2014 - Gas Separation Properties of Polyvinylchloride (PVC) - Silica Nanocomposite Membran

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Korean J Chem Eng. 3M(11), 2081-2080 2014) DOF: 1.100751 1815-014.0160-1 ISSN: 0256-1115 (ASSN: 1975-7220 Gas separation properties of polyvinylchloride (PVC)-silica nanocomposite membrane “Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad 9177 ‘Mohammad Mohagheghian*, Morteza Sadeghi**’, Mahdi Pourafshari Chenar*, and Mahdi Naghsh** **Chemical Enginecring Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-8311, Iran (Received 28 February 2014 » accepted 19 June 2014) _Abstract— Researchers have focused on improving the performance of polymere membranes trough various methods, such as adding inorganic nanoparticles into the matix ofthe membranes, Inthe present study, the separation of oxygen, nitrogen, methane and carbon dioxide gases by PVCisilica nanocomposite memioranes was investigated. ili nano~ particles were prepared via sol-gel method. Membranes were prepared by thermal phase inversion method and char- acterized using Fourier rnsform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), seaming electron microscopy (SEM), ciferenial scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimety (TGA) analyses, The FTIR and SEM analyses demonstrated a nano-scale dispersion and good dstriouion of silica panicles inthe polymer matrix. According to TGA resuls, thermal properties ‘of PVC membranes were improved and DSC analysis showed that glass transition temperature of nanocomposite mem- ‘branes increased by adding silica particles, We concluded that te permeabilcy of carbon dioxide and oxygen increased sigsiticanily (about two times) in the composite PVCisilia membrane (containing 30 wt silica parles), while that of | nitrogen and methane inereased only 40 to 60 percent. Inttoducing 30 wt silica nanopaticles ino the PVC mati, increased the selectivity of CO,/CH, and CON, ffom 159 and 21 to 18.2 and 273, respectively. The diffusion and solubility coefficients were determined by the time lag method. Increasing the silica mass fraction in the membrane 51111, iran increased the diffusion coelficients of gases considered the current study Keywords: Gas Separation, Nanocomposite Membrane, Sila, Pyvinylchoride (PVG) INTRODUCTION Memirane-based gas separation processes have become more altactve over traditional technologies in diferent gas separation and purification processes, such natural gas treating ar separation, olefnfparafin separation, and hydrogen purification. They offer lowver capital and operating costs, lower energy requirements, and «ase of operation [I]. The gs separation performance of many poly- ‘mers has been sted in the literature [2 Poiy(vinyl chloride) (PVC) isa polymer with a wide variety of applications in different industries due to high compatibility with addicives, easy processability and recyclabiliy. Despite the exten- sive use of PVC in several industrial applications, studies cm the gas separation performance of PVC membranes are scarce [3] Previ- ‘ous studies showed that PVC membrane exhibits low permeabiliy to gases [36]. Improvement ofthe permeability of PVC membranes is studied elsewhere (3-7) Bierémauer et al. [3] reported the modification of PVC by par- ‘ually replacing the chlorine atoms ofthe chains with moieties derived fiom fluorinated nucleophilic compounds: 4-uorohiophenol, 34 99.99%) were porchased fiom Arcestan gas Co, Ian and also CI, (purity>99,95%) was purchased from Technical Gas Service. 2. Preparation of PVC Membrane The PVC solution (8-10 wie of polymer) was prepared by dis- solving PVC powder in (DMF) at 40°C under agitation. The pre- pated tansparent solution was fered via a 100-micron fier bere ‘casting. The PVC films were cast by casting knife on clean glass sheets. The films remained at 60°C for 24¢houss without any cover ‘nan oven. Finally, the membranes were dried in a vacuum oven a 65°C for !2 hours to remove the solvent completely, The thick ness of prepared membranes was about 35 microns. 3. Preparation of Silica Nanoparticles and PVC-ilica Nano- ‘composite Membranes Silica nanoparticles were prepared through the sol-gel process Via the hydrolysis of TEOS in ethanol in the presence of HCl as described elsewhere [8]. PVC-silica nanocomposite membranes ‘were prepared by addition of siticasol in different weight factions ino the polymer solution. Solutions containing 5, 10, 15, 20 and ‘30 of silica nanoparticles were prepared and then fillered via ‘2 100-micron filter before casing. The PVCsilica films were cast November, 2014 tal ‘Table 1. Sample name of prepared membranes and their sica com tent ‘Sample name Silica content (wi) Pvc o PVC-5S 5 PVC-l0s, 10 PVC-158 1s 2 30 by casting knife on clean glass sheets, The films remained at 60°C far 24 hours without any cover in an oven. Finally, the membranes ‘ere hed in a vacuum oven at 65°C for 12 hours to remove residual solvent completely as wall as removing the probable adsorbed water in the membranes. “The prepared PVC silica nanocomposite membranes ae named ‘asmentioned in Tale 1 4, Characterization 4.1. FTIR Spectoseopy Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in the range of 400-4,000 em~* JASCO FTHIR-680 plus) was used to characterize the presence of silica particles in nanocomposite membranes, 4.2. Scanning Electron Microscopy Tae morphology of membranes and the presence of nanopart- les in the membranes were determined using seanning cletron ‘microscopy (SEM, Philips, XL30) images. For ths purpose and in first stage, membranes were immersed in liquid nitrogen and then cooled and broken. The resulting membrane samples were coated ‘with gold onthe metallic tubs, 43. Thermal Analysis Thermal properties of the membranes were determined by if ‘ereril scanning alorimetry (DSC) in the range of ambient tem perature 19 300°C at the rate of 10°Cimin (DSC- Netsch-200 F3 ‘Maia). The thermal degradation of pure PV and nanocomposite ‘membranes was investigated by thermal grvimetic analysis (TGA) (TGA-50 SHIMADZU, Japan). The sample was heated from the ambien temperature to 600°C at arate of 10°Cinin, 4. Gas Pemeabilty Measurement ‘The pure gas (N,, O;, CH, and CO.) transport properties of pre- ‘pared membranes Were determined using a constant volumevar= fable pressure method as described in detail by Pye et al 17}. The ‘ee side gas pressure was 10 bar (gauge) and the active rea of the ‘membrane cell was 13.1 em The specifications of the constant vol- unelvariable pressure setup are also described in detail elsewhere iis) ‘The gas permeability of membranes was calculated using the fol lowing equation: 2WRISLVdpAa) TopeAT dt where P is the permeability in barer (1 barer=1>10" em’ (STP) ‘ane’ semi), V, the volume ofthe dowmn-steam chamber (cm) A, the effective membrane area (en) L the membrane thickness (cm), T, the experimental temperature (K), dp, the steady rate ‘of pressure measured by a pressure transducer in the downstream ‘chamber and p,the feed pressure withthe same unit of (0). The Gas scpartion propeies of polyvinychloide (PVC)-slica nanocomposite membrane 2043
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