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December 23, 2014

Dear Wilson Senior High School Community,

I am writing to inform you that Principal Cahall has resigned from DCPS, effective immediately. Assistant
Principal Gregory Bargeman will lead Wilson for the remainder of the year as Interim Principal.
As we look toward the future, I am eager to work with all of you students, parents, teachers, support
staff, and community members to identify an outstanding leader to help guide Wilson into the future.
Our first step in this process will be a community meeting, which we are working to schedule for midJanuary. This will be an opportunity for you to share your vision for Wilson, and identify the qualities you
feel are most critical for the schools next principal. In the interim, please do not hesitate to contact Dan
Shea (, Wilsons Instructional Superintendent, with any questions. He will be your
primary point of contact throughout this process.
I am confident that, together, we will identify an outstanding principal to help Wilson reach new heights.
Thank you in advance for your participation in this process and thank you for all that you do, each and
every day, to support Wilson.

Kaya Henderson

1200 First St re et , NE | W a sh i ng to n, DC 20002 | T 202. 442. 5352 | F 202. 442.5316 | www. dc ps. dc. gov

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