Never yielding verbally, this
quirk of his seems to fit quite well with me. Confirming that they turned out to be surprisingly
compatible, Godou smiled.
"You are really quite the busybody. My luck has always been great and I have never regretted
any of my choices in companions. I don't expect this to ever change. Right, one more thing..."
Godou recalled Sayanomiya Kaoru's phone call.
Lu Yinghua had apparently heard the sound of some kind of commotion. If that's the case, of
course it can only be that.

"You know the idea that two are better than one... While three people are better than two...

Change finally came to the petrified grounds of Toushouguu.

The first to be sent flying were the worship and main halls at the core of the shrine. As if
dynamite had been set off, the worship hall and the main hall collapsed as stone fragments
scattered and flew with the sound of explosions.
Next were the Gates of Youmeimon, followed by the divine stable, the five-story pagoda and
the first torii.
Explosions occurred one after another. Originally, restoring the entire area petrified by the
Great Sage Equaling Heaven was already a monumental task. Even so, seeing the important
cultural heritage site destroyed so utterly, Sayanomiya Kaoru could not help exclaiming "oh
my, I give up." On the other hand, Amakasu Touma closed his eyes in deep thought as if
saying "that's going a bit overboard."
The only one who could watch calmly was Lu Yinghua. Seeing the first torii namely, the
main entrance to Nikkou Toushouguu being demolished, he took into his hands the package
he had been keeping on the side all this time.
Then he immediately rushed into the smoke and dust cloud created by the shattered and
pulverized stone.
"Master, please get changed. I have brought you a change of clothes here."
"Well done, you have become more attentive. You have earned yourself a little praise."
"Master's praise is too kind, your disciple expresses utmost gratitude."
Towards the figure of the beautiful maiden who appeared from within the white smoke, Lu
Yinghua reverently handed over the package.
"A fish lives in the northern ocean, its name is the Kun! The Kun is so large, no one knows
how many thousands of miles long it is. Transforming into a bird, its name is the Peng! The
Peng's back is so vast, no one knows how many thousands of miles wide it is. Flying
furiously, its wings are like clouds filling up the sky!"[86]
As soon as the mantra was chanted, the ground suddenly became dark, but not because the
sunlight was blotted out by clouds.
A giant sacred bird the golden-winged Peng came flying by. In the instant that this bird
flew above their heads, the transcendent beauty's figure vanished.
"With this, all the actors have gathered. It won't be very appropriate if we don't go and watch
the finale."
"But these special front row seats offer no guarantees for personal safety."

Sayanomiya Kaoru joked around with her subordinate as she nodded in agreement.

Part 2
The giant sacred bird flew over the plains of Senjougahara.
Estimated in proportion to its wingspan, the massive body must have been several hundred
meters in size. Stunned, Godou looked up to watch the majestic entry of the sacred bird. This
fellow must be carrying the final participant. But still, even if she wanted to travel here, was it
really necessary to use such a conspicuous mode of transportation?
The beautiful heavenly maiden suddenly descended from the back of the giant bird, wearing
an outfit in the style of a mandarin gown that hugged and accentuated the wondrous curves of
her figure.
With mesmerizing lustrous eyes and pristine white teeth, her beauty could only be described
as otherworldly.
Drifting through the air and landing upon the ground like a feather, this person was no other
but Luo Cuilian.
"Thank you for your patience, Great Sage! As well as my little brother."
Hearing her words, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven questioned:
"Oh? Little brother?"
"Correct. Kusanagi Godou here is the sworn little brother of me, Luo Cuilian. A relationship
akin to you and your fellow brothers."
"Haha! But are you able to become as large as us?"
"In that case, we will defeat you all at once, burying your oath of sworn fraternity at the same
The sworn brothers of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven proceeded to issue arrogant
instigating remarks.
Zhu Ganglie's eyes, full of lustful desire, stared intently at Luo Hao; standing on the dragon's
head, Vaisravana looked gloomy as ever despite his rhetoric; Luo Hao smiled in return with
casual composure.
"Hohoho, it's not a bad idea to decide right here which side's sworn siblings are stronger.
Wouldn't you agree? Little brother."
"Umm, actually it's not just us two, there's also another participant..."
From Godou's point of view, he was just stating a fact.

But his sworn elder sister, as well as senior along the path of domination, severely glared at
him in response.
"Do you intend to spoil the first chance for us siblings to fight in cooperation by inserting this
man of suspicious origins!? Foolish! This is a profane insult to me, your elder sister!"
Calling him a man of suspicious origins was quite an unpleasant manner of address.
The one wearing a mask and black cape, dressed up like a theatrical actor and the man in
question, whispered softly:
(Oh... Elder sister eh? Having met for mere days and she's already taken such a liking to you...
You are truly outstanding in the ways of stealing maiden hearts.)
(Stop saying weird stuff about her taking a liking to me, please shut up for a bit!)
Hearing John Pluto Smith's reply, Godou hastily retorted in defense.
"Anyway, that's how it is. A rare situation with three gods appearing at the same time. If we
are down by one person on our side, wouldn't it be shameful?"
Luo Cuilian reacted. As expected, her extreme pride meant that she was fiercely sensitive to
such insinuations.
If she were to say something like 'victory against superior numbers is an honor in the martial
realm' then there would be no room for objection. However, such an argument would be more
of a bluff than the result of some twisted logic. Even exalted as Luo Cuilian, her hubris should
not be extreme enough to insist on dignity over practicality... At least, that was what Godou
"If we don't prepare an army with the same formation as our opponents, it seems like there
will be a problem with respect."
"I see, that makes a bit of sense. Very well, I will accept your advice and we shall face them
with equal numbers. As befitting for great generals and marshals, it is only right for us to lead
armies into battle in the spirit of proper martial way... Still, little brother, something about
your behavior displeases me."
Luo Hao grumbled as she stared at Godou. What was she trying to say?
"D-Displeased? I don't think I did anything wrong..."
"Of course you are wrong. I am the martial pinnacle, the elder sister whom you should be
offering the utmost respect. And how do you address someone of exalted stature like myself?
I believe I have already taught you the most appropriate form of address."
Godou could not help but sigh. Does that word really have to be said right now!?

"O, O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o... Nee-san..."

"You should be calling me 'Onee-sama.' I never expected a little brother with such poor
memory. Fine, since it is the proposal of my sworn little brother, I will accept it."
Having spoken, Luo Cuilian turned to the other Campione.
"From my deductions, you must be the American [King]? My family name is Luo, with given
name Cuilian and style name Hao.[87] I give you permission to join the ranks of my army in
this battle and fight alongside me, Luo Hao."
"What a unique greeting... I, John Pluto Smith, will offer the entirety of my humble services."
Faced with the loftily delivered invitation, the king dressed in black responded effortlessly.
Compared to the two-hundred-year-old demonic cult leader, the age-unspecified young man
seemed far more mature. Breathing a sigh of relief, Godou and his two 'fellow kin' stood
shoulder-to-shoulder, facing off against the three divine spirits.
The giant three-headed-six-armed Zhu Ganglie.
As well as Vaisravana standing on the raised head of his mount, the dragon of water.
Finally there was the leader of these two gods, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun
Wukong. Once again he stood upon the golden cloud and ascended, flying high up into the
skies. The three versus three decisive battle was about to begin.
"Hohoho, let me pick my opponent first! I choose the transcendent beauty, the godslayer who
reminds me of the Moon Goddess! It is most fitting for her to be the opponent of the Marshal
Canopy, the great Zhu Ganglie!"
"...Come to think of it, you are the stellar deity that guards the northern sky."
The Ruler of the Martial Realm frowned at the evil gaze of lust being cast upon her.
"When it comes to the companions of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, one of the most
notable is the evil-exorcising deity, the Marshal Canopy Zhu Wuneng. From a wild boar to a
domestic pig, you are a deity widely known in folklore. In spite of all that, it is most
deplorable for you to be reduced to such a shallow and lowly subordinate god."
In Japan, boars were called "inoshishi" while domestic pigs used the kanji "buta" for
When Godou received knowledge about the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, information was
also gained about his subordinate gods.
The Marshal Canopy Zhu Wuneng was once a military god serving the north pole's Great
Emperor Ziwei.[88] At the height of his worship, most likely during the time from the Sui to
the Song Dynasties, the three-headed-six-armed appearance in full armament was one of the
favorite images depicted by artists.

Frequently appearing in novels and plays, in the end he was linked to Zhu Bajie in the
Journey to the West.
For such a popular deity to be reduced to a lustful pervert like this... Flames erupted from Luo
Cuilian's shoulders as if her anger had been lit on fire, manifesting a golden Benevolent
A solidly built figure that did not lose in any way to the giant Zhu Ganglie, displaying his
impressive musculature half-nude!
"A force is exerted! Great force vanquishes small evil!"
"Hmm woaaah!? What is this monstrous strength?"
Zhu Ganglie was being thrown by the Benevolent King. Exactly in the manner of a shot put,
the lustful giant god was propelled through the air into the distance.
Crash! As the landing impact resounded, Luo Cuilian ran with her subordinate Benevolent
King towards the fallen giant deity. With great speed unexpected from his massive body, Zhu
Ganglie got back up and summoned the weapons for his six arms.
The first pair of hands held a sword and a halberd; the second pair, an axe and a club; the
third, a bow and arrows.
With black clothing and black armor, the god with a pig's head clashed with the Benevolent
King led by Luo Cuilian and the two giants began to fight.
"O Dragon, annihilate these people Om vaisravanaye svaha!"
The water suddenly exploded.
As Vaisravana stood on the water dragon, a portion of its dissociated body splashed on the
ground. Godou and John Pluto Smith jumped backwards to evade the attack. The water
formed powerful currents which were tearing apart the ground of the Senjougahara plains!
Like a blade of water, the liquid sliced through rock and flourishing forests as if they were
made of paper. Godou and Smith beside him marveled as they muttered to themselves.
"A demonic deity with Buddhist roots... From his appearance, I originally expected an attack
of pure power but he turned out to have such skillful moves."
Vaisravana had an appearance like a demon with a particularly frightful face and ferociouslooking body.
Smith's instincts should have been correct, but it was Vaisravana's gloomy and intellectual
aspects that avoided giving others an overly violent impression.
"Since ancient times, Vaisravana was the one who inducted countless Shramana ascetics.[90]
However, his earlier incarnation killed people and was a sinful deity that had broken precepts
against murder..."

Vaisravana began to laugh to himself as he stood on the dragon's head.

"As the Curtain Lifting General at the Palace of the Great Emperor of the Waters in the
celestial realm, the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas were once under my command. What I've
shown is simply a minor portion of my old powers..."
"Ah, I recall the Daoist pantheon having categories of Water and Thunder Departments,
The Water Department was in charge of the naval forces in the Daoist celestial realm. Though
he did not cheat like Godou through instruction magic, Smith was apparently knowledgeable
of myths and legends of foreign countries.
"In that case, let me show off some of my skills... The ruler of the underworld commands,
offer to me the black wings that penetrate the heavens! O Sky, thou existest only for me to
display the breadth of my magnanimity!"
Smith softly chanted spell words, causing the ground to rumble and shake.
It was quite an intense earthquake. Cracks and crevices appeared on the ground as it trembled
violently, while Smith began to transform over the shaking land. The black-clad eccentric
turned into a massive black demonic bird.
"Now, properly savor my transformation mystic arts! Will you be able to keep up with me!?"
"What pretentious words! Looks like I am being underestimated!"
Chasing after the rapidly ascending black demonic bird, Vaisravana drove the water dragon
flying through the air.
Flying towards the heavens, the black-winged devil king and the mysterious sacred dragon
formed from water continued to make their ascent.
However, the ground continued to shake intensely. Most likely, the culprit was the American
Godou had once heard from Erica that Smith had an authority requiring the offering of
[Sacrifices]. This earthquake was most probably one of those sacrifices. The tremors were not
too severe, but this continuing series of earthquakes must each have been around 3 or 4 on the
Richter scale.
It looked like the earthquakes were going to persist for some time. What a troublesome fellow
that Smith guy was!
His irresponsibility of leaving messes behind made Godou a bit stunned as he faced off
against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven on the shaking ground.
"Hmm hmm hmph, let us start as well. Are you ready? Kusanagi brat!"

"Fine, come at me with everything you've got, I'm not letting you get out of here in one
Facing the Great Sage Equaling Heaven who jumped down from the golden cloud, Godou
displayed calm composure.
It was a bluff of course, for Godou was completely unprepared. Even though he had that
sword, he did not have a usable incarnation able to counter the divine monkey's lightning-fast
godly speed. Nevertheless, Godou's fighting spirit was strong as ever, and he intended to
snatch victory in his hands even if it meant biting the enemy by the throat.
Wait a minute... Was there really no incarnation that could be used?
There was a strange sense of certainty that he still had an available weapon. This was a very
faint feeling of confidence.
Voices telling him to fight could be heard. Voices calling for the defeat of the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven. Right, so that is the case now.
Having figured things out, Godou turned his attention to the voices coming from the depths of
his body.
Only now did he truly master the ninth incarnation of Verethragna, the [Goat].
This priestly ability converted the thoughts and feelings of the surrounding people into
magical power and controlled lightning. During the battle against Marquis Voban, he had
once turned the will of the Dead Servants into his power source. But simply gathering
willpower was insufficient to use the incarnation freely.
Thanks to being connected to Yuri's psychic sensing, Godou finally understood the true
method of using the [Goat].
A king rules by leading the will of the people, thereby raising his own prestige and authority.
Godou extended the tendrils of psychic sensing, traversing the plains of Senjougahara and the
area of Okunikkou as well as the Nikkou city streets, mobilizing the hearts and minds of over
ten thousand victims.
No mistake about it, this was the consciousness of all the ordinary people who had been
forcefully transformed by the Great Sage Equaling Heaven and were now in deep sleep.
These unconscious people originally led peaceful lives but were suddenly turned into
monkeys one day, thus entering a nightmare. The sole culprit responsible for these heinous
crimes was the [Heretic God] the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Even though you people were
fortunate enough to be rescued, the Great Sage still stands.
The god who changed you all into monkeys, do you not hold him in contempt?
The god who treated you all as toys, do you not hold anger at him?

Do you not want me to defeat the Great Sage Equaling Heaven!?

Godou used psychic sensing power, entering people's dreams to rouse them, gathering the
willpower of the people together, telling them the identity of the true culprit of the incident,
fanning the flames of their anger. Lend me your power and believe in me. As long as you lend
your power to me, I will definitely help you vanquish that contemptible foe!
He could sense the anger of the unconscious people directed towards the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven, forming a swirling vortex of fury in the realm of dreams.
This was exactly what [Goat] needed as a foundation. Godou's left hand was finally able to
fire off lightning attacks.
"By the art of spell words I vanquish adherents of injustice and evil! This is the heavenly
mandate of victory!"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven dodged the flash of lightning with great agility.
However, the Great Sage cannot be allowed to do as he pleased any further. Having obtained
new power, Godou stared acutely with great intensity at his formidable foe.

Part 3
Using the vast wetlands as the stage, the close-quarter battle resembling a special effects
movie was reaching a climax.
Towering at a height of ten-odd metres, there was the three-headed and six-armed Zhu
Then there was the golden Benevolent King as his opponent, a half naked giant with only
crude fabric covering his lower torso. The demonic cult leader summoned a spear using
Daoist arts and pointed it at Zhu Ganglie. Known as the "King of Weapons" in China, the
Qiang[91] or Chinese spear was Luo Cuilian's favorite weapon.
As the two clashed in battle, it was so intense that one would not wish to blink lest a moment
is missed.
Each of Zhu Ganglie's six arms held a different weapon.
Sword, halberd, axe, club, bow and arrows. All the weapons were used simultaneously in
combination with incredible footwork. He moved everywhere within the vicinity of the
Benevolent King as he continued his attacks. Whenever he distanced himself, he attacked
with arrows and the halberd, switching to the sword, axe and club at close range. (As a side
note, the halberd refers to a weapon with a shaft like a spear and a sickle-like blade combined
together, allowing the spear end to be used for thrusts and the blade for slicing attacks.)
Zhu Ganglie moved so quickly that afterimages were left behind. With such horrifying speed,
the five weapons rained attacks down upon the Benevolent King without pause, making the
three heads and six arms look like there were thirty heads and sixty arms, or even sixty heads
and a hundred and twenty arms.

However, the one who took on this intense barrage of attacks was the demonic cult leader,
whose martial arts were simply divine.
Unlike Zhu Ganglie who was circling around in arcs as he attacked, the glorious Benevolent
King stood its ground without shifting his position while Luo Hao stood in the center of the
circle wielding her spear.
Although there should only be a single spear, it looked like a thousand spearheads were
thrusting continuously all at once.
All five of Zhu Ganglie's weapons were intercepted. Arrows were struck down, roaring
attacks of the halberd were blocked, the sword was deflected, the axe was sent flying back,
and the club was stopped.
As Zhu Ganglie maneuvered in an oval arc to the Benevolent King's back, Luo Hao extended
the spear backwards without even turning her head in other words, the blunt end of the
spear blocked every single attack from behind.
"Hohoho, surely you cannot defeat me with this shabby-looking avatar without committing
yourself to mutual destruction. I don't mind if you surrender here for I shall give your pure
and pristine complexion a good loving..."
The Divine Marshal made a lewd smile as he paused his movements.
Up to this point, attack initiative had been firmly in his control. Though Luo Cuilian disrupted
every single one of his attacks with her godlike techniques, she was purely defending. She
seemed too occupied with fending off the five weapons' continuous attacks to mount a
However, Luo Cuilian frowned and spoke:
"Marshal, your foolishness knows no bounds. True, you have displayed the courageous might
of the Divine Marshal serving the North Pole's Great Emperor Ziwei, but at the same time I
have completely seen through you. You are no match for me at all. The one who ought to beg
for mercy should be... You instead, the Marshal Canopy Zhu Ganglie."
"Ha! What nonsense you speak!"
"Do you seriously believe that? I have already discerned your true abilities. For one to expect
a fellow like you to match me, Luo Hao, in a one-on-one duel, what an embarrassment!"
For some reason, her defiant words made all three faces of the three-headed six-armed war
god turn pale.
And then the demonic cult leader dispelled the Benevolent King.
"Using three-headed six-armed martial arts is certainly extraordinary, but as the Ruler of the
Martial Realm, Luo Hao will defeat you in a frontal confrontation as befits a king. Now, come
at me with everything you have!"

Even when her opponent was a god, she maintained her supercilious airs as usual.
This was the truth of Luo Cuilian's abilities. Such was the grandiloquence delivered by the
unarmed Ruler of the Martial Realm.

Meanwhile, John Pluto Smith and Vaisravana were battling in midair.

The sun had already come up. This was a refreshing morning sky and even a great sunny day.
Flying through the air, Smith penetrated the blue sky and hovering clouds as Vaisravana
pursued behind the demonic bird, standing on the head of the water dragon.
Vairavana had a material body, but nevertheless, he fearlessly accelerated without any regard
for G-forces in flying. As befitted a god with a body incomparably resilient beyond mortals,
or perhaps he was using some sort of protective spell?
"Eight hundred perish in the quicksands, three thousand drown in deep waters. May swan
feathers never float again, and reed flowers sink to the depths!"
Vairavana chanted spell words, causing clouds to gather in the sky.
The clouds shaped themselves into a long slender form, with a shining radiant surface and
transparent interior. Soon after, it took on the likeness of a dragon, gathering clouds and
moisture in the air, another water dragon had been formed.
This continued beyond a single dragon as more water dragons were born in rapid succession.
Including the original that Vaisravana was riding, there was now a total of nine dragons.
"Oh? You're not bad at all."
In his demonic bird form, Smith offered mild praise.
The nine water dragons slithered and exchanged positions continuously, widening their
ferocious jaws and performing biting attacks.
Smith dodged with skillful flying for the black demonic bird not only possessed speed but
also extraordinary agility. However, it was still unable to evade every attack. As the long neck
of one of the water dragons brushed past one wing, the masked king finally felt true fear.
The wing did not suffer a simple scratch but was cut opened and bleeding. Was this the same
effect as the blade of water witnessed earlier on the ground?
It was as if the water dragons' bodies were made of blades, and they had the power to rip apart
everything they touched.
"Oh my... Do I have to gamble my life away for a dance invitation!?"
Due to the wing injury, it was impossible to fly properly. Nevertheless, the black demonic
bird did not need to flap its wings to fly.

Smith ascended rapidly on wind currents and then swiftly descended. Like a swallow gliding
on sea breezes, Smith nimbly flew back and forth, evading the wave-like water blade attacks
made by the dragon heads.
Naturally, Smith did not expect to escape that easily.
"Smoking mirror, symbol of Tezcatlipoca!"
From Smith's jet black wings, out spewed smoke that wrapped itself around the bodies of the
water dragons.
Inhaling this smoke would cause poisoning that produces a paralyzing effect on magical
power. For ordinary enemies, this was enough to weaken them for easy pickings...
"Thousands of evil, tens of thousands of filth! May all be cleansed by water!"
Not to be outdone, Vaisravana chanted spell words in turn, causing steam to be emitted from
the bodies of the nine water dragons, purifying the gray magical smoke. This was purifying
divine power that dispelled magical corruption.
However, Smith was not going to be outdone either, and he opened the beak of the demonic
A magic bullet was fired from its mouth, aiming straight at Vaisravana's body! It was
targeting the blue-black demonic deity riding on the head of one of the flying water dragons.
With a god as its target, Artemis' flash of light sped off. At that moment, another water dragon
rushed into the trajectory of the magic bullet, getting its head impaled instead of its creator
and disappearing without trace.
However, the attack of the magic bullet did not end there, and continued to fly towards
Water dragons continually rushed to intercept it, and were dispelled one after another.
The water dragon carrying Vaisravana was the only one remaining. In order to protect
Vaisravana, the last water dragon transformed into a shield and deflected the bullet.
Somehow, the body of the water dragon had solidified into ice.
Deflected by the ice dragon, the magic bullet flew away into the distant sky.
"Hohoho... Finally, ice to deflect that bullet has been created."
Vaisravana laughed with a gloomy face.
His mount, the water dragon had frozen into ice, transforming into an ice dragon.
No that was not all. Using the moisture in the atmosphere, new ice dragons were being
created, and the ranks of the army of nine dragons were filled once more!

Smith opened the demonic bird's beak and shot another magic bullet.
However, the attack he fired was again deflected by an ice dragon, disappearing into the
distance opposite to the previous bullet.
"Hmph... A mirror of ice with the magic of reflection? What troublesome divine power, but it
may very well create a good opportunity."
Despite the ineffectiveness of his trump cards, Smith spoke in a relaxed manner.
"Oh? What do you mean?"
"Because there is something that has intrigued me for quite some time... For gods like you,
strength and divine authority is not always proportional to how well-known you are, and there
are times when minor gods show greater resilience than half-assed major gods. What is the
cause of such disparity... I believe that now is a good opportunity to find out."

The ninth incarnation, the [Goat], had the power to control thunder and lightning.
However, the target must be a common enemy recognized by the people and there was the
major caveat of taking the life force of nearby people indiscriminately. Godou recalled his
memories from the last time he used this incarnation and released a thunderstrike.
A flash of lightning was fired from his right hand, giving off the stench of ozone from the
ionized air as the intense electrical current headed straight for the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven. At the same time, Godou did not forget to direct his awareness towards the sky.
Thunderclouds were summoned into the sunny sky, and these heavy clouds rumbled with
"Damn it, all this static electricity is annoying!"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven grumbled with displeasure as he dodged lightning coming
from in front and above at the same time.
Normally, being struck by lightning would cause severe burns and a massive shockwave
impact. However, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's iron body was a conductor. Though he
was blown back, there was apparently no damage.
Whenever the Great Sage Equaling Heaven approached and tried to attack with his Ruyi Staff,
Godou released lightning at him.
The Great Sage was struck by lightning many times and blown away backwards, but clearly
did not suffer any injuries. Bodies of steel were truly destestable.
"Damn it! This is neverending may the heavens shake and the earth tremble in fear, hurry

The 160cm tall divine monkey roughly doubled in height. Naturally, his other dimensions
were increased proportionately.
Enduring Godou's lightning, he spread his legs and forcefully stood his ground.
The expanded body could now withstand the impact of the lightning without being sent
flying. The Great Sage smiled with his monkey face as he charged forward. Who could have
expected him to use body expansion to resist the impact of lightning!?
"Damn it! In that case"
Godou gathered electrical energy into spheres and created balls of thunder.
Roughly the size of basketballs, these small spheres continuously emitted electricity. Then
Godou threw them at the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. Not one, but five at the same time!
"Hmm ooooooh, what clever little tricks!"
The five thunder balls released electrical current as they violently crashed into the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven. This was the strategy of overcoming giant enemies with numbers.
Suddenly, the divine monkey returned to his original size and jumped away sideways.
At the same time, he repeatedly used the spell of creating clones
Multiplying to over twenty of himself, the Great Sages jumped at Godou all at the same time.
"Evil people can never hit me!"
Godou summoned lightning which descended from the thundercloud, surrounding himself in
360 degrees with lightning for protection.
The stench of ionized air stifled his nostrils, while the attacking Great Sages were all swept
away by the lightning no, just as he was thinking that, the divine monkey with peerless
agility descended from above.
Using his clones as distractions, the real one had jumped into the air.
The Ruyi Staff was swung down hard, and Godou evaded by rolling on the ground.
Returning to his original position, Kusanagi Godou faced off against the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven once again.
His enemy's attacks came with far too much variety. What kind of surprise tactics could be
used to defeat him? Just as Godou felt troubled, his right arm began to hurt.
It was telling Godou to rely on it. Time to display a man's dignity.
Godou snorted in response.

"Like the time in the Netherworld, what a meddlesome fellow... But anyway, I will accept this
battle plan!"
Godou extended his right arm at the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
"Tsk... You retard, are you firing noisy lightning again?"
"Nope, this time is a little different. Lightning doesn't have much of an effect on your steel
body... I'm going to show you something more amazing!"
The Great Sage grumbled in disappointment. But if this move worked, victory definitely
belonged to Kusanagi Godou! What would be the end result?
"As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. All enemies shall meet
defeat by my hand!"
Composing the spell words, the sacred warlord's authority and the divine sword's power began
to amplify each other.
No mistake about it, this was the divine blade Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's power!
The sword that assimilated the qualities of rebellious barbarians to bolster its own power. It
was now Kusanagi Godou's personal sword, able to absorb divine power that damaged its
master, converting it into its own energy. In the battle against Luo Cuilian, it had absorbed the
[Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl] and provided the final decisive strike.
Furthermore, there was another interesting use for this sword.
"As the embodiment of victory, all enemies shall tremble before me!"
Lightning was summoned from the thundercloud, descending onto his right arm which
contained the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Another use of this sword was to absorb
Kusanagi Godou's authority, creating new powers!
"I shall smash through all enemies in my way! Man and devil all enemies, all who harbor
enmity will be vanquished!"
The dormant divine sword in his arm absorbed the lightning, converting it into another power
releasing magnetism.
In ancient Japan, blacksmithing began with the step of melting ironsand followed by forging
the resulting steel sword. Anyway, the point was that ancient Japanese swords were made
from ironsand the ore of a ferromagnetic metal.
When ferromagnetic ores were struck by lightning in nature, magnetism was occasionally
Godou and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi were recreating this phenomenon, using massive
electric and magnetic fields, together with the already present steel

Thus a miracle could be performed !

"Go forth, Great Sage Equaling Heaven! Fly away to the ends of the universe!"
"Woah... W-What is this power!?"
This effect was created using the magnetic fields given off by a massive flow of electrical
current, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's mystic techniques, and ferromagnetic iron.
The properties of magnets meant two possible outcomes, will they mutually attract or repel?
The resulting magnetic field used the latter to make a bullet the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven was sent flying away.
The divine monkey with the indestructible body of steel was trapped by the magnetic field
released from Godou's right arm, and kept flying up in the air.
Like a rocket taking off to outer space, he flew with horrific speed towards the skies.
Railguns used electromagnetism to accelerate an object and fire it at super high speeds. Using
this principle to create a mass driver to fire off massive objects into space, Kusanagi Godou's
authority from Verethragna combined with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi to create a
makeshift mass driver to send the divine monkey of steel into the heavens!
The earth's atmosphere is composed of the layers of the troposphere, the stratosphere, the
mesosphere and the thermosphere.
Beyond the thermosphere is the exosphere and then space. If this continued, the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven would be exiled from earth. Furthermore, objects flying at high speed will
get heated by friction with the atmosphere, resulting in extremely high temperatures. The last
region of the atmosphere the thermosphere was a super high temperature realm that
reached two thousand degrees.
Now that all the necessary conditions for defeating this formidable enemy had been gathered,
what would be the final outcome...!?

Part 4
Rising through the air, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven had become a burning bullet.
Though he was well accustomed to god speed movement, this was the first time he
experienced this method of acceleration.
In reality, so-called god speed was not really the power of 'rapid movement' but an ability to
shorten travel duration. Rather than 'moving from Point A to Point B at the speed of several
hundred kilometres per hour,' it was the ability of 'moving from Point A to Point B in zero
point something seconds.' Instead of physical acceleration, it was the power of distorting the
traveling time required.
Which is why the Great Sage had yet another first experience, that of the friction of air
resistance at supersonic speeds and the heat from plowing through the atmosphere.

"So hot hot hot hot hot hot! This is unbearable! What a godslayer, this is too reckless!"
It was imperative to return to the surface before incinerating completely. He activated his
divine power and tried to counteract the electromagnetic forces.
Also calling for his golden cloud, he had to hurry back to ground level by any means possible.
The many phenomena sustaining the planet, such as gravity and the earth's own magnetic
field, could also be used to return him to the surface.
"Middle Bro and Lil' Bro! Combine your powers, you two! Summon me back to earth!"
Even separated by tens of thousands of miles, the sworn brothers could still communicate
However, beyond the Great Sage's expectations, the sworn younger brothers had both been
driven into crises of their own.

"When Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva was practicing the profound prajna paramita, he

illuminated the five skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all
suffering and difficulty. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not
differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form!"[92]
Luo Cuilian began to recite the Heart Sutra.
Combined with the melodious voice of the maiden who attained nirvana, the authority of the
[Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl] generated shockwaves of magical wind.
Magical power was originally something with neither shape, color, odor nor form, but Luo
Cuilian's authority conferred various properties upon it.
"So, too, are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. Shariputra, all dharmas are
empty of characteristics. They are not produced. Not destroyed, not defiled, not pure, and they
neither increase nor diminish!"
The air currents continued to expand as the power of the wind increased once again.
"Tsk! A mere woman doing such infuriating things!"
As Luo Cuilian concentrated in some kind of terrifying undertaking, Zhu Ganglie brandished
his five weapons.
Firing arrows and attacking continuously with the halberd, sword, axe and club, he tried to
resist the impacts of the magical wind.
The three-headed six-armed giant god was helpless against the magical wind blowing in the
cult leader's surroundings. This was the wind that could have swept away all of creation, and
the Divine Marshal's weapons were powerless in their efforts to breach the gaseous defensive
wall that barred all attacks. There was simply no way to disrupt the transcendent beauty as she
composed a song of death and destruction.

"Make haste, by the mighty decree of the North Emperor, obey!"

Zhu Ganglie chanted spell words to bolster his bodily strength and was finally able to budge
his weapons gradually, inching with great sluggishness towards Luo Cuilian's body. However,
the demonic cult leader's mystic arts finally completed at this time.
Infusing light into the magical wind, Luo Cuilian's body shone with golden light that melded
with the wind.
This was also an avatar manifested from the [Divine Might of Vajrapani] but not one of the
golden Benevolent Kings. The brightness gathered and took form between Luo Cuilian and
Zhu Ganglie, finally becoming a massive palm!
My heart is as the void, but my palm is like a deadly hurricane
"Strength exerted from bones, force applied from tendons! Yes, a palm that precedes all
The golden palm was the same size as Zhu Ganglie's massive body. This giant palm
performed the subsequent attack.
Like an explosion the three-headed six-armed giant deity suffered a frontal assault,
devastating his face, body and legs, giving his brain a concussion, the impacts penetrating his
internal organs and shattering his bones.
The giant golden palm even grabbed Zhu Ganglie and held tight with great force.
"My sworn little brother seems to have exiled the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. As his elder
sister, I think it would be interesting to imitate him and follow suit. Vulgar war god, disappear
into the sky! Your presence is an affront to my eyes!"
Despite engaging in battle along the front lines, she did not neglect awareness of the entire
This was the rare talent displayed by the clairvoyant Daoist priestess.
As she struck her palm towards the heavens, the mighty golden palm kept Zhu Ganglie in its
tight grasp and sent him up towards the sky.
As Zhu Ganglie screamed pitifully as he ascended, his hollow cries resounded across the sky.

"...Amazing, it's hard to believe that the monstrous strength of Her Eminence was capable of
such a thing."
The golden palm and Zhu Ganglie were rocketing up into the sky.

Witnessing this surreal scene, Godou felt deeply impressed. What had taken a makeshift
railgun created by him and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, the same effect was achieved by
the demonic cult leader through brute strength and martial arts alone.
Godou made his way over to where Luo Hao had been fighting.
Making his way torturously over the shaking ground, the destination lying before him had
become a wasteland. Standing in the center was the beautiful demonic cult leader, who had
apparently used her magical wind authority to render this entire area into ruins.
"Little brother, you have arrived. Just as you witnessed, your elder sister has just exiled the
vulgar Marshal Canopy. I was watching as you defeated the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
Very well done."
She was praising me. Looks like she used some sort of vision enhancing magic.
Though he was being praised, Godou found Luo Cuilian's gaze to be very severe.
"However I seemed to have heard you muttering to yourself... Calling me something like 'Her
Eminence,' using such an impersonal form of address like entertaining a guest... I wondered if
I heard wrongly..."
Stared at like being interrogated, Godou could not help trembling. Could she actually have
heard his exclamation from when he saw Zhu Ganglie rise to the heavens? What was with this
supernatural hearing?!
"Just to make sure, I will remind you once more. Little brother, call me 'Onee-sama'."
"O-o-o... o... Nee... sama..."
Urged by her, Godou had no choice but to do as told, but still the great elder sister shook her
"This is no good at all. The elder sister beyond the equal of mere mortals, filled with
incomparable mercy and benevolence... Basks you in her light like the sun that warms the
world. Your manner of address just now did not carry the slightest hint of respectful
admiration. You should be calling me 'Onee-sama' with worship and adoration. You have to
work harder on this."
The level of those requirements are too high... The subject needs to be changed, quick!
"B-By the way, O... Nee-san looked like the battle wasn't too tough."
"Of course, although that Zhu Ganglie is the True Lord Marshal Canopy, he is merely
manifesting in the manner of a subordinate god."
Godou's failure in addressing her in the prescribed manner made the elder sister frown.
However, she forgave him for now. Being called 'Nee-san' was enough to provide her with
slight satisfaction.

"Remember this well. What decides the strength of [Heretic Gods], is neither how great or
powerful they were in the original myths, nor how widespread is their fame. The key to their
strength lies in their unshakable ego."
Unshakable ego. In other words, the characteristic of steadfast narcissism?
"Relying on no one's opinions but their own, going forward to do what one wishes no matter
what the willpower to destroy the human race even if it means changing the heavens and
the earth. This determines a god's strength. Nevertheless, subordinate gods cannot sustain
their existence if the main deity is gone."
Godou recalled what happened with Verethragna, Athena and the Great Sage Equaling
Once the amnesiac sacred warlord retrieved his true ego, his power greatly increased; the
Greek virgin goddess Athena became the powerful ancient earth mother deity once she
retrieved the Gorgoneion; having lost his name and mettle, the divine monkey monarch
descended upon the earth as the great hero once the seal was released.
This explains everything, I see now... Godou could not help but nod as he accepted the facts.
"So by this time, Vaisravana who is fighting Smith should also..."
"If I'm not mistaken, he has the current advantage, however..."
Luo Cuilian looked up into the sky with a sharp gaze.
"Subordinate gods receive protection from the master while the master in turn obtains support
from the subordinates. They will become even more powerful and formidable. It would not be
wrong to say the battle truly begins now, my little brother, you must not lose your guard by
any means."
Come to think of it, the reason why I defeated with such ease the Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi, which now lies dormant in my right hand, was because its master Susanoo lived in
the Netherworld and did not show any concern for the battle. Without such auspicious
circumstances, what would have been the outcome?

"As expected for gods who suffer from a lack of distinct ego, even if they are able to make
full use of their powers, they are missing the kind of tenacious power that overcomes
stalemates and losing situations. Dare I say, this is exactly as I imagined it?"
"Gah... How could this be! Clearly I was able to block these arrows just now!"
Riding upon the wind in the form of the demonic bird was John Pluto Smith.
He circled leisurely in the sky as he looked down upon Vaisravana whose chest had been
penetrated by a blue-white magic bullet. Had it been a normal human, it would have pierced
the heart.

"If you were an actual independent deity, surely you would have evaded the returning
Artemis' Arrow. Anyway, thank you for proving my suspicions correct."
The two bullets deflected by the ice dragons a while ago had been flying towards the depths
of the universe high above the world. But along the way, they made a U-turn and returned to
earth. The ice dragons gathered together, overlapping to form a shield, intending to deflect the
bullets again and managed to block one of them. However, the remaining shot could not be
stopped and Vaisravana was pierced directly...
These were the magic bullets of the moon deity, limited to only six shots per lunar cycle. This
was the reason why every shot had such horrific power. It was rumored that if all the bullets
were shot at once, the resulting fire would devour the entirety of California and burn for seven
days without extinguishing. After the incineration, it would become such a complete
wasteland that even weeds would not grow.
Against such a powerful weapon, mere deflection was not going to neutralize its attacks.
Vaisravana's defeat had already been sealed by the fact that he was unable to destroy the
bullets directly like the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
"Ooh since it has come to this!"
From the top of an ice dragon's head, the punctured Vaisravana released a water current from
his hand, naturally his target was the black demonic bird flying in the air. Smith boldly
performed a defensive maneuver against this counterattack.
"How sad, your death struggle is meaningless, and only serves as a chance for me to show off
my powers."
The attacked devil king released his transformation in the air.
The black demonic bird returned to the black-clad black-masked John Pluto Smith.
Due to the instantaneous decrease in body size, Vaisravana's attack passed through directly
without hitting anything. The caped devil king fluttered in the wind like a feather, and pulled
out his gun, aiming at Vaisravana as he descended.
"Wah !"
This time the abdomen was penetrated, causing Vaisravana to collapse. Of the six magic
bullets, only one remained, but having defeated one of the three deities, it was enough
As he slowly descended towards the ground, Smith suddenly heard the resounding voice of
the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
"Middle Bro and Lil' Bro! Combine your powers, you two! Summon me back to earth!"
"Big Bro, I got it! I will entrust all my remaining strength to you! It is now time for the three
gods to unite and vanquish the Rakshasa!"

What!? Before Smith's surprised eyes, the Curtain Lifting General Vaisravana's figure
dispersed, becoming tiny sand-like particles of light which flew towards the high atmosphere.

Flying high towards the heavens, the Marshal Canopy Zhu Ganglie was accompanied by the
golden palm.
He too, heard the voice of his sworn older brother, and decided to surrender as well.
"Hmm what a pity. Booze, gambling, women, breasts, butts, beautiful legs! There is still so
much that I want to do! But in my current unsightly state, there is nothing else I can do! Big
Bro, I am coming now!"
Clutched tightly by the golden palm, Zhu Ganglie's body also dispersed, forming the same
shining particles of light like the youngest sworn brother and escaping from the confines of
the hand to fly towards the corner of the sky where the sworn older brother was located!

Turned into a railgun projectile and flying towards space, the divine monkey, the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, proceeded to chant a mantra with calm composure.
"Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, Alkaid! The Seven Stars of the Northern
Dipper, I beseech you to manifest!"
As the divine essence of the subordinate gods rushed over to him, the Great Sage absorbed it
to raise his own divine power.
"Snakes and dragons, offer your bloody carcasses to me; flames, heat up iron to forge into
steel; clear water, cool the sword's blade! All shall empower my divinity as the sword god!"
In order to attain an unshakable ego, the Great Sage was returning to his roots as a sword god.
In order to form a sword, he gathered the power he needed.
The devil kings attacking me and the Rakshasa tearing me apart! The Great Sage Equaling
Heaven, Sun Wukong, was now about to enter the path of hellish trials to become the divine
sword that vanquishes evil and embodies justice! Overwhelming power filled his heart and
Once again confirming his mission as a sword god, he expressed approval of the ancient
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven finally released himself from the cursed bonds of
As he overlooked the territory of Japan, he summoned his Ruyi Staff.

It was finally time for a counterattack. Smiling, he grew in size, letting his body reach the
dimensions of Zhu Ganglie. Though he was able to expand further, making his body too large
would be detrimental to speed.
Next in action were the two sworn younger brothers who had hurried over.
Zhu Ganglie's essence turned into a massive black boar, roughly the same size as the current
Great Sage who sat on his back, taking on the role of a wild beast mount.
Then Vaisravana's essence formed a dragon, wrapping itself around the back of the Great
Sage Equaling Heaven, taking on a ready stance that seemed like it was going to attack on
Thus, the three gods became one, and everything was ready.
The three divine spirits' bodies were enveloped by white flames as they fell back onto the
surface like a shooting star.
Veering off from the direction of Nikkou, they had to correct their trajectory along the way
while being surrounded by high heat, passing through the stratosphere and finally returning to
the troposphere.
The ground beneath could now be seen. Nantaisan, Lake Chuuzenji, Senjougahara, Lake
Yunoko, etc
Along the way, the black demonic bird's silhouette could be spotted in the distance.
One of the godslayers was trying to pursue me. Excellent, let's strike him down.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven descended upon the land of Senjougahara once more.
However, this time the massive landing impact remodeled the landscape. Riding astride the
black boar, leading the dragon, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's mighty entry made the
ground crack and overturn, blowing away soil and vegetation, creating a crater.
At the bottom of the crater, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven lightly kicked the beast's
abdomen, ordering it to make its way to the surface.
The black demonic bird also came and landed, transforming into the man dressed in black. On
ground level, the team of the young man and woman was also heading over here.
"So, godslayers, let us fight to the very end!"
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven shouted at the mortal enemies before him with great delight.

Thus the three Campiones faced off against the three gods who had united as one.
Godou was still maintaining the [Goat] incarnation, whose priestly power informed him that
the Great Sage Equaling Heaven had become three gods in one.

Taking on the role of a horse was the giant black boar transformed from Zhu Ganglie.
Vaisravana had become a dragon, its long and slender body slithering along the Great Sage's
And then the steel monkey of Scythian origins wielded the Ruyi Staff, like a knight in a
jousting tournament except with unusual body measurements, a bizarre knight standing tenodd metres tall.
The fur on Great Sage Equaling Heaven's two arms stood on end and were fired like rockets.
As countless hairs flew through the air, their front ends were sharp as needles. These things
could probably pierce right through a steel plate!
"...This is bad!"
Godou could not help crying out as the kings scattered and the needles struck the ground.
Anyone who gets hit would be skewered! And that was just the first wave of attacks.
Firing in succession, the needles formed a hail of projectiles that blotted the sky.
"Quoted from the chapter of Carefree Roaming, the perfect man has no thought of self; the
god-like man, none of merit; the sagely-minded man, none of fame!"[93]
With the sound of Luo Cuilian's melodious chant, the impact of magical wind blew away
thousands of needles, but at the same time, the three gods in one also made their move.
Crash! The ground shook as the black boar carrying the Great Sage Equaling Heaven began to
gallop, charging and racing. That kind of speed was like the wind. Despite the huge size of its
body, its movements were faster than the eye could see.
"One who slices everything apart, be summoned for the sake of victory!"
Godou tried to counterattack, again using lightning and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi to
generate massive magnetic forces, intending to send the Great Sage into space once more, but
because the Great Sage had vastly increased his mass, an immediate effect could not be
produced. No good, it's too late!
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven was arriving on the giant boar.
As the boar raised its hooves to trample Godou, Luo Cuilian and Smith, there was clearly no
time to use the railgun.
"Massive timber splitting mountains, producing great force! Stacking multitudes of golden
bells, producing impenetrable iron cloth!"
The demonic cult leader charged at this time.

From her back drifted a flaming aura which took form as the golden Benevolent King,
blocking the beast's charge. What amazing peerless arm strength! However at this instant, the
Great Sage Equaling Heaven leaped from the boar's back.
Somersaulting to behind the Benevolent King, he used the Ruyi Staff to strike at the golden
Ooof! The Benevolent King's courageous expression was distorted, but he still kicked
backwards at the Great Sage Equaling Heaven behind him. However, this kick was easily
avoided, and the Ruyi Staff once again roared as it whistled through the air.
Smack smack smack smack smack! The rapid series of impacts sounded like fireworks.
With the sound of explosions, the Great Sage had made a continuous series of at least a
hundred strikes in an instant. Completely unable to fight back, the Benevolent King was
struck by a decisive blow from the Great Sage, and the golden half-nude male was dispelled
without trace.
At this time, a black shadow flew up from the ground.
This was the black demonic bird transformed from John Pluto Smith again.
He must be thinking that a ground battle's outcome might be uncertain? However, it looked
like there was something chasing after the ferocious flying bird.
It was the serpentine creature that had been standing ready on the Great Sage's back the
Flying with the same speed as the demonic bird, the dragon blocked the bird's path from in
front, preventing Smith from flying freely.
Somehow, the giant boar had also jumped high into the sky, was it trying to attack the
demonic bird together with the dragon? But the height of this jump could not reach the
position of the demonic bird, and only arrived a position slightly below where the dragon and
the bird battled
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven also jumped at this time.
Jumping nimbly as if flying with wings, one could not connect it with the weight of the giant
body at all.
Wielding the Ruyi Staff, the divine monkey's target was the giant boar in the air. Using the
boar's fur as a foothold, he made another giant leap, and so the Great Sage Equaling Heaven
reached the altitude where the demonic bird and the dragon were fighting.
The Ruyi Staff was swung.

Aaaaaaaah! Struck in the neck, the demonic bird screamed in pain and crashed towards the
"Uh... As befitting of the Great Sage... I am faced with a difficult battle..."
Before Godou, Luo Cuilian had been brought down to one knee.
Blood dripped out from her mouth, and it seemed like the damage suffered by the Benevolent
King was reflected onto her body.
"Wait a moment and I will proceed to use all of my divine powers, defeating the three-in-one
Great Sage... Godou, watch and learn carefully from the heroic fighting form of your elder
sister, got that?"
Even though injured, she still wanted to stand up and fight for victory.
Amongst Campiones, Luo Cuilian's fighting spirit and willpower were typical of the
illegitimate children of the fool Epimetheus, whose talent was possessing insanity that
transcended strategy and victory probability.
Maybe she really could win this fight.
Perhaps she could turn this crisis around alone.
But this won't do! Godou shook his head, for 'perhaps' was simply not good enough.
I want to win, and will do everything to achieve it myself. Within the plans of victory traced
out in Godou's mind, the power of this woman and the fallen young man were needed.
For the very first time, Godou was able to use this manner of address naturally.
"How many times have I repeated, you should be calling me 'Onee-sama.' How forgetful of
"Nee-san, this sort of thing is irrelevant at this time. In order to defeat that bastard monkey,
the three of us must cooperate together. Don't say anything about fighting alone again."
Godou gazed directly into the maiden's eyes, speaking his mind in earnest.
"Besides, Nee-san is the one who said this is the first time for us to fight in cooperation,
perhaps you have forgotten? I will definitely end this battle with victory, so I will use
everything at my disposal. So come, fight together with me, this is my request of a lifetime!"
"W-When did you start becoming so obsessed with this battle?"
If that's the case, you should have spoken earlier. Luo Cuilian nodded as she blushed.

"Very well, fulfilling the little brother's willfulness is also part of a sworn elder sister's duty. I
will not object. In the name of the bonds between us, this battle must be won no matter what!"
Godou gave simple instructions to the assenting elder sister.
When forming impromptu teams without sufficient time to get accustomed to one another, it
was necessary to keep things simple.
During his baseball days, Godou had many opportunities to train and compete with
representative teams. Furthermore, as the catcher whose position was central to defense, he
was used to making this kind of duty distribution.
"The root of my power of Vajra, now is the time for great might that can tear apart heaven and
Hearing the summons of the demonic cult lady, the Om pair of golden Benevolent Kings
As the vanguard she was to use her full strength, hence the simultaneous use of dual avatars.
Prior to the advent of firearms, the combat potential of cavalry was equivalent to tanks in
modern warfare.
This was due to an absolute advantage in both offensive ability and mobility, because riding
horses traveled faster than on foot, and attacking on a galloping horse carried the benefit of
much greater momentum. Furthermore, with bows and arrows as well as other factors such as
outstanding cavalry tactics, many equestrian tribes conquered vast territories in both the orient
and the occident.
And now in the present, the enormous Great Sage Equaling Heaven was riding a giant boar
charging on the plains of Senjougahara.
Facing them were the two Benevolent Kings approaching on foot. For infantry to be able to
counter the historically proven principle of cavalry superiority, the demonic cult leader's
martial might was truly astounding.
The Great Sage Equaling Heaven charged forward, riding the giant boar.
Blocking him was the open-mouthed[94] Benevolent King, but the wild boar attempted to
thrust its sharp tusks at the flank of his abdomen.
The close-mouthed Benevolent King used his open-mouthed partner as a platform to launch
an attack at the divine monkey riding the black boar. Jumping lightly into the air he made a
series of killing palm strikes.
However, all of them were blocked by the Ruyi Staff.
The dragon lying in wait on the Great Sage's back, also bared its fangs as it opened its jaws to
bite the throat of the open-mouthed Benevolent King.

While all this was happening, the giant boar below did not stop charging, and was competing
in a battle of strength against the incomparable might of the Benevolent King. The openmouthed one's muscles bulged as he halted the advance of the giant boar.
Like a mounted knight, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven swung down his staff, striking the
open-mouthed Benevolent King soundly in the face.
The open-mouthed Benevolent King persevered but was clearly at a disadvantage. Using the
time bought, Godou concentrated on raising his magical power.
Due to the enemy's abnormal size, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi needed to be infused with
power to reach a critical point.
However, there were still other tasks required during this time, hence Godou approached the
fallen young man.
The place the demonic bird crashed down just now was close by. Crouched down on the
grass, the masked king was struggling to stand up.
"Are you unable to fight any longer?"
"In terms of boxing, this is as if the knockout count reached eight. Still, I can just barely pull
myself together, enough to let me give a miraculous reversal performance."
Still eloquent as ever, then he must be fine. Godou had no intention of extending a helping
hand for the man trying to stand up because John Pluto Smith did not ask for his help.
Several seconds later, the two of them stood shoulder to shoulder and smiled at each other.
Although Smith's face was obscured by the mask he wore, surely he must be showing a
fearless smile.
That's right, that was the kind of man he was.
"You are concentrating magical power as if preparing for some interesting operation. By my
guess, Her Eminence is buying time for you right now... Hmm, how unexpected for her to
have a personality that dutifully supports a man with such profound devotion."
"Stop saying these weird things. Ignoring that, I am currently preparing to use this move."
Trying to silence Smith's nonsense, Godou told him the essential details.
"However, the one to perform the finishing blow has to be you. Previously you mentioned a
trump card with heat and fire, can you still use it?"
"Don't worry, I am not a man who misses out on rare opportunities for a grand performance.
It's ready any time... So... what are you planning?"
Hearing the plan Godou was considering, Smith whistled from beneath the mask.

Wiggling his index and middle fingers in a pretentious manner to substitute for a response
it seemed to be saying, what a reckless proposal, but count me in.
The black-caped young man departed with shaking footsteps, but Godou was not worried in
the least.
If this man had already said he was ready any time, then he won't be embarrassing himself.
Hence Godou raised his right arm towards the sky in preparation.
"It was this place, that Susanoo led a thousand unruly deities in rebellion intending to take
over this country!"
Was this his second authority or simply just a weapon? In order to summon the sword with
the ambiguous identity, Godou recited spell words.
If it was just an authority, it should be minding its own business instead of interfering during
strange occasions. If it was just a weapon, it was buried too deeply inside Godou. Was this
problem the result of the chaotic conditions under which this fellow was defeated?
"A thousand swords standing upon the earth, used as city walls to defend against the
...Well said, you can just call me 'partner.' Hearing the whispers coming from the depths of his
right arm, Godou nodded. This form of address blurred the distinction between the two
identities, and was not a bad name.
"So, let's go, partner Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, unsheathe!"
Neither an ability nor a possession, it was the summoning of a companion.
Responding gallantly was the cooperative companion who might one day decline to help on
'Here! Namely, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi! The steel that breaks a thousand blades!'
The divine sword Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was finally unsheathed from its scabbard!
The silver-white light concentrated on the right arm raised towards the heavens, for the sword
that stole and assimilated rebellious barbaric might, imitating what was used against the
[Dragon's Roar and Tiger's Howl] in Luo Cuilian's battle, was going to be used for the
decisive strike.
In that case, the target this time was of course the power of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven,
Sun Wukong the authority of steel!
The silver-white light materialized above Godou's head, forming a silver-white metallic ring.
This iron ring was made of the same steel as the Great Sage... If one were to give it a name, of
course it would be most fitting to call it the [Constricting Circlet], right? That was the

Buddhist treasure that Avalokitasvara bestowed upon the Monk Sanzang to keep the unruly
Sun Wukong in line.
'Now is the time for annihilating barbarians coming from all directions! Outsiders be
"I know, go forth, Ama no Murakumo!"
Godou swung his right arm, causing the silver-white circlet to fly towards the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven.
Like the Ruyi Staff whose length could extend and retract at will, the dimensions of this ring
could also be controlled freely. Like the Great Sage himself, this ring could also create clones
of itself, and Godou split it into three giant rings in an instant.
The three rings struck the three-in-one Great Sage Equaling Heaven who was battling
intensely with the two Benevolent Kings.
At the same time as the rings hit, the Benevolent Kings vanished. Mission accomplished, Luo
Cuilian dispelled them.
'Ugh!' 'So this was the ominous premonition I felt earlier!?' 'Calm down, Big Bro, Middle
The three rings respectively struck right on target the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, the wild
boar and the dragon wrapped around the Great Sage's body, restraining their bodies like
Like Sun Wukong's Constricting Circlet, the silver-white rings imprisoned the three-in-one
Great Sage Equaling Heaven and his sworn brothers wait, that's not completely accurate!
One person managed to overcome the circlet and escape, it was of course the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven.
Jumping nimbly with movements like lightning, he tried to escape to the skies, but at this
time, a silver-white flash of light flew and struck the Great Sage in the forehead.
It was John Pluto Smith's last magic bullet.
Godou was greatly surprised to find the Great Sage resilient enough to withstand the direct hit
with only cries of 'ouch' but thanks to the impact, the divine monkey of steel also lost his
Using this opening, Godou ordered Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi to send a silver-white ring
towards the escaped prey, finally capturing the Great Sage Equaling Heaven this time.

Thus the three rings dragged the three divine spirits back to the bottom of the crater they had
made during their re-entry.
However, merely restraining them did not amount to victory.
The black demonic bird leaped down into the meteorite crater where they were located and its
mighty wings began to give off fire.
"For annihilation I count the number of my great works I am the axe of the night that
summons termination, lowering the final curtain for the world's destruction, the messenger
from hell!"
These were the flames of annihilation, the transformation that executes all enemies by
incinerating his own body.
The black flames melted the steel rings that imprisoned the Great Sage Equaling Heaven and
his subordinate gods. In the end, the steel rings generated by Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
were melted down into liquid state.
Molten steel filled the crater, engulfing the Great Sage and his brothers.
It was like a natural furnace. Invincible steel was being melted down and losing its form. The
Great Sage Equaling Heaven, the giant boar and dragon were all turning into shapeless masses
within the furnace.
Athena once said super high temperature that melts iron was the natural predator of the
sword gods of steel.
Godou's first thought was a furnace, which is why the flames of annihilation and Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi were used together to create this natural predator!

With final pitiful cries of death, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven and his sworn brothers
finally melted completely.
This was the moment of complete victory for the three Campiones Kusanagi Godou, Smith
and Luo Hao.

It was a little more than ten minutes after the end of the intense battle on the plains of
Kusanagi Godou was brought back to normal life with a phone call from Sayanomiya Kaoru.
'Though I had worried if the situation might become very severe, Kusanagi-san, your victory
was splendid this time.'
"Eh? From where did you watch our battle?"
Godou began to search with his eyes the plains of Senjougahara which had been turned into a
dismal wasteland.
Before he could report the outcome of the battle, the chance to break the news was seized
from him.
'When the decisive battle began, the barrier of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven was also
destroyed so I was able to watch the entire process using investigative magic all the way over
from Toushouguu. In the end, I was fortunate enough to witness the cooperation of you kings.
I look forward to great things in your future, and the way you took command was simply
"Ah, not at all, it wasn't anything special... Anyway, how's the damage this time?"
Praised in an unwanted area, Godou felt cold sweat running down his back.
'Damage... Hmm, Toushouguu has suffered complete destruction. If it were to be restored, the
time required would be on the order of years. As for how the crater on the plains of
Senjougahara should be covered up, I am still discussing it with my subordinates.'
Kaoru's voice did not sound calm or composed at all. She really seemed to be worried.
Godou glanced at the great crater before his eyes, a little apologetic in his heart. At some
point in time, the boiling molten steel had somehow disappeared.
The beautiful wetlands were marred by a huge crater with a diameter of 300m.
Even if one were to call it a crop circle, it would be far too big...

'All the various citizens and tourists who had turned into monkeys are now recovering
consciousness. We have started providing them with psychological counseling.'
"Psychological counseling?"
'Yes, the vast majority of the saved victims lost the memories from the time when they were
monkeys, but a portion of them reported seeing a monkey god and having a nightmare of
transforming into a monkey, and in that dream a frightful devil king appeared and threatened
them, that if they don't help him out they would be turned into monkeys once again.'
Godou had a great shock. Was this caused by the stress of the [Goat]!?
'Plus there were unbelievable phenomena like those who were sure they had been at
Toushouguu, but woke up at Lake Chuuzenji, or people who should be sleeping at home, but
found themselves outside. It's a bit difficult to cover everything up with a reason like mass
hallucination, so we will start using hypnosis wizardry to edit their memories.'
It seemed like things had become very serious.
Godou felt extremely apologetic and started acting very awkwardly.
'The victims need the provision of psychological counseling as well as mass hypnosis and the
implanting of fabricated memories. Though it is a difficult undertaking with thousands of
subjects, we have already made full preparations during everyone's battles, and we will
definitely give it our best.'
This was the description of the efforts for preventing the disclosure of news about gods. It
sure sounded like fictional dialogue from television.
However, even if information could be manipulated, the physical evidence left behind in the
real world could not be eliminated so simply...
Godou could do nothing but sigh as he hung up the phone, facing the massive evidence carved
out of the great land.
"Looks like losses were unexpectedly small. Truly wonderful."
"It feels particularly delightful to finally close the case on the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
Godou and Smith, I, Luo Hao, must surely reward the both of you well for your contributions
in our cooperative battle."
Beside the sighing devil king were the other two Campiones.
As a side note, even though the Great Sage Equaling Heaven had been defeated, no one
seemed to have usurped any authority. Was it really because the battle ended with a threeversus-one finish?
"Then I shall take my leave. Until next time."
"You're going already? Isn't there still a lot of cleanup to handle? You're not staying to help?"

As the masked king suddenly took his leave, Godou immediately asked him to stay without a
Even though they had only fought together as comrades briefly, Godou felt that, if he had to
put it into words, Smith was a man who resonated surprisingly well with him. To be frank,
Godou felt a slight reluctance to part.
"Truly regrettable, but it won't fit John Pluto Smith's style otherwise. When the curtain falls
upon the stage, the actor must exit. When the battle concludes, the hero and devil king must
also vanish."
Smith answered with an obviously posed tone of voice.
Expecting this kind of answer from the start, Godou could not help but smile wryly as things
occurred as predicted.
"As a return favor for the incident this time, I promise to help you out in America if you're in
"Pardon my frankness, but if someone disastrous like you came over, who knows what kind
of tragedy would befall my homeland? However, if you really did visit, I would have no
choice but to take up the responsibility of supervising you."
Smith extended his black leather-gloved right hand.
Godou shook hands in return. Inconsistent with the image of the pretentious nobleman, the
hand felt unnaturally soft.
"Your Beautiful Eminence, please take care, though who knows when we shall meet again. If
possible, I, John Pluto Smith, never wish to make you my enemy."
The black caped king bowed elegantly and extended his hand towards the third king.
The demonic cult leader showed an expression that seemed to say 'Could he actually be
offering to shake hands?' Godou frantically blurted out:
"Nee-san, I think it would be very childish if you ignored him."
"What!? You are staring at me with those eyes again! I understand of course. Your elder
sister simply has misgivings as a maiden against shaking hands with an unidentified man!"
Delivering a contrived excuse, Luo Cuilian extended her hand in kind.
Smiling like a prankster beneath his mask, Smith immediately transformed as soon as he let
go, turning into the black demonic bird and taking flight.
(Afterwards, a certain American lady was taking a return plane trip, anxiously worrying to
herself: 'That boy, really, seemed to be gazing at me with such thoughtful eyes a number of
times... Unconsciously I began to feel happy and became more and more familiar with him.
Perhaps, could there be some kind of fated bond between us... Annie, you idiot, he's ten years

younger than you! And a super sex maniac as well, completely unsuitable! However, in the
rare chance that...' Of course, Kusanagi Godou had no way of knowing that such a little
interlude occurred.)
Only two of the three Campiones remained.
"You won, Godou!"
It was Erica, and all the rest of his female companions had arrived, apparently safe and sound.
Erica led the way with Yuri, Liliana and Ena following behind.
More surprisingly, even Amakasu Touma and Lu Yinghua arrived immediately after them.
"Cough cough, what a hard day's work, Kusanagi-san. Originally I wondered if I could help in
some way, and rushed here from Toushouguu by car, but you seemed to have settled
everything by yourself."
"Spared the necessity of resolving ourselves to a sacrificial battle against gods, we really need
to cheer hurray."
It was the arrival of the girls and the much-missed male faction. However, the new arrivals all
suddenly froze in their tracks, because Luo Cuilian had placed her hands on Godou's
"So Godou, though it pains me to leave my 'little brother' behind, there are the sayings,
friendship between gentlemen is as insipid as water,[95] while all banquets naturally come to
an end. Your elder sister now returns to Mount Lu."
"Little..." "Brother?" "And..." "Elder!?" "Sis?" "-ter!?"
Erica, Liliana, Yuri, Ena, as well as Amakasu and Lu Yinghua were all speechless.
The demonic cult leader ignored them and continued, completely failing to register their
existences in her eyes.
"Until we meet again, you must work hard and improve. First of all, you have to practice the
proper way to address me, understood?"
"Uh, can't I just use 'Nee-san' directly?"
Even faced with a solemn order, Godou tried to muddle through without outright agreeing.
Since he had already learnt the basics of how to get along with this elder sister, and because
the other party was someone who could not be understood with common sense, Godou knew
he cannot be caught up in her rhythm and must express an appropriate degree of self
"You have no wish to express reverence to the supreme exalted elder sister?"

"It's important to not be fettered by trivial matters of address. Rather, what's key is the way I
see you. Nee-san and I made a vow to become sworn siblings. With such an important
promise between us as companions, this fact will forever remain unchanged until the day I
die. Isn't that good enough?"
When facing Luo Cuilian, Godou found himself somehow able to resist unlike the way the
other girls always caught him in their whims.
Perhaps thanks to the emphasis of the 'sibling' relationship, as long as he avoided seeing Neesan as a 'woman', he felt like he could say anything without reservation.
"What a handful to handle you are... I've heard that younger brothers are cuter if they are a
little bit naughty so I shall grant you special permission this once. However, please do not
forget, you are the only person in this world who is allowed to call me your elder sister,

"No problem. You take care too, may we meet again as willed by fate."
Having bid their farewells, Luo Cuilian left Godou's side.
Flower petals began to flutter all around her. Was this the tree peony?[96] As the elder sister
and also transcendent beauty was surrounded by the glamorous blizzard of petals, she
vanished with a whoosh.
"Uh... what is this about? Unbelievable that Master would..."
With an extremely impressed expression, this time it was Lu Yinghua who approached.
"I never would have expected Kusanagi-sama to have entered a sibling pact with Master. The
humble disciple Lu Yinghua, hereby congratulates my Esteemed Uncle!"
"Esteemed Uncle!? Don't call me such a weird name!"

Godou reprimanded the youth who was saluting in the martial arts way with one fist held
against an open palm, his head bowed respectfully.
"Well, since you are Master's sworn younger brother, and also my superior in martial might, I
cannot casually address you... So, what about calling you Godfather?"
"That's even worse, I'm not some kind of mafia boss!"
"Actually, since Master rules the Martial Realm and all Chinese-trained martial artists, it is
rather like being a mafia boss... After further consideration, I think it's best that I call you
Honored Uncle. So, Honored Uncle, Lu Yinghua takes his leave."
Leaving with a smile devoid of his usual snobbishness, Lu Yinghua departed.
As befitting of the qinggong master, he was gone like the wind in an instant.
Getting acquainted with so many powerful people, and becoming unexpectedly familiar
with them, let's hope this incident is resolved with that... It was just as Godou was about to
breathe a sigh of relief.
"I say, Godou, when did you get so intimate with Her Eminence? It's so intimate that it's a
little suspicious."
Erica's beautiful voice questioned.
Why? Somehow it felt like there were hidden barbs in that glamorous voice.
"It's not so strange, right? In truth, she's actually quite a friendly person... Uh, though I do
think that she tends to be a bit disruptive, so it would be a bad idea to let her loose in places
with many people."
"For you to find a way to get so intimate with that kind of woman, how exactly did you hook
up with Her Eminence?"
"She seemed to be calling you 'little brother', right? I feel the same as what Erica-san is
insinuating, with just one or two days' time, it is very suspicious for relations to have
progressed to such intimacy. Really, Godou-san you..."
Even Yuri lowered her gaze as if heart-broken.
She still had her bad habit of stopping midway in her sentences even when there was much
more she wanted to say.
"Another person agrees, further confirming my speculation. I only took my eyes off you for a
moment, and there you go settling such decisive matters on your own. You truly are a
"So amazing! Because it is too cool, even Ena doesn't know what to say."
Liliana nodded firmly, and even Ena was wryly poking fun at herself.

What was going on with them? Godou felt himself shrinking in retreat. Come on, all he did
was gain something like a step-sibling, why were they all reacting so subtly!?
"Come on, could you all quiet down a bit? Yuri-neechan and all the other Onee-sama should
know your bounds. Onii-sama just finished this severe and deadly battle. Really, you have all
failed to be mindful of that!"
Help came from an unexpected ally in the form of Mariya Hikari who had not been seen
earlier. Held in her arms against her chest were cans of coffee and bottled tea and water.
"I think everyone is acting a bit lacking in feminine delicacy... Right, Onii-sama, these are
drinks I bought at the vending machine from a nearby restaurant. Which kind would you
"It's for me? Thanks."
Having loudly chastised the older girls, Hikari immediately put away her intimidating anger
and smiled at Godou.
She must have been absent earlier because she took a long route? Figuring that out, Godou
was very pleased with Hikari's thoughtfulness. After going through such an intense battle, his
throat did feel very parched.
Hikari proceeded to narrow her eyes and gaze at him with a tender expression.
This expression and gesture did not match her young age, and should only be displayed by
mature women.
"Actually, I wanted to cook something for you, but it can't be helped in a place like this... By
the way, I'm pretty good at making dishes. Not as well as Onee-chan, but for a student of my
age, my skills are not bad at all. Next time, please enjoy a lunchbox prepared by me."
"I don't really mind, but we go to different schools."
"In that case, we can just go out together. Why not next Saturday?"
"An acquaintance will probably be asking me to put in a shift for work... Eh? What is with
Starting at some point, the surrounding mood had changed.
Erica deliberately shrugged with exaggeration. Yuri timidly gazed at Godou and her sister.
Ena sighed uncharacteristically, saying something like 'Hikari ended up becoming His
Majesty's woman as well, this is far too shocking.'
"Kusanagi Godou, looks like I have won the wager this time. Let alone a month, the result
arrived in less than a fortnight. This actually exceeds my expectations..."
Then Liliana proceeded to say something incomprehensible.

"No matter how things went, the fact of my winning remains unchanged. I, Liliana Kranjcar,
will henceforth become your loyal vassal like no other, serving by your side and offering
everything to you as your premier knight."
Hearing her sudden unexpected victory declaration, Godou was speechless and completely
bewildered by what she was trying to say.
Greatly perplexed, Godou turned to look at the only other male remaining at the scene,
Amakasu. What on earth was going on?
"Kusanagi-san... Because you dug your own grave, I cannot help you."
The observing ninja descendant teased Godou with a strained expression, trying his hardest
not to burst out in laughter.
"Hikari... What on earth are you trying to do!? I-If father and mother found out, do you know
how they will scold you? Please think a little!"
"It's okay, Onee-chan."
In contrast to the older sister whose face was flushed red, the younger sister was very relaxed
and complacent.
"If I explained that we will be serving Onii-sama as sisters, I'm sure grandpa and grandma
will be very happy. In that case, father, who married into the Mariya family, probably won't
say anything while mother is just an optimist. I don't think she'll mind."
Hoho. Hikari seemed to be laughing as if gloating over her victory.
"My dear group of Onee-sama, this is the fact of the matter. Please instruct and remind me
well from now on... However, please don't worry, as the youngest member, I will humbly get
along with you all, especially Erica-neesama. Everyone, I will be in your care."
"Looks like in terms of social aptitude, Hikari surpasses the older sister by far..."
Erica murmured with great feeling as she reached out to Godou beside her.
Then she pinched his upper arm hard.
"Ouch! What are you doing!?"
"In exchange for absolution from me, this little punishment is nothing, so stop complaining...
Or perhaps in consideration for the future, it'd be best if I stab you once instead?"
Completely ignoring Godou's protest, Erica pondered seriously.
For some reason, Yuri, Ena, Liliana and Amakasu proceeded to nod vigorously in agreement.

There was a beautiful little girl standing on the peak of Nantaisan, overlooking the distant
world beneath where lights dotted the streets.
If one were to look towards her hand, a heavy circular medallion would come into view.
A circular disc made of an alloy of gold and iron, it was about the same size as the girl's fist.
Engraved with script that was reminiscent of a [Sword], the girl gazed unerringly at its surface
for quite a while, as the number of patterns incremented and a second [Sword] appeared on
the circular sculpture.
"After Perseus, it was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's turn to be destroyed, and both their
steel have been left upon the earth. Clearly, that Great Sage will not be the last hero to
manifest in this world..."
The blonde girl who resembled a classic western doll looked to be about twelve or thirteen in
age. It was the Divine Ancestor who introduced herself as Guinevere to Luo Hao previously.
"When the Great Sage called upon the power to defeat devil kings and bring salvation to the
world, I actually thought it might be possible, the destiny written in the stars for the 'one who
manifests at the end' to become the strongest sword of [Steel]... Though incomplete, the Great
Sage managed to make skillful use of it, as befitted the magnificent hero from the great land
of China."
Breathing a sigh, she put the circular medallion away and it was at this time that Guinevere
noticed a presence.
"Prince, though you may possess the power of god speed, you are really unskilled in the
techniques of hiding in the shadows..."
"Hmph, you witch. Your sense of smell is sharp as ever."
From the shadows of the volcanic rocks, out stepped a man. It was Black Prince Alec.
His real name was Alexandre Gascoigne. As suggested by his family name, he was the
Campione whose ancestry traced its roots back to France.
"I just wanted to find out what your true intentions are."
"How scary... But regrettably, the open matter has already been settled. Guinevere will be
heading back home now. So, let us meet again in Europe."
"Very well, we shall meet again, Witch of Brittany."
If the Black Prince were to pursue using godlike speed, even the Divine Ancestor would be no
Knowing that the cold reply of the Black Prince implied that he had no intention of giving
chase, Guinevere flew into the sky, enveloped in golden light.

"What a waste of a trip... That said, the strength of this monkey called the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven really was too abnormal. What was the source of all that power?"
Watching the witch depart, Alec muttered to himself.
After finding out there were three other Campiones present, he had deemed it unnecessary to
intervene. But for the sake of discerning the nature of that power, participating in the battle
would not have been such a bad idea
Ending his contemplation here, Alec shrugged his shoulders.
It was pointless to dwell any further on a concluded incident. If another similarly alarming
situation were to arise in the future, just start gathering information all over again...

Greetings everyone, it's been a while. I am Takedzuki Jou.
The second half of the Volume 6 story, Volume 7 has finally published without incident.
In this series, every time there are always ideas that I must abandon with great reluctance.
Simply stated, sometimes it's because of constraints in the number of pages in order to make
the story a better read. Within these lost ideas, there are quite a lot of interesting thoughts.
Take Volume 4 the Perseus story for example. His origins were related to the Babylonian
deity Marduk and the worship of Mithras which flourished at one point in the Roman Empire.
This religion has many connections with Christianity and it took great determination for me to
cut out all that content.
This time in the story of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, there were legends like the battle
between a centipede god and a snake god on the plains of Senjougahara, but a good many of
these ideas could not be fitted into the work.
Particularly regrettable is a little story that didn't make the cut, about the second strongest
character besides the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, building a nightclub in the human world
because of his frustrations.
I had written about a chapter's worth when I was told 'This is not needed.' In the end, it could
not be used.
Readers who feel it's a shame that this character did not have a chance to shine, if you want to
see the Campione story of the Hotel Master, please make your thoughts known to the Super
Dash Bunko editorial department. With that, perhaps 'The Returned Zhu Bajie Strikes Back!'
might be published one day.
So, these Volumes 6 and 7 were written as the theme for the 'Toei Manga Festival Cross

In the romantic comedy aspect, it became 'Kusanagi Godou's Round.' Always kept spinning
around by the various girls, he was finally able to take control. Perhaps he can be like Gian[97]
in his feature film incarnations, awakening heroism and bonds of friendship. Though this kind
of situation is particularly rare, I would be most grateful if readers continue to anticipate this
kind of scene.
The next volume is slated to consist of slice-of-life short stories.

Takedzuki Jou, June 2010

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Wandering Monk Sun( ): One of Sun Wukong's titles,
Xingzhe() means "wandering monk," a reference to his joining the Buddhist faith
in becoming the disciple of the monk Xuanzang in the Journey to the West.
2. Jump up Nikkou Toushou-guu: a Shinto shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu,
located in the city of Nikkou in Tochigi Prefecture. It is a UNESCO World Heritage
3. Jump up Tokugawa Ieyasu: the founder and first shogun of the Tokugawa
Shogunate, which ended the Sengoku (Warring States) era.[2]
4. Jump up Hakama: traditional Japanese divided trousers.[3]
5. Jump up Ruyi Jingu Bang(): the name of the magical weapon wielded
by Sun Wukong, the protagonist of the classic Chinese novel Journey to the West.[4]
6. Jump up Kao(): a type of military outfit often worn by actors playing generals in
Beijing opera.[5]
7. Jump up Kun(): one of the eight trigrams from the Book of Changes. The trigram
for kun is .[6]
8. Jump up Mudra: religious hand gestures used in Buddhism.[7]
9. Jump up Immortal(): in Chinese Daoist tradition, a sage who achieved
immortality through enlightenment.[8]
10. Jump up Qi(): known variously as ki/chi/qi/chakra, an oriental concept of life
energy. In Campione!, the concept is equivalent to magical power, and is the term
used by Chinese characters, hence the romanization of "qi" will be used.
11. Jump up Yueqin: nicknamed the "moon guitar," a stringed traditional Chinese
instrument that resembles a lute with a round body.[9]
12. Jump up Ba Gua Zhi Jing Ji Ji(): the words of some kind of Daoist
charm, "Ba Gua" refers to the eight trigrams of the Book of Changes.
13. Jump up Li(): a traditional Chinese unit of distance. 108000 li would be
equivalent to 54000 km or 33554 mi.[10]
14. Jump up Torii: traditional Japanese gate used as the entrance to Shinto shrines and
also found within them. They symbolize a transition between realms.[11]
15. Jump up Three Heroes and the Five Gallants(): a Chinese historical
novel set during the Song dynasty, with Justice Bao as the main character.[12]

16. Jump up Outlaws of the Marsh( ): one of the Four Great Classical Novels
of Chinese literature, it tells the story of a group of 108 outlaws during the Song
17. Jump up Tanzhishentong( ): a fictional martial arts technique that trained
the fingers to great strength and precision, allowing a single flick to fire off
innocuously light objects as deadly projectiles, break or disarm the weapons of
opponents, or even attack at range with just the wind from the finger's motion. Widely
known due to the immensely popular martial arts novels of Jin Yong.[14]
18. Jump up Great Compassion Mantra(): a popular Buddhist mantra in East
Asia for protection or purification.[15]
19. Jump up Onmyoudou( ): literally "the way of the Yin and the Yang", mixing
science and occult, a traditional Japanese philosophy based on Chinese concepts of the
Five Elements and the Yin-Yang duality.[16]
20. Jump up Shugendou( ): a Japanese mystical-spiritual tradition that melds
ideas from various Buddhist sects, and seeks to attain enlightenment by becoming one
with kami.[17]
21. Jump up Dharani: Buddhist mantras involving meaningful intelligible phrases.[18]
22. Jump up Imperial Capital: another name for Tokyo.
23. Jump up Kantou region( ): the region covering the Greater Tokyo Area
and consists of the seven prefectures of Gunma, Tochigi, Ibaraki, Saitama, Tokyo,
Chiba, and Kanagawa.[19]
24. Jump up Utsunomiya(): the capital of Tochigi Prefecture.[20]
25. Jump up Mount Emei(): one of the Four Sacred Buddhist Mountains of
26. Jump up Great Monk Shoudou(): the Buddhist monk who founded the
temple of Rinnou-ji.[22]
27. Jump up Wakoku(): the ancient term for the islands of Japan before it was
recognized as a country.
28. Jump up Book of Han, Treatise on Rites and Music.[23]
29. Jump up Sanzang(): pronounced Sanzou in Japanese, the central character who
Sun Wukong has to escort in the Journey to the West to retrieve Buddhist
30. Jump up Noh: a form of Japanese classical musical drama.[25]
31. Jump up Kanami: Kan'ami Kiyotsugu ( ) was a Japanese Noh actor,
author, and musician in the 14th century.[26]
32. Jump up Zeami: Zeami Motokiyo ( ) was a Japanese actor and
playwright, the son of Kanami.[27]
33. Jump up Praj: one of the three divisions of the Noble Eightfold Path in
Buddhism, meaning wisdom.[28]
34. Jump up Vaisravana: one of the four cardinal protector gods of Buddhism. Equated
with Sha Wujing (Sha Gojou in Japanese) from the Chinese classic novel Journey to
the West.[29]
35. Jump up Three Treasures: the three things that Buddhists seek guidance from
Buddha (can be interpreted as the historical figure, or to seek the highest spiritual
potential in all things); Dharma, the teachings of Buddha; and Sangha, the community
of those who have reached enlightenment.[30]
36. Jump up Yama-biko: an echoing spirit in Japanese folklore, often heard but rarely

37. Jump up Zhu Ganglie( ): one of the names of Zhu Bajie (Cho Hakkai in
Japanese), the infamous pig spirit who was apprenticed to the monk Xuanzang and
became Sun Wukong's junior in the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West. Taken
literally, the name Zhu Ganglie means strong-maned pig.[32]
38. Jump up Zhu Wuneng( ): one of the names of Zhu Bajie (Cho Hakkai in
Japanese), the infamous pig spirit who was apprenticed to the monk Xuanzang and
became Sun Wukong's junior in the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West. Zhu
Wuneng was the name given by his master, Xuanzang the monk.[33]
39. Jump up Sha Wujing(): the third disciple of the monk Xuanzang and Sun
Wukong's junior in the Chinese classic novel Journey to the West. Sha Wujing was the
name given by his master, Xuanzang the monk.[34]
40. Jump up Wu(): note how Sun Wukong(), Zhu Wuneng() and Sha
Wujing() shares the same character "Wu" in their names.
41. Jump up Book of Changes.[35]
42. Jump up Mantra of Acala.[36]
43. Jump up Mantra of Vaisravana.[37]
44. Jump up Kulikaa: (Kurikara in Japanese), the Sanskrit name of Acala's sword of
wisdom that cuts through deluded and ignorant minds.
45. Jump up Three Poisons: the three root causes of suffering in life, according to
46. Jump up Acala: known as Fudou Myouou() in Japanese, an angry wrathful
guardian deity in Vajrayana Buddhism.[39]
47. Jump up Kuukai( ): "The Grand Master who Propagated Buddhist
Teaching"() was a Japanese monk who founded the Shingon school of
Japanese Buddhism.[40]
48. Jump up True Lord Erlang( ): a Chinese god with a truth-seeking third
eye in the middle of his forehead. The greatest warrior god in the Chinese/Daoist
pantheon, he is best known in Journey to the West as the one who pressured Sun
Wukong and captured him for the heavenly forces.[41]
49. Jump up Witenagemot: ("meeting of wise men" in Old English) a political
institution in Anglo-Saxon England. In the Campione! setting, this organization deals
with matters related to Campiones.[42]
50. Jump up SSI: Sorcerous Sacrilege Investigation, an American organization that
opposes the activities of sorcerers. In the Campione! setting, sorcery refers specifically
to an evil variant of magic.
51. Jump up Tachi(): a type of traditional Japanese sword worn by the samurai
class of feudal Japan.[43]
52. Jump up MEXT: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
53. Jump up MLIT: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
54. Jump up Qinggong( ): literally "technique of lightness", a Chinese martial arts
skill that allows great agility and speed of movement. When exaggerated in fiction, it
produces the effect of superhuman speed and even flight. Equivalent to [Leap] magic
of western magi.[44]
55. Jump up Red Torii(): picture can be viewed here.[45]
56. Jump up Heart Sutra: Godou is reciting the Heart Sutra, one of the best known and
most popular Buddhist prayers.[46]
57. Jump up Yueqin(): nicknamed the "moon guitar," a stringed traditional Chinese
instrument that resembles a lute with a round body.[47]

58. Jump up Cymbidium kanran(): to be precise, the exact description is the

Cymbidium kanran, a species of orchid.[48]
59. Jump up Tiger lily: the flower Lilium lancifolium, renowned as the most beautiful
lily in Asia.[49]
60. Jump up Oath of the Peach Garden: in the Chinese historical novel Romance of the
Three Kingdoms, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei became famous sworn brothers
through an oath of fraternity.[50]
61. Jump up Trout meunire: a French cooking method mainly used for fish, involving
breading the fish using flour, frying it with butter and adding a particular sauce.[51]
62. Jump up Yakshini: a broad class of female nature spirits from Hindu mythology,
usually depicted as beautiful but vengeful.[52]
63. Jump up Don Juan: a legendary fictional character, synonymous to
64. Jump up Cryptic quotes from the Book of Changes.[54]
65. Jump up Avalokitasvara: called Guanyin() in Chinese and commonly known
in English as the Goddess of Mercy, a bodhisattva venerated by East Asian Buddhists
and associated with compassion.[55]
66. Jump up Six Senses: in Buddhism, the mind is regarded as an additional sense.[56]
67. Jump up Kao: a type of military outfit usually worn by actors playing generals in
Beijing opera.
68. Jump up Bagua(): the eight trigrams from the Book of Changes. A reference to
the story in the Journey to the West where Sun Wukong was locked into a cauldron for
49 days to be distilled into an elixir.[57]
69. Jump up Psalm 22:22
70. Jump up David: both Erica's Golgotha spell words and Liliana's Song of the Bow
originate from King David's Psalms from the Old Testament of the Bible.[58]
71. Jump up Energy center( ): a pressure point located below the navel (about
three finger widths down and two finger widths deep), it is associated with cultivating
life energy (qi) and vital essence.[59]
72. Jump up Ming: the dynasty ruling imperial China from 13681644. Journey to the
West was written in the 16th century (1500s).
73. Jump up Book of Changes, Wu Wang() hexagram.[60]
74. Jump up Qimen-Dunjia( ): A type of traditional Chinese metaphysical art,
used for divination and various decision-making processes. Fictionally, it is also used
as a category of supernatural spells and escape techniques.[61]
75. Jump up Yin: yin as in yin-yang, the duality of complementary opposites. Yin
represents darkness, gentleness, the moon, femininity, etc in opposition to yang which
represents light, strength, the sun, masculinity, etc.
76. Jump up Juunihitoe( ): literally "twelve-layer robe", the juunihitoe is an
extremely elegant and highly complex kimono that was worn only by court-ladies in
77. Jump up Genesis 27:26-28
78. Jump up Kamaitachi(): literally the "sickle weasel," a Japanese weasel youkai
believed to wield sharp claws while riding on gusts of wind.[63]
79. Jump up Numbers 31:7-8
80. Jump up Numbers 31:9-10
81. Jump up Numbers 31:11-12
82. Jump up Joshua 6:13
83. Jump up Joshua 6:15-16,21

84. Jump up Joshua 6:25

85. Jump up Catty(): a traditional Chinese unit of weight, roughly equal to 600g.
13500 catties would be equivalent to 8100kg.[64]
86. Jump up A quote from the Daoist philosophical classic Zhuangzi.[65]
87. Jump up Style name: a Chinese style name, also known as a courtesy name, was a
given name generally used after the age of twenty as a sign of adulthood and respect.
The use of style names have fallen out of tradition since the early twentieth
88. Jump up Ziwei(): a group of stars lying near the north celestial pole.[67]
89. Jump up Benevolent Kings( ): usually depicted in pairs, muscular and wrathful
guardian deities of Buddha and manifestations of Vajrapani. They stand on guard at
the entrance of Buddhist temples in the form of frightening statues.[68]
90. Jump up Shramana: a parallel movement to Vedic Hinduism in ancient India which
gave rise to Buddhism, Jainism and Yoga.[69]
91. Jump up Qiang(): Due to its relative ease of manufacture, the spear in many
variations was ubiquitous on the pre-modern Chinese battlefield. Common features of
the Chinese spear are the leaf shaped blade and red horse-hair tassel lashed just below.
The tassel serves a tactical purpose, and is not simply for decoration.[70]
92. Jump up Heart Sutra[71]
93. Jump up A quote from the Daoist philosophical classic Zhuangzi.[72]
94. Jump up Open-mouthed( ): each pair of (Om/A-un) Buddhist statues
consists of one each of two types one open-mouthed and the other with a closed
95. Jump up Friendship between gentlemen...(): a saying that originates
from the Daoist philosophical classic, Zhuangzi( ). The full saying is "Friendship
between gentlemen, they say, is insipid as water; that of petty men, sweet as rich wine.
But the insipidity of the gentleman leads to affection, while the sweetness of the petty
man leads to revulsion. Those with no particular reason for joining together will for no
particular reason part."[74]
96. Jump up Tree peony(): Paeonia suffruticosa is a type of peony native to China
and historically renowned as the King of Flowers.[75]
97. Jump up Gian: Doraemon reference.[76]

Campione!:BR SS 4
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Extra Story - The Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang

"Great misfortune huh..."
Looking at the strip of fortune telling paper he had drawn on a whim, Godou muttered.
Since he was not a superstitious person who believed in fortune telling, Godou's only
response was to smile wryly.
This happened on his way home from school, when he visited the Nezu Shrine by chance.

"Oh dear. Something interesting is written here."

Erica commented beside him as she looked at the fortune in his hand.
In contrast, Erica, who had also come along for her fortune, had drawn the impeccable
outcome of "great fortune."
"The one who keeps watch, the nemesis is coming. Matters of conflict, evasion would be
good fortune. Isn't this predicting a desperate situation in the next battle?"
"That so?"
Godou replied nonchalantly and shrugged.
"I believe that avoiding conflict with any kind of god would be considered good fortune.
That's definitely correct."
Less than half a month had passed since the battle against the heretic god with the monkey
appearance in the land of Nikkouon the plains of Senjougahara.
The invincible war god with vast divine powers and carrying the attribute of steel. In terms of
pure combat power, he was the most powerful opponent Godou had ever fought to date.
However, Godou had also faced off against deities on the likes of the ancient Middle Eastern
divine king as well as the goddess of wisdom who concealed a true serpentine nature.
Oh well, they were pretty much all the same in the fact that every single battle was very
In other words, a seven-hundred-story building looked pretty much the same as a sevenhundred-and-fifty-story building when viewed from the ground. Something like that.
In response to Godou's sloppy perspectiveErica simply went "You're not incorrect" but
"However, I am very interested in the one described as Godou's 'nemesis.' Although your
nemeses seem to number many, in actual fact, that's not always the case."
"Well, after all, most heretic gods simply do as they please, so their crimes eventually catch
up to them."
Realizing what Erica was getting at, Godou answered.
As a Campione, the authority Kusanagi Godou wielded consisted of Verethragna's
transformations, the [Ten Incarnations]. Each incarnation had its own stringent usage
conditions, such as requiring the target to be a great sinner who had caused the people to
suffer, etc.
Moreover, in general, most [Heretic Gods] committed atrocities repeatedly without being selfconscious of them.

Furthermore, Godou's source of power, Verethragna the guardian god of justice, could be
described as the nemesis of such evil.
In terms of compatibility, one could conversely describe Godou as the nemesis of heretic gods
In particular, both the white stallion that destroyed the people's enemy with scorching flames
as well as the warrior who wielded the sword of light for tearing apart evil gods could be
considered powerful trump cards against the majority of gods.
But Godou realized at this moment that the other girl in his company looked like she wanted
to say something.
Namely, the girl who had drawn "middle fortune."
"What's the matter, Mariya?"
"No, nothing much, just something slightly concerning..."
The prim and proper Yamato Nadeshiko answered vaguely as if feeling rather troubled.
However, Godou encouraged her to speak, casting a glance that said "Go on and tell me."
Yuri timidly spoke up:
"After listening to your exchange just now, I keep getting an uneasy feeling. I wonder if
Godou-san might in the near future encounter an opponent with rather unfavorable natural
advantagesan existence akin to a nemesis..."
The Hime-Miko Mariya Yuri possessed the power of [Spirit Vision].
Compared to drawing great misfortune, the fact that Yuri felt something "concerning" meant
far more to Godou. Falling into silence, Godou exchanged glances with Erica beside him.
Was yet another troublesome battle coming in the near future...?
In hindsight, this was perhaps the incident's starting point.

The next day after the fortune drawing

Godou and Yuri were heading to the Arakawa ward together after school.
They were both in uniform because they headed straight from school. This was not some
personal matter. Otherwise, the blonde and silver-haired girls would probably have followed
However, those two girls had matters they had to attend to separately today.
The girl who had appointed herself as Godou's grand chamberlain was set to meet up with
them slightly later. But before that, Godou and Yuri were alone together. Godou could not

help but feel quite shy. After switching to the train, they reached the station closest to the
destination and finished the journey on foot.
Although Godou did not ask, he felt that Yuri must surely be feeling the same way.
Walking side by side, they exchanged few words, most probably affected by the mood. Both
Godou and Yuri were unaccustomed to the opposite sex. This was obvious from the current
Very incredibly, Godou did not feel uncomfortable in spite of that.
Walking shoulder to shoulder, the distance between Godou and Yuri was slightly too intimate
if they were merely fellow students from the same school.
Separated by only centimeters, all Godou had to do was reach out slightly if he wanted to
touch Yuri's hand.
"I-If little children were in this situation, perhaps they would hold hands..."
Yuri suddenly whispered softly, bowing her head shyly.
Were Erica in her place, she would probably have taken Godou's hand directly as she spoke.
However, the Yamato Nadeshiko beside him was probably not going to do something like
that. Instead, she smiled with a shy expression on her face. Godou smiled gently in response.
This was enough. Somehow, he always felt a sense of mutual connection in their thoughts and
Ever since the commotion at Nikkou city, this feeling persisted between Godou and Yuri.
Despite talking little, there was a sense of solace as they walked casually together, their
destination entering into view.
This was a certain shrine not far from the Sumida River.
There were a few dozen people gathered on the visiting road beyond the entrance torii.
It happened to be the day of a temple fair, hence the many stalls present.
One could find the usual stalls selling takoyaki, roasted sausage, fried pancakes with assorted
vegetables, cotton candy, chocolate bananas etc.
"This sight makes me a little nostalgic. I feel like buying something to eat."
"Is that so? In that case, let us go check it out later."
Yuri suggested in response to Godou's unintentional mutterings.

Godou immediately nodded to concur. But compared to a temple fair, they had more pressing
matters to deal with first. Yuri proceeded to walk in front, leading Godou to their destination.
The pair left the lively and bustling visiting road and passed through the protective forest.
Entering the confines of the shrine, Godou could not find any signs of the priests and shrine
maidens who were supposed to be present. Perhaps they were busy with various tasks and
managing the temple fair.
However, there was probably an additional reason why the shrine personnel could not be
Namely, they voluntarily stayed away, knowing that the Devil King Campione was visiting on
this day
"I've been waiting for you, Onii-sama!"
Coming out from within the shrine to greet them was a young girl dressed in a miko outfit.
Mariya Hikari. Despite being a sixth grader, she was an apprentice Hime-Miko who possessed
the special power of [Disaster Purification]. In addition, she was Yuri's younger sister.
"All the preparations are ready. Please come this way."
Hikari was a precocious girl, wise beyond her years.
Smiling cheerfully, she displayed affection as she nimbly led Godou and Yuri towards the
worship hall. Godou nodded and followed behind her together with Yuri.

The interior of the worship hall was quite vast but rather dimly lit. Naturally, it was of
wooden construction.
Furthermore, there were a few strange objects hererather, there were dozens of them lined
White statues bearing human form.
Upon careful examination, these solid shapes were made of salt.
All were male with ages ranging from twenties to forties. The expressions on the salt statues'
faces displayed surprise or fear. Most of them were dressed in suits.
For an instant, they felt like living humans. Such was the realism exhibited by the exquisite
detail of these salt statues.
"These people, could they all be members of the History Compilation Committee...?"
"Yes. They were the ones who were transformed into statues of salt by the Marquis' authority
when Marquis Voban came to Japan back in June..."

Yuri answered Godou's question.

The most ancient Campione, the MarquisDejanstahl Voban had visited Japan for the
purpose of obtaining Mariya Yuri's rare and exceptional spirit vision.
After Godou fought him to a "draw," the Marquis had returned to Europe
These salt statues before Godou's eyes were his parting gifts.
Pierced by the demonic gaze of Marquis Voban's glowing eyes of emerald, everyone was
transformed into salt.
This was the authority that the elderly Campione had usurped from a certain demonic deity.
"The Eyes of Sodom... That was what the Witenagemot named this authority."
The History Compilation Committee's Amakasu Touma had explained this yesterday.
"According to reports, all it took was one glare to turn living humans entirely into salt...
Furthermore, if the Marquis felt like it, he was capable of turning thousands or even tens of
thousands of people into salt instantly. All the people who witnessed the city of Sodom's
destruction by God's flames were transformed into pillars of saltThis authority was named
in reference to its simple ability to recreate the story recorded in the Old Testament of the
Amakasu normally displayed a inexplicably delighted expression whenever he said anything
profound of this sort.
However, he was speaking with a helpless tone of voice when he delivered the explanation
Furthermore, he was the one who made the request to Godou, asking him to attempt
neutralizing the effects of the demonic gaze.
"I seem to recall it being said that it was a power usurped from the deity Balor?"
"Is that it...? Somehow, that is not the feeling I get..."
Godou muttered as he looked at the salt statues standing haphazardly before him while Yuri
whispered cautiously.
"Could it be, you saw something?"
"Y-Yes. One-eyed... Body clad in armor. I think it should be ancienta divinity from
European lands. A one-eyed war god...?"
Yuri stared behind the salt statues.

The miko with exceptional spirit vision should be able to discern the appearance of the deity
who supplied the authority that had been applied to the salt statues. Speaking of which, Godou
recalled something in particular.
Marquis Voban was synonymous to the authority of "wolves."
This was a power that appeared to stem from one of the monstrous wolves of Norse
mythology, but in actual fact, it was an ability usurped from the Greek god of the sun, Apollo.
"That old gramps was already a Campione before the Witenagemot's founding, so the
information back then might not necessarily be accurate..."
On the other hand, Yuri's vision powers, which were capable of catching partial glimpses of
the truth despite a total lack of clues, should be praised greatly instead.
If that was the case, perhaps Yuri might be able to discern more important information?
As Godou cast an inquiring gaze at her, Yuri shook her head apologetically.
"That is all I can currently see. The sacred name of the god who created this authority still
"I guess Verethragna's [Sword] can't be used after all."
"However, I can indeed see that the curse placed by the Marquis has weakened compared to
before. In that case, perhaps the method Amakasu-san suggested might succeed in lifting it."
Godou nodded at Yuri's comment.
Did the effects of Campiones' authorities weaken with the passage of time?
With this question in his mind, Godou decided to test things out.
During the period after the battle against Voban, Godou had obtained a new power despite the
fact it was not his intention.
"Hikari, after we absorb the power as much as possible, the rest is up to you."
"Yes. Leave it to me, Onii-sama!"
Mariya Hikari agreed cheerfully.
The spirit power she wielded, disaster purification, was the special ability to neutralize all
magical power and wizardry. Even the authorities of gods or Campiones could be nullified in
Naturally, it did not have the power to erase Marquis Voban's authority.
But if they did it this way...

If this curse of salt which had weakened for some unknown reason was further drained by
Godou, then
"Ama no Murakumo, please."
Godou spoke softly to his right arm, where the divine blade Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
This was the "partner" he had obtained after the commotion in the Netherworld. After
surviving the battle at Nikkou, Godou had come to a basic understanding of how to use it.
This divine sword, with its long history, possessed the trait of magical power absorption.
Using this divine sword to absorb the magical power applied by the Marquis' authority, the
curse of salt transformation could very well be weakened substantially.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi suddenly manifested in Godou's hand.
It took on a form that could just barely be considered a Japanese sword. The gently curved
blade was quite similar to that of a katana, but was in actual fact the recreation of an ancient
Japanese blade called the Warabite-tou.[1]
In addition, Ama no Murakumo's blade was an ominous jet-black color
Godou casually made a thrust with the dangerous-looking "partner" known as the divine
"Let me absorb the power remaining from that old gramps!"
"Efficacious signs of the bearer of Fortune, I implore your manifestation!"
As Godou gave orders as he wielded the divine sword, Hikari also chanted spell words to use
her spirit powers.
There was a reason why the people who were turned into salt statues had been transported to
this particular shrine. Reportedly, this place worshiped as its main deity Ama no Murakumo
no Tsurugi's guardianHaya Susanoo no Mikoto.
Apparently, going to suitable lands was necessary to increase the divine power of Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi.
It was mentioned earlier that members of the History Compilation Committee had gathered at
this place to perform wizardry rituals. As the divine sword's blade released its power, Hikari
also applied her spirit powers.
In the next instant, Yuri's eyes widened with surprise.

Although the current time was before five in the afternoon, the sky had already begun to

Having completed their task, Godou and Yuri were walking along the shrine's visiting road.
People were gathered around the fair stalls in bustling crowds.
Wandering aimlessly among them, Yuri turned towards Godou with a gentle smile on her
"It went quite smoothly for now. Quite a relief."
"Oh well, hopefully there won't be any lingering side effects in the future."
Combining Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi and Hikari's spirit powers, the intended result was
After receiving a phone call from Amakasu who was currently absent due to handling other
tasks, they were informed that he was coming to settle remaining matters once he became free
Before he arrived, Godou and the girls decided to tour the shrine festival first.
Hikari went off to change from her miko outfit to casual clothing, thus leaving Godou and
Yuri alone together.
"I'll simply go buy some food from the stalls to take care of dinner. I think grandpa and
Shizuka both said they were coming home late tonight."
"Shizuka-san? But there are no activities at the tea ceremony club today."
"She said she had some kind of promise to fulfill."
Godou and Yuri conversed as they strolled through the festival at a leisurely pace.
Whenever their gazes met, Yuri smiled calmly.
Without saying much, they simply enjoyed each other's company with a sense of inexplicable
delight. Surely Yuri was feeling the same thing. Speaking of which, since they had come
directly from school, both of them were still in uniform.
Taking a detour on the road home from school to spend time peacefully with pleasant
This was precisely the lifestyle of ordinaryor rather, normal students. Just as Godou was
struck by this realization that a high school student was not supposed to experience...
Yuri tugged at the sleeve of his uniform.
"G-Godou-san. Over there is..."
"What's up, Mariya... Uh, why on earth would she be here?"

Godou shifted his gaze in the direction indicated by Yuri.

A fried noodles stall.
The girl tending to the stall was standing before a massive iron griddle, a spatula in each hand,
boldly and vigorously stir-frying a great amount of Chinese noodles, bok choy, pork and other
Dressed in a yukata, she resembled a delivery girl with great sense of presence. She was
someone whom Godou knew very well.
"Shizuka, what are you doing here?"
"Ooh? Onii-chan and Mariya-senpai!?"
The little sister looked up with an expression of surprise. This was a chance encounter at an
unexpected location.

"I am helping out because of old man Asakusa's request."

Shizuka explained as she stir-fried noisily.
Her bold and vigorous stir fry technique, which contrasted greatly with her slender feminine
physique, was taught by the aforementioned old man who lived at Asakusaan elderly man
who could be described as the Kusanagi siblings' distant relative, now already deceased.
Unlike grandfather Kusanagi's Casanova ways, old man Asakusa was an upstanding son of
Although he lived a life of solitude and never married, his commercial business "Ichiya" was
inherited by someone who stayed in touch with the Kusanagi family.
"Come to think of it, these stalls are also run by the Tekiya guilds."[3]

"Tekiya... What kind of business is that? I have never heard of it."

Naturally, while the siblings chatted about their relative, the one who inquired was the
sheltered highborn lady unfamiliar with worldly matters.
Before Godou could answer Yuri's question, the younger sister swiftly motioned with her
eyes. Do not explain in too much detailThat was what her gaze seemed to be saying.
"...Anyway, it's the job of setting up stalls at various festivals and fairs."
"...They even go to the beach during summer and ski locations in winter."
"Well, it sounds like an interesting job."
Yuri displayed a pure and innocent smile in response to the siblings who evaded the topic of a
certain unnamed profession and business that "was barely considered a legitimate business
As a side note, the old man mentioned by Shizuka was a celebrity who had opened a new era
as a gambler in his youth, with a Kurikara dragon tattoo on his back. Even VIPs from the
"industry" attended his funeral.
"If you told me beforehand, I could have helped out as well."
"Considering how busy you've been lately, Onii-chan, the phone call was only made to me.
Oh well, after all, you'd simply reject the request anyway."
Shizuka's adorable face cast a severe glare at Godou.
Feeling her disapproving accusation, Godou replied with displeasure.
"Don't go throwing random accusations. Even for me, if an acquaintance made a request..."
"Onii-chan, are you having a date with Mariya-senpai today?"
Shizuka's observation caused Godou to jump in fright.
"Idiot. How could you say something like that?"
"Look who's talking. Let me ask you, what else could it be?"
Glaring severely, Shizuka spoke.
"Without even going home first, you came here directly after school. Just the two of you. The
situation is plain as day."
" "......" "

Godou fell into helpless silence. Yuri also gulped.

Only when Shizuka pointed it out to them did they realize that the current situation was rather
difficult to explain clearly.
It was not as if they could honestly say they came to the shrine here to clean up a mess left
behind by the old monster from eastern Europe, right? But were Godou to attempt deception,
he would be in trouble once he got home later.
Just as he was about to give up, Godou remembered.
The oracle Yuri had received a few days ago. About meeting a nemesis in the near future or
something like that. Could it be referring to Shizuka?
But for one's own little sister to be the nemesis seemed a bit much... Just as Godou muttered
such words to himself
Yuri suddenly spoke up beside him.
"E-Excuse me... Godou-san, Shizuka-san, a so-called date refers to the act of a male and a
female going out together to enjoy a delightful time together... Is that correct?"
Yuri sought confirmation in a greatly flustered manner.
For such a basic question to be asked when things had already come to this, not only Godou
but also Shizuka were stunned. The two siblings nodded emphatically at the same time.
Then Yuri suddenly said the following with a surprised expression:
"What should I do... I, today is my first date..."
"B-Because it was just Godou-san and me, the two of us, like this, together all this time"
Wrong, totally wrong! Didn't we agree that your little sister Hikari was coming along slightly
Feeling compelled to voice these words, Godou was just about to speak. However, when he
noticed Yuri's inexplicably happy expression despite her flustered state, he could not bring
himself to deliver the words for some reason.
"A-As I thought, this could be considered our first time experience, right..."
"W-Well, perhaps so... Maybe."
"I-I think so too."

"S-Should be?"
As her slightly moistened eyes pleaded, even Godou found himself reacting in unexpected
Instantly, he nodded. I suppose one could view it that way. Thinking that to himself, Godou
had a subtle feeling. But very quickly, he would forget all about such matters.
Because he saw Yuri smiling with happy satisfaction, which naturally caused the corner's of
Godou's lips to move in turn. The end result consisted of Godou and Yuri smiling as they
exchanged gazes right in front of Shizuka.
"Guh...! I can't believe you're completely ignoring the fact that your younger sister is
watching!? Even grandpa hasn't reached this level yet!"
Shizuka began to get angry on her own, greatly increasing the forcefulness of her noodle stirfrying motions.
In terms of colorful and abundant female relationships, the grandfather was unparalleled in his
Casanova ways.
Godou frowned in response to Shizuka's use of this problematic character to prove her point.
"Grandpa simply avoids letting his family witness the behavior he's ashamed of. As for
Mariya and me, we're just good friends. There's nothing to feel guilty about."
"Ah yes, there is nothing about the relationship between Godou-san and I that does not hold
up to public scrutiny."
Godou asserted and Yuri immediately concurred.
Ever since the Nikkou commotion, Godou and Yuri as well as Liliana started attaining a sort
of secure state of mind in this area of mutual agreement. Was it because the cohesion of
shared destinies had intensified, or they had simply started to accept things...
"A-Although lately I've been getting the feeling you're advancing rapidly along a shameless
rascal's path, Onii-chan, I never expected even Mariya-senpai to get involved, given her
inexperience in worldly matters! Onii-chan, this sort of growth and development is a bit
"Instead of talking about this, aren't the fried noodles ready?"
"Oh no."
Reminded by her older brother, Shizuka immediately calmed her wrath. Holding spatulas in
both hands with great familiarity, she packaged the large amount of noodles into separate
plastic containers.
Not being picky eaters could be said to be the virtue shared by the Kusanagi siblings.

No matter the quantity of food filling the dining table or how unpalatable cuisine they faced,
not only the brother but also the sister possessed the special skill of eating everything without
wasting anything.
"Stop acting all lovey-dovey before me, okay. Onii-chan, regarding your indiscretions in
female relationships, there are countless examples I could point out to show your need for
restraint. Anyway, leaving the topic for now, would you like to eat some of this?"
With a seemingly generous tone of voice, Shizuka gestured towards a packed serving of fried
"Oh, please rest assured, Mariya-senpai. Despite the small size of this type of stall, all the
ingredients bought are very clean. Also, I use water that I brought here myself by bucket
rather than dirty pipe water. Hence, there are absolutely no hygiene issues."
Indeed, the junk food sold at stalls did seem quite ill-suited for the high-class lady. Despite
Shizuka's domineering personality, she was actually quite considerate of others.
She must have been making use of the labor provided by "old man Asakusa's young
employees" who were originally stationed at this stall. Seeing none of them around, Godou
presumed Shizuka had ordered them to go buy something or other.
As she listened to Shizuka's words, Yuri's eyes began to shine
Godou suddenly felt his body suddenly shake and fill up entirely with power.
This was his body's preparation for an imminent battle.
Because he sensed a deity nearby who must be defeated, as a god-slayera Campione, his
body and mind had entered a combat state.
"...Sorry, but Mariya and I still have things to do. We'll come over again later."
Godou immediately looked at Yuri. Possessing spirit senses more keen than anyone else's, the
Hime-Miko also sensed the divine presence and nodded instantly in return.
"Excuse us, Shizuka-san. We shall be back shortly."
"Oh okay. Oh by the way, Onii-chan, don't you go bringing Mariya-senpai over to anywhere
strange, okay!"
Godou left the stall together with Yuri who was bidding his sister goodbye seriously.
Listening to the reprimands coming from behind them, they gradually left the visiting road
where the temple fair was being held and entered the protective forest.
Despite having no idea what was going to happen, Godou decided it would be best to go
somewhere with fewer people around.
Godou and Yuri ran rapidly through the silence of the mixed forest.

They decided to head towards the shrine interior for now. There should not be any people in
this direction apart from Hikari and the History Compilation Committee members. Just at this
moment, Yuri yelled loudly.
"Godou-san, look over there!"
Godou turned his gaze towards where Yuri was lookinga dark area deep in the mixed
Amidst the darkness, Godou discovered a pair of refined and distinguished eyes. Just eyes
only. Nothing else could be seen. No figure. Only two eyeballs floating in the air.
Moreover, the moment Godou sensed a divine presence from this pair of eyes
A third eye opened. Above the pair of distinguished looking eyes, at the position
corresponding to the forehead of a human face, a third eyeball appeared as a vertical slit
At the same time, Godou was greatly stunned.
The massive expanding magical power always ready in a Campione's bodyThat magical
power was suddenly reduced by 20%.
Godou instinctively felt that the third eye had taken the power. Taking away from the
Campione's body the magical power that acted as the source of his authoritiesWhat sort of
deity had manifested with this kind of trait?
Just as Godou began to ponder the situation in preparation for the coming battle
"O Bow of Jonathan, the warrior's weapon swift as an eagle and strong as a lion!"
The spell words of David resounded all around.
An arrow of blue light flew from behind Godou and Yuri, aiming at the third eye that just
opened. With astoundingly splendid archery, this eye was pierced right through.
"Are you okay, Kusanagi Godou!?"
The archer sprinted forth, accompanied by this stern voice. Without needing to glance at her
face, Godou knew she was the silver-haired knight who had agreed to converge laterLiliana
Kranjcar had finally arrived.
Godou nodded greatly in response to the appearance of this reliable comrade.
He then turned his attention to the enemy with the mysterious "eye." The three-eyed god who
appeared in the depths of darkness had already left without a trace.
"What on earth was that thing just now..."
"Illustrious SageTrue Lord Erlang..."

As Godou's muttering escaped from his lips, Yuri responded in a tiny voice. Instantly, Godou
turned to look at the Hime-Miko who was displaying a frightened expression on her beautiful
face. Was it because she saw something?
True Lord Erlang.
This was the instant when Godou first heard this curious name.
To be continued...

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The Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang (Part 2)

Within the territory of a certain shrine, Kusanagi Godou encountered the unidentified [Three
Ten-odd minutes after that, Amakasu Touma arrived in a hurry. His true identity was actually
a History Compilation Committee special agent descended from ninja(!) ancestors.
"Huh? Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang... So that's what Yuri-san said."
Amakasu frowned after he found out the name whispered by the Hime-Miko who had
received a spirit vision.
Furthermore, the person in question who had spoken the oracle was not currently present. Due
to the younger sister Hikari's massive exhaustion from using disaster purification so fully, her
elder sister Yuri had taken her home.
"Amakasu Touma, I seem to recall that name as belonging to the Chinese pantheon..."
Liliana, who had arrived just earlier, inquired.
Even though her knowledge and experiences were quite extensive, Liliana originated from
Europe after all. Consequently, she was not very well-versed in Chinese myths.
"You are correct, Liliana-san. He is a Daoist deity in charge of regulating floods, although his
reputation for monster extermination is probably more famous. As implied by the two kanji
characters in the 'Illustrious Sage' title."
Amakasu wrote down the two kanji in a notebook.
Illustrious Sage.[1] The one who illustratesmakes evident the sacred to manifest in the

"He is particularly renowned for the story where he subdued and captured Sun Wukong who
was rampaging in both the celestial and terrestrial realms."
Godou recalled the name he had heard roughly half a month earlier.
Family name Sun, given name Wukong. The self-proclaimed Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
Descending upon the land of Nikkou once more, the war god in monkey form had announced
"Could it be possible that the recent Great Sage Equaling Heaven is related to this incident?"
Liliana offered her opinion in her stern knightly tone of voice.
In her personal life, the silver-haired girl was presumptuously prone to blunders and easily
shaken psychologically. But in combat and emergency situations, she was able to exercise
200% caution and composure.
"Correct again... As you already know, the deity stationed at Nikkou Toushouguu for the goal
of protecting Japan from the threats of dragon and snake gods is precisely the magnificent
Chinese hero, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven."
Amakasu exhaled as he explained.
"To this end, the Old One and other elders in the Netherworld put into place the [Keeper of
the Horses] wizardry spell for sealing the Great Sage. In actual fact, the spell's core
component has ties to the deitythe Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlangand is a sacred
talisman carrying evil-slaying powers."
"The Old One... In other words, the deity named Susanoo who watches over Seishuuin Ena."
"Indeed. Since the Great Sage no longer exists, the talisman has lost its purpose. We of the
Committee will undertake its retrieval. However, because it is a rare and precious evil-slaying
talisman, we decided to test it out to see if it was able to resolve a certain unresolved case."
"You mean the matter of nullifying Marquis Voban's authority?"
In response to Liliana's statement of surprise, Amakasu shrugged and smiled wryly.
"Oh dear, because I happened by chance to recall there were two elite masters among those
involved in the incident, so for the sake of saving lives, a risk was taken."
"Don't go asking me to suddenly take on these kinds of risks! Come on, that's so wrong I don't
even know where to begin!"
"So where exactly is this problematic talisman currently?"

"Even though they were confident things were under control, I cannot believe the History
Compilation Committee's core leadership allowed such a completely irresponsible experiment
to proceed."

Liliana protested, her anger surfacing slightly

A car from the Committee had just taken Godou and her to the vicinity of the Minato ward.
Currently, the two were making their way to the new destination on foot.
"Thanks to them, Kusanagi Godou, you were attacked by that strange thing..."
"It's not really that big a deal. After all, the people who were turned into salt statues were
Appropriately expressing his naturally generous character, Godou replied with sincerity.
However, Liliana had a serious personality and she seemed to be objecting.
"Of course there is nothing with saying that, but I always get the same feeling from
Sayanomiya Kaoru as I do from Erica."
Sayanomiya Kaoru. This was the full name of the person they were going to pay a visit.
Although she was still studying in high school, she was already in charge of the History
Compilation Committee's operations in the entire Kantou region.
"You say she's the same as Erica?"
"Yes. Unscrupulous in choosing means to attain goalsuh, scratch that, unscrupulous in
choosing goals to enable their preferred means to be undertaken. That is the similarity I am
talking about."
"...I see."
Erica and Kaoru both belong to the scheming intellectual type.
Moreover, neither of them were calm and dispassionate Machiavellians. So long as
circumstances permitted them to do so, they were strange characters who infused vainglory
and fantasy into their work, choosing to attain goals in the most amusing manner available.
As Godou and Liliana chatted, they soon reached the destination.
Just outside a school's main gates, many girls could be seen exiting the school.
They were dressed in black uniforms. Although the uniforms looked tacky and unfashionable
on first glance, closer examination revealed a rather refined and distinctive design.
A prestigious all-girls school that prided itself on being one of Tokyo's top schools in
academics and tradition.
"Kaoru-san is actually a high school student too."
And even a high school girl too. Godou muttered to himself with heartfelt feeling.

She was not only a member of the Committee's core leadership but also a high-ranking and
accomplished Hime-Miko. However, in a certain way, her position was diametrically opposed
to that of a "high school girl."
When Godou called her just now to see if they could meet as soon as possible, he received the
following response:
"We are currently busy with preparations for the cultural festival. I won't be free until a little
Feeling a great dissonance in hearing words like school or cultural festival coming from her,
Godou approached the school gates to pick her up.
Taking a spot close to the school gates, he began to wait for Kaoru.
Perhaps he would have found it difficult to remain unflustered to stand before an all-girls
school by himself as a man. But today, Liliana was also present
"What's the matter?"
Seeing the silver-haired girl bearing an anxious expression, Godou inquired.
They were both wearing the uniform of their school, Jounan Academy. Due to various
reasons, Liliana was also quite conspicuous in appearance. As the girls leaving school
successively stared at her, Godou could not believe how unsettled she became.
With a depressed expression, Liliana explained quietly.
"I have unpleasant memories in regards to closed environments like 'all-girls schools.'"
"Did something unpleasant happen in the past?"
"Yes. A few years ago, Erica and I were both stuck in an awkward situation where we needed
to infiltrate an all-girls boarding school. All kinds of things happened at the time..."
"Speaking of boarding school, did you get bullied!?"
"No, rather, it could be described as the opposite. For some unknown reason, Erica and I
became the centers of popularity. Because of the kind of girl she is, Erica was able to adapt
and react quite flexibly. On the other hand, I..."
Godou nodded deeply.
Erica was able to become the center of popularity wherever she went. In addition, a girl like
Liliana, who was not only beautiful but also sternly dignified, would be popular because of
being situated in "that kind of organization."
"No matter what I was doing I found myself surrounded heavily by those girls, without even a
chance to eat my meals alone in peace. So troubling. Furthermore, Erica apparently found it

quite interesting. She even said that she should take the opportunity to hold a salon
"From the way it looks, Kaoru-san also seems to be quite popular here."
Just as Godou echoed with his own observation, his cellphone vibrated from an incoming call.
Rather than Kaoru, it was Yuri who had called. Over the phone, she informed Godou that she
expected to meet up with the two of them after she took Hikari home.

"Shizuka-san asked me to pass this along."

Godou received the takeout container of fried noodles from the Hime-Miko who had just
arrived in one of the History Compilation Committee's cars. It was still warm.
"Just before I took Hikari to the car, Shizuka-san gave me this when I went to bid her
"Come to think of it, she did mention she was going to treat us to fried noodles."
"She also had a message for you, Godou-san."
Yuri began to speak hesitantly with shyness for some unknown reason.
"Shizuka-san vigorously requested I pass to Godou-san this message urging you to get along
well with me. I cannot help but feel embarrassed to hear something like that from a member
of your family, Godou-san..."
The younger sister must have been displaying her usual angry expression when sarcastically
requesting the message to be passed along.
But for better or worse, the sheltered high-class lady who had trouble understanding seemed
to be accepting Shizuka's words with a positive interpretation.
Despite the embarrassment she felt, Yuri was displaying a blissful expression.

Shocked by the way she looked, Godou speechlessly lowered his gaze towards the noodles.
No seaweed had been added to the noodles, presumably because Shizuka was being
considerate for the girl accompanying her brother.
On the other hand, Liliana commented slightly sardonically.
"If Shizuka-san said this much, it looks like you and Mariya Yuri must have been having
quite a delightful time together before I arrived."
"D-Don't say anything bizarre like quite delightful."
"I-Indeed. Godou-san and I were simply... Simply on a date, that is all"
"Oh I see, a date huh."
"M-Mariya. Could you please pick a more prudent choice of words?"
"Eh? I am very sorry, did I say something strange just now?"
"No. Thank you for your valuable information, Mariya Yuri..."
Seeing Godou's frustration and Yuri's confusion, Liliana murmured:
"On further thought, this is completely not unexpected. Kusanagi Godou, in those kinds of
situations, all it takes is a momentary opening for you to make a move. Your superb skills are
truly astonishing. Swift, comprehensive, full of natural cunning"
"Wait a minute, Liliana. What do you mean exactly by 'those kinds of situations'!?"
"Opportunities to further your intimacy in female relationships, of course."
Liliana declared as though she were a master detective who had solved a mystery.
Just as Godou was about to protest, Yuri interjected before he could speak.
"P-Please do not judge so hastily. Although I have no objections in regards to assessing
Godou-san as that type of person, the issue cannot be gainsaid completely."
"H-Hey, I'm the one objecting here."
"Godou-san. Do you not remember that you were the one who declared to Shizuka-san just
now that our relationship is completely free from guilt?"
Even though Yuri did not necessarily offer full support, Godou would surely suffer her
derision if he did not concur with her.
Despite being routed on two separate fronts, Godou still replied the following:
"Yes, that's true but I think calling it a date"

"Given the current circumstances, how about Liliana-san join us as well for a double date?"
" "Eh?" "
Godou and Liliana's voices coincided in perfect unison.
"W-Well, a date refers to both genders spending time together enjoyablyIs there anything
wrong with this definition? In that case, if that is what we all desire, I think there is no
problem. Am I wrong?"
"...Somehow it does not feel exactly right, but I cannot assert it is wrong either."
Liliana murmured with a troubled expression.
"However, it feels like it is not exactly unacceptable... Oh well, since that female fox Erica is
not among us three, I suppose it is fine."
"Liliana-san, please watch your language."
"No, Mariya Yuri. Perhaps you may not know because your time spent dealing with her is still
short. That woman frequently seizes opportunities to play devilish pranks. Thinking back
now, it is possible that Erica was partially responsible for my rapid rise to popularity in the
boarding school..."
Caught up in Yuri's pace, Liliana began to rant upon the subject.
On the other hand, Godou breathed a sigh of relief for the temporary respite.
Although he felt that many seeds had been sown for future problems to sprout, after some
consideration, he decided to ignore them for now.
These issues stemmed from a mixture of Yuri's forthrightness and unfamiliarity with worldly
matters, Liliana's hidden outrageous facet as someone who was knowledgeable yet lacking in
common sense, as well as Kusanagi Godou's natural carelessness.
Upon hearing of this trio's conversation that had taken place, a certain person would ridicule
"Isn't this a farce played by the three stooges!?" This occurred slightly afterwards.
"Given this opportunity, why don't we eat Shizuka's treat while we wait for Kaoru-san to
At Godou's suggestion, the trio made their way to a park near the school.
On the way, they visited a convenience store and bought some oden[2] stew, Chinese buns and
bottled tea etc.
"Because I have never had this type of food before, it feels a little exciting."
"Indeed, even though these dishes cannot be said to be particularly healthy."

Prompted by a comment from the classy young lady who apparently never bought junk food
snacks on her way home from school, the female knight responded as she bought convenience
store confectionery with a partially critical expression on her face.
The trio sat down on a bench in the park and began to have a simple dinner.
Godou was the first to comment on his sister's cooking.
"Hmm. Not particularly bad tasting but nothing outstanding either. Standard fried noodles
sold at stalls."
"Not really, the flavor of the sauce is quite savory."
"Do remember that this is the fruit of Shizuka-san's well-intentioned efforts."
Godou's tactless criticism was met with Yuri and Liliana's reprimands.
That said, this was simply stall food at a temple fair that never aspired to reach the pinnacle of
B-class delicacies. Besides, compared to taste, cost would have been the primary
consideration when purchasing ingredients.
In actual fact, in terms of cooking skill, Shizuka's level was similar to her elder brother's
Based on these three points, Godou's comment was completely tactless indeed.
The Kusanagi siblings were raised by the laissez-faire mother and the grandfather who was
frequently away from home.
Completely undaunted by the prospects of cooking in the kitchen, nevertheless, they could not
be described as particularly great chefs. In this regard, the two siblings were identical.
After the meal, Godou received a text message from Kaoru.

"I am truly shocked and awed to have the king personally come out here to greet me, Godousan."
Saying that, Sayanomiya Kaoru bowed her head solemnly.
This was the action she took the instant she spotted Godou after exiting the school gates.
However, compared to her excessively exaggerated words, the smile appearing on her lips
was easygoing. Her head-bowing motion was also quite graceful. On the other hand, she
usually displayed a slightly wry smile when performing this very Kaoru-style action.
Nevertheless, Godou could not help but ask:
"Kaoru-san... What is with this outfit?"
"Looks great, doesn't it? I had it specially made."

Kaoru's face displayed androgynous beauty as usual. Her body was also rather slender and
exhibited her characteristic appearance that simultaneously resembled a beautiful girl and a
handsome youth.
Like the sort of handsome youth who made appearances in traditional shoujo manga, her
beautiful appearance seemed to be the stuff of dreams. Furthermore, Kaoru was dressed in
gray uniform today. A male one.
"Isn't this an all-girls school? Doesn't this uniform(?) break school rules?"
"Fufufu. After all, I don't really like wearing sailor-style uniforms."
As if ignoring her gender recorded in the family registry, Kaoru declared:
"I simply prepared a uniform suitable for myself. Oh dear, it really took quite a lot of work for
me to win over the teachers, the student council and the parent teacher association in order to
be able to wear this outfit from day one."
She was probably referring to the clandestine tasks she undertook, making full use of her
natural oratory and negotiation skills as well as her beauty and intellect.
While thinking it was such a waste for her to be squandering her rare talents on something
like this, Godou summed up his critical reaction succinctly.
"Or from the very beginning, you could have selected a school that allowed students to wear
casual clothing..."
"See, when a mountain stands in your way, it is only natural to want to climb over it. Besides,
I quite enjoy ____ the uniforms here."
Her statement should probably be amended by filling the blank with the words "watching the
girls who wear."
Godou secretly supplemented in his mind.
While they were conversing, girls passed by them one after another. They kept greeting Kaoru
with bowed heads, using anachronistic greetings like "Good morrow, Kaoru-sama" or "Good
Everyone seemed to know Kaoru. Truly living up to the term "popular."
"By the way, since we have all arrived at the school gates, why did you send your request to
me only by text message?"
That was why Godou had left Yuri and Liliana behind to receive Kaoru alone.
"If I was sighted together with girls like Yuri and Liliana, the girls in the school are going to
get jealous. You're male, Godou-san, so it doesn't matter."
"...Normally, it should be the other way around."

Godou discovered he was apparently being used as a shield to handle her fans.
As Kaoru uttered taboo words incongruent with her identity as a female high school student at
an all-girls school, Godou accompanied her back to the park.
Meeting up with Liliana and Yuri, they called a car from the History Compilation Committee.
The next place they traveled to was a western mansion situated in Area 3 of the Chiyoda
This was the Sayanomiya residence, the place where Committee members like Amakasu
Kaoru led Godou's entourage into the study.
"The sacred talisman with ties to the Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang... I never expected it
would go as far as to attempt to harm you despite your identity as a Campione, Godou-san
My utmost apologies. Our predictions were apparently too naive."
"But anyway, why did it target me?"
Intrigued by the situation as she listened to Kaoru's apology, Yuri spoke up softly:
"Perhaps you were targeted precisely because you are Godou-san."
"Did you see something, Mariya? An oracle from spirit vision perhaps?"
"Oh no, nothing like that. It is a little difficult to explain at once..."
"...I see. I get it now."
Leaving Godou in clueless ignorance, even Liliana began to nod.
"If True Lord Erlang is a deity who vanquishes evil and upholds justice, then it is
understandable why he would target Kusanagi Godou. After all, since he is the benevolent
god who subdued the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, in the past, it stands even
more to reason."
"You two truly amaze me. Come on and tell me what the reason is. I am completely clueless."
Despite Godou's request, the two girls seemed hesitant to speak.
As for Kaoru, she simply made a slightly wry smile as she cast an apologetic gaze at Yuri and
After a brief moment, Yuri was the first to speak.
"Basically, since it is an evil-slaying artifact that can even weaken Marquis Voban's

"Kusanagi Godou, who has developed into a Devil King no way inferior to that elderly man,
had also been judged as evil that must be vanquished."
Liliana's supplementary explanation made Godou realize with a shock.
"In other words, I have been judged as a person who repeatedly subjects the world to
unspeakable acts of evil!?"
" "Apparently so." "
Yuri and Liliana expressed agreement simultaneously, causing Godou to bow his head in
On the other hand, Kaoru picked up a box made of paulownia wood from the desk in the
"Putting the reason for the incident aside for now, this is the talisman in questionHmm?"
As soon as she spoke, a troubled expression surfaced on her dream-like face of a handsome
She frantically opened the box, having apparently discovered something abnormal. Although
not up to Yuri's level, Kaoru was still an outstanding user of spirit vision. Godou and the rest
also gathered to peer into the box.
...It was empty. The paulownia box contained nothing inside.
"It was definitely still here yesterday, so when exactly did it..."
Just as Kaoru mused softly with a tone like a master detective showing interest in a mystery
Godou shuddered once. Power suddenly surged through his entire body.
A "god" was nearbyOr rather, had already arrived?
Before Godou could locate the opponent's location, Yuri started to scream.
"Behind youBehind Kaoru-san, Godou-san!"
Sayanomiya Kaoru was standing by the desk. Appearing behind her was the [Three Eyes]
from earlier!
The young leader of the History Compilation Committee took action with great decisiveness.
Rather than turning to look back, she immediately ran in Godou's direction.
Since a being with the likes of a god or divine beast had manifested, there was no time for
redundant actions. Only by taking cover behind the god-slayer as quickly as possible could
one hope to find sanctuary.

Choosing this most appropriate measure without wasting a second, she swiftly put it into
Indeed, her judgment was swift. However, it was still a step too late.
The [Three Eyes] floated up. The refined and dignified pair of eyes as well as the vertically
oriented third eye. The pupils of the three eyes were infused with blue light simultaneously
and glowed with brilliance.
Instantly, Kaoru's pupils also shone with blue light.
With a whoosh, Kaoru's slender body leaped gallantly, but not to hide behind Godou's back.

Instead, she sent a splendid spinning kick towards Godou's face. Profound mastery in martial
arts were fully exhibited by her motions.
With a vigorous yelled, Kaoru unleashed a high kick with keen aim and speed.
Godou instantly bent down, almost losing balance and sitting on the floor.
Kaoru's leg swept through the spot at the height where his face had been. Had he failed to
evade, the kick would have landed squarely and mercilessly. While confirming his judgment
to be correct, Godou rolled over the carpet to distance himself from Kaoru.
Using the momentum from the roll, he immediately stood up.
Although the action was a little awkward, it did not matter. He had evaded the attack without
injury and instantly renewed his posture.
"Please be careful! The will of True Lord Erlang inhabiting the Illustrious Sage's talisman has
apparently taken control over Kaoru-san. It aims to vanquish you, Godou-san, who has been
deemed evil!"
Probably receiving a spirit vision, Yuri gave a series of warnings.
From the way Kaoru looked, she definitely was not her usual self. Somehow gone were the
dream-like beauty and libertine gaze that displayed curiosity towards everything. Flashing
with blue light, her pupils were filled with stern fighting spirit, making her beautiful and
courageous face even more striking in appearance!
Then the figure in the gray school uniform leaped again, intending to attack Godou once
"Please wake up, Sayanomiya Kaoru!"
Liliana swiftly inserted herself in between Godou and Kaoru.

Blue-eyed Kaoru extended her right hand as if intending to eliminate the interloper.
Raising her fist vertically, she sent a right hook towards the silver-haired girl's face. Godou
watched with tongue-tied amazement. Like the kick just now, Kaoru was using Chinese
martial arts.
Liliana blocked Kaoru's punch with her right arm.
She did not draw her beloved magic sword, probably to avoid harming Kaoru's body.
However, controlled by the "evil-slaying will," Kaoru nonchalantly swung her fist down on
Liliana's arm.
The silver-haired female knight went "Ugh!?" in response, greatly alarmed and surprised.
However, she did not back down and was just about to grab and pick up Kaoru whenIn the
next instant, she was crouching on the ground.
This was the result of Kaoru's left index finger pressing on Liliana's chest.
"Guh. The technique known as pressure point attacking...!"
Crouched on the floor, Liliana groaned. Her body seemed immobilized by paralysis.
Attacking vitals and pressure points on the human body to subdue enemies effortlessly
This was indeed a technique used by the Chinese demonic cult leader. The Jiuweixue pressure
point was located on the chest. Godou had learned this piece of trivia from her direct disciple.
Next it was going to be his turn
Just as Godou readied a stance, Kaoru went "Haa!" with another vigorous yell.
Then Yuri went "kyah" and collapsed, apparently losing strength in her lower body as a result
of the yell. Furthermore, her legs extending out from beneath her uniform skirt were knocking
together noisily as they trembled.
Apparently, Yuri no longer had the strength to stand.
Having neutralized a Hime-Miko with a vigorous shout, Kaoru turned towards Godou and
Her strikingly beautiful face was like the midday sun.
Watching her expression which aptly conjured descriptions like "justice," "benevolence" or
"hero," Godou muttered:
"...It wanted to avoid getting Mariya involved?"

Before Yuri could take any action like Liliana, a harmless method was used to neutralize
Was this a show of concern? The only "evil" that needed to be defeated was Kusanagi Godou
alone. As if admitting to the doubts in Godou's mind, Kaoru's beautiful face smiled.
Immediately, a bladed polearm appeared in her hand all of a sudden.
The double-edged tridentA great blade shaped into three prongs with sharp edges on the
two lateral sides.
Rather than a Japanese weapon it was indeed a Chinese blade. Wielding the double-edged
trident, Kaoru charged at Godou with great agility.
Erlang's mercy as the "benevolent one" could not possibly be extended towards Godou,
Without any hesitation, Kaoru performed a downward diagonal slash.
Godou was not necessarily incapable of evading this double-edged trident.
The enemy before him was neither a great sinner who had caused the people suffering nor a
user of monstrous strength beyond normal parameters. Given the opponent's level of martial
technique, divine speed capable of handling the [Raptor] was very probable.
Under such circumstance, there was only one incarnation Godou could depend on.
The double-edged trident struck Godou's left shoulder. Slash
The double-edged trident continued to tear through Godou's skin, muscles, collarbone, ribs
etc, slashing its way towards his heart.
The only substance obstructing this attack was the bones of a Campione, possibly even
tougher than the hardest metals on earth. Unimaginable heat and pain tore through Godou's
body and mind.
Sacrificing his left shoulder to the slash wound, Godou was able to use the [Camel]
incarnation in return.
He made it. The double-edged trident had yet to reach his heart.
Obtaining combat skills and leg strength that allowed him to fight war gods on equal footing
in the past, Godou unleashed swift forward kicks against Kaoru repeatedly. This was a type of
kicking strike akin to shoving the opponent away using the soles of the feet.
Kaoru and her slender body was sent flying by his kick.
That said, this simply kicked her away. No damage had been caused to Kaoru's body.
Having gradually mastered his authority, Godou was now capable of restraining the [Camel]'s
destructive power to a certain extent. Hence, he was able to perform martial arts like that

After kicking Kaoru away with a forward kick, Godou turned and performed a spinning kick
instead of lowering his leg.
This was followed by a high kick upwards. However, he did not make a direct hit.
Brushing past Kaoru's temple with his foot, he gave her a concussive blow to the brain. His
aim was to cause a concussion with minimum damage in order to neutralize Kaoru.
Pulling it off without a hitch, Godou rendered Kaoru unconscious and she collapsed as though
turned off by a switch.

Kaoru unconscious. Liliana paralyzed. And Yuri with her legs gone limp.
The three girls were in a rather awkward state. But at least a crisis had been averted.
After Godou nodded towards Yuri and Liliana who were still conscious, the two girls
displayed relieved expressions.
"True Lord Erlang's will... Seems to have left the room already."
"Looks like it. But why did it possess Sayanomiya Kaoru instead of Mariya Yuri or me who
were by Kusanagi Godou's side? Did it choose the person who had used the evil-slaying
sacred talisman?"
Yuri and Liliana's exchange prompted Godou to recall.
Amakasu's words. "There were two elite masters among those involved in the incident, so for
the sake of saving lives, a risk was taken." One of them was Kaoru while the other was
A troubling premonition surged in Godou's heart. Could it really be...?
"If my premonition is correct, the next person he will try to possess is Seishuuin?"
The other person, who along with Kaoru had attempted to use the talisman related to True
Lord Erlang, was indeed Godou's companion who carried the title of the premier Hime-Miko.
Greatly shocked, Yuri immediately took out her cellphone.
"I-I am going to try to see if I can contact Ena-san!"
Since she was only drained of strength in her legs, moving her upper body should be fine.
Operating with stiff movements, she called up the contact list and pressed dial. However, she
quickly hung her head.
"The call is not going through..."
Godou could not help but look at his right arm.

The divine sword residing there was also supposed to be akin to a "partner" to Seishuuin Ena.
Furthermore, despite the sword's usually undisciplined attitude in normal situations, its
personality was actually quite meddlesome whenever conflicts were encountered.
In spite of vast separation in physical distance, it maintained a spiritual bond with Ena
"Hey... If Seishuuin were to encounter any mishap, tell this to her."
Godou knew that he should take care of the girls right here.
But instead, he exited the study.
Rushing rapidly by himself along the corridors in the Sayanomiya residence, he made his way
to the garden.
"Call out my name if you encounter danger. Only by doing so will I be able to save you."
Just as Godou finally walked out the entryway and looked up to gaze at the dark starlit sky
above Tokyo
Godou heard a faint call transmitted from somewhere faraway. Your Majesty, Ena has a bit
of a bad feeling over here, please hurry over.
Instantly, gentle wind began to swirl beneath Godou's legs.
The gentle wind formed a vortex that gradually increased in strength, soon becoming a
powerful cyclone.
When someone in a dangerous crisis called out Godou's name, it allowed him to fly to their
location. This was Verethragna's first incarnation, the gust of [Wind].
This power currently activated to transport Kusanagi Godou to some unknown location.

The Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang (Part 3)

Guided by the vortex of [Wind], Godou was brought to an unknown land.
Godou nodded, acknowledging the result of the instantaneous teleportation performed using
Verethragna's authority.
Finding himself on a riverside strewn with gravel, Godou was confronted by a mixed forest's
autumn leaves of vivid red. Clearly this was in a mountain forest somewhere. Seishuuin Ena,
who had "summoned" Godou here, was a girl who trained in the mountains as if it were her
daily homework.
She was currently a few meters ahead.

Ena usually wore that uniform from some high school who knows where. However, this time
she was dressed Japanese style with a white kimono top, a red, male-style hakama and a pair
of wooden geta clogs.
This attire was rather fitting for a miko and someone training in the mountains.
Furthermore, she was wielding a wooden sword in a stance.
Her blade was pointed towards a certain directiona familiar set of three eyes!
A pair of slender eyes hovering in midair with a third eye that opened vertically. Godou yelled
"Seishuuin! That thing is apparently the will of a god called Erlang whatever!"
"Erlang... Could it actually be the Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang? This thing was trying to
take over Ena's body, almost succeeding in its surprise attack."
While explaining nonchalantly, Ena still kept her gaze and the wooden sword directed
towards the enemy.
But judging from the tone of her voice, she clearly did not feel like she was in danger. This
was because she knew very well that she was the one who had invoked Godou's [Wind]
incarnation. As expected of the Hime-Miko of the Sword, her boldness was exceptional.
"Rather than an actual god, this thing would be better described as part of a god's will, left
behind in the world... That's what it feels like. Because it doesn't seem to have a material
body, Ena thinks that as long as one prevents it from possessing someone's body, there won't
be much danger."
Godou nodded emphatically in response to Ena's words.
As the user of the mystic technique, divine possession, she was more experienced than anyone
in the area of contact with gods. Together with the fact that she possessed instincts like a
beast, Godou was convinced she must be right.
However, Godou and Ena immediately stared with their eyes wide open in surprise.
The sun had already set, giving rise to a starry sky above. Radiantly flashing blue spheres of
light were now descending from the night sky.
These spheres of light floated down slowly like snowflakes.
The blue spheres of light landed on the three eyeballs. In the next instant, the three eyes
transformed into the form of a tall young manhis handsome face bearing stern dignity and
propriety. His attire was reminiscent of Beijing opera costumes, Chinese in style and rather
colorful. It resembled the military leader costume the Great Sage Equaling Heaven had worn.
Furthermore, he still had three eyes as if it were the most natural thing in the world. The
vertically-opening third eye was positioned on his forehead!

(Hereby stands the nephew of the Jade Emperor, the general commanding the forces of
heaven and earth, bearing the name of Erlang the Illustrious Sage and True Lord. Kusanagi
Godou, as the villainous Devil King, you are the target I seek to vanquish. Prepare yourself.)
The young man announced his name and smiled clearly and candidly.
This smile was filled with the sort of magnificence belonging to someone who was utterly
convinced of his own righteousness.
On the other hand, the voice he used to announce his name was neither clear nor candid.
Instead, it sounded like a whisper.
This loudness should not be audible normally, but through suspicious divine powers, the
voice was delivered to Godou and Ena's earshot.
"It turned into... a god?"
"This is something along the lines of a god's legacy will or regrets combining intimately with
a body."
This sudden change greatly surprised Godou and Ena. However, there was no time to ponder
the matter.
True Lord Erlang manifested a bladed weapon in his hand. The front part of the blade was
shaped into three prongsIt's the double-edged trident!
"Watch out, Your Majesty!"
True Lord Erlang swung the double-edged trident to slash Godou.
Before the weapon could reach Godou, Ena stepped before him and blocked its path,
intending to protect Godou. However, her weapon was merely an ordinary wooden sword
Godou immediately called out.
"Ama no Murakumo! Go and help Seishuuin!"
Alerted of the situation by Godou, Ena immediately threw away the wooden sword in her
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi suddenly manifested in her empty hands. Similar in structure
to a Japanese sword, the divine sword had a mildly curving black blade. Swinging the sword
she called her partner, Ena slashed at True Lord Erlang.
The respective blades of the god and the Hime-Miko clashed together.
Then they began exchanging blows, two or three at a timeGodou and Ena were
dumbfounded once more.
Finding Ena's sword attack too difficult to evade normally, True Lord Erlang took a great leap
backwards. Indeed, Ena was a master of the sword. Nevertheless, she should not be skilled

enough to overwhelm a deity who was known as a warrior god of combat. Despite this being
the case, why would he retreat...?
(Hmph. Mobility is rather restricted since this is merely a crude body. I shall have to wait
for some time. Once I grow accustomed to this body, I shall return for a rematch...)

The god whispered. Immediately after that, the three-eyed, handsome young man vanished
like a puff of smoke.

"Oh? So that god appeared because of Ena and the rest? Sorry sorry."
"I have no intention of reprimanding you for that, but if you're going to apologize, a little
more sincerity would be more appropriate."
After recounting the series of occurrences, Godou voiced his objections to Ena's airheaded
According to Ena, this mountain was somewhere in a corner of Chichibu. She was training in
the mountains as usual, using the deep mountain aura to cleanse and purify her body and
"In that case, we'll just have to wait here for the strange god(?) to attack again. After all, he
only came to this place for the purpose of targeting me. Plus deep in the mountains here, we
won't be causing trouble to people and cities."
"Yes, understood. Let's do that."
Ena grinned and calmly expressed agreement.
In actual fact, Kusanagi Godou and Seishuuin Ena were surprisingly similar people. Both
possessed animal-like instincts and personalities that tended to take action before worrying,
thus allowing them to act decisively during emergencies.
Given these two as a team, prolonged strategy planning would be the last thing one would
"Then the last issue is where we should wait for that guy to appear. Although we could just
stay here, it's really quite cold."
Just earlier, Godou was still in the city center of Tokyo.
But now, he was in the deep mountains of Chichibu where autumn was in full swing. The
location was also at quite a high altitude. With only regular street clothes, whether the wind or
the night air itself, both felt rather chilly.
"Well, let's take Your Majesty to a nice place. There's a mountain hut not too far from here."
Ena immediately suggested.

"I know the old man who uses the place when he comes here for gathering mountain
vegetables and hunting. Ena also keeps stuff like rice and miso there for emergency situations.
So we can make dinner there."
"Dinner eh? That's a really great idea."
Although Godou already had dinner earlier, it was not enough to fill his stomach completely.
Furthermore, a meal to warm up his cold body would be most gratifying. Godou's eyes began
to shine brightly.
Thus the two of them started walking along a mountain path.
Before setting off, Ena wrote a letter using notebook paper and an oil-based marker she had
brought. After folding the paper four times and throwing it into the air, the letter suddenly
vanished. This was mailing magic for sending letters faraway. In this case, the destination was
the Sayanomiya residence.
This was for reporting Godou and Ena's situation to Kaoru, Yuri, Liliana and the rest because
cellphones had no reception in a mountain like this. However, this spell could not be used
unless the receiver's location was known, which meant that Godou and Ena had no way of
obtaining a reply...
At any rate, Godou and Ena fulfilled their minimum obligation to keep in touch.
Godou followed Ena along the mountain path which took them upstream of the river.
Sometimes they had to push vegetation aside and other times they had to follow animal trails.
Naturally, there were no street lights or anything of that sort while they traveled at night like
When they walked in areas with a clear view of the sky, the moon and the stars offered
illumination. The stars in the night canopy of the sky proved to be an unexpected bright
source of light.
However, there was no such blessing when moving amidst dense foliage.
During these times, it felt like wandering in darkness with something sticky entangling one's
body and Godou's only beacon was the view of Ena's back ahead of him. Even an experienced
hiker would probably have difficulty advancing in these conditions.
On the other hand, Kusanagi Godou was a Campione.
In actual fact, given the "special constitution" of a godslayer, Godou possessed rather
powerful night vision.
Well, it was still impossible for him to see clearly in complete darkness. But given "this level
of darkness," there was no problem at all. Like a nocturnal beast, Godou followed closely
behind Ena.

Speaking of which, there seemed to be someone who had called Campiones like Godou and
others "god-slaying beasts"
"Well, good night vision doesn't necessarily translate into hiking prowess..."
Godou muttered as he followed behind Ena.
Because she was the child of nature who treated mountain training as part of her everyday
life, Ena walked rather quickly despite hiking at night. And to think she was also carrying a
case containing her luggagethe "secret box" as it was known in the world of mountain
Godou had to summon his best effort to keep up or else he would soon be left behind.
That said, although his steps were not as quick and nimble, he did not pant or become out of
breath. For someone who had always taken pride in his stamina, at least he succeeded in
preserving his self-esteem. On the other hand, it was quite likely that Ena had intentionally
controlled her pace to accommodate an "amateur" like him...
After walking a fair distance, they came to the side of a river again.
This place appeared to be upstream of their previous location. Godou suddenly had an idea.
"If we're going to make dinner, it'd be nice to catch some fish from this river."
"Yeah, but you won't have much luck fishing here. So it's best not to try."
"Really? The water looks so clear here, so I thought lots of fish would inhabit it."
Ena's nonchalant answer puzzled Godou.
The Hime-Miko of the Sword walking in front turned her head around, a grin displayed on her
"There is a rapid current slightly downstream from here leading to a waterfall. The current is
so fast that even fish find it difficult to swim in, which is why fish are rare in this area."
"Wow, this is really deep in the mountains."
The water flowing by should really be called the headwater or upper course rather than a
Feeling impressed, Godou nodded.
Although he was an athletic proponent of outdoor activities with plenty of camping and
hiking experience, he had seldom stepped foot so deeply into the mountains. Without Ena as
his guide, he would most probably run into trouble quickly.
At the same time, he was quite surprised by the [Wind]'s ability to transport him
instantaneously this deep into the mountains.

But then again, this was the incarnation capable of transcending boundaries between reality
and the Netherworld. Godou felt that so long as conditions were satisfied, he could even fly
across to the other side of the globe.
Walking along this river, Godou and Ena soon arrived before a mountain hut.
It was a crude wooden dwelling built not too far from the river.
Were it in a city, an old and decrepit building like this would have been knocked down long
ago. Not only was the entire house covered by a thin layer of dirt, it was also making creaking
At least it still had a roof and despite the thin wooden boards used, it did have walls.
Given the current situation, it could be considered three-star accommodations. Following Ena
who behaved as if she were returning to her own home, Godou entered with gratitude.

On their first encounter, Ena had brewed the same type of powdered tea she was serving now.
Last time, Ena's casual yet experienced looking manner of preparation resulted in very tasty
tea. Currently, Ena was lighting up a fire on the hearth which was already smoked black from
A pot of water was freshly boiled over it.
"Although this isn't anything special and it's just crude tea literally... Please enjoy, Your
Just as Godou expected, the crude tea Ena prepared casually turned out to be really tasty.
Despite the poorly preserved tea leaves in the hut and the use of an ordinary teapot one could
find anywhere, the rich flavor made all these adverse conditions seem like a lie.
However, Godou went "Eh?" in puzzlement after drinking the tea.
Fishing rice grains out of a sack, Ena tossed them into the boiling water in the same manner as
she had prepared the tea. She was quite casual about it. Rather than standing in testament to
her free and unfettered personality, this simply gave Godou an impression of appropriate
"Let me warn beforehand. Do not expect too much from the taste of Ena's cooking."
"But I find your tea tasty as always, Seishuuin."
"Well, see, the art of tea has been part of a general's knowledge ever since ancient times."
This daughter, hailing from a family that gave rise to generals in the Warring States Period,
explained in a pretentiously knowing manner.

Her original personality aside, Ena had received an excellent Yamato Nadeshiko education as
a descendant from the House of Seishuuin. Could it be possible that cooking was one area she
did not excel in?
Intrigued, Godou brought up another subject.
"That three-eyed guy... Do you think he can be considered a god?"
After the brief conflict just now, this was the question that had occupied Godou's mind as he
The handsome young man transformed from the three eyes
Whether facing the set of eyes or the handsome young man, Godou's body and mind had
filled with power for battle. This could be taken as proof of a god. However, the enemy's
avoidance of a battle with Ena seemed a little contrary to the ways of [Heretic Gods]...
"Yes. It should be considered a god, probably. A god originating from the talisman of the
Illustrious Sage, there is no mistake that he is the hero, True Lord Erlang, who defeated Sun
Although delivered with a casual tone of voice, Ena still concurred with Godou's idea.
"Then some sort of circumstance is preventing him from going all out, but I've no idea what."
"You think so too, Seishuuin? Well, I don't think pondering about it any further would yield
anything useful. Since Mariya isn't here, let's just put the matter aside for now."
No matter what sort of origins the enemy had, ultimately Godou still had to meet him in
Deciding that, Godou and Ena nodded to each other.
For this pair whose instinctual and beast-like skills surpassed their intellect, agreement was
easily reached in situations like this one.
If Erica was present, she would probably mock him sardonically, going 'Despite insisting your
adherence to reason all the time, you always end up acting the same way, Godou...'
"If you feel concerned, why don't we try asking Grampsy?"
Ena suddenly suggested.
"The talisman of the Illustrious Sage... This thing came from Grampsy and company in the
Netherworld. Some kind of divine talisman prepared somewhere and taken for the purpose of
sealing the dragon and snake vanquishing hero, Sun Wukong."
"Susanoo and those guys huh... Well, forget about it then."

The ancient ones who acted as the History Compilation Committee's "council of elders." The
one acting as chief was Susanoorecalling the storm god who lived secluded in the
Netherworld, Godou immediately responded.
"That guy's not gonna give us an honest answer."
"Yeah, Ena thinks so too, actually."
Ena nodded as if pleased with their agreement. She smiled for some reason.
"What's up, Seishuuin? You look so happy."
"Fufu. Because Your Majesty tends to share the same opinion as me most of the time, it's
quite easy to imagine what you're thinking. Other than Your Majesty, there are very few... No,
there's no one else who has a mind that thinks like Ena."
"W-Why do I feel like I'm nowhere near as ridiculous as you, Seishuuin..."
"What are you talking about? Your Majesty is roughly a hundred times more ridiculous than
Whether as a miko or a Yamato Nadeshiko, Seishuuin Ena was a girl beyond the realm of
Godou could not help but protest against such a comment coming from someone like her.
That said, after scrutinizing his own behavior, Godou could only swallow the words he was
almost about to spit out
Could she have guessed what he was thinking? As if encouraging Godou, Ena patted him on
the shoulder.
"Cheer up. It's alright. No matter how ridiculous a person you are, Your Majesty, we will
always stay by your side. No need to mind Ena and the rest of us, just continue to charge
"On the other hand, I wish you girls could restrain me before I charge forward..."
"Then it won't be very interesting. Besides, no one can stop Your Majesty when you're
charging forward."
After commenting on Godou's personality with full confidence, Ena changed the subject.
"By the way... Your Majesty has already decided to fight, right?"
"Well yeah. That Erlang whatever guy seems to have his sights set on me. And if he really is a
[Heretic God], then I need to take him down before he raises a commotion. That's really the
way it should be done."
"Then, umm... That is necessary after all, right?"

Godou stared blankly all of a sudden. What was that referring to? Hence Ena whispered
"The sword for slicing apart True Lord Erlang. It's a simple matter for you to obtain
knowledge about what kind of god he is. All you need to do is ask, Your Majesty, and Ena
will prepare immediately."
Asked by her so suddenly, Godou was rendered speechless. Then he also noticed.
Ena had started at some point to look up to him shyly as if observing his face for his
"B-Back in Nikkou when fighting side by side, Your Majesty has already recognized Ena as
your woman, right?"
"R-R-R-Recognition is a bit premature to say. Besides, I'd curse and scold myself if I lived so
irresponsibly as a despicable human being!"
"In any case, Ena is known publically as Your Majesty's woman. So it's fine..."
"No matter how many times Your Majesty wishes to kiss... It's fine. Yes, Ena wants to kiss
Your Majesty."
Hey hey. Isn't this behavior for instilling knowledge required for battling gods rather than for
the sake of kissing?
Godou wanted to say this but could not bring himself to do so. As he thought, this was
because mouth-to-mouth action was too shocking for him.
"Back then was when everyone was together... But Ena really wants to have a good and
proper kiss with Your Majesty alone..."
Ena's lips trembled as she whispered softly. She was quite nervous.
The girl, unaccustomed to this behavior, was mustering her courage to 'plead' with him. In
order to fight the god again, the trump card, the [Spell Words of the Sword], must be prepared
beforehand after all.
These thoughts swirled into a vortex in Godou's mind as dozens of seconds passed. A brief
moment of hesitation. But after overcoming these doubts, Godou finally made his decision.
Reaching out with his hand, he embraced Ena's body that was slender yet suitably voluptuous
in all the right places.
"I'm relying on you. Please tell me about the god, True Lord Erlang."

Godou used his lips to seal Ena's mouth just as she was about to whisper, stealing her lips.
Smooch. With the coming together of mucous membranes, the harmonious sounds roused
Godou's inner passion to a blaze.
He separated from Ena's lips for an instant. The usually carefree girl displayed a sad
expression, reluctant to part. Her eyes seemed to be pleading as she gazed at Godou, she did
not speak.
She was feeling shy. This was an expression and attitude Godou could not imagine coming
from the way Ena usually acted.
Finding her adorable, Godou once again drew near her lips.
Ena's face instantly brightened up. Pressing their lips together, they began to kiss again.
Godou sucked on the Ena's lips as she displayed a blissful expression, enjoying a fulfilling
feeling of satisfaction.
"Your Majesty, let's have another go... Okay?"
Seductive words came from Ena's lips.
As Ena panted heavily, Godou kissed her even more forcefully, sucking on her lips.
On the other hand, Ena remained passive as if betraying her own request. All she did was
yield and accommodate Godou.
She was completely different from Erica in this regard and unaccustomed to this behavior.
She probably had little idea of what to do in this situation. Finding Ena inexorably adorable
like this, Godou inserted his tongue into Ena's mouth and probed deep.
"Mmm... Ah!"
Surprised, Ena moaned. But unfazed, Godou began to explore her tongue inside Ena's mouth.
The two tongues entangled each other and came together intimately as one. Wetting each
other's lips with their saliva, they gazed into each other's eyes.
After a long and thorough kiss, Godou moved his lips away again.
Ena's face was blushing red from ecstasy as she nodded at Godou, indicating it was about
time to perform the "ritual." Godou covered her mouth with his lips to substitute for an
"Th-The Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang is an ancient Chinese god. He is also known for
his monster-slaying ability..."

Their lips pressed together, Ena seemed especially adorable as she murmured softly,
accompanied by weak breaths.
"His prototype was once thought to be a general from the either the Qin or Sui dynasties. A
man with great accomplishments in regulating floods. However, like the Great Sage Equaling
Heaven, he ended up amalgamating historical facts with all sorts of folk stories to produce the
current form of True Lord Erlang's legend..."
Their lips pressed together, spell words passed from one to the other, building a magical
connection between the two of them.

Knowledge about True Lord Erlang the Illustrious Sage flowed into Godou's mind, the result
of the spell words Ena had composed. Kissing repeatedly in this manner, the two transferred
Not long after, Godou nodded greatly.
Knowledge about an enemy god was the requirement for using Verethragna's tenth
incarnation, the [Warrior].
Once this knowledge was obtained, everything was ready. Godou confirmed that he was able
to use this weapon. Filled with gratitude, Godou finally kissed Ena gently on the lips.
"Fufu. Ena is so happy to be able to help Your Majesty..."
After smiling adorably, Ena suddenly jumped in surprise.
She frantically separated herself from Godou's body. While engaged in their behavior, they
had embraced each other, driven by their heightened emotions. Ena seemed to be suddenly
embarrassed by her actions.
Avoiding Godou's gaze, Ena bowed her head, looking very shy. This sort of behavior made
her usual boldness seem like a farfetched lie. Seeing her act so adorably, Godou decided he
would feel bad if he extended her embarrassment any further. Hence he decided not to strike
up conversation for now.
The pair remained silent for a brief while.
However, the silence was not awkward. Instead, there was a feeling as if their hearts were
connected and they could communicate without words.
Godou spontaneously looked up and found his gaze meeting with Ena's. Feeling a little
embarrassed, he peeked at Ena. Likewise, Ena peeked at Godou and they both smiled shyly at
the same time.
Regaining their composure after a while, Ena looked at the pot on the hearth and said:
"Oh, looks like it's about done."

Thin porridge had been cooking over a slow fire during this time. Ena took out two little
containers carrying salt and miso respectively.
Worrying about this Hime-Miko who was unskilled in cooking, Godou offered to help:
"If you don't mind, how about you let me do the rest?"
"It's okay, I want to test out the secret recipe I learned from an older man I'm acquainted
"Secret recipe? Sounds quite amazing."
"It's quite simple really. I remember him saying it when he was boiling something in a pot. No
need to put too much stuff, just add enough miso to make the taste palatable. That's what he
said roughly."
Using her usual unrefined manner, Ena scattered salt and miso into the thin porridge. After
giving it a taste, she went "That's about right" and declared her task complete.
Pouring the thin porridge into their teacups, Godou and Ena began to eat.
In terms of results, it was quite a satisfying meal.
As the taste of miso spread throughout Godou's hungry stomach which had emptied as a result
of physical exertion, the hot porridge warmed up his cold body.
However, the best seasoning was actually the opportunity to partake in this outdoor cooking
with a kindred spirit like Ena here.

Several hours passed after the weapon was prepared and dinner was eaten
Completely ready, Godou suddenly shuddered. Power coursed through his body and his
emotions began to rise. These were battle preparations.
A Campione's body and mind would automatically enter battle readiness whenever a god

As he gestured to Ena with his eyes, the Hime-Miko of the Sword nodded.
The two stood up and went outside the hut.
The approaching enemy should be the handsome godthe Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang.
"I knew it huh..."
Just as expected, a handsome young man was standing outside the hut, dressed glamorously.
As Godou nodded at the sight, Ena instantly stepped forward from his side. She intended to
participate in the battle.
"Your Majesty, Ama no Murakumo please."
Godou slowly opened his right palm and granted her the divine sword's usage rights.
This now allowed Ena to summoned the "partner" at any time. However, in contrast to the girl
who readied herself for battle, True Lord Erlang spoke, using his whispering voice as usual.
(O child of mankind, untainted by evil, I have no intention of harming an innocent girl. Only
evil monsters are my targets for slaying.)
It sounded like a voice carried by wind from afar.
Under normal conditions, they should be hearing a candid and manly voice, right?
Such was the impression given by True Lord Erlang(?)'s voice.
(Would you please stand down as a show of respect to the Illustrious Sage, True Lord
"Impossible. As His Majesty's woman, Ena is responsible for managing his swordthis
partner. I will protect His Majesty even at the cost of my life."
The jet-black divine sword suddenly manifested in Ena's hand as she made her bold
declaration. The Hime-Miko's entire body proceeded to be filled with Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi's divine aura.
Using this technique of divine possession, Ena obtained combat power allowing her to fight
divine beasts, existences one step below gods.
True Lord Erlang smiled tenderly in response.
(Excellent resolve. Disregarding your foolishness of serving the wrong master, my name of
Yang Erlang shall be tainted if I should fail to commend you for your loyalty. In that case, I
swear I shall defeat Kusanagi Godou without bringing you to any harm!)
He really acted so much like an "ally of justice" that one could almost see a halo behind him.

It was quite fitting for a god known for benevolence and evil slaying. Nevertheless, Godou
was quite surprised. He recalled the [Heretic God], Verethragna, he had met in the very
Thinking back closely, that youth was also a protector god of justice.
However, wandering on earth, he was devoured by the maniacal nature of his heretic self,
twisting his original divinity subtly, going as far as to make him a menace to the inhabitants
of Sardinia.
In contrast, True Lord Erlang the Illustrious Sage displayed such dazzling splendor
Incomprehensible. Godou cast his doubts aside for now. He currently had to fight this threeeyed god.
"The Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang, was born as the nephew of the emperor of the
heavens, the highest god in the Daoist pantheon!"
Godou spoke spell words softly, taking on the [Warrior] incarnation.
In order to create the blade for slicing apart this benevolent god, he continued to utter spell
"In ancient times, the sister of the emperor of the heavens descended upon the earth and bore
a child with a human. This child is True Lord Erlang. As a soldier, indeed he served his uncle
in the celestial realm."
Spheres of light appeared one after another in Godou's surroundings.
"However, the majority of his stories take place in the mortal realm, including the subduing of
Sun Wukong. Despite being a god, True Lord Erlang made his residence in China's Guanzhou
prefecture. After receiving divine orders to defeat Sun Wukong who was causing mayhem in
the lower realm, he stepped forward to subdue the monkey."
Within the blink of an eye, the spheres of light now numbered in the hundreds.
Like radiant stars in a galaxy, shining in the night sky, these were all blades for slicing True
Lord Erlang apart and weapons that moved in accordance with Godou's thoughts.
Readying his deadly sword formation, Godou glared at his enemy sharply.
"A noble heavenly being who lingered in the mortal realm to fight and perform benevolent
deeds. In other words, a legend of a wandering noble. Rather than a pure god of war, he was a
archetypical protagonist from legends of wandering noblesthis is precisely True Lord
Erlang's characteristic and the reason why the people revere and praise him!"
Responding to these spell words that carried the intent to attack, dozens of spheres of light
flew towards True Lord Erlang.

On the other hand, the three-eyed, handsome young man smiled cheerfully despite being the
target. He was quite composed.
(Hmph. To be honest, I already understand your sword quite well.)
These words, delivered with a smile, greatly surprised Godou.
(Indeed, the spell words for slicing through us gods is a troublesome weapon. But so long as
one knows its operating principles, one could easily come up with quite a number of
As Godou watched in surprise, True Lord Erlang underwent a transformation.
The three-eyed handsome young man instantly took on the form of a monkey. Standing
160cm in height, wearing a yellow Beijing opera costume, wielding the Ruyi Stafthis
appearance belonged precisely to the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong!
(Behold, I am not the divine lord, the Illustrious Sage. My family name is Sun, given name is
Wukong... The Great Sage Equaling Heaven hereby announces his entry!)
The flying spell words of the sword all struck Sun Wukong/True Lord Erlang.
However, these spheres of light, which were normally supposed to slice through his divinity,
only ended up bumping into Sun Wukong's body of flesh. They were unable to cause any
damage at all!
"This is a spell of transformation, Your Majesty. Like Sun Wukong, True Lord Erlang is also
a god skilled in transformation!"
"Using [Transformation] to become another god, thereby obtaining a body unaffected by the
The spell words for slicing True Lord Erlang could not cut the Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
Through Ena's warning and the [Warrior]'s eyes that could see through an enemy's traits,
Godou discerned what his enemy had done.
Furthermore, he discovered another fact.
Apart from the [Warrior], none of Verethragna's incarnations were available.
Let alone the [Bull] or the [Raptor], even the trump card that was in certain ways more
precious than the [Warrior]the [White Stallion]could not be used.
Godou frowned.
[Heretic Gods] and Campiones were existences reviled by the world for the most part.

Consequently, the [White Stallion] incarnation was able to take a decisive role in most of
Godou's battles by exterminating the people's public enemy. However, in True Lord Erlang's
He had shown consideration by refraining from harming Liliana, Yuri, Ena and the others.
In other words, True Lord Erlang's actions embodied his existence as a "perfect god of
benevolence" who "only vanquished evil." Hence, he could not possibly become the [White
Stallion]'s target.
"None of my usual tactics work at all... So I guess the 'nemesis' Mariya mentioned is this guy
Finding the enemy more difficult to handle than expected, Godou muttered.
But involuntarily, his lips twisted in a savage grin, forming a grotesque shape.
Fine by me. Even if I cannot use the spell words of the sword or the power of the sun, I'll still
continue to fight. No matter what, I will seize victory in my hands. After all, that's exactly
what I've been doing all along.
Fighting hopeless battles against enemies with no chance of winning
Kusanagi Godou found himself gradually accustomed to this sort of challenging situation
despite his best intentions!
(Fufufufu. What sharp eyes you have. As a Devil King who stands as the enemy of gods, this
is more like it.)
True Lord Erlang whispered as if responding to Godou's fighting spirit.
Then Sun Wukong's body began to change. From a war god in the shape of a monkey, he
instantly turned into a tall and muscular old man.
This was a personno, god whom Godou recognized.
Ena cried out. After taking on Sun Wukong's appearance, True Lord Erlang transformed into
Susanoo this time.

Campione!:BR SS 7
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The Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang (Part 4)

Kusanagi Godou and the Illustrious Sage, True Lord Erlang, began their battle in front of a
riverside hut.

This was a confrontation between the god-slaying sword wielded by the war god Verethragna
against the transformation arts employed by the noble, evil-slaying god of China.
"Manifest justice in this world through these spell words of mine!"
Chanting the sacred warlord's incantation, Godou accelerated a portion of the [Sword].
Over a thousand spheres of light, shining brightly like stars in the night sky, surrounded
Godou all around and overhead.
From among them, ten-odd spheres of light flew towards True Lord Erlang.
The three-eyed, handsome young man was supposed to be attacked by these spheres of light,
but his current appearance was that of a muscular old man.
The enemy had taken the form of the hermit [Heretic God], Susanoo, with whom Godou was
(Fufu. This skill is employed for the sake of countering your spell words of the sword. Savor
it well.)
The flying [Swords] struck Susanoo/True Lord Erlang's body.
But Godou frowned. They simply struck without causing any damage.
The [Sword] turned out to be completely useless!
(These spell words are the blades for slicing True Lord Erlang the Illustrious Sage... In that
case, were I to transform into another god, I should be able to withstand them more or less. It
looks like my idea is correct.)
"Looks like it, but then again, there should be limits to transformations, right?"
He had transformed into completely unrelated divinities.
No matter how skilled in the spell of transformation, he could not possibly keep this up
indefinitely. Godou began to focus his gaze and stared at the being who looked just like the
old god Susanoo.
The [Warrior] incarnation, which controlled the sword of spell words, possessed the power to
see through an enemy's true nature.
Currently, True Lord Erlang could be described as weaving Susanoo's divinity using the spell
of transformation to cover himself like a layer of clothing.
In this manner, Verethragna's [Sword] could apparently be deceived for now
Godou then discovered something. He could see a tiny crack in this layer of clothing where
True Lord Erlang's original divinity was leaking out.

So long as it could be seen like thisthe enemy can be vanquished!

"I am the strongest, holding all victory in my hands! All evil-doers, tremble before my
Chanting spell words with certainty, Godou caused roughly ten spheres of light to accelerate.
Then the spheres flew before Susanoo/True Lord Erlang one after another, and just before
they penetrated that muscular body
(Make haste! To manifest endless divine powers, a miracle shall appear!)
Susanoo's lips moved to release True Lord Erlang's whispers. The enemy was chanting spell
words as well.
The storm god's appearance changed at this time, taking on a new form in seconds.
"Another guy I know!"
Godou yelled.
This time, True Lord Erlang had become a glaring old man dressed in a black coat.
An air of intellect combined with a pair of emerald-green eyes like a tiger'sthe enemy from
the past, Dejanstahl Voban.
Furthermore, the instant True Lord Erlang took on the guise of Devil King "Voban"
Godou could no longer see the crack. After True Lord Erlang's original divinity was
concealed beneath the newly transformed appearance, the crack was no longer visible.
As Godou watched in great surprise, the [Swords] struck Voban's body.
Once again, they struck their target without any effect. Apparently because Godou could no
longer see the crack, the [Sword] was unable to slice True Lord Erlang's divinity inside.
This countermeasure stonewalled the [Sword]'s spell words...!
Godou glared sharply in defiance to the enemy's little trick. In response, a refreshing smile
appeared on Voban's face. A rather dissonant sight. Indeed, the elderly man could not
possibly smile so cheerfully.
This stood as evidence that True Lord Erlang was actually inside.
Since that was the case, Godou focused his eyes and stared again, in order to find a similar
imperfection in the transformation spell.
However, before he could succeed, True Lord Erlang took action.
(Make haste!)

Accompanied by brief spell words, he transformed again.

This time, he did not take on the appearance of a Campione but a deity instead.
Godou jumped in surprise. It was a nostalgic silver-haired pubescent girl. Although she was
wearing modern clothing, she gave off a conqueror's aura like a queen. This was the serpent
goddess of darkness whom Godou had fought in the past.
True Lord Erlang transformed into Heretic Athena, and at the same time
(Light that reveals evil, manifest thus. Enact miracles to vanquish evil and uphold justice,
burn the heretics and weaken all evil!)
A vertical opening appeared on young Athena's forehead to reveal a third eye. This eye
suddenly shone brightly.
Instantly, Godou felt magical power flowing out of his body.
The third eye seemed to manifest the miracle of stealing a Campione's power.
Godou recalled what happened during dusk.
When facing off against True Lord Erlang for the first time, he was also drained of magical
power in the same way.
Seeing as that was the case, Godou instantly raised the magical power in his body in order to
resist the miracle enacted by the [Eye]. A Campione's body already possessed extremely
potent resistance against magic and authorities. So long as Godou was not caught off guard,
he could prevent his magical power from being completely drained. Nevertheless, he still
clicked his tongue.
Godou could still feel the magical power in his body siphoned off slowly.
As expected of his "nemesis." Godou could not defend completely. Accompanying the loss of
magical power, the [Sword]'s shining spheres of light disappeared one by one from Godou's
Then the enemy's counterattack came.
(Fufufu, now is about time for me to begin taking the offensive.)
Three-eyed Athena murmured as she approached.
With lightning speed, Athena/True Lord Erlang jumped in front of Godou. A three-pronged
bladed polearm manifested in the goddess' right hand.
This was True Lord Erlang's double-edged tridentusing this weapon, the enemy made a
thrust towards Godou's heart!

A sure-kill thrust was arriving with frightening speed.

Just in the nick of time, Godou jumped left and managed to evade the attack.
Campiones were blessed with exceptional concentration during combat. Thanks to that,
Godou was able scurry around with beast-like reflexes.
"It feels like this guy should be able to fight equally with that idiot Doni..."
Faced with his opponent's overwhelming offensive, Godou groaned.
Salvatore Doni was a genius swordsman for whom titles such as Sword Demon or Sword God
would not be excessive. At the same time, he was also a Campione. Godou recognized that
True Lord Erlang's martial prowess were on the same level as that man.
Attempting to use the [Raptor] incarnation's divine speed to fightwould be a poor decision
Masters on this level should be able to see through divine speed, rendering it meaningless.
(Since I have grown accustomed to this body, my movements will not be as clumsy as earlier.
Come, fight me fair and square!)
"If you want to fight fair and square, then I hope you'd stop using those absurd
True Lord Erlang smiled and ignored Godou's retort, transforming once again.
This time he turned into Athena's adolescent form, instantly growing taller and lengthening
the arms and legs. The clothes also changed into modest, ancient attirethe original
appearance Athena had recovered.
Seeing this, Godou attempted to search for a flaw in the transformation again.
But just as he was about to do that, True Lord Erlang suddenly threw away the double-edged
trident in his hand. At the same time, the ambush took place.
Ena slashed towards True Lord Erlang who was in Athena's form.
In order to avoid getting in the way of Godou's manipulation of the [Sword], the Hime-Miko
of the Sword had kept her distance from the battlefield, lying in wait for a chance to make a
surprise attack with the jet-black divine blade, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
Ena swung the divine sword overhead using the hassou-no-kamae stance.[1] This was a strike
using the body's full power.

Most likely eschewing all defense, this was a deadly blow focused entirely on taking out the
enemy. Furthermore, Ena was already in the state of divine possession, having summoned
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's divine aura into her body.
Nevertheless, Athena/True Lord Erlang calmly evaded the slash with a light twist of the body.
Not only that, he even swung his right hand like a whip in a flash during the instant Ena
moved past him. Effortlessly, he pushed the Hime-Miko away with the back of his hand.
(O maiden, such ferocious vigor you have!)
"Are you okay, Seishuuin!?"
Seeing his companion sent flying by the god's blow and fallen on the ground, Godou called
Ena swiftly got up before she answered and prepared the divine sword in a stance once more.
Her quick movements and imposing demeanor indicated that she was not injured.
"No harm done at all, Your Majesty. Completely okay."
Ena reported her safety completely nonchalantly.
"Didn't the god, True Lord Erlang, mention just now? He will obtain victory without harming
Ena whatsoever. So there shouldn't be any danger."
"We can't possibly believe that guy completely. He could easily go back on a verbal
"True. But then again, Ena feels like this god won't go back on his word. How should one put
it? Basically he absolutely won't do anything immoral like that..."
Ena disagreed with Godou's warning.
Godou was mildly surprised, although he did secretly harbor the same impression Ena got
from the god.
Even if the fundamental nature of the divinity was benevolent, wandering on earth as a heretic
caused distortions at the same time, finally resulting in a god of misfortune bringing calamity
and disaster. This was what [Heretic Gods] were supposed to be.
(Ho. There is no need to be concerned with trivial details of that sort.)
Keeping the third eye open, Athena/True Lord Erlang smiled.
(Your considerations are correct. I, Erlang, am not one of those who shamelessly renege on
their own promises. How about I swear an oath not to harm you the slightest?)

Immediately after declaring thus, True Lord Erlang manifested a new weapon in his hand.
First there was the bow in his left hand. Then there was the fist-sized ball of iron in his right.
The evil-slaying and righteous warrior god placed the iron ball onto the bowstring and drew
the bow to its limit.
The iron ball was shot like an arrowThis was the ancient Chinese long range weapon
known as the peddle bow.
Twang! As the bowstring sounded, the iron ball flew out. The target was Kusanagi Godou,
naturally. Furthermore, the iron ball released crackling blue-white lightning as it flew!
Just as Godou and Ena readied their stances to receive the incoming attack
"Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me!?"
Godou and Ena both heard familiar spell words.
"O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not
These were the Golgotha spell words, the trump card of the girl known as the [Diavolo
Just as expected, Erica leaped from the shadows amidst the trees, wrapped in her usual red
and black cape, carrying the lion's magic sword, Cuore di Leone.
"But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel!"[3]
The magic sword was currently infused with the spell words of resentment and despair.
An ordinary human would probably die instantly upon close contact with the sword. Using
Cuore di Leone which had been imbued with this power, Erica struck down the electrified
iron ball head on.
Lightning scattered noisily as the two halves of the iron ball rolled about on the ground.
The latecomer turned her head back to reveal a cheerful smile, her face as glamorous as
"I seem to have kept you two waiting, Godou and Ena-san."
"You don't seem very flustered, on the other hand."
Godou calmly replied to the "partner" who had finally arrived.
Although this battle was playing out completely differently from past conflicts, Godou found
himself surprisingly calm and composed
Simply the fact of Erica's arrival gave him such a feeling.

"Because I have appointments with other people sometimes. It's hard to be in both places at
once. But no matter, it's not like one could bring a million reinforcements."
Erica asserted fearlessly, reminiscent of a lioness.
"Just as you already know, I, Erica Blandelli alone, am more valuable than a million
reinforcements. Godou, I shall prove my worth and compensate my tardy arrival at the same
Even though she was already late, Erica easily took the spotlight as the protagonist in the
This manner of entering the stage made full use of Erica's natural talents.
In response to Erica's appearance, the warrior god transformed from Athena back to his
original form.
This was True Lord Erlang the Illustrious Sage's reappearance as the tall and handsome young
man as well as the three-eyed warrior.
(Kusanagi Godou's direct vassals have gathered. In that case, I have no choice but to show my
true appearance once more.)
"Yes. I cannot possibly let Erica steal ahead and take all the credit!"
Answering in a stern tone, this was Liliana's voice which Godou had not heard for the last few
Wielding the bow of Jonathan in her hand, she walked to Godou's side.
Godou went "I see" and nodded. The girls must have rushed over from Tokyo to Chichibu
after receiving the letter Godou and Ena had sent several hours earlier.
After arriving near this mountain, they used magic to search for Godou's location, then flew
here using Liliana's flight magic
If that was how things transpired, it would only be natural for another girl to be present. Just
as expected, Yuri also came running, dressed in her miko outfit.
"Godou-san, I have important news regarding True Lord Erlang..."
Yuri reported as soon as she arrived by Godou's side.
"About the noble one... The real identity of the True Lord!"
Godou was shocked by her words. He immediately swept his gaze towards the rest of his
companions. Erica, Liliana and Ena all nodded in response, implying they will hold the god
off for a while.

Ena rushed headlong with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, charging at True Lord Erlang. She
unleashed a blazing slash.
The True Lord swiftly evaded the attack. Aiming at this opportunity, Erica used Cuore di
Leone to make a thrusting attack. Thrice in a row.
Although True Lord Erlang evaded the three thrusts successively, he was thrown off balance
Erica instantly leaped to the right, creating an opening for Liliana to fire her arrows.
The arrows of blue-white light shot by the bow of Jonathan were also infused with the spell
words of David!
(Fufufufu. These maidens are quite a handful to handle!)
With extreme alacrity, True Lord Erlang swung his right hand, striking down the arrow of
light with a karate chop.
Indeed, these were literally divine skills that only a warrior god could possess.
Next, Ena used Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi again to perform an overhead cut. It was a
jumping slash that used the entire body's strength.
True Lord Erlang caught the divine sword with both hands in a display of the secret arts of
unarmed counters against bladed weaponry.
Ena, Erica and Liliana carried out their own attacks in continuous succession.
Meanwhile, True Lord Erlang exhibited all sorts of divine skills, evading, deflecting and
blocking the trio's attacks completely.
However, Erica and the girls were not so pressed as to be driven back, due to the fact that the
True Lord only engaged in defense. Thus, the girls succeeded in buying time for Godou.
During this time, Godou listened to what Yuri had to say.
"You saw what kind of god he is?"
"Yes. The True Lord Erlang manifesting here is not a [Heretic God]. Instead, he could be said
to be... A [True God]."
Hearing Yuri's oracle, Godou was rendered dumbfounded. A true god? Did that refer to a
particular god?
"Godou-san, you already know that the Netherworld is the place known as the Boundary of
Life and Immortality. The Domain of Life refers to the mortal world here. The Domain of
Immortality is the world where gods originally reside."

Yuri explained the structure of the world in a quick tone of voice.

"[Heretic Gods] do not exist in the Domain of Immortality. When gods arrive in the mortal
world by some chance occurrence, they are twisted and become [Heretic Gods] who deviate
from their original existence. The god manifesting here is the True Lord Erlang who only
exists in the Domain of Immortality... So this should be an clone."
"You said clone? A clone of the actual Erlang?"
"Yes. It feels like the True Lord is transmitting his divine power from the Domain of
Immortality, thereby taking action with this clone. That is the feeling I am getting."
"Come to think of it, that guy did mention something about a 'crude body.'"
Godou did not think Yuri's speculation was off. He nodded.
I see. So that was why he made a perfect display of how a evil-slaying warrior god of
benevolence should act.
"In that case, then the [White Stallion] definitely could not target him."
The unfortunate gut feeling he was having was now confirmed. Godou sighed. To be honest,
he was banking his hope on the [White Stallion] a little.
Godou had wondered if the handsome god would expose his nature as a [Heretic God] sooner
or later.
In that case, the battle against him became even simpler.
"So Godou-san's 'nemesis' that I sensed last time, really turns out to be..."
"Looks like it's this guy. And indeed he's tough to handle, most truly."
"Umm, Godou-san? Despite saying that, your face looks rather calm."
"Hmm, yeah. It's basically thanks to you, Mariya, I am now able to steel my resolve."
Godou smiled wryly in response to the incredulous Hime-Miko's query.
"Or rather, you've helped me muster my determination to test out a drastic measure I wanted
to avoid as much as possible. Otherwise, I really wouldn't have wanted to do this."
"But even if I tried, I cannot stop you, right?"
This time it was Yuri's turn to sigh while Godou scratched his head.
"Since it has come to this, I can only say this to you: Please take care...!"
"Yeah. I will try my best to return alive. So that's that!"

Yuri's words were analogous to a virtuous wife bidding farewell to a terrible husband who
was setting off for a reckless duel.
Feeling gratitude for the gentleness in Yuri's gaze, Godou rushed towards the god and the rest
of his companions.
This was in front of the hut where he and Ena had stayed, the riverside where he had passed
by when hiking earlier in the night.
The trio of Erica, Ena and Liliana currently had True Lord Erlang surrounded.
Ultimately, they were able to persevere till now only because the enemy did nothing but
While evading the girls' magic sword, divine sword and arrows of light, the True Lord finally
First he shouted "Hah!" to immobilize Liliana. Then he poked Ena in the back with his middle
finger, sending the Hime-Miko of the Sword collapsing on her knees.
Finally, he swung his arm like a whip and struck Erica with the back of his hand.
Although the blonde beauty already used Cuore di Leone to block, she still could not
withstand the impact and was sent flying faraway.
Godou's arrival coincided with where she was flying, so he immediately caught her.
"Are you okay, Erica?"
"Yes, I guess. What about you, are you ready?"
Held in his arms, Erica did not have any injuries. Indeed, the enemy was truly a warrior god
of benevolence. True Lord Erlang's earlier oath applied to people apart from Ena and he
intended to adhere to it to the very end.
"Yes. I will decide the match next so there's something I need your help for."
True Lord Erlang displayed a light smile as he stared straight at Godou.
His companions could no longer pin him down so Godou explained concisely.
"What I'm about to do will be quite risky so I'm relying on you. If it succeeds, my life will be
saved, so do your best."
"What completely vague orders. But you can thank me, Erica Blandelli, right now."
The smile surfacing on Erica's face displayed a lioness' ferocity and a queen's glory.
"I will show you that I am the woman who will surely meet your expectations!"

"Yeah, I'm relying on you."

Ending the brief planning session, Godou sprinted towards True Lord Erlang.
Now it was time to decide the match one on one. True Lord Erlang smiled at the arrival of the
final phase.
(Fufu. You have already discovered my true nature.)
"This is only your clone. Your real self must be hidden somewhere, right?"
(Hiding myself is truly regrettable. A true god has no way of traveling to the mortal world. Or
rather, the instant one leaves, one becomes heretical...)
True Lord Erlang's clone murmured in the same sort of incredible whispers he used
This voice was likely transmitted all the way from the Domain of Immortality.
(Having taken an interest in you who has involved yourself with an old acquaintance of mine,
I was thinking of testing you a little. Coincidentally, those miko happened to be randomly
messing with my talisman.)
"Give me a break. If that's the case, could you not involve anyone apart from me!?"
Saying that, Godou turned his attention to the sky.
There were still a few dozen [Swords] hovering high above.
A brief spell word caused all the [Swords] to begin moving all at once.
They were aimed at True Lord Erlang, naturally. One after another, the spheres of light struck
their target. However, it was still ineffective because the True Lord had taken on Athena's
appearance again.
While withstanding the attacks of the [Sword]'s spell words, True Lord Erlang smiled using
Athena's face.
(Kusanagi Godou. You cannot defeat me in this manner...)
"Of course I know that. So... please, Seishuuin!"
Godou made his request to the kneeling Hime-Miko. Ena instantly understood his intentions.
"Yes. Ama no Murakumo, return to His Majesty!"
The jet-black divine sword disappeared from Ena and manifested in Godou's hand instead.

The self-styled "partner" of the god-slayer, the god in the form of a sword. Godou gripped the
Japanese sword's hilt tightly as he glared at Athena/True Lord Erlang.
Finally free of the [Sword]'s wave of attacks, the benevolent warrior god drew his peddle bow
and fired!
The iron ball was shot. Judging from its trajectory, it was aimed at Kusanagi Godou's
forehead. The iron ball sliced through wind as it traveled but Godou evaded calmly.
Just as the iron ball was about to strike Godou on the forehead, he used the [Raptor]
This was the incarnation that could only be used in response to a high speed attack. While
using this incarnation of divine speed, Godou obtained a light and agile body as well as
overwhelming acceleration while everything else slowed down
The iron ball slicing through the wind slowed down all at once, allowing Godou to dodge with
However, the use of this incarnation caused severe heart pain to Godou afterwards and also
immobilized his body not long after that.
(Fufu. Do you really believe you can defeat me in the limited time you have remaining?)
Seeing a time limit in Godou's course of action, True Lord Erlang smiled.
At the same time, he transformed from Athena back to the original handsome young man. He
must have concluded that there was no need to transform once Godou no longer had the
Just as he pointed out, there was little time remaining.
Hence, Godou had to decide the match in one fell swoop.
Wielding Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi arbitrarily, Godou pointed the blade at True Lord
Erlang and made a straight thrust. Using the [Raptor]'s divine speed, he attacked in a straight
(Hmph, no matter what kind of divine speed, fast as lightning, I can still see through it!)
Boldly asserting, True Lord Erlang swung his right fist in response.
A martial arts move capable of countering divine speed. This was a secret art that both
Salvatore Doni and Her Eminence Luo Hao had exhibited in the past. Nevertheless, because
of Erlang's "crude body" as Godou expected
True Lord Erlang's fist failed to strike down Godou. Instead, it resulted in mutual injuries.
Godou pierced the flank of True Lord Erlang's abdomen using Ama no Murakumo no

True Lord Erlang's hook punch landed on Godou's left ribs.

Suffering the horrifying attack, Godou felt intense pain.
It felt like being struck by lightning. Although the punch landed in the region of his ribs, the
terrifying impact coursed through his entire body. But at least he survived.
On the other hand, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was embedded deeply in True Lord
Erlang's flank. Although the divine sword was buried to the hilt, there was not a single drop of
(Hmm... This is getting challenging.)
True Lord Erlang's calm and composed whispers could be heard. As expected, this was not
his true body.
Godou grinned savagely in response. Now he could put "that plan" into action...
Forcing his aching body to move, Godou kicked the ground and jumped.
Taking the skewered True Lord Erlang along with him, Godou took a leap.
The [Raptor] incarnation granted more than simply mobility of divine speed. Jumping ability
and lightness of the body were also greatly augmented. Owing to this ability, Godou jumped
into the river with divine speed.
The surface water current was quite rapid, with uneven rocks protruding. Since this was quite
far up the mountain near the river's source, the water was not very deep, only reaching up to
roughly knee or waist level at most.
Landing on a rock in the middle of the river, Godou jumped again.
Following the river, Godou aimed for some place higher, farther away.
(What are you planning, Kusanagi Godou!?)
Thanks to the giant leaps granted by the [Raptor], Godou obtained an overhead view of the
headwater's flow. About thirty meters away from the hut where Godou and Ena had rested,
there was a fast flowing waterfall.
Although the river was quite narrow at that point and lacked the magnificence of a great
waterfall, the height of the fall was quite substantial. Probably a fall of forty or fifty meters
This was the type of waterfall that fishes could hardly swim through. Godou nodded for it was
exactly as Ena described.

'There is a rapid current slightly downstream from here leading to a waterfall. The current is
so fast that even fish find it difficult to swim in, which is why fish are rare in this area.'
Making his jumps as high and far as he could, Godou finally reached the air above the
At last, Godou used his trump card, the one he really wanted to avoid using.
"For victory, hasten forth before me..."
As the leap reached its peak, Godou chanted spell words as freefall began.
From the air, Godou could hear the rumbling of the waterfall beneath.
"O immortal sun, I beseech thee to grant radiance to the stallion. O stallion that moveth
godlike with wondrous grace, bringest forth the halo of thy master!"
Only targeting great sinners who had brought suffering to the people, this was the [White
Stallion] incarnation.
And this time, the target wasKusanagi Godou himself.
(Fuhahahaha! You wish to defeat me even at the cost of sacrificing yourself?)
Despite the time being night, the rays of dawn appeared in the eastern sky.
Bathed in the rosy glow together with Godou, True Lord Erlang, currently skewered by Ama
no Murakumo no Tsurugi, was unbelievably laughing with delight.
(T-To think you had the self-awareness of the great sinner you are!)
"S-Screw that! That's why I didn't want to use this method!"
(But then again, this means mutually assured destruction together with me?)
True Lord Erlang spoke as he motioned towards the faraway bottom of the waterfall they
were freefalling towards.
He's not planning to resist? That's quite honest of him. In this very instant, a chain carrying an
anchor came flying from the ground and wrapped itself multiple times around Godou's right
True Lord Erlang whispered (Hmm!?) and stared dumbfounded. Godou breathed a sigh of
"That girl Erica managed it after all..."
The instant he murmured, the chain clattered as it began to tug Godou's body.

This chain was created from Erica's iron alchemy. Launched into the air from the ground, it
began to drag Godou.
Then the sun's shining light came flying from the eastern sky. Godou began to meditate
silently: Reduce the scale of destruction as much as possible. Reduce, reduce... He kept
reciting in his mind.
If the [White Stallion] was used without restraint, the tragic incineration of Palermo's harbor
would be repeated.
But if he reduced the power as much as possible, he could limit destruction to roughly the size
of two or three yachts. As for the greatest scale of destruction, Godou had no idea but the
thought of testing it out never occurred to him...
Due to reducing the power halfway, the size of the shining beam of light shrunk all at once.
One resulting advantage was that the flames rushing through the sky missed the original target
whose position had deviatedKusanagi Godou who was being dragged by the chain.
In this manner, only True Lord Erlang was engulfed by the light and heat.
(Fufufu. What a fulfilling night, Kusanagi Godou. Should ill fate bring our paths to cross
again, a rematch with no holds barred would be nice. Let us meet again!)
Godou barely managed to hear the handsome warrior god's parting words.
Perhaps he exhausted his good fortune in the scene just now. After saving Godou from his
crisis, the chain loosened and lost grip of him. Godou fell straight down towards the waterfall
beneath. Or rather than fall, he was crashing down.
The only saving grace was that the waterfall directly beneath would break his fall. Several
seconds later, Godou crashed and sank into the water while experiencing a terrifying impact.
Furthermore, his heart was suffering maximum pain and his body was getting stiff with
paralysis. These were all side effects after using the [Raptor].
Am I going to die this time? Godou was struck with the fear of death. Oh well, ever since
becoming a Campione, he had already endured such terrifying experiences repeatedly,
numbering in the teens.
One could say that terrifying experiences were customary now.
Even soGodou began to ponder with deep feeling. He really wished for occasional
opponents he could defeat easily with the [Ten Incarnations]. Facing opponents of that sort,
he would not need to bear so much hardship every single time...
As he prayed for this wish from the bottom of his heart, Godou faced death once again.
"Are you okay, Kusanagi Godou!?"

Then someone extended a helping hand.

The god-slayer was saved by the selfless efforts of a friend, naturally, rather than a goddess of
Jumping swiftly into the waterfall, Liliana pulled Godou out from the water. Naturally, the
silver-haired knight with flight capability would act the fastest in situations like this one.
Supported by Liliana on the bank at the bottom of the waterfall, Godou managed to sit up.
Very soon, he would enter the state of complete immobilization which would definitely result
in drowning. Despite his embarrassing state, Godou desperately tried to speak.
"A-At least I survived... Thank you for saving me. But..."
Due to swallowing many mouthfuls of river water as well as the usual paralysis, Godou could
not speak very well.
Nevertheless, he still forced himself to express gratitude to Liliana. He added:
"I-It's common for people trying to save the drowning to get into accidents themselves... Be
more careful..."
"No need to worry. Do remember that I am a witch, so I more or less know several spells for
preventing drowning. Witches are not only able to fly in the sky but also skilled in swimming
in the water."
Influenced by Liliana's giggling smile, Godou smiled in return. Come to think of a it, a
mermaid swimming freely in the water would be quite an elegant sight.
Realizing he was saved as a result of this, Godou nodded gratefully to LilianaThen he
noticed something at this moment and frantically turned his gaze away.
To his great surprise, Liliana was dressed only in underwear. Her slender figure was clad only
in a two-piece set of violet lingerie.
"M-My apologies. I was thinking it would be easier to save you in this manner, so I swiftly
undressed before entering the water..."
"I-Idiot... I should be the one saying sorry about this. You shouldn't need to apologize."
Liliana used her arms to cover up her chest in embarrassment.
On the other hand, Godou's body had started to become rigid, preventing him from shifting
his line of sight.
Consequently, the silver-haired knight desperately shrank into a ball, trying to avert his gaze.
But then she suddenly jumped in surprise and leaned close to Godou's face instead.

"U-Umm. I have a suggestion..."

Clearly it was just a simple question, but her voice sounded inexplicably seductive.
Her usual, stern demeanor was gone as if it never existed. Godou gulped in response.
"Kusanagi Godou. Your body seems to be in poor condition. I believe that healing magic
needs to be administered."
"Th-This is simply an act of healing. So you must accept it no matter what!"
"B-But even if you say that so suddenly..."
As much as Godou wanted to stop her, Liliana slowly pressed her lips close.
She intended to apply magic through mouth to mouth. As much as Godou wished to evade,
his body could not move. Furthermore, he found himself attracted to Liliana's beautiful face
and the moist-looking eyes gazing at him

Just as he was about to accept the silver-haired knight's request

"Wait a minute, Lily. Since everyone is here, you can't be stealing credit for yourself, right?"
"S-Stealing credit is something that never crossed my mind. I am simply worried about the
state of my lord's health."
Erica expressed her objections with ladylike elegance. Although slightly panicking, Liliana
still retorted in a stern and knightly tone of voice. At some point in time, everyone had arrived
to this downstream location.
Erica, Ena had arrived. Even Yuri, who had contributed greatly, was approaching as she
panted heavily.

"Besides, I believe that Seishuuin Ena is the first person to steal a march."
Glancing at Ena's carefree face, Liliana stated.
"Kusanagi Godou must have obtained knowledge about True Lord Erlang at some point in
time. The one who took on the role of instruction could be no one else but you."
"Yes. So that doesn't count as stealing a march."
Ena happily ignored the female knight's accusations.
"If someone else apart from Ena were present, then Ena wouldn't need to do it."
"E-Excuse me, everyone. Let us first put this matter aside for now. Do remember that Godousan fell from such a great height and was even drowning, okay!?"
Yuri interjected with a slightly angry tone of voice.
"Our first priority is to take care of Godou-san before"
"You have a point, but there's really no need to be too concerned with priority at times like
these, right?"
Erica smiled calmly in response.
"This personKusanagi Godouis quite absurd in all sorts of ways, but above all is his
ridiculous aspect of being 'unkillable.' "
"That does sound about right, but Erica-san!"
Godou was greatly pleased by Yuri's care towards him in furiously trying to convince the rest
of the girls.
Oh well, as part of the common sense faction, Yuri would only accidentally say something
like 'that does sound about right' because she was caught up in the mood of the situation.
In any case, Godou felt extremely cold in his completely drenched state, unable to move his
arms at all.
Whether the dispute between the four girls, fights against strange gods, or even near death
experiences like this, all of it could be considered a frequent occurrence in his life. Nothing
particularly shocking.
Godou took a deep breath, feeling inexplicably happy about the girls' argument.

Meanwhile, in a corner of the Netherworld

Two noble ones were standing face to face in a deep mountain hut while a storm raged
outside. One was the elderly god known as Susanoo, the former [Heretic God] Haya Susanoo
no Mikoto.
He was the storm god with intimate ties to Japanese imperial authority as well as the proper
owner of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
"So, True Lord, what's your take on the brat?"
"A reckless and immature fellow. However, combined with the unruly willpower he displayed
in the end, it is certainly fitting for a god-slayer. Speaking of which"
The one answering Susanoo's question was the handsome warrior god, the Illustrious Sage,
True Lord Erlang.
"The heavenly child who slumbers... To me it is difficult to determine if he is truly capable of
defeating the god-slaying Devil Kings."
True Lord Erlang possessed the countenance of the [Noble Wandering Hero]. This was also
an aspect belonging to the heroic god nicknamed the "King of the End."
"Are you filled with anticipation for something you sensed?"
"Hahaha. I believe that unruly fellow's exploits should not stop with battling the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven. Should an opportunity arise in the future, I will exterminate him for good."
True Lord Erlang laughed lightly and told Susanoo:
"In that case, I cannot idle here any longer."
"Hoho. My apologies for troubling you in various ways."
Almost simultaneously, True Lord Erlang disappeared from the thatched hut.
The real True Lord Erlang could only exist in the [Domain of Immortality].
This time, only a small portion of his divine spirit had descended upon the earth due to being
summoned by the talisman of the Illustrious Sage.
Furthermore, this Netherworld was the homeward path leading to the Domain of Immortality.
Along the way back, True Lord Erlang had a chat with Susanoo at the latter's invitation.
Watching the True Lord vanish, Susanoo smiled with joy and refilled his wine cup.

Chapter 1 - Seeking the Mysterious Devil King, the

Part 1

This story took place before Kusanagi Godou had gone to Nikkou and confronted the Great
Sage Equaling Heaven, just as the middle of September was drawing near.
That night, everyone at the Kusanagi house was having a family-only dinner. Three people
were present: Godou and his little sister Shizuka, as well as their grandfather Ichirou. The
mother of the siblings, Kusanagi Mayo, was not there.
Be that as it may, she was rarely at home anyway, so it was business as usual.
The blond devil from Italy wasnt around either. The silver-haired knight who unexpectedly
caused so much trouble was not there either. It really was family only.
In this calm atmosphere, Godou put his chopsticks to work on the grilled mackerel.
"But I feel like I'm forgetting something..."
"You look strange, Onii-chan. What is it, do you want seconds?" Shizuka asked while getting
herself another serving from the rice cooker.
"One more bowl, then. ... but I feel like I'm forgetting something event-like. It's irritating that
I just can't remember." Godou said while holding out his rice bowl.
A large serving of rice was heaped onto his bowl before it was returned to him. As it happens,
Shizuka had given herself the same amount.
Despite being of small build and petite stature, she was a hearty eater of a little sister.
Not getting fat no matter how much she ate. Not getting smashed no matter how much she
These were the special features that the Kusanagis' mother possessed. Like mother, like
daughter; you could sometimes catch glimpses of this in Shizuka as well. If possible Godou
didn't want her to inherit her mothers mental peculiarities like [Femme Fatale] or [Vocation:
Queen], but...
"You must be forgetting about Sakura-chan, right?"
"It's been about half a year since she entered college. She had to promise that she wouldn't
visit us here for at least half a year, remember?"
"...ahh, right, there was that..."
Koudzuki Sakura was the Kusanagi siblings' second cousin.
Because of the upheaval accompanying the shift from the Meiji era[1] to the Showa era[2], their
grandfather was the only direct descendant of the Kusanagi (although there were tales of
others in Brazil and the New Guinean archipelago).
But there were a decent number of people left from the branch families.

Plus, the connections that the Kusanagis maintained with their relatives in the countryside
were strong. They'd been close to Sakura for a long time, even though she was only distantly
"Sakura-chan, huh... she should've visited us more since she finally moved to the city. I
wonder why Uncle Koudzuki forbade her to visit for half a year..."
"If he hadn't, she'd have started freeloading here before the end of her third day in the capital,"
their grandfather responded while sipping his tea.
He might be right; Godou remembered his cousin's personality.
She did her best but at heart, she was shy and often lonely. When troubled, she often clung in
tears to those she was close to. Godou and Shizuka had often been the ones taking care of her.
Considering their respective ages, their roles should obviously have been reversed.
At this point, the doorbell rang. Shizuka got up, calling out "I'm coming!", and headed for the
front door.
"Sakura-chan! It's been ages! Come in, come in. What happened? You look so down..."
"Y-yeah. You see, Shizuka-chan, there's something I'd like some advice on..."
Hearing the voices from the entryway, Godou glanced at the oldest person in the room.
"Didn't I tell you back in the spring? As soon as her six months were up in September, she'd
come here right away. Talk about spot-on."
He was the very image of an earnestly muttering old man who'd seen everything in life.

"You see, there's something I'd really like to ask of Godoh-kun." Sakura said as she entered
the living room.

Lined up on the table were grilled mackerel and sudachi[3], grated radish, a salad of bitter
melon and tomatoes, miso soup made with nameko mushrooms, and other dishes, but since
they had all known each other for so long, nobody minded when she intruded on dinner.
She'd recently turned nineteen and become a freshman at a famous metropolitan college.
But because of her cute, yet childish face, it wasn't unusual for people to mistake her for a
middle school girl.
"Can't I help you out, Sakura-chan?"
"W-well, I think it'd be better if I asked a man about this..."
Sakura dispiritedly answered Shizuka's question.
At times like these her face resembled a frightened little puppy's.
"If it's something I can help you with, just ask me any time... are you sure you don't want
grandpa to help you?"
He didn't know what this was all about, but besides manual labor, he had no confidence in
being more capable than his grandfather.
Kusanagi Ichirou was famous for his extensive knowledge and was a master of dealing with
people. He would often be consulted for his sage advice. People even called him "Sensei"[4] or
That wise grandfather smiled gently at Sakura.
"Sakura-chan, who do you want to help you out?"
"Uhm, if you can help me I don't really mind who it is, but if I had to pick someone, then Id
really prefer, that is..."
Sakura was truly cute as she peered at Godou with upturned eyes.
If she learned to make use of that look, she could probably become a femme fatale.
"So it's decided. Onii-chan will listen to Sakura-chan's worries and I'll take care of everything
else," Shizuka said without a moment's delay. The younger sister who played the role of an
older one had always been soft on Sakura.
Shizuka was pretty critical towards the band of girls thronging around Godou, but was rather
tame during her interactions with Mariya Yuri. That sense of vulnerability given off by a
sheltered classy young lady probably stimulated Shizuka's desire to protect her.
"Alright, just talk it over in Godou's room. I'll bring you some tea later," their grandfather
casually added.
Godou noticed that he totally dodged the issue.

Their grandfather was often asked for advice, but he wasn't someone who'd start meddling on
his own.
He conversed with people in an aloof and indifferent way. Incidentally, in his bachelor days,
Kusanagi Ichirou had been popular as hell with the ladies, but he had mostly kept it away
from home.
His male friends, on the other hand, made themselves comfortable in his room without his
By allowing Erica or Liliana to come and go as they pleased, his grandson was completely
Well, whatever. Godou shrugged.
He was glad to help his cousin with her problems. Plus, he was obviously a lot closer in age to
"Got it. I don't think there's much I can do but I'll try anyway."
"It's been so long since I've been in your room, Godoh-kun, but it hasn't really changed."
"The last time was half a year ago, right? I didn't rearrange anything so that's to be expected."
Godou and Sakura faced each other across his six tatami sized room[5].
Godou's room was fairly empty. There was a bookshelf and a chest of drawers, a fold-up table
instead of a writing desk, and also a DVD player and a TV.
He didn't put much emphasis on material possessions.
In his free time he went fishing or played outdoor sports. He also would do some part-time
jobs from time to time. He didn't have much use for games. At most, he'd socialize by playing
a round of Shougi or Go. He'd rather rent than buy DVDs and CDs.
He'd read some books every now and then, but he didn't keep a collection of his own.
The Kusanagi house used to be an antiquarian bookstore and much of the inventory had never
been disposed of. So whenever he felt like reading something, there were more than enough
books lying around to satisfy his needs.
"So, Sakura-san, what's the matter?"
"U-uhm, you see, that is, I think you could stop with that now."
"With what?"
"I-I mean, calling me 'Sakura-san'. You can just call me 'Sakura'. Or 'dear', if you like."
Long ago he had called her 'Onee-chan', but at some point that had changed.

Godou couldn't remember when that transition had occurred, and casually replied: "It's fine
like this, changing it is a pain... but that's not what you wanted to ask of me, right?"
"I-it wasn't! I just happened to think of that!"
Sakura responded while turning completely red. But then she seemed to come to a standstill.
Uhm, well... she kept mumbling to herself, and couldn't get to the point. She had never been
very articulate.
It couldn't be helped. Godou changed the topic, trying to help her relax with some small talk.
"How is life in Tokyo treating you? Have you gotten used to it yet?"
"...only a little bit. I'm quite uncomfortable in crowded places..."
Sakura sounded dejected.
The Koudzuki family's home was in Miyagi[6]. When Sakura said she wanted to go to a
college in Tokyo, her father had made her obey a single rule. He had forbidden her to rely on
her relatives for half a year.
Sakura had been horrified. She had planned on freeloading at the Kusanagi's.
"Well you see, I understand father's order that I should try to live properly without relying on
anyone, I'm finally living on my own after all... but being all on my own in such a large city
made me feel really forlorn..."
"Ahh... well, if you ever get lonely, just come and visit."
Godou felt awkward because he knew the real reason Sakura's father had laid down the law.
In the beginning of spring, he'd spoken with Uncle Koudzuki over the phone:
'In short, I'm making her a gold digger.'
Upon hearing this unexpected expression, Godou had asked for clarification.
'As I said, a gold digger. A young girl lives alone in the big city for the first time... to fill the
gaps in her heart as quickly as possible, a man is best, right? Our Sakura has a nice face and
personality, but she's too much of a late-bloomer. It's about time for her to get used to men
and get ready for marriage.'
'Aren't fathers usually against their daughters finding lovers?'
'Well, yeah, but this is a father's love, too. Sakura's not like your mother. She can't make a lot
of money on her own. But a girl can always go after her husband's income. I want her to be
happy, you know.'
'Uhm, I don't think happiness is decided by money alone...'

'Sure, but that's the most important factor, y'know.'

This irresponsible uncle of Godou's was actually a tough police officer.
On the side, he served as a distinguished judo practitioner in northern Japan and was an active
role model for the younger generation.
Given all this, most people wouldn't guess what a renegade he actually was. It might not be
Godou's place to say this as the main family's successor, but his uncle had obviously inherited
the Kusanagi blood.
'What are you going to do if some lowlife tricks her?'
'Then we'll make it like it never happened... your mother and grandpa and everyone else.'
When Godou had asked whether he was joking, just to be on the safe side, all he received was
a villainous laugh.
He passed on letting Sakura in on her father's plans. She handled such matters poorly, and
would definitely spill the beans even if he told her to keep it a secret. His allowance might be
frozen as a penalty, so the risk was too high.
"Did you make friends? Or maybe find a boyfriend?" Godou asked tentatively. Sakura
instantly flushed red.
"I-I don't have a boyfriend, really! But I made a friend... ah, it's a girl of course, Godoh-kun.
Don't misunderstand!"
"I've got it, really. So you made a friend? Good girl."
He unintentionally spoke as if praising a little kid.
In response, Sakura laughed happily. Her childishness was definitely unbefitting given her
"So you see, my new friend taught me a lot, so I got a bit more knowledgeable."
"Heh, what did you learn about?"
His older cousin was delighted. Her expression was terribly adorable.
She was so cute that Godou was at a loss for words after hearing her answer.
"Ahhh, that's actually related to what I wanted some advice on... Godoh-kun, if I said I
learned to do magic, would you believe me?"
Crap. Godou felt great regret.
It is said that the lonely are easy prey for cults or occult sects. He should have remembered
that. It had been wrong to leave her isolated...

"Don't be stupid, Sakura-san. Let's calm down and be realistic."

For the time being, Godou kept his appeal calm and sincere.
"There are things people can do and things they can't. And without a doubt, magic falls in the
latter category. Dropping a lump of fire from the skies, recovering from deadly wounds in half
a day or calling forth huge monsters, that's just not something a human can do!" Godou
declared while having his heart thrown into disarray by countless memories of having done
just that.
Yep, he wasn't saying anything wrong. However, Sakura pinched her lips like a child.
"It is possible! I really learned how to use magic!"
"Well, even if you say so... if I don't see it with my own eyes I can't believe you."
"Sheesh, Godoh-kun you blockhead! Fine, right now I can't do anything because I don't have
my tools, so come visit me tomorrow. I'll show you that I can do magic!"
Godou was startled. Could she actually use magic?
Godou ruthlessly crushed his anxiety that the Kusanagi family, which should have no
connection to magic or gods, had suddenly awoken to the occult.

Part 2
After school the next day, Godou headed to Nishinippori.
The apartment building where his cousin lived was a ten minute walk from the subway
It was a nice three-story building with an auto-lock system. It had probably been built within
the last decade.
As soon as he arrived, he got a call from Liliana.
"Yes, hello?"
'I am sorry this is so sudden. After school you were gone suddenly so I was a little worried.
Just so you don't misunderstand, I definitely didn't want to hear your voice or see your face
before you went home. I had no such ulterior motives!'
Liliana's tone was somewhat awkward.
This was Liliana, after all, so maybe she had wanted to accompany Godou as his bodyguard.
"Sorry for leaving without a word. I'd promised to meet an acquaintance."
'An acquaintance... it cannot be a woman, can it?'

"Well, it is, but there's nothing going on between us, okay?"

The silver-haired knight from Milan firmly believed Kusanagi Godou was a womanizer
without equal.
As a result, she answered in a stern voice:
'If you say so, I will believe you. However please be careful. You must pay meticulous
attention so that your womanizing won't lead to future...'
"I said that's not it. I'm hanging up."
Ending the call, Godou entered the apartment building.
"Ahh, welcome~. I'll prepare some sweets and tea right away, okay?"
"It's fine, don't bother. It's not like I'm royalty or anything."
Sakura's apartment, number 201, was in a corner of the building.
The interior of the studio apartment was attentively cleaned and neatly put in order.
"So, Godoh-kun. About yesterday..."
Sakura was unusually agitated.
A few suspicious-looking items were placed on the round table in the very middle of the
A thick, leather-bound Western book. A staff about thirty centimeters long. A crystal sphere
that looked like a mail-order special. Tarot cards... all of the items looked cheap and fake.
But with his sixth sense as a campione Godou picked up minuscule amounts of magical
Although incredibly weak, those items were the real deal.
"I'm going to use magic now, so look closely. Uhm..."
Sakura started flipping through the book. The sentences were written in some kind of
alphabet, but not in English. It wasn't Italian or any other Latinate language, either.
"What language is that?"
"If I remember correctly, it's High German from the Middle Ages... I think?"
"And you can read that!?"
Godou was surprised. He hadn't realized that his cousin's foreign language skills were so

"No, I can't read it. But my friend translated most of the text..."
"You mean the friend from your college?"
"Yep. We are in the same class and we sat next to each other on our first day."
Sakura was enrolled in the Faculty of Humanities at the renowned Akinomizu Women's
So there were magi like Erica and Liliana attending that school for ladies? Or was it one of
the dozens of Japanese hime-miko?
"There it is. I'm starting, so pay attention, okay?"
After finding the right page, Sakura put a matchstick on the table.
And while looking at the opened book, without reciting an incantation she just said:
"God of magic, please make my wish come true. Thank you"
She even clapped her hands.
"W-wait a moment, Sakura-san, what are you doing!"
"What? It's magic! Uhm, what's really important isn't the incantation or whatever, but the
spirit you put into it, and clearly understanding what kind of magic you want to use."
So one doesn't need to worry about form. Ahem.
While looking at the proud Sakura, Godou remembered. When Erica and the others used
magic, their incantations (the girls called them mantra or spell words) were quite suitable.
That being said, would this really work? Just as Godou started getting anxious, it happened.
Crack. With a dry sound, the matchstick broke.
"See! Did you see that, Godoh-kun? The magic worked, isn't that amazing!"
" this perhaps a spell to break matchsticks without using your hands?
"It's not just matchsticks. I can also use it on toothpicks and small pieces of bamboo!"
It seemed like it's Sakura's specialty so Godou kept his reply very moderate. Which would be
more practical anyway, a supernatural power like spoon bending or Sakura's magic...?
Anyway, Sakura had just displayed a hidden talent that looked like magic.
When she disappeared into the kitchen, saying she'd make some tea, Godou picked up the
Western book. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, after all, and so he mentally ordered
the remaining matchsticks to break.

However, nothing happened at first. Right after he inclined his head, wondering if he had
CRACKCRACK. There was a loud noise. Outside the window, a tree toppled by the roadside.
One side of Sakura's room faced the street and from the window Godou could see that one of
the trees had broken off by its roots.
Godou looked over at Sakura in the kitchen. She was peacefully preparing the tea.
She hadn't noticed anything, so he nonchalantly placed the grimoire back on the table as if
nothing had happened.
"That was that, Godoh-kun. Now that you believe me about magic, there's something I want
to ask of you."
Sakura came back carrying two teacups on a tablet.
"Right, that's what this was about."
Trying to break matchsticks and destroying nature instead... The strength of his magical
power coupled with his lack of sensitivity was a cursed combination. Godou reaffirmed that it
was best for him not to learn magic.
"I only learned about it recently, but... apparently there's a fearsome great devil king in
"A great devil king?"
Somehow, that phrase seemed familiar to Godou.
Pushing his anxiety aside, Godou sipped his tea. Calm down. Sakura couldn't possibly know
about campione. As the person in question, Godou was certain.
"Remember all those scary incidents that happened since the spring: a highway here in Tokyo
collapsed and the Tokyo Tower caught fire, among other things... all of these were the fault of
that great devil king!"
What was it about those incidents that gave Godou a familiar feeling?
Calm down. Right now I need to be composed. I must possess an unmovable, frozen heart.
"Godoh-kun, search for that great devil king with me! I want to ask him to stop doing these
horrible things! Will you help me?"
Godou's attempt to play it cool ended in utter failure.
About halfway through his tea, he started choking. Search for the fearsome great devil king?
One of the seven devil kings himself? Could the world please stop fucking around with him!?

Afterwards, they took the subway to Omotesandou. It was about six in the evening.
The autumn sun bathed the stylish scenery of the Aoyama Doori[7] in orange.
"So, Sakura, why do you want to meet that, what was it, fearsome great devil king?" Godou
asked as he walked next to his cousin.
Apparently there was a [Magic Shop] in Omotesandou that she and her friend frequented. The
shopkeeper was very knowledgable, so they were on the way there to ask her for help.
"Ehm, that great devil king person seems to be reeeeally perverted and constantly lusts after
"NO WAY! Don't believe all those strange rumors!"
Godou accidentally shouted. Sakura shrieked in surprise with a fearful look on her face.
"W-what is it, Godoh-kun? Why are you shouting so scarily?"
"Ah, sorry. I thought you were talking about me, so I just reacted instinctively..."
"Hehehe, you'd never be so perverted, Godoh-kun, you're too earnest for that. I understand~."
Sakura smiled gently in spite of his lame excuse. She trusted those she was close to implicitly.
Doubt was unthinkable.
"Y-yeah, right, sorry for saying something so odd."
Godou was assailed by pangs of guilt from deceiving his pure-hearted cousin.
"So you see, my close friend, she is from an ooooold family of magic practicioners that long
ago served His Majesty the Emperor"
Godou thought he had recently heard of another family just like that...
He remembered the background of Seishuuin Ena, who he had gotten to know a little while
"Apparently there are other families with the same duty. And a little while ago, the great devil
king fell at first sight for a girl from one of those families and made her his lover. He even
forced her against her will!"
"Don't spout nonsense! She did that on her own!"
He shouted without thinking once again.
Godou apologized to Sakura, who was close to tears.
"Again, sorry. I just suddenly felt the urge to shout. Ignore it."

"O-okay. So you see, my friend is worried. He might also force her to become his lover.
That's why I want to tell him to stop doing horrible things. If I plead with all my might, I'm
sure he'll listen, won't he?"
Godou thought about how some of his acquaintances might respond.
Dejanstahl Voban would ignore her without blinking.
That idiot Salvatore Doni probably wouldn't even understand what Sakura wanted from him.
However, Kusanagi Godou was proud of his common sense. You could say Sakura's goal had
already been achieved. So he wanted to quickly return home, but...
Ignorant of his wishes, his cousin entered a small alley.
"See, here we are. Is anybody in?"
The shop seemed to be a remodeled single-family house. Sakura opened its door and
announced herself.
The shop seemed to overflow with handmade goods-various miscellaneous imported articles.
[Kogetsudou] was written in small letters on the doorplate.
Godou followed Sakura into the store. The interior was a mess.
Various goods with Chinese, Southeast Asian, Mongolian, Tibetan, and Polynesian labels
were lined up next to each other. Accessories, chinaware, clothes, furniture, different precious
metals, fabric, folk crafts and so forth were all mixed together.
Some of them held feeble magical power.
They seemed unexpectedly cheap for real magic items. From lows of a hundred yen through a
thousand yen, the price tags went up to twenty or thirty thousand yen. Even more expensive
articles could be found in the showcases and behind the register.
Godou noticed a woman who looked like the shopkeeper. She was quite young. For some
reason she was wearing traditional Japanese clothing and glasses.
"Oh my, dear customer, welcome~. How can I help you today?"
The shopkeeper talked to Sakura like she would to a regular customer.
"Ah, I'm not here to buy anything today. I had something to ask you."
"I see, how unfortunate. But, because of the business we've done recently, I can share some
gossip with you for just a smile. Call it customer service."
So this woman really was knowledgeable.

Erica and Liliana or Hime-miko like Yuri and Ena were surrounded by an atmosphere that
only the elite, those on the cutting edge of their field, possessed.
But the shopkeeper of this general store did not.
Instead she was more like a grass waving in the wind, gentle because she was not part of the
"T-today I wanted to ask about the great devil king who is said to be here in Tokyo."
"Great devil king, you say? Ahh, you mean the Campione~"
"The campi-what?"
"Campione. It's Italian. In English it means champion. Because the first person to write about
them was Italian, they've been called campione ever since."
Godou nodded in silent agreement.
"Well, if that's all you want to know, I guess I can tell you for free as customer service. There
are only seven of those people in the entire world. First of all, in America there is John Pluto
Smith. He is a masked hero fighting against evil secret societies. He even transforms!"
"Masked!? Transforms!?"
"In nearby China, there is Cult Leader Luo Hao, the Ruler of the Martial Realm. Somewhere
in Arabia or Egypt is the Queen of Caves, the Eternal Beauty Madame Aisha. In Eastern
Europe there is the master of storms, Marquis Voban. England has their Prince of Black
Lightning, Black Prince Alec. And Lord Salvatore reigns in Italy, he who slices through all
That made for a total of six people. At this rate, she would start talking about the seventh
Unaware of Godou's concerns, the shopkeeper kept going.
"And in our own country is the last one. ...until lately he was shrouded in mystery, but various
bits of information about him have finally appeared."
"If I'm not mistaken, he's a totally perverted person, isn't he?"
"It certainly seems so. Apparently he hasn't laid his hands on just black and brown-haired
Japanese girls, but also on blond and silver-haired beauties. He's a huge lecher."
"Even foreign girls?"
"Furthermore, he seems unexpectedly young. There's a rumor that he's not yet twenty..."
"Doesn't that make him a minor? Uhh, I didn't think someone so young could be so

The two women were getting excited. Damn them for spouting whatever they felt like.
While scowling, Godou observed the latest development. If this shopkeeper happened to
know his name...
"Could you possibly tell me the name of that perverted Devil King? I have to meet him and
ask him for a favor..."
"His name... lately his personal information has been fiercely protected..."
Ge. The shopkeeper's reply unsettled Godou.
Didn't it sound like she knew his name, but couldn't carelessly disclose it?
"His name is not well known, you see... a certain organization is restricting that information.
But they have made an exception for me..."
"If you know, please tell me. I'm begging you."
Sakura bowed her head in front of the smug shopkeeper.
Damn. The shopkeeper was secretly enjoying this. He had to seal her lips somehow! Godou
thought of a certain object. Since he met with Sakura right after school, he was still in his
uniform. He also still had his bag.
And luckily, inside the bag, he carried that...
He took out his student ID card and walked behind Sakura. He brandished his ID card behind
her back so that only the shopkeeper could see his name and photo.
She shut up at once. She had a look on her face as if she'd just run into a brown bear.
Godou put his index finger to his mouth, indicating 'Please keep this confidential'. When he
did so, the other person nodded vigorously.
"U-uhm... did something happen?"
"No, it's nothing at all. Also, I'm very sorry but the name of the Campione here in Tokyo... I'm
sorry but I don't actually know it. I am really sorry but please don't ask about it anymore."
The shopkeeper babbled at the worried Sakura.
He had not intended to threaten her... Godou felt deeply apologetic.
"Ehhh. Didn't you say just now that you knew his name?"
Sakura was insistent, as if she were unwilling to consent to this sudden shift.
Just then, another customer entered the store.

Godou was surprised. He recognized that face. It was a man in his late twenties, wearing a
worn-out business suit.
His name was Amakasu Touma. He was an enigmatic agent of the History Compilation
"Oh, did I interrupt? now, what do we have here."
While calling out to the shopkeeper, Amakasu looked at Godou and smiled. However he did
not speak to him. He probably wanted to avoid careless remarks until he understood the
"Ah! Amakasu-san, you came at just the right moment."
The face of the shopkeeper showed relief.
"Dear customer, you should ask this person about your problem. Amakasu-san here is a
specialist on that topic. He is way more informed than I am!"
"Eh, is that true? Amazing!"
"And what might 'that topic' be, now?"
The shopkeeper was suddenly wildly gesticulating, Sakura was infected with excitement,
Amakasu couldn't keep up but played it cool. And Godou sighed.

Part 3
"So, the young lady here wants to talk with the great devil king... am I getting that right?"
Godou, Sakura and Amakasu had relocated to a nearby coffee shop.
They had nabbed some window seats and Sakura had just finished telling her story.
Amakasu's pitying stare expressed 'You've also got it tough, don't you, Kusanagi-san.' Sakura
had introduced him as a 'relative and escort.'
"Yes. My friend is worried that that person might take her by force. Lately she's been really
"You said you are enrolled at Akinomizu? So it's about the young lady of the Renjou's..."
With nothing more than Sakura's self-introduction and a few brief comments, Amakasu had
identified the leak.
He was probably spot on. Sakura's eyes turned round.
Still, a civilian learning the name of a Campione... wasn't the History Compilation
Committee's information blackout surprisingly poor?

Godou stared at the agent with biting sarcasm, but it only earned him a complacent smile.
"Well, I understand her concern. That great devil king is a rare womanizer and playboy.
Putting it bluntly, you can even call him an enemy of womankind..."
Amakasu was smiling broadly. His joy was obvious for all to see.
"Well, I wonder about those rumors... I'm sure that person must be troubled by the half-truths
everybody spreads about him."
Godou tried to defend himself. At this point, Amakasu's face turned evil.
"Oh, so you know him in person?"
"Ah, I haven't met him, but that's my gut reaction. I'm familiar with that kind of situation. He
probably just wants to live in peace, yet people call him lustful and generally bother him. You
should stop with this gossip."
"Did something happen, Godoh-kun? You've been acting strange for a while now...?"
When Godou suddenly started speaking so insistently, Sakura stared worriedly at him.
Godou boldly ignored her stare.
"Sakura, you should also stop this. Amakasu-san here will certainly inform him of your
concerns. You don't have to act like a detective and-"
"I will inform him? I feel very uneasy about that..."
Amakasu said he felt uneasy, but he sounded totally carefree.
"Please do something. You're the only one we can rely on."
"I'm far from brave enough to admonish a great devil king. And there's so much other work
that's piled up..."
"You just need to meet him and talk a little. That'll be enough to make him understand."
"Wouldn't that be impossible? He's a ladies man like no other, I tell you - he'd never listen."
"That's a baseless rumor. Don't pay it any heed."
"Hahaha, going by the rumors and his reputation, the man himself is unaware of the truth."
Godou's request was simply rejected.
Dammit. Godou had underestimated Amakasu's fondness for playing around. While smacking
his lips, Godou steeled himself to give even more ground.
"By the way, do you know that person over there? She's been staring at us."

Upon hearing Amakasu's comment, Godou turned his eyes toward the corner of the room.
As he and Sakura looked in that direction, Godou was surprised. There sat a European girl
with her glowing silver mane bound in a ponytail.
The bizarre sunglasses and mask she was wearing might have been an attempt at disguise.
"...What are you doing, Liliana?"
When he called out to her, the silver-haired knight twitched in surprise.
"Y-you must be mistaking me for someone else. I d-do not know you at all."
She tried to turn away. Godou stopped probing and wordlessly pulled off her mask.
"If you have any excuses, say them now."
"Excusing myself is unthinkable. Th-That is right, I was just thinking you might be in danger
on your own. I am here to protect you. I definitely had no wretched feelings like wanting to
see the face of the woman you ran off to see. Please don't misunderstand!"
Liliana took off her sunglasses while mumbling to herself.
She was obviously flustered. Well, whatever. Godou scratched his head. She always acted like
"Got it. Anyway, come over here for now."
The tables could accommodate four people, so there was an empty seat for Liliana. Now that
Godou had noticed her, he couldn't leave her on her own.
"Is it alright?"
"Of course. Well, as long as you want to."
"O-of course I have no objection."
She was so energetic that if she were a puppy, she'd be enthusiastically wagging her tail.
Liliana stood up. Her face was still overly serious, but it looked awfully happy.
When she came to Godou's table, she asked.
"But still, why would you be here, Amakasu Touma?"
"By coincidence, completely by coincidence."
While scowling at Amakasu's reply, the silver-haired knight sat down.
Godou regretted that he hadn't told her beforehand. He believed she wouldn't be careless
because of Sakura, but...

"Are you acquainted with this person from abroad? And is she also acquainted with Godohkun?"
"Ahh, who would believe the coincidence, my friend was one of Kusanagi-san's
acquaintances, too."
"Really? That's quite a surprise."
Amakasu's reply was inconsistent with Liliana's earlier statement.
However, Sakura didn't notice the contradiction. In spite of this ridiculous bargain sale of
[coincidence], she was nodding. Her purity was dazzling.
"So what is her relation with Godoh-kun? I-is she his girlfriend?"
"Liliana my girlfriend? Why would you think so? We're just friends."
Sakura's question made Godou smile bitterly. "Right?", he said as he turned to Liliana.
Unlike her rival Erica, she wouldn't try to make the situation any worse.
"That is so. I am Liliana Kranjcar. I live my life with Kusanagi Godou, his knight so to speak.
If you will, think of me as his lifelong companion."
Liliana's self-introduction was stern.
...the person in question probably didn't intend to, but her choice of words was ripe with
potential for misunderstanding.
Should he respond by saying 'She's bad at Japanese. Sometimes she says weird stuff. Just
ignore it.'? Unfortunately, her pronunciation was flawless and that excuse was holier than
Swiss cheese, too, but...
"AAHH, I see. So you're super-close friends with Godoh-kun?"
Sakura was smiling gently.
"If you're friends for life, that's how it is, right. It's nice meeting you... but I'm relieved that
you're not his girlfriend. Yepyep, Godoh-kun couldn't have a girlfriend, right?"
Her smiling face was pure, free of the slightest hint of malice.
Godou was thankful for his cousin's extreme purity and trust. It got her into all kinds of
trouble, but her radiant heart was a wonderful virtue.
Maybe she was overpowered by that angelic smile, but for once Liliana could only reply
"...Kusanagi Godou, what is your relation with this woman? Is she another lover, or maybe a
secret wife?"

"Using 'another' here is strange. Why didn't you ask about 'friends' or 'family'? Sakura is my
second cousin and more like an older sister."
Godou's answer to the stealthy Liliana was bitter.
"Oh no, Godoh-kun, didn't you say I wasn't your sister long ago?"
"Eh, what are you talking about?"
When Sakura cut in, Godou inclined his head.
"Remember when you were in elementary school? You suddenly stopped calling me
'Oneechan'. When I asked why, you said you'd marry me once we'd grown up so I couldn't be
your sister. Don't you remember?"
"...oh, right, now that you mention it..."
Godou considered that memory from his early childhood to be a youthful indiscretion.
He felt like they really had had such a conversation long ago. Godou had stopped calling
Sakura 'Oneechan' ever since. Thinking back on it, that episode gave him a nostalgic feeling
of 'we sure were young'. Though, he was still pretty young...
"So you see, like I told you yesterday, Godoh-kun, don't you feel like calling me just 'Sakura'
now? I think it's about time for us to start doing that."
"But there's no reason to, is there? I said changing it is a pain, it's fine like this."
"Sheesh, Godoh-kun. You're always like that."
He suddenly noticed Amakasu and Liliana staring at them in wonder.
"I see. Most intriguing."
"So genius does display itself even in childhood... so that's how it was..."
Both of them were nodding in agreement.
Just as Godou was about to ask what they meant, Amakasu's cellphone rang.
"Looks like a message from my boss. I must get back to work soon," the agent from the
History Compilation Committee said.
"It is unfortunate, but I will have to excuse myself here. Could I have a word before that,
Amakasu addressed Sakura as he stood up.
"About our earlier conversation... I'm afraid I cannot grant your wish to meet with the Great
Devil King, the Campione. Please forgive me."

"B-but I have to see-"

"Right now your level as a magic user is too low. You see, in every single RPG, you cannot
encounter the great devil king at level two. At a minimum, you'd have to be level twenty or
Amakasu put her off with a bogus argument.
However, Sakura quickly nodded with an enlightened expression.
Should he praise her for understanding this level of gaming slang or be afraid for her for being
tricked by such shoddy reasoning? Weighing one side against the other, Godou became
Given the path the conversation was taking, Godou knew what Sakura would say next.
"Th-then, how do I become a powerful enough magic-user to meet the great devil king?"
As expected. His prediction had already come true. Amakasu grinned broadly.
It was the smile of a tolerant elder. And completely fake.
The aura he was giving off was like that of a fortune teller palming off the jar of bliss or a
salesperson quickly calculating the interest rate for a loan for an expensive lithograph.
"Please relax. Through fortuitous [coincidence], a splendid coach has already appeared.
Liliana-san here is one of the most outstanding witches I know. With her assistance you will
definitely achieve a dramatic level-up. Good luck!"
...He passed the buck. Just like the buck had been passed to him earlier.
Unable to grasp the situation, Liliana pointed at herself, "Eh, me?" Sakura looked at her with
adoration, "Wahhh, you're amazing!".
During that gap in the conversation, Amakasu put his coffee cup on the table.
In the next moment, the business suit-clad agent was by the exit. Like instant movement.
After displaying that mysterious feat, he saluted.
Liliana and Godou were left behind to calm Sakura, who was eagerly begging to be taught

That night at the Kusanagi house. Godou was in his room when his cellphone rang.
The display showed an unknown number. Godou still pressed the button with conviction.
'Yo, Thanks for today. How did it turn out in the end?'

It really was Amakasu's voice. Godou answered while nodding.

"We somehow settled it but..."
Godou had repeatedly told the overexcited Sakura to calm down.
He'd told her that he'd do something about the situation so she should go home for now. That
had ended matters for the time being. Still, the problem had only been postponed, not
'So isn't it settled? Tricking her with tons of lies must've been a piece of cake. Ah, I already
instructed her friend. There's no chance of her giving away your name. Please relax.'
'Yes. While devious, I allowed myself to use a quiet yet effective method.'
That left many possibilities. Should he probe deeper?
Godou was troubled, but Amakasu continued lightheartedly.
'But how about just coming out with who you are, honestly telling everyone that you're that
rumored devil king? It'd be much less of a hassle that way!'
"As if I could do that. And anyway, I don't know why the heck people are saying that about
me! Plus, everyone's acting like I'm some terrible lech..."
Amakasu rudely laughed off Godou's grumblings.
'Sorry for that. But you know, you get what you deserve, or something. Hey, Kusanagi-san,
why did you call Liliana-san over in the coffee shop? You knew she'd be in the way, so why
didn't you chase her away?'
"I couldn't do that either. Having fun with everyone but her? What can I say, I just didn't like
the idea of doing so."
'Then what about your relative? I know she's pure and lovely, which stimulates your desire to
protect her, but frankly, wasn't taking care of her for ten-odd years a pain? If it were me, I'd
have made a plausible excuse and abandoned her.'
"Hmm, it certainly was a pain, but..."
Godou scratched his head.
Amakasu's comments had been quite cutting, but nevertheless correct.
"But abandoning her would be even worse. Actually I quite like her. When she wants to rely
on me when she's at her wit's end, I want to do what I can."

'And by spoiling them like that you arrived where you are today. So that's how you raise your
Godou couldn't understand Amakasu's comments.
'Should you ever need our assistance, please say so. We will do our utmost to help.'
"At that time, please don't mess around like you did earlier today. You're really going to help
me, aren't you?"
'... Of course I am. Please have faith in me!'
The short pause between question and reply made the latter completely unconvincing.
'But, well, this level of trouble is nothing to worry about. Deception still works.'
'Correct. Among the hime-miko, there are some who can alter people's memories. Even
without such a power, you can tamper with memories through hypnotism magic. The devious
move I talked about earlier is a one type of such magic.'
Ethically, what Amakasu was talking about definitely fell in a grey area.
His proposal was absurd. Godou was amazed.
But while he was amazed, he was grateful that such a method existed. Giving it some thought,
he hadn't pulverized some highway in the capital or the San Pietro Cathedral in this case:
Using such magic was certainly a valid way to conceal the events.
Take the evil with the good.
Because many of his friends and family were of dubious character, Godou had naturally
adopted that stance.
There were some problems you just couldn't solve with justice and sound arguments. You had
to face such crises with appropriate responses.
Godou was relieved to end the call from Amakasu on a peaceful note.

Without realizing that his mindset was not peaceful or common in the least, Godou got ready
for bed.

Chapter 2 - Seeking the Mysterious Devil King, the


Part 1
During the long weekend in early October, Kusanagi Godou had unexpectedly headed to
A week had already passed since surviving the life-and-death struggle there and his
subsequent return to Tokyo. Also, certain changes had occurred in the affairs of the young
devil king.
Getting out of bed early as usual, he made himself presentable.
A cool, refreshing and sunny autumn sky could be seen outside the window.
Today seemed like a good day. Feeling satisfied, Godou went to the entryway and was putting
on his shoes when"Onii-chan is up so early today as usual... Are you meeting that person again?"
He heard a voice from behind.
"Persevering from day one, your astounding devotion truly overwhelms me with admiration,
Onii-chan. The seeds sown under grandpa's edification sure are flourishing, aren't they?"
Her voice was lovely but it carried a peculiar sting.
Godou turned around to find his little sister Shizuka standing there, sneering with clear
"...How often do I need to tell you until you admit you're wrong? Show some faith in me
"Then prove me wrong through your behavior. And anyway, it is strange for you to go wake
Erica-san up every morning just because she'd oversleep otherwise. Absolutely strange! And
lately, you've started meeting lovers openly in front of the house -- or rather, having illicit
trysts, even!"
The accusations left Godou silent.
Then she began nagging along the lines of 'Don't you feel ashamed before our dead grandma'
and so on.
Godou hastily left the house to escape Shizuka's clamor. He felt like he had had a similar
conversation in May, but back then he had not met this girl yet.
"Good morning, Kusanagi Godou."
It was a dignified greeting, without even the slightest hint of sleepiness.
She - Liliana Kranjcar was as lovely as a silver fairy and possessed dazzling noble spirit
worthy of her title as a knight.

Liliana always got up earlier than Godou and waited in front of his house.
"Morning. Early as always?"
"Naturally. As your premier retainer, getting up after my king is unforgivable. Please do not
confuse me with Erica in any way."
After exchanging greetings, they made their way side by side.
Denouncing her self-indulgent old friend, Liliana's expression was a bit rigid.
"In the first place, for you as her king to go wake her up every day is truly putting the cart
before the horse beyond acceptable limits. Seriously, Erica is always doing as she pleases..."
"Come on, don't be like that. It's not like it's that inconvenient for me."
This silver-haired knight had been manipulated by the [Diavolo Rosso] ever since their
childhood days.
A lot of resentment must have piled up. It was reasonable for her to get worked up into a
vicious tone of voice.
"But she seems to stay up late so often. What is she busy doing anyway?"
"Erica is exceedingly diligent when it comes to matters she judges essential."
Liliana's unexpected answer was accompanied by a sigh.
"Other than martial arts and the study of magic, she also devotes herself towards cultivating
public relations as well as the planning, design and execution of various projects."
Godou nodded, understanding.
While Liliana kept Erica at arm's length, she clearly recognized her talents.
Their association ran long and deep; it was impossible for strangers to fathom the intricacies
binding the two of them. And somehow or other, this might be why they made such good
partners, too.
"Oh my, good morning. You're early as always."
Someone suddenly called out to them.
The shopping street of Nezu's Area 3 was virtually devoid of people during early mornings.
The current rare exceptions were Godou, Liliana, and the passing old lady who spoke to them.
Dressed in a kimono, she seemed rather elegant and dignified.
Godou and Liliana properly greeted her "good morning" in return and bowed their heads.

The old lady responded to their polite greeting with a gentle smile.
"Lately you're always with girls, aren't you? Slowly but surely, you're starting to resemble
your grandfather."
...Was she smiling because of his female companion instead of the greeting?
This old lady was a teacher of flower arrangement who had moved here four years ago.
Apparently a lot had happened between her and Godou's grandfather in the distant past. Soon
after she moved here, Godou had witnessed the two of them reuniting in a chance encounter at
the shopping district. Letting out cries of "Oh" and "my" and smiling meaningfully at each
other, they seemed like long lost friends.
After hearing Ichirou point out his grandson, she had smiled fondly at Godou.
Ever since, she would always call out gracefully to Godou whenever they met on the streets.
As a side note, she still seemed to be a spinster even at this age.
"Uhm, she is my friend and recently started coming to pick me up."
"Yes. You could say he and I have cordial relations or that we have sworn ourselves to
partake in life and destiny as a single soul. At any rate, this is no ordinary amorous affair for
our deep relationship is founded upon bonds of undying loyalty."
Liliana supplemented Godou's introduction.
Her choice of words was rather exaggerated, but that's how she was, and for some reason or
another they had made a similar promise.
And after the battle with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Liliana had unilaterally declared
victory and began to follow Godou closely like a shadow.
She had also announced to the other girls: She was Kusanagi Godou's premier knight and
grand chamberlain. They should clearly understand that it was her duty, Liliana Kranjcar's, to
manage their king's private affairs and control women's access to him.
In response to this declaration, Erica and Ena had objected harshly in unison while Yuri's eyes
became clouded with sadness.
But as soon as they heard about Godou and Liliana's promise, all the girls turned towards
Hikari at once. The twelve-year-old hime-miko apprentice smiled cheerfully and
diplomatically declared her support for Liliana: "I have no objections. Please take care of me,
Her words astounded Erica, caused Ena to pout, and deepened the gloom in Yuri's eyes.
But in the end, everyone agreed to the silver knight's proposal. As a side note, Godou's claim
of 'How did it become Liliana's win? I don't get it at all' was flatly rejected.

And after some time...

Although Godou had winced at the sudden appearance of his grand chamberlain(!), he grew
accustomed to it as days went by.
Unlike the beginning of the second school term when Liliana's overenthusiasm drove her to
obsess over the tiniest of details, in recent times she was gaining Kusanagi Godou's gradual
acceptance as an unobtrusive existence by his side.
Such was the current state of affairs when he encountered the old lady in the morning.
Godou had reached an understanding with Liliana's declaration to 'partake in destiny' at the
same time as his own epiphany for the sake of the battle against the Great Sage Equaling
However, wouldn't normal people misunderstand if they heard?
Contrary to that sudden concern, the old lady smiled faintly at them.
"Well, hehehe, this sure takes me back. Long ago, I also made a similar promise with Ichirousan. I wonder how many years ago that was..."
Did something like that really happen between this old lady and his grandfather long ago?
Godou was intrigued but refrained from asking. After a bit of gossip, he parted with the old
lady and continued on his way, accompanied by Liliana who tried her best not to step on his
This was when he got a message on his cellphone.
He read it as he walked. It was from his childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka.
'Why are you involved with a girl in the morning? It's too early to fuck around!'
Godou was being assaulted by undeserved abuse, accompanied by an angry smiley.
Asuka's parents owned a certain sushi restaurant in the shopping street of Nezu's Area 3. She
must have been watching the shopping street from her home and restaurant without Godou
and Liliana noticing her.
Why was she so inexplicably easy to anger, just like Shizuka...
Puzzling over this longtime problem, Godou closed his cellphone. It might be a good idea to
introduce her to Liliana and Erica sooner or later. Hopefully, the misunderstanding could be
cleared up at that time.
"Is something the matter, Kusanagi Godou?"

"Not really. There are just so many people around me who like to say whatever they want.
But as long as they eventually realize it's all a misunderstanding, there's no need for me to get
worked up over all the nagging... That's my take on it anyways."
He was the one to decide his own path.
Whether that path turned out to be a fate of fortune or suffering, it didn't matter what other
people said as long as he and the comrades following him understood.
When he articulated his unaltered thoughts, Liliana nodded vigorously.
"How fitting of a king's resolution. You have truly become reliable, Kusanagi Godou."
Undoubtedly offering heartfelt approval rather than sycophantic flattery, the loyal knight
accompanied her lord Kusanagi Godou as he headed for Erica Blandelli's apartment building.

The two of them arrived at the entrance to Erica's flat.

The mistress and her personal maid lived on the tenth floor of this high-rise mansion.
But when Godou and Liliana crossed the threshold as usual, they were welcomed by a girl
who should be completely unrelated to this flat whatsoever.
"Good morning, Kusanagi-sama. It's been a while, Liliana-sama. Would you two like an
A beautiful girl sat at the living room table, bringing to her lips a cup that overflowed with the
fragrance of coffee.
That was none other than Karen Jankulovski.
Liliana's maid and apprentice witch for the [Bronze Black Cross] magic association.
"What do you mean, 'it's been a while'... We were at home together until I left this morning.
Karen, when did you come here to Erica's place?"
"While you were meeting Kusanagi-sama of course, Liliana-sama."
Questioned by her silver-haired mistress, the maid in her early teens smiled nonchalantly.
Dressed in casual clothing instead of her maid uniform, it meant she was here in private.
"Not too long ago, I advised Liliana-sama to investigate Kusanagi-sama's past, but actually
conducting it proved to be rather time consuming... However, thanks to Liliana-sama acting
proactively with such vigor lately, I finally have some free time to myself."
Karen smoothly made a momentous confession.
Was that it? Those details that precipitated the wager the other day? Godou remembered.

Godou glanced at Liliana to find her face twitching a little. So that's the reason. Liliana
directing her attentions to investigate such a weird subject turned out to be Karen's
"Today being my day off, I thought it'd be nice to pay my friend Anna-san an occasional visit.
Ah, it never occurred to me that I could peep into how Kusanagi-sama's and Liliana-sama's
honeymoon play would go, not in the slightest. Don't get me wrong."
She sounded like she had confessed her ulterior motive, but Godou decided to let it go.
The other maid came out from deeper inside.
"I am terribly sorry. Since Godou-san arrived, I went to check on Erica-sama, but... Again,
she is still in bed."
Arianna Hayama Arialdi, nicknamed Anna, was very apologetic.
"Well, it's just the usual. By the way, you and Karen are friends?"
"Yes. We became acquainted auspiciously by chance. Really, Karen-chan is so much younger
than me and she's already so reliable."
Smiling cheerfully, she answered Godou's question.
This typical cheerful and trusting naivety, was not only characteristic of Miss Arianna but also
her greatest distinguishing feature. Well, ignoring the fearsome existences of her pot-stewed
cooking and dangerous driving skills for now.
"Alright, I'll go wake her. You don't mind, do you?"
"Of course not. I'll leave Erica-sama in your care, thank you."
Even though this had become the daily routine, Godou still felt it would be improper to enter
a girl's room directly without consent from a member of the household.
Immediately after Godou had followed his good sense and received the OK from Anna:
"No, Kusanagi Godou. Leave this to me. She may be like a devil, but a man should not set
foot in a woman's bedroom so easily. Do not forget that I serve by your side for occasions
such as this."
Godou was taken aback when Liliana called him to a stop.
Right. He had been swept up by the flow and gone to rouse Erica from bed every morning,
but that was really improper after all. Liliana's objections had made him recognize that once
"I see...! Can I trouble you to go instead, Liliana?"
"Most certainly. Even at the cost of my life, I shall fulfill your imperial decree without fail!"

This conversation resembled a king ordering the extermination of the devil king and a hero
responding in return for loose change.
Anyway, on Godou's orders, Liliana set off on her expedition to Erica's bedroom.
Their sense of morality and justice was really similar. That made her easy to get along with.
He had felt this ever since the fight with Perseus in Naples. As long as her thought processes
did not derail, her affinity with him was outstanding.
--They waited for a moment.
Before long, they could hear voices from Erica's bedroom.
"Lily!? How insolent of you, coming to wake me up instead of Godou! Know your place! I
won't forgive you for interfering with my sweet morning moment with Godou!"
"No, you know your place! I have never heard of a knight who needs her lord to rouse her
from bed every morning! And you still call yourself an honorable great knight, a descendant
of the Knights Templar?!"
"I am the special exception, for I'm Godou's lover! So you stop interfering!"
"Ha. I, Liliana Kranjcar, am Kusanagi Godou's premier knight and also his grand
chamberlain. Even if you are his lover, I have the authority to put you in your place should
you be impertinent. Therefore my interference here is exceedingly justified! Will you stop
grumbling about these trivialities?"
"Oh really, premier knight and grand chamberlain? Why don't you add another title, third
"Understand, Lily? Since times immemorial in China, eunuchs have managed the emperor's
sexual life. They were given this right and permitted to frequent the premises of the harem
because they were not 'women.' Yet you want to wield power over other girls while being one
of Godou's women yourself? My, what a great deal you have going there."
"N-No, that is not what is going on here. Ultimately that is just a historical similarity..."
"Yes, but history proves the rational justification of such an existence. I can accept the
outcome of Godou's foolish wager, and even approve your management of his private affairs,
Lily. But you won't interfere in his lovers' relationships! If that's what you really want, you
must first give up being his woman. How about it?"
"Uh, no, that is, uhm, what should I say, ehm..."
Erica had partially acknowledged Liliana's argument, but refused to concede any further
beyond that.

It was one of the basics and the pinnacle in the art of negotiations. Although she was no
morning person, she was still able to verbally subdue Liliana immediately after getting up.
Erica's wits were just that impressive.
Nodding next to Godou, Arianna was going 'my, my' in amazement as she witnessed the
knights' battle of words.
With an impish expression that seemed to be saying 'just as expected, developments stemming
from the Nikkou trip are truly worth looking forward to,' Karen secretly laughed to herself.
Godou deliberately ignored her.
Anyhow, it was a lively morning.
Kusanagi Godou's days always started in such a turbulent manner.

Part 2
In the end, Godou, Erica and Liliana headed to school together.
The three walked together on the well-trodden way to school. As evidenced by the many
passersby who kept staring at them, it was apparently highly conspicuous for a highschool
boy to be accompanied by blonde and silver-haired beauties. Nevertheless, he had already
gotten used to this.
Kusanagi Godou was so adaptable it even surprised himself.
After all, he had also grown accustomed to his more-than-unnatural constitution as a
Campione after around a week.
"Well, I actually had many objections to the details of how Lily became your grand
Erica was muttering with a displeased expression.
"Gradually I've come to think it might not be too bad an idea. If I cling to you all the time, it
would be more difficult to expand the roster of Kusanagi Godou's 'Round Table.'"
"...My Round Table?"
"Exactly! You know it, right, the legend of King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table?"
England's legendary king. The daring knights who had gathered from all the directions to join
under his banner.
The big, circular table where they sat around was the Round Table. The 13th century king,
Edward the First of England, was the one who "discovered" the original and had a replica
made as decoration for Winchester Castle...[9]
"Over the past six months, the name of Kusanagi Godou has spread among the magi and
wizards throughout the world. It's time for you to take the next step."

As Godou recalled historical trivia in his mind, Erica explained further.

Hearing that, Liliana interjected.
"In short, you are saying that Kusanagi Godou should take you and me, as well as Mariya
Yuri, Seishuuin Ena and others to form his independent group or association?"
"Yes. The more Godou's power and influence rise, the more people trying to gain favor will
appear. Of course, there will also be those who show up out of paranoia or overreaction. Even
amongst the upper echelons of my [Copper Black Cross] or Lily's [Bronze Black Cross], there
should be some who are trying to make use of Godou's power somehow."
"So to ward off that chaos in advance, you want to unite the followers bearing Kusanagi
Godou's flag. From now on, we should also maintain a certain distance from the associations
we owe allegiance to."
Liliana sided with Erica's proposal with well-matched additions.
At times like these, the red and blue knights made for a good combination.
"But you know, if I want to live peacefully all along, do we really need to go so far?"
"Godou, even if you insincerely put on airs as a pacifist, it's completely unconvincing
"Refusing to face your own disposition and true nature... I must point out to your face that bad
habit of yours, Kusanagi Godou. Hypothetical situations with no hope of coming true are
Even when trashing him they coordinated with perfect timing.
Damn them, how could they describe him like a beast starved for blood! Erica ignored
Godou's teeth gnashing and continued.
"Then here's a question: From here onward, someone needs to lay down the groundwork in
various areas, to enter diplomatic negotiations with the former organizations of girls who
choose to follow Godou, and to build an organization characterized by discipline and
ambition. I believe that aside from me, Erica Blandelli, there is no other suitable candidate, is
that correct?"
The question held unshakable conceit.
Of course, neither Godou nor Liliana could find words to refute her.
"Now, in order to maximize my full potential I will need to travel all over the place. In that
case, leaving Lily who excels as both a bodyguard and a housekeeper to support Godou by his
side is not a bad choice of personnel deployment."
I see, so that's the idea. Godou nodded.

"So, Godou, you don't mind if we proceed in that direction, do you?"

"I think nothing bad will come off it if I leave matters in your hands, so no. But that Salvatore
Doni doesn't have a faction either, does he?"
The Campione who was the 'alliance leader' ruling over the magic associations of southern
Using soccer as an example, that role would be something close to a national coach.
Without a subordinate association, he was served by at most a handful of private staff.
However, he was able to summon important magi and knights during times of emergency.
Regardless of affiliation, all were under his command.
Usually, he neither controlled nor commanded. He was the [King of Swords] ruling southern
Europe's world of magic by laissez-faire.
Couldn't things work like that for Godou too?
Ruling over those who admired him in order to form a faction. Doing things in such an
ostentatious manner felt repulsive to Godou.
"Imitating that person should prove difficult. Sir Salvatore achieved his position by refusing
to aid any individual person or faction. Nor does he form emotional ties with anybody. I don't
think you could do the same, could you, Godou?"
Godou had to agree with Erica.
Certainly. Given his personality, 'not helping anyone' was impossible. Just like the path he
had taken so far, he would continue to meet various people, get close to them, become
comrades and they would help each other out, no doubt about it!

After attending a full day of classes as usual, it was now after school. Erica was apparently
busy and hurried out of the classroom first. Godou, on the other hand, fell into deep thought
as he looked at the message he had received on his cellphone.
The content of the message was as follows:
From: Koudzuki Sakura Title: 'Godoh-kun, help me!'
Body: Please! There's another thing I want you to help me with regarding that great devil king
from the other day. Could you assist me?
"...What should I say, this stinks of trouble."
Godou guessed as much simply from experience rather than a Campione's intuition.
A month earlier, he had gone about with his second cousin, Koudzuki Sakura, to search for
the great devil king. Amakasu had passed the baton to Liliana and, lost as for what to do about

it, Godou had suggested 'How about we say... Liliana suddenly had to make an urgent return
to Milan,' to roughly bring matters to an end.
When he passed the word to his naive cousin, she believed him in blind faith. Since then,
Sakura never brought up the topic of Liliana again.
"What is the matter, Kusanagi Godou?"
"Well, the truth is..."
He briefly explained the situation when Liliana came to his desk.
As one of the people involved and familiar with Sakura's temperament, the silver-haired grand
chamberlain frowned lightly.
"...This smells of trouble."
She voiced the same impression. Well, it should be the right guess.
"That's how it is, so I'll go check up on her. Let's split here for today. Since we said you aren't
in Japan, it'd be troublesome if you came along."
If it was going to be trouble anyway, he should just take it in stride.
Liliana pondered Godou's decision for a bit, then said:
"No. In that case, why don't we do this..."
Godou nodded at the knight's plan and they immediately went into action.

About an hour later, Godou arrived at Akinomizu Women's college.

It was a famous ladies school in the Bunkyou Ward. A place where a first year high school
boy would be intimidated by the mere thought of approaching it.
He entered a fast food restaurant near the school and instantly found the one who was waiting
for him.
Godou quickly headed towards her table.
"Ah, Godoh-kun! Over here! Long time no see!"
Sakura called out to him while waving energetically.
Due to her lovely, childish face and diminutive stature, she was often mistaken for a middle
However, the girl next to her was even shorter and had an even more childish face.

...Was she in fifth or sixth year of elementary school? Her graceful features could probably
pass for an artiste. Her long hair was apparently naturally curled and she was wearing a
fluttering one-piece dress. Lovely as a doll, the young girl stood out excessively.

"Ah, Godoh-kun, let me introduce. This is Renjou Fuyuhime-chan, the first friend I made in
The introduced elementary school(?) girl snorted with derision.
Then she closely scrutinized Godou and said piercingly:
"You meant this guy when you mentioned that relative's child who could be of service? He
seems conceited."
Renjou Fuyuhime's manner of speaking was unusually aggressive.
For some reason, her sharp and severe gaze was focused somewhere above Godou's head.
"Uhm... do I look that conceited?"
"Of course! Why do you tower so high even though you're younger than Sakura and me! Are
you trying to tire out my neck, forcing me to look up at you, is that it!?!"
Her complaints were like an outburst of anger delivered with all her might.
The girl called Renjou Fuyuhime seemed to possess a complex over her lack of height. And
while only sixteen years old, Godou stood almost 180cm tall. Was that the reason for the
unreasonable remark just now?
No, wait, there was one more important remark. 'Younger than Sakura and me'?
"Are you perhaps the friend in the same year that taught Sakura about magic...?"

"Ah, you remembered? That's right. Fuyuhime-chan is my magic teacher. She's sooo
knowledgeable and teaches me new things all the time!"
Godou looked at Fuyuhime in astonishment. He had never expected to meet anyone more
child-faced than Sakura. The wonders of nature never ceased to amaze.
Come to think of it, Miyama-san in the class next door also looked like a little child. But
rather than being of the same age, Fuyuhime was older instead... At this point Godou
suddenly noticed.
Her family name was "Renjou." That meant she was
"Hey! What are you doing, staring at people!"
Fuyuhime suddenly told him off.
Without conscious intent, Godou had been staring at her doll-like face.
"Ahhh, you weren't thinking something impertinent, were you!? Like, you're so short or
midget or shorty or something!"
"Calm down, Fuyuhime-chan! Godoh-kun may be tall, but he would never make fun of you."
Godou ignored Sakura and the fuming Fuyuhime and went straight to the point.
"Leaving that aside, Sakura-san, what did you want my help for?"
"Ah, right. Uhm, actually Fuyuhime-chan finally decided to tell me the name of the fearsome
great devil king. Previously, she had been agonizing in fear of getting me involved."
Godou's wariness heightened. He hadn't been found out, had he?
Had the overly naive cousin found out Kusanagi Godou's secret?
"Around a week ago, news was received that Toushouguu in Nikkou had started repair work,
right? Apparently the one who destroyed that place was also the great devil king, so
Fuyuhime-chan got really scared. That person might also do something horrible to her."
"But Sakura said she'd accompany me to visit that great devil king who commits every evil
As Sakura nestled closer to her, Fuyuhime face's brimmed with resolve.
Godou became even more nervous. If she belonged to the "Renjou family," she would know
his name for sure. She wouldn't say it, would she!? She wouldn't say that name in front of the
very campione in question, would she!?
"That's why I have made my decision! I won't run anymore and before I fall to his evil grasp,
I'll go to him first and give him a good piece of my mind! I will resist that hated enemy of
womankind, 'Kusasagi Goroh'!"

Kusasagi Goroh...?
Godou felt like he was completely drained. Who the heck was that!?
"So you see, Godoh-kun. Fuyuhime-chan has already investigated the people close to
Kusasagi-san. We decided we will now go around and demand his location from those
people... Would you please come with us?"
Sakura asked him with those subconsciously pleading eyes.
As the saying goes, if eating poison don't forget to lick the plate. But was this also part of it...?
While exhausted, Godou nodded and agreed to go along with Sakura and Fuyuhime.

They got rid of the trash as was customary in fast food restaurants.
While the two college girls were gone with their trays, Liliana whispered into Godou's ear.
'I wonder what the deal is with that Renjou girl? I believe she belongs to one of the four
families, Sayanomiya, Seishuuin, Kuhoudzuka, and Renjou, that have deep ties with the
History Compilation Committee.'
"Yeah, I thought so," Godou whispered back.
Liliana was using [Concealment] magic.
Last time, she had used the same spell to become invisible on the grounds of Nanao Shrine.
That was how she had been following Godou secretly.
"But it's strange how she remembered my name like that... Come to think of it, Amakasu-san
said something about using memory tampering magic to confuse her. Could that be the
That night after Godou had gone to Aoyama with Sakura, Amakasu Touma had mentioned
over the phone.
At that time, he had said something about using hypnotism magic.
'Really? That would be worrisome. If you use that kind of spell on someone who understands
magic, their memories could come back at the slightest chance impetus.'
If that was true, the deception wasn't really reliable at all.
'It seems better if I confirm matters with Amakasu Touma first. If possible, I will also confirm
with Sayanomiya Kaoru at the History Compilation Committee. I will take my leave here and
visit those people. Is that all right?'

"Yes, thanks. I'll continue keeping an eye on the situation with these two for now."
Godou felt Liliana's presence fade away.
Having gotten rid of their trays, Sakura and Fuyuhime returned shortly. Rather than full of
motivation, it would probably be more accurate to describe their faces as fulfilled looking.

Part 3
Under Fuyuhime's leadership, Godou and Sakura came to Akihabara.
Rather than an electronics district, it had evolved in recent years into more of a town for niche
hobbyists. Fuyuhime entered a store located in the outskirts away from the main street,
The building before their eyes was a hub of a multitude of businesses.
The signboard was obvious to the eye.
'Maid Cafe - CurePure' 'Innocent Maid Tea House - Disruption' 'Maid Yum Cha Chamber Peerless Statesman' 'Maid Relaxation - Go To Heaven' 'Maid Dispatch Service - Plutonium
Thermal' ...
Apparently they were all shops and businesses with the concept of maids.
Godou then remembered his three classmates Nanami, Sorimachi and Takagi. Those guys had
suggested for the class to do a 'school swimsuit maid cafe' during the next school festival.
Needless to say, the girls rebuffed them.
"Could you tell me why we came to such a place?"
"Apparently the disciple of the great devil king, the campione, frequents this place."
Fuyuhime replied to Godou with great emphasis in tone.
He didn't remember having a disciple, so what was this about?
"I-I wonder, a disciple of the devil king would be a magic practitioner, wouldn't he?"
"That's not what I heard. At the mere age of three, he made a splendid display of his unarmed
skills in front of a kungfu-type Campione who proceeded to remark 'This child is truly a
prodigy, most gifted and showing great promise!' and thus accepted him as a disciple."
Hearing Fuyuhime and Sakura's exchange, Godou thought to himself.
He had an idea of the woman who would attach undue importance to such lines.
Are they referring to that particular guy? Given that eccentric misogynist, how could he
possibly be a regular customer at a maid cafe... but before his thoughts could finish.

A boy passed before his eyes and entered the multi-tenant building.
Unmistakable. Staring at the profile of the boy's face, Godou really knew him. However, the
shadow of obstinacy and arrogance disappeared from his handsome features as soon as he
spotted Godou.
"If it isn't my Honored Uncle! What brings you to this place?"
The moment he noticed Godou, the boy called out with a surprised expression.
The only person in the world to call Godou 'Honored Uncle,' his name was Lu Yinghua. He
was the young master of Hong Kong's Lu family and also the personal disciple of the
Demonic Cult Leader Luo Cuilian.

"The reason I am in Japan, and Akihabara at that, is for business and business alone."
Lu Yinghua told them as he brought a cold oolong tea to his lips.
After their sudden reunion, he had led Godou's group to the Maid Yum Cha House 'Peerless
Statesman.' With that, they occupied a table and began the conversation.
Furthermore, once everyone had taken a seat, maids immediately served drinks to them.
"My Lu family has already established bases in Japan at Shinjuku and Ikebukuro, you know.
In order to expand into the prosperous district of Akihabara, we started running this building."
"...Could your family be behind all the maid-whatevers here?"
"Yes. We entrusted things to my boys stationed here and it ended up like this. At the time, I
mentioned it might be better to sell cheap PC parts or doujinshi[10] to attract customers, but my
boys got all excited about the maid theme park, so, yeah, I thought it wouldn't hurt to try and
gave the okay."
He sounded more like the boss of a new venture than the triads.
So that was the kind of business his family dealt with in such a place. And apparently, people
like the Three Idiots existed everywhere...
While Godou was impressed by Lu Yinghua's explanation, Sakura interjected.
"Hey, hey, Godoh-kun. This boy calls you uncle. Is he maybe part of our clan? Although I've
never met him at New Year's..."
The Kusanagi family had a custom to get together every New Year's to catch up and renew
old friendship.
Not only the main family, but even the branch families gathered there from all over the
country. This enabled one to remember the names and faces of essentially all the relatives,
whether by blood or marriage.

"There are all kinds of delicate circumstances. Please don't probe any further, Sakura-san."
"...Ah. I see. It must be Grandpa or Aunt Mayo or Uncle Genzou... Your side of the family is
also quite complicated, isn't it? Alright, I understand!"
Sakura accepted Godou's half-baked excuse with a nod.
At times like this, Godou was amazed he could actually feel thankful for the notorious
reputations of his grandfather and both his parents. On the other hand, on hearing this
exchange, Lu Yinghua turned to Sakura for the first time.
"What, you're one of my Honored Uncle's relatives? Excuse my rudeness. Hey, somebody, get
some food over here!"
He had ignored the girls, Fuyuhime and Sakura, so far, but as soon as he learned of Sakura's
identity, he immediately became extremely courteous.
Very soon, a maid came over with a tray carrying some dim sum.
Xiaolongbao[11], shrimp dumplings[12], pork dumplings[13], mini-sized steamed buns with pork
filling, steamed peach-shaped buns filled with custard cream...
These colorful and exquisitely shaped articles of food were laid out all over the table. Godou
picked a shrimp dumpling as a test. Delicious. The fresh and springy texture of the shrimp
was out-of-this-world. In contrast to the maid uniforms, the taste was authentic Chinese.
"Godoh-kun, he is such a good boy, right!"
Sakura was overcome with emotion from being treated to the superb dim sum.
On the other hand, Fuyuhime was harshly glaring at Lu Yinghua all the while.
"Enough of this trivial stuff, tell us where Kusasagi Goroh is! I already investigated
beforehand, you are that Campione's disciple, no doubt about it!"
Lu Yinghua narrowed his eyes at Fuyuhime's domineering attitude.
Godou did not fail to catch the shadow of killing intent that flashed for an instant.
"Miss, you said something strange right now. I am who's what? And with that conceited tone
of yours? Since you're in my Honored Uncle's company, I'll let the first time slide. Should
there be a second time, prepare yourself for the consequences."
The rather quiet warning sent Fuyuhime cowering back in fear.
Lu Yinghua relaxed his dreadful glare after Godou casually winked at him.

"...Well, let's leave it at that. I have some mundane business to attend to, so please excuse me.
Honored Uncle, I hope to speak to you alone on a separate occasion. I would like to rely on
your extraordinary insight for a certain matter. Now, take care."
Lu Yinghua stood up from his seat and departed after performing a martial arts salute.
After that, they waited for the shivering Fuyuhime to recover and left the shop together.
Outside the building, the petite yet domineering girl finally opened her mouth.
"H-He was more difficult than expected. Let's ignore this place and proceed to the next
"Fuyuhime-chan, are you alright? Stay strong!"
Sakura directed words of encouragement at Fuyuhime who had set out towards a new goal.
"O-Of course I'm alright! I am still the heiress to the Renjou family of distinguished pedigree.
As if I'd lose to that gangster from Hong Kong!"
Hong Kong's Lu family was reputedly in the business of heroic outlaws (Chinese triads), and
hence a clan who operated extrajudicially.
Fuyuhime's words revealed that she also knew his background. Right, wasn't she also the one
who had instructed Sakura in ancient German?
Equipped with such knowledge, should she be treated as a member of the four families after
Blissfully unaware of Godou's evaluations, Fuyuhime led the group to Toranomon station.
Their destination was a shrine not far from there.
Entering the grounds of Nanao Shrine required a climb of 300 stone steps. It was the place
where Godou's acquaintance worked as a miko -- Looks like Fuyuhime really checked up on
me beforehand.
Next to the nodding Godou, Fuyuhime explained to Sakura:
"Located here are two miko that Kusasagi Goroh has made into his playthings. Furthermore,
they are sisters and the younger one is still in elementary school! Can you believe that!?"
"Heh!? That's so dirty, such a thing! As a person, that is no, no good!"
Don't comment. Don't inject unnecessary emotions.
Godou desperately tried to keep his feelings in check.
While complaining about the man-eating demon who wore the skin of a man, the two college
girls entered the grounds. Godou followed wordlessly.

Along the way, Fuyuhime repeatedly tried to call out whenever they met a Shinto priest.
But the priests quickly left after greeting with a nod. Even when Fuyuhime called them to
stop, they did not stay.
"Th-th-the-th-the daughter of the Renjou has arrived! How can these people be so rude!?"
Fuyuhime was angry, but her anger was ill-judged.
The priests were actually running away because they saw Godou... In fact, this was the usual
reaction. Unless Godou himself called to them, they would never approach on their own
In the meantime, the group arrived before the oratory hall.
The precinct was entirely covered with gravel.
Two girls in miko attire were standing around. Naturally, they were the Mariya sisters.
"Ah, Onii-sama! Welcome! What brings you here today?"
"Well, if you were going to come, you should have said so... I will prepare tea right away."
Mariya Hikari waved to him with a cheerful, dazzling smile.
Mariya Yuri welcomed him with a graceful, refined smile.
The sisters showed their affection for Godou each in her own way. It was a thing to be
Lately, the little sister Hikari often said 'One day, I will also join Onii-sama by your side, so
when the time comes, please love me like the others without distinction.'
It sounded a bit strange, perhaps that was her own way of expressing attachment?
When the older sister heard that, her face turned troubled, but remained beautiful and gentle
as always. Ever since the conclusion of the battle with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven,
Godou felt the bonds between him and Yuri had mysteriously strengthened.
The atmosphere was just right, or they had gotten used to each other...
Even without saying much, just by being in the same room, they felt vaguely fulfilled. That
was the feeling.
But, that aside, there was the current problem of his two fellow travelers.
"Oh? They are also friends of Godoh-kun's? Somehow the coincidences keep continuing"
"Ah, yeah. There are days where you meet friends one after another like this, aren't there? I'm
quite surprised too."

When Sakura pointed it out, Godou could only make a lame excuse.
His naive cousin innocently laughed 'Yepyep. Because you're always doing good deeds, the
gods must have rewarded you.' The beauty of her soul was magnificent.
Renjou Fuyuhime, on the other hand, kept quietly shooting doubtful stares at Godou.
"Ahh... I'm not here today for anything in particular. These two said they had business here so
I'm simply accompanying them. Apparently, they're looking for someone."
The Mariya sisters nodded "huh?" at Godou's explanation.
With that, Fuyuhime recovered her original vigor and sharply declared:
"You are the Mariya sisters, huh? I am Renjou Fuyuhime. You should know of me, right, the
daughter and heiress of the Renjou family, a position even higher than you hime-miko, right?
Listen, I must meet that brutish devil king, that campione, Kusasagi Goroh. Call him here at
As always, her manner of speaking was meaninglessly self-important.
However, the Mariya sisters were not impressed. They simply inclined their heads and looked
at Fuyuhime in wonderment like some sort of rare beast, then proceeded to glance at Godou.
Indeed, the Campione in question was standing right beside them. One would not normally
make such a demand.
The sisters were probably perplexed as well. Godou made a troubled face and shook his head.
Thereupon Hikari instantly replied.
"Ehm... I'm sorry, but that is forbidden."
Although she was in the sixth year of elementary school, she was admirably smart. She had
already grasped the situation.
I'm saved... Just as Godou thought so, Hikari pressed on.
"And I'm sorry again. I believe the Renjou family has not yet named their successor. Some
time ago, Ena-oneesama from the Seishuuin said so."
What? In that case, Fuyuhime was not a wizard related to the Renjou family...?
Godou was surprised. Fuyuhime on the other hand looked angry as her lips began to twitch.
"Th-that's not true! I will become the next head of the Renjou family! What's the deal with
you anyway, just because that dirty campione has been a tiny bit affectionate with you, you
belittle others? Listen, the Renjou are one of the four families, we're not someone you can
make fun"

Although she spoke faster and faster with greater intensity, she had lost all momentum by the
With an awfully scared look on her face, she gulped down her jeers.
She looked as miserable as a dog with its tail between its legs. But she was not the only one
scared. Mariya Hikari was also looking in terror at the elder sister next to her.
"The successor to the Renjou family - is that what you said you were?"
Mariya Yuri was whispering calmly, with the beauty of sagacity itself.
"Then I shall converse with you as if you were an informed descendant of the four families.
Your current behavior is an affront to the devil king whom our nation has addressed as the
Rakshasa monarch since ancient times, as well as to those who serve him with reverence.
Showing the appropriate respect in regards to him is the foundation of manners, it is a custom.
One who cannot comply to that is not qualified to be a member of the four families. Know
some shame!"
As Yuri reprimanded, her beautiful face displayed the imposing intensity of a yakshini.[14]
Godou reflexively ducked. Only Sakura was tilting her head in puzzlement. Completely
unfazed by Yuri's pressure, Sakura's inability to read the mood was truly magnificent.
"Furthermore, your inability to show respect to us miko who have inherited the title of Hime
constitutes impudence unbecoming of the four families. Leave. You are not qualified to stand
on the holy grounds of Nanao Shrine."
She flatly deported Fuyuhime.
As expected of a Hime-Miko. She possessed solemnity and sublimity beyond any normal
young lady.
At some point, Fuyuhime was on the verge of tears. Although she had been so domineering in
attitude, she turned out to be not that courageous after all. Godou decided to step forward and
offer her an escape route.
"I'm sorry for my companion's weird demands. She'll come apologize another time, so we'll
take our leave now. Come on, Sakura, let's take your friend and go. See you later!"
The forcible goodbye brought down the curtains.
Patting his cousin on the shoulder, he prompted her to take Fuyuhime along.
Along with the two girls, Godou left the Mariya sisters behind. He decided to send them a text
message later to apologize and explain the situation...

"Fuyuhime-chan, if you ask the way you did earlier, anyone would get angry~. You need to
do it gently!"

"I-I know! B-But those hime-miko earlier were just too rude!"
The group of Godou, Sakura and Fuyuhime was on the move.
This time they were on the way to Aoyama.
"Could you tell me why we are going there?"

"Urgs. Since long ago there have been many magic practitioners near Aoyama Doori. I heard
lately an evil witch, an associate and mistress of Kusasagi Goroh, has been hanging around
there lately. *Sniffle* I will capture that woman and this time I will find that devil king for
Fuyuhime answered Godou's question while sniffling.
She looked like she would cry if she relaxed. Apparently she was rather incompetent.
Standing next to her, Godou thought: She had managed it twice, a third time would certainly
They entered a small side street a bit away from Aoyama Doori.
Street stalls and little shops sat in rows. It was the area where Godou had come with Sakura
for her question one month before.
Fuyuhime was heading for the focus store [Kogetsudou] in one corner of that area, explaining
that the female shopkeeper there was like the representative of the Aoyama neighborhood.
When they came to the shop, Godou pressed his ear against the door.
He tried to hear what was going on inside. Fuyuhime and Sakura seemed surprised by his
suspicious behavior, but they still copied him.
They heard two women talking.

'In short, you are trying to get the latest scoop about the Committee from me?'
'Could you phrase it more pleasantly please? What I want are details of a personal nature
rather than anything of crucial importance. Such as, which girlfriends Sayanomiya Kaoru
went on dates with last week, or that Amakasu-san actually has a wife and kids, that kind of
stuff. Of course, if you come across any latest news, you can always tell me later.'
'You've already paid me for my services and you're satisfied with this little? I love helping
people, you know.'
'I'm pleased by your offer, but your prowess is not sufficient to hide things from the
Committee. Even someone better than you would find them difficult to handle... And all I
want to know are those people's interests and personalities. Whether as enemies or friends,
knowing more can only be beneficial."
They were smack-dab in the middle of a clandestine conversation.
Earlier that morning, that particular girl had mentioned plans for a "Round Table." Of course,
the plan also included reconstructing their relationship with the History Compilation
In accordance with that plan, she was gathering useful information in order to conquer them?
Godou was greatly impressed. Like Liliana had said, Erica was really diligent when it came to
matters she judged essential.
Then Renjou Fuyuhime took a deep breath before the door.
With a determined expression, she reached for the door knob and vigorously threw it open.
"I've finally found you, Italian witch who serves the devil king Kusasagi Goroh! You might
feel like you are something big because they call you [Diavolo Rosso] or whatever, but to me
you're as good as dead! Obediently tell me where the Campione lives!"
Having finished this declaration in one breath, Fuyuhime was subjected to the inquisitive
stares of the people inside, the shopkeeper of [Kogetsudou] and Erica Blandelli.
The Milan-born blonde beauty smiled with great amusement.
"...Godou, I leave you alone for just a few hours and you already found someone with such
distinctive talents. What in the world is the idea here? She is together with the Campione,
Kusanagi Godou, and yet she asks me to tell her his address?"
Of course, Fuyuhime and Sakura heard her response loud and clear.

Part 4
"Hm, what do you mean by that?"

Sakura inclined her head, bewildered. Godou's head was spinning about how he should fix
this, when...
His cousin suddenly collapsed to her knees and fell forward like a puppet with its strings cut.
Hurrying before her, Godou found her peacefully asleep, breathing calmly.
"Looks like I made it just in time."
Someone spoke behind him. That husky and seductive voice belonged to someone he knew.
He turned around to find Sayanomiya Kaoru standing there. Liliana, whom he had parted with
a few hours earlier, was also present.
"Letting the situation deteriorate any further would be troublesome, so I magically put
Koudzuki Sakura to sleep," reported Liliana as she approached.
"Fuyuhime, regarding your problematic behavior, you will be properly lectured and punished
"Wah... P-P-Please forgive me, Kaoru! I'll definitely be a good girl from now on!"
"No way. How many times have you tricked me with those words? Please come this way,
Godou-san, and everyone else as well."
Kaoru was speaking with a refreshing smile while Fuyuhime was cowering in panic.
Fed up with the whole affair, Liliana sighed. Godou and Erica blankly exchanged glances.
Leaving Sakura to continue sleeping in the care of the [Kogetsudou] shopkeeper, they went
Since there was little vehicular traffic in these parts, it was fine for the group to gather on the
side of the road. Godou, Erica, Liliana and Fuyuhime stood around Kaoru as she started the
"I only became aware of the situation because Liliana paid me a home visit. As you may have
guessed, Fuyuhime here is indeed the Renjou family's eldest daughter. Originally, she was
meant to become the next family head like Ena or me or Kuhodzuka's Mikihiko-san and work
for the History Compilation Committee."
Kaoru brought up names of important people that Godou and the others knew.
Come to think of it, due to being controlled like a puppet by the witch Asherah, Mr.
Kuhoudzuka Mikihiko's mind and body had been severely weakened, and he was currently
being treated at a Committee-affiliated hospital.
"Unfortunately, Fuyuhime's body has an exotic constitution which cannot store magical
power. Unable to use spellcasting techniques , she was not chosen as a hime-miko, naturally."

Godou recalled Salvatore Doni's past.

That man apparently suffered from the same condition before he became a Campione.
"Well, it's actually not a requirement for a head of the four families to be an excellent
spellcaster. As long as she made a clean break and focused herself on the duties of an
organization head, it would've been fine. However, Fuyuhime developed quite a complex over
her dwarfishness and inability to cast spells... Consequently, she always had difficulty getting
along with others and was thus unsuited for field work, resulting in the current situation."
The talentless Fuyuhime had put her all into studying and apparently stockpiled a great
amount of knowledge related to wizardry.
But what she desired were "practical" techniques. It was such a sad story that Godou could
not help but pity her.
"Well, she is a troublemaker who disclosed Godou-san's information to his relative sleeping
inside there, so I'm not 100% sympathetic."
"The one who made her mis-remember Kusanagi Godou's name, must have been Amakasu
Touma after all."
Liliana added as Kaoru shrugged beside her.
"Were Renjou Fuyuhime a normal wizard, she would likely regain her memories. However,
for someone on a layman's level, the probability isn't that high. His measures were
Hence, Liliana and Sayanomiya Kaoru had decided to subdue the out-of-control Fuyuhime
Brought up to date on the situation, Erica nodded.
"...Looks like all sorts of amusing things happened. So Kaoru-san, how are you going to
punish this troublesome girl? You're not going to acquit her of all charges, are you?
"Let's see... maybe we should call in a hime-miko specializing in the spirit power of mental
manipulation to give her amnesia..."
Kaoru's dangerous suggestion made Fuyuhime cower and tremble again.
"Oh poor thing, maybe I'll simply throw her into a nunnery to train for a decade so she can
spend all her time to reflect and improve her character... How about that?"
"Ka-Ka-Ka-Ka-Kaoru! W-W-We are childhood friends, right? Are you going to throw me to
the wolves?"
"As one of the organization leaders, I have to prioritize discipline over personal ties. Showing
you leniency would set a bad example."

Kaoru shot a glance at Godou at this point. It was a meaningful look.

"Actually, she didn't cause me any real trouble, so can't she be forgiven this once? About me
being a Campione... The only one she told was Sakura-san anyway."
The whole commotion was like a farce. However, if they let Fuyuhime off too easily, it might
happen again.
Feeling he had more or less grasped Kaoru's intentions, Godou had cut in.
"It's not quite fair for me to speak, considering I'm her relative and all... But even if Sakura
knew about devil kings or something, I don't think she'd be able to do anything major."
"The king hath spoken! In that case, she shall be granted a special pardon."
Kaoru bowed her head in reverence then turned around to Fuyuhime.
"That's how it is, so let us express our utmost gratitude to the king. There will not be a second
time! You've also heard lots about how fierce Godou-san can be, right?"
"W-What's going on? Why are you bowing down to a commoner, Kaoru!?"
"That's because Godou-san here is Mr. Kusanagi Godou, the very one we call the Campione.
Hasn't Amakasu-san's [Derangement] spell worn off yet?"
"HIHHH! I-I-I-Is that how it was?"
About to faint from shock, Fuyuhime fell on her backside. Her legs had given out.
Nevertheless, she continued to look up at Godou and stuttered as she tried to say something.
"Uhhh-uhm, I didn't mean it, but c-c-c-corporal punishment or chastisement is still in order,
right? It must be something terrible, right!? Of course, as a daughter of the Renjou, I will
resolutely accept punishment, but p-p-painful or scary things are a bi"
"It's fine already. Nothing is going to happen."
She had become inarticulate and her choice of words was baffling. Still, something
resembling Fuyuhime's gratitude made it across.
When Godou nodded generously, Kaoru also made a wry smile.
"Well, this concludes the incident. Godou-san, Liliana-san, Erica-san, sorry for the trouble
and thank you for your cooperation."
"You're very welcome. I think it was a worthwhile opportunity for me to find out what an
open-minded person you are, Kaoru-san."
The one who replied like the mistress of the house was Erica, naturally.

Despite having done virtually nothing, her attitude was grandiose. She freely showed off her
subconscious talent for taking the spotlight, no matter the time and place.
"No matter the kind of relationship, dealing with disingenuous people is simply unpleasant.
But with Kaoru-san and Amakasu-san, I should not be bored, at least."
"You're welcome. ...Ah, right, Godou-san."
At the end, Kaoru asked him with a sly smile.
"Why not simply add Fuyuhime to the ranks of your army of paramours one day? It seems
like the next step."
"What next step!? Please stop joking around before this turns into another weird rumor!"

A few days later in the Kusanagi residence.

Together with Sakura whom they had invited for dinner, Godou and Shizuka were sitting
around the dining table.
As a side note, their grandfather was away on some business. In the master of the kitchen's
absence, the siblings and the cousin had made dry curry[15] and salad, together with all kinds
of oven-roasted vegetables for just the three of them.
"After that~, Fuyuhime-chan has completely calmed down~."
With a smile all over her face, Sakura reported her friend's recent state.
Because she didn't like spicy things, that night's curry was made especially sweet for her.
"She says that thanks to talking things over and receiving care from her distinguished
childhood friend, she doesn't need to seek Godoh-kun's help anymore."
"I see. That's good to hear," Godou perfunctorily answered and put some curry in his mouth.
After the events, Godou had returned to [Kogetsudou] alone to wake up his cousin.
He explained that Fuyuhime had been called by her family and had left already. When Sakura
wondered why she had fallen asleep, he simply tricked her by saying it was probably anemia.
Now, as for Erica's statement she had heard just before falling asleep...
'Did that girl say something about Godoh-kun?'
'Nope, I think you misheard.'
Sakura firmly believed his arbitrary explanation.

Next to him, the shopkeeper of [Kogetsudou] was listening with a ghastly pale face, but of
course, she did not interrupt Kusanagi Godou.
"Hmm. Looks like Onii-chan was a little useful to Sakura-chan."
Shizuka's self-important comment caused Sakura to nod with a big smile on her face.
"Yep. Godou is really reliable... Ah, right. Lately, Fuyuhime-chan frequently furrows her
brow in deep thought..."
Godou had a bad premonition as he tasted the dry curry.
Too sweet! Just as he thought, he really should have spiced up his own portion.
"Fuyuhime-chan said, you know, 'As I thought, maybe I should maximize my charms as a
woman to aim for the top. I need to use everything at my disposal...' And she asked me to give
this to you, Godoh-kun."
With that, Sakura held out a letter.
"Somehow, Fuyuhime-chan wants to become penpals with Godoh-kun to develop a closer
relationship. And some day she must obtain a high enough position surpassing that
distinguished childhood friend, she said. I don't really get what she means though."
Sakura probably did not understand the true meaning of her friend's words for real.
Smiling without a care in the world, she handed the letter over. Godou found her smile too
dazzling, while Shizuka's severe gaze looked like trouble.
"What's this about, Onii-chan? I thought you were discussing things with Sakura-chan, so
how did it come to this? Explain the situation properly!"
Of course, Godou had no intention of answering his little sister's request.
Carelessly muttering 'now what might that be about', he single-mindedly munched his curry.
And then it struck him. His grandfather was strangely competent at playing the fool when
things got inconvenient. Surely, it had to be a skill honed through one too many similar

Chapter 3 - The Knights and the Sword Trial

Part 1
That human kept opposing him with wonderful tenacity.
As leader of the divine beings called Danann, he swung an invincible sword.

He was a king and a warrior, a mighty god. His opponent, although hard to believe, was no
hero. The blond man was not even a mage.
But the long spear swung by that human showed splendid skill.
He could give high praise to the martial arts that child of man had learned.
"Let us stop this, you who are destined to die. However hard you try to fight, it will not
change my victory. Saint George, who brought you to this other world, has already perished.
He passed, leaving nothing but that spear. Even if you follow him in death, you can choose a
gentler way."
Thrust, slash, swipe.
The human's spearmanship was ever-changing. There was not a single mediocre attack.
But he did not bother with them one by one. Moving his sword and arm purely by reflex, he
warded them all off.
Alas, child of man, your enemy is an unrivaled invincible god.
Most likely the human had used up all of the skills he had learned.
Gradually he cast technique aside and simply thrust the spear. Aiming at his the god's
body, he thrust out the spearhead with a clear heart.
Again and again, he foolishly repeated it. With a clear heart. With a clear mind. Not thinking,
not feeling anything.
Or maybe combat experience had made him realize the most difficult secret along the martial
path, that of attaining the mental realm of serenity and nothingness.
If that was the case, this human held unimaginable talent.
Splendid. He smiled.
The spear the human wielded sent the invincible sword in his hands flying.
The sword danced high through the air and fell at the human's feet. However, Saint George's
spear which had allowed this exploit had been smashed to pieces. Before reaching its end it
had saved the human warrior. Repelling his sword was truly worthy of praise.
"Your master George has perished and you have reached your limit. Therefore, child of man,
your hope has already vanished."
"...Nahh. We're just starting. With this I can finally fight for real."
The blond human stretched his hand out towards the sword sticking in the ground before him.
Claomh Solais[16].

He gripped the otherworldly steel that should be handled by the lord of the Tuatha De
Danann[17] and took it.
"Spears aren't bad, but this type of thing is still better. If I don't lay my hands on a weapon
like this, I can never get fired up enough to enter my truly serious mode. Sorry, but I'll be
borrowing your sword."
He was striving for victory, fighting to the very end.
Commendable spirit. It was truly magnificent fearlessness. Or maybe he was just a moron.
In reality, a mortal human should not be able to handle that sword. He shouldn't be able to use
it as a simple blade, to say nothing of the divine power hidden inside. Well, it might be useful
as a steel club...
He called a new sword into his hands and casually took a stance.
Although not as much as his shining sword, it was sharp. With this he would bring death to
the fool who challenged a god. It was the least he could do for that idiotic hero.

The god and the simple human crossed blades, fighting between life and death.
After a long, long time, a winner was finally decided and the duel came to a close. The tale to
be told this time takes place after this event.

Part 2
The refreshing early summer atmosphere of June was hanging over the hills of Tuscany.
"It's not too bad after all. If only the one accompanying me wasn't you."
The current location was the southern gates of Porta Romana at the ancient city of Florence.
As the car continued along its way, swathes of farmland soon came into view.
This scenery of green rolling hills covering the landscape was unique to Tuscany. This was
the time of year before the arrival of the merciless summer heat, and the air was filled with
joy as it came rushing through the open windows of the car.
"Hey Gennaro, you should be a relatively sensitive person. Isn't this a wonderful occasion?"
"So annoying! You are a little girl who chatters away without end!"
Roaring at the graceful Erica Blandelli was the driver, an unrefined man.
Gennaro Gantz.
A Great Knight belonging to the magic association, the [Copper Black Cross].

His massive bearded appearance was full of solemnity and completely concealed his mere age
of nineteen. One could easily mistake him for twenty-five or six in age. He was not very tall
but extremely well built. A patterned bandanna, wrapped around his head, made him look like
a pirate who had jumped out from a movie screen.
"If it wasn't our great leader Paolo who made the request, 'Please give my niece a ride,' and
therefore impossible to refuse, I wouldn't have said something like 'Leave it all to me!'
without a thought!"
"Precisely, your inability to come up with a pertinent manner of refusal shows how slowwitted you are. Truly hopeless."
Retorting at nineteen-year-old Gennaro, Erica was only twelve at the time.
However, her adult-like beauty and slender figure as well as lady-like demeanor were not
typical of her age.
"Since I have no wish for you to drive and you don't want to be anywhere near me, look, our
interests are aligned. But you have agreed to Uncle's requests twice already... How about it,
let me give you a lesson on the basics of social etiquette right now?"
"Give me a break, I'll never be able to remember your sharp-tongued manner of speech!"
Erica was not sitting on the passenger side next to the driver but on one of the back seats.
Obviously, it was to avoid sitting beside Gantz.
Both of them were knights and members of the [Copper Black Cross].
In the world of magi in southern European countries like Italy and Spain, "knights" meant
Templar Knights. Of course, the real Order of the Knights Templar recorded in history the
"Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon" had already disbanded in the
early fourteenth century.
However, a small number of people survived.
There were those who inherited their magic and martial arts, as well as those who inherited
their wealth.
These people, who continued to call themselves "knights," were not simply magi but also
special ability users skilled in martial arts and priding themselves on their noble spirit of
(Originally, Templar Knights were supposed to be members of Christian monastic orders
commonly called monks, but this distinction blurred over time, allowing women like Erica to
become knights. The original Knights Templar did not accept women as members.)
Whether Erica or Gantz, both were comrades who aspired to the same ideals of chivalry.
But their fundamental incompatibility could not be overcome.

Born in Reggio Calabria on the southern tip of the Italian peninsula, Gantz was a wild and
rough but good man with a kind heart. On the other hand, Erica was an elegant young beauty
born and raised in the northern Italian metropolis of Milan, as well as being the little princess
of the prestigious House of Blandelli (and even tracing their ancestry to a Devil King
The difference in upbringing was an unbridgeable gulf.
Furthermore, as the closest rivals, the two of them were inevitably going to compete for the
[Diavolo Rosso] position. This was the title of the premier knight representing the [Copper
Black Cross].
They were members of the [Copper Black Cross], one of the top magic associations in the
On the other hand, not all members were Italians.
Particularly for talented members amongst the core leadership, many were recruited from
various countries. However, it was customary for the commander-in-chief and the [Diavolo
Rosso] to be selected from Italians. And amongst the young and talented destined to rise to
ranks of the core leadership, Erica and Gantz were the only two Italian-born knights.
This was the fundamental reason why they always maintained their distance from each other.
The present generation's [Diavolo Rosso], Paolo Blandelli, was Erica's uncle.
His request for Gantz to take care of his niece must have been an attempt to improve relations
between the young candidates for core leadership... It carried such sentiments.
But anyway, the sports car driven by Gantz was now racing across the Tuscan fields.
Their destination was a village roughly twenty minutes away from Florence.
This was an old monastery probably established during the Middle Ages. Rumored to have
been built as a stronghold, its surrounding stone walls were of sturdy construction.
After Gantz stopped the car on the outskirts of the premises, Erica got off together with her
"The means of return has already been prepared so there is no need for you to wait here. I
wish you well, Gennaro. Though it wasn't a delightful journey, it is necessary to express
thanks for your efforts."
"If you want to say thanks, be more upfront with it! Bye!"
Gantz left and drove off in a hurry.
Erica walked towards the monastery.

Her extraordinary talent had already been recognized at the age of twelve, and she had been
officially awarded the title of "Knight" two weeks earlier. Receiving a blessing at this place
was customary for new inductees like her.
...In that case, that other girl was likely here as well.
She had heard that there was another who received the title around the same time at another
magic association, the [Bronze Black Cross].
"Just as I thought, exactly as predicted."
A familiar girl was standing there in the garden of the monastery.
The beautiful silver hair was kept straight and long. Delicate facial beauty made for a perfect
combination with the slender and glamorous figure, producing an appearance akin to a fairy
descending upon the mortal realm from the moon. However, the girl's profile revealed a stern
expression. Despite her young age, her eyes shone with a resolute luster of knightly pride.
Like Erica, she was twelve years old.
Similarly, she was a prodigy from a prestigious magic association based in Milan.
Standing before Erica was Liliana Kranjcar whom she had already known for the past ten
"Greetings, Lily. Truly, our fates are bound together tightly as ever."
"...Please do not call me using such an intimate nickname. Furthermore, our meeting here is
not coincidence. Instead, it should be described as inevitable. You too, came here to receive
the 'sword'?"
Her stiff manner of speech suited neither her age nor her gender.
This was, of course, part of Liliana's personality, which Erica smilingly accepted.
The silver-haired childhood friend was flawless in appearance and intellect, but lacked ladylike aspirations. She would make a good knight, a good wife and a good mother, but she
would never become a flower of the court like a salon patroness.
"Yes, it is exactly as you say, Lily."
"Hmph... I already reminded you and here you go acting intimately without any mindfulness."
Whether Erica, who never changed her ways, or Liliana, set in her displeased expression, both
of them were here for the same purpose.
It was customary for new knights in northern Italy to be bestowed their personal sword at this
San Gilardino Monastery (of course, it was limited to just the knights of the seven prestigious
magic associations).

Weapons used by knights were all specially crafted.

Taking steel smelted through alchemy, master craftsmen forged and polished them into blades
further strengthened through alchemy only such swords and spears were worthy of being
Ever since ancient times, this monastery had been the holy sanctum where young knights
were bestowed with weapons and blessed.
It was said that the Medici family in Florence at the height of the Renaissance was already
managing this industry.
"Having been summoned here specially, allow me to express my deepest gratitude. Erica
Blandelli pays her respects today as invited."
Noticing the approaching monk, Erica greeted gracefully.
Since she was visiting as a knight, vulgar behavior would not be tolerated.
Erica Blandelli's assertive yet graceful personality made her the center of attention in the vast
majority of situations.
"I am the eldest daughter of the Kranjcar family, Liliana. I shall be in your care."
In comparison, Liliana's greeting lacked individuality and common pleasantries.

Despite being a knight with a witch's disposition, as well as possessing great potential rivaling
Erica's, she only applied herself towards being a soldier no matter what.
"For a long time, I have heard much about you two prodigies of Milan."
The monk in a black habit was a man in his prime who replied calmly to the two girls'

Despite the loose fitting garment, it was apparent that the man's physique was very welltrained.
From his approaching footsteps and the manner he carried himself, his extraordinary martial
arts was readily apparent. As befitted the leader of the monastery of swords.
"It is truly delightful to witness such outstanding talent from the two girls hailing from
prestigious families. This monastery will perform the blessings for the award ceremony and
bestow weapons worthy of chivalric honor. May you one day follow in the footsteps of our
predecessor Saint Raffaello."
"Yes, in order to become a praiseworthy knight, I shall strive to improve myself."
Liliana bowed her head in response to the monk's polite words.
Doing everything by the book was in her character. But acting in all seriousness did not suit
Erica, who wanted to say something more interesting.
"As newcomers like us, I am extremely touched by this rare occasion... By the way, speaking
of following in the footsteps of Saint Raffaello, it would be most delightful if we can begin
emulating with the "Blessing of the Sword" ceremony."
The monk showed emotion for the first time, smiling wryly in response to Erica's politely
delivered words of audacity.
At the same time, Liliana was frowning beside her.
"Wait a minute, Erica. What is the meaning of such shameless words?"
"My, Lily, what adversarial interpretations. Listen well then, our esteemed monk here asked
us to 'walk in the footsteps of Saint Raffaello,' right? That means learning from the great lady
swordsman, the one who received the 'Position of the Knight of the Holy Grail,' as well as
being the highest ranking Templar Knight."
The title of the premier knight at Erica's [Copper Black Cross] was the [Diavolo Rosso].
[Saint Raffaello] was also a title of similar nature.
The Florentine association [Capital of Lilies] bestowed the title on the their most gallant
knight. The present generation Saint Raffaello was a woman. Though she had retired from the
front lines long ago, she was still considered Europe's strongest swordsman.
"Due to Saint Raffaello's outstanding swordsmanship, a special exception was made and two
swords were bestowed instead of one, becoming a legend passed down in this monastery."
"That's right, it's the Twin Swords of the Lion and the Master Musician."
Erica's eloquence forced the monk's wry smile to become even more severe.

Finally, Liliana erupted in an expression full of anger and glared at Erica furiously.
"So in other words, Dame Erica, let us imitate the story of Saint Raffaello and bestow you
with two swords, how about that?"
"Please do not joke of such matters! No matter how much you wish to follow in the footsteps
of the great knight, going that far would be too disrespectful!"
"No, I was not suggesting that. Besides, it would be too impertinent."
Met with their objections, Erica's beautiful face smiled like the devil.
This was completely unexpected. This was Erica Blandelli, the one who always accomplished
what no one could predict.
"A few years ago just before her retirement, Saint Raffaello paid this monastery a visit,
bearing her two bestowed swords. Back then, she said 'rather than have these two swords
accompany an old lady like me, why not give them a more befitting mission of helping young
knights in their adventures?'"
With that, she had returned the two famous magic swords.
"Having learned of the above story, we, Erica Blandelli and her ally, Liliana Kranjcar, wish to
come here as the new masters of the twin swords."
With extravagant words, she expressed her wish.
The elderly Saint Raffaello had exited the world stage a long time ago.
(To be precise, she belonged to the same era as Italy's highest ranked witch, Lucretia Zola.)
The anecdote of her retirement was picked up while researching the details of various top
European magi.
"Seeking to receive two swords at once like Saint Raffaello would, of course, be too
impertinent. However, if we were each to receive one of the twin swords left behind by the
great predecessor, there is nothing impertinent about inheriting her will. I implore you to
satisfy my wish."
After all, if a sword was to be bestowed, it was only natural to wish for a better one.
Erica had planned this from the start. Taking into account that Liliana happened to be around
to satisfy the requirement for the twin swords, it was perfect.
However, the silver-haired childhood friend and rival still bore an expression of displeasure.
She was struggling against opposing emotions anger at being used by Erica's scheming on
one hand, and intense temptation offered by Saint Raffaello's twin swords on the other.
"I see. I now understand Dame Erica's wish."

The monk went from a wry smile to a complete laugh. What was going to happen next?
The famous "Twin Swords of the Lion and the Master Musician" reappearing in the world
once more and bestowed upon new users such an event could not possibly happen without
widespread report.
"However, in actual fact there are conditions here that you two may not know. The great one
has retired in seclusion in the vicinity of Florence. In response, this monastery proposed to her
the following we entrusted Saint Raffaello with the twin swords again together with the
task of personally testing prospective new users to see if they were worthy of receiving the
swords and continuing her legend."
So that was how things worked. It required meeting the legendary paladino for her personal
Erica nodded arrogantly, while Liliana suddenly became greatly emotional.
"What... Not only do I get to meet Saint Raffaello, but also the chance to inherit her magic
sword What are you dallying for, Erica, hurry and let us set off now!"
"What's come over you, Lily, with this sudden motivation?"
The unexpected intensity of her childhood friend's enthusiasm seemed to be slightly ruining
Erica's mood.
"I have always wished to follow the same path as my admired idol, Saint Raffaello. Though it
is with great reluctance that I yield to your conniving schemes, it is of no importance at this
time. Let us go meet her immediately! Go!"
"......Well, I see now."
Once roused, Liliana's passion knew no bounds. The silver-haired childhood friend essentially
acted in complete accordance with Erica's predictions.
Though manipulating her was a simple matter, there were times when she exceeded
expectations. In those occasions, even Erica found it difficult to keep her in check. It was
exactly like the type of girl who is so simpleminded that she is impossible to understand and
unexpectedly difficult to handle.
"So, esteemed monk, where does Saint Raffaello live?"
"For real...? Actually, we don't know either."
The monk gave a perfunctory answer to Liliana's impatient question.
"Saint Raffaello apparently thinks that this sort of information should be found out by
yourself. That is why she disappeared into seclusion without letting us know."
"Oh my... this turns out to be unexpectedly challenging."

Erica smiled, intent on taking on the unforeseen challenge.

There were many villages and roads scattered across the countryside in the surroundings of
Florence. Trying to find a woman whose name and face were unknown would prove to be
quite a troublesome chore.
However, this was welcomed. This kind of trouble, I shall overcome as many of them as they
present themselves.
"Other than us, have there been any others who sought the twin swords?"
Liliana posed another question to the monk.
"Quite a few. However, almost all of them gave up because they were unable to locate Saint
"Almost all... In other words, there were exceptions?"
"Yes, one. No one could have expected such an idiot to succeed. However, that fellow was
not seeking to inherit the twin swords. All he wanted was to meet Saint Raffaello."
The monk cast aside his strict tone of voice for once, using the word "idiot."
"His swordsmanship was truly exceptional. Yes, having witnessed the skill of so many
masters, I've never seen anyone like him. However, he was a complete failure in magic. With
such low ability, he was never regarded as a successor candidate in the first place."
So that was what happened. Erica nodded.
No matter what, it was useful to know that someone had once succeeded.
In that case, surely she can do the same. Erica's lips naturally shaped themselves into a
glamorous smile.
It was neither a noblewoman's smile nor a devil's mischievous smile. Rather, it was more like
a lioness' smile. An expression fitting for the beautiful female knight about to undertake a
difficult and risky challenge.
At this time, an unexpected intruder appeared.
A young man had squirmed his way through the gates of the monastery.
He was a handsome man with well-proportioned facial features and messy blonde hair, but
looked rather haggard and lacking in ambition. Despite his slim physique, it was clear that his
body had undergone intense training.
Around twenty in age or so, he was from the same generation as Gennaro Gantz. Dressed
casually in a half-sleeved t-shirt and cotton shorts, everything was wide open and in a tattered
disheveled state.

This young man was walking unsteadily with no strength in his steps.
"This man?! ...What a coincidence. Returning here again after one year."
Muttering softly, the monk approached the young man.
Liliana went over to inquire about the situation.
"Is he affiliated with this place? I've never seen him amongst the monks."
"No, but he is related to the current conversation. He is the hopeless idiot mentioned just now.
The method he used was to visit each of the nearby villages, and against every single female
he encountered even young girls and old ladies without exception he would swing a
wooden branch, saying that out of these hundred and seventy people, the one who dodged his
strike must be Saint Raffaello. That is why we call him the hopeless idiot."
Well, he did withdraw all attacks on contact. The fact that no one was hurt was rather
Explaining this, the monk sighed.
Liliana went "Huh?" with a shocked expression. Erica too, agreed that he was an idiot, for it
was quite a surprise that such a dangerous man was not arrested by the police...
However, it stood as fact that such an unbelievable method succeeded.
Because she was rather, precisely because she was the brilliantly talented Erica, such a
ridiculous idea never occurred to her.
"Hey, what is going on!? What on earth happened!?"
The young man did not respond to the monk's questions.
Instead, he fell over headlong, losing consciousness. The monk frantically hurried over and
started examining the young man's body.
Was injury or disease the cause? The conclusion was neither.
The young man's stomach gave off an enormous rumble. Apparently he had fainted from
"Scaring others for no reason just like before... Hmm? What, this wound is?"
The monk's gaze focused on the upper body which had been undressed for examination.
There was an enormous red-black scar where the right arm connected to the shoulder.
It looked like the entire right arm had been amputated and welded back together
A strange and horrifying sight. An ominous feeling, as well as a mysterious and incredible

Part 3
"Ah, so full now, I'm so grateful."
The young man was wolfing food down with a delighted voice.
In the modest kitchen of the monastery, plates on the workbenches were filled with hard bread
local to the region of Tuscany.
Then there were bottles of unlabeled red wine fermented in the village.
Both were provided by the monks.
"Then having expressed my thanks, it would be even more perfect if I could have some meat
and vegetables here. For me, right now, carbohydrates are not really enough..."
"Regrettably, today's food has all been consumed."
The monk spoke casually unlike the way he was talking to Erica and Liliana earlier.
"We've never gone out to buy other stuff, so give it up... By the way, where have you been
and what have you been doing all this time? A year ago, after you found Saint Raffaello, you
were clearly training under her for a while, but disappeared after a month."
"Haha... That's it, so that's what I did, maybe."
"This fellow never talks seriously, just like before! Respond seriously to me!"
The monk started to get annoyed at the young man's stupid face.
But the young man remained unfazed and calmly wiped his mouth with a napkin.
"I am being serious in my own way. Well, let's put that aside for now, it's time to get going."
"My first priority is to recover the state of my body. I will gladly express my thanks for your
hospitality, someday... But first, I need to find some place better stocked in food."
The young man got up and quickly left the kitchen.
"So, I'll be going now, bye!"
The young man's footsteps were as quick and light as the spring breeze.
Calling out was not going to delay his departure. Erica and Liliana exchanged glances as they
observed quietly.
"Esteemed monk, we will also take our leave."

"We will surely obtain Saint Raffaello's approval and return with the twin swords. When that
time comes, please bestow the blessing upon us."
The two knight inductees got up from the table and bid their respective farewells.
Liliana rigidly adhering to preset forms, while Erica was as glamorous as a noblewoman. The
monk smiled wryly as he prayed for their safety.
"On the battlefield, only unparalleled speed is truly invincible. Taking action swiftly and
never letting fortune slip bysuch spirit and initiative is admirable. But that man is too much
of a fool, but at the same time, someone extraordinary. Please take care."
Those were the monk's final words as he saw the two girls off from the monastery.

"Hey, wait up! Where on earth are you going?"

Erica yelled at the young man who was hurrying on his way ahead.
As he walked briskly along the dirt road in the countryside, his blonde hair was shaking side
to side.
"Umm... Sorry, who are you people again?"
"I am Liliana Kranjcar, knight of the [Bronze Black Cross], this one here is Erica Blandelli of
the [Copper Black Cross]."
"Hmm, sounds a bit familiar, did I remember wrong?"
The young man looked bewildered after Liliana announced their names.
"There's some kind of familiar feeling."
"We just met at the monastery. Standing next to the monk."
"Oh, so that's why you look so familiar!"
The young man looked very laid back, but did not seem to be lying.
Could he really have forgotten faces he had met mere minutes ago?
"I'm sorry, I'm someone who's not very good at remembering names and faces that's what I
believe. It's like those kinds of memories are sometimes there, sometimes not."
"Why are you talking about yourself as if commenting on another person..."
"Well, you know, it's surprisingly difficult for humans to look objectively at things related to
themselves. So it's not a bad idea to practice this kind of thing."
"Even so, for memories to become fuzzy after a mere five minutes, it is very problematic!"

Liliana angered for the first time at the young man's lack of serious attitude.
However, this kind of conversation was not going to lead to any progress.
"You said you wanted more to eat, so where are you going exactly?"
"Hmm, I still haven't figured that out yet."
The young man complained about his hunger in response to Erica's nosy question.
"In truth, I am actually quite poor, there's not too many coins left in my pockets."
"Well, that was pretty much what I expected."
Liliana whispered softly as she stared at his appearance.
He had no belongings other than the t-shirt and the cotton shorts he was wearing, not even a
bag. Besides, if he were flushed with cash, he would not have reached such a famished state
in the first place.
"So, I just thought of a perfect plan to get myself a full meal despite being penniless. Listen
well, first I will wander around the area to find local residents and yell out names of single
"...You know a lot of people in this neighborhood?"
The young man standing before her seemed rather incompetent?
Liliana questioned with eyes full of doubt.
"No, I don't know anyone here, but it doesn't matter. Francesca, Gianna, whatever, just call
out a random name. I will pretend... that I mistook them for someone I know and use the
opportunity to strike up conversation, gradually get familiar and becoming more and more
engaged. Once the time is ripe, when mouths are dry and stomachs are empty, I will gradually
make my way into the home of this single lady, and sit down for a delicious meal."
A perfect plan? How naive of this young man to conclude.
Erica coughed deliberately before offering her opinion.
"In that case, there is an even faster method. If you wish, come together with us to a nearby
restaurant how about that?"

Thus, the three of them sat down at a restaurant in the village.

Soon after, their orders arrived and covered the table: pasta with tomato sauce, mushroom and
cheese pizza, fried rabbit and beef, cow offal stew, a large bowl of salad, and a complete set
of white wine, ros wine, red wine and soda water.

All this was essentially swept away by the blonde young man.
Normally, someone who had fainted from hunger would eat something easily digestible to
avoid straining the stomach.
However, this young man wolfed down everything in huge mouthfuls whether it was cheese,
meat, deep-fried, or alcohol. What an amazing digestive system. Back in the monastery's
kitchen, it was already apparent from the way he casually cleared out the bread that was hard
as rock (usually eaten with sauce or gravy).
"Yes yes, now this is what I call being alive!"
The young man smiled as he exclaimed.
A cheerful and delightful smile, but also incredible in the way it felt like a monster's.
"By the way, we still have not asked for your name yet, right?"
Liliana's question made him pause in his conquest of food.
"Yes, having been edified by Saint Raffaello, you must also be a knight, right? Next comes
the most important question, that great person the respected master who instructed you,
could you tell us the location of her residence?"
"Master? Residence?"
"Yes, we must meet Saint Raffaello no matter what!"
Liliana questioned with great intensity of emotion. What kind of answer was she going to
Erica shrugged sarcastically beside her.
"Saint Raffaello... The name seems kind of familiar. Was this person really my master? Then
what about my own name eh, name... name, hmm."
The young man spoke rather intriguing words, and began to enter deep thought with a frown.
"Please do not joke around. You cannot mean to say you have even forgotten your own
"Hmm, that does seem to be the case."
The young man answered in earnest in response to Liliana's interrogation.
"I think I've lost my memory. I can't recall my name or what I've been doing lately. What's
this? My memories of what I did in this neighborhood are so vague."

In the end, the restaurant conversation concluded with nothing achieved, except for treating
the young man to a sumptuous meal.
"Thank you all! May God be with you!"
Thus, the young man shamelessly walked away.
Treated to a meal by two twelve-year-old girls, that was all he expressed.
It was now readily apparent why the monk had been repeating comments like "idiot" and
"unbelievable fellow." His personality was way too shameless.
"...Erica, you were uncharacteristically reticent just now, what is going on in your mind?"
Outside the restaurant, the young man had departed with footsteps like the wind.
Watching him leave, Liliana questioned Erica.
"Oh? Lily noticed?"
"Of course, you could not possibly let a caught fish go so easily without doing anything. Just
now you hardly said a word, and when that man finished eating, all you did was watch,
Erica smiled in response to her childhood friend's accusation.
As expected of my rival, she discerned my true intentions without fail.
"Hey, do you still remember how I excused myself for a brief moment during the meal?"
"Ah, did you do something bad during that time?"
While the young man was focused entirely on eating, Erica had randomly excused herself at
one point.
"Based on the result, the answer is no. I was hiding far in the distance, casting the magic of
[Sleeping Powder] on that glutton."
Exactly as the name implied, this was magic for making someone fall asleep.
Though very versatile in its wide-ranging applications, this magic had no effect if the target
was wary in any way. Even ordinary people would recover swiftly after feeling sleepy.
However, there should be no problem against someone delightfully stuffing his face in such a
"In such an unwary state, he should have simply gone to sleep? I was thinking it would be
acceptable as long as we obtain the information we need, even if it meant using hypnosis to
rob his will. Given such a strange personality, getting things directly would be a lot faster than
trying to have a serious conversation."

"Flawlessly decisive and merciless as ever. But the plan failed."

"Yes. It's still unclear, but he deflected my spell perfectly."
"Counter magic or a protection barrier... which one was it?"
"Completely unknown. However, the esteemed monk did say very clearly that he was 'a
complete failure,' so he should have zero disposition towards magic. But for Erica Blandelli's
spell to have no effect..."
"Could the idiotic attitude be just an act?"
"In that case, he must be a real sly old fox. He is serious trouble if he can hide things so well."
Even at the tender age of twelve, Erica had great confidence in her ability to judge people.
However, the encounter with the young man had shaken this confidence. The man judged as
an "idiot" by the monk who should be highly experienced, having met so many knights.
Erica could not believe the young man had the ability to "retract his talons like an eagle."
On the other hand, he was able to foil Erica's plan despite her beliefs.
"So Erica, how shall we obtain tangible information from him?"
"Now it's your turn to shine, Lily. Didn't you master the [Witch's Eye] a month ago?"
"You actually want me to track down that man using the [Witch's Eye]?"
Of course. As Erica nodded, Lily looked up into the sky.
"Using clairvoyance for the despicable act of following someone in secret?"
"There are other vision-enhancing spells for long range recon... But none are as good as the
Witch's Eye. Now is the perfect opportunity to make good use of it."
Only those with a witch's disposition were able to use witchcraft.
The Witch's Eye allowed one's sense of sight to travel afar and move around freely. Other
lineages of magic also had similar spells but none of them could offer clairvoyance that
moved as rapidly as the Witch's Eye. This spell was surprisingly useful for tailing someone.

Erica borrowed a large basin from the restaurant and filled it with water.
This restaurant and bar also had open air tables out front.
That was where the two of them sat after setting down the borrowed basin. After sitting
properly at the table, Liliana closed her eyes and released the Witch's Eye.

Soon after, the young man's image appeared on the surface of the water in the basin.
The man seemed to be casually chatting away with an older man with great enthusiasm. They
seemed to have just met but they had their arms on each other's shoulder, and were so familiar
that it seemed like they were longtime friends.
The young man kept repeating certain words as if pleading for something. The man
immediately laughed in response and motioned for him to follow.
Then the two of them got in a car and left.
"Lily, check out where they are going."
A witch's clairvoyant [Witch's Eye] was even able to keep up with the speed of a car.
Liliana had already anticipated such an order.
"Understood. But how are we going to get there?"
"Relax. I, Erica Blandelli, can't possibly fail to achieve the same task as that man, right?"
Erica declared with immense pride.

Part 4
San Gimignano's streets dated all the way back to the Middle Ages and were classified as a
UNESCO World Heritage Site.
A total of fourteen towers had been built all over the town during the Middle Ages.
Situated close to Florence, it was less than an hour away by car. The olden City of Flowers,
Florence, and the Eternal City, Rome, were both important urban centers that brought
exceptional prosperity to their surroundings.
Nowadays, historical buildings were fully put to use as tourist attractions.
And so, the self-proclaimed amnesiac young man hitchhiked his way to this town.
"So Lily, let's find the guy immediately, you haven't lost his trail, right?"
"Ah, no problem... That man suddenly got a lift. He should not be going sightseeing, so what
is he doing exactly?"
At the entrance to the town was the Porta San Giovanni.
Built in the thirteenth century, these gates had great historical significance.
Standing before this structure, the two knights were whispering to each other.

Liliana had been keeping her eyes tightly shut all this time starting from the restaurant at the
last village. When using the Witch's Eye, her own eyes must be kept closed.
Erica skillfully guided and protected her childhood friend in this state as they went on their
Following the young man's lead, she chanced upon an idle-looking older man and pleaded for
a ride.
(This kind of idle older men seemed to be unexpectedly common in the Italian countryside.
As if on duty, these men would chat and flirt with young ladies on first sight regardless of
whether they were local Italians or foreign tourists. Having a day job would be a hindrance to
such activities.)
Chatting amiably with the older man in the car helped add liveliness to the brief journey.
Erica explained Liliana's closed-eye and silent condition with an excuse of "not feeling well."
With that, Erica and Liliana easily followed in the young man's footsteps.
"What!? What on earth is that man trying to do!?"
Liliana suddenly yelled out, opening her eyes that she had been keeping shut.
"What is it, Lily? Something unusual happened?"
"Ah, that man casually climbed to the top of a tower and was looking around... And suddenly,
the Witch's Eye was nullified."
"Counter magic? Or is it that [Fortune's Blessing] used by fairy doctors?"
"Intuition tells me that it is neither. Very likely it is not regular magic... More like something
used by fairies, demonic deities or the like. Something that felt like magical and spirit power.
In the end, all I saw was the man lightly waving his right hand"
Erica stared with her eyes wide open as a result of Liliana's explanation.
The young man known as the idiot, did have a hidden trump card after all.
"Though this matter is rather concerning, picking up his trail again is our first priority. Lily,
let's hurry to where he is! You know the place, right?"
"Ah, it is that plaza over there. Follow me!"
Using the Witch's Eye would likely have the same result again, so it was not a solution.
Liliana started running first, with Erica following behind.
San Gimignano's streets were built on a hill. The land got steeper the closer to town centre,
and the sloped path extended uphill.

Even so, the two of them ran effortlessly and passed pedestrians without getting out of breath.
The place they reached was a plaza with a great church.
It was natural to find solemn holy sanctums in Italian towns of sufficient scale.
Important facilities and tourist attractions targeted towards foreigners were bound to be found
at the town center. Located at San Gimignano's Piazza del Duomo was the Palazzo
Communale, the seat of civic authority and museum whose style of architecture dates back to
medieval times.
Furthermore, seven of the town's iconic towers were located here.
It was a must-see for tourists to ascend one of these towers to admire the view of the San
Gimignano's immediate surroundings.
The young man happened to be exiting a tower. Erica and Liliana nodded at each other and
approached him.
"You really did something out of line! Did you recover your memory!?"
"...Ah. You're the girls just now called... whatever."
The young man turned to face Erica with an indifferent expression as she called to him. It was
shocking how badly he failed at remembering anyone's name after all this time.
Erica and Liliana were beautiful girls who should have left deep impressions. People who
remembered their names and faces would vastly outnumber those who forgot them
"Please allow me to ask a question, Mr. Amnesiac. Why do you seem to be trying to avoid
bringing us to meet Saint Raffaello? Are you facing some sort of difficulty? ...Or could it be,
that you don't want us to obtain the twin swords?"
A rather instigating query.
Earlier at the restaurant, Erica and Liliana had not explained their purpose.
However, at that time the two young knights had expressed their wish to meet Saint Raffaello.
If the young man was really her disciple then he should have easily figured out their reason
for wanting to meet her.
So he must be playing dumb and deliberately withholding clues
"Based on what your suspicious behavior indicates, is that not the most plausible conclusion?
Are you really wandering around because you are trying to find Saint Raffaello's residence?"
However, if he really did not know magic then they needed to change their approach.

If he is like that then things could only be decided by a direct frontal confrontation. Though
Erica was a quick-witted girl well-versed in strategy, ultimately, she had the heart of a soldier
who loved a good frontal charge.
However, this frontal confrontation did not lead to any dramatic result.
"No no, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I really can't remember who that Saint
whatever person is... Ah, wait a minute, somehow hearing that name makes me think of a
horse's tail."
The young man spoke as he racked his brains. A horse's tail?
Erica frowned in response to this cavalier attitude that seemed to be making fun of her.
Liliana interrupted and said:
"So why did you come to this town? You lost your memory, right?"
"Hmm, for some reason, I have a strong feeling that this town with the many towers is the
place where I will meet the one I want to meet. That's why I asked that acquaintance if he
knew a place like that and begged him to take me here..."
The young man looked around at the medieval streets with a nostalgic expression.
"And then, it really did feel familiar, so I tried going somewhere higher, and then something
caught my attention."
Flawlessly acting the fool all this time, the man finally made a noteworthy comment.
Faced with this situation, Erica readied her stance. Was this a trap? Was he trying to lead her
and Liliana into a mistaken direction?
"Hey you two, would you mind coming along with me? If I am really related to the person
you seek, then it should be easier to find clues about that person, right?"
Unexpectedly, the young man was asking for more favors.
"What an incomprehensible request...?"
Faced with Liliana's surprise, the young man responded with a very serious expression.
"Because just now when I bought the ticket to the tower I became completely penniless. And
that was because I was a little short and begged the older lady for a discount of 1 Euro. That is
why I need friends who can help me with further travels!"
Come to think of it, San Gimignano was a tourist center. Though there were many towers and
museums, they more or less all charged entrance fees.
(By the way, in various streets, even public facilities had times when entrance fees were

Faced with this spontaneous request, Erica shook her head in vexation, caught in a quandary.
Drawing her lips close to Liliana's ear, they began to discuss in whispers.
(...Hey Lily, what do think of this man? Is he the "sly old fox skillfully playing dumb" we
thought earlier, or the apparent "complete fool in appearance and essence" we see now?)
(What a strange experience. Actually, I am beginning to suspect the latter too.)
Rare it may be, but Liliana also agreed with Erica's assessment.
(Well, there still are many suspicious points, but the opportunity should not be given up.)
(Right, as the saying goes nothing ventured, nothing gained.)
In the worst case scenario, if this guy really was an unforgivable idiot, then he would just
muddle through no matter what.
Thus the girls reached a consensus, aiming for venturous gains.
"Understood. So, Mr. Amnesiac, let us travel together then. Take us to the place which caught
your attention."
"Of course! Let's go over there?"
"Right, by the way, there is something I need to confirm. Just now you discovered my Witch's
Eye and dispelled it so splendidly. How did you do it?"
Liliana slowly phrased her question to the young man who was nodding away in response to
That's right, how could the young man who was supposed to be a complete failure in magic
use an ultimate skill like that? This mystery must be cleared up no matter what.
"Ah, I just felt a kind of uneasiness like being watched. So it was you? I didn't use a spell
though. All I did was throw this at it."
The young man took out a fork from his pocket.
A completely unremarkable piece of cutlery. Colored silver, it was most likely stainless steel.
"Actually, what I threw was the knife I secretly took along with this fork. Not for any
particular reason, but only because I thought it'd be fun to play with back at the restaurant."
Now that it was mentioned, the fork did look familiar.
However, knives and forks casually taken from dinner tables should not have antimagic
Erica questioned acutely.

"So you mean you infused magic into the knife to neutralize other spells?"
"No no, I was just wondering if that spell could be easily sliced through. I suck too much at
magic and didn't do anything complicated. Hmm, really, all I did was to try cutting it."
Was this another instance of perfect acting from the young man?
Or was his explanation not clear enough? Erica sighed.
It was a first time for her to be completely unsure of a man's character. Despite having
absolute confidence in her grasp of social and interpersonal relations, Erica still had yet to
find the proper reins to keep this man under control.
Amazed and impressed by the young man, Erica and Liliana signaled each other through their

The amnesiac young man walked along the open streets.

Going in the direction of some eateries and shops, he suddenly stopped and turned his gaze to
one of the shops selling local souvenirs.
"This is the shop that 'caught your attention'?"
"Nope, but I saw something else... I'll just be a moment!"
The young man dove straight into the shop immediately after answering Liliana's question.
Helplessly, the two girls followed after him.
This was a shop selling typical souvenirs such as folk works of art and artistic postcards.
Neither Erica nor Liliana had any particular interest in enjoying this kind of well-stocked
souvenir shop.
As the two browsed the shop with disinterest, they found the young man going "ahah, just as
expected!" with his eyes shining brightly.
He was in a corner of the shop where many weapons were hung on the wall.
Long swords, short swords, shields, battle axes, bows and arrows, etc
There were all sorts of classic weapons from the medieval battlefield. However, all were
merely replicas created as souvenirs. They even offered Japanese swords, further proof of
selling out to commercialism.
"This one this one, I really like this!"
The young man was holding a long sword.

Even though it was obviously a replica, the craftsmanship was very good.
When forging a real sword, molten steel was first poured into a mold. After cooling down, the
blade portion was polished and sharpened.
This replica simply lacked the sharpening stage.
Hence, it was identical to the real thing in both weight and shape. Not bad at all.
"...Isn't this just a fake? I don't think it will be useful to you."
Erica commented coldly as Liliana nodded in agreement beside her.
However, the amnesiac young man shook his head.
"That's not right. Come to think of it, for swords there's no such thing as real or fake, only
skilled or unskilled only the user's skill matters. If wielded by a true master, even a fake
sword can cut like a peerless treasure. If used by a clumsy rookie, even the strongest magic
sword would be no different from a fishing rod."
He proceeded to take out the restaurant fork from just now.
"Taken to the extreme, a swordsman's mission is to be able to use any ordinary weapon as if it
was King Arthur's Excalibur. Whether the weapon in hand is the strongest magic sword or an
oaken branch, a saber or a fork, all should be the same. You fail if you can't use it well
"That's just idealism. If you're going to use a weapon on the battlefield, of course you should
use the best possible."
In terms of the pursuit of skill, the young man's perspective did carry some truth.
Erica played devil's advocate even though she agreed in principle.
There existed exceptional masters who could obtain splendid victory against lance-wielding
knights with nothing but a short blade, or otherworldly martial artists who could dominate
sword users with their bare fists
But those who possessed such divine skills were extremely rare.
Erica's Uncle Paolo Blandelli and Saint Raffaello were probably the few exceptions.
However, this did not mean they could ignore the quality of their weapons. After all, a
personal weapon was a helper, an important partner needed to resist and destroy enemies.
"Well, that's good enough for little kids like you. Trying to do difficult things before you are
mature enough would not work anyway. However, once you grow up into adults with clear
judgment like me, you will see the failure in your ways."

The young man spoke rather unhappily for once. However, the way he stared at the sword on
the wall was like a child in poverty looking wistfully at a little trumpet in a shop window.
Wanting badly but unable to buy.
"...So, what exactly do you wish to do about this sword, Mr. Adult?"
Greatly surprised, Liliana spoke in a rare moment of sarcasm. The young man looked back at
the girls with a smile from the heart.
"No, this is exactly the time when an adult's power is needed. Mr. Shopkeeper, may I ask,
does this shop allow temporary unpaid bills? Eh, guarantors? Credit cards? Loans? No no, I'm
not talking about those warmthless consumer terms of modern society. I want something that
can bring out miraculous connections between people, warming people's hearts or something
like that..."
No wallet, personal identification, prepaid funds or guarantors.
Faced with such a shameless young man, the young shopkeeper of the souvenir store refused
in shock. However, the young man continued to plead repeatedly like a spoiled child.
In the end, Erica and Liliana settled the matter of the sword by paying for him.
"Thank you so much for buying the sword!"
The young man grinned from ear to ear as he walked ahead, embracing the replica sword from
the souvenir shop that was wrapped in a rag.
Erica and Liliana secretly whispered to each other as they followed behind him.
"Well, for something of that price..."
"That idiot no, that man, how far are we going to believe in him..."
Erica could fully understand Liliana's sentiments as she was about to utter the words
"shameless idiot."
Regardless, the trio continued on their way.
Leaving the walled city, the wide open Tuscan fields came into view.
Gentle rolling hills. Well-maintained vineyards and olive tree plantations. Modest little huts
used by farmers. Sparsely growing trees. Little streams. This was an ancient road that led
straight to Rome
Amongst such scenery were the remains of medieval castles and forts.
The young man made his way towards them. Of course, Erica and Liliana were still

"...Hmm, this place really seems familiar after all. Though I have some kind of feeling I
suffered a fair bit of hardship here before, but what was it exactly?"
The self-pronounced amnesiac muttered and grumbled to himself.
Erica cared little for his reactions, but suddenly Liliana began to shake and speak quietly with
eyes out of focus.
"Ancient knightly skills... Ancient incantations, treasures... Are hidden in this holy sanctum..."
It was spirit vision. Liliana had obtained an oracle.
Those who possessed a witch's disposition would mutter divine oracles on occasion. Erica
nodded and immediately walked towards her childhood friend who was both a knight and a
"What did you see through spirit vision, Lily? Does it help our cause?"
"Ah, yes, Erica, this place is where ancient knights frequented. Near their fort in the depths
of the darkness a temple was built. That was the image I saw through spirit vision."
"Interesting words. A temple built in the depths of darkness, intuition would suggest it is
Erica tried kicking the ground with the tip of her foot.
It would be a good idea to check out the surroundings. Together with Liliana, the two of them
began to use investigative magic.
"Sure enough, a hint of remaining magical power can be sensed from straight down in the
"Yes. It feels a bit suspicious, but we cannot let go of that tiny probability..."
"This place is definitely being concealed by a barrier. This underground temple is most likely
a secret holy sanctum."
"The place once visited by Mr. Amnesiac who has connections with Saint Raffaello
anyway, the probability of finding Saint Raffaello here should be quite high."
"Conversely, the probability of Saint Raffaello being the guardian of this place is also..."
Though it was mere speculation, the two of them still exchanged their ideas.
The only thing left to do was to confirm the actual situation. The two girls nodded to each
other. This was the tiger's den they must venture into for worthy gains. Now, where should
they begin their plan of attack?
They then heard the young man's frivolous voice.

"I should have been doing something here before I lost my memories...? It was definitely the
person related to a horse's tail. I want to make contact but I haven't a clue about the telephone
number or address... Should I consider something more classic like signal fires or war pigeon
Strange words were being uttered. Naturally, Erica and Liliana ignored them.
Their experience thus far had convinced them that a meaningful discussion between
themselves would be more constructive than having an idiotic conversation with the amnesiac
young man.
However, this became the precise reason why they missed the critical moment.
As the two engaged in discussion, a horrifying amount of magical power was exploding.
Using an analogy, it would be like a volcano eruption.
Neither Erica nor Liliana had ever experienced magical power erupting in an instant like this.
To make a forced comparison, it would be like having dozens of top ranking magi taking part
in a magical ritual of explosive power.
On the other hand, for a single person to use the same kind of spell and gather together such a
massive amount of magical power, it would take an inordinate amount of time and effort to
prepare. It was not something that could be done in an instant like this.
What on earth happened?
Erica and Liliana turned back to look at the same time.
They saw the young man making a pose as if swinging his sword towards the heavens.
Apparently he had started swinging that replica.
Furthermore, a medieval fort had been split through the middle and the halves had collapsed
outwards. It was a medieval structure built out of stone on a hill.
The fort had one level for soldiers to garrison and an upper level for lookout posts. It was a
large and impressive historical building.
Just like that, it was sliced into two.
Severed as if a giant sword had been swung down from the heavens
Collapsing left and right, the stone building materials made a great noise as they hit the
"W-What happened?"
Erica was a girl who always maintained lady-like composure at all times. However, in that
moment she was muttering in shock, completely forgetting her usual mannerisms.

"Could it really be that man's doing...?"

Liliana was also stupefied.
This expression was unbecoming for a talented mage and witch who should be better versed
in mysterious matters than the average mage.
"Sorry, did I scare you two? Umm, actually I was wondering if this would work like a signal
fire to call out people related to this fort."
This frivolous-sounding voice belonged to the amnesiac young man, of course.
Who on earth was this man !?
Just as the two girls cast a gaze of fear at him for the first time...
A gray horse arrived, galloping across the rolling Tuscan hills. It was a strong, vigorous and
fierce-looking horse with a raven-haired beauty sitting upon its saddle. She appeared to be of
Latin descent, bearing a resolute expression.
Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail. Or as the words implied, like a horse's tail.
"...I was wondering if it was an invasion started by some association, and who does it turn out
to be? Salvatore Doni. Though I suppose our brief contact makes you my unworthy disciple,
what on earth is going on here? Depending on circumstances, I may have to cut off your head
as compensation."
The black-haired rider declared heroically from atop her horse.
If this was indeed Saint Raffaello, then she must be the exalted paladino the top
swordsman in Europe holding the position of the "Knight of the Holy Grail"!

Part 5
Though supposed to be advanced in age, Saint Raffaello looked completely like someone in
her twenties.
Magi whose magical power had reached the purest heights would recover significant youth
and vigor. It was said that the effect was particularly potent for women.
Saint Raffaello's heroic and awe-inspiring beauty must have been the blessed result of that
"What's up, Doni? Did you forget my face because of injuries from the beating you took? If
that's the case, I won't be surprised at all because it's you."
"...Ah, it's exactly as you say."
The young man named Salvatore Doni replied, undaunted by his master's questioning.

This was a name that Erica had never heard before, even though she had gathered personal
profiles on virtually all the top ranking knights across Europe in case it might come in handy.
Who on earth could this young man be ?
"To be frank, I do seem to have lost my memory."
"Don't say it like you caught a flu, moron!"
"Well well, don't be angry. This morning when I woke up I found myself sleeping on some
unknown country roadside... And then, I was thinking I must do something to recall past
Now that it was mentioned, this was the first time for Erica to hear of the past experiences of
the young man named Doni.
"Strolling over to the nearby monastery, I heard your name being mentioned. Anyway,
making my way through this and that, I finally got here... Seeing you, I finally understand."
The man named Doni smiled. It was a friendly smiling face as radiant as sunshine.
However, a dark shadow seemed to flash across his pupils for an instant.
He was no ordinary person. His body clearly held evidence that he was no common mortal.
"What I needed to do was see you. And if I could fight you then that sense of vagueness
would surely go away. That's what I have been feeling, and it's unbearable."
The young man readied the replica sword in at middle level.
It was an ordinary looking stance that felt uninteresting and lacking in splendor.
However, Erica somehow felt a chill when she saw that posture.
If she had to face sword strikes delivered by that ordinary stance, very likely any spell would
be sliced apart?
A meaningless notion.
Erica glanced at Liliana beside her. She too, was staring at the man named Doni with her face
completely pale.
Perhaps her childhood friend and rival was facing the same fear? This was a man who was
more than a match for the prodigies of Milan, the red and blue young geniuses!
"Indeed, doing this is perfectly within your character. Unilaterally doing as you pleased while
muttering to yourself..."
Saint Raffaello grumbled and dismounted.

"Maybe this counts as an acceptable reason? I keep feeling that my sword training has
reached an impasse, which is why I want to fight with the strongest swordsman I know, and
gain some kind of clue in the process See, if you think about it this way, everything works
out now!"
"You're making things work out too easily! That's why you are the biggest moron! Anyway,
something concerns me."
A great sword with a broad blade appeared in Saint Raffaello's hand.
It was summoned by magic. The silver blade gave off a chilling sense of elegance and
tenacity, shining brilliantly with power reminiscent of a lion's majesty.
Could this be one of the "Twin Swords of the Lion and the Master Musician"?
"I know you are one of those people for whom words are a waste of time. Salvatore Doni, you
are a true genius, a monstrous child of heaven in regard to swords... However, you are not a
man who plays games, what new technique have you mastered now?"
Saint Raffaello pointed her sword at the fort that had been split into two.
"This is simply..."
The beautiful paladino shook her head as giving up all hope.
Then she pointed the tip of her sword at Salvatore Doni.
"This reminds me, your stupidity is so great that not even death can cure it. Let's talk using
the blades of our swords. Come, you unworthy idiot disciple. It's been a while since I gave
you a good loving..."
A rather strange master-disciple conversation.
A formidable battle seemed to be imminent.
For young knights, the opportunity to witness such a battle must have been a chance of a life
time. However, Erica Blandelli was not one to be satisfied so easily.
Erica felt her gaze unwittingly drawn by the intensely peculiar personalities of the masterdisciple pair.
However, she still had other goals. There was that task she needed to accomplish.
"Please wait a moment, Saint Raffaello! It is a pleasure meeting you for the first time. I am
Liliana Kranjcar, knight belonging to the [Bronze Black Cross]. Today I make my visit for the
sake of inheriting the famed twin swords in your possession."
Even as Erica recovered her fighting spirit, Liliana was the first to yell out before her.

She got ahead. Oh well, whatever, as befits my rival. She doesn't want to be just a bystander
either. In that case, let's fight in cooperation.
For young upstarts like Erica and Liliana, trying to compete against this master-disciple pair
required strategy!
"I, Erica Blandelli, have also arrived for the same purpose as Dame Liliana here. So it turns
out that Sir Salvatore who came along with us was also looking for Madam Saint Raffaello...
Due to Sir Salvatore's vague memories, we still have yet to ascertain the relationship between
you two."
Erica spoke as she bowed elegantly.
Grasp the situation as quickly as possible and change from being a bystander to a participant.
"If possible, as your junior I also wish "
"Pray elucidate the details."
Faced with Liliana and Erica's identical requests, Saint Raffaello sighed.
"Based on your family names, you must be the successors to the Houses of Kranjcar and
Blandelli. What a disaster for you to be caught up in this moron's antics... Salvatore Doni is a
knight from Siena. Extremely talented with the sword, but a complete failure in magic."
Siena was another ancient city in Tuscany along with Florence and Pisa.
However, it was definitely not a major center in magic.
In Italy, there were a total of seven prestigious magic associations. Rome's [Female Wolf] and
[Eagle of the Blue Sky], Turin's [Olden Dame], Florence's [Capital of Lilies], Palermo's
[Aegis], and last but not least, Milan's [Copper Black Cross] and [Bronze Black Cross].
Altogether they were known as the "Seven Sisters."
It was common practice for talented young men and women to be recruited and relocated to
these prestigious associations.
For example, the one who got along poorly with Erica, Gennaro Gantz, came to Milan from
Reggio Calabria a few years ago. All things said, "a knight from Siena" implied that this
young man named Doni had never brushed shoulders with elites.
"This fellow came to me a year ago and said 'please teach me a bit of swordsmanship.' I
discovered that he did have some good qualities despite being an idiot, so I instructed him for
a while. But then he disappeared after merely a month."
The young man was ruefully scratching his head in response to her reproach.
"Hmm... I can't really remember. Even if you glare at me with such scary eyes..."

"What a troublesome fool. Anyway, you are the fellow with poor intellect, rude manners, and
always playing little tricks. The only things you can remember are those related to martial
arts. All it took was a month for you to memorize my techniques."
Was this the result of his inborn talent?
Such arrogance was only permitted for those born with outstanding aptitude. Furthermore,
Saint Raffaello had declared in no uncertain terms that he was a "genius."
"Did we have that kind of relationship...? Well, anyway, that has little to do with our meeting
here now."
The genius swordsman, who transcended Erica and Liliana's imaginations, spoke to them with
a knowing smile.
"Could you two back off for a while? I should be done in a bit. Anyway, sorry!"
The young man signaled with his eyes.
Immediately, Doni's right arm began shining with a bright silver luster. He stabbed the replica
sword into the ground and simply pulled it out again.
This resulted in a slash that split the earth apart.
The ground beneath Erica and Liliana collapsed and split open. Like the medieval fort just
now, the ground was cleanly cut into two.
The two surprised girls fell down into the depths of the earth. Due to the ground collapsing
from the young man's "slash," the girls were swept underground together with the debris.
Did Salvatore Doni actually overhear Erica and Liliana's speculation about "something
Which is why he forced the two of them down there to prevent them from interfering in his
fight? For his own purpose.
A fool in appearance but quite crafty in reality from this, Erica and Liliana caught sight of
another aspect of the young man described by Saint Raffaello.

"As expected... It's still you after all."

The paladino named Saint Raffaello murmured to herself.
Salvatore Doni's terrifying ability. Swinging the replica sword with the brilliantly shining
silver arm, the earth was split apart together along with the underground church.
She recognized it for what it was.

During the stage in life when she fought under the title of Saint Raffaello, she had often
witnessed many examples of such ultimate power.
Dejanstahl Voban's manipulation of storms, the army of the dead under his command, and
vast empty wastelands the result of incineration by hellfire.
Beautiful Cult Leader Luo Hao's unparalleled unarmed might, singing songs of destruction,
scattering otherworldly flowers across the mortal realm.
Graceful Madame Aisha's summoning of eternal spring and endless winter.
And now, the "King of Swords" who slices through all existence was born !
"Ahahahahaha! Thanks to this blessing of longevity, even though an unworthy disciple, I now
witness the birth of Epimetheus' illegitimate child from my lineage! What a surprise!"
Saint Raffaello cried out to the silver-armed swordsman.
"Hey, idiot disciple, what were you doing before your poor little mind lost its memory?"
"Hmm... I feel like I was fighting someone somewhere, but I can't recall the details."
Doni readied the fake sword as he spoke.
Saint Raffaello scoffed at this silly answer.
"You even forgot how things happened, what a useless idiot disciple. Well then, you shall
answer with your body... Through actual combat, show me the sword skills of the man who
defeated a god!"
The great silver sword the magical Cuore di Leone came swinging.
This was a strike from one of the twin swords. Its name implied "soul of the lion." This steel
embodied unrelenting valor and carried the attribute of indestructibility.
Doni's silver arm dispelled its brilliance before the magic sword of the lion.
"Eh, you're not going use your authority? Planning on going easy on a human like me? How
"Authorities, whatever, I don't know anything about that. But it's not a battle of sword skills if
I use that arm, so it would be meaningless."
Using this exchange of dialogue as the signal to begin, the two of them simultaneously
attacked with their swords.
Saint Raffaello swung Cuore di Leone upwards in a massive arc, while Doni slashed with
lightning speed along the central approach.
Clang! A direct frontal clash.

Sword struck sword intensely, and like that the blades slowly inched towards their opponents.
Had these been ordinary swords, such a violent direct clash would likely snap the blades
For Cuore di Leone, such concerns would have been redundant. Its pliable structure would not
fracture under this level of stress, and even in the off chance that it did break, it could mend
itself immediately.
On the other hand, Doni was using a mere fake sword. As they pressed their blades against
each other, delighted smiles surfaced on the faces of both swordsmen.
Display your skills through fierce attacks like this Saint Raffaello invited with her eyes and
Doni nodded lightly in response.
The two of them separated their swords and stepped back.
One side would strike with the sword, and the other would defend.
One side would make a sudden thrust and the other would deflect or guard in response.
The two swords clashed and repelled each other repeatedly, sending sparks flying, trying to
prove their superiority.
The root of this battle was a primal competitive urge.
Whose sword was stronger, faster, sharper
A competition in all such aspects.
In terms of "strength" and "gentleness," simply stated, this was a duel of "strength."
On the other hand, this battle was obviously not limited to swordsmanship. Saint Raffaello in
particular, was a master of knightly techniques that combined magic and swordsmanship in

"O Steel of the lion, the king of swords that has cut down thousands of armored foes!"
Cuore di Leone attacked in conjunction with spell words.
Her beloved sword was infused with iron alchemy that enhanced its sharpness. Were Doni to
take the strike head on like just now, his fake sword would be split into two!
Doni suppressed the attack by exhibiting a technique best described as "gentle."
Saint Raffaello swung Cuore di Leone down with great force.
The fake sword pressed itself against the body of the opponent's blade rather, they were
entangled. The fake sword was now acting like a steel snake.
Cuore di Leone, which should have sliced Doni apart, was deflected off course.
The fake sword tangled itself around Cuore di Leone like a snake, preventing it from being
swung freely.
Against an opponent's force of 100, one shall use a force of 10 to absorb its power, the way
cotton soaks up water, thereby blocking it, defending.
A technique of this sort was known as the "dissipating force" amongst Chinese martial artists.
Simply stated, it was the concept of neutralizing unyielding "strong" force with "gentleness."
At this time, Salvatore Doni's mind and body had entered a heightened state of intense clarity.
Pressing his sword tightly against Saint Raffaello's blade, he perturbed his master's
movements by using the fake sword like a snake to shift her aim, neutralizing the slicing
Rather than focusing on dodging the enemy's attacks, this was active defense performed with
initiative, seeking to discover openings in the opponent's sword techniques
Using "gentleness," Doni was able to overwhelm Cuore di Leone.
"Not bad, as expected!"
Saint Raffaello laughed. Was this enough to seal the lion?
Using gentle strength to carry out techniques uniting the strong with the gentle was one of the
most wondrous pinnacles of martial achievement. But what about using gentle force to
counter gentle force?
Saint Raffaello relaxed her body as if it were made of cotton. She began to control the
motions of her sword and her entire body like a snake, a leech, or like cotton.

Compared to the fake sword moving under Doni's control, the magic sword of the lion flowed
gently with greater softness. Its motions were far more elegant and soothing in comparison.
The sword was being swung with elegance as if the renowned Renaissance master Raphael
was moving his paintbrush
Indeed, Salvatore Doni was a genius and a blessed child of heaven in his disposition towards
However, Saint Raffaello was just as talented. Though they may be similarly gifted in nature,
the difference in accumulated experience was decidedly vast. Perhaps the unworthy disciple
had approached the master's skill with the "strong" sword, but clearly he had yet to master the
Saint Raffaello casually retracted the lion's sword from entanglement from Doni's snake-like
And just as casually, she resumed with a slashing attack.
Whenever the elderly master delivered a smooth and unhurried blow, no impetuous youngster
had ever been able to evade... This was one of many legends passed down in martial circles.
Masters who had reached such heights were virtually unheard of.
But of course, it would be most redundant to state that it was perfectly possible for Saint
What are you going to do, unworthy disciple!?
Doni's right arm proceeded to shine brightly with a silver luster is he really activating his
The power to slice apart the ancient fort along with the very earth!? Isn't he contradicting his
prior statement of "that isn't sword skills"?!
The shock and surprise stiffened her muscles, causing Saint Raffaello's sword to delay
slightly. The slowly moving sword became even more languid in its motion.
Taking advantage of this opening, Doni attacked at once, charging with his body!
The magic sword of the lion was originally going to split Doni in half starting with his head.
However, it only managed to slice off a bit of his scalp, and Doni's body continued to crash
towards her.
What a decisive and courageous tackle. Rather than swordfighting it was more like a rugby
move. Saint Raffaello dodged by taking a brisk step to the side. Thanks to that, the massive
idiot's head was not split open.
Doni's arm no longer flashed with silver light. It was a feint for he had no intention of using
his authority.

"Y-You damn brat! You social misfit of a human failure! Even so, you went further and
abused a swordsman's honor, promising not to use that arm!"
"But all I did was show it. I didn't actually use it, right?"
Saint Raffaello was furious, while Doni was unrepentant.
The duel between masters of the sword had become an argument like squabbling children.
"Hmph, if that's what you want, I will use all of my weapons."
Saint Raffaello dispelled the lion's magic sword. As its replacement, she summoned the magic
sword of the master musician Il Maestro!
It was a weapon with a blade like a saber's fitted onto a long shaft like a spear. Resembling a
glaive or the Japanese naginata, it was the other of the twin swords. Its name meant "The
The creator of mysterious beauty, this steel was renowned for playing wondrous music, as
hidden within it was the spiritual power of the magic melody.
Saint Raffaello effortlessly swung Il Maestro.
The sound of slicing wind was heard as it slashed at Doni.
The motion was as fast as a chilly breeze blowing lightly across highlands.
Furthermore, Il Maestro's slashing attack was accompanied by the playing of a tempting
magic melody.
From the steel of the master musician came mysterious tones, which caused listening
opponents to lose concentration and be overcome with sleepiness, thereby producing
openings. This was Saint Raffaello's prided secret technique that had placed many a foe at her
If Cuore di Leone was the "strong" sword then Il Maestro was the "gentle" magic sword.
However, the magic melody did not work against Doni. Like ocean waves crashing against
rocks on the shore, all bewitching effects were deflected completely.
As befitted the god-slaying man!
Magic was ineffective against a god-slayer after all. In that case, one must focus on martial
Saint Raffaello began to swing Il Maestro even faster.
In close-quarter combat, absolute advantage was held by the one with greater control over
their weapon. No matter what, seizing initiative was imperative.

Of course, there was also the tactic of crashing into the enemy's bosom to enter contact range.
However, there was no way Saint Raffaello would let someone beneath her like Doni do that.
Il Maestro attacked mercilessly in its glaive-like form.
Horizontal slash followed horizontal slash. From left to right, diagonally up, diagonally down,
straight up, straight down, slashing attacks were sent from all angles. Sometimes the blade
was even thrust forward in a straight line.
Without pausing for a single instant, the series of continuous attacks were like a storm of
Doni desperately tried to overcome the disadvantageous shift in the tide of battle, using his
sword to defend against Il Maestro's thrusts and slashes. Defend, defend, defend!
However, Saint Raffaello suddenly changed her rhythm of attack.
Twirling around the long-shafted Il Maestro, she made use of the opposite end of the blade, or
in other words, the pommel to strike Doni. This was the critical hit.
Having grown accustomed to the previous attack rhythm, Doni was struck squarely in the
temple by the wooden shaft.
Hit by an impact equivalent to a splendid hook from a boxer, Doni's body began to sway. His
knees hit the ground and his eyes lost focus.
Unconscious, eh? However, one cannot be careless until a decisive strike lands with absolute
Saint Raffaello began to swing Il Maestro once again.

Part 6
Tracing back to earlier events, Erica and Liliana had just fallen into a dark place underground
together with a large amount of debris.
After hitting the floor, Erica endured the pain and got up.
Feeling the ground beneath her feet, it felt like clay tiles which are much softer compared to
hard slabs of stone or concrete.
Her body did not hurt too much, most likely due to the clay tiles absorbing part of the impact.
Relieved, Erica snapped her fingers to perform a [Ghostfire] spell.
Four palm-sized blue flames appeared In Erica's surroundings. Beside her, Liliana also got up
onto her feet.
"...As expected, this looks like an underground temple."

"Yes. Originally this place was blocked off by a powerful barrier, preventing normal entry
into the grounds."
The two of them surveyed their surroundings.
The temple was rather spacious big enough to hold a football match.
Going forward, there was an altar in the depths of this church.
At the back of the altar was a figure of Jesus Christ on the crucifix.
Behind the sculpture was some kind of massive face. It was the demonic deity Baphomet
worshiped by the Knights Templar during the Middle Ages.
"Since a depiction of Baphomet is here, it must have been constructed during the Middle
"Yes. The worship of Baphomet in lineages descending from the Knights Templar was
something that was gradually lost in contemporary times."
Erica and Liliana looked upwards.
The ceiling was roughly ten-odd meters above the floor. A massive crack crossed the ceiling,
and the debris fallen from above had buried roughly a quarter of the underground church.
"Lily, by your estimates, how deep are we?"
"An accurate measure would be impossible of course. A witch's intuition tells me this should
be quite deep. It could very well be equivalent to four or five floors underground."
Magi with a witch's disposition were particularly favored by the earth.
Erica shrugged in response to Liliana's answer.
"Building such a church must have required significant resources. I fear this place was built
by our predecessors the Knights Templar themselves, or a successor of direct lineage."
Erica speculated as she walked about, examining the place.
One of the reasons why the Knights Templar went into decline was their indulgence in
developing economic power which ran counter to orthodox Christian ideology.
The Knights Templar undertook operations that were essentially finance.
Redeemable deposits, loans and financing. Managing the funds of pilgrims setting off for
Jerusalem. Selecting over nine thousand knights from various European orders to come to the
Middle East. They also loaned cash and even provided aid to government finances. The
Knights Templar acted as a prototype of modern banking.

"This must have been an important holy sanctum once. Which is why Saint Raffaello has been
living in seclusion watching over it... By the way, Lily, what's this?"
Erica discovered a book lying at the foot of the sculpture of Christ.
The book was rather large in size. The width of the cover was roughly the length from Erica's
elbow to her fingertips while its height was as tall as Erica's upper torso.
Erica slowly approached this massive book.
"W-Wait a minute, Erica. I can feel an aura from that book, it could very well be a sacred
treasure with significant history!? Do not recklessly touch something so dangerous!"
"...Your witch's intuition again, right? I am very intrigued."
Chirping away like a little bird, Erica completely ignored Liliana's warnings.
Approaching the mysterious book, Erica gazed unerringly at the cover. Titled "The Book in
Praise of David's Great Works," the book was written in ancient Greek.
Erica felt herself shudder instinctively. For the grimoire that all knights sought in their dreams
to be encountered like this...
"Too reckless, Erica Blandelli! Know your plaaaace!"
Liliana panted as she ran over to catch up.
It was only natural. The childhood friend and rival was not a girl who would fail to recognize
the value of this book.
"Correction. It is very likely that Saint Raffaello went into seclusion for the purpose of
guarding this grimoire. That must be why this underground church with a sturdy barrier was
chosen. For the sake of safeguarding battle magic of the ancient sages "
The one who hid this grimoire was most probably Saint Raffaello. Also, there was Liliana's
Combining these facts, Erica concluded that it was highly unlikely for this grimoire to be
"The Book in Praise of David's Great Works"!
It held incomparable attraction for magi seeking the pinnacle of the way of the knight.
For example, there were the [Spell Words of David]. An ancient and powerful curse that was
said to be strong enough to cause injury to Heretic Gods. Or the [Song of Smiting], the sacred
hymn of massacre that destroyed the tragic city of Jericho, causing the Midian kings and
people to be annihilated from the face of the earth
"Hey Lily, I have a suggestion..."

Erica's voice sounded uncharacteristically like a cat's.

Failure was unacceptable. Throughout her entire life, Erica had managed to deceive Liliana
Kranjcar countless times, but nevertheless, the success rate was not 100%.
One must be cautious and avoid setting off the silver-haired childhood friend's sense of
On the other hand, such worries might have been redundant.
After all, Liliana was staring at the grimoire like a poor child gazing wistfully at a little
trumpet, or more accurately, like Salvatore Doni salivating over a sword!

Salvatore Doni had just been struck soundly in the temple by Saint Raffaello.
It was a heavy blow. His brain felt like it was vibrating, and his consciousness was slipping.
His knees were wobbling and his body was losing balance and about to collapse.
However, this painful blow managed to awaken something in his mind.
Aaah, it's all coming back.
Doni found his memories from the past month surfacing nonstop in his mind.
It must have been a museum in Turkey where his body was possessed by the divine spirit of
Saint George. Originally, he had been hired as a bodyguard in Rome's Chinatown by an
antiques dealer he was acquainted with. Then a whole lot happened after that.
Controlled by the divine spirit, he went overseas to Ireland, spending his days searching for
deities and exterminating them.
Finally, he discovered the gates of the Fairy Realm which led to the Netherworld. Nuadha, the
king of the Tuatha D Danann (Irish deities, basically), manifested there and began to duel
one on one against Saint George.
In the end, only Saint George's divine spirit was destroyed and Doni regained his freedom.
After that, Doni was certain that he had challenged Nuadha to a duel
"Traveling back to Italy through the Netherworld, I arrived at that village, was that what
Doni shook his head in a daze and nodded. After ending the battle with the god and on the
verge of death, there was an impression of speaking to a female somewhere.
'Your memories will be in chaos for a short while after returning to the real world. Though
becoming a god-slayer results in rebirth, incompetent magi will receive brain damage from
the strain of staying in the Boundary of Life and Immortality for too long. If that happens, just
find someone to give you a good smack on the head!"

It sounded like advice from a very frivolous young girl...

Anyway, Doni's memory had recovered.
Only a fraction of a second had passed since being struck by Saint Raffaello. During this time,
his master had swung Il Maestro over his head, and was intent on delivering the finishing
blow !
Defense and counterattack was necessary.
Salvatore Doni had already mastered thousands of techniques that could be used in this
situation. Using this endless variety of ever-changing sword styles, he will face his former
However, the techniques surfacing in his mind suddenly all vanished.
Doni also halted his sword-wielding arm.
The sword dangled limply. Abandoning the offensive and defensive maneuvers that were
deemed necessary, the sword only needed to be moved freely by one's heart.
"No good... Did I even forget the most important part?"
He had encountered Nuadha who wielded the undefeated sword. At that time, he had
awakened a deep revelation that was close to the true essence of swordsmanship. Right, this
was what Salvatore Doni had hoped for from a duel with Saint Raffaello.
"...You, did you recover your memories?"
Saint Raffaello asked. She seemed to have noticed the change in Doni's behavior. Despite
having spent only a brief period with him, she was truly the teacher worthy of the paladino
"Recovering your memories by smacking your head? What a sloppy little brat..."
Even though she was scolding him, Saint Raffaello's anger seemed to have subsided.
"Almost like changing into an entirely different person... You, brat who loves to show off,
finally understood the concept that 'abandoning skills' is also a 'skill,' right?"
"Hmm. Well, that's right I guess. From now on, let's really stick to swords alone."
Doni's sword continued to dangle limply as he responded.
This posture could be described as stanceless, but precisely because it was "nothingness" it
was open to infinite changes. Countless variety was not enough, for truly infinite variation lay
in modest simplicity, like combining yin and yang, melding contradictory elements
completely into one.
Now all that was needed was nothingness in the mind.

Devoid of thought. Cleared of thought and contemplation

Saint Raffaello made a straight thrust with Il Maestro. Doni remained in his mental state of
nothingness, swinging his sword upwards. Were this move to succeed, it would block the
strike from below and send Il Maestro flying high up into the air...
Ka! Ching!
The harsh timbre of metal clashing echoed. A conclusion had been reached.
The sword flying high into the air was the fake one Doni's weapon.
"...Well, let's call it a day. Are you impressed by my greatness?"
"Am I that far away from perfecting it? Sometimes I can use it well but other times it doesn't
As his master declared with pride, Doni muttered to himself as he shook his head.
"Purely in regard to swords, it is my victory without a doubt. You are still too lacking in
experience... However, as a side note, experiencing a few more battles of this sort will greatly
help your training."
Saint Raffaello's advice carried a terrifying sort of certainty.
"That said, had it been a fight to the death, with 99% certainty it would have been your
victory. Hey Doni, in that decisive moment, did the thought of "I might die" ever cross your
"Now that you mention it, never. Why?"
"Sure enough, you're still a moron. You usurped the divine authority to slice through anything
if you really used that then I would have no chance of victory... I am absolutely certain,
you really could use that against me without any hesitation."
Criticized by his master, Doni began to pout.
"Hmm, even though I'm just a rookie amongst knights, I intend to keep my promise of 'only
swords' no matter what."
"Yeah right! As if one could expect the fair spirit of competition from a fellow who can slay
Having known quite a few Campiones, the paladino asserted.
"Don't even think you can obtain the secret art of nothingness so easily from the victory over
Nuadha. Well then, Doni, if you really want to master the sword skills of nothingness, you
must fight enemies of an equal or higher level, and reach the mental realm of serene
nothingness in the process. Only then can it become yours as if it were a part of your flesh and

"Enemies of an equal or higher level?"

"Of course. That means gods or your peers, the Campiones."
Thus the "King of Swords," Salvatore Doni, was set loose upon the earth, causing direct and
indirect hardship and suffering to countless others as a result of his eccentric behavior.
The culprit who had offered such brilliant advice, frowned and murmured to herself.
"By the way, those Kranjcar and Blandelli girls probably got injured a little. And of all places
you could have driven them, you had to pick the worst one! That girl in particular is not an
easy one to handle. If only she was the same type as this idiot here!"

"Seems like the battle has ended..."

"Wow. What an amazing fight..."
Having witnessed most of the duel, Erica and Liliana whispered to each other.
The two of them were still in the underground church. Liliana had released the Witch's Eye to
scout out the subterranean passage which was as complicated as mountain caves. The
observed images were projected onto the surface of magically conjured water.
Completely memorizing the layout, Erica was able to deduce the underground structure.
With that, the two of them were able to find an escape route with shocking speed.
Once the Witch's Eye reached the surface, they were able to observe the deadly duel between
Saint Raffaello and the young man named Doni.
Since the spell only enhanced vision, they were unable to catch the dialogue.
Nevertheless, Erica and Liliana were able to fully grasp how amazing the young man named
Doni was.
"Despite various concerns, our first priority should be getting back up."
Liliana nodded in agreement with Erica's opinion.
...Two hours later, Saint Raffaello welcomed the two as they reached the surface. Standing
slovenly behind the paladino was the young man named Doni, lovingly embracing the fake
"It's been a while, Madam Saint Raffaello, and Sir Salvatore I express my utmost apologies
for failing to greet Your Highness the sixth Campione with timeliness."
Erica bowed with prim and proper etiquette. It was neither yielding subserviently nor lacking
in manners.

It was behavior performed with the esteem of the House of Blandelli.

"I believe the birth of Italy's god-slayer is a cause for celebration. We, the [Bronze Black
Cross], will surely send our commander-in-chief for a formal greeting in the near future. But
for now, please accept my salutations."
Likewise, Liliana also performed a knight's greeting readily.
Truly the awe-inspiring and upfront words of a soldier.
Since the Witch's Eye did not offer sound, they had not heard the conversation between Doni
and Saint Raffaello. However, the many clues in the situation were more than enough to
ascertain Salvatore Doni's true identity.
"They're talking to you, moron."
"Eh? Why do you have to be so respectful? Ah, you are Elenoa Blindelli and Lilana
Kuronikor, right? I just recovered my memory, thank you for everything you've done so far!"
Prompted by his teacher, the young Devil King spoke foolishly.
Better keep a good distance from him, Erica silently vowed to herself.
He looks like an idiot, and does act foolishly after all, but one would never expect him to be a
Getting too close to him will definitely be bad luck!
Thus, it was about time to get going. Erica signaled to Liliana with her eyes.
Bid our leave with proper manners and make a run for it!
"How clever of you to discern Doni's identity without any explanation. However, there are
still certain things you overlooked. So you two were able to use the spell of [Transcription] in
such short time?"
As Saint Raffaello spoke, the two froze in their tracks.
Amazingly observant. Their respect for their great predecessor grew in leaps and bounds.
...[Transcription] was high level magic that enhanced one's memory for a short period of time,
allowing one to memorize read texts. Erica and Liliana had split the duties and memorized
half of "The Book in Praise of David's Great Works" each to take back to the surface.
"M-Madam Saint Raffaello, we absolutely did not do this out of disrespect for you. No matter
what, no knight can resist that kind of temptation !"
"Sigh. Fine, I shall let you have this in exchange."

Disregarding Liliana's frantic apology, Saint Raffaello extended an open palm. On it was a
key made of iron.
"This is the key to a little church in Florence! Labyrinthian catacombs lie beneath it, guarded
by many traps. My armory is there. Take this, go there and pick out what you like!"
Saint Raffaello informed them with an anguished expression.
Eh? The silver-haired childhood friend exclaimed in confusion.
Erica proceeded to nod in agreement at the generous terms offered by Saint Raffaello. Surely,
the renowned twin swords, the magic swords of Cuore di Leone and Il Maestro must lie in
that armory!
"W-What on earth is going on, Erica?"
"In other words, Madam Saint Raffaello is bestowing the twin swords upon us in exchange for
dispelling the [Transcription] spell. I think it was not right for us to harbor such desires, so
this is just as well."
"...Hey Master, if you summon the swords now then there's no need to exchange, right?"
"Hmph, that armory has all sorts of devices for repelling invaders, you think it's that easy to
get there!? Furthermore, if that girl is skilled enough then she should fight her way in there by
all means!"
The paladino retorted childishly at her disciple's question.
Hearing that, Erica proposed cleverly and cautiously:
"I look forward to the trial that awaits me in my quest for outstanding weapons. However, if I
may, I wish to make one request to Madam Saint Raffaello."
"Yes, we hope you can grant leniency towards the portions Dame Liliana and I memorized by
our own efforts without using spells."
Liliana was speechless at this proposal.
The very first part they read was the portion that could be memorized quickly. This included
the [Spell Words of David] left behind by the ancient hero that were powerful enough to
cause injury to gods this was the portion for which Erica was requesting leniency.
Tsk, whatever! Saint Raffaello began to yell as if throwing a tantrum.
"Hey Doni, I'm going to give you a grimoire for safekeeping! Take care of it diligently! Hmm,
giving it directly to you makes me feel uneasy, so better find someone trustworthy later! Tsk,
I'm not going to take up the role of watching over that book ever again! What a pain!"

"Uh, what are you talking about? I don't quite understand, Master."

Once again, they were at the Porta San Giovanni.

Erica and Liliana had returned to the city gates of San Gimignano.
They had arrived here after handling various matters and bidding farewell to Sir Salvatore and
Saint Raffaello.
"Sorry to have you wait, Erica...... What do you think?"
"Oh my, imitating Saint Raffaello's look isn't bad. Rather, it actually suits you quite well."
The two girls had decided to take a break and were having coffee in town.
After borrowing the washroom, Liliana had returned with a new hairstyle.
Her long silver hair was now tied in a ponytail. Witnessing her childhood friend's change in
appearance, Erica offered her opinion without reservation.
"Really? Yes, to be honest, I also think it suits me well!"
Liliana nodded with excitement.
Discovering the grimoire was already exciting enough, but encountering her idol seemed to
have made her even more high-strung. As preparations before their next adventure, it was not
a bad sign.
Erica gazed at the key given by Saint Raffaello.
"So, let's start preparing for the catacombs beneath Florence. Surely we must get our hands on
those two magic swords, and let no one in Italy be ignorant of our talent."
"Ah, I hope so... Well, on the other hand."
Liliana nodded then sighed.
"Earning some sort of merit may bring fame, but everything pales in comparison to the
shocking news of the birth of a Campione. Who could have expected someone like that to slay
a god successfully..."
"Furthermore, I wonder what kind of god did he fight..."
The young man they parted with not too long ago.
Recalling his unprecedented behavior, the two girls were deeply impressed.
...At that moment, Liliana's cellphone began to ring.

"Esteemed Grandfather? Excuse me for a bit, Erica. What is going on? Eh? The Marquis
wishes to gather us witches and miko?"
After a brief conversation, Liliana hung up the phone.
Hearing words she could not turn a deaf ear towards, Erica decided to inquire without
"What happened? The one you and Grandfather Kranjcar referred to as the Marquis so it
turns out to be related to Marquis Voban?"
"Uh, yes," replied Liliana with a hesitant expression.
"Recently, the Marquis apparently has a need for several dozens of miko. I told Grandfather
that I would head over there together with you once we finish things here."
"The Marquis says he needs miko? The intentions of the Great Devil King of the Balkans are
certainly difficult to surmise."
Salvatore Doni and Dejanstahl Voban.
The ritual summoning of Siegfried that would become the source of conflict between two
Devil Kings. As yet unaware of the causes of that incident, the two girls began to discuss their
means of transport towards Florence.
Erica proposed hiring a car and a driver, while Liliana expounded on the virtues of the public
bus system's timeliness and cost effectiveness.
Stubbornly refusing to back down, the two of them continued to bicker with great intensity.

Chapter 4 - Black Prince, White Witch, and the Hero's

Part 1
Cretan legends are a particularly famous category of Greek mythology.
For example, there was the Minotaur, the half-man half-bull monster born from an affair
between the queen and a bull.
The Greeks were obliged to regularly offer their young children as sacrifices to this monster
imprisoned in an underground labyrinth.
The young warrior Theseus entered the labyrinth in order to slay it
This is the well-known story of the "Labyrinth of the Minotaur."

In order to imprison the monster, King Minos ordered the construction of a labyrinth. Trapped
by a maze of intersecting passages, outsiders were eaten by the monster as soon as they
stepped foot into the labyrinth. Later on, Minos ordered King Aegeus to make tribute of seven
pairs of youths, male and female, once every nine years to be sent into the labyrinth to be
sacrificed as the bull-headed monster's food. The Athenian prince, Theseus, decided to go to
Crete to kill the Minotaur in order to save the young men and women of Athens. King Minos'
daughter Ariadne fell in love with Theseus and gave him a sharp sword and a ball of yarn.
Thanks to these items, Theseus finally killed the Minotaur and escaped the labyrinth with the
Athenian youths and Princess Ariadne.
"The key to this myth is the Minotaur born from the queen and the bull's affair."
Alexandre Gascoigne spoke thus. His current location was Cornwall.
Also called the Black Prince Alec, and known as the Nobleman of God Speed. In fact, he was
also a [King] widely versed in myths originating from all over the world.
Although he was not an elite mage by training, nevertheless, he still mastered all sorts of
He became a Campione at the age of sixteen.
In the four years after that, he was in conflict with the Witenagemot[18], known as the
organization of top experts in the realm of magic. Traveling all over Europe to look for
mysterious treasure, he fought against gods and magic associations from all over the world.
Very likely it was during this period that his abilities as a first class mage were gradually
"Ever since ancient times, the bull was a symbol of abundant harvests. Hence, the Cretans
equated the bull as being divine. Conversely, this also establishes a parallel interpretation of
the queen being a miko."
Perhaps the following was the background prototype for the legend of the Minotaur
In the early days of the Greek city states, the island of Crete in the neighboring sea had a
powerful and flourishing civilization. These islanders would regularly demand the young
children of the Greeks as tribute to be sacrificed. These children were live sacrifices to be
offered to the island's god of harvests.
The "God of Harvests" that desired young children, was served by the queen who acted as a
"Well, it's not without archaeological basis..."
There was also the Cretan prehistoric civilization: the Minoan ruins where large amounts of
human bones were discovered, speculated to be the remains of the people who were offered as
live sacrifices.

Alec usually explained these kinds of topics when facing subordinates who had little
knowledge of magic.
The association he founded, [Royal Arsenal], recruited all sorts of talent and its ranks not only
included powerful magi but also occultists who focused purely on research, commoners who
sought revenge against sorcerers for deaths of relatives, and even street hoodlums, con artists
and unrepentant thieves. As long as they knew the existence of gods, even ordinary
commoners were included.
These were people who hoped to follow Alec and oppose the elite magic associations led by
the Witenagemot. Perhaps this was the only point of commonality between the members of
[Royal Arsenal].
This was why their levels of competency and expertise were extremely varied.
Hence it was necessary for Alec as their leader to start giving lectures on what magi would
consider common sense basics.
Trusted subordinates especially Sir Iceman, had advised many times that it was not
necessary for their commander-in-chief to give lectures personally. However, Alec did not
mind looking after his subordinates.
(As a side note, this aspect of his personality had been criticized by the maiden, his eternal
rival, as 'cautious and unexpectedly lacking in boldness.' In response, Alec had replied
dejectedly that 'providing guidance and education to subordinates is the duty and
responsibility of the leader.')

It happened two days before the lecture at the Cornwall stronghold.

A museum situated in a quaint peaceful village... Was the concealed headquarters established
by Alec's subordinates where precious foci and treasures acquired from the British Museum
and the British Library were housed and displayed, along with mountains of grimoires. These
various artifacts were stolen on impulse a year ago when the conflict with the Witenagemot
had peaked with great intensity.
But anyway, Alec was currently in the deepest level of a massive labyrinth.
"Kukukuku... Foiling the final step of the grand designs of my return to earth? So be it!
Echoing as if coming from underground, it was the deep voice of a [Heretic God].
The voice came from the bull-headed giant lying on the ground. Its body was roughly 30m in
The muscle-bound gigantic body was wearing a short tunic weaved from palm fibers along
with a red cape. A normal person would probably kneel down and swear allegiance on sight,
and obediently commit suicide even if it commanded.

The ferocious [Bull] deity embodying powerful dominance.

The Cretan god of harvest that appeared in Greek myths of King Minos in the past. Or
perhaps it should be called the Minotaur?
However, even such a solemn and mighty appearance was for naught
"Young god-slayer... The warrior sparkling with the light of thunder! Takest my blood, flesh
and strength as thy sustenance! Swallowest me, steppest over my corpse, becomest even more
powerful! Heaven and earth! For the sake of I, who has been slain, open the road to hell as an
offering to the king!"
"...Tsk. Even on your death throes you still need to chant insulting verses..."
The dying giant bull-headed god.
Alec was crouching down beside it, making heavy breathing noises.
As the result of an intense battle that exceeded his limits, his brain was now struck with pain
akin to being sawn apart; the body was severely injured, especially with pain in the internal
organs and that pounding heartbeat. Capillaries all over the body as well as a portion of the
arteries and veins had burst, causing internal hemorrhage.
Then he spat blood. Bones were probably broken all over his body.
This pitiful state was the result of being struck by the bull-headed god's angry roar. In truth,
he almost died.
"So farewell, god-slayer! May endless curse and conflict accompany thy remaining life!"
In other words, a declaration that disaster will fill the rest of his life.
Leaving behind these last words, the god's body dispersed like smoke.
In that very instant, Alec felt a great weight on his back.
It felt like a new authority had been obtained.
"I came to investigate partially due to pure curiosity; coming here with a relaxed and leisurely
mood, this was the result...!"
My life exactly. Even without a curse it was full of disaster.
Alec smacked his lips and turned his head.
Whether friend or foe, he absolutely could not let anyone else approach. For the sake of
vanity, he was concerned about his current poise and appearance.
However, there were no others in this vast empty space. Things should be fine after a bit of

...The deepest level of the expansive underground labyrinth.

This circular hollow had a diameter of almost 10km.
Bare ground and massive empty space. In the central area were an altar and a throne for
worshiping the bull-headed deity.
Whether the labyrinth or the circular space, neither of them existed on the island of Crete a
week ago. This location was born from divine authority with the manifestation of [Heretic

Dragging his battered body, Alec finally returned to the surface.

(The labyrinth that manifested somewhere on the Lassithi Plateau of Crete could very well be
discovered one day, becoming a tourist attraction that reminded people of the Minotaur's
legend. However, I couldn't care less at this moment.)
The authority of god speed was activated briefly.
Enveloping himself in a flash of lightning and feeling with his body the passage of ten-odd
seconds, this was enough to reach the hotel located at the coastal beach resort area.
Ingesting the healing potion prepared beforehand in his room, he went to bed and slept for six
hours. It was already night when he woke up.
By this time most of the external injuries had already recovered.
"Still with this inexplicable body..."
The headache had not improved, however, so he should probably take it easy for now.
Alec endured the nausea and headache as he tidied up his appearance. Then he took a bath,
had a shave and fixed up his hairstyle. He changed into a new shirt and pants, even though
upper garments were optional in the resort area.
Still tired, but he will not compromise on personal style.
After having some completely unremarkable seafood at the hotel's western restaurant, he
found a bar outside with a quiet atmosphere and took a seat at the bar table.
Taking a sip of the alcohol, his mood finally lightened up a bit.
Come on, why does every time have to be a brush with death?
"There you are, Alec. Ditching me at the airport, what a cruel man you are, really..."
A greeting came from behind, carrying extremely sorrowful words spoken by a very gloomy

Without looking back, it was obvious it was Sir Iceman.

Alec waited until his trusted subordinate sat down beside him before starting to grumble.
"I think it's about time for you to overturn the nickname of the 'Unflying Dutchman.' After all,
overcoming one's weaknesses is the privilege of mankind."
"Give me a break! Do I really have to overcome that chunk of metal!?"
Alec's follower was Sir Iceman, a Dutchman named Denis, age twenty-five or six.
Nicknamed the Iceman because of his resilient and calm personality, he was a mage who had
been knighted in England and obtained the title of "Sir."
Furthermore, he was also called the "Unflying Dutchman" due to a severe phobia of flying.
"I will gladly take on a hundred, no, a thousand men in battle, and even follow you into a fight
against gods. However, that lump of garbage metal suspended in the air is the only exception.
That thing is... the symbol of human stupidity. Mankind should not challenge the skies..."
With meandering words, he tried to justify his stance.
On the other hand, Sir Iceman was a valiant warrior. His power made him one of the few
people who could stand toe to toe with the forces of Italy's greatest hero, Paolo Blandelli.
Humans are never perfect. Alec shook his head.
"Well, it couldn't be helped. There were only thirty minutes left before the last flight for the
Dover Strait was going to take off, and yet you were hiding in the washroom reluctant to
come out... I believe a majority of people would agree it wasn't my fault."
"Refusing to admit your faults, how cruel. Fine, I'll forget about it. ...Anyway, Alec, you
already fought, right?"
"Yesterday there was a report of a [Heretic God] manifesting on this island of Crete."
He knew it would happen sooner or later but to be discovered so soon? Alec shrugged his
"Can you give me the details of the god fight? Don't deliberately do a lazy job of reporting
again just because it was your own battle."
It was unacceptable no matter what. Besides, the other side also had reasons that could not be
Alec simply raised his glass for another sip.

God speed which the Witenagemot had named the authority of [Black Lightning]. Due to
this being Alec's trump card, there were very few comrades who were capable of supporting
Very few people could keep up with his speed. Rather than wait for back up to arrive at the
front lines it was easier to just fight alone.
"The sense of helplessness, from finding out they did not have the ability to help, is always a
painful experience. Thoroughly impressed we may be with our king's sense of worry/concern,
I still hope to know if you are safe or not. As much as possible, please keep this in mind."
Alec silently slid the wineglass over to Iceman.
Though he had no intentions of apologizing, buying him a drink was acceptable. Iceman in
turn caught the wineglass without saying a word, and poured the amber-colored liquid into his
own glass.
"By the way, please allow me to add a few words."
"What is it?"
"Since we came expressly to Crete, why are you having a shot of Bowmore? I love drinking
too, and that aroma of the sea is simply marvelous. However, that's still not enough reason to
drink a cold climate country's alcohol when we're in the Mediterranean, for goodness' sake."
The trusted subordinate was talking about a type of Scotch whisky produced in Scotland. This
strong liqueur was filled with the local flavor of the tides of the Irish Sea.
"What's wrong with faithfulness to one's preferences? No matter what, the most important
thing is what one desires."
"Still, this place is really too hot. How about having some local beer to wet our throats?"
Iceman calmly suggested in the face of Alec's response.
On the calendar it was currently the middle of May. However, for the Mediterranean island of
Crete, it was already very hot, enough to wear short sleeves.
Alec licked his lips, intending to retort.
In truth, I cared little for vacation sense or awareness of seasons. However, I hate downing
beer in massive gulps like some kind of glutton. It is truly imperative to maintain one's style
and aesthetics.
Alec was just about to speak but he stopped
A young Caucasian beauty was approaching.
She was rather young in age, about twelve or thirteen or so. Clearly not an age that should be
coming and going in a bar like this.

However, none of the staff or customers in the bar reprimanded her. Everyone ignored her as
if she did not exist at all.
"It must be a [Concealment] spell. She hid her appearance from everyone apart from us."
"Probably. This is a spell that certain fairies and witches are talented in."
As Alec and Sir Iceman exchanged glances, the girl walked over to them.
"Salutations for the first time, [King] known as Prince. Allow me to greet Your Highness."
The girl in the white summer dress was stunningly beautiful. The very image of a classic doll
made by a master craftsman.
Alec felt an unusual sense of intangibility from the young girl.
Definitely not an ordinary person no matter how you look at it. Very likely no ordinary mage.
Though only based on instinct, it should not be far from the truth.

"If you have something to say, be quick with it. I am enjoying a private moment and have no
interest in a suspicious fellow like you."
Alec was a handsome man with a tall and slightly slender build. Though he was not actually a
noble, his natural poise and dignified airs earned him the nickname of "Prince."
Sir Iceman was also quite outstanding in appearance with solemn facial features like a carved
sculpture. He was even taller than Alec and looked more strongly built with his wider
shoulders. Even when wearing a ruffled suit there was an air of masculine charm.
Whenever they sat together they were frequently accosted by women. Standing out amongst
the crowd was everyday life for them. However, this young girl was clearly different from
those women.

How troublesome. Alec summed up curtly in his mind.

No matter how extraordinary a person, she was decidedly less than a god. Completely
"Then I shall get straight to the point, Prince. Your Highness arrived at this location in order
to ascertain whether the god Minos of Crete was [Steel], is that correct?"
Oh? Alec's curiosity was piqued.
Could this passing girl have seen through his intentions from a glance?
"I feel that Your Highness' body contains a presence similar to the Chinese [Steel], the bullheaded iron-bodied war god Chi You[19], or Japan's Susanoo who is also known as the Bullheaded Heavenly King."
Sir Iceman instantly signaled with his eyes, asking if he should handle it. But Alec shook his
"Wrong but close enough. It was a war god with the [Bull] attribute, probably the evolved
form of a god of the land like Minos I was only investigating when I suddenly encountered
Well, choosing to go traveling on a whim and encountering a battle with a heretic god was an
unexpected bonus...
Rather than that, there were more interesting questions to interrogate this girl.
"So, could you answer my question in return? Why are you asking me about the subject of
[Steel]? I am more commonly known as a seeker of the Holy Grail. But there should be
virtually no one who knows that I am interested in the connections between war gods and the
Holy Grail."
The following year after becoming a Campione, Alec had gone searching for the [Magic Holy
At that time, he had declared war on the English magi centered on the Witenagemot.
Furthermore, the gathering of high level magi in England from all over Europe to become
either Alec's enemies or allies erupted into a great conflict the Battle for the Magic Grail.
Anyone involved in the world of magic would have heard of this great incident.
"The only ones who know about the connections between war gods and the Holy Grail are a
very small number of Templar Knights and witches. ...With no smell of iron from your body,
you are unlikely to be a knight. But you are no ordinary human someone known as a
Divine Ancestor, right?"
Outstanding senses of smell and taste beyond normal humans were several of Alec's littleknown talents.

As well as a mind that maintained a delicate balance with calm and insightful instincts.
Through logical thinking and analysis of instinct, the term Divine Ancestor surfaced in
The girl before his eyes should not be an ordinary witch or knight. Assuredly.
"As befits the one known for being particularly wise amongst the god-slayers, the truth really
was discerned from my greeting. Very likely it reflects development as a result of Your
Highness' growth. I beg forgiveness if I, Guinevere, have given offense."
"A mere greeting?"
"Yes. Knowing Your Highness has slaughtered three gods, I felt that I had to pay my respects
no matter what."
Then I shall take my leave Leaving behind a smile and a greeting, the young girl
Taking only an instant, it was as illusionary as mist dispersing. Some sort of transfer spell
must have been used.
"That person called herself Guinevere."
"Ahah. I wonder if that name was chosen as a joke or with special meaning behind it, how
Once the witch vanished, Sir Iceman muttered as Alec shrugged.
"Hmm... By the way, Alec, I had a thought."
Planning on making some kind of proposal, the trusted subordinate bore a serious expression.
However, somehow there was a detestable sense of premonition.
"Regarding the one calling herself Guinevere, why don't we ask the most accomplished witch
about her? Particularly outstanding witches are connected to special networks transcending
associations and countries. It is very likely that the 'Princess' knows something."
The most accomplished witch! Alec showed displeasure in his expression.
He understood Sir Iceman's reasoning, but he did not want to do as suggested.
"Since you two are so closely bound by destiny, I think it's best to prepare beforehand when
something like this happens."
"Stop the nonsense! There is nothing but ill fate between us! There is no other significance!"

Part 2
The Witenagemot's headquarters were situated in Greenwich, London.

A four-story Victorian building constructed with red brick, very similar in likeness to the
government offices of Scotland Yard in Westminster.
The office of the Witenagemot's spokesperson was located in the depths of the building's first
In truth, all the past spokespersons had their offices on the top floor of this building. However,
the incumbent declared a relocation as soon as she assumed her position, and the office was
It was rumored that she said something like this:
'The highest floor in a building with no elevators? Unacceptable!'
The graceful and gentle young beauty.
The Princess regarded as Europe's most aristocratic lady.
Unexpectedly more outspoken than what her appearance and title might suggest, the current
spokesperson was ignoring the words of her subordinate who acted as both secretary and
"What is the [Magic Holy Grail]? It is the greatest treasure sought by the Templar Knights
the successors of the twelfth century Crusaders who attempted to take back the holy land
Jerusalem from the Muslims. It is commonly believed that it is an item that was born with the
great land, and stores a massive amount of magical power."
The one speaking was Patricia Ericson.
Hair tied up, wearing a thin-framed pair of spectacles, thirty years of age or so.
"Since ancient times, appearances of the Holy Grail in this world have been very rare.
Records placing great importance on the 'miracle manifested when the Holy Grail is found by
the Sacred Chosen One' have been left behind by many magi and seekers of the Holy Grail."
Miss Ericson's stiff manner of speech lacked feminine gentleness, and simply listening to her
was tiring.
However, the Witenagemot's incumbent spokesperson listened silently without a single
comment, until she finally smiled calmly and spoke:
"Yes, I know. And it is still unclear what the 'Sacred Chosen One' refers to. ...Hey, Miss
Ericson, I don't really need to revise knowledge on the Holy Grail, am I a bad student if I
don't want to learn about things I already know?"
Yes, Alice Louise of Navarre was an outstanding honors student.
Nicknamed Princess Alice.

Though the highborn daughter of a Duke's family, she was also a miko with boastworthy
spirit powers.
Becoming the spokesperson of the Witenagemot by recommendation at the tender age of
sixteen, she was extremely well-learned.
Perhaps it would be apt to say that she was a world-class authority on the subject of the Holy
"In terms of knowledge, true... But not in terms of putting into actual practice."
Miss Ericson spoke coldly as she pushed up the rim of her glasses.
These actions embodied the quintessential 'strict and upright female private tutor.'
Precisely because of this, she had secretly registered herself as a member at a marriage
agency. Humans were truly interesting beings. (As for how Alice came to know of this, she
was using spirit powers when she peeked into Miss Ericson's heart by chance.)
"Concerning the miracle of the Holy Grail, Princess, did you know there is another legend
passed down the ages? Another important element for initiating the Holy Grail miracle, the
'valiant and foolish child of heaven' of rumor."
Pertinently, Alice responded with "is that so?"
Of course, she was fully aware but feigning ignorance. Furthermore, it needed no mentioning
that the "fool" was a veiled reference to the Devil King Campione.
"With all that said, in the end what are you trying to get at, Miss Ericson?"
"To sound the alarm against the multiple contact incidents between 'that man' and you, the
most suitable 'Sacred One' recognized by the world."
It turned out to be this after all. Alice sighed.
"The miracle brought upon by the Holy Grail... No matter how conservatively speculated, the
effects of its manifestation must be no different from the disasters brought by [Heretic Gods].
Disregarding 'that man' as the disastrous heavenly child, please do not forget you are the
spokesperson of the Witenagemot who is responsible for maintaining order in the activities of
the magical world. Please be a bit more mindful of your identity."
"But it's very interesting. Oh my, I've got to go."
The highborn Princess had a weak constitution. Due to this reason, Alice was unable to leave
the house casually as she desired.
However, when a 'major incident' involving the Holy Grail and the Black Prince occurs, she
just could not help but rush to the front lines to see how the problem would be solved.

It was a bit unfair to Miss Ericson, but let's hope her anger will only be temporary no,
rather, she could control her anger semi-permanently.
Besides, if this spirit power of flying all over the place could be reinforced, perhaps the frail
body might also be strengthened at the same time...
Clinging to the belief of opportunism, Alice pondered.
It was again time to meet that poker-faced and unfriendly Prince and sow new seeds of
discord. This young man passionately devoted himself to work, vigorously applying himself
to the job of threatening the world as the great devil king.
There will definitely be a response
With this thought, a letter appeared on the office desk.
This was something sent over by the magic of [Mailing]. It was emergency communication
sent by a spy trained since childhood.
Trying to suppress the excitement in her heart, she quietly picked up the letter.
'Black Prince Alec slew a god in Crete.'
One short sentence.
However, Alice was crying out with delight in her heart.
It's here! The expected person came at last. Also, this time it is the long time unseen
Campione. This was the perfect excuse for a long duration business trip!
"Sorry, Miss Ericson, I express my utmost gratitude to your kind advice. However, I must
leave due to some urgent matters. If I were to become sickly and unwell again, please take
good care of me then."
She made her request with a noblewoman's smile.
However, she did not wish to hear an objection. This was in reality an order.
"What on earth is this emergency, Princess!?"
"Same old, a world crisis!"
Alice activated the power of spirit body separation.
Separating from her material frame, the astral body flew towards the sky. Rendered an empty
shell, the real body slumped over but was caught by Miss Ericson.
Well done. As expected of my private tutor.

The White Miko-Hime offered praise as her spirit body flew out of the Witenagmot's

Part 3
Thinking back four years ago
Letting his body rock freely with the vibrations of the running train, Alec reminisced.
As a side note, he was alone. Whenever he crossed seas, Sir Iceman was always left behind to
take a ship.
However, this time he was directly informed beforehand.
The other party also agreed with Alec's suggestion that having two battles against gods within
a week should be impossible.
...Come to think of it, the last time he enjoyed a train ride so casually like this must have been
how long ago?
After becoming a Campione, every single day of these four years had been exceptionally
Everything began four years ago.
Growing up in a town in the Cornwall countryside, Alec was introduced to magical
knowledge from a young age.
However, compared to magic he was more skilled in gambling and tricks.
Of course, he was not outstanding enough to be recruited by powerful magic associations or
the Witenagemot.
The one who taught the knowledge of magic to Alec was his father, someone who most
people would call an occultist. The occult that he sought until the day he died was the Magic
Holy Grail.
His obsession with seeking the occult was the reason why his wife abandoned him. As a
result, he had to raise young Alec as a single father.
When Alec was sixteen, his father's dying words revealed to him a secret code.
Thus began his adventures. Through good fortune and sharp instincts, he faced off against the
fallen angel Ramiel, obtaining the authority of divine speed in the first battle...
How nostalgic to recall all these memories.
Soon after, he was embroiled in the battle for the Holy Grail. In order to face the difficult
battles arising from continued seeking of the Holy Grail, he established [Royal Arsenal].

If none of this had happened, he most likely would not have met that girl of taboo.
The "Princess" four years his junior bearing a delicate sense of hostility towards him.
Alec smacked his lips.
Why would the face of that annoying girl he was about to meet suddenly appear? It must the
result of recalling those unpleasant memories.
"Yeah, I already know that popping up anywhere unannounced is your special skill. But I
hope you can learn to behave a little. In a situation like this, it would be proper manners to
greet first before taking a seat."
"Oh well. When the terrifying Great Devil King starts explaining manners, it must be an omen
for a world-shaking cataclysm."
Princess Alice's spirit body spoke nonchalantly.
There were no other passengers in Alec's train car.
This was exactly why the spirit body of England's most accomplished miko as well as one of
Europe's rare witches had sneaked into the seat opposite to him.
Did she detect my location as usual through magical information networks?
Speculating thus, Alec frowned.
...What ill fate, the bothers of this woman never end.
"Rumors say that you have successfully slain your third god at Crete. The god dormant on
that island... turns out to be the divinity of Minos after all?"
"I have no obligation to answer you. What a boring question."
"There. Your habit of twitching your right eyebrow the instant someone guesses correctly. It
is Minos as expected... So what kind of authority is it this time? It must be one suited to you, a
power that is extravagant and convoluted at the same time."
A troublesome woman who always talked back with every sentence.
Their first meeting was when she was twelve. But even back then she was not the least cute: a
frail and sickly princess who proposed to the Devil King terms of bribery and negotiation at
the tender age of twelve.
Recalling the details of their unpleasant first encounter, Alec clicked his tongue.
"...Come to think of it, historically there have been many members of the English royal family
originating from fabricated claims of kinship, thus producing incompetent kings."
A sudden change in conversation topic.

There was a need to make this troublesome encounter into something slightly more
"That's an affront to England's hero of the Red Dragon...[20] Though I can understand what
you are getting at. Disregarding the earlier half of his life, he became rather amazing in the
latter half."
The girl with the graceful manners but surprisingly sharp tongue began to launch into a
"The legendary King Arthur of England united Great Britain along with the Scots who were
suffering from invasions from the Saxons and the Picts, defending them resolutely. He was
the immortal hero who could slaughter a hundred enemies with a single swing from the magic
sword Excalibur... Leading the Knights of the Round Table into battle, he obtained victory
after victory."

"However, being unaware of the immoral relationship between his wife and the trusted
subordinate, he was responsible for the fatal wedge that drove apart the unity of his men."
"Aware but feigning ignorance... This kind of explanation may work in fiction, but for a
legendary monarch of war, it is nowhere sufficient. Likewise for the reason of the country's
ruin, the result of suppression's failure."
Alice smiled radiantly as she spoke with a satirical tone.
"Exceptional as a warrior and a commander on the battlefield, but the absolute worst whether
in terms of being a politician, king, or husband..."
"I don't know why anyone would wish for such an inept person to revive. I definitely would
Having said this, Alec continued.

"However he became an authoritative hero in England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland... even

France and other parts of Europe. A man that cannot be understood with common sense."
"Yes, as befits the 'Once and Future King'."
Alice was quoting from the famous work that stood as a symbol of the Arthurian legends.
The tomb inscription recorded in Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur.
once, and king to be.
It implied that the legendary king was not a ruler who would remain in the past.
Awakening in the future world to descend as king once more. Yes, after being fatally injured
at the Battle of Camlann, King Arthur sleeps on the fairy island of Avalon to heal his wounds,
waiting for his time to reawaken! Hence he is the "Once and Future King."
"...I remember now. About a year ago, was it? The two of us were investigating the legends of
King Arthur as part of seeking the Holy Grail. What about it, are you doing that again?"
Hmph. Alec sneered, declining to give an answer. It was still too early to disclose, and he
needed to continue deceiving this woman a little while longer.
"Oh my, what are you thinking now? Fine, I will accompany you for a while. Alexandre, you
once said before, the truth of King Arthur's legend can only be uncovered by transcending
history and literature."
"Ah yes. From a historical perspective, it's not very accurate. As literature, it's a mess. Those
are the traits of the legend."
Alec slowly nodded at Alice's query.
"First let's confirm the historical Arthur. This goes without saying, it's just a fictional
character. However, there could very well exist an actual person who was the prototype."
"Yes, if such a person really existed, then it must have been in England during the fifth or
sixth century."
Regarding specific details in this area, there were many people who knew even more than the
Devil King and the White Miko-Hime.
The answer could probably be obtained immediately from them.
They were known in England as Arthurians, a group of King Arthur fanatics.
Starting from the latter half of the sixth century, there was a sustained increase in the number
of people named Arthur in Great Britain. As fame grew from outstanding people bearing the
same name as the legendary character, popularity increased amongst the commoners and
resulted in a rapid rise in children named in their honor.

"However, even if a real person existed as the prototype for King Arthur, he definitely was
not a king."
"Britain at that time... was not an independent country. Still considered a province of the
Roman Empire even though it was written off as abandoned frontier territory, calling oneself
'King' would not have been tolerated."
For this reason, there were many who believe King Arthur's prototype to be a Roman general.
In particular, figures bearing the name Artorius (which would be Arthur in English) were the
strongest candidates. However, there are no historical documents recording English history at
the time, hence a candidate could not be narrowed down.
No matter what, Great Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries was in a state of political
Furthermore, the original inhabitants of England back then were the people referred to
modernly as Celts. Modern Englishmen are the descendants of the Saxon invaders who drove
the Celts out to flee to what were now modern Wales and Ireland.
Besides, the ones who wished the most to acquire the prestige of King Arthur were the
members of English royalty.
Starting with the House of Plantagenet in the twelfth century, this tendency became more and
more pronounced.
Ever since the Norman conquest in the eleventh century, most members of the English royalty
belonged to the clans of foreign invaders.
Their justification for ruling England was to declare themselves the descendants of the "Once
and Future King," fabricating family trees in the process.
"However, in the end not a single location remains as evidence of the historical King Arthur.
It would be more correct to consider the phenomenon of the fabricated legendary king as an
achievement of literature."
As the train shook and rattled on its way, Alec continued to 'chat.'
He was merely speaking out loud as he organized the questions in his mind. The incident of
the girl he met a few days ago came to mind.
"Yes. In the tenth century's Chronicles of Cambria, King Arthur was just an ordinary general.
However, by the time of 1135's Historia Regum Britanniae, he appeared as king instead,
along with the wizard Merlin as well as becoming the owner of the magic sword Caliburnus."
Alice's pupils shone with a mischievous luster. However, rather than the subject of
conversation, her interest lay in interacting with Alec instead.

"This Historia Regum Britanniae is exactly the origin of literature on King Arthur. After
being translated and published in France, where many additional stories were added by court
bards, it was imported back into England and republished..."
"Thus the essential framework of the King Arthur legend was formed."
The bards on the continent were also the ones who renamed the king's sword to Excalibur and
added the characters of Queen Guinevere and the Knight of the Lake, Lancelot.
The story of pulling out the sword in the stone to become king also originated there.
"So with that, there are too many artificial changes to King Arthur's story, making it more
creative fiction than anything else... Still, this man continued to exist as a hero in legend and
was passed along the ages. In reality, he also clearly displays the attributes of the war gods of
[Steel]. A completely incomprehensible existence!"
Alec finally cut to the main point.
"The 'Sword in the Stone' is a symbolic theme of the war god of the equestrian Scythian tribe.
It was due to obtaining this that the young Arthur became king. Also, the scabbard of
Excalibur carried the magical power of immortality."
"Immortality on the battlefield. This is also a characteristic of [Steel]."
God of the military, god of might, god of war, god of battle.
Gods born to fight belonging to the category known as [Steel].
Their existences were metaphors for [Swords], and as living [Swords] never yielded to
outsider enemies.
"Well, let's put this topic aside for now. Ever since seeking the Holy Grail last time, I have
been considering the problem of the hero's prototype. The one who set me along this path was
no other but you."
"Eh, me?"
"Do you still remember? You once said that Lancelot of the Lake is [Steel]."
Lancelot du Lac.
Also recorded as Sir Lancelot or Launcelot, etc.
He was King Arthur's dear friend and premier knight. Honored as the strongest of the Knights
of the Round Table, he was a paragon of virtue. However, tainted by the crime of his
adulterous relationship with King Arthur's wife, Queen Guinevere, he was unable to obtain
the Holy Grail that only manifests before "pure knights."
"The comrades appearing in the earliest Arthurian legends... Sir Kay, Sir Gawain, Sir
Bedivere and others, all of them can be confirmed as being modeled on Celtic deities. The

river god Kai, the battle god Gwalchmai, and the one-armed war god Bedwyr. However,
Lancelot who first appeared in the twelfth century is still unidentified."
Sitting before Alec who recounted fluently, Alice cast a curious glance to the side.
After a long while, she appeared to have realized the key point.
"There are also theories that suggest Lancelot's prototype is the Celtic deity Lugh the longarmed master of all arts.[21] However, the truth of this claim is tenuous at best. Rather, it
would be more convincing to say that Lancelot was created deliberately by bards as a ladykiller character to cater to noblewomen and their preference for romance."
As a side note, Alice had been rather adamant in her declaration back then.
Lancelot as a war god of [Steel].
"On the other hand, Lancelot's mother is the Lady of the Lake, who happens to be quite
similar to Thetis who dipped her son the hero Achilles in the River Styx in Hades to give him
an immortal body. A symbiotic relationship with a water-related goddess is also a
characteristic of [Steel]."
As [Steel], gods of living swords had deep roots with the water used for cooling freshly
forged swords.
"Conversely, Lancelot has no other characteristics other than this one as [Steel]."
Alec showed a knowing smile as he continued his recollections.
"If this was really the case, then he is simply a war god and there's no need to have a separate
category of [Steel]."
"However, I actually agree with you. Determining Lancelot as [Steel] is based on a certain
report, the one that you Witans handed over to the British Library and had been collecting
dust ever since. That thing was mixed in together with the other documents I stole."
It was the report of a researcher who came to Greenwich to study for a semester and then
moved on to Asia to undertake field studies.
"Your mind remains sharp as ever, you fellow! Even though you are clearly a devil king!"
Alice began to throw a tantrum.
"Judging from your reaction, Lancelot must be equivalent to what witches top level
witches keep amongst themselves as a secretly communicated divinity?"
"Fine, yes. You really are the worst, Alexandre. You've always been like this! Always setting
verbal traps to make me reveal the truth to you! Using methods of deception makes you the

worst kind of man completely failing as a gentleman! And not only failing as a gentleman,
you are also devoid of chivalry!"
"What's the point of saying all this? Just as you said, I am truly a Great Devil King."
A satisfying victory.
Alec gloated over his successful turn of the tables, but at the same time he wondered if it was
a bit petty to have brooded over an opponent who was a girl four years his junior...
"Ah. Really! So that is why you came to this island! Even though there might be some kind of
unexpected occurrence, I believe it will surely be overcome!"
"As I've already said before, you are too optimistic. You should always calculate beforehand
the worst possible situation."
"Mind your own business!"
Not long after, the train they were riding had stopped.
Carrying his baggage, Alec got off the train with Alice following him with a displeased
"Hey Alexandre. There is still quite the distance from here to the destination. Why don't you
just use [Black Lightning] directly? In that case you can get there instantly, right? I think it's
better to arrive earlier. I don't want to take the train any more..."
"It is a good opportunity to train the endurance of a willful little lady like you. If you're
complaining then don't come along."
Replying with icy coldness, Alec began searching for the bus stop.
It was true that he was able to use the authority of divine speed, but he could never use it
casually: because activating that authority had many troublesome aspects...
The quiet little town they had reached was Nuoro, a city located on the Italian island of
Sardinia. Like the Greek-governed island of Crete, it too, faced the Mediterranean Sea.
Reaching their destination Oliena would take a bumpy bus ride of several dozens of minutes.

Part 4
The little town of Oliena was situated in the interior countryside of Sardinia.
Although there were no particular tourist attractions, it was a beautifully scenic location.
The scenery included quiet forests and vast farmland, with a sense of delight that could not be
found in a bustling metropolis.
Alec knew very well where he had to go.

Walking briskly with no hesitation at all, with Alice's ectoplasm following behind, the two of
them soon came before a little house.
The exquisite house and garden revealed the owner's indifference to horticulture, for the yard
was full of weeds. On the other hand, the flowerbeds were filled with all sorts of herbs and
Overall, the entire compound gave off a suspicious atmosphere, as befitted the home of a
As Alec nodded to himself, the Princess behind him spoke:
"Did you make an appointment? What if she's not at home..."
"No problem. It was all arranged beforehand."
"You haven't changed at all. Still paying attention to all the details."
That's because compared to your sloppiness, everyone else is meticulous no matter who.
Alec was just about to chatter away with his retort, but it looked like the lady of the house was
coming out the door.
"Finally, visitors to my home, if I am not mistaken. Otherwise, please accept my apologies.
My name is Lucretia Zola. You two are oh my, isn't this an old acquaintance?"
The lazy-looking gaze belonged to an outstanding beauty in her prime, wearing a comfortable
fluffy dress. Nevertheless, it was readily apparent that she possessed a sexy body.
Lucretia Zola indeed.
Called the Witch of Sardinia, she was one of the highest ranked witches. She seemed to be
gazing with interest at her fellow witch friend.
"It's been quite a while, Madam. Two years since we last met."
"...Ah, time sure flies. You are still as rude as the little child back then. Or perhaps the status
of a princess makes you too good for manners? Calling a young beauty like me something
like 'Madam'..."
"Calling someone 'Madam' is etiquette for expressing respect to elders."
Alice and Lucretia chatted away affectionately.
Truly, the connections between top witches since ancient times remain useful even in the
present. As Alec nodded at his own deductions, Lucretia turned her gaze to him.
"I don't really think your identity needs confirmation, but a greeting is due as a matter of
courtesy. You are Alexandre Gascoigne the Campione known as the Black Prince, yes?"

"Indeed. It is my honor to meet you, Exalted Witch."

"The pleasure is all mine. However, Prince, let me say something first."
She showed no signs of fear or hostility in the face of a Campione.
Alec felt impressed by her ability to maintain composure. The witch continued to speak
"It can't be helped for young ones to become arrogant after becoming Campiones. However,
to send a letter saying 'arriving tomorrow, hope to meet then' without even signing a name,
don't you think it'd feel a bit suspicious to the receiver? It's not good for the heart, you know,
and hopefully next time you invite me on a date you can act a bit more like a gentleman."
The final mocking sentence truly made the moniker 'Prince' weep.
"It can't be helped, Madam. It's actually not arrogance since he treats all ladies poorly. Please
don't take personal offense."
It was Alice's turn to speak in complaining tones.
"Really... So you didn't make a proper appointment after all. Alexandre, despite your
appearance, you are really bad at dealing with women. Hearing your attempts at pleasantries
is like listening to an awkward middle school student."
"Mind your own business! Anyway, back to the subject at hand, Lucretia Zola, I have things
to discuss with you!"

Alec tried to cover up his embarrassment by raising his voice.

He stared directly at the elderly but still extremely beautiful witch.
"Since you should be the authority in this area, I wanted to inquire no matter what, regarding
the [Steel] war god Lancelot's connections with you witches."

"Oh... If it's about that, I believe you can also choose to ask this Princess over here."
Lucretia Zola spoke cheerfully as she alternated her gaze between Alec and Alice, as if
comparing the two.
"Looks like there are complicated factors at work. Well, fine. When I first heard of the Holy
Grail-seeking Campione I already expected an inevitable day like this. If you don't mind,
please enter my humble abode!"
Alice followed Lucretia into her home, with Alec entering last.
The door to the home of the witch closed automatically, the heavy wooden door shutting with
great momentum.

"Before we discuss the hero Lancelot, may I ask something first?"

Lucretia asked when they reached the living room.
Everyone was seated around the table with a serving of herbal tea each.
"No problem. It is only fair to return the courtesy if you can answer our questions."
"...Devil Kings really show a gentleman's magnanimity only at times like this. You're going to
continue to become even more powerful, and turn into something like Marquis Voban."
With a displeased expression, Alec ignored Alice's criticism.
It would have been too tactless to say aloud "Don't compare me to that savage who only wears
a veneer of intellect." Resolutely, he chose to ignore her instead.
"Then I shall go ahead. Prince, why do you seek the Holy Grail?"
The joking atmosphere was gone in an instant. Lucretia asked once again with a solemn
"Other than the fact that it is a container for incomparable magical power, no other
extraordinary value has been identified for this sacred treasure. However, if such an item were
to fall into your hands as a Campione, Prince, surely you can predict the kind of chaos it
will ignite... In the past, your obtaining of the counterfeit already stirred up that particular
In the past four years, Alec had sought the Holy Grail twice.
The first time was the second year after becoming a Campione. The Holy Grail obtained and
hidden away by England's King John had manifested. After much fighting, the object of
contention was determined to be a fake.
The second time was last year.

It was an adventure whose goal was the tomb of King Arthur and Avalon the land of the
fairies discovered by ancient heretical monks. It was commonly believed that the Holy Grail
also lay dormant there. In the end, it was determined that what the monks discovered was
completely different from what was expected, and thus the search ended.
"As a Campione, if you were to obtain the Grail's incomparably great magical power, a
cataclysmic event that tears apart the heavens and the earth may arise. Or perhaps you may
become the strongest warrior in history who can destroy [Heretic Gods] with ease. For the
many people involved in magic that either fear or welcome such an event, a great commotion
will likely result... So, what is the reason why you seek the Grail even at the risk of such
turmoil? Pray tell me."
"Nothing much, all I want is to investigate it."
Lucretia greatly doubted this simple answer.
Wasn't I clear enough?
"Simply stated, I just want to confirm what sort of thing it is. I want to discern its true nature
with my own two eyes. If it is something useful I will keep it with me, otherwise I'd throw it
away. I am well aware of the trouble it will cause to my surroundings, but oh well."
Not unaware.
Shrugging at these indifferent words, Alice offered her commentary:
"Madam, Alexandre is a Campione after all. Even though I think he is too serious and petty in
weird areas, he turns out to be rather arbitrary with his whims. The main point is, people with
this kind of personality indulge themselves in their own little world, bringing trouble to others
without a thought."
"If he didn't have such obsessions, he would really look like the type of person who acts
Lucretia clapped her hands together with a smack.
"It feels strange to hear an unexpectedly honest answer. Yes indeed, though a little different
from the norm, it is still expected of one from the lineages of the Campiones."
"Can you shut up with the personality attacks?"
A violent outburst.
Cough cough. Alec made a series of deliberate coughs and continued.
"Back to the subject of our request. Please tell me, what exactly is Lancelot of the Lake?"
"No problem... However, you sure set your sights on a intriguing deity."

A mischievous luster returned to Lucretia's eyes.

Alec remained dead serious and shook his head.
"That can't be all. It is something whose true identity is even more elusive than King Arthur.
At least the hero Arthur was probably based on an actual general. On the other hand,
Lancelot's true origins cannot be traced at all. There are far too few leads."
Alec glared coldly at the beautiful faces of the two witches.
"However, two witches have judged this unidentified hero to be a war god of [Steel]. One of
them is this Princess and the other is you."
"I must apologize. He has already read the report."
"Report...? Ahah, that one."
Lucretia nodded after a bit of thought.
"Even though it was something rushed out madly before the deadline, that thing keeps
bringing trouble."
"It can't be helped. That level of research paper can only be read by Witens like the Diogenes
Club. Even if they inadvertently wrote down knowledge meant to be transmitted orally, those
people should not have leaked..."
The Princess seemed to have turned away, feeling responsible for the leaking of secrets.
Anyway, it was time to use this material for a counterattack. Just as Alec decided that, the
Witch of Sardinia began to speak slowly.
"Lancelot du Lac is the guardian deity of high ranking witches like me who has reached
the earthly pinnacle, or the Princess who has reached the heavenly pinnacle."
...Oh? Alec exclaimed.
"Having said that, the advantages offered are not that significant. Only to the level of
bestowing one or two divine decrees when performing long rituals? If one of us witches had
the disposition for theophany, then it might be possible to use the violent skill of divine
A symbiotic relationship between the adulterous hero deity and witches, the descendants of
ancient miko.
Alec was secretly overcome with excitement. This subject piqued his curiosity and was very
interesting indeed. He must dig deeper. However, what if he was unable to pry anything more
out of this witch's mouth...

"A womanizing hero who only shows interest towards witches who have attained ultimate
status between heaven and earth...? As for beings known as 'Divine Ancestors,' what kind of
existence are they?"
The term was finally uttered. It would be bad if the witches continued to beat around the bush.
Fully prepared, Alec revealed his trump card.
"Alexandre, are you trying to say that you met a Divine Ancestor somewhere?"
"By chance a few days ago. There was someone who appeared before me, calling herself
Guinevere. Know her?"
The Princess' usual disapproving manner vanished.
Hearing her serious reply, Alec secretly cheered in his heart. This sense of victory gave him
much satisfaction.
"Even the White Miko-Hime has never encountered a Divine Ancestor. Guinevere in
particular, is considered an existence akin to a queen amongst the Divine Ancestors. She is a
sacred demigoddess, having transcended human and female boundaries. She does not appear
before others very much."
Seeing the nostalgic expression on the elderly witch's face, Alec understood.
There were no signs of trying to hide anything. In that case, he should ask upfront directly.
"Lucretia Zola. What is the nature of your relationship with Guinevere?"
"Fellow researchers in the past, I suppose... Back when that princess had just reincarnated, she
made a suggestion to me once.
If you are interested in [Steel], would you like to search for the 'King who manifests at the
end of eras' together?
Guinevere invited me like that, so I accepted."
"King who manifests at the end of eras?"
"Madam, what on earth is this...?"
The two young adults asked simultaneously.
Alec's cellphone began to vibrate.
Tsk. Ruining things at the perfect moment.
Nevertheless, only a rare number of trusted subordinates knew this number of his. The LCD
screen revealed the caller to be Sir Iceman. After brief deliberation, Alec apologized and took
the call.

'What's wrong with you, man? It seems like you simply love mystery and adventure, including
the accompanying danger and peril. This time I can't help feeling that, Alec.'
"What do you mean by that, and where are you now?"
'Not too long ago, I had just arrived at port Cagliari on the island of Sardinia. After taking a
ship all the way from Crete, I received a report from the Cornwall headquarters as soon as I
"Report? Is it a report expressly addressed to me as the commander-in-chief?"
'Yes. A most urgent report. An hour ago, a [Heretic God] manifested in the coastal waters of
Sardinia and has started moving towards the east coast of the island. It looks like it will be
landing soon.'
Sir Iceman's tone of voice became even more depressed.
If this continued, a situation of fighting two gods within a week could develop after all.

Part 5
Getting results from the conversation with Lucretia was originally the first priority.
However, news of a [Heretic God] appearing could not be ignored.
First Crete and now Sardinia.
Heretic Gods had been appearing one after another at every place Alec visited as a Campione.
The first could be shrugged off as coincidence, but not when it happened a second time.
Alexandre Gascoigne was not an optimist.
No matter what, he had to confirm the details with his own two eyes. Alec activated the
authority of [Black Lightning].
Those fellows at the Witenagemot were the ones who named this authority.
Alec did not bother to decide on a particular name himself. This was the authority usurped
from Ramiel, the fallen angel of visions and lightning.
God speed the power to enter a supernatural realm of acceleration.
At the same time, it conferred to the body a kind of agile feline athleticism.
However, so-called "god speed" came with many troublesome aspects. In the beginning, he
was unable to touch things that were moving at normal speeds until he grew accustomed to
the speed. To others it looked too slow while Alec was too fast.
Moreover, it strained the mind and the body.

After entering the realm of god speed for five minutes or so, his body would start making
violent creaking noises. Due to the massive difference in time flow compared to the world of
normal speed, processing this disparity caused the brain to give off a terrible ringing.
If he continued for yet another twenty minutes before deactivating the authority, the
unpleasant aftereffects would be a thousand times worse than the initial symptoms of time
There were also times when god speed was overused, making it impossible to return to
normal for what felt like three days' worth of time. The whole experience was really similar to
the story of Rip Van Winkle.[22]
Even though it was an extraordinarily powerful ability, there were too many troublesome side
However, two years after he usurped the authority of god speed, Alec finally discovered a
new way to make use of his power.
Sustained use of god speed caused all sorts of troublesome strain on the human body. In that
case, might as well turn the body into one that was suitable to the true nature of lightning
Campiones often made effective use of their authorities by altering the form of their body.
This was called manifesting an [Avatar]. In order to use god speed fully without suffering
from the strain, Alec became thunder itself taking on an avatar of lightning.

Turning into lightning, Alec flew towards the sky.

This avatar dissociated the human body, transforming it into plasma.
Turning into this form completely eliminated the god speed's burden on the mind and body,
allowing him to fly without reservation. That is right, not running along the ground on legs as
normal, but flying in the sky.
Well, the avatar of lightning also had its weakness. In fact, it was quite a fatal one...
Nevertheless, it was currently the form most suited to long distance travel.
Using god speed (or perhaps more aptly, lightning speed), Alec flew immediately to Orosei
Bay on Sardinia's east coast, moving due east from Lucretia's home inland to reach the shore.
Appearing before his eyes was a beautiful beach. Every May, the tourists flocking to frolic in
the summer sea must have made quite a bustling crowd. However, what occupied this place
was currently
Alec stared at the massive creature before him and snorted "hmph."

Walking from the shallows of the sea towards the beach without slowing down at all, it was
going to land soon. Body size... roughly 50m or so.
With a shocking gigantic body and bulging muscles all over, it was the form of a strong and
well-built male. However, above the neck it had a [Bull]'s head.
A bull-headed human-bodied [Heretic God]. It was the god Minos that Alec had just fought
"...This seems to be quite interesting."
Making a comment, Alec released his body of lightning and returned to human.
"Oooh... This appearance... I recognize it! No mistake, the appearance of an ancient warrior!"
Standing tall, it boomed with a loud voice from far above the beach.
The call of Minos. Hoh, Alec smiled sardonically.
"We gods and ye god-slayers the two sides commonly exchanging nothing but swords,
spears, arrows and blades! However, thou shalt hear my declaration first!"
It's coming, what will be said next?
Let's have a guess, right... Something like: Mine appellation be Minos, God who ruleth over
ancient Crete as the great king of the land.
"Mine appellation be Minos, God who ruleth over ancient Crete as the great king of the land."
A correct guess, how boring.
Alec's smile was infused with greater and greater mockery.
"God-slayer! I, king of the land, declare war upon thee! We gods ruling the heavens, the
oceans and the great land, and ye devil kings of taboo, are absolutely irreconcilable mortal
enemies! Come, as determined by ancient Fate, it is time for us to duel!"
What was with this Minos?
Those were the same words uttered before battle by the bull-headed god that Alec faced a few
days ago.
With only minor differences in content, was this an illusion that imitated that god's
appearance and behavior? No, as a Campione, Alec's entire body and mind were full of
fighting spirit and power, having entered a state of battle. This was the state when facing a
Heretic God.
"This shouldn't be an illusion..."
Alec muttered as he sneered.

"However, it doesn't make sense for that god to revive. If that fellow really did resurrect, then
more impressive skills should be displayed. What of it?"
Faced with the incomprehensible giant god, Alec was full of curiosity.
The desire to clear up this mystery heightened. This unexpected farce lit up his battle desire
and his heart burned with hostility towards the god.
As a result, a change came over Alec's body.
Mastery he had now mastered the authority usurped from the bull-headed god he defeated
not so long ago.
A great sense of satisfaction flowed from within.
If this thing was an incomprehensible existence, then forget about everything else and subdue
it first before investigating. That was the fastest and most direct way!
"Nothing is stronger than the great bull dwelling in my heart. Death goes to that which carries
false appearances... Very well, I will go all out to reveal your true form."
As the corner of his lips rose to reveal a calm and clear smile, the Black Prince activated his
third authority.
"Wind that sings of fascination, night which devours the light, all travelers, helpless in the
perilous journey, accompanied by heavy sorrow, abandon all hope!"
Spell words flew out from his mouth.
Alec immediately kicked the heel of his leather shoe hard against the beach.
"Fu, ooooooooooooooooooh!?"
"Hahahahahaha! Last time I was dragged by Minos into a labyrinth, but this time the tables
have turned. I invite you into my labyrinth. Enjoy it carefully!"
The god that greatly resembled Minos, but was not Minos, roared in shock.
The gigantic bull-headed god that had just landed on the beach was now sinking down into
the ground. The beach it was standing on had suddenly turned into a viscous mass like a
bottomless bog.
The bull-headed giant was sunk down to its knees, then its waist, its muscular chest, its thick
arms, and finally its majestic head of a bull. All sank into the ground.
Completely submerged. Witnessing the scene unfold, Alec's own body also sank into the
viscous ground.
This was the power later dubbed [The Labyrinth] by Princess Alice.

A subterranean river was reconstructed into the interior of an underground building, creating a
massive maze to trap the enemy. However, this was a divine power of creation that applied a
threatening pressure on the enemy according to the user's intellectual level.
This was the authority Black Prince Alec usurped from Minos, the god of the land and the

Using this new authority, Alec created a massive labyrinth from the land.
The passage was tiled with square stones and quite spacious. Its height around 10m or so and
width around 7-8m, the construction of the passage was rather roomy.
This passage extended in all directions like a spider's web, forming an intricate and
complicated maze.
As its creator, Alec had a complete grasp of the labyrinth's structure and layout.
Including his own current location, the enemy's position, as well as everyone caught inside the
maze. It was like looking down at the ground from far above in the sky.
"My impression of this labyrinth... is pretty much the same as the one I unintentionally
sneaked into recently."
Alec shrugged as he walked underground.
It was true, this place did in fact have the same structure as the labyrinth created by the god
Minos on the island of Crete.
Perhaps it was because the battle from a few days ago left behind such a strong impression.
Without associating the impressions of that labyrinth, it should be possible to alter the
structure to other forms... that was the feeling Alec had.
This should be tested out in the future. Though a firm grasp had been obtained, new
authorities often had many uncertainties. Often it required combat experience during first use
to truly understand them.
(In the few months after becoming a Campione, Alec gained a true and thorough
understanding that "training" to master an authority was completely meaningless. No amount
of time spent training could compare to experience. It could very well be true that one day of
actual combat yielded better returns in understanding than even a full year of training. Perhaps
the presence of tension was the reason.)
"So that [Bull] is now... over there. Hmph, still moving after all."
Alec had a firm grasp of his foe's position. It had fallen into a different place, a dead end
200m northeast from his current position.
However, it suddenly began to move. Completely ignoring the complicated passages of the
labyrinth, it was heading straight towards Alec. And extremely rapidly too.

The battle against Minos last time was the same.

Previously, that bull-headed god ascertained Alec's position through smell, and
"There thou art, god-slayer! With my two horns I shall cut thee to pieces!"
With the sound of dynamite exploding, the walls of the labyrinth were being crushed and
blown apart.
Collapsing stone turned into dust, filling the air with flying debris.
From behind this smokescreen charged the bull-headed god. Its body was no longer as
gigantic as when it was on the beach. Probably about a tenth in size now with a height of 5m
or so. It was a body size chosen to move easily inside the labyrinth.
However, even shrunken in size, the [Bull] the might of a god of the land was still
exceptionally frightening.
With the sound of roaring, the bull-headed god charged at Alec.
So fast! That speed likely reached 300km/h, and was attained instantly. As befitted a god, this
explosive power was beyond common sense.
However, Alec was able to dodge this sudden charge.
" Hmm!?"
The bull-headed god groaned with surprise. However, it did not slow down and crashed
violently into the wall behind Alec.
Crash. The labyrinth's walls were simply pulverized and scattered by the bull-headed god's
A majestic divinity of the great land. Its power, tenacity and penetrative power must be
outstanding even amongst gods. These kinds of walls must be like paper to it.
This must be how it crashed through walls repeatedly, opening a straight path to charge
Yes, it was exactly the same as what the god Minos did on the island of Crete.
"Hmph... Couldst thou be "
The bull-headed god seemed to be muttering in doubt.

Discerning the opponent's weapon from a single glance? Again it was exactly the same as the
Minos from that time.
Nodding, Alec moved his body as the bull-headed giant crashed towards him at super high
speed once again. With this kind of speed, even a martial arts master would likely find it
difficult to evade.
But to Alec, dodging this kind of impact was a piece of cake.
Using the same principle as before, Alec performed evasive maneuvers.
Currently, he was only using half of god speed.
In this state, the world around felt extremely slow to Alec.
It was like the fast forward and slow playback functions on videos.
Even if the bull-headed god used frightening speed it looked like a tortoise's crawl.
Easily seen with clarity.
Slowly approaching. Until impact was imminent in 5cm, 2cm, 10mm, 5mm, 1mm... At that
instant, Alec raised god speed to the max.
Dodging with the speed of lightning with a stride towards the side. However, it was only a
10cm sidestep and god speed was reduced to half immediately afterwards.
(From an observer's point of view, it would have looked like he was squashed to the side as a
result of being struck.)
Maintaining god speed all the time caused a heavy strain on the mind and the body.
For a human body, precise movements were the most appropriate. This was the wisdom Alec
gained after experiencing many battles.
"Truly the footsteps of god speed! The god-slaying warrior akin to thunderous lightning!"
The bull-headed god began to transform. From a bull-headed giant into a humongous bull !
Like a small hill, the massive body like an elephant gave a sense of overwhelming strength.
"Hmph, as expected. This method it is enough to use the same trick as against Minos."
Alec sneered and used god speed once again.
Running. With supernatural speed, he began to traverse the complex passages of the labyrinth.
Just as his enemy described, he was the warrior akin to lightning, distancing himself greatly in
an instant. However, clearly this was not his full speed.

The maximum was lightning speed, but this was only around fifty percent.
Even so, this was fast enough. However, the gigantic ferocious bull was also catching up with
unnatural speed!
So fast! Clocking 300... 400... 500km/h, the ferocious bull was accelerating ever more
Alec finally went full speed ahead, reaching the maximum in an instant, attaining complete
god speed. However, the ferocious bull had also reached god speed!
Following immediately behind!
Furthermore, it was carrying overwhelming momentum.
Alec twisted left and right along the complicated passages of the maze, even jumping down
platforms occasionally.
However, the pursuing god in the form of a ferocious bull smashed through the walls of the
labyrinth, charging in a straight line. If this continued, it was obvious which side was going to
cover more ground in the long run.
Alec running away, or the charging bull?
The charging bull had a pair of thick sharp horns on its head that rivaled the sharpness of
swords and spears. These weapons were fast approaching, intent on accomplishing the goal of
piercing holes into Alec's slender body.
"Thunder, descend!"
Alec chanted the brief spell words. Releasing the human body, he turned into thunder the
avatar of lightning.
Abandoning his material body to become a mass of electrified plasma, the Black Prince
charged at those horns of the ferocious bull that resembled battering rams of pirate ships.
Naturally, it was futile to attempt the piercing of intangible lightning.
Conversely, the lightning offered resistance. The ferocious bull's gigantic body was bathed in
electricity, giving off loud scorching noises.
"Oohohohoh!! God-slayer!"
The ferocious bull god groaned briefly. Its violent charge did not stop completely, continuing
to target Alec despite his lightning form. This level of electrical attack was clearly not enough
to produce a critical hit.
Right. Alec nodded secretly to himself. The avatar of lightning had not been effective
against god Minos either. His electrical attack did not produce enough effect, and the enemy
had instantly discerned the weakness of this avatar.

"However, I have seen through it, how to conquer thy impenetrable fortress of lightning. In
that case, it shall fall!"
Ahah, as expected. Even the dialogue was identical to that time.
Alec's lips naturally distorted themselves into a mocking smile.
At the same time, the ferocious bull god slowed down, returning to normal from god speed.
Its distance from Alec instantly increased, but that was not because it had given up the chase.
It was the opposite.
The ferocious bull god suddenly yelled out. It was a terrifying roar that was reminiscent of
It was also a form of spell words. Sacred words for neutralizing spells and releasing a godslayer's authority.
Turning into lightning eliminated the burden of god speed, allowed electric strikes, and
evaded physical attacks thanks to abandoning the material body.
However, if dispelled, it becomes extremely fragile...
If countered by a god or a Campione's spells, the lightning avatar could easily be dispelled.
Perhaps if several magi of Alice or Lucretia Zola's caliber were to gather together for an
attempt, even human magi might be able to disrupt it.
Alec's body of plasma returned to human form. If this had happened while he was flying in
midair, the result would have shared the same fate as Icarus with his melted wings. Luckily
this was not going to happen this time.
In the last battle with god Minos, this point in battle resulted in a desperate crisis.
"Hoh, thou hast seen through my counter, what a man with sharp eyes."
"...Of course, because this is the second battle."
Alec muttered in response to the ferocious bull god's praise.
The true identity of the foe before him was still unclear. So far, its manner of movement,
strength and speed were completely identical to the god Minos at Crete. Let's verify in a little
"Those who walk past my gravestone, whoever steps upon my shadow, I know each and
every one of you!"
Alec quietly chanted the spell words that naturally surfaced in his mind.

The authority he had mastered not too long ago the power usurped from Minos, will be
used to discern this fellow's secrets.
Clearing his mind, he recalled the structure of the labyrinth.
The overlooking view from above surfaced in his mind. Yes, this is my domain. Any
destination could be reached without walking, requiring only thought.
In the next instant, Alec's body sunk into the ground as thought.
"Sorry, I am the Master of the Maze. Let me try a little trick. If you want to fight me then you
must catch up to me. Fake Minos!"
These words were left behind.
The labyrinth actually had ninety-eight levels. Its structure was extremely vast.
Just now, Alec and the god were located on the seventeenth level counting from the top.
Reaching the bottom would mean traversing eighty-one levels. So, how will the unidentified
ferocious bull pursue?

It was a massive circular space with a diameter of 10km.

Alec was now standing in the deepest level of the vast labyrinth. Bare ground. Massive space.
Located in the center were the altar and throne for worshiping the bull-headed god.
These were all familiar sights from last time. The final battlefield where the defeat of god
Minos had occurred.
Crash! Crash! Crash!
Strange crashing noises echoed in the quiet holy sanctum. Alec looked up to the ceiling,
which began to show minor cracks. Pieces of stone clattered as they fell. Finally, the cracked
portion became a great opening.
The bull-headed human-bodied giant god jumped down from the opening. It landed with a
great slam.
Its height had returned to 30m. This powerful monster had used its gigantic fists to smash the
labyrinth's floors, one level at a time, eschewing the use of stairs to descend directly.
It must have decided that coming straight down like this was faster than searching for stairs
on every level.
"To think you finally caught up, Fake."
Alec grumbled as he looked up at the familiar figure of his foe.

"Even though it's an amazing power, your imitation really kills the mood. If you have the
ability to copy another god's powers and appearance, make yourself better-looking for
goodness' sake. Ugliness should have limits."
"Warrior of lightning, dost thou intend to insult the divine esteem of I, the mighty king?"
From above came a solemn voice. However, Alec responded sardonically.
"I don't know what game you're playing, but ultimately you are just a well-made counterfeit
of a god. Very likely you have recreated the illusion of thirty or forty percent of the original
divinity's power."
"...I as an illusion? What nonsense dost thou speak, god-slayer?"
The bull-headed god looked perplexed as it spoke. Apparently, it had no awareness of being a
"Indeed, an illusion. If I had to put a finger on it, there is the fact that you have no soul. You
don't have the heart of savagery shared by [Heretic Gods] as heralds of disaster. That is why
you are so shamefully weak."
The bull-headed god approached step by step. Alec coldly gazed up at its solemn face,
speaking in a calm tone of voice.
"The strength of gods is proportional to the steadfastness of their ego. Compared to the type
of abilities or weapons they possess, obstinacy and intense desire are far more important
factors in their power. Without this layer of meaning, there is nothing special about you."
Fake Minos' giant body was threatening and full of tension.
It seemed to have reproduced with great fidelity the [Bull]'s strength and charging ability from
that divinity. However, it completely lacked the divine power of the [Master of the Maze],
one which Alec considered far more troublesome. That explained why it only made use of
strength to resist.
Alec looked with despise at the bull-headed god's face high above him.
"At this level, you can't even compare with a heretic god's subordinate deity. What a boring
fake. Well, at least it could be said that fake gods have the value of being rare!"
Will it work? Alec asserted with determination. He had enough of training and it was now
time to use this power of the fake bull god properly.
'If you have any objections, then just try smashing my body to smithereens!"
"Fine. Smashing thy intricate creation seemeth a pity. But there is no other way to fully
display the great power of I king of the land!"

Minos suddenly rather, Fake Minos suddenly roared loudly.

Of course, this was in order to use spell words of divine power.
Fake Minos gathered together the spiritual essence of the earth and filled the underground
space. This terrifying presence, must have gathered power of the earth not only from the
confines of the underground cavern but also the entire coastal area.
Then Fake Minos clenched its fist and swung violently.
Crack! The violent impact struck the floor of the labyrinth's deepest level.
Immediately, the entire underground labyrinth shook intensely despite its vastness.
From the point of impact on the floor, cracks were gradually radiating out. The surface was
littered with patterns reminiscent of spiderwebs and the cracks stretched all the way into the
depths of the vast empty space.
The cracks even reached up the walls, covering them with numerous crevices.
Fake Minos roared once more, continuing to strike at the floor.
Rocks from the ceiling of the hollow space shattered noisily and fell down.

As Master of the Maze, Alec already knew that all ninety-eight levels were collapsing.
"Fuhahahahahaha! God-slayer, 'tis apparent that thou canst move like a shadow within this
labyrinth! But thy palace is about to collapse!
Roaring once again, it continued to strike the ground. Obviously, the shaking and destruction
of the labyrinth became even more severe.
Of course this could not be limited to physical impact. As a violent god of the great earth,
some kind of powerful destructive authority must have been used.
However, Alec was laughing from the bottom of his heart. This was perfect.
During the time it took this thing to reach the deepest level of the labyrinth, Alec had already
completed the most time-consuming [Summon]. All that remained was to wait for the signal
of revenge!
"Hear me, daughters of the endless night, daughters of the earth and shadow."
These spell words formed the hymn offering sacrifice to the goddesses of vengeance.

Guarding Alec, the infernal goddesses' black wings deflected all the stones and rocks falling
from above, preventing every one of them from approaching his body.
"Fighting evil with evil, repaying crime with crime, shedding blood for blood, knocking out a
tooth for a tooth, thus vengeance begins. By the blood of the slain mother, tragic death denies
all future attempts at filial piety!!"
Standing on the violently shaking ground where crevices continued to appear, Alec did not
lose his balance.
The three concealed infernal goddesses manifested from behind, holding the Black Prince in
their arms, pulling him up into the air.
On the heads of the three beautiful infernal goddesses, each individual strand of hair was a
Raven-black wings sprouted from their backs.
"Megaera the demon, Tisiphone the avenger, Alecto the relentless, retrieve the curse and
execute vengeance!"
Responding to the completed spell words, vicious countenances appeared on the three infernal
These were the Erinyes, the three goddesses of vengeance in Greek mythology
Alec had activated his second authority, previously usurped from their defeat.
[Judging Furies].
Named as such by the Witenagemot, this authority returned to the perpetrator all destruction,
attacks, impacts, and curses performed before the three infernal goddesses.
In this case, all destruction wrought by Fake Minos upon the giant maze was reflected back
onto it.
The giant bull-headed god's movements suddenly stopped, overcome with pain.
Struck. The majestic bull's head, the muscular chest, the sturdy abs, the broad and solid back.
All parts of the body were being struck. Assaulted violently in a frenzy!
Fake Minos' gigantic body shuddered violently with every impact and was blown away.
Struck by a giant invisible fist.
These were all the punches performed by Fake Minos the attacks that channeled the energy
of the great land into destructive power to cause the labyrinth's collapse.

"Then the end draws near..."

Alec commented as he watched the battered Fake Minos.
A Campione's warrior instinct told him that his enemy had met its fate. The incident had
drawn to a close.
Alec once again turned himself into the intangible avatar of lightning.
He began to exit the collapsed labyrinth and flew towards the surface of the ground.

Part 6
Alec flew into the sky in the form of lightning.
A massive depression in the ground had formed at Orosei Bay in Sardinia. It was like the
appearance of a crater.
This change in the foundation of the land was due to the destruction of the underground
labyrinth along with Minos.
Nodding in approval at his own victory, Alec surveyed the surroundings beneath him.
In a situation like this, she could not possibly have kept still obediently. Surely she must have
come running there!
Discovering the figure of the girl he sought, Alec flew towards her with lightning speed.
Landing on a little hill, he released the avatar.
Recovering a human's body, he immediately ran over to Princess Alice.
As a spirit body, she was also able to fly at high speeds comparable to Alec's.
"You came as expected. Could it be that you couldn't bear killing time in a relaxed manner?"
"Of course. What does it matter anyway? I've long wanted to investigate you properly."
The Princess put on airs and turned her face in response to his question.
She seemed to be harboring a grudge for being left behind just now. Hmph, Alec smiled in
satisfaction over his little victory.
"Alexandre, I think you should slightly correct your discourteous tongue and eccentric
character. It's really quite rude to ladies!"
Alice spoke in anger as she waved her slender hand, her skin as white as snow.
Accompanying this motion was the appearance of particles of light, glittering as they flew
into the sky. They stopped rising after reaching a certain height.

There eh? A dash of savagery crept into Alec's smile.

The White Miko-Hime Princess Alice had several special spirit powers at her disposal.
Her most representative abilities were spirit body separation and psychic sensing.
Using the latter ability allowed the Princess to read minds approximately. If she extended the
probing of her sensing, she could most likely read the minds of everyone in the area. Of
course, this was not indiscriminate. For example, it was impossible to read Alec's or a magi of
Lucretia Zola's caliber.
Nevertheless, even if she could not read their minds, it still allowed her to sense their
"Glory of all creation, turn into power and be displayed! Seize the key to wisdom of the past
as a woman!"
At the position indicated by the Princess' light, Alec applied counter magic. This was special
magic for dispelling specific spell domains.
For example, fire-type counter magic can be used to neutralize water-type spells.
Currently, Alec was using counter magic targeted towards witchcraft.
"Hohohoho, as expected of the Prince. You saw through it all."
A beautiful young blonde suddenly appeared in the air.
Wearing a white summer dress, she was smiling as sweet as the most exquisite of
confectionery. This was the [Divine Ancestor] who called herself Guinevere last time.
She had been hiding herself using the witchcraft of [Concealment].
"Hmph, to go so far as to summon a fake god. There should be limits to mischief, whether
from [Heretic Gods], Campiones or you, who've been leaving suspicious trails everywhere
lately. So how many of the recent events are of your doing?"
Alec looked up to the hovering witch as he mocked sarcastically.
"However, I can't imagine what sort of trick created a fake god. To be able to approach the
authority of gods and Campiones, it looks like Divine Ancestors are not a group to be
overlooked. I seem to have underestimated you."
"No, even standing at the pinnacle of witches, I, Guinevere cannot do this using my own
Maintaining her smile, the witch in the form of a young girl descended to the ground.
"How was it done? I will tell you in a little while."

"Oh? That's very generous of you."

"No, Prince thanks to the assistance Your Highness has provided, it is only right to return
the courtesy. As for that miko over there hohoho, what a girl with a bright future. If you
wish, I, Guinevere, welcome you to my side with open embrace."
Wearing a pure white dress, Guinevere turned her gaze towards Alice.
"Prince, come with me, Guinevere, and let us set off together in search for this 'King who
manifests at the end of eras.' This is the sleeping King of the End, the most mysterious of the
gods of [Steel]. Finding that king is an arduous and perilous journey. Nevertheless, let us set
forth together."
"What about Lucretia Zola? Didn't you go searching with her in the past?"
King who manifests at the end of eras.
It was a greatly fascinating title, but Alec maintained his rationality and pointed out his doubt.
"That child is no good. While we were wandering together in search for clues, that child
disobeyed the will of Guinevere."
"Yes, she believed that the last the strongest [Steel] should not be revived, because it
would surely bring about the end of this era of humans."
The last of this era. End. Only dangerous terms were being tossed around.
Without the full picture, it was impossible to imagine.
Alec shrugged, bringing up what he believed to be the crux of the matter.
"This King who manifests at the end of eras... Does it refer to King Arthur? With the
inscription 'Once and Future King' on his tomb, will that hero awaken from eternal slumber,
to save the world or destroy it?"
"Hohoho, as expected of the Prince, truly clever."
"That is what came to mind once during my search for the Holy Grail in the past few years."
For the first time, Alec revealed the speculation buried in his heart.
"Between the eleventh and fourteenth centuries in medieval Europe, there existed individuals
who worked secretly to popularize myths that regarded King Arthur as a god... Their core
consisted of you ladies, daughters of the earth mother goddess' miko of the ancient world."
Alec glared sharply at Guinevere and Alice as he spoke.

"It is unknown whether they acted independently or in concert. However, the Knights
Templar, its parent organization the Priory of Sion[23], as well as the Order of Cistercians[24]
should have interfered greatly in the formation of this myth... How's that, to what extent is my
speculation correct?"
"Well well, what should we do?"
Guinevere responded casually with an innocent smile.
"After all, I, Guinevere, was only reborn less than a hundred years ago. It's hard to be sure of
things that happened before I was born."
An adorable smile along with a glamorous melodious voice.
Alec went "hmph" with despise. What an impossible fellow to interrogate. But thanks to the
ill-fated encounters with that Princess over there, he found it easier to guess what she was
"My wish is to revive the 'King of the End.' For this goal, I will put forth all my effort, wealth,
and yes, even the Magic Holy Grail."
"Prince, the fake god Minos you encountered... Was an illusion of Guinevere's doing, born
from the blessing of the Holy Grail. I had chanced upon Your Highness' earlier battle and
used it for reference!"
Light shone from behind Guinevere.
At some point in time, a vessel slightly taller than the twelve or thirteen-year-old girl had
Shaped like a cup or an urn, the vessel was shining brilliantly. Furthermore, it was infused
with an astounding amount of magical power.
From the rim of the vessel's opening, how could such an enormous amount of magical power
be flowing out continuously?
This magical power surpassed Campiones like Alec as well as human magi by far.
Furthermore, the vessel was releasing what was equivalent to the total magical power of
several dozens of Campiones.
If just the overflowing magical power was this much, what amazing power must lie within...
"Alexandre, that is the Magic Holy Grail... The Graal of legend."
"I don't need you to tell me that! What else could that astounding object be!?"
Alice shouted out excitedly, having confirmed with spirit vision, while Alec responded

The holy relic had suddenly appeared before the two of them. However, it vanished as
abruptly as it had appeared. As the bright light disappeared, only the young Divine Ancestor
"Hohohoho. Prince Alec-sama, if Your Highness will assist me, Guinevere, then the sacred
treasure just now can be yours."
What? Alec stared in astonishment.
"As mentioned already, I, Guinevere, am not a woman who hoards treasure like a miser. Even
if it is the famous Holy Grail, I will gladly offer it with both hands for the sake of finding the
King of the End. We distant descendants of the miko! You too, must do the same as Alecsama, you must accept the wish of the queen of witches no matter what!"
The Holy Grail had vanished, as commanded by the Divine Ancestor
With that, so did the sense of excitement. Princess Alice sighed as a result.
"It is puzzling how I should properly address my senior who looks younger than me...
Madam, do you have any idea of Alexandre's personality?"
The Princess answered coldly with a sigh.
As his rival bound by ill fate, she understood him very well.
"This eccentric mister here loves to play devil's advocate and act in opposition. He will never
agree no matter how serious you are if you look at him with eyes of superiority that says 'you
can have the gift you desire but in return you must obey.' Instead, it's going to cause him to
resist without hesitation. At times like this, he most likely would say "
"'If I already know who possesses it, why would I need to listen to your demands?'"
Alec responded before Alice could quote him.
"You think I will kneel down and beg? What a joke. I never hesitate for even a moment
towards treasure I desire. Because all that remains is to take it from the hands of the original
Alec mocked with instigating tones. Alice commented from the side, saying "Oh well, that's
the way it is."
If the current Grail possessor was a powerless or innocent commoner, Alec might have
hesitated and backed off due to various reasons, but that was only a special case.
Hmph, that kind of situation was the only exception, hurry up and forget about it!
Alec cursed quietly to himself as he drew near the Divine Ancestor.
"I never expected the owner of the secret treasure to appear so nonchalantly... I should express
my gratitude first. Thanks to you, I can finally fulfill my long time wish!"

He activated god speed at fifty percent.

Sparks flowed noisily all over his body. Now he could accelerate at will.
"So there is no more room for negotiations? What a shame. With outstanding wisdom and
rationality that trumps wild instinct, listen well, you rare terrifying god-slayer. I, Guinevere,
have been waiting... Or perhaps I need to seek out new situations."
Sigh. Guinevere sighed once.
"As a Campione, illegitimate child of the courageous fool, you are truly like an indomitable
poisonous dragon. Looks like there are no exceptions."
"I don't know about the other fellows, but bowing down is impossible for me!"
So, it was now imperative to capture this annoying Divine Ancestor before considering
anything else.
Clearly just a young girl in appearance, there was no cause for apprehension. Just tie her up
using the authorities on hand, take the Holy Grail and extract any other useful information.
Well, nothing particularly violent or savage was planned in the first place anyway...
Just as Alec pondered like that.
"Hear my summons and come forth, Sir Knight. Please protect Guinevere."
This time, dense mist burst forth from behind her.
It was the kind of thick fog that completely pervaded lake shores on mornings, with visibility
less than 10m.
Then Alec saw it.
A knight in white armor came forth from the depths of the dense mist!
A knight riding astride a beautiful white steed. The visor of the helmet was down and
obscuring the face.
Wielding a barbed cavalry lance.
A knight on a white horse ? Just as Alec frowned, the knight had already arrived before him
What was with this speed!?
Alec activated god speed completely.
The surroundings began to slow down while he accelerated alone.

Normally, Alec was the only one who moved freely in this accelerated world. However, the
knight mounted on the white horse made thrusts with the lance, performing a series of
splendid attacks.
Looking like the frame-by-frame replay of a DVD, the tip of the lance extended towards Alec
as if about to pierce him right through.
This was a martial arts secret technique for countering god speed!
Even Paolo Blandelli and Sir Iceman had been unable to execute this knightly secret art with
It was the ability to use the mind's eye to discern god speed and capture it using the shortest
Dodge it!
Alec jumped far back to avoid the deadly weapon of steel.
During this time, Guinevere's young and tiny body was lifted onto the saddle. However, the
knight did not seem intent on pursuing.
Was protecting Guinevere the first priority?
Understanding the knight's intentions, Alec shut down god speed. His heart as a Campione
was full of fighting spirit, and his body was filled with battle power. Without a doubt, this
fellow is a god.
"Probably should keep this a secret from Iceman? Hard to believe, I fought gods three times
within a single week!"
Just as Alec sighed softly to himself, Guinevere's voice could be heard.
"That was a great help, My Knight. Would you stay on guard by Guinevere's side from now
on, please?"
The young girl leaned against the chest of the white armor, pleading as if being spoiled.
Watching this scene unfold, Princess Alice spoke alarming words.
"That's... Lancelot of the Lake Lancelot du Lac!"
Softly whispering the god's name. It was a divine oracle from spirit vision.
Trembling, Alec turned to face Guinevere who was smiling adorably.
"I apologize if you took offense today, Black Prince. It is most regrettable that Your Highness
will not become my ally. On the other hand, we have a long road ahead of us as enemies!"
"That is your wish? Or is it something you know through spirit vision?"

"Who knows? I've never mulled over it. However, I, Guinevere, am the most legitimate
Divine Ancestor. My premonitions are quite accurate. So, until next time!"
The white knight Lancelot and Guinevere rode the white steed, flying into the sky.
It was like galloping on open plains of grassland.
As the hooves of the horse kicked at the air, the white steed galloped majestically across the
Lancelot du Lac did not utter a single word the entire time.
As Alec watched their figure recede into the distance, he wondered if he should chase them in
the form of lightning. In the end, he abandoned the notion because his life would be in peril if
the avatar of thunder was dispelled in midair.

"The reason why I assisted Guinevere? Very simple, I was expecting something to happen on
that particular day, when the 'King who manifests at the end of eras' appears."
After that, Alec and Alice had returned to Lucretia Zola's home.
The Witch of Sardinia replied simply to the sudden question of her junior, Princess Alice.
"...Really, will there be an actual end of the world?"
"Yes. There is surprisingly little evidence that can disprove such a prediction. I definitely
don't consider it a fool's delusion."
Lucretia nodded at Alice's comment.
I see, indeed it is so. Alec was beginning to understand.
If a god of fire arrived, the surrounding territory will be engulfed by flames. If a god of
darkness descended, the area will be enveloped by eternal night. The manifestation of [Heretic
Gods] always followed this kind of principle.
Hypothetically, if this god that appears at the end of eras surfaced
It could very well be the beginning of an apocalypse. Even though incredibly ridiculous, it
was a persuasive notion.
"After finding out something like that, I gave up my long time search. At the end of the day, it
is impossible to maintain indifference towards the destruction of the world. I am not slow or
insensitive, after all... Unlike you Campiones."
" What's that supposed to mean!?"
Lucretia smiled knowingly in response to Alec's anger while Alice shrugged.

However, after saying the joking first sentence, Lucretia continued with the following:
"In truth, there is still a point of doubt. Is the 'King who manifests at the end of eras' really
King Arthur? As my research dug deeper, I began to notice that it should be a much more
ancient existence that transcends oriental and occidental divisions."
The woman who was once fellow researchers with the Divine Ancestor sighed at this point.
"I suppose I count as an Arthurian novice. The thought of finding out that the long sought
king in my heart was someone else... This was the biggest reason why I stopped the search."
"However, that Divine Ancestor believes in it firmly, right?"
"Yes. She calls herself the same name... as the queen consort who betrayed King Arthur and
had an adulterous relationship with Sir Lancelot. Well, the King of the End's identity is still
uncertain at this point. If that fellow turns out not to be Arthur, I wonder what that Guinevere
would do?!"

Black Prince Alec, Princess Alice, and Divine Ancestor Guinevere.

The scene of their first gathering basically happened like that.
At the very least, neither Alec nor Alice would have expected the fates of the three to remain
bound together even after eight years had passed.

Chapter 5 - World is not enough - The Daily Life of

Kusanagi Godou
Part 1
Kusanagi Godou was a guy who did not have any unspeakable secrets in his private life.
No lovers that had to be hidden from friends, nor any fetishes that could not be made publicly
known. There were also no secrets regarding his birth.
That is why when Mariya Hikari had asked him, he had immediately answered.
"Umm, Onii-sama. You've mentioned before that you occasionally work part-time, what kind
of job is it?"
"I do a few of them, but all of them are normal "
It was a comfortable autumn Saturday morning.
Kusanagi Godou, before heading for his part-time job at noon, had paid a visit to Nanao

By chance, his workplace was Toranomon. He had some time to kill before reporting to work,
and anyway, he would be able to meet the Mariya sisters if he went to the shrine grounds.
"Physical work, customer service, behind-the-scenes support for example, just some simple
Godou recalled the past jobs that he had done.
Among those, were also jobs that were a little specialized. But in truth, after trying them out,
he found that they were also rather normal. Of course, this was all in the context of part-time
It would be really troublesome if he had to explain and elaborate further upon those points.
"Your workplace is around here today, right? What kind is it exactly?"
The one who asked him was Yuri.
Her gesture of gently leaning her head to the side, really resembled that of an elegant ojousama.
"An acquaintance of my grandfather and my deceased grandmother owns an old bookstore
around these parts. Normally they use light truck for logistics purposes, but they are not able
to do so due to a hip injury. Because of that, I've been asked to help out."
In actual fact, though it may be called a 'job', the wage was minimal.
Rather, because it was his grandparent's acquaintance, Godou had not cared much about the
monetary rewards, and promised to lend his aid.
Even so, it was better than nothing.
Like this, he could broaden his connections, who could possibly then introduce more parttime jobs to him or help him out when he is in a pinch.
For example, during the summer this year, the multiple jobs that he had worked at to save up
for his trip to Sardinia had been from these connections he had made.
Even on the magic side, as a Campione, Godou had been helped many times by Erica, Yuri,
Liliana and Ena, they were reliable friends and connections.
Once again, Godou felt that these connections were extremely important to him.
"Actually, I've never had a part-time job before."
Yuri said, somewhat shyly.
"But, don't you work here at the shrine?"
"That is merely my duty as a hime-miko.... it's just that, I'm a little envious."

The beautiful hime-miko confessed.

Befitting of a Yamato Nadeshiko like sheltered young lady, perhaps this was one of her
modest wishes.
Understanding her point of view, Godou could not help but smile, and Yuri returned his smile
with her own quietly. Like this, the two of them exchanged smiles.
"Ah. Then this time, why don't you tag along and work along with Onii-sama, Onee-chan?"
The one who had abruptly suggested that, was none other than Hikari.
"On your first part-time job, you get to spend more time together with Onii-sama, isn't that a
good thing? At a family restaurant or any other eatery, for example, wouldn't that be nice?
And then, I'll drop by, and keep Onii-sama company!"
"Hikari! Don't just say whatever you like."
The elder sister rebuked the young sister. However, she looked at Godou with an air of
"Ah ... I see. A part-time job, together with Mariya, huh..."
"S-sorry about that, Godou-san. Hikari had said something irresponsible. B-but."
Yuri faltered, looking embarrassed, and her expression was very cute.
"If, it is possible, that there was such an opportunity, of course I would not be opposed to
experiencing something new... W-what do you think?"
Working part-time with this ojou-sama.
It wouldn't be too No, this might become a very enjoyable event.
Just as Godou wanted to say [Then this time's a good opportunity], he noticed something.
"Come to think of it, the work I'm doing, it's not suited for a girl at all."
"Aah, is it a job that only men can do?"
"No, although the job is not strictly men-only, it's just that the job is ill-suited for a girl to do."
While answering Hikari, Godou scratched his head.
Although the tasks of this job were normal, it would be awkward to ask Yuri to join him. As
he thought, he had to think this through.

"The [normal] that you've mentioned, cannot even be fundamentally believed."

It was past ten o'clock in the evening.

Finishing his work, Godou had returned to his home, located in the shopping street of the
third district of Nezu.
He had run into the daughter of the sushi bar's owner, his childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka,
on his way back who had told him this.
".... That was out of the blue. To have described me as someone without any common sense."
Godou responded dishearteningly.
Being told something like that, as the first thing upon meeting. Expectedly, he was annoyed.
"You know, if you are asked [What have you been doing up till now?], you should say [a parttime job at an old bookstore]. And if I asked [what kind of job? Hmm. How much do they
pay?], to which you should reply [moving a large amount of old books in half a day, for 3000
yen]. For [Isn't that too little!?], it should be [That's not the case at all. Isn't that normal?]."
Outspokenly, Asuka energetically continued.
Though her features were a little fierce, she was quite the pretty young girl. Her long-hair had
twin-pigtails sprouting out from both sides. This was a hairstyle that she had had for the
longest time.
While his childhood friend was taking a breather, Godou took the chance to interject.
"I, didn't particularly say anything strange, did I?"
"It was strange."
He was instantly struck down.

Part 2
The next day after that kind of incident had happened, a Sunday.
The usual gatherings of the Kusanagi household were usually comprised of Godou, his sister
Shizuka + their grandfather, just the three of them. The mother was very busy with her work
and private affairs and hence was often absent, whereas the father, after the divorce, had
separated from the household.
However, the lunch that day was a tad more crowded than usual.
The rarely present parents were not here, but rather it was a sudden addition of three
"Uwa , this ham is great !"
Gobbling down the thick ham steak, Kouzuki Sakura complimented.

Because the ham that was used was of high quality, not much skill was needed to bring out
the outstanding taste in it.
"This is something Mayo had brought back. That child doesn't eat at home very often, isn't
that such a waste? Today, it's good that I could let Sakura-chan and you all have a taste of it."
The person who had said that in a gentle tone, and who also prepared the ham, was Kusanagi
He was not someone who would obligingly interfere in the affairs of others. However, he
would casually lend his aid to others, this was his forte.
These traits were displayed through his expressions and tone.
"By the way, Sakura-chan. Coming here today, did you have anything you needed from our
"Nope. I was coincidentally free, so I dropped by. Recently, my friend Fuyuhime-chan had
also said that she wasn't busy with anything, and if I'm feeling lonely, I can always pay
Godoh-kun, Shizuka-chan and Grandpa a visit, and I like you guys, too."
"Is that so? That's good to hear. Ah, if you'd like, we also have some pretty good cheese."
"Eh, really!? Ufufu, somehow it seems like a dinner party, the menu Father has when having
Grandfather and Sakura were chatting together harmoniously.
Since the start of September, his cousin Sakura had been visiting the Kusanagi household
The siblings Godou and Shizuka need not be mentioned, but even the grandfather had been
nonchalantly watching over this relative's young girl, and helping her out.
".... Just a little bit more, if it were someone with an ordinary way of life, huh."
Godou murmured to himself, softly.
However, someone heard him. Shizuka, who was seated directly next to him, did.
".... Though I fully agree, the shelves in Onii-chan's heart are easily capable of storing
staggering amounts. Directly throwing various things out, or drawing them in."
".... What are you trying to say? Don't describe your big brother as some strange guy."
"..... Hmph. Onii-chan is plenty strange, as a perso n."
The siblings whispered to each other.

Though the little sister liked to nag, and the older brother did not understand his sister, the two
of them got along very well.
On an unrelated note, what Sakura had said earlier, the comment [seems like a dinner party],
was absolutely correct.
Today's lunch, with the smoked ham and sausages, and the cheese imported from overseas,
were all [tributes] to the mother Kusanagi Mayo, which she had brought back home.
Together, with wine and brandy of famous brands....
These had all been gifts from men, a true display of her title as [Femme Fatale].
Furthermore, the father Genzou had sent picture postcards addressed to the siblings.
Though it did not state what he had been up to, it had been sent from the southern hemisphere,
from Cape Town. Upon it was written [Wherever I go, I wander, lost. But I will always be
here, friends]. No one had understood what he meant by that.
"Father, what kind of person is he exactly... ?"
Reading the postcard that was left on the table, Liliana murmured to herself.
"I have a feeling that there is some kind of message behind it.... but to the inexperienced me, I
am unable to decipher even a single bit of it as of now."
"It's fine. Because even we don't understand it."
"Anyway he's someone who only thinks about acting cool. You don't have to care about it."
The siblings instantly responded, to which Liliana responded with a, "Huh?".
Her silver hair tied in a ponytail, the fairy-like East European bishoujo.
Structurally altered it may have been, but with the pure Japanese style of the Kusanagi house,
she could not have been said to look in place with it. However, recently, because of her
incessant coming in and out of the house, the feeling of being out of place has all but
"But, Onii-chan has levelled up greatly, too."
In the Kusanagi house's living room. Everyone was encircled around the dining table. Godou
was sandwiched between his sister on the right, and Liliana on his left
While looking cynically at Godou's position, Shizuka murmured.
"Openly bringing back one of the girlfriends to have lunch with the other members of the
family. Did Grandpa even do something of this level in the past?"
"You idiot. Since when did you get all these weird misunderstandings?"

"Kusanagi Godou. I cannot agree with your verbal abuse to your blood-related kin. Though
that may be the case, it is the truth that Shizuka-san has some improper impressions of the
Against Shizuka's cynicism, Godou and Liliana did a combination retaliation.
In the first place, their grandfather had not brought back many females with whom he shared
an intimate relationship to the house, because of his guilty conscience. Please do not compare
me with him.
".... If you are planning on explaining yourself, I'll listen."
"Explain? I'm not going to do that. Liliana and I, as previously said, we just get along really
well, it'll be good if you think of us as good pals. Because it's that kind of relationship,
coming to the house and meeting with the family is normal, isn't it?"
"Yes, like the two inseparable wings of a bird, we will not part ways from each other."
A splendid coordination. The breaths were closely synchronized with each other's.
Tightly following the direction of his gaze, to inform him of immediate problems, and
offering her advice. Of course, also following up with appropriate actions, bringing a decisive
force to the frontlines.
To the team commander, to the King, Liliana might be the perfect aide.
Recently, that was what Godou had thought.
"Because it is completely natural for us to be together, I do not even have the slightest bit of
guilty conscience about it. Our thoughts are pure. On the contrary, for thinking that we have
an immoral relationship, isn't Shizuka-san the one with improper cognizance? Do understand
this.... Ah, that reminds me."
Liliana suddenly whispered to Godou.
"This coming Monday, let us use the ingredients that I have been given to prepare lunch. I'll
handle Mariya Yuri, and as for Erica I'll have Karen inform Arianna who prepares her
meals. Once in a while, please have a taste of my very own personal handmade dishes."
Liliana's cheeks were slightly reddened, softly speaking as though she were telling a secret.

That innocence and gallantry combined, looked really cute.

Regarding the ingredients, that referred to their grandfather at roughly an hour ago, he had
told the frequently visiting Liliana, 'These are some souvenirs', and had given her some of the
tributes meant for the mother.
The silver-haired knight had changed from before; she no longer tried to obtain leadership
over the kitchen of the Kusanagi household.
Already, she had become more gentle, a girl who made others feel good with her presence
she would surely become a good wife and a good mother, Godou thought so vaguely.
"Hmm. I got it, I'll be looking forward to it."
"Yes, please do."
"Ugh, ku h. Furthermore, before the family, to the extent of openly discussing the
management of his circle of girlfriends!"
"Fufufufu. Godoh-kun sure gets along well with everyone, it seems so fun!"
While Shizuka was at a loss for words, Sakura smiled cheerfully.
In addition, about one month back, Godou had explained [Liliana had returned to Milan
because of some circumstances with her family!] to his cousin.
However, their abrupt meeting once again caused Godou and Liliana to be flustered, but
Sakura had regarded it absent-mindedly.
"I, due to certain changes in various circumstances, have once again returned to Japan!"
"Ah, I see . Again, I'll be in your care "

In response to their sloppy ad-libbing, the overwhelmingly beautiful hearted cousin had
accepted it with a smile.
It seems Liliana too, had understood how to handle Sakura. Even if she continued to pester
them with a [I want you to teach me magic ~], they would be able to brush it off skillfully.
".... Although it's always like this, this household sure is lively, isn't it...."
The childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka murmured to herself softly.
Yes, there were three guests today. And the third guest was Asuka.
"Though it's not that there are any noisy people in particular, but everytime this house leaves
me feeling at ease...... Really, I can't decide whether I'm for or against this."
The sushi bar that the Tokunaga house managed was named [Toku Sushi].
The lady boss (Asuka's mother) had sent their daughter here to deliver some things.
It would not be good if they were only to accept the superbly self-prepared, seasoned quality
lean meat tuna from the sushi bar owners.
Hence they invited Asuka to join them in the living room, and gave her some souvenirs as
"Well , as I thought I'm kind of an ordinary person..... although one-on-one I can deal with
Godou and Grandpa pretty well, but the entire Kusanagi family, if you get along that well
with each other, the situation looks really terrible. Somehow, Shizuka-chan too, is letting her
inner willfulness out."
Quietly observing the members inside the living room, Asuka said earnestly.
Even though she was always so aggressive, this girl could only be stupefied before the entire
spectacle of the Kusanagi family. Earlier when they had asked her the reason, she instantly
replied [I'm tired].
"Wh!? Don't describe me as if I'm the same as the other Kusanagi family members!"
"Hmm. How should I say this , it looks like Aunt Mayo's blood runs rather deep, eh "
While countering Shizuka's comment, Asuka seemingly brilliantly looked at Liliana, and after
that, her gaze turned towards the Kusanagi siblings' cousin, Sakura.
"Could it be possible, that perhaps the ones who will remain by Godou's side in the end would
be these...."
In a whisper, a mysterious assessment escaped her lips.
The person in question, Sakura, with a smiling face, spoke out towards Godou.

"Hey , Godoh-kun. This coming week, do you happen to be free!? We haven't met up with
Fuyuhime-chan in a long time, and for sure this time, I want to pass her the letter. I also want
to go out together with Godoh-kun. Ah, if it's ok, how about bringing Liliana-san and your
other friends from school? If everyone goes together, I think it'll be fun, surely."

Part 3
Even on a Sunday night, Godou was working a part-time job.
The place was somewhere in the vicinity of Ameyoko, in Ueno. Restaurants, bars, pachinko
parlors, capsule hotels and saunas were concentrated in this lively area.
A bustling street, full of peculiar dubiousness and energy.
Today's part-time job was 'a little special'. When the sun was setting, Godou had entered an
unpleasant-looking multi-tenant building's fifth floor, the bar named [three backs].
It did not particularly have a membership system.
However, it was filled with only regular customers, and it was a shop first-time customers
hardly ever came to.
The shopkeeper, who was also the bartender, had said [Although it's a modest business, some
way or another I can make a living], with no intention of modifying his quiet business style.
Before the operating hours of this hiding place-like bar, Godou entered the establishment, and
changed his clothes.
It was a shop with neither an office nor a backyard. In the interior of the shop before it opened
for business, he hurriedly changed into a white shirt and put on a necktie, and then wore his
vest. Just like a bartender.
"Well then, I'll start with the cleaning."
"Ok, I'm counting on you. Ah, once you're done, help me out with the stocking preparations."
Upon hearing Godou's voice, the shopkeeper-bartender, Yanagi-san said.
He was in his mid-thirties. A slim, good-looking man.
His skill as a bartender was extraordinary, but his cooking abilities that he had picked up as a
hobby were also marvelous.
Kusanagi Godou's employer. That was the profile of Yanagi-san.
"Yes.... Unusual, isn't it. Even though you had an appointment today, you still came?"
Always, while Yanagi-san was still doing the cooking preparations, Godou would finish with
the cleaning.

That was how the routine went before opening hours.

"Was that an appointment? Earlier, I received a mail on my cellphone from Daka-san, saying
'Today I want to eat paella. And seafood pizza. I'm counting on you'. And also some requests
from other regular patrons, for things that weren't on our menu."
While making a bitter smile, Yanagi-san took out the ingredients from the supermarket bag.
Normally, this kind of shop would not serve food made with all the chef's might. Bars, were
places where liquor was enjoyed, to the utmost....
That was his stance on it.
However, Yanagi-san's regular patrons, made many requests for dishes that were not on the
Due to it being a Western style bar, it seems they ended up making a Western style meal
menu, with wine and the like. One would expect that if Japanese style and Chinese style
meals were requested, they would be rejected.
"And because of that, we're going to be busier than usual. I'm relying on your help."
Yanagi-san would not raise his voice in any way, he was a kind employer.
Actually, he was a friend of his mother. Before the summer vacation, Godou who had been
searching for a part-time job had asked his mother, 'Is there anything nice you could
recommend? ', and then, with a, 'I have an acquaintance who doesn't mind minors, though
their schedule is irregular, as long as they are willing', he was introduced.
Still, even while he was thinking that it would be impossible for a high school student, he
went for the interview
"By the way Yanagi-san, why did you hire someone like me?"
"Basically, I've been managing this shop somehow by myself. A child who wants to seriously
become a bartender, I do not plan nor have the allowance of taking one as a full-time
apprentice. And thus, I just needed someone who would help out when things looked busy.
Furthermore "
Yanagi-san was probably, not just a kind person.
When he had overwritten the resume that Godou had brought, by changing the age to above
eighteen, and said 'You, I'll employ you', during that time Godou had understood this.
"I thought that it'd be a little nice, for a naive and obedient boy to be working at my side...
Probably, you've caused me to forget about my fatigue and tiredness more than I thought you
would. Fufufu, just stay as your densely unaware self, that's Godou-kun's virtue after all."
Well, occasionally he murmurs some weird things.

Perhaps, like the regular customer Hideko-san who had once said, 'Shop manager, you
definitely do swing that way, rightYour behaviour is just too amorous!'.
That might be the case. However, Godou was not too concerned about it.
This part-time job's terms and pay were good, and basically he liked Yanagi-san, and also the
shop's regular patrons too. If that was the case, he was plenty satisfied.
There were both pros and cons.
Depending on the case, sometimes a little rule-bending was OK.
While exhibiting those traits unconsciously, Godou went about the part-time job's chores
Once again, working here had brought about other business and encounters for him. As he
thought, quitting the job would be regrettable, due to the little feelings of guilt.
"Godoh-chan, could I count on you to be our support for grass-lot baseball next time?", "I'm
planning on going in to the depths of Mt. Ontake, harvesting herbs. I'll pay you a part-time
job's wage so help us out?" , "Next month, there's a wine-tasting event. Let's all go. Shop
manager and Godoh-chan, let's go together!", "Hey, I need a lot of manpower for next week's
inventory count. You did say you were looking for a part-time job!?", "With the source of
Tonegawa river in mind, I have a rigorous programme planned out.... I'm looking for men
with confidence in their physical abilities.", "Although I can't give you payment in kind, but
the display and sales of new products event next time, come and be a salesperson for me."
Among others. A non-stop exchange at the bar's counter.
While helping Yanagi-san out by polishing the glass, setting up the liquor bottles, washing the
tableware, various voices were calling out to him.
Before, Godou had said, 'Please introduce me to any good part-time jobs you know', to the
regular patrons.
Afterwards, before he realized it, he was well-known amongst the regular patrons as, [a young
man with good physical strength who will not slack off, with excessively high adaptability
and was currently in the middle of looking for part-time employment].
Nowadays, more than half of Godou's part-time jobs were introduced to him from here.
Well, although there were other things introduced besides part-time jobs, seemingly
interesting offers did turn up from time to time.
Although Kusanagi Godou thought of himself as a tough person, sometimes he just wanted to
forget about school and his life as a devil king Campione, and to take a break from that life.

Thus, the work for the day ended.

After the operating hours, the bar was cleaned and tidied up.
The time was approaching twelve midnight. Just a little bit more and the date on the calendar
would change to Monday.
Usually after closing shop, he would be treated to a meal. However, they had cooked up a lot,
and there were not many ingredients left.
And hence, after bidding goodbye to Yanagi-san who was doing the accounts at the register,
Godou excused himself.
I'll go home after eating something, maybe even ramen.
Come to think of it, his baseball mate Rui had said to him, 'If it's ok with you, after your parttime job, there's an interesting festival float event happening, wanna try going? We'll invite
Miura-kun and Nakayama-kun too. All of us live around this area anyway', as an invitation.
Anyhow about today, it would be fine if he just said something next week
While considering that, Godou got onto his mountain bike, and set out for Kasuga street.
Passing through Ueno Okachimachi and heading in the direction of Yunoshima, on the way
back to the 3rd district of Nezu, which was parallel to Shinobazu street. The standard regular
route. A road he was very familiar with from commuting to work, back and forth.
Today, some guys that he was unacquainted with, were obstructing his path.
There were three of them. All of them, were dressed in a bizarre fashion.
Covered in yellow overalls from top to bottom was that a track suit?
He had seen this long ago in the past, and he recalled a movie starring a great kungfu star[25].
Also, another action movie[26] included a blond beauty wielding a Japanese sword who was
seeking revenge.
Godou could not make out the trio's faces. He was made to think of classical Chinese opera,
as their faces were besmeared with queer make-up.
An ominous breath, escaped from the trio's throats.
And then, these guys took a strange Kenpou-like stance.
Right before Kusanagi Godou, they were glaring at him. Within their eyes dwelled hostility
and bloodthirst. I see this is an ambush, and furthermore, an attack under the cover of

Understanding the circumstances, Godou stopped his bike.

Part 4
"If you have something to say to me, I'll listen to you just this once."
Godou, still mounted on his mountain bike, called out to the queer trio.
He was outnumbered. Godou did not want to throw away his superiority in mobility... While
calmly considering these factors, he found the situation becoming more and more unpleasant.
The feeling of incurring someone's enmity, is... Well, although whether there is or isn't is a
delicate issue, even if it's a grudge, threat or grievance, I don't feel like running away from
these guys who seem like they have something to say.
As one would expect, a disturbance to that extent had been raised.
Which is why, he had to make a calm appeal firstly.
However, the trio did not reply.
SHIAAAAaaaaa! FUOOoooooO! Heeeyyaaaa!!
Once again, an ominous breath escaped, followed by a yell. It was like the cry of some
strange bird.
No room for negotiation, huh. Dangerous tools were grasped in their hands. Hemp rope,
handcuffs, and then, a syringe filled with fluid.
Could it be, that they intended on capturing Kusanagi Godou?
The moment he noticed that, he had already stepped on the pedal of his mountain bike.
In one breath, he accelerated. Throwing himself straight into the trio's midst, at the guy in the
The queer trio faltered before the sudden assault, and scattered left and right in a hurry.
Into whatever space he could, he charged in on his mountain bike. Further acceleration. The
trio's barring his path, were easily breached.
It had turned out to be much faster than Godou expected, and he felt it was anti-climatic.
However, he quickly changed his opinion.
Those guys gave chase with immense speed from behind him. The trio were riding granny
bikes that were meant for use on the streets, and were pedaling with all their might!
What Godou was riding was a mountain bike.

In terms of weight, it was lighter than road bikes, and it should be overwhelmingly lighter
than granny bikes. The gears were also different. Thus the acceleration capability should have
been higher.
In spite of that, the trio, on their granny bikes, were closing the gap bit by bit.
The difference of their leg power this was probably not it. Surely, it was the difference in
their spirit.
What was approaching from behind, was not just the trio. They were emitting an aura that
seemed to speak, 'No matter what, we'll definitely capture you!'.
While feeling the pressure of being pursued, Godou continued moving, on the banks of
Shinobazu Pond.
At that time, one of the trio shouted out.
The cry of the spirit. That was perhaps, a warcry for the purpose of channelling and straining
all the power in their physical body.
One of the granny bikes sped up tremendously.
Finally catching up with Godou's mountain bike, right next to him. And then, the queer person
jumped off the granny bike.
Yes, aiming straight for the Kusanagi Godou that was next to him!
Just like a flying body press. As though he were a Mexican pro wrestler who was skilled at
aerial assassination, a plancha suicida.
A splendid, and furthermore, a self-destructive attack.
Taking the do-or-die suicide attack, Godou was thrown off his bike.

While moaning, Godou started to pick himself up.
He had suffered grazes on various parts of his body. Something like this, compared to the
wounds that he had been dealt in mortal combat up till now, were literally mere scratches,
Next to him, the queer person who had did an aerial assassination technique on him started to
get up too.

He had sustained similar levels of injuries. There did not seem to be any serious injuries, like
bone fractures.
Moreover, the other two comrades had caught up on their granny bikes. This time, they did
not simply obstruct his path. A full surround, cutting off all retreat.
It was the worst possible time, and the situation looked grim. However, Godou tilted his head
to the side, puzzled.
No matter how much time passes, he had no confidence that he would be able to use
Verethragna's authorities. In other words, because they were normal people, the power would
not activate. And with that, the chase.
If the other party had been either Lu Yinghua or Erica and the others, they would be able to
catch up with their running ability, and should be able to overtake him.
These guys, just who on earth were they!?
The moment he thought of that question in his mind, the cavalry arrived at the scene.
"Your Majesty, are you alright!? I'll clean these guys up right away, just hold on!"
"Godou, your knight will be showing her bravery and beauty on the battlefield, take a good
look at me!"
The pair that came flying out from the darkness of the night, were people he knew very well.
The long sword wielding hime-miko, Seishuuin Ena.
And the other one was, of course, Erica Blandelli!
.... In the ensuing conflict, well, there was nothing worthy of special mention.
For example, Ena KO-ing mysterious person A with a strike to the jaw, with her palm.
Erica dealing a chop to mysterious person B's face with a brilliant backhand blow, causing the
victim to faint in agony.
And as for the last mysterious person, C, Ena had utilized a showy roundhouse kick, and
though it was simple, the killing power looked ridiculously high, and drove her foot into the
solar plexus mercilessly.
Immediately following, Erica, in the middle of a big, impractical jump kick motion, had used
the only move that was effective in actual combat, testimony to her prowess as a street fighter,
a jumping knee that smashed into the temple of C. The lengthy and detailed explanation was
most likely redundant.
That was how, the three queers had fainted.
Giving them a sidelong glance, Godou, Erica and Ena faced each other.

"Thanks, you bailed me out there.... but, why are you guys here?"
"How it came about is not something significant, but by chance, there was someone who told
me Ena-san had come to Tokyo."
First, Erica had said, nonchalantly. 'By chance', eh.
Godou thought. Surely, several factors of inevitability had been entwined and come together,
which is what 'by chance' referred to. For example, relying on someone for the provision of
"In the Asakusa district of Tokyo, a dojo of some sort, right."
"Green Dragon-sensei's dojo. Ena and Amakasu-san.... in other words, a person authorized by
the History Compilation Committee. In Asakusa, it's Green Dragon-sensei, in Setagaya it's
White Tiger-sensei, and in Azabu it's Vermilion Bird-sensei, and in Ouji it's Black Tortoisesensei, the four of them are there. They, as assistant instructors, have instructed Ena and the
others in various ways of martial arts."
".....Someone just like you?"
Those whom Ena had listed, all of them had only strange names.
"Yep, yeah. With regards to martial arts, people who are much more awesome than Ena.
Something like the Four Great Heavenly Kings of the imperial capital. Anyway, before I paid
your Majesty and Yuri's place a visit I dropped by the dojo, and was asked about various
"The assistant instructor, Green Dragon-sensei for example, and the other disciples. They,
asked if Ena was finally going to be a wife."
A perfect, flawless beauty, fair and lively, that was Seishuuin Ena.
That kind of girl had said that while blushing, bashfully. It was unusual, a conduct different
from her usual self, and was also awfully cute.
"Yep.... Everyone, looks like they've heard about your Majesty. 'Have you had a baby
already', 'Is your bridal training going well?', for example, I was asked some troublesome
Ena reported, slightly casting her gaze downwards. That appearance was rather fresh, and
She was wearing her usual an unidentified high school's uniform.

It was not something one should be wearing on Sunday. She was a girl who did not care much
about her appearance. However, that kind of girl was innocently expressing her affection for
Kusanagi Godou. The happy feeling of having this intimate relationship was conveyed
Of course, he was glad about that, but..... Godou felt dizzy.
How should he respond to her, he was troubled as he could not decide. And besides, words
like 'baby' and 'bridal training' had been used, what was that about?
The various burdens that Ena and the others bore were grave enough realities.
However, it was far too early to comment on that
Beside the faltering Godou, Erica said, with a slightly angry expression.
"Yeah. Them having that kind of exchange at the dojo, I came to know of it by chance. That is
why, I thought I had to correct those guys' mistake, and I dropped by the dojo for a little...."
Again, 'by chance', eh. Well, I shall refrain from delving into that.
Rather, what he was concerned with was the situation. The situation seemed almost as if
"Showily defeating the entire dojo, that was the first time I've seen something like that. That
time, Erica-san, was really outstanding."
To Ena's words, Godou nodded his head deeply in assent. Just as he thought, it had been like
"From there on, one thing led to another, but well, Ena-san and I started arguing about whose
rank as a lover was higher in front of those guys there, and our mutual thoughts were
conveyed and addressed to each other, and then we started to compete in the sword and
cooking "
"Cooking? Seishuuin, you can cook?"
The crimson bishoujo and domestic chores. That there would be a point of contact between
these two, it was very hard to believe.
Because of that, Godou did not bother to waste his breath, and only asked Ena.
"Ah ..... Yes. I'm good at broiling the fish I catch with salt. And after that would be
strangling chickens or hares, for example, then removing the fur or feathers, draining the
blood, and turning them into meat, I think I'm also pretty good at those. Beyond that, I can
only whole roast or stew."
As expected, she was like a child of nature, a 'wild' answer.
How would they compete with each other? Pondering whether to ask, Godou worried.

"In the end, a clear winner between the two of us was never decided, but this time, another
new dispute had arose between us."
"... Dispute?"
"Yes. Hey, your Majesty, for this coming winter vacation, would you rather visit the hot
springs or go skiing!?"
"As for me, I insist that we should be going skiing in Switzerland. My family has always done
so in winter. Uncle Paolo-sama will be coming to the Blandelli family's mountain villa too,
don't you think that sounds good?"
"Ena thinks that the hot springs would be good . In the mountains that the Seishuuin main
house in Chichibu owns, there's a genuine secret hot spring that no one besides Ena knows.
Climbing the snowy mountains is tough, but doesn't it sound pretty fun?"
"And with that, we thought we should ask Godou his opinion on which he feels is better."
"Erica-san then used searching magic, and investigated into your location. And thus, as your
Majesty was being assaulted, we joined in the fray to save you."
"Well, Godou, that about sums it up. Anyway, which programme sounds better to you, give us
your honest opinion."
"Yes, do tell us frankly. But leaving that aside, that is more important now."
About the queer trio that had fainted, Godou caught a fleeting glimpse of what they could do.
Similar to Erica and Ena in their unprecedented pace of doing things, they were their
comrades in that regard.
"Ah , these guys. Things like their background information, for example, will they
obediently tell them to me ?"
"If they won't be obedient, I'll have no choice but to make them so.... But actually, I'm poor at
having unrefined negotiations like that."
"Heh, how surprising. Because it's Erica-san, I thought you'd be well-informed in that kind of
thing. In the past, poisoning and torture were rather popular in Italy, am I correct?"
"Yes, from the Renaissance Era. Not as far as the time of Cesare Borgia, that would also be an
emulation of countries in civil war. However, Erica Blandelli's style is a little different."
"I see. Ena is also bad at that. Although I'm fine with asceticism, torture is a little "
"As I thought, a fair and square duel is the best, chivalrous way. But, they came to the
Campione as assassins. Surely they've safeguarded their minds with protection spells, to
prevent their minds from being read by certain techniques when captured, employing those

"That's right, surely.... No way around it, but for now let's try pouring some water on them?"
"Yeah. Luckily, it seems there's a pond there."
You guys, shouldn't you worry about the torture method first....
The two of them, the vectors of their train of thought went beyond the imagination. Even
though their personalities were that different. It was unexpected, and Godou was just about to
stop Erica and Ena.
However, he was a little too late.
Bon, bon, bon. The sounds of three heavy objects being thrown into the water.
However, with that step the true identities of the queer trio was revealed. Thrown into the
Shinobazu Pond, the make-up on their faces were washed off.
...... Nanami, Sorimachi, Takagi.
They were Godou's classmates, the faces of those going by the nickname 'idiot trio' had

Part 5
"It all started like this, during homeroom last month..."
One of the idiot trio who had been salvaged from Shinobazu Pond, Nanami recounted.
All of them were trembling, looking cold, going brr brr. They had become completely wet, at
night in October. Exposed to the night wind, even the core of their body became completely
"That time, we were waiting for the right moment, intending to suggest a [school swimsuit +
nekomimi maid cafe] for the school festival's class project...... ! During March, we refined and
refined the idea with all our might!"
Sorimachi cried out, with a burning tone in his voice.
Ah was it that, Godou recalled. The project which the girls of the class had objected.
A class poll was held, and it was instantly rejected.
"However, we still had another plan. We gave up on the class project, and realized we just had
to participate in the school festival as student volunteers . [School swimsuit + nekomimi maid
cafe], for its realization, we made efforts to gather comrades. And Kusanagi who had
forgotten his previous ties, to think we even asked you!"
This time, it was Takagi who spoke.
However, Godou was puzzled by that claim.

"Did you ask me or something? In the first place, did I have some sort of disagreement with
you guys?"
"Ngh! Because of this, Riajuus[27] are.... "
"What a hateful show of composure..."
"Ku-Kusanagi.... leave aside the disagreement for now. Are you saying that you've forgotten
about our request!? Because of our heartrending grief, that is why we had requested that of
you! 'Please, we want to select Erica-sama, Mariya-san, Liliana-san and then, if possible, the
Kusanagi sister as the main cast for our [school swimsuit + nekomimi maid cafe]. Please help
us persuade them.'!"
"Now that you mention it, you did request that of me..."
However, with that, it did not seem as though he would say that he invited Kusanagi Godou.
"No, if it's just me by myself, of course I would help when I'm free. Still, Erica and the others
are a little... Of course I'd refuse."
Godou said while scratching his head. And then, Ena who seemed as though she was in
wonder, asked him.
"Your Majesty, why did you refuse? It'd have been fine if you had just persuaded us, wouldn't
"Hey, Erica. If I had begged you, would you have consented?"
"It's an offer that's not even worth the consideration. It's something you didn't even bother to
try asking, right?"
It was curtly refused by Erica, and he nodded his head in assent within his heart.
Well, it's come to that, huh. In response to the exchange between Godou and the others, the
idiot trio shed their tears.
"In the meantime, the day of the school festival was rapidly drawing closer.... ! The remaining
time was steadily running out.... ! Then, we made one last gamble. We intended to capture
Kusanagi, using him as leverage, to urge Erica-sama and the others to be maids for us!
Although it was that sort of plan!"
"No way . Shouldn't you guys have come up with a better plan?"
Godou said seriously. It was to an extent that they had started to give in to despair.
"So Godou, what do you plan on doing with these guys? Even as a joke, it's still an attempted
abduction, so I think that it's OK even if we do something proper in retaliation?"
"That's right . Although it's not an eye for an eye, wouldn't it be fine if we just break them
a little?"

Erica and Ena asked.

However, Godou rejected that notion. More or less, he had only suffered a few scratches, it
was nothing serious.
Furthermore the idiot trio, occasionally had these strange moments of hostility.
Although he was absolutely certain of these guy's eccentricity, Godou might have done
something to provoke their animosity. That was something, that he did not quite understand as
of now....
Well, they had issues of their own, but they were rather lovable idiots, he felt. Certainly, to
the realization of the [school swimsuit + nekomimi maid cafe], in any case, their passion was
the genuine real deal, and Godou could feel that
Profoundly considering the fact that they had gone that far, Godou was suddenly struck with
an idea.
"If you guys really want it, I have a few acquaintances who wouldn't mind if I introduce them
to you. In the meantime, shall we try asking that guy?"
He proposed a summarized idea.
"Ku-Kusanagi, w-we misunderstood you....."
"Our bosom friend!"
"You're also our comrade One who walks on the path to the maid heaven!?"
"No, I still haven't really done anything yet."
To the idiot trio who were blurting things out enthusiastically, Godou quickly replied.

Several days later, in Akihabara.

The multi-tenant building that the Hong Kong Lu family had used as their headquarters. In
that was the maid yumcha house [Peerless Statesman].
In the VIP room that ordinary customers would never be able to enter, they were in the
interior of said room. The maids would bring in drinks and dim sum at times, but other than
that they rarely came.
"That trio, they are energetically continuing with the preparations."
While scowling at his hand in their card game, Lu Yinghua said.
Sayanomiya Kaoru, Amakasu Touma, and also Godou were present.

A personal table for the purpose of enjoyment.

There was also billiard table and dart boards, to name a few, an abundance of game
"A school festival in Honored Uncle's district? In addition, to get done on time the selection
of maids, ordering of uniforms, provisions, ingredients and materials, making an effort at all
of the above. My underling will see to its completion, so please do not worry."
"Sorry about that, Yinghua. Making these unreasonable demands of you...."
Godou apologized, while throwing aside his hand.
After that night, he introduced the idiot trio to Lu Yinghua. From the Hong Kong Lu family
who dealt with maids as their family business, the specialist friend that he had mentioned.
To have recalled this [nephew] while over there, there had been a reason.
"Well, to say the real motive, though the Maid Palace that Honored Uncle produced himself is
good, just as I thought, eh. At present, accompanying my school friend out to play, I don't
mind doing a maid cafe at a school festival. By doing so, Honored Uncle's motivation might
"Lu-san, are you proposing that kind of idea to Kusanagi-san?"
"Maid Palace, eh. Lu-san, if it's ok with you, I'll participate too."
While looking at his hand, Amakasu interjected.
Kaoru also smiled, with a 'fufu'. Somewhere along the way, Lu Yinghua's way of addressing
had changed. The androgynous hime-miko seemed pretty skilled at closing the distance
between people.
"My Honored Uncle being an expert at handling [women], all of the people across the lands
know of this. The Maid Palace, infused with the thoughts of such a prodigal hero, would
definitely succeed and be profitable, I think. But because nothing can be done to make my
Honored Uncle himself get interested, it's indeed troubling."
"No, Yinghua..... Stop complimenting me in those weird ways. People will misunderstand."
"It was a joke. Taking hold of my master's reins, the handling of that transcendent woman
the mastery of that technique, you have my admiration from the bottom of my heart.
Furthermore, the unmanageable Erica-neesan, even her.... Fufufu, for sure, Honored Uncle is
the gentleman that Yinghua respects."
Sometime ago, after a reunion they had in this building. Lu Yinghua had invited him, to join
in the production of such a Maid Palace. Godou had not hesitated, and gave him an immediate

"Well, I thought it'd be boring if that plan never took flight. Before, I had told my Honored
Uncle that 'Should you ever have need of things regarding maids, do give us, the Lu family, a
call'. But I never expected for a chance to come this early."
Lu Yinghua recounted, to Amakasu and Kaoru.
True. Because that kind of incident had occurred, Godou had come to them for their
assistance for the idiot trio. For the Maid Palace, in any case, he had planned to pay them back
for it, someday, somehow.
"But, to have resolved various problems and come to an amicable solution, that's a relief."
Drawing a card from the mountain of cards, Godou murmured.
Then, Amakasu shrugged his shoulders. Even Kaoru, who could place first amongst people
who lacked common sense, had a bitter smile on her face.
"Normally, people wouldn't think of something like this...."
"Godou-san, is a person filled with good and bad, eh "
"Erm...... I don't think that's the case. It's a little uncommon, but basically, I should be quite a
normal person."
Godou made an appeal, from the bottom of his heart.
However, the response from his surroundings was blunt.
"Ha ..... I see. To my Honored Uncle, having gone through so many battles and great
adventures, it cannot be helped that this is 'normal' to him. Certainly, he has an unmovable
presence of mind. Truly, this is enlightening."
"Or rather, a normal high school student wouldn't be playing poker and bridge in a room like
"At least I, besides myself, have never seen anyone who's enjoying their youth that's
surrounded by beauty. Godou-san, those words of yours have zero persuasive power."
Godou was unanimously told that, and reflexively felt disappointed.
The days of autumn will pass by, day by day, and someday, he would hear the footsteps of
This, was a scene from that season.

Omake - Vanity of Worldly Desire/Maid in Heaven

It was night. Upon awakening, Godou somehow found himself in a classroom.

What took the place of a bed or futon was cardboard and newspaper that was lined up as an
improvised replacement for bedding.
Godou picked up the cellphone beside him. It was just past three in the morning.
Feeling thirsty, he surveyed his surroundings with his still half-awake eyes.
Though not much money had been spent on it, the interior of the classroom was still wellfurnished. Just like him, there were three male students sleeping on cardboard. On the desk
close by, was a small ceramic bottle.
What was it that was inside the bottle again? If I recall correctly, it should be a drink.
Half-asleep, Godou downed the entire contents of the bottle in a gulp. Like that, he fell asleep
with a thud.

Cheep, cheep. The chirping of baby birds could be heard.

Soft sheets. Shafts of sunlight shone through the windows, it was a calm morning. In the
middle of a complete awakening, he was still dozing off hazily
While fully enjoying all of the comfort, Godou listened to that sound.
Kyuru, kyuru, several small wheels were turning, the sound of something rubbing against the
"Good morning, Godou-san. This morning, you sure are taking things slowly, hm?"
A light voice like a baby bird that did not feel out of place in this refreshing morning.
Flinging off the sheets, Godou got up.
Facing the owner of the voice that came from above the bed, dressed in the garments of a
head maid, was Arianna.
"To have not even have changed your clothes yet..... Even though you've always been an early
Godou seemed to be wearing a tank top, in place of pajamas.
Pointing that out, Arianna entered the room while pushing a small trolley.
Characteristic of freshly baked bread, there were croissants with an unbearably good smell.
He took a whiff of the aroma and vapor of the coffee, a cup of espresso.
Those were placed upon the trolley. A breakfast serving enough for two.

Godou was nervous. She, Erica's maid, why was she here, beside his bed? In the first place,
where was this place? What have I been doing up till now?
As these questions popped up in his head, Arianna pushed the trolley to a stop beside the bed.
Like that, she gave a bow, and departed the room in silence.
If you did not let her grasp a steering wheel, and not let her near a pot in the kitchen, with her
tidiness and humble behaviour, she would be the model maid that combines these two
attributes to the highest level.
A languishing voice was heard. It came from the futon.
A young girl was wrapped in the thin futon sheets. Reddish gold hair. Resembling the largeflowered camellia, a glamorous beauty. Her appearance dishevelled by her sleep, this bishoujo
was none other than Erica Blandelli.
Eh? Godou was perplexed.
Erica, who did not like wearing thick clothes when she slept, was here.
She would definitely never wear pajamas. In a tank top and underwear, and occasionally
wearing nothing at all (!), she would go straight to bed. However, this morning, it looked like
she was wearing sleep-wear.
Where the futon did not cover, he could see that she was clad in a black and white garment.
...... More importantly now, there were other pressing issues he had to catch up on.
"E-E-E-E-E-E-E-Erica, why are you in such a place? N-no, rather, why am I in such a
"...... Ara Godou, early as always, aren't you."
He was told, in a half-awake voice.
Ambition, courage and beauty, possessing all of the above was the girl named Erica.
However, only in the morning were those traits clouded. Replacing that with a lovableness
that stimulated one's want to protect and a certain innocence. Really, what a girl.
"Fufu. If you've woke up, I'll be glad if you could have woken me up earlier...... Even though
I dislike waking up early, it'd be a different story if my love would whisper sweet nothings to
me in my ear...."
Erica was giving off a charm different from her usual self, causing Godou to be in discomfort.
Honestly, letting him see this side of her was unfair. She was overflowing with charm that
was hard to resist, even under normal circumstances. Furthermore, strengthening it was foul
play. He wanted to raise the white flag and surrender.

"..... Hey, Godou..... is it fine if I beg you?"

Lazily pulling the futon over her head, Erica leaned in close.
"Yep. For the first time in a while, it's a morning that I've welcomed together with you. With
the proper etiquette, we ought to commence the necessary actions. Essential to a pair of lovers
who love each other, is the morning rite."
A whisper, sweet like honey. Almost like a lover's talk.
"I-If you tell me something like that, how am I supposed to respond...."
"Fufu. The same obtuse man as always. If I don't spell it out for you, you wouldn't
Erica whose face was almost in contact with his, smiled tenderly.
It was not a smile of a devil that entrapped people. Nor was it the face of the lioness that
reveled in hunting and strife.
Filled with feminine tolerance, he felt a faint sense of womanhood from her. It was the first
time he had seen this expression.
Not good. His heart was starting to beat furiously.
He wanted to enjoy his time with Erica forever.
Godou was jolted by a strong urge, and then, he realized the truth of the situation, in utter
What happened to the distance between him and her? And then, before he had realized it, he
was glued to Erica. The sheer volume of indescribable extravagance that she was proud of,
her soft chest. He could feel that sensation pushing against his arm! Even pressing on top of
his hand, and she whispered straight into his ear, asking him!
Godou was usually to the extent of being on guard against any further contact with Erica than
was necessary.
However, this time, he did not go against being glued to her tightly, with no vigilance
whatsoever. Surely, it must have been because he could feel absolutely no bloodthirst from
She was perhaps, under the assumption that Godou would not run away that she had drawn
this close.
Because of that, he had naturally accepted it

"I think that it's appropriate to grant me a compensation of this degree, don't you think so?
After all was said and done, I did as you had commanded, going so far as to put this on for
you.... Aaah, come to think of it, I went to sleep wearing that. Fufu, do you want to see it
Erica shook off the futon that she was covered with.
Looking straight at the black and white outfit she was clad in, Godou was taken aback. This
was the so-called apron dress, and wasn't this Arianna's favourite garment, the maid uniform?
"You, really do demonstrate a majesty and forcefulness that is hard to resist, at times. Making
me do that too, last night..... If the person who ordered me wasn't Kusanagi Godou, I, will
certainly turn them into rust on my sword."
With a seemingly drowsy expression, Erica started to behave like a spoiled child.
The apron dress was open at the chest area, and an abundance of cleavage could peek through
the opening. Godou looked away, flustered.
"Sheesh..... Do you intend on teasing and toying with me this time? My King, really is a
terrible person."
Her words were coated in honey, and he was kissed by Erica.
Godou was terrified by the comfort.
In the beginning, it was a quiet contact, suited for the refreshing morning. Before long, their
lips were damp with saliva, their mutual mouths stuck to the other. Slushing sounds could be
heard from where his lips met with Erica, as she wrapped her lips around Godou's. What came
next was, of course, her tongue
Not good. Right away, Godou shook himself off, away from Erica.
If this continued, he would not be able to hold himself back. Entrusting things to her entreaty,
and running swiftly away to somewhere else, even he himself did not understand what he
should do. Only escape remains!
Jumping off the bed, Godou ran to the door.
Heading towards the outside of the bedroom, his consciousness had a momentary blackout.
Just, what is this

Cheep, cheep. The chirping of baby birds could be heard.

Soft sheets. Shafts of sunlight shone through the windows, it was a calm morning. In the
middle of a complete awakening, he was still dozing off hazily
While fully enjoying all of the comfort, Godou listened to that sound.

"...... Breakfast has been prepared. Please wake up."

It was the voice of Liliana Kranjcar.
Some time ago, it was Erica, this time it was Liliana....... Feeling uneasy, Godou got up.
It was a Western style bedroom. He was on top of a bed. A little distance away was a table,
and on top of it was coffee and orange juice, onion salad, bacon and eggs, and lastly, freshly
toasted bread.
It resembled an American style breakfast.
That was fine. The problem was, the female knight standing at the bedside.
With her beautiful silver hair tied in a ponytail, for some reason Liliana was wearing a maid
uniform. Her slender, fairy-like body was clad in a black and white apron dress.
To say whether she looked good or not in it, she did look very good in that.
Truly, a splendid dress. But, why was she dressed like this?
"...... Won't you tell me the meaning of that cosplay?"
"Cosplay? You seem surprised by that."
To Godou's question, the dignified female knight (or rather, a maid now) raised her eyebrows.
"In the first place, the one taking a look at the uniform meant for Karen that had come in the
wrong size, and then suggesting to me to wear it was.... you. Furthermore, the other day, when
Erica had fickly worn it, it had considerable effect, which was unfair."
Hold on a second. What, was that thought of imprudence?
While facing the Liliana who was raising a complaint, Godou felt as though he was swooning.
"For others to know of my wearing of garments like this, will affect my reputation and honor
as a knight. To me, it is a difficult order to accept. But, as your number one knight, and the
steward of the King, I cannot fall behind Erica, and as such, I have no choice but to wear this
Her skin, which was as white as snow, was dyed a deep red till her nape. It must be due to her
Liliana's appearance was awfully cute, and yet gallant.
"To be able to appreciate this form of mine, is a special privilege exclusive to Kusanagi
Godou...... I, thinking that, will bear with this disgrace, and pray silently for the swift ending
of this pain! And yet, you had said things like, 'You sure look good in that', with a nonchalant
air, giving a commentary...... !"

That was the tone which condemned what was evidently the wrongdoings of a tyrant.
That being said, Liliana, with her face a deep red, and her eyes slightly moist, she implored
for Godou's response.
It was not the expression of the dignified female knight. No doubt, that must have been the
cuteness of a [girl].
"H-Having been told that, I had no choice but to wear this. Kusanagi Godou..... at times, you
become a surprisingly sly and ruthless human!"
..... He was blamed for something he did not remember doing.
Godou became deeply puzzled. Did I really say that?
"We-well now, please have your breakfast while it is still warm. While doing that, I will give
you a breakdown of your schedule for today..... Firstly, at noon, you have a lunch meeting at
Hotel Turin."
The female knight and steward, but right now the girl was also a maid.
Godou was puzzled by the report from she who had also changed the topic. A lunch meeting
at a hotel?
"With whom, for that lunch meeting? It seems extremely exaggerated."
"The Campione Kusanagi Godou, will be interviewed by Saint Pintoricchio. Establishing a
proper reputation is merely natural, don't you agree?"
"Saint Pintoricchio?"
"The mentor of that Lord Salvatore, and also the legitimate disciple of Saint Raffaello. The
new leader of Turin's association, [The Olden Dame]. One generation above both me and
Erica..... Among the young people who have attained the title of Great Knights, the most
powerful person of them all, on par with Rome's Lord Francesco."
While politely informing him, Liliana, however, raised her eyebrows again.
"I've told you this last night, haven't I? Have you already forgotten? ...... Or, could it be."
Her expression was one of being taken aback as she fixed her gaze on him, and Godou's heart
started to beat faster.
Was it the garments that he was not used to seeing on her, or was it the overflowing allure,
which was different from usual, from her beautiful face, that he was troubled by.
"Like last night, are you planning to play pranks on me again? Like, ordering me to do
something unreasonable in the middle of a serious conversation."
He had totally no memory, if he had really done something like that.

The him from a few hours ago, Godou had wanted to say something. Liliana too, no
wonder.... Eh?
"You really, do hide a helpless side of you underneath. But, Kusanagi Godou is a godslaying
Devil King. Even so, that is indeed..... as your retainer, perhaps I ought to be able to take
something like that."
Liliana's eyes were burning with enthusiasm. While still in that state, she leaned in closer.
The flow of this situation, isn't it weird? Wasn't it a scene where she had been complaining
harshly to me?
"...... Thus, as your woman, I had inexplicably and sweetly felt that kind of willfulness from
you. Yes, should you wish for it, I would not mind if you asked me to wear yet another
different garment, again....."
Liliana's lips drew near.
A conservative kiss..... or so he thought, but suddenly her tongue had entangled with his.
The excitement felt as though all the thoughts he had been holding back had been released in
one breath.
A-Aren't there are various problems with this!
Flustered, Godou shook himself off, away from Liliana. He then ran towards the door,
looking as if he were flying from the bed. I have to get away fast! The instant he reached the
outside, his consciousness blacked out

Cheep, cheep. The chirping of baby birds could be heard.

Godou pulled the futon over his head and raised his level of wariness. Was it the same pattern
as the previous times?
Once again, confirming the situation..... From the opening in the futon, he surveyed the
condition of the outside. He could see the tatami floor, and it looked like a Japanese-style
This futon was not on a bed, but was rather laid out directly on the tatami floor.
"...... It looks like you've woken up, your Majesty."
It came! The voice of Seishuuin Ena, descended on him from above his head.
"Actually, I've specially tailored the clothes that your Majesty has been into recently. That's
why, I thought to let you have a little look.... so I came."
Clothes. Vocabulary that provoked his sense of wariness.

And furthermore, [so I came]? In other words, implying that there was no prior appointment,
and no schedule to meet up?
"Sheesh.... I can hear you breathing, so I already know that you've woken up. Your Majesty,
look here properly!"
Suddenly, he was stripped of his futon. The culprit was of course, Ena.
This place was a single detached house with a garden Moreover, it looked like he was in
a room of genuine Japanese style architecture, the inside of a Japanese style room.
He recalled the time he had stayed at his relatives in the countryside, their house and the hot
springs. However, in the interior of the room were many things that looked out of place. There
was a maid with an attractive figure and face.
The frills complimented the look of the apron dress in a lovely way.
The black haired hime-miko Seishuuin Ena, was clad in that.
Being a Yamato Nadeshiko and a nature's child, she was the owner of a complicated profile,
but now she was a maid.
"..... You, why are you dressed like that?"
"Don't say that your Majesty, haven't you been into this recently? I've obtained intelligence
that you had occasionally enjoyed yourself with this when you had gone to Europe."
While slightly blushing, Ena said.
"That's why Ena has done so too, because I didn't want to be different from everyone, and
tried it out...... But, although I'm totally fine with just wearing it, coming to your Majesty's
side to show it to you was dreadfully embarassing "
"I-If it's e-embarrassing, you don't have to make yourself wear it."
"That's even more irritating! At great pains, I was taught what your Majesty liked, doing so
would render that all meaningless.... Ena too, wants to do something for your Majesty, so
please don't say something so cold-hearted!"
Ena said, stating her pure feelings.
Even though she was a free spirit who always walked her own path, at times she was
surprisingly sweet.
Well, this must be that something that was restricted during the contact of a guy and girl, a
rare emotional side that practically cannot be seen in daily life.
" Ena-san!? Why is Ena-san here!?"
Abrupting opening the fusuma[28], and an all-too-familiar girl entered the room.

She was Mariya Yuri. While having hair a strong light brown color, one could sense a strong
feeling of being [Japanese style] from this beautiful girl. She was also another staunch
Yamato Nadeshiko.
Seeing Yuri's get-up, Godou was a little shocked.
It was not the uniform he was used to seeing, nor was it the miko costume. Above the simple
Japanese clothes that were worn, was an overall apron. That, on the girl who was more
family-oriented than anyone else, despite being an ojou-sama, it did suit her very well.
However, was it for the purpose of standing on the same level as Ena who was dressed as a
maid, or was it some sort of fancy dress.....
"With regards to this place, though I have been told that we were the only two here, Godousan and I, have you invited her on purpose?"
The eyes of the sagacious hime-miko, were slightly shaken with sorrow.
Godou was startled. According to her personal statement, it seemed Ena had came at her own
personal convenience. Truly, he could not remember, and his guilty conscience was nonexistent.
However, curiousity and feelings of guilt were awakened in him. It was probably due to
Yuri's beautiful face and pitiable cuteness
Nevertheless, it would not do for him to remain silent. I have to appeal for my innocence!
"N-no, that's not the case. It's just that Seishuuin had come here at her own convenience."
"Doing that expressly, Ena-san did? Then, what exactly is that appearance......?"
"Sorry, I wanted to show these newly tailored clothes to his Majesty, no matter what. Umm,
you know, his Majesty has been into this recently."
In response to the puzzled-looking gaze, Ena had said indifferently.
It looked like she did not display the sweetness that she had shown to Godou, to her himemiko comrade. Yuri was shocked by that explanation, and her facial expression was frozen
"No way A maid costume like that, was it!?"
"Yep. Erica-san and Liliana-san too had worn it with pleasure, and the Seishuuin house from
Europe had provided me with this information. Look, it was from Liliana-san's maid."
"T-then, those clothes are also from her!?"
"Nope, this was prepared by the young master of the Lu family. They are deploying a Maid
Palace in Japan, and actually, it looks like its sponsored by his Majesty. When I requested it

of the young master, he had said that, 'My Honored Uncle pretends as though he has no
interest most of the time, but he does actually like it, surprisingly.'"
While listening to the conversation between the hime-miko, Godou was crestfallen.
Karen had this kind of part-time job (Though for her, it should not be free of charge). And
that Yinghua guy, had said something that produced misunderstandings..... again.
The Yuri who did not understand Godou's despair, stiffly and imposingly glared at him.
"What are you planning to do, Godou-san?"
"W-What do you mean?"
"Even as a joke, you, who is called a [King], is always enjoying making girls wear different
kinds of clothes..... Immersing yourself in a perverse hobby of that sort, is unbecoming. What
will be harmed is you yourself, the reputation of your majesty, you know? You ought to be
maintaining your standards more!"
For the first time in a while, he was shouted at in a thundering voice.
Noble and dignified, the rebuke from the girl. Godou drew his head back.
"Be-besides, if you were really that into it, I wish you'd have said something even earlier, it'd
have been better that way, wouldn't it?"
Eh? Suddenly, the rebuke taken a rather sharp change in direction.
Before the surprised Godou, Yuri had said, while being bashful and embarassed.
"E-Even I, will not spare any effort for the sake of contributing something for you to feast
your eyes on. That is, um, I think it is a little perverted, and not a hobby that one can make
public with a loud voice, but, considering whether I have the capacity to accept that side of
you is.... troubling."
No, no. I'm the one that's troubled. Godou returned with a tsukkomi, in his heart.
Recently, the hime-miko have started to simply do whatever they wanted.
"Well then, actually I've had a few spare sets made. Yuri, come here and wear one too, and
allow our King to feast his eyes upon that sight."
"No way!? Please don't say that suddenly. I have not yet prepared my heart "
"What are you saying, didn't you just say that you'd accept his Majesty's hobby? Doing it
together with Yuri, Ena would feel reassured, too. Look, just like this, quickly undress
"P-please don't forcibly undress me!? U-um, I can do it myself...."

The uninhibited nature's child pulled off the overall apron from her willowy friend,
unfastening the kimono's sash.
Thereupon, the beautiful hime-miko refused the officious support being offered, and with a
discouraged face, loosened the collar of her kimono, and placed her hand on the sash the
rustling sound of clothes could be heard.
H-hey, what are you doing changing your clothes before me. An objection started to rise up in
his throat.
However, being unable to find the voice to speak those words out, Godou could only gulp
down his saliva.
Yuri's body which was delicate, and yet also put on sufficient enough flesh, was right before
his eyes. Her ivory white skin, and the sight of that seductive back, caused his tension to
increase greatly.

Not good! I have to get away from here!

Narrowly managing to heed the advice of his reason, Godou pulled the earlier mentioned
futon over his head.
Cutting off all the information received from his sense of sight and hearing! Just as he
resolved himself to disregard the paradise before his eyes, once again, his consciousness
began to black out. The voices of both Ena and Yuri faded away.
Instead, he saw the back of a lone man.
His looks which had ought to have been graceful, was painted with fearlessness of long
military service, like rust.
Surely, he must be one who has lost interest in battles, after a long time, and was exhausted of
it all. However, once, he had stood tall on the battlefield, and should have certainly played an
active role, like a fierce god.

Solemn and sorrowful was the man's back, and his profile.
That was certainly, the figure of a hero, weary of battle

"...... Although you seemed to be having a nightmare, but are you alright, Honored Uncle?"
Godou awakened, to Lu Yinghua's voice.
It looked like it was not yet morning. This classroom was the planned venue for Nanami,
Sorimachi and Takagi's [school swimsuit + maid cafe] that had been changed to [Maid Cafe
China Arrangement Inn] to be set up (The maid unit dispatched from the Lu family, had
rejected both the school swimsuit and nekomimi idea).
The day before the school festival, the trio who looked back at the rousing festival eve with
just a backward glance, had given all their efforts into the preparations.
Then, Godou had helped them out, and the four of them decided to stay overnight. The
preparations ended somewhere close to one past midnight, and Kusanagi Godou + the idiot
trio had gone to sleep like that
If he took a look, he would see that Nanami and the others, the trio, were sleeping like a log
nearby. It did not look as if they were waking up.
"Why did I have that kind of dream....?"
Distinctly conscious of what had occurred, Godou recalled the chain of nightmares (?).
Hereupon, Lu Yinghua, with a know-it-all air, looked at the small bottle on the table. The one
he had drank in the night while half-asleep.
"If it was a strange dream, then undoubtedly, it must be the effect of the drug, the Handan
Dream[29]. The people who've taken a dose of that medicine, would dream a dream concerning
the future."
"Future, you say?"
"Yes. Something that would happen a few years later, possibly, or even something that might
happen decades later, it looks like."
"I see.... Because of that, I saw a strange dream."
Godou nodded his head in acknowledgement. Magic was ineffective against a Campione.
However, oral intake was another story.
The secret medicine of paralysis that Liliana had made him drink before had splendid effect.

"Upon hearing that it had slipped into the materials that the trio had brought out from my
family's warehouse, I came to retrieve it, even if it's early in the morning. It was truly
unexpected that my Honored Uncle had consumed it."
"Sorry. I thought that it was alcohol that was left on the desk, and had drunk it while halfasleep."
Remembering the act, late at night, Godou apologized.
"But, I'm relieved. I was surprised by that absurd dream. It was actually the fault of that
dodgy medicine."
"Well, although the medicine is indeed the cause......."
Knowing that the main cause of the dream was not his own latent desires, Godou felt relief
wash over him.
Lu Yinghua then calmly said to him.
"In the case that the person taking the dose possesses great spirit vision, the medicine has
reasonable probabilities of showing you [the near future], it looks like. The Campiones do
excel in that regard, right? To disregard it as being a mere dream is too hasty. What kind of
dream was it?"
"N-no, the contents aren't that important! Don't worry about it!"
Godou dodged the question, flustered.
If the term probability was brought up, then the authenticity of that should be low, he thought,
as he instructed himself to forget it as soon as possible.

And the dream that Kusanagi Godou saw, was thus erased from his memories.
A few hours before the school festival started, those were the so-called happenings that
occurred in the morning.

It's been a while, everyone.
Somehow, this series has reached its 8th volume.
This is all thanks to everyone's support. Let me once again express my utmost thanks to all

From the beginning of the story, I had already had the concept of the "unreliable narrator" in
the descriptions of the protagonist. The kind of literary device often used in mystery novels.
Many scenes in this series are narrated from the protagonist's point of view. Frequent
mentions of "normal" and "pacifist" have no credibility at all, but I'm sure all readers knew
that a long time ago (laugh).
Furthermore, this volume also incorporates the concept of "Campiones, the Young
Generation." Perhaps a certain person might show even more protagonist attributes than the
incumbent. A certain useless person after a charming makeover.
It would be wonderful if everyone enjoys the stories of the young kings.
"The Duel in Victorian London of the Marquis resembling Robert Downey Jr's Sherlock
Holmes", "Rumored Legends of the Onee-sama at a Certain Bar Before She Became the Ruler
of the Martial Realm", "The Masked Hero and One Night Stands, the Full Story", and other
ideas, these were all cut due to the page count limit.
This time the love comedy theme is "Attitudes: Sudden Changes and Acceptance." Our
protagonist is fated to undergo five or six more rounds of attitude changes before his final
personality is complete. However, I don't have any intention of writing the end yet. (wry
Next volume departs from the casual and relaxing, returning to the main plot.
School festival, Knights of the Round Table, the legendary sword, the King of the End, these
will probably be the key words. So, how will things unfold?

Takedzuki Jou, October 2010

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Meiji era: represents the first half of the Empire of Japan during which
Japanese society moved from being an isolated feudalism to its modern form.[1]
2. Jump up Showa era: the period of Japanese history corresponding to the reign of the
Shwa Emperor, Hirohito, from December 25, 1926, through January 7, 1989.[2]
3. Jump up Sudachi: small, round, green citrus fruit which belongs to the papeda
subgroup of citrus plants. [3]
4. Jump up Sensei: In Japan, Sensei is not only used to refer to teachers, but also to
artists, doctors and other educated people and figures of authority as well. It can be
used to show respect to someone who has achieved a certain level of mastery in an art
form or skill.
5. Jump up Tatami: type of mat used as a flooring material in traditional Japanesestyle rooms.
6. Jump up Miyagi:[4]
7. Jump up Aoyama Doori: Main street in Aoyama, Tokyo.

8. Jump up trying not to step on someone's shadow: In (Japanese?) magic, shadows

have several meanings. One is the element opposing light, but it is also viewed as part
of the soul. As such, it is sometimes seen as rude to step on the shadow of others,
especially superiors. Alternatively, it's a reference to a Japanese children's game where
a child, the it, needs to step on one of the other children's shadows to make that child
it, rinse and repeat.
9. Jump up Replica Round Table at Winchester Castle: Ask Wiki[5]
10. Jump up
11. Jump up Xiaolongbao: [6]
12. Jump up Shrimp dumplings: [7]
13. Jump up Pork dumplings: [8]
14. Jump up Yakshini: a broad class of female nature spirits from Hindu mythology,
known to be beautiful but vengeful.[9]
15. Jump up Dry Curry:[10]
16. Jump up Claomh Solais: The "Sword of Light" or "Shining Sword", one of the
"Four Treasures of the Tuatha D Danann"[11]
17. Jump up Tuatha De Danann: They are the Irish gods. Later they moved
underground and became fairy-like beings.[12]
18. Jump up Witenagemot: ("meeting of wise men" in Old English) a political
institution dating from Anglo-Saxon England.[13]
19. Jump up Chi You(): a mythical tribal leader best known as the tyrant who
fought the Yellow Emperor.[14]
20. Jump up Hero of the Red Dragon: Henry VII used the Red Dragon of Cadwaladr
along with the Tudor colors of white and green as his flag at the Battle of Bosworth
Field, defeating the House of York and ending the War of the Roses. Henry's claim to
the throne was tenuous because it was derived through his mother and by illegitimate
descent. [15]
21. Jump up Lugh: Irish deity represented as a hero and High King in the distant past.
Has many epithets such as Lmhfhada (long arm), Ildnach (skilled in many arts),
Samhildnach (equally skilled in many arts), Lonnbeimnech (fierce striker) and
Macnia (boy hero).[16]
22. Jump up Rip Van Winkle: a short story about a man who wandered up a mountain
away from his wife's nagging, took a nap and woke up twenty years later.[17]
23. Jump up Priory of Sion: a name given to multiple groups, both real and
24. Jump up Order of Cistercians: a Roman Catholic order of monks and nuns.[19]
25. Jump up Bruce Lee.
26. Jump up Kill Bill.
27. Jump up I'm sure you guys should know what Riajuus are.
28. Jump up Japanese sliding door
29. Jump up Basically, the title which I've translated as 'Vanity of Worldly Desires'. The
Handan Dream has a really long story behind it, so I guess if you're curious you can go
look it up. Google .

Chapter 1 - Wound of the Divine Lance

Part 1
The region of Brittany in France had a long history with England.

The original inhabitants of Britain, the Celts, had lost their homeland to the Anglo-Saxon
invasion. Around the fifth century, part of the Celts living in Cornwall crossed the channel to
settle in the westernmost peninsula of France.
People on the continent called them "Britons" which is where the name of the Brittany
peninsula originated.
Furthermore, the most legitimate of divine ancestors also had her stronghold secluded here.
The Witch Queen Guinevere.
Her appearance was like a classic western doll with exquisite facial features of a beautiful tenodd-year-old girl. Clad around her slender body was a black dress reminiscent of funeral
The current location was deep within a forest, protected by a magical barrier.
Somewhere in there was a little lake, with lush woodland along the water's edge, adding a
sense of greenery.
Guinevere stood proudly on the lake shore, her sky-blue eyes of sapphire gazing at the surface
of the lake.
"Sir Knight... Guinevere believes without a doubt."
The figure of a knight in white armor could be seen on the surface, but he was not underwater.
This was simply a two dimensional existence projected as an image onto the lake surface
which acted as a screen.
"Sure enough, our lord the 'King of the End' lies dormant in Japan the far east. This is the
only remaining possibility."
(Oh? And the basis for that is?)
The knight on the water surface replied using a "voice" that ordinary humans could not hear.
His name was Lancelot du Lac. Also known as the Knight of the Lake.
As the guardian of witches at the pinnacles of heaven and earth, he was the war god
protecting the divine ancestors.
"Intel left behind by my kin Asherah. That country once rounded up the ancient tribe and
concealed them. With the hero god Susanoo as their leader, the special ability users who
moved with him to the Netherworld have been suppressing [Heretic Steel]."
Guinevere explained in detail.
"Even the Great Sage Equaling Heaven was put to use through the Great Wizardry of the
Dragon and Snake's Seal... I had become suspicious ever since I learned of its existence.

Unless something important was being concealed, there was no need to undertake such a
monumental operation."
(Come to think of it, that was the place you visited earlier.)
Lancelot's "voice" replied softly.
He was not a typical [Heretic God]. As an underling whose mission was guarding the Witch
Queen, he was just a [God's Shadow] maintained on earth.
"Yes. Due to the possibility of the sealed Great Sage Equaling Heaven being the 'King of the
End' in order to ascertain if he was truly the master we anticipate, I attempted some
(However, that monkey king turns out to be a divinity quite different from our master.)
"Yes, it is regrettable that we know even less than those ancient fellows in this regard. Which
is why Guinevere stayed a while on that island to investigate, based on clues the deceased
Asherah obtained from the Kuhoudzuka family."
The Kuhoudzuka was one of the Four Families leading the Japanese wizardry world,
inheriting and adhering to ancient precepts. They were assigned to various direct-controlled
shrines and monasteries in Japan, taking on important duties like at the Saitenguu in
"However, I discovered that out of all the shrines, there was one where they were responsible
for some unknown mission, so I decided to pay a visit."
(Hmm, if it is unknown then one can conclude it is "something deliberately concealed,"
"Precisely. Guinevere was lucky enough to succeed in spirit vision, and that shrine turns out
to be where the secrets of our dormant master lay. If we can unravel this mystery, then the
King who manifests at the end of eras will descend once more...!"
Guinevere spoke as if in a trance.
It must have been a good many decades since she was last reborn? All this time, she had been
seeking the legendary hero king.
"I wonder if the key to the mystery lies in the lost memories of Guinevere the goddess...
However, divine ancestors lose their previous life's memories after being reborn. Even Sir
Knight who once served master does not know his location correction, does not wish to
Hence, the key to unraveling the mystery was lost.
As Guinevere sighed, the white knight suddenly interrupted.

(Hoho, this Knight's only wish is to gallop across the fields, brandishing the lance, treasuring
the ladies, and protect this way of life. Everything else is trivial and none of my concern.
These are the reasons why this Knight has become slow and cowardly.)
Without a shred of hesitation or doubt.
Galloping like the wind, swinging the sword like thunder. These were the traits of the war god
(If the comrade-in-arms is slain on the battlefield, why not just mourn his death with the
raising of swords and the singing of dirges, is that not enough?)
A soldier through and through, only living on the battlefield.
With this as his personal philosophy, the war god commented with indifference.
(My apologies. If this Knight was not someone like this, the mystery would have been cleared
up sooner.)
"No, Sir Knight is the most important one apart from the strongest of [Steel]. Do not be
concerned. Rather than this, please direct your attention to greater things."
Guinevere gazed sincerely at the divine knight reflected on the surface of the water.
She put her arms together and pleaded in earnest, begging:
"I entrust you with everything, Sir Knight. Not as my shadow but as my guardian deity,
[Heretic Lancelot], I beseech you to manifest."
(You realize this is a path of no return?)
"Now that the place where master sleeps has essentially been identified, it would be wrong
not to take a gamble. I cannot repeat the mistake of losing to Alexandre Gascoigne six years
Guinevere's previous stronghold was not located in this forest.
The Fairy Realm was the forest of fairies that connected to the place known as the
Netherworld to humans or the Boundary of Life and Immortality as called by gods.
The adventurous story of the Black Prince who discovered and successfully invaded that holy
Stood as a painful memory of defeat to Guinevere.
"Due to falling into the Black Prince's trap, the energy of the land we stored in the Magic
Holy Grail... We lost the majority of it. The life force of the great earth mother goddess that
we spent all our efforts gathering to offer to our master!"
Guinevere once offered to hand over the Magic Holy Grail to Alec.

However, she actually had no intention of following through. As the true legitimate successor
to the Holy Grail, she could simply summon it back any time by thought even if she
temporarily gave it away.
It was rather contemptible for Alec to see through that and attempt to take it by force.
"If Sir Knight had been able to use your full power at that time, then the Black Prince would
have met his just deserts, and we would have been able to protect the Grail properly."
(The spell that sustains this Knight as your guardian... If that were to be lifted...)
It was unprecedented for gods to descend to the earth for the sake of protecting a particular
What made this possible was thanks to the spell cast on Lancelot by a certain goddess. This
was Guinevere's previous incarnation the great mother earth goddess who assisted the
King of the End in ancient times and created the Holy Grail together.
However, there was an arbitrary restraint. Lancelot could only manifest for short periods of
time when the Divine Ancestor was in crisis.
(If this Knight were to become a [Heretic God], acting freely and going berserk, even
forgetting the original mission of protection in the frenzy of battle is very likely... Do you
really wish to take such a risk?)
"Yes, that island country's Kusanagi Godou-sama is a person so outstanding that even Her
Eminence Luo Hao holds him in high regard. He has even roped in the great John Pluto Smith
from across the Pacific Ocean. If we were to start an incident, there will definitely be
interference from them. It is unavoidable."
Six years ago, Guinevere had failed to understand the true nature of Campiones.
Now she knew. Devil King Campiones were like glowing embers that erupted into flame at
the slightest touch. Even if operations were undertaken in secret, Campiones would still be
able to see through them.
Devil Kings were like lights that attracted moths in the way they discerned their mortal
enemies the gods.
Completely outrageous. They were the illegitimate children of the fool, killing and
challenging gods that transcended humans.
One could only prepare against them by considering the possibility of the improbable
(In that case, girl, polish the divine blade left behind by the master, and make it this Knight's
divine artifact!)
"Sir Knight... That... To wake the Divine Sword of Salvation requires obtaining steel that tears
apart heaven and earth, causing the stars to crash. You really want that?"

Guinevere suddenly raised her head in response to Lancelot's suggestion.

(Yes. Despite the lack of divine powers of prescience, this Knight can clearly smell the
battle approaching in the near future. For that, this Knight requires a new weapon. Something
like that is the bare minimum!)
The helmet's visor obscured the white knight's face, but Guinevere did not need to see it.
She was certain the war god Lancelot must be smiling, greatly delighted with the premonition
of battle.
"Yes... Yes! Guinevere will joyfully polish the sword for Sir Knight! Spirits of the earth who
accepted my blessing! Offer up the Witch Queen's treasure!"
As Guinevere waved her hand at the ground, the surface was split open.
Two items broke through the earth to appear.
One was a massive urn made of gold, standing at the height of a child's. The other was a very
long double-edged sword, but extremely worn and corroded, full of rust.
Though the two items came from the earth, neither of them were soiled by dirt.
The large urn was the divine artifact known as the [Magic Holy Grail].
The other was the steel of the King of the End's sword. These can be thought of as his relics
and avatars. Ever since the hero disappeared from the surface of the earth, his beloved sword
also lost its luster and was left behind in the ground in its decrepit state.

Part 2
Half a month had passed
On the plains of Thrace extending from southwestern Bulgaria.
The suburbs of some city was visible from this place, a land full of beautiful plains. Beneath
the majestic Balkan mountain range, this open country stretched far and wide, covered by
plains and farmland.
Guinevere was using flight magic to descend upon this land. In the middle of this vast plain, a
hole had been dug in order to bury the master's decrepit sword.
"O Steel of the King, I beseech you to awaken from this long slumber!"
Guinevere chanted a song of spell words to carry out the current task.
The sword was buried in the earth... All this was done to wake up the steel known as
Excalibur in King Arthur's legends.

"More dazzling than gold, more pristine than silver, that is what you are. Born from the ashes
of the dragon's skeleton is the dragon-slaying steel. That is what you are!"
A long broad sword that once shone with brilliant white luster.
Its length approaching 100cm, this double-edged blade was actually quite thick, with a
structure similar to a woodcutter's chopper. However, it was now worn out and corroded
without any luster, only covered by rust.
This divine sword and the earth shared deep roots, and was thus buried in the depths of the
land. Now, the essence of the earth was being channeled into the blade for the sake of
restoring its lost power.
"The stars, the sun and the moon shall lose their brightness before you! All treasures shall lose
their value before you! So please, I beseech you to awaken! Please let the girl who is your
maidservant see the light once more!"
There was a reason for selecting this location to revive the divine blade.
The awakened steel was going to be wielded by Heretic Lancelot. Hence, choosing to awaken
the sword on land with deep ties to him facilitated the forging of bonds between souls.
"Divine Sword of Salvation, steel amongst steel, the Witch Queen beseeches your divine self
to revive!"
Finishing her chant, Guinevere raised her hand.
Lightning descended upon where the ancient sword was buried. In the next instant, a short
platinum-colored blade was suddenly thrust out.
The length of the cutting edge was about 50cm or so. This shrunken size was the reborn form
of the decrepit divine sword.
Guinevere breathed out in relief.
"Please come and have a look, Sir Knight. Guinevere has finally succeeded!"
"Succeeded... A word thou shouldst not use lightly. At the same time, yonder sharp blade is
not something one can ignore, having witnessed that thing!"
The one who responded was an unexpected intruder.
Guinevere's face was full of shock as soon as she noticed the owner of the voice.
"Your divine self has graced this land with your presence... Pray allow Guinevere to offer her
Clutching the hem of her black dress like a noblewoman's curtsy, she bowed her head.

Trying to suppress her panic as she greeted elegantly, Guinevere appeared composed but was
being eroded by anxiety from within. She never expected this goddess to return here!
Despite her appearance of a young girl, the goddess' slender body fully carried the solemn
presence of a matriarch deity. As the great mother of the earth, the queen of darkness, and the
sky goddess of wisdom, she was the tripartite goddess.
Her name was Athena.
The goddess from Greek mythology who had manifested as a [Heretic God] a while ago.
The divinity of the ancient earth mother goddess had been retrieved together with the mystic
treasure, the Gorgoneion. Apparently, she had battled Kusanagi Godou in Japan a few months
"For the past few days, one sensed an unusual spiritual presence overflowing in this old land
of Thrace."
Athena spoke softly like the whistling of the wind.
With silver hair as if the moon had melted into it, she was in the form of an adorable ten-oddyear-old beauty, wearing modest garments in the style of ancient Greece.
Facing such a girl, it would take a fool to mistake her for a harmless child.
Pulsating with power that could not be concealed, one would naturally realize she was no
ordinary person even if it was unclear whether she was a god or not.
"One expressly came, suspicious of a premonition of calamity... One never expected that
man's maidservant to be polishing the steel of taboo!"

The flames of wrath flickered in the child-like eyes of the goddess.

"Knowest thy shame, kin of the past. Ever since the forgone age of the myths, the descendants
of we matriarchs have been irreconcilable enemies with steel that slays dragons and snakes. In
spite of that, dost thou wish to sully thy hands with the filth of yonder blade. O far thou hast
"Pray heed my words, Goddess Athena, your divine self is severely mistaken. Ever since the
forgone age of the myths, we daughters of the earth have always been bound to the fate of
serving the heroes of [Steel]. Though there are times when dragons and snakes turned their
fangs against them, those occasions only lasted as ephemeral dreams."
Compared to a real goddess, the Witch Queen was just an insignificant existence.
However, Guinevere held her head high and pleaded to Athena.
"We are the 'Hero's Attendants' who serve brave warriors. Even the legends designated the
goddess Athena as the beloved daughter of Zeus, the chief deity of Greek mythology. If your
divine self truly believes this to be erroneous please do point out corrections."
"O what sharp tongue thou hast."
Athena narrowed her eyes and stared down at Guinevere unceremoniously.
"The maidservants of that man were all paragons of loyalty. No matter what age we speak of,
they are still worthy of respect!"
The divine ancestor's objections seemed to have gradually calmed the goddess' anger.
Athena was also a goddess of war in Greek mythology. Did she not have a personality that
viewed with favor those who risked their lives in battle?
Guinevere bowed her head and answered with reverence.
With a lofty stance, the goddess nodded at her childish posture.
"Very well, witch. One shall not pursue this matter for now. However, as mentioned just now,
the blinding brilliance one witnessed... What is that steel?"
Athena cast her gaze upon the white blade thrust out of the ground.
"As the goddess of wisdom, one recognizeth that steel. That man's avatar the 'Divine Sword of
Salvation,' the blade born from his remains, is it not?"
Amazing Guinevere was thoroughly impressed with Athena's eyes of wisdom.
To discern the divine blade's origins from a single glance.
"Infused with new life... Though one doth not believe it can be used very long, it will serve its
purpose well enough. However, this relic must be ye sole remaining trump card... If ye shall
use it without reservation..."

Guinevere saw Athena's eyes turn into those of a snake's.

"Discovered eh?"
Athena glared with evil eyes, as befitted her identity as the goddess of snakes
Guinevere's body remained completely motionless. With the fate of life and death held firmly
in the grasp of the supreme goddess, her body was petrified with fear.
"Thou hast discovered that man? Found the tomb of the sleeping king of salvation who
manifesteth whenever the end draws near for the earth? Where? Where doth that fellow lie
"East... The far east, Japan..."
Guinevere whispered softly as she panted for air.
The goddess finally displayed true solemnity.
Sure enough, it was still impossible to resist. Guinevere felt absolute terror from her
innermost depths, and could only pray with all her heart.
Come save me, Sir Knight! Lancelot du Lac!
"Yonder island? One visited that place recently but did not sense that fellow's presence at all...
Perchance it was very skillfully concealed?"
The snake-eyed Athena's murmurs were heard.
Alas, it was a voice like the freezing wind. Simply hearing it was enough to make the body
tremble and lose all strength.
"Thou knowest, maidservant?"
Guinevere shuddered in fear.
She could feel the murderous intent seeping from Athena's solemn voice.
"One's mortal rival, that god-slayer inhabits yonder island. That man will be the first to be
targeted with the awakening of the hero whose fate is to bury all devil kings. For the nearby
Kusanagi Godou, inevitable it must be. Nonetheless, it is one's final wish to serve defeat to
that brat..."
Athena's pubescent face had never shown this sort of tempting or seductive aura.
As the goddess' flirtatious gaze focused on her, all Guinevere could think was how to solve
the current crisis!

"One hath been waiting for Kusanagi Godou to mature as a warrior. Before that time arrives,
it would be quite inappropriate to let that man awaken. In that case, one shall bury thee here,
plucking this young sapling..."
The snake eyes were infused with a golden brilliance.
There was not an instant left to hesitate! So, make haste!
"Pray accept these apologies, goddess of snakes."
Boom! The sound of thunder and the apology descended from the heavens at the same time.
"That girl is this Knight's beloved child. Killing her is not permitted."
Dark clouds suddenly filled the sky, and a flash of white lightning descended no.
Rather, enveloped by white lightning and riding a white horse was the knight in white armor,
Lancelot du Lac! He proceeded to launch the barbed lance in his hands.
This attack turned into lightning once again, approaching Athena.
"Guh...!? Lightning and horse the most primitive [Steel]!?"
Athena instantly distanced herself from Guinevere, jumping backwards.
The attack from the sky was evaded. However, in the instant before it struck the ground, the
lance took a right-angled turn and continued forwards, flying towards the escaping Athena.
The lance of lightning embedded itself deeply into her left shoulder, distorting the goddess'
face with pain.
"As the goddess of wisdom, could your sacred eyes not discern this Knight's true name... As a
matter of courtesy, let this Knight announce his name. Lancelot du Lac. The Knight of the
Lake as known by others."
Leading thunder and his white steed into battle, the war god descended upon the earth as he

Part 3
"Sir Knight! Guinevere has always believed in Sir Knight!"
Lancelot simply nodded at her emotional cries of gratitude.
Turning his gaze towards Athena, he suddenly spoke.

"This Knight apologizes sincerely for the rude act of pointing a lance at an unarmed opponent
like you without even a sword. However, this was done for the sake of protecting this Knight's
beloved child. Pray grant your forgiveness."
"Fu Even if forgiveness is withheld, that lance still continueth to attack."
Athena smiled despite her heavy injuries.
"One had almost forgotten, the mighty name of one called the [Steel] of mist and thunder.
Rumored to have become the retainer of that man, it must be you!"
Athena was the goddess of wisdom and war, as well as the earth, the darkness and the sky.
However, was it because of the goddess' heavily weighted warrior aspect? The injured Athena
displayed an exotic kind of beauty, full of imposing dominance. Being bathed in fresh blood
simply contributed to her glamor like heavy makeup.
Lancelot felt like uttering the word "beautiful" in praise and admiration.
"Worryest not. Even if challenged by the lance, one shall respond with force. 'Twould be
better to say, a little girl who knows not of battlefield etiquette would be truly shameful.
Ultimately, Athena is the heavenly child of death and war!"
Athena suddenly grew in height, turning from a pubescent girl into a young woman of
seventeen or eighteen years of age. With maturity came a sense of lively beauty and dynamic
vigor. The beautiful girl's appearance and powers evolved all at once.
The shoulder wound healed itself, closing up and stopping the bleeding.
Like a grim reaper's iconic weapon, a scythe with a long shaft manifested in her right hand. Its
blade was jet black. Embodying darkness and the earth this was the weapon of the queen
ruler of the subterranean underworld.
"Now then, comest with everything thou hast, Lancelot du Lac!"
"Much appreciated. This Knight expresses the greatest respect towards your courage."
Lancelot respectfully replied atop his horse.
Even though she had grown taller, Athena was still at a height which required looking up to
him. She laughed fearlessly.
"...But war god, one knoweth. Surely thou art not complete right now, yes?"
"Oh? Very clever of you."
The process of undertaking Excalibur's rebirth and cancelling the guardian's spell started half
a month ago.
However, Lancelot had yet to be revived in any complete sense of the word.

"One's wisdom informeth, thou art neither a [Proper God] nor a [Heretic God]. Staying long
term in this intermediate state, thy body hath yet to accustom itself to this world. In short,
thou spendst the majority of thy time with a dazed consciousness, is that not so?"
Lancelot slowly nodded in response to the goddess' question.
"Admittedly so. For the sake of injecting vigor into this Knight's exhausted body, one must
dive into thunderclouds every day to be struck by lightning. Without this, the body's link to
the earth feels like it is separating. Thanks to you, this Knight no longer needs to wander
around aimlessly."
Even while confessing his weakness, the knight remained relaxed and easygoing.
"On the other hand, well, there is no cause for worry. This Knight has proffered his utmost
respect and thus will battle you to the bitter end, concluding with nothing but death itself!"
Faced with a duel to the death, completely and utterly dauntless.
As if seeing off blades of grass floating away on water currents without a care in the world.
"This Knight shall go full speed at maximum power to defeat Athena. Please understand that
battle is what this Knight has long sought over thousands of days and nights, for this is
Lancelot's style. Turning into madly blowing wind, becoming dashing galloping lightning,
crushing enemies in an instant. Indeed, that is this Knight's way."
"Ha! Well said. Should that be the case, one shall respond with everything as well!"
Athena took a giant leap.
This was a humongous leap that no bipedal creature could have taken naturally. In a single
bound, she closed the 100m distance between her and Lancelot mounted on his white horse.
She flew as elegantly as a white bird with feathered wings.
"O Earth, knowest one's determination! O Darkness, understandest one's rising emotion! As
one along the matriarch's lineage, Athena hereby judgeth this follower of steel as the
The adorable voice was shouting spells words loudly.
Boom boom boom boom boom With a terrifying sound that chilled one to the bone, the
ground began to rumble.
Earthquake. The skies also began to darken, or rather, darkness was spreading out. Somehow,
the broad plains of Thrace were suddenly plunged from daylight into a shroud of darkness.
"This Knight's lord... This hand defiles your divine remains, pray grant your absolution."
Lancelot quietly muttered as he calmly rode his white steed upon the shaking earth. Flying
towards the sky, the divine horse and rider were completely unfazed by threats on the level of

"Tearing apart the ancient earth, penetrating the skies, Divine Sword that brings stars crashing
down, now is the time for your return, to the hand of the Knight of the Lake, once again
sounding the horns of war!"
From atop his mount, Lancelot extended his hand towards the white blade embedded in the
shaking ground.
Guinevere had awakened the new Excalibur. Immediately, the 50cm white blade left the
ground's surface, flying towards Lancelot's hand!
"Mystic powers of the Oak, lend your strength to Sir Knight!"
Guinevere immediately used magic.
An oaken shaft suddenly manifested on the summoned white blade, and proceeded to be held
in Lancelot's right hand. The combination of the blade and the long shaft was truly like a
Divine Lance Excalibur was born.
"The earth collapseth, the ground spliteth open, behold the goddess' violent song of
As Athena began to chant, the ground beneath Lancelot and the divine horse collapsed.
The earthquake attacking the vast plains became even more intense, creating cracks in the
ground. At the same time, black snakes flew out from the raised ground, numbering in
hundreds. Lancelot and his beloved horse were entangled and swept down by the snakes
baring their fangs, trying to drag them into the earth.
"O Winds of mist, blow forth."
Upon his mount, Lancelot chanted.
Mist began to flow out from all around him. Furthermore, the knight and the divine horse's
material bodies lost color and form.
The mist burst forth continuously, becoming thicker and thicker. It was like the dense fog that
hangs over lakes, with a visibility of less than 5m.
"...Sir Knight, may fortune accompany your battle!"
Using flight magic, Guinevere fled for safety.
Seeing her off, Lancelot who had turned into mist, muttered:
"The Goddess Athena... a dangerous and formidable foe."
The authority of turning into mist was part of his immortality as [Steel].

Mist cannot be struck. Mist cannot be cut. However, Athena was the ruler of the underworld.
She held the highest authority over everything related to death and immortality. It was only
natural for her to be knowledgeable in the methods of sending immortal [Steel] to its grave
But there was a catch.
"However, encountering this Knight is truly your misfortune. This Knight is the galloping
invincible divine sword that tramples innumerable dragons and snakes. Even Athena, or
rather, precisely because you are Athena, defeat is inevitable."
He was currently displaying the martial arts of the sword which he had attained to the highest
This was the shocking strike of the ultimate dragonslayer. To Athena, this was a deadly
weapon akin to a natural predator due to dragons and snakes being the violent incarnations of
the great mother earth goddess.
Lancelot and the divine horse flew up in the form of mist, materializing in midair.
They flew into the thundercloud he had descended from when first summoned. Within the
dark clouds where lightning crackled and sparked, the knight spoke softly to his beloved
"Respond to the wish of the beloved child, smash apart the great and venerated foe, we shall
take the form of lightning, and this Knight's life is entrusted thus."
Lancelot readied the divine lance, pointing its blade forward.
The white divine horse galloped forth. Towards the ground, where Athena was standing!
They had taken the form of lightning when saving Guinevere just now. But this time they
were moving at lightning speed god speed, and this time with extreme destructive power as
This impact and destructive power was comparable to a massive meteor descending from the
A white meteor crashing down with the speed of lightning.
It was a divine iron hammer that defies existence.
The white knight and divine horse descended from the sky, charging at the earth like a god of
destruction. Reaching the ground in an instant, the divine lance was thrust out.
Athena brandished the jet-black scythe, intent on deflecting the blade of the divine lance.
This was the divine skill of the goddess who discerned the lance tip approaching with god

Lance and scythe, the two weapons clashed together violently.

A storm was created at the moment of impact. In the eye of the storm were Lancelot and
Athena while everything else in their surroundings were blown away by the cyclone formed
by the impact.
The earth crumbled beneath Athena's feet.
Vegetation growing on the plains of Thrace, the land and rocks were all dug up and blown
The surface of the ground was transformed into a depression like a crater. The massive area
dug out was roughly 2 or 3km in diameter. The atmosphere rumbled.
At the bottom of this crater-like depression, the goddess and the war god's clash intensified.
Athena absorbed the essence of the earth, infusing peerless might into her slender girl-like
arms. Darkness materialized into nine demonic snakes which attempted to crush Lancelot in
their jaws.
However, the final result was most unexpected.
In the end, Athena's scythe was sent flying by Lancelot's divine lance. The demonic snakes of
darkness were annihilated by the resulting impact.
It was achieved by a meteor crash descending from the heavens that collapsed the earth.
"Guh gah, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"
Finally skewered through the chest by the divine lance, Athena gave off painful cries.
However, her snake-like eyes continued to stare at Lancelot. Relentless, her desire for
vengeance continued to burn like fire!
The white knight kicked at the belly of the divine horse, intending on following through by
severing the goddess completely. However, the goddess, pierced by the lance, gathered
together the divine power of the great land, attempting to produce a force of repulsion to push
back Lancelot in his white meteor form.
In kendo terms, it would be described as a situation of tsuba-zeriai.[2]
Truly worthy of the name of Athena. Lancelot generously praised in admiration as he called
out to the girl he was protecting.
"Beloved child, now is the time to release the Holy Grail's mystical powers!"
(What is the matter, Sir Knight!?)
Guinevere's thoughts arrived, flying from far away.

"The Holy Grail has the property of absorbing the life force of great mother earth goddesses
and storing it. Now is the perfect opportunity to obtain the life force of the highest ranking
earth mother goddess! Do not miss it!"
(! Understood!)
No further instructions were necessary.
A golden urn, the Magic Holy Grail, suddenly appeared beside Lancelot.
"!? Knight of the Lake, what art thou planning oh?"
"Because simply defeating you will likely not be enough to overcome your immortality.
However, it would be an entirely different matter if the Grail absorbs all your life force.
Farewell, Heretic Athena. You were the most suitable formidable foe that this Knight had
long awaited to battle."
From the wound where the divine lance Excalibur pierced
The great earth mother goddess' life force of Athena was beginning to spill out and flow into
the Holy Grail!
"This seemeth to be some mysterious technique!"
Athena wrapped the Holy Grail in black mist coming from her hands.
Lancelot could tell that it was a corrosive gas. However, the Grail continued to absorb
Athena's life force. The golden vessel's lustrous brilliance did not falter!
"This is the infinite power offered by this Knight's lord, the vessel created by sacrificing the
life force of the earth mother goddess equal to your rank, we call it the Holy Grail."
Lancelot explained nonchalantly to the shocked Athena.
"Seeming to be a material like earth, but not in reality. Divine wisdom, that which is
symbolized by the truth of heaven and earth. Even for you, Athena, it cannot be destroyed."
"Guh... That so? It is like the Gorgoneion that one sought, an immortal indestructible vessel."
Her beautiful face in pallor, Athena murmured.
However, Lancelot was astounded by the goddess' pupils which had yet to lose their luster.
"One feeleth clearly. One's life force shaven off, devoured by yonder vessel."
At some point in time, Lancelot and the divine horse's motion had stopped. In the end, all
effort had been spent in halting the meteor-like charge.
"This be the vessel that compeleth the maidservant of the white mother goddess to stoop so
low? O Despair!"

By this point, the Holy Grail had already taken the lives of a good many mother earth
Even Athena had no way of escaping. Nevertheless, the goddess did not lose the will to fight.
She grabbed and forcefully pulled out the lance piercing her chest. Blood gushed out in a
torrent from the piercing wound between her breasts.
Athena proceeded to display a smile of absolute despondency.
"However, one is the goddess of wisdom who claimeth all knowledge as her possession. A
little toy like this Holy Grail, one never expected to discover it so soon had this body not
experienced it first hand. But then again, this doth not fit one's style, so one shall undertake
Athena's blood-splattered hands slowly turned towards the Holy Grail.
Next, the great urn-like Grail began to fly towards Athena.
"Holy Grail that absorbeth life, one shall be keeping it!"
Athena reached out with her hands to touch the Grail, causing the great urn of a child's height
to vanish in an instant.
It was absorbed into the goddess' body.
"One shall take leave for now, Knight of the Lake. Thou shalt repay the remainder at some
other opportunity!"
Having devoured the Holy Grail, Athena began to sink into the earth.
Lancelot charged forth in pursuit and swung the lance.
However, it was too late. The lance tip only managed to pierce air.
"What a mess... Who could expect things to have ended like this?"
"No, Sir Knight. Guinevere believes this result is absolutely not unfavorable."
Just as Lancelot shook his head ruefully, Guinevere answered, having returned by flight
At the bottom of the crater-like depression marring the Thracian plain, the knight and the girl
faced each other.
"Athena seems to have devoured the Holy Grail in order to suppress its effects. However,
Guinevere does not believe this is enough to halt the functioning of the life-absorbing Grail."
Guinevere spoke as the one with a mysterious bond with the Holy Grail.

The divine artifact created by the matriarch deity of all the earth goddesses through sacrificing
her own immortality and divinity. As long as that Grail remained active in the earth, it was
forever indestructible.
"Even if we just let it be, by this point it must have stored up a substantial amount of magical
energy. No matter what happens, from now on there is a connection between Sir Knight's
divine sword and Athena's grail."
"Wielding the steel that splits apart the stars, is that so?"
Lancelot muttered. In the battle just now, he merely used it as a bladed object.
The steel known as the legendary Excalibur had yet to exhibit its true worth...
"But before that form can be attained, will she manage to remove the Grail from her body?"
"Even if that happens, it may be just as well. Having swallowed the Grail into her body to
suppress it, Athena's return will not take more than half a month's time"
"Then Athena will die, is that so? In that case, it might not be so bad."
Lancelot nodded.
A "way" always appeared in the end.
Whether abandoned somewhere or separated by any distance, as long as the Grail existed on
earth it would continue to absorb Athena's life.
The divine artifact created at the cost of immortal life
This was its truly terrifying aspect. The wisdom and prayers of the goddess of death, had yet
to be carved into the deepest reaches of the earth. On the other hand, the Grail's powers
extended to the furthest ends of the earth.
"In that case, girl, Athena is of no concern for now?"
"Yes. Guinevere will now go to Japan, the island where master sleeps. Please grant your
Lancelot silently grasped the reins of his beloved horse, flying towards the sky which had
recovered its brightness with the departure of Athena. Still unaccustomed to the conditions of
the earth, the full-powered attack just now had already exhausted his divine power.
He must take a good rest amongst the thunderclouds once again.
Heretic Lancelot
Despite his overwhelming power of destruction, still could not be considered fully revived at
this point.

Chapter 2 - Devil King and School Festival

Part 1
The great god-slaying Devil King.
In addition to that identity, Kusanagi Godou was also a high school student.
Thus it was only natural he would be participating in the school festival held at Jounan
Academy where he studied.
Godou's class had decided to put up posters in the classroom about the local history of
Bunkyo ward a rather easy and uninteresting activity.
Hence, Godou was originally supposed to be relatively free after completing his assigned
duties at the festival.
However, he never expected to be roped into helping friends out with their "shop" project.
The day before, he spent the first day of the festival helping the shop at the kitchen and
procuring supplies. He was also supposed to be helping out on the second day which was also
the last.
However, the planners of the project, Nanami, Sorimachi and Takagi (unofficially known as
the Three Idiots) suddenly changed their minds in regard to Godou who was helping out
despite having no original involvement with the "shop."
"Take the day off... That's what they said to me, but what was that about?"
On the first day of the festival, Godou was on the road home from school.
Making his way through the streets at night, Godou was deep in thought.
It would be a shame to waste a rare opportunity of leisure.
"In that case, why not spend tomorrow experiencing the school festival together with me,
Mariya Yuri extended an invitation as she walked beside him on his left.
A soothing smile appeared on her beautiful gentle face.
The way she carried herself was the embodiment of the perfect Yamato Nadeshiko; with long
lustrous hair tinted a shade of brown, her striking beauty contrasted strongly against her
conservative and prudent personality.

"My duties at the tea ceremony club will be finished in the morning... In that case, it will be
fine. Hikari will be coming in the afternoon as well. It will be more lively than going around
The young high class lady lowered her gaze slightly after mentioning her little sister's name.
"I-I feel that it would be most delightful if Godou-san could accompany us..."
Yuri added shyly. Her appearance and manner of speaking were most adorable.
The sheltered young lady who was not only prim and proper, but also solemn and serious,
noble, and sometimes angry.
Godou found her frequent bouts of shyness extremely adorable.
"I see. Well then, let's go together tomorrow."
Thus he went with the flow and accepted immediately.
Somehow, Godou felt a kind of guilty feeling that "it is embarrassing to be together with
"In that case, Kusanagi Godou, will you allow my accompaniment as well?"
"Of course, I can't leave Liliana all alone."
Godou also readily accepted the request of the girl on his right.
Liliana Kranjcar. A fairy-like beauty of Eastern European descent. The one who called herself
his knight and grand chamberlain.
...Completely unaware he had just set himself up for the situation commonly known as "a lady
on each arm," Godou continued on his way.

Thus began the second day of the school festival.

Meeting before his house at 10am sharp, Godou and Liliana set off for school together.
Recently, Godou found himself frequently spending time with her. The two of them would
meet at his door without agreeing beforehand. It always felt like things happened naturally as
a result of mutual desire.
Furthermore, the two of them had recently gained a kind of silent understanding requiring no
words to communicate.
"In spite of everything, Japanese schools also have this kind of planned activity."
Liliana murmured to herself as she passed through the new school entrance.

This was a handcrafted entrance created specifically for the school festival.
"Schools in Italy would hold celebrations during Natale[3] and Easter, but never on this kind of
scale. Though this kind of large scale activity takes a lot of time and effort to organize, I think
the enjoyment of everyone is well worth it."
Liliana smiled. For someone who always insisted on being a "knight," this was a rare and
gentle smile.
"Could it be that Liliana enjoys these kinds of activities very much?"
"Yes. I love decorating the home to make it all pretty for family parties and doing lots and lots
of cooking. This festival is like expanding that kind of gathering to include all the students,
right? I want to take part next year too."
The silver-haired knight spoke with a slight expression of delight.
It was unlike the occasional frantic expression she bore when faced with unexpected failure
that broke her out of her usual solemn and imposing demeanor. Currently, Liliana's innocent
expression made her no different from an ordinary sixteen-year-old.
"That's right. It should be very fun, isn't this great?"
Nodding, Godou recalled the other knight.
"A school festival... A festa[4] which student volunteers organize for themselves, ah...
Basically just having fun, that's the main idea, right? It doesn't feel classy enough to welcome
a guest of honor such as Erica Blandelli."
That was what the red knight said a few days ago before she flew over to Italy to handle some
Smiling wryly, Godou tried to explain.
"I can't say your description is entirely wrong. However, it's a rare occasion in a Japanese
school so I think you should at least show up. It should be okay for you to postpone going
back a little, right?"
Well, a relative in Italy fell acutely ill... That was her fabricated excuse for returning home.
Was there a serious situation over there? Godou refrained from prying.
"You do have a point. Even if I have to suffer through a meaningless engagement, or tolerate
an uninteresting salon in a residence of philistines, as long as my adorable Godou is there, I
feel like I can still make memories to savor after the fact."
Erica smiled as she pressed her bosom against him.
Displaying her glamor through unintentional acts like this must be one of her true qualities.

"However, I'm afraid I'll have to pass, because there is a meeting I wish to finish as soon as
possible. If I don't go to Italy now, I don't know when will be the next time my wish could be
fulfilled... So Godou, please endure the void of my absence that no other girl can fill."

"...That was what Erica had said."

"It cannot be helped. To Erica and me, that matter is an issue of life and death."
Godou entered the rowdy and bustling school festival together with Liliana as he recalled the
red knight's parting scene.
"So Liliana knows something about why she has to return over there?"
"Ah well, the fact is... Erica will explain in full detail once she returns successfully. Please
forgive me for now is not the right time to let you know."
Something like that could happen. Godou's eyes widened in surprise.
Though Erica and Liliana were rivals, their fates were frequently bound together as one in
various ways.
Godou decided not to pursue the matter any further, turning his gaze towards the interior of
the school.
The path from the entrance to the school building was transformed by the festival from its
usual appearance. Snack stalls were tightly lined against the two sides of the road.
Beverage stalls sold chilled drinks. Food vendors sold takoyaki[5], okonomiyaki[6], roasted
squid, crepes, fried noodles, baby Castella cakes[7], and various kinds of snacks. Furthermore,
there were other stalls offering fortune telling, portrait sketching, photography, karaoke, flea
markets etc.
People were really putting forth great effort.
Perhaps because Jounan Academy also included a university section, the high school's festival
was influenced to some extent.
Walking further for ten minutes or so, weaving through a corner of the woods, they reached
the destination.
The building known as the Japanese block.
"Last time we came here, Seishuuin Ena was also present. Will this occasion be the same?"
"Who knows? I tried calling her before the festival but couldn't reach her. Maybe she used up
her batteries like always or went into the deep mountains with no reception again..."
Godou answered as he recalled the Hime-Miko of the Sword.

Despite being a high school student, she was a mysterious unpredictable traveler.
She could suddenly appear in unexpected places, but fail to show up when wanted.
The two conversed as they walked into the traditional Japanese room that was the size of
twenty tatami mats.
This was the location for the "tea party" held by the tea ceremony club. Godou and Liliana
entered after paying the entrance fee.
The room was furnished with a stove for boiling water and a few tea mats. The members of
the tea ceremony club were serving customers with tea and snacks.
"Welcome to the two of you."
Yuri came over before Godou and Liliana who had sat down on the mats.
"My shift will be over soon, so please wait a while."
"Ah, understood... By the way, Mariya Yuri, so this is the attire of the tea ceremony club?"
The silver-haired knight spoke as if greatly impressed.
The members of the all-girls tea ceremony club were busy stirring and preparing powdered
tea. This was a common club activity.
They were wearing kimonos rather than school uniforms as they sat on the mats.
"Yes, as a member of the tea ceremony club, I can only speak to you dressed like this."
Yuri replied slightly shyly.
She was wearing a beautiful kimono in the color of cherry blossoms. Frankly speaking, the
other members of the club seemed to be unaccustomed to their attire and were quite stiff in
their tea-pouring motions.
On the other hand, Yuri stood out with her natural movements and refined manners.
"I see, so it's like that... I was thinking why it was so strange."
Godou surveyed the place as the truth dawned upon him.
Offering only powdered tea and snacks, this place normally would not be popular with boys.
Nevertheless, one third of the current customers were young men. There were male students
from Jounan Academy, male students wearing uniforms from other schools, and even older
regular customers.
Naturally, their target could only be the girls dressed in kimonos.

It was an unpleasant thought...

Godou unwittingly reached this conclusion as he savored the taste of the powdered tea Yuri
brewed for him.
Within the tea ceremony club, Yuri was also rather striking in appearance.
All else aside, she epitomized the term "beautiful young lady." It was apparent from a single
glance that her graceful sitting form was in a separate class apart from all the other girls.
Kusanagi Godou was currently being served by such a girl, and had even brought along a
silver-haired Caucasian girl.
"Is this the state otherwise known as overabundant self consciousness?"
"What's wrong, Godou-san? Does the tea not suit your tastes?"
"I, on the other hand, find the taste to be most exquisite... Or perhaps you are worrying over
"Ah no, nothing much, don't be too concerned."
Though he forced a smile before the two observant girls, Godou shook his head.
Godou found his mind wandering into strange thoughts as a result of being accompanied by
overly attractive girls. One should handle things with greater composure...
However, this thought was completely overturned within the span of a mere hour.

Part 2
"It truly was a wrong decision."
Godou grumbled with heartfelt emotion.
"What should we do now? How could this draw so much attention, I really don't get it... It's so
Yuri, who was dressed in a kimono, carried a conflicted expression.
"We three should find a place to figure out why others are so interested in us. But even then,
discussing furtively in secret is not an option, we might as well act with resolution."
Liliana stated with an awe-inspiring tone.
Just before the lunch break, they had met up with Yuri at the end of her shift at the tea
ceremony club. Yuri had appeared before Godou and Liliana in the same kimono she had
been wearing at the tea party earlier.

"To create publicity for the tea ceremony club... The other members decided together that I
should go outside like this..."
Yuri bowed her head shyly as she explained.
Since the school festival was in full swing, it was not particularly strange for people to be
wearing exotic outfits. Nevertheless, Yuri in her cherry blossom-colored kimono was far too
striking in appearance. Having Liliana by her side further exacerbated the situation.
Passersby were subconsciously or even overtly staring at them as they passed. Perhaps purely
in terms of publicity, it was not a failure.
The trio went to watch drama and band performances, konto skits[8], friendship matches held
in the sports grounds by the athletic clubs. Within the school building, there were also
exhibitions, shops and other performances, etc. Though there were still quite a few attractions
they wanted to visit, it was already time for lunch so they decided to stop for a meal first.
And so, the trio went over to the food stalls.

Godou: "(noticing Yuri's gaze of curiosity) Mariya you're actually interested in okonomiyaki?
How unexpected."
Yuri: "Ah yes. Actually I have never eaten it before..."
Godou: "You can make it at home, right? I think for Mariya, it should be really easy for you."
Yuri: "(steady smile) "My mother made it before in her own home, and knows the method. As
for eating this kind of food sold in festivals, I have yet to "
Godou: "Never!?"
Yuri: "You are correct. When we were young, our parents never bought food at those kind of
places because they were concerned with hygiene. So all this time until now..."
Liliana: "(looking like a know-it-all) It is true that one cannot expect too much in terms of
hygiene. On the other hand, because it is this kind of place, that is why you can get a delicious
taste that cannot be found elsewhere. If you do not give it a try, you will be missing out on
one of life's pleasures."
Godou: "That's true. I often eat this during festivals like temple fairs."
Liliana: "Back in Italy I would frequent sandwich and crepe stalls. Eating on the roadside is
nice sometimes."
Yuri: "Is that really true!? (frantic expression) T-Then in that case, now that there is this rare
opportunity, I shall, umm "

Godou: "(staring at the school festival program schedule) In the schoolyard there's Sanfusensei offering his hometown's Hiroshimayaki[9], and Ganba-sensei from Osaka with his
takoyaki stall, wanna try them out?"
Yuri: "Yes, great!"
Yuri: "(violently knocked off balance by a passerby in the schoolyard)...kyaah!?"
Godou: "(catches Yuri in his arms) Are you okay, Mariya?"
Yuri: "(smiling in Godou's embrace) Y-Yes, thank you very much."
Godou: "(gazing at Yuri's smiling face) Oh that's good."
Liliana: "(began counting as the two of them remained tightly held together. 10 seconds, 20
seconds passed. Then she coughed deliberately) ...You two, do you not feel that your faces are
a little too close? Kusanagi Godou, even though I know that you have an unusually deep
relationship with Mariya Yuri, in such a situation could you not handle things in a simpler
manner "
Godou: "(frantically separates from Yuri) !"
Yuri: "(gazes wistfully at Godou)......"
Godou: "W-What nonsense are you saying, I only caught her because I happened to be next to
her, it's not like that."
Liliana: "Is that so...? My apologies. Regardless of your intentions, it is clear that your natural
instinct is to eliminate distances between you and other females..."
Godou: "As if that kind of instinct actually exists! By the way, if it was Liliana instead, I
would have done the same."
Liliana: "Eh?!"
Godou: "It's obvious. If I saw a friend in danger, I will surely offer help straight away."
Liliana: "(putting up a stiff front but appearing to be very happy)......"
Godou: "Well anyway, actually it's Liliana who always protects me instead."
Liliana: "T-That's right. Hypothetically, if such an emergency occurs, I do not mind being
saved by you."
Liliana: "(having bought Hiroshimayaki) With such large portions, let the three of us share it
together. Come try this, Mariya Yuri."
Yuri: "Thanks. (looking at the massive Hiroshimayaki) You are right, I would not be able to
finish this alone."

Godou: "Certainly, this is a portion size more fitting for a male."

(The trio began to use their chopsticks to eat sliced pieces of the Hiroshimayaki.)
Godou: "(accidentally dropped his chopsticks on the ground) Ah, damn it. I'll need a new
Liliana: "No need for that. Just share mine."
Godou: "Uhh, sure (realizing this is an indirect kiss) W-Wait, that's not very appropriate."
Liliana: "D-Do not be concerned. Just like your relationship with Mariya Yuri can be
described as unusually deep, the same can be said for our relationship as well..."
Godou: "!?"
Yuri: "E-Excuse me! If that is the case, then you can share my chopsticks too!"
Godou: "!?"
(All of a sudden, the trio was caught in a three-way dispute.)
Godou: "Fine, in that case, I will humbly accept your wishes with thanks... (ended up
alternating between using Liliana and Yuri's chopsticks to eat the Hiroshimayaki)"
Liliana: "Exchanging chopsticks repeatedly is a bit troublesome. I-If you do not mind then I
shall feed you personally. (using chopsticks to bring Hiroshimayaki to Godou's mouth) T-This
might be better."
Yuri: "N-Now that you brought it up, that is right... (with shy awkwardness) Uh, umm, if
Godou-san wishes, I can also do the same... P-Please open up and enjoy."
Godou: "I'm not a child in kindergarten! I can eat by myself!"
Suddenly, they noticed that a crowd had gathered around, staring at them.
Due to it being the school festival, not only were there students from the school but also those
from other schools as well as all kinds of residents from the neighborhood male and
female, old and young. This was the nature of the crowd gathered here for a spectacle. They
were watching with shocked expressions that seemed to be saying "this is really novel" and
were whispering to one another and secretly laughing to themselves.
"Isn't this getting a bit too crowded...?"
"I do not think that we were that loud, right..."
"Why are so many people gathered here to watch? We cannot be that interesting to them,

At some point in time, some of the surrounding people started tailing Godou's group and
maintaining a certain distance.
The most obvious group was all male and composed of youthful schoolboys. Bearing rude
and hostile glares with impatient expressions... These were all signs that betrayed the negative
emotions swirling in each one's heart.
Godou pondered with uneasiness. How exactly was this commotion caused? He'd better
reflect well on it.
"For some reason we seem to be causing trouble for others. We should pay more attention."
"But Kusanagi Godou, even though I believe your behavior just now could do with a little
improvement, you have done nothing wrong. So what should we do now?"
"Liliana-san, perhaps it is something we failed to be aware of? ...Ah, maybe eating like this on
the roadside obstructs traffic, and causes trouble for others?!"
"There are many others eating the same way like this. I really doubt that possibility...
Anyway, let's be more mindful, and go to the cafeteria "
The three of them finished buying food and made their way towards a little unoccupied space
beside a corner of the stalls.
Godou nodded in agreement with Yuri's suggestion and Liliana's observations. At that very
"You people, what were you doing just now chattering away in some kind of discussion? Are
you trying to perform some kind of three-man comedic routine?!"
Godou was shocked to hear this authoritative voice. He never expected this girl to appear
Turning back to look, he found his childhood friend, Tokunaga Asuka, standing before him
with a furious expression.

"I wasn't even paying particular attention, but you three have been displaying public
affection... I turn my gaze for a moment and there you go starting to become even more
intimate. Well, if it was just between an ordinary couple, it's not completely unforgivable. But
what on earth is this? A lady on each arm? Or simultaneous two-timing? What is going on in
your mind to flaunt this kind of ridiculous relationship out in public!?"
Asuka expressed her displeasure, firing accusations like rapid fire.
She possessed a prim and proper face as well as the twintails hairstyle she maintained since
long ago. Like the Kusanagi household, she was also a resident of Nezu's Area 3.
"Well, Godou, got any retorts to defend yourself? If you have any, be out with them."

"What retort... We weren't doing anything intimate. It's just normal contact between friends,
that's all."
"Yes... My humble apologies, I cannot understand what you are trying to say."
"It is true that there exists a strong bond between us that surpasses normal 'friendship.'
However, you are mistaken if you believe it is of the sort of indecent relations you were
Yuri was perplexed. Liliana spoke with agitation. Godou nodded in complete agreement.
After all, Asuka had always been the type to get angry over reasons that were far removed
from the actual truth.
"Really! Embracing each other in public, having indirect kisses and then being fed with 'yes,
ah~' Well, since it's Godou, it's expected... Let me ask then, what are these people like
Asuka turned to the people behind her.
Standing there were Yuri's classmates, the girls Sawa-san and Miyama-san.
"There had been some restraint before, but recently it's always been like this."
"Yes yes. Previously, it's even worse when Erica-san was around. In fact, today's situation can
be described as rather subdued instead...?"
The lenses of glasses-wearing Sawa-san flashed as she spoke. With an immature face and
undeveloped body like an elementary school student, Miyama-san responded with a question.
Yuri nodded to greet her classmates who had suddenly appeared.
But just as Godou was wondering why these two girls were together with Asuka...

"Sawa-san and Miyama-san both work together with me at the same shop. Yeah, the family
restaurant on the side of the main street. You should know it, right? Anyway, they invited me
to the school festival today."
Extremely observant, Asuka immediately explained for Godou. She was a girl with a strong
intuition and quick wits.
"Right, though Liliana-san had already been introduced to me at Godou's house, who is the
beautiful lady here? She looks very graceful and lady-like."
"Ah, now that I think about it, you two have never met."
Seeing Asuka's slightly concerned gaze towards Yuri, Godou replied.
"Mariya, this fellow here is my long time friend Tokunaga Asuka. We live on the same
commercial street. She goes to school at Tokyo Metropolitan High which is closer to home.
Also, this "
"My name is Mariya Yuri. It is my pleasure to be acquainted with Godou-san's close friends."
Yuri, who was dressed in a kimono, calmly bowed her head.
Though she was not particularly talkative, her greeting clearly displayed her excellent
"H-Hello, nice to meet you. The silver-haired foreigner, the super perfect high class lady, as
well as the rumored blonde girlfriend, things are really developing towards complete despair
for me... Truly an extraordinary fellow. As expected, I can't let you out of my sight hmm, I
cannot allow myself to become one of those old ladies crying tears of sorrow over grandpa
Backing down uncharacteristically, her mumbling speech after "nice to meet you" was
difficult to make out.
Being eloquent in virtually all situations was one of Asuka's qualities.
"I think we should leave first. Being the center of attention is disruptive to the surrounding
people, so let's go somewhere else."
Wary of people's gazes, Godou made a suggestion.
The interference of Asuka had only served to further garner the attention of bystanders.
Yuri and Liliana immediately nodded in agreement. Sawa-san and Miyama-san were also
planning to leave, having made their greeting.
But then someone stopped them. Of course, the one calling out was Asuka.
"W-Wait a minute. Are the three of you planning to continue your flirting elsewhere!?"

"Like I said already, what flirting! You're always trying to find strange bones to pick."
"Still completely oblivious... You really are a great big idiot who makes me want to despair!!"
Still as sharp-tongued as ever. And scolding all the time.
However, witnessing the familiar antics of the childhood friend gave an oddly reassuring
Godou wryly went "So, see you later" and continued walking ahead.
"No other way, with agonizing contemplation I have made my decision!"
Thus, Asuka declared out of the blue.
"It looks like I can't limit supervision to just the school festival. Sawa-san, Miyama-san. I am
very sorry but there are things I must do. Please allow me to remain behind and act
independently I have the duty to keep this idiotic man under surveillance!"

Part 3
Thus, Tokunaga Asuka added herself to Godou's entourage and they entered the school
building together.
In contrast to Asuka's complete hostility towards Godou, Liliana and Yuri were acting in a
subdued manner.
"Listen to me, Mariya-san and Liliana-san."
Asuka chatted eloquently as they walked.
"Even if this guy frequently speaks of 'common sense,' don't be taken in by those lies. He is
completely untrustworthy. I will help and support you girls if you tell me you were victims of
his deception. If you run into any kind of trouble, feel free to discuss with me no matter
She showed concern for them with great gentleness while disparaging Godou at the same
"Is that so? Rather, I feel that Godou-san is a person who works hard at acting sensibly."
Yuri objected with a conservative description.
"If Mariya-san really believes that, then I have nothing further to say. Or perhaps you might
recall all sorts of little things? Once anyone gets into a certain level of familiarity with him,
I'm sure they will notice something is amiss."
"...Nothing like that. Right, Liliana-san?"

"...Ah. The nobility of Kusanagi Godou's character and behavior is fit to be a knight's role
model. I think you are slandering him most inappropriately, Tokunaga Asuka."
Repeatedly questioned, Yuri and Liliana seemed to be responding hesitantly for some reason.
Not only did the two of them avoid making eye contact with Asuka, the one posing the
questions, but also with Godou as well.
The atmosphere turned awkward and unpleasant all of a sudden.
"Ah, isn't this Uncle? Good morning to you."
A passing "maid" greeted him.
In actual fact, she was dressed in a sleeveless mandarin gown with a frilled apron, a costume
differing greatly from a traditional maid outfit. Furthermore, she was wearing cat-eared
decorations on her head.
"G-Good morning to you too."
It was clearly noon already. However, there existed many service industries that used "Good
morning" as a greeting regardless of the time of day.
The China-themed cat-eared maid was running around dressed like that, carrying a stack of
flyers, most likely trying to promote publicity.
"...Wait a minute, Godou, what was that about?"
Asuka immediately questioned him.
"That kind of cosplay girl not only knows you, but even calls you 'Uncle'!?"
"Hmm. It's a long story. There's a shop in the festival opened by some acquaintances. I helped
out for a bit, so that's why they call me that."
"What kind of suspicious shop is that!? I must check it out."
"Eh? Now?"
Asuka's threats seemed to be giving Godou pause.
It's not a particularly strange shop anyway, so I might as well take her there. But that also
meant taking everyone else along.
"It is the shop opened with Lu Yinghua's support, right? I have no objections."
"Ah, the one from Hong Kong... Right, I too, feel a little curious."
Since Liliana and Yuri supported the motion, Godou yielded and nodded in agreement.

They arrived at a certain classroom on the third floor of the school building.
Nanami, Sorimachi and Takagi, backed by Hong Kong's Lu family, had opened the "China
Cat-Eared Maid Cafe and Tea House" with business in full swing.
"Business today is lively as ever."
Upon witnessing the prosperity of the shop, Godou commented casually.
A continuous stream of customers had formed a long line at the entrance.
The place offered brewed Chinese tea as well as Chinese dimsum delivered directly from the
"main store" at Akihabara. The cosplay team of China cat-eared maids was standing on duty
to serve customers. The mandarin gowns emphasized the curves on their body, and the highslit dresses were quite daring and sexy.
Authentic Chinese style. The reason for the long wait in line was obvious.
The team of China cat-eared maids was composed of employees sent from the Lu family's
maid theme park in Hong Kong (to customers they appeared to be girls studying at the
The Three Idiots' original proposal of "Cat-Eared School Swimsuit Maid Cafe" was
vehemently opposed by the girls, and was thus altered to the current form.
"I knew it, wearing swimsuits when there's no pool would have been quite strange..."
Godou concluded as he surveyed the surroundings.
However, the girls eventually relented on the cat-ear issue as a result of the Three Idiots
begging on their knees.
"Not some kind of suspicious shop, right?"
"It's really borderline... However, why are you the 'Uncle'?"
Asuka glared at Godou as they waited in line.
In truth, it was the maid team's boss, Lu Yinghua, who addressed Godou as "Honored
Uncle"... However, let's keep quiet about that. Trying to explain the whole story would take
"Ohoh, it's my dear friend!"
The one calling out was Nanami.
He had just stepped out of the neighboring classroom they had borrowed to use as the kitchen
and backstage.

"Thanks to you, the shop's business is booming on its second day... Though losing the "CatEared School Swimsuit Maid" concept is painful, we obtained the current overwhelming
success instead. This is all thanks to your introductions don't be modest, Kusanagi."
"Hmm, well, it's good to be of help. But 'dear friend' is too much."
"Kukuku... What a modest fellow you are. However, thanks to this I finally understand
something. Kusanagi, your satisfaction as a riajuu[10] only runs skin deep you are actually
tired of plain and ordinary life, for you are a man who yearns for excitement and the
Godou was shocked to hear his secret exposed.
The deadly battles of the Devil King Campione were obviously unknown to Nanami.
"I... As a fellow comrade, I understand. Kusanagi, your eyes swirl with dark burning flames
only possessed by men who pursue the way of the maid enthusiast."
"Ah, this? No, I don't have that kind of interest, you must be mistaken."
"Hohoho, you have yet to realize it, that's all. I feel it is necessary to guide you along that path
with something I have specially prepared. Here, borrow this for now."
Nanami went back into the classroom and took out a paper bag.
He shoved the object over. Contained in the bag was a handheld gaming device and a
software package.
"But I don't usually play games."
Godou looked at the software. Its title was "English Proper Maid Story Maid Amy."
On the packaging was an illustration of a girl. Without particularly ostentatious colors, the
modest yet subtle design somehow felt rather attractive.
"Try playing it when you have the time. You should be able to experience the shocking
revelation of a lifetime... Oh no, I was in the middle of going out to buy something. Sorry I
have to go. See you later!"
"You sure make strange friends everywhere..."
Seeing Nanami leave noisily, Asuka was just about to have another outburst.
"Ah, Hikari. Yes, so you have already arrived at the school?"
Yuri had taken out her cellphone to answer.
She was giving directions to the China Cat-eared Maid Cafe.
"Will little Hikari get lost? Let me go pick her up."

"I believe she is very competent. Do not worry, we will wait for her here while we line up for
the shop."
Yuri offered her opinion with a gentle smile.
It was true. Godou recalled Hikari's personality and nodded in agreement.
After ten minutes, the Mariya family's second daughter arrived.
"It's been a while, Onii-sama. Same for Liliana-neesama... Ah, I've never seen you before.
Hello, nice to meet you. I am Mariya Yuri's sister, Mariya Hikari."
Hikari not only greeted the people she knew but also bowed her head towards Asuka. Her
attention to detail was well beyond a typical sixth grader's. However, her next words belonged
to no ordinary elementary school student.
Witnessing Asuka's familiarity with Godou, Hikari suddenly commented.
"I can see that you are quite familiar with Onii-sama. In fact, once I'm a little older, I also
want to stay by Onii-sama's side to receive his love. When the time comes, I will be in your
care? ...Ah, but who knows, I might have more seniority by then!"
She was displaying an innocent yet "womanly" smile.
Hearing Hikari's statement, Asuka' face began to convulse.
"......I-Is that so? Just to make sure, in what year is Mariya-san's little sister currently
"Sixth grade. I will be entering middle school next year."
"Oh, I see... Wait a minute, Godou! Are you going to let this complete mess develop further?
You have truly overturned all of my expectations!"
Godou answered Asuka's furious snarls with irritation.
"Don't go accepting strange ideas so easily. Do I really have to take an elementary school
student's words seriously? Use your brain a little. Hikari only says that because she looks up
to me, that's all."
"Yes. To me, Onii-sama is even more important than a real elder brother."
Giggling cleverly, Hikari responded.
Even though she sounded like she was hiding some sort of subtle hint, Godou was not
concerned. She was just an elementary school child. It would be ridiculous to take her words
Now that he thought about it, the other girls had also been more or less alarmed by Hikari

"Liliana also makes strange statements all the time. If you insist on interpreting things that
way, Asuka, you're going to make Hikari and her sister Mariya feel uncomfortable."
"Yes... Kusanagi Godou is correct."
"Right. After all, Hikari is still a child, yes..."
Liliana spoke knowingly as Yuri nodded in agreement with a conflicted expression.
As the subject of discussion, Hikari smiled sweetly in response to the comments of the older
"Yes, I am still a child, so the future is far away. I look forward to receiving everyone's care in
the future."
Then Hikari leaned tightly against Godou. This was a rare display of open affection that felt a
little different from a younger sister's.
Godou stroked her head a few times. Hikari smiled in return.
"...In three years, no, two years, that kind of future will be here."
"...Actually, I would not be surprised if that stage arrives in two months."
"...If the child has already decided herself then there is no helping it..."
Asuka, Liliana and Yuri murmured softly amongst themselves.
What do they mean? Godou was perplexed. Furthermore, for some reason the situation felt
like an alliance was being formed between the three girls
Not too long after that, the group was finally able to enter the shop.

"China Cat-eared Maid Cafe and Tea House."

Despite the small budget, the interior of the classroom was well-decorated in Chinese style.
Godou and his group were seated next to the window. They ordered Pu-erh tea[11] and several
snacks according to their numbers.
"Well then, Uncle, your order will be here shortly."
The China cat-eared maid spoke cheerfully and returned to the kitchen.
Of course, she was greeting Godou who had been helping out at the shop yesterday.
"On further thought, this shop is really suspicious after all. The waitresses don't really seem
like students and they look especially well-trained. Furthermore, that maid's Japanese is a
little awkward, could she be Chinese or Korean?"
Asuka calmly pointed out.
Since she had been working at a family restaurant, she was probably familiar with the skills of
the maid team.
"Godou sure knows some really weird people. What kind of connections caused you to help
out at this shop?"
"Well, all kinds. It's purely by chance that I became friends with a certain someone who is bad
"Ah, Onii-sama also helps out at this shop? I didn't know this shop happens to have
connections with Hong Kong's Lu family."
Hikari glanced repeatedly at the striking and elegant figures of the China cat-eared maids with
great wonderment.
"Could it be possible that Onii-sama has this kind of preference? Cosplay or the like!?"
"No, not at all. I've never even paid attention to it."
"Really? If you don't mind being honest, I can do it too. I can wear those outfits for Onii-sama
to see!"
Hikari's words nearly made Godou spit out his Pu-erh tea.
"I-I really appreciate your offer, but it's not going to happen."
"What's going to happen? Then it's really true after all?"
Asuka interrupted with skepticism.
Treating me like some sort of eccentric again Godou decided to just ignore her.
"Hmm, Tokunaga Asuka, can you tell me the reason you think that?"

Suddenly, Liliana began to pursue the matter.

"It had already occurred to me before, that you seem very familiar with Kusanagi Godou's
past. What is the basis for your judgment? For example, did he ever display an obsession over
any type of clothing or the like?"
"Certainly, I have also had my suspicions."
Even Yuri was nodding in agreement.
"Like Liliana-san said, Tokunaga-san is someone who can offer special insight into Godousan's personality. If you do not mind, pray enlighten me."
Yuri and Liliana were consulting Asuka together!
Why? Godou was shocked. In this gathering here, why was there a certain sense of consensus
appearing in the eyes of the childhood friend, the Hime-Miko and the knight ?
"Eh, well it's not really definite proof..."
Suddenly faced with these requests, Asuka seemed to be in doubt.
"But I get the sense that he keeps changing his mind rapidly for things he claims to have no
interest. Whenever he says 'isn't this fine?' I keep wondering if he actually thought before
"...No, the ability to make bold decisions is one of Kusanagi Godou's strong points after all."
"...I agree. Godou-san's reaction speed towards changing circumstances is exemplary."
Asuka's words seemed to have struck a deep chord with Liliana, and Yuri murmured in
Could this encounter turn out to be highly unfavorable for me? Godou was beginning to feel a
vague sense of unease.

Part 4
The second day of the school festival had finally reached dusk.
Since dusk had arrived, it was time for the usual campfire and evening festivities. The packed
and eventful schedule included folk dancing and the announcement of the Miss High School
...As a side note, this year's winner of the Miss High School title was Erica Blandelli.
Hearing the announcement, Godou was completely bewildered.
Obviously, she was not going to appear here, having excluded herself from participating in
the school festival. Even when asked earlier, she had replied:

"If you really miss my beauty then be my guest and use photos or whatever... But I'm not
going to do anything troublesome. I participated in a similar event once in Italy and found it
completely tiresome."
That was how she had declined.
Along with the participants gathered on the stage, the screen was playing a video of Erica that
was clearly filmed in secret. (As another side note, Erica had been recommended by an
acquaintance to enter a regional preliminary round of the Miss Italy competition. Though she
qualified straight away, she grew impatient and left halfway through the proceedings.)
In spite of all that, she still won by a landslide.
On the other hand, this could also be attributed to her rivals Yuri and Liliana's resolute refusal
to participate. Still, it was rather telling that a voyeuristic video was able to overwhelm all the
other competition.
Godou marveled in amazement at Erica's ridiculous exploits as he climbed the stairs, finally
reaching a door at the top.
"That guy must be up here, right?"
Beyond the door was the roof which had been shaded orange by the setting sun.
A cursory glance found no one there. It was still early so the late night festivities had yet to
begin. Otherwise, the movement of lively fire light would have been visible from participants
surrounding the campfire below.
Godou had received a text message earlier that told him to wait on the roof.
"My apologies for calling you here, Honored Uncle."
The greeting arrived with the wind.
What an incredible voice. It almost sounded as if the autumn breeze was whispering in his
This was a technique of qigong masters. By infusing "qi" into their voice, they could converse
with cult members across vast distances.
Godou walked to the center of the roof and looked around... And finally found him.
Standing in a corner was the young master of Hong Kong's Lu family, Lu Yinghua.
"Sorry to have you wait, Yinghua."
"No, not at all. Compared to Honored Uncle giving up time that could be spent with the
various Nee-san, this is nothing."

Lu Yinghua smiled with candor. Despite his handsome youthful appearance, it was a rather
acute smile.
Inserting biting commentary into a simple explanation. Pointlessly provocative. Eccentric and
hard to get along with.
However, from Godou's point of view, he was the arrogant and reassuring "nephew."
It reminded Godou of the personality of the genius pitcher he had worked with back in his
baseball days.
"By the way, Honored Uncle, what do you have there?"
"Hmm? Ah, Nanami lent this to me just now... No, actually he just shoved it over."
Lu Yinghua had noticed Godou's paper bag which contained the game "English Proper Maid
Story Maid Amy."
Opening the paper bag to have a look, the young martial arts master stared with dumbfounded
"...I've actually heard quite a few rumors about this game."
"Eh? Is it actually quite famous?"
"Yes. Ever since the computer version was first sold at a doujinshi fair several years ago, its
development has expanded over time to become a commercial success known all over the
world. It has also become a consumer game. Last year it was even animated, with DVD and
BD sales reaching ten thousand."
"...Looks like Yinghua is quite knowledgeable about it."
"Well, it is related to our business after all. I only started researching it recently."
What would his master say if she knew her disciple had begun honing expertise in this area?
Godou was reminded of his beautiful sworn elder sister.
"Anyway, I plan on checking out the game's content to catch up with Honored Uncle."
"But I haven't even decided when I'm going to play this. How about we start it together?"
"Good idea. In that case, Amakasu-san appears to be an expert in this area, should we call him
as well? As for the location, let me make the preparations..."
As the casual male talk(?) reached a conclusion, Lu Yinghua brought up the next issue with
unhurried words.
"Actually, the purpose of my visit is to inform Honored Uncle about the Divine Ancestors."

"...Ahah. The one called Asherah, right?"

The witch who was mind-controlling the young master of the Kuhoudzuka family. Godou had
completely forgotten about her.
"I remember it was Liliana who told me. A bunch of eternally young witches who were
transformed from goddesses of ancient times, and much stronger than ordinary magi?"
"Yes, though they cannot compare to the various Campiones."
Godou felt puzzled, was it because they were fallen goddesses?
However, how did it come about in the first place?
"Back then, I spent a fair amount of time with Asherah. She frequently contacted someone
and I managed to overhear the name. Another Divine Ancestor called Guinevere. She is the
mastermind who provoked the fight between Master and the Great Sage Equaling Heaven."
"So that was what happened!"
"It should be unlikely for this woman to embroil Honored Uncle in her schemes immediately,
but I just thought it'd be best to report to Honored Uncle first."
"Thanks. Sorry for troubling you with all sorts of things."
"No, don't mind it. When I get abused no, scolded... Or rather, when Master gives me
special training, I hope I can depend on Honored Uncle a bit. It's good to know I have
someone to rely on in case of emergencies. So anyway, you are really welcome!"
Lu Yinghua spoke in a rare moment of passion.
This guy admires and worships me for very practical reasons. Godou understood very well. It
was only natural given the existence of a master like that. Oh well, I'll try to be as good an
uncle as possible.
Just as the thought crossed Godou's mind, Lu Yinghua suddenly perked up his ears.
"Ah, I can hear Liliana-neesan and Yuri-neesan's footsteps coming from downstairs. Aren't
they looking for Honored Uncle?"
"That's some superhuman hearing... Even though Seishuuin can do something similar."
"Compared to that Nee-san, my eyes and ears are still quite sharp."
Hearing footsteps through thick layers of steel-reinforced concrete, and even identifying their
owner from the sound
Lu Yinghua, the one who had showed off such ridiculous hearing, began to laugh.

"By the way, I am stronger compared to Erica-neesan while my body is lighter compared to
Liliana-neesan's. On the other hand, I cannot cast spells, so that means we're basically
equals... Right."
From the tone of Lu Yinghua's voice, it was clear he did not actually believe in his assessment
of "equals." Seeing those eyes of disdain made Godou feel like objecting. What was this
feeling that compelled him to defend his female companions?
"But last time, didn't you end with a draw against Liliana?"
"Under those conditions, it was impossible to tell who would be the victor between Master
and Honored Uncle. I couldn't commit the folly of unintentionally killing a Campione's close
associate and incurring a king's wrath... Well, I did show my true skills back then and didn't
make any mistakes, but I refrained from using any truly underhanded tricks of murder."
Lu Yinghua had not reached Erica's level of subconsciously expressed arrogance. On the
other hand, his personality did have calculating and tolerant facets. Godou found him to be an
interesting fellow.
"However, in order to face an unfair technique like Ena-neesan's divine possession, it's
necessary to completely master a life-risking trump card. After all, Erica-neesan, she..."
"What about Erica?"
"That Nee-san is a true female fox and a real warrior. After all, she must have grasped the
subtle truth and is now training accordingly. She's not a swan that shows off its appearance
while struggling with paddling feet underwater!"
Ultimately, was Lu Yinghua a genius who could analyze everyone to their core? Rivals who
were constantly evaluating, contending, and sparring to gauge one another's ability. Realizing
he was surrounded by an amazing group of people, Godou was deeply impressed.

Part 5
While Godou and the rest were enjoying the school festival
Erica Blandelli was at the ancient city of Siena in the northern Italian region of Tuscany.
It was a little city with a long history of prosperity dating back to the Roman Empire. The
remnants of medieval streets and historical areas were famous World Heritage Sites.
Piazza del Campo was probably the most highly renowned of these sites.
The plaza was built on a gentle slope and shaped somewhat like a bowl. It was surrounded by
structures such as medieval palaces, water fountains, and bell towers.
The world's most beautiful public square indeed, that was what it was called.
Erica's destination was a place near Piazza del Campo.

A Sicilian gelato[12] store which must have been quite popular with the locals.
However, no matter how delicious gelato tasted, it was merely ice cream. Going home for this
purpose would have been ridiculous.
Of course, Erica was meeting a certain character well-known for troublesome antics and often
criticized as a fool.
"Vanilla, strawberry, pistachio, almond... I'm having such a tough time choosing the flavor.
But if I eat all four, surely it's too much."
"Having three in November is also too much."
"I've always had a habit of visiting this street for gelato whenever winter approaches. It's like
eating hot food in summer is good for the body, you should eat cold stuff in chilly weather to
get used to the cold. If you do that, you'll avoid catching colds for the winter."
"In short, you have further plans to visit other places to feast on frozen desserts, is that
"Yup. Today I'll be going to as many shops as I can, so I'm holding back a bit at the first one."
"...Did you know, Salvatore Doni?"
"Know what, my dear and trusted friend, Andrea-kun?"
"In certain countries, it is commonly believed that the ignorant do not catch colds. Perhaps
that is the reason why you were safe...! Have you any idea how much your sudden notion to
return home has disrupted the schedule!?"
"Andrea, you're usually such a wise man! But 'Fools don't catch colds' has no basis, you
know. For you to believe such a superstition, it looks like you're quite ignorant in certain
"Stop spouting nonsense, you idiot!"
It was a conversation that would give anyone listening a headache.
Indeed, Salvatore Doni the "King of Swords" was a knight from Siena.
Erica had hurried back to Italy as soon as she received news that he was returning to his home
town under the supervision of his butler, Andrea Rivera.
...A short while later, a blonde young man stepped out of the store carrying a triple portion of
gelato accompanied by a haggard glasses-wearing young man.
"Eh, it's been a while, Erica Blandelli."
"Oh, what a rare visitor. When did you return from Japan?"

The two greeted Erica as soon as they noticed her.

During their first meeting, Doni had completely failed to register Erica's name in his mind,
but now he was able to greet her normally. This was not because he memorized her name
after so many encounters...
It was purely due to Kusanagi Godou's existence that finally made him recall Erica's name.
Doni's inability to remember names was not due to poor memory but a lack of interest.
Anyone not an enemy was like a roadside pebble to him. That must be the way he thinks.
"We have not met since Sardinia, Sir Salvatore. Thank you for taking care of me back then,
Sir Andrea."
The king whose foolish appearance disguised his horrifying unorthodox talent. And the butler
who assisted him.
Erica displayed a gorgeous smile.
"If you have any matters to discuss, please be my guest and talk to Andrea? I'm going to eat
my gelato..."
"No, that is not the case this time. I have a request to make of Sir Salvatore."
Erica swiftly addressed the [King] who instinctively avoided cumbersome responsibilities.
"Yes. Remember the first time I met Sir Salvatore, when you dueled with Dame Saint
"Hmm, this is really bothersome. But now that I recall, you were there too."
"At that time, Sir Salvatore had inherited the 'Book in Praise of David's Great Works' from
Saint Raffaello. I would like to request permission for myself, as well as Dame Liliana who is
not currently present, to read that book once more."
"Master's book? Book eh...?"
"Sir Salvatore, I once accepted Saint Raffaello's request to safeguard the San Gimignano
Aware of his master's vague memories, Andrea Rivera stepped in to provide assistance.
Even when addressing his longtime friend, he was a righteous and honorable man who always
kept personal and business matters separate. Certainly, the "book" must be under his
Erica nodded.

Exactly as expected, which was why she deliberately approached them when they were
"Dame Erica, that book has been expressly 'concealed' under Saint Rafaello's orders. Even as
the curator I have never read it. Permission is only granted to those who are about to rise to
the rank of paladino. In regard to your request, I regret..."
"That's what I thought."
As befitted the fair and righteous "King's Butler."
Erica greatly admired his strict adherence to noble principles, not even excepting himself, but
she continued to plead.
"However, please be informed that granting permission to me would be favorable to Sir
Salvatore's interests."
"My interests? What is going on?"
"Yes. If I were to master the secret arts of battle magic that can rip apart fallen angels and
pagan gods, then that will contribute to Kusanagi Godou's combat potential... Rather, perhaps
I can become something like a shield that can bolster his development."
"...Really? I see, I see. That's the implication."
Licking his gelato, Doni's expression changed.
A certain sense of acuity had subtly crept into the handsome face that had been like a carefree
little baby's. Anyone unfamiliar with his personality would likely have missed it.
"A more hot-blooded fellow would have gone 'That's about it?' 'Sure, let's go again?' when
things ended. But to reject outright, Godou sure is a tough customer."
This acuity was not exactly fighting spirit or murderous intent.
A belief that the so-called "friend" and rival will inevitably be encountered again on the
battlefield. This much was certain.
"Having a decisive duel with that fellow requires an appropriate time. He needs to have the
proper motivation, otherwise he'd try to run away and end things meaninglessly. But while I'm
waiting, I can't have Godou getting killed so easily."
Doni looked upon Erica with an expression of utmost joy as if he was Cupid having spotted
true love.
"What a fellow who always worries others. Even though he says he hates fighting, he keeps
charging into the battlefield. Is this what Japanese culture call tsundere?"
The "King of Swords" chatted away, discussing the good rival he acknowledged.

His assessment was surprisingly accurate. Perhaps Salvatore Doni was a kindred soul who
could understand Kusanagi Godou very well.
"Very well then. I have great hopes for him. Until the day we meet each other again on the
battlefield, having him work hard on all sorts of things is not a bad idea."
Rivera frowned in response to this statement of approval. But a [King]'s decision could not be
Erica reverently bowed her head in gratitude towards Salvatore Doni.

Part 6
On the coast of Kisarazu City in the Chiba Prefecture.
Nearby was the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway a toll route from the Kanagawa Prefecture to
Kisarazu across Tokyo Bay.
This place was also next to an industrial zone, and quite close to the Kisarazu city streets, as
well as the prefectural administration at Chiba City.
However, this beach was extremely quiet. In warmer times there would be waders and
summer swimmers. But it was currently November, and the marine breeze was mixed with
rather chilly air. It was not the season for outdoor activities.
"...How relaxing, Amakasu-san."
"...Yes, it is very relaxing. Ena-san."
Ena mumbled as she nibbled at her cup noodles while Amakasu concurred, munching away at
his bun filled with red bean paste.
The food had been bought from a rustic fishing village next to the beach.
"Will someone suspicious really come? We've already staked out this place for three days
already. Not a single soul appeared... And this is the first time for me to find out this place is
also managed by the Committee. But isn't there nothing here?"
Ena grumbled as she looked down at the place.
The beach was opposite the windbreak plantation. Directly before their eyes was a red torii.
Other than the lone torii standing in the empty seaside, there was nothing else. Not even a
shrine or a little hut.
"You're very right. I'm surprised too."
The indifferent and insincere History Compilation Committee member agreed.

Both him and his boss belonged to the Tokyo branch of the Committee. However, its territory
was actually more vast than the name implied, for it extended all the way from Tokyo to
Chiba, Saitama, Kanagawa, Ibaraki, Gunma and Toshigi...
In actual fact, it would be more accurate to call it the domain of the Kanto region supervisor.
"By the way, Ena-san, aren't you going to the school festival being held at Kusanagi-san's
"Eh? What is that?"
"At the school where he studies. I remember the festival was scheduled to start yesterday. But
because I had to be careful to avoid mentioning anything to do with 'going over there,' I kept
silent about it."
"Hmm... Now that I think about it, that kind of activity should be occurring this time of the
As for Ena's habit of not attending school seriously, it began all the way back in middle
school, no, elementary school.
Although members of the Seishuuin family were obliged to go into the mountains for serious
Hime-Miko training, it resulted in Ena being unfamiliar with basic facts of school life.
"Damn it~ It's not that often for festival events to be held, if only I could have a chance to
have fun with His Majesty... That's so bad of you, Amakasu-san, why didn't you tell me
"Wait a minute, it wasn't just me. Kaoru-san also knew and withheld the information."
The History Compilation Committee Tokyo Branch Chief was the Hime-Miko, Sayanomiya
Without any hesitation, Amakasu outed her as an accomplice.
"On the other hand, even though he looks like he can't be bothered to deal with women, he is
a king who is unexpectedly diligent in all the crucial areas. It is possible that he called to ask
'come if you are free' on this occasion. Did you charge your cellphone properly?"
"Forgot all about it... Which means it hasn't been charged for a week..."
"May I express my utmost sympathies. Well, as compensation, let's kill time by chatting
Amakasu said to Ena, her shoulders slumped in disappointment.
"This area used to be called Kazusa Province, Awa Province, or something like that in ancient
times. To us, it is a location that is a little special."
"Really? But I still don't see it."

"What are you talking about? Isn't this ocean the tragic stage where the hero of our nation,
Yamato Takeru, had lost his queen? As an outdoor shoot location, this place is not bad at all."
Amakasu cast his gaze beyond the windbreak plantation, upon Tokyo Bay extending into the
This finally prompted Ena's memory. A famous story in Japanese mythology.
"You should know the story where Yamato Takeru[13] used the Sea of Bousou as his stage.
Yeah, the one where Oto Tachibana-Hime cast herself overboard to calm the stormy seas."
"Of course. 'I pray thee let me go into the sea, and so let the person of thy mean handmaiden
be given to redeem the life of the Prince's Augustness'... Something like that."
Ena was the Hime-Miko well-versed in classical learning and martial arts.
She had just quoted from the Kojiki[14].
The hero Yamato Takeru was crossing the sea at Sagami Province in modern terms it
would be taking a ship to cross the Tokyo Bay from Yokosuka City to the Chiba Prefecture on
the opposite shore to reach Kazusa Province and the events were passed down as legend.
The ship was met with a violent storm after setting off, and the sea had become dangerously
turbulent. In order to restore calm to the crisis, the queen, Oto Tachibana-Hime jumped into
the ocean to "redeem the life of the Prince's Augustness."
"Occasionally perhaps once every couple of decades, strange phenomena related to the
legend starts circulating. Here, please have a look at this."
"Hey... This is pretty interesting."
Amakasu had taken a book out of his bag.
It had a rather nondescript title of "Oral Traditions of Kazusa Province, Complete Collection."
The binding of the book was also extremely modest and plain.
Ena quickly browsed through a short passage on the page in front of her.
"...'Queen Oto Tachibana-Hime, jumped into the sea with sword embosomed. Sea currents
carried her sword to a landless location, whence a floating island subsequently appeared.' I've
never heard of this?"
Her relics, the comb and clothing of Oto Tachibana-Hime, later drifted onto a beach... This
type of little story began circulating once the queen was worshiped and enshrined as a deity.
"That's more than likely. This book was self-published three months ago by a researcher of
local history. In order to keep the contents of this passage buried in obscurity, we had to do
many things to recall the books and even paid the author a little visit."
"Were memory manipulation spells used to wipe his memory?"

"Yes, for the sake of caution, we entered a request for the Hime-Miko organization."
Further details beyond that must be top secret. Ena was shocked. Amakasu was relying on a
subgroup of the Hime-Miko who were able to use memory manipulation spells the spirit
power called [Name Concealment].
They must have been looking for a particularly powerful form of memory tampering.
"The organization which later gave rise to its successor, the History Compilation Committee,
had kept this legend out of circulation for the past couple hundred years. Eliminating
memories of witnesses and tampering with written records. But it was not enough. Every few
decades, rumors would rise up again elsewhere from another person. It is as if someone keeps
repeating the legend to others. Or perhaps, on this land lies dormant a mysterious being that
secretly reveals its existence to others..."
Ena posed a question after pondering indifferently.
"This method of handling things, must certainly be the orders of grampsy and his group?"
"Yes, since ancient times I believe it must be close to a millennium when the most ancient
of the ancient clans gave their instructions. Regarding the legend of the floating island and the
divine blade appearing at Kazusa Province, as well as the Heavenly Reverse Halberd[15] which
must be kept hidden."
The Heavenly Reverse Halberd? A term she had never encountered before. Ena began to stare
at the torii before her.
If this isolated empty field was being used a secret hiding spot, then certainly
"How astute. Indeed, the Reverse Halberd is beneath the torii, buried underground. Multiple
layers of strict barriers were cast."
Amakasu explained after noticing the direction of Ena's gaze.
"As for the 'grass' keeping this place under surveillance... We received a secret report from
them that there have been recent unidentified instabilities... Which suggests the comings and
goings of a powerful mage. That is why it was decided to assign guards here."
"And so Kaoru-san called Ena here."
"Yes. She had an ominous premonition. It would be best to have the strongest person here."
This was likely the result of Sayanomiya Kaoru's spirit vision which was on quite a proficient
level. An enemy that could only be repelled by Ena the user of divine possession
Just at that moment, Ena sensed someone's gaze.
"We're being watched, Amakasu-san? Probably nearby, but not here. It's a high level far sight
spell. What are we going to do? In case the perpetrator actually makes a visit."

She drew the bag beside her closer.

Contained within it was a Japanese sword with a two-foot-three-inch blade. It was Seishuuin
Ena's personal weapon.
She began inspecting the area with her sharp beast-like senses. Her instincts were also
exceptionally sharp, to the point of being aware of being secretly watched through magical
means... She felt a shift in the gaze.
The gaze overlooking the surroundings of the red torii were now focused on Ena alone.
She had only felt the other's presence for less than two minutes. Amakasu remained silent,
preparing for emergency measures to respond to any crisis. What should they do? Was it
...Nothing came. The gaze vanished and the presence could no longer be felt.
"Escaped. Looks like the other party is very cautious."
"Perhaps they found out that Ena-san is the trump card? Or could it be some other reason..."
Ena relaxed her state of heightened tension as Amakasu scratched his head in puzzlement.
They continued to converse.
"Why not simply transfer possession to Erica-san?"
"Hmm? What's that?"
"Since the enemy already knows about the bomb buried at this location, we might as well dig
it out and hand it over to an expert who loves to play with fire in munitions stores."
Then he took out his cellphone. No mistake, it was to obtain Sayanomiya Kaoru's
Realizing the intentions of the frivolous but very capable special agent, Ena was delighted. In
that case, it was time to meet Kusanagi Godou again after so long!
The two of them were not aware, that the one watching Ena just now was Divine Ancestor
Furthermore, this was the opening scene to the adventure of the divine sword Excalibur...
Yet another deadly battle was about to begin.

Chapter 3 - Athena Reappears

Part 1

Work was proceeding cautiously under strict security.

Big clumsy machinery (seemed to be called cranes?) was being employed to excavate a target
below the the red sacred seal (called something like torii).
King who manifests at era's end.
The secret to his location lies dormant in this coastal holy sanctum.
The place was much more crowded than the last time Guinevere had visited. The hidden
guardian of this place had been able to vaguely sense this land's "life force."
Even though Guinevere had concealed herself using magic, the other party seemed to have
sensed her presence slightly.
Due to the sudden increase in alert level, Guinevere had quickly retreated.
"As feared, things will not progress that easily."
Using the [Witch's Eye] to enhance her vision, she was watching the excavation from afar.
She had originally intended to revisit this beach in the Far East to seek out its secret. But the
local wizards seemed to be planning on entrusting the secret to the Campione. While the
uninteresting machines were engaged in digging, the joint effort of several dozens of wizards
had released the underground seal. Guards were also set up to prevent interference.
Amongst those dozens of people present were skilled swordsmen, ninjas, wizards and miko
on standby
The most troublesome opponent of all would be that sword-wielding miko who could use
divine possession. Guinevere had seen her last time when the Great Sage Equaling Heaven
had appeared. It would be prudent to avoid a frontal confrontation with this girl.
"It is still too early to lay Guinevere's life on the line. Rather than stand around helplessly, it
would be better to reverse the situation in the opponent's hand."
Seeking assistance from Lancelot's might... Was not an option she considered.
Even though he was the knight who served Guinevere, he was a deity with all things
considered. If a pertinent level of respect was not maintained, their bonds would likely grow
progressively weaker.
But then again, making a request to that lowly human would really be ridiculous to the
"Kusanagi Godou-sama who defeated the Great Sage Equaling Heaven... Already exhibits the
might of a god-slayer. Come to think of it, Athena called him her mortal enemy..."
Just as Guinevere was analyzing the developing situation, she noticed "movement."

"She came as expected, Goddess Athena. Coming to send Guinevere to the grave instead of
sitting somewhere waiting for her demise."
(Beloved child, this Knight is fit for battle.)
Whispers were carried to her ears, from wherever Lancelot lay resting.
(If the goddess reappears, just meet her in battle. Truly, she is a formidable foe... But it will be
an excellent opportunity to make contact with the Holy Grail. If we succeed, the Divine
Sword of Salvation will also be able to retrieve its true power, and Athena's immortality will
reach an end, sending her on her way to hell.)
It was a very attractive proposal, but Guinevere shook her head.
"No, let's not do that yet. If you go all out like previously, the time required for Sir Knight to
recover will be further delayed."
With roughly ten more days before Lancelot would recover his true power, there was no point
in overexerting themselves. After all, other heroes were available to battle the goddess
"Stay hidden for now. Today is definitely not the right time to meet Athena."
Guinevere activated her magical powers of a Divine Ancestor.
Dissociating her witch's body, she became one with the air, and flew away riding on the wind.
Erasing her trail as she ran away in this manner, even Athena would have difficulty tracking
her down.

"Tsk, was one a step too tardy?"

Clicking her tongue in disapproval, Athena was standing on a seaside cliff in the form of a
young girl.
Her gaze pointed towards the white waves crashing upon the cliff. There had been a minute
remnant of Guinevere's lingering presence. However, it had now vanished
"Forsooth, 'tis the Holy Grail within one's body... Alerted the prey."
Athena murmured to herself.
Thanks to swallowing the Grail, she now understood its nature fully.
"As long as this object remaineth in one's body, 'tis impossible to approach the descendant of
its creator?"
Guinevere was the witch born from the white matriarch deity's reincarnation.

She had apparently fled as soon as she sensed Athena approaching. If nothing changed, this
situation would only repeat time and again.
"Is there no way to send that witch to her grave, and stop that man's revival...? Hmm, 'tis one's
destiny to defeat Kusanagi Godou. But as things stand, he cannot defeat that man. For no godslayer can prevail against that man once he awakens."
If that was the case, what could be done? What could Goddess Athena do?
" Fu. One had wished for a ripened opportunity, but the time for harvest hast arrived. One
shall have a decisive showdown against Kusanagi Godou here."
If this life persists after the duel concluded, then Lancelot will be forced to pay back his dues
at that time...!
Her remaining time was not abundant.
Having made her decision, Athena displayed a brave and fearless smile.
The goddess' battle spirit roused, the waves beneath intensified in turn. Violent winds blew
across the sky to answer to the goddess' raging spirit.
"Superbly done, war god Lancelot. As befitted proper [Steel] inheriting the ways of ancients.
Desecrating one's immortality in this manner!"
The swallowed Holy Grail continued to erode her life from within.
The immortal goddess's life was gradually absorbed by this divine artifact. Slowly but surely,
Athena was approaching death.
"Hohoho. Were one to take this Holy Grail and crosseth over to the [Boundary of Life and
Immortality], perhaps this life may persist indefinitely..."
There were occasional [Heretic Gods], tired of endless wandering, who chose to live secluded
in that world.
It could very well be Athena's one and only path of survival.
"Nevertheless, one is not obliged to take that path. Letting the riotous spirit rage in war, and
choosing the path of battle is what befits this goddess. One shall first defeat Kusanagi Godou,
then Lancelot shall be vanquished. If this life lingereth still, justice shall be met upon that
maidservant, and vengeance brought to that man...!"
Precisely because she had transcended mortality, she was not one to struggle for the sake of
prolonging her life.
Death was welcome as long as all those unaccomplished tasks could be settled without regret.
When the time comes and her power is fully depleted, she will lay down upon the earth and
pass away as if entering eternal slumber.

Athena was not only the tripartite goddess, but also the goddess of war.
As the end drew near, would it not be particularly meaningful to embrace death as the goddess
of war?!
Standing before the turbulent eastern sea, Athena felt exhilaration as her emotions rose to new

Part 2
On the Friday after the school festival had ended, Kusanagi Godou was going to Chiba
Prefecture. The day before, he had received a phone call from Seishuuin Ena.
"Hello, Your Majesty, please! I hope you can help!"
It was the first time ever for him to receive a call from Ena. This was the girl who seldom
used modern tools of civilization with their intended purpose.
"Sure, if it's within my power... Is it something troublesome?"
"I'm afraid so. Ah, but Amakasu-san said Your Majesty once accepted a similar request from
Erica-san, so it shouldn't matter."
"Something Erica once requested..."
Godou was reminded of all sorts of unreasonable demands she had forced upon him before.
They all pretty much sowed the seeds for future conflict with gods.
"The worst time was when she forced me to bring back the stone medallion which drew
Athena to Tokyo."
"Yes yes, that's exactly it. There's a medal-like thing that we want Your Majesty to safeguard
for us. It's still being dug out of the ground, but it'll probably be ready tomorrow or the day
Last time he had been entrusted with the unforgettable Gorgoneion. It was a medallion with
the mother earth goddess' wisdom engraved on it.
Well, it can't be helped. Godou sighed.
This was like volunteering himself to finish the job. It meant helping Ena, Amakasu and the
rest of them even more in the future. Starting around spring earlier this year, he had been
completely sucked into involvement with the supernatural world
Godou lamented to himself as he answered.
"Understood. I'll help. What do I need to do first?"
"We will welcome Your Majesty here tomorrow. Ena is currently at Chiba, oh?"

The next day after that phone call was a bright and sunny Friday.
After returning from school, Godou lied about staying at a friend's place for the weekend
before setting off from home.
Having arranged a ride with an acquaintance beforehand, he waited at a nearby main road. A
common silver domestic car stopped briskly before Godou on the roadside.
Godou was shocked to see the person at the steering wheel.
It was the androgynous Hime Miko, Sayanomiya Kaoru, who resembled both a handsome
youth and a beautiful lady at the same time.
"Actually I just received my driver's license, so let me be the chauffeur for today."
She winked and explained as he sat down on the passenger seat beside her.
Come to think of it, she (often feels like a he) was in her third year of high school.
Even if she had just reached eighteen years of age, it was sufficient to get a normal official
"Thank you for your efforts... But Kaoru-san seems to be quite familiar with driving?"
"Yes. I 'just happened' to get my license recently. On the other hand, having a car is a lot more
convenient when going out with girls to various places for fun. In the past, I sometimes
carried authorization under another's name, and it often proved to be useful."
Kaoru's control of the steering wheel was very steady. Somehow, Godou felt like verifying if
she might drive recklessly like a novice...
"It feels quite incredible when I realized recently just how many amazing people are around
me, leading normal lives..."
"Hmm, this could very well be called 'birds of a feather, flock together.'"
Kaoru replied cheerfully to Godou's exclamation.
Furthermore, she was suggestively grouping herself with Godou and his other strange
companions together.
"Well, from this moment on, I will be the proud driver in charge of our journey. Do you want
to go for a spin and pick up girls? I'm sure if Godou-san partners with me, we're in for quite a
"I'm not used to hitting on such a large number of girls!"
Kaoru continued to drive steadily as she made her unsettling suggestion.

Along the way they picked up two girls. Mariya Yuri and Liliana Kranjcar.
Both of them in casual dress, Yuri was wearing a one-piece dress with a matching knitted top
while Liliana was dressed in a short-sleeved blouse, jeans and a halfcoat.
"So, now that everyone is here, I will briefly explain the situation."
Kaoru spoke slowly as soon as they got on the Shuto Expressway.
The Hime-Miko and History Compilation Committee executive revealed an incredible legend.
Queen Oto Tachibana-Hime, jumped into the sea with sword embosomed. Sea currents
carried her sword to a landless location, whence a floating island subsequently appeared.
"Now that it's mentioned, Kazusa and Awa are certainly places with deep ties to Yamato
Takeru no Mikoto and Oto Tachibana-Hime."
Yuri the Hime-Miko was the first to nod in agreement.
"Is that so, Mariya?"
"Yes. Godou-san should probably know already"
Yuri proceeded to recount the last moments of Oto Tachibana-Hime. It was a most familiar
"The place where Takeru no Mikoto and Hime set off to sea, called Hashirimizu, still exists in
Kanagawa Prefecture. Shrines were built in worship of Oto Tachibana-Hime as a deity on
both sides of Tokyo Bay in Kanagawa and Chiba."
It was the story of Yamato Takeru that Godou knew from childhood.
For Tokyo Bay to be involved in that setting... Godou was honestly surprised.
"The interesting thing here is that the surfacing rumors always involve Oto Tachibana-Hime.
Even the discontinued version had a part about Yamato Takeru and Hime."
Kaoru provided supplementary details.
"The prestigious sword and its owner the Noble One sank into the sea, floating towards 'the
island where there was neither land nor sea.' When the sword reappears on earth, the Noble
One shall reawaken... That is what was said."
"In that case..."
Liliana suddenly interrupted.
Since the conversation topic had been about Japanese myths which were outside her expertise,
she had remained silent until now.

"What this fantastic legend is really trying to convey, is not the final moments of Hime, but
the whereabouts of the sword... Is that not correct?"
"That could very well be true. At least, that was how Amakasu-san and I got our hands on this
Kaoru expressed agreement as she continued to drive.
"Regarding this issue, I have a whole list of questions I'd like to ask the Elders. Originally, a
policy of absolute secrecy was enforced over that place for a very long time, most likely over
a thousand years. But since an explosive situation is definitely unavoidable, we thought, why
not just add Kusanagi-san to the mix to detonate it."
"It is a rather helpless situation, Sayanomiya Kaoru."
"Well, not exactly. As a secret matter related to gods, there is always a high probability that
Godou-san will be involved eventually. In that case, why not call him in from the very start?"
"I see. If you put it that way, I certainly agree."
Liliana nodded in agreement with Kaoru who had just described Godou as if he was a walking
Godou was about to object with indignation.
"That said, is there actually a Noble One in eternal slumber with the sword? In this world,
there is no such thing as an island in a place with neither land nor sea. The description is
virtually the same as King Arthur and Excalibur sleeping in Avalon the land of the fairies."
The silver-haired knight mused further, surprising Kaoru.
"As befitting of Liliana-san. Amakasu-san had also made the same observation. Yamato
Takeru, King Arthur, and the war gods of steel are all implicated in this legend."
Thus, a dangerous statement was made.

The car carrying the group entered the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway from the KawasakiUkishima junction.
Passing through Shuto Expressway that was illuminated by a shade of dusk, they entered the
tunnel that traversed Tokyo Bay. Continuing forward would reach the parking area of the
Umihotaru artificial island. From there, the Bousou Peninsula could be reached via the
Kisarazu link route.
As the stage where a myth took place, this sea could be traversed in dozens of minutes.
"The so-called floating island is commonly believed to be the 'Palace of the Floating Island'
where Yamato Takeru's father, Emperor Keiko held his banquets when he was visiting his
sons in the Kantou region."

Kaoru explained along the way.

It was almost dark by the time they reached Kisarazu. Kaoru stopped the car somewhere near
the coast.
"I've been waiting for everyone!"
"Ah, a very great welcome to our special guests from far away."
Two familiar faces approached as they got off the car.
Seishuuin Ena and Amakasu Touma. Ena was wearing her usual uniform while Amakasu also
had his usual sloppy suit. In that regard they were a rather good match for each other. Along
with Kaoru who was impeccably dressed in a winter jacket, this notion of usual attire was
further reinforced.
"Eh, Erica-san didn't come?"
"She said she was busy and had to return to Italy."
Ena muttered "hmm" in response to the simple explanation.
A frantic expression flashed across her face. But Ena ignored Godou's gaze of curiosity and
went on to greet the others.
Yuri smiled in response to Ena's usual enthusiasm, while Liliana greeted generously.
"By the way, can we talk for a moment?"
Amakasu called out, not to Godou, but to Yuri and Liliana.
"An object called the Heavenly Reverse Halberd is currently being excavated. To be honest,
it's impossible to guess at this point what the thing will look like. Therefore, we hope you two
can lend your eyes of wisdom."
Basically they wished for assistance from the power of spirit vision.
In response to the request to "view" the excavation site, Yuri and Liliana replied in the
following manner:
"I cannot be certain if anything will be seen, but let us go to its vicinity for now."
"I see. Perhaps as a witch, I might be able to assist the investigation."
"...Do I have to go along?"
Without thought, Godou asked. Because he was slightly intrigued.
"Oh, Kusanagi-san, all things considered, you still have many other matters to attend to."

"Umm, yes, can Your Majesty accompany me for a bit?"

? Godou found it rather strange. The laid-back special agent had many hidden interests. Be
that as it may, his tone of voice was slightly different from usual. This time, it was a serious
tone of voice.
But before Godou could voice his doubt, Ena held him by the hand and dragged him away.
"Then I entrust all matters to everyone. Especially you, Kusanagi-san, please handle things
Amakasu, Yuri and Liliana on one hand. Godou and Ena on the other.
As the two groups departed for different destinations, Kaoru bid them farewell with a strange

Part 3
"So Seishuuin, what do you want me to do?"
Walking along the beach at night, they were on the Kisarazu shore facing the sea of Edomae.
Godou spoke to Seishuuin Ena's back as she walked ahead of him.
"Why do we have to come here? I feel like there's nothing to see here."
The coast at night was completely devoid of people.
The two of them had walked for close to ten minutes along the beach. The only light sources
were street lamps from roads in the distance, starlight and the white glow of the half moon.
Well, there were no inconveniences since Godou had excellent night vision.
Ena was probably the same. But then again, what was the point of taking this walk in the
"Probably about time? Actually Ena has a request to make of Your Majesty."
"Yes. Actually, Ena only found out about Your Majesty's school festival after it had ended."
Ena stopped and turned around. Facing Godou, she stared at him with a nervous expression.
"I see. I tried calling you, hoping you could come in case you were free, but couldn't get
"Umm, it's like this... But anyway, Ena thinks it's quite a shame."
Though gloomy for an instant, Ena immediately recovered her spirits.

"I missed a rare chance to enjoy a festival together with Your Majesty. Because of that, I
asked Yuri and Liliana-san to let me have today to enjoy with Your Majesty. Starting now."
"So that is what you mean by request?! Which is why we deliberately came to the beach..."
Godou felt like surrendering.
"I knew it. Then Amakasu-san and Kaoru-san's unnatural attitudes were because they were
part of the conspiracy!?"
"Yes. Those two knew about the school festival but remained silent about it. I threatened them
to make up for it, or else I'd withdraw my assistance. Luckily Erica-san isn't here, so we won't
be disturbed."
It had been mentioned before that the Hime-Miko were not subordinates of the Committee.
They were honored guests who provided assistance through invitation.
Nevertheless, it was probably unnecessary to lean on authority for a matter like this.
Ena acted even more coyly towards the stunned Godou.
"Hey, Ena would sometimes like to have some private time with Your Majesty, may I?"
Now that it was brought up it finally occurred to Godou. He had never spent any time
alone with Ena. Almost every time there were others present.
"...Well, occasionally should be fine."
Intentionally avoiding someone for the sake of being with someone else was not Godou's
preferred way of doing things. But it was true that he had very little opportunity to spend time
alone with Ena.
He certainly could not bear to turn down her openly expressed good will.
"As expected of Your Majesty, it's exactly what Ena wants!"
"But how are we going to enjoy ourselves? There's nothing here."
A beach in early winter. Furthermore, it was night.
During daylight hours on a warm day might have been fine, but the current conditions were
really not quite suited for amusement.
Well, the winter constellations shining in the sky could be thought of as a backdrop, while the
rustling of breaking waves could count as background music. Alone with just the two of them.
The stage was set for a romantic and dramatic scene. But what terrible casting of actors!
For the current two people present, this situation was a bit too inappropriate?!
"Look, an empty can over there. Let's play kick the can?"

"It's no fun with only two people, right? Or maybe it's not that fun anyway."
Just as expected, the conversation quickly became awkward and meaningless.
If the other person was Erica, Liliana or Yuri, she would likely have taken other measures to
get intimate.
Nevertheless, Godou felt reassured.
Although he had gained some familiarity, he still did not have much confidence in getting
along with girls.
"Ah, there's even a soccer ball here. Back when Ena was a child, I'd mix myself into the boys'
games and defeat them completely."
"But then again, beach soccer isn't something for two people to play..."
Ena recalled her childhood memories of personal athletics.
She must have been the type to dribble the ball alone, repeatedly penetrating the defense to
He already had one of those super athletes amongst his companions Erica, who relied on
individual performance even in team matches. Ena was probably the same kind of player as
her. If they played baseball, they would probably be trump card fourth hitter material.
"Well in that case, it finally comes to this? There happens to be two, just the right number."
Ena bent over to pick up two branches, each less than a meter long. Most likely driftwood
brought to the beach by the waves.
"This is a duel between two people. Ena versus Your Majesty one on one would be nice."
"Nice? I can't defeat Seishuuin that easily."
"Ah, come to think of it, Your Majesty doesn't know any swordsmanship or martial arts. If
other people went through the same experiences as Your Majesty, they'd probably rush off to
learn some self defense in a last ditch effort."
"Really? But I don't think it'd be particularly fruitful."
Godou was reminded of Salvatore Doni.
That man's existence was proof of the fruitlessness of that course of action.
For idiot Doni, only training in swordsmanship was meaningful. First of all, he was an
unorthodox genius, and secondly, mastery of swordsmanship would enhance the power of that
guy's authority.

In contrast, Kusanagi Godou was not a genius. Even if he trained for fifty years, he would
probably not develop martial arts to a level that could match gods or Doni.
In that case, he should figure out how to use his own advantages to match those monsters
Because following the same path as that guy is definitely not the way to defeat him.
...No no, wait a minute.
Could it be possible that as a Campione, Godou himself had already been deeply influenced
by that idiot?
Godou began shaking his head in an attempt to dismiss the unpleasant possibility.
"Anyway, let's first decide how to play with this thing... How about this?"
Godou received a branch from Ena.
Using the tip he drew a large tic-tac-toe grid on the beach, and marked the center with an "O."
"Your Majesty wants to play this... If that's the case, Ena will follow suit."
Ena drew an "X" on another spot.
Finally, the two competed in games of tic-tac-toe.
"Together with the kids who played baseball, I used to play this a lot."
"Ah, I know it. As a child, I only had occasional free time. Though many children had
handheld games, Ena did not."
"Seishuuin always played outdoors when you were a child like me?"
"Uh huh. Probably until third grade or so. Very naughty, right? But very soon, swordsmanship
and Hime-Miko training began. And there were other things to learn too. Often traveling to
the mountains, Ena no longer had time for those kinds of pastimes."
"Ah... So Seishuuin had all sorts of responsibilities. You must have been quite busy."
The child of nature who took pride in her swordsmanship. The talented girl equally wellversed in classical learning and martial arts. As a Hime-Miko, a Yamato Nadeshiko skilled in
various areas.
Her complicated experiences could not have been cultivated in one day. Godou's childhood
achievement was improving his baseball ability. Overall, he felt he could empathize with the
great sacrifices Ena had made for the sake of building up all those accomplishments.

"I can't come to Your Majesty's side very often these days, which is why I wanted to see you
at the school festival. Now that I think about it, I have never gone out for fun with Your
Majesty and the rest of the group."
Ena continued to talk as she played tic-tac-toe.
Rather than an intensifying competition, it was more like a game for killing time as they
"If that's the case, just come next time."
Godou's expression naturally became very warm and gentle.
Without really knowing how to express her femininity, Ena's personality was rather simple
and laid-back. There were a couple unnecessarily stubborn aspects and occasions when she
was very hard to get along with. But they could all be attributed to her unusual upbringing,
which likely gave her little chance for normal social contact.
"I still have two more years before I graduate. Even if you missed this time's, Seishuuin, you
can still come next year. So like I said, there are more chances. I will gladly accompany you
any number of times."
It was hard to believe, but Seishuuin Ena was a very easy girl to get along with.
There was no other girl that he could spend time like this as if she was a male friend. She
would be most welcome to visit any time she wanted.
Concluding with such a feeling, Godou smiled reassuringly.
"Ah okay. Thank you, Your Majesty. I'm very happy to hear that coming from you."
"You don't have to thank this kind of thing. That's too polite."
"Ah, but then again, isn't Your Majesty frequently in danger? Isn't it a concern whether you'll
live to see this time next year? But don't worry, no matter what, Ena will always guard Your
Majesty with her life!"
"Don't say something so foreboding. I still intend to live a good life and die peacefully!"
The two chatted casually, joking around. But Ena suddenly frowned.
She threw away the branch and stood up. With a wary gaze she surveyed the surroundings.
Without asking "what's the matter?", Godou also stood up silently.
It was at this very moment that the intruder's identity was revealed.
"It's here, Your Majesty. Please be careful."

Ena whispered softly. The Hime-Miko of the Sword directed her gaze towards the other side
of the beach near where a boat was parked.
A young girl was approaching from there. The familiar face of a beautiful pubescent girl.
Nevertheless, that power and solemnity emanating from her body definitely belonged to no
ordinary human.
"...It's her."
Godou felt his body brimming with power, having entered a state of battle.
He had already sensed immediately that the one approaching was a god, the mortal enemy of
every Devil King Campione. However, her identity was most unexpected, even to Godou.
The young goddess slowly made her way over. Heretic Athena was her name.

Part 4
"How fares thee? Kusanagi Godou!"
The goddess called out loudly. Her eyes were entirely focused on Kusanagi Godou.
She completely ignored Seishuuin Ena beside him. To Goddess Athena, even the premier
Hime-Miko's existence was akin to weeds or pebbles on the roadside.
On the other hand, the Hime-Miko of the Sword took out her Japanese sword from its bag.
She entered a battle stance But Godou signaled with his eyes, ordering her to stand down.
This opponent was out of her league.
"One arriveth once more, to ascertain thou fulfillest thy promise of past."
"Promise... That one?"
In the battle against Perseus, Athena had bestowed upon him the hint to deciphering the
mysterious divine hero's identity.
Without a doubt, he had a made promise then. He definitely had to return the favor and accept
one request from the goddess.
"One hath but a single wish. A duel, Kusanagi Godou."
Athena's eyes were infused with golden light.
Fluctuating with a seductive brightness, those serpentine eyes flashed brilliantly in the dark
"Like blazing fires which die down and burn out before long. Like wind strongly swirling into
a vortex, gone quickly like the passage of a hurricane. Thou shalt fight with one and scatter
the beautiful sparks of battle!"

Even though he had been instantly bewitched by the snake's seduction, Godou immediately
yelled out.
"I should have said so at the time. I will not accept requests that bring trouble to others. Have
you any idea how much destruction will result from a battle between us!?"
"When a god dueleth a god-slayer, 'tis only natural for the people to be sacrificed."
Such incomparable stupidity was what Athena's eyes of despise seemed to be saying.
"Certainly there will be sacrifices if we fight. Dost not forget, thy fellow humans trample
grass and flowers beneath their feet as they walk the earth. 'Tis the same principle."
Sigh. Realizing what the goddess was trying to convey, Godou had nothing more to say.
After all, gods were all identical in this regard!
"Such are the constant ways of heaven and earth. Worryest not thyself, Kusanagi Godou."
Gods were set apart by their mentality of not caring for any individual human.
All humans on earth were indiscriminately grouped together as simply "humanity." Even if
half of the world population were to die, it would only feel like "oh, humanity still survives"
to them. This must be why the concrete thought of "people died, cities destroyed, trouble
caused everywhere" never occurred to them?
That was what Godou reckoned.
"Our battle shall cause people to collapse, the earth to suffer, and the heavens to sigh. But no
matter, humanity and nature constantly endures suffering for endless repetition. We only need
to rouse our hearts in excitement and rage on."
"How can that be acceptable! Stop talking nonsense!"
Godou could not stop himself from shouting gruffly.
To this goddess of wisdom perhaps it would come as a surprise or be regarded as desecration.
"Anyway, I don't want to hear such a wish. Choose a new one!"
"Nay, those words cannot be taken back."
Athena coldly rejected Godou's refusal.
"As a god-slayer, thou art still an immature brat who hath hardly lived as a Devil King. As a
result, one had hoped to wait until the fruit ripeneth. One wanted to rely on this immortal life,
patiently waiting for the proper time of harvest. However, the leisure for that, no longer

The goddess' appearance remained the same, that of a beautiful young girl's.
However, that beauty was certainly like a great serpent standing before its prey. Staring with
serpentine eyes, baring snake fangs hidden deep within those red lips. Violent and ferocious
as a snake!
Noticing Athena's fighting spirit, Godou secretly trembled in fright.
"So, dost not hold back and fight. Tonight shall be our final duel."
"Damn it, no other way..."
Faced with Athena's fierce advances, Godou made his decision.
Battle was unavoidable. In that case he must come up with a plan to handle it. He must find a
way to minimize human casualties and property damage. He must stay as far away as possible
from city streets, and contain the goddess with all his power. Though he could not be certain
if that was possible, that was the only way
"Hmph, those are irrelevant concerns, god-slayer."
But suddenly, Athena whispered softly to Godou as he racked his brains.
Cold as a snake, but also with a slightly disappointed tone of voice. She was like a senior
looking at a junior from far above, worrying about his immaturity, hoping he would show
dramatic improvement and growth.
"A hero destined to become a fierce tiger, but merely a tiger's cub right now. Thou mayst
carry a warrior's instinct, but a warrior's mettle is still lacking by far."
Godou gradually became intrigued.
Why? Why did she change her tone of voice after those fierce words earlier?
"Fu In that case, one shall mercifully do thee a favor once more. Forgetst the request for
now. Kusanagi Godou shall be shown his foolishness!"
The goddess bore a fearless smile, and turned to leave.
In the direction she had come from. Step by step, she walked away from Godou.
"To prepare the proper stage for our unfavorable destiny. When the time cometh, thou shalt
display thy mettle to this goddess. Only then shalt thou be worthy of bargaining with one!"
So she means she will be back?
Listening to those words of farewell, Godou stared blankly at Athena's departure.
"She's gone, Your Majesty. That was the one who came to Tokyo earlier in spring this year..."

"Ah yes. The great snake goddess..."

Godou replied hoarsely to Ena who had kept a stance ready to draw her sword.
Without a doubt, that was Heretic Athena.
However, something did not feel right. Godou could only feel there was something, but could
not express into words...

Part 5
With the passage of night, it was now Saturday.
Godou and friends stayed at a nearby hotel arranged by Amakasu.
Athena's reappearance had been reported. Both Liliana and Yuri, who had faced the ancient
goddess before, paled as soon as they heard the news. Amakasu scratched his head as if
extremely troubled.
"In case something happens, we need to prepare countermeasures..."
In a rare moment, even the elegant Kaoru was musing solemnly for once.
Anyway, their original purpose here was to safeguard the Heavenly Reverse Halberd.
The excavation had completed around daybreak. Hearing that the work had completed while
they were sleeping, Godou and his group went to take a look as soon as they finished

The solitary torii stood near the Kisarazu shore.

The massive digging operation undertaken for "a certain object" buried beneath it.
Over the course of many days, the underground barrier was carefully removed as the heavy
machinery continued to dig from the surface.
After 8am, Godou arrived at the excavation site.
"I have some mundane business to handle, so I'll leave Amakasu-san in charge for the
remaining proceedings."
Having said that, Kaoru left for Tokyo.
Most likely to make all sorts of preparations in light of Athena's reappearance.
The remaining members of the team, Yuri, Liliana, Ena and Amakasu accompanied Godou to
the site.

The excavation site had already been sealed off by tape. Around ten-odd local policemen were
standing on guard, making it seem like some sort of murder crime scene.
"These are real policemen here, but the majority of them are affiliated with us. If you count
the ones who are not visible right now, there are even more of them."
Amakasu casually explained.
With that, Godou and his group were like criminal investigators entering a crime scene for
"...This is the Heavenly Reverse Halberd?"
The "object" dug up that morning had been placed on a blue plastic sheet.
On first glance it appeared to be a very ordinary stick. Roughly the length and thickness of a
The material was unidentified, with a beige color like carefully varnished timber. It felt very
solid to the touch, though not as hard as stone, but much harder than plastic.
"Last night, Mariya Yuri and I tried to investigate this object while it was still being
Liliana reported.
"There is no doubt that it is a divine artifact. Just like the Gorgoneion you were entrusted with
last time. The object you see is only its surface, but hidden within it is the crystallization of
divine wisdom and power, a symbol of the immortal and indestructible."
It was going to turn into a conflict with gods again.
Godou concluded with certainty as Liliana continued.
"Had it been made of the essence of the earth like the Heraion, then there would be the
possibility of destroying it before it becomes the object of contention. However, this type of
divine artifact is indestructible. Very likely, even a [Heretic God] would not be able to fully
destroy it."
"That's why it was buried underground, and secretly guarded..."
Godou sighed.
Things would be so much easier if it could be destroyed...
"Fortunately, spirit vision about the Heavenly Reverse Halberd had been received."
It was Yuri's turn to report.

"This is likely a divine artifact related to earth and rock. I can sense the power of Izanagi no
Mikoto[16] and Izanami no Mikoto[17] used to give rise to the primordial sea and Yamato[18]
"...Izanagi and Izanami?"
"Yes. The legendary gods who created the land of Yamato and founded the country."
This was the extent of Yuri and Lilana's findings.
Godou examined the Heavenly Reverse Halberd once again. What should he do with this
thing? It did not feel safe to carry around personally, but there was no other way. Besides, it
happened to be the size of a pencil
"I'll just keep it in my shirt pocket for now."
"Even though this is a treasure that can shake the world, but I guess it's an appropriate
measure. I can't think of anywhere safer than the bosom of Kusanagi-san."
Godou felt rather sad that he could not bring himself to openly disagree with Amakasu's
inauspicious comment.
He pocketed the divine artifact. Had it been a lucky charm for traffic safety, it would probably
be treated differently.
"Actually, I tried reaching grampsy just now."
Ena suddenly spoke up.
Ena's grampsy the Old One, namely, the ancient god Susanoo who lived in the
"Ena was hoping to get some information about this halberd-thing, but it didn't work. The
'sound' should have been transmitted to the other side, but there was complete silence with no
As the guardian of the Hime-Miko of the Sword, Susanoo and Ena had always kept in contact
by cellphone.
But this time, he was apparently playing the dirty trick of pretending to be away(?).
"It feels like he doesn't want to give directions..."
As Godou grumbled, Ena took out her Japanese sword and pushed the sword guard with her
thumb, loosening it from its sheath.
This was the preparatory posture for unsheathing a sword. The stance known as "koiguchi wo
"White... Goddess. No, it is something else?"

Yuri was whispering softly, her eyes focused somewhere in the distant sky.
Something that the others could not see. She must be seeing something through spirit vision.
"I get it. A visitor is approaching..."
A cellphone began to vibrate. Amakasu slowly drew out his phone and responded to someone
who seemed to be a friend.
"Kusanagi Godou, be on guard."
Godou nodded to acknowledge Liliana's warning and prepared his stance.
In the next instant, a young girl suddenly manifested. At the location in the sky where Yuri
had been staring.
With brilliant blonde hair styled into curls, her dream-like beauty was like an antique western
doll made by a master craftsman. She wore a black dress that was reminiscent of funeral
A young beauty twelve-years-old or so whose every aspect left a deep impression.
"Greetings for the first time, Kusanagi Godou-sama."
An adorable voice as exquisite as gemstones.
A god she was not. But she could not possibly be anyone ordinary.
What was she? Despite looking human, she could not be categorized as human. Godou stared
at the ominous young beauty.
"Pray forgive me for directly addressing by name Your Highness, the god-slaying [King]. My
name is Guinevere, and I have appeared here to inform Your Highness of certain matters."
Godou frowned at the elegant choice of words that did not match the young girl's appearance.
"If it's just to listen to a few words, I don't mind. But I am a stingy person who doesn't go
around with ready gifts for sudden visitors. Is that okay?"
"Of course, Your Highness."
Guinevere ignored Godou's cold reception and smiled glamorously.
This must be the person Lu Yinghua mentioned. It was just intuition, but should not be too far
from the truth.
"I've heard about you before. You're the companion of that woman deeply involved with the
Nikkou incident, right?"
"You are correct. Indeed, Guinevere is a Divine Ancestor as Asherah's kin."

Her expressions, manner of speaking, motions.

Everything felt full of pretense, like some kind of superficial layer drawn on top.
A Divine Ancestor an existence completely unlike the gods. Godou had heard that they
were former goddesses, but Guinevere was acknowledging humans other than Godou. And
also, she was nonchalantly keeping tabs on them.
"My purpose here today is to offer a plan to Kusanagi Godou-sama."
The blonde Divine Ancestor smiled elegantly as she spoke.
"Yes. Guinevere already found out. As Your Highness' mortal enemy, the goddess Athena has
once again appeared in this island country. As long as they are nearby, gods and god-slayers
will mutually attract, encounter, face off and slaughter one another."
Calmly explaining like a little bird singing a song.
Guinevere continued speaking softly with a melodic voice.
"Your Highness and Athena's duel is inevitable. I have a plan that will prove effective when
the time comes, if only Your Highness will hear it."
"Something effective in a battle with a god?"
It sounded as trustworthy as stock market tips guaranteeing massive profits.
"Hohoho. Suspicious? As befits the young but experienced warrior! But please rest assured,
Guinevere is providing a countermeasure that only takes effect in a battle with Athena!"
"...Hey, that's you, right?"
Ena addressed the witch in a soft voice as if casually humming a song.
"You are the one who was watching Ena and the others as we stood on guard. There's a kind
of similar feeling. You must be aiming for the Heavenly Reverse Halberd, right?"
Godou nodded, aware of the sharp senses of the Hime-Miko of the Sword.
For this Guinevere to appear now, it could not possibly be unrelated to the unearthed divine
"Yes. Indeed, Guinevere certainly wants that sacred treasure it is hoped that Your Highness
would offer up that unique divine artifact!"
Admitting to her crimes, the Divine Ancestor began to approach.

Walking towards Kusanagi Godou. Taking leisurely footsteps like a girl strolling on a plain
blooming with flowers.
"When Your Highness encounters Athena once more, and my plan works successfully, would
Your Highness be so kind as to grant Guinevere's wish? I do hope to obtain Your Highness'
It felt like a joking request full of pretense.
Of course Godou was going to ignore it. Everyone else felt the same way.
Ena drew her sword and Liliana summoned Il Maestro. The two girls stepped forward,
blocking Guinevere's path. However, some spell must have been used
The Divine Ancestor's dress-clad body moved past the swordsmen and came before Godou
like the wind.
Was the Heavenly Reverse Halberd the target? Godou went on full alert.
He was not confident he could defend if she used that ability again and aimed for his pocket.
Godou took out the divine artifact and tossed it to Amakasu waiting on the side.
What a competent ninja. He caught the artifact splendidly and put it away in his bosom.
In the instant when Godou was readying his stance.
"Hohoho, Your Highness is full of openings as rumored."
Guinevere approached with quick light steps.
It did not seem very fast, but she closed the distance just like that, before Godou could mount
any defense.
The witch drew her lips close to Godou's face.
And kissed him.
"On the other hand, this kind of generous leniency can be considered proof of a [King]'s
magnanimity. A brilliant genius who is not concerned with such trivial things! Guinevere has
great hopes for you, Kusanagi-sama!"
Was it instruction magic? Knowledge was flowing in through the mouths pressed together.
No, that was not all there was to it. There was more feeling to it like some sort of secret
What is the Holy Grail? The sacred treasure that absorbs the essence of the earth and stores
incomparable magical power. In order to unlock its functions, these are the required
procedures, knowledge, sensitivities, incantations, rituals, magic...

Rather than simply transferring knowledge, this spell taught [Magic] on a much higher level!
By the time Godou realized this, Guinevere had already separated her lips from him.
"I beseech you to vanquish Athena and add new victories to your repertoire. The [Spell of the
Holy Grail] will be the trump card for this purpose. Till we meet again!"
Bidding farewell, the blonde witch disappeared.
As suddenly as she had appeared, she vanished instantly like mist.
The witch Guinevere had left the excavation site, leaving behind this magic of unknown

"What on earth is she planning?"

"Her goal seemed to be transmitting knowledge to Godou-san..."
Yuri came to Godou's side as he puzzled over what happened.
"Do you feel a headache or some kind of mental instability?"
"Nothing, I don't feel especially different."
Godou assured Yuri who was worried.
In truth, a Campione's magic resistance and vitality were extraordinary. Extremely resilient.
Disregarding the authorities of gods and devil kings, the chances of receiving serious injuries
from enemy magic was exceptionally low.
Indeed, Divine Ancestors did not have magical power on par with Campiones.
Godou understood concretely with his own body. However, Yuri was watching him with
sorrowful eyes.

"What's wrong, Mariya? I'm completely fine."

"No... The witch was very right. Godou-san really does have too many openings, it is slightly
Yuri spoke with great worry.
"D-Disappointing? Why?"
"Even if she was not an ordinary person, for a female to steal your lips in the first encounter,
it is certainly extraordinary. Godou-san must be deliberately opening yourself up to those
kinds of advances..."
Yuri's appearance displayed a kind of dream-like beauty as she mournfully voiced her
concerns in a soft voice.
The mood was completely like a disheartened wife complaining about a husband who
frequently spends the night with a lover instead of returning home...
Was this the feeling commonly known as lying on a bed of nails?
Godou found it impossible to bear. In the past he might have felt less of a burden when sternly
reproached by her. But as their relationship deepened, the sense of guilty conscience seemed
to be weighing heavier
Furthermore, even Liliana was joining in the fray.
"I see now. Precisely due to the existence of such openings, anyone skillful enough can take
advantage of them and intrude successfully. Mariya Yuri's diatribe has substantial
The exceptionally loyal knight was now glaring at Godou with eyes of reproach.
"In addition, the incident just now has reminded me of something else. What did you do last
night when you were alone with Seishuuin Ena? No, I have no intention of reproach.
Nevertheless, even as the housekeeper I did not receive any report afterwards... I believe this
type of carelessness is related to the 'openings' pointed out just now. If that is the case, then
correction is imperative."
No intention of reproach.
Liliana said those words as she stared at Godou with eyes of reproach.
Both the incident just now and last night as well!? It would be best not to make too much of a
fuss here.
Greatly troubled, Godou could not help but signal to Ena with his eyes, hoping for her to lend
a helping hand. However, the Hime-Miko of the Sword smiled shyly instead.

"Hmm. Even though Ena has all sorts of opinions on what happened just now, last night was
very fun and enjoyable, spending time with Your Majesty with just the two of us. I can't help
it, sorry for not saying anything until now."
An answer like that. Wasn't that simply pouring oil on the fire?
Clutching his head in his arms, Godou found unexpected aid.
Wisely ignoring this pandemonium all this time, Amakasu suddenly picked up a call on his
"...Yes, yes. Finally appeared, eh? The location is Kawasaki... Near Ukishima. Is that right,
already fallen to the enemy? Still in motion? Towards Chiba after all? I see. From the
Ukishima Interchange towards the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway tunnel? Hmm, in that case
there's not much time left..."
Godou and the rest fell silent. Amakasu soon finished the call.
"I regret to bring bad news. Athena has finally appeared in public. Just like last time, she has
released all her powers and is heading straight towards this place."
Thus ended the report.

Chapter 4 - Petrified Metropolis

Part 1
Having bid Kusanagi Godou goodbye last night, Athena had crossed the sea.
The beauty of the night was being polluted by the presence of streetlights. Gazing at the
scenery from the opposite shore, she suddenly had this notion.
The battle was finally about to begin.
Conquering enemy cities, setting them ablaze, using them as signal fires to declare war was
part of the elegant traditions of the battlefield. Now then, what should be chosen as the
While Athena waited for early morning to appear before her, humans were slowly spreading
throughout the harbor. Moored at this place were massive ships as well as little boats that
seemed like they would be blown away by the slightest wind.
There were castles and towers where the noisy population entered and left. There were also
quite a few mansions.
Of course, there were many human inhabitants. Far exceeding a thousand, easily in the realm
of tens of thousands.

These people were living their lives, crammed in a little corner like that.
Those boxes with wheels were very conspicuous, running around making noise everywhere.
Like grains of sands overflowing in a desert. Clumsy tools created for traversing the earth's
surface. Using strange artificial rocks to cover the ground, for the sake of their own
convenience, these humans constructed roads everywhere as they pleased.
Athena lamented. All aspects of human beings were completely impossible to understand,
what stupidity
Like beasts seeking food for survival, only pitiful death awaited those who failed to defeat
their enemies. Or plants, growing across the wilderness, enduring wind and rain, absorbing
sunlight, stoically accepting all sorts of hardship, suffering, and blessings to survive. Death
took its course naturally.
That should be the way. One shall release one's authority to bring silence.
Athena unsealed the [Serpent's Evil Gaze].
The curse that transformed everything within sight into cold hard stone. The power to bring
forth temporary death.
It had been used slightly in the previous battle against Kusanagi Godou. Now it was time to
liberate it completely.
To the goddess, this was a casual decision akin to a human deciding what to eat for dinner that
night. But to the world, the effects were momentous.
"Hohoho... This shall do. Now, Kusanagi Godou shall finally appreciate one's exalted spirit."
All sorts of stones began to roll before Athena.
Stone ships, stone roads, stone towers, stone fortresses.
There were also many man-made artificial stones that were used as building materials. But
thanks to Athena's blessing, all had turned into natural rock.
Of course, these humans were also
Gathering in this harbor, all humans had been turned into stone.
Even grass and trees were petrified. In short, everything within sight had become stone
without exception.
All the boxes running around had also transformed into stone. With a single glare from the
snake goddess, they all stopped instantly, becoming motionless stone boxes.
Overlooking this silent dominion, Athena was satisfied.

"Heavens, Earth, Fire, Water. One's immature destined rival. Knowest Athena's valor, thou
shalt do well to know Athena's power. Preparest thyself well for one's onslaught and polishest
thy sword!"
With bold declarations, she started walking.
Everything shall proceed in this manner. Everything turned into stone as one awaited
Kusanagi Godou's arrival. That foolish god-slayer should then be able to realize the goddess'
will to fight. If he was so set in his foolish ways that he fails to understand, one would have
no choice but to give up and simply execute him without bestowing any honor or praise.
Taking quick light steps, Athena walked forth.
In the same situation, Lancelot du Lac would have charged straight into the enemy camp in
the form of tempestuous lightning.
But for Athena that did not befit the style of the queen who once ruled over the ancient
divine realm.
Openly strolling into the enemy's city, displaying valor and might.
"Preparest thyself, god-slayer. This day shall be the anniversary of thy death!"

"In short, Athena is recklessly acting as she pleases."

It was at the Heavenly Reverse Halberd's excavation site near the Kisarazu shore.
Amakasu had spread out a map, and was explaining the situation.
"Almost an hour ago, Athena appeared on Kawasaki's reclaimed land and started to petrify
things recklessly and arbitrarily. Although that area contains mostly factories and warehouses,
nevertheless, it's completely lost. Reports say that the harbor and the parks, ships and cars,
humans, animals and plants, everything was turned into stone in little more than ten minutes."
Amakasu sighed at this point.
"As a divine power after all, the petrification ability doesn't just affect individual objects. Let
alone everything within line of sight, even things within several kilometers along the direction
of her gaze will all turn into stone. This has surpassed RPG boss level enemies, and is more
along the likes of wide-scale map weapons in simulation RPGs."
Even though it was a frivolous analogy, the wisecrack was not enough to lighten the mood.
"Next, Athena began moving towards the Ukishima junction, entering the tunnel of the TransTokyo Bay Highway. The tunnel interior and the vehicles have all been petrified."
Amakasu explained, pointing to the map. Taking the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway from
Kawasaki's Ukishimamachi, it was just a straight road from Kanagawa to Chiba. As expected
of Athena, she seemed to have figured out the geography before making her move.

"Why is this the only thing that she researches seriously..."

"Even though she is walking here with leisurely strides, she is still a goddess. The speed is
abnormal. According to reconnaissance reports, she is moving at 20km/h."
Amakasu explained further in response to Godou's comment.
Normal humans with healthy legs generally walked at 5km/h or so. In comparison, it was
really fast.
"The Committee and Kaoru-san have already informed all involved parties. The surroundings
have been sealed off, traffic has been restricted, and movement through Haneda Airport has
been stopped. The remaining problems are the cars driving along the Trans-Tokyo Bay
Highway and the parking area of the Umihotaru artificial island."
"If that's the case, let's confront her there."
Godou declared swiftly.
Everyone Amakasu, Liliana, Yuri and Ena focused their gaze on Godou.
"I don't know if it's lucky or what, but it's near the artificial island of Umihotaru which we
passed by yesterday. Will that be fine?"
"Of course. Leave it to me."
Liliana turned around in response to the last question.
A place they had been to before. That meant it could be reached by a witch's flight magic. The
knight nodded to consent to the suggestion.
"We shouldn't have to wait until Athena reaches Kisarazu, right? If we confront her along the
way, we can prevent further losses."
Depicted on the map was the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway toll route. Godou explained as he
pointed to the parking area on the Umihotaru artificial island where they had made a short rest
stop yesterday. Using Liliana's flight magic as an emergency means of transport should allow
them to confront Athena there.
"Right now we still don't know how to save the people on Umihotaru or the ones in the
vehicles moving away from the Kisarazu direction. But we'll try our best."
"Thanks. I still have other tasks to oversee and assign, so I won't be coming along..."
As expected of Amakasu, he was already used to situations like this.
After quickly summarizing the plans, he took out the Heavenly Reverse Halberd from his
"I am returning this. Please take it."

"But will it really be fine for Godou-san to safeguard it under such conditions? In a battle
against Athena..."
Yuri questioned in an elegant tone of voice.
"If a divine artifact of this sort clashes with Athena's divinity, what if some disastrous effect
resulted... Ah, of course I am only speculating without any basis. But somehow it worries me
and I could not help but voice my concerns."
Hearing Yuri's reminder, Amakasu and Godou looked at each other.
If the most adept spirit vision user had "worries," how could they simply ignore them?
"If that's the case, why not have Amakasu-san continue holding on to it? Since Amakasu-san
is a ninja, if that witch comes along you can always find a way to escape?"
Ena made her suggestion.
"Ena and Liliana-san, as well as that young master of Hong Kong's Lu family. None of us
would be able to defeat Amakasu-san in a game of hide-and-seek. Other than His Majesty,
aren't you the best candidate to keep it safe?"
"Eh, is that so?"
"Yes, even Kaoru-san says that Amakasu-san would be what's called a master ninja in modern
"Please don't call me something like master thief or master samurai!"
Godou stared at Amakasu who seemed quite disgusted.
Perhaps he was even more suited to holding onto the divine artifact?
Ena and Liliana were already as agile as monkeys or swallows. Amakasu not only surpassed
them in those types of techniques but matched Lu Yinghua who excelled at long distance
travel and thievery. Godou himself had zero confidence that he could run away from any one
of those people mentioned.
"Well, it only applies if the opponent is human. I'm dead if I run into a god, or the various
authorities of the Campiones. And that Divine Ancestor lady is something more than human
but less than divine, isn't the situation rather delicate here!?"
"Well well. Divine Ancestors can't compare to us, it'll be fine."
Not performing jobs that exceeded the compensation of his salary.
Amakasu, who often repeated that line, was feeling extremely anxious. Nevertheless, Godou
brushed him off indifferently.

If there was no problem in ability, then the only issue was a sense of duty. It felt like
Amakasu was just grumbling and sighing as he complained. Probably.
"Hmm... If I find myself really in a bind, I will be trying my hardest to flee to Kusanagi-san's
location, okay? My salary doesn't include any hazard pay, you know."
In the end, the Heavenly Reverse Halberd was entrusted to the ninja despite his mournful
With that, it was finally time for the battle with Athena.
"Then let's go, Kusanagi Godou. Another battle against Athena awaits I shall, no, we shall
assist you with all our power."
Godou nodded silently in reply to Liliana's softly spoken words.
The members heading for the battlefield gathered around the silver-haired knight. Godou and
Mariya Yuri, as well as Seishuuin Ena The group was surrounded by blue light as they
flew into the sky.

Part 2
After flying for slightly more than ten minutes, the spectacular artificial island of Umihotaru
entered into view.
The Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway was a wide multi-laned toll route. As a parking and rest stop
area, Umihotaru also became a tourist attraction.
Its appearance was like a massive ocean liner floating on the sea.
The first level was a spacious multipurpose plaza with a memorial hall. The second and third
levels were parking lots. The fourth level contained the observation deck as well as rows of
restaurants and entertainment facilities.
Liliana's flight magic gave off bright light as they flew through the air. Normally, the sight of
such brightness making a landing would have caused a commotion.
But that worry was irrelevant now. Godou and his companions landed on the multipurpose
A cursory glance did not find anyone. The situation could be surmised from the announcer's
'All guests, please follow directions. We have just been notified that a large amount of
explosives was set up in this facility, and the police has issued an evacuation request. We
hope everyone can follow our staff's directions and evacuate as quickly as possible '
A female employee's recorded voice.

It sounded like she was reading with great nervousness. The stiff-toned announcement
continued repeating on a loop.
By now, all the people present should have gathered in the parking area and sent in turn
towards the direction of Kisarazu. Since all the people had arrived by car, the flow was
probably easier to direct compared to other kinds of facilities.
"Amakasu-san already mentioned the countermeasures at the scene, right?"
Godou nodded.
Working in all sorts of capacities, the History Compilation Committee succeeded in sealing
off all traffic from the Umihotaru artificial island to the Kawasaki Ukishima junction.
Apparently, everyone had been redirected towards Kisarazu for safety. Even from the air just
now, Godou and his group could see the cars lining up from Umihotaru to escape towards
"I remember there's an observation deck on the top level."
Liliana suddenly spoke.
"Should we stay on guard and watch the Kawasaki direction from there? We should be
prepared for Athena's arrival from a place with good visibility."
"Good idea. Ena has great vision, so anything strange should be spotted immediately."
"Right... Even though my spirit vision has nothing to do with normal vision, it should be
easier to sense Athena's divine aura from a wide open space."
The two Hime-Miko expressed agreement. There was no reason to reject the proposal. Godou
answered immediately.
"Got it. Then let's follow that plan."
"Understood. Oh... Seishuuin Ena and Mariya Yuri should go up there first to stand on guard.
Kusanagi Godou and I will check out the situation at the parking area before joining you
Liliana gave orders efficiently.
The silver-haired blue knight was being more proactive in delegating tasks compared to
before. Perhaps it was due to the absence of the one usually in charge of coordinating the
group Erica? Or maybe it was due to her new role as Grand Chamberlain? Probably both.
"Okay. Then Yuri, let's go."
"Very well. If we spot anything unusual, we will immediately let you two know by phone."
Yuri and Ena did not object to Liliana's leadership.

I see. Godou found it interesting. In stark contrast with the Italian duo, the Hime-Miko pair
displayed a weaker sense of cohesion. As a result, the red and blue knights naturally took up
the role of Godou's second-in-command in turn.
The two Hime-Miko took the massive escalator up to the top floor.
As their figures vanished, Liliana immediately grumbled.
"...Finally, just the two of us."
Liliana shyly lowered her gaze, her face gone completely red
She seemed emotionally unstable and muttering something under her breath.
"Actually, while we were flying I had been wondering how to find some private time for us.
This went unexpectedly well, excellent."
"W-What is this about?"
Liliana spoke softly as she approached, causing Godou to ask in a trembling voice. Actually,
the current developments were making him realize "Could it be that!?"
"Please do not pretend to be ignorant, okay? You are the one more obsessed with 'victory'
than anyone. You could not have failed to consider preparing your weapon before the battle
with Athena."
She was certainly right. Knowledge gained from instruction magic only remained in his mind
for about a day or so.
Godou had long forgotten the knowledge of Athena he once had.
"If no one offers knowledge to you, then Verethragna's [Sword] cannot be formed. In short,
that is the situation. Kusanagi Godou."
"W-What situation!?"
Wait a minute. In truth, he already had a basic idea as soon as Liliana's beautiful face drew
But it was very problematic to treat "that sort of thing" as if it was the most natural thing in
the world. It was the root cause of why he was labeled a sex maniac by society. On the other
hand, not having a reliable weapon would be a huge handicap...
Godou was struggling with all sorts of concerns.
"I believe someone needs to accomplish this mission. So let me, Liliana Kranjcar, do the job.
Though I sometimes wonder if I am abusing my authority as housekeeper when I assume this
duty, nevertheless, I still do not want to relinquish it to other girls "

The knight's expression remained stern and awe-inspiring as always.

There were many faces to this knight. Sometimes she was exceptionally adorable. On other
occasions she might be trying to clean up personal disasters with a frantic expression. Other
times, she would display a fairy-like beauty of complete vulnerability.
Currently, she was very apprehensive from a lack of self confidence.
"I believe you should prioritize the one waiting by your side, always ready when you need
me... However, umm, if you ever feel like entrusting this duty to another, of course I shall
immediately step down and dismiss myself... I humbly beseech your permission."
She looked very unsure as she spoke.
She probably had little confidence that Godou would pick her. At this moment, she lacked her
usual domineering attitude, and displayed an extremely adorable side to Godou. This rare
expression from Liliana greatly stimulated Godou's sense of protective desire.
More praiseworthy above all was her determination to go this far in spite of her
With that thought he instantly stole Liliana's lips.
"I must fight Athena afterwards. So please, I rely on you."
Godou briefly whispered as their lips came together again.
Tears welled up in Liliana's eyes as she nodded.
"Yes, very well. I will tell you everything to know about that goddess. Because... Because you
must obtain victory."
Again, Godou passionately pressed his lips against the whispering knight's lips.
Lips were released and came together time and again. Tongues and saliva tangled and mixed
together, becoming one. Throughout the process, knowledge and feelings were transmitted.
Indeed, Godou had received bonds of magic and intense emotions.

They were a little more than ten minutes late by the time they caught up to the two HimeMiko.
After frantically concluding the ritual, Godou and Liliana went up onto the observation deck.
The two Hime-Miko who got there first immediately greeted them.
"Ah, you finally came. So slow."

"Were there any problems down there?"

The artificial island of Umihotaru was located in the very center of Tokyo Bay.
This observation deck on the fifth floor was surrounded by sea on all sides. Far into the
distance, the streets and shores of the two prefectures Kanagawa and Chiba could be seen.
The view was excellent. This was even a well-known viewing spot for night scenery.
Ena and Yuri were currently gazing at the road from Kawasaki. This was the path Athena was
expected to arrive from.
"Umm, as feared, it seems like not everyone has evacuated."
"T-That is most correct. In order to protect them we have to put our best effort. Let us do our
Godou and Liliana responded vaguely to the Hime-Miko's questions.
Still, they had gone to properly check the state of evacuation. Taking the escalator up from a
certain level of the parking area, the situation below could be easily surveyed.
There were roughly twenty or thirty vehicles remaining.
Even though Umihotaru was a tourist destination, there seemed to be relatively fewer visitors
than usual. Perhaps it was fortunate that it was still early before ten in the morning.
"...Isn't there something weird about His Majesty and Liliana-san?"
"...I think you are right. They are both acting unnatural and look kind of unsettled?"
It was because the two had done something together in secret. Godou and Liliana pretended to
be calm and avoided answering.
"Ah! Now that it is mentioned... Perhaps... Could it be... I knew it!"
"What is it, Yuri? You realized something?"
"Y-Yes. T-That. Those two must have... Yes, definitely without a doubt."
Yuri was suddenly shocked by a certain realization.
It was not clear whether it was the result of spirit vision or a woman's intuition... She began
whispering into the baffled Ena's ear.
"Then that means the chance for earning credit has been stolen from Ena and you!? How
could that happen, it's so mean!"
"W-With respect to a battle with Athena, this is a necessary step after all. Please do not say
something so presumptuous. B-But still Godou-san!"

Yuri appeared to be rationally persuading her outraged friend, as well as herself.

But clearly trying hard to bear her emotions, Yuri suddenly shouted at Godou.
"Learning knowledge about Athena, eh? Doing it with Liliana-san and trying to hide it from
us both."
"Umm... Umm, well."
"M-Mariya Yuri. J-Just as you said yourself, this is a necessary ritual for the battle."
"Liliana-san, please be quiet. I am speaking with Godou-san right now."
Interrogating Godou who had given a vague answer earlier.
Stopping Liliana from explaining, and sending her silent immediately .
Somehow Yuri had become the center of the situation. It was unbelievable. She was the
extremely conservative type who always tried to keep out of the spotlight. However, she also
had times when she would suddenly display great power and influence over her surroundings.
"Regarding that matter, nothing more needs to be said. I also believe, that it was necessary in
preparation for the severe battle ahead. I too, shall put forth my best effort to support."
"Uh yeah."
Even though she was calm, Yuri's words were extremely terrifying.
Godou could not help but stand up straight. The fact that he was about to answer "Yes" very
respectfully was a secret.
"By the way, last night's little tryst with Ena-san is the same. You seem to engage repeatedly
in such behavior while trying to hide it from others? Do not forget Your Highness is the one
known as [King]. In my humble opinion, your words and behavior should properly display a
king's dignity and splendor."
"Yes. Indeed you are equivalent to a tyrant who continually commits acts of atrocity and
willfulness. By the moral standards of ordinary society, you would probably be described as
outrageously indulged in debauchery. Nevertheless, I still know that you are an honest person
with heroic ideals."
Having spoken thus, Yuri suddenly smiled in a dreamlike manner.
"I believe this is the reason why I love and admire you, and offer my assistance. Furthermore,
I also believe you will never commit acts of cowardice... Yes, even along the demonic path
towards hell, you will walk your own path with open righteousness."
Godou could not stand things any further.

She was describing him like a kabuki[20] performer "indulged in one's own art."
Yuri was acting like a principal wife married from a highborn family? Faced with the
husband's philandering, she generously offered forgiveness "because it is natural for
performers." A wise and virtuous wife who firmly grasped the husband's reins
"I humbly advise you to show a little restraint in behavior that taints your honor. Keeping
silent for such reasons is most inappropriate... Now then, is everything prepared in regards to
The pressure disappeared all of a sudden.
Yuri was back to being a gentle and refined high class young lady. Resuming her gentle
expression caused the mood to lighten immediately. Whenever she lectured in the past, her
imposing presence was already extraordinary... But now it was apparent she had made great
progress in both the gentle and the forceful.
(...Hikari also indicated complete helplessness at resisting her elder sister.)
Godou observed to himself. Perhaps everyone had grown and matured, having been through
so many hellish trials.
Yuri. Liliana. Even Erica was much different compared to their first encounter. Compared to
before, Ena was also entering human society more frequently.
I too, must be strong it was time to remind himself.
Feeling battle strength rising from his energy center beneath the navel, Godou began to feel a
sense of excitement.
She arrived? Godou cast his gaze towards Kawasaki.
There was not a single car on the multi-laned highway. This must be the result of the goddess
entering the tunnel section of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway and petrifying all vehicles and
passengers along the way.
Athena's beautiful appearance came into view.
Openly advancing, she seemed like she was casually strolling on an empty plain.
Nevertheless, she was moving at exceptional speeds. Even if a human ran as hard as possible
with reckless abandon, they would be instantly left in the dust.
This was another of Athena and Kusanagi Godou's numerous reunions.

Part 3
"Fu all said and done, thy face looketh mighty spirited compared to last night. But 'tis
insufficient. Completely insufficient."

Athena asserted suddenly.

Even though she was in the form of a young girl, her frowning expression was one which
belonged to a haughty queen.
"Thy expression and thy heart, both lack the determination of a warrior prepared for death on
the battlefield. As a god-slaying warrior, thou art ludicrous."
"Shut up. Stop imposing your Iron Age style of thinking on modern humans!"
Godou retorted at the goddess standing on the road beneath.
That unbridgeable gap in culture. From the current standoff, it was clearly the reason why
Godou could never build a good rapport with Athena.
"Regardless, I can't believe you went to such lengths. If you cause trouble to human society,
then I can't remain silent. I will do everything I can to drive you out of this country."
"Even if thou sayst that, 'tis not enough."
God and god-slayer. The gulf between them was far too wide.
Athena looked up at Godou from the road. Godou looked down at Athena from the
observation deck.
"Drive out? Fool! Why canst thou utter words like slaughter and wipe from the face of the
earth!? In the face of such a crisis, hast thou not learnt the determination of a warrior!?"
"I have my own ways of doing things! Whether you are a goddess or a queen, you have no
right to complain!"
The physical distance between them was nothing.
There was a consensus between the two. What separated them was the distance known as
issouku-ittou no ma[21] the battle could begin any moment by taking a step forward. That
was the situation.
Godou gestured to the girls, giving an order of "stay back."
Liliana, Yuri and Ena immediately obeyed and retreated to the depths of the observation deck,
preparing for changes in the battle situation. That was their assigned mission.
"By the skills with which I wield spell words, may justice of the world manifest!"
"Bearers of lingering life, all shall cease activity completely! Ye shall be vanquished here!"
Chanting spell words at the same time, Godou used the [Warrior] incarnation while Athena
unleashed the divine power of [Petrification].
"A cold tombstone that befits ye. That shall be this goddess' blessing bestowed!"

The snake goddess' song brought forth temporary death.

A change started from under her feet. She had been standing on a road constructed from thick
However, the man-made road instantly changed in appearance. Becoming a rocky plain
covered by natural gray stone. No, not only that even the ocean was turned into stone.
All the waves on the surface of the surrounding waters of the Umihotaru artificial island had
been frozen into stone.
Liquid seawater had been turned into solid rock. Athena had petrified all the seawater within a
two or three kilometer radius around her.
"Now then, sleep. Simply wait to awaken at dream's end. However, one shall imprison ye in
an eternal dream!"
How ridiculous! This meant defeat was not an option!
Godou began to chant the spell words of the [Sword]. In order to create the blade of
knowledge that could sever Athena's divinity.
"As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. The mighty and the
indomitable one!"
Godou was standing atop Umihotaru's observation deck.
The god-slaying weapons appeared over his head in the form of spheres of light.
They were like thousands of stars hovering in the night sky. One by one, the bright spots of
light sliced through Athena's divinity, paring away at her divine power.
"I shall vanquish all evil-doers!"
Godou first used the [Sword]'s spell words to surround the entire artificial island of
This parking rest stop area had now become a ship in distress, floating on a sea of stone.
Probably hundreds of people were unable to seek refuge within the ship? That included
Godou himself, Yuri, Liliana and Ena. Furthermore, quite a fair number of cars must have
been in mid-route, driving towards Kisarazu.
Athena's [Evil Gaze] prohibited them from reaching their destination.
With unshakable willpower, Godou began controlling the [Sword]. The divine power of
petrification from the goddess' eyes began to be cut, severed, slashed, and pierced by the
blades of light surrounding Umihotaru.
It truly was defense as solid as rock. Godou's [Sword] had turned the artificial island of
Umihotaru into a fortress.

"Hohoho. Thou art too careless, Kusanagi Godou."

Athena began to smile.
Her lips shaped themselves into an instigating smile, full of mockery.
"Thy [Sword]... Verethragna's god-slaying blade. One hath seen it once already. Dost thou
believe one would not prepare a counter, knowing one shall face it again!?"
"What did you say...!?"
"Hohoho. Thou shouldst know, the Greek legends of one's [Aegis]. Having slew Medusa,
Perseus offered her head as a gift to Goddess Athena. Athena afixed Medusa's head onto her
shield to become the [Aegis]."
Godou recalled the sculpture of Goddess Athena.
In Greek sculptures, she was often depicted bearing a shield. That shield was engraved with a
design bearing the snake-haired monster Medusa's likeness. It was said to protect Athena
using its magical power to turn everything into stone.
"For the sake of countering thy [Sword], one hath imitated the classic story of the [Aegis].
Indeed, Medusa was one of the many names of this goddess. Having retrieved the
Gorgoneion, one's many names had been reunited once more."
Godou saw it
Standing behind Athena, another Athena manifested.
He had seen her before. It was the goddess' teenaged appearance when she matured from her
pubescent form.
Pubescent Athena. And mature Athena as an eighteen-year-old maiden.
Both goddesses were appearing in splendor at the same time!
" "Only at this moment, have the goddesses been separated once more." "
" "Namely, Athena and Medusa. Medusa and Athena. Kusanagi Godou, thou hast severed the
divinity of Athena, but what shalt thou do about Medusa?" "
The two goddesses spoke together softly in perfect unison.
Oh no! Godou instinctively knew what was about to happen.
In the past, Godou had also done similar things himself. Changing the [Sword]'s target during
battle. This strategy was a direct counter to it. Athena was intentionally splitting apart her

" "One is Athena, Goddess representing Darkness. Master of the Underworld as Queen of the
Night." "
" "One is Medusa, Goddess blessing the Land. Master of the Stone Chamber as Queen of the
Earth." "
" "As such, humbly acceptest the curse bestowed by this goddess. Kindly turnst into an icecold corpse and layst thyself in the Underworld." "
" "As such, humbly acceptest the blessing bestowed by this goddess. Kindly turnst into an icecold statue and returnst thyself to ash and dust." "
The spell words from the two goddesses attacked Umihotaru.
Athena's [Death]. The grim reaper's curse that dragged everyone towards the afterlife.
The use of such a contemptible power greatly infuriated Godou. A way must be found to deal
with it. Accelerating the [Sword], he completely slashed apart the pulse of [Death].
However, the evil gaze of Medusa's [Petrification] could not be eliminated. No way to defend,
no way to counter!
The entire interior and facilities of Umihotaru directly below him were completely petrified.
Kusanagi Godou was not going to fall to this petrification. Even though it was a divine
authority, as long as he made use of the power flowing throughout his body, a Campione's
body was able to endure.
But what about everything else?
Amongst them were other living things, vehicles, machinery, plant life, as well as his
With no way to resist.
"Mariya! Liliana! Seishuuin!"
Godou yelled. He yelled as hard as he could. However, before his eyes, Mariya had been
turned into a beautiful stone sculpture.
Liliana had also turned into a fairy-like stone sculpture.
But there was one sole exception.
"Your Majesty, please! That one to use as Ena's power !"
In the instant she was turning into stone, Seishuuin Ena shouted and reached out with her
Towards Godou. Seeking what Godou possessed, her partner.

"Please, Ama no Murakumo! Go protect Seishuuin!"

Godou ordered the divine sword dwelling in his arm. To reach her in time no matter what.
The one-meter-long sword manifested in Ena's hand. Its blade was black as the darkest night.
This was the divine Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi that appeared in the form of a sword.

As Godou's partner, the sword was entrusted to its other partner.

Divine possession the act of bringing down divine might upon one's body, was an ultimate
skill that only Ena could use.
"I shall swing this divine blade like the wind! My body shall be one with the divine metal of
Instantly promoted to a superhuman existence, the Hime-Miko swung Ama no Murakumo no
The jet-black blade captured the goddess Medusa's petrification pulse, absorbing its power,
thereby protecting the wielder's body.
"Damn it, it doesn't help the others!"
"Ah, thou lookest plenty more spirited than before, Kusanagi Godou!"
The beautiful goddess pounced upon Godou as he gnashed his teeth. From the road far below,
she made a great leap and flew like a bird, reaching the observation deck in a single bound.
"Thy courageous pupils burn with fury and vengeance. Now that is a true warrior, forsooth!"
Athena and Medusa were reunited as one again.
The pubescent girl and the teenager had merged into an eighteen or nineteen-year-old maiden.

Savagely attacking Godou in this form, she slashed with her hand repeatedly. Athena's slender
hand was deadly as a lance wielded by a death knight.
"Gwah ah!"
Godou screamed as the flank of his abdomen was sharply sliced open.
Flesh severed, innards ruptured, blood spewed forth. This was on the level of incised injuries
caused by bladed weapons.
Against such an avatar, the [Sword] was no longer effective. Godou immediately switched to
the [Camel] incarnation, counterattacking Athena with a sweeping kick!
"Hohoho. Very well, one's blood boileth, burning inexhaustibly!"
Jumping to evade the kick, the goddess bore a fearless and terrible smile.
With absolute fury, Godou glared severely at that beautiful face.

Part 4
Verethragna's fourth incarnation, the [Camel].
Using this incarnation required severe injuries beyond a certain level.
In return, it conferred bestial combat abilities, kicking power to send gods flying, resilient
endurance to pain, and exceptional healing.
Godou felt the pain on his flank subsiding as he prepared to continue the battle.
"Thou hast been hiding such a power! As expected from the authority usurped from the
warlord of the everchanging forms, how marvelous, a sight to behold!"
Athena guffawed as she began swinging the giant scythe she had summoned to use as a close
combat weapon.
Swinging the scythe with both hands, the sight was reminiscent of the grim reaper's signature
weapon. The blade was black as the darkest night.
Relying on the [Camel]'s gifts, Godou evaded successfully.
Verethragna's fourth incarnation, the [Camel].
Such combat skills were beyond human ability. Rather, these skills were swift as a savage
beast, controlling his perceptive body, striking out with kicking attacks.
Kicks that could shatter stone. Nevertheless, Athena managed to block using the jet-black
scythe's shaft.

Was it successful due to being a god's supernatural weapon, or was it due to Athena's own
divine skills? Struck by the [Camel]'s kick, the wooden shaft did not shatter but absorbed the
impact instead.
"Damn it, didn't work, huh !"
Godou endured the pain in his flank as he desperately engaged in close quarter combat.
Evading Athena's swinging scythe, counterattacking with kicks, avoiding her counters with
beast-like movements, attacking in return.
Godou had no knowledge of martial arts.
But a Campione's warrior instincts told him, the [Camel] was ridiculously strong. Even
someone extremely talented as Lu Yinghua would be knocked out in one hit. It could gain the
upper hand over Doni, and even fight Luo Cuilian to a standstill. That was how it was.
Perseus was the same. And now Athena too.
Their martial arts could be considered the human pinnacle by default.
Few geniuses could reach that divine realm even if they endured pain and suffering, madly
training themselves until they coughed out blood. Because the level of the divine was
completely ridiculous.
Rather, one should express the highest praise towards Doni and the sworn elder sister who
managed to match gods with their human bodies.
"Nevertheless, Kusanagi Godou."
The goddess swung her scythe with absolute might. Even Verethragna's [Camel] could not
completely stand up to it. Cuts and incisions multiplied across Godou's body, bleeding away.
As a result, Athena calmly declared:
"Didst thou think that one would compete with thee like a human? Using mighty authorities to
vanquish foes, now that is the way of one's kind!"
Godou trembled. If that was case, he might not last.
He had rushed in for a battle of close combat because the [Camel] was only suited to an
exchange of physical blows.
That was how he managed to maintain an even battle. However, if magic was mixed into it
"O Shadow, submergest."
Athena softly spoke the spell words.

Behind her, a black shadow was squirming like a snake.

"Becomest fangs that tear iron apart, makest haste!"
At the same time, Athena slashed with her scythe from the side!
"Danger, Your Majesty!"
Ena instantly squeezed her way in between.
Ka! The Hime-Miko of the Sword blocked Athena's scythe using Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi while Godou desperately lurched sideways to escape the black fangs.
"...Miko? Dost thou intend to intrude our sacred territory as a lowly wench?"
The first time
Athena glanced at Seishuuin Ena for the first time.
She entered the goddess' view for the first time. However, there was no acknowledgement.
"Desperately throwing thy human life away, merely relying on divine grace, this pittance of
power cannot compare to one's kind. Knowest thy place."
"Even if it's a god's orders... Ena will not listen!"
Ena raised Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi before her.
She had apparently been waiting for an opportunity to intervene.
"Kusanagi Godou is my husband! Seishuuin Ena has decided to guard him with her life. Even
though I know you are the queen of the Mediterranean Ena will not back down!"
Muttering softly, the Hime-Miko's body was brimming with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's
divine power.
Divine possession. Even on a very small scale, it was a mystic technique that conferred divine
"How's that, Your Majesty? Ena can fight by your side. Surely I will prove my worth!"
"Ah yes. I definitely can't win this goddess by myself. Thanks."
Godou immediately answered affirmatively.
Humans who could fight alongside Campiones were virtually nonexistent.
In previous battles against gods, everyone had been providing support from the back. The
only exception was probably Erica when she was under Verethragna's protection. However,
what about Ena under divine possession

"By the blessing of bows and arrows, bestow honor upon this great sword!"
Ena chanted spell words and raised her beloved sword up high.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. The jet-black blade slowly began to curve. This was a
technique for increasing slashing power.
The heretic divine sword that vanquished foreign invaders since ancient times.
"Sing of death, guide death, dance to death Become Athena's servant, the underworld
messengers of death!"
Athena also chanted a song of disaster in turn. Behind her, the black snake resumed its
There was not only one. Their heads, shaped like scythe blades, rose one after another.
Two, three, four a total of nine snakes finally manifested behind Athena's back. Their
bodies were long, reaching 10m or so in length.
These black snakes extended from Athena's back like the petals of a carnivorous flower,
writhing as they moved.
And then the battle resumed. While the goddess advanced, brandishing her other weapon, the
iconic grim reaper's scythe, the nine black snakes also attacked together.
Baring their fangs, lifting their scythe-shaped heads, seeming as if they would devour
everyone on earth.
"Seishuuin! Don't attack recklessly, let's establish a solid defense first!"
"Got it! This situation is becoming really bad."
Keenly aware of Godou's voice, Ena instantly replied.
As befitted the Hime-Miko of the Sword, she understood his intentions from a simple
Since Athena was holding the upper hand, the correct approach would be to endure the crisis
patiently, waiting for the opportunity to reverse the tide of battle to their favor!
Godou and Ena cooperated, coordinating with each other to face the goddess.
Shoulder to shoulder at times, back to back on other occasions
The [Camel] defended by kicking away Athena's scythe.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi slashed apart the gaping jaws of the black snakes.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi deflected Athena's scythe.

Godou used the [Camel] to send a black snake flying with a kick from his heel.
Even though their teamwork was improvised, they coordinated extraordinarily well.
Ena did not try to show off and single-mindedly served as a "shield." Whenever Godou faced
an attack he could not handle alone and showed an opening, the divine sword went to the
Other than that, it was essentially a defensive battle.
Avoiding overextending themselves to attack Athena. They did not attack but only took
measures relevant for containment.
Ena probably knew very well. Even with divine possession she could not face Athena in a
direct confrontation. But acting as a "shield" was perfectly within her power.
I see Godou could not help but realize.
Ena was different from Erica who was skilled in weaponry, or Liliana who always paid close
attention to details.
She instinctively understood differences in combat potential between friend and foe, battle
situations, and what measures should be taken, thereby taking action boldly. This was not
conspicuous intelligence but a natural instinct for victory.
That was Seishuuin Ena's disposition.
Having a similar disposition was likely one of the contributing factors to Kusanagi Godou
slaying a god. She was a companion with similar sensitivities. In that case, they could likely
succeed in producing amazing teamwork.
"Glorious I am, victorious I am, Ahura[22] grants creation unto me. Chasing foes as they flee,
striking down enemies from the front. Chant my name for the incantation of victory!"
The tactic of retreating to a temporary defensive formation, then attack and counterattack.
Godou chanted Verethragna's scripture to raise his magical power. In order to take back
initiative and give Athena a critical blow.
The [White Stallion] would be the most suitable. In their previous battle, the avatar of fire had
been the decisive move that secured victory.
But that too, had been defended last time. Without sufficient preparation, using it could waste
his biggest trump card. Because Verethragna's ten incarnations became unavailable for a full
day after each use.
'Come! Now is the time to make use of the Holy Grail. Please freely vanquish Athena!'
Godou stared wide in surprise.

He could vaguely hear Guinevere's voice or rather, sense it.

"Fu! Thou art quite a resilient man! Excellent, Kusanagi Godou. Let one's authority smasheth
apart the fortress thou hast constructed! Miko who knoweth not her place, if thou fearest
divine punishment then begone from this place!"
Athena called out loudly.
Without their noticing, the battlefield had shifted outside Umihotaru.
Due to the snake goddess' curse, the ocean had been petrified. Standing on waves that
originally offered no foothold, Godou and Ena, as well as Athena were engaged in battle.
All three of them possessed supernatural agility. Thanks to leg strength granted by the
[Camel], Godou was able to jump almost 10m without any running start.
Leaping around as they battled, they had made their way to this location on the sea.
"Now one composeth the song of winter. All plants shall wither, fruit shall fall from trees,
petals shall scatter. Thus heralds the season of death and darkness!"
Athena's spell words resounded across the petrified sea.
Ena rubbed Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi against the ground and held it in a preparatory
stance. This divine sword had the ability to absorb and tear apart all sorts of spells and spirit
No matter what authority the goddess used, all shall be cleaved for the sake of Godou's
This determination of hers was readily apparent. Nevertheless, will she be successful?
A terrifying coldness was emanating from Athena's body. Just the act of standing near her was
chilling to the bone. It was the freezing temperature of permafrost.
She was the queen of darkness and the underworld. The grim reaper of grim reapers who
disseminated winter and death.
Was Seishuuin Ena capable of subduing such a power with her mortal body? Could Godou,
who was not omnipotent, defend against it?
"As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. Man and devil all
enemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished!"
But still, it had to be done no matter what !
Steeling his determination, Godou raised his magical power at this time.

'In past days, the White Goddess created a vessel. Sacred amongst the earth mother
goddesses, immortality, wisdom, all were poured forth into it. Hence the Holy Grail was
The voice of Guinevere could definitely be heard.
It was not a transmitted sound but a voice that came from within Godou, a voice from the
'The artifact known as the Holy Grail, is the vessel for absorbing life force from the earth
mother goddesses. Sometimes from the carcasses of dead earth mother goddesses, other times
from living goddesses, the Holy Grail devours their life for nourishment...'
This was the spell taught in the earlier encounter.
The [Spell of the Holy Grail] mentioned by Guinevere, was this it?
'Just by performing a few procedures, no earth mother goddess can escape the Holy Grail.
Furthermore, this sacred treasure currently lies dormant within Athena...'
What? Godou stared at Athena in surprise.
The goddess of darkness was intending to fully unleash her authority. It could be felt clearly.
Perhaps due to activating the [Spell of the Holy Grail], her actions could be discerned with
Swallowed within the body of the beautiful goddess, the object resembling an urn that
must be the Holy Grail!
How should that divine artifact be revived? It was highly probable that Athena would attempt
countermeasures. All this was clear to Godou.
His mind pondered freely about how he could use that artifact to swing the battle in his favor.
Why would that kind of object be inside Athena?
Why did Guinevere tell him how to use it?
These questions of doubt swirled into a vortex. However.
The sight of Yuri and Liliana, turned into beautiful statues, surfaced in his mind. If he did not
defeat Athena here they could not be saved. Ena would likely be sacrificed too.
Victory must be obtained. For the sake of saving everyone, Athena must be defeated!
Fighting spirit dispelled all doubts. Godou yelled out at Ena who answered readily.
"I'll sweat the small stuff later! We must end things here. Seishuuin, give me that thing!"
"Understood, it's ready!"

Seeing Godou rush towards Athena, Ena immediately understood.

Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. She handed her beloved sword to Godou.
Godou grabbed the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi he had lent out and continued running.
The goddess was single-mindedly raising her divine power. It was like the instant before a
dam's rupture.
The nine snakes behind her tried to bite Godou at the same time.
Godou made a forward thrust with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
The divine sword, also known as the "Kusanagi Sword," started moving autonomously,
tearing through the black snakes. Watching from the back, Ena was moving her partner
through her thoughts.
"O Messenger of winter! Extendest thy icy-cold hands, and stealest the the warmth of life!"
In that very instant, Athena also chanted spell words, unleashing her authority.
A violent blizzard began to blow with the goddess at its center.
It was not just a blizzard. It was wild and riotous wind blowing from the underworld, bringing
temperatures colder than ground-level permafrost.
Magical wind that froze everything completely on contact, shattering them directly. This gust
of cold air could very well be equivalent to absolute zero temperature.
Even the exceptionally resilient Campione would not be able to withstand it.
"Regrets of the White Queen, become my power now!"
Godou yelled out the spell words without hesitation.
This was the incantation for awakening the Holy Grail. The magical words for absorbing a
mother earth goddess' life force.
"!? What, wherefore art thou using this!?"
In the middle of releasing a blizzard, Athena was surprised.
Her whole body began shining with golden light.
It was like the faint light of dying fireflies on a midsummer's eve. It came from the sacred urn
buried deep within Athena the Holy Grail.
A demonic icy blizzard was violently blowing, piling a snowy plain upon the plain of rock.
At the same time, the golden brightness was rising vertically straight up. It was like an upright
pillar of light.

"Ancient Grail, now is the climax of the battle! Knowest thy place!"
Athena commanded the pillar of light that rose into the clouds.
She had to divert her attention to suppress the Holy Grail's action. If this light continued to
shine, Athena's life force would be rapidly drained.
The height of the pillar of light shrank by half, but this also meant her attention was diverted
away from controlling the blizzard.
"Please, Seishuuin! Ama no Murakumo!"
Godou swiftly called out.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had the ability to absorb spells and spirit powers, tearing them
It was likely ineffective when Athena was at full power. However, aiming at Athena whose
concentration had been disrupted by the sudden crisis, a mere window of ten-odd seconds, the
blizzard was sliced apart.
Ena responded appropriately to Godou's orders.
Standing from behind and directing Ama no Murakumo with her thoughts, Athena's divine
power was severed.
Athena was shocked. Successfully cutting apart the blizzard offered some slight respite.
Godou let go of the divine sword and jumped using the [Camel]'s leg strength. Leaping high
into the air, he unleashed a descending kick. It was like a shooting star flying down from the
A full powered kick from up high, it ended up striking Athena in her left shoulder!
"Ooh !?"
Godou could feel from beneath his foot the shattering of the goddess' shoulder.
Struck by this attack, Athena began spinning like a top and was sent flying. She must have
sustained a fair amount of injury. With that, the tide of battle should have turned back to
Godou's favor!
Determined, Godou made a stance.
The light emitted from Athena's body had almost vanished. The Holy Grail must have been
suppressed once again. In the parlance of sumo wrestling, this was Nekodamashi.[23]
Simply sleight of hand. Godou did not believe the same tactic could work again.

Suddenly, Athena's body began to give off light again.

Rising up high as if bursting through the heavens. Such forcefulness dwarfed the sight just
What on earth was happening?
As Godou watched in shock, the radiating brilliance had illuminated the petrified plains of the
sea and Umihotaru with a golden color.
Athena screamed out in pain.

Part 5
In terms of human history, the following story happened far in the past.
It must have been over five hundred years since the man known as the Messiah had died.
In the land now called Europe, there existed a number of Devil Kings.
Those who had slain god and usurped divine authority. The violent god-slaying warriors
whose hearts were consumed by battle. From the perspective of humanity, having just one of
these monsters appearing in an era was a miracle.
But this was a rare moment in history.
An apocalyptic era when several of these rare characters had appeared, vying for domination.
All sorts of incredible people were drawn to these Devil Kings. They worshiped the [Kings],
hoping to serve them.
A certain [King] commanded equestrian tribes, incessantly invading the territory of other
A certain [King] was a pure berserker. He was surrounded by ferocious barbaric tribes who
admired him and became his followers.
A certain [King] was completely devoted to researching magic, hoping to rule over the
demonic magi, priests and astrologers who inhabited the filthy alleyways of the imperial
capital, Rome.
A certain [King] could not be bothered with such things, choosing instead to wander between
nations, displaying mindless valor.
Last of all, a certain [King] had turned the island of Britain into his own hunting grounds.

The island was in a state of chaos at the time. Though the Roman Empire originally ruled this
land, they had abandoned it, leaving it to internal strife and constant invasion from
neighboring barbarians.
Legends told of the island's [King] who was a suzerain Roman general.
Tasked with guarding Britain from barbarian invasions, he was sent there accompanied by a
few troops.
Arriving at the land of his new post, he slew a god and became a Devil King
Whenever outsiders invaded the island, he would immediately intercept and defeat them. But
he never slaughtered his enemies completely, thus allowing them to encroach again.
Whenever internal rebellions occurred, he suppressed them immediately. But always, he
permitted the mastermind to escape, thus sowing the seeds for new rebellions.
Well, that was basically how things repeated time and again.
The god-slaying [King] loved hunting more than anything, and his favorite prey were living
humans. For the sake of this hobby, all he cared about was indulging in his pleasure of the
hunt on the lands of Britain.
As a result, ancient Britain was an apocalyptic world. The end of an era.
While the common people were ravaged by incessant warfare, He appeared.
He challenged the hunt-loving [King] and obtained victory.
A hero indeed. A brave warrior indeed.
The people of Britain worshiped him, calling him "Artos."
Furthermore, the other [Kings] on the continent began to direct their attentions towards the
hero who had slain a Devil King. The appearance of a worthy foe. Perhaps, if one could
murder him with one's own hands...
This was the beginning of a series of death matches, not recorded in any history book.
Eventually, the name of "Artos" was slightly altered in pronunciation to become "Arthur,"
thus leaving a trail in history and legends.
King who manifests at the end of eras, he was the master of the Witch Queen Guinevere.

"Guinevere originates from a goddess who fought alongside Master and Sir Knight. However,
Guinevere no longer retains memories of those times, and can only learn about Master's great
accomplishments through records of the past."
A young blonde beauty was standing on a beach in the Far East.

Naturally, this was Divine Ancestor Guinevere.

"Hmm. However, after a long and difficult search, you or rather, it was your previous
incarnation who finally found Master's avatar, the divine sword discovered those remains."
Standing by Guinevere's side, the knight spoke solemnly.
Lancelot du Lac.
Clad in beautiful white armor, the knight's face was hidden by the helmet's lowered visor. He
held a lance in his hand.
The ancient sword Excalibur which had awakened and was reborn as a divine lance.
"Furthermore, as the present generation's Guinevere, you have gradually advanced towards
the sacred grounds where Master sleeps. Look!"
Lancelot pointed at the sea surface with the tip of the lance.
This island kingdom of the Far East had engendered all sorts of myths, mysteries and legends.
Standing on the beach, the white war god pointed at the sea before him. The sight was as
brilliant as the sun rising over the sea's horizon.
The light from the Holy Grail's absorption of the earth mother goddess' life force could be
"The young god-slayer fell into your trap and awakened the Holy Grail held by Athena. Of
course, she will suppress it once again."
"Yes. But before that happens, Guinevere will finish the task properly!"
Staring at the golden light, she began to summon magical power.
"Graal of legend, I beseech you to let me hear your voice. The daughter of the White Goddess
ignites seven candlesticks. Recall your past glory."
The image surfacing in her mind was directly converted into magical energy.
Guinevere wielded magic naturally. Those known as Divine Ancestors, were temptresses who
were able to use magic as freely as their own limbs.
By the time the spell was complete, the golden light was already quite faint.
Initially it had been tall enough to reach the clouds, like a pillar of light. But now, the beam of
light was gradually weakening, and almost could not be seen from this beach. Nevertheless,
there was still enough time.
Before Athena completely suppressed the Grail, Guinevere seized the opportunity to ascertain
the Holy Grail's existence.

"O White Goddess. As the descendant of your divine self, this girl beseeches you. Bestow
upon the sacred cup and the Divine Sword of Salvation, the link that connects these two
vessels once again!"
The "pathway" which connected the life-absorbing Holy Grail to the planet-slicing divine
Through this invisible "pathway," the life force absorbed from Athena by the Holy Grail was
being infused into the divine lance Excalibur held in Lancelot's hand.
Athena's body must now be emitting many times more light than before.
"Hmm. With that, the divine blade can be swung without any hesitation."
Lancelot pointed the the lance tip towards the heavens.
The platinum-colored blade flashed with a radiant luster.
"Yes. In order to connect the Holy Grail with the divine sword, Kusanagi-sama's power was
used. Things went smoothly as planned, how reassuring."
The young Campione had only managed to awaken the Holy Grail for a brief period.
Seizing that disruption, affirming the Grail's existence and immediately connecting it to
Excalibur. This was a mystical technique only the Witch Queen could perform. A superlative
divine skill.
"Hoo... Now it is clear that your decision was correct."
Lancelot said reassuringly to the one under his protection.
Were he not wearing a helmet, a smile would likely be seen on the war god's face.
"Since these are the ones who can slay this Knight's kin, the gods, then no scruples will be
spared to make use of all weapons to assure victory... Phrasing it that way should be
acceptable, right?"
"Yes, it is true. After all, as a god-slayer, he is a bastard child of the fool Epimetheus!"
Guinevere remarked with derision.
However, her young and beautiful face was trembling from fear.
"But then again, the very fact that they are fools is why they pose unforeseeable threats to our
plans, becoming formidable foes. What a group of shocking people!"
Lancelot listened to the beloved child's sighs as they walked along the beach.
Waiting ahead was the white divine horse. It was the divine beast that served him, the friend
who galloped with him across battlefields.

"Girl, as a heretic this Knight does not know how much more time can be spent by your side.
However, before the day we part, this Knight swears to lead you to Master's side!"
The inevitable farewell.
This was exactly Guinevere and Lancelot's worry.
Deviating from their proper divine depiction in the myths, whether due to confusion, insanity
or obsession, [Heretic Gods] were imprisoned on earth.
The war god had given up being the Witch Queen's guardian for the sake of liberating all his
It was still fine for now. Lancelot had become Guinevere's guardian through bonds forged
over a millennium. Nevertheless, there will come a day when he will be devoured by the
distortions of being a [Heretic God], thus beginning a wayward path, leaving the beloved
child behind.
Regardless, Lancelot mounted his beloved horse, and began galloping through the air.
"O Ancient steel, become this Knight's strength. Let one become the blade that sweeps away
the saplings of riotous commotion!"
Spell words were chanted in midair to awaken the divine blade.
The essence of the earth powered this sword. The purer the better the effects.
For obvious reasons, a vast fertile plain would be filled with greater quantities of essence
compared to a barren desert. However, the most ideal source was the life force inhabiting
mother earth goddesses...
"By the hero's honor, this Knight displays divine might thus!"
Excalibur's white tip produced a platinum-colored sphere of light.
It carried an exceptionally intense brilliance that was as if the sun had fallen down to earth.
This platinum sun flew across the sky.
Towards the battlefield. The arena where Goddess Athena and the young god-slayer were
engaged in battle.
"Guh... Ooh !!"
Goddess Athena was struggling in pain before Godou and Ena.
Her beautiful torso emitted golden light as she rolled about on the petrified surface of the sea.
Her upper torso was a young girl's, her usual form.

However, below the waist was a snake's body. A very long, exceptionally long serpentine
body. Probably ten-odd meters in length. The tiny scales covering this snake body were
silver-white in color. Having reverted into a half-human half-snake monstrous form, Athena
was breathing heavily and rolling around in pain.
This unusual appearance was probably the goddess' true form. Both a beautiful girl and a
great serpent at the same time.
Terrifying. A fearsome existence. But also sacred and beautiful. As an existence like that, she
was currently suffering in pain. The serpentine body gave off golden light as it rolled about.
Her beautiful face distorted, making pitiful and painful noises.
Athena's body shone with golden light.
At first it was as blindingly brilliant as the sun, and impossible to view straight. But soon it
became quite weak and no longer forced others to divert their gazes. Nevertheless, Godou
knew the Holy Grail had successfully activated inside Athena.
Due to the Holy Grail inside the mother earth goddess
Her life was being drained in a manner like a leech's blood sucking.
Even though Athena was supposed to have an immortal body, if this continued she would
weaken and die eventually.
"Ooh... Indeed, 'tis yonder maidservant who taught you the mystical arts to operate the Holy
"So you really do know that witch called Guinevere... And you're enemies with her."
Godou remarked to Athena as she moaned.
He began to reflect on the truth of the entire matter as he watched the suffering goddess.
"The enemy of my enemy is a friend... That's not right, I must have been used like a pawn."
"Fu... Didst thou not use yonder maidservant's spell to vanquish this goddess? Thou soundst
as if thou wert also deceived...!"
A fearless smile appeared on the beautiful face of half-human half-snake Athena.
Then she stopped the thrashing of the serpentine body. The lower torso, covered in silverwhite scales, slowly shortened and transformed. It became human a girl's legs.
Athena had regained the form of a young and beautiful girl.
"'Tis not bad. Assaulting an enemy's weakness with merciless slaughter. 'Tis the warrior's
way. Thou hast made slight progress, the matter shall not be pursued..."
Even though tormented by pain, the goddess showed a calm and composed smile.

This must be Athena exhibiting her will and spirit as she restored her snake torso back to
human form. Precisely because she was in a desperate situation, she did not want any pity as a
"However, as long as one's life remaineth unextinguished, one shall fight till the very end.
Kusanagi Godou! This goddess bestows upon thee the honor of dueling with Athena in her
desperate state!"
"Enough! I don't plan on fighting in such circumstances!"
Godou yelled at the scythe-wielding Athena who was repeating her usual lines.
"You seem to be under various effects today. Look at your body! If you can't continue
fighting, then settle down!"
If things continued, even immortal Athena would meet her end. It was only natural to
persuade her to surrender.
However, if she refused to stop fighting then she must be defeated. This goddess in the form
of a young girl, had under fate's mysterious guidance, encountered Godou many times.
There were no fair and certain methods of victory. Guinevere's true intentions were also a
However, setting these issues aside, it was imperative to defeat Athena. If the goddess
rampaged further in this situation, let alone Kisarazu, the entire Kantou region could become
What should be done? Should he do it? Must he do it like that?
Athena swung her giant scythe mightily as Godou hesitated. In that very instant
"Your Majesty, danger! Look up. It's very dangerous!"
Ena cried out. Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi laid ready in his hand all along.
Godou was shocked by the sight in the sky. A flying sphere of light, shining with platinum
brilliance, was approaching. The brightness was like a star crashing down upon the earth's
"Divine Sword of Salvation! Must thou cut one down here, too impatient for this goddess'
As soon as Athena spoke, it immediately happened.
From the shining platinum-colored star, a beam of light attacked the petrified ocean surface.
Slicing it apart in one broad stroke. With only a single attack, a deep trench was carved out of
the petrified ocean surface. Roughly ten-odd meters in length, and likely similar in depth.

What kind of slashing attack was this! Similar to Verethragna's [Sword], it was a weapon
controlled by gods.
They had to get away from that star!
"You run away first, Seishuuin! I will follow!"
"Yes. Take care!"
The Hime-Miko of the Sword ran swiftly like the wind.
Without carrying any load, her speed should allow her to escape to a safe place.
However, Godou could not. Rather, there was this lingering need. Ena had obeyed orders
immediately, probably because there was no time to evaluate the decision.
On the other hand, Athena was
She was spreading darkness around her. This was the dark protective shield she used
previously to defend against Verethragna's [White Stallion] the flames descending from
the sun.
The platinum-colored star emitted bright light once more, striking down at Athena's darkness.
Surprisingly, though the dark shield managed to block the attack, it was blown away.
Previously, the darkness had been able to defend against the [White Stallion]'s firepower!
...The attack was only the beginning.
The white star flashed with light once again. However, it was not only one beam this time.
Several, no, dozens of beams of light were sprayed out. Multiple layers for sure. A deadly
sword formation woven from white flashing lights...!
One beam of light approached Godou's head. Fast as lightning.
However, this extreme speed in turn allowed him to activate Verethragna's seventh
incarnation, the [Raptor].
Having obtained god-like speed, Godou attempted to evade the blade of light.
All said and done, god-like speed was only akin to lightning. It was not light speed.
Luckily, Godou managed to escape the beam from the white star using the limits of god-like
speed. From that it would seem like it was more of a lightning attack.
There was no time to verify this random notion. Running away was imperative. Just as he
prepared to do so, he saw it.
The multi-sword formation looked as if it was about to slice Athena into pieces.

The darkness protecting her were all gone. Defenseless. About to be helplessly sliced apart.
One reaps what one sows. Godou thought.
Despite all sorts of special circumstances, she was the culprit of the current crisis. She had
brought great disaster to human society. If she had not done so then she would not be in peril
However, Athena's expression was clearly visible.
The courageous goddess, proudly lifted her head up high to gaze at the white star.
Had she been faced with a sentence of decapitation, she would probably show the same
expression? She was the one who embraced the dignity of the ancient matriarch deity and
goddess of the divine realm.
"Damn it... Why, why do you have to make that kind of expression?"
If her life was saved at this point, "battle" would inevitably recur.
It would be best to ignore her. She had turned Yuri, Liliana, and many other people into stone.
Godou was furious at those acts of hers. However, it was also true that the Holy Grailwhatever was buried in her body like a bomb
"This is really forcing me to do unnecessary things!"
Speed like lightning.
Godou fully unleashed god-like speed and charged forward. Towards the goddess.
He reached her at the final moment. As multiple swords of light flew down from the sky, he
carried Athena in his arms before they could slice her apart. Like that, he continued running at
full speed.
An instant later, at the spot where Godou and Athena had been...
The shining swords of light raged furiously. Not only did they cut up the now empty petrified
ocean surface into a thousand pieces, they completely tore it up to leave no trace behind.
With that, the white star had lost its target.
But then the fallen star began to move actively once again. It tried to seek the escaped prey,
like a hunter's hound slowly following its scent...

Back to the artificial island of Umihotaru, then along the connecting road towards Kisarazu.
After passing through the Kisarazu junction, he next headed for the nearby coast.

This was the route taken by Godou as he held Athena in his arms. However, the white star
that had been firing swords of light was still hovering in midair.
And slowly moving towards the beach where Godou was now located!
"Even with this level of speed, it can still sense our location..."
Godou groaned.
In order to let Athena rest, he had stopped moving at god-like speed.
"'Tis only natural. This star of [Swords] released by the Divine Sword of Salvation
consumeth the earth's essence for nourishment. Furthermore, it currently maketh use of the
purest essence absorbed from this goddess through the Holy Grail."
Athena remarked from beside him.
"That [Sword] moveth for the sake of capturing one's life. In that case, 'tis only natural for it
to sense one's location. Because the Holy Grail hidden within this body is connected to it!"
The pristine white features of her beautiful face were more deathly pale than usual. A shadow
also lay beneath her eyes.
Athena was clearly wasting away.
Despite being unable to stand, she still glared at the white star unyieldingly.
"If that's also Guinevere's item, then she must be nearby. Know where she's at?"
"...What dost thou intend, Kusanagi Godou?"
"Even though your current state is your comeuppance, I am still partially responsible. I must
find Guinevere and stop that [Sword]. Although this means I must act violently, it can't be
Godou explained his plan.
His heart did not hurt. That meant there was still time before the [Raptor]'s limit.
If he quickly found the location and ran over with god-like speed, then he should be able to
catch that witch.
"What art thou saying? Couldst thou be wishing to save this goddess!?"
"You helped me once during that time against Perseus. If you die before I can return the
favor, I'd be very troubled."
Athena shook her head at Godou as he laughed and prepared to continue explaining his plan.

"Thou art as feeble as the first day... Apparently, thou hast not learnt to discern thy own
The goddess was nagging with those disapproving comments again. However, her severe
expression gradually subsided.
Like grass of spring swaying gently in the breeze, Athena lightly exerted a force on her
Her gaze, turned towards Godou, was filled with interest and curiosity as if looking at a
favorite piece of treasure or artwork.
"An interesting suggestion, but alas, not very appropriate. That object cannot be stopped by
such a hasty strategy."
Athena remarked as she turned her gaze to the white star.
It was no longer spraying [Swords]. Most likely because of the god-like speed exhibited by
Godou. Rather than attack rashly and be evaded, it was better to advance slowly to assure
certain annihilation.
"That said, dying from the nefarious schemes of that maidservant, would be truly vexing.
More than anything, more than being unable to settle our rivalry decisively, 'tis even more
"You still plan on fighting me..."
"Of course. Otherwise one would not be the goddess Athena. Be that as it may"
A mirror suddenly manifested in the goddess' hand.
It was a small hand mirror like the ones used by women for applying makeup.
"Athena's fate looketh like it shall be blemished. One had intended to wait for this long life to
reach its end in a manner befitting an immortal. But now one's hand is forced to employ little
tricks to extend life on earth."
Athena spoke as she gazed upon the mirror.
And so the pubescent otherworldly beauty suddenly transformed into a beautiful statue. Using
the mirror, she had turned the snake goddess Medusa's evil gaze upon herself!
Furthermore, the white star hovering in midair suddenly vanished as well.
I see. Godou understood.
The curse of petrification was the power to bring forth temporary death. Athena had entered a
state of false death, temporarily halting her living activity. As a result, the Holy Grail became
unable to absorb life force. Thus the [Sword] also lost its power source, and could no longer
be sustained.

In the end, Athena retaliated splendidly against Guinevere's conspiracy.

However, what should Kusangi Godou do? Divine Ancestor, Athena, petrified streets and
facilities, petrified people, Yuri and Liliana who had already fallen
Godou anxiously contemplated his next moves.

Chapter 5 - Where This Sword Shall Strike

Part 1
"For this incident, the scale of the affected area is extremely broad. The work required for the
aftermath and information control will surely be very troublesome."
Sayanomiya Kaoru explained to Godou in her usual clear tone.
This was at a beach within Kisarazu city, the place where Athena had turned herself into a
statue a few hours ago.
"In a certain sense, there's actually a very simple solution. It all depends on Kusanagi-san's
From the beach, there was a clear view of the ocean illuminated orange by the glow of dusk.
The young beauty's statue stood all alone in this scenery. This exquisite otherworldly beauty
on her face, could not possibly be reproduced by any living artist. Furthermore, the pubescent
but proudly puffed out chest displayed the goddess' haughtiness. A girl who acted this way
probably did not exist either.
Godou and Kaoru were the only two people bearing witness to this beautiful statue.
The entire coastal area had already been sealed off by the History Compilation Committee,
preventing ordinary people from entering.
"My will, you say?"
"Yes. We have already confirmed the identity of the deity causing all these supernatural
phenomena. All we need is wait one whole day to pass, then use the [Sword]'s spell words.
Take Ena for example. She, too, can teach you knowledge about Athena."
"I expected that sort of preparation would be necessary. A few months ago, I ordered all the
Hime-Miko to study western deities. Of course, not every deity, but famous ones like Athena
were included of course."
Kaoru explained cheerfully. How astute of her methods.

Not only as a Hime-Miko, but as an organization leader, she also had outstanding talents as a
"Even though Athena had turned everything into stone anywhere from the reclaimed area in
Ukishima across the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway to the Umihotaru artificial island. However,
she did not cause any destruction, which is actually quite fortunate. As long as Kusanagi-san
uses your authority, and severs Athena's power by sweeping the [Sword] through the entire
area, everything will be restored."
That's right. It was the same for objects, people, as well as animals and plants.
Including Yuri and Liliana, everything that had been petrified could be restored.
Currently the History Compilation Committee seemed to be putting all their efforts into
controlling information, and were busy sealing off the affected areas.
They had already controlled all news and prohibited the media from making detailed reports.
During this time, an abortive incident of toxic gas leak near Kawasaki was reported... A
fabricated news source.
All sorts of methods were employed to publicize it, in preparation for covering up the
ridiculous truth.
The biggest problem now faced was how to handle the families of petrified victims. No matter
what, failing to return home without any communication would worry friends and family,
causing them to take action.
If there was a way to resolve the incident swiftly, of course it should be taken.
Personally, Godou wanted to see Yuri and Liliana revived as soon as possible.
"Due to the current situation, I guess we need Kusanagi-san's cooperation no matter what. It
would be a great help if you could agree readily. In addition to that, at the same time as saving
the victims of petrification, please slay Athena in her vulnerable stone form. If another
incident could be prevented by striking at its root, then 'all will be fine.'"
Kaoru's request sent Godou into deep thought.
Right. If he took the opportunity to slay Athena then everything would be resolved.
However, Godou still stood there staring blankly. Ever since Athena had turned into a statue,
he had been idling on this beach for hours.
That star which had displayed white [Swords] of terrifying power
Godou believed that the one controlling it, Guinevere, would probably target Athena again.

This goddess who had brought great disaster to human society, even if he were to abandon her
to her own devices, no one would complain, right?

Time continued to advance, and night had fallen.

Godou was still idling on the seashore accompanying Athena's statue.
He had just received a call from Amakasu, informing him that Ena was arriving later to bring
something over. He must have realized Godou was agonizing over something.
However, Amakasu did not try to broach the subject.
Intending to respect a Campione's decision? Or leaving things alone because he gave up on
understanding why Godou was troubled? The latter seemed more and more unlikely.
Anyway, even Godou himself could not articulate why he felt so concerned about Athena's
"She... Is really about to die?"
Guinevere's subterfuge. The matter of the Holy Grail. Athena's various behavior. After much
thought, Godou reached that conclusion.
A beach in early winter. A charming statue enduring against the icy cold sea breeze.
Even though it had the appearance of an eleven or twelve-year-old girl, there was no childlike innocence in that face.
Neither powerless nor harmless. She was the queen ruling over the high heavens, the
bountiful earth and the dark underworld. The exalted goddess.
With death approaching, she had forced herself to pay Godou a visit
"Why would she do that..."
Godou could imagine, but he was uncertain if he guessed correctly. It was probably too
difficult to fill the cultural divide through his lone efforts. Godou instinctively took out his
A warrior queen from the Bronze and Iron Age civilizations. What he needed was someone
whose brain was wired the same way.
"Give me a break, I can't possibly talk to that idiot!?"
Amongst all Godou's friends and acquaintances, one particular young man was clearly
furthest away from modern ways of thinking.
The child blessed by heaven in the strange ways of the sword. The god-slaying knight.

Despite Godou's efforts to forget him, it was strange how that man always managed to elicit a
hostile response. It always felt like irrelevant concerns. That guy was like a Viking warrior
who had conformed to modern life, but he was not an appropriate conversation partner. Best
to reconsider.
As a result, Godou decided to call someone else.
He made an international call to Italy. Accounting for the current time of 6pm with a time
difference of eight hours, whether that person had awakened or not was a rather delicate
'What's going on, Godou? You finally couldn't bear the loneliness of my absence?'
Instantly connected to Erica Blandelli, Godou decided this would count as rising early for her.
However, she was speaking in a cheerful manner unlike her usual tone of voice when getting
out of bed.
"Even when you're not around, I'm still very lively and not depressed at all. Don't make up
strange stories."
'Of course not, it's not like I'm Lily. I was just imagining how someone might feel after losing
me, an existence much like the sun.'
Godou could only laugh wryly in response to her usual confident and imposing manner.
"Let's put that aside. We have a real crisis over here."
'......Yes. And it truly seems like a real crisis."
After a brief explanation, Erica commented with indifference.
Furthermore, she even added the following remark calmly:
'Well, whenever you feel lost, know that your heart has already made its decision. Just do as
you feel. I will back you up properly once we converge later.'
"My heart has already made its decision?"
No way. Being unclear on what to do was the exact reason why he wanted to talk to someone.
But Erica carried on indifferently.
'The Kusanagi Godou I know, is a person who acts without a moment's hesitation when he
wants to defeat someone. Yes, it is impossible to imagine someone who grew up in peaceful
modern Japan to have such bold decisiveness.'
"I am a veritable pacifist and member of modern civilized society. Stop making these strange

'What's wrong? I've always thought, that Godou here, is similar to those early equestrian
tribes enamored with civilization. Acting civilized during times of peace but completely
merciless in battle. And about to be accustomed to a vagrant life requiring great decisiveness.'
What was Erica trying to say? Godou was getting angry.
If that were true then he was just a selfish inconsiderate person. That would be a massive
amendment to the character description!
'Do you need me to point out all the similarities between you and the nomadic Mongolian
horde that swept through China and various nations in Europe? In that regard, I'm sure Godou
you don't need any help in understanding..."
"None of your business. But really, when I feel lost my heart has already decided?"
Even though he completely ignored the criticism that refuted his claim to being a modern
human, he will keep the other piece of advice in mind.
"When are you coming back?"
'It's not like I require special permission, but I won't be able to board a plane immediately.
With the current situation, I do need to return to Japan as soon as possible. We will meet up
first before seeing how things go from there. Before that, please fight as you see fit.'
I see. Godou nodded firmly, ending the conversation with Erica.
She could not return immediately to support him, but without any worry or uneasiness, he will
wait for the return of the companion whom he could trust to watch his back.
In that case, it's really up to myself how to handle things as I see fit
Guided by that notion, Godou's thoughts naturally fell in line. Yuri and Liliana in that state
must be saved. The petrified victims all have to be rescued no matter what. And then there
was Athena, if that troublesome goddess also had extenuating circumstances...
Abandoning someone for the sake of another, that was not Godou's style of doing things.
I will adhere to my own principles no matter what.

Part 2
"Sorry you had to wait, Your Majesty!"
Ena arrived on the seashore half an hour after the call to Erica had ended.
As usual, she was wearing that uniform from that school located goodness knows where, with
the cloth bag slung over her shoulder carrying a Japanese sword. In addition, she had brought
food contained in convenience store bags, as well as outdoor equipment such as sleeping

"...You brought all sorts of things."

"I was thinking perhaps we might need to spend the night here just in case. For the moment,
Amakasu-san has also arranged for lodgings nearby."
Ena lightly put down the luggage on the beach as Godou spoke with his eyes widened in
surprise. Perhaps due to her martial arts training and running around in the mountains, her
legs and back must be rather strong.
"I was absorbed in my thoughts and it totally did not occur to me. Thanks and sorry."
"Don't worry about it. Let's make something to eat."
Saying that, Ena immediately went to work gathering fallen twigs from nearby.
She seemed to be choosing dry twigs that were not soaked by seawater. Realizing the HimeMiko's intentions, Godou also followed suit.
A few minutes later, Ena used a lighter to start a fire with the twigs and paper they had
Thus a campfire was ready. Due to excellent night vision, the lack of lighting did not pose any
inconvenience, but it was still rather chilly. Having a fire for warmth felt really great.
"Seishuuin doesn't smoke, right?"
"Right. But lighters and matches have all kinds of convenient uses, so I always keep them on
True. They were tools with many uses out in the wild.
Having responded like a child of nature, Ena poured mineral water bought from the
convenience store into an outdoor kettle, and started boiling the water.
Then she took out two portions of cup noodles.
She placed deep-fried tofu into the noodles in clear broth, and set out all sorts of deep-fried
Deep-fried pork chop sandwiches, BLT sandwiches, hotdogs and burgers. There were also
various flavors of rice balls such as salmon, tarako salted roe, kombu seaweed and plum. It
seemed to be an assortment of food items appropriately selected from convenience store
"Eating outdoors like this is rather delicious."
"Yeah. Cities are so nice, so easy to collect ingredients. If this were the mountains, gathering
food would be such a chore."
The two sat around the campfire and began their meal facing each other.

Since he was rather hungry, Godou didn't bother with manners and swept everything clean.
The seaweed in the cup noodles turned out to be surprisingly tasty. The taste seemed to seep
slowly into the depths of his tired body. Ena was also enjoying her food with great relish.
She seemed like the type who could not resist this kind of junk food.
Godou had heard before that the daughters of the Seishuuin family were raised as high class
ladies back in the village...
"I have done this before, but it seems like it's been a while since I went to the mountains."
Godou recalled going on trips with friends who loved the outdoors.
Spending time together with Ena was like having a male friend. Even though Godou had
grown more or less accustomed to getting along with girls, it still felt very exhausting most of
the time.
Incredibly, this child of nature did not make him feel the same way.
"Does Your Majesty like visiting the mountains? If that's the case, go with Ena. Next time
Ena plans on climbing the sacred grounds of Ukokusan. It's a place where even locals do not
venture for training unless they are veterans. A very tough challenge. It's gonna be fun."
"...I think our experience with 'mountains' are on completely different levels."
The invitation felt like it was no different from a one-way trip to the afterlife.
Godou smiled wryly at Ena who made her suggestion with complete carefreeness.
"If we're going, let's pick somewhere less challenging. How about a mountain more suitable
to novices, that even Mariya can make her way up with effort?"
"...Yuri too?"
"Yeah. If we're going out next time, let's bring Mariya and Liliana along as well."
Godou asserted.
With those two's talents, they would not need to subsist on instant food all the time.
Perhaps they would even prepare exquisite outdoor cuisine. Well, eating so casually today
turned out to be quite pleasant too. However, it would not be appropriate in situations where
Yuri and Liliana were present.
They would probably say something like prohibiting this kind of unhealthy food...
Godou recalled Liliana's passionate diatribe against the evils of food additives and trans fatty

"Let's rescue them tomorrow. You'll help, right? Seishuuin."

"Of course. You can rely on Ena!"
Godou began to ponder as he listened to the upbeat voice of the Hime-Miko.
He must save those two girls, as well as the others. This was already established. The
remaining problem was how to clear up the whole story of the troublesome goddess. Ever
since night had fallen, he had been troubled by these questions...
Godou was about to throw trash into the convenience store bag when he noticed something.
"What's that?"
There was a piece of paper in the bag.
A few words in English were written on it.
The scribbled handwriting read "Watch out. Here comes snatcher!"
"Beware of thief... Something like that? When did that get in here?"
"Sent by a spell hmm, no, definitely not."
The Hime-Miko stared at the note as she wondered.
Now that it was mentioned, Erica had used that kind of spell before, called something like
mailing. It was convenient magic that allowed one to send letters to anyone freely. Ena also
sent a letter of invitation into Godou's desk once, and most likely had used the same spell.
"The sensation of a spell... Completely cannot be felt. Probably someone put it in there while
Ena was traveling here. Or maybe it was placed while we were eating..."
Godou was completely shocked.
Nevermind Kusanagi Godou, for someone to be able to elude Seishuuin Ena's senses
Who could possibly have such abilities? For the Hime-Miko of the Sword with her beast-like
sensitivity to have failed to detect anything. Truly a divine level of skill!
Ena also seemed taken aback. She stared at the note with a pouting expression.
Leaving that aside for now, what did they have to "beware" of?
Godou suddenly remembered. He had almost completely forgot that thing.
He took out his cellphone and called Amakasu. It might have been lost already.

Worried thoughts occupied Godou for minutes as he waited

"No no. Shaking off stalkers sure is tough. Right, looks like I have a call, is something up?"
"Amakasu-san! You're okay!?"
Godou was reassured to hear Amakasu's voice just as he was worrying.
The special agent of the History Compilation Committee had suddenly appeared on the beach
in his usual sloppy suit, and was walking over.
As befitted the ninja, astutely appearing and disappearing without warning.
"Could it be, that witch Guinevere showed up?"
"An excellent question, Ena-san. That presence just now really was that lady. I had to use
every single spell and technique at my disposal, and ran with my life to get here."
Amakasu responded to Ena's question with a haggard face.
Then he took out the Heavenly Reverse Halberd from the pocket of his suit the divine
"I knew it, this thing should probably stay with Kusanagi-san... I think running away from
magi along the likes of Divine Ancestors is too much of a burden for me..."
"No. I'm really sorry, but I will continue relying on you for now."
Godou was very worried and felt sorry for forcing a troublesome task on Amakasu.
However, he bowed his head.
"Didn't Mariya say before, better not let this piece of stone get near Athena? Even though it
seems okay currently while she has turned into stone, but it might not last."
"...What do you mean?"
"...Your Majesty, I knew it."
Amakasu looked very surprised, but it was Ena who deduced the situation.
Godou explained assertively to the two of them, as well as to petrified Athena.
"Obviously I will save everyone who has been petrified, but I have to end things decisively
with her I don't know in what manner, but there will be a definitive conclusion for sure.
Thus I was thinking, if it results in another severe disaster... My humble condolences."
The great goddess had said that her fate as Athena had been blemished.

Godou felt it was hyperbole. Be that as it may, Godou was also someone who could barely be
classified as civilized. Really, just barely.
Amakasu went "oh my, things will really get hairy" and looked up at the sky, then bowed to
express agreement.
Ena generously nodded with total acceptance.
Nevertheless, Godou really felt like scratching his head in revulsion at his declaration, so
typical of Devil King Campiones.

"That said, how should we proceed specifically?"

It was now late at night.
Having contemplated all sorts of things, Godou muttered to himself.
"Athena's petrification can be released with my sword, but the problem is the Holy Grail..."
He was currently in a room on the second floor of a local residence along the seashore. The
lodgings Amakasu had arranged. The next day will be full of trials and it was a blessing to be
able to get a good night's rest.
This house was built on a spot that had offered a wide view of the coast.
If Athena made a move they would immediately be able to react. Godou's window faced the
ocean. The statue of the goddess continued to stand majestically on the winter beach. Local
policemen and Committee employees had already sealed off the area.
It was already decided that Godou would be alerted by cellphone if anything out of ordinary
was observed.
As a side note, the entire house had been taken for the convenience of police-related
personnel. There had been other families who wanted to arrange for lodgings, but they were
turned away with random excuses.
The only one in this room was Kusanagi Godou.
It was already eleven o'clock at night. However, he still had no idea how to "come to a
conclusion" with Athena... Without switching on the light, Godou stood at the window,
continuing to contemplate.
Light shone in through the window from the moon and the stars. It was roughly as bright as
streetlights. Due to Godou's excellent night vision, it was more than enough.
Kacha. The door handle turned and someone walked in.
"Still up, Your Majesty?"

It was Ena. But Godou was shocked by what she was wearing.
"What's going on, Seishuuin, why do you look like that?"
"Uh yeah. It was time to sleep so I changed."
In a rare moment, Ena was speaking hesitantly.
Instead of her usual school uniform, she was dressed as a miko with a pure white top and a
bright red hakama.
Now that he recalled, he had seen Ena's miko appearance briefly during the battle against the
Great Sage Equaling Heaven.
"You wear a miko outfit instead of pajamas?"
Isn't that kind of blasphemous... Godou averted his gaze as he spoke.
This caused the premier Hime-Miko to explain frantically.
"It's not always like this. But it'd be embarrassing to visit Your Majesty in dirty clothes.
Without any other clothing on hand, I had no choice."
"What are you talking about? Don't you just wear the same uniform all the time?"
"Yeah... But tonight, we are having an affair."
Did he just hear alien language? What was that girl Ena trying to say?
Godou instantly denied reality. But of course, things would not be settled that easily.
"On this very special night, I was thinking I should clean up a bit first? Ah, Your Majesty, the
bed has been prepared. T-Then, I will be in your care."
Ena showed a shy expression as she made a shocking statement. Furthermore, she went over
to the prepared bedding and sat down very formally in seiza.[24]
"W-W-W-W-W-What kind of complete nonsense are you talking about! It makes no sense at
"On the contrary."
Ena was no longer shy but bore a resolute expression. Her eyes were filled with clear
determination. Bathed under moonlight, a white luster could be seen on her prim and proper
beautiful face.
"Your Majesty plans on fighting Athena again tomorrow, right? Rather than slay Athena in
her stone form."
That was correct. It was the only way to do things for a proper conclusion.

A face to face duel. To determine the victor.

Of course there were other options. The Holy Grail which had robbed Athena of her
immortality. If a way could be found to remove and disable it...
But taking into account what Athena truly wished for, this was it.
"Your Majesty has been wavering all this time, right? And disaster will again descend upon
many people. But everything can be solved yes, everything will be solved. In that case, it's
time for Ena to display some determination."
Godou was shocked. Once again, he was reminded of how adorable Ena could be.
Even though he had been unaware all along, this Hime-Miko was a raven-haired Yamato
Nadeshiko rivaling Yuri, as well as being a very attractive girl.
This truth was now suddenly presented before him.

Part 3
"Ena originally planned to teach you all the knowledge about Athena. Tonight, with Your
Majesty umm, I was thinking there should be all kinds of things that needed to be done.
Your Majesty is risking your life in a battle against a [Heretic God], so apart from offering
knowledge there must be something else. That's what Ena was thinking..."
"A-Apart from knowledge!?"
Before he made his poignant outburst, Godou was already looking for an escape route.
Ena must surely be talking casually. Perhaps all she wanted to do was play games through the
Probably Uno or Hanafuda cards. Or maybe card games like Concentration[25] or Sevens.[26]

"Even though Your Majesty is very strong, there's still a chance of death... So before Your
Majesty sets off for battle, Ena's body will accompany Your Majesty for the night, to help
restore your energy. Perhaps in case of the worst outcome, Your Majesty's lineage can be
Her intentions were explained rather concretely.
In other words, she had not misunderstood the meaning of "affair" in any way!
"P-Please calm down, Seishuuin. Let's just sit over there first."
"I've been sitting down calmly from the start."
"T-Then sit in seiza. Sit properly and listen seriously to me."
"I'm already sitting in seiza. Ena has been sitting seriously all this time. It's Your Majesty who
needs to talk seriously."
All avenues of escape had been blocked. Was there no way left other than a frontal
Godou crossed his legs and sat down before Ena.
"Well, how should I put it... I'm very grateful for your offer, but I believe that kind of
behavior is only suitable for married couples. Is that clear?"
He calmly questioned her in earnest.
In any situation, there was no weapon more powerful than righteous sincerity. Probably.
"I've already said it before. Ena is fine being a woman of convenience. I'm not concerned with
formalities. Besides, hasn't Your Majesty promised already? To have Ena by your side
Ena objected with a pout. It was exactly as she described.
It was no longer an issue of sincerity but a matter of mental preparedness.
"Ah, but then again, Your Majesty did tell Ena before. Don't say anything like 'being a
convenient woman is fine' again. Sorry, Ena forgot."
Isn't this complete daydreaming?
Ena seemed to have recalled the scene that made her think that. Dejectedly, she lowered her
head. Head bowed, she began to hesitate as she muttered to herself.
"Still... Ena wants to be Your Majesty's bride."
A direct expression of her wish.

She displayed a shyness which made her usual unbelievable behavior seem like a sham.
Faced with Ena's current state, Godou began to feel his control slipping. He would not be able
to hold out for long. This was bad.
"After all, I still want to dress in white all over and have some kind of ceremony... Can I?"
"N-N-N-N-No, of course not. Having said no, umm, rather, I should say instead, that kind of
thing is too early for us!"
Finding Ena far too adorable, Godou diverted his gaze and desperately tried to explain.
If he had a little more experience in dealing with these situations, perhaps he could stay cool.
But now he was reaching his limit. Being alone with a girl like this.
Furthermore, they had unwittingly sat on the same bedding.
Her body could be touched by a simple reach of the hand. This kind of distance was anything
but reassuring.
Had it been Erica, Godou would usually be on high alert to prevent the mood from building
up to such levels (though there were times when he failed). But this time Ena had made a
surprise attack, completely ruining his usual precautions.
"Come on... Why doesn't Your Majesty want Ena to stay with you for the night?"
I beg you, please don't plead in such a cute manner.
Even though Godou wanted to loudly reject her, it would be equivalent to admitting defeat. It
would be disclosing the fact that he was about to succumb.
"Ah, I see. Okay."
Ena suddenly stopped trying to be difficult and lowered her gaze again.
Looking down she was staring at the blanket she was fiddling with her index finger.
"A girl like Ena, is not that cute and not very feminine, and neither very dignified nor
virtuous. Ena can't possibly have that kind of personality, it can't be helped. And Your
Majesty already has so many cute girls around you..."
"Don't say nonsense, it's nothing like that."
Faced with Ena's dejection, Godou instinctively reached out with his hand without thinking.
He placed his hand over her pristine white hand that was fiddling with the blanket, and held it
"You are a beautiful and cute girl. It's me who's not worthy."

Godou spoke sincerely as he gazed into Ena's face and eyes.

"Hoho, really. Believe me."
"Really... If Your Majesty says so, then Ena will not doubt."
The Hime-Miko of the Sword finally smiled again, and slowly closed her eyes.
Tilting her face up invitingly. The message was obvious.
No choice but to make myself clear. Godou quietly pondered.
It was true that he simply lacked the courage to cross a certain boundary. With Erica and Yuri,
as well as Liliana. It was also true that the thoughts of other girls were surfacing in his mind.
However, Ena's sincere offering of her heart finally made him realize.
Why was he still unable to act decisively? The reason? The violent desire entrenched in the
deepest reaches of his heart.
Godou nodded. I have to do what I have decided.
Drawing near Ena's face, he took her by the lips.
Their lips pressed together, intimately caressing each other, melding their senses into one.
"S-So, Your Majesty, please forgive Ena for any failings in serving you..."
After a long kiss, Ena's lips released and whispered softly.
Her meekness made her usual boldness seem unreal. However, as the Hime-Miko tried to
loosen the collar of her white garment, Godou shook his head once again.
"This is enough. It's still too early for that."
"Eh eh? Ena isn't cute enough after all..."
"No, it's not like that. How should I say it... I will... you Could you wait for the time when I
finally have the ability to shoulder all the hardship suffered by you girls?"
Godou pleaded quietly. His heart was no longer in disarray.
He was a man shouldering the lives of the girls close to him. The worst kind of man, one like
a devil.
Yet at times like this, he had to rely on their sacrifices in order to fight.
Facing the absurd gods, fighting them on humanity's behalf.

Furthermore, the girls not only offered their lives but even the purity of their thoughts and
lifestyle to Kusanagi Godou, displaying great will and spirit to accommodate him.
By now, Godou was strongly persuading himself.
"Even though I'm still a student, but anyway, the problem is, I feel like I'm not worthy enough
for you to go that far for me. I don't want to indulge myself in that area. I cannot lose to
selfish desire."
"Cannot... lose?"
"Hoho, sorry. I'm very grateful for your kind offer, but listen, I'm going to say some obstinate
He was in intimate contact with both Ena's body and mind.
Who knew if other girls might join in the future? In that case, Godou's everyday life could
turn into a paradise for his own personal pleasure.
However, indulgence in such pleasures could easily defang himself.
For the sake of battle, resolute will to face all trials and tribulations was indispensable
It could easily be eroded.
That would be unacceptable. Fights with gods or trouble-making Devil Kings could arrive at
any opportunity.
"If I accepted everything you offered, I probably wouldn't have survived my battles to this
day. It's still too early. I must wait until I am worthy, only then can I calmly accept such
All was for the sake of battle. For victory.
This attractive girl's courtship came as a total surprise.
However, I have to finish tasks of higher priority first. Thus I will be completely obstinate.
Well, perhaps there existed people who say stuff like "having someone to protect might make
me stronger." People who could make themselves sound very justified. I don't care about such
My enemies are not opponents that could be defeated by that level of strength.
The man who completely ignored ordinary life in society, only seeking to train himself to
attain the level to slice gods apart.
The goddess who went so far as to bring ruin to the world simply for the sake of defeating
Kusanagi Godou.

That was the sort of enemies Godou had.

"...I see. Well then, no other way. Ena will wait, Your Majesty."
No matter how you worded it, this was a fool's obstinacy. Why would Ena smile and answer
so confidently?
"That kind of thing, I can understand. Ena also goes into the mountains frequently, because
my power cannot be used unless the body and mind are purified. Even though it gets quite
bad, and sometimes it's quite lonely."
The mystical technique of divine possession was an ultimate skill for obtaining divine spirit
and power. This had been explained before.
The body and mind had to be pure in order to use the technique.
Letting deep mountain air diffuse through the internal organs, reaching a mental realm of
absolute peace. These were said to be the user's duties.
They could not permit themselves to be contaminated by the mundane world's filth.
Hence Ena was obliged to enter sacred mountains frequently to purify herself. Apparently she
never stayed at the village for more than a month at a time. This was not a life that any
teenaged girl should lead.
Nevertheless, she had chosen this lifestyle by her own will.
"Please rest assured. After all, Ena is still a daughter from a family of warriors."
The daughter of the House of Seishuuin, the Hime-Miko of the Sword.
Her ancestors included daimyo during the Warring States era, explained the Yamato
Nadeshiko cheerfully.
"But there were also husbands who went off to war and didn't return for a decade. Waiting for
such long durations takes great resolution. So if I look at it that way, I will definitely be
She was smiling staunchly as usual. Certain that Godou would one day reciprocate her
feelings, Ena spoke:
"T-Therefore. Waiting is completely fine."
She expressed such a wish.
"Anyway, l-let's k-kiss first, okay? If so, I still want more."
With her eyes looking up at Godou, Ena was as adorable as a young child.

"If you want to fight Athena, the [Sword] is essential after all? Also... It's very sad.
Previously, I could still bear it, but I really want to spend more time with Your Majesty, and
have more contact with each other."
Furthermore, her eyes glistened with tears as she pleaded. Damn.
Godou cursed at himself. Faced with such words, how much further could he endure?!
He proceeded to kiss Ena silently.
No, it was not that gentle. He forcefully sealed her lips.
"Ah...mmm. Your Majesty, so forceful... Please be more gentle..."
Even though she pleaded softly, no, denied. It cannot stop.
Godou savagely drew Ena into his arms and leaned forward all the way.
He pressed his lips upon the Hime-Miko's soft and gentle lips. Everything she released out of
her mouth belongs to me her breath, saliva, words, everything was mine. A violent kiss.
Beneath one pair of lips, another pair was trembling.
This subtle movement further excited Godou.
Gasping for air, Ena's lips let go. But it was not allowed. Godou opened his mouth even wider
and completely sealed the Hime-Miko's lips.
The sounds of their panting mixed together within their mouths, while saliva also mingled as
"Mmm... Your Majesty is so bad. Ena can't breath..."
Ena tearfully whispered.
Nevertheless, Ena did not try to escape from Godou's kiss. Instead she tightly embraced
Godou as she pressed her adorable lips against his, wordlessly expressing more of her joyful
Hence Godou had nothing to worry about.
He forced his tongue into Ena's mouth, searching for her tongue. Found it.
Putting forth all his strength, he used his tongue to subdue Ena's tongue that was wriggling
like a leech.
Twisting, turning and tangling. Their tongues clicked as they licked over and over again. Then
boldly teased each other.
"Mmmhmm. Your Majesty, don't... do... do that any more."

She was already pleading.

This rare display of Ena's willfulness. It meant things had to be kicked up a notch.
Godou kissed passionately as he held the premier Hime-Miko's hand, squeezing tightly with
great force, as if trying to affirm her existence. She immediately responded and held him
tightly in turn.
Right hand held left hand.
Trying to establish further connections in addition to the mouths, they became one through
natural thoughts and feelings.
It was at this time, that Godou's heart felt like it was galloping/rushing/speeding away.
Godou possessed the sword that was Verethragna's final incarnation, the [Warrior] that
wielded the blade of wisdom. The heretical sword of spell words that sliced apart ancient
For the sake of preparing this sword, he was about to forge a link of wizardry with Ena.
Nevertheless, there was another sword.
Indeed. Kusanagi Godou's swords were two in number.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Whether Seishuuin Ena or Kusanagi Godou, the divine sword
that acted as their "partner."
Sword and sword. Double swords. Two users.
In addition, there was a new weapon
Did this divine revelation come from a Campione's instincts? Or did it come from Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi?
It did not matter either way. For the sake of battle, anything and everything available will be
"Seishuuin. Let's adjust our plan slightly. Now our sword we will see if we can draw out
new possibilities from that guy."
"Yes... To obtain a new power. Your Majesty and Ena together."
Ena immediately nodded to Godou's soft whispers.
All said and done, she was the miko intimately connected to Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
She, too, had received the divine revelation about the sword.

Part 4

"Wandering without aim, clearing up when the moon is seen, whence shall be my heart's final
Godou recalled his thoughts as he listened to Ena's spell words.
The spell used by Divine Ancestor Guinevere to instruct him, had already been explained by
Liliana before she was petrified. It was most likely imparted via [Mystical Indoctrination].
[Instruction] only managed to teach knowledge and could not impart magical skills.
For spellcasting, it was said that aspects of feelings and mental preparation were more
important than the knowledge component.
However, [Mystical Indoctrination] did not carry such a restriction.
It was super high level magic that even the silver-haired knight was unable to perform. The
spell was also useless unless performed on someone who had already developed magical
power. Furthermore, everything would be forgotten after a few days.
"Ready... Let's start again."
As Ena whispered, Godou approached and kissed her again.
In the room of this old building. Two people sat on one blanket. Despite the same location, a
new and different ritual was about to start.
Godou began to speak as he pressed his and Ena's lips together.
"The Holy Grail is the artifact created by Divine Ancestor Guinevere when she was still a
The spell the Hime-Miko just performed was [Shared Spiritual Perception].
It was not the usual instruction spell for passing along knowledge. By evoking impressions
and subtle feelings in the heart, it was a spell that allowed thoughts and emotions to be shared.
A spell achieved by multiple spellcasters it was said to have been used during magical
A spell that failed to take form if the spellcasters' thoughts were in disarray.
"This artifact is like the medallion Erica once entrusted to me for safekeeping. Impossible to
damage or destroy. As if embodying the truth of the world."
Then Godou began recounting the Holy Grail's origins.
God-slayer and Hime-Miko of the Sword. Both were the users of Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi. In order to confirm the sword's target, they spoke to and kissed each other.
Since the [Spell of the Holy Grail] was still in memory, it could be taught and imparted.

"Back when Guinevere was a goddess, the act of creating that astounding artifact apparently
consumed the majority of her life. An immortal mother earth goddess. And then she truly
died, offering the remainder of her life to the Holy Grail as her dying wish."
"No way eh... Even deities are powerless against that divine artifact..."
Respite for conversation, an opportunity to breathe. Ena busily pecked at Godou's lips.
Unlike the kissing earlier, she went about gently. However, or perhaps because having
experienced bold intimate contact earlier, this felt fresh and delightful instead. In this manner,
she calmly applied wizardry to the Campione.
"Consequentially, as the child of the Grail blessed by heaven, Guinevere is the most intimate
being born from it. I learned from her that the Holy Grail is a device for absorbing the life
force of mother earth goddesses. And also the method of activating that power."
Robbing a mother earth goddess' life, storing it as magical power.
In short, that was the Holy Grail's sole function. The white star the one that created
[Swords] must have been some other divine power.
"The vessel itself, cannot be damaged even if cut..."
"Right. But it might be possible to specifically sever the activated ability..."
Having confirmed the target, the two of them motionlessly gazed at each other before
resuming contact with a light kiss.
In order to exploit Kusanagi Godou, Divine Ancestor Guinevere had given him knowledge
and spellcraft.
Since she had forced them on him without permission in the first place, Godou was perfectly
justified in using them for his own goals. So let me use them freely as I please.
The problem was whether it will work or not.
Will he be able to prepare properly and sever the Grail's function? After severing it, will he
obtain the desired result? But no matter what, he had to try
"Then, let's go. Your Majesty and Ena, the two of us will use Ama no Murakumo together...
Hold onto this sensation..."
Ena murmured and slid her tongue inside.
Entering Godou's mouth with trepidation, she helplessly moved about with weak movements,
searching for the other tongue.
It was only during such occasions that Ena truly cowered.

Godou laughed wryly and fiercely intercepted Ena's incoming tongue, sucking on it
"Ah!? I-I still haven't gotten used to this... Stop being such a bully..."
But Ena did not flee. So there was no cause for concern.
Frolicking with Ena's tongue to his heart's content, Godou then whispered in Ena's ear.
"This way... Come this way a bit. It's very hard to act in concert otherwise."
"Ah... Mmm, mmm. Got it, but don't bully me too much..."
Godou proceeded to bite her earlobe lightly and began to lick. Ena's breathing became
progressively feeble.
She laughed and slightly adjusted her breathing.
Then she leaned in even closer. Even though Godou was sitting cross-legged, Ena simply bent
down and planted herself onto him.
She then wrapped her legs around Godou.
In this manner, the two of them embraced each other more tightly together, face to face.
Ena's body, which had always been so energetic, was now devoid of vigor as she tightly
entrusted the weight of her upper torso to Godou, leaning against him.
Pressed under Ena's amazingly voluptuous bosom, Godou fully experienced that sense of
weight which conveyed their intimate embrace.
Her sweltering body was very supple with extremely smooth skin.
Godou enjoyed the sensations of Ena's entire body as he moved his hands to her back, tightly
embracing her.
"Fuah... T-Tighter, hold me tighter. Even closer."
Ena pleaded as she seemed to frown painfully.
So the stronger the sense of bondage, the greater her enjoyment? Just as she wished, Godou
embraced her tightly with all his strength.
Held in his arms, Ena looked like she was smiling with intoxicated happiness.
"Ah... Your Majesty's heart... I can hear it beating so loudly."
"Isn't it the same for you? Seems like you're busy panting away."

Held tightly together, they could feel the beating in each other's chest. Then they gazed into
each other's eyes, smiling at each other and kissed again.
The two were sitting together cross-legged, entangled with each other, endlessly exchanging
As more magical connections were made, Godou's excitement was transmitted to Ena as Ena's
intoxication passed onto Godou.
"Your Majesty, did you know? Ena can sense Ama no Murakumo sleeping in Your Majesty's
As Ena whispered during the brief respite between kisses, Godou nodded.
The Hime-Miko of the Sword was the divine sword's previous wielder. Compared to the
current wielder, she was better able to sense its existence and skillfully wield it.
Ena had sensed Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi hidden in Godou's right arm. The feeling was
"Ama no Murakumo... Please conjure the image of being wielded by two people at once.
Ena's hand, overlapping with His Majesty's hand... Raised up high..."
This time, she slurred her words as their lips came together while they kissed.
The image depicted in Ena's heart was transmitted. Then stored into the sheathed Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi. The Hime-Miko's pristine white hand grasping the sword's hilt.
Godou also imagined it.
Ena's hand holding the divine sword, covered by his own hand and held even tighter.
"Ah... Don't do that, Your Majesty... It's going to hurt, please be more gentle, slowly... I beg
Ena expressed her pain drowsily. If he did not proceed with greater caution
For the sake of preventing the adorable maiden from suffering, Godou began to concentrate as
hard as he could.
Reaching for the delicate hand with which she prided in her swordsmanship, Godou slowly
placed his hand over her palm, then intertwined his fingers with those long, slender and pale
fingers of hers.
Even though the action was taking place within their hearts, somehow Godou could feel the
smoothness of Ena's sweat-moistened skin.
Godou gently held her hand as he savored that exceptionally tender sensation.
"Yes like that... Slowly... Ah, a little off..."

The two controlled the hands imagined in their hearts in concert.

The overlapping fingers were slightly off, so they carefully shifted and repositioned. Because
they were not accustomed to this task, it was similar to feeling their way through absolute
"Ooh... Like that... Okay... Ah, no good, too much force... It strayed again... Mmm, mmm,
right, over here is... Good, that's the way!"
Finally, Godou and Ena were able to grab a hold of Ama no Murakumo in its scabbard.
Ena tearfully smiled at Godou, having finally accomplished the task so clumsily. She must be
troubled by this unfamiliar type of cooperative action.
Overcome with tender affection, Godou once again stole her lips.
This time, Ena's tongue greeted him with initiative. She must have felt it abundantly.
Mixed together, the viscous saliva moistened the corners of their mouths. Thoughts and
feelings melded into one.
Let's get this over with in one go. A mental image appeared of the two of them drawing Ama
no Murakumo no Tsurugi out from its scabbard together.
Unsheathing the sword and swinging it together in perfect unison. Godou and Ena forged new
and deeper bonds with each other through Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
Immediately, their surroundings were met with drastic change. Their room had been
completely surrounded by fire.

Part 5
Illuminated by crimson glow, the room in the residence was entirely surrounded by burning
Had this been an actual fire, it would have burned the entire building to the ground.
Abnormally scorching hot. However, Godou and Ena were the only ones not swallowed by
the tongues of fire.
Clearly this was the result of some supernatural phenomena. Furthermore, the culprit's
identity was obvious.
"A fire... illusion? Why would that fellow do that?"
"Your Majesty, that... Has appeared before Ena and us."
Prompted by Ena, Godou noticed.

Hitherto unbeknownst to them, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had manifested. Embedded in

the floor was the magnificent three-foot three-and-a-half-inch blade. The splendorous sight
did not befit this countryside residence.
However, the visual impact of the burning flames was really quite a fantastic sight.
'Hmm. Have you learned slightly how to use me?'
Godou finally heard Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's voice clearly.
Even though he had heard it during the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, it was
much clearer now.
"It's Ena. Did you appear so that we can wield the sword together?"
'Correct. It would be easier for me to talk to you two like this. This will also mean less trouble
for you.'
True. Godou nodded in agreement with this impolite answer.
The divine sword which had asked to be called "partner," had been quite meddlesome all
"It's true that this is easier to talk... But why the fire?"
'You two plan on forging a new sword, right? Fire is crucial in the birth of a sword.'
Is that so? Godou coldly stared at the fire illusion.
This fellow really loved making scenes, and was probably kindred spirits with the [Boar].
'Well, that is the situation. In light of what your cooperation has achieved, the assistance I can
provide has expanded in scope. This is commendable. King, I shall answer your request.'
Despite being Godou's possession, the sword rambled on defiantly.
What kind of "partner" was this? The sword acted like it was an equal. But Godou did not
"Then you are aware of that!?"
'Correct. Melding sword together with sword. Two swords into one. But do not get your hopes
up too high. The target is an immortal indestructible divine artifact. It is uncertain whether my
power will prove effective...'
The divine sword warned calmly. Even so, Godou felt very gratified.
Ena was also smiling as if elated. Perhaps she had always been in communion with the divine
sword like this.

"By the way, you've been following that old gramps Susanoo for a long time, right? What on
earth is that Heavenly Reverse Halberd thing?"
Godou brought up the question that suddenly entered his mind.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had been the ancient god's personal sword for eons.
'Ahah, that? No idea. And even if I did, no comment.'
"Well then, did the elders say anything about why they won't respond to Ena's queries?"
'No idea either. Don't care.'
After repeating these cold responses, the divine sword said:
'Stop asking me these kinds of things. As a sword amongst sword gods, I am also a divinity
belonging to an extremely loyal clique, right? I only care about things related to battle.
Everything else is irrelevant. Trivial things that only dull the sword's blade.'
"Ah yes, you've said that before, I remember."
Ena spoke as if remembering.
"But then, I already noticed during the time with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. That
monkey didn't give off this kind of impression? Other than fighting, he also liked having fun
and playing pranks."
'That guy is a half-breed, miko. A hybrid god who amalgamated various elements and
divinities besides a sword god's. Completely different from pure [Steel] descending from the
most primitive lineage. That type of fellow is nowhere near as pure as me, and displays much
more complicated traits as a divinity.'
So I see. There were many differences in origins between gods.
Godou felt impressed as Ama no Murakumo continued to look down at him as it spoke:
'So King, just show me a man's mettle as a partner worthy of my cooperation. If you were to
lose to an earth goddess, it would taint the honor of us swords!'
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi and the illusory flames. Both suddenly disappeared.
Godou and Ena finally finished the ritual.

Chirp chirp, chirp chirp. It was the sound of birds twittering.

Refreshingly bright morning rays shone in from the window.
It was a good night's rest, thought Godou as he lay beneath the blanket.

With a little time before becoming completely wide awake, there was a very pleasant and
comfortable feeling.
Opening his eyes slightly, he surveyed the room.
It was still the same room. After ending the ritual, Godou had fallen asleep exhausted.
He checked his cellphone by his pillow for messages none. Godou felt relieved.
Nothing seemed to have happened to Athena's statue standing on the beach. The
embarrassment of sleeping through an urgent message had been averted.
Godou began to enjoy once again the warm and comforting feeling of contact with the blanket
and human skin.
He felt a little sorry for those responsible for guarding throughout the night. He must get up
earlier and prepare properly for battle. However, what was with this reluctance to leave the
warm sensation of human skin...
Hmm? Skin? Human skin?
His mind instantly became fully awake. Godou flipped the blanket over.
Seishuuin Ena was sleeping right by his side. Could it be possible, they had slept together!?
The memories after the ritual were fuzzy. He must have been so tired he instantly slept like a
But Ena's appearance.
The Hime-Miko of the Sword had taken off her miko outfit.
Scattered beside the bedding were various red and white garments she had taken off. Did she
remove them before or during her sleep?
Anyway, before Godou's eyes lay Seishuuin Ena, completely naked.
The manner of appearance every human was born with. Voluptuous in all the right places, yet
slim and delicate everywhere else, a miraculous figure.
Last witnessed at the Chuuzenji hot springs, it was the sight akin to precious white jade.
Godou came to realize that the object he embraced as he slept, tenderly treasuring its warmth,
and had even toyed with and enjoyed roughly, could it be this!
"...Ah. Your Majesty woke up Iyaaah!"
Ena woke up at the worst possible moment.

The drowsiness only lasted briefly. Immediately coming to her senses, she grabbed the
blanket and pulled it to her side.
Covering up the naked body that was being illuminated by the bright rays of the morning sun.
Frantically making cute little screams.
"S-Seishuuin... You slept here..."
"Yes yes. Using divine possession yesterday was already very tiring... I think I fell asleep
immediately after the ritual. But the memories are very fuzzy."
Not only her face, the entirety of Ena's pale white skin had turned red.
It was readily apparent from the exposed portions of her shoulders and chest, as well as her
thighs and bare legs.
"I-I have no idea. It feels like after the ritual, Your Majesty and I simply fell headlong into the
sheets. And then went to sleep like that."
"L-Like that eh?"
The two were conversing stiffly with their faces all red.
"B-But. Something slightly worrying... Ena can't remember taking clothes off... Does that
mean, Your Majesty removed them?"
"N-N-N-No, no way. Or rather... Probably not? Umm?"
Godou was shocked. Even though he was completely certain he had no recollection, it also
seemed like Ena did not undress herself.
Hence, it could not be asserted either way. Could I have done something so bestial?
Bearing the heavy blow to his self image, Godou walked unsteadily over to the window.
Looking out at the beach before him. It was still heavily guarded.
It was finally the day to reach an ultimate conclusion with Athena

Chapter 6 - Before the Duel

Part 1
A beautiful garden was situated before a mansion reminiscent of Heian era palatial

Rockery was heaped and trees were casually planted at calculated positions. The constructed
pond was wide enough for boats and even contained three islands, linked to one another by
vermilion-painted bridges.
A specially allotted plot of land which embodied the essence of beautiful natural scenery.
There was only one inhabitant in this garden.
This alluring otherworldly beauty, whose eyes were dark with worry.
Even though she was wearing a traditional kimono in the extravagant style of the
juunihitoe[27], her hair was flaxen in color instead of black. Her eyes were the color of glass.
The features of the beautiful face seemed almost sculpted. All this was evidence that she was
no native of Japan.
"Oh, did you sense the chaos in the real world too, Princess?"
Someone greeted the Princess who was standing on the pond's edge as she gazed at the water
"Yes. The attendant of the 'King of the End' seems to have finally discovered that Japan is the
location of the king's grave..."
The Princess of Glass turned around to face the strongly-built old man.
Compared to the Princess' juunihitoe, his clothing style was even more ancient.
A white tight-sleeved gown combined with a loose-fitting hakama. Had the hair been divided
into left and right halves and tied near the ears, the appearance would greatly resemble
Yamato Takeru.
However, his disheveled hair was as unruly as a bird's nest.
"By human calendars, he must have slept for over a millennium. One could say it is time for
the tide to ebb. It appears that the brat will soon awaken."
The elderly hero spoke with a bored expression.
The Princess and others called him "The Old One." His name was Haya Susanoo no Mikoto,
and was once the [Heretic God] who wandered the earth, bearing the Ama no Murakumo no
Now he had made the Netherworld his home, living in seclusion.
Abandoning the human world and all sorts of troublesome issues, living like a hermit in this
place. Like him, the Princess was doing the same thing. However, there were intertwined fates
which could never be severed no matter what.
"In the end, even though I escaped to a place like this, he could very well still be connected to
me somehow..."

Susanoo naturally recalled his last appearance.

A layer of poignant battle-hardened vigor gradually proliferated across his originally
handsome face like the spreading of iron rust. And carved out deeply an expression of battleweariness
Because the one who put you all in this state, was that brat."
The elderly god went "hmph" in response to the Princess' worries.
"Well, since we're already here, then just treat it as a vacation to high places for now. We're
all just a bunch of retired geriatrics. After all, it's about time we stop intervening in the
troubles of the human world."
The Princess nodded. Right. But first, the situation had to be followed closely.
How should the dying mother earth goddess be dealt with? Or perhaps it will finally be clear
whether Kusanagi Godou had the power to cause vexation to the "King of the End."
How will he respond to that goddess' wish ?
The Princess cast her gaze towards the pond surface. Just like that, the situation on earth was
reflected onto the water surface. Like the women known as the Divine Ancestors, she was
also one who controlled magic as easily as if it were the simple act of breathing.

Part 2
"Now, the news media have all been successfully brought under control."
Sayanomiya Kaoru remarked as she watched the mini One-Seg[28] television.
It was a Sunday morning news show known for its distinctive style. On the four-inch screen,
several commentators were chatting amiably with the host.
"Even though parts of Kawasaki and the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway, as well as the artificial
island of Umihotaru have been petrified... Major incidents of that sort are taking place right
now, as long as there are no reports, 99% of the citizens will be completely oblivious of the
Within Kisarazu city in the Chiba prefecture, Athena's statue stood upright on the shore.
After getting dressed and finishing breakfast, Godou returned to this place, and Kaoru
immediately arrived.
With that, the preparation and background work were all complete.
"Wow, none of the stations have reported any news about this region."
Impressed, Godou exclaimed.

During this time before the battle, Kaoru had brought the One-Seg television here and had
been changing channels repeatedly, checking all sorts of shows.
Unwittingly, their gaze was cast towards the sea.
From the Kisarazu coast, extending towards the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway
Umihotaru and its surroundings had been transformed into a desolate palace of stone.
Furthermore, the tunnel connecting to Kawasaki was parked with hundreds of vehicles all
turned into stone.
Within the vehicles sat many statues. Since the car doors could not be opened, there was no
way to rescue passengers. Nevertheless, it would have been impossible to understand the
situation if one were viewing from afar.
"Originally, this would be a critical incident that would naturally have special reports
broadcasted on every station. If Athena's appearance could be widely disseminated to all
parties, perhaps the affected areas could have been reduced slightly in scope... At least,
Haneda Airport would not have been caught up in this."
Godou nodded in agreement with Kaoru.
The number of associated personnel at the Airport must be much lower in comparison, which
would make it much more difficult to keep information secret.
"What about online?"
"It's kind of borderline. The nearby residents are suspicious, and there have been complaints
posted on blogs and forums, but we will do our utmost to control the situation."
Kaoru explained fluently.
Come to think of it, Amakasu had once explained "doing this and that to the servers in an
emergency" when Godou wondered about their emergency computer policy.
They must be diligently preparing for that as well.
"We disclosed some plausible-sounding speculation and false information, including some
facts that we deliberately mixed in. Well, there is no way for anyone to gather definitive
intelligence anywhere near the truth without our knowing. Besides, there's that no matter
"I don't think anyone easily accepts as truth what they read about online, right? Especially if
the actual situation is ridiculous and unbelievable."
That was true too. Godou understood.

Even if someone revealed the truth directly, they would be suspected of mental illness, or at
least thought to be joking.
Godou's mother, Kusanagi Mayo, had once recounted with great seriousness the story of the
relative who had been sent to the United States Marine Corps for counseling camp and
rehabilitation because of delusions that "Michael Jackson will revive one year from now to
bring salvation to mankind." His mother's words were still fresh in Godou's mind.
To Godou's knowledge, she was probably the most ridiculous unbelievable woman he ever
"The only way to know the truth would be to visit the scene. However, people able to break
through the blockade prepared by our Committee do not exist in the normal world."
"There's probably no need to worry to that extent. I'm sure that the petrified people and
objects will be recovered."
"Understood. Then hurry and prepare to save them. You really are using the [Sword], right?"
Godou shook his head at Kaoru's question.
That was the natural decision after all. Kaoru's suggested method was correct. A choice of
action that could resolve the incident without any challenge.
Just slay Athena while she was still in stone.
The petrification wrought by Athena could be easily neutralized by the [Sword]'s spell words.
Even someone nowhere near as smart as Kaoru should be able to understand that her
suggestion was correct. However, Kusanagi Godou could not take that choice. If he did, it
would not be able to satisfy all his wishes. Saving Yuri and Liliana, as well as everyone else,
dealing with that goddess' determined wish It could not satisfy this willful impulse.
"The [Sword] needs to be used somewhere else. Please continue to prepare for saving the
people turned into stone. Things should probably go as planned."
Even though he could not explain it, Godou was certain. Tentatively.
All along, gods had never acted in any underhanded manner like villains. At least from the
perspective of their own intentions. This was probably similar to the reason why they never
acknowledged humans in the slightest.
That said, it was impossible to guarantee.
Godou was exasperated at himself for taking on such a gamble.
"Your wish is my command, my king. No matter what, all you need to do is ask."
Kaoru replied respectfully. It was delivered with elegance as if spoken by some upper class
noble who had left the royal palace.

Due to the speaker being an elegant cross-dressing beauty, the effect was even more
"Really, I'm always bringing trouble..."
"Following the decrees of Your Highness the Devil King is our duty. Please pay no heed to it.
As for me personally, there is a substantial gamble involved. Even though what I staked
currently escapes me."
Kaoru signaled with her eyes as Godou became suspicious.
"Using methods beyond my imagination, and taking action in ways I am not permitted by my
position. It is a rare treat for me to be able to assist Kusanagi-san like this. Well, it's still too
early to say what might happen to Yuri and the rest, but my heart sure is racing at this point."
The History Compilation Committee core member smiled, lightly biting her lip.
As an eighteen-year-old woman, her chest was surprisingly svelte.
"Precisely because of this dark side, as long as my wits and talents can keep up with your
capricious and overbearing ways, I actually welcome all your unreasonable demands. This is
an opportunity for you to entice to your side someone like me who is able to assist you."
She was like a beautiful devil marketing herself as the great Devil King's right hand. Or
perhaps Mephistopheles[29] visiting Dr Faust.
Having to deal with a beauty of this sort, Godou could not help but start staring at the sky. His
faction seemed to be filling its ranks in an anarchic direction...
"Sooner or later, I will become the Committee's Chairperson and administer the wizardry
world of the entire country. But having such a smooth path laid out for me is not very
meaningful. Creating a new venture with one's own hands... That's the way I like to do
She was the next head of one the Four Families, as well as being a Hime-Miko.
The kinship ties to their families, entrapping Kaoru as well as Ena, perhaps ran even deeper
than could be imagined.
"In order to get closer to the lifestyle I prefer, please allow me to make use of you as much as
possible in our dealings. Consequently, do not worry unnecessarily... Well then, that's it for
me. Let's handle everything properly from now."
"I will rely on you to take care of Mariya and Liliana for me."
Godou bowed his head as Kaoru departed.
After being rescued from the Umihotaru artificial island yesterday, they had been taken to a
hospital near the shore. Naturally, it was a facility backed by the Committee.

Due to the proximity of the Heavenly Reverse Halberd's hiding spot, that type of facility was
particularly common in the area.
"Most certainly. No matter what situation arises, I will keep things under control. Please fight
without reservation."
Kaoru's encouragement was slightly suspect on a moral level, but Godou felt gratified.
Once her figure had disappeared in the distance, Godou turned to the other person involved.
Heretic Athena. The goddess who had turned herself into a statue.
There was no one else in the area apart from Godou and her. The security team had already
left the shore. The Committee had been busy sealing areas of the city that surrounded this
coast, telling residents about 'the abortive poison gas leak,' urging them to undertake
emergency evacuations during the night before morning arrived.
Ena had also left for a certain mission.
Preparations were fully complete. Godou drew his weapon without hesitation.
"As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest. All enemies, all who
harbor enmity will be vanquished!"
The scripture of Verethragna, the god of victory. However, there was more to it.
"This was where Susanoo no Mikoto started his uprising, leading a thousand savage gods!"
He also chanted scripture connected to Susanoo's beloved sword.
In order to combine two blades into one.
In order to combine spell words with the divine sword.
"A thousand swords standing upon the earth, used as city walls to defend against the enemies.
Namely, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi."
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had the ability to absorb the ten incarnations of Verethragna
used by Godou, thereby amplifying each other's divine power, manifesting new powers.
Just like the railgun used against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven last time.
'King. The power produced by the sword's spell words have been received.'
Godou sensed Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's thoughts coming from his right arm.
'In a normal battle, your blade is the sword of wisdom for slicing gods apart. However, the
blade formed from our union is different. It is truly the sword of wisdom for severing an
immortal indestructible divine artifact.'

Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, both a deity and a divine artifact at the same time.
The blade formed from the union of such an existence was the weapon for slicing through
divine artifacts instead of gods.
'Using your knowledge of the Holy Grail, the sharpness of the blade has been altered. Now is
the time for foes to be vanquished and invaders to perish. Swing to your heart's content!'
In the past, the blade had always formed from comprehension of a god.
But this time it was a blade formed with the wish to destroy a completely understood divine
artifact. In particular, Godou was targeting the culprit that was draining Athena's life the
Holy Grail.
The knowledge had been deliberately instilled by Guinevere. I shall take advantage of it in
"Right. I am very grateful I can use it. Let's go!"
'Affirmative! I am the steel that tears through a thousand blades! Awaiting your command!'
The wielder and the divine sword's thoughts were aligned.
In the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Godou's battle spirit and magical power
had been raised to the highest limits. Consequently, he could now resonate with Ama no
Murakumo and draw out that power even under normal conditions.
On the other hand, this was before the battle started.
Had this been a situation similar to the past, he would not be able to wield it with full control.
However, having gone through the ritual with Ena, Godou had now awakened as the
possessor of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
"Man and devil all enemies, all who harbor enmity will be vanquished!"
Responding to the spell words, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi manifested in Godou's right
The spectacular blade measuring three feet and three-and-a-half inches. But unlike its usual
appearance, the blade was brilliant gold instead of jet-black in color. The same color as
Verethragna's sword.
'The holy vessel of taboo! Wither like scattered flowers!'
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi called out as it hurtled towards the statue of pubescent
The golden blade pierced her delicate chest completely.

However, what Godou's right hand felt was not the sensation of tearing through stone or the
goddess, instead it was surely the penetration of the ancient divine artifact.
Quietly drawing out the blade, he dispelled Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi with a wave of the
hand. With that, Godou waited.
Five seconds, ten seconds... Almost a minute had passed. Athena finally opened her eyes.
The statue of gray stone was restored to a young girl's supple body of flesh. Her hair once
again displayed brilliance and luster as if melded with moonlight.
The Holy Grail had been absorbing her life force.
She must have released her stone form after noticing the interruption of the Grail's action.
"Kusanagi Godou... Is this thy doing? Thou hast given a blow to the Holy Grail within one's
This could very well be the first time Godou witnessed such an expression on her face.
Goddess Athena's pubescent face was gazing upon the god-slayer with admiring approval.

Part 3
"It's been a day. Even though I have many things I'd like to say, let me make a request first."
With many questions for Athena, Godou began in this manner.
"It's not like I want a return favor for helping you, so it's a request. Could you return everyone
and everything that had been petrified back to normal?"
"You said you wanted a no holds barred battle with me. Since we're fighting anyway,
releasing them won't matter to you, right? On the other hand, if I am forced into battle in this
manner, it's like having hostages. I will be worrying about the people turned into stone and
unable to concentrate on fighting."
"Is that what thou wished to say?"
She must have felt insulted.
Athena's approving expression vanished, turning into a piercing stare.
"Thou art planning to rely on the humans once they are liberated from their interim death,
thereby obtaining dishonorable victory. How impertinent! How shameless! As the goddess of
the Divine Realm, Athena cannot approve of such underhanded tactics. Knowest thou hast

A furious shout. It was basic truth. Gods did not care for humans, simply considering them
stones. The thought of "hostages" probably never crossed their minds.
"To me, those petrified people are very important. Even if you can't empathize, it is truly what
I feel. So please, restore everything first. Wouldn't doing something so low as taking hostages
taint your authority?"
No matter what, it was necessary to provoke Athena's sense of pride.
Since he had used Verethragna's [Sword] to halt the Holy Grail's function, there was no other
way to dispel the petrification. This was why he chose to do things this way.
He still had a chance. It was not time to give up yet.
Luo Cuilian had once said: 'A god's strength is proportional to the strength of their ego.'
Thinking over his past battles, Godou felt this was something he agreed with.
Furthermore, Kusanagi Godou discovered another point. In proportion to the strength of their
ego, they also carried a lot of pride.
Even though all gods inevitably brought calamity to people, they did not act despicably. All
they wanted was to leisurely display their superiority. Even that mischievous Great Sage was
the same.
In that case, such an accusation should come as blow to Athena's pride.
Particularly in this situation when she owed him a favor, it was quite probable she would
accept his request.
It was a kind of gamble. However, the goddess ultimately had only one wish. If Athena said
no the thought made Godou feel like a stomach ache was coming.
Nevertheless, even though it seemed like what Kaoru had said... Godou did not agree.
He believed there was another reason why his gamble would pay off.
The haughty and self-centered goddess would not disappoint. Even though it sounded rather
strange, Godou trusted her.
"Hmph. Very well then."
The goddess smacked her lips as she spoke.
"As thy senior on the battlefield, for one to bestow charity upon thee, 'tis only proper for a
queen. Conversely, accepting thy charity would taint this goddess' honor. Very well, Kusanagi
Godou. This once, one shall grant thy request."
Athena proceeded to release a pulse of magic for just an instant. It flew towards the sea the
direction where the petrified Trans-Tokyo Bay Harbor ran.

After a short while, Godou's cellphone began to vibrate in his pocket.

Kaoru had informed him that rescue operations had begun.
"Sorry for troubling you. Thank you very much."
"Thy gratitude is not needed. Rather, thou shouldst reflect upon thy shameless heart and
impertinent commentary on a queen. Regardless, thou hast already spoken."
Athena sneered lightly.
Like a ferocious bird of prey having discovered its target, or the delighted expression of a
poisonous snake about to swallow its prey.
"Thou wert talking about fighting again with hostages held against thee hast thou realized
thy foolishness, and changed thy mind?"
"Not really. I don't have anything I need to change my mind about."
Godou dismissed his elated foe's accusation.
"Anyway, what happened to the Holy Grail? It's the culprit that robbed you of immortality,
right? For now, I think it's been successfully eliminated."
"Forsooth. Thy attack was splendid indeed..."
Why? Athena was showing the same expression as from their first encounter.
A smile carrying slight gentleness. It was like the reassured expression of an elder witnessing
the growth of the younger generation.
Sword and sword. Was she praising the combination technique that sliced apart the Holy
Or perhaps, she bore this smile for other reasons? The goddess' heart was impossible to
"The Holy Grail in one's body hath been critically damaged and halted in function. With that,
it hath temporarily stopped draining one's life."
"Yes. Temporarily. The sun shall rise and set once again. Repeating thus ad infinitum. To be
able to press an immortal indestructible divine artifact into such a corner, 'tis a magnificent
Athena praised lightly.
She softly pressed her hand against the child-like abdomen beneath her Greek garments.

She must have concluded this by using her power as the goddess of wisdom (probably similar
to Yuri's spirit vision but hundreds of times more powerful in perception) to examine the Holy
Grail within her.
"Thou hast also witnessed the Divine Sword of Salvation? Forsooth, 'tis difficult to retrieve
the majority of this goddess' stolen life with one's remaining strength. Should the Holy Grail
successfully start up again, one's remaining life shall be lost immediately. Hohoho, forsooth,
having this respite is cause for celebration."
Athena indifferently revealed her inevitable death that was to arrive in a matter of days.
The Grail was impossible to destroy after all? Since this possibility had been considered
beforehand, it did not come as too much of a disappointment to Godou.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had already hinted. Had Verethragna's [Sword] been able to
achieve that, it would not be surprising to seal a Campione's authority semi-permanently. But
in all his battles so far, no god had been defeated by just the [Sword] alone...
Even though it was a convenient weapon combining offense and defense, it always seemed
lacking in a certain decisive power.
It cannot be helped. In that case, I will fight in the manner I have decided.
"Intentionally sealing the Holy Grail and rousing this goddess from slumber. Thou finally
wishest to have a proper duel? Dost thou intend to respond to one's valor, standing atop the
battlefield? 'Tis most agreeable!"
"That's not right. Like I just said, my intentions have not changed."
Godou shook his head at the queen of warriors who was smiling glamorously.
No doubt about it. I will adhere to my own way of doing things no matter what.
"However, if your dying wish is a battle with me, I will respond more or less. A battle without
any reservations. But it has to be undertaken in my manner."
"Thy manner?"
"That's right. Victory will be mine. I won't let Athena who wishes to kill me leave without
being taught a lesson. After that, I will take that Holy Grail... that thing that's killing you, and
show you how to stop it no matter what. Finally, just like last time, I'll drive you out of
"...Having reached this critical point, thou still utterest such delusions. One's death hast
already been set in stone."
Godou immediately interrupted Athena's mournful speech.

"It's the Holy Grail and the whatever divine blade of salvation that's killing you, right? If I
catch the owner Guinevere and find out all the details, then go to the Netherworld to seek out
those old guys, there must be a way."
It could very well achieve nothing but delay the inevitable. Nevertheless, that was what
Godou decided.
"I'd be very troubled if you died. I still haven't heard your wish."
"One hast already expressed clearly. Answerest this goddess' challenge, showest thy will and
spirit. That shall be the price."
Godou stared back at the snake goddess' gaze.
"I've also mentioned already. I won't listen to any request that brings troubles to the
surrounding people. Therefore our battle doesn't count. I'll first defeat you, then help you, and
listen to another request. Because I have already decided, you must use force if you want to
change my mind."
Saving Athena from the Holy Grail. That was easy to say.
On the other hand, it would be challenging to achieve. A dark and unguided path lay ahead.
Which was why he wanted to exhibit his "will and spirit" to Athena before the worst outcome
For the sake of this goddess who expressly wished to duel Kusanagi Godou before she died.
...Despite being a civilized person who treasured peace, the option of "don't fight Athena and
find out how to deal with the Grail" seemed to have disappeared from his mind.
Why Godou rejected such a plan, the reason was as clear as day.
"Impressive, such growth in this short time."
Almost about to say something astounding, Athena shook her head.
It did not seem like the behavior of a great goddess, but more like a human's instead.
"Thou art careless, an illegitimate child of the fool after all! Forsooth, thou holdst onto
incomprehensible weakness, how much longer couldst thou survive!?"
She spoke sonorously in a soprano pitch.
Godou did not miss the sardonic glimmer accompanying the goddess' gaze.
"One doth not think thou canst become strong while bearing such weakness... Foolish,
forsooth 'tis foolish Alas, it cannot be helped! Furthermore, thou seekest a battle of might
against the goddess of war, such boldness should have limits!" The goddess who always bore
an expressionless poker face, was now exclaiming with a delighted expression.

So this kind of expression was actually possible for her. Godou thought rather rudely to
"Very well, thou sayst thou shalt defeat Athena. The manner thou described should not work.
Then one's valor shall enlighten Kusanagi Godou. Shouldst thou have any objections, then
thou shalt voice them through force as thou hast proposed."
She must have meant something like "If you win then I don't mind listening to you."
Seeing Athena's joyful expression, Godou believed without cause.
Completely baseless. But incredibly, that was what he believed. He proceeded to stroll slowly
across the beach, listening to the sound of breaking waves as he walked.
Without saying a word, Athena followed along, quietly walking behind Godou.
Even though it would be fine to get started immediately, he still wanted to rouse his battle
spirits first. Athena must be thinking the same thing.
God and god-slayer walked as they savored their connection forged by fate.
The kind of fateful relationship written as mortal enemy but read aloud as "friend," impossible
to articulate to others.

The first sign of change Guinevere noticed was the disappearance of the Holy Grail's
She was the reincarnation of the goddess who created the Holy Grail. No matter how far they
were separated, even when Athena had devoured the Grail, Guinevere remained firmly aware
of its presence. But now, the feeling was suddenly gone.
Furthermore, there was a second change.
She sensed the disappearance of the divine power that had been saturating the area.
Athena's power had vanished. The power that turned everything into stone, whether living
things or inanimate objects, organic or inorganic.
Guinevere was currently located on the shore a few dozens of kilometers away from where
the goddess had turned herself into stone.
Not at a scenic beach but on top of a treacherous cliff. Beneath her, the early winter sea was
crashing against the rocks, producing waves of white.
Guinevere immediately used the clairvoyant [Witch's Eye] to enhance her vision, and
The great road built over the sea by human hands.

The castle built over there like some kind of ship and fortress hybrid.
The coastal town on the opposite shore to where Guinevere and the goddess were located.
Not too long ago everything was still stone. Whether buildings, roads, ponds or marshes.
Even parts of the ocean. Living things, beasts, insignificant microorganisms, flying insects
and crawling bugs, everything.
All had been carcasses of stone. A graveyard of stone.
All of a sudden, everything had been restored. Restored to life and vigor, or perhaps simply
their original state. All the people and animals that had been turned to stone now lay sprawled
and sleeping wherever they were.
"The curse of petrification is temporary death rather than true slaughter. Bringing things back
to life must be child's play for Athena..."
(Beloved child, find Athena, or that young god-slayer!)
Lancelot's reproach could be heard. Watching over from afar, he too, had noticed the change.
Guinevere frantically sent a flying [Eye] towards the beach where Athena had turned herself
into stone.
Saw it. Facing off against Kusanagi Godou, the awakened goddess
Guinevere concluded the spell of the [Witch's Eye] and immediately used flight magic, taking
to the skies, surrounded by white light as she flew through the air.
In any case, she had to hasten to the scene and investigate what happened exactly.
Then assist Kusanagi Godou so that he can defeat the goddess.
Just as Guinevere was making her plans and flying without distraction, she was ambushed.

Seishuuin Ena was called the Hime-Miko of the Sword.

However, her martial arts mastery was not limited to the sword but also included the naginata.
She was also talented in jujutsu.[30] Not only that, she was also trained in the shuriken[31] and
the jutte[32] and concealed weapons known as anki.[33] Furthermore, she knew archery.
Unfortunately, it was not up to the level known as the art of the bow.
No matter what, preparing the bow, sighting the target by chance, casually nocking the arrow
and hitting the target was no easy task.
Nevertheless, with her exceptionally outstanding vision and excellent instincts, Ena was able
to get a good aim at her target.

"O Great God of Arms, I beseech your aid against my enemy... May this arrow strike right on
To be on the safe side, she had applied the spell of the [Evil Vanquishing Arrow] beforehand.
It was a spell that guaranteed penetration even if the target was intangible spirits or ectoplasm,
or protected by projectile deflecting spells.
Ena was located on the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
Roughly a couple hundred meters away from the Kisarazu junction entrance. Due to traffic
restrictions, there were no cars on the road.
Preparations were complete. And then the bright light of the target was sighted.
A flying white light. So fast. Flying with substantial speed. Almost about to cross the airspace
over the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway. The destination was Athena's beach as expected.
"Pay good attention. I can let you off for running around doing sneaky things in the dark, but I
won't let you come disturb His Majesty deliberately!"
Grumbling to herself, she locked the target in her sights.
The white light should be Divine Ancestor Guinevere. Ena expected it and had been watching
the sky alertly from a place with an open view.
The flying witch appeared in the air above the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
Ena shot the arrow with a whoosh.
The arrow that was expected to strike in one hit. Furthermore, this was a specially crafted
arrow sent from the Seishuuin home, a magic bullet carrying evil-exorcising and spiritrevealing properties.
This arrow reached several kilometers up into the air.
That kind of distance was not possible to fire from a bow. This was also one of the magical
powers hidden in the magic bullet. Exceptional range and penetrative power. Used in
conjunction with Ena's eyes, instincts and archery.
The full-powered arrow bearing all these factors, struck down the white light.
The arrowhead penetrated soft flesh... Ena was certain.
The expert's instincts proved to be correct. The flight of the white light was interrupted.
The light immediately vanished to reveal the figure of Witch Queen Guinevere, who began
falling naturally. In that case, she would fall into the sea or onto the surface of the TransTokyo Bay Highway.

However, the rate of her fall suddenly slowed down.

Slowly and wavering, like the descent of a leaf, she was using hovering magic.
The Divine Ancestor's left arm... The upper arm region showed a laceration.
In addition, her child-like beautiful face was flushed red from undisguised anger. Even so, her
face was still as beautiful as an antique doll's.
"Not a critical hit... It can't be helped since she was flying at such speeds."
The blonde Divine Ancestor made her landing a couple dozens of meters ahead on the road.
Ena threw the bow and quiver aside. The greeting had been sent and it was now time for the
weapons to enter the stage.
She had to prevent Guinevere from advancing. This was the mission entrusted to her by the
man she loved.

Part 4
"I know all about you. Miko blessed with divine manifestation."
Did she calm her rage as soon as she landed on the ground?
Guinevere's beautiful face was now as calm as a windless lake.
"Obstructing the most authoritative Divine Ancestor, Witch Queen Guinevere. What an
audacious girl. The price exacted for such insolence shall be your very life."
In outer form, she appeared even younger than Ena. However, there existed a vast difference
in mastery of magic and sheer magical power between them.
Nevertheless, the Hime-Miko of the Sword was undaunted, charging straight at Divine
Ancestor Guinevere.
"I don't know if you are bluffing but Ena is not one to sit around waiting for death."
Ena retorted with determination. Having abandoned the bow, she was unarmed.
Not even her usual Japanese sword was present. But that was because she had already
prepared a substitute weapon.
"Yamato Yamato, elite of the nation, endless rolling green mountains, encircled by the walls
of the summit, beautiful Yamato!"
Spell words chanted in order to use the trump card.
Then she imagined. The partner whose form was a sword. The new bonds forged last night

Divine possession began. This time it was not the presence bestowed by the guardian god
Susanoo but a divine aura closer to this partner here.
"Beseeching the grace of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi! May its shadow manifest hither!"
The magnificent three-foot three-and-a-half-inch blade suddenly manifested in Ena's hand as
she called out.
The jet-black blade whose form followed a gentle curve, forged into a structure of Japanese
style. This was the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi that inhabited Kusanagi Godou's right arm.
Unlike before, this was not temporarily borrowed.
The divine aura of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had been summoned from Kusanagi
Godou's right arm and materialized in the form of a sword.
This could be said to be Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's doppelganger. Another divine blade.
"Well... How splendid. Summoning the power of gods immediately!"
Even so, Guinevere continued to smile.
The divine possessed Hime-Miko of the Sword should be on the same level as Divine
Ancestors and divine beasts.
Ena wielded Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's divine aura as she held her breath and focused.
"Hey, did you know? Even though they are known as Hime-Miko in this country, this kind of
power originates from the bloodline of the Divine Ancestors, the same kin as me, Guinevere.
Yes yes, you are one of our very distant descendants."
The Witch Queen's melodic voice spoke softly, as she laughed with an expression of childlike innocence.
"It would be most vexing to think that a distant descendant can do something we Divine
Ancestors could not. Be that as it may, Guinevere happens to be unable to use possession type
In that instant, the divine aura in Ena's surroundings increased explosively.
Not from Guinevere herself but somewhere else... Over there! Ena cast her gaze towards the
vast sea of Bousou beyond the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
"However, I can still manage similar spells. I beseech you to come hither, servant dispatched
by the god of the sea! Fight for Guinevere!"
There was the sound of a great volume of seawater pushed forth onto land.
Ena remained silent despite the rising tension of facing this sea-splitting might.

Even though its full appearance was not visible, the head of the giant squid suggested a full
length of maybe thirty or forty meters
The giant squid's various tentacles began reaching out from the sea.
"Wohohoho. The water and the earth's divine aura are also considered Guinevere's kin. With a
little time and preparation, they can be made to manifest in the form of divine beasts. Even
though it's simply an imitation of the divine, formed using the Holy Grail's magical power...
However, even something on the level of a fake god can be manifested."
Ena was astonished at the revelations of Guinevere's confident speech.
Having obtained divine might, she understood that a divine beast lay before her. Even though
her divine possession was rather game-breaking, her opponent was even more extreme.
No matter what, even assisted by divine power, Seishuuin Ena was just a living human girl.
Her opponent had the gigantic body of a divine beast. The difference in power and body size
was overwhelming.
"That's appearing too suddenly, come on!"
An enormous squid tentacle attacked from overhead.
Crash! The speed and curvature was like a giant whip's.
Ena jumped away as quickly as a monkey. Very few people could surpass the agility of the
Hime-Miko of the Sword.
With an appropriate margin of safety, she evaded the squid's tentacle.
The giant organism's appendage struck the highway surface where Ena had been standing
directly shattering it. Steel reinforced concrete crumbled noisily, breaking apart, dug upon by
the squid's tentacle. It seemed as easy as slicing through a cake.
Furthermore, the giant squid still had many other tentacles.
The gigantic tentacles repeatedly attacked Ena on land.
Tentacles descending on her from above. Tentacles sweeping from behind. From the right and
left, tentacles trying to entangle her.
"Rather alert of you! However, please do not forget the existence of Guinevere!"
Ena smacked her lips. The giant squid (more elegantly known as the Kraken) was wrecking
the road using dozens of tentacles.
The road surface was pulverized and torn into a mess.
Concrete fragments of various shapes and sizes were rolling about all over the road.

Cars probably could not be driven over this road any more. Even walking would be difficult.
Had Ena not been agile enough to jump around in this place, it would have been impossible to
evade all of the Kraken's attacks.
At this time, the next challenge arrived.
Guinevere who had hovered into the air at some point was now holding a javelin in her hand.
"O Witch's javelin guarding the country of shadows, relive the legend of Queen Scthach!"[34]
Chanting the spell words, the Divine Ancestor launched the javelin.
A weakly throw that neglected to make use of the waist. She must be untrained in martial arts.
Nevertheless, such a throw was more than enough. As the javelin automatically flew towards
Ena, the magical weapon had split itself into twelve short spears hurtling towards their target.
Ena gave up trying to defend.
Using her reflexes to guard against the Kraken's attacks, she entrusted herself to Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi!
Relaxing her arms as she gripped the divine sword, she allowed it to move autonomously.
Flash. Two flashes. Three flashes. As the lustrous blade endlessly flashed back and forth,
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi repeatedly struck down the onslaught of magic javelins.
All were cut down. The steel partner defended Ena most splendidly.
At that moment the concrete beneath her shattered.
Somehow, the Kraken had dug one of its tentacles into the ground, preparing for an attack
from below.
Even so, Ena managed to retreat backwards with all her effort and evaded the massive
However, the second and third tentacles continued to rip apart the concrete beneath her,
repeatedly attacking from underground. Ena leaped around as if she was flying, desperately
trying to escape.
Guinevere once again threw the javelin from just now, this time launching two at the same
Splitting apart once again, a total of twenty-four short spears rained down.
I rely on you, Ama no Murakumo!
Responding to her prayer, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi once again defended with a flurry
of strikes. Nevertheless.

A terrifying shriek. Even though it was unclear what kind of organ produced such a sound, it
was the howl of the Kraken.
In the instant she heard this sound, Ena's entire body froze.
Tightly constricted by the spirit powers of the divine beast, she could not even lift a finger.
Normally, divine possessed Ena would have used Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi to slice it
apart. However, her preoccupation with offense had shown an opening!
"In case I had to take you on as an opponent... Even though I did warn myself, was it
redundant concern?"
Guinevere remarked boldly as she prepared the third launch of the javelin.
Since Ena had entrusted her defense to Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, her body was unable
to move.
In that case, let me fully liberate Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's power just as Ena started
"Behold! As an adamant harder than flint have I made thy forehead! Fear them not, neither be
dismayed at their looks, though they be a rebellious house!"[35]
The familiar and wondrous voice chanted spell words of iron.
A wall suddenly appeared before Ena. Like a thick panel of steel, it was impenetrable as a
literal iron wall, deflecting the spears completely.
"I finally made it to the most spectacular scene. Fortune must be smiling upon my usual
abundance of good deeds."
His Majesty would likely retort to such a comment.
The girl, who could hardly be described as virtuous in conduct, approached as Ena smiled
Crowned by her red-tinted blonde hair fluttering in the wind, her beautiful face shone with the
light of dazzling talent and domineering spirit.
Her surcoat was designed with red vertical stripes against a black background.
The beautiful girl synonymous to red and black. It was Erica Blandelli of course.

Part 5
"No need to explain the situation. I've already heard the main gist from Godou. I think I can
imagine the rest from the current circumstances."

Appearing majestically, Erica held a great broad sword in her hand.

This was the true form of the magic sword Cuore di Leone. Held in her other hand was a
rhombic shield.
Ena asked her unexpected savior:
"Erica-san, weren't you unable to return immediately?"
"Yes. But fortunately, I was able to obtain permission to return soon after Godou's call. Then I
went to the airport, praying that the flight to Japan had not been cancelled."
Erica spoke elegantly as usual.
However, this leisurely confidence made Ena even more certain.
"The way you speak sounds a bit like Kaoru-san. Surely there was no 'praying' like you said."
"How could that be? I am bound to a knight's honor with a clean conscience. Rather, Ena-san
must have spent too much time with such a duplicitous person, for you to be unable to believe
in other people's good fortune..."
Having spoken with composure, Erica turned her gaze towards the sky.
Witch Queen Guinevere. Moreover, the divine beast Kraken whose head had surfaced was
still waiting ready behind her.
Even though a normal squid only had ten tentacles, this creature actually had twenty or thirty
of these appendages.
Those massive tentacles were like sea serpents, wriggling nonstop along the surface of the
Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway and craning their scythe-like necks.
The terrifyingly white tentacles were densely covered with numerous suction cups. It was a
sight that created great dissonance against Guinevere's antique doll-like beauty.
"Allow me to formally introduce myself to you, witch amongst witches. Meeting you here is
an honor for me, the Knight Erica Blandelli. I've heard plenty about your exploits as Black
Prince Alec's enemy."
"Well. It is rare for people to know of Guinevere's cordial relations with the Black Prince."
The blonde knight gracefully performed a knight's greeting.
She showed a lady-like smile to the hovering beauty in the black dress.
Ignoring the strange setting, they were like a courtly pair of characters taken out from
medieval chivalric romance literature.

"Not only valorous but also versed in etiquette, and very resourceful too! Hohoho, clever
knight, I also know about you. Indeed, you are Kusanagi-sama's direct vassal."
"To be acknowledged by Guinevere-sama is truly an unexpected joy."
The conversation was like mutual echoing.
Ena began to get impatient. Even though Erica was speaking very gracefully, her true nature
was unbearably arrogant. What conniving ways. Furthermore, something about Erica made
Ena wary
Erica Blandelli was back after a long absence.
For the undisputed premier Hime-Miko, Seishuuin Ena, Erica was her first true opponent.
Most likely, they will continue being rivals for the rest of their lives.
In the past, Ena did not sense Erica holding back on a hidden trump card.
Purely in terms of dormant potential, even the prodigy Erica could not match a user of divine
That was what Ena had always thought. However, what about now? And henceforth?
Somehow, Ena's instincts were warning her.
"Hohoho. It's been so long since I had a chance to converse with a knight who knows how to
treat a lady properly. This should have been an occasion to savor and enjoy, but very
unfortunately, Guinevere is in a hurry to find out what happened between Kusanagi-sama and
Athena. It's about time for things to conclude here."
Guinevere smiled as she hovered in the air.
The conversation was the only thing courteous. The original tense atmosphere had not
changed at all.
Erica readied her magic sword and prepared for battle. Ena also gripped Ama no Murakumo
no Tsurugi firmly once more.
"Hey Erica-san... Could you let me handle this alone?"
"Oh my, Ena-san, you want a one on one duel? Even though that kind of knightly style is my
preference, the current situation can only accommodate two versus two."
The Hime-Miko and the Great Knight stood shoulder to shoulder, facing their opponents.
Divine Ancestor Guinevere and divine beast Kraken. Despite the massive disparity in outward
beauty, both belonged to the divine realm. No amount of martial arts or magical mastery
could surpass these formidable foes.

"Yes. Ena can see that. But fighting in this messy battle isn't a solution either rather, the
tide will gradually turn against us. Because of that, could you please let Ena go on a rampage
first, then I will rely on Erica-san for the rest."
"Debating technique aside, I think Ena-san should really learn a little rhetoric."
This abstract manner of speech expressed disagreement. However.
"Well. I, Erica Blandelli, have also been blessed by fortune with the talent of adaptability. Do
as you wish. Show me what you can do."
"Thanks. It really helps. Well then, I'll be in your care!"
In the instant she obtained Erica's favorable answer, Ena began to run.
Running at full speed towards the Divine Ancestor and the divine beast. Summoning even
more of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's divine aura. Despite having already reached the
limits of control, she continued to summon more.
The Kraken swung its massive tentacles at Ena.
Guinevere also intended to throw the javelin as before.
But Ena could not feel anything. She will leave things to the body and the partner who should
be able to sweep all obstacles away!
...From this moment on, Ena's consciousness began to fade.
In contrast, the body running at full speed became even more alert. Compared to before, it
was more sensitive and vigorous.
Moving with beast-like savagery, leaping, evading the Kraken's tentacles. Stepping on it,
jumping further. Agilely dodging Guinevere's rain of magical spears along the way.
The body was not the only thing performing vigorously.
The divine sword, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi, also moved freely in a flurry, back and
forth endlessly.
Those terrifying sucker-bearing tentacles of the Kraken impossible to discern in number
how many dozens there were.
The sacred jet-black blade continually thrust itself at them. Slicing them apart, severing them.
Guinevere's javelins also met the same fate. As soon as they neared the sword, they were
instantly sliced to pieces.
The Kraken roared painfully using some unknown organ.
Guinevere's face began twitching from shock.

Completely ignoring these sights and sounds, Seishuuin Ena's body continued jumping around
with the divine sword.
It felt as if her consciousness was staring blankly down from the sky. Like watching someone
else. Clearly abnormal.
Rampage. Seishuuin Ena was intentionally allowing her divine possession to rampage out of
Even though she entered this state last time to overpower Erica, it had been an accident. This
time, she deliberately caused herself to become like this. She believed that the best way to
defeat the combination of divine beast and Divine Ancestor was to rely on rampaging
explosive power.
With too many uncertainties, it was a final desperate ploy that could not be used lightly.
However, Ena let herself go out of control without hesitation because she believed she could
entrust the aftermath to Erica. In that case, how would their opponents react?
Erica distanced herself from the rampaging Hime-Miko and carefully watched the battle
That's right, well done. Leave on your own.
In their current state, Ena and Ama no Murakumo had no confidence whether they could
distinguish friend from foe. It was correct for Erica to stand back and keep an eye on the
situation, ready to seize any opportunities. Erica-san was really smart as expected
As her mind contemplated, Ena's body was already beginning its last rampage.
The limit should be fast approaching. In that case, the body will soon crash down like a kite
with a severed string. If only she could make it in time...
Her consciousness wishing in a daze, Ena's body ran towards the sea.
And jumped as hard as she could, off the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
Towards the head of the Kraken exposed above the sea surface. Aiming for the body rather
than the tentacles.
Ena flew, her body so light that it could have jumped over eight ships.
Heading in a straight line, she thrust Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi forwards. Just like that,
the jet-black blade struck the squid's head with a violent impact, piercing right through.
Unable to stop her, the Kraken roared.
The divine beast immediately caused the sea surface to rise, trying with all its might to create
a defensive wall of seawater. It was attempting to send Ena and her attack flying back!

However, the instant Ama no Murakumo's bladed edge made contact with the wall of
The wall's material, the seawater instantly split open and lost form. With series of splashes,
the water fell back into the original sea. Still flying, Ena stabbed the divine blade into the
Kraken's face.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! The final cries of death.
Struck by a full-powered blow, the giant squid turned back into a massive volume of water
with a bone-chilling shriek. With crashing and splashing noises, it split apart and returned to
the sea, creating massive waves.
However, having obtained victory, Ena's body also fell into the water.
Am I going to... drown? As Ena's consciousness wondered, Erica sprang into action.
"Unbelievable. Such utter recklessness, making things so troublesome!"
Turning Cuore di Leone into a lock and chain, she cast it out. Splendidly, the lock and chain
tangled itself around Ena' right leg.
Pulling the undulating chain, Erica dragged Ena's body back onto the Trans-Tokyo Bay
Ena's consciousness returned at this time. Finally, she had reached her limit.
"Guhooh... Guwah!"
Regaining her senses, Ena knelt by Erica's feet, vomiting blood.

Her entire body felt as heavy as lead. Exhausted to the absolute limit. After using divine
possession for two days in a row, the feedback struck her all at once.

"Seems like I'm out... So as I requested just now, I leave things to you..."
"You're hopeless. Go on and feel gratified. It's quite rare for me to support anyone apart from
Godou and Lily."
Ena smiled at Erica's answer.
Even though this rival was so conceited, at the same time, she was also extremely generous.
"Basically, Guinevere's concerns proved to be correct."
Hovering in midair through magic, Guinevere softly whispered.
Despite the defeat of the divine beast before her, the beautiful girl's face was not shrouded in
"This reminds me of ancient berserkers and their superb battle forms. I never would have
expected my kin to be defeated in this manner. What a scary child...!"
Guinevere smiled.
The child-like beautiful face was infused with the Witch Queen's solemn aloofness.
"As befits one who serves a god-slayer. Far surpassing normal humans. If that is the case,
Guinevere will use the final move. Sir Knight, come heed Guinevere's summons!"
The shouts of the lovely voice reached high into the sky.
Immediately, the sunny sky turned black with clouds and lightning descended.
Or rather, a man and horse descended from the sky, clad in lightning. A white divine horse
together with a knight in white armor. This was not a divine beast but a [Heretic God]!
The white rider and horse descended next to Guinevere, hovering calmly in midair.
"Guinevere needs to take care of these people, Sir Knight. May I ask that you go forth to
Athena and Kusanagi-sama's side?"
"Hmm. It will be tough to handle."
From the white knight's helmet came a very manly and beautiful voice. Even though his
actual face could not be seen, one inevitably felt that he must be either a cool or an aweinspiring man.
"Most unfortunate. Hence, Sir Knight, please take this."
A short pewter staff suddenly appeared in Guinevere's hand.
Its tip was done in silverwork to resemble a twin-headed snake. The white knight casually
received the snake staff without paying particular attention.

"Hmm. All shall be done in accordance to your will."

"May victory smile upon you, Lancelot du Lac!"
Nodding at the farewell, the white god was enveloped in lightning.
He flew straight in that manner, towards the beach where Athena and Godou were located.
Ena was unable to take a single step, but even in peak condition she would not have been able
to intercept him.
True lightning flying across the sky was most likely impossible for Ena's arrows to strike
"Knight of the Lake, Sir Lancelot... There have been rumors that he secretly protects
Guinevere-sama, but clearly it is no longer anything secret..."
On the other hand, Erica stood in surprise beside Ena.
Thus, Guinevere turned around and smiled with child-like innocence towards the ground.
"Hoho. You seem to be on amicable terms with Princess Alice. Yes, in order not to repeat the
same mistake as when I lost to His Highness the Black Prince, I now made Sir Knight
manifest as a heretic god."
For the Witch Queen to be able to recruit a war god of steel, even Ena the optimist was
extremely shocked.
"I could have asked Sir Knight to eliminate you all in an instant, but making such a rude
request to the unparalleled war god is not permitted. So let Guinevere personally send you to
your graves!"
As Guinevere yelled out, her body released intense magical power.
'Divine essence of the water. I beseech you to hurry forth to Guinevere and once again
respond to the prayers of the Witch Queen, reveal your sacred form!"
Divine essence once again surged, causing the sea to rise. But this time it was not the Kraken.
Appearing forth was a white-colored water dragon.
A ferocious head like a carnivorous dinosaur and a long slender body like a gigantic serpent.
From its back grew bat-like wings. Its two front legs resembled a lizard's. A strange looking
Raising its head and torso up from the sea, the sea dragon roared.
Oooooooooooooooooooooh!! The roaring sound created wind.

Violent gusts of wind blew across the surrounding sea and the surface of the Trans-Tokyo
Bay Highway. It was so strong that Erica and Ena felt like they were about to be blown away.
"Come! Attack together with Guinevere and devour these children with your jaws!"
The Witch Queen disappeared, her slender body absorbed into the water dragon's chest.
Divine Ancestor Guinevere was assimilated into the several-dozen-meter-long white dragon.
"Could it be possible, she released the seal of the dragons and snakes!?"
"Don't think so... That's still a divine beast!"
As the female knight wondered with a paled expression, Ena replied softly.
Erica proceeded to gaze sharply at the water dragon's massive body, and murmured to herself:
"Really... In that case, perhaps this could finally be used."
Erica's words. As expected. Ena nodded at her correct suspicions.
Back when Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was rampaging out of control at Chidorigafuchi,
and also in the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Erica had received
Verethragna's protection, allowing her to face off against Ena and the Great Sage.
But now she no longer had that protection. She must fight her way out of this situation with
her own power.
"Finally be used is not good enough. The crisis must be overcome no matter what, Erica."
A sudden voice called out.
It was a voice not heard for a day, that of the awe-inspiring female knight. Ena immediately
glanced in its direction.
She must have entered from the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway, near the Kisarazu junction
entrance. They had finally arrived.
"In order to obtain that mystical ritual, you took that lazy break that the school acquiesced to.
If you do not show the results properly, all your unruliness would become meaningless!"
"Well said, Lily."
Erica chuckled at Liliana Kranjcar's statement.
The petrified female knight most likely revived slightly more than ten minutes earlier, asked
about the situation and rushed here immediately. She must have deemed it more urgent to
support Ena first instead of her lord.
"Hoping to be entrusted with the duty of aiding Godou, Lily was smiling so happily back
then. In any case, you must have been fulfilling your desires while I was away."

"Ugh, stop talking nonsense!"

Wearing her blue and black cape, Liliana objected with a shout as her face began to twitch.
Having summoned the magic sword Il Maestro in its glaive form, she was clearly entering this
battle with caution.
"Actually I originally planned to go along and read that book. But then I was thinking I could
not take time off to leave Kusanagi Godou's side, it could not be helped...!"
"Ena-san! Did you overuse divine possession!? Y-You need immediate treatment...!"
Ignoring the knight's anxiety, another member of the reinforcements had spoken.
It was Mariya Yuri dressed in her miko outfit. Due to the divine beast's rampage, the road was
full of debris, and Yuri slowly and painfully made her way near.
Kneeling down and gently caressing Ena's back, she nodded to Erica.
"It is fine, Erica-san. Your new power as long as it can be controlled well, it should be a
trump card that stands on equal ground with divine possession."
"Thank you, Yuri. Your encouragement is truly inspiring."
Erica displayed a glamorous smile towards the Hime-Miko who most likely received an
oracle through spirit vision.
"Well, the most important issue is 'control' as mentioned, but there is no choice but to proceed
onwards at this juncture. Everyone, let the sight of Erica Blandelli's mighty style be branded
upon your eyes! I shall defeat Divine Ancestor Guinevere here and now!"
Sonorously delivering her declaration, the red knight approached the deadly and ferocious
water dragon.

Part 6
Erica and Lily had learned the spell words of David from the grimoire, "Book in Praise of
David's Great Works."
However, that was not all they had learned.
The spell words of smiting. Ultimate battle magic crowned with David's great name, and said
to bestow the user with the [Sacred Privilege of Extermination] on the level of divine beasts
and spirits
Back when they sneaked a peek at the original edition grimoire guarded by Saint Raffaello,
Salvatore Doni's master, Erica and Liliana had tried as much as they could to memorize this
portion of the mystic arts. However, the descriptions were extremely voluminous. Despite
their great intellect, the two girls' memories were limited.

Erica had tried her best to memorize the portion of [Jericho's Extermination] while Liliana
had committed [Midian's Extermination] to memory. Other than that, there was still all sorts
of other knowledge.
Conversely, for the two girls to be able to identify all the magical key points in such short
time, was testament to their genius intellect and disposition to magic...
In any case, by their good fortune, two mystical techniques had been acquired.
Erica studied them whenever she had a chance. Same for Liliana.
Several years later, the two had mastered the spell words of David. Secret techniques that
could even cause damage to gods. However, actual combat experience later taught them it
was virtually impossible to defeat a god with these techniques without substantially
miraculous circumstances.
Furthermore, Erica and Liliana were still unable to use the spell words of smiting.
Learning this secret rite required paladino-level mastery of martial arts and magic.
The only known users were Saint Raffaello, Erica's uncle Paolo Blandelli, and Black Prince
Alec's trusted subordinate Sir Iceman. Knights who were equivalent to living legends.
Even though Erica and Liliana were prodigies, these were not techniques that could be easily
used by knights in training.
However, in the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven
Bestowed with Verethragna's protection, the two girls had successfully used incomplete spell
words of smiting.
Precisely because of that, they reached a revelation. This spell was still inadequate for taking
on gods head on. On the other hand, it was an effective counter to their servants, the divine
Kusanagi Godou's battles in the future will only get even more harsh and intense.
In order to be able to assist meaningfully, they needed to master the spell words of smiting as
quickly as possible. Furthermore, the two knights would be left in the dust by their rivals if
they did not do so.
"Even though it's a slightly unpleasant topic, let's exchange opinions without reservation."
Three weeks ago, Erica had proposed to Liliana.
Inviting her childhood friend and rival to a cafe on Hongou street, Erica chatted with Liliana
over coffee.

"Even though we've trained as much as Ena-san, her theophany is far too extraordinary. In the
context of Europe, using that technique would put her amongst the ranks of the paladino...
Unique existences like Esteemed Uncle and Saint Raffaello."
"Yes. I have no wish to admit it, but that is indeed the truth."
Liliana was nodding with a frown.
In European magic, divine possession was classed as theophany. However, no known user
had been born in the past three hundred years. That was the kind of outstanding and rare talent
shown by Ena's complete mastery of this mystic technique.
Neither the red nor the blue knights wanted to admit defeat.
But they were not the foolish type that disparaged others for such reasons.
"It's not too conspicuous, but Mariya Yuri's potential is also quite amazing."
"Yes. That child possesses spirit powers of the same nature as Princess Alice."
This was confirmed during the time when she received Verethragna's protection.
At the time, Yuri was in command of spirit vision and psychic sensing powers that even
surpassed the White Miko-Hime.
"I don't think she can reach the Princess' level in the future, but it is truly remarkable how
Yuri resembled the legendary peerless miko. By the way, the young master of Hong Kong's
Lu family also seems to be hanging around Godou recently."
Erica recalled the eccentric but promising young star.
Although he could be considered the same generation, Lu Yinghua still resembled a child who
had not grown up. But sooner or later, he would become a young man powerful enough to
surpass Erica and Liliana.
Most probably, his god-slayer master will also teach him many secret techniques.
Purely in terms of martial arts, it was highly likely that his progress will leave them in the
"I sought you, Lily, to discuss our common understanding of the increase in troublesome
rivals. Don't you think it's about time we get promoted to the rank of paladino?"
The red and blue knights both secretly harbored this common goal.
The two had contacted friends in Europe to aid in collecting intelligence.
Four years ago, Salvatore Doni was apparently entrusted with keeping the "Book in Praise of
David's Great Works." After tracking it down, they deduced that the current curator was

Andrea Rivera. After investigating the scheduled movements of Doni and his attendant, they
discussed how to come up with a plausible excuse to read the book
It stood to reason that the two of them would go read the grimoire together.
However, they believed Kusanagi Godou needed supervision. Were they to avert their gaze
for a moment, he could very likely get into another fight with a god, or get intimate with a
new girl.
Hence they concluded they had to avoid situations where Godou was neither supervised nor
In the end, they decided Erica would go to Italy while Liliana stayed behind.
The two made a promise to bring back a copy of the grimoire's essential passages. Of course,
this was a promise that one could easily go back on.
Nevertheless, Liliana still let Erica go instead of her
As much as the silver-haired long time friend did not wish to admit, the two of them had
developed a trusting relationship over the decade-plus they had known each other. No matter
what, the two were childhood friends bound by ill fate.
Permission to read was obtained from Salvatore one week ago.
After copying the grimoire, Erica returned to her family home in Milan to receive instruction
from her uncle, a current user of the spell words of smiting.
She studied intensely as she received guidance from the great predecessor.
Special training that only lasted a week. But this was no crash course. In the past four years,
Erica had continually trained in the mystic ritual secretly. Now that she had a chance to study
the grimoire in detail, combined with the guidance of an excellent teacher, Erica's mastery
was instantly bolstered. That said, this was a mystic ritual of the highest difficulty.
Erica's spell words of smiting were still incomplete when she received news that Athena had
This prompted her to find a way to persuade her uncle who had forbidden her to leave without
mastering the technique. This was the extent of Erica's recent exploits in Japan and Italy.
"What a guy who loves making trouble for others !
Erica complained as a smile surfaced on her face.
This time the enemy was Athena. And a Divine Ancestor as well.
But were things any different, he would not be the youth that Erica Blandelli loved. Because
he was the born warrior, always accompanied by strife at all times.

Erica ran alone as quickly as the wind across the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
Her intent was to draw the enemy away from Ena who was exhausted, Yuri who could not
fight, as well as Liliana.
The water dragon, which had assimilated Guinevere, flew after Erica.
Low altitude flying. It was at the height and distance such that a swipe from its front claws
could tear Erica apart. However, the dragon did not make its first attack in that manner.
The white water dragon opened its gaping jaws and exhaled. This was no ordinary breath.
Freezing wind carrying innumerable shards of ice. Any creature devoured by this wind would
be cruelly sliced apart and instantly frozen into ice.
Deadly magical wind indeed. The breath of a terrifying dragon.
A direct hit would be critical. Erica stopped running and began to chant spell words.
This was no ordinary magic but the spell words of smiting, of course.
"And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the Lord went on
continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them!"[36]
Erica's body shone with sacred red light.
This light protected Erica, blocking the breath of ice. However, it still felt exceptionally cold.
Even though it managed to defend against the shards of ice, the icy cold air still penetrated
and invaded the sacred light.
Erica's body was about to be frozen.
The chilly air not only made the bones tremble, it was cold enough to freeze the bones. In
spite of that, Erica gritted her teeth and continued to chant.
"They compassed the city seven times. And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the
priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given
you the city "[37]
Moreover, the water dragon's front limb was descending.
Four claws were on the paw, each as long and sharp as a sword.
Erica took Cuore di Leone which had been restored to its broad-bladed form together with her
shield and blocked the sharp claws. Her breathing quickened as her concentration was almost
Performing close quarter combat at the same time as using the spell words of smiting proved
to be extremely difficult after all.

"And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and
ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword."[38]
But Erica did not stop chanting.
Had there not been any disturbance, she would be able to use the spell words of smiting all at
But if it was a spell that could not be completed without exposing herself defenseless, then it
would be worthless in actual combat. Hence, Erica brandished her sword and shield
"Cursed before the Lord is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: At the cost of
his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its
The spell words obtained from the book of David
Erica's chant was complete.
Erica defended against the water dragon's breath and claws, the occasional swipes from the
long tail, the jaws densely lined with sharp teeth, and charging impacts.
Then there was magical power. In order to unleash smiting, all of Erica's magical power had
to be put forth.
However, was she able to do that at the same time as she handled these fierce attacks?
During the battle against the Great Sage, she had much more magical power at her disposal
thanks to Verethragna's protection. But now was different. Nevertheless, she still had to !
"Moreover, it's probably about time for reinforcements..."
Erica spoke softly as if encouraging herself.
Furthermore, she smiled as she anticipated the arrival of the arrow of blue light.
It was for this express reason that Erica had distanced herself from the rest of the girls. In
order to wipe the other knight's existence from the Divine Ancestor's awareness.
"People, listen to David's song of mourning! How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of
war perished!"[40]
Liliana chanted spell words as she watched Erica's desperate battle from afar.
She had expected this all along. That mystic rite could not have been mastered within a single
week Liliana shrugged helplessly at her rival and long time friend's bluffing.
"From the blood of the slain, from the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan turned not back,
and the sword of Saul returned not empty!"[41]

One hundred meters ahead on the road surface of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
Enveloped in red light, Erica swung her sword, bearing her shield. The white water dragon
attacked from midair, blowing its tempestuous and icy breath, flashing its claws and teeth.
The weapon that Liliana chose for this moment, was that one naturally.
"O Bow of Jonathan, the warrior's weapon fast as an eagle and strong as a lion. Come forth to
my hand immediately!"
The bow and arrows composed of blue light.
Manifested in Liliana's hands were the weapons that could even cause injury to gods. And of
course it was applicable to divine beasts as well! Just as Liliana closed one eye and was
planning to aim at her target...
"Ena-san, you cannot move yet!"
"It's okay... But if I need to use the sword again, I will be relying on Yuri..."
Yuri was trying to persuade Ena as she tried to stand up, using Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
as a crutch.
The Hime-Miko was trying her hardest to cast recovery magic on the divine sword user who
had exhausted her strength.
This was not a spell for healing external wounds but one for healing internal injuries. There
were also quite a few types of recovery magic which temporarily restored lost strength.
Repeated use of divine possession would eat away at the user's life.
Liliana recalled what Ena had told her before. Yuri surely understood the frightening toll
Ena's body had taken from using divine possession two days in a row and even going berserk.
"Lilana-san... If it's just one strike, Ena can still do it, barely."
"If that is the case, then get it over with quickly and meet up with Kusanagi Godou. There is
no time to dally."
Knowing it was useless to try stopping her, Liliana readied her bow and arrows once again.
The target was the water dragon in the distance that was giving Erica a hard time. Two arrows
of light should be sufficient for cover no, this was an attack meant to strike on target.
Liliana shot the two arrows with determination.
Ena also launched Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi as if throwing a javelin.
An ordinary sword could not have been used in this manner, but thanks to some mysterious
blessing, the legendary sword flew straight as an arrow.

Liliana had fired the Bow of Jonathan. Plus there was Ena's Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
The white water dragon that had been tormenting Erica became aware of these attacks and
conjured defensive magic. A pattern of white light appeared before the water dragon, blocking
the blue arrows. Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was also deflected by a swipe of the dragon's
These were not martial techniques that ordinary divine beasts could use.
As befitted the dragon inhabited by a Divine Ancestor. Erica smiled bravely as she admired
the sight.
This was the lioness' smile, certain in victory.
Even though she had not expected the attacks just now to be defended, Erica could not give
the opponent any respite.
Deeply She drew in a deep breath.
Erica let this breath diffuse throughout her body. All her cells began to produce scorching
heat as if incinerating. This was magical power, producing strength that concentrated in the
body's centre. In oriental medicine, this spot would be the dantian below the navel. In terms
of chakra, this would be the Swadhisthana.
Then she made it explode.
In the instant of activation, all magical power was poured into the mystic rite.
Guinevere had shown a slight opening as a result. This became the final step for completing
the smiting...!
"Soldiers! Now is the moment to blow the horns at Jericho!"
Spell words were promptly added to facilitate the technique's activation.
Smiting the [Sacred Privilege of Extermination] inhabiting Erica. From her body came red
light that turned into physical force that sent the white dragon flying.
"What!? How could this be possible!"
Roaring sounds and Guinevere's voice came out of the dragon's mouth simultaneously. She
was shocked to be suddenly repelled by the red light.
Ignoring these noises, Erica manifested the Privilege of Extermination into a visible form.
Armor. First of all, her upper torso was wrapped in chain mail. Next there were the breastplate
and pauldrons with the dull color of steel. There were also sturdy gauntlets and greaves.

Covering up Erica Blandelli's beautiful face on the battlefield would probably be classified as
a crime. Consequently, this form was chosen. Applying the Privilege of Extermination to the
sword and the shield, Erica's armaments were complete.
"Fear not, tremble not! Leading all the warriors, go attack the city!"
Erica released the spell words and flew into the sky.
Flying instead of leaping. The Sacred Exterminator was granted the ability of brief flight.
Erica instantly flew up a hundred meters and looked down. The water dragon carrying
Guinevere had spread its wings, intending to take off in flight.
Trying its hardest to pursue and attack. But it was too late.
"I hereby display the heart of the lion! Hence all knights shall fear me, singing praises unto
The heart of the lion implied indomitable courage.
Using these spell words as a trigger, Erica was shining with red light as she charged
downwards in descent. Like the constellation of Leo, descending from the heavens, attacking
Crashing violently into the white dragon, the enemy's massive body was blown away.

Aiming at the throat, the sword was thrust. Slice, slice, slice, slice!
"Guh... What savagery! Looks like a retreat might be in order!"
As Guinevere yelled out, refusing to admit defeat, the dragon gave off mournful death cries.

Like the Kraken before, the divine beast's body reverted to water and collapsed. At the same
time, a white light flew out of its body, up towards the sky.
Guinevere had fled But Erica did not have any remaining strength to pursue her.
Exhaling deeply, she watched the white witch flying in the sky. At the same time, the mystic
rite had also ended. Both the red light and the armor had vanished while fatigue and
exhaustion swept across her entire body.
Her mind also felt dazed and unable to think properly.
Apart from when rising out of bed, who could have thought there existed other circumstances
that could lower Erica's intellect?
"This counts as a pass for today, but more training is definitely needed..."
Erica shook her head as she murmured to herself.
Reportedly, her uncle Paolo Blandelli had used the same attack to crush the ancient city of
Lancaster. Furthermore, a mere day after using the Sacred Exterminator's form, he achieved
the legendary feat of liberating the sleeping Princess Alice who was under the guard of six
divine beasts unleashed by the Three Furies, the Erinyes.
As his successor, Erica could not lag behind.
Nevertheless, the current priority was to catch up to Kusanagi Godou. Erica endured the
torments of her exhausted body and resolutely walked towards her companions.
But every step proved to be most taxing.
Be that as it may, Erica could not expose her weakness when all eyes were watching. After
all, Erica Blandelli was glamorously graceful and beautifully radiant at all times!

Chapter 7 - Farewell My Mortal Enemy

Part 1
"Ho... Thy vassal apparently clasheth with that man's maidservant."
Alone on this beach, just the two of them. Athena suddenly smiled.
Indicating that her duel with Kusanagi was about to begin.
"Maidservant? You mean Guinevere?"
"She hath a name like that? She is the witch of the ancient matriarch deity, the inheritor of the
Holy Grail."

In response to Godou's question, she gave a proper answer.

Athena was probably using some kind of clairvoyance to spy on Guinevere's whereabouts.
She probably wanted to guard against rude interlopers from intruding on their fight.
Godou had expressly ordered Ama no Murakumo to inform him if the other partner ran into
any danger.
He had also reminded Ena to call the name of Kusanagi Godou in case of a desperate
situation, so that the [Wind] incarnation could be used to save them. Currently, neither of
them had given any notice.
Ena seemed to have put forth all her efforts to halt Guinevere's advance.
"Isn't calling her 'maidservant' going a bit too far? Besides, who do you mean by 'that man'?"
"He is the hero who standeth as the mortal enemy of god-slayers. One knoweth not where he
lieth. Be that as it may, he apparently sleepeth somewhere on this island."
"...Could it be that guy, the strongest [Steel]?"
Godou recalled what he heard before from that old bunch.
"Thou knowest? From that earlier attack, thou seemest to have matured well."
"That's not maturing, it's called 'stepping deeper into the puddle.' Anyway, to think Guinevere
was actually hiding a side like that..."
Objecting to Athena's approval, Godou continued:
"So all her conspiracies and schemes to this date, were all for the sake of reviving that guy?"
"Forsooth. Thou shouldst pay attention. That man is the warrior fated to destroy all godslayers. Were he to awaken, a war to exterminate the Devil Kings shall begin. If that happens,
surely thou shalt perish."
Godou could not help but object to this sudden declaration.
How could anyone be sure without trying? I may be a pacifist, but if the other person comes
murdering on his own initiative
But then again, Athena's pubescent face had never shown such a severe expression.
Faced with such solemnity, Godou had nothing to say. And so, the corners of the goddess'
mouth began to rise with delight.
"No matter, such words carry meaning only if thou art able to win our duel... Didst thou
know? Virtually no god-slayer hath ever come to a peaceful end. The vast majority dieth on a
battlefield somewhere. Thou only needst to follow in the footsteps of thy kin of past!"

"If that's the case, I will become one of the few exceptions. Let's go!"
Their fighting spirit was quietly rising.
In that case, Godou will rely on these heightened spirits to engage in battle. Athena glared
sharply with her serpentine eyes once more as Godou readied his battle stance. Just at that
moment, a crash of thunder was heard.
"Tsk! Thy arrival was expected, Lancelot du Lac!"
Athena smacked her lips as she gazed up into the sky.
Thunderclouds were rapidly filling the sky and furthermore, a flash of white lightning came
flying from the direction of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway.
'Beware! This fellow is pure [Steel] like me!'
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi warned from Godou's right arm.
The lightning carried all sorts of omens, announcing the extraordinary visitor, mounted on his
flying divine horse.
His body was wrapped in white armor. The helmet's lowered visor obscured the face.
Furthermore, wielded in his hand was a lustrous lance with a platinum blade
That kind of color and brightness had been witnessed the day before. Was that not the same
brilliance as the white star of [Swords]!?
"Hey, isn't that the...!?"
"Yes. Yonder fellow is indeed the war god Lancelot. As that man's subordinate, the white
maidservant's guardian. Furthermore, the wielder of the [Sword] that seeketh to tear us into
Athena nodded with displeasure as she answered Godou's immediate query.
Lancelot. Isn't he the guy from the Knights of the Round Table?
Shocked, Godou heard an awe-inspiring manly voice from overhead.
"Athena. It is most pleasing to encounter you once again before your life depletes. And godslayer Kusanagi Godou. Though the goddess has already introduced it, let this Knight's name
be heard once more. Lancelot du Lac. Commonly known as the Knight of the Lake."
"...I don't remember telling you my name."
Godou responded to the mighty self introduction with displeasure.
If this guy and Guinevere were the masterminds of the current incident, there was no reason to
trust him at all.

"Apologies. This Knight had no intention of insulting you... Even though forgiveness is
unwarranted, apologies will still be expressed. For the act of ambushing you from the dark,
taking advantage of your conflict as a third party. This kind of behavior is indeed an affront to
chivalry. Most regrettable."
What the heck was up with this guy? Godou was intrigued.
An extremely forthright disposition. A kind of wondrous charisma similar to Verethragna
when he had lost his memories
"Hmph. Doth not be deceived. Even though yonder fellow is indeed a soldier of upright
principles, he is merely a fool who displayeth might and valor for the maidservant's sake!"
"Perhaps. But all things considered, swords are that type of tool."
Lancelot agreed to Athena's accusation as he lightly kicked his beloved steed's belly.
The white divine horse began to slowly descend to the beach.
"The so-called heroes of steel, are sword gods who express the sword's attribute of living for
battle only. Furthermore, this Knight has sworn to offer one's blade to beautiful women only."
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi called Lancelot its kin.
Expressing nothing but an obsession with battle. This was likely the trait of purebred steel.
"Fufufu. The knight indulges in rainstorms of bloodshed on the battlefield, tempered by a
dash of womanly charms. Unfazed by mockery from others."
Despite his words, he did not give off the same impression as those useless men that were
infatuated with women. Rather, he seemed like the type who demanded women of great
quality, a Casanova who deliberately sought challenging conquests.
Perhaps this was only fitting for a god's prestige?
"But who knows if either of you two would approve..."
Lancelot's divine horse descended, its four feet landing on the beach.
Wielding the lance in one hand, Lancelot held a short pewter staff in his off-hand. Shaped like
a twin-headed snake, it was being fiddled around lovingly as if it were a little flower.
"The Holy Grail's function has completely halted. Hmm... Even though the beloved child
already preserved the power taken from the vessel, it is meaningless like this."
"In that case, war god, what dost thou wish to do?"
Athena displayed a goddess' solemnity as she spoke.

The child-like beautiful face glimmered lustrously with dignified battle spirit. She issued an
obvious challenge.
On the other hand, Lancelot muttered liberally.
"Hmm, no other way then. Your chest shall be cut open so that this Knight can retrieve the
Grail and do everything possible to awaken this mighty unparalleled divine artifact."
An indifferent declaration of slaughter. True to form as a [Heretic God], a fellow who could
not be underestimated.
Godou tightly gripped his fist and glared at Lancelot.
"It seems like you two are having a duel of honor. Intruding in such a match would be
unbecoming of a knight. However, this Knight has grown weary of waiting."
The white knight raised the lance's blade towards the sky.
His valor was apparent from this action. His rising battle spirit was impossible to suppress.
"Guinevere had warned this Knight before getting involved. To wait until you were both
exhausted before killing either. However, a man in possession of lance and horse should never
have to act in such a manner. Athena, this Knight's lance wishes to greet you with a cordial
welcome once more!"
"Very well! One shall exact from thee what thou owest, before taking on Kusanagi Godou!"
Athena's sharp serpentine eyes turned to Lancelot. Lancelot faced her in turn with his white
Godou swiftly inserted himself between the two of them.
"Your opponent is not just Athena. Please let me participate in this battle."
"What dost thou wish, Kusanagi Godou?"
The white knight was shocked, while Athena questioned. Unfazed, Godou continued.
"This is Athena and my duel after all. There's no rule preventing me from helping drive out
the intruder. Or rather, it can be said that this is only natural."
"Natural? Hahaha, your words are truly interesting indeed!"
Lancelot's helmet shook in laughter in response to Godou's declaration.
It was not mockery. His tone was clearly overjoyed and he was laughing sincerely from the
depths of his heart.

"God and god-slayer irreconcilable foes fighting in cooperation, how could that be called
natural!? Be that as it may, one cannot help but think as a warrior, it is impossible to reject.
This Knight welcomes you to the fray."
Lancelot nonchalantly accepted the two versus one battle.
Truly the war god, such magnanimity. However, his opinion was actually not that important.
The problem was the haughty goddess. Turning his gaze to her, Godou was shocked. Athena's
face was filled with surprise.
"...Dost thou know? In battles past what that group of people did to vex that man so...?"
"? What and what?"
Godou frowned at the cryptic question.
"Anyway, I want to drive this guy out quickly. That's why I want to fight together with you. Is
that unacceptable?"
"No... One thinketh over it, this could very well be a good opportunity."
The look of surprise vanished in an instant as Athena resumed a dauntless expression
Godou began to wonder if he was imagining things.
"One hast instructed thee how to fight. Dost not become a burden!"
"Gonna say the same thing to you. I have more strength to spare than someone who's half a
Together, Athena and Godou stared at the war god.
They had once fought each other with all their strength, and had also traveled together.
However, fighting side by side was a first experience. Godou was now relieved.
Athena's extreme haughtiness had made him worry whether she would accept the battle of
two against one.
What could be the reason for her to accept fighting in cooperation?
Was it due to Lancelot being a formidable challenge, so she chose efficiency over honor? Or
was there some other reason?
No matter what, an unprecedented deadly battle was now beginning.

Part 2
"Kusanagi Godou, that fellow's divine sword poseth no threat for now!"

Athena was the first to summon her favorite weapon, the grim reaper's scythe.
However, she did not change her height unlike previous battles, retaining her pubescent form.
Perhaps she was trying to control her depletion of energy.
"A weapon that consumeth the earth's essence for nourishment. As long as the Holy Grail in
one's body remaineth inactive, that blade cannot be swung."
"Oh? You've seen through it. How befitting of the goddess of wisdom."
Seen through by Athena, Lancelot offered praise from atop his mount. Furthermore.
"In that case, there is no need to be swinging around Master's relic."
He tossed the lance into the air, sending the horrific weapon to the opposite end of the clouds.
A barbed lance then materialized in Lancelot's hand.
"Hmm. This is more familiar after all. So, Athena, receive this Knight's lance!"
"Ha! One doth not believe this goddess shall lose to you in the arts of war!"
And thus the war god and the goddess began engaging in close quarter combat.
The mounted knight's white steed began to run, not at full speed, but on the level of a leisurely
It was running towards the scythe-wielding goddess Athena. Mounted on his horse, Lancelot
thrust his lance forward.
Once, twice, thrice. Godou was just able to see it clearly. However, from that point onwards
his eyes could no longer keep up with the actions of the battling duo.
Like torrential rain that riddled the ground with holes, the raging barrage of thrusts aimed at
the pubescent goddess.
Athena evaded the attacks with the tiniest of movements as she swung her grim reaper's
Was she trying to overcome the enemy's mounted advantage She was swinging the scythe
towards the white horse's front legs, chest and neck. Furthermore, she even attacked
Lancelot's legs on the stirrups as well as the lance-wielding arm.
However, Athena's scythe was blocked on all occasions.
First of all, Lancelot's steed was exceptionally agile, jumping back immediately whenever the
blade approached. Or stepping lightly back or to the side, skillfully changing defensive
positions to let its master's lance block Athena's scythe with ease. The rider and horse truly
acted as one.

Furthermore, Lancelot's armor was especially sturdy.

The white armor of iron essentially covered his entire body. Every attack from Athena's jetblack scythe towards his arms and legs, gauntlets and greaves, or breastplate were deflected.
"Make use of me, jump here!"
Godou yelled out as he ran forward.
In front of the white knight and divine horse. Even further ahead than Athena and her
swinging scythe.
"Ohoh. How brave of you to charge before a knight without even drawing your sword!"
Lancelot was distracted for an instant.
Without failing to take advantage of this excellent opportunity, Athena sprang into action.
Leaping lightly into the air, she stepped onto Godou's shoulder, using it as a platform for a
second jump.
Leaping higher than Lancelot on his horse, Athena raised the scythe up high.
"Death bestowed by the underworld deity, infused into this blade!"
A full powered attack carrying spell words smashed into the white knight's chest.
It was not deflected this time. The jet-black blade penetrated lightly into the white breastplate.
Near the area where the blade was embedded, corrosion began to spread.
Lancelot's upper torso shook violently.
This single action made the scythe fall off from the breastplate while Athena's body was also
sent flying as if she were crafted out of paper.
In a direct frontal confrontation, the knight god did not seem to approach the goddess of war.
Seeing Athena land like a cat, Godou readied his stance.
The war god's next target was obviously himself!
"It is customarily in war for mounted warriors to bypass infantry. Though this is slightly
unorthodox, exceptions will be made for the god-slayer!"
Yelling out, Lancelot patted the side of the white horse's neck.
With a loud neigh, the white divine horse stood up on its hind legs.
Now freed, its front legs swung at Godou's head.

A fierce horse's horseshoes were weapons rivaling iron hammers. Thus the two iron hooves
Furthermore, it was no ordinary horse despite its ordinary-looking build, but a divine beast.
Even a Campione's unreasonably sturdy body would be easily crushed by this exceptional
kicking power!
Godou immediately raised his arms to defend like a boxer.
Before the hooves of the divine horse, Godou could not expect too much from this paper-thin
defense. However.
Clang! The strange noise of metal clashing was heard.
Godou's arms were currently as hard as steel. At the same time, he possessed unyielding
strength that allowed him to hold his ground against the full force of a divine horse's
"Iron arms bearing peerless strength! Is that your authority!?"
Lancelot made a thrust with his lance.
It was too fast to see clearly. However, it probably aimed for Kusanagi Godou's head. Using a
Campione's instincts for victory, Godou guarded his face with his right arm.
Clang! The same strange sound was heard again. It was the sound of his palm blocking the
"Couldn't you have told me beforehand properly..."
'My assisting you? It's only expected!'
As Godou grumbled, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi replied through thoughts.
When facing an enemy's overwhelming strength, Verethragna's second incarnation, the [Bull],
provided monstrous might.
Furthermore, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had the ability to absorb the authorities of gods
and Campiones, lending power to Godou.
What had been absorbed here was the sturdiness of the white armor.
Consequently, Godou's arms had obtained the hardness of steel, together with the [Bull]'s
monstrous strength infused.
Godou furiously swung his left arm, striking at the white horse's chest.
An improvised left hook. Except that this iron fist could probably demolish a four or fivestory commercial-residential building.

Perhaps aware of the punch's power, Lancelot's divine horse jumped back a great distance.
"So that is how it is... Kusanagi Godou. Thou hast probably procured a rather useful tool of
steel's kind."
Athena remarked, having been thrown back into the distance just now.
Instead of approaching where Godou and the war god were positioned, she knelt down where
she had landed, striking the sand with her hand.
"Marry! In that case, one hath no choice but to exhibit a mother earth goddess' power!"
Immediately, an earthquake occurred.
Violent tremors. The beach battlefield was intensely shaking.
Godou's sense of balance was overcome and he had to fall back on his hands and knees. Had
this earthquake occurred in towns and cities, many homes would likely have collapsed.
Rumble rumble rumble rumble the quake was on a scale where one could vaguely hear the
actual ground sounding out.
On the other hand, Lancelot remained upright despite the conditions.
Splendidly controlling his steed without losing to the cataclysmic event. No, not only that, his
divine horse had leaped into the air and started flying.
"...Right, he arrived here by flying just now."
Continuing to lie prone on the ground, Godou muttered.
Lancelot and the divine horse's rapid ascent was like a rocket's takeoff, speeding up towards
the clouds. In that case, the earthquake became meaningless.
However, just as Godou wondered, Athena stood up all of a sudden.
"Hohohoho... Knight of the Lake. Thou mayst perchance be a peerless knight upon the earth.
However, how dost thou fare in the sky!?"
As the shaking of the ground subsided, Athena smiled fearlessly as wings sprouted from her
Brown wings, covered with countless spotted patterns, rather than pure white feathers like an
angel's. I see. Godou understood as he stood up.
Athena's forms were not limited to the snake. Those were wings of an owl.
The sacred bird that flew freely in the night sky. The symbol of wisdom. Moreover, the
messenger of death from the underworld. The form of the goddess' favorite bird of prey!

"O Night. 'Tis the time ruled by the queen of the underworld. Respondest to one's invitation
and lowerest the curtains of the sky!"
Athena commanded the sky as she pointed with her index finger.
The brightness vanished in an instant. The morning sun was occluded, turning day into night.
If this cataclysmic event had only occurred on this beach, it would probably be easier to cover
up the truth Godou could not help but try praying to something other than gods.
"Oh. Is this the darkness invoked by the queen of the sky, the earth and the underworld!? In
that case, this Knight shall summon lightning as comrades-in-arms, it is only natural to return
the favor!"
Lancelot's voice came from above. At that moment, white light flashed repeatedly, tearing
through the night sky.
It was produced by the thunderclouds summoned when white knight first appeared. Even
though battles between gods and Campiones were very far-fetched, internal strife between
gods were equally ridiculous or even more so
Godou expressed utter surprise at the series of cataclysmic events. It was really too ridiculous.
Unaware of such thoughts in Godou, Athena spread her owl wings and took off. Gliding
smoothly as if skating on ice, she crossed the night sky.
"One's feathered wings may be regarded as the avian ruler of the sky, war god!"
"If that is the case, then savor this Knight's lightning, goddess!"
As lightning repeatedly flashed and exploded across the night sky, the stage was set for the
gods' intense confrontation to transition to an aerial battle.
Lancelot and his divine horse simply flew in straight lines.
Charging at the goddess like an arrow, targeting her with straight thrusts from the lance. Both
the knight and his beloved steed were enveloped in flashing lightning and cracking thunder.
Banking gracefully, Athena avoided the charging attack.
That smooth flowing trajectory was like the movements of a seabird engaged in a hunt. As if
targeting shoals of fish beneath the sea, diving silently to strike with its beak
"As expected. The sky is not thy domain. Thou art full of openings!"
Athena circled around to Lancelot's back as she dodged the attack.
Held in her slender and beautiful hands were a silver bow and arrows.

The sight of Athena firing the arrow was reminiscent of another Greek goddess, Artemis the
"Hahaha. Perhaps you are right. Who knows if this Knight was born clumsy, but flying was
never learned properly. However, this is not enough to strike this Knight down!"
True to his words, Lancelot and his divine horse evaded in a V-shape and managed to escape
the arrow shot from behind.
The abrupt and forceful change of trajectory stood in stark contrast against Athena's graceful
His flying speed also slowed down. Targeting this, Athena drew the bow once again. The
second arrow struck Lancelot's white helmet, but was deflected with a loud clang.
Discovering the goddess' intentions, Godou nodded.
A battle on land favored the knight. But in the air they were equals.
Firing arrows with her silver bow, Athena was an owl gliding across the night sky, gracefully
flying in silence.
In contrast, Lancelot's strengths did not lie in flying.
He probably could not fly in anything but straight lines (basically tracing out parabolas).
Consequently, he could only change directions using V-shaped maneuvers. Even though his
top speed could catch up to Athena, he was forced to slow down when making turns, and was
thus unable to maintain any advantage.
That said, his exceptionally sturdy armor meant that he was not at a disadvantage either
"But then again, if they continue buzzing over my head and flying around, I can't help at all."
Godou grumbled as he looked up at the aerial battle.
His arms of iron bearing monstrous strength could not reach that height... No, could he figure
out a way? Then the problem became finding a suitable projectile. Just as Godou began to
search the beach...
"War god Lancelot... This goddess is aware that one's weapons have been unable to destroy
thy steel. Nevertheless, this arrow is different. It looketh like an arrow but arrow it is not. 'Tis
the temptation of death, released for the sake of the underworld's queen. Namely, 'tis death
Athena flew casually to evade Lancelot's charge as she circled around the white knight's head
as she called out.
The goddess' right hand placed the arrow onto the silver longbow.

The arrow's fletchings were made of owl feathers. The arrowhead was carved out of obsidian.
All were products of Stone Age.
"Heroes of steel are indeed immortal on the battlefield. However, what of pestilence? Or
perhaps, faced with termination from old age!?"
Athena's fingers released the arrow. The obsidian arrowhead flew at Lancelot below!
Just at that moment, the white knight and the divine horse disappeared.
Godou saw the black arrow trace across the sky fruitlessly, falling onto the beach.
Furthermore, the surroundings were suddenly covered by exceptionally dense mist.
"W-What is this?"
'Lancelot must have used the protection of immortality.'
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi responded to Godou's surprise.
'That fellow seems to have melded into the mist to seek refuge. Mist can neither be pierced
nor severed. Even curses cannot take effect. Well, it can still be dispersed by storm winds.'
"If that guy is hidden in the mist then that means he can ambush Athena and me?"
'Impossible. Pure-blooded [Steel] will not do anything underhanded of that sort. The level of
nocturnal or morning assaults is the limit. If not glorious to the very end, our kind's battles are
always intense as lightning. When that fellow switches to offense once more, the mist shall
surely disperse.'
A similar kindred spirit after all? It almost sounded as if the sword was talking about itself.
In that case, conversely, there will be some respite before the knight returned from the mist. A
certain notion surfaced in Godou's mind. He had to find that thing now. Where on earth was
In thick mist with visibility less than 5m, he could only rely on a Campione's instincts.
A god's movements searching for divine power, Godou began to concentrate.
A huge mass of power was swirling high in the air. That must be Athena.
At the same time, somewhere in the air precipitated a weak power. Perhaps it was Lancelot in
his mist form. I see. Once he could be sensed in this manner, there were no more concerns of
a surprise attack.
Further more, there was one more presence.
Even closer than the gods in sky, there was something else that had fallen to the ground.

It was fine as long as it had not sunk into the sea. Godou began walking in the mist, seeking
the presence of divine power. Luckily, his search bore fruit in a matter of minutes.
"So cold!?"
Picking it up from the beach, Godou was shocked. This was even colder than dry ice.
"In that case, this is actually a very dangerous object..."
Godou broke out in cold sweat.
Were he not bearing arms of iron, he might have suffered already?
The effects were probably not as simple as cold burns. Definitely would have suffered more
severe injuries... Just as Godou shuddered, the mist dispersed in an instant.
'It's coming, King! That fellow has entered the thunderclouds. The next strike intends to
annihilate that mother earth goddess no, all of us!'
Godou knew without needing the divine sword's warning.
The sky was filled with dark clouds as before. However, not a single flash of lightning could
be seen.
He must be storing power. Godou realized.
Instincts of a Campione, or perhaps experience gained from various hellish trials, allowed him
to understand immediately.
Godou sought out the position of Athena who should still be in the sky.
Found her. Slowly flapping her owl wings, she was hovering in the night sky.
However, the young and beautiful face was tense with deathly determination, and her glare
was as sharp as a ferocious bird of prey. She already knew it was a decisive moment.
Godou hurried and ran over in Athena's direction.

Part 3
Alas. An excellent battle
With great satisfaction, Lancelot savored the thrill of battle he had missed greatly.
He was currently hidden within the thunderclouds. Lightning crackled and popped in his
surroundings, exploding, raging. A most familiar scene.
Having turned into mist together with the white divine horse, they had made their way here.

Protecting his favorite woman was not disagreeable, but it was insufficient to satisfy his
hunger. Other than the battlefield, no other place allowed him to fully apply his skills and
Pursuing this way of life even into bitter death, the implements of war and horse could not be
done without.
He had guarded the Witch Queen, the Divine Ancestor, for over a millennium. Along the way,
he had also offered minor assistance to witches who had attained the pinnacles of heaven and
Spending his days in this manner could not be considered unhappy. However, would a raging
warrior who charged on the battlefield be satisfied with such a life? No, impossible.
Lancelot could feel his body and mind awakening.
"Having a god and a god-slayer as opponents, displaying the valorous might against
unfavorable odds of two against one. Now that is a man's long-cherished wish. Hohoho, this
Knight is reminded of battles past."
Lancelot soliloquized and looked down at the world beneath him once more.
Using the mind's eye he located two "presences."
Namely, the goddess Athena and the god-slayer Kusanagi Godou. Both were amazingly
roused in battle spirit.
"One would really like to enjoy a duel like this for eternity. Be that as it may, it is not this
Knight's style. Time to gallop forth."
The dim mist vanished. Spurring the white divine horse onwards, Lancelot restored the
valorous form of the knight.
Within the thundercloud, Lancelot lightly caressed his partner's neck.
"This Knight's incomplete form probably cannot endure battle beyond this. If this joy of battle
were to be savored for too long, this Knight's heart will begin to lose composure. Perhaps it
would hasten the arrival of the day when the beloved child shall be abandoned. Indeed, it is
about time for the tide to ebb."
Finishing his muttering, Lancelot instantly made his divine power incinerate.
Last time, the lightning infused meteor crash had defeated Athena. For the sake of this full
powered attack at maximum speed...
He had already began preparations when he turned into mist.
In order to reach lightning speed god speed, a great amount of lightning needed to be

Which was why he had entered the thunderclouds.

"In this current state, a single charge at maximum speed will probably deplete all energy.
Failure means defeat and repeating the past. One shall charge with care."
Reminding himself, he lightly kicked the divine horse's abdomen.
First Athena shall be pierced in the sky, and then Kusanagi Godou shall be flattened on the
ground. Having thus decided, the white knight and divine horse instantly descended from the
sky with lightning speed.
Turning into a white meteor flying out of the thunderclouds!

Knowing Lancelot was coming, Godou ran at full speed.

Meanwhile, Athena had suddenly stopped at a certain position in the air, and called out spell
"Aegis of the Gorgon, defendest this goddess to the death!"
The silver longbow previously held in her hand had transformed into a massive shield.
A rectangular shield large enough to cover the entire body of pubescent Athena. The shield's
surface was carved with a design in the likeness of the snake demoness Medusa.
Lifting the shield high towards the sky, Athena readied her defensive posture.
Abandoning her weapon and taking out the shield. She must have decided she would be
struck down immediately otherwise. Was this still the great and aggressive goddess!?
In the instant of Godou's surprise, the white flash descended.
With hardly any time elapsed, Lancelot and the divine horse collided with Athena.
What amazing speed. Indeed it was a descent of god speed as fast as lightning!
Riding the galloping white divine horse, Lancelot made a thrust of the barbed lance with one
hand, using the other hand to hold a rhombic shield. Over his armor was a combat surcoat.
Flawlessly armed to the teeth.
Furthermore, his entire body was giving off the light of electricity.
Bringing astounding heat and shockwaves, this was exceptional destructive power.
With her massive shield, Athena blocked this attack like a canopy guarding the earth.
The tip of Lancelot's lance pierced into the Gorgon's shield, trying to dig through. However,
with Medusa's protection, the defensive equipment squeaked as it resisted

"Gwooh! An astounding attack as ever!"

"What! This Knight professes admiration. Twice you have blocked my maximum speed full
powered charge, as befits one along the lineage of the matriarch deity, and the goddess of
The war god and the goddess who blocked his rapid descent were locked in a standstill.
It was a battle of strength in the divine realm, comparable to a violent impact between a
meteorite and the earth's surface.
Nevertheless, it seemed like Lancelot had the advantage? Godou felt anxious.
It was readily apparent that Athena was halting the white knight's descent with all her
strength. Conversely, Lancelot gave the impression that he had yet to go all out.
Were Lancelot to strike the ground, it would result in a tragic disaster on the level of a
massive meteorite impact.
Certain in this belief, Godou raised his arms above his head.
The war god and the goddess were clashing about a hundred meters in the air above.
Then there was no problem. Godou was originally a baseball player; moreover, he had been a
catcher with a strong throw.
On many occasions, too many to count, he had foiled base-stealing attempts of fast runners.
Godou had absolute confidence in the speed, power and accuracy of his pickoffs.
Furthermore, he still had the monstrous strength provided by Verethragna's [Bull].
In that case, his pitch will surely reach its target. Besides, Lancelot and Athena were hovering
motionlessly in one spot, pushing each other at full strength.
In terms of sumo wrestling, this would be the grappling phase. A perfect target. Evasion
would be impossible!
Godou yelled as he threw the piece of obsidian.
It was the arrow that Athena had fired but Lancelot had dodged by turning into mist. This was
the arrowhead portion that Godou had ripped off. That lovely thing Godou had been searching
for in the mist.
Stone. This was probably the most primitive weapon humans ever laid their hands on.
No matter what situation, a stone could be used to strike as a weapon simply by holding it in
one's hand. If thrown, it was an excellent projectile.

Godou initially intended to throw the concrete blocks that were being used as wavebreakers
on the beach. With his current monstrous strength, acting as a catapult was a simple task.
However, he remembered the white armor's sturdiness as well as the arrowhead's matter.
Throwing as hard as he could, the piece of obsidian was launched towards the sky. Right on
target, it struck the white helmet of Lancelot while he clashed his lance against Athena's
shield, trying to overpower her.
"Gufu! This was the earlier...!?"
"Ohoh! Superbly done, Kusanagi Godou."
In that very instant, Lancelot expressed shock as Athena offered praise.
The obsidian shattered into a thousand fragments, scattering inside the knight's armor.
Furthermore, a black amorphous shadow manifested, entangling itself around Lancelot's
shoulder and back.
This blackness was equivalent to death itself.
Even more pitch-black than the surrounding night sky, a Campione's senses knew.
A shadow darker than black night. This was true darkness surpassing aphotic black.
Expressly prepared for the purpose of sending Lancelot to his grave, most likely. In any case,
it was like the time when Athena was prepared to rouse a dormant volcano for the sake of
exterminating Perseus.
"Guh, oooooooooooooooooooh!"
Lancelot roared like a wild beast.
It was a sound similar to a lamenting wail. A loud scream that expressed suffering far greater
than a cry of pain.
Godou could sense that the divine power released by the white knight had substantially
weakened. Most likely his strength and endurance had been eroded completely.
This strength was probably what the knight had used to power his meteoric descent.
Athena, just about to reach the limits of her strength and be sliced apart, forcefully used her
shield to push Lancelot and his lance back and summoned spell words.
"Medusa, one of this goddess' avatars! The time cometh to restrain this enemy!"
The snake demon's likeness had been carved onto the great shield.
Despite being a beautiful maiden, countless snakes instead of hair grew out of her head.

Shining with golden brilliance, her eyes glared at the weakened war god Lancelot and his
white divine steed!
Instantly, the divine steed was turned into stone, from a vigorous white horse into a statue of a
galloping horse. Lancelot's left arm, left leg and armor were also petrified at the same time.
The battle was decided, right
This thought only crossed Godou's mind for an instant before he changed his mind. Even
though an arm, a leg and the white horse had been petrified, the knight did not stop charging.
He continued to clash against the Gorgon's shield.
For the goal of skewering Athena and flattening Kusanagi Godou to the ground!

"This resolute resistance on the verge of death, deserveth one's praise indeed! But war god,
dost thou have a way to overturn this unfavorable situation!?"
"Ooohmmm... That other one..."
Lancelot replied in feeble moans to Athena's call.
He was originally in an abnormal state already. Enduring [Death] from the underworld deity
and deprived of power, even moving a single finger felt exhausting. All movements felt like
heavy burdens.
He also felt colder than anything else.
This sort of coldness could probably be savored only in the instant before one froze to death.
What a blessing it would be to simply lie down and die just like that. Nevertheless, Lancelot
did not halt his charge, pouring forth what remained of his divine power into the petrified
beloved steed, forcing his left arm and leg to move, continuing to act as a white meteor.
It was truly hard to believe. His body was clearly in such a state, yet his heart continued to
yearn for battle!
Perhaps it was precisely this perilous situation that incited him to fight forcefully like
scattering sparks. This was a knight's talent, the style of the warrior !
"This Knight apologizes for the earlier rudeness. One had no intention of deceiving you..."
As Athena expressed surprise while she pushed against him, Lancelot continued clashing
against the Gorgon's shield.
Rather, his current situation would be more accurately described as "falling." At the same
time, he turned his gaze up towards the air. To a place even further beyond the clouds. Where
the object of his attentions was currently hovering.

"One originally thought it unnecessary for this battle, so it was cast aside. With no ulterior
motives, this cannot be helped for there is no other trump card. Surely you are unable to block
in that direction, hence, this Knight shall take advantage of that!"
"War god, couldst thou..."
Athena's beautiful face clearly showed she understood. Nevertheless, it was too late.
The divine lance that had been tossed into the sky before the battle. Even if the blade had
slipped off the thunderclouds, it remained motionless, hovering in midair still.
However, summoned by the thoughts of the wielder it was magically bound to, it began to
Lancelot began chanting in secret.
Come, Divine Sword of Salvation. The sacred sword that brings stars to fall.
The platinum blade fell from the distant sky.
And stabbed directly into Athena's defenseless back.
The goddess began to weaken as her life force was absorbed, becoming like Lancelot. She had
already depleted most of her remaining strength in the current battle. Using such a body to
block the white meteor, she likely lacked spare capacity to defend against the Divine Sword
of Salvation.
In the instant the brilliant blade struck, golden light erupted all at once from Athena's body.

Part 4
The Holy Grail's creation was almost fifteen hundred years ago.
However, the Divine Sword of Salvation had existed even before that. The king who
manifested at the end of ages was the war god who was the divine sword's original user.
What did that imply?
In other words, even without the Grail, the Divine Sword of Salvation could still be used.
Before Guinevere's previous incarnation and Lancelot had joined under his command, the
"King of the End" had already wielded the divine blade countless times.
The Divine Sword of Salvation was fueled by the life force of the earth
So before the Holy Grail existed, how was it provided to the sword?
The answer was simple. The "King of the End," strongest amongst [Steel], provided it

So-called heroes of steel were themselves warriors who fought against the mother earth
goddesses. In the myths, they defeated desperate mother earth goddesses who had turned into
dragons and snakes, thereby obtaining power. Furthermore, they would often take as their
lovers or supporters the mother earth goddesses who had been reduced to the form of young
The majority of [Steel] possessed the attribute of exploiting the earth.
In that sense, it was only natural for Him to be called the strongest man. In fact, there was no
other war god who could surpass him in this domain.
The so-called Holy Grail, was the divine artifact offered to the "King of the End" for the
purpose of lessening his labors.
For the first time, Lancelot imitated his former master's authority of exploitation.
"For this Knight's victory, one beseeches. Grant unto this Knight permission to plunder the
Lancelot never expected to develop such a relationship, fighting alongside that man on the
battlefield, riding shoulder to shoulder.
How he gathered power, how he fought, everything was etched clearly in Lancelot's memory.
Furthermore, Lancelot was also [Steel]. He believed he could surely achieve the same thing.
Gambling upon this belief he yelled out the spell words and it worked as expected.
Golden light was bursting out of Athena's slender body.
This brilliant splendor was the mother earth goddess' essence, life force of the purest form
beyond compare.
The Divine Sword of Salvation absorbed it and began to awaken. This was followed by an
explosion of golden light. Life force flowed out from Athena's body as if dynamite had
Between Athena and the Divine Sword of Salvation, a "pathway" had been established
towards Lancelot.
The "pathway" for absorbing life force from the goddess who embodied the earth was rather
narrow and weak. Imitation was merely imitation after all. The difference in the ability
compared to the original possessor was immensely vast.
However, this was sufficient to use the divine sword
Blown back by the explosion of golden light, Lancelot nodded. Transmitting his thoughts, he
summoned the Divine Sword of Salvation to return.
Meanwhile, Athena crashed towards the earth.

Whether the white meteor whose descent was halted or the flying winged goddess, both were
blown away by the explosion of golden light.
"Damn. Was she defeated!?"
Godou yelled as he ran towards where Athena was free-falling.
He made it at least. Just barely before she hit the beach, he caught her in his arms.
Even though it was the slender body of a young girl, having fallen from such a height up in
the sky, Godou would probably not have caught her so easily without the [Bull]'s strength.
"...'Tis most unfavorable, Kusanagi Godou. Yonder blade shall attack us once more..."
Held in Godou's arms, Athena moaned as she spoke.
This was his first time to witness the goddess' face showing vulnerability commensurate with
her pubescent appearance.
In addition, his arm cradling her back was wet. With blood. Blood was flowing from the
wound in her back and the owl's wings had already vanished.
"Did Lancelot do this?"
"Yes. 'Tis no easy feat for thee to have sealed the Holy Grail. But that fellow is using his own
power to absorb this goddess' life. If one were not injured, that kind of undeveloped authority,
should more or less hath been resisted..."
She no longer had the strength to proudly raise her head up high.
Athena leaned powerlessly against Godou as she whispered. Just as Godou was overwhelmed
with surprise at the unusual situation, he saw a white sun shining in the sky.
It was currently night. Night forcefully summoned by Athena.
However, the white star hovered in midair, illuminating the area brightly.
"...For one's full powered attack at maximum speed to be blocked for the very first time, you
deserve this Knight's praise, Athena. Young god-slayer, Lancelot is delighted to be able to
fight you!"
Furthermore, a muttering voice, as gloomy as a dead ghost's, could be heard.
Lancelot must have landed at some point in time. His left arm and left leg petrified, the white
knight stood a couple dozens of meters ahead.
He was speaking in a cheerless and commanding tone, yet his entire body expressed delight in

Probably because he no longer had the strength to talk cheerfully. Lancelot was also covered
in wounds. However, that lance his hand held the Divine Sword of Salvation. He still held
the overwhelming advantage.
"A long drawn-out battle is not this Knight's style. Let the conclusion be reached right here. O
Sword, split apart the earth!"
In response to the spell words, the white star released a flash of bright light that resembled a
laser beam.
Godou gritted his teeth. He had not wanted to use this incarnation due to its time restrictions.
Nevertheless, for the sake of the overall situation, there was no choice now!
Verethragna's seventh incarnation, the [Raptor]. This meant abandoning his current great
strength, but Godou obtained god speed movement and perception in return.
Godou embraced Athena as he dodged sideways, managing to evade the flash of light.
"That sort of speed had been seen yesterday already. Hohoho, do you really think this Knight
would have no skill to counter it?"
Lancelot was completely unfazed.
Godou was certain. Even if Lancelot did not bother to scrutinize Kusanagi Godou's every
move, he could still discern them as if he was watching from the sky, far above.
Even if Godou completely unleashed god speed, it felt like his moves will be seen through
Godou was filled with unease. How... No, there was no mistake. That guy must be able to use
the mind's eye. The divine skill that Luo Cuilian and Salvatore Doni had mastered after
undergoing harsh and grim trials!
If Godou moved recklessly, he would be sliced apart in an instant.
However, if he stayed still he would still be shredded like a carrot.
Cold sweat flowed down his back. What should he do? He cannot despair at a time like this.
"...Believe in this goddess, runnest. Even Lancelot's great sword, thou canst surely evade it."
Athena whispered softly.
Was it a divine oracle, or the devil's temptation? Fu. Godou drew in a deep breath. There was
no need to doubt. By this point, they were already in the same boat.
In the instant the white star began firing blades of light again, Godou jumped backwards.
Seen through. Seen through. This certain belief filled his mind.

Godou's every movement after entering god speed had been completely captured by Lancelot.
No matter how he moved, how he dodged, he will be sliced all the same!
However, the white light missed its mark. Piercing emptiness, it tunneled through the sand.
"Oh, this. Summoning darkness for this purpose, how thoughtful."
Lancelot grumbled.
Godou's instincts were correct. The [Raptor]'s god speed was roughly on the same level as the
shining sword of light. In a pure race of speed, either could win depending on circumstances.
However, Lancelot's mind's eye should allow him to slice Godou apart despite his god-like
"Be reassured. Let this goddess' darkness disrupt Lancelot's vision for now. But a knight of
that caliber should be able to adjust soon enough..."
Hearing Athena's whispers, Godou understood.
Darkness was essentially something that robbed creatures of their sight apart from a portion of
nocturnal animals.
Letting night descend and disrupting others' vision was also part of Athena's authority. In that
case, even the clarity of the war god's vision could be disrupted. This was why Godou was
able to dodge the white sword.
Did she summon the darkness of night in anticipation of a crisis like this?
"Well then, quantity shall be used instead to obtain victory... It is going to be messy, but
please understand."
But Lancelot immediately responded in that manner.
The star up high began to fire off light again, but this time the white light was shaped into
balls of lightning instead of beams of light.
Two meters in diameter or so. Flying at lightning speed. Four of these balls of lightning had
Flying towards Kusanagi Godou and Athena from four different directions.
"Come on, could he attack with any less composure!?"
The divine knight probably loved getting into action quickly and decisively.
Godou grumbled to himself as he watched out for the balls of lightning attacking from four
directions, namely, straight up, from the left and right, and the last one diagonally above.
He would only be unscathed if he dodged them all at once. Judging thus, Godou made a great
jump backwards.

Roughly a distance of ten meters or so. The [Raptor] conferred lightness of body like a bird.
The balls of lightning descended upon Godou and Athena's last position.
But they immediately changed directions to pursue the prey that had retreated, chasing them
down with lightning speed.
Godou unleashed god speed to the max, and sped across the beach. If he stopped for a single
moment he would have been struck by any of the balls of lightning.
From the eyes of an ordinary person, the current scene must have seemed quite horrifying yet
Something unidentified was running around with the speed of lightning. Some object, whose
silhouette could not even be seen, was endlessly flying everywhere, shuttling between light
and electricity that scattered like sparks
However, there were no observers of this battle. The only ones aware of this strange situation
were the participants.
Particularly maddening for Godou was the fact that Lancelot did not recklessly squander the
divine sword. He did not use the life force absorbed from Athena to engage in wasteful rapid
fire, but was using the balls of lightning efficiently instead. Had he been recklessly
performing wasteful attacks, Godou would have found an opening!
Godou desperately escaped from the balls of lightning that encircled him like a net.
If Athena had not disrupted Lancelot's vision, Godou would have been sliced apart many
times over already.
"Pressured so much... Impossible to counterattack."
Godou grumbled softly as he ran.
Once Lancelot's eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, he would slice Godou into two with
one strike. Hence it was imperative to mount an offense before that. But then how should he
Even though his arms were as hard as iron, they did not seem like they could crush that white
All things considered, the prototype was Lancelot's own sturdiness. At best, Godou's arms
would just be on the same level of hardness.
"Asking wouldn't hurt. If you absorbed my [Raptor], would it help right now?"
'No good. Or rather, it cannot be done. Absorbing your active authority will be exceptionally
painful. It will become unusable for several days.'
The question directed at Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi obtained an expected answer.

Godou did not give up. He knew that if it could help, this meddlesome sword would have
acted on its own accord already.
"This goddess has a plan, Kusanagi Godou."
A voice that sounded like it came from far away. When moving at god speed, that was how
Godou perceived other people's voices.
Obviously, these were Athena's whispers.
Godou was surprised by her sudden call to him. The content of her proposal was even more
shocking. Shouldn't there be limits to recklessness? However, Godou understood the instant
he finished listening.
Ah, I see. This deity truly lived up to the name of the great goddess of war
Godou thought to himself. As a result, he replied almost instantly.
"...Ah, okay then."
Godou embraced Athena with his right arm as he ran back and forth all over the place.
Causing not only himself but also everything he carried to lose their weight, this was the
[Raptor]'s unique skill.
The goddess entrusted her entire weight over and leaned her head against Godou's face. He
could not see her current expression, but he was certain.
Athena must be smiling with satisfaction right now.
Godou silently moved his hand to touch her slender back and began to caress gently. Then he
penetrated deeply.
Athena began to make brief moans. Beads of sweat appeared from the pain.
Ignoring these signs, Godou spread open his palm embedded inside the goddess' body.
There was no bleeding. Neither was there an open wound on the goddess' beautiful back.
Godou's hand had been invited into Athena's body by her own will.
Right arm. Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. The mortal enemy's hand which contained
tabooed steel.
"The sword which claimeth the power of heretical outsider foes for its own use... One shall
infuse the life force and energy of this great mother earth goddess into this fellow. Combined
with one's secret arts, the blade of heaven and earth's creation shall be forged...! Goest forth
and claim thy victory, god-slayer!"

Athena endured the pain as she whispered in a hazy voice.

The divinity of steel that was in conflict with the mother earth goddesses. It must have been
exceptionally painful for such an existence to enter her body.
"Thou mentioned earlier. Of seeking a way to save this goddess in the Netherworld. Hohoho,
to be honest, that is the one and only path of survival. Abandoning one's heretical traits,
becoming a hermit in the Boundary of Life and Immortality. In that case, one's connection to
the earth will be severed, and the link to the Holy Grail shall also vanish..."

Bearing this torment, Athena resolutely bore a smile.

"Or perchance, one wondereth of choosing another path... Nevertheless, since things have
developed to this state, this goddess no longer hath a choice after all. Rather than have Athena
abandon the ways of Athena, one prefereth to seek an end worthy of this goddess."
Godou halted his footsteps, shutting down god speed and withdrew his arm.
Setting Athena down on the beach, all preparations for intercepting the enemy were complete.
"Kusanagi Godou. Wield thy sword in this goddess' stead..."
"Yes. Please be patient for a moment, for after this shall be our conclusion."
Godou raised his right arm under Athena's gaze.
Manifesting in his hand was the divine blade Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Its blade was
jet-black as usual, but this time, it was incinerating with dark black flames.
These were rare otherworldly flames that did not give off any scorching heat.
They were ice-cold instead. Gusts of exceptionally chilling air were being blown out from the
dark black flames. One would likely suffer instant cold burns on contact.

At this very moment, the four balls of lightning controlled by Lancelot arrived.
Godou did not even swing Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi. Wrapped in dark black flames, the
black metal automatically absorbed the balls of lightning. Just like that, they disappeared.
"Hmm... The Divine Sword of Salvation has been countered, yes?"
Standing directly beneath the white star, Lancelot seemed to be in doubt.
"Not exactly countered. But your small demonstration of power was neutralized, more or less.
Right now, this sword is imitating the same principles at work behind yours."
Godou explained softly.
Time was running out. The battle must be ended as quickly as possible.

Part 5
"That whatever sword or lance of yours... It's quite powerful, right?"
"Hmm. In the legends of this Knight's master, this steel was called Caliburnus, Escalibor,
Excalibur and other names. The precious apocalyptic blade that could slice through heaven,
earth, and the planets."
Lancelot replied quietly to Godou's question.
He was less than twenty meters away from the white knight. Using the [Raptor], that distance
could be crossed in an instant.
"Really? This sword of mine doesn't have that kind of ability though. Athena said it could
create heaven and earth? Well, not as amazing as yours, at any rate."
"Indeed. This Knight's steel body feels bone-chilling fear."
Godou made conversation as he searched for an opportunity to charge. Gripping Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi's hilt tightly, he was holding it completely like he was swinging a
baseball bat.
But this was good enough. His intent was not in displaying swordsmanship. He will swing it
in the most skillful and familiar manner he knew. That was the most important point.
In response, Lancelot also pointed the tip of his platinum divine lance towards Godou's
A stance for mid level attack. White light flashed as it descended from the brilliant star above.
Receiving the light, the lance's blade now shone with radiance as bright as the sun.
The opponent was thinking the same thing? Godou's lips separated into a savage grin.

Lancelot also knew the battle had entered the phase when tactics were pointless and there was
no longer time to think ahead and anticipate the enemy's moves. On Godou's side, he did not
have much time left. Lancelot, on the other hand, was covered with injuries. Precisely because
of that, both reached the same conclusion.
"Ama no Murakumo, hurry and send that guy flying!"
"O Divine Sword of Salvation, displayest thy splendorous might to the god-slayer!"
As the two cried out simultaneously, sword and lance attacked at the same time.
Godou turned Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi's blade forward as he advanced with divine
speed. Lancelot captured Godou's movements using the mind's eye and intended to strike him
with the divine lance's blade.
Along the way, Godou switched off god speed to decelerate, planning on speeding up when
the knight was caught unaware.
But before that could happen, Lancelot released lightning from the divine lance to hinder
Dodging the lightning, Godou accelerated once more. Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was
only centimeters away from the knight's white armor when in the final instant, Lancelot used
the divine lance's platinum blade to block the black metal that burned with dark black
In the end, black and white sacred steel clashed violently.
The Divine Sword of Salvation. The blade of extermination which could slice apart all of
In contrast, having received Athena's life force and secret arts, Ama no Murakumo no
Tsurugi's jet-black blade sucked everything into it. Like a super massive black hole, it sought
to devour all of creation.
Taking as nourishment everything it had absorbed, autonomously converting it into new life.
Like aged stars exploding into supernovae, their remains were turned into materials for new
celestial objects.
Even though this was happening on a tiny scale, it imitated the life cycle of stars.
Consequently, this black metal was capable of heaven and earth's creation
Flashes of white light and lightning flew around in a frenzy, not only illuminating the beach
and the territory of the Bousou Sea with platinum-colored brightness, but also creating aurora
in the sky.
Then Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi sucked in everything to produce a spherical space of
pure darkness.

Like the white star produced by the Divine Sword of Salvation, the black hole-esque object
hovered high in the sky.
The sacred white star and the sacred dark space collided violently together, exploding,
entangling, firing destructive light and gravitational pulses, finally disappearing. Mutual
At that moment, a horrifying shockwave hurtled towards the beach.
Altering the landscape not only that, the power was enough to erase the landscape without
Lancelot was spectacularly blown away.
Godou ran with god speed, desperately trying to evade the shockwave, but in the end he was
still caught in the blast.
Although not to the same extent as the white knight, Godou was basically sent flying. Even
so, along the way he still managed to pick up Athena as she lay on the ground, protecting her
with his body the moment they were sent flying.
Thanks to this, one of Kisarazu's beaches was destroyed.
A wasteland was created, providing no clue to the landscape's former appearance, clouded
with flying dust and debris.
Even so, Lancelot still stood up by supporting himself with the divine lance to seek his
enemies. Kusanagi Godou also set down Athena once more, walking as he used Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi as a crutch.
Godou's body was covered with wounds no less serious than the enemy's.
His right arm was probably broken near the elbow. His chest was hurting beneath his arm.
How many ribs were broken? Internal organs were injured and he was spitting blood. He also
felt extremely nauseous. His heart was in intense pain, which likely meant the [Raptor]'s time
limit was fast approaching. Scratches, bruises, internal and external bleeding were
...Well, this was like being caught up in a terrorist's bomb. It was a miracle to be alive.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was also snapped into two. Too reckless.
He could no longer hear the divine sword's meddlesome voice. Apparently it was no longer
functional for the time being. Unbelievably, Godou felt no compulsion to flee.
Godou dragged his feet as he approached Lancelot.
The opponent was also taking up his lance shakily, displaying the will to fight. This guy was
unexpectedly similar in temperament.

"Sir Lancelot. Your ward Guinevere has already escaped the battlefield. What course of
action shall your divine self take?"
Just as the battle was about to resume, Erica's voice was heard.
Godou turned to find the long-absent Erica Blandelli approaching nearby, together with Ena
who was being supported by Liliana and Yuri.
...Calming his mind, Godou recalled his goal.
Now was the time when Athena should come first. If he forced the fight to continue in his
current state, there would not be enough time no matter what.
"Oh? This Knight's beloved child... Concentrating only on battle, did one forget about her?"
Lancelot also seemed to have calmed down.
Warning himself with a series of mutters, the war god languidly turned his white helmet
towards the sea. It almost seemed as if he wanted to describe Kusanagi Godou as his favorite
"Young god-slayer, we shall part for now as there are other matters to attend to... Yes, though
this Knight is logically unqualified to say this, Athena shall be left to you. Please give the
great goddess a worthy and spectacular farewell."
"I don't need you to tell me. We will settle our score the next time we meet."
This was the first time Godou ever promised a second battle to a deity.
Acknowledging "Hmm" to this statement, Lancelot's form gradually rarefied. The earlier mist
suddenly reappeared, brought forth by the wind.
Very soon after, the dense mist dispersed and the white knight's figure vanished.
"Sorry. There's a lot I want to tell everyone, but could you all leave for now?"
There was really no time left. Godou made his request in haste.
Even though Yuri and Liliana displayed questioning gazes, they remained silent.
Looking completely drained and exhausted, Ena nodded in complete agreement.
"Yes. Do what you wish to do. I, Erica Blandelli, am not foolish enough to make irresponsible
remarks about battles between the great god-slaying Devil King and the gods."
Erica proceeded to declare in her usual glamorous voice.

"...You, aren't you unexpectedly energetic?"

Athena, who should have been lying down, had gotten up already. Her head proudly raised
high, she stood with her back perfectly straight. Seeing her like that, Godou remarked.
With Erica and the girls gone, they were alone together again.
The canvas of night, the white star and dark sphere had all vanished. The midday sun was
shining upon this wasteland.
"Certainly. Who dost thou believe this goddess to be? One is the queen of the sky, the earth
and the underworld, as the goddess of war, thou knowest? Without fulfilling one's final wish,
how could one enter eternal slumber?"
Athena answered haughtily.
Even though Godou knew she was trying to be brave, it did feel like the goddess was
speaking the truth.
In order for the Divine Sword of Salvation to be swung, a large portion of her immortal life
had been taken. Furthermore, she even allowed Godou and Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi to
absorb her life force and powers as the great mother earth goddess.
It would not be surprising if she collapsed at any moment. It was only natural to be in such a
"Thou hast done well with the sword of heaven and earth's creation. Hmph... Conversely, 'tis
rather fortunate this body was pierced twice by the Divine Sword of Salvation. Thanks to that,
the sword's secrets were divulged, allowing a blade to be forged in its likeness despite its
rather self-centered style. Yes, it can be said that thy blade was created by Athena's hand."
Proudly declaring her success with hubris.
As expected, Athena remained unchanged to the very end. Godou's wish to save her, if it were
possible, continued to persist...
However, he could not believe he was harboring such a benevolent wish so easily.
I will adhere to my own way of doing things. However, Athena should also carry through
with Athena's style.
Based on the outcome, both of them had willfully brought trouble to others and were unruly
existences unable to live peacefully in an orderly world. As unruly companions, an
appropriate conclusion was only proper.
"So, you should understand by now. There is no need for either of us to hold back at this
"Right. 'Tis about time to begin."

A brief exchange. It was more than enough.

Indeed, Athena was only superficially lively. Godou's body was also starting to enter the state
of paralysis brought by the onset of the [Raptor]'s after effects. His legs could no longer move
and the pain in his heart was getting increasingly severe.
However, he could still make it in time.
Godou looked east to where the sun rose.
"For victory, hasten forth before me! O Immortal Sun, I beseech thee to grant radiance to the
stallion. O Stallion that moveth godlike with wondrous grace, bringest forth the halo of thy
Godou called forth Verethragna's third incarnation, the [White Stallion].
Fragments of the sun descended from the sky in the form of Godou's heaviest firepower. The
flames that only faced great sinners who brought hardship and suffering to the people. The
trump card which Godou's battered body still managed to summon.
"O Darkness! One's intimate beloved, holy sanctum bound to one's coexistence. Loyal guard
of the queen's final hour of demise. Obeyest divine orders!"
Athena also summoned the shielding barrier of darkness.
The hemispherical darkness entrenched itself in midair above her.
Before the white radiance flying from the east incinerated this plot of wasteland to ashes, the
darkness obstructed the advance of the scorching flames, blocking it.
Vying for domination of the skies, light and darkness fought each other, colliding together.
Godou poured the remainder of his magical power into the white flashing light the [White
Stallion]'s flames. Athena also put forth all her strength with the last of her power to sustain
the darkness.
What seemed like an eternity was in actual fact a very brief conflict.
In the end, light and fire were devoured by the darkness, vanishing. Godou was the first to
reach his limit. Immediately afterwards, the canopy of darkness dispersed like mist.
Godou's body was already so exhausted he could not lift a single finger. With a smack, he fell
over backwards onto the ground, his face towards the sky.
At that moment, Athena pounced onto Godou's body and held her hand in a karate chop.
"...How now, Kusanagi Godou? This counteth as one's victory, yes?"
"...Well, that seems about right."

Faced with this question that was equivalent to a victory declaration, Godou responded with a
slippery answer.
Athena's knife hand could be used as a deadly guillotine. All she needed to do was swing that
hand, and surely Kusanagi Godou's life would be severed like a weed.
Finally with a flash, the knife hand approached Godou's neck.
Nevertheless, the hand stopped just before it reached his neck.
"Alas, it seemeth that time is up. One cannot delay parting any longer."
With clearly enough time remaining to take off his head, Athena still remarked in that
manner. It felt like the great goddess had no wish to do so.
"Really? Although it was a strange relationship, I will be feeling lonely. Even now, to be
honest, I'm still not too sure whether meeting you was ultimately good or bad."
"Hmph. Even though 'twas unfavorable fate that failed to correct itself, 'tis thy foolishness for
being bound by destiny to this goddess in such a manner."
Without trying to conceal her suggestive words, she scolded him instead.
"Then showest thy magnanimity as the victor. One's honest advice, thou shalt take to heart.
War god Lancelot, the fellow earlier was not in a complete state. 'Tis meet to describe him as
Then Athena began to caress Godou's face as he lay there, immobile.
Yet he was that strong!? Godou was terrified. It was difficult to believe, but he had no other
After all, this was Athena's honest advice from her final moments. He had no choice but to
"Once this goddess passeth on, the Holy Grail shall return to the outside world, and go back to
the Divine Ancestor's hands. Forsooth, truly a troublesome vessel had been created."
Godou nodded successively at the goddess' words.
"Thy future path is filled with the color of deadly battles. Takest utmost care. After all, thou
art the god-slayer who resideth in the same country as that man the king who manifests at
the end of eras! Yes, in that case, this is the only parting gift."
Caressing Godou's face with her hands, she tenderly gazed down upon him.

Hidden in Athena's behavior was a certain type of gentleness. A sense of wistful reluctance to
But it felt like it was increasing slightly
Godou suddenly had that impression.
"Though 'tis said, the more weapons the better, thou art not ready at this juncture. But on
some particular day, this might prove useful in the end. Until the time comes, simply holdest
onto this."
Athena's child-like beautiful face drew near and she pressed her lips against Godou's lips.
It felt like something was carved into his mind and heart, as well as deep inside the
Campione's body.
Most likely Athena's secret arts. Probably some kind of spell or she was bestowing wisdom's
guidance. As for its contents, Godou could not decipher it at all.
Exactly as she had said, it was probably useless for the current Godou.
Casting this issue aside, Godou instead chose to engrave in his mind the solemn and
courageous appearance that Athena maintained in the face of certain death.
"Farewell is unneeded. One day, this goddess shall return, reincarnated, to seek you for
revenge. Thou shalt payest what thou owest. Because no matter when, the only one allowed to
defeat Kusanagi Godou is this goddess Heretic Athena!"
Athena and Godou's gazes met as soon as she made her bold declaration.
The goddess was looking down upon Kusanagi Godou with a haughty expression. Then she
began to smile. It was an incredibly fulfilled smile as if she had finally accomplished

Seeing her in that fashion, Godou felt like a chunk of his heart had been carved out, with an
intriguing sense of loss.
Ah yes, she has to leave after all.
However, were gods and god-slayers not irreconcilable foes, there might have been other
appropriate ways of parting.
Hence Godou silently remarked to himself, "We'll see, when the time comes."
Even though she could not have heard it, the goddess remained courageous and dauntless,
smiling even more. Then suddenly she was gone.
Her body collapsed like fine particles of sand, riding the sea breeze as they scattered.
She knew it would turn out like this, but nevertheless, for the sake of honor in her final
moments, she had turned her immortal life into a weapon, thereby ending her long enduring
life as Goddess Athena.

Part 6
When a [Heretic God] died in the world, what happened afterwards?
Gods were indestructible. Even if life and body were lost, their own existence would continue
to persist.
First of all, there was the so-called soul. Without carrying any ectoplasm, it brought the
"divinity" itself to the "Boundary of Life and Immortality." From there it then reached the
"Domain of Immortality."
The Domain of Immortality in other words, the myths themselves.
Losing their body and their soul after death, gods could only continue existing in the myths.
And then, through some chance occurrence, they might become a [Heretic God] once more.
At that time, the divinity will be released from the Domain of Immortality, forming great
ectoplasm transforming into a divine spirit.
Proceeding to obtain a material body on earth, thereby manifesting. What is known as the
divinity, for example, could be said to be something that amalgamates all myths concerning
that particular deity.
...This was the truth of the world that Athena knew.
Having reached death in the Far East, she lost her material body.
Persisting as a divine spirit for now, her consciousness was retained. But very soon, even this
would disappear as well.

She wished to return to the world again before that god-slayer dies a pitiful death.
This could only be entrusted to the gears of destiny.
In the process of disappearing, Athena's thoughts were shaken. Currently, her divine spirit
was no longer above ground but was sinking towards the abyssal depths of the earth. She saw
golden light ahead of her.
One seeth. So that is the Holy Grail's true form
This thought only lasted an instant. Immediately, she felt completely indifferent.
Her consciousness, memories and personality as Athena were slowly dissipating.

Just as Athena passed on, Godou's paralysis finally ended.

Erica, along with Yuri and Liliana, as well as Seishuuin Ena had returned to this desolate
"Your Majesty, could you be feeling lonesome?"
"No, nothing like that. She seems to have finished everything she wanted to do, and thanks to
everyone's help I was also able to do everything I wanted."
Ena's question seemed to be asking on behalf of all the girls how Athena's passing away
should be treated.
Godou answered with forthrightness. The goddess had displayed a smile like that. In that case,
there was no need to hold anything back.
He originally expected indifferent voices and facial expressions, but the girls' reactions were
Ena was smiling as if comforting him, with an expression that seemed to relieve his
Liliana was silent but her eyes glimmered with empathy. Yuri smiled gently as if displaying
all encompassing acceptance.
Then Erica voiced the final conclusions.
"Right. Godou had responded with battle spirit to Athena who sought life and death in
accordance to her style. Some may wish to make impertinent criticisms, but at least I won't be
the one to do it."
The female knight's philosophy could never acknowledge Godou's decision as wise.
Perhaps everyone had already noticed.

Due to the passing away of the enemy bound to him by fate, Kusanagi Godou felt an
intriguing sense of loss Apparently, he was making everyone else worry.
Godou believed the girls were his very good companions, and felt obliged to express his
thanks to them.
He was definitely at fault with his controversial choice of action. Godou bowed his head
towards Liliana and Yuri.
"I am sorry for causing trouble for you two in particular. It's my fault. In the end, using a
gambling kind of method to release the petrification... When clearly there was a safer
alternative. I am in the wrong for acting like that."
"Indeed. But very unfortunately, I am the one who is your knight. No matter how cruel or
merciless a Devil King Kusanagi Godou may be, this life swears eternal loyal allegiance."
Despite Liliana's voicing of her grievances, she bore lenient eyes of full acceptance.
"In addition, no matter how the process went, being saved by you from the crisis is also the
truth. In that case, our debts cancel out."
"Oh I see. Sorry anyway."
Prompted by Liliana's smile, Godou smiled wryly in turn.
Godou knew that she was proposing this kind of logic to lessen his guilt. What gratifying
"I just want to express my gratitude to Godou-san, without any intention of reproach. Also..."
As Yuri started speaking cautiously, Godou began to fear.
He did not expect to be let off so easily, but he was overjoyed at her leniency.
But what was with that "also"? She seemed to have more to add.
"Whether it is destruction of locations or bringing trouble to others, please do not hesitate in
speaking out. As long as it concerns Godou-san, let it be as promised previously. No matter
where you need to go for penance, I will accompany you. You can tell me any time."
"In Kaoru-san's words, it's all been precalculated anyway."
"Well, even though I also believe Sayanomiya Kaoru's methods of concealing the truth should
be flawless, in the event that penance needs to be paid, not only Mariya Yuri, I too, shall go
"That's right. If that's the case, Ena will go too. It's also a kind of social event."
"...Everyone, I am really grateful."

Yuri's lenient words seemed like they came from a virtuous wife, taking care of a delinquent
husband. Together with Liliana and Ena who expressed support, seeing the girls cooperate
and get along was really a comforting sight.
Everything deserved to be counted as good fortune. However, the fact that Godou was
inexplicably counting his blessings was kept secret.
"By the way, you ended up coming back immediately."
"Yes. I managed to make it before the final climax ended. This is evidence of our excellent
fortune, whether you or me. Of course, your fortune was already apparent from the fact that I,
Erica Blandelli, am your companion."
As Godou struck up conversation with her, Erica replied in her usual tone.
Her absence approached two weeks. Even so, Godou felt an incredible sense of satisfaction
just simply joking around with each other like that. Likewise for Erica, she giggled and began
to smile.
Just a simple exchange like that.
Godou did not have a topic of conversation to further liven up the mood, nor did he feel the
need to hug each other in joy from being reunited.
However, he felt that this was sufficient. That was the nature of his relationship with Erica.
"...Eh? Amakasu-san, what happened?"
Everyone's gaze was drawn as Ena suddenly pointed somewhere.
It was the History Compilation Committee's special agent who always wore a sloppy suit. In
actual fact, he was Japan's top ninja. As well as being a practitioner of onmyoudou.[42] That
was what Godou had previously heard from the two Hime-Miko.
This very Amakasu Touma was now approaching them with unsteady footsteps.
His body seemed like it had received an intense electrical shock, for even the act of walking
normally was difficult.
"What happened, Amakasu-san!?"
Godou dragged his exhausted body and ran over to him.
"M-My apologies, Kusanagi-san... That, that thing was robbed..."
"That thing... Could it be the Heavenly Reverse Halberd!?"
Amakasu nodded weakly to confirm this natural conclusion.

Could it be Guinevere's group? Pretending to retreat, when actually they were aiming for
But after learning the details, Godou knew this speculation was wrong. When he heard the
culprit's name and origins, Godou felt surprise from the core of his being.
"That person came to Japan, eh... How truly unexpected."
Erica murmured in shock.
It was a state of affairs that even exceeded the expectations of the brilliant [Diavolo Rosso].

Alexandre Gascoigne was a very busy man.
To this description, the woman who was his enemy, once added most redundantly, "To be
precise, his desire for work creates never-ending tasks for himself." In any case, he was very
After all, he had a very ostentatious title.
The god-slaying Devil King Campione, commander-in-chief of the secret association, [Royal
Even though it was not a position he wished for, somehow it naturally developed to this state.
A man above all peoples was obliged to display work ethic and behavior in accordance to his
stature. Such was his aesthetic ideal.
Almost twelve years had passed since Alec had become a Campione.
During this time, he vigorously conducted his activities with such an intent.
Thanks to that, the name of Black Prince Alec was widely known as a Devil King of the new
As a side note, he was nicknamed "Prince" because of his obvious youth in comparison to
Devil Kings of olden days like Marquis Voban.
Nevertheless, even Alec would take roughly one vacation a year.
Wherever his destination, somehow he was always met with troublesome conflicts.
Embroiled into the Divine Ancestor's conspiracies. Encountering [Heretic Gods]. Saving
ordinary citizens who were about to be wiped out by profound and magical secret arts.

Stealing ancient treasures whose existences he learned of by chance. Hassled by headacheinducing female acquaintances.
Thinking back again, he had never had a peaceful relaxing vacation...
"Hence, I will change my way of thinking instead."
During mid autumn, that was what Alec said to his trusted subordinate.
As a side note, European vacations were usually taken during the summer. But due to all sorts
of busy work and matters, his vacation had been pushed back to November.
"Since troublesome things will happen anyway, I might as well go directly to where trouble is
brewing. I will make a brief visit to Japan."
"Oh. If I remember correctly, that is the place in the far east where you went about a month
The other participant of the conversation was Alec's bodyguard, Sir Iceman.
A legendary knight without any flaws (aerophobia aside), having passed the age of thirty, his
solemn face felt increasingly seasoned as time went by.
"Yeah. There has been reports of Guinevere's secret activities. I think this is a good chance to
investigate that woman's plans. I'll rely on you to keep watch here."
"...Alec. I've held this idea from a very long time ago."
This was the scene when Alec entrusted remaining matters to his reliable subordinate and
close friend.
However, Sir Iceman shook his head as if troubled by a dilemma, and said:
"The reason why you keep running into trouble lies here. Smothering the embers of disaster
with great effort each time, only to quickly encounter another one, and even deliberately
starting fires of your own, grumbling to yourself as you try to put them out... That personality
of yours is precisely the number one culprit."
"Wait a minute. Putting that aside, hasn't a certain person been causing many troublesome
"In that case, you really should reflect on your choice of friends. I can see no reason in
maintaining ties of friendship all this time with people who keep running into trouble."
Sir Iceman objected with a disappointed face as he shrugged sardonically.
That Princess and Divine Ancestor, as well as that other group of shady characters were not
his friends. Alec wanted to shout that out, but for the sake of his authority and dignity, he

Anyway, he was currently on vacation.

In order to avoid alerting those involved in the Japanese world of magic, he needed to take
precautions during entry. Using a passport with a fake name, he traveled like "a king in
...With regards to the outcome, this vacation turned out to be rather peaceful.
Divine Ancestor Guinevere, Lancelot who had become a [Heretic God], as well as the
commotion caused by Goddess Athena, none of them required Alec to take action.
Japan's Campione, Kusanagi Godou, had undertaken everything upon himself.
During this time, Alec was essentially observing as a bystander.
"Looks like Guinevere still hasn't given up on 'Arthur.'"
Having discovered the Witch Queen's plot, he quietly muttered to himself.
The king who manifests at the end of eras. The war god whose origins lay in fantastic heroic
legends. Due to his research and adventures for the past few years, Alec's investigation about
him had reached new depths.
"Were you hindered just as you were about to revive him successfully?"
The opinionated Guinevere's vision was actually quite narrow. Even though Alec did not
think she was able to solve the mystery easily, he still had to take precautions...
At the same time, he did not forget his personal interests.
While hanging around Tokyo, he investigated the inner workings of the History Compilation
Even though he had said he wanted a relaxing sightseeing tour of Japan... And tentatively still
considering a tour like that, in the end, he prioritized intelligence gathering. This was his
workaholism at work he would feel anxious whenever there was no work or research to be
"As always, you're still leading a private life fatally lacking in delight, glamor, or healing
presences. Your future worries me so. Without any family or lover to accompany your days,
wouldn't your life end in lonesome solitude?"
He was reminded of the pitying words offered by that long-time female acquaintance who
was definitely not his friend. In any case, Alec was still enjoying his stay in Japan.
Furthermore, he even became a villain along the way.
The Heavenly Reverse Halberd that Guinevere had wanted to obtain, was a rather interesting
divine artifact.

"Maybe call it... Earning some tips, not bad at all."

Quietly muttering to himself, he tried out a little trick.
His first authority of divine speed. It not only allowed him to run as fast as the wind, but even
gave him the ability to turn into lightning and take flight.
In actual fact, there were all sorts of variations in application.
Such as leaving virtual afterimages like ninjas of legend, giving other people divine speed
apart from himself, or turning himself into lightning for an instant to unleash electrical
Amongst these various abilities, he could also virtually erase his complete presence, allowing
him to undertake secret activities with divine speed.
As long as he unleashed divine speed fully, he became as fast as lightning.
However, objects moving at super high speed will cause others to notice something was
amiss. It was a power not particularly suited to staying hidden.
Using divine speed to move undetected
If that could be done, then he could achieve the feat of being active around wild beasts
without their noticing.
Alec was able to control divine speed as easily as his own arms and legs... Well, to do so he
needed to remove all hindering burdens. Even a coat could not be worn because any extra
force exerted would cause detectable movements. So physical tasks also had to be avoided.
But what about something on the level of delivering a piece of paper?
Alec took off his winter coat and began using divine speed in light clothing.
He then approached Kusanagi Godou while he was eating and left the note there.
Eavesdropping on their subsequent reactions and conversations about the entire matter, Alec
successfully confirmed the identity of the man carrying the Heavenly Reverse Halberd.
A wizard and special agent who seemed kind of unmotivated. But quite competent indeed. On
that night, Guinevere had been pursuing this man, trying to snatch away the Heavenly
Reverse Halberd.
The man had skillfully employed concealment spells, successfully shaking the witch off his
Even Alec had lost him at one point. It seemed like he was some kind of ninja authority.
However, after Lancelot's battle with Athena and Kusanagi Godou had began, Alec found the
man near the battlefield.

Faced with such a tense situation, even that man showed an opening. That made everything
that followed rather simple.
Turning into lightning, Alec silently stole his way to the man's back and made light contact.
As the man collapsed, convulsing from the electrical shock, Alec casually retrieved the
Heavenly Reverse Halberd from his suit.
At the time, the ninja showed a surprised expression as he remained conscious.
Killing him to silence a witness... Was the type of unwise decision that Alec did not intend to
take. He simply shrugged and left.

England's black gentleman and Japan's Kusanagi Godou.

With that, an intriguing connection of destiny had been established between the two.

"Stop talking nonsense."
This line of dialogue has occurred many times in the main story.
While writing this series, I also felt compelled to say the exact line out loud many times.
Naturally, they were all aimed at our protagonist. By the way.
"As soon as that line was said..."
Regardless, I still want to announce, despite having a guy like that as the protagonist, this
series is finally approaching double digits in the number of volumes.
This is all thanks to everyone's support, so let me express my deepest gratitude.
So, this time the long absent goddess-sama makes another appearance.
Written as mortal enemy but read as "friend."
This youth's revolutionary proposition will always be a proposition met by all protagonists.
This idea was thought up a long time ago. Then in that case, the one proposed to most likely
had to be her.
No matter what, if he and she could act out this kind of "romantic comedy" at "some school or
living under the same roof," the characters and plot will need to be designed to be more
distinctive. If their paths were to cross once again, I think that would be the feeling given off.
To this date, the story has mixed into it events such as goddesses reincarnating into witches,
or dormant deities. Oh my, how will things progress from here?

Also, there is Tokunaga Asuka-san who first appeared in the previous volume. But actually, a
little story about her part-time work was already published on the Super Dash Bunko official
website's Campione! specials.
Next volume will have our protagonist matching up against that Englishman.
Amongst the various personalities of sporty, emotional right brain dominant, barbaric,
carnivorous, casual carelessness of the great Devil Kings, only that one guy is so-called
cultured, rational, sensitive and civilized, herbivore.
These kinds of exotic character traits.
How will this incomprehensible combination develop? By the way, it needs no mentioning,
but of course our protagonist belongs in the first group.
His self declarations are wrong. When the time comes, let us meet again with the next
Oh by the way, my long time acquaintance, Itou Hiro, author of the well-received
"", has his new work "Bara x Yuri
" published by Super Dash Bunko on the same day as
this volume of Campione!.
It's really amusing. If possible, I hope everyone can check it out.
I think everyone will be satisfied.

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Saitenguu(): fictional shrine, name literally means "Western
Heavenly Temple."
2. Jump up Tsuba-zeriai: The situation where the distance between two opponents are
at their closest, with both players holding their shinai tilted and the tsuba (sword
guard) locked against each other, attacking each other's grip and destroying each
other's posture.
3. Jump up Natale: Italian for Christmas.
4. Jump up Festa: Italian for holiday, feast day, festival, etc.
5. Jump up Takoyaki: a ball-shaped Japanese snack made of batter and diced octopus.
6. Jump up Okonomiyaki: a Japanese savory fried pancake that contains a variety of
7. Jump up Castella: a popular Japanese sponge cake.[3]
8. Jump up Konto(): borrowed from the French word conte, a traditional
Japanese style of comedic performance performed by telling stories.[4]
9. Jump up Hiroshimayaki: Okonomiyaki (fried pancakes) cooked Hiroshima style.[5]
10. Jump up Riajuu: otaku term for people who appear to lead successful and fulfilling
lives in the real world.

11. Jump up Pu-erh tea(): a variety of post-fermented tea produced in Yunnan

province of China.[6]
12. Jump up Gelato: Italian ice cream made using milk, cream, sugars and flavorings
such as fresh fruit or nut purees.[7]
13. Jump up Yamato Takeru: a legendary prince of the Yamato Dynasty; his father
Emperor Keiko feared his brutal temperament and sent him on numerous campaigns,
hoping for his death. But his aunt, a miko of Amaterasu (Japanese sun god), lent him
the Kusanagi Sword (also named Ama no Murakumo) to assist him; nevertheless, he
died tragically of an illness after blaspheming one of the local gods.[8]
14. Jump up Kojiki( ): dating from the early 8th century, the "Record of Ancient
Matters" is the oldest surviving chronicle in Japan and is a collection of myths
concerning the origin of the four home islands of Japan.[9]
15. Jump up Heavenly Reverse Halberd( ): a reference to the Amenonuhoko
("heavenly jeweled spear") which is the naginata in Japanese mythology used to raise
the primordial land-mass from the sea.[10]
16. Jump up Izanagi: a male deity who bore many of the islands, deities and forefathers
of Japan with his sister Izanami.[11]
17. Jump up Izanami: a goddess of creation and death, the former wife of Izanagi.[12]
18. Jump up Yamato(): ancient name for Japan.
19. Jump up Koiguchi wo kiru(): literally means "cutting the carp's
mouth," the act of loosening a sword from its scabbard.[13]
20. Jump up Kabuki: classical Japanese dance-drama, known for stylized drama and
elaborate makeup. Kabuki performed by actresses was deemed too erotic and banned
in 1629. Young boys were used next, but were also banned because they too were
eligible for prostitution. Thus started the modern all-male kabuki performed by adults
where female roles were taken by cross-dressing males. Emphasis in performance was
shifted from dance to drama. However, these male actors too, were available for
prostitution to both male and female customers. [14]
21. Jump up Issouku-ittou no ma( ): literally the distance of "one step
and one cut," the most basic and ultimate distance in kendo. It implies that taking a
further step will allow you to cut your opponent. Also known as the point of "dead or
alive," it means either you or your opponent will be dead or alive beyond that point.
22. Jump up Ahura Mazda: a divinity of the Old Iranian religion that was worshiped as
the highest deity by Zoroastrianism. Ahura Mazda is the lord of light and wisdom,
omniscient but not omnipotent.[15]
23. Jump up Nekodamashi( ): an unconventional sumo wrestling technique
when a wrestler claps his hands in front of the opponent's face at the start of the bout,
causing the opponent to blink and allowing the instigator to gain an advantage. The
technique is a gamble, for miscarriage leaves the wrestler open to attack.[16]
24. Jump up Seiza(): traditional formal Japanese sitting posture.[17]
25. Jump up Concentration: a card game where the object is to find pairs from
overturned cards on the table.[18]
26. Jump up Sevens: a card game where players have to form sequences going up or
down in suit from the sevens.[19]
27. Jump up Juunihitoe( ): literally "twelve-layer robe," the juunihitoe is an
extremely elegant and highly complex kimono that was worn only by court-ladies in
28. Jump up One-Seg: a mobile terrestrial digital audio/visual broadcasting service in
Japan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru.[21]

29. Jump up Mephistopheles: a demon featured in the Faust legend and subsequently
used as a stock version of the devil.[22]
30. Jump up Jujutsu( ): a type of Japanese martial arts and close combat for
defeating armed and armored opponents with nothing but bare hands or a short
31. Jump up Shuriken(): literally "sword in hand," a traditional Japanese
concealed weapon used for throwing, stabbing or slashing.[24]
32. Jump up Jutte(): literally "ten-hands," a specialized Japanese non-bladed
33. Jump up Anki(): a class of hidden weapons used for throwing or stabbing, went
into decline with the advent of firearms.
34. Jump up Scthach: deity appearing in Irish mythology, legendary Scottish warrior
woman who trained the hero C Chulainn.[26]
35. Jump up Ezekiel 3:9
36. Jump up Joshua 6:13
37. Jump up Joshua 6:15-16
38. Jump up Joshua 6:21
39. Jump up Joshua 6:26
40. Jump up 2 Samuel 1:27
41. Jump up 2 Samuel 1:22
42. Jump up Onmyoudou( ): literally "the way of the Yin and the Yang", mixing
science and occult, a traditional Japanese philosophy based on Chinese concepts of the
Five Elements and the Yin-Yang duality.[27]

In terms of human history, it happened towards the end of the fifth century.
A time when human faith was still honest and unsophisticated. A time when the relationship
between humans and [Heretic Gods] was slightly more intimate than in the modern age.
During those times, he was still a [Heretic God] wandering freely upon the earth.
His entire body clad in armor, wielding a lance, riding the white divine horse. Sometimes he
would appear on the ground as an inhuman white knight, while other times he would roam the
skies in the form of lightning.
Anyone with the slightest intelligence would identify him as a war god from that majestic
appearance and cower in reverence.
When descending before humans, he appropriately announced his name as the "Lancea God."
The only reason why he visited the island of Britain then, was simply on a whim. Because he
heard from his old friend in this place that there was a [Heretic God] like him. Because he
recalled old ties, he paid a visit without deliberate intent.
"A while ago, I met a rather interesting member of [Steel]."
The old friend smiled as she chatted.

"[Steel]... This Knight's kin?"

"Yes. The great hero, born to exterminate the god-slaying Devil Kings. Quite a few Devil
Kings have surfaced in recent times, and that man descends to bring salvation to the world as
it approaches end times--"
"Oh? Hence the warrior who manifests at the end of eras."
"Not too long ago, he most splendidly slaughtered the god-slayer rampaging on this island."
It was several decades ago when she was reported to have wandered to this land (later known
as Wales).
Thereafter, she was feared as the [Heretic God] who disseminated the blessing of life and the
peril of death. She seemed to be known as the "White Goddess" Gwenhwyfar.
"Then his name is?"
"No idea. I already asked, but he remained silent."
"Hmm, he does not want to reveal his name either eh?"
"Seems like it. The people of this land started worshiping him as the island's guardian god,
calling him the hero 'Artos.'"
The man known as the "Lancea God." The woman known as the "White Goddess." That was
how the bold and ferocious tribes worshiped them.
However, excessively unruly tribes inevitably fell into decline.
Without exception, these peoples lost their country and even their basic traits. Their blood and
culture assimilated by other nations, sooner or later, they all lost their defining identities of
When cultures change, so do myths.
Sometimes these changes were so drastic that even the names of gods were altered
"Goddess who is this Knight's ancient companion. In that case, this Knight will soon obtain a
new name. Hohoho, to encounter such hardship, it seems like the war-torn world is not as
pleasant as expected."
"You sound like you are enjoying it."
Hearing the laughter leaking out from the helmet, the ancient mother earth goddess smiled
A few decades after that, she would forsake immortality for the Holy Grail's creation, and be
reborn as the hero's maidservant. A death prior to receiving a new name. Consequently, in

accordance with the White Goddess' alias of Gwenhwyfar, the reborn being called herself
"Hmm. After all, this Knight simply journeys along a directionless path. One shall visit the
great hero as a way to pass time. Can you inform this Knight of the location?"
Thanking her for the answer, he bid his old friend goodbye and departed.
Riding the divine steed to gallop across the sky, he sped off to the legendary hero's location.

The place where the Devil King exterminating hero slept was located on the peak of a
towering mountain.
The knight had always been the rider of the sky-faring divine horse. Allowing his partner to
fly like lightning, he easily reached the mountaintop.
Along the way, he spotted the figures of humans striving to climb the mountain.
A group of Britons who also aimed for the peak. But unlike him, they were desperately
risking their lives. For the sake of offering prayers of reverence to the hero "Artos" believed
to be there.
An iron sword was embedded on the top of the peak.
A sturdy sword. The double-edged blade was extremely long, broad, and heavy in structure.
But compared to its shape, the sword's most outstanding feature was the brilliance radiating
from the blade. Emitting from the sturdy sword was a platinum-colored brightness as if
coming from a star.
"How truly beautiful..."
A divine sword indeed. A sacred sword indeed. He exclaimed in admiration.
Whether in beauty or power, there was probably no existing sword that could rival it.
The knight was also a sword that had been born like a white meteor, a dragon-slaying and
snake-slaughtering sword god. A single glimpse was sufficient for him to know how
astounding the platinum divine sword was.
"Pardon this intrusion. This Knight humbly visits this place, seeking the war god who
exterminates Devil Kings. One humbly apologizes for the rudeness of disrupting your
slumber. Nevertheless, this Knight wishes to converse with the peerless hero and become
friends. Pray manifest your divine self."
The platinum divine blade was not only a weapon but the god's avatar.
The Devil King-exterminating warrior was resting in the form of a sword, probably preparing
for the next battle. The instincts of a fellow member of [Steel] explained.

In order to induce an awakening, he slowly reached his hand towards the divine sword.
Immediately, sparks scattered.
Sparks turned into electrical shock to assault his hand, preventing his rude contact.
"Fufu... Not waking up so easily eh? Looks like you are a rather weary person, a difficult man
to get along with."
Conversely, this cold reception only piqued the knight's interest, causing him to smile.
He -- was to be known as the "Lancea God" Lancelot du Lac in his subsequent encounter with
the Devil King Exterminator, not far in the future. That was when the new god-slayer had
landed on the island of Britain, subjecting it to unbridled tyranny.
In the decades after that, the mother earth goddess and Lancelot assisted the "Devil King
Exterminator" as his companions in battle.
The reasons for the mother earth goddess to do so were unclear. It could very well have been
romantic love, but Lancelot was not one so tactless as to deliberately confirm such reasons.
As for Lancelot, his reason was simple. Simply for the sake of seeking intense deadly battles.
This way of life fully satisfied his desires. However, to the very end, the "Devil King
Exterminator" never revealed his name or origins.
At the time, Lancelot felt that the man was similar to himself, most likely a god who had also
lost his name.
Reminiscing old times, Lancelot suddenly had this thought.
--The strongest of [Steel], one whom we called "King of the End." That man had probably
grown weary of battle.
He distanced himself from everything that could draw him onto the battlefield.
Yes, everything.
He was obliged to eliminate the god-slaying humans. Forced by the stars of destiny to engage
in battle.
Why? That man always fought with complete indifference. A shadow of gloom clung onto his
face like iron rust, gradually turning his handsome features drab and dismal.
And on certain occasions, as he gazed into the eyes of his comrade on the battlefield, the same
disquiet and unsettled feeling could be gathered.
Or perhaps, what the man grew sickened of was not only the enemy--

However, Lancelot du Lac was a resolute warrior from ancient beginnings to the modern day.
The most primitive [Steel] that only knew to charge straight forward.
All along, he had never worried over things that could no longer be confirmed.
At this time, he simply shook his head silently, and ended the useless trip down memory lane.

Chapter 1 - Smoldering Devil Kings

Part 1
On this particular day, Alexandre Gascoigne had appeared in Taipei.
Taipei the well-known central city of Taiwan.
He had gone to the Ningxia Road Night Market. A night market filled with merchandise stalls
and snack shops. Every night, the market was crowded with locals and tourists who came here
for the distinctive roadside snacks.
People could either eat while standing or sit at tables next to the stalls.
However, tonight Alec picked an aged and worn down restaurant instead.
Sitting down at a table outside the shop, he arbitrarily ordered a few dishes. Since this type of
night market did not offer much in terms of alcohol, he brought his own canned beer.
Steamed dumplings, boiled dumplings, rice dumplings with meat fillings, spiced sausages,
oyster omelettes, etc.
Just as the dishes were placed on the table, the one he waited for arrived.
"...It's been a while, Alec."
"Ah yes. Approximately a year."
The other person greeted using Min Nan[1] dialect, so Alec replied in the same language.
The one who had arrived was a glasses-wearing seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.
Called Cecilia.
She was wearing a modest sweater over a white shirt with an unassuming skirt. Even though
her face was quite cute, it was lacking in glamor.
Alec had become acquainted with her a few years ago when traveling in the far east. In order
to return the favor she owed to Alec that time, she became a member of [Royal Arsenal].

"Then show up at St. Ives from time to time... Wait a minute, have you ever been to
headquarters? If memory serves me correctly, you haven't."
St. Ives.
Where the organization led by Alec, [Royal Arsenal], had located its headquarters.
Situated in the region of Cornwall on the westernmost tip of England. It was a little seaside
"Your memory is correct. I have never met any comrades apart from you."
Cecilia spoke with a monotonous and indifferent tone. She was a girl who seldom showed
emotion through her voice or facial expressions.
"Let's leave it at that... That said, lazy as you are, you still accepted this invitation so readily?"
"Because I wanted to see you."
"Stop joking around. It's making the beer taste funny."
Her joke instantly rejected, Cecilia fell silent.
Even though she was essentially a reticent and expressionless girl, she almost seemed to be
showing a bit of resentment.
Nevertheless, Alec paid it no mind, because there were more important matters.
"You were the one who communicated a wish to see the Island-Fishing Needle. That's what
you came for, right?"
Despite her young age, Cecilia was an outstanding Daoist priestess.
Daoists. The term used for those who studied ancient Chinese wizardry, Daoist arts, that had
been passed down for generations. At the same time, she was well-versed in oriental myths
and legends.
"I don't mind either way."
"Or in other words, that is the sole reason."
She was casting that slanted gaze of subtle resentment again. Was there something she wanted
to say?
"This is the Needle in question."
Alec did not mind entering the main topic.

He took a rod out from his shirt pocket. It had roughly the same length and girth as a ball
point pen, and appeared to be made of beige plastic. This was the divine artifact obtained
from Japan, the Heavenly Reverse Halberd.
"By the way, I've mentioned to you before. Myths that probably originated from southern
Chinese sea-faring tribes first crossed over to Taiwan, then spread to southeast Asia, followed
by Polynesia and Micronesia. In the process they also spread to Japan."
"Yes, I remember."
"In the creation myths of sea-faring tribes, the world began as an ocean. An endless ocean
without any land. At that time, the primordial god of creation lowered a fishing line and
fished dry land out of the ocean to create islands. That was the birth of land the story of the
country's founding."
Alec casually explained as he brought food to his mouth with chopsticks between gulps of
"From 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE, the people of the sea traveled south on crude boats across the
Pacific, migrating to various parts of the world. This resulted in the scattering of East Asian
oceanic creation myths. Of course, this includes Japan."
"Izanagi and Izanami's founding of the country."
"Correct. Izanagi and Izanami were on the primordial sea where there was nothing but
minuscule floating and suspended debris. Dipping in the Heavenly Reverse Halberd and
stirring, dry land was made to appear, creating the islands of Japan. Well, using a needle as a
hook, stirring with a rod, it doesn't really look the same on first glance..."
"That doesn't pose a significant problem."
Alec nodded at Cecilia's brief and casual response.
In ancient Japan, the halberd for fishing there were records of it being a tool for catching
fish. All of these little stories were identical in essence.
"This halberd is a divine artifact with the same name. Naturally one would think it is the
country founding tool."
"Alec intends to investigate this thing?"
"Yes. I want to find out exactly what powers this artifact holds, and how to use them
Cecilia coldly remarked to Alec:
"No way. Born of mortal flesh, there's no way we could do that. Give it up?"
"Not necessarily. Actually I already came up with one or two ideas."

Cecilia looked impressed. Beneath her glasses, her pupils were wide open.
Alec shrugged at that honest expression of admiration.
"It's nothing mind blowing. Deducing from the myths, this thing should be a divine artifact
related to the divine aspects of water or land. In that case, if a similar god is found
somewhere, just use this rod and observe what changes may occur, then proceed with
"...In any case, don't do that in this country. Too dangerous."
Alec smiled knowingly at her refusal.
All along, he had no intention of doing something worthless like that.
"If that's the case, only one option remains. Find divine dragon bones that are related to either
the earth or the sea, and use them to make contact with this thing. To assist me, first
investigate thoroughly all records of mother earth goddesses and snake or dragon deities that
have manifested here in the past hundred years."
"...Dragon bones. There is that option indeed. But Alec, trying to find that kind of thing is
even harder than finding gods."
"Hard, but not impossible. It's worth considering."
Listening to his subordinate's opinion, Alec was completely nonchalant.
For the sake of solving all sorts of mysteries, he had stepped foot into many sacred domains.
This level of exploration was merely on the level of warm-up exercises.
"Considering the fact that discovering them could mean avoiding meaningless battles, it will
be far more efficient than searching for a god. Don't overlook that."
"I didn't. It's just that your ideas are very strange."
Cecilia was expressing simple and easily-read emotions for once. She sighed deeply.
"Alec, you are truly extraordinary. In matters of bringing chaos to the world, no one can
surpass you. Compared to the other Campiones, you are definitely ahead."
Casual praise. But abjectly notorious.
"I'm nowhere near as barbaric or reckless as those people. Don't even think of grouping me
together with them."
Alec could not help but retort displeased.

A few days passed.

Alec was strolling casually in Los Angeles.
He had been to Taiwan, the Philippines and even the interior of China. In these past days, he
had journeyed far and wide across many different countries and regions. In the end, he chose
to finish his trip here.
Alec was operating alone. Having given Cecilia new instructions, he sent her off on a separate
He took a taxi cab from the airport to the great city on the American west coast.
Los Angeles. An ethnic melting pot. A major economical and industrial stronghold. The city
of evil that was swirling with crime. The capital where depravity and prosperity vied for
Hidden in this "chaotic" city were many whose existences would not be tolerated by common
Wielders of unnatural abilities who obtained magical powers by selling morality and
conscience to the devil sorcerers. Last but not least, there was John Pluto Smith!
Alec did not believe he could avoid dealing with him during this trip to America.
Steeling his determination, Alec took the taxi to Samantha University at Los Feliz. He had
been there only once, a few years ago. The internal layout of the university had remained
completely unchanged.
Consequently, everything went smoothly for Alec.
Getting off from the taxi, he began making his way without even glancing at the directory.
The route had already been memorized.
Arriving at Professor Joe West's research lab in the modern languages department, he
knocked. Receiving a reply of "Please enter," he pushed the door open without reservations.
Two people were already present.
The elderly African-American with the intellectual appearance and a Caucasian woman with
fiery red hair.
The former was naturally Professor West. A world-renowned researcher of fantasy literature
and benevolent mage. His power as a fairy doctor was also unmatched in Europe.
As for that woman, she was most likely Annie Charlton.
A student in West's class. The impressive bespectacled beauty who was the same age as Alec.
A calm and composed character who took action with great initiative. She also worked as
John Pluto Smith's subordinate, apparently performing detective work or the like

The Professor seemed to be in shock while his student displayed cautious surprise.
Previously, they had already seen the Campione known as the Black Prince.
"I remember today's visitor should have been a Mr. Gascony introduced by Pires-kun. What
kind of funny idea is this?"
Professor West scrutinized Alec's face as he spoke.
"Exactly as was said. I am Alex Gascony. A Frenchman heading to Oxford for study, and a
student hoping to meet you today. That's the story."
Alec admitted the pretense without reservation. After all, it was likely that the fairy doctor
would have seen through a disguise. Hence, he openly showed the face of the Black Prince
and made a visit under an awkward alias.
"Hmm. I see."
Using the name of Alexandre Gascoigne to make a visit to a facility related to John Pluto
Smith would have been strange behavior that would easily develop into diplomatic problems
between Devil Kings.
In order to avoid undue alarm, Alec had chosen to arrive in such a manner
Presumably having figured out Alec's intentions, the Professor shrugged and sighed slightly.
"I guess I'd better ignore the fact that the name is reminiscent of a certain someone who is
cause for concern. No, I think I'd better think more carefully about it!"
"Come on, at a time like this, formality is more important than substance. Hence this is
"Then for what purpose has Mr. Gascony come to this place?"
Annie Charlton interrupted.
She glared very sharply at Alec. If the Professor was met with danger she would immediately
step forward to protect him. Such resolve was clearly visible. What an amazing heroic female.
"I don't plan on hanging around for long, so let's cut to the chase. Dragon bones or using
the way they call it in this city, that would be 'Angel's Remains.' Please lend them to me for a
brief little while."
"What are you intending to do with that sort of thing?"
Alec smiled proudly in response to Annie and the Professor's surprise.
"For experiment and verification."

"Are you planning to bring turmoil to the world again?"

"So, what are you going to do? Even though I intend to perform an act of charity by removing
a seed of disaster from the world, people who don't mind their business would probably
disagree. Whether what I described is an act of good or evil, there is no way for you to
Alec seemed to be deliberately evading Annie's question.
"Anyway, I need dragon bones for this reason. Professor, I received news that you obtained
dragon bones from Sichuan province in China roughly ten years ago. If you'll lend them out
generously, I won't have to waste any unnecessary effort. I hope you will consider it."
Unnecessary effort. Namely, theft.
Whenever there was something he wished to obtain, no matter what kind of wealth, authority,
or magic the owner possessed, he would never shy away from the act of theft. Being
concerned with society's notions of morals or common sense was completely not his style.
"You are a terrible man! Despite your usual serious demeanor and behavior, once you get into
action, you reveal that horrible troublemaking nature of yours!"
West shook his head with great annoyance.
"Very well, As you wish. I will provide you with the 'Remains' I possess."
"Joe! You cannot decide so rashly!"
In response to Annie Charlton's warning, Joe West answered with deep consideration.
"Asherah has perished, and the [King of Flies] is disbanded. Los Angeles is currently
celebrating long awaited peace that had not appeared for years. It's time to put aside the
conflict between Pluto and the Black Prince. Besides, Annie, I don't believe he is the kind of
Devil King who would easily resort to theft and take what he wants without warning."
In a duel between two Devil Kings, the outcome was completely uncertain. This was not a
matter of who was stronger.
Because a Campione's talent lay precisely in seeking victory no matter the odds, achieving
success through apparently foolish but bold action.
However, the matter of winning or losing was not only limited to 'theft.'
Joe West was correct. This was Black Prince Alec's personal victory.
He was the Devil King of divine speed and the labyrinth. The one who vanquished
innumerable foes using suspicious authorities. Furthermore, he was skilled in magic and
strategy. This sort of disposition made him the most powerful eccentric thief in history.
Finally with great reluctance, Annie nodded in agreement to her teacher's words.

Part 2
On a table in the research lab was a shallow dish.
In it sat a milky-white little stone.
"Reportedly, when a [Heretic God] manifesting on earth loses their material body, in
extremely rare instances, a portion of their remains survive as flesh and bone. Chinese Daoists
call them 'Dragon's Bones' while North American magi call them 'Angel's Remains.' Isn't that
"Ah yes. But of course, flesh and bone that is completely different from any other creature on
As Alec muttered while examining the stone, the Professor replied.
"When deities pass on, their bodies either turn into sand and collapse or change into stone and
shatter. On those occasions, if a part maintains its form by chance, then it becomes worshiped
as a sacred relic, to be used as a massive power source for magi. Well, it is an exceptionally
rare thing to find."
The Professor looked down at the stone in the shallow dish.
"This was the object found by chance from a place in China where the creation goddess
Nwa[2] had descended."
"Nwa. Also a mother earth goddess possessing a 'snake' divinity."
Alec took out the Heavenly Reverse Halberd from his pocket, and brought it close to the
milky-white stone.
The Halberd proceeded to lengthen. From the length of a ballpoint pen it became almost a
meter long. The change rendered Professor West and Annie speechless.
"As expected, it reacted to the mother earth goddess' remains..."
Alec knew from his decade long experience in adventuring.
The "remains" of deities carried divine properties far surpassing divine beasts in level. They
could very well provide the same effect as contact with a god
Alec smiled at the smooth progress of his plan.
So, how should he use this Halberd? Let's try stabbing the tip into the floor and see... It went
through. It almost felt like sticking a rod into mud.
The Heavenly Reverse Halberd's tip was embedded into the ceramic tiled floor.
"Before the founding of the country, amorphous land was floating and suspended like
globules of fat. Izanagi and Izanami were tasked with 'maintaining and stabilizing this floating

country,' and were bestowed the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. The two gods stood atop the
Floating Bridge of Heaven, inserting this Halberd into the sea, and started to stir..."
Alec recalled the passage in Japanese mythology.
He attempted to stir the tiled floor using the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. Amazing. The
ceramic tiles gradually lost hardness and cohesion. In the beginning, it felt like mixing
concrete, but gradually the sense of resistance disappeared, like ice-cream melting.
"...Melted? Did it lose its form?"
"Using the Japanese way of description, it should be called the 'Leech Child'[3] state."
The Professor and Alec, as well as Annie who had remained silent all this time, were all
focusing their gaze on this phenomenon.
Mere dozens of seconds ago, the ceramic tiles were still a part of the floor.
But now they had become a flowing liquid with a color that was hard to describe. On first
glance it appeared transparent and colorless, but continued scrutiny found it to be pure white,
then glittering with light. Flashing all sorts of colored light, it kept changing colors like a
Within it, all the colors of the human world could be found. Colorlessness carrying infinite
"...Gascony. Or rather, Alexandre Gascoigne. What is the 'Leech Child'?"
Annie suddenly questioned, but not in a student's manner.
Or more accurately, it was like the royal tone of one king questioning another as equals.
"That was the deformed child who was the firstborn of Japan's creator gods Izanagi and
Izanami. His body was said to be amorphous and lacking in bones. Soon after his birth, he
was washed into the ocean and buried in darkness..."
As Alec explained, he suddenly had an idea.
He reversed the clockwise motion he was using to stir the Heavenly Reverse Halberd, and
tried going counterclockwise instead. After stirring for a while, the sense of resistance
gradually increased.
The feeling of stirring water soon became that of stirring ice-cream.
Then it became like stirring concrete, and finally, completely solid.
...The ceramic tiles on the floor were restored. Well, except there was a spiral pattern in the
center of the tiles, so it was not exactly back to its original appearance.

"The 'island-fishing' and 'country-founding' myths passed down in East Asia and the South
Seas.[4] Could this Halberd be that divine artifact reappeared...? The key to forming land and
even giving birth to the Leech Child..."
Alec's mind was a turbulent sea of recalled facts and imaginings.
The strongest [Steel]. The king who manifests at the end of eras. Past incidents in Japan. The
Heavenly Reverse Halberd's requisite powers. Also, Avalon and Guinevere...
"Come to think of it, now should be a perfect opportunity to cut those cursed ties with that
Alec used the magic of [Dismissal] to dispel the Heavenly Reverse Halberd.
This allowed it to be retrieved when necessary by the magic of [Summoning]. European
knights used this magic whenever they needed to carry their swords and lances with them.
Alec proceeded to turn to the owner of the lab.
"My apologies for taking up your time. My matter has finished so let me take my leave."
"For us, that is the greatest favor you could do."
Towards Alec's statement, Annie responded with a displeased expression:
"Then leave, before you bring disaster to our city. Alexandre Gascoigne, I sincerely hope you
never step foot in California ever again!"

Leaving the research lab, Alec turned himself into lightning and headed towards the sea.
In order to test the functions of the Heavenly Reverse Halberd again.
Satisfied with the results, he decided to spend the night in Los Angeles.
It was a room facing the Pacific Ocean, in a high class hotel. Having arranged room service
and finished his meal, his bed was already prepared.
However, Alec was sitting on a chair by the window, deep in thought.
Traveling to the west coast of North America all the way from East Asia, he was both
exhausted and jetlagged. Be that as it may, there was still a mountain of matters to consider.
Alec had cast "barrier" magic in the room beforehand.
Simple magic for warning about the approach of danger. Nevertheless, it was more than
sufficient for the Campione of divine speed. Whether fleeing, fighting, or confusing the
enemy, the choice was up to him. As a result, Alec simply spoke indifferently when the magic
alarm sounded.
"If you want to visit at night, shouldn't you call first?"

"This level of rudeness is completely acceptable for a gentleman's room that was booked
under a fake name. Avoiding unnecessary toil is my style."
What kind of mystic technique or method had been used?
What should have been a locked window was now flung open, causing the curtains to flutter
in the wind.
Casually stepping in from outside the window was a black-masked eccentric. Furthermore,
this room was on the tenth floor of a high-rise hotel.
The mask's visor had a design reminiscent of insectoid eyes.
Under the cape which resembled a demonic bird's wings, an eccentric person was dressed in
an opera-style high class outfit.
"Gascoigne. You and I had agreed to a non-aggression pact. Does your current visit not
violate those terms?"
John Pluto Smith. The dark Devil King who lorded over Los Angeles had appeared.
"I'm not visiting as Alexandre Gascoigne... I have already communicated this fact to your
"From the abysmal attitude you showed to my friends at the lab, this statement of yours is as
good as junk."
Smith shrugged his black-caped shoulders. It was an exaggerated motion that one would find
in a theatre performance.
The ordinary hotel room had essentially been turned into a theatrical stage.
"In the coastal waters of Los Angeles... In the Channel Islands' vicinity, an island not recorded
in maps had suddenly appeared. This strange phenomenon happened around 1500 hours

"Furthermore, at around 1700 hours, this island suddenly vanished again."

"It was reported to me by a benevolent mage who sensed massive magical power and
deliberately went to investigate. By the way, Gascoigne, you seem to be personally carrying a
divine artifact?"
"Purely coincidence. So what?"
Alec replied nonchalantly.
"With regard to this matter, it's in your best interests not to get in my way."
"That really sounds oh so attractive... What are you planning, Gascoigne?"
The mask's visor glared at Alec's handsome face.
"It is true that your grand imagination and initiative are your strong points. However, if
memory serves me, you have never applied those strengths towards anything apart from
personal hobbies. Even one such as I, believes that you need to be treated with caution."
"Stop talking nonsense. I am neither as self-centered nor as destructive as people say I am."
"That I can agree. However, compared to common morality, you place greater importance on
your personal aesthetic ideals. Furthermore, your reckless, inconsiderate, and troublemaking
personality is exactly as rumored. Hence I believe public opinion cannot be dismissed."
"Consequently, trusting you unconditionally would be equivalent to a dangerous gamble."
Alec smacked his lips, declining to retort.

This melodramatic cosplay maniac was different from China's freakishly strong girl or Italy's
idiot. If one were to offer negotiations, this man could at least be counted on to respond
rationally. The agenda must be pushed.
"How about eliminating the leader of the Divine Ancestors? A plan to root out and cleanse the
seeds of trouble. This should have personal relevance to you."
"Divine Ancestor. A term last heard many months ago."
"Entrenched in North America, sorcerers have been classified into various factions. One of
them is composed of witches who worshiped as queens the European Divine Ancestors of old.
That group of witches crossed over from Europe to the American continent during pioneering
days, and wreaked much havoc."
Alec brought up the dark side of history known only to magi.
Of course, Smith was well aware of it. After all, the [King of Flies] he had spent the last few
years fighting was a faction of sorcerers related to witch lineages.
Finally, the black-masked king nodded and went "True."
"These witches' secretive activities and troublemaking preparations, caused the Protestant
clergy to enter a pathological fervor on witch hunts. This resulted in the torture of many
innocent women. A most tragic event."
"...So, Gascoigne."
The mask's visor pointed straight at Alec as Smith began to speak.
"In other words, is this what you are proposing? The Divine Ancestors, who still hold great
influence over sorcerers in order to deal them a devastating blow, I should turn a blind eye
to your secretive dealings."
"Ah yes. You don't want to fight a second Asherah, right?"
Smith paused silently for a brief moment, then began to mutter slowly.
"True, this is mutually beneficial. However."
"What is it? Do you need evidence that I am speaking the truth?"
"Demanding that from a man like you would be useless. Only because your wit and
imagination are indeed exemplary. However, when unexpected incidents flare up, it is also
true that you abandon those qualities without hesitation."
"That's not abandoning. It's just ad-libbing in response to changing situations!"
Alec could not help but make a violent outburst at the accusation.

"Our opponents have always been gods and our peers, the Campiones. Precisely because
common sense and logic are never applicable to these opponents, reacting flexibly is only
"Well. I can't disagree with that... But for you, being flexible can result in the original plan
going completely awry. Probably that time when the fake Grail had appeared, you began
taking reckless action on your own, and ignored your negotiations with that Princess."
Naturally, Smith was referring to the former spokesperson of England's Witenagemot,
daughter of Duke Gododdin, Alice Louise of Navarre.
Alec could not believe that that woman had disclosed their secret agreement so easily...!
Alec was secretly incensed by Smith's sarcastic tone. However.
"Having said that, I am also well aware that Alexandre Gascoigne's plans do succeed on
occasion, numerous times... Very well, I shall turn a blind eye to your rudeness this time."
"Really. Then I apologize."
Alec calmed down from Smith's words. Even though he was nowhere near as melodramatic as
that masked eccentric, the Black Prince was also a rather vain Campione.
Having ended the conversation, John Pluto Smith bowed elegantly and left through the
Exactly how a famous actor would exit the stage after the curtain call.
In less than twenty seconds, Alec took a brief glance out of the window, but there were no
signs of the black-caped black-masked hero. He had vanished like a puff of smoke.
"Still a man who comes and goes so mysteriously."
After grumbling to himself, Alec took out his cellphone.
He made an international call to his trusted subordinate in England, Sir Iceman.
Alec succinctly summed up for the legendary knight the "plan" he had crystallized over the
past few hours. For the organization leader to be abroad for extended periods of time,
strategizing and taking action personally, Sir Iceman could only lament against the reckless
'...Also, protests against your activities have been received from those working under Japan's
Campione. They demand us to disclose the whereabouts of Alexandre Gascoigne which we
don't even know. We managed to contain the situation for now.'
"Ignore them. I will handle it directly later."

To be on the safe side, Alec quickly added:

"Just handle things at headquarters as usual. If Kusanagi Godou intrudes in a rage, retreat
immediately. There is no need to directly confront disasters such as god-slayers. As much as
possible, just let him waste his energy."
'As you wish. With the leader absent, that's the best we could do anyway.'
Alec retorted coldly in reply to Iceman's sarcasm.
"Don't say it like that. In order to permanently sever this ill fate with Guinevere, taking back
what is owed is only right. It would be stupid to waste an opportunity to lay a trap for that
woman. So let me act as I wish for a while."
This was late at night on Thursday in Los Angeles.
At the same time, it was early Friday evening in Japan due to the time difference.
Furthermore, the Campione who lived in the east had already begun his move.

Part 3
One week had gone by since Athena had passed away in Japan.
During this time, the world's busiest Devil King was Alexandre Gascoigne. On the other
hand, Japan's Kusanagi Godou carried on with his ordinary life.
No matter what, he was still a student. Going to school was his duty.
However, that did not mean he was leading a peaceful life. In fact, it could very well be
described as the opposite.
The upcoming Saturday and Sunday were part of a long weekend along with Monday. During
this time, Godou had been making preparations with great determination. The entire detailed
story follows.

It was the following night after Godou had fought Lancelot and seen Athena off as she passed
Godou was greatly surprised to read the arrived letter.
'Seeing as this object piques this humble servant's interest, one shall retain custody for now.
By this simple expression of borrowing intent, your consent would be most desirable. The
object in question shall be returned after thorough experimentation. Should the object in
question be deemed to require our protection, the experiment could possibly be extended, one
humbly prays for your understanding Alexandre Gascoigne.'
This letter had been delivered to the History Compilation Committee.

Signed Alexandre Gascoigne, the Campione who had taken the Heavenly Reverse Halberd by
force. Godou recalled that the guy was nicknamed something like Black Prince Alec.
"...In other words, he's saying 'I borrowed it because it interested me, so don't be offended if I
happen to decide not to return it.' What the heck, this guy!"
Godou objected as he finished the letter.
It had reportedly been sent via magic to the Sayanomiya residence at Sanbanchou in Tokyo's
Chiyoda ward.
After returning from Kisarazu, he did not head home immediately but visited the Sayanomiya
residence to examine Alec's letter and discuss their next move.
"So this is Black Prince Alec's infamous 'borrowing note'? This is my first time seeing one."
The one grumbling was the next Sayanomiya family head, Sayanomiya Kaoru.
Occupying the drawing room in the house were the three: the cross-dressing beauty, Godou
and Erica.
A three-person emergency meeting. Ena had been forcibly hospitalized for overuse of divine
possession. Yuri and Liliana were still at the hospital undergoing examinations for sequelae
from the petrification. Amakasu had also gone out to oversee the handling of the aftermath.
"That guy has apparently done this kind of stuff many times, right?"
"Yes, that person has plundered sacred treasures and divine artifacts collected by various
European magic associations. His explanation is always 'Now this is interesting, let me check
it out.'"
Erica shrugged as she answered Godou's question.
"He prefers dramatically penetrating heavy security to steal after a prior declaration of intent.
Unless there was no opportunity to put on a good show, then he simply leaves a borrowing
note and takes by force. Also, items of particular significance are never returned but kept and
displayed at his association [Royal Arsenal]."
"It's said he boasts of imitating the style of traditional British imperialism."
England's pride, the British Museum.
Within it was displayed a multitude of artifacts plundered from various places around the
world, a rather well-known fact...
So that Campione was deliberately imitating it. Godou was reminded of the description "the
eccentric man with dismal character" that he had heard before.
"The English Campione, no mistake about it, right?"

"Yes. It is often rumored that amongst the seven Devil Kings, his interests were slightly
different from the others."
Kaoru answered as she gave Erica a glance.
"Regarding this matter, shouldn't Erica-san be particularly informed?"
"That's right. We European magi have been greatly troubled ever since that particular person
became a Campione twelve years ago."
Erica began to lead the conversation.
"Marquis Voban, Her Eminence Luo Hao, Sir Salvatore, John Pluto Smith-sama, and
Kusanagi Godou. These five are all 'warriors.' They only shine with true radiance and feel
satisfaction during battle. But limited to gods or other Campiones as opponents, of course."
"...Can you stop grouping me with those people so easily?"
Even though Godou complained about the inappropriate example, Erica continued unfazed.
"Since the Black Prince is a Campione after all, I believe he has to be a 'warrior.' But from the
way he acts, he is also an 'explorer' and an 'adventurer' at the same time."
"Explorer and adventurer...?"
Godou began to ponder the unexpected description.
"So you mean that guy not only lives to fight, but also seeks meaning in life by challenging
mysteries and dangerous things?"
"An apt description. Indeed it is so. Thus resulting in this note we were talking about."
"It's not that different from that idiot Doni who keeps saying 'have a little duel with me,
Godou continued to grumble as he looked at the note Erica was referring to.
"However, why did he steal the Heavenly Reverse Halberd? Could he intend to give it to
Guinevere's gang?"
"I consider that extremely unlikely. The Black Prince has been enemies with Guinevere for
many years."
"If that's the case, then let's just put aside for now the issue of that Gascoigne guy."
Hearing Erica's answer, Godou remarked.
"If the Heavenly Reverse Halberd is in his hands, Guinevere and her group's attentions should
be focusing on him, right? Then during this time we can prepare for other things."

"Other things?"
"Yes. To prepare for the battle against that guy Lancelot."
Godou asserted in response to Kaoru's question.
Hearing the war god's name, both the cross-dressing beauty and Erica nodded.
"Even though it is baseless intuition... I believe that guy will come to Japan again for a fight. I
want to be ready when the time comes."
Lancelot du Lac who had killed Athena.
Without even thinking, Godou had declared he will fight that god again. Furthermore, his
heart believed that day would not be far away.
Or perhaps, it was a god-slayer's instincts that made the prediction.
In that case, forging the [Sword] in preparation for Lancelot's duel was imperative.

The following day was Monday.

Yuri and Liliana missed class because their checkup at the hospital had been extended.
Then came Tuesday. Assured that they were fine, the two had returned to school.
On this day, Godou and the rest were having lunch in the courtyard.
Even though they had been meeting for lunch on the roof all along, it was now the middle of
The blowing wind had become rather chilly so they changed their lunch location to the
courtyard. Since the surroundings were enclosed by the buildings' walls, it was quite warm as
long as there was direct sunlight.
Having sat down for lunch, Godou received the report of "Black Prince Alec, whereabouts
"Godou, you asked me to express your displeasure concerning this incident, right?"
"Ah yes."
"Hence, [Royal Arsenal] had been contacted. As their second-in-command, Sir Iceman
acknowledged the Black Prince's appearance in Japan which occurred two days ago."
Erica reported with a glum expression.
"They expressed ignorance as to the Black Prince's current whereabouts."

"Normally, when an organization's leader is absent, shouldn't they know exactly where he is
Godou exclaimed in surprise.
Where did Black Prince Alec disappear to after stealing the Heavenly Reverse Halberd from
Amakasu? The History Compilation Committee's special agents also seemed unable to find
out. What a mystery.
"In actual fact, Sir Iceman happens to be acquainted with my Esteemed Uncle since
childhood. Here are his exact words."
A legendary knight on the same level as Erica's uncle, Paolo Blandelli.
'My utmost apologies. Alexandre Gascoigne has completely ignored our efforts to contact him
for the past few days, and his status is currently unknown. It is most regrettable, but it
happens quite often unfortunately.'
'In that case, the only option is to wait for him to contact us. Our chief's location, what he's
doing, facing what kind of danger... We usually find out only after the fact. And this time,
even Japan's Campione has expressed his displeasure. Really, my stomach pains are going to
kill me...'
Those were the words of the man known as Sir Iceman.
Listening to the voice through the phone, Erica could not discern any intent to conceal the
truth. Rather, it felt like she was catching a glimpse of a loyal vassal's troubles over an
excessively unruly master.
"I too, have heard stories of Prince Alec's excessive preference for acting alone, often leaving
his subordinates behind. In that case, it could very well be the truth."
Liliana spoke as she opened the lunch basket.
"Of course, the possibility that he is deliberately hiding the truth remains. But still, their
explanation is quite plausible."
Liliana glanced at Godou as she handed the hamburger over to him.
Held between two pieces of bread was a beef patty, tomatoes, lettuce, bacon, avocado, and
cheese, secured with a plastic toothpick.
Other than that, she had also prepared pickles, onion rings and more.
Despite the sumptuous menu, rather than eating, Godou was more concerned about the
knight's attitude.
"What's with that strange look?"

"Ah, no. I was just thinking whether all the various Campiones were natural troublemakers
without exception."
"It really is true. They are a group to whom common sense cannot be applied."
Why was even Yuri gazing at Godou as she spoke?
Recently, it felt like the girls around him were increasing the frequency of such biting
commentary... It always gave Godou an uneasy feeling.
"Anyway, it's unclear where in the world Black Prince Alec is currently located. That person
has the ability to fly around like lightning. Even if he had been traveling from the Arctic to
Antarctica these few days, it would come as no surprise."
In a rare moment, Erica declared defeat as she gracefully received and sipped the tea handed
to her by Yuri.
"A genius who can move and act instantaneously in a composed manner. Acting as if the
surrounding people would just get up and follow him. Had he been the boss of Amadeus
Mozart, he would have made a really good role model."
"Let's just put that guy's issues aside for now. No matter what, handling the problem of
Lancelot would be the most practical course of action."
"Heretic Lancelot is a very difficult to understand divinity."
Liliana said to Godou as he pondered.
"He only acts as a guardian for an extremely rare number of top witches, protecting them
secretly. Neither Erica nor I know what his prototype is."
"I have something to say to Godou regarding this."
Erica interrupted.
"If you want to find out the secrets of witches, just go ahead and ask a witch. Since this is a
secret not even Liliana knows, the candidates for counsel are obviously limited, right? Hence,
I've already attempted to contact that person, and received a response of 'I can offer assistance
on a personal level.'"
"That person?"
"Yes. The highborn one in London."
Godou nodded. After the battle with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, he had heard about her
origins. Amongst those he was acquainted with, the only witches surpassing Liliana were
Lucretia Zola and that person.
"That person also said, 'if you want to approach the mystery of Heretic Lancelot, bring the
miko over.'"

Hearing Erica passing along the message, Godou looked to the Yamato Nadeshiko sitting on
his left.
Miko. Of course it meant Mariya Yuri. Godou immediately spoke:
"May I trouble you, Mariya?"
"Y-Yes. Of course you may!"
Yuri nodded and blushed for some reason.
"As long as Godou-san wishes... No matter where, I will always accompany you..."
"That'd be a great help. Thank you very much."
"Even though it bears no mentioning, I will come as well. To take on the role of contacting
that person, the prime candidate is obviously your knight, Erica Blandelli."
"Of course. Things would be difficult without you there."
Godou instantly agreed to Erica's interruption. The thought of the blonde red maiden not
accompanying him never crossed his mind.
"Liliana, can I leave travel preparations in your hands?"
"You, Erica and Mariya Yuri. That is three in number, right? ...Umm, can you tell me if you
will be needing one more person...?"
The one who called herself Grand Chamberlain, Liliana, answered rather awkwardly.
"Isn't that a strange thing to ask?"
"Y-Yes. Well then, it is decided."
After hearing Godou's deliberately ambiguous response, Liliana immediately brightened up in
Travel preparations would be made for four people. Next they only had to wait for the day of
departure Just as Godou nodded to himself...
"But Godou-san, are you planning to go this weekend?"
"Ah yes, that's the plan."
"You already spent last weekend away from home. Will everyone in the Kusanagi household
allow this?"
Only when prompted by Yuri's worried reminder did Godou finally realize.

Last week he had spent two consecutive nights away from home on Friday and Saturday due
to the battles with Athena and Lancelot. If he set off after school this Friday, it would be
having excursions two weeks in a row.
Any normal high school student's family would never allow such a thing.
In this regard, the Mariya family which supported their daughter's responsibilities as a HimeMiko, as well as the Blandelli and Kranjcar families which do not have guardians in the first
place, were quite atypical. However.
"I don't know if I should feel lucky or not, but the guardians in my family are quite unusual so
there shouldn't be a problem."
As he imagined the responses of the Kusanagi household, Godou explained without a worry.
If his mother Kusanagi Mayo was being asked for permission to go on a trip:
'Oh? Don't bother bringing back souvenirs. I'm not interested in food I don't like. If you insist
on a gift no matter what, I'll only accept alcohol.'
Something like that. She would answer without even caring to ask where the destination was.
If his grandfather Kusanagi Ichirou was being asked for permission to go on a trip, he would
probably smile suddenly and gaze at Godou like some sort of accomplice.
My legal guardians are truly extraordinary. Godou marveled in surprise as he imagined.
"However, would your little sister Shizuka not say anything? Actually yesterday, during the
tea ceremony club's activities, she was very angry because Godou-san spent the night outside
without even telling her where you went."
"...Eh? Her, something like that happened?"
Little sister Kusanagi Shizuka. Godou was greatly surprised to hear the unexpected name.
Now that he thought about it, she did complain to him when he returned from Kisarazu.
"Right. She's the one person who belongs in the normal category."
Godou muttered as he hugged his shoulders.
Well, she was also the little sister who had shown remarkable potential during the Kusanagi
clan's new year celebration by nonchalantly opening a bottle of whisky.
"Man, I'd better find a suitable excuse, or else..."
He could not let his family worry. Godou grumbled as he thought to himself.
"So, would you like me to intercede with Shizuka on your behalf?"

"Yes. I shall tell her that a matter urgently requires Godou-san's assistance, and that you need
to go somewhere a little far."
Yuri suggested with a calm smile.
That's right. Under the pretext of helping friends, perhaps Shizuka could empathize. Because
the younger sister had such a competitive spirit, she loved making fusses over nothing.
"That could work. Thanks a lot, Mari"
"I don't want to rain on your parade, but I would suggest otherwise. If you seriously go that
route, it will only pour oil over the fire."
"It is as Erica says. Please do not make unnecessary provocations towards an injured beast."
Erica and Liliana both voiced their objections to Yuri's proposal.
"Actually, I think if this reason was used, my little sister wouldn't object."
"Yes. Little sister Shizuka is a person with a gentle heart..."
Godou and Yuri were mystified.
"Gentleness is irrelevant here."
"The problem here lies in using Yuri to bail you out. Naturally, using either Liliana or my
name won't work either. You're going to have to find a more effective excuse, Godou... Well,
if worse comes to worst, you can simply leave without saying a word, thereby preventing any
resistance in particular."
The genius negotiator, the [Diavolo Rosso], shrugged.
No matter what, ignoring the little sister too much was a bad idea. What should Godou do?

Wednesday arrived the following day, but Godou had yet to come up with an explanation for
his sister.
Godou went to visit Seishuuin Ena.
Having fought desperately on her own in the battles a few days ago, Ena was about to return
to her ancestral home at Chichibu for recuperation. Godou had heard that her body had
accumulated an extraordinary amount of fatigue and injury due to overusing divine
"Yes, even though it's true my body continues to feel quite heavy, it's still barely okay, and
I'm fine with going along with Your Majesty. But I can't believe everyone wants to lock up
poor Ena in the old home!"

The Hime-Miko of the Sword voiced her displeasure to the visitor Godou.
She was on a hospital bed.
"Seishuuin, you worked very hard already and should rest properly now. Erica has returned so
you don't have to worry about me."
"That may be true, but Ena still wants to stay with Your Majesty."
In a rare moment, Ena was acting cute like a spoiled child as she pleaded with Godou.
Maybe she was feeling lonely and worried due to her weakened body? Godou placed his hand
on Ena's shoulder and persuaded her gently.
"If you force yourself too much and wreck your health, I will be very troubled. I want to be
together with a lively and healthy Seishuuin. So please, get some rest obediently during this
"Mmm, come on... I can't believe you'd say it like that, Your Majesty is so sly."
Faced with Godou's sincere request, Ena pouted as she nodded.
"No matter how reluctant I am, this is the request of my husband after all. Ena will rest
"I-I see. I'm sorry it has to be like this."
Even though Godou grew frantic at being called her husband, he smiled with reassurance.
"However, if there is a next time... Ena needs a kiss, oh? Otherwise, Ena will not listen to
Your Majesty's orders ever again."
Shyly throwing a little tantrum, Ena was irresistibly cute. Nevertheless, that was a truly
problematic demand.
Panicking as he tried to come up with an answer to muddle through ambiguously, Godou was
instantly trapped by Ena.
"Because this is a promise. Keep your word properly!"
Despite the unexpected development, Godou managed to convince Ena to recuperate
obediently without issue.
The remaining problem was Shizuka. He was in big trouble this time. Would he need to resort
to departing unannounced? Godou continued to contemplate the troublesome issue.

Part 4
Thursday arrived at last, the day prior to departure.

Walking home from school, Godou had almost resigned himself to leave without telling
Shizuka, but an encounter with the childhood friend changed the situation.
"Hey Godou, you came at the right time."
Walking along the shopping street in Nezu Sanchoume, he was stopped by his twin-tailed
childhood friend with the forceful personality, Tokunaga Asuka.
She must have just returned from school as well, since she was still in Tokyo Metropolitan
High's uniform.
"Early next month is Shizuka-chan's birthday, right? Have you prepared a gift?"
"...Now that you brought it up, yeah you're right."
Asuka instantly frowned at his answer.
"Look at you. You must have forgotten completely. Unbelievable! So of course, you still
haven't gotten a gift, right?"
"Uh yeah, nothing at all."
"Oh come on! If you take such sloppy care of girls, even if it's Shizuka-chan, she will be
angry for sure. You're a really useless older brother!"
As always, Asuka was scolding mercilessly.
"Taking care and whatnot... She's family, my sister, right? I shouldn't need to take great pains,
"It's how you should act as a man."
Really? Godou began to ponder Asuka's words with a "Hmm."
"Well, fine. How about going shopping for a gift with me this weekend? Which day would be
better for you, Saturday or Sunday? But I'll need to work on Saturday, so only the morning is
Making plans on her own before Godou could respond, Asuka proposed with great ferocity.
"Sorry, I've already got plans this weekend. Neither Saturday nor Sunday works."
Godou refused.
Since he had long distance travel plans, there was no time to spare for Asuka.
"Shopping only takes an hour or two, right? You can't even spare a little time like that?"
"I need to make a brief trip abroad... And all sorts of troubles will be coming up later. I feel
like it'd be a disaster if I can't handle that guy properly, so I have no choice but to go."

Unable to give out any details, Godou could only word things ambiguously.
Will she accept this explanation? Just as Godou worried over what he should add to the
explanation, Asuka sighed deeply with a great "hah~"
"Oh fine. Then let's go shopping the following week. That's not a problem, right?"
"Right. Nothing's planned. But I can't guarantee emergencies won't come up."
"Worry about it when the time comes. We'll just adapt flexibly as things change. Then let's
decide the details next week."
Godou was amazed at the childhood friend's response. He could not believe she did not raise a
fuss over his explanation.
Asuka was someone whose scoldings had always been as common as greetings to him. She
proceeded to remark knowingly:
"Since you described it that way, you must be going on a trip for the sake of friends, right?
All things considered, you were a guy who went all the way to Kanazawa to help out a friend
in need back when you were only in sixth grade."
"Ah yeah. Now that you brought it up, something like that did happen."
It was a nostalgic memory he had almost forgotten.
At the time, a friend of Godou and Asuka's had run into trouble after transferring to
Kanazawa (the one in Ishikawa prefecture, naturally)... And Godou departed after leaving a
voice message of "Just gonna have a look."
Godou had originally planned to go alone, but Asuka went along because she was worried.
The Tokunaga family went into an uproar, believing "Could they have eloped!?" As a side
note, the Kusanagi family seemed to have reacted with "Nothing special really" in complete
"Those fleeting footsteps of yours really scared me. And I was completely awed by your
savings which did not match your identity as an elementary schooler. By the way, I've heard
about your victories in the strange contests held during the Kusanagi clan's New Year
gatherings, who knew you could gamble and win money from that..."
It was true indeed. The entire travel expenses of the two elementary schoolers were borne by
Godou alone.
Asuka had not brought enough money but Godou turned out to be rather well off.
Every New Year's, the entire Kusanagi clan gathered for a banquet followed by a mix of
oriental and occidental games including Hanafuda, cee-lo, backgammon, poker, mahjong.

Children were supposed to be forbidden from participating, but somehow Godou was able to
slip past that restriction at the age of six.
In the beginning, he participated mostly for fun.
However, after trying it out and winning big, he was forced to participate every year thereafter
as the adults said "this year you will be defeated" in their quest for restored honor. Godou's
successes were probably thanks to the tricks taught by the elderly distant relative who had
been the subject of the legend of Kantou's strongest gambler in his youth.
Godou kept his winnings as rule-breaking "New Year's money" and saved it all up. This
became something of a tradition.
Next New Year's, it's probably time they start giving me a break, thought Godou.
"So, make sure you're free next Saturday. Since her birthday will be here soon, do try to be
more mindful of Shizuka-chan's affairs, okay?"
Asuka went home after offering this advice.
Well, Asuka's not that bad after all. Godou once again reaffirmed the qualities of his
childhood friend.
Arriving back home, he found Shizuka who happened to be drinking tea in the living room.
"Ah, Onii-chan. Welcome home. You came back early today."
Seeing his sister, Godou suddenly had an idea. Why not try out Asuka's advice for once?
"Hey Shizuka, I'm going to be spending this coming weekend at a friend's place, so I probably
won't be home from Friday to Sunday."
"Eh!? Onii-chan is staying outside overnight again!?"
As expected, Shizuka entered a rather dangerous mood.
"I'm sorry, there was something planned last week that couldn't be cancelled no matter what.
However, I will be free on the 3rd of next month. Where should we go out for some fun? Let's
also ask Asuka out as well since it's been a while."
December 3rd was the birthday of Kusanagi Shizuka.
Shizuka was unimpressed by Godou's sudden proposal.
"W-What do you think you're doing? Could it be, you are trying to use this to hide
"There's nothing to hide. Since I've been away from home so much recently, we haven't had
as much time to spend together. Wouldn't it be nice once in a while?"

Godou recalled his childhood memories when the two of them would often play together.
Since both parents were always busy with work, the mother had moved back into her old
home after the divorce, and so the grandfather became the "guardian," resulting in a decrease
in opportunities for the siblings to spend time together alone.
This was one of the reasons why Shizuka was overly sensitive about her brother's conduct.
Perhaps in her mind, the brother was the only one who would never leave her side. But that
was too naive a notion. Hence, Godou would try as much as possible to show her some care.
Finding her brother slightly repentant, Shizuka angrily turned her face away.
"Onii-chan is really terrible, saying something like this, you don't treasure me at all. I have
plans too, so don't just suddenly say this kind of stuff."
"Suddenly? Isn't this advance enough in notice?"
"Despite how I look, I'm actually quite occupied. However, if Onii-chan repents your
infamous poor conduct by that time and goes out with the little sister for some joyous fun, it's
not like time can't be squeezed out from her schedule."
In other words, going out together was fine?
How troublesome of her. But then again, this style of speaking was very much in Shizuka's
character. As he pondered how this obvious lack of honesty made her unbelievably cute,
Godou replied:
"Ah yes, I've repented and changed my ways, so let's make things like old times once in a
while, okay?"
"Hmph, suddenly saying something so reasonable, it's very suspicious. But it would be a
shame if Onii-chan's repentance were to be wasted. Let's spend this year's birthday together.
But you have to remember! If your conduct becomes strange again, I will mercilessly ignore
you next year!"
The little sister declared as she furiously continued to keep her face turned away.
Godou replied "I'll remember." At the end of his wits, he displayed a smile at the same time.

And so Godou finally resolved all the pressing personal problems, and was prepared to set off.
At last, the weekend arrived it was Friday after school.
Kusanagi Godou brought his luggage and left for Haneda Airport.
Accompanying him were the three girls, Erica Blandelli, Mariya Yuri and Liliana Kranjcar.

The destination was England's Heathrow Airport. Plane tickets and other preparations had all
been arranged through the History Compilation Committee's hospitable efforts.
Towards London, for the sake of meeting the witch of the highest rank, Princess Alice. A
journey began once more.

Chapter 2 - Affairs of the English Devil King

Part 1
The flight from Japan to England was more than twelve hours in duration.
Japan's time zone was nine hours ahead. When Godou's group departed from Haneda Airport,
it was evening in Japan.
Having spent half a day rocking in a plane, they finally descended onto England's Heathrow
Airport. However, it was still the same date as when they had left Japan.
Leaving Japan on the 17:00 flight, they arrived in England at 21:00 on the same day.
Simply looking at the local departure and arrival times separately, it might appear to be a
reasonable journey. However, this sort of troublesome time difference was shouldered by the
travelers in the form of dizzying jet lag.
"No matter how many times I experience it, I still can't get used to it..."
Godou grumbled as he walked along the corridor in Heathrow Airport.
Due to jet lag, he was feeling dizzy and exhausted even though he had clearly slept
throughout the flight.
All the travelers from east Asia to Europe experienced suffering. Amongst his fellow
travelers, Yuri was exhausted to her limits, whereas Erica and Liliana were still functioning
thanks to their superior physical endurance, but even they could not be described as especially
As a side note, London was extremely cold now that it was the latter half of November.
The three girls were all wearing winter clothing. Erica was dressed in a red collarless tweed
coat and a tunic top with black leggings. Liliana was wearing a blue jacket, a short one-piece
dress and black tights. Yuri was wearing a white duffel coat and dark gray pants.
"A hotel near the airport has already been booked. Let us head there to rest for today."
Liliana announced as she stood with her back perfectly straight.

Speaking in that stern tone no matter how tired she was, perhaps that could be considered one
of her virtues?
"Let us rest well tonight in order to have energy tomorrow."
Godou nodded at Liliana's suggestion.
Whenever traveling long distance overseas, it was best to sleep according to the local daylight
cycle in order to synchronize the biological clock and dispel the torments of jet lag.
"By the way, Erica-san, has permission to have an audience with Alice-sama the Princess
been obtained?"
"Yes. I already contacted her a few days ago."
Erica took out her cellphone as she replied to Yuri's query, most likely to check her text
messages, and switched it on.
"Unless any problem arises, everything should go as planned. We will meet the Princess
tomorrow... Oh my."
"What happened?"
"The Princess sent a message."
Everyone crowded together for a look at the screen of Erica's phone.
A message written in English. It must have been sent while they were on the plane.

'Oh what a disaster! Just when I received Erica's communication and was getting ready to
convene with Kusanagi-sama (naturally I shall have to sneak out of the residence), Chief
Lady-in-Waiting Miss Ericson was too vigilant.
I was originally in high spirits, but suddenly discovered she had cast a barrier around the
residence to prevent me from escaping. Isn't that so mean!?
I must now revise my escape plans. Once I make a decision, I will contact you.
P.S. Why not simply have Kusanagi-sama destroy London? If such an event were to happen, I
can immediately declare an anti-Devil King emergency at headquarters, thereby acquiring
freedom of movement.'

"...She really sent this?"

Godou sighed as he recalled the dignified and lady-like impression he had of Alice.
As a message sent by a lady carrying the title of Princess, it contained way too many
objectionable points.

Was her personality always this bubbly when online or sending messages? Or perhaps she
simply forgot to maintain her usual facade?
"She's some sort of noblewoman from a duke's family... Right?"
"Yes. Her family is related to high ranking nobles on the European continent in olden days.
She is also the renowned sage princess who has mastered the wisdom of the occult, with
contacts amongst the descendants of druids as well as various magic associations descended
from the lineages of the Knights Templar. She has also been described as Europe's highest
ranking noblewoman, a woman who stands at the very pinnacle."
Pausing momentarily to recollect, Erica continued:
"Her health had always been frail, but her condition turned for the worse six years ago, so she
resigned from her duties as the Witenagemot spokesperson to convalesce at a residence in
London. Previously, she sighed to me that she could no longer leave the house freely due to
her family's concerns over her heath."
"But last time with the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, she came to Japan using a method like
spirit body detachment, right?"
"Very likely, the barrier she mentioned at her residence is one which seals the movement of
ectoplasm. In order to prevent the Princess from escaping."
Liliana answered as Godou wondered.
I see. But then again, in that case, it's fine even if she doesn't leave the house.
"Why don't we go to her house instead. It's no big deal, right? Erica, ask her that in your
"Well Godou, we made a promise with the Princess."
Despite the reasonable suggestion, Erica shook her head.
"The Princess stated already. Since she agreed to provide full assistance to Kusanagi Godou
during his visit to England, the Princess expects us to do all we can to help her 'go out.' Those
are the terms of exchange."
"The Princess wants to leave the house at all costs... Will that be detrimental to her health?"
Yuri spoke softly as she worried for Alice's health.
Beside her, Liliana sighed briefly and said:
"Well, I am also worried about that. With that body even more delicate than a noblewoman's,
I really wish she could settle down and wait quietly for us to visit instead..."
"Perhaps because she has always been raised in a sheltered environment, she is showing
rebellious signs..."

"Is it simply rebelliousness...?"

As Erica mused, Godou muttered softly.
"In any case, we cannot let Godou-san destroy London. What should we do?"
"On the contrary. As long as we give the Princess a justified pretext, it's good enough."
Unexpectedly, Erica refuted Yuri's statement of moderation.
"Recently, the renown of Kusanagi Godou has increased greatly, which is good. Godou, I will
inform her of our plans, so you can go ahead and put on a good show."
She had clearly thought up some kind of troublesome plan.
Oh well, this is for the purpose of seeing Alice, no other way around it. Godou sighed as he
nodded, resigned to his fate.
"We'll have to get up early for the busy day tomorrow. Let's all hurry and get to bed."
"Speaking of getting up early, the one with the biggest problem is definitely you, Erica."
Seeing Erica beginning to issue orders haughtily, Godou could not help but retort.
Erica Blandelli was unable to get out of bed in the mornings unassisted. It had reached the
point where someone had to take her to school every day. Nevertheless, the girl with the devil
moniker smiled seductively:
"Oh my? That won't be a problem at all."
"How can you be so sure? For someone like you, even if the hotel's morning call service was
used, you'd simply ignore it and keep sleeping."
"What are you talking about? Getting me out of bed in the mornings is obviously your duty."
Erica suddenly embraced Godou.
That elastic and amazingly voluptuous bosom and gorgeously supple body were tightly
pressed against Godou.
"This is an uncommon chance to stay in a hotel on a rare trip. Naturally, we must share the
same bed and enjoy a passionate night together as lovers should, right?"
Godou shuddered with extraordinary fright. By the way, this kind of situation
Even though he had just noticed, was this not a desperate predicament? A notion suddenly
flashed across Godou's mind. Think about this. A single male traveling with three girls, and in

foreign lands as well. The trip last week to Kisarazu was similar, but at least there were
History Compilation Committee members present at their lodgings.
This was totally a four-person expedition. Besides, the whole thing came out of his own
Haven't I grown way too accustomed to these strange situations?
Godou began to fear the situation he had personally created.
"...Traveling with everyone, but the only guy is me? Whether Amakasu-san, Kaoru-san,
Yinghua, or people from the Committee, none of them are here, which means I'm the only one
traveling with the rest?"
"Yes. Isn't that what you proposed in the first place, Godou?"
Hugging Godou's arm, Erica whispered in his ear.
Godou abruptly turned towards Yuri, making the quintessential Yamato Nadeshiko bow her
head with a blush. She was embarrassed.
"I-Indeed, that is the situation. Godou-san. Invited by you, I could not possibly refuse..."
Mustering her courage, she murmured in a delicate and charming voice.
An ordinary group trip... Even with that description, there were too many sensational aspects.
Godou suddenly felt like he had received a blunt knock on the head.
Then he turned his gaze to Liliana. The silver-haired knight showed calmness indicative of
universal acceptance.
"I have sworn to assist you for a lifetime. No matter how unreasonable, I will put forth all my
effort into fulfilling your orders... By the way, Erica. Is it not time for you to separate from
Godou? That is about enough."
"Ah Lily. Embracing each other like this, affirming the touch of each other's existence,
shouldn't that be allowed without any restriction? Don't say something so insensitive."
Staring back directly, Erica was unfazed by her childhood friend and rival's cold glare.
"Regardless, it is Godou himself who proposed taking us along with his expedition. Should I
not act in accordance as his lover? Without a satisfying personal life, he won't be able to
concentrate on work."
Feeling Erica's lips on his cheek, Godou began to curse his own stupidity.
It was not too late, act safely and cautiously! The first priority would be struggling free from
Erica's tight embrace, for continuing to stay this close would be...
However, he could not even budge against Erica's magically enhanced arm strength.

Furthermore, Liliana was glaring reproachfully at her childhood friend and rival while casting
admonishing gazes at Godou, filling him with apprehension.
If this continued, Yuri would probably start lecturing...
Even though the sensations of Erica's passionate embrace were very pleasurable, Godou felt
like he was hugging explosives. Turning his gaze to Yuri, he was surprised to find the HimeMiko deep in thought with a serious expression. Then she spoke slowly:
"This is not the first time for Erica-san to act in this manner... Perhaps it is a good opportunity
after all. I have a suggestion for everyone."
What kind of situation is this? Godou felt uneasy.
"Before we left, I was worrying this would happen and it would develop into another
argument like the time at Nikkou."
Yuri spoke with concern as she recalled what happened a few months ago.
A commotion had indeed occurred when Erica wanted to sleep with Godou. In order to deter
her, Yuri and Liliana ended up staying with them in the same room...
"I feel that entering another disagreement over similar issues would be extremely foolish.
After all, opportunities for us to travel together with Godou-san will only increase from now
on... Hence, I think we should handle things in the following manner."
Yuri lifted her head with determination and swept her gaze across the group.
Hime-Miko true to the title of "Hime," Yuri displayed a most solemn expression.
She was right. Godou felt relieved. Senseless commotions would only waste time and energy,
so everyone needed to be reminded to act with propriety. This was very helpful of Yuri.
"Whenever we go traveling, everyone needs to stay in the same room... I think that should be
established as the rule. Is this not the best method to eliminate contention?"
Oh my god, what happened to propriety...?
Godou was flabbergasted by the radical proposal which was the furthest thing from propriety.
Nevertheless, to his utter surprise, Erica and Liliana began to ponder Yuri's proposal in

Part 2
Ah, the sunshine is so bright...
Watching the rising sun through the hotel window, Godou was using the sofa as a bed.
Having maintained his reason and sanity throughout so many crises, Godou was a bit
impressed with himself...

Liliana had made a booking at the hotel.

But thanks to Erica's meddling, the booking had been changed.
Originally, there was an additional room as proper for separation by gender. As a male,
Godou was not going to spend the night in the same room with three girls. However, that
booking was cancelled. Instead, a spacious room with only a single large size double bed had
been arranged for the whole group...
And so, one night passed
Currently, three beautiful maidens were deep in their dreams, lying on the double bed.
Obviously, they were Erica, Yuri and Liliana. The extra size bed was more than ample for the
three slender girls. Seeing them get along so well, it was a sight that brought a smile to one's
However, Godou only glanced briefly before averting his gaze immediately.
The girls' uncouth sleeping postures were so troubling he could not bear to watch.
Even though Yuri and Liliana were wearing nightgowns, the lower hems had been displaced
by random movements in their sleep, revealing bare legs in their dazzling white glory.
Naturally, Erica was the same as usual, sleeping in her underwear, wrapped in a blanket.
Her sleeping appearance was not very graceful, but being able to see her in such a vulnerable
and honest state was quite a treat.
Cornered by such a scene, Godou felt his sanity being assaulted. With three beautiful girls,
their attack power was tripled, or rather, cubed.
"Thanks... Thanks to that, I woke up this early..."
Watching the morning sunshine, Godou muttered to himself.
Last night, after hearing Yuri's proposal...
"Indeed... Though it sounded rather radical at first, it is in actual fact quite a reasonable idea.
If everyone is gathered in one place, we can keep an eye on each other."
That was Liliana's response as she glared at Erica who continued to embrace Godou.
"Well, it's true from the perspective of equal opportunity. This idea is not bad."
Erica consented with a slightly bored expression, still tightly pressed against Godou.
Despite the adamant protests of the leader Godou, all the girls ignored him. Thereafter,
nothing noteworthy occurred.

Besides the likes of Godou trying to flee but being foiled by Erica's casting of [Locking]
magic on the door.
Or the intense heart racing caused by the girls taking baths or changing.
Or being exhausted by the long journey, only to find the bed occupied by three sprawling

Or things like Erica's tempting "why not sleep together?", Yuri and Liliana's profound gazes,
being embroiled in various arguments. In the end, Godou slept by himself on the lonely sofa
couch. Unable to enter slumber, he suffered lying awake until late into the night.
Completely unnoteworthy, right?

In any case, morning came to the hotel at Heathrow Airport.

"Coffee... Let me find something to drink."
Getting up from the couch, Godou muttered.
"If you wish, let me prepare it? ...Godou-san?"
"Since we came to England, how about some tea? The equipment is here."
Voices came from behind.
Godou turned to find Yuri and Liliana getting up from bed.
"I'm sorry, was I too loud?"
"Do not be concerned. Today will be a busy day and I had intended to get up early."
"Yes, same for me."

Yuri nodded in agreement with Liliana. The two began to prepare tea together using the
teapot and tea ware provided in the room.
Like Japanese hotels, most English hotels were also equipped to make tea.
Looking at the girls' appearance, Godou felt rather worried.
The two of them were still in their nightgowns. Yuri's usually meticulously combed hair was
slightly ruffled by sleep while Liliana's long silver hair was unbound from her usual ponytail.
In other words, this was a sight normally reserved for family.
Except maybe close friends for occasional sleepovers, or intimate couples...
"By the way, Mariya Yuri. I really like your idea, it is a bit unlike your usual style."
While brewing tea, Liliana suddenly spoke.
"Ah, yes. In actual fact, it occurred to me when Ena-san was telling me about what happened
during the time we were turned into stone."
"Ah, that time."
The silver-haired knight nodded at Yuri's answer.
It was a completely natural conversation, but Godou somehow felt uneasy. Perhaps it was the
mention of the unaware troublemaker, Seishuuin Ena.
"During the incident last week, Godou-san and Ena-san spent a night together under the same
blanket in the same room at the same inn... Ena-san told me with great embarrassment. As all
sorts of thoughts and feelings converged, I came up with this proposal..."
"......Hmph. Is that so?"
Hearing Yuri's mournful confession, Liliana muttered monotonously.
Then she brought the readied tea over to Godou.
"It is ready, drink up while it is hot."
"T-Thanks. Looks delicious."
"No. These are not quality tea leaves so I expect the taste to be average. Anyway, Kusanagi
Godou, now that I think about it, I have forgotten to hear your detailed report about the events
during our petrification. As your premier knight, this is an inexcusable oversight. My utmost
Liliana's apology felt very business-like and imposing. Godou steadied himself.

"...In order for me to reflect thoroughly, please do enlighten me. Tell me the details of what
transpired during the night Mariya Yuri and I were petrified. Is that fine?"
Godou turned to glance at the clock. There were still two or three hours until breakfast.
During this time, there was apparently no way to escape Liliana's interrogation. A crisis
On the other hand, Erica remained sound asleep despite the current atmosphere.
The sight of her face in peaceful slumber made Godou incredibly jealous.

After enduring the exhausting morning, Godou finally managed to appease Liliana's wrath.
The group went for breakfast once Erica slowly crept out of bed.
The traditional English breakfast was known for its sumptuous abundance. The hotel where
Godou's group stayed was one which maintained such a custom.
Offerings included fried eggs and crispy bacon, grilled tomatoes, hash browns, baked beans
with mushrooms, sausages, thinly-sliced toast, etc...
A morning meal with a wide assortment of food.
Yuri could not finish everything with her small appetite, but the other three made an excellent
display of their bottomless stomachs, clearing everything out without wastage not simply
due to the quantity, for the taste was rather good as well.
After breakfast, the group left the hotel and took a taxi cab.
The ride from Heathrow to London took a few dozens of minutes. As planned originally,
Godou's destination was Greenwich in the suburbs rather than the tourist attractions in
London's city center.
Without needing to drive towards the usual tourist attractions, the taxi made its way rather
"A rare chance for me to visit England, what a pity."
Godou muttered to himself as he sat on the passenger side next to the driver.
As his first visit to this foreign capital, it was only natural to want to go for a sightseeing tour.
However, he was alone in that regard. Whether Erica, Liliana or even Yuri, all of them had
been to London too many times in the past.
Very soon, the raging currents of the River Thames came into view.

Godou had heard of the famed river numerous times. Greenwich was a little town next to the
Getting off the taxi, Erica led the way at her usual familiar pace.
Everyone followed.
Greenwich was the little town known for the famous Royal Observatory. Established in the
seventeenth century as the zeroth degree longitude, the observatory was the basis for
Greenwich Mean Time.
There were other worthwhile attractions such as the National Maritime Museum and
Greenwich Park. This was also the location of the organization where Princess Alice once
served as the spokesperson the Witenagemot's headquarters.
"Unlike our respective organizations, the [Bronze Black Cross] and the [Copper Black Cross],
the Witenagemot of Greenwich is not a magic association. An extreme description would be
something like a mutual aid society."
Liliana explained as they walked in the little town.
"Mutual aid society?"
"Yes. It was originally a simple organization where members exchanged occult knowledge,
thereby obtaining insight from one another. Whenever a member's research stagnated in
progress, the others would offer financial or academic assistance."
I see, so it's really like a mutual aid society. Godou understood now.
"As time went on, the Witenagemot established many independent research organizations one
after another, and became a great authority especially with the founding of the Academy, thus
engendering its current unique position... Furthermore, the Witenagemot was established in
the nineteenth century during England's Victorian era. At the time, they were forced to
continually strengthen the organization in order to survive."
"In order to survive... Sounds quite dangerous."
Godou puzzled over Liliana's explanation.
Standing beside him, Yuri shuddered slightly as she spoke:
"Back then, London was where that person Dejanstahl Voban lived. Reportedly, he was
enjoying city life in the rapidly developing capital of the British Empire..."
"Eh, that old gramps?"
The demon who viewed gods as prey and caused other Devil Kings to tremble before him.
The memories of the old Marquis who maintained a facade of intellect over his true "bestial"
nature were still extremely vivid.

"Back then when he was still a young man, he reportedly went to pay a formal visit to Queen
Victoria just for fun."
"In order to protect England and the queen from the Marquis' threat, the Witenagemot began
to devote serious resources to researching the Devil King Campiones. This is actually quite a
famous incident."
Liliana recounted it as a legend, but Yuri unexpectedly knew the inside story.
Staying in the same city and living under the shadow of that monster must have been
suffering. Godou offered his condolences to Alice's predecessors.
"Great, we've arrived. Hurry and get ready."
Erica called out to everyone as she stopped before a certain pub.

So this was an English pub? Godou was a bit impressed as he followed Erica. Naturally, Yuri
and Liliana came along as well.
The pub was rather ancient but kept very clean and tidy.
There was a wondrous relaxing atmosphere inside the dim interiors. The evenings were
probably filled with nearby men gathering for fish and chips, drinking beer, chatting, and
watching soccer matches.
However, it was currently morning.
There were no other people apart from the middle-aged man who was preparing to open the
Greeting Erica cheerfully, he welcomed Godou attentively with a fearful gaze as he led
everyone inside.
"Was the guy just now one of Erica's comrades?"
"He is a member of the [Copper Black Cross] who is stationed at Greenwich. My association
has personnel distributed all over Europe in this manner to receive the latest news on the
Witenagemot... So Godou, please act in the manner you have agreed to."
Opening the lid of a notebook computer at the cashier, Erica replied.
"It can't be helped... Fine, I will try."
It was too late to back out. Godou's voice was low and gloomy.
In less than twenty minutes, the door to the pub opened and a Caucasian woman in her latter
thirties entered.

Wearing thin-rimmed glasses, her demeanor was the complete embodiment of a strict
"I was invited to pay a visit. But how unexpected for His Highness the Devil King to come to
London personally..."
The one greeting in a trembling voice, was Miss Ericson indeed.
She was the Chief Lady-in-Waiting employed in service of Princess Alice who lived in
London's high class residential neighborhood. Last night, Erica had contacted her through her
business cellphone, and set up an appointment in the name of Kusanagi Godou.
Also, the Princess who had given this phone number only disclosed her name.
"Kusanagi Godou-sama. For what purpose have you come to visit this land?"
Miss Ericson spoke as she glared at Godou.
What impressive boldness. However, a closer inspection revealed a certain stiffness in her
expression, as if she was rather tense from having to engage a tyrannical(?) Devil King in a
private conversation.
"Yes nice to meet you. Actually I have a task I hope you could perform as quickly as
possible. I'm quite sorry to call you out expressly..."
Godou answered as he secretly cursed his deficient acting skills.
Before they left the hotel, Erica had taught him "to speak this way." Without using too much
acting, he was to take things cool and steady.
"W-We of the Witenagemot will not bow down to the tyranny of the Devil King Campione!"
"Is that so? But as you should know, such stubbornness, in regards to both our sides, will not
result in a favorable outcome, right...?"
Godou spoke in a stiff tone of voice he rarely used.
Probably due to the awkwardness he was trying to suppress in his heart. He felt really
apologetic for saying such things to someone in their first encounter. I really should find a
time to apologize afterwards. Godou thought to himself as he continued:
"What I would like to say is this, I have actually not said anything too unreasonable. I just
want to ask gently if you would kindly listen to our wish, that is all..."
As he finished delivering his dry speech, he found Erica had made her way behind Miss
Standing at a spot out of sight from the strict Chief Lady-in-Waiting, Erica held up a

Something was written on it...

'You need to act more like a Devil King, show some majestic solemnity when you speak!
Don't mess up this rare chance to debut in England! You have to announce to the world: I,
Kusanagi Godou, have arrived!'
...I'm gonna ignore it.
Coughing to clear his throat, Godou asked "How about that?"
At this moment, a beauty's face appeared on the screen of the notebook computer at the
cashier. In fact, it was a video conference program that had just started up.
The beauty possessing dazzling platinum blonde hair was Princess Alice, of course.
'Well! Why have you come to this place, Campione? Could it be that you have come all the
way from Japan to cause chaos by destroying London!?'
Alice's beautiful face shimmered with awesome splendor.
She was really enjoying herself, playing the role of the "highborn princess who raged with a
great sense of mission" perfectly.
...Or maybe, she should probably act with greater prudence.

'I will not tolerate such actions! Miss Ericson, please dispel the barrier at the residence
immediately. I implore you to allow me, Alice Louise of Navarre, the former spokesperson of
the Witenagemot, to have an audience with the Devil King in person to negotiate directly.'
The Princess commanded her Chief Lady-in-Waiting through the notebook computer over the
However, this shout only served to return Miss Ericson to her senses. She calmly adjusted her
glasses and said:

"...Princess. Why have you appeared during my meeting with Kusanagi-sama in what could
be described as an unnatural manner with such perfect timing?"
'Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. Worry about these minor details later!'
"These are no mere minor details. It is a most serious problem. Could it be possible that the
Princess has made some sort of shady deal with the Devil King Campione!? First there was
Alexandre Gascoigne, then Italy's Sir Salvatore Doni recently! How unrepentant!"
'Uhohoho, what was that? Well, Kusanagi-sama, tell me your demands. If you can spare
London in exchange for my person, I will pay you a visit no matter where you are!'
"Yes, well... It's not like I want to do anything violent, but I would be most appreciative if you
could come out to meet me."
Clumsily reacting in concert with the Princess, Godou spoke emotionlessly.
In the end, under the Princess's threat of "the Devil King will attack London and bring chaos
unless she is liberated," Miss Ericson relented with a bitter expression, thereby bringing the
commotion to a conclusion.

Part 3
Dozens of minutes passed after Miss Ericson had left.
A dashing beauty made her appearance in the pub where Godou was waiting.
Wearing a white weightless-looking long coat, it was the princess with platinum blonde hair.
Suffice to say, this was Princess Alice.
"Please accept my utmost gratitude for freeing up this time for me."
Alice greeted elegantly as she gazed into Godou's face.
Her current dignified presence was just as unbelievable as the enthusiastic display just now.
Well, to be overly critical of that point would be a bit too tactless. Acting as if nothing had
happened, Godou said:
"Is it really okay for your health if you visit personally?"
"Yes. As Kusanagi-sama knows, I am using that certain ability. My body remains at rest in
bed, so don't worry."
That certain ability spirit body detachment. Godou nodded.
Having revealed her secret, Alice grinned mischievously then turned to all the girls present to
display a bright and cheerful smile.

"It's been quite some time, Erica! Of course I would never forget you all. Liliana of the
Kranjcar family, as well as Kusanagi-sama's attendant Yuri. Fufufu, my memory's not bad,
Greeted by the noblewoman, Erica smiled elegantly.
Yuri frantically shrank back and nodded in acknowledgement while Liliana silently bowed
her head.
None of the three girls spoke. They were expressing their noninterference in Godou and Alice
the negotiations between the Devil King and the former spokesperson of the Witenagemot.
Furthermore, there was an implied expression of reverence for the one known as Europe's
White Miko-Hime, the most noble celebrity in the magic world. No matter how cheerfully she
had tried to strike up conversation, the difference in stature was obvious this was the most
likely reason for expressing respect.
At the same time, Alice very naturally accepted the respect offered by Erica and the rest.
This was not acting haughty or overbearing. For Alice who stood as a "Hime," it was only
natural. Whether acting emotional and reckless on occasion, or upfront and straightforward on
others, this was her character that accepted such offers of respect.
As befitted a princess, thought Godou, deeply impressed.
"By the way, Kusanagi-sama. I heard from Erica that Alexandre stole an unidentified divine
artifact from Japan"
Alice spoke as she walked over with Godou to a table and sat down.
The other three girls stayed by the cash register.
"Yeah. Anyway, I think I need to have a serious word with him after I take care of the
Lancelot problem first... Perhaps, this could very well develop into an extremely messy
An eye for an eye, wasn't that right? After all, the other guy was the instigator.
Kusanagi Godou was a pacifist. However, he was not a believer in nonresistance. Even if
there existed an option of appeasement, he would not give up on retaliation.
"Well, it's expected of you. Yes, it wouldn't be interesting otherwise!"
Hearing her jest-filled statement, Godou stared directly into Alice face.
At the same time, Europe's most exalted noblewoman smiled elegantly.

"No, it's just something on my side. Don't be concerned. Anyway, Kusanagi-sama, would you
like to listen to my advice?"
"Yes, of course. What is it?"
Princess Alice possessed extraordinary spirit powers and insight. Godou had caught a glimpse
of her talents during the fight against his sworn elder sister Her Eminence Luo Hao. He
proceeded to adjust his sitting posture.
"Kusanagi-sama has either made friends with or already battled several of my friends... Sir
Salvatore, Marquis Voban, Her Eminence Luo Hao, John Pluto Smith-sama etc. You should
know very well what truly unreasonable existences Campiones are."
Definitely. Godou naturally recalled his fellow peers who all possessed way too much
As Godou nodded, Alice spoke with slight concern:
"Compared to the others, Alexandre is decisively different. As a result, you may at first find
him much easier to deal with compared to the other Devil Kings. However, please be careful
for this becomes a trap when fighting him."
"A decisive difference?"
"Yes. The previous Campiones you have fought, each and every one of them is quite old
fashioned or rather, legendary. They are essentially mighty heroes who do not concern
themselves with petty details. Though they may employ cunning tactics on occasion,
ultimately they depend on natural instincts and impulses. They all harbor a bestial
competitiveness that modern humans have long forgotten, a group of people who slays gods
through momentary passion..."
Indeed, they were all people of that sort.
Alice's assessment of "old-fashioned." What an interesting perspective indeed.
"Hence, Alexandre is the only one who retains traits of modern humans. His neurotic
personality obsesses over details. Naturally sharp instincts yet a strategist. Even though his
extraordinary competitiveness drives him to hate failure with a passion, that kind of bestial
feeling he gives off is slightly different."
Black Prince Alec and White Princess Alice were archrivals.
Recalling Erica's words, Godou concurred with a "uh huh." I see, since they had dealt with
each other over such a long period of time, she could recall the details of her opponent's
personality instantly.
"That man neither possesses the same magnanimity as Marquis Voban, nor Her Eminence
Luo Hao's otherworldly logic, nor Smith-sama's sense of mystery. However, underestimating
him based on these observations would be falling into his trap. He is a rare person who
possesses a fine intellect but never uses it for anything proper!"

"But I think he saved you once before, right?"

Based on Alice's reluctant expression, it must be true.
The Princess seemed embarrassed by past shame, and nodded gently.
"I feel ashamed every time I recall it... Alexandre probably cannot reach the heights of
Genghis Khan or King Richard the Lionheart, but he can definitely become someone like
Napoleon Bonaparte. He also has a reputation like Arsene Lupin's. That is the kind of [King]
he is. Please bear that in mind."
Godou understood what the Princess was trying to say.
The Black Prince could not indulge in merciless slaughter to become a great barbaric hero or
a valorous king of knights.
On the other hand, he rivaled modern military geniuses and was a man who brought to life the
archetype of the gentlemanly thief from adventure novels. What kind of Campione was he
Imagining the appearance of this intimidating foe, Godou secretly trembled with excitement.
"Anyway, Alice-san, shouldn't we get to the main topic of discussion?"
Before everything else, Godou had another formidable enemy to handle first, so he changed
the subject.
"If it's alright with you, please tell me about Lancelot. I heard from Liliana that he is the
guardian god of witches like you."
"Yes. Kusanagi-sama came to visit for this very reason."
Alice pondered as she spoke softly.
"However, I must apologize. Indeed, he is the guardian deity of the highest ranking witches.
However, this does not mean that we have access to the details of his origins."
"It's like that?"
"Yes. Starting from the Middle Ages, top witches established their own network and had
regular gatherings like the "Walpurgisnacht."[5] The one who founded this network was the
Witch Queen of that time, the previous generation's Guinevere-sama."
"Previous generation's Guinevere!?"
"Yes. The present Guinevere-sama, is the second generation reincarnated several decades
"The first generation in the Middle Ages, and the second in the modern age... What a long

"The rebirth of Divine Ancestors requires centuries to complete. That's probably the reason."
Rebirth required centuries. So the immortal witch apparently had a weakness.
As Godou noted to himself, Alice continued:
"The first generation's Guinevere was born several centuries after the prototype of King
Arthur's legend, the 'King of the End,' went into dormant slumber. She was then murdered
around the end of the twelfth century. As her protector, Lancelot also 'conveniently' guards
top witches under her command."
Godou was shocked by Alice's calm disclosure.
Her statement just now, seemed to be filled with incomparably crucial facts...
"The 'King of the End' who was the prototype of King Arthur? Isn't he the mortal enemy of us
Campiones, who manifests at the end of eras?"
"Well, if Kusanagi-sama already knows about him, this greatly simplifies what I need to
explain. Much appreciated."
Alice smiled lightly.
"Is that 'King of the End' King Arthur?"
"No, he's not."
The question that cut straight to the crux of the matter, was nonchalantly refuted. What on
earth was going on?
"When Heretic Arthur appeared six years ago, we were able to disprove the notion. Thanks to
that, the second generation's Guinevere-sama entered a state of partial insanity, which is most
terrible... When Alexandre's hypothesis that 'the King of the End is actually not King Arthur'
was confirmed, that smug face of his was just asking for a beating, it makes me so mad every
time I think of it!"
Clenching her fist, Alice grumbled.
At the same time, the girls who had been silent so far began to get excited.
"Did King Arthur really become a [Heretic God], Princess!?"
"And six years ago!?"
Erica and Liliana were shocked.
Not only as Europeans but knights as well, the importance with which they regarded the name
of King Arthur was probably impossible for Japanese like Godou or Yuri to fathom.

Alice smiled mischievously as she explained to the red and blue knights.
"Yes. Since it's a long story, I'll show you later the report from that time. However, don't go
telling anyone, okay? Even within the Witenagemot, only members of the Diogenes Club are
privy to this secret."
"Understood." The knights replied with reverence.
Nodding in acknowledgement, Alice turned back to Godou.
"Let's get back to the topic and talk about the war god Lancelot. Amongst the stories of the
Knights of the Round Table, Sir Lancelot's episodes were all creations based on the first
Guinevere's knowledge of King Arthur's myth... In particular, a number of characters were
added based on Chrtien de Troyes' works. As a result, these myths are completely unhelpful
in regard to deciphering the original divinity of Lancelot."
The Princess nonchalantly entered the main subject.
Seeking her assistance was the correct decision Godou was deeply impressed.
"How about this? Visit the lands related to him, to understand what kind of god he is the
best plan is to clear your thoughts and humbly open yourself to the truth. Kusanagi-sama, you
already hold the corresponding trump card in your hand."
Saying that, Alice turned her gaze to the girl who had maintained silence.
The miko with the highest level of spirit vision, Mariya Yuri. The beauty with the browntinted black hair nodded towards at the Princess' words. Only at this time did Godou suddenly
Alice was English while Yuri was native to Japan.
Nevertheless, both of them gave off an aura that was similar in a certain way.
"Let's visit Somerset first, Yuri. Go there and feel those claw marks carved and left behind by
the Witch Queen and Lancelot du Lac."
"Yes, I shall do as you suggest."
Yuri's unhesitating answer elicited a gentle smile from Alice.
"Hohoho, no problem. I'm certain you will feel something. I also plan on tagging along to
provide assistance."
"Eh? Even the Princess herself!?"
"Ah, no need. You don't have to go so far."
Seeing Yuri intimidated, Godou hurriedly tried to refuse.

However, Princess Alice responded in a loud voice:

"No problem! If I had to articulate it, this is my personal interest. If I don't take a stroll once
in a while, I feel like my bones are going to rot."
"Actually from a while ago, I've been thinking of teaching Yuri some basics. Since this will
be a good opportunity, let us get along well together during our travels."
She did not seem like she would take no for an answer. Godou had no choice but to accept her
"With regard to Guinevere-sama and Lancelot, I will also tell you everything I know about
them... Well, even though Alexandre was the one who elucidated most of it."
Alice spoke with slight displeasure.
"Really, for that person to display exceptional talent in such an area. Pitting wits against him
is always such a pain!"
Gascoigne again? Godou somehow felt a vague sense of uneasiness.
Campiones were god-slaying warriors. However, Black Prince Alec was different. He was the
adventurer who had solved numerous mysterious riddles, and a resourceful strategist at the
same time. A talented man who flew like the wind with thunderous ferocity and a genius who
acted with decisive willfulness...
Godou had a feeling that he would one day suffer for it if Gascoigne was not dealt with soon.
However, his first priority was uncovering the mystery of Lancelot
Consciously ignoring that restless unease, Godou directed himself to solve the pressing
problem at hand.

Part 4
Alice's chosen destination of Somerset county was located in southwestern England.
It was a well-known tourist destination for communing with nature. In other words, it was
largely non-metropolitan and dominated by picturesque rural and agricultural scenery.
"Come to think of it, isn't the county where Gascoigne established his faction's stronghold
"Yes. West of Somerset, a museum in a little town called St. Ives located in England's
westernmost region of Cornwall. A town inhabited by many artists, with numerous art
galleries and museums."
Somerset was three hours away from London by car.

Sitting in a car racing along the highway, Alice said:

"Although it has nothing to do with this trip, why don't we go the extra mile and have a look?
Even if we visit [Royal Arsenal] right away, it should be empty."
"Yes. Alexandre would never give meaningless orders to his subordinates such as defending
against or intercepting a Campione's attack. Instead he would most likely command them all
to retreat swiftly."
This car was a limousine provided by Alice.
The driving was assigned to a professional driver while Godou and the rest sat in the back
There was a divider isolating the driver from the passenger area. Sitting in a row opposite
Alice and Godou were Erica, Liliana and Yuri. However, there would still be plenty of room
even if everyone were to stretch their legs straight.
Within the spacious vehicle, Erica and Liliana were reading the information Alice had
provided to them.
"This is the report concerning [Heretic Arthur]..."
"Did such a serious incident happen six years ago..."
"During that particular incident, Guinevere-sama lost all the magical power stored in the Holy
Grail. After that, we were able to seal Heretic Arthur away through Alexandre and my
combined power. At the very least, one could conclude 'all's well that ends well.'"
Alice sighed as she explained.
"For that person to have returned, and caused the incident in Japan last week... Kusanagisama, through that incident, we of the Witenagemot have confirmed a certain principle."
"Yes. That principle is this: when a [Heretic God] descends upon the human world, the body
and mind take form based on 'myths.' In other words, when myths change, a god's nature will
be altered accordingly."
It seemed like Alice was about to start giving a lecture on Lancelot.
Godou began to sit up straight to listen attentively as soon as he caught Alice's serious tone of
"For example, suppose there was a war god who was renowned as the 'greatest knight' in this
world. However, a thousand years ago, that was not his true identity. So, what would happen
if that deity were to descend tomorrow"

"Would he descend as 'the greatest knight'?"

"That's right. Nevertheless, suppose he had descended as a [Heretic God] fifteen centuries
ago... Even if the myths change, there will be no effect and he will continue to exist in the
human world, maintaining the divinity he started with."
"...So, you're talking about Lancelot after all?"
"Yes. To understand Sir Lancelot, three obstacles need to be overcome. First of all, he was a
god who manifested over a thousand years ago. Secondly, throughout these one thousand
years and more, all the myths intimately linked to him have been lost, making investigations
extremely difficult. Third and last of all, many people have 'created' new myths about him as
the 'greatest knight' and spread them far and wide, further obscuring the truth."
Godou recalled a name that Alice had mentioned at Greenwich.
"Earlier you mentioned someone called Chret-something, right?"
"Yes. Chrtien de Troyes. The twelfth-century troubadour who wrote the first stories where
Lancelot appeared. He was most likely a mage descended from the lineages of the Knights
Templar and is suspected of colluding with the Witch Queen of that time, the first
"He and his companions were the ones who added Guinevere-sama and Sir Lancelot as major
characters in the new Arthurian legends. As a result, trying to discern Sir Lancelot's original
divinity from the stories of the Knights of the Round Table becomes extremely difficult..."
Investigating the details surrounding Lancelot turned out to be a much tougher mission than
expected. Godou went "Hmm..." as he hugged his shoulders, deep in thought, then he looked
at Yuri.
"Yes. Consequently, this child's spirit vision becomes exceedingly important. Hohoho. So, we
shall be relying on you, Yuri?"
"Y-Yes! I fully pledge my humble efforts... But I cannot be certain if I may be of help..."
"No problem. I can guarantee you that. Ah, but don't ask why. All I can say is, it's female
The Princess smiled gently as Yuri cringed timidly. Her tone of voice was rather subtle,
seemingly straddling the line between joking and being serious.
After that, Alice did not discuss anything more about practical matters.
Ending the explanations for Godou, the Princess began to chat cheerfully with Erica, Liliana
and Yuri. Perhaps she was worried about the Hime-Miko's mental stress.

The car made its way speedily without congestion, then exited the highway and entered local
Looking out the window, green pastures were everywhere. Gentle rolling hills traced curves
over the land, creating undulating patterns.
Amidst this farmland scenery, Godou noticed something suspicious.
"What was that just now?"
In the corner of an abandoned field they had just passed through, there was a massive stone
It was constructed out of three rectangular stones, in a manner like a house of cards using
two massive stones as pillars with one lying horizontally on top. Each stone must have
weighed several tons.
"Come to think of it, I've seen similar things in Sardinia."
"That's right, Godou. Monoliths left behind by prehistoric European natives called dolmens.
Many of them can be found on Sardinia as well as the mainland. Yes, there was also one near
the place where we encountered the god Melqart."
"...Ah yes, that one!"
Prompted by Erica, Godou's memories were reawakened.
"The various monoliths scattered across Britain are believed to have been constructed by
indigenous peoples between the end of the Neolithic Age and the Bronze Age, even earlier
than the arrival of the Celts. Similar types of monoliths can be found on the European
continent especially in the region of Brittany in France."
Alice explained from beside Godou.
"Crossing the sea from Cornwall reaches Brittany directly. Even for an island country isolated
by the ocean, culture will be influenced by communication and trade with the mainlanders.
This is proof of that."
Just as the conversation reached this point, the car stopped in the wilderness.
One of the passenger doors in the back opened, indicating the destination had been reached.
First Erica then Liliana, followed by Godou and Yuri, with Alice last everyone got off in
A survey of the surroundings found fields all around. Other than the new arrivals, not a single
soul was in sight.
Furthermore, the monolith standing upright in this scene

This one turned out to be round. Not like a sphere, but a massive circle roughly ten meters in
diameter. A hole was drilled through its center with magnificent workmanship, making it look
like a ring made of rock.
This massive ring of stone stood upright in the middle of the wilderness.
What a majestic and astonishing sight.
"...White Goddess? And the King of War...?"
Suddenly, Yuri began to speak softly.
With shaking footsteps, she walked towards the toroidal monolith.
"Monolithic civilization is the heritage left behind by indigenous peoples. Hence, monoliths
like this were preserved for future ages and inherited by later peoples who took over Britain."
Watching Yuri who was walking towards the massive stone, Alice explained.
"It was said that whether the Celts, the Romans or the Saxons, all of them firmly believed
these monoliths to be sacred objects and sacred places, or even gods themselves, and thus they
protected them."
Finally, Yuri touched the toroidal monolith.
The Hime-Miko's gentle and beautiful face showed a wise expression as she closed her eyes.
"Six years ago, during the 'Heretic Arthur Incident,' Guinevere-sama and Sir Lancelot held a
major ritual at this location for the sake of releasing the Holy Grail's magical power to the
maximum. There should still be some remnants of their aura in this place. I was hoping 'if it's
Yuri, will she be able to read something?' when I suggested coming here."
As Godou listened carefully to Alice, Yuri opened her eyes once more.
Then she collapsed, as if all strength had been stolen from her knees, making her unable to
stand. It appeared that the oracle obtained through spirit vision was quite draining.
"Mariya!" "Get a hold of yourself, Yuri!" "Did you see something!?"
Godou frantically ran to her as Erica and Liliana also gathered around.
Godou cradled the Hime-Miko's back with his arm, trying to support her. Liliana also
extended a helping hand immediately. At this time, Yuri smiled weakly and said:
"The White Goddess, as well as the opposing King of War. I then saw the name Sarmatae...
Could that be the name of an ancient country?"
"No. Sarmatae... Also known as Sarmatia, was not a country"

"The name of an ancient tribe. Yes, since Lancelot belongs to the most primitive of [Steel], of
course that would be the place...!"
Erica and Liliana replied excitedly to Yuri's whispers. It seemed like it was a name within the
knights' expectations. Just as Godou felt thankful as he carried Yuri on his back to return to
the car...
The loud and dynamic sound of vehicle exhaust could be heard.
Following the direction of the noise, a large motorcycle could be seen approaching.
It was a Harley-Davidson. The rider was wearing a black leather jacket and leather pants,
along with shades. The helmet had no visor and looked like an iron hat. It was an appearance
that adhered faithfully to the image of the stereotypical Harley rider.
"What is that man doing here? He sure does not look like some new age hippy coming to a
power spot to pray for luck..."
"Could that be Esteemed Uncle!?"
Just as Liliana muttered to herself in doubt, Erica exclaimed with surprise.
The Harley stopped right before Godou's group as the black-clad rider took off his helmet and
dismounted, walking into their midst.
"As I thought... It's been a while, Esteemed Uncle Iceman."
"You've grown to become even more beautiful, Erica. I didn't realize since we've only been
talking on the phone lately. Even though it's been many years and I've got lots to talk with the
niece of my enemy Paolo, let's leave it for another time. Today I came to deliver a message."
The man took off his shades as he answered in a tone of voice carrying great meaning.
The handsome and solemn face of a Caucasian in his mid-thirties was revealed.
"A pleasure to meet you for the first time, Kusanagi Godou. I am the retainer of Alexandre
Gascoigne, Iceman... Ah, and of course, it is my pleasure to meet you again, Princess."
This man was Sir Iceman whom Erica had mentioned before.
Why did he come here? As Godou wondered, the legendary knight handed him a letter.
"Please accept this letter which our commander-in-chief Alec had sent to us by magic and
ordered to be delivered to you."
"He expressly sent this to me? What on earth is it?"
Reading the letter, Godou was stunned.

'This humble one recently decided to execute a little plan. With regard to this, I have
repeatedly warned you, asking you to watch without interference. Reckless action is
meaningless. I shall warn you once more, I hope you will stand back and watch things unfold.
Whether curiosity, nosiness, heroism, human impulse, or thrill-seeking, all interference
stemming from such emotions will not be welcomed.
P.S. If it pleases you, how about a little vacation with your lovers at my hometown of
Cornwall? It is only dutiful for me to order my subordinates to welcome your arrival. We
have already confirmed arrangements, and hope you can enjoy our hospitality for a month or

It was a letter written using old fashioned Japanese.

"Telling me to do nothing and just have fun in England? Give me a break!"
Just as Godou scrunched the letter up into a ball, his cellphone began ringing in his pocket.
However, things must be made clear to Iceman first. Let me ignore the phone for now.
"Perhaps it might be related to Alec's intentions. Why not pick it up first?"
Sir Iceman suggested cautiously.
Intentions? Yet another dangerous word. Godou picked up the call.
It was Amakasu Touma. It seemed to be an international long distance call from Japan.
'What a disaster, Kusanagi-san. In the waters near Bousou with its unending succession of
recent commotions, this time a castle of strange rock has been built!'
"...Strange rock, what are you talking about?"
'A castle of strange rock. In the very center of Tokyo Bay, it suddenly floated up like an
island. An island covered with steep and treacherous rocks, and also surrounded by a rocky
reef. It emanates an intense presence similar to an RPG boss' castle of the devil king. It gives
off such a terrifying and foreboding impression.'
A sudden inauspicious report.
Sir Iceman proceeded to speak in a very honest voice:
"Seems like Alexandre Gascoigne has put his plan into motion. Whether you wish to stand
back and watch, or hurry back to Japan... It's up to you. Personally, for the sake of world
peace, I recommend the former."
So that castle of strange rock really was the Black Prince's doing!? Because he was left alone
to roam free, others were suffering from it!

Godou was completely stunned by the accuracy of his unease several hours ago.

Chapter 3 - Two Kings, Encounter

Part 1
Reportedly, a particular hypothesis was proposed six years ago.
The location of delivery was in France, at the little port town of Saint-Malo in the region of
A well-known vacation destination situated near the tidal island and monastic commune of
Mont Saint-Michel.
The speaker was occupying a terrace seating at a certain restaurant.
Named Alexandre Gascoigne, indeed he was the famous Black Prince Alec.
"What you proposed just now, could you reiterate that again, Alexandre?"
"Don't make me repeat myself so many times. I believe the legend of King Arthur is a catalyst
the medieval Witch Queen, the first Guinevere, spent painstaking eons to prepare. For the
sake of accomplishing some sort of colossal magic. Or perhaps it could be described as a type
of magic circle."
Catalyst? The listener, Princess Alice, was intrigued.
A particular substance used to ensure the success rate when performing specific magic -- this
was called a catalyst.
For example, black lotus and rose petals in powdered form are used as a catalyst to enhance
[Sleep] magic.
"...Using the King Arthur legend as a catalyst? In order to accomplish some kind of magic?"
"King who manifests at the end of eras. It's definitely a spell for summoning the strongest
Alec said as he sliced open his baked pigeon pie. No food was placed before Alice, for she
was unable to ingest anything as a spirit body.
"For the Divine Ancestors' ultimate purpose of bringing forth the 'King of the End' again, that
is the pertinent spell. The ritual for summoning a [Heretic God] from the Domain of
Immortality... You should already know that."
"Of course. Don't ask a stupid question of that sort."

As a side note, this type of colossal magic was accomplished two years later by Marquis
Using Wagner's Nibelungenlied as a catalyst, the heroic deity Siegfried was summoned. He
ended up being slain by the sword of young Salvatore Doni.
"There are apparently three [Keys] to the success of this secret art. Witches and miko with
outstanding powers. A priest bearing fanatical will and desire for a god's descent. And finally,
to provide the summoned god with a material body, myths... the stories widely circulated
amongst peoples and countries in the world."
Without myths, gods could not exist. Alice nodded as soon as she realized Alec's reasoning.
"The first and second conditions can be easily prepared by the Witch Queen herself. But the
last one, that of myths, is impossible to fulfill by one person's power alone. Which is why the
previous Guinevere--"
"Ah yes. That was why she devoted her efforts to expanding and promoting the Arthurian
legends under her supervision."
Alec poured wine into his glass then moistened his throat with it.
"The twelfth century serves as a boundary to mark a significant change in the nature of King
Arthur's legends. At that time, a local hero who only had a fanatical following in Britain was
promoted in France, and from there to the rest of Europe. The troubadours received support
from the Count of Anjou and the Duke of Aquitaine as well as various nobles with deep ties
to the English royal family, and went to work writing stories in praise of King Arthur as if
competing against one another."
"As a result, King Arthur became one of Europe's most notable heroes. Anyway, Alexandre."
Discovering what had caught Alec's attention, Alice spoke.
"What you're saying is that the previous generation's Guinevere-sama had promulgated King
Arthur's legend for the purpose of summoning the 'King of the End.' All those troubadours
who sang praises to the Knights of the Round Table -- had received assistance from an
organization that worked behind the scenes."
There were many authors in Medieval Europe during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries who
published stories about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Since many of them
used pen names, their true identities and histories were mostly unknown. On the other hand,
based on the content, it can be asserted that many authors were well-versed in the occult.
"The ones you found concerning, are probably the Cisternian Chrtien de Troyes, Hartmann
who joined the Crusaders, as well as Wolfram von Eschenbach, Robert de Boron... These
poets, right?"
Alice listed the names of many poets in detail.

"Scattered amongst their works -- especially the parts related to chivalry and the Holy Grail -is a substantial amount of occult knowledge inherited from the Knights Templar."
"From the fact that many of these people belonged to the Knights Templar, evidence can be
found that the parent organization was formed from members of the Priory of Sion and the
Cisternians. Furthermore, the majority of nobles who sponsored the poets were intricately
linked to knightly orders of the English royal family."
The Knights Templar. Officially known as the "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the
Temple of Solomon."
The mage organization which established the foundations of Europe's magic associations.
"The Knights Templar most likely had some sort of connection to the first Guinevere. I fear it
was probably along the lines of her providing instruction about the spells and knowledge of
Divine Ancestors... In actual fact, the spell words of David and the essence of smiting-level
combat magic, these techniques that only paladino-ranked knights are permitted to read
should have many portions influenced by witchcraft..."
Two years after his first encounter with Guinevere-Alec and the Divine Ancestors had apparently devoted themselves like idiots to unraveling the
mystery of the 'King of the End.' This probably contributed to making him so talkative on this
"Alexandre. According to the secret records of witches I investigated, the previous
generation's Guinevere-sama was murdered around the end of the twelfth century during a
chance encounter with a Campione."
Alec nodded proudly at the information Alice provided.
"I knew it, the same time period. But I have a different interpretation. It is likely that the
previous Guinevere died before her conspiracy could bear fruit, as a result of running into
obstacles during the summoning of the 'King of the End.'"
"...Can we be certain that the present Guinevere-sama intends to resume the plans of the
previous generation?"
The Black Prince and White Princess had discreetly entered Brittany due to finding out that
Guinevere was about to begin the ritual for summoning the "King of the End."
"Well yes, and it most likely failed already..."
"What are you talking about?"
"Rather, purely in terms of summoning Arthur, the ritual was a success. Even though she is a
narrow-minded woman who overlooks everything she doesn't want to see, her abilities are
special as a Divine Ancestor. Nevertheless, it's probably too late."

Alec seemed to be showing a kind of lonely expression. The answer to the mystery he had
devoted so many years to pursuing, was finally in sight. Losing his all-consuming goal and
passion seemed to be filling him with a sense of forlornness.
"Almost a thousand years have passed from the time the plan was put into motion. This
interval is sufficient for a 'new god' to be born. Try recalling Thomas Malory's origins."
The fifteenth century English knight, Sir Thomas Malory.
This was the time period when the main role on the battlefield held by knights was being
displaced by firearm-equipped infantry.
In a society where the knighted gentry was in decline and centralized royal authority was
expanding, Malory was one of those fallen knights. Fallen into depravity, he escaped prison
many times and was repeatedly jailed for committing various crimes such as failed
assassination, rape, robbery, stealing domestic animals, etc.
But in the modern world, he would be remembered as the author of Le Morte d'Arthur, a work
renowned as the definitive compilation of Arthurian legends.
"Malory was not a mage. He referenced earlier existing works -- rather, he was a rascal who
connected them together superficially. However, his definitive edition was indeed widely
circulated amongst the people, and received independent development."
"So throughout this millennium, King Arthur became a new war god instead of the 'King of
the End'?"
"Ah yes. Even writers of Templar descent added commandments and philosophies of taboo,
causing the story content to surpass the intentions of the previous Guinevere, and thus the
legends became bloated."
Alec seemed to be speaking in tones of regret.
"The French royal family used the legend of Charlemagne to publicize their prestige and
authority. Attempting to do the same, the English royal family used the Arthurian legends
thoroughly as a tool to strengthen royal authority. The end result was, embellishment of the
hero King Arthur continued unabated, producing an image that deviated greatly from the
Charlemagne. The King of the Franks during the eighth and ninth centuries. Also known as
Charles the Great.
His territory not only included modern France, but extended to Germany, Spain and Italy. The
greatest conqueror in medieval Europe.
However, the great king Charlemagne was not only a ruler recorded in history, he was also
served by twelve great heroes.
He was the subject of magnificent heroic legends rivaling those of King Arthur and the
Knights of the Round Table.

"Myths are what forms the body and spirit of a deity. Since the myths of King Arthur the hero
have been altered, the hero who descends from those myths will also change. If you look at it
that way, it is only natural."
Draining his wine glass in one gulp, Alec ended the conversation.
A fortnight later, the summoning of [Heretic Arthur] proved the correctness of his hypothesis,
causing the current generation's Guinevere to enter a state of partial insanity.

Godou listened to Erica and Liliana as they explained the hypothesis regarding King Arthur.
Having read the report, the knights recounted its contents to Godou on the return flight. Yes, it
was the return flight leaving England and bound for Japan.
Changing their plans due to the emergency, Godou and his group decided to hurry back home.
On the following day after the visit to Cornwall, they managed to obtain tickets for a flight to
Haneda Airport.
"So this is the 'principle' Alice-san mentioned."
Godou nodded. As a side note, Yuri was not present.
In order to solve the mystery of Lancelot, she had stayed back with Princess Alice. It was a
difficult decision taken only because neither the Black Prince nor Lancelot could be left
"By the way, Mariya said something about Sarmatae? What is that?"
"In all the battles you have experienced so far, Godou, you've heard the name of the Scythians
many times, right?"
"Sarmatae is one of the equestrian tribes under the Scythian lineages... A belligerent tribe that
went into decline despite being as battle-capable as their ancestors the Scythians."
Erica and Liliana simultaneously provided explanations.
"Compared to the Scythians, the Sarmatians had the advantage of armor and spears forged
from iron. They possessed the stirrups to support heavy armament, and established squadrons
of heavily armed knights which surpassed the lightly equipped Scythians."
"Iron armor and spears? Somehow that doesn't feel very nomadic?"
Godou remarked at Erica's explanation.
His impressions of equestrian tribes consisted of people lightly equipped with leather
protective gear and wielding bows and arrows as their primary weapons. Hence Liliana joined

"During the second and third centuries, their heavy armaments ushered in a new age. The
other tribes that had fought against the Sarmatians -- the Goths began to use the same
armaments. The Roman Empire recruited Sarmatians as mercenaries and volunteers,
assigning them to various provinces across Europe. This resulted in their armaments being
promoted throughout Europe..."
"Their armor and spear became the prototype for the fully armed knight. Such speculation has
been proposed."
"So Lancelot is the war god of that equestrian tribe?"
Erica contemplated Godou's question for a moment before answering.
"It's possible. However, Sarmatians and Scythians are both peoples who have died out a long
time ago. Even though there are small groups of people who are considered their descendants,
the myths they circulate are different from their ancestors."
"So in the end, it is impossible to judge until we receive notice from Mariya Yuri and the
Liliana sighed as she spoke.
Burdened by these mysteries, Godou and his companions sank deeper into their airplane seats.

Part 2
"Traveling back and forth between Japan and England over four days and two nights, is really
tiring after all..."
Godou could not help but grumble as he finally stepped out from the airport floor tiles and
onto Japanese soil once more.
Even though he was young and vigorous, this was indeed a very hectic itinerary. When gods
traveled to Europe, it was probably like normal everyday travel for them...?
"Sometimes I think to myself, one way to go on such trips would be to become a player on the
national team representing Japan or something like that."
Or perhaps, a lightning fast trip necessitating a weekend in Europe.
No matter which, none of these were reasonable schedules. Normally, arranging trips for three
to five nights would be more appropriate.
"Even though the exhaustion is quite unpleasant, the complete lack of elegance is the main
problem. Traveling should be far more leisurely, an undertaking that should be comfortably
enjoyed in a foreign country."
In a rare moment, the usually cool and magnificent Erica was complaining with a tone of
annoyance. Next to her, Liliana also responded with extreme displeasure.

"Really... Well, if Black Prince-sama's personality is truly as rumored, then his motivations
are not impossible to understand."
The group had departed on Friday night and were now arriving back in Japan on Monday
afternoon, the last of their three-day weekend. This was probably akin to a military forced
Nevertheless, dozens of minutes later, Godou and his group were taking yet another holiday
"Sorry for your troubles. But a picture is worth a thousand words. I think it's best for you to
get a firsthand view of the castle of strange rock that has appeared in Tokyo Bay."
Amakasu explained in the helicopter.
Due to the noisily spinning rotors, his voice was rather difficult to hear.
Finally arriving at Haneda Airport to end their long distance journey, Godou and his group
had been contacted by Amakasu. Let us survey magnificently from the air -- just as suggested,
they headed off to an old staging area near the airport. It was hidden in a corner amongst
many decrepit hangars whose ancient age was evident.
At a spacious vacant lot indicated by Amakasu, several helicopters were waiting on standby.
"I pulled some strings beforehand to prepare by borrowing some Japan Coast Guard
helicopters. In fact, both Coast Guard and news agency helicopters are kept inside this hangar
And so, the helicopter took flight.
The interior of the mini-helicopter was rather cramped. However, this was Godou's first
helicopter ride and his curiosity was piqued as he surveyed the inside of the cabin and peered
out at the scenery outside.
Naturally, Erica, Liliana and Amakasu also came along. There were also two pilots, most
likely affiliated with the Committee. They simply acknowledged Godou without saying a
word and focused on operating the aircraft.
The helicopter reached the Tokyo Bay airspace soon after taking off.
"Getting too close would have troublesome consequences, but we cannot start without looking
at the real thing."
"A castle of strange rock? Will it be the cause of rumors?"
An island that suddenly surfaced in Tokyo Bay. It was far too ridiculous and abnormal.
Godou's worried inquiry was met with Amakasu shaking his head.

"It's a small island, but luckily nothing of that sort has happened yet. Only those related to
shipping and a couple fishermen have discovered it so far. Information control is currently
under way. Oh yeah, there are Coast Guard facilities nearby, so of course they also know."
This portion of Tokyo Bay faced Tokyo, Kanagawa and Edomae of Chiba. Not only the
shipping industry, but fishery also flourished in these parts.
Infamous in the past for its murky polluted waters, Tokyo Bay had benefited from multidecade efforts in ocean purification. Thus great results had been achieved such as vast gains
in the fishery yield.
...In any case, this sea had many users so information control was very difficult.
Godou was filled with sympathy as he thought of Amakasu and his crew's labors. Well, the
petrification of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway the previous week was probably even worse.
"Late last night, Committee-affiliated personnel sensed a great explosive increase in magical
power in Tokyo Bay. They wondered if it was the appearance of a [Heretic God] -- and
entered high alert. Flying on helicopters, they attempted all sorts of reconnaissance."
Godou looked down at Tokyo Bay's great expanse as he traveled in the helicopter flying in the
sunny holiday sky. As long as he ignored the exhaustion from the long trip, it was actually
quite a pleasant experience.
"Next, in the very center of Tokyo Bay -- in the sea right between Yokosuka and Cape Futtsu,
an island that had never existed until a few hours ago was discovered."
As a side note, Yokosuka was a city situated in Kanagawa prefecture. It was also the location
of the Yokosuka military port and an American military base.
On the other side, Cape Futtsu was in Chiba prefecture. Godou recalled the map of the Tokyo
Bay area. Compared to the commotion centered at the artificial island of Umihotaru last time,
the current position was further south and closer to the outer sea.
"Also, this is an island holding a terrifying amount of magical power. When I found out from
Kusanagi-san that it was basically the doing of Prince Alec, I thought to myself, that explains
"...What is that?"
Liliana narrowed her eyes as she gazed at a certain spot in the air ahead.
"Is that a cloud...? Feels very unnatural."
"What sharp vision, as expected of a witch. If all that happened was simply the surfacing of a
terrifyingly shaped island, then there's no actual harm done. However, things are not so
optimistic. Ah yes, it should be visible now."
Prompted by Amakasu's words, Godou began to focus his eyes as well, forward beyond the

A spiral of clouds stacked together lay ahead. It resembled the type of dark cloud cover which
heralded the arrival of a thunderstorm. Shifting his gaze downwards from there, Godou
figured it out.
I see, it's the castle of strange rock. An exceptionally terrifying island was floating right there.
It was covered by unevenly shaped rock. From a distance, greenery and soil were completely
absent. All that could be seen were black walls of rock, rock beds and rock surfaces. It was
really like a small island.
"In terms of area, ah yes... About ten hectares or so. It's probably easier to grasp if I describe it
as the size of an amusement park."
As expected from the appearance, it was not very large.
The center of the small island rose up like a mountain. A mountain of black rock almost fifty
or sixty meters tall. This uneven mountain was also reminiscent of an ogre's face, which must
be why Amakasu called it the 'castle of strange rock.'
Furthermore, completely surrounding the island-There were rocky reefs which would cause ships to easily run aground.
"...Could it be that no one has successfully approached the island so far? I can feel an
extremely unsettling presence coming from those reefs."
"Oh, right on the money, Liliana-san."
Amakasu praised the silver-haired knight for her question.
"All the boats sent to approach the island for investigations have been wrecked. Very clearly,
the reef is an impediment. When the passengers jumped into the sea with their lifejackets and
began swimming furiously, somehow they all ended up far away from the island."
"So there were no casualties?"
"Fortunately none so far. Due to the quick action of the rescue boats, all personnel were
successfully saved."
Godou was relieved to hear Amakasu's report.
"Not sure what kind of mechanism it is, but lingering in the immediate waters of the island
results in drifting to the coast -- various places at Kanagawa and Chiba."
"Doesn't that make it something like the Devil's Sea?"[6]
"Yes, indeed. But for a Devil's Sea to appear in Tokyo Bay, it's really no joking matter."
"Perhaps, this could be the [Labyrinth]'s doing."

Listening to Godou and Amakasu, Erica spoke up.

"What's that?"
"An authority of Prince Alec's. From a report personally written by Princess Alice, it is the
power usurped from Minos the god of the land and the labyrinth."
The authority to create labyrinths above and underground.
In addition, it was not limited to creation. Existing places and structures -- whether official
residences, buildings, underground tunnels, forests or even mist, anything could be turned into
a labyrinth in accordance with Alec's wishes, Erica explained.
"It is well within reason that the use of this authority on the sea can produce something like
the Devil's Sea."
"Ah... So we really should have gone with this possibility that we had suspected. Actually,
there's yet another troublesome concern."
Amakasu was muttering emphatically when Liliana suddenly cried out.
"Ex--calibur? No, Divine Sword of Salvation! The same light as the lance of Sir Lancelot!?"
"What's up, Liliana?"
Godou asked the knight who was staring in shock at the island surrounded by dark clouds and
rocky reefs.
"Is it really some kind of spirit vision?"
"Y-Yes. Sir Lancelot's holy lance -- the same light could be seen being released from the
island for an instant. Also, there was the name of the sword."
"Divine Sword of Salvation. The personal blade of the king who manifests at the end of eras.
Sacred steel."
Liliana explained as she expelled a deep breath, followed by Erica's murmurs.
On the other hand, Amakasu seemed to be scratching his head with great worry in response to
the knights' statements.
"Ah... Kaoru-san also received the same kind of oracle as Liliana-san. Then there is no doubt.
Something unimaginable is lying dormant on that island."
"Is this all of that Gascoigne guy's doing? What on earth is he planning..."
"It's also related to the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. Things have really become very
While Godou muttered, Erica was puzzling over the situation next to him.

For Erica to show such a reaction when she had always been the one who led everyone else
by the nose, the only ones Godou knew who could accomplish such a feat were Salvatore
Doni and Luo Cuilian. In short, only god-slaying Campiones.
Black Prince Alec was apparently as talented as his peers in this regard.
Godou and his group discussed their concerns and views as the shaky helicopter ride
The helicopter appeared to be avoiding the airspace of the "Floating Island" as much as
possible, and basically circling it once.
Along the way, the wireless communications in the cabin sounded and Amakasu picked it up.
"Yes. Eh? Guinevere has been sighted at the remains of the excavation site?"
Another member of the History Compilation Committee seemed to be contacting him. As
Amakasu listened intently to the detailed report, Godou steeled his determination and signaled
to Erica and Liliana through his eyes. That was sufficient. The red and blue knights
immediately nodded in response.
"We will make a brief visit. Perhaps some useful information can be obtained."
Godou patted the shoulder of the young man of ninja descent.
Godou was sick and tired of being played by the Black Prince. Passivity could not be allowed
to continue. Action must be taken with initiative to change the situation.
Noticing Godou's resolve, Amakasu nodded in acknowledgement as he continued his

Part 3
The helicopter carrying Godou and the rest was still flying in midair.
Opening the cabin at this time would be extremely dangerous. Nevertheless, such recklessness
was indeed required for the sake of using Liliana's flight magic.
Violent winds suddenly swept into the cabin as the door opened!
"But Kusanagi-san, if you encounter Guinevere, Lancelot could also appear!? What are you
going to do in that case!?"
"No! I don't think it's likely!"
Godou and Amakasu grabbed onto nearby objects to steady themselves as they yelled above
the noise.
As if trying to stop the strong winds from overwhelming their voices.

"On what basis!?"

"Guinevere's personality!"
"Godou's right! Considering her usual caution, 'Avalon' where the King of the End sleeps
must be near. I don't think she will be taking unnecessary risks!"
Erica chimed in. She was right.
Judging from the many actions the Divine Ancestor had taken in the past, it was apparent that
she was an extremely cautious woman. She would not use her trump card so easily.
...Well, as for Lancelot himself, who knows? Whenever the white war god enters a frenzy, he
becomes a battle maniac who even forgets whom he should be protecting... That was what
Godou felt.
"Then let us depart! Hold on tight!"
Finishing the preparations for the ritual, Liliana yelled.
Godou and Erica each placed a hand on the blue knight's shoulder. Immediately, blue light
burst forth and they took flight. The destination was the beach at Kisarazu-The place where the Heavenly Reverse Halberd had been excavated last week.

A lone red torii stood on the empty field which still showed clear signs of excavation by
heavy machinery. Rather than this spot, Guinevere was standing closer to the beach, across
the windbreak plantation.
Over there. She was motionlessly gazing at the sea.
Her blonde hair wavered gently in the breeze. Her wondrous girlish eyes shimmered with
brilliance. Also, that exquisitely beautiful face like an antique doll's -- Divine Ancestor
Guinevere indeed.
Held in her hands was a bronze-colored disc.
Perhaps some kind of alloy, for it appeared to be colored like a mixture of iron and gold.
Guinevere embraced it with tender affection.
As if it were the relic of someone she held dear-"Salutations. Would you be offended by this manner of greeting, Kusanagi-sama?"
She must have noticed. Guinevere immediately turned around.
Greeting with a curtsy as she held the hem of her black formal dress. All of a sudden, the disc
disappeared from her hands.

"I'm in a particularly bad mood, so quit it with the formalities."

Godou responded coldly, the two knights standing on his left and right.
Erica and Liliana were each clad in their respective capes of red and blue, readying
themselves for battle.
"Then let me offer my utmost apologies. The act of borrowing Your Highness' power a few
days ago was truly impertinent."
"Let that be. In the end, I also made use of your power."
Godou replied indifferently to Guinevere's apology.
"On the other hand, interference in my conflict with Athena cannot possibly be forgiven. I
believe the debt you owe will be repaid one day."
Godou was speaking in a cold tone of voice that even surprised himself.
There was no anger at Guinevere and Lancelot for interfering in his duel with his enemy.
Neither was there any hatred. All that was present was the conviction of "an eye for an eye."
"I believe that day draws near. You should better prepare yourself."
"Yes, certainly. Guinevere and Sir Knight are both keenly aware that the next encounter with
Your Highness is inevitable. By the way, Kusanagi-sama, for the sake of caution, would you
mind listening to Guinevere's question?"
"Are you the one who raised the island where both the king who manifests at the end of eras
and the Divine Blade of Salvation sleep -- Avalon?"
Avalon. A location repeatedly mentioned recently.
The island of the fairies where England's hero King Arthur sleeps. As the legends go, after
fighting his nephew Mordred, he waited for his revival while his wounds were being healed
on this island...
"No, it wasn't me. It seems to be that guy, your old pal."
"As expected... Guinevere also thought the same. It is most likely an invitation Alexandresama sent out for Guinevere."
A shadow of worry entered Guinevere's eyes as she gazed at the vast open sea.
"That person continues to harass without end! For him to have discovered before Guinevere
the land of hopes that she seeks, and locking it away with his labyrinth authority, how truly

A statement of hatred. Godou was stunned for a moment.

This emotional outburst was completely different from what he had witnessed from
Guinevere all along. With only a superficial smile remaining, that wondrous lady-like
demeanor was gone, and the intense emotions hidden in her heart revealed themselves.
To think this witch also had a side like this -- how unexpected.
"By the way, didn't you mention the Divine Sword of Salvation just now? Isn't that the spear
Lancelot was wielding last time?"
"No, it is the relic belonging to the King of the End."
Guinevere replied indifferently to Godou's change of subject.
"Our master is the strongest immortal hero. Nevertheless, after vanquishing all the godslayers, he enters a dormant state akin to temporary death. While he restores himself from the
state of exhaustion, he readies himself for his next coming -- when multiple Devil King
Campiones roam free, threatening the world."
In other words, lying in a state of suspended animation, waiting for Campiones to be born?
The strongest [Steel]. Godou nodded, finally learning the true state of the sleeping one.
"When Master enters sleep, his body dissociates and assimilates itself with the earth in order
to accumulate its essence. When that happens, his remains appear in the form of a divine
sword, marking the land like a tombstone."
"Remains appearing in the form of a divine sword..."
"Human magi seem to be calling them names with the likes of dragon bones, angel's remains,
sacred relics. Guinevere had polished those remains once more to become Sir Knight's lance.
Nevertheless, it is merely a fake. Only the one wielded by its owner the 'King of the End' can
truly be the Divine Sword of Salvation."
The Witch Queen once again stared out at sea, towards where the treasure she desired lay.
"Guinevere and other Divine Ancestors are the miko who served the 'King of the End.' When
Master arrives again, all of us shall hurry forth to serve under his command. However, so
many god-slayers have already been born in the past millennium. Even so, Master still has not
descended upon us once more."
Guinevere lamented her situation poignantly.
"We Divine Ancestors seek our sleeping Master, hoping Master will descend again. In our
long and arduous search, many remains in the form of divine swords have been discovered.
However, none of these locations held the sleeping Master--"
I see. Godou figured it out.

When multiple Campiones appeared on earth, the 'King of the End' apparently revived. And
then he would start the war of annihilation to sweep the world clean of god-slayers. Even
though it was unknown how many millennia ago it began, this cycle of dormancy and rebirth
seemed to have already repeated many times.
As a result, even if the divine sword remains were found, it did not mean he was present...
"I have also tried summoning Master by magic, through promoting myths involving one of
Master's sacred names, 'Arthur.' However, it failed. Or perhaps, considering there are other
myths circulating under Master's alternate names, I have also searched for legends of [Steel]
in both oriental and occidental lands."
The witch and Divine Ancestor, neither immortal nor indestructible.
In order to find the strongest [Steel], she resorted to reincarnation despite being murdered
before her wish was fulfilled, thereby continuing her search.
As if bound by a curse. In a certain sense, it was a pitiful existence. Hearing Guinevere's
mutterings, Godou found himself slightly pitying those Divine Ancestors.
"Then the long search finally came to fruition, by tracking down this land's legend of the
'Noble One who sleeps with the sword.' Furthermore, the divine sword's aura now emanates
from that island."
Godou immediately tensed as soon as Guinevere's gaze brightened.
Both she and her protector were Godou's "enemies."
"In the surroundings of where that one sleeps, legends of 'a hero who shall revive together
with a divine sword' will always surface. Due to the divine splendor of the strongest [Steel],
the legends have taken root deep in the hearts of humanity. The legend of Avalon that once
existed in Britain has made its reappearance."
Godou recalled the legend he recently heard from Kaoru.
Queen Oto Tachibana-Hime, jumped into the sea with sword embosomed. Sea currents
carried her sword to a landless location, whence a floating island subsequently appeared. That
was indeed the island where the "King of the End" slept.
Asserting thus, Guinevere turned to face Godou.
"By the way, Kusanagi-sama, we have no objection to our inevitable battle against Your
Highness. However, there is the saying, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. When a common
enemy appears, it is not a bad idea to put our grudges aside to cooperate."
"I don't think enemies can be determined that easily."
"No. The way Guinevere sees it, Kusanagi-sama and the Black Prince are definitely
incompatible. Once you have determined the Prince to be a hindrance, please do let me

Hmm. Godou frowned. That was a separate matter anyway.

This Guinevere is trying to borrow my power again? By the time he noticed, Guinevere was
already drawing near. The previous week's memories reawakened.
Another kiss? Godou stayed on high alert.
"Guinevere-sama, please step back."
"Ah yes. Approach any further and you will regret the consequences."
Erica stepped forward as Liliana followed suit, grumbling.
The two extended their hands in a stance ready to summon their magic swords.
"Hohoho. How prepared. I would be most pleased if Your Highness would give my words
some consideration. Nevertheless, Guinevere has no reasons of refutation. I shall take my
leave for now!"
Surrounded by light, she took flight. Steadily accelerating upwards, she disappeared into the
ends of the sky.

"Huh, so Guinevere-san said that."

Amakasu arrived with the helicopter's landing on the beach.
Hearing Godou's explanation, he remarked emphatically.
"So that castle of strange rock is Avalon, eh? This is something that can't be ignored. As a
Japanese, it would be more appropriate to call an island that surfaces in the Bousou Sea the
Floating Island."
"Hey Amakasu-san, so the object Prince Alec stole was the Heavenly Reverse Halberd."
Erica began to talk to the History Compilation Committee member.
"Isn't that the same name as the tool used by the gods to create the islands of Japan?"
"Yes. Actually, the myth of the two gods Izanagi and Izanami's founding of the country seems
to be an ancient legend originating from the seafaring tribes of southern Chuugoku[7] region."
"Prince Alec used the land-creating divine artifact to raise up that island...? This is the most
simple and direct explanation one can deduce..."
Seeing Erica and Liliana deep in thought, Amakasu relaxed his shoulders.
"Everyone, let's go home for today. It's really been a long and arduous journey. You should all
get some rest in preparation for what is to come."

And so, Amakasu gave Godou and the rest a lift back to Tokyo's Bunkyou ward. Still, Godou
remained worried about Yuri and Alice who continued with investigations in Europe-Amakasu stopped before the shopping street of Sanchoume at Nezu.
Home sweet home. Due to the brief but eventful journey, Godou felt like he had been away
from home for ten days. Watching Amakasu's car leave, Godou suddenly noticed.
His childhood friend Asuka was standing at the entrance to the commercial street.
"What are you doing? Waiting for someone?"
"Uh yes, pretty much. Godou, you just came back eh?"
Before he knew it, the sun had already set and it was night.
It was already the time when visitors to the commercial street had thinned out. At a time like
this, Asuka was standing before the entrance to the commercial street, looking like she was
waiting for someone.
"Ah yes. Even though it got a bit messy, I was able to return home at least."
"It has been quite a while, Tokunaga Asuka."
Standing by Godou's side, Liliana also tried to make conversation with his childhood friend.
However, Asuka simply answered vaguely with "Umm, yes, it's been a while."
For some reason, her usual domineering glare had vanished today, showing only meekness.
Her gaze was focused towards Erica Blandelli. A strikingly beautiful girl whose natural
beauty was further enhanced by splendorous presence and talent. With those well-trained
manners from a Milanese education, it was only natural for her to become the focus of any
"By the way, I guess it's the first time for you two to meet. Asuka, this is Mariya and Liliana's
friend, Erica. And Erica, this is my longtime friend Asuka. You've never met before, right?"
"Right. Though I've heard her name before."
Erica nodded in response to Godou's introductions.
Walking immediately up to Asuka, Erica bore a smile that could only be described as
synonymous to elegance itself.
"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Erica Blandelli. As you can hear, my Japanese is perfect
so you don't have to worry. Also, perhaps you may know already, but Godou and I share an
extremely intimate relationship. I hope you don't mind."
"Extremely intimate -- ah, I've heard rumors at least."

For some reason, Asuka's face began twitching for an instant after hearing Erica's cheerful
"Is that so? Then there's no need to spell out the details."
On the other hand, Erica was bearing a blooming smile like a flourishing Japanese camellia
A gorgeous smile. It was a radiant smile from the heart without any reservations.
"In actual fact, I had wanted to visit all of Godou's longtime friends. Letting them all know
the name of Erica Blandelli should prove to be convenient for various things in the future."
"Hey you, plotting that kind of thing after all."
"Oh my, plotting is such an unexpected description. It'd be nice if the ones close to you can
become our mutual friends, wouldn't you agree?"
This was a mode of thinking that Liliana, Yuri, and definitely Ena would not even consider.
However, Erica explained it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The goal of
expanding social circles required a habit of conscious cultivation of friendships. Possessing
the quality of becoming the center of attention and popularity in no matter what kind of
organization, that was Erica's true nature.
"However, even without that sort of intentions, I feel like I can become great friends with
Asuka-san. I shall be in your care. Most likely, we will be running into each other frequently
from now on."
In addition, Erica did not neglect to smile at the hesitating Asuka. Entering a carefree dialogue
to help reduce the sense of distance, she was socially skilled indeed.
Well, that said, Erica was still a person who often acted recklessly as she pleased...
"Umm, yes. I'll be in your care."
"What is the matter, Tokunaga Asuka? You do not seem very well?"
The extremely domineering childhood friend whose scoldings were as common as greetings.
Such was Asuka's original personality, but somehow she had become so meek in front of
Erica she was like a different person.
Feeling puzzled, Liliana questioned with a surprised expression.
"N-No, I'm fine, don't worry! It's just something that makes me slightly concerned!"
"Something makes you concerned? If you don't mind, you can talk it out with me."
"It's my own problem, so mind your own business! Anyway, you have to put some thought
into Shizuka-chan's present! There's not much time left!"

As soon as she switched to speaking with Godou, Asuka's state seemed to recover instantly.
What on earth was going on? It felt like the childhood friend was watching Erica as if she was
some kind of exceptionally bright object.
"So, we'll be going. Are you waiting for someone?"
Recalling the first thing she had said, Godou asked.
Unexpectedly, Asuka shook her head.
"It's done. And just so you know, I was waiting for you."
"Eh, me? Why?"
"Someone who knows you is waiting at our shop. I used to think the only foreigners you knew
were Erica-san and Liliana-san, but never expected such a handsome foreign gentleman to be
your friend."
"...That guy, could he be blonde?"
The shop mentioned by Asuka was the family business passed down for generations, the sushi
shop "Sushi-Toku."
Someone considered a handsome foreigner. Godou immediately recalled the retarded Italian.
Did that guy finally come around to my neighborhood? However...
"No, he's tall and black-haired. Half an hour ago, he was standing here, drinking canned
coffee. Seeing as he was a foreign stranger, I went up and asked if he was lost."
She probably started a conversation with a clumsy mixture of English and Japanese.
An ordinary girl would never act in such a friendly manner but Asuka always seemed so
fearless. Precisely because of that, Godou felt it was rather jarring that she displayed such
apprehension only in front of Erica.
"His Japanese was very fluent. 'I am waiting for the man called Kusanagi Godou' was what he
said. So I told him it was someone I knew but had gone traveling abroad. Then he asserted
'He'll be back immediately, I'm absolutely certain' just like that."
And so Asuka had advised him "In that case, why don't you wait in our shop?"
Hearing this exchange, Godou immediately signaled to his two companions with his eyes.
"Could it be possible, even that person has...!?" Liliana's eyes seemed to be saying.
"Even though unexpected, it is very possible--" said Erica with her eyes.
Godou immediately broke into a run.

Running straight to the sushi shop he had known since childhood.

Crack! The slide door flew open with great momentum. On this Sunday night, within "SushiToku" that was bustling with customers, a black-haired young man with eyes of black was
sitting next to the cashier. A handsome man with a pale white complexion, tall physique, and
wearing a stylish black jacket.
He was drinking sake from a cup as he dined on a sashimi platter to go with the alcohol.
His sharp gaze turned towards the entrance. As their eyes met, Godou and the man glared at
each other head on.
As this was not an encounter with a god, there was no sense of overflowing battle spirit or
power. However, Godou was certain beyond doubt. This guy was Alexandre Gascoigne, the
English Campione who had been playing Godou for a fool.

Part 4
"The one I'm waiting for finally arrived. Later than expected."
Alec grumbled as he laid down several 10000 yen notes at the cashier.
He immediately stood up without waiting for the change.
"Thank you for the hospitality. Should there be another opportunity, I shall enjoy a longer
stay. Ah yes, sorry for all the trouble."
Alec had just reached the entrance to the shop.
At that very moment, Asuka arrived from behind Godou, panting nonstop. She looked like she
had been chasing after the childhood friend who suddenly ran here.
"...You two are friends, right?"
Asking with a bit of worry, she seemed to have sensed the tense atmosphere between Godou
and Alec.
"Rather than friends, more like acquaintances... No, a bit different from that."
"Ah yes. Kin, two of a kind, birds of a feather. Such descriptions should be appropriate."
Godou and Alec simply gave Asuka a quick glance.
Neither of them shifted their gaze away from the other Campione. Or more accurately, they
could not shift their gazes.
Based on the fact that neither of them was supposed to be the type of person who rampaged
recklessly, they should be dealing with each other in a more calm and composed manner.
Nevertheless, Godou did not take his eyes off Alec and neither did Alec shift his gaze from

"Go for a quick walk?"

Godou responded curtly to Alec's suggestion and the two exited the sushi shop.
Continuing to stare at each other was not a solution. Godou deliberately walked beside Alec,
as if trying to avoid seeing his face. The other guy seemed to be thinking the same thing.
Godou and Alec walked side by side without saying anything.
This probably made them look like a pair of friends. Realizing that, Godou instantly felt
displeased. Alec was definitely feeling the same thing.
Erica and Liliana had been waiting outside the shop.
Godou motioned with his eyes and the knights followed silently.
"Looks like you can't even take a walk without female company."
"Better than someone who doesn't even tell his subordinates and companions where he's
Standing shoulder to shoulder like friends, but bickering with vitriol.
Why? Godou began to feel anxious. This was his first time -- no, this was the same sense of
anxiety he felt when he met Salvatore Doni.
A completely unfounded sense of competitiveness against the man before him. A rising sense
of hostility had been aroused.
"I already advised you not to return for now, and yet you deliberately came running back..."
Alec entered the main topic without even bothering to introduce himself.
Godou did not mind. As humans, an appropriate level of manners was desirable, but for us
two right now, it was unnecessary.
"Could you do as the letter suggested?"
Leaving the commercial street at Nezu Sanchoume, the two of them walked into the area of
Nezu Shrine.
Luckily there were no other people around. Godou replied without holding back.
"Looking at it the other way, anyone would consider that a challenge."
"Useless and redundant competitive spirit. For me to revive 'Avalon' and cause this incident at
this time, you should have understood my goals and intentions."

As if anyone would understand! Godou was amazed as Alec continued to harangue.

"Why not stand back and watch? You should wait until things have settled before venturing
out. If I were in your shoes, that's what I'd do without any hesitation. It would be the most
relaxing and efficient way. And you don't waste unnecessary power."
"As if anyone would do that! On the contrary, they'd come back to check out the situation
instead, right?"
"Hmph, you really are a Campione. A savage who acts on impulse instead of reason. What
good are you if you can't even do something as simple as sitting back and solving a locked
room mystery?"[8]
"Completely unnecessary. Instead of guessing randomly about the identity of the murderer,
just do things properly by looking for clues at the scene!"
It was turning into a childish argument. Even though the witch had seemed like a sheltered
lady oblivious to the real world, her assessment of character was perhaps rather accurate.
Kusanagi Godou and Black Prince Alec, were indeed rather incompatible...
"By the way, aren't you the one who stole the artifact we unearthed? Shouldn't a thief get off
his high horse?"
"Only borrowing. I already wrote clearly on the letter I'd return it as soon as things are
"I've heard that you have borrowed many times without returning. Tsk, you really are the
worst amongst Campiones. What a weirdo who never considers the trouble you bring to
"You're in no place to say such words. You savage who causes destruction everywhere you
go. With the things you do all over the world, you are just a terrorist no matter how
conservatively you estimate the damage. How carefree of you to ignore your own issues."
As they argued against each other, Godou's lips were distorted by rage while Alec's face was
filled with fury.
What was this feeling? Both knew so much about each other's weaknesses and the ugly truths
they did not wish to face.
"Basically, I still don't understand what goal you're talking about. What are you planning by
making that island in Tokyo Bay?"
Godou abruptly changed the subject.
"If you don't understand, then enjoy the show until the matter is over. Anyway, I've already
used my authority to turn that island into a labyrinth. Approach at your own risk."
"Alexandre-sama, may I ask a question?"

Walking with Liliana behind them, Erica suddenly spoke up.

"Call me Alec instead. Whether writing or pronouncing, that name is such a pain."
"Then Alec, may I confirm a fact. The so-called king who manifests at the end of eras, is the
god who descends for the purpose of exterminating the Devil Kings when a number of
Campiones appear on earth...?"
"Indeed. The god for exterminating all the Devil Kings... Though I still have a few doubts in
this regard."
Apparently, his enmity towards Kusanagi Godou did not extend to the knights.
"After seeing that Great Sage Equaling Heaven who appeared several months ago, my opinion
changed. For that monkey to be so powerful, it seems to be the same power used by the 'King
of the End' as part of his Devil King-exterminating authority."
"Furthermore, the 'King of the End' disappears from earth as soon as all god-slayers are
eliminated, entering deep slumber until the time when multiple Campiones appear again--"
"An acceptable description. However, seven Devil Kings have already appeared and yet he
remains asleep."
Black Prince Alec replied rather cautiously.
Godou was somewhat surprised. Despite his arrogant personality, this man did not mind
instructing others. In actual fact, he was probably someone who was good at looking after
"What I suspect is, a few centuries after the 'King of the End' battled in England, he
descended somewhere in Asia. At that time, he also exterminated the god-slayers and went to
sleep. That somewhere in Asia is indeed Japan, in the region of Tokyo Bay."
After questioning, Erica suddenly proposed her speculation. Alec simply answered "Oh" in
"The little island that surfaced in Tokyo Bay must be where he sleeps. But as luck would have
it, Japan has its elders -- the group of guardians centered around the heroic deity Susanoo.
Seeing the 'King of the End' as a threat, they sank the 'island' into the sea using some kind of
wizardry. The key to this wizardry is the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. Thereafter, Alec
discovered how to use this halberd and made the island surface again. Is that correct?"
The Heavenly Reverse Halberd. The same name as the divine artifact used to create the
islands of Japan.
So in the past, Susanoo and his group did not create an "island," but sank it into the sea
It was an imaginative but reasonable hypothesis. Erica's speculation seemed bold but the logic
was sound. How would the Black Prince react?

"...That's rather sharp of you. Though it's not exactly correct, you've managed to outline a
rough picture of the truth."
Alec looked at her as if impressed by an excellent student.
"Let me tell you a hint, that of the name of the so-called 'Leech Child.' The rest is left as an
exercise for you people. For Guinevere, that island is a final destination she cannot disregard.
However, I have prepared a trap there to send that witch to her grave."
"...You're planning on taking out Guinevere?"
Alec immediately nodded at Godou's question.
"That woman owes me. The likes of making counterfeits of the Holy Grail has incurred
multiple debts. It's about time to make her pay. Though she's cautious and good at running
away, with Avalon prepared, she will surely fall into the trap."
Alec's facial profile displayed unshakable willpower as he spoke.
This man was a god-slayer after all. Even if he had a few idiosyncrasies, he was still a natural
born god-slaying warrior. That type of ferocity of his was now clearly displayed.
"I see... However, Lancelot who guards Guinevere is my enemy."
If Alec wants to defeat her, just leave it all to him. As a pacifist, unnecessary battles should be
avoided as much as possible. Even though the idea clearly crossed his mind, Godou did not
give voice to it.
"I can't let you have them. Besides, you don't lose anything by retreating now."
"I could say the same to you. After all, Lancelot is just an enemy you fought once, right? Stop
acting like you own the place."
Glaring at each other, both refused to back down.
Emotions of hostility and resistance were starting to get fired up. Unbelievable. Was it
because these two Campiones were rather close in age? Or was contention over the Heavenly
Reverse Halberd the root cause?
Godou and Alec could feel ferocious battle spirit from each other that had been absent when
they first met just now.
"May I offer a suggestion to you two?"
Liliana suddenly spoke.
She had been watching the situation silently until now, so why was she entering the fray?
Godou nodded in puzzlement as Alec answered "Sure."

"Alexandre-sama, or rather, Alec's target is Guinevere. Then there is Kusanagi Godou's wish
to fight Sir Lancelot. In that case, since both sides wish to fight against their respective
opponents, it would seem appropriate to form an alliance."
"...Oh?" "...Hmm."
That's right, this should have been the first topic of discussion from the very start.
The two pondered for a moment, but quickly reached a conclusion.
" "Impossible!" "
Without any coordination beforehand, Godou and Alec gave the same answer simultaneously.
Going "tsk" and smacking their lips at the same time, they looked away and turned their backs
on Erica and Liliana.
(Hey, are those two not a perfect match for each other after all?)
(That's so true. Even though their personalities are clearly incompatible and their rhythm is
supposed to be off, right?)
(Their personalities are supposed to be completely different, but there seem to be subtle
similarities in certain areas.)
(Whether Godou or the Black Prince, both are incredibly vain. They both insist "I am
different from other Campiones.")
(I see. It is akin to looking at a distorting mirror and seeing a distasteful reflection of oneself.)
(They must be aware that even though the other person's character was opposite to
themselves, similarities exist. Hence the resulting intensity of revulsion. Most likely, that kind
of feeling is like listening to your own recorded voice.)
Erica and Liliana could be heard whispering behind his back.
Godou secretly cursed them a thousand times for their gossiping ways. Alec also frowned,
most likely feeling the same thing. The two Devil Kings pretentiously faced each other once
"I have said everything I wish to inform you about, Kusanagi Godou. If you still want to
interfere, prepare yourself for the consequences."
Alec declared, speaking the name of Kusanagi Godou for the first time.
"You're the one who should be careful, Gascoigne. If you do anything to harm where I live, I
will not remain silent."
Godou responded with a tone of warning that he seldom employed.

The two knights watched as the Black Prince sneered and left. Whether the Devil King of
Swords, the old Marquis of Eastern Europe, the sworn elder sister who commanded the
Chinese martial realm, the hero of North America, any of these so-called peers who had
recently appeared one after another, none of them seemed possible to establish friendly
relations with.

Part 5
While Kusanagi Godou and the Campione of divine speed were having their verbal dispute...
The war god in white armor was silently staring up at the moon.
Lancelot du Lac. The one known as the Knight of the Lake. Wielder of the divine lance
Excalibur and protector of Witch Queen Guinevere.
Protected from head to foot by white armor. Helmet, breastplate, gauntlets, greaves -Nowhere was any skin exposed.
He was at a beach, basking in the moonlight.
Having gazed at the distant full moon, he turned towards the ocean before him. Avalon was
floating straight ahead. This was the island where his master, the hero once known as "Artos"
in the land of Britain, lay sleeping.
The enemy Alexandre Gascoigne had made this island surface. Surely it was to summon
Guinevere as well as her protector Lancelot.
Furthermore, Kusanagi Godou, who had promised a second battle, had apparently returned as
--Alas! Lancelot lamented.
The day of battle was drawing near, but he had yet to fully revive. This must have been due to
the recent battle against Athena and Kusanagi Godou which had delayed the recovery of
divine power.
Fighting in the current state will result in premature depletion of power again.
He had never liked prolonged battles or wars of attrition. It was Lancelot's true style to gallop
at maximum speed for a full-powered attack, sweeping all his enemies away.
But in his current state, a single charge would deplete his strength.
For the sake of battling without reservation, he had to prepare well for the second and third
charges. Time was needed. Time for retrieving divine power.
--No. Lancelot realized that was surely not the case.
"This Knight's wish is to reach a conclusion with that youth without being burdened by any

Discerning his true wish with clarity, he gained a new sense of self understanding.
Not even a fortnight had passed since the previous battle. Kusanagi Godou -- the details of the
intense battle with the young god-slayer were still vivid in memory.
"Kusanagi Godou... The name of the foe this Knight shall vanquish. Hohoho, what a sound to
be cherished."
He savored the name as it rolled off the tongue like fine wine.
The youth who had been bound to Athena by unfavorable fate. Recalling that face, calling out
that name, Lancelot could feel his heart stir with excitement as he recalled the youth's strength
and bravery.
Blood was boiling. The soul was shaking.
"One desires power. One desires time for the sake of healing this wound-riddled body. One
desires the blade for meeting that youth in battle, clashing together, slicing each other,
exchanging blows."
In actual fact, this wish was already within reach. A complete makeover. Very likely, it would
fully manifest the divinity of the heretical war god who would abandon the girl under his
However, it came at the cost of changing oneself.
--Alas! What sweet temptation!
Just as Lancelot sighed silently as he contemplated under the clear bright moon...
"Sir Knight. So you are here."
A voice from behind. Guinevere had arrived.
"Ah yes. What is the situation?"
Lancelot turned around and answered in a carefree tone of voice.
He should not burden this girl with unnecessary worries.
"Most regrettably, failure. As expected, it is impossible to land on Avalon without breaking
through Prince Alec's labyrinth... Other than that particular method."
"The method of manifesting Minos the god of the land and the labyrinth?"
Guinevere recounted with a worried expression while Lancelot muttered in response.
Alec's labyrinth authority had been usurped from the Cretan bull-headed god Minos. In the
past, Guinevere had emulated a portion of Minos' divinity and manifested it. This was
achieved using the spirit power of [Divine Summoning] that only Divine Ancestors could use.

As long as the divinity of Minos as the god of the labyrinth was emulated, it should be
possible to break through Alec's labyrinth.
"However, creating fake gods requires the Holy Grail's magical power. Not only that, a huge
amount is needed. Fortunately, the magical power absorbed from Athena has provided ample
"Using the Holy Grail to summon a fake god would be deviating from its intended usage."
Storing and supplying the essence of the earth was the Holy Grail's original function.
"Gascoigne also knows this. Beloved child, he is trying to bait you into doing so. Forcing you
to manifest fake Minos, and then drawing you into Avalon."
Guinevere was in possession of three trump cards.
Lancelot, the Holy Grail, and the divine lance Excalibur.
If the Grail was used to summon a fake god, it would become unusable for a certain reason.
Not only that, the divine lance also depended on the Grail for supplying magical power. This
meant losing two trump cards.
"Yes, indeed that is true. Nevertheless, Guinevere is still obliged to go!"
Tears flooded Guinevere's eyes as she was overcome with anger and humiliation. Her tearful
gaze was pointed towards the other side of the sea.
"It cannot be helped. Unless fake Minos is used to destroy the maze, Avalon cannot be
entered. Before that, this Knight shall spare no effort."
Identifying clearly what he must do, Lancelot declared with bold magnificence.
Yes. The recovery of divine power was only secondary. It was enough to use all strength from
this inadequate body and fulfill the duties of a knight. All redundant emotions must be
However-"If only Kusanagi-sama could be won over to fight against Prince Alec then things would be a
lot easier. If that could be done, then Guinevere and you can focus completely on breaking
into Avalon."
But Guinevere said it.
The name of the enemy whose mention boiled the war god's blood. That scene too!
"Not too long ago, Guinevere had used Kusanagi-sama for the sake of conspiring against
Athena. Getting him to fall for another trick would be unlikely. It would probably be better to
consider some other method."

"No... As expected, how about that method?"

The white war god uttered it. The sentence that was about to unlock the gates of taboo.
"Did you forget? This Knight happens to be the god whose very existence is founded upon
madness and passion. This god of madness shall let both this Knight and that youth's blood
boil with passion."
"--Sir Knight?"
"Hohoho, this is the plan. Kusanagi Godou shall first be won over, and after he assists in
vanquishing Gascoigne, this Knight shall have a duel with him. By this Knight's divine might,
it shall be done!"
"But Sir Knight, achieving this plan means you need to get close to Kusanagi-sama."
Guinevere warned Lancelot in a soft and worried voice.
"What now, there exists a spell for this purpose. Even though one stands as a knight, one's
true nature is a barbarian with neither aspirations nor philosophy, a ferocious soldier
unfettered by morals or reason. Acts of insanity beyond the ability of typical gods, only this
Knight shall accomplish..."
Quietly muttering, the white war god commanded the beloved child.
"This has not been done for eons. Beloved child, assist this Knight!"

Just as the Witch Queen and the war god headed towards the Bousou Sea again, the godslayers were restlessly biding their time.
On the island known as Avalon as well as the Floating Island, surrounding the Divine Sword
of Salvation, the battle stage was about to be unveiled.

Chapter 4 - The Fall of Godou

Part 1
Ever since the strange "island" appeared in the sea of Edomae-The panic surrounding Kusanagi Godou had settled into a kind of stable state instead.
Black Prince Alec was reportedly laying low in the Yokohama Chinatown. However,
Amakasu's face looked rather awkward as soon as he received the report.
"That place, it does presents some difficulties. It is the location where gangs of Chinese
descent -- many secret associations or the like are hidden... In our field, it's known as a

concession territory of lawlessness. Any Committee member foolish enough to step foot there
would be a painted target, thrown into Tokyo Bay with their feet encased in cement on
"What if I go there directly...?"
"Of course it's fine for Kusanagi-san. Everyone will simply raise up their hands, either to
welcome or to surrender. But if two great Devil Kings already embroiled in conflict were to
have a close encounter in the center of metropolitan Yokohama, I don't think anything pretty
will come out of it..."
It seemed to be a subtle situation.
Undoubtedly, Alec chose the place for the purpose of keeping the "island" in Tokyo Bay
under surveillance.
Furthermore, Guinevere and Lancelot still had to be located. Regardless, they were a
partnership between a god and a Divine Ancestor, and due to Alec they had become even
more elusive. Without any way of finding them other than through wizardry or spirit power
investigation, it was not exactly a favorable situation.
As a result, Godou could do nothing but "bide his time for the right moment."
A few days after the long weekend, all he could do was wait. Waiting for Mariya Yuri to

It was a Friday in the latter half of November.

After school, Godou was hurrying to Toranomon via the subway.
Last night, having reached Nanao Shrine where she was stationed as a Hime-Miko, Yuri had
called to inform him of her return. In order to recover the fatigue of overusing spirit vision
throughout her journey, she told him she was going to apply for a week's leave from school.
"In terms of results, I was not able to discern Sir Lancelot's divinity completely."
Those were Yuri's first words after meeting Godou.
They were sitting face to face in a room of a certain administrative building within Nanao
"Ah yes. You mentioned on the phone yesterday."
Godou nodded. Even with potent spirit vision, the mystery was still unsolved.
He would be lying if he denied disappointment, but Godou was happy and grateful for the
miko and the Princess' investigations.

Not able to discern completely. Conversely, it implied spirit vision had discerned something
to a certain extent.
"What did you find out?"
"After you left, the Princess and I went to Brittany, to visit the various places the previous and
current generations of Guinevere-sama had used as their stronghold such as forests, towns,
cities or former monasteries."
"...Monasteries. Isn't that the place the group of people who compiled King Arthur's legends
used as their base of operations..."
Forests, towns, and cities aside, monasteries was a term that felt oddly out of place. However,
Godou already knew the reason -- the medieval conspiracy that Alexandre Gascoigne had
"Then we went to Bulgaria."
"Bulgaria? Why?"
That meant traveling from northwestern France to this Eastern European country. Since both
places were on the same landmass, getting there probably did not present too much difficulty.
But why go there? Godou was puzzled.
"Not too long ago, Sir Lancelot had apparently descended upon the Thracian plains. The
Princess and I went there together to take a tour of the crater carved out by Sir Lancelot's
Recalling war god Lancelot's galloping charge, Godou nodded.
A direct collision could definitely create a crater or two.
"Why would he need to dig such a big hole in place like that?"
"According to history, ancient Thrace was within the Scythian and Sarmatian spheres of
influence. Perhaps for that reason, it became associated with Lancelot."
Yuri was dressed in a traditional miko outfit with a white upper garment and a red hakama as
she explained about the foreign deity.
"Fortunately, I received a few hints. First of all, Sir Lancelot is the war god worshiped by the
Sarmatians. Next, Guinevere-sama's precursor was a mother earth goddess who had been
worshiped together with Sir Lancelot..."
"Deities who were originally closely related, and still working together in modern times, eh?"
"Should be something like that. Those two most likely descended to earth as [Heretic Gods],
encountered each other and started acting in unison. Then I used spirit vision to see the arrival
of the 'King of the End,' and saw those two joining under his command. However..."

Yuri paused slightly at this point.

"Even so, I was unable to see Lancelot's face. He was always clad in armor."
"He always wears stuff like armor?"
"Yes. I have basically seen what attributes he possesses as a god, but I cannot do anything
about what lies beneath the armor. On the other hand, without knowing what is underneath, I
fear it will be impossible to understand his true..."
Yuri sighed mournfully as she explained.
"At least, no matter how slight, I wish I could catch a glimpse of his divine appearance
exposed from the armor."
Lancelot was protected from head to toe by full plate armor. Godou felt that trying to take it
off would take bone-breaking effort.
But there was no other choice. Godou nodded and bowed, answering:
"I got it, Mariya. Thank you very much. Learning all this is good enough. Next time I see that
guy, I'll try to find a way to strip him of that white suit of armor."
Hearing that, the Hime-Miko chuckled and smiled like a delicate and blooming cherry
"There is no need to thank me. I did it for Godou-san... only for you."
Godou was filled with the desire to embrace this beautiful and adorable Hime-Miko.
Due to the overabundance of attractive beauties around him, Godou deliberately maintained a
mentality of repressed desire. Always warning himself never to harbor indecent thoughts
against them.
But on occasion, Yuri was able to crush this determination of Godou's.
The Yamato Nadeshiko and young beauty displayed great gentleness under most conditions,
but was extremely stern every now and then. Without provoking Godou's wariness, she had
been slowly and steadily bringing their relationship closer.
Using the analogy of a garden of flowers, Erica would be a gorgeous and blooming camellia,
overshadowing others to take center stage.
Liliana would be a pristine white lily with large petals.
Ena would probably be a wild orchid with bright and vivid colors.
Compared to other girls, Yuri was definitely not a flower that seized people's attentions.
Though there was no difference in her level of beauty, she never emphasized her
attractiveness and the wish to compete never occurred to her.

Nevertheless, or perhaps because of that, it made her even more charming.

Realizing this once again, Godou began to blush.
"What is the matter, Godou-san?"
On the other hand, Yuri was bearing a delicate and beautiful smile, unaware of Godou's
"No, n-nothing really."
"Good... Anyway, I have one more matter I wish to discuss, may I?"
Yuri suddenly changed the subject. Of course there was no reason to refuse. Godou
immediately nodded.
But she was unable to express her words. Yuri seemed to be hesitating and stuttering from
"What's up? You don't have to hold anything back. Aren't we companions?"
"I-I am Godou-san's companion...? Y-Yes. That is right."
Godou nodded to put his companion at ease.
Yuri's blush proceeded to extend all the way down to her neck, but still she nodded. Avoiding
Godou's face, Yuri was staring downwards intently at his cross-legged sitting posture.
As a side note, even though it was an informal conversation, Yuri naturally maintained the
formal sitting posture of seiza.
"My many apologies, for I was the one who brought this up... B-But, please understand. This
is something very difficult for me to talk about. Especially since there is no particularly
pressing problem or extenuating circumstances..."
Mouthing her words in rapid succession, Yuri was incredibly cute. However, she did not
make any progress in providing further information.
Godou placed his hand on her shoulder with a smack and said:
"Don't worry. I am very grateful for Mariya's efforts this time. I've also been wondering what
I could do on my end."
"Y-Yes. Then I shall not hold back."
Even though she said she would not hold back, Yuri still seemed rather hesitant and reserved.

"Umm... Even though it is not complete, I think I have gained substantial understanding of Sir
Lancelot. S-So, what should be done?"
Yuri stuttered as she asked.
"What should be done?"
"In other words, w-when would be the time for instruction, is what I mean..."
Instruction meant the transfer of knowledge through wizardry.
However, typical wizardry was ineffective against Campiones, which included Godou. Hence
it must be applied through the mouth, by injecting wizardry into the body via oral means.
Recalling this absolute rule, Godou's face went red.
He remembered. When relying on Yuri's spirit vision, that was the final unavoidable step.
"Ah, but if you haven't seen Lancelot's true appearance, then the [Sword] can't be forged, isn't
now a bit too early...!"
"N-No!? Who knows what could happen in the future!?"
Seeing Godou retreat awkwardly, Yuri shouted in a rare moment.
"What if you begin a battle with Sir Lancelot and I happen to be absent from the scene...! I
believe being prepared beforehand is only natural!"
"I-I guess. But using magic to transmit knowledge will quickly disappear from the mind,
No matter how you looked at it, this was a sudden act of impulse. Godou and Yuri both
leaned forward.
Before they realized it, their distance had shrunk substantially.
"I think if the knowledge dissipates, then I will just teach you again. Hmm, no matter what, it
is something necessary. For this cause I will labor without any complaints..."
Yuri spoke softly, blushing to her ears.
The subtle sense of desperation seemed to add a layer of allure to the Hime-Miko. Godou
swallowed hard as he experienced in earnest the pleas of the beautiful maiden of utmost
And it was impossible not to respond.
Furthermore, the two of them were alone in the Japanese-style room with the sliding door
firmly shut.

It was customary for shrine staff to avoid this area during Godou's visits. Also, Godou and
Yuri's hands were separated by such a minute distance, they were easily within reach.
As Godou and Yuri's gazes fell upon the tatami floor, they noticed that fact.

"T-That's right. This is only for the sake of battle... Yes."

"C-Certainly. I believe this is absolutely necessary..."
Whispering softly, the two gazed into each other's faces.
Their eyes shimmered with the light of recognition as accomplices.
Godou extended his hand towards Yuri. Hand and hand came into contact. Cherishing the
Hime-Miko's hand which had been moistened by nervous sweat, Godou held it gently as Yuri
gripped his hand tightly in return.
"Godou-san and I are companions, since that is true, this is fine... Right?"
"A-Ah yes. Should... be..."
As they drew their faces together, they seemed like lovers whispering sweet nothings to each
Just when the two had closed their eyes and were about to affirm the touch of each other's
lips-The sound of cellphones ringing. Both Godou and Yuri's phones rang simultaneously.
"It's Erica."
"This one is from Liliana-san."

As Godou checked out the cellphone in his pocket while Yuri looked at her phone which had
been placed by her side, they read out the names of the callers. No other way, let's pick up.
Due to Godou and Yuri's serious personalities, neither of them could ignore incoming calls.
They each brought their phone to their ear.
"What is it, Erica?"
'Look outside. We just arrived.'
'Yes. Just do as I say and things will be clear.'
It can't be... Godou stared at the spotlessly clean sliding door. Having just had a similar
conversation, Yuri also looked with shock in the same direction.
As the sliding door opened with a thud, everything did become clear after all.
Within Nanao Shrine, Erica was standing with a smile while Liliana knitted her brow. Most
likely arriving directly from school, the two of them were still in uniform.

Part 2
"Just to be on the safe side, I'll say this first. I am not opposed to what you were going to do,
Erica spoke in a bright and clear voice.
"Yuri has been working hard these few days, so I can tolerate her stealing ahead a little. I've
already told this to Liliana. I didn't come to the shrine for the purpose of disturbing you two."
"Even if you say so, the one who first made the accusation of stealing ahead was you, Erica."
Liliana retorted to her childhood friend and rival.
"After school, Kusanagi Godou had disappeared in a hurry. Then there is Mariya Yuri who
had returned but was missing school. Putting two and two together, the situation was obvious.
And there I was, trying to advocate 'this could possibly be an erroneous deduction.'"
"But the end result was exactly as I envisioned, right? See."
Erica pointed to Godou and Yuri in the Japanese room.
Finding their hands still held together, the two frantically withdrew them.
"Yuri, who has recently become a 'woman' completely, and Godou whose boundaries have
grown increasingly lax. Under such conditions, would a private situation develop -- after all, a
fully justified reason exists. Isn't this a simple formula?"

"...Well, my failure to notice that point is my stupidity."

Listening to the knights' conversation, Godou and Yuri exchanged glances.
They were both blushing and rather unsettled, agonizing over what they could say to lighten
the mood, but completely stumped by the current situation.
"Kusanagi Godou, this is a perfect opportunity. I have things to say to you."
Hearing Liliana's stern opening line, Godou sat straight up.
"You should probably have realized by now, you are a playboy who pursues romantic
relationships with multiple girls at the same time."
"W-Wait a minute! When did I become that kind of person!?"
Godou yelled from the bottom of his heart. Nevertheless, Liliana shook her head bitterly.
Erica simply went "Well, that's who he is" and shrugged, casting a meaningful glance at Yuri.
Both of them seemed to disagree with Godou's protest.
"Please remain quiet. A person with multiple girls in his inner circle, yet answers 'all of them'
without hesitation when asked who is the most important or deserving of protection, is
disqualified from objecting."
Liliana's frank advice pierced straight into Godou's heart.
With so many reasons, was this karma's payback...
"In my opinion, it is basically time to go with the flow and leave past mistakes alone. If
unusual situations are left alone and ignored, that sense of dissonance will disappear over
time, becoming as if it was normal all along. And that is clearly a rare talent possessed by
you, Kusanagi Godou."
"L-Leave past mistakes alone!?"
"Yes. Well, since it is you, you would naturally go with the flow, completely unaware
anyway... But it is certainly true that there are many current issues. Let me point out a few to
Liliana's face tensed in an instant.
That awe-inspiring sense of beauty made Godou swallow his words of protest.
"I will not express objection to you and Yuri performing that 'ritual.' However, once the deed
is done... You must tell us everything in full detail."
"T-T-T-T-Tell both of you!?"

"Alternatively, hide yourselves in a more skillful manner so that you will not be observed
clearly by us like this time. Otherwise, umm, no matter what, I cannot help but feel something
akin to jealousy and other negative emotions unbecoming of a knight's position--"
Liliana said shyly.
An emotion akin to jealousy, was none other than jealousy itself. Her shy expression made
things completely obvious. But giving only two choices, either telling everyone everything, or
doing things in secret without leaking any clues--?
What a tough challenge.
Imposed by such a demand that no ordinary high school student could answer, Godou was
I don't think I have the talent to comply with such a tall order...
"One more thing. This concerns our families."
Liliana continued.
"Erica's uncle, Sir Paolo Blandelli. You have met him before, yes?"
"Uh yeah. That very handsome and cool uncle. I saw him once in Italy. Truly a great guy."
Godou had been overjoyed to learn that one of Erica's few blood relatives was a man, her
However, Godou was bewildered. Why mention him now?
"Umm... It is not really acceptable for you to have met only Erica's family. I would be most
pleased if you could also meet mine. It does feel rather inappropriate after all, unless officially
recognized by family..."
So what she wanted to say, was that? She wanted to introduce her family?
Godou began to feel anxious. But it's not like it can't be done, he thought. Might as well go
with the flow to meet and greet the families of the many girls who had experienced so many
trials with him. No matter what, this was the plain truth.
"Introducing Godou-san to my family...!?"
Next to him, Yuri was murmuring in shock.
"E-Even though you have met my little sister Hikari, you have yet to meet my parents or
grandparents... But what should be done? The family will be in an uproar over a meeting with
the current Campione. The Mariya family never possessed the proper prestige and stature in
the first place..."

Wondering "What should be done?" with great worry, Yuri seemed to be voicing her thoughts
in succession. Could this be the beginning of a meeting with her entire family?
Godou felt a chill spreading from his stomach-Just as he felt trapped by a mysterious sense of stress, his cellphone received a message.
Opening it to check, it was from Asuka. 'Isn't it time you followed through with your promise
last time? I am very free today.'

After that, Godou confirmed with Asuka the meeting location and left Nanao Shrine.
Neither Alec nor Guinevere had showed any recent movements. It was still too early for
Godou to enter the stage -- having concluded that, Erica and the girls saw Godou off.
'Well, it's been too busy recently anyway. Why not forget these troublesome matters for now
and enjoy normal life for a bit? As long as you don't travel far, we can handle anything that
That was what Erica had said.
It was true. Staying on crisis alert was quite exhausting.
'By the way, why don't we all go together?'
Godou suggested cheerfully on impulse, causing all the girls to turn their gaze away. Was it
an illusion or were they all sighing out of sight with an aghast expression?
'Even though it is a tempting invitation, I shall have to decline. Tokunaga Asuka would not be
'Since it's her, you don't have to be concerned.'
'No. Last time when we met, she seemed rather wary of Erica and me.'
'By the way... Since we have the chance, I want to share my knowledge of Sir Lancelot with
Erica-san and Liliana-san. Please go ahead and enjoy your time with your old friend.'
Hearing Liliana's rejection and Yuri's words which sounded like a newly married wife's
advice of "you've been working hard lately, go take a good break," Godou accepted their well
wishes and departed alone.
The time was 6pm on Friday night, the beginning of the weekend. The meeting place was in
front of Ueno station.
Asuka and Godou were both residents of Nezu in the Bunkyou ward. If they wanted to go
shopping, nearby Ueno (or Akihabara depending on what they needed to buy) was the top

"Too slow. You're twenty seconds late."
This was the completely tactless greeting Godou received at Ueno station.
Godou was unfazed as it was typical of Asuka to scold with acrimony for minor lateness.
Besides, they were friends who knew each other inside out, which was what mattered. As a
side note, the childhood friend was wearing a hooded parka, a knitted top and jeans. Totally
lacking in fashionability.
On the other hand, were Asuka to make a sudden stylish appearance, Godou would be even
more troubled instead.
"Then let's hurry and go shop. Have you decided on a gift?"
"No, not yet."
"What an unreliable guy. Then let's have a strategy conference first. Tell me what does
Shizuka-chan like?"
"I'm not too sure myself."
"You've transcended unreliability, Mr. Useless Brother."
"...Wait a minute. Last time when my mom found a forgotten bottle of German wine of 90s
vintage, Shizuka drank it happily with me and grandpa."
"Don't treat these anecdotes from the overly unusual Kusanagi household as typical everyday
family life!"
Glared at by Asuka, Godou shrugged.
He silently emphasized the fact that he could do nothing about his ignorance. Even if he
wanted to get her a memorable gift or some kind of surprise, he was completely helpless.
"No need for these strange investigations. Let's just pick something passable and be done with
"I can't believe you can be so popular with girls in spite of such abysmal character. In a
certain sense, this is my biggest surprise of a lifetime."
Asuka sighed at Godou's conservative idea.
"I can't be that popular, right?"
"Shut up! Your declaration of unpopularity has zero credibility. This I've already known since
kindergarten. Like grandfather, like grandson. Isn't that exactly what the saying describes!?"

"Like grandfather like grandson whatever. Don't jump to conclusions while ignoring my
"I didn't jump to conclusions! Whether Grandpa Ichirou or your old acquaintances, everyone
says the same thing!"
The two were caught in a dialogue that sounded like exploding firecrackers.
It had been quite a long time since his last heated discussion with Asuka. Even though Godou
had been in the same school with her up until the end of middle school, they had been
separated since high school. After that, they never had another argument like this.
If he had to give a description, this resembled his casual arguments with Erica.
However, the crisp sense of no loose ends could only be felt when doing it with Asuka.
"By the way, I have a friend who's troubled by popularity, and is a real lady-killer. Should we
get some advice from that person?"
Recalling Sayanomiya Kaoru's mighty exploits, Godou suggested.
Well, even if the person providing counsel was a "her" instead of a "him," this kind of gender
issue should not really pose a hindrance, right?
"Your circle of friends have become more and more suspicious lately... Your idea is rejected.
We have to do it with our own ability without borrowing suggestions from others!"
"Ah, but wait a minute. In fact I've already accepted some sponsorship."
After learning the whole story, Erica, Yuri and Liliana had offered tokens of financial support.
Hearing Godou's words, Asuka went "Eh?" with great surprise.
"They all know that I am meeting with Godou?"
"Yeah. I just told them."
"I-I can't believe you had the gall to say it..."
"What gall? They even cheerfully sent me on my way."
Well, they did show some subtle expressions, but nothing worthy of note, right?
Faced with Godou's response, Asuka could only reply "I-I suppose" with a stiff expression.
Then she spoke with a stunned and thoughtful expression:
"I-In other words, they think I've fallen so far behind in the competition that they don't see me
as a threat, deciding it's not even worth their while to interfere... Oooh, though it offers
advantages in a way, I have such mixed feelings... But then again, competing with that Ericasan is totally impossible from the very beginning..."

Asuka hesitantly muttered to herself in a voice that Godou could not pick up.
"What's with you?"
"Mmmhmm, nothing!"
"By the way, last time when you met Erica, you were acting really strange?"
This childhood friend was a "cool fellow," while Erica was also a social expert.
Wondering if they might be harboring some past grudge, Godou asked just in case:
"Do you hate Erica perhaps? Even though she loves being the center of attention and she's
quite striking in truth, she is in fact quite an interesting and thoughtful girl. I think she can get
along with you quite well."
"Ah, not at all. I don't hate Erica-san, not one bit."
Asuka seemed to be panicking as she randomly waved her hands in front of her.
"Let's put it another way. She has a 'good character,' right?"
Asuka was a "good fellow" while Erica had a "good character," that was correct.
What an apt description, Godou was impressed.
"I agree that getting to know her will be very interesting. Simply looking at her face or attire
and I'm guaranteed not to be bored. Also, I think the only teenage girl in the entire world who
can rival Auntie Mayo is Erica-san."
"Hmm... Pretty much."
His mother, Kusanagi Mayo. Godou nodded at the mention of her name.
"Whether Mariya-san or Liliana-san, neither of them can match your mother. In that sense, I
believe Erica is very interesting. But well, how should I put it..."
Stopping there, the childhood friend showed a slightly sad expression.
"I knew it, only girls who transcend common sense would be hanging around a guy like you,
right? I've thought over this a lot, but that's all. I don't hate her, and next time we meet, we'll
surely become great friends."
"...I see?"
"These are the subtle stirrings of a maiden's heart that you haven't a single clue about.
Anyway, a budget increase is good news after all. It's about time to accomplish our mission."
Asuka's crisp tones spurred Godou into action.

In the next two hours, the two of them wandered through the shops in Ueno.
They ended up buying a perfectly sized handbag. Since the design was not overly extravagant,
it was appropriate for all occasions.
Abandoning clumsy surprises, the duo aimed for unambitious but guaranteed success.
Rather than Godou, they decided to have Asuka keep the item instead.
If kept at the Kusanagi home, the gift's existence might possibly be discovered by Shizuka.
Thus they decided not to ruin the little surprise.
"Since it's already this late, let's grab a meal somewhere? As thanks for helping me, let it be
my treat."
"Sure, but no need to treat me. I won't be able to sleep at night if I owe you a favor."
"Fine, no treat. How about that curry shop we haven't been to for so long?"
"You mean the one we visited so often back in middle school!?"
"Yeah. The one opened by the Pakistani who knows my grandpa."
"I'll pass! That's the place where as long as you or your grandpa show up, they start speaking
freely in Urdu, taking out the hidden menu normally shown to Pakistanis only, and serve
super spicy authentic native cuisine. It's way too international for me!"
"Those are its strong points. Isn't it a rather unique shop?"
"No thanks to that type of individuality! I don't need any special treatment, just mild curry
properly catered to the Japanese palate please!"
Arguing amongst themselves with impunity, they bickered acrimoniously.
On Friday night, the streets of Ueno were rather lively.
A place with many foreigners. Consequently, a Caucasian girl with honey-colored hair and
sky-blue eyes would not be considered a particularly wondrous sight. Nevertheless, she was
clearly different from all the rest.
--Beautiful. She was a girl in her late teens with an outstanding sort of otherworldly beauty.
Her shaggy honey-colored hair was not very long. Tall slim build. An exquisite face like an
angel's, displaying all-surpassing purity.
There was a natural impression of transparency, incongruent with the prosperous streets at
Like a cool breeze blowing across pastures, or perhaps, streaking across the deep blue sky.

Such was the atmosphere surrounding this beautiful face. Furthermore, she was dressed rather
bizarrely -- her entire body was wrapped in a slightly dirty cloak down to her boots.
However, this vagabond attire only served to further contrast with her outstanding beauty-It seemed only natural, but why? Godou thought incredulously.
"Hey Asuka. Do you know that woman?"
"Eh, who? ...Ah, isn't she so pretty? Wow~"
This was on a main street near Ueno station.
The exceptionally cool Caucasian beauty was waiting for the lights to change at the
Only when Godou looked at her and commented did Asuka notice the girl's existence.
Furthermore, no one else in the surroundings seemed to be looking at her. On further thought,
these people could not have abandoned the chance to stare at this otherworldly beauty, but
rather, they did not notice her.
People looked at her like a roadside stone.
The same way no one would focus their gaze on the blowing wind.
No one glanced at the girl deliberately. This strange phenomenon -- could she be one of them?
But Godou did not feel any battle spirit rising up from within, nor did his body fill with
In other words, he had not met a god.
Then she was a girl, right? Godou stared at her as she waited for the traffic signal to change.
Immediately following-The girl suddenly turned her head and her eyes met with Godou's.
She smiled. Smiling like a breeze blowing across pastures mixed with sunlight, she walked
towards him.
"We finally meet. You, my destiny."
The girl murmured with a refreshingly cool voice that matched her overwhelmingly
transparent beauty.

Part 3
"Man of my destiny. The youth whom ought to partake in our shared fate... Now I am most
certain, my journey's only purpose was to encounter dear sir."

The cloaked beauty was speaking in fluent Japanese.

"Dear sir must be feeling the same. Feeling that I am your fated rival, with my existence
stirring excitement in your chest, surely your blood must be boiling? Hohoho, I know."
No matter how much Godou wished to deny it, her ostentatious manner of speech was greatly
reminiscent of the gods.
Nevertheless, Godou's body and mind of a Campione's did not show any of the usual signs of
encountering a god. Could she be a comrade of that particular Divine Ancestor instead?
"You... what's your name?"
"What? No idea. Or rather, I have forgotten it."
The mysterious girl replied calmly to Godou's question.
"Ah yes. In actual fact, my origins, the reason I am here... All have been forgotten. I've been
wandering here for days, with nothing but passion for sustenance, yes."
"What the heck is that?"
"I was thinking there was someone I was predestined to meet. That person is my fated rival.
This sense of certainty has been seething quietly all along."
Extending her arm out from her cloak, the girl pressed her hand against her chest.
Despite being obscured by the thick fabric, the contours of the bountiful bosom were still
highly conspicuous. Even with such an obvious slender physique, her feminine characteristics
were so voluptuous.
But anyway-The self-proclaimed amnesiac girl should be no ordinary mortal. Who on earth could she be?
A Divine Ancestor? Godou stared sharply at the girl-"W-Wait a minute, Godou. Are you sure you are meeting this girl for the first time?"
Asuka interrupted, as if suspicious of something.
Godou frantically nodded, trying to defend himself:
"Uh yeah. Whether seeing her or speaking in person, it's the first time."
"Clearly then, isn't this a case of intense passionate courtship? In other words, love on first
sight? And a foreigner too! Unbelievable, all these inexplicable people everywhere!"

"Eh? Love on first sight?"

"That's exactly what the girl's words sound like!"
Really? Godou was surprised by Asuka's furious accusation.
Why didn't I think of that. Put it this way, if this mysterious girl's declaration-Godou stared at the girl.
The girl with neither name nor memory stared back.
Gaze met with gaze. Sight clashed with sight. Soul collided with soul. Indeed, Godou felt his
heart stirring with excitement. He was bound in some mysterious way to this woman, that was
what Godou sensed.
"Hoho... How embarrassing. Dear sir's gaze is unbearable. For there to be an existence that
causes me to burn passionately from inside, this fact... truly brings shivers down my spine."
Flames of passion shimmered in the girl's eyes like a lover's burning desire.
But that was only a superficial resemblance. Godou knew. He had noticed what she truly
But Asuka probably did not. If this misunderstanding persisted, things could get troublesome.
Just as Godou considered various appropriate explanations, he was shocked.
What shocked him was the childhood friend's question.
"...Hey Godou. It's just a hunch, but you're not going to get into a fight with this person,
As befitted the longtime friend known since kindergarten.
She was gradually garnering a vague sense of Godou's excited state from his attitude and
demeanor. Just as Godou choked at the astuteness of Asuka's perception, he said:
"Nonsense. This person seems to be in a complicated situation, so I'll chat with her for a bit. If
necessary I will call the police or ask people I know for help. Why don't you go home first?"
In order to avoid getting Asuka involved, he came up with this quick plan out of worry.
"By people you know, you mean your grandpa or your weird friends?"
"Ah yes, that's right... Wait a minute, grandpa aside, I don't find my friends that weird."
"Yes yes. Let's ignore that for now."
Asuka sighed and said:

"Well, I also have friends I wouldn't want you to meet, so I'll take my leave with this thing.
But Godou..."
The paper bag held the gift for Shizuka they had just bought.
Snatching it away from Godou's hands, Asuka declared:
"You once described yourself as a pacifist. It's fine if you go overboard a bit in desperate
times, but please be mindful overall. Okay, absolutely do not get involved with any messy
conflict! Please bear this in mind!"
From the childhood friend came gratifying and honest advice.
But, can it be fulfilled -- Godou raised his chin at the amnesiac girl, motioning "Let's go over
there." Smiling sweetly, the girl followed silently.

"Hey you. Could you be a god?"

"Yes or no? I have not a single clue."
"Or a Divine Ancestor? I've heard that they always look like little girls."
"...And so?"
Godou fired off abrupt questions in succession as he walked.
Any normal person would be rendered speechless by such questions but the girl listened
calmly, simply giving meaningless answers in the end.
In this manner, the two came to Ueno Park. This plot of land included Ueno Zoo, the National
Museum of Nature and Science, the National Museum of Western Art, the famous Shinobazu
Pond, etc. This vast expanse of a park was an imperial gift to the city.
"I remember virtually nothing."
There were very few pedestrians in the park at night.
Walking side by side with Godou, the girl murmured:
"However. In the very depths of my blank memory, I can recall a few scant scenes... I am
guided by the white star, while a certain someone is guided by the black star. That person is
the one destined for a decisive duel with me, for we are ultimate arch nemeses who ought to
lead each other towards death. This has been branded onto my battle-scarred soul."
Hearing the unexpected subject of her murmurs, Godou unwittingly halted his steps.
The girl stood still and gazed sharply at Godou in opposition.

"The one shrouded by the black star is my destiny. And my soul tells me you are that one.
Your life and death and mine are intimately linked and inseparable."
"Perhaps... It can't be, you're Lancelot...?"
The deadly battle where the divine sword of the white star faced off against the divine sword
of black annihilation.
Godou asked in shock in response to the girl's descriptions of that unforgettable scene.
"Lance -- lot...?"
Immediately, the otherworldly girl's face froze.
An intense domineering presence entered the girl's deep and mysterious eyes. Aloof solemnity
surfaced on that beautiful face that was like the cool breeze blowing across great plains of
pastures. Then her lips shaped themselves into a smile.
Godou felt power surging through his mind and body. Reacting to the divine presence, Godou
entered a battle-ready state.
"Ho, hohoho... Yes. Rather, I believed in my destiny. That you would surely remember my
name as a knight and call it out. Thus the enchantment I cast on myself has been lifted..."
Godou was greatly shocked to learn he was the one responsible for awakening her.
Lancelot du Lac. The white war god who appeared before others with an impressively cool
and masculine image. Guinevere's Sir Knight who had killed Athena... That was the way it
should be.
"Wait a minute! Even your voice is different, don't give me nonsense!"
In the past, the voice coming from the white armor had been a man's beautiful voice.
But now Godou was hearing a beautiful female alto voice. A girl's voice inviting of tender
"This is not a battlefield, and one's armor has been removed. Displaying this Knight's original
voice on occasion is condoned, is it not?"
"O-Original!? This is your natural voice!?"
Met with Godou's shock, the girl who answered to the name of Lancelot nodded "yes."
Indeed, it was a solemn gesture very reminiscent of the war god.
"Eh? Umm, but shouldn't you wear female attire!?"

"How rude. Having taken off one's armor, the beautiful queen of the equestrian tribes stands
before you. There is no obligation to dress up as a woman. Kusanagi Godou, you are truly an
uncouth fellow foreign to proper etiquette for treating a lady."
As the beauty angrily aired her grievances, Godou began clutching his head in his arms.
Taken completely by surprise. But then again, the fact that she was no ordinary person had
been apparent from the start.
But he never expected to be told something like this!
However, there was no disbelief or suspicion. The actions, words and presence of the
beautiful girl before him -- truth be told, everything was consistent with Lancelot du Lac.
"Until just now, why didn't I get the usual restless feeling when I encounter gods!?"
"In order to slip past your wary senses, the [Insane Rush] enchantment was used to seal away
one's memories -- this Knight cursed oneself to lose one's divine name and memories until
you were encountered."
Beautiful Lancelot smiled with sweetness.
"Used an enchantment to seal away memories... What kind of magic is that?"
"Hohoho, an enchantment for provoking a rampage from a heart filled with dormant desire.
Originally it was merely a trick to make someone berserk. Forsaking reason and dignity,
consumed with rushing forward with insanity, more or less a minor adjustment to one's
innermost heart. Like this time."
Godou understood. It was probably something similar to mental manipulation or hypnosis.
He did not expect such a hand from Lancelot whom he originally thought was only skilled at
charging like a knight... But then again, going berserk from desire could be considered a
sudden charge in a certain sense.
"A ruffian like one is not suited to be a palace knight. This Knight has enchanted oneself on
occasion, thereby breaking out of the palace. Hohoho, it has been a long while since one last
did this."
Lancelot smiled as she spoke, prompting Godou to recall a name.
That's right. Verethragna was the same.
"The myths of the 'Knights of the Round Table,' have you heard of them? Those were the
stories engineered by the first Guinevere and spread by monks and friars. They even devoted
so much effort to elevating one to the 'greatest knight.' Oh well, even so, there is no way to
disguise one's identity as a berserk warrior."

In Godou's first encounter with the god, Verethragna had also lost his memory and divine
The one who placed the Persian Warlord in such a state was the divine king Melqart of the
Phoenicians. Through her own authority, Lancelot had done the same thing.
In the instant Godou understood, Lancelot approached in a flash.
Just like that, Godou entered her embrace. Wrapped by the fabric of her cloak, Godou could
feel the touch of Lancelot's hand against his head.
"This Knight even forgot one was a god. However, one believed in you, the fated enemy, and
wandered without pause, certain one shall encounter you again. And so, the wish is finally
Oh crap. Godou smacked his lips.
Due to excessive surprise, he had let down his guard. Godou instantly tried to struggle out of
Lancelot's restraints, mustering all his strength, but it was too late.
Lancelot's beautiful face gradually drew near -- and immediately the unexpected act occurred.
The refreshingly cool beauty seized Godou's lips with her own.

"For the sake of the beloved child, one must vanquish Alexandre Gascoigne. However, he is a
formidable foe difficult to grasp. One cannot boast lightly of assured victory against such an
enemy. So, Kusanagi Godou, combine your strength with this Knight and crush Gascoigne.
Once the mission is accomplished, our deadly duel of destiny shall commence!"
Was this the curse of [Insane Rush]--? Godou gulped down a mouthful of air.
His mind and body of a Campione's was being ensnared by Lancelot's authority.

What a terrifying power of coercion. Reason and dignity were accelerating towards insanity.
Impossible to resist. Blood was boiling disorderly, and his heart burned like a flame.
That's right. Defeat Gascoigne first. Then duel decisively with this woman afterwards.
Having made his decision, Godou twisted his lips into a savage smile.
"Take me to Guinevere. Let the show begin."
"Acknowledged, one's destiny."
Ending the kiss of the covenant, the white war god smiled gracefully and answered.

Chapter 5 - Black Prince versus Kusanagi Godou

Part 1
Alexandre Gascoigne was a god-slaying Devil King.
However, he did not have the kind of overwhelming vitality that allowed him to subsist on air.
Neither did he have the lifestyle preference to endure living outdoors in the wilderness.
...But in actual fact, Alec displayed substantial survival skills in crisis situations. With that
kind of ability, going so far as to build shelter on an uninhabited island, skillfully foraging and
making fire, it was very possible to establish a new life of comfort.
Nevertheless, Alec was an adult male born in modern society.
He never wanted to emphasize that kind of vitality in particular. When staying abroad for
extended periods of time, it became kind of customary for him to establish a local stronghold.
This time, he chose to lurk at the Yokohama Chinatown in Japan.
"Alec, what kind of Campione is Kusanagi Godou?"
"In short, a person who brings tons of trouble to his surroundings... Anyway, it's obvious I'm
busy right now. If you want to chat, save it for later."
Alec quickly replied to Cecilia Cheung who was waiting in the living room.
He was in the kitchen, noisily stirring a Chinese wok, heating leftover rice to drive out the
"I consider my question more important than preparing lunch..."
The bespectacled girl who remained majestically expressionless by default, spoke
indifferently as always.

"I hate being disturbed when concentrating on a specific task. It's almost ready anyway. Just
be quiet for a moment."
Stir-frying the rice until individual grains were distinctly separated for a fluffy texture was the
secret to authentic fried rice-Wearing an apron, Alec stared only at the wok without even glancing at his subordinate.
The [Royal Arsenal] association's commander-in-chief and its Taiwanese member were
currently in a luxury apartment at Yokohama's Chinatown -- in a room on the ninth floor of
the eighteen-story building.
This was where Alec lurked.
The port city of Yokohama, facing Tokyo Bay, was not a place worthy of being called a
Locked away by the labyrinth authority, the little island was merely a piece of rock. Even
someone like Alec was not curious enough to want to live there.
As a side note, the two of them were not using a rented unit.
Cecilia Cheung -- as one of Chinese descent, she had asked a relative to provide her with this
Naturally, the relative in question was no ordinary person but a core leader of the Chinese
wizardry association, the [Nine Heavens Syndicate]. This relative was partial to the renown of
Black Prince Alec.
Had they chosen to lurk in the imperial capital's confines, the History Compilation Committee
would likely have pinpointed their residence's location.
Hence Alec made a request to the [Nine Heavens Syndicate], thereby obtaining
accommodations in Chinatown, a place known to the Japanese wizardry world as the
"Here... Take these to the table over there."
"Got it. Hey Alec, I've wanted to say this a long time ago, you really are a diligent person."
Cecilia sighed as she spoke. She surveyed the unit as she carried out the crab fried rice,
Chinese chicken soup and seafood salad that was portioned for two.
This 4LDK[9] unit had been kept neat and tidy without a speck of dust.
The unit had already undergone extensive cleaning in preparation for the Devil King
Campione's arrival. But in addition to that, Alec himself devoted time every day to clean and
tidy up the place.

'Servants and chefs? I can take care of myself. I don't like strangers buzzing around in my
surroundings. Also, please keep your comments to yourself.'
That was the order he had issued with a stiff poker face.
As a side note, given sufficient living standards, Alec did not bother with making effective
use of every room.
All he needed was a single bedroom with a bed, closet and a desk. Researching or
contemplating deep into the night, it was common for him to lie on the sofa when suffering
from insomnia. This was enough. Whether a 4LDK or a 1K unit, having space to live was
Even so, he still tidied up every nook and cranny in all the rooms. That was the kind of
disciplined life Alec led.
Thirty minutes earlier, Cecilia who was staying at a relative's house, had just returned with
food she bought from Chinatown-'You call this crab fried rice!? The rice grains are soggy and they used frozen crab meat -- not
only that, it's poor quality stuff that's been frozen and refrozen multiple times. Let me show
you how authentic fried rice is done!'
Saying that, he began firing up the wok. At the same time, he started preparing the soup and
salad with great familiarity.
"Even though I seek expediency, there are things I cannot compromise on. If a residence is
uncomfortable, I will personally improve the conditions. If I want delicious food, I will cook
it myself. That's all there is to it."
"That is one thing amazing about you -- a philosophy that works equally well whether in a
city or an uninhabited island..."
Boss and subordinate sat face to face at the table, chatting as they enjoyed their meal.
"Well, that Kusanagi guy sure brings troubles to others."
Satisfied with the fluffy texture of the fried rice, Alec chatted in an equally fluffy mood.
"That guy's modus operandi is to go around claiming to be a pacifist. That's how he catches
others off guard. If he is regarded as a dangerous object from the start, then people will notice
as soon as he approaches. However, since he successfully disguises himself as harmless,
people relax and he uses the opening to cause mass destruction."
Alec had been observing events in Japan during the commotions caused by the Great Sage
Equaling Heaven and Lancelot.
As a result, he had gained a clear understanding of the Campione Kusanagi Godou.

"Furthermore, his ability to deceive women is unparalleled. I don't know how he did it, but he
seems to have won the demonic cult leader's approval, and become her sworn little brother..."
"As befits one of Alec's peers."
As Cecilia concurred, Alec frowned slightly.
"Don't even think of comparing me with those other guys as if we're in the same category.
There's actually nothing similar, for I am different from those who act impulsively without
"Alec, you should pay more attention instead. Try not to be in denial over your own nature,
"Nonsense. I am a rare person who has thoroughly grasped his own strengths and
"Is that so? By the way, I was thinking..."
Alec's confident protest was simply brushed aside by Cecilia with indifference.
Hmm. The furrow on Alec's brow deepened.
"Such a troublesome character. Even if we do not recruit him as an ally we should not make
enemies out of him. But Alec, you always look like you are taking a battle stance. Clearly
you're lacking in caution."
"No. That idea of yours is very flawed. It pains me to say this, but your perception is lacking."
Alec shook his head at the clever but inexperienced Cecilia.
"Flawed? How so?"
"The fact that you keep thinking of them as normal people. Listen well, when dealing with
people beyond common sense like Campiones, be sure to abandon naive notions such as
'negotiations can bring peaceful resolution,' 'the other party is human too,' or 'humans can
reach mutual understanding.' These people should be understood as 'ferocious beasts' instead."
"Ah yes. It must have been seven years ago, when I was on an expedition in California. I met
Los Angeles' John Pluto Smith. Even as a Campione, that guy was predisposed towards
rationality, so I thought I could develop amicable relations easily. At least, it shouldn't
become hostile. Consequently, I couldn't even voice out one tenth of the thoughts running
through my mind when I met him."
"...What were they?"
"Thoughts like 'you're an adult and you still haven't graduated from your masked disguise
phase?' 'Always using playacting speech and behavior to garner attention like some kind of

narcissist.' Also 'Making others wait every time in order to arrive fashionably late,' that kind
of stuff... And much more. I'm sure anyone who met him has had all kinds of thoughts like
Recalling the past encounter, Alec explained.
"However, all that effort turned out to be a waste. We had clearly established friendly
relations already, but a week after our encounter, Smith and I had an all-out fight. It pretty
much reached a stalemate..."
"How did it come to this?"
"Maybe the timing of our encounter wasn't right, or perhaps I can't keep up with that overly
egotistical personality of his... In the end, we had a ceasefire and signed a non-aggression
pact, agreeing to keep out of each other's affairs."
"The one with the greater ego should be you, right..."
"Anyway, that was it. I've experienced many similar incidents in the past."
Interrupting Cecilia who seemed to have many opinions to offer, Alec asserted:
"When the opponent is a Campione, conflicts will arise if they are coming, while peace talks
will occur naturally only if they are possible. Consequently, trying to change anything only
results in wasted effort."
" "......" "
Without reaching any consensus, Alec and the silent girl stared at each other.
Anyway, has she been convinced to change her inappropriate views? Just as Alec puzzled-"By the way, are things over at the 'island' fine?"
Cecilia changed the subject. Perhaps she had grown tired of the fruitless discussion.
"No problem. An alarm will be transmitted here if anyone approaches that labyrinthine sea. If
anything happens, I can return immediately."
The "island" which was the legendary Avalon, or perhaps known as the Floating Island.
The ancient island raised up by the Heavenly Reverse Halberd in the waters near Yokosuka.
Using the authority of divine speed to turn into lightning, Alec could fly there in an instant.
"That island is the place where King Arthur... No, his prototype the war god sleeps, right? He
should be embracing that [Sword] called the whatever divine sword of salvation while
sleeping there, right?"

Answering Cecilia's question, Alec sipped a mouthful of soup.

"If that was the way it should be, Alec, why did you have to use that artifact? By common
logic, should that island not exist originally?"
When Alec went to Los Angeles, he had ordered Cecilia to retrieve an artifact.
Asked about the secret treasure that Alec had discovered on an Indonesian island and assigned
to a local trusted acquaintance for safekeeping, Alec replied indifferently.
"But of course, it is more than necessary. It is the crucial item needed to summon that
Guinevere to this island. Predicting it would surely come in handy at some point, I had the
foresight to keep it hidden rather than displayed at headquarters."
The museum at St. Ives was where his stronghold was located.
It was the place where Alec often exhibited the things he discovered or borrowed.
However, everyone knew it was the Black Prince's home. None of his subordinates who
frequented the place were weak in combat. As a final safeguard, Sir Iceman was stationed
there, but Alec still would not keep any item there which would attract truly dangerous
"True. But Alec, it is very hard to believe how you came to be so certain of something that
should be there but was not there."
"On the contrary. Precisely because it is the resting place of the 'King of the End,' that
possibility is very unlikely instead. For that island is the place the Divine Ancestors have
sought in vain over the past millennium and more."
Thinking of Guinevere, Alec continued.
"That witch must have considered this a long time ago -- if the search continues to be
fruitless, what could be the reason? Perhaps someone has cleverly concealed the master's
location. The sleeping master, what ways could he have been hidden... Something like that."
It must have been the ancient members in the upper echelons of the History Compilation
Committee. Apparently they saw the threat presented by the "King of the End" and decided to
conceal his existence. If I were in their shoes, how would I hide him?
What Alec pondered from there was what Guinevere never considered. This was the
difference in their thinking.
"Well, even if the conclusion is correct, I have no way of speculating beyond that. Simply
considering the current situation, there are twenty possible outcomes. All I can do is set up a
gambit which handles all of them. Simply stated, this is all in preparation for capturing
"...What are you planning?"

But at that moment, Cecilia said softly:

"Even though you are so talented... You must be quite a failure in dealing with 'women.'"
"Nonsense. I am completely different from Kusanagi Godou. I'm not going to obsess over
women, nor am I going to regret my decisions simply because of getting duped by females.
You owe me an apology."
Alec retorted angrily, but Cecilia shook her head vigorously.
"That's not what I meant. What Alec's plans incur, are likely the unpredictable thoughts and
feelings of women, infatuation, obsession or the like. Because it is unconditional love,
consequently, the type of enemies you have the most trouble handling are basically 'women.'
That Princess is a very good example."
"Stop trying to find fault in strange ways. That type of women, I do not have any trouble at
Secretly reminiscing Greenwich's Princess, Alec exclaimed.
At this time, a "familiar" manifested on the table in the form of a [Black Calf]. However, it
was only the size of one's palm. Its round eyes glimmered with definite intellect.
The calf which suddenly appeared out of space, sat next to the bowl of fried rice gazing up at
"A visitor?"
Alec puckered a smile. This was the familiar born from the authority of the ferocious bull god
It had manifested for the sake of managing and guarding the labyrinth Alec had created.
Through eye contact with the calf, Alec instantly received intel.
(In the waters around the labyrinth, a strong magical presence has appeared.)
"Divine beast? Fake god? Or Lancelot?"
(Unknown. But not a [Heretic God].)
"In other words, it should be something above a divine beast. Looks like Guinevere has
finally made a decision, cautious though she may be. I will go there immediately."
Alec leisurely spooned fried rice into his mouth as he spoke.
It was not so urgent that he did not have the leisure to fill his stomach or get a change of
clothes. So, which jacket should he wear today? Alec pondered as he ate.
Today will probably be quite busy, unless time was used wisely--

Part 2
On the next day after the war god's ambush, Kusanagi Godou came to Shounan.
Outside the window was the vast and deep blue sea. The location was a seaside cafe.
Yesterday, Lancelot had enchanted Godou with a secret technique for making desires run
amok. This resulted in the formation of an exotic partnership between enemies.
"Why must a meal be partaken at such a venue..."
Guinevere grumbled disapprovingly.
The Witch Queen who always kept a serious expression was showing such an expression for
the first time. Nevertheless, Godou ignored her.
Satisfying my hunger is the most important thing right now. Godou took a huge bite from his
sandwich containing chicken, organic vegetables and herbs. Tasty! The leafy greens of the
rucola lettuce were very fresh, the thin slices of tomatoes were quite fragrant, and the salty
taste of the chicken made it even more delicious.
"I won't stop you if you want to stay away from towns and crowds, but I'm not interested, nor
do I share that preference. While on the move with me, do try to conform to my way of doing
things, got that?"
Slowly swallowing his sandwich, Godou declared leisurely.
Sitting opposite Godou were two girls. Divine Ancestor Guinevere and cool-looking Lancelot
with her short honey-colored hair.
Guinevere was rather striking in her usual black formal dress.
Whenever a beautiful girl dressed up in Gothic lolita fashion, crowds of onlookers naturally
gathered. Whether staff or customers, all were staring at Guinevere with admiration.
"In any case, this lowly establishment of philistines is inadequate for one of Guinevere's
stature. Kusanagi-sama, given you are also one of high stature, do express some concern for a
Unsettled by people's stares, Guinevere spoke with her face all red.
On the other hand, Lancelot sitting next to her remained calm and composed.
"Is this not wonderful? To be an adorable child. Even alone in the wilderness, you will be
gazed upon by the blowing wind and the constellations filling up the sky. Birds, bugs and
beasts are all watching you. Humans likewise. Those of one's stature merely need to display
corresponding solemnity."
Saying that, she raised her coffee cup to her lips.

Naturally, the Divine Ancestor and the war god did not have a clue about coffee etiquette. The
coffee they were drinking had been Godou's judicious choice.

Lancelot had removed the slightly filthy cloak she was wearing yesterday and changed her
A white knitted sweater over a shirt together with black pants. Rather tasteful and
conservative attire.
"But Sir Knight!"
"Hohoho. Being called that in this current state, is slightly embarrassing."
The short-haired beauty smiled at the furious one she protected.
In actual fact, Lancelot was drawing an equal amount of attention. As a knight she openly
accepted it all, letting everything meld into the scenery of the cafe.
Nevertheless, these words of advice failed to appease Guinevere's indignant emotions.
She finds things unbearable simply because of the crowd's stares? Godou found it rather
incredible. He would have thought she was a woman less petty than that-"Ah yes, really?"
Discerning the reason for Guinevere's displeasure, Godou could not help chuckling to himself.
"What are you laughing about, Kusanagi-sama?"
"Well, this. I think you are unexpectedly cute in certain ways."
"Cute? What are you referring to?"
"You should know very well, Guinevere."

Guinevere's face instantly flushed all red.
"Kusanagi-sama, exalted as you are as a Devil King, how could you speak so rudely to the
Witch Queen? Please be mindful of your own behavior. Why on earth do you have to call
Guinevere cute!?"
"Because you are very stubborn."
Godou smiled mischievously and teased.
"Since yesterday, I have taken all matters into my hands. Finding so many things inconsistent
with the great Witch Queen's expectations, you are quite displeased, right?"

Last night, Godou had received Lancelot's curse.

Led by the beautiful war deity, Godou came to the seaside where Guinevere was waiting.
'Thank you for your patience, Kusanagi-sama. For you to accept our humble invitation, we are
overjoyed from the depths of our hearts--'
Guinevere offered a welcome in her usual tones full of pretense. That child-like smiling face
was overflowing with the Witch Queen's glee from having snatched a chance for victory.
However, Godou declared without even looking at her:
'Whatever. I accept the invitation.'
Then he extended his hand towards Guinevere's face.
The one and only Witch Queen could not help but feel her body stiffen instantly. During this
time, her slender chin was being clamped between Godou's index and middle fingers, forcing
her to lift her gaze towards Godou's face.
'Remember this well. After I take care of Gascoigne, I will conclude matters with that
Lancelot. I will not allow you to interfere. Otherwise, prepare yourself for the consequences.
You do want to revive the one called the 'King of the End,' right?'
'Y-You are saying you will kill Guinevere...!?'
'Of course not. I won't do that. However, there are many ways to obstruct you from reviving
him. You'd better not even think of going against me when I'm in top form."
Godou had been speaking softly.
However, he was now speaking in a voice so fearsome and solemn he himself could not
believe it possible. Her spirit broken, Guinevere only nodded vigorously in earnest. Then she
cast a helpless gaze towards her protector.

'Apologies, beloved child. One has enchanted Kusanagi Godou with [Insane Rush], a curse
that allows him to fight Alexandre Gascoigne before dueling with this Knight. It is
exceedingly simple... But as expected of a god-slayer, he possesses substantial dignity. Even
under a curse, it would appear that forming an alliance of equals is impossible.'
'Equals? Don't be ludicrous.'
Hearing Lancelot's words, Godou ridiculed.
'Just leave everything to me from this point onwards. If an overcautious woman like
Guinevere were to be in charge, even what is rightfully yours cannot be won back. Until the
battle with Gascoigne begins, you are both under my command. Only this way can lead you to
This declaration caused Guinevere's beautiful face to pale.
On the other hand, her beautiful guardian deity simply went 'Hmm...' and crossed her arms,
muttering as she contemplated. In the end, no objections were raised. Deep down, she must
have agreed with Kusanagi Godou's words.
Thus Kusanagi Godou became the leader of this impromptu alliance of enemies.

After that, Kusanagi Godou commanded Guinevere to prepare food and lodgings using her
Deciding during the night that "Tomorrow will be the assault on the island," he prepared by
making detailed plans. A good night's rest to receive the morning, a good meal in preparation
of the battle -- that was how things came to this.
Then he came to this seaside cafe with two beautiful girls in tow, thus leading to the present.
"What displeasure, there's nothing of that sort!"
Teased by Godou, Guinevere denied vehemently, her face flushed red with embarrassment.
But he had most likely hit the mark, for she clumsily turned her face away from his gaze.
"Hoho, don't be shy. Even as the Witch Queen, that's so childish of you. All I said just now
was you're cute, right? That's not something I dislike."
Godou's smile gave Guinevere a severe fright.
Even though decades had passed since her successful rebirth, the Divine Ancestor was still a
pubescent girl. The Witch Queen held terrifying magical power and prestige. Nevertheless,
Guinevere was now showing innocent fear as befitted her appearance.

"Children should act like children and let adults do the work. Even though I'm not really an
adult, I should still be more reliable than you."
"What!? How rude! Guinevere is indeed the witch who was born countless years past--!"
"No matter how many years ago you were born, nothing has changed your child-like
appearance. In any case, in addition to Lancelot, you now have one more person to rely on, at
least until Gascoigne is defeated. I think it's fine for you to throw childish tantrums from time
to time, right?"
Just like that, without even the passage of half a day.
Godou had already begun to understand the witch Guinevere.
In short, she was just a child. Although it was unclear whether Divine Ancestors had the same
concept of growth or adulthood, at least it was apparent that Guinevere's mental development
was not that mature. This was probably why her vision was so narrow and she did things
"I-In that case -- I will be very troubled. Guinevere has her dignity..."
"Well, go ahead and indulge your nature as you like. That's fine too. Stubborn and obstinate
girls who don't think too deeply or try to be pleasing can be quite cute too."
Watching Guinevere's awkwardness and embarrassment, Godou commented.
A girl who brought to life the fantasies of many boys, of course she was very cute.
But only now did Godou realize this contrarian fetish of his. It turned out Godou had a thing
for girls who possessed a difficult side -- examples included Erica, Yuri, Liliana and Ena.
Come to think of it, his little sister Shizuka and the childhood friend Asuka also had such
facets in their personalities.
Realizing this, Godou unbelievably found them even cuter than before.
"K-Kusanagi-sama, you're the worst!"
On the other hand, Guinevere abruptly turned her face away.
Apparently she could no longer endure Godou's smiling gaze. But even turned away, her head
was still held up high, secretly watching Godou's movements.
Her feelings had not been hurt, rather it was probably the opposite.
Even though this was very cute of Guinevere -- Lancelot's next move was completely
"By the way, Kusanagi Godou. These two here are not the only ones being stared at by the
crowd, eh? There seem to be many girls gazing at you with passion in their eyes."

"Really? I don't feel it."

In spite of Lancelot's remark, Godou did not feel anything special.
"Maybe you're mistaken? Guys like me are a dime a dozen. I may be standing out of the
crowd due to being with you two, but whether it's really 'passion in their eyes' is up for
"Hoho. Not at all. In actual fact, you are rather manly."
Before he knew it, Lancelot's face had drawn near -- towards Godou's face.
In front of him was the refreshingly cool face of this beautiful girl. Separated by mere
centimeters, her lips were about to make contact with Godou's. From a different angle, it
probably looked exactly like a kiss.
At this moment, the girlish cries of "Iyaah!" could be heard from behind.
Turning his head back, Godou found a pair of girls, who looked like first year middle
schoolers, staring at him in an apparent state of panic. They looked like they had been
frightened by something.
Godou smiled silently and waved.
This was not a forced smile but one that carried the message of "my bad." A momentary
smile. The two girls immediately smiled back and waved.
Compared to before, Godou no longer kept his distance from girls as much.
After receiving Lancelot's enchantment, Godou seemed to have broadened his horizons. There
was a sense that redundant common sense and preconceptions had been abandoned as he
acted in accordance with his heart's desires.
"Don't act so strangely all of a sudden. It could cause an uproar, you know?"
After responding to the girls, Godou grumbled to the beautiful knight.
"What? This Knight only worked mischief in an effort to please the girls who were gazing at
you. Pray forgive this Knight. But what one said was true, is it not?"
"Open to question. All you did was scare those unfamiliar girls with strange behavior, right?"
Retorting to Lancelot, Godou noticed something.
"You, it's rather rare for gods to recognize ordinary humans."
"If you compare it to the way humans gaze upon ants crawling all over the floor, the ants do
enter their view after all. Whether they are truly understood is a separate matter. Anyway, that
is the truth of things."

Narrowing her sky-blue eyes, Lancelot continued.

"Accompanying you through the world of humans, one simply tried to look upon them
briefly. That's all. However, the one who truly gazes at this Knight, there is but one human
with whom our hearts are linked as one. That is you -- Kusanagi Godou, dear sir, alone.
Please do not forget that."
"As if anyone could forget. I'm the one who's gonna defeat you."
"No, this Knight shall defeat you."
The two gazed into each other's eyes, their faces drawing closer, muttering in conversation.
Godou and Lancelot's behavior yet again drew girlish cries of "Iyaah!" from behind.
However, Godou did not turn around this time. Nothing was currently more important than
the "enemy" before him.
"Sir Knight and Kusanagi-sama, displaying such mutual love..."
Guinevere suddenly whispered.
There was no tone of sarcasm but an honest remark straight from the heart.
"Nothing that prosaic. Rather it should be better described as rotten fate or the like?"
Saying that, Godou withdrew his face from Lancelot's.
From an onlooker's perspective, this might have looked like a "lady on each arm" but the truth
was nowhere near that kind of bliss. This was merely a makeshift alliance of enemies for the
purpose of defeating Alexandre Gascoigne.
The second duel once matters were settled, was what Godou truly anticipated in earnest.

Thereafter, Godou and the two girls left the cafe and went towards the sea.
Out of sight of others, he commanded Guinevere to perform flight magic. Enveloped by a
flash of white light, Godou and the Witch Queen, as well as the beautiful war deity, took
Their destination was the territorial waters of the Devil's Sea.
Godou had earlier instructed Guinevere to prepare a "ship" there.
Godou quietly filled with excitement. After defeating the Black Prince, Godou will have his
second duel with Lancelot du Lac as an eulogy for Athena.
Of course I will be the victor--

Battle spirit twisted Godou's lips, manifesting in a savage grin on his face. This was probably
due to the curse, right? Godou focused his mind on battle without any hesitation.
Next time a crisis arose, he would probably go with the flow and enter battle readiness
However, there was currently no need to be led by the flow. Godou thirsted for battle from the
depths of his heart, giving his soul free rein to indulge in excitement, arousal and belligerence.
Such freedom, what sense of liberation!
Kusanagi Godou was no longer hampered by doubt. He had become a pure warrior, a
tyrannical king.

Part 3
Taking the form of lightning, Alec flew across the sky above Tokyo Bay.
Leaving Cecilia behind in Chinatown, he took action alone. Even though many people
considered this a bad habit of his, it could not be helped. After all, few existed in this world
who could keep up with his speed...
Viewed from the Yokohama Chinatown, the sky was clear and sunny.
But now, where the avatar of lightning streaked across, the sky had become dark and cloudy.
The weather changed -- no, this was the effect of divine or similar existences. These clouds
must have been summoned by Lancelot, Guinevere or something under her command.
"Well I never."
Maintaining his lightning avatar, Alec muttered.
Hard to believe, but there was a "sailing ship" cruising on the ocean below.
The wooden ship was reinforced by iron plating in various places and equipped with several
cannons. This was a product from the Age of Discovery -- when the British Empire had been
expanding its colonies all over the world.
Those white sails, raised up high, caught the incoming wind and drove the ship smoothly
The ship had three masts and its length was less than twenty meters. However, no crew was
visible. Even though manpower was normally essential for operations, the sailing ship seemed
to be moving along like a fully automatic machine.
This was due to the fact it was a "ship" summoned and moved by magic.
The sailing ship advanced across the ocean beneath the dark and cloudy sky which heralded a
storm's coming. Overall, it gave off a terrifying solemnity like a ghost ship.

Alec could feel his body and mind in high spirits, filled with power for battle.
A [Heretic God] lurked somewhere in that ship!
"Thunder of the blue sky!"
Chanting the brief spell words, he instantly unleashed his authority.
Immediately, the light burst forth from the lightning avatar's body with a thunderous crash -forming thunder and lightning, striking at the ship on the ocean beneath. A wooden ship
would probably have ignited as a result, but the magic ship remained unharmed.
The [Heretic God] riding on the ship had used magical power to deflect the lightning.
Alec smiled with a chuckle. After all, the ability to fire off electrical strikes while in lightning
avatar form was simply incidental to the authority of divine speed. Unable to cause significant
harm to gods, it was simply an opening shot to signify "Alec has arrived."
The flying lightning descended onto the deck of the sailing ship.
Landing, he regained his human form. Alec surveyed his surroundings to seek signs of his
"Over here, Alexandre-sama."
Guinevere's familiar voice called out to him.
The blonde Divine Ancestor who resembled an antique doll was stepping out from the cabin
along with Lancelot the knight in white armor.
"Have you finally steeled yourself for a decisive conclusion, Guinevere? It happened faster
than I expected."
Having dealt with and competed against this Witch Queen for the past eight years, Alec had
come to understand Guinevere's personality and way of thinking completely. Consequently he
was rather surprised that she would decisively risk everything on an all-in gamble within a
matter of days.
"Yes. Despite all sorts of concerns, Guinevere managed to muster her courage and overcome
hurdles, all thanks to Your Highness' advice of 'Rely on yourself.'"
"What about Lancelot? As a [Heretic God], he definitely would be a troublesome opponent."
Alec addressed Guinevere who had nodded in approval.
The white armored war god wielded Excalibur -- the lance made by polishing and sharpening
the decrepit Divine Sword of Salvation, and stood silently beside the Divine Ancestor on

Ever since the encounter eight years ago, Alec always spotted him hanging around like her
guardian angel.
But now he had become a true [Heretic God], wielding the divine lance Excalibur as his new
weapon, for the Holy Grail that absorbed Athena's essence had revived. In actual fact,
Guinevere's faction currently held rather formidable power in their hands.
And for the sake of weakening them, for obtaining victory-Alec had prepared "Avalon" using his labyrinth authority. This was for the purpose of shaving
off a portion of Guinevere and Lancelot's battle potential.
"No, Gascoigne. The one who agreed to assist the beloved child Guinevere is not this Knight.
One simply stands guard over her, requiring neither promise nor request."
Hearing Lancelot's manly voice sounding out from the helmet, Alec frowned.
He had suspected such a possibility. In fact, he already had a premonition the moment he
selected Japan as the stage for the final battle.
Discovering embers that should not be discovered, igniting fires that should not be lit-Precisely because such a guy existed, Alec truly understood this principle deeply.
"Yes, that person is a ruffian who doesn't mind his own business, nor does he know how to
treat a lady. Nevertheless, he does seem more or less reliable. Things are in his hands."
Guinevere's cheeks blushed slightly as she spoke.
Alec went "Hmm?" in puzzlement.
What was going on? This girl who always acted so high and mighty ever since our first
encounter, was now getting flustered over meeting a boy, being at a loss over that wonderful
feeling of heart racing... Was this what people called charm?
For him to have managed to make this witch display such expressions and behavior of girlish
inexperience-The displeasing premonition was turning into absolute certainty.
"In other words, your faction still retains yet another trump card, is that right?"
"Ah yes. That's me."
The third person came out from the cabin. Alec was not surprised to hear his voice.

The other guy was the hypocrite who always insisted he was a pacifist. From Alec's
perspective, that kind of belief was completely worthless. Spouting those kinds of words from
one's mouth brought only shame, simply trying to sugarcoat one's own crimes.
A few months ago, Alec already had a feeling they would fare poorly in compatibility.
Consequently he looked at Kusanagi Godou's face and said:
"Well... The moment I decided to battle in Japan, I already expected it would come to this."
Alec simply shrugged.
When two Campiones were present in the same country, it was common for them to become
unwitting centers of commotion, arbitrarily rampaging separately.
Entering confrontations with each other was another common occurrence.
"What surprises me is the fact that you, the hypocrite, would actually take Guinevere's side."
"Actually, this was Lancelot's suggestion."
Watching Godou giggle, Alec was completely certain.
Compared to last time, Godou was far more resolute -- such was the impression Alec
"I have to reach a decisive conclusion with that Lancelot without distractions. You are a
hindrance. I will first take care of this interloper in my way before I have a satisfying duel
with Lancelot. Gascoigne, fight me here."
"Would you mind if I refused?"
"Sorry. Regrettably, cancellation is out of the question."
Kusanagi Godou's rapid change in this short time. Was that the key? Alec secretly nodded to
In actual fact, the Campione of Japan and the Black Prince stood in stark contrast to each
Troubled by his own true desires, unable to take a step forward. This, together with hypocrisy,
were equally outstanding traits of Kusanagi Godou. Now that time spent on hesitation was
reduced, his actions taken after committing to a decision showed extraordinary initiative. Was
this why his indecisiveness was not so visible now?
In contradistinction, Alec never showed a moment's hesitation towards seeking what he
desired. Immediate action was always taken.
The hypocrite and the one who posed as a villain. The indecisive man and the man who never

"On a certain level it is quite a solid partnership you have here. Very well, I accept your
challenge. However, I'm one of those who are fleet of foot. If you can't keep up, I will leave
you behind without a thought."
"Sure. I will keep up with everything I've got."
"In spite of everything, I never expected you to join forces with the Divine Ancestor. No,
rather than you falling under the witch's charm, it appears that Guinevere has been charmed
by you instead."
Alec kept getting the impression that Guinevere was looking at Godou with eyes of concern
despite making preparations with composure.
Witnessing this scene, Alec sighed.
"Ch-Charmed--!? How rude! Please speak with greater prudence, Alexandre-sama!"
"No need for prudence. This is simply the result from objective observation."
"No one has been charmed by anyone. This is simply a temporary alliance until my battle
with Lancelot. It's about time to start."
Godou gave a slanted glance towards flustered Guinevere and calm Alec, then said:
"Lancelot, Guinevere. Leave matters to me here. You two go first."
The Divine Ancestor and the war god immediately responded to his command.
Lancelot whistled once and the white divine steed descended from the sky. It was the flying
divine horse seen before.
Deftly mounting the horse, the knight lifted Guinevere's pubescent body and sat her on the
The white divine horse soared across the sky. Their destination was obviously the Floating
"Sorry, I personally have no reason to stay here and fight."
Alec instantly turned into lightning. Even if Kusanagi Godou could move at god speed, he had
no way of flying.
Getting rid of him by flying was the easiest solution. However -"Ama no Murakumo, please."
Kusanagi Godou raised his right arm.

Alec's body of plasma was released and sent back to human form. Turning into lightning
made him especially weak against counter magic. That arm over there must hold some kind of
ability to dispel spells and spirit powers.
"Looks like you have something handy there."
"Ah yes. Quite an ingenious thing, here. It absorbs power from magic, thereby dispelling it. I
was wondering if absorbing some of your power might force you to revert, so I tested it out."
Hearing Kusanagi Godou's reply, Alec got serious.
Looks like there's no easy way out after all. It can't be helped -- Standing upon the deck of the
sailing ship the Divine Ancestor had summoned through magic, he faced off against the
Japanese Campione. The battle was about to begin.

Part 4
The enemy was the Black Prince, Alexandre Gascoigne.
Challenging another Campione to a duel on his own volition, Godou recalled all information
he had received regarding this enemy's authorities from Alice, Erica, Liliana, and last night
from Guinevere and Lancelot.
The Devil King of divine speed who manifested as lightning.
Though reputed to possess other troublesome authorities, his greatest distinguishing
characteristic was "speed."
"You really do have a power similar to mine..."
Alec spoke. He also seemed informed about Kusanagi Godou's authority.
He probably watched the fight against Lancelot, and he did mention the Great Sage incident
before. It would be prudent to assume he already had a firm grasp of Godou's capabilities.
"Did you know, so-called powers of 'lightning speed' are unexpectedly difficult to control.
Particularly during chaotic situations such as this."
Indeed. Godou nodded in wholehearted agreement with Alec's description.
Regardless of maximum speed, it was extremely difficult to move the body according to the
exact image in the mind.
"However, once you get used to this skill, it does turn out to be a rather useful. Like this."
Completely unable to see the immediate attack, Godou found himself flying through the air by
the time he noticed.
--I'm flying!? Somehow Godou was hovering in midair. Naturally, he immediately crashed
back down onto the deck.

From the sensations of the body, it felt like he had fallen from a height of ten-odd meters.
The "ship" summoned by Guinevere via magic.
As Godou fell back onto the deck of this ship, he moaned in pain.
What happened just now? Godou stared in shock at Alec. The tall Black Prince in his stylish
black jacket did not seem to have moved.
Godou could feel the back of his head hurting. Sharp pain could be felt all over his body.
"I too cannot be considered human, what with this supernatural resilience. Falling from that
height, ordinary humans would probably die, or at least suffer who knows what kind of
sequelae even if they survived."
In the instant Alec spoke, Godou was surprised to find himself falling again.
Falling on the deck once more, his whole body felt the violent impact.
It was true. Were he an ordinary person, dying instantly would not come as a surprise. But
Godou endured the intense pain from his entire body as he pushed himself up. Struggling, he
got up on his feet.
Godou himself was also a user of god speed. Even though it was only speculation, he seemed
to have caught a rough idea of how the attack was conducted.
He could probably find a method to counter it. Watch how I intercept it...!
"Just lie down obediently. It'd be a great help if you could save me some effort."
"Give me a break, it's just a few throws. I fully intend to finish the job."
Alec smiled at Godou's retort with a "Hmph."
Godou believed his guess was right. Using divine speed, Alec charged forward and stopped
just in front of Godou, grabbing him and jumping into the air. Then at the appropriate moment
he threw Godou down while he landed splendidly himself.
If Godou unleashed god speed to the max, he could probably achieve the same feat.
Using that particular ability would make his body exceptionally light, making the weight of a
single human feel like nothing. Hence it was a skill that could accomplish the same thing.
"I'm far too stubborn in the fact I never want to enjoy fighting while moving at that kind of
speed. This manner is highly efficient, not bad right?"

"That I can agree..."

Godou had faced the Great Sage Equaling Heaven's continuous god speed attacks before.
Nevertheless, he had no intention of imitating Alec. Given the ridiculous defenses and
endurance of gods and Campiones, causing sufficient damage via this method would take way
too much effort. During the entire time, he would need to suffer great strain while trying to
attack continuously using god speed that was difficult to control.
At this point in time, he did not think it would be a wise decision.
Besides, the Great Sage's divine speed was probably fundamentally different from Godou's
god speed.
"...Well, this does make things all clear."
Godou secretly muttered to himself.
Even though they both held the same weapon, their levels of familiarity were completely
different. Alec had completely mastered the power of god speed. If Godou tried to fight in the
same manner, he would only lose pitifully.
Godou activated Verethragna's fourth incarnation, the [Camel].
The power that could only be used when heavily injured, it was the incarnation which
possessed beast-like combat ability, leg strength and endurance.
--He's coming!
The [Camel]'s instincts sensed Alec beginning to make a move.
Rather than seeing through the attack itself, the beast-like instincts sensed the enemy's
decision to attack -- the aura of killing intent. In the instant Alec proceeded to disappear,
Godou kicked with his right leg as if trying to shatter the chin and skull of an enemy standing
before him.
At the same time, something moving at abnormal speeds approached then evaded this kick -that was what he sensed.
Alec reappeared where he was standing originally.
"A skill to capture my speed... Who knew a guy like you was able to achieve something like
"It's because others have mercilessly done the same to me before..."
Alec appeared rather amused while Godou endured his pain as he responded.
The ones who could see through god speed and even reverse the situation to their advantage
were Luo Cuilian as well as Salvatore Doni.

The [Camel] incarnation held combat potential approaching those superhumans. Even if
Godou could not do the exact same thing, a rough imitation was well within his ability.
"Hmm... Well, it's only an imitation after all. I think if I were to attack continuously, you will
soon reveal openings."
Sharp indeed. Godou nearly choked in response to Alec's perceptiveness.
Even though he did it successfully by chance, from the feeling just now Godou surmised he
would probably get hit one in three times. Even so, this level of hindrance was enough to
prevent his opponent from attacking at will.
This probably counted as making effective use of things.
"That said, I don't particularly like engaging in a trade of blows with enemies. Let's change
things up a bit."
Alec smiled as he declared. In that very instant...
Crash! The magical sailing ship began to shake intensely as if pitched by an earthquake. Some
sort of massive object was lurking in the sea, clashing violently with the bottom of the ship-Crash! Another quake. The underwater assault continued.
What had arrived from the sea? Leaving the puzzled Godou behind, Alec nimbly jumped up,
landing lightly on the ship's mast.
"My apologies. Trading blows like in boxing doesn't suit my style! I decided to bring an
escort expressly for times like this. It's slightly disgraceful but it should be enough to satisfy a
hot-blooded one like you!"
True to his word, Alec stood back and watched coldly from above as he called out.
An escort!? It was this guy's doing!? Godou tried to maintain balance on the rocking ship as
he ran along the edge.
Looking down at the sea brought a great surprise. There was a massive silhouette deep in the
water, in the shape of a gigantic humanoid.
The thing resembling a giant was apparently attacking the ship, causing it to rock intensely.
The shadow had long hair as well as a feminine physique. The protrusions on its back were
evocative of wings. The lower torso did not have legs but resembled a fish tail instead. Godou
recalled the information on Alec that Alice had shown him.
Indeed this must be the [Faceless Queen].
In all likelihood, that man possessed five authorities. [Black Lightning], [Judging Furies], the
[Labyrinth], [Weird Greed], and finally, [Faceless Queen].

This was the queen bound by a single absolute rule, her "face" must not be exposed.
Apparently if anyone catches a glimpse of her face, she is immediately unsummoned.
Nevertheless, her powers included flying in the sky, swimming like a fish in water, and
destructive power that could shatter a tower of steel. Not only could she appear and disappear
elusively, her body size could also be adjusted at will.
Disregarding the restriction requiring her face to stay unseen, her powers were all-purpose
indeed-Crash! The ship rocked again.
It was going to sink if this continued. Once a hole was opened at the bottom of the ship, it
would be game over.
Alec was described as a mage in addition to possessing the power to fly through the air as
lightning. Even if the ship sank he could probably escape without problems. On the other
hand, Godou would have no choice but to swim once forced into the sea.
--In that case, I'll have to summon that guy!
Godou instantly made his decision.
"The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by the iron
hammer of justice!"
Yelling the spell words, Godou called upon Verethragna's fifth incarnation.
From the surface of the sea, a pitch-black and majestic [Boar] was summoned, its size no less
massive than the queen. The incarnation which could only be summoned for the purpose of
pulverizing a massive object. Naturally, the target this time was the queen.
The divine beast's roars reverberated across the vast sea.
Truth be told, if this guy turned out to be unable to swim, we'd really be in trouble. Godou
secretly worried.
But that was not the case. Floating on the sea, the black [Boar] suddenly charged forward, as
if jet skiing or like a torpedo piercing through the water, slicing through the sea and moving
straight towards the goddess to collide at high speed!
On the other hand, the goddess, only visible as a silhouette, was rather agile.
Nimbly turning her body in the sea like a fish, she evaded the [Boar]'s straight charge.
However, the [Boar]'s competitive spirit was greatly roused. After the attack missed its mark,
the [Boar] quickly made a U-turn and charged at the queen again.
Thus began the water battle between gigantic monsters.

The faceless queen somehow conjured and tossed massive spears in the water to attack as she
evaded the charging [Boar].
As the [Boar] engaged the amorphous shadow in close quarter combat, its tusks could
occasionally be seen piercing into the enemy.
At the same time, the queen's thrown spears also tore open the pitch-black hide. Out spewed
otherworldly black blood, dying the seawater an inky color.
"Now I see, you too are an owner of a ferocious beast. Haha, it's not really necessary to
compare the ferocity of our pets in the sea!"
The moment Alec's laughter was heard, the queen's figure disappeared from the sea.
Having lost its target, the charging [Boar] fruitlessly parted the waters as it charged around.
In that instant, Godou suddenly noticed. He felt an extraordinary sense of danger.
Relying on instinctual warnings, Godou jumped forward as if diving into a swimming pool,
not even glancing at Alec who was supposed to be standing on the ship's mast. Had he
diverted his attentions to look, it would probably have been too late.
At the same time as Godou's jump, Alec appeared at the position where Godou had just been
Stabbing suddenly with weapon in hand, the attack missed thanks to Godou's leaping escape.
"Didn't you say exchanging physical blows was not your style!?"
"What? As long as it's a one-sided affair that I can end in one or two hits, I suppose it can be
accepted as a guise."
Godou's blunt criticism was casually dismissed.
Even so, for that guy to deliberately choose that kind of object as a weapon -- Godou was
quite impressed by the tool held in Alec's hand. What a truly strange man.
The stabbing object turned out to be an antique fountain pen. The type of pen which required
ink to be filled in from the tip. Even as a writing tool it was out of fashion, let alone being
used as a weapon.
"Hoho, this? I just happen to have no interest in carrying crude fighting implements. Well,
this thing suffices for emergencies."
Noticing Godou's gaze, Alec threw the pen like a dart.
The pen sliced through the air with a whistling sound, causing Godou to evade by jumping to
the side.

Missing its target, the pen embedded itself into the ship's deck. Not just the pen tip but even
half of the shaft was buried into the deck. Apparently magic had been used to increase
...It's really a first time for me to fight this type of enemy.
Godou marveled to himself as he stood back up. Using so many tactics of conspiracy and
deception, Alec virtually eschewed conventional upfront battle. Using all sorts of ways to
evade the enemy's attacks as he searched for openings to land a decisive blow, that was how
he concluded his battles.
Dance like a butterfly, sting like a bee -- no, rather he was like a devil spinning a chessboard.
Victory was definitely beyond reach if he allowed Alec to control the pace of battle. Godou
was struck deeply by this revelation. As feared, was the decisive ultimate technique the
[Raptor] after all...?
To be used as a tactical tool instead of relying on its speed.
Godou understood now was the time to use his trump card.

Part 5
Lancelot and Guinevere advanced towards the labyrinthine Devil's Sea.
Overlooking the vast sea beneath them as they spurred the flying white divine horse. Sitting
on the saddle, Guinevere entered a stance in front of the knight who held the reins.
"Beloved child, it is almost time to summon Fake Minos."
"Understood, Sir Knight."
Guinevere nodded in acknowledgement to the protector who was once again fully armed.
"O Holy Grail! O Fountain of Life, legacy of the white goddess! I beseech you to answer to
her daughter the goddess' descendant!"
The golden urn appeared in front of the flying divine horse.
That was the Holy Grail which had absorbed all of Athena's essence. Suddenly manifesting
from empty space, it hovered in the air.
"King of Crete, father of the minotaur, His Royal Highness the priest of live sacrifices.
Guinevere implores the sky, praying to the earth, petitions the ocean for Your Royal Highness
to grace us with your presence once more. Please listen to a young girl's pleas, and send forth
your fragments to the earth!"
Guinevere used the spirit power of [Divine Summoning]. This was the secret technique
unique to Divine Ancestors, for manifesting minions which once served them when they were
still goddesses -- divine beasts of water and land.

However, the spell Guinevere was currently using involved an additional step.
Spell words for summoning a beast on the level of the gods, were enveloping the Holy Grail.
Next the golden urn began to change in form. The head of a ferocious bull with the nude
figure of a man below the neck. Standing tall at ten meters or so.
This was the likeness of the god Minos whom Alec had slain on Crete eight years ago.
Using the Holy Grail's magical power to manifest a fake god -- required turning the Grail
itself into a god. During this time, the Grail's original functions were lost, thus disabling the
divine lance Excalibur which relied on the connection with the Holy Grail.
Fake Minos leisurely flew through the sky, next to the soaring divine horse.
They were advancing towards Avalon which had been raised by Alec. Furthermore, the
Devil's Sea which sealed this island away -- that was the authority which Alec had usurped
from the god Minos.
Even if this sea that had been turned into a labyrinth was openly contested from the air, it
would still take days to break through.
However, if power was borrowed from Fake Minos who possessed the same authority-Under the guidance of Fake Minos, Lancelot and Guinevere finally entered the territory of
this Devil's Sea. Avalon, along with the 'King of the End' who supposedly slept there, was the

In the current battle, Black Prince Alec held an absolute advantage through his divine speed.
Even someone other than Kusanagi Godou would have reached such an instant conclusion.
But Godou's observations of his enemy went a little further.
Black Prince Alec was a man who loved to show off his wits. Rather than using divine speed
as a "weapon for battle," he most likely viewed it as "a tool to establish tactical advantage"
He held an overwhelming speed advantage over his enemies.
As a result, offense and defense relying completely on speed -- were not used. Instead, he
used speed as an advantage to maintain dominance in battle.
Through the use of speed, action could often be taken faster than the enemy.
Movement times could also be shortened greatly, allowing near instantaneous mobility and
the option to disengage from the battlefield.
Incoming attacks could be evaded using divine speed with absolutely no chance of being

Grasping this dominance firmly in his hands, battles could be ended in one fell swoop. This
was Alec's usual method and path towards victory. He took great pains to shorten the time
spent moving at divine speed, as if trying as much as possible not to squander it.
Probably because divine speed was a difficult authority to control, it was being used in this
Experienced with the same ability, Godou understood this point. First of all, simply using it
placed the body and mind under great strain. Particularly in Godou's case, this burden
manifested in the form of a time limit.
In addition, precise movements were very difficult.
Learning to switch between fast and slow moves had allowed him to fight effectively.
However, each time Godou accelerated or decelerated, he had to divert a substantial amount
of concentration...
Regardless of which manner of usage, it was readily apparent that Alec was an expert in
divine speed.
Godou had no hope of winning a battle decided by speed alone. Nevertheless, the [Raptor] -the incarnation of god speed was still necessary.
The opponent's advantage was obvious indeed, but looking at it the other way, was it really
impossible to expose an opening-Just as Alec made a thrust with his fountain pen again, Godou activated the [Raptor]. Like his
opponent, he only applied god speed for an instant, evading the pen tip as quickly as
As a result, the [Boar] rampaging in the sea disappeared.
"I was wondering when you'd finally use this. Now is the time, I see."
Witnessing Godou's god speed, Alec commented with great interest.
At last, Alec raised his speed to the maximum and began running across the deck. Godou also
sped up to the same speed to pursue after him.
Once he tangled with the Black Prince, he would probably be able to imitate that "efficient
manner" of attack.
With this goal in mind, Godou ran after Alec. But he could not catch up. Though it was true
that their speeds were equal, their skill in speed adjustment differed too greatly.
Alec had been running with divine speed fully unleashed. Godou pursued at the same speed.
Then Alec suddenly shifted from high gear to low gear, causing Godou who continued at top
speed to overtake the decelerated Black Prince.

This resulted in a reversal in position with a huge gap of separation.

Next, Alec jumped into the air.
Godou ran towards the place Alec was poised to land. But Alec reduced his god speed,
thereby ignoring the existences of free fall and gravity, and descended at reduced speed.
Consequently, Alec leisurely landed at a spot where Godou had already run past.
Yes. So-called god speed was actually not the ability to "move at high speed from Point A to
Point B." Rather, it was the ability to "ridiculously shorten the time taken to travel from Point
A to Point B."
As a result, it was able to perform movements that were physically impossible.
An ordinary person's running motion was bound to a two-dimensional plane. When using the
[Raptor], Godou's body became exceptionally light, allowing him to move in three
However, Alexandre Gascoigne's god speed was four dimensional.
With even time under his control, it was truly four dimensional movement. Catching up to an
opponent like this man was impossible!
Thus time ticked away fruitlessly.
"Well then... Your current condition means things have come to an end, right?"
Alec finally declared before Godou.
Kusanagi Godou was crouching on the ground, his hand pressing against his chest. During the
chase, the [Raptor]'s time limit ran out. As intense pain filled his heart, the body began to
"The god speed you possess, turns out to be the type where the strain builds up with persisted
use. From the fact that you could reach top speed in an instant, I already suspected that
Alec explained calmly. Was he that assured of victory?
In that case, this was probably the best opportunity...
"In contrast, the type that increases their speed gradually usually suffers much less strain.
Well, since this is something you cannot choose, there's nothing you can do about it. Luck -or rather, your manner of usage is no good."
Not really. Godou eyed his prey, waiting for the right moment.
Crouching in his stiffened state, Godou was in no condition for direct combat. However, this
was precisely how he could tempt Alec to become careless... Hopefully.

"Just as I mentioned, I'm not some benevolent soul who would give up on an opportunity to
lay down a one-sided beating on someone helpless. No matter what, I must catch up to that
naive Guinevere and end the show."
The Black Prince declared and took out his fountain pen.
Indeed it was time for Godou to reveal his real trump card.
"Ah yes, really... It's time to end things. Go forth, Ama no Murakumo!"
Enduring the pain in his heart, Godou summoned the partner residing in his right arm.
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi suddenly manifested. Godou swiftly sliced using the divine
sword -- or not. He was unable to depend on this stiff body to perform such an action.
However, the self-aware divine sword flew by itself towards Alec.
The tip of the blade was going to pierce Alec's heart--!
However, Alec naturally held the swiftness of god speed. Even against a sudden slashing
attack, he could simply evade.
As expected, sparks exploded all over his body. This was the sign he was about to use god
Alec displayed shock instead.
Everything occurred as Godou had planned. This [Steel] had the power to copy an enemy's
authority. Using that power, Godou copied Alec's divine speed.
As a result, Ama no Murakumo was currently flying with lightning speed-Piercing into the Black Prince's chest-However, the image of the gentleman dressed in a stylish black jacket dissipated like a
"...It failed eh."
'Naturally. A man who could even slay god, cannot possibly be slaughtered so easily. Of
course he would have suspected a trap.'
What Ama no Murakumo had skewered, was nothing but an afterimage left behind by divine
This guy, he's even able to make [Decoys] through god speed?
"It's a bit early for you to immobilize yourself to bait this trap. An admirable gamble, but you
were too careless in the last second. This is checkmate. You've lost."

"No, not really..."

Despite being unable to even lift a finger, Godou was smiling. His lips were shaped in a
savage grin.
"I will defeat you and duel with Lancelot. This curse compels me to do so. In that case, I still
have other powers I can use."
Words of magic were uttered from his mouth in an instant.
Godou could feel Lancelot's divine power surging forth from the depths of his heart.
Alec must have noticed it, for a cry of surprise escaped from his lips.
"That Lancelot possessed the authority to cause others or oneself to go insane and rampage
according to dormant desire. Swallowing that kind of thing, I am now relishing in our battle.
After all, this is a curse which liberates one's desires."
"And that is how you abandoned your prided hypocrisy? By accepting such a troublesome
Godou stood up as he ignored Alec's query. Kusanagi Godou's body and mind were currently
in a berserk state. Submitting to the desires magnified by Lancelot -- he was completely
overwhelmed by the notion that "I must fight that war god." Furthermore, the curse converted
the command of "Defeat Alec" into power.
Lancelot's curse was the authority to cause one to go berserk for the sake of satisfying desires.
When exhaustion and injury brought one to their limits, this curse restored ferocity to the
body and mind, providing new power -- giving the needed strength to stand up once again.
Of course it was not limitless, but for Godou's current level of exhaustion-Using Lancelot's divine power, the body that had reached its limits began to move once more.
All the injuries suffered from the fight to this point were instantly healed. Even though
Verethragna's incarnations could only be reused after a full day had passed, all those
incarnations were restored.
The pain and paralysis from the [Raptor]'s use had also disappeared. There was nothing to
stop him from fighting now!
"Gascoigne, I think I more or less know all your tricks now. The second round begins...
Things have not been going well for you eh. Furthermore, you are being delayed here while
Guinevere and Lancelot approach their destination. I think you no longer have much time to
"Tsk. Is the battle from just now going to repeat again?"

Learning Godou's intentions, Alec made a face as if about to spit. Since he did not actually
perform the act, he managed to preserve a gentleman's dignity.
Well then, the real battle begins now. Godou yelled out with excitement:
"Sorry, but please play with me until I'm satisfied, Gascoigne! A chance to fight a man who
has slain gods is very rare. Wouldn't it be stupid to let such a thrilling experience end so
But at this moment, Godou discovered interlopers had arrived.
Godou smacked his lips. It came as no surprise, for conceivably, it was time for them to hurry
their way here. Even so, he could not help but feel a bit miffed.
This was clearly an opportunity to enjoy himself unhindered, yet those girls had to come and
interfere-What meddlesome girls. Godou shrugged. Was he obliged to appease their displeasure in the
manner of temperament they preferred? He should quickly get out of this situation...
Blue light descended upon the deck.
Naturally, it was Liliana Kranjcar's flight magic.
As the light subsided, not only did the silver-haired knight and Erica Blandelli emerge, but
Mariya Yuri as well. The three girls' faces seemed to be saying "What kind of mess did he get
into again..." as they carried expressions full of concern.

Chapter 6 - Towards the Island of Destiny

Part 1
Kusanagi Godou had gone missing-Last night, Erica was home when she received the news.
"Though we don't have any bodyguards or the like, the people who keep track of Kusanagisan sent this report."
It came from the History Compilation Committee member, Amakasu Touma.
After receiving his call, Erica, Liliana and Yuri gathered at the living room of the Sayanomiya
residence even though it was late at night.
"Hitting it off with an unidentified beauty, they reportedly went off hand in hand. It's
incredibly hard to believe, but that girl seems to have successfully applied some kind of
hypnosis on a Campione."

Hearing this, Erica sighed.

"I've mentioned this before, but whatever... When facing a girl, the number of openings he
displays is truly despairing, that's Godou for you."
"And here I go thinking he had learned a little lesson after the recent encounter with
"Hasn't this occurred enough... Since it's impossible for us to accompany him every moment
of the day, he must learn to be alert when he's on his own."
"So, Amakasu-san, where did Godou-san go afterwards?"
Yuri questioned the History Compilation Committee member after listening to Erica and
Liliana's laments.
"Ah, that's right. In actual fact, we have ten-odd staff divided into three teams to keep a close
watch on Kusanagi-san, but none of them were able to report what had happened. We don't
know what the mysterious girl did to them, but they were all discovered unconscious."
"I see... If Amakasu picked the team, they should all be competent."
Hearing Amakasu's report, Erica put her emotions aside.
"In that case, even if one of them -- no, even if the entire team attacked in concert, the same
outcome would likely have occurred. Conversely, we should be relieved by the lack of
casualties so far. It is imperative that we catch Godou and snatch him back from that
suspicious woman."
"Yes. If that is the case, our first priority is to track down the location of Kusanagi Godou."
"Isn't it redundant to search for him? Based on the current situation, the eventual destination
should be that place."
Just as Liliana expressed her resolve, Sayanomiya Kaoru spoke up.
The History Compilation Committee Tokyo Branch Chief and beautiful cross-dressing HimeMiko. Furthermore, she was the girl whose talents rivaled Erica Blandelli.
Clearly she had reached the same conclusion as Erica.
"That's right. Rather than wasting time on something like that, it would be more efficient to
focus our search on methods to lift Godou's curse."
As Erica expressed agreement, Kaoru suddenly smiled.
Well said. Those two words seemed to be on the tip of Kaoru's tongue. Presently, Sayanomiya
Kaoru was helping Kusanagi Godou in a capacity beyond her position as a leader in the
History Compilation Committee.

Perhaps, Kusanagi Godou's own "Round Table" would be established sooner or later in due
time-In that event, Kaoru would likely occupy the position of cardinal bishop instead of chancellor.
Also, she was probably going to share the strategist role with Erica the paladino and mistress
of the palace. They would both offer strategies continually in a competition of power and
This was the future Erica envisioned in response to Kaoru who was smiling like an
"What you mean by destination is the Floating Island? If the mysterious woman were in
league with Guinevere, and their goal was to use Kusanagi Godou in their designs, it must be
that place with great certainty..."
Liliana asserted.
She was likely indifferent to covert political struggles, loyally serving Kusanagi Godou as his
bodyguard knight and housekeeper. She should be the subordinate who nobly insists on
performing these roles that combined official and personal duties.
"On the other hand, what if Prince Alec arranged this for the purpose of leading Kusanagi
Godou away from the Floating Island? Well, no matter what kind of conspiracy, abduction
and assassination... Are probably not a concern, right?"
Ruling out assassination, Liliana knew very well.
Deceiving Campiones was possible, but surprise assassinations were not. These were people
who had slain gods and possessed unreasonable survivability and violent streaks. Liliana did
not think he could become an assassination target without a struggle. If Kusanagi Godou were
to be caught in such a crisis-A battle with the would-be assassin, wrecking half of Tokyo, would probably happen first?
Imagining that sort of scene, Erica smiled wryly and replied:
"I doubt Prince Alec is involved in this incident. It doesn't suit his style."
"I agree. Tactfully described, he is 'a man who remains a youth at heart.' To be more frank, it
could be said 'even though he never hesitates to commit what he considers to be cool crimes,
he is a man who refrains from this category of despicable acts no matter what.'"
Kaoru also supplemented with her distinctive style of exposition.
"A fifteen-year-old's nocturnal motorcycle joyride. The mere mention of this kind of anecdote
reminds me of that man. Setting a honey trap is definitely something he would never do."
"Also, if Guinevere-sama were to cast an enchantment on a Campione, it would require taking
a risk akin to subduing a wild beast alive -- it is difficult to imagine her taking such measures
unless it is related to the Floating Island battle."

"The only ones capable of taking on a god-slayer, are gods and other god-slayers. Indeed that
is the truth."
Yuri nodded gracefully and replied to Kaoru with unconcerned tones.
"Hey Yuri, what's your opinion on the woman who abducted Kusanagi-san? If it was only a
witch, even a Divine Ancestor, it would be an easy matter to handle. Otherwise, things could
get rather tricky."
"What makes you think that...? Right, I do have a rather disquieting feeling."
Simply shutting her eyes for a moment to examine the notion in her heart, Yuri replied
"Truly astounding, a terrifying existence. Such is the feeling..."
I get it. Erica nodded. Kaoru must have intentionally brought up a series of ambiguous
statements. Given Yuri was one of the most outstanding users of spirit vision, the veracity of
her heart's answer was quite convincing.
"Perhaps you've sensed the arrival of a new goddess, Yuri?"
"Impossible to be certain. Though I would not be surprised if it turns out to be true."
Yuri solemnly bestowed an oracle in response to Erica's question.
Even in chaotic situations where the truth was unclear, Yuri always acted as a beacon lighting
the path ahead. Bright and dazzling on occasion, dim and feeble at other times.
The one and only guide providing illumination in the darkness, that was the role Yuri
"During critical moments, it's probably best to summon her to the scene? It does offer the
most efficacious and practical effect when deploying emergency measures."
"True. But I think it's not fair for us to burden her too much with overly high expectations."
Erica expressed dissent to Kaoru's murmurs, causing the cross-dressing beauty to smile wryly.
"Naturally. Even though I said practical effect, it often turns out to be a rather limited effect."
Having decided their direction, Erica and the girls began their operation.
Amakasu had headed out in a rush to prepare for their rescue target's inevitable appearance in
the Floating Island situation. This Japanese ninja mainly specialized in wizardry related to
covert operations, was very knowledgeable in myths and legends, and was a man who could
competently handle all sorts of situations.
The days when Erica was Kusanagi Godou's lone attendant were already long past.

At some point in time, the young Campione's faction was beginning to flourish with an
abundance of exceptional talent. Nevertheless, they were still akin to the cream and toppings
used to decorate a cake, for if the foundation -- Godou himself were absent, everything would
be meaningless.
While Erica and Kaoru continued to lead the discussion on possible countermeasures, a phone
call was received.
'Hey Erica, how are things coming along with the affair at hand? Ah yes, of course it wouldn't
do for a proper lady to indulge in morbid curiosity. Nevertheless, I am still an important
member of the organization responsible to the world despite having stepped down from my
duties, right? It is only natural to be properly informed about the state of affairs with which I
am involved.'
The result of the brief conversation was the enlistment of a reassuring comrade.
Campiones were demons who slew gods and usurped their sacred authorities. Nevertheless, it
was a mystery why these [Kings] always became centers of chaos and commotion, getting
other people involved. Perhaps the reason why so many people got swept up into their antics
was related to these Campiones' individual wills and ways of thinking.
Getting a real sense of this, Erica concluded the preparations and spent the night together with
her comrades.
Then the next day arrived--

Receiving a report from Amakasu saying that "something strange is happening in the Devil's
Sea," Liliana used the [Witch's Eye] to investigate the area in question. Relying on her flight
magic, Erica and the girls were finally reunited with Godou.
He smiled to welcome Erica, Yuri and Liliana who had flown here.
"Really... To think you chased me down to a place like this. What a meddlesome bunch you
are. I am busy with my playmate here, so kindly stay out of it."
With a cheerful smile, he asserted.
On the other hand, the playmate listening on the side seemed to be frowning bitterly.
"I don't care if you want to treat things as fun and games, but this is an important segment of
my plans. If you're frivolously making a nuisance, scram and hurry home instead."
"What a surprise. Why so serious, Gascoigne? It's true I'm having fun, but I am serious too,
you know? But rather than playing around, getting more serious would be interesting.
Entertain me to the end and don't run off midway."
Godou responded to Gascoigne's demand as if making fun of him.

Under normal conditions, these words could not have come from his mouth. If the "King of
Swords" Salvatore Doni were around to hear such words, he would most likely offer a hug
with utmost delight.
Witnessing this scene, Erica and the girls began to whisper to one another.
"...Everyone, what do you think about Kusanagi Godou's condition?"
"...Clearly he is acting very weird. However, in terms of mental state there are no signs of
instability, but it is not exactly a bipolar disorder either."
"...Yes. It actually feels quite natural."
"...Or rather, one could suppose this is his true nature that is normally repressed by reason and
common sense, which has taken this opportunity to manifest itself, or something like that."
Yuri and Erica nodded in agreement with the conclusion following from Liliana's
No matter what, Kusanagi Godou's strange condition was real.
"Godou, why don't you play with us instead. I hope you can show a little restraint and not
strike out at a foreign guest."
"You girls, what?"
"I'd suggest not. This man seems to be under the effects of Lancelot du Lac's curse."
Even though half-smiling, Godou reacted with surprise. On the other hand, Alec sternly
warned them.
However, Erica displayed a glamorous smile towards the two kings in return, and casually
"Oh my, despite appearances we did come here with great confidence, you know? Godou,
even if it's you, don't underestimate me -- so that's the situation. Alec, I hope you can leave
our lord for us to handle. If I were to impose on you any further, it would be most impertinent
whether as a knight or a lady."

The two kings simultaneously displayed the same expression in response to her flowery
Godou and Alec's curiosities were piqued, causing them to smile.
"Good! Well then, I will leave matters in your hands!"
Plasma erupted from Alec's body. Looks like he is about to take flight as lightning.
Godou immediately raised his right arm in response, intending to counter with Ama no
Murakumo no Tsurugi. In that instant, Erica and Liliana each threw a knife using summoning
Without any hesitation, the two of them aimed directly at Godou's heart.
Greatly surprised, Godou tried to dodge.
Were he Salvatore Doni, he would have evaded effortlessly. But Godou did not know any
martial arts.
Even though he excelled at relying on natural reflexes, using a Devil King Campione's
concentration and survival instincts to evade enemy attacks with forceful suppression, it was
definitely not the flawless motion of a martial artist.
Jumping back to escape the knives thrown by the knights, Godou could no longer tend to
other matters.
Hence the command issued to Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was delayed, providing what
was to Alec more than enough time for preparation. Turning into a flash of lightning, the
Black Prince instantly flew away.
"I never thought, you would attack me so suddenly..."

The knives thrown by Erica and Liliana were not fake trinkets or anything of that sort.
They were authentic knives made of iron and steel, which was why Godou immediately
evaded them.
"What are you talking about? Without the intent to kill, how could it pose a threat otherwise?
Besides, Godou can easily tank an attack of that level. It's very ordinary after all."
Completely unworried as a result, Erica explained without a care.
Liliana silently nodded in agreement. It seemed like Yuri was the only one who was worried
out of her mind.
"Really... Even under Lancelot's curse, I am still unable to fly eh. So the fun with Gascoigne
ends here."
Godou shrugged as he grumbled.
"Disrupting my rare opportunity for fun, what a bunch of girls who don't know their place! No
other way, I shall have to educate you properly right here before starting a new game."
"Do you think we will accept such tyranny, Kusanagi Godou?"
Liliana frowned angrily as she spoke.
"It looks like in your current state, you are indulging your desires too much. It is a knight's
duty to remonstrate a lord who has strayed from the correct path. For this, I, Liliana Kranjcar,
shall have no choice but to draw my sword against you."
Declaring thus, the blue knight slowly opened her hand.
Her beloved sword Il Maestro had not been summoned yet. However, this stance expressed
her determination to do so.
They had come here intending to liberate Godou from the strange curse. Erica and Liliana
were both in battle attire. Red and black vertical stripes. Blue and black vertical stripes. These
were their usual respective capes.
"Godou-san, please come to your senses. Even if it were truly as Prince Alec described, and
you have been charmed by Sir Lancelot, only by overcoming it will you display the dignity of
a king!"
Dressed in her miko outfit, Yuri also spoke out in reprimand.
Godou smiled wryly and tousled his hair. She really looked quite stern and awe-inspiring.
"If I really am a king, then I won't be concerned with such trivial stuff. All I want is to roam
the land freely, taking steps as I please. If I meet some fool who rubs me the wrong way,
having a little duel would be nice."

Neither arrogance nor madness.

He was natural and relaxed instead. A composed and unfettered impression that did not carry
ferocity. Perhaps this was actually Kusanagi Godou's true nature -- Erica secretly thought this
to herself.
Come to think of it, he had always been able to switch freely to using his power for battle.
A person who easily became friends and collaborators with members of organizations in
various countries.
"This unhesitating Godou is truly a first sight. What a truly troublesome condition."
Erica grumbled as she felt impressed. Having borrowed the powers of people who were not
present here, the preparations for lifting the god's curse were already complete. It was now up
to the current team to take practical action. They must succeed at all costs.

Part 2
The Holy Grail had taken the form of Fake Minos.
The bull-headed giant god roared as it flew beside the white divine horse.
This bellow unleashed magical power and authority.
Turning raging spirit into spell words, thunderous roars shook the sky as crashing waves
rocked the land.
Appearing before the eyes of Fake Minos as well as Lancelot and Guinevere riding the flying
divine horse was the little island surrounded by rocky reefs.
Populated with strangely shaped rocky protrusions, it was indeed a castle of strange rock.
"Alexandre-sama's labyrinth, even though it has definitely been weakened..."
"A fake god and a god-slayer, even if they possess the same authority they cannot be truly
equal. Apparently it cannot be nullified completely."
Riding astride the white divine horse, Lancelot and Guinevere conversed quietly.
"Nevertheless, since this point has been reached, only breaking in by force remains. Let Fake
Minos charge into the labyrinth as a vanguard. Even if the labyrinth cannot be destroyed, it
will serve the purpose of opening a path."
Lancelot and Guinevere entered the Devil's Sea with the bull-headed god of the labyrinth as
their guide.

Rather than riding the waves, they were advancing through the sky. Only ten-odd kilometers
now separated them from "Avalon." However, this remaining distance was the most arduous
part of the journey yet.
First of all, amorphous mist blocked their path several meters ahead.
In addition, blown by terrifying gales, they were almost deported from the Devil's Sea.
Before they noticed, their course had veered off and no progress had been made towards the
Seawater gushed up from the ocean like a geyser, almost striking down the divine horse
Lancelot and Guinevere were riding. These were all part of the Black Prince's authority -- the
labyrinth's magical power which prevented anyone from approaching the island.
Every time Fake Minos roared, the labyrinth's magic was weakened.
"This cannot be allowed to continue..."
Lancelot muttered.
"One shall simply enchant Fake Minos with Insane Rush, so that it can attempt to create a
breach by force."
"Sir Knight, please reconsider before pursuing such a reckless course of action. If you go
ahead, it could cause detrimental effects on the Holy Grail which is being used as a catalyst!"
Sitting on the saddle, Guinevere voiced her opinion with a worried expression.
Nevertheless, Lancelot was unfazed by her concerns. Hoping to advance further while
Kusanagi Godou was buying time for them, it was time to conclude things decisively here.
"O Minos, offerest one thy assistance!"
The ferocious bull-headed god gave a great roar of "OOOAAANNN!" in response.
"Thou shalt become the pioneer to traverse this sea. Chargest forth for the sake of this Knight
and the beloved child. Thou only needst to aim for the labyrinth's exit, and dashest forward
with insanity!"
These words comprised the curse.
The one cursed would become violent and ferocious, going berserk to achieve the goal at any
The effects were instant. Fake Minos who had manifested in the form of a bull-headed
humanoid, now transformed into a complete bull. Abandoning its human qualities, it had
turned into a beast god.

Ferocious bull Minos rushed forward like a shooting star, flying with astounding speed.
But as the bull continued to charge, an additional crack opened up on its body every so often.
This was because it was a self-destructive rampage.
In just a matter of a few dozen seconds.
Fake Minos had crossed the labyrinthine sea as it exploded into a shower of shattered
At the same time, the magical power hanging over the Devil's Sea -- Black Prince Alec's
authority dissipated. Through desperate rampage and sacrifice, Fake Minos had finally
breached the labyrinth.
"How is the Holy Grail, beloved child?"
"Basically fine. How fortunate...!"
The golden urn hovered in the sky where Fake Minos had exploded.
Guinevere reported after a cursory glance. Lancelot silently nodded in acknowledgement. The
indestructible divine artifact could not possibly have been damaged so easily.
"Then Excalibur can continue to be used."
"Well, this is a weapon that was revived forcibly after all, it won't remain functional for long.
It should not be used except at crucial moments."
The quiet conversation was carried out with the view of Tokyo Bay laid out before them.
The rocky island floated ahead in solitude. The bizarrely shaped rocks were very conspicuous,
giving the island a very distinctive look. This was indeed Avalon, the final destination of
these two here.
However, just as Lancelot took up the reins, ready to advance...
Magical power burst forth from the ocean directly beneath!
"This is an authority!? --Of Gascoigne's doing!"
"Sir Knight, look at the sea there!"
A black sphere with a radius of twenty or thirty meters was submerged in the sea.
The sphere was emitting an extraordinary power. It was an attractive pulse which sought to
drag down into the sea the divine horse that the white war god and the Divine Ancestor were

"Magical sphere of avarice! This is the authority of attraction and compression that
Alexandre-sama usurped from the gigantic beast Behemoth! No good, we're being pulled into
"Laying a door guard at the final location beforehand, what thorough planning!"
The attractive pulse released by the submerged sphere immobilized the knight flying in the
Lancelot kicked at her beloved steed's belly, ordering it to gallop, but it could not run. The
divine horse attempted to follow the knight's orders and was moving its legs with full force.
Normally, it could kick the air as if kicking ground, galloping with great speed. But now, the
divine horse's legs were only waving in the air fruitlessly.
Not just the divine horse, but neither Lancelot nor Guinevere could move a single finger
They were immobilized by Alec's authority of attracting targets and never releasing them.
Lancelot summoned magical power, trying to break free from the authority's restraints, but it
did not work. The source of this attractive force, the sphere, actually moved very slowly. But
its attractive power was terrifyingly great in inverse proportion to its slow mobility. Even the
white war god could not struggle free.
"Gascoigne, to think he actually set up this thing in the labyrinth..."
The instant Lancelot smacked her lips as she realized the Black Prince's trap...
A black humanoid silhouette could be seen from the corner of her eye. The profile of a mature
female with a pair of white wings on her back. From the waist down, the body was serpentine
while there was apparently a fish tail where feet would normally be found.
A grotesque demoness was flying in approach. With that speed and agility in the air, it really
was flying like the wind.
Lancelot could not see any part of her other than her back. This was undoubtedly the authority
Alec had usurped from the goddess Melusine![10] In the very instant the war god's attentions
were drawn to the new enemy...
The restraining force suddenly disappeared, greatly surprising Lancelot.
The attractive pulse sucking them in had vanished all of a sudden. The divine horse which had
been galloping at full force was sent lurching forward. This became an opening.
Light as the wind, the queen instantly drew near.
Aiming at the opening exposed by Lancelot and the divine horse, the queen flew in with her
pure white wings, grabbed Guinevere in her arms and made her getaway!

"Sir Knight!?"
Looking like an abductee, the Divine Ancestor desperately reached out with her hand. But
immediately, the attractive force from the black sphere resumed once again.
The knight and her beloved horse were once again imprisoned by the attractive force.
"You, to think your target was the beloved child!"
Lancelot gnashed her teeth and yelled as her body remained immobilized.
Other than the back view of the abductor flying into the distance, nothing more could be seen.
That direction was towards the "island" they sought -- Avalon. Was it returning to the place
where the Black Prince was waiting?
"Prepare for a full gallop!"
It was imperative to struggle free from this force of attraction using full power at maximum
speed! Lancelot instantly decided.
"There is no way out except by using full speed to break free. One must escape from being
locked in this cage!"
Lightning was summoned from thunderclouds above. Blue-white flashes of lightning
continually burst forth, striking the knight and the divine horse. The rumbling of thunder
persisted nonstop, shaking the sky and the sea.
"Once filled with this power, this Knight and horse shall take the form of a white meteor.
Beloved child, please remain unharmed until then!"
Praying as the thunder and lightning struck directly. However, was this going to work? She
asked herself frankly.
Using the dashing gallop here would probably produce the same outcome as the fight against
Athena last time. Lancelot would deplete her divine power and enter a state of exhaustion,
thus hindering the battle against Alec. Compared to the duel with Kusanagi Godou, she
wanted to keep all other fighting to a minimum. But doing things this way was looking bad!?
--Fine! Doubting inner monologue was cast aside.
Instantly steeling her determination, Lancelot continued to prepare for the dashing gallop.
Escaping from this situation would also mean the divine lance Excalibur could be used. In any
case, this weapon must stay in her own hand!
Lancelot's beautiful face could not help but smile beneath that white helmet.
It was a smile trembling with delight in anticipation of the approaching duel and farewell.

Meanwhile, Alexandre Gascoigne...

Leaving the cursed Kusanagi Godou behind for his lovers to handle, Alec had turned into
lightning and flew away.
Entering the Devil's Sea in this manner, Alec could instantaneously travel to the depths of the
labyrinth as the master of the maze. In this particular instance, that was the Floating Island's
Having usurped the labyrinth authority from Minos eight years ago, he was fully accustomed
to the ways of using it.
This was an authority of creation that could materialize a labyrinth as imagined.
Not only could it modify buildings above or underground, it could also convert locations into
mysterious forests or mystifying fog which could not be exited once entered, with all sorts of
variations, such as the Devil's Sea created this time. However, there was the restriction that
this authority could not be reused until a month had elapsed after each use...
Nevertheless, Alec had not returned to the Devil's Sea.
The "island" and the labyrinth was a trap set to separate Lancelot from Guinevere.
The war god who was strong enough alone was now armed with Excalibur. Furthermore,
Guinevere still held that particular trump card. Divide and conquer would be the proper
For this purpose, he had already chosen the stage beforehand near the Floating Island.
--During the Meiji period, for the purpose of guarding the imperial capital Tokyo, the
Japanese military of old had constructed three island outposts in the sea offshore from Chiba's
Cape Futtsu. These were Sea Fortress One, Two and Three.
Alec had chosen Sea Fortress Two.
This was an uninhabited island under the management of the Coast Guard where civilian
entry was prohibited.
The lighthouse, still in use, was powered by solar batteries. Apparently, firefighting training
was also conducted here sometimes. Given that the little island contained little more than
ruins and debris, Alec could rampage here without any concerns.
Flying at lightning speed briefly, he could see the island beneath him.
Landing, he resumed human form and summoned the [Queen]. Other than the face concealing
restriction, she was a convenient servant indeed, and quite a precious treasure in many ways.
He issued orders to her for capturing Guinevere. Within the Devil's Sea, he had already set up
the Behemoth sphere beforehand. This was in preparation for the moment when the labyrinth
authority was dispelled.
Ten-odd minutes later, the [Queen] finally returned.

An otherworldly beauty above the waist, her lower torso was some kind of fish and snake
hybrid, with wings on her back-The grotesque female familiar laid down on the ground the girl she had been carrying in her
arms, then spread her wings and took flight. Making an exit as if she was embarrassed about
her appearance. Her face must have been seen while she was abducting Guinevere.
"Finally time for us to catch up on old times, Guinevere."
"Such a description is only appropriate for a reunion between lovers. Incongruent with your
title of Prince, Your Highness still has no idea how to treat a lady."
Guinevere responded to Alec with a surly huff.
"To have been invited to this kind of place when the location of the 'King of the End' was
finally within reach... And separating me from Sir Knight as well, what on earth do you
"In truth, our relationship is not that lacking in intimacy. Do you know how many incidents
you have caused as a result of your inability to let go of your obsession with your past master?
I have grown tired of dealing with you."
Alec deliberately posed with familiarity.
However, the smile on the corner of his lips displayed merciless egoism.
"Amongst those who have lost their lives in the schemes of you and your fellow Divine
Ancestors, many were my friends and subordinates. It's time for you to pay the debts you owe
them... Ah yes, by the way, there's also that woman who worsened her health in order to seal
away that Arthur you summoned."
The memories concerning their eight-year-long conflict were reawakened.
Had Guinevere simply been a witch who harassed Alec, even if annoyed, he would probably
not be so intent on eliminating her. Similar to the way he tolerated that Princess...
"But there's no such rule saying that the Witch Queen does not have to pay her debts. I'm just
doing a little stint as a debt collector. I'm sorry but would you please indulge this little willful
wish of mine?"
"You revived Avalon for this..."
The antique doll-like beautiful face was viciously distorted as she glared at Alec.
"Not only did you find out Master's sleeping location before us, set a shameless trap in that
place, and even separate Guinevere from Sir Knight, you had to impose such a self-righteous
explanation! Alexandre-sama, you really are the worst!"
"Like you, I am in a scolding mood, but it's best that I don't act on it."

Alec dismissed the Divine Ancestor's accusation with a heavily sardonic smile.
"Now you must make a choice. Are you going to find a way to escape, avoiding risk even
though the 'King of the End' lies before you? Or will you play your ultimate hand in a bid for
everything? One or the other."
In the past, Guinevere would surely have picked the former.
And then waited for Lancelot's rescue. Since things had come to this, Alec could not let things
go wrong in the last moment.
However, trapped in this current situation, what would she do?
Gamble with her remaining life to seek the "King of the End," or not? Which would it be?
Seeing Guinevere's cute figure beginning to expand, Alec smiled. Very well then, you made
that choice. I shall entertain you to the very end.
The doll-like body of the beautiful girl was covered with silver-white scales as it expanded.
The black formal dress which resembled funeral attire was ripped apart in an instant.
Long and sharp claws grew out from the tips of her four limbs. Wings sprouted from her back.
Her beautiful face had turned merciless and reptilian. But rather than ferocity, the face still
carried a sense of solemn dignity-This was the form of a dragon. Witch Queen Guinevere had finally used her trump card as a
Divine Ancestor. Releasing the seal of dragons and snakes, she temporarily retrieved her
former divinity as mother earth goddess.
However, the price was the forfeit of Guinevere's remaining life.
Sparks appeared all over Alec. Engaging divine speed, he prepared for a conclusion with his
mortal enemy.

Part 3
"I am currently under Lancelot's curse. Before dueling with Lancelot, I need to fight
Gascoigne first. Even though if this continues I'll be free once Gascoigne is defeated. But it
looks like things won't go that smoothly."
On the deck of the magically operated sailing ship, Godou was speaking leisurely.
Naturally, he was talking to Erica, Liliana and Yuri before him.
"I want to fight that Lancelot as soon as possible to settle things."
"If that is the case, Kusanagi Godou, you seem to have forgotten one important thing."
What? As Godou was taken aback by Liliana's statement, Erica explained to him:

"The spell words of the [Sword]. You still haven't obtained knowledge about Lancelot. You
currently have no way to slice apart that war god."
"Ah yes. Now that you mentioned it, that's true."
Godou realized his carelessness. Apparently the curse had made him lose his cool.
"Well actually I thought that when push comes to shove, I could always have Guinevere tell
"Y-You! What are you thinking? She is an enemy, a Divine Ancestor as well!"
Hearing Godou's mutterings, Liliana reprimanded him.
"That is to say, you have no compunction against kissing that witch again! Anyway, how
were you planning on getting her to follow your orders!?"
"Well, whatever, when the time comes I will always think of a way."
"Completely shameless! Spoken like a true sexual predator!"
"Don't say that. By the way, you don't actually dislike me acting this way, right?"
Godou wryly smiled at Liliana's fierce accusations as he winked at her.
The contents of her romance novels were still clear in his memory. The silver-haired knight
had repeated the same lines as the heroine who wholeheartedly looked forward to being toyed
with by a man resembling Kusanagi Godou.
Liliana averted her gaze with a frantic expression. Her anxiety clearly betrayed the fact that
Godou was right on target.
"P-Please wait, Godou-san. Disregarding your statement about doing something to Guineveresama, the final mystery of Sir Lancelot still needs to be solved. Before fighting Sir Lancelot
and the Black Prince, this must be resolved first!"
Taking silent Liliana's place, Yuri pleaded.
"Now is the not the time to fight. Please slow down and calm your heart!"
"Ah yes, actually. Lancelot without armor... I've seen that fellow's true face already."
Suppressing his belligerence for now, Godou smiled as he replied to the Hime-Miko.
This caused Yuri to blink repeatedly with a shocked expression.
"If Mariya also sees it, perhaps you can tell me what kind of existence Lancelot is? Perhaps
the prototype can be used to unravel the final mystery. --Ah, right."

Struck by a great idea, Godou approached Yuri.

"P-Perhaps it really could work... Eh, Godou-san, what are you doing!?"
"Nothing much. I just came up with a great idea, so I want to try it straight away. Mariya can
take this opportunity to instruct me about Lancelot as well."
"R-Right now right here!?"
Godou reached out and pulled the surprised Yuri to his side.
The frail and delicate Hime-Miko easily fell into his bosom. Godou could feel the touch of her
slender yet extremely feminine body and the warmth of her skin.
Hugging her was such a pleasure. Godou smiled, causing Yuri to blush instantly.
"E-Erica-san and Liliana-san are both present. By the way, Godou-san, you're really not
thinking straight. T-This must be a prank -- mmm..."
In contrast to the strong sense of propriety in her voice, Yuri's behavior did not express
She was neither resisting nor trying to escape, and her eyes even began to moisten
passionately. Consequently, Godou did not hold back and pressed his lips upon hers to silence
"N-No, you cannot. E-Everyone is still watching. I-I cannot do this kind of act for Godou-san
-- oooh, please do not do this."
With tears in her eyes, Yuri tried to move her lips away, but she did not truly refuse.
This was evidenced by the fact that she became obedient as soon as Godou again sealed her
lips with his own.
Godou gently licked those cherry lips of hers that glimmered from the moisture of saliva.
Recently, the Hime-Miko had started responding to him boldly but this time she was still
rather stiff. Kissed by Godou, her lips remained tense for quite a while but gradually they
As tongues clicked and lips were licked repeatedly, Yuri finally opened her mouth.
Her cute little tongue cautiously welcomed Godou's tongue as it extended into her mouth.
"B-Bad... Godou-san... P-Please could you understand, enough is enough. If you continue
with this behavior, I-I will become angry for real -- oooh."
Her eyes narrowing from rapture, Yuri still kissed back despite turning bright red from head
to toe due to embarrassment. But no sooner had Godou indulged in the long absent pleasure
he missed than Erica walked over.

"Even though I noticed your lack of hesitation earlier, I never would have thought it extended
to this area as well... How unexpected, Godou. You are full of surprises, one after another."
"Really? I'm just acting according to my own will, that's all."
Godou halted his kiss with the Hime-Miko to respond to Erica.
He did not miss the sight of Yuri's lips, trembling with reluctance at the interruption.
Although it was likely subconscious, perhaps she really sought Godou after all.
"Sorry, since Mariya feels shy, could you two go somewhere a little further away? I want to
learn about Lancelot here first."
Yuri began to shrink back from Erica and Liliana's gazes.
In order to attend to the Hime-Miko, Godou gave orders that went slightly counter to his own
principles. He did not like giving special treatment to any particular person in his circle.
"Stop with the nonsense. How can I leave a person like you unattended so easily and make an
"In that case, you can join Mariya and teach me about Lancelot together."
"What did you say!?"
In a strange turn of events, Erica who was usually the one taking initiative, had been
repeatedly surprised by Godou today. It was really quite an interesting spectacle.
"Yesterday, you learned from Mariya what she knew about Lancelot, right? If that's the case,
there's no problem. Limiting my loving to one particular person... Really isn't behavior I want
to condone. If Erica will join us, that would be for the best."
Having approached arm's reach, Godou grabbed Erica by the wrist.
In a contest of strength, Erica's magically enhanced physical abilities were superior. She
should have been able to struggle free without trouble, but Godou easily pulled her next to
him instead.
Since she would not hesitate towards an invitation from Godou, there was no need for
Godou kissed Erica's lips with his own. This lasted dozens of seconds.
Yuri showed a mournful gaze while Liliana kept shouting "Please stop this, Kusanagi Godou.
Erica, you too, should know enough is enough!" But Godou continued to kiss unfazed.
"Mmmm... Godou, don't think you can dodge the issue simply by doing something like this.
Your command is too inconsiderate. I don't want to listen... Ooh."
Erica whispered lightly as she engaged in an intensely passionate kiss with Godou.

Boldly opening her lips, she covered Godou's lips with them. Using her passionately
wriggling tongue she caressed Godou's tongue, sharing each other's saliva.
"Of course, facing such a proactive Godou truly makes me feel the intense beat of my heart.
Since you have extended such an invitation, it makes me want to accept... As for doing that
with Yuri together, I cannot agree so easily. I, Erica Blandelli, am not that kind of convenient
woman... Mmm."
"Hasn't this been done with everyone before? Wouldn't it be nice to do it from time to time?"
Exchanging kisses a couple, no, several dozen times in this manner, Godou and Erica
whispered softly to each other.
"Precedent is no excuse. I never said it was that easy."
"If you ever feel any discontent, you can always throw a knife at me like just now, you know?
I won't evade it next time... And I won't even complain a single word. How about that, is that
enough for me to be the partner of you girls?"
"Right, if such a chance arises, I really will do it. Prepare yourself!"
Making full use of the brief respite between their dialogue, the two kissed repeatedly without
pause. Despite her words of displeasure, Erica's fragrantly sweet lips welcomed Godou with
great passion.
"I really need you girls by my side after all. Especially Erica, you've pretty much been my
companion the longest, always helping me."
"Come on... You only know how to sweet talk during times like these... What am I going to
do with you?"
Erica finally withdrew her lips from Godou's mouth.
The hanging thread of saliva linking them together remained as evidence of their intense
"I can hardly approve of such emotional decision making. Without noticing it, you have
somehow been provoked to become more and more unyielding. The fact that no man other
than Kusanagi Godou has ever made me, Erica Blandelli, compromise this much, I hope you
can thank fate properly."
"Ah yes. I will engrave it deeply in my heart."
"E-Erica-san, are you serious!?"
Yuri was shocked that the beautiful maiden of red had reached an agreement with Godou.
"Yes. Let this be a special exception only for today. The [Sword] is essential after all. Even
though the method of carrying out the original plan has strayed, doing this with Godou was
part of the plan after all."

"The plan... Y-Yes, that is true."

Yuri answered Erica whose face was flushed red.
It seemed like the girls were scheming something, but Godou did not mind. Just as he had
stated, he would not complain even if he got stabbed. This level of willing acceptance was
necessary as part of his determination.
"B-But. No matter what, this is too unbecoming!"
Liliana's shout made Godou smile at her in response.
"Even if you haven't said anything, you have to accompany us too. Didn't you mention
before? So this time, you must accept me as a knight should."
"It is true I said it before, but this is too abrupt!"
Godou glanced diagonally at the troubled blue knight as he leaned closer to the Hime-Miko.
He pulled into his embrace Yuri who was scared stiff. Erica immediately came to his side as
"If Mariya really dislikes it, then let's stop here. However, I think no matter how I change,
Mariya will still choose to stay by my side. So, may I?"
"D-Do not bring that up... Let me go -- Ah..."
"If you dislike it, then go ahead and bite my lips. No need to go easy on me, okay?"
Kissing Yuri again, he whispered to her.
Embraced in Godou's arms, the Hime-Miko twisted her body, but without expending much
force. No matter how weak or frail her body, she could have refused more intensely as long as
she was serious.
In this manner, Yuri remained in Godou's embrace, tears gathering in her eyes from ecstasy.
"O-Only if Liliana-san also agrees, you are allowed..."
"Trying to escape like that is a bit underhanded. I was relying on Mariya."
"T-Then Godou-san who is saying such things is the underhanded one. P-Promise me, please?
Once Sir Lancelot's details are taught to you, you must return to normal."
"But that's not something within my power, so this promise is a bit challenging. If an
opportunity arises, I will try my best."
"A-As expected, the current Godou-san is so underhanded -- Oooh mmm, mmm."
As Yuri finally relaxed and leaned her body against him, Godou tenderly kissed her.

Licking each other's lips, entangling their tongues, exchanging saliva with each other.
"Really... All sorts of plans and preparations have gone to waste, Godou, you're really
Erica embraced him from behind. Naturally, he also exchanged a deep kiss with her.
"T-This situation is truly a situation indeed! If Mariya Yuri and Erica are doing it, then as the
Grand Chamberlain I should not display any lethargy."
Liliana made her way over unsteadily. Without saying a word, Godou pulled her to his side.

Part 4
"Speaking of Lancelot, he is the knight amongst knights. In the legends of King Arthur and
the Knights of the Round Table, he was praised as the flawless and strongest existence."
As Liliana's beautiful fairy-like face leaned close, Godou unleashed a rain of kisses.
Lips covered lips, pecking away. Enveloping one another. Lips clamping down on another's
lips. Tongues licked and brushed against lips. Attentively frolicking. As if seeking to recover
lost time, it was a kiss full of deep passion.
"The crux of the matter is, what was the origin of the existence known as the knight? You
must already know the answer to this, right?"
Half-baked magic and spirit powers were unable to affect Devil King Campiones.
But it was a completely different matter if spells were poured directly into the body. Namely,
via oral intake.
With forthright temperament, Liliana was forcing her tongue inside. In response, Godou also
extended his tongue into hers, stirring up and caressing the interior of her mouth.
The corners of their mouths soon became wet with saliva.
No, not just their lips but even the surrounding areas of their faces were made wet.
Nevertheless, Liliana did not worry about appearances and leaned her face against Godou's
cheek in an expression of intimate affection.
"Amongst those descended from the Scythians, the inheritors of Iron Age civilization from the
original equestrian tribes, there is Sarmatia... The ones known as the innovators of the
armaments and tactics used by heavy cavalry..."
Between rapturously accepting Godou's extended tongue, Liliana spoke during the brief
interludes for catching her breath.
Erica decided to squeeze in at this time.

"Knights originated from Sarmatia -- or rather, the underlying soil of the Roman Empire that
nurtured medieval chivalry literature to become knightly culture."
Erica stole their lord's lips from her longtime friend and rival.
Nevertheless, despite the inherent greed in Erica's kiss, it was rather tastefully done. Instead
of letting herself be driven by lust and refusing to let go of his lips, Erica displayed the pride
and dignity of a queen allowing a vassal to kiss her hand. Furthermore, it was accompanied by
a young maiden's fervor.
As if trying to compete with this red knight, the blue knight once again offered Godou a kiss,
in a manner as adorable as a fairy.
"The Roman Empire at that time, had a system where non-citizen soldiers were granted
official Roman citizenship after twenty-five years of service... Voluntarily enlisting in the
Roman military, Sarmatians were deployed all over the Empire as cavalry."
"Yes. Retired soldiers were often granted land near the place they were stationed, and would
marry local residents as wives."
The red and blue knights alternately approached with their kisses, in a competition to win
Yuri watched with mournful eyes as the two knights tangled with Godou and said softly:
"Excuse me, Godou-san, so you have seen Lancelot's true face...?"
"Ah yes. That guy is actually a girl beneath the armor. Lancelot du Lac is a female knight."
Yuri sighed as she heard his immediate response.
With an expression like she wanted to say something, Liliana pinched Godou's back.
As for Erica, she moved her lips to feign a kiss and lightly bit Godou's lower lip.
"Ouch! What are you doing?"
"As it turns out, your lips were yet again stolen by female temptation."
"There should limits to how open you leave yourself. You must become more alert."
"Even though that kind of open-mindedness can be considered Godou-san's good point,
nevertheless, it should be time for him to make progress and learn from past mistakes..."
Criticized by each girl in turn, Godou's head shrank back.
This was a tangent. His moment of honesty was for the sake of guiding the Hime-Miko's spirit
vision. What was going to happen? Godou awaited the result. After all--

"Anyway, I was indeed able to see it thanks to what you said. Sir Lancelot's unobscured face
stands as irrefutable evidence of her identity as a queen related to the Proto-Scythian
Yuri hugged back tightly in turn, and bringing her lips close as if trying to stand on her toes.
A resolute and proactive kiss. It was an act that no longer befitted the conservative Yamato
Nadeshiko, thereby lighting her heart with a sense of immoral excitement.
Yuri's kiss was transmitting the knowledge for unraveling Lancelot's mystery.
Once again, the miko possessing the highest spirit vision aptitude had received a divine
oracle. How befitting -- just as Godou was about to express his gratitude, the other girl who
possessed spirit vision also offered a kiss.
"Herodotus was the historian who left behind the first and most ancient writings about the
Scythians, faithfully recording every single detail about the descendants of this tribe. The key
that links the queen and the female warrior, Sir Lancelot, to the Scythians, is..."
Liliana's spirit vision also succeeded on this occasion.
The rare girl, known as both a witch and a knight, transmitted new knowledge to Godou as
well. A massive amount of information was being sent directly to his brain through
[Instruction] magic.
The knowledge provided by the trio caused a sense of certainty to rise in Godou's heart.
Yes, it could be made. The [Sword] for slicing Lancelot apart could now be created!
Just as this confidence made Godou display a dauntless smile...
"Godou, come here for a bit, okay...?"
It was Erica pleading for a kiss. Naturally, Godou responded.
This was an act that had been repeated so many times he had already lost count. However, her
kiss delivered neither speech nor knowledge.
"...A stone?"
Rolling over his tongue was a small and hard ball-shaped object.
Due to Erica mixing copious amounts of sweet and fragrant saliva along with the object,
Godou unwarily swallowed it. Immediately, Godou felt intense chaos in his heart.
Anxiety, indecision, apprehension and the like. These hitherto forgotten emotions were
reawakened once more.

What had been forced down his throat? Erica smiled gracefully as Godou puzzled.
"It's a shame and I'll miss this, but it's about time for things to conclude. Do you remember
Hikari's disaster purification? We asked the Princess to cast a spell to seal that power into this
enchanted stone."
Hikari was Yuri's little sister, the Mariya family's second daughter. She was also an apprentice
Disaster purification was a power that could cancel out a god's authority, even though the
scale of its effect was limited. During the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven,
Hikari's disaster purification had managed to shatter the recovered Ruyi Staff which Erica had
smashed earlier.
In addition, there was Alice's involvement this time.
"This isn't ordinary disaster purification, you know? This is disaster purification performed
after the Princess had used psychic sensing to share her own spiritual essence with Hikari.
Even though wiping out Sir Lancelot's curse is too difficult, it is possible to cause cracks in
it... That's what the Princess said."
Really? So that explains the current feeling. Godou understood.
Indeed it was only on the level of making cracks. Godou had a feeling that if he let his
emotions sweep him away, he would return to that state again.
However. Nevertheless.
Under the girls' gazes, Godou could not allow himself to reignite that fervor.
Because of Erica, who performed the reversal, trying to bring Godou back in spite of the
lingering aftertaste from the earlier behavior which made her body and mind swelter.
Because of Yuri, whose eyes were in a daze from the repeated passionate kissing, yet she still
displayed great worry on her face.
Because of Liliana, whose sincere gaze sought Godou even while she voiced all sorts of
It was imperative to return to their side-The instant this thought crossed his mind, Kusanagi Godou naturally recovered his usual state.

Thus recovered, Godou now faced Erica, Yuri and Liliana.

The girls looked like they were still in an excited state due to the aftertaste from the earlier
behavior. Their beautiful faces were more seductive than usual, and their alluring bodies
brimmed with loveliness that tempted Godou.

Nevertheless, the three of them stared at Godou as if they had something to say.
Embarrassed, Godou deliberately coughed a couple times.
"Ah... Everyone, I'm really sorry about what happened this time. After Lancelot enchanted me
with that suspicious curse, I seem to have become quite strange."
An apology straight from the heart. Nevertheless, the reception was less than ideal.
"I don't really agree. If I had to say it, Godou displayed exceptional vigor."
"Even though there is no actual evidence to prove this, I did not see you possessing the
stupidity unique to those who were magically brainwashed, nor did you show any dulled
"For some reason, I get the feeling that it was a curse that releases one's innermost thoughts
and desires, amplifying them to near insane levels. In that case, up until just now, Godou-san
was really..."
Erica's accusation, Liliana's resignation and Yuri's verdict.
Since he had brought things on himself, Godou could not object in any way. He timidly
bowed his head.
"Looks like I troubled Hikari as well."
"That's right. She received the Princess' spiritual essence and used power which exceeded her
limits, greatly exhausting her body and mind. She collapsed with a severely high fever. She
even asked for you to visit her later."
Godou nodded at Erica's explanation.
Come to think of it, Hikari had requested "let's go out" quite a while ago. Other than
apologizing for her troubles, he really had to fulfill his promise too...
"Of course, I also need to express my thanks to Alice-san. Did she come to Japan again? Is
she together with Kaoru-san and Amakasu-san right now?"
"Uh... That is a rather difficult matter to explain."
Liliana answered Godou's question with a frantic expression. Yuri bowed her head with a
blush and even Erica was diverting her gaze as if embarrassed.
What's going on? Just as he puzzled, Godou heard that voice.
"M-My apologies. I was actually hiding here all along, watching everything from beginning
to end."
Unbelievably, it was the voice of Princess Alice.

Turning his head in a panic, Godou found the beauty standing awkwardly behind him.
"I hurried here because I learned from Erica's call yesterday that Kusanagi-sama was in a
grave situation. Also, I was concerned with Alexandre's latest activities."
Apparently she had flown here using spirit body detachment again.
Of course, besides well intentions, morbid curiosity probably played a large part as well. But
anyway, that did not really matter. Godou could not thank the Princess enough for coming
here expressly to rescue him.
On the other hand, Godou was so shocked he could only stare silently at Alice.
Alice was also completely embarrassed, avoiding eye contact with everyone else.
Furthermore, she was murmuring repeatedly in a highly excited tone.
"Find an opening to feed Kusanagi-sama via mouth-to-mouth the enchanted stone I had
prepared. After hearing this plan Erica had proposed, I've been observing with a racing heart.
I never knew things would get so out of hand! It almost scared me to death!"
Even though the embarrassment made her feel awkward, Alice's eyes glimmered brightly.
Godou and the girls' behavior must have given her quite an intense cultural shock.
"S-Sorry for going on a tangent. But to witness such an avant-garde display as befits
Kusanagi-sama's faction, it renders me quite unable to describe things properly in words. RRegardless, the problem of Guinevere-sama and Sir Lancelot is our first priority right now!"
Alice changed the subject forcibly, coughed cutely and began to look across the sea from the
ship's deck.
"I can see a [Dragon]'s shadow over there. Most likely Guinevere-sama has released the seal
of the snakes and dragons."
This was an observation made by the Miko-Hime. On the other hand, Godou could see
nothing but the sea.
Yuri who possessed the same power as her, nodded in agreement.
"Yes. I see it too. Also, there is a presence of intense [Thunder] in that direction."
"Yes. That must be Sir Lancelot accumulating power."
Godou noticed it too, in the direction pointed out by the Hime-Miko, different from the one
described by Alice.
From the Devil's Sea, the presence of thunder could be felt, which was apparently opposite to
where the dragon's shadow was located.
"Guinevere and Lancelot were separated?"

"Yes. This must have been Alexandre's goal. To trap Sir Lancelot in the labyrinth, isolate
Guinevere-sama, and then strike at each separately. Compared to the knight, the queen is
easier to handle, which is why she became the prioritized target."
This plan had almost been foiled by Godou's intrusion.
That said, Godou could not possibly ally himself with a man of poor character like Alec.
Well, it couldn't be helped. Thinking that, Godou shrugged.
On the other hand, Alice looked in the direction of where the dragon should be and spoke
with determination:
"I will watch Guinevere-sama and Alexandre's duel. What are Kusanagi-sama's plans?"
"I will go to the Floating Island... Where Lancelot is."
From the Black Prince and White Princess' perspective, the Divine Ancestor was their greater
enemy. However, that did not hold true for Kusanagi Godou.
The one he needed to fight and settle things with, was Lancelot du Lac.
Consequently, he needed to part with the Princess here.
"I really owe you one for the assistance this time. Thank you so much. I will properly express
my gratitude later."
"Not at all, I am also having fun."
Alice responded to Godou's thanks with a mainly mischievous smile.
"Then I shall take my leave, Kusanagi-sama. May you be victorious. It's a shame that you and
Alexandre cannot get along, but for the sake of world peace, it's best if you two can
compromise a little. Then I can rest assured!"
This time speaking with ladylike tones, Alice flew away.
The four people, Godou, Erica, Yuri and Liliana were left behind. The usual team.
"Godou, it's finally time for our decisive battle against Sir Lancelot, right?"
"Uh yeah. Sorry everyone. The situation has gone messy because of me, but I've already
decided from the start to end things with Lancelot. Could you all accommodate me for a little
while longer?"
"Asking me, Erica Blandelli, this type of question is completely unnecessary. Only a fool will
say to their right hand something ridiculous like 'accommodate me.' Well whatever,
considering it's Godou, the fool at all times no matter what."
Godou smiled wryly in response to Erica's nonconformist answer, while Liliana and Yuri
nodded on the side.

Even though things were a mess, the conclusion was finally approaching in spite of
everything. Godou stepped forward at last, towards the duel with the knight who had caused
the death of his mortal enemy Athena--

Chapter 7 - Journey's End

Part 1
Transformed into a white dragon, Guinevere was facing Alexandre Gascoigne.
The two had been engaged in a covert struggle all this time. Nevertheless, a direct
confrontation never occurred because Guinevere always avoided such a situation. After all, it
was impossible to face a Campione in a duel without turning into a dragon, an act equivalent
to choosing "death."
Hence, this was the first and last battle.
Guinevere spread her white dragon wings and began to flap. However, this did not cause the
dragon's massive body to take flight. Flapping her wings was for some other purpose rather
than flying.
What the vibrating dragon wings produced was wind.
With a great noisy racket, a vortex of wind was forming around Guinevere's white dragon
The vortex immediately turned into a cyclone, as violent winds swept across the fortythousand-square-meter artificial island. Alec was almost blown away.
"Sealing my movements in your territory?!"
'Correct! Alexandre-sama, Your Highness may possess the speed of lightning. Nevertheless,
as long as you are immobilized, it poses no threat at all!'
The magical wind caused by the Divine Ancestor was not simply strong wind.
The cyclone even formed masses of air to strike at Alec with ferocity, trying to send him
flying. Furthermore, there was a curse which wrapped around his tall, thin physique like a
snake, sealing all movement.
Trapped within the confines of this magical wind, even a giant creature would probably be
unable to move an inch.
It would not be an exaggeration to say his immobility was like being bound by metal
restraints, for this was a type of bondage spell. The only one left untouched was the white
dragon transformed from Guinevere, able to move freely while her opponent was left with no
choice but to stand still.

Standing inside this cyclone that conferred an absolute advantage, the white dragon bellowed.
'Alexandre-sama, Your Highness should prepare yourself!'
Guinevere's adorable voice was heard from the white dragon's jaws simultaneously with the
Next came the frontal attack. Swinging the dragon's massive front limbs, those sword-rivaling
sharp claws were going to rip him apart. An ordinary person would probably be torn to pieces
But Alec was a Campione, and thus possessed absolute resistance against magic. Even against
the curse cast by a divine class sacred dragon-"Be thou faithful unto death! And I will give thee a crown of life!"[11]
Chanting scripture, he raised the magical power residing in his body.
This in turn increased his magical resistance. Just as he finished raising his magical power, the
wind's curse pressing on his body disappeared. Recovering his freedom, Alec instantly used
god speed.
A bystander would probably think he teleported.
In an instant, Alec charged behind the white dragon and leaped lightly, touching the dragon's
back with his hand. Of course, it was no mere touch. Turning his right hand into plasma, he
released an electrical attack.
Zap! Sparks flew.
'Guh... Truly a nimble one!'
A sound came from the dragon as if Guinevere was smacking her lips. As befitted the gigantic
dragon god which surpassed divine beasts, the electric shock did not seem to have done any
Furthermore, the magical wind was increasing in momentum.
Guinevere once again poured divine power into the wind.
The wind roared, bellowed and moaned. This rampaging wind's purpose was entanglement in
addition to blown attacks. Alec's slender body was once again constricted by the magical
wind, unable to lift a single finger let alone make use of god speed.
Suddenly restrained tightly, Alec found his legs tied together.

He was caught in a difficult situation of falling over as he smacked his lips. Taking advantage
of this, Guinevere swung the white dragon's massive tail with a swish. Being struck by that
object would be no different from being pummeled by a steel beam from a building
construction site.
Alec raised his magical power once again and managed to struggle free of the magical wind's
curse. Activating god speed when the tail was mere centimeters from his body, he dodged.
However, Guinevere infused the wind with divine power once more-This was essentially an endless self-defeating cycle.
Using the instant when the wind restrained Alec, Guinevere used the dragon's body to attack.
Swinging those sharp claws on her front and back limbs. Biting down with those jaws, filled
with rows of sharp and deadly teeth. Charging with that massive body as a weapon. Swiping
with that unexpectedly troublesome weapon of a tail.
And more terrifying than any of those attacks, the breath from the dragon's mouth.
The dragon's breath instantly turned into a tempest mixed with shards of ice. This sharp
onslaught displayed merciless ferocity, seeking to send the living flying, slicing them apart,
freezing them.
Whenever any of these attacks approached, Alec struggled free from his bonds.
Using divine speed to jump backwards, he repeatedly evaded the dragon's attacks in the last
second before being struck. Nevertheless, he could not counterattack in any effective way.
Not due to Alec's manipulative personality, but because Alec's authorities were not very
offense-oriented in nature.
"Oh well, the labyrinth creation authority was never one to be used for offense in the first
Alec muttered as he continued to endure the dragon's fierce attacks.
"Though talented, the bashful servant is unsuited for direct confrontations. The magical
sphere of avarice is currently in use. And if I used that thunderstrike, I will lose the ability to
escape from the palm of your hand. What a predicament!"
The authority of divine speed actually had an attack mode called [Black Thunder] which
could incinerate everything on the ground.
However, using it meant that he could no longer use divine speed for half a day. Alec had no
wish to use it in this situation.
"But anyway, Guinevere. There's not much time remaining before checkmate. Have you
prepared a way to seal that move?"
Guinevere did not have the leisure to respond to Alec's question.

The ferocious dragon was using her gigantic body to fan the magical wind.
--This could be described as the battle between a lion and a cat. No matter how agile Alec
was, suffering a single strike from the dragon would result in instant death. Hence for
Guinevere, as long as she cautiously kept up her pursuit of her prey and delivered a decisive
blow once sufficient damage had been caused, things were set.
That said, Alec was actually the one with effort to spare.
"Clearly you could have stalled for time while waiting for Lancelot's rescue, but you didn't.
That means that knight must be suffering from some kind of inconvenience. For example,
maybe something like insufficient stamina for continuous battle."
Guinevere answered Alec's mutterings with a new wave of furious attacks.
Clearly she was feeling anxious. The hunch was correct. Furthermore, she must be aware that
little time remained until the fulfillment of the conditions Alec needed to reverse his
unfavorable situation.
He continued to evade the raging attacks of the white dragon -- until finally, the time had
Once Alec was certain enough power had been stored from Guinevere's attacks, he chanted
the spell words.
"Hear me, daughters of the endless night, daughters of the earth and shadow!"
Even though the magical wind sealed his body's movements, Alec no longer cared.
In response to the chanted verse, three beautiful infernal goddesses manifested.
Standing guard above him and to his left and right were Megaera, Tisiphone and Alecto.
These were the Erinyes, the three goddesses of vengeance.
"Fighting evil with evil, repaying crime with crime, shedding blood for blood, knocking out a
tooth for a tooth, thus vengeance begins. By the blood of the slain mother, tragic death denies
all future attempts at filial piety!"
Raven-black wings sprouted from their backs, while every strand of hair was a "snake."
Using their feathered wings, they completely deflected the razor claws, sharp teeth and deadly
breath from Guinevere's dragon form.
"Megaera the demon, Tisiphone the avenger, Alecto the relentless, retrieve the curse and
execute vengeance! Now is the time for revenge!"
This was the second authority Alec had usurped, the authority of vengeance.

Summoning the three infernal goddesses required spending a substantial amount of time on
meditation and a ritual. Hence it was impossible to use in immediate battles. On the other
hand, if the enemy could be lured where preparations had been made beforehand to summon
the Erinyes, Alec would gain an astounding advantage.
Because all damage and destruction performed before them was reflected back to the
Responding to Alec's chant, vicious countenances appeared on the snake-haired Erinyes.
Spreading their black wings, they attacked the white dragon.
The goddess in dragon form was tragically clobbered and sliced open-Guinevere's entire body suffered the full force of the attacks she had unleashed on Alec
earlier. Like living prey tossed high into the air to be shredded by the sharp beaks of gathering
ferocious birds of prey.
A complete massacre.
Even though he had successfully sent his enemy to the grave, Alec was not moved the
slightest. The problems of Lancelot and Kusanagi Godou still remained. As he thought of
them, a familiar voice was heard.
"So things seem to have concluded."
"You came. What a keen sense of smell you have."
Turning his head back, he found Princess Alice's spirit body there.
Knowing she came to catch the show, Alec went "Hmph" at her and said:
"Just as you see, Guinevere has reached her end. Though Lancelot remains as an enemy...
Perhaps there is no further need to fight him."
"Once the one he protected is gone, Sir Lancelot loses his original reason to fight."
Sharp as ever, Alice immediately concurred.
"Ah yes. Normally, this would constitute a motive for revenge, but that guy is a [Heretic God]
after all. He has acted as Guinevere's knight for over a thousand years. If this lone constraint
disappears, it would not be surprising for him to start wandering the earth."
This was precisely the reason why Alec targeted the Witch Queen first.
However, immediate objections were raised against his statement. It was the hoarse voice of
Guinevere on the verge of death.
'No! Even though Sir Knight has indeed become a [Heretic God], his loyalty towards our
sworn master has never been lost! Now that the land of Avalon has appeared, he will not
succumb to his heretical tendencies!'

She must be dying. The dragon's body had begun to petrify. The silver-white dragon scales
covering her body were losing their luster and turning into milky-white stone.
'Guinevere believes in Sir Knight's heroism and devotion. He will surely take the place of us
Divine Ancestors, going forth to serve under the banner of the "King of the End," pledging his
allegiance as the premier knight!'
The Divine Ancestor's soul still appeared to be intact. Alec replied to her voice:
"If that island were the true Avalon, perhaps things might proceed in that fashion."
Neither merciless nor hateful, he simply responded without emotion.
As if mechanically pointing out errors in an experiment.
"The Heavenly Reverse Halberd is simply a divine artifact for building countries, and is
affiliated with Izanagi and Izanami, the parents of Japan's islands. Their creations were not
limited to intact land but also included the so-called 'Leech Child,' an amorphous fluidic
object that was exiled to the ocean according to the myths."
Having severed Guinevere's tragic hopes, revenge was complete. As a result, Alec spoke
coldly without emotion:
"The Heavenly Reverse Halberd happens to be the divine artifact that imitates this legend,
allowing it to produce both dry land and Leech Children. Approximately a thousand years
ago, the 'King of the End' had revived for the sake of exterminating the Campiones active at
the time. Completing his mission as usual, he went to sleep on a certain island in Japan."
Through the experiment at Los Angeles, Alec understood the properties of the Heavenly
Reverse Halberd. After associating it with the strongest [Steel], he came up with a certain
"The island where the 'King of the End' sleeps, was converted into a Leech Child using the
Heavenly Reverse Halberd. You should have figured it out by now, that is the Floating Island
I revived... The island you call Avalon. Here comes the mystery, who did it and why?"
Alice made an expression as if she realized something. She must have figured out the
mechanism behind the trap.
"Apparently the masterminds are the elders who viewed the 'King of the End' as a threat.
Turning the island where the troublesome tiger slept into a Leech Child, they sank it to the
bottom of the sea to conceal it. And truly what a brilliant method of concealment.
Nevertheless, there still remained existences like you Divine Ancestors. Since they were
going to hide the island, the elders thought they might as well use an even more well-thought
out method to be safe."
This was one of several possible developments that Alec had deduced.
"A week earlier, I tried using the Heavenly Reverse Halberd to reconstruct the Floating
Island. What this verified was the absence of something that should exist. On that island there

was no decrepit divine sword -- the remains of the 'King of the End.' After careful
consideration, the elders must have changed the king's sleeping location beforehand."
In any case, there was no sword anywhere on the Floating Island. Consequently, the Heavenly
Reverse Halberd was simply a red herring -- a diversion to trick seekers of the king.
Although Alec had a hunch about where the King of the End was truly located, there was no
need to reveal it at this time.
"Ultimately, the Floating Island is not Avalon. Even so, it was sufficient for my purpose of
baiting you. Hence I used the labyrinth authority to lock it up, to act as the crucial element of
the trap."
'The divine sword's aura that could be sensed from the island -- could that actually be!?'
Without answering Guinevere's sobbing voice, Alec shrugged.
Sardinia's Lucretia Zola had once mentioned. The "King of the End" was much more ancient
than Arthur and a hero spanning continents, both oriental and occidental.
Alec believed her statement and had been performing field research in various lands. What
this achieved was the discovery of a decrepit Divine Sword of Salvation in Indonesia. This
was the item he had ordered Cecilia Cheung to retrieve and bring over to Japan.
"Even though I was worrying how things would turn out when Kusanagi Godou appeared, in
the end the plan continued smoothly without a hitch. Guinevere, this is the truth of the matter,
which cannot be changed no matter what. As the Witch Queen, it is only fitting for you to
pass away with dignity, is it not?"
'No! Even like this, Guinevere still has things to do!'
The white dragon's body had completely petrified. Turned into a milky-white statue, it was
lying on the ground. However, this statue collapsed all of a sudden.
As if eroded by the long and merciless passage of time, it lost shape and became sand with a
rustling sound.
The grains of sand, which had been part of a dragon god only moments earlier, scattered
noisily across the ground. Carried by the blowing wind, a large clump of sand scattered and
flew towards the sea.
"I can sense Guinevere-sama's consciousness in that clump of sand!"
"How resilient. As befits one who carries immortal divinity!"
Alec exclaimed in response to Alice's observation. What was Guinevere planning to do in that

Despite his curiosity, Alec turned himself into lightning. His destination was the Floating
Island. By this time, Lancelot should have already landed. Alec wanted to find out what the
knight would do after witnessing Guinevere's demise.

Part 2
That "island" Alec had caused to surface in Tokyo Bay was still several kilometers away.
Even so, Lancelot du Lac was stuck in midair, unable to advance. Imprisoned by the
gravitational pulse emitted from the black sphere hidden in the sea, it was impossible to budge
an inch.
Nevertheless, the dark clouds covering the sky above continued to release flashes of lightning.
The purpose of these electrical strikes was to replenish the essence of [Thunder] for the flying
knight and divine horse.
"In order to reach the island of destiny which finally appeared, this Knight and steed shall go
full speed at maximum power. This Knight's ally, turn into lightning together with one in a
display of valor. Go forth!"
Recharging was complete for the secondary effects of lightning speed and meteoric impact.
Whispering to the beloved white horse softly, Lancelot leaned forward against the horse's
back. In that instant, rider and partner became a white meteor. Turning themselves into a
dragon-slaying snake-slaughtering divine sword, it was a charge which could tear apart
heaven and earth. Now they needed no longer fear the gravitational pulse.
Focusing purely on flying, they broke free from the restraints of gravity, thereby traversing
the Devil's Sea. From high up in the air, Lancelot looked down at the island of destiny she had
finally reached. A little island which contained nothing but rock.
Covered entirely by conspicuous strangely shaped rocks, there were no other distinct
landforms or structures.
Ordering the divine horse to circle the island from the air, Lancelot caught sight of something
shiny on the ground below. It appeared to be metal reflecting sunlight.
Descending instantly, they landed on the peak of the strange rocks.
Embedded there was a rusted decrepit iron sword.
It was once a broad and mighty sword. Lancelot recognized it as one of many identical
swords. Namely, the Divine Sword of Salvation which had been used as the material for the
divine lance Excalibur.
The decrepit sword was the hero's remains. He was supposed to be sleeping in the land where
this sword was embedded.

However, Lancelot could not sense from anywhere on this island the presence of his kin -[Steel]. The warrior who should be lying in slumber with the decrepit divine sword. That
lethargic presence, similar to a rusted sword blade, was nowhere to be felt.
"This place is not Avalon either... Is that the situation now?"
Then the white war god became aware.
The final death roars of the [Dragon] not far away. Unmistakable. Furthermore, the presence
of the girl Lancelot was supposed to protect could no longer be felt.
It must be Guinevere who had been abducted by Alexandre Gascoigne.
Even in a battle against the Black Prince, Guinevere should have been able to seek protection
by sending out her thoughts. Had she been able to escape successfully, she would have
delivered thoughts to report her safety...
"Has the beloved child fallen before her grand aspirations could be realized? Looks like our
journey is coming to an end."
Notions of resignation surfaced. What should she do from here onwards?
A duel with the Black Prince to avenge Guinevere? Or to finally indulge her long time wish,
to begin a journey of wandering and battle -- No.
From atop the castle of strange rock, Lancelot could see the sailing ship approaching the
The "enemy" should be there. Questions along the likes of how she should survive henceforth,
shall be considered after the battle's conclusion.
Due to the full powered charge at maximum speed just now, Lancelot and her beloved steed
were exhausted. Nevertheless, now that the beloved child was gone, she was free to rampage
without reservation.
Feeling the duel approaching, Lancelot smiled under her helmet and tightly gripped the reins
once more.

The castle of strange rock that Amakasu had described.

The ship sailed smoothly and approached this island of conspicuous and strangely shaped
rock. The labyrinth authority had already vanished. Fortunately, Guinevere had magically
enchanted the ship to move in response to Kusanagi Godou's orders.
Not only Godou but Erica, Yuri and Liliana were all on the deck.
"Sir Lancelot is now approaching. Alone."
Liliana reported. With Ena absent, she was the one with the best eyesight.

Godou focused his eyes and was able to make out the figure of the white knight. Rather than
flying like lightning as usual, Lancelot flew in a straight line no faster than a normal horse's
Lancelot appeared in the usual full armor, with no skin exposed.
However, the knight seemed to be giving off an impression of exhaustion, and the divine
horse's footsteps felt heavy and dulled.
"You look really tired?"
Godou asked out loud as he walked to the edge of the deck.
The three girls retreated to the back, as if trying not to disrupt his dialogue with a god. It was
not yet their time to enter the stage.
"Hmm. In order to struggle free from the Black Prince's minion, one resorted to a galloping
charge. Furthermore, the beloved child who had to face that man alone, turned into a dragon
and was defeated. In the end, all this sacrifice achieved was reaching a fake Avalon."
Ordering her beloved horse to hover motionless in the air, Lancelot spoke in low spirits.
Apparently, reaching the Floating Island was a trap.
Godou was horrified by what Alec had done.
He was not sure what kind of relations he would develop with that man in the future, but if
that guy prepares for a fight it would be unavoidable. It felt like no amount of struggling
could get out of those multi-layered traps, and falling into them meant "checkmate."
"Were this Knight a sage with a keen mind, perhaps Gascoigne's scheming could have been
thwarted. But unfortunately, one is merely a warrior who only knows how to charge forward.
Thus, this Knight failed the beloved child."
"Are you going to seek Gascoigne for revenge?"
"One considered it. Nevertheless, incredible as it may sound, one's heart did not get fired up at
the prospects."
With a metallic scratching sound, Lancelot lifted the visor of her helmet. The white war god's
beautiful face -- the unobscured face of a woman was revealed.
"Now that the fetters of the protector knight's duties have been lost, this Knight wonders.
Henceforth, one only needs to journey as one desires, fighting only those enemies whom this
Knight deems worthy."
With the helmet opened, Lancelot used a female voice.
"Gascoigne is indeed a formidable foe. And the beloved child's enemy as well. However, this
deviates from one's preference. Hohoho, this Knight's true wish is to charge like an arrow that

has been shot, swinging a lance ferociously. Were one not this foolishly straightforward, this
Knight would not have gotten involved with that certain man."
Even though the girl under her protection had just been lost, the beautiful war god was
smiling instead.
Once heroes suffered loss, they did not wallow in nostalgic attachment. This twisted sense of
competitiveness, truly belonged to a [Heretic God].
Exactly the same as when Godou had befriended the war god Verethragna.
"So, what are your plans now?"
"No further words are necessary. There is no lack of familiarity between dear sir and this
Knight. Surely dear sir's purpose is the same? In order to play the symphony of an intense
duel, to mourn the goddess Athena!"
Lancelot smiled delightfully as she spoke.
She was already completely certain. Godou nodded silently.
"Naturally, this Knight would never be so rude as to challenge dear sir with an exhausted
body! This Knight shall curse oneself, for the sake of vanquishing Kusanagi Godou, one shall
risk all with this body!"
In the instant she called out, Lancelot's immense divine power was restored.
These were words of magic. The curse of [Insane Rush] which had been applied to Godou
previously. In the same manner that it had replenished Godou's power after the battle against
Alec, the white war god now used it to recover herself!
Then the familiar lance descended from the heavens.
This was the ultimate weapon that created the white star which had made Godou and Athena
suffer so much. Gripping it tightly in her hand, Lancelot announced as if chanting:
"Come, Excalibur... The sacred lance born from the Divine Sword of Salvation! Now then,
Kusanagi Godou, this Knight has already shown dear sir one's true face. In that case, there is
no point in hiding the remainder!"
Lancelot's white armor flew apart.
That honey-colored hair was most suited to her cool and refreshing facial beauty.
Fully exposed was her tall and slender physique, with an astoundingly voluptuous bosom and
exceptionally mesmerizing hips. As the body of a mature woman, it was completely flawless.
In addition, her attire changed.

Chain mail protected her upper torso. The helmet no longer had a visor to obscure her
beautiful face. The divine lance Excalibur was wielded in her right hand, while an iron bow
was strapped to her back. The saddle of the white divine horse now carried a quiver of arrows.
Furthermore, the armor which had been protecting Lancelot till now-The white steel that flew apart now shattered and scattered noisily, turning into countless
pieces. These pieces further fragmented, expanding and transforming as they scattered.
Unbelievably, each fragment became a knight and horse combination.
The style of each knight's armor, was very similar to what Lancelot used to wear.
On the other hand, the color of their steel was a deep gray like an overcast sky. With the same
majestic appearance of the white knight, they lined themselves up in a row.
Numbering roughly three hundred or so, the knights were all flying on their horses in midair,
rapidly gathering around Lancelot. They were like a perfectly disciplined flock of birds.
When birds of prey gathered to hunt collectively, they most likely moved in such a fashion.
A squadron of heavy cavalry had appeared to guard the beautiful war deity.
"Hohoho, it has been so long since this Knight last commanded these subordinates. This
Knight shall lead these soldiers into battle as their monarch, to fight as a simple warrior to
settle the duel with dear sir. To decide the victor through ordinary battle!"
This was Lancelot du Lac's completed state.
He was still in an abnormal state last time -- Recalling Athena's warning, Godou was terrified.
In that case, he could not hold back any more.
"As the one who ought to be the knight amongst knights, why are you female!? The greatest
clue to unraveling this mystery, lies in Greek mythology!"
Erica, Yuri and Liliana -- the knowledge they taught was being yelled out.
Godou activated Verethragna's final incarnation, the [Warrior], and summoned the sword of
spell words.
"You are no ordinary [Steel]. As sword gods born as heroes of steel, all were male warriors
who shared intimate symbiotic relationships with mother earth goddesses. Nevertheless, you
exist within the realm of the heroes of steel as a female instead. An extremely rare existence
with dual identities as both a goddess and a member of steel."
"Oh? You intend to direct that weapon at this Knight? The spell words for slicing gods apart!"
Lancelot smiled with relaxed composure. If she had been watching his battle against Athena,
it was only natural for her to know about the [Sword]. Godou continued unfazed:

"Rare, but not nonexistent. One of them was Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazons. Widely
known in Greek mythology as the daughter of the war god Ares. The queen of the female
warrior tribe! The prototype for the war god Lancelot is either her or a goddess corresponding
to one of her sisters. Am I right!?"
Appearing in the sunny and clear sky above Godou's head were the spell words of the
Tiny spheres flashing with golden brilliance. With dozens of them twinkling, they were
reminiscent of the stars in the sky. Each sphere of light was a weapon for severing Lancelot's
"Hohoho. You have mentioned a nostalgic name!"
"The Amazons were a ferocious all-female equestrian tribe descending from the war god Ares
and a naiad. Inhabiting the coastal areas of the Black Sea, they were ruled by two queens. One
who administered internal rule while the other commanded in battle. Amongst them were
queens, such as Hippolyta, who were also daughters of their ancestor Ares!"
The formation of shining swords of light was being arranged in the air above Godou's ship.
Immediately in front, the "Squadron of Dark Gray Knights" lay in wait, with Lancelot in the
center of their formation. Every one of them were pointing their lance tips at the spell words
of the [Sword].
Then a frontal conflict commenced-"The reason why Hippolyta and her sisters are [Steel], originates from their father Ares. For
he is a corner of the most primitive source -- the purest incarnation of the sword which fights
in total compliance with its duty. Hence, he is violent and inconsiderate, a war god
symbolized by a sword stabbed into the earth!"
Godou was stunned as he continued to compose the spell words.
The squadron of knights, roughly three hundred of them, had deployed half their numbers as a
vanguard and charged into the [Sword].
Was Lancelot really choosing her own defeat!?
"If the battle ends with dear sir as the only one swinging your weapon, it would be this
Knight's dishonor as a warrior. So let one's subordinates raise some havoc!"
In spite of the situation, the beautiful war god was truly feeling joyous. Was there some kind
of trick?
It was like sending birds of prey into a net. These shining golden spheres of light were the
blades for slicing Lancelot apart. The dark gray knights should also be valid targets as well-Godou puzzled as he continued chanting spell words. His first priority was to increase combat

"The ancient historian Herodotus recorded in his narrative, The Histories, that the equestrian
Scythians worshiped a divinity equivalent to Ares from Greek mythology and even treated
him as a special deity. But unlike other gods for whom they built altars, the Scythians
worshiped Ares through his symbol -- the sword stabbed into the earth!"
The golden sword easily slashed the dark gray knights to pieces.
The spell words' blades sliced helmets in half and pierced chain mail as the knights and their
horses were noisily shattered into fragments as easily as glass sculptures.
The fragments disappeared in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the squadron of knights had its
numbers thinned out by half.
Nevertheless, Godou did not feel a sense of victory. Instead, it was anything but reassuring.
"In addition, Herodotus also recorded this: intermarriage between the equestrian Scythians
and the female warrior tribe gave rise to equestrian Sarmatia. This nation is precisely the key
to how the Black Sea's goddess and queen of war took on the appearance of Lancelot the
"No truer words than that! This Knight was once worshiped by the people as the queen of
Lancelot's forthright admission only served to bring bone-chilling terror. But Godou could not
stop now.
Spreading out the [Sword] in a giant ring shape, Godou surrounded the remaining half of the
knight squadron.
The knight squadron guarding the beautiful war god, was indeed akin to a dark gray flock of
birds of prey. A golden net encircled them, preparing to down them in one fell swoop. At this
moment, Lancelot also chanted spell words.
"A decree to the valorous knights. Falter not, fear not. For you are all knights, undaunted and
unrelenting. You are only permitted to advance. Forward! Think nothing but charge forth to
crush the enemy!"
Then she tossed the iron bow on her back to the sky.
This time, the bow shattered and scattered, its fragments forming dark gray knights. The
newly born knights numbered roughly a hundred. The squadron of knights whose numbers
had been halved, once again bolstered its ranks!
"Eh, are you actually...!?"
"Hohoho, as befits the one who is Knight's destiny, how observant! Have you discerned one's
Lancelot had revived the squadron of dark gray knights.

The knights made another charging attack at the encircling net weaved from the golden
sword. Repeating the same scene as before, the knights were continually slain by the [Sword].
However, Godou trembled in fear once he figured out Lancelot's goal.
'King, this is another tactic used by immortal [Steel]!'
Godou nodded to acknowledge the warning given by Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi residing
in his right arm.
Lancelot's immortality did not simply manifest itself as the power to turn into mist. She also
held the power to resurrect the minions who served her.
'Undaunted by your spell words, aiming for victory by openly contesting via frontal charge.
Be they snapped or crushed, she polishes and sharpens these sword blades anew.'
Sounding extremely impressed, the partner's voice was filled with praise and admiration.
'How befitting of one who shares my origins of [Steel]! Granted, showing off little tricks for
running away was never in a sword's nature!'
"I get the principle, but being unable to do anything but react passively is infuriating!"
Godou remarked with surprise and admiration. This apparently suicidal tactic, was one which
would threaten Godou if repeated enough times, for the sharpness of the [Sword] would dull
after each use.
If it turned into a battle of attrition, the sword would become useless sooner or later...!
"That Lancelot, is using the weapons and armor on her person as the materials to create those
'Hmm, indeed.'
"In that case, whether she uses up her armaments first, or my [Sword] vanishes first, isn't that
the key to victory?"
While the conversation with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi occurred, the dark gray knight
squadron's numbers were cut down by half again.
This time, Lancelot tossed her quiver into the distance. It contained two arrows or so, each
fitted with an arrowhead of iron. Once again, these objects shattered and scattered, giving
birth to a hundred new knights who regrouped with the squadron again. In Godou's past
battles, there had been other gods who had countered the [Sword]-But the way Lancelot achieved it through this foolishly straightforward and simple manner
was something new.
"So, Kusanagi Godou. Are you enjoying this spectacular battle!?"

"Give me a break! As if anyone would enjoy this annoying battle of attrition!"

Contradicting his words, Godou's lips were smiling savagely.
Very well then. Since you are replenishing your knights over there, I will chant spell words to
sustain the [Sword]'s power as much as possible!
"The Sauromatae were later known as the Sarmatians. They initiated a conflict with their kin,
the Scythians, and obtained victory. Both the Scythians and the Sarmatians were equestrian
tribes. However, the Sarmatian's heavy arms and sturdy iron armor allowed them to crush the
lightly armed Scythians!"
"Hmm. Using even sturdier steel was the style of the Sarmatians, for it was the victory of their
Flying all over the sky, the [Sword] formed a golden net of encirclement.
Surrounded, the dark gray knights prepared for a defensive battle to the death.
This was the beginning of a foreseeable battle of attrition. Using the greaves and gauntlets
from her arms and legs as materials, Lancelot created knights once again. In opposition,
Godou also weaved more spell words together.
"The Sarmatians in the myths, were also a nation which inherited the customs of female
warriors. It was said that the women of Sarmatia were well trained in martial arts, and
prohibited from marriage unless they gained the experience of killing a man!"
Godou wished to strike at Lancelot herself while the [Sword] was still sharp.
With this intention, Godou controlled the spell words. However, the decimated squadron of
dark gray knights continued to guard her with their lives, preventing Godou's [Sword] from
reaching her.
Lancelot proceeded to toss away her helmet to replenish her knights.
"The kings and queens spoken of in the myths are equivalent to 'gods.' Your past identity as
the queen of the Amazons, as either Hippolyta, Penthesilea, or Antiope... Was a goddess as
Ares' daughter. Hence, you, as a goddess, must have inherited the female warrior customs of
the Sarmatians!"
The [Sword]'s overwhelming advantage against the knights was gradually eroding.
The knights who were destroyed in the beginning simply by being struck by the golden
spheres of light, were now offering continued resistance. Soon after, the situation evolved into
a stalemate.
In a direct confrontation, the [Sword] and the knights were mutually annihilating.
This was because the [Sword] was becoming rather blunt. Lancelot began to smile with a

Other than the divine lance in her hand, her only remaining armament was her chain mail.
Immediately, the chain links constituting this piece of defensive gear also shattered and
scattered in the surroundings.
The numerous chain links turned into dark gray knights as her final reinforcements.
"Go forth, knights of the wilderness! Become this Knight's second lance, to vanquish
Kusanagi Godou!"
The queen issued her orders.
The gray knights arranged themselves in a spindle-shaped formation in the air. She must have
judged the encircling net of the [Sword]'s spell words to be breachable at this juncture.
Godou's breathing quickened. Now was the decisive moment for victory.
Acting passive will lead to defeat. He must switch to offense instead!
"Due to becoming soldiers of the Roman Empire, the Sarmatians and their culture were
spread all over Europe. During that time period, you must have been known as the goddess of
[Steel], the queen of the Amazons!"
Chanting spell words, Godou transmitted his thoughts to the remaining portions of the
Gather together. Do not fight while scattered in the sky like stars at night.
Concentrate in one location to create an organism. Yes, faced with the knights who serve
Lancelot, fight them like a ferocious beast!
"It was during an age when the heavy cavalry culture of Sarmatian origin was transforming
into medieval European chivalry. Nevertheless, Sarmatia fell into ruin and its culture changed.
In stark contrast to the flourishing of the majestic 'knight' on the battlefield, the names and
myths of the Amazonian queens gradually entered obscurity!"
Thousands of flashes of light gathered to create a golden outline.
This could be compared to the light of a galaxy. A shining nebula illuminating the darkness of
space. Concentrating light together to become mighty power, to pave the road to victory-"Before she knew it, the goddess as the Sarmatian queen of war was wrapped in heavy armor,
becoming Lancelot the god of knights. Consequently, she carried a sense of insanity and
savagery unsuited to a knight's nature... Nevertheless, she was still the ultimate knight closer
to the primitive source than anyone else!"
Manifesting over Godou's head was a [Snake]-shaped nebula shining with golden brilliance.
The form of a massive and slender [Snake] composed of thousands or even tens of thousands
of light spheres. The head portion was an inflated oval shape, which proceeded to split open
as if opening its jaws.

For convenience in battle, Godou had ordered the [Sword] to take the form of a living
In the likeness of a divine beast, as a symbol in tribute to the goddess who had passed away
due to the involvement of Lancelot.
"Hohoho. Are you going to challenge the dragon-slaying and snake-slaughtering war god with
such a formation, god-slayer!?"
Glancing at the golden [Snake], Lancelot laughed heartily.
Rather than a mocking laugh, there was an authentic sense of exhilaration. It was the sound of
someone who enjoyed battle from the depths of their hearts.
"This mettle of yours in bringing such elegance to the battlefield, truly caters considerably to
this Knight's liking. True to form, dear sir is precisely the great opponent one had always
sought! You are the man of destiny to whom this Knight offers absolute adoration!"
Queen Lancelot raised the lance in her hand towards the sky.
"Since dear sir has entrusted your destiny to the shadow of Athena, this Knight shall
reminisce the divine splendor of the master of old, to display the unyielding might of the man
who once stood as the one bearing overwhelming strength!"
The lance tip shined with platinum brilliance. Excalibur was the name of its blade. This divine
sword had been swung in the past for the sake of world salvation, by the hero who became the
source of King Arthur's legend.
"O Divine Sword of Salvation, steel slices apart the planets! Lend power to this Knight!"
The platinum-colored star suddenly manifested behind Lancelot and the knight squadron.
Its size and brilliance made it seem like a second sun had descended upon the earth. The
destructive power of this star, capable of firing blades, was no joking matter.
Godou found it difficult to breathe as he directly faced the brilliance of the burning white star.
His [Sword] could not defend against that divine sword. How could he escape this desperate

Part 3
In the middle of the sky, the flying squadron of knights was facing off against the golden
Arranged in a spindle formation, the remaining gray knights roughly numbered a hundred. In
opposition to them was the forty or fifty-meter-long snake. The [Sword]'s spell words had
concentrated together to take on the form of a snake.

Focusing her gaze on her subordinates' formation, Queen Lancelot lifted divine lance
The white star gradually approached the beautiful war god's back.
"Finally time for the ultimate weapon to be used, eh..."
Riding on the deck of the magically-operated sailing ship, Erica gasped.
Standing upright on the prow, Godou was controlling the [Snake] as he focused his gaze on
Lancelot and the white star. Erica, Yuri and Liliana were all on standby in the back of the ship
in case of any emergencies.
Come to think of it, Lancelot turned out to be unexpectedly adept in tactics...
Erica frowned. Lancelot had repeatedly employed a foolish suicidal tactic while cautiously
cherishing the ultimate weapon. This was done in preparation for the opportune moment to
crush Godou in one fell swoop using her subordinate knight squadron and Excalibur in
concert. Evidently, she was no simple berserker.
Originally, her true talents should lie in charging without distraction at full speed and
maximum strength.
However, at some point in time she had become a sage who could calmly analyze the battle
situation while fighting at full power.
Godou most likely thought the same. He was savagely smiling as he focused his sharp gaze on
Lancelot hovering in midair. In order not to lose against these odds stacked against him, he
was burning with battle spirit.
If Erica and the girls failed to assist him in a time of need like now, their existence would be
"For Godou to defend against Excalibur, he must switch from the [Warrior] to a different
incarnation. But while Sir Lancelot's knight squadron continues to exist, the [Sword] should
still be needed. So let us protect him with our power."
"That goes without saying. Is that not the reason why we are here?"
Liliana immediately responded to Erica's call. As expected of the longtime friend and rival.
If the squadron of dark gray knights were Lancelot's subjects, then the red and blue knights
were Godou's sword and shield. Erica and Liliana summoned their magic swords at once.
The steel of the lion, Cuore di Leone, and the steel of the master musician, Il Maestro.
The former was a great sword of heavy construction, while the latter was a glaive consisting
of a blade fitted on the tip of a long shaft.

"Divine Sword of Salvation... The steel whose remains Guinevere-sama had taken and
At this time, Yuri murmured as she looked up towards Lancelot and the divine lance.
"Erica-san and Liliana-san. I have seen the magical 'pathway' connecting Sir Lancelot to the
divine lance. I think if it can be severed, Sir will no longer be able to use Excalibur."
"As expected. Did you see it through spirit vision?"
"However, it's unfortunate that we two cannot see that pathway ourselves. Anyway, without
Yuri's spirit vision it can't be done with certainty..."
Liliana praised in admiration while Erica tried to come up with a plan.
Even though Yuri was a rare world-class user of spirit vision, she was no expert in weapons
or magical combat. Those were the responsibilities of the knights themselves.
Nevertheless, the Japanese Hime-Miko tensed her beautiful face and spoke with
"No problem. Please leave it all to me."
Come to think of it, there was a similar situation once. At that time, indeed-Realizing something, Erica nodded at Yuri.
"I recall the Princess definitely said something about wanting to instruct you. So, Yuri, you
have already..."
"Yes. It was during the journey to unravel the mystery of Sir Lancelot. Since I possessed the
disposition towards learning this type of ability, I received instruction on it. Even though I am
still a novice, I still believe I can be of help to everyone!"
Just as Yuri declared so, a transformation immediately occurred.
The Yamato Nadeshiko originally had black lustrous hair strongly tinted a shade of brown.
Now on top of that, a layer of faint luster appeared, causing it to shine with flaxen-colored
light. Furthermore, her pupils became the color of glass.
In addition, a sacred aura was emanating from Yuri.
The only miko who gave off the same presence was Princess Alice and no other. The White
Princess' most prided ability of psychic sensing. In actual fact, users of psychic sensing were
extremely rare, roughly with the same scarcity as Ena's divine possession. Nevertheless, it
was a power that Yuri had once used before.
"I see. In order for her to use it without Verethragna's [Protection], the Princess instructed
Mariya Yuri after discovering her disposition--!"

Liliana also realized the situation and nodded.

"Yes. Please extend your hand forward, Erica-san and Liliana-san. Unlike the Princess, I
cannot do it without direct tactile contact."
Yuri held out her hands, holding Erica's right hand and Liliana's left.
Erica could feel her heart entering contact with another. It was the same feeling she had
during the battle against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. The psychic connection with Yuri
had begun.
Erica could feel a scorching sensation in the back of her eyes. Liliana should be feeling the
same thing.
"Through this power of mine, I will entrust every image I saw to you two. Please make the
most of it."
Murmuring, Yuri collapsed as if she were anemic.
This resulted from her use of an unaccustomed spirit power, as well as the burden of dividing
her magical power into two and sending each half into Erica and Liliana's bodies respectively.
Erica felt the energy center beneath her navel brimming with magical power and gently
caressed her abdomen.
"Ah yes. Please allow me to do that. You should rest properly now."
"T-The rest is up to you two. I wish you victory--"
Yuri answered weakly in response to Liliana's invocation.
"If we do not get fired up and put on a good show, we are unworthy as women. Erica."
"That goes without saying. We must fight for Yuri's part as well, Lily."
The red and blue knights nodded to each other. The decisive battle in the sky had already
The knight squadron in spindle formation charged dauntlessly at the serpentine [Sword]. It
was a legendary scene evocative of Ragnarok.

In any case, the monstrous snake of light was having a frontal battle with the squadron of
knights in the air.
Flying across the sky in waves, hundreds of knights were laying siege to the giant body of the
The snake of light rapidly ascended with speed incommensurate with its massive size, trying
to create distance. Knights followed in hot pursuit, trying to pierce it with their lances. At this
time, the snake of light whipped its long and slender body to strike at the approaching knights.
Their armor shattered instantly, their horses sent flying, these knights disappeared in such a
However, the remaining knights stabbed their lances into the snake of light and then drew
back immediately -- they were fighting with everything they had, and using guerrilla tactics to
pin down the snake.
Furthermore, it was not merely a battle between subordinates. Lancelot herself finally sprang
into action.
Pointing the tip of the divine lance at Kusanagi Godou standing on the prow, the queen
soaring on her divine mount gave majestic orders for attack.
In that very instant, the white star hovering in the sky above began to flash with brilliance.
--It's coming! Just as Erica became certain, Liliana swiftly called out:
"There is no time left to defend! Help me take flight!"
A hasty order. Nevertheless, it was sufficient for her longtime friend Erica to understand.
She selected the appropriate spell words to assist the witchcraft Liliana was planning to use.
"O Artemis! I beseech you to bless one who is female with the power of wings!"

"Once again I offer my prayers! Please bestow upon us the privilege to fly across the sky!"
Liliana chanted the spell words and crouched down.
Striking her hand against the ship's deck, she activated her skilled flight magic. In the past,
she only used to it to carry multiple people at once, but this time was different. Having
received Yuri's magical power and Erica's assistance, she was able to produce much more
powerful lift than usual-What Guinevere had summoned, was this sailing ship which had been transporting Godou and
his group.
Liliana's flight magic now levitated this ship. In the instant the entire ship was surrounded by
blue light, the white star released a flash of lightning.
This was the hammer of god for incinerating all existence upon this ocean.
Just as the ship was inches away from being engulfed by this attack, it moved, relying on
Liliana's flight magic. Surrounded by blue light, the sailing ship shot forward in a straight
line, towards the Floating Island ahead. Furthermore, they barely managed to evade the
lightning of annihilation.
On the other hand, this forced manner of transport half wrecked the ship.
The sailing ship now lay on the shore of the Floating Island -- or rather, the ship had crashed
its prow, sending timber flying. Standing on the deck, Erica, Liliana and Godou lost balance
from the intense rocking while the unconscious Yuri continued to lie motionless.
"Sorry for the sudden movement. I could not think of any other means to escape Excalibur's
"What are you talking about? It's thanks to you that we're saved, thanks!"
Godou replied to Liliana's apology with smiling thanks.
Nevertheless, this was only an emergency maneuver. If they tried to evade in the same
manner again, Lancelot would probably calmly destroy the ship using Excalibur.
"Godou, leave Excalibur for Lily and me to handle. You should focus your concentration on
using the [Sword]. Your first priority is Sir Lancelot's squadron of knights."
Erica spoke without hesitation, assigning roles and duties in a clear-cut fashion. It was the
same strategy that had been used against the Great Sage Equaling Heaven last time.
"But Lancelot is not that easy to handle! Are you sure you two can keep things under
"Of course, it would be impossible for us to stop Sir Lancelot. However, if it's just Excalibur,
I think we have a way. Yuri saw it just now with spirit vision. That weapon over there is very

In that case, it was enough.

Realizing Erica's intentions, Godou turned around towards the sea, focusing his gaze on the
legendary battle in midair between the flying squad of knights and the great serpent of light.
He intended to concentrate on controlling the [Sword].
Furthermore, a lone knight was flying towards the Floating Island. Wielding the divine lance
Excalibur, it was Queen Lancelot in all her splendorous beauty.
Now was the exact time to release the trump card. Erica was first to begin chanting.
"And seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of the Lord went on
continually, and blew with the trumpets: and the armed men went before them!"[12]
Smiting. These were the spell words for acquiring the Privilege of Extermination.
"They compassed the city seven times. And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the
priests blew with the trumpets, Joshua said unto the people, Shout; for the Lord hath given
you the city. And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young
and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword"[13]
Red light surrounded Erica.
The chanting continued for the purpose of converting this luminance into the curse of sacred
"Cursed before the Lord is the one who undertakes to rebuild this city, Jericho: At the cost of
his firstborn son he will lay its foundations; at the cost of his youngest he will set up its
Thanks to receiving Yuri's magical power, the technique was much easier to control in
comparison to last time.
Erica infused the Privilege of Extermination into her beloved sword, Cuore di Leone.
Furthermore, she manifested her defensive gear in the form of chain mail, a helmet and a
large round shield.
The red exterminator had arrived. Naturally, Liliana was next.
"And they warred against the Midianites, as the Lord commanded Moses; and they slew all
the males. And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely,
Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian!"[15]
Her silver-haired ponytail swayed as she chanted spell words.
"And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and
took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods. And they burnt all
their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire!"[16]
What surrounded Liliana was blue light, obviously.

She must have secretly studied the spell laboriously. Executing the technique with much
greater fluency than before, she poured power into the blue light. Naturally, Yuri's assistance
also played a major role.
"And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts. And they brought the
captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses."[17]
Liliana used the Privilege of Extermination to alter Il Maestro's form.
The glaive with the long shaft was transformed into a silver longbow. In addition, her choice
of defensive gear was much lighter than Erica's, consisting of blue gauntlets, greaves and a
breastplate of light steel. This appeared to be battle attire geared towards Liliana's strengths in
speed and agility.
"First, I will shoot down Excalibur with my arrow. Then Erica, sever the link between the
divine sword and Sir Lancelot!"
Issuing orders, Liliana's pupils became the color of glass.
This must have been the result of receiving the images from spirit vision through Yuri's
psychic sensing.
"Yes, if there are no exceptions amongst the gods, we can be fairly certain Sir Lancelot would
be uninterested in us humans. Strike there with the sacred Privilege of Extermination -- !"
Nodding in response. Erica's own pupils were probably the same color.
For the sake of Yuri who had entrusted this power to them, victory must be seized.

Part 4
"Hohoho, the spell words for slaying gods... A rather excellent weapon it may be,
nevertheless, it seems slightly inadequate before this Knight's weapon."
Finally breaching the defensive line held by the [Snake], she smiled as she offered praise-Spurring the flying divine horse, Lancelot was approaching Godou's position. Rather than
going at maximum speed like lightning, she was riding at a leisurely trot.
However, this act definitely did not carry arrogance or careless underestimation of the enemy.
The horse was an animal unable to sustain a full gallop for long periods of time. Judicious use
of full speed was part of a rider's skill. Whether in the context of ancient cavalry battles or
modern racehorses, this point has never changed. It was imperative to properly judge when to
gallop at full speed.
Standing on the prow of the half-wrecked ship, Godou looked up at the formidable foe in the

Having removed all steel from her body, the war god exhibited her original bare skin. She was
currently dressed in sheer fabric no different from underwear or a swimsuit, most likely
offering no protection.
Wielded in her right hand was the divine lance Excalibur. Its tip shone with platinum
brilliance, guiding the white star.
The divine artifact known as the embodiment of destruction which could slice apart heaven,
earth and the planets-"If dear sir cannot pull out a weapon surpassing this, the battle is over. Truly what a shame it
would be. Nevertheless, this Knight firmly believes such is not the case. Dear sir is surely the
man who shall respond to one's hopes!"
"Yeah. It feels like such a hassle, but I will try as hard as I can."
Godou grumbled as he called out in his mind. Come quick!
"But you have overlooked something. Up until now, your defense was perfect because of the
knight formation around you... But aren't you wide open now?"
"Oh... This Knight!?"
Immediately after Godou hollered, Lancelot became aware of the attack.
Glancing into the distance above her, she frowned. Riding her divine horse, she made a leap
Two seconds later, at the location the war god and her horse had been occupying, a great
splendorous golden serpent -- Godou's [Sword] passed through. Rather than attacking the
knight squadron, Godou had issued orders to snipe the leader.
Naturally, Godou did not expect this sort of ambush to defeat Lancelot directly.
It was only meant for containment. In addition, it was for buying himself time to move.
Godou decisively jumped into the sea from the prow. If he fell straight down like this, he
would have no choice but to swim.
But before Godou hit the water, the golden [Snake] swiftly flew down below him.
Godou barely managed to land on the head of the giant [Snake].
From the feeling beneath his feet, it was like landing on a hard and solid surface. Riding the
[Snake] in this manner, Godou ascended. The [Sword]'s spell words could be used in such a
way because of their ability to manifest as a real sword.
Having mounted the [Snake]'s head, Godou turned his gaze to the squadron of dark gray

Maintaining a spindle formation, the knights moved like a flock of birds of prey. As expected,
they were flying here to pursue the [Snake] which had disappeared from before them.
"Attack that fellow's back! Strike from behind!"

Godou gave orders to the [Snake].

The snake undulated its body in response. As the several-dozen-meter-long [Sword] began to
rise rapidly, Godou lay down prone and hugged the [Snake]'s head tightly.
His entire body could feel that distinct touch of the [Sword] he had felt in his hand so many
times before.
Compared to metal, it felt more similar to stone. Since it was not meant to carry passengers,
he had to grip with all his might to avoid falling off.
The snake continued to fly at high speed, subjecting him to horrifying wind pressure.
Godou's head, shoulder, arms and back were being struck by masses of air as he endured the
heavy pressure. Even so, he did not fall off, perhaps because the [Sword] protected him.
Regardless, the [Snake] moved according to Godou's orders.
The squadron of knights in spindle formation -- was the target as the snake flew rapidly to
devour the remaining knights. In response, the knights forcibly switched directions in an
effort to pierce the [Snake]'s tail with their lances.
In any case, both sides were trying to catch each other's tails.
On one side was the snake of light, and on the other, the spindle shaped squadron of knights.
But from a distance, it looked like two flying serpents trying to swallow each other's tail,
tracing out a ring shape in the air.
Godou glanced down below.

On the nearby sea surface, Lancelot was pointing her lance tip at him, targeting Kusanagi
Godou as he rode the [Snake]'s head.
"Well, this is turning out to be endless repetition..."
At the moment, Godou and Lancelot's subordinates were entangled in mutual pursuit. If
Lancelot used Excalibur to attack recklessly, her irreplaceable companions would likely be
caught up in the attack-But this type of worry most likely never crossed Lancelot's mind.
Because she was the knight able to use the mind's eye to see through divine speed.
Hence, Godou did not expect her to hesitate. On the other hand, he was expecting something
else while he prepared a splendid finishing blow for Lancelot. If Erica and Liliana
successfully find an opening, it should be possible-"O Blade which destroys heaven, earth, and the stars. In place of your proper master, this
Knight is your current wielder. Exhibit sacred annihilation and slaughter!"
As expected, Lancelot fearlessly chanted spell words. In order to strike a blow using
The white star released lightning which would probably destroy Godou and the [Snake] alone
while avoiding the dark gray knights. However, if it was those two girls, definitely...!
"Manifesting justice in this world through these spell words of mine! Divine might indeed
resides in my oratory incantation!"
Godou chanted the spell words in firm belief. Rather than defend against Excalibur's attack,
he infused the snake-shaped [Sword] with the maximum amount of magical power, for the
purpose of obliterating Lancelot's squadron of knights.
"O Sword, shine with brilliance for the sake of my victory and justice!"
"O Sword, manifesting the light of salvation, bring balance to this world!"
God-slayer and war god chanted and immediately, several completely different things
happened at the same time.
First was Excalibur whose lance tip was thrust forwards, causing the star of the white sword
to release lightning.
Next, a flashing arrow of blue light was shot from the sailing ship, splendidly striking the tip
of the divine lance. This resulted in the divine lance tip's deflection by a few dozen
Furthermore, Godou had infused the [Snake] with abundant magical power.

The snake of light instantly accelerated in pursuit of the squadron of dark gray knights,
devouring them from behind, tearing apart the spindle formation.
Lightning came attacking from Excalibur, but its trajectory had been perturbed greatly.
The light which should have pierced Godou and the [Sword] like a thread through the head of
a needle, the divine lighting of destruction passed over Godou's head in the distance instead.
Finally, surrounded in red light, the blonde knight flew in the air like a comet.
Swinging the magic sword of the lion, she sliced through empty space. This void was located
right in between Lancelot du Lac and the divine lance Excalibur that she was wielding.
Erica should have simply sliced through air, but a cataclysmic change came over Excalibur.
The lance's shaft gave off platinum-colored sparks as it jumped out from Lancelot's hand as if
rejecting her, falling into the sea below.

All thanks to Erica, Yuri and Liliana's full efforts, Godou was saved.
Since the [Snake] had greatly weakened after the devastating strike against the squadron of
dark gray knights, Godou ordered it to return to the Floating Island. The sword blades had
been reduced greatly, both in number and sharpness, so it was best to stop fighting in the air.
Godou once again landed on the shore of the Floating Island.
By this time, the [Snake]'s length was down to ten meters or so. Godou released the snake
shape and allowed it to return to its original form of spheres. Thirty or forty spheres of light
were shining as they hovered over Godou's head.
"It's called Excalibur, right? That lance doesn't seem like it can be used any further."
"Hmm. It was dear sir's subordinates' doing."
Spurring the white divine horse to fly in approach, Lancelot responded to Godou.
The divine lance with the platinum blade had disappeared from her hands. However, the war
god and the warrior queen of equestrian tribes seemed to be smiling with joy.
"Indeed because of this, only the beloved horse remains by this Knight's side. Even as a horse,
this is the premier vassal who overcame innumerable battlefields alongside this Knight, and
no less worthy than those subordinates who serve dear sir."
"They're not subordinates. Those girls are my important companions."
"Hohoho, what a subtle manner of calling them. In that case, allow this Knight to correct
oneself. This divine horse is one's irreplaceable dear friend. Even intimate as one's bond with
dear sir may be, it cannot surpass that between Knight and steed. Now is the time for the final

A cavalry lance suddenly manifested in Lancelot's hand.

This was the weapon she had also used during the battle against Athena. She must have saved
it expressly instead of turning it into knights. Yes, for the sake of delivering the final blow.
"Yeah, got it -- that's all I want to say. I've already seen how terrifying that thing can be. The
attack that even Athena could not stop. It's finally time for me to experience it for myself!"
Saying that, Godou issued attacking orders to the [Sword].
The blades of spell words hovering over him began rushing towards Lancelot. There was no
longer any steel protecting her body. Neither was there any squadron of dark gray knights for
defense -- however.
"Do not sound so cold and distant. This Knight truly wishes for dear sir to endure against
one's full powered charge at maximum speed. Given this mist of one's immortality... Even
dear sir's [Sword] will be unable to slice through. Prepare yourself well."
Lancelot's figure disappeared as the Floating Island was covered by thick mist.
Visibility became so low that it was impossible to see a few meters ahead. However, Godou
recalled the previous battle and focused his mind on finding Lancelot's presence... She's there,
attack with the [Sword] immediately!
Nevertheless, there was no reaction and it seemed like nothing had been cut.
"Hoho, this mist is a blessing this Knight borrowed from one's great grandmother and water
goddess. The spell words for cutting Lancelot du Lac will not work against it. There is
nothing you can do but prepare for one's return!"
Her voice sounded as if she was smiling.
Godou understood. This was similar to the time when he had been unable to sever Medusa's
divine power. Due to defense from a different deity's power, the [Sword] was rendered
Lancelot did not make a further sound. She must be charging up for a full gallop.
"Well, I knew this was gonna happen."
Muttering to himself, Godou took a deep breath.
Last time, in order to resist Lancelot's Excalibur, Godou had relied on Athena to create the
blade that could open up heaven and earth. Both sides had been using borrowed power.
In their next duel perhaps, that should not be repeated-That was what Godou could not help but wish for. Neither Lancelot nor Kusanagi Godou
were the type to enjoy a battle undertaken with borrowed power.

"As the one who holds all victory in my hands, I am the strongest... All enemies, all who
harbor enmity will be vanquished!"
Standing surrounded by the mist, Godou chanted the sacred verses of Verethragna to raise
magical power.
With the [Sword] no longer needed, Godou decided to use a different power. That said, which
incarnation should he use? In actual fact, Lancelot was not a perpetrator of sinful crimes or
the like and therefore not a target of the [White Stallion] or the [Goat].
What could he use to strike down the lightning comet...
No other way. At a time like this, only that guy could be used after all.
Godou drew a certain image in his mind. Having done that, a certain incarnation could now be
released at will. However, would that guy's power alone be enough to defeat Lancelot's
galloping charge...?
As he pondered, Godou heard a soft voice saying "Let me participate as well."
Godou immediately nodded. If the enemy was going full speed at maximum power, he had to
respond with full force in turn!
Then he waited. Seconds, minutes, or even dozens of minutes passed.
Even though the passage of time was unclear, the mist finally cleared up after a long wait.
However, the sky was not clear. Black thunderclouds filled the sky above. These had been
summoned by Lancelot for the sake of gathering the essence of lightning.
"This Knight is Lancelot du Lac indeed. Commonly known as the Knight of the Lake. This
Knight infuses this lance with all of one's authority and spirit, charge forth! Kusanagi Godou,
dear sir shall gamble everything to stop this Knight!"
Carrying these fierce words, a white light began to shine amidst the thunderclouds.
Immediately, the knight flew out at lightning speed with meteoric destructive power.
Her skin clad only in sheer fabric, the beautiful war god Lancelot was charging with a cavalry
lance-And then, Godou unleashed Verethragna's fifth incarnation, the [Boar].
"The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by the iron
hammer of justice!"
The one most capable of charging with astounding force and embodying tyranny itself, the
incarnation of destruction.

The black [Boar] flew out from the sea like a torpedo, rushing towards Lancelot and the
divine horse.
It was a frontal clash between the white meteor and the black gigantic beast.
The [Boar]'s ferocious howls reverberated across the ocean. Nevertheless, even if this
intimidating creature was a sacred beast, it was merely a wild animal by itself. Facing against
the lance-wielding war god, having a weapon was imperative.
Hence, Godou continued chanting spell words.
"It was here at this place, that Susanoo led a thousand unruly deities in rebellion."
These were the sacred verses of Susanoo. The song for summoning the partner residing in his
right arm.
"A thousand swords standing upon the earth, used as city walls to defend against the
Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi was used to absorb Godou's authority, in order to produce a
newly synthesized power.
Combining with Verethragna's [Goat] allowed the use of a railgun while adding the [Warrior]
made it possible to damage a divine artifact. And this time was a combination with the [Boar],
'Here! Namely, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi! The steel that breaks a thousand blades!'
The divine sword Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi announced its name with a thunderous voice
resounding throughout the vicinity.
The divine sword's power was applied towards the furry hide which covered the [Boar]'s
The shiny fur instantly changed in nature, producing a body forged from jet-black [Steel].
This was no longer fur but armor.
In addition, the two long tusks that protruded from the corners of the boar's mouth had been
converted into sharpened blades.
Like lances for penetrating all existence. The amalgamation of Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
and the [Boar], was an incarnation of the divine sword in boar's form.
'Hahahahaha! War god Lancelot, as fellow [Steel] originating from the most primitive source,
I announce my arrival! Try stopping these great swords of ours!'

Ama no Murakumo and the [Boar] seemed to be in exceptionally high spirits.

Like fish in water, they ascended rapidly like a torpedo shot from a submerged submarine,
clashing intensely with the white meteor.
"Hoo... Most befitting of this Knight's destined one! Such power, such intensity, one can
hardly bear it!"
Lancelot spoke softly, licking her lips.
Enveloped in white lightning, she and her beloved horse were descending swiftly towards the
little island in Tokyo Bay. Halting their descent, was of course, the black metallic [Boar].
Using her beautiful right arm, Lancelot made a thrust with her cavalry lance. The [Boar]
blocked the blade with its snout. Having been turned into steel, it was not sliced apart.
Equally matched, neither could gain the upper hand.
The war god in rapid descent from the sky, and the black metallic beast flying out from the
sea to block her path.
The two's violent clash swung alternately in each other's favor. However-The balance was slowly eroding. Gradually, the white master and subordinate were gaining
The [Boar]'s position reached a peak and began to be pushed down as Lancelot and the divine
horse advanced towards the ground.
The beautiful war deity did not seem to possess any flashy authorities and existed purely as an
especially powerful charging knight. So it turned out even the [Boar] could not keep up with
someone who specialized purely in this one attack.
"Hohohoho, Kusanagi Godou, please be patient a little while longer. This Knight shall be over
by your side presently. Accept one's fervent passion when the time comes, and be annihilated!
The time of destiny approaches!"
Convinced of her victory, Lancelot yelled out from the sky above.
Spoken with passionate tones like a confession of love. Nevertheless, there was no room for
sweet romance to blossom between Godou and her. If the [Boar] were to be blown away,
Kusanagi Godou would be wiped off the face of the earth...!
Godou infused all his magical power into the black gigantic beast.
Not good enough. Power should have been increased, but it was not sufficient to reverse
Lancelot's descent. This level of power was nowhere enough.

What about a surprise attack? The [Boar] had two tusks growing out of its mouth like spears.
Without warning, one of them was shot out as a long range weapon to send Lancelot flying.
It's going to hit -- that was what it seemed like.
However, Lancelot and the divine horse managed to dodge the sharp tusk's surprise attack.
Against a user of the mind's eye who could even discern divine speed, it was too reckless even
as a surprise attack. It would be bad if the situation remained unchanged...!
Godou watched with anxious eyes as the battle between black and white continued in the air.
"Lancelot currently holds the advantage... However, there still seems to be some leeway for a
reversal. Kusanagi Godou, if you really wish for it at all costs, it's not like I can't offer you
some help? Even someone like me feels that it is not a bad idea to have a Campione owe me a
A calm voice was suddenly heard during the intense battle.
A quick glance found Alexandre Gascoigne to be standing somewhere close without Godou
noticing earlier. He must have flown here as lightning after eliminating Guinevere.
"I refuse. If I owe you a favor, who knows what kind of price I'll have to pay in the future? If I
took that kind of gamble, it would be utter stupidity."
Responding coldly, Godou again focused his gaze at the meteor in the sky.
Concealing his anxiety, he glared sharply at the descent of the goddess and the divine horse.
Right. In front of this man -- the only man other than Salvatore Doni who had been able to
provoke a sense of hostility from Kusanagi Godou, he could not allow himself to be
embarrassed by a shameful battle.
This inexplicably intense emotion made Godou burn with great intensity of will.
Lancelot must be defeated, in order to avenge Athena. But what else could be done now!?
--Yes. Even in this situation, an effective weapon remained. Ironically, it was Alec's
appearance which reminded him of it.
Godou suppressed the impulse to curse out loud and yelled at the partner in the air.
"Ama no Murakumo, the horse! Use Gascoigne's thingy!"
The divine sword also possessed the ability to emulate enemy powers.
In the earlier battle against Alec, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi had emulated "divine speed"
at Godou's behest.
Lancelot would likely defend successfully again if a normal attack was used. However, if
Black Prince Alec's divine speed was used to execute an attack, perhaps -- !

In response to Godou's orders, the [Boar], assimilated with Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi,
fired off its tusk.
There were two tusks growing out of the corners of the [Boar]'s mouth. One had been fired as
a weapon just now but was defended against. Lancelot's divine horse was again approached
by a projectile fired at close range, this time the remaining tusk.
"Hmm -- !?"
The beautiful war god's face turned pale. If the surprise attack had been aimed at Lancelot
directly, she probably would have evaded it using the mind's eye. However, her beloved horse
did not possess such a skill. It was too late for the rider to give directions for evasion.
Flying with divine speed, the massive tusk struck the white divine horse squarely. Or rather,
the white divine horse was sent flying.
The tusk of steel continued flying towards the distant ends of the sky.
Swept away by this attack, the divine horse disappeared as well. Furthermore, having lost her
mount, Lancelot's white descent was nullified, and at that moment the black metallic boar
came charging-"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"
The enormous divine beast crashed straight into Lancelot.
Even the war god was sent flying high into the air as screams reverberated all around.
The black [Boar] fell back into the sea, tracing out a parabolic trajectory. The impact created a
massive pillar of water, rising almost to the clouds.
Furthermore, Lancelot's body fell down onto the shore of the Floating Island.
Godou and Alec immediately approached her. Even fallen upon solid rock, the war deity's
gorgeous figure did not lose its form, and continued to display absolute beauty.
Nevertheless, this did not mean she was unharmed.
Lancelot lay on the ground in that manner, smiling at the god-slayer who had brought her
death -- Kusanagi Godou. Courageously, she said:
"Ho, hohohoho. Truly a wonderful battle. One cannot thank you enough, god-slayer. Whether
Athena or dear sir, both responded splendidly to this Knight's millennium-long thirst for
battle. Ah yes, Gascoigne, even though it would be nice to fight you after Kusanagi Godou, it
looks like such a wish cannot be realized. This must be fate."
These were Lancelot's final words.
In the next instant, her body turned into stone and immediately crumbled.

Thus vanished a [Heretic God] who had manifested over a thousand five hundred years ago.
Were Lancelot the war god to manifest upon the earth again, it would most likely be a male
knight completely different from her. Such was the change her myths had undergone.
Such a formidable foe, but she will never be encountered again.
Thinking that, Godou could feel a sense akin to loneliness overflowing in his chest.

Part 1
It was after the deadly battle and Lancelot du Lac had passed away.
On the shore of the conspicuous Floating Island, covered with rocks, Kusanagi Godou and
Alexandre Gascoigne stood facing each other.
"Looks like the curse was lifted."
"Pretty much."
Answering Alec's question without paying attention, Godou began to ponder.
On this occasion, he had made trouble for this guy. The guy was a rather problematic
character, and their temperaments felt strangely incompatible; nevertheless, Kusanagi
Godou's behavior was definitely in the wrong...
Playing dumb and not apologizing was a possible option.
But Godou was not shameless enough to pursue such a course of action. Instead, he
apologized properly.
"I've really troubled you this time. You told me so clearly to act cautiously and not take rash
action, but I added to your woes instead... How should I say it, I'm really sorry."
Godou bowed his head deeply. Seeing that, the Black Prince smiled with a toothy sneer.
Was he surprised by Godou's honest apology? Prior to smiling, he had shown a perplexed
Even though he loved to put on airs, it was very possible that he was quite a shy person
underneath. However-"Don't be concerned. As I've said, this is all within expectations. I am not suffering any
negative emotions such as anger or the like. But once again, I have confirmed it, you are truly
a Campione."

His words struck Godou exactly where it hurt.

"When encountering other Devil Kings, I have met many similar incidents in the past. I'm
used to this kind of trouble, so you have nothing in particular worth apologizing for."
"I see. But Gascoigne, I don't consider myself as lacking in common sense as those guys."
Deliberately trying to maintain calmness in his voice, Godou spoke up.
"Why are you lumping me together indiscriminately with those unruly existences?"
"No, after calmly observing, I've discovered reasons to group you in the same category.
There's no problem at all. Kusanagi Godou, you should start considering the problem
"Consider rationally... Then you're in the same category too."
Replying, Godou somehow felt extremely annoyed by this pretentious man before him.
These words brought instant effect. Alec frowned as he tried to suppress his anger.
"Wait a minute, I cannot tolerate such a statement. Let me make a correction."
"No, Gascoigne. Indeed, other Campiones frequently rampage around without consideration.
Unlike them, you plan strategically and set the stage beforehand. To be honest, the style might
be different -- but then, there's not much difference in outcome between you and those others
who rampage. In any case, you are all enemies of world peace."
"Shut up. You're the one who hides behind hypocrisy while causing chaos in the world!"
What on earth was this feeling?
While he carried out this fruitless conversation with Alec, Godou realized with heartfelt
There was a faint sense that they were poking at each other's vulnerabilities, exposing ugly
truths each was unwilling to face. Even though their personalities were completely different,
the two of them acted out according to instinct-Their conversation was terminated by the sudden feeling of massive magical power in motion.
Godou and Alec cautiously turned to face the same direction. This Floating Island was
covered with solid black rocks everywhere they could see. Located in the center of the island
was a protrusion of rock like a small hill. That was precisely the direction.
"Alexandre, Kusanagi-sama, we have a situation!"
Princess Alice was literally flying in the sky. Using the advantage of a spirit body, she
hovered lightly in midair. Pointing at the hill of rock, she said:

"Guinevere-sama has invoked upon herself a revival spell, and her body has recovered!"
The instant he heard the report, Alec transformed into lightning and flew over.
Godou on the other hand, was carried by Alice's flight magic. Arriving at the peak of the hill
of rock in this manner, they found a decrepit iron sword speckled with rust was being thrust.
The sword being thrust towards Alec, was a set of remains known as the Divine Sword of
A young beauty was wielding the rusted steel. That beautiful face, resembling an antique
doll's, was clouded intensely by a dark shadow heralding her death.
Even so, or rather, because of this, she was muttering as if in a trance:
"O Master -- please watch. Guinevere is about to use the last of her strength. Sir Knight too,
has exhausted his duties as a [Heretic God], perishing upon the battlefield. We have exhausted
all ammunition, our weapons broken. Hence, we are left with no recourse other than Your
Highness' mercy!"
Naturally, this was Guinevere.
Dead once already, turned into sandy debris, she had apparently used magic to revive herself.
But now, her pubescent body was crumbling into sand, like the final moments before a sand
sculpture's collapse.
"I beseech you, please descend before Guinevere. Before my life ends, I beg you. At least,
even if it is only seeing your divine visage, or hearing your voice, it would be fine -- !"
Using the decrepit sword for support, the Divine Ancestor prayed. All this time, the sand
grains continued to collapse.
Guinevere gradually dimmed and lost color, turning transparent. Immediately after that, she
disappeared. Even revival magic, which had the power to extend a dying patient's life, could
only sustain the spellcaster's life for a very limited period of time.

Thus, Alec, Alice and Godou, the three of them gazed at the Divine Ancestor's passing.
Guinevere desired neither revenge nor battle, but instead wanted to spend her final moments
speaking to the "King of the End" she had sought all this time. Consequently, she did not even
give her enemy a single glance.
From that sense of despair it was readily apparent she was aware of the futility of her wishful
Alec's lips moved slightly, but Godou could not catch what he was muttering.
Immediately, a strong gust of sea breeze blew. Completely collapsed into grains of sand,
Guinevere's body was scattered across the sky and the sea as it rode the wind.

Retrieving the decrepit divine sword, Alec walked down the hill of rock.
Godou tried to ask him what he was muttering about.
"Nothing much. 'Even if you embrace that thing and cry, all will be in vain so you might as
well save the effort' -- was what I was thinking, but I didn't say it aloud."
"Alexandre, I never knew you could actually show some tact on occasion."
Offering praise in response to Alec's confession was Alice who had known him for so long.
"How touching! You're always saying insensitive things to hurt girls' feelings. Now that was
acting like a gentleman for once!"
"Please refrain from making comments that make me sound like a person with sensitivity
Alec responded to the Princess' praise with a face of suffering.
"But isn't it so mean to say all will be in vain? Even Divine Ancestors have feelings. Perhaps
the crying pleas of a past companion might actually summon sympathies?"
Godou tried to defend Guinevere.
Just very slightly, but Godou felt sympathetic to Guinevere. It was true that she was a
dangerous witch but she did have her own tragic wish, sacrificing everything she had for the
sake of the master she had loved since her previous incarnation. It should not be wrong to
view things this way.
"Perhaps. If the 'King of the End' also recognizes Guinevere as his own companion."

"While immersed in researching the connections between King Arthur and the Holy Grail, I
discovered a number of trails left behind by the 'King of the End.' I began to wonder, why
would those Divine Ancestors fail to find them? That said, I do consider myself more skilled
in unraveling mysteries than Guinevere."
Alec shrugged at this point.
"Nevertheless, the Divine Ancestors have immense amounts of time and magic on their side,
as well as knowledge beyond humans. Which is why they should logically have an edge.
However, in the search for the 'King of the End,' they have lagged behind us humans instead.
The Witch of Sardinia, Lucretia Zola, also discerned that the 'King of the End' transcended
oriental-occidental continental boundaries... Or rather, it would be better to say that he is
closer to an oriental god, and Lucretia has already grasped clues to a certain extent."
Hearing a familiar name in this unexpected context, Godou was surprised.
"There's also this hypothesis. The 'King of the End' does not actually wish to be revived. It's
as if he was sleeping somewhere and deliberately ignoring the Divine Ancestors' search,
preventing them from obtaining clues."
"Plausible indeed."
Alice murmured, half-convinced. Godou thought the same. A [Heretic God] who did not wish
to be revived?
"In fact, the reason why I brought the remains of the divine sword to Japan here, was based on
considerations of that possibility. Even if the location was correct, if the one she sought didn't
wish to be found, Guinevere was still doomed to failure."
"Location was correct? What do you mean?"
Godou questioned Alec's offhand comment. This caused Alec, who was walking in front, to
turn his head back and answer in a matter-of-fact tone of voice:
"Regardless, the location where the 'King of the End' sleeps definitely gives rise to legends
about warriors and divine swords. Even though this Floating Island is a trap, it is impossible
to believe the legends are false. Because they are born due to the 'King of the End.' In that
case, one would naturally think there was an authentic Floating Island somewhere in Tokyo

Engaged in these conversations, the two Devil Kings and the Princess reached the foot of the
hill of rock.
Receiving them were Kusanagi Godou's companions.
"From your appearance, looks like you haven't been injured much, Godou."

"Safety is more important than anything."

Erica's cheerful words came first while Yuri smiled as she supported herself on Erica's
"What's wrong, Mariya? Did you actually get hurt somewhere?"
"No, just a little tired. Please do not be worried."
The Hime-Miko's face continued to smile as she spoke. Godou felt concerned because she
could not stand up by herself.
Godou gave Erica a quick glance. The blonde girl seemed to saying "She really is okay" as
she laughed to herself. Looks like Mariya really was fine and not trying to act brave.
As Godou felt reassured, Liliana gave him a subtle smile.
"Congratulations, Kusanagi Godou. You have finally realized your long time wish."
Godou was bewildered at the congratulations. Then the silver-haired knight said:
"Have you not noticed? Even though you messed up in all sorts of ways, no part of Japan was
destroyed this time."
"...Ah yeah, now that you mentioned it!"
Godou got it. He had always wished to cause as little trouble to the world as possible. When
fighting gods and Campiones, the surroundings always suffered tragic destruction and even
severe incidents of widespread petrification on occasion.
Perhaps they were so fortunate this time because the battlefield was in the center of Tokyo
What a cause for celebration -- just as Godou was about to leap with joy, he felt like he had
forgotten something.
"What's the matter, Kusanagi-sama?"
"Ah, nothing really. It just feels like I forgot something..."
Just as Godou replied to Alice's puzzlement.
A flash of yellow light approached, flying across the sky. It must be flight magic. Clearly a
witch other than Alice and Liliana. Could it be a Divine Ancestor?
As Godou signaled through his eyes, Erica and Liliana nodded in response.
The yellow light landed before the knights on alert. Appearing before them was a glasseswearing oriental girl. Even though her face was cute, she gave off a rather unfashionable

"Alec, what on earth could you be thinking to use that kind of monster...?"
The girl's first words interrogated the Black Prince with nagging tones. Apparently she was
Alec's friend.
"What's the matter, Cecilia?"
"Stop playing dumb. It happened almost ten minutes ago. I, along with Daoist priests in
Chinatown, sensed an object with great magical power moving underwater near this island.
After investigating using the technique of ghost sight, we discovered a massive gigantic boar
monster. Its entire body is wrapped in black steel..."
Godou was shocked by Cecilia's report.
"Even though the boar's body is covered with wounds, it continues to swim in the sea.
Furthermore, it is advancing towards Yokohama and looking very excited. At the current rate,
it will land at Yokohama in twenty minutes or so to destroy the city. What is going on...?"
"What makes you think it is my doing?"
"No one but you can command that kind of monster. It is a simple fact."
"Stop with the nonsense. Besides me, there is another person here who is a candidate as the
monster's owner. And in this particular instance, he is not simply the candidate but the actual
proper owner."
Alec protested and turned his sardonic gaze towards Godou. Actually, other than Cecilia,
everyone's gazes had turned to Godou.
Erica went "Well, what an oversight" and shrugged her shoulders.
Yuri was saying "W-What should we do!?" in shock.
As for Liliana, she went "As expected, you really are quite difficult to manage" and closed her
"Well, true to form as always, Kusanagi-sama. The future sure feels exciting!"
For some reason, Alice was the only one who offered praise as if expressing approval.
"Let me guess, something happened in the following manner?"
Erica began to deduce with an air of superiority.
"Even though you needed the [Boar] in the duel against Sir Lancelot, there are no massive
objects nearby you could target. So Godou began thinking about things on the shore, to use as
a target for destruction in order to summon the [Boar]. Then the charge began on a trajectory
in a collision course with Sir Lancelot..."

"Well, I was thinking that guy would not have much strength left to go anywhere after a direct
confrontation against Lancelot..."
Godou's face began to twitch. The [Boar] and the divine sword's partnership turned out to be
unexpectedly solid.
"S-So Godou-san, where is the target!?"
"Yokohama... Bay Bridge, because I heard Gascoigne had gone to the Chinatown over there, I
couldn't help but think of that place..."
"Wait a minute, don't blame things on me just like that!"
"A-Anyway, we must contact the Committee's Sayanomiya Kaoru as quickly as possible to
warn them. A-At least there are cellphone antennas here... Damn it, no good. It is not
Godou replied to Yuri's question, Alec grumbled while Liliana frantically tried to make a call
from this remote island far out at sea. The third witch, Cecilia, muttered "Please seal off the
Bay Bridge" as she departed using flight magic.
"Results show that people do not change their ways so easily. As long as Godou is involved,
extraordinary things will happen."
Erica exclaimed emphatically, unsympathetic to the surrounding commotion.
Furthermore, there was still another person who did things as she pleased. Princess Alice.
"By the way, it is rare that Alexandre's aura of misfortune did not activate this time."
"What aura of misfortune?"
"Whenever he eagerly makes his plans, he easily stumbles over obstacles due to disputes with
women. Unable to understand women's emotions, obsessions, unconditional love or anything
of that sort, he is left with no choice but to improvise and adjust his plans. But this time, it did
not happen... Somehow, it feels less amusing."
Black Prince Alec clicked his tongue in response to Erica and Alice's exchange, while Godou
did not care.
In any case, the adventure involving Divine Ancestor Guinevere and the war god Lancelot
had finally reached a conclusion.

Part 2
'Queen Oto Tachibana-Hime, jumped into the sea with sword embosomed. Sea currents
carried her sword to a landless location, whence a floating island subsequently appeared.'
Even though the Heavenly Reverse Halberd was a red herring, if this legend turned out to be

This vague thought crossed the mind of Guinevere's dying consciousness. Her body had
already turned into sand and collapsed, carried by the wind and scattered over Tokyo Bay.
Life had reached its end, slipping away, in preparation for the next rebirth.
However, some time still remained. As Guinevere drifted over land she had vague thoughts
about matters related to the "King of the End." Having been through this generation and the
previous, both incarnations had sought the master but had yet to succeed. To one's surprise, a
tragic end?
Just as her heart was filled with lamentation, spirit vision arrived.
Due to being in a near death state, spirit senses had probably attained maximum clarity.
I see it. The master is sleeping at a place with neither land nor sea. Indeed the location could
be seen.
"Alas... It turns out to be there! O Master, king who manifests at the end of eras! The one
called Artos and predecessor of Arthur!"
Guinevere's cries should have been transmitted by now.
Transmitted to the true Floating Island, the location of the hero she had been seeking all
along. Mother earth goddesses who had their lives extracted by his alter ego the divine sword,
were transformed into Divine Ancestors. In other words, Guinevere and the rest of the Divine
Ancestors were his "sisters" or "daughters" in days past.
Surely, their intimate bond will carry these cries over to him. Nevertheless, there was no
Ignored -- a new sense of despair eroded Guinevere's heart. However, this despair turned into
a dark impulse, giving the dying Witch Queen final strength.
Even though ignored, even though unwanted. The master must be awakened no matter what!
"Alter ego of my mother, the Holy Grail and the sacred fountain of life. I entrust everything to
you from here on. Awaken the sleeping master, for you must make him descend and appear
once more!"
The Divine Ancestor was about to die, and would one day be reborn. However, the next
rebirth required centuries.
Guinevere's next life was far away in the future. But in her stead -- she entrusted her
overflowing feelings of longing to the Magic Holy Grail, instructing it through prayers to lay
low in her stronghold of Brittany.
Fortunately, the vessel was still filled with the goddess' essence it had absorbed not too long

If several centuries were to pass, the essence would probably metamorphose into a new
Divine Ancestor and undergo rebirth. However, there were already seven god-slayers in this
world. In order to defeat them and revive the apathetic master for another coming, a Divine
Ancestor's power was far too inadequate.
"Hence, O Holy Grail, everything is entrusted to you... Ah yes, you shall become the new
Guinevere used her last remnants of magical power to perform a summoning spell.
This manifested a circular disc, made of an alloy of gold and iron. Patterns reminiscent of
[Swords] were carved on its surface, numbering two... No, three now. As soon as it was
summoned, the count had incremented.
"Sir Knight... Lancelot du Lac's steel is now stored here. That's right, instead of becoming
Kusanagi-sama's authority, be the arrow for the returning 'King of the End'... Please go forth."
Hearing Guinevere's command, the circular disc flew towards the ends of the sky.
Thus a conclusion was reached. The Witch Queen's consciousness gradually rarefied and
"O Master... O King of the End... Guinevere and Your Highness--"
Her final words were interrupted before she could finish.

Soon after Guinevere vanished.

In her stronghold, a forest in Brittany, two objects appeared.
One was a disc of gold and iron. The other was a golden urn -- the vessel known as the Holy
This was the lakeside where the forest's owner and her guardian knight had conversed in the
past. More time passed after the two divine artifacts manifested.
Slowly, the Holy Grail transformed. What had been an urn made of gold till now, was
gradually undergoing change, acquiring supple flesh like a human's, taking on human form.
"Yes, to rouse the lethargic hero who sleepeth yonder... That is one's mission indeed--"
Viewed as a human, she appeared to be twelve or thirteen years of age, like a pubescent girl.
Her short hair was silver as if infused with moonlight. Her pupils were pitch black like
condensed darkness. The exquisite beauty of her face seemed child-like yet sacred, and
furthermore, emanated a queen's solemnity. Her entire naked body was filled with power no
human girl could ever possess.

"Even though one hath been tasked with this mission, how should one proceed? Other than
that man, within this goddess' heart -- there also seemeth to be a different man, one whom this
goddess must defeat."
Slightly distorting her lips, she bore a smile.
Just by closing her eyes, she could picture the face of the mortal enemy carved clearly beneath
her eyelids. The black-haired youth with black irises. But surely, he was no ordinary man.
He should possess the ability to make her blood boil with excitement. Without any grounds,
the goddess firmly believed this fact.
"No matter. One still needeth repose for now. In the near future, this goddess shall begin her
journey, to exhibit the queen's valor and ferocity to heaven and earth. Now let this newborn
body rest fitfully..."
The young girl, born from the grail, murmured as she sank into the lake.
In order to cleanse her body and frolic in the lake water--

Meanwhile, back to Bousou again.

In the sky far above the ocean which had twice become the stage for intense battles. Even
higher than the clouds. Further than the atmosphere. The celestial realm -- or rather, it is a
place humans would call a satellite orbit.
A little island lay there floating.
From the perspective of the ground surface, it appeared motionless all year round -- what is
known as a geostationary orbit. Humans were unaware of its existence. Even if they knew,
they would simply dismiss it as floating matter in a satellite orbit.
In the center of this cramped plot of land, an iron sword was embedded.
A mighty sword whose blade measured roughly 100cm in length. The heavy double-edged
blade was rather thick, resembling a woodcutter's chopper in structure. However, it was now
worn out and corroded, only covered by rust.
Divine Sword of Salvation-The personal sword of the Devil King-exterminating hero, the strongest [Steel].

The Campione series has finally reached the milestone of a double-digit volume count.

In the supplementary booklet "SDMP" that is bundled with the October issue of Jump Square
sold on September 3, there is even a preview of the upcoming manga adaptation.
These are all thanks to the loving support of the readers. For this I express my deepest
gratitude to all readers.
Furthermore, this volume has taken the challenge of a cherished NETA in the industry. The
one who inspired me was Rodotosu()-sensei, thank you very much (laugh).
Everyone who is going "What?" because they started reading from the afterword, please
continue reading from the start.
So, this time our protagonist and that certain problematic character have finally appeared on
stage together.
If one were to write about their similarities from an author's standpoint, ignoring protests from
the perspectives of the characters in question, the ridiculousness of their personalities and
behavior should be even clearer to understand. After all, since each of the two firmly believes
he (and only he) is serious and proper, so naturally those kinds of ridiculous descriptions
became fewer...
If the page limit allowed it, I would also like to ask that person about the keyword "Arthur"
appearing in this volume and the previous.
"The legends of King Arthur's origins used Celtic myths as an entry point. But that is just a
perspective that disproportionately magnifies one tiny facet of the truth. If that man's
prototype is to be demystified, one must transcend the limitations of the hero Arthur, and turn
one's attention towards history... Or rather, the formation process of legends or
This is just an opening line of sorts, with much more rambling to follow (wry laugh).
If one day a foreign drama titled "Alec's Adventure Series IV Chapter 12, The Mystery of
Fake King Arthur" is realized, perhaps everyone can listen to his brilliant opinions.
When that time comes, all sorts of "Da Vinci Code" conspiracies related to the twelfth century
English royal family and French nobles, and even the troubadours of the Knights Templar will
be disclosed.
Finally, the next volume's story should be titled something like "The Story Continued" or
"Second Tale." If possible, let us meet again in Volume 11.

Takedzuki Jou, June 2011

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Min Nan( ): a family of Chinese languages spoken in Taiwan and

parts of mainland China such as southern Fujian, eastern Guangdong, Hainan, and
southern Zhejiang.[1]
2. Jump up Nwa(): a goddess in ancient Chinese mythology best known for
creating mankind and repairing the wall of heaven.[2]
3. Jump up Leech Child( ): pronounced "Hiruko," the original name of
Ebisu(), the Japanese god of fishermen, luck, and workingmen, as well as the
guardian of the health of small children. He was born without bones and the first child
of Izanagi and Izanami.[3]
4. Jump up South Seas( ): the Chinese name for the geographical region south of
China, particularly Southeast Asia. The term came into common usage in selfreference to the large ethnic Chinese migrant population in Southeast Asia, to be more
precise, in Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam.[4]
5. Jump up Walpurgisnacht: "Walpurgis Night," a traditional spring festival on 30
April or 1 May in large parts of Central and Northern Europe.[5]
6. Jump up Devil's Sea( ): also known as the "Pacific Bermuda Triangle," a
region of the Pacific around Miyake Island 100km south of Tokyo and said to be a
danger zone according to Japanese maps.[6]
7. Jump up Chuugoku( ): not to be confused with China (which is written with
the same kanji), Chuugoku (meaning "middle country") refers to the westernmost
region of Honshu, the largest island of Japan.[7]
8. Jump up Locked room mystery: a sub-genre of detective fiction where a crime is
committed under seemingly impossible conditions.[8]
9. Jump up 4LDK: a system of apartment labeling in Japan, 4LDK means 4 bedrooms
+ living room + dining room + kitchen.
10. Jump up Melusine: a feminine spirit of fresh waters in sacred springs and rivers
from European folklore. Commonly depicted as a woman with a lower torso of a
snake or a fish (like a mermaid), sometimes with wings.[9]
11. Jump up Revelation 2:10
12. Jump up Joshua 6:13
13. Jump up Joshua 6:15-16,21
14. Jump up Joshua 6:26
15. Jump up Numbers 31:7-8
16. Jump up Numbers 31:9-10
17. Jump up Numbers 31:11-12

he King's Dinner party

The great decisive match took place on the stage of the Sea of Bousou.
An intense confrontation between the goddess Athena, the war god Lancelot and the
Campione Kusanagi Godou.
On that occasion, Seishuuin Ena valiantly fought alone and exhausted herself severely in
mind and body.
Consequently, she was forcibly commanded to recuperate and stay obediently at the Seishuuin
ancestral home in Chichibu.

Shut at home, recuperation had gone on for the past half a month. Once she obtained a
doctor's authorization, she spent another half a month or so staying in the famous sacred site
of the two divine mountains of Chichibu, to let the spiritual presence cleanse her body and
As a result, as soon as she recovered, Ena descended from the mountains and headed towards
the great metropolis, Tokyo, a place completely opposite to serenity and purity.
"I hate having to spend almost half a month at home pretending to be obedient... So bored I
was about to die..."
The current location was the living room of a western mansion built during the Taishou
period, located in Area 3 of the Chiyoda ward.
Overcome with all sorts of emotions, Ena exclaimed emphatically.
To an unfettered child of nature like her, this sort of temporary imposed recuperation was as
unbearable as encountering "Rest for Twenty Rounds" when playing Game of Life.
"Finally I was able to come back... But anyway, Yuri and Liliana-san are really too sly."
Ena, whose personality was as straight as an arrow, was gazing at her friends with a slight
sense of reproach.
"What do you mean, Seishuuin Ena?"
"Sly... On what grounds?"
Liliana Kranjcar asked with an expression of surprise while Mariya Yuri gracefully tilted her
head in puzzlement.
Back in Tokyo once again, Ena had called them to the Sayanomiya residence to make a
certain request.
This ancient and spacious western mansion was the possession of the Hime-Miko and Ena's
childhood friend.
"Because, weren't things so busy and exciting while Ena was away? Everyone visited London,
and fought with a god. I felt so jealous after hearing about it. Only Ena was left out. That's so
not fun."
Ena was throwing a tantrum like a little child.
"Busy and exciting, eh..."
"You felt jealous, eh..."
A shadow of doubt enshrouded Yuri and Liliana's faces at the same time.

"I think the vast majority would not feel excited during that time. The only exceptions were
probably Kusanagi Godou, as well as Alec -- Alexandre Gascoigne-sama."
The people Liliana named were their own king and England's young king. Her facial
expression was a mixture of the worry over the series of commotions caused by the two Devil
Kings combined with her self-reproach for failing to stop them.
"Those two were really too reckless... In the end, they even caused such calamity to befall
Yokohama Bay Bridge."
Yuri bowed her head as if ashamed and shuddered.
Due to being deeply involved in the incident -- she must have been embarrassed for
"participating" in the occurrence.
Nevertheless, Ena was jealous of them instead.
The news headlines reported that the Yokohama Bay Bridge underwent "An Unprecedented
Accidental Collapse!"
Ena only found out after returning from the mountains, and as soon as she was informed of
the truth, she slapped her thigh as if she suddenly realized.
As expected of His Majesty! Clearly if he had summoned Ena to help out, she could have
raised hell as well!
"Hey hey, that time when His Majesty was affected by some strange curse, he became quite
amazing, right? Basically, he's always been quite reckless but it feels like his destructive
power went up a notch?"
" "......" "
"I've read the report, yes. But Yuri and Liliana-san, neither of you told me a single detail even
though you were participants right there on the scene. I have no clue as to how amazing His
Majesty was or in what manner. Could you take some pity on poor little injured Ena and tell
me properly?"
"D...Denied! No matter what... This is too early for Seishuuin Ena to know!"
"A-Agreed. Furthermore, this concerns Godou-san's privacy after all. I believe it should not
be probed so casually!"
For some reason, Liliana and Yuri's faces had become red with embarrassment as they
instantly expressed rejection.
"Eh. You two are so stingy."
Ena pouted once again.

However, this was the characteristic of the lively, energetic, unfettered and open-minded
Seishuuin Ena. She would not tactlessly pursue matters with people who disliked it. This was
as far as she would ask here. That left asking Erica Blandelli, as well as the most involved
participant, Kusanagi Godou himself.
"I guess I'd better ask His Majesty directly later?"
"...Possibly. But Kusanagi Godou will probably feel very embarrassed."
"...Having learnt a little lesson, hopefully he could act a little more cautiously from now on."
As Ena murmured softly, Liliana nodded and Yuri began to pray.
Regardless, this was an incident that Kusanagi Godou would find difficult to talk about.
How interesting. No matter what, she must get at the truth. Ena resolved herself.
"By the way, the reason I asked both of you out today, is to discuss something."
"If I may be of help, of course I would be glad to do so... But would Erica-san not be a better
Erica Blandelli was greatly gifted with clarity of mind.
She was also capable of caring after others like an open-minded salon mistress, and was
unexpectedly diplomatic in her social interactions. Indeed it was as Yuri suggested, she was a
most suitable candidate for seeking counsel.
But at this time, Liliana spoke up.
"Erica said she had some business and already left Tokyo yesterday. Furthermore, I believe it
is best not to display too many of one's personal weaknesses to that woman... As much as I
hate to admit it, suitably accepting Erica's advice is indeed beneficial. However, after who
knows how many years, when she makes use of such knowledge as bargaining chips for deals
or threats, it becomes kind of..."
Perhaps recalling her personal experiences, Liliana's speech gradually trailed off vaguely.
Oh well, because from Erica's perspective, Liliana was her closest friend who she interacted
without any reservations. Hence, she was able to tease and make fun of her to no end. Ena
spoke decisively:
"Actually Ena had no intention of seeking Erica-san in the first place. No matter what, this is
a challenge that is equivalent to admitting 'inferiority' towards Erica-san. If I sought help from
her, it would be a mess."
"So, it is about Erica-san?"

"Yes. That is why I prepared this thing."

As Yuri questioned in surprise, Ena confirmed and took out her new "partner."
It was a short blade. The cutting edge was carefully wrapped in white cloth. Ena unwrapped it
in order to display her beloved blade's form to her friends.
A thick and wide hamaguri-ba[1] blade, its sharp edge displayed slight curvature.
"It looks rather sharp."
"As expected of Liliana-san, you have good eyes! This thing here, was forged by the
swordsmith's workshop near my home using the Doutanuki[2] sword I took down from a wall
at home. It was only being used as decoration anyway."
"Dou -- tanuki?"
As expected of one born and raised in Milan. The reference to the maker's name, Doutanuki
Masakuni, was lost upon Liliana.
But given Ena's explanation, Liliana deduced easily enough.
"In any case, you mean that you took an ancient Japanese sword that was originally much
longer, and reforged it into its current size!?"
"Eh, Ena-san, I know almost nothing of swords."
On the other hand, Yuri looked quite worried as she spoke.
"But is this not an extremely precious artifact? A work of artistry on the level of an important
cultural asset..."
Japanese swords were branded at the bottom part of the blade itself.
In the reforging process, naturally there was no choice but to sever off that portion of the
blade. Without the maker's inscription, the value of a Japanese sword as a work of art was
naturally lost.
"It's not really an artifact of that level... Though the swordsmith who handled my reforging
request was crying rivers. In any case, it's just something collecting dust in Ena's home."
Located at Chichibu, the Seishuuin ancestral residence stored many spears, bows, swords,
armor and various armaments.
Due to being blood-related to the Seiwa Genji[3] family of generals, the Seishuuin held vast
collections of that nature. Normally, there would be no use for them other than artistic
admiration in the current peaceful Heisei era. Nevertheless, Ena had taken them out for
"practical" use many times.
"Practical use is the most important thing for tools."

"Still, there should be limits to wasting things."

As Liliana sighed, Ena replied, completely unfazed:
"Nothing of that sort. --In actual fact, Ena was trying all sorts of new things during the leisure
of recuperation. Like asking swordsmiths to make blades using the principles of forging
Japanese swords, or trying those convenient ceramic ones that don't rust. However, none of
them were sharp enough, so in the end I had this one made."
Ena gazed at her "beloved blade," mesmerized.
Doutanuki blades were known for their unrefined construction which prioritized "practicality"
over glamorous appearances. It was a blade embodying the beauty of robust functionality.
Yuri's pretty eyes stared wide in surprise.
"Umm... You sound like you are talking about kitchen knives."
"Yes yes, that's the one. After reaching a draw in the cooking contest against Erica-san last
time, Ena thinks it's time to improve her cooking level. So, I was thinking I should invest in
tools first. It's really great that I found something suitable at home."
"In other words, that thing is not a weapon but a tool for cooking -- just an ordinary kitchen
Ena nodded in response to Liliana's question.
Then she took the short blade in question... Or rather, the kitchen knife and swung it.
Furthermore, this was a peerless masterpiece, the beloved blade of the "Hime-Miko of the
Sword" Seishuun Ena, forged for the purpose of slicing all cooking ingredients cleanly in half.
Staring at that blade of simplicity and fortitude, Yuri and Liliana sighed simultaneously.
"In other words, this is something that cannot be bought simply with money. What would the
going price be in the collector's market...?"
"I am guessing millions of yen at least..."
"So, now that the tool is ready, next comes the teachers, right? If you two are willing, please
teach Ena all sorts of knowledge."
Ena knew very well that as a fellow model Yamato Nadeshiko, Yuri was a culinary master.
She had also heard of Liliana's substantial accomplishments in this area. Hence, Ena clapped
her hands together before them and pleaded again.

"Please, this is my request of a lifetime!"

"Well, in that case... There is no particular reason to refuse."
"Same here. So how about we all try some cooking together this time?"
Liliana agreed readily and Yuri smiled calmly in agreement.
"Then we will teach you all sorts of things then, how about that?"
"Really!? Thank you so much! Ah, if there's no trouble, can we do it today? After all, strike
while the iron is hot. Let's call His Majesty over later and let him try our cooking, how's
"Immediately? --I do not really mind--But it is rather sudden."
Liliana stared wide. Ena decided to explain the situation.
"The night before I came to Tokyo, I met an acquaintance in the mountains who's a hunter.
After being told that Ena was learning to cook, he said 'I've got some great ingredients' and
shared a lot with me. So I had it couriered here to treat His Majesty and everyone else."
"Great ingredients?"
"Yes. High-class choice ingredients. Very rare."
"From the mountain... Some wild fowl or the sort?"
"Or perhaps wild mushrooms and vegetables?"
Clearly, Yuri and Liliana underestimated the mountains.
Ena smiled proudly ad said:
"Those things are not rare at all. It's a female black bear, over two metres tall. Over the past
few days, it was prowling around the Saitama and Gunma boundary, roaming across villages.
I heard mister hunter say he spent a great deal of effort to kill it."
"...A bear?"
"...That is what you mean by high-class choice ingredients?"
"Yes. If it's cooked well it should be really tasty, that's what the guy said. Ena could only
think of pot-stewed bear, but are there better ways to cook it?"
However, the two culinary masters were taken aback.
"S-Sorry. I have never cooked bear before..."

"Same here... Speaking of which, I have never eaten it either. What about you, Seishuuin
Ena? If you frequent the mountains so much, you should have that kind of experience, right?"
"Unfortunately, no. Not even once."
Ena trained in the mountains for the purpose of purifying her body. Hence she was often
performing religious abstinence.
Let alone fish, meat or any animal protein, even vegetables belonging to the onion or garlic
families were prohibited, going as far as to abstain from grain crops. While training, she had
trapped Iwana mountain trout and rabbits to eat before, but she never tried catching large
beasts for this purpose.
"I see. Because while I was recuperating, His Majesty called me a few times to express
sympathy, so I want to treat him as thanks. Black bear, what should we do with it..."
Muttering to herself, Ena folded her arms.
"Kusanagi-san did that? Then Ena-san would not be bored."
Yuri smiled as she said.
"Something like that. His Majesty gave me a call every couple days, chatting for thirty
minutes or an hour or so about nothing particularly important. But for the half month I was
stuck at home, that's the only happy thing to happen. Thanks to that, I gradually thought
recuperation wasn't too bad after all."
"I see. To think that Kusanagi Godou would be so diligently attentive depending on the
On the other hand, Liliana was slightly envious.
"...I have never received any call from Kusanagi Godou except regarding official business.
Chatting of a personal nature has never occurred even once."
"...Come to think of it, me neither."
Yuri also spoke with a sighing expression.
"However, given that he is neither completely reticent nor particularly talkative, it is
acceptable that he does not call without purpose. Still, knowing that he can express this kind
of care, it does make one feel like wanting to get deeper into things."
"Of course, doing that much for Ena-san whose health was in bad condition, can be
considered an exceptional show of care. It would not be reasonable to complain about this
Hearing Liliana's sighing words, Yuri also lowered her gaze, slightly gloomy.

Unsure why the conversation was heading into a strange direction, Ena stared wide in
"However, regarding the fact that he 'only' showed Ena-san such care, I do feel slightly
"Right, only slightly."
"Correct, only just a slight amount."
Reaching this conclusion, Yuri and Liliana nodded at the same time.
Next, Yuri slowly turned to Ena, a smile on her face.
It was a smile of classic elegance, like a crescent moon that illuminated the dark sky with
exceptional brightness on a cold winter's night. Most likely, this was the sort of smile
displayed whenever the beautiful queen of the moon was suddenly inspired by mischief.
"About the matter Ena-san proposed just now, I want to take good care of it."
"Eh? Which matter?"
"Regarding tonight, inviting Godou-san over and everyone having dinner together."
"That's not really much of a request... So what should we do with the black bear? Yuri, you've
never cooked it before, right?"
"What? That poses no problem at all."
Liliana spoke with an extremely generous tone of voice.
"Did you not say so yourself, if you stew it in a pot, the meat basically becomes edible. No
matter what manner of cooking, as long as the meat is no longer raw, there should be no
problem... By the way, concerning Erica's maid's unique skills in this regard, I have heard
rumors before."
"You mean Arianna-san, right? Speaking of which, indeed I have experienced her
'otherworldly' talent... Well then, let us invite her as well."
Yuri instantly proposed her idea and Liliana nodded vigorously.
"Wonderful idea. If I ask my maid Karen, she should be able to tell me her cellphone number.
Seishuuin Ena, we will let you handle communications with Kusanagi Godou."
"Uh yeah. Got it."
Although things developed in a completely unexpected manner, the result still ended up as
Ena had hoped.

If Kusanagi Godou came, she could also ask him about what happened with the war god
Lancelot. Ena delightfully took out her cellphone but sighed at the discovery of the lack of
battery power. She began searching her bag for the charger.

"I think things could be slightly more relaxing."

Kusanagi Godou declared solemnly.
The location was Akihabara, at a VIP room of the "Peerless Statesman" maid tea house run by
Hong Kong's Lu family.
Godou and his young friend, the adopted "nephew" Lu Yinghua, as well as the History
Compilation Committee special agent Amakasu Touma were gathered together.
"What do you mean slightly more relaxing? Isn't this extremely relaxing and leisurely
Amakasu spoke with frivolous airs. He was still dressed in his usual creased and sloppy suit.
"Recently, the painful memories of smashing the Bay Bridge are still vivid."
"Hmm, well, that's true. But once in a while I get this kind of notion. Even for a month, no,
only a week, if only I could travel the world without being accompanied by any of the girls I
know, then my body and my mind would get some proper rest."
Amakasu was roughly twenty-seven or eight years old. Since he was senior in age, Godou
naturally replied respectfully:
"Until my middle school graduation, my circle of close friends had boys outnumbering girls
by a ratio of nine to one. Clearly that used to be the situation, but somehow I became
surrounded by girls now..."
Even though this was perhaps a rather enviable position in others' view, that was what Godou
truly felt.
Ah yes, it was definitely more relaxing in the past-"I understand. I used to think that all the time as well."
The one who expressed agreement was the misogynist, Lu Yinghua. He was the direct
disciple of Godou's "sworn elder sister," the demonic cult leader, Luo Cuilian.
Despite being a slender, dignified and handsome youth, he was an eccentric who treated
"females" harshly no matter what.
"I became Master's disciple when I was around four or five years old. Thereafter, I spent
about six years alone with Master at the Mount Lu convent to go through forced training -rather, to train with great enthusiasm."

The arrogant prodigy spoke with a sense of mournfulness.

"Well, the only non-relative and female in my world is Luo Cuilian. Recalling her abuses -rather, training and innumerable unreasonable demands, I feel a heavy sensation in my
"Ah... She is that kind of person after all."
"Living with a man-eating lion would probably be far happier and relaxing in comparison..."
Godou expressed sympathy as Amakasu muttered knowingly.
As a side note, Amakasu's boss was the silver-tongued womanizer, the cross-dressing beauty,
Sayanomiya Kaoru(). Perhaps the three fellow males gathered here were all victims fated to
suffer at the hands of women.
Just at this moment, Godou's cellphone began ringing with a lively tone.
Taking it out, he discovered it was a call from Seishuuin Ena.
"Hello? Ah, it's been a while. You came over? Eh, dinner with everyone? Later tonight... Wait
a minute, Seishuuin, what was that again? Bear, is that right? If I'm not mistaken, the main
theme will be black bear meat..."
Conversing with Ena over the phone, Godou accepted the dinner invitation.
Listening on the side, Lu Yinghua and Amakasu whispered privately to each other.
"In Chinese cuisine, isn't that a high-class ingredient?"
"Ah yes, the bear's paw. Said to be a rare delicacy, but other than that, there's a whole host of
tasty dishes. By the way, doesn't Japan sell canned bear meat?"
"Canned curry bear. Bear meat has a distinctive flavor, so it's a delicacy limited to Hokkaido."
On the other hand, Godou was just about to hang up the phone.
"Then let's meet at seven tonight. Yeah, see you later... It became like this again, I'll be there
for sure."
Godou hung up as he spoke.
"For some reason, Mariya and Liliana are apparently there together with Seishuuin. --By the
way, Amakasu-san, would you like to go?"
"Unfortunately, I have work to do later."
Clearly slacking off at the maid tea house, the special agent replied calmly with a smile.
"What about you, Yinghua?"

"I would prefer to decline, Honored Uncle. You can't be suggesting that I spend my time at a
place full of women, right?"
"That's true."
"Of course, if you say you need me to make a sacrifice, I will see things through to the utter
end even if it meant wading through rivers of blood in purgatory on earth. If you have any
need of my assistance, please feel free to ask."
"N-No need to go that far. I'm sorry for asking something strange."
Godou smiled wryly and left his seat, leaving the VIP room of the maid tea house.
Watching him leave, the remaining two exchanged glances.
"...Looks like it will turn out to be a most dangerous dinner gathering, I smell sparks in the
Rather than surprised, Amakasu muttered with an impressed tone of voice.
"A wise man would make up a plausible excuse and run like hell."
"What is going to happen? Who knows if notions of upright character, manners,
thoughtfulness or the like are what secretly upholds Honored Uncle's supremacy."
"I believe he clearly could have avoided digging his own grave!"
As a side note, the person in question was completely oblivious to his impending doom.
On this very night, Kusanagi Godou was cornered in various ways, imprisoned in the
sufferings of a desperate plight. However, seeing as they were not omniscient gods, these two
naturally had no way of knowing the details.
< FIN >

Chapter 1 - A Devil King is Born...?

Part 1
By the time he realized it, Godou already found himself imprisoned -- as for the cause,
perhaps it was rather out of the blue.
Now that he thought about it, everything started four days earlier.
It was during the spring break when he was about to enter high school, Godou visited Italy's
Sardinia in his grandfather's place. There, he encountered the handsome amnesiac youth,
Erica the knight and mage, as well as the witch Lucretia Zola-All individuals possessing strange and incredible powers.

Furthermore, Godou encountered "gods."

Meeting a god, conversing with a god, fighting a god, obtaining victory... Something like that.
After using the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], his consciousness had gone fuzzy and he could
not recall what happened afterwards.
However, he could still vividly recall his friend, the youth standing amidst flames. His joyful
smile, his sharp eyes carrying an expression of regret, and those parting words.
"Kusanagi Godou, I grant my blessing to thee who has been reborn as the new god-slaying
Even on the verge of death, his voice was very clear and distinctive.
The youth's entire charisma as a "hero" was overflowing there.
"Thou art the first person to usurp mine -- the authority of the god of victory! Becomest
stronger than anyone else! Until the day I shall fight thee again, possessest my undefeatable
Even though I didn't quite understand, that was what he told me.
He displayed such mettle and battle spirit for a rematch, even as he lay on death's door.
Indeed that was his true nature. This Persian Warlord of old, using the ten incarnations to
fight, protecting the people, worshiped as the undefeated victorious hero, only Verethragna
could have fitting final moments like these.
Kusanagi Godou's life was in peril. Then he lost consciousness.
Several hours passed.
Even though the battle against Verethragna took place around the hours of dawn, Godou took
until noon to wake up. Erica immediately came to his side.
Erica told him they had left the ruins that had been used as the battlefield and come to a
nearby village. Erica fortuitously found a four-room inn, gotten a room, and placed the
unconscious Godou on the bed.
"Acting so reckless, and yet he's still alive... Recovering so quickly in such short time, sure
Hearing Erica mumbling on the bedside, Godou was puzzled.
Severely beaten up by Verethragna, and even struck by the decisive lightning attack. Due to
using the [Secret Tome of Prometheus], both his body and brain had felt scorching hot as if on

Dying then and there was only natural.

Getting up from bed and examining his body, Godou began to mutter.
"I've really recovered. I, could I be dreaming?"
Blunt trauma, broken bones, abrasions, bleeding, burns, rupturing of internal organs, high
fever, etc.
Unable to find any trace of the unbearable pain, Godou only found a completely healthy body
instead. Furthermore.
Swinging his right arm unintentionally, he found the feeling slightly strange. Godou had
injured his right shoulder last summer, forcing him to quit the sport of baseball to which he
had devoted himself for many years.
Moving his right shoulder back and forth, he could not feel anything unusual. It moved very
In addition, he noticed something else.
He was extremely hungry.
His stomach was growling and rumbling, causing a commotion, demanding food and
"Hey Erica, you got anything to eat?"
"If there are restaurants nearby, I can order takeout. But Godou, weren't you on the verge of
death? In my opinion, you shouldn't eat anything that could strain your stomach."
This was most sensible advice, but Godou declared loudly.
"No problem! I currently feel like I could even digest my own shoes! Bring it on!"
Thirty minutes later. Godou was wolfing down all sorts of food that Erica had brought.
There were several paninis made from pork, chicken and spring vegetables. Boiled sausage.
Prosciutto ham.
Thick slabs of horse meat steak. Steamed vegetables topped with hand-made mayonnaise
style sauce.
Rabbit meat stewed with vegetables. Mineral water. Orange juice. Wine. Etc.

Grabbing food continually and stuffing them in his mouth, Godou chewed with relish,
swallowing in huge gulps. At any rate, seeking nourishment was first priority-Erica stared at Godou as if he was driven to eat and drink by some unknown force. An
expression like she was observing some newly discovered rare species, deep in thought...
"By the way, I forgot to do something. I'll be right back."
Staying no longer, Erica left the room.
Godou simply gave a quick nod in response and continued his quest for nourishment,
sweeping all the food away. Greatly satisfied, he lay on the bed once more.
Now that nutrients had been replenished, it was time for rest, sleep -Sensing the entreaties of the body, he did as told without hesitation. In any case, it was time
for sleep and recovery of energy. For the sake of a battle-ready body...
Having slept for who knows how many hours, it was time to wake up.
Godou found himself imprisoned.

"You're awake."
"Well then, let's begin with the interrogation."
A quiet gloomy voice suddenly spoke.
Godou found himself lying on something soft, with both his hands and feet restrained.
"Hey, hey! What is this? What do you intend to do to me!?"
Godou complained as he surveyed his surroundings.
He seemed to be inside a barn of some countryside farm. Stacks of hay were lying all around,
and in fact, Godou had been sleeping on one of them. Both his wrists and ankles were bound
by iron shackles.
In addition, looking down at Godou were two men in cosplay, each dressed in a gray robe.
They resembled actors from a blockbuster movie, like Jedi Knights in some kind of space
odyssey or magi from a fantasy movie.
Since their hoods were pulled down completely, the men's faces could not be seen.
"I am a Japanese tourist and I don't think I deserve to be treated like this. Are you people sure
you didn't get the wrong guy!?"
"...No. You are the right one."

One of the men answered quietly to Godou's protests, in fluent Japanese.

However, what little of his face that could be seen in the depths beneath the hood, was clearly
a Caucasian face.
"You must be 'Kusanagi Godou,' right? We already received the news. Erica Blandelli the
knight of Milan and the youth named Kusanagi had been wandering all over Sardinia."
To Godou's surprise, they even knew about Erica. The man turned his somber gaze towards
"...Trying to get to the bottom of our affairs is pointless. All I can say is that we are members
of an ancient magic association. For the past week or so, we have been investigating the 'god'
which had suddenly manifested."
Godou was greatly shocked. God. Did they really mean Verethragna?
"Erica Blandelli and the youth from Japan. Apparently traveled all over the place in pursuit of
the god's trail. Then finally this morning, the god's presence suddenly vanished, and stability
returned to the island..."
So the battle really happened after all.
Befriending that youth, having a battle to the death, and finally parting in such short time.
Recalling this incident, Godou felt a scorching sensation in his chest. The men suddenly
"Under such conditions, we feared one possibility. Perhaps, the god who manifested on
Sardinia had been defeated by Erica Blandelli, and she would be reborn as a 'Campione!'"

Erica defeated a god? And became what?

"Now that I think about it, that girl Erica did mention something similar--"

Just before the impending battle against Verethragna, he had a conversation with Erica.
Godou remembered clearly the word "Campione" being mentioned then.
"Oh, looks like you've got a clue. We hope you can explain carefully in detail..."
One of the hooded men said to Godou softly.
"The [Heretic God] manifesting on Sardinia on this occasion is a very important divinity for
our [Church of the Eastern Magi] and could bring about revelation. Very likely, it is the god
of victory, Verethragna..."
These people are associated with Verethragna!? Godou was shocked.
"If Miss Erica slew the war god we worship, it would be a very serious situation. We will
have to bear the full force of our association down on her in order to avenge the god!"
"So, boy. This is the situation. Tell us where Erica-san is located right now!"
"If you decide to be stubborn, we have ways of making you talk!"
Noisily talking at the same time, they threatened.
"Y-Yes I know about that alright. But by the time I woke up I was already your captive.
Besides, even if I knew why would I tell you people!?"
Godou yelled.
It sounded like they were seeking Erica for revenge. Of course he was not going to cooperate
with them.
"I see. Then there's no choice... In the name of Mithra the god of contracts, I hereby
command, truth be thy only law, honesty be thy only speech, prohibited are all falsehoods."
One of the men muttered suspiciously.
Godou reacted with a feeling he never experienced before. The man's words felt like they
carried "power" which turned into something formless and colorless that began to entangle
Godou's body.
Spell words!? This term entered his mind vaguely.
If spell words truly existed, perhaps they really took effect in this fashion.
But why could he sense such phenomena, why him!?
"Hmm. This youth, he deflected my magic?"
However, not only Godou but also the man who employed the spell words were surprised.

"He probably has some sort of protective magic guarding his body, right? Like spells for
preventing the extraction of information for example, there are various ways to handle them."
"How befitting for the companion of a great knight of the [Copper Black Cross]..."
Protective magic? Obviously, Godou had no idea how to use that, so it must have been Erica
who did it, right? But where on earth did she run off to -- just as he felt anxious.
"Then we are left with no other choice. If a reasonable methods fails, we must resort to
barbaric ways."
One of the men made a very disconcerting statement.
"As a show of respect to the prestigious [Copper Black Cross], we will reveal our most
vicious secret technique. A curse that boils the brain like a seal of death... Will be our offering
to you. Even protective magic cannot stop this curse."
"If you don't want to die, you'd better be a good boy and tell us everything you know."
"Come, be out with it. Do it now before it's too late!"
Godou swallowed hard.
These people did not sound like they were joking. Magi were always doing these crazy
ridiculous things. He already experienced enough of that over the past few days. However, he
could not betray Erica.
Godou suppressed the surfacing fear of death as he glared angrily at the men.
"Hmm. Preparing yourself to die for the sake of friendship -- what a pity. Deprived of my
blessing, whether the righteous or the bestial, all shall be bereft of luminance, and evil shall
These spell words carried "power." That was the feeling.
Even though he felt it again, Godou did not know how to defend no matter how hard he
pondered. There was nothing he could use as a shield. Furthermore, there was no time left to
bluff and stall for time. At this point of no return, it was too late to regret.
It was too late. Godou could feel the onslaught of the deadly curse.
Clearly he had survived a battle against a god, but now he was going to die here? Really?
"Even our most vicious curse has been deflected!"
"Unbelievable... Who is this boy...?"
The two hooded men muttered in shock.

It was only natural. Even though he did not know the reason, the moment the spell words of
the curse made contact with Godou's body they instantly vanished.
Then immediately.
"This is it, folks. To think that there actually existed people who dare attempt the foolish deed
of kidnapping and confining my companion, Erica Blandelli's. Such utter lack of foresight is
truly impressive indeed."
Suddenly, the door to the barn flew open.
Bathed beneath the rays of the setting sun, it was the gallant entrance of a beautiful girl whose
fluttering reddish blonde hair adorned her like a crown. That beautiful face of hers, lustrously
radiating such dominance and intellect, caused the gloomy robed men to cower back.
The one who appeared was Erica Blandelli, of course. The girl whom everyone sought.

Part 2
"Looks like I have no need to announce my name for a duel... I apologize for resorting to
violence, but please return this person to me."
Smiling with a chuckle, Erica suddenly summoned a sword into her hand.
Cuore di Leone. Possessing a slender blade shining with clear luster, the magic sword of the
lion. Godou clearly recalled the magic sword that had been used to great effect in the battle
against Verethragna.
"Wait a minute, Erica Blandelli. Did you really slay a [Heretic God]?"
"The god-slaying Devil King -- did you become a Campione!?"
"Hoho, why don't you confirm the answer through battle?"
Completely unconcerned with the doubts of the retreating men, Erica smiled glamorously
while she swung her sword. One flash, two flashes.
Godou was rendered speechless to see her wielding her sword without any hesitation at all.
This is no historical drama, are you really trying to kill these men!? Fear and unease welled
up within Godou. But fortunately, these worries were unfounded.
What Erica sliced with her sword was the "power" surrounding the two robed men.
An unbelievable presence that protected them. Cuore di Leone sliced through it, causing the
"power" to dissipate immediately.
"You don't even know how to use swords, and now that you've lost your protective spells, you
two are no match for me."

"Tsk!" "Damn you!"

Their power severed by Erica, the two men traced complicated patterns with their fingers.
The patterns inscribed in the air produced "power," carrying some kind of deadly attribute.
Sensing this presence, Godou was surprised again. Again. Why would I know something like
In spite of Godou's hopeless confusion, Erica did not stop moving.
She already took action before the men's "power" took effect. A gracefully delivered high
Striking one of the men spectacularly in the back of his head, she knocked him out in one hit.
The other man was struck in the chest by Cuore di Leone's hilt and he fainted from the pain.
The battle ended effortlessly with Erica's victory.

"There, it's done. Their fates will depend on luck."

Erica had found a rope somewhere in the depths of the barn and tied up the unconscious men.
The sky at dusk was visible through the open door. Night was fast approaching.
"These guys are probably from somewhere in the orient... Maybe affiliated with some
religion. Probably Zoroastrianism? Verethragna belongs to that religion, right?"
Godou inquired. The restraints on his hands and feet had been released.
"These guys are nowhere near that level of respectability. After all, they were using the magic
of forbidden curses. They're worthless magi, probably from some sort of ancient cult that
worships the Persian pantheon."
"Cult... Like those newly risen religion... That's the kind of impression I get."
The word "cult" was a rather fitting description of the two men's demeanor.
"Probably some association of evil alignment. I can't believe they used [Brain Destruction]
magic without any hesitation."
"Of evil alignment -- an evil cult, basically. Well said... But wait a minute."
Looking down at the unconscious men, Godou realized.
"Erica, I can't believe you stood back and watched them do all those things to me!?"
"I simply wanted to confirm to what extent you remain human."
"R-Remain human?"

"Yes. Congratulations, Godou. Today marks the day of your rebirth as a 'monster.' Think of it
as a second birthday."
Erica smiled sweetly. With such unforgettable loveliness, it was a glamorous smile as befitted
Erica Blandelli.
But to Godou, it felt akin to the smile of the devil Mephistopheles when he restored Dr.
Faust's youth. Like a so-called elegant devil...
"If you want an explanation, it's because I already know. I am completely unworried that the
magic used by humans -- even mystic techniques of the highest level, could harm you in any
"What do you mean? But actually, I did have this really strange feeling starting from a while
During the scene just now, he had sensed "power" -- ?
Could it be, that was magic? Stuff like magical power or spell words? Realizing that, Godou
trembled with fear as Erica asserted with all smiles.
"How should I put it? Yes... You are no longer an ordinary human. Kusanagi Godou has
become a god-slayer, a Campione. That's basically it."
"G-God-slayer? Campione?"
"Right, didn't I tell you before the battle against Verethragna? That there were only six godslayers in this world. Devil Kings who usurped the authorities of gods. Campiones. You have
officially become the seventh."
"Whaaaat -- !?"

The robed duo had crept into the room at the inn while Godou was snoring away soundly.
Erica happened to be away at the time. In order to obtain information, they tied up Godou and
brought him to a barn in the outskirts of the village. Upon discovering the situation, Erica
hurried over, thereby resulting in the rescue drama that occurred just now.
"Looks like stray magi from some small cult, acting rashly without using their brains."
Walking along a country road at night, Erica concluded arbitrarily.
As a side note, the robed men were left behind in bondage.
"I agree on that point. But Erica, when you left the room back then, were you using me as
Walking alongside the blonde beauty, Godou whispered.

Oh well, it was only speculation. At the time, perhaps Erica really had to leave to do
something as she claimed... That line of thinking was only reasonable.
But another possibility occurred to Godou.
Yes, take for example, what if given Erica's intelligence and keen sense, she had actually
noticed the appearance of the robed men? Furthermore, she wanted to confirm Godou's
current condition.
Her mind of devil's...
It would not be strange to suspect 'Erica had hidden herself to observe what would happen to
Godou if he were left alone.'
"Calling it bait or whatever, that is such an inappropriate description. I simply chose the most
interesting and dramatic method I could think of, that's all."
Contrary to expectations, Erica was proud of herself.
What a strange and novel feeling it was, to completely lose all gratitude to his savior.
"You, how should I put it... Your character is way not cool."
Godou muttered emphatically.
Recalling their first encounter, her attitude had been very displeasing back then. However,
having experienced life and death situations together with her, their distance seemed to have
shrunk slightly.
That was the situation. Godou began to understand a little. Erica was not simply smart, she
was utterly brilliant. On top of that, she was a terrifying devil.
She was the kind of person whose application of her wits prioritized personal amusement.
"Why am I always surrounded by people with weird personalities?"
Godou recalled his closest family, relatives and friends.
But thanks to that, he was not intimated by a woman like Erica. Even though she was difficult
to handle, she was still a good person at heart. The fact that she was a friend remained
"Whatever." Godou muttered to himself. Erica immediately spoke up.
"Oh my, to think that amongst Godou's acquaintances, there exist many people with slight
resemblance to me. How broad your social circle must be! I'm impressed, slightly."
"...Anyway, let's head back first. It's time to get some rest tonight."

Impressed by Erica's positive acceptance of her weird personality, Godou suggested their next
move. However, Erica shook her head.
"No, those two from just now might have other companions. We should leave this village as
quickly as possible. Sure, we could take on another battle, but there's no need for such
unnecessary risk."
"Come to think of it, you were the one they were targeting."
"What are you talking about? The one being targeted is you, Godou. You are the Devil King
and the seventh god-slaying Campione."
As Godou stared with wide-eyed confusion, Erica explained gently as if instructing a young
"Take the two-man team just now, there should be many people involved in magic who have
concluded that 'Erica Blandelli slew a god' based on circumstantial evidence. But sooner or
later, they will realize their error and discover the truth. The one who slew a god was actually
a Japanese completely unversed in magic, Kusanagi Godou."
"I am a god-slayer..."
"Yes. In order to investigate the death of the [Heretic God] who manifested on Sardinia,
magic associations not only from Italy but also the rest of Europe will send investigators over.
Well, that said, their attention will be focused on me initially."
"In the near future, you will begin to understand the authority you usurped from Verethragna.
The term authority refers to sacred powers originally held by gods. Great powers wielded by
the heavenly gods. Taking possession of such powers will not permit a human to live a normal
Godou listened to Erica's fluent outflow of information in dumbstruck silence.
Nevertheless, he finally managed to speak up.
"But I should have the choice to not use that power, right?"
"I wonder? In my view, if you were really the type to choose that road, you would never have
fought Verethragna in the first place."
"But isn't the situation completely different from yesterday?"
Calming down slightly, Godou continued.
"The god incident is resolved, so I will return to Japan. In that case, I will sever all relations
with gods, magic, and all these troublesome things--"
"How complacent. You've really forgotten completely, Godou."

Erica exclaimed with great surprise.

"There was a message for you. Since this is the decree of the king who commands the oriental
divine realm, please pay careful attention -- Your first enemy was the war god Verethragna,
the second one is me!"
Erica mimicked a certain someone's horrifyingly deep tone of voice.
"Very soon I will recover all my power. When that time comes, take the place of that war god,
my spears of fury will be aimed at you! Polish your sword and wait for my arrival! -Basically that."
Godou cursed his stupidity. There was yet another god who had manifested on this island!
"Yes. The Phoenician divine king Melqart flew away somewhere after that. He prepares for
the battle with Kusanagi Godou. The great king who boldly declared he would sink the island
of Sardinia into the bottom of the sea if any islanders came to interfere. The impending
tragedy offers little room for optimism."
For the sake of defeating Verethragna, Godou had made use of Melqart's power.
As Godou realized he had to take responsibility, he trembled... Oh no, was it coming again,
was he forced to battle a god again?
"How about it, Godou? If you declare you will never fight a [Heretic God] again, I won't force
"As much as I'd like to do that..."
Godou sighed. Returning home at such a time was not acceptable. Even if Erica would let him
go, he could not permit himself to do so.
"I will remain until Melqart's incident is resolved. Somehow I keep finding myself at the eye
of the storm."
Godou lamented as Erica shrugged.
"Digging your own grave would be the appropriate expression, wouldn't you agree? Well
then, let's head to Cagliari together. It's easier to hide in densely populated urban areas and it
also facilitates information gathering."
Cagliari was the largest city on the island of Sardinia. A port town.
Erica's suggestion was perfectly reasonable. Apparently she was not only capable of strange
mischievous ideas but also rational contemplation. Naturally gifted in so many ways, rather
than wasting her prodigious talents, she really ought to put heaven's gifts to good use...

At the same time as being deeply impressed by this woman, Godou suddenly realized
something else.
"I agree with what you suggested, but is it okay for you not to go home?"
"Oh my, what are you talking about?"
"I mean going back to Milan. Weren't you sent here from Milan for a mission?"
Erica had mentioned her origins a number of times.
She hailed from the northern Italian metropolis of Milan. A mage belonging to that secret
association called the whatever [Copper Black Cross], and a member of the elite known as
Great Knights or something like that. She was probably someone important in her uncle's
organization, but Erica sounded like she was going to continue accompanying Godou.
"I haven't decided when to go back yet. I haven't even reported the Verethragna incident back
to the association either."
"Eh? Is that really okay for you to do that?"
"Not really. I'm neglecting my duties as a knight and even shutting off my cellphone.
Nevertheless, it is necessary in light of the bigger picture."
"At least give them a call. I'm sure they're quite worried about you."
"If I did that, I would most likely be ordered to return. That is what I'm avoiding."
Godou recalled that Erica was a promising child prodigy shouldering great expectations. It
was doubtful that the organization would want to risk such important talent in a dangerous
"I could send out a false report, but things would be over as soon as the deception is revealed.
In any case, I have no wish to leave Sardinia for now. Clearly when something so interesting
is happening, it'd be foolish to leave the center of the action. Definitely unacceptable!"
Asserting all those troublesome god-related affairs as "interesting," Erica was surely out of
her mind.
Godou was once again impressed by her. At the same time, he realized another possibility,
and secretly thanked her. Perhaps she chose to accompany him out of concern for the clueless
Kusanagi Godou.
More than likely, this was only wishful thinking, but somehow Godou believed in it.

Part 3
As they set off for their destination of Cagliari, Erica wanted to reach a decision on their
means of transport.

"Taxis... Do they even drive out to these remote rural areas? Or should we wait for a bus?"
"In a place like this, there's probably no more than two or three buses a day, right?"
Hence, Godou and Erica walked past the bus station.
Instead, they wandered around the village and chanced upon a middle-aged Italian man who
was touring around in a rental car. After stating their request, they managed to hitch a ride.
Not knowing any Italian, Godou stayed silent and left the talking to Erica.
Not only was she beautiful but also well-versed in social skills, Erica sat in the passenger seat
beside the driver, chatting amiably with the middle-aged man.
The sun had completely set. Carrying the trio, the car raced across the road at night.
Sitting in the back seat, Godou was perplexed. Somehow, he was able to vaguely grasp what
the two people in front were talking about -- that was what he felt. In that very instant.
(Where are you two going afterwards? Eh, Cagliari? As for me, I'm going to take a leisurely
tour of the island's western region...)
That was what he felt the man was saying.
Soon after, the car reached a town called Oristano and they parted ways with the man.
The time was after nine at night. Godou and Erica checked into a little inn (with separate
rooms, of course), agreeing to take the 8:30am train to Cagliari the next morning.
...As a side note, this was when Godou first discovered Erica's habit of sleeping in.
Finding her still asleep at their appointed meeting time, Godou had to knock on her door until
his hand hurt in order to wake her up.

Facing the Italian mainland was the Mediterranean Sea.

Situated on the surface of this peaceful and scenic body of water, the island of Sardinia
covered an area roughly the size of Japan's Shikoku island. The entire island comprised the
autonomous region of Sardinia, with Cagliari as its capital.
Cagliari was an ancient port city dating back to the eighth century BCE.
The seafaring Phoenicians had landed on the island and started constructing ports and towns.
"I must say, regarding the completely appalling taste of that particular confectionery, I really
need to go on a detailed diatribe."

After the train arrived at Cagliari, Erica murmured repeatedly to herself as they stepped out of
the station.
"It couldn't be helped. If you hadn't slept in, you would've been able to eat a proper breakfast."
Shrugging, Godou said.
The train traveled for close to an hour and a half for the journey to Cagliari. Because they did
not have time for breakfast, Godou had bought some chocolate at the station's snack shop, and
even prepared a portion for Erica as well.
The taste was terrible beyond belief. Summing up, it was too sweet. So sweet that it made his
teeth hurt.
European and American confectionery were, for the most part, too sweet for Japanese tastes.
But even Erica had the same reaction. "This thing calling itself chocolate, truly serves up a
blasphemous challenge to the definition of strange-tasting" was her comment. Apparently,
this chocolate was universally bad-tasting beyond national boundaries.
Nevertheless, the two of them still finished it without waste.
"Clearly if there was time, we could have bought something to eat at a more normal shop..."
"Ludicrous! You are speaking as if I were responsible. If you went ahead and bought what
you wanted in advance, there'd be no problem!"
"So the option of you getting up on time does not exist!?"
Erica turned her face away in disgust at Godou's retort.
"No, it does not! Just because you have been reborn as a god-slayer, you think you have the
right to disturb me, Erica Blandelli, during the sanctity of my slumber? It is an utmost
privilege that neither kings nor emperors in the whole wide world are entitled to!"
"You simply like sleeping in, so what's with all that justification..."
"Well, whatever. Even though the taste was terrible, it made the experience interesting
instead. Hence, Godou, I will not pursue the matter further this once. Offer me your joyful
"What's with this downward gaze of superiority... Anyway, Erica."
Godou suddenly said to the girl who had too much personality:
"You finished everything despite complaining about the taste, and even went as far to say it
was interesting. So you don't actually dislike junk food?"
"How could that possibly be true? Given the choice, I am the type who always chooses food
of the best quality."

With that, Erica tossed that reddish blonde hair of hers that adorned her head like a crown.
"However, when there is no choice, I simply possess the special skill of ignoring the food's
taste. As a knight, my body is an important asset. Regardless of the food quality, nourishment
cannot be neglected."
"Your body seems to have developed well in spite of everything..."
"Remember this well. My personal philosophy bestows greater respect upon poor-tasting food
that is marked by individualistic distinction, compared to bland cuisine lacking in style.
Judged by this criteria, even though your choice was not optimal, it was not poor either."
In any case, Godou and Erica were back in Sardinia's largest city, Cagliari.
An ancient seaside capital with orderly stone-built streets. Filled with the vigor of urban life,
it was also host to the "casual" atmosphere possessed by tourist vacation spots.
"By the way, Godou. Now that we have arrived in Cagliari, the choice of 'Announcing your
name as the Campione and commanding the magi of Sardinia' is open to you."
"Right, but that's not going to happen."
Godou immediately responded to Erica's suggestion as they left the station.
"Even if I've really become a Campi-whatever as you say, it doesn't feel real to me at all."
"Well, I guess the chances of people being skeptical would be too high if we announce the
Devil King's birth before you get a grasp on your authority. Oh well, there's no urgency at this
point. So, let's start gathering information."
"About Melqart, right?"
"Yes, that too, requires reliable and trustworthy sources of information. Contacting local magi
at such a time would be standard operating procedure... But given a place like Sardinia, it
might be difficult to find someone first rate who could prove useful in a fight against a
[Heretic God]."
Erica's murmurs prompted Godou to recall a certain someone.
"Then how about we contact Lucretia-san?"
The Witch of Sardinia, Lucretia Zola. She was the root cause for Godou's visit to this island,
and the older friend who had offered minor guidance to Godou and Erica.
After the battle against Verethragna, they had not contacted her due to the various busy
In that case, Godou wanted to contact her as well as give her a report.

"In actual fact, I already called Lucretia while Godou was sleeping yesterday. To give her a
report on the entire incident. At the time, she said 'Since things have calmed for now, I will
have a good sleep to recover my energy. So I won't be available for now.' From the way she
sounded, I'd expect her to sleep for two or three days."
"Continuously? Without even waking in between?"
"Yes. Magical sleep for the purpose of recovering exhaustion of the body and mind in as short
time as possible. Such thorough rest is necessary for eliminating core fatigue, in preparation
for future emergencies."
"Come to think of it, Lucretia-san did mention she had exhausted her magical power..."
Godou worried about the witch as he felt impressed by Erica's attention to detail.
Due to her outward appearance, it was very easy to forget the fact that Lucretia was actually
quite elderly (apparently).
When they parted ways, Lucretia did look rather haggard back then. She had gotten caught up
in a fight between the two gods, Verethragna and Melqart, a week or so ago. In order to
escape, she depleted all her power.
"Right, Lucretia also said that, if we need any assistance during this time, there's a suitable
candidate. Fortunately, he happens to live in Cagliari."
"Well then, let's go find him."
"However, Lucretia also mentioned... This person is rather flippant in character, and 100%

"I see... Since you come with Lucretia Zola's introductions, I cannot ignore you."
David Bianchi spoke in a manner that gave off strange pretentious airs.
The current location was a mansion on a hill overlooking the Cagliari harbor and Golfo degli
Angeli.[1] Like Rome, Cagliari was also a city built on seven hills and with many districts
located on elevated ground.
Given such a magnificent mansion built on this kind of a location, it was truly a residence that
exemplified the lifestyles of the rich.
In the reception room, Godou and Erica were sitting face to face with Bianchi.
"I am already aware of the matter of two gods descending here. I also know one of them is
Melqart. Based on the other god's identity as an oriental deity, I speculate him to be
Verethragna, is that right?"
Worthy of admiration, the mage David Bianchi spoke.

He was a handsome man who appeared to be twenty-five or six in age. Dressed impeccably in
a well-tailored suit, he gave off a sense of vanity like some sort of lady-killer.
"Yes, based on what we heard from Lucretia, you are an outstanding geomancist.[2] We wish
to employ your magical skill to help track down Melqart's whereabouts."
Erica spoke in lady-like tones while Godou remained silent on the side.
Having been told by Erica that her companion only spoke Japanese, Bianchi watched Godou
with great interest. However, he immediately switched to conversing in fluent Japanese.
"Well, there's no problem. It's the least I could do out of obligation to Lucretia. However, I
hope you can enlighten me. Is it really true that warlord Verethagna met his demise at
Melqart's hands?"
"Yes, it's true. Kusanagi Godou here and I were eyewitnesses to the fact."
Erica was lying.
She had concealed the truth when she recounted the incident. Bianchi made an exaggerated
smile after going "Hmph" with an air of skepticism.
"In any case, let me begin preparing for the physiognomy.[3] Could you please be patient
while I get the necessary tools ready?"
Saying that, he left the reception room.
"...Hey Erica, that Bianchi guy, isn't he kind of flippant?"
"...That's right. Not one to conceal his ulterior motives, he is a rather small-minded person, to
put things delicately. But since he is said to be a capable person, let's observe the situation for
Since the two of them were left behind, they conversed in whispers.
"Since this is his home ground, it would be very disadvantageous for us as intruders to engage
him in hostilities... Be that as it may, we cannot back down."
"Really? Isn't he supposed to be a powerful person?"
"Well, only 'so-so.' He may be considered first rate, but not to the level of fuoriclasse.[4] If I
focus on protecting myself with my best defensive spell, Bianchi would most likely fail to
breach it. With no other recourse, perhaps he would target you instead..."
Erica began to stare at Godou unerringly.
"In that case, the target is not the one in trouble."

"Regarding matters of Devil King Campiones, I've had a number of opportunities to learn
from a certain Princess. Combined with my personal experience -- I expect the result to be
rather grim."
Erica pronounced solemnly like some sort of prophet.

Part 4
After about an hour, Bianchi returned and led Godou and Erica to a different room.
The Bianchi mansion was quite vast and its long corridors reflected this fact accordingly. The
emerald-green Mediterranean Sea was visible through the windows. Thanks to the mansion's
location on a hill near the sea, the spectacular view was unrivaled.
Godou whispered to Erica as he walked along this corridor of the rich.
"By the way, what is 'geomancy'?"
"In terms that orientals like Godou would easily understand, it is a type of magic similar to
'Feng Shui.' Magical rituals that allow one to read the earth and the flow of its essence, and to
manipulate them according to one's wishes. For increasing the prosperity of oneself, one's
affiliations, as well as the nation."
"Ah... Feng Shui. Indeed it is fitting for the rich."
Wearing yellow clothes would bring monetary fortune. Placing items at specified auspicious
locations to increase luck.
Erica's explanations prompted Godou to recall the origins of the Japanese "wide show."[5]
"When a [Heretic God] manifests, the earth at that location and its essence will be affected
greatly. Given an accomplished geomancist, it is possible to find out the deity's latest
information -- location, current condition, as well as observe where the deity might manifest
Soon they arrived at the destination.
The high ceilings stretched all the way up. The room was so spacious, a tennis court could
probably fit with room to spare. That was how large it was.
In the center of the room was a large marble table, with a huge "model" sitting on top of it.
It was a three dimensional topographical map of the terrain surrounding the Mediterranean.
On this roughly 5m x 2m rectangular space, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, the Mediterranean
Sea and various North African countries were beautifully recreated in exquisite detail.
Must be some sort of expensive hobby -- Godou concluded to himself.
"Well then. Let us try to track down the 'presence' of Melqart you witnessed."

Bianchi picked up a beaker containing a brown powder.

"This powder was made by grinding up fragments of a jar recently unearthed from the ruins of
the ancient Phoenician home port of Tyre."
The powder was poured from the beaker onto the model.
It landed exactly on the south side of Sardinia -- the location equivalent to Cagliari, Godou
and Erica's current position.
Then the powder began to move on its own. Slithering over the model like a snake, it rushed
towards the Mediterranean Sea, heading east. An even bigger island than Sardinia lay in that
"The island of Sicily? Melqart went to Sicily?"
Bianchi nodded as Erica stared in wide-eyed surprise.
"Looks like it. The Phoenician's sphere of influence not only includes Sardinia but Sicily as
well. Perhaps in search of his identity, Melqart seeks the root of his existence by moving to a
sacred domains closer to his homeland."
The city of Tyre was apparently the stronghold of the Phoenicians who worshiped Melqart.
Tyre was located in the region known as Lebanon in modern times. Relative to Sardinia, it
was in the "east" direction. I see. Godou understood.
"So that's that. But actually, I also prepared something else."
Bianchi picked up a test tube containing a small amount of white powder.
"This powder was made from shavings of a stone tablet unearthed from Zoroastrian temple
ruins dating back to the Sassanid Empire of Persia. It was prepared for tracking down the
'presence' of the war god of victory, Verethragna."
Reversing the test tube, the white powder was poured onto the model.
Even though it landed in the middle of the Italian mainland, the white powder began to move
on its own and crossed the sea, slithering towards Cagliari, on the south side of Sardinia.
"Erica-kun... If the Verethragna was really killed by Melqart as you claimed, this powder
should have vanished instead. However, its current state is obvious."
Bianchi smiled smugly.
"Based on the physiognomy, Verethragna died by a human's hand. Consequently, the
warlord's authority was usurped, and the new owner is currently in Cagliari. Most likely, that
person is you."
Saying that, the pretentious handsome man glared straight at Godou!

"While I was making you wait, I observed the spiritual physiognomy within this mansion and
discovered a swirling 'presence' that hung around like gunpowder. Rather than you, Erica-kun,
it was a mysterious 'something' hidden in this youth here, waiting for an opportunity to
"David Bianchi does not fail to see past deception. So even if this were the truth, what
problems would it pose?"
Erica declared with absolute elegance and fearlessness.
"If Kusanagi Godou is a Campione -- the first thing you must do is bow down to the new
[King] and express congratulations to his ascension to the throne, offering your utmost fear
and respect."
"Yes. Indeed that is correct."
Convinced by a beautiful girl younger than him, Bianchi smiled wryly.
"I've had this notion for a very long time. Indeed, Campiones are those who have slain gods.
However, do you really believe they are all worthy of being [Kings]? Our king -- Salvatore
Doni is a perfect example. Who could believe he is such a great idiot, an utter moron!"
A certain Mr. Salvatore. So the sixth god-slayer is an Italian? But what disrespectful words.
Would Erica, who keeps insisting on reverence to the king, get angry as a result? --Those
were Godou's thoughts.
"Well, Sir Salvatore is one of a kind. You can't really generalize from one example."
Unexpectedly, Erica did not show any intention to object.
"Only the sword. He is a man who has utterly no merit in anything other than the sword,
right? Even if it is said that no amount of spells will work, provided we have the intent -- don't
you think that we are able to do it?"
"Are you actually talking about defeating a Campione?"
"Correct. Just as they have slain gods, we too, can defeat Devil Kings. At least, when my
opponent is an inexperienced Campione who is full of openings!"
Bianchi declared with absolute confidence and stared at Godou once more.
"My mastery of physiognomy is not limited to the essence of the earth but also extends to the
observation of facial contours... That boy there has no history of magic amongst his ancestors.
Neither does he have any martial arts training nor experience on the battlefield. Usurping a
god's authority is merely pearls before swine for him."
Godou could not help but feel shocked. This man was able to read that much simply by
observing a face? As befitted a guy versed in magic, possessing amazing but inconspicuous

"For the purpose of proving my theory that kings are not absolute conquerors, isn't it great
that an opponent has fallen into my grasp? Hmph, kindly do humor my little wish!"
Bianchi's glare gradually intensified.
Immediately, Godou felt goosebumps on the back of his neck. Perhaps, this was what was
commonly known as "killing intent." He could sense clearly dangerous thoughts coming from
that man. It was not difficult to understand.
Rather than the pretentious handsome mage, it was the changes in his own body which made
Godou more confused.
"David Bianchi... I once considered you barely a first-rate mage, but apparently I was wrong.
You are merely half of that and more than likely, you'll never progress beyond this
Sharp-tongued and acrimonious, the speaker was Erica beyond a doubt.
"Such naive notions, surely must have crossed the minds of how many thousands of magi? As
expected of a man who pretends to be some sort of master inhabiting a corner of a place like
Sardinia, such shallow thinking is only fitting."
Erica's sardonic tone of voice was filled with her usual magnificent flair.
Unlike the times when she admonished Godou as "fool," that fleeting sense of cuteness was
absent. Only words of mockery were delivered.
"Within prestigious associations like my [Copper Black Cross], in order to eliminate this kind
of misconception and impress upon members the overwhelming power of the kings -- or
rather, ridiculous creatures for whom common logic does not apply, we would use anecdotes
of past kings as teaching materials for a thorough education."
Erica burst into a smile.
"But clearly you did not have this opportunity. Even though I agree with your assessment of
Sir Salvatore as an idiot, I thoroughly despise your notion of 'possibly defeating them.' This
sort of delusional dream should be saved for your eternal slumber beneath a grave!"
How distinctive of Erica's style, this exquisite manner of mockery.
"Hmph, truly the words of one who hails from a prestigious family that wags their tail at
kings. But you are ill-advised to forget one fact. This place is my mansion, and to you, it is
enemy territory -- Prepare to die!"
The instant Bianchi called out, the floor beneath Erica transformed amorphously, manifesting
into a sharp and massive conical shape, extending upwards and flying as fast as an arrow.
However, Erica lightly took a step backwards to evade the surprise attack from below.
"Knowest that thou art no immortal god, rememberest thy mortality as a son of man!"[6]

As Bianchi yelled out again, Godou could sense magic activating.

This was probably the strongest magic he had felt to this point. The house began to shake and
rumble noisily.
"Darkness" was hanging all around Erica.
A dark mist had suddenly appeared, pervading Erica's surroundings, enveloping the blonde
maiden like a black cloud obscuring the shining moon!
Godou was certain without reason. This was extremely dangerous magic.
Living things that came into contact with that mist will rapidly approach death. Whether
through the absorption of life force, incurring a fatal disease, or the stopping of the heart,
Godou's instincts told him, it was extremely vicious magic that stole life away!
Godou felt some kind of switch opening in his body.
You dare do something like that to Erica -- my friend! Intense flames of anger were roused
within him as ferocious fighting spirit simmered. Battle spirit made him feel as hot as burning
and filled his entire body with power for combat.
On the other hand, exposed to this malicious attack, Erica began:
"For the sake of maintaining order in Rome, the Senate decreed the suspension of imperium!
O Steel of the Lion, layest thyself down as the foundation!"
Fluently she recited the incantation.
In response, the magic sword of the lion, Cuore di Leone, suddenly appeared in Erica's hand.
At the same time, it transformed into a chain with ten links, shining with silver luster.
The chain's head and tail ends joined together to form a "circular chain."
These ten chain links encircled Erica, forming a protective barrier against the mist of
"Senatus consultum ultimum, hereby decreed!"[7]
Erica proceeded to finish the incantation and completed the spell.
Godou managed to barely understand what happened. This was probably defensive magic.
Even if Bianchi went all out, he probably cannot breach it.
"How's that? A protective barrier erected from the magic sword Cuore di Leone and Senatus
consultum ultimum, do you have any way of breaching it?"
"Probably -- not. But with that, you cannot attack either."
Bianchi's lips displayed a twisted smile in response to Erica's challenge.

"A protective barrier erected using the spell of Senatus consultum ultimum is equivalent to a
castle in durability. However, the spellcaster cannot take a single step out of its confines. Isn't
that nice? While you protect yourself, you will be unable to guard this new Campione boy
Godou shrank back. Clearly Bianchi's next move was going to be...
"Then you're offering me a free hand to go after this boy?"
"Please go ahead, be my guest."
Furthermore, Erica was speaking with an expression that said "By all means"!
"The reason why Campiones are regarded as kings and conquerors -- beings who have
completely transcended the limitations imposed by laws of nature, I hope you can savor the
experience thoroughly. If perchance you survive this encounter, perhaps it would serve as a
wonderful lesson."
Godou gasped. It really developed as he feared.
"So that's the situation, Godou, I leave things in your hands. Show that poor ignorant fool the
terror of your kind. Don't worry, I expect you to have little trouble."
Saying that, Erica smiled glamorously.
Beautiful and tempting, it was an expression that was best encapsulated by the description, the
"devil's smile."

Part 5
"Wait a minute, Erica, you want me to defeat that guy?"
"Yes, using the authority you usurped from the Persian Warlord Verethragna (even though we
don't know what it is yet), there should be something (or some pain) that should allow you to
easily trample a mage of that level."
"Don't talk about 'easily' in an emergency like this!"
Godou could not help but retort against Erica's whispered suggestion.
Over on the side, Bianchi was also displeased.
"How dare you describe me as simply being 'of that level.' You are mistaken if you think I'm a
man whose only skill is geomancy. Just as you saw, I've been through many real battles."
"Anyway, what he's trying to say is 'I'm not some kind of flunkie.' Just ignore him."
Godou figured it out. Erica was clearly trying to instigate a fight!
Angered, Bianchi was glaring at Godou severely.

"...The Seventh Devil King. I have no grudge against you personally, but as a man, I cannot
refuse a challenge. So would you kindly have a duel with me?"
Actually, you are too small-minded as a man if you get offended so easily by mere words.
Godou suppressed those words that nearly spilled out of his mouth. Why does that girl Erica
want Bianchi to fight him? Indiscernible motives.
"Please be calm. Even though I slew a god, I don't even know what happened exactly. But as
you can see, I'm a pacifist. I really mean you no harm completely."
With an earnest voice, Godou tried to plead his sincerity.
Kusanagi Godou was a pacifist. A civilized man who did not like being in conflict with
others. Even though Erica was an amazing girl, and unexpectedly noble, she was someone
who could immediately draw her sword at the slightest disagreement.
As fellow humans, they should first negotiate and reach mutual understanding.
"Regrettably, this has nothing to do with your pacifism. This battle concerns something that
belongs to me. Please give up and humor me... O Forest!"
Bianchi's strange mutterings at the end of his speech were spell words.
Power magical power was produced, making rustling noises, producing effects, forming a
Without noticing, Godou had somehow accepted and gotten used to his new ability to sense
magical power and presences.
What mysterious phenomenon will be born from this magic ?
Noticing that, Godou was rendered speechless. The wall behind Bianchi was undergoing a
"change." This was clearly a room in a mansion, but "that spot" had changed into a different
The wall of the mansion had disappeared, and somehow been replaced by a "dense forest."
The forest was filled with flourishing vegetation and greenery. The vigorous plants did not
seem like Mediterranean species and were clearly tropical rainforest flora.
"This is distorting space and connecting to a rainforest somewhere!"
Erica immediately informed Godou. As expected of magic, even something like this could be
"Tiger! Using those immortal claws and eyes, your terror shall create balance!"
Bianchi uttered spell words again, casting new magic.

That was probably a "summoning" spell. From the depths of the dense forest, two shining
spots the brilliant color of emerald were approaching. Those were eyes of a beast. With
yellow and black fur, that tenacious, massive, wild beast a "tiger" indeed.
An extremely massive tiger, probably weighing 300kg. Furthermore, there was more than
A second tiger began walking out from the depths of the forest...
"Even if magic is cast on a Campione, it will be completely deflected. It's a well-known fact."
Bianchi whispered. Godou finally understood.
Back when spells were being cast in the storeroom, none of them had any effect on Godou.
"However, there are other avenues. Take the bones and the face for example... Because all it
requires is the appearance, techniques like physiognomy were usable like earlier. Targeting a
Campione's powerful divine aura, investigative magic can be used to locate them."
Bianchi looked upon the two huge tigers in the room with great satisfaction.
"Since objects summoned by magic can cause damage, controlling these artificial magic
beasts will work hey [King], these fellows are man-eating tigers accustomed to the taste of
human flesh and blood. No matter how peacefully you try to negotiate, they won't listen to
Man-eating!? Godou felt his body stiffen in fear.
The two ferocious tigers followed Bianchi, growling as they stared at Godou with their
resplendent eyes. At the same time, they snarled and ground their teeth, saliva flowing from
their mouths.
Truly beasts summoned by magic. They seemed to be waiting for the order to attack.
Was there no way to escape!? As Godou glanced at the exit, the steel door closed itself shut
with a crash. Immediately, the click of a lock could be heard.
This also seemed to be magic. Godou had a hopeless feeling.
Locked in a room with two man-eating tigers, it really seemed like a hopeless situation. What
should he do? How could he win against these things!?
Seek victory in earnest, with raging battle spirit. Godou proceeded to whisper:
"I am the strongest, holding all victory in my hands..."
Muttering, as if talking to himself.
"All evil-doers, tremble before me. The powerful but unjust cannot vanquish me."

Further muttering. This was scripture that Verethragna had once chanted. The god of victory
sleeping within Godou the power, usurped from that youth and now inherited by Godou,
told him the spell words.
Godou dispelled the tigers' existence from his mind and closed his eyes. Appearing in the
depths of his vision were ten forms.
The first was a gust of wind. Next was a bull. Then a white stallion. A camel. A boar. A
glorious fifteen-year-old youth. A high-speed flying bird of prey. A ram. A goat. And finally,
a warrior wielding a golden sword !
"I am Verethragna, destroyer of obstacles! The strongest guardian with the most victories
under his belt! I seek battle! I seek a formidable foe to bring me defeat!"
Loud and clear, that youth's voice. Godou heard it once again after a day.
I see. So this is that guy's authority? I should use this to fight!
"Godou, watch out!"
Hearing Erica's warning, Godou sprang into action, his eyes still closed.
He evaded the attack by jumping sideways. Only then did he open his eyes. Relying on vision
would have been too slow, that was what his instincts told him.
One of the man-eating tigers had jumped to where Godou was previously standing.
Its ferocious teeth only caught air. It was a splendid evasion. However, the tigers still
remained. The other tiger pounced ferociously at Godou who still had not recovered from his
jumping posture.
A massive tiger weighing over 300kg. Yet its huge body was flexible and agile.
It charged forward with speed far surpassing humans. But most incredibly, Godou was able to
watch its charge very clearly not only could he discern it, he could also dodge it.
Godou already had excellent dynamic vision originally.
Thanks to that, in his past baseball days, he was able to hit average fastballs. At peak
condition, he could even see the ball trajectory clearly.
What he saw now felt similar to back then.
Ultimately, an average middle school student's fastball was on a completely different level
compared to that of a charging man-eating tiger.
But then again, there was no time to ponder such a question. Godou crouched down.
Rolling on the floor like a log, he evaded the tiger's attack. Though it was undignified, he did
not care. It was fine as long as it worked.

Seeing Godou's sudden agility, Bianchi was shocked.
This guy was not as incompetent as Erica described. Godou suddenly concluded without
reason. If the blonde beautiful female knight was assigned a score of ten, that guy should be
around six or so.
Godou proceeded to glance at Erica.
She was giving that look again. An expression full of interest, as if observing a newly
discovered rare beast.
This was what that girl wanted to see?
Figuring out the intentions of his "partner," Godou was speechless. She's truly like a devil!
For the sake of investigating the power and constitution Godou had obtained, Erica
deliberately incited Bianchi.
Godou supported himself with his hands against the wall and stood up.
Danger had yet to pass. If he continued rolling on the floor, it would be like an invitation for
the tigers to attack. He suddenly noticed at this time.
Eh? In my current condition, perhaps... A sense of certainty suddenly surfaced.
Then he carefully examined the artificial tigers.
This sort of strong and wild tiger, could not possibly exist in nature. But the man who had
usurped [Victory]'s authority, held the power to match that kind of strength
Pushing with both hands against the wall, Godou imagined the wall's collapse. Gritting his
teeth, he began to yell.
"Guh Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"
This scene could only be described as ludicrous.
The "wall" crumbled and collapsed from Godou's mighty push.
This mansion's wall the one opposite to where Bianchi was standing, and the stone wall
connected to the forest. With a clattering sound, it collapsed from Godou's arm strength.
No, this unyielding might could not have been produced from arm muscles.
A terrifying and massive power was being transmitted from the ground that Godou stood on.
This sacred might was produced from the essence of the earth.
This power was indeed Verethragna's second incarnation, the [Bull]. Godou finally

"Tsk. No matter how strong you are, there's no meaning without battle technique. Go!"
Bianchi ordered the tigers.
Godou swiftly went outside the walls to the garden of the house. For no particular reason.
He simply felt like it, which was why he deliberately destroyed the wall.
Furthermore, he immediately realized there was some truth in what Bianchi said.
Godou's survival instincts and ability to evade danger had been explosively amplified by his
becoming a Campione. Nevertheless, continually running away from the two man-eating
tigers was not an easy task.
Godou was soon caught, and a man-eating tiger's jaws closed down upon his left shoulder.
"Ouch! That huuuuuuuurts!"
Godou cried out from the pain. Even though it hurt a lot when he was beaten up by
Verethragna yesterday, the feeling was numbed instead due to having few cuts. The current
pain felt like the most intense Godou had ever experienced in his life.
But then Godou realized.
The tiger's teeth had dug into the shoulder, biting through flesh, but the bones were
The bones were strong enough to halt the sharp canines of the man-eating tiger. Had this been
his original body, the bones would have been bitten off together along with the shoulder and
the arm.
"My body, did it become especially sturdy?"
In the end, he also discovered another fact. It was extremely painful. Still, pain was simply
pain. If he summoned his courage, could he not endure?
Besides, what was with this perfect opportunity? Godou used his free right arm to grab the
throat of the biting tiger.
Even with monstrous strength, a human could not possibly win a fight against a wild beast.
Completely outclassed in agility and speed. Even a world champion boxer could not hope to
win a fistfight against a tiger.
But in a situation where one was being bitten like this, all it took was a reach of the arm.
Guuuuuuh!? The tiger began to groan as if puzzled.
It was only natural. Because its throat was being held by the [Bull]'s mighty strength. And
then crushed.

Godou crushed the tiger's throat along with its vertebrae. In that instant, the man-eating tiger's
gigantic body scattered into yellow and black particles, collapsing like sand. So that's what
artificial lifeforms looked like when they died...
Godou turned to look at the remaining tiger.
He could once again use himself as bait, but he noticed he still had other incarnations he could
use. The pain from his body infused Godou with new strength.
The incarnation that could only be used when heavily injured. Ferocious and strong, the
mighty [Camel] incarnation!
Immediately, the man-eating tiger pounced.
Godou jumped at the same time. Due to abandoning the [Bull] and taking the [Camel]'s form,
the previous monstrous strength was gone. But that was not a problem at all!
With one quick motion from his left leg, his knee slammed hard into the tiger's face.
Its skull and face shattered at the same time, the tiger began to hyperventilate. Immediately it
crumbled like sand. This combat sense, destructive kicking ability, and jumping power were
all bestowed by the [Camel] incarnation.
"Say, now that you've seen all this, isn't it about time for you to stop"
Godou tried his utmost to sound friendly.
His face paled, Bianchi cried out "Darkness!" The dark mist surrounding Erica began to move
and entangle Godou.
The mist was rather cool and breezy. It actually felt kind of pleasant since Godou's body had
heated up from battle.
"...Sorry, looks like it's not working."
Godou spoke gently once again. Trying to speak in such a manner actually took more effort
than before.
Bianchi cursed "Bastard!" and threw out some kind of object.
It smelt like sulfur and looked like limestone.
For an ordinary human, it was probably an item that would produce tragic results like
grenades or dynamite. However, the magically created heat, pressure, and explosion
disappeared as soon as it touched Godou.
"Guh... Monster!"

Bianchi finally turned his back to Godou. Once again he took out a piece of that kind of
limestone and threw it at the walls of the mansion's garden.
Jumping through the opening created by the explosion, he escaped outside.
"Well, given his boastful words previously, ending things so anticlimactically is rather
Having released the chain barrier, Erica approached.
She must have decided there was no longer a threat once the spellcaster had left and the mist
"What are you going to do, Godou? Insist you're a pacifist and let him off without saying a
"Why do you have to ask me something like that?"
"I can't see that kind of generous expression on your face. Aren't you rather mad?"
Godou nodded at Erica's accurate assessment.
"If treated that way, isn't fighting back perfectly reasonable?"
"Even as a pacifist?"
"Pacifism and non-resistance are not the same. I'm not a saint like Mahatma Gandhi. I'm not
someone who can turn the other cheek when my left cheek is struck."
Godou muttered as he stepped outside over the collapsed wall.
Bianchi's mansion was built on a hill overlooking the Cagliari harbor and Golfo degli Angeli.
The emerald-green Mediterranean Sea could be seen far out in the distance. Walking downhill
from the path before the mansion would reach the Cagliari harbor where Godou had visited a
few days earlier.
Bianchi was currently running as quickly as he could along down this path.
He was rather fast. If this continued, he would run directly to the harbor. But Godou became
aware of something at this time.
Within his body, there was a voice whispering softly to him.
Destroy. If my power is used, that thing will be gone in an instant...
A black beast cried out from the depths of his heart. But Godou shook his head. Stop. This
must be something like the whispers of the devil.
But then, Erica suddenly clutched her chest and knelt over.

"What's wrong, Erica?"

"M-My chest hurts. It seems like I didn't defend completely against Bianchi's spells. Due to
that darkness, my heart almost stopped..."
Seeing the profile of the beautiful girl's face distorted in pain, Godou felt like his heart was
exploding. He glared severely at Bianchi's back.
ROOOOOOAAAAAAR. The beast in his heart cried out in turn. Should this be done!?
"Go! Take him out!"
Godou cried out naturally.
In that instant, the ground beneath Bianchi turned a murky pitch black as he ran for his life. A
massive beast burst forth from that location and charged!
It was a massive [Boar]. Roughly 20m in length or so.
Its fur was black. Exceptionally ferocious, its face was hideous and could only be described as
fearsome. Two long tusks protruded out from the sides of its mouth, as sharp and as wide as
massive grand blades.
This was Verethragna's fifth incarnation, the [Boar]'s first summoning.
Godou remembered. This was the monster that rampaged through the harbor the first day he
came to Sardinia!
The [Boar] charged ahead at this time. With fearsome speed and momentum, it crashed
towards Cagliari's harbor. Bianchi was almost trampled to death but managed to make a
desperate jump to the side, burying his face in mud, trembling nonstop at his narrow escape.
Then all sorts of things happened.
First of all, Erica casually stood up as soon as she saw the black monster.
"Hoho. Looks like the authority you usurped from Verethragna can take on many different
That was what she said. Godou had been completely played for a fool.
Furthermore, when he heard the words "that thing will be gone in an instant," "that thing" was
not referring to Bianchi but the Cagliari harbor up ahead.
The [Boar] delightfully (from what Godou could tell) rushed at the the harbor it had attacked
several days ago as one of Verethragna's avatars that had split from him.

The monster's massive black body pranced about with joy. Charging, crashing, rapidly
destroying the buildings and harbor facilities around it.
Godou clutched his head in his arms, furiously yelling out "Idiot! Stop!"
The [Boar] screamed as if displeased with the order.
Even so, it continued to rampage, until it finally stopped after ten minutes or so, retreating
into the ground as suddenly as it had appeared. Fortunately, the [Boar] only destroyed
uninhabited warehouses and facilities, and casualties were miraculously zero.
Nevertheless, Godou deeply regretted his recklessness.
From this point onwards, who knew how many more times he was going to experience regret
like this?

Chapter 2 - On the Island of Storms

Part 1
It was roughly ten in the morning when Godou reached the Cagliari harbor this morning.
A mere five hours had passed. Nevertheless, "god-slayer" Kusanagi Godou's surrounding
environment had already undergone dramatic upheaval even before then.
"Gentlemen, I apologize deeply for summoning everyone here on such short notice. We have
gathered here for but one purpose, to announce the birth of the seventh god-slayer."
The announcement was being made in a private function room of Cagliari's best high-class
restaurant. The current speaker was Erica Blandelli. As everyone's gaze was drawn to the one
she pointed to, Godou felt rather uncomfortable.
Three other people were present, all middle aged or elderly men.
Apparently they were the commanders-in-chief of magic associations in the Cagliari region.
"A fortnight ago, two gods had descended upon Sardinia -- the ancient Persian Warlord
Verethragna and the Phoenician's god of the sky, Melqart. Of the two, Verethragna was
vanquished personally by Kusanagi Godou. Erica Blandelli hereby presents this report, having
borne witness to the fact."
Erica explained the result directly, omitting the entire process.
But no one pursued the matter. The three commanders-in-chief had received reports of the
"black monster" appearing in the Cagliari harbor and that the summoner was apparently a
Japanese youth. As a result, they listened quietly to Erica while casting doubtful and fearful
gazes at Godou.

Being stared at, Godou turned his attention to the room.

This was a private function room in a high-class restaurant. Even though there was no
chandelier on the ceiling, there shouldn't be a sense of dissonance, right? Godou examined the
meticulously crafted chair he was sitting on, concluding that anyone could tell its high-class
origins without being an expert.
(I never expected I would one day visit a place like this...)
Godou sighed at the surprising direction his life was taking.
During this time, Erica issued orders as the [King]'s representative.
"Gentlemen, Kusanagi Godou's demands are few in number. His only wishes are for you all to
handle the Cagliari harbor incident's aftermath and information control, punish the instigator
David Bianchi, and at the same time, provide full support in tracking down King Melqart.
That's all."
After the Cagliari harbor commotion, Erica had proposed:
"Given the current state of affairs, it's best to handle the aftermath using the name of the king,
announcing to the magi of the world the birth of the seventh Devil King. This will make
further action more expedient."
Godou made a few amendments and agreed to the plan after some consideration. After that,
Erica began making calls and the current meeting was prepared in one hour.
"Completely understood. Everything shall be done according to the king's wishes."
"The birth of a new king is truly an astounding and joyous occasion. To issue a challenge to
the ancient god Melqart before official assumption of the throne, such mettle truly foretells a
promising future."
Summoned to this emergency meeting, the association leaders remarked one after another.
They were not entirely convinced the Japanese youth before their eyes was really a godslayer, but they kept their composure and maintained a solemn expression.
"Oh right, there's one more request. Please do not leak news of his birth and the Sardinia
incident to the magical world apart from those in Sicily. This is very important."
This was Godou's amendment to Erica's proposal of "announcing to the magi of the world."
One of the commanders-in-chief nodded.
"That is not a problem... But why?"
"I don't want unnecessary attention because I plan to continue living an ordinary life."
Before Erica could say anything, Godou answered the question himself.

The commanders-in-chief showed incredulous expressions as if they had heard something

unexpected, but they quickly recovered. They probably thought that rudeness to the [King]
would bring dire consequences. Godou's sense of discomfort deepened.
He felt rather apologetic that he was forcing elders to treat him in this manner.
"If you're going to the island of Sicily, you'll need a plane. Let me make the arrangements."
One of the commanders-in-chief spoke up but Godou refused frantically.
"Ah, there's no need for special preparations. Any kind of transportation is fine. Either plane
or ship will do."
Erica glanced out the window and signaled to Godou with her eyes.
The seaside restaurant offered a Mediterranean view outside the window. Erica's expression
seemed to be saying "I like ships better."
But as soon as Godou recalled a certain incident, he rejected Erica's suggestion(?).
"But then again, taking a ship should be impossible, right? What with all the chaos in the
harbor right now."
Godou slumped his shoulders apologetically due to the monster appearing in the harbor a few
hours ago.
If this had happened at a Japanese train station, it would not be surprising for operations to
shut down for an entire day. However-"If you wish to take the sea route, it can be arranged."
"Eh? But setting sail is impossible today, right?"
"Possibly. But if the king wishes, it is a different matter."
"Let us contact ship operators to charter a ship."

A plane trip from Sardinia to Sicily would take about an hour or so.
Crossing the same distance overnight, enjoying a comfortable and elegant journey over the
sea as embodied by the night ferry concept -- the night cruise progressed as the massive ship
and hotel rocked across the sea. After enjoying the distant night scenery of the Mediterranean
Sea, Godou was going to return to his single room to sleep-"I never thought we would really set sail... Just how far can rules be broken?"
Godou secretly muttered to himself.

In the restaurant of the massive ferry, Godou was sitting opposite Erica.
Back at the harbor, his first impression had been "So huge!" The deck had six stories of living
quarters and was equipped with restaurants, bar lounges and movie theater rooms.
The massive ferry seemed to have been built to accommodate a hotel.
"Today happens to be the weekend, so the weekend-only ship ride from Sardinia to Sicily's
port of Palermo is apparently available."
Erica explained as she brought the appetizer apple cider to her lips.
As a side note, the night's menu included octopus carpaccio, fish soup, botargo pasta and
roasted crab. A very marine-centric selection.
"It gives me a slightly guilty conscience to think they prepared this unscheduled route for us
"It's too late for guilty consciences!"
"Isn't this nice? The ship operators had been troubled over today's commotion, and we come
along asking them to set sail, allowing this ship to go out to sea."
Erica smiled as she spoke.
Other than Godou and Erica, there were a few other groups of passengers. Enjoying the
Mediterranean night scenery over dinner was quite a unique experience.
Godou could not help but think arranging a ship went rather smoothly.
"As long as it is the request of the Devil King Campione, all the powerful associations of
Europe will put forth all effort in fulfilling it. Due to wealth and political power accumulated
over hundreds or even a thousand years, plus the assistance of local authorities, this is nothing
difficult. I don't think you need to be that thankful."
"Even if it's an unreasonable request..."
"Yes, but they do this only because of the Campiones' power, as well as the existences that
only this power can defeat."
"The so-called Campiones are warriors fighting on humanity's behalf against the [Heretic
Gods] who manifest. They possess the rights and privileges of kings, lording over the world
as tyrants and devil kings."
In other words, I have to fight Melqart -- Godou looked up at the ceiling.
"I have no idea at all how to fight a god..."

"Just treat it as the real version of your battle this morning. Godou's body should already be
prepared for battle."
"Think about it, half-baked training isn't going to do you any good in a fight with tigers and
bears! Campiones are the same. To you guys, fighting is as instinctual as breathing, otherwise
what happened this morning cannot be explained."
"Isn't it more wholesome to think that strength is gained through effort?"
"That only applies to humans, in a limited sense."
Erica's words sliced to the core of the matter.
"In the natural world, humans were never powerful existences. Nevertheless, combat strength
could be raised through the use of weapons and the blood and sweat of martial arts training -but that method is neither wholesome nor natural. 'The strong are born strong' is the very
natural and animalistic truth."
That's the way things went?
Faced with Godou's doubtful gaze, Erica said: "If you wish, I can analyze Godou's combat
ability even more rationally."
"...Try me."
"First of all, Godou possesses vitality far surpassing humans. Bitten by that kind of magical
beast, one would usually die after losing their shoulder and arm, but Godou could fight as if it
was normal."
"Ah... It felt like my body is more sturdy than I thought."
After the battle with Bianchi, Erica had given Godou a mysterious pill.
Said to be a magical drug for speeding the recovery of injuries. After Godou took the pill,
Erica helped disinfect and bandage the shoulder that had been bitten by the man-eating tiger.
The wounds completely healed after being left alone for a while after treatment. It was truly
amazing, this unbelievable power of recovery.
"Godou's bones are now harder than iron, perhaps even stronger than any metal alloy in
existence. Rather than dense, it would be better to say your muscle fibers are now so tough as
to be impossible to tear. Furthermore, you have an ability even more powerful than adrenalin
which instantly stops bleeding and dulls pain."
Erica brought up the conclusions she had observed at her leisure.
"Now that it's mentioned, the shoulder injury I suffered a few months ago seems to have

After the battle in the morning, Godou had tried throwing stones at sea as a result of recalling
his shoulder injury.
Godou had lost his prided powerful shoulder to the injury -- that was the original situation.
But his stone throws now flew farther and harder than before the injury.
"Even injuries suffered months ago were healed along with the rebirth as a Campione, right?
The recent injuries were definitely healed together as a result."
"My body seems so beyond common logic now..."
"Have you noticed? You're currently speaking in Italian."
"Eh? That's strange. When did this start? And why?"
Godou was shocked by Erica's observation. Without knowing it, he had started using Italian
as if it were his mother tongue. Now that he thought about it, the commanders-in-chief earlier
had also been speaking in Italian.
"We magi train in a special language sense when we are young, allowing us to acquire all
sorts of languages in short time. See, haven't you met people who learn foreign languages
"That's right, Erica, your Japanese is indeed quite excellent..."
"A mage's education includes courses on training this type of trait. Campiones too, are also
imbued with this disposition. It's not particularly flashy, but it turns out to be a rather practical
"Last but not least, Campiones' greatest weapons are their 'authorities.' Considering what's
happened so far, it is likely that Godou has usurped Verethragna's power of the ten
The ship had set sail at 7:30pm. Due to the abundance of time, Erica recounted everything she
had discovered during the battle that day.
"I can get ten abilities from a god?"
"Most certainly. North America's Devil King, John Pluto-sama, usurped the authority of
[Metamorphosis] from the demonic deity Tezcatlipoca, thereby obtaining five different
"It's like that?"
"England's Black Prince Alec possesses the authority of [Black Lightning], which not only
allows him to move as fast as lightning, but turn himself into lightning and even use lightning
as a weapon."

"In other words, it's only fitting..."

Looks like Campione authorities were rather flexible.
Godou began to gain a rudimentary understanding of his body.
"Since Godou's authority includes ten abilities, perhaps there will be various strict conditions
governing their use."
"That sounds plausible somehow, but not entirely correct... By the way, Erica."
A thought suddenly occurred to Godou, so he brought it up.
"You tricked me that time before I summoned the boar, what was with that 'my chest hurts'!"
"Outrageous. Accusing me of tricking you. You were using your powers rather passively so I
decided to give a final push, that's all."
"There was no need to give me a push. Deceiving a comrade is the worst. Do you know how
angry and worried I was at the time!?"
"I never relied on you!"
"Relying or not, it is only natural to be worried!"
"I, Erica Blandelli, would never be caught in a crisis because of a spell of that level. If you are
clearly unaware of this fact, please do not call yourself my comrade so easily!"
A crash of thunder suddenly brought an end to this fruitless argument.

Part 2
Earlier during the daylight hours, the Mediterranean sky had been clear and sunny.
Although it was still March, the sunlight felt more like early summer. Even at night, the sky
was completely devoid of clouds. Illuminated by the moon and the stars, the sea at night
offered a wondrous sight.
Nevertheless, the crash of thunder just now-Godou felt something strange from the sound of thunder rumbling up in the sky.
He felt turmoil in his heart, and inexplicably, he knew that a formidable foe was drawing near.
His body brimmed with power and felt hot all over. Including his limbs, down to every digit
and even each capillary, all parts of his body were infused with power and heat, as if
announcing they had adjusted themselves to a battle-ready stance.
"What is going on with this feeling..."

Muttering to himself, Godou noticed something about the thunder just now.
That. Now that was a real enemy indeed. The mage encountered this morning was totally
insignificant in the face of a god-slayer.
Completely worthless as an opponent. Even if the enemy was the genius Erica or an ultimate
master who surpassed her, it would make no difference. Humans could not offer meaningful
resistance against a god-slayer.
A god-slayer's opponent must be a god -- this was absolute.
The instant he realized that, Godou got up from his seat in the restaurant.
Walking outside without a word, he climbed the stairs and arrived at the top deck of the ferry.
Erica soon followed. The two stopped quarreling and walked along the top deck. There were
no other people in sight.
Looking up, one could see the sky had filled with dark clouds at some unknown point in time.
For some reason, Godou knew there was a "god" within the clouds. Or at least, a portion of
one was inside there. Otherwise, his body would not be reacting so strongly.
Crash! A flash of lightning streaked past, lighting the dark sky blue-white as thunder erupted.
'It's been a while, boy. In a matter of days, you have already started to look a little like a godslayer.'
The deep, rich male voice descended from the heavens.
"You are Melqart... Right?"
'Of course. To think you would be unable to recognize the voice of the great divine king. How
Cautiously confirming the speaker's name only earned him mockery and derision. Godou
It was the first time to converse in this manner. Playing it safe was only natural.
Godou turned towards Erica beside him, hoping she had something to say. However, she
shook her head as if saying "you should be the one talking."
Whenever the enemy was a god, it was Kusanagi Godou's domain... Perhaps that was what
she thought?
'Very well. Fate must have brought me to witness a brat like you slay Verethragna. Brat, you
and I both awakened on the island I used for temporary shelter. Hence, I shall take up the duty
of punishing your sin of god-slaying. Brat, any objections?'

"Absolutely! I have no intentions of fighting you."

'How unlike a god-slayer! There is no need for unnecessary concerns, after all, it's simply the
next step.'
"The next step!?"
'This sea was once the territory of the people who served me, but look at what it has become.
The people here have the insolence to forget the name of Melqart, and are polluting my sacred
domain. As the stately divine king, I cannot allow such foolish behavior of the people to
Every time Melqart spoke, a flash of lightning streaked across the sky. Even though it was
only a hunch, [Heretic God] Melqart was probably absent and simply communicating through
the lightning. But then again, there was this strange feeling. Puzzling about gods, Godou
spoke to the sky.
"By the way, last time you said you were going to submerge the island."
'Hmm, first I shall sink the island where Verethagna met you, brat, and then it will be the
island where I am sleeping now. After that, I shall submerge all my ancient territories.'
Melqart declared calmly, causing Godou to tremble in fear.
'I've considered it, I shall execute you, brat, before carrying out divine punishment. But we
will not fight here right now. Sinking these islands requires the accumulation of power. I shall
end things in one or two days.'
"Did you come all the way here just to tell me this?"
'No truer words. There is still time before the ancient divine king's summons arrive. You may
relax for now, and take your time to figure out how to sharpen your sword while you wait.
Then I shall send you, brat, on a journey to paradise...'
Journey to paradise? It was at this time that Godou realized, Erica once mentioned Melqart as
the god of storms. The current thundercloud should be due to his authority, which meant-"If you wish, go on and cause a storm in this sky and over the sea!"
If that happened, neither ships nor planes could leave the island.
People would lose all means of escape to find sanctuary. Godou suddenly thought, if storms
were summoned right at this moment, all the people on the ship would meet a watery grave...
'Hmph, it looks like you have noticed it, brat. Very well, I shall look forward to the
amusement you will offer as a warrior. Well then, wait patiently for your punishment!'
The surrounding sky reverberated with divine king Melqart's hearty laughter.

The thunder and lightning swiftly vanished and the night sky instantly became clear once
Hoo... Godou exhaled deeply. Though the conversation with Melqart was short, it was rather
taxing mentally. The ancient divine king of the Phoenicians. Even fragments of his voice were
enough to cause serious pressure.
Godou originally planned on returning to his room to sleep.
"I don't know what to do yet, but let's replenish my energy first. Now back to the restaurant.
This time I will enjoy my dinner properly."
"...Wow, you seem pretty well-adjusted to the current situation."
Erica exclaimed, causing Godou to feel a bit displeased.
Adjusting had nothing to do with it.

After that, Godou and Erica returned to their own rooms for the night. Morning arrived the
next day.
Around 9am or so, they once again returned to the top deck.
The sky was bright and sunny, allowing a clear view of the morning Mediterranean Sea. The
marine-blue sea and white waves glistened beneath the bright sunlight, and even a harbor was
coming into view!
The ship's destination was the port city of Palermo on the island of Sicily.
Sicily was the largest island in the Mediterranean. Like Sardinia, it was an autonomous region
of Italy and a major producer of wine and olive oil. Also a major exporter of fresh fish and
gelato[8]; advertisements for these kinds of goods could be seen everywhere.
Palermo was a city that acted as the gateway to Sicily.
Historically, it had been the ancient capital famed for its harbor on the northwest part of
Sicily. Once the capital of the Kingdom of Sicily, it was now the capital of the autonomous
region of Sicily.
"Hey, where are we going once we arrive?"
Godou asked Erica who still seemed sleepy.
Glamorous on all other occasions, mornings were the only times when she seemed a little
slow. It was quite amusing indeed.
"First let's make a visit to the Palermo magic association, [Panormus]. This is the largest
association on the island of Sicily. We have already contacted them yesterday through the

commanders-in-chief we met at Cagliari. Palermo is also a city with intimate ties to the
ancient Phoenicians."
"Like Cagliari, could it be a city built by the ancient Phoenicians as well?"
"Yes, that's right. Though the rulers have changed hands many times, its Phoenician origin
remains historical fact. Since Sicily is the territory Melqart is most concerned about, let's start
our operations with Palermo as our base."
Saying that, Erica's face recovered her usual domineering airs.
"Once we reach the harbor, members of [Panormus] should be there to welcome us."
"Having people to receive us would really be a great help."
At this time, a silver-haired elderly man approached.
Godou was reminded of the famous movie, "The Godfather." Set in America during 1920s, it
told the story of bloody struggles between violent gangs of Italian immigrants.
The old man gave off an aura that clearly belonged to no respectable man.
He was wearing what seemed to be a high-class suit. The cigar in his right hand also looked
very high class. There was a unified sense of solemnity and criminality. Come to think of it,
the mafia apparently operated on the island of Sicily... Just as these thoughts crossed Godou's
mind, the man had already arrived.
"Uncle Zamparini, were you traveling on this ship too?"
"Ah yes. I remember we only met once, but what a great memory you have. Paolo Blandelli's
niece is indeed as clever as rumored."
He appeared to be an acquaintance of Erica's. But Old Man Zamparini's gaze soon shifted
away from her.
"My name is Walter Zamparini. Perhaps you may have heard of my name as the commanderin-chief of [Panormus]. We of [Panormus] are honored to welcome the youngest king. We
humbly pledge our lives at your command."
"Eh? But how did you get here? The ship hasn't even reached the harbor yet."
"A trivial matter, it's actually very simple. After receiving news from Cagliari that Your
Highness was coming to Sicily, I first took a plane to Cagliari and then boarded this ship."
It only took an hour's flight from Palermo to Cagliari, so it was entirely plausible. However,
why did the old man have to do that?
"Thanks to that, I was able to witness Your Highness and Melqart in a conversation between a
devil king and a god. I, Zamparini, am willing to lay down this life in service to Your
Highness -- Kusanagi Godou."

I see. Godou figured it out.

Old Man Zamparini had boarded the same ship for the purpose of observing Godou. In order
to discern with his own two eyes whether Godou was a god-slayer and whether he could duel
a god or not. Having witnessed the events last night, he had confirmed that Godou was a real
"There is no need to go that far for my sake. As long as you help handle Melqart's aftermath,
I'll be really grateful."
"Not at all. It is a mage's duty to serve a Campione. Please accept our assistance as much as
possible... Ah, and Blandelli."
Old Man Zamparini suddenly called to Erica by her family name.
"Thank you for your efforts in serving the young king till now. However, your legal guardian,
the [Copper Black Cross]' commander-in-chief Paolo Blandelli, has issued an order for your
return. I shall serve in your place from this point onward, so please drop everything and hurry
back to Milan."
This announcement struck Godou and Erica like a bolt from the blue.

Part 3
Thirty minutes or so after meeting Old Man Zamparini, the ship reached the harbor of
Following the old man who looked and dressed exactly like a mafia boss, Godou and Erica
got off the ship.
"Automobiles have already been prepared. There, that one."
Gazing into the distance at the harbor, one could see two BMWs in front of Zamparini.
Gazing at the sturdy-looking exteriors of the luxury vehicles, Godou thought to himself.
That's definitely bullet-proof glass in case of a shootout, right...
One of the cars was white while the other was black. Either way you look at it, they did not
seem like cars which normal people would ride.
"The [King] and I shall ride this one. Blandelli, the other one will take you to the airport."
Zamparini made his way towards the black BMW.
Both cars had chauffeurs who were wearing sloppy looking clothes. They did not look like
"professionals" but these men did have sharp glares...
Before Godou could object to the old man's orders, Erica had already lit the powder keg.
"I'm sorry, but I cannot return to Uncle Paolo yet."

"Such willfulness. Your legal guardian has already requested that you, a minor and a girl, be
sent home. Besides, the organization you belong to has also issued orders for your return.
Hence, Blandelli, you have no options left."
Igniting the cigar on one end and placing the other end in his mouth, the old man spoke. Even
though he looked very solemn as he puffed out blue smoke, Godou still felt compelled to
"Excuse me, Zamparini-san. Although Erica really should return, I will be very troubled if
she's no longer here. At least let her accompany me until the duel with Melqart. It would be a
great help to me."
"I understand. Though Your Highness may be king, you are still young and inexperienced as a
Exhaling blue smoke, Zamparini said.
"I admit a capable person is needed to fill that role, but there's no reason it has to be Erica
Blandelli, right?"
"There is no need for a young girl like her to serve Your Highness who is about to duel a
god... Though you may feel I am putting this cruelly, it is a risky and difficult mission after
Risky? Godou realized his stupidity. Indeed, bringing Erica along would mean getting her
involved with a dangerous god.
However, he still had great need of Erica's support-"Hence, allow me to take over the role of serving the king as Erica Blandelli's substitute."
"Eh? What are you talking about?"
Hearing something unexpected made Godou pose a stupid question.
"I, Zamparini, shall support you during battle. Hohoho, despite how I may look, I did survive
many dangerous situations in my youth... So please, let me offer my utmost efforts."
Zamparini's words were full of confidence.
Godou imagined a scene with Zamparini dressed in a white suit, wearing a Borsalino hat, his
neck wrapped in a stylish muffler, puffing away on a cigar, holding a machine-gun in one
hand and dynamite in the other-Perhaps the truth might be unexpectedly close to his imagination.
In actual fact, he could sense that the old man was far stronger than Erica. However.

"No, even someone like you, Uncle Zamparini, cannot replace me. Fighting beside Kusanagi
Godou and advising him is my job, Erica Blandelli's."
Erica made a "partners" declaration.
That's right, no matter how dangerous the situation, the only one who stood by his side in the
face of gods was Erica. Due to her declaration, Godou realized once again.
Just as Godou was about to request for Erica to stay -- at that very moment.
"Let's put it this way, it is because I am already Kusanagi Godou's 'woman'... We are lovers.
Capable as you are, Uncle Zamparini, you cannot pursue a romantic relationship with him,
right? So please give up."
What? Godou suddenly heard words he never expected.
In any case, the issue of Erica's return was thus cast aside for now.
Godou and the rest rode Zamparini's car and traveled across the city of Palermo. Even though
Godou and Erica had the rear seats all to themselves, Erica stuck to Godou the whole time
like lovers. Sometimes she would lean over, while on other occasions she embraced him, her
body tightly pressed against him the whole time.

Godou felt really dizzy.

Though Palermo was an Italian city, it was heavily influenced by Islamic culture.
Consequently, virtually all buildings in the streets had no windows visible.
Godou was concerned about Erica's lie, but the sensation of her body tightly pressed against
him felt really unsettling.

That soft, supple skin of hers, gave off a sweet fragrance akin to perfume, making him feel
warm and comfortable. The sensations of the beautiful young blonde sent Godou's mind into a
"Hmm, Blandelli... In other words, you and Kusanagi Godou are engaged in a relationship as
a couple?"
"Yes, exactly, Uncle Zamparini. So please don't do anything so inconsiderate as to try to
separate us. It would certainly taint the name of Walter Zamparini, once renowned as the Hero
of Sicily."
"Well since it's been spelled out to this extent, my hands are tied..."
Sitting on the passenger seat beside the driver, Zamparini conversed with Erica as she sat
beside Godou.
"I guess it can't be helped. As an elder of an association, I really should do as your uncle,
Paolo Blandelli, requested. But as a man, I can't stubbornly refuse to think outside the box.
Very well then, I will make things convenient for you and the young [King]."
"Wow, I'm really grateful! Come, Godou, you thank him as well."
"A-Ah yes, I-I'm really thankful."
Erica suddenly dragged him into the conversation, causing Godou to offer his thanks
"Not at all. As long as you're a man, who wouldn't want to enjoy themselves once or twice?"
Zamparini's words made Godou freeze.
If a guy like him could really become lovers with a beauty like Erica, it would certainly be
worthy of celebration.
"And Kusanagi Godou, it is rather good news to us magi that Your Highness holds a healthy
interest in beautiful girls. After all, the current Devil Kings are all rather rigid in their
thinking, with nothing to do with the pleasures of life."
Just as Godou was surprised by this sudden topic, the car stopped in front of a seaside park.
"Hmm... Let us take a break here for now."
At Zamparini's orders, the car stopped. Presumably to dispel the awkward atmosphere.
Given this unexpected free time, Erica and Godou took a walk in the park, holding hands.
"What do you mean by this!?"
"I couldn't help it. There was no other choice."

The two whispered to each other as they watched the sea, hand in hand. Zamparini and his
subordinates kept away tactfully, allowing them privacy to speak their mind.
"Listen Godou, I will now explain in order. First, Zamparini holds you in high regard,
probably because he eavesdropped on your conversation with Melqart."
"Really? But I didn't really say much that time."
"Are you stupid? Simply talking to a [Heretic God] as equals is already an accomplishment.
Furthermore, you are a completely neutral king in the world of magic, with neither supporters,
subordinates nor backing. Zamparini wishes to establish amicable ties with you right now."
"I don't really mind if all he wants are amicable ties..."
"If that's all he wants, fine. But supposing Zamparini wishes to become an adviser akin to
being the 'right hand man' of the seventh Devil King, then it's not hard to understand. At least,
I believe he is aiming for the lofty power and influence held by kings."
Other than the fact that she was holding Godou's hand as she leaned against him, Erica acted
identically as before.
"Hence, Erica Blandelli by your side is an obtrusive existence to him, which is why he
preemptively contacted the [Copper Black Cross] beforehand."
"But what does becoming the 'right hand man' have to do with sending you back?"
"You finally noticed the key point. Hmm, that's the issue."
Erica seemed to have reached a conclusion, as she murmured towards empty space.
"Although [Panormus] is the largest association on the island of Sicily, it only counts as mid
to small scale on the entire European stage. But if [Panormus] obtains a Campione's
protection, or even becomes his direct subordinate organization, then it can stand toe to toe
with bigger and more prestigious associations."
"On the other hand, prestigious associations, like the [Copper Black Cross] which I belong to,
will avoid developing intimate ties with individual [Kings] as much as possible. Of course,
they will still offer their services with the greatest reverence, but they will not approve of acts
such as having their commander-in-chief's niece and future commander-in-chief candidate
become an immature Devil King's 'right hand man.' "
"So why do you have to call yourself my 'lover?' "
Godou exclaimed emphatically, for there must be other ways, right?
"T-This couldn't be helped either. Apart from using the name of an association's mage,
supporting you on a personal basis would be most ideal. Once a Campione declares 'I will not
permit my woman to be taken away,' no one will dare drive me away."

Indeed, as soon as she made the lovers declaration, Zamparini became understanding and
As befitted the passionate Latin nation, perhaps they were more lenient when it came to
matters of love. However, Godou was a bona fide member of the Yamato nation!
"Wouldn't it work if you said we are good friends?"
"Idiot, that would only work to Zamparini's advantage!"
As their argument escalated as they leaned their bodies close together, their voices grew
louder and louder.
"...Besides, I believe that a declaration of lovers would better protect my safety."
"Why is that?"
"You must have felt it to some extent. Zamparini and his [Panormus] association are not just a
real magic association, but also authentic Sicilian mafia."
"He really is a Godfather!?"
"If he deemed me serving by Godou's side to be a hindrance, ordering an assassination would
just be everyday business for them. Particularly during a battle with Melqart, a bullet to the
back followed by a cover up would not be surprising."
"What a bunch of people..."
"If you have the leisure to panic, why don't you put some effort into looking more
Erica finally concluded.
"That is why I called myself your lover. As the girl upon whom the Campione bestows his full
affections, I will be safe from their foolhardy attempts. Consequently, please treat me as your
most beloved woman, understood?"
And thus the secret conversation ended.
The pair tried their best to look like "lovers" as they walked back to the car.
Thereafter, Zamparini took them sightseeing to various attractions.
Ancient Greeks, the Roman Empire, Arabs, Normans and various tribes had conquered
Palermo in the past. Its history carried a certain exotic flair that distinguished the city from
many others. Along the old city streets along the shore, there were many ancient buildings.
Churches and chapels flashed into view. Then they were taken to the Palazzo dei Normanni -a palace that was constructed by Arabs in the ninth century then later rebuilt as the Norman
king's residence in the twelfth century.

"Very well, time to go."

It was 5pm when Zamparini declared in the car. Exhausted from all the sightseeing, Godou
asked lifelessly:
"...Where are we going this time?"
"To my home, Kusanagi Godou. It's about time for Your Highness to rest. Tonight, please
accept my invitation to be a guest at my home."
Godou was shocked. Going around acting like lovers with Erica all day had completely
drained him and he wished to have a good rest in a room by himself...
Soon after, they arrived at Zamparini's home located in a high-class residential neighborhood
within the city of Palermo.
Numerous servants were hard at work in this spacious and luxurious mansion. All over the
premises were people who appeared rather disreputable. They were most likely mafia as well
as magi belonging to the [Panormus] magic association.
Godou and Erica were taken to the most grand and luxurious room in the house. That in itself
was certainly nice, but Godou's problem was that he was not the only one sleeping there.
With a matter-of-fact tone of voice, Erica informed Godou they will be sleeping in the same

Part 4
Night had fallen and dinner time had arrived. But the only occupants of the stately and
magnificent dining room were the master Zamparini, Godou and Erica. Three people.
It was not yet time to start eating, but the table was already piled full of high-class dishes and
sumptuous offerings.
Due to Erica's public declaration of a "lovers' relationship," Godou could only eat
mechanically despite facing the most luxurious feast he encountered to this date. Thanks to
that, Godou completely failed to register what he ate or what anything tasted like.
Then Godou was taken to the bedroom.
Naturally, Erica accompanied him. Willing or not, they could not tear their gazes away from
the massive canopy bed. Obviously, there was no other bed either.
"I-I'm gonna sleep on the couch over there."
"T-That's right. Even if I declared ourselves to be lovers, there is no need to go so far."
Just as they reached consensus, the telephone in the room started to ring.

"This happens to be one of my hobbies."

A massive bath was located in a corner of Zamparini's home. Thus declared Godou and
Erica's host and master of the house, with great pride over the phone.
"Often I feel that modern Europeans over neglect the customs of the bath... Hence, I decided
to have craftsmen recreate an ancient Roman bath right here."
Mesmerized by the sight of the bathing facilities, Godou answered with a simple "Huh."
Inside were three massive bathing areas, each wider than any swimming pool Godou had ever
seen. Two were filled with hot water while the third was cold. The place was filled with giant
columns like the Parthenon temple in Greece, giving a serene sense of solemnity.
Naturally, the facilities were also equipped with sauna rooms and a smaller Jacuzzi tub.
Indeed, this massive bathing facility did feel like Roman baths from the times at the height of
their popularity.
"It must have been fate that allowed me the chance to entertain the young king and his lover.
Surely, Your Highness and your lover over there should take the time to enjoy yourselves
" "Eh?" "
Zamparini's sudden proposal left Godou and Erica dumbfounded.
"Hoho, it's only natural for two young lovers to indulge themselves in pleasure at a place like
this. I apologize for my boldness, but I have taken upon myself to make preparations for the
two of you. --Come."
The old man smiled knowingly and clapped his hands to summon.
With the sound of voices asking "Are you calling us, Master?" coming from inside, ten-odd
women emerged. Godou was stunned by their appearance.
All the women were merely clad in sheer fabric. The level of skin exposure was virtually
equivalent to full nudity.
Amongst the young women were Caucasians, Negros, as well as girls of oriental descent.
Every girl was outstanding in face and figure. All were young beauties without exception.
"These are my maids. They are here to serve your every command."
"N-N-No such thing! This is not my cup of tea, spare me please! I-I-I'm going to the ordinary
"Well, Uncle Zamparini, thank you very much for your kind offer."

As Godou refused on reflex, Erica restrained him with a look from her eyes and proceeded to
express thanks.
"Fufufu, isn't this marvelous, Godou? Don't be shy, you should properly accept Uncle
Zamparini's generosity at a time like this."
Erica leaned herself against Godou as if on purpose.
Seeing this amusing scene, Zamparini respectfully took a bow and exited the bathing facility.
"Young master and mistress, please come over here."
A couple of highly exposed maids approached.
Do I have to get naked right now? Just as Godou stood stunned -- Erica immediately stepped
forward between them.
"Hoho, wait a second. I have no intention of robbing you of your job, but the privilege of
undressing him belongs to no one but me alone. Excuse me, but please give us some private
time alone for now."
Then she gently and elegantly led Godou away by the hand.
Undress? His mind in a state of suspension, Godou was thus pulled towards the changing
Along the way, Erica released Godou's hand.
"What's going on?"
"Quiet. Those maids are here to investigate. They must have been sent on Zamparini's
commands to verify if we are lovers or not."
Erica spoke softly and Godou whispered back.
(He is probably suspicious about our relationship. Think about it, Zamparini must have been
observing us since last night.)
(Now that you mentioned it, we were having an argument... Damn it, what should we do
What could we do now to resemble lovers even more? Hating himself for knowing nothing of
romance, Godou racked his brains to no avail.
(No other way, Godou, we must prepare ourselves.)
(Prepare ourselves?)

(Ah yes, even though I said "give us some private time alone for now," the maids will run
after us immediately and Zamparini's doubt would only increase. We must switch over to
offense starting now.)
Erica declared like a knight with decisive valor.
I see, I get it now. Godou nodded. In the world of duels, running away from risk would only
lead to greater danger.
(I got it. So what should I do specifically?)
(W-Well then -- first undress, both of us need to take off all our clothes, and then walk out
there in front of those girls.)
Her earlier valor seemingly a lie, Erica's face had gone all red.
"Eh?" asked Godou foolishly.
(T-This is the plan for breaking out of our predicament, and it's the only plan! So Godou, you
must suppress your lustful thoughts and focus on carrying out the plan. Swear that you will
erase from your memory everything you see starting this moment! Swear you'll forget it all,
do you understand!?)
Returning from the changing room, Godou was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around
his waist.
Likewise, Erica was naked aside from the large bath towel she used to cover everything from
her hips up to her bust.
"Let me help you wash."
Just like before, several girls stepped forward.
"Sure... But limit your efforts to washing me alone."
Erica replied elegantly to the beautiful girl who appeared to be the maids' representative.
"What about the young master?"
"Hoho, perhaps he does want to be washed by you girls... Hohoho, nevertheless, I will be
driven mad by jealousy if I see him touched by any woman apart from myself. Perhaps I
might even be driven to murder him and the women around him."
"Fufu, that would be terrible, wouldn't it? I understand."
Erica's mischievous expression and tone of voice stood in stark contrast to her dangerous
Smiling in response, the maid representative gestured to the others with her eyes. Thereafter,
the highly stimulating girls, clad in sheer fabric, distanced themselves from Godou.

Godou recalled Erica's instructions.

'Act casual. If you panic and lose composure, it won't work!'
Consequently, Godou had no choice but to desperately pretend to act natural.
Like some sort of incantation, he repeatedly chanted "mind over body, mind over body" to
As the maids laid their hands on Erica's bath towel, the piece of cloth was taken away to
reveal a young maiden's magnificent nude body, the most alluring and seductive that Godou
had ever known.
Then Godou saw.
Appearing before Godou like a queen surrounded by maids, Erica's body was as bare as the
day she was born. Godou already knew her figure was outstanding, but that notion was simply
too naive. She was more beautiful than he could ever imagine.
Her gracefully shaped breasts, voluminous yet perky, did not show any impression of sagging.
On the other hand, those rosy flower buds, on the front of her breasts, exuded such purity and
Her waist was extremely taut and without the slightest fat. Furthermore, that round voluptuous
body part below the waist traced out a most wondrous curve-In addition, Erica's pale complexion was unparalleled. Immersed in the steam of the bath, her
alabaster skin showed a tint of redness against its pristine paleness. The mere sight of her skin
was enough to deal a devastating blow to Godou's rational sense of mind.
"Hoho, Godou is so... You've clearly seen me so many times and yet you still gaze upon me
with such crazed and intense eyes. This passion of yours is what I find truly adorable."
Erica spoke, smiling as she endured Godou's gaze. Crap, I forgot all about Erica's earlier
instructions to "Watch me as if you were admiring a familiar work of art."
Godou concurred with Erica's words and said:
"T-That's only because you are so full of charm."
Godou recited the line that was prepared beforehand.
Due to Erica's strict orders of "Speak as little as possible to avoid blowing our cover," Godou
immediately kept his mouth shut.
During this time, the maids poured water over Erica's body. Instead of using a shower head,
they carried water directly using wooden buckets.
After being washed, that perfect skin of hers seemed even smoother than before.

As if trying not to harm a beautiful yet fragile work of art, the maids washed cautiously with
reverent motion.
Guided by the maids, Erica, with her beautiful silky skin, entered the hot water bath. Like a
mistress of the house enjoying her exclusive bath, she stretched her legs out with an air of
The bath was filled with floating flowers of red camellia that the maids poured into the
bathwater along with scented oil. This filled the entire bathing facility with a rich sense of
"Godou, when are you going to stop staring at me? Lacking patience is one of your
shortcomings. Please hurry over then."
"Ah, uh yeah."
At Erica's behest, Godou responded immediately and stood up to enter the bath, wading over
to beside Erica.
Erica leaned her back against Godou's chest. The blonde female knight was not only a master
of the sword but also the owner of a magnificent body with a slender figure and skin that felt
as soft and smooth as silk. Godou now entered a posture of embracing Erica.
--Hmm, my entire body feels so hot, it must be due to the hot water.
--Hmm, I feel kind of like I'm drunk. This too, must be due to the hot water.
"Really... Are you still peeping at me? Godou sure is a bad boy, or is it because I am too
Under the hot water, Erica turned herself around, coming face to face with Godou.
Of course, Godou maintained his posture of embrace. Feeling Erica's bouncy bosom pressed
against him, Godou could not help but scream "Mind over body!" over and over to himself.
But Erica continued to press the offense.
She lightly kissed Godou everywhere across his face, chin and neck except for his lips, then
stared at him with eyes of craving.
Godou could feel his sanity flying away to the heavens, but he desperately held on. In the
predetermined manner they had agreed on earlier, Godou stared at the maids and began
whispering with Erica.
As the mastermind of the farce, the beautiful maiden went "Ah, I see" and smiled.
Like a princess accustomed to issuing orders, Erica proceeded to turn her gaze to the maid
"Isn't it about time for you all to be dismissed?"

"May we?"
"He tells me he feels self-conscious in front of other women, so leave us alone for now, we...
will 'enjoy' ourselves a bit, understood?"
"Understood. Very well then, we shall be dismissed."
The maid representative immediately smiled and bowed her head reverently.
With great swiftness the maids all made an exit. Most likely, they did not fail to understand
the behavior Erica meant by the word "enjoy."
Of course, all this was achieved without any merit on Godou's part. It was clearly such an
embarrassing situation and yet Erica's acting was so natural and convincing. Godou once
again recognized Erica's skill in performing on the public stage.
Even though the maids had left, the two of them remained in tight embrace.
Several minutes later, Erica slowly chanted spell words softly to use investigative magic.
"How are things?"
"There's no one around the bath, and no one hiding in here using magic either."
Having confirmed it was safe, they both exhaled deeply out of relief.
Erica immediately separated herself from Godou's body and distanced herself away from him.
Soaked in the water for so long, both of them were almost about to faint.

That night, Godou and Erica spent the night in one bedroom.
Furthermore, they were sleeping in such outrageous conditions -- on the same bed under the
same blanket.
Hearing from Erica that the bedroom was free of investigative magic she had used in the bath,
as well as non-mechanical but magical means of voyeurism and eavesdropping, Godou
originally intended to sleep alone on the couch. However...
"How can we sleep separately while we are under suspicions? There are servants outside the
room. If we sleep apart, our cover will be blown immediately!"
Erica snarled angrily. Indeed, it would be most unnatural for a pair of lovers who had
displayed such passion in the bath to sleep separately.
Thus the two of them marked an "invisible boundary line" across the spacious bed.
Having established a treaty of absolute inviolable territory, the two of them laid themselves on
the same bed under the same blanket, becoming bedfellows. Godou slept on the left side while
Erica slept on the right.

In order to avoid trespassing into Erica's territory, Godou slept with his back towards her.
Likewise, Erica slept in the same posture, both of them keeping their distance with their backs
towards each other.
In any case, let's sleep first. Fall asleep quickly. Trying to dispel unnecessary thoughts of
temptation, Godou kept his eyes tightly shut, desperately summoning the arrival of sleep.
Suddenly, he heard sounds of sobbing.
With great surprise, Godou found himself hearing extremely quiet sobbing noises.
"...Erica, are you crying?"
"...I-Impossible, I'm just a little sad over my loss of purity, that's all."
Erica whispered in a domineering yet exhausted voice.
"W-What loss of purity, in actual fact, we didn't really do anything..."
"You're such an idiot! For me, my completely naked body was seen by you. Acts that no
virgin should engage in have taken place, and even now, I am sharing a bed with you -furthermore, the things we've done are known to many others."
"K-Known to many others?"
"The Campione and his lover who happens to be the daughter of the prestigious Blandelli
family. In our world, this is sensational news whether politically or as gossip. Very soon, it
will propagate everywhere."
"Is that how it works..."
"Anyone who hears of such rumors will never believe me to have remained untainted in body.
Apart from myself, no one will think I am a pure virgin."
Sobbing noises. Faint sobbing was heard once more.
"Anyway, it's okay, I have no regrets."
"Certainly. I, Erica Blandelli, will never ever do anything I regret afterwards, absolutely
never. Please do not misunderstand, I did this for other reasons and not because I liked
Godou fell silent. The fact that he did misunderstand for an instant must be kept secret.
"Listen carefully, this was simply assistance offered by the heroic knight who pitied and took
mercy on the man who suddenly became king. Doing things to such an extent was simply part
of my perfectionism, make no mistake about that."
"I see... Thank you, Erica, it is impossible for me to properly express my gratitude to you."

This was a time when proper thanks were necessary.

Thinking that, Godou suddenly spoke up. His back having crossed the boundary, he could feel
Erica squirming awkwardly, most likely due to embarrassment.
"N-Not at all. If you and I had never met, the current situation would never have happened, so
pay it no mind."
"But I mind. Yes, about the matter of your purity."
Feeling embarrassed, Godou asked:
"If you don't mind, I-I really have to take responsibility, right?"
"Idiot, there's no need to take responsibility. After all, I did everything under my own will.
But you have to keep your promise and forget everything that happened in the bath, got
Due to sleeping in the same bed, the two of them continued to chat throughout the night for a
very long time.
Even though he was utterly drained in mind and body, Godou could not close his eyes, unable
to sleep because he was overly conscious of the person sleeping beside him.
The next morning, Godou immediately got up and looked out the window as soon as he woke
Heavy rain poured down, accompanied by strong gusts of wind and occasional roars of
thunder. Truly, a storm was coming.
From the rumbles of thunder, Godou heard a voice.
'--Long you have waited, god-slayer! Come! In the real battle, I shall demonstrate clearly to
you with lightning the ancient king's magnificence as the hunter of dragons. Head east, and I
shall await you in the ruins of the eastern decayed city!'
As the raging winds and roars of thunder passed on this message, this was a voice which
Godou alone could hear, because the divine king Melqart recognized no one but Godou.
"...Could this be Melqart?"
"Yeah, he's calling me."
Erica asked from bed with a sleepy voice and Godou answered.
Not even seven in the morning, this was far earlier than Erica's usual time to rise given her
morning feebleness. Nevertheless, the roars of the violent wind together with the divine
presence filling the atmosphere must have woken her up.
"Finally time for a proper battle... Right."

"Nothing major. Just as I thought, it's better to wear less while I sleep, or else it feels too
"What is with you girl, how do you sleep normally?"
Without leaving the room, Erica began to change into lighter sleepwear. Due to Erica's
strange behavior in her sleepy state, Godou continued to stare outside the window.
"Melqart said he's waiting for me in the ruins of the decayed city to the east. Where on earth is
"Probably Soluntum, seventeen kilometers east of Palermo. It was once a front line outpost of
the ancient Phoenicians and now a district of ruins..."
Hearing the approximate location described by the divine king, Erica whispered softly.
"Go ask Zamparini to send out [Panormus] magi to scout it out. Once the [Heretic God]'s
presence is detected, start moving out in that direction."
Hearing the answer of his "partner," back to her usual reliable form, Godou nodded.

Part 5
"An image is appearing in my mind... A weapon of light."
Godou answered in the car en route to Soluntum.
Sitting beside him, Erica had asked "Try imagining what power would be effective in a battle
against Melqart the god of storms?"
Godou had pondered for a while but came up with nothing.
After further contemplation, he still had no idea.
This was only natural. A week ago, Godou was just an ordinary person completely
uninvolved with the world of magic and gods. After three minutes of thought, Godou gave up,
certain in the futility of further thought.
Then suddenly, inspiration struck his mind.
"Hmm, I get the feeling I need to use a bright and shiny weapon."
"Could your hint get any more ambiguous..."
Godou shrugged at Erica's sarcasm.
"As expected, in a fight against a [Heretic God], all one can do is make a proper entrance to
the stage."

Zamparini spoke from the driver's seat.

He was driving the white BMW. Due to the storm, they were taking an eastbound national
route which had lower traffic.
--Three hours after Godou got out of bed, a massive spiritual presence was confirmed near the
Soluntum Archaeological Park, just as Erica predicted.
After receiving the report, Erica had said:
"We are going to battle Melqart now, please lend us a car and driver."
"No problem, it will be ready right away."
After hearing Zamparini's polite reply, Godou and Erica headed to the entrance of the
mansion. The old man, both Sicilian mafia boss and magic association commander-in-chief,
made his reappearance driving the white BMW.
"Hoho, excuse me for saying so, but I'm quite confident in my skills."
Godou listened to Zamparini's boast with an annoyed expression as he sat in the rear seat.
As a side note, there was a black attache case on the passenger seat next to the driver.
"...Can I look at what's inside?"
With an ominous premonition, Godou opened the case to confirm.
Inside was a sleek black submachine gun. The Thompson M1921, commonly known as the
"Tommy Gun." Even for someone unfamiliar with firearms, Godou recognized it as one of the
world's earliest submachine guns, and one that had been favored by assassins in the movie
"The Godfather."
Furthermore, it was fully ready to fire, with a drum magazine attached to the gunbarrel...
"Uncle Zamparini is active as a mage in various militant factions across Europe and America.
While I use swords to manipulate 'iron,' Uncle uses guns and ammunition to manipulate
'flames,' you see."
"So... So that's why I had that kind of feeling."
Godou nodded at Erica's explanation.
The trip from Palermo to the Soluntum ruins required roughly thirty minutes.
Soluntum was a town constructed in the fourth century BCE by the Phoenicians in the
mountains along the shore. It fell into decline after coming under Greek and Roman rule, and
was eventually destroyed by Islamic Arabs. In modern times, the site was being run as the
Soluntum Archaeological Park and Museum.

Thanks to Zamparini's preparations, the park and the museum were immediately shut down as
part of emergency measures.
But under such weather conditions of roaring wind and torrential rain along with lightning
descending from dark clouds, it was unlikely there would be any visitors to the museum
Nevertheless, Godou was gratified to know that park staff were helping with evacuating
"Godou, I will leave for a moment to remain on standby somewhere else. Leave the role of
support to me."
Getting off the BMW, Erica yelled out over the roars of the wind.
"Okay! I am relying on you!"
Before Zamparini could get a word in, Godou swiftly gave his permission.
Godou recalled Erica mentioning the night before that "Fighting together in one place will
pose certain difficulties..." Although it could be unnecessary worry, it was better to be safe
than sorry.
"Hold onto this, it might come in handy."
Godou held out his hand to receive the object Erica gave to him.
The object was a lion-shaped ornament that felt quite heavy despite being palm-sized. After
putting it away carefully, Godou entered the archaeological park together with Old Man
Umbrellas were pointless in such weather since they would be instantly blown away.
Whether Godou, Zamparini, or Erica who had just taken off, all of them were wearing
raincoats. But to little effect, for Godou found his lower torso almost completely drenched.
Feeling that the hood obscured his vision too much, Godou simply took it off instead.
The strong wind, heavy rain, loud thunder and various noises made it impossible to speak to
each other. Without saying a word, Godou and Zamparini made their way towards the interior
of the park silently.
Then Godou felt his entire body filling with power.
It had happened before back when he heard Melqart's "voice" on the ship. This was power
surging forth for the sake of battle. In order to fight a god, this power was produced
instinctively by a god-slayer. The five senses of the body as well as a sixth sense, down to his
fingertips and every capillary, all were filled with heat and power.
After that, Godou finally arrived at the deepest part of the ruins.

This was a little hill on the seaside, with two columns erected like deer or goat horns. Other
than these upright columns, there were no other structures.
However, this lack of structures was not due to the ravages of time.
Even eons ago in the distant past, only two columns existed here.
As taught by Erica previously, Godou knew these two columns were the symbols of the
Phoenician sky god Melqart. Then Godou felt it -- his presence!
Melqart was located directly above the two columns!
Manifesting tangibly as violent winds, fierce rain, and scorching lightning and thunder in the
air, the sky god Melqart was making his appearance in the form of the storm.
'Huhahaha! We finally meet again, young god-slayer!'
"On the contrary, I am not only a civilized person but also a pacifist. Even if my opponent is a
prestigious god, I have no wish to accept a dangerous fight."
'What god-slayer is this, to make such a weak statement? No matter, whether a brat like you
agrees to fight or not, there is no problem. To me, it is entirely irrelevant. But are you sure?
There are only six days left, eh?'
"Six days? What do you mean?"
"Kuku... In order to better smash this land, I will first drench it with a storm, then sink the city
at dusk on the sixth day.'
'At dusk on the sixth day, I shall sink the city that sits upon this land that once belonged to
me. That is what I am talking about. And on the first day... Today will be this place."
An unbelievable conversation was taking place amidst the rumble of thunder from the sky,
and its subject was rather shocking.
This place -- these ruins of Soluntum? Discovering this fact, Godou shuddered.
'Here to the west lies another city, it shall be visited on the second day. The third day shall be
that island -- the one where I encountered Verethragna. The fourth day and henceforth... Well,
I'll simply decide then. Over the next six days, I will cast divine punishment upon these
humans and this land first.'
In other words, Palermo was next on the second day?
The third day likely meant the sinking of Cagliari on the island of Sardinia. Melqart's
declaration filled Godou with terror and rage.
"Stop joking around! How could I let you act so recklessly!?"

'Should you have any objections, use force to deter the divine king! Come, it is now time for
battle. Show me what an immature god-slayer can do!'
Crash! In the instant the two columns were smashed by the violent wind, the sky rumbled.
Melqart completely ignored Zamparini who was next to Godou, leaving him alone -- or
rather, he never registered the old man in his sight.
To a god like Melqart, humans were akin to stones on the roadside. It could not be helped.
...At the same time as the columns were being smashed by the storm, Godou discovered that
Zamparini who had been by his side was blown away. Even someone with more powerful
magic than Erica and greater experience was blown into the air like a scrap of paper.
All he heard was the old man's screams.
Unable to oppose a god. In the face of a god's authority, all he could do was scream. Hence, it
was only natural that he did not register in Melqart's eyes.
But as for Godou-He reached out just as the stormy wind suddenly arrived.
There happened to be a tree branch waving before him, the branch of an olive tree, so Godou
caught it, and using it as a lifesaving rope, he managed to stay on the ground.
This relied on reflexes to a great extent, probably.
As well as primal thoughts of "How could I die here?!" And most importantly, luck -- the
good fortune to have something to grab onto just as he reached out with his hand. Due to this
inexplicable luck, Godou survived.
Now only Godou was left. There were no signs of Zamparini.
If it had to be said, this was probably the difference between a Campione and an ordinary
person. That was what Godou concluded after such a scene. Once again, the sky rumbled.
'Come, come! That was just a little test, continue to amuse me!'
Lightning shot from the sky, this time aiming towards Godou.
In that very instant, Godou's instincts told him he "will be struck."
But this was lightning, of course it could not be evaded. Unless he could find a lightning rod,
but nothing like that could be found, it was hopeless. Was he going to die? No, how could he
die now!?
Godou dispelled doubts of death by willing himself to renounce death.

At this moment, Godou awakened the power of the ferocious bird of prey that flew faster and
higher than anything else -- the [Raptor].
Godou's body, senses and thought processes instantly accelerated, causing the surrounding
world to decelerate in turn. The leaves and wooden debris blowing in the wind, the waves
caused by the storm as well as the flashing lightning, everything seemed to be moving in slow
motion from Godou's perspective.
He could see everything and evade them all.
Firm in this belief, Godou released the branch that he had been clinging to for dear life.
The violent wind swept Godou high up into the air, but he evaded the lightning strike as a
result. He rose up in the air, but after a certain point, he began to fall rapidly towards the
Originally, Godou should have smashed hard into the ground and died, but he landed softly.
His body felt lightened as if it had become weightless. Godou was now as light and nimble as
the wind, and could move just as fast.
'Ho! Kukuku, very well! You have entered the realm of god-like lightning speed. Then I shall
test you, brat, in a battle of speed!'
Thunder and lightning descended continually from the sky.
But using the [Raptor]'s eyes, Godou discerned all and desperately evaded using the [Raptor]'s
speed. Looks like this incarnation has the ability to move at the speed of lightning, marveled
Godou as he focused on evasion.
He should take this opportunity to find a weapon. Was there none in sight?
Godou searched his mind as he continued running as hard as he could. Didn't that image of a
sword of light appear back when Erica asked him earlier, what kind of incarnation was it...?
'If lightning alone cannot hit, then it is time for my weapons to make an entrance. Chaser and
Driver, come forth! O Yagrush! O Ayamur! Go and strike down the god-slayer!"
Flying in the sky were the magic clubs, Yagrush and Ayamur!
Godou trembled, for these were the weapons Melqart had used in the battle against the
warlord Verethragna. The first club Yagrush appeared out of empty space while the second
club Ayamur manifested out of the thunderclouds.
The former was a symbol of the wind while the latter was a symbol of lightning.
Like a swallow riding upon a cyclone, Yagrush flew with nimble agility. On the other hand,
Ayamur flew in straight lines like lightning. Furthermore, both clubs possessed speed that
rivaled the [Raptor].

Even so, Godou continued to run.

Sometimes jumping to the side, sometimes running straight forward, sometimes retreating
backwards, sometimes lying prone on the ground. There were even times when Godou rolled
across the ground in an unsightly manner, crawling on all four limbs like a wild beast.
All covered in dirt and mud, Godou continued to run, seeking the weapon of light-He figured it out. Could it be that thing? Was it that weapon!?
However, immediately.
The time had come for his magic to be released, and suddenly, he felt intense pain in his heart.
His legs stopped and his body became sluggish. By the time he knew it, Godou was
completely immobilized.
Tracing a U-shaped trajectory, Yagrush came flying!
Struck directly, Godou flew high into the air. Aiming at Godou in a straight line, Ayamur
struck Godou for a second direct blow.
Godou flew across the sky like a baseball in a homerun.
Without an unnaturally sturdy body like his, an ordinary human would probably be smashed
apart to leave no trace behind if struck by such destructive power.
Godou felt intense pain all over his body.
As befitted weapons of the gods. The man-eating tigers summoned by a mage were nothing in
comparison. Godou could feel his muscles tearing, skeleton shattering, flesh scorching and
bones dissolving.
Compared to the level of a mage, a Campione's body seemed immortal.
But faced with the equal or superior levels of [Heretic Gods], it was nothing special. Godou
learned this painful lesson through the suffering of his body.
Nevertheless -- he still did not die instantly. This body was truly beyond common logic.
"What can I do now... Eh, this can't be happening?"
Flying through the air, Godou seemed to be hearing a female voice by his ear. Probably not
Erica, for it was a voice of an even younger girl.
Then the image of a ram covered with golden fleece appeared in Godou's mind.
"I entrust everything in your hands..."

Godou made a request to the golden ram through instinct rather than rational decision making.
With that, he lost consciousness and all respiratory functions ceased. Of course, Melqart's
Yagrush and Ayamur were still flying around, which meant things were not likely to end well.
The magic clubs spun around to strike at Godou once more. However at this time, the gift
from Erica in Godou's possession -- the lion-shaped ornament began to give off light.
Suddenly, Godou's body moved as if being sucked by a magnet.
With a whoosh, Godou's body flew at great speed towards the sea.
Thus he flew towards the fierce winds and raging waves of the sea. Due to the storm
summoned by Melqart, Godou was swept by the waves and he sank into the sea.

Chapter 3 Sword, Erica, Melqart

Part 1
"Hey Godoh, dying like this is completely unacceptable!"
Upon hearing these sudden words of mockery, Godou answered in a sluggish voice.
He opened his eyes to find a cute little girl. Her face was slender and dignified. Though
"beautiful," her sense of "cuteness" was far more overwhelming in comparison. Judging by
appearance, she seemed to be fourteen years old or so. Perhaps enhanced by the twintailed
hairstyle, she gave off a rather young impression.
Puzzled by the girl's strange words, Godou surveyed his surroundings.
...This completely empty space contained nothing else. The entire place was grayish white.
Even the ends of the horizon were gray. An incredible world of gray.
The girl before his eyes was wearing a white and flimsy dress. Which country did it come
"This is the [Boundary of Life and Immortality]. Perhaps it might be easier to understand if I
used expressions like 'almost at the afterlife' or 'pretty much at the Sanzu River'[9] to describe
this place?"
The beautiful girl explained in an exceptionally casual tone of voice.
"By the way, I am Pandora. But not a [Heretic God], mind you. I stand as a true and proper
goddess, impossible for humans to encounter unless I descend to this realm. With the express
intent of meeting my son, I came here from the Domain of Immortality."
"...Son? Who is that?"

"Of course I'm referring to you, Godoh. You are my son. You may call me mama, maman,
mommy or whatever you wish, okay?"
"...So, Pandora-san, there's something I wish to ask."
"Wah, of all the choices you went with this! ~You're the worst~"
Pandora enunciated her words as if deliberately trying to act displeased.
"It's not very nice to look down on the bonds between mother and child, you know~"
"But my real mother is authentic Japanese. And not younger than me, either."
"Fine, stepmother then. The prospects of gaining a child-faced loli stepmother with no blood
relations, that's known as 'moe' on earth, right? Isn't that really lucky?"
"I think even if you narrow the range to earth, it would only apply to a very small subset of
Godou decided to change the subject.
"You said something like 'dying' just now. Did I really die?"

"Yes, you were promptly killed by Melqart-sama. But never fear, for Godoh's body is
currently resurrecting on earth. Just before you died, you did well to understand the hint I
The goddess who called herself Pandora smiled proudly.
"Since this is your first real battle, I did you a great service, allowing you to resurrect in one
piece. For me and my husband, our children all tend to be rather impulsive and short-lived.
Most of them end up dying on a battlefield somewhere. So, Godoh, you'd better be more

"You and your husband's children... I get it now!"

Godou remembered. What Erica had mentioned before.
"Campiones are the illegitimate children of Epimetheus and Pandora, right?"
"Correct. Pandora in particular, is the stepmother who acts as the one who supports you godslayers. Although I'm rather casual and completely irresponsible, I do offer hints on
As Pandora smiled, she emanated a certain alluring aura incommensurate with her child-like
Indeed this was a "womanly" existence. Godou understood that great wisdom lay beneath her
mesmerizing cuteness.
Even though she did not act very proper in behavior, she was still a goddess.
"Well, even though you'll forget about seeing me as soon as you return to earth, remnants of
my teachings will survive somewhere in your subconscious, so don't worry."
"I will forget?"
"Yes. When traveling between this realm and the world on earth, all sorts of things can
"What... Anyway, if possible, could you tell me something? I'm currently in trouble with a
god, so how should I fight? I seem to recall some kind of weapon of light."
Given this rare chance, Godou decided to ask this question.
Pandora made a slightly mischievous expression and smiled with great pride as she explained:
"It would be meaningless if I told you the answer -- or rather, it wouldn't be fun anymore -ah, that's not right, it won't help Godoh at all. You have to try harder by yourself."
"In that case... I get it."
Godou gave up and nodded indifferently.
After all, the one doing the fighting was himself. Always thinking of relying on others for
victory would not be conducive to handling split second changes during intense
confrontations. In this era of junior cultivation from the ground up, Godou had no objections
as a baseball player and a mighty athlete.
No matter how many comrades stood by his side, ultimately the one fighting to the very end
was himself.

In a team -- obviously he had to trust in his comrades to back him up. However, were he
unable to fight alone, he would be useless in a team anyway. Hence, it was imperative he put
forth all of his own effort first.
As these thoughts crossed Godou's mind, Pandora watched him with an amused expression.
"Hehe. No matter what kind of past life they led previously, the vast majority of children who
became god-slayers already knows how to fight. Godoh is no exception. So let me skip that
part and tell you something useful."
Hearing unexpected words from the stepmother, Godou straightened himself in full
"Even considering the entire history of mankind, you are a unique god-slayer. There is no
point for you to emulate any other person. It would be utter stupidity. Consequently, please,
always stay true to yourself."
"...In other words, do things my own way?"
"Yes. Follow your heart and let instinct guide you. Fight smartly with craftiness. Only by
doing this will you become the strongest warrior on earth. There is no need to worry yourself
too much!"
Like she said, if he could emulate someone else, things would be much easier...
Casually advised to undertake a challenging direction, Godou could not help but smile wryly.
"Anyway, I guess I'll start learning how to use my powers flexibly."
"My, how hardworking of Godoh! However, it's best if you don't do that, because it's useless."
"The grand enchantment for a person's rebirth as a god-slayer... There are many strange
aspects to it, probably because it is such a preposterous process after all. For example, the
condition of 'no matter what, only actual combat works' or the like. Since god-slayers only
resemble humans in appearance but are actually more like demonic beasts inside, it's only
natural to progress like wild beasts, no?"
"In other words, earnest effort is useless?"
"Yes! God-slayers' authorities can only be honed on the battlefield through actual combat. But
that's totally fine, after all, ancient warriors were the same. As long as you kill enough
enemies, you will become powerful"
"Please don't use such a disturbing analogy!"
Seeing Pandora winking with a thumbs up sign, Godou could not stop himself from

"By the way, Godoh, your authority is a bit unreliable. It might be a little dangerous if you try
to do things alone, so please be careful."
"What do you mean by unreliable?"
"It seems like you need the assistance of friends in order to satisfy certain activation
conditions. Isn't this a power that can only be used when someone is trying to beat up
"Come to think of it, there is also a condition of 'only when facing strong enough opponents.'"
"Godoh's heart is only roused when threatened by true battle. This is probably what limits you
from using your authority. Ultimately, a rampaging soul is necessary to hone a god-slayer's
Tension levels and the rousing of emotions were the most important? This fact seriously
needed careful attention.
"So if you ever need to fight, just shout 'Come and kill me with everything you've got' and
everything will be fine"
"I'm definitely not going to do that!"
It looked like the future will be filled with trials and tribulations. Even so, had it been any

When Godou came to, he found himself lying on a simple bed in a room surrounded by white
walls. There was an odor of medicine. Along the bare white wall was a practical-looking
sideboard. This was apparently a hospital room.
Also, Erica was sitting on a chair beside the bed.
Godou pushed against the bed to raise his upper torso. He had died during the battle with
Melqart but managed to resurrect. For some reason, he was sure of that.
"I have something to say first, so please listen carefully."
Erica declared immediately. Even though she tried her best to stay calm, she could not hide
her irrepressible rage. It was a voice that seemed to shake the air.
"If you can come back from death, then please say so before dying...! You are truly a fool
beyond help!"
"D-Don't say something so unreasonable. I was suddenly thrust on stage without any
Severely chastised by Erica, Godou muttered in response.

"This power to revive from the verge of death, cannot be used unless I am actually about to
die. If I die completely, it's meaningless... Anyway, I admit I'm at fault, sorry."
Getting up from bed, Godou bowed his head.
"It seems like I made you worry, I'm really sorry."
Erica was angry because she was really worried about him, right?
This apology resulted in provoking an unexpected response from the defiant blonde beauty.
"What idiotic nonsense are you talking about! As if anyone would worry about you!"
Saying that, Erica's face was entirely flushed red. However, if she was not worried then there
would be no reason for her to be this angry.
As Godou felt skeptical, Erica shouted more and more emotionally.
"I am only telling you this because I cannot bear the sight of your stupid behavior. Do not get
any strange and mistaken ideas!"
Apparently, this declaration was her attempt to cover up the reason for her anger.
In light of Erica's outspoken habits, such words clearly showed her loss of composure.
"The only thing I'm worrying about is at most my own reputation! I even sacrificed my purity
for the sake of helping you. If you died just like that, that would be truly shameful!"
Saying that, Erica turned her face away in disgust, refusing to admit anything.
Godou suppressed the urge to laugh wryly and waited for Erica to calm down.
"By the way, how long did I sleep for?"
"It was during daytime when the battle with Melqart occurred, just before 1pm. It is now
evening at 7pm. You've slept continuously for six hours or so."
Erica swiftly replied in response to Godou's change of subject.
"This is a hospital?"
"Yes. A little hospital roughly 2km away from the Soluntum ruins. It was not easy but I
managed to bring you here for sanctuary after you collapsed."
"You did well to save me from that god..."
"Remember the lion figure I gave you beforehand? It was actually Cuore di Leone, altered by
[Transformation] magic."
Godou was surprised. The lion-shaped item was actually that magic sword?

"I originally planned to watch your battle from afar, but later on I saw you were almost dead.
So I hastily used a [Magnet] spell to summon Cuore di Leone back to me. That was what you
were carrying."
"Melqart didn't pursue?"
"No. Just as I already said, you were almost dead."
"Blunt trauma all over your body, numerous broken bones, internal hemorrhage, ruptured
internal organs, damage to the brain and spine, burns covering over 80% of your skin area.
Naturally, your heart also stopped and you were unable to breathe on your own."
"I-It was that serious..."
"Under such conditions, even I thought it would be hopeless, even when you are a
Erica's manner of speaking made it seem like she was very angry.
"Your current body is truly ridiculous. Not long after that, you resumed breathing and your
body kept healing while you slept. It has already recovered completely."
It was ridiculous indeed. Even though he was the subject in question, Godou nodded
"By the way, what about Zamparini-san?"
"Currently missing, after being blown away by the storm. However, since he completely
failed to enter Melqart's view at the time, I think his chances of survival are quite high. The
magi of [Panormus] are currently searching for him, but due to the current weather, they
haven't made much progress."
Godou looked outside the window.
Enduring the roaring wind and pelted by the massive raindrops, the window had been rattling
noisily all this time.
"The storm has continued all the while?"
"Yes, just like this all along. However, the storm zone only covers the northwest region of
Sicily centered on the city of Palermo. Also, Soluntum Archaeological Park... was sunk
earlier into the sea, at dusk."
"What did you say!?"
"Those ruins were located on a hillside facing the sea, right? Having weakened its foundations
using the pouring rain, Melqart attacked the ground with Yagrush and Ayamur, causing a
massive landslide which swept the ruins from the hillside into the sea."

Godou recalled Melqart's announcement.

Every day at sunset, he would sink a city from his former territory into the sea-Although the ruins of Soluntum attracted tourists, it was fortunate that visitors were few in
number. However, tomorrow's target was Palermo, a city with a population of one million.
Erica nodded as if she read Godou's worries and changed the subject.
"By the way, no matter how overabundant a Campione's vitality is, this resurrection
performance was way too dramatic and miraculous. What's the secret to this trick?"
"Is there any sheep amongst Verethragna's incarnations?"
"Of the ten incarnations, the eighth is the ram."
"That's the one. When I was struck dead by Melqart, a sheep came to mind. It felt like it could
help me escape death, so I tried entrusting my wish to it. So that's what happened. However, I
still don't understand."
Godou sat on the bed, bewildered.
"Amongst the ten incarnations, the bull gives monstrous strength, the camel gives kicking
attacks, the boar is a monster, and the bird gives extreme speed. I can understand all of those.
But why would a sheep bring recovery?"
"Perhaps it's because sheep have been a symbol of bountiful harvests and vitality since ancient
Erica's fluent answer rendered Godou dumbfounded.
"As a type of wild beast that is easily tamed and kept, sheep have been domesticated since
very early times as a source of food to support human life. Eventually, it became a sacred
"Sacred beast..."
"The sheep is a sacred beast with deep ties to royal authority. In ancient times -- particularly
amongst nomadic societies, livestock numbers were directly correlated with reliable food
supplies, wealth, as well as the population that could be supported."
So sheep had this kind of significance? Godou widened his eyes.
"Godou, the ten incarnations you usurped, probably recreates Verethragna's powers piecemeal
-- the different abilities unleashed by his transformation into various forms."
"Indeed, that guy was able to do a lot more. And he wasn't restricted in the number of uses."
"Number of uses?"

"I've felt it ever since the first time I used this power. Whenever I used an incarnation, it felt
like it was no longer available for a period of time. That's right... It's just intuition, but I think
it takes a day to reset."
Erica sighed lightly in response to Godou's words.
"Well, it's not surprising to have this kind of restriction when you have ten different
transformations. Next, there are the conditions for using each incarnation."
"Yes. I can use the bull when fighting strong enemies, the camel when I'm injured, the boar
when I want to destroy a massive target, the bird when the enemy's speed is astounding, and
the sheep probably when I'm about to die... W-What about that weapon of light, how do I use
it? Yeah, Erica, that bright and shiny thing."
"It's the [Golden Sword] Verethragna was using, right?"
Erica was the first to utter the description that had suddenly occurred in his mind before he
"I thought of it while you were recovering. And stop using such a crude description like
'bright and shiny weapon.' You should call it the [Brilliant Sword of Light] instead. Pay
attention, Godou, you're probably lacking in poetic talent."
Criticized, Godou began scratching his head.
"Well, I can't disagree at all... In any case, can we think of a way to find out how the [Sword]
can be used?"
"Why not do the same as before, figure it out on the fly?"
"In a battle against a god, it's not gonna work."
Godou declared in no uncertain terms as Erica pondered.
"How should I put it... Right, as a first step, I have to follow my heart and let instinct guide
me. Also, I feel like I'm not supposed to forget about being smart and crafty. I don't think I
could have done this before I went to the ruins."
Godou muttered as if reciting words of warning that had been carved somewhere in his heart.
After Erica listened with great intrigue, she offered new information.
"Understood. Let's think again later. By the way, Lucretia of Sardinia has woken up. I
obtained her contact through a Cagliari association. If you have anything to ask, Godou, why
don't you give her a call?"

Part 2

'Hmm, I suppose words of congratulations are in order, young man. An instant job change
from commoner to level one Devil King... In any case, it's great to know you are safe. It is
truly worthy of celebration.'
In an idle lobby of the little hospital, Godou and Erica were using a public telephone in a
corner to contact a female acquaintance.
'I've already been informed of the basic situation by Miss Erica. Having to duel the divine
king Melqart immediately after your rebirth as a god-slayer, your life is truly one filled with
stormy drama.'
Lucretia Zola spoke with nonchalant airs as usual.
'I'd really like to help you, but given this dreadful weather, neither ship nor plane are allowed
to depart, while flight magic has its dangers. Basically, all I can do is cheer for you
wholeheartedly. Well, do your best.'
"...Thank you very much."
Such encouragement was far from reassuring, but Godou still expressed his thanks through
the telephone.
"By the way, Lucretia-san, the gold and shiny [Sword] that Verethragna was using... It seems
like I can use it too, right, so what conditions would it require?"
A question that went straight to the point. Given she was one of the top witches in all of
Europe, one should hope she was capable of offering useful advice.
'I wouldn't necessarily know.'
"That's very true."
'Indeed, when Verethragna understands the detailed origins of an enemy god, he is able to
slice apart the opponent's divinity -- No, wait a minute...'
Lucretia suddenly stopped and began to whisper.
'Learn. In order to understand the enemy and forge the blade of wisdom.'
These sudden instructions caused Godou to go "Eh?" in response.
'Fufufu. I suddenly received a divine revelation. How fortunate of you, young man. Or rather,
it must be the divine presence of Melqart filling the Mediterranean which stimulated my
inspiration. Anyway, it's your lucky day.'
"What does it mean though?"
'Well. The enemy's mighty stature has given you an advantage instead. It's best that I leave the
detailed explanations to Miss Erica. I pray for your victory, Your Majesty the Devil King.'

"As expected of the top ranking Witch of Sardinia."

Sitting in the back seat of the BMW speeding its way across the stormy streets, Erica
expressed admiration after listening to Godou.
The hospital where they had stayed earlier was located in a town near the Soluntum
Archaeological Park. But since Godou had already recovered, there was no reason to stay any
further. After contacting [Panormus], they were picked up.
The driver was one of Zamparini's subordinates.
"Her spirit vision really revealed something important. This could very well be the key to
"Spirit vision -- that's something like clairvoyance, right?"
"Yes. Verethragna's final incarnation is the [Warrior] wielding the golden sword. We've
already seen it before, how it was used as spell words for slicing gods apart. Godou, you
probably need to understand the enemy's divinity in order to forge the sword. Let's try it
Erica spoke with great enthusiasm.
"Melqart is the king ruling over the Phoenician realm of the gods. His original name is Baal,
which he also mentioned before. His myths later spread to Greece where they became the
prototype for the hero Heracles."
Erica repeated again what she had said before.
"Baal is a sky god with very ancient origins. Did you know his name was also clearly
recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible? Baal was considered the greatest enemy of the
[God] of Judaism and Christianity. At the same time, he was also a divinity which greatly
influenced those monotheistic religions."
"Eh, is that so!?"
"In the Old Testament of the Bible, those who did not follow monotheism mostly engaged in
idol worship of demonic deities. In many cases, this was Baal because he was the most
popular god worshiped by inhabitants of the ancient region of Canaan in the Bible's Old
Testament... What's the matter?"
"Hmm... I have a feeling like something is accumulating... That should be the description,
It felt like a tiny drop of water had fallen into the pool in his heart-That was the impression Godou received after listening to Erica's profound words.
"It feels like we're going in the right direction."

"Good. Then let's make the most of our time as I explain Melqart's origins to you. I think it'll
probably take two to three hours or so, please pay attention and listen carefully!"
While the car raced along the roads at night, amidst howling winds, splattering rain and
roaring thunder, Erica continued to teach with her clear tones and melodic voice.
Arriving at the Zamparini mansion in its master's absence, they continued in the bedroom
where they had spent the previous night.
Erica was highly talented whether it came to speaking or teaching. With great clarity and
organization, she conveyed "what kind of god Melqart was" in simple and easily understood
terms even when interjected with random chatter.
Even so-"Looks like... It's not working. Why!?"
With the storm showing no signs of abating, midnight had arrived. Godou clutched his head.
While he listened to Erica's instruction, only a trickle of knowledge managed to flow into the
pool in his heart. It felt like forging brilliantly lustrous golden steel, one particle at a time.
However, it was totally not enough.
"What am I missing!?"
It would pose no problem to Godou if he were asked to write a two-hundred-word essay on
Melqart right now. Nevertheless, what on earth was the problem!?
"Was Lucretia mistaken...? A spirit vision received by a witch like her should not be this
impractical. Then the problem is -- could it be that?"
Erica seemed to have realized something.
"Hey Godou, can you tell me about the influences of ancient Sumerian civilizations on the
origins of the Ugaritic pantheon headed by Baal?"
"Of course not. Probably those ancient civilizations like Sumer or Mesopotamia?"
Godou answered using what vague knowledge he could recall.
"By the way, Erica, you never taught me that at all."
"Well, how about the Phoenicians, Canaanites and Hebrews who worshiped Baal and
equivalently Melqart as their chief deity? Do you understand what roles these groups played
between the ancient orient and the Mediterranean?"
"Of course not. Other than the fact that the Phoenicians were a seafaring tribe, I know
"That must be it!"

Erica immediately exclaimed as she shook her head.

"Right now, you've only memorized the concise origins, but you have yet to understand the
god's true nature and process of development. That is why you're unable to use the golden
"Simply memorizing and rote learning won't work!?"
Godou was greatly surprised. Nevertheless, he did agree with her statement.
"Let alone essays, you could write a book or two using the knowledge required... Before we
attempt any further, let me ask this first, what exactly do I need to learn?"
"Right... For sure, Phoenician history is required. Likewise for knowledge about ancient
Palestine. Let's skip Judaism and Christianity which grew out of oriental soil for now since
it'd be more appropriate to first understand what is considered the most ancient culture, that of
the Sumerians. Also, same for Egypt. After that, there is the primitive nomadic society which
gave rise to the existence of the sky god..."
"Can this lecture be done within half a day or so?"
"Are you stupid? Even if you spend two hundred times the time, it's impossible!"
" "......" "
Realizing the difficulty they faced, Godou and Erica fell silent.
In that very instant, a large crash of thunder descended nearby.
Furthermore, blown by strong wind, a broken board smashed into the bedroom window with a
great "bang!" With the sound of shattering glass, raging wind and rain invaded the room.
"In that case, we might as well do what we can..."
Realizing the storm was strengthening, Godou muttered.
"Erica, in any case, you should tell me all the information you consider essential, one piece at
a time. I don't know if we'll make it in time, but we must give our full effort for as long as
we're able to."
"That's a waste of effort. Rather than that, let's first review our options for a more practical
As Godou suggested they continue no matter what, Erica made a proposal.
"For example, there's [Instruction] magic, which can pour knowledge into the mind in very
short time... It will be much more practical and efficient in comparison."

"Eh? Such convenient magic exists!?"

"Yes. Although it's a spell which only maintains its effects for half a day or so, it does allow
an entire library of books' worth of knowledge to be transmitted without issue. However, there
remains the fact that you are a Campione."
Though Erica displayed hope for the first time, she immediately continued with an expression
of melancholy.
"Remember how all the magic cast on us was deflected by you? That effect not only applies
to hostile magic, but also towards beneficial magic as well."
"So there's no other way to remember other than through magic after all..."
"Well, it's not like we're Bianchi, taking shortcuts... Ah."
Erica suddenly stopped talking as if she had said something wrong. Furthermore, her beautiful
face went all red. Godou was intrigued. What was going on?
"You've already said this much, don't just stop there. Continue."
"T-There shouldn't be anything to continue! I refuse to sacrifice any additional purity beyond
what I've already lost! Forget everything you just heard!"
"W-Wait a minute! Where are you going!?"
Erica suddenly ran out of the room, screaming with her face flushed red, completely ignoring
Godou's calls for her to stop. Her figure gradually receded in the distance.

Part 3
Night had passed and it was now 11am the next day.
Godou was idling in the Zamparini residence's astonishingly spacious living room. It was like
a hotel lobby with three very large sofa couches. There was also a large LCD television.
Erica had gone missing since last night. After questioning the maids, Godou found out she
had apparently left the mansion.
Godou had wondered if he should go find her but finally decided against it. He was now
sitting alone on a couch, watching television. A local cable news program was currently
airing, reporting live the situation of Palermo after the storm zone had arrived for half a day.
Within the confines of an interior bay in the harbor, what should have been a calm and
peaceful sea was now a turbulent storm.
The seaside route of Corso Vittorio Emanuele had also flooded.

On this city's bustling street were numerous tourist attractions such as duomo cathedrals or the
Palazzo dei Normanni. It also featured sixteenth century structures such as Porta Nuova on its
west and Porta Felice on the eastern end.
Just now, Godou had asked one of Zamparini's suited subordinates about the situation in the
There seemed to be an exceptionally intense aura occupying the airspace above the Bay of
Palermo. Melqart was causing the storm from there... That was what the magi had observed.
By the way, it really was an exceptionally fierce storm...
Though compared to the most severe class of storm that Godou knew, this level of rain and
wind speed was definitely not the highest. From what he could tell on television, cars could
still barely make their way across the roads near the Bay of Palermo. It was not yet the kind of
flood which paralyzed the functioning of an entire city.
To Melqart, this storm was probably just a warmup exercise.
The attack scheduled to arrive at dusk again, now that would be true divine punishment
descending from the sky god...
"Ultimately, no matter what, I have to face him..."
Muttering to himself, Godou felt burdened with a heavy heart.
If he simply let the situation develop as before and entered another "duel" against Melqart, the
result would likely be identical. He would be killed without the slightest idea how to
counterattack. Trying to challenge the outcome again would not bring any changes.
With an incredibly gloomy heart, Godou looked up at the images on television.
No matter what their size, ships and boats moored at the harbor were gradually washed away.
The city streets were flooded as a result of the persisting rainstorm. The howling wind was
sending signs and timber flying, as well as wooden huts and building materials such as bricks
from some home... Not only were branches snapped off by the wind, even entire tree trunks
could be found scattered across the streets.
The city of Palermo was brought to a tragic state.
Melqart had already announced. He will sink this city into the sea today at sunset.
"I can't ignore what's happening, right..."
Godou had witnessed all sorts of scenes on the television.
This was enough to rouse Godou's determination. If the one who interfered in the battle
between Verethragna the war god and Melqart the god of storms, if he himself did not handle
this situation--

Just at that moment, noticing someone behind him, Godou turned around to find Erica.

"What the heck are you doing? You didn't even try to find me. I can't believe you're just
lazing around in a place like this."
Despite Erica's scolding words, Godou replied calmly.
"Because I knew you'd return by yourself."
"Since I'm the only one who has the slightest chance of winning, and Erica, you're the only
one who knows the way to victory, if we don't cooperate, that god cannot be stopped. I felt
that given you're so smart, you'll definitely figure that out and come back. Well--"
Seeing that Erica was clearly still angry, Godou continued.
"Basically, it's the only choice left given no alternatives... That's what I thought."
"Isn't that completely obvious!? Had there been an alternative path of survival, I would never
have steeled my heart to return. And to think Godou you are sitting here all casual, it's truly
"A-Am I really that casual?"
As Erica continued her temper tantrum, Godou was at his wits' end.
"I'm really worried as I watch this city and island being targeted, you know."
"So am I. In order to safeguard a virgin's purity, sacrificing a city or two would not be too
much -- that's what I was thinking, but as a knight, I can't really allow myself to give in to
such temptation..."
"Purity? Didn't you mention that yesterday as well?"
As Godou stood there bewildered, Erica suddenly traced out complicated patterns in the air
with her finger to form some kind of seal.
"...This is barrier magic. A spell to prevent anyone from coming in here for now."
She's making sure we have privacy! Godou felt more and more suspicious.
"Magic is ineffective against Devil King Campiones. This is a fundamental principle that
cannot be overturned. However, exceptions do exist after all. Godou, you've already
experienced it before."

"After the battle against Bianchi, I gave you a drug, right? One that produces the same effect
as performing healing magic on a human. You recovered so quickly thanks to that."
"Eh? But isn't magic ineffective against Campiones?"
"Yes. But through the intake of a magical drug, applying magic to the body from the inside is
a completely different matter."
"So, based on what you said yesterday, Erica, if there's a drug infused with magic for
transmitting knowledge -- all I need to do is swallow it!"
"That's exactly the issue. But no such drug exists. Even if it existed, the chances of
successfully teaching you all knowledge on Melqart... Is zero."
Asserting directly, Erica turned to face Godou with a decisive expression.
"Only one method remains. Applying [Instruction] magic through the mouth, pouring all
necessary knowledge into you -- I've already spent a night in contemplation, there is no other
Applying through the mouth? In other words, could it be that?
"Could it be, s-something like mouth to mouth!?"
"Yes. Precisely. Applying magic to you in any other manner will not work."
Before they knew it, Godou and Erica found themselves looking at each other face to face.
They were both blushing. After all, this was how embarrassing this kind of thing was to them.
"To be that concerned with purity... Erica is actually inexperienced, after all?"
"I-Isn't that obvious? As the daughter of the Blandelli family, of course I wish to preserve a
virgin state for the beloved man I shall marry one day..."
Erica confessed despite her trembling lips.
"However, in any case, because of such extenuating circumstances, it can't be helped.
Imagining myself from a [King]'s standpoint, if there was a young maiden beside me who
possessed the knowledge I required for battle -- I would immediately order her to offer her
lips. For the sake of dueling a god."
"N-No, but that's terrible!"
"Which is why I said it can't be helped -- rather, this is quite unfair. We are simply doing what
we must do. You are fighting because you are [King]. I am assisting the [King] as a knight.
All for the sake of saving this poor innocent city and its people."
With what appeared to be awe-inspiring honor, as well as the shy heart of a pure maiden,
Erica declared.

Furthermore, she began to whisper as she brought her face near Godou's cheek.
"You should understand clearly now? There's no other way."
"A-Ah yeah. But then, how should I put this--"
"How indecisive of you... Fine, if you don't have the courage to do so, I will take initiative
and kiss you first."
Declaring courageously, Erica pressed her lips even closer. However.
Just as she was about to reach Godou's lips, her movements stopped. Those lustrous lips of
hers, were trembling nonstop. She must be scared after all, hesitating over her first time.
"Godou. You are the [King] while I am the knight. Hence, this should stand as no loss to
either you or me."
Erica shuddered as she mustered her courage and drew her face close again.
Consequently, Godou also steeled his determination. After the battle against Verethragna,
Erica had kept initiative firmly in her hands, but this could not be allowed to continue
He definitely could not become anyone's puppet.
The most important thing was "decisiveness." As well as the shouldering of responsibility.
Hence, I shall-"Erica, I will fight Melqart. I'm very sorry, but please lend your strength to me!"
While making this declaration, Godou approached with his face -- and took Erica's lips.
"Mmm, hmm!?"
"Teach me, things about that god."
Kissing awkwardly as he muttered. Erica's lips were sealed.
"G-Got it. Okay, Godou? Melqart, and equivalently, Baal originated from the primitive
society of Semitic tribes, a very ancient divinity, you see..."
"S-Semitic tribes? In concrete terms, that means?"
"Just ask slowly and gradually, one question at a time. I will teach you properly -- and
transmit to you... Mmmm."
Both of them were clearly unaccustomed to this.
Kissing as they pressed their lips firmly together, they frantically conversed. Following such a
rhythm, their teeth often collided and they even made unnecessary talk.

Nevertheless, they continued to hold their lips tightly together.

Erica's magic was transmitting vivid images and bountiful knowledge into Godou's mind.
Numerous geographical locations and historical drama. The names and legends of the gods
who ruled over this great land. For the sake of connecting various elements, and interpreting
all kinds of keywords...
"As Melqart's true form, Baal is a divinity that could not have been conceived in a land with
four seasons like Japan. He is a god born from the desert and the wilderness. Furthermore, he
is the [God of Storms] formed from both the searing sun and torrential rains."
Passionately whispering softly, Erica's lips felt unbelievably sweet.
"Records of Baal in literature are extremely few in number. Nevertheless, he frequently
makes his appearance in a certain ancient text that survives in close proximity to us. Namely,
the Bible's Old Testament. Baal's traces are actually most commonly found in the sacred text
of the religion that regarded him with enmity."
While knowledge was repeatedly transmitted, the two of them kept leaning their bodies
forward more and more. Godou seemed to be trying to cover up Erica's mouth completely as
he pressed his lips down upon her.
Sealed by such pressure, Erica's lips continued to transmit knowledge without pause.
However, she did not remain passive and reactionary for long.
Erica opened her mouth, trying to surround Godou's lips as she kissed him this time.
Furthermore, she was using her lips to carefully explore Godou's lips. Even the tiniest of
spaces between their lips were being cautiously compressed as they continued to kiss.
Wishing to probe ever deeper, their hearts opened sincerely to each other and connected.
Those were Godou's hopes, and probably Erica's too. Thus, their kissing naturally grew more
and more passionate as they continued.

Perhaps due to their inexperience in this type of behavior, they did not reach overly intense
However, their rich and delicate kisses caused saliva to continually escape the confines of
their lips, completely moistening the corners of their mouths, moving as if under a dreamlike

Not long after that, the two of them suddenly let go of each other's lips with a surprised
expression, their faces blushing brightly.
Immediately, Godou could feel Verethragna's dormant power in his body awaken.
The pool of water in his heart that was previously accumulating in a drop-wise fashion, was
flooded all of a sudden -- filling his heart with an incredible sense of satisfaction.
It could now be used. What the warlord Verethragna had used once, the god-severing spell
words were now ready for use.
Certain he had obtained a new weapon, Godou nodded deeply.

Part 4
Things were exceptionally awkward afterwards.
Godou and Erica were unable to look into each other's face. No matter what, it was too
Godou desperately searched his mind for a way to start a conversation with Erica. However,
he was a fifteen-year-old boy with absolutely no experience in this area. Most probably, he
would not be able to find any model answer.
"S-Say, Erica..."
"Do not speak a single word! There is no need for that... I am totally fine. I, Erica Blandelli,
will not lose composure to something like this. This is no shock to me."
Cutting Godou off, Erica murmured as she continued comforting herself.
"Besides... Although there was no choice given the emergency situation, it is still within
acceptable limits, even to me. Had the boy I kissed been an earthworm or a hyena, even if
those were lips that would drive me to bite my tongue to commit suicide afterwards, I will not
complain a single word."
"I-Is that so?"
"Besides, there also exists the case of the frog prince kissing the princess. So there is nothing
strange here anyway. So like I said, I am totally fine."

She really seemed quite shocked, but her defiant attitude was definitely intact.
Godou was slightly reassured. If it would help this glamorous girl recover her spirits, he did
not mind being labelled an earthworm, a frog or anything like that. That was what Godou
thought in earnest.
No matter what it took, he was willing to compensate Erica for going so far. Godou spoke up:
"Hey Erica. I'm a pacifist and I hate conflict and violent behavior. Furthermore, the fact that
there are no absolutes in the outcomes of battles, that is also one of my beliefs."
"You seem to be talking to yourself."
Finding Erica had recovered slightly, Godou continued.
"I'm going to confront Melqart next. I definitely will not lose to him."
"...Really, definitely?"
"Ah yes. I can swear on it."
"Fine. Very well. In that case I will forgive you completely. Godou, promise me you will fight
for my sake. Furthermore, you must save this island from Melqart's threat!"
"Of course. Leave it all to me!"
After that, they did not bring up the topic of [Instruction] again.
Erica lifted her face with vigor and swept her hand through the brilliant blonde hair that
adorned her head like a crown. Godou was also determined to forget the previous scene and
go back to normal.
Only the battle lay before them. Erica summoned magi from [Panormus] and ordered them to
prepare the car. Their destination was the sea, the Bay of Palermo where Melqart was hidden
high above in the sky.
Gazing through the window of the car, Godou witnessed the city's storm-battered state which
could not be seen through television.
Due to the severe weather, there were few pedestrians about.
Overwhelming drainage systems, rainwater flooded the streets with volumes on the level of a
small river. Nevertheless, thanks to the height and water resistance offered by the 4WD
vehicle, they managed to reach the main road along the shore. This was Via Cala facing the
Bay of Palermo.
Godou and Erica got off the vehicle before the spacious yacht harbor that was once a trading

"While handing matters over to [Panormus] to handle yesterday, apparently all the people in
the buildings and facilities along the shore have been evacuated. There's basically no one in
the area, so it's fine even if you ignore the issue of casualties."
"If anyone stayed near such a turbulent sea, they could be engulfed by giant waves at any
The Bay of Palermo had been an excellent harbor since pre-era times, for it was an extremely
calm inner bay. But currently, this stretch of sea was as turbulent as outer waters during
Pelted by the rainwater of the raging storm, Godou's and Erica's clothes were instantly
It was currently two in the afternoon. If they failed to defeat Melqart before dusk, the city of
Palermo would be sunk into the sea-With a glance from Godou, Erica immediately took off. Her assigned role was to provide
support as the situation demanded while keeping a certain distance.
In a battle against a god, it would be too dangerous to fight in a formation like in an RPG.
That was what Godou learnt from Zamparini's example. Like Erica had done last time, it was
best to have his comrades stay back in reserve so that they can react according to changes in
the situation.
"Are you there, Melqart!? Please respond to my challenge now!"
Godou yelled out to sea as he endured the rain splattering upon him. Immediately, lightning
'Oh! The god-slayer of the orient! How resilient of you to survive!'
"Yeah. So what!?"
Godou shouted loudly in response to the god's voice accompanied by the rumbles of roaring
'Kukuku... As Melqart who vanquished his own elder brother the dragon king Yam[10], I seem
to have gone a little senile. Could it be possible that I actually failed to discern my enemy's
strength in reserve! Though there are many gods carrying the attribute of immortality, you
seem to possess the same authority, brat!'
The raging storm suddenly stopped.
A fissure opened up between the thick and heavy thunderclouds, allowing sunshine to reach
the ground.
A [Heretic God] was present within the beam of light. His appearance was identical to the
Phoenician divine king Godou had faced in the ruins on the island of Sardinia.

The strongly built man was covered with bulging musculature and overflowing with an air of
wild roughness. His tousled hair always left a strong impression on others. His attire consisted
of a tattered mantle of grubby cloth, leather breastplate and sandals. Nevertheless, in contrast
to his coarse attire, his entire body emanated a [King]'s terrifying splendor.
And he was very huge. Melqart's height stood at 15m or so.
'Brat, the authority you managed to usurp from Verethragna certainly proves to be rather
versatile. However, I would advise you not to entrust your hopes to clever little powers.
Against the unrelenting hunter of dragons, Melqart the embodiment of lightning, the warlord
of the changing forms is nothing but a minor character!'
"So what. Even if you are indeed the ancient [King] of the gods."
Godou looked up at the giant descending along with the sun's rays.
"You are definitely not invincible, nor are you an existence who knows nothing of defeat. But
that guy -- Verethragna, claimed to be the strongest, most victorious, and never defeated.
Well, even though it sounds a bit strange to say it myself, still, the odds don't seem that
stacked against me."
'Oh? You sound like you know everything about me, eh...'
Giant Melqart landed on the main road by the shore, laughing delightfully.
'Nevertheless, the battlefield is not decided by fighting words but arrows and blades as well as
fists. I shall do well to teach this lesson to your body thoroughly!'
"Nay. Words can become power and turn into swords. Have you forgotten, Melqart?!"
Words continuously surfaced in Godou's mind.
He already understood. These were spell words. The scripture for controlling the war god's
The incantations for summoning and raising the power dormant in Kusanagi Godou's body.
"Your power was once sliced apart by that guy's words, right? If you really believe that I
failed to inherit that power, isn't it too early for jumping to conclusions!? --I am the
Hearing Godou's spell words, Melqart went "Hmm" and entered a stance.
"Brat, you've usurped his blade -- the brilliant golden sword!?"
"Yes! Behold the words of this incantation, both eloquent and powerful. I am the sword of
wisdom, that which tears foes apart. I am the strongest, for I am the one holding all victory in
my hands. I shall smash through all enemies in my way!"
Turning into Verethragna's final incarnation, Godou unleashed the golden sword.

Flashing light gradually flooded the surroundings.

"Melqart is a god born in the ancient Middle East. Baal is his true name. He was originally the
[Sky] -- the god worshiped by primitive nomadic tribes who tended to sheep and lived upon
them. In ancient times, people viewed this god as the infinite unbounded sky itself!"
Several tiny spheres of light manifested in response to these words.
At first there were only ten or so, but very soon their numbers multiplied. Each and every one
of them was brilliantly golden in color.
This was the [Sword] indeed. The god-severing golden blade.
"Central Asian nomadic tribes -- such as the Mongolians, also deified the [Sky] in a similar
manner. However, Baal, and equivalently, Melqart belongs to the Middle East... A god born
in the land of the orient. He is not simply a god of the sky, for he has one greatest attribute.
Namely, the god of the [Rainy Season]!"
The ultimate identity of the god before him. The surrounding brightness increased as he
continued to chant -- before he knew it there were over a thousand flashing spheres of light
hovering all around Godou.
Bright as the countless stars that fill the night sky, it was like a sparkling galaxy.
"In the land of the Middle East where the dry and the rainy seasons are distinct and separate,
'storms' only arrive during the rainy season. Accompanied by the raging wind of cyclones and
land sinking from the pouring rain, lightning descends from the sky. Nevertheless, because
storms bring rainwater -- without the benefits brought by this water, plants and animals, and
even humans would certainly fail to survive. Though your 'storms' cause the death of many, it
is also the nourishment of life!"
'Hmph -- true words. I am the storm of the rainy season. The god who embodies both blessing
and destruction from the sky!'
Melqart yelled.
'Now I shall test the results of your sword forged from words of wisdom. O Wind, O Rain, O
These too, were spell words.
Like the ones used by Godou, they were words carrying power.
'By Melqart's true name of Baal Hadad, I summon! O Storm, listen to the calls of the cloud
rider, make haste and come!"
Melqart's muscular body dissociated to become violent wind. Furthermore, hundreds of
flashes of lightning were fired in all directions.

"You are the sky god of storms worshiped by the nomadic tribes. These people soon started to
engage agricultural settlers who worshiped gods of the land and the sea, eventually
subjugating them with overwhelming military might!"
'Kukuku... The weak should bow down to the strong. This is the truth of the world!'
"The gods of the land and the sea worshiped by farmers who lived in villages and towns, were
indeed symbolized by the sacred beast, the [Dragon]. Hence, Baal, and equivalently Melqart,
is the hunter of dragons!"
Emulating Verethragna, Godou spoke profound words. All this was for the sake of making the
sword sharper and more effective.
"Becoming the enemy of settled peoples, you took on the appearance of a savage giant who
vanquished dragons. Thereafter, the coarse savage began ruling as [King], as tyrannical as the
storms. This is Baal, or in other words, Melqart's true nature!"
Godou yelled out the origins of the sky god before him and began manipulating the [Sword].
A portion of the golden light flew around its user, dancing haphazardly. The raging wind
which should have blown Godou away was sliced apart, disappearing instantly.
The lightning and thunder that should have burnt Godou to a crisp, were also annihilated a
hair's breadth away from him, leaving only the distinctive odors of ions.
"I am the strongest bearer of victory. Obstructions, be dismissed from my path!"
This time, Godou chanted Verethragna's scripture in order to attack.
Several dozen golden lights flew towards Melqart, aiming to slice apart the god's main body.
Fifteen-meter-tall Melqart took a flying leap. Despite his massive body, he was truly worthy
of his title as the king of storms. As the wielder of agile wind and keen thunder, he dodged the
spheres of light most splendidly.
Melqart proceeded to hover in the sky, shouting majestically.
'Very well, god-slayer! I too shall call upon my weapons to engage you who has drawn your
sword. O Yagrush, O Ayamur, the cloud rider Baal summons you two!'
Responding to his commands, the magic club Yagrush flew out of empty space. Following in
succession, the one flying out from the thunderclouds was naturally Ayamur.
These were the sacred weapons of Baal that had sent Godou to his grave the day before.
"Damn it... As expected, I can't win that easily!"

Godou smacked his lips. Melqart knew very well. When an enemy performs a threatening
attack, one would be forced to concentrate on defense. If the god of storms fell for that,
Godou would calmly attack with the [Sword] and slice through the enemy along with the
defensive barrier. Hence, he did the opposite.
Not only did he eschew defense, Melqart went for offense instead. This in turn made Godou
aware of his own need to defend.
'Yagrush the Chaser, Ayamur the Driver! Charging swiftly, flying swiftly, sweep everything
"Evildoers shall never triumph over me! Tremble before the greatness of my strength!"
In order to control their respective loyal weapons, god and god-slayer chanted spell words

Part 5
Under Erica Blandelli's careful gaze, the battle was gradually approaching a climax.
'By my renown as the lion-hunting and dragon-slaying hero, I hereby command, fly across the
Melqart chanted spell words and brandished his weapons. Namely, violent wind and
With hurricane force, powerful gusts of wind rampaged and swept across Palermo's shore.
Whether made of stone or steel-reinforced concrete, buildings creaked noisily under the
strain. Cars parked on the roadside were blown tumbling while boats and ships moored at the
pier were washed into the sea.
Furthermore, lightning continually shot out from the dark clouds, incinerating the land.
The next target of the raging wind and lightning, was naturally Kusanagi Godou. Like a
massive tidal wave crashing down upon him, the wind and thunder rushed towards the youth
who commanded thousands of star-like lights.
However, these spheres of light surrounding Godou did not lose to the raging wind and
Sparkling gems of light -- the [Sword] born from Verethragna's spell words flew around
nimbly, tracing out radiant trails in the air.
Sliced by the brilliant spheres, the storm was instantly neutralized, returning to calm serenity.
The thunder was eviscerated in the same manner, and the temperature and impact of the
lightning was rendered equally harmless.

The [Sword] successfully sealed away Melqart's authority. On further thought, these light
spheres numbered over a thousand. Properly arranged into a defensive formation, they should
be almost impenetrable.
When a swordsman held perfect defensive capabilities, it was standard procedure to patiently
search for openings in the attacking side. Waiting for the attacker's momentum to subside, and
for attacks to wear out. But in the current situation, the presence of Yagrush and Ayamur did
not allow Godou to do that.
The first club, Yagrush, was enveloped in gales.
Flying up, down, left, right, freely across the four cardinal directions, it attacked from all sides
and angles like raging wind, trying to snipe Godou from a spot where the sword formation of
light could not defend.
The second club, Ayamur, was shrouded in lightning.
Rapidly descending towards Godou in a straight line, it gave off intense heat like burning
charcoal. Though its attack trajectory was simple and direct, it travelled extremely quickly,
with lightning speed no matter how you looked at it.
"By these words of truth, I bestow protection upon myself. Know that I cannot be
Feeling slightly anxious, Godou composed spell words once again, desperately trying to
Using several dozen spheres of the [Sword], Godou sealed off the path of Yagrush and its
accompanying gales descending from behind, intending to overwhelm and slice it to pieces.
However, the wind and the club soon penetrated the blades of light and returned to the sky.
Immediately after that, Ayamur came flying like lightning, prompting Godou to attempt to
eliminate it with a counterattack.
However, it too failed to be sliced. Instead, Ayamur was deflected by the [Sword] and sent
flying back like a tennis ball which had been struck by a racquet.
Yagrush and Ayamur's offensive powers transcended ordinary wind and thunder.
Godou endured it all. The weapon he controlled was not a real sword but a magical blade
constructed from spell words.
"...Perhaps a Campione's authority manifests in a form that is most natural for the possessor to
Erica murmured to herself. The Eastern European Devil King, Marquis Voban, started out
completely unversed in martial arts and magic, just like Godou. Nevertheless, he fought like a

ferocious beast by summoning packs of demonic wolves using his [Legion of Hungry
Wolves] authority, even turning himself into a wolf.
That took place in the first half of the nineteenth century.
At the time, there existed mercenary teams of magi who relied on flame magic and the latest
firearms and weaponry to obtain great firepower. They were active as soldiers in the special
forces of various powerful nations. And the one who exterminated them all, was Marquis
Voban during his days as a youth.
In addition, a mysterious war god had descended somewhere in Europe during that time.
In order to slaughter the god's sacred forces, the Marquis had gathered his own demonic army
under his command.
Nicknamed the "King of Wisdom," the elderly Campione repeatedly engaged in intense and
bloody battles against his peers. It was a legend established in a matter of years by a vagabond
Currently, Erica could very well be witnessing the opening scene of a similar story.
As the protagonist of the current story, Godou was desperately defending against Melqart's
attacks. However, signs of anxiety could be seen from the side of his face. It was perfectly
clear from his expression.
As much as she wished to deny it, perhaps certain bonds were solidifying between the two of
them for some reason.
Precisely because of this, right?
Without any other choice, she had undertaken the ritual of [Instruction] together with him. In
response to Godou's demands, Erica had immersed herself in the required behavior. Simply
recalling the event was enough to make her cheeks hot.
"It was a mistake that happened in the heat of the moment due to those circumstances.
Regardless, as the one who became the seventh Campione, he is not a man suitable for Erica
As Erica grumbled to herself, she focused her attention on the battle once more.
With many dangerously close encounters, Godou continued to defend against Melqart's wind
and thunder as well as the attacks conducted by Yagrush and Ayamur. However, Erica was
He was getting anxious after all. In addition, he seemed to be hesitating over something--!
The instant she realized, Erica had already summoned Cuore di Leone into her right hand.

At the same time, her surcoat also manifested and wrapped around her. This sacred protective
garment, patterned with rossonero stripes, was only allowed to be worn by great knights of the
[Copper Black Cross].
"Clearly you are already a god-slayer, but why do you still keep bringing trouble to others!?"
For some reason, Erica actually felt happy about this.
The gales and thunder on the battlefield were as turbulent as whitewater rapids. Nevertheless,
she advanced towards the youth in the very center. Even if she could not reach his side, it was
sufficient as long as she could get within hearing distance.
The brave smile of a lioness flashed spectacularly across her face for an instant.

"As expected of a god, this won't be easy to finish..."

Godou muttered to himself.
Were Melqart's attacks limited to wind and lightning, defending would not be too difficult.
But Yagrush and Ayamur, lying in wait using the storm for cover, were truly terrifying. It was
completely impossible to predict when or where the two magic clubs would suddenly attack.
'Chaser and Driver, pursue with all your might! May the ocean be exiled, and even the sea
currents crushed!'
Melqart stood upright within the storm, composing spell words.
In response to his summons, wind and thunder sprang into action, as Yagrush and Ayamur
continued to fly in the sky.
To protect himself from the attacks of the two clubs, Godou kept using the [Sword] for
His manner of control was completely self-styled. As Yagrush came flying in a circular
trajectory -- this could be considered the "ball" while the numerous blades of light acted as the
Vivid images of catching penetrating batted balls surfaced in memory.
Thus, the [Sword] moved swiftly and blocked Yagrush splendidly.
Immediately, lightning-powered Ayamur flew with amazing speed.
This recalled impressions of batting against pitches of strong fastballs. Similarly, the [Sword]
spectacularly struck the lightning-speed club squarely, sending it rebounding with a clang.
"Well, it's not too different from baseball after all..."

Godou knew this was simply his nonsensical comparison, but it turned out to be surprisingly
effective. However, another emerging problem could not be ignored. The blades of spell
words were gradually decreasing in number.
It was like a bladed tool which dulled with each use--!
At the beginning, there were roughly a thousand spheres of light, but now only about half
remained. He definitely had to switch to offense before all the light spheres disappeared.
However, Melqart was also initiating even more intense assaults. Raging wind and lighting
began a boisterous dance. Furthermore, Yagrush and Ayamur which hounded Godou towards
his demise, were attacking with ever increasing ferocity.
Godou understood he was being cornered.
Don't panic, there's still room left to maneuver. Now was the time to find a way to
counterattack. Godou suppressed his anxiety and tried to convince himself. However, there
was yet another problem.
The authority Godou had usurped from Verethragna should be the [Ten Incarnations]. But
once used, each incarnation became temporarily unavailable.
If his tactics required using another incarnation to break out of the current situation, it meant
abandoning the iron defense provided by the [Sword]!
"Kukuku... Your [Sword] sure is troublesome, brat!"
Also, Melqart was laughing loudly as he spoke.
"Yagrush and Ayamur are the divine artifacts forged by the god of craftsmen, Kothar-waKhasis.[11] These weapons which I wield, are also infused with that god's divine qualities!
Hence, the spell words you brat has prepared -- the spell words meant for slicing Melqart only
cannot sever them!"
So that was the reason! Godou was immensely surprised, then he nodded.
Unbelievable indeed. He had wondered why it took so much effort to deflect Yagrush and
Ayamur when the [Sword] clearly dispelled wind and lightning without issue.
"If the true wielder Verethragna was here instead, he would have added the spell words for
slaying Kothar-wa-Khasis and broken my weapons like he did during our previous battle.
Hoho... That must be beyond your limits, brat!"
Melqart's observation of his immaturity invaded Godou's heart with anxiety.
There was still a way to reverse the tides of battle. However, abandoning the [Sword] felt
rather frightening. Continuing to fight without it would be quite difficult. What should he do!?
Just at that moment, he heard Erica shouting.

"Godou! I don't know what you're hesitating about, but please go ahead!"
She was clad in the familiar red and black cape, magic sword in hand.
"Charging forward in a duel leads to a knight's victory! It is fine to fear the enemy, but if you
stop moving forward because you fear failure, only death awaits you!"
As if trying not to lose her voice in the storm, Erica yelled desperately.
"Have no fear. You still have me, Erica Blandelli! So what if your opponent is a [Heretic
God]? Before you collapse exhausted, I will protect you! So go on and advance forward! You
-- will definitely not lose, right?"
Godou's entire body reawakened the heat he had felt when his lips were intimately locked
with Erica's.
That's right. If I falter now, I will break my promise. Also I've forgotten. I still have a
"partner" here who could very well be my goddess of victory!
"I am the strongest, crushing all who stand in my way!"
Godou yelled out spell words, infusing the [Sword] with magical power. Through this battle,
he had managed to learn how to control magical power.
"For Verethragna's glorious victory, O Sword, slay all evildoers!"
He accelerated all of the remaining golden brilliance of the [Sword]. After all, since its
numbers were gradually decreasing, it would be best to make effective use while there was
still sufficient sharpness. Thanks to Erica, Godou was able to act decisively.
"Disregard Yagrush and Ayamur! Target Melqart's storm -- Eliminate it!"
The [Sword]'s hundreds of lights that had been shining in Godou's surroundings like stars up
until now, now moved all at once.
Arching across the sky like a shooting star at night, it sliced apart giant Melqart's abdomen.
'Guh -- uwaaaah!"
Screaming, Melqart crashed down from the stormy skies.
Nevertheless, this wound from the sword was still far from fatal. The violent giant god twisted
and turned his body in an unsightly manner, but managed to land on his feet. Still, Godou did
not despair.
He already knew. This [Sword] was not powerful enough for a death blow.
Instead, its true value lay in its situational adaptability and unified combination of offense and

For example, even though it could not slay Melqart, the [Sword] was able to eliminate his
[Storms] authority, temporarily rendering it powerless-As a result of this slicing attack, the sword Godou created had completely disappeared.
In exchange, the storm and lightning were completely pacified. Thunderclouds immediately
scattered, revealing the sunny blue sky.
Temporarily, Melqart was no longer the [God of Storms]. Even though he would probably
recover in half a day or a few hours, the troublesome [Storms] authority should be sealed for
'How infuriating! Nevertheless, I still have these two possessions. O Yagrush, O Ayamur,
take that god-slayer--"
Melqart readied his stance and yelled. However, Godou had already taken the next step.
"So says Lord Mithra. The sinful shall be met with justice. May spines be crushed, may bones
be broken, tendons torn; hair, brains, and blood mingled and trampled together with the
Spell words naturally flowed from his mouth to suit the situation. Furthermore, the dark beast
hidden in his heart cried out in delight.
"I am the one unblunted and unapproachable! By Lord Mithra's command, you shall find
ruination at the hands of the beast!"
As soon as Godou finished reciting the scripture of destruction...
Pitch-black darkness suddenly manifested beside Melqart.
This dark shadow, spewing crimson flames, took on the form of a [Boar] within the blink of
an eye.
The incarnation of the [Boar] that could only be used with the intent of demolishing a massive
target. Roughly 20m in length, its vigorous and strongly built body was covered with pitchblack fur. In addition, its two tusks protruded forward like sharp spears.
For the sake of trampling Melqart to death, Godou had summoned the ferocious divine beast!

Part 6
With that, the battle situation completely changed.
Until this moment, it had been a wild tango between wind, thunder and blades of light filling
the sky, a most extraordinary shooting match. But now, it became a direct confrontation
between a majestic giant and a black beast, like a fight scene in a special effects
'O Yagrush, O Ayamur, return to my hands!'

Howling, the giant and the ferocious gigantic beast engaged in a head on fight.
The beautiful seaside streets of the ancient Sicilian capital stood as the backdrop to the
Displaying his skills as a fearless warrior, Melqart wielded Yagrush in his right hand with
Ayamur in his left. Swinging his heavy clubs as swiftly as the wind, he attacked ferociously
with lightning speed.
In turn, the [Boar] dodged the attacks with keen and nimble movements.
It, too, displayed speed incommensurate with its gigantic body. This was indeed a wild beast's
swiftness, evading enemy attacks with suave motions then gearing up for a charging strike.
The [Boar] was truly amazing. The exceptionally terrifying charge of a boar.
Noisily kicking against the ground (more accurately it was the road), it dashed on a violent
collision course with explosive speed. Its two spear-like tusks smashed towards Melqart's
Melqart attacked in return.
Spinning his magic clubs for a counterattack, he jumped sideways to evade and wrapped his
arms around the [Boar]'s neck in a wrestling-style grapple.
Nevertheless, the [Boar] had not lost yet.
The counterattacking clubs violently struck the divine beast's pitch black head with a loud
The [Boar] endured the impact with its sturdy boar skull and gigantic body, continuing to
charge. Though Melqart's clubs were not shattered in the collision, they were sent flying back.
Flying high in the sky, the weapons immediately returned to their master's hands.
Melqart once again attempted a wrestling hold, but the [Boar] twisted its black gigantic body
and struggled free.
The tides of battle swayed back and forth. However, both participants seemed immensely
'Kukuku... Very well. Long it has been, since my blood boiled with such excitement! Truly,
only this sort of battle provides any satisfaction! Give me all you've got!'
The ancient Phoenician divine king laughed with exhilaration and cast off his only piece of
presentable attire, flinging the mantle away. Clad in a leather breastplate, loincloth and
sandals, he would be better described as an uncouth savage rather than a king.
In response, the [Boar] also roared in a conspicuously excited voice.

With every roar, destruction was wrought to the surroundings.
Melqart launched Yagrush and Ayamur at the same time. In order to dodge this attack, the
[Boar] pounced ferociously and collided with the sky god's giant body.
Having lost their target, the two magic clubs demolished several buildings instead.
Melqart flexed the bulging muscles all over his body and caught the [Boar]'s charge with cries
of 'Oomph!' while being pushed back by the seemingly unstoppable momentum. With the
sound of noisy clattering, stylish houses of stone were crushed in their wake.
But Melqart then grabbed the [Boar], picking it up and throwing its massive body onto the
road. Cars and trucks parked there were swept into the turmoil and sent flying.
"T-They've gone into the streets. This is really out of control!"
"The residents have all evacuated. How fortunate."
Godou and Erica watched the destruction of the beautiful Sicilian streets facing the sea.
The two of them distanced themselves from the main road where the intense close quarters
battle was taking place and moved into the yacht harbor near the sea. As a side note, of the
dozens of yachts normally moored there, almost all of them had already been washed away by
the storm just now.
Nevertheless, distancing themselves from the battle did not mean they were safe.
"Look over at the sea, Godou!"
Prompted by Erica's warning, Godou was rendered speechless by what he saw over the sea.
Not only was the horizon enshrouded by black mist, this mist was also advancing inland from
the sea with frightening speed.
'God-slayer! Battling your underling has brought me much joy!'
Melqart's booming voice came from the main road.
'But let's not forget about you. Since you have unleashed a divine beast, it is only fitting for
me to call forth my servants.'
The black mist had already reached within ten-odd meters of the pier.
An unpleasant buzzing troubled the ears. Was this the sound of wings? Godou figured it out.
That was no mist -- it was a swarm of locusts!
This mist gathered massive numbers of locusts, a swarm hundreds of thousands strong.

"I get it now. Melqart can command locusts. Now that I recall, he did that on Sardinia too."
Excessively large swarms of locusts would devour crops and bring famine-Before modern times, these pests frequently appeared in swarms with sizes on the order of ten
billion. If the current hundreds of thousands of locusts fed on them, Godou and Erica would
be dead for sure. But now that the [Sword] was no longer available, Godou had no weapon to
protect them.
In that case, Melqart must be defeated before that insect swarm arrived!
"The bearer of sharp tusks! Killing with one stroke, trampling foes to dust!"
Godou infused the [Boar] with all his magical power. The divine beast's enormous body
became covered with blue flames and began to burn intensely.
'Oh? Trying to settle the match now? Most amusing!'
Melqart greatly flexed his bulging mighty muscles in turn.
Crossing the magic clubs Yagrush and Ayamur before him in an X-shape, he prepared a
stance to receive the attack. On the other hand, the [Boar], burning with blue flames, charged
forward at full speed.
With speed like lightning.
In addition, sonic waves were created by the giant galloping body, sending surrounding
buildings and vehicles flying. The [Boar] unleashed the greatest power it had ever displayed.
Be that as it may, Godou realized he was too naive.
To think Melqart happened to see through the [Boar]'s ridiculous charge, and nimbly jumped
back into the sky to evade.
Up until now, Melqart had been "using strength in response to strength."
This befitted his image of the savage warrior, thereby causing Godou to be misled by
preconceptions, thinking he would continue to respond using the same tactics.
But at this critical decisive moment, Melqart flew as light as the wind to evade the [Boar]'s
Hence, the black divine beast continued charging forward, smashing violently into the great
gate behind its prey.
That was the Porta Felice.
A massive stone-built gate with intricate carvings.
Even though it was called a gate, in actual fact it was a sixteenth century structure better
described as two towers standing on opposite sides of the road.

In days past, this was considered the entrance to the city of Palermo from the harbor.
Struck by the charging massive body, the gates were naturally demolished.
'Hahahaha! Immature as expected, god-slayer. Sticking your neck out like this before you
clearly discern your opponent's power!'
Hovering high in the air, Melqart ridiculed as he launched Yagrush and Ayamur.
For the very first time, Godou heard the [Boar] screaming in pain. After being dealt heavy
blows in the head by the first club and in the back by the second, the divine beast lay sprawled
on the ground.
Melqart landed majestically beside it, his giant body appearing to be unrealistically light.
Meanwhile, the [Boar] desperately tried to get up but could not. Its black front legs scratching
noisily against the road surface, its struggles were in vain. The damage inflicted by Yagrush
and Ayamur just now was too severe.
Furthermore, the hundreds of thousands of locusts had already reached the pier where Godou
and Erica were located.
Whenever these pests appeared in great numbers, they became great disasters that could bring
countries to ruin. Using their tiny but sharp jaws, they would devour all vegetation from
fertile fields.
In addition, this massive swarm of locusts was being commanded by Melqart.
This insect swarm of death embodied his aspect as a god of destruction. Whether iron or
concrete, everything targeted would be devoured in entirety.
How could this crisis be overcome!? Just as Godou's back was drenched in cold sweat...
"Eli Eli lama sabachthani? Oh Lord, why hast thou forsaken me?"[13]
Erica raised her voice and chanted.
This was her trump card, the spell words she had used during the battle against Verethragna.
"O my God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not
silent. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel!"[14]
These were apparently the Golgotha spell words. It was said that Jesus expressed his despair
and praised God the Father through this song of demise just before his execution.
Godou could feel his surroundings filled with the terrifying "aura" of anguish and despair.

"O my strength, haste thee to help me! I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst
of the congregation will I praise thee."[15]
When weapons were infused with the Golgotha spell words, even gods could be harmed-Before the battle against Verethragna, Erica had mentioned once.
Then surely this was it. Just as Godou imagined, Erica raised the magic sword Cuore di Leone
towards the sky. With its slender and beautiful silver blade like a work of art, the sword
absorbed the Golgotha spell words.
Furthermore, Erica's chanting of spell words did not end there.
"For the sake of maintaining order in Rome, the Senate decreed the suspension of imperium!
Senatus consultum ultimum, hereby decreed!"[16]
She proceeded to deploy the strongest defensive magic.
Infused with the Golgotha spell words, Cuore di Leone changed from a magic sword into the
form of a chain. Coiling around like a great serpent, it traced out a spiral trail around Godou
and Erica.
Transformed into a spiraling magical chain, it stood upright like an impenetrable iron fortress.
This should protect them from the giant swarm of locusts!
Arranged in a spiral, the chain was shrouded in blue-white lightning. Accompanied by noisy
explosions of sparks, the biting locusts were all repelled.
"I will endure for now but it can't be sustained for long. Godou, please defeat Melqart before
my barrier breaks!"
"Uh yeah."
Given their desperately unfavorable conditions, to think Erica would even talk about reversal.
Nevertheless, Godou nodded at her words. There were no viable options other than that.
"So, how long can you endure for...?"
"As much as I'd like to say forever, considering they are servants summoned directly by a
god, at the current numbers -- two minutes should be the limit? Even though it works as a
trump card against those of Bianchi's caliber, the current situation is on a completely different
Erica's tone of voice was very calm.
However, she was probably pretending. With mere minutes remaining, moreover with her life
entrusted to someone else, it should be impossible to maintain composure.

As Godou silently stared at her, Erica displayed a fearless smile.

But just as he suspected, she lacked a little of her usual glamor and it felt a little forced.
"I am not the type to plan out my life to the last detail. Nevertheless, having my life cut short
at this young age would truly be unexpected. My future, Erica Blandelli's, may I entrust it to
This beautiful girl had already become Godou's closest relation, more important than anyone
else apart from family.
Godou forced himself to rouse his spirits. In that case, he had no choice but to act. The fate of
this city of Palermo, and even Erica's life, all depended on him.
Hence, he could not give up. Stop wavering over this or that, just rush forward powered by
"Yeah, I will stay by your side even to the grave. Leave everything to me."
"Wow, how rare it is to actually hear reliable words from you. Then I shall believe in you -Ah, just to be safe, I must clarify beforehand!"
Erica suddenly cried out as if she had realized certain meanings.
"When I talked about entrusting my future to you, I didn't mean anything special, okay?
Definitely nowhere analogous to 'for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and
in health, till death us do part' or anything like that! Are you clear on that!?"
"Uh yeah. Of course. That notion couldn't possibly have occurred to me, right?"
As the two conversed, the mist-like swarm of locusts gathered, trying to attack them.
Blocking them was the spiral barrier of the chain which gave off electrical shock and heat.
Meanwhile, located on the main road were Melqart who had landed and the captured [Boar].
Nonchalantly, the divine king sent swift and fierce kicks into the back of the giant beast that
lay sprawling on the ground.
Uwooooooooooooooh! The [Boar]'s grievous roars resounded all around.
'Hoo... Isn't this a fitting end, divine beast! Prepare to die!'
Melqart declared as he landed vicious punches and kicks on the [Boar].
The black divine beast curled its legs as it lay on the ground. It did this to protect its soft
underbelly and endured Melqart's attacks with its back.
Then the divine king summoned his two clubs that had been flying in the air. Brandishing
Yagrush in his left hand and Ayamur in his right, he started a new round of ever fiercer
attacks on the [Boar]'s back.

His entire body bulging with muscles, the half-naked man tormented the struggling beast-Such savagery was evocative of a Stone Age hunting scenario.
Melqart did not even throw Godou a single glance. He could not be that careless and
complacent, right? But in any case, currently trapped by this swarm of locusts, Godou was
facing a desperate crisis on his own end of things.
Under such conditions, how could Melqart be defeated!?
Godou desperately searched his mind. However, it seemed like a fruitless waste of time.
"Only thirty seconds left until the limit. You'd better be prepared, Godou!"
Erica finally announced that time was running out.
The spiral chain protected them from the massive swarm of locusts that were like a cloud.
However, cracks were starting to appear all over the chain, and its imminent shattering was
plain to see.
Godou at this time, decided to embrace his fate with open arms -- he had done everything he
could possibly do.
Taking a deep breath, he relaxed his shoulders. There was nothing to be anxious about.
Pondering in these most final of final moments, he shifted his gaze.
Quietly, he looked up at the sky. Previously, his view of the sky above had been obscured by
the spiral chain and the swarm of locusts.
The sun that he had not seen for days, was clearly shining with such brilliant radiance... The
Come to think of it-Warlord Verethragna was the heavenly child of the sun. A fact that he had forgotten
completely. It was precisely by stealing his flames using the [Secret Tome of Prometheus]
that Godou was able to make his final attack to defeat the god.
"If that's the case, that must naturally be amongst the ten incarnations, right?"
He understood the instant he noticed the fact. The sacred beast that carried the sun's radiance.
Furthermore, there was no issue with usage conditions. Godou nodded.
"As befitted a god of justice... The only permitted targets of the [White Stallion] are great
sinners who have brought suffering to the people."
"Eh? What's going on?"
"I'll explain to you later. But before that..."

Sustaining the spiral chain, Erica questioned with a murmur.

Keeping the answer for later, Godou turned his attention to the battle between the two giant
He transmitted his intentions to the [Boar] which was being kicked and pounded fiercely by
Melqart like a punching bag.
--Beaten up like this, can you hold on further?
If you can do that, I will surely vanquish your enemy.
In that very instant, Godou understood.
The [Boar]'s eyes seemed to be saying "Don't underestimate me" as they flashed brilliantly.
Even though the black divine beast was lying on the ground on its last breath, it still bit
Melqart in the ankle.
'Hahahaha! How terribly feeble, where has your spirit from just now gone off to!?'
Even though he was bitten, Melqart laughed as if it completely did not hurt.
Furthermore, he used his free leg to kick the [Boar]'s face. The black divine beast could no
longer endure and fell backwards, releasing the ankle it had been biting.
'Praiseworthy are you, wild beast! You have done well, facing Melqart in battle. Kukuku, long
it has been since I last hunted, it is truly exhilarating to exert myself and toil with sweat!'
Melqart threw down Yagrush and Ayamur.
Using his strong arms to wrap around the [Boar]'s torso, he lifted it high like a wooden bucket
-- pouring forth all his strength. Purely with arm strength, he crushed his enemy's spine. This
would be called a bear hug in wrestling.
RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! The [Boar] screamed loudly and tragically.
This was the moment Godou had been waiting for, when Melqart was exerting his entire
body's strength to send the divine beast to its grave. Seizing this opportunity to attack, he
would prevent Melqart from evading as before!
"For victory, hasten forth before me... O Immortal Sun, I beseech thee to grant radiance to the
stallion. O Stallion that moveth godlike with wondrous grace, bringest forth the halo of thy
Words that came forth from his mouth like mutterings at first.
In the end, they were recited sonorously as if they concealed a sun within them.
Under Godou's gaze as he chanted, the [Boar] lost its form and dissipated like mist. In order
to switch incarnations to the [White Stallion], it could no longer be sustained.

The white stallion, which acted as the sun's transport, was Verethragna's third incarnation.
East of Godou and Erica's location -- on the horizon across the sea, appeared golden
A second sun.
During times of dawn, the sun rising in the east would illuminate the land with a rosy color.
Now, the same glorious and dazzling radiance was shining at Palermo from across the
Then the second sun released a "white spear of light."
Stellar atmospheres would occasionally erupt with explosions known as flares. The
incarnation of the [White Stallion] was the ultimate technique which shot out white flames
from the eastern sky equivalent to solar flares.
Naturally, the target was Melqart whose great storm had tormented the populace.
Flying from the eastern sky, the brilliant spear of solar flare streaked across the heavens.
Shrouded in apocalyptic white conflagration, this time it was the sky god's turn to emit cries
of pain.
In a fully ready state, Melqart might have been able to defend against these flames.
But just as expected, he could hardly accomplish that in his bear hug posture.
Sparks fell down upon Godou as he nodded.
Melqart was visible amidst the scorching white flames of conflagration. Godou issued the
command "Come!"
"Erica, release the chains. Jump into the sea!"
"--Yes, acknowledged!"
His "partner" immediately responded to his sudden orders.
The descending sparks were all dying embers, but Melqart's locusts were instantly incinerated
on contact and vaporized.
Watching this unfold, Erica released the spiral chain.
At the same time, she and Godou ran at full speed towards the sea. A portion of the locusts
attempted to pursue, but were blocked by sparks and combusted.
Immediately after the pair had leaped into the Bay of Palermo--

The [White Stallion]'s apocalyptic conflagration that was incinerating Melqart like a furnace,
spread all the way to the yacht harbor where Godou and Erica had been staying just now. In
an instant, the great swarm of locusts was completely vaporized, tens of thousands at a time.

Part 7
It took so long before the fire completely subsided -- Godou had been secretly worrying.
As befitted something produced from an authority. These phenomena, ridiculous beyond
belief, vanished after a mere ten-odd minutes. Furthermore, no leftover heat remained where
the incineration had taken place.
Godou floated back to near the yacht harbor.
The gentle touch of the mild breeze caressing his face was like the Mediterranean spring.
Compared to the hot winds blowing forth from scene of the blazing furnace, it was like the
difference between heaven and hell.
Godou nodded in agreement as Erica signaled to him with her eyes as she floated beside him.
Having made their decision, they returned to the shore.
"What should I say, this is quite terrifying..."
"Let me make this clear beforehand, this was virtually all of your own doing."
Erica offered her commentary as Godou exclaimed.
This was the main road that extended across the shore of the Mediterranean. Rather fitting for
this Sicilian ancient capital on the seaside, it used to be a peaceful street where people had
always lived in happiness amidst the clear blue sky and ocean.
However-There were numerous cases of steel-frame or stone-built structures, as well as road asphalt,
with signs of scorching from the solar flare. Those still retained their basic forms.
Nevertheless, their outlines were uneven like glass which had melted and re-solidified.
Naturally, flammable objects such as trees on the roads were completely wiped out.
The tourist attraction of Porta Felice which acted as the entrance to Corso Vittorio Emanuele
and had just been damaged by the [Boar], had now completely collapsed.
"Even if someone said that a fragment of the sun had descended upon here a hundred years
ago, it would still be possible someone might believe that..."
After witnessing the results of using his divine power, Godou clutched his head in his arms.

What on earth have I done? Feelings of shame and regret overwhelmed him like raging waves
of the ocean. The only fortunate thing was that Melqart and the massive swarm of locusts had
been destroyed-Just at that instant, Godou's entire body suddenly experienced intense heat and shock, and
then he was blown away.
Damaged as if he had just been struck by a tank round. No good, I can't stand anymore, nor
can I lift a finger. Slowly, his consciousness began to fade.
Don't die at least, I'll have to rely on the [Ram]...
It had only been mere days since he became a Campione, but thanks to experiencing real
combat many times, Godou had already familiarized himself with the use of his authority.

"Could this be Your Highness -- King Melqart!?"

What had just struck Godou suddenly was the flying club Ayamur.
Earlier on, the club had been sized in proportion for giant Melqart to wield, but now it had
shrunk to dimensions for a normal human's use-Erica looked in shock at the direction from where the club had come flying.
A ball of thunder was hovering over Via Cala which was half-melted by the white solar flare.
Noisily giving off weak blue-white sparks, it was a sphere of plasma.
Erica realized. Just now, the [White Stallion] had not defeated Melqart completely!
Apparently he had lost his material body, but his ectoplasm still survived-'True... Indeed it is I. To think I would be defeated by the brat this time!'
The thunder replied with Melqart's voice and solemnity.
'Hmph, I don't know if my anger could be quelled by eliminating the war god of the cheap
little tricks. To think he would show such a foolish opening. Whatever, even considering that
failing, he has done rather well...'
"Does Your Highness intend to kill Kusanagi Godou?"
Erica questioned the majestic god. Once again, she summoned the steel of the lion, Cuore di
Leone, in the form of the magic sword. If that was what the divine king of storms intended,
she would have no choice but to pit her life against him...
'Indeed that is precisely my wish. Regrettably, that attack just now has depleted my remaining
strength. For now, I cannot do anything apart from hovering like this in the air!'
Had the thunder possessed a material body, it probably would have snorted with its nose.

The atmosphere was thick with anger and frustration.

'The sort of misbegotten fate which would bring us together for a future rematch once my
body is restored, does not exist between this brat and me. Well, this time is my loss -- no, it is
a draw!'
Changing his sentence midway clearly displayed the god's competitive and defiant
This was Melqart's verdict.
Erica relaxed her shoulders and felt relieved.
Even though he had lost his material body, he was still a god. Whether fighting or running
away from him, it would be rather difficult for Godou and Erica who had no strength left to
spare. A ceasefire would be the best thing for now.
'So, I shall be gone. It is uncertain if fate shall cross our paths or when I shall encounter that
brat again in the future -- it will happen when it happens. I will take care of the future
As the wind began to blow, the talking thunder flew off.
Left behind were Erica Blandelli and the young unconscious god-slayer. A situation
extremely similar to the one a few days ago.
Godou was sleeping in order to revive, with no one to protect him apart from her.
Noticing this coincidence, Erica lifted and supported the sleeping youth's head.
"...Well fought, Godou. This is now my reward bestowed to you. I will never do this ever
again, especially when you are conscious. So please, rest properly for now."
As if trying not to disturb the youth's slumber, Erica spoke softly with gentle tones as she
served as his lap pillow.

Chapter 4 - Deep Yet Brief Slumber

Part 1
With the beginning of the new school term, two weeks had already passed.
"How peaceful..."
Godou yawned casually.

He was currently on the roof of Jounan Private Academy's high school division. Even though
it was the lunch break and there were many other students, the roof was still far from
Plus the fact of today's fine weather, with the sunlight and gentle breeze streaming over the
roof, made for a rather pleasant experience.
"With all that behind me, the utter chaos that occurred during spring break almost seems
Perhaps because he had been an athlete since childhood, Godou was a rather proactive person
who got things done.
But currently he was idling around uncharacteristically. Resting against the roof fence, he
casually sucked coffee-flavored milk from a drink carton. Ever since returning from Italy, he
had been stuck in this sort of state.
Perhaps a result of his intense experiences in foreign lands, he found himself unable to adjust
to the pace of his new life...
That's right. New life. Having passed April, Kusanagi Godou was now a first year high school

Though Jounan Academy's high school division was considered the type of school that
guaranteed promising university prospects, it was surprisingly lax.
Thanks to the freedom of the school culture, school rules were not particularly strict, nor were
students studying themselves to death. Club activities offered opportunities to interact with
the university division, and consequently, for better or worse, these "seniors" would often take
their juniors out to have fun. On the other hand, the encouragement of sports was nonexistent.
This sort of freedom which completely relied on students' self-management, was probably
closer to a university in style.
Compared to sports, more diverse and varied cultural club activities were offered.
Last year when the cheerleading club attended the national convention, they were given a
blessing of "the sports clubs returning to the national arena after an absence of ten years!" The
rest of the state of affairs could be surmised from that.
It was this kind of school. As usual, Godou still belonged to the "go home" club.
Lazily passing his lunch breaks, he would blankly plod his way through the afternoon lessons
then go home immediately after school.

"Onii-chan, you still haven't decided on club activities?"

Sipping tea in the living room, Shizuka asked when she returned home from school.

Not especially tall but very adorable in appearance, she was a very likable little sister
enhanced by her trait of surprising defiance.
"Yeah, because there's no club I especially want to join."
"Sigh, I guess our school really doesn't have a sports club that Onii-chan can enjoy if you're
serious... On the other hand, the cheerleading and ballroom dance clubs seem to be quite
Shizuka nodded as she spoke. Having passed the middle school entrance examinations to
enter Jounan Academy, the little sister was currently a second year student in the middle
school division. Hence, Godou was also her senior as a student in the Academy.
"Anyway, the baseball club is so weak it's not even funny."
"That's interesting, but it's fine anyway."
"Perhaps, if I had to make a recommendation, it would be the cultural clubs. Amongst them
are some rather weird ones, it's actually quite interesting. In any case, no matter which club,
you should still join one. It's not good for a person to be idle."
Even urged by Shizuka, Godou was not really convinced.
"It's not like I have to join a club no matter what. There's no need to hurry. In my class, there
are many other people in the 'go home' club."
"Other people are other people. Onii-chan is Onii-chan."
Rudely pointing her index finger at her brother and senior, Shizuka declared crisply.
"This is advice for Onii-chan's own good. It was the same with Grandfather, after he resigned
his job at the university, he became even worse than before. If you continue to idle about, it is
very likely you'll become a genuine good-for-nothing!"
Grandfather -- Kusanagi Ichirou once taught folkloristics in university.
His specialty should be Japanese and worldwide arts and traditions. He was the legal guardian
who attentively looked after the sibling pair of Godou and Shizuka in place of their busy
parents. At the same time, he was also a man exceptionally wise in the pleasures of life.
Not exactly idle hands.
Only because he was rather skilled in various forms of pleasures, he was renowned as a
"connoisseur" or "celebrity" to many people. To elaborate, "pleasures" referred to drinking,
banquets, traveling, socializing, artistic accomplishments, and most importantly, the ability to
build relations with a specified (rather than unspecified) large number of women.

Meanwhile, the little sister who was trying to remonstrate her older brother, was a member of
the tea ceremony club.
Even within the boundaries of the high school division, Godou had spotted Shizuka once. She
was probably in the middle of club activities after school. Girls from both the high and middle
school divisions had gathered together to move cardboard boxes.
During the brief encounter, Godou had waved "Hi" to greet.
Shizuka also waved lightly in return.
...Come to think of it, there was also a high school girl whose beauty was absolutely stunning
-- a pretty girl with heavily brown-tinted hair who left him with a deep impression. She had
quietly greeted him with refined gentleness. Intimidated by such beauty, Godou even failed to
catch a serious glimpse of her face...

In any case, in the two weeks since school started, Kusanagi Godou had been in the "go
home" club all along.
"I hereby declare the founding of the [Imaginary Date Club]. Comrades, rise and gather
"Stop talking nonsense! Moe is born from DVDs and hard disks. Try as you may to fill the
gap with imaginary delusions, humans have limitations!"
In Godou's First Year Fifth Class, male students named Nanami and Sorimachi were engaged
in some kind of strange club activities, arguing for some inexplicable reason. Godou simply
ignored the noisy racket.
Incredibly, after returning from Italy, things around him seemed to lack a sense of concrete
By the time he noticed, his right shoulder could now swivel and move freely somehow.
The shoulder that was injured during the summer of his third year in middle school and his
reason for quitting baseball, had unexpectedly recovered. Consequently, that path remained
open for him to pursue once more.
Nevertheless, a recent event had already robbed Godou of this choice.

It was the night just before the last day of spring break.
"Since the new school term is starting, this kind of chance will be rare from now on."
Thus declared Miura, Godou's middle school rival and baseball teammate.

This happened on the sports ground of a certain middle school in the Tokyo special ward of
Kita. During the day, Miura had phoned to say "To celebrate this bro's graduation, you have
to come along."
Miura was a fastball pitcher nicknamed the strong-armed. Furthermore, he was an extremely
pushy kind of fellow.
From his extensive experience as a catcher, Godou knew many pitchers who were conceited
enough to call themselves "this bro" as well as others who were unexpectedly delicate.
Unfortunately, Miura belonged 100% in the former camp.
However, this was precisely how the current situation arose.
Gathered in front of the middle school Miura was graduating from, they illegally trespassed
by climbing over the school walls.
The perpetrators were Godou, Rui, Nakayama and Miura. Everyone lived in the north of
Tokyo and had been mighty baseball champs who competed in matches of the Tokyo
Selection and World Series. Though they had belonged to different teams, there were often
times when they had to cooperate competitively. These were comrades linked by an incredible
sense of solidarity.
"...So, why have you called us here today?"
Rui was the one questioning. Though not particularly tall, he was an infielder and first hitter
with outstanding sharp senses.
He was clearly a boy but possessed a cute and well-proportioned face.
"What, starting this year, this bro will be courageously advancing towards victory in the
National High School Baseball Championship. Before the new term starts, it'd be nice to hear
you guys cheering and showing support."
"...Can I go now? There's something on television."
Nakayama grumbled to the willful one who invited them.
A man of few words with an appearance like a vagabond warrior. His physique was tall and
slim, but he was quite a strong long range hitter.
"Yeah, I've been asked by people at the amateur baseball club to help out tomorrow. So I'd
like to go to bed a bit earlier tonight."
"If you guys are going, I'm off too."
As soon as Rui stated indifferently, Godou concurred as well. That would be the plan.
"Tsk, stop saying such heartless things! Guys, aren't you all giving up on baseball!? That's
why I wanted to invite you all out here while there's still time! Can't you guys act a bit

Miura yelled. Come on, man, who wouldn't want others to treat them nicer?
Somehow these words did not sound annoying. Unexpectedly, he gave off an impression like
a bullied victim.
Nakayama turned back from his exit while Rui smiled wryly and Godou shrugged. For
various reasons, these three had intended to abandon baseball in high school.
Only Miura entered a school renowned for strength in baseball. Perhaps he would be
immersed in training all year along, sweating like rain even on weekends. Indeed, today was
probably the only chance for them to get together again.
Due to this, the night game of the four got started.
Miura unlocked his alma mater's sports equipment storeroom in a well-practiced manner.
Without anyone noticing he had taken a key out from somewhere, he looked like a student in
a sports club hiding behind in school no matter how you looked at it...
The four of them took out bats, gloves and other equipment.
Then they freely and joyfully played ball games as each of them variously took on roles of
pitching, batting and catching.
Halfway through, Godou took up his bat and calmly stepped into the batting zone with Miura
on the pitcher's mound. Looking from here, Rui was standing behind Godou -- the position of
the catcher.
"A casual match to decide the victor... How's that?"
As Miura proposed, Godou silently prepared to bat.
Things continued as naturally as water flowing downhill. Miura pitched as Godou batted.
Thus the repetitive cycle began. Judgment calls of strike and ball were made by the catcher in
the umpire's absence.
Godou started with ten strikes or so without hitting any balls, but thereafter, his hits began to
grow in number.
As expected, a gifted pitcher who set his sights on higher goals and someone who had not
touched baseball for half a year were on completely different levels. Nevertheless, Godou did
not give up on the match and began to rouse his fighting spirit as a batter.
Presently, the moment finally arrived.
Miura was pitching his prided straight ball towards the top outside corner. This kind of speed
and momentum was normally beyond a middle school catcher's ability to handle. Were it not
for Rui's outstanding senses despite playing in an unfamiliar position, Miura would not have
gone all out to throw this kind of pitch.
"Isn't this even faster than when I played catcher!?"

Godou yelled out as a savage grin appeared on his face the very instant he swung the bat.
--Everything seemed to stop, allowing him to see clearly. During his days as a player in peak
condition, Godou had been able to see through Miura's fastballs and hit them cleanly, but this
was on a completely different level. The strong fastball pitch was clearly motionless in his
Then he swung, making contact squarely with the center of the bat.
With a clear and crisp bang, the ball was sent flying into the distance in a seemingly straight
"Struggling before your imminent demise, Godou! Just accept it and go out in three strikes!"
Miura pitched again but from this point onwards, the result was always the same.
Despite the outstanding speed and trajectories of his pitches, Godou saw through them all. He
made hit after hit as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The only reason why he did
not hit homeruns was because he realized on the third ball that "it would be bad if the ball
flew outside the school."
"How amazing, Kusanagi-kun... You're in great shape, or perhaps not. Did you get possessed
by a god or a devil?"
Rui widened his eyes nonchalantly, Nakayama applauded enthusiastically, while Miura
clutched his head in shock, completely defeated...

"I guess when I focus myself on matters of winning and losing, this body's constitution
naturally expresses itself..."
Muddling through a day of classes in a daze, Godou was on the road home from school.
Godou muttered quietly as he recalled events during spring break. His battles in Italy were the
same. Inexplicably, his instincts and reflexes would suddenly become keen, allowing him to
evade enemy attacks with the slimmest of margins. The crucial factor seems to be fighting
spirit, so how seriously did he need to take a fight before adrenaline levels overflowed...?
Could it be possible, his current state was also -- Godou thought to himself, greatly unsettled.
Even a 100mph fastball from the American Major Leagues should be visible if he decided to
face it seriously. Disregarding the issue of capturing the ball at the most appropriate spot,
seeing through that speed and hitting it with the bat was probably not a problem?
"Now that I think about it, my body became keen on its own..."
In the match against Miura, his limbs started becoming agile at some point without
consciously noticing. As if for the sake of winning, his rusty body was being fine tuned on a
detailed level, with the goal of reaching the best possible condition.

"Using this body would be the same as cheating. At any rate, it's too underhanded for any
serious competitive sports... It's quite unfair."
In direct proportion to fighting spirit, his concentration and condition rose to illogical heights.
Inconspicuous though it may be, it was quite an advantage. Godou originally intended on
trying out other sports apart from baseball in high school, but he was now forced to give up. It
would be too unfair for the other competitors.
That said, what could he do now?
"The cultural clubs don't really interest me, so how about working some jobs..."
In the process of his contemplations, a blonde foreign woman brushed past his shoulder -- It
can't be.
Godou looked back in trepidation to find a tall Caucasian woman in her latter twenties.
Completely different from the beautiful girl he had met in Italy.
How could it be her? The instant his heart settled down, someone came to strike a
"What's going on, Godou? You're showing an expression like you dropped your ice-cream."
It was his childhood friend who lived on the same shopping street, Tokunaga Asuka.
She was wearing her school uniform of Tokyo Metropolitan High. The two of them had been
in the same school from kindergarten up through middle school, but were finally separated at
high school. Her long hair was tied into twintails, one on each side of her head. Maintained
since childhood, it was Asuka's trademark.
"What the heck kind of expression is that?"
"An expression of subtle disappointment. As if you weren't likely to eat another ice-cream
Since they were familiar friends who knew each other inside out, they started conversing
without even bothering with greetings.
Observations pointed out by Asuka who had known him for so long, were generally quite
accurate. But Godou frowned slightly and said:
"Nah, it isn't that kind of expression. Don't say such strange things."
"Really? Fine, if you say it isn't, I'm not going to argue over that. By the way, Godou, there's
something I want to confirm. You must answer truthfully."
"What's with this sudden change of subject?"
"You... You're not hiding a girlfriend from me and Shizuka, right?"

The childhood friend's gaze was like a detective's interrogation of an important witness.
"As if that kind of thing was possible! What would make you speculate something so
"Suspicion number one. You ran off to who knows where for spring break without returning
home for ten days. Even when asked what happened during this period, you never gave a
straight answer."
"...I am not obliged to report. Anyway, I don't see the connection."
"Suspicion number two. You've been looking blankly out at space and lacking in spirit after
coming home. Furthermore, you sometimes stare intently at brunette and blonde women."
Godou was greatly shocked. He was completely unaware he was doing something like that.
But now that he looked back in context, she was quite right in certain ways. He could not
deny that...
"Completely unfounded. Say, it's been so long since we last chatted, and all you talk about is
stuff like this?"
"Shut up. In regards to you whose female relationships have grown in complexity somehow, I
am simply worrying if you had some sort of strange encounter. Clearly you should be
thanking me instead, not complaining about things."
Asuka shrugged as she spoke, completely self-absorbed.
"Whatever. I don't really think a girl can be found who can stomach a weird guy like you.
Fine, investigations will resume once new evidence surfaces."
"I am nowhere as weird as you describe."
"Please restrict such foolish statements to the first of April. It is completely unconvincing,
with zero credibility."
During times like these, Godou would pretend to be very calm and composed, when in actual
fact he was quite taken aback.
Obviously he had not gained a girlfriend, but it was true that he made a friend in distant
foreign lands under the influence of mysterious fate. As befitted the childhood friend dating
back to kindergarten. Godou was truly impressed.

Part 2
Erica Blandelli was the most glamorous and beautiful young maiden Godou had ever met.
After the battle with Melqart, he woke up to find her attending to him by the pillow side.

"This time you slept for five and half hours. Your recovery time from near death has
shortened slightly."
As soon as Godou woke up, Erica reported fluently.
"...Why did I almost die?"
"Because Melqart was not completely destroyed. He used his last strength to give you a blow,
only then did he become powerless... Simply stated, it resulted in a double knockout."
Godou surveyed the room as he listened to her melodic voice's explanation.
It was the bedroom in the Zamparini mansion, and he was lying on the same bed as Erica. The
rays of dusk streamed in through the window, illuminating the room orange.
"Well, whether [Heretic Gods] or Campiones, both sides possess almost immortal
survivability. It is quite unheard of for a fight to be decided without one side dead."
"Almost immortal... Ah, now that you mention it..."
Godou agreed wholeheartedly, recalling his body clearly.
Despite facing those sorts of desperate crises where one would invariably think "I will
probably die," no matter how many times, he had barely survived them all. I guess that's the
kind of illogical beings we are.
"Since you'll resurrect anyway, there was no point in troubling a hospital, so I brought you
here. And just as predicted, hospitalization was unnecessary."
Godou got up from bed to examine his body -- it was completely healthy without a single
"In any case, you fought a divine king-class [Heretic God] immediately after rebirth as a godslayer, and managed to get a draw. An outstanding performance award is a total bargain
considering your labors."
This appeared to be Erica's distinct style of praise, but Godou shook his head in disagreement.
"No, I'm nowhere near that amazing. I think I owe the majority to Verethragna."
"What do you mean?"
"When Verethragna was lingering on Sardinia, that guy was seeking a worthy opponent for
battle. Hence, the island's strongest god -- Melqart was revived."
I, seek nothing but defeat. Hence I arrive in search for a formidable foe.
Verethragna's arrogance but cheerful manner of speech was recalled from Godou's memory.

"Melqart manifested not because of me, but for the sake of fighting Verethragna. But since
the original opponent disappeared, wouldn't it be natural for his fighting spirit and obsession
with victory to be compromised? For someone inexperienced like me to find an opening, it
feels like that's the cause. But it's just a feeling."
Unable to bear unworthy praise, Godou spoke out of such considerations.
However, Erica stared at Godou meaningfully and said:
"In just a few rounds of actual combat, for your instincts to have such a level of effect... That
feeling of yours, has already surpassed the level of mortals."
"W-What do you mean by that?"
"Considering us mortal humans, whether a god of that level becomes stronger or weaker is
completely irrelevant. Because, regardless of whether he is at peak condition or not, fighting
equals death."
"Becoming king results in a body with this sort of disposition. Or rather, you require this kind
of disposition to slay a god in the first place. This is equivalent to the 'chicken and egg'
problem. There is no answer."
Erica nodded as if in admiration.
"Whatever. In any case, this incident is really over, so I can return to Japan without worries."
"Eh? You've already decided to return home, Godou!?"
"Of course. Didn't I mention that not too long ago?"
"Eh, yes. But it wasn't easy for you to become king and survive actual combat against gods.
The option of staying behind in Europe, the center of magic, living as a Devil King is also--"
Uncharacteristically, Erica's speech displayed anxiety. It seemed like she was reluctant to part
with Kusanagi Godou. To such a girl, Godou responded:
"No no. This kind of illogical power is better kept unused."
"...You're really unbelievable. Even if you're uninterested in a god-slaying authority, with no
attachment to it at all, how should I put it? Your attitude towards power is quite easygoing."
"The power to fight or whatever, it's something that many people possess, right?"
Compared to a baseball team filled with fourth hitters, Godou preferred a team that deployed
people in flexible strategies based on their strengths. He explained clearly:
"What's important is how a person chooses to use it. Based on this principle, I originally had
no use for a power to battle gods. Since I have no use for it, I don't need it."

"That... I see, so that is why you received the ten incarnations..."

For some reason, Erica showed an expression of full agreement. Godou said to her:
"I never expected us to spend so much time together, but because of that, I must say goodbye
now. You've taken so much care of me, Erica, if a chance arises in the future, I will definitely
return the favor."
"Yes, I look forward to it. But Godou, if you're going back to Japan, why do you still plan on
encountering me again?"
Finding something greatly amusing, Erica smiled.
"Isn't the eastern country of the rising sun quite far from the European continent?"
"Even if you say it's far, it's only half a day's flight, so it's not that far after all. If a friend is
ever in need, and I can help in some way, I believe it is worth the time and expense to travel
"Right! This is precisely your manner of thinking!"
Godou was struck by a most precious sight at this time, Erica's innocent smile.
It was not a pretentious smile, nor an eerie devilish smile, nor a lioness' ferocious smile. This
was an innocent, bright, cute smile that belonged to someone her age.
Godou instantly felt his heart beating intensely. To describe it as a sudden shock would not be
"Ah yes, by the way, even though it's only about Zamparini, that guy was found earlier. After
Melqart blew him away, he was drifting in the sea."
"Really!? To think he actually survived!"
Godou yelled out loudly to disguise his quickened heartbeat.
In truth, it was not entirely acting. After all, the old man's survival was good news indeed.
"Making the most of all magic at his disposal, he drifted for an entire day on the stormy seas.
When the storm subsided today, his dove familiar finally managed to fly back to the mansion
and report his survival. A ship is currently going out to pick him up, and he'll probably be
admitted to a hospital tonight."
"That's really good news. Are we going to visit him later?"
That night, Godou and Erica slept in the same room just like yesterday. As per their custom,
they demarcated an invisible boundary and slept in the same bed.
The unfortunate Old Man Zamparini was sent from the harbor to the hospital, so he was not
home tonight.

Hence, all said and done, it would have been fine to sleep in other rooms. However, Erica did
not elect to do that, and for some unknown reason, neither did Godou object.
Probably because of the stress immediately after the deadly battle, neither of them were able
to sleep as they lay on the bed. They chatted sporadically, softly conversing with each other.
When night yielded to dawn, Kusanagi Godou welcomed the day of his return home.
Getting a ride from [Panormus], they arrived at a comprehensive hospital in Palermo city and
met the rescued Walter Zamparini.
"Oh my, that was so careless of me. If another opportunity arises, please remember to call
upon me. I will surely prove my worth next time!"
Reportedly, he was still quite haggard last night.
Residing in a hospital room far more luxurious than for other patients, the old man seemed
completely unaware of smoking restrictions as he lit and puffed on a cigar, requesting for a
chance to avenge his honor. Without any external injuries to recover from, he was looking a
lot better.
His reason for hospitalization was supposedly pure exhaustion. Nevertheless, that concern
also seemed quite redundant.
The sight of the vigorous old man made Godou smile wryly.
Afterwards, he went to the airport with Erica.
Somehow, they ran into Lucretia Zola who had just flown in from Sardinia.
"Who knew I would once again encounter you, whom has returned safely from the
Mediterranean, ordained by fate to survive... Oh well, it seems like all sorts of unexpected
things happened."
Unexpectedly pedestrian yet possessing sublime beauty, Lucretia exclaimed in surprise.
Recalling all sorts of "finished" matters, Godou stood stiffly in the airport lobby with an "Eh."
"That's right. This person has the ability to respond to changing circumstances with
astounding swiftness. He can already be considered a full-fledged Devil King."
This comment instantly caused Erica to straighten her face and Lucretia to murmur "oh"
Their gazes focused on a young man. A handsome blond with a tall and tightly sculpted
He was dressed in a bright red shirt and white cotton pants. There was a Latin air of easygoing
thoughtlessness about him. With a smile like the summer Mediterranean sun (or put
differently, a foolish aura), he was walking over.

"It must be you. You're the seventh. Not bad, you're even younger than me back then!"
He suddenly spoke to Godou in a sweet voice that matched the handsome man's face quite
However, perhaps due to his shortcoming of frivolous airs, he did not seem like a lady-killer.
"It's been a while, Sir Salvatore... And your reason for coming to Sicily is?"
Somehow the name Erica used to address this young man sounded familiar.
"Ah, it's been a while, you must be Ellen Ivanovic, right? Oh my, actually I was still in
Argentina until a few days ago."
Boldly getting names wrong, the young man continued unconcerned.
"I was suddenly informed that a [Heretic God] had appeared so I hastily made my way back
to Europe. But then all transportation to Sardinia was stopped due to the heavy storm."
The young man called Salvatore seemed to be in his early twenties.
Godou noticed he had a cylinder slung over his shoulder. Its shape and size was large enough
to carry a baseball bat, and it caused bone-chilling fear for seemingly no reason at all. Surely,
something most dangerous was contained inside.
Zamparini's submachine gun could not compare in any way...
"I went to Sardinia as soon as the storm calmed down. I asked the local associations many
questions, about the gods that had appeared and the god who was reassembled and reportedly
defeated by the seventh. It seemed a shame to return just like that, so I came over here to meet
my new kin."
The seventh. Kin. Those words could only mean one thing.
The instant Godou realized, Lucretia Zola greeted the young man reverently.

"Indeed. Then allow me to make introductions. This young man, Kusanagi Godou, is indeed
the seventh to become king after you, the sixth. The god-slayer who slew warlord
Verethragna and repelled the Phoenician divine king Melqart at Sicily."
"I see. I am Salvatore Doni. Let's get along well from now on!"
Paying half-hearted attention to Lucretia's introductions, Doni offered his greeting. Just as
Godou hesitated over how to respond, Doni suddenly said something unexpected.
"So, I've got a minor suggestion, why don't you have a duel with me?"
"Other than gods or our kin, there are no opponents we kings can fight seriously. I'm sure
you'll soon find this fact troubling. So, how about a duel to commemorate our first meeting?"
Godou replied reflexively to this stupid proposal.
"I'm sorry, I don't really understand your joke. There's no time left, so please save your words
for next time."
In the near future, Godou would come to regret concluding this encounter so hastily.
At the time, why did he waste respectful speech on that idiot... Educated in a sports
environment since childhood, speaking to elders with politeness had become an ingrained
habit. Nevertheless, this should really be adjusted based on the person...
Regardless, an unexpected meeting had occurred. It was time for the flight.
Sent off by Erica and Lucretia, as well as the young man named Doni, Godou started his
return journey to Japan.
In actual fact, he had spent a total of ten days in Italy.

A period multiple times that of his initial plans.

Part 3
Godou experienced a turbulent ten days in Italy.
After returning home, Godou spent the remainder of his spring break purposelessly. After
that, April arrived with his new life as a high school student. With that, things had basically
ended in a daze.
That said, it was not as if he had done nothing.
Back when exams had ended and he was concerned that his body was getting out of shape,
Godou had started jogging almost every day and doing stretching and other muscle training
that did not require equipment. Thanks to that, he managed to maintain an energetic mental
state after returning from Italy.
Two weeks had passed since the new school term, and he found himself with too much free
Even passing time doing nothing would result in hunger, resulting in getting fat. Bored out of
his mind, the idea of "I should start working jobs" suddenly occurred to him.
The simple explanation: Kusanagi Godou was a man.
"Since the root of human nature is animalistic and coarse, I can't continue this nervous mental
Hence, on a Thursday in late April.
After school, Godou made his way to a shop located in the Adachi special ward in Tokyo.
Through an acquaintance of his grandfather, he had found a part time job entitled "assistant in
an antique shop which collects broken junk that has been sleeping in old storerooms."
By the time he got off from work at 10:30pm, it was quite late at night.
On the way home, Godou found himself in trouble. Walking along the streets at night, he was
surrounded by seven foreigners.

This occurred on a bridge crossing over a river in a residential zone.

Looking down from the steel-built bridge, one could see a river bank covered with flourishing
weeds as well as a top class river which required no flattering descriptions of magnificence.
Once Godou stepped foot on this bridge, he found four men in front and three more appeared
behind him.
Blocked from advancing or retreating, Godou looked to find traffic and pedestrians absent.
"So... Can I help you? This seems to be our first meeting, right?"

Even though the mood was far from friendly, Godou asked gently.
The seven men were all tall and strongly built.
Funnily enough, they were all masked. The type which covered the eyes and the nose,
reminiscent of masquerade balls except with more varied clothing.
Men in ordinary suits. Rough men in t-shirts and construction pants. Men in jackets.
Based on their complexion, one was black while the others were white.
The black guy was the most conspicuous and seemed quite dangerous. Standing at roughly
190cm, his weight was likely over 100kg. It was certainly believable to call him a
heavyweight fighter.
Wearing a tank top, his bare shoulders were tattooed with poisonous spiders...
"Excuse me, I'm a bit unclear as to why I'm being treated this way."
This sinister group, were they the comrades of Italian magi?
Godou felt very uncomfortable from their tactic of surrounding a lone person, but he
continued to speak politely.
When people look like they are itching for a fight, nothing good would come out of
responding in kind. Godou tried to get out of the situation through gentle and peaceful
measures, but the men began to take action without speaking a word.
The black man approached from the front and suddenly launched a right punch. This was
clearly no amateur punch, proving Godou's earlier suspicions to be correct.
Fast and heavy, it was punch that flew towards his face in the shortest possible trajectory.
Godou managed to evade, most likely thanks to that body's constitution. The instant the man
clenched his fist, a "switch" seemed to have opened inside Godou. Immediately, his focus
became keen, allowing him to easily see the incoming punch-Anyway, Godou evaded to the left first.
But the black man was clearly no amateur. Without withdrawing his extended fist, he grabbed
at Godou's shoulder instead. Still recovering from his dodging posture, Godou was unable to
evade this time.
He was caught.
Violently pulling Godou towards him, the black man sent a strong knee attack!

Struck in the stomach by that horrifying impact, Godou groaned.

Unable to bear the pain, he bent over and fell on his knees. Furthermore, the other men took
this as a signal to attack. The tragic group beating thus began.
The enemies were seven strong men well-trained in martial arts. Battered by their merciless
punches and kicks, Godou felt intense pain and was thrown onto the asphalt of the road.
Even so, he continued to resist.
Godou attempted to use the [Bull], the incarnation for facing enemies far stronger than him,
but it was no good. These guys -- big strong guys on a human level were nowhere enough.
Conditions were not fulfilled unless fighting a bearer of greater "strength." Godou continued
to experience tangible pain.
Several minutes passed in this manner.
Due to the lateness at night, neither cars nor pedestrians passed by. It almost seemed as if
people had been driven away by magic. Then Godou yelled out slowly.
"T-Treating someone like a punching bag... You guys, you have no sense of right or wrong!"
Hearing his angered voice, the team of seven men panted as they lowered their heads.
"Damn it, this monster..."
"I-Is this really an opponent beyond our so-called level..."
"Comrades, do not despair! If we fail this mission, there is no returning home for us!"
Speaking one after another, they made it sound like they were the victims instead.
Nevertheless, they were indeed out of options. It was true that Godou was injured all over, but
he also remained unexpectedly lively. On the other hand, the attackers' hands and legs were
A man who had landed a left hook on Godou's face had his wrist twisted into a strange angle.
His fist also seemed to have fractured. A man who had taken a low kick at Godou's shin also
seemed to be in similar pain, nodding his head as he held his leg.
...A Campione's bones are harder than iron, Erica mentioned once.
If that was the case, haphazardly beating in an unarmed fashion on various bones -- the
cranium, the cheek bones, the lower jaw, ribs, the thighs, the shins, etc, resulted in this.
However, Godou's bruises, scratches and internal hemorrhage were innumerable.

Only his bones did not break or shatter, muscles and tendons were fine, brain and internal
organs needed no mentioning. And most important of all, the [Camel], which Godou could
only use when suffering from severe injuries, was still unavailable.
Simply stated, that was the level of injury he sustained.
"Looks like we must prepare ourselves for a struggle to the death... Everyone, take out your
The man who appeared to be the leader of the seven-man team suddenly produced a doublebladed axe!
The other men also revealed dangerous tools in their hands -- slender swords, handguns, short
swords with gauntlets, and even hammers.
Erica had also used that magic to conjure weapons before. These guys were magi after all!
Godou shivered in fear. Barehanded attacks aside, bladed weapons and firearms would not
simply end with "Ouch!" -- No, he was certain he had had enough, he did not want to
experience this any further.
In order to penetrate this encirclement, what should he do!? The instant he thought that,
Godou sprang into action.
"The one unblunted and unapproachable! Oath-breaking sinners be purged by the iron
hammer of justice!"
This should be usable -- the incarnation that came to mind, was instantly summoned.
Affected by the spell words, the river water below showed a murky black color. This black
color scattered blue-black sparks as it took form.
Verethragna's fifth incarnation, the [Boar].
The 20m black divine beast which could only be summoned by a wish to destroy a massive
target. In any case, it was summoned for the purpose of sending this bridge flying.
Seeing the divine beast manifesting before their eyes, the seven-man team cried out
The [Boar] proceeded to roar as usual.
Roaring, the [Boar] jumped vertically.

Under the impact of the casual headbutt -- like smashing paper craft, the steel bridge was
demolished. With excess momentum, the beast's majestic form continued flying several dozen
meters up, displayed against the night sky of Tokyo's Adachi special ward.
Furthermore, the [Boar]'s howls caused destruction like supersonic waves.
The booming roars shattered all the glass in the neighboring residential streets with
resounding crashes.
The seven-man team were sent flying as if struck by a sonic wave and swept beneath the
collapsing bridge -- the river shore. A few unlucky ones fell directly into the polluted waters.
As a side note, Godou the summoner had already hurried down to the river shore for shelter.
When the [Boar] began to leap, he had quickly jumped down from the bridge.

"We are so sorry!"

"Really sorry!"
"In regards to this foolish act, please spare our insignificant lives!"
"For the sake of my family and kin, please forgive me!"
The battle(?) on the bridge had ended.
As firefighters, police and nearby residents converged at the site of the incident, Godou and
the seven men escaped to a certain park. Then the seven men suddenly prostrated themselves
on the ground in "dogeza."[17]
Apparently they were aware of "dogeza" as the highest form of apology.
By the way, these guys were all speaking in Italian. After they removed those idiotic masks,
Godou was surprised by their unexpectedly youthful faces. They seemed to be a bunch
ranging in age from late teens to early twenties. Rather than a team of magi, they resembled a
gang of delinquents more...
"In the end, I retaliated(?), so let's just leave it as a draw. But you guys, why did you have to
dress up like that?"
Godou questioned them as they huddled their massive physiques in "dogeza."
"Even if you kidnapped me for a ransom, my family doesn't have money -- actually that's not
right. Rather, I think my mom will flatly refuse. After all, she is the type of mother who
would tell me 'I don't want to spend money, so you'd better find a way out yourself' even if I
were a hostage..."
"Ah, no. This isn't our purpose."

"Yes, in fact we're from Milan. Some rumors are currently circulating about Kusanagi-sama
over there."
"Rumors? What do you mean?"
Informed in polite Italian, Godou frowned.
"These are still unsubstantiated... But anyway, recently a Japanese male resembling a [King]
was spotted around southern Italy, fighting a god. Then our alliance leader, Sir Salvatore, said
'Someone caused a ruckus on my turf' and expressed great anger."
"Sir Salvatore... Ah, that guy. But why is he angry?"
Recalling the frivolous smiling face of the young man he met at the airport, Godou did not
think he was angry.
"Because Sir Salvatore is a warrior amongst warriors. He is a great man who never gives up
on a fight whenever a [Heretic God] appears. Hence, he should be angry because his rightful
foe was stolen by Kusanagi-sama."
"A warrior amongst warriors!?"
Compared to his impression of the character named Salvatore Doni, there was no description
further from the truth.
Godou reflexively answered "You must be kidding!" However, that cylindrical case -- Godou
recalled the dangerous impression he had felt.
Did his instincts as a Campione discern the man's true nature, thus giving warning...?
"So, you people are under that man's orders to attack me?"
"Yeah... That's right."
Receiving such a subtle answer, Godou glared each man in the face in turn, putting on a
straight face and said "And then?" This immediately obtained results.
"S-Sir Salvatore commanded the [Copper Black Cross] which had helped Kusanagi-sama
locally -- in other words, our superiors. His orders were to bring Japan's king, Kusanagi
Godou, back to him by any means necessary."
Rather than being scared of Godou, it seemed like it was the result of the notoriety of the
Devil Kings.
Godou was surprised by the frantic confession of the leader of the seven men.
"Eh? So you guys are comrades of Erica!?"
"Not comrades but subordinates from a lower branch of the organization. A group responsible
for chores and dirty jobs ordered from above."

"Feels kind of like a yakuza hierarchy..."

Imagining various yakuza gangs, Godou nodded.
"As expected, the brutal act of subduing a Devil King Campione by 'force' is judged as too
risky for proper members by our superiors -- the [Copper Black Cross] themselves... Hence,
we were sent instead."
"But why do you have to use force? Couldn't you have negotiated by talking or in writing?"
For Godou, this was intended as a serious suggestion.
But the seven men instantly showed gloomy expressions.
"How should I put it, we will be done in by the Devil King."
"A man who can even slay a god. The kind of anger they exhibit when roused would be
impossible for us to imagine. Same for the current Kusanagi-sama--"
"Eh, me? I think I'm quite a mild, or even unexpectedly gentle person, right..."
"What are you talking about? In order to defeat us, you were cruel enough to unleash a divine
beast -- as expected of a young king. A savage warrior standing on equal ground with Sir
Salvatore, we are all utterly impressed."
"...Also, about Erica."
Godou had not felt these kinds of fearful and terrified stares since Sicily.
Uncomfortable with that feeling, Godou changed the subject.
"If she was involved, she should have proposed a milder plan of approach, so what is she
doing now? Especially when I am just a phone call away."
Before they parted, they had exchanged contact information.
Even though Godou had not contacted her because he was embarrassed to call or message a
girl, he did not expect Erica to be equally indecisive.
"Our lady -- Dame Blandelli was prosecuted for assisting Kusanagi-sama, and is currently
under house arrest until Sir Salvatore's rage subsides."
"House arrest?"
Godou pondered as he listened to the explanations of the young men prostrated on the ground
before him.
This situation was not good--

Chapter 5 - Milan Rhapsody

Part 1
On a certain night in April, Godou found out from the team of seven attackers about the
conflict in Italy.
Also, having failed their assault mission, the attackers apparently intended to flee to southeast
Asia or South America, presumably to lie low until things cooled over.
"...I feel almost like a criminal."
"Well, just similar circumstances."
Hurting all over his body, Godou's injuries healed as he spoke.
Whether bruises or internal bleeding, all recovered without a trace. The pain vanished. On the
other hand, the seven men who were caught up in the [Boar]'s destruction were the ones who
were left with injuries all over instead.
After bidding the men goodbye, Godou took out a memo.
It was a memo that recorded how to make an international telephone call. Godou looked at the
section on calls from Japan to Italy as he operated his cellphone. Even though the calling
charges were expensive, Godou had no choice. No matter what, Erica must be contacted -thinking that, he held the phone to his ear and waited.
The loud ringing tone echoed in his ear. No one was picking up. Just as Godou was about to
give up:
'Calling at such a time means that you have become aware of the situation.'
Naturally, the voice Godou heard was Erica's.
'Let me clarify beforehand. Godou, your being a pacifist is one of your good points even
though it's a lie.'
"What is going on?"
'For the organization's lower branch personnel to be deployed, and to fail the mission
regardless of their numbers, such clear mismanagement reflecting poorly on the organization's
reputation should normally be impossible. Nevertheless, given that you're calling now, it is
only natural to assume you threatened them with a show of absolute force.'
"...Putting that aside for now, let's cut to the chase. I heard those guys mention a very strange
Unbelievable how much Erica could deduce from a single call.

Erica's wit and intelligence were impeccable. Godou changed the subject a little forcibly.
'It's Salvatore Doni-sama. The sixth Campione. Born in Italy. He is the alliance leader ruling
over the magical associations of southern Europe.'
"Alliance leader... Something like a big boss?"
'The description lacks elegance, but you are correct. However, Sir Salvatore rules but does not
administrate. Rather than ruling through troublesome methods of domination, he keeps
southern European magi in line through fear and servitude.'
"The one I met at the airport in Palermo? Why are you telling me this?"
Godou brought up the greatest question occupying his mind, and Erica replied gloomily:
'That time, he asked you "Let's have a duel?" It was not a joke. He was completely serious.
But Godou refused, so that's the cause.'
Godou was rendered speechless by this unexpected answer and could only say "Eh?"
'Probably because he is interested in the Campione named Kusanagi Godou and wanted to
have a serious fight. But you coldly rejected him...'
"Wait a minute, Erica. These things you're saying are a bit strange."
'There's nothing strange about me. Strange are the things that go through Sir Salvatore's mind.'
"You really said an awful thing without any hesitation..."
Godou recalled the conflict with Bianchi.
At the time, Erica had subtly agreed that a certain Salvatore was an idiot.
"In other words, that guy is a fool with no common sense?"
'Stated simply without the use of rhetoric, yes, that's exactly it. Anyone with the slightest
courage and sense of justice who has spent any amount of time with him, would express their
impressions with the words "fool" or "idiot" without hesitation.'
"Why would that kind of guy be treated as the boss!?"
'It cannot be helped. Because he is a Campione. Undoubtedly, he is the god-slaying warrior!
Furthermore, stupidity and magnanimity are not mutually exclusive.'
Erica's serious tone of voice made Godou silent.
'Indeed, he is a fool foreign to common logic. Nevertheless, he is also a rare hero. Even if all
the magi of the world challenged him with all their might, there is no chance of winning
against him. The one known as Salvatore Doni, is precisely a monster of that level.'

After delivering this exceptional commentary, Erica continued further.

'Hey Godou, if you intend to dig deeper into this incident -- or rather, get involved with us, it's
best for you to give up the notion. You should continue living peacefully in Tokyo.'
Godou frowned to find his hidden wish suddenly exposed.
'Visits like this one will happen who knows how many times so you should dodge them
appropriately. Given your power, even if you encounter trouble, there shouldn't be any
difficulties, right?'
"Hey hey..."
Realizing the intentions of Erica's faction, Godou was slightly surprised.
'Listen well, this is a critical juncture in your life. Everything that happened in Italy is just a
dream. Please wipe it clean from your memory and continue living a peaceful life.'
"That time with Melqart, didn't you say I must make a stand and fight?!"
'There was no choice then. But this time, we still managed to escape from Sir Salvatore. So
here's my greatest advice: do not step foot in Italy -- or rather, Europe, ever again.'
Erica's seriousness could be felt from her solemn diction.
'Sir Salvatore simply cannot wait to start a fight should you come. Furthermore, we of the
[Copper Black Cross] have also received strict orders to restrain you with all our power. You
understand what that means, right?'
"...Erica will become my enemy too?"
'There's no other choice. Even if you are also a Campione and stand on equal terms with Sir
Salvatore... We are an Italian association. We have no choice but to prioritize the orders, and
especially strict orders, from our alliance leader.'
Erica spoke indifferently with an emotionless voice.
'Hence, I guess our relationship ends here. In fact, my telling you all this would also be
considered inappropriate... But no matter, it would be too heartless to go without saying
"Ends here? Wait a minute, Erica!"
'Farewell, Kusanagi Godou. Even though our days together were short, those memories will
be vividly carved into the depths of my mind forever.'
The connection was cut. Even if he called again, she probably would not pick up again.
Godou sighed.

What should I do? Live like a hermit, as Erica suggested? It was indeed a wise choice. Safe,
peaceful and practical. But-"What the heck. In this kind of situation, how can I leave you alone!?"
What Godou wished most of all, was to ask Erica what exactly he should do.
A great plan had formed in his mind. But he needed detailed opinions from others to make
The reason he decided that, was because the only friend he had made in Italy, was Erica

By the time his plan was placed into motion, it was already the last week of April.
Japan's Golden Week had just begun. As a high school student, Kusanagi Godou also
obtained his long sought extended holiday. As for him, he planned on using the entire time on
the faraway land thousands of miles west of Tokyo. Having waited so long for this time to
arrive, he had to spend another twelve hours on a flight.
The time difference was eight hours. By the time Godou arrived at Milan's Malpensa Airport,
it was afternoon.
Forcing his body in spite of the dizziness and fatigue caused by jet lag, Godou boarded the
train. Even though this city only had three rail lines, overwhelmingly fewer than Tokyo, the
routes combined together in a fairly complicated manner.
However, Godou no longer suffered from any language barrier.
Asking for directions from passersby or staff as he took the train, Godou spent a little over an
hour to reach his destination, the Milano Centrale railway station. Godou only used it for the
subway, but this was also a hub where domestic routes and international trains converged.
There seemed to be a total of twenty-four platforms.
"As befits a place even more urbanized than Sardinia or Sicily..."
Godou exclaimed in his heart.
Having lived in Tokyo, Godou was not surprised by large metropolitan cities. However, this
was a place where modern cityscape coexisted seamlessly with Gothic or Roman streets like
Europe's ancient capitals.
Also, this district offered nostalgic trams above ground.
Along the gray street, an orange-colored tram slowly arrived.
Godou searched for his target building amidst scenery that could not be found in Japan. He
also had the option of taking a taxi, but since many unknowns lay ahead of this journey, being
economical was important.

...As a side note, Godou also intended this journey to be self-financed.

After Godou contacted Old Man Zamparini's for counsel, the old man had prepared the plane
ticket (first class too!). Receiving this present in a panic, Godou had frantically tried to refuse
on the phone.
'Don't worry about it. It should already be obvious, money is no object!'
Thus, Godou's refusal was boldly denied, yakuza style. Accepting the ticket with immense
gratitude, Godou desperately begged and managed to downgrade the seat to economy class...
The old man also informed him how far information on "Kusanagi Godou" had spread in
'The magi of Sicily and Sardinia only publicized your deeds in accordance to Your Highness'
orders. Hence, on the Italian mainland, rumors about Kusanagi Godou are only circulating in
an unsubstantiated fashion. The only exception being Erica Blandelli's [Copper Black Cross].'
The old man proceeded to refuse Godou's offers of compensation by asserting "If anything
happens, I too, wish to extend a helping hand..."
Furthermore, the one who told Godou about the building he was currently searching for, was
the other person he sought counsel from.
Video conferencing with Lucretia Zola whose home was always equipped with a computer
and network access, Godou went through a "strategy meeting" with her.
'If you wish to make contact with Miss Erica's association, the [Copper Black Cross], visiting
the building of their headquarters is the most direct way.'
"Does a secret association even have headquarters?"
'Do know that it is an association with a long history and connections to the lineages of the
Knights Templar. The Order was not only a military group but also the world's first
organization in the financial industry, the precursor of banking. In order to rob them of their
immense wealth, King Philip IV of France even went so far as to disband the Order.'
"I see..."
'As one of its descendants, the [Copper Black Cross] also plays the role of a financial group to
the outside world. In actual fact, it is a prosperous corporation that manages several different
businesses. Furthermore, its representative, Mr Paolo Blandelli -- namely, the uncle in
custody of Miss Erica, is the commander-in-chief of the [Copper Black Cross] as well as a
legendary knight.'
Thus Godou was informed by the beauty who possessed slothful airs and a sensual body.
Keeping Lucretia's words firmly in mind, Godou looked at the map as he wandered through
the business district around the central station. Finally, he found the building he was looking

A grand fifteen-story building. The people who frequented the premises were mostly men and
women in suits.
A high school student, and especially a Japanese who was clearly of a different ethnicity,
would need to be quite bold to enter that building. Nevertheless, Godou stepped inside
without hesitation.
Walking through the impeccably clean entrance of the building, he found the reception before
Godou smiled and spoke to the middle-aged woman sitting there:
"Can you relay this to Paolo Blandelli with utmost urgency: Kusanagi Godou has arrived in
Milan. I will enjoy myself a little in this neighborhood, so do whatever your obligations
dictate. If you want to take me to Salvatore Doni, bring it on as if your life depended on it.
Please inform him with this kind of feeling."
On Lucretia's advice, Godou made up this instigating speech.
Having expressed his demands, Godou departed without waiting for the woman to reply.
Along the way, he even gave the security camera an intense glare before leaving the building.
After that, he took a casual stroll.
Since he was here already, he might as well get a view of the scenery. Godou thought as he

Part 2
Godou got off the subway at Duomo station, four stops away from Milano Centrale.
Duomo -- a Catholic cathedral, in other words.
This was a sacred domain for people to pray for wishes and sing praises of the Lord. In short,
it was an elegant and majestic religious building. In terms of interior decoration, this Duomo
di Milano truly stood out from other cathedrals.
"Well, ignoring basics and jumping directly into practical applications, it doesn't mean much
With that, Godou began touring Milan's standard sightseeing destination, the great cathedral.
This was the world's largest Gothic building, with almost 150(!) spires, the tallest one over a
hundred meters in height. There were also over 200 painted sculptures. Given its long
construction period of five centuries, the cathedral's magnificence matched perfectly.
Godou had previously seen cathedrals on the islands of Sardinia and Sicily.
But in comparison, this was definitely in a class of its own.

After sightseeing for a while, Godou realized he had yet to have lunch. He was strolling along
the main street and wondering what to eat when the aroma of cheese wafted into his nostrils.
Following the scent, he found a delicatessen-like shop with a crowd of people standing out
front eating something like bread. Lining up obediently, it took quite a while before Godou
could enter the shop. Everyone was there to buy the popular pizza, which explained the large
crowd standing around eating.
The semicircular chewy bread was filled with plenty of cheese and tomato sauce.
Indulging himself in this unusual atmosphere, Godou finished his hot and tasty junk food.
There was a kind of itchy and slightly unpleasant feeling on his neck.
Someone was probably watching him. Were they going to start an assault out on the open
streets? Godou surveyed his surroundings. The place was packed and bustling.
Godou's authority did not offer abilities that would not disturb the surroundings.
Perhaps, a more open space -- a place easier to act unrestrained in would be better. Godou
resumed walking once again. Luckily he already had a destination in mind. As it happened,
the next place would be rather ideal for his purposes.
Castello Sforzesco.
It was the castle of the Sforza family ruling Milan in the fifteenth century. During the
Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci had participated in its interior design. The very spacious
plaza in front of this castle was adjacent to Milan's top park -- Parco Sempione.
Passing by the castle, Godou intended to enter the park
Standing before the castle, he waited for the traffic lights to change. Like other major cities,
Milan's traffic volume was massive as evidenced by the vehicles whizzing before Godou's
eyes. At this time, a large RV suddenly accelerated and hurtled directly towards Godou!
Godou stared in shock at the speeding heavy vehicle.
Then he realized. People in the European world of magic all seemed to think of Campiones as
equivalent to monsters. Furthermore, Campiones were virtually immune to the magic they
specialized in.
Using "force" on such an opponent, was naturally equivalent to the efforts of ants.
Anyway, I should protect myself first.
Evade -- no, attack. Godou instantly made his decision. At some point earlier, the [Bull] had
been unlocked. Though heavyweight fighters were ineligible, man-eating tigers or RVs were
perfectly fine as targets -- this usage condition was really way too strict.

In any case, Godou's body instantly overflowed with monstrous strength. He then thrust his
arms forward.
Thrusting his hands into the RV's hood, he completely halted the vehicle, and using all his
With both hands, Godou raised the two-ton RV high above his head.
Raised in the air, the four tires turned noisily, fruitlessly expending power. In the driver's seat
was a middle-aged man, his face convulsing from fear.
Godou set the RV upside down on the sidewalk.
Since the car's roof was resting on the ground, the four wheels continued spinning in the air.
Upside down, the driver in the vehicle made a sign of the cross as he mentally prepared
himself for something.
People nearby were basically flabbergasted. They must be having a hard time accepting this
scene as reality due to its ridiculous nature. Whether young or old, black or white or oriental,
everyone at the immediate scene was stunned. Except a nearby man muttering "Wow..."
However, there also existed people who did not seem particularly surprised. At the
intersection of the plaza before Castello Sforzesco, on the roadside and various other places,
there were indeed several men who glared sharply at Godou's brute strength.
In that case -- with a clang, Godou opened the RV's door on the driver's side.
"Excuse me. Do you belong to that Copper whatever association?"
He directed his question to the driver who was still sitting upside down. Since he was
speaking to an elder, Godou naturally used polite language.
"Anyway, I am going to the castle and will be waiting for you guys there. Please tell your
companions that."
Since their numbers were many, it might be difficult to handle if he entered the park as
originally planned. In terms of overpowering large groups, a wide open space would take less
"Also, can I rely on you guys to help guide ordinary people in the city to safety?"
Palermo's Zamparini and his faction had been able to do it.
Erica's fellow members should be capable of the same given their immense financial clout.
Well, it did occur to Godou that things were probably different in Milan this time, especially
since they were suddenly asked without sufficient time for preparation, but he ignored these

Listening to this request, the middle-aged RV driver nodded repeatedly.

Rather than a "brave warrior challenging the Devil King Campione," he resembled more of a
"worldly man rashly sent to battle on orders." Quite pitiful, to say the least.
In any case, Godou left the RV and ran into Castello Sforzesco a couple of dozen meters

Erica was sitting in a room, watching events unfold using magic from afar.
This was a popular scene in fairy tales, analogous to a crystal ball showing distant happenings
to a witch...
Currently, the images were shown to Erica in exactly the same way.
Except that object displaying them was a large slim LCD television.
Erica's taste for the nostalgic preferred the old fashioned crystal ball. However, her fellow
Great Knights did not approve and hoped she would turn to more convenient tools.
--The current location was the tenth floor of the [Copper Black Cross]'s headquarters, a
"lounge" reserved for the top echelons.
Only those who had attained the rank of Great Knight were permitted to use this room.
Furnished with a billiard table, darts, chess and other entertainment equipment, there was
even a private bar.
From the screen, Erica could see a familiar youth in an active display of vigor.
He lifted a large vehicle, opened its door, declared "fight at Castello Sforzesco" and left. Very
likely, he did not want to cause trouble for the surrounding people.
In that case, there was clearly an option which did not require fighting-Erica was secretly surprised that the youth overlooked this fact.
"Just as we were at our wits' ends dealing with Sir Salvatore's unreasonable excesses, yet
another Campione arrives? Reality is a complete nightmare..."
The one lamenting was one of the Great Knights, Clarens.
Bearing a shaved head and a presentable face, he was a striking black man from Holland.
Thirty-one years of age. Equipped with capability, experience and insightful knowledge, he
was in fact a leading knight of the [Copper Black Cross]. But because his nationality was not
Italian, he could not inherit the leadership title of the [Diavolo Rosso].

"It can't be helped. The opponent is a god-slayer, a Devil King Campione after all."
The one complaining in an outraged tone of voice was Gennaro Gantz.
Despite being an unrefined man in his early twenties, he was a Great Knight with substantial
achievements in magic and swordsmanship. Hailing from southern Italy, he was Erica's
competitor for the [Diavolo Rosso] title.
In spite of his young age, the beard covering his face allowed him to convincingly pass for
over thirty years of age.
"Without the kind of personality that insists on paying injuries back fivefold, he probably
would not have been able to oppose a god..."
"By Sir Salvatore's decree, 'You people must lead Kusanagi Godou to my location by any
means necessary.'"
Clarens groaned with a gloomy expression.
"For us to naively execute this command and battle the seventh Campione would be truly
absurd. While we pretend to undertake this mission, the estimate for finding that man is
"Currently, Sir Salvatore is refusing to leave Milan. Critically overseeing things at this
juncture, you're not going to get away with phoning it in. Because you are in the [King]'s
presence... By the way, Clarens."
In a manner unbefitting of a Great Knight, Gantz spoke up.
Even though Erica did not hold this aspect of Gantz's in high regard, he felt the same way
about her. Gantz too, often grumbled about Erica's facade of deliberate elegance.
"How are things on the search front?"
"Sir Salvatore's chaperone... Or rather, his butler Andrea Rivera is still missing."
Blurting out chaperone, Clarens corrected himself nonchalantly.
"His last sighting happens to be two weeks ago. Our [Copper Black Cross] received the
decree exactly one day before that."
"Then isn't the truth obvious!"
Gantz roared gruffly.
"If that serious man disappeared, Sir Salvatore surely must have thought he could spread his

"Ah yes. The report about Rivera said, contact was lost on his way to the Etruscan ruins at
Bologna on Sir Salvatore's orders... Very likely, the incident started there. Maybe a group
kidnapped and imprisoned Rivera on Sir Salvatore's instigation or something like that--"
Hearing the two of them sigh, Erica slowly opened her mouth.
"If that's the case, then their interests are aligned with Sir Salvatore. Perhaps in a few days, Sir
Andrea will be found safe and sound."
This was her first time to speak at the table. Presumably she had kept silent because she was
under "house arrest." Hearing that, Clarens frowned.
"Given the current situation, isn't the battle between Devil Kings imminent?"
"Even though Sir Salvatore does not ponder sufficiently, he is surprisingly meticulous
sometimes. Currently, he is dallying in Milan for the sake of some momentous change."
Salvatore Doni's base, was the region of Tuscany in central Italy.
He did not keep a personal army, with only a handful of attendants and a lone sword by his
side, spending his easygoing days in leisure. Whenever he needed subordinates to command,
all he needed was simply make a request to an association.
In this instance, that role was played by the [Copper Black Cross].
Citing "your Blandelli family's daughter served as Kusanagi Godou's attendant" as his reason,
he was impossible to refuse.
As a side note, Erica had not informed her fellow comrades regarding lovers or anything of
that sort. Due to Godou's orders, those details had not been disclosed to the magi of Sardinia
and Sicily.
Hence, Erica also remained silent over the "lovers' relationship" issue.
"But my lady. You already mentioned about the seventh Devil King whose temperament
requires reasons before he fights."
Clarens addressed the young mistress of the Blandelli family as "my lady." For Erica, this
bald-headed Dutchman was her teacher in tactics, strategy and politics.
"That's right. Though he is a person who doesn't like to attack first, fighting in retaliation is
fine to him."
"...Do you think he'll turn to attack?"
Gantz wondered as he pointed at the young Devil King shown on the television screen.
"That's rather twisted of him. So he's basically suppressing himself currently. As soon as he
finds any minor pretext to justify battle, his fighting attitude will immediately escalate."

"If that's the case, all I can predict is a disastrous outcome..."

Clarens' cellphone started ringing at this time, and he took the call for a few dozen seconds.
"Bad news. Sir Salvatore has disappeared from his hotel."
"I also have a very bad feeling about this. Hey, how are evacuation efforts going in Castello
Sforzesco and the surrounding area?"
The interior of Castello Sforzesco was being shown on the large LCD screen.
A residence of nobles in the past, it was now a museum. Forty knights from the [Copper
Black Cross] had stormed into the premises in pursuit of Kusanagi Godou.
'You people must lead Kusanagi Godou to my location by any means necessary.'
In order to execute this decree, Clarens had sent out a suicide squad.
In addition, they were secretly ordered 'there's no need to risk your lives, just make sure you
look like you're trying hard.' This was strictly confidential.
"On standby over there and at the designated time, all parties were contacted. Right now,
police assistance is being used to seal the castle's surroundings and neighboring Parco
Sempione. Also, within the castle--"
As Clarens watched the chaotic battle in the castle, he grumbled softly:
"There are not too many ordinary visitors since closing time is near. So that should facilitate
evacuation efforts. We have already sent a very sharp team, so it should be handled well...
That's what I really want to believe."

Godou's chaotic tactics proved to be an advantage.

He made the most of his strength against the combat troops trying to capture him. Using the
[Bull]'s monstrous might to pick up a Gothic pillar, he swung it in a manner like an electric
fan. He also threw with one hand marble statues that were taller than people. Seeing his
enemies equipped with projectile weapons -- guns, he effortlessly picked up a 2m thick slab
of stone to use as a shield...
Nevertheless, the current battle was taking place between an amateur against well-trained and
experienced professionals.
In principle, the professionals should hold an overwhelming advantage in this kind of fight.
But in actual fact, the situation was the opposite, just as Erica predicted.
"In other words, my lady... Is it time for the Campione to show his true power?"

"Probably. He's not going to behave himself indefinitely for sure. He appears to be under
control, but could show off his true power in a moment's notice. He may be an amateur in
'combat', but in terms of 'tactics' he is surprisingly talented--"
Scarcely had she finished speaking when the ominous predictions were proven completely
Pictured on the television screen, in the air above Castello Sforzesco appeared a gigantic
pitch-black beast.

Part 3
Sprinting into Castello Sforzesco, Godou rampaged wildly using his monstrous strength.
However, enduring to this point was his limit. He was gradually being cornered.
During this time as he relied on his monstrous strength to hold out, all the ordinary people and
staff in the castle had somehow disappeared... Hence, without further thought, he did it.
Backed into this "It's gonna get dangerous!?" situation, he summoned the [Boar].
Blasting this castle away (together with the troublesome people), was as easy as flipping a
coffee table.

For this reason, the [Boar] suddenly manifested in the air above Castello Sforzesco.
The 20m-long black divine beast landed in free fall, its belly violently striking the roof of
Filarete Tower in the castle's center. This impact shook the entire castle intensely.
Landing on the ground, the [Boar] resolutely smashed its head and body against the castle
walls to its heart's content.
Naturally, the castle shook violently again. The stones and bricks used to build Castello
Sforzesco were continually smashed and sent flying. In short time, the entire castle was on the
verge of collapse. Not to mention those roars.
These terrifying howls carried sonic waves. Consequently, even places that the [Boar] did not
touch directly were spectacularly blown apart. The whole castle's complete destruction was
simply a matter of time.
"If you value your lives, hurry and run!"
Godou yelled at the attackers in the castle.
Perhaps there was no need for him to do that, for they had already started fleeing all at once.
Indeed, they were running for their lives in complete disarray. Oh well, all the escaping guys'
faces looked like they were about to die. Even if they were not, they were definitely not
retreating with any sense of composure...

Following them immediately, Godou also ran out of the castle.

From awhile ago he had already been transmitting to the [Boar] thoughts of "You don't have
to destroy so seriously!" Surprisingly, it actually seemed to be taking effect slightly. It felt
like the [Boar] rampaged slightly more obediently compared to before. Godou managed to
escape during this time. As stones fell from ceilings while pillars and walls toppled, it was
already troubling enough.
"I thought I was going to die, really..."
Running out of the castle, Godou panted heavily.
Behind him, the [Boar] finally pranced about delightfully, unleashing its full power. The redbrown Castello Sforzesco was gradually turned into a mountain of rubble.
ROOOOOOOAAAAAAR!! The roars were deafening.
With a final majestic howl to declare victory, the [Boar] apparently vanished, most satisfied.
Only the ruins of a completely destroyed ancient medieval castle remained.
Just as Godou was about to clutch his head and exclaim "How terrible" -- he stopped.
A blond young man approached. His handsome face was slightly familiar. Despite a slender
build, he had the body of a trained athlete. Dressed sloppily in a shirt, cargo pants and
sneakers, he was carrying a slender cylindrical case on his shoulder.
This was Godou's second encounter with Devil King Salvatore Doni.
"It's been a while eh? You're causing quite a riot, aren't you? Kusanagi Godou, you're exactly
the kind of man I imagined!"
As soon as their gazes met, Doni began to cackle with laughter, and he even winked at
Amazingly, the "King of Swords" remembered the full name of someone he only met once
and even repeated it correctly. Godou could not have known what a rare exception it was.
However, he could surmise certain truths without being told.
This man seemed to truly adore Kusanagi Godou.
"So you're angry because I avoided a duel with you?"
Godou spoke gruffly and naturally found himself refraining from using polite language.
He was clearly speaking to someone older than him, but what could be causing this sense of
being "peers"? Without any distinction of hierarchy, this man was on a completely equitable

"That's only a lie. I was simply pretending to be angry. But that's how I make everyone do as I
Doni glanced at the members of the [Copper Black Cross] standing ready outside the castle.
With only a single look from Doni, they were already retreating. Even though he was
frequently judged a fool or an idiot, there was a surprisingly majestic and kingly side to him.
Only fitting for the man feared by Erica and others. He was no simple fool.
"But anyway, this is wonderful. My instincts already sensed it last time. You are basically the
kind of man who'd keep running away unless I pursue you."
"Pursue? What are you talking about?"
"Hey, didn't I invite you to a duel? But you refused outright. Clearly I was hoping for 'How
about we go at it a little?' 'Great, let's go right now?' kind of exchange."
"Don't talk about duels like you're inviting someone for a game of Go or Shogi, okay?"
"Ah yes, those are Japanese board games. My thoughts exactly. In my view, drawing swords
for a duel is no different from a Friday night game of chess."
Doni indifferently shrugged off Godou's criticism.
He was exactly the kind of fool for which retorts were useless.
"However, it's really great that you came to Italy. Even if I went to Japan directly, you'd
probably ignore me."
"Wait a minute, even if I came to Italy, it doesn't mean I'm accepting your invitation to a
"How will it go? For you to go so far as to travel overseas deliberately, it really feels like -you're in for a fight, seeking an eye for an eye to redress wrongs... That's the kind of feeling,
is that not?"
Unexpectedly right on the money. What a troublesome fool he was!
Godou could not help but stare at the sky, exasperated.
"You should have listened to me properly back in Sicily. Anyway, all sorts of bad things were
worth it."
Doni's gaze began to look rather strange. He seemed to be staring at Godou with some sense
of camaraderie like meeting a rare kindred spirit.
"Hey, let's be more honest here, okay? You should argue more violently against me. So let's
have a duel, it'll be really fun for sure!"

Saying that, Doni opened the cylindrical container and took out the "sword" inside.
--Sword!? Godou was rendered speechless. It really was a sheathed longsword. Even though
Erica and others could easily summon their weapons through magic, Doni seemed to carry his
sword personally on purpose.
"I'm not great at talking so I can't express my love through words. So let me use my body to
make you understand what kind of man I am. Godou, I swear, I will surely make your heart
burn with passion, and make you duel with me!"
"What do you mean, you're not great at talking? You just spewed out a whole bunch of
"Maybe I'm awkward with words instead? Whatever, my ability to argue is really no good at
all. Just as I thought, swinging a sword is way easier."
Doni unsheathed the longsword with a swish.
The blade measured roughly 80cm in length and was double-edged with a solid construction.
However, it appeared to be rather inferior in quality, especially compared to the likes of
Erica's magic sword Cuore di Leone. Even a layman could tell that it was a coarse piece of
mass produced equipment.
Nevertheless, Godou shuddered when he saw Doni holding the sword.
He had not entered a stance, but was simply dangling the sword limply in his right hand. The
intent to attack or defend could not be felt at all. One could only describe his appearance as
Still, it was terrifying for no reason at all. Godou felt a great shock down his spine.
Godou instantly bent over and spread his legs wide, like a baseball infielder keenly defending
the area between third base and the shortstop. Rather than forethought he was guided by
instinct which told him things would be dire unless he entered his most familiar defensive
"Amazing. What excellent instincts. Even though we Campiones resemble 'beasts' to various
degrees... Yours seem to be particularly sharp. That's really similar to old man Voban, yes."
Doni leisurely expressed admiration, but Godou knew that was not all there was to it.
Before coming to Italy, he had learned about this man from Lucretia.
According to her, this swordsman, known as the "King of Swords," possessed characteristic
authorities of "the magic sword which cuts through everything" and the "body of steel." And
now, Godou was about to experience how terrifying he was, first hand!
--It finally came. Doni made a slash with his sword... Seemingly.

But Godou could not see it. Doni's arm and sword shimmered like heat haze and vanished.
After becoming a Campione, Godou had been able to rely on his ridiculous level of
concentration to see through all sorts of extreme speeds thanks to the effect of dynamic
It did not work this time.
The sword disappeared -- or rather, it appeared to disappear. In that very instant, Godou
jumped back obliquely.
If I didn't do that, I would have died. That was what he felt for no particular reason. Without
any running start, he instantly jumped back as far as he could.
Following that, most likely less that 0.1 seconds later, Godou's former position was sliced
through by a straight horizontal sword sweep -- that was what he felt. Since he could see
neither the sword nor how it was swung, he could not be certain.
"Hahaha! Great. Those old men would always exclaim 'keep training the sword for 30 years'
or something the first time they see my sword, and just as expected, it didn't work against you.
That's only fitting for my kin!"
Doni was laughing cheerfully even though his target clearly escaped.
However, Godou finally noticed the shadow hidden in his pupils when he smiled. This was
the best evidence that the handsome blond man here was no simple fool or natural airhead.
"Regardless of decades of training or any amount of talent, weak humans remain weak.
Naturally powerful beings will be strong even if they don't learn anything in particular. Yes
yes, only by fighting these powerful enemies can you really call it training!"
"Hey Salvatore Doni, tell me something. Was that magic just now or what?"
Godou questioned because his instincts told him it was something different.
"In other words, do you use magic to confuse people's eyes so that the opponent can't see the
sword clearly?"
"Of course not. I don't mean to brag, but I can't even use magic at a super basic level. I just
don't have the talent. It never sticks in memory."
Doni returned to his slovenly posture with his sword and hands down.
No mistake about it, this was the stance of the swordsman, Salvatore Doni. Like the pendulum
batting style or the tornado pitch, these were essentially original forms attained by geniuses
who underwent unreachable levels of training.
I won't be able to keep dodging that attack for long -- Godou believed for certain.
Meanwhile, Doni casually walked towards the remains of Castello Sforzesco.

The historical building had just been pulverized by the [Boar]. Even though its original form
was no longer, it had not been literally pulverized to dust. The castle walls had collapsed and
the central tower was toppled spectacularly, but the remains still hinted towards the castle's
former glory.
In any case, Doni started speaking in front of the "half-wrecked" ruins.
"You have already displayed your authority, so let me show you mine. --I hereby swear, I
forbid the existence of things I cannot cut!"
Quiet mutters. At the same time, terrifying magical power burst forth from Doni's right arm.
Godou was stunned speechless. The exposed right arm of the blond handsome man in the
short-sleeved shirt had turned "silver."
Brilliant shining silver. Not some kind of painted coating.
Unbelievably, Doni's arm had turned into a silver sculpture.
"This sword is the blade which slices through all existence. Namely, the invincible sword!
Godou, this is my authority!"
No mere declaration, these spell words controlled magical power.
Using his silver right arm, Doni pierced Castello Sforzesco's wall with his longsword.
Instantly, Salvatore Doni's authority activated. Magical power flowed from Doni's right arm
to the sword and then to the half-wrecked castle wall.
Slice. Slice slice. Slice slice slice. Slice slice slice slice slice slice slice slice slice slice slice.
A most extraordinary scene. With only a single thrust of the blade into the wall accompanied
by a clang, the half-wrecked castle was instantly carved up by countless cuts.
These sword trails probably numbered in the hundreds if one could count them.
But the chance to do so had already passed. Carved by countless sword trails, the halfwrecked Castello Sforzesco proceeded to crumble and collapse.
It was not pulverized.
Tiny -- it was crumbling into fragments, cut to the size of pebbles.
'Salvatore Doni's authority of the magic sword could cut everything.'
Realizing that, Godou panted breathlessly.
A single sword strike had slashed a castle into tiny pieces. Struck by such an attack, even a
Campione's ridiculously sturdy body would be sliced cleanly in half, or die from being diced
and quartered.

Given Godou's situation, another troublesome issue was surfacing.

In actual fact, Godou had been secretly contemplating as soon as he saw Doni's sword skills -As long as he could activate the [Camel] incarnation, he should be able to find a way to fight
on equal footing.
The [Camel]'s ridiculous combat ability even won a fight against man-eating tigers.
Using this incarnation required heavy injuries in the first place. But Doni's magic sword truly
belonged in the realm of one-hit instant kills. If he tried to take a hit to use the [Camel],
Kusanagi Godou would instantly die on the spot. In any case, relying on the [Ram]'s super
recovery would also be meaningless-Godou trembled as Doni approached swiftly. His footsteps were truly light and fleeting.
Due to his opponent's exceptionally quick pace, Godou reacted an instant too slow.
By the time he realized, he was already within the attack range of Doni's sword.
Then the sword vanished. That heat haze-like great sword.
It was already too late for Godou to dodge -- was everything over? No, there remained the
[Raptor] which he had used to oppose Melqart's lightning.
Only usable when approached by a super high speed attack, the incarnation of god speed.
Godou's vision, senses and thoughts instantly accelerated. Conversely, everything in the
surroundings decelerated. Thanks to that, Godou was finally able to see the movement of
Doni's sword. The blond swordsman was attempting an upward slash towards the shoulder.
Relying on the [Raptor]'s divine speed, Godou stepped sideways to avoid the attack.
As befitted the state of super acceleration. To think he was able to dodge safely. Godou
proceeded to send a punch towards Doni's chest with his right fist. Even though it was a fight
between an amateur and a master of the sword, given such a massive difference in speed, he
should be able to attack with impunity, right?
Thinking that as he attacked, Godou was met with great surprise instead.
The fist that should have smashed into Doni's chest deviated greatly to the right, hitting air.
He had completely misjudged things visually. Furthermore, Doni said to the surprised Godou:
'Eh... Your authority's pretty interesting. Not only can it summon a divine beast, but it also
allows acceleration similar to Alec's. There are apparently restrictions, but it does allow you
to do many different things.'
Doni seemed to have figured out what Godou had done. He grinned foolishly as he spoke.
His voice sounded like a shout from a great distance. A rather unbelievable sound.

'But too bad for you, if speed is all you've got, I can easily see through it.'
What!? Godou shuddered to see him speak so nonchalantly.
'I have a slightly special way of training my vision. I gaze intently at falling rainwater and
focus on a single drop. Once that is done, the slice comes next. If I can slice the targeted
droplet cleanly into two, I pass.'
Godou was rendered speechless by this description which sounded like it came out of some
master swordsman novel.
Nevertheless, his instincts told him it was no lie. Given the monster here, it was definitely
possible. Be careful!
'This sort of vision, I think it's called the secret of the mind's eye in Chinese martial arts
novels? I mastered it on my own, so I'm not too sure. However, as long as I know the key
concept is about cutting a target with the shortest possible sword swing, it's possible to do it
with that kind of feeling!'
Doni smiled cheerfully as he thrust his sword straight forward.
From Godou's view, this thrust was completely unbelievable.
Just as he looked like he was about to make a thrust, in the next instant, Doni had already
entered the posture of finishing the thrusting motion. It was like watching playback in fast
This was aimed at the center of Godou's body -- a thrust that attacked his chest.
Using divine speed, Godou dodged sideways, trying to evade at full speed. Nevertheless, it
was a tad too late. The sword's blade had already reached the flank of Godou's abdomen,
piercing slightly.
Under normal conditions, this would be nothing but a mere scratch.
However, the power of the "magic sword" infused in the blade penetrated Godou's right flank.
Spurt! Blood gushed out as intense pain erupted from all over the flank of his abdomen.
As Godou groaned painfully, Doni spoke as if nothing had happened.
'If only I had slashed more cleanly, I would have sliced you into pieces directly. Oh what a
shame. But I'm not going to miss next time.'
In other words, he was confident he would not miss again -- the confidence to slice through
divine speed.
The instant Godou realized that, he made his decision.

Continuing to fight like this would only lead to death by slicing. He could not survive unless
he made use of his divine speed advantage in a different manner.
Enduring the intense pain, Godou ran at full speed.
Unconcerned that he was presenting his fleeing back to the opponent, Godou ran as fast as he
could. Even though Doni's pursuit was terrifying, Godou was not obliged to fight back since
that would only slow himself down... In order to survive, Godou continued running without
even looking back.

"Retreating to regroup while there is still a chance to escape. What excellent instincts. Rather
than careful consideration of the situation, he smelled the flow of victory."
After praising his opponent's instincts regarding the tide of battle, Doni stabbed his sword into
the ground.
He did not intend to pursue immediately. Given the sort of extreme speed equivalent to
lightning, such excessive speed was impossible to sustain indefinitely. Sooner or later, he was
bound to slow down.
Just let those people from the [Copper Black Cross] chase him for now...
What concluded was merely the first round, but at least it offered the joy of battle. Or rather, it
would be better to say the real match begins here -- Doni naturally twisted the corners of his

Part 4
"So, the first round is Sir Salvatore's overwhelming victory."
After watching the two kings' face off on the television, Clarens took out his cellphone.
Apparently he received a text. Gazing at the tiny LCD, he grumbled "Hmm."
"What's the matter?"
"A report from the knights at the park. Sir Salvatore has issued orders of 'Track down
Kusanagi Godou.'"
"Come on, what a willful king who does whatever he wants..."
Gantz muttered after learning of the situation.
"It's about time for us to head to the scene. Tracking down a wounded Devil King could get
dangerous. Not so different from wild beasts, which are more deadly when hunted in their
injured state. Ordinary knights should keep their distance as appropriate."
While the two colleagues discussed the situation, Erica did not join in. Instead, she was
immersed in her own thoughts.

(Godou, you're really unlucky -- Serves you right!)

The situation looked grim. Nevertheless, Erica maintained a calm expression.
Were she to reveal her emotions like an open book, it would be most unbecoming for a lady.
(I already warned you explicitly. But you ignored me and even came to Milan. You've really
made a complete fool of yourself this time.)
Harsh and hardly elegant words swirled within Erica's mind.
With perfect self-control, she refrained from speaking her thoughts out loud. Godou's arrival
in Milan was causing the [Copper Black Cross] a great deal of trouble. In actual fact, if a little
more time was bought-As soon as Andrea Rivera was located and rescued, he could resume his duties as Salvatore
Doni's chaperone. Then once Doni had enough of his mischief, Erica should be able to regain
her freedom. But Godou had foiled this plan.
(He really is a dense block of wood!)
(Due to the Campione's gag order, the events in Sicily fortunately remained unpublicized.
Perfect. Our relationship ends today. I'm not going to deal with such a foolish person any
longer. After all, being sliced by Sir Salvatore is no different from being dead.)
(Yes, so be it, only death awaits.)
The blade wielded by Salvatore Doni, was truly a magic sword.
Even when it failed to cut an opponent into two, it inflicted magical wounds which failed to
heal easily. Furthermore, since Godou had already used the [Raptor] incarnation, he was
going to suffer backlash like last time. Then after that, his only fate would be a pitiful death
like a dog's...
Unmistakably, death. Only death lay before Kusanagi Godou.
The instant she reached this certain conclusion, Erica frightened herself. Her chest tightened
as if something was pulling tensely, while her stomach felt invaded by icy coldness -- an
unbelievable feeling.
The beating in her chest quickened immensely. Like a fire alarm, her heart beat continued
loudly nonstop.
He was going to die, right? Even if the [Ram] incarnation saved him from the current crisis,
he was going to remain unconscious for who knows how many hours. Once he was
discovered, it would already be-"Hey Erica, weren't you in the company of the Japanese king for some time?"

Gantz's voice made Erica jump in surprise. Naturally, showing understanding of his words
was nothing to be proud of.
Instead, she simply raised an eyebrow gracefully, making a face that expressed "What are you
talking about?"
"How utterly heartless. Couldn't you say something about him being your comrade, and ask
us to offer him a bit of assistance or something like that?"
"Watch your words, Gennaro!"
Clarens scolded quietly.
"Sir Salvatore only derived his convenient excuse as a result of our lady assisting Kusanagi
Godou at Sardinia and Sicily."
"That's true, I guess."
"Since Sir Salvatore is already hostile towards him, we cannot cooperate with His Highness
the seventh Devil King anymore. For our [Copper Black Cross], the most appropriate course
of action is--"
Saying that, Clarens placed his hand against his neck and made a cutting gesture.
"Kusanagi Godou will be slain by Sir Salvatore's sword. Before the conflict escalates any
further, if only he could die without a fuss, that would be for the best."
He sounded like he was analyzing a chess game. Erica agreed completely.
Yes, it would be for the best. For Erica and the [Copper Black Cross], the existence of
Kusanagi Godou was simply a hindrance.
Though he may be [King], he was a Japanese who lived far away from Italy.
Furthermore, he had no intention of accepting servitude and loyalty from others. Precisely
because of that, there was nothing to gain no matter how much she devoted herself to him.
Not to mention, there was the ruling "King of Swords" in close proximity...
Clarens' assessment was completely correct, reasonable, and more convincing than anything.
--The truth was so obvious.
But why? Erica found herself rather strange. Once again, she felt her chest tighten, as if she
was about to face some kind of unbearable tragedy.
"But that king is Japanese! Japanese, yo!"
On the other hand, Gantz seemed to be objecting strangely.

"To me, Japan is a sacred land for pilgrimage! Well in fact, I happen to have some DVDs with
me, wanna have a watch? Now that's real magic. These masterpieces can teach us adults that
valor must always be tempered with gentleness. It'll transform your very being."
"I'm totally not in the mood for Japanese children cartoons..."
"...Yes, same here."
Erica coldly declared and left her seat.
"Where are you going, my lady?"
"I'm feeling a little unwell, so I'm returning to my room to continue my 'imprisonment' there.
Clearly, there's no emergency requiring my presence."
"Don't call it 'imprisonment' like we're giving you a hard time."
Gantz frowned while Clarens simply shrugged without taking offense. With no one in her
way, Erica left the lounge.
...Originally, Erica was indeed in a position requiring surveillance.
All things considered, she was the one who accompanied Kusanagi Godou the longest,
playing the role of his support. The possibility existed for her to extend a helping hand
towards Kusanagi Godou in his desperate time of need -- it was only natural for others to
think that. But in actual fact, Erica's colleagues left her alone.
Undoubtedly. Unlike Salvatore Doni, no benefits could be gained from Kusanagi Godou.
Erica could not be unclear on that -- that was what they must have thought.
Erica wandered aimlessly and found herself at the ground floor lobby of the headquarters
In the past, she always went home by calling for a ride to pick her up. But for some reason she
did not do so today. Walking out the building, she began to stroll casually along Milan's office
Along the way, Erica jumped in fright many times whenever a black-haired oriental brushed
past her. Clearly it could not have been the youth she knew but she felt compelled to check
the person's face each time.
--Gathering her focus, Erica took out a certain object.
Just in case of emergencies, she had gathered this at the Zamparini mansion and kept it in a
glass jar. With this, she could track down the location of...
"Where are you going, Erica Blandelli?"
A familiar voice. She turned around to find a tall man standing before her.

A handsome man with well-defined facial contours and a muscular body reminiscent of the
statue of David. Wearing an unbuttoned formal suit, this man was named Paolo Blandelli.
Erica's legal guardian and commander-in-chief of the [Copper Black Cross].

"I've already mentioned this before. You are our precious treasure -- one who will inevitably
stand at the pinnacle of our association."
"Yes, I remember. Uncle."
One could describe this as a conversation between uncle and niece, except with a bit too much
For a long time now, Erica's everyday interactions with her uncle had become a habit like a
rehearsed scene. The two of them left the bustling main streets of Milan and came to a nearby
park to talk.
"One more thing. Even though this goes without saying, you are equivalent to a real daughter
to me. It's just that I'd be a little too young if I called myself your father."
Despite clearly pushing forty, Paolo still casually declared himself young. High-minded and
noble in spirit he may be, this was one area he showed particular obstinacy.
Nevertheless, this facet of the heroic uncle's always made Erica smile.
"Yes, I believe it is all thanks to Uncle's love and edification that enabled me to become the
person I am today."
"If you say it that way, even someone like me would get too full of myself. By the way, Erica,
looking at the way you are now, really reminds me of myself over a decade ago."
"Well, when Uncle was younger, in other words, during your days as a youth."
"I'm young enough as I am, so nothing prevents you from calling me a youth. I hope you
realize that some day. Anyway, enough with that."
Erica simply expressed acquiescence. Paolo continued:
"Back then, I was still a reckless brat overconfident in my own abilities. I only learned my
lesson during a chance visit to England when I became embroiled in unnecessary hardship
and burden."
"The hardship you suffered over there -- was it Prince Alec?"
Legendary deadly battles were innumerable amongst the experiences of Paolo Blandelli in
younger days past.
He was most likely referring to the "Devil King's debut" incident of then sixteen-year-old
Black Prince Alec of England, Alexandre Gascoigne.

He had crossed swords with the Black Prince himself as well as his right hand man, Sir
Iceman. It was even said that Paolo battled a primordial demonic beast that the Black Prince
had awakened, and stood in as the Black Prince's scapegoat to take care of a female devil who
was targeting the Devil King.
Uncle Paolo's current renown was achieved through surviving countless deadly battles.
"Ah yes, that's right... Frankly speaking, given a choice I'd rather not deal with that kind of
man who brings chaos to the world. In every instance, by the time I noticed, I was already
embroiled in the commotions caused by Alec... Well, the troubles caused by a particular
princess are no small number either--"
Distant events in the past. It was the reason why Uncle gradually stopped respecting the
princess who was known as the most exalted noblewoman.
"I realized through those years of experience. How terrible in character, how troublesome and
how willful these Campiones are... But due to my frequent contact with these abnormal
existences, perhaps I've lost a balanced sense of judgment."
Erica stared wide in response to this rare story from his "days as a youth."
Uncle was not a man who liked to brag about his glorious exploits. In particular, he had
always kept silent about his days spent in opposition to Black Prince Alec. Even though Erica
felt he was being modest, it looked like there might be other reasons as well.
"Erica, let me be straight with you. You are extremely precious to me, whether personally or
for the organization. I have no wish for you to suffer by the side of those unreasonable
monsters. It is enough for me alone to endure that kind of hardship."
The uncle looked straight at Erica as he spoke.
"If possible, I hope I won't have to resort to force in order to play the part of the stubborn
insensitive father."
"Oh my, you're speaking as if I were about to abandon Uncle?"
"If I am mistaken, just treat everything I said as a joke. Nevertheless, I can't help but feel that,
given the situation -- so what is the actual truth?"
So that's what's going on? Erica could not find words to answer.
Was she still Erica Blandelli? Flawless in both elegant manners of speaking and fluent
conversation skills, seemingly brimming with talent ever since the day she was born, Erica
was unbelievably at a loss for words for once, she was silent!
"Given your intelligence and eloquence, it should be a simple matter for you to understand
what I am saying."
Hoo. Uncle sighed.

Indeed. It was clear and simple truth. Erica should choose the [King] closest to the [Copper
Black Cross], Salvatore Doni, and abandon the young eastern Asian [King] whose future was
Nevertheless, even though it was obvious.
Despite their short time together, as ephemeral as sparks, she could still vividly recall every
day she spent with the youth.
Everything that happened from the day they met up to this point. Such as tracking down the
oriental warlord, fighting the Phoenician divine king, the whole story flashed before her eyes
like kaleidoscopic images.
Erica took a deep breath and exhaled.
She reawakened her original indomitable spirit and glamor.
Holding her head high, she pridefully swept her hand through her lustrous red-tinted blonde
hair. Erica Blandelli must always be more beautiful and striking than anyone else. For her
own sake, and as much as she wished to deny it, for that youth's sake too!
"Yes. I completely understand what I have to do. However -- it can't be helped. In spite of
everything, I must go to his side."
A resolute declaration.
"I don't really understand the reason, but I want to help him. Although these senseless
emotions vex me so, they are still my authentic feelings. Even if you give me a direct order,
Uncle, you cannot force me to abandon my feelings!"
"Reason eh... I'm sure you already know very well."
"How can I know if you don't say it out, Uncle!"
"Which is why I say, your current attitude speaks more than words ever could... Come to
think of it, I've never had this kind of 'family conversation' with you regarding this topic. A
little later and you'd probably become too jaded to listen."
"You're talking like I'm ill or something. That's rather unbecoming whether you consider
yourself a knight or a gentleman."
Erica turned away pretentiously and mocked cynically.
--Well, to be honest, it's not like I haven't realized what topic Uncle is referring to. In fact, I
can think of all sorts of things the conversation entails. But admitting to it would be far too
Hence, Erica pretended she was completely unaware.

"In any case, I will be joining Kusanagi Godou's faction. Since I am doing that, I suppose
there is no place left for me within the [Copper Black Cross]."
Using summoning magic, Erica called forth her beloved garment.
It was a short cape with straight red stripes against a black background. This surcoat was
bestowed only upon Great Knights.
It carried protective magic that conferred defensive power equivalent to armor.

But most important of all were its "rossonero" colors of red and black. Wearing the
association's colors displayed allegiance unambiguously -- To a Great Knight, this cape was
equivalent to a bandiera flag raised high on the battlefield.
"I hereby return this, the mark of rossonero you bestowed upon me personally. Please accept
it, Uncle. This could very well be my final farewell, but still, I must go!"
With one gallant motion she tossed away the cape she had worn for so many years.
As soon as she saw her uncle catch it, Erica swiftly turned around and began to walk away.
She did not even look back once.
The uncle who said he would restrain her "by force" did not follow through on his warning.
After all, he was the one who traveled from Italy to England many times, taking on Princess
Alice's requests as a knight, valorously battling the Black Prince repeatedly, the one and only
Paolo Blandelli!
More than likely, he was the one who understood Erica's feelings best.
Erica continued marching forward. As expected, a voice to call her back did not appear.

Chapter 6 - An Alliance Once More

Part 1
Kusanagi Godou fled from Salvatore Doni using divine speed.
The seventh incarnation, the [Raptor]. Using this incarnation not only increased his speed, but
also lightened his body and vastly increased agility and jumping ability. Even though it could
not fly like a bird, it was still able to perform leaps that rivaled or even surpassed cats and
Godou ran up a building's wall and moved between rooftops.
Sometimes he stepped on car roofs and trains on the road instead of buildings and ordinary
houses, racing across Milan's main roads like a flash of light.
In any case, he had to run as far as he could. If possible, leaving the city of Milan would be
Although his pierced abdomen was feeling intense pain, Godou did not even consider going to
a hospital. Shaking off Doni's pursuit was of utmost priority. Hence, Godou simply ran with
reckless abandon.
...Thanks to the lightness of his body, the burden of running was greatly decreased.
There was no sense of exhaustion. No matter how hard he dashed, his breathing did not
interrupt, nor was there any effect on his stamina.
Hence, he was able to ignore the pain on his flank in this manner. Just as he left the
boundaries of Milan city, he ran into trouble as he entered an area with many trees and green
Suddenly, his heart was struck with intense pain.
"T-This is?"
Godou was filled with doubt but he did not halt his footsteps. Nevertheless, the sense of pain
was intensifying.
It felt like his heart was being stabbed by a murder weapon like an icepick. Rather than
repeatedly stabbing, it felt like someone was digging relentlessly. Gradually, his legs and then
his whole body became increasingly difficult to move.
"By the way, didn't this chest pain happen that time in Sicily as well? Could it be the side
effect of using this kind of speed!?"
On further thought, this level of speed was truly ridiculous.

In fact, it was only reasonable to expect repercussions sooner or later given prolonged use of
such speed. It was now imperative to find a place to rest. Finding a park before him, Godou
entered with unsteady footsteps.
The park was filled with flourishing trees, like a little forest.
Halting his steps in a thicket, Godou took a break -- he finally reached his limit.
The pain in his heart reached a maximum. Godou became completely immobilized.
He could not even lift a single finger, as if tied down and restrained completely. Godou
collapsed, leaning his back against a tree trunk.
There was nothing he could do except wait for time to pass while he endured the excruciating
pain in his heart.
Furthermore, the pain and bleeding continued from the flank of his abdomen. Only at this
time did he realize another terrifying aspect of Doni's. To be frank, he was expecting the
abdominal wound to heal simply through a Campione's natural recovery. But such wishful
thinking was too naive. The wound on his flank was not healing at all.
This must be part of the "magic sword"'s formidable power. Unlike ordinary swords, it was a
completely magical slicing attack-Blood flowed nonstop while Godou continued to be tormented by the pain in both his heart
and his abdomen.
Godou's exhaustion became extremely severe and his consciousness gradually became fuzzy.
Soon after, his heart pain vanished and the restraints were released. But still, his body could
not move. Due to the massive blood loss, he was completely drained in strength.
A figure was gradually drawing near. On the verge of death, Godou summoned his remaining
strength to call out:
With no more strength, all he could manage was a simple greeting. To his great surprise, the
one who approached was Erica.
"Serves you right, Godou. This is your punishment for destroying Milan's scenery."
"This I am powerless to deny."
Faced with Erica's angry accusation, Godou helplessly acknowledged his wrongdoing.
"H-How did you find me?"

"Didn't Bianchi mention before? Magic can be used to search for and track down the presence
of Campiones, you included. To think something like that existed. Just for fun, I took a strand
of Godou's hair when we were at the Zamparini mansion."
It was a spell which allowed one to track down the approximate location of the target given
any portion of the body.
Erica explained thus. She was meticulously prepared as always.
"Clearly we were trying to resolve this incident in a peaceful manner... But you came along.
Are you sure you didn't usurp the authority of a god of pestilence and destruction?"
"I warned you explicitly not to come to Europe, right? But you ran all the way to Milan to
cause trouble. In the end, you even got injured by Sir Salvatore's sword."
"I had no choice, I needed to talk to you."
Due to the blood loss making his head dizzy, Godou could not speak fluently.
"You also want to complain about the assassin incident?"
"That's included, but it's not the only thing. I was also concerned whether it caused great
trouble for you. I thought that guy Doni was going to give you a hard time."
"Of course I feel troubled. In fact, your coming here makes me even more troubled."
"I'm very sorry, but I didn't want this."
"When a conflict arises clearly because of me, and yet I stay out of it despite being involved.
Neither do I want our relationship to end like this."
"What? We are separated by the vast distance separating Japan and Italy, you know? Besides,
even if our relationship did end, it shouldn't affect Godou's life that much, right?"
"Wrong. I said it before, all it takes for us to meet is half a day's journey. Also, if I clearly
know you're in trouble, I can't accept feigning ignorance to continue living a carefree life in
A busybody who won't mind my own business, or a stronger sense of heroism and chivalry
than average? Overwhelming curiosity or recklessness? Or perhaps, I am just a natural born
trouble maker?
Even Godou had no idea himself. Perhaps he was all of those.
"Then let's change the subject. Are you going to take me to the idiot?"

Erica did not answer immediately, for she had turned her face away. Without looking straight
at Godou's face, she spoke:
"Actually I had been thinking ever since I bid you farewell on the phone. Precisely because
Kusanagi Godou is a great fool who came expressly to Italy despite the situation, I should not
care about him this time. It has nothing to do with a knight's merciful heart of compassion."
"Well, can't blame you..."
"But for some reason, I can't do it. To think there existed a man who completely disregarded
his own safety and rushed straight into the country of the most dangerous enemy, and even
ran into a crisis. Not to mention, with absolutely no hope of victory or survival. I can't
abandon such a man to his fate."
Erica slowly turned to Godou and said:
"I have already bid my uncle and the association farewell before I came here. I am no longer a
knight. I am nothing but an ordinary girl -- I would never say this even if it meant tearing my
mouth open, but I am just a girl who knows how to use magic and a sword. So that's the
situation, you don't mind, right?"
"No longer a knight, what's going on?"
"Nothing much. Because I am joining you -- the faction of the youngest Campione, that is
what I must do. So Godou, you have to take responsibility properly."
"D-Don't get any strange ideas. All I meant was that you must take responsibility by dueling
Sir Salvatore and resolving the matter properly!"
Is that so? No, it must be so. How could I make that kind of misunderstanding...
Godou felt embarrassed by his stupidity as he frantically promised:
"I-I know that of course. Even the matter of Doni is fine. I will see this through to the end. I'm
gonna teach that willful idiot a lesson."
"Oh my, you've said something reliable for once. But your pacifist banner is weeping."
Was she finally back in form? Erica jested lightly as if her mood had improved.
Although Godou was happy to notice that, he still forced himself to pretend to be displeased.
"What can I say. Because my opponent is an unbelievably great idiot. If the enemy was
simply an idiot, there might be room for negotiations. But for a great idiot, nothing of that sort
existed from the very beginning. So I might as well steel my determination and go all out in a
Hearing Godou's assertion, Erica shrugged her shoulders as if amazed.

"Just so you know, a real pacifist doesn't make that kind of exception ... But let's overlook that
or else it'd be kind of foolish. So Godou, let us form an alliance once more. Is that fine?"
"That's actually what I was going to request."
Godou forced his exhausted body and extended his right hand weakly towards Erica.
"Can you help me for a while? I did come up with a plan when I came to Italy alone, but to be
honest, I'm at my limits."
"You're hopeless. Even though it's a sinking ship, I suppose getting on board in the first place
counts as some kind of destiny. I will try to use my own methods to keep the ride going."
Erica also extended that gorgeous right hand of hers and held Godou's hand in turn.
They had already embraced, had intimate skin to skin contact, and even kissed, but holding
hands was their first time. Godou smiled wryly at this unusual sequence of progression and
"By the way, you probably know this already... I can't hold on much longer. I'm entrusting
things after that to you. You handle it so well every time..."
"Yes. I don't know if you can call yourself fortunate or not, but there's no mirror here."
Watching Godou with an amazed expression, Erica sighed.
"If you had a mirror, you could look at that dying face of yours. Completely pallid beyond
belief, with these incredibly deep black circles beneath your eyes... You look exactly like
you're about to bleed to death."
I see, as expected. Godou felt his consciousness slipping.
Like the last two times, he mentally called on the image of the golden sheep and used the
[Ram] incarnation. Entirely defenseless while he slept, all he could do was believe in his

"Enough! You're always giving me trouble, you know!"

Erica grumbled as she looked down at the sleeping Godou. Nevertheless, she realized she was
smiling for some reason.
Most likely, it was due to her realizing his vulnerable state stood as evidence of his trust in
Erica Blandelli.
"Well, whatever. In any case, it is imperative to secure a safe sanctuary."
Murmuring to herself, she thought of an idea. Their current location was a little commune
outside of Milan called Monza.

Taking the train from Milan would take roughly twenty minutes. As the location of the closest
F1 racing circuit within the greater metropolitan area, it was extremely well known to
motorsport fans. Come to think of it, this area was-Settling on a solution, Erica took out her cellphone.

Part 2
Impatiently, she could not wait for a night on the weekend to arrive any faster.
"Without any prior engagements for tonight, I should be able to focus completely on my
Liliana Kranjcar murmured quietly to herself.
Her current location was her own room at the Kranjcar residence in Milan.
"Tonight my thoughts seem imbued with particular clarity... I should be able to produce great
work on such an occasion."
Liliana sat before an old-fashioned desk, her fountain pen scratching noisily as she wrote.
Letting her inner imagination soar unrestrained, she wrote essays, weaving them into
masterpieces. Sometimes she wrote novels while on other occasions she wrote prose poetry.
This was her secret hobby.
"Oooh -- Did I mess up? It came out a little different from what I imagined."
This was a romance novel in progress. The steady love between an unsophisticated heroine
with a heart of gold and the perfect gentleman, a heartwarming story -- That was clearly the
But gradually as she continued to write, the young man's nature began to shift subtly.
The young man who was supposed to be extremely gentle in the beginning, shockingly
showed an unexpected savage side.
'I picked this specifically for you... Now that you have nothing else to wear, why don't you
give up your futile resistance and put it on?'
'T-This shameless attire, I-I can't!'
To think that she wrote this kind of scene without realizing it.
The plot frequently placed the heroine in threatening situations at the mercy of the sadistic
young man. Nevertheless, she secretly felt excitement in her heart, realizing she derived
pleasure from being dominated in such a manner-Unwittingly projecting her own feelings onto the heroine, Liliana halted her pen, lost in

"Oh well, masterpieces tend to take on a life of their own... This is not bad actually."
She continued to write. Could it be possible? Did she also harbor the same desire to be toyed
with by the opposite sex? Secretly, her heart raced...
At this very moment, her cellphone at the edge of the desk started ringing.
Glancing at the call display, Liliana sighed and picked up the call.
"I am very busy right now. If you have something to say, please make it brief, Erica."
'Greetings to you, Lily. Given our relationship, such cold words surely wound me in the
This was the voice of her rival dating back to childhood, Erica Blandelli.
"Do not act so familiar. We are simply acquaintances of the same age and belonging to
different associations in Milan -- more appropriately, we should be called rivals and enemies."
'Showing such obstinacy towards your childhood friend is really your shortcoming, Lily. I
feel like the bonds cultivated between the two of us amount to much more than that.'
"We are not childhood friends, it is simply ill fate! Stop fabricating friendship between us on
your own accord!"
Having expressed her objections, Liliana asked acutely:
"By the way, you have been quite busy lately, is that not so? I heard that in order to seal a
[Heretic God], you were sent over to Sardinia."
Erica Blandelli, went south on an expedition-This news had reached Liliana's ears. However, the details were lacking.
The detailed happenings regarding the gods who appeared on the islands of Sardinia and
Sicily were strangely unpublicized. It was as if someone had intentionally blocked the flow of
'You should be aware that a little while back, Sir Salvatore refused to leave Milan and even
issued vile orders to the [Copper Black Cross]. Also there is today's incident of Sir Salvatore
slicing Castello Sforzesco to pieces... Ah yes, and finally the suspicious matter of the seventh
Campione's birth.'
Campiones appeared where gods manifested. This was common sense in the European world
of magic.
Hence the rise of such rumors was not unreasonable.
"If we are really friends as you say, then I hope you can provide me with information
regarding that man."

'Lily, friendship and work are separate matters. Mixing the two together is really unlike you.'
Just as expected, Erica was playing dumb.
'Well, putting our relationship aside, let me tell you this. The news that is about to be
publicized, will surely shock all of Europe. Anyway, I simply called today to chat about
casual matters.'
Really? Liliana felt suspicious.
She did not believe that the devilish woman would call for something of that sort. Perhaps this
was simply the first step in her trap -- just as Liliana warned herself, Erica spoke up.
'Recently, I started liking this female author's romance novels.'
"Lies. How could you suddenly awaken that kind of interest?"
She knew Erica's tastes very well. Even though she liked to pose with elegance, any work of
entertainment would fail to hold her interest unless it contained all three elements of action,
explosion and murder.
'Oh my, I am in the flower of maidenhood after all. It's not so unusual to enjoy that genre. But
the stories I'm talking about, that particular novelist's style, feels a little predictable recently.'
'Yes. Every single time, the heroine feels deeply conflicted about the man in the lead role, but
the story always ends in her complete submission.'
Liliana was greatly shocked.
This was exactly the same scene she had just written. Come to think of it, all her recent works
followed the same model. Could Erica have read them all!?
Her hand shook intensely as she gripped the phone.
Calm yourself. The finished works are all kept in this bedroom. Even someone like Erica
could not possibly have laid eyes on them -- thought Liliana to herself. Probably. Liliana
began to cough.
"C-Classic developments always follow the same plot. Nitpicking on something that trivial
would be a bit childish, no?"
'That's true too. To me at least, it does seem a little childish. However, it'd be nice if the
author herself could realize she's been rehashing the same plot. But based on the content, it
feels like she is writing out her own hidden desires. Without realizing it, she released her
thoughts on paper.'

Feeling like she was being talked about, Liliana was utterly terrified.
"B-By the way, is that all you wanted to talk about?"
'No, there's one more thing. I'm currently around Monza. The Kranjcar family's atelier should
be in the area, right? I'd like to borrow the place for one night. Just use a mailing spell to send
the key over.'
The atelier mentioned by Erica was a specialized workshop for restoring antiques.
When one made a living through magic, one would inevitably collect all sorts of antiques and
artwork unearthed from archaeological sites. In order to perform private restoration without
relying on university organizations, the Kranjcar family sponsored their own workshop.
"For reasons of your convenience or whatever, I --"
'Will not refuse, right? Given my relationship with Lily.'
Liliana sighed lightly.
Impossible to deny, this was her meddlesome childhood friend, Erica Blandelli. Highly
skilled, talented, unscrupulous, and broadminded like a salon hostess.
Searching through her memories, Liliana recalled owing four or five favors to her.
"Well, I do not mind, okay. But for what reason? Facilities of this level should be available on
your side, right?"
In terms of prestige and wealth, the Blandelli family ranked several grades higher than the
Kranjcar family.
Realizing Erica's object was not the equipment at the workshop, Liliana felt suspicious.
'Sorry, I can't disclose anything regarding that. Besides, I'm sure news about it will spread like
wildfire within the next couple of days, so spare me for now. Well then, Lily, take care. I will
be quite occupied for the time being, but I believe things will settle down gradually.'
Thus the conversation ended. Seriously, what was that woman thinking?
Liliana angrily put down the cellphone.

Night had fallen completely by the time Kusanagi Godou awakened.

Naturally, Erica was by his pillow, watching him as one would gaze upon some kind of lab
"By the way, the current time is late at night after 11pm. Every time you use it, the revival
time seems to be shrinking."

"A power up, but incredibly annoying anyway... So, where is this place?"
"An atelier borrowed from a friend. Even though we've been friends for so long, on the
surface we appear to be hostile rivals with a complicated relationship, so we need not worry
about pursuers finding us here. In fact, the time spent waiting for Godou to revive was very
The place was rather messy and felt like some kind of workshop.
On various racks were numerous tools, chemicals, shattered earthenware and statues, lying
around without any sort of central organization. Rather than a bed, Godou was lying on a long
workbench. The rug beneath him must have been a thoughtful gesture from Erica.
"So, now that Godou has revived, let's discuss our direction from now on?"
Just as Erica said, the abdominal injury had already healed completely.
His blood soaked clothes had also been taken off. Godou was now dressed in khaki work
clothes. Probably something from the workshop. Looks like Erica was the one who helped
him change.
Godou was gratified by her unexpected thoughtfulness, but he expressed his objections.
"Let's eat first. I'm famished."
"A statement characteristic of simple animals on the verge of death. Well, since I haven't
eaten either, I shall second the motion, however --"
"This area has no shops that stay open this late."
Godou went "Hmm" softly. Come to think of it, this was Italy. Even though there should exist
restaurants that remain open for business during midnight hours, there seemed to be none in
the area as suspected from Erica's words. Supermarkets and grocery stores would all be closed
by now.
"I haven't seen twenty-four-hour convenience stores or the like in this country..."
"That's right. But they exist in Hong Kong. I thought it was a joke when I first heard about
stores that stayed open for business twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five
days a year nonstop."
"Well, it can't be helped. We'll just have to borrow without asking."
Discovering there was a space resembling a kitchen, Godou muttered.
...Twenty minutes later, the two of them had discovered instant noodles, a kettle and a pot so
they started boiling water using the gas stove.

Available in both cup and packet variants, they decided to take both.
"I knew that a workshop like this would stock some kind of food. But finding Japanese
manufactured food sure is surprising."
The noodles Godou discovered were all imported products from Japan. Although the language
on the packaging was Italian, the designs were identical to products in Japan so he recognized
them instantly.
"As expected, demand for this kind of food exists everywhere."
Even though Italy was a great nation renowned for slow food, its supermarkets did carry
frozen and instant foods. Even multinational fast food chains flourished in business.
Godou muttered as he was struck deeply by this revelation. Erica watched him from the side
in amusement and said:
"Hmm, so it's ready to eat once you pour in the boiling water? I've heard rumors about this
before, but I'm only seeing it for the first time."
"You've never eaten fast food? You're really a sheltered high class lady."
Once again, Godou experienced the difference in upbringing between himself and Erica.
As a side note, the tasks of pouring hot water into the cup noodles and boiling the packet
noodles in the pot were all performed by Godou. They also found biscuits and candy in the
Despite the haphazard menu, at least the meal was prepared within expectations.
"...This is unexpectedly tasty. That's not very fun."
"If you believe having these products taste bad would be interesting, then they won't be
popular all over the world."
The cup noodles were flavored with consomme.
The packet noodles were packaged with soy sauce flavored powdered soup, the same as in
Japan. While preaching to Erica the deliciousness of various instant and junk foods, Godou
ate everything.
Also, while they were eating, the two of them discussed their plans for the future.
That said, the exchange did not amount to much.
"So Godou, regarding your counterattack against Sir Salvatore. Do you intend to return to
Milan next?"
"Not yet. It'd be a little reckless. Continuing to fight that idiot on the battlefield he prepared
would not be a wise choice."

"What do you mean?"

"I've been too passive. I think it's better if we start taking action from our side. We have to
take back initiative in offense, right? Well, maybe it's a matter of feeling, but let's regroup
here and do things my way."
During the daytime battle, Godou had been pressed so far as to be unable to strike back.
That kind of image must be vindicated. In order to take up the next challenge with renewed
spirits, Godou intended to start the battle only when he firmly held initiative.
"In that case, I have a suggestion. I'll explain it after the meal."
"Great, I'll be relying on you."
Thus ended the discussion. However, it was sufficient. At some point in time, the two of them
had developed the kind of relationship where they understood each other without much being

Part 3
After finishing this late meal, the two of them spent the night at the atelier.
Since there was a bathroom as well as blankets prepared for naps, there were no
inconveniences as temporary shelter. Sleeping under the same roof was no longer an issue that
Godou and Erica harbored much objection to.
The next day, Godou and Erica waited until the time for shops to open before venturing out
for new clothes.
The bloodstained clothing had already been taken care of, but Godou did not really want to be
wandering the streets in work clothes.
They visited the men's corner in a three-story department store. Without much deliberation,
Godou bought a white shirt and well-fitted pants. Originally, that would have accomplished
his objective.
However, for some unfathomable reason, Erica was also picking clothes in the women's
"It feels uncomfortable to be wearing the same clothes I wore yesterday. Since we're already
here, I might as well have a look. But so far none of the styles are to my liking."
That was Erica's response when Godou wanted to leave.
Girls took forever to shop. That fact had been drilled into Godou's head through his countless
experiences, forced to accompany Asuka or his little sister in their shopping. It could very
well take an hour or more... Godou had this ominous feeling.
But Erica finished her purchases in ten minutes or so. However.

"Can you wrap this all up for me? Oh, this one I'm going to change into right now, but please
send the rest to this address here."
Most casually, she selected five or six days' worth of clothing before ending her shopping
with those instructions for the salesperson.
"Hey you, didn't you leave your uncle?"
Godou asked Erica as she returned from the fitting room. She had changed out of her red
long-sleeved t-shirt and was now dressed in an elegant black jacket and matching lower
garments of the same color.
"In other words, you're running away from home, right? Where are you planning to send these
"No problem. The delivery address is a place registered under my own name. It's part of the
estate I inherited from my deceased parents."
"Eh, really!?"
"Yes. Even though I lived at the Blandelli main residence in Milan because I'm still a minor, I
do have a number of houses in my possession. As long as I don't spend too extravagantly, it's
enough to live comfortably."
Come to think of it, her clothing bill just now had been settled through the transparent
accounting practice of the bank debit card.
Or should he say, as expected of Erica? Godou was deeply impressed.
Despite being a sheltered high class lady who did not even know how to prepare food, she
possessed ample sense of economy. Even if there was no need for her to deal with the
problems of balancing a home budget, she was probably not negligent in the management and
application of wealth.
"I mentioned yesterday a stage for your decisive duel with Sir Salvatore. That place is located
near a villa in my possession. The clothes were also sent there, so don't worry."
Finished outfitting themselves, the two head to the station. Even though they were wanted
figures, they did not try to hide themselves or display any furtiveness. Instead, they openly
walked along the main streets.
"We only hid last night to prevent Godou from being attacked by Sir Salvatore while you
were unconscious. Now that you've recovered, Godou, there's no need to do things in a sneaky
"Really? Wouldn't it be bad if another attack happened on the streets?"
This conversation took place earlier in the morning.

"Don't worry, you won't be attacked. Even if anyone from the [Copper Black Cross]
discovered us, they won't make a move so readily now."
Why? Godou's question made Erica burst into laughter.
"Sir Salvatore's orders are to track you down, not to capture you. Hence, the foolish act of a
deliberate attack is not a command that would be issued, whether by my uncle or Clarens -my former colleague. It would be dangerous and meaningless to them."
"I see. So all they're going to do is report our movements back to that idiot Doni."
"So let's send a 'Duel Invitation' to Sir Salvatore, exactly the way he likes it. Tell him to meet
you at a certain place in a few days time. If we do that, I believe our chances of being attacked
along the way will be essentially zero."
Since discovery only meant being monitored, the two of them openly walked to the station
and took the train.
Before they went to catch the ride, they had already sent letters to Doni's hotel and the
[Copper Black Cross] headquarters.
Erica had used a [Mailing] spell. It seemed to be a kind of magic that could deliver a sealed
letter to a specified location as long as the exact destination was known.
The letters contained a message along the lines of 'Wait for me on the shore of Lake Garda
tomorrow after dusk' and signed with the name of Kusanagi Godou.

The train ride took about an hour and a half.

Lake Garda was located right on the border between the region of Lombardy, where Milan
was located, and the region of Veneto, which contained ancient cities such as Venice and
Italy's largest lake, Lake Garda, was elongated in shape, extending 50km in the north-south
Godou and Erica arrived at a town on the southern shore of Lake Garda.
They decided to have lunch before taking a taxi to their destination.
"Somehow it really feels like I'm at the seaside..."
Sitting on the backseat of a taxi as it raced along the lakeshore, Godou muttered to himself.
Lake Garda's surface area seemed to be roughly half that of Lake Biwa in Japan. Along the
lakeshore were scattered towns and villages that welcomed travelers as vacation spots. These
towns all had a kind of seaside feeling to them.

The lakefront had a port where many yachts and ferries were moored at the pier. Although it
did not really count as a beach, there was a lakeside cove covered with gravel.
"You can go swim, go yachting, and even windsurf, so it's not much different from a sea."
Godou nodded at Erica's comment. The lakewater here was amazingly clear and pristine. For
sure, he could enjoy a good swim here.
A little while later, the scenery outside the taxi changed. The classic lakeside tourist
destination scenery up until now gave way to lush green mountains overlooking the lakeshore.
This seemed to be a place offering a picturesque mountain and ocean view.
After about thirty minutes, the taxi arrived at the destination.
The Blandelli residence -- or more accurately, the lakeside villa belonging to Erica.
On normal days, cleaning and inspection was entrusted to a caretaking company. This elegant
log house, most suitable as a villa, offered a wide view of beautiful Lake Garda.
Erica used the key she had obtained from the real estate office in front of the station to unlock
the door.
"How should I say it... This is essentially a rich man's villa."
Godou's mutterings reflected his commoner mentality.
That was his conclusion after a cursory tour of the villa, as he finally exited the garage.
The log house itself was neither very large nor was it especially luxurious. However, two
vehicles, a small car and a motorcycle, were kept in the garage as if they naturally belonged
The car was a mini 4WD vehicle while the motorcycle was a 400cc mid-sized scooter.
"Is there also a boat on the lake?"
"Oh my, how knowledgeable of you."
"Given how well equipped this place is, I thought it wouldn't be strange to have that as well.
Since there's no need to do any cleaning, how about we prepare some food?"
This was proposed by Godou who had experienced group training camps during his days as a
baseball player.
As an ordinary commoner, especially one raised by a mother who subscribed to hands-off
parenting, Godou always did everything personally by himself. If the occasion demanded, he
was capable of performing decent cooking.

Besides, he did not naively expect this "partner" to contribute in this area. As expected, Erica,
who had been acting completely like a sheltered high class lady since morning, asked
"If you want to get food, there are restaurants and eateries nearby, you know?"
"Since visiting this place is a rare opportunity, preparing food by my own effort fits the mood
better. Tomorrow will be critical, let's eat as healthy as possible."
"Oh... I'm rather confident in my ability to handle most situations flexibly."
Erica spoke with a serious expression as if deep in thought.
"As for the area of cooking per se, it is completely foreign territory to me. Oh well, a situation
like this, which challenges the possibilities of me, Erica Blandelli, sounds rather interesting...
To be honest, I've always wanted to create new tastes that have never existed in this world."
"It's simply outdoor cooking, there's no need for that kind of dangerous resolve."
Godou said no to the beautiful young lady who was more interested in tastes marked by
individuality compared to safe but mundane tastes.
"Don't worry, I don't need your assistance. I can handle this alone."
"That statement makes me subtly angry for some reason..."
"By the way, who uses these vehicles here? Or heaven forbid, Erica, you can drive?"
"No, but if you need a horse, it's not a problem. Do you want me to bring one over from the
ranch nearby?"
If someone could drive the motorcycle or the car, buying things would be a lot easier. Which
was why Godou ventured to ask, but the result was an oblique answer. Since this was Erica,
her answer was probably not a joke and should be half serious at least.
Riding a horse on the main road would be a bit too much, so Godou turned to the bicycle in
the corner of the garage.
"So, let's use that..."
Hence, Godou biked his way to the nearby shops.
After shopping for ingredients, he set to work preparing dinner. Once complete, he went to
the terrace which offered an expansive view of Lake Garda. The guest had already arrived -Erica was enjoying the lakeside scenery.
"So, let's first discuss tomorrow's duel. It should be quite a severe challenge, but do you have
a plan yet?"
Erica suddenly asked at this time.

Part 4
"Well, you can't really call it a plan, but through yesterday's battle, I figured out which powers
don't work against that guy. That's kinda important, I think."
"Are you talking about the [Raptor] incarnation you used at the end?"
"Yeah. Totally ineffective. It doesn't really work when we're exchanging blows and sword
strikes. Yes, its excellent speed is great and all, but Doni seems to be able to see through it.
Also, my movements are severely off target."
Godou recalled what happened yesterday and explained to Erica.
Trying to punch but Doni easily evaded his fist. This was most likely due to Godou's
excessive speed. After that, Godou had tested things out while he was running away using
divine speed.
When the target was stationary or Godou was moving slowly, there was no problem.
But as soon as he tried to attack a moving object while he was going at those kinds of speeds,
his eyes always judged incorrectly. For example, if he reached out to catch a dove flying in
the sky, he would grab nothing but air, dozens of centimeters off target.
"Now that you brought this up, Princess Alice also touched upon it before... When Black
Prince Alec was just starting out, His Highness was also in a great conundrum over how to
control [Black Lightning]'s speed."
Erica spoke as she seemingly recalled something. Godou nodded.
"That's also speed on a level that's like cheating. If it could be used freely with perfect control,
then that whatever prince would have become some kind of invincible monster, right? But
that kind of thing should not be possible. From the way I can't hit anything with this sort of
speed, that should be proof enough."
"Well said. But His Highness the Black Prince has succeeded in controlling his lightning
speed to some degree."
"Since my power is different from that man's, it doesn't mean I can do the same thing just by
copying. I think it's best not to place too much hope on it."
Godou felt neither fondness nor attachment to a Campione's authority.
Hence he could completely disregard his own powers -- in other words, analyze calmly and
"Anyway, first show me the stage for the duel before it gets dark."
Shelving the most pressing problem for now, Godou made his suggestion.

Erica's villa stood solitarily on the lakeside. But slightly further away, there were other houses
and villas, little shops as well as piers with moored yachts.
Also, even further back in the distance, there was a mountain with a flat ridgeline.
Lake Garda was a glacial lake -- a lake created from meltwater gathering in a valley when
glaciers retreated at the end of the Ice Age, resulting in encirclement by mountains.
Following Erica, Godou reached the top of the mountain.
"This hike is really pleasant... But I'd imagine it'd start feeling like a hassle if I had to do this
every day."
Godou commented as he enjoyed the sudden outing.
This was a smooth and gentle mountain path full of lush greenery. Even though it demanded
little physical exertion, the time spent hiking could be better used elsewhere.
"That's exactly the reason why my parents abandoned this villa."
Erica spoke as she walked in front of Godou.
She had told him that the stage for the duel would be an abandoned villa that belonged to the
Blandelli family. Not only was it no longer used, but even the electricity, gas and water mains
had been dismantled. She promised that it could be destroyed without any concerns.
"Not only is it extremely old and decrepit, it's also huge. A massive inconvenience, all things
considered. But this kind of remote mountain villa happens to be my preference too."
"Oh well."
Even though it was a long journey on foot, it would only take a brief drive by car.
Godou began to imagine as he concurred.
A western mansion built on a remote island in a faraway ocean, a mountain villa hidden
amongst snowy peaks, isolated locales where locked room mysteries[18] could occur were
surely to Erica's liking...
"If it weren't for Godou saying no, I could've simply taken the car from the garage."
"Then why did you say no when I asked if you could drive?"
"Not an issue. You do know there are spells to make iron and metal move according to the
caster's wishes, right? Given a car's scale and dimensions, no problem at all. It's simply an
iron box on wheels with two people sitting in it. Then all I need to do is move the whole thing
forward using my spells. I can't do any complicated maneuvers, but simply moving back and
forth on a mountain path would not be a problem. Definitely."

"To think the urban legend of the driver-less autonomous car was narrowly averted, let's not
go there..."
After hiking for thirty minutes, they finally reached the destination.
It was a majestic stone-built mansion in the mountains.
A cloister(!) surrounded a garden overgrown with weeds.
The building's walls were almost a meter thick, with elaborate carvings on the top of the stone
pillars. Based on the style of architecture, this place was at least eight centuries old.
Especially the one-story lobby in the center.
It had an atrium with a stained glass ceiling that one admired by looking up.
Deep in the back was a platform resembling an altar, with a seven or eight-meter-tall statue of
Madonna and Child.
Basically convinced that this was no ordinary building, Godou spoke up:
"This place, could it be some kind of especially ancient and precious building?"
"Not precious, but ancient for sure. This was formerly a monastery built during the Middle
Ages. Many generations ago, ancestors in the Blandelli family bought this place."
"Using this kind of holy place as a personal villa would be sufficient cause for divine
"Oh my. This kind of villa, may not be abundant, but neither is it very rare. Other than
wealthy descendants of nobles, many other people own similar buildings."
"Ah... So these are villas where nobles live..."
Catching a glimpse into the lifestyles of the European upper class, Godou exclaimed
"In this current time and age, there are no practical uses for these places other than converting
them into hotels or museums. But this location at Lake Garda isn't very ideal from a business
point of view, and it's rather doubtful whether the investment would pay off. Precisely
because it's this sort of place, please use it any way you like. Any level of destruction is fine."
Listening to Erica's generous offer, Godou surveyed the interior of the building.
Considering the unreliability of his authority and the difference in combat ability between him
and Doni, Godou wanted to avoid fighting in open country with nowhere to hide. On a
battlefield without any cover, he would most likely be sliced to death in short time.
Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially from Erica, Godou decided to make
the most of it with gratitude.

As Godou nodded, Erica responded with a noblewoman's broad-minded smile.

"If you wish, Godou, I could also teach you basic swordsmanship. Even though a day's
learning might not have much effect, at least it'll feel safer."
"Really... But no thanks."
Erica watched with an amused expression as Godou refused indifferently.
"Just as you say, using a day to do things at the last second would not be very meaningful.
Rather than that, it'd be more productive to consider more fundamental strategies."
"Such as?"
"Areas where that guy's sword cannot reach... However, that alone won't be enough to win
As a batter, how to conquer a troublesome pitcher? As a catcher, how to guide the pitcher to
defeat the batter? Godou began to ponder along these lines.
Rather than using sword skills acquired last-minute, he was going to fight that idiot in his own
personal fashion.
This was the duel between high school student Kusanagi Godou and the monster Salvatore
Doni. Hence -- this is going to be done my way.
In order not to repeat the failure during Melqart's battle, he must remember to respond craftily
and avoid carelessness...
"How courageous! Fighting Europe's ultimate swordsman without even an inkling of how to
wield a sword!"
Saying that, Erica laughed delightfully.
"But looking at your situation, perhaps that might turn out for the best. After all, simply using
the [Camel] incarnation transforms yourself into a warrior even stronger than me. And unlike
Sir Salvatore, you even possess incarnations with long range attacks... Furthermore, there's
the [Sword] of spell words."
"That so? But Doni and I are both Campi-whatevers."
"Anyway, the fact that you both possess divine authorities remains the same. Two of Sir
Salvatore's authorities have clear origins. The [Ripping Arm of Silver] usurped from the
Celtic divine king Nuadha, as well as the [Man of Steel] from the Norse hero Siegfried."
As Erica explained fluently, Godou nodded with a helpless expression.
"Well... I was able to sever just Melqart's power of [Storms] last time. I should be able to do it
again with the same sort of feeling."

Verethragna's final incarnation, the [Warrior], wielded the blade of spell words. In order to
obtain it, Godou needed to do that again with Erica-Pondering to this point, Godou fell silent.
"That's... right. After all, I'm expecting..."
Erica also seemed to have recalled the same thing and suddenly began to be at a loss for
words. Their gazes meeting briefly, the two of them instantly blushed at the same time.
"A-Anyway, let's prepare dinner first, it's about time to get back."
"Y-Yes. Please indulge me with your cooking skills."
Unable to dispel the awkward atmosphere, they continued their way down the mountain path.

Godou's choice of dinner was curry.

Considering this was the result of his careful selection in an unfamiliar repertory as he
browsed through food corners in shops, it was passable. That was what Godou thought. But
unlike shops in Japan, curry powder was not available.
Stirring flour into a paste, he added all sorts of spicy seasonings into a pot, and adjusted the
There was one camp where they had run out of curry powder, and Godou ended up learning
how to make it from someone.
The other ingredients for the curry was chicken as well as spring vegetables he found in the
He also prepared a large plate of salad. Using olive oil and wine vinegar mixed with salt and
pepper, he improvised a dressing. There was also bread with hard crusts. Bought cheese and
sausages, etc.
"...How unexpectedly ordinary, this food is so uninteresting."
"Stop having these weird expectations in this area..."
Bathed under the rays of the setting sun, Lake Garda was illuminated orange.
Despite their differing views on the food, Godou and Erica finished all the prepared food
without waste.
Godou was not adventurous enough to expect Erica to do the washing up, so he cleaned up by
himself. After that, there were no other chores to be done. They had already bathed before
dinner. (As a side note, the villa contained two bathrooms, thus there was no need to take

With nothing to do, the two of them sat down in the spacious living room of the villa.
Recalling the "ritual" they had performed before the battle with Melqart, Godou maintained a
slight distance from Erica. He had a feeling something strange was going to happen.
Keeping his distance away from Erica who was sitting at a table, Godou sat down alone on a
"The first god Sir Salvatore defeated was Ireland's Nuadha, the king of the Tuatha D
Danann.[19] A god with a silver-crafted arm to replace a severed arm, he is a war god who
wields the sword of light which slices through all existence."
Erica suddenly spoke words of great learning.
"The second one defeated was the hero Siegfried. Bathed in the blood of the evil dragon
Fafnir, he became the invulnerable warrior. He is well-known in Richard Wagner's operatic
works, so Godou should have heard of him, right?"
Only on the level of having heard of the name. Godou listened silently as Erica proceeded.
"Other than these two, Sir Salvatore also seems to have slain one or two more gods, but the
details are unclear. Since his favorite authorities in battle are the 'magic sword' and the
'protection of steel,' it can be deduced that his remaining authorities are most likely unsuited
for direct combat."
"Eh? Those kinds of authorities exist?"
"Prince Alec's labyrinth-creating authority would be a typical example... Anyway, Sir
Salvatore's primary weapons consist of the 'sword' and 'invulnerability.' Given a choice of
which one to seal, I'd choose the sword."
"Yeah, I'd pick that one too. But isn't it meaningless to raise these hypothetical situations?"
Unable to understand Erica's intentions, Godou felt troubled.
It almost felt like she was making preparations to forge the [Sword]. In that case, engaging
Erica in that kind of behavior was required -- no good no good.
Godou frantically dispelled thoughts of temptation and spoke quietly.
"I already have a basic idea on how to win this battle. So, let's retire early tonight for a good
night's rest. How's that, Erica? You should be quite tired, right?"
But no matter how early they should sleep, the current time had not even reached seven in the
Definitely too early. But there was no other excuse to end the conversation.
"No, I'm not particularly tired."

"I-I see."
"Hey Godou, don't we currently look like we're eloping?"
Godou was rendered speechless by Erica's sudden description.
"Ever since yesterday, we've been fleeing together just the two of us. Living under the same
roof in a matter-of-fact manner. What else could you call this other than eloping?"
"N-No, even though you could look at it that way, but we're not actually doing that."
While Godou stuttered in denial, Erica had already approached. Swiftly, she sat down next to
Godou on the sofa.
"Isn't it more like friends or close comrades...?"
"Yes. As well as partners for life. Lovers bound by promises of eternal love."
What the heck was with this analogy!? Erica drew near as Godou entered a state of panic.
"Godou, if you could come to a profound realization and regard Erica Blandelli as your one
and only woman... I could consider staying with you forever and ever till death do us part?"
Erica's beautiful face was approaching Godou head on from an extremely close distance.
By this point, Godou finally realized. Or rather, he was forced to realize. Kusanagi Godou's
destiny was currently at a major crossroad!

Part 5
"T-That's overly intense, I think we need to calm down and consider things carefully first."
"Who do you take me for? Before speaking to you, Godou, I've already undergone careful
consideration. Precisely because I understand the irrepressibly intense passion in my heart,
that is why I am turning my feelings into action."
Not only beautiful but also intelligent, the young beauty confessed clearly and directly.
Why? Why was Erica saying such things to Kusanagi Godou!?
"B-But no matter how I wrap my mind around it, we don't really match, right?"
"Oh my, are you saying that I, Erica Blandelli, am not qualified to become the spouse of the
seventh Campione, Kusanagi Godou?"
"Idiot, I mean the opposite. I'm not good enough for you!"

"In that case, you're the idiot. Foolishly worrying about the issue of matching when we should
be softly whispering words of love and passion to each other. What a boorish person you are!"
Finally, the words of love and passion came directly from Erica's mouth.
At this rate, misunderstanding her was impossible. Erica smiled gently as she drew her face
near the utterly shocked Godou's ear.
"However, I happen to like that boorishness of yours. A different kind of fool from Sir
Salvatore. Honest to a fault, clumsy, boorish, brilliant on occasion but essentially naive most
of the time -- Kusanagi Godou, that is the man I love most of all."
Despite the accusations of fool, these soft whispers were filled with loving passion.
"On the other hand, trying to justify love with myriad reasons would be truly boorish instead.
Hey Godou, have you always thought of me as an arrogant woman? I hope you can answer
me properly and give me an appropriate response."
"You could say things like 'I also feel the same way about you,' 'a woman like you is not my
type,' etc etc. Regardless, please tell me in no uncertain terms whether you accept or reject my
Godou almost fainted from these sweet whispers by his ear.
"B-But this is too sudden. Something like this happening should be impossible!"
"Really? I too, was previously unwilling to admit to my feelings no matter what. Indeed, I
was not sufficiently forthright with my affections... But now that I have made up my mind, I
can easily understand that sort of feeling. Besides, if I truly didn't like a boy, would I really
offer my lips to him?"

Even though Erica displayed slight embarrassment, she continued to talk happily.
If everything was as she described, then Kusanagi Godou was truly blind and insensitive.
"Correct. So, I shall now pose a series of questions to Kusanagi Godou. --To you personally,
am I special? Or in fact, you feel like I am no different from any other woman?"
"T-That's not right. You are definitely special to me in all meanings of the word."
Godou ended up confessing unwittingly. Erica instantly smiled tenderly. So cute!
"Well answered. So, how was life in Japan without me by your side? Were you lonely? Did
you recall each and every one of our exciting days together?"
"I guess I did recall..."
Another confession. Crap!
"Here comes the final question! Do you like being together with me? Or perhaps not? Which
is it?"
"If I disliked you, I wouldn't have crossed oceans to see you!"
Damn it. His thoughts revealed by that unruly tongue, Godou was filled with terror.
This was a first experience. These words which his rationality forbade him to say, were all
being uttered as a result of Erica's passionate advances!
...But wait a minute. Why did he even need to refuse?
Godou suddenly realized that neither Erica nor himself had a predetermined lover. Even if
they got together, there was nothing wrong with it.
Ultimately, this was simply a matter of decision. He finally realized clearly.
"Ah... But it's only been a month at most since we first met. Isn't it a bit rushed to make such a
huge decision given so little time? Maybe we should spend more time to gradually confirm
each other's feelings?"
"Passion strikes like lightning, while love endures forever."
Faintly smiling, Erica spoke poetic sounding words.
"Even if all it takes is an instant to fall in love, the loving relationship can persist for the rest
of our lives."
Not good. This forthright blonde beauty belonged to the passionate Latin nation.

In situations like this, the Yamato nation was completely outclassed in decisiveness!
Not to mention Erica's overwhelming appeal. Those excessively direct words of courtship. In
fact, Godou had secretly felt himself attracted to her ever since they met in Sardinia.
He could not find any reason to refuse her.
Nevertheless, Godou was not the womanizing type to enter a lovers relationship given such
short time. Besides, it would feel kind of insincere to respond to Erica's promises of "forever"
without a thoughtful answer.
"Hohoho. If Godou cannot decide yet on our relationship, I won't mind for now. If my
judgment is correct, you are acting the same way as I was yesterday. I can see that all you're
lacking is the final resolve."
Tenderly smiling, Erica casually asserted.
Godou could not find words to refute her.
"Then let's put the matter aside for now, and resolve the most pressing problem? In order to
prepare for the fight against Sir Salvatore, we must forge the [Sword]."
"W-Wait a minute. If that's the case, it means we have to do that again!?"
"Certainly. But there's no longer any problem, right? No matter how our relationship evolves
in the future, we have already confirmed the connection between the depths of our hearts.
Without any awkward excuses, let us enjoy the ritual properly now?"
"Isn't kissing a loved one the most natural thing in the world? Hoho, to be frank, during the
ritual last time, my heart was actually racing so fast, I completely lost myself. It felt like my
mind became blank as I was brought to ecstasy by our kissing."
"T-That was my first experience, you know. Hey Godou, could you bring me to ecstasy once
more? For the sake of prevailing over Sir Salvatore, let us do our best."
Saying that, Erica brought her cherry lips to Godou's mouth.
Some time after dinner, she had reapplied lipstick. Those brightly lustrous lips held terrifying
fascination. Furthermore, having fully savored the taste of kissing her lips before, simply
recalling the memory further intensified the situation.
Their lips were only one or two centimeters apart now. Godou felt his heart beating loudly
like some sort of continuous alarm.
The desire to respond to Erica's passion. The desire to understand Erica's determination. The
desire to not lose against that idiot. All these desires mixed and scrambled together.

He also noticed-Erica's offered her lips in a kiss and Godou accepted.

"I-I'm gonna beat up that guy. Can you assist me?"
"Of course. This is the duty of your attendant -- or rather, your spouse!"
It was pretty much like a dam on the verge of bursting.
Erica acted with unusual ferocity. Sucking intensely on Godou's lips, it felt like she was trying
to obtain Godou's entire being through a kiss.
Keeping their lips in superposition, they pressed together even more tightly.
Ten seconds, twenty seconds passed in this fashion. Still, Erica's lips remained in position.
Only when out of breath did she finally release her lips, panting heavily for air.
But very quickly she offered another kiss.
As if putting forth her full strength, a kiss full of passion.
Overwhelmed by this sweet pleasure, Godou felt his mind going numb.
As a result, he too, gradually responded to the intensity of Erica's passion. When Erica sucked
on Godou's lips, Godou sucked Erica's lips in turn, licking each other.
Gripping the other's lips with his own, he savored that sense of softness, wetting it with saliva.
The air echoed with the sound of wet kisses. In short time, the two of them were kissing each
other's lips with ever increasing intensity. Before they knew it, even their teeth were colliding
This time, the sound of teeth crashing could be heard.
To be honest, it was kind of painful.
Hence, their tongues started to tangle with each other. Sliding their tongues into each other's
mouth, probing for the other tongue, they each tried to encircle the other person's tongue.
The area around their mouths became all wet and sticky from saliva.
"I-It's about time for me to start teaching you the most important knowledge. Sorry, I was lost
in ecstasy."
Erica whispered softly as if she had recovered her senses.
"For someone like me to completely forget something crucial like that, my current state must
be really strange. And kissing so much more intensely than last time... Godou, it's you who
changed me."

Grumbling with dazed eyes, Erica began to weave spell words together.
"The god Sir Salvatore defeated was Nuadha, the king of the Tuatha D Danann. This divine
clan consisted of deities worshiped by Celts living in Ireland."
Erica kissed Godou's lips as she continued to whisper.
"People generally have the impression that the Celts were indigenous to the European
continent, and later driven out by the invasion of the Anglo-Saxons."
Taking a breath from time to time, Erica continued to engage in either kisses or low whispers.
Sweetly pleasurable beyond compare, this was also a frantic and awkward exchange. Better
yet, Godou could feel something connecting together in the depths of his heart.
"But if events were traced all the way back, the Celts are the actual invaders. Migrating over
vast distances, they traveled from India to Europe, eventually crossing from the continent to
the British Isles. The Celts who arrived in Ireland battled the natives, undergoing countless
victories and defeats, finally succeeding in making the island their territory."
Before they knew it, kissing no longer offered sufficient satisfaction. Embracing Erica tightly,
using his entire body to affirm her supple sensations, Godou immersed himself in these
thoughts with rapture.
"Bearing a silver arm and the sword of light, the god Nuadha was also the king of the Tuatha
D Danann. His myths clearly depict the figure the ancient Celtic king who commanded his
people in their conquest of Ireland. Understand all this and forge the knowledge into the godslicing blade, Godou!"
Like a gushing torrent, knowledge of the Celtic divine king Nuadha was transmitted through
Erica's mouth and tongue.
Godou could feel the [Sword]'s completion with conviction.
Thus was born the golden blade for slicing apart a god he had never encountered before.

Chapter 7 - King of Swords

Part 1
"It's been a while, my beloved Andrea! I was so worried about you!"
"Stop spewing nonsense! You are the worst of trash and the greatest of idiots, Salvatore
On a warm spring night, in a bar lounge of a high class hotel in Milan.

A heartwarming reunion between two young men who had been separated for a fortnight.
Furthermore, Italian media had exploded yesterday with the headlines "Castello Sforzesco,
Collapsed!" believed to be perpetrated by left-wing extremist criminal organizations.
Obviously, this news was fabricated to conceal the truth.
Even more obvious than that, one of the culprits was right here -- Salvatore Doni.
"I never thought you would kidnap and imprison me for the sake of causing that kind of
Andrea Rivera thundered with anger.
Popularly known as the "King's Butler," his duties included attending to and monitoring Doni
who was out of touch with modern society.
One to do things meticulously, Rivera had always dressed impeccably. But today, he was
wearing neither a tie nor a jacket. This was way too early for Cool Biz though.[20]
As things happened, only four hours had passed since he was rescued from mysterious
Liberated from the Genoa station, Rivera immediately contacted all parties to get up to date
and hurried over to his master in Milan. Still dressed in the clothes he was wearing as a
prisoner, he had not spent any time on making himself presentable.
The exchange just now were their first words to each other.
"You're mistaken, Andrea. I had no idea you were even kidnapped. I was even wondering
why I haven't seen you lately."
"Undoubtedly only you could have been responsible!"
Unshaven stubble on his face, Rivera angrily accused his master.
They were able to maintain this manner of speaking between equals only because they were
already friends before Doni became [King]. As a side note, no other customers were present
in the bar lounge apart from the two of them.
The only bartender at the counter waited silently on standby.
Since the business running the hotel was affiliated with the [Copper Black Cross], this place
was automatically reserved for Doni every time he casually strolled into Milan.
Taking a seat at the counter, Rivera ordered a drink.
"A straight whiskey please. Any brand will do."
"When did you suddenly let yourself go? Be careful not to drink too much."

"Because I have to clean up your messes, I'll be goddamned busy starting tomorrow! How
could I not drink!"
Maintaining his silence, the bartender swiftly prepared the drink.
The amber-colored liquid filled the shot glass. Rivera spoke as he drank.
"Getting a prestigious magic association involved, turning a famous Milan landmark into
rubble, instigating trouble with the seventh Campione for no good reason. If news of all this
gets out, who knows how many people in Europe will be shocked senseless. The spread of
information must be contained at all costs..."
"You're still the same old Andrea, always getting worked up over matters of mere
"Damn you and your appearances! This is prudence and common sense! By the way, is it
tomorrow? Or the day after?"
Seeing Doni not ordering anything, Rivera questioned.
The Campione of Swords was a man completely foreign to asceticism. Normally, he ate more
than double a normal person's portion. However, he did not even drink a drop of water this
"It's tomorrow. My courtship finally bore fruit."
Doni waved Kusanagi Godou's "Duel Invitation" as he muttered.
Whenever he was about to face an important battle, he always abstained from food and drink.
Scientifically speaking, such abstinence was neither efficient nor meaningful.
Nevertheless, the sensation of thirst and hunger was able to make his "sword" sharper than
usual-(On the other hand, given the counterexample of times when he greedily stuffed himself with
food and drink to store energy like a bear before hibernation, perhaps it was simply a matter
of mood. Ultimately, he was a man who could not be explained through science.)
In any case, the Campione of Swords had entered a state of battle.
"Enduring this hardship will be worth it. This time my opponent is also filled with fighting
spirit. He never admits it out loud, but I'm pretty sure I'm always on his mind."
"Well, because your opponent is also a Campione."
As the butler who served a member of this race for four years, Rivera exclaimed as he was
struck by a wave of emotions.

"After all, since it has already come to this! After you die, I will take care of the aftermath in
accordance with your will. Any objections?"
"Ah, that thing you forced me to write down a while ago. Sure, as you wish."
As expected of my friend. Doni grinned craftily.
As the Devil King's butler, Rivera was fully informed of what kind of person the current
enemy, Kusanagi Godou, was. Completely unversed in martial arts and magic, a Japanese
student with only limited battle experience. Based on logic, there did not exist a single
element that would lead to Doni dying -- or even losing.
Nevertheless, Rivera already planned ahead for the possibility.
Despite their human appearances, Campiones were more akin to "beasts" in nature. Even if
they knew nothing of swords and magic, or had zero experience in hunting or battle, they
easily and naturally obtained power during combat.
Probably because that was their nature, they were able to slay a god in the first place.
Or perhaps through slaying a god, they obtained that sort of nature?
Doni had no answer to this question. In any case, even if he and the rest of the god-slayers
were all beasts, he was a mutant who dared to entrust his destiny to the sword. Other than
fighting gods and god-slayers repeatedly, there was no other way to train sword skills that
worked on them alike. Hence he must fight.
Following this cheerful and simplistic line of thinking, Doni looked forward to the duel

Salvatore Doni and Kusanagi Godou. Spending the night separately, they welcome the arrival
of the next day.
Doni arranged a ride with the [Copper Black Cross] and had them transport him to the shore
of Lake Garda. This trip from Milan took less than two hours. Meanwhile, Kusanagi Godou
was waiting at the building designated as their battle stage.
On this late April weekend, the sun was setting in the west. The domination of darkness was
This former monastery, abandoned villa, and example of Romanesque architecture was where
the two Campiones met once again. They were currently located in a vast space on the second
floor that had been used as a dance hall.
"I've eagerly and impatiently waited for this moment, Godou. I'm currently so touched!"
"I'm the opposite. In fact, I'm in a particularly foul mood right now."
Doni exclaimed with joy as Godou scowled.

A night breeze blew in through the window. The spring constellations should be visible from
outside. Clearly it was such a pleasant night, but Doni took out his sword from his cylindrical
"Why don't you find something to wield? This doesn't feel too right."
"Give me a break. I'm not going to violate any weapons and firearms regulations."
Towards Godou and his faithful adherence to the laws of his home country, Doni displayed a
thoughtful expression as he muttered:
"I see. Then it can't be helped. Even though it's slightly embarrassing... Oh well, just slightly.
Because Campiones are equal, there's no need to mind such things."
"You, there should be limits to how much of a useless human you can be!"
Godou finally called this older opponent "you" in a derogatory manner.
Italy and Japan. The two countries were too far apart in distance. Nevertheless, the two of
them felt strongly about each other, recognizing each other as the kin who left the strongest
impression-Perhaps their strange bonds of fate truly began at this very moment.
"I will pay you back for that slice, as well as what you owe for the hardship Erica and her
faction endured... Let's settle things here, Salvatore Doni!"
"Hohoho. You look like you have some sort of plan. As you wish, Kusanagi Godou!"
Doni responded sharply as he watched Godou throw a glance out the open window.
Nevertheless, he did not try to figure what his enemy was thinking. Trying to think would
prevent him from fighting. Emptiness of mind was Salvatore Doni's true skill, the basis for the
sword of nothingness in thought.
I shall entrust everything to my body, my arm and my sword.
His thoughts were not applied towards how the sword was controlled. The body and the
sword moved naturally in accordance to the heart.
On the other hand, Kusanagi Godou did not have a skill to entrust destiny to an empty state of
mind. Using his own power together with his comrade's in a flexible and adaptive manner, he
faced battle head on.
Kin and peers who contrasted with each other in various ways. A spectacular duel was about
to begin.

The rematch with Doni was imminent. The previous fight ended with Godou fleeing from the

scene of battle. Using a baseball comparison, the current setup was like a rookie pitcher
forced to face a formidable star batter in a direct confrontation with no way out.
Recalling traumatic memories of the previous overwhelming defeat would be very unsettlingLike pitching a high inner corner fastball aimed at the batter's hands, Godou was going to
emphasize he had progressed massively from before.
'Hey Erica, am I allowed to use this ancient villa in this manner?'
'Of course, I'm fine with it... Seriously, you are not only a hypocritical pacifist but also
surprisingly unscrupulous.'
After telling his partner the plan he came up with, that was the kind of comment he received.
In any case, he had the owner's permission. Godou pitched a dangerous ball without
"Come forth! This time, I allow you to rampage as much as you want, so hurry here!"
Godou summoned Verethragna's fifth incarnation, the [Boar].
Familiar roars resounded all over the place. From beneath -- directly below the villa, or in
other words, from the ground.
This overly extravagant abandoned house is my gift to you. In return, wreak as much
destruction as possible for me! Responding to Godou's thoughts, the black gigantic beast
suddenly manifested.
Like a missile being fired straight up from the ground, the [Boar] jumped vertically!
It penetrated the villa's foundations, first and second floors as if they were made of paper. The
black beast's head, snout and tusks only flashed before the two Devil Kings' eyes for an
Of course, the perpetrator Godou had foreseen this already.
Traversing through the window, he leaped into the air without hesitation. Outside the house,
directly below, he had already prepared a mattress that dated back to the building's days as a
villa in use. Given a Campione's sturdy body, this level of safety precaution was more than
--In the instant he jumped out the window, Godou witnessed Doni striking downwards
repeatedly with his sword.
"Haha, what an unexpected move!"

The King of Swords was happily laughing away, not even showing a single shred of fear in
the face of this nonsensical preemptive strike. Calmly, he counterattacked with a slash.
Needless to say, his right arm was shining with silver brilliance of course.
In theory, the sword's blade should have hacked apart the head of the [Boar] that was jumping
straight up.
After all, in a contest of ridiculousness, this man deserved a gold medal-Godou was utterly amazed. After all, that magic sword was able to slice the entire Castello
Sforzesco into rubble. Splitting the 20m-long divine beast cleanly into two would not be out
of reason. However.
Creating sonic waves, the [Boar] produced roars accompanied by ultrasound.
Just as the sword was inches from striking the [Boar], the sonic waves blew Doni away
forcefully. Immediately after that, the [Boar] cleanly penetrated the villa's second floor and
roof, flying into the sky above Lake Garda.
"I guess in terms of ridiculousness, the [Boar] does not lose to Doni..."
Finally landing on the mattress, Godou muttered in wonder. Even though he had crouched out
of habit and his foot struck his bottom, he did not suffer anything more serious than slight
pain on his foot and bottom.
The majestic gigantic beast kept rising through the moonlit sky like a rocket.
Already familiar with the summoning, Godou realized with a surprise. What a convenient
monster it was. Compared to the other incarnations, its ease of use was overwhelming.
The beast that could only be summoned with the intent of destroying a massive object.
In other words, this was the only incarnation that could be used freely according to Godou's
will. The [White Stallion] provided the greatest firepower while the [Warrior] may be the
most versatile, but if ease of use was factored into the equation, the [Boar] was truly the
ultimate trump card.
"Oh yeah...? Was my intuition mistaken?"
Godou suddenly noticed. Perhaps, this was actually not a beast that was summoned to fulfill
the wish of destroying something.
Instead, destroying an object was simply the condition for summoning the beast. Once
manifested, the [Boar] was only guided by its goal of destruction, merely responding to
Godou's orders cursorily on whim.

"...You think I wouldn't know?"

Probably best to keep the latter possibility a secret. Godou secretly grumbled to himself.
"No matter what, calling that guy out always causes widespread destruction. I have to be
Godou gave himself a self-reminder as he looked towards the villa. The [Boar] in the sky
reached its maximum height and began to fall. Not only was it falling, but it was also crashing
down rapidly.
The ferocious roar displayed the beast's fighting spirit. Treating the villa as its target of
destruction, the [Boar] crashed down from above like a flying body press. It intended to
smash the villa to smithereens using its monstrous gigantic body. However, Godou saw it.
Standing in a corner on the roof, a blond handsome man appeared with his sword. Doni.
Godou had no idea how he survived the [Boar]'s sonic waves, but he seemed lively and
"O Sword that pierces enemies with but a single swing. For the sake of plundering all life
from creation, shine with brilliance!"
Doni called out spell words and launched his sword in the manner of throwing a javelin.
Infused with authority of the magic blade, the sword flew through the air. Its target was the
defenseless belly of the rapidly descending giant beast. The [Boar] proceeded to emit its usual
The invisible sonic waves blew away Doni's thrown sword -- that was what one would
reasonably expect. However, a liquid metal resembling mercury gushed out from the flying
sword, taking on a massive elongated shape.
The liquid silver instantly solidified to become a giant "magic sword."
An exceptionally large magic blade measuring seven or eight meters long. Even as an
improvised creation, it surprisingly resembled a sword in form.
Were it a sword of ordinary size, the divine beast's sonic waves would probably blow it away
easily. However, it did not work against a sword of such ridiculous dimensions.
Completely unaffected by the sonic waves, the gigantic silver magic blade continued its flight,
striking the [Boar]'s belly and completely piercing through.

Painful howls on the verge of death. This sword had ended the [Boar]'s life. Nevertheless, the
black divine beast displayed its formidable will at this time. Even skewered, it continued its
swift descent towards the villa.
Measuring 20m in body length, it probably weighed a couple hundred tons.
With that kind of monster crashing down on its gigantic belly, no villa could have survived no
matter how grand or vast its scale. Naturally, it was demolished. Whether the roof, the
ceilings, structural beams, pillars, walls or floors, all were crushed and pulverized without
Immediately after that, the [Boar], skewered by the giant magic blade, vanished in a puff of
black mist.
However, its foe, Salvatore Doni should have been on the roof top of the villa demolished by
the divine beast, what happened to that guy -- ?
Focusing his gaze, Godou found a figure in the flying dust cloud amidst the debris.
He nodded. What a piece of cake it would be if victory could be obtained like this. However,
he did not believe that man could fall so easily. The battle had not ended yet.

Part 2
"Good job, Godou. So amazing! I've fought all kinds of enemies before but rarely have I ever
been struck by such a powerful preemptive strike!"
Yelling out with an utterly delighted expression, Doni was completely unharmed. Close to a
hundred symbols resembling cuneiform appeared all around him as if protecting him. Based
on the shapes, they were probably Norse runes.
This was Doni's [Man of Steel] authority which conferred an invulnerable body.
"If that's the case, I really should counterattack in a manner no less spectacular than yours."
For some incomprehensible reason, the handsome blond was grumbling in a completely
serious tone of voice.
"But I don't have anything fancier than swordsmanship. My duels have nothing to do with
glamor. On the other hand, the flashiness of your many varied skills and abilities are so
"What you did just now was flashy enough already!"
"Eh, really? Then let's continue."
Retorted by Godou, Doni bent over and picked something up.
It was his giant magic blade from before that was buried in the rubble.

Staring at it once again, Godou could not help but feel astonishment at how ridiculous the
sword looked.
The blade itself measured almost 8m in length while the hilt was about 1m or so.
Proportionate to its length, the blade was also wide and of a sturdy and heavy construction.
Hiding a child-sized object behind the sword would be a most simple matter.
Doni stood at 185cm tall or so. The length of the sword was essentially four times his height
in scale.
Wielding the long and massive sword without losing balance, the silver-armed Campione
swung it using one hand with the sound of slicing wind. The scene was utterly ridiculous.
"...Before I offer my opinion for reference, let me ask something first. Is that thing lighter
than it looks?"
"I've never weighed it before, but it's probably more than 300kg? However, since it's made of
the same substance as my arm, I can move it freely as if it were my own arm or leg."
Smiling proudly, the silver-armed Campione replied.
"Hohoho, the enemies of us Campiones are not limited to fellows in human form. There are
times when we must fight freaking huge divine beasts or demonic deities. In order to chop
them apart in frontal combat, I created this mystic sword!"
"Making your own sword huge to fight gigantic enemies, that's such a dumb idea!"
While he criticized, Godou truly felt terror in his heart. Indeed there should be limits to
foolish notions. However, what if it happened to be backed by logical reasons?
If Doni was able to swing the weapon freely despite its ridiculous length and weight-"So, let's try something flashy."
Doni finally entered a stance with the massive magic blade.
Holding the hilt with both hands, he pointed the 8m blade towards Godou in a manner similar
to spear-armed heavy infantry, completely different to his earlier posture just now.
The two were separated by roughly 15m.
But given the massive magic blade, the distance could be easily crossed. Yesterday, Godou
had mentioned it would be best to stay out of reach from Doni's sword. Obviously, this did
not count as particularly brilliant insight. But he never expected the sword to grow in length
as well.
Hoo. Godou exhaled. Finally it was time for a decisive direct confrontation. Now was the
time to counterattack his opponent, the higher ranking [King]. Thinking calmly, he counted
the number of incarnations at his disposal.

He confirmed three incarnations as being usable. Then he will go all out and pit them against
his enemy!
"Skills must carry power -- no matter how godly a skill, without matching "power," one
would simply fail and be slaughtered in the end."
Doni quietly uttered words that seemed to be some kind of key to swordsmanship.
These too, were spell words. In order to pour magical energy into the giant silver magic blade,
infusing it with greater deadly formidable power. Then Doni aimed a "thrust" at Godou.
He attacked as he took a giant step forward.
The long silver blade sped straight towards Godou like an arrow.
"Damn, you really can use it normally!"
Cursing away, Godou jumped sideways and evaded the giant magic blade.
Just barely. Had he been fractions of a second too slow, he would have been sliced into two
by the ridiculous blade. The situation had become that terrifying.
"I am the strongest, crushing all who stand in my way!"
Chanting Verethragna's scripture, Godou used the [Bull] incarnation which required an enemy
possessing great strength beyond normal parameters. Against this quickly swinging massive
magic blade, the "strength" behind it was all it took to satisfy the condition.
Godou ran over the mountain of rubble created by the [Boar].
Nothing remained of the house's original shape. The various building materials comprising
the ruins were open to view. Pillars, sculptures, walls, floors, ceilings... All sorts of debris.
Godou discovered a suitable weapon amongst this pile of debris. It was the seven or eight
meter tall statue of Madonna and Child which used to be displayed in the first floor lobby!
Yelling out, he used the [Bull]'s monstrous strength to lift the statue that had somehow
miraculously survived intact.
This thing offered reach rivaling that of the massive magic blade. Swinging the statue like a
laundry rod, Godou struck at Doni. Rather than expecting it to hit, Godou simply planned to
hinder Doni's movements.
However, Doni did not dodge the attack.
With a loud crash, the statue of Madonna and Child struck him on the cheek. Godou was

In that very instant, runes floated all around Doni, glowing brightly.
To Godou's great surprise, the sensations transmitted through his hands felt as though he had
struck a heavy block of iron. Smashing into Doni, the statue of Madonna and Child crumbled
to pieces.
The King of Swords, surrounded by runic symbols, was completely unharmed. So this was a
body of steel!?
"Alright alright, your engine must be getting all revved up!"
This time, Doni went for an overhead downwards chop.
A direct chop like the act of splitting firewood. Godou jumped backwards slightly to evade.
However, Doni's wave of offense did not end there. Easily lifting the lowered massive magic
blade with his arm strength, he chopped down upon Godou's head again.
Godou rolled awkwardly to the right and narrowly evaded the giant magic blade's pursuit.
Instead of hitting Godou, the gigantic magic blade embedded itself into the debris of the ruins
with a crash. In that instant, calamity struck. An explosion happened, centered where the
massive magic blade was buried, generating light, explosive wind and shockwaves.
"O Sword, shining bright, release flames!"
With brief spell words, Doni's sword made the ground explode.
Scorching heat and shockwaves were generated as if a buried landmine had exploded. It felt
like a strengthened version of the explosion magic Bianchi used in Sardinia.
Nevertheless, it was unable to overcome a Campione's unreasonable resistance to magic.
Although engulfed by the white explosion, Godou simply suffered minor burns and scratches.
However, he could not avoid being blown away by the explosive wave of heat and shock.
Not only could Doni slice things apart, but he was also able to imbue his attacks with this kind
of additional effect-Stunned, Godou was blown away by the force of the explosion.
Crash! His brief flight was halted by the impact of his back and the back of his head against a
stone wall. His entire body was hurting, but thanks to this the distance between him and Doni
was increased.
Godou sighed lightly as he searched his surroundings for weapons.

"At this distance, I definitely won't miss!"

Saying that, Godou picked up a piece of debris with one hand, roughly three times the size of
a bowling ball. He threw it with the same technique as if he were picking off a fast runner on
second base trying to steal third. Using the [Bull]'s monstrous strength, this attack would have
the destructive power of a cannon ball.
Throwing it forward, the target was naturally Doni who was wielding the massive magic
The stone flew at roughly 160km/h. Pitched at close range, it was more like a "fast stone" than
a fastball.
Even the blond Campione should be unable to pierce this stone with ease.
But once again, Doni held his massive magic blade like a spear, simply shifting the gigantic
blade pointing at Godou slightly to pierce the rubble.
Then, an explosion occurred-From the rubble came a blinding white flash and wave of heat and explosive wind.
The explosion swallowed Doni. It was only natural for the perpetrator standing the closest to
be engulfed when the sliced target exploded.
Nevertheless, surrounded by runic symbols, Doni remained unharmed.
A nonchalant expression on his face, he seemed completely unaffected by the explosive heat
and force.
Godou threw his second pitch. Using both arms to pick up a piece of debris that was ten times
larger than the previous one, he threw it with all his might. Furthermore, it flew just as fast as
the previous one.
This time it struck on target. That piece of stone, most likely weighing over a hundred
kilograms, violently smashed into Doni's body with speed and weight that even the strongest
batters from America's Major League would not be able to hit back, becoming a vicious dead
However, the stone noisily shattered into pieces. Doni did not even sway the slightest from
the impact.
"Seriously, can't you be a little more human!?"
"I don't want to be criticized like that by you!"
Objecting, Doni made a thrust.
Within the tiniest of instants, the magic sword's blade already reached Godou.

--Using a normal sized sword, Doni had once exhibited magical slashing attacks that could
not be felt coming. But because the giant magic blade was over ten times longer, Godou was
also much further away from Doni.
Thanks to that distance, Godou had slightly more time to see him perform his sword strikes.
Presumably because of that, Godou found it much easier to evade his slashes compared to the
time at Castello Sforzesco.
Once again, Godou jumped at the last second to dodge the sword blade.
The giant magic blade struck the wall behind Godou instead, severing it into two. At the same
time, it produced the usual white explosion, sending Godou's body flying.
Once again, Godou landed on the debris laden ground, though his injuries were still minor.
Pushing himself up, Godou noticed the shattered Madonna and Child before his gaze. It was
the statue he had used to strike Doni just now. Although the top half was smashed, the bottom
was still intact.
Let me hinder him by throwing this thing at him -- just as the thought crossed his mind.
Godou saw a silhouette like a magical bird's. Wielding the giant magic blade, Doni leaped
Due to the destruction of the villa's ceiling, the moon was visible up in the sky. However, the
figure of the silver blade and the magical swordsman completely blocked Godou's view of the
It was a giant leap that almost instantly crossed the ten-odd meters that separated them.
--Godou recalled. This was a skill that Erica had also displayed in Sardinia. A movement
technique that allowed a flesh-and-blood human being to obtain superhuman leaping ability
and speed rivaling cars. Doni could also use it!
Doni's landing spot was the lower half of Madonna and Child that Godou was staring at.
Stepped on by the handsome man's boots, the statue crumbled again. It failed to support
Doni's weight, as if his mass was on the order of tons -- !
"Hoho. Using this allows me to increase my mass as much as I want as dictated by inclination
of spirit. But if I carelessly trample and wreck places, people get angry... By the way, right
now I weigh something like a bulldozer?"
Doni declared boldly as runes glowed brightly all around him.
The mysterious symbols which conferred his durability of steel. Apparently that was not the
only effect!

"Take a small car for example. I could step on it lightly if I wanted to, but then it wouldn't
have much of an effect. It's quite annoying."
"...I see, becoming sturdy would only defend against an enemy's attack, but without the mass
of iron, one would be sent flying no matter how sturdy--!"
Godou recalled what happened when he smashed the statue of Madonna and Child against
Not only was it hard, there was also a feeling like hitting something exceptionally heavy. If
Godou was not infused with the [Bull]'s monstrous strength, his arms would have been
injured from the force of reaction.
Struck by that, as well as other pieces of debris, Doni remained motionless.
Against the King of Swords, those types of heavy attacks were completely insignificant.
Given Doni in his current state, he could probably engage giant Melqart and his clubs
Yagrush and Ayamur in closequarters combat as equals.
He was different from the artfully sublime masters he had fought before. Depending on need,
this man could transform himself into a heavyweight warrior who could pit his strength
against gigantic gods. Crushing enemies by pure "strength" yet maintaining the movements of
a lightweight body.
What a complete monster. Pure "strength" alone was not enough to compete against this guy.
Godou made his decision. Even though he was unsure how effective it would be, he had no
way of knowing unless he tried.
Just now, he had confirmed that three incarnations were available. Abandoning the first, the
[Bull], Godou switched to the second, the [Warrior].
The night before, together with Erica, he had forged the blade of spell words-Not too long ago, Godou had discovered that this weapon was also effective against the
authorities of Campiones. As a safety precaution, the act the two of them underwent by
joining their hearts as one, became the trump card at this critical juncture.

Part 3
"Salvatore Doni. Silver-armed Nuadha, whom you defeated, was the king of the Tuatha D
Danann worshiped by ancient Celts. This deity's majestic form, as befitted the king of the
ancient world, survives to this day."
Light appeared in response to Godou's whispers.
Shining brilliantly golden, spheres of light. Roughly the size of baseballs.
"As the king of the Tuatha D Danann, Nuadha was also a war god who wielded the sword of
victory. At the time, he was not yet silver-armed. However, while commanding his

subordinates in the conquest of Ireland, he was injured in a battle against local deities, thereby
losing his right arm."
In the blink of an eye, the number of light spheres shining brightly in Godou's surroundings
increased in number.
Compared to the scattered few in the beginning, it multiplied to dozens and then to over a
"Due to this injury, Nuadha was forced to give up his position as king. Hence, the god of
physicians forged a new arm of silver for the one-armed former king. Nevertheless, the silverarmed god Nuadha did not regain his throne at this point. He was only restored to power after
he was perfectly restored with an arm of flesh and blood."
Every time spell words were composed, new spheres of light were born, increasing the
brilliance illuminating the surroundings.
This brightness was Godou's weapon as the [Warrior] -- the [Sword] of spell words.
"The king must be a warrior. Powerful, formidable, and physically perfect. This was a
common tradition in the ancient world. So long as Nuadha remained the 'one-armed god,' he
was ineligible to be restored to power!"
The numerous lights from the [Sword] were shining radiantly like the brilliant multitude of
stars in the Milky Way.
Seeing these shining lights, Doni smiled.
"Hohoho... I know."
Instead of his usual cheerful and foolish grin, this was a smile filled with the joy of battle as
befitted the prodigious talent of the incomparable King of Swords.
"This is a [Sword] eh? A sword not forged and polished from iron but carved and formed out
of spell words. A sword of wizardry. Godou, you too are a sword-wielding god-slayer! How
Bearing the magic blade, Doni yelled loudly.
"Facing me who is served by a sword of steel, you oppose me with a sword constructed from
spell words... Salvatore Doni and Kusanagi Godou's styles share no commonality at all. Hoho,
but that's who we are, after all!"
Doni's eyes were flashing with a strange sense of kinship and competitive spirit.
"Yes. Conflicts between us Campiones are always undertaken as battles of obstinate wills, to
prove whose manner of doing things is superior! You seem to have finally understood that
promise. I am so happy!"
Doni made a thrust with the giant magic blade again.

However, Godou no longer dodged. Instead, he chanted spell words.

"Glorious victory in my hands, evildoers shall never triumph over me!"
Godou caused the dozens of flashing [Swords] around him to accelerate.
Doni's makeshift giant magic blade crashed towards them as they flew in the air like shooting
Flash, flash, flash, flash -- flashing nonstop, the [Sword]'s lights crossed paths with the extra
large silver magic blade for an instant.
In less than a tenth of second before the magic blade was going to slice Godou apart...
The giant magic blade which should have cleanly split Godou apart straight down from his
head, shattered noisily as if it were made of glass.
Carrying the ability to sever silver-armed Nuadha, the [Sword] destroyed the giant magic
However, Salvatore Doni's right arm remained in its silver state. His hand still held the base
of the giant magic blade, the completely ordinary sword.
Doni's authority, the [Ripping Arm of Silver], was still intact.
"Not completely severed eh..."
"I think you've already done superbly. Excluding the gods, I don't think there's more than four
people who could actually fight back against my sword strikes."
Nuadha's authority was deeply rooted in the very being of Salvatore Doni's soul.
Realizing that this core component had not been severed, he offered praise to Godou along the
lines of "ranking amongst one of four warriors in the world."
But you just watch, I'm going to sever it next -- As Godou intended to chant spell words
"How befitting of a [Sword] of spell words. Well, isn't it great to have something so
convenient? But now that I understand what kind of weapon it is, I will commit myself
As Doni smiled, the protective runes surrounding him vanished.
"I... I forbid the existence of things I cannot cut."
The glow of the silver arm increased. The same glow was also added to the sword held in
Doni's hand.

"Godou, your [Sword] seems to be a weapon meant for slicing apart my 'magic sword.' But I
hereby swear, I shall sever your [Sword] in turn. Putting my full strength on the line!"
The Campione of Swords' declaration of intent was also composed of spell words.
Salvatore Doni went as far as to assert he would slice apart Verethragna's [Sword] that stood
as Nuadha's natural predator, getting all fired up with magical power.
For this purpose, he deactivated the [Man of Steel].
Pouring forth all the magical power he could muster into the "magic sword."
Godou received quite a fright, probably due to the [Warrior] incarnation. Knowing his
enemy's origins with deep understanding, it felt like these traits of the [Warrior] allowed him
to read his enemy's intentions.
This ability was warning him, that Doni's oath could possibly -- could actually be realized.
Doni's authority specialized in "slicing attacks." As a result of this simplicity, the silver
"magic sword" was infused with divine might allowing it to cut through even its own natural
"So... I will sever it before you succeed!"
Just as Godou steeled his determination, Doni approached suddenly.
But rather than shortening the distance instantly, he was walking at a casual pace. In fact, he
was taking carefree steps as if visiting the home of a friend or a relative. From the way he
walked, one would not have been able to tell a duel was in progress.
Nevertheless, by the time Godou noticed, Doni had already "swiftly" appeared before him. He
was within the range at which he could capture Godou with his sword!
Faster than the eye could follow, Godou was within striking distance of Doni's sword by the
time he realized.
Godou had witnessed at Castello Sforzesco the same inscrutable movement technique that
made Doni resemble a heavenly being riding upon clouds.
"Defeating thousands with the strength of hundreds, vanquishing tens of thousands with the
attack of thousands!"
Terrified by Doni's godly technique, Godou chanted spell words once more.
He instantly summoned a hundred [Swords] to form a protective shield before him, while
Doni struck at the densely gathered golden lights resembling a galaxy, his sword moving as if
propelled by burning flames.
At that very moment, [Sword] and "magic sword" clashed openly.

Blocked by the golden light, the silver magic sword's motion halted. Clearly only 50cm away
from reaching Godou's body, it could not advance any further.
The silver-white light enveloping the sword, flickered intensely like the flames of a dying
This was the result of the golden stars blocking the sword's path, which still carried the effect
of sealing the silver-armed authority. Doni's "magic sword" and the power to "slice through
all existence" were gradually being chipped away and progressively weakening.
However, the one whose face was distorted by anxiety was Godou.
And the one grinning nonchalantly was Doni instead.
"I've heard from those people at Palermo who observed your fight against Melqart. You seem
to have usurped from Verethragna the ability to sever a 'divinity' itself. Using this ability
really would allow you to fight to great effect against all sorts of deities."
Doni pushed his magic sword of light further slightly.
1cm, followed by another 1cm. The sword's blade gradually approached Godou.
"In any case, it could target only a specific portion of the authorities held by a deity, right?
Well, that's not enough to overwhelm the enemy like some kind of miraculous panacea -- that
was my conclusion as soon as I heard the report. It's just as I thought!"
Completely correct, it was exactly as Doni described. Godou nodded in acknowledgement.
The golden [Sword] originally could sever the silver sword with ease. However, an
excessively simple power like "slicing through all existence" combined with the fact that Doni
poured forth his entire power to strengthen it, that sort of over optimistic personality was a
recipe for disaster.
It made what should have been severable inseverable. Furthermore, Doni's "magic sword"
was slowly pressing forward even as it weakened.
Godou glared intensely at Salvatore Doni.
This handsome man was undoubtedly a great idiot. And very obviously, he had many flaws.
Nevertheless, he displayed unusual cunning where it mattered. Also, he had mastered many
ultimate techniques.
Erica called this man a genius of the sword.
But having fought him in actual combat, Godou now realized that the description was
completely insufficient.
Being inexperienced, Godou could not tell or imagine how much hardship Doni had endured
throughout his training. Nevertheless, he could believe it was the result of efforts accumulated
day after day, immersed in a domain of crazed obsession--

Obsessively ignoring sleep and food, avoiding all mundane tasks, focusing entirely on honing
a single art.
No everyday life, no ordinary happiness. Only thoughts focused on upgrading one's skill,
repeating every day by trial and error without end.
It could only be something like that. Like playing an RPG where the accumulation of
experience points did not rely on artistry. Never indulging oneself, never compromising,
always pushing one's body and mind to the limits of exhaustion, striving towards "that
particular direction" with foolish obsession.
Ultimately, Doni achieved a level that entitled him to be called a "sword demon" or a "sword
"...Against this kind of opponent, victory cannot be seized without sufficient determination--"
Godou secretly grumbled to himself.
The protective shield formed by the golden [Sword] barely managed to block Doni's sword.
However, only 20cm remained before the blade would reach Godou's body.
Godou was not confident if he could sever Doni's "magic sword" before that.
Nevertheless, he still had an ace up his sleeve -- Entirely the result of being in the form of the
[Warrior], he could inexplicably experience his enemy's greatness. As much as he wished to
deny it, he felt compelled to offer utmost praise to his opponent.
Precisely because of that, Godou very naturally resolved himself to use his trump card.
"In that case, I'll show you my spirit and determination!"
Godou recalled all the [Swords] which were not being used as part of the protective shield.
Numerous golden spheres of light were attracted to Godou's body, gathering together, shining
with spectacular brilliance.
As if enveloped by a galaxy of stars, Godou immediately took action. At the same time, this
gave Salvatore Doni an opening to exploit.
Godou dispelled the protective shield standing between him and Doni.
Due to the barrier's disappearance, the sword enveloped in silver-white light headed straight
towards Godou. This resulted in a diagonal slash from the left lower flank across to the right
Godou's body, enveloped in golden light, was viciously sliced.

A great volume of blood gushed out. It was as if a "/" symbol had been carved on his upper
This was the first time Godou experienced such an injury. Not only his skin and muscle, but
even all the bones and internal organs between his left flank and right shoulder were sliced
Rather than pain, the sensation was more accurately described as burning.
Godou's body swayed and he nearly fell on his knees. He was only able to endure thanks to a
Campione's resilient body and an athlete's unrelenting spirit. Salvatore Doni was truly
terrifying. Without using anything more than a sword of ordinary sharpness, he had sliced
through bones that were harder than iron.
Furthermore, he had not relied on his authority-"Ha, hahahaha, I see I see. You actually had this up your sleeve."
On the other hand, Doni was laughing so hard his shoulders were shaking.
His silver-white arm had returned to flesh. Covered with blood, the sword had also lost its
silver glow.
"I get it now. Given that I was slicing at your body, if you preemptively positioned your
[Sword] there, it wouldn't be difficult to intercept my 'magic sword.' However, you had to
resolve yourself to be sliced!"
As he laughed, his eyes stared at Godou with exceptional passion.
Just as Doni described, the trump card Kusanagi Godou employed was his own "body." Using
his body to bait the "magic sword," the price he paid was the suffering of a vicious slash.
Only by neutralizing Nuadha's authority at the very last moment, Godou escaped bifurcation.
Although the price he paid was extremely heavy, his plan went off smoothly as intended...
Most likely, the [Sword] could only seal Nuadha's authority temporarily. That was what he
speculated from the feeling. However, it should be more than ample for the duration of the
"This is really great! For you to come up with this creative idea in a situation like this, and
have the decisiveness to put it into action. Godou, you're really foolish enough for an idiot!"
"I-I don't want to be called an idiot by an idiot!"
"Hey hey, I was praising you there."
While Godou protested as he panted from the intense pain, Doni spoke with an air of

"Originally I looked forward to a duel simply because you are a Campione. But now, I
understand things differently. Kusanagi Godou -- you are a man I approve as worthy to be my
'friend.' I clearly realize that now."
Casually stated by the young man possessing the divine arm and a sword demon's martial arts.
"Ah yes. Not simply familiar opponents. We will probably cross swords a good many times in
the future and develop a relationship where we communicate through exchanges of the fist.
Sometimes fighting each other, sometimes fighting as comrades, but ultimately we will seek
each other out for a decisive duel -- that's what I see for our future."
"That... That's not what friends do. That's more like rivals or competitors!"
In response to Godou's objections voiced through pain endurance, Doni nodded with a
nonchalant expression.
"Indeed. Written 'mortal enemy' but pronounced 'friend.' Isn't that a wonderful relationship?"
"How is that wonderful in any way?!"
Why did he have to retort so desperately?
Godou muttered as he activated the [Camel] incarnation. Now that his friend -- no, enemy had
lost Nuadha's arm, the [Warrior] was no longer needed.
Due to the severe injury he had just suffered, it became usable.
As the numerous golden spheres of light vanished, replacing them was the infusion of
ferocious beast-like combat ability into his body.
Amongst Verethragna's abilities, this was probably the strongest incarnation in terms of closequarters combat. This incarnation could very well back Doni into a corner. Godou realized the
battle had finally reached the endgame.

Part 4
Last night, having completed the [Sword] for slicing Nuadha.
Erica Blandelli suddenly changed her attitude towards Kusanagi Godou. Since she had
already expressed her love in no uncertain terms, plus the fact that the two of them had
already kissed passionately, there was no point in behaving conservatively anymore.
Her first change was the sense of distance she kept with Godou.
She was now always within arm's reach, or even so close that she could kiss him any time
simply by drawing her face nearer.
This was the sort of extremely close distance she maintained.

As a result, she discovered how amusing and cute it was to see Godou clearly losing his
Struck with mischievous thoughts, she would caress Godou for no apparent reason,
sometimes kissing him lightly on his lips or cheeks all of a sudden.
"Hey Godou... We really should sleep in the same room tonight, right?"
Late at night, that was what she whispered softly into Godou's ear.
Desperately objecting to her proposal, Godou locked himself in another room.
--In terms of lacking in dating experience, Erica and Godou were actually about equal.
However, compared to Erica who had plenty of opportunities to observe open displays of
affectionate couples in public, Godou had always maintained an attitude of avoidance.
This exemplified their differences in culture and personality.
Determined to accommodate their differences and enjoy her relationship with him, Erica
brought along the youth she loved when she went out that morning.
Walking on foot for about twenty minutes, they came to a lakeside cafe.
Whether during the walk or inside the cafe, Erica naturally stuck to Godou virtually all the
Up until yesterday, bystanders would probably conclude they were simply "very close
friends." But now, having witnessed their behavior this morning, most people would probably
speculate they were "a loving couple."
Erica happily accepted such views.
On the other hand, Godou was bored senseless trying to shrink himself from sight.
Finally, Erica returned to her usual attitude. It was after they had finished their espresso and
croissant breakfast at a waterfront table. Erica had casually mentioned the duel, thus bringing
up the most important subject of the day.
"Starting from just now, I don't know why, but I keep thinking about this idea."
Godou finally recovered some life in his eyes.
However, it also felt embarrassing to gaze into Erica's eyes, so he immediately looked away
whenever their gazes met. Hence, his view had settled somewhere over on the lake.
"The designated battleground for the duel, could also be chosen there."
"There... Godou, you don't mean that, do you? Why?"

Her beloved youth's gaze was focused on a certain object ahead.

Noticing the object bobbing slowly on the surface of the clear lakewater, Erica questioned.
"Look, the villa that was once a monastery, you said it was fine to destroy it, right? But if we
do it here instead, I was thinking if we could sink that bastard Doni to the bottom of the lake. -Wait a minute, it's probably not gonna work. I don't think sending that idiot into the water is
enough to end the fight."
Godou muttered repeatedly with uncertainty.
"Actually, it's probably to your disadvantage if the fight ends up in the water, Godou. Sir
Salvatore can apparently survive thousands of meters deep in the ocean."
Normally suppressed by common sense, Godou's tendency towards drastic action seemed to
be subtly expressing itself.
It must be due to the approaching duel. Observing with great amusement, Erica spoke:
"Sir Salvatore's authority of invulnerability is not limited to making his body durable.
Reportedly, there was one time when he was fighting a sea god somewhere, the ship that
carried him there was sunk into the Puerto Rico Trench. But a week later, he returned safe and
sound. A legend that sounds like some kind of joke."
"Is that guy some kind of deepwater creature..."
"It would not be surprising if he rivals a tardigrade's ability to survive."
As a side note, the tardigrade was a microorganism roughly a millimeter in body length. It
was the kind of resilient existence that could enter a state of suspended animation, allowing it
to survive extreme environments such as high temperatures, low temperatures and
"Godou, if you really have that intention, I could help you obtain that thing to ride. Yes,
there's the spell I mentioned yesterday. At my current level, even moving that size of metal is
no problem at all."
"I-Idiot. It was just a thought. Don't treat it seriously."
The suggestion was tentatively rejected by Godou.
Very likely, this idea was proposed with roughly 52% seriousness -- although that was what
Erica suspected, she did not voice it out. This was a knight's compassion.
--In any case, the night of the duel finally arrived.
Erica Blandelli did not participate. Like the battle against Melqart, she waited on standby in
case of changes in the situation. She kept a fair distance away from the two Devil Kings.
Also, regarding Erica's participation:

"Since this is clearly meant to be a one on one duel, wouldn't this be unfair?"
"No problem. When Godou summoned the [Boar], didn't Melqart call forth his servants?
Having divine beasts or familiars to assist in fights is actually fundamental to the battles of
your ilk."
Despite Godou's objections, she replied nonchalantly.
And now, under Erica's careful watch, Godou had sealed the "magic sword" by using his own
body as bait.
Though heavily injured, he was now able to use the [Camel] to face off against the Campione
of Swords.
"Now, let's start concluding things officially."
As Doni muttered, the runes of [Steel] spread all around him.
On the other hand, Godou seemed to be frowning from the pain of the sword injury.
However, the bleeding had already stopped. Apparently, his healing powers were even
stronger than usual. This was probably one of the abilities of the [Camel], in addition to
conferring beast-like combat ability and exceptional kicking power. His body also seemed
lighter and more agile.
Using speed that no track athlete could hope to match, Godou suddenly broke into a run.
Nevertheless, Salvatore Doni pursued with a knight's [Leap] magic. This was the physical
technique known as qinggong to Chinese martial artists whose use conferred exceptional
running and jumping ability.
Wherever Doni ran, deep footprints were left behind conspicuously on the ground.
It was reminiscent of the tracks left behind by the treads of heavy machinery. Just as Doni
described, his weight must have multiplied to a frightening degree.
However, Doni continued to run with his usual speed and posture.
"Sir Salvatore's [Man of Steel]... Turns out to be even more ridiculous than imagined."
Murmuring to herself, Erica also began to run.
She too, was capable of [Leap] magic so there was no worry she would be left behind. In
mere minutes, Godou raced down the mountain path that had taken him thirty minutes to
climb yesterday. Doni took slightly longer followed by Erica who had been hiding.
Godou's destination was the pier on the lakeside.
This was where many private yachts were moored. Lake Garda, as Italy's largest lake, was a
place that allowed the enjoyment of marine leisure activities.

Godou ran there with the blond Campione in pursuit.

His target was very likely -- Erica observed the direction he was running towards.
She could tell immediately. Before her eyes were the ships used for touring Lake Garda. Since
it was night time, all these ships were moored in preparation for setting sail the next day.
"I was really so surprised to hear you describing yourself as a pacifist and someone with
common sense. Clearly whenever you come across something advantageous in battle, you
almost never hesitate to make use of it."
Surprisingly, he went beyond a simple lack of scruples. Erica murmured to herself.
"Probably, you'd use anything unscrupulously so long as it wasn't overtly cowardly or
villainous. And with great momentary decisiveness!"
Erica could imagine what Godou was about to do.
Born sharp and intelligent, and having spent brief but intense days with the youth, she
naturally figured out what he almost suggested.
She saw Godou jump with great agility, leaping onto the deck of the tour ship.
Chasing after him, Doni also jumped onto the ship. The instant he landed, the ship rocked
violently, presumably due to the blond handsome man's excessive weight.
Prepared for the situation, Erica chanted spell words as she came before the ship.
"In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his
temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears. Then the earth shook and trembled;
the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken... Because he was wroth!"[22]
Choosing a ship as the stage for the duel and having the [Boar] destroy it. That was the plan
suggested earlier in the morning.
However, even if they did that, Salvatore Doni would probably survive miraculously.
Regardless, the [Boar] was temporarily unusable for now. In that case, Godou's goal should
not be that.
Most likely, he intended to take advantage of his enemy's "invulnerability"...!

Starting from the ruins of the monastery, a long distance run took place for six minutes or so.
Switching locations to the deck of a tour ship, the final round of the battle began. A diagonal
straight sword cut across his upper torso, Godou faced off against Doni.
"Finally the foot race has ended... This can't be your hobby. I was beginning to think you were
trying to use some kind of long range weapon."

Bearing a sword and the runes of [Steel], Doni smiled fearlessly. Compared to before, his
current expression displayed less foolishness and more acuity. Godou knew that he looked
more like a proper lady-killer when his face was like that.
His beautiful voice whispering softly, expressed complete manliness despite the sweetness in
"If I could still use the silver arm, I'd simply slice the ground to pieces to bury you."
"Gee thanks, I'm really relieved that you can't do something so lacking in common sense."
Retorting with sarcasm, Godou was currently using the [Camel] incarnation.
The straight slashing wound was not too painful but only felt a little hot. This was probably
the [Camel]'s effect.
"Fufufu. Ignoring your own issues, that's really quite a flaw of yours."
Doni "swiftly" approached as he remarked rudely.
At the same time, he sliced with his sword like a flame haze. Even without Nuadha's
authority, Salvatore Doni was still a person who could use the magic sword on some level.
The [Camel]'s combat sense managed to see through that magical swordsmanship.
As Godou dodged by the slimmest of margins, Doni watched with a nonchalant expression.
"This time, you're using an ability that enables you to engage me in close-quarter combat.
Your authority appears to allow you to switch between warlord Verethragna's ten
"You are right."
"I knew it. Given that the ten incarnations have the quality of switching, it feels like there
should be all sorts of usage conditions. Once you master your authority, things will be really
Doni dangled his sword vertically by his side, resuming his usual stance.
"However, all that would be meaningless if you were to fall here!"
As soon as he finished his merciless declaration, he slashed. A horizontal slash!
Godou focused his vision to watch Doni's sword clearly.
Comparing Erica's sword swings with Doni's, Godou finally understood that the latter's
trajectories were far more compact.
Using shorter, smaller trajectories, he was able to swing his sword much faster!

Furthermore, his swings carried greater impact, delivering intense power with his sword!
All these factors combined to produce those "flame haze"-like sword strikes that were
difficult to evade. Very likely, Doni was capable of slicing at maximum force even when
limited to short distances of 30cm. Truly, his was a magic sword transcending common logic.
"And that's why this guy is a master!"
Expressing admiration and annoyance simultaneously, Godou did not retreat from this attack.
A sure-kill horizontal slice to the torso. Impossible to evade. There were no avenues for
retreat backwards or to the side. This was what the [Camel]'s instincts sensed. The only way
to survive was -- forward!
Godou's body moved on its own. Stepping ahead of where Doni's swing was heading, he
jumped lightly, sending a sudden knee towards the face of the Campione who possessed the
weight and hardness of steel.
Doni blocked Godou's knee with his left palm.
The impact felt like kicking an iron plate, but Godou's kneecap did not fracture. After all, the
[Camel]'s kicks had the power to shatter concrete and break iron plates.
Although Doni's left palm was completely unharmed, that did not matter.
Thanks to running forward, as long as Godou avoided the sword's blade, as long as it was
only Doni's right arm that struck him, his body could still endure.
Grunting, Doni stepped on Godou's instep.
It felt like a heavy block of iron had been dropped on it. While Godou was distracted by the
pain from his left foot...
Doni used his unarmed left hand to push Godou's chest. This seemed like a light shove, but
was actually a terrifying palm strike.
With a great thud, Godou felt like the core of his body was struck by a crushing impact,
sending him toppling backwards. The sensation was like being rolled over by a fully
accelerated dump truck.
To think the [Man of Steel]'s weight could be used to attack in this manner!
Furthermore, while performing these actions, Doni turned the sword in his right hand at the
same time. He was aiming for a straight thrust for piercing Godou's throat.
In order to evade, Godou arched himself and leaned backwards.

As Doni's sword missed, Godou aimed a kick at his right fist which held the sword. However,
the sturdy and heavy arm did not even budge from the impact.
"Still not giving up, Godou? But how much further can you endure?"
Doni swung his sword at Godou's horizontal posture, slicing at his abdomen.
This attack caused Godou to roll on the ground to evade. Though his posture was most
unbecoming, there was no other choice given the circumstances. In order to survive, Godou
took desperate measures.
His enemy was an expert in close-quarter combat, and a super heavyweight as well.
Furthermore, Godou's left foot was now injured by the stomping, rendering his agility useless.
Standing up, Godou found the night breeze blowing across his face rather chilly.
"No, there's no need to endure any further. I'm so relieved."
Cornered to this extent, indeed there was no point in seeking victory through close-quarter
However, Godou began to smile. He could feel his lips twisting grotesquely. Because he knew
the opportunity for counterattacking had finally arrived, his fighting spirit was roused
"Something I possess, but you don't, has given me a final chance. If this doesn't work, then I
have no hope of winning -- so I will give it a try!"
"Hoho. What naive words."
Godou conversed with Doni as he thanked Erica in his heart.
Even though he did not have the leisure to confer with her, his "partner" had already read his
intentions perfectly.
While the two god-slayers were fighting on the deck, the ship had started moving at some
point in time.
Using the "magic for making metal move" that she mentioned yesterday and this morning,
Erica made the ship set sail.
The night breeze blowing across the lake was extremely cold.
Having left the shore, the ferry had sailed quite far into the lake.
The water in this area should be deep enough. Since Lake Garda was Italy's deepest lake, it
should be more than sufficient. Godou spoke up:

"Just as you described, my abilities have many strict usage conditions. Amongst them all, this
one is also quite troublesome to fulfill. But with you as the target, this posed no problem from
the start."
Earlier, Godou had confirmed three incarnations available for use. Now was the time to
unleash the third one.
"By troublesome, you mean?"
"It is only permitted to be used against a great sinner who has caused hardship and suffering
to the people... You, how much trouble have you brought on others? Since my most powerful
move was available from the very start, I decided to trick you by using it last."
"I just go a little far with my pranks sometimes. If you label me as a great sinner, wouldn't
you deserve the same title based on what happened tonight?"
"I don't want to hear that from you!"
This was a frivolous exchange, lacking in solemnity that befitted a duel between Devil Kings.
However, the preparations were all complete. From the tour ship's deck, Godou glanced into
the distance and saw specks of starlight in the eastern sky.
"For victory, hasten forth before me... O Immortal Sun, I beseech thee to grant radiance to the
As Godou yelled out the spell words, the eastern sky was illuminated by the rosy colors of
This untimely light of dawn pierced the veil of night. Furthermore, the eastern sun fragmented
to form a descending spear of flame at this instant.
This was the arrival of Verethragna's third incarnation, the [White Stallion].
"Guh -- !"
Even Salvatore Doni was unable to evade the downpour of flames.
Engulfed by white light, he was scorched by the flames of judgment.
If he opened fire at full blast like the time at Sicily, even Godou himself would get caught up
in the flames. Godou desperately used his thoughts to focus the flames and heat as much as
possible. His prayers answered, the white conflagration formed a pillar of fire centered on
Doni with a radius of a few meters.
Although a massive hole was bored through the ship, it still managed to continue sailing.
At this very moment, Doni could be heard yelling.
"You really dared to do it. But don't think you can get past my invulnerability!"

Standing in the middle of the white pillar of fire, Doni smiled courageously. In this extreme
predicament, the "warrior amongst warriors" was literally on fire, displaying greater ferocity
the hotter his temperature.
"Even if the body is crushed and scattered, the sword never dies! The broken blade shall be
melted down in the furnace, forged once more to be reborn as a new sword. This level of
flames cannot destroy me!"
These were spell words for invoking the [Man of Steel] for maximum protection.
The runes surrounding Doni increased to several hundred, glowing with red light. Standing in
the center of the fire, the blond Campione unbelievably survived.
His clothes were burning away in the super high temperature flames while his sword
gradually melted into a viscous paste.
That muscular body, as tight as a whip, was scorched red in color -- or rather, it became redhot like metal heated to high temperature. Nevertheless, he remained completely unharmed!
At the same time, the [White Stallion]'s flames began to burn the ship's body, melting it.
"Friend, I will endure this scorching right before your eyes! After that, let's have an
unrestrained final round!"
"Seriously, by this stage, this is the final round!"
Godou forced his heavily wounded body to move, intending to jump into the lake.
He knew the ship's body was reaching its limits. Rather than getting burnt alive, he would
rather take his chances by taking a night swim with his injured body.
Doni extended a scorched red-hot hand towards Godou.
"Come on man, don't say something so heartless. Our battle is only starting now!"
"Like I said, it's impossible! Unless you can float in water with that mass of yours!"
The ship finally melted and sank, sending both Devil Kings into Lake Garda.
However, their fates stood in stark contrast.
Kusanagi Godou barely managed to tread water and stay afloat.
On the other hand, his body of [Steel] strengthened to the max, Salvatore Doni sank to the
bottom like an anchor made of steel.
In addition, the [White Stallion]'s rays of the sun continued firing from the eastern sky, as if
trying to incinerate Doni even as he sank. Not this again, thought Godou to himself.

Lakewater boiled and evaporated from the high temperature.

Steaming up everywhere, the lakewater became scalding like boiling water.
Salvatore Doni's voice and figure disappeared into the depths of the lake.
Nevertheless, the [White Stallion] descending from the eastern sky continued, attempting to
burn its sunken target to the very end. The blue lakewater continued to heat up, but Doni
survived nonetheless.
After one or two minutes, Erica arrived to the rescue on a rowing boat.
Saved from the water, Godou could still watch the laser beam persist for quite a while longer.
As soon as the light and flames finally vanished, Godou spoke up quietly on the boat.
"...I was thinking just maybe, did that guy die?"
"...Then rather than 'just maybe,' you should be saying 'sure enough.' However."
Erica displayed a complicated expression that included worry and admiration.
"I don't believe for one second that Sir Salvatore would die as easily as that. I keep getting the
feeling he would exclaim 'I almost thought I was a goner!" and suddenly surface from the
water any time."
Godou completely agreed on this point.

Taking a rowing boat, Erica rescued Godou from the lake.
However, he fainted soon after they reached the shore. Having been cut by Doni's sword and
suffering further injuries, he was on the verge of death.
Thanks to the [Camel] incarnation, his ability to endure hits also seemed to be strengthened.
Hence, once the incarnation was gone, Godou was at his limits. Just before losing
consciousness, Godou naturally used the [Ram] incarnation in preparation for super recovery.
Then the next morning arrived.
At the log house villa, Godou regained consciousness under Erica's care.
Then he found himself dying of hunger. Consequently, he went outside accompanied by the
blonde beauty, going to the lakeside cafe to fill his stomach--

"Yo, you guys are here too? What a strange coincidence."

Inside the cafe, they met Salvatore Doni, bright red as if sunburnt.
Clearly it was still spring but his skin was fiery red. Erica almost fell down with surprise for
an instant. Shrugging her shoulders, she said:
"It's been a day -- or rather, a night, Sir Salvatore. You have returned safely."
"Yes. I almost thought I was a goner, but I survived after all. Ah, your name is Erica
Blandelli, right?"
"...Yes. May I ask how you came to remember my name?"
"Because you are my beloved Godou's attendant. I still remember."
Doni smiled nonchalantly as Erica displayed great surprise. The acuity and valor he exhibited
at the endgame of the duel last night had all vanished.
Godou frowned as he interrupted the exchange between a king and a knight.
"No, we didn't think you'd die like that either. But how did you survive? Shouldn't there be
limits to absurdity!?"
"Hohoho, listen well. I was thinking it might get dangerous if I continue to be scorched like
that. So I actually entered a state of suspended animation to avert the brunt of the flames.
After that, I used my steel body to run, climb and jump across the bottom of the lake, finally
reaching land!"
"A state of suspended animation, are you really a tardigrade!?"
Discovering his opponent's surprising mode of life, Godou could feel a headache coming.
"Indeed, a body of steel cannot float on water, but there's no risk of suffocation or
hypothermia either. The only troublesome thing is, once I enter a state of suspended
animation, this temporary death persists for a while. Which is how I spent a night at the
bottom of the lake. I finally managed to wake up this morning."
Smiling cheerfully, Doni recounted his ludicrous survival story.
Wait a minute, since Godou also possessed similar survival abilities, he could not comment as
if it did not apply to himself as well.
"After all, even someone like me would be tired as hell. I'm hungry and covered with wounds.
Indeed, I don't have the strength to fight you right now. Let's call our duel yesterday a draw?"
"I don't mind at all... But I don't see any injuries on you?"
Other than sunburnt in appearance, Doni's body looked completely the same as before.

Godou questioned with an expression of suspicion.

"Well, look here. I'm afraid my skin might become rough or have skin cancer or something,
so I never neglect my UV care. But to think I'd get scorched to this degree... Well done,
"Stop saying that with such a serious expression!"
Doni's face in a tense expression, Godou naturally took a seat opposite him at the same table.
An almost subconscious act. Erica also sat down beside him.
After ten-odd minutes, they began to eat the food that arrived.
Breakfast in Italy was usually a simple affair. A foundation of croissants and bread with jam
combined with espresso or cappuccino coffee.
However, this morning was an exception.
There was cream cheese made from goat's milk blended with black pepper, as well as a large
plate of pasta.
Godou and Doni wolfed down all this food as if they had not eaten for days. Also, Erica
ordered a sweet cream croissant for herself.
"Hey you, don't take so much. Shouldn't you think about leaving some for others!?"
"Hey hey Godou, a ceasefire on the dinner table does not exist. This should be universal.
Survival of the fittest is the biggest rule here!"
"Damn it, in that case, I have my own methods!"
Wielding a fork on their right and holding a plate in their left, Godou and Doni competed over
the abundant plate of pasta. With complete seriousness, they started a contest to see who
could eat faster and more.
Seeing them act in such a manner, Erica exclaimed emphatically:
"What should I say... You've become reliable in very short time, Godou. Standing up to Sir
Salvatore and not losing in any way. Is this a Devil King's disposition...?"
"Don't compare me with this idiot!"
"Please don't say something so cold. After all, aren't we similar in many ways?"
"In no way are we similar!"
This scene concluded the final act of the duel drama between Kusanagi Godou and Salvatore

After separating from Doni who had called for a ride from his subordinates, Godou and Erica
decided to return to the villa.
The two of them walked along the beautiful lakeshore.
It was a warm morning in spring. The blue sky was clear and sunny while the blowing breeze
felt leisurely and comfortable.
Happiest of all, he had a thoughtful and understanding "partner" by his side.
Godou felt a sense of fulfillment in his heart that he had never experienced before.
Furthermore, he felt as though no reasons were needed.
Erica must have been thinking the same thing -- glancing at her as she walked beside him,
Godou witnessed the beautiful smile of the most gorgeous girl he knew.
"Although many things need to be said, let's start with 'Congratulations' okay?"
Saying that, Erica leaned over matter-of-factly.
With her arms wrapped around Godou's right arm, they looked completely like a pair of
lovers. Erica proceeded to bring her lips near Godou's blushing cheeks and gave him a light
"E-Enough. I don't think this is very appropriate. We should get along as friends in a more
wholesome manner!"
If things really continued this way, he felt like he would be swept along naturally by the flow.
However, Godou desperately appealed as much as possible to his reason. Once their
relationship became too intimate, there would be no way out.

In this respect, perhaps this was the tragedy of a man whose age equaled the number of years
without a girlfriend.
"Hohoho, you're really cute when you're shy. However, please take a good look around.
There's no one here who would mind our behavior. We can openly express and affirm our
love for each other, you know?"
It was just as Erica stated.
The occasional passerby was completely unconcerned with their horseplay. For a passionate
Latin country, this level of bodily contact was considered only natural instead.
Kusanagi Godou was the only one in doubt, hesitating, faltering.
He could not think of a single reason why he could not take the next step forward. This was
the beginning of a mystery that troubled Godou until Lucretia pointed things out frankly.
"In any case, the incident has ended. Erica, you should go back and apologize to your uncle.
Say sorry for the trouble you've caused. I'm sure he'll forgive you, Erica."
Godou struggled to calm his heart and spoke out about what he worried the most.
For his sake, she had left her association and bid farewell to her only blood relative. He could
not return to Japan without resolving this matter. Luckily there were still a few days
remaining in his Golden Week vacation...
In order to be responsible for her to the end, Godou spoke with utmost sincerity.
"Ah, that's over already. Completely resolved."
Erica answered in an awfully frank manner.
"Just now when Godou and Sir Salvatore were indulging your gluttony, I already called Uncle
in Milan and reported to him the conclusion of the incident and my contributions in the
Come to think of it, Erica did leave her seat at the breakfast table for a brief while.
Godou had speculated that she was frightened by Doni and his appetite, but that was not the
"1) Kusanagi Godou is a man with the potential to fight Sir Salvatore to a draw.
2) He and Erica Blandelli have established a personal relationship of lovers.
3) If I can make good use of my position, then provided that the [Copper Black Cross] does
not come under Kusanagi Godou's command, it is not difficult to obtain his protection.

4) Due to these achievements, I am allowed to return to the association, and he will even
bestow upon me the premier knight's title of the [Diavolo Rosso] -- basically, that's what
Uncle said."
"S-So what's up over on that side?"
"A complete understanding has been reached. My return, Erica Blandelli's, has been
approved. Thank you, Godou, this is all thanks to you."
Erica smiled. This was a devil's smile of which he unwittingly caught sight.
A smile more gorgeous than anyone else's. A lioness' smile. A lady's smile. An innocent
maiden's smile. Gaining amusement from other people's misfortune, this face like a devil's
suited her quite well along with her various expressions.
Godou recognized this point once again.
"Even though we ran into all sorts of troubles, big and small, and you completely used me, I
don't really mind at all. B-But what is with that lovers relationship!?"
Give and take, aligned interests.
Due to his association with many strange relatives and acquaintances (foremost being his
grandfather and mother), Godou was very open and tolerant of such things.
However, there was only one fact he could not ignore.
"W-Won't it have a bad effect? What should I say, it's bad for respectability."
"That's no problem. It's just slightly unwholesome on first glance. Normally, calling yourself
'lovers' feels kind of salacious, but it also sounds more convincing to the listener."
"But it's not the truth at all."
"Well, would you simply call it a relationship of mutually passionate kissing?"
"Hoho. It's a little late, but I've already reported to Uncle everything that happened at the
Zamparini mansion. That night, we've witnessed each other's naked forms, had intimate skin
contact, slept in the same bed, and our lips have already pressed together in a frenzy
"W-Why do you have to use such an easily misunderstood description!?"
"Misunderstood? On the contrary, it is to express our relationship properly. As a result, Uncle
sighed deeply and said things like 'I never expected to feel like a bride's father so soon...' He
even grumbled quite a bit."
Godou suddenly noticed Erica had increased the force she was using to hold his arm.

He wanted to pull out but could not move at all. Did she use magic or something to raise her
arm strength?
Looking at Erica's face, he could see her smile admitting to his suspicions.
"It's really wonderful that you proposed going to Milan, Godou. The first thing you'll do is
meet Uncle, and it'd be best if you expressed official congratulations for my assumption of the
[Diavolo Rosso] title."
"If it's for that kind of stuff, no way. I'm returning to Japan!"
"What are you talking about? You haven't even obtained your plane ticket yet."
"I'll stand by for cancellations. In the worst case I'll ask Zamparini-san for help!"
"Don't say something so heartless. Actually, there's this great river coursing through the wide
open plains of Tuscany, but lately a giant eel monster has been sighted. As soon as it
approaches Milan, we can try capturing it."
"You can go on your own for something like that, right!?"
"This monster appears to be a creature of divine beast class. Maybe it's not an eel but a
serpentine divine beast. In that case, it's an opponent that no one can defeat but a Campione
like Godou."
"I don't want to fight anymore! I've had enough of this!"
"What are you talking about? You were clearly fighting with such intensity of vigor. Besides,
there shouldn't be any divine beasts that could take on a Campione. In terms of risk, the only
issue is the fact that Tuscany falls under Sir Salvatore's territory, so he'll be sure to join in the
"No matter how you look at it, that's the most dangerous risk factor!"
Kusanagi Godou and Erica Blandelli.
The seventh Campione and the premier knight of the [Copper Black Cross].
Thus concluded the story of their beginnings, to be followed by the start of endless

Back when I first began the series, I decisively made the following resolution:
"I will never write a story such as Campione!'s beginning or the like."

Ultimately, this is the story about an ordinary human who defeated a god. If he did not endure
a journey of hardship akin to clearing levels in an epic RPG, there would be no value.
Hence, Campione!'s origin story should be a long arc spanning three to five volumes. But
writing all that out in detail would delay the beginning of the main story, so I took the
omission route instead. As long as I'm happy (this is super important).
As a result, when asked to write the origin story, I said this:
"If the series gets a manga or anime adaptation (even though I don't really think it would),
then just put the adaptation-original beginning story there. Then novelize it afterwards."
My proposal was immediately rejected. This was how Volume 3 came to be suddenly
published. However, simply describing the birth of the Devil King from the start already used
up an entire volume, so after that I optimistically thought "we'll have a chance to tell the rest
of the story sooner or later, fufufufufu" and "oh well, there will be another chance next time!"
But life is full of surprises.
The series has expanded beyond my expectations, so the time has come to tell that story in the
From the author's point of view, I was writing the incredible developments of Volume 11 with
the feeling of "what would it be like if I wrote things this way?" It would be great if everyone
enjoyed it.
In terms of surprises, the sudden good news announced this time is also quite unexpected.
This is the result of everyone else's hard work for bringing plans to fruition.
I'll take this opportunity to thank everyone again.
As the author I would like to express to everyone involved with the anime production:
"Sorry for the original work being so troublesome."
Hence I express my sincere apologies.

Well then, the next volume will once again return to the main story.
In the story, it is now December when winter truly arrives. Winter festivities will be the main
theme. Eh? Christmas? Cough, is this a Christian conspiracy? As a believer of Shin
Buddhism[23], I don't really get it.
Everyone, if possible, let us meet again in the next volume.
...By the way, I also wrote a new script for the Drama CD included with the issue of "SUPER
DASH & GO!" to be sold in February.
If you wish, please show your support there as well.

Takedzuki Jou, November 2011

Translator's Notes and References

1. Jump up Golfo degli Angeli: the Gulf of Angels, large bay in southern Sardinia,
facing the Tyrrhenian Sea.[1]
2. Jump up Geomancy( ): literally "earth divination," a method of divination
that involves interpreting markings on the ground or patterns formed from tossed
handfuls of soil, rocks, or sand.[2]
3. Jump up Physiognomy(): an assessment based on the outer appearance of a
person, object, or terrain.[3]
4. Jump up Fuoriclasse: Italian for unrivaled or unequaled.[4]
5. Jump up Wide show: a type of current affairs and entertainment program on
6. Jump up A reference to the Latin phrase "Memento mori," meaning remember your
mortality. An artistic theme dating back to antiquity.[5]
7. Jump up Senatus consultum ultimum: Latin for "Final decree of the Senate," a
decree of the Roman Senate during the late Republic passed in times of emergency.[6]
8. Jump up Gelato: Italian ice cream made using milk, cream, sugars and flavorings
such as fresh fruit or nut purees.[7]
9. Jump up Sanzu River( ): the River of Three Crossings, believed in
Japanese Buddhism that the dead must cross on their way to the afterlife, similar to the
River Styx in Greek mythology.[8]
10. Jump up Yam: a god of the sea popular in ancient Egyptian times.[9]
11. Jump up Kothar-wa-Khasis: a Canaanite craftsman god who aided Baal in his
battles. Considered the equivalent of the Greek god Hephaestus.[10]
12. Jump up Special effects presentation( ): Tokusatsu is a Japanese term
referring to live-action film or television programmes which feature superheroes and
often giant monsters. Godzilla is one such example.[11]
13. Jump up Word of Abandonment: quoted by Jesus from Psalm 22, it is the only
saying that appears in more than one gospel (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34).
14. Jump up Psalm 22:2
15. Jump up Psalm 22:22
16. Jump up Senatus consultum ultimum: Latin for "Final decree of the Senate," a
decree of the Roman Senate during the late Republic passed in times of
17. Jump up Dogeza( ): literally "sitting right on the ground," an element of
Japanese manners by kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself
as touching one's head to the floor.[13]
18. Jump up Locked room mystery: a sub-genre of detective fiction where a crime is
committed under seemingly impossible conditions.[14]
19. Jump up Tuatha D Danann: Irish clan of deities. Later they moved underground
and became fairy-like beings.[15]

20. Jump up Cool Biz: a movement in Japan to lower electricity consumption by

limiting the use of air-conditioning. Consequently, workers were encouraged to dress
down and wear short-sleeved shirts without jackets or ties.[16]
21. Jump up Tardigrade: a small, water-dwelling, segmented animal with eight legs.
Tardigrades are able to survive in extreme environments that would kill almost any
other animal, such as temperatures of close to absolute zero, temperatures as high as
151C, 1000 times more radiation than other animals, and almost a decade without
water. Tardigrades have also returned alive from studies in which they have been
exposed to the vacuum of space for a few days in low Earth orbit.[17]
22. Jump up Psalm 18:6-7
23. Jump up Shin Buddhism( ): literally True School of Pure Land
Buddhism, the most widely practiced branch of Buddhism in Japan, with 20% of the
population of Japan identifying membership of the sect.[18]

Campione!:BR SS 1
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Appearance of the Devil King and Knight

On a certain spring morning, the sky was bright and clear without a single cloud for miles.
The refreshingly cool blue sky of May stretched overhead to as far as the eye could see.
Nevertheless, thirteen-year-old Alessia's little bosom was brimming with unease. In contrast
to the weather, her mood was hardly cheerful.
"...If only things could settle down today."
She murmured to herself softly as she walked along the path through the fields towards the
Alessia lived in a remote village located within Italy's central region of Tuscany. Here, the
inhabitants mostly made their living off agriculture and forestry. This place was simply a
small village and not a tourist attraction.
Also, Alessia was just an ordinary middle school student living in this village... Well, not
She possessed a secret skill. Namely, "magic." This ominous skill was the ability she
gradually acquired under the tutelage of an old monk who used to live in the monastery at the
village entrance until he passed away a few months ago.
After the old man died, sweeping and cleaning this little ancient monastery became Alessia's
daily chore.
She came before this Romanesque stone building, one that could have been built in the
twelfth century. As she advanced towards the depths of the chapel, she muttered the reason
why she was worried.

"...How is the situation underground? If only it would settle down..."

The mysterious old man who once lived here had secretly told her before. He claimed to be no
ordinary monk but belonged to a knightly order that held mastery over rare magic.
Furthermore, he even said that Alessia possessed the same talent as himself.
That was what he had said in the past when he taught Alessia basic magic.
"The holy sanctum dedicated to ancient deity's 'beast of strange forms'... This monastery was
built to conceal its traces. As for this beast of strange forms, it might be a reference to a
certain 'Goddess of Beasts' perhaps."
"Goddess of Beasts?"
"Yes. Given some incomprehensible opportunity, these [Heretic Gods] descend on the earth
with alarming simplicity. And they bring disaster, causing great hardship to us humans."
These were the faithless words of an old man, one without any relatives to accompany his last
and dying days.
Alessia recalled the incident as she ventured forward in trepidation.
Beneath her current position was the underground location where terrifying magical power
could be sensed starting a week ago.
Hence, she naturally recalled what she heard about "gods." As well as the deceased old man's
warning of the door "never to be opened no matter what." That door was concealed behind the
statue of the Virgin Mary.
In a corner of the chapel was a statue of Mary which had been painted completely black for
some reason.
Apparently, the wall behind the statue could be pushed and spun around to reach the deep
space on the other side.
A week earlier, sensing strong magical power, Alessia had tried opening the door with
...Behind the door was a flight of stairs that led underground. Reaching the bottom, she
discovered a path leading to a natural cave.
She did not have the courage to continue. The endless black space felt terrifying. However,
the main reason was because she heard the howls of wild beasts.
It sometimes sounded like the barking of dogs and the neighing of horses on other occasions.
As well as the chirping of birds, and the indiscernible cries of some kind of ferocious beast.
However, she never heard the same sound twice...
That time, Alessia frantically ran up the steps and returned to the chapel

In the past week, as the underground magical power gradually increased each passing day, her
uneasiness rose accordingly. Then on this particular morning, Alessia felt extremely
uncomfortable the instant she stepped into the chapel.
This was the result of being bathed in magical power more intense than she had ever felt
"Has a great god really descended...?"
Just as Alessia's heart was filled with worry and she was about to murmur again.
Clang! Clang! A metallic impact could be heard from above the ceiling. This was the result of
[Alarm] magic being triggered.
This took effect whenever a being above a certain threshold of magical power approached the
This was the first time for Alessia to hear this sound.
It was magic that she had cast as a precaution against outside intruders. Nevertheless, she was
delighted instead. Although she did not know why they had come, at least a great and
powerful mage must have entered the area. This could very well be her chance to seek counsel
regarding the deity who was about to awaken underground!
Alessia focused her magical sensing to read the danger report provided by the [Alarm] spell.
Extraordinarily powerfulNo good, that "excessively powerful" being seemed to be moving
along the river behind the mountain. Alessia immediately rushed outside, hoping to catch the
presence before it left.

On this cool and refreshing spring morning, the rosy clouds of May could be seen floating
slowly up in the sky above.
However, Kusanagi Godou's current mood had nothing to do with cool and refreshing.
This was only natural. Just earlier, he had spent the entire night fighting some monster whose
appearance he could not see. In the end, he was swept into the river and had been clinging
onto driftwood while he floated for the past dozens of minutes.
Only now did he manage to get ashore with great difficulty.
However, Godou was hurt. His body was covered with burns and his back had suffered a deep
slashing wound. He was covered with bruises all over. Nevertheless, these painful sensations
gave him a sort of pleasure of being alive.
"It feels... Feels like I seem to be gradually getting used to this kind of stuff..."
" 'Seem to be' is completely redundant, Godou. You are fully accustomed to this sort of
adventure already."

This "partner" declared with effortless certainty towards Godou as he endured his pain.
Erica Blandelli. The beautiful girl who possessed a head of reddish lustrous blonde hair.
However, her beauty was not only based on her physical appearance, for Erica's aura of
ambition and intellect that exuded from her entire being was the major contributor to the deep
impression of glamor she left on others.
"Clearly so little time has passed since you defeated Verethragna on the island of Sardinia...
Yet in all aspects you are already a Devil King who can stand in his own right. This I can
guarantee completely."
"That kind of guarantee is completely unnecessary... Well, anyway."
Sitting quietly on the riverbank from exhaustion, Godou spoke up.
"Thank you for your help this time as well. Thanks."
After the battle against the Persian Warlord Verethragna and becoming a "Campione," all
sorts of pandemonium broke loose one after another.
After that, he had fought the ancient Mediterranean sky god Melqart at the island of Sicily,
and also arrived at Milan to battle his fellow Campione, Salvatore Doni, the sword genius...
The only reason Godou was able to overcome all of these deadly challenges, was due to
Erica's aid and support.
...Well, this time, it all started from her "let's go check out this giant eel monster that has been
sighted in Tuscany" suggestion. She was the true culprit who proposed and forced him to take
on this venture.
But in spite of everything, her being his savior remained as unchangeable fact.
Not only was Godou completely wet from being carried by the river current, Erica was also
fully drenched. This was because his "partner" had jumped into the river in order to pull
Godou back ashore. For the sake of saving Godou, she had done so without any hesitation.
The river flowing before them was the Arno.
It was said to be a great river traversing the region of Tuscany from east to west. However,
due to the current mountainous location, the river was not particularly wide. Such was the
scenery belonging to this slightly bigger than average river.
"This river apparently passes through Florence, right?"
"Yes. Continuing along downstream should reach the city of lilies, Florence. If you go further
along the river, you will reach Pisa, famous for its leaning tower. Beyond that, the river flows
into the Tyrrhenian Sea."
The ones Erica listed out were the most famous cities located in the region of Tuscany.

Hearing these familiar geographical names, Godou muttered with heartfelt feeling.
"How fortunate that I didn't have to take a river tour through all those places..."
"But precisely because you are Godou, wouldn't it be most unbecoming to die a death of
Completely drenched, Erica bore a serious expression. She did not seem like she was joking.
Godou felt slightly displeased. Even though he believed that his body was "perhaps" rather
excessive in survival ability, at least that kind of unreasonable result should not happen.
Feeling the chilly air against his completely drenched body, Godou shuddered.
His strength was being drained. He seemed to have lost too much blood and energy from
drifting in the river with all his injuries. Seeing his condition, Erica smiled with a chuckle.
Rather than taking sadistic pleasure in Godou's misfortune, it was probably the opposite.
Though Godou figured out what she was thinking, it was already too late.
In the next instant, Erica had already swiftly approached and embraced Godou in her arms.
"Hoho. Now first we must heal your wounds. Accept this obediently."
Erica displayed a mesmerizing smile towards Godou as she whispered softly. She drew her
face extremely near.
Had she gone another 10cm or so, their faces would probably have stuck tightly together.
"No, don't. After all, my body should heal on its own!"
Kusanagi Godou's body had already become one that "could not die easily."
Although this was completely beyond common logic, even if he suffered a sufficiently severe
injury, a nap was probably not enough to heal things completely.
"So anyway, healing isn't completely pointless, you know?"
Erica smiled innocently and adorably as she pressed her lips close to Godou's face.
"Currently, you should recover your wounds as quickly as possible and dry your clothes. For
this purpose, all effort must be spent. Because I am your lover who stands as Kusanagi
Godou's knight... Even offering you my lips is nothing particularly out of the ordinary."
"T-That is exactly the problem!"
Like that supernatural ability to survive, this was also part of the new constitution Godou had

Namely, absolute resistance to magic. Once reborn as a Campione, a person became immune
to all magic, rendering it ineffective.
This applied indiscriminately towards all magic, whether friendly or hostile.
"However, as long as it is through oral intake, magic can still be applied to you. Hoho, I really
must express my gratitude towards the existence of such a loophole. Thanks to that, not only
can I help Godou but I can also enjoy the pleasure of kissing you."
With such a seductive tone of voice, Erica took Godou's lips.
Her sweet kiss sealing his mouth, Godou began to feel dizzy. Those soft lips of hers felt
pleasurable beyond belief, plunging one into ecstasy. Erica began with light pecks on Godou's
lips then proceeded to kiss him as if trying to envelope his entire mouth.
Then using her moist lips to caress Godou's lips, she slipped her tongue inside.
Using her tongue to tie down Godou's, the two tongues entangled with each other. Tongue
and tongue were wrapped around each other in separable intimate contact.
With great intensity of emotion, Erica opened her lips and carefully savored the taste of
Godou's mouth. With passionate Latin style, she sought Godou's tongue, boldly licking with
her own.
Then Godou felt [Recovery] magic being poured forth from her mouth, easing away his pain.

"Hey Erica. My wounds are already healed, isn't it time to stop..."

However, the blonde beauty continued to lick his lips, completely unconcerned.
"Very well. The kiss just now was to heal your wounds. From this point onwards, the kissing
is purely to enjoy the pleasure of making out with you, the task of affirming our love."
Erica declared thus.
Obviously, she did not move her lips away. She was conversing with Godou in whispers as
she kissed him.
...In the end, this kiss persisted for another five minutes until Erica finally released her lips.
However, the reason was not because she was tired of kissing.
"Time to warm our bodies. I will start a fire now."
Standing on the riverside in drenched clothes, both of them were feeling quite a chill.
Feeling embarrassed, Godou silently nodded once emphatically as if he was unable to stare
Erica in the face.

The two of them had met for the first time towards the south of the Italian peninsula, on the
Mediterranean island of Sardinia.
While they were running around all over that island, Erica's attitude towards Godou had been
rather unfriendly.
However, after enduring many desperate trials together, before they knew it, Erica had
changed to the point that she could openly declare her "love" to Godou.
Not only verbally, but also in attitude and behavior. Even to the point of engaging in this sort
of passionate kissing...
"Hey Godou, now that the issues after the battle have all been handled, why don't we spend
some private time together to make some sweet and loving memories?"
Beyond that, she even made this request. Godou frantically asked:
"Uh, well, what?"
"Sweet and loving memories. I've already spoken to Uncle. Who knows if it would be a few
months or years down the road, but I do intend to have children with you for sure, Godou, so
we have to coordinate."
"I have no intention to rush, but this is inevitable. You should prepare yourself beforehand
Ignoring Godou's dumbfounded surprise, Erica snapped her fingers loudly.
A mass of flames suddenly ignited before their eyes. This was apparently magic for starting a
fire instantly.
"How convenient..."
Godou calmed his emotions and walked near the fire. Erica did the same.
The two gathered around the bonfire, warming their cold bodies. But two minutes later,
Godou began to scream.
"Hey, what the heck! What on earth are you doing!?"
Erica was slowly removing her wet clothing before the fire.

"What are you talking about, Godou? It's not like I can continue wearing these clothes like
this, right?"
"True, you have a point! But I'm right herea man is present, you know!?"
"Back on the island of Sicily, haven't you seen the naked body of Erica Blandelli, mine,
completely already? By this point, what do you have to be concerned about?"
With a seductive smile, Erica boldly displayed her figure before Godou.
The only articles of clothing on her body were her red bra and underwear.
Her pale and pristine complexion was a dizzying sight. Furthermore, more than anything else,
the perfect proportions of her figure were greatly troubling to Godou. Despite Erica's slender
build, her body was voluptuous and full in all the right places yet slender and taut where
The sight of this perfect body that would put a magazine model to shame sent Godou into a
state of panic.
Seeing Godou in such a state, Erica displayed a ladylike smile, full of open-minded
acceptance. Nevertheless, this sort of mischievousness and broadminded personality were
indeed quite attractive
"Godou, shouldn't you take that off as well? Aren't you cold wearing it?"
"Feeling cold is fine!"
Even though Godou's upper torso was bare, he kept his jeans on.

This was because he was mindful of the presence of the woman before him. But to his
surprise, she acted in such a manner. Godou's inner world was turned upside down in
complete turmoil, his heart beating rapidly out of control.
But immediately...
Erica suddenly tensed her facial expression and performed [Summoning] magic.
This was a spell for summoning a personal object from a certain location. What she
summoned was a garment that resembled a short cape. This cape was striped with the red and
black colors of rossonero. Wrapping it around her shoulders, Erica covered her upper torso.
Godou also prepared his stance.
Probably, Erica was trying to prevent her bare body from being seen by someone apart from
Godou. That was why she covered up? In other words, someone was probably approaching
right now.
As a master swordsman in addition to being a mage, did she hear the sound of footsteps or
sense someone's presence?
After a while, a girl came running. She appeared to be twelve or thirteen years old or so, and
gave off quite a cute impression. As soon as she saw the fire Erica had lit, she jumped in
"Magical flames? Are you two users of magic!?"
This was the beginning of a "little commotion" in which Kusanagi Godou was caught up in.

"In other words, Alessia, you were taught by a mage descended from the lineages of the
Templar Knights and he lived in this monastery."
The stone-built ancient monastery. Thus spoke Erica in the front yard.
Godou and Erica were already dressed in clothes that Alessia had taken from her own home
for them. After that, they had traveled from the river Arno over to this monastery.
"Templar Knights...?"
"It refers to medieval European knights and monks who mastered swordsmanship and magic.
Both your master and I are their descendants. Hoho, it's fine if you don't understand yet."
Erica smiled as Alessia displayed complete surprise.
Along the way here, the blonde beauty had conversed with the young girl in a gentle manner,
successfully finding out from the girl "how she learned magic."
There was also a reason why they had come here with Alessia. At the riverside just now, she
had made a request.

'Please! If it is not too much trouble, could you come over and let me discuss something with
you!? It is very important!'
It seemed to be a case involving magic. In order to thank her for the favor of lending the
clothes, Godou and Erica had come to this place.
"Then what did you want to discuss? But let me first say I have no idea about stuff like
incantations and magic. On the other hand, this Erica here is an expert so I'm sure she can
help you."
Erica nodded as if saying "Well, no problem" in response to Godou.
Then Alessia spoke with an awkward expression
"Yeah. In actual fact, there is a possibility that a deity is about to wake up underground below
this monastery..."
A shocking report. Erica went "well" and stared with widened eyes as she smiled slightly
On the other hand, Godou simply emotionlessly went "Eh" in a mutter.
Just a few hours earlier, he had been fighting against what was known as a deity's servant...
Seeing him like this, Erica burst out into laughter beside him. Godou was slightly miffed by
her frivolous attitude. In stark contrast to the reactions of her elders, Alessia remained
Erica began an investigation that concluded roughly two hours later.
First, she browsed through the documents and resources left behind by the deceased monk.
Then she went to the chapel and gazed at the statue of the Virgin Mary that was painted black.
Finally, she opened the door hidden behind the statue of Mary and went underground. Then
ten minutes went by.
Seeing Erica return, Godou asked her casually:
"Then how is it? Is there really a god down below?"
"In terms of the verdict, there is none."
Hearing her say so, Alessia's eyes lit up with hope, but Godou knew it was not so simple.
He noticed that Erica still had more to say.
"Even though there is no deity here, there is a servanta divine beastin the process of
awakening. In roughly three or four days, it will awaken completely and start being active."
"Another one!"

The monsters known as "divine beasts" were sacred creatures that served gods. Just a few
hours earlier, Godou was fighting one of them. Hearing this explanation, Alessia leaned
towards Erica.
"Are the servants of the great gods really dangerous!?"
"Yes. The divine beast sleeping underground is more than likely the underling of Artemis, the
goddess of the moon and the land, the queen of the beasts. If it awakens, let alone this village,
it would not be ridiculous for the entire region of Tuscany to be destroyed."
Erica glanced at Godou's side profile as she spoke.
Rather than informing the girl, she was trying to make Godou understand.
Alessia gulped. Meanwhile, Godou was gnashing his teeth.
If that was the case, a fight was unavoidable after all... With such despair, he spoke to Alessia.
"C-Could you go out and leave us for a bit? I have to hold a strategy conference with Erica."
"This is what's known as an adult conversation."
Erica added. To think she would use such a suggestive description.
Godou glared at her but Erica smiled in feigned ignorance.
Once the two of them were the only ones remaining in the ancient chapel, Erica spoke with
great delight:
"Hoho. Fate is surely working hard to solidify the love between Godou and me. Well then,
let's enjoy another passionate kiss?"
"T-That kind of fate, who could endure such a thing!"
"Well, you can also call it simple luck. Doesn't change the fact that we have to kiss."
Erica smiled with a chuckle as Godou hung his head.

"The god you defeated on the island of Sardinia was the ancient Persian Warlord
Ignoring Godou in his dejection, the blonde beauty spoke melodiously as if singing a song.
"As the strongest of the strong, he is the god of victory who defeats all enemies. His trump
card is the 'brilliant golden sword.' Kusanagi Godou has already usurped that sword..."

The term Campione referred to Devil Kings, warriors who had usurped the authorities of the
gods they had slain. Namely, monsters who transcended mankind's limits as humans who
fought gods.
"For beings on the level of underlings that serve gods, a single strike of the golden sword
would be enough to vanquish them. However, you are unable to use that sword so easily."
Erica murmured as she dragged her knees while she leaned close.
Godou's sense of morality was pleading with him to move away. But it was futile.
At this moment, Godou was sitting on a bench in the chapel. Erica was sitting on his knees
and leaning tightly against him.
Her skin felt so warm and tender, with an amazing sense of substance and elasticity. These
two sensations were rapidly increasing.
Stimulated by such tactile sensations and an appropriate sense of weight, Godou could feel a
sense of pleasure and rising climax rushing through his entire body.
Then Erica smiled joyfully and lightly kissed Godou on the cheek, bringing her lips near his
"In order to forge the sword's blade, you require detailed knowledge about the enemy deity.
Knowledge and wisdom the normal Japanese student, Kusanagi Godou, is not equipped with.
Knowledge that you may not master even with years of study..."
Erica spoke softly. Her voice was so tempting and seductive.
While treating his wounds just now, she had forcefully taken Godou's lips. But this time was
different. She had no intention of doing the same.
She was waiting. This time, she was enticing Godou to issue a request to her on his own.
"However, if a mage such as I were to use the spell of [Instruction], the required knowledge
can be transmitted to you instantly. Although it is temporary knowledge that only lasts for a
day or so, for the purposes of ending a battle it is quite enough, right?"
Kiss. Erica lightly made contact with Godou's earlobe using her lips.
"Hey Godou, as one of the Campiones, you are a Devil King who fights gods on behalf of
humanity. I will not make irresponsible remarks regarding your fights, so please issue your
orders. Say it, 'Transmit knowledge to me, and offer your lips to me, Kusanagi Godou.' "
Based on this line of thinking, there was more or less a sense of tyrannical behavior, and yet
she voiced it with such a straight face.
But these tiny whispers lit up a roaring flame in Godou's heart.

Currently there was a divine servant that was about to rampage. And the only one who could
oppose it at this moment was himself alone. Erica had spelled things out to this point. As if
reluctant to fall to her charms, Godou was now in a struggling state on the verge of being
Given such sufficient conditions, there was no other recourse but to give in to his fate
"...P-Please. Teach me everything I need to know."
Hearing this, a flourishing smile appeared on Erica's face like a blooming flower.
Without saying a word, she kissed Godou's lips. She held still, their lips pressed together for
ten-odd seconds. Then Erica slowly opened her lips and spoke softly:
"Of course. Since it is for your victory, I will offer everything of mine no matter how much it
would take. No matter how many times, I will forge the sword for you, Godou!"
Erica was smiling with a rapturous gaze.
It was a smiling face of happiness that was completely devoid of her usual glamor and
devilish mischief.
"Hoho. I knew it, compared to kissing you on my own accord, kissing you by your request
feels very different. I enjoy both regardless, but being able to indulge in both kinds today is
truly wonderful."
Erica embraced Godou tightly as she spoke.
Then the two of them gazed silently into each other's eyes. Once again their lips pressed
together and they kissed each other repeatedly in turn.
"Artemis is the great mother earth goddess who rules over life and death. The goddess of the
hunt. Not only does she hunt prey, but she is also the mistress worshiped by the myriad beasts
and birds of the forest, with the bear as the foremost..."
As she kissed, Erica softly recounted knowledge about the goddess.
"As a master of transformation, she has the ability to take on the forms of all sorts of beasts.
Furthermore, her body possesses hundreds of breasts. This stands as a symbol of Artemis as
the mother of life. Understand? This goddess is the mother of all creatures, yet at the same
time, she is also the slaughterer who hunts down the life she nurtured..."
As Godou heard these words through his ears, images of the earth mother goddess Artemis
were also transmitted to his mind.
Such were the effects of the [Instruction] magic used by Erica.
What occurred after that could hardly be called a battle.

Because Godou simply went underground, advancing to the depths of the cave and destroyed
the divine beast of indeterminate form with a mere "light stab with the sword."
The divine beast sleeping underground was rather terrifying.
Most of its body consisted of a gray slime. An amorphous and viscous fluid. This slime was
continuously rising from all over the ground. The liquid appeared to be boiling with what
resembled bubbles popping all over its uneven surface.
Furthermore, those bulging body parts transformed themselves into the forms of all sorts of
beasts and birds.
Bears, dogs, cows, deer, horses, pigs, boars, sheep, goats, owls, bees... etc. These
transformations occurred at the same time at various places on the body. Simply watching the
sight was disgusting enough to lose one's appetite.
After destroying this thing, Godou returned to the surface with Erica.
"I-I never knew even those kinds of things can be a divine servant..."
"Compared to ones holding exceptionally beautiful forms, the servants of the gods are more
commonly ugly to a sublime level. This happens to be a case of the latter."
Even when giving such a description, Erica showed an uncharacteristically disgusted
In any case, the job was done and the pair returned to the outside of the monastery to meet up
with Alessia.
"Thank you for your patience. The underground divine beast has been destroyed by Kusanagi
Godou here."
Alessia's expression seemed to be saying "Unbelievable!" as she looked at Godou.
She was trying to articulate such feelings into words. Just as Alessia was about to speak, Erica
smiled mischievously and placed her index finger on her lips.
"Just a friendly warning, suspicions regarding a Campionethe power to slay a godcannot
be uttered in any situation. That is, if you wish to continue surviving in the world of magic."
Taking Godou's arm, the blonde beauty declared as if she was taking pride in her lover's
"They are conquerors, Devil Kings, royalty as well as warriors. Bearers of absolute strength
who fight on humanity's behalf when [Heretic Gods] bring disaster to the earth. Though they
look no different from us humans in appearance, their bodies are actually monsters
completely removed from humans!"

"W-Who the heck are you calling a monster!"

"Of course it's you, Kusanagi Godou. Even for an incident like this, it would take dozens of
magi, risking their lives in a desperate struggle to seal away the divine beast in a massive
severe crisis, you know?"
Casually ignoring Godou's protest, Erica winked at the young girl.
"In the near future, you will take pride in the fact that you have encountered us. One day, the
world of magic will tremble before the great name of the seventh Campione, Kusanagi
Godou. As well as his premier knight, Erica Blandelli. Because you have met these two!"
Just as Erica predicted at the time, the pair continued to take part in numerous victories
Rather than a heroic legend, this particular little interlude could be considered as more of an
insignificant and easy favor.

< FIN >

Campione!:SS 4
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Campione and Study Meeting

Kusanagi Godou was a Devil King who had slain a god.
Also known as a Campione, existences feared by many for the trouble they brought.
However, above being a great Devil King, Godou was first and foremost a high school
Even though his everyday life was often embroiled in conflicts between gods and Devil
Kings, he was still convinced that a student's responsibilities should be fulfilled to the best of
his ability.
A student's responsibilities. Namely, studying.
"Due to the commotion caused by Gascoigne and Lancelot, my exam revision didn't make any
progress at all."
On the very last day of November, Godou grumbled with a pained expression.

The second school term was coming to an end. In Jounan Academy's high school division,
end of term examinations were scheduled during the first week of December. Nevertheless,
Godou had been exceptionally busy lately.
First there was the school festival. Next came Athena's second invasion. Then there was
Divine Ancestor Guinevere scheming behind the scenes.
Furthermore, there was the incident of Alexandre Gascoigne stealing the Heavenly Reverse
After travelling all the way to England in search of him, Godou could not have expected the
floating island commotion happening in Tokyo Bay. In addition, there was the deadly duel
against Lancelot, the war god of the lance...
The natural result was the neglect of his studies.
In terms of preparedness for his end of term exams, Godou's condition was the furthest thing
away from being ready.
"This may be starting a bit late, but surely I must put forth my full effort into studying."
Fully determined, Godou declared as if making an oath. This caused Erica to laugh beside him
as if disparaging his resolve.
This happened to be a lunch break with fair weather when "the usual faces," Godou, Erica,
Yuri and Liliana were gathered in the courtyard, having lunch.
"By this point, it's not like putting in effort is your only choice, right? Given Godou's
situation, your academic results will not have much bearing on your future life."
"Come on... I have no wish to leave behind unpleasant high school memories like failing or
being kept back a grade."

More than that, he had no intention of writing down "Devil King" as his profession either.
However, Erica continued to smile with delight.
"No problem. Godou, if you believe that graduating in Japanese schools will be hard, then
come over to study abroad in Europe and aim for the universities there afterwards. There are
quite a number of schools that collaborate with the [Copper Black Cross]. It can be arranged
for you any time."
"Even now, I have no intention of moving abroad."
"Then how about I assist you with [Instruction] magic? That will basically allow you to
memorize all the textbooks easily, right?"
"It's not like I'm fighting a god, I can't cheat like that!"
Refusing the devil's proposal, Godou turned to his other companions.
"Everyone else's grades are so good. Looks like you won't be having any problems with the
upcoming exams?"
"I should not have any problems with any basic education or humanities subjects..."
Liliana replied with a gloomy expression.
"But I am not very talented at mathematics and the sort of subject known as physics. Even
though I try to study it whenever I have time, I cannot say I am making much progress..."
I see, so Liliana was the kind of person completely disposed towards the humanities. Godou
In a certain sense, Godou believed this disposition was rather fitting for a "witch" living in the
world of magic and fantasy.
"Erica and Liliana's knowledge of history and related subjects is especially detailed."
Let alone history and archaeology, these unusual teenaged girls were even knowledgeable in
comparative cultural studies.
Furthermore, they even did well in Japanese language subjects like modern literature, ancient
literature and annotated literary Chinese. It was as if they were trying to put to shame the
other students in the class whose mother tongue was Japanese.
"But Erica, you too have subjects you are not good at, right? Are you properly prepared?"
"That is a stupid question, you know, Lily."
Erica smiled mischievously in response to Liliana's question.

"You are talking about me, Erica Blandelli, here. Even though I can devote any amount of
time to research things I find interesting... I have no intention of wasting any leisure on trying
to find positive meaning in those inorganic symbols and mathematical formulae."
"Ah... In other words, you haven't done anything."
"Yes. No matter what grades my examinations end up being, nothing should affect me as a
person. Letting nature take its course is fine with me."
Erica responded to Godou's mutterings with effortless composure.
The strength of this unshakable ego, could it be considered enlightenment? Or rather, one
should describe it as impressive egocentrism.
"Ah, speaking of which. Mariya spent a lot of time investigating Lancelot. Even though I am
sorry for asking this late, will it affect your studying for exams?"
Recalling that, Godou instantly apologized.
In order to seek the origins of the mysterious war god, Yuri and Princess Alice had spent quite
a few days in Europe.
However, the Hime-Miko generously accepted the apology.
"Please do not let it weigh on your mind. After all, I never do special studying for exams
during normal school days. It is completely fine."
"Eh, really?"
Yuri had been listening quietly to Godou's conversation about exams with the rest.
Watching the gentle Yamato Nadeshiko's calm and modest smile, doubt appeared in Godou's
"Could it be true, that not only are Mariya's grades fine, they are actually very good?"
"--! I-I do not consider them bad."
An evasive answer.
Normally, only a person with bad grades would answer in that manner. But considering Yuri's
serious honors student aura and conscientiousness, the actual truth was probably the opposite.
Clearly thinking the same thing, Erica joined into the conversation.
"Although such inquisitiveness is rather unladylike... I am very curious about this."
"Indeed. If her grades were ordinary, Mariya Yuri should be responding more calmly."

Prompted by the red and blue knights, Godou asked:

"So what were your grades for the midterm exams? But it's fine, you don't have to tell us if
you don't want to."
The three looked towards the Hime-Miko together. Yuri shyly lowered her gaze and softly
whispered "...What were they?"
In complete contrast to her shy tone of voice, the grades she divulged approached perfection
in every subject.
"Even if you consider the entire year group, those grades would still get you into the top
"Whenever Yuri gets serious, looks like you always get these kinds of grades..."
As Liliana and Erica exclaimed with admiration, Godou could not help but mutter.
"Amazing. That's similar to Sorimachi's grades."
"Ah... Is that so?"
"Yeah. That guy, despite the way he acts, actually has really good grades."
" "Eh?!" "
As Yuri acknowledged casually, Erica and Liliana expressed shock.
"Wait a minute, Godou. That name you just mentioned -- you are referring to that person in
our class?"
"The one who keeps going on and on about little sisters and maid cafes?"
"Of course. That guy Sorimachi's grades are actually good enough to be number one in our
year... But I can understand your surprise for sure."
"This guy, I remember him being part of the group nicknamed..."
"The Three Idiots, apparently they are regarded as that..."
"Well, they are idiots in behavior and personality, that's for sure..."
Erica and Liliana displayed surprise as if confronted with some sort of illogical fact.
This could very well be Godou's first time seeing them so puzzled within school. Getting a
strange feeling from this unexpected occurrence, Godou continued.
"By the way, I think Nanami is actually smarter than me. Takagi, on the other hand, seems to
have similar grades as me?"

Godou suddenly realized something as he listed out the names of his classmates the Three
"It might actually be a good idea to study together with these smart guys before future exams.
It's about time I stay away from all those violent incidents and focus my attention and energy
towards endeavors fitting for a high school student."
"Then let alone the future, why don't you do that for this upcoming exam as well?"
Questioned by Erica, Godou began to smile wryly.
"The end of term exams will be here in a few days. It'd be kind of awkward for them if
someone requests something like that so suddenly. After all, they should be focusing on their
own studying..."
As soon as he finished his sentence, Godou realized. Come to think of it, wasn't there an
excellent student who clearly said she "did not do special studying for exams" right here?
Erica was already looking at her when she made her suggestion.
Realizing the intent of Erica's gaze, Liliana and Godou looked towards Yuri. Enduring the
stares of the three, the humble high-class young lady squirmed uncomfortably.
"So Yuri, as the one furthest along the academic path, I hope you can provide us with some
guidance, how's that?"
"U-Ummm, guidance would be too arrogant a description..."
"Can't we hold a study meeting? To be honest, I have completely no desire to spend any time
preparing for exams. However, working in cooperation towards a common goal like this once
in a while would be an exciting and interesting change."
Hearing such a typical Erica-style comment, Godou began to smile wryly.
However, to this point they had apparently never collaborated on study activities -- perhaps
Yuri also realized the same thing.
Smiling with a chuckle, Yuri spoke gently.
"Although I am not sure how much I may be of help... I am sure studying hard together with
everyone will be quite enjoyable."
After school, the quartet left school together to hold an emergency study meeting.
"Where should we go? Maybe my home or Erica's apartment would be nice?"
"During times like these, Japanese students usually congregate in the eateries near the school,
Liliana answered as Godou sought everyone's opinion just as they left the school gates.

"Yeah. Family restaurants, fast food places or the like."

"Then no matter what, we should try to emulate this kind of custom, right? As the saying
goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Liliana suggested as if her playful spirit had been roused by the study meeting plan.
"Speaking of which, I do occasionally visit those kinds of shops with the members of the tea
ceremony club."
"If the purpose was to savor the food, I would avoid those types of places lacking in
individuality. But following this line of thought sounds agreeable. I will second Liliana's
Yuri's eyes flashed slightly with excitement and Erica nodded and supported the idea openly.
Godou could do nothing but smile awkwardly as the core purpose of their gathering shifted
from "study" to "meeting." However, he did not object. It would be a bit too tasteless to
expect concrete benefits from a last-minute study meeting held just before the exams.
The important thing was the fact of "everyone gathering to study together."
Be that as it may-The three girls, Erica, Yuri and Liliana, all seemed to lead lives that seldom brought them into
contact with fast food shops and the like.
From the series of statements just now, the nature of their private lives could be easily
Just as he expected, the girls were slightly different from "ordinary." Godou nodded to
Hence, the princess, the high-class young lady and the knight who had been training magic,
spirit powers or the like since childhood could be considered a group. Consequently, it was
Godou's mission as the high school student representative of ordinary people to assist them
today-Godou secretly resolved himself.
Cutting to the chase, the quartet made the rounds amongst the various family restaurants and
fast food places near the school.
But things did not go well.
No matter which shop they went to, all were packed with students from Jounan Academy.
There was no room for Godou and his group at all. Considering that exams were imminent, it
was only natural for there to be many groups executing their plans of "gathering friends to
hold a study meeting."

"It can't be helped, let's go to my house instead."

The journey from the school to the Kusanagi home took fifteen minutes on foot.
Although he thought this was a reasonable substitute, Erica shook her head decisively.
"No. We have to stick to our plan. If we take the train to another area, shouldn't we be able to
find unoccupied shops?"
Instantly, Godou recalled the saying, "putting the cart before the horse."

After forty minutes, Godou muttered with deep feeling.

"Who could have expected a day like this..."
The quartet had gone to Ueno from Jounan Academy at Nezu.
However, all the fast food places and family restaurants in the station's neighborhood felt
rather noisy and crowded.
One shop was filled with old men and women. All of them were dressed for traveling,
probably having just gotten off a bus or something, in the middle of taking a break.
Another shop, on the other hand, was filled with lively young men and women in their
twenties and thirties.
Accidentally overhearing the subject of their vigorous conversation, it seemed like they were
members of a small drama troupe. After a public performance, they were having a pre-party
before heading to a Izakaya.[1]
There were other shops that they visited.
One had a group of young men and women, roughly ten in number, with a large amount of
manuscripts spread out on the tables, using staplers to assemble them into booklets. Glancing
from a distance, one could see the pages were filled with what appeared to be manga
illustrations and panels.
This was apparently the production of doujinshi -- the binding of copies.
Clearly there was a great amount of freedom as to what people were allowed to do in the
shop, displaying the scene of a fast food place in a prosperous neighborhood. Speaking of
which, Ueno was right next to Akihabara, the origin of the doujinshi.
"Although it looks like we should be able to find a shop that can accomodate us four,
spending time on this search would prove rather pointless."
Why don't we just give up and go to my house to start the study meeting?
Erica was the first to refute what Godou was about to propose.

"So, let's simply get a hotel room."

This sounded like novelists or manga artists of old who would work on their manuscripts in
this manner.

Godou was about to object when others did it for him.

"Eh, Erica-san, this is only the study meeting of students, going to that kind of place would
"The cost-effectiveness is far too dismal. This is clearly a waste."
Yuri cautiously expressed disagreement as Liliana warned with displeasure.
I see. Godou was struck by a revelation.
Yuri and Liliana both shopped at supermarkets and did their own cooking. Consequently,
compared to Erica who grew up as a sheltered high-class lady, their sense of spending was
closer to a normal person's. Contrasting with the typical high school girl whose cooking
experience was zero, perhaps they were more principled in this area.
Ignoring Godou who nodded in agreement, Erica smiled tenderly.
"But consider this. Given this expenditure, we not only avoid wasting time, but also get a
chance to study hard together, working on a group collaborative effort we have never tried
before. In light of that, I think it is money well spent, is it not?"
That's not right, this is clearly using money impertinently, okay?
Just as Godou was about to object, he was shocked. Erica's rhetoric actually worked!
"Perhaps that is true..."

Saying that, Yuri bowed her head in thought. Even Liliana went:
"Well, I admit this idea is 10% reasonable..."
Muttering with a bitter expression. I see. Godou was struck with yet another revelation.
Even if their sense of spending was closer to a normal person's, it was still not the same.
Hence, they were beginning to waver as a result of Erica's words. Also, one more thing.
They all seemed to be putting forth all their effort, trying to turn this "study meeting" into
some kind of extraordinary event.
At the same time, he also discovered something else. These girls, whose lives were often
removed from the ordinary, had no intention of wasting precious times of peace on school
activities. Struck with a strange sense of relief somehow, Godou decided to play along in this
That said, using a hotel would be a bit too much.
"Wait a minute, there's a shop nearby that's opened by someone I know. Let me try asking
him if we could borrow the place. Then we shouldn't have to waste money unnecessarily..."
Godou took out his cellphone.
Even though this alternative plan had its own issues, the tradeoffs were worth it.
In order to resolve the emergency, Godou decided to rely on the power of an acquaintance.
Also, he was hoping this could make everybody happy--

Several hours later, the study meeting concluded peacefully without incident.
The place they borrowed was the "shop" opened by an acquaintance and happened to be
closed for the day. There, they studied for their exams with Yuri as their center. Consulting
one another whenever they encountered things they did not understand, they copied borrowed
notes and occasionally engaged in idle chatter and laughter.
Oh well, who knew how many marks their grades improved through these few hours of
studying, nevertheless, Erica, Yuri and Liliana, as well as Godou himself, all spent a fulfilling
time together.
"So, to return the favor to the owner, let me stay behind to clean up. You girls can go first."
Godou told his companions as he took out the cleaning equipment from the closet.
In actual fact, this was the shop where Godou worked part time, which explained why he was
extremely familiar with where everything was located.
Since the shopkeeper-owner had given him a spare key in the past, they were able to enter the
shop which was closed today (of course, he obtained consent over the phone first).

"Godou-san, we want to help clean up too..."

"Before we do that, I would like to confirm a few things first. May I?"
Yuri and Liliana suddenly exchanged glances and asked Godou.
"This shop is the place where you work. Also, you are trusted to the level of the shopkeeper
handing you a spare key. Is this really fine?"
Godou nodded to confirm Liliana's question.
"Yes. Yanagi-san already said before. The shopkeeper of this place is currently busy."
Godou had heard that a friend of Yanagi-san's was opening a shop offering wine and western
cuisine in half a month's time.
It seemed to be an old acquaintance Yanagi-san knew from his days as fellow bartender
trainees. In order to assist him in this critical challenge in life, Yanagi-san decided to help
prepare the menu.
Which was why Yanagi-san frequently traveled to the place where his friend's shop was set to
He often had to stay there overnight and hence neglected his own shop. Realizing this,
Yanagi-san had made a spare key and entrusted it to the shop's only male employee.
'Whenever I'm late, could you please do the opening preparations?'
'Sure, no problem. But is it really okay to give a key to a student who only works part time?
There's no guarantee I won't do anything bad, right?'
'Hoho. I'm sure Godou-kun won't do those kinds of things, right?'
No matter what, Godou was not going to confess his various crimes against famous tourist
attractions and historical sites all over the world.
Faced with the dashing smile displayed by Yanagi-san, Godou felt rather anxious and
'Besides, aren't there university kids who work part time as shopkeepers too? I have that
experience too. Godou-kun counts as that kind of situation.'
'Umm... I'm still a high school student currently.'
'No problem. Your resume here at our shop has been written "in that way" already.'
Yanagi-san cheerfully revealed his crime of forgery.

'In fact, you are welcome to come and have fun before opening time, and stay for the night
after closing. Do as you wish, but I'll rely on you to act as the shopkeeper temporarily for
This was the conversation he had with the shopkeeper of the "Three Backs" bar and restaurant
in Ueno.
Even though it was simply chatting, on a day when there were only regular customers present,
Yanagi-san left while his shop was in business and went over to his friend's, really leaving
Godou in charge as the substitute shopkeeper.
Although Yanagi-san really was a great guy, he did occasionally act ridiculously like that,
Godou recalled.
"Indeed, perhaps we do not quite understand the standards of 'normal' with respect to Japanese
high school students."
Liliana sighed with a gloomy expression. Next to her, Yuri also surveyed the interior of the
shop with a worried look and said:
"Nevertheless, I do not believe working in this kind of shop counts as 'normal.'"
Yuri's gaze turned towards the numerous shelves filled with alcohol opposite to the cash
register. These were collected by Yanagi-san over the past decade or two and included many
precious and famous wines.
"It sounds a little ungrateful, but choosing this kind of place expressly to hold a study meeting
is a bit too..."
"Clearly cannot be described as normal..."
As Yuri pointed things out, Liliana nodded in agreement. Godou began to panic.
"N-No, well. Because none of you seemed eager to go to someone's house. You all wanted to
study outside. It's true I did feel slightly apprehensive about this place but under such
conditions it shouldn't be a big deal, right?"
"Trying to muddle things through with a description of 'slightly,' how typical of Godou's
Erica entered the conversation after thoughtful consideration.
"Fundamentally, the fact that such a place was available as a choice is in itself rather unusual.
Even though 80% of Godou's everyday life is spent in extraordinary circumstances, the
remaining 20% never ceases to amaze others in his disposition towards abnormality. As
expected of the god-slaying Devil King."
Hearing these unexpected words, Yuri and Liliana nodded firmly in agreement.

Hence, Godou's banner of "commoners representative, a simple high school student" was
marred by the addition of a question mark, and thus the study meeting concluded.
This was a scene that occurred just as December and midwinter was arriving the very next

< FIN >

Today, Kusanagi Godou got up at 6 A.M. in the morning.
Already accustomed since childhood to a routine of "early to bed, early to rise," getting out of
bed this early was no particular challenge.
Seeing as the day was the fifteenth, December was already halfway through and the chilly
morning air was quite unbearable. Nevertheless, Godou mustered his spirit to ignore the cold
and threw open the blankets.
Next was a contest of speed. Godou hastily changed and got dressed.
Fastening his jogging training wear, he slid his door open to enter the hallway.
His little sister Shizuka should still be asleep in the adjacent room. Taking care to avoid
making noise, Godou made his way to the bathroom downstairs to freshen up and make
himself presentable. Then he went to the kitchen for a glass of water before heading to the
After putting on his running shoes, Godou took off.
The surroundings were still very dark because the sun rose quite late this time of the year.
Even so, the sky would brighten up during his daily jogging routine.
Looking up at the sky, very few clouds could be seen. Today was apparently going to be a
comfortable clear winter day.
Well, lets get started.
After sufficient stretching, Godou muttered to himself, his breath white against the cold
winter air.
Starting off with a slow jog, he gradually picked up the pace.
Originally an athlete and presently still leading a life requiring physical exertion, Godou had
never made an explicit decision to train his stamina. Oh well, this was purely explained by his
disposition towards an active lifestyle.
Thus, he went jogging today as usual, adhering to his routine as if were his daily homework.

Godou decided on a suitable path as he jogged. After his jogging took him beyond the
shopping street at Area 3 of Nezu, he would head towards Kototoi Bridge. Continuing further
all the way to Ueno Park might not be a bad idea either.
Seeing as it was a midwinter morning, the weather was naturally very cold. But regardless,
the body warmed up rapidly anyway.
For Godou who was already well accustomed to this, the icy and refreshing air felt rather
comfortable instead.
Running every morning sure can put a person in a good mood. There is the fresh air and no
people around to get in my way.
After muttering to himself, Godou went Huh? with uncertainty.
Come to think of it, his recent jogging had all taken place during night or dusk. Because he
needed to complete a daily task that had evolved into something like routine business, time
had to be taken out of his mornings...
But today, I went jogging like this...
Godou continued running with a brisk tempo, deciding to ignore this doubt. If he could not
recall what it was, then it probably was not very important in the first place.
The Kusanagi residence was an ancient wooden house and former second-hand bookstore.
Having returned home, Godou was passing by the kitchen when he discovered his sister.
You're supposed to say good morning, Onii-chan.
We've been siblings for more than a decade, so this is good enough.
This was Godou's first conversation with his little sister this morning, taking place as she
stood wide awake before the gas stove, preparing the miso soup.
Today was Shizukas turn for cooking duties. The little sister, a third year middle schooler
who attended Jounan Academy together with Godou, was currently tasting the miso soup
using a small dish. She made a suffering expression.
It tastes bad?
Of course not. Simply dissolving miso paste in boiling water is enough to achieve this taste.
But compared to what Grandpa makes, it is rather bad."
From the fact that he prepares the soup stock by simmering dried bonito fish, you can
already tell how particular he is about paying attention to details.

Right now, Shizuka was using miso stock manufactured by a major brand.
On the other hand, Grandpa Kusanagi Ichirou, the one who usually took on all cooking duties,
was a proponent of white miso. Furthermore, he frequently used hand-made miso of exquisite
quality that was sent by a "friendly lady" who resided in Shinshuu or somewhere like that.
The difference in taste was inevitable.
Even with that knowledge, Godou and Shizuka still used manufactured soup stock.
It was far more convenient. After all, the simmering required to prepare the soup stock would
take too much trouble.
All due to diligence, that's Grandpa for you. Completely different from us.
Completely agreed, for once. But there also exist people who feel quite troubled because of
The siblings in the kitchen nodded at each other.
The grandfather in question was currently away on a long-term trip. Godou had heard that he
apparently had a friend in Bhutan (referring to the country sandwiched between India and
China, of course) who helped him in the past but was now hospitalized.
Im going to visit for a bit. While I'm there, over at my friend's, I'll take the opportunity to
tour the surrounding region. I guess I'll probably spend New Year there too. Please take good
care of the house while I am gone.
That was what he said the day before he set off.
And just like that he abruptly left, so fleet of foot that no one would expect he was over
seventy years old.
But conversely, this could be taken as a showcase of Kusanagi Ichirous true personality.
Since he mentioned touring the surrounding region, he probably won't be limiting his visit to
just the one country of Bhutan, right?
Naturally. After all it's Grandpa we're talking about.
Although he said he's going over to his friends... It cant be limited to that alone, right?
...Naturally. After all, it's Grandpa we're talking about.
Shizuka stated her doubts. On his second time answering, Godous tone of voice weighed a
little heavier.
Not limited to a male friend. A female friend, or even female relationships of a more intimate

I really do like Grandpa, but I've always felt that his female relationships have always been a
sore sight.

Well, I think so too.

Good, then please pay attention in the future.
What do you mean?
Like getting involved with strange women. Although you haven't gotten used to getting
along with girls yet, Onii-chan, you've started crossing paths with girls without noticing. And
quite frequently too."
Shizuka... Dont talk as if Grandpa and I were of the same type.
Eyes looking off to the distance, Godou started to complain.
Although this really isnt anything worth bragging about, I have never talked to any girl for a
lengthy amount of time apart from you. Oh, I guess there is Tokunaga Asuka, but she's a bit
different from being a girl.
Very good, Onii-chan. Just continue to work hard and maintain the status quo.
In response to Godous indolent grumbling, Shizuka looked quite pleased for some reason.
If you're going to be that smug, feel free to back it up with some support.
Fine, I'm not going to remain silent about the extremely rude thing you said about Asukachan.
Seeing his sisters smug smile, Godou scratched his head.

He had apparently said something wrong without noticing. Anyway, Asuka was a childhood
friend since before kindergarten. Dismissing the matter as "whatever," Godou happened to
glance at the calendar by chance.
Say, Christmas is coming up soon.
Now what are you talking about? Its already December. Namely, the most lonely month for
single guys and girls out of the entire year.
Shizuka said this with a cheerful tone.
Onii-chan, are you going spend Christmas Eve at home again? Anyways, mom wont be
back so we can share the cake just between the two of us. Oh! Or how about we get Asukachan and Sakura-chan and throw together a small party?
Hmm... Sorry, but let me hold off answering for a little while..
Eh? Impossible! You have someone else with whom to spend Christmas Eve together?!
No, its not like that. For some reason I feel like there's an important event coming up, but
just what is it?
Head cocked to one side, Godou continued to stare at the calendar in puzzlement.
The latter half of December. Approximately on the 24th or 25th. There was apparently
something prearranged for sure

Chapter 1 - Kusanagi Godou is a Campione...?

Part 1
It feels like something was going to happen around Christmas.
However, he couldnt clearly remember what it was. Whatever it was supposed to be was now
lost from his memory. He couldnt help but get a bad feeling from all of this.
But, no matter how hard I try to remember I still cant recall it.
It was currently morning. Godou was muttering to himself as he sat in the classroom before
homeroom started.
Godou goes to Jounan Academy where he is currently in year one class five. The seat that he
was sitting in was the one that he routinely sits in every day.
Hey, Kusanagi, you're pretty early today.
The one to greet Godou was Nanami, a classmate of his.

Im always here around this time, arent I?

Really? I always felt that you got here around five minutes before class started... Anyhow,
you should take a look outside.
It was twenty minutes before homeroom would start in the room they were currently in.
Don't you think the sky is just beautiful today?
I'm sure todays clear winter skies would make anyone feel comfortable, but, Nanami... do
you have a fever or something??
Hey hey, what are you saying all of a sudden?
That's my line. You getting poetic about the sky? Come on. If you like I'll take you to the
nurses office.
Godous tone was relatively serious. About 60% of it was meant to be a joke, but the
remaining 40% was genuine worry.
Nanami was the leader of the three idiots. But no matter how you looked at it, it was still
strange. Just what the heck had happened to him?
Whew, you sure are stupid.
Nanami put on a cartoon villains sinister smile.
I dont know why I'm so calm lately. I feel like I can tolerate anything, no matter how
unreasonable. It's as if my heart is at peace like the saying goes, calm as a lake.
You really are something else.
As Godou stared at him in wonder, two more boys were heading their way.
Yo. Doesn't the peace and quiet today just make you content? I wholeheartedly pray for all
wars and conflicts to disappear from this world.
Ahh, look how beautiful the world is.
Speaking of which, these two gently smiling boys that had just arrived were also Godous
These were the remaining two that made up the three idiots, Sorimachi and Takagi. Their lips
displayed tender smiles and their gaze was incomparably gentle.
Even you guys are acting like this? You're so weird. Aren't all three of you too calm
Godou recalled a previous conversation with the three idiots.

Didnt you guys say that 'Christmas is an event for the mass media, subverted by the
romance capitalism, to manipulate the ignorant masses to become festive and merry. We
ourselves are trying to counteract that tendency as good as we can. Whatever happened to
Well, yeah. But that's fine already."
"Certainly, this partying and merrymaking is too much for the eyes."
"But it feels like the storm that raged around us has calmed down lately. It's really strange, we
can even pleasantly think of the people that are living their satisfied real lives."
The three idiots reminded him of enlightened saints.
There was a storm around us?
I cant remember what it exactly was now, but Kusanagi, I also think so.
Takagi suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged Godou.
Right now we can tell you, Kusanagi. Without a doubt you are our comrade, a partner
walking down the same way.
What a coincidence. Actually, I feel the same.
Yeah, right now I can also accept Kusanagi as our comrade.
Even Sorimachi and Nanami were saying it with enthusiasm. Godou was bewildered.
What in the world are you guys saying? Havent we always been friends?
Comrade and friend are not the same. Even if we are of a different kind, we can still become
friends. However, only those of the same kind who share blood and soul can become
comrades, we need to be bonded in our hearts...
Nanami pretended like he knew what he was saying.
Just then a silver haired girl entered the classroom. She was not of Japanese descent.
The slim student was wearing the uniform of Jounan Academy. Her slender, lovely, and fairylike presence added up to a totally unique atmosphere. Her beautiful silver hair was tied into a
pony tail.
Her name was Liliana Kranjcar. She was an exchange student from Italy.
Liliana-san, good morning!
Would you like to eat lunch with us today?

The girls within the class immediately called out to her. She was indeed a very popular
While giving them a calm smile, Liliana sat down at her seat. It was about four rows in front
of Godou's, so they were a bit apart. At that moment, Godou's and Lilianas eyes met.
The silver-haired, Eastern European beauty did a slight, Japanese bow towards Godou. That
was all.
She did not come to greet him, nor did she come over and strike up a conversation. She
seemed vigilant of him as always. It was fair to say that Godou and the two most popular girls
of the class had a delicate relationship. They were not estranged by any means, but they
couldn't quite get friendly either.
By the time the other popular girl showed up, the second period was over.

Ah, Erica-san!
Thank goodness, I thought you wouldn't come anymore.
Between the second and third period there was a brief break.
Erica Blandelli, who had just arrived, was a beauty. Her fluttering, reddish-blonde hair gave
the exchange student from Milan an air of royalty as she walked into the classroom.
Sorry about that, I was caught up in various problems.
Erica's reply was accompanied by a refined smile.
Even though all the girls were around the same age, Ericas grace and composure were on a
different level.

By the way, with the reasoning she 'had received education equal to a university degree back
in Italy' she had been allowed to commute on flextime. Such an excuse was just too
She had probably used a kind of hypnosis magic to push it through.
Godou's and Erica's eyes met. The blonde Italian beauty flashed a gorgeous smile, and made a
graceful bow. Like a beautiful knight before a duel.
That was all. She didn't call out to greet him, nor did she come over and strike up a
Ericas seat was the one in front of Liliana's. It was a bit apart from his. He didn't have any
reason to talk to them either, so he shrugged again.
He did feel that it wouldn't be bad to get closer to them.
However, he had no idea how to accomplish that.

Part 2
On this day, Godou headed directly home after school. He had already made plans in advance.
In fact, December 3 was his sister Shizukas birthday. Furthermore, he had agreed to prepare
gifts together with his childhood friend and hang out with Shizuka.
However, when that very day arrived, the plans he had set beforehand had changed. This was
because their father, who had left the house after the divorce, had contacted them saying that
he didnt know if he would be able to come. Godou and Shizuka were facing each other.
Well, what do you think? By the way, my vote is that he wont end up coming.
Ill cast my vote for that too. But maybe he had some matters to take care of, want to wait a
little more?
For now there was a change of plans. On the night of the 3rd, both siblings spent their time at
home. Their father had just sent them an email at seven oclock that night. It stated that he had
some urgent business to take care of and left for Toronto, Canada.
Well, that is to be expected of dad.
This would only happen to father.
Both of them had little to say for this predictable outcome, therefore they could only move it
to another day.
That another day was now today. Incidentally, the place they wanted to go was a very
unique restaurant. They had delicious Spanish cuisine and wine.

This was the result after their father, who never showed up at the arranged time, and their
laissez-faire mother had negotiated on the amount of money they could spend.
This is our daughters birthday. It would only be right to go out to eat some delicious food.
The conversation had gone somewhat along those lines.
Also, because they received permission to bring one more person, it was settled that Asuka
could come with them.
But really, I haven't seen many families where the parents had to deal with every request
through negotiating.
After hearing the situation from the two siblings, their childhood friend Tokunaga Asuka
sighed in sorrow.
The group was on the way to the restaurant. The place was within walking distance from the
Kusanagi house in Nezu so the three of them decide to walk there.
Really? I feel like this happens rather often.
It just comes in a different form; no matter which household, they all have similar
This theory was Godou's, who was in charge of negotiating with their parents. By his side,
Shizuka also nodded in assent.
Hey Godou, you should look up the difference between similar and the same again. Because
you're like that even Shizuka is affected, their pig-tailed childhood friend advised them.
She was unyielding and direct as always.
I keep telling you, don't act like I don't have any common sense.
That's right, Asuka-chan. Onii-chan is having no effect on me. I can confidently say I'm the
only proper human being in our household.
When Godou refuted Asuka's accusation, Shizuka also complained a little.
No, for the sensible and humble older brother, the one more likely to transform into a monster
was his sister; she just completely hid it.
During all of that nonsense, the three of them had arrived at the restaurant.
The two high school students and one middle school student stood in front of the entrance of a
somewhat high class restaurant.
The restaurants signs and decorations had style without being showy, and the lighting was
dim as well. However, the restaurants food and wine were top grade and as a result dining
here was quite pricey.

Usually it's beyond our means, we came here to celebrate a birthday and we secured support
for the funding. It's okay once in a while.
Godou was reasoning in front of the restaurant. Right beside him, Asuka frowned.
You're really going to say something like that? With all the money saved from New Year's
gambling, you can even have a feast for a king.
Th-those savings didnt end up in my hands!
His childhood friend knew many secrets that could not be said out loud.
Godou knew full well how problematic that was. Recently, the number of situations where he
had to spend his hidden assets had increased quite a bit. Situations like when there were no
family members to accompany him during his trips out of the country.
In the end, the three of them still entered the restaurant.
Although it looked like a high class restaurant, the Kusanagi siblings were actually very
familiar with the place.
Their grandfather or their mother would take them here from time to time. Plus the host, who
is the shop owner and the chef, was not only a close neighbor they were well acquainted with
but also their mothers drinking buddy. Occasionally, when the Kusanagi household held a
drinking party, he was in the kitchen utilizing the skills of his specialty.
This was why the three of them didnt show any nervousness and just sat down after being led
to their seats.
When calling this place for a reservation, they used a do whatever you want kind of attitude
when ordering. As a result, many dishes were coming without interruption. White asparagus
salad, Spanish-style egg rolls with plenty of potatoes, oil-grilled shrimp, beef tenderloin
cooked in red wine. Paella[1] filled with lobster and other seafood.
The three of them were handling these delicious dishes while chatting about something that
wasnt of importance.
At this moment, the store owner uncle came out of the kitchen and asked Would you like to
order some wine? We have some very interesting ones. It wasnt until Today everyone here
is a minor was mentioned, Ah I see I see that he finally understood what they were trying
to say.
While reaffirming the absent-mindedness of their mother's acquaintance, the banquet
continued smoothly.
Shizukas and Asukas face both had a look of satisfaction as the pudding served for dessert
disappeared into their mouths.
Godou on the other hand preferred the bitterness of coffee over the sweetness. However, that
was when he noticed. Rather nearby two people that he knew were sitting down.

So Erica, what is the reason for calling me out today?

I just told you on the phone, didnt I? Lily, us two girls should occasionally get together to
gossip, thats all. Recently I fell in love with that female novelist.
Uugh, in other words you just want to threaten me, right!?
Dont talk nonsense. I just have a sudden urge to discuss literature...Hey, for example
I've had my thoughts about those short stories beginning with I'd like to convey these
feelings to that person."
S-s-s-stop looking down on people! Even if those kinds of storylines might be overused or
not, my heart will not waver for one bit! Just, just no matter what you say Im not going to
Hehe Lily, your voice is trembling.
Like music, the elegant voice and the cold yet lovely voice continued their discussion.
These were two people who never exposed this side of them at school. As a side note, their
conversation was in Italian. It must be because they were old friends conversing in a relaxed
Godou felt very apologetic, as if he was stepping into other peoples personal matters.
But leaving without even greeting or saying a thing didn't sit well with him either. What to
do... just as he was thinking it over, the girls noticed Godou.
Erica Blandelli suddenly had a look of tension on her face, her smile disappeared. An anxious
Liliana Kranjcar maintained the stern look of a knight.
In order to monitor the god-slaying devil king, these girls had been dispatched from Milan.
Due to this task's importance, the girls put forth their full attention towards monitoring him.
Wait a minute, Onii-chan, what's with that lecherous stare?
I admit they really are very beautiful foreign young ladies, but your staring is rude.
He was suddenly accused by his sister and childhood friend.
I-Idiots. They are just girls from my class. I was only surprised running into them here.
Godou only told them part of the truth. Shizuka let out an Aaah as if she remembered while
Asuka gasped eh.
I've heard the rumors about those two so they were in Onii-chan's class.
They are from high-level schools overseas and came to study here.

On the other hand, pretending to not have heard Godous conversation, Erica, who was sitting
at the other table raised her hand.
She called an employee to come over to her table (That said, the restaurant was run by the
owner along with his wife and his mother, just the three of them).
The person who came to Ericas table was the owners mother.
She and the blonde haired beauty had a brief talk. After the owners mother nodded her head
she left the table. Though she might have gone back to the kitchen, who knew that she would
instead come to Godou.
Furthermore, she also had a very profound smile on her face.
Those two ladies over there said they want to dine with Godou-kun no matter what. Ha ha,
you and your grandfather are indeed alike, these kinds of situations happen a lot, don't they!
Actually, this woman was a great fan of his grandfather.
Thats why I said, please do not refer to grandpa and grandson together like that. Godou was
muttering to himself while looking at the other table. Erica and Liliana were both giving him a
dignified and sharp expression.
No matter what, anything would be fine as long as it didn't develop the way the owner's
mother envisioned.
Onii-chan, what is going on?
Godou, your bad manners offended someone!?
What are you guys getting so worked up about!? They are just students from my class
sending an invitation. You two should go home first. Ill chat with them for a little bit.
Therefore, he switched tables and dinner once again continued.
After they were done enjoying the food, the two European girls silently drank some coffee. It
was a stressful situation for Godou, who wasn't used to girls.
I do feel that disturbing your family time was me being unaware of your general interests
Erica was the first to speak.
But since we met up with someone that has the imperial title of Campione, if we were unable
to make a greeting then that would harm the reputation of the Copper Black Cross. Let me say
once more that it is an honor to meet someone of your status."
No, let me say something.
Godou cut off Ericas endless display of etiquette.

I believe I've said this many times before. Because this kind of formality numbs my back,
talking like ordinary people would be just fine. Behave like you would before I turned into
this type of person.
Ok. I know clearly that if I do this again, it will become annoying.
No longer needing to use honorifics, Erica let out a smile.
The type of smile wasnt filled with affection, but rather like the smile of a lioness before
going hunting.
I am truly grateful to have met you before you became a god killer. If I had to bestow respect
to you every time then Im afraid I might not be able to converse with you."
His relation with Erica dated back to the spring of this year.
All the way back to before Kusanagi Godou slew the ancient Persian Warlord Verethragna.
Nevertheless, their relationship could not be described as close. Erica had always fearlessly
displayed abrasive behavior towards the Campione.
Erica... Hold on a sec. Even though he is young, Kusanagi Godou is still a Campione. Also,
he is Sir Salvatore's ally and a dangerous -- excuse me, a most influential person. Only
through appropriate speech and manners will you display the way of the knight.
Naturally, the one reprimanding her long-time friend was Liliana. Her attitude was quite stiff
and formal as well.
Very likely, she too, had no intention of developing personal friendship with Godou.
Please do not say that idiot Doni and I are good friends.
Godou tried to correct mistaken facts.
I would be greatly troubled if you girls keep grouping us together.
...Furthermore, the two of you destroyed Castello Sforzesco and caused a great commotion
from your fight in Naples. Clearly there will be many opportunities for the two of you to fight
as a united front.
Liliana eloquently voiced her objections.
That kind of retort has many flaws in it so lets not talk about it. I have pretty much accepted
the subtle and complicated relationship you two share.
Complicated and subtle, what do you mean?
In short, it is like this. Your feelings for Sir Salvatore transcend the affections of friendship.
Rather than a male friend, he is a person you love.

Godou was stunned by these deductions which sounded like some famous detective's
Of course, these kinds of immoral feelings cannot be discussed in front of other people.
Furthermore, a young person like you could hardly admit to such an unusual sexual
disposition. As a result, you firmly insist you hate Sir Salvatore yet you are deeply troubled
over your inability to cut off your feelings of longing for him.
It never occurred to me like that, but actually, it's quite reasonable and well thought out.
No way is that reasonable! Dont make up my feelings ok!?
Because Liliana's reasoning actually impressed Erica, Godou immediately denied it.
All in all, it is a fact that no mere shallow relationship exists between you and Italys powder
keg and alliance leader in the world of magic.
What powder keg... Stop talking nonsense.
Caught by Liliana's unexpectedly acute accusations, Godou muttered in response.
But, me and that guy... or rather I should say, I am different from the other Campiones. If
possible, I would like to continue living a peaceful life. Passing away on a tatami mat would
be good enough for my satisfaction. Actions like this monitoring must be stopped.
Erica and Liliana were said to be renowned and promising talents.
They were young knights from their respective magic associations, the [Copper Black Cross]
and the [Bronze Black Cross]. To think these kinds of talents were dispatched simply to
monitor Kusanagi Godou in Tokyo.
This was done in order to inspect the movements of the Campione allied to Salvatore Doni.
What are you talking about, Kusanagi Godou? Monitoring a godslaying devil king would
be disrespectful and forbidden conduct.
Erica distorted her lips and self-deprecatingly said.
Indeed, were you to start some kind of incident, there exists the likelihood of unexpected
effects propagating to Europe. If that were to happen, we may have to contact our
associations' headquarters. However, our purpose in Tokyo is simply studying abroad, in
order to experience Eastern Asian culture.
To experience Marco Polo's[2] orient travelogues[3] is a hard earned experience.
Even Liliana spoke knowingly.

Exactly as she says, my king. Please do not mind us and just continue to live your life
Hmm. Godou frowned. If this type of situation persists, then there would be no way to
improve their relationship.
Regardless whom the other party was, if they were going to hang around by his side for long
durations, he would prefer to establish friendly relations.

Part 3
Kusanagi Godou is a godslayer, also known as a devil king Campione.
Due to this title, he always encountered things that an ordinary high school student would be
unable to.
The most extreme example would be two people from Italy sent to monitor him. Although,
even in his home country of Japan there is an organization keeping an eye on him.
This group supervises Japans internal incantation, magic, and other supernatural stuff.
That would be the Japanese official History Compilation Committee. Even this secret
organization that employed ninjas from the olden days, seemed to have members concealed at
Godous side. However, it is not certain to what extent their operation has reached.
But, there was only one person in contact with him that has her identity completely revealed.
It was on the way to class where he saw her figure from behind. While taking the usual path
heading to school, he saw her walking in front at a distance of seven meters. Thanks to her tea
colored and beautifully long hair that had slightly dense odor, she was immediately
Her name was Mariya Yuri. She was addressed as a Hime-Miko, an ability user.
This was how the Official History Compilation Committee treated people that had nobility
status. These noble people cooperated and accepted many kinds of requests.
The nickname "Hime" was actually just a facade. At this moment she was wearing a deep
blue duffle coat over her uniform, giving the appearance of a female student with a serious
disposition. But her posture was very upright, her footsteps were orderly, and she gave off a
temperament that was hard to offend.
Godou remembered his conversation with Erica and Liliana last night.
Even though their position is just to monitor him, Godou wanted to improve their relationship.
He wanted to give it a try by being slightly more energetic. Once he made up his mind, Godou
went up to greet her.
Good morning, Mariya.

-----!? Good morning, Kusanagi-san.

Yuri stopped in her tracks and looked back.
However, at that moment for a split second she let out an uh sound while her shoulders
shuddered a bit. It was probably because she suddenly heard Kusanagi Godouthe
Campiones voice which startled her. Cant say for sure if she was scared.
But, the expression on her face was calm when she turned her head.
The Yamato Nadeshiko's beautiful dignified face gazed at Godou continuously. That stern
look had the potential to melt ice and snow into pure water. Plus, it was also very rigid.
At that time, the godslayer raised in Japan regarded her as an exceedingly dangerous person.
This caused him to be on alert and stiff.
I-I say. Being a little more relaxed is absolutely no problem.
You are one of the worlds seven godslaying lords. Our mission is to show proper respect
when dealing with someone of your rank. Please do not mind it.
Like that, Yuri replied to Godou while deeply bowing her head.
Her use of words and sentences were good, her manner was good, this kind of etiquette was
totally devoid of any rudeness. However, Godou and Yuri are actually going to the same
school and are in the same grade. It would be correct to say that their type of etiquette should
be different.
In short, the concept of sensible etiquette is much different from the current one.
But Godou pretended not to care and attempted to casually talk to her.
Well, lets just maintain this and converse a little. After all our destination is the same.
Staying together with Kusanagi-san!?
Uh huh. Until we arrive at school, let's converse while we walk for the time being.
There were still about five minutes left until they reached the school gates. Even though the
amount of time was short, it was always better than not saying anything at all.
Godou contemplated over this, but Yuri for some reason felt unexpectedly flustered.
Y-Yes. Since this is the command of a king there is no way I can refuse. Although
conversing with my humble self might not be able to satisfy you, I will at least accompany
Feeling like her time was being wasted on something insignificant, she solemnly accepted to
seriously converse.

---Can talking with me really cause others to be afraid? Godou had a guilty state of mind.
A couple years ago Yuri was captured by Marquis Voban who had a reputation for being vile.
As a result she was left with terrible memories. Perhaps she was influenced by that
In any case, the two of them started walking on the path towards school.
So, what would be some good things to say? Godou tentatively proposed the first topic.
By the way, the end of term exam results already came out. How did you do on the tests?
Y-Yes. Still about the same as my previous grades.
Thats it. Yuri replied with little to say, leaving Godou with no way to smoothly expand on
the topic.
The two of them continued to walk in silence. This was simply just walking side by side. This
will not do!
M-Mariya, although you are a Miko, can you still normally celebrate Christmas and other
holidays of that sort?
Y-yes. There are no particular bans.
The talking once again ended. Further conversing has stopped and the two of them continued
to walk on silently.
Godou understood his own defeat. It goes without saying that Godou, who wasnt used to
dealing with girls, should have difficulty making a conversational breakthrough in this kind of
Before he knew it the school gates were already in sight.
It looks like that is it for today. Godou cursed at himself for his incompetence, in addition he
felt very sorry towards Yuri. To have scared her unnecessarily and such.
Im sorry. You actually dont want to accompany me right?
He unconsciously apologized. Even he understood clearly to refrain from saying things not
worth mentioning. It can be said that the technique he used to deal with girls was clumsy.
Forget that right now, after Godou apologized, Yuris facial expression changed to that of
Ah, no, its not like that. Of course because Im together with a Campione, I feel very
After her wall of formality slightly crumbled, her expression of bewilderment could be seen.

Seeing Yuri shyly mutter those words, Godous heart skipped a beat. This really was the
temperament of the Yamato Nadeshikos, full of charm.
Add to the fact that this is my first time walking with a boy to the same school I must
admit this makes me feel a little embarrassed. Even though this was once part of associating
with the History Compilation Committee, it is still just the job of a Miko and nothing else. I'm
still really not used to this type of work.
While the conversation was taking place between the two of them, they had already arrived at
the front entrance of the high school.
I sincerely apologize for not being able to converse very well. Excuse me, I must be leaving
Yuri intoned a quick apology while deeply lowering her head as her feet were already leaving
Godous side. She walked in the direction of her classs shoe cabinet.
Apparently Kusanagi Godous and Mariya Yuris interaction skills with the opposite gender
were both very clumsy.
Looks like he can only wait for another opportunity and contemplate other ways to close the
distance between them.
Godou was reflecting upon himself while changing his shoes, then headed off to class 1-5.
Once he sat down, Takagi headed over. His hand was holding milk coffee cartons.
Kusanagi! You bastard, you intend to betray us!?
Godou was startled as a voice of sorrow reached him.
What are you saying all of a sudden?
I just saw it! You and class sixs Mariya-san were walking side by side!
It was only walking for a little while, nothing much. Why is that betrayal?
It can be said that Mariya-san can even be considered my schools fairest lady. She is
commonly known as one of the endangered Yamato Nadeshikos. No matter how the guys
approach her, even just walking side by side will be sweetly rejected by the highly ranked
girl. To actually be able to walk together with that kind of girl, a guy like you cannot be
Sure enough you were pointing to that. I did a not so favorable thing.
Because Godou was a Campione, that reason was probably why Yuri would walk together
with him.
I will pay close attention the next time I see you. You can say thank you to me, Takagi.

Ugh. In the future you still intend to continue getting close to her? To go as far as thinking of
every possible method to advance this impure association with the opposite sex, you traitor!
Stop talking nonsense. I only sought to converse with her a bit to take care of some matters.
Basically, it was only just walking together. Godou appears to want to reconcile by calmly
talking to the enraged Takagi.
In the end I only said one or two lines at most.
Mhmm. Oh yeah, didnt I borrow a game from Nanami before?
Godou recalled the time during the school festival when Nanami shoved a hand-held console
and a game cartridge called English Proper Maid Story: Maid Amy at him.
Although yesterday I tried it out for a bit when I was boredit turned out to be somewhat
hard to play. That eviscerator killed me about three times.
Just by looking at the title you would think you would play as a female maid protagonist. The
main protagonist is in fact her master, a college student who studies at the University of
As a side note, the stage was set in 19th century England during the Victorian era. Godou
started playing with a relaxed mood, but because together with Amy they were in pursuit of
the mysterious Jack the Ripper in foggy London like in the novels storyline, he became
fascinated with the detective-like development.
However, in spite of this----- Godou had a sudden doubt.
In the past, he thinks there never would have been the opportunity to play something like this.
It feels like there was once a person around him who always played this type of thing.
But, I think it would be best to switch titles.
"Hohoho... You've only experienced the prologue of the story. From there you will start to be
moved by the story of love and violent waves, your palms will be full of sweat, and tears will
be streaming all over your face."
"Eh? Then yesterday I basically only read through something equivalent to half a
The game definitely has an overwhelming amount of content, but the plot development will
never make someone feel bored. Instead, as the games storyline continues to progress and the
maids affection level increases, the story will arrive at the content of the official version.
Forget about the people with a desire for maids, even someone who does not share that fetish
will be brainwashed into monsters who love maids entirely. You've barely broken the surface
R-really? These recent games have been really profound.

Godou, who wasnt very clear on this aspect, deeply admired Takagis explanation.
How about we go to Akihabara later this month? It just so happens that Amy will take part
in an exhibition sponsoring the setup of a maid coffee shop. In order to recreate the setting,
they prepared specialized maid attire and they will be in business after the renovations of the
front of the store are complete. It is very interesting.
Akihabaras maid coffee shop? This doesnt seem like the type of thing that would interest
After speaking, Godou let out a hmm? and began to ponder.
This was caused by the words he just uttered. Akihabara? Maid? Maid coffee shop? He also
felt that somewhere there was a missing piece of the puzzle.
This was a riddle full of gaps. Where could the puzzle pieces to fill in the gaps be --.

Part 4
Kusanagi Godou isnt one of those kinds of people who only talk but will not act.
Instead of being like the type of detective who just sits in his arm chair solving mysteries, he
is someone who will quickly be on the move whenever he wants something done.
So on that day after school was over, he tried to go to Akihabara to leisurely walk around for
a bit.
Precisely due to it being that time of the year, the streets were completely filled with
Christmas spirit. Godou spent about an hour wandering aimlessly on these streets colorfully
decorated by glamorous reds and greens.
There was no use in coming here after all.
In the end he could only let out a sigh.
There were (perhaps) some festive activities scheduled to be held late in the month of
December. He believed that by coming here he might recall some of his past memories. The
little bits of expectation he had easily crumbled.
Of course, if there was something to be gained then its still possible to have some feeling of
That is the end for today, its time to quickly head back.
Godou found himself on Central Avenue. This was the center of Akihabaras Electronics
If he were to return to Nezu from here, there would be no other alternative besides going to
the JR[5] Akihabaras station. For instance, if he wanted to go in the direction of Ueno from

Central Avenue, then he could choose to utilize Tokyos subway station. That kind of distance
could even be considered as walkable.
Godou decided that for the time being he would walk towards Ueno. Engulfing this street was
the momentum of continuous re-development. It felt like every time you came here there
would be change occurring somewhere. Nowadays the appearance of the original Electronic
Street is completely unrecognizable.
The old fashioned electronics stores as well as spare parts stores were already considerably
Game stores, large retail stores, plus the newly added game stores along with the restaurants
that were lined up in succession and western style clothing stores already became this streets
main focus.
On the way, Godou took a map of the Electronic Street from a maid at a maid coffee shop.
After walking casually for some time, he arrived at Okachimachi.
Godou incidentally sensed the "monitoring" aura behind his back. By chance he looked
behind him and noticed someone he knew. He decided to stop and wait for the other person to
catch up.
Thus, the silver-haired beauty following him shrugged her shoulders and quickened her pace.
Although it is not a big deal, could it be that you were closely following behind me this
entire time?
Approaching next to him was Liliana who appeared to be still dressed in a uniform. Her
expression completely lacked any fear. Her face, which was like that of a rational female
knight, stared straight at Godou.
Yes. Today you seemed to be constantly thinking about something during class. Because of
that, I was worried whether or not you were scheming to go somewhere to initiate a plan for a
surprise attack.
So that was why you were following me?!
Liliana simply said yes while nodding her head.
Who would do that kind of thing? Hey Liliana, have some faith in me, ok?
Although I regret saying this, but that is very hard to accomplish. I understand very clearly
that at critical moments you will engage in activities without any regard of the consequences.
Godou was speechless after being coldly rejected. Because those kind of situations had
occurred so many times, he was completely unable to deny this.

T-Then at least greet me. If there is nothing to be ashamed about in what Im doing, then its
safe to say that it wouldve been fine even if you didnt tail me. Watching what I do from my
side should be fine right?
Eh? You want me to accompany you?
Uh huh. Compared to being followed by someone from behind this should be much more
Now that you mention it, this would be somewhat more convenient for doing my
job..but I dont deserve that kind of praise to walk together by the Kings side.
The silver-haired female knight wants to refuse politely. However, Godou was a step ahead
and said-Its fine. Because I am a king, I give you the right to do that. Furthermore, a knight being at
the kings side is not such an unusual thing, right?
At that moment even he himself knew that he was just quibbling. But there was no other way.
Actually, while Godou appeared to have replied smoothly to the girl saying walk together,
he was really in a state of confusion. He is thinking along the lines of how to deal with the
statement he made just a moment ago.
However, even though this was considered to be barely enough of a justification, Liliana still
thought about it.
Well, it is a prestigious associations great knight who is closely accompanying a Campione,
but its not enough to consider this appropriate conducteh?
The air of sternness from Lilianas face suddenly declined exposing a flaw in her expression.
Looking at it this way, rather than a reliable knight, it would be more appropriate to say that
she was an ordinary girl.
Godou was quite surprised at that inconceivable expression of hers and thought she was very
Once his heart started to beat in an indescribable manner, Godou quickly inquired-Whats the matter?
Ah, yes. Now that I think about it, if I really wanted to monitor -- -- I mean, conduct an
observation on you, then continuously following alongside you would be reasonable. How
come I havent been doing that until now?
Even the way she spoke crumbled. However, this kind of Liliana was very refreshingly cute.
Sensing that the distance between them was reduced, Godou casually said:

Then, want to start walking together?

Ah, yes. If you are fine with this then.
The curtain of night was gradually descending as the time of day approached evening.
Godou was currently walking together with the silver-haired maiden during this sort of time
in Ueno.
Today you are just wandering the streets without a destinationwe are just taking a walk,
even now its like that?
Mhmm. Nothing to be concerned about. We are just taking a walk. In any case, it wont
cause anyone trouble.
He couldnt say that the purpose for wandering around was to recall something forgotten in
which the original details were unclear.
When Godou was talking he averted touching this topic. In addition, he said that up until now
other than taking a walk he hadnt done anything else.
However, it was for that reason Liliana was concerned and mumbled.
If only that was true
Hold on. Today I only walked in the streets, nothing more, right? What is the problem with
Godou proposed a refutation. However the female knight countered while still showing a bit
of anxiety.
Normally speaking, of course there would be no problem. But, if it was something you did
.....I think there is a possibility it would develop like this for example.
Liliana started to slowly explain.
During your walk you by chance encounter a heretic god. Afterwards, just like that the battle
will immediately unfold, Tokyo will become a battle arena and as a result more than half the
city will collapse changing it into vast ruins Furthermore, regarding this juncture after
half a year, it will make the place uninhabitable. Tokyo will ultimately change in order to
control the violence and brutality of the devil within the scope of the city---
"Isn't that just your speculation?! It is merely a delusion!"
Godou disagreed to this kind of overly exaggerated future development.
Yesterday it was the weird relationship between Doni and I, and now it is the things you
recently said. Lilianas thoughts on these matters are always so serious. Its safe to say your
ability to think wishfully is broken. Are you really someone who writes novels and such?

Ku-Kusanagi Godou, what did you just say?

Your ability to think wishfully is broken?
N-No, it was the sentence after that. How do you know about my hobby!?
Godou, who was investigated in detail by Liliana, felt puzzled.
Now that you mention it, how do I know?
There is only one person in the entire world who knows about this secret and that person is
Erica. Could it be that you are pretending to have a bad relationship with that demonic woman
while secretly exchanging information during appointments with her, do you intend to frame
me or something!?
I-I dont know. There is no way I could know right?
Godou was flustered while making his assertions.
Maybe, there is a possibility that Liliana told me before? If it is not like that, then I shouldnt
know this kind of thing.
Not possible! I would never confess this type of thing!
Why not? It isnt a crime; generally speaking, one would usually talk about their own
interests to other people right?
This kind of interest is pretty much for my own personal pleasure---no, to say it is pursuing
the joys of this activity would be right. The people who unfold the wings of their imagination
dont need to be afraid of the consequences, those kinds of wicked thoughts that shouldnt
ever be seen by mankind should never be chosen..In short I do this just to satisfy myself as
well as to record the various sorts of things that float in my mind!
I-Is that so?
Godou was overwhelmed by the violent surge of momentum from Liliana and had nothing
better to say.
Thats right. Kusanagi Godou, this is why pertaining to this private matter, please keep this
as a secret just between the two of us. Is that OK!?
Ever since a moment ago, Liliana had already thoroughly forgotten about the matter of
treating Campiones with respect.
The reason for that is probably because she was losing her mind due to fear. Godou felt that
the request the silver-haired knight brought up, equal to that of an order from a godslayer
devil king, was very interesting and made him felt comfortable.

Having said that.whether its you or Erica, how could my secret Could it be that
my security installations at home have deadly flaws ..?
S-Should we go over there and take a look!?
In order to conceal this awkward atmosphere, Godou pointed toward the gaming center that
was in front of them.
This was a commonly seen branch of large gaming centers.
Inside the large arcade that utilized all of the area within the four stories of the building, were
entertainment facilities that had distinctive gorgeous decorations which were very eyecatching. It appears the place had been thoroughly cleaned as it was quite tidy inside.
Liliana showed a deep interest as she inspected the inside of the arcade.
As a place where people can come and have fun late at midnight, it gives an impression of
liveliness. Its different from what I imagined.
Liliana saw a little boy around the age of five with his dad who were both smiling.
The little boy was next to the Bunch of Heroe video game stations with an expression that was
full of concentration as he pressed the buttons.
Since they hardly come here, they should probably find something to play. Godou spoke and
Liliana, do you want to play something?
Because it was his counterparts first time at a video game center she roughly circled around
the arcade first.
There were crane games, many older and newer games, online games and card games that
utilized a pretty large gaming platform, as well as a space for cosplay, etc.
It was an awkward situation where she didn't know what to play first.
You are right.Honestly speaking, I dont have much interest in playing these things.
Ah, as expected.
Godou nodded his head at Lilianas open-heartedness. Her line of sight swept past all things
game related, instead putting the emphasis on checking the arcades facilities and customers.
Sure enough, this fictitious contrasting so-called lifestyle could only be found in the witches
of a fantasy world.
Then, its about time that we go back. I apologize for forcing you to come here.

Ah, no need to apologize. To be able to see a place a person like me wouldnt normally visit
alone gives me great satisfaction. Also, to say that I have no interest towards anything would
be a lie.
Liliana cleared her throat with a cough. All of a sudden she moved her face close to Godou.
Please let me first confirm something.
W-What is it?
The female knights serious face pressed closer towards his own. As a result, Godou became
Kusanagi Godou, can you keep a secret from other people? Especially from the one who
claims to be my friend. If you can defend my secret even from that demon-like
womanthen please come with me to that place.
Three minutes later, Godou proceeded to the second floor along with the gracefully walking
This floor contained crane games naturally arranged in at least ten different of categories.
Liliana advanced towards the gaming station containing unusual fantasy animal dolls.
"Buying a pair of dolls would of course be the fastest method right?"
Liliana happily said this after just exchanging a one-hundred yen coin for the dolls in her
However, I also feel that hunting them with my own hands is a good experience for me to
have. After all, hunting is one of the many things that knights take pleasure in, isnt it?
Dont you think its a little far-fetched to regard the doll grabbing games as a form of
Thats nonsense. One has to personally follow their prey, using their own skill to execute the
kill in order for the object to become theirs. You see, isnt it essentially the same thing?
The stern female knight let out a rare smile.
Godou controlled himself to not argue out his disagreement and spoke about another
skepticism he had.
But, what is there to hide from Erica? Well its just a doll, isnt it fine?
No way! If she knows then that knight will keep saying over and over that Liliana Kranjcar
has an arrangement of adorable dolls in her bedroom. Im certain that woman will make a fool
out of me. Could you allow this to happen?!
Godou let out an oh as he thought deeply about Lilianas response.

If even the extremely secretive novel writing was figured out by the other person, then this
level of secrecy should have already been leaked from the very beginning---Well, it probably
wont make a difference even if this matter isnt discussed.
Even so, Liliana appeared to be indeed very joyful.
She was facing video games that were unfamiliar to her and was struggling to obtain her
Try and think about it. Arranging herbs, healthy foods, making desserts, knitting, etc., these
are hobbies that girls usually liked and were completely proficient in.
Even those that like velvet dolls and delicate things really dont feel out of character.
(If I were to bring her to play at a large-scale amusement park, it seems she would be even
Her stern appearance and atmosphere unwittingly faded away.
At Godous side was the most maiden-like female, in reality isnt it just Liliana?
The novels were fine, the impression just then was fine, but it really felt like something was
In the end, under Godous assistance she obtained five dolls.
The two of them left the gaming center. The surrounding area was already dark, having
completely entered nighttime.
Well, it should be time to go back right?
Yeah, the timing was perfect.
Godou and Liliana both nodded their heads and started to walk on the path leading towards
the bus station.
Honestly speaking, there was also the thought of continuing together with her to go someplace
to eat dinner. Furthermore, he thought about gradually increasing his relationship with
Liliana. However.
Inviting a girl to eat alone together would be an excessively difficult crisis for Kusanagi
As a result, during the time they were silently walking-After receiving the prizes.? Did some sort of divine presence pass us?
Lilianas footsteps suddenly stopped.

Due to the hunting results, the feelings of the girl who was both a knight and a witch changed
to that of extreme delight. Her face was getting clearer and clearer while her eyes were staring
at the vastness of the sky. Could it be that she had a vision of the apocalypse?
After Godou marveled over this, the sensible gaze of Liliana was restored.
Did you see anything?
Yes. Please let me verify a point. Right now do you feel the presence of a god?
No, none at all.
Campiones and gods are old enemies who are mutually aware of each others existences.
Although it isnt as if it wouldnt work if they werent close to each other, if they were near a
heretic god then a godslayers body and mind would be brimming with the power to fight.
Does this mean a god has come here?
I dont think so. However, it appears that we aroused the existence of a strange presence
An ominous matter was heard.
Where can a suspicious monster exist within this vicinity? Godou looked all around.
It was Christmas Eve, the streets were starting to become active but it also felt like something
was unstable at the same time. This area near Uenos bus stop had a lot of people coming
through here so it was pretty noisy-- --what?
A portion of the people who were walking along the sidewalk looked like they were
astonished at something.
They were gesturing, talking, and whispering to one another while squeezed together around
the display case of a small department store.
Godou used an eye signal and Liliana responded by nodding her head. The two of them closed
in towards that direction. They quickly understood the reason for the disturbance. This was
because there were two young girls that were loudly talking.
It really happened in a split second! Just a moment ago, the figure of an ordinary Santa Claus
changed to that thing in a flash!
Eh, you are kidding right? Wasnt it like that from the start?!
Of course not! You better look closely!
They were standing in front of a large toy store. After cramming himself up towards the
display window, Godou was totally in shock. What was there really was a substitute devoid of
any beauty.

Presently, Santa Claus could be considered a scene from Christmas.

He was a jolly old man with white hair and a white beard who wore a distinctive red outfit.
Because this was a toy shop, the display window had a variety of Santa Claus figures placed
behind it in order to raise the Christmas atmosphere in the streets.
For the figure of Santa Claus that Godou was looking at, the entire body was gray.
The red clothing was gray. The skin, white hair and beard were all gray. The bag over his
shoulders was also gray. It made people feel that they were watching a black and white T.V.,
it was all in one color of gray.
A gray Santa Claus.? No taste at all.
No matter how much you decorated it, there was no way to recover the essence of Christmas
However, she just said it changed like this in a flash?
Kusanagi Godou. It appears that something strange has happened. Said Liliana as she
opened her eyes which had been closed. She seemed to have used clairvoyance with the
Witchs Eye.
At this plaza in front of the station, all the Santa Clausfigurines, pictures, and even the
people in Santa Clause outfits all turned gray.
Are you saying that regardless of what color it is, they will all turn into the same color as this
Precisely. This change carries some significance----however it is difficult to believe. But no
matter what it is, every Santa Claus really did turn gray.
Liliana had a perplexed tone while giving her report.
Godou tried to circle around the nearby area looking for any red Santa Clauses.
But not even one was found.
The drawing of Santa Claus on the poster was also gray.
The Santa Clause doll decoration within the store turned gray as well.
Furthermore, this kind of color change even affects the cosplay of Santa Clause for the young
customers. In this situation, only the clothing changed colors though.
Around twenty percent of the magnificence was lost in the composition-- --it just gave people
this kind of feeling.

Furthermore, in the streets that were already overflowing with the grayified old
philanthropists, the people who passed by were bewildered and dumbfounded.
After returning to Liliana, Godou quickly said:
Was this strange phenomenon caused by the guy Liliana mentioned just a moment ago?
It seems that thinking of it like that shouldnt be wrongthis sort of thing is simply a
prank. Its hard to understand why someone would do such a thing.
In front of the knight who seemed to be puzzling over this, Godou held his arm.
He could not remember what he scheduled before Christmas and now a small scale strange
event has occurred.
In comparison to a Campione who has been always battling gods, no matter how you look at
it, this was entirely a small scale event.
Although generally speaking, all of this was incomprehensible. However, looking at this
situation, one point that was certain was this will be a troublesome matter.

Chapter 2 - Pursuing the Gray Mystery

Part 1
Well, because the harmful effect turned all the Santa Clauses in the area grey, many people
are still suffering from these disturbances.
The explanation was carried out in a composed manner from an old acquaintance.
It was Amakasu Touma from the History Compilation Committee. He was a young gentleman
wearing a suit full of creases.
Their destination was located at the Nanao Shrine within the high grounds of Toranomon, just
within the borders of the shrine to be exact. This was the shrine where Mariya Yuri was
devoted to performing her duties as a hime-miko. She was accompanying Amakasu at his
Those who bought a Santa Claus mini-skirt costume for this special occasion have no choice
but to buy another one. The promotional items specially printed with Santa Claus art must
now be reprinted. The Santa Claus illustrations that the children personally drew from the
bottom of their hearts and were looking forward to gift have now been ruined by a bad mix of
colors. Things like these were numerous. However,
Even if the situation was the same as before, at a glance, Amakasu was clearly giving them a
type of dejected appearance.

But this time, Godou was naturally able to understand why.

He really believes the situation is harmless.
Yesterday, Godou witnessed the strange phenomenon where a Santa Claus costume turned
into a grey color. After school was over, Godou paid a visit to the Nanao Shrine. Just when he
was about to inquire with Yuri about this matter, Amakasu showed up to explain the
circumstances. But while Amakasu was talking about the strange situation, his mood was
more relaxed than usual.
Although it is a strange event, it is only so in this manner. It shouldnt be a god stirring up
trouble. Therefore, this inconvenience doesnt have nearly enough significance for the
necessity of a dignified Campione-sama right?
Since it would be Kusanagi-sans actions, it might instead cause the strange phenomenon to
go a step further and expand.
The person who cautiously stated this was Yuri. This was the History Compilation
Committees suggestion no, this was exactly what they hoped for presumably. They are
requesting him to not get involved, obediently staying put.
A devil king Campione is a prestigious being who would cause the break out of a fire setting
everything in flames.
Who was the person that said this phrase before? Godou pondered on this indistinct memory
while feeling this sort of prejudice against him was unfair. Im obviously different compared
to those other guys .
However, isn't it actually the breakout of an event?
Putting those troubles aside for now, Godou complained in the following manner.
Yeah. It wasnt just the lone occurrence witnessed by Kusanagi-san in Ueno. Within these
past four - five days, this incident has already happened more than ten times. The locations of
these incidents include Shinjuku, Roppongi, Ikebukuro, Ueno, Otemachi, Ginza, Shin-Okubo,
Ebisu, Sangenjaya...... well, there are other various spots too.
They are all places where there is a large flow of people......
Indeed. Some speculations can be established for this incident. But the facts are basically
what I have stated. I feel they are about right.
Hey, thats pretty impressive. Why is this happening though?
Godou felt admiration towards the capable Amakasus special agent-like rhetoric.
However, he instantly let out a hmm? feeling puzzled.
Im afraid this is some sort of retaliation. This hatred towards Santa Claus evolved from an
unwelcomed class of people who are administering revenge against those who have attained

happiness and fulfillment! Hating a result, they attempt to destroy the
symbolic Santa Claus figure where everyone can see! Something along those lines.
Sorry, but the explanation you just gave contain some ambiguous terms.
I agree. Whom does the so-called unwelcomed class of people refer to?
After Godou finished speaking, even Yuri, who spoke and conducted everything with caution,
raised a question.
Amakasu had this bad habit of unscrupulously using insider terminology.
No, just hear me out. During Christmas there are numerous lovers who appear to be
brimming with happiness right? Among the people who see this sight, those unwelcomed
wizard related bastards will be enraged and be unable to resistwhat an unimaginable
reality that would be.
Godou conjured a wry smile and once again inquired from Amakasu after his explanation.
Can you really solely change the color of Santa Claus using magic and such?
This foolish matter of people delving into those kinds of dreary magic types, forgive me I
have never heard of such a thing. In contrary to what one might expect, this is a high
possibility. However, well......
Amakasu momentarily paused at this point during his explanation.
Even the witch Liliana-san even with her keen senses she couldn't detect the aura of
the type of magic that was used. She was only able to attain bits and pieces.
Amakasu elaborated when facing techniques with large scale effects it is comparatively easier
to detect.
There probably exists a user conducting some very clever concealment tactics. Although, I
cant figure out why someone would pull this kind of idiotic prank and carry it out to this
A prank......?
I cant say for sure but the criminal might also be taking this very seriously. However if we
simply look at this strange phenomenon, it's really quite insignificant. This is something that
can be cleared up as soon as we send out Committee members to investigate. Since this case
must be handled before Christmas, my side will do everything it can to figure out a solution.
Amakasu ensured Godou would stay out of the way by using a nonchalant way of speaking to
decline him.
After leaving the Nanao Shrine, the color of the sky had already turned into complete
darkness. Godou got on a tram at the Toranomon station, but not for the sake of going home.
He got off the bus at Ginza routes Ueno station to return to the street he went to yesterday.

It was December, the end of the year. The streets were filled with a busy atmosphere.
However, during this time period the one big event the high school students were worried
about, the final exams, had already finished. Every year there would be final exams held
during late December.
As a result, Godou was able to stroll the streets worry-free every night.
Why would they care so much......
Godou muttered while walking in front of Ueno station.
These streets were bustling with activity. There were the office workers returning from work,
students, young people dressed in casual etc., in short the amount people outside were
numerous. The night had just begun. This time of the day served as the dividing line for the
commencement of formal nighttime activities.
Although it was already evening, the surrounding area was exceptionally bright.
There were street lights, store lighting, bright billboards, the headlights from the cars traveling
along the road, etc. Thanks to all the illumination, a person could easily survey this street.
Well, Campiones have remarkable night vision capabilities so regardless of whether or not it
was completely dark around him, there would be no inconveniences, even if the only
illumination source was from the evening starlight.
Godou roamed the streets of Ueno while deeply in thought. Recently there was no way to
comprehend much about the situation. He was unable to remember his plans around
Christmas and why that Liliana person, who he supposedly knows, is spying on him.
Furthermore there was the emergence of the grey Santa Claus drama. Granted if someone
were to sit back and watch without any regards towards these matters, it would looks as if
none of these issues were consequential.
His chest was burdened with a troubling premonition.
Using a game of baseball as an analogy, perhaps the scenarios development would be as
In the first inning you score seven points thus leading by a huge margin. However, the
opponent nevertheless makes a comeback one point at a time. On the other hand, your own
side was unable to score any more points. Without realizing it, the score had already caught
up to a mere one point differential just like that.
No matter how I go about it, I still cant seem to understand.
Being a healthy male, Kusanagi Godou's physical endurance and his leg strength in particular,
was far greater than his intelligence. With that being the case, visiting the crime scene 100
times, like in those cop flicks, to continuously search that one location until finding the
needed clues is not necessarily a bad thing. In completing this simple task, he would put in his
utmost efforts.

Yesterday, Santa Clauses were being greyified on the street in front of the station.
However, the Santa Claus figures, pictures, drawings, and outfits that were all contaminated
with the color grey have been disposed of a long time ago. The streets were once again
covered with the reds and greens of Christmas.
Everything was returned to its original condition due to the laborious work from these
justifiably proud Japanese people.
However, right now Godou felt really infuriated towards this. He was unable to find other
clues just when he started pondering over the current situation, his cellphones ringtone
After retrieving his cellphone, he looked at the bright display screen and saw it was Liliana
calling him.
Speaking of which, why do I have their phone numbers registered?
Godou was baffled. It wasnt just the phone numbers of Liliana, Erica, and Yuri, their emails
and addresses were already registered as well. He believes his relationship with them would
be incapable of having this kind of exchange of personal information.
In short, he decided to first put aside his suspicions and answer the phone.
Seeing you come over here too is quite unexpected.
Liliana suddenly stated this. 'Too'?
Please do the same thing you did yesterday, turn your head around and look behind you.
Surely she must be kidding. Godou turned his head around and saw the female knight, who
was wearing personal attire for today, standing behind him talking on the phone.

Part 2
The magic association Liliana was affiliated with was the Bronze Black Cross.
As its name suggested, the blue and black were the symbolic colors for the organization.
This was perhaps the reason why whenever Liliana wore her personal clothing, the two colors
blue and black were bound to be somewhere on there. However, today she was dressed in an
outfit that consisted of a rarely worn white mono-colored coat paired with deep gray pants.
Nevertheless, Godou noticed where they were.
It was on the scarf wrapped around Lilianas neck. The scarf's design consisted of blue and
black vertical stripes.
This applied to Erica as well. The European knight was surprisingly diligent in this aspect.
She would naturally display her own affiliation explicitly.

Liliana, who was secretly being admired by Godou, stated her reason for coming here.
Regarding yesterdays situation where a Santa Claus changed colors, it was assumably a
prank devised by a magician somewhere. Disregarding it would most likely be fineBut
then something else occurred to me.
The two of them had kept their distance from the crowd of people meandering about and
proceeded to converse after arriving at a guardrail alongside the road.
In any case Im also a magician. Even though Im not on the same level as Mariya Yuri, Im
still sensitive to the presence of magic. However, I wasnt able to detect the bizarre event that
transpired yesterday. Basically there was someone very shrewdly concealing it I presume.
Due to the suspiciousness of going to this extent, Im here to do a quick investigation.
Using a resolute tone, she spoke of the same uncertainties Amakasu had pointed out.
The diligent Liliana had not neglected this matter so perhaps that was why she wanted to
ascertain the answer.
Well Kusanagi Godou, why did you come back here?
For me it is..although I have many reasons, ultimately it is probably due to this gut feeling
that I possess. I always felt very mindful towards this situation and because of that I want to
investigate its cause. I guess you can say my intuition dictated so.
Godou stated his reply. Well, let's assume he did have many reasons. However, regarding that
perspective, they were changed to gut feeling and intuition.
Godou was worried she might be unable to understand this kind of explanation.
As expected of you, I get a sloppy animal-like reasoning.
Liliana heavily nodded, indicating an expression of understanding. Was she thoroughly
familiar with what kind of person Kusanagi Godou was? Although Godou wanted to press the
matter, he felt questioning her would result in an annoyed response.
Hey, if you dont mind......would you like to accompany me?
Accompany you!?
Liliana suddenly went into a total state of shock.
As in like a female escort accompanying a man!? E-Even though these are the words spoken
by a supreme Campione, this command is still quite hard for a young girl like me to accept!
H-How did you construe it as that? What I meant was to investigate the cause of yesterdays
situation together.
Godou supplemented his explanation towards the flustered Liliana.

She was a strict and diligent knight. However, she seemed to be hiding a very ordinary girllike side of her. No matter what she encountered, she would easily be side-tracked by
Godou felt slightly distressed as he wryly smiled. This aspect was perhaps to Liliana's
P-Pardon my loss of composure......Going back to what I said, is this your command as
Liliana spoke after slightly blushing.
The investigation this time would be akin to individual research. If it is a request proposed
by a Campione, the king of us magicians, to jointly trace this mysteryno, even being the
devil king's servant in investigating this mystery is something I won't shy away from."
Her serious demeanor made it feel like she was challenging a barbarous tyrant, or perhaps
testing a person's moral character. Within the words Liliana had said, it felt like there was this
subtle meaning.
"I feel that if it is some outsider who doesn't know anything about magic raising this request,
I'll have to give it some thought. Being on the move individually is comparatively more
convenient since having to explain this specialized knowledge would become very
I-I guess you're right."
In short, the meaning behind her words pointed to a "hindering outsider", causing Godou to
Indeed this was the case. The specialist Amakasu should have already started his inspection.
The talented witch Liliana was also on the move in order to investigate.
There were no particular justifications for admitting a clueless outsider.
If a battle against a god did not occur for Kusanagi Godou, there were no other uses for him.
Compared to a normal person, he only had the advantage in terms of physical strength. Well,
if the opportunity arises in which a heretic god does appear from this strange phenomenon,
then it would be a completely different matter. However, nowadays even that situation would
hold little significance.
Even so, he felt that he had to unravel this mystery of the grey Santa Claus.
So wasn't it already mentioned before? There was the option of stating 'this is an order from a
After Godou deliberated over this enticing offer for about ten seconds, he instantly gave up on
the thought.

For the men who would say these words, as a devil king this would be a different issue, but as
a human being they would already be hopeless.
"I understand, I will find a way to do this myself then. I'm sorry for bringing up a strange
After Godou made a candid apology, Liliana let out a sigh.
"Kusanagi Godou, during times like these you should proclaim 'this is an order from a
Campione'. By the way, you should've also punished the disobedient Great Knight who didn't
show respect towards the king......No matter what the situation is you never resemble a devil
In the end, she actually spoke in a startled tone to scold him. Furthermore, she was resolute in
her assertion towards the matter.
However, fortunately I'm also an Italian knight. Despite the numerous problems the devil
king I pledged my loyalty to has, I have already adapted to being an assistant. From now on
when I am giving instructionsno, when I am talking, please listen carefully.
Her nationality was Italian but she actually has Croatian blood since she emigrated from
Eastern Europe. The fairy-like maiden with a complicated ethnic background had a
mischievous expression while making a comparison between two Campiones.
Godou was astonished at Lilianas slight act of mischief and replied:
Are you saying you will work together with me?
Yup. From the moment we convened I already had this intention.
......Then, why did you say all those things!?
About that......why did I do it? It appeared as long as I pressed on in this manner, you
wouldnt be able to give out commands as a king......that's how I felt.
Liliana suddenly revealed a gentle smile.
That was not her usual sternness, but rather an occasionally seen natural side of her. Her
innocent smile suited that of the girls around her age. For some reason, this sort of smile made
Godou feel very nostalgic. Brimming with loveliness, his heart could not help but skip a beat.
As a result, I wanted to give it a shot. Im very sorry.
This type of apology presented no sense of regret. However, Godou was actually incapable of
saying anything in response.

Didnt you discuss this with the History Compilation Committee just recently? Ultimately it
was impossible for you to adopt that hardline attitude Amakasu has, thus you came here by
yourself right?
Godou was at a loss for words after she saw right through him. How did it turn out like this?
The relationship between Liliana and him was not even that close. However, it was quite
unimaginable as to how she understood what type of person Kusanagi Godou was. Godou
also had a very clear grasp on the temperament of Liliana Kranjcar.
This was all really hard to comprehend, but this realization would actually make anyone
All in all, Godou did get himself a capable helper.
The part that I am concerned about is the phenomenon of Santa Clauses changing color.
Liliana spoke while setting a teacup for black tea in front of Godou.
After they met up in Ueno, the two of them went to a single-family house in Dangozaka. This
house, which was Lilianas temporary dwelling while she was in Japan, was fairly close to the
Kusanagi household in Nezu-Sanchome.
The two of them were residing in the living room which had windows along the southern side.
The sunshine seemed quite breathtaking.
Are you referring to the color change from red to gray?
Yes......Well, perhaps it might not be as simple as just changing the eye-catching primary
color into a dull color. There was also the scene from the spirit vision bestowed upon me
during yesterdays quick inspection.
Now that you mention it, there were quite a few things you referred to.
I envisioned for a brief moment that the scenery of the streets changed to a scene similar to
that after the harvest. In addition, there was some sort of divine presence that passed through
and gathered what appeared to be grain heads scattered along farmland after the harvest......
It seems to resemble farm work.
Godou spoke with very straightforward thinking.
Yes indeed. If it is farm work, it would mean that the scene pertains to the grace of earth.
Perhaps the Santa Clauses losing their red color carries profound significance.
Liliana began to thoroughly articulate her explanation.

The Santa Claus referred to in Japan was originally Christianitys guardian saint, St.
St. Nicholas and Santa matter how you sound it out they are completely
The reason is simple. Japanese people must have learned about the culture of Santa Claus
through America. However this social custom was actually brought to America by an
immigrant from Holland.
Liliana retrieved a notebook and began writing Latin characters on it.
St. Nicholas is read as St. Nicholas when using a Dutch pronunciation. The American
pronunciation Santa Claus resulted from what was supposed to be pronounced as
Sinterklaas through an incorrect accent.
Saint NICOLAS Sint Nikolaas Sinterklass
After that, Liliana lastly added Santa Claus in conjunction.
The image of Santa Claus spreading gifts to the children while riding a sled driven by
reindeers comes to mind when mentioning St. Nicholas. This stereotype was established in
America roughly around the 19th century. The red outfit that became his raiment was
instituted during a time period much closer to the present.
Ah......In that case, the juncture was triggered by the Cola companys publicity activities.
After hearing Liliana say that, Godou recalled something.
The color red had become a recognized color for the well-known North American beverage
manufacturing company since the 1930s when they wanted to raise winter sales figures by
publicly advertising through the use of Santa Claus. His image would always appear on
posters and as expected the color of his outfit was in red.
The red outfit of Santa Claus coming from the red color of a cola can, this reality sounded like
a joke.
Before the red outfit wearing Santa Claus became a prominent public figure throughout the
world, there wasnt this kind of modern saying that Santa Claus was the same existence as St.
Nicholas, rather his character was more analogous to some sort of fairy. During that period,
the gifts he dispersed were fruits.
So to sum it all up, it wasn't gifts of hope."
The fruits were ripened grains that were reaped from earths bountiful harvest
symbolizing the grace of earth. Dating back its origin, this so-called Christmas was known as
the religious ceremony for the Saint who descends upon the winter festivities to bestow
bountiful harvests for the earth. This could be traced back to rituals held during ancient

Religious ceremony......
Even those refusing to accept the truth would be compelled to remember the words "heretic
Overall, Godou felt he was able to understand the issue Liliana was worrying about.
Is it that one? For the time being, regardless of the identity of the current Santa Claus, we
should probably refer to him as St. Nicholas rather than saying he is the Santa Claus from the
time when red wasn't associated with him. Maybe that guy will become a heretic god after
arriving here.
Not maybe, he will turn into a heretic god I presume.
Liliana simply agreed.
Im afraid that St. Nicholas, who has arrived at these grounds, possesses the earth attribute of
the god of bountiful harvests and divinity deriving from the Catholic Saints.
Is that really the case!?
Yesterday you couldnt feel the presence of a god. For that reason, I feel like I might be
overthinking this. But on the other hand, there is no way to assert complete safety.
I agree. In the end, we should perform a quick investigation for the sake of caution.
Godou and Liliana both nodded. During times like these, their equally serious personalities
allow them to communicate more efficiently.
The person in yesterdays spirit vision wasnt St. Nicholas, maybe the revelation is
connected to the origins of earths essence. Lets just first try to investigate with these clues
While the two of them were talking to each other, the door to the living room was opened.
It was Karen Jankulovski, Lilianas exclusive maid.
This rarely seen outfit was not her maid uniform but rather it seemed to be her personal attire
which consisted of a blue coat and a black fur hat. Her hand was dragging a suitcase with
wheels attached, giving the impression that she was about to go on vacation.
Welcome Kusanagi-sama and welcome back Liliana-sama. I am very sorry for being late in
my greetings."
Karen spoke while having her head deeply lowered.
You still havent left yet Karen?

Mhmm. On the account of some urgent matters arising right before I intended to leave, I had
stayed here up till now......However, thanks to this I was able to see some good drama,
Karen was snickering while chatting with her master.
I never would have thought Liliana-sama would bring a male Campione into her house while
I was away. Even though its hard to keep a persons lips sealed, please dont worry, maids
are very adept at maintaining their masters secrets.
D-Dont get any strange ideas!
May the two of you slowly enjoy this evening. Well then, goodnight.
After Karen snickered and bestowed a bit of courtesy, she left.
Where is that girl heading?
Eh, yeah, Natale is fast approaching. In order to let her celebrate the holidays together with
her family, I granted her a vacation for this special occasion. After finishing her preparations
she will head back to her home country.
This so-called Natale was actually Christmas in Italian. In contrast to Japan, most people in
Europe would spend the holidays with their family. This was probably the reason why she
showed such consideration towards her.
Going back to what was said, the sound of the Christmass footsteps were gradually drawing
closer. Were they capable of finding the solution to this problem before the arrival of

Part 3
It was currently December 18, the time of year was fast approaching Christmas.
The graduation ceremony will commence in three days from now, therefore the Jounan
Academy seniors only had morning classes. However, today Liliana was absent in class.
This was why after Godou finished his classes, he went straight to her home without even
eating lunch.
After pressing down on the gates doorbell, the sound of Lilianas voice came across the
The door isnt locked, please come in.
Since Godou was paying a visit to a girls house, he felt very embarrassed as he pushed open
the door.
Moreover, the exclusive maid of the house had already returned to her hometown in Italy. The
owner of the house resided here by herself for the time being.

Godou concealed his slightly wavering feelings as he entered the living room.
Liliana was currently here engaged in work. The reason why she was absent from school was
for her to finish the magic preparations.
Please be careful to avoid entering the center area of the map. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Every place in the living room, including the tables and couches, was tidied up. The object
expanded across this spacious room was a huge aerial photograph taken from the skies
overlooking Tokyo. Its dimensions were probably around three meters in length and four
meters in width. Liliana was crouching down on one knee over the map.
Godou noticed the location on the map where Liliana was situated was the Bunkyo region.
It was Bunkyo Dangozaka on the mapLiliana was crouching over the coordinates to this
Furthermore, it felt like there were quite a few incantations instilled within this Tokyo district
on the aerial photograph.
You used some kind of magic on this right?
Yes, searching magic......I guess you could say that I carried out these preparations in order
to utilize this magic.
Liliana maintained her crouching position as spoke.
She extended her right hand and moved the fingertips of her index finger and middle finger
towards the map. Liliana, who was a Templar Knight and witch, released an incantation from
those fingertips.
If it is precisely as we said yesterday in which the red lacking Santa Claus is an existence
related to earths bountiful harvests, this existence might discharge a slight upsurge in
spiritual energy at the location where the phenomenon happens. I plan on releasing a hunting
dog to confirm this.
Liliana, you raise that sort of thing?
Of course this is accomplished by employing a familiar called forth through summoning
magic. We witches are the miko descendants who serve the goddess of the sky and earth. The
attribute to summon a beast and commanding it to pursue the spiritual energy of earth isnt
really an arduous task.
Princess Alice, Lucretia Zola, and Liliana Kranjcar.
These were the three witches Godou knew. It is said that they benefited from being naturally
gifted with manipulation magic unaccessible to normal female magicians (for example those
like Erica).

The scope of this type of magic was precisely witchcraft. Erica had raised this subject at some
point in the past.
She said even though I really dont want to admit it......but for the sky and earth, in other
words, magic involving the elements of nature, Liliana far surpasses me.
Except why was he unable to recall when it happened and where it took place?
However, if we choose to execute in this manner we must send the hunting dog sprite toward
Tokyo. Doing this will require time and effort......I guess you can say that like anything it will
have its dangers.
Well, we cant just release those monster-like beings and not look after them.
Godou had previously battled a magical beast familiar summoned through the use of magic.
Even a small causal disturbance could result in fatal injuries towards humans.
Hence I added voodoo magic to this map of Tokyo. When the hunting dog is released on this
map to conduct its probing, it enables a much quicker result that is equivalent to actually
being within the capital Tokyo.
As she finished speaking, Liliana moved her fingertips away from the photographic map. It
seemed like she finished casting her magic.
This so-called voodoo magic was a term from folklore. Say for example, a person who was
detested had their hair buried inside a doll that was to be burned. In that case, the detested
person himself would be burned to death. Of course the result from this kind of incantation
when one wishes to exert supernatural properties on an object is akin to the object becoming a
replacement for the target itself.
Are the preparations ready? Where is the hunting dog?
The preparations are already finished. This is it.
The object Liliana took out was a pig which she set down by her foot.
It was a doll in the shape of a pig. Two days ago, Liliana won this toy at a video game center.
It was designed to be palm sized, a style that allowed it to be rocked about, but it had quite a
sinister expression.
......But upon inspection, its just a pig doll.
This pig doll is infused with spirit from the essence of earth. The reason why I previously
stated it was going to be a hunting dog was merely so you could easily comprehend. I thought
since we must pursue spiritual energy, a spirit pig, an animal which avidly uses its sensitive
snout, would be the best choice. Im about to start.
Nah, it wouldnt have mattered whether it was a dog or pig.

Godou went on to state. Verethragnas authority, the [Boar], is also categorized as a type of
For objects that are specially applied with some sort of wizardry magic, I actually feel like
compared to a doll, using something similar to a small prop would have been better......
T-This happened to be the only thing I had on hand resembling a pig!
Liliana seemed slightly embarrassed as she retorted.
If we are able to confirm an upsurge in spiritual energy, then lets first try heading towards
the actual location ok? If there happens to be Santa Clauses being grayified or if it already
happened, there is a high possibility it could be much more frustrating than a prank carried out
by a magician somewhere.
Regardless of which, the searching magic had already been applied without a hitch.
On the large photographic map that Liliana had prepared, the pig doll was slowly moving at a
speed of around one or two centimeters per three minutes.
As expected, no one was shifting the pig around, it was independently crawling.
However, waiting around is quite monotonous, how about we go eat lunch?
Godou brought up this suggestion. It had already passed noon a long time ago and his
stomach was still empty.
Ah, no thanks. If possible, please help yourself since my undertaking requires me to maintain
the voodoo magic on the map."
Liliana replied in this manner towards Godous lunch invitation.
Then Ill probably just go buy something. Liliana, is there anything you want to eat?
Since his partner was preoccupied, he wanted to go run an errand for her. From Godous
perspective this was a rightful concern that was to be expected in this situation.
Liliana revealed an unhappy expression on her face. She frowned in a way as if she was
preaching something.
Didnt I say this yesterday? The fulfillment of your role as a devil king Campione remains
significantly inadequate. This is the first time Ive heard of a devil king going out to buy
That has nothing to do with it. I am different compared to guys like that old timer Voban.
Im going shopping at a supermarket anyways, so I can pick up some bread while Im at it.
Godou shrugged his shoulders after he finished speaking. Lilianas expression changed to that
of complete astoundment.

You should also find a butler or maid in order to distance yourself from these miscellaneous
tasks since you are one of the seven Campiones in this world.
A high school student having either a butler or maid following them, I havent heard of such
a thing before either.
Well then, Kusanagi Godou is certainly a godslayer. That being the case, this moment makes
for a great opportunity. Please begin slowly adapting to the pleasures of being attended to by
other people ok?
Because of the perplexing words Liliana stated, Godou questioned her with an eh?.
To maintain the voodoo magic, the only necessity was to supply the incantation while being
within close proximity.
As a result, during that period of time a person is free to do other activities without a
problem. Liliana put on her commonly used apron and entered the battlefield that is a
kitchen. Prompted by the replacement of her sword with a kitchen knife, chopping board, flat
frying pan, ladle, and things of that nature, she was struggling.
I-Is there anything I can help with?
No need to worry. As the king you should just relax and wait over there.
The well-intentioned proposal was outright rejected.
Godou could only watch from the kitchen entrance as the proficient cook Liliana prepared the
dishes. Having a girl cook for me personally is really
What seemed to be a vertigo of mixed emotions and confusion had hit Godou.
Liliana wore a black sweater along with blue jeans. After adding the apron, a sense of
determination could be perceived from this appearance. This sort of adjustment gave him a
very distinct feeling of having entered a girls personal domain.
The Godou as of now was neither a godslayer nor a Campione. Continuously standing there in
fear, he was simply a man who was still unaccustomed to girls due to having no girlfriend
experience at his age.
After waiting approximately thirty minutes, Liliana was finally done cooking and had swiftly
cleaned the cooking utensils. Lunch appeared to be ready.
However, right now the pig was still in the living room traversing around on the map.
Want to go outside and enjoy today's beautiful weather? Despite it being a tad cold, at least
there is no breeze.
Liliana had suggested this and proceeded towards the courtyard with the plates containing the
food she cooked.

In that direction was a circular wooden table with two wooden chairs. Originally this set was
most likely used frequently during the warmer seasons. However, today was precisely as
Liliana had said, the temperature could be considered quite warm for the month of December.
It seemed like there would be no issues eating here in the courtyard.
Afterwards, the dishes were set on the table.
There was bologna pasta, warm vegetable salad, a piping hot bean soup, as well as black tea
stowed inside a thermos.
Since I didnt head out to buy anything, I felt quite unprepared. There is a possibility that it
wont be compatible with your tastes......
I completely dont get which of these dishes were unprepared for. Especially the pasta, it is
very delicious.
Godou felt that the notification Liliana gave in advance was unfathomable. The noodles and
pt were considerably rich in taste.
He actually thought they were those instantly made food products since Liliana rapidly made
these dishes within ten minutes.
But the gratifying taste was actually created through diligent cooking and stewing for long
periods of time.
Actually, those noodles were prepared using the utmost simplicity since I only recooked
yesterday's leftover beef stew with a few added seasonings. After that I just re-added some
more minced meat......
On the contrary, Godou felt admiration towards Liliana after being informed that the cooking
was simple.
This was the flavor of the dish wasn't it? By modifying the leftover food, a new delectable
flavor was created. The amount of time and effort spent were both reduced. It indeed seemed
quite reasonable.
Godou, who was a male in his teens, stuffed the food in his mouth as he wolfed down the
cuisine personally prepared by Liliana.
Such actions were solely due to the delicious taste. Furthermore, he was eating face to face
with Liliana, trying to find every possible way to hide his own embarrassment.
After he had his fill, he proposed to clean the dishes himself. However, he was actually denied
from doing so.
Godou was unable to feel at ease when walking together with Liliana, who cleaned all the
dishes herself, back to the living room. The pig on the top of the map had at one point stopped
and laid there overturned.
Its abdomen was facing upward and it was trembling uncontrollably.

It seems to have detected an upsurge in spiritual energy.

Liliana spoke in a grave tone after looking at the hexagram images displayed from the magic
she applied.
At that place was perhaps the next location where Santa Clauses devoid of red might appear.
The location was OdaibaToday was nearing Christmas, that scenic gathering spot would
without a doubt be filled with sweethearts.
Well then, we should probably hurry over there and check it out."
Godou lowered his head in response to Liliana. This was probably expected from him.
In order to pursue the mystery of the gray Santa Claus, he had to journey to this scenic
gathering spot together with an exceptionally attractive girl. Also it was still just the two of
them. Godou felt inexplicably embarrassed toward this situation.

Part 4
They rode the JR tram to get to Odaiba.
After arriving at the location they would release the pig familiar allowing it to try to pursue
the aura from the strange phenomenon.
This was the type of plan Godou and Liliana agreed on from inside the moving tram.
However, the situation surpassed their expectations; it transpired a long time ago and by then
it had already concluded.
Facing the devil king and female knight who entered Odaiba, the culprit who initiated this
disturbance had already called it quits.
The seaside that everyone was accustomed to had been created by using land reclamation.
This area was now a very popular entertainment venue for gatherings and leisure.
Once they disembarked from the tram at Odaiba Marine Park station, Godou and Liliana
trekked towards a nearby area that was brimming with liveliness. As expected, the number of
large shopping centers designated for the young male and female visitors stretched as far as
the eyes could see.
The strange phenomenon of Santa Clauses being greyified already manifested here. All the
Santa Clauses located here were infected with the color grey. Their magnificent red color
subsequently vanished.
Right now they had already lost the mood to confirm one by one whether or not all the Santa
Clauses were greyified.
After Godou sent an eye signal towards her, Liliana retrieved the pig doll from her pocket.
That familiarwas the so-called pig beast spirit of the earth.

Once the owner placed the doll on the ground, she began to recite spell words in a whisper.
By the greed caused by the wild beast, go forth and pursue this suspicious aura!
The pig seemed as if it was gliding along the surface as it moved.
In contrast to the time it was moving along the surface of the map, the movement speed at
present was comparable to a nimble mouse. At the same time, Liliana closed her eyes and
used the Witchs Eye to enable a vision transfer. The purpose behind doing this was to allow
the Eye to follow behind the pig.
However, Godou believed this sort of method would not result in any important information.
This incident will probably take some time to figure out. However
Kusanagi Godou..I discovered something strange.
Liliana reported what she saw. Ten minutes had gone by after that.
Godou squeezed himself into a large crowd of people and noticed it as well. Using the pig that
was pursuing the strange phenomenon as well as Lilianas Eyes, he was led to this location.
Within the meandering crowd of peopleall of the normal humans were oblivious to that
Even those who were directly facing this outlandishness were incapable of rationalizing the
situation. This was because to ordinary people the best course of action would be to ignore it,
hence the situation not being surprise worthy. However, Godou was perplexed.
That thing was walking amongst the crowd of people like an ordinary person.
The people within its vicinity were completely unaware of that thing's existence.
It resembled some aspects of a human figure. It was using two feet to walk, had two arms
along with a head and torso.
In spite of that, the body was completely covered with what seemed to be a grey sailcloth. The
underlying skin and face could not be seen at all.
What is that? It doesnt look like a god or divine beast.
Nor is it a magician. No matter how you associate it, it's impossible to classify it under the
category of a human being. Perhaps it is a fairy or a spirit of some sort.
Godou was flabbergasted as a result of Liliana's statement.
In addition to gods, there are actually those kinds of guys roaming these grounds!?
It wouldnt be on these grounds. They basically all reside within the Netherworld. Only in
extremely rare circumstances would they go to the extent of coming to this side.

Liliana fixed her eyes on the Grey One and paced around him while she spoke.
It appears only Los Angeless John Pluto Smith-sama has the capability to transfer to the
Netherworld and summon the residents from there for a short period of time due to the
authority he usurped from Oberon the fairy king.
Speaking of which, that guy seemed to have done something like that in the past
Godou frowned after hearing the name of the North American Campione.
When did I encounter this guy before and what kind of things did we do?
No matter what, lets first try to make contact with this grey colored guy. Conversing with
itaccomplishing this would be great.
If the other member was a god, no matter what kind of appearance it had it would probably
still be able to engage in conversation.
Well, there were certain times when traces of communication would feel very
enigmatic......However, no matter how you look at it, you would be skeptical whether it is
even possible for the Grey One to engage in conversation.
Soon after, the Grey One left the crowd of people.
It was heading towards a lesser used coastal route. Was it planning to continue roaming at a
different location? Up until that point, Godou and Liliana continued to close in on the Grey
After that, the target stopped in its tracks. It looked as if it was waiting for the two of them to
come over.
Could they actually peacefully make contact with it? Just as Godou was looking forward
to that possibility......
The pursued target conducted a series of movements that was beyond all expectations. Slowly
raising its right hand and spreading open its palm, a knife-hand gesture was prepared.
Then in one swift motion, the Grey One placed the knife-hand gesture next its neck and
proceeded to chop its own neck off . What appeared to be the head portion of the sailcloth
swirled into the air.
Huh, did it actually commit suicide!?
The two of them quickly accelerated their pace. The sailcloth covered body of the Grey One
toppled forward.
Once they approached the corpse, Godou immediately peeled off the sailcloth. The insides
were shaped to look exactly like a human body.

The physical body seemed to resemble a muscular and youthful person. However, it had a
very black coloring.
Its pitch-black color gave the impression it was made of carbon while the texture of it
resembled that of charcoal. Also, once it came in contact with the air, the charcoal-like body
made a slight rustling noise as it crumbled like a collapsing sandcastle.
The head portion over here also collapsed......
On the other side, Liliana spoke while inspecting the neck of the Grey One who committed
suicide by cutting its own throat.
She also ripped apart the sailcloth and looked insidethis should be the area where the
head and face were.
What the heck is this guy......
The mysterious person who committed suicide was apparently a spirit of earth.
Facing this state of death, Godou was unable to comprehend the situation and was left feeling
Neither a human nor a god, this existence, who was responsible for the annoying Santa Claus
mystery, has now committed suicideIt is really hard to understand this incident.
Amakasu muttered through the cellphone as he sighed in sorrow.
The grey sailcloth and bits of black ash plummeted down at the location where the suicide just
took place.
Upon normal inspection, the incident of Santa Clauses being greyified should consequently
have ended...... I think this is the case. Well, Ill do a quick inspection of the situation. All in
all Im very thankful that the two of you were capable of supporting each other.
......It seems like your inexplicably happy, am I right Amakasu Touma?
Of course I would be happy. It cannot get any better than having my workload lessened.
Amakasu replied to Lilianas slightly derisive question.
In short, the History Compilation Committee would take care of the job that dealt with the
aftermath of an incident. Godou and Liliana originally held no responsibilities in regards to
this aspect. They now have nothing left to do.
The two of them headed back in the direction of the large shopping centers for the time being.
First hold on a sec.
After he first spoke to Liliana, Godou walked towards a crepe stand.

The food he bought used cooked apples mixed with cream, and then that was mixed with
caramel and orange sauce.
Even though it was a pretty warm for a day in the middle of winter, however, this place was
an area along the seaside.
It was quite chilly due to the winds blowing over from the sea. In that case it would be best to
not order anything such as ice cream.
Which kind do you want Liliana? Pick your favorite.
What are you really up to? Todays cooperation toward this common goal was solely
because it was the request of a Campione. I, Liliana Kranjcar, never planned on accepting a
salary from you.
The female knight spoke with a look of appraisal. However, Godou calmly retorted.
What are you going on about? Wasnt it Liliana herself that said I was someone who wasnt
aware of my role as a king? As a result of that, my mindset had slightly changed.
W-Why do you say that?
It is the duty of a king to give rewards to knights for their achievements. No need to thank
me, just accept this ok?
Godou declared this and handed two crepes in her direction.
This was really for accompanying him in exploration, and there was that lunch she made not
too long ago etc. All the various things she did were included in this act of appreciation.
However he should probably avoid saying it that sentimentally.
After being urged on in a slightly facetious manner, Liliana showed a bit of courtesy towards
this which felt somewhat forced.
If its like this, then as a knight Ill just have to accept this.
When she finished speaking, Liliana acquired one of the crepes.
Just like that, the two of them began eating their crepes, making a crunching sound while they
were doing so. Godou certainly did not have a sweet tooth, although he did not particularly
detest desserts either.
However, the unforeseen location they were in at the moment made it impossible to calmly
savor this kind of sweetness.
The reason was because his partner beside him was a silver-haired European girl. Furthermore
she had a fairy-like ambience and was absolutely stunning, making her a particularly eyecatching girl.
She appeared to stand out even in Odaiba where there were a myriad of young girls.

He had already noticed it while eating along the way. Even though they were acting naturally,
people from the crowd that circulated through here gathered an interest in them.
Having said that, Liliana on the other hand looked like she was oblivious to the attention they
were receiving. She was completely composed like there was nothing out of the ordinary.
There was the fear she might think the reason for the attention was due to her being an
The difference between her and Erica, who acknowledged her own beauty, was astounding.
In any case, he was sure to be seen as her boyfriend by other people because he was alongside
her......Kusanagi Godou didnt believe he had the capability to hook up with someone that had
the looks and tolerance of Liliana.
Godou contemplated on whether or not to say something after they finished eating.
Well then, I should probably be going now. Thank you for all that you have done today
these were the kind of words he thought about saying.
This was probably the proper and correct way to go about this. Since he lived nearby there
shouldnt be any problems riding the same tram back with her. Although if he wanted to
prolong their time together there were numerous reasons he could come up with......
At that moment, a pair of lovers walked by right in front them.
The man and woman looked like they were young college students. The female student was
carrying a massive yet adorable teddy bear in her arms. The dimensions of that teddy bear
made it impossible to carry with two hands.
Was it bought in some kind of doll store?
As he pondered on the thought, he unintentionally noticed the store that the couple exited
from. It was an enormous video game center.
......It appears to be the same facility we went to before.
Liliana suddenly mentioned this as Godou had just finished eating his crepe.
Well, that is because this is a popular chain of arcades. The place we went to before is of the
same type.
In other words, this place also has the opportunity to go hunting. In addition to that, the
teddy bear that we just saw was a humongous toy. I dont have that category of children
inside my bedroom......
The way she muttered was as if she thought of some sort of plan. Liliana was one of those
types of girls who would call her doll related objects as her children. Godou nodded his head,
and while purposefully using an uninterested tone, he said:

Im not sure if it is a prize from the video game center. If it is, something that big would
probably be set-up to be difficult to obtain.
Even though Godou was unfamiliar with what goes on within the industry, it was very likely
that this was the case.
Even with the money spent on buying it from the store you might still be unable to obtain it.
We might as well just head home directly for today.
No matter what kind of situation it is you must find a method to secure victory. Your
suggestion is really quite negative.
Liliana spoke in a manner that slightly ridiculed him.
She also cleared her throat with a cough and went to say with a hint of embarrassment:
I regret to say that I, Liliana Kranjcar, am not quite familiar on the sure win methods and
how to conduct myself in a place like this. I wish to have a senior that possesses the
corresponding knowledge to guide me for a bit.
What an exaggerated way of speaking, it pretty much meant: would you like to go to the
This invitation caused Godou to hesitate.
Even if I had the knowledge and such as you said, I dont really go to these kinds of places.
Nanami and Sorimachi from our class look like they would be somewhat familiar in this
There was a difference between large scale games, free games, and PC games.
It could be said that Godous knowledge on these topics were quite vague. As a result, this
was a perfectly normal way to decline someone. It was basically the natural course of action
to this situation right?
However, Liliana did not back down one bit to this degree of suppression. She chuckled and
Then it should just take about ten minutes total. Furthermore, my compensation isnt some
kind of cheap object that can be paid off completely with just one crepe.
In the end, the event that was predetermined to be ten minutes prolonged to forty minutes.
Plus, speaking of the results.
We still werent able to nab that big one.
Godou stated this after exiting the arcade.
There were four sets of doll grabbing machines that were equipped with the teddy bear prize
within this arcade. Furthermore, there was a difference in their dimensions. There were

extremely small ones like the size of a cellphone strap, small ones that you could fit on your
palm, medium sized ones about as big as a football, and lastly there was the exceptionally
large kind that the pair of lovers were holding onto just then.
The largest item, being the highest benchmark, was of course the one Liliana set her eyes on
as her prey. However, the claws strength was particularly weak so no matter what you did it
was unable to grab the toy.
Godou even lent her a hand but it was completely useless.
It was quite admirable how those pair of lovers were capable of acquiring it so easily.
After expending a large amount pocket change and time, the two of them finally gave up.
Even though they were only passing by, if only they were able to obtain it, then.
Well, the couple who were able to seize it could be considered quite capable.
Although the inside of the store had become quite warm, at that moment, Liliana still spoke
with a calm expression.
She was holding onto two bear cellphone straps. These bear straps actually had a male version
and a female version that were modeled slightly differently. The female one had a ribbon as
well as a very gentle expression.
Incidentally, Godou vulgarly called them male and female and was forced to correct himself
by his partner.
......Oh yeah, you can have the one over here.
Liliana suddenly handed him a cellphone strap.

It was the male, no, the boy bear one. Godou was confused.

Are you sure? You went through a lot of trouble to gather a boy and girl pair.
Yeah. The boy and girl pair is like a pair of lovebirds on the same branch. They probably
shouldnt be separated.
Liliana stated her beliefs using a firm choice of words.
However, I also want to share these with you. Although I dont know why Im compelled to
think this way, in fact it is quite unimaginable......How about this is just to commemorate
The female knights face suddenly blossomed with brilliance as a warm smile surfaced upon
her lips.
Perhaps because of this, Godou carefully accepted the boy bear. Honestly speaking, even he
was uncertain what the reason was. He thought it would be fine as long as he treated the
situation with caution.
However, because it was a small fictional object, it would really make people feel a tad
If this cellphone strap were to become mine then it would be a bit......well, just allow me
accept it for now. Perhaps at a later date Ill just give it to my sister..oh, I think that most
likely wont occur.
How you handle the item you received is your liberty. If you really decide to do that, I would
have to change my relation to this Kusanagi Godou person.
Liliana sighed as they walked side by side towards the station.
In the end, they stayed together all the way until they reached Nezu.

Chapter 3 - A Request Made to the Hime-Miko

Part 1
During the night of the visit to Odaiba, Godou was finally able to start reading his textbook.
The final exams for the second semester were already over. However, Kusanagi Godous test
scores have slowly declined from their usual high marks.
Well, he had been entangled by an incident involving a god-sama and was involved with
numerous things.
Although he could say it was simply due to a lack of preparation, he was not only a godslayer
and demon king, but was also a high school student. As such, he should remain focused on his

Especially during the month after winter break when the all-important aptitude tests took
place in Jounan Academy.
For that reason, Godou displayed diligence as he opened the textbook and began taking notes
on the table within the room.
Eh? Speaking of which, did I get into a battle with a certain god before the final exams?
He was suddenly a bit concerned about this matter in which he had forgotten.
It was now the second day. After the half curriculum of classes prior to winter break were
over, Godou walked towards the library. He was situated in a quiet place where he could
study the contents of the second semester. If he ever got tired of studying he could always
find a book to kill time. However, time was of the essence since he must return before the sky
Actually, starting yesterday he was responsible for cooking.
In the Kusanagi household when their grandfather was absent, Godou and Shizuka would
alternate the responsibility of cooking every couple of days.
Lunches were to be prepared individually while the person on shift would do both breakfast
and dinner. Once Godou came home he walked towards the kitchen.
(Also, the schedule of shifts of course did not include their mother. Even though one of the
reasons was because she was rarely home for dinner, the most significant cause for this was
because she was their mother.)
Today Godou planned on cooking with a pan which he filled with an abundance of
vegetables, pork and afterwards he liberally (but in good proportion) added pickled cabbages.
The ingredients were cut and the time was also set on the rice cooker.
Once that was all taken care of, Godou glanced at his cellphone that was set aside and noticed
a text message.
Who sent this?
Godou, who didnt seem too interested, went to quickly check its content. He then shook his
head, completely unable to fathom what it was.
Not only did the email omit the name of the sender, but the email address was unfamiliar to
The contents of the email were Progress report, concerning the incident from the past, the
resurrection will take place during the winter solstice, please be careful, Ying.
At the moment it seemed like a warning, but it was overly simplified.

The report seemed like it was sent in passing by a staff member who had infiltrated the
dangerous enemy ranks and began monitoring the enemy.
The winter solstice mentioned probably refers to the day of the year where the night is at its
The day of the year where the night is at its longest, in other words the day when the earth is
furthest from the sun.
A very popular Japanese tradition was to take a hot yuzu bath and eat pumpkins[6] every year
during the 21st or 22nd of December.
This years winter solstice should betide on the 22nd of December. Incidentally today was
December 19th. Seems like the revival will take place in three days......
But who the heck is Ying and what is this revival?
Godou was currently contemplating over this. Revivaljust what is being revived?
Godou tried to search for an answer within his mind but was unable to come up with
anything. If it is not something he can remember then it probably lacked importance. Perhaps
it will be fine even if he forgot?
However, during that time with the Santa Clauses we saw someone strange during the
Godou immediately changed his train of thought. However, who should he request for help?
Should he request Liliana again, or Amakasu? Neither of them would probably be applicable.
When all was said and done, one ambivalent keyword came to mind. If only there was
someone here who possessed clairvoyance, then it may be possible to obtain an answer......
No, wait a second. Someone who possesses clairvoyance, isnt that person nearby?!
After eating dinner with Shizuka and cleaning up, Godou returned to his room.
The room was really an eyesore. The Japanese-style six tatami room contained a desk and
chair, a Japanese-style wardrobe as well as a bookcase. Anything that there was no room for
was shoved in.
As a result, Godous room was very concise.
He did not possess any unnecessary items, which gave a plain lifestyle feeling. Nevertheless,
he still had items that were an eyesore.
The reason for this was due to him not having the temperament to be storing things, hence this
was to be expected. Besides the desirables and necessities, he would not mind doing away
with everything else if he had to.
He would feel irritated if a large quantity of things were brought in.

Only the minimum requirement of a necessity will do. This arrangement was much more
lightweight, relaxed, and spacey.
So contrary to what one might expect, Godou was really fond of this sort of profoundly plain
Is my room really that lonely?
He was referring to something besides the contents within the room. It felt like this place used
to be filled with something, something very lively.
While suddenly incurring this kind of feeling, Godou sensed something was missing.
Many things that were desperately needed were now lost......this was the kind of feeling that
surfaced in Godou. An indescribable feeling of being lost and forlornness sank into him.
As expected, there is something that I cant piece the relationship I have
with those people hasnt really improved.
There were a lot of suspenseful matters regarding the girls by his side and their interpersonal
relationships. Even though the distance between him and Liliana has curtailed quite a bit, it
would be meaningless if he was unable to further deepen their relationship.
His relationship with Erica was still the status quo. Also that girl seldom attended school and
was as cunning as always. And then there was Yuri.
Not only did she have clairvoyance, she was someone who had the ability to use Spirit Vision
as well.
In this aspect, not only did she surpass Liliana, she also transcended Princess Alice.
At the present, I would say Mariya Yuris assistance is the most essential.
But how should he request help from Yuri, the sheltered Yamato Nadeshiko?
She was someone who would evade getting into a discussion, an inconversable hime-miko.
Eh? Its like that?
Godou felt a little uneasy. Yuri was indeed a highly ranked girl. Not only was she courteous
by virtue, she was also conservatively polite. She was very passive towards making contact
with boys making her unreachable.
However there seemed to be a completely different side of her. Indeed, it was like the
gentleness of Guanyin Buddha[7] who provided help to all living things combined with the
indignant nature of an Acala[8] reincarnation.
Ill give it a try and see what happens......
This kind of thinking was imprudent, parallel to some sort of evil thought.

Godou appeared to have abandoned this kind of thinking as he shook his head. No matter how
he tried to play it off as a joke, the words of a Campione would never appear as an antic.
But this was perhaps an opportunity for him to alter his relationship with Yuri.
After spending two minutes stressing over this, Godou picked up the phone and sent out a text
message. A response should appear tomorrow morning at the earliest.
If I dont take any risks then there is no way to move forward. Did a certain supervisor say
something like that in the past?
Because he was incapable of openly stating his beliefs, Godou had entered a tigers cave.
When the night passed, it was December 20th.
Just as before, it was Godous responsibility to cook for the Kusanagi household in the
The first was miso soup, which is made by pouring miso into hot water and boiling it into a
soup, then adding potatoes to complete the soup. The prewashed rice was then placed in the
rice cooker for it to be cooked in an environmentally friendly system using the least amount
of labor. Cucumbers, eggplants, and pickled radishes were also soaked together for fifteen
Afterwards I should probably cook some vegetables.
All you did was place the cut up vegetables in the steamer on the kitchen stove for five
minutes. You speak as if you are actually cooking Onii-chan.
What does it matter, it may be simple but at least its very nutritious.
Godou was trying to comfort his sister while opening the door to the fridge.
He took out some natt[9], raw eggs, and nori and placed them on the kitchen table. After that,
he presented it like a western-style buffet. These dishes should be enough between the two
......The older brother lazily made the food, however the chef for the Kusanagi household was
absent so there was no other alternative.
Onii-chan, its clear that you serve decent dishes while occasionally cooking, but once you
start cooking on a daily basis you begin to slack off.
But this is the case for the majority of skilled cooks.
Even if those skilled cooks cut corners, they would still be able to create excellent dishes.
However in Onii-chans case, you are already putting in minimum effort before you reach the
stage where corners should be cut!

Because he was reminded of Lilianas culinary skills, he stated in the following manner.
However his sister had actually counterattacked.
At this time the doorbell to the front door sounded. Has she arrived?
Who would be here this early?
Shizuka stood up and walked towards the front door while Godou continued eating. Perhaps
his mind was entangled by doubt. After Shizuka opened the front door, a beautiful girl
wearing her uniform came into view.
That said, the two girls had an upperclassmen-underclassmen relationship in the tea ceremony
Mariya Yuri elegantly lowered her head and spoke towards the startled underclassmen.
Im very sorry for disturbing you guys this early in the morning, but I have some urgent
matters to discuss with your brother. Please forgive my rudeness. mean my Onii-chan!?
Yes, would it be possible for me to accompany Kusanagi-san for a bit?
She was directly looking at Kusanagi Godou who was standing behind Shizuka.
Mariya Yuri had a stern and serious expression comparable to when a noble princess
adjudicates over sinners.
Regarding the godslaying devil king as an adversary, she casted an intense seriousness that
was much different than the highly ranked girls usual cautiousness. Godou felt his intuition
was correct.
This turned the originally conservative Yuri into a courageous, initiative taking girl.
He had successfully coerced her!
However why did he have this feeling like he overdid it? There was the saying you can't catch
a cub without going into the tiger's den, but it felt like there was a point where he had proudly
stepped on the tigers tail......
The price of wanting to control the situation for himself felt like it had spiraled beyond his
Since it is like this, he might as well keep her company. Godou braced himself and responded
to the princesss calling.

Part 2

Godou terminated his plans of eating together with Shizuka and decided to save his breakfast
in order to eat it at night.
Fortunately clothing for him was not an issue. Godou put on the shirt from his school uniform
and a coat, then immediately left after picking up his backpack.
However, Shizukas tone on the other hand had a mix of anger (I wonder why?) and
O-Onii-chan, quit provoking other people. What did you do to make Mariya-senpai actually
come to our house!? Could it be the blood inherited from grandpa has finally awakened!?
Afterwards you better explain everything clearly to me!
T-There was no easy way to explain this, so might as well use a bit of deception right?
The brother who was carrying these immoral feeling went towards the front door and spoke to
the hime-miko waiting for him.
Sorry for making you wait.
No, it was me who first disturbed you without permission and I came off very adamant. This
sort of delay isnt a concern at all.
After respectfully replying, Yuri started walking together with Godou by her side.
That said, if the words she had used were elegantly and respectfully spoken like they had
always been in the past, the words would have sent a warm feeling to Godous heart. This was
because the maiden by his side was both adorable and stunning, thus making him feel
However, the tone she used right now was filled with the dignity of a queen of winter.
Just when they happened to leave Nezu Sanchomes business street, the might of this
dignified feeling became much more powerful.
Well then Kusanagi Godou, what was the reason for yesterdays text message?
Godou flinched after being suddenly questioned.
Perhaps he was unable to speak about his aroused battle spirit caused by various
Its nothing, just a few things I recently remembered......
No matter what position you hold, you still shouldnt do anything like this!
Yuri took out her cellphone and displayed the contents of the text sent yesterday towards
Subject: Some matters we need to consult

'Today there was someone who sought to discuss some matters with me. It seemed that he felt
very anxious because he was being tracked by a deity. Since my abilities were applicable, I
replied then lets eliminate this god. After that, the god came looking to quarrel with me,
making me feel somewhat distressed. Once I crush that god, would it be better if he was
submerged in Tokyo Bay or the Suruga Bay?'
It seems Yuris high class temperament and her hime-miko duties were provoked.
Godou accurately anticipated this and purposefully sent her a message that would give her
headaches by instilling apprehensive thoughts. He was successful on his first attempt. As
expected, Yuri was more than just a kindhearted girl.
She was also strong-willed, noble, and had a habit of preaching and nagging others.
Even though he cowered in fear from her aggressive attitude, Godou did have a strong sense
of satisfaction. It would be contradictory to Mariyas nature if things did not turn out like this.
You intentionally brought the heretic god into Japan and now you intend to cause mass
destruction once again!? Your concern for the surrounding area is completely inadequate!
W-Wait a second, Mariya.
Godou replied, unable to resist anymore.
Everything in that text was a lie.
A lie?
Ah, haha, I only did that because it was necessary.
Following that, Yuri suddenly displayed a smile that was clearly very charming. Nevertheless,
it was a smile that would insinuate fear into anyone. This was an expression of regret
showcased by the beautiful princess.
Why must you do something like this?
No, you see, there never is an opportunity for me to talk to Mariya right? We are only able to
have a proper conversation if I did something like this.
Although he mentioned some pretty bizarre things, there was nothing else that could have
been done.
Godou lowered his head with dignity and spoke his heartfelt feelings with determination.
I felt like if I tried to casually converse with you, you would evade my attempts.
So its like that? Just now I was contemplating whether or not to cut off all connections to
the lying and irresponsible Kusanagi-san forever.

The hime-miko declared this with a cold smile. That compelling force of hers had also
However, Godou immediately followed up by yelling Mariya and closed in greatly. The
distance between Godou and Yuri was practically nonexistent as Godou looked straight into
her eyes. In the past, whenever a beautiful girl approached him, he would cower and be
incapable of doing anything.
I will apologize as much as you want me to for lying, but please listen to me this one time.
Godou said this with the highest level of sincerity.
This is an unreasonable request of mine, but rather than having Mariya treat me courteously,
I would heavily prefer you to show anger and criticize me without anguish. Even if you feel
uncomfortable, you should still continue to conduct yourself as such.
If possible, I hope you would scold me whenever I do something unacceptable in the future
like you are doing right now. Basically me and that idiot Salvatore Doni both need a person of
this sort.
A devil king is someone who is permitted to be unreasonably violent and live an indulgent
lifestyle that allows them to ignore other peoples liberties. Someone who possesses powers
of a Campione should not be saying these things to a mere human.
So if someone must be selected, I hope that person would be you Mariya. Of course, if
Mariya doesnt want to then I wont force you......What do you think?
Suddenly, Yuri quietly stated Godous name.
This was really unfathomable since it was obviously an offensive change. However, Godou
was not surprised with this new way of being addressed. Instead, it could be said that this
label was familiar sounding or rather, it was something he was accustomed to.
Afterwards Yuri silently followed in kind with her head lowered like Godou. Her entire face
turned red as she was probably very embarrassed.
At this time Godou finally noticed it, his proximity with Yuri was extremely close. If his face
was any closer it would be within kissing distance. They resembled lovers preparing to
embrace each other.
However, Yuri finally seemed to have responded with a nod.
This made Godou feel ecstatic. The beautiful hime-miko, who was flustered because of the
close distance and wished to have some separation, suddenly spoke in a whisper.

Anything that the KingNo, if it is Godou-sans wish then I will try my best in response.
However, I have something that I want to say about this."
Godous back broke out in a cold sweat as sensed an omen of danger.
Surely enough, Yuri suddenly sighed and held a sorrowful expression while looking up at
I didnt think Godou-san was lying.
I dont know why I would wishfully think that Godou would always be sincere to me.
Calmly thinking about it, there are clearly many strange aspects to this. Nevertheless I still
unconditionally trust you.
Yuris murmur was not of criticism but rather of sorrow.
Her serene and grieving expression instead greatly provoked Godous sense of guilt.
R-Regarding this, please allow me to once again apologize......
To earn a persons trust takes many years to accumulate, however losing trust in a person
only takes a swift moment......I feel that what Godou-san has done this time should reflect
what I have just said.
Ill do anything for forgiveness. Kneeling down, anything would be fine.
This kind of uncomfortable situation was akin to being reprimanded.
Deeply experienced, Godou did not hesitate when offering the highest level method of
forgiveness seeking. He immediately utilized a prized technique passed down within the
family and knelt along the road. As a result, Yuris lonesome expression turned into a smile.
It would have been fine even if you didnt do anything to this degree. I only desired to have
Godou experience the same feeling that I just experienced......
Just like that she stopped him in his tracks. Godou pondered while maintaining his kneeling
Phew, Ill never lie to Mariya again. Furthermore.
S-Sawa-san, did you hear that......!? Mariya-san and......class fives Kusanagi-san? The two
of them seemed to have said staying by each others side, is that a joke? Or could it be......
Of course, its just as Miyama-san thought, this is virtually the same kind of conversation a
married couple would have as they overcome a divorce crisis. This means......
Not only were Kusanagi-san and Mariya-san dating, he even had an affair......!?

A guy like this is actually in our school. Class fives Kusanagi, Im on to you!
Godou heard this unfortunate intermittent whispering. Looking to his side, there were two girl
students who appeared to be from Yuris class located not too far away from them. The one
with the glasses was Sawa-san, the petite one was Miyama-san.
Speaking of which, he would trek through here on a daily basis. Moreover, it was the only
way to get to Jounan Academy.
Other than Sawa-san and Miyama-san, there were a couple students staring at them from a bit
farther away! Sensing this dangerous situation, Godou spoke without hesitation.
Mariya! Come over here!
Unwittingly, they went to the entrance of the Nezu Shrine. A hurried decision was made when
selecting the shrines courtyard as refuge, prompting Godou and Yuri to enter inside.

Part 3
Godou and Yuri ran towards the vast courtyard in the Nezu Shrine.
Five minutes had already passed since that previous scene. It was unclear exactly when it
happened, but the atmosphere between the two of them had became tranquil and the mood
strangely turned very positive.
Godou discreetly tilted his head, just now he was clearly conflicted by his own lie.
Moreover it was tantamount to yesterday morning. Godou and Yuri evidently had nothing to
say, but their line of sight suddenly crossed paths. Yuri candidly lowered her head and
gracefully smiled. Considering Godou had said some outlandish things, this approach was
The taut atmosphere from before seemed like it was merely a farce.
Godou-san, I actually noticed this prior to now.
Yuri suddenly started talking as she casually walked in a uniform posture.
I noticed that, we, forgot something very important.
You too Mariya!?
Godou was absolutely astounded. Could it be that Mariyas situation was the same?
Recently, I have been unable to remain at peace because I feel like Ive forgotten something
important. It repeatedly felt like there was some sort of prearranged plan around Christmas

Ah, there was also the text I received from a person that I supposedly know which said
something was going to be revived during the winter solstice and that I should be careful. It
was full of some vague matters that would make anyone feel very confused.
The purpose of the unspecified delivery address was probably to prevent the identity of the
sender from being discovered. However, up until now there was still no response and the
intention to respond probably never existed.
However, back to the main topicGodou thought of something while Yuri was talking. At
this time, there seems to be someone who can fill in the blanks for Kusanagi Godou.
Just like Yuri, there also seems to be some sort of other person. Letting her cover his
back and fighting side by side, sometimes she would bicker while other times she would share
opinions and offer advice. Occasionally she would create complications that would drive
people crazy. However, they would also hang out together at times. What other instances
would there have to be in order for her to be a suitable partner?
Godou desperately reflected upon this bleary memory of his.
However this was insufficient, it was still inadequate. If only there was some kind of
Afterwards, Godou heard Yuri mention a divine revelation.
Ever since ancient times, the winter solstice has always been an important sacrificial day for
welcoming the god of bountiful harvests. The people express gratitude for the bumper harvest
in the fall and feel very joyous towards the arrival of the winter solstice. Furthermore, they
celebrate the coming of spring and request the omnipotent to start storing power.
!? Godou looked to his side while Yuri gazed at Godou with a dazed expression.
Whats wrong Godou-san?
Just then, did she use her spirit vision to obtain that divine revelation? How typical of her.
Under situations which lacked awareness of the circumstances, her ability would oftentimes
be able to grant useful declarations. Even in this condition where the situation was unclear, as
long as they had her power then.
Like having discovered a beacon illuminating the road ahead, Godou heavily nodded.
He felt that the suspended hands of a clock have now clicked and once again started to move
at an uptempo.
In the end, Godou and Yuri arrived at the school together.
Walking together within the school is still too great of a difficulty. This was why the two of
them separated at the shoe cabinet located at the front doors of the school and headed to their
respective classes.

Tomorrow was already going to be the graduation ceremony and the day after on the 22nd
was the start of winter break. Due to this, a complacent atmosphere was found within the
school. Classes were going to end soon and all the teachers and students within the school
were cleaningsort of like a mass cleanup. It was probably influenced by this kind of
atmosphere. Speaking of which, today Erica showed up.
She appeared to be in charge of the cleanup group for the science room. She quickly brought
some people who were students that in the same class as her and who had a pretty good
relationship with her to go with. Of course for Erica, displaying her own hard working attitude
would probably be implementing effective commands to instruct other people to quickly
finish cleaning......
By the way, Godou was part of the hallway cleanup group while Liliana was part of her
classclass fives cleanup group.
When Godou would occasionally enter the classroom, he felt as if the silver-haired knight was
eyeing him with criticism.
But he bypassed the notion that she was concentrating on him. Believing he was just
overthinking this, Godou focused on his cleaning.
Once they finally finished cleaning, it was time to head home. While Godou was preparing to
leave, the group of three consisting of Nanami, Sorimachi, and Takagi approached him.
Hey Kusanagi, you always seem to be involved in these strange rumors.
Although I think its just a joke, I should still do a quick confirmation. You and Mariyasanthis matter regarding the socialization with the overwhelmingly top ranked girl of the
Nadeshiko section in my school, was it true?
F-Furthermore even though you guys already arranged plans for marriage, Mariya was
depressed because you had an affair!
Godou frowned and muttered huh?.
Although I know where this kind of silly rumor came from......there has to be a limit on
circumventing the truth. If lies like these were spread around, it would create complications
for me and Mariya.
The indignant Godou said this while in a sour mood.
Afterwards, the three idiots suddenly nodded their heads and displayed a smile on their faces.
Ha ha ha, I guess you are right.
I just knew that you and Mariya-san becoming a couple had to be a joke.
There is eye-witness information saying you two were arguing on the way to school.
However the result was that you guys happily arrived at school walking side by side after

reconciling. This kind of strange information was broadcasted everywhere and we unwittingly
came across this unconfirmed report which instigated some suspicion towards you.
Ah, no, the arguing and coming to school together was true.
After Godou announced this fact, the expression of the three idiots changed for some reason.
The person telling this kind of nonsense was probably someone at the location and witnessed
me and Mariya quarreling. However, the relationship is definitely not the same as what they
said, Im serious.Oh yeah, there is something I want to request from Nanami.
Godou spoke to his startled friend who had a frozen expression.
Its pretty tough to complete that game I borrowed from before, is it ok if I continue
borrowing it?
U-Uh huh. It would be fine even if you borrowed it for a year or two as long as you put your
heart into it as you play. But Kusanagi, the things you just said......can we believe in them?
What he means is, we still have faith in youas our comrade, being one of the men who
gallantly fights in solitude during Christmas against an empty reality, how could we not
No, I dont have any plans to battle anyone during Christmas, none at all......?
Having no plans, for some reason he hesitated right after he finished speaking. It seemed as if
he had the feeling that something was awaiting him.

Part 4
Afterwards, on the way back home, Godou headed towards the supermarket.
The purpose of this was to carry out the obligations of his cooking responsibilities. For lunch,
he simply tended to that by eating an onigiri bought from a convenience store.
Ok then, what should I eat for tonight? I could eat the leftovers from this morning, but that
will definitely not be enough. I have a lot of free time right now compared to my busy
While Godou started to reflect on the few dishes he could adeptly cook, one problem came to
mind. After considering this matter, tonights dinner menu had to be prudently selected. How
should he go about doing this?
In the vegetable aisle of the supermarket, the perplexed Godou heard a voice.

I happened to notice that you are doing something rarely seen from you in a place you
infrequently visit.
Godou looked back and saw Liliana standing there wearing her uniform and holding a
backpack. She probably just departed from school as well.
I hardly ever see you shopping in these kinds of stores.
Grandpa isnt here right now and today is my responsibility to prepare dinner. Did Liliana
come here to go shopping as well?
When Lilianas maid Karen was on vacation in her home country, it would not be strange to
see Liliana going shopping by herself. However she responded by shaking her head.
No, I actually wanted to confirm something so that is why I came here to see you.
I heard you ruthlessly plucked the Japanese hime-miko Mariya Yuri and made her your
possession. Furthermore, you even had an affair and abandoned her. What is this all about?
Godou stared blankly at Liliana who suddenly started talking incessantly.
This is the only time where I wont assess you as wrong. Mhmm, no matter how negligent
you are on the battlefield like a monster, you are always appropriately conscientious during
everyday life.
At best considered a person who became accustomed to living in society, yet still retaining a
rather flawed notion of common sensethis kind of person not only possesses many traits
that cause other people complications but is also someone who pulls ones punches. This is
exactly how I feel!
Is this how you see me Liliana......?
However, the actions you did towards Mariya Yuri were indeed too excessive. Unlike a
gentleman, you lack the proper morality of a human being. I was really wrong about you.
No, although I can assume where you heard this kind of rumor from.
Godou used an indifferent tone to express his opinion to the aggressive Liliana.
You probably shouldve diligently double-checked this rumor against the facts before
coming to find me. How about you try giving a call to Mariya, she will definitely refute this
claim and say there is no truth behind it.

Suddenly, Lilianas imposing manner waned as she sank deep into thought. After
contemplating this over, she displayed a oh crap kind of expression.
Well, let me ask you again, Liliana did you come here to go shopping?
J-Just forget about everything regarding this matter Kusanagi Godou.
Liliana let out a sigh as she spoke.
The red-faced Liliana pretty much reverted back to her serious demeanor.
Im sorry, after hearing the rumor, for some reason this kind of Kusanagi Godou likes
feminine charms and carelessly establishes relationships with other girls very quickly
impression surfaced and I very naturally believed this rumor.
You were probably going off baseless facts!
In the end the two of them selected the ingredients together. To some degree, this scene
involving a devil king and knight selecting ingredients in the fresh food section could be
considered as some sort of parody.
Going beyond that explanation, its time to worry about tonights menu.
Buy cheap ingredients that are exceptionally discounted. Using those to cook dishes should
be fine, right?
Godou shook his head in response to the prevailing method Liliana offered.
In fact, I did that yesterday as well as the day before. Dont you think that conveniently
cutting meat, fish, vegetables, and putting them all in a pot would be a very easy way to make
them delicious? The tastes of most types of foods are acceptable just by doing some minor
cooking......I would think said Godou.
However, while he still had more to say, an inconceivable feeling developed within him.
As a result, two days ago I made chanko and saved the leftovers to simmer in udon for
yesterdays breakfast. After that, while I was making pickled cabbages yesterday night
Shizuka started to become agitated. So for this morning, I guess you can say the things I made
were more cuisine-like.
Once he recalled the expression of dissatisfaction on his sister again, Godou became irritated.
He thought, how annoying can a girl get.
So tonights menu has to be selected carefully. However, because Im unsure what kind of
dishes are acceptable to a little girl Im feeling quite distressed.
Liliana sighed for some reason.

Godou cringed. He felt his counterpart wanted to say you are a person who always needs
someone else to take care of you.
Overall, I think I understand that you are definitely a loser instead of a winner in this
domestic life battlefield.
Godou cowered at this criticism that he was completely unable to refute.
This is why I suggested the appointment of a butler and maid.
Whether it is yesterday or today, I will most likely never arrange such a thing. Well, lets just
say I will not approve of this even beyond five years from now.
Then that exhausts all your options. Looks like you need a charitable counterpart.
The moment he heard this, Godou blinked repeatedly in surprise.
Liliana said charitable? Does that mean.
Afterwards, an hour had passed.
The silhouette of the fairy-like silver-haired European beauty could be seen skillfully making
dishes at the Kusanagi household.
Taking the cut up pieces of white radish, cucumbers, carrots, celery, etc. she turned the
components into a salad and included some cream and cheese as dessert.
Furthermore there were crunchy deep fried pumpkins, fried sweet potatoes, fried lotus roots,
and egg rolls made out of shrimp and avocado.
She was able to create many vegetable and meat dishes in a concise amount of time. Plus, she
took Godous leftover miso soup from earlier this morning and added it to the curry powder.
Following that, other ingredients such as bacon, lettuce, tomato, and so on were included. The
result was the creation of a BLT (the abbreviation stands for Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato) soup
that tasted like curry.
When seeing those ingredients amassed together, at the time there was a certain curiosity as to
what it was going to be morphed into.
After giving it a quick taste, a brilliantly created Western style flavor could be detected. As
expected, the workmanship could only be considered admirable if this kind of sensation was
induced to others.
Im very sorry that these are only some casually made food.
After finishing her cooking, Liliana apologized.
At the very least I do believe my cooking isnt as atrocious as yours.
I guess definitely felt like the workload didnt really change.

Im afraid you carry an as long as it is edible it is fine kind of attitude while haphazardly
cooking. However, I believe the art of cooking parallel to romance, some degree of passion is
still needed.
While criticizing Godous careless nature, Liliana appeared to have become a fearless
This was probably self-inflicted. Godou cringed as a result.
O-Overall you really helped me out a great deal, thank you. If its not too much trouble,
would you like to also stay here for dinner Liliana?
I dont have any plans for today......but disturbing your family gathering is not ideal, please
forgive my refusal.
Liliana used the perfect excuse to decline Godous invitation.
Well, there will always be some conflict no matter how many times a person suddenly eats at
someone elses house. In fact, the level of Godou and Lilianas relationship was also
Godou thought about this while nodding. However, he was really incapable of comprehending
this situation. For some reason, seeing Liliana stand in the kitchen of his house made him feel
nostalgic. She was wearing a uniform and a scarf, using a kitchen knife, while lighting the fire
on the stove.
Nevertheless, it was quite unimaginable as to how the European beauty felt at home in an
aged Japanese house that was unsuited for her. She assimilated to the setting of the Kusanagi
household, making Godou feel very nostalgic.
Oh yeah, Liliana, this is your first time coming to my house......right?
Eh? should be, ah, noeh?
Liliana tilted her head and looked completely puzzled by Godous inquiry.
Today is certainly the first time, I think?
I also feel that is the case......
The two of them were facing one another with their expressions aligned as they were
Although this should be the case, something feels very suspicious. Burdened with doubt,
Godou looked directly at Liliana who possessed a pure and beautiful complexion. Afterwards,
Liliana shyly casted down her eyes and nervously looked around the kitchen.
P-Please dont look at me like this, itll make me feel very embarrassed......

I-Im sorry. I dont mean it like that.

The flustered silver-haired beauty moved away from his line of sight. Seemingly wanting to
change the subject, Liliana decided to speak up.
Kusanagi Godou, you havent really tidied up these past couple of days have you? There is a
dirt stain in the corner.
Ah......I did remember contemplating wanting to straighten up the place a few times.
Still as carefree as ever. I understand now, coming to disturb you today could be considered
as fates doing to bring us together.
Liliana suddenly went to the hallway, opened the storage room, and took out the vacuum that
was placed in there as well as a duster and cleaning rag.
She was promptly on the move as if she knew in advance where the cleaning tools were.
Ah, I didnt intend to impress you with cleaning duties too!
Dont worry about it, the longer someone sees the stains in this house the more disgusted
they would feel.
As soon as she finished speaking, Liliana swiftly commenced cleaning.
She first tidied up the things scattered along the hallway, bed and so on. Afterwards, it was of
course time for the vacuum and duster to take the stage. They could reach places to clean that
was inaccessible to a cleaning rag.
No dont, I didnt intend to trouble you to this extent.
Dont worry, I might as well do it while Im here.
Dressed up in a uniform and apron, Liliana was hard at work with the cleanup.
This kind of routine-esque appearance gave people the impression that she was a newly-wed
wife who undertakes the household duties all by herself. Not only that, a mysterious magical
force arising from her enduring attitude made Godous heart skip endlessly.
In short, he was unable to just let her clean alone.
As a result, Godou also helped clean in all quarters of the Kusanagi household. In Godous
point of view, Liliana seemed to behave as if she was instructed by the Kings request or
something along those lines. Because of that, he decided to join her in the cleanup.
During this occasional rest day, he sank into the awkward situation undertaking the role of a
husband helping the wife of the house in tidying up.
This type of impression emerged in Godou.

At its conclusion, Liliana went home upon completing one hour of cleaning.
That said, people in Japan would thoroughly clean their house during the end of year......
In the end, Godou muttered to himself.
Although she was still far away from the meticulously cleaned first and second floor of the
Kusanagi household, Godou still decided to wait for the return of Shizuka inside the
sublimely transformed house along with Lilianas diligently prepared dinner.
Soon after, the night had finally ushered in.
Onii-chan......the situation regarding Mariya-senpai today was already a problematic issue
and now you bring a girl home!? Theres no use playing dumb! Whether its the dinner or the
house that has become sparkling clean, its obvious that it isnt Onii-chan who did it! Who did
you bring over? It was Mariya-senpai wasnt it? Or was it another girl? It would probably be
in your best interest to plead guilty!
That night, Godous house was filled with the affectionate conversation between brother and
According to Shizuka, the silhouettes of girls had recently congregated around Godou. Dont
be silly, Im not the same as grandpa. Godou retorted in this way numerous times before
finally driving away Shizuka.
After returning to his room, Godou sighed in relief.
At this time there was an incoming call on his cellphone. It was Yuri calling, Godou instantly
picked up.
Hello, is this Mariya?
Yes, Im sorry for calling this late at night. If I may ask, are you free at the moment?
After the polite greetings the conversation got underway.
This kind of etiquette and adherence to discipline is a trait of Yuris. Godou was
surreptitiously happy to be able to talk to her.
After hearing her voice through the phone, Godou immediately focused his attention.
In regards to that situation up until now, there is one thing to report.
That situation concerning Santa Clauses turning grey?
Yes, that phenomenon manifested itself this afternoon in the following seven locations which
seem to have all been confirmed: Yotsuya, Mejiro, Nakano, Yoyogi, Roppongi, Nakameguro,
Yurakucho......right now Amakasu-san is currently on his way to investigate.
Its still recurring?

In the end, the Grey One committing suicide at Odaiba did not conclude this matter.
Plus the event had occurred in an imposing manner where it appears to be playing catchup for
the last couple of days.
After whatever you did was all said and done, were there any breakthroughs? If only
Amakasu-san had information to pass along......
In regards to this situation, I have an idea what it is.
Godou was stunned at Yuris sudden admission.
After hearing the reports, I was bestowed with a divine revelation through my spirit vision.
At long last I saw it. Although, Im not sure whether or not this is accurate......its Erica-san.
Huh, why that person?
Could Erica really be the culprit? What does this all equate to?
Even though she is a bit deceitful, she isnt the type of person who would carry out these sort
of pranks.
I agree. However, I have a very strong feeling that the crux for solving this situation at least
focuses around Erica-san.
Erica Blandelli, out of all the people Godou knew, she was the most gorgeous and the most
talented girl.
What information was she withholding? Without any clues, Godou nodded his head. Either
call it quits or go through with it till the endno, since matters have reached this stage, it
would be best to bravely advance towards the finale.

Chapter 4 - Name of the God Heralding Midwinter?

Part 1
Subsequently about ten minutes after contacting Yuri, Godou got in touch with a certain
In fact, he notified her by saying Santa Clauses are being greyified once again!. He also
wanted to utilize that familiar she used in the past to search for the culprit.
However, he relinquished that idea after sensing there was some kind of indescribable danger.

Viewing it from the perspective of a baseball team, expectations would dictate Kusanagi
Godou to be either the fourth hitter or catcher. These were the positions he was accustomed to
ever since he was a child.
On offense, the pinch hitter was allowed to distance hit. On defense, the pitcher and
outfielders would be instructed to set up a containment. There were no inconspicuous
movements on his side.
However, the fourth hitter for some reason decided to bunt the ball.
The catcher, who was supposed to be like a calm and unwavering central control tower,
wanted to play in the outfield.
This type of vulgarness was comparable to the current situation.
Overextending oneself. The furthest thing from playing to one's talents. Didn't Amakasu
mention earlier? "This is something that can be cleared up as soon as we sent out Committee
members to investigate." Godou had no wish to trouble others even though the problem would
be resolved without him doing anything personally.
Why did they have to operate in this fashion? They were still far from having the right person
in the right place.
He felt profoundly dissatisfied.
This was why Godou was determined to get in touch with that person. During times like
these,, she should be someone he could rely on.
Presently on the 20th of December, two hours had passed.
Godou had avoided the gaze of Shizuka and snuck out of the house.
He boarded Amakasu Toumas car on Kototoi Street and headed off towards Area 3 of the
Chiyoda ward. The setup of this ghost house-like western-style mansion gave the impression
that they wanted to silently conceal themselves along this alleyway.
This place was where the person in charge of the Tokyo division of the History Compilation
Committee resided.
To say that she was a beautiful girl would be too neutral and her voice was too thin to be
considered a beautiful boy. Incidentally, this woman was very adept at fooling around and
among strategists, she was quite problematic to deal with......
Thank you for being able to come my King. Today I, Sayanomiya Kaoru, a person of humble
talent, intend to use everything in my power to assist Kusanagi Godou.
The person who greeted them at the front door was Kaoru who was wearing a formal black
butlers outfit.

She chose to speak in an incomparably exaggerated form, but the way she conveyed it was
very natural.
Her bout of courtesy was humorous but also very elegant. Chuckling, Kaoru seemed to be
completely at ease when she gave her witty greeting.
I feel there is absolutely no need for this kind of flattery...... Why are you dressed up?
Since Kusanagi-sama wanted to personally come for a visit, I wanted to try and spruce up a
bit for the occasion. Lets put this matter aside for now, please enter. Yuri and Liliana-san
have already arrived.
Wearing a perfectly overdone mens outfit, this girl emitted a frivolous expression towards
After being invited inside her residence, two of his old acquaintances reappeared in the
Godou-san, we were waiting for your arrival.
We heard that the phenomenon happened again.
Seeing that this more or less turned into a formal mission for the Committee members, Yuri
wore her entire miko attire while Liliana was dressed in a blue vest with black pants.
Godou and the others entered the spacious study together.
This area was actually Kaorus office. It had also become the meeting room to assess
countermeasures against heretic gods many times in the past. Godou proceeded to sit down on
the couch. Afterwards, Liliana also sat down to his right.
She was completely oblivious, sitting down as if it was her established spot.
Their line of sight crossed paths. Liliana flashed an eye signal and Godou responded by
nodding his head. It was finally time to thoroughly investigate the facts. The commencement
of a critical juncture has initiated.
? Whats the matter Mariya?
Godou inadvertently glanced at Yuri only to see she for some reason held a very staunch
expression while gazing at him and Liliana.
After questioning her, the hime-miko suddenly became flustered and sat down towards
Godous left.
N-Nothings wrong. Speaking of which Godou-san, Im not sure when it began but the
relationship between you and Liliana-san has become much more intimate......

Intimateuh, well, compared to our relationship from before it has improved slightly.
Right Liliana?
Y-Yes I agree. Returning to that topic Kusanagi Godou, since when did your relationship
with Mariya became much friendlier compared to before? As expected, this is probably the
reason why there were rumors about you.
Eh? Godou was puzzled after hearing Liliana satirizing him.
Yes, that must be it. Despite having additional vacant spots, Mariya Yuri sat by your side
without the slightest hesitation. This is something I never would have imagined until this
! ? T-This meeting is only to discuss matters regarding the phenomenon in detail with
While replying, Yuri completely lost her composure due to fear from this sudden criticism.
Also, it was Liliana-san who started this.
I-I had the position of assisting Kusanagi Godou for this situation. Being his consultant, Im
only sitting at my natural post. And furthermore, even the way you address him has
The latter part of Lilianas words became a whining murmur that was difficult to hear
No matter how one looks at it, he was caught between the two girls. The atmosphere became a
tad awkward.
During this time, Godou coincidentally remembered something. Being able to strengthen his
relationship with others was favorable. However, perhaps their relationship was a bit more
unrestrained in the past......?
Hey. I see, so that was it.
On the other side, the calmly awaiting Kaoru who dressed up like a butler seemed to laugh out
of amusement and nodded her head.
They appeared to be waiting and watching each others responses. Just exactly what did she
realize? Godou thought it was strange but also expressed gratitude towards Kaoru. All of the
responsibilities for the arrangement at this location fell onto her.
In this chaotic situation, there was Yuris spirit vision and the mysterious trump card Erica
held. These matters should be quickly sorted out. Out of everyone gathered here, the most
suitable candidate to accomplish this was none other than Kaoru.
Therefore, he used his cellphone to contact Kaoru. Within an hour he received a return call
from her. At that time Kaoru straightforwardly told him the location arrangements for the

emergency meeting has been set, please head over at this time. Erica-san will be there as
Her ability and skill to get the job done were still as good as ever. If Sayanomiya Kaoru was
born in the right time period, she would have the moral character of a feudal leader or a
bishop. Who made such a remark before?
Looks like I made everyone wait.
Moreover, this girl seemed to take the role of a person who enters the stage last. Her attire
consisted of a red overcoat along with tight black pants, paying tribute by pairing up red and
black as usual.
After being contacted by Kaoru, I told Arianna to find the appropriate item. She went
through the entire house, spending thirty minutes to find this. My maid, who also acts as my
assistant, is really quite capable isnt she?
Upon entering the study, she spoke with a tone of brightness. She didnt even do anything but
it was like a shameless admission nevertheless. She revealed a broad smile, as expected of
Erica Blandellis temperament.
Erica suddenly revealed her findings which was a plain wooden chest.
The size of the cover attached to the top could fit into a persons hand. It was black in color
and looked quite decrepit.
A click sound was made as Erica opened the lid. The contents inside were merely two, three
dried up pieces of fruit that were about the same size as a ping pong ball.
It resembled nothing other than some sort of dried up fruit.
Out of the magic related items I brought to Japan, this was one that I originally did not have
on me at the time. It was not one of the items that came from Milan either. However, why
would something like this be mixed in with the other stuff in my apartment? It is quite a
peculiar predicament.
Erica was smiling while looking around inside the wooden chest. She had a brazen smile that
was without fear, like a malevolent lion skulking around to get in front of its prey.
If you trust the note attached to the top of the chest, this box appears to be from the past
probably more than one hundred years ago. It was an object brought to earth by a heretic god
appearing in Turkey. Recently there seems to have been various kinds of strange events
occurring. In no way can the name of this god be just a coincidental match to what has
occurred during these phenomenons."
......Quit posturing. Hurry up and say the name of the god already.
Liliana interrupted her.

Whats so awful about a climax of this degree, Lily? I will never flounder the chance to be
on center stage. This stunt is something everyone should know about me, Erica Blandelli.
After leisurely speaking, Erica suddenly announced:
The name of the god is Saturnus. He was believed to be the god of agriculture in the Ancient
Roman Empire. He is an existence who gave the populace crops and produce. Furthermore, he
brought along the divine festival that Christmas originated from.
Liliana gently nodded. It looks like she recognized the name.
Saturnus, it should be the first time he heard that name right? Godou felt slightly ill at ease.
However, right now he had to ask about the doubts encountered from before.
The origins of Christmas?
During the end of the year in Ancient Rome, they would conduct a grand festival for
Saturnus every December. They dance, sing, drink wine, make a racket, and heartily cheer
with merriment.
Erica spoke with her usual clear-cut tone.
The title of the god of agriculture originated from the appreciation of the current years
harvest and the festival where prayers were held for a bountiful harvest the following year.
During this festival, there appears to have been some sort of social custom where people
present tree branches and fruits as gifts to each other. After this social custom was
popularized in Christianity, remnants of it remained in various parts of Europe and eventually
transformed into a social custom where gifts were to be exchanged during the festival hosted
at the end of the year.
A couple of days ago I mentioned that Saint Nicolas was a Saint who brought the fruits of
harvest. Saturnus was also a god of agriculture but he dates back much farther in time
compared to the Saint of Christianity.
Liliana added on to that as if she was supplementing the explanation.
By around the 11th century, Christianity had extended throughout Europe. During a time
much prior to that, Europeans worshiped Cronus[10], Freyr[11], Dagda[12] and other indigenous
gods of agriculture. Nevertheless, following the popularization of Christianity, these ancient
gods were replaced by Saint Nicolas. The birth of Jesus Christ served as a form of
replacement for the social custom of the great winter festival.
Using our modern calendar, the harvest festival is held around December. This wasnt a rare
occurrence for those who engaged within the the realms of agriculture. This festival was even
held in ancient Egypt.
Erica-san......may I take a look at that thing?

Yuri shyly asked Erica who was recounting unexpected information. Her gaze was cast
towards the contents from inside the chest that the blonde beauty held in her hands.
Of course, you didnt have to ask. Perhaps if we rely on Yuris power we can see something
that evades us.
Yuri walked towards Erica after leaving the couch.
She extended her hand to borrow the wooden chest of hers. Her pale index finger and middle
finger reached into the wooden chest, trembling with fear as she touched the dried fruits
dating over 100 years old.
Following that, Yuris facial expression suddenly became very stiff. It seemed like she had a
pretty clear impression from her spirit vision.
However, instead of being jubilant, Godou actually felt worried because Yuris expression
became excessively rigid.
Does this mean it was an ominous proclamation?
Yuri then anxiously replied to the worried Liliana.
Y-Yes. Im afraid that the massive power force I saw in connection to this fruit was located
somewhere in Tokyo Bay. Furthermore, this force exists in close proximity to the city area.

Part 2
After Yuri described the scene she saw from her spirit vision, Kaoru winked discreetly.
The person who received this wink was none other than her trusty aide, Amakasu.
Even if his working attitude was extremely lackluster, it would still be unthinkable for anyone
to doubt the special personnels abilities. He took out a cellphone from his wrinkled suit and
began negotiating with someone. Shortly after, the conversation ended.
After thirty minutes had passed, Kusanagi Godou was sitting in isolation aboard a speedboat
along Tokyo Bay.
Who knows what sort of connections he had tapped into. The role of the Official History
Compilation Committee was to arrange a patrol boat from the Japanese Coast Guard for
Kusanagi Godou to ride on.
The ocean is still freezing at night..
Yuri chimed in during Godous muttering.
Under these circumstances, it was inevitable that his body would be exposed to the piercing
ocean breeze on the deck of the boat. The howling wind mercilessly snatched his body

temperature. Furthermore it was still evening, which meant even the benefit of the sun was
gone in this dark period of time. This further sped up the decrease of temperature.
Mariya, dont you feel cold wearing that? Oh yeah, there is a spare coat on the ship, you
should probably borrow it. Just placing it over your body will be fine.
Yuri was wearing her usual attire which consisted of white robe plus a hakama.
Wearing something as thin as this on dry land would still be chilly, but in this case they were
on a boat. In fact, Yuri's glamorous eyebrows which were exposed to the ocean gust had
already turned pale.
"No thanks. The clothing I wear can't be too thick, otherwise the sensing will become slower.
Even like this, there is no need to worry about me."
Because of the freezing ocean winds during the night, a person's body would definitely feel
chilled to the bone.
Even under these conditions, Yuri did not withdraw due to the cold nor did she blow warm air
onto her hands to warm herself. Rather, she firmly straightened her body and sternly stood
"Was the sensing you mentioned before referring to your spirit vision?"
"It does include that as well as the psychic sensing. Right now the sensing power is being
extended in all directions to probe for the god's aura. Because there needs to be a slight
adjustment in its strength, the cold temperature actually makes it easier to accomplish."
Right now the only people on the deck of the patrol boat were Godou and Yuri. The himemiko utilized an uncommon ability of hers. She was currently looking for the location that
matched the scene from her recent spirit vision.
" when it's cold it's somewhat easier to concentrate spiritually."
Godou utilized a sports mentality and nodded.
Morning exercises and martial arts activities during the winter time would lead to a rush of
adrenaline and an elevated mental concentration. Perhaps those that loathe exercising were
incapable of understanding the appeal of this.
"Actually, within the religious practices of the hime-miko, one must bear through winter's
intense beatings."
"Very impressive. It has a miko-sama feeling to it."
"Yes, and with the other hime-mikos who were engaging in these religious practice, we
learned on the spot together. Everyone showed restraint in spite of the adversity."
"Showing restraint in adversity?"

"In short, something cold can still get colder."

The hime-miko rarely joked like this. Godou wryly smiled and Yuri also revealed a smile that
resembled a sakura wafting through the air. Normally this playful smile was never seen so it
felt very refreshing.
"Then are you forcefully bracing yourself right now?"
"Honestly speaking, I am. My fingertips are so cold that they are practically numb."
Yuri's smile felt like it was done in distress as she raised her white fingers.
Even as she did this, her finger remained firm. Her gentle expression and manners were both
peaceful as usual. The ability of this hime-miko to show restraint under these conditions had
already been practiced to the point of perfection.
Although she said she didnt feel anything, Godou was still concerned for her.
"Really......? Ha ha, looks like it. At least it would do you some good to warm up a little."

Godou muttered and unconsciously grabbed Yuri's hand.

It was as cold as ice. Only after he confirmed that her hand was colder than ice did Godou
notice it. What am I doing? His and Yuri's line of sight connected.
Until just now, the hime-miko was always trying her best to show restraint under these rough
Her beautiful and composed facial expression in an instant turned completely red as she
lowered her head.
The reason was certainly because Godou was holding her luxurious hand.

I-Im sorry! I totally didnt mean to act so recklessly!

Godou immediately apologized. It was very unfathomable. He naturally extended his hand as
if he felt he already held hands with Yuri many times before. This explains why he
unconsciously stuck out his own hand casually for confirmation.
Right now there should a scene where she would for sure say what are you doing!? in rage.
Anticipating the hime-miko to be rightfully angry, Godou was mentally prepared to willingly
withstand her vehemence.
However, Yuri instead lowered her head in embarrassment and mumbled:
I-I understand. My fingers have already warmed up a bit.
Speaking of which, Godou was still holding Yuris hand.
To ones surprise, he had carelessly forgotten about releasing her hand. But thanks to this, the
temperature from Godous hand was able to be transferred to Yuris hand, which slightly
added some heat.
Surely enough, the tips of the hand, foot and such were much more susceptible to the cold for
women compared to men.
Godou, who had yet to release her ice cold hands, felt embarrassed and unwittingly said:
I-It should be fine after warming up for a bit longer right......?
"Y-Yes, youre right. If it is too excessive then the sensing will become slower. Just for a bit
longer minute, no, even if its just thirty seconds then......"
In response to Yuri's reply, Godou rubbed her hand.
Thirty seconds, no, a minute had quickly passed. However, he still wanted to warm her up a
little and slowly continued rubbing.
Afterwards, Yuri and Godou's line of sight matched up. The two of them instantly lowered
their gaze.
Yuri still hasn't said 'that should be good enough' to signal him to stop. As a result, Godou
never had the time to say 'it should be about time to separate our hands'.
Something like this wont affect your probing right?
A calm voice interrupted them. Godou and Yuri released each others hand in panic and
looked in the direction where the voice came from.
As it turns out, Liliana was currently walking in their direction with Erica right behind her.

I brewed some coffee even though we were in a rush. I thought that Mariya Yuri would feel
very cold in her mission to oversee the monitoring so I felt very bad about this.
O-Oh, I see! But its nothing serious. Being slightly cold will allow the sensing to become
very sharp!
Yuri involuntarily used a brisk manner of speaking in reply to Liliana who was holding the
Compared to this thermos, your body temperature seems to have increased greatly...... its
the same for Kusanagi Godou.
Liliana commented using a ridiculing tone while staring at the blushing red-eared Yuri and
Both of them had no way to retort what she said. They could only lower their heads and look
down enduring the embarrassment.
Well, isnt this the perfect time to take a break? Yuri, please take a break. Letting someone
with irreplaceable talent such as you have a rest is also included within my duties.
Erica seemed to find this amusing as she interrupted them.
Furthermore, she gracefully chuckled while saying to her old friend and competitor:
Even though I clearly understand Lilys resentment, you shouldnt be too hard on Yuri.
Delving into a womans jealous state of mind doesnt suit you at all.
Ericas statement left Liliana staring tongue tied.
Yes. Actually, I recently heard an uncanny rumor regarding you. Yet you think its some
crazy fabricated statement. However, after you see it for yourself you will understand that this
rumor lived up to its word.
W-What kind of rumor did you hear Erica?
Godou inquired because he felt a troubling premonition.
Hence, the girl who had the alias of Diavolo Rosso raised her head of golden hair which gave
an impression of royalty and her pupils flashed with a rebellious and judgmental intent
towards the devil king.
Of course Im referring to the love triangle you three have!
What! ? Eh! ? Love triangle! ?
Godou, Yuri, and Liliana were all speechless. Moreover, Erica was getting more and more
enthusiastic as she spoke.

Due to the inadequate relationship Kusanagi Godou and Liliana Kranjcar have, it appeared
the two of them were recently going between each others houses frequently......In addition,
news of Kusanagi Godous alternative lover was uncovered by Mariya Yuri. He even kneeled
down for forgiveness.
I-Is it like this Kusanagi Godou! ?
So the rumors were true! ? Ugh, to think that I had been astutely deceived by you
Most of what Erica said was true, however she snuck in subtle facts that would lead to
Yuri shivered at this revelation and gazed at Godou in shock.
As for Liliana, he was faced with a chiding look from her.
With only the evidence from the situation, it seems that the referees views of you are quite
unfavorable. However, there is something else I should add. Its easy to believe that no matter
what the circumstances were, Kusanagi Godou would never have this sort of ambition.
Because Yuri and Liliana are both intelligent girls, you two mustnt be fooled by men like
Erica was nonchalantly judging Godou as she spoke.
However Im still very naive. Yuri and Lilianas complexion completely turned into that of a
woman. Looks like you used some brilliant method to deceive the two of them, right
Kusanagi Godou?
This is a misunderstanding! I havent done anything to victimize them! You two agree
Y-Yes. At the very least I havent had this happen to me!
Exactly. At the very minimum he didnt do anything that resembled a deceitful and spurious
relationship to me!
The dialogue of the two girls appeared to have some subtle implications in response to
Godous question.
Plus, Yuris gaze still flickered between Godou and Liliana while Liliana utilized an
investigative look at Godou and Yuri. Both of them carried a depressed expression on their
Godou admitted defeat. He never thought it would turn out like this.
Nevertheless, Ericas arrival without a doubt strengthens the unity between the girls.

Surely enough, when this girl arrived on stage the entirety of the situation will be altered.
Regardless if it was for better or worse, she always became someone that people revolved
around. Imposing her creative thinking within a team, she would become the focal point.
While he was clarifying this point, Godou and the others each drank a cup of coffee to warm
up their body.
After that, in order to once again raise her concentration, Yuri distanced herself from Godou
and the others to be alone. She then closed her eyes. Expanding her psychic sensing, she was
probably probing the sea within close proximity.
How is Amakasu-san doing in chasing that spirit?
Well, he is only pursuing the prankster who covered Santa Clauses in grey. I dont think
anything out of the ordinary will happen......
The red and blue knights were conversing while eyeing Yuri who was currently concentrating
on her psychic sensing.
Before setting out, Liliana had used the familiar from before to probe the earths aura.
Even though the matter with the most priority was the gate to Yuris spirit vision, that other
aspect could not be ignored either. Hence, Amakasu headed towards that location.
On the other side, Godou actually savored some sort of strange feeling and felt uneasy.
If it was during combat, his concentration would be raised to a high degree at will,
transforming into his most optimal state. If a heretic god was nearby then a sense of elation
along with a violent surge of power for battle would occur within his body and mind.
This was the body of a godslaying Campione.
Right now those feelings were totally nonexistent. Their destination was of course very
Just when Godou was pondering over this dilemma, Yuri finally opened her eyes and
There was actually nothing necessary to add regarding the struggle that will happen
afterwards. Because an intense battle did not come to fruition, this subject was simply
Yuris psychic sensing detected something on the waters of the Kasai seacoast.
It was a large emblem made out of stone. A stone sculpture that seemed to be carved out of a
material like marble. The shape of a bird spreading open its wings was visible.
What was bizarre about the sight was for a bird emblem to actually emerge from the surface
of the sea.

Moreover, it seemed like it was rooted there. Even though it was exposed to the intense ocean
waves it remained motionless. It was solidly entrenched to the earth and fastened.
Liliana, who was looking at the emblem residing on the ocean surface from the edge of the
patrol boat, displayed an incomprehensible expression.
Her hand was holding onto the familiara doll that had the shape of a pig.
Whats wrong?
This child couldnt sense the aura of the earth. Even though the power from the fruits of the
trees was connected to Saturnus, I still think that it must be related to the omens of earths
bountiful harvests.....
Considering the various circumstances to this situation, thinking in this way was only natural.
Godou could not help but look at Yuri. With her more efficacious spirit vision powers
compared to Liliana, she should be capable of discovering something. Godou figured it would
be like this. Consequently, the hime-miko had an apologetic expression and said:
Im very sorry. Even I cant see what kind of power is hidden. All I see is some sort of grey
mist surrounding that emblem.
Did you say mist?
Yes. To put it simply, it appears someone is hiding its true form.
After Yuri quietly finished speaking, she once again gazed towards that emblem.
Right now that emblem is emitting a power that corresponds to a god of earth. Just then
sprouts were germinating. Godou-san, if we get any closer we might provoke it.
Is this the divinity of the land that was born from the unidentified omens......?
It looks like using ordinary methods will not work on this opponent!
Liliana muttered while Erica on the other hand blatantly cut her off.
The knights lines of sight were also fixated on the emblem on the surface of the ocean.
Meanwhile, Godou also noticed the enormous amount of magical power being emitted in
front of him.
As expected, this was the rejection between godslayers and godly possessions.
The nerves will always tense up when there is a burst of increasing divine energy.
A parasitic plant with a trunk, branches and dense flourishing foliage resembling that of an
evergreen tree, was growing vigorously nonstop!

At first it was a small shrub. Then it turned into an enormous tree right before their eyes. The
tree even appeared to be hundreds of years in age.
Finally, within a very brief period, a parasitic-like tree emerged at the center of Tokyo Bay.
The height had to be above thirty meters. The trees constitution was also proportional in
magnificence to its height.
In terms of age, it certainly had the immense structure of a tree that was over one-thousand
years old.
His Campione instincts told him that it was not a heretic god. However, he realized this
existence was related to heretic gods since there was definitely divine power lodged within
the tree.
Since this lesser god, a divine beast, had an organic form, this thing is probably a divine
plant or a divine tree.
Erica spoke admirably.
On the other side, the divine plant that suddenly sprouted rustled as its branches swayed. It
began to emit a solemn incantation from its entire body.
It was simply in a frenzy, on the verge of confrontation.
What a bastard, this tree actually wants to fight me!
The vindictive aura and desire to battle emitted by the divine tree was definitely towards him,
hence it came after Godou.
Using his Campione battling intuition, he personally felt this was the case. Even though it had
the form of a tree, it was still an existence related to gods. It appeared to show hostility
towards the godslayer, but......
Just a moment ago, Erica compared it to a divine beast. In short, its strength should be quite
If it were to face a Campione, it would clearly be considered a weak opponent.
Godou-san! Kusanagi Godou, over there!
At this moment, the hime-miko and witch coincidentally warned him at the same time.
Did they acquire a spirit vision? They were pointing above a certain thick tree branch on the
divine tree in front of them. Quietly standing straight at that place was the Grey One!
It had the same form as the one from a couple days ago with the sailcloth covering its entire
During the follow-up at that time they found out that a few minutes prior, Amakasu was
within Tokyo near the Aoyama district and had encountered the Grey One and pursued it.

However, right at that moment was when the Grey One appeared in front of Godou as well.
His pursued target had suddenly disappeared.
Did this guy get resurrected over this period of time? Or did another similar guy appear?
Which one is it......
Godou grumbled while investigating what its true identity was.
The Grey One was walking on top of the branch while touching the divine trees trunk.
Following that, its sailcloth covered hand sank into the trees epidermis!
Soon after its hand was buried inside. Even the elbow and shoulder were eventually engulfed.
In the end its remaining head, body, and feet were completely submerged inside the divine
tree. The Grey One had completed its assimilation. Furthermore, Godou noticed something.
Its withering......?
Up until now it had been a thriving lush colossal divine tree.
The delicate green tree leaves instantly dried up. The appearance of the tree branch and trunk
seemed water deprived, dried up, withered. Shortly after, the small tree branches started to fall
off one after another. The splash created foam on top of the water as soon as it crashed into
the sea.
Furthermore, it was similar to the Grey One who committed suicide before.
The divine tree slowly crumbled like a building made of sand. Its remnants drifted towards
the sky as parts of it were carried by the ocean breeze.
What remained was the bird emblem floating on the surface of the ocean. It still remained
motionless despite the force of the ocean waves as if it was rooted firmly on the ocean
This time did the Grey One kill the divine tree......?
It intentionally slaughtered its ally after meeting a Campione? Understanding the reasoning
behind this is impossible.
Liliana and Erica both spoke with a perplexed expression. Godou tried to ask Yuri.
What do you think Yuri? Since this has happened, do you believe the disturbance will settle
W-What will happen......? I just have an uneasy feeling in my chest. If it continues like this,
the same thing will happen againno, I feel this situation may worsen.
Godou nodded as if indicating yes towards Yuris worried declaration.

Had the large divine tree attacked a moment ago, the summoning of the Boar would probably
be enough to comfortably kill it. But without having to do any of that, those guys had already
vanished by themselves.
Perhaps this was the critical point in time.

Part 3
Once the unexpected evening cruise at Tokyo Bay was over, Godou returned home at one in
the morning.
However, he did not go to sleep right away. He sat seiza-style on his sheets and continuously
pondered over the situation for about two hours.
Afterwards, morning came around with Godou waking up at six oclock. On a notepad, he
wrote that he did not require breakfast and then departed from the house before Shizuka woke
He then immediately snuck into the empty classroom and continued to contemplate over the
situation. Ever since yesterday, he became really concerned over this matter. After reflecting
about it without interruption all the way till fifteen minutes before class started did he finally
arrived at an answer. Godou let out a heavy sigh.
In the end, it was going to end up like this wasnt it? This answer was one that he could
somewhat accept.
It was braving the risk of Shizuka saying Why did you leave the house so early in the
morning!? Are you trying to stealthily hide something sinister from me? later on. After
evaluating in solitude he had arrived at this conclusion.
Soon after, he returned to his normal state of mind.
Liliana arrived at school and briefly conversed with the others. She received an elegant
greeting and a sneer from Erica as well as an invitation by Nanami and the three idiots which
went as followed, The maid coffee shop is already outdated, lets enjoy the winter special at
the frequently visited maid slushie shop, the large strawberry slushie.
During this time, before he knew it class had begun.
Today was December 21st. It was the day of the end of term ceremony. After the ceremony
concluded without a hitch, Godou welcomed the end of school.
Winter break was currently underway. Of course, the insides of the classrooms and school
were still permeating with energy. There were students who went out to play directly after
school as well as a group who discussed about the scheduled activities during break.
However, Godou chose not to participate in this kind of fervor.
He immediately left the classroom and seized Yuri from the adjacent classroom.

Moreover, he repeatedly pleaded to her to inform him of the state of affairs regarding the
post-event processing for the event from yesterday night.
Everyone in the committee were discussing whether or not we could shut down this
phenomenon......However, Im afraid it was a god who created that divine artifact. I think the
probability of a human creating it is extremely low......
This was what Yuri anticipated.
After thanking her for providing this information, Godou headed towards the gym.
Whats the purpose for asking me to come to this kind of place?
Erica, who had come to this location, spoke with a commanding tone.
Whether slinging criticisms with polite sarcasm or acting mysteriously ill-tempered, Erica's
recent attitude towards Godou carried elements of both. No, even before that he had always
felt this way......
In short, the reason was probably because she wished to avoid having a friendly conversation
with him.
However, Godou wanted to converse with Erica right now. Even though this was the case, he
felt if he just brought up the topic upfront he would easily be evaded in a graceful manner just
like before.
So he thought of a plan which involved using an email to call her out.
After the end of term ceremony Ill be waiting in the sports field. P.S. Dont run away.
Recently the amount of exercising I have been doing isnt adequate. I would like to give my
body a bit of a workout.
It was the baseball field for the academys high school section. Godou stood at the fields
home plate as he spoke. Placed by his feet were baseball bats, gloves, and balls taken from the
sports storage room.
Accompany me for a bit. Youve played prior to class before so it should be no problem
Godou spoke as he grabbed a glove and baseball.
Even if you are my opponent, I will still pitch an unhittable ball.
You sure know how to flatter yourself. You ought to know that I, Erica Blandelli, am a girl
who can do more than just wield a sword right? There are very few weapons that I cant
utilize as I please.
Even though the provocation was unremarkable, it appears that he had provoked her fighting

Unable to resist letting out a small burst of laughter, she picked up the baseball bat. Simply
just this behavior alone was like part of an agile dance routine, a picturesque action.
Was this thanks to being born with athletic aptitude and a Latin sense of rhythm?
I was still thinking about the recent touchy feely business going on between you, Lily, and
Yuri and that you should receive a suitable punishment. You asking for trouble like this
actually really makes me happy.
W-What punishment? Hey.
What was her reason for being that easily provoked? Godou started to complain in response.
I didnt do anything to them. Our relationship only improved just a bit.
Do you think only an improvement in relationship would result in a love triangle? I cant
believe this would happen unknowingly. Being as foolish and unwitty as you, you wouldnt
know how to read the mood and cower away from girls. Also, during those times you always
act carefree. Just what I would expect from Kusanagi Godous personality.
D-Dont act like you can see through my personality!
See through you? Matters regarding you I always seem toeh?
Erica revealed a perplexed expression. Godou also had a feeling of uneasiness. They were
currently conversing during their pitching competition. The communication link to their
dialogue seemed to have been severed by scissors......
Forget about it. In a moment I will have you experience my supremacy!
Erica brushed aside any hesitation and proceeded to put her hand on the uniforms dress.
She tore it apart without any hesitation, making a tear on each side to give herself more
mobility. Furthermore, she raised the baseball bat in an upward slant. She made this posture
predicting she would hit a homerun.

Overall her appearance was like a drawing. However, that posture was composed of
gorgeousness. Even the aura of a slugger emanated from her.
After being separated for so long, he once again experienced Ericas talent and beauty. Godou
felt inconceivably upbeat. As expected, without this kind of behavior it would not be her.
Godou felt the corners of his mouth rise as he proceeded to the pitching mound.
Lets start with five pitches ok? If you are able to send a ball flying then you win.
Ara, giving me such advantageous conditions, are you sure about that?
Haha, itll be fine this time. Here I come.
Following that, Godou pitched five balls in a row. Ericas baseball bat was unable to even
graze one ball. No, she actually didnt even swing once.
Hey Godou......arent the balls you just pitched overlooking the premise of baseball?
Within the words of the red colored devil carried a tone of criticism as she muttered.
The balls should be pitched directly towards me with the outcome of whether I hit it or not
being the competition in progress right? However, the balls you pitched were all excessively
too high or to the sides.
Precisely as Erica said, Godous pitches were atrociously thrown.
The balls that Godou pitched staggered either too far to the side or went above the blonde
beauty standing in the batters box. Because he considered the scope of Ericas arm length
and the length of the bat, he implemented his plan to pitch in the places where she was
incapable of reaching.

Its fine like this. Since my objective was to only avoid letting you hit the ball, I never
intended on issuing a fair competition.
As expected, baseball related sports are not mainstream in Italy.
Not even the knowledgeable Erica had heard of the concept of walking the batter so Godou
explained the intention behind this course of action.
......So its like that. This time Ill bear with the loss. Basically its the same as what you said
Are you referring to the objective of avoiding attaining victory or defeat upfront?
With only this degree of explanation, a tint of understanding gradually emerged from Ericas
We were easily able to converse. Maybe my relationship with this girl really wasnt that bad.
Godou felt this was unbelievable as he took it another step further and said:
The divine tree, the grotesque Grey One and so on, I feel like the goal of those guys is to
prevent me from fighting. Isnt that why every time I get close those subordinates would
commit suicide?
Ever since the divine tree located at Tokyo Bay crumbled, he had always.
After taking another look at the reason why those grey guys were that suspicious, he had
come to a decision. It was to listen to Ericas opinion concerning this matter since he didnt
understand the reason why.
If he wanted to find someone knowledgeable to help him, then Kaoru would suffice. If a
magic savvy knight was mentioned, Liliana demonstrated even more flexibility. Compared to
Yuri who is the kind of person who possessed an abnormal spirit sensing ability, no other
diviner could be as good of a conversational partner.
However, despite all of this he still wanted to get Ericas opinion.
Why would he do that? Kusanagi Godou had already overcome many battles to the death.
However, due to her frequent support in many instances during those battlesErica also
appeared to have a sense of importance.
Without any basis for it, this was how he felt.
If its like this then there would only be one reason.
Once she heard Godous opinion, Erica spoke in an imposing manner.
That clear cut tone gave Godou an indescribable feeling of reliability.

To buy more time. Its hard to believe that their actions would serve for any other
constructive purpose.
So Im right?
Yeah. In short its the equivalent of protecting a city. The soldiers in the city surrounded by a
large army will desperately try to defend to the death, striving to engage in a defensive battle.
By doing this, they are waiting for allies to come rescue them.
Godou nodded while saying I see towards the reasoning behind the battle tactics Erica
The reason for buying time was uncertain, but based on her description it would make sense.
Except, if we were to account for non-constructive reasonings......
Are you saying there is a possibility that it isnt a constructive plan?
Yes. For example, since the enemy is closely pursuing them during the defense of a city,
situations where there are a loss of judgment occur quite frequently. Without reinforcements
they would blindly fight to the end. There is also the situation right now with the intriguing
actions done by these could also be possible that it has ties to a religious
In that case, there existed the possibility of it being irrational as well?
Upon hearing Ericas point of view, Godou suddenly felt a flash of insight.
Then in that case, what you are focusing on could precisely be the breakthrough to the
nucleus of the problem. Being able to elaborate to that extent is quite interesting.
Thats really flattering of you.
Giving an obvious praise would undoubtedly be good, but why does she need to be so tactful?
However, this was typical of Erica so Godou forced a smile.
As a noblewoman, I should at the very least reward a gallant knight. Please be my temporary
opponent once again.
After she finished speaking, Erica extended her hand towards the area where the baseball
equipment laid.
This time she picked up both the glove and baseball.
Let me crush your ego as we decide a legitimate winner this time.

Wait a second. You definitely mentioned giving a reward, how come it feels like you want to
defeat me?
The best reward is to simply enjoy the moment together where you and I, Erica Blandelli,
can decide on the outcome of a battle. Also, if you want to win, a man would do it with his
own two hands right?
Erica had a fearless smile as she spoke. Sure enough it was her lioness smile.
Fighting till the end? Godou also gave a heartfelt smile. For the moment, backing down was
not an option when his dignity as a man was called into question.
This time Godou picked up the baseball bat.
Afterwards the two of them agreed to the ambiguous rule that if he missed the ball then Erica
wins, if it is hit then Godou wins. This was not so much a competition, but rather them having
fun playing ball.

Part 4
In the end, the two of them played ball all the way till the sun was about to set.
Godou was currently walking along Nezu street where a section of it was dyed in an orange
hue by the sunset. Erica was by his side and the two of them walked all the way here together.
Godous reasoning for this was that it unknowingly happened.
Once the unresolved competition had concluded and the equipment had been put away, Erica
very naturally followed him after he said well, its about time to go home".
Although, if he wanted to refuse walking together with her, there were many reasons he could
have come up with. However, overall he felt a this is pretty good kind of feeling.
Why does Erica want to follow him? Perhaps it unknowingly happened for her as well.
Superseding all this was an issue regarding......
I feel pretty hungry after that thorough exercise.
He spoke of his animal-like desires in this manner. Erica was unfazed as a result and instead
ignored all the ensuing reasons for it.
Same here. Theres still some time before dinner, lets just find some other place to hang out
in the meantime.
Youre still the same as before, completely ignoring the necessity of having a balanced diet.
Those portions had already become the calories for daily consumption. I havent overlooked
the intake and expenditure calculations in regards to this aspect.

The two of them walked in jest to the Nezu Sanchome shopping district. There were still a
few minutes before arriving at Godous house.
Just as Godou thought it was about time to say goodbye, Erica suddenly stopped in her tracks.
Actually, this has been on my mind for quite a while now. You could say that Ive been
restraining myself like someone enduring the passage of time, but there really is an
indescribable flavor permeating the air here.
The place Erica was looking at was a Chinese restaurant that Godou recognized.
To put it politely, a shabby looking restaurant would be a suitable description. Indeed, its
style, making the place known as the towns China shop, refers to the shops structure that
had been maintained all the way since the Showa period. The restaurant was covered in oil
stains and dirt.
The outer appearance would compel any teenage girl to immediately distance herself from
this establishment.
However, Erica was instead attracted to this decrepit and filthy place. With that said, could it
be that regardless of the restaurants style and cooking that were completely devoid of
personality, as long as the disgusting food still honored its characteristic flavor it would fit
Ericas dietary lifestyle?
So its that one. Well, if its Erica then she wouldnt mind said Godou.
After all, he was a native inhabitant so the type of restaurant was very clear to him. There was
a provocative advertisement pasted on the glass door entrance that had the words mud
wonton, mud dumpling, mud ramen printed on it.
Its a pretty interesting restaurant, I like it a lot. Well, goodbye.
Godou, please hold on for a sec.
Just when he was about to take his leave, Erica grabbed his arm.
You intend to provoke the expectations of I, Erica Blandelli, solely so you can head back by
yourself first?
Erica spoke in a fearless manner while having dragged Godou to her side.
If it turns out that it isnt as interesting as you guaranteed, I will hold you accountable. So
please accompany me a bit longer.
Eh eh! ?
I was undoubtedly close to home, why must I go with her? Godou displayed an intention to
decline her.

However, there was probably no way to overpower the intensity exerted from Ericas strong
muscles. In the end, he was dragged into the restaurant by her.
After that, an hour had passed.
I see, its just a restaurant with freshwater fish cuisine containing a muddy aftertaste.
After sampling practically all of the dishes on the table, Erica appeared to speak with
profound admiration.
The cuisines consisted of snakehead fish plus wonton made with celery, carp repeatedly fried
in oil, a steamed dish with eel and tofu, and there was a dish they were attentively staring at
named catfish mud dumplings with sweet vinegar stuffing.
How should I put it? It makes people cast doubts on the original meaning of a cuisine. It
seems like they wanted to conceal the muddy odor by using spices and specially grounded
freshwater fish paste mixed together. However, this will never fool me. So thats why they
added a filling so sweet that anyone would get tired of it.
As expected, you really like those kinds of dishes that are difficult to eat and the taste of
anything crudely made.
Godou sighed in sorrow as he spoke to Erica who was analyzing the cuisines taste with vigor.
After glancing over the restaurants menu and ordering many dishes, Godou immediately
gave up on eating at home. He already called Shizuka to let her know he was going out to eat.
As a result, Godou maneuvered his chopsticks without worry.
After taking a bite off the carp fried in oil, he felt the texture of the crunchy and flaky skin to
be very well done.
It was not just some crudely made food, this place actually specialized in freshwater fish
The father of the restaurants owner seemed to have gone to China in the past in order to go
to school. As a result, he became fascinated with a dish made out of a fish caught in some sort
of Yangzte River tributary. He had previously said that he generally studied authentic
Cantonese cuisine. Although, this restaurants flavor isnt true Cantonese style.
This restaurant however was a place where the owner often carried out his own culinary
Especially items such as the catfish dumplings, it is doubtful whether or not it even exists in
China. This was why Godou had initially refused to enter the establishment. Erica then
cheerfully said:
Since its like this, lets also call Lu Yinghua at some later point in time and let him have a
taste. That kid was raised in Hong Kongthe cuisine there originated from Cantonese

cuisine. The Lu household in Hong Kong should also have a Cantonese restaurant in
Eh? Yinghua?
Hearing this familiar sounding name gave Godou a jolt.
However, why is it that up until now I had forgotten this name? Lu Yinghua. A name with
Ying, a friend of the same age......? Where would I have encountered this guy?
And right now there was this equally important matter.
Within his name was actually the word Ying. On the confusing warning email, the name
Ying also appeared in the email senders name. Could this be considered purely
Where is that guy and whats he doing right now......?
Ara, now that you mention it where did he go......?
When this seemingly familiar person of importance was mentioned, Erica, who was much
more adept at gathering intelligence compared to any other person and was frequently capable
of grasping other peoples movements, felt perplexed.
Due to her uncharacteristic reaction, Godou couldnt help but put pause his chopstick
movements for a bit and began to ponder.
If you dont mind, would you like to come to my house for a bit? You are welcomed to have
some tea.
Godou asked as soon as they exited the Chinese restaurant. Why does he feel a bit reluctant to
part ways with Erica?
Also, doesnt she feel the same as well? It was very intuitive to believe this was the case.
I suppose so. I dont want to be like some sort of vulgar person who overstays......Even
though I really want to say something along those lines, perhaps it will be fine this time.
The foul-mouthed Erica avoided saying it straightforwardly like she would usually do. Plus, it
was obvious there was an unfathomable change happening within her, something made her
feel indecisive.
However, I cant go. Theres a place I need to pay a visit. This matter is probably more
important than your invitation.
After only saying a few words, Erica quickly took off.
Godou sighed. Even though he felt they got along during those past few hours, maybe his
belief was wrong? Well, there is nothing he can do about it. Furthermore, Godou had some
matters to carefully reflect on.

There was the name Erica previously said, Lu Yinghua, as well as the email notifying him
that there will be something revived during the winter solstice. The sender was Lu Yinghua.
The so-called Ying was probably Lu Yinghua. In addition, what exactly is the resurrection
that was mentioned?
Onii-chan! What is up with you going on a dinner date with that blonde haired study abroad
student living near our house!? Theres no use pretending to be stupid because I was notified
by a number of people who saw you two at that restaurant!
As he returned home and began thinking through things, Shizuka suddenly started
interrogating him.
Godou ignored her and returned to his own room on the second floor. Where could he meet
Lu Yinghua? After checking his cellphone for an address, he realized that the number was
registered on his phone.
He immediately called him, however he was unable to reach him.
Godou felt very anxious. Up until now he had been feeling a very intense sensation of being
trapped. The feeling was akin to being enclosed in a maze.
However, the structure of this maze seemed to be pretty simple. Even if he was trapped,
couldnt he just pulverize the walls of the maze? If only there was something to give him a
push, he would clearly be able to do so!
While he was feeling extremely anxious, the cellphone displayed an incoming call.
The display screen showed Seishuuin Ena as the incoming caller. He recalled that she was the
Hime-Miko of the Sword, Yuris friend, and she was someone whom he had seen many times
Nevertheless, their relationship is not at the point where they could exchange personal contact
His memory was really vague so he was unable to think very much in detail. In any case, he
might as well press the talk button first to receive the call.
Ah, Your Majesty? Its been so long since we last saw each other! Right now Ena is at
Mount Mitsumine. Has the partys location been determined yet?
The voice coming from across the phone had a blunt, cheerful, and optimistic feel to it.
Godou was at a complete loss towards her candidness and questioned her in response.
What do you mean by party......?
You know, the Christmas one. Ena would always go to the mountains during these times so
this kind of thing would actually a first for me. Everyone will be eating an entire bird right?

Christmas party......?
It was his first time hearing about this activity. No, was this really the case? Didnt everyone
go over this before?
Even though its a bit bold, I might as well take responsibility for the task of hosting it.
Well, incidentally holding a gathering within the house sounds pretty nice.
However, is a miko normally allowed to celebrate Christmas?
I guess the level of strictness isnt to that extent. Furthermore.
Every year around this time Kaoru-san would become very ferocious. Starting from
around the 20th, every day she would be going out with the girls. With a person as difficult to
deal with as her, even the nagging from her senior would prove to be useless.
This year we will do it precisely as Your Majesty suggested. I will be done with these
religious practices before Christmas. For the time being Ena will be staying here. Everyone
wanted to go watch the New Year's sunrise together. Would it be ok if we viewed it from Mt.
The vivid conversation and memory transferred through the phone was enshrouded.
My suggestion......
Of course, did you forget? Ah, well then, hows it going over there? Your Majesty and cult
leader-sama had just met. If you are still alive right now, does that mean everything went
She kept on saying things that he could not recall, puzzling Godou.
As a result, on the other side of the phone, Ena whispered Your Majesty is behaving really
strange today.
Uh, what? its like that. It turned out like this huh.
She suddenly started saying some strange things.
What are you mumbling about, whats the matter?
Just then, the Ama no Murakumo updated Ena on the most recent situation. It seems quite
chaotic, but there is no need to worry. If Your Majesty wishes to battle, call out the Ama no
Murakumo. An action of that degree should be able to easily break the curse.
Did you say curse! ?

Yeah, uhmy batteries are running out. Ena will immediately head to Tokyo. As expected
I must accompany Your Majesty in order to avoid boredom!
After leaving some brief words, the line was suddenly disconnected.
With that said, it was rather troublesome that Enas cellphone would always lag due to
insufficient battery power. Furthermore, she was able to use the cellphone as a medium to
communicate with a guardian god.
An example would be with Susanoo. This time it was basically communicating with the Ama
no Murakumo no Tsurugi lodged within Godous right arm!
Oh yeah! Me and Seishuuin are both utilizing this guy arent we!?
Godou finally recalled bond he had to the Miko of the Sword.
In addition, he even comprehended the meaning behind Enas words. The Ama no Murakumo
no Tsurugi was a divine sword under the possession of Godou. For the most part he avoided
using it as a blade, instead he used this swords treasure trove of useful functions.
One of which was the ability to break apart magic. Although, its abilities appear to have no
effect when used against gods and Campiones. Nevertheless, against these comparatively
weak forms of wizardry it was easily able to absorb the effect, rendering it useless.
Godou directed his attention towards his right arm. The words awaken!, which were directed
to the hibernating sword, resounded within him.
Being among those with the blood of [Steel], he lacked interest in anything other than combat
matters. That was why other than in critical moments, the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi
would hibernate.
Ena appeared to be capable of engaging a sword of this disposition in casual conversation
while Godou was incapable of doing so.
Are you calling for me, King?
Upon hearing that haughty reply, Godou immediately issued out an order.
If you notice anything out of the ordinary, be sure to promptly give a warning!
Didnt we go over this before? My demeanor is that of a faithful sword god. There would be
no harm in showing off a bit if you wanted to engage in battle.
If it's a battle you want then be quiet and mind your own business.
Godou was conversing with the Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi lodged within his arm while
hurrying towards Nezu station.

Fortunately it was already the dead of night. After 2 A.M. the number of pedestrians present
around Nezu were scarce in number so he didnt have to bear the befuddled expressions of
Hey, in order to disturb the area around me, he used a curse which had messed up our
memories. Can other people break free from the curse as well?
Just then, I was referring to the removal of the curse that altered my usual behavior.
The results were quite significant, right now Godou had already returned to his normal self.
Kusanagi Godou was the Campione residing in Tokyo. His partners included Erica Blandelli,
Mariya Yuri, Liliana Kranjcar, and Seishuuin Ena.
However, the only one with him today was the person of steel located within his right arm.
You could just have me out in front but there is no point in doing so.
This curse is from the heretic god of bountiful, I bet he is still plotting to have
his newly born priest do something. Under all circumstances when the one serving as a priest
is present, even when the curse is broken a new one will be reapplied. Unless you sever the
root of its cause there is no point in doing anything else.
Basically youre saying my entire surroundings are being enveloped by the curse.
Of course. A priests power is to guide the people. Engulfing one or two metropolises with
this power that manipulates the minds of the masses shouldnt be a surprise right?
Rather than calling this mental manipulation, it would be better to say this was the power to
manipulate the masses.
Godou recalled Verethragnas Goat incarnation, a priests power to minister the hearts of the
masses. This kind of psychic sensing previously enveloped Tokyos Hibiya district as well as
the Nikkou district.
With that said, the psychic sensing utilized by Yuri was also capable of being spread across a
pretty large-scale area.
In other words, the scope of this type of power is quite vast......
To think we actually possess these types of troublesome powers.
Godou included himself within the concerning group of people who had superpowers beyond
Well, since its like this, having the range subjected to just being within Tokyo is actually
quite good.

So that was why Ena, who resided in the Chichibu mountains, was able to evade being
The curse this time was targeted towards Kusanagi Godou. This was so the relationship of the
Campione Kusanagi Godou and his partners would drift apart, rendering them incapable of
operating effectively. The objective of those guys who brought about this matter was
precisely as Erica had predicted, they wanted to buy time.
For the sake of reviving the heretic god Saturnus!
Overall we made a breakthrough. Now to figure out how to retaliate......
Hahaha very well, King. You can use this momentum to raise your fighting spirit and battle
I-Idiot! If the enemy were to avoid battling and retreat that would be the best case scenario
right? Dont always talk about these outrageous matters!
Having his desire to battle apprehended, Godou tried to cover up the truth in a panic.
Godou rushed onto a tram towards Shinjuku. He had to meet up with Lu Yinghua as soon as
possibleIt was imperative to first contact the nephew of the mischievous sworn elder
sister who had imposed a certain mission on him.
Through the JR subway interchange route, he had arrived at Shinjuku station.
Rushing past the vast station area, he headed towards the streets during the evening. His
destination was Kabukicho, a sort of high class downtown area that most high school students
should steer clear from.
Lu Yinghua was a young cadre leader representing the Lu household located in Hong Kong
They have a maid related business establishment operating at Akihabara. However, that is
merely something experimental. It seemingly was meant to try and establish a stronghold
presence within the redeveloping Electronic Street.
They were one of the so-called Chinese gangs. This group had a stronghold located in Hong
In Japan, it should be said that their original sphere of influence was in Shinjuku and
Ikebukuro. Godou wanted to visit the place previously known not too long ago as the
Shinjuku business that sold beds of Japanese variety.
By virtue of memory, Godou navigated through the Kabukicho crowd.
His destination was a certain rundown multi-tenant building. Heading inside, Chinese
restaurants, massage centers, mahjong parlors, and acupuncture clinics etc. could be seen as
he walked towards the flight of stairs within the building to get to the uppermost floor.

The moment he entered the reputation lacking and brandless business, Godou said:
Pardon my intrusion, I wish to speak to the young masterwould it be ok to address him
as such? I would like to speak with Lu Yinghua, can you help me reach him? Perhaps you
guys already know, Im Kusanagi Godou.
Within the firms spatial arrangements were some cheap chairs and tables for the business.
At first glance, this seemed to be the office of some small or medium enterprise. However, the
people on duty here seemed to be bald men who were two meters in height and have tattoos
pierced on their foreheads. These casanovas wearing their gaudy suits clearly did not look like
honest people.
Furthermore, no matter how you look at them, there were people who looked like short guys
with thin, white beards, holding divine inscriptions. They appeared to be nonreligious people
engaging in soothsaying. There were also effeminate men who were currently doing their
makeup after just opening up their makeup products.
In a certain sense, it could be said that it was a group where villains and heroes were mixed
together like the Outlaws of the Water Margin[13].
They were all important members from the Japanese division within the Lu
would think. Requesting them to give it their all was Godous first step for retaliation.

Chapter 5 - Incident's Cause and True Culprit

Part 1
This situation had started during December.
During then were Kusanagi Godous last moments of peace. The entire world was in
tranquility just after the battle against Lancelot, the War God of the Lance, had ended. On
December 3rd, he was leisurely at ease when his sister Shizukas birthday came around.
Although the day for the end of year exams were fast approaching, when compared to a battle
between a deity and a devil king, it wasnt really a big deal.
Well, there has been a bit of turmoil.
Their grandpa had left for Bhutan four days before Shizukas birthday.
Starting today, the responsibility of cooking will fall onto me for the time being. Whats
something good I should fix up?
Godou mentioned this in the academys courtyard while eating and idly chatting away.
The scenery of his surroundings were still the same as before with the three girls Erica
Blandelli, Mariya Yuri, and Liliana Kranjcar by his side.

Speaking of which, Godou-san has made various kinds of dishes before. This has nothing to
do with me.
Yuri carried a warm smile as she spoke. She probably remembered the time at Nikkou.
However, in actuality Godou had a reason for being indecisive.
The problem is this. Occasionally cooking something is fine, but I feel like I dont have the
ambition to persevere through an official daily cooking routine.
Please dont talk about these matters using that expression you use during battle.
Liliana made a smooth and natural assertion, however her expression actually turned into
But there was no other way. Kusanagi Godou felt that he possessed the characteristics of an
honest and considerate person, however, he lacked the discipline of a husband who enjoyed
doing household chores and the disposition of a manageable guy who was incapable of
During times like these, I would have probably used curry to conveniently solve this
problem. If I were to use a large pan and fill it to the top, cooking something of that size
would last three, four days. A simple yet convenient method.
The reactions of the girls were all very subtle. Yuri cautiously went silent, but you could see
she carried a slight bit of sorrow in her eyes as she thought about the meaning behind the
question Would this be ok?. Liliana on the other hand shook her head in distress as she
thought So that means this person is really....... Her face looked sullen as she sighed.
As for the last person, Erica remained silent while she was eating her sandwich. Afterwards
she said,
Hey Godou, if it was me and you came to my house and continued to prepare those crudely
made dinners several days in a row, I would probably decide to revolt against the King after
two days.
Erica spoke with complete indifference.
At least put in a little more effort. Itd be so boring if you did that.
I dont have the guts to make those hazardous dishes that you find interesting to put up a
fight. As long as it can be prepared with simplicity, tastes good, and is nutritious, it would be
good enough for me.
Even so, that is extremely dull. Doesnt life basically revolve around eating?
Shizuka would probably also feel depressed as a result......

After Godou retorted Ericas comments, Liliana spoke her own opinion. Yuri on the other
hand casted her gaze downwards.
What Godou felt at this moment was the separation due to the differences in culture between
boys and girls.
For the relatively easygoing, frequently exercising male, Kusanagi Godou, there was
absolutely nothing wrong with this sort of dietary lifestyle consisting of eating curry for
breakfast, lunch, and dinner for three days in a row.
But, could it be that girls were different?
He finished his lunch while still bearing the indecision to his problem. Once his afternoon
classes had concluded, his day of school was over.
As soon as he returned home and put away his backpack, he would head out to purchase the
ingredients for tonights dinner. What should I make......He stressed over this issue on his way
back. Unexpectedly, he found Liliana waiting by the entrance to his house.
The Kusanagi household was located on the Nezu Sanchome shopping district.
Since it was an old bookstore back in the days, the entrance on the first floor was directly
facing the street of the shopping district. In other words, the silver-haired European girl
standing at this location received a lot of attention from the people passing by and the
neighbors. However, Liliana remained calm and collected while disregarding their gazes and
said to Godou:
I was waiting for you Kusanagi Godou.
Why are you here, is something wrong? Would you like to come inside first?
No, before going in we must first purchase tonights dinner ingredients.
Liliana spoke firmly. Godou felt puzzled and responded with going shopping?.
Since you, as our lord, said you didnt have the attitude to cook every day, as your number
one knight it is imperative that I assist you. Let me handle tonights dinner ok?
Eh! ?
Moreover, you dont need to regard me as an outsider. Clearly all you needed to do was
mention please cook tonights dinner. However, you need to figure it out for yourself one
Lilianas complaint appeared to contain a slight hint of criticism in it. Godou hurriedly waved
his hands,
T-There is no need, these problems only apply to my household.

Did you forget? I, Liliana Kranjcar, am the sole person who would certainly undertake your
personal tasks. Problems in the kitchen are of course within my realm of responsibilities. Is
there anything you would like to eat tonight?
In the end, Godou was unable to decline and thus they headed off together along the shopping
They went through butcher shops, vegetable and fruit markets, fresh fish stores, supermarkets
Just as Godou retrieved his wallet to pay the bill, Liliana resolutely stated the household
spending is also part of my responsibilities.
He had no choice but to just hand the wallet to her and let her decide how to spend the money
(after all, there was no way to tell her to pay upfront and allow him to repay the expense
Afterwards they returned home. Liliana put on her own commonly used apron around her
uniform and started to cook.
Godou was politely declined when he offered to help and was currently bored while idly
standing by.
The door opened and Shizuka came in bristling with anger
Onii-chan! Rumors about you were already being spread throughout the neighborhood! I
heard that today it appeared that Liliana-san and Onii-chan were together and specifically
went to the shopping district to engage in a shopping date. Furthermore, you even handed
your wallet to her, its like you guys are an engaged couple or newlyweds!
Well, what ensued was an argument. However, it would probably be best not to elaborate the
details on this matter.
On the contrary, the problematic issues arose only when he got up the next day.
Just as Godou finished freshening up at six-thirty in the morning, the doorbell rang.
As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yuri wearing her uniform standing right in front of
She was carrying a delicately made bento with an embarrassed look all over her face.
Im very sorry for disturbing you this early. There is something I must discuss with Godousan......
I usually wake up very early so it is fine, however, whats the problem?
Godou tensed up at this sudden morning visit.
Could it be that a god has appeared somewhere?

No. It isnt anything like that. Actually, Amakasu-san passed on some information. He said
that last night Liliana-san went to Godou-sans house to make dinner.
H-How does that person know what happened here that night! ?
Amakasu is a descendant of the ninjas. His intelligence gathering could be described as his
Once Yuri heard Godou muttering to himself due to the unexpected information that was
gathered from him, Yuris expression slightly stiffened.
Does that mean it was true?
Ah, haha. That girl Liliana seemed to have said this kind of task is also part of my job,
something like that.
About that, despite Liliana-san being your number one knight, if you completely rely on her
good intentions, wouldnt that feel inappropriate? Especially this time when the housework
was to be done by Godou-san.
I guess youre right......
Godou lowered his head upon hearing her sincere advice.
Its different from everyone individually bringing food during the day. Yesterday I was
spoiled by Lilianas enthusiasm, however this is actually very bad.
Yuri offered her righteous opinion, but on the contrary, Godou actually rejoiced upon hearing
her words.
Yes. Thank you Mariya. Speaking to me in this manner helps me out a lot. If Im not capable
of doing these type of things myself then that wouldnt be right.
Ah, no. It is me, I was the one who spoke out of line.
Godou expressed his gratitude while the gentle ojou-sama was panic-stricken.
I feel like Godou-san is generally a well-behaved person other than your indifference to your
own conduct during important events.
Yuri shyly gazed downwards and handed over the contents in her hands.
She handed over the furoshiki that was in her possession the entire time.
Here you go......if you dont mind, please accept this.
What is this?
I made some onigiris. If you dont mind, please eat them in place of your lunch.

I must say, during times like these I feel like I shouldnt completely rely on other peoples
good intentions. Especially this time since it involves matters related to housework.
Godou repeated his counterparts argument from before causing Yuri to instantly raise her
T-Thats how it should be! What I meant by having a sense of propriety was referring to you
having to behave appropriately in other aspects!
Even so, thats still......
I want to help Godou-san since you still are not used to doing housework. The complications
that would arise from this is what Im concerned about. Those that are close to you would of
course share these same feelings of concern. So, if you dont mind then......
Yuri once again timidly handed over the bento.
Godou felt slightly perplexed but he still accepted it with gratitude. He then said come in and
stay for a bit to Yuri who was heading directly to school.
Inside the bag were: salmon, plum, and bonito flake rice balls with three of each kind.
They were neatly arranged inside the bento box. Godou immediately thought about making
some miso sauce and Yuri offered to help.
Halfway through, Godou's role was reduced to being Mariya's assistant as she showed off
how to prepare the Mariya family's miso soup recipe
Onii-chan......yesterday it was Liliana-san and now today its Mariya-senpai, whats going
on? Both of them have come early in the morning!
It was obvious that this was the first thing Shizuka said when she entered the kitchen in the
By the way, Yuri and Liliana also accompanied each other shopping today once they got back
from school.
This issue is entirely the Kusanagi households problem. Godou-san must work hard to
maintain independency.
The responsibility of assisting the King falls to his retainers. I would rather see him leisurely
sit around and watch me complete his tasks.
As they were shopping, the direction of their argument took on the form of neverending
parallel lines.
During this time, Lilianas gaze had the endurance of a composer who just found inspiration
for a composition or like a poet immersed in writing poetry.

......No, wait a second. Actually in that aspect there are various......residences with newlywed
lifestyles where the bride expends a lot of effort in the kitchen preparing dinner. The husband
who isnt accustomed to this field wishes to lend a hand. Their gazes accidentally intersect,
the young and tender emotions that arises......its exactly like this!
She nodded with approval as she spoke. Following that, she cleared her throat and said hhaving it this way might not be so bad and suddenly accepted Yuris viewpoint.
As a result, when the three of them returned to the Kusanagi house, he started helping the two
of them make dinner.
On the way home, Shizuka once again became furious.
After that, the evening of the next day came around.
Erica, who had found this situation to be quite interesting when she heard about it, brought a
meat pie personally made by Arianna that had been stored in the kitchen of the Blandelli
household. Ena, who roams around like a wandering traveler, also suddenly showed up and
brought him two pounds of both brown rice and miso.
Even Yuri and Liliana appeared together at that time.
During this time, Shizuka placed a picture of her deceased paternal grandmother and spirit
tablet on the living room table.
Onii-chan, come over here and kneel down for a bit. Please put your hand against your chest,
then turn around and reflect over what you did recently. Carefully reflect on this for a bit and
afterwards apologize to grandmas departed soul. Ah, hey, Im not done speaking yet!
Being forced to do this without realizing what his immoral conduct was, Godou evaded her to
reach his room on the second floor in order to take refuge.
The other four people followed him inside. Erica started to snicker, Yuri was completely
embarrassed, Liliana still kept her usual earnest expression, and Ena showed no signs of
Geez, Shizuka has recently been very irritable.
That means even Godou could figure out how to solve this kind of problem. That was quite a
difficult task.
Erica commented on Godou who expressed his discontent.
In short, because of these unexpected circumstances it was made possible for his usual friends
to all gather together inside Godous room for the first time.
Since it was an empty and dull room, even after fitting five people in there it unexpectedly
didnt feel very cramped.

He took out what appeared to be either a seat cushion or sofa pillow for each person there and
all of them appropriately sat down.
Well then, how capable is your Majesty at cooking?
It is hard to say after only one or two days.
Seishuuin Enas question made Godou wryly smile.
She had arrived in Tokyo not too long ago after recovering from the injuries to her body
during the battle against Guinevere.
Ena, who was also honing her cooking capabilities, smiled and said:
Thats perfect. Did Your Majesty go to Yuri and the others for cooking lessons today? Ena
also wants to enter and study with Your Majesty.
For the time being I should probably focus on my cooking responsibilities. Godou had this
kind of meager resolve.
He didnt want to push his responsibilities on the accommodating Yuri and Liliana since it
completely matched the saying, give him an inch and hell want a mile. As a result, he asked
them can you please teach me the art of cooking.
Nevertheless, in reality there was the restriction of his cooking level being inadequate.
While Godou was dilly dallying, the girls had already decided on some other business to
Oh yeah, its almost Christmas. Can you teach me how to cook something involving
Will there be an event scheduled for this time of year as social convention dictates? Are you
celebrating the holidays together with Shizuka and your mom?
After Godou freely spoke, he was questioned by Liliana.
No, there isnt anything special being planned. Well, it just feels like everyday around that
time there would be numerous visitors in the house with Shizuka and I. Speaking of which,
Nanami and the others previously mentioned that as a guy you have to stay up and party till
dawn. Giving that a shot doesnt seem so bad.
All the way till morning? It sounds like a lot of fun.
Mariya Yuri. If you say it like that, Kusanagi Godou might actually consider participating.
Yeah. When you consider this gathering of his and the serious tone he had not too long ago,
he is heavily guilty of contradicting himself.
Erica and Lilianas tone hinted a bit of sorrow as they responded to the smiling Yuri.

Afterwards, the silver-haired knight cleared her throat and slowly began to speak.
I have a suggestion. Even though it sounds a bit ambitious, how about holding a Christmas
party and having me be in charge of the invitations?
A party......It has been quite peaceful recently so it sounds like a pretty good idea.
Her suggestion came quite suddenly but Godou nevertheless heavily nodded in response.
However, today was December 9th. It hasnt even been half a month since the battle with
Lancelot. Knowing how long this kind of tranquility will last was quite an enigmatic matter.
Well, Im guessing it would be quite good to occasionally host a gathering for our group.
Erica winked as she stated her opinion.
Her manner of speaking really seemed to indicate she was already used to attending parties.
Ah, however, can a miko normally celebrate Christmas?
Overall what we do isnt that strict. However......
Yuri wryly smiled towards Godous inquiry. Afterwards she slightly became at a loss for
Kaoru-san is amazing whenever it reaches this time of the year. Starting from the twentieth,
she would have dates with girls every single day. Amazing people should behave like this,
completely unfazed even when faced with the nagging of elders.
Ena continued where her friend left off and explained to Godou.
Speaking of Kaoru, the girl she takes as her partner on a date is definitely swapped every day.
She has even developed the ultimate skill of having Christmas dates with three separate
people within the same day.
Guess it would be best to not invite her......
Since she is someone who likes to be rowdy, I suspect she would still show up for a bit.
However the problem lies on Enas behalf. Every year around this time Ena will head to the
mountains to spend the holidays.
Hey Seishuuin, about those religious practices in the mountains, are you able to get a head
start on it?
Ena clasped her hands and said ah, I see in response to Godous question.
To the rigid Hime-miko of the Sword who wasnt used to having a good time, Godou couldnt
help but smile.

Seeing this, Yuri exposed a graceful smile and Erica elegantly glanced over everyone as if she
was a noblewoman. Even though Liliana was the person who had to invite other people and
act as the host, she was still very happy.
Just like this, the early parts of December have indeed been very peaceful for Godou and
At this time, the person who brought the doom and gloom was the martial artist Lu
Yinghuano, instead it was someone in this world whom he feared the most, someone
whom he was most humble to, a person whom he was in contact with that was deemed the
most supreme tyrant.

Part 2
"I've brought a message from Master."
The current location was the VIP room of the Akihabara maid-themed tea house, the "Peerless
Lu Yinghua spoke gloomily as soon as he spotted Godou.
Fourteen years old. A handsome youth with a slim but not particularly tall physique.
Nevertheless, an unmistakable sense of arrogance hung on his face the same way dark circles
below the eyes could not be concealed.
Besides Kusanagi Godou, Sayanomiya Kaoru and Amakasu Touma also happened to be
present in the room.
Those two were currently playing baccarat on one of the card game tables.
"From Nee-san? What a rare occasion."
The unexpected report livened up Godou's spirits.
It was currently after 10pm on the ninth of December after his discussion with the girls about
the party. After a lively dinner with everyone, Godou had received a call from Lu Yinghua
informing him "I just got back."
Lu Yinghua had apparently made a trip back to Hong Kong for some reason.
Hearing that he was back in Akihabara, Godou looked forward to meeting him again.
"Come to think of it, I haven't contacted her all this time."
The sworn elder sister Luo Cuilian. Style name Hao.[14] The one people addressed as Her
Eminence Luo Hao. As well as being Lu Yinghua's master, she was the leader of the Holy
Cult of the Five Mountains. Friendship between gentlemen was as insipid as water[15] -- she
was one who lived according to this principle. Consequently, even though she and Godou
were sworn siblings they did not have frequent contact. In fact, this was the first time Godou
heard from her since parting at Nikkou.

"During my recent visit to the Mount Lu convent, Master suddenly said the following."
In a remote corner on the sacred peaks of Mount Emei, looking up at the moonlit sky.
The transcendent beauty who rivaled the moon fairy was declaring in a beautiful voice as
melodic as a musical instrument.
'Perhaps it would be a pleasant experience to admire the beauty of the moon together on
occasion, just the two of us, siblings bound by oath. My young eagle, I have a mission for
you. You must take care and accomplish it as if it was your job.'
Hearing the demonic cult leader's statement retold, Kaoru and Amakasu exchanged glances.
"Considering it's Her Eminence, would things really be over with just moon watching?"
"Hey don't slander her. Even though she's someone who can't be left alone in urban areas, I
think she's quite affectionate in certain ways -- Eh, am I wrong?"
With a wry expression, Godou objected to the two History Compilation Committee members
who were both older than him.
Standing next to Godou, Lu Yinghua shook his head with a complicated expression on his
"Listen to me carefully, Honored Uncle. If five or ten years had passed since you last parted,
then sure, her words might seem a little plausible. But less than two months? Master in
particular, cannot possibly desire a reunion with her sworn little brother simply because she
misses you!"
Stated in no uncertain terms, a depressing sense of truth.
"I can guarantee with an oath, something suspicious is definitely going on!"
"In any case, allow me to deliver this to Honored Uncle first. Master's orders are to drink it up
during the next full moon."
Lu Yinghua handed over a little bottle containing a liquid that looked like mercury.
"What'll happen if I drink it?"
"I expect it will lead to all kinds of trouble. Drinking it results in instant transportation to
Mount Lu where Master resides."
Godou shrugged in response to this rather problematic explanation that left great room for
Well, it's not like I'll die -- thought Godou to himself. Accepting the bottle and putting it
away, he said:

"When's the next full moon?"

"It happens to be tomorrow..."
Tonight, I'm gonna meet my elder sister in China-Godou announced to the girls during lunch the next day. "No ordinary meeting for sure" was
Erica's response. Saying that, she sighed. As for Yuri, she pleaded "You must return safe and
sound" with a grave expression. On the other hand, Liliana offered her assurance, promising
"In the event of unforeseeable tragedy, I will take good care of little sister Shizuka."
Godou sent a text message to inform Ena who was currently training in Chichibu.
'Please tell me about your experiences throughout the journey. However, it'd be best if you
don't die.'
Her reply did not seem like she was joking at all.
In any case, Godou could agree with her response in certain ways.
"Compared to tigers in human form, Nee-san sure is ten thousand times more fearsome..."
Godou muttered as he walked over to Shinjuku's Kabukichou[16] district during dusk.
It did not feel appropriate to wear school uniform on this bustling street, so naturally, Godou
had changed into casual clothing. He made his way to the address of a multi-tenant building.
The office of Hong Kong's Lu family was located on the top floor of this building, and Lu
Yinghua apparently had a room there for conducting daily affairs.
Anyway, today's destination was the rooftop of this building.
Lu Yinghua was waiting right there. Furthermore, this nephew's male subordinates were using
chalk to inscribe on the floor of the roof geometric shapes and patterns with lots of Chinese
characters written on them.
"We welcome your grand arrival, Honored Uncle. We are now preparing the magic circle."
Godou nodded to acknowledge Lu Yinghua's martial arts salute, then waited for ten-odd
By the time the circle was complete, the evening sun had already set and the sky had turned
completely dark. Godou stood in the center of the circle with only Lu Yinghua by his side.
Mustering his determination, Godou drank the bottle of silver liquid he had received earlier.
His first reaction was that it tasted really bad. A kind of indescribable taste rivaling Arianna's
efforts in pot-stewed cuisine. Furthermore, the instant he swallowed this viscous fluid, an
exceptional sense of scorching heat seemed to be spreading from his stomach.
This liquid's effects were apparently quite astounding.

It seemed to be the medium for applying Daoist arts to Godou all the way from distant Mount
Due to the discomfort in his throat and the scorching feeling in his stomach, Godou collapsed
to his knees on the floor of the rooftop. In that very instant...
He was transported. The surrounding scenery of the Kabukichou building rooftop gradually
dissipated and Godou found himself no longer crouching on the rooftop of the multi-tenant
building in Kubukichou.
'Much time have passed since our last parting, my little brother.'
Hearing the beautiful voice he missed so much, Godou groaned.
Enduring the discomfort in his throat and stomach, Godou stood up with great difficulty and
surveyed his surroundings.
This place was deep in mountains he had never been to, and consequently never seen before.
Also, he had not been sent to the foot or even midway up the mountain.
Situated on one of the peaks of Mount Emei, this place was at substantial altitude. Godou was
standing on a protrusion of rock that resembled an observation platform and offered a wide
expansive view of the neighboring mountains and the world below.
The greenery at the foot of various mountains, together with the swathes of white snow near
the mountaintops, looked as if they were far off in the distance.
Turning his gaze up, Godou could see the sky filled with twinkling stars.
"I can't see you, where are you?"
"Honored Uncle. Master is simply projecting her voice from far away."
As Godou looked around for signs of Luo Cuilian, Lu Yinghua informed him.
The nephew proceeded to kneel on one knee and salute with one fist against an open palm.
"Master's might and virtue, rivaling the sun in the sky, becomes ever more dazzling for each
passing day. Your disciple Lu Yinghua reports his return, and at the same time, offers wishes
of eternal longevity to wise and valorous Master."
Godou was immensely impressed by how far Lu Yinghua went with these words of flattery.
Luo Cuilian's unique and wonderful voice was heard once more. But her message was
exceedingly merciless.
'My young eagle, thank you for accomplishing your task. Now go back to your training for I
have prepared a suitable opponent. You shall be lauded if you achieve victory in one day. You

pass if you do it in two. If it takes you three days... Hmph, then I shall personally give you a
good schooling. Nothing else needs to be said.'
Luo Cuilian had infused a certain power into these quiet words. Namely, the [Dragon's Roar
and Tiger's Howl].
The authority to turn her voice into shockwaves of wind. The current level of force was
probably strong enough to send a light vehicle flying.
Surrounded by the intangible shockwave, Lu Yinghua took a great leap backwards and
crossed his arms in an X-shape to protect himself. True to the name of the promising young
star of the martial realm.
Dodging the full brunt of the force, he was instead blown into the night sky between the
mountains. Furthermore, the magical wind continued to blow, pushing him further and further
back in the air.
For the very first time, Godou heard the pitiful screams of his arrogant nephew.
Lu Yinghua was blown away like a kite whose string was severed, falling somewhere
amongst the peaks of the mountain range.
"This really doesn't look good for Yinghua..."
'Do not worry. I have already summoned an appropriate opponent to the place where this
child will land. Leave him be for now.'
Luo Cuilian answered Godou's comment on a completely different wavelength.
Was the scene that just transpired an everyday occurrence for this master-disciple pair?
Whether the disciple who could instantly react to any situation, or the master who imposed
her expectations upon him, neither were normal.
Hearing the rumbling roars of a magical beast in the far distance, Godou spoke up:
"Could that be Yinghua's opponent?"
'Yes. Hoho... Even though I said two days would earn a pass, from what I can tell, he passes if
he can hunt and kill this formidable foe within four days. So, how well will my young eagle
The demonic cult leader uttered words that had long transcended the realm of strictness.

Godou remarked "she really is someone like that" as he nodded, praying to the heavens for
Yinghua's safety.
'So, little brother. Come up directly along the mountain path. Your elder sister has been
waiting impatiently.'
Urged by the voice of his sworn elder sister, Godou got off the rock that resembled an
observation platform.
He proceeded to ascend the mountain path. This place should be somewhere in the Lushan
National Park in China's Jiangxi province. The sky was filled with stars and constellations
without being shrouded by a single cloud. A completely clear and lucid night sky.
This splendorous canopy of radiant starlight was a view one could not find in gloomy urban
"Since we are here to admire the full moon, I guess it's lucky the sky is not overcast."
'In accordance with prior wishes, I had the clouds blown away beforehand. Chasing after a
cloud-hidden moon could be amusing at times. Nevertheless, tonight is the reunion of we
sworn siblings after our two-month separation. Truly, taking place beneath the bright full
moon is most ideal, hence those impertinent clouds have been driven away for this occasion.'
Godou was merely remarking on something he noticed, but little did he expect such a
surprising answer.
She turned out to be even more counter to common logic than imagined... Godou thought to
himself emphatically as he conversed with the sworn elder sister's voice. Soon after, he
reached a pavilion.
In an open area in the mountain, a little house with only a roof and no walls had been built
The transcendent beauty in front of this pavilion was the Campione who stood as the Ruler of
the Martial Realm.
"You have arrived without trouble, my little brother, Kusanagi Godou!"
In this fashion, the sworn elder sister and younger brother were reunited after two months.

Part 3
Family name Luo. Given name Cuilian. Style name Hao.
Despite having passed the age of two hundred, she still possessed the beautiful appearance of
a late teen. Hers was beauty that put nature to shame and could bring nations to ruin. Indeed,
such incomparable beauty of hers was truly transcendent.
Tonight, she was dressed in Han Chinese clothing, in a style reminiscent of a heavenly

The elegance of her long flowing sleeves and lightly floating hemlines gave one an illusion of
having arrived at the heavenly emperor's palace.
But in actual fact, she was the warrior standing at the martial pinnacle and the Daoist priestess
who had reached the peak of Daoist mastery. Ingrained in her body were arts and knowledge
completely surpassing all other Campiones.
"Why don't you relax? Sit or lie down, whichever you want. Should you tire of moon
watching, we can have a quiet conversation throughout the night. Hoho, as Devil Kings, it is
not a bad idea to enjoy ourselves in a style in tribute to the Seven Sages."[17]
Making such a suggestion, Luo Cuilian lowered herself on her own.
And sat down on a white tiger(!) rug that had been laid over the floor of the pavilion.
Another similar rug could be seen, most likely prepared for her sworn little brother. Godou
was currently wearing a winter coat, but it was merely one intended for use in Tokyo. At the
top of a mountain at such high altitudes, it was completely ineffective.
Chilling mountain air seeped into his clothes, mercilessly robbing Godou of his body warmth.
To be honest, the tiger fur rug was truly a blessing. Godou immediately bent down and sat
cross-legged. At the very least, this should help keep his legs and lower torso warm.
Running his hand through the striped pattern of the white tiger fur rug, it felt extremely
"Was this really skinned from an actual tiger...?"
"Who knows? These were simply offered in tribute by members of the holy cult some time
ago. I'm not really aware of the details."
The sworn elder sister's uncertain answer fully convinced Godou instead. It was definitely the
real thing.
He could not imagine anyone foolish enough to offer something inauthentic to Her Eminence
Luo Hao.
"If you're hungry, please enjoy some of these dishes. In order to receive you as a guest, your
elder sister ended her long absence from the kitchen, bringing to life her arts of the kitchen
knife once more."
"Eh? Nee-san cooked personally!?"
Luo Cuilian lightly waved her hand before Godou as he watched in shock.
Immediately, a number of large dishes appeared between them. Laden upon them were three
brightly-colored specimens of Chinese cuisine.
The first dish seemed to be thick pork slices heaped over leafy vegetables.

The second dish consisted of ten-odd springrolls arranged in a triangular shape. For some
reason, the pastry wrappers were red in color.
The third dish consisted of clear transparent soup. Even the wrappers of the floating
dumplings in the soup were transparent, and they seemed to hold fillings made of diced meat
and vegetables. Unbelievably, the fillings contained all seven colors of the rainbow: red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, giving a bright and colorful display like a
"...Nee-san turns out to be someone really talented at cooking."
Godou remarked emphatically in admiration. Every dish without exception was astoundingly
This was not simply limited to taste. Even the appearance exhibited artistic flair like the
creative masterpieces of a master chef. Combined with the extraordinary aroma, the visual
impact truly made the viewer look forward to the excellent taste.
"You absolutely must not disclose to others these skills possessed by Luo Cuilian. Even
though I once underwent training as befitted a daughter of the Luo family, I am now the Ruler
of the Martial Realm. Putting on a show in the kitchen does not really suit my stature."
Accepting the sworn little brother's praise, Luo Cuilian smiled with satisfaction.
"Expressly going against principles for the sake of offering hospitality to a sworn little
brother. Hohoho, even though it was fairly time consuming, the result turned out to be
surprisingly favorable."
Faced with this incredible cuisine, Godou eschewed modesty and took up his chopsticks. First
he went for the thickly sliced meat.
Amazing! The pork was actually sliced to millimeter thickness then piled dozens of layers
together in a manner akin to mille-feuille . The texture was such that it melted in the palate as
if it were snow, dissolving into a rich meaty flavor.
Next were the red springrolls. The crispy surface offered the sweet taste of carrots.
The springrolls contained a sweet-tasting sauce. The fillings had a mixture of several types of
tubers with thickening added. The complex and wonderful interplay of differing sweet tastes
immersed the tongue in pleasure without being overwhelming.
Then there was the secret recipe of transparent soup and rainbow-colored dumplings.
Sipping the soup, a marvelously cool taste of sourness brought a great refreshing feeling to
the palate. Biting into a rainbow dumpling, the delicious taste of meat and fish, together with
the savory flavor of a great assortment of vegetables played a harmonious symphony upon the
taste buds.
Godou was completely unable to fathom what ingredients and cooking processes had been
used to produce these marvelous creations.

"Hmm. These are all wonderfully delicious without exception. It's amazing."
Godou offered praise and admiration without flattery as he rapidly busied his chopsticks and
his mouth.
"Is it possible that you cook for Yinghua occasionally?"
"Ridiculous. Cooking for the master is part of a disciple's training. Reversal of the masterdisciple relationship is not permitted. Tonight is the first occasion for me to step into the
kitchen in seventy years."
"...I see."
Was this kind of life the reason his "nephew" became so depressed?
This subtle thought occurred to Godou as he savored the magnificent cuisine. All things
considered, he was currently enjoying rare cuisine as uncommon as the occurrence of Haley's
Anyway, just as Godou finished the dishes offered as part of the sworn elder sister's
Luo Cuilian casually took out the moon guitar[18] that had been placed by her side.
As her fingernails strummed away gently, a heavenly melody seemed to fill the clear
atmosphere. The quick rhythm of her singing resounded as if following the sounds of the
Placing the qin on a curved stand,
And sitting tranquil beside it, emotions contained.
Why trouble to pluck or strum it?
The wind on the strings makes it sound itself.[19]

She probably played simply as the mood dictated rather than showing off her talents.

Humming casually like an ordinary person, she strummed the musical instrument with her
nails. But even in such an act, Luo Cuilian displayed mastery unsurpassed by anyone in the
entire world.
Even though he was the only audience, Godou wanted to continue listening along,
But it was probably time for him to ask. About the matter her disciple went so far as to assert
as "definitely" suspicious.
"Nee-san. Do you have something you want to tell me?"
Godou's probing question caused the sworn elder sister's hand to pause in her playing.
"Now that you brought it up, yes, that is my intention. I wanted to recount an old tale."
"An old tale?"
"Back then, I was already the Ruler of the Martial Realm, but due to various matters I was
traveling in the ancient kingdom of the Turks."
"Come to think of it, you recently came expressly to Japan as well."
"Over there, I chanced upon a rare divine artifact. Yes, a precious item which had the ability
to give birth to [Heretic Gods] and release them upon the world."
"--A divine artifact that can give birth to gods!?"
Divine artifacts, were objects similar to grimoires which had been etched with heavenly
wisdom and the laws of sacred spells.
It was common for them to possess the attribute of immortal indestructibility. These were
objects that were very difficult to dispose of once they manifested on earth.
"After a convoluted series of events, I finally defeated the god that had manifested, and sealed
the divine artifact's power."
"Ah... That's great news."
Godou was relieved to hear the sworn elder sister recount her past victory nonchalantly.
"As a safety precaution, I took the sealed divine artifact back with me and kept it for the time
The conversation seemed to be taking an ominous turn.
"A few days ago, I noticed the divine artifact had started recovering its powers at some
unknown point in time, and was once again about to produce a [Heretic God]."
"Shouldn't you get rid of such a dangerous divine artifact right away instead!?"

He could already guess what Luo Cuilian was about to say.

But Godou suppressed the worry in his heart and went with the flow, probing further. No
matter how unprecedented the actions of this sworn elder sister were, he never expected the
extent-And so, the beautiful demonic cult leader, showed an acute expression like a great general
leading a million troops into battle.
"Of course not. What the divine artifact created was only a being less than a [Heretic God].
That kind of weak enemy is completely unworthy of receiving even a palm strike from me,
Luo Cuilian. Dealing directly with that kind of opponent would be a taint to my honor."
The sworn elder sister who prompted Godou's ominous premonitions, followed up with this
kind of statement.
"Godou. Your insight as a king still seems rather inadequate. You need to reflect properly on
"No, no, wait a minute. So Nee-san did you ignore that being less than a [Heretic God]? The
thing created by that divine artifact! What happened to it next?"
"Hoho. Your elder sister was not careless. Naturally, there was a plan."
The sworn elder sister displayed an arrogant smile.
Not only did Godou's ominous premonition not subside, it became even stronger. From his
experience, it was certain that Luo Cuilian would proceed to reveal something completely
beyond his expectations-"The divine artifact wishes to bring vengeance upon me. However, slaughtering that loser
would taint the honor of me, Luo Cuilian. And so I communicated the following to the other
Alas, this was the key sentence. As expected.
"My sworn little brother, Kusanagi Godou, is located at the Japanese capital of Tokyo. If you
wish to have a rematch with me, Luo Hao, defeat my younger brother first to demonstrate
your strength. Then we shall see."
"I knew it... At least tell me beforehand."
As Godou hung his head, the sworn elder sister smiled gently in return.
"This comes from your elder sister's vast love, to bestow upon you this trial with a merciful
heart. Riding upon this victory, you shall continue along the glorious path of heroism."
"Well, since the situation has already come to this, there's no other way around it."
Wow, my adaptability is surely surprising. Greatly impressed by himself, Godou said:

"Even though I know only two names out of the gods slain by Nee-san, it really seems like
you fought many gods in the past."
To Godou's knowledge, Luo Cuilian's victories included an Om pair of Buddha Guardians and
the goddess Gayatri.
Well, this was the sworn elder sister after all. It felt like she had fought all sorts of gods in the
"Yes. The name of the god I slew a century and a half ago is Saturnus.[20] A god from the
Roman Empire and associated with land and harvest. Furthermore--"
"Although I get the sense there were all sorts of causes, I've forgotten them."
Recounting her victory, Luo Cuilian asserted thus.
As for this statement, rather than her memories of the past had faded over time, it would be
more accurate to say she never had any intention to reminisce over her past battles.
"The divine artifact seeks revenge... Nee-san, didn't you mention that just now?"
"Correct. The divine artifact, [Crown of Saturnalia]. Even though it is not a living object it
can carry a conversation. An existence infused with divine qualities to a certain extent. Since
this sacred vessel displays will and perception, perhaps it is possessed by some kind of spirit."
"The same kind of existence as Ama no Murakumo!"
Well, even if it was also made by the gods, Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi must be ranked on
a much higher level.
However, there was no doubt the artifact was a troublesome existence.
After that, Godou was once again given "that elixir."
The secret elixir which resembled mercury, said to be concocted personally by the sworn
elder sister.
Informed that he would return to Tokyo by drinking it, Godou had no choice but to obey.
Immediately, enchanted with the demonic cult leader's instantaneous transportation technique
of [Terrain Reduction], Godou found himself crouching on the rooftop of the mixed ethnic
building in Kubukichou.
Naturally, Lu Yinghua was not present. He was still in the middle of his special training(?) at
Mount Lu.
After arriving back in Tokyo, Godou did not return home at once. Instead he instantly
contacted his usual friends. A troublesome foe was apparently coming to Tokyo to defeat
Kusanagi Godou -- was what he told them.

"More accurately, it has already arrived."

Deep into the night after Godou's return to Tokyo from Mount Lu, an emergency meeting was
being held at the Sayanomiya residence.
The one who spoke in an awkward tone of voice was Amakasu. Even though Ena was not
present due to her mountain training, Erica, Yuri and Liliana had all hurried here. Obviously,
Kaoru was also present.
"Indeed. More than enough time has already elapsed for it to travel here."
Kaoru agreed with her subordinate's opinion.
"But didn't Yuri fail to sense any divine presence?"
"Yes. I have not had that kind of feeling at all lately."
The Hime-Miko confirmed Erica's question with great confidence.
"Produced by the divine artifact, also something not a god -- something less than a [Heretic
God], that was what Her Eminence said?"
Liliana asked for confirmation, prompting Godou to nod and grumble:
"Ah yes. Exactly that. Damn it, do I really need to go over there to ask Nee-san for more
"What do you expect to happen? Considering Her Eminence, even if Godou goes there with a
list of questions, I don't think she will properly tell us everything we want to know."
"That's right. In this regard, even Lu Yinghua can only face her in panic."
Godou agreed with the red and blue knights' comments.
Come to think of it, even for the youth who knew the demonic cult leader best, "face her in
panic" was the best he could do.
"Regarding Heretic Saturnus, let's start investigating from other avenues."
Erica proposed as if trying to brighten the mood.
"Even though it was a battle between a [Heretic God] and a Campione that occurred a century
and a half ago, it is very likely that records have been left behind by people near the scene and
involved in the world of magic. I will contact Milan's [Copper Black Cross] to begin urgent
"That's right. Turkey is actually not too far away from Italy."
Godou recalled it was a place regarded as the boundary between Europe and Asia.

Thus ended the meeting that night, and the next day arrived.
Amakasu had History Compilation Committee members running around all over Tokyo, but
no clues concerning the divine artifact [Crown of Saturnalia] had been found yet.
Without the arrival of spirit visions, Yuri's repeated meditation did not bear any fruit in
obtaining divine revelation.
Liliana also attempted to use witchcraft to investigate, but did not obtain any results.
But there was other good news. Godou received a call from Lu Yinghua through his
"You're safe and sound, Yinghua!"
'Yeah I suppose. Pursuing each other with that troublesome monster that Master had found
from goodness knows where, running all over the mountain made me half dead with
exhaustion. I'm now taking advantage of the chaotic situation... no, resting near the foot of
Mount Lu.'
Despite having the disposition of an extraordinary genius prodigy, he was such a crafty and
slippery customer.
'That's what Master said. If I can't defeat it completely, I will surely suffer a fatal
counterattack from that monster. I have no choice but to defeat it in a slow but sure manner."
Like master, like disciple? Godou felt like Yinghua always had the ability to see through the
master's bluffs.
Even though Godou was greatly impressed by Yinghua's sharp perceptions, he still decided to
go ahead and inquire about the matter.
"So Yinghua, what kind of monster is the enemy?"
"Uh, its body looks like some kind of cross between a tiger and a bull, plus wings as well as
fur like a hedgehog. Its howls are similar to a dog's. Can swallow a man whole in one bite.
Cannot be hunted down like a normal tiger..."
What he described was an unimaginable monster, supplemented further by a few outrageous
Yinghua definitely hunted tigers barehanded. Concluding that to himself, Godou listened as
Lu Yinghua continued:
'Not only is it vicious, it's also quite smart. A crafty fellow that cannot be underestimated.
What about this monster?"
"Defeat it as quickly as possible. Even a day earlier would be good. Then report immediately
back to Nee-san."

Godou was well aware he was issuing difficult orders.

Then he briefly outlined the issue with Saturnus that had happened so far.
"If you can say some good things to Nee-san, wouldn't you be able to find out roughly what
happened a hundred and fifty years ago, as well as the nature of that god? We need as much
information as possible, every detail counts. I know it's tough, but you're the only one I can
rely on."
'S-Since it is Honored Uncle's orders, of course I will put forth my best effort into it.'
Far away in distant Mount Lu, the nephew replied in a trembling voice.
'This is very challenging on many levels. Whether hunting the prey, or the task after the hunt.
In fact, the latter is three times harder than the former... Nevertheless, whatever, I will try to
find a solution.'
"I am counting on you."
'However, the surroundings of Master's convent include not only the depths of Mount Lu, but
also a forbidden area sealed away by Master's barrier. There's no network since cellphone
signals are out of reception, and even electricity, gas and running water are absent. So I will
be out of contact for now. Please understand.'
Indeed, such a description brought to mind natural reserves in Japan such as Yakushima[21] or
Recalling where the reunion with his sworn elder sister had taken place, Godou immediately
'After all, it's a place where I can't even bring in gaming devices for killing time. There was
one time when I brought a satellite cellphone and it was mercilessly crushed. Master truly
believes that the decline of modern countries began with the invention of the steam engine.'
"That's even earlier than Edison's invention of electrical power distribution..."
'If something requires me to go to the village to handle, I'll secretly try to send a progress
report by computer. Anyway, I don't expect many opportunities for that either.'
"Then just try your best without breaking the rules."
'That's good enough. I just need to borrow without asking for a minute or two.'
Offering mild advice to the foster nephew seemed to have secured a confident guarantee
'Oh by the way, if Honored Uncle wishes to contact me while I'm at Mount Lu, please feel
free to give orders to my subordinates over at Shinjuku. So, Honored Uncle, Yinghua takes
his leave.'

News from Erica came a few minutes after Lu Yinghua's call ended.
The manifestation of the [Heretic God] Saturnus in Turkey a hundred and fifty years ago.
Members of the [Copper Black Cross] had successfully confirmed the sacred fruit he had left
behind on earth.

Part 4
A small package was sent from the faraway place of Istanbul using Mailing magic.
The sender was Ericas friend who resided in Turkeys largest metropolis, Istanbul. He easily
attained the desired results when he was dispatched to the country where the demonic cult
leaders previous battle took place to investigate its traces.
The first stop of his investigation took place within Turkeys records which recorded a 200
year period of heretic god appearances.
His focus was on the recorded history from 138 years ago where a god appeared in the
Anatolia[23] plains, so he immediately went to the scene of that occurrence. By interviewing
an elderly magician, he was fortunate to find out that his father was also an investigator for
the battle in this region.
Therefore, he immediately proceeded to hear out his fathers investigation.
In the end, he had learned from those records that it was basically something along the lines
of a fight between an earth god and some Campione.
However, he was fortunate to ensure himself that the fruits could be brought back as data.
It appeared that after receiving this report, Erica immediately contacted him.
Dont worry about whether or not its ethical at this time. You can do it however you want it,
just quickly send the fruits over here to me!
As a result, the little box holding the fruits was sent to her with astonishing speed.
It was said that these were the sacred fruits left behind by the heretic god Saturnus in the past.
Yuri, who came into contact with the item, finally received a spirit vision.
The Crown of Saturnalia. The divine artifact giving rise to Heretic Saturnus is presently
located at that place.
In accordance to Yuris guidance, Amakasu quickly drove off to Kasai Rinkai Park.
The place where it took root was reportedly located not too far from here on the surface of the
Actually, currently it was the night of December 11th, the day after Godou visited Lushan by

Within such a short time frame, we were able to arrive at the designated location right
Godou muttered with mixed feelings while riding on the patrol boat borrowed by the History
Compilation Committee through their connections to the Japanese Coast Guard.
Thus, the need to issue such inconsiderate orders towards Lu Yinghua might arise again.
After depressingly thinking over this, Erica, who had a facial expression indicating this was as
it should be, exaggeratedly said:
This is just Kusanagi Godou enhancing his formation. Even if you carefully selected six or
seven of the most elite figures in all of the magic guilds from around the world, you wont
find any place that can match us right? Our battle strength, investigation ability, spirit vision,
magic power, negotiating skills, and intelligence gathering are all very outstanding.
Erica, Yuri, Liliana, Ena, Amakasu, Kaoru, and Lu Yinghua were all considered as part of his
Godou thought about these friends of his that he had grown accustomed to and nodded his
After surveying each of the aforementioned people, everyone was clearly not some type of
superhuman (although there were many who possessed a high likelihood of becoming that
sort of person). However, it is worth mentioning that the comprehensive strength of entire
group was probably at a very high level and balanced.
Well, nevertheless you will be subjected to danger when your opponent is a god......
In our case, we practically had no confrontations with strange occurrences or magicians.
Liliana wryly smiled as she replied to Godous thoughts.
The scene consisted of Godou, who was the leader, and the knights from Milan. Plus, there
was another member in the patrol boat who was a friend of theirs.
But Godou-san, is it ok to not inform Ena-san about this situation?
Uh huh, this isnt some auspicious matter, we dont even know what will happen.
W-What do you mean?
If something unexpected were to happen to us, there would have to be someone else to deal
with the aftermath......the most appropriate person would probably be Seishuuin right?
Godou felt his own words were a meaningless assurance as he spoke.
This was of course the worst outcome. However, if in the remote chance it did happen then it
would be all over. In fact, for this very reason, Amakasu and Kaoru were not with them on the
patrol boat. Relevant members should take precautions so they are not all wiped out......

Based on how she is, even if you request her to wait for the perfect opportunity over there,
she will follow her own authority and come down from the mountain. For the time being we
shouldnt let her know.
S-So its like that......
She must have remembered the personality of her childhood hime-miko friend.
Yuris expression seemed to have suddenly tensed after reluctantly agreeing to that statement.
I sense the aura of the previously envisioned Crown. Everyone please be careful.
It looks like they were quickly approaching their destination. Not only did Godou nod in
response, but Erica and Liliana did as well.
Afterwards, everyone was finally confronted with the Crown of Saturnalia.
Rooted in the surface of the sea near Kasai was an emblem made out of stone. The shape of it
only resembled a sizable bird with its wings spread open.
Suddenly, what appeared to be a parasitic tree grew on top of this bird.
Furthermore, it was progressively increasing in size. In the blink of an eye, a 1000 year old
giant treeno, a divine tree emerged.
The divine trees trunk and branches permeated with hostility towards the Campione.
In addition, it began releasing a very powerful incantation. It clearly wanted to combat
I never wouldve thought the day I would have to fight a tree would arrive......
Moreover, it was on the surface of the sea in Tokyo Bay. There really must be a limit to the
absurdity that occurs.
Looking up at the majestic sight of the ferocious dignified colossal tree from the deck of the
patrol boat, Godou calmly whispered.
Is this basically the sprout of that heretic god Nee-san mentioned?
Who knows, theres barely any viable data to make a judgment.
In that case, it would be best for the person who can determine what it is to examine it. Hey
YuriYuri? Whats wrong?
Liliana kept to her own judgment. Erica on the other hand

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