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1. What role did the military play in shaping the economy of Brazil?

Military dictators ruled Brazil for two decades and through their rule they
emphasized economic growth and the military generals supported foreign investment.
They also began to build huge developments in the Amazon jungle. Although because
of military rule wages were cut back which caused a decline in standard of living. When
people protested the military jailed, tortured, or even killed them. Then in the early
1980s military dictators decided to open up the political system.
2. What were some of the positive benefits of one-party rule in Mexico?
Trying to improve lifestyle for peasants and works, carrying out land reforms,
promoting labor rights, nationalized the Mexican oil industry, kicking out foreign oil
companies, and creating a state-run oil company.
3. What effect did the Falklands war have on the military government in Argentina?
Because the military suffered a defeat against the United Kingdom they felt
disgraced and agreed to step down. In 1983 a man named Raul Alfonsin was elected in
the countrys first free elections in 37 years.
4. Review the chart of Population Living in Poverty
[A] In which three countries of Latin America is the percentage of people living in
poverty the lowest?
[B] In which three countries is the poverty rate highest?
5. After reading this excerpt, in your opinion, has the military dictatorships in L.A.
nations been bad or good for the nations' growth? Explain your answer in two
paragraphs [minimum].
I feel like the military dictatorships in L.A have been bad for the nations growth.
When military dictatorships were in charge of Brazil they froze wages and cut back on
social programs which resulting in a decline of standard of living. Whenever people
protested the government would increase censorship and not only jailed government
opposes but also killed or tortured them. Also, because of military dictatorship Brazil
experienced a bad recession in the early 1980s.
In Argentina after Peron was driven into exile military rule began to emerge and
take control over Argentina as well. They established a brutal dictatorship and hunted
down opposing politicians. Torture and murder was very common in Argentina during
military rule and several thousand citizens were kidnapped by the government. They
also allowed Argentina to go to war with the United Kingdom over the Falkland Islands
which did more damage than good. Allowing military rule over a country is a bad idea
and does not do well for the nations growth.

a. Brasilia-new capital of Brazil moved from Rio de Janeiro. Built by Kubitschek.
b. Land reform-Breaking up large estates and distributing that land to peasants.
c. Standard of living- level of material comfort. Because of the Military dictators in Brazil
their SOL was decreasing rapidly. Cutting wages and unemployment rate is high.
d. Recession-A slowdown in the economy. In the early 1980s Brazil experienced a
recession under the rule of military dictators. Because of the recession they opened up
the political systems which allowed people to vote openly and freely. Allowed Jose
Sarney to be elected.
e. PRI- Main political party. Stands for Institutional Revolutionary Party. Controlled the
congress and won every political election. In 2000 Mexican voters ended PRI rule after
71 years by electing a man named Fox who wanted to reform the police, root out
political corruption, end the rebellion in Chiapas, and open Mexicos economy to a freemarket.
f. NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement. Salinas signed it (Mexico) which
removed trade barriers between Mexico, the United States, and Canada.
g. Nationalization of an industry-process of taking a private industry or private assets
into public ownership by a national government or state
h. Welfare state- A state that offers many social programs with broad popular appeal but
limited freedoms. Argentina became a Welfare state under the rule of Peron.

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