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Cuba Today

By: Hayley and Eric

Cuba Rejects America

Cuba had began the path to Democracy, but

Castro had taken over and put in place a
military government similar to that seen in

Cuba Rejects America

On January 3, 1961, The US cut off all trade as

well as contact with Cuba. Shortly after this
Cuba officially sided with Russia.

Bay of Pigs
Bay of Pigs happened on April 17, 1961.
A US backed group of Cuban exiles invaded
The invitation was given the go ahead by
President John Kennedy.

Bay of Pigs
There was no air
support given.
The landing was a
The invaders were
no match for the
Cuban military.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban missile crisis
came as a result of the
Russian communists
wanting to have missiles
that could strike the US in
case of a war.

Cuban Missile Crisis

As a result of the missile crisis, the US had set
up limited diplomatic relations, allows some
cubans to come to America.

In Poor Health Castro Announces His

Fidel Castro had emergency intestinal
surgery at the age of 81.
17 months after he released a statement
saying he was not healthy enough to
complain again.

In Poor Health Castro Announces His

In January, 2008 Fidel and
Raul Castro were re elected.
In February, 2008 after 49
years of power Fidel Castro
announced his retirement.

Cuba begins to win small freedoms

Cuba had begun to loosen its restrictions on
the people in order to increase its standing in
the new day. The UN began a crackdown on

Cuba begins to win small freedoms

The restrictions on private farming were
reduced in order to increase the amount of food
in the nation. The UN can also inspect the
nation at will.

Cuba Takes Possible Steps Toward A

New Leader Not Named Castro
April 19, 2011 Cuba
made a significant
change to its leadership.
It only took 50 years.
Jose Ramon Machado
was appointed to the
second- highest position
in the Communist Party.

Cuba Takes Possible Steps Toward A

New Leader Not Named Castro
Large changes were
soon being made in
October, 2011 buying
and selling cars became
Raul Castro started to
allow Cubans to go into

Cuba Takes Possible Steps Toward A

New Leader Not Named Castro
December, 2011 the
pardoned 2,900
86 of the prisoners
were foreign.
This happened in
part to Machado

Pope visits Cuba

The pope had visited Cuba, the first papal visit
in 14 years. This opened up the possibility for
the freedom of the people.

Pope Visits Cuba

During his visit, he had promoted the freedom
of the people. He had a gathering of over
200000 people at a mass.

Exit Visa Requirement is Dropped

October 16, 2012 the
government announced in
2013 Cubans will no longer
be required to have exit
visas when leaving the
Promised by President Raul
Castro in 2011.

Exit Visa Requirement is Dropped

As of January 13, 2013 Cubans would be
able to leave the country on vacation on
They would only need a passport and a visa
at their discretion.

Cuba and US Relations

Cuba had released a US prisoner that was
being held in Cuba for 3 years. This then
prompted the Obama to want to open trade
with Cuba.

Cuba US Relations
The Releasing of the Man had came after 18
months of secret talks between Cuba and the
president. The pope also helped in freeing the

How might the relationship between Cuba and

the U.S. be changing? In your opinion, is this
good or bad?
The relationship between the US and Cuba is improving
slightly, and this could be good for Cuba to take steps
towards freedom of its people. This may be different for
America, as it could possibly cause many people to
immigrate from Cuba to America in a large amounts.

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