Midterm Jeopardy Questions

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Midterm Jeopardy Questions

100- The Spanish who desired wealth and the spread of Christianity in the New World were called?
200- Which area of the New World did the French most heavily influence?
300- The exchange of animals and crops between Europe and the New World was known as?
400- What animal not native to the New World had an impact on the battles between Native
Americans and Europeans?
500- What is credited with killing a majority of Meso-American tribes after the arrival of
Christopher Columbus?
Colonial America
100- What was William Penn credited with founding?
200- What was the major cause of the French and Indian War?
300- Which colonial region had the most diversified people and economy?
400- Name the 3 areas of the world that were involved in Triangular Trade?
500- What was the purpose of the Navigation Acts passed by the British Parliament?
American Revolution
100- The first battles of the Revolutionary War were fought where?

200- How did the Boston Massacre affect the relationship between G.B. and the colonies?
300- What is the significance of the battle of Yorktown?
400- Why was the battle of Saratoga considered a turning point in the war?
500- Besides a call for independence, what did the Declaration of Independence contain
regarding the King?
American Government
100- Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government didnt have the power do
what to the states?
200- What/who makes up the Judicial Branch?
300- Name a right guaranteed under the First Amendment.
400- According to a representative democracy, who holds the power?
500- What principle ensures that one branch does not have more power than the other?
Important Figures
100- The actions of Peter Zenger and the court case that followed were an important step
forward for what freedom?
200- In Thomas Paines Common Sense, what did Paine call for the American colonies to
300- John Locke and other Enlightenment philosophers believed what about the
400- This man founded the colony of Georgia for debtors to get a fresh start.
500- Name 1 thing that George Washington warned us about in his Farewell Address.

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