M A Haque S M Richardson G Saville Blowdown of Pressure Vessels I Computer Model

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APPENDIX 2 , BLOWDOWN OF PRESSURE VESSELS I. Computer Model M. A. HAQUE, S. M. RICHARDSON ¢tiom and G. SAVILLE, Deporiment of Chemical Engineering, peri College. London ‘A computer program called BLOWDOWN has been Blowdown of ese containing h (gas and Lau coped mich can be used to simulate the rapid depresuristion of carbons. The program can predic pressure, ud and vessel temperatures and mul-phase ‘compositions within the vesel and rate of efx Tram the vessel through the Blowdown choke or orice, alas Functions of time. Pipenork, both upsteam and dowastream ofthe choke, can be clude, a can fee Uguid water within the vesel, INTRODUCTION ‘The rapid depressurisation or blowdown of a vessel containing hydrocarbons, for example on an offshore oil or gas platform, is a common way of reducing the safety hazard associated with a process emergency. The blow- down itself is, however, also @ hazardous operation, the hazard arising principally because of the very low tem- peratures generated within the fluid in the vessel. For example, if vessel containing (gaseous) methane at 100 bara and 273K (0°C) is depressurised to I bara and there is no heat transfer between the methane and the vessel wall, the temperature of the methane in the vessel will fall isentropically to 112 K (161°C), which is sufficient for some liquefaction to occur. Ofcourse, there will in fact be heat transfer between the methane and the vessel wall which will prevent such a low temperature being reached, but the heat transfer will in turn reduce the temperature of| the wall. This reduction can then lead to problems involving materials of construction if the wall tempera- ture falls below the ductie-britle transition temperature of the steel from which the vessel is made. Low fluid temperatures can also lead to the formation of hydrates in cases where free (liquid) water is present in the vessel ‘A secondary hazard arises if there is significant liquid carry-over with the gas in the (usual) case of Blowdown from the top of a vessel. The carry-over can be of entrained liquid hydrocarbon from a pool under the gas in the vessel or, more commonly, of liquid droplets which have condensed out in the gas during the cooling which accompanies blowdown. Carry-over of a significant quantity of liquid can present considerable operational difficulties to a are or vent system designed to handle gas, alone. Motivated by the need to be able to predict precisely what happens when a vessel is blown down, a computer program called BLOWDOWN has been developed by the authors!. This paper gives a description of BLOW. DOWN. For the most general case of a vessel containing gas (plus suspended liquid droplets formed by condensa- tion), liquid hydrocarbon and free water (plus dissolved hydrocarbon), BLOWDOWN can be used to predict: ‘# the pressure in the vessel; ‘¢ bulk fluid temperatures and compositions; ‘¢ the amounts of each phase ‘» temperatures of the wall in contact with each phase in the vessel; ‘© the flow rate, temperature, composition and phase distribution of the efflux from the vessel through the blowdown choke. A second paper? gives a description of the way in which the program has been validated by comparison with large number of experimental measurements, most of which were made on a full-size vessel. It also gives a description of some case studies which illustrate typical practical applications of BLOWDOWN. Note, incidentally, that blowdown of a vessel must be distinguished from blowdown of a pipeline since there is a significant pressure drop within the latter but not within the former. An extension of the BLOWDOWN program hhas been developed which can be used to simulate

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