A Miserable Trip

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A Miserable Trip

By Elton Camp
The forecasters all did say
A bad storms on the way
Fog, wind and heavy rain
Will make driving a pain
But that was an old song
Half the time, its wrong
The trip we wouldnt delay
To see the doctor this day
Ten miles down the road
Dark clouds rain forebode
Soon there was no doubt
The bottom dropped out!
Fire nature did supply
Lightning filled the sky
Wind gusts were so strong
Forecasters werent wrong
Lane marking became unclear
Collisions very much to fear
Signs now impossible to read
With wipers at the top speed
Many to the shoulder to wait
Not us--to doc couldnt be late
Some wouldnt be held back
Interstate was a racing track
We slowed, didnt tailgate
A pile-up wed surely hate
A semi driver seeking fights
Angrily flashing headlights

Despite hazards of the drive

Safely we managed to arrive
My lack of judgment I cursed
In all my years, this was the worst
Forecasters will get more respect
For they told us what to expect!

In sixty years of driving, this was the worst Ive ever experienced

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