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City of South Bend Common Council 441 County-Cicy Building + 227 W. Jefferson Blvd (574) 235-9321 South Bend, Indiana 46601-1830 Fax (574) 235-9173 baeplfwwusouthbendin gor Oliver J. Davis pena December 1, 2015 Derek D. Dieter The South Bend Common Council Vice President 4" Floor County-City Building South Bend, Indiana 46601 Valetie Schey Chairperson, Committee Dear Council Members: of the Whole i ‘The attached Resolution is being filed for the purpose of having the City Administration Tim Scott share information on several important topics, namely: First District Pt Henry Davis, Je * Minority hiring Second Diserier * Body cameras . avior warning systems Valerie Schey . cidents by race Thied Diseice * Citizens review board Feed Feslic so that meaningful discussions with the Common Couneil may begin in early 2015. Fourth District Tam attaching two (2) documents which are quoted in the Resolution, namely President aarp Obama’s remarks made on November 24, 2014 and the NAACP’s statement entitled “Civil : Rights Coalition Urges National Reforms and Recommendations to Address Police Abuse” Oliver. Davis s0 that you have access to more background information. Sixth District South Bend can be a leader in each of these arcas if we work together in developing Derek D. Dieter programs which properly and legally address the concems of our citizens, 1 seek your At Large support of this Resolution. Thank you. Gavin Fetlic ‘ : ie Sincerely, Karen L, White alae Henry Davis, Jr Second District Council Member Attachments RESOLUTION NO. 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, ENCOURAGING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO ESTABLISH A MINORITY HIRING PROGRAM FOR THE FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS, TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT PROACTIVE POLICIES IDENTIFYING OFFICER BEHAVIOR INCONSISTENCIES AND TO LOOK INTO THE NEED FOR POLICE BODY CAMERAS AND A CITIZENS REVIEW BOARD Mherus, the South Bend Common Council recognizes that for the past several years the Couneil has had discussions with the City Administration on the need to develop viable programs in both the South Bend Fire Department and the South Bend Police Department which prioritize minority recruitment and retention for both of these public safety departments; and Ws the Common Couneil further recognizes that the neither the Fire Department or the Police Department currently reflect the demographics of our City; and that the Police Department currently has many openings which need to be filled in order to reach the budgeted number of sworn members; and Aonas, on November 24, 2014, President Obama addressed the nation and noted in part that “...we need to recognize that the situation in Ferguson speaks to broader challenges that we still face as a nation. The fact is, in too many parts of this courury, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color...the good news is we know there are things we can do to help. And I've instructed Attorney General Holder to work with cities across the county to help build better relations between communities and law enforcement...” and Mama, the last week in November, 2014, Attomey General Eric H. Holder, Jr. launched the Department of Justice's “National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice” which will study five (5) cities and will focus on “training to reduce bias and ensure fairness in law enforcement”; and Pherecs, On August 18, 2014, a “Unified Statement of Action to Promote Reform and Stop Police Abuse” was issued after convening fourteen (14) national civil and human rights organizations and leaders which recommended in part, in response to the events in Ferguson, Missouri: use of body-worn cameras by police officers the need for diversity across police departments...”; and Ams the City of South Bend, Indiana, has the opportunity to be a leader by moving forward on discussions to address and improve many programs in these critical areas which affect our entire community. Hoar, Trergrre, bo te reseload, ty the Common Crane ofthe Cty of Chat Bend, Indiana, a ollees: Section I. The Common Council believes that the Fire and Police Department of the City of South Bend are the backbone of our community who provide public safety services on a 24/7 basis Section Il. In order to assure that the best practices are being implemented, especially in both of our public safety departments, the following topics should be timely studied, prioritized and discussed for the betterment of the entire South Bend Community, with each topic having the governing laws and policies summarized, a cost/benefit analysis for each; and short and long-term recommendations: + Developing a minority hiring program for City of South Bend employees and in particular for the South Bend Fire Department and the South Bend Police Department * Body cameras for public safety officers + Early waming system to identify employees who may be prone to emotional instability or behavior programs which negatively affects theit ability to properly carry out their duties and responsibilities ‘* Mandatory reporting of incidents by race * Citizens Review Board Section II]. Written summaries on each of the five (5) topics listed in Section II of this Resolution shall be made available to the Common Council on or before Monday, January 26, 2015, so that a series of public meetings ccan then be established to discuss each of these topies in a positive and meaningfal manner. Section. IV. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Henry Davis, Jr., 2 District South Bend Common Couneil Voting in Favor Voting Against Hie: lysed his __ day of Trember, 2004 Office of the City Clerk Pete Buttigieg, Mayor of South Bend, Indiana

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