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Bronte School

Headmasters Newsletter 21
28th November2014
Bluewater may well today be in the mayhem of Black Friday,
but on Wednesday its malls echoed to the sound of Brontes
Junior Choir. Miss Walshs rehearsals and her tremendous
encouragement and direction for the members of the choir a
flagship for the school paid off admirably and the Christmas
carols and anthems were much enjoyed by shoppers and by
the many parents who came to support

Looking Ahead
Week 13
Wed 3rd December

Year 5 and 6 visit to

Kent Life (part of
history studies on the

Fri 5th December

Pyjama Day
Pamper Night
Bronte Friends. Starts
at with welcoming
drink at 6.45pm.

Week 14
Mon 8th December

Refreshments served afterwards. During the service,

there will be a collection
for St Georges Church
Tower Fund, the Salvation
Army and Gravesham Food

As part of the starting Christmas atmosphere, the school's

splendid Victorian postbox is now in the front entrance. This is
used for delivery of Christmas cards to children and to staff. In
the case of children, Bronte Christmas Postal Services request
that the Year Group be added to the child's name.
I am delighted to congratulate 3 members of Year 4 who today
were given Silver Stars. These are awarded to children who
show particular responsibility and commitment, and are a
special part of Bronte life. Very well done to Charlie Gard,
Ananya Gopalakrishnan and Mansimran Clare.

Wednesday 10th/Thursday 11th

2.00pm Infants 7.00pm

Fri 12th December

Christmas Disco
5.00pm to 6.00pm Infants
6.30pm to 8.30pm Juniors

A further hearty plug now for that great forthcoming event,

the Pamper Night. All the therapists are now lined up, and
much effort is going in to making it a really special night. So, it
just may be a night for fathers to look after children, while
mums indulge..... do register your place with school office!
(Friday 5th December).
Many congratulations to the 15 members of Year 5 who today
were given their entry level arts award certificates. This was
based on work done in Years 4 and 5.

7.00pm Christingle
Service, St Georges

Wishing Tree
1 on sale
from Monday

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