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7 Helens High Szahool 2375 Gable Roud + St. Helens, OR 97051 (503) 397-1900 - Fax (503) 397-1828 December 16, 2014 Yo whom it may concern: | have had the privilege of working with and getting to know Lisa Dailey for the past five years. We have worked as colleagues in the math department at St. Helens High School and it has been fun to watch her in the classroom. Lisa uses a wide variety of techniques in the classroom to encourage and motivate the students in an effort to help them succeed. Last week it was speed “mathing”, @ speed dating lke way of getting kids to work together. The kids were realy engaged moving about the room, sharing ideas and working together. In addition to using creative ways to engage all students in their learning, she has also volunteered to work with our at risk students, developing a course to help them to finish thelr third credit of math and to help them either pass the state test or ass the required work samples in order to graduate. When Lisa began working on her princioal credentials, I teased her abit about her decision to become and administrator, but | knew she would make a good one. She has naturally transitioned into a leadership position in our department inthe last several years. This s due to her ability to work well with wide variaty of people and her ability to get ther to work together and get the most aut of their abilities. She has taken over the work sample recording, record keeping and test coordinating, keeping us on track ta make sure all kids get the ‘opportunities for testing and work samples. Recently Lisa reorganized and uploaded a several new projects, ideas ‘and work sample prompts to our communal drive on the network. She has been instrumental in getting the department to work together and share common assessment questions on a network drive In addition to the above, Lisa would make a great principal because she fully understands that as a new leader she needs to bea listener and observer to find out what does and doesn’t work, as wells listen to those who have bbeen around to find out why. She isa great planner and goal setter, who works well with the staff to set and ‘achieve goals, She understands that she is @ boss and is respansible to make the decisions, but would ask for Input. Unlike many principals, she wouldn't hide behind the staff and say it was the staff's decision when it goes south, Lisa would be the kind of leader who would know what is happening in her building, getting out of her office, and observing what students and staff are doing, evaluating how the learning is going, offering pointers if necessary and heading off discipline issues, \highly recommend Lisa fora principal position. | know she will bea great one and that we will miss her in our department, Ch, Loom by Gro ‘Mata/Physies Teacher St. Helens High School (503) 366-7445 Jayg@sthelens.k12.0r.us

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