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ramaoia [UVa Nal -Media Hess Ups Relig Stone Seal Asst Arete du Emily Ronda Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 4:44 PM To:, Ce: "Lampkin, Patricia (pmi)" Hi Mr, McCance and Mr. de Bruyn, Vice President Lampkin wanted me to let you know about an upcoming article in Rolling Stone that will address campus sexual assault culture and will focus on U.Va, t've been contacted by a reporter who wants to do a long-form article on campus culture, and wants to use U.Va, ‘as a jumping off point for that discussion. She wants to speak primatily with survivors, so | do not anticipate her reaching out to any office for official comment. Ive been talking to her and focusing her in on positive people to speak with, Please let me know ifyou have any further questions, concerns or advice going further in contact with her! Best, Emily Emily Renda University of Virginia 440 627 8893 MeCance, Charles MeGregor (cmm8vg) ‘Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 4:55 PM To: "Renda, Emily J. (ejr6nt)" Ce: “’ , “" , "Lampkin, Patricia Marie (pmi)" Thanks as abvays ‘Sent from my iPhone {voted texthdten) ‘wip google comin o-28ik=¥ dG Tdedviow=ptqrRolingS20Stnetes-enescarcha query te A HOebe3972047Rin= 4 AOSBAISTION.. Mt revo [UVa Dail A Question abou Tie 1x NURSITY Emily Renda A Question about Title IX ‘7 messages Katlyn Williamson Wed, Nov 19, 2044 at 7:29 PM Too ; This is Katlyn Alley (now Williamson) ffomn Jeff Soc. | wanted to reach out to you because | couldn't think of person more qualified to answer a question of mine than yourself. Like the rest of the UVA community, I read the Rolling Stones article today. Most of the article was sadly not news to me, but in my discussion of the article tonight, [had a question, ‘The atticie discussed how Title IX requires schools to give victims the three options of going to the police or the ‘other two in-house options. | found this very odd that a university is required to be capable of adjudicating this felony as distinc from all other ones that would be sent directly to @ police force without the same interests in the ‘outcome that a university may have. It comes across to me as providing an opportunity for universities to cover up crimes lke this. If one was to tell a high school teacher or administrator of such a crime, they would be required by law to report the incident because it was a crime, | find it odd that colleges are not held to the same standard and Instead are required and encouraged to put together a justice system of sorts that they are not designed to do. | guess what my real question here is whether 'm missing something in my understanding of these prooeedings that makes them more beneficial for a student than going to the cops may be. | know there is so much more to the issue than this, but because this was something | had no! thought about as much previously, it really stuck out to me. Any light you could shed in the area would be deeply epprectated. I hope you're doing well! Katlyn Williamson Emily Renda Thu, Nov 20, 2044 at 10:25 AM To: Katlyn Wiliamson Hi Katlyn! ‘Good to hear from you, | have quite a few things to say on this subject, but I'm a litle pressed for time at the moment-I could probably get on the phone later today around 6/6 or if you can give me tll the weekend I can probably write a more substantive response! Emily [uced teat Ndden} Emily Renda Project Coordinator Office of the Vice President for Student Atfirs | University of Vitginia Newcomb Hall, Stadent Activites Conter M19B | P: (410) 627 8893 tp: //worw.viegininedu/sexvalviolence/ PL ABeaPS6BMGD6BR cmt LTAIMGIE... 12 veo UVa Mall A Quastion stone Ti Katlyn Williamson To: Emily Renda Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 11:30 AM. | definitely don't want to stress you out when youre busy, so I can easily wait until the weekend, | appreciate you taking the time to respond, Katlyn Williamson [voted text hidden) Emily Renda ‘Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 9:55 PM To: Katlyn Williamson Hi Katlynt t'm going to try to break down my responses by just responding to your email as you wrote it! Ifyou have more follow up questions, I'm happy to field those too; ‘On Wed, Nov 19, 2074 at 7:29 PM, Katlyn Williamson wrote: {€uotod text hen] Emily Renda Project Coordinator lice ofthe Vice President for Stxlent Affis | University of Virginia ‘Newcomb Hall, Stodent Activities Center 149B | P: 410) 627 8695, hip: Awww vitginined/sexualviolence/ Emily Renda Wed, Nov 26, 2014 at 10:10 PM To: Kallyo Williamson Sorry it preempted me on the send ‘The article discussed how Title IX requires schools to give victims the three options of going to the police or the other two in-house options. + You are never picking police OR college-they are not mutually exclusive, They are actually designed to be parallel processes. The collage will delay its Tile IX investigation of a compiaint in order to allow for the police to investigate first, but the college will not wait to provide civil rights remedies while the courts move forward (criminal processes take significantly longer than the 60 day period required for ttle ix). Survivors are presented with ALL options -- using just school, using just police, or using both ~ it's entirely up to them, but they are never precluded from using one or the other. | ound this very odd that a university is required to be capable of adjudicating this felony as distinct from all other ‘ones that would be sent direcly to a police force without the same interests in the outcome that a university may have, + Title IX requires that universities adjudicate any form of sexual harassment (which they read to include sexual violence/rape/stalking/ipy) as a matter of civil rights, not as a felony. When adjudicated by a school, what a person is being accuised of is not a felony rape, but rather an abridgment of another student's fundamental right to an education. That also speaks to why the school and the police are supposed to ‘operate ideally as parallel processes if the survivor chooses, because the police deal with it as felony rather than sex discrimination civil rights violation, psa gogt saith 28 -Rolling420Stondus-tesench-qutryahoL Be Pr6BMGI6RBcini Dee... 2 snroia UVa Mil -A Question abot Tite IX It comes across to me as providing an opportunity for universities to cover up crimes like this. If one was to tell a high schoo! teacher or administrator of such a crime, they would be required by law to report the incident because itwas a crime. + High schools are actually ALSO required to investigate and provide the same types of remedies that colleges do under Title IX. The only real difference is that because high schools would see sex harassmentiviolence cases involving minors, its the fact that they are minors that requires mandatory police referral. | find it odd that colleges are not held to the same standard and instead are required and encouraged to put together a justice system of sorts that they are not designed to do. + The difference is one between criminal v. civil rights-~ "justice" and "remedy" | guess what my real question hore is whether I'm missing something in my understanding of these proceedings that makes them more beneficial fora student than going to the cops may be, + The benefit is that Title IX requires schools to offer restorative options (counseling, academic accommodations, no contact orders, etc), rather than purely punitive ones as the justice system does. Adidionally, t provides an avenue that covers a wide range of non-criminal betavior that is still considered sex discrimination that infringes on a student’ right to an education. For example--distibuting naked photos of someone without their consent is NOT criminal in virginia, whereas itis sanctionable under tile ix proceedings as “sexual explotation” Hopefully some of this helps! {uted tox hier} Katlyn Williamson To: Emily Renda Hey Emily, Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 3:16 PM | really appreciate you taking the time to do this. There is so much about this (pretty much everything about Titie 1X) that I did not know so your information was really eye opening, The whole separate part of dealing with this as ‘advil rights issue was not something | was aware that we were doing, but I'm glad to know we are. Its encouraging that we have people like you at UVa who know these things and care so deeply about the ‘community. Again, thank you so much for giving me such a helpful and detailed response. | knew you were definitely the petson to come fo with these thoughts. {uote text hen} Katlyn Williamson Emily Renda Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 4:16 PM To: Katlyn Williamson Thanks Katlyn! I you have any other questions I'm happy to help. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving! Emily [uote teat hidken} pss google comma ic28ik=!758d6aT3edview=ptq-Rollnp20Sioceepxmdseatch-query Bhs 4PeaASHASeSOSEsinI=14SCAAGSGI... iS iarrons Ua Mail -CD Opinion Cotas U quasi Emily Ronda CD Opinion Column 4 messages Faulders, Tom (Tom) (ctf2dx) Fri, Nov 24, 2044 at 10:02 AM To: "Renda, Emily J. (ejrSnt)* Emily, l reread your very good opinion piece that you posted in the Cavalier Daily last year (hitp:/www.cavalierdaily. com/article/2013/10/renda-sexual-violence-and-the-law-what-you-need-to-know). I was Wondering if you would be willing to let me include a link to it in a communication with alumni, Tom (¢.Thomas Falders, ML COL 71 University of Virgin Alumna Association (0) 4912139035 (9 703569-1700 PO. Box 0314 Charlottesville, Virginia 22906434 176 VARS OF SERVING ILVA. ALAIDINT Visit one cbt roatuanivirgininede Emily Renda Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 10:10 AM. To: “Faulders, Tom (Tom) (ctf2dx)" Hi Mr. Faulders, appreciate the note and | am glad you found it helpful. Please absoiutely include It in any communications you'd like. Also, if worth noting to alumni, | am also referenced in the Rolling Stone article, and it conveniently does not ‘mention that Pat Lampkin hired me to help with sexual misconduct, and I'm on staff here now. | think that might help acd a grain of salt perspective to the article. Let me know if ean be of any help. Thanks, Emily Sent from my iPhone (Cote text bison} ‘naps google comlsitai-2&ik=¥ 7S etelew-pg-Relings20Slonedastrwkserchagsery&th=14847e TEAS desi LARADTEHOSSIGS.. U2

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