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What is Wallenberg's Syndrome?

Wallenbergs syndrome is a neurological condition caused by a stroke in the vertebral or posterior inferior
cerebellar artery of the brain stem. Symptoms include difficulties with swallowing, hoarseness, dizziness,
nausea and vomiting, rapid involuntary movements of the eyes (nystagmus), and problems with balance
and gait coordination. Some individuals will experience a lack of pain and temperature sensation on only
one side of the face, or a pattern of symptoms on opposite sides of the body such as paralysis or
numbness in the right side of the face, with weak or numb limbs on the left side. Uncontrollable hiccups
may also occur, and some individuals will lose their sense of taste on one side of the tongue, while
preserving taste sensations on the other side. Some people with Wallenbergs syndrome report that the
world seems to be tilted in an unsettling way, which makes it difficult to keep their balance when they

Is there any treatment?

Treatment for Wallenberg's syndrome is symptomatic. A feeding tube may be necessary if swallowing is
very difficult. Speech/swallowing therapy may be beneficial. In some cases, medication may be used to
reduce or eliminate pain. Some doctors report that the anti-epileptic drug gabapentin appears to be an
effective medication for individuals with chronic pain.

What is the prognosis?

The outlook for someone with Wallenbergs syndrome depends upon the size and location of the area of
the brain stem damaged by the stroke. Some individuals may see a decrease in their symptoms within
weeks or months. Others may be left with significant neurological disabilities for years after the initial
symptoms appeared.

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