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How do I read/write Excel cell data to textbox & visaversa

Well since you're copying data from the worksheet, I'm guessing its not a "new" worksheet.
But you have to declare the application, workbook, and worksheet that you are trying to get
data from
Dim excelApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim excelBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim excelSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet
excelBook = excelApp.Workbooks.Open("path")
excelSheet = excelBook.Worksheets(1)
'Now that you have your worksheet you can do your data manipulation
Textbox1.Text = excelSheet.Range("A1").Text
'or to edit
excelSheet.Range("A1").Text = Textbox1.Text

excelBook2 = new Excel.Workbook

excelsheet = excelBook2.Worksheets(1)
'I think it should already have 3 worksheets, thats why I set the worksheet to the
first worksheet in the new workbook.
'Add your changes
Textbox1.Text = excelSheet.Range("A1").Text

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