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Transplantations- und Infektionsimmunologie
Prof. Dr. Martina Sester
Prof. M. Sester, Universittsklinikum des Saarlandes, D-66421 Homburg

To the
Prof. Dr. Anh Tuan Dinh-Xuan and
Prof. Dr. Vito Brusasco
The European Respiratory Journal

Institut fr Virologie
Fax: 06841-16-21347
66421 Homburg/Saar


TBNET consensus document by Bumbacea et al.

Dear Prof. Dinh-Xuan, dear Prof. Brusasco,

following the email conversation on the 8 th of December with my colleague Prof.
Christoph Lange, we are now happy to submit our manuscript entitled The risk of
tuberculosis in transplant candidates and recipients: A TBNET consensus
statement for consideration to be included in the review series on tuberculosis in
the European Respiratory Journal.
This management guideline was written by an international panel of experts in the
field of transplant tuberculosis from Europe, the USA and South Africa and
summarises current knowledge on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of
tuberculosis related to solid organ and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The
manuscript provides an in depth overview on the topic and a consensus by leading
experts in the field.

page 2 of 2
The manuscript is of similar length as the previous TBNET consensus statements
(Mack et al 2009 and Solovic et al 2010) and we hope that citation will be as
All 21 authors certify that the manuscript is not being considered for publication
elsewhere, and all authors have read the manuscript and approved its submission.
Please note that the submission website allows entering 20 authors only. Dr. Anoma
Nellore (Harvard Medical School) should also appear in the list of authors as outlined
in the list on the first page of the manuscript file.
We hope that you find our manuscript of interest for publication in the tuberculosis
series of the European Respiratory Journal and we are looking forward to your reply.
With best regards and good wishes for a happy New Year 2012,
Martina Sester, PhD

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