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i OFFICIAL WARHAMMER FANTASY BACTLE ARMY LIS by Nigel Stillman § Friends WARHAMMER ARMIES ‘Army Lit complle by Nig Silas, Ree Prey, Matt Comal Richard (Core Arti Chi Celingrwood Colour Plates: OE Gary chalk, @ Anges Fete Bad caleba ola Shields & Banners: Dave Andrews an Cooke. Sutin Biton Tin Polina Chris olson Job Seog Sd Army List Hlustrations: Paul Bonner, Russ Additional Ulustration: @ Paul Bonner, john Blanche, Tony Ackland, 1 Tony Hegugh. Bl hiss Nicholson Yl Dave Andrews, Petim Follaed, ey Bil Thoftehil cD Colin Dison, Hf Sid ov Adams, Mut Copplarene, Jor Goodin Aly Marzo, “Tait Merson, Bob Naiarth, Bb Oley, —< CONTENTS > wins Mataa ey Sample Arles rove by } Key Aang Dew Anion Bren Al Pe Tae INTRODUCTION ‘ saya sateen nnd sa ea nade capmen tomes SPECIAL RULES 5 Weapons & Armour (5); ; Points Costs (5) Al . Champions (5); Chaos @hwag Attributes (6); Army & DaCSEE Contingent Standards WoORcTop Gy Elven Wardances() acon! ‘War Altars (8); Hosts (8) ‘ioe mepeneunnt cies ceeenecene MAGIC 9 cpio a eigen Spell Generation (9): opiate Same Wakp al A e re Magic Points (9); Magic oem tego fe Wie Li Point cost charts (10); ‘ign Clas one of as Nt aA Summoning Daemons nd (12); Magical Attacks (12) ted by Gn 5 ap Earw Neb NOLOSHY MAGIC ITEMS CHARTS B itn nt USA Cd Magic Weapons (13); Comme ie Magic Missiles (14); Magic 2401 Base rane Baas MODI2D Armour (14); Magic Pred in god by Supls Printers Kenering Lina Standards (15); Magic cope ois ‘sm E7263 Instruments (16); Scrolls (16); Rings (16) SattetNC 5 Wi), LST WAR MACHINES Goblobber (17); Undead Plague Cart (17); Skull Crusher (17); Lead Belcher (17); Skeleton Stone Thrower (17); Undead Chariot (17); Repeating Bolt Thrower (18); Snotling Pump Wagon (18); C ‘War Machines (20) BESTIARY Black Ore (21); Boar Centaur (22); ‘Chaos Centaur (22); Giant Scorpion (23); Ki-Rin (23); Pegasus (24); Rat Ogre (24); Sabre-Toothed Tiger (25); Savage Ores (25); Temple Dog (26); Unicorn (26); War Boar (28); Wild Cat (28); Wolf Rat (28) DARK ELVES WOOD ELVES HIGH ELVES THE EMPIRE BRETONNIA CHAOS SKAVEN ‘orcs DWARES: SLANN UNDEAD. SELECTING YOUR ARMY THE LISTS CHAOS ALL DARK ELF HIGH ELF WOOD ELF UNDEAD HALFLING ORC TEAR-OUT Sheets; Fantasy referenct MERCENARIES & ALLIES CONTINGENT DWARF ALLY CONTINGENT ALLY CONTINGENT. ALLY CONTINGENT. ALLY CONTINGENT. FIMIR ALLY CONTINGENT OLD WORLDER ALLY CONTINGENT. ORC & GOBLIN ALLY CONTINGENT : PYGMY ALLY CONTINGENT SKAVEN ALLY CONTINGENT ALLY CONTINGENT ALLY CONTINGENT ZOAT ALLY CONTINGENT DWARF MERCENARIES GIANT & OGRE MERCENARIES, HALF ORC MERCENARIES HOBGOBLIN MERCENARIES NIPPON MERCENARIES MERCENARIES NORSE MERCENARIES OLD WORLDER MERCENARIES Unit & Character Record Template; Warhammer INTRODUCTION WARHAMMER ARMIES —=< WARHAMMER ARMIE The Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Lists have been long awaited by Warhammer players. We know this is true because Warhammer players keep writing to us at Games Workshop, asking us when the lists will be ready, and advising us about their contents. We, of course, have listened to these comments, ‘considered their implications, and incorporated the results into ny ideas were taken with player has a vested interest! B) Afterall, we mustn't forget the object of the Army Lists, which is toallow the speedy construction of balanced armies for fait and competitive play ‘The lists describe the varying compositions of the different Q) armies, encompassing such parameters as the number and types of characters, troops, machineries, and so forth. By means of the lists itis possible to work out armics ofa fixed points value, ‘which, when set against cach other, should result in battles where the outcome is decided by the players’ skill. Thisbalanced approach to the construction of armies opens the way t© ‘competitive Warhammer leagues run by local gaming groups. Army lists fulfil another important function, in thatthe existence Of alist defines the ‘personality’ of an army and the race forming. it, providing a useful template around which to build up 4 collection. The lists will guide the general's selection of models and hopefully provide some insight into painting and organising thearmy. Should you wish to pack your army, travel toa distant place, set up your troops on far flung table and challenge all comers to a Warhammer Fantasy Battle, now you can do so in the true and certain knowledge that even if the enemy cannot speak your language, they will probably be quite at ease about the composition of your army Warhammer games can be approached with varying degrees of strictness. The ‘purist’ approach is to use the Army Lists as ‘and to use the rules for scenery, ze Battle. Alternatively, the players may decide to allow a certain amount of leeway (if you let me use an extra level 25 Hero, Pillet you use your homemade Ore Ornithopter’). Scenery could be organised by discussion rather than random generation, with players using special buildings or terrain models, T be things like a monastery, a bridge over a massive river, a mountain pass and so on. Other mutually acceptable ‘modifications can also be introduced in this way. Players could even use troops or machines they have devised themselves, so Tong as all concerned. Army Lists are provided for the most popular nations, races and creatures. However, the authors are very conscious of ing missed out some very colourful and attractive armies, his is a shame, but unavoidable if we were to fit the lists, into the space available to us. Nor would we have been happy to have compromised on the art or the quality of the armies to ‘squeeze in’ more than we could handle. In particular, we would have liked to have included Nipponese and Norse lists, although both are available as “Mercenary” forces amongst other armies. No doubt these, and other armies, will be covered in detail in the future, pezhaps within the pages of White Dwarf magazine, of as part of a future supplement WARHAMMER ARMIES. —< SPECIAL RULES>— In designing the Warhammer Armies lists, we have made a few adaptions, and created a few new rules, to simplify the selection of armies, Read ll of the new and special rules before selecting your army. When using an army list, read all the text {nic-don’t assume that the introductory texts for each category in the lis s the same for each army - it varies according to the —< WEAPONS § ARMOUR >— ‘The lists specify combinations of armour and weaponry available (0 troops, including possible upgrades and extra ‘weapons in many cases, Players shouldn't feel overly restricted, in their choice of models. In the case of armour, for example, itis defined as either light or heavy - but in many cases the same ‘model might be wearing either, The appearance of armour docs not necessarily reflect its efficiency, and we might also imagine that armour is frequently covered by clothes. Similarly, 2 unit designated as wearing light armour may include a few models, ‘with no visible armour as well asa few with what couldbe heavy armour The important thing is thatthe player and his opponent both know that the unit is equipped with light armour; although itobviously helps if this is visually apparent. A unit designated as shielded may include a few unshielded models, but these should be kept to rear ranks where possible and removed as casualties first. Units may be equipped with javelins, darts and other throwing, ‘weapons without these being represented on the models. Bows, crossbows and other non-throwing missile weapons must be represented on at least 75% of the models in each unit {designated as carrying them. Additional hand weapons do not hhave to be represented by all models in a unit, but should be ‘carried by at least some. Double-handed weapons do not have tobe represented where a unit is equipped with a single handed, ‘equivalent, and so long as the weapon is suitably large and imposing- many two-handed weapons were carried into battle ‘one handed. ‘These guidelines have been formulated to make games easier to play -not to restrict players, or make them use specific models ‘The important thing is that all players know what armour and, ‘equipment troops have. So long as both sides are happy in this, respect, other restrictions are superfluous. Points Costs Where points values have been alloted to troops fighting in units, te value given represents the cost ofa single model. This ‘must be multiplied by the number of models in the unit to give the unit's points value. Additional points costs for optional, armour and weapon upgrades and so on are also given ‘per ‘model Where the lists specify ‘One unit may have’, one unit of that troop type may have the equipment indicated. tis not necessary that the same unit has all of the options listed, although it may do so where appropriate. Itis far better if the options are divided amongst several units; each unit having one of the options. So Tong as no more than one unit has each option the player is {in accord with the list ‘Where there isan option for upgrading armour, the points cost allows for the value of discarded armour already paid for in the basic cost. ‘Where different weapon options are given for a troop type, it is intended that the entire unit be equipped in identical fashion (units with mixed weapons are not acceptable, except where stated in the list; see WEB p83) Mounted Troops Profiles given in the lists for mounted troops have been simplified. Mounted movement allowance i given in the rider's profile and only the relevant characteristics are given in the profiles of riding animals which have their own attacks (ee WEB p63). Points for Elite Troops ‘The points values given in WEB for elites are not applied in these lists Instead, the points values for elites are reduced tO ‘encourage their use and to make them more cost-effective. The few modifiers are shown on the table below. ‘tite +1 42 +3 +4 Using this revised system, elites become very good value. However, armies remain balanced, because we have restricted the numbers of elites available, especially the more powerful types representing the meanest veterans. Equipment Costs For Characters “The points modifiers for characters’ weaponry and equipment as given in Warhammer Fantasy Battle no longer apply. Instead, characters now pay the same points as normal members ‘of their race. This amendment makes characters elavely more cost effective, and also enables their points values to be ‘calculated more easily. Ally and Mercenary Characters Models comprising an allied or a mercenary contingent do not affect the minimums and maximums for character models oF rank and file within the main army. All modelsin the contingent are drawn from the allowances given inthe ally and mercenary lists (p126-162), —< CHAMPIONS > Character models which serve as permanent unit leaders are called champions. Champions are a part of their unit and may not leave it, unlike associated characters. A unit may be led ‘byachampion of any race included in the army list. This means that a unit may sometimes be led by a champion of different race to the unit. In some instances a unit must be led by a ‘champion of the same race as the rest ofthe unit ora specified race. Such instances are indicated in the lists. (Champions are included in the unit’s numerical ttal-soa unit of 19 with a Champion isa unit of 20, for example. The presence of a Champion does therefore affect unit maximums. Special Troop Champions Most units of troops ae either normal warriors or elitestvies In these cases champion’s fighting ability andthe points cost is identical to an ordinary character model of that race. Some units of troops (eg, Berserkers,Falconers, Foresters, ec), hhave special abilities and cost more points Ia player wishes such a unit to have a Champion leader, he must pay the usual points cost for the troop type. This has not been included rr 3 Ps fa] FS a z = a a WARHAMMER ARMIES inthe lists themselves, as the same modifiers apply throughout. These are given below. Note that the Rombardier ability is only available to character models. Where charicters are permitted to become Bombardiers thisis indicated, and the points have already been added in the list. |A Wardancer unit (see below) may be led by a champion costing an additional + 12 points. Although characters may have more than 1 attack on their profile, this does not entitle them to more than 1 special attack. They may, of course, use all of the attacks ‘when fighting normally, Note that Skirmishers, Dwarf Slayers and Altar Guards (see Waar Altars below), cost no extra points. Champions have all the abilities of the troops, but pay no points. ‘There are some troop types where a champion would be inappropriate. These include troops which do not operate in tunits, of which hide in other units, such as Assassins, Goblin Fanatics, Kamikaze Suicide Bombers, Shapechangers and Skaven Plague Genser Carriers. In other cases troops normally operate in teams of two models, Teams organised into units may beled by a separate Champion, but because a single figure doesn't have the weapon castied by the teams, no extra points are paid. ‘The champion may still take over from a slain team member, helping to man a Skaven warp-firethrower for example. Chaos Attributes Several races are tainted by Chaos and may manifest chaotic atteibutes. Like spells, chaotic attributes have the potential (0 greatly influence the battle. There are several ways in which players may choose to use chaos attributes in the game, and this should be mutually agreed between the players before battle is commenced, 1. Both players may agree not to use chaos attributes at all Both players may agree to allow a fixed maximum of chaos attributes for each uniticharacter up to the maximum allowed for each race. 3. Either side may have the random number of chaotic attributes indicated for any of all ofits units or characters, 4. Aplayer using an army which includes provisions for chaotic attributes may always clect not to use chaotic attributes at all, This does not affect the opponent's right to use chaos attributes, Chaotic attributes should be generated before the game begins. This must be done in a manner not liable to accusations oF fixing’ Players may agree to trust cach other. Any player may insist that attributes are generated under the supervision of the GM. Where no thied party is available to oversee generation, attributes may have to be generated openly if players can agree fon no better course. Using Teams Some items of equipment require a crew of two models ‘organised into teams’ These are indicated inthe army lists, and include such things as Skaven warp-firethrower teams, Chaos Dwarf Bazukas, and $0 on. These teams may be orgainsed into formal units, each unit comprising 2 or more teams. So it would be possible, for example, to have a unit comprising of three Skaven warp: firethrower teams. These units obey all the normal rules for tunis, and itis assumed that one of the Skaven isthe unit's leader A character model may be alloxted to the unit as a champion ran independent character may assoctate with 2 unit duting the game if the player wishes. This will confer the usual Leadership bonus onto the whole unit Asan alternative to organising teams into units, individual teams may operate in a comparable way to individual heroes. Each team is then treated separately, although its two members must still remain in base-to-base contact with each other. The team ‘members may turn without movement penalty, move over difficult ground, move over obstacles and turn to face a charge exactly like character models (see WEB p92). The team may associate with a friendly unit in exactly the same way as a character, and is bound by the rules for joining, leaving and ‘associated characters given in WEB (p93). The team is also treated as a character for purposes of targetting, as described under the heading Character Models and Missile Fire in WFB (992) WARHAMMER ARMIES Army And Contingent Standards ‘All armies may have an army standard, Some ally or mercenary Contingents may have a contingent standaed, which is equivalent toan army suindardbut only recognised by the contingent (who, for their part, do not recognise the main army standard). The army or contingent standard should be suitably large and imposing, so that it can be easily distinguished from ordinary unit standards, It must also be carried by a character model other than the general, The standard bearer can be of any level (i, level 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25). Armyontingent standard bearers of lower levels (usually 5, 10 oF 15) do nor have to be unit champions asis the usual ruling in the lists, but they accompany the general instead. The cost of an army or contingent standard is 50 points and the points value of the character acting as standard-bearer is not doubled as stated in WEB. The general and accompanying army standard-bearer may associate with any unit in the main army. The contingent ‘commander and accompanying contingent standard-bearer may ‘associate with any unit in the contingent ‘Throughout this volume are numerous illustrated examples of banner designs - feel ree to use these as the basis of your own designs Special rules ad 1, ‘Thearmy/contingent standard should remain within base to-base contact with the general or contingent commander. If the general of a contingent commander is slain, the standard may associate with a unit, but will lose all ofits bonuses for the rest of the game (See below). An army/contingent standard functions exactly like ‘normal unit standard for the unit it accompanies (sce Standards). Ifthe unit also has its own standard, its close ‘combat resolution bonus of +1 is cumulative, so the unit, adds +2 t0 the number of casualties caused each round, 3. any friendly unit within 12" of the standard should rout, the player may take the test again. The result ofthis second testis final. 4. Ifany friendly unit within 12” takes a rally test, the unit may adda further + 1 toits Leadership score. As this usually include the general's bonus, the unit's Leadership may rise 10 10 - but no higher. If an army of contingent standard bearer is slain and the unit pushed back or routed, the standard may be captured in the same way as ordinary unit standards, Similarly, if the bearer is slain, but the unit wins the combat round, the standard may be passed on to another model. Army or contingent standards should be passed on to a character model and should only be passed into the care of cank and file troops if there is no other choice, The general or contingent commander may take up the standard, Ifan ordinary trooper carries the standard, it functions as normal, but any magical powers the standard may possess are suspended (see Magic pd). fan army standard falls, but is not captured, the Leadersbip Of the unit currently associated with it drops by -2 for the remainder of the battle. The Leadership and Leadership bonus of any character associated with the unit also drops by -2. This does nor affect the general’s position as army commander, even if his Leadership is now lower than that of another character. fan army standard is captured, the penalty is increased t0 -3. ‘This can only be cancelled by recapturing the standard, ‘The rules concerning Army Standards are given in WEB pl01-102, Ally and Mercenary Contingent Standards count in every respect as Army Standards, but only for their own contingent. Elven Wardancers Both the High and Wood Elf Armies include a new troop type the Wardancer. Special rules for these troops ae included here. \Wardancers are a unique form of warrior-roubadour. Elves are an agile race in general, but Wardancers are extremely nimble and athletic even by elven standards. They have mastered swift, acrobatic technique of close combat fighting, Wardancers cost 20 points per model. Special Rules: 1. Wardancers snore all movement penalties for armour, 2. Wardancers fight in troupes of 5-10 models. These troupes behave in exactly the same way as skirmishers (see WEB 100-101), with the following exceptions: A. Wardancers may ignore the restrictions placed on skirmishers with regard to weapons and armour. B. Wardancers do not have to run away when charged, and may charge as normal troops. 3. Wardancers suffer no penalties when engaged in the flank or rear - they do not have to take a panic test. 4. Once engaged with an enemy unit, Wardancers attack using ‘one of the following attack modes (players choice). With the exception of tnlerpenetration, all attack modes are treated abstractly. The Wardancer models are left in place, ‘no matter what acrobatic feats they are performing. The ‘opposing unit may fight back against any Wardancer models, in base-to-base contact. Concentrated Attack: Using their acrobatic prowess it is possible for the Wardancers in a troupe to concentrate up to six attacks on one model, More than one model may be attacked in this way, Interpenetration: By means of a standing leap or agile side- step, the Wardancer unit is able to move over an enemy unit ‘without entering hand-to-hand combat. The Wardancers may ‘move up to their charge distance, with no deduction for their feat. They may charge a unit by interpenetrating one in front if they wish. Only a single full rank of troops may be interpenetrated in this way, and there must be sufficient room behind the interpenetrated unit to position the Wardancers ‘Transfix: Whilst inhand-to-hand combat, the Wardancers may use a combination of mystic dance and song to transfix their opponents, while attacking normally. The enemy unit must make a WP test. If they fail, the Wardancers' rolls to hit and ‘wound are at +1, and the enemy unit's rolls to hit are at 1. The sransfixing only lasts for one turn, although there is nothing, to stop the Wardancers trying the same attack mode next turn. ‘Whirling Death: Ina frenzy ofbloodlust the Wardancers may double their number of attacks for one turn, They must continue attacking the same unit, with any attack mode except interpenetration, until all its members are dead. This could involve following 4 fleeing unit off the table. Distract: The Wardancers weave around their opponents, avoiding all attacks and making none. This results in an automatic “draw” for that turn, This attack mode can only be used against opponents with a Weapon Skill which is lower than or equal to the Wardancers’, This attack mode can be used for only three consecutive turns against any one unit. ‘Taunt: By use of insults and imaginative gestures the ‘troupe’ ‘may force an enemy unit to charge them. The enemy must be within their normal charge distance of the ‘troupe’ and may make a Cl test to resist the urge to charge the Wardancers ‘Normal Attack: Ifthe player wishes, the Wardancers can attack as normal troops. Wardancers pursuing enemy troops may only make normal attacks w | es = Pe: a I ao = i) iran me ity WARHAMMER ARMIES War Altars Many of the lists allow for the inclusion of a War Altar. These are small portable altars carried onto the battlefield and guarded by units of religious fanaties. War altars usually contain or incorporate holy relics. These relics take the form of bits of revered saint's bodies, ritual objects, idols, totems, holy texts and so on. The presence of a war altar on the battlefield confers psychological advantages to the army and raises the confidence ‘of the troops. Special Rules: 1. Waraltarsare carried and guarded by 2-5 religious fanatics, known as altar guards, These altar guards defend the war altar with theit lives, and are immune to ll psychology and, rout tests while within 6” of the war altar. When carrying, the war altar, the altar guards’ movement allowance is, reduced by half 2. Allfriendly troops within 12” of the war altar receive +1 to theit hand-to-hand combat resolution score. This is in addition to any bonuses they may have for standards. 3. Allffiendly troops within 12” receivea +2bonus to their Leadership, up to 2 maximum value of 10. 4. I the war altar is captured or desecrated (all altar g slain and enemy troops are in base-to-base contact with, the altar), all friendly troops within 12” must make an immediate rout test 5. A war altar may be mounted on a wagon to increase its ‘mobility. Wagon mounted altars retain their psychological effects but are treated as wagons (see WFB p118-121) 6, War altars cost 50 points, Hosts Hosts are packs of beasts, chaotic creatures or ethereal beings ‘which have been magically bound before a battle. Only a wizard, or group of wizards, may magically bind a host in this way. ‘might be creatures drawn forth from the local environme ifethereal beings, they might be the shades of long dead warriors tunable to rest until they have fulfilled some ancient oath or obligation. Binding a host uses up a portion of a wizard's magic points, these cannot be replenished by resting before the game begins. Several wizards may ‘club together’ in order to accumulate enough magic points to bind a host. ‘There are three types of host: monstrous, chaotic and ethereal. Monstrous hosts are made up of creatures. A monstrous host ‘must be organised into units of up to 20 creatures. It is not essential that all creatures in 2 unit are of the same type, but ifthe host includes more than one creature of type, they should ‘be organised imo the same unit, oF into as few units as possible ifthere are more than 20 creatures. Monstrous hosts do not need leaders, they are magically bound and motivated; they are still subject to the usual leadership, rout and other tests. Refer to WEB p24l for rules concerning the binding and use of a monstrous host, Chaotic hosts are made up of creatures of Chaos. Only aChaos Sorcerer is able to bind a chaotic host. As with the monstrous host, creatures of the same type should be organised into che samé unit, or intoas few units as possible if there are more than 20 creatures. A Chaotic host does not need to be led; itis still Subject to the usual leadership, rout and other tests. Refer to WEB p251 for rules concerning binding and use of a chaotic host. Ethereal hosts are made up of ethereal creatures. Units of ethereal troops always contain the same kind of ethereal ‘creature. Creatures of one kind must be placed in a single unit ofbetween | and 20 models where possible. Ifa host includes more than 20 models of one kind they may be divided into two units as required, if more than 40 they may be divided into three units and so on. An ethereal host does not need to be led. Refer to WFB p263, for rules concerning binding and use of an ethereal host. ‘Only wizards from the main army, not those from allied contingents or mercenary groups, may bind hosts. This is because allied wizards are unwilling to sacrifice the amount of personal magical power that is needed to bind 2 host. ‘The special rules that follow have been designed so that magicand swirards can be used in a competitive way, without compromising either game balance of good generalship. Many of these rules change those given in Warhammer itself, in which players are invited to Set their own limits on the amount of magic they wish to employ. ‘Whilst it is entertaining to fight games between hordes of magicians and their Daemonic allies, t would be unreasonable to use such forces in competitive games. Where players wish to mect and fight fon an equal footing, army lists provide 2 vital yardstick by which Srmies can be compared” We have therefore chosen to limit both the number and effectiveness of wizards: although they are none the less a vital part of any force. Wizards ‘The number of wizards permitted to an army varies from list to list For example if you have an Orc & Goblin army you can have up to 5 goblinoid wizards. Some armies are more favoured than others ‘in this respect, reflecting the relative magical ‘accomplishments of the various races. Magic In Warhammer Spells are powerful weapons’ withthe potential greatly wo influence the course of a battle. The availability of particular spells is “Ecpendent upon the volatile nature of magic itselr Maple permeates for existence. Itebbs and flows, weaving ts way through the rerchanging multiverse. This ow of mage is called the magical fax, and i isin a state of constant change, sometimes itis trong, Somtimes weak, varyingin intensity from place to place and time fo time. Wizards are able to perceive and manipulate the magical, flux, bot tey, n their rn, will ind thelr own powers waxing ot traning upon the general tide of magic: The sate of the magical Tx determines whch spells magicians are able to ext, We represent {hs by generating spells before the battle as described later Spells ‘When sing Warhammer Armies, the numberof spells available to each level of wizard is 35 follows Character | Magic | Number of spells at level feel det | 38k 5 1 a | o]o]o 10 1 6 | o | 0 | o 5 2 6 | 3 | 0 | o 20 3 6 | 3 | 3 | o 25 4 6 | 3 {3 | 3 Spell Generation Each wizard’s spells must be randomly generated before the game begins, This should be done by preparing a Wizard Record Sheet (page 167) for each wizard, Each wizard'sspellsare then generated in turn and writien down together with other details, such as ‘remaining magic points and magic level. Ifa GM or other unbiased party is present, he should oversee all dice rollin. Ifnot, then players nay agice to trust each other, or may oversee each other's dice rolling if preferred. All spells are generated randomly from the Spell Table (sce p10), Except where specifically noted in the army lists, spells should be generated from the appropriate level of the Battle Magic chart. For Example, a wizard with a character level of 15 generates 6 spells from level 1 and 3 spells from level 2 Most wizards are allowed to generate spells from the Elemental, Daemonig, Illusionist or Necromantic chars instead of Battle Magic WARHAMMER ARMIES spells from each of the levels available to him. This does not affect the total number of spells the wizard has, but merely substitutes spells of a different type. Where wizards are permitted 10 use Elemental, Daemonic, Illusionist or Necromantic spells, this is indicated in the army lists. Players should note that the word ‘substitute’ refers to the choice of table from which the spell is generated, it does not mean that an already generated spell may be swapped! for a dice oll on another chart Tes not acceptable to change a spell once it has been generated Duplicate Rolls Ifa wizard generates a spell aleady generated by a previous rol the player may choose any spell from that list. Por example, wizard fencrating a level 2 Battle Sagi spell might roll up ste Mist, Fhe then generstes another Myst Mis spel Ne may disregard the roll, choosing any other level 2 battle Mage spell instead. Mutually Limited Magic Some players may prefer to ighta conventional actical atte with 2 minimal numberof wizards Players may therefore mutually agree colimit tbenumbe of wizards, or number or types of sels, valle forthe purposes ofa battle. This wil result ina game more typial ‘ofa medieval bate, in which manoeuvre, tactics and the Highting qualities of troops will determine the victor 1, Players may agree to fight using spells no higher than a pre- ‘determined level, For example, players may agree to fight with, ‘only evel I spells levels | and 2, or levels 1, 2and 3. Obvious ‘the maximum level of spell allowed will influence a player's choice of wizards for the game. 2. Players may also agree to fight using only Bartle Magtc, restricting the corpus of magic available to wizards of both sides. 3. Players may also agree to fight using an agzeed number of ‘wizards of one or more specified levels (up to the maximums given in the list) 4. Players may also agree to fight without any wizards a all Players may combine any restrictions should they wish. For example {wo sides might agree to fight with maximum of a single wizard per side, using Battle Magic only, with up to level 3 spells. Magic Points Players should note thatthe magic poiats cost of many spells has been changed to reflect more accurately the effectiveness of the spells Players should note down the new magic points cost in their ‘Warhammer books WARHAMMER ARMIES 7 Blemental Spells LEVEL 1 LEVEL 1 ‘Spell MPs | | ioe [Number Spell Me ‘Aura of Resistance 1 } jon] ea ‘Assault of Stone 3 ‘Cause Animosity 2 | eee ‘linding Flash 2 Gare Light Injury i 2533 £13 | preathe Underwater | I Dispiit Ei 3044) Era | "Glows of smoke a Enthuse 2 a555| E15 Mand of Fire 1 Fre Bal i 3e06| E16 "hide 5 ight 1 ©) Sar| By Magic Light i Hammethand 2 | 3888) era | walkon Wace 2 Ignite Mises i a5.00| £19 | ward of Arrows 2 Immanity rom Poison | 1 aa = eg Breaking 1 ey ict Water 2 LEVEL 2 Steal Mind 2 ~ strength of Combat | 1 ‘Dive | Number Spell MPs Wind Blast, 2+110 aa aoe r poe £22 Cause Rain 4 - = : E23 Clap of Thunder 5 LEVEL 2 toa | “Eatingulsh Fire i 53 Move Object 3 ‘D100 [Number ‘Spel MPs Be art Water i voy] 221 | amotPrecion | 1 ey | Rest Fie 3 Osta | B22 Cause Frenzy 2 Be | ce ; | | 120] B25 Gite Hatred 2 Z | | 2020] B2a ‘Cause Pantie 2 | | 2r33| Bas Lightning Bol i || 3440] B26 Menu Beck 3 LEVEL 3 eas ‘Mystic Mis 3 ae 48-54 | B28 Rally 2 ee Spell = | 5561] B29 Raze 2 FP oonm] es. | mansh tiemenat | 10 6268] nzio smash i iza2| £32 | Become Eineriat 7 | eos] peu Stampede 4 333| 63 Dreathe Fire to | Seat] sei Steaehast 4 Siaa| Ea | create Quictand | 9 | 2287) 8213 | steatMagieal Power | 3 i535| #35 | “Crumble stone 5 8653| B21 | “Nonex of Chaos a So0o| 536 Dust Storm 3 [Lotoo] 8215 | zonetorSancttary | 2 Gr | Bo Flame Sheet i = Sass | E38 Poul alr 3 ———— 89-00 | _E3.9 ‘Storm of Magic 8 a LEVEL 3 - | pi00 [Nomber Spell MPs : LEVEL 4 0107] B31 | Animate Sword | +100 soe ‘Spat maintain] ae = | | 0814 | 932 | arrow tnvutnerabay |" 2 orn | eat Animate Water 16 _| i520 233 | dtusecowarty tige | 6 || t222| E42 | Dispeltlemenat | 24 | 236) B33 Cause Fear 5 2333| G13 | Hedge orthoms | 4 | 2753| 855 | catse Stupidity 2 3343| E42 | stmmom element | 18 340| B36 | cloakofbiruness | 6 4555| £45 [summon Elemental Howde| 30 aay | B37 ‘Corrode 5 5606| E16 |” "summon swarm @ 4854| B38 | Create Magical Bog | 10 Sor] ES | aempest ot Magic | 35 $561 | B39 |cuneorarrowAantaction| 6 ee Be | meee eee: | i 6268] Baio Dispel Aura 1 3500] E19. ‘wall shaker is oss | Bsr Dispel Magic 3 = Seat | nse Thiele 3 a287| B33 | Magic Bridge 3 | S853) ain ‘Transfer Aus 9400 | 83:15 Nonpa Hurricane of Chaos LEVEL 4 | pico [Number Spell | [over] ps1 | Accetermte Time || 0814] B42 | aur of tnvulnersbility : 3 Blast Bid | change Allegiance B45 | Confound Mechanism Big | “Care severe Wound Ba? ‘Druin Magi Bie | Enchant Weapon Bio nanglement Baio etd Cloud | 6905| Ban Hurricane (| Seat! Ben tavine (| azar) Bi seana Sut 8553 | BLL | serength of Mind 9400| B15 | Zone of Magica immunity WARHAMMER ARMIES Daemonic Spelis Illusionist Spells LEVEL TEVEL 1 ‘ido [Rimber Spall ie i06 [Namiber Spall is 0120] Dil | —ind Dacmon > zwe a 335 | Bre | ipeltener Daemon | 7 ora0] iia] Assume tuson , itgo| Biz | P&immonfamiae” | 2 seael na | epeaanee 1 G80) Bia | Simmer seed i aio] m2 peer Fo ‘ BG eS a 2 orso| m4 ‘Clone Image oe 100 | m5 | create musionary ter | “3 TEVEL 2 Divo [Namber Spall Mie a 0120] D2i |Seop-Daemonic leading] 3 | 3140 | Bas [S°%semmon teergy | 3 D109 [Number ‘Spat 3120 | Bes. [summon tener Betnons| 5 MET ones aes Grso | Dai "Summon Nagical Nd | r3s| 122 | Conound toe 3 2 ae of Daca : BB | HES | mustometBuings | 2 ee ——SSS 5066} 124 | tasion ot woods | “Sper | TEVEL3 ee 6783| 125 | chosty appearance | °'3 1100 | Namber Spell Mes sito] 2 winaeate : 0425 | B31 | Dagel Daemon Horde | 10 533| BB2 | Pee eerie, - 2052 | B33 |sumrlon Daemon Horde] 25 LEVEL 3 3:23] B33 [Stmon Gefen L_< sae aa = 0125] 134 | —tksion of Eoemy | 6 LEVEL 4 630] 2 | on of at [kaa eee Mie ‘appeseanee 6 300 | 3175| 133. | vnweRti Contusion | § 0125| Ds | Dispel Greater Daemon | 10 335 3 | Orne é 3635] BEd [Simon ener Bacmen| | 33 3153 | Bis [Summon oat Power" | 3:03| Bad | “Bacmoncrort | _ 30 TEVE. 4 = iGo [Nomber Spat Mee : [nee A aortas | 8 MS sos 12 | Musiod of Anny b 13 | musigeotbaeess | 13 LEVEL 1 ia "epor » i00 |Nomber Spall Me 0120] Nit | Reto Uadead | 2 Sao | Ato | Riangbe pes 323 | 813. | shtmon Undesa Pre-battle Casting Champion 3 Tic winds pecmsteed 5 ears epee ose toce era0| sig | summon Selcons | 3 tee begins Fe fall pols se Sect forte spel and sri] StS | Sw yone ore 3 are ea TEVEL2 = fa NZI | Conwol Undead Mea | Eattnd Gboncor M3 | ‘mngorbun | Na | stoppin N25 _ [summon Undead Hero (L15) LEVEL 3 ‘pi00 | Number Spell 0425] N31 | Annibilate Undead 26:50 N32 Tife in Death | | 5175] N33 Raise Dead 36.00 | _N3i_|summon Skeleton Horde} LEVEL 4 100 | Number Spell 0125] Ni1 | Cue of Undeath 2650) Ni2 | summon Undead Hero (L25) bits | Né3 "fra! Conteol 36-00| Naa Wind of Death WARHAMMER ARMIES Summoning Daemons “These new rues govern a wizards ability wo summon Daemons ‘They have been designed to allow gamers playing competitive bates to make use ofthe Dacmon summoning spells given in the main rile Book ‘These rules apply tothe following spells: Summon Lesser Daemon, Summon Daemon Horde, Summon Greater Daemon. and Daemonic Portal. They do not apply to other dacmonic summoning spells such as Summon Famitiar and Summon Energy 1 A.wizard wishing to cast one of the summoning spells listed above mus fist draw a pentagram around himsell. The player ‘must declare he is drawing a pentagram dung hisside's magic phase. He may do nothing else during the phase, including, ‘maintaining or casting other magic. 2. Acard cut-out pentagram (sce the tear outs at the back of the ‘book) should be placed under the wirard model. Alternatively the player may simply declare the wizard has drawn a entigram. The wizard must remain stationary inbis pentagram Until he begins the summoning spell (which he may do in any of his following magie phases). If the wizard moves or casts other magic the pentagram is destroyed. 3. Ifthe wizard receives a wound before the summoning takes effect, the pentagram is destroyed. If any model moves within the pentagram (within 1” of the wizard) or any magic is cast against the wizard, the pentagram is destroyed. 4. Assuming the pentagram is not destroyed, the wizard may cast his summoning spell during any of his side's following magic phases. Once the spell has been cast, the player must roll a D6 .on the demonic response chart given below DE ROLL RESULT 1 | Daemons do not appear. Wizard is sucked into the daemonic voids (killed), 2 | Daemons do not appear. Pentagram destroyed. 3 | Daemons do not appeat. 4 | Daemons appear but stay for DG turns only. After this they vanish 5 | Daemons appear but stay for D6 +3 turns only After this they vanish, 6 _| Daemons appear 5. Ifthe Daemons do not appear during the magic phase in which they are summoned, the wizard may either give up the spell, (ia which case the pentagram is destroyed) or try again in his following magic phase. No further magic points are required in order to make a second or subsequent attempt. However, ifthe pentagram is destroyed whilst the wizard is trying © summon, he is automatically sucked into the daemonic voids ‘where his soul is given 28 a plaything to the servants of the abyss. The model may be removed from play Magical Attacks Daemons, Elementals, and Ethereal creatures can only be affected by magical attacks In addition to those creatures whose atacks Count as magieal, and weapons with magical attacks the following Points should be noted 1. _Allatacks resulting from spells are considered to be magical attacks. This includes Fire Balls and other magical missiles, It also includes blows struck using Hammerband, Strengib of Combat, and other enhancing spells. Magically ignited missles, and magically diverted missiles (asa result ofa curse of arrow attraction spell) are also considered to be magical Generally speaking, the use of magic renders attacks magical. 2. _AllCreatures of Chaos are considered to have magical attacks, ineluding Minotaurs and creatures of chaotic alignment, but ‘not Wartiors of Chaos, skaven, Beastmen or other chaotically aligned Humans, Goblins, Dwarfs, Elves, and so on. For example: a wizard casts a Curse of Arrow Attraction against unit of enemy Daemons. In his following turn, the player's Crossbowmen can fire at unit of Goblins alongside the Daemons. Because the Goblins are within 24” of the target, the arrows are redirected and strike the Daemons, The Daemons are normally Invulinerable to non-magical aracks, but because the crossbow bolts have been magically directed the ateicks will count 2s magical In the ease ofthis spell, players ae allowed to fire ‘inthe air’ in order to divert missiles against a magically attractive unit - the unit's magical attraction draws the missiles towards it like a magnet, Daemons Daemons are magically vulnerable and do not normally receive a ‘magical saving throw (sce WEB, p14). Only where aspellspecifies a save, is the Daemon allowed to make the dice roll Where this is not specified, the spell auromatially affects the Daemon. Daemons summoned during a game are not permitted to employ spells to summon further Daemons, Other spelismay be used freely and without recourse to magic points. Daemons do not have magic points i the normal way, and so are tunable to augment asave or enhance an attack. They cannot use ‘magic points to give themselves a magical saving throw Dragons Although a Dragon's magical abiltics are normally generated randomly, this would beat best awkward and at wort unfair for Competitive play Therefore, Dragons should he given mae le! ‘withspelisin the same way a Wizards, a shown onthe following ‘hare Spells ae generated in the same way 3 for wants ‘Dragon Size [Points (unwinged) | Magic as Wizard level Dragon 1 250 None Dragon 2 350 5 Dragon 3 500. 0 Dragon 4 600 5 Dragon 5 700 20 Dragon 6 B00. 25 WARHAMMER ARMIES —< MAGIC ITEMS CHARTS >— For convenience all magical weapons, armour, standards, musical instruments and other magical items available to armies in the lists are described below. Read this section carefully as many new magic armaments are included, and there are several new rules concerning the magical attributes of various armaments. —< MAGIC WEAPONS >— “These are usually hand weapons such as swords, axes and maces Any close combat weapon can have magical properties, but swords are by far the most common as they have a special symbolic Felevance 1o magic. A single magical hand weapon costs basic 25 points without any magical abilities other than the ‘common ‘Characteristics’ described below: In addition, points are charged. for each magical ability a weapon has, In the Warhammer world itis re for any weapon other than a sword to have more than one ability; exceptions are almost fnvariably Dwarven axes, Inthe descriptions that follow we often ‘assume that the weapon is asword, even though this may not be strictly rue ‘Common Magical Properties: all magic weapons have four basic ‘magical properties. These are 1. Every magical weapon emits 2 magical aura which may be rcopnised by any wizard who touches it 2. Magical weapons are not ‘normal weapons: Some creatures are immune to normal weapons (such as some Undead, Ethereal, Daemonicand Elemental creatures) but they may be wounded by magical weapons, 3. Magical hand.— “The points values of magic missiles assumes that one model will have sufficient magic arrows, bolts ete. of the type described 10 Tast the entire game: In some cases, however, the value given is for single aro in which case it may only be used once. Ammunition ‘may have only 2 single magical ability. The following descriptions refer to arrows but the same rules apply to bolts, javelins, and any missles. As with magical hand.to-hand weapons, magic missiles have ful effect against creatures not normally affected by fRon-magical weapons, However, note that magie arrows do not igpel magic ares. Magical Abilities ‘One Shot Missiles. The points cos forthe following missiles are for ‘cach mise carted Pes Ability 25 Hall of Doom. By means of enchantment several arcs have been magieally merged ino one This aw magically mulspics tio 8Dé ares in fight striking the fnget unit asa whole Normal targeting rues for fring a individuats apply excepe thar an Individual within sunt may never be selected 35 specifi target Under any circumstances. individual argts standing sway fom Unis annor be hit by more than D6 arrows 20. Arcane Arrow Magical marks are inscribed upon the arrowhead Tending magical force to the impact This arow hits with Seng? Co 0 and is also magically sharpened vo penetrate ll non-tagieal frmour Thetarge recevesnasaring throwand takes Ds wots 10 Wings of Death. The fights of this arrow are made from the feathers of enchanted beds and the shafts fom the wood ot sacred ‘wees This arrow has twice therange of normal areow or normal missle of is kind Missile Supplies. The following missles are supplied in sufficient {Quantities toast theoughout x battle The poins cost paid (0 equip made! with 3 sippy of these missles Pts "Ability 10. Seeking Arrows. These arrows are inscribed with magle marks ‘ren render them completely accurate Al shots automatically Mictheir get: However nove that normal tagetiag cules apy the target must e visible within ange, ete Blood Arrows. The tips of these arrows ate dipped in Mood in Srmpathetc magic This makes them deadly secure adding + {Orthe to hic ell again Hsing lesh and Blood’ creatures 5. Arcane Bodkin. These acrows are magically sharpened so that, they auromatialy pencrateallnon magia amour taret rece 5. Hell Shafts The arrowheads are forge from theo of odoin fails and incantations of excoreiom are intomed while they sre FRammcred ino shape These afrows automatically cause loud gains any Undead of Ethereal target they it —< MAGIC ARMOUR > Magical armour and shields are extremely rare. Some magic armour gives a better saving throw than the equivalent normal armour, Adding +1, +2 or +3 t0 the basic dice roll. This may result in 4 ‘model having an automatic save against normal weapons in which cease only weapons or creatures with a saving throw modifier Will be able to harm them Magical Abilities bitty Chaos Armour, Only Chaos Sorcerers may have Chaos Armout ‘Shisepernatral form of armour spl from te gods and grows tanccome apart of ts wearer Chuos Armour offer the ste ving throws ss envy armourbur docs ot ihe the sorcerer’ SBS fowe map 50. Mithril Armour. Mithrilis ight but very hard meta mined and trorked by the Dwarte Mahl armour wrought by means of Tape It Contes 2 aang torow modifier tote baste ST for [type and te fit woud wstaned in thebatlessutomatcally saved: theres no need to roll Mithril is So light that there is no ‘movement penalty During th ampou s manufacture magic charms teewrough nt so that ely aigned or chat creatures cannot 50. Galvorn Armour. Thisis armour galvanised with meteoric iron (one re merece). Ganon amour macy ‘Wrought by Dai Elves and eannot be worn by any Good aligned ‘Seat I ip sinia int aes to Shr and al a ad Saiasble Galvorn armour confers a + 2 saving orow modifier These saving throw fr is type and te st eound stained Ine bade in attomatcally sve: theres ng meet rol Galvorn armour can be made very thn andlight so there sno movement Denay for wearing 50 Magically Inscribed Armour. The armour has magical Intent ory dati engraved upon The mode ‘Nearing the amour has saving throw moder of =3 25 Dwarf Mithril, Mithils associated more commonly with Dwarfs br than othcrraces, since Dwarfs actually mine and work Miri End other races have to trade with them to acquire apart from the odd tems salem or looted). To reflec thi wart may wea? ‘ihe for only 25 points 25 Spl shield, These ied ve stcreinages maa smb ePprovetie amulets onthem. ny mage spelicist dicey agaist the bearer may be defected or abworbed the character beating ihe SSE cll wi un he ai a tet ‘Seabwor spel directed against the nits whe eg tindlast Spelt) Rolls Doto determine wherher the spelled in eflecive 1 The shield falls to stop the spel. 2:4. The spell is absorbed and cancelled by the shel. 5°" The spell immediately deflected in a random direction sablched uring DIS. The spell travel in the dizecton {diated unl snes" somersing in its path 6 The spell immediately bounds onto the caster Pes 50 “The points value of magical armour is equivalent to the normal cost of armour of its type, plus the extra points cost of a magical ability. A character may have only one armour ability - But may have magicarmour and amagic shield (hence two abilities). Magic armour abilities may not be added together to give a higher save, ‘nor is it possible to increase the saving throw by more than + 3, Ps Ability 25. Spell-tempered Armour. This armour has been magically hdrdened daring is manufactre either by annealing wit Stange deine compounds or because the armour was wrought according joa ral lormula. The model wearing the armour has 2 savIMg throw modifier of + 25 Blinding Glare. This shield, breastplate or helmet is magically bhirished sos to shine with an inte iain glare va close Combat This cazzies hand-to hand combat opponent who Lose Tot their stacks 15 Tallsmantc Shleld. This sick has magical ens, runes o sacred Images engraved upon it which help ro ward of host magie It increase the Bearers Wil Poiger and Wil Power Bont by “2 upto a maximum of 105 10 Arcane Armour: Magical incantations were recited while the $rmour ws being mae so that provectice mayie wan ately ‘trough into the srmour el. The mae! wearing the smote has staring toroae modifier of +1 10 Protective Runesor Symbols inscribed ono armour shies Grpalned eno ancthertie unarmouredbody, thes mapc sins {nde he mesrersToeghnes BY 5 Dragonhelm.Thisisahelmet witha dragon image engraved upon Tor incorporating bits of 4 dragon. such a horns, teeth claws frhide_ Magical teks are so nseribed upon the helmet endowing ‘oitnehe power vo protet ihe wearer fon thecfletsof dragons breath stacks The wearer of te helmet willbe amune touch ack swell as royal aming aah clang teal, Wa) firthrowers and lamecannons 5 Dragonshield. This a shictd depicting a dragon or made from Crone Ins alto decorsted with magiesloymbols which pve frotectio fom dragons: bresth attacks Beater ofthe shld will xTmmune from soc atacks 2 well from al lang tacks {cluding Such warp rethrower and flameesnmons 3) Cold Steet This armour is resistant. heat of flame generated Sagi ether duc to spells cited during the forging process (Ofducto annealing with acane minens-The wesc of ts amour mune vo re based stacks including five bal spt 3 Magical Woad, War-palat or Tattoos. These ae magical marks Depatcens panied or tattooed onto thebody They coune a3 form ‘of magical rmour eventhough no normal amour is worn since the magic relies on faith to work and is ncgated by armou The patcrns magical confuse miles ivingthe wearer sear oi WARHAMMER ARMIES i Te —< MAGIC STANDARDS >— rie standard isthe focus ofa unit, army oF contingent. Standards Choosing Abilities represent the martial pride ofthe egiment, race or nation and are The army tists give the maximum points values that may be spent honoured and respected. Some standards incorporate religious on magical abilities fora standard. Note that the player may always TApblemsor tex arcane symbols or runes, elie, totems orfetshes Spend less points than the amount given - choosing to spend 25 Shdmuy be objects of veneratonin theirown right. Such standards pints rather than 100, for example, However, no player may spend ‘may have magicalabiities which caninfluence the courceofbattle yore points ona standards abilities than the maximum indicated Refer to WEB pi85. 186 for rules concerning magieal standards in battle. Unit Standard Like any unit standard, a magical unit standard adds + 1 to the hand torhand combat resolution score ofthe unit. In addition the standard hhas one magical ability, The points value of the standard isthe same asthat of an ordinary standard plus the points value ofits magical ability. Army and Contingent Abilities Magical army or contingent standards may have up to three magical Xultes The points valve of each magical abilty is added to the ost of an onlinary anmycoatingent standard (50 points) The points Spen om an army sandard are consideredas coming fromthe army's Character modclallocation. Ponts spent on acontingent standard Swill come ftom the allyimercenary allocation Dispel Magic Note thata dispel magic spel (B51) cast specifically against unit Jandard will eullify one magical ability immediately. Where 3 Standard has more than one ability arandomabsity wil beaffected Capture Maieal standards may be captured like ordinary standards bt thee aiicsare immediately lost They cannot be regained during the atte ven tthe standards recaptured. Capture rules are the same IB desenbed for normal standards (see WEB, P78) Abilities for Standards Note that playersare free to select abilities from the list given below: No distinction is drawn between unit standards and army or Contingent standards all types of standard use the same Hist. The higher points values of the better abilities, and the provisions of the army ists, will naturally restrict the player's choice Pes Ability 100 Battle Banner: The stndandhasbeen endowed with magiepower by war god or byte faith and trast of the warriors who Mave borne i over many centuries. The standard adds 2 farther +D6 {othe unit's hand fo-hand combat resolution score This dice rll made the end ofthe hand to hand combat, s0 the ones vanes from round to round, 100 teon of Divine Weath: The standard itself i animated with divine power so thatthe image upon Ie may sfike atthe enemy The ltdaed bas the ability to cast 1 lightning Bod srike per magic Dise Thishas a range of 24 inches and causes D3 sirengdb 4 ts ‘ttomatiealy, No magic points are expended or recorded. The Sandard bearer noel may use thisabity during the magic phase Isuaclose combat attack, bat may nocmake ordimary attacks during the same tora 100 Bane Banner: The stindard depicts sinister mind tormenting Etmages that inspire uter dread. The images also let out plein Udnbotcal shrieks, The sndard is permed t9 cast one cause Cowardly fight spel per magic pase a per the evel 3 spell B33) The spell has range of 24 inches ad the target uit s automatically outed if tale ts agi sang brow 100 Amulet Standard The sanded isadomed with mageal amulets ‘rareane symbols which have the power to ward off malignant Soncery Te sandaedenshrouds tell tsbearer and any associated Unt in protective magic This acts like 2 selective alspet magic Se be uit stacked by maps, is normal magic sing tow increased to 10. Maple which has no associated saving throw {Sauliied completely includingmagie mises such tre bails I adispel magica uted agaist the standard, a saving throw of Tolappties Any enemy subject fnatability mas test assoon asitcomes into Gofkaet wath the unit, deducting“? from the text result “The standant’s ability does lit Nor does affect magical close coma weapons cavied by thccnemy.Itdoes confer the special magic aving tbrow against the fect of spells east from orullising special powers of magic ‘weapons, suct 3+ desribed in Realm of Chaos. Magical missle ‘respons directed against the unit are rendered completely Thetlecive, not even causing thelr normal non-magiea damage 100. Sacred Standard: No more shan one ofthese standards may appear {many one army. The standard depicts the symbol or image of 2 ‘god, ore banner hasbeen ‘blesses by means of holy ital before {hebatdle The uit accompanying the standard is endowed with the protection ofthe god. Any spells directed against the standard, Drtheunit accompanying it arelmmeditely deflected away “rom theunit The deflecedspellmaysrikea nearby unit, orbe defected beaiast the pels caset Rolla DO: on 25 or 6thespelis deflected Eck against its caster on 43 oF 4 the spell hits the enemy unit Magical Abilties Pes Aitity nearest tothe original target unit; on all of 1 or 2 dhe spell its the unit neareat to the target uni, be Ht fried oF foe Normal langtting rules do not alec the redirected spell making t possible fora fine bao hit unit behind is original get for example 50. Hellfire Banner: The standard has been tually endowed with ‘apc power Thisenchantmeat maybe unleashed when the areane {extsupon it are pronounced. The Nandard has the ability to cat Tire all spe per mage phase The fire bail has 24 inch range dnd causes D3 svengdb shits automaticaly. No magic points are ‘rpended or recorded. The standard bea model may use this Shiny during the magic pnase as an atack. ut may not make Srdinary stacks daring the same turn 50. Dread Banner: The standard was woven or decorated duringthe Insane rituals of demented wizards Its ofsuch borne appearance for incorporates such hideous elements or images that inspies {rational dread in enemy who approach close to it. unit, tccompanying thestandard cuses far inall opponents normal Subject 19 psychology. Troops intending to charge unit Secompanying the standard mat therefore Uke a fear test. 50. Tallsmanic Standard: The standard hasheen enchanted by wizards tore atte andmayatatarexervo of mage ot Reeve the battle, any wizards may sufrender any of thele maple points thu pace them nthe standard, These pouatsmay nate recovered iefore the battle begins Any maple porn placed in the standard Ththis way ate doubled for example, a player places 10 points {nthe standard the standacdhasareservoirof20. A endly wizard ‘within 12 inches ofthe standard may draw mate points from the Sundard cast spells. Any spell cast using point from the standard will automatically Aicvete =o tests required, no matter how few magic points the ‘wizard hae The wirard may only cast his normal range of spel, ‘The points ied to cast the spell ae deducted from the standards fesefvoir Standards may not recover magic points ‘War Banner: This san ancient standard that has gained magical power by virtue ofthe glorious deeds and heroism ofthe troops {hat have borne i Over many generations. The standard adds a farther #1 t the unit's handsto hand Combat resolution score 25 Ward of the Braves The sit bearing this ancient and precious Danner may reo the result of any rout test. failed test may only bemesolled once, and the player must abide by the second dice, 25 Relle Banner: The banner is itslf a relic of some great warsior ‘Of mighty army ofthe pas or tecorportes actual bits or armaments ‘some ancien and venerated personality The standard inspires ious faith and confidence and troops accompanying the Standard are unperturbed by disconcerting events occuring around them. Aunic accompanying the stndardis immune to pant, and ‘may revo the rest of is fst fou test of the game x 5 a FI F4 rd WARHAMMER ARMIES — MAGIC INSTRUMENTS > ‘An ordinary musical instrument allows a unit 1o add +1 t0 its Leadership score when testing to make a manoeuvre. Magical instruments have the same ability plus one of the special abilities described below. The points value of a magic instrument is equivalent oan ordinary instrument, plus 25 points for its ability Avmagical instrument does not need to be carried by a character model but may be if the player wishes to pay the 25 ‘ts (ao further modifier is applied). Points fora unit's instruments Come from the army's rank and file allocation. Individual non- ‘champion character models pay for magic musical instruments out ‘ofthe character models’ allocation. Refer to WFB p1A6 for further ules about magical instruments in battle. Pes Abitiey 25 Doomsounder. The instrument sounds aterile and frightening bist hich canes] rection in the leadership of handstand ‘Opponents for the duration ofthat engagement 25 Mattlecall. The instrument sounds a mighty call to arms that lnvigores the troops, The unit may therefore add +1 oany hand tornand combat resolution result ust as Hi had xused | $Maitional casualty This 's cumulative with the +1 bonus fom 2 (noa-imagiea) standard. giving an overall Bonus of 2 25 Battlecry. The instrament i played to accompany a battery or ‘Shane vitered when changing nto close-comat- empowering the ‘wonds with magic A unit or charter shouting he baticey does Tottuveto ake feartest in onder to charge feared encny. The banlcryinapies courage and coniidencee Note that the butlecey ‘oes nok ate fear tests aken when Being charged Magical Abilities Ps Ability 25. Hymn of Hate. The instrument is played to accompany 2 Hymn Ot Hate sung or chanted by the unit which apes are ofthe hen whoever they maybe. The instrument empowers the words ‘with mapical potency The anit assumed tostartsingingthe HY Ur Hate fom the start of te bate, cough to te end, to the st gasporthe last remainingmodel The unis subject © hare gaint all enemy wot. 25. Callof Valour The instrament banishesallshoughtsof death and ferro fom the minds ofthe troops The ait may therefore add “tots loaderabyp when aking any fear tet 25 Battlerage. The music ofthe instrument drives the to0ps ito En unstoppable death ust. Dusig the fist round of any close Combat engagement. and on any follow ng round providing the tant aot pushed back, may ad +140 Ho hi rol — SCROLLS >— These magical parchments, inscribed with spells by wizards, alow spellsto be cast simply by the recitation of the inscrined formulae, regardless of the spell level of the seroll-spell of the magic level ofthe wizard, Using 2 seroll requires 1 magic point, but the spell isalways cas successfully there s no need to test for success. Once ead, the sroll disintegrates and can never be used again. A scroll ‘may have more than one spell upon it, in which ease one spell may be read at time, and that portion of the manuscript fades away Once all the speils have been read the scroll crumbles into dust. ‘Wizards may carry the number of scrolls indicated in the lists. Points spent on a scroll are considered to be spent on the wizard carrying and must come out ofthe character points allocation. Scroll-spells should be randomly selected as are normal spells, Scrolls may be selected from the level indicated in the army lis, but a wizard may ‘not read necromantic illusionist, demonic or elemental spells unless hhe holds atleast one spel ofthat type. The points value ofa scroll depends on the number of spells and their level. These are given fon the chart below. The cost of the seroll isthe total of the cost Of the spells written upon it Spell level Points cost per spell on scroll 1 25 2 50 3 100 ‘ 200, — RINGS > Magic rings contain magic power in the form of spells. Any character ‘model (even a non-wizard) may have a magic ring, subject to the limitations given in the lists, and is then able to ¢ast the spell associated with the ring. Rings have only a limited store of magic; once this s used up they are useless. To represent this, any character model attempting to tse a ring fora second or subsequent time must rolla D6. A score (of 6 indicates that the ring has run out of power. A ring may only contain a single spell chosen by the player from the spell lists, However, magic rings are tricky things, nd tis not always possible to be certain of theie properties. So, when a ring is used for the first time, oll D6: 15 it contains the chosen spell. 6 it contains a randomly determined spell of the same type and level ‘The points cost ofa ring is dependent on the level of the chosen spell Points spent on. ting are considered tobe part ofthe character points value and come out of the character points allocation —< WAR MACHINES > “The lists include many wat machines which are described according to their generic type (¢g, 3-man cannon, 3.man bolt thrower, ec). From time to time, some armies devise or acquire machineries of ‘war with unusual properties, some technological, others arcane. Such machines have passed into legend, but are still to be encountered on the battlefield, Special rules relating to such war ‘machines are given in the following section. Goblobber - Dwarven Goblin-throwing Catapult Gob-Lobber isa stone thrower, and follows the normal rules for Stone throwers (WEB, p10"), For an additional 25 points, the owning player may purchase Surficent Goblins to use as ammunition throughout the game. Any Goblinunithitby 3 Goblin-missile, must make a pane est. When fing Goblins, the stone thrower sstrengtband the wounds inlets are bowh reduced by 2. Undead Plague Cart “The plague cart, the very symbol of the last journey which ends athe cemetery gate ea powerful alisman forthe undead hordes {thas strange necromantic powers which can be felt and drawn forth by undead warrior in proximity (0 ft 1 Any undead unit with models within 12 inches ofthe undead Gant may add =1 to the DG score in the instability test. 2 The Plague Cart causes fear i living creatures. 43 The Plague Cart has a movement allowance of 5 inches and may move overall terrain and through all obstacles except Butltngs with no penalty: movement through sltd walls and imnobout of buiklings costs half the car’ movement for that 4 The undead cart may be attacked like an ordinary wagon. Skull Crusher - Goblin Stone Thrower ‘Skull Crusher is a normal 3.man stone thrower, except that it has the ability to immolae ts amamunition in flight. Burning rocks cause ‘normal damage and have a + 2 bonus to Strength against lammable targets Lead Belcher - Goblin Organ Gun Lead Belcher is cunningly constructed with three ion bound barrels and another barrel mounted above them, ‘This arrangement of barrels counts as 4 four barrelled organ gun (WEB, pli) Skeleton Stone Thrower ‘The Skeleton Stone Thrower thrower is subject to all the normal rules for 3-man stone throwers (WEB, p107), with the following additions: 1. ‘TheSkeleton stone thrower is subject to instability. One check {s made for both the thrower and its crew. 2. The Skeleton stone throwers may hurl ‘screaming skull ammunition. For an extra 25 points the thrower may be supplied with enough skulls to last for one battle. These skulls, are hurled instead of rocks, making a fearful shrieking sound as they fly through the ait and any unit hit by a skull must test for panic. The panic testis in addition to any damage inflicted by the skull. The skulls treated asa normal #ock for the purpose of calculating damage Undead Chariot Constructed from bones and drawn by a pair of undead horses, this chariot makes fearsome and useful addition to Undead armies. Undead chariots use al the normal rules for light chariot (WEB, pll8) with the following additions: 1. An undead chariot causes fear in living creatures. 2. Undead chariots are subject to dnstability, one check is made for both the chariot and its crew. 3. Undead chariots may move over all terrain and through all obstacles except ‘vith no penalty; movement through Solid walls and intotout of buildings costs half the charior's ‘movement for that turn. Opponents receive no bonuses for Cover other than solid walls or buildings. Pim hy FA pa Pe < Es es ad WARHAMMER ARMIES Repeating Bolt Thrower A repeating bolt thrower has an elaborate ratchet-and-lever aerangemeat which, in one action, draws th bow sting back and ieaves a new bolt in place ready 0 fire A repeating bolt thrower canbe reloaded in ite under a third ofthe time of an ordinary bole thrower, and is capable of 6 shots per turn. Repeating bol throwers have a high rate of fire but their Strength, nd the number of wounds caused by each hit, are lower than an ordinary one. [nepearinc | RANGE | srmeNaTH | save| wounds | pomTs BOLT THROWER MOD. 2 crew 2a 3 of + | 2 Movement Use the rules given for bolt throwers (WEB, p107) Firi ‘To firea repeating crossbow, the player follows the procedure below: 1, Nominate the tanget. Normal targeting restrictions apply. 2 Roll to hit. All bolt throwers have an assumed BS of 3 and so require a basie 4,5 oF 6 to hit a under half range, 5 oF 6 at over half range. 3. The engine is allowed 6 shots per turn. All shots are directed against the same target Unit, 4. Unlike a normal bole thrower, each shot can only inflict one ‘wound. Bolts cannot penetrate through to the next rank Snotling Pump Wagon “The pump wagon is basically a pump-operated cart (ike the ones that railway chgineers once used) with 4 vicious spiked roller ‘mounted on ts font. The roller is connected to the wagon's wheels bby means ofa bel or chain -as the wagon moves, the roller spins, ‘teating 2 formidable battle- mower! ‘The pump wagon is crewed by a group of Snotlings «the precise number is unimportant. These fight and take wounds in exactly thesame way as. Snotling base with anormal Snotling profile (sce ‘WEB, 7232) ach Snotling pump wagon streated as separate unit, Psychology. testsare taken on the noting crew ofeach wagon, bot with +4 modifier because riding in a pump wagon greatly enhances a Snotling’s bravado. ‘A pump wagon is powered by means of a mechanism worked by {so Snodings. Naturally the Snotling purmp operators become iced very quickly, and. one pair of operators becomes exhausted they are relieved by another This means that the speed of the pump ‘wagonis somewhat variable, as the Snotlings squabble over whose ‘urn on the pump itis, frequently leaving the pump unattended altogether. 1b represent this, the movement of the pump wagon is determined randomly atthe start of each turnby the roll of 26, ‘which gives the basic movement allowance in inches. Pump wagons suffer the same movement and terrain penalties as do chariots (see WEB, p1l8), and may not make reserve moves. Pump wagons have a crude but effective steering mechanism and may turn in the same way 2s light chariots with a turning radius ‘equal to half the model's move. The following special rules apply. 1 The wagon’s complement of Snotings may use missile weapons in any direction or may engage any figure in contact, ‘with the wagon with hand weapons. The Snotling crew fight inall respects as if they were a single Snotling base. Note that, the Snotlings do not need to outaumber their opponents by 5:1 before they can attack, since the wagon greatly boosts their confidence: 2 When the pump wagon charges into combat it causes D6 automatic serengtd 6 hits with its spiked roller. The D6 score also indicates the number of ranks penetrated by the pump ‘wagon. There iso need to actually move the model through. the enemy ranks - leave the mode! where it has met the frst rank - the wagon's progress through the unit may be safely left to the imagination! A wagon which penetrates all of the ‘enemy's ranks will continue to move forward up to the limit, ‘of its movement allowance. When penetrating 2 formation, ‘measure the pump wagon's remaining movement from the rear ‘ofthe formation. The pump wagon therefore moves through the depth of the formation without using up any movement allowance. Ifthe sheer size of the wagon model means that ‘nds up inside or partly inside the enemy formation, move {it far enough so that itis out of the formation. This avoids the confusion ehat would otherwise result from overlapping models. 3 Spiked roller attacks are worked out before normal attacks, Intespective of the combatants’ intiative levels. 4 Tfacharging wagon punches right through a unit, the unit must take an immediate rou? tes, regardless Of how many casualties have been sustained. 5 Ifa wagon fails to penetrate unit, the wagon grinds roa halt and becomes bogged down. The model is left at the front of, the unit, just a8 ina normal hand-to-hand combat. The “penetration” isnoc represented such; itis assumed that eanks zeform and the overall postion is that of a normal combat. ‘Once bogged down, the wagon cannot cause any more hits swith the spiked roller forthe rest of that hand Jest] evr | oor [63 sowiewd [«[¢{alalal2 {als est [7-2] 8x1 | 942 | ot 15 Wied |«|5[3[4]5|313| 1] 942 [742] 9+2 | 942 | 169 fzowinrd |4{5|4[4|5]4] [1] 942 [543] 942 | 143251 j2swiert 14[6/5 [415] 4]5|1]10+3]8+3] 1043] 10+3 [253 pe thet WARHAMMER ARMIES ‘Temple Dog Temple Dogs ae stone statues found guarding temple entrances inthelands of Nippon and Cathay. They resemble nothingso much 435 a cross between a gant pekinese and.alion. In times of wat, the ‘ower ofthe temple gods x channeled into these statues to ante them, eis a great honour to mount ehis divine animal, indicating thatthe rider has found great favour with the gods. Physique: About the size ofa hone, the Temple Dog reins some ‘Ofte properties of stone giving ta very tough skin and tremendous weight Alignment: Temple Dogs are Neutral Base Size: 25 x Somm. Special Rules: 1. Temple Dogs have one bite attack and two stomp attacks. 2. Because of theis stone-like skin, Temple Dogs are treated as though they were wearing heavy armour. They havean armour saving throw of 5 0F 6. 3. Their great weight makes Temple Dogs very effective at smashing their opponents, They can use this extra weight (0 sive themselves additional impetus during change Whenever 2 Temple Dog charges into combat itmay fight witha strengt ‘oF 10 during that round. This only applies when the creature charges, in subsequeat rounds of combats sre reverts 4. Allattacks froma Temple Dog are considered to be magical in the same way as the attacks of Daemons and Elemental ‘ATemple Dog's attacks are fully effective against all creatures ‘normally immune to non-magical sttacks. the Temple Dogs are powerful creatures. Any blows struck by them have a good chance of penetrating armour. Any ‘enemy's saving throw is reduced by -2 6, ‘The Temple Dog may be ridden by a single character. The ‘Temple Dog and is considered to be a war beast. (See WEB. pi03), Profile Msles[s |r [wy [a we [Pi 3 Hompe Doge 5 15/015/5/3/3/3/ 8 [7] & | @ | 85 Unicorn Unicoms ae semi intelligent ereatures which inhabit the woodlands of the Old World. They occasionally allow themselves tbe ridden by Female charaeter models of Good or Lawfal alignment. Unicorns are almost completely immune to magical spells and are able to ‘cast a magical aura around themselves and their riders, Physique: A unicorn resembles large white horse, witha single straight horn projecting from its forehead. I has a slightly goat Tike head with a beard growing from its lower jaw Alignment; Unicorns are Good creatures Base Size: 25 x 50mm. Special Rules: 1. Unicorns may bebe ridden by Good or Lawful female character models, Unicorns are powerful creatures and they are considered 10 be war beasts as described in WEB (p103) Unicorns are naturally immune to the direct effects of magic: ‘Whenever Unicorn iscalled upon tomakea magical saving throw this sautomatically successful. There isno need to roll dice, the magic cannot affect the Unicorn. Magie which has ‘no magie save has its full effect as normal 3. The magical immunity described in 2 above is conferred 10 any creature riding the Unicorn, 4. The magical energy surrounding a Unicorn acts as a sort of armour, giving the creature and its tider an additional armour ‘Saving throw of 5 or 6. This may be taken separately before the normal saving throw 5. ‘The Unicorn’s magical energy acts in a similar way toa magical zone, Any Undead, Ethereal or Dacmonie creature oF unit Approaching within 12" ofa Unicorn must test for instability immediacely such creatures begin their turn already within 12" of a Unicorn they must test lor instability immediately 6. AUnicorn has 2 attacks: 1 gore with its horn and 1 stomp. Al attacks from a Unicorn are considered t0 be magica in the same way a5 the attacks of Daemons and Elemental. A Unicorn’s attacks are fully effective against all creatures normally immune to non-magical attacks. WARHAMMER ARMIES ‘War Boar “The goblinoid races keep many sorts of semi-domesticated pig; a creature with which they have a natural affinity and with which they share many social characteristics. War Boars, or Razorbacks §s they are sometimes called, are the biggest and nastiest of these breeds, Fed exclusively on fresh meat and carefully tended, they are vicious brutes easily capable of carrying off and consumingeven a large man. War Boars are used both as riding animals and as draft beasts for chariots. Ores are particularly fond of using War Boars asthe they feela close kinship with something 2s ugly, brtish and Smelly) a5 themselves, Physique: Solid and muscular, the War Boar isa weighty animal ‘which takes 2 lot of stopping and quite a lot of mucking out Alignment: Mean, big, but Neutral (not caring much who or what it chews up) Base Size: 25 x 50mm, Special Rules: 1, War Boars have a gore attack from their tusks. 2. War Boars are riding animals and may be ridden by any humanoid creature under 10 feet tll. 3. Despite their training, War Boars are difficult to control and are prone to running sway should something unnerve them. If a War Boat is being ridden, all rout tests and psychology tests are taken using the rider's characteristic as normal, But ‘with 2-1 modifier to Ld, So a creature with a Ld of 6 has a Id of only 5 when riding a War Boar. 4. Like their smaller Boar cousins, War Boars ate stubborn, obstinate and extremely difficult o kill, War Boar rider adds fot +1, but +2 to the armour saving throw ofits rider. 5. Waroarsmay not have barding, Any trappings onthe model a assumed 1 be inslficlent 0 count as armoured barding (6. A.War Boar's long tusks enable i to deliver a potent charge tater like a mounted lancer Whenever it charges nto han {orhand combat the Wa Boar reelves special Bonuses forts oreattack. Thisadds +20 ls sirengen, +2 ts iitative Sind deducts 1 from the enemy's saving drow: This applies ‘nly to the gore attack, not to the attacks of the rider. In Subsequent rounds of combat these bonuses alos, and the {gore i worked ou 35 normal Profile Tu psles]s Tr lwyi [ay oe fwarboa |7/4[o[3[sinali] 3 Wild Cat ‘Cats are abundant in the Old Worl, living in remote forest and ‘mountain areas. They have been known to cause trouble for remote hull farms, taking chickens and sheep, usually to feed to their young. Wild Cats are often taken when young by Wood Elf animal handlers, who train them to become formidable fighters. Physique: The Old World Wild Cat looks very much like the European wildcat of our own world, with thick tabby furand facial ‘markings, and black tail rings. Some variations ofthis colouration ido occur, but these Cats are rare. The Wild Cat is about the size Of a puma, standing between 1¥s and 2 feet ar the shoulders, and ‘measuring almost 6 feet nose to tail. Alignment: Wild Cats are Neutral Base Size: 25 x 50mm. Special Rules: 1. A Wild Cat has 1 claw attack and 1 bite. 2. ifthe Wild Cat has a greater Initiative than its opponent, it may leap onto its opponent during the first ruen of combat ‘When it does this following a charge the Wild Cat may fight ‘with double ts normal number of attacks (2 claw attacks and bites) This applies only dusing the first round of combat and ‘only when the Wild Cat changes: otherwise the Wild Cat has attacks as described above. Profile Wolf-Rat Another product of the Clan Moulder's diabolic breeding program, the Woltrrat combines the cunning and viciousness of a rat with the power and ferocity ofa wolf. Used in packs led by Skaven animal hhandlers, these horrible beasts are known for their remorselessness in combat Physique: Wolfrats are about the same size and build as one of the great wolves of the Old World, and may be mistaken for wolves ata distance. Close up, though, their origins become clear They hhave long, rate tails, haieless legs which are as long as a wol's, and end in ratlike clawed feet. Their heads are almost entirely rat Tike, except that the snout is broader and more powerful, accommodating a fearsome array of sharp teeth. Wolf-rats are generally brown or grey in colour, although mottled andeven white Individuals are not unknown. Aligament: Horribly mutated and definitely Chaotic. Base Size: 25 x 50mm. [m wojes] st [whi Ta Jwadcar [a [4 fofa]3 {i [4 paul 2 Special Rules: 1. Wolf-rats fear fire 2, Wolf-uts have 1 bite attack Profile Bees: = = EI Py 5 2 g F4 g WARHAMMER ARMIES SE Decide on the total points value of the army. This may be determined by the requirements of a competition or ‘campaign, or by mutual agreement between players. The usual number of points for a Warhammer battle is about 3000 per army, but anything up to about 6000 points can ibe accommodated by the ists. Players wishing to use larger forces may find it necessary to increase the maximum number of troops available in some mutually agreeable Decide which categories of the Army List you wish to consider first, The categories are Character Models, Rank and File, Allies, Mercenariesand Hosts. Allthese categories {g0 together to make up the total points value of an army ‘They all have maximums expressed as a fraction of the army's total points value, while the rank and file section and the character models sections both have minimum ‘quotas, The character model acting as general, and the minimum points value quoted for rank and file troops are the only compulsory components of the army Decide what fraction of the army's total points allocation you wish to spend on each of the categories you have chosen, Make sure you work within the minimums and maximums for each one. Select rank and file troops starting with any compulsory ‘troops specified in thelist and work out their points values. Compulsory troops are those troop types for which a ‘minimum number is given in the rank cind file section, Having calculated the cost of compulsory troops, you now know how many points remain to buy other rank and file troops. Minimums and maximums are given throughout the lists for each troop type and these should be strictly adhered to if the army isto be used in a competitive game. The rank and file troop types are equipped with certain NG YOUR ARMY > 6 9, ‘basic’ arms and armour. At this stage you can decide to spend points oa upgrading armour, adding extra weapons and including standard bearers or musicians in the units. Choose forces from the other categories, working to your points allocation. Select a character model as the general, and any other character models required as champions, wizards, and independent heroes. Add additional points for armament, horse, an army standard, magic items, and so on as applicable. Again, you must work within the minimums and maximums given in the lists. Don't worry ifthe total cost for each category doesn't come out exactly to the fraction you decided on at stage 3. The final juggling of points can be left until you have chosen the forces from each category You should now have a cough army with forces from different categories. Now isthe time to total the points spent so far. The chances ate that you are well above the allotted points value, and your next job is to trim the forces down, (or add more if your total fas short). At this stage you should check that troops conform to the minimums and maximums given in the Army Lists. You should be aiming tocome within a few points of the army's total points value but not exceed it Now decide which units, if any, are to be used as skirmishers. Troops which may be used as skirmishers are indicated in the list. Some armies do not use skirmishers at all Decide whether or not to have a baggage train. An army which includes mercenaries must have a baggage trai, which is assumed to contain atleast part of the mercenaries promised pay (whether money, chattels oF provisions). /ARHAMMER ARMIES Before the game: 1. Allocate characters to units as leader champions, if you haven't already done so when selecting units or characters, Some characters may be left as independent herocs or ‘wizards, but these may still be associated with a unit in ‘order t6 gain shelter from missile fire 2. Spells should be randomly determined 2s described on page 9 and noted down. 3. Chaotic attributes should be determined as described on page p6 (and WEB, p207) and noted down. 4. Allocate assassins, ball-and-chain fanatics, and other hidden {troops to units and note down which units contain them. Example Decide on the total points value of the army. For 3000 points I can field an effective, compact army, suitable for competitive play. 1am thinking about an army I intend t0 collect based on the lists. Ihave always been inspired by Elves; 4 tough army that will be a challenge to paint and fight with Decide which categories of the army list from which to draw troops. ‘The army I have in mind would be the army of a small Wood Eifenclave and there are only two categories from which I want to draw troops; the rank and file and the character model ‘categories. Decide what fraction of the army’s toral points value to spend on each category. According to the list I must spend atleast #4 of the army’s total points value on rank and file troops. In 23000 point army that ‘means at least 1000 points. I must also have a least one character as general and may not spend more than 44 of the total points value of the army on characters that means no more than 1500 points, I think I will want to spend about 2000 points on rank and file and about 1000 points on characters to ensure enough ‘champions and wizards to support the rank and file. will use these figures as a rough guide Select the rank and file troops starting with the compulsory troops. ‘This is where I must start thinking about the composition of the army from a tactical point of view. The only compulsory rank and file troops are 30 archers. Fine. imagine that a Wood Elf army should be strong in archers, so I would have picked them anyway. I will start my army selection with 2 units of 15 archers; at 11 points per model that makes 330 points, Having decided to select an army built around archers, I shall ‘now go through the list selecting units of archers to form the core of the army ‘The ‘Guards’ are +2 missile elites, so I shall pick one unit of 15 Guards at 15 points each; 225 points. The Lord's Bowmen are +1 missile elites and I can have up to 30, so shall pick two units of 15 at 12 points per model; 360 points. ‘The ‘Glade Runners’ are archers and also scouts. A Wood Elf army should have skirmishers and scouts and I think there might bbe opportunities to use them to good effect. They seem very appropriate to my idea of a Wood Elfarmy, so I shall pick unit ‘of 10 at 16 points each; 160 points. Right, that's the “had core’ of the army; now to see how many points I have spent so fa. It comes to 1075 points, roughly half the points I allocated to rank and file. Now for some units to support the archers and to allow me some tactical variation. ‘The army needs some close combat infantry and in the Wood Elf army list these are provided by the Warrior Kinbands. Ishall pick one large unit of 19 warriors t 9 points each; 171 points. Tmay think about increasing the sizeof this unit or even having two smaller units if [have enough points left, I shall also think about upgrading them. Now for a striking force of mounted troops. Ihave three choices in this army and 1 am going to opt for the heaviest cavalry, the “Elven Lords’. I want a mobile, hard-hitting reserve and I also ‘want to introduce abit of panache into my rustic Wood Elf army. I shall choose 7 Elven Lords at 31 points each making 217 points. ‘The 8th model in the unit will be a champion. Now for some troops that are very ‘Wood Elven’: Wardancers, Falconers and Shapechangers. Interesting troops, nice figures, ‘great scope for painting. Some of each should establish the character of my Wood Eif army. A unit of 10 Wardancers at 20 points each; 200 points. A unit of 5 falconersat 11 points each; 55 points and a shapechanger at 28 points. Total spent on rank and file so far; 1746 points s ee = a3 rj 2 5 SS z ES = Fy E eI 2 g F g WARHAMMER ARMIES Decide whether to upgrade any of the rank and file troops. There is still 2 good number of points left for upgrading the rink and file: AA standard for the Elven Lords, costs the same as the trooper bearing it; 31 points. Light armour and spears for the Kinband, my main close combat tunit, i needs to be hefty; 19 x 3 makes 57 points. standard for the Kinband, I want them to have every possible advantage in close combat. This costs the same as the trooper ‘who carries it which (now that I've upgraded them)is 12 points. Light armour for the two units of Lords Bowmen. I must not forget that Elven archers are also hand-to-hand fighters. I want them to hold the battle-line and stand their ground if they have to, I don't expect them to come off worse in a shooting duel but I'm going to try and make sure thay don't. Light armour for 30 models; 60 points. Wardancers are a devastating shock element in my army so 1 shall develop their potential in this respect. I shall arm my 10 ‘wardancers with additional hand weapons and light armour; a further 50 points. ‘That seems to be al the essential upgradings I require for the moment. The total points spent on rank and file stands at 1936 Points. It is now time to consider the characters. Choose troops from the other categories. Character models is the only other category I intend to select ‘troops from. Ihave spent 1936 on rank and file, 6o Thave 1064 to spend on characters ‘The army must havea general who will be the character model with the highest leadership. I shall choose a level 20 hero for that role; a ‘Sylvan Chieftain’ to lead my small Wood Elf ‘community to war. His basic cost is 168 points. Ishall consider his personal equipment a bit later Now I am going t0 choose at least one wizard. I want two if possible. Quite apart from my fervent belief that a fantasy army in general, and an Elven army in particular, should include magic, I have it on good authority that wizards are essential to my Elven army. I have high hopes for my Elven archers, but magic abounds in the Warhammer world and I may find it directed against me in battle. Experienced players assure me that a high level wizard is valuable support for my archers. I shall choose a level 20 ‘Greenfay’ at 303 points (2 vision of a ‘Wood Eif enchantress dressed in diaphanous green robes watts through my tormented mind - easily worth 303 points!) ‘Total spent on characters so far; 471 and no equipment. Grim and ruthless decisions lie ahead. My main close combat infantry unit, the Kinband, needs leader Of suitable calibre, a champion. So does my cavalry unit of Elven Lords. I shall choose two level 10 heroes or ‘Guardians’ at 88 basic points each making 176 points. Character total so far; 647 points, need more champions. If only I had the points I would give all my units champions. It makes sound tactical sense and is suitably heroic and ‘Elven’. But alas I must be selective. I shall allocate three level 5 ‘Glade Watchers’ at 48 basic points each to my elite archer units. Such troops would be bound to have ‘champions T assure myself. Total spent so far is 647 + (3x48) making 791 points spent on characters, Now I want an army standard, of to be more precise, I would like to paint an army standard. So I shall select a level 5 hero as army standard bearer. Fortunately, a character of any level ‘can act as the army standard bearer and does not count double the points since the standard already costs 50 (all praises to the enlightened authors of the lists for this new rule). The army standard and bearer works out at 48+50 making 98 points. Running total so far; 889 points spent on characters, Now [really must start thinking about giving the characters the ‘equipment they will need ‘The general will need light armour at least; 2 points ‘The champion of the cavalry will need a lance, light armour, a shield and a warhorse; 11 points. ‘The champion of the Kinbands will need a spear, light armour and a shield; 4 points ‘The three champions ofthe elite archer units will need longbows and light armour; 15 points. ‘Total cost for essential equipment of my characters is 32 points. The toral for the characters is now at 921 points. Calculate the total points value of the army so far and make any necessary adjustments. {Ihave spent 1936 points on rank and file. allocated 2000 and so.am wel within the allowed maximum and minimum for rank and file troops. Iallocated 1000 points to characters and Ihave spent 921, again within the maximum and minimum allocation for characters. The grand total for the army comes t0 2857 points can spend the remaining 143 points on either characters br rank and file and the army would still retain its integity. ‘need mounts for the general and the army standard bearer. If Tgive them both warhorses that would leave enough points for aimagic attribute or two for the army standard andior the general's weapons, As look through the lst, another alternative Springs to mind, Wain Lords! These Elven chariots cost 128 points and the model is very impressive. I check the section Df the ist entitled "Riding in Charis where says that character models can ride in chariots and that this does not affect the points value of either the characters or the chariot Furthermore, Chariots carrying characters can be treated as separate units of fone Vehicle. This is excellent; this is what I want to heas the author's mind is clearly as devious as my own. I shall mount my general ina chariot and I shall mount my army standard ‘bearer the same chariot beside him, Ths wil look magnificent and be very appropriate for an Elven chieftain, very ‘heroic. ‘chariot at 128 points brings the grand toal ofthe army up {© 2985 points which is only 15 points away from the maximum oF 3000 points have several options open to me to use these remaining 15 points wisely A horse or wathorse for the wizard? A longbow, shield and improved armour for the general? |Aemout for the standard bearer? Eventually I decide on a shield (1), and upgraded armour (+1 from light to heavy), and 2 longbow (3) for the general, a wathorse (6) for the wizard, and heavy armour (2) for the standard bearer - totalling 13 points. The total points value of the army is now 2998 points. ‘The Final Army. ‘The order of battle of my Wood Elf army is as follows: 1 level 20 general in a chariot with a level 5 ‘army standard bearer 1 unit of 8 cavalry including mounted level 10 champion. L unit of 16+2 missile elite archers with level 5 champion. 2 units of 16+1 missile elite archers each including level $ champions, 1 unit of 20 Elven spearmen including a level 10 champion and unit standard bearer. 2 units of 15 archers. 1 unit of 10 scouts. 1 unit of 10 wardancers, 1 unit of 5 falconess. 1 shapechanger (to be hidden in a unit) WARHAMMER ARMIES, a] = i ee ca ee ARMY LISTS —< DARK ELVES >— (Over five millennia before the present, a great civil war arose in the land of Ulthuan, This war lasted for almost two thousand ‘years, and is known amongst Elves as the Kin Strife. It was a ‘time of anarchy, terror, death and bloodshed. It began when some Elves foresook their ancient gods and sought our the dark gods of evil sorcery. Some even turned to the foul gods of Chaos. ‘When their uncorrupted kindred tried to suppress these sinister cults, the Elven kingdoms were plunged into along and bloody ‘war. Ultimately, the Dark Elves, as these renegades were called, ‘were defeated and banished. They sailed into the west and settled in the land of Naggaroth, in a bitter and resentful exile. Here they established their own realms amongst the cold ‘mountains and dark pine forests. The largest and oldest of these settlements is the city of Naggarond, which means Tower of Chill, an ape title for this stony citadel of sorcery and daemonic sacrifice. Female Datk Elves are 2s ferocious and even more bloodthirsty than their male kin. Most deadly of all are the dreaded Witch Elves, deadly female warriors who are held in great awe by the rest of Dark FIf society. After battle, they make sacrifices to Khaine the God of Murder and bathe in iron cauldrons brimming with blood. Then they lead a frenzied congregation of their warrior comrades in depraved orgies and insane rituals t0 celebrate their victory. In the caverns deep below the stony peaks of Naggaroth, the Dark Elves found and tamed the great lizards known as Cold ‘Ones. By means of powerful aromatic herbs, the Elves made ‘themselves immune to the powerful stench of these creatures, so that they could ride them into battle. Dark Elves wear dark and sinister attire. Their helmetsand other war-gear arc highly decorated with distinctive swirling patterns in black, gold and silver. Their shields and standards bear fell symbols of death and terror, or else images and badges of the evil gods that they worship. THE DARK HORDE —< ARMY SELECTION >— Force Minimum Maximum Rank & File models. | Army’s total PY_| Whole army es 1 Hero Character models 1 Hero Anmy’s total PU Heroes 1 mode! Wizards 0 8 Allies ° 4 Aemy’s total PV Ethereal or Monstrous host o 4 Army's total PV A Dark Elf army may include a baggage train at no extra cost — CHARACTER MODELS >— Character models are heroes and wizards, The player may spend up to half of the army's total points value on character models and must include at least one (ie, the Genera). General: The army must be led by by a General who will be the character model with the highest leadership characteristic. Army Standard: The army is allowed one army standard which ‘must be carried by a character model, and paid for from the character points allocation. Army standards cost 50 points. Riding in Chariots: Character models may ride in chariots includedas part of the army's rank & fle points allowance. This does not affect either the points value of the chariot or the character. Chariots carrying characters can be treated as separate units of 1 model. Points: The points costs given for characters are for a basic uunarmoured model with a hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of equipment not mentioned on the table, it may be ignored, Points cos! [Points cost —x OF NAGGAROTH a ae = tem character | Tem ‘character mywsles[S|[T[w]i A] io [mm] OO | We [Pe model ‘model owe Is lalaiaisiiieli] 619i 9 B18 Close Combat Riding Animals a ‘Weapons Hone 3 swe [s[s[s [els [i [7 [2] 6 [eo] 9 [6 [48] | sditiona hand Warhorse 6 ovo [sfelstelel2i7{aen |e] |e [ee] | weapon 1 | Cold One 2 Hero _|6]6/5]4]413]8/3] t0+2| @ | 1041] 941 | 128. Double-handed 20H [Ss {7[s{sfefa fale lies] 9 [ro+1 a+ [rea] | weapon + ee _ 2steo [s[7[ofela [slate] oss hos ws2|ro+2]z0] | Fat Se eH Spear 1 | Dragon 2 350 Swit [es [ofa [ar [o[] @ foalwon] on [ve Dragon 3 450 10 Wierd [5] 5/4] 4/3] 2]7/1 ho+: 10+2 | 18 Missile Dragon 4 550 wines [5/6 [s[4[e[a[7 [1 hos ‘0x2 [20a] | Weapoos ake | cone ss aigixsatioed weaatostasl (om Qragon 75 avin {sfo[s[e{s|4{a{1{wen}oed tea |wealama| | pig Winged Degon | 330 Ward 4[e[a[o] [ross ho+a{ wes] 143/418] | “Cossbow 4 | Gatton 200 Bas sis: fant - 20m x 20mm; eld Oneriders- 25mm x 50mm. | | throwing knives | 1 | Hippogrtt 200 teak Wyvern 180 Alignment: Dak i amies canbe of eter Evil o Cate | gamoue egeiee Ww Shield 1 | Giant spiser 45 Psychology: Dark Elves hate other Eifkindreds, Witch Eives_ | Light armour 2 are subject to frenzy Heavy armour 3 (Chaos Attributes: Dark Elf character models may manifest | HONE Or chaotic attributes, subject to the provisions on page 6. A Dark | abo P EIf character may have up to D6-3 personal attributes. ARMY LISTS Heroes The army has a theoretical maximum of 26 hero models, but ‘no more than half the army's total points value may be expended fon them. ‘The maximum number of heroes available at each levet is given below: Points per Maximum availability _ _ model 6 Deathshades (level 5 heroes) 43 5 Witch-helms (level 10 heroes) 88 4 Death Dealers (level 15 heroes) 28 5 Deatheaps (level 20 heroes) 168 2 Dark Lords (level 25 heroes) 208 2 Bloodshades (level 5 assassins) 48 1 Goredirker (level 10 assassin) 88 1 Bloodietch (level 15 assassin) 28 1 Dagalus level 20 assassin) 168 1 Doomblade(level 25 assassin) 208 ‘Champions Level 5, 10 and 15 heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders (unless designated as the Army Standard Bearer). These hhero-leaders’ are referred to as champfons. Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (sec WFB, 93). Assassins ‘Any child born to a Witch Elf is cast into a cauldron of boiling, ‘blood to live or perish according to the whim of Khaine, God of Murder. Those chosen by Khaine to survive this horrific ‘ordeal become his Adepts, and are brought up in the cult to become Assassins. Dark Elf assassins may make poisoned attacks. Wizards ‘The army may contain a maximum of 8 wizards. The maximum ‘number of wizards available at each level and their points costs are given below. Wizards of any level may be assigned to units as champions, or may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way. Magic Items for Characters (Character models canbe equipped with magical itemsby paying the points indicated on the Magic Items Chart (pt3). This comes ‘out ofthe points allocated t0 the the character model points Sllowance. The items must be one of the following: Any character model may carry one magic weapon with uptoone magic attribute for every 5 levels’ of the character (ie, a level 5 character may carry a weapon with one tribute, a level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, ete). Character models may be equipped with any sort of magic missiles Any orall of the army's wizards may be equipped with up to three scrolls, each containing up to three different spells. of level three or lower. Four of the army's character models may wear a ring with a spell of level 3 oF lower Three character models may be equipped with magic ‘The army standard may have up to 2 magical abilities. — RANK § FILE >— ‘At least a third of the army’s total points value must be spent ‘on rank & file troops organised into units. Any unit may be given 2 unit standard bearer and/or a musician (see WEB, p77). ‘Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit, and cost twice the points value of a basic trooper, Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary standard into a rmagie standard with a single ability. The ability may have points value up to the amount shown. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see pl) Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrument into a magic instrument with a single ability. All magical instruments cost an extra 25 points as indicated below. The ‘The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as follows: Character | Magic | Number of spells at level Hevel__| level | 1 2 Soe 5 1 3 ° ° ° 10 1 6 ° ° ° 15 2 6 3 ° ° 20 3 6 3 3 ° 25 i 6 3 3 3 Spells should he generated from the appropriate spell level of the Battle Magic chart, except that at least one spell of each level must be generated from either the Daemonic or ‘Necromantic charts instead. In addition, the player may choose to employ more Daemonic or Necromantic magic, by replacing any or all Bactle Magic spells with Daemonic or Necromantic spells ofthe same level. Finally, one Battle Magic spell from any level may be replaced by an Illusionist spell of the same level Note that Dark Elf wizards never have Elemental spells. Fae) 2eciicslley mathe choses nore down before she game Maximum availability ‘model a 3 Helltays (level 5 wizards) 78 5 Grimwitches (level 10 wizards) us. 3 Death-hoods (level 15 wizards) 203 2 Witherwitches (level 20 wizards) 303 1 Wizendamn (level 25 wizard) 418 Generating Spells PRE EAC MY LISTS RE EMSs 4 Mw BS. 8 | T |W Et | A | ta | int Ci We] ‘M iws|ps| | T iw] 1 | A [td | int Ct jwP) +3swockeute |- (5/41 4/3|/1/7]1/8l9|9i8 +2snock eure |-|5|4/3/3|]1/7|1|8/9/9/8 can owrwourr[e[stelelel-[tleeieleL-§ Pumowe—[elstetstst-[ebst-[-1-1- TwopELs FER UNE 319 Tmopnis ERUNTE” 570 POINTS PER MODEL: 39 \ pa POINTS PER MODEL: 33 WEAPONS. —Taxp WiAPON Qos WEAPONS: NCEA \yehea ESF Fearon ARMOUR GT ao BA [Rewoun —pareaom S'suet ie ves ‘SHIELD ed ‘OPTIONS END ‘OPTIONS egeeeeeng|] ee ESET ONE UNF May HAVE RrPEATING CROSBOWS.....8 Th far Cold Ones are anesome mate ipo 8 deste Pet ee of ne That hey may ere te stench of thee reat Hisar CET Thark Fi Lorde proto fg nied, ig dou her enemies with Bete sain black warhorses POT sisnock eure |—|5 | 4 [coup one mount |= | 3 [0 WEAPONS: _ HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘8 SHIELD ‘OPTIONS rng riders ye ata fallmasery er tet Haan inte WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR! —_LiGHiT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS: ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: REPEATING. CROSSBOWS HORSE BARDING eval of the artes of agearety tees al riders sad far before tm at they bur and plage Ther martes angie bis be blood (ef there elim. ts sda tet ees never Dink MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10 POINTS PER MODEL: 13, WEAPONS: HAND WEATON "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: LGHT ARMOUR “Dark Lif scouts are yaad cunning, They are masirs of te ambush Seeting nadous nd gloom in which 10 hark wearing Hsigh colours that merge wi the bade re SS ea [stm wales) str tw] t [A [ts tne] ci lw) [omer ——eleletsiaiieltislelale) ‘WEAPONS: CROSSBOW & HIAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR “OPTIONS (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: ONE UNIT May sussTITUTE: REPEATING CROSSBOWS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE. “Beng great exponents of te ambush, Dark Elves favour te wae of te ‘rosin andurecapabecy putting ito devaratingefct aan ber ta s]tlw i [DARK ELF as sah east canes nares a ‘OPTIONS ANY ANIMAL HANDLER MAY HAVE TicHt ARMOUR 2 ‘CHAOS HOUNDS Letting tbe dogs on facing foes, Menting guar or tbe caularone Each ‘ender may Gonrola pack of 2.6 antmate Tso or more packs ay be ‘merged to orm larger uns, but unis may contain only one Pe Of MODELS PER UNTI: 15-30, POINTS PER MODEL: 1 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS, (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: 1 Macte STANDARD Tau grim warrior bad af the Dark Eves compos oe vat bulk of tte muptcrous tnfantey. No Burk Elven force cver goes tow WitBOW a PO Ae eS DARK ELF sisiai3i3ziilelilslalals WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR “OPTIONS Tie Witch Elser are fe mt cil of ately dado Rn leering edversaries wo canbe arin ato a fetay of ne ‘oot ne exctemont of ate Tbe case ast ‘hey socam amide the carnage of bate, shaking te fon ‘ant anointing thomeiv in tbe blood of tet foe MODELS PER UNIT ALTAR & GUARDS "WEAPONS ‘ARMOUR: ‘OPTIONS, ‘Dark By serif atars ay be Brought righ upto the slangher lds Inreadines forthe tity ce ‘ark if wearers wth predatory seal let the gas be disappointed PE mWsles| Ss) bark cir crew 2) 514] 4]3/3 nepearing | RANGE | STRENGTH ocr THROWER 26" 3 Ther heey masa tee wubb diane thy prevent aie large for tts deadly weapon. Poe repeathag dar toner fies aconstat ‘barre of masses pon te haplteom ARMY LISTS —K SKIRMISHERS (ee we, p10) 3 —K HOSTS >— ‘The following units may operate as skirmishers if the player ‘wishes. Skirmishing units must be noted down before the battle. The maximum size for a skiemishing unit is 15 for for foot troops and 10 for mounted troops. | Maximum oumber of Unit type | skirmishing units Crossbowmen Shadows BAGGAGE >— The armies of Naggaroth are burdened with the countless instruments of ritual as well as the usual supplies and non: ‘combatants. Great iron cauldrons, spits, tongs, cages and all the tools of torture will be needed once they have gained possession Of the fields of slaughter. The baggage attendants comprise a great multitude of the very young, the old and the infirm. ‘Among them will be a few ancient and malicious hagwitches, kindling the fires of spite and resentment ‘A Dark Elf baggage train is represented by one wagon and 5 Elves per 1000 points worth of troops. These will have standard Dark Elf profiles, are unarmoured and use improvised weapons. —< ALLIES >— ‘eck allies among other evil or chaotic races. The player may spend up to one thied of the army's total points onallies. The allies must be assembled using the Allies Section (PI26), and chosen from the following contingents, Chaos Allies Fimir skaven undead —< MERCENARIES >— Dark Elves sometimes offer a share in the spoils to vicious mercenary bands in return for thei services in battle, thus attracting those who like booty as much as blood. The player ‘may spend up to one third of the army's total points on ‘mercenaries, Mercenaries must be assembled using the Mercenary Section (p150), and chosen from the following: Hobgoblins Nippon Ogres A Dark Elf wizard may magically bind a Monstrous, Ethereal ‘or Chaotic host prior to the game. The player may spend up to one quarter of the army's total points on a host, using the rules in the Warhammer Bestiary (see WEB, pp240 & 263). Points cost A Monstrous host may contain: per model 0-20 Cold Ones 22 0-30 Cold One Warhounds 8 0-1 Dragons 250-800 0-30. Giant Bats 2 0-30 Giant Leeches 6 0-8 Giant Scorpions 6 0-8 Giant Spiders 5 O-1 Swarms 250 0-20 Warhounds 4 Points cost An Ethereal host may contain: per model 0-8 — Ghosts 50 0-1 Spectres 200 0-1 Spectral Steed (for Spectre only) 225 0-2 Wights 100 0-2 Wraiths 150 Points cost A Chaotic host may contain: per model 0-6 Chaos Hounds 23 0-1 Chimeras 250 0-2 — Gockatrices 150 02 Griffons 200 06 — Harpies 15 0.1 Hippogeitts 200 Ol Hydra 200 0-1 Jabberwock 200 0-1 “Manticore 200 0-2 Wyverns 180 ARMY LISTS a ae | 2 8 s ARMY LISTS 0 SS —= WOOD ELVES > Wood Fives dwell deep in the vast, trackless forests of the Old World. Although these forests may lie within human kingdoms, the hidden enclaves of the Wood Elves are so remote as to form realms apart. Living in small scattered communities, Wood Elves shuun close contact with humankind, and are still more wary (of Dwaris. Their real enemies, however, are Goblins and servants (of Chaos, Wood Ef realms are able to muster small but formidable armies They fight mainly to defend their own lands but then they are both tenacious and ruthless. The core of a Wood FI army is ltsarchers, many armed with the famed Elven longbows, Others train wild beasts or birds of prey as ferocious living weapons Wood Elf warriors wear woodland colouss, which allows them: to merge with the trees and undergrowth. Like all Elves, Wood Elves are ingenious and imaginative and, although their atire and armament may be made from simple woodland materials, it is elegant, robust, and exquisitely decorated, TORSS[S TWAT Tw Te at [sislelsiaisfefi| slo] 91s 18 smo Toffees [72s [else la| wove —[s/6[slels[zt7[o[a-r] 0 | 9 | 8 lee t5Heo [5] 6|5[¢]4[3[e [3 [isa] 9 [oer] oe [ne ote [5] 7]5/elelel a] [wsal-s [+1] 9 [168 25a [5 [7/6] [4 [4 ]8]¢[ 10-3 fosal10:2) 1:20 SWiad [s[s[afe[s [i [oli] @ fonlionl en [ve wad [5] 5 [4 [e]3 [2] 7/1 [eet fod ost 052] ne w6Wead [56 [4 [4] 4[3] 7] [i062 hos 1042 | 1052 [20 zowead [5 {6[5]«[e]«]e|1| +2 fora] +2 | 1063 |303 [2swewe [517] 6] [a [s]o{]10+a hors] 013 [10-38] [taomn [ee] aTe[7[elala[ 8 [sls [3 [a0 Base Size Iniantry - 20mm x 20m; Cavalry -2 Freemen - 40mm x 40mm Alignment: Wood Baris are Good. —< ARMY SELECTION >— Force Minimum Maximum Rank & File models | Army's tol PV | Whole army less I Hero. character models 1 Hero Ye Amy's total PV Heroes T model Wirards 0 8 Allies 0 Army's tol PY Ethereal host © Army's tol PV ‘Wood Elves do not hire mercenaries, and rarcly use baggage ‘rains, although they may do so at no extra cost (see p13) —K CHARACTER MODELS >— ‘Character models are heroes and wizards. The player may spend ‘up to half of the army's total points value on character models, and must have at least 1 (je, the General) General: The army must be led by a general who will be the character model with the highest leadership characteristic: Army Standard: The army isallowed one army standard which ‘must be carried by a character model and paid for from the character model points allowance. Army standards cost 50 points. Riding in Chariots: Character models may ride in chariots Included as part of the Army's rank & file points allowance. This does not affect either the points value of the chariot or the character. Chariots carrying characters can be treated as separate units of 1 vehicle, Points: The points costs given for characters are for a basic ‘unarmoured model with a hand weapon, Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of equipment not mentioned in the table, it may be ignored, Points cost| Points cost per per tem character | tem character ‘model model Close Combat Riding Animals ‘Weapons Hone 3 Additional hand Warhorse 6 weapon 1 | Dragon 1 250 Double-handed Dragon 2 350 ‘weapons 2 | Dragon 3 450 Lance 2 | Dragon 4 550 Net 1 | Dragon 5 650. Spear 1 | Dragon 6 750. Winged Dragon | +50 Missile Eagle 35 ‘Weapons Unicorn 80 Javelin a (Fema riders ‘Long bow 3 only) Short bow 1 Throwing spear 1 Armour Shield Joa Light armour 2 Heavy armour a Horse or war. | horse barding 4 Heroes ‘The army has a theoretical maximum of 24 hero models, but may spend no more than half its total points value on them, ‘The maximum number of heroes available at each level, and their points cost are given below Points per Maximum availability ‘model 10 Glade Watchers (level 5 heroes) a8 5 Guardians (level 10 heroes) 88 4 Wood Lords (level 15 heroes) bs 3 Sylvan Chieftains (level 20 heroes) 168 2 Sylvan Kings (level 25 heroes) 208 ARMY LISTS oT ‘Champions Level 5, 10 and 15 heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders (unless designated as Army Standard Bearer). These inero-leaders’ are referred to as champions. Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (see WEB, 93). Wizards ‘The army may contain a maximum of cight wizards. The maximum number of wizards available at each level and their points costs are given below. Wizards of any level may be Essigned to units as champions, or may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way. Points per Maximum availability ‘model 3 Woodie (level 5 wizards) 78 3 Spellsingers (level 10 wizards) 18 2 sylpnsers (level 15 wizards) 203 2 Greenfeys (level 20 wizards) 303, 1 Deyad (level 25 wizard) 418 Generating Spells The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as follows: Magic Items for Characters Characters can carry magical items by paying the points indicated on the Magic Items Chart (p13). These are paid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following lis: Any character model may carry a single magic weapon with ‘up to one magic attribute for every 5 levels’ ofthe character (Ge, a level $ character may carry a weapon with one attribute, a level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, ete) Four character models may be equipped with any sort of magic missiles. Wizards may be equipped with up to three scrolls each. The scrolls may contain up to 4 different spells of level 3 or lower Three of the army's character models may weara ring with a spell of level 3 or lower Two character models may be equipped with magic armour. The army standard may have up to three magical abilities, —< RANK § FILE >— Character | Magic | Number of spetis at tevel pers et ase ae s |1]3]fe]o]e 6 2 | 6 3 o o All spelis are generated randomly from the appropriate spell level ofthe Battle Magic Chart, ln addition a player may choose to employ other types of magic, A Wood Elf wizard may substitute any Battle Magic spell for an Illusionist spell of the same level, and one Battle Magic spell from each level with an Elemental spell of the same level. Wood Elf wizards do not use Necromantic or Daemonic spells. At least a third of the army's total points value must be spent ‘on rank & file troops. All units are automatically assumed to have a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit, Any unit may be given a unit standard bearer andior a musician, Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit, and cost twice the points value of a basic trooper. Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary unit standard into ‘a magic standard with a single ability The ability may have a ‘points valuc up to the amount shown and must be chosen and noted dawn before the game (see p15). Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrument into a magic musical instrument with single ability. ll magical instruments cost an extra 25 ptsas indicated below. The spe ability must be chosen and noted down before the game, see p16. ARMY LISTS 0-20 ELVEN LORDS CTs 5] 8 r ‘cramor TM Ww 5 LA | id CI FONTS HENOSEA 31 WEAPONS: LANCE & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR orn BEE OO fet es isislilslilelelslal Sees "HAND WEAPON si CeO Ws] slals slr ywyt 3[siiiz 1A Jes int] ct |] iisisiols MODELS PER UNIT; 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 15, WEAPONS: LONGHOW & HAND WEAPON 2 MISSILE ELITE ARMOUR; LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: Trargestemants ae protected by contingents of guards who watch te fort pats from tet Budden srongpotnte Toetetmal unttof Guards form the ere of Waa Ef campalgnong armies, DE eT Syeiristulata pitts iretsteta WEAPONS: LONGBOW & ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, The best archers ta Wood Bf reat ar banded foetbr bp the lord Into ete contents who ein the fond’ all constant readiness, Be ity fos erste sislijeli[sfolols MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL; 11 WEAPONS: LONGHOW & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, (ONE UNIT May HAVE Many wood Fives ig ararcer, using bow fashioned from te ornalims tree which grt tn the aod ofthe Ola Worl. The Tomghou fe thet Mural capo, and one with Which they are Digby ched ARMY LISTS MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10 POINTS PER MODEL: 20 "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE, = fo} roe i) ea = opening if ‘rough thr foo. ELF SCOUT CEES M weiss) S| Tw ]t LUI [ooers rex unre s.r | [rons ex moors 16 | WEAPONS: LONGHOW & ‘OPTIONS, These are ard of scouts say-watcbrs mesenger aed banter They ion folie trac of a who enter he forest fr grat aitance aie ‘emining unson They bnon the woodland thai intimately ad ca ‘ad inrdrsaray wit ease Le Ss fas] s Tr Tw] [A Tis [i] cr wr} 3iaht isis MODELS PER UNIT; 10-30 POINTS PER MODEL: WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS HIGHT ARMOUR a (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS. 1 "teen tn very close fais which form te basi for warriors bande In times of wear These kinbands car? family baer nd wear tht Flom's badge upon thet ware ARMY LISTS SESE CE 2} er Mws}es] S| T]W) 1 TA [is fin] cr wr] ur sharechancen| s|ala{3{slilelilelolele auntwor [alalols{3|1|slz|slelale BOAR 7Islolslalilalzlalalsl« BEAR a[ajola[sl2}sis[els [le MODELS PER UNIT: UP TO 15 ‘OF UNIT POINTS FER MODEL: 28 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: _NONE ‘OPTIONS Wd B/ Beasmastrs ran tir packs ready rofl he Tors te tld unt. nate be quart) tbe foe Each banal may contol from 2-Ganimal modets and ts or more handlers and Tis packs maybe ‘merged to form larger urs Each ania bande uni i contain oa Oneltype of ceatare however These are te favoured kin of ental piri ar able oma fs te charac oar aly lb oe Ta ‘neque rare bulma be ound tap Wood Fifanarband Shaper ‘nab et afte infantry units lst ove TTT Ce ae STW] tA lea] cr ‘ rae Tehri BHBABAA cs "MODELS PER UNTT: Momasreruwe S10 | 9/2 hg, POINTS PER MODEL 280 POINTS PER MODEL: n f ¥ WEAPONS: STOMP ATTACKS WEATONS: HAND WaPo any) as. ARMOUR: = NONE ARROUR NONE : \ eres ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: x f. Te forest homes ofthe Eee ae also the ducting places of the sant (Wood Borde are peat hunters and hawkers Toeifalconerstameand J | Trecmen ves nd Tcomn are cio fiends umd jen eat ser train bins of pres tb for bunting nd for war iri wang remen fain tbe wht of the Elen Lo eee ‘see fee tn ving cheatures onder 10 tal, and hate godine Starlocs Wood Hfarchers = deadly unit composcd of some ofthe fines bowmen inthe Old Worl ‘nd svalbie a4 boxed Regiment of Renown fm Cite! intarues, ARMY LISTS — SKIRMISHERS (ce ws, pi00) = ‘The following units may operate as skirmishers if the player wishes, Skirmishing units must be noted down before the battle ‘The maximum size for a skirmishing unit is 15 for foot troops and 10 for mounted troops. Maximum number of Unie type skirmishing waits Elven Riders 1 Archers 2 Lord's Bowmen 2 Glade Runners Any —< BAGGAGE >— Wood Elves rarely employ baggage trains except when campaigning far from their woodland homes. A Wood Elf ‘baggage train is represented by one wagon and § civilians per 1000 points in the army. Civilians have standard Wood Flr profiles, are unarmoured and use improvised weapons. —< ALLIES >— The natural allies of Wood Elvesare other ‘good’ Elvesand other inhabitants of the forests, The player may spend up to one third ‘ofthe armies total points on allies. The allies must be assembled using the Ailes Section (p126) and should be chosen from the following. High Elves Halflings Zoats —< HOSTS > A Wood Elf wizard may magically bind either a Monstrous or Ethereal host prior to the game, The player may spend up to ‘one quarter of the army's total points on hosts. The host is assembled using the rules in the Warhammer Bestiary (see ‘WEB, pp240 & 263) Ethereal hosts will comprise the shades of ‘faded’ Wood Elves, lingering among the leafy glades, silently watching over the woodland paths as ghostly guardians and coming to the aid of their living kindred in time of need. These may be represented by Elf models suitably painted in ethereal colours, Points cost ‘The monstrous host may contain: per model 0-20. Bears 20 0-40 Boars 6 0-1 Dragons 250-800 0-5 Eagles 75 0-1 Swarms 250 0-20 Warhounds 4 Points cost An Fthereal host may contain: per model 05 — Ghosts 50 OL Spectres 200 0-1 Spectral mounts +25" 02 Wights 100 02 Wraiths 150 * These may only be included as steeds for Spectres. Datel 3 RMY LISTS HIGH ELVES > ‘The continental island of Ulthuan is the homeland of the Elven kindred, It is not one, but many Kingdoms, each ruled by its own King and nobles. Foremost among these is the great ‘maritime kingdom of Eatain and is glittering capitol of Lothern. The Lord of Lothern is generally accorded the title of Elven acknowledging his supremacy over all the other lands of Ulthuan. However, the lands of the Elven King are not always peaceful, and sometimes the various kingdoms war against their neighbours, Smaller and less stable kingdoms are also prone to internal unrest, or kinstrife, whilst even the Elven Kingdoms harbour their share of outlaws and bandits. Bur by far the greatest threat to the Elven Kingdoms comes in the form of seaborne raids from either Dark Elves or Norse. It isthe Elves dwelling upon the northern shores who endure the greatest threat, whilst those that live beyond the sheltering ‘mountains upon the inner plains remain untouched by the torments of the wider world. The Elves of the coastal realms are great sca-farers, traders and warriors. They are known as ‘Sea Elves and it is their constant vigilance that preserves the Elven lands from invasion. Such is the martial prowess of the Sea Elves that they are to be found in the armies of almost all the Elven Kingdoms, They are especially renowned 2s foot- ‘warriors, and their mail or scale armour is frequently likened 10 fish scales. ‘The Elves that live upon the inner plains of Ulthuan are ‘commonly called High Elves. They are a proud people, and intolerant of lesser races. High Elves prefer to fight mounted, oor in chariots, alongside their immediate kinfolk. Cavalry squadrons may therefore carry a family's coatof-arms, dress in its traditional colour, and presenta fairly uniform appearance. Other regiments are recruited from individual cities or settlements. All Elves are superb craftsmen, excelling in whatever they do. ‘Theis arms and armour is wrought with precious metals and sparkling gems. Cloth of gold may be richly embroidered and strewn with pearls to make standard, while swordblades and spearheads may be plated with silver. To gaze upon an Elven hhost coming from afar is to behold a sea of stars, Elven armies include many musicians, and Elven warriors sing as they march into battle, moles] Ss |r [wt TA] ws [oe] co | WP [Ps lr [s{als/s{slifeli| s [ol 9 | 8 le Siem [s[s[sla[a[i[7]2] 8 [oo | 8 [a roveo [sle[s{alel2{7|3fo]o | 9 | 8 [os sso [5] 6[5[4[s{3]6|3] i042] 9 |10+1| 9+ | n8 faoneo [5 [7[s[4 [altel s|ioe3| 9 | +1 | ost | 65 j25Heo [5 [7[6[s [als tela |ioss hos 142 | 1042 |208 [swind [s[5[s[e[3[1 [ei] 8 foron| on [ve sowied [5[5[4[a[3]2[7]1 | 941 fos] 10st 1042) 1B rs Wierd [5[6[4[4[a]a [7/1 [10+2 h0%2] 1042/1042 | 209 feowiad [5 [6[5[4[4[4 [el 1 |10+2 ho+3} 1042 | 1043 303 25 Wiens [5 [7 [6 [4[4]s {911 |10+3 ho+a 1013] 1043 [418 Base Sizes: Infantry - 20rmm x 20mm; Cavalry - 25mm x 80mm [Alignment Arnis ofthe Even Kingdoms are Good. —— Force Minium Maximum, Rank & File models | Army's total PY. | Whole army es 1 Hero Character models 1 Hero % Army's total PV Heroes 1 model Wizards ° 5 models Allies o 4 Army's tol PV Ethereal o Monstrous host o W Aemy’s total PY ‘The army may have a baggage train at no extra cost. Note: Elven armies do not employ mercenaries. High Elves have far too much pride and Sea Elves are far too prudent to consider investing any wealth or trust in such contingents. —< CHARACTER MODELS > ‘Character modelsare heroes and wizards, The player may spend up to two-thirds of the army's total points value on character ‘models, and must have at least I (ie, the General). General: The army must be led by a general who will be the character model with the highest leadership characteristic. Army Standard: The army isallowed one army standard which ‘must be carried by a character model and paid for from the character model points allowance. Army standards cost 50 points Riding in Chariots: Character models may ride in chariots includedas part of the army’s rank & fle points allowance. This does not affect either the points value of the chariot or the ‘character. Chariots carrying characters can be treated as separate units of 1 model ARMY LISTS Points Cost: The values given for characters are for a basic ‘unarmoured model with a hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of equipment not mentioned in the table, it may be ignored, [Polats cost] Points cont] per per Item character | Item character ‘model ‘model ‘Close Combat Riding Animals ‘Weapons Horse 3 ‘Additional hand Warhorse 6 ‘weapon 1 | Pegasus 4 Double-handed weapon 2 | War Beasts Full 1 | Dragon 1 250 Halberd 2 | Dragon 2 350 Lance 2 | Dragon 3 450 Spear 1 | Dragon 3 550 Dragon 5 650 Missile Extra for winged ‘Weapons ‘dragon +50 Bow 2 | Griffon 200 Crossbow 3 | Hippogriet 200 Dans 1 | Unicorn Javelin 1 (Female riders ‘Long bow 3 only) 80 ‘Throwing spear 1 Armour Shield 1 Light armour 2 Heavy armour 3 Horse or warhorse barding 4 Mithel light armour 32 Heroes ‘The army may contain up to 18 hero models. The maximum ‘umber of heroes available at each level, and their points costs are given below: Points per Maximum availability ‘model 6 Kinthanes (level 5 heroes) 48 5 Earl (level 10 heroes) 38 4 Kinlords (level 15 heroes 2B 2 Princes (level 20 heroes) 168 1 Suzerain (level 25 hero) 208 Champions Level 5, 10 and 15 heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders (unless designated as Army Standard Bearer). These thero-leaders’ are referred to as champions. Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (see WEB, 93), Wizards ‘The army may contain up to five wizards. The maximum number of wizards available at each level and their points costs are given below. Wizards of any level may be assigned to units as champions, or may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way. Points per Maximum availability ‘model 3 Incantors (level 5 wizards) 78 5 Spellbards (level 10 wizards) 118 3 Feys (level 15 wizards) 203 2 Dreamguilrs (level 20 wizards) 308 LLElven Mage (level 25 wizard) 18 Generating Spells ‘The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as follows: ‘Character level 5 0 15 20 25 Magic | Number of spells at level jevel_| 1 aanae All spells are generated randomly from the Battle Magic chart, An Elven wizard may also use other sorts of magic ifthe player ‘chooses. High Elf wizards may replace one Battle Magic Spell from each level, with either an Illusionist, Elemental, Daemonic ‘or Necromantic spell of the same level. Sea Elf wizards may replace one Battle Magic spell from each level with an Illusionist, Daemonic or Elemental spell of the same level. They may not use Necromantic spells. Magic Items for Characters ‘Characters can also carry a limited number of magical tems by paving the points indicated on the Magic Items Chart (pl3) ‘These are paid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following list Any character model may carry one magic weapon with, up to one magic attribute for every 5 ‘levels’ of the character (ie, a level 5 character may carry a weapon with one attribute, a level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, ete). Character models may be equipped with any sort of magic missiles ‘Wizards may be equipped with up to three scrolls each Each scroll may contain up to 4 different spells of level 3 or lower. Four character models may wear a single ring with a spell of level 3 or lower, ‘Two character models may be equipped with magic armour. ‘The army standard may have up to 2 magical abilities. —< RANK § FILE >— Atleast a third of the army’s total points value must be spent fon rank & file troops. All units are automatically assumed to have a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit, Any unit may be given a unit standard bearer and/or a musician. Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit, but cost rwice the points value of a basie trooper. Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary standard into a ‘magic standard with a single ability. The ability may havea points value up to the amount shown. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see p15). Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrument {nto a magic musical instrument with asingle ability. All magical instruments cost an extra 25 pts as indicated below. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (sce pl) ARMY LISTS A number of troop types from the War Host of Ulthuan are illustrated above. Above left -siverhnelm (Elven Noble cavalry) Above right: an Elven Guard spearman, Bottom row (left to right): Archer, Musician and Wardancer. The facing page shows a selection of notable High Fiven banner and shield designs, including 2 number of those belonging Elven wario kndreds nd merchant companies The shicid designs shown inclade kindred hevdicerbiems and personal ember of Even heres The large banne ia the top sight, for example the peronal banner of Prince Mircl Armarath and depicts he rising son of his howschold. The emblems ‘atthe Banner beside (ef) slides to he pcrilous crows! lend of thc heiress howe of Givanyar The banner iomedately below te sun sandard ‘Selongs toa mobic cavalry regiment ands woven with details of bartle nous inte Eivish scrip, fp left se sndard of the eral ame Regiment 3 fenowned warrior Kindred, while the second sleld Inthe hottom row belongs to the champion of 4 Ship's Compa ARMY LISTS. ARMY LISTS REET JOA WARWAINS M |ws}BS |S [t ) Wit | A [td [it] Ct HEAVY CHARIOT | M |ws/8S| S/T |W] 1 | A [Ld |int| cr saswocceme |-[s|s[alali[7|2[elolsie§ furcnwa —|-l4]«[3la[1le[1/s/s[o/6 pnagon wna) 6 /¢lolsis[7[2j6|—[-|-|—9 fanwonse els for«[si[stst ||| "NODES FaR UNE TOWNS Fax MODEL = max ACEIDEC 1 \ 28 rawna pore _| 6° =z < ARON Anwour: [MODELS PER UN Fonts rE MODE | | wills Ae 3 Ea nour: waarons orrion: EX on Tides are rare and igh revered warrior. Too Toad | avy cnansonemt oe Any c1ARIOF RIDER MAY HAE ew: dling pom tal pits orn big owere They are J S&T, CHARIOT Mx s oe fi Fatma ete eaten wt ranking os peers UOT aioe ‘ eae] WY Yr rye nahn wien mocks tfeloleled | ancien a rend ro tetas ofrea bane Penner ere See +3 SHOCK ELITE WARHORSE Many High 1 nobles ride finely made and miperby decorated chariots Inao battle Ty form the ort formidable and magnificent rope be MODELS PER UNIT: 5-20 _} | frond in an Ettn brs Nowe tt chart ents ate conor POINTS PER MODEL: 35 {anyone mener har asbis tere counts sil aad io ponts EALONSOEAGEE tue as Boon calctated acconding HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR TIONS Niko sa 3b “loon lords and ese nobles ake fo sar mounted on splendid chargers ‘anf woaring masficont tall bem, Write, ster ghey tnd dled ‘orec ae tbe moet bibty prise CEO aT il [w [1 | A | td |tne | ct wel +1 sHock eure _|e*| 5 | [slilelilelolele} WEAPONS: SPEAR & ARMOUR: SHLD INS ‘oPniol IHL ‘Coastal Kingdom contributes to tbs offers. Teese warriors are battle ‘andened, practical solders need tothe deprivation of fg parole and udden combat 0-50 ARCHERS ARMY LISTS Ce S) TW) 1A yer simissue eure [5 | s/s WEAPONS: LONG now & HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR Te re aaron Kear aa allman {tbe bow armedjighig regent The aetna! bos te Land ‘tnd practise dah atthe bate [Te Pwsl es] Tr wT 1 Ts Te Tine] [we fer isi sisiiisliisisiaish MODELS PER UNIT: 10 POINTS PER MODEL; 13 ‘WEAPONS: LONG BOW & "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS, Cerra) [iain] ct Jw] eliels ele] WEAPONS: SPEA! rr HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARWOUR ‘OFTIONS Ter tony shnding ssc personal guard ra Enuetantangn ua ik forte coe of Eten arts + + (ae sistiteliteleiele 4 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON TROT aE ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE LIGHT ARMOUR The bumble Elo folk who serve the land cnners i the feds andthe arisansn the tocne muster gsr ino ands based upon ther area. ‘Thar oly, weciorsaacetated witb parcel local Pat oe | [Ww] 1 [A [td Lint | cr wed laiiislitelstols] Siac se man [ONE UNIT MAY HAVE he SEs Pee ety fo ta rang rare tee ee pws! s | t [wt | A [i in | ot wel fas see eres ise) FONTS FE MODEL: 10 ‘WEAFORS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS NY UNIT MAY HAVE DOUBLE HANDED WEAPONS SPEARS HEAVY ARMOUR STANDARD. Th ines of war, Hees proup together bit regiment formed of amily ® = reer mini ef te toni and fyb, ARMY LISTS x Saree fur wanoancen s isis si siiieiijsisisis] MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10 "WEAPONS: HAND WEAFON ARMOUR: NONF ‘510 POINTS PER MODEL: WEAPONS: LONGHOW & HAND WEAPON Temes rsnes and hei th boone righ boon te bas ‘pseonore These arora at cousin string an abusing ‘heenen Ever tond tm be shred acti tbo know bow fos sucb troops “ ptm wsfes| s [fw [A [ta in fer crewi [sisiatsiaiiisliis! me Le a a a bese tana fo support Been armies This et ante ex Som power eh aye be eed tals ater ‘ort thanbs to the flebitiy Sea Ef forces and Blven tactical ingen A Sliver Helm ser spurs his mount 1 2 gallop, ARMY LISTS — SKIRMISHERS (sce ws, p100) 3 — HOSTS >— The following units may operate as skirmishers ifthe player wishes, Skirmishing units must be noted down before the battle. ‘The maximum size for a skirmishing unit is 15 for foot troops and 10 for mounted troops Maximum number of Unit eype skirmishing units Shore Riders 2 Warrior Kin 1 Archers 1 Seekers any —< BAGGAGE >— High Elves often bring with them many servants, minstrcs, bards and other attendants to entertain them in their maginificent tents ‘while on campaign. Sea Elves frequently venture fa ‘iced to bring provisions and trade goods with them. An Elven baggage train is represented by one wagon and 5 non-warrior Elves per 1000 points’ worth of troops. These civilians will have standard Elf profiles, are unarmoured and use improvised weapons. —XALLIES >— [An Elven wizard may magically bind a monstrous or ethereal host prior to the game. The player may spend up to one quarter of the army's total points on a host, which must be assembled using the rules in the Warhammer Bestiary (sce WEB, pp240 & 263) Ethereal hosts comprise the shades of ‘faded’ Elves, who perished leaving some great task undone or an obligation ‘unfulfilled. They cannot truly rest until they have set at ease theirsouls. They may come forth atthe behest ofan Elven wizard to slay the foe they seek of avenge the friends they lost. —— ‘The natural allies of High Elves and Sea Elves are their rustic sylvan kindred from the Old and New Worlds -the Wood Elves. ‘They have many warlike skills and unusual warriors which are sometimes requested by the lords of the Elven Kingdoms. The player may spend up to 2 third of the army's total points value ‘ona Wood Flfallied contingent (and no others). The allies must be assembled using the Allies Section (p126), Points cont ‘The monstrous host may contain: | _per model 0-20 Bears 20 0-40 Boas 6 0-2 Dragons 250-800 0-5 Eagles 7 O41 swarms 250 0-20. Warhounds 4 Points com ‘The monstrous host may contain: | _per model 06 — Ghosts 50. 0-2 Spectres 200 0-2 Spectral mounts 425" * These may only be used if the host contains Spectres. wa = = FA a rm ES = ARMY LISTS -——< THE EMPIRE >— ‘The Empire is the largest and most powerful realm in the Old World. Itcomprises several states or provinces ruled by Electors; provincial nobles responsible for electing one of their number as Emperor. The Emperor maintains his own Imperial Guard, and each province within The Empire also raises small standing armies, supplemented by town militia and peasant levies. In addition to these forces, there are the feudal retinues of provincial nobles and the various secular and religious orders Of knighthood. [An army might represent either the full military might of the Empire, led by the Emperor at the head of the Imperial Guard and supported by Templars of all the knightly orders, or just the standing army of a single Elector state, bolstered by ‘mercenary contingents or Templars of the local cult. Although the Empire is united under a strong leader, this has not always been so; cty rivalries and religious disputes continue to fester and civil war could still break out ‘The wide variety of troops in the Imperial Army reflects the diversity of culture and complex political organisation of this large realm. The core of the army is composed of good quality professional soldiers, well trained and well armed. They are ably supported by reliable mounted knights; grim, coldly efficient warriors epitomised by the religious Knightly Orders or Templass All Imperial soldiers take warfare very seriously, whether it be the professional outlook of the provincial standing armies, or the good natured bellicosity of some feudal nobles. Warleaders ‘of The Empire ae famed for their methodical approach to tacties and strategy, Imperial troops bear heraldic blazons appropriate to their retinue, province, or Knightly Order. Dark and striking colours are preferred while an inclination for somewhat grim and awe- inspiring heraldic insignia conforms to the national character. Standards often depict disquieting images inspired by local cults, ‘and indicating something of the deep angst lurking in the minds (of many warriors. THE ARMY — OF THE EMPIRE >— MMSES|S[TIW]I [A] [| Mme —lel3ia(stalsislit 7 [7] 7 sHeo Te[ala[ela[i (aay 7 [7] 7 | 7 [30] woo lalsialatsl2ialaten| 7 [7 | 7 [65 sso [«[s{alalals|s[3] 97] 7 | eet | +1 | 00] aoHwo [46 [4{salstel4|ioea| 7 | e+ | ast [06 fase 14 [6] 514] 4] 4|6| 4] 1043 |9+2] 9+2 | 942 | 190 Swiad [4] 4[3[4[ 310 [3] ] 7 [evi] ext | a+ | 60 Wand [4] s{3{e[at2[4]y] eet [ava] x1 | 942 [as rs wand [41 5|3(4[4[3| 4] 1] 942 |a+2| 942 | 942 [5 owners [4 [5 [4 [alats|s]1 | 942 ho+d 942 | 10+3 [240 [25 Wawed [46/514] 4[4]6[1 | 10+3 hor wea | +3 [340 Base size: Infantry 20mm x 20mm; Cavalry 25mm x 50mm Alignment: Imperial armies are Neutra Psychology: Flagaliants (see below and WFB, p97) are subject, to frenzy and hate all Chaotics. —— Force HRank & File models Minimum Maximum 4 Army's oral PY | Whole army less 1 Hero |character models 1 Hero ¥ Army's total PV Heroes 1 mode! Wizards 0 4 models Allies 0 % Army's tol PV Mercenaries 0 4 Aemy's total PV [Monstrous host ° Army's total PV The army may have a baggage train at no extra cost. —*K CHARACTER MODELS >— Character models are heroes and wizards. The player may spend up to half of the army's total points value on character models. ‘An Imperial army may have up to 20 character models and must hhave at least 1 (Le. the General) General: The army must be led by a general who will be the character model with the highest leadership characteristic. Army Standard: The army is allowed one army standard which ‘must be carried by a character model and paid for from the character model points allowance. Army standards cost 50 points. Points: The points cost given for characters are for a basic ‘unarmoured model with a hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of equipment not mentioned in the table, it may be ignored. Points cost] [Points cost| per pet tem character | Item character ‘model ‘model Close Combat Armour ‘Weapons Shield 1 Additional hand Light armour 2 ‘weapon 1 | Heavy armour 3 Double-handed Horse or weapon 2 | Warhorse barding] 4 Ful 1 Halberd 2 | Riding Animals Lance 2 | Horse 3 Pi | 1 | Warhorse 6 Spear 1 | Pegasus 4 Missile | ‘Weapons ‘War Beasts Arquebus 3 | Unicorn Blunderbuss 2 | (female riders Bow 2 | only) 80 Ceosshow 3 Long bow 3 Pistol ae Short bow 1 ‘Throwing spear 1 ARMY LISTS Heroes ‘The army may contain up to 16 hero models. The maximum. ‘number of heroes available at ech level, and their points cost are given below: Maximum availability poles eet 6 Grafs (level 5 heroes) 30 4 Baronen (level 10 heroes) 55 3 Margrafs (level 15 heroes) 80, 2 Counts (level 20 heroes) 105 1 Hochmarschall (level 25 hero) 130 Champions Level 5, 10 and 15 heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders, unless designated as the Army Standard Bearer. These "hero-leaders' are referred to as champions. Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (see WEB 93). Bombardiers (see WEB p96) ‘One hero mode! may be a Bombardier, skilled master gunner assigned to the artillery. A Bombardier costs an additional 20, points and is considered to be the champion of an individual artillery battery, ierespective of his level. Wizards ‘The army may contain up to four wizards. The maximum number of wizards available at each level and their points costs are given below. Wizards of any level may be assigned t0 units as champions, or may be left as independent characters, free fe sacs ey crs te acl We Maxianum availability Polat per 2 Zaaherer (evel wie) «0 2 Schearantcs (ctl 10 wind) ss i Monriere evel 13 wlan) s 1 Zrabrmieterevel 20 wis) zo tates vel 25 war Ho Generating Spells ‘The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as follows: oe Gee oes Al spells are generated randomly from the appropriate spell level of the Battle Magic Chart. A wizard may also use some other forms of magic if the player chooses, A wizard may substitute Illusionist or Elemental spells for any or all Battle Magic spells. A wizard may substitute one Necromantic spell and one Daemonic spell for equivalent level Battle Magic spells. Magic Items for Characters ‘Characters can carry magical items paying the points indicated fon the Magic Items Chart (pis). These ate paid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following list ‘Any character model may carry one magic weapon with up to one magic attribute for every 5 ‘levels’ of the ‘character (ic, a level 5 character may carry a weapon with fone attribute, a level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, etc) ‘The army's wizards may be equipped with up to three scrolls each, The scrolls may contain up to two different spells of level 3 or lower ‘Two of the army's character models may each wear a single ring with a spell of level 2 of lower (One character model may be equipped with magicarmour ‘One magical ability for the army standard — RANK § FILE >— At least a third of the army's total points value must be spent fon rank & file troops. All units are automatically assumed to hhave a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit, All models are Human, unless stated otherwise. Any unit may be given a standard bearer and/or musician. Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly. the same way 2s the rest of the unit. Standard bearers and. musicians cost twice the points value of a basic trooper. Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary unit standard into a magic standard with a single ability. The ability may have a points value up to the amount shown. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see pl). Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrument {nto a magic musical instrument with a single abilicy. All magical instruments cost an extra 25 points as indicated below. The specific ability mustbe chosen and noted down before the game Gee pl6), 4 = co m a I FI Co ARMY LISTS Beata ta THE EMPIRE ARMY LISTS ARMY LISTS CSOT ETT CMSs Ma ws]es] S [tw] 1 [A [us ie] crf] +asnocceue |-[a|alalals[als[7|7]7 17 [WARHORSE efsfol«is|—-[sfi iff | MODELS PER UNIT; 5-20 MODELS PER UNIT. 10-30) POINTS PER MODEL: 39 POINTS PER MODEL; 25 WEAPONS: LANCE & WEAPONS: IANCE & HAND HAND WEAPON WEAPON ARMOUR: iieavy ARMOUR a ee Bs FS 4 ARMOUR: vy aRwoUn a sme w 4 Fi ey ‘OPTIONS, a ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE, SEAS) F\S | any onreatay nave, Tews knights ar oud nobles ad tet retainer from te provincer brotberboode te the Ord ete, to ert Spar te Soca belcot udat barenshare sored ines bout Templars the Wie Wot ebo serve Utada emparsof Myrmdie i Rares of ibber tnt cr] mwslas] s[T]W]1 [A [id]in] or +2 SHOCK ELITE. a7 HUMAN elai3(alaliiaiii7i7]7/7 WARHORSE Prete eta! MODELS PER UNIT. 5-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 37 WEAPONS: LANCE & HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: cROSSHOW & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR PTIONS, ‘OPTIONS, “These ar te eoclar orders of nigh ncn buch regiments oe Imperial Guard, toe Higs-Helmstan ete unt of excoptionaly tall unter (arcu enemies if cae and tbe Crp cpio fof Reset tein) cep tbe peace Tbe provinces nd form a mai he Beaty armed bntgbs tattle CPT Ty im [ws]ss, nine S [tlw] tA lid in] or sisiileliiaizizi7 MODELS PER UNIT; 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 11 WEAPONS: HAND WEAFON “2 SHOCK ELITE ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS, (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: DOUBLEHANDED WEAPONS....2 "ht ts te infamy contingent ofthe Impertal Guard. They guard the [Emperon weer bis ata or om te eld of bale S] TW) 1] Alea} or A 77 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 POINTS PER MODEL; 10 WEAPONS: cROSSHOW & HAND WEAPON iecroral Provinces raise regiment of erosiosemen for thee sanding ‘armien, Some sates sch te Su, favour Tilean croashonmn, es] STW) tA lis|my or aiala zi MODELS PER UNI 10-50 POINTS PER MODEL: 9 WEAPONS: HALSERD & HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARWOUR Each Electoral Province within The Empire maintains a smal sanding ‘orm usualy including trong contingents of god quality infantry. Toe ‘insta ofthe Infantry ar he halberd ARMY LISTS PEON ready Raleleisieoaiaiala WEAPONS: —ARQUERUS & ‘hese ar troops armed with muzzle loading argubuses or “haku tn ‘belocal Retapict. Hatbuascbutser are raised by some states cement MODELS PER UNIT: 30-60 POINTS PER MODEL 5) ARMOUR: NONE ‘OFTIONS iow atiiou These are mustered from the urban population within each Blectoral Province to support the standing army in tie of wa Toe provine of ‘Mul s fama forts tomer CS Mwsles]s |r [wrt la lua si2feisisiiiztiis 6 [overs runs — 30-00 POINTS PER MODEL, 3 WEAPONS:; HAND WEAPON ARMOUR!) NONE ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE ine] cr HUMAN LEVY. sie These are mustered from the Fural peasanary wiibin each Fectoral EL IPI eRe Rg eal ARMY LISTS CUT Ts ee im wsles] st ]w]t]Ayid]ine) or afais[stsfr iz iat MODELS PERNT. 8. POINTS PER MODEL: 9 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON a WEAPONS: LONG ROW & ARMOUR: NONE "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE. Thar fngeliants Galong 10 a et of ligt anaes somone “These are racked buntersfrom the mounsatnragionsopTheFmipire | | Theme They ae tobe seen througout he and, sforing unr their They are excepronally resourceful aad much baled as scout mange sti form of atonement owe bands whic aconpany “imperial armies ino batts whip themselves tno a battle frenzy. eb. {heysieash upom tbe ene: Faelants ar subject fo rey ara bated of Chace STE CETTE gi M ws] HuMaN Forester | 4 | 3 | 3 TONG BOW & HAND WEAPON [MODELS PER UNIT: POINTS PER MODEL: ARMOUR: LiGHT ARMOUR 1-3 CANNON oo 60 (Ine. crew) ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: Tae Enirconains mary cat and dens fores uti infers mse | | WEAPONS: _ HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE tao ve deep tb ee bybuntong they mac alu olan are lo forest ohie ‘irmisersantrapinensoffoncuss | | Theft province use cannon was Nal, wer the Inert chook of fre recat n many ofthe Electoral Provinces Cuore subengueny extabtsbed and tbe pera Corp of Ary pene). well ard profesional fom the Hector Stats of the Epic ARMY LISTS —< SKIRMISHERS (cc wre, p100) ‘The following units may operate as skirmishers if the player ‘wishes, Skirmishing units must be noted down before the bat. “The maximum size for a skirmishing unit is 15 for foot troops and 10 for mounted troops. Maximum number of Ut spe skismishing uate. Acmbratechaten 2 {abbr 2 rosacper iy ogre ia —F VE (see WEB, pl02 Imperial armies benefit from the most well organised and useful baggage trains of any Old World nation. The wagons are so sturdy that the baggage train is sometimes known as the “wagonburg’, because it looks like a small fortified town when ‘drawn up in laager! Nobles and knights of the Empire have a very serious and professional atitude to warfare and bring along servants and armourers to clean and repair their equipment. Cooks and vietuallers are important since Imperial soldiers ike a substantial meal before a battle, and of course there are the buxom frauleins bearing refreshing steins of lager for the troops after a hard day's hacking. An Imperial baggage train is represented by one wagon and 5 civilians per 1000 points worth ‘of troops. These civilians will have standard Human profiles, are unarmoured and use improvised weapons. If the army includes Halfling allies, the baggage train may have Halfling civilians instead of human. — ALLIES >— ‘The Empire can draw upon certain allies who will join forces against the common enemy. This is fortunate because The Empire faces rather sinister foes both within and without the realm, ‘The player may spend up to a third of the army's toral points onallies. The allies must be assembled using the Allies Section (p126), drawn from the following list: Halflings Old Worlders Wood Elves —< MERCENARIES >— ‘The rich Burgermeisters of the Flectoral Provinces have plenty Of geld to spend on mercenaries which means that there are plenty of mercenary freicorps roaming throughout The Empire ooking for employment, The player may spend up to half of the army's total points on mercenaries. Mercenaries must be assembled using the Mercenary Section (p150), and chosen from the following list: Dwarfs Norse Old Worlders Ogres, —< HOSTS >— An Imperial wizard may magically bind monstrous host prior to the game. The player may spend up to one quarter of the army's total points on 2 host. The host is assembled using the rules in the Warhammer Bestiary p240/263 ‘The monstrous host may contain: | PO!Rt cont Per 012 Bears 20 0-20. Boars 6 0-1 Dragons 250-800 ot Swarms 250 0:18 __Warhounds z ERP LSE A — (Character models are heroes and wizards. The player may spend ‘up toa third of the army's total points value on character models, A Bretonnian army must have at least four Heroes. General: The army must be led by a General who will be the character model with the highest leadersbip characteristic Army Standard: The army is allowed one army standard which must be carried by a character model. Army standards cost 50 points Points: The points cost given for characters are for a basic ‘unarmoured model with a hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of ‘equipment not mentioned on the table, it may be ignored, peasants (ates In ther saceloun abs with takes Sreapons Th arou cy mis (vlan) wear tunis offen ee ae Pee tae ls sand of he cy : = ee Battle standards are often very ornate and romantic. Amongst tem, character | Item eee: the rather self-counscious nobility fashions change all the time. model model Few wouldbeboonss entughocarrteeneiactbononrwttt | coe compas gata dnoutofestestndard: “oh but Pie, detent yourccurine | ate Combs idog Asian | tec peffrens were acting lst Yee Weapons Hone 3 aces 2 nt 1 | war beans THE GRAND ARMY Tater 2 | Uncore female ie 2 |acenoay | 0 —< OF BRETONNIA > Degen | 20 iste Deon 2 3 Wiwsias|s[TWIilA] @ [im] a eo 2 aes 2 We et] omen [ays isisisiiisit| 7 17 Crossbow 3 Winged Dragon | +50 oot 3 sie eee sae fais —[e[sfaletatatels| ee [7 ea Hero |4)5 14/4] 4/3/5/3] 942 | 7 Shield 1 two |e [6] | tela 6 [alsa] 7 upesmon |g sti —[e[o[slelatelllioealav2 ears | eee! siete [asa fenlon Te [| rowing [e[+[a[e]3[2[4[ [eu leva] our [2 ae sewind [« [5 [3 [4] [3 [a [1 [ase [ooa]ov7 [a [ss aawone [els e[e [a4 [6] 1] 2 ford 812 [i300 asmndLels[slelalelel oes ovaoes[ wes |¥0) | —— ave: ify 20mm 20mm envy 28m x Bm oem ames ree Heroes —< ARMY SELECTION >— = a ee Rank & File models | % army’s total PV | Whole army less 4 Heroes [Character models 4 eres | Army's tonal PV Heroes 4 models Wizards ° 4 models Allies | o Mercenaries o 4 Army's total PV Monstrous Host o 4 Army's total PV ‘The army must have at least four and no more than 16 hero ‘models. The maximum number of heroes available at each level and their points costs are given below. Points per ‘Maximum availability 4 6 Barons (level 5 heroes) 30 4 Marquises (level 10 heroes) 55 3 Viscomtes (level 15 heroes) 80 2 Comtes (level 20 heroes) 105 1 Duc (level 25 hero) 130 ARMY LISTS Champions Level 5, 10 and 15 heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders unless designated as Army Standard Bearer. These ‘hero- leaders’ are referred to as champions. Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (sec WEB, p93). Level 20 and 25 heroes may be champions of units of Knights, but not units of other troops. They may also act as independent ‘character models, in which case they are free to associate with, any unit of Knights, but no other units. Because of this restriction, there is litte point in not mounting these characters, as they will be little use on foot. Wizards ‘The army may contain a maximum of four wizards. The ‘maximum number of Wizards available at each level and their points costs given below. Wizards of any level may be assigned tounitsas Champions, or may be left as independent character ‘models, free to associate with any unit in the normal way, see WEB, p92 Maximum availability yeleg i 3 Amorciers (level 5 wizards) 60, 3 Charmiers (level 10 wizards) 85 2 Enchantiers (level 15 wizards) 155 1 Grand Sorcier (level 20 wizards) 240 1 Maitre Mystérieux (level 25 wizard) 340. magic ifthe player chooses. A wizard may substitute Husionist ‘or Elemental spells for any or all Battle Magic spells. A wizard ‘may substitute one Necromantic spell and/or one Daemonic spell for equivalent level Battle Magic spells. Magic Items for Characters (Characters (wizards arid heroes) can carry magical items paying the points indicated on the Magic Items Chart (p13). These are paid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following lst. Any character model may carry asingle magic weapon with ‘no more than one magic attribute for every 5 ‘levels’ of the character (ie, a level 5 character may carry a weapon with ‘one attribute, a level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, etc). Wizards may be equipped with up to three scrollseach. The scrolls may contain up to three different spells of level three or lower Up to two character models may wear a single ring with 2 spell of level two or lower ‘Three character models may be equipped with magic armour. ‘The army standard may have one magical ability to represent the famous Bretonnian war banner known as La Grand Ortfesse. — RANK § FILE >— Generating Spells ‘The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as follows. Character | Magic | Number of spells of level Tevel_| Level | 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 ° ° ° 10 1 6 0 0 0 5 2 6 3 0 0 20 3 6 3 3 ° 25 a 6 3 3 3 Al spells are generated randomly from the appropriate Battle Magic chart. A Bretonnian wizard may also use other sorts of At least half of the army’s total points value must be spent on rank & file troops. All units are automatically assumed to have a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit. Any unit may be given a unit standard bearer and/or a musician, Standard bearers and musicians are equipped in exactly the same ‘way as the rest of the unit, but cost double the points value of a basic trooper. Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary standard into a ‘magic standard with a single ability. The ability may have a points value up to the amount shown. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see pl) Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musteal instrument {into a magic instrument with a single ability. The specific ability ‘must be noted down before the game (see p16). SAMPLE BRETONNIAN ARMY BRETONNIA T. Army Fendand cuticd by the Margie De brionne Grind Sorc, adepe of the Sacre Be cult of Mean Mercenary Crowbowamen led By the reenary leader, Basnado Gari SAMPLE BRETONNIAN ARMY we ih arquebs ed Dy a Buon ous a 2 z | ie} Zz A ES ARMY LISTS STC NEST x | HUMANS Wt [A [ta [in| ct wed | HUMANS: ‘Mjwsies|s |r [wit | [td line] cr = a ee cae aerate < oo POINTS PER MODI POINTS PER MODEL: 25 F Aree aoe eee a 8 Y ARMOUR ENT ARNOT ARMOUR, WENT ARNOUR re a OFTIONS - ; OFTONs : Wy wy tire aa OA * ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: as : | Supporters ofthe King iM wsyes) S| Tw] tA [ta in HUMAN, e}sis[s[siiisliiai7 etn ad MODELS PER UNIT: 5-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 16 WEAPONS: SPrAR& HAND WEAPON [ROMANS im wslos] S| T1w] 1 [A lualmm] cr [w] sasnocceuTe |-|ei3l4l3|1lali|7[7[7[7 [WARHORSE, slsfolelsl-styf-l-J- | MODELS PERUNTT: 5-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 29 WEAPONS: LANCE & HAND WEAPON a 717 ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS ate ANY UNET MAY HAVE: SHIFLDS - 2 CROSSBOWS 6 f wAGte SiANDARD. ‘0 Thon are muni mcm akars ad tales of te Rig Toy band Iogther tn nt fthetr ou, ther mais el mot per them (ellotn tbe rants of mobi A Bretonnian onder of Knights whose sacred banner bears the embler!, (9f Our Lay of Bate’ noun afectonately among the onder as ‘La ‘Forums Fata} CET WEAPONS: LANGE & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR ARMY LISTS {owas it EMT S]t]w] 1] Alem] or aishh zh MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODE 9 ‘WEAPONS: TIALBERD & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR “OPTIONS Tig ad dy Ba Oo Te Taleo ar eer Toms FER MODEL, 10 WEAPONS: CKOSSHOW & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR “OPTIONS “Wrotastion come bath rom the voluntary Bratonnian township Smtingents and from th personal retinucs Of various highs, feces sti tate stearate [ooeis ree on 10-20 | WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON DOUBLE HANDED WEAPONS! | 2 Aisi fete ty) The personal reine of thes formed from buble servant ach az tigeon eepor low fotmen and sera. S)T lw] tA laymen sisi ialiielelele "MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30, SHIELDS: Thore peasant eth enough presence of mind toring bows are mustered together ito units of Rapacalions S]t lw) lAlaymlor POINTS PER MODEL: WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE SakQueRUsis ekSsenows DOUULENANDED' WEAPONS Tan are ging rans ager join Brtonntan armies daring teabtome wally rvorting to band) sm ae hey are disbanded aiali jai felelele MODELS PER UNIT: 20-60 POINTS PER MODEL: WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS When the Bratornian roves tae to We eld they ave supported by he [Peasant ratcairy. sum ofthe tones order herded tn bate 0 fut Setr meagre feudal obligations = FA re By re a ARMOUR Tie Bretonniansarea devout race Armies cfon carry the bonerofwered “ndiviuals in cashis forming part of special war altar These are Carved right fo be fighting. 29 faa te trope ma 109k upon ad be Inspired by the re sant amd Bees of te at — SKIRMISHERS (see wes, p100) 2 ‘The following units may operate as skirmishers if the player wishes, Skirmishing units must be noted down before the battle. ‘The maximum size for a skirmishing unit is 15 for foo troops and 10 for mounted troops Unit type ‘Maximum number of skirmishing units “Arblastiers 1 Brigands i Rapscallions 2 —< BAGGAGE ce wre, pio: Bretonnian nobles are inclined to bring an entourage of servants. with them and enough baggage to allow them to live in the courtly manner to which they are accustomed. Inevitably these ‘magnificent retinues attract scruffy peasants, vagabonds and other good -for-nothings, hoping to scavenge the fields of glory for loot ‘A Bretonnian baggage train is represented by one wagon and 5 camp followers per 1000 points worth of rank & file troops in the army. Baggage followers are unarmoured and improvised weapons. —< ALLIES >— ‘The Grand Army of Bretonnia may also invite allied forces to attend Le Tourney (as the King likes to call battles). The idea ‘that they should watch, appreciate and applaud the Bretonnian nobility playing Le jeu de bataille. However, they may join in ifthey like, providing they do not steal too much of Lhonneur. ‘The player may spend up to one third of the army's total points onallies. The allies must be assembled from the Ailles Section (pp126-149), using any of the following lists: Wood Elves pa fst] s |r [wl i | [ts line] cr lwo} dwuman crews [ol abalsisiilsiiiaizia ia] MODELS PER UNIT 1-4 CANNON POINTS PEE MODEL: 160 (Ine. crew) — MERCENARIES >— Bretonnians are willing to pay extravagant rates for sturdy or particularly fierce mercenary infantry to compensate for their ‘own wretched Rascals, The player may spend up to one third ‘of the army's total points on mercenaries, assembled from any of the following lists (detailed in the Mercenary Section pp150-162) Dwarfs Ogres Half Ores Norse Old Worlders —< HOSTS >— Any wizard of the Grand Army of Bretonnia may bind a monstrous host (see WEB, p240). The player may spend up to ‘one quarter of the army's total points on a bast. The types and. ‘numbers of creatures allowed in the host are given in the list below. The host must be assembled subject to the guidelines given on page 8 of this volume [The monstrous host may contain,| Polat cost per 01 | Dragons 0-30 | Giant Frogs 7 0-30 | Giant Leechs 6 (0-20 | Giant Snails 7 1 ‘Swarms (frogs and toads) 250 ARMY LISTS — CHAOS > Sceping through the ruptured spatial gateways of the Old Slann, the power of Chaos permeates the entire world, corruptingand ‘changing all living things, polluting the minds and bodies of ‘men and beasts alike. In the polar regions, directly below the ‘gates, the chaos influence is strongest. The areas around the poles themselves are formed of raw chaos, where everything isina state of constant flux, ebbing and flowing, changing from from moment to moment. Life as we know it cannot exist in this hell on earth, but a bit farther away from the poles, the ‘Wastelands are home to a variety of strange and perverse life-forms. Within the Chaos Wastes, the Powers (gods) of Chaos play a never ending game of war, pitting armies against each other ina carnival of carnage. Sometimes the human worshippers of ‘chaos are drawn into these conflicts to fight alongside the ‘unnatural creatures and supernatural slaves of the Powers. These armies comprise a hideous assortment of disgusting creatures, although Warriors of Chaos and mutant Beastmen are usually in the majority ‘The onganisation of a Chaos army isat best loose and illtefined and at worst, merely a horde of twisted creatures with little aim beyond the unthinking catharsis of slaughter and extinction ‘The banners and standards of Chaos armies carry the most perverse form of art ever to appear on the battlefield. Grotesque {images of death, deformed beings, and foul symbolsare the most frequently seen icons, while Chaos Warriors themselves are awesome to behold in their distinctive, spiky armour, CHAOS ARMY >— Warriors of Chaos “The profiles for Warriors of Chaos depart from the usual scheme where heroes are graded according to level. All Human Chaotic warriors are known as Warriors of Chaos and are ranked according to how far they have progressed along the path of ‘Chaos. These rinks are Thug, Marauder, Warrior, Champion, Knight and Lord. Chaos Thugs, Marauders and Warriors may bbe banded together with others of their kind to form units Knights and Lords may only appear as character models. single Marauder or Warrior which is not part of unit may also appear as a character model. Beasimen | 4[4[3]3 14 1 7 [6 |o 5 Hero. a{s[afefefotaqay 7 Tet 7 [6 [oo woes [alslstals|siaislan] 6] 7 | 6 wo 1Heo [a lelstelsl4is(s| 92 | 6 | et | 741 | 160 20H | 4|7 [4] s[s{s[e[s|wes] 6 | an | 74 [20 2sHew —14[7 15141515] 6|4 | 10+3|8+2] 942 | 62 [260] Swuad [8 ]4]4[5[3]213[2] 7 len[en|en |i Wied [6/4] 4[5/3|3]4[2| 6+t [oq2] est | 942 | 0 swiaerd 16[5]4[5| 4] 4[4[ 2] 942 [92] 042 | 942 [255 owners [416] 4[s/5|5|5|1| 9:2 [0-3] 042 | 043 [345 25 wis [4[7 [5 [415 ]5[6] 1 [10+3]9+3] 1043] 943 [470 [Base Size: 25m x 25mm i wsles]S[r [wi Tay [ie We [Ps fous a{s{s[3isiilali] 7 [7[7 [71s mwsias|s[T[w]t [A] ts [im | cr | we [Ps Mow [6[4{3{als{alafa[ 9 [sl 7 [6 [a sHeo [6[5[4[s[s[3j4[3] 9 [5] 7 | 6 [a Hw [6/6 [4[s{slelstslwri| s | 7 | 6 | uo tHe [6 1/6[4(5|5|5/5] 4] 10.2] 5 | 61) J+1 | 10 zone 1617] 4/55] 6[6|5] +3] § | eet | 741 [200 2sHeo 1617] 5/5) 5]6]6|5]w+3|7+2) 942 | 642 |200 Base size! 4OmmaaOrm ot eiali[sfafaliis[ + [4] 6 | 6 [os ave Size: 40mm x 40mm Alignment: Chaotic Psychology: Varied - psychological reactions have been noted with each entry as relevant Chaotic Attributes ‘Troops making up chaotic armies may manifest chaotic attributes subject to the provisions on p6. The charts below summarise the number of dominant attributes applying to units Of Warriors of Chios, Beastmen and Human Chaos Culist altar ARGRSS TTIW TAL a Te GD WTR] Guards, as well as personal attributes for character models wares fren —[a[e[elaqatat] 7 [7771716] loge | ees cee ae Mesut [<[5 [5/3 ]3[2]5[2| 81 [evi] 8+1 | ast | 35 Iwan —[4[6[6[«[3] 216] 2] 9:2 fava] 942 [ 942 [ 70] [Units Characters champion [7171513 [2 [7 [2 [10690-4043] 10491125) [Thug Koight D6 [knight [4 {8 [8/5 [ 4131813] t0+3 fied 1043] t0+3[250] | Marauder D6- Lond D6+1 Lord 4{9{9]5]4/4]9| 4] 10+3 10+ 10+3 | 10+3 | 500| ‘alia a Beastman D6 nents | [chaos Cultist] D6-4 Chaos saan [ea [3]e[3]1[3[1[ 7 [en] en [on [eo poeeness wsorenr]«[e[a[«[a[7[e[1] eat [9-2] 61 [92] 85 | |cnaracters haa wssovanr |e [5 [3 [4 [4 [3 [e[1] 942 [942] 942 | 942 [155] | tarauder hs ao sueeer| [51 4[4[ [4 [5 [1] 942 hosa 92 [10+3]220] | Warcor Taacees 25 sowoer| 4] 615] <[ [4] 6] 1] 10+3]10+9] 10-3] w-3]320] |Champion sowittasers Base Sn: 250m x 260m Apocalyps s ARMY LISTS —K ARMY SELECTION >— [Force Minimum Maximum Rank & File models | % Army's total PV | Whole army less 1 Hero character models 1 Hero Army's tor PV Heroes I mode! Wizards 0 8 models Alles 0 4 Army's toal PY [Chaos Allies 0 4 Army's total PV Mercenaries 0 4 Army's toal PV Chaotic host or o 4 Army's toul PV thereat host o — CHARACTER MODELS > Character models are heroes and wizards The player may spend ‘up to half of the army's total points value on character model ‘A Chaos army may have up to 47 character models. General: The army must be led by a general who will be the character model with the highest leadership characteristic Army Standard: The army isallowed one army standard which ‘muist be carried by a character model and paid for from the character model points allowance. Army standards cost 50 points, Points: The points costs for characters are for a basic unarmoured model witha hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of equipment not mentioned on the table, it may be ignored. Note that Minotaur heroes must pay four times the stated cost for their equipment Points cost| ‘Points cost per per tem character | ttem ‘character ‘model model ‘Close Combat Riding Animals Additional hand Hore 3 ‘weapon 1 | Wathorse 6 Double-handed Chios Steed 2 weapon 2 Fil 1 | War Beasts Halberd 2 | Chaos Centaur 2 Lance 2 | Chimera 250 Net 2 | Griffon 200 Spear 1 | Hippogett 200 | Manticore 200 Missile Weapon Wyvern 180 Bow 2 | Chaos Spawn see Crossbow 3 Realm of Pistol 2 ‘Chaos Armour Shield ' Light armour 2 Heavy armour 3 Hore, warhorse ‘or chaos steed Heroes ‘The army may contain a maximum of 20 Warriors of Chaos heroes, 11 Beastmen heroes and 8 Minotaur heroes chosen from the list below: The total number of heroes may not exceed. the army's total points value Points per Maximum availability ‘model Warrior of Chaos Heroes 8 Chaos Marauders 6 6 Chaos Warriors 70 3 Chaos Champions 25, 2 Chaos Knights 250 1 Chaos Lord 500 Beastmen Heroes 4 level 5 Banebeasts 60 3 level 10 Despoilers no 2 level 15 Feralfiends 160, 1 level 20 Havocrender 210 1 level 25 Spasmghast 260 Minotaur Heroes 4 level 5 Bloodkine 1 level 10 Goremaster 1 level 15 Deathstece 1 evel 20 Doombull, Level 25 Minotaur Lord ‘Champions Chaos Marauders, Chaos Warriors, Beastmen heroes of levels 5, 10 and 15, and level 5 Minotaur heroes must be assigned t0 specific units as leaders (unless carrying the army standard) ‘These ‘hero-leaders’ are referred to.as champions. Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (se WEB, p93). A Warrior of Chaos unit may not have a Beastman ‘champion of vice versa. A Warrior of Chaos unit may only have a champion of greater status than that ofthe troops. A Minotaur hero may be the champion of either 2 Minotaur or Beastmen unit ‘Chaos Champions, Chaos Knights, Chaos Lords, Beastmen level 20 and 25 heroes, and Minotaur heroes of level 10 or more, may be assigned to units as champions, if the player wishes, Alternatively, they may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way (see WFB, p90). Wizards ‘The army may contain 2 maximum of eight wizards. The ‘maximum number of wizards available at each level and their points costs are given below. Wizards of any level may be assigned to units as champions, or may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way Points per Maximum Availability model Chaos Sorcerers 3 level 5 Initiates 60, 2 level 10 Maledictors 85 2 level 15 Doomweavers 155 2 level 20 Soulflayers 240 1 level 25 Apocalypt 340 ‘Beastman Shamans 2 Initiates (level § wizards) no 2 Marauders (level 10 wizards) 160 1 Feralfluxer (level 15 wizard) 225 1 Malevolus (level 20 wizard) 345 1 Arcanarch (level 25 wizard) 470 ARMY LISTS All spells are generated randomly fom the Spell Index. Except where noted below, spells should be generated from the appropriate spell level of the Battle Magic chart. Chaos Sorcerers may substitute Daemonic, Elemental, Ilusionist oF Necromantic spells for any or all of their battle magic spells. Beastman wizards may substitute Necromantic or Daemonic spells for any or all of their battle magic spells Magic Items for Characters ‘Characters can carry magical items paying the points indicated. fon the Magic Items Chart (p13). These are paid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following list Any character model can be armed with a single magic ‘weapon with up to one magic attribute for every 5 ‘levels of the character (i, alevel 15 character may carry aweapon ‘with up to 3 atteibutes) In the case of Warriors of Chaos each level above Thug is considered to be equivalent toa normal character level, A Chaos Knight is therefore equivalent toa level 20 character and may carry a weapon with up to 4 attributes. Upto two character models may be equipped with any sort of magic missiles, Wizards may be equipped with up to three scrolls each. ‘The scrolls may contain up to two different spells of level, three or lower, Up to two character models may wear a ring with a spell of level three or lower. Up to two character models may be equipped with magic [Any Chaos Sorcerers may be provided with chaos armour, which has been bestowed upon the character by one of the gods of Chaos as a reward. Chaos armour grows a8 2 living part of the wearer and does not inhibit the sorcerer’ ability to use magic. Chaos armour offers the same range Dofsaving throws as normal armour and costs an extra 50 points, ¢ army standard may have up t0 two magical abilities 100 points each, —<_RANK § FILE > ‘A minimum of one third of the army's total points value must be spent on rank & file troops. Any unit may be given a standard bearer and/or musician. Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit. Standard bearers and musicians cost twice the points value of a basic trooper. ‘Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary standard to a magic ‘standard with a single ability. The ability may have a points value Generating Spells Up to the amount shown. The specific ability must be chosen The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as and noted down before the game (see P15). follows: Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrument to a magical instrument with a single ability. The ability may havea points value up to the amount shown and must be chosen See oe eee ; ee eer s - “|| and noted down before the game (see p16), 5 3 ° ° o 10 6 ° ° o 5 6 3 ° ° 1 1 20 3 6 | 3 3 ° ARMY LISTS The illustration above depicts a sample of the types of warrior to be found in a typical Chaos Army. ‘Top: A dread Chaos Warrior mounted on a barded wathorse. Such warriors are notorious for their dark and sinister war panoply. idle row (lef 0 eight). fen ris craving for blood, nd a Chaos Warrior on foot. gery and cunning of a wild animal with the intelligence of a man. Front row (ft to right: A fearsome Beas “demented servant ofthe Tool Power of Chaos shows an amy of th banner and sil blazon of the Chaos Hordes vag sme eof the ena apnea imagery four by follower z ey ong he 2d seo he ai of may fe eaunca he hemor Sou cance fo Sac he hdr andar depicted teeta te sy sdignae tegen: Coe ny chaos Warn. Champions Knights dn tnd The pest banner in the Cee or exam around wi ep Maa the meager of Sane a ee ARMY LISTS PORE Lee ale 3 [tlw] [A [td int] ot 4 [3/26 | 2 la2a-alaralaea ‘a{3l1{3}1[3[3/3/3 MODELS PERUNTT: 5-10 POINTS PER MODEL: 80 (WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS LANCES 2 I StAGIC STANDARD. ivo MAGIC INSTRUMENT: % (ONE UNIT MAY SUBSTITUTE: ‘WARHORSES FOR CHAOS STEEDS 26 ‘Doomed sertior of he Chaos go! though once uma, bse fl drs bbave exchanged their bumantty for worldly power CET CTS [Tm wsles| s Tr [wT s Tx Tus [in| ct wel femmreaisielalstsielseaececrs| [wootisren unt: 5.20 | WEAPONS: HAND WEATON "ARMOUR: HEA'Y ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS DOUBLEHANDED WEAPONS 2 PALBERDS 2 JONAGIC SiaNDARD 30 A MAGIC INSTRUMENT 3 s | tw] t | a [ta [te] cr [Wel ‘Mwsies| st |w) 1 | [udlint| ct MARAUDER -[5|5 [3/3] 2/512 leriesiesiesy 33 [2 Ts [2 jetest|e1s-1 jwanHorse 16 /3/0[4/3|1/3|1{3]3i3]3 (MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 MODELS PER UNIT: 5-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 39 POINTS PER MODEL: 45 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: HEAVY ARNOUR ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR =‘ SHIELD SHIELD aa “OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE, A AGIC INSTRUMENT TeAnHORSH aARDING 4 A MAGie SIANDARD ; AND WEAPONS, MAGIC INSTRUMENT 3 DED WEAPONS ‘Chaos Marauders are almost as powerful abe Chaos Wa ors by bape {become if the gods favour tems ona they prove worthy in beta 0-40 THUG HORSE Tw wsless Tr wT Ta Tea] or [wo] i eisialsisiilslii7i7[7[7 * INCLUDES MOVEMENT ALLOWANCE OF HORSE POINTS PER MODEL: 16 WEAPONS: fiaND WEAPON ARMOUR; LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE; SaeLos: HEAVY ARMOUR, ALBERDS “bag wr as ava upon oe Chaos Path are Warton of Chara (he Marea sl ised with capes adrenal Dower of te Chace S]t lw] tla lia}in) er FIED ER CUENEREAERED MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 aEArCRe an ‘OPTIONS road for ts beet with dangers that ec Crimiatders ane men ofthis kind fresh upon to Chaos Path and bare ouched by ti corrupting power ARMY LISTS Tw] 1 [A Tea en] 0] 4i2is[iizlelzis POINTS PER MODEL: __10 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON POINTS PER MODEL: 40 WEAPONS: HaNDwearon | "ARMOUR: NONE "ARMOUR: NONE ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: SieuDs: 1 TIGHT ARMOUR. 2 ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS. 1 DOUBLENANDED: WEAPONS HALBERDS, [wel eae Sa Tr [wT Ta Tis] cs [wo] [elstiislalsis |e] POINTS PER MODEL: 65 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE CHAOS SPAWN(S Realen ‘of Chaos) [oxaos cumst Tw ws[es] s [1 [w] 1A [a im | ci wr fauran cuanosi a ]3|s)si3iijsiiizizi7i7) SAMPLE CHAOS ARMY Mighty, Dark-Winged, Avenging Lord of Chaos, Bryan ‘Ansell, with his Mighty Avenging Chaos Army. 7. Gham Champion Daca Doom formidable commander ‘tthe Chaos Horde Souler Peaone TET sorcerer 3nd erat ofthe Chaos forceter and pruttoner of “5, This fearsome Hydra sa pro snflacnee of the Cha und has been bound the seri of the Hon bythe unspeakable itas This par of Minoizun an embodiment of bewal Brualay “juice a the prospee ‘ot fesh gore SAMPLE CHAOS ARMY EQUIPMENT AND POINTS VALUES 1. Chaos Champion, bared Chaos Seed lance magic {rostbow (Parasite Blade) ery armour & scl 205 pe 5 personal atbaes ‘abel Rage ace Tat Brormonsy Pat, Lng IegnWeapon Marie’ 17120 Souter, Chaos ‘rmour turded Chaos 5 Chaos Marder, banded wathores lances, heavy armour & shits 255 pe No dominant attributes 1 15 Doonmener hao Armour bade Chaos Seed mage ‘weapon (cunt Bias: 291 pe _ = 3 penonal states A unl of Chaos Beassmcn. Ther pen Benner depicts he Fendah emty they Venere ands Gecomted WN mee Case Breathe trophies rom pat cores Per dale Spells: dura of ‘ttn ite Bal, Hanmertand, Bind Damon, Dispel Laser Daemon, Seman Remar Lin Bol Summon Leer Baomons Sop Daemon tabi 7 Chaotic Host with 10 ‘Chaos Roun T Hyd, 30 ps 6. 2 Minot = 80 pes 8. 25 Beasmen led by ‘Ghaoe Champion, unit Seandad and weapons, ‘hicks & learmour 33 ps § dominant atiburs Io ard Sein, Spi, ‘Pcp Legs 22 personal atrbutes foe See eee ssa aan ese ae Ecnoal bts ‘Resistant. ue 25 Beastmen led by ‘Chaos Champion, init ‘andard hand we Shields fe armour = 553 Py 1 dominant ati: ‘Scorpion Tal. No Pewoaal atbutes for the Champion 10. Another us of Bessimen, eager t0 make a blood offering to thee blood gd, and ever seeking new Vics “spon te saying eld. “Total Points Value: 2996 pts, ARMY LISTS —K BAGGAGE >— —< HOSTS >— Bringing up the rear of any Chaos horde may be seen their A Chaos sorcerer or Beastman wizard may bind either chaotic hideous train of camp followers. Foul beings including those or ethereal host. The player may spend up to one quarter of, ‘mutants too far gone to be worth putting in the battleline. They the army's total points on a host. The type of hosts the player accompany awesome, creaking wagons of horrific form, riddled may use arc listed below, with details of what creatures (and with woodworm and decay, and drawn by pathetically how many) are allowed in each type of host. The host must deformed beasts of burden. These weird wains are piled high be assembled subject to the rules provided in the Warhammer with cages, cauldrons and sinister inlaid caskets, while Bestiary (see WFB, p240). implements of torture and insane ritual are hung about them, A continuous eerie sighing emanates from the sad, sauffling and cowled figures groping behind the wagons. A chaotic Puce baggage train is represemed by 1 wagon and thice followers | Ag ethereal host may com Sorel per 1000 points in the army. These should have Chaos Cultists ies | PEE Profiles and improvised weapons. 05 Ghoss 50 Ot Spectres 200/225 02 Wights 100 —~ ALLIES > 02 Wraiths 150 ‘The player may spend up toa quarter ofthe army's total points onalies. The allies must be assembled using the Ales Section Points cost (126), and chosen from the following list: A Chaotic host may contain: per model | Chaos Allies Skaven’ Dark Elves 010 Chaos Hounds 23 Undead Ores and Goblins te) cunene 250 02 Cockatrices 150, Not that playerscan spenduptoone quanterofthearmy'storal [G2 Sorat 200 points value on ‘ordinary allies, uc may spend up tohalfon | 10 ples 5 Chaos Allis. O41 Hippogrits 200 O4 Hydra 200 O41 Jabberwock 200 —< MERCENARIES > 04 Manticore 200 O2 Wyverns 180 ‘The player may spend up toa quarter of the army's total points. | 0-1 Gorgon Me on mercenaries, Mercenaries must be assembled using the [0-3 Cation = Mercenary Section (p150), and chosen from the following list, | 0-5 Chaos Spawa, fcc 05 Dragon-ogres Realm of, Giants Hobgoblins Ogres Chaos) Half Ors Once ARMY LISTS —< SKAVEN > In the remote past, rats infesting the decay unwholesome places ofthe earth fed upon a mighty source of raw magic. This was warpstone - solid fragments of the very stuff of Chaos, Tainted by the unnatural mutating influence of the warpstone, the vile race of Skaven evolved and spread ‘throughout the world. Warpstone remains a vital part of Skaven, ‘civilisation, fuelling Skaven magicians with magical energy and ‘enabling theie artificers to make weapons of awesome power. ‘Skaven are the children and servants of Chaos. They spread the corruption of chaos via a vast network of underground tunnels. ‘This world-spanning web of burrows, known as the Under Empire, spreads under the cities of men and into sewers and vvaults and other dark places. In the Old World, the Skaven have created for themselves a secret metropolis, the sprawling, ‘squalid city of Skavenblight. Few humans are aware that the Skaven underworld exits, even fewer have the courage to do anything about it ‘The patron deity of the Skaven is the Horned Rat, served by the Thirteen Lords of Decay, each ruling one of the secret Skaven, cities, The Grey Seers are the direct servants of the Lords of Decay. They are wizards of great power drawing their magical energies directly from warpstone, Skaven society is divided into various clans, each of which has its own weird armaments and foul methods of waging war. Clan Skryre, also known as the Warlock Engineers, are masters of an insane blend of magic and science derived from the power ‘ofthe warpstone. Clan Eshin, feared as assassins, murderers and, hhaunters of the night, are active within and under the cities of ‘man. Wherever there issqualor, the scouts and assassins ofthis, clan can be found stirring the rats of the city sewers. Clan Moulder are powerful beastmasters, using warpstone to create foul breeds by genetic engineering, Clan Pestilens are also known as the Plague Monks, They are the disciples of disease and decay and the harbingers of plague. The many Warlord Clans are often no more than small packs or gangs ruled over by the strongest Ratmen but they provide the bulk of Skaven warriors. The lowest of all Skaven Society are the Slaves whose lives are brutish, painful and mercifully short Skaven wear dark, rigged clothing and their armour is often ‘scavenged from the battlefield. Skaven standards take Chaotic art to new depths of depravity, with unimaginably twisted visions rendered in pigments distilled from blood and ‘warpstone. The images s0 represented seem to twist and move ‘with a life of their own, as though they had crawled from some dark nightmare. The sight ofthese standards, coupled with the hhideous chattering and squeaking of a multitude of ratmen is something that most men hope never to experience! —x_ SKAVEN ARMY >— Mpses[S[T[W [A] a [ie] | we [Pe sawn [5(3]/3[3isiifali[ ¢ [el s | 7 [an fsHeo [5 [4] 4[s[s|i[s[2] 6 [eo] 5 rove [s]s[4lelalaisla] 71] 6] 5 aster 15] 5[4{4[4[3|6 [a] a2] 6 | 6+ zone 15] 6/4[4l4[al7 [4] 93] 6 | 6x 25Heo 15 6|5[4[4]4[7] 4] 9+3 [esa] 742 is wicwd [5] 4/3] 4] 311] 4 [i] 6 [rei] 611 | 821 | 68 so wierd [5] 4{3/4[3)2[5 [1] 741 [ava] es | 92 | 00 15 Wiead [5] 5[3 [4] 415 [5 [1] 642 [B42] 742 | 942 | v7 20 Wand [5{5[4[s |e] 4[e 1] +2 [9+3) 7+2 | 10+9] 290 [25 Wears [5 [6] 5[s [4] 4] 71] 9+3 [943] 8+3 | 10+3 [977 Base siz. 20mm x 20mm Alignment: Skaven armies ae Chaotic Chaotic Attributes: Skaven may manifest chaotic attributes subject to the provisions on page 6. A unit of Skaven may have ‘up to D6-3 dominant attributes. A Skaven character may have up to Dé-4 personal attributes. —<_ ARMY SELECTION >— Force Minimum. Maximum Rank & File 4 Army's total PV | Whole army less 1 character Character models Army's toal PY Heroes | modet Wizards 0 6 models Allies Army's total PV Mercenaries ° ° Host Army's total PV vonstrous or Chaotic Skaven do not employ mercenaries - generally preferring to buy other animals for their meat rather than their fighting prowess Skaven armies have no recognisable baggage. Their few needs are carried personally, whilst the spoils of victory and other burdens are distributed amongst the entire force. ARMY LISTS The illustration above shows just a selection of the fearsome Skaven warriors. ‘Skaven warrior) Bottom (left to right) - Skavenslave warrior; Savensave slinger; Cancat warrior (from rear, left to right) - Clan rye Warp Fietheower team, Clanrat wattior; Clan Skeyre Seer ‘The facing page shows a selection of notable Skaven standard and shield designs including banners depicting emblems of important ‘skaven seers and warlords, Top ow, second from left 3 Clan Eshin banner. In the middle of the second row is a Clan Pesiens Plague ‘Monk banner, and to is right 4 Clan Skryre war hanner emblazoned with an icon of the Homed Rat ‘The shield designs include many symbols ofthe warlord clans, and several have symbolic images of warpstone. For example the black and white shield depicting twin daggers fs an emblem of Clan Eshin, Three of the shields are decorated with images ofthe Horned Rat and there is also a nouble example ofa shield depicting a warpscrol, ARMY LISTS ARMY LISTS —< CHARACTER MODELS >— (Character models are heroes and wizards. The player may spend up toa third ofthe army's total points value on character models, ‘A Skaven army may have up to 31 character models and must hnave at least I (ie, the General) General: The army must be led by a General who will be the character model with the highest /eadersbip characteristic. Army Standard: The army is allowed one army standard which must be carried by a character model and paid for from the character model points allowance. Army standards cost 50 points Points: The points costs given for characters are for a basic uunarmoured model with a hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of ‘equipment not mentioned on the table, it may be ignored, Points cost) Points cost] per per tem character | Item character ‘model ‘model Close Combat Missile ‘Weapons ‘Weapons ‘Additional hand ‘Warplock pistol weapon 1 | (Clan Skryre) 2 Double-handed Warplock weapon 2 | arquebus 3 Pail 1 | sling 1 Halberd 2 | Throwing axes 1 Net 1 | Throwing knives | 1 Spear 1 | Throwing spear 1 ‘Throwing star 1 Armour shield 1 Light armour 2 Heavy armour 3 Heroes ‘The army may contain a maximum of 25 hero models. The maximum number of heroes available at each level is given on the table below. es Points per Maxims lability =e 10 Clan Chieftains (level 5 heroes) 28 5 Clan Warlords (level 10 heroes) 50 2 Yerminlords (level 15 heroes) R 1 Sewertyrant (level 20 hero) 95 1 Lord of Decay (level 25 hero) 7 2 Clan Eshin Assassin Stranglers evel 5 hero) 31 2 Clan Eshin Assassin Cullers evel 10 hero) 53 2 Clan Eshin Assassin Garrotters Geevel 15 hero) 75 (Clan Eshin Assassins ‘Clan Eshin Assassins may be hidden in any Skaven regiment Whilst hidden, Assassins may not lead a unit, but may do so as normal once revealed, Assassins are armed with poisoned ‘weapons forged from warpstone, andall their attacks (whether from hand-to-hand or missile weapons) count as poisonous, This normally adds +1 to the Strengeb of any hit (see WEB, p31). The extra +3 points for poisonous weapons has been {included in the basic cost, Champions ‘With the exception of Assassins, level 5, 10, and 15 heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders (unless designated as army standard bearer), These ‘hero-leaders’ are referred to as ‘champions, Champions are part of the unit they are assigned toand cannot leave it (see WEB, p93). Champions re normally assumed to be of the same clan as their unit, Level 20 oF 25 heroes may be assigned to specified units as ‘champions if the player wishes, Alternatively, they may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way (see WEB, p90). Wizards ‘The army may contain up to six wizards. Wizards may be assigned to units as champions, or may remain independent characters, in which case they are free to associate with units as normal. The maximum number of wizards available and their magic level is given below. Points per ‘Maximum availability Cae 2 Clan Scryre Seers (level $ wizards) 58 2 Clan Scryre Warpweavers (level 10 wizards) 80 2 Clan Seryre Warpsquealers (level 15 wizards) M7 1 White Skaven Sorcerer (level 20 wizard) 230 1 Grey Seer (level 25 wizard) 327 Skaven wizards are unable to regain magic points by resting. They gain magic points by consuming warpstone before the battle and begin the game with a full store of magic points. ARMY LISTS Ea Generating Spells ‘The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as follows: Character | Magic | Number of spelis at level fevel__| level_| 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 o | o ° 10 1 6 | 0 ° ° 15 2 6 3 o | 0 20 3 6 3 3 ° 25 4 6 3 3 3 Spells should be generated randomly from the appropriate spell level of the Battle Magic chart. A Skaven wizard may also use other sorts of magic if the player chooses. The wizard may generate up to one Elemental, one Necromantic and one Daemonic spell per level instead of a Battle Magic spell of the same level Magic Items for Characters Characters can also cazry magical items by paying the points indicated on the Magic Items Chart (p13). These are paid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following list. Any character can be armed with one magic weapon with ‘up to one magic attribute for every 5 ‘levels’ of the character (ie, a level 5 character may carry a weapon with one attribute, a level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, et). ‘A champion of a Clan Pestilens Warrior Monk unit may have up to two warpscrolls, These are magical scripts, copied from the great Liber Bubonicus and the Liturgus Infestus, and written in warpstone ink on the hides of living creatures. A warpscroll has unique effect unlike any other scroll. nthe magic phase ofthe Skaven's turn, the character may direct the scroll’s effects at any unit within 24 inches. ‘Victims undergo arapic aging process, suffering the natural decay of years in a few moments. Each model in the target ‘unit receives an automatic Strengfb 3 hit and survivors must ‘make an immediate rout test. Warpscrolls may only be used ‘once. Itcosts an additional 100 points to equip acharacter with a single Warpscroll Any of the army's character models may wear a warpstone ‘charm, Any character wearing a warpstone charm may use itonce during the game to enable him to re-roll any single die throw, whether a throw ‘to hit’,athrow on the damage ‘chart, of a saving throw: If attacked by magic at any time, the presence of warpstone will increase the characters's Will Power by +1 for the purpose of any magic saving throw. [Any character model may carry a warplock pistol firing a warpstone (poisoned) shot (with a Strength of 5). This costs 5 points, Up to two character models may be equipped with magic The army's standard may have up to two magical abilities. ‘Warpstone charms cost 25pts each. —<_RANK §& FILE >— At least a half of the army's total points value must be spent ‘on rank & file troops. All units are automatically assumed to have a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit. Any unit may be given a regimental standard bearer and/or a musician. Standard bearers and musicians are equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit, Standard bearers and musicians cost double the points value of a basic trooper. Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary standard into a ‘magic standard with single ability. The ability may have points value up to the amount shown, The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see p! Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrument into a magical instrument with a single ability. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (sce pls), SAMPLE SKAVEN ARMY SKAVEN T Sacred Wancdard oft Horned Rat with ‘Clan Chicain bearer Pete Taylor has collected and painted a massive Skaven Horde from which the 3000 point army shown in the adjoining photographs ‘was selected. = frees 9, Slavenaaves ed by a Clan Chitin, armed ony with hand weapons. SAMPLE SKAVEN ARMY Eo TH Clan Fain Gutter Rane with it standard TE. lan Pesllns Plague Monks witha Tllomanke Standard, ed by a Warlord 1S, Skavenslaves armed wih spear and shields EQUIPMENT AND POINTS VALUES {v1 5 Clan Chieftain & magical standard - 178 ps. Level25 General halberd, spel tompered heav) armour -147 ps e115 ward 147 pots, ‘Spelis Steal mind, immunity from Polson, Cure Light Injry, Fre DIL Hammerhand, Case Animosity, Cause renay, Lighting Bolt, fad Aura of Protection. 30 Clanras; unit stndar: Lel§ Champion; spears It armour, & Shields 16215 pes Sei shock elites, Lol § Champion; hand weapons - 62 ps. ‘rethromer Teame = 316 pts, 16. Can FesilensForioned Wind Glabadiers 20) +1 shock eles; magical War Banner; v1 20 Champion; hand ‘weapons, It armour, shields - 269% pus. 20 Clanrats; unt standard; musician; Lvl § Champion; spears, I. ‘armour, & shields 169 ps. 25 Skaven levies, Level 3 Champion; hand weapons - 88 prs 20 +2 shock elites, magical Revie Banner. Lxt 18 Champion; I. armour & double-handed weapons ~250 pes. ‘Skaven scouts unit standard, hand weapons & shields 116% pts. 10 Skaven, Taliemante Unit Standard. Ly 10 Champion, band weapons "1H pus. i ward wih warp cr 25570 Spells. Pare water Hide Wind Blast, launity from Poison, Dspet, Strength of Combat Rally Stampede, Cause Frenzy, Cause Cowardly Flight Flamesheet. Dispel Magic and Aura ofResisance on scro), 14,2 Skaven animal handler, 8 ogres - 323 pts 15,20 Skaven levis; spears and shields - 70 pes 16.6 Slaven Poisoned Wind Globadier - 150 ps 17 20 Clanrats uni standard; LS Champion: hand weapons, ght armour, & shields 150 ps “York Bolas Waloe o€ he Kem: 29964 gatats, — CLANRATS Skaven of the Warlord Clans > Beneath the cities of the world countless gangs of Skaven infest the sewers and catacombs. These packs are led by Skaven warlords and are known as the ‘Warlord Clans’. The warriors of these clans are the main strength of the Skaven ‘Under Empire’. They wait ready to be stirred into action by the insidious agents of Clan Eshin. a CENT PEE pias gf Qo —lel sists arrletelel ele] -2snockeure [si a}a)aisiiisiiielejsi7 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 MODELS PER UNIT: 20-40, POINTS FER MODEL: 6 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTION: SHIELDS e To te fore of ay Shaver sare may be found the Stormermin, These Shanon belonging tothe Warlord Clans makeup the bale of ordinary are ravenous ite warrior eager say the ener iafeelisTe TT TTT Ta Ta ie or iaealaols STW Ta a leaTal hacia es ag PTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: Ting th Claret Warvorsarevlctons Blak Shavenehoformancarror || Toe lowest cat of haven society are te slaves Thy are fin driven ‘ite Sen as retainers of te Shaven Warionds In battle by tbe ore sictour Shave, and bobbed togetbor tt chains —< CLAN ESHIN > — CLAN PESTILENS > Clan Eshin use weapons forged with warpstonein Clan Pestilens arc the unholy disciples of disease, order to inflict poisoned wounds, Such weapons devoted to spreading the contagion of Chaos over include hand weapons with warpstone blades, the Earth. The Devouts of Claa Pestilens are also throwing stars of warpstone and warpstone known as ‘Plague Monks’ By means of discascs Slingshot. All attacks from a Clan Eshin model are cultured on the warpstone, they spread the great poisonous. This costs 3 points per model which has plagues that ravage the world. been included in the basic points cost. Ra PT m jwsles| s[t [Ww] t [A | td [ine] ci [Wey Prose tefetitetetetatitetetsts] MODELS PERUNTT: 5-10, POINTS PER MODEL: 8¥ WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON MODELS PERUNT DDE Terry OTHER SAVES UTS "ARMOUR: NONE TIONS ANY MODEL MAY HAVE TIGHT ARMOUR 1 ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS... Te Chan Fob ees are fo ative gb saying fos dark places, Plague conser are Warpatone tacos burrs ania oul bubonie Inftsating the onomy eles. preparing te i ‘hap Thove ho tne te fumes are injected and es expos ‘pont erupt fn festoringblatere. Page censor baer maybe Biden ‘any Staton wt CTT sy 0-20 PLAGUE MONKS [ym spas] st Tw] 1 | [td in| cx wry [m (weles| s |r [wt [A [te jint| ci Wel ao fee eet eee] Sas nave ENON PON “ee ‘OPTIONS, ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE LIGHT ARMOUR 1 ELD TIGHT ARNO 1 ONE unt may (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: THROWING STARS SINGS ‘ The Plagne Moke of Clan Peters area shaven devout order tats af infacon: They go inte bale roctng from tbe Liber Babonicus and anting toe targus Inject ian Bibi ons rang or aba ofthe Shave bores seeing tv enemy eats ctoment 9 aurpreeandettring tne raypacks ft ees Into —< CLAN MOULDER > —K CLAN SKRYRE > Clan Moulder are the perverters of naturalanimals, Clan Skryre are the masters of a perverse cruel experimenters with the living flesh of other technology, a profound knowledge enslaved to the creatures. It is they who create the malformed _ bestial whims of Chaos. They devise all of the beasts that accompany and serve the Skaven. arcane devices of war used by the Skaven. CTS 0-6 POISONED WIND GLOBADIERS [SKAVEN ‘miwsies!s | [w! i [A | td tne| cr fonacomes [5s ]s]sislteltlelelelt WEAPONS: AND WFAPON 7 NONE m ws[es] S| T]w]1 [A ]ua]el or 5 3i3isisiiisiiielelsi7 POISONED WIND OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: Thee troops cay lan gabe ontaing Warptone ater When robe the gobo mi Wapato sch nits te mondo ove formate “Each ander may control from 26 armal mss of one pe owen aed emt Wer {from thee bolus Several Recs Gnd oer cts my be merged {form larger units tng as tbe animals are ofthe same fp Points per Points per Creature model Creature ‘model Chaos Hounds 20 Giant Wolves a 38 CE jm [wis] s |r [wt | a [efi | cs wel Lscavenin sia isisisiiiaiiislelsi7| pS ec] | en Ese POINTS PER TEAM: pw falas] ss Tw] 1 [a [us [ine] ct we fexaven 2) is iaisialsiiisliieleis| 7) ‘STRENGTH UPTO 12" as 6 foezzan se waroxs: {© warrock og jose, GN hax WEAPON The Clan Serpe Joa alo lrg calor arpick mat Terai Ae of to Cam Serge Satna single Jeane 10 ira ‘oneto bod the musher at Th Jecalfinesunrpttone sb wich nfs obama woe Te xr pont ca for otonons tac ' Skaven regiment prepares t advance ARMY LISTS ERS ES nS —< SKIRMISHERS (ce wes, p100) 2 Clan Eshin Gunter Ruaner units may automatically act as | Seeteneemaonn ey cue Simisher. These rete only Skaventnits whach ay dose, |'9-30 Giant Bas 030 Giant Leeches 05100 Glant Rats — ALLIES > 08 Glant Spiders o-t Swarm The player may spend up to 2 third of the army's total points onallies, The allies must be assembled using the Allies section, (p126), and chosen from the following list: Chaos Allies Orcs and Goblins Dark Elves ‘The chaotic host may contain: —~Hosts aan A Skaven wizard may bind either a monstrous oF chaotic host. The player may spend up to one quarter ofthe army's total points ‘ona host. The charts below indicate the types of creatures that may be included in a Skaven monstrous or chaotic host. The host is assembled using the rules in the Warhammer Bestiary ‘on p240/265, ARMY LISTS ORCS § GOBLINS Goblinoids have some claim to be the most numerous and the ‘most debased group of creatures in the entire world. These creatures (ie, Ores, Goblins, Half-Ores, Savage Orcs, Black Ores, and Snotlings) live in large, dispersed tribes, often occupying several settlements. Although each race has its own distinct tribes, the larger goblinoids nurture a slave-class of the less powerful races, For this reason itis appropriate to consider Orcs and Goblins as forming a single army type. Orc armies always include a few Goblin lackeys - probably brought along to do the jobs even Orcs don't fancy much! Goblinoid armies are generally led by Ores of Half-Ores, who. are the biggest and cleverest of cheir kin. The rank and file of the army consist of a mixture of Ores, Goblins, Half-Ores and, ven Snotlings. Because of this wide variety of races, an army Of this type will have many troop types, from weakly armed, Snotlings to deadly Ore boar riders, And then, of course, captured battleengines are often put to good use, while the swift and dangerous Goblin chariots can mow down the enemy like so much grass, ‘With this wide range of weaponry and varied troops it might seem that a large force of goblinoids is unstoppable. However, this assumption ignores the major bane of a goblinoid ‘commander - the violently devisive nature of these creatures. Animosity between rival tribes and races can be a nightmare, and makes it important to think about the army's disposition very carefully. With a litle forethought, however, a goblinoid army is surely one of the most potent available to the Warhammer player. Goblinoids form into fighting units under powerful or influential leaders. Rivalry between unitsis great, producing a strong sense of unit identity and loyalty. Goblinoids don't wear uniforms, >but units often adopt standard colour- usually brown on red. Units sometimes have unit standards which they make as big and impressive as possible by decorating them with gory symbols of death and destruction, nor the least being the putrefying remains of defeated enemies and rivals. Shields are decorated in simple circular patterns and with crude (sometimes vulgar) designs. ORC AND — GOBLIN ARMY > im jwsjes| s | [wii [ay ta [ine | ch | we [Pts loonie [afatafalsiifali{ s [s]5 [5 [an [sve [a[3[a[s[a{i[ai2] 5 [5] 5 [5 [ws Heo [sfsla[sfalala{sfen[s | s | 5 [26 Hoo [4fslals[a]3[a [3] 72] 5 | 6+ | 6+ | 40 faoneo [a ls[alalalalslal ars | s | 6st | 6st [59 fasvowo [a [5[s[4[ala ls [sera [rea] 742 | 7+2 | 65 sword [4] 3{3[4[3]1]2[1] 5 oor] ot | oui [as sowiewd [4{3{3[s[a[2{a[ 1] eet |r+2] 641 | 712 | 88, ss Wiewd [4s] 3[4[a [3/3] 1] 72 [742] 742 [742 [5 faowiaet [al s[a [alo [a[a[s| 742 foe3] 7+2 | 643 | 108 25 wars [a [5 [5 [4[s]e]5 [1] 6+3 [a+3) +3 | 8+3 |275 Bases: nieniry 201m 20m Wol Riders 26mmx80mm miwsies|s TWIT i lay is [iw | Cr | We [Ps nate —laTsistotalitatit tel 17 ts ite —[ala[afala [fala] 7 Tet [7 Pe ‘wwe [4] statele 2 tela [erte [7 [71s ‘sie [als fatelalatslal scale Tefen [0 atin [4614 [e[a 4 [a a6 [eet [est [os sie [ales lalate ele] wes esa] sve [ssa [0 swat [ae] 3]e]s [3a] 7 Palen [on [oo rwwiad [ale] 3]a[a/2 [alr] 6-1 Joa] ent [os2 [os swine [e[s[3]<[e[3 [11] sea Java] ov2 [2 [5 20 wird [4 {5 [4] 4[4[4]5 11 | 942 |9+3] 942 | 10+3 | 240) 25 Wirard | 4) 6/5] 4/4) 4/6) 1 | 10+3/9+3] 10+3] 10+3 [340 aes ay Bion (mywsles]s[T [wi [ay id Tim] | we [Ps fae ——Tefstatsteli tet tet 717 Ise Rie Tee [e[a efi fsa] Pep 7 | 7s foie Tels slats [atststents [717 La ‘sie [eles [elelatels[s-2 [8 fan [on [es novo [es [ela] stats sions] sf est Pert [6 sie —LeLetslelsls ste] walreal sso] v2 [us ivind [ee [a]e [eas] 7 feayon [on Te rowing e[e[3/e[e 2[s[r er r-2t ea [oa [a swine [e[s13[e[s]3[a[r] sez ]re2] ove 92 [9 owen Tes [eles [ate 1 [o2 [esa] 8:2 [3] a8t asia [e [6 [5] 41s 14[511 Hosalesa] wes] 0-338 Bsa: oy 2m oan WotR 2SnnsSOnn ARMY LISTS TS TD TWA] @ [me] Gt welrs] —« CHARACTER MODELS > abizht7[s[7] 7 [56 [- Character models are Heroes and Wizards (usually called sie [eee fefaqe aa] 2 TS] > [7 [aa] shamans amongst goblinots) The player may spend upto fel roves Lalslets[sfalstaterts {7 [7 fa) re cobim srmy must have at east Tcharacier model cc, (tl swoo {a|slale[s{a[s [a] oz] s [est [8-1 [88] the General. itis not necessary to include Wizards if you do SAR pone [ate] s[s[s[els]«|103| 5 [er] as] 16] not wish to do so, bur the maximum permitted number is 5, Aa snow [alels[s{s[+|s[s[1+a|7+2] 9-2] 9°2143] General: the army must be led by a General who will be the aa character model with the highest Jeadersbip characteristic, ° swans _[o[stofels{if2]}i{ 7 tert] 8-1/8: 1 83) army standard: thearmy isallowedone army standard which Fagg sowied |4|4|3]4}e{2]a}i| ei |7+2| 841 | 92/81) must be carried by a character model and paid for from the a tswind |«[5[3]<]5]2{3[1] v2 [7-2] 2-2 [9-2 [165] character model points allowance. Army standards cost 50 il powine [«[s|«{«[s[e[s |r 92 [e+3| o+2 [1043] 251] points wo aswiert [+ [6 ]5]4]s [4 [5 [1 [10+ [ers] 10+3 [103/553] maces: character moclels may be either Ores, Half Ores, Goblins, Bas si: forty 250925 Boalt Wal riers 2SmmeSCnm Black Orcs, of Savage Orcs. The player is allowed a free choice ‘of which toselect, soan army could, for example, contain only Ore character models, only Half Ores of, more commonly, aRSDSS TTR e ae ee Tee] misture of all ices maxon [alatstera[it2liis Ts 17 1717] Riding in Chariots: character models may ride in chariots = included as part of the army's ‘rank and fle’ points allowance. ‘This does not affect either the points value of the chariot or sie —[e[s[efo[aTv[sa] o Ts [7 [7 [a2] she racer Charice carving charters can be weated 3s wnoo [+ lels[s|s|2i3}3{ s+} 6 1 [77] separate units of 1 model. ‘sw |4[6[s[s]5[3[e[a [ioral] 5: get | 20Ho {4|7]4{5]sl4ls|el wes] s | est | a1 [147 25 Hoo _[¢ 171515 ]s]4[s] 4] +3 |7+2] 9+2 | 9+2 [v7 (Swit [4]5[4[s[a]il2[i] @ [evi] ext [oe [72 wowed |4islels|«[2[3[1]| nt [rea] ort | 942 | 07 tswined [4]6 [415] 51313[1]vo+2|7+2] 9x2 | 9+2 [87 [20 wins [4 [e615 |5 [5] 4|4| 1] 19+2|o+3] 9+2 |1or3] 282 25 wars [417151515 ]4{5|1 | 10+3]e+3] 10+3] 1043 [427 Base siz: inarty 25nmx25nm, Boalt Wl ier 25nmxSOrm Points: the costs given for characters are fora basic, unarmoured apsles[s[T[WITTAL ta [ae] Pwr TPs] model with a hand weapon. Characters shouldbe provided with fsvorune [a]2[2[rli[atal3[s [| «| 4 [26] armament as depicted on the model and selected from the ee as btn araenaat 6S Ug following list. If the model is carrying a piece of equipment rot mentioned on the table, it may be ignored. apes Ta Te ew Potts cont Poot con frou —Te{sfi{stelstist « fe] 6 | 6 [os per per si One 4D Item character | Item character ese do: ee ‘model ‘model Alignment: Ore and Goblin armies are Evil — Close Combat Armour Psychology: Units of Oresand Goblins aresubjecttoanimosity | weapons fie i against other goblinoid units. Goblins bate DwarfsandGnomes | Agditional hand Dole tna 2 and fear units of Elves of more than half their own rumeric | weapon 5 aie H strength. Savage Orcs are subject {0 frenzy. Doubletnanded weapon 2 | Riding Animals Lance 2 | Boar — ARMY SELECTION >— Net 1 (Goblins only) 6 oO ee | Sear 1 | Giane wolf moun] 8 ‘ar Boar mount oe eee ee) Missile (90% Goblins) 6 Weapons Rank & File models | ¥ Army's total PV | Whole Army less 1 | | Bow 2 | War Beasts Hero Crossbow Giant Spider character models 1Hero | Army'stotal pv | | (aor Goblins) 3 | Gobiins only) 45 Heroes Tmodet | Army's tort PV |_| Javelin 1 | Wyvern ‘Wizards | ° 5 models Short how 1 | (aor Gobtins) 180 Aties 0 % Army's total PY || Throwing axcs Mercenaries ° 4 Army's total PV. || or spears 1 Monstrous Host ° W Army's otal PY | | Throwing knives or darts 1 ry | a re OF rc) cd ry y a 1) ARMY LISTS A selection of Ore and Goblin warriors. ‘Top Row (Left to Right) - Mighty Orc warlord; Hite Orc ‘Snorta'(Warboar rides) Contre Row (Left to Right) - Orc ‘Bigun’ elite foot warrior; Orc Shaman casting spell by means of a ritual skull alisman; Savage ‘Ore warrior adorned with tribal war palat Hottom Row (eft to Right) - Orc ‘Areroy'; Goblin ball nd-hain fanatic advances preceded by vicious Snotings Fearsome fick Ore warrior ‘he facing page shows seein of Orc and Goblin sundats and shies, Mos ar adored wth ial ARMY LISTS ARMY LISTS Heroes The army may contain 2 maximum of 20 hero models. The maximum number of heroes available at each level is given on the table below. /Maxioiom avallabliity | Ore Half Goblin Black Savage Ore Ore Ore Steve Sheroes | 33 30 15.233 Slevel heroes | 61 55° 2877 GL ftevel 15 heroes | 88 80 401128 Blevel 20heroes | 116 105-5376 Btevel 25 heroes | 1431506521743, Revered Heroes The four goblinoid races all use titles to distinguish their ‘mightiest warriors. These, unlike other races, tend to vary from. tribe to tribe. Here are selection of suitable titles. Spiker, Slasher, Spitter, Biter, Nobbler, Splitter, Crumpa, Gnasher, Hacker, Boss, Gaffer, Gutter, Stompa, Murderer, Ripper, Smasha, Killer, Cruncher. ‘Champions Level 5, 10 and 15 heroes must be assigned to specified units asleaders unless designated as the Army Standard Bearer. These thero-leaders” are referred to as champions. Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (see WEB, p93). Champions are normally of the same race as their unit, but Black Orcs may lead any goblinoid unit, Ores may lead any goblinoid unit other than Black Ores, and Half-Ores may lead any goblinoid unit other than Black Ores and Orcs. Level 20 or 25 heroes may be assigned to specified units as ‘championsif the player wishes. Alternatively, they may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way (see WEB, p90). et Wizards ‘The army may contain a maximum of 5 Shamans or wizards. Shamans of any level may be assigned to specified units as ‘champions, or may be left as independent characters, free 10 associate with any unit in the normal way (see WEB, p90). The ‘maximum number of Shaman wizards and thei magic level is given below. Points per model Malt Goblin Black Savage Ore Ore Ore [Maximum availability | Ore Blevel $ wizards =| 63 60 457263 2 level 10 wizards | 91 85 58-1079 Vlevel 15 wizard | 16315515187 163, level 20 wizard | 251 240 188 282251 Level 25 wizard [353 340275427353 Revered Shamans ‘As with heroes, goblinoids use level titles to describe their Shamans. Goblinoid tribal shamans’ titles vary from tribe to tribe. Some suitable titles for tribal shamans are: Bone-caster, Chanter, Wailer, Sereacher, Screamer, Spook-talker, Dung.fumbier, Gizzarder. Generating Spells ‘The number of spells available to each level of wizard is 2s follows: ‘Number of spelis of level 2 noni 4 0 0 0 0 3 Al spells are generated randomly from the appropriate level Of the Battle Magic chart except as noted below. Goblin wizards may generate up to one Elemental, one ‘Necromantic, one Illusionist and up to two Daemonic spells from each of the levels available o them instead of Battle Magic spells of the same level. Orc, Half Orc and Savage Ore wizards may generate one Elemental, Necromantic, Illusionist or Daemonic spel from each Of the levels available to them instead of a Battle Magic spell of the same level. Magic Items for Characters (Characters may carry magical items paying the points indicated oon the Magic Items Chart (p13). These are paid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following list Any character model may earry one magic weapon with "up to one magic atsibute for every 5 ‘levels'of the character (de, a level 5 character may carry a weapon with one attribute, a level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, et) ‘One character model may be equipped with magicarmour. ‘The army standard may have one magical abiliy. — RANK § FILE >— A minimum of half ofthe army's total points value must be spent ‘on Rank & File troops. All units are assumed to have a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit, Any unit may be given a unit standard bearer and/or a musician, Standard bearers and musicians are equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit and cost double the points value of a basic trooper. Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary standard into a magic standard with a single ability. The ability may havea points ‘value up to the amount indicated. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see p15). Any uni indicated may convert an ondinary musical instrament inwo a magic instrument with a single ability All magical instrament cost an exta2s pts as indicedbclow, The specie ability must be chosen and noted down before the bale (ce Is) ARMY LISTS “+1 SHOCK ELITE WAR, BOAR 2 MODELS PER UNITE 10 POINTS PER MODEL: 27 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPONS LIGHT ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS SPEARS (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: PSUR ih foncs: ICC siz isi7]7 | MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 _| POINTS FER MODEL; 9¥5 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON TIGHT ARNOUR ‘SHIELD "ARMOUR: ‘OPTIONS DOUBLE-HANDED WEAPON. 2 EO : MW wsfes| s | |W [A [ts] c]We] M[wsles] s|T]w1t [Allin a. JORC RIDER =laiatalalslals[a[el7]7 314 7 7]7 WARBOAR risfols[al-sii il] MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 19 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ‘SHIELDS Trew ars Ore warrior ie war oars The born tous natire Pines beast and net kad tks are much admired by Ores. CET Cy LIGHT CHARIOT POINTS PER MODEL: 81 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR SHIELD. ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE. The buh of the Orc warriors are knot in goblin society asa Boy 20-60 ARRER BOYZ sitlw. [ORC CREW (2) [GiANT WOLF (2) SX _-POINTS PER MODEL: 2 MODELS PER UNIT» ecnantons (9 BTS WEAPONS: Tae ERs ain ARMOUR: vino SYS O°, AES aso ortions Fe os “Going tat baer Chart dos much for Be pri an Ore arr [ibe chariot warrior basa sek, both cee Count as sbcided and the alt bas een calculated accordingly. Note also tat chariot crs Enaconsidered tobe armed with band weapons tmespetve of weapons Alta [int] cr shail siaiz "MODELS PER UNIT; 10-30 POINTS PER MODEL; 7% WEAPONS: HOw & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE “OPTIONS The Rrrer Rope ar OF warriors cho fanour te bow, or ocastonall bs crostbou to they Cam stay the ene from a safe distance ARMY LISTS 0-50 GOBBO WULFBOYZ i ~ 20-200 STICKAS as cI [cosun wor mDER | — | 2 | 3 sisis WOLF aislo = "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS SHORT BOWS, 1 Tae are Goblin warrior who rie wolves spoctally tae, brad and bal Harved 0 tum them into frotous doling bale moun m wares) s | tlw] i [Aalual [wed GOBLINS aj2jaisisiifziis] Ls] "MODELS PER UNIT: 20-50 POINTS FER MODEL: 3% WEAPONS: SHORT Bow & "ARMOUR: NONE TIONS =< ep These are Goblin archer who prove gute dangorous when deployed large mimbers "Tie charter warrior Bara ie, Ba oe coun a eed ad the ‘Poses ue bas een caudate accordingly Not ava caret Pes lreconsudered to be armed with band tesponsrespctve of weapons ‘array te moe ‘Goblin archer advance inthe company oftheir Teader, andar Bearer WEAPONS: HAND WEAFON Swe ‘OPTIONS, TIGHT ARMOUR Toes form te bulk of te Goblin warriors Goblins forma deprived and tundra gn ota ar soe wit ans MODELS PER UNTT: POINTS FER MODEL: WEAPONS: BALL & CHAIN "ARMOUR: NONE These drug erased flowy ofa aaa Goblin cal wild wba al dnd chat Toe number of Cobia fanatic alowed depends on he tot ‘umber of Goblin infantry wnt tn te army. The fanatics are ‘iden In Goblin uns Upto tree fanatics may be bladen i eacb Gobbo or Sicha unit see WEB, 798 ACEI ARMY LISTS CET BS] S| Tw] tla lialm|or siah zis "MODELS PER UNI: 10.30 POINTS PER MODEL: 514 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR NONE ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE, ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPON. 1 DOUBLEANDED WEAPON. 2 ASMAGIC STANDARD: as Trimiioe Ov bes dueling a remote fret or mouniainous repons larekmown as Saouge Ors" Tey use crate weaponry ad wea simple tte coahng any all Savage Ores are subject rey COTE tag mwsles|s | ]wTt afaliisiiizisi7[7 (MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20, POINTS PER MODEL: WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE SPeaRs “Roun a Scabies, Halforc are luipaed even by othe goblinotae ae, ‘ingen proper’ Goblne or Ones. Halforc ane rote eed becom Collins and else races, utualy Combining tbe wore quale of bet. Sr ]w] 1 Ta [is ee) cr wr) T Talal sfatttatvtatetets TORTS Fin MoDes 7 WEAPONS: BOW & HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS ADDITIONAL HAND. WEAPON. 1 "Thar Sage Orc archer eho us flnteippedarrus Likeall savage (re they are subject fo rons. sislstelelele > [ODES Pam UN 5°20 ase { [roms rex moott, 25 MEAGRE: Tas WET "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, SPORE WEAPONS “nagrare coon mare wretched ad agearate ban Glin They hag seu bin stones plterng sb offend casa bela : [woous rex unr 50— POINTS PER MODEL; 9 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS, Black Orcscome rom the ery hear of be Darelands and rete large, lind met resin gobinolde yt Bre “Bards of Tole often Tatch on to goblanoed roe tract yt ration ‘Carcass, Domes and refuse on tach they fal Ore may ten ‘encourage them 3 toning her the odd baling foe i G 4 a °° e =} rl B ARMY LISTS CS Tay CEG mpvsles srw) [aan] own moles s | Tw] Talula Sworune crew eh « | 2 [2 alalalelaeM Porccnwi |s[alsfalslilalit7|s|7)7 conuncaw Lelztalstalyi2[i[slsis[s \WEATONS: cone HAND WEAPON anor | staexors | swvemon.| OWNS po rwnowen| aes 2 0 MODELS PER a WEAPONS: armour: | | MODES PER § ‘NONE MODELS PER UNIT: POINTS (Inc. crew): 40 “Some Wir Machines are acquired by goblingtds bp epi rom ober more Ingonous races and ater opted aera fabion) I sbelevd hat Pum Wagons were originally acquired ints 0 1 WAGON CPR TTT LAS Mywsjes) st )w] 1] A jud|ine| ct (wel si2laiaialii2iijelsisis ‘STRENGTH "WOUNDS | raae | Gro iz | SVEMOD. | ‘ben T LEAD BELCHER | 36" 5 3 | 3 ee ae MODELS PER UNIT: 1-2 ORGAN GUNS OrTions POINTS PER MODEL: 10215 [GOBLIN CREW (3 WEAPONS: TaD amour: ‘Gobling Tike ecapons wDich no only lay large mers of enemy but ‘do so spectacnary. They particatary eoy te loud bane las nd ‘loud of smote issuing Yor from tbe organ guns {ead Belcher a Machinery of Detmction. Not that Lead Belcher bas ‘earns e WED pit 0-8 ORC STONE THROWERS ajar ARMOUR: POINTS (Inc. crew}: 46% (ORCS); 374 (GOBLINS) “ough ginger ret nto aly apna aan Shecering the enemy rom a Tong ey aie. CORT ONS M. iS) Tw] t [Altair alai/aialela wi7ié fone CREW (4) WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: TKroson caewber ara PebucherOreshavedficalypronouncingforan {ord referring ro such macbinesaccording to bate) do fo tbe enemy Jorwhich Shulerucer team apt acsription Stull Crusher tsa Macbinery of Desirucion. Mlwsres)s TW) 1 STONE THROWER "MOBILE PER UN, 4 POINTS (ne ce WERPONS: HAND WEAPON as ‘aauR rl bay paretbe pride ofmanan Orcor bin lonccrewie) 4} aiaialels POINTS (Inc. crew): 93 ‘ARMOUR: NONE WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON Timong Ores catapule of hs fpe are Brown as angio” OF mere ery iapresed hy such weapons ae again tor nd aon eared ows tomake tbetr oem MancMangler tsa Machinery of Detrucion ARMY LISTS —< SKIRMISHERS >— ‘The following units may operate as skirmishers ifthe player wishes, Skirmishing units must be noted down before the battle, ‘The maximum size for a skirmishing unit is 15 for foot troops and 10 for mounted troops. See WEB, p100 for rules on skirmishers Maximum number of Unit type skirmishing units Acrer Boyz 2 Gobbos 2 Stickas 2 Gobbo Wultboyz, 1 (if armed with bows) BAGGAGE (ce wre, p102) ‘The rag-tag followers that tril after an Ore & Goblin army are vile, destitute and quarrelsome beyond even the disgustingly low standards set by Orc warriors. Heavy and multiple-dugged (Orc womenfolk make up the majority of the baggage train. Theit ‘mewling off-spring, the aged, whelps and assorted hangers-on make up the rest, Those too infirm, old or stupid to be drafted into the army can make 2 good living by ‘workin’ the baggage’. Drivers, cooks, leather workers, smiths, bunko-artists, and all ‘manner of worthless scum can profit by hanging round the army. ‘Taking advantage of the confusion, they loot, pillage, burn and steal along with the rest of the army as well as sharing in the fun (torturing captives) and spoils (eating captives). ‘An Ore baggage train is represented by a single squalid wagon and 5 followers for every 1000 points worth of rank and file troops in the army. Baggage followers always include at least 1 Ore and 1 Goblin model, plus any other models of a goblinoid ‘ace represented in the army. Baggage followers are unarmoured and use improvised weapons. —< ALLIES >— ‘The player may spend up to a third of the army's toral points oon allies, The allies must be assembled using the rules given on pp126-149. The player may choose allies from the following lists Chaos Allies Skaven Himir — MERCENARIES >— The player may spend up to one third of the armies total points ‘on mercenaries. Mercenaries must be assembled using the ‘Mercenaries Section detailed on pp150-162. The player may ‘choose mercenaries from the following lists E ae if PS fa) ° = 5 = rd Giants Ogres Half Orcs Ores Hobgoblins —X HOSTS (cee wre, p20) B= Goblinoid shamans may bind a monstrous host. The player may spend up to one quarter of the army's total points on hosts. A list of permissible creatures, and their numbers is given below. ‘The host must be assembled subject to the rules provided in the Warhammer Bestiary. Points cost ‘The monstrous host may contain: per model 0-40 Boars 6 0-30. Giant Bats 2 0-8 — Giant spiders 45 0-40 Giant Wolves 8 0-1 Swarms 250 SAMPLE ORCS & GOBLINS ARMY TR Rey Sang ere Barry scone Hem er Iloodretch, Champion of "wultoor. 7 Or warond, Gasser 8- Ore Her, spike Buboe, ding Warbour. A unit of OF Arrer Roya with unit standard which depicts «sll em (Gearly warns ofa headhunting tbe SAMPLE ORCS & GOBLINS ARMY 70, A wai of Hore Skull Gotbos proudly Brandshing their wal toxem TT Goblin ball and chain wielding fanatic, 1 Be iden To ‘vhich fonctions ava fexnome tn tarda ‘Goblin nfaney ns EQUIPMENT AND POINTS VALUES Magic Army Standard (Hellfire Banner), L¥1 5 Ore Hero, hand ‘weapon, light armour & shield = 136 pos. Lyl 20 Goblin Shaman - 188 prs. Spells: Aura of Resistance, Cause Animosity, Part Water Fire Balt, Ignite Missiles, Windblast, Aura ‘of Protection, Mystic Mist, Mental ‘Duel, Create Magical Bog, Dispel ‘Aura, Cause Stupidity. TE A ni of Goblin Sick Gren) wih wnt ane armed Gad Gohlia ste US pe Spells: Flight, Part Water, Steal Mind, Cure Light Injury, Aura of 4 Resistance, Hammerband, wy Lightning’ Bolt, Steadfast, s Stampede. Lvl 10 Goblin Hero (Champion of unit of Gobbo Wulfboyz), Giant Wolf, hand weapon & light armour - 38 pts 40 Gobbos, javelins, shields & light armour - 180 pts 30 Ore Boyz, Lvl 20 Orc Hero, Fhicakioned Tole seem bee gewicuating menacing, they BO Essie rae eee alten 1 Reese mvs eligence 19 0 aoyiing wimowtseaders shields & light armour - $21 pts. icp ker Lvl 25 Ore General, light armour & “double-handed” weapon 147 pis, v1.10 Ore Hero (Champion of 1 unit of Gobbo Wulfboyz), Warboar, crossbow & light armour - 84 pts, 30 Ore Arrer Boyz, Lvl 20 Ore Hero, unit standard, bows, shields & light armour - 436 pts. 30 Gobbos, unit standard, javelins, spears, shields & light armour ~ 155 pts. 3 detachments of 3 Goblin fanatics (3 hidden in each Gobbo unit) - 270 pts. 40 Goblin Stickas, Lv! 10 Goblin Hero, uri standard, short bows & shields - 210 pts. 1 unit of 3 Trolls - 195 pts. 30 Gobbos, unit standard, javelins, spears, shields & light aemour - 155 pts. 2 units of 6 Gobbo Wulfboyz on Giant Wolves, spears, short bows, shields & light armour - 168 pts. TT oro Sana GopBe WUT age TRE MAY HOTT oes pons ale ofthe Army: 2998 pt ARMY LISTS —< DWARFS »>— ‘The proud race of Dwarfs once ruled a vast Empire spanning the whole of the mighty Worlds Edge Mountains. Today the Dwarfs are a vastly diminished people, living in isolated ‘mountain holds and amongst the cities of men. Those who cling to their ancient homelands are known as the Imperial Dwarfs, deeply secretive and chauvinistic enclaves who still make-up the most powerful and feared of all Dwarf warriors. ‘The decline of the Dwarven race may be traced back many years, to their wars against the Elves, and before that to the time when Ore and Goblin teibes first invaded from the Dark Lands, The stubbornness of the Dwarfs is legendary, and a Dwarf army is a powerful and well ordered entity, capable of withstanding all but the best organised and armed troops. The history of the (Old World is full of stories in which vastly outnumbered Dwarfs shrug off arcacks by besieging goblinoid armies. In The Empire, ‘men still maintain a stubborn person ‘‘clings like a Dwarf” although some say this refers t0 the infamous Dwarven love of gold rather than their persistence! Of all the races of the world, itis the Dwarfs who show the {greatest aptitude for the still young science of technology. The famous Dwarven Engineers Guild operates under a cloak of obsessive secrecy, producing the finest engines of war and ‘machineries of destruction in the world. A Dwarf army may be accompanied by more war engines, of more varying kinds, than any other Dwarfs also have a love of regalia, and almost all Dwarven units sport a uniform of some kind. Shields, standards and surcoats bear all sorts of clan mouifs: the coat of arms of their hold, or such popular symbolsas anvils, hammersand other weaponry, often depicted as crushing the opposition, The Imperial Dwaris ‘employ an especially decorative form of uniform and banner design, in many cases deriving from traditions which hark back many thousands of years. Some of the great ‘clan banners’ are magical and were made with the magical aid of the Elves years before the Dwarf/Elf wars __—K DWARF ARMY = _ MMSS|S[T [WTA] [oe] | we [Pe pwd [3[eiaiaialii2ii] 9 t7191 9/6 swe [a]s[e[salifalal a [7] 9 | 9 [ae veo [3] s[e[s[sl2t3[a;o-i[7] 9 | 9 [ee 15Hoo [3/6 4[4[5 [3] 4] 311012] 7 [0st wort [29 20 wo 1317 [ela ls] 4}s[aliova] 7 [1051 100 [8 25 Hoo [317 [5]4]5]4]5|4] 103 842] 12) 142] 208 SWierd [3 [53] 4[4a]il? 9 [841] 10+1 | 1041 | 78 wind [3151314] 4 [21311 [i041 esa) 041 [rose ne swine [3/6] 3[4[5]3] 3] 1 | 10+2]9+2] 10+2| 10+2 [208 zo Wiss (3164 4[51 414] 1 [1022 o+d 1042] 1049 [308 ps wead_[3[7[5[«[5]4[5] 110-3 o+3] 043] 1043] 018 [Base Sze 207m x 20mm Tw] aya [ee] a | we [Pe looms —[alelsts[2tifsli[s [717 lets sHeo [a[s[a]a[o[i[a]a] 6 [7] 7] 6 [m0 wiwo [ele lels[alztels{eul 77 |e [ss sto [41614] 4[3]3[5[3] 1052] 7 | 641 | +1 | 60 pone —[+[7[«[«[a]«[6]«{r0+a] 7 | eer] 9-1 [05 25 Ho [417 [5 [4[3]4 [6] 4 [1043 [o+2| 9+2 [1042] 160 [Base Size: 20mm x 20mm Alignment: Dwarf armies are Neutral Psychology: Dwarfs bate goblinoids, including Ores, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Snodlings. Dwarfs also suffer animosity against friendly units of Elves, Some specific Dwarf troops ace subject to frenzy and other special psychology as indicated in the list. ARMY LISTS —< ARMY SELECTION >— Rank & File models | % Army's tou PY | Whole army less 1 Hero character models 1 Hero Army's total PV Heroes 1 modet % Army's tora PV Wizards ° 2 models Allies ° Army's total PV Mercenaries ° 4 Army's total PV Ethereal host ° 1 Army's total PV Monstrous host A Dwarf army may include a baggage train at no extra cost —< CHARACTER MODELS >— Character models are heroes and wizards. The player may spend up to half of the army's total points value on character models. ‘A Dwarf army may have up to 35 character models in total and ‘must have at least one Dwarf character (ie, the General), General: The army must be led by a General who will be the ‘character model with highest leadersbip characteristic. Army Standard: The army is allowed one army standard ‘which must be carried by a character model. Army standards cost $0 points Points: The points costs given for characters are for a basic unarmoured model with a hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following list. If the model is carrying a piece of equipment not mentioned on the table, it may be ignored, Points cost| per character ‘model [Points cost tem tem. Close Combat Weapons ‘Additional hand weapon 1 Double-handed weapon Fail Halberd Pike Spear Armour Shield 1 Light armour 2 Heavy armour 3 Mithril heavy armour 28 Missile ‘Weapons Arquebus Bhunderbuss Bow Crossbow Grenades Pistol Short bow sling ‘Throwing axe ‘Throwing spear Heroes ‘The army hasa theoretical maximum of 33 heroes, but no more than half the army's total points value may be spent on them. ‘The maximum number of heroes available at each levelis given. on the table below. Points per Maximum Availibility ‘model Dwarfs 6 Foe Smiters (level 5 heroes) 48 6 Anvil Cleavers (level 10 heroes) 88 «4 War Forgers (level 15 heroes) 28 3 Battle Wrights (level 20 heroes) 168 2 Hold Masters (level 25 heroes) 208 Dwarven Slayers 2 Troll slayer Doomseekers level 5 heroes) 8 1 Trollslayer Fate Quester (level 10 hero) 88 1 Trollslayer Grave Hunter (level 15 hero) 28 1 Giantslayer Morgue Filler (level 20 hero) 168, 1 Giantslayer Death Weird (level 25 hero) 208 Gnomes 2 Gnome Dwarrors (level 5 heroes) 30 1 Gnome Delver (level 10 hero) 55 1 Gnome Rodwielder (level 15 hero) 80, 1 Gnome Heathmaster(leve! 20 hero) 105 1 Gnome Burrowmaster (level 25 hero) 30 ‘Champions Level 5 and 10 heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders, unless designated 2s the army standard bearer. ‘Hero- leaders’ are referred to as champions. Champions are part of theunit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (see WB, p93). Level 15, 20 and 25 heroes may be assigned to specified units as champions if the player wishes. Alternatively, they may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit in the normal way (see WEB, p90). ‘Troll and Giantslayer Characters Dwarven Troll- and Giant-slayers are members of a morbid Dwarf death cult sworn to hunt down and destroy large, terrifying monsters or die in the attempr. They can be easily recognised by their spiky orange dyed hair and overabundance of ornate jewellery, Troll-slayers are immune to fear caused by living creatures. Giantslayers are immune to ear caused by living creatures and cannot be routed from combat (see WEB, 213), ‘Troll-slayer characters of level 5 or 10 must be assigned as champions of Troll Slayer units. Two or more Troll-slayer ‘characters may be assigned to a single unit in this way, although ‘only one is the actual leader. Toll-slayer characters of level 15 may either act as champions of Trollslayer units, or may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any units. However, a Troll-slayer character may never take over the leadership of a unit of non‘roll-slayers. Giant-slayer characters may act as champions of aGiant-slayer unit, or may be left as independent characters, free to associate with any unit. However, a Giant slayer character may never take over the leadership of a unit of non-Giant-slayers, Gnome Characters Gnome units may not have Dwarven champions, nor Dwarfs Gnome champions. Other Gnome characters may associate with units in the normal manner, Bombardiers (see WFB, p96) Up to four hero models may be designated as bombardiers, indicating their skill and experience with engines of war. Bombardiers cost an additional 20 points, and are always considered to be champions of individual artillery batteries, irrespective of their level. ARMY LISTS A selection of Dwarf warriors, ‘Top Row (Left to Right) - Dwarf crossbownin taking tim: such troops are valuable defenders of Dwast 2 venerable Dwarf Spelt Centre Row (Left 19 Right) - Dwarf Clansman wiciding an axe, Dwatf w Bottom Row (Left to Right) -TrllSayer,garshly decorated and ready Th fig ue now gto of Det nt rd i dein yn he 2th one Du oc inh mths 2 Dwar egment rom Carr Cr: sme anne a sis hear mest thal honous nthe Bi ARMY LISTS ARMY LISTS Wizards ‘The army may contain a maximum of wo wizards. Wizards can act as either champions ot independent characters, The ‘maximum number of wizards available at each level is given below Points per ‘Maxionuon availability ‘model 2 Spell Smiths (level 5 wizards) 8 2 Forgers of Enchantry (level 10 wizards) 8, 1 Lore Delver (level 15 wizard) 203 1 Thunder Master (level 20 wizards) 303 8. Generating Spells The numberof spells available to each level of wizard is as follows. ‘Character | Magic | Number of spells at level level_| level | 23 4 5 1 3 ° ° 0 10 1 6 ° o 0 15 i| a 6 3 o ° 20 3 6 3 3 0 25 4 6 3 3 3 All spells are generated randomly from the appropriate Battle Magic chart, A Dwarf wizard may also use other sorts of magic if the player chooses. Each Dwarf wizard may generate up t0 ‘one Elemental, one Necromantic and one Daemonic spell per level, instead of a Battle Magic spell of the same level. Magic Items for Characters ‘Characters can carry limited number of magical items - paying the points indicated on the Magic Items Chart (p13). These are pid for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following list: Any character model may carry one magic weapon with up to three magic attributes. A level 20 character may carry weapon with up to four attributes anda level 25 character may carry a weapon with up to five attributes, ‘Wizards may have up to three scrolls each. Each scroll may contain up to three different level one or two spells Up to three character models may wear a single ring with a spell of level one, two or three. Up to five character models may be equipped with magic armour other than Mithril there is no restriction on Mithril The army standard may have up to three magical abilities. —< RANK § FILE >— A minimum of half of the army's total points value must be spent ‘on Rank & File troops. All units are automatically assumed to have a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit. Any unit may be given a unit standard bearer and/or a musician, Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit. Standard bearers and ians cost double the points value of a basic trooper. it indicated may convert an ordinary standard into a ‘magic standard with a single ability. The ability may havea points value up to the amount shown, The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see p15). Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrum {nto a magic musical instrument with a single ability. Al musical {instruments cost an extra 25pts.as indicated below. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (see ARMY LISTS CEO COT Z ‘m [wsies| s | Tiwi t | A [ta | int) ci wel cmon Droste ils p12 4 ' "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ELD Ss Si ‘OPTION’ ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: DOUBLEHANDED WEAPONS, 2 HAND WEAPON & DOUBLE HANDED HEAVY ARMOUR ‘8 SHIELD ‘OPTio? ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: ‘A MAGIC INSTRUMENT 25 EAVY ARMOUR FOR LIGHT... Tre mountains where Dears He in wolated clans. warriors quely Gecome batteardencd. These clamemen are realy rerpected by all Duar Thc most senior fighing Dar of all are called Hammoras Toe form Into mai untsof shock tropa read) to perform te fougbest ad moat demanding oats de tn tbe attempt CET fi POST = SORA s)s TW) Alun) Wr] ~sswooxae [3isi34laliisiilel7is|3§ powaae aisisisisiiiziiisiziale MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 Tous oN 1030 TOINTS FER MODEL 15 [rors rex moons — 13 | Sr rorergr sare WEAPONS: CROSSHOW & HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘SHIELD ‘OPTIONS DOUBLEHANDED WEAPONS....2 ‘OPTIONS, [ONE UNIT MAY HAVE A MAGIC STANDARD. 0 A MAGICAL INSTRUMENT 135, DOUBLEHANDED WEAPONS, ...2 ONE NIT May sunsrrruTE When Dusrion armies arbi usual for some of be most renowned Miron form small wns of bar biting batletroopers: These fery Dr il geltanty storm pate and prepared postions [SS*d Mm wsjes] s |r jwit | a |tdl me] ct lwel [-zsvoccame [3]s[aisisiilsiiisl7iolo} WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON, ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OFTIONS: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: DOUBLEMANDED WEAPONS. ..2 (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE. A A MAGIC. STANDARD: a5 A MAGICAL INSTRUMENT. 01.125 ‘lacy Darvon warriors are termed Longboards, a tor of reper ana ‘Bono These fighters Combine experience tt strengib and maturity ARMY LISTS COTO OTE I S]T |W) t]Alis]in] or fas) S| Wt 1A [us ie] clr] aisirizlifolzials aiaiaiaisiii2iiisizisl9 MODELS PER UNIT: 20-40 MODELS PER UNIT 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: POINTS PER MODEL: 13 WEAPONS: ARQUEBUS & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS, (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE Diearfeare Digby led echnictan and lad al lber rces tee lar of gunponser tech OTS Le [wt [a [ta [in ct [wr Fe ST WT Te Lele lolita tela tole foware 3) [elilziitol7tslo} MODELS PER UNIT: POINTS PER MODEL: 8 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ARMOUR: _ NONE ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS. Wal Sayers are young Dwsrfe who bare own crossed fv lov. ov who ‘ave suffered ste gest pera calamats.Su sthe ref hat they dedicate teres sockng ont ad saying ner races mt aageroe ‘nomies, hoping oie nthe attpe. ots are favoured adveruies ‘rca tey are ery cult il tous te Duar can be fat ‘orain ofecwipiond. Tol Sayers adept eas recognisable and Patbor ‘SSireme appearance usually including orange sptey batr orate Seana oreo nce ck ou larger and mone fearsome monstorsin order toring tet deat quest to an ed. (Succtsful Tro! Stayers are ofcourse, dead) These Specialy tough éndiduats are cated Gant Stayer a they en 50 sta igor ctant Phy ary mh ie Ses et fend tobe rater more angel rida and torrbh tarred as reso their etoont fest Giant Syersaremmtme tofear canst ote reutures tnd are subject to eehey In dtin, thy cannot be rowed From bana to hand combat. The crack Fighting elites of Prince Uihar's imperial Dwarfs the Dragon Company ARMY LISTS 0-12 WAR ENGINES rennet eat Cs a [Tastes] st [wT tT [us Tie] cw] fowane sapen 34 i3ia[aiii2ir siz isle] Ca | ‘CREW WEAPONS: (CREW ARMOUR: HAND WEAPONS WEAPONS: DOUBLEHANDED WEAPON & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR PTIONS, [ANY UNIT MAY SUBSTITUTE: TDisarven tars are par degrade fla for caons Suppers operate toame of tee model CET Tw Twsfes?s Tr [ws [a [ta ine ot jw) [slelsisi2[iisiitsi7|7/s] MODELS PER UNIT; 10-20 ‘WEAPONS: _11AND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE DOUBLE HANDED WEAPONS... pee 1 | | ied a tombaraierattzough tit i not obligatory) we Bombardlers Lick ARMOUR 3] | bote ana wes, p36. “Gomes are lon atines of Bare ad may Fgh alongs Pf ‘hetr on wnt ie Dwarfs arrived with their bate sandand =the troops are dense from the Wathammer Regiment se ARMY LISTS —X SKIRMISHERS (ce w7s, p10) ‘The following units may operate as skirmishers, if the player ‘wishes. Skirmishing units must be noted down before the battle ‘The maximum size for a skirmishing unit is 15. Unit type Maximum number of ‘skirmishing units Dwarf Crossbowmen 1 Thunderers 1 BAGGAGE >— Dwarfs are an organised and disciplined people and this is reflected in their well ordered and provisioned baggage trains ‘To serve as a baggage guard is no dishonour, and many young Dwarfs receive their first combat experience in this capacity Inaddition, a baggage train will of necessity include a mobile forge and smithy, a kiln-cart for baking bread, wagons to carry the troop’s possessions and, of course, a beer wagon so that the fighting Dwarfs can slake their considerable thirst ‘The Dwarf baggage train will consist of one wagon and 5 Dwarfs per 1000 points in the army. Dwarfs with the Baggage have standard Dwarf profiles, are unarmoured and use improvised ‘weapons —< ALLIES > Dwarfs are naturally suspicious of other races and generally rather untrusting, But they are also very loyal to those they do trust, and expect such loyalty to be repaid in kind. A Dwart’s word is “forged in iron’, as the saying goes, and a Dwart’s memory is ‘carved upon stone’, By calling upon his allies a Dwarf is asking for a debt to be repaid - and woe betide any would-be ally who fails to do so! A Dwarf player may spend up to a quarter of the army's total points on allies. Any of the following types may be chosen: Halflings Old World —~K MERCENARIES >— Dwarfsare not known for their financial extravagance. Dwarfs are renowned for having have short arms and deep pockets (literally). A Dwarf commander would probably pale ‘merest thought of actually spending money to bt troops. However, desperate times can force desperate and even a Dwarf may be obliged to delve deep into his negotiable assets when it comes to the crunch, The player may spend up to one quarter of the army's total points on mercenaries. Mercenary forces may be chosen from the following lists: ld World Norse Ogres —< HOSTS >— A Dwarf wizard may magically bind a monstrous or ethereal host prior to the game. Whether monstrous or ethereal, hosts represent creatures or spirits with which the Dwarfs have formed some sort of bond or pact. Creatures may be animals which the Dwarfs have sheltered or protected, or with which they have a traditional association. Dwarfs are renowned for their loyalty and many of their animal associates respect this. Infact, a Dwarfs loyalty can extend beyond life itself, especially if Dwarf dies unavenged or in battle. The Dwarf ethereal host ismade up in this way from the spirits of doughty past warriors eager to return for one more battle ‘The player may spend up to one quarter ofthe army's tora points on a host, but only one host is allowed per army. The charts below indicate the creatures that may be included in both types of host, which must be assembled using the rules in the ‘Warhammer Bestiary (WEB, pp?40 & 263). Points cost ‘The monstrous host may contain; per model 0-20 Bears 20 0-40 Boars 6 01 Dragons 50-800 0-30 Giant Bats 2 08 45 o4 250 0-20 Warhounds 4 Points cost An Ethereal host may contain: per model 05 Ghosts 50 0-1 Spectres 200/225 0-2 Wights 100 02 Wraiths 150 ARMY LISTS ARMY LISTS —< SLANN > Upon caren hone of ade stop de ght agua the MSpss|S[F [WIA a [me] a | wr [Pe Slann expitol of Cotec sits the Emperor Mazdamundi: Brightest Star ofthe Firmament and Lord of all the Waters of the World |Sm#—__[4 la Falsialilalt| 7 121717 18 Pond, By means of a magic micror composed of polished [Base siz: 20mm x 20nm obsidian he watches over his Empire, from the stony deserts of the north to the tropical jungles and glistening waterways [IM weles|S|T]W]i [A] w@ [im] Ci | Wr [Pe Of the south timrimon 413 [s[stel2titits Ts] 9 | 9 [20 ‘Throughout this land of mountain, jungle and water the ann armies enforce herule of empire, MarchingalongtheEmperors [Heo [4]4[s]4[s]2[>]2[ @ [8] 9 | 8 [70 Carefully tended highways, they exact tibute fromtheprimitive [nwo —[4/s[4/4[5/a[2]a] 10.1] 6 3 [uo) Slanof the inerir from the elicoseprgmiesandtiom the Lsieo [4s [4 4[5[4[3|3|0-2] 5 [ioe | Wet] no pioneering Old World settlers of the east coasts. Increasingly Ene 5 rf r0e1 there are wars to fight, especially against the recently arived [22H {4/6141 4}5/8 4141 iGe3/_§ 10st Get 2 men, dwarfs and other dry skins. As these foreigners grow in |25Heo__|+]6|5|4]5|5]4 [4] 0+3]7+2] o+2] 1012 270 ‘number, the Slann Empie becomes increasingly threatencd. [Baye sz 26mm x 25mm ‘These days Mazdamundi sits restlessly upon his throne, his ‘waking dreams disturbed by visions of destruction and death, MWSS]S[T[W]I [Ay a [re] O | Wr [Ps ‘The professional core ofa Slann army comes from the various [Togadyws [4133 [4[4j2[tjz]'¢ [4] s | 8 [36 totem warrior clans, including those of Eagle, Jaguar and [Bas sie: 4Onm x 4Onm Alligator. A warrior may only join these clans after killing 4 = fuumber of enemy Prior this adult Slann must performannual Alignment: Slann armies are Neutral military service in their spawn bands, thereby providing the Psychology: Slann warrior priests are subject to frenzy: Aeanied evry age Naas bec Miaalliie eee pectsmaeal Tee tase Ss iasead igre water ee eobesaiae reais garrisons and guard units spawned specifically t0 serve a Lzardmen are immune 0 fear and panic. Troglodytes cause ‘warriors. These so-called Bull Slann are especially ood fighters, _jear in creatures les than 10" tall, and are subject to stupidity Sand some are trained to serve as mounted troops, riding the fearsome Cold Ones into combat, Following recent battles against Old World settlers, the Slann armies have been seriously depleted. To make up for this shortfall in troops, the Slann have taken to raiding and capturing human settlers, These unfortunates suffer lobotomisation and castration, and are forced to serve theit amphibian masters as slave troops. ‘Spawn bands do not use uniforms, but adopt a system of intricate paint schemes with which they cover their faces and bodies. Red, yellow, white and black are the most commonly used colours, contrasting vividly with the green skin of the Slann themselves, Totem warriors dress in distinctive uniforms evoking the totem animal unique to their group. The Eagle warriors, for ‘example, wear a costume woven from feathers anda spectacular beaked headdress. Slann standards are beautiful creations, crafted to represent the petals of mystic flowers, rich in Slann religious symbolism, THE ARMY OF —< THE JADE THRONE > Mss] ST [wlI Ay [im] O | we [Pe sam Is [3]2taeliiafi] s [7] 9 [9 [7 sum [a[eis[als[ifel2] 87] 9] 91a oer [e[s{sfals{2la|3ie] 7] 9 | 9 [77 nsHero [41513 4[5[3|5|3| 1942) 7 [vost | we ne ove [4 [e{3{a[s|4l6] 4] wea] 7 [1011 | 1o+r| 147 25Horo [416 [4 4[5|6 [6] 4 | 10+3|9+2] 10+2| 1952182, Ewied [4] 4[2[4[e[t[a|i] 6 [eei[wa [wei] 72 wowead [¢[s[2[s[el2[a [1 | 941 [942] 10+ [1042] 107 5Wend [41 5|214[5|3[ 4] 1 | 10+2|9+2| 1042] 1042] 167 owaard [4 [5 [3 [4[s]4[5] 1] 1042 049] 1042] 1043 | 287 25 Wand 14] 6[4[4 [5 [4] 6] 1 10+3 0+9{ 10+3| 103] 392 ARMY LISTS. Ilstated inthe above montage are various warrior of the great Stann Emperor Mazdamundi. Foremost amongst chem stands the impressive balk of he mighty Taslann Drala ope ofthe Emperor avourte wanders. Gra heroes ie Druin ae ofen ferred 25 Toad:Slann, a ctle which recognises hele ascendency over the ordinary subjects ofthe Emperor. The details of is feathered wa- bonnet and intricate costume are cehoed in the humble equipment of the warriors around him. Those oceupying the foreground are {ypical meets of the Spawn Bands the fahting mia which makes up the bulk ofthe Emperor's campalghing amis, The watrloe ‘wearing the distinctive helmet ofthe Alligator Wacriors belongs to this elite totem clan. As with all totem warriors, he must have sain any enemy fo earn his membership. Neither the Spawn Bankls or totem warriors are rally brave fighters. This latter role is filled by Bull Slann, spawned specially to ight in the Emperor's armies, to garrison fortresses, and to Keep the peace ‘between rock and water’ ~as the Slann refer to theit lands. The flere Head and exotic helmet plumage of one of these Wwarrides can be seen in the extreme upper left of the group. ARMY LISTS ARLE I EY RE ES ETE I —< ARMY SELECTION > —— ARMY SELECTION > _ Polat per Maximum availability ‘model nee ie waxioum | | risardmen ni fle models my’s total PV 1 Bonecracker (level 5 heroes) 70 Rank & Fle modets|¥¢ Army's toal PY | Whole amy les | | | Satbeker el 10 hero) Bo . lero 1 Thighsnapper (level 15 hero) 170 caracer modes ite | Army to b ie fee, | Amystoat ey | | I Hetlter deve 20 new) 20 wins 0 rey 1 Warbiter (level 25 hero) ™ les o 4s Arms tl BV Monstrous host a 'stoal PY Army's ol PV a ticaemy may here siaguae iain sons Gane Tevel 3 10 and 15 heroes must be assigned o specific units as leaders (unless designated as the Army Standard Bearer). These *hero-leaders’ are referred to as champions. Champions are —K CHARACTER MODELS 2 part of she unit they are assigned to and cannot leave i (ee = Sar? p93). ‘Character models are heroes and wizards. The player may spend. up toalf of the army's total points value on character models, Lizardmen and Troglodytes and must have at least 1 (ie the General) Lizardmen and Troglodytes fight as vassal troops in Slann armies, performing military service as a form of tribute. Not all General: The army must be led by a general who will be the i ‘Lizardmen are friendly to the Slann, and many live in restless character model with the highest leadership characteristic: subjygation. Lizardmen heroes can only be assigned as [Army Standard: The amy isallowedone amy standard whicn Shampions to Lizardmen or Troglodyte units. Independent ‘must be carried by a character model, and paid for from the | {124"dmen heroes may only associate freely with [=ancma and ‘charscrer modelallowance:Armystiodandacos! syadditional Wow odyte-nits, Slam clearactexs may amociatewith Liexecmen: 50 points tunis, But not Troglodyte units. Polats: The points cost given for characters are for a basic ‘unarmoured model with ahand weapon. Characters should be ‘provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected from the following lit, Lizardmen characters pay double points for their equipment. If the model is carrying a piece of —— equipment rot mentioned on the table, it may be ignored. aa ae - a pe le =. —_ ol a Wizards Close combat Armour sTiseagnaynay copes prise wiserée The maniomes rime pons Shield 1 of wizards available at each level is given below. me ane es | 1 |e, | 8 maa oe aa $n) wld eee a — yee aes wae ora) - oe cee e ee ates Soll ee | aera ee ean iz Coed ese hee a eens ' es = ma ; ies : ease pe erik See ain snow eth jel clvinedioes Heroes Sona ath eee ee 5 Ca ie cst, | ceeeged | Mine | neon otopeig Od Ta En eS ee ag rion == ae mh | aw [ee (3 eeu = = i al esq lao i stan | dal ees|. 8 | gol Pai eriea tise, i ; eee a Se rcteciustacey All spells may be generated randomly from the appropriate level Bean cee each : 3 spo ser deel 5 ee sre | Ae SR ae mance ion 2 Pd Mater do 20 be ie een ‘without restriction, See ppl0-II for spell charts. ARMY LISTS Slann wizards are creatures of great spirituality. They believe that for their feet to touch the naked ground would invite spirieual pollution destroying their magical powers. This affects the more powerful, and hence more spiritually rarified wizards, than it does their less developed kin. As a result most Slann wizards either ride or are carried about in a liter. Any wizard who is nor raised above the ground in this way is unable to use any spells of level 2 of higher. He may still use spells of level 1, and a wizard with no spells of level 2 or higher will be unaffected, Litters are carried by lobotomised Human Slaves at a rate of 1” per living slave (4" maximum). Slaves so employed may do nothing else (except dribble a bit). A single slave is of course ‘unable to lift the litter, but may drag it at 1” per turn. Missile hits against the Litter are randomised between the slaves and. the wizard. Bearers and wizards both count the litter a8 soft cover -1 tohit with missiles) fall bearersare killed, the wizard will be forced to pollute his soul by walking! Magic Items for Characters ‘Characters can carry magical items paying the points indicated ‘on the Magic Items Chart (p13). These are paid for from the character mode! points allowance and selected from the following list: Any character model may carry one magic weapon which has up to one magic attribute for every 5 ‘levels’ of the character (je a level 5 character may carry a weapon with fone attribute, level 15 character may carry a weapon with three, etc). Wizards may be equipped with up to three scrolls each. ‘The scrolls may contain up to three different spells of level three or lower. Up to two of the army's character models may wear a ring with a spell of level two or lower. Up to two character models may be equipped with magic ‘The army standard may have up to 2 magical abilities — RANK § FILE >— At least half of the army's total points value must be spent on. rank & file troops. All units are automatically assumed to have a leader with the same profile 2s the rest of the unit. ‘Any unit may be given a standard bearer and/or musician. ‘Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly the same way as the rest of the unit. Standard bearers and musicians cost twice the points value of a basic trooper. Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary unit standard into a magic standard with a single ability. The ability may have a points value up to the amount shown. The specif y must be chosen and noted down before the game (see p15). Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical instrument {nto a magic musical instrument with a single ability. All magical instruments cost an extra 25 points as indicated below. The specific ability must be chosen and noted down before the game (ee pls) Units of human slaves must be led by a Slana champion, If their Slann leader is slain and no other Slann characteris available to.ake over command, human troops will do nothing, although they will fight back if attacked. ARMY LISTS CEO TT CEs Mi [we[es| S| T |W) 1] A [dln] own] js2snockeuTe |-|a[2/3ialilalilel7iei9 [coun one mount |e [3 fols|s|—|if2{-|- |_| M [ws[es] sr ]w] 1A [ia] cr szsnocxeauTe [ala|ziaiaiilsliisiziols MODELS PER UNIT; 10-20 MODELS PER UNM: 5-10 PERE POETS PAL OORT Tl (WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON POINTS PER MODEL: 31 WEAPONS: SPEAR . "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR "ARMOUR: NONE SHIELD omar sy user war ey DARTS: 2 ‘ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: This cite order of lan warriors wears Dart made OM faa? The Sian bunt and capture Cold Ones rom ther tublrrancan haute ane fn tbe mowntains of the west Only the bravest of rular troops are Dermited tore ee monsters COROT ‘0-30 ALLIGATOR WARRIORS ST ]W]1 Ta Tus] ir] ot Jw} we yws[es] s |r ]w] 1 [A Tua ine cr slelilelzisiziels siswocceure |alel2isfeliisiifsi7is MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: POINTS PER MODEL: 1 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON z WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘ARMOUR: NONE ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR an aN sy unre aa haves Shaote stanbanD ee? ADDMIONAL HARD SEAPONS..1 ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: SHUELDS (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: ‘There are many priestly clans; every large Slann city bas its own god and amin io igual SSS tae hn er arneeenemee | aren aa Sapa aeteecntiloas te emir pace | || rer seer nrior omen meer ent po ei Pony pulp meet ceeded Sims rere ete oe Sawer meres eae 0-60 BULL SLANN m4 |wsies| s | T |W] i | A [td jin) Ci iwe| s{t + [A [is] ine] ci [wr] TOSS PRUNE OTe Om TeR an 10-20 TOINTS FER MODEE__11 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: _ HAND WEAPONS ARMOUR: LIGHT ARNOUR S SHIELD ARMOUR? LIGHT ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS ARIS ‘OPTIONS Tot one of Stan oem warriors wears atteaute woven ro fatter, ‘and beimete shaped lise eagle heads. To become a member of oe Eagle ‘Gnter the highest honour a Slann warrior cas Rath The regular warrior the lan guard he Mghaays and palace of Emperor tbe rags buctahugforrests and eter tntutons of te Sito, Bull lant are regular errors, spawned, Pred and raned for MWS) BS sista S) TW) 1 [A)id|int sioliistits|7 MODELS PER UNIT: ci wel 9 “1 MISSILE ELITE WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON S BLOWPIPE "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: GH? ARMOUR a Tho le by bunting savage beats toe fg Tey are istingatshed ‘arto alghity smaller sce tnd by tbe ott red and ack paterning (peor kn. These primi riberupply many ofthe Slam drt with Uf ated masicroops by an adaption ofmarre tes Stann ede eeetromous mucus whieh enabies them to poton thelr weapons. All ‘acs inclading mite bits ae bosons Peay CEE ARMY LISTS "MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 9 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPONS ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE, DOUBLE HANDED. WEAPONS 2 Tes form th mary of wari sana aed from lal argie Setemontsordisrics ofa town. All Stan are obliged perform aengt> ‘fimlcary duty these bane Tose tat angus tomate bate ‘ay ce foome of toe ete orders of Stam warriors described above POINTS PER MODEL; 12 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON “OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: SHIELDS Stary Stan ae ne depen ngs rachis carps bore ey inate become sila at scosting tracking ambsbing and sbirmisbing May iirc deuppecr arth rae ions fhe bare Son lar MODELS PER UNIT: 15-20 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPONS "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS The Stan of te routbors jungle are wild and untamed. The warriors svethe Emperor mean of tribute bavi ite ee to ofr ht dant ‘master Many Jungle Tries bavedstinctiel coloured sks eter black {and geen meth, pale ble, oF Jello ‘Sl Warband led by a hero, adv nce upon the enemies ofthe EmpETOE ARMY LISTS Ce ARMOUR: SHiFLD 7 bole ter dining arm the San fake young captives from ‘human sctements andar toon as labotomised cio wat or St [wt [Ayes int! CWP] stalalitoisisis|s] WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS DOUBLE HANDED WEAPON. 8 Toglontes are larger and fircerativs and asec of Lnardmen They cause feat inmate creature ind suffer from stapist. Opponents ‘ifr rom nausea decribed on WER p59 {m jwslas | s ['t [wt | a [ts [ie] ci |wPl Jolsisis[elatiiijolsiolo} WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS pet SIIELDS oe “Many tows of ears ag te acer of he Sar waged ‘and destroyed the ancl cleisation of he Lizardimen, Today most Tisaradmen tive reclusive underground lives but some have been ‘subjugate Oy tbe Emperor and ight nbs armies. 7 "Tw walss) srw) 1 A ide] ct wr] fammat vanouen [4 [3 i2i3[alilsii[sl7lole MODELS PER UNIT ; HANDLERS WITH PACKS POINTS FER MODEL: 12 [WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: _ NONE FTIONS Tach handler may contol? Gantmal models oor mors handlers and {heir packs may be merged to form larger nil: However each anton! ‘bamdhor unit may contain ony one tye of eeature Ts [a Jw] TA Tis ine] ci wr [eletifeloisir isis) wy. ALTAR GUARDS: 4 SLANN 4. WARRIOR PRIESTS WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON | ARMOUR: RAVEAMAGIC STANDARD. ind POINTS PER MODEL: cmpanted bya sacra altar of wbich there are nm mr iar ay apoio tna he momonfied remains of anc high pets ARMY LISTS gS —< SKIRMISHERS (cc wes p100) 2 —< ALLIES >— The following units may operate as skérmishers if the player Amongst the Slann's many subject races are the Lizardmen, wishes. Skirmishing units must be noted downbeforethebattle already included in its armies, and Pygmies. These tributary (maximum size for a skirmishing unit is 15), allies are not always trustworthy, but will serve loyally if kept ‘away from their own homelands. The player may spend up to ‘one third of the army's total points ona Pygmy allied contingent Maximum number of | (?!26). eae skirmishing units Xenom siana Any == HOSTS >— Jungle Braves Any Scouts | Any A Slann wizard may magically bind a monstrous host prior to the game. The player may spend up to one quarter of the army's total points on hosts. Creatures permitted are detailed below ‘The host must be assembled subject to the rules provided inj the Warhammer Bestiary. Points cost ‘The monstrous host may contain: per model 0-20 Cold Ones 22 0:30 Gold One Warhounds 8 0-2 Dragons’ 250-800 transported on foot. For this onerous task the Slann use be: Oa) Gornah sas frequently castrated and lobotomised human slaves. Because | 63 Giant Frogs Slann don’t use wagons, their baggage contingents are larger | 3 Giant Leeehes E than most armies. The baggage consists of 5 Slann bearersand | 3" Giant Scorpions a 5 human slaves per 1000 points worth of troops. Allmembers | 05 ae a Of the baggage have standard profiles for their type, are | Oy ae a tunarmoured and use improvised weapons i} be ae 2 ee = ARMY LISTS —< UNDEAD >— The study of magic is a long hard journey. And of those that set out along this dangerous path, very few reach its end. Tempted by the promise of power, many magicians turn aside to study the dark arts of Daemonology and Necromancy ‘The army presented here represents the force of a Necromantic power. These individuals are not common in the Old World. but neither are they unknown. Even great nations pay heed to the thoughts and wishes of the Neeromancers # their borders. Human Necromancers are not necessarily evil although they are certainly misguided and probably a bit ‘unhinged. Liches, the undead forms of magicians are even more dangerous, however. Their very existence bespeaks madness, for who buta madman would wish tolive beyond life? Vampires ‘represent perhaps the most perilous of all the masters of undead, for they are not truly human, and have no respect for the world of men, All of these mighty magical powers are able to create and wintain armies of Undead. Rarely do such armies march, for theambitions of their overlords are not generally earthly ones, nor do dreams of worldly conquest trouble their sleep. However, there are times when a Necromancer’s aims can be achieved only by force of arms, At such times the forces of Undeath gather from their graves and charnel houses, ready to obey the ‘commands of their strange and powerful masters ‘THE FORCES — OF UNDEATH > Wywsies| S| [wii fay ia [im] co | wr zfatsisiri2in| § [51s | 6 4 [Base Sie: 20mm x 20mm Miwsias|s [TW] i [al i [in] or fcarin [a[sfo[s{alz{alsi 7 [3] 7 | 7 Base Size: Flying Base MPSS] Te ow Te fed [4 [2[o|3]4 sfelele Bas Si: 200m x 20nm [Undead [w jwsjes| $ [7 |W] 1 ts [ie [cr] wr | iononen le [2/2[a/3]1[2[2) 5161s] 6 Base size: 26mm x 50mm Mammy Base Sie: 20mm x 20mm im 4 Bese Size: 20mm x 20mm im jwsles| S17 Spectre [4 | 4|o [ola Base Size: 201m x 2070 Ta nasTS TWA a Te ow Te Unded Hees suo [4(3[3[elatifa[a] 7 [717] 7 1 Ho [4[4[3]s[a[z[a[a[ee [7 [7 | 7 [es tsHoo[4[4[3]4[alalal 3] ora] 7 [oer] est [es ow [4 [s|3]4[a[ ats [a rosa] 7 | 061 | eet [05 [2st [4 [s [a [4[4]4[5 4 |10sa lov2] ov2 [L9ez | 190 Likes suetw [413] 2]e]a [a [a] [73 Joni] wea [ont [oo ouere [432] 413/213] [e+3 leva] e+3 [92 [wo li [414] 2[4[a[3]3[1 | 943 foval 953 [063 [235 zo ucts [4]4[a|4]a]a]a[r] 949 hoval 943 [1049] 305] 25cm [als [4 [al ale ls [1 [10+3 hosal 1069 [1009 460 Vamps svinpis_[4[o[o[e[o[afola] 7 [e] a | @ [x0] 10Vanpie[4{6[6]6[6[6]7/«| @ [|e | 9 [x0 16Vanpie [47/6] 6] 7[ 67/4] 2 [9] 2 | 9 [as z0vangie [4[7[7[6]7|7]e[«] 9 [wo] 9 | 10 [ses] 25 Vangie [4[e[8[617[7]a [4] 10 || 1 | 10 [600] Nicomarer uals [é[a[3[a[3]i [a [i] 7 fear] on [en [oo tami [4[4[ala]ala}e[r pest Java] ov2 [92 [es nets [a [s[3[4lala}e[r|9ez lesz] 9+2 | 9:2 | ss nnl20[4[5|4[4[a[e]5 [1] 962 hosal e+2 [10-3200 unnt 25 [ale 15 [4] 4[4]6 1 |r0+3 hosal 10-3 [1013 300 Base Sie: 20mm x 20mm Alignment: Undead armies will invariably include troops with different alignments, usually chaotic, neutral andevil. Undead are somewhat beyond petty questions of alignment, many are simple automatons with no real motivation of sense of personal he Nightmare Leon ARMY LISTS Psychology: Players wishing to use an Undead Army should consult the Warhammer Fantasy Battie rulebook for full details Of psychology. Almost all Undead are immune to psychology ‘whilst causing fear in living creatures toa degree (but sce WEB, pp257-265), Most Undead are affected by instability (sce WEB. 206), The chart below summarises the main psychological and other reactions. Riding in chariots: Character models may ride in chariots, included as part of the army's ‘rank and file’ points allowance. This does not affect either the points value of the chariot or the character. Chariots carrying characters can be treated as separate units of 1 model, Points: The points costs given for characters are for a basic tunarmoured model with a hand weapon. Characters should be provided with armament as depicted on the model and selected Cauca from thelist below the model is carrying x piece ofequipment tne 1o [ting ceatares|Sobec to riot mentioned on the table, may be ignored, reatare | Psychology | upto 1O/AN [Josey | Other anion | ves | vesnes | es |cannorde onal oimeeea rowed Ghouls No Yeates No [Always rout if | teem, eorecee | fee donee pushed back. model ‘model tictes | ves | vesnes | ues Mummies] No | vesSome | No. [stupid untess| | clote Combat Armour onoled. | | Weapons shied 1 stezons | ves | vesnes | ves [stop utes] Additional hand Ligh armour 2 onli’. | | weapon 1 | Hemy amour | 3 {cannot be || Double nanded Hore banding | 4 routed weapon 2 tindesd Haberd 2 | Riding Animats Hewes | ves | estes | ves |cannoebe | | ai 1 | Undead hone | 10 routed Lance 2 dead Spe 1 owsemen} ves | vesnes | ves |wpiduntess Conrolle | | isste | Jeanna te | | Weapons routed Pistol 2 fampirs | xo | Nomo | No [See Wen p262 zombies | ves | vesnes | ves [Stupid unter controled —< ARMY SELECTION >— Force Minko Maxioom Rank & File models | % Army's total PV | Whole army less 1 Heroes Chancer | Thearmyhasa theoretical maximum of 21 Undead Hero models |Character models 1 Necromancer, ‘Y Army's total PY ‘but may spend no more than half its total points value on them. Xampire or che ‘The maximum namber of heroes avatlable at each levels given Heroes ° on the able below Wands 1 Necromancer, 6 models umpire, o Liche ties 3 ‘Army's total PV Points per orstous Kost Maxinom svailability model oe Amys otal PY Ethereal Host ‘ {8 Charnel Wartiors (level § undead heroes) 30 6 Grave Fens evel 10 undead beroes) 5s Undead armies donot hire mercenaries or need baggage trains. | 4Tombrrrrs evel 15 undead heroes) s 2 Corpae Knights vel 20 undead! heroes) 105 1 Undead Lord (level 25 undead hero) Bo —< CHARACTER MODELS >— Ccharicet models for an undead army can be undead heroes, Champions: human wizards (Necromancers), Vampires, or Liches. Up to halt of the army's total points value may be spent on character models. An undead army may spend up to half its total points value on character models and must hayeat least I Necromancer, Vampire of Liche to act as its General General: The army must be led by a General who will be the Necromancer, Vampire or Liche with the highest leadership characteristic Army Standard: The army is allowed one army standard which must be carried by a character model, and paid for from the character model allowance. Army standards cost 50 points. Level 5, 10 and 15 Undead Heroes must be assigned to specific units as leaders (unless designated as Army Standard Bearer). ‘They are then referred to as Undead Champions. Undead ‘Champions are part of the unit they are assigned to and cannot leave it (see WEB, p93). Level 20 and 25 Undead Heroes may be assigned to specified units as Undead Champions, ifthe player wishes. Alternatively, they may be left as independent characters, free to associate ‘with any unit in the normal way (see WEB, p90) Magic weapons: Note that Undead Heroes of level 10 or greater ‘must carry a magic weapon (see p120). s Zz =] ™ Ey i] ARMY LISTS Wizards The army may contain up 6 Necromancerv/Liches/Vampires These characters can act either as Champions leading specific units, or as independent characters free to associate with and lead any unit. The maximum number of wizards available at each level is given below Points per model Maximum availability] oi Sorcerer __Liche Vampire 2 level 5 wizards 6 90 330 2 level 10 wizards 35 40 380 2 level 15 wizards 155 235 15 2 level 20 wizards 240 35 585 level 25 wizard 340 460 630, ‘The following table gives the titles by which the various types and levels of wizards are known: ‘Character Evil ] Tere | Someree | ite _| vampire Inet tnwvarts | Moan | Dosen | War Generating Spells ‘The number of spells available to each level of wizard is as follows. Character | Magic | Number of spells at level pools | Steve |. awe eed 5 1 [3 [fo] o |] o 10 1 | 6] o}o |] o 1s 2|6]3]o]o 20 3 | 6 | 3 | 3 | o 25 ate] s 3 fs All spells are generated randomly from the appropriate Spell Charts Necromancers must have at east 1 Necromantic spell in each of their levels of Mastery. Remaining spells may be either Battle Magic or Necromantic. Liches may have either Necromantic or Battle Magic spells. In addition, 2 Liche may have a single Daemonic spell in each level of Mastery ‘Vampires must have at least 1 Necromantic spell in each of their levels of Mastery. Remaining spells must be Battle Magic, except for a single spell of each level which may be Elemental, lusionist, Daemonic or another Necromanti¢ spell Magic Items for Characters Characters can carry alimited number of magica itemsby paying the points indicated on the Magie Items Chart pl3), These are pad for from the character model points allowance and selected from the following list Any character may have a magic weapon with 1 attribute pper 5 ‘levels’, plus 1 additional attribute (ie, a level 5 hero may have a weapon with 2 attributes and a level 10 hero may have a weapon with 3 attributes). Undead Heroes of level 10 of higher must have a magic weapon with atleast 1 atteibute Wizards may be equipped with up to three scrolls each. ‘The scrolls may contain up to 3 different spells of level 3 or lower. ‘Two character models may wear aring witha spell of evel 3 of lower, ‘Two character models may be equipped with magic armour. ‘The army standard may have up to two magical abilities —X RANK § FILE >— At least a half of the army's total points value must be spent fon rank & file troops. All units are aucomatically assumed to have a leader with the same profile as the rest of the unit. Any unit may be given a unit standard bearer and/or a musician, Standard bearers and musicians must be equipped in exactly the same way as the rest ofthe unit, and cost double the points value of a basic trooper Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary standaed into 2 ‘magic standard with a single ability. The ability may havea points value up to the amount shown. The specific ability must he chosen and noted down before the game (see p15) Any unit indicated may convert an ordinary musical ia into a magic instrument with a single ability. All magical instruments cost an extra 25 pts indi ARMY LISTS CSTE ECE tee SS ey |UNDEAD [Jos] Horseman [s+ 2 | tne "MODELS PER UNIT: 10-40 WEAPONS: chOSsHOW & HAND WEAPON wey ‘OPTIONS: WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS Heer neeeh (ONE UNIT MAY SUBSTITUTE ONE UNIT MAY HAVE RRQUERLSES FOR CROSSBOWS. 1 These brighis of undaath are pond on wndead bore, TeaTrer Of thoy unnatural appearance and uncanny abilities FDC RENTS 7 =a moeorontalt1z2[31s/oLeLrlelsisls ee mans Sy [rows rex ones ante wei WEAPONS: —DoUBLEWANDED (SevTHES) wearons: 7 ae ARMOUR NONE “OPTIONS UGHT AiOUR ‘OFTION: ANY CREW MEMBER MAY Ea ar save tows 4 Scyrueo wneets 20) Trees mong te wis ofthe dead who ride into bale upon Tiopaconcaes of age creatures wheced bone and pulled by undead Free toe vata of toe sted bas been afte a all erew count as Sbekded by ay crew member POT ROT M |ws|es| S| T |W! i | A [td |ine] cr alzi2i3i3iil2iiis(sisi5 oars Mm ws]es) S| T]W] 1] A [is|in) or aizizisisiiiziiisisisis POINTS PER MODEL; 12 WEAPONS: HOw & ARMOUR: NOwE ‘OPTIONS (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE, eb of ened ar place rom Ted graves te orm of elton [ess and nfosing farts amd figtening Selon warriors armed withthe bow UNDEAD ARMY LISTS [ww |ws]es| s [r |w] 1 | [ts [ine] ci we} [aisjolatsisisi2is[s/s)s] POINTS PER MODEL; 80 WEAPONS: CLAW "ARMOUR: NONE 44 ji pi sls] s [r fw] 1 [A [ta ine ci [wl J cannon es lola isla eis [7 is) 17] * PLUS THE RIDER'S ATTACKS (see WF, »257) POINTS PER MODEL: 5 iy 4 was, on eames nena hi geaal ali Toe giant bird of death tsa creature of chavs. A powerfil master of ‘baimer' parlour Kecromancy ca ra 1 from be Chacs Wastes beret ond npon be ea ois of te miei S)T Ww) YA Tua ]int) ch Wr] sisiiiiiilsisisis "MODELS PER UNIT, 20-30 POINTS PER MODEL: (WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON . [2 3 FWwacon Mwsles] st ]w. lunpeap paver |4|2|2/3/3|1 luwoeap oxi ts f2f2i3i3ty ‘Alu 115 ols ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: UGHT ARBOUR 1 WEAPONS: SCYTHE “Zombics are fey undead, thir rotten ech and torn entra crating ‘nauseating stench ter stiff muscieseaingtbor witha shambting gat The creaking crt of death carries is dark cargo of dooms tno the entre (fat bottering tbe per ofthe undead aa fing the ears the enemy we despate 0-80 GHOULS TEs [x [wt [a [a [ine er [we] [mt [ws|as| s |r |w] 1 | a [ud int} cs we} Lieiisiee| fasmmomar seis els eles] MODELS PER UNI: 20-10 POINTS PER MODEL; 8 WEAPONS: niTE, CLAY OR j—_[os | | [srone romowen| 12- [ag | ss | a] "ARMOUR: NONE ‘ormions “Contracted Necrmantc artifice rom bones and drageed ors rom, ‘echarnel aus tee machinerofbel!mayuristoneror dead ‘sh “Goals ar ing cares perverted into undead Jorm by omophagie ARMY LISTS — ALLIES >— The player may spend up to one third of the army's total points lies, The allies must be assembled using the Allies Section (p126), and chosen from the following: Chaos Allies Dark Elves —< HOSTS >— A wizard may magically bind a Monstrous or Ethereal host prior to the game. The player may spend up to one quarter of the army's total points on a host, assembled using the rules in the Warhammer Bestiary (see WEB, pp240 & 263), 0-30. Giant Bats 0-40 Giant Rats, 0-8 — Giant Spiders 0-1 Swarms | Points cost per model An Ethereal host may contain: pet model 0-8 Ghosts 0-3 Spectres 0-3 Spectral mounts O-4 Wights o- Wraiths * May only be used if the host includes Spectres. MERCENARIES AND ALLIES MERCENARIES — AND ALLIES —< MERCENARIES > ‘The Old World is a violent and uncertain place where the disposessed form an everpresent minority. For these individuals there are few options: begging, crime and the military provide the only means by which they can survive, The most attractive option undoubtedly lies in enlisting with the mercenary bands that roam the Old World, following upon the heels of regular armies like dogs upon the scent of blood. Players have the option of employing these tough fighters as Indicated in the lists. Mercenaries are paid for using ‘points’ just like ordinary troops. However, che loyalty of mercenaries is dubious at best, and both sides will have the oportunity t0 reserve part of their points value for bribery. Ifa player wishes toemploy mercenaries, his army must include a baggage train. The train is assumed to include the payment promised to the ‘mercenaries in return for their services. Mercenary Contingents All mercenary units chosen from the same list fight as a ‘mercenary contingent’ An acmy may include several mercenary contingents by employing mercenaries from diferent lists. 1. Each contingent mustbe led by a"mercenary commander’, who should be a character model with the highest Leadership of all characters within the mercenary contingent 2. The contingent receives no Leadership bonus from the proximity of the army’s general, or the commanders of ‘ther allied or mercenary contingents, or from any magical standards of instruments belonging to the army or other contingents 3. The mercenary contingent commander may only confer his own Leadersbip bonus upon any unit which isa member Of the same contingent. The commander must be within 12” of the unit's leader model to do this. Leadership tests are then made using the commander's modifier rather than the unit leader's modifier. 4. ‘The contingent’s, standards and musical instruments only confer bontises to units belonging to the same contingent, ‘not to other mercenary or allied contingents nor to the main arany Mercenary Loyalty Players must pay points for mercenaries in the same way as other troops. The number and type of mercenaries available are restricted by the Army Lists. However, mercenaries are loyal only to their pockets! To represent this, a player using mercenaries may choose to allocate more of his available ‘points’ to paying them. Additional points allotted for mercenary ‘payment can come from points normally reserved for'rankand file, characters, ‘mercenaries’ or any other part ofthe army's tonal points value. Additional mercenary payment does not have to come from the points normally reserved for mercenaries, although it may do so, ifthe player wishes. The more additional points the player allots for paying his mercenaries, the more ‘cash’ he is offering them to fight, and the more likely they are to remain loyal. Ifa player decides to allot additional points for paying mercenaries, he should make an appropriate note of the total number of additional ‘payment points’ on a piece of paper. Just asa player may pay his mercenaries extra to encourage their loyalty, a player may also allot points for ‘bribing’ mercenaries employed by the enemy! The more points a player uses for bribery, the more likely he is to succeed. There i no limit to the number of additional points used either to pay for or to bribe mercenaries. A player is free to spend no points for extra payment or bribery of mercenaries, if desired. Ifa player decides to allot points for bribing mercenaries, he should make an appropriate note of the total aumber of “bribery points’ on piece of paper, Mercenary loyalty is tested for each mercenary contingent. The test is made once for each contingent as soon as one of its composite units enters one of the situations covered below. The result applies o the whole contingent, not jus the unit causing the test 1, The first time a unit belonging to a mercenary group charges. Make the test before the charge starts. ‘The first time a unit belonging to a mercenary group is called upon to fice missile weapons at the enemy. 3. As soon as a unit belonging to a mercenary group comes ‘within 4” of an enemy unit, ifneither of the above apply ‘Tomake the test, each player rolls 1D6 for each full 500 points worth of non-ailied and non-mercenary troops on his side, including the value of characters, war-engines, and everything that is not part of mercenary of allied contingents. If the player who employs the mercenaries rolls a total score ofhalf or more of the enemy player's score, the mercenaries remain loyal. MERCENARIES AND ALLIES Ifthe enemy player's score is more than twice that of the player ‘employing the mercenaries, the contingent immediately retreats {rom the battlefield off the nearest table edge. The mercenaries ‘will defend themselves if attacked. If the enemy player's score is more than three times that of the player employing the mercenaries, the contingent immediately switches sides and is controlied by the enemy player. Either player may secretly use points from their additional ‘payment’ or ‘bribery’ points to increase the number of dice rolled, A player does not have to spend all of his points at once, but may use some (oF none), reserving the rest for testing the loyalty of other mercenary contingents. Once points have been used, they may not be used again, and the player must reduce the points total on his piece of paper. For every $0 points of additional payment or bribery, a further D6 is added to the side's For example, ifa side with 1500 points of normal troops and 500 points of mercenaries, is battling against a side with 2000 points of ordinary troops, the first side rolls 3D6, the other 4D6. It would obviously be in the first side's interests to spend extra ‘points to bunk up its dice rolls and 50 points would bring the two sides level (+ D6). ‘The more mercenaries 2 side employs, the more extra points it will need to spend to ensure their loyalty! Ifa side relies too heavily on mercenary t#oops itis asking for trouble. Death of the Army Commander Mercenaries are employed to fight in a particular battle or ‘campaign. They fight for money, booty, good times and nothing else, Theit employer is the army's General, who they rely upon to pay them once the battle is over If the General is killed, the ‘chances are the mercenaries will stop fighting and go home. ‘On the death of the General, all mercenary contingents must test t0 see how they react. Roll 2 D6 and add the following modifiers: +1 If the mercenary commander has been slain, +1 If the employing army's baggage is within 12”. 41 Ifa friendly table edge is within 12" +1 If the enemy army's baggage is within 12". Ifthe result is less than 6, the mercenaries will continue to fight normally - hoping that they will get a fair deal after the battle from whoever takes over from the army's General Ifthe result is 6 or more, the mercenaries realise that further fighting will be pointless. Any units engaged in close combat ‘will complete the engagement, As soon as they are able to, units will move away from the battle areaas swiftly as possible, retiring as directly as they can to the nearest ble edge. Ifcharged they ‘will fight, completing any engagement before retiring once more, If attacked with missile weapons, they will return fire so long as this does not hinder their movement. Units will not attack oF shoot any troops without provocation. ‘Oncea mercenary unit is retiring, it will not return to the battle ‘no matter what happens. Ifthe unit approaches within 12" of a baggage area, it must move towards it, attack, and occupy for one whole turn before moving off the table. This represents the mercenaries looting the baggage in an attempt to recoup as much as possible before leaving the battle. Mercenaries don’t ‘care which side the baggage belongs to, or which side currently ‘occupies it, they attack it anyway. Professionalism “Mercenaries are professional fighters, hardened to the realities ‘of war and the risks of combat. Mercenaries have seen and done itallbefore, and usually learned from the experience. They know ‘that to run away from combat is far more dangerous than staying put - even if you're getting beat! A mercenary unit will often {ight it out to the last, even once all hope of victory has gone. Similarly, mercenaries are not fools, if offered a chance wo escape froma hopeless fight they will ake it To reflect this professional attitude the following special rules apply. 1, famercenary unit does not wish to pursue, it does not hhave to. No testis required - the unit automatically halts and, unlike other units which decline to pursue, does not hhave to reform. If a mercenary unit wishes to halt once pursuit is underway, it may do so automatically - no test fs taken, 2 Ifamercenary unit is called upon to take a rout or rally test, tmay add + 1 rots Leadership up toa maximum value of io. 3. If a mercenary unit has been pushed-back in combat by an enemy unit (or units) outnumbering it by 2to 1, instead of following-up, the victors may ‘offer terms’ to the ‘mercenaries. Ifthe player wishes to offer terms the combat ‘engagement comes to an immediate halt - and the units concerned may not move for the remainder of that turn, ‘The terms offered follow a fairly traditional pattern =i, the mercenary unit must move off the table taking no further partin the battle. In return the player will notattack the mercenaries, or fire upon them, and will allow them to retreat unmolested. ‘Test to see ifthe terms have been accepted by rolling a D6. If the mercenaries are outnumbered 3 to 1, add +1, if by 410 Ladd +2, and so on. If the result is 6 or more, the ‘mercenaries will agree, and the unit is moved away from the battle by the GM of opposing player. It is impossible to come to terms with mercenaries who are hated of who bate the toops they are fighting, —< ALLIES >— ‘Some armies are permitted groups of alles as indicated in the ‘Army Lists. Allies are formed in ‘allied contingents’ by race, in a similar way to mercenaries. A contingent of allies may include several units and character models, led by the character ‘model with the highest Leadership who will be the ally. ‘commander. Ally commanders function ia an identical mannet to army commanders, but are only able to influence the Leadership value of troops in their contingent. Allied units do ‘not benefit from the Leadership bonus of the army commander, In this respect, the rules for allies are exactly the same as those for mercenaries Allied Loyalty Alles are fighting for their friends -a very laudable thing to do! Allie are not motivated by money or booty in the same vway as mercenaries, but their enthusiasm may be 4 litle less than that of normal troops [fighting against an army that includes hated enemy, allies have ‘normal characteristics and no special rules apply -they are happy to be given the opportunity to kill their foe! If the opposing army includes no bated enemy, all allied units have a Leadersbip modifier of -1 when taking any rout or rail tests. This also applies to the Ld of a character associated with the unit, but not to his Ld bonus. For example, alevel 20 Elf character has Ld 10 +3, which brings the normal EIf Ld value up to 10 from 8; 10 being the maximum allowed. If fighting asalles, the unit's Ld value is still 10 because Sess ALLY CONTINGENT CHAOS ALLY —= CONTINGENT — ‘The dark forces of Chaos are only too willing to lend 1 ‘alefic powers in the service of those touched by the corruption ‘of the Chaos Gods, A Chaos pack of this kind isan horrific thing, harbouring diverse and foul lackeys, and the hideously twisted forms of barely recognisable creatures, Aligament: Chaotic. Psychology: As with a Chaos Army, a Chaos Ally Contingent contains a wide variety of creatures, many of which have complex psychological reactions 10 other races and to each other. Players wishing to employ a Chaos Ally Contingent should consult the Bestéary (WEB pp225-258) for specific details. Chaotic Attributes: Troops making up the Chaos Ally Contingent may manifest chaotic attributes subject to the provisions on p6. The chart across summarises the number of ateributes applying to units and individual characters of the various types in the contingent Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present, these are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. Any unit may have a champion leader by paying the appropriate points value as listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit ‘may have a standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Contingent commander: The contingent must be led by a contingent commander. Ifthe contingent includes more than one chaotic ‘race’ it mustbe led by a Chaos Sorcerer (oraChaos 45 Knight ifit includes chaos warriors). A contingent comprising 1 single unit may be led by the unit champion who will then ‘count as the contingent commander. If the entire contingent belongs to the same chaotic ‘race’ (eg, Chaos Dwarfs, Chaos Centaurs, Beastmen, Minotaurs or Chaos Goblins) the champion ‘or hero of that race with the highest leadership characteristic will be their contingent commander. OTE IT ENT souiriaver TM ywSies|S Tt TW]T TA] id |i] cl) we tw zn sonoenen|a+|5 [4 [4[4[4[5[ 1] 9+2 ho+d 942 | 1043 fcuaos sreco |e [4folsla|—[al2) — |_| | POINTS COST: 240 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONS “OPTIONS rinos HENRY AUR: 3S "he Sorcerer may ue Bate Magts Daemon Hemental,[usonist oF Necromantsc sels wtibout any restitin as 10 ebot® of OP Grade Characters Beastmen Chaos Knight Chaos Champion Chaos Centaurs Chaos Dwarfs Chaos Goblins Minocaur Units Beastmen Chaos Warriors ‘Chaos Centaurs ‘Chaos Dwaris ‘Chaos Goblins Chaos Sorcerer ‘Soulflayer Dis. D64 TOA i] fod 1043) ey Se POINTS PER MODEL: 250 WEAPONS: _ HAND WEAPONS ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS FWARHORSE BARDING. SHLD T onghty aisle of Chas, by force of bie ou wl ad favour te outing may trac otwtngamong tote io pont pat feb 0-20 CHAOS WARRIORS WIiTay ws Tic] oT we 2161/2 | 942 |g+2| 9+2 | 942 21712 [10-3 0+3 1-3] 1043 MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10, WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: VEY ARMOUR SHIELD BOUBLENANDED WEAPON. 2 ALLY CONTINGENT mMPSES|S TW] Ay is Ter] o | wr TTA unorun —[e[s[s]s[els[si2/ 3 fs 7] 6 ait juever 5HERO |6/5|4/5|4/3/4/3| 9 | 5 | 7 6 4|2 ieve. wien] |6[e|s|s|«[elelwals|7 | 6 af3 reve. suena] se [els [ss /5/4m-2>s len ]74 52 Brest MODELS PERUNTE 5-10 MODELS PER UNTE 10-70 POINTS PER MODE 4 7 40 ‘ POINTS PER MODEL: 10 AS ape oem ERPONS: "ARMOUR: NONE \ CRE Psion ow 7 \ net SY ” sn one SEHONS cs OPTIONS CHAMPION: i LEVEL 1S HERO. ee oe LIGHT ARMOUR. 8 FLAILS: suoes ‘blood anarling an fighting with empasciond frit ard an Orgy (foro flew Minotaure sre sje to blood pred amd Eremsy (dcribed tn WED pp2s6257 0-50 CHAOS CENTAURS CTO mjwsjes|s|T wit tA) bd | int | ch] we 'Mjweies| Sit iw] a AL ud | int eorunefafefelstalele| 2 a] 2 [of Pewaomn/alafelstsfifalsts fs ieva.sweno_|elats(slalalel3[7 17177 § fuvasweo [a[atelelslrial2| 5 | s weve oneno|els{s(sls[s[els[ar [7 [7 | 7 fev wneno|a[atelelslz[a[s[ ei] 5 ever svenoleis[sistslelsials.2 7 lat len§ fuve weenolelelelels[alelsl 7.2) 5 MODELS FER UNIT 5-10, MODELS Fi r POINTS PER MODEL; 32 POINTS PER MODi WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON OrTIONs ARMOUR NowF TTEVEL 5 HEKO. 82 OPTIONS: VEL a NRO a Any unr yar aa 1 ce nA Ganon DOUBLE HANDED WEAPONS. 8 OM tevet fo tex Bs ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPON. See ‘ UELDS 4 BOW 1 MAGIC_INSTRUMENT. 35 . 2 Tore Chan Gia a Dt looded arsine animal alam | Scrmedounats ofarbnoa ei sh natoaone cata may ‘ger to ste ter esta a for eae ‘ead te acim of tetr masters the rece of Chase ALLY CONTINGENT 0-20 CHAOS DWARF BERSERKER Mwsles)s tlw] [Ay i Tm] o | We pensencens [3] 4/3/3/4|1[2i1] 9 | 7/9 [ 9 ever ss weno] 3 [ela [4[s out Mywsles!s[r]w]t Tay id Jie sisislaiiiatiis :APON: ARMOUR: “Gacabhag rasor sharp th aed carn at tel Om ep fae ‘here thet lood-somiting maniacs are te moet dagerout ‘Of all Chaos Dwarfs Phy are subject 0 he full rues for Bessraert et po") “nother ourtanding example of te Tovaraable protec aD the Chare Dwarfs eth rocket launcher baruka, Theweapontespectacilar Initecffce sf rater erate Creare usualy Soler ib are ce reeptonaily brace or possbly stighty bane 0-3 CHAOS DWARF WAR MACHINES BSS Twit [Ay id [in| cl | We fpoan centaum|7 (4/3 )3)4|2.2/2) 9 7/8 | 9 [MODELS PER UNIT: POINTS PER MODEL: 1 ARON Sr Inventor uo st rod the Duar oar Contaursto cre thom Tre are fico types tte Whirlwind sth rotating fats wn scythe, id Te Tenderer armed with tore enormous concave implements COs fm wsies| sit iwitfal is [oe] oo | we | Hcuaos oware|3[4|3/3/s/ijz/i[ oo 7 so | “ioe os omar |u| ME | 8 [Eh own tw [oe [rete ls Le lo POINTS PER MODEL: a SC BLE ORS RTE ALLY CONTINGENT anna 1ST IN IE PST A DWARF ALLY — CONTINGENT Dwarfs are by nature a very loyal people. They rarely forget favour, and will readily march to help their friends when asked. In the same way, they rarely forget a debt, and often get extremely hostile towards any who renege on past agreements, Alignment: Dwarf contingents are Neutral OTE Darr JM WSDSSTS | TIWITAy Ud |i) co | We Psychology: Dwarfs hate goblinoids, including Ores, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Snotlings. Dwarfs also suffer animosity against friendly units of Elves. Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present, these are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. Any unit may have a champion leader by paying the appropriate points value listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may havea standard bearer andlor a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper Contingent commander: the contingent must be led by 2 comander who may have a magic weapon with one attribute. Re eS Ta even 20 venol 3 [7/4 [4151415 [4 [1043] 7 | 10+1 [10-1 ARMOUR, LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OFTIONS: CONTINGENT COMMANDER DOUBLE HANDED WEAPON. ....2 MITHRIL HEAVY ARMOUR Treat lords ke thers responsibility onwards ales veryserously, ard steer lead a comtingent personally ores appoint a tasted friend Uireatve to undertats the tok om fbr behalf CONE in sles) a) [eo | we DWARF a3 Jo [zt 919 LEVEL 5 HERO 2p9 [zfs ts MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 POINTS PER MODEL: 13 WEAPONS: CROSSBOW & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: GHAMPION LEADER The Duar favour the crossbow shove all other missile weapons Like oc Daath tnemactien it teste, bur depenaable and bard bing 10-80 DWARF WARRIORS T CSC Mywsies| s|T Iw] [ay i [in] cr) WP sssnocceume 3/5/3[4lalij3ii| 9 [7] 9 | 9 DWARF ala[slafalii2ii] 9 [7] 9 | 9 fever soneno| ate la[sisi2i3iajoit7 [3 [9 ueva sweno [alsialalatri3[2p 9 [7s [9 MODELS PER UNI; 10 (MODELS PER UNIT: 10-40 POINTS PER MODEL: 15 POINTS PER MODEL: 10, WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: 11AND WEAPON "ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR ARMOUR: LIGHT ARNOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ‘CHAMPION LEADER : CHAMPION LEADER. MAGIC” STANDARD 3% Dinar contingents are often formed around a core of elite dour-bearted, Saree ery anata bono te ae be OUBLEMANDED WEAPONS SHIELDS sl = a ~ FH ee ALLY CONTINGENT DARK ELF ALLY CONTINGENT = ‘The evil Elves of Naggarond still carry the blood of their seafaring ancestors in their corrupt veins. Their black boats sal the chill oceans, breaking the waves of the northern seas, harrying shipping, raiding coastal settlements and aiding the forces of Evil and Chaos in return for the self evident rewards of slaughter and bloodletting Alignment: Dark Elves can be either Evil or Chaotic. Psychology: Dark elves hate other Flf kindreds. Witch Elves are subject to frenzy, Chaos attributes: Dark Blf character models may manifest chaotic attributes subject to the provisions on page 6. A Dark Ef character may have up to D6-3 personal attributes. ‘Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present, these are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. Any unit may have a champion leader by paying the appropriate points value as listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Contingent commander: the ally contingent must be led by a comander who may havea magic weapon with one attribute. 1 CONTINGENT COMMANDER iM TIW]I Ay Ws Tin) cl | WP LEVEL 20 HERO|5*|7 414[9[s [isa] 9 |tost| ot a[-[1 [2] - 3i-i3hi] — POINTS PER MODEL: 170 WEAPONS: HIAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OFTIONS Ghosb DOUBLEHANDED Toes are Feguonty captalaof black led fot noble or blood sekers from the arsocracyof thet kame leacers aloo bappto ro tm ni retain ert ae s|5 8/3 ala POINTS PER MODEL: 118 [WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE “Great pracitionersof magi, ars Fi/foceofen include wizards Tbe ‘Grimictch mist have at eastone Daemontcor eromantiespel at te! {Remaining spats are made up sith atte tage aemontc oF CERT WEE ay ia per POINTS COST INCLUDING ICONTINGENT STANDARD: 100 ‘OPTIONS: WARHORSE ‘WARHORSE BARDING The tered Diack banner of Dare EI alder are probably Teast ielcome night tn all oe coastal regions of tbe Old Wort ALLY CONTINGENT CTI CA apse oT ve anes Twila Te ow ‘sisocxeure|-[5/4/3|3|1|6/1| @ |9 | 9 | 6 [DARK ELF 5/4/4/3/3iti6i1| 8 [9 | 3] 8 ever 1Heno|-|6/6|4|4|2|7|3/ 9x1] 9] 9 8 |S HERO si5i/5i4[3ii[7[2] 8 |a) 9 8 como eisolelal tut tL MODELS PERUNTT: 5-10, POINTS PER MODEL: 35 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS CHAMPION LEADER v5 ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: Tod Ones are deadly lizard like creatures of tremendous power Ridden ‘iste by barn i warriors fw eamstand before them amd eer ii and for tone Oy POINTS PER MODEL: 10 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON To these mean beard avd fel banded peopl staughter i tbe ultimate li of ea, tnd one they il travel far Yo savour 0-30 WITCH ELVES I SIT iwi lA a +2 SHOCK ELUTE, aia|ita[il 3 I pankelr [5|4iai3iaitieli| 8 jal 9 | 8 ever sHeno [5 [5/54 is] 1 7/2] a fs lo dg eves WeRO |— ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR SHE of Grossous’ (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE. MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 10 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR; LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS These biood peared ae les ight as though posresed by Daemon and ioub a murderous appetite which can only bested te bea of bale ‘They a sunjet to frensy ALLY CONTINGENT HIGH ELF ALLY CONTIN The Elven Kings of Ulthuan sometimes send contingents to augment the armies of friendly peoples, especially if they are at war with a mutual foe. There are also High Elven nobles and ‘warriors who have become restless with life in the inner realms of Ulthuan, and who are willing to set our and fight for a cause they judge to be worthy. The Sea Elves of the coastal realms of Ulthuan frequently become involved in the wars of the wider world, and have colonies and trading posts in many lands which ‘can contribute forces to friendly nations in danger. They are especially willing to do this if Elven trading interests are threatened, Aligament: Elves are Good, ‘Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present, these are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit, Any unit may be given a champion leader by paying the appropriate points value as listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Contingent commander: the contingent must be led by a ‘comander who may have a magic weapon with one attribute, eee EL ance Mlwslas)STTywy tA] id [in| cl | WP Riga ttY 7 Ly fspeuisan TM WSleS|S|T |W] ITA] i Jae] cl] WP vt ro wrzano|s+[5 [4[4{3/2]7/ 1] 9+1 foe woot | 1042 fwarnonse |e i3/olai3)-[3i1] Toe) POINTS PER MODEL: 118 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS ‘WARHORSE ‘ “ine are a magical oto fen tae ter wrasse Toe Speloard say bave ome aston Blomental or Dacmonte spettat ite! L mating Up lac romatnder with bate age spec CORTES TON MMSIaS] S TW) Tay ever 20 en0|s+| 7 [5/4 [4] [9] 4[t0+3| 9 [r0+1| 941 eve 5 Hero [5/5 [5 4|3|1 [7/2] lwarworse [a [afole[3|—[3ii] — [7 POINTS PER MODEL: 168 (WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘ ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OFTIONS a ‘CONTINGENT COMMANDER iS 2 nema Sk | ae >| ame Nese Tea races are mo bande, OF fo Piya, Tnporing at We Bins Pat eu amongst even thtr on nace can mate ike braking physeal ‘erfectom ofthe Princes of Ctsuar No les ipreiee are the finely ae arr onan wench adore bees ofa ro Twannorse [8 noe Te) POINTS COST INCLUDING CONTINGENT STANDARD: 101 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS ‘WARHORSE ‘ CONTINGENT STANDARD ONE MAGIC ATTRIBUTE The faterng banners of th Fler are rough of iinet matorak rom ihe torka over cunningly capi with te aidcf mate ad dept many ‘alta deeds and berofe conquests, ALLY CONTINGENT CEST EO im ws[as] $7. Mwsles|S [Twi ITA] im) oO | we +3suoocenre|~|5|4[4|3 LF sialalaisiifelt] sie) 9 | 8 ever sero |-|5[5[4|3 ever sHenO [5/5 [5[s[3ii[7j2] 8 [373 [se waronse |e[zjo]4[3 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 TANCES HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: —_LiGHT ARMOUR SHIELD e ‘OFTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: CHAMPION LEADER 9 MAGIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENT 25 HER ARNOU MAGIC. STANDARD. 5 Trav said thar teen bors are te finest nal te worl carrying ter tearHors unfinhing fats the bet of bain. [POINTS PER MODEL: 10 (WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARNOUR P= ay = PI = I ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE gue The giterong ranks of Fon warriors have bonouredThtr race upon ant a bated vince the world was young. ARCHERS CPO Te tee Sy Mywslss]s T]wIi [Ay is Tm] cl | we Moles] S [TIM] ITA, im] O | we imesteeme|s{4[5[3is|iel1] s [3/9 |e § Bar slalsiaialiiel1| e [alo |e reversweno [sis [s[s[aii[7[z[e [3 [io [ef Bieve soneno[sle/s[slaizi7[apor[o | s fs MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 14 WEAPONS: LONG BOW & ARMOUR LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ‘CHAMPION LEADER ss “lows ave the moat conan form of mile weapon amonga ibe Bes Many ave tated to excel 1h ttre MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS FER MODEL: 10 WEAPONS: "ARMOUR: THAND WEAPONS LIGHT ARMOUR )PTIONS: (ONE HALE OF EACH UNIT MUST HAVE: LONGBOWS. 3 OTHER HALF Of EACH UNIT Say Have ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: CHAMPION LEADER $3 Tepe rosea are raed bp Merchant Prince and areungucly armed baifasspearmen or balberdier tbc ober baifas archers (ee WEB 123) ALLY CONTINGENT They will not leave their ven sulficient cause will andallies. Elves are more aware than man of the chi world, and anxiously warch the growing power of their mutual enemies. =o Aligament: Wood Elves are Good. Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present, these are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. Any unit may have a champion leader by paying the appropriate points value as listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Contingent commander: the contingent must be led by a ‘commander who may have a magic weapon with one attribute, oy x WOOD ELF ALLY CONTINGENT POR eae i Mm a LVL 10 WIZARD || 5 1 waRworse [8 abo nd ho+2} ;) [POINTS PER MODEL: 118 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS The wizard may bave one level! LEVEL 15 HERO |5* | 6 3 1 waRworse | 8 |3 1 oT POINTS PER MODEL: _130 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON rave fighters and able leader and re oe foes tps Ts MODELS PER UNTE 10-30 POINTS PER MODEL: 9 WEAPONS: AND WEAPON ARMOUR: SHIELD ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: (CHAMPION LEADER (ONE UNIT May HAVE: ADDITONAL HAND. WEAPONS. DOUBLE HANDED WEAPONS. The family banners ofthe Renoands area fata sigh oth lies of {he ves and tt bids handed bears welcome aden tb army ALLY CONTINGENT COAL COM fulwsles|s[TIw]t TA) Wd im] cl | wr uywsles|s i [wiija] Ww Tm] a | we riusszare]s|«[s|3{s/1f6[1| 8s |e | s § pwawwcen |s[ele[s{sir/6[1|s [als |e rev weeno|s[elslelelz[7[s[eute,e |e § povesveno[sisisielsis[i2s fs] Ts MODELS FER UNIT. 10-20 MODELS PER UNIT; 510 POINTS PER MODEL; 12 WEAPONS: LONG BOW & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR NONE ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: TigHT ARMOUR 2 SHIELDS i (T MAY HAVE: INSTRUMENT 35 The jin archers of there forte ite core of Wood Bi orc and Treliraen from tbe personal retainers of te contingent ear 0-30 ARCHERS POINTS PER MODEL: 20 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: CHAMPION LEADER INDDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS. UGH xiwoua. BERERUS: Ti aacng a Fag ne meaner om COS Myiss|s|T]w]i TA, ud T LF refit 8 [9 LEVEL 5 HERO TONG BOW & HAND WEAPON ‘WEAPONS: ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS CHAMPION LEADER 51 ‘ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: Ticikr ARMOUR. 2 DOUBLE HANDED WEAPONS... 2 ow erscour |s|4jai3i3lijej1] ¢ [9] 9 | 8 ever sweno [5 |5[5is|3|ii7j2/ es [of oie (MODELS PER UNIT: 5-12 POINTS PER MODEL: 16 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS CHAMPION LEADER. ONE UNIT May HAVE: MAGIC. INSTRUMENT. Scouts way weber msengers a uniform the bass fe Floor Sine Runners vatvable ataion tothe strength of any al ALLY CONTINGENT FIMIR ALLY —= CONTINGENT — ‘The Fimir haunt bogs, fensand desolate moorlands. They dwell in crude strongholds, litte more than craggy heaps of boulders hidden by thick swirling mist, This weird mist is generated by the Fimir themselves in order to screen them from sualight. ‘which they loath. Any Fimir warband ranging far from its lait will be shrouded in just such an enchanted mist. ‘The fearful Fimm raiders are the scourge of human settlements along fenland margins as small bands frequently come forth from the marshes to take human captives. Larger Fimir ‘warbands, which might join forces with other races as allies, result from the sundering of Fimir clans. The only female Fimir are the Meargh or ‘witch-hags’ They are revered as powerful spellcasters and rule the Fimir clans, A Fimir ‘contingent will never have more than 2 single Meargh, and she will always be present if the Fimir are defending their stronghold. If an aged Meargh has brought up a Meargh ‘daughter’ (a very rare event indeed), this will cause the ‘community to split when the young Meargh leaves to found new clan, taking a proportion of the old clan with her, If the Meargh should die without a successor, the clan will 7 17 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL; 97 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: ARMOUR FTIONS ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS: The bigest Ors aoa et to ight at the front of the bate, right where {ie acon i They ate tory prod of ttn abity fo cbop dow lar numbers enemy, bet oo mates can only adie inet ood handed prowess oo 7 CHAMPION LEADER 6 Wael fst ta MODELS PER UNTT 10-20, POINTS PER MODEL: 7% EAPONS: HAND HEATON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, uaunion Lxabe 5 Tous ae favoured by the more tecbalally minded Orcs Rammour es that Orcarros are pointed at both ends, ja to avotd confusion om Oh Cy 1 tarts [s {5 [5 TM MOnS|S [TWA in] a aialaisialii2it 7 [5] 7 alelsleleliisi2t7 Ts [7 LEVEL 5 HERO, z “Ore Boa makeup Ue bulk of the real fighting force of any Brow Of obinoade ey FONTS FIR MODEL 5H WEAPONS: HAND WEAFON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARwouR waits ists fs (MODELS PER UNIT; 20-100 POINTS PER MODE: 3 (WEAPONS: IAND WEAPON JAVELIN, "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS [ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: CHAMPION LEADER. 6 SPEAR cs ‘eaten, bus and feguonly eaten by tht larger cousins, Goblins form ‘ange bat downtrodden pur of gblinotd soit. The chance sont {hetrfetings om the enemy may come as smtotng of ef tes: ALLY CONTING! Pygmies jnhabie the lush jungles of Lusteia towards the south fof the Slann Empire. Although many tribes are hostile to the Slann, some are vassals of the Emperor and are required to pay him tribute. Since Pygmies are primitive people with littl ‘wealth, tribute takes the form of allied warriors. Pygmies are B | expert jungle fighters, hunters and trackers. Their characteristic B) weaponis the blowpipe with which they shoot poisoned darts. Pygmy culture is primitive, colourful and full of ritual. Pygmies decorate their bodies with war paint and tribal marks, and ‘mutilations such as nose-bones, lip and ear Filed teeth and ritual scarring are considered very attractive (by other Pygmies). Pygmies decorate their huts with the shrunken heads Of enemies and captives are often invited for dinner Alignment: Pygmies are Neutral Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present, these are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. Any unit may have a champion leader by paying the appropriate points value as listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit ‘may have a standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper Contingent commander: the contingent must be led by a chieftain who may have a magic weapon with one attribute. PYGMY ALLY ‘CONTINGENT ear Tape te) pw] fee —fefeta tate atet ton tester [re] 1 | 942 POINTS PER MODEL: 123 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘TaRMOUR: NONE Py irbal shamans ay bareptn2 Weve! Fomental spells andupia Hi omental plc Romania made fom er Pea aN) DORAN LY Prony CS a ever 20 weno] s [ele [3i3/4[6[s) wes) 7 [et | a+t POINTS PER MODEL: 64 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS (CHIEFTAIN MAY HAVE: Pycuy Moles] s r]wyt lay if [it] | We eve sero [ala[sisi2tiisi2[ 7 [7 [7 [7 POINTS COST INCLUDING ‘CONTINGENT STANDARD: 68 "ARMOUR: NONE }PTIONS SHIELD at CONTINGENT STANDARD ALLY CONTINGENT EEE eee Es CEO from +2 |MWSIsS]S|T]WIITA, Tm] ol | We meas] s|T WA mo] we sHock eure |4/4/3{2/2)1/4)1| 7 | 7) 7 a PYGMY Ta[a[sialaii[ais] 7 [7] 7 [7 ever wwero[s[s[el3/3i3[s[s[s2l7[enlea§ puevaswenofelelaisiziits[2t 7 [7 t7 17 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 MODELS PER UNIT, 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 5 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON POINTS PER MODEL: 374 WEAPONS: nlownirr & HAND WEAPON ARMOUR NONE "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: CHAMPION LEADER 4 CHAMPION LEADER » Jae © POISONED ATINGKS 3 Tribal crs oder and more experienced warriors who form the Many Pygmy warriors use he Bowpipe as ther principle weapon, often Codoguande of cbt ‘sth polomed darte ETT PTAA MSs Twi TAl Tm] o | wr Mees Tw Alu Tm] ow prow ——lelataialeisfaly( 7 fy fa [rf Pcansomr|efais|efziefstit a rt a fo teva. orenole(s[elsis[z[e[stent7L 7 Ley posesweno [alelelsi2tylelet 7 [yt to MODELS FER UNIT, 10-30 POINTS PER MODEL 3% WEAPONS: LOWPIPE & HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: SHIELD ARMOUR: NONE ig ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS ANY UNIT MAY HAVE ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: yp E Thang warrfor bobave proven their brasary By taking te Beads oF enemies i bate ALLY CONTINGENT SKAVEN ALLY CONTINGENT Skaven serve Chaos by spreading pestilence and decay Everywhere there are bands of Skaven willing to ally with other ‘chaotic or evil races to further the cause. The prime instigators are Clan Eshin and Clan Pestilens, and they venture far and wide seeking packs of Skaven Clanrats and stirring them into action, Alignment: Skaven are Chaotic Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present, these are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. Any unit ‘may have a champion leader by paying the appropriate points value listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may 1 SKAVEN CONTINGENT COMMANDER Mwsles]s|T |W] I TA] me] c | WP ever 2oneno|s (6 [4 [sia] a[7 [aloes 6 | 61 | Bt 98. HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: TIGHT ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS CONTINGENT COMMANDER POISONED ATIAGKS Save aes have a rodent in cunning beyond fhe capacity of are inumans to ncderstan [sad batty ca taste an ena ar OF ‘hein, amd ca cont omens of Ory Irom fee PEN MMses|s|T[W)I [A] [me] oO] we havea standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper Contingent commander: the contingent must be led by 2 ‘commander who may have a magic weapon with one attribute CSS POINTS PER MODEL: 31 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS: {THE ASSASSIN MAY HAVE roa akmoun 2 THROWING STAR i Mr 2 This Asaarn maybe add any Suavon unit. While biden, Be may ‘ot ead the uni ul may dos0 ONG reves. Asastine are aed ith ttarpstoneeeaponsund bate potoned artacks the xtra pote ot for olsoned stacks bat beer Yacluded ay COTTE liviswrano [5 |4isia[aitia|y zt] 61 | ast ‘ MMSes|s T[W)IA, [mr] | WP |SKAVEN [s{3iziaialyjal1| 6 |e{ 6 | 7 uve sHenO [5 /4[s[elaiiisi2] 6 Te] 7) 7 MODELS PER UNTT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 415 ‘WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: CHAMPION LEADER SPEARS cy DOUBLEHANDED WEAPON. ....1 ALLY CONTINGENT CES 0-3 CLAN PESTILENS PLAGUE CENSER BEARERS iw m iu aw SKAVEN SCOUT] 5 1 6 sy LEVEL 10 HERO| 2 FT Z MODELS PERUNIT: HIDDEN 5 — < WITHIN OTHER MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10 : SKAVEN UNITS, POINTS PER MODEL: 12¥2 A [POINTS PER MODEL: 40 ih Sul < WEAPONS: PIAGUE CENSER ARMOUR: NONE “OPTIONS LIGHT ARMOUR UGH? ARMOUR. ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPON. Tukowine SARS re ‘Devoted followers of corruption, Plague conser bearers maybe Ben Tian Eibn ase weapons forget eth warpionstovificponanedswounae | | tay Seaven uni, (FB p10) Sitttacks count otsoned and the Points cot for polsoned attacks CS Ta se CTS OE TO aoies]s [7 [WI AT a [im] co | WP wit Tay ws Tiel oT we |SKAVEN siafaiai3iijali] 6 [el 5s [7 iteii} se tel s ever woneno| 5 [s[els[si2is[3j 71] s | s [7 MODELS PER UNIT: 10 POINTS PER MODEL: 4 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE. ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: LIGHT ARMOUR 1 ‘ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR Hooded and robed nthe tattered rag offi babii tbe Plague Monks ‘rete spreader of eine corrupion. ulin ort unt they bate ‘Gtrvod ocr message of doom tbrougbout be wbote word. ALLY CONTINGE! Ever sceking to wield power, the minions of Necromantic magic cultivate allies in the material world. Necromancers seek the patronage of great lords, whilst power-hungry Kings readily Offer protection to magicians of power in return for their services. However, few amongst the most powerful Necromancers will ally themselves in this way, for they are enerallly unwilling to involve themselves in material affairs, ‘The allied list reflects this, andis centred around a Necromancer of only medium abilities Undead allies present the player with a wholly different and comparatively effective body of troops which have the advantage of being unaffected by psychology, and largely indifferent to any localised defeat. Alignment: Undead may be considered aligned in the same ‘way as the army with which they are allied. Psychology: Players wishing to include an Undead ally ‘contingent should consult the main rule book for full details of psychology. Almost all Undead are immune to psychological CET Witla a aalifoa [eee halal - 1 - WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS |NECROMANCER MAY HAVE WEAPON (SCYTHE) The Necromancer must bave at feast | Necromantic spell of eels and 2 eamaining spele may be either Bate Mage or Necromante UNDEAD ALLY — CONTINGENT — ‘effects, whilst causing earn living creatures toa degree. Most Undead are affected by instability, once again the main rules shouldbe checked for details. The main psychological reactions are summarised on pll9. Champions, standard bearers and musicians. Every unit ‘must be led by an Undead champion chosen from the Undead Heroes listed under the troop type. Any unit may haveastandard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and musicians are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit Undead Heroes of level 10 have a magical weapon with one attribute of up to 25 points in value. This basic cost of the magic ‘weapon is included in the cost of the model, the additional ‘maximum cost of the weapon's magical ability is shown as +25 after the cost of the model. Contingent commander: The force must be led by a Necromancer as contingent commander. The Necromancer has a magic weapon with between 1 and 4 attributes chosen from the attribute lists (p13). The basic cost ofthe weapons included in the cost of the model, the additional cost of attributes will vary depending on which attributes are chosen. Points for attributes must be added once attributes have been selected, TPT avis UNDEAD Ree Trlwit Tay tw fim} | we | Levers HERO || [ulst2p 7 7] POINTS COST INCLUDING CONTINGENT STANDARD: 80 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR NONE. ‘OPTIONS STANDARD BEARER MAY HAVE: UNDEAD HORSE 0 ONE MAGIC ATTRIBUTE Mowldering.taltered banners that bang above the eepulcbres ofthe temerated dead. provide undead legions with thetr standards. Tost are ‘Pemembetabd econ eased egaryor carom ALLY CONTINGENT PES eR UNDEAD IM wsOST S| TW ETAL te | tt | Ob Sit iwi ifAy te | tt | | WP worsenan_(9]2/2[3[3[2/2["1 se [ss | faaron siaiiaits tet s 1s wwe sues [o[s[sfelstelsfee| 7 [777 | fuemsueo [ala /afelatelalal [rt po wa wemolelelsfelelislelen ty 7 ry uv owrolelelslele torr] 4 : Eee in ros0 | MODELS FERUNTT! 10-20 Tots Fix none 10 | A TOWTS FER MOBIL; 20, WEAFONS: xn wearox | ES WEAPONS. Tan SEPT 2 fobs goks AaMOU TO TOT si OPTIONS ‘Orrions TGHT ARMOUR 2 “Tpon mayan ancient ood soaked fed, sain wari Stay a fox wil later for oth dreaded rating bones ofa alton torent te sme ba it ony ie aga a grace cata ino ch beats be serie ience before atte fned CET 0-60 ZOMBIES 0 i Mwsles)s|t w] ITA] w|i We [ZOMBIE s[2folsisisiiis{s [5 5 ever sweno | [3/3] ialufajz{ 7 [7 z POINTS PER MODEL: 4 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON a 5 7 Z 23 7 MODELS PER UNIT 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 12 WEAPONS: DOUBLE HANDED WEAPON (SCYTHES) "ARMOUR: NONE "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS: (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE: Toe porias ofthe rp are ang open, and up from oe dank and osid el aang ae werrleer of te ace Carrying the spmbolof her dewly cra, tx Grim Reaper represent tbe ‘ery personification of eth ALLY CONTINGENT HALFLING ALLY —= _ CONTINGENT Halflings are often said to be peace-loving folk more concerned value listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may ‘with their crops and livestock than military matters, The main have a standard bearer andlor a musician which will cost double settlements of the Halflings lie in the heart of The Empire in the points of an ordinary trooper. the area known as The Moot. This is defended from intruders by the Halfling Militia which is sometimes called to fight alongside the Imperial army. Halflings are also much valued as baggage guards because they will fight tenaciously to prevent — the provisions falling into enemy hands. HALFLINGS Alignment: Halflings ate Neutral. Champions, Standard Bearers and Musicians: If present these are armed and armoured asthe rest of the unit, Any unit Contingent commander: the contingent must be led by a may have a champion leader by paying the appropriate points commander who may have a magic weapon with one attribute. Mss S|T [Witla] wm) co | we 8 PIWITTA] Wf [me | G | WP amensfaiitesitestr tated Qunselsisielsitsh te ra ls qr ev tba ete WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON POINTS PER MODEL: 77 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR & SHIELD ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS. “A mastr of abe bodied farmer and Vitagers aaa i readies 1 tajond tote Lande sane raiders HALFLING Scour sizfa[zi2ii[sii] 6 [7] 6 | 8 ever sweno [3[ais/sl2liiel2j 6 [7] e [ee MODELS PER UNITE: 5-10 POINTS PER MODEL: 9% CSOT iy j_Twhwslasis Tiwi Tay ia Tie [oT we J Mwees| ST |W] I lay oe wr fusversweno (a laisisi2/iiei2] 6 [7 is is | POINTS COST INCLIDING ‘CONTINGENT STANDARD: 73, WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: HOw & "ARMOUR: vicii® ARWOUR /\ ————— 4 ‘ARMOUR: = NONE “OPTIONS ZA CONTINGENT STANDARD “ ‘OPTIONS MAY HAVE: 4 & (ONE MAGIC ATTRIBUTE a ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: . CHAMPION LEADER 28 7 Half contingent ray Dave a andar which wl be Carried Ppa Se Tlalfng woodenon and tows rom remote and nolaed homesteads are ot tb of ous a sng igh be expe, ey fre expert foragers ALLY CONTINGENT EES EE ZOAT ALLY < CONTINGEN ies which are so rarely seen that for Alignment: Zoats are Neutral. Zoats are mysterious cre many people in the Old World they are the subject of legend Contingemt commander: t ‘and fairy tale eather than reality. They seldom stray far from Contingent commander: the force must be led by a Zoat See ey tne pati ta seal, Pr oe om wizard who may havea magic weapon with one attribute. Zoat, Wood Elves. One of the strange facets of Zoat society is thar Wi2a¥ds can have Elemental or Battle Magic spelis (or both), they have no ‘heroes, only wizards. POA CeO AS 204 ss teeth ee owe (MIwsies|S1T [WII TAL | tot) iw ss wand] 7 [7 13 [51615 [612] 1042 fine2| 1052 | 02 208T Tisislasi3fs[2) ols) 3) 3 POINTS PER MODEL: 275 MODELS PER UNIT: 5-20 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON POINTS PER MODEL: 50 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ARMOUR: NONE MERCENARY CON’ GENT Dwarf greed is legendary, as is their reputation as grim, reliable fighters. There are many Dwarf mercenary bands available for hire. Such specialist Dwarf mercenaries as artillery and sappers are highly regarded and much in demand, Alignment: Dwarfs are Neutral Psychology: Dwarfs hate goblinoids, including Ores, Goblins, Hobgoblins and Snotlings. Dwarfs also suffer antmosity against friendly units of Elves. eT DWARF HERO [MyWSleS|ST [WII TA] UW [im] c | we ever 20 [a7 [alals|a[s[sli.3] 7 [rot] 1041 POINTS FER MODEL: 170 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS MERCENARY COMMANDER, HEWY ARMOUR ually a bate bardanod vtoran Dear warlord or feebooter who has batbored a mercenary band om account of bt reputation for curing food deat DWARF MERCENARY — CONTINGENT — Champions, standard bearers and musicians: any unit may be given a champion leader by paying the points listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer andor a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and musicians are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by ‘mercenary commander who may have a magic weapon with fone attribute. If the contingent only contains a single battery of Mercenary Dwarf Artillery, the bombardier may act as ally commander Eee ety mfwsles]S|T]w]I Ay is [oe] | we wane sarren|s [4 |3}s/eliizis] 3 [7] 3 ]s MODELS PER UNIT: POINTS PER MODEL; 15 WEAPONS: — DOUBLE HANDED HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS Drsar] suppers are often Bird on account of tits ronouned expert: In fortfeation and slegewort. Sappers operate teu of ho mele Se WRB p99 for fll rales on sapers CE ‘OPTIONS MAGIC INSTRUMENT. MWSES|s/T]wli fay a Tm] o | wr Wysne]s|T |W) Ta] Te] a] we wae [3/4/3[s[a[sj2[i] 9 [7 |e | s § Wleowmmoen (slelalsielrizli[ 9 [7] 9 | 9 ever weno) 3 [6 /4]4/5 ste} fuvasuofatstalelaliiai2[ 9 [7] 9 [9 ‘srnengre "wouns POINTS PER MODEL: 10 ee ee Se caNNoN re 3 Da WEAPONS: Hand wearon | Pm ae MOU! x4 69: ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR at ‘was ies HAND WEAPON ornons “Ganposnder weapons ad arly area Dicer specaly Baers 7 bute eae ater bean in aman Poe MERCENARY CONTINGENT GIANT MERCENARIES (Giants are rare and dwell in isolated places such as mountains and forests or roam in small nomadic bands. Such bands, when they can be persuaded to desist from banditry and terrorising people, may sometimes be hired as mercenaries. Most Giants fan be persuaded to fightin return for promises of vast amounts ‘of food and booze. Giants are usually dull-witted, tend to regard, ‘most living things smaller than themselves as potential meals and are prone to drunkenness. Giants hardly ever find armour that they can wear or weapons big enough for them to wield, so they make do with massive wooden clubs (usually a tree trunk) and various brutal physical assaults (see WFB pp234-236) Alignment: Giants can be of any alignment. Psychology: Giants cause fear in troops under ten feet tall Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by the giant with the highest Jeadersbip characteristic. CE a | P]MODELS PERUNIE 1-3 POINTS PER MODEL; 250 WEAPONS: 1G nLUNT IMPLEMENT "ARMOUR: NONE you 3 Thar great dvesly among Glants, ome being ougher stronger faster roe tntligent than others Profesor Giants are generated before he game Rolls DO foreach characteraite turn to eabtaba Gants proie OGRE MERCENARY — CONTINGENT (Ogres dwell in forests and mountains and are noted for their aggressiveness, brutality and cannibalism. They make excellent ‘mercenaries since they tend to slay, capture and eat the enemy thereby providing their own payment. Alignment: Ogres are Neutral Psychology: Ogres cause /ear in all living creatures under 10 feet tall. Ogres disteust goblinoids, although they will fight for them as mercenaries. The Leadership characteristic value of ‘Ogres automatically falls by -1 when they are fighting for ‘goblinoids Pe Twws[os] s [rw] i [a] ta | ime | ct | we teva 20 Jejslaisielsle[slis « [sie] WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS MERCENARY COMMANDER MAY HAVE HALBERD 5 SPEAR Toc mcs brutal oavage Opes gully acpuie flowers The succes (a edr depends om bie ably to find out whee tbe ros oot. grub th Captives are tobe had. Paitres are eaten 0 tet followers ‘Champions, standard bearers and musicians: any unit may be given a champion Leader by paying the points cost listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer andior a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and musicians are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by a mercenary commander who may have a magic weapon with fone attribute CET MMS S]S|TIW]t TA] [in] O | WP fore elai2{e[sia[al2) 7 lel s [7 ever sero [o[s[3isisi3i4i3] 7 14] 5 17 MODELS PERUNTT: 5-20 POINTS FER MODEL: 38 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOU! ‘OPTIONS, ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPONS. DOUBLE HANDED. WEAPONS. BAUBERDS ‘SHIELDS UGH akwoui ‘any grr become marconaren mainly because an Ogre? ina ofa Ideal icone ona iting red ge pris fearing lecietes for Ore. con $7490 ¥ SINVID MERCENARY CONTINGENT HALF ORC MERCENARY — CONTINGENT Gf Half-Orcs are of mixed human and goblinoid blood. Although the options for the tsoop type. Any unit may have a standard E) known generally as Half-Ores they may sometimes have Goblin bearer andior a musician which will cost double the points of {or Hobgoblin ancestors rather than Ore. These outcasts from an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and musicians IAEA Human society usually end up asstaves, outlaws ormercenaries. are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. Alignment: Half-Ores may be either Neutral or Evil Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by an Champions, standard bearers and musicians: any unitmay ™eFCEnary commander who may have a magic weapon with »¢ given a champion leader by paying the points listed under poate ERE CET aur onc Twiywses]s|TTWT ITA] ia [iw GT We Y Puaronc [wlwslesls|TlwlI la] [im] O | we juevel 20 HERO|4*/ 6 |4| 4/4] 4/6] 4] 1043] 6 | 8st | a+ ive 15 wzaro| 45/3] 4[4/3 [4/1] 9+2[a-2] 942 | 942 amore eelsfolisi lait au) WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON POINTS PER MODEL: 105 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON AEMOUR: NONE "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS MAY HAVE: MERCENARY CONTINGENT APRN DE eS CRI nF SRS RF 7 FEROS NS EA TSE IAI EPPS CSU TS ey air onc +1 [MNSIOS] STW] Pw] Praron —luyaisls rial Tm moan Mii Tes i SCOUT fonoonnO x fever wnend[a[s[alelelaielsietel 7 17 8 pusvasnino [slalelelsirieiee7 ts] 717 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 ie) FOWNTS PER MODEL 9 - WEAPONS: HAND WEAPONS WEAPONS: BOW & ine 2 ARMOUR; Lictrr AnwouR 5 et g ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE, ff | anv ner may Have, GhOssoOWS INSTEAD OF BOWS MasIe STANDARD $0 k [MMsies|s|T]Wwlilay @ |i] o | We lwaronc [a[a[3[3ials[ais| 7 [6 | 7 eve sueno [s[e[a[eisiilei2] 7 [es] 717 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30, POINTS PER MODEL; 6 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: SHiELD ‘OPTIONS: Trias inert blab motivates Half On mercoaris Tayare [eared ond sed een by thet empaayer mer HOBGOBLIN MERCENARY CONTINGENT HOBGOBLIN MERCENARY i —= CONTING _— Hobgobla-Khan isthe despotic leader of the Hobgoblin hordes, f) and undisputed ruler of the vast steppes of the east. He is chief of the tribe of Mournguls, fierce Hobgoblins whose lax standards Sof hygiene and sadistic habits ensure that they are universally EB) abhorred. The Great Horde of Hobgobla-Khan dominates vast tracts of steppe and includes many tribes and countless bands jomads, From time to time, Hobgoblin bands split jorde and range beyond the realm of the Khan, ig terror and destruction amongst their neighbours, ‘These rampaging bands are usually led by some lesser noble. often a warlord banished by the Hobgobla Khan, or an ‘unfortunate underling fleeing from his wrath. Sometimes bands of raidersare deliberately despatched by Hobgobla Khan to seek new regions to conquer and despoil. Occasionally Hobgoblin renegades penetrate far into the West, or even across the northern ice into the New World. Most renegade bands of Hobgoblins end up as mercenaries of Evil races. CT ee fwoscosin TM wy Tay is | wr eve 20 weno|s+|6 [3 [4]5(a[6|4 wes] 6 | 71 | 744 rewmevoc |s|slols[si3}3/3) | POINTS PER MODEL: 107 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR TIONS, Tiahgontn mercenary leaders are usually Tessr Koans who have aon (ut tbe grt Hobgoblin tr ibs been beat Some ares of ring bands ubich ave sit ef fron oe Gro Fore. Alignment: Hobgoblins are E Psychology: The contingent standard is a sacred tribal fetish Aslongas the standard remains intact, all Hobgoblins re subject to frenzy, Any enemy unit engaged in close combat with the standard bearer will be bated by all Hobgoblins. ‘Champions, standard bearers and musicians: any unit may be given a champion Leader by paying the points listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer andior a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and musicians are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by 2 ‘mercenary commander who may have a magic weapon with fone attribute, Ce jsuawan— [wywsiasisir iwi [al we iie| a | we | frevet 15 [sis 2 isis] 3 [it | 9-2 [3.2] 342] MERCENARY CONTINGENT (ShReR_, EE CRS OT NAF ot sitiwiifal ig | ie] ch ee POINTS COST INCLUDING eve sueno [[ai3is[a[u[siz] 7 [els CONTINGENT STANDARD: 82 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON POINTS PER MODEL: 5 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS STANDARD BEARER MAY HAVE OPTIONS HEAVY ARMOUR. ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: Tiongoblinstancarde a sally teneraed iol fies sbamamiiic Tivos ofa Hobgoblin morenary andar he Moraga warrior: TB) dire usually untuly cloments That bave fallen out witb te great nga Roan PAs T oscosun JM WSeS |S [TW] TAy Wd [we] G mses TTA) Teo) WP sisnockeure|a[a[2[aleir{3li] 7 |e] 6 | 6 fwoacosun | 4/3[2|3{sir{3li| 7 [6] 6 | 6 eve: wowenol «[s[als[si2le[sarte[ se [6 § [rosowo [s[elols[ainiz[2o 3 [sie fe ‘MODELS PER UNTT:_10-30 MODELS PER UN POINTS FER MODEL: POINTS PER MODEL: 9) 1-4 HANDLERS EACH HOBGOBLIN HANDLER 10, wi WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON OB! ea, |TaRMour: —uicHt antour ‘SHIELD WEAPONS: ‘OPTIONS, wEtho ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: BOWS 2 Jornions ARMOUR: Tic Tiobparsar TodgooIT atria nobesand totais Treyform || Hobpootins bred larg orclous dogs known as Hobbonnds bic they sad tat bat to wae ont te oer toe bighest caste of Hobgoblin nomad society, posesing the greatest (teal prestige and martial prowess MERCENARY CONTINGENT NIPPON MERCENARY —= CONTINGENT = ‘The inscrutable Eastern Empite known 2s Nippon, is ruled by reclusive semi-divine Emperor, but real power liesin the hands ‘of the many feudal warlords or ‘Samurai. These warrior nobles govern large domains and command cetinues with which they Frequently indulge in private wars among themselves. Nippon is an island realm and a notable sea power and it sometimes ‘happens that a Samurai war fleet is dispersed by a typhoon, scattering the ships far and wide. Should an isolated war junk fetch up on foreign shore the Samurai commander will gather hhis men and march straight for the nearest representative of authority to offer his services in return for food and shelter Sometimes Samurai lords deliberately embark their followers into war junks and set sal towards the rising sun in search of adventure, especially ifthe other feudal clans back home in Nippon are cramping his style. Aligament: Nipponese are Neutral Champions, standard bearers and musicians: any unit may be given a champion leader by paying the points cost listed under the options for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and ‘musicians are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. (ia — —2 Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by 2 ‘Samurai Lord as mercenary commander who may have a magic ‘weapon with one attribute. ETT CTT fwumaniveno [mfwsias]s{t]wit {ay us [in| of we 9 fnowan 1 [ae Tay a uve 20 [ale jalala|ale|s| wea] 7 | eer | arr Gsnockeme [4[e[s[aiali[3ls] 7 [7] 7 [7 warvorse [e{3fola[a{—[als] - |- | - | - ever sueno [a[alalela[i[s[2) 7 [7 ft? jreMPLEDOG [6 16|0/5]6/3/3/3| - |-| - | ~ MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 KLAN slalols[elai7i3i — [| | POINTS FER MODEL: & POINTS PER MODEL: 107 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS MERCENARY COMMANDER ‘OPTIONS, May HAVE: ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ADDITIONAL HAND. WEAPON ae A SPEAR i HEAVY ARMOUR i KLRIN Sarvaral lords ead bands of dicipined ard tery devoed folowers The Samurai mardat code does nct recog atlars ar thee fan be ‘bona daft Phe Samrat are uc concemed th ter personed ‘iputation as warrior aed aly it tothe wot of tele aby a MERCENARY NINJA ASSASSIN [miwslesis tr iwl tial ts [in { cs | we fees eee est POINTS PER MODEL: WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ‘OPTIONS ASSASSIN MAY HAVE: ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPON, TORINOKO GieNADES “Naja ancaasn is an Inapenstbe ember of a Samrat ond reine Ninja estastine may be biden tm any Nipponese unit. For rules Om ‘sarin s0e WED Dp95-56, DOUBLEWANDED WEAPONS! Sarmaraare tbe warrior nobility of Nippon. Th adere ows marial, ef our noice econo tbe be retest uation LI eee atest ato ‘OPTIONS, CHAMPION Spears TONG Bow ARQUEBUS TONG Bow MERCENARY CONTINGENT el Ct TENOR CAE SSSR SESS TRAE SBOE EAE RL eH ORC MERCENARY CONTINGENT ertain Orcs have celised that there i money to 10 be made Selig someting tat thy do for fun anyway, The fist Ore eee i ‘mercenaries were probably tribes that lent cheir aid to others [TT mpsests TIWITTAT @ Tim] oT WP forsuable reward Orc mercenaries are not particu who they long TOKO work for, a the famous utterance of the Ore Warlord Spitbone z Vorsprunk illustrates: “Look mate ifasprogging Stuntie offered BLEVELIONEROL S| 6 4) 4 ela) 303) os ‘me ‘arf their prisoners to eat an’ some tasty loot an’ all, 'd‘elp MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 im raid me own village! RONG Fin mon aT Aligament: Ores are Evil WEATONS) GURIGWEAEON Psychology: Units of Orcs are subject to animosity against other goblinoid units. a= q x ‘OPTIONS aa —_ } ‘ANY UNIT MAY HAVE, ) _ Guawrion a L eS SOuRLEsNANDED WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE camplong stxadard beares sod muticiang; any wit ay Lg yM | ia ; fren ctaiieg cence Hon tre Bess ior ie oop pe MM) ites i Pata nena mietemce ea 2 Silcost tele priso nordary uooper Champions me | one unr war nae Boece leat ieee ser eemratte eee : ed is eee arias Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by a | ime'ansin"of tery iba chi ner esades who managed expe ‘mercenary commander who may have a magic weapon with fone attribute ee 0-30 ORC RENEGADE ARRER BOYZ orc HERO) | Miwsias| S/T (WIT {Al Us | im) Ch | WP mywsies|s it [wii tAal ia [ime | co | we LEVEL 20 la*le[4)4]5/4/5/4] +3 5 | a+t | B+ }ORC 4{3/3{3 tiais} 7 ist7 7 reemn—[sletelstetststi : Ses eaen este e td WEAPONS: 80% & WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS, ‘OPTIONS CROSSBOWS INSTEAD OF BOWS. 1 ‘Sites 1 UGH ARMOUR 2 Bow HEAVY ARNOUR i Teo succeul Ov merccrary leaders tendo be os oith an nasal The cers Ore mercenaries acquire Dows aight as Avr Boys nce toner of ttligoce, abt itd te mon Booty out Of tr - Mats {ey ean stay tbe enemy froma safe distance with a good ebance of Surviving tbe atte to collec tber ay Ms 4 MERCENARY CONTINGENT ‘The ambition of every Norse warlord is to inspire a saga and ‘enter into legend. The best way todo this is to gather a following, (of warriors and set of in dragonships secking adventure and loot. Few shores are safe from such ravenous warbands. Some are content to raid and pillage, others seek more permanent ‘gains. Some may be bought off with huge payments of tribute, ‘hile others ate hired as mercenary bands. Norse mercenaries are often hired not only on because of their obvious fighting abilities but in order that the wrath of the Norse might be directed elsewhere in return for money. Alignment: Norse are Neutral Psychology: Norse Berserkers, Norse Dwarf Berserkers and ‘TrollSlayers are subject to frenzy. Norse and Norse Dwarfs are subject to saga antmosity NORSE MERCENARY —= CONTINGENT — ‘Champions, standard bearers and musicians: any unit may be led by a champion as listed for the troop type. Any unit may have a standard bearer andior a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and musicians are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit. G pau Ph Mercenary commander: the contingent must be led by 2 mercenary commander who may have 2 magic weapon with one attribute, OR CES HUMAN HERO [MWSIBS]S|TIWTITA, W@ [in] o | WP o Tiw)iTay a [eo lw tuever20__|er[6{alalalaie/alrora] 7 [err[ert Bf Bwuman (alaisiaiais{ali[ 7 [7] 7 [7 warnonse ]s[sloleis| [sin] [|] Biever ionenols[s[alelaizfelsien [7 [7 7 saa MODELS PER UNIT: 10-30 s POINTS PER MODEL: 108 POINTS PER MODEL: 6 \ WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: AND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ARMOUR: SHIELD ‘OPTIONS ‘OPTIONS, MERCENARY COMMANDER MAY ANY UNIT MAY HAVE DOUBLEHANDED WEAPON. DOUMLERANDED WEAPON. 2 ADDITIONAL HAND. WEAPON SPEAR i Many Nore warlords tate fo alg row a aga, Rang te ber thay ofencuringenouge oot, ood. dent women and bert tales tobe {be retainers entertatned trough the log weer evenbags I ou Ca Dersuad ones o pay you 18 raid anctber 10 much the ber? Hepa ae ee led POINTS COST INCLUDING ‘CONTINGENT STANDARD: 82 ‘WEAPONS: HUMAN HERO TM JWS)86) 8] Lelelslsl HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR? LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS (ONE UNIT MAY HAVE Troe are the hard gntng, bard-arinking rtatners of Norse warlords ‘easoned warriors who indulge regular ran aging and oun MWwses|s|T]w]TAy [oe] a [HUMAN 4isiaisisiy[sii] 7 [7] 7] 7 ever send [a[slelalsinis[2) 7 [7p 7 7 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 10 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS: [ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: ADDITIONAL HAND WEAPON DOUBLE HANDED WEAPON SHHELD Wig, malate and sane elements Nors ey igh es Borah Tey work tbemsclos pint a hate ry fn tc herp inde ein lth la thet eae bt et abet tear tote fe MERCENARY CONTINGENT WERE Moles] sTT]w [i Tay is Tin [or [we i WOLEMAN or sfalalifali s DWARF a4 TAT Tat Se walits fats to HUMAN 3isisiv[afs] 7 Lever 5 HERO [35 LEVEL 5 HERO _ MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10 wouMan or [als[els[alilsl2]e [os |e Tone Te hamaver—Tatatelela[rfel2] 7 [7 [7 [7 a cant wor |3léjolsiajiiei2) 6 | s+) 6 js i ) [MODELS PER UNIT: 5-10 POINTS PER MODEL: 15 WEAPONS: 1iAND WEAPON ARMOUR: NONE PTIONS ARMOUR: NONE ‘CHAMPION “0 FTIONS: DOUBLE HANDED WEAPON 2 EACH UNIT MUST HAVE: THROWING AXE OR SPEAR. “1 DOUBLEHANDED WEAPONS. 4 "Norse Dwarf Bererkers are wubjct othe special rules for Berserhrs| Thro ea a Nas tian (om p96 of WRB, PRO SST COSTES CS MWSes|S T]WIfAy ws [ie] cl] We sfalif2ii[ 9 [7/9 sfafatatifatif's fifa ts a[siisi2ts [73 AnoonAe z 2 [MODELS PER UNIT: 10-40 "MODELS PER UNIT: = POINTS PER MODEL: 10 POINTS PER MODEL WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ears HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR DWARF 3 LeveL 5 HERO [3 : ie ‘OPTIONS: EONS DOUBLEHANDED WEAPONS... 2 UAMPION..48 Norse Datel te runatrsof Trach {Nh ter Noe mtgovurs petty iting for ghing an OLD WORLDER MERCENARY CONTINGENT TT SET SS TOTAL IIIS STATI EGE LE IER, OLD WORLDER MERCENARY —= CONTINGENT BS There is usually a war going on somewhere in the Old World Band there are plenty of restless warriors, adventurers, freebooters {and bandits willing to hire out theie services as mercenaries. Mercenary contingents vary from small specialist contingents Eto large mixed bands led by such famous mercenary leaders as Bad Viad of Praag, Sigismundo ‘The Mailed Fist, Gonzalez ‘The Cruel, Count Tortellini, Mad Gustav and Bernadette ‘Bane of Bretonnia’ Alignment: Humans are Neutral (Champions, standard bearers and musicians: any unit may given a champion leader by paying the points listed under the ‘options for the troop type. Any unit may havea standard bearer and/or a musician which will cost double the points of an ordinary trooper. Champions, standard bearers and musicians are armed and armoured as the rest of the unit, Contingent Commander: A mercenary contingent comprising more than one unit must be led by a Mercenary Leader as Contingent Commander. A mercenary contingent consisting only of a single unit may count the unit champion as Contingent Commander. The Contingent Commander may have a magic weapon with one attribute PTT 0-30 TILEAN CONDOTTIERI faowan—— (Mwalas) ST |W Myses|s|T[w]t Ay ws [he] co | we Lever 20 Heno|4+|6 [4 [4[4|4 [6 man (—l3l3isisii{ais[ 7 [7/7 [7 warworse|e|3fol«[3/_|3 ever sneno |—[a[s|s[alifel2[ 7 [7 [7 [7 Bienen warworse [a /3/ois}3|—[3]i) —] | | rs MODELS PER UNIT: 5-30, Senin ane ringer a ea cae [POINTS PER MODEL: 23 WEAPONS: LANCE & HAND WEAPONS "ARMOUR: HEAVY ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: CHAMPION “ The Tilsan cioy tates frequently make war among toemaciver Cnsequcnty tere are mig bands of Tiean mercenary anighstelling fo fight for one city or anotver tn times of relative peace, many sc Cnployment cuboreinte Old Wort. BROS SE TEST PEST fwan 2 [wwSes|S|FIWIT AT Wl [me] | WP MERCENARY CONTINGENT HUMAN +1 [MIWS|8S]S|T]W]TTAT a [he] ol | We swockeure [et[4|3{3[3isiais[ 7 [7 [7 | 7 fwssuccure [4|3(a[3faly[ela] 7 [7] 7 | 7 alalsiifelat 7 [rt 7 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS FER MODEL: 10 WEAPONS: CROSSBOW & HAND WEAPON Lever sero [4[s ARMOUR: NONE ‘OPTIONS rantarmen rom the citpsates of Tea are some ofthe mat fron nd tse mrad Word a are fen mae ever sero [er[s[alel aly [ol2] 7 [77 7 MODELS PER UNIT: 5-30 POINTS PER MODEL; 20 WEAPONS: LANCE & HAND WEAPON N ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: Tse are iapoveishedFxalian highs and footer ao Bae ft let decaylng fda ectetes to become veliors of fortane CED TETTETy CES Oey PaUMAN +2 |MWSBS|S|T]WI ITA) lf Tin] | We MOAN 1 [MrS|eS|S|T]W]T IAT ls Tin] | We swoocenre [4 [ala{a{a{i[e[] 7 [7] 7 7 tail 7 171717 vers weno fala latsistis[2t 7 [77 ta MODELS PER UNIT: 5-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 10 WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR SHIELD ‘OPTIONS, ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: a Tangtbe mers cut trots adits an rong ta Mbit 3 jwissiie cue |4|3| 4/3 ever sweno [¢ [ale] s tiajet7 [zt 7 13 MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 POINTS PER MODEL: 11 WEAPONS: ARQUEBUS & = HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS [ANY UNIT MAY HAVE: Tha ar a tris rena compa of ergata eu Griginaly Estat from among the toca banditry but icluding fustives and feehooers ron many lands MERCENARY CONTINGENT Mwsesys|T TW) iT) a Tm] a | wr a fmwman—[e[3{a(aiaisials| 7 [7] 7 | 7 1 Pe fe swemo eleTeTelo Tele a 7 -} MODELS PER UNIT: 10-20 MODELS PER UNIT: z POINTS PER MODEL, FOINTS FER MODEL Q : WEAPONS: HAND WEAPON WEATONS: LONG rt a "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR aT) "ARMOUR: NONE A i q i) OPTIONS ¥ / ‘OPTIONS: Anguenusts 3 : Tiga aio DOUBLE HANDED! WEAPONS > A, MAGIC. INSTRUMENT Ty oft eans and spear pena et soci tear” | | Kom tar mas facia Te) BAA cam mania Uasaaed a arlcteehctictingiocomamaiaieeuatmeresara cou | || Seow; Toor wekieg assent lvap in eas trast peace breakout at home Compares of Free Fosters CN Se SUR Ta) TAY es Tara poceae [a ansy cree ; Pomres e5 MODEL HAND WEAPON WEAPONS: LANCE HAND WEAPON "ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ARMOUR: LIGHT ARMOUR ‘OPTIONS ( ANY UNIT MAY HAVE a ‘OFTIONS CHAMPION 2 ANY UNIT MAY HAVE MAGIC. STANDARD The city of Nae amon forte good, diciplined, Headfan tnfry 9 | Bands of Rslevte nobles and retainers sets venture nt the West Thepibomen of Nuh are renowned broughout the Old Word and much | | touferteirsrvces ae mercenaries Tetr armour ends toe ratbr ol ought afer at mercenaric Taeysometines bare eapporting unin of | | fesomed ut bens to rescue tbe WestomRrighs as be acquires baiberders axemen or ro-haned swordemen. Sxeautpmnt from tbe batted Ll | | | Lt | WARHAMMER ARMIES SUMMARY SHEET SPECIAL RULES tagic Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology, Chaos Attributes) SPECIAL RULES (tagic Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology, Chaos Attributes) SPECIAL RULES stagic Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology, Chaos Atteibutes) SPECIAL RULES (otagic Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology, Chaos Atcributes) ‘SPECIAL RULES (tagic Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology, Chaos Attributes SPECIAL RULES (Magic Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology, Chaos Attributes) ‘SPECIAL RULES (stagie Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology; Chaos Attributes) SPECIAL RULES (Magic Weapons, Standards, Instruments, Psychology; Chaos Attributes) 7 | | i SUMMONING PENTAGRAM WARHAMMER FANTASY BATTLE ERRATA The following should have appeared on ppi80-181. LEVEL THREE NECROMANTIC SPELLS N3.1 ANNIILATE UNDEAD. Spell tevel 3 Magic Points 10 Range 12° radius Description ‘This spell affects all undead and cthereal creatures within 12" of the caster. All undead/ethereal creatures within range are destroyed 1N3.2 LIFE IN DEATH Spell level 3 Magic Points 10 Range Personal Description ‘This spell may be cast by the wizard on himself, Should the wizard be slain during the game his spirit is preserved, and is free to inhabit the body of any other creature during the next 2D6 turns (counting from the side’s turn following the one in which the wizard is killed) ‘The wizard’s invisible spirit_may move 6” per turn and must begin from his corpse. The spirit must touch, a host before it can try to inhabit its body. The host is permitted a magic ‘save. Ifthe save is Successful the spirit may not inhabit that creature either then or subsequently, but may keep trying to inhabit other bodies within the time permitted The disembodied spirit has no magical or physical powers at all and cannot be harmed in any way. As an incorporeal entity the spirit in unaffected by terrain and may move through solid objects, but cannot center a zone of sanctuary in the same way as any other ethereal entity. Ifthe spirit fails to find a new body within the time allowed, the wizard is destroyed and his soul blowa to the cosmic winds. If the wizard’s spirit finds and succeeds in taking over a host body, the model representing the host is now considered to be the wizard re: incarnated. The host creature is, 10 all intents, spiritually destroyed by the process. ‘The wizard is mentally unchanged and so his Ld, Int, Cland. WP remain as before. His body, however, is different, so his M, WS, BS, T, 8, W, Land A are those of the host creature. ‘Wizards who did not move, fire missiles, fight of use magie during thei last urn gain 1 (up t0 power level. Wizards employing Magic Awareness last ura ‘become zware ofthe presence and magic level ‘of any other wizards within 48". Spells: resolve any ffects beginning to act {inthis ten, Dispel any which expired a the tend of the previous (urn. pee Toller Gecaboy. Poctag eae ner coro. Se ae oe emesis seme eo Bee era Feira ere po Pee cena air ie ae ane oes B. MOVEMENT PHASE Associated Characters may be moved 202 ‘rom units (p92) Ifthe characteris a leader, abandoning the unit mast be declared now tortake effect next turn (p93) ENCUMBRANCE PENALTIES (p40) [Armour Type Penalty None Shiela Light armour Tight armour & shield Heavy armour fteary armour & shield I mounted (unless unarmoured, then jo penalty) cloth or metal barding worn by mount "TERRAIN MOVEMENT PENALTIES (p10) Dig grind (al moveme) Sidi sere woods, deze flage, debris, trrethage, lose rocks, boulder, fords Tallow water manner, bogs sa, steps inde step or weacheous slopes ery difeut ground (quar movement Includes aeas of aroun rein which a ‘tzadous bot ot impanae (Obstacles (half movement) ‘can only be crossed the model has sufficient movement left when {reaches the obstacle: walls, hedges, fences, barricades, ditches, trenches, streams, ete Single characicrs and units in single le suffer no penalty for difficult ground, teat very digficul 5 aiffcult rotund and only lose a ‘quarter of their move for obstacles, MANOFUVRES (p47 and p125) Unley mate | complermanceuoreor up {053 imple manoeutre. The at simple manoewore” in automatic All ‘other ‘anocweres rue a ender nd 3206 rol tinder i othe unr immecately halt ts ‘omples mamoeure i fed the wai aso fone its reserve move ‘Simple manceuires comprise Formation change, turns, wheels (p48) hanging an, depoving Hanks (129, ‘wegen cher medgc,sicldwals (126) Compiex manoeueres compe owing backwards, wheeling backwards, teeing fom the come (pid). Source (obs), tsds (9128) Units singel can follow snaking paths Without pen. Single charcters can ake many tras io dened without penalty Anni with musician inthe font ands “to hte for manocurres, AERIAL MOVEMENT (pi21) Limitations = maximum speed: ‘X max landing speed. turning: made in anarc with aradius equal to the disance to be moved ‘yer may climb 1 height level for cach 20" moved (or part thereo. living flyer may dive 1 height level for ‘cach 10” moved (or part thereof; diving Faster causes 4 erat coherence: cach model need only be ‘within 2” of one other inthe unit. ‘Aerial troops may leave the able to collect Suitable missiles to drop, equiring atleast 1 full turn off table before returning. CHARGING (p57) Units in single Mle may nor charge. Charging Tunite may not manoewere within 4" of the ‘enemy except to wheel to within 224° of the ‘enemy Hine, unit failing a manoeuvre (LA) ‘test while charging may complete the charge, ‘and may sill wheel, But attacks wnformed. ‘Aunit that meets the enemy at anangle greater than 22° or that fails to complete a charge also unformed. Unformed units receive no charge bonuses, make alld, fat, land WP. tests a -1 and automaticaly rou if pusbed ‘back during the first round of combat (see Damage). Units must charge a hated enemy if possible (roll under Clon 2D6 to resist, see J Psychology). ‘Charged Units may: (p59) ‘Sboot, provided the enemy begins more than. half of its charge move away. Measure the range before charge begins, or at maximum ‘ange ifthe enemy begin out of range. Unit ‘must make a Ud testo fie, and must receive atthe halt fit fails. Once it has fred, the unit (iniese crossing an obstacle). Bun erway, rcires TA test to avoid a rut succesful nit turns and moves 2) fo cnemy at double rate Iemay move nex turn et coonet charge Ths opelon rast be teen, by nia i singe lef charged. Atockess ay {Uy to charge’ diferent enemy unit i ey ‘an sll bee. fll for see. Pyebotogy sear charged by a eacedeneray (971 + Srenay:ieharging and subject 1 trenzy (ora) anc: if charged in the side or rear, ‘charged while crossing an obstacle of centering a building, or a character leaves ‘while unit Is engaged (p73). reform: p70, ‘its that became unformed ast tur ae now considered relormed and may act normaly C. SHOOTING ‘This phase covers shooting and similar Hac sacha torts ott Biesaes a Dragons breath wespons ot3)and frag Egle of War 103) oll for (ee J. Pryebotgy) fear twang tc able afar Srey wii chage cape G71) ‘etre: withing nt wahoo st ated hemy within rage (p73) HITTING THE TARGET (p51) oll 1D6 for each mode! firing: THRERS Bs 2]a]aisfol> sttsPhifo Modify the ol a folloms (953) “+1 Tage target ver 10” high or long (aot ‘uve normal ie dng) Smal ager under high OF fone “1 firing white moving: applied to any ‘model that moved or turned in the preceding movement phase a1 Firing 201 rpiciy moving target: ay target cat moved more than 6 during AtsSide's lat reserve phase Ting at charging ence Sethi fear ange of enemy erate Ting ot over half ange throwing an improvised weapon {arger is behind soft cover nedge, srood, wagon et (p52), SSrgetis behind hardcovee wall, comer St building, paisade, pie ditch at ‘window or door et (P32) GRENADES (p90) Specly target pont within" range (his bea rearanip and olla B20 HI deviates D3" with 12 o'clock as ‘iretion of throw: 15:9 lands t specified target poi, 20" explodes prematurely at D6 Ail models wholly or patly within a 1" diameter temple ae Me once non [i ronit.[6 AERIAL SHOOTING (p123) ‘Hoight levels ay ater the effective ange {aitack tevel being treated. as ground level +10" for each +10 of level target is above ‘cing modet 4410" foreach +10 of level target is below firing model ater fst 20" difference Aerial models may drop objects rather than ‘Shooting normally. Nominate a target and oll 2'D6, modifying by: +1 if the attacker is at level +20 2 ifthe attacker iat level +10 She attacker i at atack level or ess = a direct hit. A positive score isa miss tn a random direction by 2 number of Inches equal tothe result. Damage is rolled atthe iyers § plus | per level above attack, For missiles dropped from level +30 and higher, oll 1D20 and deduct 1 to give the ‘number of inches from the target. ‘Damage: Roll for damage (see E. Damage). out: Test for rout in any unit that has just oat a quarter of te current strengsn to mi fire (Gee K. Victory). Either player may reveal concealed spectal ‘troop types in engaged Units. Either player may make personal challenges ‘with characters and leaders: these are fought “cpaately and other models cannoc interfere ‘Neader that refuses challenge loses face (1d bonus reduced to <1 for rest oF game) though a character may take up a challenge onbehualf ofa leader. Unfair challenges may be refused without losing face (pp76and94) Allmodels, in base-to-ase contact exchange blows -this covers similar attack forms such asthe Gorgon's gaze (p253)- Models with the Dighestnciatite strike fst, making all their attacks at once. Attacks versus leaders, “Standard bearers. characterand so forth must be declared before the dice ae rolled. HITTING THE ENEMY (p62) Roll a DG for each model attacking ‘Defender's Weapon Skill 656789 44444545 644 THis i544 aaawancor Joon tommune 6 6 5 5 4 3 3 2 “+4, 45 or +6- roll 6 then the indicated number on 4 2nd roll (eg +5 means roll 6, then 5, 6). A rol of 1 always means 3 miss, Modify the rol as follows (p62): “+1 charging: provided no wbeets made Within nd he unitls not unformed Mthe end of the charge “+1 following up an atack: bonus given to {he side which won the previous turn Gee E. Damage) +1 Sdvaniage of higher ground: does not include being tales shan the enessy +1 the units frenzied. 1H if attacking» bated enemy "T encmy bend obstacle: eg hedge of “within fear range of enemy creature. {righthand attack fusing 2 weapons, to lett hand attack if using 2 weapons. attacking unarmed: does not apply 10 natural attacks such a stomp oT Bite DAMAGE CHART (p54) Roll 4.D6 for each successful atack: Taras Tone 1 456 345 223 222 Rewsonneun i reennnzzzz |e wroozzezzz |e 2522 |= no damage can be caused Nove that ollof 1 always means no damage Frenzied units add +1 1 the col. SAVING THROW (p55) JArmour Type None Shiela Light armour Light armour & shield* Heavy armour Heavy armour & shield* * shield discounted if using weapon requiring both hands or being ataeked from the eat +4110 the roll if mount has cloth o metal “610 the roll if frenzied. Remember to aply saving throw moxie due to weapon type (ee F Weapon Tables), AERIAL CASUALTIES (p125) Flyers that are killed erash to the ground (nding D12" in 2 random direction from {heir cutrent position), receiving and causing D4 woundsétamage points for cach height level above ground level Ifthe crashing flyer lands on another creature ‘or object, modify the damage othe argetby ‘Adding the Myer’s Toughness and deducting the target's Toughness, (CHARIOT DAMAGE (p19) Recon hits against chariots and determine the ‘effect at the end of the relevant phase roll 206 and add +1 for each hit sustained: 37 Noeffect 8 damaged whet ifthe chariot turns, oll D6. tS means the whee fils of and the sale staps (ee 13 below). ‘ins twit or severe al rum amo ens tre fled on a5 0F 6 (p120). ‘tate animal slain. reduce move (p18). ‘erewman it randomly determine which ‘modelishitand resolve withS equalto the rewman'sT (save as normal. ‘bay shaken: crew may not Might forthe est Of this next CUE ve snaps. chariot skids forward D6" in Fre fia, cuag D4 soca 94 against any nue stack crew may leave next tur aad fight om foot Yoke poe snaps: fn combat. daft animals Continue to fight and must pursue If the enemy rout th chariots aw useless ad the exw must fight on foot. resin and the chariot 6 ow wseles. ‘asi Jolt: crew thrown overboard and ‘must make abasic saving tbrow or be Killed: Survivors continue the fight on foot “Geaft annie ru amok (p120). BUILDING DAMAGE (p136) ‘when the damage potnis taken by a section/levl rise to 6, roll D6 at the start ‘ofeach tra for the ste ofthe section/evel, Adding +1 for each damage point over 6: shaky and unsafe: only 6 models from eich Side fay occupy = Counts 3807 cover to fire from outlde. ‘unstable: ioceupied by more than 6 ‘models, collapses immediately (€e,4)~ ‘Counts 3s Sof cover to fire from outside. ‘Strueturlly unsound there sore than {Teection/evelabove or iieisoceupied Dy ‘more than 6 models i collapses (sce 4) - ‘Couns coer to fe from outside and Sea moving surface or feng modes inside Collec all secton/leves above collapse “Slmodels wi these secon tees must ‘make thei base saring brow orbekiled (Godel witha Toughness of 5 =, or more than 2 Wounds ate judged to have a ‘minimum sare of4 and tke DS bunds damaged), survivors are placed in any adjoining sectoalevel or outside bythe oor. ‘Collapses: as 4, but the sectlonvlevel i elow aso collapses collapses: as 4 utbrnging down as many “scctionfeel Below as bore (minimus 1). Collapses a6, butalso bringing down any Sojacent sectionflevels x the same level, nd all section levels above those. Collapses: as 7, but all adjacent sections Collapse enticey secondary collapse). Collapses: 26 8 bur any section levels Adjacent to 2 secondary collapse 180 Collapse f they have taken any damage (erttary collapse) val sectinieels above ertary collape iso collapse Collapses: as 9. but any undamaged Sectionvlevel adjacent to 2 secondary Collapee recess D6 damage points ‘where an upper level is made of a weaker ‘material than its supporting evel (eg, wood fon tone base), collapse ofthe level will not aifect lower levels. Damage to free-standing ‘walls is teated as above But the effects are Confined to the wall self COMBAT RESULTS (p64) ‘T establish the winner, total the number of Wounds caused to the opponent and add: +1 ifthe unit charged this cuen 41 ifthe unit followed up last turn. 31. for each complete rank after the first - toqualifya rink must have four or more ‘models and atleast as many asthe front funk, to a maximum bonus of +3. 41 itunit sandaed infront rank 41 ifarmy standard in front rank, “est for rutin any uit that has lost aquarer ‘fies numeral strength and has a fst 2 found of combat eek Vicor} [PUSH BACK (p64 and p128) “The models of losing unit thats not routed are pushed back2", withthe vitor following focontinue the engagement -models must fays follow up, uness: ‘behind prepared defensive postions. ‘protected by zone spells fn combat with a friendly unit due to ‘animosity: make Ld west to decline the follow up and break off comb. = “mercenaries Roll for the continuing presence of Chaotic (p251)and Ethereal hosts(p263) tat havejust ‘completed a combat engagement MISSILE WEAPONS (p87) STENT, Impronsed Weapon cannot move ad fie drag he ae tum hy be fed wie pr tra st 4 be trown s model ches ino coma nay be trown s model charges it combat nay be town model charges into combat ty fi twice at ange if m0 more ta Suse the fire's Streageh GUNPOWDER WEAPO! Jwearox Race Noms, Arquedus aw tonderbas 6 Pistol o Grenade o Horsoko Grenade | 6 coc ove ad fe; 20 conseutie fre oot ove and fe; 90 consecutive Se bo conseative ie 50 move homing bt may reserve ove 20 more i howing but ay reve more ‘Torinoko types Explosive. as normal grenade but only Strength 2 Flash blind all in template until end of next turn; blind models ae hit automatically Firecracker: bounce through unit reducing WS and I by -1 during the next turn, Missle weapons that cannot move and fre inthe same turn may only shoot at charging enemy ino move was made in the previous en, gunpowder weapons that may not fire during ‘consecutive turns may not shoot a charging enemy ifa shot was fired in the previous tur. See pages 105 to 118 for Eagines of War HAND WEAPONS (p84) 1 voowrex|moDIrEx| cannot ewe with si Change a nema ae \conmabewed with sid cannot be used wit sil: 2nd, 3 fn th ks mays all me ost ius ace when ony tk ay i of 20d nk may stack nly te one in comb it Wis than § and weapon afer ist cm Fie tar, "cae adr 1 ao pasted back; "if charging ony fi once in 2 comb Units making a reserve move may not approach within 4” of an enemy unit (heluding routing enemy units). COMMITTED UNITS (p71) ‘The following may not reserve move: - units divided by an obstacle or with any models on difficult ground units which faled a complex manoneore in their previous movement phase “units which filed a ear testefore charging a feared enemy « units engaged in hand-to-hand combat * routing and pursuing unis “units within” of friendly or enemy routing ‘oops + units within range of a feared creature units hurling insults friendly troops while Subject to animosity «fying creatures of any type “lange vehicles nd war machines (this does ‘aot include | and 2 horse chariots) HLMAGIC PHASE Dispel any spells whose duration has now ‘expuredand remove relevant effects from pla. ‘ic ox player tay move or redirect ceisting spells where appropriate Wizards who were wounded during the ‘combat phase or wh are routing may not cast spells ‘Wizards with less than 12 magic points left imuist roll under theit Intelligence or the ‘umber of remaining points (whichever is hhighes) on 206 successfully to casts spell, (p14). the relevant magic points must be ‘expended regardless ofthe spell’s success or failure Spel targets may be allowed a magte save, ‘requiring a 2D6 roll under the target's WP Wizards may augment thelr magie save, gaining +1 to thele roll per magic point ‘expended: the casiet may enhance his spell and reduce the tages save by 1 per extra point expended - these points must be speat ‘Before the saving throw is mace “Test for rout in any unit that has just Lost a Auarter of rcursent strength tothe combined effets of missile and magieal attacks this tea (see X Roun, | RALLYING PHASE ‘The player may oll under Ld on 2D6 torally any units that began routing last turn or ‘earlier Rallied units may not move but can adopt any permitted formation and facing, feverting 19 normal after this phase. RALLYING UNITS (p68) "To qualify for raliying, 2 unit must -notbe inbase-tobase contact with pursing Ihave at least a quarter of its original ‘numerical strength (rounding odd numbers own) = characters Who jolaed during the ‘kame do not count, - havea non-routing, friendly uni ofat least 5 models closer than any enemy units. ‘not be within ear range of any fered enemy. If their general ora subordinate commander ‘oftheir own races within 12”, the unit may tse this model's Ld bonus insead oftheir own Ieader's, Units within 12" of their army standard may add +1 10 Ld (max. Ud of 10). ‘Units are subjectto their own psychology and. that oftheit leader Leaders and characters are always subject 1 the psychology of the uni they accompany. Unless otherwise noted, tests are made against the units CL FEAR (p71) “Test fthe unit = wishes (o fife missiles ata feared enemy “thin tha creature's chargé range, faire ‘means no shot is fired. Wishes 10 charge a feared enemy; failure ‘causes the unit to halt immediately for the remainder of the turn -is charged by a feared enemy; fallure causes the unit to rout immediately Any unit pushed back and followed up by 2 feared ener is automatically routed. Models ‘with a ranged ear ability affect enemy units within fear range as follows: all attacks are made 2-1 10 hit. = no attempt may be made to ray “ho reserve move may be made. Bonuses to the fear ability (eg fear +2) are applied to the enemy's dice oll against Cl FRENZY (p72) ‘est when a unit subject o frenzy charges - characters may use Clibonus points either 19 reduce or increase a unit's Cfor frenzy tests Only. The following rules apply: + frenzy contiaues while the unit remains in baseto-base contact with the enemy. the unit must always follow up and pursue the il never ake ther pyebotgy texts models gain +1 tobit, +1 10 wound, and +110 any saves made HATRED (p72) Units subject ro batred must always charge ‘ated enemy, or shoot at them if outside charge range, unless 4 CL west passed. Models in hand-to-hand combat with bated enemy gain +1 tohit, and +110 Ld for rout {ests They mast always pursue routing enemy. PANIC (p73) ‘A unit must pass a panic test under the following circumstances o rout immediately: ‘units within 4” of visible, friendly, routing Unie a the star oftheir tue, lunit is charged in the side or rear while ‘engaged in combat to the front (unless ‘models have stomp of tail attacks) unit is charged by an enemy unit that has ‘emerged from concealing cover Une is charged while crossing an obstacle ‘or entering 2 building dhe wait cannot tara ‘models to face the attack). -dfriendly unit within 12” routs due ro close ‘combat losses “CI bonus of 1 the nit ‘outnumbers the routes by 4 2 character model leaves 4 unit while engaged in combat (unless the character the one with the lowest level of Sor more characters with the uni) ~ unt foars fire and isatacked by fre or comes ‘within 4” of a burning building. + at any time the GM thinks appropriate STUPIDITY (p73) ‘estat the start of theside'stur, effects lasting + unl the beginning of its next turn ‘fthe unit becomes stupid while engaged in ‘combat, half of the models fail to fight (col 26 for odd modelsand characters, with 1-3 indicating inaction) If notin combat at the start ofthe turn, roll a Do: 1-3 unit moves a half speed in a random direction (no penalty for turning) ‘unit remains inactive with models staring mindlessly or falling asleep. ‘A stupid unit that encounters an cnemy unit while wandering rolls a second D6; 12 hale immediately and stare stupidly. 3-4 each model makes 1 attack. 5% anack as normal, Units affected by stupidity ignore all other _psyebology tests If outed they Fevert 10 ‘hormal status while being pursued, but become subject to stupidity once pursult stops ANIMOSITY (5205) ‘est if unit causing animosity is within 12" ak the start ofthe turn, unless ‘enemy troops re within 12" or charge range. ihere are Dated enemy within sight the unit is already engaged in combat. ‘Only the closest unit causing amémosty is ‘considered for thetest Rolla D6, deduct the leaders" Id bonus and modity by: +1. ifthe unic causing animoasitylies diretly {in front and in charge range. +1 if the unit causing animosity i of a different race +1. if there are no enemy in sight. This result determines the unit's action 7+ charges the other unit-ifbeyond charge range, moves as close as possible and fires missiles (hurling deadly insults if ‘no missiles ate available) fires missiles if available, or moves as «lose as possible (no closer than 1" and exchanges jers and spitle with sles Speither unit can reserve move. 5 unit behaves normally. Units gripped by animosity wil fight unless ‘enemy units approzch 10 within 12" (oF ‘charge range) or hated enemy appear. Leaders ‘muy try torestran heir oops from following Lup (hd test) thus breaking off the combat SAGA ANIMOSITY (p206) ‘As normal antmostty: except no La tes is ‘required to break off combat after a pus back Githe combats drawn, both sides pull back 2")-the remainder of the turn isspentjecring atthe opposition, INSTABILITY (206) Test if = the unit is pushed back in combat. =the unit begins its turn within 12” ofa wizard using a relevant zone spell - avwizand casts dispel magic atthe unit Roll a D6 to determine the effect: 1 unitcannor cause physical damage, but isaffected by weapons and magic a5 ‘normal: paralysis and chill atacks plus psychological effects still work. The effect is permanent - another test immediately dispels the unit unit may fot move, rire missiles oF ‘employ magic daring this crn or, ifthe fenemy’stuen, during itsnext turn-in combat, it attacks at-1 to hit for the remainder of the engagement roll a further Dé for each model 4-6 remove from play (character models receive a mage save - 206 roll under we). as 3 but only remove on 5 or 6. Unit may trike an extra round of blows this turn, or may double its movement ‘or fice missiles twice -ifiis the enemy's {urn these effects apply during the units finy casuaities caused this turn (before rafter the test)are returned tothe unit, though they are still counted for establishing the winner of a combat. “est (coll 206 under unit's Hd) i the uni: has just lost 25% of its current strength 10 ‘missile and magical atacks haslost 25% of ts original sirength and has just lost the current turn of combat losesa combat fought to caprurea standard ~ has been pentrated by 2 wedge ‘The unit auotmaticaly routs Uf thas: - filed a pant test see J. Psychology). ‘been pushed back while unformed “een followed up by 3 feared enemy. failed to break free of pursuers alter a voluntary withdrawal from combat. Frenzied units never take rout tess. Itarout iscaused the enemy gets re hack forcach model remaining ate front {he router are hit automatically = armour ‘Soest lowed. ignoring shields ‘The routing unit is turned! and moved away atdouble rate Te moves a this ee during 8 Sikes movement phase (with no reserse ‘move cowards the nearest able ee unt Tava (ace G: Reser Phase) or as let the table fereain penaties apply, But no ‘manceuores are made “The enemy which cise he rout will prsue {he fceng unit unless 4 2D6 roll under bd Is'made (n which case the unit nced not efor), Unis routing a bared enemy must Siwavs purse. if pursue occur, the unit follows the router’ double ate gating 3 second rv hack Purser that Keep contact ‘make al subsequent attacks a re backs 1€ pursing un Loses contact because the rowers ae faster, or kl ll he router ‘ecomer inform and remain so un he Endoftsnext movement pase An uniormed ‘itm tn, Chand Wests a $tomatialy rou fotowed up ‘Once puri has begun, the pursvers may ‘nly be rested bys tet made with & “i pemaiey.te unt hecoming enorme ahove If te panier are charged while urs, they break off snd tart face few attacker They are not unformed, bat {t/pusbed ack are automatically routed L. VICTC Determine the winner and loser according 10 the viciory points pained by each side =i the ‘ide with the highest number has 10% more points it has won, otherwise the battle i Geclared a-draw {ihe higher scoring side ining a winning draw if in competition). Victory Points (p142) ‘Specific conditions with poknts bonuses may bedetermined in advance, otherwise add up the points values of surviving troops on each side and award the following bonus points 50points for each hill occupiedby'5 or more {iendly models and no enemy 50 points for each scenery zone occupied by at least I friendly unit and no enemy ‘units; i the zone contains enemy models they must be out eumbered by atleast 31 (vith characters or models over 10! tall ‘outnumbered 3:1 by similar tyes) ~50 points the enemy general is dead. 50 points for every captured unit standard. 50 points ithe enemy baggage ares isbelng looted at the end of the game. 100 points for each bridge occupied by 1 ‘ormore friendly models with no enemy io ‘charge range - unoccupied bridges g0t0 the ‘ide controlling that zone 100 points ifthe enemy baggage Is captured, + 100 points for caprured army standard. = 100 points if the friendly baggage area is {ntact and unoccupied by enemy unis, ‘The army lists included in this ume ate designed for use ‘with Wachammer Fantasy Hate and contain everything you ‘cede know todeaw up armies of- Bretonnia, Chaos, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, The Empire High Elves, Ores & Goblins, i Daze atonal, wi ERR == Phy NAS lly coniingenss, and amercenary bans (inching Gis Oe 2), ple al taf dfull rules are Baro

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